I b 001'OtER 8 , 1858. I -, - - FIRST rAlli.--Porsonal and Political t Religious • Intelliletite -Pbetfra-Paes.:;'=-GenoralConvention of th e EpleoepaVOhttroll of the United Sta tes; ? Th e Conitep Weekly Review of the Philadelphia, -41ar ketai, Marino - Intolligemo. , , - _The News. I - .Yesterday was the time • for'paying the tesehers in the 'New York public Schools. ()Wing to the not baiting been read the schools or the .Fourth, - Sixteenth; and Fourteenth _wordy; the pro *idea of the Board of Eduoition refuted to pay the prinCipals Of all the schools in these. wards. ' The • - Vexed question -will; no :doubt; be again " venti ' 'lated by'the papers of that city. , In view of .the prevailing runts for exposing he min life to the - extra risk of balloon Q10111%10138 and rope-walking performances, it. is suggested by the New York Advertiser that life . ill2lllll/1V30 1 4 OM' 'ponies shall insert a' clause in all future policies prohibiting the insured from indulging in those t-treake except at the expense of forfeiting the poll * eY in easenf lees.' • Washington despatch to the New York. Eve -nine Post, yesterday, says: "The recent remo • vale and changes in the Philadelphia navy' yard creates some trouble here for certain dignitaries, - and promises some rich developments, which will strike hard at the., Navy Department, and will not „ be 'pleasant for some of Mr. Buohiman's Govern : ment officials , in Philadelphia." The steamship , Canada, .with three, days later foreign news, has arrived„at Her news -• .:will be found tinder the,telegraphie head. Cotton , had declined id., and even more for inferior finalities ; Breadstuffatended downward, and were - -all slightly lower. , Provisions steady. Console, on • • the 24th, 951a951. Governor Banks has transmitted a mossalre to the Massachusetts Legislature, recommending the, assignment of a place on the State House grounds for a bronze statue of Horace Mann. Thu House of Deputies of the General Conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church, now in session at Richmond, Va., voted yesterday to hold the next triennial Convention at Chicago. - The town elections in Connectiout, on Monday, resulted more favorably for the Republicans than lever.before. ~ Ont of 105 towns heard from, the Ite publioans were tracceasful in 63, the Administration in 35, and in the balance the result was either divided or dirfnot depend upon politics.- The Re ' ; publicans made a net gain of seven towns. Mr.. Choate's - private library is to he sold at • ,eatetion on •the 18th, 19th; 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th, rdlith of October. _ The - catalogue contains then. •• of 2 672 -different*e ries embracing about There are fa 'sets of Blackwood, .leitilinnart's Magazine; the Edinburgh, Quer ',Wend • North' American Reviews Christian Miner, HaneartPs.Debates, Notes and Queries, dictionaries, and atlases of all sorts, State, papers, popular libraries, and the works of the standard historians, novellas, and poets, with , a groat, number of alumni books. There are 13 • works nnder the head of - Thucydidee, It) under Herodotns, 26 under Homer, 9 under Demosthenes. • 5 ,ender' Euripides, 11 :tutelar Tootles, 26 under Oleero, - 5 under Lbry,-14 Under Aristotle, 6 under Adsfophanes,'ll , tutder :Virgil, -Under Horace, - , and,so on. .There are 4 editions of Shakspeare, - , - 3 o f Scott,-Dickens and Cooper complete; nothing of Theakeray'S but Pendennis and the English Hu morists,' and nothing of Bulwer f a but " Athens, its Rise and Pa 11. 7 - .. z „ Rev. John Lord lei been engaged to deliver a course of lectures here_ in a few' weeks. previous ^ -to this course be will deliver a single Whirs muter -the anspbum of the:People's Literary Institute. Ha Greeley will also deliver a lecture Harscobefore ...he Harrison Literary-Institute of this oily, in the early part of Heoember. , . The . . subject ; will, be " The Central and Western Regions of &Fill Arne; ' and heehaw) especially written.for the Her - risen. It, combinea the remits of fhicesiterienceS InValifornht and the Mormon solitary, and will be ' -of_ a most interesting character. The Richniond Enquirer learns that the Hon. John Letober Is in a very dangerous ondition from ass #4141k of erysipelas, a disease torsi/lob/ Pie some • time Welk he has been aubleet, httb.iihielt, now is Attl e is than T4p/1!1. 141:: - . 41 . 011 ' 00S:at his, • The Bridgeport Actatirtiser Indere a P. T. Berimm-intenda to improve East BliftgenOrt by setting oat abide trees along the highway.' Mr. Barnum hie .advertised for one thousand trees, to enable him to Carry out his plans. , • ; 'ln Hayti, the shooting of -the daughter of Presi: • dent Geffrard, on the 10th September, -Was the Pig Del for wgeneral rising by a party of conspirators tegsiltat the Government, but as prompt measures - Pere taked, and about forty-five of - them'arrteted; quietness smort.prevailed. They are having-their trial, - and whit Co-doubt he shot, as the President hue -resolved: to use AO clemency towards then). hereafter. General •Phrofes,- no of Soulotique'e ministers, has been hanished. The President was ,- expected at - Gonave, but would probably not' Late now from Arizona 'states that Lieutenant Mowry recently addressed a meeting at Tucson; and biz seal/inept+ , In fever of separation front brew Mexico were ritsaiied with great applause. The Population of A titans. Is about eleven thousand. exolualve of Indiana.' A ilna of. stages is about to be established‘between Tucson, Lrizons, , and fer raosillo,_l3ouortw' Wells, Fargo, oh Cu. :hare the contract. • • • - - " The State• Rights Democracy and the State Ticket. Hon, ROBERT E: Tra.turr, of Lehigh county, a tuember of the Democratic State Central Committee. appOnted Jiy a Convention of- the State,Righta Deitiocraey, held at Harrisburg on the 18th -of April Mat, him issued an 'ad dress to the Democratic party of that county, calling upon them to refuse to vote for the State ticket- nOMinated by the Administration Convention of the 18th of March last. To copy the renewing extract to show the spirit 'that pervades the true Denmeracy in that quarter: , • . "I address you as one who, having been a mem ber of our glorious old party all my life—having elan to ita'fortunea at all times and under all sir - etimattames, through evil and tbroughgood report, In defeat as well as in victory—has a nght to speak to, my brother Democrats freely and plainly, and to be heard and listened to as one who has no thought but for their own welfare as a pirty. Per ' county convention has Met and has well performed it duty. The candidates which it has soleoted fur our support are all eminently worlby of the place they occupy. " Every true Democrat, therefore, will use 'all honorable efforts to have them elected, and by so doing will pieaerve intact the organization of the party, show the world its numerical strength, and • till our local offices with able, honest men. " But with regard to the ntate ticket, now before you, the ease Is very different. The rote which ' may be east _ for it will not be merely a vote for 'men, but, beam:tie of the platform on which these candidates are placed, will he looked on abroad an Indicating our views on the great question of Ter , ritorial Government, the only nne which will enter into the national contest of 1860. For advocating, in its broadest sense, the glorious principle of popular sovereignty and non•• . intervention by Congress in the local affairs of the Territories, the Demeeratle party triumphed in 1955: Fordenyligail ihia, and for no other cause, the Republican party were defeated, end on thin platfortnmust we stand If we would hope to be adoceneful in the next national campaign. These who placed in nomination John Rqwe and IL L. Wright, for repsons best known to them selves, have undertaken to put a new interpreta tion on this Democratio prinelplee-one which ban frittered it away anddestroyed its practical useful neee; andjf this ticket should be elected, the peo ple of othiar Matta will take it asp proof that Penn- iylvanla has abandoned her polttioal principle. bititrue Democrat, therefore, who believes in popular sovereignty, will vote this State ticket et the next election." S.BOELLENT NOMMATIONg—The nominations of -do r; H. "HOHNBRT and lons ROBERTA, Esqrs., as candidates for the State Senate, in the two districts in this city fram which Sena . tOra areto ;be cholen, reflect the highest credit upon the Democratic party.. They are both Men- of high charaCter and decided ability, and, if elected, will make egeellent represent atives. - It gives us some pleasure to cont. mend these'gentlemen to the contldetipe and 'support . of the people. • RP In aedordance with . the system we have talented in this journal; to gitie'both sides of every great question, within our limits, - we give a con .eiderable apace tenni paper of this morning to the proceedings of a meeting at` *bleb flora g.neltas,' tho Demooratic , candidate for District AttoriO t - io :ooneiderably. critioieed. We have 'taken little or ho 'part in the contest' for ideal 'aloes !ri :the presett osTpaign; 'but we think' It ' due to Knease eiiy that, however we may ‘'have effete& from hith,talthnner contests, We be. 'lliVellte'to beau uptight man, and we have no ' ' ' l leiltatioirtii , saying that, if elected, he will make • '' .a'etineerentbAin and fearless public .. z° lug Er; l l , :ii or film Ifintlis : Our most ex .,_,,netlont.Ps!eldants In htif'Dugnisne letter ; deplored ~ tiDd dinonneed;lh_beitting terms, the "age of mo• ~..„-,-, :,. , •neit in elections;!?,lll.4Ordltig one of the ittiogeit t. I , itildoeet*ef Atte, niligetMipy of the times." No ; ,:.,doubt be slappligaie; ink h 4. has ' Only 'to he ill- - - -, -,—fOrtnia of what le . 1 /4 1 !_aQibiliir community to '-',' . - itatitediate.lp. Ape!, tho',ourreati•• ~ - mi, dfl e i. 3.; '''. .; Abitfirriqtt''PhtlettOtOratt are noir aotreeting a 'lasso ;,; of i4OrOyr# teist tell thottittittl;dottiirsdronir • , 7 4ii'M 1,h%'660 - stift', dents; 'and; , "„tite,r4. in 'the tinplii:/` , ~,,.; t '. • :-.-: hiptmettet ; to. Lo.s . ielt I A it is 'oprn: ty'ati 1; ;--, "Di' srittf to a inerpOsesk;.'llio ininuttt,ls amen 4.* ,t.ij,:-airietttyi fit laottlireetii, by the heads of the differ L'f - ' , ."•:TO 16114IttMehts—. 1 th.Colleotof VoeMeiltir;py . . ;' ‘l ; l .4l,tiit 41 L: =, ; rWit i t Ole *fit,: kid=' iii 0, 4 46 i*Eiiiikiili '-.,.,. - I-` f'' : 3' ' 4- . 7i 6h il o d t 'w P h 4 9vrethiiateied - with r 17 -tp.. Will Mr.Buolianttiit.lt: li4tession? —'" - : ' '''-*',. :_'t.jr .6;SO/elm/or. o "Monsieur Toflson Como ;Again., The Administration State ComMntion which placed Joins Rown: -and IltciiAniieorr I,: Wntairr in nomination—tWo very cr.cellent men on a very bad platform—in other words, two of the lack citiiinis of the State of fered up for mention' by their worst enemies on a most fatal guillotine—felicitated them selvesmnd the people of the country upon the fact that Mr. 81101161 , 1 AN had Bottled the Kan sas_ question . . Everybody was delighted to hear it, and we;_ accustomed to bow to the wishea of-the-Administration in all things, ac cepted. tho decree, and have since -then said as little about Kansas as we could consistent *itkOur respect for the dignities at Washing ton. Mit wo find that, notwithstanding Mr. Bucussmn has settled the Kansas question, it is not settled. The ghost - will not down at his bidding It stalks among us, clad in com. plete armor, demanding something or another, which we fear cc our uncle, the King," will not concede: The people of Kansas, with the most insolent, pertinacity, have adopted the Wyandotte Constitution by a large majority, and at the opening of Congress will demand the admission of the new State into our sister hood of Republics. It would appear they have refused compliance with the English bill, and have not taken a census, and also that they have not made a return of the votes to the President, as pfovided for in that bill. Wha will the President do 1 Will he adhere, as a law-abiding man, to the terms of the English bill requiring that Karma should take a cen- sus in order to show that she has the proper number of inhabitants, and thus recommend the rejection of the new S(te, and let this bane run into the Presidential campaign, as a kind of poiSoned chalice to 'the candidate of thopemocratio party 1 Or will ho do what the people have done, and what the " rebels" have advised—frankly ask that Kansas may ho admitted with the Wyandotte Constitution, in violation of the English bill ? If ho takes the first course, then we claim that he has not set tled' the Kansas question with his English bill, hot has kept it open; if the second, then ho proves that the . men who opposed the Eng ifsh bill aro sanctioned by his own authority. Letter trom "Occasioned." Correspondence of Tho Press.] WARiItNaToN, Oct. 7,1859 In the midst of the almost universal disasters which have fallen upon the Administration of Mr. Buchanan, the result of the election in California is regarded es an especial benefaction. It comes to the official lips like a draught of water to the fleeing fugitive hunted by the officers of the law which ho has outraged. General Bowman rolls it under his pious tongue cc a delicious plum ; Sir William Brown-e—the titled editor of the Consti tution—carries it about with him as if it had been a new decoration conferred by her Majesty; Attor ney General Black quotes Shakspeare copiously, in praise of California, and even Jenks grows in spired over it, Tho only one who seems to look upon it in a commercial or mercantile sense, is Mr. Howell Cobb, of the Treasury, who, calculating the ,viet* by the money it has cost, draws many a profound sigh—for California, strum Dr. Coin has been in the Senate, has been a constant month cant at the doors of the Federal Treasury ; not tit : State herself nor her people, but her politi. clans—who got what they ask for, so long as they can please power and assist others to their share of the Public Treasury. Ati quaint old Senator Clarke, of Rhode Island; said on one occasion in the Senate, when a Califor nia Senator was pleading for a new appropriation for the "Golden State " : "Mr. President: The Bella-tOlf from California reminds me, in his daily appeals for appropriations to this body, of an infant at ita mother's breast—h if all the time Burling or crying." Bat do there gentry in of oa here know that the contest in California was really made by the Administration mon against the Administra tion poiioy on the Territorial question, and that, in order to data Broderick anti MaKibbln, Or. G win and his followers wop obmpelled to take the Dou glas doctrine, without whtalt nn the money, and all the oases conferred by Mr. Buchanan, would have been of no recount? A Californian who arrived her! by tha bgt or'eFiand mail assures me that the following resolution, adopted /ay the Demooratio anti-Broderiek State' flonyention, wag etietywhere tiled 449;1114eindirl men, - through the late c' 7 lIT _ Resolved, That the organised Territories of the United States, although not endowed with till the attributes of /sovereignty, are only held in the Terri torial condition until they attain a sufficient num ber of inhabitanht-19 authorize their admiSsion into the Union as:States i and, therefore, - are justly entttlea to the right of self &vexing ent, and the undisturbed regulation of their ddrtiestio or local again; Idled to the Constitution of the potted Wattle r and thet. rev t_ attempt, by Congress or any of thc States, to erth i blirbAr thmtain, prohibit or abolish, the tisiiiiiiOn or wager gns 0 NIT , in a Territory, wdnld is. 0 dOWfarettelP the .4,llnai doctrine of our Amerielln feet igilOrta.; en that we adbere, , immovably, to the prinelpits PP 0 n9a intervention by Congress with slavery in the Slates and Territories " tel declared in the Kansas-No braska bill, ,'openly disclaim fellowship with j i those, who yet the South, 'or the Korth, or the - West, 9 wpm! the abandonment, limita tion, or a a9f that pripoiple. , AMong OP newspapers of Wash.ington city, there iitsne of whielfyou ontaiderp,seeni to take little notice; it is the organ of the eltee-itenakdleau party-The National ET—heretofore etPiductod by Dr. Bailey, now managed by his attoomplished widow, who has secured very eflioient editorial Urrice. It is a fact that the establishment of Era Is exe of the most valuable in Washington. The-, printing opicst i !, large, spacious, and Im posing building,, the eireutsthn j extensive, and the business prospects highly flattering. T. read the Era regularly, 4. late number of it contains a very singular attack upon judge Douglas, two sentences of which I desire to fay before your readers The editor says that if the South should accept Douglas, and a should lower tts crest to him, It would afford a dangerous and coulagions oxampleto the blacks tltenitelres, who could not fast to infer from it that their masters had lost their power' and iulluence in the natwn. The triumph of the Republicans would leave the honor, and sprit of the Oligarchy intact; but their surrender to the Northern doughfaces would be fatal." It is a *somewhat refreshing idea, that if Judge Douglas were made the nominee of the CliarlestiM Convention, by the votes of the South, the Southern slaves would insurreet, while if the itepuhltanns triumphed they would subside. There may be partisanship in this, but is there any !ogle? Public Amusements. WALNUT-81REET T#l4TUE.—This evening is the teat opportunity play-goers pill tiff° to see the eharnting Maggie Mitchell, who goes neel week to Richmond, Virginia, where she is announced to perform. She appears to night as Captain Char lotte and Katty O'Shral—two characters welt calculated to display her versatile powers as an entrees. Junius Brutus Booth's tragedy of " Lige lino r will also be played to.night, with Mr. Perry in the principal character. Barry Sullivan ap pears at this theatre on Monday night. NATIONAL TUEATRE.—Tide afternoon, the juve niles Coll enjoy themselves by visiting the per formance of the fairy operatic spectacle of "Cin derella,!' by the Mania troupe of little actors. These children are really very elm', end should •be seen by everybody. In the evening, they play " Jemmy Twlteher in England," and a now farce called "A Trip to Colley Leland." TIINATML-411. Coning takes hi s departure from the Arch after to-night, wisps, be appears as Rory 0' llfore, singing " Cruiekeen Lawn," (which he does very sweetly by the way,) ye well aa the popular " Widow Maehroe," of which the public never tires. "The Dumb Man of Masi cheater" concludes the performances. Note from 'Park Benjamin. To TIM EDITOR or TAR PRESS : In the notice which you were so good as to make of mx readings, at Concert Hall, on Tuesday evening lust, you re. Marked, " iiis theme last evening was a noble one, though not entirely now to a Philadelphia audience, Mr. Benjamin having, pn a former )aecti. Dion, delivered his poem on 'The Press' in this city." If I have, I certainly mu not aware or it, Although, to adopt your expression, in the " van" Of the lecturers of the season, I do not remember to baps lectured In Philadelphia sine() July Inst. Daring that weigh, the poem in question was composed. f , tberefere, it has been delivered in Philadelphia on a tomer oecas4on, it must have been'befora it was Written. SO far as For knPW ledge extends, the poem on " The Prews" has been proriouneed before audiences but twice previously; neither of those audiences was In Philadelphia. Binee the party, at whose invitation I appeared so early:ln the season, stated publicly, on my author ity, that the poem Was # new one, I ask you, as a matter of psalm to print this brief note from, Yours obediently, Bxx.ranix, New Yong, Oct, 6. 'Our old friend, Poionol Thomas W. Duffield, is ranningas the Democratic candidate for tbe Le gislature, In the Frankford district, in tire eJty, against Dr. Wiley, the very reliable and unexcep tionable member from the same district In the last Muse. Colonel Duffield is a Democrat, an up right citizen, and $ tried gentleman, and, if elect , id, will mak'e a meet obliging and popular member. Largo ego of valuable London books, em braoing Rtandard authors on various subjects ; also expensive and beautiful works on architecture, en gineering, and ornamental art, together with a number of elegant pictorial and illustrated works, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, October 12th, lath, and 14th, at the auction store *e. /39 and 141 Smith Fourth street. For wile- Attars see catalogues: ' „'„it E. said that Ada Plunkett, the +Wreak ie 'etediorbig 'to 'obtain tidtrorce from her husband, Harry Plunkett, the theatrioal Manager, Mn, Plunkett has been playing in Hartford during the past summer, but recently returned to her mother's bomo in New York. THE LATEST NEWS l;Y- TELEGRAPH. THE STEAMER CANADA AT HALIFAX THREE. DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE lITERESTING FROH THE ARCTIC SEA. RETURN OF. THE STEAkER FOX RELICS OF THE FRANKLIN EXPEDITION Record of the Cruise Discovered REPORTED SETTLEMENT OF THE ITALIAN QUESTION. CONFLICTING RUMORS. THE. CHINESE UXPEDITION. RENEWED ILLNESS OF THE POPE DECLINE IN COTTON AND BREADSTUFF? SACKVILLE_, N. 8., October 7.—The steamship Canada arrived at Halifax, yentordaY at noon, with Liverpool dates to Saturday, the Nth ult., three dare later than previous names. The horse express, with the do spntches for the Associated Preen, wee immedintely denpached, but, owing to the storm that prevailed, did not reach, here till this morniny, eight hridees on the route having been arrant away ha frenhets in,the miring streams. ,The transmisnion of the despatchen hence has also been delayed by the telegraph lines being inter rupted. The Cennda reprats passing on the 29th iilt. in lat. GS 28.10ng. 61, the steamer Europa bound to 'Liver pol. The steamship Ariel from New York for Havre, touched at Southampton on the 23d ult. The steamship Fox,despritelied to the Arctic Ocean to aricerta in farther riartieuln rs of the ill-fated ex peilition of Sir John Franklin, has returned with seine Intel onl ine records end relic. A complete recent of the crime line been found. showing the date of Sir John Frank lin's death. and Also when the slope were abandoned. The ably Josiah Quincev. from Liverpool for Donlon, was abandoned at Men on the 4th of September. Innis i badly. The crew had ranched Liverpool per ship Ed dystone, an had also a smrillportion of the cargo. THE ZURICH CONFERENCE. The London Morning IPrald gives prominence to the following paragraph : " We have reason to believe that a definitive treaty of peace will soon tie concluded nt Enrich. It will, however, tear the /denatures of onli two powers, France end Austrin. The prelitionarien of Villa Franca will tie 'aridly maintained nn to the rela tions of Austria and Sardinia. We learn bent Vienna that the preliminaries of peace will nerve as a guide for the conduct of Austria." A Berne telegram says a courier from Vienna hind reached Zurich with instructions to draw up A treaty of penee.and doenment for the cession of Lombardy to Sardinia. No allusion is made to thin Thuobies. It is hoped that a treaty' will he signed in a fewdaye. URVAT BRITAIN. . The screw steamship Fox. Captain McClintock, sent , by Lady Franklin to the Arctic regions in search of the traces of Sir John Franklin's expedition, lied returned 1 to England. Thema boon completely suecessfel. At Point William, on the northwest coast of King Wil liam's Island, a .restird was found, dated April 25.1948. signed by Ca tame Crozier and nighttime. The record says the Erebus and Terror wore abandoned three days treviouslv, in the ire, five leagues to the N.N.W., and hat the ournvors. in all ameunting to ono hundred and five, were proceeding to the Great Fish river. Sir John Franklin lend died on June 11,1817, and the total deaths to date had been nine officers and fifteen men. Many deeply interesting relics of the expedition were found on the western shore of King William's Island, and others were obtained from the Esquireaux, who stated that after their abandonment one of the ships IVav crashed in the ice and the other forced ashore. The Fox was unable to penetrate beyond Ballot's strode. and wintered in Brantford bar. Minnie and interesting details of the expedition are published, Several skeletons of Franklin's men, large quantities of clothier. he., tend a duplicate record up to the ahen don meet of the chip. were discovered. The American occupation of the island of Sen Juan attracts ronsiderable attention in the journals. The Times editorially states the facts of the case.and nays that fortunately the affair is in good hands, and we trust tliere can he no reason to doubt that the Govern ments of the two countries well proceed toadscision in the same spirit of moderation 471(1 equity be wh ich their views of the question have hitherto been characterized. The article concludes Os follows: " It it; not a question of convenience. bet of Matteis. The decision should de pend upon the terms of the treaty, fairly interpreted t and it was evidently not doubted by either Government, a short time ago, that tins interpretation could be dis covered. "If, however, it should prove that the existing conven tion oannnt be so applied as to satisfy the .contracting parties. there can numb , be no reason why two States, which have now adjusted their reepeotive limits across an entire continent, front the atlantic to the Pacific. should not complete the work in the narrow waters of Vancouver's Island. The Americans may exonre them selves that. in such nes...Settees. they will meet with no feelings but those qI (Menem and amity on the part of this country. 15 wouid Pe hard, indrakif children of the same stock, who ran feel the sywathirs of blond end lineage, as they were fell and exprrssrd in the waters Of the Peiho, should find much dsffieultu ui ad justing a petty boundary question on the roust of the ?nails." Thirty of the crew of the Great Eastern had been ar rested and tried at Weymouth, for :nutrition!. conduct in refusing to wash the decki when ordered. The two ring-isaders"were senteeced for three weeks and a neth's inhensomnetiLjespeogivejy, at hard labor , and the relnainder for lortnieng mph. :the evidence 1 'owed that the ship's prow way far fromcomplety. The Ethanol' journal' strongly dem:Once the heron'. plate and burned manner in which the eliip was sent to sea. A vague rumor has been current that her first vor - nee would be postponed until next year, and that in the Interim she would be exhibited itt the principal ports in the kingdom. This. however. Is aelhontativeir eon iradirted, and she is still tuivertiend to leave Doty head for Portland, Maine. on the 20th of October. It id announced that the queen. on her way hack from Scotland;will Visit the Grentlinitern, at Ifolyhea.Lon thy 17th. and stay at Yenthyri caitle; as the guest of Col. Velment. .h its Cgrictithyll ; at Lewes a steam chid! ..r.rrwn°' t data ts .• 0 , „ do Ai; • p argrong 111811 ete., w Wel v ol It" s" f • IL lta nA.V. 4 1 1 0 rA.C474 . 4t. ide'etadV snatching fifty genbests, beams frigates and ether Yea' sels of war, Sir Cusack Reiter writes to the Dublin Menials WWI, tiVely asserting that the Government intends getting aside the Galway mad contract at the d ice a of Parliament. Some of the Inch nevem ridicule tho Idea. 6 7 , order for two millions of ball cartridges. packed in twOrnY-ons hundred bodes. hod been executed At Woote, i;ireit days, including the Storing an bhi.frgirit co •rn ulmis by the overland route, and secon order to le lIIUOII Num liztent io progress mg for the sea vorage.• ' • t , Ale don Daily News' City Article sap. Gat fends on 'Sr I , ri woo stationery in price, the translations being ei goner Me4ol ',Ma City .(irtirde notwithitand too/0 P of Weil ended' he quarter...J.:re is undiminishe m the dideofint larkeL anit eentiie atable tratissethilis take Aso at 2'4 per cont. Robert bitephonson, the eminent engineer, i.e reesrted as dangerously ill. FRANCE. - It ie asserted that the result of the vied of the Elea of fhe Belgians but the Emperor Napoleon at Biarritz was ully simeessful, and various tumour are anent with re • 1611i: 4 arrangements a i t e o r r e r into. c if ponds ' ntsa that one report was Ant the que..., - 'ipe of the Ductile; hail been retitled, and that 711SCIfit 1.071& 10 ;..f, rlfjuned over by the Kir of thellelahans' second ion. an - drermit and Mode na v Maximilian. AnOther reporrsay thiltlhe (Shuht of tandtlf trihave the three Its Gan Dimino% ,slid the Archduke ex/jodlen joijette, with ihepartte eniniti tattoos. These raporte .re4etilaittikittlFated, and must he taken or what hwy are Wortti• Another Perm rumor woe. (net there was to he no Chime expedition; that the head of the Menden') of fending at Peihn lied been proffered in moqement. coupled with promises to make all the satiefartion that can be required, and that the ambassadore will be im mediately,reoeived at Pekin. " it t; expected that the King of the Belgians, Prince Ithehard'alette,mieh; and Count Wittowskl, will remain at Biarritz; math thisZeparture of the Emperor, at the end of September. 'Therm pimiatowaki had quitted ll Tli v e fn P r a li ri n s r e n o t riespon . de u nt of the London .7ferald 10- guile the scheme of placing a Belgian mime on the Tit seen the app is ridiculous canard. Nunrierodk exiles had arrived at hiarseilles. The Paris Rouse had been Grm and animated. fie three PK pent. rectos. oil Me al. ads'anced to Of Mo. Tit k. LATEST. The Paris correppendantef the London Sprr re toe. w be on several noensioris 'has communicated early rind au thentio news, asserts that hiamileon accents the of the King of the Belgians, which sives the fortresses of Pesehiem and bt antes and the States of Parma mid Mo dena to Sardinia, and reinstates the House of Lorraine Me in Tuscany, and restores the Lawmen to the Pope. After introducing a variety of reforms, Vennlia is to have governmental institutions Maxi'u army of ita o wn. title• ¢ the Archduke Ferdinand milian, under the Grand Duke of Venetia. Them, etieulationn haVe the canours - eoe of Austria. An Fmropean CPU erase Is also tothe.ne,hl aF yruesets, presided over by the K M Paris Patric partially confirms the above. ITALY, • The Sardinian Government ban issued a circular de nying the reported erreibm of Sever In France. The Sardinian Gyernmehit ia else said to have pro tested to the great ewers against this Secret altered by Austria in recruiting soldiers for the Pepe. The King of Sardinia was enthusiastically received on hit. mints to PllOl, Lodi, etc. The Pone in Ina very alarming state. Cardinal Ante. nein hue declared him unfit to attend to nubile atrium, SWITZERLAND. . . OrCAAIONII. The 1 auganne Gozafe anyn that the minister of the Untied figtµthy. Mr. Fay, hag .preyented n long memorial to the Fecleyat .Qoarl, praying it to intervene with the Cantongwhiah wit evoyect 111 aprorpi mg intolerant men guyes against the 'toted Stater. with flt? •,tf ob taininging nproihfication of the MIMI,. The report that Larrano had been appointed Captain General of Cuba was fully cenfirnied It is reported that England had offered to mediate in the ease With 1110reene T it ;. Amicable relations had bean established between Turkey and Persia. Matters at Candia were dinserious character, and numerous troops had been seat thither. Solnin)l was betrayed for a bribe ar six million roubles. Tile Circaasians continue in war against Russia. THE VEIL 1 - LATEST. I fly Telegraph to Liverpool.] pnrits, Saturilny.—The King of 13elgium was to fence Dinrrita het night for 1i0110,1., where, it is snit. he is to center With severni important prrnonnges. It in sup posed lon tourney ip conneete i t wait the proposed Con grens tit lirunneln. The report of the founiltition or the "Kingdom or Centre) Italy," tinder the Count of Flanders, to pont tivntytlenied. LON /NM. Oltordny nfternoon,—ln the treaty with the Coohin-Clunese, tne Prpoch Admiral oldnined four On portnnt concessions—rig,: The exercise of tho Christian religion. A treaty pr COPIITIA ree. 'lie POSJIPTI of the town of tegan and ntiJoining tont tory, And the recognition of the r iop s of the French to him Bar of Huron. . . • • • • Tho health of the dins of Prtissta is worse, The harvest of Begium will be only two-thirds or the average. The Partecorrespondent of the London Time. says that Cherbourg to shoot to he twined completely on a war footingovith rifled cannon for all the batteries, Commercial Intelligence. I.IVERrOOL. 840. 23,-COTTON OKET.—The of gottop for the Platweek have been 48 000 halem, ineladins 1,1100 to speculators, and 000 to exporters. A Ilualities bare deolined apd rut inferior grader o eoline is still more. Ilohlerienifer freely, show no ,.. ispotetionto f , r , esess i lgs. Thpifmlor to-day (YriditY) steady I hrigwrAX' reetptlY4l,4 q%'l l . l lLTN,;`:' but Vot 0, 'lea" fling. .••• . • The Moog of cotton lit port is mom hales, Meted tog 420,000 hides Arnerican. STATE OF TRADE.—The advice. front Maneheeler are favorable, the market for goods cloning quiet but dull. 4,lvmitroor., Saturday afternoon, Sept. 24.—The ea4i nutted entepor Cotton to-day have been 7.000 bales, in eluding 2,000 Mr eggizt, The market doges quiet. Llventiont,,Ropte Moir Pil.—Brearlsto fle—A II q nal' lien phew litiebrupg ,ndefidy. Makers. Richardson & Somme reflott,Flour as dull and ituolAtions timely main tabled, Now Anierican Flour is quoted at 'Oakes ctr bbl. Wheat in dull at a decline of 4,1 1 ' centalt cutup of red at 7e 40095, white oselki 4,1. Corn dull at 6d de cline , mixed Corn be &lets ld ; yellow bn Wane ltd ; white 7su7s ed. Ltvataritiot o Sapteinhao23.—PnovisioNa—Tlia market oVeed steady. Beef Is steady. Pork quiet , and allotn li ad are patinal. Bacon dull, and holders ere press innon,thelinkrket, There is more nativity in Beef for the India t arket ; stiltinatt . I :A.trA:9. The official report shows a dearearm of 344,000 in (Aril is steady at 68a for good refining. Tallow line advanced f o il. i Buteher'a s quoted at Ale, ji o lEß FOOL PRODUC h. MARKET, Sept. 23 .— Sugar ar Y. and in hotter demand, Collhe genet—all quail , 4„_lor) quiet. Rosin firm, and iilt_tumitien wive anvitneee4 snip of common at 40 aim /87d. closing at fa Vd. Spirits unmans 'newly at Me aimr3oe, Tea closed firm; Cuagcnia staffing at taLd. The Pruduaa Circular Oates tithes mute. Pots, gee wide 6d. Pearls. 280. Baltimore bark, Ile cid 0 Go Ipd Philadelphia do. 911 in 9s 6d. Fish oil inactive. and un altered. Upturn, Pie. Linseed active, at Zan ala/ 28., 4AVaaPoor., Reptendor 24, P. iti.—Tlte Ilreadstinfe market eloaen dull andAttead v. LATEST COMMERCI I, I,tvgaroom Saturday, September M.—Bread stone are dull hut. eteatly. Provisions et mly, but sales umniportant. boaaoue. fiatuidlyiSsldeSlbar 24, P. AL—Consols are at 9, , 0h1a/Dat for Pot rev and aoaCilint• AfiCIAL. „ LON, ftept, 53 iverune.—Gonsole closed at 04.44'its na,.; forrnonoy, ali,/,08,W, for riccoont. The money market is not nut aria ly elianyed, The Million In the Bank of England tune increased 1:61,000 dace the net weekly . report. Bar Over in quoted at es. 15id.; dollars i. at acrid" and rower ] at lee. 244. The London Times of Saturday qunten eaten of M arna Clentrat 'Mares at antiieriki.4 discount • do. Sevens, 7807.9. app Nay l'pr(c Contra) chorea at 70.a7r. The Kansas Consti,tuiion. L'EAVENWOHTII. Kansas, Out.7.—The adoption of the 'Wyandotte Constitution In rendered certain by the re ception of returns from the most important countioth Tito Majority wilt probably reach 4,00 P, THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOnER 8, 1859. CONSOLS 95%. Viorn Arizona. PUBLIC lIEETHIE-,—SPIIEOH OP LIEUT. MOWRY— THE QUESTION-01 4 REPARATION Prtou NEW HETI CO—CENBUtI ARIXONA—POTULATION 11,000, Exci•valvs OP, INDIANS--A STAHE LINE BETWEEN ARIZONA AND TIONDEA TO BE ESTABLISHED, ETC. WasiIINOTON,bot.2. -- rrivate advice!' yeeetred h ere from Arizona, liaptanihor 20, state that large end en thmeeite mtions had been held on the Rio Grande and tit Tucson, at which resolutiong were adopted de claring that the gentlemen who received a very small minority oral° votes of the people of AtiVere, for the Legislature of Now Mexico, do not represent th e Ter ritory. In answer to the calls made et a meeting held at Tut son, Lieutenant Mowry made a speech. in which ire eilld thi" the elecitionJust held finely settled th e gee d,. of a eoperation from Now Mexico. ' This wee receiyed with stoat applause, The Vicar banaral of Now Mexico has written it let. ter, say* Hist he MN made an aaalirate census of the population Arizona, by direction of the head of the churoh, en that iiexceeds eleven thouaand anula ex clusive of the Indians. This confirms Lent. filowry's lost year's estimate. It in mid that Wells, Form & Co. have obtained coneessimul from Peechiera, Governor of Honors, for the establishment ore stage line from Tucson, Miaow'. to Hermosillo, &mein. to connect with the Mexican mad from Guaymas. The contract is for len yeses. Cricket: in Now York. , LOCKVEH "S. STEPHENSON. Nitio Yong. Get 7.—The Diming to-day in the orioket match was very fi ne, the fielding and bowling being en oellent The following is the snore mode to day, in addition to that made yesterday, PHon STEENsON's sing. First Tunings. Fret Innings. Sharp, run out Mangles, b Wisdom .„, . I Jackson, o Imekyer, blitterthana",. & b d run • dy I 1 Wi5den........ ......... 25 J Lillywhite, run mg..... 4 Carpenter, not out ...... 62 Lang, li Grundy.........., e Hayward. o Way, b Ford, b Grundy ... .... 0 Wisdom ... • ......... 1 George, I. Grundy ......... I Diver.Totri li l Grundy 01 LOCK9IOI PIDF. • . ••• •• • • 3 Second Innings. I Second infting, Parr run out.. • • • •• .. en,snr b. Jackson 3 Waller Is Atephenson.....l2 Lockyor h. Stephenson.. Is Wilby c. Jackson b. Ste- IWisilen h. Stephenson. 0 IMenson.,- • final:lord I:. Jackson 1 Grand) c. Vicar P. file- Hudson not out .. . t . . 0 ....• 4113, es 2, beg 13, es 3,W ides Callyn o. white b. 7 12 Jackson . 1 Wright h. Jackson 0 Total. - 00 wracliEnsoses 1911,6. Second Innings. Stephenson sent in his moo At half poet four, and when the time to draw the stumps had arr ived the score stood as follows: Lang a. Caesar h. Widen 01Ford P. Wisden 0 Six overt. or twenty •four balls-were bowled for this result. The match will be resumed to-morrow. Spotting Intelligence. RACE AT CINCINNATI-PART TIME CINCINNATI. Oct. 7.—Thcre was n race thin afternoon at the Cincinnati rotting pit*, between Flora Temple and Iko Cook, or $l.OOO a-aide, which wan won hr Flora in three straight heats. Time-2.27V, 277. and 2.21 h, Tho last heat was the fastest on record; the fi rst half mile !ming mode in lie ehis. The Missing Santa Pe OUTRABAIR BY TUN INDIANR. Re. Lucre, October 7.—A special despatch to the Re pettlienn sin. that Mr. Otero. the delegate to Congress from Now Mexico, and his wife, Judge Watts. wife, and eon, judgo Porter. and Mr. Crenshaw are Dreamed to be with the incoming Banta Fe mail party, for whose safety much anxiety is felt. The attack on the outgoing mail was made by the Xi ewe Indians on the 24th ult. The despatch elates that another mail cannot leave until a military escort is fur nished. Another detnialoh to the Republitnn, from Atchison, announces the arrival of the Balt Lake mail of the IGth ult. A party of emigrants from Louisa county. rows, and Linn county, Missouri. lied been attacked hr the Shoshone Indiana near Marsh Valley. when A. L. Rott was killed, and J. W. Pauline. Wesley Forma. and Thomas Blunt were wounded. The Indiana took slither cattle and burned the wagons of the emigrants. Another party from Burlington, lowa, wore attacked in the same vicinity, and one killed and one wounded. Lord Grosvenor arrived nt Balt Lake on the Gth, en route for California and Chine, Winne! Chapman's command had arrived, end re lieved Colonel Ruggles, who leR on the Bth for Fort Leavenworth. General Convention of the Protestan Episcopal Church. Ittenstosn, Va., Oct. 7.—Tn the House of Clarient and Lay Deputies. the order of the doe. halos' he considera tion of the third article of the Constitution, was post poned. The doves. ff of Karma and Minneeota were admitted to the Conv'ention by the conourrent action of both nooses. The House ofDeptitieg voted to hold the next Trien nial Convention at Chicago. Michigan Agricultural 14 air. DETROIT, Oat. 7.—The Agricultural i Vail'. closed to havinu been the most successta ever held in this State. livery department was complete, and the crowd in attendance unprecedented. The annual address was delivered yesterday after noon by Governor Sank.. who. with Governor Wiener and Senators Bingham and Chandler, woe escorted to the grounds by the military and fire companies. The United States Treasury, WARIIINOTON, Oct. 7.—Receipts into the Treasure for the week ending Mends 9 8925 praftx. .• $1.247,1100 Drafts leStielf over .......... ••,.... 1,113 UOO Amount silefect to draft . 4. 915. 624 The reduction front the Noma on hand the previous week in nearly $183,000, °whin •to the tedainption of 'swum,' notes. The Department has no reason. nx yet, to change the opinion expressed in the Secretary's last report, as to the probable receipts of the present fiscal >oar. Fliilppter Scheme Frustrated. PRIAVUU OP THE TOW.Bgli vomn-litil PAR PENORTO TO lilt AMU:STK/. WAAIIINOTON. Oot. 7.—nm. in tint little additional intelligence to•day relojit A to the filibusters. An official despatch. Irvin New Orleans states that the tow-teat Panther hen been Neural, together with the captain and crew, and arrangements have been mode to arrest the party who wont (town the river an far as the South Pees in that towel. The opinion is expressed in the same telegram that the whole scheme hart been MO4114001( „ .. . .—............-41--_ , - Vtre fiLifeW 1 ORk Jana Night. , , • i . ,_ CQII7I-110ANTINO ESTABLIFIIIIIRNT DI:STROT RD— ' VON f.44, 6 9q: r , Ny,w Yon K. 00.7.—Th T coffee-IOW! Inc estatilinhinent of Wrigla, Pp Was, fc proji. ti . sad 0/ Washing ton 4treej. Was intent' deeitOre . Tr p thts,evennpr. The loss ainonnted to qiip,ooo. on IS lie tilero 14 a partial ineurance. An adjoining building was damaged to,the extedt of $16,000. - ... i_U - An Overb4Na Matt Party Attacked by the' Indians. Sr. Louts. Ontober7.—A despatch from Independence sat p the mail which left there on the UM tilt., 1 . 01 . Santa Fe, was eitanked by the Indiana beyond the 'Pawnee Pork, pm eenductot one or the passengers were killed. fhe ineeming quid. due#l44 Tresday. has, not , et arrited at Independence] aniilears'hee eatinaiLetl in y , itipfety, ~• • •,.1 . New York Tea Awl Pilaf Sales. Spy' Tong. bet. 7.-4'he Ten his pioruingi were apiiitetl,l4ll the 'oleos are uneptrrif. ' The first We of 11ntaga fruit trag stuned. Bunrh lisisins brought e2.I6toAN. mut tows 81.44 2.8.3 tor boxes. Muscatel, 83.70trt. Lemons. fi',143.0i7. From Pike's Peak. aoLD Dvpt. r but V4.;;SITIITII, 7.—The Denver City Eit,"!`u"" the SOth turivoli },ere !net night, with it 9,000 worth ofjOhl o• The petti i. utilloporAtlN. Co.ptovp of Mg Filipinaerp, NUM' Da Lae as, Oct. h%yo beep ar rested a 0 the tioutliwost ass by the United States nirshal, assisted by the IletßObinellt of artillery. The teen nencenbly surrendered et one o'clock jedlaYi 'rho company of artillery Were from Baton Rouge. The filibusters arrested carried no Arms with them Fire at NepII.IIXCII, TWO CIIILIMEN 111.1 INT. DORTON. Oct. 7.—A dwellins house at Nepanset trea burnt jam night. Two Toone children of VI m. the occupant, perished inane 'darner!, Sailing of tho Canada for Boston. pAcKvn.bit, Zf. p.,P0t.1.-11te ajenneir Chemls snilei. from Ifitfileit nth o'sloo)i e shinir,fer Bestoe,where she will be slue nn Sateril v. tiWO (miler 'mills to be sent smith M 01.11wifitilie train. -Ifr---- Markets by Telegrapkg BALTIMORE. Oct. 7.—Flour Quiet, but unehnriged. Whent firm and Inn,leratoly active. nt $13041.51 for At bite, and $1.13a1.17 for red. Corn hen an adtvrnoing tendency, vellow being 3o better Wes at 930940; white. 860$1c. Whiskey steady, nt zsnent. for Ohio, and 27,6u280 for cat. Provisions steady; Vilna Pork Is snored at eli.2.saliZO. Western Lard is active. CINCINNATI, Oct. 7.—nloUr firm nt frlVlrr4.6o. key vary firm of 310. POWIBIOII3 notice for Ilaonn and klulkments. Mena Pork is lees firm. Lard cells nt It!" , . Exchange on New York Acme; commercial rept. pie pulp, • •• changewp, I et. J.—Ell:anon nit jfew York in ex for gbldli Vogul. Tstpinmlcix fdiasopti funds, VP cent.; for currency a' itr neut. ' HA VAhNAII, 7.—Cotton unchanged ; 916 bales soil to-dtty. CHAIILTATON. 7.—Salex or Loon Weil of Cotton In-dos ; there in n better Cooling in ttin market. AVOTATA. Oct. 7.—Snles of 060 Itillea of Cotton In del Prices tire stiffer, but quotatrona ere unchanged. Fi F CITY. ADIIISF.MEN9rB TjllB AFTERNOON. NATIONAL TiII:AVM Wl\lllUt *treat, Iwtweou MAIO —" Cinderella." Ppoor,v.'st If ern au la Tun Tit El Fall WARD• — 81 , 81( as Junto; ff Lev .—A large meeting of the friends of the People's party wan held at hlooliamete Third street, near Green, last night. Mr. John G. Wolfe Wan called to the chair. Mr. William 11. Mann made a few remarks by way of introduction to Ron. Wm. 11. Kelley, whowas greeted:a ith great applause when he stepped forward. Judge Kelley, after agracerld Introduction, in which he referred to the fact that he v. Re a nett% et of the div trod in which Ito then stood, proceeded to speak of Mr. Wm. LI and of the loot that Ito was present at the meeting, legs no ;Le mewl of air. Menu than front liOVlre Rep e tie hedge ,itrvou ed humph' ti member of the Republican Pelt), and In favor 4 pay mg n lair day's wages tor NWT day's work, 11 ittfout te ghrd to the color of the skin of the taborer, lapel tuse I 1100. in J'hitadelphirt, Ito warred against thp so-called Democracy, tie..stpothe chief end and arm 'ot thud party's eFluldlleo le t o eereettdatff 0 /datum of labOr which would dentate the laborer dl hid *ngits lie warred ashinst the Dethoeratio halt,* 11) the - Present campaign because he esteemed the nntntr t eel ut the feopto'h na;ty men Of Opener Mail tor the primp ur which they Wore hawed. Judge K. fete re } fit the mil, Muni candidates, and then spoke of Mr Arany. fie said: I have heard, as you have hold, the teem' it/ slanders tent are heaped upon frien Mr. Mann. I sat upon the bench of )(intentional eour for nine rears and rime months tied lint ample opportunities to oh serve his conduct; ant I dim here, that in regard to many of the stories told to his disparagement. l loom them to be false. I Applause.) And e s t o o ther lice go ingeniously and plausibly contrived, when remember his manliness ol character, from boyhood up, I belief o them to be false also. I Renew ed applaude I lin% nip thus put my god) personal piprobat ion °Pop .0 , 0.0 steade.,4 and J ballet I have heard the meet ot t eemd WPM° say, that If they were nil true—if he stood Isdore Oft MO :dallied And loathsome es his slam orals would riil l f i l l tf q " " i i tNillu d f ,i l= elligiartltit''n'fiti wit e e fi 4l i, tit o ttlitai i t tap mush', i t AVlads .1 P""" " lrl ask tie r ~~ff ? l i g 144" grime ""14 .0 beide• tha'pegre r a tl is lrlttulahlb, ATV it for AplltY pepoidrapiwlth 'oil 51,01 a, A. Jo in e apt others of Ike utney, dont thp people Plilladelphi Ica 1)1. hi. .. firo ," g o ". s o Irmo% and to appoint, lip mud and pernirf, patio , ' Attorney who had been relented by the poop if, and with holding to that office, Its power, its honors, end its emolu Monte alter the fast of the fraudulent return hell B een demonstrated to the understanding of everya ti l l° community, (Applause). man rIA/K.ohnn before the people of the Conimonx en Ith of l BolloYlVarileei lAA promored with theMoresud " others d° ,ll l till tile Safeguards of ‘.. , ublie and private life by edtroying thejuilmovry the edat , f, and to make it tiie mere minion slut tool of part). I tilasm]. These are grave charges,and let them not Ile ghtly uttered. In the fall of 1850 the system of ballot box studies wan first inaucierated in Philadelphia and for the benefit of "Horn It. Kneads. tie Was returned by the return judges 4J list tog been elected by a majority of 10' and he entered i l i c m y the ie ig fe a r t p li t e r lttqa t s i of the t o T e es. , i l e ti t t i lg ease in 1850, ?rein the b a ti link ol ft ilterZ i t i lo e 4 the 411 ' covery of erro.awliteli destroyed Mr. Knoned's miderth . and the allegations of extensive frauds to the &metal ward, Aloy meeting, and en Penn dlstriol. Judge Ki conlidtpal; What sant 07 r. Kneels lie neceti to ydnhtblheps Mort. Thtimigesivrore whom Um motion CWIE, word bin lion. r were king. Aion V. Pardons, James Cain bellodul 'phew,hdgek.yere al members o the Deinooratio piny, Judge pan, stoning tribute to lodge King, eflioinn character. Sett us the, most eminent Jurist In the Mute, with a ankle o.neption. Ile spoke, too, el the serviced of diets. Par sons, hf, nheekiir the spirit of rowdyism during the thug lid ofieuplei &got ypon Melanie)] , A D emo ,"" 1 e f• ' , neg.? ) ;Relit before a Democratic peel and moved to Munch the ped rm. ionrloll one loorle 1, amend the petition. r, timeless tl on brought the political prep: to bear upon the 'judges o threnteb thmith e w what. p f - fistnetorietio part) vit mild do if they dared to dente° gating Tile petuA d ydt 1% 1, 0 11 11,0 vo l t, lm return. The e War araiied, and it ar44 . 0e01 oil. The petition It its amended, and nut quashed, am the nose name on for hAerine. PloWy gentlemen, I Will not any that Mr. Mosso planned the frauds, or got tled the fra des I wilt nil even sunthat he new anyt tong about them when they wore tubing place. I will pot say that tie did, but the rule of aw, and the rule of morals, is, that the man who enterer Into a conspiracy at any Impend takes rte profile. Is no guilty as the first movers—that the man who re eel; es the results ofarceny quite as bad ad the man wlut perpetrates it. hi ;. K ninon s reported map:Up' was BS. It was Admitted by bib umanl that theta wan an error of be IA the count in West Philadelphin. Thut 'manila. it 'town to 35. Other admitted mealtime that were correoted trued the notionty in favor of Wm. B. Peed to 12. That was before the pupation of Intud wan ho pun—that with upon the mere correction of errors Did Mr, Kneen then Kay, there is on, end of it ; the people h ave been di ill' their clio,ice—in) adver sary was elected. and wed fill the office? ' No; ho went lie, Reed had lielm returned as receiving in the Se cond Ward, Memmeneing. St votes, and there came upon the stand IN citizens of that ward who swore that they had voted on that day for Mr. Reed I In the oast precinct of Penn district Mr. Reed received a re turn of 20, but there came upon the stand 81 legal voters who swore that then hod voted for William Red Thue there was mule it difference of 114. This was the second time that the (mud was demonstrated. Leaving ,out tne eerier:drone which I have mentioned, and eon -11/1/1/TILIK this evidence alone we have Mr. Reed sleeted dry a majority or 111thinir. 'Did Mr. Kneass give It lie I then! Did hearty. ,34 These people have been cheated. and itnalli t g P itt i n ertl i t s e ;VIM. de= `47l h innu d el surrender the office to the chosen man of the people ?" No. he went op. What came next ? In the Second ward, Moyamensing, the vote had always ranged from MU to 8M they.lutd never twin Oki to go above that on Presidential election Just before this election, it had betill,said "Wart till you riee what Moyamensing will do; and on the night of the election it was said Wait till you hoar from the Seerind word, Moyamen- aiu " Hutthe returns were held bark till next mornin r, mita It was known how many votes Alm amusing must give; end then thin ward.whieh the year before had polled but 8.55 votes; wee suddenly announced as bovine 1.223. thus Amain& Mr. Kelvins a majorit y of &5. Let ne speak by the hook. N 0.907. on the list. is the name of Alexander Gillis. and Mr. Heed was chin to prove that Mr. Gillis had died in the Jens before the election. Mr. Feed pro duced in court the 101 l for Inn funeral expenses. .. • • • • flinughter.) Judge Kelley then went Into an argument to chow that the number of votes alleged to have been receivedn the Heemid want Momentum, m, could not have voted in the time Knotted for the polling. Counsel had offered Mr. Knees, to 'drone the whole cane if he could prove that any one oft lie 317 alleged fraudulent votes wets a legal and fair vote. lint after five months lie was unable to accomplish it, although he had the and of elec. tin? Ile ts ' h or the persons named on the fraudulent list were found but then bad not voted in October. Now, gentlemen,nontinued Judge Kelley. if I have (nine ty arraigned the, Known let me be charged been t. Dui lie know on pa' of Mareli that he had falsely end fraudulently returned? Why. gentlemen, there was in the first place the count which turned him nut on mere mistake; there were in the next place the votes proved fraudulent in Penn and Moyamensing which turned him out ; there were these three hundred and nine vote rs.not one of whom could be found in five months' search. And then there were these lit who swore they had not voted as they were returned. Could not Mr. Kneass discover anir fraud there? Why, then, gentlemen, how fit is he for ?rosecuting Attorney? I Apelause.l Why, gentlemen, It is said that constant dropping will wear away - tone, and that the atmosphere affects marble; and if risr. S i nenan had ant, day after day. during five montha, heating the 01 , idence of all these fnets—hunt • ins for some of these men taut to have voted, and un able to find them—if he bed not begun to discover that there was fraud—there Is nn ices in having a live tutu for District Attorney ; you had better nave the salary and the expens of an election, llatuthterj for I will venture tomb t hat-if the marble statue of Merlon (B eard. that 'mils in the college, had been In the court room during this protracted trial. anion emcee of fraud would Bate penetrated that marble head, greet tau h ten) lout Mr. Knees% sat through it all, and didn't dis cover the (midi Why, gentlemen. it was full ns the noonday sun In every man's eyes; the report of it filled all men sears' the odor of It woe offensive to the nos trils of every holiest cltisen. I Appinusel If lime R. Kneass did net discover that there was fraud there, then his noun II toads of Nometning Wes porous than wood or trouble. It must be of marble, or of eternal adamant, (AppfalliM Tudge Kelley then alluded to the course of Mr. Wm, B. Reed in beaming the advocate of Mr. Karaite in the present campaign. Mr. Reed had contested the place of Mr. Kenos m 1830, and he wog greatly indebted to Mr. Mann for hie assistance In that celebrated contest. Mr. Mann having prepared the case for him. hullo Kelley afterwards returned to the subject of the frauds in ite fifoynmeing and Penn. and urged the re-eleutivm of Mr. Mann as an net of WOW. Judge Kelley was fellowed by Mr. 'f. K. Pi nletle r and others. and the meeting finally adjourned, with cheers for "Mann" and "Knight." MEETING OP run AMPEICAN ROMIG or CON. NII.AIONERA Yon FoRRIGN MINgioNn.—LART DAT.— Yesterday the Board met at 8i o'clock, plummet to ad journment. Jutko Jessup in the chair. A report was eubmitted by the Rev. Dr. Stearns, the chairman of the Committee on the Neetnrinn Minnion. This report chewed in a gratifying manner the greet progress of the Manion work in these A report was submitted by the committee to whom was referred a private memorial that Mil been presented by T. P.Johnson.The report recommended that Mr. Johnson's memorial be withdrawn. and the action of the Board be regarded nn final. Tho report was adopted. A report was presented by the Bminesn Committee in relation to the memorinl of Rev. Dr Cheerer, on the slave trade. and unanimously adopted. A report wee also presented from a committee on ron ference with a similar committee from the General As sembly, on tho subject of the co-operation, of the two denomination., to which weir attached a cerise of reso lutions expressing inn manna confidence in the hearty desire of the Presbyterian Assembly to continue this co-operation fn,good faith, The report further com mended. in 'trona berme, the spirit of fairness and Christian kindness mantra:dad by the committee on conference from the General Asnembly. The motion being to adopt this report, a lengthy dis cussion arose, which was participated in by Rev. Doc tors Anderson. Duffield, Chleke ring. Brainerd. Jenkins, Hawes Bingham. Stearns. Rev. Messrs. Alexander, pite, Barnes, Wilder, Professor Lawrence, and Judge Joliette. Finally, the report was adopted without a disnenting voice. Rev. Dr. Jenkins (admitted it report from the Coin mittee on the Clone Mission. which was adopted. Rev. Dr. Stearns presented a report of the Committee on General Thanker icing throughout the United States. They recommended Ant the memorial be referred to the Prudential Conitnitleo. The recommendation was adopted. The President then said that as the time for conelinl- Mg the seance of the Board bad arrived. it wan custo mary for the members in parting to hear brie (addressee from minsionariee who intended to leave for their pods durtraollie Y‘W , r Try /quid call on a venerable and dis tognished fettle M' he trid Salm!! +66grohly, , Rev. Mr. Neill. whowen present. Mr. Neill addressed the 'Board at length, s nil wen fol lowed by Rev. Mr. Lindley. of the Cahoon Minium ; Rev. Dr. Parka's. of the Persia Mission, Rev. Dr. Pom eroy. and Rev. Mr. Barnes Judge Jessup, the presiding officer. made a few re marks, after which vast audience rem and sang the hyrife erdnouliming. ' • • nii "llleaeod be the gig that hinds Our hearts in Chrintien love; The fellowship of kindred made In like to that above." Ref. Mr. Lindley made the concluding pre yer. Barter, with great fervency. before he commenced the suppli cation." My brethren and sisters, you love the heathen; we go in die with them." Rev. Dr. Neill then pronounced the benediction, and the vast audience shinty separated. FIRR. —The alarm of tiro at eleven o'clock yes terday morning wee onsed by the burning of n small Stable, the property of Ulm Min MT. K0;0114 - 41 the east Ina of - Adrian street, 'below Oirard 'Avenue: pin Con 1213111Ca;neflafrElr A ' 0 1 I;11170 inctsi e lrAr. '4 ll t O ' is the "Thong EijgoGNO to e tdli,e• . stallcirnell hr Joel SEM go. Whigh was sign &strafed. .4 - Mine' bundles' attauhed to tor. Gtryne'D Te31404e0 CAGE it fire, aid was pattmily bpraed. spark from the Seines AO WO In a house on Freakier road. some distnace from the confla gration. but It wee extinguished betore mum; demise had been done. Upon investigation It was ascertained that all thin mischief bad been done by a German boy. named William Neale. only ei slit years of see, who has been noted for his viciousdisposition. Ile was arrested by °diger Book (luring the afternoon, taken before Al dermen Shoemaker, and committed to the station-boos fora further hearing this morning, when he will doubt less he r 4r t to the Home of Refuge. Altrosia l r td , A tiOirOPi‘G".l CII EACTElt.—Peter TIPropI.AIIESJ , James Clark. mine Whrry, was orourot from New Yorks psterday, Hight mumble Franklin. ro engwer the charts of having stolen BM from Mr. Enstburn, thil i fig art etor of the American Ste r at iinty-third uotriLrin the lst inst. Of the money Soden, Meer' Frahkfirr , riteasiered ab6ut 614 m, the !Weber) having twee sguitrupreil tiptoes tile elle'aP shops in ChatliaM Orsini Roy ) AnWEAT ON A NUttottit.—yesterday morning, between three and four o'cloek. a men broke into %dwel ling in New Market. Street, sheave Vine, He obtained an entrance through the cellar, And /tiler going through the heard, and secured in the basement until home ne •- the name of the polite were celled. / „ PhOlNE#4o;on. lie was committed to answer. The ac- Cifeed is an tidally olv, 441 9Abgr frphle. xLebk4eAsig.-IT b ithurnq ot! nittermunto fines end penalties for the month of September show that llisherrPittgroviry paid into the Chic Treasury $l5; R. flatelpeon, 8 . 73.t6; p. wolf, tzoz; Toslh KW , klt ,TA ; John emits, J. I'lanklnton '81) 9 1): f,. Ramsdell. , m ; H. Nhoeinakor..9 It ; bard. All BO; Brasier . fisa ; V.ll. Butler, 611; John tiwi ft, .434 67 ; Thome Online, M. TIIANKR TO PHIL ADELPHIA.—The Pittsburg Fire man's Association. the members of which viewed this city on the occasion of the late State Fair, held a elect or, on Wednesday Evening, and passed a series of rue hit Min thanking different individual', nemeintionn, in flux eit), for attentions bestowed n oo n th em d ar i ng their visit, oryCll AT THE NAVY YU - M.—The U. S. sloop• of war Pawnee will he launched nt the Navy Yard, nt blob water. about li re o'clOCk thlu Inoritins. r a l e°. minutes ;valor(' the (mulch a knn will he 11 - red film the Princeton, 05 a warning rot the craft td the river to get out Or lho Way. A Nave Oonavinvictr.—Last evening a new counterfeit Fi e bill, on the Glinton Rani:, New Jereer• wns put in circulation • vignette, a representation of Neptono in roar ilrawn . by son-linrses ; nn the right slut the Beth,.canal, nod twin eon the letters oil left end, the word and Satire 6. Tit t: International Cricket Match between All. Thislat..l and the United States v, ill be played inn atoll day, Wednesday and That slay, of next weak. Thesda) being eleetion day, the players will adjourn over front Months). till Wednesdn). P tit tun.—There will ho another parade or the Fire Department to-day. The Independence Engine Compile) Will return from a sent to some of their rural friends. nt weld o'oloek to-day. and will be received by severld ;monitors of the PePsrtuunt. , lgna th To stiwittiog ears of tile oono,nto win Prissenver Hadrosil Column Onin - MOHO° 11111111,K 01(011(11 in liorinantown to-la) thus at. tooling additional facilities to the people or German town, Tec Bons - of an unknown white man was found floatimt near bottom island bridge yesterday, Coroner Fenner took charge of the remains, and held an inquest on the body. Verdict in accordance with the facts. enfilli DOE.F.AICH 'lOll Cr..M . l.—The fear of the Almost term dl' the (twirler Sessional amounted to 112 ,a 1 „l. cl Whirl time District 'Attornet received Ilia clerk $90.76, nfld ttliCfltreb7 6 4. donotkit's Coroner was notified last erenine lu hilt en inquest on the body of an unknown colored inttn,l‘ hn Wnri round drOVned at Longue Island. the month of September 1179,- 043'141 gallons of water Ivory supplied by the illolndel pida Vint ut V. 1.110. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. P/lII.ADELPIIIe, October 7, 18.59. The Stork ;alike( to-day WAY hear), rind little thspo oitiou 03% inlndevletl on the part of operators to pur chase. not u iiiistauding the largo decline winch has taken placo in the prior of most of the tootling fancies. he canoe ot the neplone le atiributOil, to oar grOoring innobtellnefili to 1:1310i,e, in Cnilooqiiencie if tho late Ilona) Munn - tenons ' of foriiigh Inetohgntttgo, ap t il the finprobobilitv al there being a very extensive demand for our breadolulfa to aid tin in liquidation. The grain prupo throughout EnropQ Intro been tinuountly good, aint them will, in eonvpoonqq, by n Tenor° noturtnil for our t.urphis, in which ease thorn will o a iargn norm - norm:lt I,:thitirg tizolost 113,{S Inch Mutt po lq hoavy popoyts eP opeele, Fedi an event may, hoWevor, be averted by laosening the smile of Importations for the bologna of the year. Theie id n brisk denniul for money, at slightly nib r unveil lilies of interest. bons payer is difficult to n0 c..1 c..1 ti mile in brisk, there being a good supply or order tic the ERPt. Tho Mottlitill Nat I sntion Company brought down during the week 39192 muft i and front the let of Jini art on 03. o Inch in 25.1ve tone more than the tonnage at the ewe tone in tear. 'rho Reafhog Rutitoryi Company brought down for the week eintwri tretotiar OM, 4ihate, tone, and pretatinsi) floe year ) rt ,41d,ilitt winch eSnottett the toentrioo or tut poop in lho eArrospoilltl4 t „ 1 • 10 . sit ON) able. 'rho eltionteitte of emit over tlie'lluiltinydoit ono_ llroad Too llt o ootaio Iteljtontl for the WOO elld , llg No nor 641 rtniontithtl t.., I 1,0 e. siortutinte oleo:II w er the Ifuntowilon and tiron4 'Pd it Ifntirnntt, Ipr the o , netc. altdpts Wels4looll 00 - toper ft, , . ?./: 'tons. "%mount shipped prat :owe) this year OtLe Tohl v:111011111 Nil ipputt Name tinio Inut Incrintsi. YIIILADELPIIIA 6TOCK EXCHANOV: SALES, October 7. 1359. 311CPOSITRI , BY 111‘41.1 , 11 k 111:T•ritn. \u. an Wolnut street. FIRBT BOARD. 200 City Bs, new.essit.lo 25 Rending . lawn 21 11X1 do on‘dl.lid 1100 'do 26 7 6 11.3) Cdty 0 ... lOU do 16.20 , 4 00 10 Corn 13k 24 10101 N Peßn.l 1119, 31 lU Lit rani Bk., •18 Morris Calm) prey 105 13 do! Poi TIVVri BOARD 3. 1919 Cop, not) A 1.11.51 ' • ill••diON"D 1 l'oornt R.......... 40 I do 45 .1} 0 D 11 11.0 Sellt A.iv 1101,1,mi ii,l,5N 5 Union lik , T,,,n .. 105 11 do .10 Sp .4 l'/no et dt 1941 CLOHINO PR Asked,' II Binlon hltn,4sio init. 4911 #Ul`¢K e Pr l : VI; 234 txlicru • 79 " Ti t 6" 41. " 3 POIWN fie ~ Ikl au'; Morris Ono n al Co n , S i t n .l per P 4 dlobuyl Nay . To Boldly) IMo 44.....7) Bid. Asked. !qof stney... .ftl l '9 l re let inort 41 47 . " ye 21mort., [l l5 11911tii Itl3 . . .FJ 2V. ilstawiega It ... 1 N o L , i 14!.1 &1 to It 40 , . 41 soo&VinpB4 11.. I. New York Stock Exchange—Oct. 7. 5000 11 States 6t '67. ..1(.43 100 Rending R.., , . 10000 11 8 lts, 187 i —4O 102 1 4 50 Mich Central it .410.43 3500 V 4 State 68 913.3 60 Gal & Chicago 1t... 713; 3000 Mo State an 1100 do 72 2000 'renn 64. '9O 831 60 blich 8 & I tr.. 420 20 21:0011udsonR•1st nit g. 103 100 d0...........20 2000 do ...Id 1nt5...96 1131 do .. ~. ..130.103; 100 I'ao Mail 8 8..010 72 115 l'ana nut R.....• .. .,..1171; 60 _..71541100 do e 60.117 100 d 0.... 030.72 16 d 0..... 1173: lOU N 11. Central 200 111 Central 13 ... 50 do .......061.79 13 Cies. Col & Crn 11....0300 100 do.. ....s3O 7416 1200 Chicago & R 15613; 3151 do 05.79 10 Bixth nv R 110 60 do .......030 79 Z) Mil &61ie. R .. •• 636 SOMETHING .few.—We took occasion, some weeks ago, to call the attention of the public to a new Patent Urn invented by Mr. James Spear, No. 1116 Market street, and attached to the celebrated Silver's Gas burning Parlor Stove. of which tie is now the principal mnisufacturer in this city. The Urn" surmounts the Stove, and arinVerS at once the double mums° of ma king a handsome ornament, and rendering the opera tion of the stove much more perfect than without it. We then expressed our confidence in the value of this invention of Mr. Spear, and in order to teat its merits more practically, we called yesterday at his warerooms anti saw one of the stoves, with the Urn upon it, in full operation. The result confirms our predictions most Perfectly. indeed, so decidedly is this a real Improve meat, that we doubt if any other, but Mr. Spenes make. would this Hagen be used at all if its merits were gene rally known. To be more explicit with regard to the nature of ibis admirable invention, we may *Lite that a stove, with the " Urn" attached, may have its door Sept constantly cloned, (except for feeding,) the con- Nonunion of coal being regulated entirely by the regis ter formed in the Urn ; and the great advantage of this arrangement in that the e»tife surface of Mt ilorria constantly kept at a uniform temperature, by which More than four tunes the amount of radiating surface is obtained user stoves in which the heat le regulated by open in cand closing the door. We look upon this alone of the input substantial and seasonable inventions out, and advise all who are in want of stoves to call at Mr. bpoar's and examine it for themselves. A BUSY Scene.—One or the meet business-like looking placer we know of is the popular Confectionery establishment of Messrs. E. G. Whitman & Co., Soden(' street, one door below Chestnut. This house is con etantly thronged with custoniers. Cause: They use 110110 hot the finest and purest material. in manufactu ring, and furnish the most luscious preparations for the • palate that aroyo be found in the world. The name of this firm is a household word among the lovers of good things in general, and the ladies and children in port tcu- Inr. Goal linsbands will please mole a note of this, and make their homes n little paradise by buying Whit man's, anti wilt, Whitmore'', confectionery for family "GO, PPRCFIASF: EtIIII,IIMAN'S CRAVATS," was the advice we gave our readers some months ago. 'Ye repeat the same Row. with this addition: For every thing that you may need in the wit) of Geoltmen's Fur n 000dA, no 'natter what, the last tillee to find them In greatest variety and at most reasonable prices, is at the Central Cravat Store of Mr. S. A. Eshleman, N 0.611 Chestnut street—entrance in Jayne's Hall. LL ecious CONrECTIONS.—The manufactory of Mr. Stephen F. Whitman N 0.1210 Market street, where hie oelobrated Concretionary is manufactured, is one of the IMMO rial curiosities of our city. His stock of sugar, Chocolate, and cream preparations is always superior, lint at the present time he is outvising liimaelf in the elegant ornamental confections lie is supplying to his custotners. For parties and weddings, and all other extra occasions, lie is now probably filling more orders from all pinta of the (Won, as well as throughout our City, than any other manufacturer in this city. Tun ii Hannis Bounow." TniumpriMier.—lt Is now universally acknowledged that the most complete Sewing Machine ever Invented, for Faintly Ilse, is the celebrated " Harris Boudoir." the agent for which, in this city, is Mr. S. D. Baker. No. 720 Arch street. Go and see them in operation at his rooms. The ladies say they are camp and charming. They ought to know. Tan NEW YORK WEEKLY, ODO of the beat lite rary papers published in Ate erica, contains the story of " Maroon Grey, qr the heiress of Redstone Ball," be the celebrated Mrs. Mery J. Holmes. We advise our readers to read How exquisite story. It is from the Pen of one of the moat gifted authoresses in this eountry. It can be procured from all new, dealers, Snathogeopste.—The only Store fbr Stereo smote Pictures and cases (exclusively I in this nits, is at the new &ermine* Emporium, 13 South Eighth street. THE AMERICAN MINISTER TO CIIINA.—Otto Wash ington correspondent says that Minister Ward, the ' successor to Mr. Reed, ernved safely at Pekin, and ex changed ratifications of treaty with that Government A specific clause, makes it binding on the "Celestial Government," to notify its flowery inhabitants, that in the event of their becoming citizens of the United States, they shall be amenable to its laws unit usages, and an near tie possible, conform to the habits of ita na tive inhabitante, by wearing "Hebron's Choice," as cotton up at the beautiful establishment of R. P. M. Elltrmla, No. M South Seventh Street, a few doors above Guy's Hefei. - " 0001) CoUNSEL lit Aimee at.t. Itnter.."—Such was the counsel Franklin gave when he said. " Tait rare or the pence, 'the elounds evil 7 take' rare 41 them selves." RPinere of the little expencer," for "a small leak will sirik a mat shie.)) l• rat rawer an tedrrreiry and humble en prosperity." "Be mindful of th Mks pan and provident of things to come." " Be limas wise„ rather than wise in time," and they who are timely trite deposit their money in the Franklin Saving Fund, No. 136 South Fourth street. below Chestnut, where it will draw ti per cent. interest, and con always be had in gold or silver when desired. 'This old and re liable Snring Rama/ never suspended. Investments are made only in the beet securities. Large and small sums received. See advertisenint In another column. 1•n . • . Met. ecHER 113/ 4E F s r4l: EnE ! .—liev. Henry Ward geochir nays Of the 'l'item coiume 4 in ;be news- Merl. that it "is worth more than all She small fry of co.,e,,erarints. with an editor thrown in to b 601! Lake a minivan. it elrataliee &toilette colemet, with package* and percale, spice, and gums, bits of fraarauce or eqn singly 'wrought metals, gathered from the Orient nod from the whole world besides." This is especially true whore the column contains frequent references to the elegant garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhill ac Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut stteet, above Sixth. THE UNITED STATtaI STEARRIIIP PAWNEE Will be launched from our Navy Yard, to-dal , at twelve M. A large number of Wise and sentleniep Will, by apecial invitation,; tidy nil oohed. '''We leant Ilm I.xcelleneyi James' Buchanan, will honot the oecinsiort with tile pro. senco, 61111 in menew'hile, qalls upon his friends Who mean 1.1 paltioilite in }lts liegel iiitagliel incident thereto, tei array themselves beoinninglr M the elegant stylise of E, H. Eldridge dr 000 at the "Continental Clothing Rouse," northenst corner Chestnut and Eighth streets. ONE THOUSAND MILES AN Horn !—But few of -- ...ism are aware Otto feet that the earth revolves on its own axis at the imaginary speed of 1,000 miles per how.. What would be the result, then, if she were to get mettle tracF I' itraigination tired at the cOnjecture, yr MO Fanny, folding tlaiviiigsalelds fo tile suggestions of coin_ mon sense and enunciates a practical good, liy Limo niehinr all men to liity ibelr oft t thing it the palthint store o f (hurdle iitcdtes, No. 11l CliCstnltt Stf'.l o t , "Toe Pares," as well as all the other Daily and Weekly Papers, can be procured of Samoa Fronde gnat, Northeast corner of Tenth and Chestnut streeta. He has also for sale all the Boston and New York Daily and Weekly editions. Toe WILLCOX AND OIDDS SEWINti MACHINE should be eXAMIDeiI by all persons who are contempla ting purchasing a Sewing Machine. Price SW. .p -, r sale, wholesale and retail, at 110 Ohestnut street- A Niity Itna:Nnany lintialltAlt JOINT —Fe have examined an invention in . Mr. Eli ;he E. Everitt, designinl to overcome the great doluestlP Pest of boggy bedsteads. It is an instrument sit constructed as to all viate the necessity of WNW,. Boilsteads, hy this nt geniogs nrrangetpont, may be taken down ar put up in a few minutes with perfect ease. A premium wax awarded for it at the late Fair. The address of the inventor is Ma North Eleventh street, Times woo Ann ABOUT to augment their stock of Ifousekreping artioles, or who intend durntOuni would save money by visions the estsblishment of Messrs. E. S. Ibrson dr Co.. southfoest torpor Of Second and Dock okras. Their stook is large, and comprises Almost every artiole of utility and conve nience ui this line, enil their prices aro strictly eco liornical," • " ' ' • lIRADPORD—HOLT.--On the 6th not. by the Rev. C. D Cooper, J. CRESI4ON BRADFORD to ANNIE R„, slam:liter or Seth Holt. ell of this:city. STEEL—WALTRW-9n u llos_l9th ep_teinher. by ``he Rev. A. W be l C. Tlinmes, My: HENRY J. billiEb In IBM ANNA DALTER, ehlest. slaushte! Juseph Wa l. Jr, ell Ml , lllll elty . . , JIORITO4—bb.N.I ON.—Eepteinbey by the R B. D. Mr. Allen Thr.rutnn,cx 1 4 ibliervole. % to se Murtha Denton, of Al ilturd. Cheater counly. Penn. 'wort. LIOONE,I —PA RFONS.-011 Tuesday evening, the ith inn.. by ',Warman Samuel F. Flood, William Cowley In Ann. E. Forsous, both ot . this city. ORACI.-11A:TI,M1.—On the 18th ult.. by Rev. F. 1.. Kregel, Mr. Wow ti. Gritee, or Bite city. to Miss Ellen It. Butler. of linlern. N. J. Put LE—McALEESE.—On the bth inst., by Ret'. F 1,. Kresel. Andros, inct.son Phil,,, of this city, to Miss Jane McAleese, of Bucks county. • CHASE.—On the 7th innt.,Dr. JAMES W. CHASE. a In olJohn G. and Caroline H. Chase, in the 23.1 year of his sue. file relative. and friends of the family are reapect fully ' invited to attend the federal setvicea, at rhos replete... southeast fyrenty.secosi . and r pla..rinl;gl',l,\%7 4 ,l4micrartnaWgir j rti for internient. ESHAY.--On the eth inet., Mrs. Itabeeen Euro , wife of John Esrar;ip the Bed year of here. Funeral from the residence ahoy tteetAuti. nest fled cheor Twertiv-foerth ward. We afternoon, nt Weim ,Wisllol4l fernier notice. COY..—On the nth Mr.. flannel, Cox, wife of Thlie. Cow, aged 3 f sears. hunerntfroin the residence el her brether, Henry Mercer. No. 1117 Elm street, below Fr nklin avenue, Thirteenth ward, on Hiniday afternoon e 1 1 o'clock. 111 N K I.E.—On the 6th telt , Mr. Henry Hinkle, in the 40th year of his axe. Funeral from on late residenee. No Mt Whlrten street. west of Eighth, ou Sunday afternoon next, at I o Mock. smITH.—On the 6th inst., hl re. Lydia F. Smith, need ro,yearc. Funeral from her lett. n Sunday. the 9th tart KOBINSOII.—On the ited'33 Fenora entp hie late .ttaet, ottani' of gut ifOtter.—Cla the lilt (J ROSS.—On the 6th 11151, Mrs. SIAM* Gros , wife of Henry Gross, in the 2611, year of her age. tFuneral from he regulative of her bushronts No. 13 sialf{ ,3 ll (Into. Turner) street. Fourth below Ceiba " Vl ' s% Wal t ifi l l l ONT - Orte ' fitii ` lo,;:l°.,'kir. Robert 11;r rinf ten, agg d 49 years. I • tunnel Irons his Into residence, 190. 2140 Sharswood street,this afternoon, at 2 o'elack, Without further no tire. To proceed to Ronaldson's Cemetery GRORilk..—On the 6th Inet. Mrs. Anne Flea, fe of Waellingtou George. and 'slaughter of Joseph L. Wright, Font., of Burlington, N.. 1. CALDWE.l.l..—Suddenly. on the es suing of lint sth inst., Catharine Sophie, the eldest &looter 41I• drew and Sophia Caldwell, in the 6th year of her age. Funeral troni the residence of hen parents, No. 1108 Ridge avenue. flint morning at le o'clock. 1101,911,8.—0 n the Sri, instant, Mr. Henry Hoboes. Funeral from his late residence. No. loU South Third Street Sunday on 4 1 ndny a iloinoon, at I &else k. MARTIN.—On the 6111 inst., Jane Garwood, daughter o f and' Ann Eliza Martin, need 5 months. • 11UNTER.—On the sth Rtsfiert• Binfter, aged 49 years. • lAvEn—pn 0,9 4th 1111., pbetts Ash WeAce,r, .„ tnnt mo ot, iterstsin . and the lalq Rachel Azin Weiss. , aged 21111111 S. , at Gape ntrardeipi flaw, Mo.. Boriteinber his 141 1111 * Rliiittlen, in 1 holot )earnf Iq t p \ ttge. ItARP. bll. — ,A, the arriung of the 41h Inst., at Bris tol, pis., Tarr Pauline, daughter of Albert and Alary Gardner. in the TO >ear oi her age. MC LA 111111 0,1 the sth inst., Jane McLaughlin. lausliter of Alexandra and Jane McLaughlin, age I i n months. 416 Sp & l'ibb el It lb Rending ...... tro.% 111%111014g It I! 8043 sill : 41 d 0....... motIRNINCi STORF, 1 BpSON * SON It. No. il t la pIiEFI'rNIIT 13tTe01. have a full assort V len lr-elour Revs. IBlnek Gros Grsin Bilks, do. Mosseelined'lstinea.' do. troult le Slidas, lin. Cashmeres, 1: . . 0 cf::!i'VA.T., , e. grl: 14 1 0 3 . :n iP tre * tillisea. do. latent boiled Silks, do, II xplNtl.Tillelt, do. will Poplins. do. T&unsex. tin. lir/Imb ( - viper do. Parainattas. tio. iirspe Coil, .v,. tin. Aloluds Idistrsa, I .1... .• 81,...,‘ en do. TliitoV tottla Shawls ‘ Block Crap V tlecond !downing Gllfllla 111 SECOND BOARD CITY ITEMS. MARRIED. to resoien7i.llos Ridge avonie, . t . Robinson, e liouth Ft Mt " Wi l e.. ft \i'illinl ' ltor„, egeyl 37 II e; el) vimet). 1.7 SPECIAL NOTICES. FALL Cumtnol AT MUTE HALL, Southwest corner FOURTH and MARKET Streets. BUSINESS COATS, or Silk-mixed, diagonal, and stripe fancy Cusimerea ; a lot of plain Black - mixed and fancy Doeskins • a large line of Union Cassimece and Satinet Busineu Coats. FROCK AND DRESS COATS, in plairißlaok and fancy-colored Cloth—in great variety. PANTALOONS, of Silk-mixed, latrine, and other makes of fancy ail-wool and Union Caasimeres. ' Also Black Doeskin and Vain cusitneres. VESTS, Super Velvet, Mattesie, Grenadine, and other fancy Silks; a large variety of Black Sating and Cauimere Vests. OVERCOATS, of ail grades and varieties. All the goods are manufactured of good material, are well cut, well made, and well got-up, exclusively for Retail Sales, and cold upon our only plain One Pries— and that a low price. One low price to all—suits all, and deceives none. We take pride in showing our goods. WHITE HALL. EMPORIUM, Southwest cor. FOURTH. and MARKET Streets. DIPLOMA AND SILVER MEDAL awarded at the late State Fair, to A. B. DAVIS & CO., FIF TEENTII and WILLOW, for the beet COAL, HAY and CATTLE SCALES. ocB-2t• To THE PRESIDENT OF VIE PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY : The subscribers, your committee to examine the con tents of a SALAMANDER SAFE of EVANS & WATSON. after being exposed to a strong fire on the fair grounds for eight hours, respectfully represent—, That after seven cords of oak wood and three of pine had been consumed around the safe, it was opened, in the presence of the committee, and the contents taken out, a little warmed, but not even scorched. Several Silver Medals, heretofore received by the manufacturers, and a large quantity of documents, we re in the safe, and came out entirely uninjured. The experiment satisfied us of theceiseity of Safes of this kind to protect content" from airfire to which they may be exposed. The committee awards a diploma and silver medal. GEO. W. WOODWARD. JNO. W. GEARY. J. P. RUTHERFORD. rice-at ALFRED B. GILLETT. THE STATE AGRICULTURAL. SIBCIETT have awarded the FIRST PREMIUM to the Se wine Ma chines of LADD, WE BSTER, & CO, New style', with recent improvements may be aeon at their rooms. BSt CHESTNUT Street. oni-tutheirn FACTS FOR Tlll4 FEEBLE.—DR. MOTT O S CHALIBRATE Firm—The only preparation of Medi. oi nal Iron sanctioned by the Medical Faculty, and pre soribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily prove. that no pre paration of Iron eitl, for a moment, he compared with it. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has hitherto been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in numer ous cues of each of the following complaint., viz In Debility, Nervous Affectiona, Emaciation, Dyspep ma, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Misminstrustion, Whites, Chloroeis, Jaundice, Liver Complaint., Mercurial Conesquencee, Chronic Headache., Rheumatism, Inter nuttent Fevers. Re.. ha.. &a Debility, Impurity of the Blood, Depreesio of Vital Energy, Pale and otherwise Sickly Complexions, tali pate its necessity in almost every conceivable ease. In all cases of Female Debility its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of Medicine which exerts such prompt, happy. and fully restorative elects. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have beemne forgotten In their own immediate neighborhoods, have, after a few trials of this Restorative, suddenly appeared in the busy world. as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Good appetite, complete digestion, rnPill aminiei tion of strength, with an unusual disposition for motive and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. For Bale by all Druggists in town and country Price, fitly cents per box, earitaltous filly pilie, sent free by mail to an y part of the United States, on the reeeipt of the price. Principal Office, SIP BROADWAY. R. R. LOGIEN, General Agent. Wholesale and retail in Philadelphia. by DYOTT Es. BONS, 218 North BPICOND Street. au2s-ths.ltnika SAVLNG FUND—NATIONAL SAYNTY TRUST COMlrATlT.—Cluutered by the Slats of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, MO Or OWL L FIVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid batik in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. C Money is reoeived from Ezerut ors, Administrators. Guardians, and other Trnetoes, In large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. IL The money received from Depositors is invested is Real Finite, Mortgages, Gramm' Rents, and other first class seOuritles. 8. Otlatie °il every deaV—ITALNUT Bireet, southwest corner Thi rd Street. Philadelphia. apli SNAKE liT S SAVLeTiI FUND—NOB.THWier CORNIR SICODID and WALNUT Streets.—Deposits ft cowed in Mat and large amount., from all climes of the community, and allows interest at the tate of five per Gent. per annum. Money may be drawn by °beaks without for of In Wrest. °Moe open daily, from 9 until 6 o'nlook, and on Mon day end Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL: Treasurer and Stieretary, 01145 F. 9IORKIN. SA LAVVIDF . klitf SAPILS.—A very isms amortmoot of BA}..4NIANDBItB for rtale at moos. able Driogi, No. at Bola Ittlaint attest, thillidel• DEO& • slat tf °ROM & .13.1E11111 Ong NOISALIMI FAMILY eIIVINA-MACMMIIII •T IXDUCID Tames. Temporarily at No. 001 hoe Away. Win Timm to No. 49/1 in a few weeks. Tns Pi!iFr _ . B ikiftr.4"4 ObVf//4 0 / 1 04 0 8 1 / 4 0 lIAVE! BEER!! wnesp.!!! 41-3 m GAR-LAIdP DEPOT-811TH AND ARCH. imal-Sin WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. —Philadelphia Office, et) CHESTNUT Street. Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branch (Aces in Trenton, New Jersey, and righan End Westokesier. VA, " 4414-txn Gpity.tx limpas will posi tirely cure D>spepain. I.iyer CMipl4int,Nerraus Pe- LihtY,JFc.,sc. DOFLANB'S BALSAMIC CaIRDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whoopiag Cough & &u. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON JC CO., 413 ARCH Street, and for sate by Druggists and dealers generally. Price 75 cents per bottle. se34-tt To TIM LADINS.—W. H. Jackson & Co respectfully invite the ladies eC Philadelphia and sipipi ty to call and examine their nay and iniprosud s 1 , 4)411LI @ yn4q AIApIP Their Machine* Ilse the Straight Needle, aa4 melte th; hieit etileh Mike on Loth Bike of tha cloth. Orbpe• 724 CIiESTUT 5110.1, avor iklak Stare 0c4.17.• THE BEST $5O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVER MARLERCIVEED. W. H. JACKSON 8 CO., 724 CIIF.STNUT Street. Agents wanted. oN-L't' Rsn WHISKERS OR, GRAY are instanta neously changed Into a natitmLlooking brown. black. or auburn color, by JULES HAUEL'S LIQUID VEGE• TABLE HAIR DYE. It la perfectly lianpletp. ap yli not injure the sin, while It itpparie i4O hair a epft Hon' i liti no lifelike al to, render detection iinpoesible. Sold by all Druggiets, and by JUL'ES IL4UEL S. CO.. No. tot CHESTNUT Street, Philedelidua. cw3-61i1dAtW ORB PBICB CLOTIifNO OF TUB LATEST STYLI', made to the beat mariner, saga/Ley fur RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling anima margea rn Plain Philtres. All goOds toads td order warranted antis. factory. Dor ONE-PRIDE System to striellY adhered to, as we hoheve this to ha the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated lathe. JONES & CO, sag-tf 514 MARKET Street. ta. RALLY! RALLY_!! RALLY! !! . A UNITED DEMOCRACY VICTORIOUS OVER AN UNPRINCIPLED OPPOSITION. UNION AND VICLORY ! GRAND MASS MEETING OF THE DEMOCRACY IN THE HOME OF RICHARDSON 1.. WRIGHT. The YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIA TION of the Twenty-third Ward call upon their fellow- Democrats to meet with them in the 0110 FELLOWS' HALL,Frankford, on SATURDAY. October alb, 1841, at 7 SOP. M. CHAS. B. GILBERT- rrosidertt. The following sterling Democrats wii,l debear ad dressee: . . Ron. Richardson L. Wriglit, lica.lbn Robvta, Robert tionry Itttmen.Ral.. Behjamip Urns is;aes_F..lotipplon. FaA., Ha Or!' L. Afsectlinell, Etut., Ron. Wm. R. Witte, e1i..111%.11/11143411. Ettuarch , , E.g., Cram, SOOT WarkshoPC Your Vouutioq•houatta! Yolir Far com., cow., and beatify , by your presence the Attle Went you have to the glorous PrinutPlall 01 Democracy. Coma one! Coma all! It AL I L'r I t e T inte O r N s th e ('l. o l ;irb — . N an t d T their A ll i eloc L m t g; friends of the Northern Districts. are requested to meet at the Hall. POPLAR. above Eleventh st., on SATUR DAY EVENINfiI, et 7 o'clock, for the purpose efroin ing in the Procession, and attendins the Grand Demo cratic Itteetios at Independence Hall. By order of the Committee. dt• CHAR. KOCIIERSPER irrSADUA TII-MC 110 0 L TEACHERS,' l!NION MEE/INCE—The i'mon Meeting of the Sunda, -school Teachers, and the friends of the cause, %IR lake place on MONDAY EVF.NINO, st 7 r e o'clock, to tho Penn Sauer)) Church. BROAD, above Cheetnut et. It is earneetly hoped that our Sunday school rem:tett, with warm heart.. will assemble iqte numbers at flue imporit ineetinejlev. NI; Wt./ARON. hherionary f rom t h e oera*s, and Atha; Missionaries, will be pre sent taepare in the exermses. • All are invited to be present. UNION TENT OF THE YOUNG:OE:VS f t 14 1 80ClATION. now located at and tyirad Arenue.—Openine erviees TO MORI{011) O. Early moraine mention at 7 o'clock. Union o) .l! r jr. M i l Pit P a is Ta t P T - E, ° ' ''' l l ". m 4. n i t ,31. RN. Preaching during the seek ' by tt . ev. r Nfeaere Chambers. Jenkins. Craoraft. and Alfred Taylor. Chil dren's meeting this afternoon at P' ceolook. It. OEO. J. MINGINS. Superintendent. THE VOUNG MEN'S' CHRISTIAN AS SOCIATION of PHy , ADELPHIA.—A meeting Orthe .. ,Volunteer Force ' of the Assormtme wdl held at the Rooms r leee end 1 Il c.11174C T TN Street. ISeturt” EVENING. ht 7h; o }awry member, whether enrolled to Shiftt force or 1;ot, le car ted to be etement. rI tl) re.q.a" GE.G: H S'rGAHT , EreeMent. SI WARNER, iieo . of Oreninlttel , lt T r QV). hTuitlts, ov voRK, AyILL preib TO-MORROW. at the HAt Ning tia allangl Ninth streets, at lei o'clock MORN . tiYENIN Q. Su toecta—Mornine—" Faith not Melly tut. to oat the inheritance of the Saints " ' Eve . Ito Atonement by Clow What :a I Inlet it Benefit Men :" 'rite mild la aro invtted: and • w REMOVAL VP TOWN !—CIIVIRCH OF THE"NNW TESTA NI FNT—T. H. :age KID aator.—Proachina SABBATH MORNING.IUS. a •o nin k (H. V., lat the Hall recently ecousted Iy• the Church tit the Incarnation. northweat (w i nos of Hi rard avenne an d Thirteenth steet. Entrunce on , Thirteenth et. l'enutrui raticpUiAge ZEL4III , tc t2Abb,tl di Worship rh ii, Win OCTLIOIIYI6 TIItRD R EFOBMED DI:Tell CHURCH, 1,k3 the Itev.,% J. R. TAYLOR, l'sator. TOO Rey. A. ULNASON. Misatonary to the Seneca In. dinoe. N‘ yoreachin this Church TO-MORROW MO RN- I NU, at 105, o'clock. and the Rev. Dr. BENJAMIN C. TA)I.OR, of Now Jersey, in the ArIERNOON at o'cltvk. enuncil DP THE IN R REESSQR. kflil. ( N , elsore Twetikh.—The *v. R. A. CA r F W willV i 1. .I repeat. by rogues , on SUNDAY EV EN INri,, t. uth. the sermon • Atount 011 , et." Di yule 4er , W. ever) Surat, at ItSi A. A. and '; P. ilt- Strsnrera are Mims welcome—will plersse ask the Sea (1111"r nell.. It* REF. J. WALKER - JACKSON. OF NA sareth M. E.Cauroh. will preach TO MORROW Ibath) MORNING, al lOM o'ekoiV, miller. JOHN EMORY COOK MAN in the EVENING. att% o'clock. in the UNION M. E. CHURCH, Fourth street, below Arch. The sestsare free._ REP. PETER CARTWRIGHT. THE .Baclworls Preacher will - preach st JAYNE'S HA L. TO-It MOW. I Sabbath. at 3 P. AL A e a., bon will be taken for Scott U. E. Canrch. Please eame " mire d. molders -will toga call attention to this Horse. Platform marred or minutiae. 1.24%-iligfigiiirgGATATETeeT-141- c HALL. einiet ?Mb:J d GMT " street , . TO-MORROW (Scbtetthl A .BRAOO.N. et cmtrter before four o'clock. Raked of DioVoro• — "Theroill . of the Church." - . It" oCTSERMON TO THE YOUNG—ON _THE death of Brother DAVID S. JAClOBV—wrill preached in ST MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, New street, Lelow Fourth. kr the Pestar.Rev.E. RUTTER, on TO-MORROW EVEIITNII. lull" Pan? 7 o'clock. Morning service. half past. 10. - 1; - It TT.REV. BENJAMIN - FRANKLIN DA COSTA of Charlestown. Maas., will officiate in St. .1011 N'S I'. E. CHURCH. S. W. corner Brawn-And St. John street. TO-MORROW (Sands) ELY MOING. at 101: o'clock. arid in the EVENING meg Welnek. 17-s A " ONScIENCE SEARED! WITH A 3 110 T IRON.' —A ditronrse on thin subset by Re v. ?dr. KARCH ER. at HANDEL snd HAYDN RA LL. Eighth sod Santis Garden sta.. TO-MORBOW.t Sun day,) at 7hi p. m. the morning at Itei o'clock. Seats free. 11* 1-r—rN. S. PRESBYTERIAN ENTERPRISE. _ —Rec. E. E. ADAMS sail preach in . Brcechcat He aoutneaat or Bread sod Spring Garden streets. TO-MORROW tfiablethl MORNING at ItS. and EYRNING at IS o'clock. LOGAN SQVARE CHURCH. VINE AND TWENTIETIE—Preuhira TO-MORROW. at 10.-4 A. M., b. Rnr. Dr. WOODDRIDGE. of asdiay. Mass., And at 134" P.M., by Rev. Mr. LINDLEY, Mia infmy from Africa- 11' Bcr REV. H. BLANCHARD. OF .BROOK LYN Car. at the Univeresbet Chen+ le LOM RD. above Fourth, TO-MORROW MORNING .114 E V EN( NG. It pa. CHURCH OF THE COVE:NV:VT.—SKR vice+ in CONCERT HALL. CHESTNUT Street, above TWELFTH, EVERY SUNDAY at 10X A. M., and 7X P.M., by Rev. JAMES PRATT, Rector. It• frrCHURCH OF FTEENTH F. AND CHESTNUT Street.—Pi vine service non SI`NDAY MORNING et la!, o'clock. end Tli in the EVENING. It• SPIRITUAL'S—MRS. F.SPIRITUALISM.—MRS.Z ER. of Vermont, will lecture and mut at SAN SOll-STREET HALL. on SUNDAY. at 10% A. M., Mnd wit AL Th e erening lecture will be on" The ission of Woman." Admmaton. b cents. It. IrrJOSEPH BARKER LECTURES AT S A NFOR D'S OPERA IDICSE TO-MORROW EV EN I ND. m 7!:; n'elock. t• wA. P. -•.—IJAHMONV LODGE . BO - 20, ill hold their soma annuli regionalist the ME CHANICS' HALL. Fnatth And George streets, on TII URSDAY EVENING. I.lth inst. Boors open at VS o'clock. Tickets. - fit cents, to be hsd at the door. J. BOY D. Chairman of Committee. W3f. THOMPSON. Petrel:sty. °A St • I. r FAITH. HOPE. AND CHARITV.—THE serned disPeerse ID. V.l nn this subj,t TO MORROW EVENING. by Dr. BRANTLY. it the Charriy on CRESTNL T Street. near Etghteenth. It • frfPROFESSOR HAGUE WILL LECTURE on MONDAY AFTERNOON and NIGHT. Oct. 10th. at NIPPLE'S LECTURE ROOM . E. corner of Fourth and Green streets. Philadelphia. HAGUE. alter introducing to the assembly that may cony resale the science of Astrolory, and of explaining it. moon. Its divinity. its usefulness sad utility to min. when properly tau tht and understood. will at once pro ceed to treat un NATIONAL ASTRO-PHILOSOPHY. And in s manner both pleasing and instructive to all persons who may think proper to come and listen to his brat lecture. of an intended coarse of am in nunitier. MY P ELLOW -CIT 17. ;Si. echo wish in ',pie forth. best of men. now begging for their votes. on Tuesday next. should not Sul to come and hear the VOICE OF THE STARS. as to which of the candidates are best fitted by Nature for doing justice to the lame matted to and to the people at large. The Afternoon's Lecture commences at 31'. M.. doora opening at 2 P.M. At Nicht the doors apes at 7P. M., Lecture coromeneinc et 8 P. T.I. Admittance to each Lecture. TEN MVPS: . HAGUE will be at the Gesture Room above named I from 3A. 31. to 13 tl., sad will answer any procr sues tions propounded by candidaten respecting Tnewdsre remit, od-tf , frr HanICE6PATHIC COLLEGE OF PENN SYLVANIA,FiIbert street, above Eleyeath. The introductory .Lectitren 'will be delivered la the lel - : . . . Prof. J. M. WARD. MONDAY, 'nth, 9 o'clock, even ng Prof. C. J. HESIP IL, TUESDAY, 11th, 8 o'clock, evening. Prot. J. R. CONE, Is:, WEDNESDAY. Mth,B o'clock. evening. Prof. 'THOS. MOORE. THURSDAY, Ma 8 o'clock'. craning. Prof. W. A. REED, FRIDAY. Itch. S o'cloCk. steam/. Prof. BEAKLEY, SATURDAY, 13th, a o'clock. eveninz. Pro'. M. SEMPLE. MONDAY. ntk, o'clock P. .L Medical and Suction' Clinica, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, 12 o'clock M. 0840 BEAKLEV. M.D. Dent. STATEMENT OF THE tiNION HANSI [" required by the Second Section of the AM o i e General Assembh of this Comroolvrealth. approved the 13th day of OCTODER. A. D. 1337: Amount of Loans and Discount& .. 1091211 n Do. Specie 57.6 H 72 Do. Due from other Banks 42,329 64 Do. of Notes i n circulation... .... 161 .0 0 p Do. Deposits. including bal ances dud to other Banks 217.k. 1 6 PNR.a DEVKi a. (*.tabu O4V E WCI I 4 j era i ki a sert itTa- ray iil44lZabarPlitruitil is coronet, to Dattg LV..V. Sworn befonme. this /th okay of October, A.D. It P. C. ELL:HABER. Notary Public. FTLANDSIDOWN LAND COMPANN.—TME 1.3 moust meeti az of the Stmkholders of Oe down Land Co. will he held on MONDAY. Wth Inst. et o'clock P. M. over the Phi:mix Z. 4.1 Hausa. 7 et., above Seventh. Nerit of AtUce re. E:leelinn of officers R. SZIETRATEt. Bierotary. ECORNER STONE LAVING OW THU seyr R. F..' Church. nq RI t arl i t ,t ßaft: 04 milio stone. I lin,xtratohr olks sahir driy. Octt , ber Etb. at tit o'cktk . . _Otan mace n lent:ea ItAta tlatt to Me stabcta tba Garttsaatotra sad l t t t ' N r gV a' Ctrw j tWM;Ct rf . 9 ; A ., ri DT. lintiv. Rev. A. Mntsai9. Rev. 3 . xtelitaird Rev. r. Ablay. with d t Mli Ir. ttr.sen • 1,- Vil ' l l rial° '4'l"M "Wi ll U. R. CLEVELS-ND. Pastor. JE.F - PETISON MEDICAL furs,. Salmon r 1e5944.--Order of Irritletory_ Lee_ • - • 1•Tor. Dunilison. lionday,Ortober 30, *l7 P. Pmf. Mite a i. Taitadkr. October n. at 7P..13. Prot Oroag.:Toescpts. ()eloper. 13. at 3 P. M. " Medical an& orlieat Matey Wede.edeq, 004802. at 13 id. • prof. Dioksoovoilat•,.(ktQber 1.3., at Z_P. PrnPitteits, - Thltobtr.oolotor:ll4.'itt to Pro; Pndat. iNtobor U, Ma P. prof. rattetoot, Ptidity. October .4. 24 AP. Ai edical and KUPettikteajtlAt s . Coctaber St 1/M . • fpg was. oc7-1.1 EVANS & WATOON fir PCSiNSS - LVANIS. COLLEGE—MEDI SA D'"r t ' K r' Nhl t be u itt bek - fV": r ,i, ..„..r„,,,,,„,, , if .14 1 "kg b: Aril'' , 'al "- tor: ruz.rt.l,:d.y.'&q.?.., loth. A 3.5 P. M. ' rot Gobrecht. Tuesday. October Rabat a P. M. rof. Melts, Tuesday. October 11th. at S P. M Prof. Harlow. Thursday, October 13th'ett 4 P. M. Prof. Rand, Thursday. October 13th. at 5 P. M. Prof. Halsey. Prtday , October 14th. at SP. 34. Medical and Su meal clinics on Wednesday anal Sal urdar at noon. The public, is e anted to Wend. it* , LEWIS D. HARI. - IW. V. A. Desa. ry". DE 0 E ft) THE 140.1. RD OF . 10111.-1 14 GN fiIISSIONS visitial the -city atmali &gia va4 a i ebwiat fUtufe a ,wtrt ‘nal k, of lai d! Bun. m;, Dow aztabduu; 1110 CAGEY 1 OF VI, E ARTS. Ural; f 9.712 Sal P. 1 ,11.. and to l*P. 31. Adinewstn, 2S (testa. fts-it VAMP. 0. X FOWLER'S. LF.CTIt RES ON AO; N. at 111USICAL FUND TrALL.—TUE- D E YENING. 00.0 b. •• Self-Culture acd Ciuh:re, ." THURSDAY EVENING, Oct.. 6th " Anel - 212 of t he Mental Faculties.' SATURDAY fi'VENCi oce. Rh. •• Intellect and 'fieutory. and their Cultnic." Com menting quartet be fore 9 o'clock' and eke* ;rah pubLo examinations. These lectures will he found hichly iatererting and tn stenetive. llekete to the Coarse of It Lectures—Gest% 4111, 44 1es.g zi r Li t s; ante lo tickets. 66 reuta. erriq r n t or s eat npptp fee urea, at the Arenolo,;l=l Pio. CHEa Stmet. SeeTrogntlinnea. 04-0 FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' fht I A DLL PHIS. October 311, WM. Notice to hereby [wen that 411 eleetton for Thirteen i.replors will be Mid at the Etankinc House on M - , No .ember 31.1. MI, between the buena...o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. 31.; sad a enteral metres of the Stockholder* wilt be held on TUESDAY. November at to chock P. M., at the !tanking House_ dtn3.l tC. arsaTox. ht.. Cashier. rrSOUTHWARK BANK—PHILADEL PRIA, October 3d. 1359. Notice is hereto siren that an eleetioa for Thirster n Direct/MI will be held at the Flanking Rouse on AID.N. DAY. November Lat. Isar betweea the hood al 10 o'clock A. M. and :o'clock r i m.: sad a reneral Ineet in 4ot the Stockholders will held op. Ti:KitDAl . No v ember let, at 11 tichhtfi M . 0-1-11tha F. P. STEEL. Cashier. rTIIIIRTEENITH AND k FIFTEENTH fiTEIRETS PASSENGER RAILWAY COM . ttert Wept Wing been mawd to the to tit:rite{ pock of the Thirteenth and Fitteenth-stteets neer &mho' Corapans of the city at Ploladeiphot. the said subserthers are notified to wart at No 3M WA LK PT Strew. Phdvdelphia. on the lath thy of Or. tat* r. laSt. at 11 o'clock A. M.- to or...anise said coo, tanY. a id elect a President and Fire Dire:Jon. ar.d vtich tither (Orate Re [Ear be deemed Bettina it or expedient. &beard Grata. W. A. Edwards. Emanuel G. limner. D. D. Jo s. John P. Veneta, Alfred (X Harmer, Holten Armstrong, Deers, Kaman, Than. 8. Cromberlart J. W. Forney. F. C. Ellmaker. hi . McMichael. Joseph Wood. tcgiSteel. goatee Magee. . C. Porton, Thos. Watson. .11 rint, 11. It. Coseshall, Henry Hamra , Deady Sharwood, latinesitennara. H. W. Fates/aid, Stephen P. flit:, William Deal. C.Colket. anti Deo. W. Buttons, (twits. A. CoNey. AL Doltrtet t 1 OK ISt 130altalaSiarsirs. NOTICE —GREEN AND COATES-ST. Ve . titTO E Zodili ß ci l iM r DSlTlO, heOtt k frock the omen an.l Coates- so.e . rt r 0FV , ...10 m wg i t . d gac a :: l lr t tg b e :La tb-e . 4k."M'AL:4l2At:eti, Droz.ier oC Um Boer& 11S-Iltslutol4 HARRY CONNELLY. Troalinst. t . j PROF. 0. S. FOWLER WILL COM. AIENCE a Course of .LECTDRES ON LIFE, Oa bra. Organs, Functions nod Debrecen:met. ea tauyht by Phrenoloty_ and PM.ainlo;T,at MUSICAL FUND HALL, THUESDAI ErEEINIO, Sept. fit'lth, and prufeaw:ovvyl Opinions and advice Pltity it bin ToOtni Fur particulate 0e Mound a:w.p.m.!' the day. 02-oy, A __ JIERICAN SAYING FUND - CO\IPA NI"S BUILDING'S. E. earner of WA!..NTT Rea a F 017 RT II afroets,-0 n daily, front a till 8 o elect:. :pad on Ala:l,lv 4.11 3 in t l e eeentor. Tilif old instiTutic. 1 1 1 3 rate PA Id in its on deunts.f. rat hoot notice. INTER& l' VIVI:: to CERT. All grunt lend tack on donaand. in Gold or Silver. ALVIAIDLItTRI'ST RES : WITILLM V. PP:Aiding. f.l.vizt. EL Wont, Vice Pren , eet. John C. Fort.. TE. Harper, Ge.ree Nwel o . Lout. A. Godey. Thos. Sergeant. Alta. C. Roberta-. John P. SunOS, JOILLIS ftowntan. H. If. Eldndse. Joe rd. .101 IN C. ards, Sec. Wu:. J. F. WitooN., Trtair. ne-61 if ,E H. Marshal, NOTIUE.--Whereas a certificate of Ten kthares of the Stock of the Philadelphia. German town, 8 Norristown Railroad Company dated aprd 2, 1.•69, and nu mhere.13.222, in the name of 'WA!. A. RarNi„ and mailed has never come to hard. te herebt to en that application will to 'nada to she Itoaril of said Company for a new certificate. and nil persons are called noon toshcw cause whs cerus• rate should not be Issued. A. T. CHPR. M-a°tA• 2.16 GOLP Street. $ I r, FOlt A PULL cousTlNG.iiousk: Course—Bootkw v . tn.lek Tta , hl mot, .t,s. TWINING'S IH ' ERCANTILIJ.I.N.,TI 112TE. N. E. corner NlNril aad GARDEN 4treats. c‘S.-.C41.• TO THE VARIETY TRADE.—HORACE U. DAY._ lion. and LI STRAWBERRY Street. receirtaz fresh import:Wore of SIR. and Cotton t•I'VOIC Cards and tiarrimr Webbtaa, assorted NVEet Sod rotr ors.ed. to 'a !doh the attention of the Jot..ne Trade 1 s inl deeSt. BER.TRAM'S lIAIR DYE.—This supe rior Hair Dve tsayidied. and for sale, whoNo.s to and retail. at 114 North NINTH Street. ITENETIAN 'BLINDS—To give satisfac streetiiniztt p i tOAWCIt GER 1 4.13 North T ELPT tutu done up equal to new. • GENT[. 'N W ` 'NIES WOULD DO ELL BY talltna DILFS & KENSIL.II2 NINTH St., above Cherry. and hare their old Garments made to ioo equal to new, DJ cleansing or dyeing and re va,ring, ooh-21• LNED PAINTS. of any Tint desired. at No. 31 North TWELFTH Ftreat. 08-6 t• BRADDOCK, NEW MONROE COUNTY BUCKWEAT FLOVII. 1 a It S. and 100 lb tare. lklrePt PotMr,* mil np for shkpMfli. W. P. H ENRY. 65' Martel Street. war Second. m•rth s dr. H AMS AND SHOULDERS. —1.;00 He=w CIVILIAN) MUIII &Zed Struraktere. dlOpieree ewe rer cured Huns, for ....le CC. SADLER .4 CO.. ARCH Street, second dOat 04,0 Irma.
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