=Mll====ll=!= Goners! C9Wsrehtion of the' Eplacopal • -.....,' ~ ". ".ohttrbli Or too tri. 8110.8111 f ,J , .- • ~, .t. J Tinily IrtY , • ..'i , The TrierinialCOntiention'or the Ordscopal Church Of the United Stateaconuneacedits sessiens' in Riot:mond, - To.. .on Wednesday. Climber eau et St. Paul's Church. Although the hone of Kerrie appointed for the com mencement or the eervieem, the throne began to gather -,, in. the &much before 8 , O'clock, Mid it wee with much , ..,- , difficulty that the Beats reserr,.d for the delegates were . , kept vaca n t - until theirtirrival. ily 10 b'elook every seat ',ln ;the home was, tilled, the satiation were densely hioneled, and many peremis, who haPptined to be the last in coming, were compelled to stand during the ex= Melees. ''' At 10 o'cloqk the Biahops entered from the vestry- Mm o, ebid in hill canonioele t ansk took their smite within ' the chancel . The followingn tips .. . lit. Rev. Win Meade, D.D., • Virginia. .. L 11.11opkins, R. D. Vermont. • • " B. B. laparte.l). v., tentneky. " Chas. P. Maremine. D. D.. D. O. le, Ohio. , , " J. H. they, D. D., Tennessee. " J. Kemper; D: D.. Wisconsin- .I - "; B..ile:MeCoskry. AD.. D. MU, Michigan. " L. Polk, D. D., Imuisiana. ' "W. H. Del New , rcey, D. D., LL. D., D. C.L., West " W, 11,"Aritirtglown, Maryland.; " B.Elhott, IL ll,,Geertia. I . ::A lfred t Leffi, D. D, l ,Delaware, , 1 Johns _iL D.. Virginia. " Manton Bouithurn, D. D., Massachusetts, , •' r " C. Chase, D. 11., New BaMpshire., ".:'N: H. Cootie, P.D., Atabame. r " C. a..llaWkn,P.D, MistioUri. . • " A. Potter,' D. u.. 1.1. D., Pennsylvdnia. " O. Hurgese.D.D., !dine. , . " G. liphold, D. D., indiaea. . :: • rcrkmzel, D A i g:g e..— " F. H. Reticule, .. D., Florida. " 34,teW Aliens& D. D. Conneetieut, "1. If. 'Whitehouee. D. ` D.. Minnie. ' ' " Thos.T.Devie,D. l l2, South Carolina. ..' " That, Atkinson. D. I)....„Nortti Caroline. - .7 ',.`... til, That. F. Scott. D. D., Oregun. • ' ' " -R. W . Lee. D. I).,lKsa. , : : l' ri. ? (Wi t tl P c ... 1 0 4 . t: Rhode a'7l.a. . ".5. wman D. D.','Peurtylvania. Re.Y. extender ' Gregg, Bishop elect, Texas. . . H. Odenheimer, D. D,.. Bishop alert, N. J. , 'r G. T. Bedell, D. D. Ass. Bishop sleet. Ohio. " H.B. Whipple, Batopeleet, Minnesota. " 1.. P. W. Balch, D. ~ Bee'y..House of Bishops. , rivritoDUCTOnT•eirlimore.• The introductory sermon keedelivered by Rt. Rev. Bishop Otey. of Tennessee. after the tumid morning senneebef the Emscoesi Chnrobi conducted by Rev. Messrs . Hines end tointard. of Tennessee. The text . selected was the leth verse of the 10th chapter of Mark': Welly I say unto you, whosoever shalt not receive the kingd om of God as a little °Mid, he shall not enter - therein. ' After the -close of the sertnou the Maly s o n s was administered to a lar_ge number of persons ,by Rt. Rev. Bishop Meade. el Virgenia,, assisted by other Bishops in attendance. After the conolusion o public worship the teatime . niabtof thole) who attendest as members elect of the House of Clerical lied Lay Deputies were received py Rev. M. A. Do Welts Howe, I) D., at Pewee, kerne. secretary of the lest Coevention% And d enied. The list was then toad. lifter which it.was deolnred that deputies were present from a metrity of the diocesee, as .required by Art. lof the Coat Hawn. • -' It was the resolved that the House proceed to the electron of A n President. • Rev. Milled Creighton. A D., of New York,^wrui nominated, anti the vote having been taken. he Ives unanimously elected. On taking the chair, the Prom ' dent acknowledged' the, honor Conferred in suitable , The House then proceeded to the choice of it Seers _ tery, end the Rev, M. A. Be Wolfe Howe, D. D.. of Pennsylvenia, - Penury and upanimoully elected. On InOtioliot,ecealnittee was appointed to wait on the 1-logs• of Bishops and inform them of the organization of this Ifonse. and its retelinesa to proceed to business. The Deputiesif Ord adop t ed last House of Clerical and i Lay were ea tee rules of this body. • On motion, a committee was appointed to examine and r _ e c t . u oitv,W lo .= '6 .l ,t ags •f ta7 i l ylre u n h alintinse ad - i.eirn, it adjpurn to, meet again to-morrow moraine at telt-pane o clock, and that the Rouse meet each minu tia at that or. and adjourn at S. Sea- motion pf Roe. Dr. Mead, of Conn., Resolved, hat the President atmeint, during ,the teem. of the none, the followmg ding opmmittees. to wit: On esEltate of, the Chu .."to epeeist, of pee member' from ils diocese* on the see rat Theological seminary ;on Domestic and Fo II Missionary Society loathe E t a nisei.= of New Di f ees; on the.Conseeration of spa; on Canons; on Expeneea on Unfinished Bum lta. o Tl3gi t ozA i ri n e e id i ti m t l hA s. Prayer Book, each of i motion of the • same, ordered, That• oleria men of Protestant Fauseopat opa l- Church ; ; clergymen or the 3d Churoh of En giaild and Ireland,also of the Reis- I Church of Scotland., and elerzymen of the C010 ...wh0 ...who ma be sojourning in thin oily; trustees. pro ..rssort,,,and a dente of the Central Th eological Seiril ;ftPlioilb4blgiVltigtiTtligflfgmloi:len IT' a r L i Vl7 q 2 Lintee of eria. and c hases - Lay D eputies , r Iso.:kc. l , ...Ad mitted to the sit eß o n ne. ' ' . ..- On motion of Dr. Vinton, of R aw York, the Bishop of • Nova Scotia, who - wympresent, wee invited to attend • the sittings of the Conventhm. and to take a Coat bytes . .Prosident. - .• , _ • , - . ~ ..--e.),1 1. , •trotter{ or 'stoners: 1 ' 'A messes, Was received from the Rouse of Bitiliiribt.tir 'the effect. that they had organized by electing Rev. — L.tP.,W. Baleh, D.D.3 pf Md.. Secretary, and 'were ' read_y to proceed to„,NUeneee. Re. Rev. Wm. Meade, 13. - D., et Fa,. Meter Bishop, presides in this body. 1 4 ohop Propel). oy Cana., who ?resided over the last ' f ll l 4lll)?* bri;l l e s ef t lVrtg ' suggill litel. the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies isdjourned until 'Thursday , morning at halt - pant rime o cloak. • The I:lent:al delegates from Felinsylveniaandadjarient • States aye as follows; ,' • ' ' - New Jersey—Rees. Ilf. Mahan, D. D., A. Stubbs, D. p - .C. fagt i . y A. 11.‘Vintrin. D. D.. Wm. B. ...aeries, .14,11/..„A. , .De Wolfs Bowe, D.A., J. P. B. winner;D. : • .... . , Delaware—Revs. Chutes Brack, B. Franklin, J. F. Oraminar:B:ll.Blftek. Meryland—Revs. W. B. Wyatt, D. D.. A. C. Coxe , D. D., W. Pinkney. D. D., 11., M. blaaoritpt D. THE CO,TYRT S. 1111===1 ,IRepotted fox The Press.] • - ElreltiOns—Judgelow...,---The ease 4 .ottlyis'OMainakeirialth e .Ire 9 , 1 1 2 , , charged itiont thettme °fet „e. it %%impel. tfovoeter ker.,Vitreiteiirrt ° we t s lyres a te n d aboulls year sin n c r a! Altri,Ainders pleadanilty le the, lar • '• ter Verret- latdSALMMl46l4th;the ProPette of Prednt iM4einY Pf copY of a ha en ell= t A r ettf the ItTeWrilw o nn iterikeltendb 3 l4!!?' Vticharl Carman was convicted of assaulting his wife. • In this - owns there waa,the-aseal atory—a wife:and five , • c h i ld ren, a iininken husband who neglects hie, children - and Nate Ma wife. „ , - „ Otto Millerandjo_hn.Bandera Ware denYlP.r. At leetif.Pfts Platte of Pan, the Property el 17 e ery 17" Johri rinser ldliAltiar wijpit on his trial Pliarge of sessulting Meer MeClees. Verdict guilty. • • • .- Ifenry.petersoppae . _sentenced to four months in the • impiety Miaow. Michael Keenantras sentenced to six months in the ohn err alas s entsented to three menthe. Richard Carman was entenced to four months. Thin - • .'.ilefendant totaled his familyjn the most shameful man net. skid ledge Ludliyweavelmn swell-deserved rebuke - for Ins unmanly behavior: , We confess that we admire the course of Judge Ludlow, in hits remarks to prisoners before naming sentence: 'as they always spank the ,yromptutga of a good heark. ; ,JohlbleAllister was sentenaid Man imprisonment of j ji t iZe John' itIT, was sentenced to five months in the county prison. r - Elizabeth Seed' was sentenced to seven months. - , • Benjamin Pryor was sentenced to an imprisonment of nine Months in the county prison. William Berryman was sentenced to an imprisonment - of six weeks. to date from the 15th of September last. - , Peter Dye was sentenced to ani ,rliprisoinneet of thirty This In online. at 10 pieta*, Judge Ludlow will deliver his opinion in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Jean = dello, in which the Sundayrailway question is Involved. A dear and vigorous exposition of the law on • the sub - jeot may be anticipated. . • VIIITRD STATES DISTRICrCOUTIVrjUage Grier. The case of Ylattin vs. the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company is still on trial. - DISTRICT COURT—judge Sharewood. —.ln the cue of Lounebury vs. BastadOk,Ahe•jury rendered a verdict for defendant, ' , Commonwealth, to the tint of George L.' 'Richardson ' „and others..ll. George Magee. This Is an action to re conver damages for making a false return to a writ. , Jim Lamle to the Court of quarter Semitone will be re ' lumen on Monday morning. To-day will be occupied Intim transaction of miseellaneous business. We are • xyatified to observe that Mr. Bereuird Sharkey has.en- Lrely recovered Ins health, and is now able to perform with accustomed ability the duties of court clerk. Mr. Philip S. Lutz, whooeenpied the post during the eh- Reactor. Mr.l3harkey.' discharged its onerous and re aponsible duties in a manner that reflected upon him the highest credit, and gained for him the appmention ofall who were brought In contact with fdin. Hie courtesy andeffesieney are certainly entitled to public commen dation. In our relent of Wednetulay's proceedings in court, • -we are bummed that-we were in error in Meting that Reb't J. Deng ns had repeatedly asked for a continuance of h i s case. -It seems that the 7th day of September last had some weeks prior been fixed for the trial; and Butt the defendant, who wits in court with his witnesses, wan ready and anxious to proceed; but that the case was not called by the Commonwealth. The prosecution was remetentedby David Paul Brown. Eaq., who 'had been counsel against Douglas in the Mitchel ( case. in which • Dodging obtained a verdict for over 88 oeo in his favor. Aniithe postponement was at his request, a wise t M les On Tuesday of last Week the ease for the first time; called for trial, when Mr:. Denton, e defendant's counsel Meted' he was informed the de fendant was too unwell to proceed with the ease, and that one of his most important witnesses, who had linen • in attendance at court et the time previously fixed. for , the tnal by the Commonwealth, we/ then absent from the Smte and would not return for about three weeks. ein officer who was gent by the court to ascertain the - - facts r epotted that the defe'ndant wan sick in bed. The court teen. en application of defendant's counsel, con _ • - tinned the case until- the present - term:-This wan the • ;fitattfertethe defendant. over applied to , court for ring -1100 whatever in the case. Wi thin day or two after, ' the prosecution, without consultation with defendant Jr counsel, and with a full knowledge of the fact that the Mutant leanest would not lie, leek for at least two weeks. gave notice that the case would again be called on -• the following Wednesday. On that day Oast Vi'edues '* "dayl. when these facts were stated to the court "and p roem( of the absence or on Witness we* mute. the coart a t o ol-settram once. Postponed the case to allow time r the defendant's wijeese; to return,' notwith _ - stun log- the violent opposition of Mr. Breve. The • Commonwrielth, unlees it dewed to force a defendant ' to trial for the purpose of convicting him, guilty or in doeentighould not have called the ease again until the . time had elapsed during which the witness was expected to be absent, A prakerute ox for an alleged public. or , -fence should net degenerate into a per:waitron. or be wed as a mere instrument to gratify private malice. We cheerfully make this correction, in justice to Mr. I)ouslas. as we have reason to believe lie has been a • much -abused and persecuted Man, Weekly - Review; OT - 'tile Philadelphia Markets. (Reported for The Press.) , „ "PititansirniA, October 7,1869. The Produce machete have been only moderately ac tive this week, and 'without much change to note in auotetions, except for Brendstuds, which, owing to the light supplies coming forwent, have further 'advanced. but he demand iseuite moderate. Bark is rather lower. Coal is in better demand, but prises are steady. Coffee and Sugar are in active request at full rates, and Mo lasses nitwits a little more attention. Cotton in dultand prices irregular. )nsh are firmly held. Rides no change. 'The Iron market is -Mini, with a good inquiry for most kinds. Lead is steady., Leather—Prime is scarce and wanted: Limber Continues dull. In Naval Stores and Oils there is a steady business doing, but without mach change in prices.. 'Plaster be steady. Provisions have en upward tendenby. Rice is dull. Salt is arriving and atinittB l o B l 4 . fleedkiNew Otokenseed is in fair demand. Tobacco dull. Wool is held with more firmness. , Whig key niolre active end on the advance There Is net Much doing in Dry Goods, except through the nest trade job tirufset, who are sellinrquite freely,• rind the prices of all Maple fabrics are firmly maintained, Boots And Shoes-are more active,-and for most kinds trade has been very good, and prities,without any - material change; the manufacturers in thig branch are not doing moll as .... - f•2'Thri'Breadetuffi -market has peen- without ranch nal. "of to note this week., bat p reel ere firmer ; sales of Flour, hdwever, only reach shout 0000 bble, in lots. nt 85 for superfine, $5 371iii6.40 -ir extras, and s Gem 110,0 gip. fix for extra family and . Fa ncy lots, according to : Sality,tncluding Some lois on termshe marketept private. The receipts and 'stooks continue 'light. a ddmarket at the dose is taliet• bat. Father better, wit a fair, born deMatid to note. within the above range qi pnees, and - Premium tontine at higher nctini. ;Rye Flair ioarce - ebd on 'the advanett,-With email receipts, end sales at bbl. Corn 'Meal In also better. and all Pennsylvania Meal oWOYed sold 5t.15.75 bbl. Thefollowintrare the inspection* of Flour and Meal fur theireerending. Thursday, October 6; leollt Half Bartels of.finperfine-- • • la ' ;13,086 '34dditniss . , 02 Com : • 140 • .... 20 - , , -- . ~,, . 1: ._ Total,— —'4,..4 V .'1.''....,... . '.. .. .. ...... . . ... ' 13,911 • ) 9 ;,, . .! gutx,-,1 itirtidOillts:6l-Whfintadniinun light and ~ Pnvesstet i r, A ti4Vhsseiseith miles of - 26,000 bus re nn ,-,. ~-ofrlitif to it t f d Od h s4 ll,6 .ittror bu. for ,comnlon t ru .q? ,„.fr, - ,411, 4 4-I.4olVpregb . : ,v al t # ll ,- i lt i rol - _f9 i tregn* Vnnin. a Com ' l :'' ' -; t t,' '' . b'ui l" ;r l l 1 141 I W q h 4 1 047111 9**-4 1 d I' - ' l7 '. : -Y.: - -MO's.' iiv iveett'idtoodlegiunir t ' n l iv: '.._i',-41 - iii i_41; 0 4/ C4r0.f.:2400; bi4C K BPET&eir, ..I**. tilakla 0 . 1 ( 410_4 - Onkitylvati , 0 • dee I nAk C, , ..,-: l ,44 ' PtAlk-Rl f ,. , 1 , /15. ? 64 .' ,- 2 - EltolltaioNti.LThe, steelier rtkr- tal; hiettat'efit -, roses• :-,_:/„.t tnito wn,ped.,szy i di gm nutrket-ht prteel.aesigek the au ,A , ,-IxAlsr.a - rtflial• lunited • denutelk theSesselhsit in Tote V ~f r,,, f .i:4' lll r 5 t bitar:,4,731.710,441.1 , 1 8 .,,, , 7. ` f ^'r"- ,t , - %E... ~.. ~,i„,... 1 1 17 .0di at ntS/Sii 4 ‘...412' - ..„,;55. - 4 ,. 61-LNllVltuk...loMteipi I,l4idegriandll ' , Olittdßid_meglielghsottfpOlat ~,,,--, '-_- , At e olgtoltTete, and 9)es , rot'aid64-..naw. came. Lard is firm, with salmi of 400 bbla and Its at 11.40113fe, and 500 kegs at 120, oash. Butter nontinues ; sales of solid-packed at 11110120. and roll at 123, 0150 4p' lb. Cheese ranges from 934010 e, and Eggs at 160170 itY dozen., METALS.—The market is bare of Pig Iron,andthere is, Eigimil inquiry for most lands at fully former rates; sales of I,olls lona Anthracite aro reported at 823.500=50 tog for N05..1 and 2, six months, and3oo tone Forge at $2l, on time. Of Scotch Pig, sales are reported at $21,50, on tune., 'Charcoal Blooms yange from 862 to $6547 ton, six Months Gahm a Railroad Bar e have the latter for Street Balla T hee lio n ra m il a ls d a e r n e t wtt e lfrir ° orders. Lead—Very little ill first hands ; the last salon of Galena and Virginia were or, $O.BO thpodrert the, equal to cOeil. Copper is dull 'a sale al. 'heats yellow Metal was made at 200, six; months. in is firm sod unchanged. BARK.--Queroltron 'slower. and small sales of No. 1 have been made at $2B IF ton. Tanners' Bark is un changed, with further sales of Chestnut stsll, and Spa . . (alga cord, n B ES At —Prime rllow HI held at 390400 41 0 and name t.buyers general y offer leas. COAL. , —Orders are more plenty, Trade, however, in dull for 'tho season. and mums range at 63.1503.25 for White ash, and 543.3503.50_1F ton for red ash Soliuslkili, On board at Richmond.' Pio sales of Bituminous Coal. COTTON.—'plants came forward slowly, And pur chase only to 'supple their s lmmediate wants, and prices are rather lower. The sale for the week comprise some AO bales, a 0 from 916 for low up to 1214 a 47 cash ter middling' fair uplands, and 10.1i0131i0 east' for Gulfs. The crop movement ma as follows: 1859. , 11168. 1857. 1856. Rea. tit Ports..... 166.000 114,000 52,000 121,000 Ex. to 0. Britain. 620199 31.600 16,000 12 001 " France..... 15.000 11.060. 12 OM `other F Porta.. 9,000 4.000 1 . .000 ' 6,000 Total exports.... 72,000 46.000 19,010 ' 29,N10 Steak on hand.... 190 X 14310 62 000 122,000 Ofwhich during the past week, included in the above: Ree.at P0rt5....,. 66,000 59.000 31.000 MAXI Ex. to G. Britain, 18 000 11,000 10,000 4,000 Franci5.....5,000 9,000 6,000 " other.F. Ports 3.000 3,04 . •Tr; tal ex papa 23.0(10 23,000 10,000 10.000 CANDL S.—Adamantinere are in steady quest, with farther ea es of LINO boxes city manufactured, ranging - from in to Ma six months, as to quality. No change in Sperm or Tallow Candles. cries F orp,e6 —The T fair a t itigi74nrett; ,afnol common to prima quality; someLagnayra at 12 zo, and 150 bars St. Domingo at 10./.0. all on time. DRUGS AND DYES are inactive among the sales are soma Opium at $6, Soda Ash at 2,X0270, Borax at 1901. e. Carbonate of Ammonia at 15e, Cutoh at 70, and Indigo at 51.4501.60 for Bengal, all on time. FEATHERS are dull: prices of Western range from 48 to Me 4fr lb, as in quality. FISH. he receiptaand steoksof Mackerel are light; 'the demand. however. is mostly confined to store lots at 81630 for is. 814.50 for Is. and 89.50 for .33 the last sales --frem the wharf were at $l6 for ls, $l4 for Is, and 89 for 3a. Pickled Herring are selling as wanted at 4303.50 • 250 bbls Eastport mold at $3.26, and =bids Labrador al 84.26 'MI. ic i ng a t boxes smoked on private terms. Codfish are sat $4 100 tbs. FRUlT.—Foreign to scarce, and Felling in a small way, from store, at steady prices. The advice. from abroad state that the Raisin crop will be large. Green Apples aro in fair supply, and range from 81.2503 60as in quality. Jersey Cranberries are worth $lOOl2 I tild. Penehea are over. In pried Peaohes no transactions have transpired to fix prices. Dried Apples are held at flo I lb. and dull.. F EIGHTS continuo dull, and there is nothing offer ing for Liverpool. To Loudon we quote at 201622 s 6d ton for heavy goods. West India Freights are as last quoted. The Boston packets are getting 220 for flour.ao for gran:L..4o9o for measurement goods, and ' 81.64' ton forpit iron. Coal Freights are better, ranging at 81.4501.50 to Boston • 81 25 to Rhode and 900950 to New York, from Port Richmond, GINSENG.—There is no demanil for either Crude or Clarified. and prices are nearly nominal, GUANO.—The inquiry is limited. with further salsa of Sombrero at $3O, Peruvian at 856082. and Super ' Phosnhate of Lime at 836045 4F ton, as to lots. HEMP.—Nothing doing in either foreign ordomoetic, and no changes to note. HIDES continue dull. buyers and sellers being apart In their views; a small lot of salted African sold on 'private terms, and IX Caracas dry at about 240, on tiP il e 6l l B are firmer, and new are held at 150160, as in ni rfi t /TllER.—There is moderate inquiry for prime Spanish Sole atul 13Iau,ghter, but other kinds are neglect ed, and prices abouttlie same. LUMBER is maetivA; sales of allow Sap Boards are reported at gll. Carolina Flooring at 818020. Spruce 813. and Joist i1gt3.50. La range from 81$0 00 $1.79 4p H. Staves Hoop . Poles. and Hubs are not wanted. MOLASSES is in totter demand, with sales of Cuba at 22025 e. and some New Orleans at 400, all on time. 11AVAL STORES are quiet. In Rosin we notice sales of N 0.2 at 81.79,4 mos, common at ' 81.5501.60, and 400 bbls Nos. gel at 4.12e3 Ifs bid. Tar is .scree ; holdersask $3 forWilmusgton. Pitch is nuoted at 82. Spirits of Turpentine meets a steady inquiry, and prices are firm at 4734048.1fe4P' • OlLS.—Sparta and Whale are firm, but the sales have been limited. Linseed Oil is selling at 640660. in casks and bbl., chiefly at the former rate. Lard Oil is more inquired 'after, and 300 bids, mostly winter; sold at 840 920, on time. Imports pf Oil and Bone into the United States for the week ending Ootober 3 Sperm. ' Whale. Bone. ~ New Bedford. .... 2,166 2,929 17,900 , 60 'Orleans—. 300 300 • - 'Total 2,566 3,210 17,900 PLANTER is steady, noun cargo of wift sold at $2.76 41 1 ' ton. ItlCE.—The stock is light, and moirtlYof inferior qua - ; sales include fL few small lots only at N 3.2504, on time the latter for prime.. .13ALT.—There morn doing, and all the recent ar rivals. about 15,000 smoke, have been taken at full prices. SEEDS.—There is a steady demand for new Clover seed. which is coining forward slowly; sales of 500 bus are rorted at 852505.75 for inferior andpnme - Timothy is dull, and ranges from $2.2502.50 $e bus. Pbuseed.,is in gently demand, with further sales or domestic 41 6601 60 ae,r bus. SUGAR.—There has been a fair inquirv.and prices ar,i firm. with sales of 800 bhds Cuba at 5t606160 ; 100 'ldols New Orleans at 64 - 07.44 e; 200 boxes Cuba at Ca 0.1.(e. and 1.500 bags Brazil at 6360, on time. SPlRlTS.—Foreign is firm but quiet. New England Rum sells at 360330. Whiskey—the demand is better; salesof Ohio bbls at 21.0118hc0. Penna. do at 3236027140 fluids at 26.140. and drudge at 25360100, °losing at the lat ter fieures. whitth is an advance. TALLOW is unchanged. City rendered Is held at lle , 1; 1 ' PEAS are firm at the late advance, with a fair bush nrit .doing Lea and manufactured meet with a limited emand at former quotations. COL.—The receipts and stooks are light, the ten deney of prices being upwards. which operates unfavo rably on business. and the market has ruled' quiet. with •sales in lets at price' ranging from 40 to 650 for common . to fina fleece. IMPORTATIONS. (Re potted for The rnmull RlCHMOND—State'ship Virginia, Ken y-,31 bosons , twee tobacco Wardle &, Stevenson ; Tel tom 2es do Ater car & Antelo;__3s bag 12 cs do Dolma & Taitt; 10 tqs 42 ea d , Bucknor, McCamnion & Co; *tie 63 pe 04 ham; do Mit* Webster, .1).; 0 Weirder) 13ereer & Marker; 6 do . tit &Co; rolls leaflet 3 bags leathern use rjr....TArd; .50.btda tar Cochran & ris nes rein na tntrffekk z , , attPrt a tallr bbla brand) , John Gibson, Son & 43 empty eaa Whiaseer. Collins & Cott° do Thiele & Wolfe; 76 do Gaul; 20 bales eatonl2o t erga Mate varlona corenatzt oo bI.EWBERbI. 4chr../tideperutence. 1-376 Ws W401115M./..'171"."014108.. emPtkags bran lc e rSL E r f o r i piiA BOARD OF TRADE. JOHMBBARII.rft t i qO.IIMITTNI 07 TUN MONTH. ,IMML, J. REEVES. , „ LETTER BAG - A shipa grE rt. E . ENs k. i flta nwia ti n T 4 l: . !XClJANOl3, PIIIILADELtnrk. Bark 0 E Unlinghes ' '''''''''''''''''''''' soon 'Bark A zelia,Power ”• • • •• • bliand Home jeirre , •• —Earn am boon, soon Erg Ins Margo '' London, goon ,Bohr W L ElDringS;E•u'iic•raWs3 •••Bagun la Grande, soon 1144111101, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF pHILADELPIILi, Oct. S, 1869. RUM.— —.-0 201811 N SETS —..—. a 40 men WATER.— —.lt 43 ' ARRIVED. Steamship Virginia, Kelly from Richmond via Nor folk, 20 hours, with mdse andiasseniters to Trios Web ster, Jr- Bib lest, off Cape enloron, passed ship Phi- Dladephia, hence for Molnle: also a bark and a brig oil Delaware Breakwater, bound up, and a brig at anchor inside the Breakwater. Steamship .Dos p i n, Bellew, 20 hours from New York, with mdse and p sensors to I Allderdice. ragged be low the Brandy, no Light, bark White Wing and brig Thai Walter. • • • Bohr Mantua, Maxon, 2 dare from Frederica, Del, with grain to Jae Barratt & Son. Bohr Edgar,Wr• ilmsley, 2 days from Georgetown, with L wheat to Jae Bewley & Co. Bohr Cafoline, Smith, I day from Delaware City, with oats to J.L Bewley & Co. Bahr John C Henry. Martin, 2 days from Laiirel, Del, with lumber to Norcross & Sheets. Bohr B M Bhaddiok, Williams,4 days from Middle town, Connowith stone to Thos Mansfield. • Schrlndependeneo Hall. 40 (lava from Newborn, NC, with naval shires to Cochran & Russell. Bohr Win Henry. Kempen, 10 days from Richmond, with shorts, &a. to T 13 Lancaster. palm John A !laggard, Laws, Iday from Milford, Del, with bark to Richardson & Overman. Behr-1 Frain lies, Homers, from Boston. Bohr Lamartine. Johnson. from Boston. Bchr E C Dennison. Bouthworth, from Boston. Bohr W M Marcy, Buck, from Boston. CLEARED, Steamship Virginia, Kelly, Richmond. dco,Thos Web- ster. Jr. Bark Orival, Crockett, N Orleans, D S Stetson & Co. Brig Ashby, Dodge Port au Spain. T Wattson & Son.. Brix Martha Washington, Anderson, Portland, L Au donned & Co, • Behr a Crandall, Megathlin, Charleston. Pettit, Mar ty' Es Co. - Be lir H M Mayo, Ward, Charleston, SC, R It Corson & Co. Bahr 8 ?d Shaddlek. Williams, Hartford, Repplier & Brother. Behr J Pomba'', Boman', Boston, Baum, O g le & Co. Behr E C Dennison, Bouthworth, Deep River, B Milan & Co. Bohr Lamartino, Johnson, Cambridge, L Audenned & Co. Bohr Clara. Fenton, Bridgeport, - (In Behr Joanna, Hand, Norwalk, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. Behr Kate Kollahan,Kallaban. Riehmond, ,10 - Bohr W P Rohm, Itoso,_Washington, do Behr N Tyler, Fenton, Baltimore,.do Rohr Cerro Donlon, Irons, Deep River, captain. - Steamer R Willing, Claypool, Baltimoro, A Groves, Jr. C°Tru fiV e ll i fi e ß r E T (PlM 6 Pr i ,..!..t 7,1E1e9. The Wyoming loft here this morning with a boats in tow, laden and °metalled as follows: John Platt. lumber to Atalone & Taylor; Thee Craig, An to John Craig; F P Bruner, do to Al Tnunp & Bony 3 P Pinion do to Henry Croukey; Simon Cameron Col ling. pig iron to Stewart & Peterson; Highland Homo, F L T, and Charles, coal to Delaware City. /Correspondence of The l' yeas.) READING, Oot. e. The following boats Dorn the Union Canal passed into the dolmylkill Canal to-day, taint! to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Orion. liltuminows coal to H N Burroughs; Barbara. brinks to J Alalsbergen Major .1 Lando', grain to Budd & Comfy; Pike's Peak. iron ore to E & G Brook; Sea Pomo, lumber to Malone & Taylor Arkansas Travel ler, latuunnong coal to Mr Caldwell; John H Deyslier, lumber to ,1 It Deysher. (Correspondence or the Yhiindel his Exchange./ LHWEH. Del, Oot.P. The OS steamer Wyoming went to sea net evening. There has been but little shipping at the harbor since my last. Ono brig and two ears passed out this morn tug. Nothing at the harbor. Wind strong from WNW. Yours, WM. M. HICKMAN. ' MEMORANDA. , Steamship Citp of New York, Howes, hence, arrived at Boston Bth inst. Bark Hamilton, Burns, remained at Havana 25th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Maya Wheeler, Wheeler, henoo, arrived at Re lent 4th inst. Brig B Young, Eaton, at Salem sth inst. from Dela wtrrts9Rnsier, Penilleten, front Boston for Philadel phia, at Holmes' Hole sth inst. K.2llTlVAPeotrraLlT9tTsk"°, NB, for P h i- Schr Looser, Snow, from Boston, arrived at Balti more mil inst. Bohr Mercy Taylor, Nickerson, cleared at Boston 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Al AS Nash, hence, arrived at Thomaston 3d net. Bohm 8 Wheeler, McLaughlin, D J Sawyer Tab but. sod W A Hammond, Cain, hence, arrived at italern ' 4th inst. • Rohr Flyaway, Davis, sailed from New Bedford 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohm Salmon Waiebburn, Thrasher, and R 8 Donn, Cook, sailed from Taunton 4th inst. for Philadelphia. &Mrs Richard Borden. Arnold. from Fall River for Philadelphia, and C A Stetson, Cobb, from Province townJor do. at Newport 3d Mat, and remained a A M sth. E i te n ll i. Montere i y, Nichols, sailed from Warren sth lust. for D elaware ilenion, Taylor, at Bristol 6th inst. from Delaware City. Bohm goo 17ides, Nickerson. and Arletta, Robinson. 'from PrOvidence for Philadelphia, were in Dutch Island It A r cliTtAi i e n tuiders, Gale, hence, arrived at Provi denim sth inst. 4ohrs U & T Cramer. Huntley, and Casper Heft, Shoo, sailed from Providence sth inst. for Philadelphia. _HOLMES' HOLtl, Oct 4: - Ar. ochre Mary Patterson, Own Philadelphia or Portsmouth; Fly, do for Nantuck et; Robbie W DII on, Isabella Thompson. Francis Ed ward), Eliza Williams, Jonathan May , John Oadwala der. Is Andentied, and Daniel 8 Mershon. Boston for PhibideldhiALEvergladecF-aton, Eastport for Philadel phia; Sallie T Chartre. Chartre, Saugus for do ; Halo, 'Newman; and Susan Brat, Joss , fiewbury port for do; A fd Aldridge, Bateman, Beverly for do; Starlight York, POrtlandfordo; quickstep, Richardson. Salem for do: Ann Turner, Arras, Lynn for do. flailed, schwa George Edward, William A Hammond, L titurtevant, Carolife, Adrianna, Golden Gate, Ade laide. B 8 Johnson. 'X Stonelmok, II A Weeks, Mary Patterson, Isabella T iompson, Charles William. eth,B A hl—Calin, Arab fog. Nothing sailed. `LADIES lIATk- BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI BETTS, An.d cURLS, .maputsetured in the very Iseet and newest pans styles, and of which we ocmotaMlY keen.ekvery large assortment on hand. sold wholesale And letad, at the !mime pomible poem. Orders from stl Darts et the country MAß solicited, and promptly itueodw 1 - 41..t.b , rlew. euperior to any in UllO. _.aMn:2lm* M. Nino! tr, N.. 12 TENTH Bt., Bet Ween Market and Oheetnot. yeKINEO 'SVGAR;-500 barrels various 06(104,110 billy arugd tlat, pLargl rafra kffikr by " 'Am"' ° Wriu suite, , NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE RUSH IS UOMINGi THE LONG 'EXPECTED HAS COME AT LAST! THE'NUMBER OF THE • NEW YORK WEEKLY, WHICH WILL BE READY ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, I=l AIL OVER THE UNITED STATES AND THE CANA DAS ! WILL CONTAIN THE FIRST CHAPTERS MRS. HOLMES' NEW STORY, IMEED:I3 MARIAN GREY; THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE ITALIA it im with the greatest, pleasure that the publishera lay before their numerous and apprematire readers THIS, THE LAST AND BEST EFFORT BRILLIANT AND POPULAR AUTHORESS, MRS. MARY J. HOLMES; HER EXCLUSIVE OAUORS FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, SURPASS ALL RER FORMER PRODUCTIONS Which have won for her such an enviable fame in the World of Letters. The publishers have not been disappointed in perusing the first chapters of MARIAN GREY. They are whnt their knowledge of the abilities of the authoress led them to expect of the water of " Lena Rivers," " Tempest and Sunshine." " Maggie Miller," " Dora Deane," " Cousin Maude," " English Or phans," " Homestead on the Hillside." " Meadow Brook ; or, Rosa Lee," " Rosamond ; or the Youthful Error," and numerous other works of rare merit, and almost unbounded popularity. Had she never written aught but these opening chapters, they would stamp her as one of the very best novelists of the age. They are certain that MARIAN GREY Will eland at the head of all that has gone before, from the pen of the fair and gilled authoress, and will take the front rank among the romances of the day. THE ORDERS FOR TMS STORY HAVE BEEN ALMOST OVERWHELMING AND THE CRY 18 STILL THEY COME! The publishers have been Obliged to greatly extend their facilities for publication, and to put their edition, containing the beginning of the new story, to press several days earlier than usual, in order to be prepared to meet the UNPRECEDENTED DEMAND But they are satisfied that a STILL FURTHER EXTENSION of their facilities IV= BE FORCED UPON THEM INCREASED DEMAND That will follow the appearance of the first chapters o MARIAN GREY. The exeltement everywhere i■ WITHOUT A PA RALLEL in the history of newspaper literature. OREAT AS BAB BEEN THE BUCCEES of the publishers, they have no hesitation in saying the their engagement of MRS. HOLMES is the OREATEST SUOMI OF ALL As a story paper and family journal, THE NEW YORKWEEKLY STAND' AT THY ii6AD OF ALL VIA COTEMPORARIES , AND 4 ITS CIRCULATION WILL SHORTLY BE BUONO to NO PAWLS roßi.telq.D 114 TRic WORLD. , To their boat of readers they extend their IMMO' friendship and congratulations, knowing that they wil he extremely gratified with the perusal of M.BIiIAN GREY; THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE HALL, READY ON THURSDAY, OCT. orrr oar PRICE FOUR CENTS PER COPT.MO ociII&SIVR A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK. JUST PUBLISHED: THE PURITANS THE CHURCH, COURT, AND PARLIAMENT OP EpLAND DURING THE REIGNS Or EDWARD SIXTH AND ELIZABETH. BY SAMUEL HOPKINS. ...... Vol.!. e 2.60. Royal eve. The Puritans have at last found a historian adequate for life work. Mr. Hopkins unites thoroughness of re :march to a style of singular fascination; and his dra matic narrative and life-like portraitures of the preach ers, courtiers, and popular leaders of one of the most it.nng periods of gunilult Muter)" will &gout& & multi tude of admiring renders. The book his all the charm of a romance, while developing with great clearness and force tire origin and growth of Puritanism. "It will be a most valuable as It is a needed. addition to the history of the great Puritan movement in Eng land. which is so vitally connected with the religious and civil hirory of our now country. No work on the subject brings out to faithfully the causes and bearings of those groat events; and they are depicted in such lucid and rraphio order its to interest readers of all classes."—Hxxny D. Satin!, 1). D., Union Theol. Seminary, N. Y. " requrnity Judg n m u netthie wo bli k hemd, m a wide t ci e u ua t i o e ; mid. when completed, will furnish, I doubt not, the most vivid and valu able representation of the early Puritans In out , language. , —ALvait Hove, D. D., Newton Theol. Seminary. Mr. Hopkins has brought to his work the spirit of high appreciation ,3f candor, and of consoientiousness. He ban been 'patient of that laborious research andkeen scrutiny of popular views and accepted relations which alone can discover and rectify any current errors. As his work is one of the fruits made possible for us by the zeal with which annals of times past have bruin re corded In various places so its faithful digestion or all existing materials will largely help to the writing of General History fur the t me to Caine. I can speak most heartily of the work, and commend it earnestly to public patronage. Dugan H. Ellis, D. D. GOULD rk LINCOLN, 69 WASHINGTON St., Boston. THE MORE WE USE IT THE BETTER WE LIKE IT." Bush is the universal testimony borne to the nubile ens by all who have tried 0 R. I 0 I. A; A New and Complete Hymn and Tune Book for Benda Schools, BY WILLIAM B. BRADBURY. The popular author of "The Sabbath Hohool Choir," Babbath Sellout Melodies," and other Juvenile 11Iusio Books: ohm, author of "The Bhawm,'; " Jubilee," eto. BRADBURY'VORIOLA Contains one. rd more matter than any of his former Booke at the name Orion, and in really cheaper than any book before the nubile. 2.60 pages, ninth Mr" It in full of Goma" RESP - Superintandents and all interested in Sunday Schoola should give it an early examination, It con tains some 200 lanes, one-fourth of which were never before published, and over 300 choice Hymns. For side everywhere. Sent by mail for 12 letter stamps. E. H. BUTLER & CO., Pumassr.ns, 137 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, oci-tulh&o1 PHILADELPHIA, •• (:, 11 E S S=o li E S'S ! COMPLETED AT LAST! • TILE BOOK OF THE FIRST AMERICAN CHESS CONGRESS. Containing the proceedings of that celebrated assem blage, held in New York, In the year 1887, with the papers rend in its sessions, the games played in the (hand Tournament, and the stratagems entered in the Problem Tourney, together with sketches of the History of Chose in the Old and Now Worlds. By Daniel Wil lard Flake, at. A., Official Secretary of the Congress. Editor of the Chess Monthly, &c. Adorned with a magnificent unpublished stratagem by. Mr. Euoreart B. Coox, In sixty-eight moves, en graved and printed in colors. One large 12mo. volume, 663 pp. Muslin, elegant, price $1 ao, Also, now ready THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OF - ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. With an introduction from the pen of BAYARD TAYLOR, Esq. With a new steel portrait. engraved expressly for this work - front an Original photograph in the possession of Mr. Bayard Taylor. One large Igino. volume, 496 pages. Muslin, price al M. A new and popular life of this distinguished traveller and author, from original and authentic, sources, com prising his Li fe. Travels, and Scientific labors, together with sketches of his teaohers and oolaborers, An agree able, entertainining Either of these 1300/ES will be sent by mad, PosTAOE PRIM, to any part of the United States, reoeipt of the price. by sg-thiketf RUDD CARLETON, Publishers and Booksellers, ' N 0.130 GRAND Fittest. near BromlwaY. N. V. SILVER SOAP—A simpldli preparation for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry. Mirrors, &0.,_ far more convenient and effective than nay other. Ono ball the labor of House 'donning may lie saved by using this lkiap, whieli cannot tquisibly 'alum the finest Zino white, an d as no scrubbing Is required, the saving. ip the weer of the paint is mud, treater than the oust or too Gong, It leaves the outface as pre and white as when new. Manufactured only by the Braden Indexical Soap Company. and sold by their appointed gets, BARNARD & Ahotheoaries, wwrr.,PTA andCGESTNUT. ItrARTIN & QUAYLE'S Stationery, Toy, end Panty Goode Itnporlunt.- 1,0311; WALNUT Street:, below gloyfinth Philadelphia. Cdnstantly on hand Yerfumei, end Toilet artioles. 4 ' of ten RESSI-PHILADELPHIA, SAINIWAV, 0tt0.04 PAPER HANGINGS, &o. PAPER HANGINGS. NOW to TUE TILE TO PAPER YOUR HOUSES. kHART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., -4•" N 0.322 CHESTNUT STREET, Have for sale every variety of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, &0., - Mash will be sold at tlie lowest rate., and put up by careful workmen. s3O-dtnole WALL . PAPER. WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKE, 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (ner.ow MARKIT) AND OPPOSITE MERCHANT STREET, Have on hand a large and splendid assortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS, To which they incite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. auti-Sin HATS. CAPS, Arc. 1859. FALL TRADE. 1859. 0. H. GARDEN & Co.. Manufacturers of and Wh9lassie Dealers In HATS. CAPS. FURS. SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. AND STRAW 000DS, PLOWERS, FEATHERS, RD CHEM, Ac., ko., NOB. 600 AND 602 MARKET STREET, . Southwest corner of Mix Tit. EXTENSIVE STOCK, BEST TERMS, LOWEST sule.Sur PRICES. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES, HANDY.P44aRENNER, vv , .‘7, 4 ,1 NOS. OS, 26, AND `27 FIFTII STREET PHILADEL,PIIIA. WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERORANTO, For the sale of all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, AND IMPORTERS OP GERMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH HARDWARE AND OUTIIERY, Seep oonstantly on hand slats. stook of Goods to MD' Ply Hardware Dealers. BUTCHER'S PILES, By the oak or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OF VARIOUS RINDS. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VIOL SHIP CHAIN, And other kinds in every variety. BOLE AS/XXTS FOR HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL; WEIGIIINO ONLY 8) OUNCES SHARP'S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS. lI.DWAItD •. HANDY. .100. 0. BIEN NCR. C. P. lIIRIIINDIL anl9-t1 P ACKAGE ITARIAVARE lIOUSE.—Wo would reepentfully call the attention of the Oeoe ral llardWare Trade to our extensive Stock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, whiell we offer at s smell advance Im the package. Orders for direct importation solioited, and Goode de livered either so LAI.* city, Ne W w York or N , ew Orleans. . G. pz Ron. gli . CO . MMERoFititieet, Importing and Commiamon Merchants. And Agents for Foreign and Domino Hardware. auflt-tf CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. BOYD & STROIJD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBER% Have now on hand a complete stook of Q,IJEENSWARE. GLASSWARX, and FRENOII AND P,NGIISH 0111 NA, At their OLD idTANDi No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST, four doors below l'ilerehants' Hotel to which LEST WOW the attention of WIIOLEtiAIik: BUYERS. sr AGENTS TOR PITTSBURG GLASS. an6.3m CIGARS, TOBACCO, aze. A . MERINO. 140 BOUTII FRONT 13TRIRT, Has in store and bond, and Offer for Bale, a Large Asontment a CIGARS, Received direot from Havana, of cholas and favorite Brandt. aui-tf BUSINESS CARDS. --- r.-D-A-1-311,1 ADialirepuau • AGENCY, N. E: - ITlruVr and CHEAT. NUT. autooriptione tnken for the beet City and Country Neweenprs. !owes wish pnosg. een-ern A N°Rll4Ngi ATt LPAAW L Y Will amain in Waidmo MArelana; Armstrong, and In mane counties. TUE ADAMS I.IXPRF.SS CO., OFFICE CHESTNUT Street, fonrsrds Parcels. Pack- Mtn, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and specie, either by its own lines, or in connection with other Express Qom enies, to all the nrininple towns and cities or the United States. E. S. SANDFORD, aul-tf General Bntorintendient. CABINET WARE. • 11 - I GUE T HUTTON, MANUFACTURERS DESKS AND C A BINET FURNITUR E NO. 250 ROUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Bank, and Reload Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases. Wardrobes. Mo. se-3in CABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION. No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, in connection with their extensive Debi net Business, are now manufaaturin ka superior artiele of BILLIARD TA BLEB, and have now on hand a full I MP R O VEDed with MOORE & CAhIPION'S CURIIIONR, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the mane ! actu re rs rhlcr to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who arc familiar with the character of 6-11 m their work. ty.l STOVES. STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR, No. 1116 MARKET STREET, la nowprepared to meet the wants of the publio more completely in ull the &tails of the Stove trade than any other eatabllsliment in Philadelphia, in Prool of which he invites rosipsusvivx nxestissvioN. The foflowine ore mons his own Millar inventions, several of which have already) obtained a national repu tation as purpassing in ercellenre and 'Naomi , any other Stoves on use. • • • • JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas-burning Conking Stove. acknowledged to be the toxt Store for family use in the world. JAMES SPEAR to the Patentee of the celebrated Gas•consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coining into general use. JAMES SPEAR to the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's A ir-fight Gas-consuming Parlor"love, JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor ofthe Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, which Dom Ito beauty and utility in likely, thug season. to be univer "PAlNlttfoEAß is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel. and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan.* JAMES SPEAR la the Inventor end Patentee of the celebrated Railway•ear Heater. For all of thy above the Inventor here Justly claims advantages which require but to be understood by the Public. to be universally appreciated andpreferred to nay other ankles of that oleos in the market: and be would hereby extend a enribal iovitation to all persons in ' , out' of Stoves to call and examine for themselves. l'artieswishin¢ to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately topur chase or not. sZ2.3in CHARLES JONES, N 0.303 North SECOND Street, (Successor to A. tfallaglier,/ would respectfully call the atten tion of tilOatl desiring stove. to kit extensive assortment of Cooking, Heating, and Parlor stoves. I have purchased the exclusive right to the retail sales and repairs, in Philadelphia, of iliillaghar's Celebrated "Morning Star" and " Sunrise" Gas-horning Cooking Stoves. well known for years as the most satisfactory Stoves In the market. Also, his new Plat-top Cooking Stove " Daylight," which ()mignon all the useful inv provetnente, and operates admirably. I also manu facture, in a superior manner, Silver's Das-burner of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These are the most economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in We. 118-3 m CAUTION.—We hereby caution all per- Pons not to purchase any Cooking Stove or S toves with Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces on, exert these, wade by Ce, as wn are the exclusive owners of the Patent for making Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces, and we shall prosecute all persons who infringe on our Patent to the full tent of the taw. STUAR WILL O WRSON Iron Pounders. Street, alswe Thirteenth. MEDICINAL. A—, R.GLENT WORTH'S PILE REMEDY. For the cure of Hemorrhoids or Piles, Constipa tion, Fistula in Ann, Ulcerations or the Scum, Prolapses of the Rectum. Fissures, Rxeoriation, Ulcerations In ternal and External In the Mum, Pruritus, and all Dis eases peculiar to the Rectum. The great and uniform auccesswhich this Remedy his attained for the cure of the .brae Tb s ei t aes m unprece dented in the tamale of 'Medicine. The rapidity of its curative qualities and the durability of O Corea ore equalled by no other Remedy of the age. Ninety -pule cases out of an hundred are alleviated mul cured of this distressing complaint. Kildare restored to comfort here tofore unknown. Full sad explicit Pi rections accom pany each Dix. One Box is Sufficient to perform nears. Prepared only try DR. OLENTIVOILTII. N 0.817 RACE Street. Price $l. Can be sent by Atlanta' Exprean. D R. MOFFAT'S' VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia. flatulency, heart-burn and headache, costiveness. diarrlpea, levers of nil kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel, worms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt rheum, ery aipelan, common colds nod in fluenza, irregularity and all derangement of the female system,_piles, and various other diseases to which the Mania' frame is liable. For ante by the proprietor. Dr. W. D. MOFFAT, SW BIWA , New York. and by Druggists generally all over the country. all-d&WIY ANOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL'ff NFATRALOIA SALVE. PUILL., July 7th, 183& Air, E. W. THOERLL—Dear r have been troubled with the " NEURALGIA" for the last 14 yearg!and have antlered the most excruciating, Pain, col"P v " ln i me at times to give up my business entirely. I could nor eat, and sleep woe a ntranger tit my eyea, 1 antlered more than tongues can tell. had the advice and aid ot various, physicians, aud.used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having noticed year advertisement in the papers , I conoluded to call on a person whom 1 had learnmt wee cured of a case of 20 yearn standing. Ito applied the tiALVIi" but once, and I felt . innitediate relic —a almond application removed the pain entirely. and I now feel like. a differ - 4ot man. Since then 1 hare slept well—enmething that I ln not done for months, being obliged to mit up all nig ht in a ohnir. ply appetite has returned, and I feel grate to )on for the restora tion of my health. _HARLES H. RARER, Tobacconist,OAßßOL Street. above WOOD, Kensington. For sale, wholesale and retell, at W. corner SIXTH and PARRISH &reefs, end nyr, It CALLENDER & Co.'a. N. W. corner Third and Walntit sta. apM-tf gUI3 4 R-110USE MOLASSES.-150 ► toroectand berms.ToT nip IT ORAI • vim JMBB KM TAIT' rI A fltrmit, g,PA NISI I OLIVES -In bulk, in prime order, for SalaAr_ el7' A. MAK/NO, Ifo eindh FRONT tweet. EDUCATIONAL. 011=1§11121 PENN S Y .LVAN lA. IdEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TRU lETRODUCTORY LECTURES To the COURSE of 185940 will be delivered in the following order: MONDAY, October 1001, nt n M., Dr. CARSON. MONDAY, " 10th, nt 1 P. M., Dr. SMITH'. TUESDAY, " 11th, at 11 M., Dr. 1103ERS. TUESDAY, " 11th, at 11'. M., Dr. LEIDY. WEDNESDAY, " lterdgr:,l 1 2 P 1 `. 1 it THURSDAY, " 191 h, at 12 AL, Dr. WOOD.' THURSDAY, " 13th, at IY. M., Dr. JACKSON. FRIDAY, '• nth, at SI: P. ST., Dr. HODUE. VIE MILD; ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. ocatooli DRAWING AND PAINTING.—Leg sons given Privately or in Classes. References offered. A note addressed to" A. R. 8.," l're‘s office, will meet with attention. oT•itt*, A NUM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS will be opened on MONDAY, °Moller td. at the John Huiiicy Adam School-house, on GARDEN Street, be low Buttonwood. A committee of the Board of Direct ors will be in attendance ever) e, ems' to 'liftoff and re- Mater Alm names of appliesote. Persons desirous or availing thetwielvee or the Inniiifita of tin (nine/items OM shall stratify them for the anti% e duties of life will apply at as early a period an 1 , 0.11.1 e. BY order et the Bova of Du eetore of the Thirteenth section. JOHN G. A Willi( ElI, Presoliiiii. TositPli Blabs, See opt .1 818 41 1 USD) LESSONS. —A Young Lady, well qualified. can taken fewympils• Inquire of JAS. N. DECK. at the Alum Store, OH CIIESTNET Street. aft-who It AYOUNU LADY will (as a Visiting. Toneheel give instructions in Composition. Rhe toric, the Rudiments of Latin, and in English Grammar. which she teaches by a new, pleasant. and expeditious proco3ess. Address "AI. R.," 1169 South Elm milli Street. 0-' ACADEMY OP THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH . , LOCUST and JUNI PER Streets. The Autumnal Session opened on MONDAY,Septem her 6th. Applications for Admixlion may be made to the Pon Myst. at tka Aolll.ielllY. daily (except 011 Saturila, ) ho tween 10an 12 o'clock A. M, JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., Principal. VDUCA'rI ON A L.—Miss ELLA WATSON 2:15 North TWELFTH' Street. will recommence givtng Instruehoneon the PIANO, at her own remidence or thou of her Pupils, after September ht. 1H.59. MESDAMES CIIEGARAY,AND v11,1:1"8 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, N 0.1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame CHEGARA Y respectfully informe her friends and the public in general. that independently of her Boarding and Day School, directed hy herself and her niece, Mine. PREVOST. in NEW YORK. she in tends, in connection With her niece, Mme. D'HER VILLY, opening in PHIL ADELPHIA an Institution on precisely the Caine plan as the one above mentioned. 14-3 in 'GEORGE FELIX BENKERT, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. No. 621 cliElotY Street. PIANO. ORGAN. VIOLIN, GARMON Y. 11101101:01 DASS,COUNTFiR MINT, COM F081"1 lON, INSTRUM IiTATION, aro., &o. Music Composed and Furnished for arty number Instruments. 0140 JAMES I. lIELM'S School for the higher eduention of &limited number of Young Lading, 1313 CHEtITNUT Street. Circulare, with tenon, reference, he., tiny he boil un npplient of-lin AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Familial', Schools, and Colleges. supplied with comp9tent Teachers. for any Department: and Teach ars with positions. Parents gratuitously supplied witl school circulars. . . Refer to Factiltv Amherst Collette, Mass.; Dr. Lowe! Mason; Mason Brothers; lion. Theo. Frelingliuyeen LL.D.; Don. John C. Riven. Et a/. BM an t WOODMAN, k CO., 844 BROADWAY. New York, and se46-6m 609 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. NV IIITE HALL - ACADEMY, THREE 11111,ES WEST OP HARRISBURG, Ps.—The Dith Semi-Animal Session will c.pin mance on MONDAY, the 7th of November next. The attention of Parents and Guardians is invited. Tho location is please.nt, the course of instruction extensive, and the tams noute rate. Good city references riven. The Principal can be seen every afternoon at the UNION HOTEL (ruin the 10th till the 14th of October, inclusive. For Circu lars address 1). DENLINGEH. xe24-Ln• Harrisburg. Pa. RttOAD-STREET INSTITUTE NU It YO LADIES ham reopened Ito Fall &wino. For farina a nd perbeulare, apply to Alm P. COOKE, Principal, Nu. till BROAD Street, below Poplar. a2l-180 MUSIC.—A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of Entwine and Pmno, 676 North TW.ELPTII Street, below Coate'. 141USTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, LI s, F,, corner EIGHTH and UNISONS Streets, Open deity !rain ti A. M. to 9 P. M. To Sentleinen a rapid and olesnat business hand is ins /ruled. Ti, ',tidies a noat and !graceful einctulary st 9 o. ow, Pricati:. Cards written, and every de nor piton (N of Pentnanahip nentlr executed. aly din lIPMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher or the wow?' and PIANO, Mr. Allen may be entailed to at the retollenl7e 0 . 1 lee (ether. Profeseor Allen. No. .210 South FIEVENTE:EsTit fitrant. nd 21n • MRS. BARTON'S BOARDING • AND DAY 801100 L FOIL YOUNG LADIES, No. 1029 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. Winter Tvin will open on the second AEON DAY taughtto wr t_: Lanien received of any Age--And pFeyer pe Onion thpyough Eduottilon. li a t ur„meall o ttp.flarnily. -o r rulers end par. An2 I7 ,IIWA CIO 6. PRICE -STREET ACADEMY, - oFi r RMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. G_RO tOR R. BARKER PRINCIPAL. The Fall ettnorthie Inottettap commences tinplem be r 601, BM The enema of instnintinn nrenonses all the bosnehee ore thorough linglteh Edanation.Lneetiter with the Latin. Greek, and French Laneungeo nun tf ALLEN GROVE 'FEMALE SEMINARY, PRANKFORD, rittaiIYLVANI.A. Ida 'aillee from Market street. Philadelphia. '1 he course of instruction in this School in eatriptelien si re and thorough. Parents and thiariliann who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution will do welt to make immediate a Indication to hie ft. E. L. THOMPSON. 01-tf Principal and Superintendent. RRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL mEßcArivii.r: COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo Cleveland. and Chicago. For in formation. coal or good for Catalogue. fop-tf DANCING. WASHINGTON HALL. 810 SPRING GARDEN Blreel.—D. 1,. CARPENTER, the In dependent itesiety 'I smiler of Fashionable Dancing, us now rend) to take Pupils nt any time, either Prisms or Ctasses. For reference, call and (drama the resket ftilowly bestin. g ilft L.CARP ENTER pan be seen daily and nistitly for terms, ka. This is his WHO-ninth year as a Teacher in this city. RoF. SARACCO re.spectfuliy informs P the elite or that he will open Ine Con earentore of lianniog un Oo ol , or Will i et 35 South ELEVENTH Street. At the reisowl. oftwiny Ininiliek, the services Assietnnt Ladies will he iltopeneeil here:trier. For terms, apply at the Aeatteno ,on the 6th, 7th nod Bth lust. .3 et. I:I"AZARD'S DANCING ACADEMY, N. E. crwner of ARCH and BROAD Ste.-111r. HAZARD, from Paris, and well known in this city no having hail the largest and most fashionable Ibinelmg Academy for many Irani, lino the honor to inform has former Intone and the Julilia Thal he has returned to tills city. and will 0110111% llanCli K davt,i4iuy at 140 Once above named. pu MONDAY , lle PDh ni l 1181/{elntOr. 11. will nisi', teavh elnaces in school. and private relnil , R• Mr. H e bthe 01 11.111CIIIK ig 1, 1 .9 v o a9), and gr.r° l o , And nay e acquired inn short tone. An cony nod grapolul Ile pertinent. no well no a perfect knowledge of the Pr./Vent style of dancing, such no in done in the very hest su mo . wall tai imparlreil at ones to the scholars. and no time wanted in learning old Mena toil derives lhar are out of fashion. For toms, referenoes, etc., 13pPIY ut the hall. A BRUSHES. 9111 E CHEAPEST BRUSHHOUSE IN PUHA lilil,PlllA.—Look at the following het of prices for Hiiiidectubs, and compare them with thole bought eloarghoro : kikort per doter.. u. s. no , tt No. 3, 66 knots, Br " No.l, BO knots. 100 N 0.6. 83 )(nolo, 111 N 0.6. 101.1 knobs. 125 7,16.1k1i010, No. 8,160 knots 176 t , H Y C. ECKsTEIN, North THIRD Street, below Aroh, Philadelphia. WARMIN(I AND VENTILATINU WA It HIMUNE.II2.2 MARKET Bt., BUILDINGS OF ALI. DESCH lITIONS WARMED AND VENTILATED BY VEC"S NI: It' f } !4 S- NLV 0 1F.4 :lb R is'A The above Furnace has now Wee in nee &trifle the tart two winters w this city, and has given tom orgaleat (Needn't. The la rto heating surface being directly OVOT the flame or thu lire, and the conical tribes, through which all time drills nags, are so arranged as to consume the into.- luta Ali OW VAIIO/1 irom the coal, heins en tirely of Onst Iron, with deep, sand joints, is now of lurei to theyoldio thin most complete heating naps mum now in this market. C. IV, limns n ettletiettl Met - haute, w dl eetteeethy attend to till heating and VOA ttletlllK. ALM°. Biz .1709 of Cooking RanKos, adapted for hotel nn prit ate l'atent (thiamin) Once for t'entila ling nod core of awoke) yl'll[lllos, with a toll amnia moot of flog Mont nod Ventilatorm of every alto too pattern Sire place Ntorov. Both Holler., &o. 11l Joblani., 0' °molly attended to. CHAS. W 11,1.1.4708, Lato BAILER & WILLI/01g. N SALAMANDER SAFES. A Large eseortemet EVANS & WATSON'S PHILA DEI.I'IIIA MANUFACTURED 8A LA Al ANDER SAFES. VAULT DOORS, BANK LOCKS For Danko nod Storey. h:enal to any now in nee. IKON Mitts, sit UTTERS ho., Onra good terms ar any other estaldieliment in the United Stater, hy EVANS & WA TtiON, N 0.221 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. gellt tf PI,PANF 171 VP lIN A l'Ala eZMANCH INTER. SVA LES. tAt No. 21 North SIXTH Street may Ire found a sonornt Dean, imeiii of COUNTER cloa I,PB. PO111%1131,1.: PLATPORM SCALES, DORMANT NV A II I,IIOIIHE SCALES, 11A1' AN It cOA I, SCALPS. Also, RAILROAD'Iii ACE tit'A INS furnished nt short no tice All warranted to tuallento ratandaral wertlit, aeon rate and dionldo. ho htl In rout liurel, of the above goods heat l n inVt try exitioluetiou. eta-thstil2m GEO. W. COI.IIY 2 , CO. N Ew PLANINUI Embracing Tito Andrews Patent of 1845, with twitching works for dressing Boards Plank. be. Now Principal of P 00.11117. (Irma f..trolnK . of Power. Machines of VarlollN warn, 21 to 30 inches wide, for music Or 110111,10 fltirrlePlo4, with or WithOlit matrhing fiends, for ante at No. 23 Noah SIXTH Street, Phila. Call and examine. sta-thiansol OSO. W. COLBY k C(1, 15P0 11 • D 0 X E S AMERICAN AN FRE:YOH W IN VOW CLASS—The most approved brands. and olevery size and quality required for eity and . wintry trade. nE prices astonuillinely Sand your ordain to ZIEGLER & SMITH. brue. Paint. Glass, sad Varnish Dealer*, earner SECOND and GREEN Streets. 013 tr RITS TURPENTINE.-75 bblm, tiptg SIFTS. T U RPEN T [NE. —5O Ibis SIAS N-7 Turpentine, in etore end for tale by ItOWLEV. ABIIIIOIINER, k P.O. 1/IHooth WHARVE —M S INTON'S kNUAUSTIO TILES for floors. Ornamental Chimney Tope for cottages. Vuden Vanes end Fountain& alined Pipe for drain,/ and Water oondpotore. Importedrand for sale by felt IN it R. A. HARRISON 011Km . rm ter ?:(ro ot puRE CON EMI' IoN 14.1NU/ACITHMO no P,I)WA I) A. MAN I Latoof H. !lemon. Stem S. W. corner ARON and NINTH streets. but (Factory 514 Filbert atreet,) 8, 1559. O v iFo r o c ß lE N 9 o. ,2 1I N",k G st u v A y*Ti" L i A S, Ns t OF 711 E PROPOSALS FOR WOOD AND COAL. Sealed proposals will he received at this (Mice until AlOl , l DA Y,loth instant. at lOo'elock A. M.. for the 'wo oly of Wood and Coal the ensuing Winter, for the Out door Poor, in the several Districts, to bo delivered at suck points, and in such quantities, and at times to be Homelier designated. Coal to he good quality White Ash, Move, without slate, end well Screened, (2,240 lbs. to the ion,/ to be weighed at place of delivery, in aocordancelvith all Or dinance passed Councils, May 10, 1it.59 • the Wood to be of hest quality Oak. All of which shall be subject to the inspection or the Board. or its Agents. 0.5-6 t CALHOUN 20. DERRINGER. Seereta.ry. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. PHIL ADELPIIII., Oct. 3,139. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Div dend of SIX PER CENT. for the lag six montha, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal ropreaenta tiros on and after the no instant, clear of State Tax. ot-tuthext• THOS. It. MAItIS, Secretary. NOM:E.—An application will be made at the next Residua of the Legjalature of Pennayl- WlOil , for the incorporation of a Bunk. with _general banking priviltgee. with a capital of TWO 'HUNDRED AND FIb"I'Y IIIoiSIAND DOLLARS, to be called the MANUFACTURERS' BANK, to be located in the city of Phibulelphin. *net SPECIAL NOTlCE—Dealers m Good year's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids. Webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining 'fibrous aubetance• with threads or sheets I' vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the same ye properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority. they cannot lie legally deposed of in the ll nited Mates. Merchants and deniers are invited to ex amine apeennens now in •tore, and to give their orders for the ti.prung Trails to the undereigned, EX CLUSI V E owNe_n TUT F:S AND EXol.llfil VI: 1t1014.1% IN '1,11}: PATENT for these goods. whist. embrace all the atylea heretofore manufactured or im ported, and ninny others. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —nod the Terms—nny he till:tined on application to ae at N 0.23 COU FLTLAN UT Street, N. Y. 110FIACIK It. DAY. NOTICE —Persons having business with ll the FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. 11 VINE Street, between the hour. of 9 o'clock and 3 P. M., where they will find the Inspector or his _De mart F. H I EMT ER. U. AL LA UN AN, yell Flour Inapeotor. lARSII'S MUSIC STORE, hI II P(1 No. 1162 CHF.D rN UT Street, VI ll abitI.PHIA. I L lie beq make of PIANOS, MELODEONS. and ISIUSICAL INSTR U- M ENI'S. OP xt sus PE,RIP NOY. Can be obtained at the lowest Manufacturers' Prices. Constantly publishing the West Chico eOlilp080.:19 and Poular Music of the day. Also. reeeivinc New Music Jails from all the catalogues in the United Stares. Dealers. Tear here, Senundi les. and Clergy men , A ill be at, plied at the lowest wholesale rates. Orders by tool will be promptly tilled. Catalimues of MUM or Price List will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. J. MARSII. Agent. I=2=l EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB LIC I, EDGER.-" Mr. James Bellak has on exhibition several ofJ. & C. Fisher's pianos. One of them is a seven octavo tosewiwat piano, full iron frame, handsome, hut plain finish. '1 he tone a most expellent and powerful, and the price only &..n). lie has also one somewhat similar in appearance, which has all the la test improvements, besides a new patent ilamper,v, loch provost. tho piatio from getting out of order. It IS fin tshed /1 splendid manner." These Pianos, and S. etplorolid nssortment of various makers, are for wile from e 11.% or upwards, for cash, or on instalments, at JAMES BELLAK'd. . • . 279 and 231 South FIFTH St.. above Spruce New and second-hand Pianos for sale. 1.34 I/1 CHICKERING & SONS, TIAVIVACTORRR. 07 GRAND, 84).11AR E. AND UPRIGHT 1'1A:40-FORTES. WAREROONIS UT CHESTNUT STREET. Conatant store tree mock of our BEAUTIFUL and UN EQ UALLED I:4STR lIAIENTS. We have been awarttruLat the dalerent Exintuttons in thu country and Europe, Se GOI.D ANDSILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. RAVEN, BACON, & Co.'s, Nunns k park's, Hallett, Davis, Sc Co.'s, and A. . Gide & Cq. a superior PIANOS. Also, Ma son k Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONS and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churches and Lecture Rooms. ri- Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. J. E. COULD. mr14.17 BEVEN'TH and CHESTNUT. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCHOMACKER & CO., 101ItCHESTNLIT Street, respeotfulit invite the niacin loving public to call and examine their new and suc cessful iniProvemont— TIII: PARLOR NRAND PIANO. Slaving converted the Tone, Touch, nail Action of the tirand Piano into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all the objections generally made to the style of /hand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the Caine. In volmne purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy end sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND Mt lITIFULLY-PINISHED IN STR ENTS • are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums. rind are pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in thus country. Constantly on hand. a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. IVe have been awarded the First Premiums, at alt exhibitterue ever exhibited, in cluding the Prixo Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York. ISM. sel-tf WEST CIIESTER and PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD vi IIMP PALI, ARRANGEMENT. On and after WEDN EDNA Y, October b. 1859. the triune will leave Philadelphia from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH end MAR K ET Streets, at 770 and 980 A. M.. and at 2.41) and 6 I'. M. Leave We fl Chester. Tram the DEPOT. on EAST MA Rh: RI 13 rREET, at 7 and 10 A. 51., and 9.0 and 0 P. M. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. 21.. and 2 P. M. Leave Went Chester at 7.30 A. M., and 5.30 P. bd. HENRY WOOD, 6-It General Superintendent. 1859. 0661--..;,,i_r 1859. .s.l. l L,AmgarisecT ii N a tily .LES lr 1er,1114 P LA C E S 4 DP'S NEW YtIRK AND WAY geoAs WALMIT-STRIMT Will leave as follows, viz: VARS. At 6 A. Al., via Canaan and Amboy, Cam. & Am. Accommodation At 2 M At 6 A. AL, via ett}Ttlitla and Jersey City, (Now Jersey lAcoommodation 225 At D A. M., van Camden and Jersey City, Morning 00 At 11 A. Ai., by Steamboat, via Toccoa and Jenny 3 OUT NV estate Froreas 3QO At 12,a P. M., VIA Clifitiell 411.1 A intioy daUo . . . . .... 225 At 2 P. AL, via 'Camden and Amboy, b. si A. Ex- Vega . 3 00 At 4 P. M. by - Steamtmat, via Tacony and Jer sey City Evening Express 300 At 4 P. of..by Steamboat, via Tacony one Jer sey City. Clans 'Picket........ . ........ 325 Ate P. AI., via Camden and Jersey City 2 vening Mail 3 (XI At 11 P. AL, via Camden and Jeremy City, Sou thern A 1 0 1.1.1, Camden 4;4 14 ( relight and Passenger), Llass Ticket.— ..... 315 2 Cant Tiuket......... 160 The 6P. AI. Mail Line runs ally. The /1 P.M. South ern Mail. Sat urday egoaPted. For Belvidere, Easton. Flemington. &c., at 6 A. AL and 234 P. M. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, fit A. hi. vie Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesliarre, Montrose, Weal Bend, ace. t at 6 A. AL, via Delaware. Lackawanna, mid Western Railroad. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 0 A. Al.. sad 214 and 4 P. !g. Nor FreeholJ, at 6 Wl it For Bristol, Trenton, ke. at 234 and 4 P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmy ra.Delanon. Beverly, Burlington, Borden toygn. Au., at 1. and M i P. M. Steam taint Job ii Neilson, for Bordentown and interme diate places. at 214 P. M. Steamlioat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in terinediate places. at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited train Ming any thing as gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage offer fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The ae to on comp any od heir wi7n p o 6 u i l tl l f lefo ag an g amountdbeaon se4pou nexcapt byOpt o I n e ontract. WM. Agent WINES AND LIQUORS. MARELTIL--SUR—AY (CIIAM-- PAGNE/. JANUARY 16, 1i69.—1n consequence of the frequent invit.itions reeeived etc to renew the shipments ot in) champagne Wines to the United States, I beg leave hereby to 'Worm my former custmilers and the public in general, that I have appointed 711essrs. F.C. BROUWER. ANCHER. & U., Bole Agents in the Untied States, for the sale of my Champagne 'Wine,. lily Wines have been go long and favorably known in the United States, It will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that my new shipments will in no way be found inferior to the b y ones. 13 , 11MGAr 1311. Irk BILLEGA RT 1341.1 N AM AGM. I ER, both CAW N fall o ut .V.MY. for sale and con stantly on hand. t to {newt pnrchaeers. by Y.. BROUWER,_ ANCHER, & CO., ap.7l-em of litrolit. Now Ywk. CLARET.—WO cases Barton & Guestier's fit. Julien XV do. St. Eeteßhe :XV do. Washing ton Morton Sr. Julien; 1W do. do. ralonee. pinta; J3O do. Chateau La Rose: N) do. do. Leoville; Hentch Ate, in atone and glass; Younger's, ilarvol's, Falrk Brown Stout and London Porter In atom and for ea e i atu, A. MURIO. V. South illt) Street. MUKRAT HOUSE, , NEWARK. 0 1 1 1 0 , Is the largest and hest arranged Hotel in c.entral Ohio, is centrally located and la easy of Recces from all the routes of travel. ft contains all the modern imrove ment's, and every convenience for the comfort and no oommodation oi the travelling public. The tileepms Roping are large and well rent l l3loll , T Sidles a Roma are well arranged and carefully funnelled for faiiiiliggaihl large travelling taming ; and the House win be kept as a brat-class Hotel 111 ever) reseed. 11. A. MURRAI k BRO., • • - .• ton2l.lm PrOprlOtoroc. AvETHERILL 'Roust:, SANSOM v Street west of Sixth.—Thin deservedly favorite plaoelowing I•oen purolnased by the unnlersienenl, util hereafter Ito concluded on the 11108 t enterposans scale. The best Game, Gaston, and Relresimients, 'apparent inn the choicest style. and the finest !doom loon the most popular importing houses, always on hand. 'fine patronage of the public as sedimental' , muted JOHN J. trr It A M. Private Rooms for Suppers. Artattamma• Com tmtlees. Societies, eno, SW Inn THE UNION, ARCH STREET, ELP ABOVE THIRD. PHILADHIA UP roN S. NEWCOMER. • The situation of this HoTP, 1, is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Public; smite those in ge w , i t, of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, which now run put, and in close proximity, afford a cheap and plesinut ride to all places of interest in or about the oi LY in 2.1-Qm MACHINERY AND IRON SAMUEL V. bl/LIRING I. VAVGISAN MitaHiel WILLIAM IL MIX rum SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. MER P RICKSt I SO SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACIHNIBTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure riteam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers. Tanks, Iron Boats, ko.;Cat Una of all kips, either Iron or Ruiz. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shorn , Rail road Station', iko. Retorts and Has Machinery of the latest and most un proved constrµction. Every_ description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Haw and Grist Aline, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, llefeoators Filters, EngMOS. &c. Bole Agents for 'N. Hillicuz's Patent Nagar Bottum Ananias; Nasinyth'a Patent Steam Haininer ; and Aspinwall & Wolaey'a Patent Centriffigal Sugar brain ing Machine. au 6-1. DENTESTRY.--The improved Nets fr:PJ - if AIPPIPICIAI, TEETH, stall manufactured at 1 , 07 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, by I. LUKENS, Al. D., Surgeon lhAntist. , Tho Miner:olll:e sets of Peet!, are el:Pone:ling all hers, principally 1 . 1•0111 the following reasons: Pore others, Is stunt 111 place of gold or silver, for plates, looking Ikon ono. ord lighter, and at tine name time 110101 IttrOOKer. tie our greatest thickness 13 Isl here the piing have shrun away snore, thug perfectl) restor -1 log the Anatomical shape and contour of the wont li and lice. and givin4 tho exact original expression to the I eatures; they will stand better an service, and never , of out of repair; they are responsibly warranted fora' mew.); there are no crevices for the accummulation of particles of fund; they are wholly rrOCI 11 . 0111 all sal vow° action, and eon never produce palpitation of the heart, headache, sore throat, neuralgia, or nen °us- MM. br:l,tll{l.lNfi' office, 007 ARM street, Philadelphia Ivo= J . E.NNSYLVANIA Avenue, Weslung ton, D. C - - DRILLS AND SUEETINOS FOR EX FORT. , BROWN, HI,RACR ED, AND 111.1 TE DRILLS, HEAVY AND I,IiIIIT mil M.:TINOS, NminLle f,,/ Ex6.1.106'316 FROTHiroillA & WELI RI Soul 4 FRONT Bt., And 96 LETITIA btreet. 0016-17 ,NOTIPES. PIANOS. HAILIMA I) LINES. HOTELS. ../a7Cfriart. GIURNESS, BRINLEY A C 0 - 1.60:419 MAKRFir STREET. EAU OF IMPORTED AND I CI L Eirle DRY GOODii.-fly rata e.j •Op Wilegday !dor Oct. 11th, 1.0!elock, on 6 months' credit— mcliftgen an d lots of fanoy and staple Imported and domeetle dry goods. • *i"' (Samples and catalOguea early on morning (Stale. DIIILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, N0.'530 MARKET Street. and 1411 MINOR Street. BALE OF INUItAIN VENETIAN. AND LIST CAR ; • I VET& On Tumidity Morning, October 11th, o'clock, will be sold by catalogue. on 6 months credit - vteces.super all-wool ingrain carpets. • ' three-ply " 'wool filling all wool Venitinn damask " hst• " cottage " tar Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. FIRST •LAROE TALL RALE OP READY MADE CLOTHING. On Wednesdsi Morning. OctoLort2th, at In o'eltsslt precisely.will be 1,41.1 1 cataing about Wu lots of superior ready-made abutt ing, consistin4 of bearer, petersham, tricot. and viola over and business coals, superfine tilAck cloth [wet toms ftuverfine black and fanny csasime re pants. Black and fancy SatinetP 3 till• Velvet, black satin. plush. and satinet rests. Comprising a large and desirable assortment for city and country sales. StCatalogue, early on morning of sale. SALE OF Lau CASES Bocfre, 8110E1, HATS, CAPS. AN ty.r SIB It - - 'lltursdg. October tit h. at n 10 o'clock. ay wtu bMornine sold, by =tags:wise, on lout utonthe credit. lAA eases hoots. also4J, bt.- gnns. ga.ters. Oxford ties. .a.c..enonpristot a desirable assortment ot the bait I , 4tstattl Ind lily alanoractute, for WPM' sale•. tlanip:ea 01 at , cams Scotch aingliam and IA urn brell2.l 11 SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 4:IE -R—R• CHESTS fiT STREET, op_poitite the Custom House. brtwean F9,1/RTHandylFTll Street_ SALE OF Firs LOTS IMPORTED AND AMF.RICIAN uoupm.•EsitittoiDEßlE. BoNNET RIB BONS. MILLINERY GOODS. TRINLMINCIS.&c. On Wednesday Morning. October 12111.1.) catalogue. on a credit. commencing at La iiCIOCk. will tie Wild but lots of seaaonabie goods. to which the attention of the Trade is int ited. SPECIAL SALE OF LOO BUFFALO ROBES. On Monday Morning. MIZEI SHIPPING. p lIILAWELPRIA CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY AIL AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF.THE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, NO. 6 MERCHANTS' EMCUANGE, Al 10 &Hook A. M., September 70,1849, the follow mg gentlemen were unammouely elected Direotors of the Company, : GEORGE 11. STUART, 8 MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWLN, GRAS. MACALESTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL. STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the &bore named Office, where all persons favorable to the enter- Prize are respectfully invited to "absent*. as-tf THE BRITISH AND NORTH 811 Yd. AbIERICAN SOYA L . MAIL STEAM- TROX NTW TORT TO LITT/I'ooi. Chief Cabin .. VS) Second Cabin IS PROM DOSTOT TO LIVIlltrOoL, Chief Cabin Passage..—. --CIO Second Cabin Passage.. -- .—..— -a) The ships from Boston call at Halifax. I PERSIA, CepL Juana, CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMP:RIDE, Cas. Millar, ASIA Capt. O. Lott. NGRA lAA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, Cap t. . Shannon. EUROPA. CapL J. Leitch, These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green nn starboard bow ; red on port bow. PERSIA, Judkins, loaves N York, Wednesday. SeeL WS. ARABIA, Stone, " Boston. Wednesday, Oct. 11. ASIA. Lott, ~ 12 yolk, Wednesday, Oct. 12. CANADA:Lank. - " - &whin, Wednesday, Oct 19. AF RICA. Shannon, " N York. Wednesday. Oct. al. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 2. PERSIA, Judki.. " N York. Wedonsday, Nov. 9. AMERICA. Millar, " Roston, Wednesday, N0v.16. ASIA. Lott, " N York, Wednesday, Nov.= Berths not secured until paid for, - - . An experienced SurgeoriMu board. - , . T owners of these ships wilt not be e.erpouritable for Got , Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Promos' Stones or M etals, entries hale of lading are signed therefor and the ‘ttlue thereof therein expressed. For freight or DU MT& OTT!, Ll • • .E. CUNARD, 4 Bowline Green. slO-tf • • = " • New York. FOR THE SOUTH.—CITARI.FS. TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. heavy Proight at an average o fi etrrilss per cent. be low New York Steamed' Yates. p_ FOR CHARLESTON. S. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Cap Don Charles P. 'Hershman, will sail on Retardate Oct 15th, at 10 A. AL Through in 43 to 50 hours, only 40 hours at Bea. FOR SAVANAH, IA. The U. R. Mail Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA. Captain John J. Garvin, will Bail on Mondey, October 10 at to o'clock A. M. Through in 63 to 06 hours. only 43 hours at Sea, :Whi: days changed from every Saturday Wavers five da , fs—tioodaugiceived. and Bella of Lading signed even g a iendid_first-eless 41de-wheel Siesimakipe KEY STONE TATE and kfrATF. OF GEO MA now nut al above every tan d a y s , time forgoes a ve-day commis filiation with Chuleaban and Savant' and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah t these Bhtpa een netwab steamers for Florida with ke., for 11 l places in the South and thwest. INSUR Freight and Insurance on a large . proportion of Goods chipped South will be found to be lower by these slope than by sailing veuele, the premium being one-half the N. 13.—1 risme an ell GtAilroad Pr) ht entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or &vaginal, the Railroad Companies taking ell risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route Di to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the talent] Route, as will be seen by the fohowini sche dule. Through tickets' from Philadelphia via C ;Ara -1 ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING Mil LS on the whole routs, except from Chatleaton and Setae nett to Montgomery: INLAND Pal!. Tv Okatlaslon Ci 26 Oharloaton—......rn 50 Savannah.— 10 06 31 al Augusta... _.» 30 00 Augusta......._ ffi at Macon. • ......... II 00 Macon.— 75 At1anta.......... Moo Atlanta.— 3/ 00 Oolumbus—. 23 uo Columbus (%) , Albeny... '- •34 00 ~/ tlbeell SILO Montgomery.... 56 00 Montromery...--.._ 00 Mobile 33 sit/ M0bi1e.......... New Orleans .. 39 76 New Orlear.e.. .- • 011 No bills of lading signed after the *hip has gab l e d. For freight or peas:tie apply cn boeid, at seconder/mg above Vine street, or to • - ALEX.HERON, Jr.. SogthWectLor n er FOUTR auditHlESTNirr. i Afente u flharl ton, T. A. k G. 11 OD. tiavanureh. HUNTER y. di te.AIIIMELL. For Florida front Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, eteamera St. Mary's end St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. /723 OaGLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY.-STEAM 1•9 LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY-for $3O. r !saw riutz. GLASGOW, Tbow:aon, WoluaaJay, October 12, at la o'clock ! oonz. Ell B Rtitt. Cumming, Wednesday.Oetobar la, at 11 O clock. lam* THOM tit 6.AGOW. I q.I,ASGOW Thompson, Wednesday, September It }:OINBURt,Ii. Cumuung, WedoesgtsTiPtont her o Rates or Passage from New York, rtoladelptua. or Bosom, to Wesson', Liverpool. Belfast. Dublin, ord.ont donderry ,firer clam,s TA, tit eerag e, found with an 2Mgt dance of properly cooked provisions. S3J. An eaperienced Surgeon attached to each steamer. No charge for medicines. For freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN ar. No. 113 WALNUT tier. Phoenelibia. Ro IRT apla tf N 0.93 BROAD AY. Newyork. U. S. M. STEAMERS F HAVRE AND SODTIIA OB AIPTON, ARAM) Captain Lioea, will July 11, September 17, Normuker 11. FULTo . Captain Wotton, will sail Augustin, Octo ber W. 11ene ether W. First Cato o passage.-- --St% ftecondCabin passage•• •• • - 75 For freight or passage. apply WI I,1•IATil NEILSON, Agent, 'l . l!:.t e . rr:lll).';.:',7.lDF,',3l°Anry;:, COP.ARTNERSIIIPS. 1 - 11SSOLUTION OF COPARTNF:RSIIIP. -ll , ' The Copartnerslop leFetolore,sxlstin F under the none and sty le of MANI.b.I, BROW , N. Ic t,0., to 1 , HIS DAY dissolved hr mutual consent. Alt remise indebted to or IsaYme chyme against suid firm vrdt apply at No. 310. WA I.N PT Street, Second floor. CIIA.III,FB MANLEY WM. 11. BROWN, ItIANI.EV, JR. NOTICE. —The Copartnership heretofore exist= between the Sut.senbers is dissolved by unitunt nonsent. THIS DAV. TIIONIAB T. MASON lissom: purchased CHARLES E. ROBINSON'S chore intorest In the Convent, is alone authorised to bettle the hutuness 01 MASON le CO. TIIOSIAB T. 1.A50N, PIMA D F6pt. 7, Mg C. H. ROBINSON. N.B.—The DRY GOODS JOBBING Ibitiness will be confirmed ut No. 134 MARKET Street. antler the same name. t 0 THOMAS 7'. AIASON. PHD-Lot., Sept. 7. 1359. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the firmer WAR:VICK. CHADWICK. & BRO. is this day diseolved. The Heater, Range, and Store business will be continued under the 11211110 of CHADWICK BRO., at the Northeast corner of SECOND 3ml RACE Streets. JOHN K. CHADWICK. FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia. July 11.1e&8. - Dl2-tf WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING AND IRONING DONE w.IIINEATNFSS and DESPATIR BIRO, 0 Ladies and bentlemon. Ennui Boarding Schools, Hotels. Stennib,als, ao.. iNU VAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. :133 South SIXTH Street, coiner of Pruno. Family Shirts and Collars putout polished. Everything washed by hand, on the eons- woo The whole bdinness is strictly attended to by female Ter:Oise'. Mrs. DONOVAN, 21)-Ir tonetrinilandedL GEOROE AVIIITELEY. No. 15 ONT . Importer of Ilrsto n Wines. ike., Street otters for ssle, in Isnot only, the following, among other standard l•rands of brsnil) • & Co., Thos. fines & Co.. Jules, Rolno, & Co., Otitis:. Dupu), S Co, A. Seignette, Marett, Conners, Pellet oisn. C. Dupont & Co., Union Proprietors. vaitF. F. Alartelle. ins. llennes•Y• o, Stuart's Paisle) Malt Whiskey, and the choicest ties of ISPideara. iiherry, Port. Dumont). and Rhine Wines, Palm Tree Out. Jamaica Rum. Selma Clll% Rim,,Bortleamc &e., ke. 1:7-1y - I AM PR APED TO RECEIVE EVERY desertptinn of Family and Pomestm Good., Ivaving See In; Maelmics of the. last manufactUrol). as also the most ahmottd and skilful oPemlm. N.U.—All am, ten Inmhed n-ti neltnegn and despatch amid at such prices that dclS c‘•IIIM . ""‘'• ADs...l M. A. WO ITIIEMAN, S. E. COlllOl . a SIX HI and PRUNE. Laundm Office. rIE(H,Eit & SMITH, corner SECOND nd 4; 32 EI4,N, have acquired a 41 eat reputation by the w and rredent Illakrile they have pursded clove their thrunnenceinent in Lust eau?, by celtteg a first-rate article et n h,w hours. el3-tf rill Alt —Just received, a large invoice of 'Car, in superior order and larse'liarrels. and for B AIA 1,2, WEAVER. FITLECo.. of Z i N. WATER and Et N. DF:I, WAR P: Av. WA lAG A large and hand snow assortment of the 11.4 celebrated brands now d nly expected and Int sale low, by CHARLES TETE. : rat to 110 WALNITT Ntrret. It Kony AND >PItIN MOUNTAIN LF:Illlill COAL, preyared with ea re. for allP on lest ',to. Apply at KNOWLES'd Depot, NINTH emit WILLOW Stints, . &zit' HALES BY AHCTION. - A-• 111.01dAS SONS, 4T Nos. MO and HI SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Formerly lima Lod , a.) PEREMPTORY SALE—SAN FRANCISIN). On Tuesday. Ont. I lth, at 12 o'clock, moon, af. the Pkilsdatakia chld— i'iPitt4=e,Jor account of whoa it may eon • " ATI shares MO new shams) Ban F.Aneueolead As sociation. daleatm:date. It shares Greenwich Improvement and Railroad Co. I share Root Breese Park Asioeisitlein. XI shares West Ches4Jand Philadelphia Railroad CO preferred stock. OSP ocnp_Unieo Mutual Insurarrise Co. PEWS—CHURCH OF EPIPHANY, ke. Pew No. St Church of the Spipaasr. Per No. la do do. Pee No. 94 Church of the Nativity. TENTH FALL BALE, OCTO4IER 18, AT NOON At the Ezehary. inekid - MTH Y A A r kt BUS, ROPERTY, BY ORD It 0 BR UNITED STATES. Vim: the ran. V ABLE MARBLE BUILDING, formerly the BANK OP PENNSYLVANIA, Beeped street arid Dock street. onnistits the "Fhliadel,Phie ehanie." and near the Corn Exchange,' Second street, the tot 13th, feet by NI feat. haring four frosts. The ' , ankh'e property. formerly PHILOPIOPIiIeAL II AL L. Pdtli street. sooth'of Cheep, at Lot Di km front. Trustees Sate.—The COAL LANDS of the NORTH. CA NBONDA LE COAL CON PAN r.sscure3M perches. in Pell tcrnehip. Limerne eamoty. Pa. Admstmtors' Peremptory ftelestateorNsthaniel Holland, demi:med.—VEßY VALUABLE BUM N STAND. ,Nos. lOS and Ma Routh Second street, Wow cbestent.t Rale aheolote, vithout reserye. VALUABLE FARM AND 4:0IIN CRY BEAT. atria 53 acres. near Toro:ankle on the Pluladttplias and Ens. tol turnpike, Boots cou n ty, p i ,. Liocutoos' Lido--Flame of D. and it. Thbrilt. deed. VALUABLE BURIN LOCATION.—Three story I brick daanims. No. hC south Tenth, street. balaw Chan nat. Wuhan.? Court Szde—Easte of Joresat Wriskt. deed. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE. atm. vitt' ilia proremeats. liawder Mal road. near Nteesown lan& Otp_hans' Court Dyne ut James Rankled, deed. Thl R EE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, tottrot ta as eoroer of lath and Mat" streets. south of LerstionL Saul. };state.—TßßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, adj., runs. wane Estste.—TßßEE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Jose? *der. In the rear of the above. Orphans' Court Sate—Estate of ffenry_Jvikarti, deed. TWO TWO-STORY STONE DWELLINO, Ger =Mown. Or bans' Court Rafe—Estate K Wale!, decd. TWO-tat/RN' PRA EDW ELLIN°, northwest side of Brinshn rat street. Os 'mentos-D. Peremptory Sale.— ELEIJA NT MODERN RESI DENCE. N 0.1877 Walnut street, opposite Rittenhoses square. with all the modern enerentesees- Lot 7S feat 7 inches front ho Ma feet deep. to Georye street. ELI univr RESIDENCE moth stab&e,eoach-locse., &e.. Locust street. atorelVi awn sweet, Tweaty-foart ward !late West Philliletphiat. Eneentors* elate—L' rate of Mrs. Anne L Posllr, deed. VALUABLE DIIRINEJIV STAND.-Btore Ind tnt. No. 151 North Fourth street. store Arch. THE EE-ISTORV OH WK. DWF.I.LINti, No.llllll Winter street. west of Twenty • taw street liseeutors' Ress—Fstate of Willows Wayne. deed. TWO BRICK DWELLI MO3. Nos.= mid 212 North Fateenth street. NEAT MODERN DWELLING. No. 12C Boat! Eigh teenth street. store re street. . . . . MODE RN R PENCE. tO. 636 Ronk Twelfi it. NET RESIDENCE, MO Mot Yoram: motet. aa. ELEVENTH FAIL, SALE. OCTOBER IN, AT T tiCLIXK IN THE EVENING, At the Eiehante. tl ment.te— Otpho no' Court stile—Estate of Davidßfteu. doe'd. 0-BTORY BRICK DWELLING, not&-nosr ne r or auft., andF:ou rib streets. . . S.,rue Estate.—THßEE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Fourth street. Dora. of Master. Same Estate. THREE TWO.STORY BRICK DW ELLL'atiS. north side of Master street, east of Fourth. Roue Estate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING. northwest corner of feaster and rtak streets- Sante Est-us TWO-S — ORY FRAME STABLE. west side of Pink street. north of Master. Same Estate.—THßEE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. east side of Fourth street. eottlt. of Master, with three fur story hock dwellings to tke rear. on Pink Street. Or h~ni Court TWO-STORYTirwcT; M%ltekarhNT Serenth tame. between Siernee and Nee. Trustees' Peretustory crate—Entsta of Jam Ma BRICK DWELLING, Eotrtb Sulk stmt. Agnew Bbutven end I,ttzwace,r. - _ . Parent tot ? Sale.—A Grtxtal- rue a fat • year. Pro perty In Ds/arreo. New Jersey. Executors` Pereosptore SaJe—Estate of Clartes dee'd.—NEAT TWO-STUDY BRICE DWELL ISO. No. 411 So rra Stith iSteet. TWO SSICK DWELLINGS, Federal and rszt o4s. 'See baadbilla of both that states salaa„•••rmai• and erratum - BIjBINEIIB LOCATlON.—Two,ntory brink blears, 214 Carter street. between 4:24etnnet and Rabat ant Second and Third streets. SALE OF SUPERIOR GRIIMAN BULBOUS BOOTS. on Montiny Morning. Atli) o'clock. at the Aueisoa Store, one ease of supf- TIOIr bultous roots. anchhnetag the ILIUM aiSlOrthleat of hyacinths, tulips, wareusve, crocuses, Ac, Sala at ,Xisa 129 and 141Sonth ?north Sheet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FR P,NCR•PLATE MIR RORS, PIANO FORTE. BRUWELeI CARIPETB, On Thorsdav Morning, At 'o'clock. at the Anetion Store, an assortment of excellent semnd-hand furniture. elegant puma fli.tea. fine micron, carpets. etc., from families deeheing housekeeping, removed to the more LOT waren:ewe of sale. J M. GUMMY' & SONS, • KRAL ESTATE AMTIONEgwg. Nd. SS WALK STEEKT. CARD.—f. tat.Gtonmey& , Sons, auctiomeort, kyi menhir sake of Real bold furniture at dwellings. OL, On our Prieite Sala Itaguaer rill always be feats • very large P ori at rag easp i tadedlag every doe eeriptioe °laity AM cone ili a . .. -J. 5L 0 M Y 80 1 ( 8 . Beau' Brame. —^ Mo.= WAVN OT Street, Whew Kalb. m 0 8 ELIAz i mh eit AUCTITERB BIXT a *ACE Brgit,. . -- ,-- MONEY TO LOAN. mosup TO - Joao, is JAIME Os. MALL AIM:MoIy OIL merchandise mmerallY, sod os all article, of raise. ALL mta oVlaft ONO OVOTALID DOLIJAA TWO 111 CM- PAZ rosin, melodies Monate. Aq., M Nalharie •Pnacipsi BetabluduneekB,R. iloon,er of I,ll,Tajd earl RACE BM ORRAT‘P=CCORMODATIOR. ' BIONBY ! AM y:! AtONIYI!! Money liberally ut largo or seal aseousts, from one dollar In tiiogioads i me gbid and ibigar phis, ta itiggiLiWgitiv4aserger. giugh - gg ibfrell4 g .. 1 = gg guabilLa h smoker . _4 l a l gie . ‘ , . s ae b° r a `g jl . !k i ts is a iii on. atNagligice roItIOAL osTAILIAILIIIOT • ooroer of I. 4 lA4AAAjAwwomto. _ - • 1 u IROIIIIIBOr l imn ba, Intl, eraggagb.digegialied bt 01 VIM ikw.gac ke., A P va ab ' at . NAMlsr i al. Cl= PAL ABLI BMW k... rel =TR and RAClttlirsobg be iblialrilik wilLbe ve l ai dlor less Web, &lid *nem! ahem ;Mew rinegold Eas punt =jewelled sad plane. of tie suet opera asd make. bi iillgillui CAM paid d44 6l bodomed, Fine aempeuseatzi4t h i nr . lnu mr =r cora opentsoe_ . sad heel Arks.. Barer Viiategg e wiggles. *desire 0W ism . ea rl; nest Z w ilrilf au l L eldt ; ...Ada 4 1.4 bee, sorsa earry superior ; , ~sali, (barber videlicet Ina sold Teak 'rah,. meet, _sad gren's chaise; fee Aoki mail game gr a ct . .......bnigggiggi 1 breastpins, Myr-nags, ear -gibm gad t !=vieginally. kiprior Homes CI .7Sr; , P --- 15 . 1 • in boxes of gag *bob. vill IND 104* by WWII CI or meaty Da, to nut parakagges. thuggisou fa articles, Se-. tb. TWAT'S W.E. A ggiogrierfireprog eked, 4144 bigli bg I feet in* Also. vstchea. sad Jewelry of even deserietios. SAVING FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAYE% FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. hsl North THIRD Street dldatma Dunk Emblag.) CHAHTERI3I THE LEGISLATIaII 0 FPENN SYLVANIA. tkpoitili ripaid!ed in nuns of Oae Dollar and upwrds, i deNY. l / 4 1 / 1 .1 1 Vi ' feel ' Ze t a i d x' ar :1 wnl dspont l 2 Z 2 drawn. .eferealo9Milde saittsbaibia !ravine lesfitabon has long beap needed ta the Northern part of the city. and" The Senn Garde, Savings Fund &may" yea chartered by the Legislators of Pennsylvania to supply this nevessrtY. The Managers in organising sad Imloti .... ng it, have been governed wholly by a desire to am+ ness Interest and wants of the very large and enterlen sing population bv which it to surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9to I.Y. o'clock; +deo, on !Monday and , Thursday front • mord II o'clock to the evening. ILSNAGIRS. I tIICk f i len. Stephen Smith. Daniel L t ildelkollir, Hon red . ertek Stsc R. Str ke. ong, F Francis Harts Joseph P. Leinere, John Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James S. Pringle, Jacob Dock. Joseph M. Crowell, Mom Wm. !..illhrard, Delores Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn, Peter C. 1 , 1,, *ter. Rob v, rt B. Davidson. JAMES S. iItINGLE, President. FRANCIS ILLILT. SOON Cgiri . ran t - if if RAVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT. IN- F , ' TERESTs—NATIONAL SAF ETV TRYST CoNt- RAM% WALNUT eiteet,Southweat cotter of TB IR D, Phtladelphia. Inoorporated by the State of Year-Joh-a tom.. Money.ie received in any sum. large or mall. and in tareat pm.] from the day of depnect to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till o'clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER. President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wu.t.tax J. RUIN Secretary. Hon. Henry L. Benner. F. Carroll Brewster. Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Verges, C. Landreth hluntis. Henry Ineenderrey. Money is received and payments made dmly. The investments are made, in row:ninny with the provisions of the Charter. in Real Estate Mort.tues, Ground Rents, and such htst class se-erineass will al ways insure perfect security to the depnutors. art which cannot fail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. aol-ly SAPING FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small rum reeeiv ,ed and paid hack on do mawl without uolme,with FIVE PER CRNT. INTF RFS' r from the day of deposit to the day of enthdrawal. Otloe hours. from 9 trout ao'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINOS fmm 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on Harland, Ireland, and Remised, from .C 1 upwards. President-41TEPHEN R. CR-AWFORD, Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER PLINY FISK. Actuary, "A little, but often, fills the Puree." 'FRANKLIN SAVING FUND--- No. 136 South FOURTH Street. between I Chestnut and Walnut. Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government State. and City Loans, Ground Rents. Mortgagee. &e. This Company deems safety better thsn Line, profits, consequently will run no risk with de PORI - tors money. but have it at all times ready to re turn with b per cent. interest to the owner, as I they have always done. This Company nerrri 'suspended. married or ainsle, and Minors ran deposit In their owe right, and each depoaits can be withdrawn onLy by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive too , any from trustees SMALLcurs. t. A RI; AND NUNN R ECM 1. ED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o'clock. and mn Wednesday and Satunlay everonta mad 80'818- DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cvms Cadwaristier t John 84:raller Georice Russell, Mraneh t tar t an, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumlitmor, Brno Detail. Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Stnenky, Joa. IL Bathe rthw, te. Ephraim Blanchard, Josrph IT. Lippincott. JACOB B. SHANNON. President. CTIMS CADWALLADYR, Treßdarer. dIS-.Y A Dollar waval Is twlno •Arne4l., 1.1 - 01VES STANDARD SCALES.- A.A. STRONG A- ROSA PATENT.—CoaI. Cate,. and lray Scales rem ti.re no pit. Platform had Ce•oirer Seat;: E of ever) drwription. T hey receive mll tio syt? Wear on Rolls instead of Kra* dses.. e .01 a Scales. Call and examine belute yutehastag elsewhere, and see the improvement. PENNINGTON GREEN. Arent. 114Solith SEVEN TEt Street. ] I ONS PROOF OF Tux WaDERFUL 4-tit EFFECTS OF 110 ELL'S AMERICAN HAIR E VARATOR. PHIL kPRI.PIIIt, Septetnher2.7lh. 1556. This is to °arta% that I was halct for runny tears. and liras recommended to to tour Reparstor ; and procured three bottles. wed tt for throe months. Nif 111E4 has caused my hair to +CTOW. and slthoush not quite as thick as beft.re, yet it is conmantly erowia-. E. N. J ONE . . No..V North Third street- PHILADELPHIA. September 2. - th, Mr. J. F. MoNELL: lkar Sir—. Some two Mee bay hair entlinHl DUD' Pillln4 out. NO much so. that I was, HI fact, feartul of becoming bald; but hearing of the won derful power of your Iteparator. I was induced to Lily bottle and lifter icing one-half of it my hair not only ceased corning out. but commenced crowinn and hove now as thick a suit of hair as ever 1 had. JACOB EVANS, No. ske Cherry street. For sate be T. H. FVTF.RS 3- Co.. Sole No, ?t6 CIIESTIN VT Street. Philadelphia. ae'lS joi AMILY CIIOI.OI,ATE UPER EDWARD A. HEINTZ. Manufacturerand 'manner rd . French and Spanish ARCH 1 &ore W. corner ARCH andNINTH &MCI. al-Rh (Futon of Filbert greet./
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