,k.n.',,Zkettptiii.:s.lo'4:z. • 7, J,- .- - - ~.,,,- •_- ...... . - ' . r._ . verwaseali..„ 4 „,,,..,-;„,..,„=.,...0.1i ~,, f :446o,,, * 4o,l4NOVAarairlppixils.2 .- -- - — 1 ? •: - ,t, ~. taffit:4l '***oll.4,l46(tAilestilysl, 11l the . ' `,,,N44,11,00t0w14414111. 3,)tftti Of Goirralyet is, ante "' - ' , anolikaalliiittliikakla*e'Yei#o 4'l ' 7 ‘.**- -*iritatte v etiqiiVer )Ipirerallion ef-,the ."' 'Oeilallflifrom a:Venasaelau :--, -- ---- . ----- 1 - • li*. -, ..li'ke te a- „4Mta revere at-liana: - ' • , „ t;1:: inCill'ileittlfr ille-' O4II W lifik_CP - l'emni-YeiP ~. .). stone, • for .the revolution eppeere to a o'ne' of - 7 - eotor':o4`'ittiV4l7'.72'bir teal/say li,'. lieweyety ..,-,” maskedbtidfoillifiront fataidas ,that rise iitAhe , ''..l,o l !llisiPilli,e'Lt.k, er:Ylittetitlf.timora and Bateau; apd'utiderlhatmesas theY hava ebaiinitted ,f atid - - lireeme4lol4eireAl;Mktig,OrberiecrobberieXAC ' - `-- latflettuvrov,thrOCrejets, ta ,so that the Cli;l• orikeßtAl ,044 41 17_WP4vrerleeo • igainiE , ltom' l4iiterispOt otitis the. and-taaoii of :P. -. a io,ltba charge bf lialairsiors ►h-partisin of ' . 1. 'ill'ilia thsOk . the Pathetor of the peple, thq placed Itlirpteeltr - 0 .4 4 , - -- fi.- I .l7''' -,-, ..s., t 4i •trllttervolfiodutiy Vir aelfarerfloii - Ona Of 'Wail fieltoftstli' iiodcttiaisiegrei 7 - littoral thither*, AteAmplit*B . o43,7,,thif -attars Juan, tomtit, aid , theterUmWirmid_altitatel Ilolutego Dias. It sea -;:fertltiptifiltora - for ttootrinee, ea . '?4lXottelltiblits -tait'eCtertiOi,ltelk iliberi t 'aki a en 'zmili.tit--vatlfeeti*Altfitthrit,,-cPt. their (itemiser', sec: eadedla , Mavatiirthealiteliritsliy . inottibatfrig to ', then' plietevaittalentralsti lishindreit thistles: ', -- •14, - fftetliiti ondia`;'negrO2(lnebartfLotalte,lsili , Vileft*iiiitifipa -Aid iobl)eCTOth tiniuntt7 44 Titra ""ii." .4 m-4 4 4iFilisliiiir SoirOocisest, la the suburbs ...otjAiierokAelialicuksitalate the might of- the 17th' - ilio7bel.katt-sistaleCtlnimithiens• that the youth add all , ta t iolieti, fora. retained nailer Orme ell might pelted the '00‘411111; driting•their' late il,l - thrtnitiathirmeimlitireblii-Iletrilghthirhood of '''‘.. l ll rte7Ntidlet ' -r ` , 0.,t0 *CAI olitily this tioleravVies there a- Alierilitelledt.aui fa eOoOdltloll. tederetOt thernosives; - - --4;; bat dui Giparannat, Mated of sending a force to 'l"' • ' szferadziate Omit/ f sea a eolitmiuion to'the RIP '- rules indisposed of ihe btotheralLstophe, Colonel , ~.., sflan,,siodathere ; but this commiesidn'the negro '- iiebera, hi tke 11 - 00, of carrying out his villain :.;-. ', Ohl idea, • ditUnot - admix Tate proves that tha :), Siovornoient cattandilits, „sympathy to -these lac- Waists, for it,uirsaot ether% lie limi,eourpreltended . - tk:ltrile it laveramont tiest&Pardon rook wretches:, - t,....","ProvehtelostrealPase as been' gruittotgy Bk. `,: - -" , iled; stat'attatiot - for;Thiladelphia 'in tho',ltett , ',` It otaltkilic siiii day tie ourseptes: Panallea are ' , emigre - nail shigt:lll - ar:. duel ovitlf consternation '..: ,',he'd darter ~1 „ ,, -- - .`, •- : : '-- - , - ;..i . .Put.tbetelli of Jule 'antithei similar faction et; e,.(isoket Mei lowao Valentia tt dtlforcat points, but , p4ll469 , likif•A • beat by Atte inttabitantcof that -- s AI - I W - tut moment an &Idol' arrived from tbe ~, 4:3Forinielient to close the port ilf Piet to Cabello, to frevent,the immigration-of families, and assuring .., ahem pr . ciectiou I am, sashimi, and it is the gene= vet ammo, that the actual provisional President; General iltiatro,- opoouragee these disorders, so es 7-410 obtain in;the elation - tor Pnaddent the votes of - Mb &ohms - - " ' t - , pllti , :a S'airolett immara. . Garielai t ,P:..ar ro ma Patatow. entrees : Its. _ walled mcmy auntry by. the National Conoco '',1,141, X have sfei l leyed the satisfactioa of passing Aleveral.nsituilie auseogjon. ` I heartily embraced i the ,pfinolples p" valaimed by ,the revolution of lif !.., orok' and expecte-Iv that which raises ,to a, *gala the r reconcollation ofell thelfenesuelaus '"ciodlaY -sittattiaalut- •To the practiced appli.„ = ;Cation of that principle I have devotedly words, - • tureritings, said' hit my - trots: `Tort have aeon ',. *malrtiniralhiog with infedi 'ail parties, loaf I am - ,Iti(aat-tWiald.l**lVO' fro' alt of them 'a gettlkoisceakitiath •far beyond iny.,expeotationo. -i, witin•dio save yds, .not so much with my ,-_, Altera-Ai* lidthr nil advice. • I would give, with r2::; , ..,gitsature my., - life , . for 'your. tranquility, could ',ltzli - lal ,a 0 b lood have been aufflotent to , calm those protons blood of the Vensnelacs. illow„ , ~: ~ , 1,.' „ VfOrdelandlay , example, my anolliatirig ‘=" re :, ea laiviliVpiot I ilwaja paid ihelleeenti. , ' 434 43ll: lll 4 l .lo,o o tdtil:o l )Xletjt tin yofir 14400, have i l bjektitim'aavellliiirtite,boaalisot the coon - try -,' Political piadoss aildlbe hatred of partiteepork 'f'-''loilder Shia 'rey , bailable, voice, fad 1 - an..t eon „illittatted ati'witistssi4our suitforthaell iattable to re ;-- ' Medy,tham -- ':•' .,: "%. But lam Maar my regret deeper li tie observe -4,lotruitlC promedltatad matiolioand flatboat the .4 iliktedol 4 W or th:ipartioipation'of tho contending s, the rumor iisurstitsed that My presence Is itiolla•SO yOM , 'lAlaria IS Olen tO sixths rumor .- - 4. in printed Illia•ta ii_othir meana, l nig More nn _ lirortity, are ample, ed. to create distrust, to excite - - . - -bit t o t owid to-lessen - ; toy ropotottonT to att 3 oll4- _. faiph thieved tallotiouthepOrts and'proolamationst „ Pcsuilpe thiintaritt I take on joni behalf bila, ~., ..., iluixk ; that the premiums ore „ataxia' rwho' ''. loves you; who served you faithfully, and , *hoes only, ambition is Your 'lace, your reconoiliation, --,,, itnii, the liispeact a the' republlo, may' he a. , soxiolts hi you` =.- bit r zpusvrom to the otirium :intones ; altlided smonksidi by the „voles' bf '.."'?:_patriotialf,„ ‘ en pelorianivillitit,c*, the. other, to • - - tee my name roughtfortfiod as a pretext for unz patriotic mars,. X have determined to go again to 'Tondo oOgatnell. - ... Shen vii' nof.satirifloa 'great - enough for me, it it contrientos rtd . your atrium Accept, thenforeflef salt-denial al tb• be" Proof Or adreotlol3 T ten - giveyou, l. - J'- - ,'. • - -,•.z e , My fellovraltiacha,,z dipiit iiith'reir.wirom einotnaryin,•piothaps forever, If death should ' *vernal” mil e mratme land, • my-last , thought _end my fait wishes will. be for the hapoineut or oar :--ethrts9r. .::Her misforttraes hive inert:aged inflove ; , fother Prom ttiedistant home whlotidestin,fret ' } renal telbe last' lava my illie(Lwill share 'Mr Ifisttimailis If4a ll- avoebacintia happy. 'l ' flail lianeni)dirmilifortiinesi if .you coaiterk to be tuthappy.. , : ''., , 1.'- •-- , . -- , --t. -,, ~p ^- ,"' - f Pshow °idling tiller 011iii1014thiWee;.bintr. , heart. -Do'mot,distroy lam other; do ntit;rirvaga• too beanufal Infantry the Almightyeia,glyen to "!....yest Oat tittle i tiliegovereyoli tel'obatirepa r ef the ;:'...Clooeutsehri, arid leaflet the Temple asewitheit• ' dOlll their iiraitiable rights ;let thaw blvotiy-revO , " -„,lutionsalte Oro& at Spania Amemo , ir thallium ao mom Brats, country. = . '-- .--_,-.., - . '.. -Ikialtill tau want to reamer before:the 4iorld as a prosperotia tuition., Such Jr the; hem r stivierti that you may grant in. ; ,che "Maly,diseE has from you so a recomperisafor my haw expetriationv , . • ~ ~.~~-~ riaironn of titii , . , - iiteent , ,Oonvietion:ot-the- Dinnooredy of littittifyidopted VP liraiet , a ttie;:iltuittetii-'4,' this ...toiientioit' 'have'meeti tatratie Oter , • of 'a - bar erne Ventral Committee of the Liamocra,tio party Hanmia' - god , :heolanizittettike aldieere Ofreatitli the - Con. •41 - Atltetiorifef thejfaion;';!thaviglitt'Of - thir'fitittee; reiiiiped..:(rigbie':Of*,,titoZPO.Offo qtamitiOacptaottlialiy sot• a tree tole; - t beyond- the; foal. , Jilin" . fivitifer meat ozOf)ifFlitld ' 7 ietiogntie‘ iti:differeoce . etireen "free- - State" And pro-slavery:Mon; anith;o"l . tieretorei , ‘'iterattati,-lhat - trettfhtin oar ebidlog faith' aid ehhdeneei: 11•.'tt, priteiiptio of - the Democratio _party, tie ontatelatidlitiJ,efferron,-Ydadiaon; Jaok; - nen, nog,t,be Lendept - of our. Clover meat, and re: on unitioteditadhe'Citioirinati platform, , •; • affirm_ the , abiottate -ear ; it:6s4llll'a tii - eAliteirof this'Olden in- regard to - Abair dotrieeitiefilitittitione, anct'iliti:::perfect ,-o,otittiditration - Of2 . ltre.hitirilaire , Phatiti,ed - Ohik,ltitriheidOtisly.._tegeiteteeleder ; the VVVOllll*Plaeretreiltyederaf Constitution. - thaitecipte of•4lte -Territotiei ":::-.temoirding - totattallimilatent - and Meaning of - .the War' oflittatgrem, ,knogh_ge the Zzoros-liebrarka act; have tlic sots sid - tiaeloirive night, in, the or. „gantaettini:d• a,Stite;tiioverement, to and insiblitioeg to own ; oletry,"",,b,,ttititAteili:of,:thillnejOrtty,lettly atid - feity • ~i xoaseeif thelftittid,lstette. - • tion4ittoirootron by - COngrisi, . . , -`Meth the aoineetio institution of the buttes orler-, tiwtlsa i•: thadistmotive feature of the &moors, --'• , -Ati e rietAhed-OrtiqAtt T r oia that trioeipie,eithei, itgeliatt ?those latittiatitint;.. - JA „Inspotittoi . ;%; • , - ResoleACT : Mpg, tier Otigiiel and eti 'Stelehtbdinteri_dity-AClthAtaigrO. race, and hereby; eilVapoti=„thei ;00iStit{401110:0onvezition ..-Attipitlegro and-Teittiatikataffrage, and eAtilud e ati; 7.'fitieNagtaerfrittiftit_iiiterit Ow. of eirotti,Clifs(oo3l',CODTpiiOn:shonairtbia”, td)edirett Tote ,Ofilittpeopitrfor ";.4iitireatiota refectitiri. - - , : „ •• - - ;-- - ittookowif, That the - Demooratio party condemns: fr or r - ir eithepeopleof this Union against, -ionestinothrei," - Mthisi'letifeetiount of lottMity;',tartii-, placer, ir, i r 'etintritlyepioctide theory . * 'Proff,eofc,tbst ;fro, Pettiotio of,spirit ijliigBkntted the;pb pie, o'er) , otitis tn: :.,,theltieatatteigitlifOrifieortaaa,f4dependsoce. , Valei; ; bill Pooled bY - Ittej'ettyof thelatiikighthanreditatitd: Conattoratio,; Resolved,' Thaithe nriegiptiontroPpriouliti fazi - eiejorit,y tt"thil late Legislature, ; 'inset with the tetiMdllitCdietikipetihation of the• lotaafterittte the Piaeinition' be thitieitelfreieCkP,giefet;. - e,. ' iteedlifeeititonirtuieeettler and 'eau Oster Of. • ,the piibtio lande,"Mtihont Undies to time, - ge, the Demoeratto.,party. of ; i ffatteel,,feelpetifolly,,yettitmly:,erge, upon the Pro, Masai thirpropricti ptettpoal2g the pub:le 'asks - of the, tadrstatutiont - lartda iii:Kauttim for twelve -,-eiontheat • - . s' A..Persir,on Anointenx b apneas on a tu'ra ay last On-the Bloomsburg (Pa ) Railroad, near ' the . Bellevue mines. Two - waddling Innotumts," loss than three yesre old,' were playing on the track just aboviitho,eurre, - Iben a coal train glided in eight. , Paralysinhitk Tear, they stood still,one throwing its *Up, ittali 'tc bola ylva other's nook . They wegli 4 t#cirAj.doirs Be:the middle or the tact...7:4:4a to Arsown Inoue' to keep.partestly still theridgeithuire escaped uninjured; but they Altraggled - ;repissitedryrtd rile, and were knooked down • brthe 'sites of the passing oars. •in their sfirtiriedilitrlfrom beneath the moving ; cars they thrifillieir Windt end Priniaerose the rail. whloh, .;shigultir,.4o.`tOlatti, 'wets several times-saved-by Betted end-his brother, 1,60, 1 with. a " 'nose! mind mid ausellthee erfeeiing wer -;tbf. eVeteriut reisiembienee, bad sprung from the strain ri te=uave ihsurf, ..noesible,r and stood' by thmirhigthaiilitelesof the track at the imminent r hof ieeirdwo They -iniute'd narrow escape 'ss*ree; JOh#Bailnehls neat. 'sleeve oat hypos ightiOgbfetutilittely, iticti' elicits Were . net- raireassful.'" Vito' of"the sniriga Joseito aciier; hed leg, 1,14 both:were onside rably bruisiC.f-Xhe hitter"brie-tonne died. ' Tao other It lu a keit Wa>i :oCriettkretleg. Toe train lihrhiheitigslitily.aCtliepriastant death t healdhuibultilleued tbelirethltiv.'yTeishet•pry. per tapitbarr 4Trtta { ori: the lmrs of- tha "eti , '.glimerde;eare:.ibri",shibireit.rtetio -unsareesafiiity onhadie by:thornier asi Ott theengine.'t The bucket, Malkin Shriek the brakemen front the`oire, while .4tieTsfer v irliibirtat baakr . 1 11144 4e 13 0 4 1 b9 undell erTvitit9Ablierisitgl _ _ • mv; • E "II tome Paliti.of , .ii. iiiesiesti • rain; • L of illinois and / .21ko Of riscpriak* *r_Pisi Plee*iksB of pit:•itiois And apigt, ~aol.afa tbs notapni, poruo74or the 8 * it t v e a s s ig i‘ioi s p r ing l U 410414410 Aved-roatliefq tioiKezdalltaut ..totitoitgy.iiitoragif •110.. An. kth• OILIAT Is sapeslally. liar portlohq ; of tr,lP4titio j t 1244 ;06 ii4iierfarr ii"r"*44.lll-I t I tta . • "*112 3 0 req.t _44 - 11-tifi l if iii 'x."44solLiticff,4,#),.itOkrpril,,:.thislaS!lttlify are V PC, *6,4'474_040g wi1l speedily eom~, not lice) Islq°k9 - - T4l. .R..gdartaitteremas quite-an-excite meat yesterday itiaiongjhis.'atiottitig :min of Ibis , AllYreuelS4l4lo,o7.'lheßewetta among the Witty. two feet YrOltal.,PUtiti ,„ Thiladelphia fleet. 'fits yachts cateredzwere the liWilliamV Mann," "A. .I, 4 ;.Plorrierfrati"." "Ilartionfr,"' L: Theodore Es lings" `i Henry M „Lido' '! "Mar liniteysfinr,".Deorge,M:Mill,"anii rAkehouetrillve,o',cdooki. the Whole- fleet started Merajted: Bank; and 'rounded the .Brook House; AMR 4 - milibeloW. - "When they *darted there was 's frrish i strops wind. ". On rounding the light-bowie 'betrisr, - the "Royalton" upset,' and was accordingly disabled: ?..Tbeeothei vessels went redid-eery near , 1,40 h -other, the " Harttitife:"'" Bill" and "Mann ), lending Witte Order MeifflOted: 00 thi tail Up to I -Banner's' baby; the got the lead, and maintained it, gaining as, the: rase progressed, „The.reit Wei to., abintier's buoy, home again, hen.the yaohts p ossed ther etike- Imetlit , Ttadirlanlei'it - wis in the follawitie,order : " Mann." Mcßride," .Plomerfelt," ilartranfr l / 4 " ,",Bilitig,' , ' - tßuoms," and "'Lyle." The;!.'alll":Watitwenty:eett,ntiouteanbesit 'of the '" Minn," and about en bout ahead of the ' , Lyle." The rest of the boats cettptin 'with almat, five or. ten-.minutes differentia , hitweeirl them. 'lt was keit, pact thteewlien - the'filliii".Paseaci the '4'll'6' ; b eak TheieWiti. intense • excitement among the 'speetaters, greatcroird of whom were on the Red Bank wharf:- Ihe batting was about ten to one in _fever of the'..lllll,"-trith but few takers. Between lb.:v(001de 'Of. the -J!Plemerfelt" and the-" Ma. DSOs" there,Were a number of bets—the contest between these veasela befog very spirited. Mcßride!' ,is nett' boat oh-the river harieglieettelaunehed' but' aJeirdays ago. . She, had • e'neVetit of - sails' on yesterday, Which were muoh too small, for.her., She, givee promise of "doing 'some good sailing daring the season, when fairly put to the trial, -The race was for three silver goblets; terii,of • them' being awarded as the first istisehltipi , the ..third 'as, the second An the feturnioihe - stak e•hosie the ...Buren.° mit off two men; which were taken on by the .11.111,'.! ' •- -- We'mitv.liiyhere,, that there never was somuCh sport Ow the river, in the way of yachting,' RV at present : 'Among the twenty-two feet yachts there is, particularly; great competition: The "Rill„"..thus far ; has trot:llh° champion flag, and 'every , effortWill' be made torlratister it to some other...BAß,. sailer. , The " weaselled' yes terdisie by, Oatit, Jacob ;Cellar; who managed her duripg lier race with the ...Mattock." The .11,;systori '...!,:watt, commended by William Orou e, the' OPtaill , of the ...Maraca." at the Bathe time- -A match has been determined eh between the 'Rill" and... , Royston" fur a pitrao of $lOO aqd the championship There is aim° a rumor di', rano between the " Flomettelt", and "Mcßride"Tne_weather, ,during the 'regatta, was quite un favorable,, _there being a slight shower of rain during the greater part- t the time. - • ; , APPoiturßssite:--taterday morning the following iniperidoein were ,appointed 'by Mayor en*, and sworn , , , - '-first ward, Second Ridings: bevanth wardiSighth division=ileure B. Bubb. ward;,Toath division—Jameit Ray. iNeventhirivb prilfth devtaiop—Wiiiim4 M • SiXiieri,th Saver.4esiztit Piintai. " Nineteenth ward,• Seventeenth , divlelon:—O. A Bonder'' - ,Twentletti ward, First' dlrdeloe—rWm T. Doyle „Twenty-Ater ward, Thomas - ' Twenty first ward, Beaoßd division—James M Twenty. second ward,- First division—Daniel IL Harker. Twenty-560nd ward, Bond division—Reuben Bands. Tsv,pify,fouritCward„ Pint dlitsio4—Joseph -'-• - - • "ritetiti , roartli wardi Eteaorid divisionesephl3. • :„."Xsexity-fourtil, Third , " ' Tiltii , kB.--Tho Mayor's Pel Ice, a day or two ego, took two veperaideihieees in nultn4)!, hamedNordon Pratt and John White a tkit'Brpizi. , , The charge preferred against them was orehoplifting, to antnver which they were liilhnlunt of 'POD bail. Pelts arid White are o,ll4llimpe,,betpg about sixty yearn of age, and haieserVedtwo or three terms in the penitentiary, both here :and iii.New,..York: They .have been known to_the officers for nearly a quarter of a cen tury„ tr av elling -together, most oft the time, and *Mixing pileelpsily between:, thls'ilty and New ,'Yoik:- White wag disguised ',to snob an extent 'wheia rrested that , it was- with thlrt tufty be was recognised.,, Ills whiskers had-been dyed, a black wig na'd been donned, and instead of being a gray, old, bakt• headed,eeedy gentleman. as represented .In his ?fettles" in , the ,Detective's Gallery, he re semblexi:a hale, ruddy, and active n iddle•aged merchant,, ratter - showily, dressed. "Brown has been separated from his,wife for soils time. When ,ke:and bin friend were taken in oustody, a number of shoes which had, been stolen were found in' their possesbion: , _ „- lIfiiPATAZ Ceske.-An elderly lady, named ,Cathartnis McAllister, yesterday fell out - of ttie ,window of a Douse, No, 804 Shippen street, and 'was badly bruised._vrajt'inhen to the How-, X lad •• named,. jOseph. Oasis, about Six years of age,:fellfrost-,* wagon in MoConnellsville, and broke his thigli. Be was removed to the Pennsyl. vattiallospitaL ' ' 7 ":Atother lad, named-Broliert Boston, eight years of ege,_was ran over tin gin Tenth and E,eventia; 'Streets Itillsray,' - and bed M . :4h of- hislege crushed. Me Was taken to the Hospital; where he remained 'in ,Veritioalhoudition at a late hour last evenirg His Parents reside at Fifteenth and Parrish strea ste , Diskra'or 'AN:HYMNS` CITIZEN.—We regret beingtonapelled;Wrecord the death of James Alma, Erg.;, at . the advanced age of, eightYtwo - Years.' Aktr;:•,,k.,Vrea horn in Einotland; in Ili; and mono tolhilidelpliln,"an - the early ago "of seven teen -year,., By dint of industry, perseverance, and integrity; habecame one of oar most eminent Merchants, and so oontinned until late` in life, when he wen appointed- lay President Pierce as United titatesinonsul'ax rrii .Babtiiid - Belfakt,' , an office Which he held'until within a short time. • xenstaims.—The Chosen Friends' Lodge, one of.the most enterprising in the order of Old Fe,lows, will start on an excursion to-morrow for Atlantis' City. ' We'jitdgi from what they have done,in their previous efforts that all who partial pate with them will spend a day of real enjoyment, arid that at-a very limited price. They have pro =cured twisplendid yaohts, to be at the service of the excuratonism, , and all who, delight in the pleasures of a sail on the - briny deep can be int', gradtied, They leave punctually at c B a!plook, =,.Figi.—Yeaterday morning, between ten and elven - O'climir, a fire broke out in tee second story' f Abe mill on Miller Street, book of Edward, in the' Bevehteenth word, owned by Mr James Fenton; The fire occurred in the portion of the building °toppled - by Molt ,h , Taylor, and it 'Mgt. sated trflm *carding machine. The loan, which is about $.5,0,0,1e NO severed by insurance. , Ab tneotaX,:—At ea ,• early hour yesterday morning, J, Tenon Campbell, a driver on a neaten ..ger railway oar was badly hurt in Fourth street, below &tippers. 'One of-the horses broke loose from the gearing, and Me. - 'Campbell was dragged over the das t fortlithe ground. , Be had an arm broken, 'aid he wail badly braised. The sufferer was taken to his home, ;at Frankford. • Isr.runEn nr - e DnAr.—A lady ) resident of Clauiden, NOW Jersey, was injured yesterday-morn. ing, by being knocked down by a dray, at Third and Marketetreets. bhe was taken home. James - Fulton;,the 'driver of the dray, was arrested and held to hail to hoswer., •Lovr.--;lntelllgenee ban been re eetved,ln this city of the total loss of the schooner Fratik - A.Mill,,thipt., Wood , together with a vain able cargo:" 'She eallerffrom this port about too `dale ago, for gionfaegoi, and was wrecked off Key Briton,' The ore* were all saved. Ittoinus. - -= - Yeeterday , morning two young Mani ninatieJohn-.lltayWood- and John Yampa; wars nrrelged 90 the charge or participating in the Oremen'e riot at Saturday' night,,nt Frankford rowLand...Weed:itreet.-„They were held in $6OO to appear at ootut. SPOUTING; -- At''. lemburg Park, to•day, Lows" acd aiied Bird" will run to sad.: ,dle, bee; three in eve, mile heats. A pedestrian contest will also take place, In which two men are matched to walk three miles in twenty-Cour mi. nutes, for a premium of 5200. - CLOUDY AND.COOI.;=The ViroOher; Crtir:::ll' EM S. - -Roarran &MOLDS r —Tne roosted almond, in: troduaed brldr Stephen F. Whitman, is epicurean in' flavor ieSerispneasOellereni to theimie, and far any. Pules the mmient bunatalineod, Mt. Wkittnanta store ehnd Laotory is eittlOMarket street. ' We would tall' iltentlon to ' the advertisement of Cherie% Oakferl lc - eon, in soother column, of a' atone to rant and fixturei for sale. To any one in want' or a good businees location a rare chance is affected, BACK. kisz.v..L-General Paws and several other diritrognished gentlemen, who have beed taken with a sudden leering from ,Venratiela, arrived in this city on Liatarday, On the bark Bowen*. There lea rePott cur rent that they were , driven 'out of their native country by the : insurgent - party. This is a ruistske. " The real object of the, visit is to procure, a seriply of new gar• meats at the Brous Moue Ohuldoe gall of Bookkill lb WilsriaMris 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, above Sixth. ' "Tar Patina or WATAIS is said to be travelling' inteig In the United Statile. Borne imnOrtence is at tached tothis"mbothinifroor the foot that yesterday, a handsome; - thotigh somewhat yrrithfal-loching per sonage, was seen to enter, and shortly ',Ger leave, the belintlinl Clothing !norlam of Granville Mate, leo. tin 01settnntstreet. We, are credibly informed that he was the veritable Prince of WalBo. ' „ • '-; ,_,',JSIPOIII.ATIONB. Wolell.-000 tug oat. 1,500 _cows nits. it Kerr. MaYAbllZZ*Bd4ollve.-193 Midg owl; 00 bbl PenistoP. Otarinc Jntetlincittc. wqrronstyt PAO/. ,Iroarfides, Cottle, from Liverpool, strived at tit w York yesterday., Rath 110, rad it, nOllllO4O from Rio de Janeiro 10th xis, for Ph - Sark:Nati Light, Bayaoldaytrom Rio, arrived at Bal timore yeiOooloy. - • • Birk Melt* Power, for Philadelph'a, galled from Rio 'd* hiestro rarh ult; Bark lniaion Bugg, for Baltimore, sailed from Rio de immix - QUM Behr Mahlon Rate, Primrwo for Philadelphia next dev, was etßio ds'iatt&ro Seth nit. Bart Tseoiy, Lyle, cleared at New York yesterday for,Rotimoona—/.. • , - rtAra:„Thrie Wing, Burnham, for Baltimore, exiled from Ito de dangle° 12th nit, and war spoken 19th inst . , Int 81 68; lon 69 441. • - • • B - ack, Deepen; berme, arrived at Rio de Janeiro Bth ult. • - • . . . Bark fieurtotta, Brown, et Baltimore yitterdoy, from Rio do Jarastro 14th - Holt Ztograllrol, Milker', for Now York, nulled froM BM do Jonoiro 14th ult. Bilk 'Adder Web Oat, Nlakeraoh, from Palermo, at BaltlmOP.e yasterdip. - . - Bath Porelio, Patterson, herprei arrived at Bangor 22d foot, ' , Biig Ocean Herald, - from Bt. John, N B, ogled from Bolmra , Bole 23d foat, Brtg America, Itobtioa:ftoor Calais for Philaddlphia, eaillairont Holman' note 21ar lost. _ Bilgi is Poing, Ala, Pomo'. Barnire, „sod danima, • Prokham, hence, art at Barton 23d foe C. Bohr Parollno Brolihißmith, hence for Boston, arr at Now York peoterdar. .Pahr.lituriet sakdßettaroa, hence, sr? at New /raven 241htast;: , • &fit ItaX4arptitiar l aa.rt9tt! 40aaa, art at uosiozi pa folk _ • • Behrildwinßeedc‘OhlPollinranifid M r * 4ti ' ' ' ' ' 2l/1 'net for Philadelphia. . Sabra 0 fel Henderson, and Alabama, Vaogilder, henna. at Willtoll 24th last: - • .fjohr M atchless. firnakter, 'rived atildir York yes- Wady from Rislanistro, Jona le. • The •barks Maoist, Book, woold sail for Baltinioro 17th ; Lomeli pme*; Hardy, for New York 18th; ship Panaronfor do 17 7 th; brig klary.l4onse, (hacker, for Hi,. reirigton,P4 O. 18tti; 12th toot, lat 20 15, lon 60 10, spoke ship Gleaner from Callao, for Boston ' ?Bohr Ferret Ithig, Piny ; from Bio de 4aneirq; arrived at New York 'yenterdkv: Palm ()aril:manna; Orspo, hence, 'arrived at Noir Bed ford 29d lost. • • Bans R J Herder; BblrisOri; W H Bowe, Wisest ; oo , neetlent: ; and Governor,' Chant, galled from ,New Bedford 234 lost for Philadelphia. HOLMES , . HOLM, July 23 —Ar Fakirs Gulnair, Halt, and 11, It Basamob, Burke, Philadelphia for Boston ; BJOhneon Johnson, and Invineible, .11022d0n, Phila delphia, for Belem; Hattie peoillo, Ho r n y; Lewis Ohm-, tare, Bom a r " ; Glassblower; Maria, and B A Hammond, Paine, Bostoo, -for PhilsdelphlaTlsabella Thompeon, ()moo, Seem, for' Ph il adelphia ; L B Ferguson. Bar ?tat, Itowieh, for do; Empire, Marshall, Calais, for do. - Bailed—Vohs T 11 Cushing, Cutout; J B ,7ohnson, Orton, and Insinottlo. 28d, sr; la 1 Lewin, Ltr4, Portland, for Philada. .thitied—• aka Btvira, JI B DISOPIXt, N Sawyer, and Sarah A Hammond. - In port at BA. H. wind N ochre Nary Login, Is abella Th•napson. Lewis Cheater, North Pacific, Ohms• blower,'M A Shropshire, Oompromme, Ana Bidtidges LllPergnson, E 7 Lewis, Corinthian, and Niger. IREIVALKAT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, II! SO o IR 0 . (1LOOK ,NORAINIA OM= HOUBll.ohestorit Street. below Niath. - Oita WtiDAR, B 8 lit ''a Y B Smith. Teens ' W a Wender. hew York y 0 Pat.ick, La 0 Devresse; Jr, Louisville 3' u Colt. New York X T_Bainbtidge, Louisville P B Peytint. Momphle B 8 Oonvers, Vats Voltage" W BMus, New Yolk J 0 %hits, iNew York: , OLI True, N 0 8 B Dudley, Mimi ‘ - II hi Williams. Fayette° W LLJanieo, New York W P Ingram, By Wit Tooter. Va ' '' T 0 Johnson, St Londe H Short & din, Providenee W Henry, New York - D W irorattn, Ohio'l3 Driver & wf, Ohio ' T II Bradley. • Mo " ' P McEvoy, Lancaster B P Rowel, New York It A Morse A la, hi 0 Mrs D Do eriy; Silt Miss Hite Davey. Balt ' SA Barnum &, la, Balt ' Was enliiran, Washington J 111Freemar., Vs. H 0 Orevelusg &, la,- Mo 11 Blistros; La ' II Vedrines, La A Lottery, La . , A Pextron, La B Elalley-,111 ' . D L Boss, N Y- O W Alexander, Memphis 0 J Dtainisson 0 L Dn Babson & ton, Min N Dimond, N Y D T Bone's, Beading Geo Mouton, Trererton ' W J o hnson, Bait G B Yardley, St Paul it Robinson . Dire Robinson Dr li Richardson, Boston 0 P Nana Boston Geo W Plater, N 0 J Braley . . Sloe V Bracey, Va Mine a mires, VA - I Witing, Vs ' Dire A T Gillard, 8 0 W D °Ward, 80 Dr / 0 Patriot &. ram, La O Robinson, N Y, , J W Garr/malt .11 .1 .1 W Dodd, N J - ' 0 M Wallace & lit, Ny All N Bobarts,H 0 Geo W Fraser Ohio V 8 Boil . Harrisburg IN Sheppard :Washington J floiltb, Pa F Winner N Y Alex MtNinney, Pa - J Hall Bait Theis j Doyle, N Y W 0 Warring, It Y H. Tanner, Blinn W Lyman, Montreal B a Lyman. Montreal ' A B Pendi: t di,Vll, • See Perry A dan, N Y X 8 Ileynolds, Pa T 8 Davis, Miss .7 El Blatt, By J II Starke N 0 - J Mos, N Y A A Robinson & la, Oa L a Reed Ga - A Varoweatinger, Phila ' Bawl tel Nraneer, Balt J N Robley, Brcoklpn W W Ohapnixo,,Maiss Theo II Titlow. N Y Joan Green Boa VliottOlNCO - War Brewster, N Y^ it Wise. N Y B Singer, N Y .. W Nisbet, St toots Gardner - 11 Co by, Boston - kinds Ton,elg, St Lords MIN Oampliiiii A Li, Dalt A Mooheimar, N 0 Geoff Rork N 0 J liurty, N 0 Thom A Pride Va Geo W Palmer, Va J H Savage, N Y J Hopkins Smith. N Y W El Thompson Wash B H Porter, Vicksburg it W Rare. Woe& - Geo Oatte, Mt Vernon, Mo Mice II P Crawford, Mo - N 11. Glare, NY, II Btk Mosley, Daimons W L Phelps, La Henry Rienirdson By Horace Bain, jr, Sy Wald 8 Drone, Mich john King, N Y , De la Bath filmlth;St Lords A J Hotnand A la, N Y Z Perim= VA Z al PrANIIIO. VA carol Blogham. Conn ORI Lathrop. Coon ' 8 /Sharp, Balt ' W 8 Davis, Galveston J LI tonceberg, N IZ Sinai P Daaniore, N Y BLIROILANTiP HOTEL—Youth Wed, below Groh. J-France & la. Wadi . It J Veils, Elt Lents N Shields, Texas B 8 Yu , gate, Va il. Dichmeen, VII G hi Webb, Texas 1` U Chilly, Pc mi. N 0 Wm Vogler, Salem. N 0 J Sewere, Salem, N 0 W P Botinghatu, Vik R T Ross, Phila - 'R P Brown, Beading V Dewein. Peoria, 11l , PL Du Dole, Chest co J J Polk, Tenn Moe H Bowen, Tenn , Miss H L Wilkinson, Tents D Stratton, Belem, N J W A Schreyer, Lewisburg, hire Nicht& & als,..Dasion 0 It Darr, PhDsR II AURtin. Pottsville 0 D Wegener. Dugan . Tfl Leary, jr, Radon Mester D W Leary, Reston 0 Bowman. Palle Beni V Marsh, Phi la Mre Roclenberger. N Y b P Loring & le, 8 0 Mre Elromson, S 0 I D Tor line, St Louie G P Dittman, St Louie lobe Bush & lt, N J - W D reneger A la, Oln 8 el Johnston Hollideyeb P B•rkey & la. Min • I ll.Weesenden. Oin Dr W Hernando, Ind Ter Hon J Shlndle, Lehigh on A 0 Seigel Reedier L Orane. Allentown A Trent, Mineral/Ole Jobe Thompson, DA 'CI A F enter, Bch Haven L Packer s bob, Haven W H Drown Wyoming 8 I Orotton, N Y Xdw Coo ) Texas Ck A toregaid, Texas IGNI3) HOTEL-Ohaetiaistreet, above 8131 1 39. B W STartla, Pawn. . T 890180% Ni X B Williams, N 3 . 3 0 Toorp, N 0 Win B Br nting, NO W T B.ldwin, Balt '.l Hansdaffer:Belt J Pangolin, Salem, Ala A Lipman, N Y B 0 Halo, Tsxne A G Horn, Perin .. W.S'oz, COW" T Fernald, 0 Y - J . P Lewis: WheePog, Va A, P, lialensan, elna, 0 3 It tiaesett,Oin, 0 .1 Jarvis, Porternontb, Va H Curtis. Boston 0 id Igniter. N I W B edger, N J J Condon, Jr, Bid 8 A Mitchell, Philo .3 It Oonieny, Bait 0 Et Beckwith., Ohlosgo H a Max oily, Belt H F MII2OI/11, Penns W Bushwell, N Y II It Gotorney, Philo W P larder. Nlt ' IIE Meerut( oh Belt /3 Ppsrhawk, Phil& T W Condit', N 1' . D Dodd N Y 13 G Oarpenter. N Y B A %titer, Washington It Steiner, Georgia 8 B Obliton, va ' - Dr Steiner .t. lady, Ga Kra Bobby, Georgia - 4 It - gers, Belt - 811.1111 XIAN H0T11. 7 7-4)beehrut it., above Fink. 8 0 Horrle,.Podeville II 0 Wilson, Pennilie W M Newell & Is, N Y T B Nesbitt, N , Y 0 PPorbee, /' AMComml.g.ltl N 8 Johnson. Phil& , JU Or ootebbak, Aid - T Volie;Cr 0 SjOsroo, NY II Poeta. Peons 8 RRogere, B B Huwder. itoceder J Worrell, Machado? P Hrely , PIM& • Wm NI Baird & err, Beading P Penuelt,N - B Bites, N lAReenedy tr. Is, bid T P Masted, Vs W Jones, New York 8 B Berrie, New York B Lewis. Wed Cheater W flodiee New York Jv. bitebill. New York A Chloe; ' Os J One;;. Mobile J P Holbrook, New York H M Mclntire, Wed Cheater NATIONAL HOTEL—Base et.. above Third. W Bartels ea la, 0 May .1 Power la, Cape May Mies 0 Glover, Cane Hay Mine II We lsh, Cape Mayl W warts, Capeelay J H Oolllns Jc In, Ps - P K Power, Pa - J Ore-newalr. lanoester I! Johnston, -Johnstown M 8 Henry, Wee port T H Andrews, Seaton T 0 Andrews Beaton D Templln 'Realm( - 8 A ntrause. Reeding M J Kramer, Allentown B Boennor,N Y H J Headier, Pottsville ;Ii Greiff, Pine Grove ' J B Nutting, Pine Grove Mien A.l Au Nog, P Wore H Orono. Readiag. I W Henseeker, Trapp A liLltter, M.neraville _ 0 Beebe!, N Y J Woodskte, Cape Island H R Amerang, CI Island, Geo Brawn, Cape Islud W Reifeoyd•r. 0 Weed H T Mllehesek, Bethlehem J Whitaker, Mt Olare I B Leidei , Lebanon NAGLABLOTAIL—Thttd et., above Bane. P Barr, Phila. I P Thompson, Ohreer eo Baml Bondi Phila 0 Sampson, Limeriok Wood A U Livia, Wost Ohester T Painter, New London Car Shindel, W Plait Chas Shaw, Phil% IJOADdEHOIAL 11071M-81itts street, above Chestnut J 'Delve ' Wept Chester J Mintzer Pottstown Amos Kimble. Cheater CO Jae 800tt, ' Chester co Jae Johnson, Oeml co J H Crawford, 06tlit en Thee Btliley, Chester J siordsph & do, Pa nobt Iledgeon, Bolt - A Marshall & la, . el M Rooney. Pa W L James, West Chester P South. er, Lana oo Jaa Jobm on, Md J li Crawford, Md BAml .10 Grlsoom, Pa W. Ruyan, Del Miss Baker, Del O&M UNION HOTBlr—liartet street, above Sixth. 8 Esnoedy, Maw 0.1" /linker, BO . Jacob Doug, lowa , A 'Murano, Lewletowe BilbotopeenA, la; Juniata Dec L Phtt Se la, Harrlslg Pima Jones, Harriebam I Bowman. NeaTille, Pa David Abl. M D. Pa Bobt Middleton, Pa J 8 lidollv.lci, Lula ob, S Haven, N Y - B Dunbar, Pittsburg - MOUNT WINNOW HOTlL—eaeond street. about/iv* A 84611122611, Cape May Dint It But. N Y A Olerkson, Phila J It Arndt, M °tank '8 a Knowles. Md W II Tldd, Mess Jobn 8116 e, Milford P Pam. Needled Jae Devlin, Ftenoldown &Ire linage I, N Y - BARLEY IDIMAIIIOTAL—IIIeentid at,. below Vint. Joe Greenawalt, Lancaster J W Pay, Doyle/down, Pa Obee Wlnekler, Phil' Oliver Panels, Pa J Dilworth; Pa J B Dilworth Pa J Yells. Pa . J'L Patton, MB A D Byre, Bagels W D Walton, Stroudsburg flaml Opllictsy; New Rope BALD NAGLE—ThInI Mt" Above Oallowbill. B, Grog & la, Dacha ao Joe Hornig, Harrisburg H (tattle', Allentown ' Win Gabriel. Allentown J B eater, Pa - Jos Merle, PA B w JoneA;MOirtgy on, Pa Jacob Zepp, LaverAter, Pa H BOorta,Nortbarupton eo Owen ]➢vane, Phil& UNION HOTNL—Arch street. above Third. GHerekbotr Terreßants • 8 0 Robinson, Texas A P Hobe, Pipit J H Deters. Ohio Z P uoyer.Per. R PI Bantle, Bagel°, NY T A.Dplr gate, Dunkirk. NY 3 - It- tiurateaer Mo is P Barrett te la,Nete 'Pork J P Cooley. NI B Hadley, Male B A Hendry, Phils I eltimer, Pa - _ 8 Smith, Pe D a Bracher. , Pe, - . H Lerleon, New York I 0 Trotter, Newark J Petoreon, Newark H Reed; Pe 1111/LNKLIN 710171111—OhostOut at.. above Third. V N Bookman, Baltimore rhos Milford, jamestorn A 0 Oororan, NLI , At Jaoob, N Y 34. D Asset, Va. Tae Qeddis a , Milford, N J B P . Pomroy, Pottsville J Turner U hi 0111 . Pottsville Pedro Toledo, Oaraoaa 0 fisrsoien.o, Caracas 8.0 Hood, Washington Geo X I. Hyatt, N V' W '.owln, Lauthertville,NT X 8 Thompson. N V Thee Tootoptincidd 1. J Magruder, Washington D Ball, Wasninst n Mitt A Magruder, Waah'n Miss a Beall. Washington J A Spenser, IN Y, 3 Madge, N Y - N Harks, ti If Joo Olotark, lona gisitontewrs , 1100831. Third at., above OaLiman. Lancaster Jtv Hapy, Hoßartow° D'A Albright, heading W D Dc, eler, Lebanon co 8 8 Boiler, Berke eo, M R .rottb, Palm 0 • lititans, Jankincown . d 8 Pair Beading W Z yornerman, Pa T W Lynn, jr. n Sall, Pa o:llnytepraat kW, Pa 8 john, Bbamokto, Pa BIS Imin. Wi.liamatown Jan T Pegg. Ltizerne eo R. wen, Nastiatia Conrad Mats, S 4 smells W Branch, N Y ' J 0 YON, Columbia oo 8 0 a lila Columbia no W Shannon, Rupert, Pa ti M 11.11 b, Oeoreetoan, rapt W Azbegaat, Pa SlitbpatzSek, MinervOle BLACK MR ROM—Third rt.. above Oallowbill 0 Harper, 'ankh:dealt W Bookman, VOX Chase Muter PulteranYox Chase P 8 Harris. Worm Mott Jacob B Roop,e J R 0 NoWe t N . . iilift:—L-1 ' MalMaiN_ EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPEINGS. ONORTEBT AND CHNAPXOP RODTD, PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD PARE THROUGH 84.25. Pusengets leave by 7 80 Morning Mall Train dally (Sundays excepted), arriving at Readinz at 10 A. Id. and proceeding at OM by stage to the SPRINGS. Poe taste apply at dui Reading Railroad Paaunger Depot, BROAD and PINK Btzeete. G. A. NICOLAS, glaeral auferkitend,ut fPRESSe;-PMADELPRIA , TUESDAY, ,JULY 26; petial,3Fatlcts. Stinsnlants.—Those re 0 11 trieg the eteleleee e of a otitontsut ehonlt me: Lioogiamos ammo; BITT31103.• 'They ountaln no sloolvil or injusieut We dlente, Ind yet possess great alimulallog properties, - followed by no deleterious /Muds. If you are aufferlog with Dyepepela; Liver Oomplaint, Norsemen, Lode of Appatitei these Bittern will *peed!) , and permenently oure you. Hof sale by all druggists and dealrrs in medt close at 78 cents per bottle. jy26-Id&W. ,Grover Je Baker's Celebrated NOISILISS FAMILY 110Witit MAOHINRS. Alw BeTL6I3 OT 11111 , 1101 D PllOl9. 780 ORIBTIVOT Drama, PHILMILPRIA.. g!cof the three prominent Machines mow before the publlo, be have ^ used two, and carefully matched the working of the third, and honestly believe GIKWHIL & BAREttig to be the very beat we have seeu."--fßela. ware State Reporter. a ,ap2e-ly Seamen's Saving Fund—Northwest Corner of fiSCOND and WALNUT Eltreeta..Deposits received in small and large amourkte, from all Mamma of the community, and allows interest at the rate of_ tire per sent. per annum. Money may to drawn by °hooka without loan of in. West. Office open daily, from 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Mon day and Baturday until 9in the evening. President lfrankiln Yell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles E Morris. Saving larmd—National Safety Trust Com• PANT.—Ohartered by the State of PearoylviaLia. . Money is received every day, and In any amount, large or small. 2. PIPE PER GENT. interest le paid for money from the day it is pat in. E. The money is sißsje paid back In GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small came, to remain* long or short period. ' 5. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Bents, and other ant class seilmities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, south west corner Third street, Philadelphia. apls' Sin,ger 2 e Sewing machine.—The greet pop*• lnrity of theme machines may readily be understood, when the feet le known, that any good female operator can earn, with one of them, ONA '1110178411D DOLLARS A 111 AB To every Tailor, Boanbstrees, Droammaker, and eith Urge WWI/ In the oolvot l 7, one of those zueohlxtea world be Invaluable. I. M. 13IIIGIIII & 00., d7J CILITATNUT Street. spBo.Bot 0. P. DAVIS, Agent. One-price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and - mode in the best mincer, expressly for mewl. etas& We mark Onr lowan selling prices In PLAIN nowise op each article. All goods make to order are warranted Satiefaetory, 'getout. ONN-reins &MIMI is strictly al hered ta. We' believe this to be the only fair v* dealing, as . thereby all are treated alike. JONES it 00., Ws-lanai 604 MARXIST On the 21st instant. by the Bev. J. O. May, D. D., ADAM M. WICA.OER of tabular', Lebanon county, Ps., to ANNLE N CLAMED, of Philadelphia. Oa the 251 h Instant, JOH All CHAPMAN, in the 21it year of his se. The relatlven and Mende of the family are reaped. fully Wilted to attend hie funeral. from the reeldeaee of his huhu., T. Ellwood Chapman. 1128 Wallaes street on Fourth day afternoon, 27th instant , at 2 o , atook. afrat On the 26th irritant, 301124 H , infant eon of Joseph and Hannah H, Elfreth. aged 2 years end 11 menthe. The relatives and friends of the family are reopect frilly invited testified the funeral, from the residence of his parents, ho. 88 Stevens street, Camden, N. J., on 4th day, the 27 bet , at 3 ololoCk. P. M. ** On the 231 lusting, P M. Gr.O. WASHINGTON: &MISR% aged 6 y este, 6 months and 8 days. The relatives and friends me invited to attend nift y funeral, from hie parento residence, northeast comm., of Sewed and Pine streets, Oamdeu, N. J this (Tues day) afternoon. an 2 &clack, without further notice. To proceed to Evergreen Cemetery. * On the 234 instant, JAME, RAILLY, in the 76th year of his age The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from hie late reel. demo 616 Thirteenth street, below South, this (Toes dty) m orning. at half. put 8 o'clock. Funeral service at et Theresa's Church. Interment at Omhtdral Cs. =Mary. ' On the 234 instant. WILLIAM SINES, OM of Robert and Elizabeth Grid:fan, aged 2i. yearn. The relatives and friends of the family are respect• fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his father, 519 South Eighth atheist, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock Interment at St. Andrew's Church. On the 24th instant, GEORGE N. T., son of the late Mitchell and diertha Sherman, of Cambridge, Ild., to the 11th year of his age The reistivet and Mends of the family are remold, fully invited to atteed hie fulcra!, from the realadoce of ht. , brother•le-law, ()harlot Price, 2087 Wood street, Shia (Ttteedeyl afternoon, at 11 cOoloac ar Oa the 24 it intent, JOHN HILTON, hatband of Maras, et Bine. The relatives and friends of the family are rallied, fally Invited to attend the funeral. from his late feel deem: Washington street. above Mill, Norristown, td morrow (Wed net4 l .l) morning at 10 o'clock-, et ' On this 2.6 d instant. FANNIE, wife of William J. Martin. In the 70th year of her ate The relatives sod friends of the family ore weed. Nay barbed to attend the foneril, from her hosbandis residence, No 1099 Front street, below Ott,r, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further no tice. On the 281 Instant Mr TINNILY B. PICAIBBELLEC In toe 66th year of his age. The relatives and frinds of the family are respaot fully Invited to attend his faneral,from his late real. dente, Germantown road. above Chathan street, Ibis (Twmey) afternron. - ' e`" Oa the 28d instant, Mr. JACOB RUMEO, Jr. , aged 20 years. The relatives and friends of the family are reepeot folly (rental to attcad ala Amoral, from the reeldenze el his ham. Jacob Rambo, 8.. Corner of 001 , 2416% avenue (late Macau street) and Wilder street, Hight. eenttt Ward, tbid,(Taeidar) afternoon. at 4 oWeek. * On the 231 Instant, BIitiJAMIN lIATSLELD, aged 17 years The ralathell apd friends are relpeettully itivitrd to attend the funeral, from the residence of Dr. 3. 0: Mororg. No. 2705 Coates street, thin iTueeday) morn— ing. at 9 ololook, without farther notice. - • • -. On the 231 %dant, at Girroset,wo, Mrs. ELIZ A.- BETH (MINORS, widow of the late Christopher t.t Unser, in the 88th year of her are. The relatives awl friends of the family are repent folly invited to attend the funeral, from her late reel dance, Nein wrest, below Logan, to Thursday after noon, at 8 e 9 eloeh t without to ,4 r notice, it• DcrGreen and Comps-Street Philadelphia PAHSt:KONA RAILWAY CompANy. IIaKIITS GOUT) FORA atoll 04 rk4 ROAD of thin Company are for sate at the ( Rim of the Or many, 423 W e.1.N13r rtraet ; at the Receiver's Office, Vett , mount; at the Oirard (louse, and at the Depot of the Germantown led Norristown Railroad . , at Ninth and Green. Price One Dollar for a Package of Twenty five. bENDY BliatiWOOD, JO2 atPeoretary. • Q:rNotice to Stackhold.ra.—An Election will be held for °Gime or the ALLIEGIIENY eiOiINTAPI HEALTH INnTIVOTN, at uReItION, on the tint MONDAY In August at 2 &el, ak. awn MOORE, jy2l-41in Soor.tary. rre Offthe Shamelc'n Valley and Pot mile RAILROAD CO., 800 WALNUT Btteet—PHlLa. DELPEIIA, July la, 1850.—Ihe 00131.01vn ens August let upon the Pint Mortgage tined% of the PHILAIAL. PIII6 AND DIINSURT RAILROAD CO., wilt be pa'd on and after that date. on presentation at this Office, between the boars of 10 snd 2 cOolock. JOHN L. HOOD/LED, jy2l 22 20 dth 8 Bearatery. • REMOVAL. • J. W. GIBBS & SONS HAMS ammovlD TO NO. 531 MARKET ST., NOETII SIDE, THIRD DOOR BELOW SIXTH STREET. jy26,6t VOU WANT PICTURES IN YOUR -a- PAU ! You can have nothing mo•e suitable or valuable than 1.112 1312 d PRO COGisaPilia to Oil, male at Photogiaphie ELBOOND fiTeet, above Green. it* IEFINED SUGARS AT OASEI 0. DONOCILIB,IB Beath WATER etreet, otter* tor sale Lost and L'atent.ciat Loaf at 104(o; °lathed and puly•Tizia 9% and Dxc; White Chine Bntar. 9, and. 9,103; Ymtew CLITee Bugar, 7%, 7%, 7%, 13,X, BX, 8%; u‘ardlee Ye lone, OX tato prone kiwis ILLUifiISOII; Steam Byrtp and etolamo; and Coifs. et eaiione grades, at lowest sash prim bit di,* NAVAL STORES.-985 bbld. bbipplng Dodo ; GUIs. Outs Turpent re, lindlrg from sohr Geo W. Gees. 210 Ible. lihSpplog Roelm; ro bble. Spts. TrupentMe, hating from suhr. J G. Mille. Por eby ROWLXY, AOIIOKURN 6R, ts 00., PRO No 10 001Jiti WHARVES. DETER D. MYERS, REAL ESTATE 81. Age nt,and Collector or House and Ground heists. Has to let—Tee Store, 028 Cheetnut street lso, three Ultices in No ".64 tiouth 81xth street; sleo, an Office and third-story Boom, corner of Beventh ani Btneoto streets._ 3y2. ate tipliE Spring business at ZEIGLER &' 13MITEL'8, corner of OBCOND and CiltEaN Streetes to opened with a superior ',took of Drugs, White Lead, Zhao Paints, Window Qlass, and all other articles usually found In a Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Was, e,etahlishmest 5e2041 QAUT AFLOAT.-1,300 sacks Ashton's KJ line; 600 bluebell's do , 2,000 Liverpool Ground, arrived per atop Itiorthamploi l aff . LV D et i t m um, 28 et* 188 BOUM UM FM N. WitaltV.lo3. LAOR 01JRTAINS.—A. largo alsortment, of new and elegant dealgos nod 11, eet finality, from $3 60 to 1540 e pir. Trottel., Loop. Gilt Corolees, Band., Gooks, Wogs, &e —everything reoutred for fornlahlog WINDOWS. Gilt Border dimdel and 000 n F.xturee, 760.. $l. and 51.23 eaoh t and GOLD holder Shades, St 24 to $ll6O each. flacon Uold aod j Table and Piano Covers ; Curtain Materlaill of all blade, from the lowest price to the moat expenelve. W. ff. 0411111:41: & 3714 11 If Curtain Store. 719 GRICBTNUT Street. MARSH's MUSIC STORE, No. nu 0111181 . 617 r street, Philadelphia, Where all the latent nod papnlar h nolo can be ob. tallied from any catalogue to that:WWl States. In struction Book', at Pteoee. Bongs, Ballade, eru New Cataloguer, will be forwarded to soy one, poet-paid ?dual° will be sent, post-paid, on receipt of the price matted on catalogue Publishing and receiniag new Mode daily. Musical Instrutnents and Musical rrer• chondlee of every description at Important' and want/- lecturers , prices. BIABBtr. jy2o.ltp 1109 OIIEBTNUT Street. CURTAIN MATERIALS AND TRIM MINGB of every description, Lace/Nall Bluetits Cur tains. Gold and Gilt Border Window Shateles from Sl to $12.60 each, with good strong fixtures- Strangers are respeotfully invited to examine our gpodu. Wholesale and Retail. Curtains made end arralltpid so ae to be put up et windowe without any difficulty. W. 1.1 (MARV.. & SRO , Curtain Store. hiMODICS Hllll, Jrl4-tt If 71g OHEdTt4I.II. Street. QTEREOSOOPES AND STEREOSODPIO Plante., In great re: iety. from the London and Paris Stereosovie Clot , of latest Importation. wholesale tied retail, at the Btereotcople Bazaar, 111 Booth kOIIKTEI Street, below Chettont. j 92.3 et.if M. J. IfItANBLIN, Optician. SIIOULDERS.-90 Ude. dry salt &lord deco. Just received and ler mile by. C. O. BADLVR & CO. ARC BE., second door above FRONT H T CHEESE. -860 boxes Herkimer County V ()Mealy in afore and for oalo by 0. 0. OADIJOR Jc 00.) ABOa Iltseeti mond 03M L'An'e ?mt. fp illarriageo deaths Cabilut-Ware. CABINET FIIR•NITII&E AND BU•T.TAPD TAMIL ' MOORE & CAMPION. No. 261 - 60IITH'BEcobiD 8 rillyr, In oonnestlon with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now manufeAtoring a euperlor atoms of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on band & full supply, fobbed with MOORS a, oArvinowa IbIPROVRD‘OI76IIIONB, which aro pronotineed by all who have used them to be Mapatior to all others, lf.ft the goullty sad Satoh of these Tibias the mann foot:were refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who ere familiar with the aharaoter of their work jy2e-Elm New thablitations. R OME AND THE POPE. NOW READY THE ROMAN QUESTION B. ABOUT. Trace'Med from the French by TE 0 Coupe (ftuppronsed in France). 1 Tel. 12 tee. Cloth. Price tO mita. From the London Odle " The translator he• dope hie task as well as peaeible. He has entered heartily into hie original, sod the reader will soon underatand why the writer desired to be be. yowl the reach or • the long arm of the Pope. , From the London Timea Ono of the meT nagtot prolootjotor of the day." Brom th4o7ninti r Dally Nowa. "Intolerably witty and merelleasly ttuthful." From • the Atbantearo. M. About desooode Into the oarkneaa, and makes upon the Vulture of thla Nat , onal Pronnthatta D. APPLETON & CO., Publlthers, jy26.11t Non 840 and 848 BROALWAY. HENktY WARD BEEGIIEWS "STAR PAPERS" APPPIAIt IN THE INDEPENDENT, EVERY WEEK. Among the numerous other Contributors toile columns . , Ali RARBIESI . BREMER BTOWB, Rey. 01110. B. • ORBEYER, 'Lad JOHN G. WHITTEN% Terms—Two Dollars a year, payable in advance. Published at No. 5 BEEKMAN SIIIIIIIT, and for pale by ALL NCNB AGENTS. jel4-to& lam THE BOOK FOR, THE TIMES. JUST PUBLISHED. LEOTURES FOR DEN PEOPLE. BY THa Re•erend XitibtIVBTOWELL BROWN, of the biyr tleetreet Ohapal, Vtorpool. PIRST BeRIES: With e Blographioll Introduction by Dr. R. MEL TON AteoKatizip. Publlahed under a special arrangement with the author. With a splendid Portrait engraved on Steel, by Bar twin. One volume Mao , cloth., Price, $l, tirom the Liverpool Mercury . 4 Mr. Brown's Lectures till an Important place, for alaiich we have no other book. The style le clear the ep•rit Is kind the rea•oninr careful and the argument cc iolualve : and although Enrolees They are not coo• TAMAN, bat are such that would Induce many persona to attend places of worship• We are persuaded teat this book will render more aood than any book of See- Inoue er Lectures that hove been published in this Nice• teenth Century." ALI. THE NEW BOONS, AND A GUT GIVEN WITH EACH DOOM, at G. G 31/018 , 8 Gift Bnok Eistabliehrrent, jr-23 et , No. 439 CHESTNUT it., Philagelp9ll, NOW READY, TU ATL4NTIO MONTIMY ..1011, AUGjJT. COMM—The Dramatic ailment in the Bible; The Rum fetter; The Rod of All ; Birds or She Night; A Trip to Cabe; 'Daniel Gray; The blielsteriii woo• log; Robs. di Boma; Inceleaue; The Vlumes; My Pealm; The Profeeeor at the Broelanet Table; The Italian War; Reviews and Literary Matinee; Recent American Publications. Timm—Three Dollars per annum, or Twentydive centa a number. Upon the receipt of the subscription price the Publishers will mail the work to any part of the United States, prepaid. Omms.--For Ten Doitars the Publishers will send ATE, copies or the ATLATPTIO for one year, the sub scribers to pay their own postage. Clergymen, Teachers, and. Postmasters will receive the work for Two Dollars a year. Booksellers and Newsmen will obtain the terms by the hundred, to o upon application to the Publishers. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, Ss 00., IS WINTER. Street, Boron. CHAIIIDERS's ENOYOLOPEDIA, (To be m eighty monthly parts. )6 cents each) Regularly supplied to any adlrees, by 3011 N stOBARLAN, Agent • Par APrr. , :ioreei New AMERICAN CIOLOPIDIA, AROMA RUPRL, OROSTri UP. above Bluth. jyl4.tr *** Mailed fr•e anywhere—lf paid In advance. A N EARNEST AND THOUGHTFUL ..Cl. BOOK. LBOTORPB ON TUB IHKEIT TWO vzszoNa OP THR BOOK OP DANIKL. By Rev. William Newton. 12nto. I 5 cents. NOTioa6 OP Trin PAIN: There le a warmth of tone and feeling about this book which will make It not unacceptable to a large Mast of readers. Its practical earnestness and reve rence Of spirit are high recommendations.—Banner of the Owed The volume contains sincere and earnest expositions Of prophesies. The author's viewe are. in some re. sped*, peatillar, apd-a•e worthy of attention and eon eideration.—American Presbyterian. The book is the product of a calm, thonehtfal, ear nest, and reverential cot, d, and may be consulted with profit.-Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Just stdinhed by WILLLAId O. & ALYIISD , No. 006 CILIESTNTIT Street. tILD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS • V' The undersigned elates that he has frequently for sale books printed between the years 1470 and 1600 early militant, of the lettere of the Rerermese and of the Palrlten Divines; In, JAW, Braeton, Lyttleton. Par fenderif,Vrottut; Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Books, Report*, Ste., are often to be found upon hie shelves; Oychipediae, Lexicons, Oland., Authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, liciente, Political lictonotoy, Government, Arohltaidure, Natural Illrdory. Treating upon thee. and other kindred eubjeeta are being continually dealt in by him. Bonita . , in large and small quantities, par okeiled at the Onstom-Rouse avenue Bookstall, ORIBT MIT Street, above Yount', Philadelphia. ttplL due JOHN OAMP BELL. ilefrigcratote. WINSHIP'S PATENT 6ELF-17ENTILI,TING REFRIGERATORS TOII ONLY TRODOIIKCLY YEINTILATID AND IiNALTRY,DEDBEIDRATOD IN Talk DIAIIIIET LIPOID WITH ZINO, AND MI OARING FILL= WITH CHARCOAL Prof 61111 man, In hid recent work on Natural Phllow phe, need drawing% of this Refrigerator to illustrate the circulation or etc by the combined effects or co d and hvat, and he saya or ite operation, "ft le In beatit,ful accordance vita Natural Laws, having a motive forte or ois a tug& to eotahlieh and maintain an outward constant current of err, arm comennent ventilation." The lieftnerator has been cued, and le highly recom mended, by Professors $ man. Porter, and Thatcher, of Yale College; Pref. Mapes, of New York; Prof. Chase, of Providence; Commodore Gregory, U. a. N ; Dr. D. Cl.. Clark, City Physician, of Beaton, and many other prominent scientific men. D. 8. Fernald, Proprietor of *Onion Market, Brooklyn, eays "In an experience of twelve years, I have used and been familiar with every style of Refrigerator, nova of which wilt compare with Winship's. I find It Ventilate /I perfectly, Is economical in ice, and pre serves meats splendid/y. l ' Beery housekeeper who wishes A pure, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, should purchase cone of Winship's'. Pima cat and examine them. For gale by NORTH, °HASH, A. NORTH, N 0.1.09 North 8200 ND BTREAT, ARNOLD A WILSON, lel-21u if No. 1010 OILHANEIT STREET riIHE CHEAPEST BRUSH, HOUSE IN 11116ADDLI , HIA —Loot at the following Het of prices for Hindscrabs and compere them with those bought eliewheret No, 1, 53 kuota, 82) p dozen. No. 2, 82 knots, 76 ss No. 8 66 knots, 87 ts No. 4. , 80 knots, 100 s. No 5, F 8 knots, 112 No 0, 100 knots,l26 tt No. 7, 104 knots, 160 si No. 8,150 knots, 116 tt tiIiNRT 0. 110HEITRIN, 62 North THIRD Street, below Arab, Phtladelphla. CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-OURS. At OHNIPPRIIT HILL. PHILADBLPHIA County, Pa. for the treatment of all Chronic and obstinate diseases. This institution. Under tho charge of su experienced and skiing Phyelelan, Ls now confessedly the leading and most anacessful hydroysthle establishment In this, eountty. RIIPIRBIONI3.—Mrs. Mary Cottrtoger, 184 North Twelfth etreet; Charles L. Sharplere, Beg , corner Eighth and Oheatnnt etreeta; Geor.,se Grant, Erg , 883 Market 'Area Farrington, Heg,, of Myers, °lag horn, tr. Co. For other retooneas and particular,' eddied Dlt. JOSEPH A. WEDER, RtfIIDENT PHYSICIAN, OILMSTNIIT HILL. jo9.llnpr R e O. WALBORN' t & 00., (Nov) Nos. 8 end 1 IiOATIE SIMI". STIMIT, DIAN UPAOTUEIREI CI OIIIIITB, WildPEgltti, DRUG STOOKS, 1:ITO. Deadens in every arttolo relating to the GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. myl7-Braif ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPA NY. PR3BIINT OAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. All Paid In and Invested. This Oompan7 femme IMILDIDIOO, YURNITTIP.II, and MIIIIOIIANDISIO generally, against loss or damage by fire. Ground Bente, Mortgagee. Mechanics) Mena, and other eecaritios on Baal Xstate, trill also be speoially Wand, if desired. DI ,OTORB I' Ratchford attrr, Mordecai L. 'Palm% 151.1 ten, George 11. Stuart, Zialin, Brater, John II Brown, John M. Atwood, B A Fahneatook, Dal T. Trodlok, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. Livingston ltrringor. S..RATOH ORD WTAD.R, President. OLIARDREI W. CORD, Elecrretery. Temporary Office, 162 South FOURTH Street, until the complegion of tho Company's Running 8 W CORNER lOURTO. AND WALNUT STS. tnyll3-2m W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Wrir air• onovrsa & POOTT.) WORNIBII - aroxic and BalltT IiIithrIPACTORY, fU4 011M3TlitIT (Street, nearly oppoeite the Girard HOllEe,) Philadelphia. J. W . d would reepeotfolly call the attention of We former patrons end friends to hie new afore. sod is Pro pared to fill orders for PGIIITS at abort notice. & per. feet St guarantied. Witoleeala Trade supplied with line Shirle and Collar& 7721-17 LUMBER. -150,000 foot auportor 5.4 and 4.4 atoblle Flooring Boards. 403 000 White Pine Boards and Plank, nemoned, and In I hicknens varying from % to 0 200 000 Plastering Lathe. 50 000 feet prime Ash Plank, 6-4 to 5 Inches thick 200 00) Spruce Joists and Ratters, and 2-ineh Plank, Spruce and White Pine Plokota j 4) and 6 feet long, polluted and plain. Together with a general assortment of welloreseoned Lumber for building purposes or cabinet makers. Per We at moderate prices by jy2l.that ul2la 11AB.BEKT, DAVIS. & CO. LOOCST and TVIIINTY-20LIRTH Meets. Summer 'Resorts. BRIGANTINE ROUSE, - HENRY 814 - ITH, Proprietor, BUDIANTINII BEACH, N. Thie is a meet delightful resort for families. The Batning at this point lie unexcelled anywhere. A large Hotel, the BRIGANTINE HOW!, has been recently built. The to cool and delightful, being 'Pu nted between the Bay and the Ocean. Tine fishing and gunning throtiglMit the newton. Terme $8 per, week. Captain Turner's new boat. the , r Bea awaits passengere at the Inlet on the arrival of the mont h:lomin at Atlantic City, from which the BELGA TINE HOTBE le situated a distance of three miles, being apleasant inland nail. Paseengers will and Capt. • Tarter at Bedloeis Hotel, where they will leave the ears Poet Offlo, address, Atlantic City. jrBo-tAld WARN SPRINGS, , 131TUATE AV AN 1 . tA1313_ ON WARRIOB Ni.thJiTAIN This romantic watering place, live miles north of HUNTINGTON,- 4enna., has been newly fitted and fur niehed, ready for the reception of vieltore, at the fob• lowing ratee ;$7 per week, $l.lO per day. Gentlemen winkling to beep horeee IMO be accommodated with good cool stabling, attentive and trusty hoetlere, at low rates. A daily Doe of hens will run from the railroad sta tion, in Huntington. to the Springs, leaving on the arrival of eaohpaaneegertraln. jest lm* JOHN It. HERD. NEPTUNE UOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. This POPULAR and FAVORITE ROUSE having been ENLARGED AND REFURNISHED, le now thrown open for the cocoon. It, Rooms ANN LARGO, and lILEGANTLT FOINIONOD, with every convenience and comfort for sojourners at hand. This House adjoins , i.Bstmoa , s,/ , on MASSAOHU. BETTS Avenue, within convenient distends of the surf, to reach which broad and solid gravel walks have been laid Ont. It Ie adjacent to the Lighthouse, and commando abe view of the Ocean and Inlet. • Pennatientland Transient Boarders accommodated on liberal terms. ChUdien and Servants half .price. Je2s-2m JOI N 113110 K, Proprietor. WHITE ROUSE., Lower end of hIABBAORENTTR Awenne, ATLA.NTIO OITY: This ileums M located Immediately on the Beech, sod presents every scoommodstlon for Vialtem Terms moderate. WILLIAM WHITBROIIBII, , • Proprietor IEA BATHING. DEL&WAILE 110738211, Cape island, N. J. This favorably and well•Itoown Hotel le now open for the reception or visitors. Terms $8 ipr Week. jeTel• 61r JAMES IdEIORAY, Proprietor. CONGRESS BALL, OAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAY, N. J. This well:known Bret-clue HOTNt. will be opened for the reception of vests on 1 1.11DNBSDAY. the 16th day of JIINN. WHST & THOMPSON, .14. 6w. , Proprietor.. 1859. OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. OPEN TO VINTERO BEBE/NG HEALTH OR PLEA SURE, PROn. TONE IST TO OOTOBER, ler. AOOOMBIODATIONB FOR OVER 600 VIEITEREI. TIM OHIO WEITZ SULPIIIIR SPRINGS are situa ted in Delaware county, 1B miles north of Columbus, (the capita/ of Ohio,) on the Scioto river, 10 miles from Delaware, 6 miles from the White Sulphur station, on the apringdeld, Mt. Vernon, and Pittaborg Railroad, sod 10 miles from Pleasant Valley or Springs station, on the Ch lambus, Piqua, and Indiana Railroad. The Medicinal qualities of these Springs are unsur passed by those of any other Mineral Waters In the United States. Por Room, or other Information, 'Users ANDRIM WILBON, ,188-2m* White Sulphur Springs, Ohio WHITE SULPHUR .-AND CHALY BRATS SPRINGS, at DOUBLINGI GAP, PA , are now open, and aro easy of oarless via Harrisburg; thane on the Cumberland Valley Road to Newville thence B miles ataging to the Springs, whereyou u rive at SP. M. dame day. Every arrangement la Com plete for Visitors. , Board per week, 18; per day, $1.25. Reduction for families. Refereneso—Jae, Steel, Mor ton McMichael, Bareroft it Co., D. 8. Janney, Jr., It Co. Iteferenoe to the Analyst. of the Water., M. 0 Booth, Analytical Professor of 13 EC Mint. Mere.. Merrill. P. 0., 000TP & 001 f LH, leT-Ltnel. Proprietor.. 'FINITES STATES HOTEL, LO NG V BRANCH, N. J.—The subscriber takes this method of informing his Mende and the public', that on and after iTINB 20th hie house will be open for the reception of guests, when every effort will be made to please them who may favor him. The house le plea. Neatly initiated on a One bluff, with lawn In front. A full viewer the wean, good roads, stabling, ,to., make it so attractive as any house in the country. The com munleation Is accessible by two daily lints from foot of Walnubetreet wharf, vie: 0 A. M. ' and P M. lleferenoe—(lrandy, Warden, fr. IN Chestnut street. B. A. Bllo.llkfAHEft, QEA BATH/NO.—THE MANSION rioutam, foot of Pennsylvania avenue, ATLANT/0 OITY, to NOW OPEN for gamete. tar oonyenience of arrangement, contiguity to the beach, wad attractive. nese of the adjacent grounds, this house is unrivalled. The proprietor ham spared no pains In making this Hotel all that could be desired by Tatters. jel-Bro N. MI. LPHR &TA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LaNO eST OR COUNTY, This Tavorate estabilahnent will be opened by the first of JUNE. bituated on the Rplerata Ridge, 69 miles west of Philadelphia, 18 south or Reading, 18 north of Lancaster, 40 out of Harrisburg. and having the advantage of the viral soft water, every variety of baths, the cite elevated to 1,200 feet above water level, with graded and shady walks in donee forests, and the most extensive landscape scenery in the Union, It is not surpassed as a summer residence. accommodations for 400 persona, improved stabling, and good carriage house ; also a good stook 01 livery horses and carriages, with amusements. A good band of musts, billiard tableo, ten pm alley. It Is easy of amino from all the &hove volute by .11reaal and onsehes The proprietor eperea nothing to make It a home place for comfort and health. Per farther particulars, see circulars, to be had ,by applying to Joseph B. filyero, Third and Vine streets; James B. Earle, 816 Chestnut street; or to the Proprie tor, JOSEPH RONIGIJAOHDR, Ephrata Post 001os, Lanuater County. Penns. THE MANSION HOUSE, READING, PRIMA W. L. DE BOURBON, Proprietor: This well-known eetabliehment, the favorite resort of citizens and 'biters, has lately undergone exten sive repairs, and ia now one of the moat commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels in the Union ; beautifully located at the corner of PIPTEI and PENN Street', Reading. Its acoommodations are drat- chute the rooms spacious and airy • and the Sable constantly sup plied with all the loam-lea of the mason. Persons de eironaof /Tending a few weeks in the summer in an agreeable and economical manner, could not do better 'Zan make a trial of BOURBON'S MAssior HOUSE at Routine ati22-tf HOLDZKOH's MOUSE, on. BEtIGAN THCC BE lOU h now open for the reoeptlon of riho amanita; and Betting are good. Captain Holds .onus boat always waiting at the inlet on the ar• rival of the ears to °Awes. pas engem to the house; they can go in about forty minute& kree or Board, $7 per woek. .1,12.12t* W. BOLD2IIOII. H. B —Theme start from Vine street at 7.% Z M. WUSTON' B UNITED STATES HOTEL, OAPEI MAY. This spacious and favorite resort of vilifiers to Caps May has passed into the hands of COL. SAMMIL T. HOUSTON, tate of Barnnra's City Hoteld and will be thrown open to the public on MONDAY, the 40th lost. The long experience of the Colonel In this corms. Hon peouliarly fits him for the successful conducting of snob a house, while he will be supported by the very beat aide, in every department, that can be procured. The hoare has been entirely renovated, and decorated In the meet gorgeous manner, and arrangemente made for the supplying of the larder snd the wine cellars with all emm aced in the terms substantial trod luxuries. We can safely advise 'letters to give the Colonel a call, and predict that his beet of friends will be rattly In creased before the sermon is over. jr3.lm SEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL, CIAPIC ISLAND, ()Ann MAY. N. Z. This fine, large, sod any house is NOW • OPIN for Yisitern. It fa clisbugnlshed for comfort, locality, and superior acoommodatione, with snplo room for 200 per. sons. Terms moderate. je23.ew AARON GARREIBON, Propriotor. THE PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, le NOW OPEN for the reception of Visitors. The House bee been thoroughly renovated and improved, and great mire will betaken that all who may patronise this Hotel shall be well taken care of. COLLINS k SIMPSON. COLLII4II, Of Reading. ROST. 8114143021, of Philadelphia. JetP•lm B EDLOE's* HOTEL, ATLLIITIO OITY, HIM JEMY, At the torminne of the Railroad, on the left, beyond the pepet. Thte House te NOW OVEN for Boarders and Transient Visitors and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel In Atlantic City. Since bat sewn, the °heathers have been very much Vsied, and rendered more comfortable by Venetian having boeu pitapat the windows. crone moderate. Children and Berrants, halfhrice. [Cf" Parties should keep their seats until the cars arrive in front of the Hotel. The signs are conspicu ous. je25.201 SEA DATHING - A FLAMM° OITY HONOREE'S HALL in now open for the BIiCEP TION OP 110AUDB118. and the aubeoriber will be happy to see hie friends who may favor him with their patronage daring the lealOn. Jell 8m THOS. O. OAHHHTT. Q,EA CONORNBB HALL, LONG BRANCH; N. J. ' Will be open for the reception of visitors, JULY 4th. The Nouse and Porniture are entirely new, with all the modern improvements and conveclencee t and loca ted on a Hoe with the National House, with tine lawn in front, and within one hundred yards of the beach. Thero will not be any bar kept; in every other re• apart the above honse will be Arat.olaso, and the pro. priator hopes by strict attention to businean, to receive a continuance of that very liberal patronage extended to him through the last seven yews. Persons wishing to engage rooms, aim do NO by ad droviinx WOOLMAN BTOKEEI, jeBo-Ins Proprietor, WILLIMANTIO LINEN 00.,S PATENT SILK-FINISH SPOOL COTTON, Unequalled In S3IOOTEENEBB, NTRENGTR, and FINYSII, and warranted 200 yards. FOB, HALE TO THE TRADE BY TRH AGENTS, BILLINGS, ROOF, & WASHINGTON, 24 and 25 BANK STREET. jyafttiWw-Irn ST. LOUIS, No. WisrilLIAMS te BOYLE, AtranoNEzas AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 10 North MAIN STEBBT, Or. Louts, Mo., (formerly with Masers. Myers, °bighorn, h Co.. Philadelphia,) offer their services to the merchant'', manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the salvor dry spode, oar pete, boots, shoes, hardware, jewelry, &a , &a. Cash advances made on receipt of goods. 11P Settlements made three days after sale.• 11.117111110118. Messrs. Myers, Olaghorn, & 00., Phila. CC Mart & Brother, Van Wyck, Townsend, & Warrano, New York it L. &B. Curtis & Co, CC Woad, °Misty, & Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. -CC Crow L McOrearp, & Co., Ci Mr. D. N. Wood, No. 29 North Third street, will ad else with partials consigning from Philadelphia. ire4tinW44' WANTED —An American or German oS$4 to do General Ilimaswolk, AWAY wt llo 1228 MARMALL Stoat. p2/1 If _ 000 2 1 :1 L n i fo r V • sh—liAshiledAer.lll(pert karat metering - Duni n tied. Most poetess d bielness Last , and be visited to take entire charge of the books, - outdoor:end Sean del pert of the business. Good re ferences rrg•llred and given. - Addtess,_ for three dare, "8 C.S ,, et this Gilles. . - It* WANTED.--Threo smart, active Lade, by a Wholesale fillk House. AddiaasAlo , nao ' at thls office. 3124,.30S VITANTtD—By a Wholesale Dry Goods house, a 13ALUSH AN of ability and leflitencie Undoubted reterenoee requited. ;Address Box 1429, Philadelphia Post Office. ...jy23.13t IV‘rANTED An engagement -as Book keeper or (lathier by a neet-oieuni and expe rienced Bookkeeper. tfm an extensive and valuable meroantlle aequalutanee In the near and Southern Mate. Unexcepponable reference given, - Addreee ".W. L at this, office. 'rant*. ITITATI ON WANTED as-Travelling Aolesmon fora %notate° Importing Wine, and Liquor Muse. The advertiser has had a number of yeare experience in the above capacity, and bee a general knowledge of the Motor trade. Clan produce the beet of references. Has no objustion to going South. Addreie, with came, and where an interview can be had. D. B , Poet Office. Pbtladeiphia. jy22.6t* .WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improved city property, free from theumbrance, 160 acres of excellent PAHIYI LAND, toasted in Gloucester Co , Hew Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, passes etthlo a short distance of the land. Por further particulars address K., office of .The Press " Je2l far Sale atth Qra Ed. STORE TO RENT BIXTUBBB FOR BALM - In view of removing to the Stores under the New Hotel, we offer our present store for sale, and will dis poce of the fixtures if applied for soon. Possession will be given about the let of October next, . CHAS. OANSORD is SON, 874 ONIOSTNTIT Street. fa TO LET—SOUSE No. 183 NEW LEG. Etna's, with eleven Reeves, Gas, Rath, Heaters, Bongeo Ito. Apply to I. BELLAIMB% EON,, itis 6t* Reg Estate Agents, No, 414 GREEN St. $5O 000 LO t. A.N 2 . D in i omit 1 7 :v o t rt elrelry, Gunn, hieregandlse; ;Min:7ra., ' on a moral rate terms, by YONSB to CO., Broken, N. W. earner THIRD and GaSECILL Streets, below Lombard. Es. tablizbed for the last 85 yearn. Otaae bourn from 7 L. N. to 7P. M. Beoohd•hand Gold and Silver Watehee, by eminent makers, warranted genuine for gale &sap, at one halt the oriental cont. sp22-Bmit WEST °RESTER FROF,ERTY FOR V VV Bind T—A large and desirable ienid.o ea in the 'bo rough of West 0 henter,Pa,oontalnimr all the modern im provements, with floe, airy parlors add chambers. is of fered for rent. It is situated nearly opposite the Court House, stiblning the Bina of Chester county, and Is wo. thy of epeeist attention as a country residence du ring the summer. Apply to DAVID MCCONKEY jpl6.shith fit street. West Chester: PA. DRAFTS—On the Union Bank 'et Lon don, and Royal Bank or 'lreland, in owns to aait. lox asieb7 . WMIL£I, FARGO 1t 00. anylB-Bm* 400 olgnartnriT street. ttllialesate Elrp &robe. THOMAS & MARTIN, 217 CHESTNUT STRE'ET, NAVE NOW OPEN, YOH TILT FALL ?BADE, A LARGE ABBORTADINT OP P R I -N T S 1, 08 THE FOLLOWINO WELL-KNOWN MAKES: RICHMOND'S, HARROP, Proprietor COMPRIBING OVER 15 0 STYLES. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING, AND YOB, BALD •ON TEED MOST FAVORABLE TOSEPH LEA, 128 and 130 CHESTNUT ar Street. offers to the fall trade a d•atrable assort) went of Oottoo, Woollen, Ltnen, and printed :shrine now on sample. S. STATER & goNs. 1 Choke "lea of &ladder Prints, SOT CON MT° 00 f including all the latest novel 1510STBABLLO 00. t t i r e a a de adapted to the Attittran Purples, Lavenders, and Grays In great varlet•. Standard ntyles AVIANTIO 00. Black and Whites t and Smiles- NIAGARA 00. eed Moire Antique Moarnings, Shepherd and baXony Plaids and Menne Improved Plain Bnades And Cambries. AMERICAN LINEN CO.-10.4 Eihnetinge, BElrtings, Napkins, Crashes. ho, PHILADELPHIA MADE MINIMS, Stripes, Tick— Ingo, ,to NSW BLit:HAND 00. Fl" DWikIML TIM " Cull ' mares. and Melton Cloths. ROOK MAN 076. TURING CO. Fancy Oassimeres. GLENDALIA 00 Panay Osssimeres. 13 , 40011DALF, CO. Fancy Classimeres. OXFORD MILLS Black Doeskins, various grades. Li Bine VI LLB triiloie Ouritoreree in great variety. Cotton vrarptdoilta, Tweeda. !co. BlLTl%F.rre—Low, Medium. and Fine staple and fancy Mixtures of popular malted. .17204 f MRS. WINSLOW, ILit AN FXPEDISINCED EDWIN AND FRIULI Phyla:ma, presents to the. stteutfon of mothers bet , - SOOTHING SYRUP - - - - - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING which greatly facilitates the process of teething, eofttning the gums, reducing all inflammation; will allay ALL YAM and spasmodic aetion, and is BURR TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon It, =there, it will ere reel' to your and RELISH AND HEALTH TO TOUR INFANTS. We hive put up and sold this article for over ten years, and can say, in con fidence and truth of it, what we Insve never been" able to say of any o'her medicine, bigVnit EAO P AILED. in a Bible (Mg INOTANOII, TO r. 141 FROT A OUBE, when timely aced. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the con. trary, all are del•ghted 10 with Its operations, and epoch in terms cf highest cpmmendation elle magi cal enlists and medical vir toes. We 'peak 30 this matter "what we •do know," after tea years , experience, and pledge our reputation for the fulfil ment of what wo here de glare In almost every instance where the infant 6,„ is sofferirg Irons pato and exhaustion, relief will tail-4 found in i,iteen or twenty minutes after the Syrup is Ei admin.stered. Thin valuable preparation° is the 'prescription of ace of the most EX PE it I ENCED 'Ltd SEILTUL NURSES in New Nrigland, 0 and has bean need with never-failing success in OS THOUSANDS OP OASES. It not only relieves the child nom pain, but in vigorates the stomach and." bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almcat instantly re 116 Neve GRIPINti IN THE BOWELS AND WIND r, °OLIO. and overcome con vulsions, which, if not speedily remealed, end in death. We believe it the i beat and surest remedy in the world, in all °seen of cri DYSLNTERY and DUB, IWO A. IN OIIILDREN, sp. ; whether it arises from teething or from any other 7: N . We would say to every mother who has a'" child euffering from any at the foregoing complaints, do not let your preludioes, nor the prejaliees of others, stand between your tuffartog child and the relief thet will be HllQE—yra, ABSOLUTE •LY SURll—to follow the use of this medicine, if 71 timely used. Full dim' Voss for nelrg will croons peay each bottle. None genuine unless the fact4l. simile of Cti Wild it rm.- New York, is on r". the outside wrapper. R7' Sold Sy Druggists the enchant the world. Prin. oipat 0111ce, No. 18 UNBAR Street, New York. jy2B-ly iaOROFULik, WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEABE, TATTER, SCALD READ—Bniptions of the Skin generally, end all Rumors Ind Impurities of the Blood are radically and pernuinently cured by the celebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVIL It bee been a very important agent in The cure of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr. Lonceberry & On, for • number of years past, and its greet value in the mire of Cancers 'a abundantly establbiked by the many Mires effected by It In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative effect bee never been equalled. It cures the moat ob stinate ClaCa. TATTER, SCALD READ, and all Eruptions of the ghl n, readily yield toe moderate nee of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily oared by the are of a few bottles. Prepared and Bold by MAOEIOIIOI. & (tate I.oruieberry & C 0.,) no 60 North PI/TH Street, below Arch. For fate by the following Druggists : J. F. Long & Co., Lancaster ,• C. W. Epting, Potts' Title ;J. IL Reser, Reading ; 8.8. &arm', Reading; T. & J. McClintock, Easton; Jas. Given, West Ches ter; Wm. Stabler, Norristown; Simon Bea Bethle hem; Dr. Lliesey, New Rope • Dr. lealle, ' Bristol ; Schmidt & 00., Allentown; Ellis h Ball, Idacsynnk, Pa.; J. D. James. Trenton; De Ls Cour, Camden; Brewster & Co., Bridgeton ,• Robertson & Lippincott, Belem, N. J ; Olclnall, Wilmington; L. B. doopee, Wilmington; T. P. Rammerely, Milford, Delaware, sad Druggists generally. Jell-stuth Sm if LIFE DRUPE— THE ORB AT 11Eencin , POR DIARRHIS 1. OR&MPB OR PAINS is sae BroMACIE OR BOWNLB, OgOLRRA MORIIIII3, INO/PI ZWP bTA4PS OP OROLRRA, ORO LIO AND KINDRED DISRABRD.- This in no new medicine. It hail been thoroughly tried end tested for 10 years, and proved to be the only lige and perfectly reliable medicine for these diseases now before the public'. It does not constipate the bowels, but effects a radical and immediate OUZO in those revere canes that other remedies do not reach. Severe cramps and pales in the stomach or bowels mad by one or two doeee of 20 drops in 20 minitee. If is squally eh:aeons In all atomach or bowel difficulties. The following is a sample of the testimony we are deity receiving Oomeasue, ABM, May lb, 1859. I have need the Life Drops pet up by Trail & Stow, for Diarrheas, Ghetto, Ac., and consider It the most valuable medicine in there caves I have ever known. Last g ive I would have been *Min, several times, to have given $2O for a vial of your Life Drops. Pleaee let coo hear from you immediately, and do not fad tc Send me some of the Life Drops JOHN HALL, M. D. Farther abundant proofs aro In the hands of all Agents Prepared by TBALL STOW, 48 BOWERY, New York, end sold everywhere at 22 cents a bottle. p, 4. OLIVER, CHESTNUT Street, corner BROAD, anorki Agent for Philadelphia. myBolf-m*LEnt Wawa. RHODE ISLANDS, i .NEW WORK WOOLLENS Atebirinal. , , A •:caoioE OF ;II LA,IGE:„I/00118, , 4raiDa. Yawilleß , and. Sive"' GeOle• mon, at 1100 WA e trobt. ; . , )720"..6L, D:STELABLE PRJVATO3OAADItir Gior families; lap and small linnesenleattolir handeeMely ,Inrnieled; l a .ge garden attacked: 'Peter reneearSoirnit. 1629 dPIWI2I ; IIASfe•C - , , - ~ BOARDING—ElegluiVva *lO, - Booms simile sod In Suites; osn'lrO lied'sritla Itret-Idavi Board for the Bummer at 1816 WAIN ttr Ilium. iyl.lla StlttffallMO. A RCH-STREEI' laKrusx f!■ TEM revOniraB /OR ORB - OILTs - Counaeuolog MON DAY .211.112ING: July 25,12 1 4. MORRIS BKOTEIBBS. Vita. & TitOWßaltieWar IttINIOPALB AND cow-R4LL-041,4014. . BLISIIIN PIIIV9IBIIIIII. ' - Frank Brower, Tred , Wl/son:11 NI Carroll, AszaPrOW A'. Thayer, Maatatiten'a, -Herr Von Wilallaaite; and all tha Nonpareils appear. . Tor fall particulars OSA promp_m_ o4 - CARDS VT ADMISEBO'i TB iar.T . 2-2MII Beamed seats Braga Circle, 23 seats; Oralkostra filets, 62 cents; sista In,Prirata - Bolas 76 /sits; " Gallery. 18 cents; Gallery for colored - pensona. 25 meta ; Private Box In Gallery for adored PrrsOwli $8 mtg. Box Office opea from 10A. M. to 2 P. 21 - ' Doers open at 73 ; to coromease at itif 0 ' 5155 k , . LON MOBEtIC Badness Maislll2% J72s.ettt 0 fliathllS A. - 21.08216, *rant— • naDONGIIGIVIP GAIETIES—Baca ILL below . Th Tee GHAT IfealidaDaZ, Tea HeaPAISIDIZ, - WOULARINOWNID PaRIMEMIIK, WORLD•II.IINOWNeD IlleTtat ETSBNMET, wiran AMT. - *BEAT IMPALEMENT re&T. - jeal ellakT ISPALEIteeT PENNSYLVANIA AOADENY OF 91LiTHE FINE ARTS,- No. 1025 CHESTNUT "EMIT," Is open daily, (Bnridars excepted,) from 9 A. M., till 5 P.M. Admission 25 etc Children tinder 22 rani half price. Shares of Stook, entitling the holder's family to ad mission tothe Academy at all times, 580. UTASSLER'S OBCHESTRA.--M. HASS KM- LER & BROTHSR reepeettelly I=lol3Boll that they have lowed their Wee et that rrestdeeee, 1208 LOOLMT ETRBET, where onageoesta can be made as j07.44at publir Works. EASE OP THE PUBLIO WORKS OF E-A THE STATE ON OHIO. 077101 OP 71111 BOARD 07 PusLIO VORKS, 00L1711.1105. Ohio, April 21, NW. - The Board of, labile _Works of the State of Otto hereby gives notice that, between the hours on , , ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M., on the PIE- T MONTH. BAY OF AINIIIBT 1859, on the steps of the north side of the State Bonsai in the city of Co- Itunbus, Ohio. it wiitproceed to let, at public auction— upon the oonditions and in the =liner specified by the ant making appropriations for the superintendence and repairs of the public works for the decal year end ing November 15, 1859, and providing for leseleg the same," pasted 13th April, 1859—the Public - Works of the State of Ohio, for the term of five years, eorenenc..- ing at noon on the first day of September. 1859. and ending at noon on the drat day of September, 1884. For the pigmies of said letting, the said Public Works are divided into three sections, as _follows Eostion No. One—To embrace the Miami and Erie Ca nal, and ail the side ente,,feeders, and reservoirs osotedtherewith, together - with the lock honeee,eol lectors' offices, weigh locks, and leases' of stitolue ter therefrom, and all the eater rents and ptivilegee pertaining thereto, and, of lard used in conneellon therewith - - - • . Section No. Two—To embrace the ?ducking= tot. provement, Ohio Canal, the Hocking Canal, the Wed• heading Canal, and all the side ants, feeders, and In memoirs connected with said section, together with the lock hcrri.es. collsetorls °Maas, weigh4ocka. and lessee of rnreins water therefrom, end' ail the water reale and privileges pertaining thereto, and of land aged in connection therewith. _ - Section No Three—To embrace tieWeetarn Baser» and Maumee Hoed and all toll gates thereon. I The Miami and Jiffs Camel eon...foto of two hundred and sixty-eight miles of main line. It comprises the Wabash and Xrie Canal, eighth-eight miles len, 'S tanding weateard from Ma?hattani- on Lake SM. to the State line between Indiana and Ohio, (*beton eon naafis with the Wabash and Inc Canal of ledlena ;) and the Miami and Miami Extenaloin Oanala, extending from Junction, on the Wabash and Brie Canal, seventy mi.ea west of Manhattaa r to the Ohio tives at _ . The elsok-waterhavigatlon on the Muskingum river, known as the rdwitingron Improvement, is ninety-one miles in length, and extends from Marlette and Bar. mar, on the Obieriver, to Dresden. where it connects with a aide cut of the Ohio Canal, two miles long. " The Ohio Canal leads from Cleveland, on Lake Iris. to Portsmouth, on the Ohio river, and lath ree hundred and nice miles long; at Boston. one hundred and thirty-five miles from Cleveland, it counsel+ with 150 riallsonding Canal; at Webbeport, one hundred and forty nine miles from Cleveland, the Dieedin side cat connects it with the kinskingom Improvement. and at Carroll, two hundred and four miles from Cleveland, it cotreete with the Boating Canal. The Hocking Canal, flity-sir miles long, is etwinardsd with the Ohio Canal, at Carroll, and terminates at Athens. - - , Brom Bowe, the WalkendlOg Canal eaten& tired:ay three miles, where it terminates in a alartiverater pool of the Mohican river, which resnhee two miles above the head of She canal. ` Oemneated with these lines of canals are verirma feed. era, basins, ride cuts, reservoirs, slips, end dark-water pole, which are the property of tie State, and form part of the sections with which they eannerst. The Wabash and Brie Canal, from Manhattan to Junction, was constructed with six feet depth of water and dAty: feet width at the height of ,op water line; front -.fume tion to the State line, the width, at top water, was fifty feet, and depth of wattphre feet With these ex ceptions, the canals were designedfor & minimum depth of four feet of water, end a width of forty feet at canal sorrece. The canal Jooks were generally, buil with chambers of fifteen feet, wide and about ninety feet long. On the Muskingum Improvement there are eleven, dams and slack-water pools, Between Tames villa and Marmite there are eleven inciter the chambers of which are one hundred mad seventy-flve feet long and tblrty•elz feet 'wide. Above Zanesville, and be tween that place and Dresden, is another look, watch is eve hundred and twenty feet long and twenty feet wide in the chamber. _ . The Western Reserve and Maumee Bond In I magneto amisedand gravelled turnpike, leadingfrout Bellevue, la Bum county, to the Maumee-river bridge, at Pima. burg, in Wood county, a distance of forty-seven and a half miles. Each section will be let to the pinion or person. who, in consideration of the tolls to be derived from Said secton, shall bid to pay the highest annual rent therefor, and shall comply, in all respects, with the aforesaid act end with the rates adopted, or which may be adopted, by the Board for the letting. ' = No bid will be received unless the person or perms making the same shall have first deraited with the Auditor of State In money, or In the stocks of the State of Ohio. or - of the United States, the sum of ten thousand dollars, upon the conditions that be or they will take a lease of the section on which he or they shall bid If It shall b 3 'truck off to him or them, sail give security for the same WI provided by law, and in default thereof the security so deposited shall be atom. Intely and wholly forfeited to, and become the property of the Mate. Section one will not be leased fora sum lees than forty thousand dollars per annum; legation two for 'not less than fifteen thousand dollars per annum ; seed , a three for not lees than font hundred dollars par an num, nor will any bid for either of said seebons be re• gained which ie lose them - the said minimum annual rent for said anal= No section will be let mane each of the others is also let, and no bid, although otherwise satiefactory, will be Really accepted until hks satiefactory bids have been received for the other - Bections, and the lessen therefor duly executed No mimed company or companies shall, in any man ner, become parties to bide or interested therein The bidders to whom any section shall be struck off will be required (In case all the sections are Intl to de posit the required seennties and enter into bond. and tee lease contemplated by the set, on the twenty-fifth day of Anguet,lB39. Bhp security on !Initials No. One shall be in the seen of two hundred and Any thousand dollars ; on Section No. Two in the slim of two hundred and duty thousand dollars ; and on Section NO. Three in the sum of ten thousand dollars.. - At least one-half of this security shell consist of the State Stocks of Ohio, or United Swish Stocky, deposited with the Auditor of State, upon which the lessee or meteor may receive the interest so long as the CUM manta of the lessee or lessees are fulfilled and kept, and to be returned to them by order of the Board of Public Works on the termination of their respective lemma provided no forfeiture of the same shall have hap pened during the continuance of their lea,. The remainder of the security, or any part of such remain der, may, at the option of the lessee, consist wither of such stock'. or of bonds, secured by mortgage et nein numbered teal estate, within this /Mts, at one-half the actual cash value, excluding buildings and all perishable Improvements. If real estate be offered as any part of euch security, proper and full abstracts of the title thereof mast be furnished to the Board on the twentieth day of Angtuit,lB69 and at the mime time an appraisal thereof, excluding 'buildings and perishable improvements, made upon actual view by the Auditor, Treasurer, cud one of the Commissioners of the county in which ouch real estate is situated ; but notwithstand ing such abstract and appraisal, the Board reserves to itself the power of determining in all respects the suffi ciency of the security thus offered. Material's provided or contraeted for, and the boats, scows, tools, Implements, horses. melee, and other pro perty in use by the Saperintendente, must bepurchased at the value at which they shall be appraised by three jadicione disinterested persons , to be appointed by the Board of Public Works, and the lessees will be required to pay to the State the said appraised value in 1310Dey, within one month from the time the said appraiseMent shall be made. For further information as to the other terms and conditions under which said Public. Works are to be leased, reference is hereby made to the aforesaid set. Pamphlets contalting this sat and other laws and or ders of the Board, relative to the Public Works, sun tables of distances, rates of tolls no., will be ready tor examinstiou at this office on and after the drat day of June next, and will be forwarded by mall to the address of any person who may request a copy Printed copes of the form of lease and bond to be used, will also be ready for examination at this office at any time after the lest day of July next. JOHN WADDLE!. ABNIB L. BACKUS, JOHN L. I,IA.RTIN, oiyO•milt Board of Publio 'Norio of Ohio ?VHS UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE .ALL THIRD, PRILSDELPHIk. UPTON B. NSW COMER.—The situation of this 1102111. is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Rawness Public; and to those in search of pleasure, Passenger Railroads, wilts& now run past, and in close proximity, sfOrd a Cheap and pleasant ride to all places of interest in or about the city jr2B DROU Tug CELEBRATED LONDON BaII7SEDIB. Quality is more ethential in a Hair Bruit than in any other Toilet article. PRANrs'd BBUoHa6, whe - wror Introduced, hare at once taken precedence for quality of materiats and for scientiffe oonethriction. Hie Asir Brushes, combining a peculiar elasticity with the ro qulrits firmness, are found to pass uniformly and sitiOothly TIIIOIIGH the hair rather than rosiest, and harshly urea it, thee giving the proper Woo l ." "od ooneequent freedom from dandruff to the scr i p a kin without injuring it. and thee, too, insuring a naturally glossy, healthy sanding:mml combining,combining, the hair flea TSEYH, NAIL. and COliß 89 are equally desirable also for their re. pieties uses, .1 degree, wompieteet smfaintse with extraordinary dun. hititY. • A fun seto.tment of f3.0111. , d superior goode, including tome entirely new patterns together with a lithe stock of .1172,/nril desirable BOAPS and PAM. FtikIERY just imposted_direet, nutsw and GaNt'Llin. .. . - . Brnit and 81.13110 iifor:tie 888888888888 Alkt , thiA x BOMB, for six mon be received by the Beer,. fury, at hie offiee. to BAY, 10 o'clock A. hi August 1.1859. The tilt 'a Beef required will is *bout 100000. pounds, and teustle from well-fed cattle, weighing not leu them 600 poinde, to be delivered by the rude or °arum, and walleut bone. - - About the same amount of Mutton will be required, and most be from well fattened sheep. Bound and good market table meat will be required, to be delivered at such times and quantity, as me' , be ordered; tube teepee ted and weighed upon delivery. Thu Ottisrdiang Heave the right to reject such meat a, in the opinion of the steward ani eturekeepey, is not rqual to t.e quality re quired by the letter of the contract, A Giture upon t-e part of the contractorto tapp,y the quantity ordered will KITO the privilege to the Boardof pure' aging, and the elf (menu, if any, elli be deducted from the suceeedlrg payment. Payments to be made meathly, and no pro proposal will be recognised =lasi trout reliable and re sponsible parietal. Jl 2o •Betir 4t OALHOUN 111. DIBLIMEB, Pee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers