mo. u. - - 'e. tt l i....ll6iiitrastrix or nitowesion itionie. '...- Z-- •ralo,„frAtielinntslarpilles Berle, Preeident Of the. . 1 ' =' ''tiroW ollese j ltettirited Pram hie Ent:open 'tour ea I l td triiwo , otiatushawnsso 4. • 1 - 0. . mkt i leas s"t"ern being otimPletein 4 - ' -., " irr tigte itridd 4o ( *olive labor, ti, ''', 144 Alit ,beert4intilid; iiintti En 4 ‘ib _ I,,lia.4,4ita r tigtobio if ° ,vrte*ltiied - Idtt i4tddlllk4t i r*st.'l o rr% t o ' -- it - -%.„o lll , l 4',WiPktnl. 'AP R . 1 P, 1 4 0 1 1 d Idroif • " ...alftedfdOt t ,2bal,lPPo49 l l A . ) V ,".• . . - - t ~. Wzr.. Imit sureties,' ling swage of i aut i n, 'aftigtactOttilettfAlh. irties.tdsu, an i - '1 ' 7-itt - ii - toluttessitt es-plan-for the' reorganisation - s _,,' G E, „ siv u t uu t ;trkteti„ , l,,xeteseritilly amiepted ; mill{ - - jut: *ulna thee, Si VolunlaiSted to sot as ato - - -,..,,,,, , AEirift i li i i ( Viltliotitteinitoitnionlos l / 4 --- - - I ,- '' • 03, ~,'NWatte- SO ligt 'Alt I the lithote,inetittitien, i l „.'"- - .. -2 411*4 det , 'le 01„,dr„go - dreelipervishigt dirsok., N.' , - .--' ' , Vid rugentithie ,head i aProfessor Rohe 010_ ; 1 ThataoAiii. pereditillietiiihno - uf•titree conraes 1 . ` ' 10 4 116 49% - '4 43 EA44.1 1 5 11 ( 1' -a'rP l9lPal ' knd ' a lent*: . ,„,.., ~ - „,„ , '' ''11ift we „.,,,,4 80 . /d deN# . iiIWIA ti/4 4 , 6 040.‘ii'd,, i d Ir-Ptst s t = ,--- .„. ~„,,,,,..latudeutegreute, ritiompstaeott, emetron„ :-- • "neon hy, history, sooratinetruetiou,•ointment), - :, , ,,I.- ri f orl h ,6 l , - pi t tmAitairalhis si tory;na m tteti tibilp-, - '..„illetthx, piedritnellh-All 4 1ra t;t.w.• . o "?didet , - ,-- ' sr-Silnete zeseitantindett. to papirtithaie'iservioted *Mid , ..'' ;,.tprhttly;asqUiredjtY' t h eir: parenteat the end rittla,y4Wlll , . POW 00 . 41044044,419 1 np1ete, In the highliArluseites , s, - o , „ss t -,„ -,,_ , , t, • -.... TlK‘pkidepel' cowl* Area s oonipleted in dodo 111041kIlltdilittidetilitielliding-and perfecting all - - thatAlet hike Mintloald In - the Nogitsli course, It `- Writ po - inPfelyetrastrhetorto and Belles kettrer, ' f..^ .. t)i itittertiiitinnAlitl6l4 hilemistryonirikmentel, ~- aid politleikeotemir,an,d- tell ?ranch lanigaige' ' - ':_This eousrthr*en'irtilided lii thole who et • ' Imfdelkottd*ld,isPi,iooll,ooted „with trado, , - oomiteree;xoOrfatet a. •opithe•intemnio arta. I `: only tdamicedvlotmel *Asusti , frosa the principal, only io-"the stsbetiondoir lot tie -Greek and Latin , lantesiftinslead'bftiberreneirlatignage -,, This " .--- t' , " ' ,.. -- - yres ifyoo, t reitairtillid - etitteoted to enter .o •nolleirtr' trielitivirteidWee *teeth, the High Idelitiol.',... ~..,, , ~--,1 •,. .. , 1 s' Ihel:MAtitit'ilelf,;lin-libilti'it. and Alf"-,Plai :„.'tin4„Wereiwie.ll tetra:beet, injititive operation, - - '' r itilti own entire - of - usefalness. -• • -s - ~ i •':v-Thil.03111001• 1/54: 10 ° be imstalateLbisentlinnual idattistontfrOm the grammar Schools of the county, - - -- ,,endltrereholowef - ripihkeres to be lande hy &mixed ''' , ";riril'antwritteit ii bolt aftethe' '''"lrleent hiede,'.-1 -, "' - .....1... , ~, -'; t'-',illiseptlifesiont'WithAlitlirlisilipikerere to firm `'' ilinfititty, , itittitilidWai 1.0-ittaver weekly , meetings ; t r'oonsultation in regard to improvements in the Iniebtool, eenddernamn Of disoipline. . - The plan of.stitioh-t,his j a,a,mesgre sketch. was ,_ immediately "adoptiod-' by- the '.Controllers. The -tenderof serviette:by Profess - or -Bache wall gladly, • TemittiiiiVtind he entered Oen the dotlet of pen d ' - doll in Fovember, 1889 ; • but 'did • not' become a ' itaterited 011iettenntil lieptemberoB4l). , • 't i Bittliteettelietiji df at Xvitemof education_ does I ,ltitt - d o ckto mtica,"tipenthildialhotipittenest, its - ' - ',,1t. - 4' lapoti Alin's.thttrointheese 'of, its' - extmittion, ' .- , IrMtitt - ei,houdition;'depeitident s. altogether _upon - ottlits erermiterleties. of , the tesair, , ,With ;a mind ---tliattlatt.eystematiesUrserreyed.itery depart ' ' "'Matilde ;of.) itucteledget, that.erearared , its learnitts , inetbhdleallyi and.that cella, from disjointed Vag. " ` =treys or 'Ober filatinK olcistreatileguter fabric :.'„. :o,Aki owe beetle' Bache Possetted an executive „inomptnisee*4 f,aellity;"ithiiiii made' hie impost 'lt;itteset hill-Int linPlielied :14shli, Ileste'ilki-ii* ,s'fautilter , spirits mt. hie fonind toe, moment, die at, r i'dwirrad SAO, llialiallon , .c.There.hotig about the • ; Pin ,ops Wide large” taidy,-w,nleh he had then un ''' AU .130111 - pliit. .13661E1111.1111016 smooth' and persoedine '''--oorkoll6-Whitih madthlto the acknowledged 'net 'l„aref hit professors and:pupils ilia 'moment ha ips ;;IltillatelitAnlaltdelYed , 'Or tO.bitiespeoted, be never ~,: W wd,rivicrotmand, and did not require a tongne , . Ore? Ma '' big, manly" face there was spread Lt's*orteri,dul: then 'many . hold in Aber hoods. Be 't„:tesiasibealtike and hearty lover of life. end the eon : tifiltd*Altfiliallit nick whiedi he Moved through the :',... hiCrottibie4sfthe • • rpstet,"coript of ,wititthe braid '.. liul_, tPelatailinfiten. id his „„oomoterionce,Andioabid re: liall!kboOeall a natural,lover of minkind. ani that be was of the true stamp to be a beloved leader in ~e theituaut, : ..", t,„ 't 's- rs -- - t." - . ~,1 . .• • „. We speak - tif Min is if be had pasted away! 1" , „.„.; Salim:seventeen:years slime wage" , Min. Every. ' itUttostdort of him thief we hate today wait made . Stbollt itiglilY.Yetissetiot , 'P.isilieoolleotteu e l our tt aelioothoy daystimailing a tongpsidod of life, and t, AM remaining unattested , In recording the note ' l 4 Wish avmani-justiee would not be done to him It =Ant universal and unelierable affection, that welled - Mei. freinthe heart of cited , "•pipit he aver . . hati„.were notrecorded,in his favor, We never : :Ai:Aga Ka hoginotrat A•vor . d spoken of him by any .- tme, ajd.wa.never,kinr one otitis scholars that API , 1306 -teal blatielf prowl ht oritiskihg to hit • ' -.' (Itl neledlig 'a phintof view and a medium from r Int , thitingli'etideb` we Oen beat present'a proper ' -- idenetthe adostaletratfrin of tide pointler end to 1 letadirer46lo4 ,Yttalueline td the' belief that the end:of ine,terinistlebettpeint of view, cud that • ,theprolowors and . thee `latiorelottstritute the best :: megiunaJor our purpons ~ Wsi treat of the end of late terni, , because herdld -not remain '" boajtimOngii'to tie the pert sot organisation Of th, - *itchoriiribionlieeontetnplated In the original plan , Vielifyjit Same aejie lett ttoomprieed err dames L4t,illithitoel,arhloh , ittribet , was 'two thort of tilt - Aurtriflialilra:lglforldoil- 7- We, will .aturar 144 0 11 1 a , pieta* at the settee - he it existed to lettli- • -1 , 'lrrational to that time, Dion 0. Wines,,tiie dm • professor of clam osindzelecotedtby the board ir, I, 'Vely,a 1838!-had retired froof the fatuity: •He•ler ' 11/oi.irrititiOn AZI Qs thatte,lB4l.. - Tigard theolott: ‘'‘...- Wine jirefesepnitdp - Ise isecieettireX' inAlentai, ,' "Mori%ibil.Polititoti ,Lielenoe, ~Ne,Wielti the lan A 1 iCASSO,Of aliOtelligi Milatiarl " a a/aromatic ,a 64 old i'llitaittescher,l and be routed httthe enjoyment of . 7 , ,thahigliest"respeet of Machetes land animists ile I 'ltidlettelottoinatstiming,Undlentlemenly deport '.,„ trient,-"ed;asipaind Po &Mit presenting his lea , took in 'snob ,aorta, tine,qttanetty sateen be most „rtietilliappeipriated by.hte erase •, . . -,;Posfitsiorgosspii,Whirta. - (if•OM mehianatiaal "'''ci ; ePsfulltutt aPilevdta have rafigainkaltortiy after .:, his eleetiott An PM.. We -never knew him, and ' , We can int oft recotdof Ms Character MI a la/cher " John Prott,profereer of BelleaLettraielectod In trulYt /838, retired in Novernber,,lB4s "Through-- , 0n6,4116 01661pnlihip or Pritnises' Bubo It wee otwr,of, the Atom, distlistotehitt' and ,effeotive • . , tesuaeri in the othool., ,Thst;fitst Impression usually made by him wai•barth and forindding ; init we Oen searrely-say Whether tilts was in the ' 'lean or in Jble'eteroises 'With' !biota , he started,: . Tirhich Wiirti:itt'nrall :and Writterributpositiolialid ,Trli etrirbieranidleisi'. wentairy ,very, distressful, lee Ilkill' , tii beeline's Ilredually, a„ - milder 'temper -; sad- asegmliti goltbtl ' dr, 4 , 8 00 4 of,eto li nit'TlP un : _folded' n his moveriteatt-suids:conversadon , s and / the votes whit* atdrilt frightened, with its , h'arsh• ' ness•soonidemed Wichita gentienett,' and the face' " that awed itlth'ite frowns soon invited with a bland •:,istid, gratifying okeerfoinesd:" The History of tile' :Indite: Wars,•Ariatdrie, thOLlfit'of_Washington, s the „Aittory, lir Mislead, ,Lecturee.'on .04166 J.atfrfei:rerenarti .D6,0114'601; I L'ogio, the History s Of 'Charles V, the Histories of Greece and Some, • t. -of trans ' , -of the Middle _ Aga, and • hohlegel a Historyof•Literetitre, completed this interesting ' andlitstreetre department. " " ' ' - ' • ''''',Profinetti,Proitatoilled: in developing a faculty ,:fOr disattlisien: , 'Ttua branob was into with - Antes test by Ms pupils then they, mitered into any other to tenet Of!.ilieJleilikftettuit. -tali* Ilibi sol4l ") . ` : lotted - by Mut wereminutliy suet as were somewhat ~fougiiar,n Ind, , ,tliefererelquestions about whieh the belibierittentilltbed" - wen-delined ideas, and • - litti fritteiktetialnir„itefild *rite lodlaber in earn -6114 dhftnd 6116seldons that a Atiostion did , -,. .ltet 44l 4o , "<dit'aiii*Attd"fotitodldr‘d many a proud a , POSitioar.s 4 o444 l kko aoidafdiraPiPiliere annul. ~ , e4or,mittle butba , terognafor-tbook literary en' mutters. As pupils advancedin•this•branch, they , 41tererallosied tic:client' 'their , ownstabjects ; but -"lrt`lB4s 4 s,lrhen'the religious-riots ot• Philadet . - pitikwitiedevelopin'g ford progressing, and when '"'thy gestation - of ins propriety or impropriety of .. using the,Bllple in-our pantie ashoole was anitatekl, stheeltposition.bLympittro discuss the trines o. -antsgrouudielereectirenttersuok -wild , atoms that ' erseptisitiorinhad soinitimes to be diacountenanced, Illid•SinOpeakertleiltniced. `J 1.• "< " . ' Ttililendjitiby jAirtiligions - ditintssiori was mirk -44 nod, p ow erful, until the Board Of floutod `or the - Iligli_ditthiteg 06Minit4al6'. ilintdelf hat the pupils , *book( opt Itirmtqlnied to:restf !.`portion of the ' _Bibteuld,alus, openingifibe amid= *a they bad -.done troniAtte • lnglaniegof the sohooe;•but that the - sienna daily were to est Opened by having a por. - i Jilin Of 'the Ehlriptureit ',read -, 'to 'the 'mood , by the Prinekilifl,:lotartil iltims Who did notLdesire to be : PS"Oldpis4 tit , ' . 4l ,l 4ift tild: PllviNild di trf 4 1 ' 11111 0g , , abseMknotillt ,wu,flnishad- 'This privitege,for. a 14 / 1 / Wft liliero l .4,//./ ill Pr; No t , after the lapse of .is yew thole/did not, appear te be any who oared to ... avail themselves aria. ",,, '•t• , - , - • •s' Before PrOtestor Fuetieft the state heart, ex, - "lertiltalY hegira it 'lilt Ilattli9e,' KO iitantintlea 'W. Illtkliiii bob& rd ttiti'..presens nein; "and, Peddles „er.joshettite.sepritattou' of betag,a tamani, - arm very„etpialifone tionipiter,he is meignisett ea pot eeseangeadatac awn altorataopitiatai eaprellbe atteirgint and ifigiurettitivated, - -'s - , ' ' ' Sista, oarlira , Riarairo;-41 - Indat ettraiir. _.apiary twal if about. to °soupy., the:twenties' of :',,, Zudtedattpr, hjstvinitilmtuhattufate nearer akin ,So rourstme allot atiLnaked. grunt, we dovelopl94 .„- by,. Cie , elli la - which; -owe . are , informed, .-ire stew in '," pretreat' of helot- stibtottied"for •legal 'AtiludieetiOni r.' The 'following : ere the Prise ,paqatlis attest forth Witte , document Minded to: -:'"4bot I Wrioar t fifite. Offs Aitile iiiinewie ielitooht jrgiklddid4edkutd.d,b l 7 l lfelittleratt4 Prfilettestion ..7.,s.Pyvertnlesle_tin repromented homer to be it widow limn the vielnity of Motnie,iAta peed 'who' art= doting hadniteidiatiudisielitly ample to enable her to occupy: A rupee ibis:sop al posnibn She was aO , ettrepeomi hy!elittle boy of seemingly , mulatto or nee) PiiiiittegetAtien about three,yesre old, *blob LibelavaNtably apoke-of- es beteg-the - only seine:. ;slfiglel...k.a• It loon* :askant id her dedissid tissband,tpte the ulitirlier.aft little she ibelor yo =dt nag *ad tatimaittrOweco ',Own atict - •won," by , tatentieutalt who forialstlyiwesPeligated la let- ' "eitatife variants in New York - , but who (Wig tui “dd.ndat- 0 44 . hlidtettlt)-Illist pressat In. the employ; ' saiifibaakatopot,`delitt'eadoeat Erin itorott • the .rilite.nTite-triatte Of-this marriste: are two fair ihtetP4 titulidniii,Midirlio'eltithi a zetiont Terfuct theperents have lived harmoniously 7 and air o .. 'olloltedrillipiagh, ,, , 1',..• -. >1 --.-. •., d ' 4-. •:', ,• I "A" Alsti t ioninOhtti'lltterVerteken ' their' •'' ~' ' OM" rapt Ijkl/Phitiei,e''Ori the alotallit of Om uth , _:- joiSk: .Ik.-**h otiliyAtiiiiri, propOrtfous end - soma ?, ,leAtt , Witiffibitkpresentoi-lie.ctif wisirked shoo : r' h;' . i*OrS 4 •l/riK,„ ,__ NI tatt:bonse of .thm - perty - alitided tor, -!:.•'' *i.- .-{ ciwalipiablit toy WO N w-York 'St yen* and d ' ‘,,,;., tzi' • 'riot eke / ottbw , ataparentigl negro ' 1, .,"-, - , , - , :i 401illegint itesalt to •bi the latest of the 6 ' " r 'f,,!{ „,'6',' . :",iitia*.#o°rdifids'aad declaring, thrt,the fa f il; ,-,•,..5, 'tr nkfa,c„ - ...'4 a, *O W 010 444 44 WI iiiiwraWn:tai/a.! 1 641 .' "Va - ' ''4 . 4 . ..•V# l l , ..ic,_ dia , i PiL u i t,l 4 lB l .9 _f ° aura., premed i;or - '',- -, ... .' silo' . Aleasmoseuert 'SC.' eturdratioag the . , _ . .lift - .:. lititetwllCalleitnOlitleeply idieretted -.-. ,imtleilitehegtthe Nuttieflhie-4rtranti Isivittu , ; • • ~., -4 4ttexplqtettlititfartyl4 et filtheindet`eraphatto l, . ',' • 41Au sitif ktlf# ) _. at .ektiCothlieliaa'air sire ini • - ''- ' d • liji)itiOil • ' -,, -? , 7 . . v h.5. , t , , ot tedettroyi ,_ .. 5 z , , .,„ . . a,- "tiro de - tba allesod Wag - _.,,, 110 / 11 / 00 friC 4 U•Igflelisionitiettieliuthi g ie ,_ , ,- i, „ Ilk WrOrrOoliii,l,A l l6) . 4ollll4 tyiptieintONl be , r 'it -11 l :,„,,: uvula sirOara 'wipe/Abider t ° "' ' Ire ' = ' .: I '•:' , 4" 'to to - holli t li t p Mg! in .„. . ...., -4 , :. ~, . ..v ,ir46,4- t, ,- , ,-. .1..,1 v ,..-4 ,, ,, 3 - ''F .404 &ww , 4 !OAPs ot.4torman mv, . z) .,,, : _,‘.4 , - 4, ; o4o: y f i lrirw i t l i allirrtate one', '''' - - T '4l "l ld. t 4 jailf*se"- , eltailtil;tee "l pare t jel a tti ,'''' jpila iiiisaiviiiommwhilkoteivintideinti'on-t , ,t.,,,. , . id1id:4 144 ,011 - n filet* Period ;Past ,-- -.. - " M t: 4 WOW iliikAityinefil-Beino•4l(4. -t - '' s3/III " ' '' 7 • ' 7 Wilid , 10 , .;. //it ...._ ~ ,:tl i oi , , -• I's 1 , el u , - , .., , _, A. , t , ~,, . e te r -t -- .^- , , i 1 7 , -44-- --„,pt , . italltasieritan,"and Mr., -t-t.# f- 0 , ..- 1 1 ,4. oixt 9r:seal. Yott , it'd J.l , i o i esi ot t . 4 10 . 10 4;agotainolelybifor the n , :::;4r -- -- -- , t- ~ .1, 4 :i: :,:-:- . ,Itl-- • -AR5*wt,,,4 1 ,401444 a iinqapiee.A . Offaii-1 p., .',..?2i, .., 15 ,1tabsenty___ ,-,14- &-neirlreintpatr has jprisl i' 4 - 41 421 11 .1"wv,.„...„4: 4 1,444 rdOta . #ll iotad:Trithl * "- 40. - 14.-' - z11.773,11.4W kz. , ',e' : '1- A - - . ,'" ' TOW fYEIt AND TtlitiblitOie, )30i won ♦ nour s—Bolvieent two and three o'elook on liaturday-morning , lost—thr 4, m ttner7ffirv,_ neathaving street' light.between' To" HYer Iffeentwither-Beniole - boy. -fft lippeitiii,lrctu what 'information could be sumertaingda-strong'effort, belt? atade:.twsuppeescrthe, faon,klithat • leant and' diteit - n fi ntbss of hie friends, sonOng the{ laugh - es; were- iu:rtho Stleater,,Haine, Htbotea sitreet,,Naii Ateeir, about the above , hour,' rAktelling• Silit while there Tom , Hyer entered and Jelluldf.thil;party.veAfter noVeral drinkshad gone the rounds a dispute arose' kOtrreint 'the' Nokia f fi r,leff - Ator..ifisprottog,, their oupsoity pe :'lsten an effort woe glade to draw. them, it& glif by Parties present: This proved too-. and-soon words -led •to e_ohallenge being glsen,bY Heenan ifor an leibediati fight.,Alyer I gusceptest the offeri and lbOth , parties gripped off ,tbeir. , coativand neckoloths and- repaired to :the' - Hare an effort4att, Made by two or Three' of - 101e' disinterestekto put - ,a, stop, to the Ifight._ r *Vh was bait* done several persons attomPted;ite, nig their own. phrase) to "double "latter,however, finding out ;their gatne,fdrow #its ,revolver; and said he would ehoot,Jhafiiat man that made attA athireptto tofferkwith hint, Thiachad, the offeet of- creating emiiltlarni: lest pistol - altos 'Might be oa.ilianged, - , and - tha - fritiode- of hotk parties 'Withdrew thole toorhAtbd thellght,Was postpootid..'FOr,Bol/10 time there' has been - a, strong Leffort making' to draw Tam .11G,*"er into a regular prise light, as by many in claimed 'that he holde the' ohampionship of the ringP hir:Alyer, howeiier, has Capreasetleimself opposed tt.tengNilpg,in anymore tights , aed only when' , cornered In's . bar , roont Or some other" piano Aties:hti ehnient his Tigh 'Rita fight:ensued ensued` aboie _parties on, Saturday morning, therii is no , doubt .but that some.persou, ,tvould bays, been killed,,as this doss of men gene. ;rally go pretty well armed. JinpaTtattane. (Reported for Vie Press.) . - "• , BOW& L& GRANDB—Bark Caroline Ellemi-610 hhde itmar ZB5 bsi do Jobe Mason & 00, MATAN2 LB—Hetet Commerce -180 hbdi 48 bza Et. gar 40 bbde molawalohgnaeon'& 'WILMING6GNVNO:—Sobr J G &ale. llotroaan-12 balea.sla otos, Shipley, Bawd , &,, Hutohlom;. 84 do 'Tarn `Hay 22`111CDerlati '66 bbotepte turpentine . Knight 'CBellf :170 'do IGO do' fosio , llowlev, diaburner & 0o,• 210 0' Torrbl.,Cpalkran&Slaaaelli 623 do 14 bates sheet 'Atig2ootigennte °Mar. ' Belalerlian , Schr Hate r Iffteks:—.6lls' Wes rope t Moore; 11 do a lot ot, old Iron teSolmirgeoberger; atiote piteh ploe timber McKean Blogiterq'-61 empty bble Mammy & Collins; 19 do J & .261atiev „ 19 do P Psentll 4900 read eine D W eitrlokland. • 1 "-PHILADULPULi. BOAKD Of Tfs4l/21.' Y.W11.10 'Mix/4 r- , . wirAP SHSHHGH, iCO M 11721111 or ram MOTH '708,11 t 'AlSat.foits;', 1, • Atr Exthads4. ThlPWyotaing Barton Liverpool, 7al SS :dart trotg; Pipbros' " ' Sarttdoes, ;loot' - 111sok Stisadl, &mg ' St lago de cut! Dam SAILLING,OF , THE-00EAS STEAMERS. lfabil TUE QNITID STATRI3 ' Bl / 1.5 : - -. -- 7,I".TTLIIIAYI ,—.- r- • 191, ---,;-- , DAYS; 'Meade -- - Atoetois..Llierpciol July 27 oof Washington New work.'.l3ork Jo 'Llverpool..July 80 -dries.. '. .... :New York,T.Lieerpool Au{ I'3 Tew Torii. - " --New York..llrenian • - ' ' Aug :6 • same( --• • ' - 11Mt00. , -.l,lverppol. Aug 10 1ti1t064.'.4 . 4 . 4 ... New York. 4 .l3faere - ' - Aug 20 -Pulton. . . ... ...:Newfork:.Efarre • ' .. Aug 20 Olasgow New_Yosk - ..Wlesgow —-' Aug 28 ,- : -5 -' " '. TO -ABMS'S. , . - , , , astra " - - • ' , LUAU., :• roe ` DAYS ArAIY York.7..BauthimptiM..New York July 12 linrops - '. Liverpool.. 666666 .1121 y 16 ' lammoilia.. Bouthamptoe:.New Y0rk.........Ju1y 18 Etalagsioo ' , Llverpool—New York July 20 Osten Qoeili.S.Mthomoton..Now York.... ....July 20 a'eri'e. Liverpool—New York _ July 23 'Julian -- .BouthaTepron..Neir York July 27 Oiresselass . 4.. - .4.„ - ..Galway:.iseliTurk July 27 Alaegow.„ Gleagow..New York - July 29 BieMena , •••• . Bromen,.low Bork _. Aug 8 . Er The Oaliforola Mall at-semen nail from Now fork on the 6th and 20th of each month.. , 1P,17.• The Havana Steamers leave New York, on the 7th, 12th 11th; and 27th of niohth, and Charles on: B 0, on the 4th and 19th. When the above date, fall on Sandsy, the eteamere rlitta# ,ktondayolgept trnm pfew Orleans. Marine intelligence. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA. July 20 itt.6o 11111118 4 Hi 8111 , 1611T60t,9 Lie W A.Tilt • 10 49 ARRIVED ••• - , Steamship Boston, Bellew. 24 howl from Now York, rls Oape May; with , mdse aud paneengers to ha Alldei , 017 'Harms Hook, pawed a bark bcund tip above rlarcns elook, bele eamnel Weleh, from West n tow, and an noknowa brig beatiocup; raw several jeep!, loan schooners In the bar and Hear, Wand up /Mg Samuel Wel , h. Cute, $ days trout Inagua, with alt tat., to A. Kerr. Brig Olive, Ordigen. from U&Yegaers Inly 7, with au earl° J F Perllool2. Oa the 22d firer, off Reedy le and, anchored In a Kull, and lost an anchor and 1 ethoma of dodo Brig Her, E Milton, Norden, 4.seye from New Yolk, iris gurno, &o Brig ueorge Amos Nielgole. from 8081012. Brigilaro.,Beyors, from 130131118t0n Behr A firOrol;l.lo2A B dale from Claremont, with amber to or Tramp & Boa Bahr Daniel Towoaeod. Townsend. 5 da•e from Jack• •onriile, with-lumber to Figaro.' B 4ton & Co. Sahr Pearl, Deputy: 2 any's from Milford, Del, with gain to Jame' Barrett dr, So a, Bahr Rate Merrill Wloca. 6 days from Baesznalo with Wei to ll B?Wis'&Co. Bohr 6feehaala. Head damn. 1 day from Odessa, Del elth corn to Imam L Bowls, & Co. r J Bet e, amity, 8 dsye rein ilmnston, 0, with naval atorea to D 8 Steteon & 00. Bohr Wm Loper, Robinson, 4 dela LomNew Bedford, frith oil, &a to Opottras k Russet: Bokr Bea Wltels;SMltli, 3 dos from New Toth, with ,ce to captain, Behr M Beinhal, Peterson, 8 days from Portsmouth, Nil, in ballast , to IS Sturtevant & Co. Bohr' 89 ilsiahhary, studio% 8 d.ya from Bostoo, In ballast to 0 itillsr it 0 t. Bohr d fl Rle ey, Borne. from Boston. . Bohr klvarado, Shute - from Beat Greenwich. Bohr Lasts Clerk, Soup, from Pr.vtd•Xioo. - boar 814 Carlton, Willer, from Blglatcn. gbelinabiii Kennebec, NW, New York, via Cape May , as Aladeraien. Brie OBlettehird, Dianehard, Reston, Rommel, Potts , ':Brig,Geo Athos. Melo% Boeton:Blnnlekeon & Glover Brig Wtogold, Loring, Beet,m, L, Audi:laded & Uo. Bit; Rarp,;Regues:P/Ovlnenee; Illeluston & Cox. Bohr et J, !Arleen, ehauler, krooldeooe, do BehrAlez Bine. bileitlee, Nose, do Voter /11.11antrort, Peoemen, ralepn,N aturtevant & 00. .mitura. Bliley, Bops', Boston do ' sterie,ektiraredo, Berme, Bosom ,H ayes & Godaball. ebtr L 0 A Ileetsher & Co. ' Behr Wlllord Ramseur', Hodson, Altssodris, Ohio dliler &po_ • Saki Brisso, Halsey, Norwloh, R I/006ot' t 00. Bohr 1k Marvel, Boger.. Norwish, N kangaroos & 01. Bohr b B Wheeler, stiller, Boston, I. Audenried Jc Co tohr Gr.oe Girdler, Palos. Boston, do. Boor Harrington, Washlnotoo, do. Bahr American lto&le, Coraog, - Washington, do. Bohr J. is Benner, every, I:l4orgatown, do. Bohr Bar!WWII, &moll, Ifovortoll, • do. Sloop Mutorra, otoolann, Wasbiogton, do. Stir it W 41114, OLkypool, Ilian.moro, A Cirovae, (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LkzatErto, Juiy 28, 9 BO A M. The bark Caroline Samoa, from !!ague la Graode, qltollve, from Mayaguez, PL, and hemb Oommeroe, from Mikhail, each loaded with imp'. 1113 a 1110/63688 1 mehored off th.a `&M, yesterday, and will be detained forn - day or tyre, aa each rood hue a ease of a•ckcros on board. • • L. 8• F. „ter stxxsoherz to she tains.] • New Yong, July Z. ffatuthOd, the sehrtrii:benee oa estureayfor Wash ing, NO. - OXI, the zenleevenlag, off Sherp ) e.telied. ohs emu* /a collision. with the seer allot, from New York. - dotti. vegeta wire damaged. The fellation her Jibboom and enterater.l . . ' KIBIONANDA. • Staamablp , peleware, Ocoee, banes, ea Now- York ani it:M— ealy Gray kiwis, Huston, kenos, was waiting at Ela aosuo 144 nit. , _ kftap - ilarialover, 21 days from lifotlle for Liverpool, vas &plea 20th ineroetl34 SO; 100 74 90, Bark 1404atiata, Cotilas, Wee et /gm de Janeiro Jane 141rettlak . Nark Ortole, Sick, was waiting et Bto de Janeiro 14th oft.. • Itark4 . kovver, ,was RIO de ;alnico kith nit, tout*Old itekory, Veleaek. from St Mayo, Go, was Olog tato _BM Jaaelro 14th nit. Bars ,Bmpress Therwa (new, 815 tow), Walter tii‘ati from Baltimore 281 met, for itio ..entarti mil a *market , „ Binge / Gayle. from B o /male° dune 14, witliooree, 6; 1341XMOZO Hating,. Bld in company wick bark. lOW, Light for Baltimore Lett &hips ‘iparkhog Wave. ahrocart, for Pan P.aLoisao. repairing; le,atmnot er r , Warraek, from t'6boxoOls, dleomargag; corks Oreals,,l4 A Anan,Robbins, fanny Haan/too, bleor.o. Joselga s liCkiery, Sparta, welting ; ALL. Zingarellti, Banker, fur New ,Yo t , lam uampligltter, !larding, for do; Neapolitan, Bar. oath. d keg; aebirooai &tastier, trom liottunoud, do; 'Ante X Croat, ddc Sophia, dimes, (rota 11111X4 ooze, juxt armed; brigs , dna Ltun, Walla, for new York, jag; '4 Danger, sail to a few dalr - Mary flaratifon. - ararlsg; , trrom'Penazeoolailifain ,saap', Warwick, drown, from Biertround, ELI aohr,l9 o sotautoa, tiatkoart loading rolled from as Oct., barki ‘ , - 000 . 111 , New York; TOUMIAIoA, asorietta, Brown do; 11th, nine Width Nutonalll' do; Pa..aina. Lee, Kafta - and; Neho coy, eircry, - ...--; bunt Noreen /frog, New 'runt. Oink fg lagt7 out* , Beattoluimp, elearet at BaltlmOre hist, fur 11 ettodad ' - Idris l'homse B *attain, Mond, from Porto Ca bello „litn.soos,- at Neer - York , yesteriLl. 10th kat, tat ,20,,t0n 14, saw a ship steering most, snowing area .goet luta. a white gastteral rabon in, lat lou 76, ;poke mop Ped6O, from Mori York for, -.Now Ormans. . . . ' - Br,g 'Addy Swift, Ar,ery, froM Idaramtlbo 4th het, armed ut New sulk •44 h met - - -- &utast A Bali, VioAl, from Phlledelphla, s boond - to 471440111igue; *aa met, 4th met, cff Cap. Baton. 'aim sprain and crew atrt•6o WO 1, at Trioidaft un the boar. au tardier pirt.trutsrs giros . ..., dews It 8 ahemilSoosi and 'dem, Crane, , ifiom Tann. zoo; for teal port, at 0 6. Y.rit 24th lost . 3 kohreo.dnu Rol. ,rum wamongtoo Del, for Santa 01611, - *A2 Npuken 20th lout, let BO 60, Jon 7821. tchr Marton lbws, Pnutroite, bunco, wee wellies at itiSt dimwit/OLn nit. „ %-, Sake (tea W Meet, Emerson, hence, at Baltimore lira bait , „ Haar It:depsainee, Roll, 'kenos, arrireil at Newborn, *CI, 24t1 init. . . .. , - Neat (rotate filD LUMBER MEN AND FARMERS. fifiLA Or -VULVA elai TIMBOR LANDS, . 111 WABWIOII. 00IINTY, - 417 virtue of.,s decree of the Olronit °part for the °Minty Aforesaid; prononneed ea 'the 25t1L of March, • 1869, In,the otteeceer pall of(Umbria ye Whitbeek, the andendpied. acting as Oonneiseloners Rader the said de 'oree,Wl.ll cell before the Court /louse door of said coedi t/ on Ake aIIOOOD TIMAVIDA-W p 8 4.110110 T neat, thwi, being oeturty Cohn day, that valuable tract of lend leseribed 14 mid "decree "as all that ca t tails piece, par; eel, or _ twit; [of _land, lying snit In the county . of Warwick, and known - ar being part of the Moir Vomit , e 0 ;1 , :m o b: oirnd a t l , tho n u p d o de tgh ytro ho seemd conveyed by 4tiguetine Gembrill and Margaret hie wife,. by deed dated 28th Jane, 1868, and recorded in the' elerk'e Wage of -Wsrmiek eonoty courtly The above land *MT valuable and easy of access, being located, ppA theist:Whined*. between the 'James' and York mem/hand about half- WS/ betvrien ffampton and Wil.' Oemeburg; Theme are apon the preroines a steam earn' mill with engine of 80-hares power, and good 'abeam.' tialarielk Dwellinsin too - rough' teteir; • so on in tie ea will pay the costa of the above Wiektleated sultand the expanses of este, and upon the' Miklos s eredlt of twelve months wilt be given, the: purchaser to pre-bond with good security for the de. tarred, piquant, with Interest from the do of eale. - • • .„ • Llebilinl, J. BO WOE W, • - °MAMBA K. AMWAY, - - • Commtenionere. ,1 Of. the alma lend', 180 career. in doe cultivation, beleace he/wilytimbered with superior white ink (for 01 4 , ibuilditigi) lupine; the pine - e'er& being worth; fa 6 per CON t e cane; May amOeint OM" Do' 0011.! ttleAtitt for, forthe 'New York market. the had -froraation pr:le!!rmt mutter atri be; msls a , e:•rfo ra erj Baltimore, okay applying 3,-Patriak. adjoiniog the land,' , ,10_farwtele OonatHople t Werwiek county, Virginia , .", Stegt - - *moan 'l3. N" TiIE RiI A3E,U , RANCE!,COMFANY" , BATABLIMIHD .116 1886, FIRE - AND LIFE INSURANCE ' , HEAD OFFIOES: - LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAS GOW, PHILADELPHIA. -„, - CAPITAL e6;298.800. • AlititrAts xstiomE tonvinis OP 0,690p00. Petioles guarantied by the unlimited liabilities of nearly 1100 Shareholders. Lothed promptly adjusted and bald without reference to London, by ' 1 , - GETTY. • AGENT. FOR THB lINITBD 'STATES, HATIOE HO. 97 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PIII.LADiLPHIA. HEPBBBNONO. Hooke STUART & BROTHER, 18 Bank street. ofalla9m & CO., ..%2 Market it. 'I W6l, MoKiB & CO., 22 Bouthirout et. • " MoOTITHHION & COLLINS, S. W. emer • Pront mallet! streets. - , ' ,SMITH; WILLIAMB : &• 00., 518 Market at. it ht6llB GRAHAM in 00., 20 and 22 Letitia it. JOUIPE B. MITCHELL, BK., President Meehantee Bank. JAMBS DIINLAtcHrg., President Union Bank. Hon. WILLIAM A. PbRTBR, 028 Walnut Mired, late Judge Burls= Court. , JyAduth& FnIF,:IISTST.TRANCE. /ETNA INBHRANON COMPANY, of Hartford. ISsetr, 1,1852.....51,8812900 08 MANHATTAN FIRE INBURANON COMPANY, of New York. - Cull Assets, tan. 1, 1850..... BPRINOTIELD FIRH AND MARINA 111813BANOR COMPANY. • Cash Assets, Jan. 1,1859 445,754 85 NORTH A11E8 . 102,11 PINE, INISII RANCE COMPANY ~ o f Hartford. Cook Amato, ion 1, IMP - 865,880 66 IRVINETIRE INOINIANOR oom. • YANY, of New York: Cook Assets. Jan. 1,1969 041,864 81 MMITCHANTS , THIN INBURANCI • COMPANY, of Hartford. _ Oasts Assets, Jan. 1,1889 " 939,079 83 Pollutes issued, and losses equitably adjusted sod promptly paid, at bin Agency, by - • ' BOSWELL & WILSON, Agents, T0b26.13 - ' - No. 210 WAL ' T QTBEBT.• HE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE xisrstrscAwaxt OQMP ' PABQUGAII BUILDINGS, No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Inoorporatel In 1857, under the General Insurance Law • - or Penneylranla. ,nthorised Capital 5500,000 80608144 Capitii ... 900,000 Ped up papital ' 114,800 , . 11:715F111) IS FOLLOWS: ' Bond an d Idortgalet ' 'Brat Den 662,170 ' Bank, Ra il road, and other Stooks and Beontitles 64.000 Oath In Bank' 8,630 - ----8114,800 toures ONLY atalnetl,o3B Olt DMIAGELBT FIRE ON BUILDINGI, MIROIIteNDISE, HOUSEHOLD !MONITORE, &a. Alto, on 0 MOORS and PRE teaS to end . from tit parts of the world, and Inland Nsvigi-' tion and Transportation, on (mom* terms, - - 01110111110. OHAIIIIIS G. DIGAY; President, WK. WRIOIIT, Vice President, 0. 0 'DU PLIIIB, Pearetary, H. 0. 2A610000401, Assistant Bearettirr D 1811107038 William Imlay, William Wright, P e. 'Torrey, .Tho. Tcrucer, Wm. B. Grubb, Charles G Imlay Josper Harding, 0.0 MAW, Hear H. strong, D D. Jonas, glonso Batter, I. H Harm', nutrlB4t THE Li OBER P MORELS FLRE Mar- MOM 002,101 NY - OF nutAnsethara, 409 WALNUT BTREET Thila Convsnyinsarea against Loss or Dssnage byiPlre on Punlio and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stooks of Goods, and Merchandise ganseally - The following provision in the Policies of this Coin ca y r : i n . arantees their security when assigned as s This poltoy shall not be invalidated, or In any wise affected, after Its aeggement as a collateral sedulity to a round-rent, or mortgage, and the approval of snob assignment by the office, by any transfer or 000veyanoe of the mortgaged premises, by the owner of the same." DIPXOTOP.B: Pant T. Zones, • Jeremiah U. Brooks, John Malmo, Robert °lark, - lease 8: Waterman, David Salomon. Bdiard G James, William Tandervaer, Joseph Jamey Theodore Onyler, ' Oolllne, Baronet Oaatcer, PAUL T. JONSio. President. WK. WOMB avn 11/1, Vice Preatdent. OlLin? 8. tromaso, Seoretary.. TIM • QUAKEI/L OITT ISBURANOE COMPANTL WALNUT FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. PHILA 40d 8411/4. OnARTNR. PRIL.P.ETUAL. • Paid•ip Capital and 34224,861 42 Mortared Capital..., • • 600,009 00 Insox against lose of damage by Fire and the perils of the boa, Inland liaylgatlin, and Tramaportatlen, on the most favoritblo terms. Louisa promptly adjoined and mild. DllllO7OlB George IL Hart, - BW. Bailey E. P. Ross, - Andrew R. (Romberg, A. O. Rata, Oaaries 4 l Imlay, Jaw el: Dale, - H. R. Oonshall, Poster/. Parkins, Samuel Jones, Hon. H. Di. Haller. canonise; ORORGII H. HART, President. B. P. ROBS , Vice President. ' H. R. ooaosuALL, Secretary and Treasurer. S. H. HEMLINE, Asslt Secretary. , mcd DELAWARE MUTUAL - SAFETY !N- W:MANOR COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA 01835. ORE/OR B. R. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSUISANOR ON VESSEILB, 1 °ARGO, To all part Of the World, PHEIGUT, . XNLAND INSIMIANCIB On Goods, by Elver. Canals, Lakes, and Land Candace - .to all parts of the Union. FIRE INBURANONO On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Hormel, &a. MENUS OP TUB COMPAY, November I, 1868. Par. Market Valu . st . $102,060, Philadelphia City 84froent..Loan.$106 144 00 $llO.OOO, Penney'reels State beano 104,4.:6 00 $30,000, 11. 8 Troseury 4k, 4," aent.H3tes. 00,112 60 $60,000, Pennsylvania Railcard 2d Mott- g6g6 6 tv, cent. Bonds 45,876 00 4120,000, North Penneylvatiti. Railroad Mort- gage 6 sent. aonda . -- • . 12,000 00 moo°, 800 emelt stoat ootraani;;;; 411 Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the eity of Phila delphia 14,92.5 00 $6,000,100 snares Penneylvania Railroad Company ' • ' 4,232 50 05,000, 100 shares North Pensurylrania itaiiroaa Corcbant.& " • 860 00 14680, liitindrY shares Ph laded .bia. lee !Sootll '46 l l'4 ' - Grace -----. atom Tow .- Boat — Company, Bee rannah Steam Naylatio; 'com pany, and Philadelphia Exchange Clomping ' 2,030 00 1840,700 ' 819,109 00 BMA(' and Mortgages. and Real =state, Or• Moe Building 71,888 85 Bills Reeslyabie for insurances niade 981,888 88 Balance 4ne at Agencies—Premium on - Marine policies recently lamed—and other debts due the Company' 01,288 14 flarip and stook of sundry insurance Comps. Wee 8,220 00 Cash on deposit in Bank 42,087 86 DEEM William Marlin, Joseph R Seal, Hattltina A, 13mider, John 0, Davis, John B. Penrose, George 4 Lelper, liiiirsed Darlington, Dr, M. M. Heston, Wm. 0 Ludwig-, Hugh Craig, Spencer EVlltralne, Charles Halley, H. Jonas Brooke, Jacob P. donee, . _ THOS. 0 HENRY LTLIIMIN, Se. FIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 00M •R-1 PANY —The PENN MUTUAL Lail INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeast oorner of THIRD and DO O ll. Streets. Capital, 0012,720 03. INSURES LIVES for abort terms, or for the whole term or life=-grante annuitlea and - ando rimento—pnr. ohms life interests in Real Estate, and makes all eon. tracts depending on the isontingenoies of Life. They ant as Boonton, Administrators, Assignee, Truiteee, anti Guardians. " 7111112815. • Daniel L. Miller, Bee.lamin Goatee, Rio Mud S. Newbold, William P. Harley, William 11 Kern, Samna' 0. Huey, Charles Hallowell, Henry 0. Toweeend, Rodbiphaa Heat, • William H. Oarr, Bditard T. Mott; 1 1 WLliam litobarteou, Warner M. Raatn, P. B. Mt . • Bamnel J Ohrfallen, Tneeph M. Thomas, John EL Brenner, ler, Banton. L MILLER, President. . STONES, Vice Preel. an. 1.8.17 GREA.T WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Ofdoe, ho. 403 WALNUT direst, (Company , . Building,) • PrIILADILPRIN, • - ' Baying consolidated the butanes. of the PARMARIP UNION INBURAI3OII-COEPANY OP AWHANg, PA will hereafter coninart the same With a'ooirtMned Capi tal and available ASSETS OP OVAR 8360,000, Invested, for the molt part, in Pinar BONDS AND MoaT cuose, bearing AIX per cent. interest, on Imphovel pro perty, worth double the amount. PIRA, =Lean, AND MARINA OARI3O RISKS Taken on Chained favorable terms. DIRKOTORB. Charles 0. Lathrop Will Moo Darling, Aletander Whilldln% A. Traoy, John o.llnntar, James - . base Hasleltunit, C. N. Shlpme n, Chioago,ll. J. R.,ldeCurdy; Pre. Tyler, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas L. eilleeple, Oharles Harlan, Darnel L. Collier, jonstbau J. Bit cunt. O. O. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vloe - Presldent. JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. 0. S. RUBBALL, Assistant Semetaiy. mnalt-d&Wtf ONEY.--40 bbla. prime quality Cuba 13004 , per ear 41ifUin , for sala 14F A, ka pm, south RUNT attar. • 018 , THE ,PRESS-PBEILADELPRIAi TUESDAY; .3137.AY 26;: 4E1'59. lan -,r THE PENNEitAiiik,RAIGROAD:COMPANY ALTOONA AND OR,E£C3ON ON THM , ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, GOOD FOR FOURTEEN DATE Perrone wishing to breathe pure MOUNTAIN AIR, seekers of pleasure, and all who desire relaxation from businees, should take advantage of this great REDUCTION OF FARE, TO PIPIT 'A.LTO - NA AND °REASON. Pare to Alton' and Return ST 15 , r • &emu - Teo Hopewell 11 716 BEDFORD SPEINOS , PASSENGER 3 are likewise furnished watt 'tickets to Hopewell—the terminus of the Huntingdon - end Broad Top Ballroad—where two daily lines of stages and hacks connect for the hprings. Tickets to be had at the dike of the Pennertvanto Railroad Uompany, southeast corner Eleventh and Mar ket streets. ,•r THOMAS MOOSE, Agent. • ivIR .1m LEW/8 Jr. ROUST, Hip Ticks; Agent 1, 4 DAILY FOR CAPE MAY.= The fine steamer BALLOON, OaptainW. Wnatitte„ or ARIAL. Captain Taggart, leaves Aroh street wear! every miming at 9) otalook, (Sundays egoepted • Peeeengere by THI9 llne errlve at the bland In time to seance sooomotuastlone at the hotels. . . hnalgrante are not carried to TEMA boats. , ' Fare to the Island, Carriage Hire inaleaded $l.OO .g .g Servants 76 ,! " Rieman Tickete,Clarriege Hire extra 8 00 °terrines, /tones, and Plot , s ht' taken at il t l h 9 e .2l n t e : el rated. • ' . ie d . rt FOR CAPE XAX,, AND • . NEW YORK DAILY, (iluidsys okoopted ) at 9ji o'o'ock, A. M. , ' EXTRA TRIPS TO oAelt. KAY ON FM:MOATS, r At 8 A. M. Oteamera DIPLAWARS, Captain (lopes, BOBTON, Captain Bellew, HENNEBBO, Captain Hand, Perm a Daily Lina between this oily, Cape May, and New York , leaving from Slut Pier below Bprnee greet, at 93i A. 81. ~,,, ... _ . - On SUNDAYS, for GAPS MAY only, at 8 o'clock, A. M. RETURNING, Leave New York,' Oundsys excepted,) at 5 P. M. 't Ospe May, daily, at BA. hi Fare to New York, Cabin., $2 00 . 1 . ~ Steerage ' • ' - .1 60 Fareto Cape May, including Carriage Hire 75 '' .. Servants - 16 I' , f . &aeon Ticket, Carriage Hire extra. 8 00 .• " " , State Rooras,extra - 100 Freights for New York sod Cape. May Wien at low rates. Goods destined beyond New Yo k will be for warded with despatch. free of ROMMUSIOO. JAMSB ALLDERDICIti Agent 814 and 810 South DELAWARE AVENUE.' 378,939 09 • TOR GAPE MAY, ON SUNDAYS. During the 4 . heaeon. , ' • steamer will leave for 'Cape May, on Sundays, at 8 o'oloalc A. ht. Beturning,leave Cape May, Monday morning, - at 8 (Polo*. ar,.., NOTIOE TO SHIPPERS tiVAPAN OP LOOAL VRRIGHT ' The k'S .nNYLV &NIA nar,soe.o COMPANY - aim now prepared to receive and forward 'Preigbt to the foltowing_.poinln on the NORTHERN ORNTRAL RAILROAD : • . . Look Haven, Lewlebarg: . Wayne, Nortbumberlend, i Jersey Shore, Newbury, 'Linden, Treaertou ,Interaeotion /.. Newbury, Georgetown, - Williamsport, Milleiesown, blunoy, Halifax, - , . Wateontown, Pork, Hilton, Hanover Junotion. . AI.BO. Gettreburg, and all interwediate:pobate onHANOTRIt RAILROAD. All goods dent to Prelgbt 13tatienr, THIRTEEmPiI and bl %REIT Streets, will be promptly forwarded. ] . jyB am R I. 8N DR ORR, . Freight Agent.' f li OTlOE.—Persons having! business with the Vault INSPIOTOR,', will call at No. 14 VINE Street, between the howg Of 9 o'clock , and 8 P. M., where they will find the/Dept.:4or or hie Deputy, P. M . RIIBTEII. Q. M. LAESIAN,• Plow Inspector. QPEOIAL NOTlON.—Dealers In dpod — year's Yateutfor Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, firaidn," Webs; and another Mese and artiolee made by combin. log fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ized rubber are notified that =dem the same are properly damped or labelled with my name, and by my anthori. ty, they cannot be legally deposed of in the United States blemhants and dealers are Invited to examine mpeeintens now in etore i and to gm their orders for the Spring Trade to the andersigned; INCLUSIVE OWN ER OP THE TITLES AND IXOLThetVia RIGHTS IN TEE PATINT for these goods, which embrace all the etyles heretofore manufactured or Imported. and many others. ALSO, , LirOINSIS TO meNTlVAoTtrais AND ORLI —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 92 COURTLANDT Street• ; N. Y. n 244 RORAON H. DAY ' NOTICE.—An application will bij made a LI the next session of the Legislature of Pennell es &a for the incorporation of a Bank, with general backlog privileges, with oepltal of TWO EIUITDRED AND JIFFY TtIi , USA ND DOLLARS, to S. celled the MANUFACTURER& BANE, to be located in the city of Philadelphia. • tyls One R. .lEts NO MORN PAIN, NO MORE BIOHNNBB. NO HOBS B.IIIOVATISM, Or Stiffness of the Joists, Lumbago, Macias Ass, Toothaches, or Sufferfngfrom other Bodily infirmfriet TEM RAPID AND 00 WPLETS .IPPIOAOY OF - - RADWAY'S IN INSTANTLY STOPPING TEM 11081 4 NZOR1:1- 01Arpio PAINS AND AOFINS.,, BURNS, 'WALLIS OUTS, WOUNDS' ' BUNIONS, , renders it important that every family keep skupply of it In the house. Armed with ibis remedy, a household is always pro tected against Bidden - attacks of sickness. Thousands of lives of persons have been saved by Ito timely nee, who were suddenly seised in the night time with Oramps, Spume. VomlthegrehOlers, Yellow Bever, and other violent dlpeanee. Leos dose of this Remedy Vs taken internaliy, as the chile may require when suddenly named wl i Pain or diokaege, arc it will instantly re hove the patient from pain, and aunt the disease. RHEUMATISM In four bourn NEURALGIA In eeft4LOM: CRAMP • In ten minutes DIABRINDA In fifteen minutes TOOTHACHE. p In one minute SPASMS - • , In are minutes eIOR iIEADAOHR • - In ten minutes MULLS AND PRYER In fifteen mint:Nes CHILBLAINS ' ' In noon Winos MUM:LENZ& In six bonne 0 . 01.1.11 THROAT In ten llliinnell BURNS In twenty Minutes PROST BITES At AGUE CHEER PARALYSIS LAMENESS BRUISES, WOUNDS, STRAINS, end SPBAINS, The moment It IS applied to the !Wired parte, ell PAIN AND UN SASINESB °BASH. Loh cot for counterfeits and imitation& Purilhane only RADW READY BELIEP. Pees 25 mote, 50 oente, end $1 per bottle. Agents In this city Dh AWASCOII & SONS, W. B. BOBER T B. OALTJENDER. m)9•Enfam A MOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER. EIMATB OB TBOXELL'S IiSMIALALA BALMS. Pima., July 7th, M. Mr, B. W. Tioint.—Dear Eh: lime been troubled with the NEOIteLNIA” f..r,the boo 24 ream, and have suffered the most egornolating pain, Compelling one at times to give up my butine4s entirely. I. oettla not eat, and sleep wee a stranger to my epee. I ea& feted more than for gue can tell I had the advice and aid of various physicians, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Haying noticed 3 our advertisement in the papers, I. cent:laded to call on a person whom I had learned wap met or a case of 20 :years Mending ' He applied the SALVW , bat once, and I felt Immedi ate relief—a second application removed the pain en tirely, and I now feel lite a different man. Since then I have Mept wel—aomething that I have not done for months, being obliged to sit up; all night in a chair My appetite hae returned, and 1 feel grateful to you for the reiteration of my health. - CHARLES b. BAKU, Tobaocioulet OM:OWL Street, above WOOD, Kensington, Far Ws. wholesale and retail, at S. W oortiertllMlN and PARRISH streets, and et .T.ll. a&LLEsun& &, N. tir , ooreer Third and Walnut ate. ' $008,804 70 TORO. James 0. Hand, Theoptillus Paulding, James Traqualr, William Byre, .Tr., J. P. Pentaton, Joshua P. Byre, - Samuel E. Stakes, Henry Sloan, James B. blitarland, Thomas 0, Hand, - Hobert Burton, John D. Semple, Pltiath>g T. Morgan, 3. T. rt • atell'ir President. . HAND, The President, .tary. - mb2B,4tf ntt. WASTOuTra OtLf.,BaLLTED Taa coant Walloon's Tar Cordial mire. Coordmption. Weateott's Tar Cordial cares laronototia. Westeott a Tar Cordial eurea'alongba and Colds. We isteottbi Tar Cordial onrea Bore Thr• at and Breast. Weatoott's Tar Cordial GUM Palpitation of the Neut. Wo•toott'a Tar Cordial 011,1 , 11$ NetVotill Debility, Weatoett , a Corolal cares Oeiteral W estoott's Tar Cordial onus Dimeaaea of Kidneys, Otrangury, and Gravel. t i feetoott , a Tat Cordial oared Blind and Bleeding Piles. Weateott's Tat Cordial rune Female Weaknesses: Dr Weak°Ws Tar Cordia' Depot, No. 629 ARCH Street Philadelphia Also, Principal I epot for Dr. Weetoott's Anti-Sorofu• lone Syrup and Cholera Hilattire. Dr. B. IL WI4cTOOIT Iran be consulted on Ore above diseases, free or charge, at his Oonsatiabon Booms No. 6:9 AEON Street, from 10 A. IL to 4 P. M. ;WV &MEW,' PUDE 00D-LIVER OIL, PEBEZOTLY SWEET AND PALATABLE, manu factured at Newfoundland for the Proprietors, from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at a low tempera hire, thus preserving the sweetness and purity of the Otl while" - the natural fishy flavor la perfectly covered, and the 011 rendered palatable and agreeable to the taste. - ' darting 13 Stoked . , William Mart n, - James E. McFarland, Joseph H. Trotter, James Sutton, Tbaophilue Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder, Daniol t,. Hutchintou John W Horner, Ellie ft Aroher, The Proprietors of thy{ Oil spare no expense in haring their 011 properly 'prepared at Newfoundland, the only plane where the Thane merrhua us found in abundance. The true 011 to frequently impaired by admixtures with oil front other specie/ of the eadu family, and only that coming from the g 4 Banks be relied upon as the genuine. Oar Oil het been analysed, and pronounced to be pure and the perfection of fine quality—oharacteristlcs which enable It to maintain its superiority over all other kinds. Prepaied and for sale, Wholesale and Pitall, by lIMIPARD & 00., 1nh224.? TWRIAFTEI.end 011.148TNUT. Phllad>a A NLZRIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. ) .CIL INOORPORAVID 1810-OH4RTRit PAS, PRTUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Streit, shove Third, Philadelphia. Moving a large paid-up Capital Stook and Burping Invested 1n mind and available Bacarities, cord:locate incase on Threllingt, Stores, Purniture, Mrchandise, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and - other Peron ' All loam liberally and promptly adjusted. inuccrong. George Abbott, John T, Lewis, John Welsh, hones B. Campbell, Samuel O. Morton, admund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Chas.W. Poultney, Terael 'Morrie. GEORGE ABBOTT, Preeldent. 9811001 AB N MAUEL gslaretary raBB -v lr Glum • AND' INLAND RlSliti.--rh.m.E INSURANO3I COMPANY. • - Capital 5100,000. (Organised ender the Rat of Amenably relative to In- Pittance Companion, passed April 14, 1806.) Onee 411 OH.III3TNI3T RI., gbiladolpitia. ^DIR.ROROItS. Samuel Wright, • Henry Levis, Jr,, William W. Walton, D. D. Blroay, °hake Blohardsou, john W. &roman, /mob W. Stout, • ' A. H. Rosenholm, Barclay Lippinoott, John B 14111 son, Gemge A. West, • W. W. Knight. RIO GI W. DAY,' rresident. W BLANWILP, aeorotazr. NOW ISSUES ExaquatoN TIME TS Notices. llltAiunal. RADWLIVEI 11111ADY BMUS/ MA COMM AND IN ALL OASES OW s,'S 11111 WEI% 443.11.-. RANGEMENT. 7 - , , • tifj,WEriiimpN, .M 0 ,BAIO-• dolt)]. itAllatosi). ' On and atter y 4th, 18, PASSENGER TRAINS L A VE P H IL AD E LPHIA, Pnr Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, (Expreee,) and 11.10 P.M. } For Cheater at „8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 4.80, and 11.10 For Wilmington at 8.15 A. 5.,12, 4.80, and 11.10 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M., arid 4 80 P. PC Hot Middletown at 8.10 A M., and 4.80 P. M. For Dorm at 8.15 A. M., and 4 80 P For &A(oM at 8.15 A 51, and 4 80 P. M. TRINS YOR PHIADLPIIIA Leave Baltim A ore at 6.80 A. M. L , (Ex E praes,) 9.40 A. Ai., and 6 26 P.M . Leave Wilmington 6.66 A. M., and 920 A. M., 1.10 and 8.40 P. M. Leave 515 kw Castle at 8.45 A. Id., and 7 40 P. M. Leave Middletown at 7 50 A M . and 084 P. IL Leave Dover at eBO A. M. and 626 P. M. Leave Seaford at 6.16 A. 7d. and 2 46 Leave Cheater at 7.44, 9 ' 50 A. M., 1.45 and 9.16 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Seaford and Delaware Railroad at 80 and 940 A. M .• TRAINS FOR BALTIMORR, Leave Cheater at 8.45 A. M., UM and 11 40P. M. Leave wilminton at 920 A. M.., /216 and 12.20 A. M. UNDAYS Only at 71 . 10 P. H., S from Philadelphia to Baltimore Only at 5,25 P, H., from Baltimore to Philadelphia FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER OAR attached run as follows : Leave Philadelpwill hia for Perryville and Intermediate places, a Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7 25 P. M. Leave Havre-de -Grime for Baltimore and intermediate places at 6.40 A. M Leave Baltimore for Havre•de-Graee and intermediate places at 5 40 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and Intermediate places at 6.40 P. hi ire 8. M. FELTON. rreMelent. NEW WEST OBES TSB AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD vs MEDIA. • NIIHMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MAY 29th,1859, the Tralua will leave" Philadelphia, from the Btation N. E. corner of EIGHTNIONTH and MARKER Amide, at T and 11 A. It., and 2,4 80. andd 15 P. M. Leave Went Cheater, from the Station, on EAST MARKET Street, at 6.80 8 80, - and 11,80 A. IR., and I and 5 41 P. N. ON BUti DAYS—Leave PUIIOOIOII, at B A. M., and 2 P. M. Lear° Welt Cheater at I 80 A.. M. end 635 P. M. MENUS WOOD, m328-tt GeneraLSonerintendant. r sEt F oR T THE SRA isIIMM SR AnRANOEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SHORE. On and after SATtinDitY, May 216 t, and until fur ther notice, three daily trains to Atlantic and return. On attNDAYS, the Mall Train only will run. Vint, Mail Train, leaven Vine-street Perry..7.Bo A. IL Second, Express, te " ...4 00 P. M. Stopping only for wood and water.) Freight Train. (with Passenger Car attsehed).4 85 A. id Accommodation Train, (Egg, Harbor,) leaves Vine street 4.50 P. M. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. First, Express, Train leaves 0 00 A. M. Second, Mail, I , 4 40 P. 51.. Freight, q 12.10 A. M. Accommodation Train leaves Egg Harb0r....6.09 A. M. BIIND 41/ TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Merry at 7 A. M. Returning. leaves Atlantis at 6 P M. This Train will stop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, and Abseisom. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. Lemma Cooper's Point 11.00 A. M. Leaves Haddonfield' 1.00 P. M. Leaves Cooper's Point 2 00 P. M. Leaves Haddonfield 8 00 P M Fare to Atlantic, when Tickets are purchased before entering the care at 80 Round Trip Tickets, good for two days on any regular train 1.0 60 On and after July 2d; and every Saturday through the Summer, the Egg Harbor Accommodation Train will ' run through to Atlantic, and return early" on Monday morning. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by 1 P. AL The Company will not be responelble fog any goods until received and receipted for by, their Freight Agent at the Point. tnyl9-deird 708 N 7311YAtt'r, Agent. PHILADELPHIA INIMEMPIN AND 'RE 4D/NG RAIL ROAD, MOANING LINE, for POTTSVILLE, Eep ING and HARRISBURG, LeaTai safe Divot,' at comer of BROAD and VINE Streets, at 7.30 A I. SOWN, exeapted,E for POTTSVILLB. HARRI3BURGi sod stl intennedist, points, oonn.oting at Harrisburg with traltin rniuilug to Pittsburg, Ohamberaburg Sunbury, &a. ascascfo~iri ii~r`se LOSTe at 880 P. M., DAILY, for pOTTSVILL.BI and HARRISBURG. At 448 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) for DRADING, and intermadista points epic W. H. SIoILLIENNY, Searetary. . . iggas NOTWE.--OHESTER irwt • VALLEY RAILROAD —PAR BANGER TRIVINB FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TRIMEDI ATE aTATIONB —On and after let Janu ary, 1859, the Passfenger Trains for DOWNINOTOWN will start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Rellrl Compaq. corner of BROAD and VINE atreets , momurre TRAIN , Downingtown, loam it 1.20 e. , , AZTIIIINOON THAIX for liornlngtown, Imes a 4.46 P , DAILY (Sundays excepted.) By order of the Board of Managua of the Philade phla and Reading Railroad Company. W R MoTIATOINNZY. - PHILADELPHIA an#l, 74 ' AND EL stilt& RAIL ROAD LlNk.—Q,UlOffnisT SOLITE to Bloke, Wilkes. bar**, Buffalo. Chicago, Rock Inland, Niagara Valle, Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, St. Paula, Detroit, Bunßeth, and ct. Louis. Pmeenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily. (Suodays excepted.) u radon; . 7 30 A. M., DAY ERBIUB/3, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit. Chicago Milwaukee, Rook Leland, Galena, at. Paula, Darlington, and En. Lolls. • 880 P. M NTORY IIXPRESS, Bar Bimlue , Niagara Falie Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, wad tee, Rock bleed, Galena, St. Penh, Burlington, and Bt. Louie. The 7.80 A. M. and 8.0 P. M. 'trains run through to MMittlatillßG, stopping at all Stations on the Leba non Valley Branch. The 7.80 A, M. train connects at Rupert. for Wilkes barrei Pittston, Scranton, and all stations- on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. MMtiMViMial jr;. Tickets can be proenred at the Philadelphia end Elmira RARroad Ltneie T.cket Office, North west corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT htreete, and at the ream ger Deo it, - 43orner BROAD acid VINE. THROUGH BXPRESB FREIGHT 2 , 11.1.111 Leaves the Depot, Broad street. below Vine, daily. ;Sunday excepted,) for all points 'Nast and North, at 0 0. M. Freights must be erect before 8 P. M. to insure going the same daP:' For farther information, apply at freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to C/188. 8. 'PAPPBM. General Agent, N. W. coiner Sixth and Chestnut, fittest*, Philadelphia 1859. Ms 1859 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELP , A AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00 '8 LINEB, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, raox WALXOI-11TO11T 111711111,, Will leave is followe, vie : Passe. At 6 A. M. via thunder( and Amboy, O. & A. Ac commodation. 82 26 At 6 A. M., via Camden. and Jersey City,' (New Jersey) Accommodation 2 28 At 0 A. H. Ida Camden and Jersey City, Morning 8. 00 At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, via Tawny and jersey Oily. Morning Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. k A. Ex press 800 At 8,% P H. , by Bteamboat, via Tawny and Jer sey City, Evening Exprese 8 00 At P. Si., by Eitcambost, via Tawny and Jar eey City, 2d Olase Ticket " 2 25 At 6 P. M., via Camden awl Jersey City, Evening call• 600 At 11 P M., via Camden and Jersey City, Night 226 d.t2)y P.M:, via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation (Freight and Passenger}-le; Claes Ticket .... 2 ' 25 2 , 1 Claes Ticket 1 60 At 5 P M., viii Osmden and Amboy, Aocommodation, (Freight and Passenger)—let Clam Ticket.... 2 26 2d Mass Ticket.— ' - 1 76 Tho 6 P. M. Mail Line runs dell*. The 11 Right Mall, liatrudays excepted il7 Express Lines atop at Principal Stations only. For Belvidere, Luton, Flemington, 150., at S A. M. and 8.)( P. M. For Water Gap, Strondebrirg, 6oranton, Wilkeebarre, Matron; Oust Bend, An , st 6 A. Al , via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 6 awl 9 A. M.., and 2% 01)( and 6 P. Id. WAY LINES MMNIMii=II , • • • • /or Palmyra, Delano°, Beverly, Burllngten, Bor dentown, Ad., at 1 and 2% P. M. Steamboat Rickard Stockton. (or Tanony at U A. M., and for Bordentown rad Intermediate places at B,tg P. M. _ Meatilboat John Neilson, for Tawny at eg A.M., and for Bristol, Burlington and Intermediate plums, at 12 U. and 4N P. M. fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their Wearing apparel. All baggage over tity pounds to be paid for Astra, The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and wilt not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, es• wept by special contract. June I. WM. 11. GATZbIErt, Agent art"•f4cam.. GERMANTOWN, AND NGlVlsterrutert riaII.ROAD —IIIIMStRit ARRANGE. RUNTS —Ort And •tter Monday, May Otb, 1869 t until further notice. , NOR 'CIDBMANTOWN Lem.° Pklladelphia 6,7, 8, BX, min., 10,11 X 12 A. 1d.., 1,2, 8, Bx,, 4,6, 6X, 6,7, 8,9, 10, and, /1 P. ht. Leave Germantown 6,7, TN, 8 834, 9, 10, 11, A. M., 1.2 X, 1,2, 8.4, 6,8, 8J(, ig, a, d. log P. M. ON BIINDAYB, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 1.1.. A. M., 2,8, 8, T 5( and log P.M. Leave Germantown 010 min. A. M., 1.10 Intn,4 og, •nd 91( P. M. G11)8/14111' HILL RAILROAD. . . _ . . UST° Philadelphia 0,8, Bjj,ll, A. M 2, Bg, 4, 6g, 8,9,117 f P.M. Leave Olteetaut 111117.10 7.40. 8.10, 0.40,11.86 A.M., 12 40, 8.40, 6 40, 7.10. 84 0 ,10.10 P. 51. 011 SUNDAYS, Loam Philadelphia 9.06 WEL A. M., 2,5, and 714 P. M. Leave Oheetnut fill 7.60 A. 61.,12.60, 6.10 and 8.66 P. M. TOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN Leave Philadelphia 0, 8.05 min., 10 05 min., .1113 A. M., 106 min., 8.06 min., OX, 6%,113( P. M. Leave Norristown 0,7, 9,11 A. M.,1, 6%, 4%, 0,7% P.M. ON ITN.D/1.170,, Lem Ph Hada eir,land 4 P. M. Loy. liorriatown 7 A M . M., .1 and a P.M. FOR ANAYIINIi Leave Philadelphia 0, 7.05 min., 8 05 min ;9300.05 11 min 1136 A. 51" 1,05 min., 2 05min., 8.05 min , f t 8 A: x olive manarink 7PONDAY B . X , BX, DX, 103 11% A. Ai., 1X ON , 8.05 min , 4,6, 6g, 8; 05 min. P.'sl. Leame,Plillattelphla 0 A. M., 8, 4 } P. Ai. L 61113 blimayank. 7% A. at., ex. 8% P. M. U. R. SHITH, General Supetinteadent my 7 DEPOT. NINTH and GELMBN Sta. VARD.--M ARE ITIL-S ITR-AY (0 H AM -44../ YAGNII), JANUARY 10, R3513 1 .—1n consequence of the frequent 'invitations received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to the United 'Stares, I beg leave hereby, to Inform my former en& tomem, aud'the pnblio in general, that I have sp. pointedblesers. E. 0. BROUWER, ANCIIAR, Bole Agents in the United /Rates, for the sale of my Champagne Winee. My Wines have been so long and -favorably known in the United States, it will be un neeemary to comment on their quality, further then to say that my new shipments will in no way be found In ferior to the former ones. DILLDOSET SALMON BILLSOART BALILION43 CIIAMPACINi WINNO both OABINST and V.BEZENAY, for sale and con stantly on bard i In lots to malt purshasers, by P. O. BBOUIFAR, ANOILJR, & 00., M MUIR WA Now York. Mau- Rum DM ARRANGEMENT. • Pot BETHLEHEM, DOI:(,19TO PIN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN: BIAIIOH., CHUNK, HAZLEtON, , witaßormana. .to - On and after MONDAY, Kay leth. 1860. Passenger Thane Mill leave VIIONP and WILLOW etreete, Phila delphia, DAILY . , (Sundays eFeented t) WOE" Bethlehem, Allentown. Manch Ohunk, bate, Haaleton, 9c0,, (Expel:J.) at 9 90 A. M. For Bethieheml(P4reas,) at 4 00 P. Pi!, For Doyleetown, (Aeoommodatioa ) at 8 1 A..a For YortWashingion„ (AoCommodat s ion.) M at nd6 P.M. Turwe YOR pILILA 15 D p E LPili M. and 8 80 . y. M. A Leave Bethlehem (Rxerece,) at BA. M and 4 10P. M. Leave DoylestOin, (Accommodation,) at 0 80 A. M. and 4 P. M. Leave Port Wealiin,gton, (Aeeonimodation.) at ' 880 A. M. and 8 85 P. M. Philadelnhlaifer, ON EIONDA9B: ON at.. 9 A M. And 8 P. M. Dorleatown, for Philada., at 6 80 A. M. and 5 45 P.M. Fare to Bethlehem. $1.59; to blanch Chunk. 2 2 66 i to Beaton $1.50; to Do:viestovin,6o cents; to Wilkes. barre, $4 50 . All Passenger Train* (except flandav Traine )' con nects at Berke street with Plfth and Bixth.streeta and ascend and Third etreets Paseeoger Bailroldi. Passengers far Wilkesharre take 9 80 A • M. Train, and arrive In Wllkeebarre at 7 P. M. - myl6 JILLIB CLARK. Agent. • • THE PENNSYLVANIA OE NTR AL RAILROAD. 1859- -Migusx 1859. THE CAPACITY OP; THIS ito o IS EQUAL ,TO - ANY IN THE - COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEHN 'PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, - Connecting direct at Philadelphia' with Through Trains from Boston, New Y,ork. and all points out, and at the Union Depot at Pithfbarg with Through Train* for Ctn. einnatl, St 'Lottle[Oleriand, Chicago, B,urlington A Bt. PauPs,•lndianapolle,,l f otilarllle, New Orleans. an 'au Intermediate poltate in Ohio, Indiins, thin*, Ken. tacit!, idiehigan, Wiscoosin, idinneantit:Missouri,lian au; and Nebraska —thtua furnishing, faciAltiee , for the transportatkin of P snorers muntrpaesed for speed and oomfort by any other rotate. - Zairese and Past. Lines run through, - {o Pittsburg without ehange of Cars or Conductora. Smoking Oars are attached to each Train . ; Woodrian Sleeping Cate to Express and Fast Trains. The EX- Pings RUNS DAILY : Mail and Past Lines, Sundays excepted: Hail Train leaves Philadelphia it 1.16 A. M. Past Line , 11.60 A. M. Express Train leaves ' to 10 50 P. M. WAX, TRAINS,LEATI AS FOLLOWS S Parkeeburg Accommodation at 11 A. AI. Harrisburg Accommodation, via Colombia, 2.00 P. M Columbia • , d 4.80 P M. Paseengers rim text Chester will "take the Hall ; Parkeeburg." and Laecieter Traioaiat the Penbiylya.. nla Itailrond Passenger :Raton, Paesangeri for flambee'' Williamsport r Ehrilra, Buf falo,-Niagara Palle, acid inter Mediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. and 2.00 P. M, SP dil / through. Tiakete Westward may be obtained at the * Ohlee of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore; ,and TioketS Eastward at any orthelmport ant Railroad Whale in the Went; ale° on board any of the regular Line of Btesunera on the Miaahodppi or Ohio Rivers. rarr- Pare always ak low as any other Route. The completion of the Western connections of the Permaylrania Railroad to Chicago, makes this the DIRECT LINE 'BETWEEN THE-BAST .AND THE GREAT NORTHWSBT.• The ecnnutoting of tracts by the Railroad Bridge at Pitteburg, &veldt,* all drama or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time,, are advantages readily appreciated by. Bhlppers of )refight and the Travelling Public. FItiVIGHTB Yvagrnsirdatig, By this Route Freights of all description® can be for. warded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston or Baltf gyre, to imy point en the Railroads oi Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, /1111201 e, W/11001:111h3, lowa, or )11.1101211, b 7 BARTOW direct The Pennsylvania Railroad also oonneota at Pittsburg With Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port mi the Ohio, 'Muskingum, RentuOky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mlssissippi, Wisoonsinalissostri, gitbStie. Arkansas'', and it ed REIVAIf, and at Mese/Mid, Sandusky, andiThicairoWith Steamers to all ports"on the Northwestern Rakers. Merohante and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of heir Freight to this Orimpiny, ash rely with confidence on its epeedy transit. ' THM KATES OF' FREIGHT. to any point in 'the ,West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times am favorable are oharged by other Railroad Com panies. tr.r. Be particular to mork Packages via Penne. Raalrood Meroluszte in the West ordering goods Horn the East,- will do well to direct them tole Mapped by this Route For Freight Contntote or Shipping Directions, apodr • to, or address either of the following agents of the Company 't D. A. STEWART. Pittsburg; - Doyle •& Oo , Steubenville, 0. ; Pierce & Zanesville, 0.; J.J. Johnston, Ripley, 0 • McNeely) Moyerille, Hy.; Ottitsbylk Cropper. Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock & 00., Jeffereenville, Indiana; 11, W.- Brown & Co.. Cincinnati, 0.,; Athern & Bibbed, Cin., olnuati, 0.; R. 0. Meldrtul, Madison, Ind.; William Bingham, Loniairille; Ky.; P. Watley & Co., Evans. vine, Ind ; N. W. Graham & Co.. Clare, 111. Llt. : Sue, St. Lows, Mo.; John H. Harris, Naahville, Tenn ; Norris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., sago, ; W. H. H. Koontz Alton, 11l ; Murphy d Wails, Dubuque, 11l ; or to Freight Agents of Rail roads at different points in the West Parties attending to their own' shipments from the Out, will find it to their interest to call on the Agents of the Company at the following Place. before shipping, or lettereaddromed to either of them on the silkier of felghts. , will meet with prompt attention. B. J. ONES:WEIR, Philadelphia. • 11.0:MAW & KOONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LESOII & CO , 9 Atter Donee, orl S. William et., LlthOrl & 00. 64 %UV stfeet, Bottom H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Insight Agent, Phila. HOTIPT. Gen , ' Ticket Agent, Phila. THOS. A. SCOTT; Genii Sap% Altoona, Pa. FOR THE SOUTH.- PHILA DELPHI& TO NEW ORLEANS AND IN ElassilsDl. TR POINTS.. 011ARLSATUN AND SAVANNAH HOUSE fp. Cloaca reertvad +eery day, and Ma of 'sang signed at peoolll2 wharf &hose Vine street 1011. tHIABIBSTON, a.O. The U. S. Mail Iliesmehip SMYSTONI 'STATN, Captain 0. P. lilarahman, will nil on Wednesday, July 27, at 8 o'clock A. M 103 SAVANNAH, Ga. The 11. B. Mall Steamship STATI Cl GTORGIA, 'Capt. John J. atiriin, Will sail, on Saturday, Jply 80, atiOA The eplendid first-ohm side-wheel Steamships NSF. TON STATE and FITATr OP GEORGIA, 1201, run above every tea 4110; than forming a fise-dav eom. munlention with the South and Southwest, connecting with steamers for Florida, and with railroads far New Orleans SUM lat•rmadiate potnta Seery freight at en average of 15 per amt. below How York steamship rates. • INSURAIIOI. Freight andirumranoe on *Urge proportion of Goode ehippod South will be found to be lower by these shill! Then by nailing Tenable Insursace on all Railroad Weight le entirely unne cessary, farther than Uharleaton or oaranneh, the Rail roedoompantee isklog all ricks from thee* points. Ware by this route 25 to 90 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Runts, aa will be cern by the following sche dule Through tickets fr - m Philadelphia elm Oharlee• ton and Patrannah even:whips, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole roue, except trona Charleston and 8/171111- nab to Montgomery: To Charleston, 215 02 Savannah - 15 on A lipids 2) CO Mount 2l-00 Atlanta • 3 60 ' Columbus 21 00 Albany 24 01 Montgomery .... 28 10 Mobile 3i CO New Orleans.... 39,70 N. B —Pareengere by the hod itOute to eoatb Won by the sem ssoonggyances th Liu tall of lacing signed et No freight received on the For freight or passage app Southwest earner WO Agents In Ohs/leston. T. Savannah, O. A • GLaSGOIT AND NEW YORK 'bTliA*lBo(l , COdPdhlY. ?iTEAM To I.ITrIteUQL, BBLFABT, DUBLIN, AND LONDJNDSKBY for E.D. FROM NEW YORK. GLASGOW. Thompson,, August 24th, a /2 o'clock noon. .FRO&I GLASGOW. GLASGOW, Thomeoo, Wednesday, Telly 27th. Retes of pass , go from Now York, Shiladelphls, or Boston, to lv !snow, Liverpool, livlfant, Dublin or Lon donderry, fleet class, $76. Steerage, Lund with an abundance of properly cooked provisions, 230 An experiencvd Surgeon attached to each steamer. No charge for mudiomns. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN dr. CO.. No. 123 WALNU v zatreet ' Phila. ROBKRT OR AIG, 1720 No. 29 BROADWAY, New York. V. S. M. STEAMERS llii`llll AND 80 1 1;THAEITTON, - ARAQO. Captain Linea, will sail July 28, Benton:l6o 17, November 12 FULTON, Captain Wotton, will sail Atkquot 20, Ooto boy 16 Dooembor 10. First Cabin passage $l6O 88condpabin panage 76 _ , • 7 Ear f reight or pusaige, apply to • WM _NEILSON, Agent, At the Warehonileg Uompaoos Philadelphia Ogles, Tobaeeo Warehouse, I, OOK Street, Phila je2S•dm THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN 110 %A L R&M BTI7AM- PHILADELPHIA, Chief Cabin Passage.. ileaond Cabin Pae.age. flog BOSTON TO LIVISPOOL Wad Cabin Passage $llO Beoon4 Cabin Penalise 60 The ships from Boston call at Halifax. BEItBLA, Capt. Judkuis, I CANADA, Oapt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ASIA. Capt. 11. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Oapt. Ander- ABRICA, Capt. acumen, son, EUROPA, Oapt J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow; rod on port bow. ARABIA, atone, leaves Boston, Wednesday, July 18. ft A.I, Lott N York, Wednesday, Ju+y 20. CANADA, Lang, Boston. Wednesday, Jttly 27. AFRICA, Bhanson, N York, Wednesday. Aug 8 BUBO ea, Leitch, Boston, Wednesday, Aug ]O. YllittllA, /atone, N York, WedneednY Aug. 17. ARABIA Stone, , Boston, Wednesday, Aug. 21, Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be sootoustable for Gold, Bilver, Bullion, Epode, Jewelry, Pier:dew/ Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. Yor freight or passage apply to 31. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green mar Bl-13 New York. QEGAII 8.-A. MERINO, 140 SOUTH FRONT Street, care for sale, from Store and Bond, the following favorite Brands of Segare : Nueva Smp. Begets, Nueva Emp. Conchae, Light Guard Entre Aotos„....itnalia, Londoos, Nabajas, Lon dree, let, td, and Sdel Oarantniada, Preneandoa. Capi tols Londoms.. Capitols, Conoltae, Igleetan, Zareneila, Cuba all Barba Londres, El _Wird London Vino, +Units doe, Breves, Blla ea Operae, 1, spates London, .Eepana London Elno, Srinoipea, Manilla Oheroote. jell-tf LIAVANA SHGAIiS offerod to dealers at favorable rates, or yarlous• elm and brands, inelddlnsPartagas, Usbanae, Plgarci, Mono, Bird, Flo rentine, P!re Ply, and footles. Also, Paper Began, by ATIIPHSN FUGUAT do SONS, 216 South FRONT Street DRILLS & SHE ETINGS FOR EXPORT BROWN, BLEAOHED, &, BLUE DRILLS. HEAVY & LIGHT MEETINGS. &MOla for Export, for sale by BELOTHINSHAM & WELLS, 24 South FS.ONT ST., .1* BB LETITIA ST. 0a15.1T HEE SE . 435 BOXES HERKIMER 00Erti TY oHilli.oll, lo store and for sale by— .- 0. 0. BADLIR & 00 , ,trati stmt., P dOor above ost shippiNl. Nallititi% 14611110 ND GLOAT ItI;;DIEF TIOI 1N BARN INLAND 11011111. Oharlo. ton s'B 60 Soy/mush 31 00 ADO CD. .... 24 00 MIK= 34 74 l•ote 81 00 Columbus 80 00 Albany 87 00 111-regotnery 88 00 Mobile 46 90 New (Meson 51 GO icute couneot with the In ns and User&la tritorNiug none to New Urinous. ter the ship has mailed • day of sailing, • ly to ALEX. ERROL Zr., DENG and ORIBTNUT 8. & T. G. BUDD GB:MINER & CO. jy23 /TOY MITT TONT TO LITZEZOOL ilBO CEigarg, gobatra, B'.r. M. THOMAS lc SONS„ ,13.11.• Noe.lBo and 141 Sofirff witty.= IiTIIIIIIT. freitnerly Not. el and 60.) NNAL , ENTATN; BTOOKB,* No. • Public Bales at the Ph il o:deli:4a* Exebangi' *well Tactility evening, during the badness seseOn fil7' Handbills of each Property Llano, eeperetely t in addition to which We ptiblish on the Saturday re.• aloes to each sale, ono theneant catalognea In nimphlet form, giving full desoription of all the propM7 to be sold on the following Tuesday • NUBNITLINEI BALER AT Tin AMMON' STOWS every Thursday morning NeAlo EISTATX AT, PUIVATB BALI. Il We have a large amount or Seal Notate at Pri vate Bale, including every description of etty and country property. printed Hate may be had at the suction Store. PRIV&TYC HAIM RIGISTICR Er Real Estate euterrd otir Pirate Pale Reel ter, and advertised occsunonally In our Public nate Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of eharee. • - CARD.—In July and August only oecasiong sales, as heretofore—not eveiy weak, as in the business season. tg The United States Hotel," and 1 00 building I.ln, ATLANTA: CITY, oth duelist. tcr Bee handbills TWISTER% SALII—Oo the premises, at Atlantis Oity, Untted States Hotel," sod about 100 building lute. Sale at Noe. 189 anct to eolith roarth Street. BOPMATOR NIIHNITIIRN, TRENCH PLAT)ROIIB, PLiNO-10.11.TM,131117118811l OAMPMTS- - At cooleaa, at the ¬ion store, an sesortment of excellent -sooorel-kand furniture,elegant piano fortes, tine Aniztere corpete, eta., 4 from," . 1 . . 1 alining 'tionsekeepizig, reniOved to the 'tore for eon venleume of gale. A , • leo, by order of admlnletrstrix a fine donble-bar reled gun. Trustee'sßale—On AND ABOUT 100 BUILD ING LOMB, ATLAN IO CITY, NEW JIIBBIT: On eaturday Morning, Aligned, 1869, at 11 'ohs oak, will no sold at pub. lie sale on the premises, the United States Motet and, about 100 building lots, Atlantic' Oity, New Jersey. , !1T Hall descriptions and Iltbogrephla plane may be had at the auction rooms. ROOKS ON 11APIdOeY , (MOAT TO 1111ilT.--Ap ply at the auction store. AT PRIVaTiI In the Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries and Atheneum • AP PRIVATE HALB.—The yalnable property, ter. nor of Fifth and Adeipki streets, below Walnut; large brick building and lot. 24 by NM feet. Two fronts. Business qt.arbs. TORN BINITS, _ JOHN • ROCAS! and OVPIOD, No. 116 South SIXIII Street, (Nearly oppoOte the County Court Now%) PRIGADRLFKIA Ile has, bylaw, lull poirer to idminliter Oaths and Afarmations, an d Testimony' to be read in Rid dance in any Court of the Chimmonwealth of Pexurryl- Tanis l Co la a Commissioner of the United States, and also, a Oommleaioner of Deeds, and for the Probate of Ac contrite, for nearly all the Staten In the Union Conandaslood to take Teeiimeoy, from , any of the Courts, in this State, or any- of the Courts in the United Stares' or Territories, promptly anti carefully executed jyl3.lf. g72FFICS OF rr THIRTEEN 2'll AND FIFTVINTEI.BTRItaTit PARSNOGRIS RAIL. WAY COMPANY Olf P[IILABELPAIA ++ Room NO. 4 FALLON'S BUILDINGS, 620 WALNUT Street. _- , myl4-tf TIRE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE Bd9 OFIZSYNUT &root, forwards Paroals'Paak spa, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, eit her; by lta awn Lines, or in - exerneotion with other I:sprees Companies, to all the pine)* towns and toties of the trotted states. II O. SANDFORD, - aul-tf ' General Superintendent. ALEX. MoKINNEY, ATTOHNHY AT LAW, GRIMM BUBO, PA, WiU practise In Westmoreland, Arnnitraing, sr& In Mans mantles. _ U (117 - ST BELMONt, , L - 31. BANIEBB,-78 BSAVAIt BTII2IIIT, tissues Letters of Credit for Travellers, available is all parts of the world, through the Messrs. Rothehilds, of Paris, Londou„ Trunkful, Naples, and Times, and their Correspondents. • ' • udt7-gm Migeolntwits anb Copartnerehipa uril E, THE SUBSORIBERS , have this dip • V entered into a limited' Partnership. under the dots or Aesembly in eadh one made end provided i urder the firm Of "FRANCIS A NDARSON PAMIR& " the general nature of the Maarten to be tratiaaotea le that of Hardware Merchants, noting and selling Hardware. The Gamma earner Interested tberent is FRANCIS. ANDER3DN• PAIL 1R.% and the Special Partner is POKTRR. The respective places of rest dance of each of the said partners is the City of Phiht dalphis, ea consolidated. The amount of capnel in ac tual each payment wade the said Robert Porter, as Sp.clat Partner, has contributed to the oommoe steak, ie Three Thotmand Dollars. The said partnership is to commence on the Sixteenth day of June. 1859, and to terainat on the liiteenth day of June. MS JoSi•tosto Tigg, iS itEittßY - titVEN, that. the 11 - Brea of WARh LAC ORA.OWION. fc BRO., to th3e day elsoolved The Hester, Bangs . sod • t,ve basi licas will be continued under the name of oll&DWIOR & BRO., at the N. S corner BKOOND sod , ilaolll etreeta. OHADWIOIC, YB.NOIB A. CHADWIDK. Philadelphia, Julyll, lop. - jilßtf Tux COP,ARTNERSBXP herttofore ex -11 iatin between the subscribers la ails day dissolved by waist onns•nt The bisinesa of the firm will be settled by JOSEPH B. LIMON, who,is authorized to asethename of the Arm in liquidetion. JOSEPH B..IIANSON, DiOltWOODPitelltOnlit, July lit, 1868 70SiPH B. HANSON will continue . the Tabu.% Cootrobssioo bueloem; *ad ageuey for the esle of Som brero (Irmo, as heretofore. - No. NA North WATER Street, ' wed Ne. 100 North DELAWARE Avenue. GEORGE BOLTICit, 108 North WATIII Prost NORWOOD PENROSE, 106 North DBLAWARE A►enne NORWOOD PINROBB, (late of the arm of Joseph B Hanson Oo.,) ls this day ansoalated with 0.30.11G1i BOLDIN, under the style and firm of BOLDIN & PIINBOBB, for the purpose of conducting a Tobacco Oil, and General Gemmingion brizutede July 1, 1859, Nu° TI 0 E THE COPARTNERSHIP L I heretofore extetior hetereea the subscribers; under the Firm of WM. H. , BROWN & 00., le this day dissolved by rented consent. ' The business of the firm will be settled by CORNE LIUS J. BRADFORD end SAMUEL LU CZ, who are authorised to me the name of the firm for that pu pae*. WM H BROWN, CORN J. BRADFORD, SAMUEL LUTZ. PHILADLLIMIA. 7th month let, 1869. iyi-lm garZrware. 1 1110 THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The R. subscribers, AGENTS 808, TRH BALD OP FO REIGN AND DoRRSTIO HARDWARE, offer for male the following goods atloweat &tea: Lewis' supe rior Chains of all Moths, including trace, log, hater, MTh, breast, wagon,. tongue. coil, ship, MUM, and other °halos P. Wright's patent and other Auntie and Vices; L Horse Nails; round and oral Bake Pans; short and long handle Pry Pane, Illualsior Safety Fuse for blasting rooks; Bed Screw; American Slates, Blank board Crayons and Carpenter's' Chalk ; Table and Pocket Cutlers; Cast Steel Hiles and Rasp.; Cast and, Wrought Butt Hinges ;" Strap and " T " Bingen; Gimlet boxcars; Emerson's Razor Strops; Hodges' Mahogany Knobs; Whites' Braces; Shovels. and Spades, all kinds; Hay Cud Manure Forks, Rake', and Hoes; Sontbgate'S patent Wrenches; Looks and Latches; Door and Shutter ,Belte ; Hand, sledge, and Stone • Hammers ; Hooka and Hingee ; Ticks, Brute, Shoe, Clout, and Pioishing Nails; Wrought Halls King's Stocks and Dies; Hatch ' s-Tea and Clormiter S cales; Curry Combo, American aM JinglLsh ; Scythes, bcythe Stones and Rides; Douglass ' Primps and Rams; Molasses Gates; Fawcett!, Saws of all kinds; Ages, Hatchets, Hammers, &c., with a general assortment al Hardware W. G. 1 -IIFIB A BON., OOMMAROB Street, rIpHEO. D. EMORY & 00. orstox No. 14 South rotriga Si., Sole Agorae of_ ' GZO. C: -POTTS do CO., Miners and Shippers of the L Prom the Loonst-MOtiiitainOOTISYDALI GOAL, Near Ashland, ap'/..6ra] SCHUYLKILL cOUNTY. Pa. W. GROOME & 00., 1.74 , Dealers and Shippers or LEHIGH, 00HUYLKILL, and BROAD TOP SIMI. BITUMINOUS 00AL. Office No. 1.18 South FOURTH Street. BROAD‘ Street, below Baoe. PUILADIRLPIII WOO D, COAL, AND KINDLING V WOOD J ',MEET A YEAGER, - COATES-STREET WHARP, Have constantly on hand a I.rge and euperfor article of PINE, OAK, and 1310HORY WOOD i and, baying completed our arran•emente, are now prepared to no the WOOD BY DYE tEd POWER We have alto ou hand a euperior finality of Lt.RIOR GOAL. of all slam, selected with care Dealers and Oonsumere will dud it greaty to their advantage to purchase Elndling Wood of et. Ital.aro Li OW A.IID FIRE AND MARINE INS RANCN COMPANY, No. 411 WALNUT Etre ' Philadelphia. . . DIBEOTORB. Thou. L. Lidera, Wm. P. Leech, J. Edger Thomann, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Wm. R. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. H. Bhillingford, A. J. Bnaknor, 0. E. Spangler, John W. Bezton, H . I. Houston, William Bairnal, Win. H. Lore, Edwin Booth, Charles P. Norton, John Garrison, Maui Myer. E. B. Wane, President—THOMAS L. LITD:!3E The President--E. S. WARN A. Boeretar7—ClßAßLF.o A. DITY. ale Y. INSITRANOLOOMPANY OF THE A. STATIC OP PNZINBYLVANIA—FIRD AND MA RINE IM:MI:NON--No. 4 IMORANOR BUILDINCII3. Chartered in UN—Capital $200,000--.Assets, JIMA: ary 1 , MS, PAM,44:310.100, All invested in Sound and available securities—coati nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Blocks of Merchandise, &o. on liberal terms. DIBNOTOBS : . . . . . ... Henry D. Stmrrerd, .. George H. &mart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Oharlee Br&celeste; Tobias Wainer William S. Smith, Thomas B: Warren, JoEm B. Bud, Henry G..Preeman, William BWhite, Charles 13. Lewis, - George 0. Carson... HENRY D. 811.1111$11RD, President. Witsreat HARpee. Bearstari. leg-wfrm.ti IN ; FON'" ENOAUST/0 TILES foi /Nit Room ' Ornamental Oklmney Tope for cot - tape. Garden Vallee and Ponntaine. ' Vitrified Pipe for dram and water conductors. • Imported and for male by B. A. GARRISON, OfflefirNOT B•reat • - TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MN ORANTB.—A large stook of Manila and Jute Rope. manufactured and for sale at the lowest New York prices by ' WELTER, YITLER & CO jel6 WI North Water street, and 92 North Wharves TANNER'S 011.-2,2 t) bble or ;straits and 1. Bank Oil, in afore and for sale by IL B. ROBBARD & BON, Ice Artnth 141 - AlitS-116 TIERCES EXTRA, SUGAR OURBD BASIS, peeked hy (tardier, PhLLUpe & 0 . 0., Henry Lewis, John Shay, Uelattlo Wood, Beatty & Tapeeott, gulf;ly, and others. 0. 0. BADLIB & 00 , iy/0 • stub street, Beoozi4_4egt Om trout B, BOOTY, AUCTIONESIt,-114... • OHIETNIIT arftl.l7, moons, tt• goes.; between POURTH amf . 7111TH Weida. 1011111HILJP FORD, :AUOT/ONEER, So. i3O Minim STRIZT, botwom MYR aced BE6EI, month. Oda:, - - - ethiftila, . 0 34 , 11 , 1LA71,'& 00., , FM. 449 DUISNIT WHIM T GURNEY & SONS,' - •T • NUJ, - *STATE AIJOTIONIEB, 'Ne.42l) WALNUT STAIDT OARD.-1. M. Geogores• & Boos, a s a , vil bola- regular ester at ItsidNetate, - Otosts, tas SAW household fuzeiture at dwellings. - - _ ID" On" odr Privets Pale Strider will &Wept be found * very larga,arterunt et red estate, lueleollng every , erariplituk of elt.and, 00 ..1 x 1. 11 ZZIT I Z- e . _3. At.GulL.. ...i - lealllititd - Brok! A: l!to: ille wmarirr wipf: Eelos auk. MOSES it ATR A.1•18,41110TIoNSE11 , AND COMMBSION MIDORANT, SAL as SIXTH AND RAOII Street,. • -". IdOfINT TO WAX. Monty to toe rm , s i w large or. malt istariurs, on ran chdise irsxerally,uod on an Adidas of, raisin. -AU slide our one Aronfrad trip, per' sink fro month, inelladlng dome,' /be ;at Natirrineliels letabliehment, ff. v. &omit • f; nal Ilkeittarn. 1}11311&S PUBLIC' A(3OOIMAIODAT/O/G" • MONNYJ bION3T! I_ moan I Money liberally advanced in large er emormier, from one dollar to thousands,. on V:lrsor p 448/. dlrancnade, watohe . , finl • lallt.xdutial., Instruments, furn i ture , dry goods, ittr...." - _ 00 ; 'cigars; birdwore, Rely, boots, .turriee ire_ (deb, kar um, oral articl e :o of value; for any of tt" agreed. on, at Nantairs , •Princips/ -Era/ Attallalll6 aonthesst earner of Sixth and Rem Ornate:, PROKNOR.MY-FIGTAS, with itollatertaa, • at the /OW market rates._ r • _ - • f GREAT BARGAINS .13T.:,WATOBIL J - B - BAdari & e.; AT PRIVATB S&LS, otRATICANS , =IOW ITALDSRACENT, A. L Corner of SIX= aid HA Streets. The following ad:Wm willbesebiforlidethan half the 'seal 'tom prime Tine -gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the moat , approved and_ bed make, in boating eases. and double. bottomed: Tina gold witapentent lover and N4*, watta_ _lea in hint ease and open foe*, some of alms extra f a il Jeweled best make. Weer Buglish latent lam ratchet, en tenement lever' and leptnee, in bunting ease and open face, mine eery superior : Bnylish, Swiss, Breach, end guarder watches; dna -gold Test; fob, nosh, and children , ' chains; -due gold pence - eases and fens bracelets, breaetpins, Anger-rings, naz-rings, ma. bilious, and jewelry generally. allpetiOZ EMMA OW. at Pit per thousand; In ,bower of--900 oaele 'ritltbe sold by tingle bow or. Onintities to mat p . Nsi• . - tam= fancy articled; Are.; Eco.,Bca. AT PETTATA BALL - • A superior Are-proof • ehestS,' IV feet bfirtr by tut wide. - Also, irate easni jolvlry of ovitudefeciPtica 4, A Rita lint often, fills tbsTatio." F E N AIi o. 11RI Ki t l io N atii . I0 4 131111 '; 1 :7 : 1 2111-7. Olteetriut and Walniiti Philadelphia - 44 4 CW l e =t o :rirm a rly 'Sel ' apred - by Noveawstent State,•,and City . l e an - es, Einem& Rinds; Nartl ga g% t:rtinat,;ifeeinity - betterr tlW;•iirge profits, coneeguently will run no risk with , de positors' money bat fume it at all threw ready to return with 1. par 'mat. interesttokhe Denier, an they' hire alWar done: This C ar Th s ,i n. f er " u nalesixneirded -or mangle, and Whore .an deposit in :their -owl, right, an& such depositi Gan be Wititdrawri ong by plait eirium&t. .- , - : Charter parpstual., Xxicorgioratedhythe State of Peruisylvania;with' authority to reesdeente. ney from trustees and *reenters. _. _ .._,,•'-'- ' - . !AHEM AND SMALL SUMS lINOWITND. Once open daily from 9 to It o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday erreningrt until 8 Wolk. , _ • _ HINNOTOIia. . . _ _ _ Jacob B. Shannon,• Cyrite eladwniabider, ; • John Shindlew, ' Gyms BWIINII, ~ ' - iW. Sloan idward T...ELyatti _- Lewis Ifiuniblisari - - Henry Delray, , . Nicholaa Rittenhouse, - - Nathan Smle - , Jos. H. Sathertherairde, liptrains - :- . Joseph W: Lippinoutt.' t ' ', •- '•-:-c - : . • 7A 1 :108 B.• antaititai, Prusiderri OTAT/11 , 0ADRALLAD11,,TFesaper.., dia,y A. Dollar rred is ,twios'earizawd SAVINJa FUND--FiyE PER CERVIR- TsixesT—NalfONAL 0 - APSTY" TAINT -. 1303. 6NY. weLNTIF preetifrou th weet corner of TIIRD, Phlladelphis.;._ , „ _ - - . DICIPIEPOSATED 'BY 'WI &LITZ •07 Fannaravama. Money-is received in any sum; large or small, and fn• tarot gald from the day of dopatit to 46 day of with „ - The aft* 'oiate Artery day tiren 9 'ii , eloelt le the morning till 6 &cloak in she alumina, arid cie Hereby sad Thursday eyesdege till 8 Weltelr. - ' 808. HENRY L. MINIUM, Pregame% , ROBERT 131113111DGE ) Vies Presidatte: W. Rues, Bseretary. . - Hen H omy L. Benner, /. Oaaralkianinrehrt, Ed ward.L. ender,tonal& H. Stara, Bebe& Bel ridge, /rands Lee, • 8aml: KAtahtcn, Joseph Yerkee, " 0 Landreth Monne, Hoary Diftebderiter. Money hi readied npd pipaenta mede ditty.% • - . The inreattcenta are nude, in conformity with ttra world= of. the (Marta, in Real .Astikte Mortgages , (}round Bente, and gob fintt.clut uasarildea as will alwa:ra Iniernparfect, teciirity to the depositrai lc and which cannot All to - glee penninernay sad stabil', In this Inetitation, u. Tom OR, Y A 'PaHIM &VWOr. ;STATES 6.7 TRUST OCKSANY, 06.raar,of TURD ealar. RUT fltreeta: Large and small damireeelred,nadpild bead an 'de mand withbot notion , 'with' Yrra MOST from the day of demount to the day of witko drawal." . - . , Mee home, froin 9aatil 6 'o'clock; tormyday, aad on MONDAY alranINED3 from? until fa oNloalt.. DlAldfla far male on Ragland, Ireland, and deotland, from El upetarda. - Prealdent 7 -WMIIIIN R. CRAW/Mai. Treurarer—PLINTRIBIL: Teller—JAMES B: RUIIUR QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND Sis. 11 , ..7 =Mr OP PHILADELPHIA.- • - - 01Rae, No. 831 North THUD Street, - fOonsolidation Bank Building -) - - - CHIAITHE.O. BY TABLIIGHI A LATIIII 01 L.L.;21- SYLVANI Depoells received in elms of One Dollar and nywee and repaid hi Gold, nuthont.notloe; with - 111N DMA 0111. 11111.13 T from the dey et deposit tat triNo A respolusible and reliabli . .3elings bistituticat by long beetheeded in the Northern parts( the city, and The gyring Garden Wing Tend Society - Ban char. tered by the .Legialatare of Penneylrinin toeup_ply this necessity.' The Managers; in organising and - Veatlng it, have been governed wholly by a desire to eimiadrio• date the business interests and wantraf the very large and enterprising popul 1 Oatio PllN -DAILPn by Which it is surrouncind. ' 01110, - Front 9to 2,44 o'elota; also, on hionnag - and Tuniut. Di? from until 8 detect in. thniriening. - • MANAGI3I3. - Irederiek Klett, Blephen Sartthi John P. Levy. - - Hon HAL Strong, - Daniel llndestalr, nacelle% Steaks, Francis Hart, • , iamb P, Leiliroo 7 John Beaster, Jr., George Knecht, James 8 Pringle, Jacob Doak, - Joseph Pt Cowell, Hon. WES. George Woelpper, Cho. T 7PhOto Peter C. libnaker, ' Robert B. Darldarn. TAKES 3. rasNewl, President; ledutrif I==M= R - 41 V BACON, & Ntinne & Clark's, Hallett; Davis, 4. Co.'s, and A.H. Gala & Co.'s snierior PI&NOS. alto, Ha mm & Hamlin's unrivalled bi.BLODSOIC3 "and HAR MONIUM% so desirable icir Cloirohes and Loot= Booms. ED.- Pianos and Holodeoos to Boal cio ULD SBPINTH somt C1188T17114, - SUPERIOR PIANOS. WILLIAM IMAM & PIANO-FORCE MANLIIIACTURREn Nos. 1,8, 6, and 7 North NIITAW Street, and No. 107 BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and Light Streets, .Baltimore, Rare always on hand a large sakatroent of Metz superior Pianos. reoommended by pert/C=l4a from B. Thalberg, Strakoech, and other celebrated performers to be equal. if not superior to any made In this country. The durability of their Prian6a will' be warranted for five years, ands privilege of exchange granted Within six months, alumna they not give entire. aatiafaellon. Manotionumg le'gely, wa will gall who/male and re tail, at the moat returnable prices. WILLIAM lIfABE 11: CO. Messrs. LEM - & WALSER, s 2 OUSSTFLIT Street Philadelphia, are onr arrthorlzad Agente, and will keep ennatantly on hand and sell ear FllllOll at manufsatorer4 prima. mk6•dm OBIGKERING' & BONS,, All.1117"1.070111301 07_ GIAND, SQUAHE AND , UP D ICHT - PIANO-11ORTM. WAREEOOIII SOT CHESTNUT WrissA T Constantly instant a lame stook of our BC al.f !rut. end UPCQUALLAD INSTRUMENTO: We have been awarde pe d; at the 4111fereatizhihition this <founts,' and Inso, - 38 eoLD AND mu= P/11.8T-CLABB NODAL& PM, OS TO UNNT. - a SA../.A.M.A.DIDE2I aIi.F.ES. . . A lane sesertment of . ISVAlilla WATIBONVI PH/LADJILPHIA , MANUFACTUBIAD SALANANDIiII WWI, - . VAULT DOORO,• Por Boobs and atoms. BANK LOOKR, _ lional to any now in min. IRON .DOOltB. ITHUTTAROi On as EDO ten= am any ether ennaditthinent in the United Staten, by SWANS & WATSON- No. 40 South ?OUSTS Street, Pittialleipplat N sivz 1713 A GALL YTIO THOSE who are about to purcbaee 1 Drugs, Paints, White Lead. and Window Glees, we direct their attention to an unanrpansed and aeleot stock of such goods, which are to be (mini at the store of ZIMMER & RUTH, ep26 tf Corner of Second and /amen Streets. AMS-1.25 2ROS. EXTRA SUGAR Ai CURED COVERED RAMS. pecked by Gardner, Ploppe &Oo Henry Leine, JobnEbey. Benstt & Rood, Beatty & 'Morcott, and others For wee by C 0. SADLEB & CO., jy2 - Arch street, 2d door above Front. IYUE & OAPP, 228 DOOR Street, above Walnut, STOOK. BROKERS, and dealer* in Mer. Gentile Paper, and ft.:nities generally. 'Arlene the Brokers , Board daily sad Ellt all order. for the pox. chaos or sal. of STOIIRB. BONDS. Er.e. Jar-7P 30 CASKS PRIME RICE in store and for sale by ROWLICY. AEHBUBNLB. db Oil_ Nn 18 SOUTH 18118.11VIR QA.LAD OlL.—BacigalupPs, quarts, 50 " bTsfts for Bali by NOTTEDBMILL & BROTH/B. to rr,..01l arnmob arr..* „ -" 110110R11.-810 bbts Moss :rork, of Few 1 Jersey, Ohio. and Pblladelnhis packing, for sale by 0. 0. SADLJR & CO., AEON Street, second doo aboie Front.. 1825 gOIIO COFFEE.-1,000 bap Prime - and 1.11, Routing Rio; 160 bays prime Lagneyrs Coffee rat We by JAMS GRAHAM & CO.,- LITITZ& - _ fen . , QIECOULDERS-90, REDS, DRY SALT SHOULDllo.B 3 ju4recrived sod for Ws by 0. 0 HADLBE & 00., 19 Arab OtroOt. 2.1 done abovo Prot& pp EFINED 'BORAX.-20 eases for sale by & BROTHER, Noi. 417uad a North i„D HE E SE.-875 BOXES HERKIMER 4.J. 00W4 011111162, to Store and for pas by 0. 0. BADLEIS &00 , - 716 drab street, bactond door above Axon - DAVID P. MOORS, lIIIMIIe NOM zuzn, Sag, TiNE LIMO. I4IIIFIVI Saving_ siYaz. -: ~ia3[vs. Salamanber Safes.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers