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',. -'''-. ~„, . - - ',- ~ ~,,,.., '.- , ~ -_' .:. •.. 1.4-- illelieYiligis lalkaintlair :- 5 .4-1101 0 : -'•-• , ''--k-4',lLtst*Ni,l r:' :titirSit4oool.l4llolkatts!!l).W 41r.i.tv 4: oo -,., .:- ' : 0 1 13 ‘ , ' -/ %L 41 ‘ 4 1:N . ",.0X oqvcaiwakeil.• -1 ; - •a ut tri, — "loifitairiiiki t ,' iwit,,u* !pub: : : =, , ; a4,5x4 : -—'' ' " ' .*•43114 , 400 -fir ******lfftriNiNiv: -1, ; 4 4- t-.• 1,1im " ,,.4.i-,st—ifft " 7.ll '- 1 1.4v12',-1i19.34.:(z_,,5c...'i,'i.'". ;:',T-; :uT,-r"i 1,, -. ' :Vl;a,4„i-,T: s -.0 ~i.,, 'it , ;.4-pa ~~n=. ~ .~: ~a~l~i- T i lt! !I:#3!'l_9#l,llllolXce:oriPielz Z ip`P`m t bm!*"•'4°,t'aisT 4 , 4 , l r!.lM!'"k; P 49 - o kwt. „Its. !WAN. *- , "---:7!,.11ri1i i!ls4a."' in,""' MIMI .Fy i -j."- - ii iz , - .,: , ..; ! ,= f ,, - ;,-:::;,' •,' •-•‘..,--.= ; - r , 1 • - ...- - i - -ei- .: 1 ,- ,' ISP . D)11L1.11, -'1 ? -11 41_ 0 4 1 0. - '*fidiO l o#4. l4 4li_k*;', 4spaApri; _ . , ' ' • , - j P t ibi rn ti, ? " 110 f . 50: 1 TPAR.ws ' al.. 8 .fx0r0. 111 ,*i 6 aiigt. Attaiia.4 fRF , ‘,4tr!ocanciftiinre:: i1m„47. 1 1:**010.7 1 .1.0C , 1- /MILER. AND - GER#AN , OPItA*4 110 :- . Vatio?3,IRBOJA 1/11 P"frkii' 41 iiiroit•HAratoOr,' , " „ 0017,14100:74i B UQT H FPEBmRDT TRADE: o!td;Ar, Aswirib ot. v ri .1; sAlLtriilirrigcro, 4..1.1 , #.1.*.m4r11-01.:ix,943 . 1* - 41100,* , F9I9 , pItIFITRUTITROTp, " • NOW ilitable awl Pill arD j'Aibt - ". 4 !". 1 1,! 1 . 1 0. 4 :Pt. - 0::of • .4512,i11it a lriagEW''SVAVOONi,' , ,f ' - -t` „ -.1"-ia.:44 Va1t#10;044.4.f,r4V , ,z , -, -- fur.-11.41001 VASO OffibliVlBll,o, i , .. • - • -..,, - , -- n-A 7 .111 tArilli-PLarilD WAVE, • - gre*Opar#typlirert.abov- Mard, 0 1 A ,0q 0 .1). "--,"" ^ ..00.61006:, ;;;-, ,_ _ : .i.Oliek - lima sea *xi Oats id the *silk' IllielEirgi - 43611M0N101C 8111M01111111 , 417111111;' - Goal" al FA twAtemittAtill• t I!,%lMoAitominaTic MONntis •' ro ", szeoabLia, • ao.. kci-i, • - - , 66114.44 swot.= ill ik 1 04!..0t mew '; • ', 'ifils, qt(„!nttlON 4l o s 4- LOOSING OLAglig . " 3toitiliatitist*sion dijimat =MIS* ,rwitel',.°- • . .11 Q • 1 0,1E4 itte,shx,,i4f 64;11,11,, Nor wary spew sod envy position, sad at lb* 'son LOOlO2llll-01418.1Ne;: • la Ss 'mit aubrinisoibasblimod slosplw,:raresw• •Loormicvewainva kiNusiiilsiki t ttilsseder:fii iii t.=" -, I.OOOIWOLABeIe Irtflihbeil 11*, ien mrdiciturefl by osnilion to agt! 10011900 . 3 dLASIMIP - - la IlthXos9.lllXild yr, A 4,1111%. 9itisiiu llot Coslift kW. t"809,; , is if T'-713' , 11 I , WkraiRLERATir'NathEION 8 - E**o-t.M.A.0.03N - Etall - 0 4144* rithfuouakiii, -11 ***.T 14 0.0.4V , Y;figrt,i 0 4 4 $ 1 . 1 . ; •- Tlrpotlfore"pirws - , , ,Tmtest, N, • FOlos.7oll* - ThiliPsatort,'lll.atosi - rimiii; ", 7-110,11.41041triNk:WeetnAbOtil;'- r'•"•- • - • • ..'AGEOT4I; •" .Koorestows:s 74 : l ' . 14 4 4 # - F4: 11 14 100 4; rev** - - - . ". , 10115111t1rCQYi 'Agent; 4 Inatigitertarkirour • - latA *id.* ituizoiei' 89011WARIE4F011)1DRY„P • „ --;: - X111 . i!'".411b*WAIMIDIGION Irtlinilpi ! ,- " 1 . , .. ,v- i - . 6 1 1 11111 11 1(11rA aY vtioirsi , (.ff; 36,1**Iim r irrigiossitzlkiw=',grailtue , Stiosii*?!firtiMei, a u a fat immikAimproilt litittsworvico,-fr • ifo..'lloiter *Cs , -011 ' 14 ' , or all Matti •OtAker Iscid orßram 1 20 ./ 1 0 0 . 401 , 1 ,* 7 9 0 1 4 1 40* mos, /I ll " iced 'As; .E•104114ail lapfibritakitiitirk4loirt iffid Moat 14 •1 1 • It • 4m 'pilieftklu t , nektbeffi' - tnith' au Will 1 11 3 4$ 101 . 1 100" floor '-.Tridasemionstart,rittoro..;rimpins JC nee, #a. geld All'Oeta 'WO ' 01.'24114 Anstaluei ; mut . ITOON l .l os osisitt Omattrifilagfiagar Drew Di .06114101',7:-A:TS:;,fi:5. • - 4, - ..6., atetqlritxxprltz. - • - oratitigletOßE; ' - • .00A1 oifyi-lioisitzooirp•vnaorr , 2.. • SSW 111110 PAN,C11 ,08110 4 82119 sed *Mal" , de /41.6 A:ll'2;4lZ' ~ANDs: IRONING, Il tA° H B ,iritralltildlifiliiiiltaiittlOPATOC . for' MAO taw 'NeytiLliat..Doirrdlog Saloom; -1.',:1111410 'at 'DOMOVANII IPAMIGY r, latlythirirj-So,'-nismii* - sor of ippeneyfool.f-7 19if nip° bode', .:?....YMretrirlierktriAriidi'vellorprottos warbtrosedi' t a ti st i n t t i p i e lt 14 140; OC-*•te:;,t' 0 0 14 - . • • • •,-43E-11 ltflitaio t'Y'•' T4 i f kijoAnYlo. ' " - • ibtx - - V iou , ':*Nokaagec43negwxf soo 0, 4 ",tiry ' - --- = Ap0ri41400144,11419!‘ ' , klll.lW* . 1 . 4 - 4--Ae O tiV't * ”2l " ,7c,,. „, i' 4 ..,,i- *lti .0 -- "' "M Przir''''uit),. - -.7.4 1-1 1, 2... ii• wilvinist,i4',o3ol4l4 ' ' ' 44 . , :i•rahroi,oo+l,,l4#l,,i, „ ...„ . ~.. • ...../(Asulit Til.T." " •• 't.-. , 5-•0 w- , 4(lio,:;'' AmgrelitOSY ' •••?; 2,1 - - 1% ' --;'4 - - - , 4 ,- ,,,./ : -X* - .x.:•••o-..mk 5 - • r .1.4100 , 40pr0m i 40 ,,, f‹.- , ,, , , • , • , - , owur e .. - 900:.„,mi s iguos Y:e.-,;.,1;:',..,if--1....,,71-,:,:‘ T'-="300,11,11,1111M -..,'''..,"-1 -. , -', - 4 -- '•i•N,) '';e 1 ;•-••; , •:- -a -• • ',..4 4 `S'ztE?:" - i:vo. - ..4 - :.--- t <'• 4 • • ' 7 -77= 7 77, triboldalt ;411 ,1 , , APOO.- ItOSIERV 000.1jS • . 1 col 8 25 :igtP f rN, 11 Z STREET) : ,10MtSilikiffiOonAf IPSO*. Buyers 4,6 Daft-Ur/6 AMlCTl4lll4,44,lofliti, AND' WYSTMA TIME; iI(PSTOSSC).O,,MAII*D MINTS AND DR 411041:ilf4M.441M.SMODT:y AIIitAyANTC/WN 14210 r 0 0 . 0 Par. Ps./ 4P. 0.,70,426ADEpvir.4 FOR,: .*t-tituiittiti,',,XvirtiiNet,"powtruNDU MERINO MWETB; it( 1) : IkNONSti, - • . , RI tf,p, - sariaTa4l4.4 ik*safilaul ANp. }Os!, ALI- lOs telatto.w.powtstrigkemxp , sik fats. , - PROWIDINOSCANANIINACITRING L -COMPANY'S I,ANC7IBNIT- tWOOLLIN - ; GOODS, - WHITS 'AND ,;90,1iONNV SOMPLAND4ANN. - • 48r,apar suittatadruaisa: O O MPANT , S ttlf=tikiiitPtXtl "' 4 ' - kIOSyIIiti•SPAU„NM J3KID,Ta. , - urif),!:llANCrirsbutturriet ciOM , PANYIS MERINO AND intiorssa.-: - • ,Aussapparuivanto SHIRTS AND pumas. fi°4 I P A PPO • • • • • , f =MI TIPMADZIirIiIk MADE GOODS. • ' .41 •• ,811101,14, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, 0/1118TRUT 'Street, • • - iffoitothe last* tholollowlog :woll.knowo, mass of • - • ' "i1,111148881/804,. Ozo4A, *Owl, iiiaLbkwB(Bl: , 1.8 , • - - - 0,84188;./drIO8 1 i . T 01 9. 10 3 lAtinkton. - - A 24 SHIRTING - SMITHS,. • ' • Away 0114;Ploneer.;13AknoMBrook, Tolodci lesowa, stalely, AXIS ,TIAID OSNAtitsaas, Blue Ridge, pas Him; /fair Hal ,Ranoboattr, Huh-, !fingBB,A,., ILITori ffnolFD A , , TADAO:4'BBB'o, „Ame 4... aut 1110 1 , 111 ant.M. 054_04 Domtaton:. , t CANTON PLANNIDS.AND . DOESKINS, , B 1014,1111.80148; " ne qOO.OB, 00,4?,Ptinted; of intrritaKT - nuNt 'AND LINSITS. ' 81 Uoii , o, Humboldt, /mobilo, Howard, &a , !co: ALSO,I itzirAlf es AN 0. , DRILDS. • • - - if loather* AsAt liastera =skis, via l'HodcOsh, Boomer Crook - Rsbater, 11811 road Mania Co. Iniolorbookor, 0.rr0./, " ' $' ' - - „laid( of iihleh the'siMtfoz of boyAro to imitod. , • Othiltinn ecniiinlin an tinnun T_ . 0111%8TEUT STREET, • Asiairoi TBIBIOH , siiiu E . 1. 1 4 1 1 1 _ - • "' 'l4-TiNTES, • )• - I , I :B4odffiumm trourA. - - rat — lar#2 *xi) !TROY' HOSIERX, CO.'S. ...„ - , MERINO SHIRTS ~• . •,, , • D.R A W E 'IL -S -. -,, ROBERT . D.-EVANS. ,-_,v,J.... w - dcia=2l;r,.., . -. .... .1;... , ...tzitrrrzr,z1!..ft.cf , , , ; p-: .. , -- - -711 . . ,,, :..::. . 4: , " z4k:44 ,0, ,ive , 54A-..; ,- 44.1 . v -, 4 - «-i-.)-4.,.c- , 1 . ,'-er , i "t 1 ' ' ;'fo-*.i.i. ", IrAG 7 I'VY; - : Z' .. ii.; , : ' , ' ~ i' :?.i,i-rpirt***:::-,;,,1'..,:Y'',..-:: '' 4 4 6lo e.4 2 , l Videqin 14'00ba• tIOUSE.ItIiNiSHLNG GOODS♦ ititsijitHr litost . Ediops by ships Wins and Wjositini,rs large sepDlr of new and Issit**tiltisy.pf 'whisk hare, navei Wont been Statist for , i this Sosskit.' • JPTTN A.MURPHEY& CO., "EBB OBEBTEO STREET, ABOVE Nitail. I,l4crittwtr ,••• • - ' '',T.,,,:','.',:''...tWaibtriltlai.kg. $113127111111741 4 4 1411BLE' WORKS , :ilneaosettuctly ton hand army large asitorbusat of • - • - SNOLOSITEES, and . 4ILLVE-.4TONES, of :10i . /4 dodo; made of the feed , ' - IPAI4AM ' ADIM , OAN- maim, , Fhteb hoirill • Dell - at greatly redacted Pfleset ~ Ii also plePaied tot aiinatet - orilete upon the 'iced favorable fernia; ipd -ierpertifnily :invites the'pnbile gasterallylo irfaCdne#toak tietp, ta', - par.tWink 'AriA , STEII4METZ : - - - Monarees Marble Works, - r I b elo w ' AraFtrA, lll •Ten t h.ou vit, ,!„4:3111! Mar, • •- , e , - Philadelphia. ',:itiittiiabittg • NtATINCILEBTER & UO., GENTLEYEN I B /1732111171.121 ff lITOR3, EITNINT 'OIICMLI93II4IIItAIi 011111? MAIMPAO:. 4{ the old stani.tio. Jos - OkIsTNUT Etireet, oppo. A. • the WiehlDigton House. WMOOLIVIIII‘ wilt Ova kerstorm, till pm:- lima mircybicoi t*.tike , " 17%41 sea Manuriustarinis departMiala. Ordtra for Me role mud styli of Sikkim and col*. nod: &VII', 'Aortal* iottes. Wholeuile tride 1n,a0 , 41i4 'os . llborat terms. 1/2447 THE 50LE,41. - GEXOY paa 'l'llP4 TINBIVALL - 01) „pONTISpIAt. C 0 F. - -1" E 0 T ' Ie it tkt cirsdob it; g store, • :922 1,11134TN11T ST. J.' L'IVILTIIPAEY & CO. his DE AVN - E , . ..• A. 1714602%, Osio foe' iisunalted on i lllslseti of of the 'guli# Mat OPitrp VC! 926ife4NUT • Br, 117 : -41funou.s. Bras /11611111710. Ivy/Limes= 'LINZ tr Com Rai& SPOOL COTTON, trnevudted In 8111C9TEIN188, OTIIIIIIGTII, and 20C; TRADE BY THN BILLINGS,ROOF, &°- WASHINGTON, -/ .2t s iiiid 28. 'BANK STRgET. • 17 IPn.W!"-b.4 ‘- • , • . 1111fINE6.-11::`;wall:lisOrfetirtink of on -11•21Or Bali and Milk Tiirkrr; in atom sod tar sale by ,• _ 'num &CO ' ?.71 r.WATBR. "St., And 24 N.VO,4EVIIO. 1H1A 3 4 6 :4 - /W,blai l iairi r eats ,s , rBngitc.ctired - "ClatifrOflitiiiui; - osokett s 6l , Gasdner rbihs, '& 014 Wanly Urrni, Ira& Stisf, lielatt & Wood, Beatty & 'Z'spreottf itad-otheire- rot by .0. 0- OADLNII ,b l . - 00., ARCH itireet,seeeemCdoor *berme (3y . , IiaIY.FINVD'EIIjG44G-4;600 'bble. Yellow B; ead :II 'Wear' enulkid. sifted, Palter- Istoillogst fot Ai? bit AIM OSMAN .1k 1110 L. - C08FEE.3,200 ,' Bags prim. 414141f1g from barb yrmi, bad for rirse by q-t; , , 761tEd,Q&AH►H Sr, 00, _ LettUastreet. Wtol7LpiilliS;Z-747.!- RIDS. DRY SALT, P , 7MfogLDlii,eo,t4ostrel s aa r r i Elt e bt 00eond doot above lgoot. 1111,444/iii.-11504..---, 100 kegs foi bale wimuoiLt , *A. rt end a N. MOM oboe*, . i. 7 . . I,4•O6I7IMARS:=-96.blida.:•DrY Salt iutfor stet 0,104.012.411 TO VIT GIMP IFATOHEIS, go to . 4Priberate 11110010 OW Still s s': 11,14. iatealr. pußs AND ODD" DANAD) , JIIANTITACT'OROD BY THE. 1 1 / 4 417,40HANIPAL BAKERY, OAN BE OBTAtOIIO AT Tlill YOLWWING ' TLAINIB kIifITAIIICALTALIZEITY, B. W. corner of Broad and -- The etreete.' . 0. ld. CLASH, Po b Poplar - street be 1o w Tenth. • - • __ H. IicBBIL, 1 - 0. B oorner - Olwth and . . dig®, 8. O.°K, Oostes 'treats. No. 400 Oallowhill street il. PANOOAhT, N . O. 010 Opting Garden .1 - street. fcnnor 0. liO*.NY; No. 1323 Vine street. INKITHE ' No. • .110 ~ North Fifth reet. JOHN SMITH , 0. st B. corner Fifth and Ovum, streets. W.-W. MATILEWS 8. N. coiner Eleventh and Locuet stream.' D. KNIGHT,, ' ' :Broad - street below Wick (MORON emsvm, • - No i n ti. ll 4X 9 Lombard D. 00IIRTNEV; N. St W. t.. corner ' Sixteenth and Pine-streets. WILLIAM 'IOIIETNEY,' No , Scutt',, Teelltfi o.lt, WANAMAKIB, leder,l st r e e t above Sixtkr - i• LBNTZ, Corner , South Fourth and' Taunton streets. L. wiratettni „ 8. W. corner Sixteenth and Ogden, etreets, DAVID SADDLIB, . No. pBO, North Eleventh .._ street. ' J. WEIGHTNAN 3. B. corner Eleventh and Jefferson streets.. ' 8. 5. Tommuts, No. 1040 -North Front street, K. BROOKS, 01.. W -corner of Seventh. , , and Pine streets.. _ JANE MYIRS, Costa, strut below EMI , • • .- tattathstrwat. r P. N. WOOD, 8. W. corner Franklin and , Coates streets. F. NORRIS, „ N. W Scorner Tenth and - Chipper' streets. I. B, TIIIINEE, , No. ,1210 , south Front street, 1. SUMTER, O. W corner Broad and - - - Parrish streets. TH - 08: T. BLEST,. Corner Nineteenth street and Riese avenue. 'lt. S. SOWN, N. B. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. EforriTYßl, Twenty-second street sb, N. W. pastes iteet above Seven /3;71X. PIILLIBTONi,• Corner of Fifth and.Ohris. i. L. R6OKS, ' 11atara.;19 • Arch street , italll/118 ' We sto P v reim e e l if id o:l th r 4. L. YAIINIIILL, Lanni, Palma. JOHN 8A.11101., ' • Tremont, and Pino' aroya, • Penna. 430. B; TpWIMIND, WBlO 'Master, P.llllll. M. Mao/01111Of , Atiantio , Oity,N. lOU GAILISD, Cafe gay', . Ni, D. HOSTON, JINN Bariplr, 1 : 1 ; Wilmh!geon, MIL PC" „ $4N.Ear, B.lr. corner 'LIR BROAD anti Vlnn Streets, Philadelphia.. ;Thisutabiteltraintie now in autessful operation day sod night, And all vs reNpoottnlly Invited' to call .aud Bee the whole stratum or broaduaking ; for, them 'll4l•llli. {The isideridgetet 'Wes Rio liberty of saying that for r.thirty pure he his been 'a practical baker—eve at pprentlee,rand five Pe journeyman in one of the fret bums InSootland, and twenty•firre u mestee—during *bit& time he hie buti the opportunity of making mute upsrlmente pod °beetling all the improvements which Mee been made Wigs that period, to this establishment, or *high he bee now the man! :mo u nt o , he has w n f t l o 4 lllllo, o m t p I a many :: or•se iwis =g h m a = er Bang natestraleui in the purchase of dour, none but the soundest Ina bestehen ever be used; and he bee no hinitntlon in saying that bread of all kinds can be de- It"" d t tidaarPogoot 4uslity..9d. weigkt ' to that made In the ordinary proses. . r • - - In.which tbis broad mule rbttlas Bakery hu,lcet bun aged- or in which, It has been tried only at R4.cioaigtomlat, berate the machinery was in portent working yribiri rairoltfullY eared to gre. it a trial nott—tke undersigned belisytig it would bid to luptiaa! ?ar4R4l' , . JOURO. ~. - . : ~3etail ,~~lDr. ~:,~ag+bs, - S- 'ham inosiLA lifouper" allies of • Doke• einceedlAw priedilcrlngi rao l , 4l .:ffe: ' - 1 '- Th. Aufam#,ltonortition*: • = * - • sgaRPLEBB MOTHERS, jr2l. ' OUNSTNIIT and EIGHTH. "Street'. reAREGE ILOBES. • goodliesboireastninr of Berate Robes Iu r CitIOCHIs end Japes, setting it very reduced •i 'prises, • oEfe6PutiSS sEtOrns.llB, $.7 2 / OAIITATIIIrtan4 EIGUIB Street*. wierr a VV 170 gel Vaid White,' Pink a - d Bias Rotting Of good ita c alltias - - " ' saklprantmorinast - 011B3TftlIT audjUGHTII Skean. - TULY, 186,911t' Wino French Braes Goode at half pries ! We have Pot. closed opt, from an imposter, • YOB CASH, Friend lots of 'excellent goods; , . • Which we will sell 'at less thaw , • ONN•EdiarTIIIIII REGULAR PRIOR! Alto, the balance of opt resider stock of • NABOY bILHB BaBEGEB, reso., Ise, _ ' ' ' Preach Laos gitoolominise. „ „ Franck Laee Pointe' amillanaillae.. - 1 Okentille. Lace. Goode, in groat variety, Bich Black Silk Dusters,. very cheap ' Tra_valling Dusted's, in different ilikterials. kidatnisr Goode. for Hanle and Boys , wear. ydnene, Linen Handkerchiefs, Bali..torreGi, Ao, Piano-covers, Tabfe•ocivers, Stand.covers,.&o., and a bill stink of • Domeatio Hoods. • TROB,NLEY b 011.143111, B,' B, posner BtatiTH & SIRING jvl .WE BUY , ANItyBLL YOB OAHU. , , - 10 .wei 0 H LACE! BOURNOUS WITH Capes„ Pointi' and ',SfautMai," (Alericsind all a redhead prices o to alas. theishaoh, it the , PARIS MANTILLAAIRPORIUM., - - , 108 OUNSTNIIT Street.'" iiltherOWlLAoN DOIIDNOUB WITH CAPES, Pointe add Mantblso, (Camblayj in greet ,profuslon, at re. Sneed prim, to close the season, at the pAlue KIN 11.1,4 t. EMPORIUM, 108 OtrztErtellT Street. - BLAME AND' WRITS BOOMS 'CIIOARS AND Dip:dere; at reduced prices, to close the season, at the TABU MANTILLA EMPORIUM, • - 708 IM ITDBSTN Street. OMR= CLOAKS AND, DIIBTERS, t¢ so Watts variety of fabrm, at reduced prices, at the , PARIS MANTO,LA EMPORIUM. ' ISS CHESTNUT Street. • The ;thole of our stock Is now efferlog at redueed p l eas, preparatory to the close of the Bannon. J. W. PROCTOR 00. )yl• 708 CHESTNUT Street. CIAIINTLETS, GA.141 TLETS, GAUNT 1 41 i LBW) very limo ed,iratintot of Gauntlets fo Ladies' and. Mu& wear.'fo'r. way, at, NOVMANtiII• ROAFAY grottmo)VorthillGHTE Street. t Hosiery for Ladies' and Weeee' wear. Hosiery for Gents' and Tenths' wear. • for cafe - • GOBLYRY HOWL liWorth BIGHTS Stmt. , Merino undergarments °Lavery variety, ' lorLadhs, Ohlldren, and Garda wear, (acute at ' HOPMANWS - HOBINRY 8f0&7, . m.ratarrow.tf No:9 'North EIGHTH invest. VkEb.SONA.BEiE -5,7 Bizaiea at Brat coat, ss,"Berage ackaaat $5. Ssoelleinti 2t cents. Black Barna', 81 costa. Bleak Oro* tesretz worth Mil Thin Drees (bode all reduced. _ , • . . ,COOPlat tr. 00.81 ADD. le2B D., corn er 14.144T/1 rod MASZET SERVIOEABLE—; • • Travoltrig Dm/4 Goode redaead. Cheeks, Mittures, Stripes, Bayaderes, Browns; Obeys Figured, ito. Ylrst.rate 18X atertrLavellas tor 14 canto. SlaoUgnt Black Mantilla BMo. • 88 Allem beat neat sad gag 123 j cent Layne. COOP= ea' tIONARD, '5828 - 8:11 ec • • NTH and MAIREWE BEAUTIFUL- Solid Blsak Bilk hiknifliss. -Real good genteel styles. 14.2.4. . '1 itanoh and Chantilly Lice Kistlat. , _ Ems Boints. • Mirage Dusters. , 1 • UOOPBB Oa 'COWARD, je2ll B. E. sonasrVINTEI asd MARINI. S te eOurational. riniE HE3IANB INSTITUTE. -A- The eubsorlber wilt open, BEPPBMBER 12th, in WALNUT Street, near Broad, hts tschout for the blither education or &limited numb& of young' ladles. Parents to Whom he fit not &arterially' known &re re. tarred to Wordstar 0 D Oliamiland Professor Charles Short, Bev. B. J. Morton, D. Wm B. Stevens, D. D., Rev J. P. B D D., Arm H. A. Board D D., Bey. Wm. U. Burnam D D. and others. j121.2m - JAMBS HELM. THE 11A/fisTAII )(OAP ADADERY, A lIRMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIEJI,, WILMINGTON; NIL. Principela, Mines CUARLOTTI and ISABELLA; and _ A. U. altiligitAir, A. U.', H. D. ' The next session of this Institution -will commence On the tint MONDAY to beptember. Young ladies receive; in this school, a complete eau• cation,t physical, dral,and intelleotnal. The Academy is well provided with Philosophical and, Chemical .11p , ;mato, Physiological ffiodole Mira Diagrams, Models for, Drawing. and ,New Kud I os' nstrumcnts limbs in a miiiimodions pia* house promotes the health of the pupil' For Circulars, apply to the Principals, or to Merril Balloon lc Crenshaw, tlizth and arch streete, Phlisdol phis; Mr. 3. B. Chandler, Nos 808 and 808 Chestnut street, or to Dir. • Wm. Proctor, Jr Druggist, Ninth sad Lombard streets, Phila. LOS wrmagm Waco riniz :GALE of pOpular favor IN blowing T towards the old eatablLsked store oeenoted by, fIAtITB, corner of bMOOND awl Et BERN litdestai where pay be found • choice amortment of Naga of doe quality, se well as White lead, Zino Paiute, awl Window Glom, allot whiok are unrivalled. awls At' ' c grANT STEATTON'e NATIONAL S miumagna - CIOLLIG.II3, located at Phila delphia; 11. i. coheir ' iIIiVENTH and OHIIPTNIPP;,. New Totki Budalo, Oleveland, and Ohioago. Poe in-, formation, eiil,, !nod fns Catalotrtle• - leo.tf 110FICTB.=-800 casks' Prime Retailing Rice in JUal ortoriVina: for'rile by ROW1 1 211 ti APRIBMINER, onrrn WWARVnI CHEESE: - 860 boxed Herkimer , ()minty, Cheese ID dais audio tale by_ O. 0. SADLIB gb. 004 Aaciifitroot, rowed door Akron) /root. 1,01 eIfitADELPHEA. MO.NDAY. ' JULY 25. 1859. Valk' Wake. I _EASE 'OF THE PUBLIC WORKS OF -w-d THE ETATS 01.081'0.• • !, - -- - ir; - • (trim or Roe BOARD or Puma° WOMMIT ,: • - -- ' COLUMBUS, Ohio, Apr 1127,184. . ' The .11Oard •of Public Works of the State of 0 lq hereby gives notice that,. between the hours of. fen o'clock A. M. and four 0 9 olook. P. If., on the PIP 1 TORN= ,DAN OW AUGUST', 1859, on thil steel o ? the north side of the State hones, in the city of 00J lumbuS, Ohio. lt will proceed to let, at public *notion- f t upon the conditions and in the manner epecitled by_ lfl "sot tasking appropriations for the emperintendeMe and repairs of the public works for the Saul year eel }, and providing for leasiogrt a ing November 16, 1814 eame,” posted Bth April, 1869—the Milo Welke f the State of Ohio, for the term of five years, ecnortien .., rag at noon on the first day of September, 1859, ail ending at noon en the Seat day of September, 18 .: Yor the purpose* of said letting, the geld Public Wqr,S are divined into three sections, as follows t - , 4-4 .: , Section No. One—To embrace the Miami and Brie nal, and all the side mite, feeders,and reservoirs in • netitedtherewith, together with the look 'hawse's:l '-, haters , offices., weigh locks, and lours of mains .. ter therefrom . * and all the eater 'rents and visit 8 pertaining thereto, and of land' used in conittec ' therewith' Sutton No. Two—To embrace the Muskingum / provement, Ohio Canal, the Hooking Canal,' the ~ handing Canal, and all the side mite, feeders, end - servoirs connected with said section,,together Leith, look look houses. cuall•ctor , e Milne, weigh .looks, and le to of eureka water therefrom, and all the water r end privileges pertaining thereto, and of lane '..sell connection therewith • Section No Three—To embrace the Wester and Maureen Dud and all toll gates thereon. The Miami and Brie Canal combits of twt and sixty•eight miles of main line. It - cowl Wabash and Erie Canal, elghty.eight miler tending westward from Manhattan, on Laki the State line between Indiana and Ohio, (who neete with .the ,Wahtteh end Brie Ceuta. of, 3 end the Miami and Miami Extension COADaa t from Junction, onthe Wabash and Brie Ormiti miles west Of Manhattan, to, the - Ohio river . nett . , '- • - , . The ebitk.witternavigation_or, the Muskingui known as the Muskingum Improvement, ie,;tt• miles In length. and extends from Marietta e msr, on the Ohio river, to Dresden. where it with a side out of the Ohio Canal, two miles 1 The Ohio. chattel leads from Cleveland' on Id to Portsmouth , on the Ohio river, and is 7 th rat and nine Miles long; at Herein', one ham thirty dye miles from Cleveland, it connects Walhonding Canal; at Webbsport, one him( forty nine miles horn Cleveland, the Dresden connects it with the hinakingnto Improvement Carroll, two hundred and four miles from Clot. connects with the Booking, Canal. The Honking Canal, flap six miles long, is coerVet. with the Ohio Canal at Carroll. and terrain _ A Athens. From Bosons, thoWalbanding banal extends at}. three miles• where it terminates in a slant-wet of .thentohlean-irver,twhich reaches two mires bele , the bead of the canal. - • Connected with these lines of conaleare ratio fe • ere, basins, side outs, reservoirs, Alpe, and elsoNormer pools, which are th e property of the State , and long. part ,of .the sections with which they conneat,l Mtn Wabash' and Brie Camel; from Manhattan to infietico y , - -: wag constructed with six feet depth' of water al ly feet width at the height of cop water line; fro f rI11:01' Lion to the Slate line, the width; at top walk, "ife arty feet, and depth of watey.Ave feet With thus captions, the canals were deplaned for a ininlminth deep of four feet of water, and a width, of forty feet atesoal surface. Tho renal looks' were generally bqljt - *a chambers of fifteen, feet wide and *bent ninety 'feet long. " On the "Muskingum• Liprorement' thbre are eleven dame and ilack•water pools. Between- Bailee; villa and Itarmar•there are eleven looks. the olressioars or which are one hundred and seventy-die feet long and thirtycix feet wide. Above, Zauesvillei,audbir. tween that place and Dresden is another toak r ,w l / 1 4is fine Ividred and tgenty foet l ong and twenty feet Wide in the chamber._ _ The Western Iteserre and flitumee Road 1, (Firkin& amlseduid gravelled turnpike, leadingfrom Bel Huron county, to the Maumee-river bridge, at Pertys burg, in Wood county, - a distance of forty-sots! aid a halt milled, • " - y ,. ..- • • - • '•• •-• Eaohc section will toilet -to the person Or pennon who, in consideration of the toile tohe dertired feena said section, shall bid to pay the, highest annual rept therefor, and shall comply, in all nipmmtsi with;the aforenaid act end with the rules adopted, or which tat be 'adopted, by the Board for the-letting. <• No bid will be received unless the person or persons 'making the same *hall hays drat deposited with ithe Auditor of ignite, in modey, - or in the eto4s orthe Stabler Ohio, or of the United Btetes- ' the ainn.ofitiin thousand dollars, upon the conditions that he or they will take a lease or the sootier' on which he or *hot shall bid If It shall be struck off to him or -them, anal glee security for the same as provided by law; and-its defeult thereof the eternity so deposited alsell'be gem- , lutely and wholly forfeited to, and become the property of the State, Section one ! wilt not be leased for a sum less than forty thousand dopers - per amain; aectlon two for nit less thin fifteen thousand dollars -per 5t1011.132 ; senti.M three for not lees than four boated dellare per an. null, nor will any bid for either of field secithitur be rb • • garded which, is lase than the sold minimum auatul rent for said onetime. . No section will be- let • online liken of the othere "le alto let, and .no bid, although otherwise actiefaetory, 'will be 'fleetly b id,- like eatlefeotory bide here been poseiyed hir thentlier sectiona t and the heave therefor duly assented - No railroad eompany or equipages aoy oar brmime parties' or intereet.d thereto- ' The bithlefe. to whom any ergtion ehillbeAtkuilr off will be required (fix ease all theseetiohitrikivtl'hfati POSit Pgalred./MUtlttel and eat* tine lease copterriPlated br the act, Oa the twenty:llM, day of, ~august,lBk9.^. - • , The seourity eletiqn Ude Ain of two nun red , and nay t Guitar* Aldose qu'iritWitt• No'+lg 4g tie ortye re44 1 0 1 0)-*Iril • dollars r end .O n e deletion No : Three the snot o ten'. Upstaged dollars. „ At heat one-half of this Security shall eortelst of the finite Stooks of Ohio, or, Vatted States Btooks, deposited with the Auditor of State, neon which the lesions or 'dosage may receive the interest No long as gm' Me cants of tho lessee or lessee' are fatellettand kept, And to be returned to them by order of the Board of -Patine Works on the termination of their resetive' lessee provided no forfeiture of the 'same shall hare 'tido paned during the continuance of their lease : The remainder ef the seeurity, or soy part of sunk - remoter der, ma at the Ninon of the lessee , conelet either of such Wale, or of bends,sacered by mortgage of outin cumbered real estate, within tab State, ter. Ond'half the actual tee& value, exoluning builitinge and, all perishable improvements. If real estate he offered as any part of such security, proper and fall abstreots of the title thereof must be feralshad to the Board on the' twentieth day of Auiplat,BlS% and at the same time an appraisal thereof, excluding buildings and 4erishable improvements, made upon actual view by the Auditor, Tremor} , sr, and one of the-Commissioner:lot the county which such reel eaten) ts situated ; but notwithstand ing inch abstract and appraisal, the Board reserves to Itself the power of determining Its all respects the Buhl- Money of the security thus offered. .. ' Materials provided or contracted for, and the boats, leorre, tools, Implement's, horses, melee, and other pro perty in use by the Superintendents ; meet be purchased at the value at which they shall be appraised by three Judicious, disintereeted persons, to be appointed by the Board of Public Works, and the lesseee will be required to pay to the Mate the maid appreleed value in money, within one month from the trine the.sald appraisement shall be triads. Per further information ae to the other terms and condition!' under which said Public Works are to be leased, reference is hereby made to the' aforesaid act. Pamphlets contalzing this rot end other laws and or ders of the Board, relative to the Public Works, also tables of distances, rotas of toile Sto., will be ready for examination at this office on and after the 'drat day of June next, and will be forwarded by mall So the address or any person who may request a copy Printed copies of the form of lease and bond to be used, will also be 'seedy for examination at this office at any time after the tut day of July next. . . . . JOHN WADDLE. MINIM L. 8A01039, , - JOSIN t, MAKTIN,. myo•rolAt Beard of Public. Works of Ohio Anal Notices. NOTIOE.Ta the matter of the Peanut vents Btu/unship Company. Notice In hereby given that the Report of the Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia to report upon the Petition to dissolve the acid Corporation and to bottle its affairs, has been filed to toad Court on the 18th test . red sin less exeeptions are flied thereto before the 80th Slily, 1859, the laid Report bill be manned and the Corpo. railon accordingly be ditnolved. . Be orner of the Court, ' EDW G. WEBB, jylB nitwit Prothonotary. IN THE SUPREME COURT O' PENN ._ SYLVANI& FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT. MALONE and Ole's. y THE NOBTRWUBTEBN RAILROAD 00 and others January Term, A D. 1859. No. 30 In roily. Report having been made to the Court of Diomede of the Northwestern Railroad, and of all the oorporate rights. franchises. and privileges belonging to sold Dom pony, together with the lends depots and depot grounds belonging to the said railroad, In pursuance of a dooree of said court. made the 204 day of April AA). 1859. for the Sum of 'Lateen thotmand dollarg—it le ordered (July 12 1859,) that It be referred to Joel Jona, Xsq , as Master, to fled and report (1) whether the purchasers of the same or any 01 them are holders of bonds or cooponisecured by the mortgage of the said company, dated the let of Bley, 1856, and if so, then (41 what amount of said bonds or coupons so held, shall be plod and received on account, of said purchase money, and in what manner said betide and tampons shall be paid and received, Also (8) what port of the said parobsee money shall be pad In cash in conformity with said decree " (4) and also to report the spplicatlon - or distribution of the emd purchase money or considera tion, whether the came be received in cash or partly in such bonds or coupon, In puranance of , the foresaw order of reference, I appoint MONDAY, the twenty-ninth day 14 , Magnet next. at 11 o'clock. hi the forenoon, at my Oleo, No. 625 WALNUT 8 , reet, in the city of Philadelphia, to consider the matter* term ed to me as afcrezald, at which time " and place dll persons cooperrted are notified to attend. , 30EL dONRB, Master, Pro July 20th 1859. •Jyt2 flt VETTERS .OF ADMINISTRATION to ILA the Estate or MINA Y KOENIG Iste et the city of Philadelphia, Confectioner, deceased, having been granted to the sublorihnr, all persona indebted to said eetate will please make payment, and those having claims will present them to HENRY JACOBI% Administrator, No 1000 MARKET ilt , eat, Or to hie Attorney, FREDERICK REFER, JONA,* ; No. 241 South THIRD Street. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY to the es -tats of itatEa W. BABWPT, late of the City o Philadelphia, deneued, have been granted to • the tut dereigned, and all person, indebted to Bald estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the came to present them to atattlA Win PARPITT, . . Executrix, Mt Peace, uear Falls of Schuylkill, Or to her Attorney:SAM:lßL, fl PEh Kim!, jel7.fot 072 WALNUT Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that apron cation has heen - msde for are 188‘21, or Certificate No. 166 of WUHAN TOWN GAS STOCK, Five Shares, in The 1311. M. Of Dr. T. If BIiTTON, dated January 22d, 18E4, the saws having been lost or rnieldd. J. BOSENGARTRN, Attorney for Dr Batton. Philadelphia, Sane 28,7869. ' je29 wato VSTATE OF JOSEPH YEAGER, DE. .11-14 CEASED —Letters testamentary upon the Estate of JOSEPH IMAGER; Deceased, having been granted by the Register of Wife of.Philadelpida County to 1 6 The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Com pany of Philatielphia, ,, all persons indebted will make payment, and those having claims will present the mope 1013 e oToe,of cud Company, No 408 OIIgaTNG Street JOHN F. JA*IIIS, je24l-filtte Actuary, ILLUMINATING COAL OlL—Warranted I equal to any for brllllanny and du ability, and b c+on•en•plootro. .Alec Lubricating Cola 011. HUBBARD & NON. _ 111 a U. to Whey.l.o.l MOLASSES.-250 hbds and bbls. 1 , ..3 New 'Pork and Philadelphia Syrup for lisle 1:7 ;muss 111141A3t & CO, L2TITIs street. • jalt. 4 t r tss 25, Gossip About Tom Moore There is a good deal of lively, amusing reading in the,eight volumes of gi Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence, by Thomas Moore," which Lord Jour; litissm, a well meaning but foolishly-acting man, edited so badly that not even the curiosity to know a good deal about" the poet of all circles and the idol of his own" (asßraos called Moortu,) could make it popular. Lord Joint was too aristocratio;by a good (foal; for such a duty as he undertook. He 'eta, and hewed, and backed MOORE'S Diaries, in an extraordin . ary manner—omitting much that . was 'Bald about other people, but carefully retaining, and sometimes• drawing 'partiCular attention to, any odd compliment which Neoax paid to 'a copious Diary fig-in 11318 and con fided that it should :Imo. What be ,t volumes edited by'Lord Joint limns., who modestly, intro, duced a portrait of himself among the 'Dim. trations, contain much that general- readers would desire to know. This'is overlaid; boti ever, by crowds - of notices of , Moottats dinings•out in London and with the Marquis of Lansnilivsz at.Bowood. Mooaa seems to haVe joarnalised not only all the dinners of which be partook, but those to which. be was invited, but could not accept. In fact, his Diary proves 'the truth of BYRON'S bitter re ins* to IoSUPI HUNT, In , Italy, " TOnirfir 10Viet a Lord." - -Yet, it is only jest to add that Idookn bad higher affection for his own family than, in his most tniibunting fancy, be ever cherished for princes, peers, and highborn ladies. He was as good a son,' brother,' and father, as ever breathed. While his nOther lived, and be was b 3 when she died, Mooas wrote to her , twice : ii week, no matter-what were the other claims 'upon his time. He was not ashamed, among his aristocratic friends, of his ownlowly origin. There Is au anecdote, not rotated by Lord Jona Itneskrz, that • when Id ottnE first sat at, table et Carlton House, the guest of.thePrince of Wales, charming all by his companionable - society, his Royal Highness remarked, di suppose, Mr. Mooan, yen' are of the same fatally as the Marquis `of Drogheda ?" The poet's answer was; "Not my father sells wine, spirits, and groceries, in a little shop at the tether orAungier • street, in Dablin." The -Prince immediately looked round the table, saw some of the pests smiling at the brusque veracity of the little Irishman, and called out inps most impressive manner, "Let ns drink Olvorier to the health of Mr. Moonn's father; Lab i a sure he mbst be a truly excellent gentle, lean? utay be -remembered= thit a scene mcltjultiep Jrniike", thisa•ocentred, ,also -at - the rinPC''ff atilitoktitsh;' ed himself, as Moons did,' by his carder. • 4 tsotraiiqo bat. atisini=ait to. the - Comparative Mt,m at /0 1 414104140 4 - . 04,90 31 0, *Tir ITooncluded It by giving prtifereticeto ,the- Lev, tc which," he added, cg has enabled the :son of an Irish peasant to kit at the table of Its Prince," , ' •Nor, in considering hfooni's character, should it be forgotten thaVas a husband, his conduct was rot only wholly unexceptionable, but, always affectionate, considerate, Tenant, and. hearted. It is not worth while to trace back the circumstances of the courtship, but the marriage was one of passionate love, upon both sides. Neither seems ever to have given the other any cause to regret the forma- Bon of the life-ties which bound them. Mrs, MOORD• (whose death occurred only a few weeks ago) was a beautiful and charming woman, who went very little into society, hut conciliated the good will and kind regard of all who knew her. The only cause for Qom.. plaint She could have felt, was nocata's too frequently leaving her, while he flattered about in the gay and fashionable circles in which he so much delighted. Nor, indeed, should all the blame of this be cast upon ?doottu himself. Nlis celebrity as a writer, his flasbing wit and thorough geniality in ;moiety, and, above all,, the singular fascination of his singing, Combined to make him not only an acceptable but a most desirable guest fn the highest and most fashionable circles of London. Living, as he did, in the country, yet within twenty minutes' walk of Bowood, the Marquis of Laitsnowaa's splendid and hospitable coun try seat, Boone. was almost as much involved in high life, even in that rurality, as he would have been in London. For the Matquis of LANSDOWNE is a nobleman of immense wealth, and so much politi ,cal power as to make him a partisan, who, though he cared not for place, used to gather around him, 'in the country, the elite of all that was exalted, talented, and fashionable among • his own class, and on his side of politics, and also the talents, eloquence, learning, and wit, of the Whig Opposition. Among these, Moonz became completely at home, while his dearest .11Essr would remain in their pretty cottage at Sloperton, contented among her children, and practising the most rigid economy, to make both ends meet. By the way, as we have mentioned Mrs. Moony, let us hero give an epigram upon her, written in 1814. Beim's first two children were female, ANAFTATIA and BARBARA. Announ cing the birth of a third, in a letter to rowan, his musical publisher, August, 1814, Mother wrote cct. think you will not grudge ten pence (postage ?) for tho intelligence of BESSY'S safety i it would be worth twenty pence, if I had a boy to announce to you, but unluckily it is another girl." At the time of this occurrence, at Mayfield Cottage, Derby shire, Mr. JOSEPH ATKINSON, one of MOORE'S oldest and truest friends, was in the neighbor hood, at Mattock, and he wrote the following, which was not given by Lord Sous Bussma, nor, indeed, do we recollect to have ever seen it in print ; . 6 ‘.1'113 carry, dear Moore, there's a damp to your joy, Nor think my old attain of my theology stupid, When I say that your wife had a tight to a boy, Far Venue is nothing without a young Cupid. But clone Fate, the boon that you wished tor. refuses, And granted three girls to your happy embraces, Ile meant when you wandered abroad with the M6/1015 That your Wife ebould be circled at home by the (Ira nee." Ili a few weeks after writing this Grace-ful epigram, JOSEPLI ATKINSON was no more. He bad been Olork to the Ordnance Board, in Dublin, and had boon Moons's friend at all times and under all circumstances, from the time of Moortz's entering manhood. In deed it was Mr. ATKINSON who introduced the little poet to Lord Mama, (the Lord RARDON of the American War, and the Marquis of Hastings of a later era,) who gave him that Registrarship of Bermuda, which involved him in so many pecuniary difficulties, which lay heavily upon him for many years. In Moon E's Poems , wlll be found Lines of the death of Mr. ATRINSON, written four years after that event, which have more real feeling than most of the elegiac verses we aro familiar with. At the risk of •repeating what many of our readers sre already acquainted with, wo annex these lines by MOOlO4 , i If ever life was prosperongly cast, If ev.r We WAa like the lengthened flow Of come sweet tangle, aweetnese to the lag; 'Twee hie who, mourned by many, elms below The runny temper, bright where all le strife, The simple heart above all worldly wilee, •Light wit that playa along the oalm of life, And stirs Its languid surface Into males I • Pure charity, that cornea not in a shower, Sudden and loud, oppresedng what ibfeeds, But, like the dew, with gradual silent power, Pelt in.the bloom it leaven along the meads; The happy, grateful epirit that improves • And brightens every gift by fortune given , That, wander where it will with those it loves, Id eke. every place a home, and home a heaven: All these were his.--Oh, thou who readletthie stone, When Pr thyself, thy children, to the sky, Thou humbly prayed, ask this boon alone, That ye like him may live, like him may die In MOORE'ff unfortunate i< Little's poems." which:were the subject of much self-reproach in maturer years, there is a most unexception able Epistle to Mr. - ATICINSON, and in his cc Odes and Epistles," is an address to the same friend, from Bermuda. • Here, by the way, is a very good epigram by MOORE—upon himself. , It appeareci in the :Metropolitan Magazine, in, , ' 1852; among the contributions from Moons, airring that year, ilut was copied into hid Diary, in July, 1845, as baying just fallen into his hands, and "mast have been written" as far back (be says) as the project set on foot for making me member for Limerick." It certainly, wag written by Moons himself, and runs thus : , ;:19 14; : itiv e g n o: L te im a: ar ii i : o r. k im i p lf : 1 7 d: i e ro w ja h nn,te lm ivoyikebton,te i 7,1 Mip t 44 , 00 7, g ) 4140 1 : 40 4.P.k9, meted of hthz , ta e1t04 711 - 19 8. 0 444 to IsOfition 0°6164 Diaiy'in& ItP /I t t' A / 16 11 114- P.P:i; •Iggliflt,:qi 'Ogle MN44 1 ! )01 0f-,k4d_ 44,0**4 1 100 , : 4 0 *4ool4'laial $01,0 4 k-igaght **ado ot 4AcitAikatiokfi. 'roma ins ' ' ihnitlpt anowermomitly . jhe tha of glik,oo - `4:i, , k.?4 , • ,iii - 46:44ity, ' - Or* roe!, arozo:toty.l'.: ' ‘, ' 'it hi' tithe; however, gist This giisSip-'cOn elude: On the " ptmciple:of,.the Irish : lions ; who - aie'said 'always .gf,to holep•a gallop_ for the avenue," we * had intended.torwind up with an - unpublished song- of -Mobaes, , whlch his sister need.to sing with great spirit and of feet,•brit mast postpone' It, wlth'othor for another day, • • ' Ti IS' Petermti had sent as the August number of the ihtisniicArontlay, whioh is unnsuallygoodf The ispirtingnaper,'on'The Dramatist Blemeht in the Bible, by the Rev. S. Judd, . - anthor of'" Mar garet," is remarkably well written, though:the ingenious' attthor pushes hie point too far in as suming (or - leaving it to he inferred) that many of BhaksPeare's Wonderful creations found, their prototypes In the Bible. Of Lady , hfeobeth, whom he represents as an ambitious virago,. he forms an erroneous estimate. The Ring Better; , a sensation story, is To werfully written; but the main incidents, partioularly the windb2g up,' are extra• vegant to a degree. 'We aikido, more espeOially: to the father's throwing his - orying child 'oei of his wagon, when' flying %from , justice, but with no pursuer actually - at head, -in order to get rid of 3 its :noise. As for the moral—if rioh 4adlia-who have lived .in single blessednesif until the mature age-of thirty seven, Miff marry , gay husbands mush younger than themselves -and get ill treated by them,-the verdiot 5, served them right" would appear a na. tarsi sequenee; • Birds of the Night, a continua tion of preeedintOrnithologloal essays, le veriin teirting. Mrs. - Passion.Plower"illewe's Trip 'to Cuba is also continued, but is not - as' good as Mr. Dana's reoent^rolutrie entire eame subject:--' still, it h 4 merit; froirilts fine viord•painting,:and 'as giving' a womanly view'of the subject: -There are good poems by Dr. Holland, Mr. Whittier, and Mr. Longfellow—we elan them in order of merit, In Whlttior'e poem (My y salm) there is not a bad rhyme, • strange to say. There is also ,among the_ noticeable artioles, one on the Zonavee, now the ,terror of the Austrians in Italy. There is also, a well.reasoned ,psper, too =oh hurried the (dose, upon the Italian war, `and Napoleon's probable motive for entering into it. Mrs. Stowe's now, novel, The Minister's 170 C: log, advances at a very; deliberate snood The charms* of hladame'de Frontlgnao is delioateli? evolved, an is indeed most artistioally yepriiien ted.. But yva otjeet,to the iFttFpiuStissi as* riris 'Shia Sharastests this tistitin'OrAsstOtt - Astr;iiii , s:' has We'd so nearly to our _ own time, and "who, every voadar mast hive toresaea,"emiektliat:ha was brattO,bt ,was isttend sd drive' ar the' villain ettlindstorY.- sere, 'Pg:. a ItMlN l , l l 44ie t . b,4 Of, isty Mrs. Eltbsiehai.evrr4444 l ; and as tree, though fanciful • • - ,- • - . , • As there was , an hour when 'the fish ermen of Galilee saw their Master transfigured, hie raiment white and glistening, and hie face like the light, so aro there hours when our whole mortal life stands forth In A eeleetlal radiance. From our daily lot falls off every weed of oare, from our heart-friends every epee and tain of earthly in firmity. Our horizon widens. nd bine, and ame thyst, and gold touch every ob ea. Absentffrieeds and friends gone on the last lo g journey stand once more together, bright with an immortal glow, and, like the Magpies who saw their Master floating in the °lonia above them, we say, "Lord, it is good to be here!" flow fair the wife, the hneband, the absent mother; the gray•haired father, the manly son, the brighLeyed daughter! Seen in the actual present, all have some fault, some flaw ; but absent, we see them in their permanent and better delves Of our distant home we remember not one dark day, not one servile care, nothing but the echo -of its holy hymns and the radianee of its brightest days, —of our father, not one hasty word, but only the fulness of his manly vigor and noble tenderneee,— of our mother, nothing of mortal weak - noes, but a glorified form of love,—of our brother, not one teasing, provoking word of brotherly freedom, but the proud beauty of his noblest hours,—of our sis ter, our child, only what is fairest and sweetest. This is to life the true ideal, the palm glass, wherein looking, we shall see, that, whatever de foots cling to us, they are not, after all, perms:- nent, and that we are tending to something nobler than we yet are i—it is " the earnest of our inheri tance until the redemption of the purchased pos session." In the resurrection we shall see our friends forever as we men them In these clairvoyant hours. We would gladly 'learn, however, on what au thority Mrs. Stew!, ventures on the position as. sorted in the last sentence quoted here. The Professor is great at the Breakfast Table, in this number. He desoribes a charming young girl, in a very delightful manner—he gives the rationale of portrait painting—and he "uses up" Phrenolo gy, in leas than two pages, better than it was over need 'up before. , Yet, neater Holmes, master of Anglo.Bazon as be is, should have known better than to use snob an outlandieh, New England, un grammatical phase 'as "Feels of thorax and arm." Again, Dr. Holmes says " At last oomes along a case which le apparently a settler, for there la a little Wain with vast and varied powers, a case like that of Byron for instance." Here ho erre, and upon what be ought to have known. Moore, in his Life of Byron, notices the unusual small ness of hie head. but in his own Diary (Little h Brown's 12mo edition Vol IV. p. 223,) Moore ohronioles, on the authority of Hobhouse, a week after Byron's funeral, that t , the brains weighed a third or fourth more than, usual." 'When Dr. Holmes bas to put the Professor into book.form, he must correct his grimmer and hie foot. From Mr. W. B. Zieber wo have The JrnieZer backer for August. It opens, extremely wolf, with an article upon Cape May, with ton well•azeonted illustrallone—letter prase and pie tuna by T. Ad dison Riohards, the artist-autitor. We. heartily commend this article to our million readers. The Stranger In Gotham, also illustrate d, in by Dr. Noyes ; with engravinge, also, aro Palissy the Pot tar, and The Romanoe of a Poor Young Man. M. E. St. George, Phebe Carey, and 'Miry Orr con tribute poetry, and a very powerful and teaching story is The Heart History of a Heartless Wonsan, by Mrs. S P. King. There lea little eketob,in form of a letter, called The Omnibus Driver, by M. de Cor flova, we are informed, which would have charmed Charles Lamb. So, too, for the matter of that, would the Bator's Table have awakened all hie geniality. Above all, that portion of it whioh treats do omnibus rebus, and particularly is addressed as Gossip with Readers and Correspondents. We wish that we had space to quote from it—bat are mast of room, as Hamlet was of breath. Blackwoorl'a Magazine for July, jest ropub lished at New York, is one of the most brilliant numbers published sloop it was at its zenith. There is a terribly severe attack on Lord Macau lay'a one•sidod account of the macmore of Men ens; a strangely Interesting psychological tale, sailed " lifting the Veil ;" a farther portion of the old English novel, " The Luck of Ladysmere," and a charming bit,of literary biography, Jane Austin, the novelist, being the subject. Among other articles of more than ordinary interest is a review of Michelet'a "Love," a book which it praises largely, but with disorimination. It par• tioularly approves of M Miohelet's remarks on the medical and physiological view of the subject, which it emphatically pronounces to be " highly moral."—B/csarsood has reached us through Mr. W B. Zleber, agent for Philadelphia. The third number of The Cosmopolitan Art Journal, Vol. 111., has been handed to ns by Mr Hunt, (corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets,) agent in this city for the Cosmopolitan Art Asso ciation, which was chartered in 1854.• It contains one steel engraving, by ttogers, and numerous wood anti of no small merit. Thiele an illustrated quarterly, and is given to $3 a year subscribers to the Cosmopolitan Art Association, who must also obtain with it efirst-olass engraving, ("The Village Blacksmith" was thus distributed last year,) and who may get, in addition, a premium consisting of some work of art, oat of a large annual award. The engraving for the present Year is "Sbakspeare and his Friends," painted by Mr. Feed, which con tains 15 fall-length portraits of eminent literati of Piltolloati on - $ TWO CENTS.' the Blisabethan era, with Shakepeare in centre. The plate is 22' by 20 inches; on paper 30 by SS. .We shall refer to it more inletall; by and bye. Budd & Carleton, Of New York, baud sent'ui (through Hasard Brothers, of, Chestnut street), a l quaintly printed volume entitled Ppreencel Re collections of the American Revolution; profess.. fog to be a private journal, by the wife of a Bevoln• tionary officer, and who also was daughter of a clergyman of the Oburoh of England: 'lt is ed ited by, Sidney Barclay. The narrative'oom• maims with'the oodupittlon of Long Island bj the - British, in 1776, and ends With 'the sekn'oveledged independence of the United States, in 1783.' It Is such• a work as the author•of " The Diaryof Mary, Bewail , " might have written had she lived in this country. , The Life of Bishop Zen, by George L. Duyak inok, published by the Sunday-school'ehildren of the March of theTransfigitration, New York. lt relates ali that Is known of, a good and great man, truly a Christian, one of the 801`612 Bishops who resisted the PapalencrotiohmentsofJames II; in 1088, and;thni Prepared the way for the' Bev°. Wien.. In the 'follotring yetir r with eight other 'prelates, he l'efigedAo take the path of, allegiance to William 111, and was dispossessed of big, see of Bath and Wolle-to which he subsequently ,di 011ned a reappointment, living and,dying in ;neut. fdr„Dayakinck has PrOdueed an biography. An , American: novel, oatled HartWlST;rtna,i;' the stionegyrhiob Asa :eit &Om Nair l i"orleto the New-York, jrhi. ,'' id, ,:, r: - :! 5 :571 ,c.1 ?,.. teTY.t.4 4 : irehe4, - witt be:fetind ebtottir rUpl.llO9 an d ,In ite•mi,#fZefii*OrAttst New York ... , ,Vpper Ten4 t eistoyt i k dessigid; - irith a dash Of igNador to the nierY . : " The Mid of Geneial own. Maniere-Opts: treviiii*Ogyf reached, us • fro* B..LiPelooott. llt piofeieee to gips a - doing of GaribaldOrinicgo.and-priveitli4o.4.ltbe3 time, of his iirritrVM Now j Dwi g ht saga tlxat beijas: tramEmei.l - ftogi44obg c . dl's inttAtiWitAtiViind that th0,p11b)1680.41.1.144 Oleo - 4*,a: 4*, kmportinf.aiiiiils of=Q aeibEiidl'p ad South Amerlai. campaign are' added ; 11 1;4104,,,0141,..„7/4,,At'Aie I way, rePeabi tlotythatliedini actually Litd'Pik of Itio'itier' eVe heed aid fingers' fielereh "eke? oqied r who was'marehed to death - rterithlhe blood flowing. fromlloa 'wounds. thus Mimi:minty inflict; In fact, the parts were scraped .with' 11714. 0f glass, without nyon scretelang the skin, Ai& W 0,1 0 .71724, descsort!tic%!, An ems/Gent pert alt of Garibaldi is the ,suitable Von tispieee to ,this,vo-, lame. 'Letter frem , Nes.V=Yetk: int CRICKSTSIIB4Ire,ieStTSCI—COIT. OP 'dIIAL7- ZINO PoiSeNED,TE,OI.4II-717, SNOW wokamoa , ORGANIZING 50P s ran ,sevratimn. castrates— SuLtraltY Mavissimivri - rtxr TOSIPkISS" TIM Agri Sellierde.-11111 I ESCORT, MeUTOSANr parremaf..l3COTT,vo TON: CAP7AIN - toy ein—ilusiewie or onancims' IS NSW PORT-7,A WAR , : CITVAAIL L ICOAD • OPIAN/31P.,-.R11T4-• PELTS VOII, Ina -ORte : r-/IMLWA N S— " T-11 , 8 , 2 1 , 3 r a , ,IIBOOIIDRII )3A1111.41:14 . [Ferresponeenee of The' Prim] " Nnw Yong, Sul:) , ' 2i, 1 The crieketers Are ' beitnning , to brink th ' ilit selves up; those, mein; wile - stie 'to he" Pirtia-, pants in tilei ' ,"greet` 6'1165e : t0 come' off Seven 'or .eight weeke s •Jfenoe. :Nothing - definite his .been -agreed upon - ,iit yet, aato who - shall dhow:ice the twenty.two on the , partrif the Stateethat are to play at .11ebolren,.hut the following players, from the leading olubs . of the 00n047, .are Mon IIPPed , at being proimieent , hi' the lint from which, th% - ttventy.twO ire to be selected i:Rrc4,2* Ospige,B we have Dirigiern, Gibbes; - Lang , - Soon Wrig h t, Harry Wright,"MalleriComerg; and Timm: FronehlturYork Club-:-Highom, Marsh, Sharp, ' Croselelf,4l.lifilb3", and 'Gillespie. - From: lihiladelphia Olub,—Benier, Shetratt, ter, Vernoni Hall; and Colils. - FronsHertonotown draft -W .. Neshall , lirammoruk ilepharitt,,,art Het : clay. i • rom •Neriark /kr; .:Witraiii; , Riddc:apd- . ..3offertossr Hrum eektin : • ; Giril /ifiwiis;lindstin; Pierce; 'and Motet. . ' „Frerri Albany Obali.=Molite ererioh... FronirrAni_etertlaisollniekson . - "afid,White,hesidet ethers frrMthe , rarientrilubs the' li f ustoris floes) The anwuclulitieff . es*w 'these Ct.-Professional, plaien-0,...44---?k,!-i..";',;*.0, :It costs this blessed pity semething " , te anglyse the stomachs of persona who have been Murdered by poison. tut evening, at the meeting of - the Board of Supervisors, Dr. Deremna Sent in ' bill, amounting to $4,415, for Services fa making ahem!, oat analyses in the oasts of Alin. Stephens, Mrs fathom, and Fayette Robinson—an, average of $1,471.66 per ,stomach. which, would, in the coun try, be considered a fair price. .The Know Nothings have pretty much deter mined to take a hand in next fall's politicial game in this State. A State Council to talk over a pro gramme will bo held in August, and as they can count upon upwards of 60,000 votes, somebody had better look out. That number of thoiniands can 'Make considerable bother. The K, N. Organize. ties is understood to be in fair working order, and can be made efficient on short notice. - The God of War is now decidedly in the ar oendant in Gotham. - Excursions, parades, elec. dens, resignations, some and go in quick sumer slim. Regiments in fail toggery move up and down Broadway, " in thick and serried order," to the great delight of the bystanders and to their own special delectation. Last year the Seventh Regiment gave a magnificent "wake" to ex Presi dent Monroe. There was htige Dili:antra mourn• lug from Sandy iloOk all the way to . Riettmond— in point of fast a general " grieve" of the most New York—y description. This year the regiment proposes to exourt again: this time to Boston as an escort to Lieutenant General Scott, who goes to attend. the Massaohusette State Military Encamp meat, ordered to take place on the 7th, Bth, and 9th of September. Aooinmittee of the regiment Went on to Boston iota week to make the prelimi• nary arrangements: A new name is' mentioned to-day for the Coloneloy of the Seventh—Captain Mansfield Lovell, formerly of the United States army, and aid to Genera: Gagman during the Mexican war. Captain M. was last week elected captain of the City Guard, and hail accepted. Nevertheless, ho may take command of the Se venth, if requested to do so with a proper degree of unanimity. Ray Tompkins, son of ex-Vice President Tomp kins, has been elected Colonel of the' Seventy. third Regiment. Col. Ray was the principal en• gineer of the "people's army," during the (leer. antine war. Indeed, he was " took up "on orimi nal proem, but was never put through any legal evolutions. The foot seems to be conceded that the blood-thirsty inetinots of Col. T. will now be called into violent play, and that 'the Seventy. third will soon rush into public hotfoe as one of the most sanguinary , ' organizations of braves on this -continent, ;Speaking of fighting-men leads me to state that the church militant In the counties of New York and Kings, which, for all practical purposes, may be reckoned as one county, have within their limits four hundred and twenty churches, seating comfortably three hundred and fifty-five thousand persons: The aggregate salaries of the pastors of these °hitches amount to $620,000, or an average of about $1750 per annum to each—fair pay, con• sidering ]The number of vases at present reported, in this port is thirty-four steamers, one hundred and thirty-eight ships, one hundred and eleven barks, one hundred and twenty brigs, and one hundred and eighty-eight schooners—total 591. The num ber of steamers Is lomeehat beyond the usual ave rage, the present mason being favorable for re• pairs, and quite a large number aro temporarily detained here for that purpose. The ships at pre sent in port number among them some of the Driest, speoimens of naval architecture afloat. A nee line of city railroad was opened yester day on Niath avenue and Greenwich street. The oars run from Fifty-fourth street to Canal street, but neat week connections' will be miyie that will enable them to run to the Apr House. The stook is pretty much all owned by George Law, who owne large interests to several of the city railroads and ferries. The great lines of railway are anticipating an Immense freighting business this autumn in getting the enormous crops of the West to market. Most of the Western roads are now on the upward turn; their etooke aro slightly improving; coonomies are introduced at every possible point, and freight rates have been advanced tea remunerative point. The New York. Central is now being, rtmi - at less than 11l ty percent . of the earnings for , working ex penses. The Michigan 9entral has reduced its ex penses $50.000 pet month, and the Michigan South ern now expends but $85,000 per month instead of $150,000 as forierly. 'Recorder Barnard, with his charming young wife, returned to the city yesterday, and is stop. ping at the Recorder's old quarters, the Metro politan Hotel. The bridal trip seems not to have produced any deleterious uffs°4l* SITIOIDE OF A MURDE4ER.—Ort the 17th of Jane a man, named Henry Kauffman, committed murder at a pletnio in Roseville, N. J He tied to Canada, and was not arrested. On the morn ing of the . 14th instant a man committed suicide at the St. Nicholas Hotel, in Montreal, bykbootiog himself through - the head. An investigation showed that it was Kauffman, the murderer. He was, as le oupposed, rendered Insane by remorse. Myriam TO' COX.F.IIOLTDiffDIEN'Tffic Oefiespondenti f'or. ((Mize Iszbeel? Omit More 132 Wad the folle!bwro,lee: ;.; Ivor, eosomazdeation meet be aseolepealea bi !is owe of the In - ezder tiquiar — twavietneasict trjrrallq, buic4i 'Ale of fairehlOt stov - do .written open. „ We shalt bo grootky obliged to rattans's ta• Postiellv ,vtals,"atid othfr Stat_w, for ointriinthar *Tfoi fha mann* asintoi iki dry bi Uta k iiikktnisir the moulted id . the oit*oadtog• oatuitzi, tbt . tiaisas of PoPolger any latotosattoo that tollotort• as to the moral reader, ; • ••• ' GENERAL ,NEWS, - - '• Tax Alexiindrikqrszefte - says the toil Owing ivessels are rind' at the Gosport navy Ye etre" Ships of -the Line...;-Pennsylvania2—Reeeiving 'Ship Colutiobus;--Ordiner3 Delaware—Ordinary. New York,-Rotting In the ship Wiese; • „ I Frigates —Colombia-r.Ordinery, dlnary.! United Stahm—Ordinary.- Steamers—Richmond—ready for latinoldng- De, dry dock, ,awaiting machinery. Water iWitalt=being repaired: Despatch—ltatilsiinp to :toe remodelled. Fulton, Capt. Williamson, about to go into commission for the Rome Squadron. , - • Capt.. John ll.;Montgomery, appointed Bag ofii= Per of the Piscine squadron, will proceed to hit post, across the Isthmus; on the steamer of the pth of August. Flag Officer Montgomery succeeds Flag Officer Long, detached, in aonsequenee of ill health. The Lancaster is the new flagship of this Squadron. _ _ - A letter bag for the African -squadron Is to be sent from the Charlestown, Mass. r navy yard,,by Angus ! 6th. ' • - - 3. The arrivals at the port of Hamburg; during the six months endinglune 30th, aggregate 2.255, ,while the Battings. amount to 2,263. Of the arri vals 129 were frouttraneatiantio ports. The U S. sldop-ot war 'Germantown watt 4 . panton, May 5, repairing damages reoeived-while ashore on the Loo-Cltoo Islands. The !steam frigate Mississippi was iri Japan, waiting orders for home. - • a The PoWhatan, with CommOdore woe fit Penang. - . gni:mummer OP TUE LIQUOR LAW AGAINST 'Luisa DBALEllB.—Acoording to the Boston , Tour -rat, Father Fingal, Catholic clergyman of Brook. , ins, 519.81, finding thet , hiCertioreaties twills par q-L t ?' $9 ' 9rii!re°6lo.- 1 ' 1 tr 7 Akel Rai ,- - •li'llA*.' T 4 '''''ii: -7 '?:?',,7: 4 ';' .- , - - ih .•-•'- - - 7 • filig*ii IfitMOTV i tillglitlick A te:fil i ir i. . 3 , • itiO/ .Senettlisis; 4 . I - -AstanWdayal_riltke; i : -•;'' ..lIE Mix* uoili . •froui *Mist illiej - abitireetiF' - I.' "IttiPalsVilliftteGYß.4l4lo42atilsfalcWvEx.k"-7 1-' ii k lo s4';.- 460 1 . 4„ IVI- 11 9, at , 7 7Varsh - . 4*-111-i.arepd-4: - - ' teeikeini- . 7ti. swan Triali'ti retro fitthra - -- _ imet - i)tavie:..llWW - pAgaiiearikatwtThtioe - -1 - _ • t nitiotikot. -,' .'gettctinvirect - 3 - defic9Beed.l'ilfe - t . Ring - Orr lalik,,,sbliaatid in 4404; .., - 141*.be .i . - li li - ,„, 7 -7 ,1i0W-iford urktitl.tti - elf:- IMO - • -, Sfdeiti4 IitIiNELIQ Os aid 4'l' .1. 1 ~ rut,he;--irotitainntehOE • ki l aidetertelliglklatit."mW , - - 1 fttlihtilkilivi - riarilkiioppabliz'cintoiva, - ,abefte. 1 • t red nn tause °nab *raid tior isireity-fdikelllifi " 7 -. 1 le f r d a - t ts gr4ri i4 R e rit ?Ate% 84-14 ' 7 114: - 7'Ahr,lN t i l . t lk i tr lr • !--,-- ...)..,. --,.; ..-,_.. . , imr- vipt . p?s- er- o ft'-',•arisifirV:lfasr;;-4,..c0 ., La.,, ,b m 'a ighl i oln t ta lii 4 l3 o : 4o,oii at ire ja W at l ai r ly fil t ii k klf t nk took. go lge : v - le ti er/ aite 7 .. ? t. - skald th ris city riVrd ifefottfillihfiftirtiVirtire"'" •ittblinfrif inlVefelatlitelVereittoriC•rind6iiLtiffidly'Lt itvrwitoVlllMlltlb felling ‘t_llicat .ficitesupasidirvity, "r 'Whli.tlEulgbiffiasiSiallt ft ridaYi,et; Our Mdltdenne of - hid ilifer:' -- Mref.Tlr7.!'Weiiiiiiiii;ota Rik POtte•igifier ilro- petty. to - She's - mount of One hundred thdnlartd 7 A - - e ll X ill e s o 4 p a le r ld .‘ lll 4 ti li tnistr i ttertoTtica -44 .1Jriatry 4?6 P.....bl ' ir t' a f ,:- ,' -: . -. . e fda9da l.P linif l t, .W l ti 4o44l "'Aflgg94 4 / 1 . 4 ' l a oiliest lslst .ieels `-neeePtli.alAiiir,lie ._ Itioduntil,:: - ,t 0 clif" , :th°Fgb 4 0 AM.4 1 P 1 .141 1 1 aiiihrEe. get*' meditly,tiailutstOitas4lolol3l 4k4lintrikx,fliit.,,,, compogly•t:...: . - : , -_ , 2, -, •;•:„-i - -1- 4 .. , - , , ,- .•,*43.-4•: - .,_---;,,, ,, ,,L , :-, 5- , _ RaimatinztAtopirritivre.••••:-Smewboiljcvnizet,be..• - t,3 blame' for aii"fretftiehilitreafrileffillirois*liet ‘-i - a dative erlarefta'emesitdied alrentlieLfßitter ''-, if. mist be the perleithialsofate tesiditiatliderrikto , - , - Ad"' OW obildiretf l ter4yleafarlykiPliiii oaVilf-ti . • ..3 .. rataithOvilaeolliftgettitailtothr,'llehttille 4 . :. ;' - k-"•- - - - ,r . - ",.-. : .4,: , ffivuuntrpituaouPeOtattistteivitr lid" ‘. ~. ~) : ""-1- ` ,:. : - ehypartianbienPlkideor , theiliattk ‘ ... .., , i.-,:., ~j." igiSt thlalketiealdelfrasiti*Wh'fitei -- - 4'- , ' . 7 .:.- en;b7ooeht kelfrellifittidytatilea Ifolidet ,, i • ''.. I.e . rilk.ife *not IdrhtlS6lo , iike' , .*lfillblnifti' .:,1 t. 1 ,,,:::.7i.L.. ! : Tri ibOVlVldeVili'elikklitiirt*ViiiiiiiT'!. .4, , ~ .. .:::;':-.. . 0 0.9.., _ _lti . #o, 3 ...9 l g#,Olititi... _ I . OA " -,:.; ' - t:: *':' : .,,A.'''.'' ...:-.. .111K45 13 .. .. :.;lit'lttOlifn.._..-'l --sufnalliiikros— - TA, .3tkit,RlV ddivesslin"' . . sarieltOtreetia;aeJuditith94o44- --•-•'' ...-.7 -..-- • - --.• i REOPll*Ellri,mft:T.**9loll744ololffrifs.Rdivho -i-The Greensburg.Lsemicrist says 1-,,quita ..e4 An, ;„ tralleg,iffeiC at' least to ' the p a rties eat 'aged ''' . t own; tiendpired in - Ludwiett,: , neer , Slits epinescil. - ; ftanday,3itgbt lea, of :which ae -fglortriasttoas4 4 thepsdigniani:. gouts aim eieoe, Jobn.,ll,bey p lep _- rriamik'an* tile 'idle' Ak Paler . - oiialaitt silie -- - 7 " MA, Imre 111.21381}14 dll ‘ , 43bgirges I o fl , id tit lii . )ry;•. ;Mt r .-, - at jet fide ' s office tke,,ollip.lcasf.esinyromised; the,-4 partesaiSiaaritild,'lnid nothing; Mare rigs .bekid:' ' of them until MotidaYi iition:iipoiPthe -itttfrivir -3 • Gassidayfroutgitteburvwhitiret beriutdi-gorro , itt".l•3 rout,it house, lutendling.to,tesnoved_aase,-.4t.vtas-,,, akeertilnedthaftheyhedeloPiit'ae'ldghllffe;' ofisialrine Srltlidthetiffllifeareid'iyhttugat-'4! - -1 j dity!sAtit'driMA-tiV 4 / 1 637:41f julieb4dkite••'' - ' , ‘' at' '" - - " si'Aii.l4 -::Tvr2,..11 1 4 , 00-Vigia‘t ").------- . ettealY-N#o,!-; Istribps 041.4litUdgii - ifi. -!-- -- - ula '. l Atulrilf.4l • - llF''7fit-otel'iiyo 2 pstr: . WNW .. '..?.,-=•:', -=`,. . I Itai:k4te finkire,*ll.l. - AtfriotitOileisiltiedifi'''Eff/ enit , - - Tlelifir. 4 g o rwloa_ rTatlwAtldliCtr?bittiW , .4• .:g.v =*v,*4,a ,i ' ' .. * l--Ai ll4stltbiAs4i ktr tf4_ , , 3 ' : ' • :' t 7-i7 AeMevertAntAkCiooool/*i-10.:W01104ikiikraoieAr k !- V-P r :40 - 100_, , 444_,.. Se. ..,. no osneki/ohei.vje; askOsif ..1 .. ~.. ~ - d ~.--,-, 0.4..., with' them in v thipadfielletinflidtivitriivet.i • ifte qr. * , ', , tt7 - - , and consequently al sites and ' the'• prOdnott of alerts , •;•:„.t; . _ taut bear aMA price 1.!,_, ~,,, -,, .„: ;•.; , ' ~, ~,:•,, , ! Tan ~Sktvis , pram: aw, Aninstre,.--Alier2-:, G0n:,4.. D. Moore . , not Governor` of Alabama, and .' a 'candidate • for reolleetion,hislini applied to for art ' - expression of his opinion • on: piablie topies; has - 3 written a long letter, in which he opposes the. . gpening of the slave trade on grounds of nubile , poliiy, and . regrets the agitation of the subject as a lsouree of Irritatibn and d Vision among - the - -• Sdathern people. lie It in favor of modifying the- ' laws which make-it piracy, and disoriminating - !ethong • different grades of the offence, but thlnke neither this nor any other question should be per- - - mitted to il.vide the South in the oriels of the nest - ...,..,.. Year. 5 9: NEW D,Onine.-:4The last dodge adopted by thieves to replenish theirinirses is worthy the ~ attention of all store-keepers. Two thieves (a man and a woman) are pasting - along the street; apparently in earnest conversation. Suddenly, - having arrived In front of a store door; the man , daps th e woman in the face. She rashes into , the.. ' store and begs that " the cowardly villain" may - bi arrested The clerks are indignant, and run out to catch -him. -its soon asdhey are over the -: 'llireshold she turns her attention to the money ~ drawer, rifles it, and disappeareas soon as possible, •- '. WE have our circular from the East Indies ' .• and China squadron ' It is dead the sth May. - The United States eloop•of-war Germantown was- -, et Canton .River, repairing the effects of the Dais- .. lisp she met, having - proved somewhat serious. - She would be all right however, In a few dove. tier officers and crew, were well. -The steam.fri, , gate Mississippi was still in Japan, waiting the deoislon of Commodore Tatnall as to her disposi. lion. The ship's company of the Mississippi wore very anxious to be ordered home. The United Mates flog-ship Powhatan was, all well at last fie ociunts. ;Mom INTELmornez.—Large quantities of wagons, &0., have been landed - at Portland. Ore gon, for transportation to Salt Lake, on the new route. Company It, let dragoons. arrived at Los An grill's., Jane 23, from:Stab, in fine condition. 'Got. Geo. Wright, with Meets Owens and Bas alt. of the Sth infantry, left the Dallas, June 15, for Fort Walla Walla. - Disaarnons GAXE ON Taw MEXICAN Capt. ebbs, of the schooner Virginia• Antoinette, from Tacotette, Mexico, reports that-on the 20th of June, whilst lying at anchor off Tecolatta Bar, hi experienced a severe gale Dein the southeast In the same gale, a' Freatah'hark, an Hoglisti bark, (names unknown,) and the Mexican schooner Fe tip, were foundered off the bar of Tnspan. and alb on board, twenty-four souls in number, were /oat. 'MINDER no .117k - tv YORN.—.A. Mobile MOD: chant, named Alfred MacDonald, at floe o'ciook. on Saturday afternoon, met a woman called Virgi nia Stewart, in Broadway, near Canal street. lie upbraided' her, and was taunted in return. He than drew a revolver, and put a bullet in her fore head. Death ensued Immediately. Love and jealousy was the suttee. 'MacDonald attempted to stab himself, but was seised by the pollee before be had succeeded in doing BO NOTION TO THE KNOW NOTHINO9•—The Louisville Courier states that Hoe. Humphrey sullen has declared that if he was in Congres3, will parties organised as at present, he would vote fur the Democratic, candidate for Speaker, and that it the next elecilon of President was thiown into the House, and he was s member of it, hi would vote for the Democratic candidate. 13HOOKL111.—Both the Atkin. tic-street and Washington-avenue B apt ist churches are soon to erect new t•uildings Movements are also in progress to erect a mission chapel for the Columbia-street, Mission School, connected with. the Strong Place Baptist Church., - Crurnonas IH Naw Oassaics.—There are dftymine churches in the city of New Orleans— forty Protestant and nineteen Roman Catholic. Of the Protestant churohes, fourteen are Metho dist,nine Presbyterian, eight Episcopal, and two, Baptist. Dr. Palmer's church (Presbyterian) coat $102,000 MISSISSIPPI CONGRESSIONAL TIOICST..—Tbo allowing is the complete Congressional Democratic tioket for the State of Mississippi : let Distlict, L Q. 0. Lamar ; 21: District, Ben tsen Davie; 3d District, Wm. Barksdale; 4th Dis, Wet, 0. 8.. Singleton; bat District, J. M. Mcßee. Dn. BEDELL, We are happy to learn, (says the Mork Toicrizal, 20th), accepts the assistant bishopric Of Ohio, and his resignation of the rec. Unship of Ascension Church was received by that vestry,on the 13th inst. THE Commissioners of the Reading and Columbia itailroad will open books for the sub scription to the capital stook of the road on Mert doy, Bth prox., in Columbia. A. GERMAN hung himself at Cleveland on Thursday. He_ quarreled with his wire about moving into the country, and she refusing to go; he hang himself to be revenged on her. - Box. Wm. L. 'YANCEY, of Alabama, passed through Charlotte, N. C., on the 11th boat., and, being serenaded, made a dietitian and slaTe-trada , _ epeeoh. A Moulton apostate, Just from Salt Lake, states that about two-thlrds of that people live In polygamy. RasioNED.—Lientenant Jobn McCulloitilma resigned his oomealsiion as an offioiriti the Eraited States navy. NAVAL OaDra.--Liententint James H. Ro chelle has been ordered to report for duty on board the U. S. steamer Fulton. Al RESTED.—Thebink tend who Committed the gross outrage upon the white girt Connelly, below Lancaster, it is thought, has been caught.- . A FAILUILE.—A Boston e ltresponaont. of the Springfield Repuiti.-In sips clic' Trlclo 844 " Et two-sent an.i.e."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers