'-- ' ""/- ..*,,E,Wa'f-1. Itii**Clll4i '-''''' ' - tave thin vir. . 1 „„_l*,_ -- v-k- k -.., -,-„,...,'„, llwite-Mtr. w„idett InVen :Columbia. t ora ' n --iii#: ' ''-..1 •, .2 .4, _. `l& ri-'l'' ... -- ' -"" Div' wto wilt l's'''',Dlettiot" a -4"...." POI' ed ;R.744 : '-'4l`..Amglikli,':-., l''' -Q 1 ' tieeti ,Ikw4ol-' owiitt , tP4 fe, r*,r for "-atrio.l .4')Wke 2 t . ' .s.' - ' - ' , . • "i'''''''firtilf2=24lllloi/olglohiP"PrroP:ol,!lotr..fr rimltt, 5T,01y4.-,,toeii: ~4.40,'--,".', '''' 54, :--1',,, -,*" alt-,--,,• 1.44:40,401; i'• glYr)4l'4,l4ir 1,',11k*,i0719-401.Prov,Derlosittkot I. • eek :.,,,'4,k.'i•---.,--->-.. '- le-: - " r0v0rt4Ad~..„,e.,,21,i0tt‘v,h,..k.„4."4.11,t414.1.1„0yi,1'b00 vror , tn,_ 79-,1,-,--r,"' ;.-).- --- - Y '-',..)..-CrAli. 11111..,14,-4,4trwiPla- 43411... ti ttir.r,-Y ir,,,etom Ai r t e mat,P d „,, e t. vrede: „„.-, ; ,, , t7 T - it'i,:, ; _: : :/ . , ,, .,,,-,1 4. - -;„ [..a. ' ~i': it,„..4e.antle.4-41-,01: fh,totibf,j2l,...,e4Th- ~,,,,m,,Atieet ,f-5,-,,,sxibviiir. a ~x.em.4,o,littto,ek.ot,:n r c i . i . l4s , tva eat, tete , 1.1 1 -;!--- ..*,-,":„::-:-. " n 3:9 *-14, --..---ZfiliViNtrAM..,76,,iii*wlar itrofewl3lll%,:,for-AmPrfr", isinetllki, 8 i.„„ 7 fr: -`,, "- :-='.igi.' , , Apr lirt:s4'7-744414p(trIltillk,fati*111004t,iiriAbbi, ' 1 ,858 .7., 14 ,-aotive lit! a y : '‘: ‘‘) ' 4':7 ' . :' '. 'L.'', ' . ''4444fi . 4'..'14 f i 71:1 7 1 1 Ot#l/tif f i l e, 40 41:14 '1 .P t te ns 1 , ;4, ~` ictt.44. mild food rrdlo — e: of i ~,,,4rik*X4:isf#: ~..?, oici43lq, 7..,i,,,-..3,t1-,k1x„,,,,i4.4i.91,..;.„,,,i 61,1;00. :,:- : ~,,,,-,fteio ' -- * ,,,,,, 0u.ft-ec,;,,, v loot , wrilk,,,., el etlfma-47.4tehttePed..rinrri _mu: :-'. 4- I'LL- t 4ctlios)ns--,,i---‘Alf,oro -Towirbrz.tiotitifoile• ewe atiut "r 1 itrooott=, ..:- ''.7l•-:. ,,,.,;t1,4,66„,,t,,,iti0cit,,,4„...4.?„.....zii.1t.,..rtv501iii,v0.14.,dr---drint:alnft'l -,7” Maul `Plc '.-_,-2-1;t4. 1- - ffatiii, ~,,551,,,,,-04 theb010.4.7,1•4.11; 4. tai opt-160.451, ' 4 4. Of o°4-n6108.1s tbk -4,W,l,t2;ihneeri, ~,,,,,,,,116,fik.41.,# ~.„--iiiiktpikAilfti,„, lie. iiticdwiAlitmll4,,,.7,flore foed r , t !'! Ci ',;,. ' t t ',"-'..'` '',7,4tiloatlitnii,A,"l„....ceteltritin2rePait--4134,4:14,evP- 'l'°9„,„emitimenwr7,s.7 -.' ', _ ''' . '.• `hrokert . 21 - ~,' . ' .A. - Wilt *,`,„-', s„,,,„,„_Awklvirteltet-,.7,..terleit ; ,--,' r:„,-„ea' "ewthlistlt' '.`..T ,-,-, theririto of a e „, tot , the _- ~.; ',,:4,110.--Fg•frAItWALT7:---**ll l3l ''•., 7 , ovor, the X'" 7'7 '''' 'zi itloV°3llll..'r* mune - t ''''' n k fh o reel ' '-• - .' ' '' 'l° ''',l.4t'4`.' 9ellooo4l,ek'e. e'.. .' 10 . 0 " 4 '1,, ,a , - 11- -,..,- FigarA, b ,9,ittoie'. haTing,d hnotrlnCt lawn, - - . ',. 4:10,-,„' itootht " .-.7trafrifiy-'lopro (Zr, 'Pe 1 41 32 444 hottoindi' a 4$ 1)4,14g 14m. '1- ... ', „,„„4Thi'Mort „ze f,. it A •-.- ,liretir,•. liar.lity,ot. he...r. to whom IT r -sia . gm° - , , J - --,-.',,,oaqatit ° *,,jig• , :,-,-." , -viii , it , T..,f! , - ,a s , - (4,the z,., -um otheT all), ~, an otemo , es ~ - c.i.41,92.,,t,,,- itt4ls it.tZi,,,,,4m100-4,sity:o, itsnotiffi,„ :aro:there dishonored my bee Ile. tudteting ',, -,t-•-%,AnitAwrlr.. "." : -...,.7-''''' '''.43lMteee h!,‘,..1:11k,. ihow.i., 4.-i„,.. sit.w tn. a, ktin„-_, e... 11,34, _-*l,Aiii-itiViik _ yiti4#4l44,te trl?--ektiliiOrit•' Inovdyi Z;utt;Fik. ** de. , 1 Th:" wirl tl t:tie, hews.- -' . ` TL i .. .„Airtisi:,'94lol...as.--,,v- '''_ el`f!!4lT )1,-ia710,14): ,Idgetleep,,,,,ro ~w ctt n o l wem „ ou t o A.: Jett„, -, - '.:,.•,' ,latimaktrit, 'trtio`, l P,;'•Pttio,` Mont l • a s ifd put the ler"_---ow p. , ...n i ..,the re '•• 4444*A:).#2,_.„--Yv .igil-sid,v,!,`:4,l,,,kivi•to • 4.lfrnol• - -TIETtio;- jam, 17, - n o G e polygamy 008 - : ' ,Y,,,,,. 400:475,....7.747:74i44 pt.3.14?„,e•-, : ,-., '2 loirsaitlAnk,tacthe itittitu,itn the ; Mormons sip '4l'''''-ioNvelliArl'AltYa,,,-;-,Vr::-""-%4'42'?,---,- Inaikablii F*"' ~-titsit Along,rnigrationatla ''.lh _„...,... ~,,,,,,V4A.;!.k57f.,-Athr. • ila , ifif the, g eneral ' . , -,- tolat-nlitythe Aunt ter it: tog le base e ; s't '4ll44llcirc''Aidllilli flazt - ';','' ` ';4" Ofere -.- - imikeloix of . -gelato (.( 1 in 00"nonod :----741Artiltliii#,k4%14-14i1-'l.4.biiitilki:iilc:6l-14141na°rg'irti,' -4:',lnt fl-iiiitsatitioeill.lgrailltue7` rPlP'olif!reetitlg, 84", ~ : , '.7,, i ; ~. ;'5 . , ' , .',,e4ttieAtiii,,;o4' rLifittiolittlidiro447-lip41141;: 12:: 1,0b1et:4"..,04 tub,owoooll:37lol4l,...eivogoialobtltafboonnUrii. '';'- ii k=4..`^'l4‘,4;peto„.: 4 ,lL--- - iy,;:i, ;,,sr. .4204,,,* i . ;A,BEF01:11.. .•••.01,,b o it - •„ on t i , n . _ew.Drert. i' ---114*'41'"14411tga,Doe"'"-';th:7:l!"''°/` ."--1 stlirtiteg..holdo!- „, wolook, A bltitelve weisowiteri; 0. ° hen tne • • '2-'-'14,441'''.4', itll.--gatt"gUwill"..'" „ 'deniers h,"O iit,....).0; • pfrl, in the equalt_ h _ er. w - • ","ifYqe-fifliiriT-7,-',--,,h,tet 4:en*i °.. -- t to:saiit, oudten,,,Nas 00,40,0,,Imminant 11tg...11 osauoit I lb. in -, ,:02,01.01144ttp._:_iiiiiiiaiit' 44#$ tiertcr-"p."40, "ILO llerl.l4° James hintreY, 4.gi•entite p all Y ni • un , = 14 -',u4na' - ' - `irinfeeigi'Y: vr..,-Afi! stuollP - ' " which steinzwg*Ja „d resettrd f th , jug ell `' - `4:0,1f.4 w ou l dun.lll. ri°°°,,i ''' ' • 'eloped° the asion 0 -,,,, ,- - ' - ..y_ltryittr, ,Al.l tnatenz.. ~ ,-- mit. ilk the rain. ii.ved hal f or , „.. -- , -Lewitt ..,,,,--..',.."...,h,,,' .-tworpeeAr .' .;„,fyieltßilt -,4-- --, i_.,, ,- i le.o-- ~hs t , , ' ` ..'• • - Mrs.-- . -4 ".•' 4,e.sw-" - - "lorratend'" -., .. ,, z,!.;' ' '.7 ~.- A A. ,-' ' b0rc..143en..... .6,.,,..- - c-• --- i sitsu• ed , d r y -'',4 hkee,stfit47-,-,,r.1,-.:-.,,,5,e,i'in.,' , r0' - ( 1 '!L-: "- , etwi,e, „ , -- -Aim' pattrto Altar, miter me of '', .4....- '''' ""' 1,,,..4‘4„,:icgt.:-E:-4,14,,-- iirlotiodaili,dop,.- ~ ~,t MARI -. i L., h er &tug - _Abe porn '-'41,0 i ttlwlu 4 tkieme,.....„„e, ' w---.*reed,) l 4thlt 'the toe etwoltni,"'el, Ili ehme r!rt.t:the dattehter ..-,,• ---;,,,-„low-iiip. , -zmi1itg.......-7....--, ,i _ __... '.'; .2^ 00ii dope i.sffOW' . .arronttF. . . altar.. when ''"-,iiiiilla4 ' - Yilillie4.s..:' ' ' rois• Oct. 1' ii leg no 114". • The bYttionu" dasea Miss 31,tm, -- _..*. --, ,•:-.,. ,t 7-10 See e °' ' " Ite "to b e toi l articles PIT en ab _--,‘, - , w ,mik ' ---, -,-,....,....:LnA-.' ...r• --- 32 - bit 0000 or the ex le , h a d be '''''''' 'Y'"ll4:.'''Y'`'i''''""l".;"- " 3 ° I 04 -- 1,0 moot to Pal , i f , a im age port , , , , , ,-;:' ilikt;„litfa.`;' 7,Z '‘...."'"..^;=-:,',••?-1:2 10 ~ Liiround 0.61; °,rwatet.-- - - ii,;„ bee tPterk ‘-{-'::' - -Iti'lle - hltr r lh!if , i 4 '7.`-<1 .. "%:;.r..,•:--:1 COPY& treeto ;t°'4 6,lirow-.,,ay Heade% utifo,, bor . ..v-1;?'-'se,-itthti4,.4'..vT!Al-l:-4, -;:s-:•-,...4•77: .-,-- 'I 'tl";7ll.j.' ?)!.Y.-* he - Minnesota .R gt. tdeutenent r , ~ •, . - e„t0.,..... ~,„‘.±.?-..1,--',,:A4.•-, $6,60 02 ' _ , mu l i, of t . hmtnatiew - rt . a rest f'.'.6.., `',V4,4,',q..•., •.',,,-- ...-i ; r.;;",:a2.....". '`i548,9,89 02 unto 'ultio itehtthk°l" ° De -Ira 10 "" -' Demo '----', :Toteteetthicthitilaw°3leri.:i; ---1;1 ti*.10..1" tofu toStito' : lawyer + nod a for min. - '4ol%xio - Mess , 6 Convention h • 4...- .4',",,,.!,7',•%',,,1 ''' ' ' ''..t.c..i.407 . 1 . dent or_ otdoopeelloon State do,the2o , . h ' , ' '.5,,,._ . -,,:...‘..:Jt;te:„"t,-'4,,,,,.06,7iT.---u20,,' yt . Thg•Reptib i, to 4io,wedne! , . shi,n po. - -x, 7-1 41,.-":!;.,:k..„,:- ......',--''.... ' ' fl, ° a 'hi met at St' ` , .., ..:.111-th° t. St of .. 'V . - " is. , ...n. t." a, ~ / enseporte4 nese - 4-, tworoipt.- aS th e cos _Ann e were loot. ----I°. hilhe ww •w" the week otettet MM.- . -- me ired'' solwo.-1/ , children h„. < -,- noel,* .. , , t or the ... -,- "- ' wrte-., ..' - tee and 'h" -,, meet her '• ' Thtlo ,1-I,...,'"liiitloa, ~t, ~,t , . ., ' ,/ , _ ' '-.. ' • ea-... - . ,moue , ' mrs,A-sx 'too - i.-0,061.5111“`,'"F,' ~st4-1-',•.-:-.- -,==.,- -:"Teee' ''''''Trelandk - i gto thig 6911- • .---„": -°_,,,it.ii, VI, Milf:',..---A(.. 1----` ..--..,,z, -':.---i the ix ' AtiO:ite2o°M la /,-..1!.kt'71 7",'.t.„...._`4,Tc+, '`.?".--;;1:;....,,,7, ---41M.12":- ' - • . ''''S;l4'4":. ;fdr -4- 7 - 4, , F; -, :i,••• - 4'"T" -* ' '' '4 - . ";;i'llifilii 10+: ,. , , • ,',,,,ci:, iliiiiiik3ll_ll.l.,7-041:::;';'•Z•V /.1.68416":1 ! ,` 4, TP/19/1/..17ttr1:4,-,,,;:e.:,;-,::4,1*--,,isi7o-' i'sX.Z4 otiftaiii, 43')6 l, 1 • 'r ''''., ..- ..:,, Pgropryct si -Mktr,*l-. '•''..Lzt ' ---4-- Ti . i :',..4.•311.. I.'''', 7-,:-s:;::,:''''', A,,III; V ALL'atk.. .t..":.- .. iiiii ii iti is ti on l ie d, ,414i,riiiii.iients_oe•toll ?1:17,i,;‘,:thi4.4-I„k:.;:baiitt ' '-' ''' -iit "ista;Mulroddi ... ,- , . 4614iiliaTi?‘ ' 44-c ' a ,1440 A. )11 4 1 .11. 4 54, - --” 2 ° !Ili!' --,';ms ,-,104114 : 14 2 1 1,0 1,1, . 79, -.- !! .! !”- .., .. - • 'MOW, '', ',,,- -4 t-. ' , : , '= l- , - .',;'..c.iii` Clionr• Alt . 3 . - ~ ;,:. - .4 - 44.•:i,,151A ,?._ • . ,V4lial,l.ol,,gllll7 7P); 4 : ; ?:'::i i iWi r ' 7 -..'i1 , '07_,' - i i ! i l i k4.,-..' 7-4-'1,44:...4•,•'"•,r1'Akt-',- ,_ -, .^".."?'-`4,,-.1M11,.-,-- -- 'Oesttratts ilia oil-. .- ~ii.ii,iiiiiisit.ee'll4A,T.m4F,4", --.... -..-V-,-„; ,itil-- .. 1- ww;Nig:,'2 , ,i4e - 10,:, -:7 '-'' PW;1ttt1ii04,,,,,.7!dri,t.:4:;.:11:44::*4,1440 le ..' :":,..i frifi:o,l t i !! • ,?* -. .4 t-,, -;;,t,,7,4,-,si"-t-w-'s7Wly.,:i:-. ' '''' ''- ' ' .4 ' ,-- ratal..'''": l , - fi....ii`.: '' .. - :.41,4,,i , .• , 55. . '!' 4..;,.....,....,,,...: ..,...gtzfriVi yiti*Tii?tor. ',illir'Oti4rl6l-I":!'4,—. A._...!......'. its ii, sad toretke ,- .', er at*imitoi&i#6,, 5..fr" . ,1 " ,, - .. , i l. ' ,:i ,w: 1 4 i';' '7•4. 1 , 14 , 01 0#,1 4 • 7 , - -we•lo' ' g" 2 "" 6 aykiitii4l4,"lo,l -, , ,,,1..i1 ia *, 1 • 04i 112.4.J4 oa. , •:',-;7111481 It - bid 44134''1tf !;t - 74; - --....--- -,. .. ''',"‘..;ly , „: , , ii:soo it ...„....,,,,,,.... ..,-- ~,---...; ,- . :-v...4,...r., . .14,, , . ,_- ..` = 1 ,T-Diii*!,-.7.' t"q ,-. .?-----:'-,-...4=4„., 340 oi •.; ''"-.-7.4,iiiiiiiiiiiii;44+'.'•-•--'-in ,Ir -; 17 , 48 8 07 v: UMW° , ~; .-,-,-, -,i- :' ' - . XM, i ,-• * - 1 .ar,71-t7,- - "'-' l 7. , iii,c" 8,8 6 1'17 • r.,'..'-'qr' o.l 'i 44 "t't"`-', ;.- - '' -i- ; ---- • - -IrA)l.4`b-iir- ~,-----„; . ..: ...... •-•,- 0 v ,V; 40 - 6211 10 - 1 T4ll/- v --,1,.1:aa,4%.4i.1.7440`-,F.,-• ' ,f:144.44,4;:rtitref1tZt,,715,11;e4.1114C15„ ~,,i AmialaP.‘ ll . ' .. - . 3. t..t,i a .,.4..i::,,1,,,,,„P - ; - eir;u1,16;•:1, 1 ' ' r. '" , f , 4iluiiiii 11)-11#;,74,F.,,-...i 4 3 , ' -- - • 0,-.Z....1-- - 4ytZkAt`',',!;,.-77;,' , 1" . , , ,k, .itoes,.igirocii, - ' ' 'itilianAKlN-110111L' 1,"" 400 ant WU, 1,11"14" AV -1101311 . k : ' '" x e - ' ''.; ,*'Zi. ''' ' i ' .. ' '-`• F ,4 g i utip Op! !Arl ,IRM','2 , - ''' 'V re.,%; ~1,, ,i , , _.yiklitr.ttn! v ol l ". 4 4,, to'-`.... ''-'1004114-iiilo44o.,T•tt to sf*..lo.:o*.stilri.---,L.1(,: ~-.1100-ibt:".'fiii4.o-4;iir loetitAkiv* ittg.-317"..r:, ‘.....-. -65,101,Milti..ktgri!!ZmillICt fritiPitii,a3l:4?:::4*- •- + -40-0:-,1",r441,V5itiii-',2671; 'l,, * ;•-••_7l'-', II ..-I:''Lf: l9ll .-''4 o r :.7. '1 1 1,1:1 M ;11l i'-' c''irt,, , :':::, !hie .'-'':-.;.1L":1;r",:fd;5.4,-,M,..-k.loix r 6O lei;, - .." Ls ism '-'-'7;4..V440;i4 t.:. 26} [ 1,vr e igia , i45.14,0 , 1 - qww ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ...,..4.1...._ 4pf. -..- In,. p0ug0e,,,,i,--1,7,,- . ~ , • - '4 , --...::- ,-111-1.- 401:10601:igt;''' s ' 'Bll.O - • -"Sig i ltii. . 000 . ' - '. 2 - ltioil -*V4:419 , 1. - Alit4p:.,;: r ; '. - .•8 , 0 - - .t . 'R''' -l ' ' i tr:.' ll. 4l' - '"' '- a. 4l ' -- o*, ~,, I .I .' . - ' 5 :- , - - , , ._...Tititlii - --' l "4 • 'taini t ' ~ , , ' D'l 4 -t-• Joe, I, . Altivo I* ~ . • 1 %4A. !irm f ift T.PuVA!;_; * ta lr. r .l.oi;-, 4 4 %; I'l- ; 2tr_VcD;X:. 7 .',,14:1'77; 4,„.,,,T„0v„:„14.4 , ,,, l,.;:-..,,,-:.,,,,..:1K,'_:,itrlit-POP.F,!Wd.oPlp July 2 i ::. ..;-, , , , : ,, , , ./ ,, :nax.D.8A,Api.r.., ,--, .t 1 ..- , .., , 1tr0f01iw00 . 10.1 - 1* . :1-q - :.imi iica Itiii444 Fr'r. ,- , 5 itje. 1" °-;-- '...r lii k:';V!, ll 7. ACV 260 9, 1 9 4 f 0 A -CI - ' COX r;lt i likNti;r:i.? l , l l% if i f o qc.t.:!: ..,, 1 0 12 2 1 0 6 ipi': ''._ ' • -rj.;-, 4046 nrre6fr, 10,2,44- - 'oll4 , :tiiikiiillif 4 4 . .- .., --;': WY ila ociaill, JsitX , Azikliso , .vec't - .1. ,,., --'4,)i - - '' - ` 3.34e4 / 44 . 41 .1t 1 0 1 , 1445 34 -.26llleliCeieli,ii . s" , . 7,46 fSo eitrtitrAloili - ,1 - .. /11)( aocir is, oiti.43:-*--(‘ 1 , :•113 - I: 9 2:l4P" , :itt i f r011i1 ° ,i ,. . 4- 4.40 - ''''" ) ‘: =-F.7l'.'-',44',,_1 dor:: , _ . 62,i3#tlii, f' - ;1,1;;4-,1*-V,-; - :leilit igAdtY;:iii-A . ;:ii;2o , -.; rlillif4 . lt7dis t o'. - e - 1.1iii.'34 , - -.rfri;iristit-it ,-, ,t4llPil .. f.' 01t.o.iiiiiiviiimi t uok., ! t,,:-.sid-.-: , . ~ u 0 .:. ~,','-: d .,_ --- ' - : ;, !`"t - 1 11 .*** 1 4:tii 0 _144;:iiO 4 .,00: 2 40ii0iiiipii ) jiiii , -:,'4ool;z:,ialtkogliffii - Viktildiitattiabiii,,aliode4ii ''- -4 fiqiiiiiiietti:ViCilitie*Vliiiit - af ligiiiiti ,,wt.io..4l,#:istfo,lo:4so44lpni:lllinitaexted'4o'9*, ; , -*•o.4o4:l,l4o:itlikWePi - aii: 6in**l:canP; r,'4 - i4.***A..70;1" ? :# . 5 ,0 *sr.sii/***.ilical , iit: '-' -- - - _2liiiidi4ill4l3liii'4;iiiititilf4Weiiiit jitilik*r- it ;-;: ‘ PCilt*OSiii i it : .444* - filialooinsii,, , ic - - *.ltfili#: - (:#l4*4 l o*iiiiikifi'i , iPiFftitit . i. -- .;i4#o4###Qk9o4orooo*. , 4ii.OA.jiit ~ , -,-.4hitro, ftriittiiiMMiligiviiiiii,V)Riline*sih' ..i,--; .-,,,-- --,, :4--,, , -..-,4 - ...#,. -, , , ,,.3q , ,....if.-4~,,7 4 .. , ,,y- ~, : 5 "..0‘, 0 , A; 91,i:11:141431P1;kfs,P5171i.:9:fkotoilcyak - ,l,loi4otiiioi, ,, liiiig,i:iioiciiiii4oitilt'itii - 441; - t:- - :, -- : !:"<iiiiiig*it ti.ClV.4lo.44l***oliti.. , :ol*A4' :- --' , .airi*iii.ilo4s4::jitFiitolli4ciititiielf4iiiir a: ;A:4 - 60ifiiii,c,i,itiiiii0iii: Wliiii:iiiitiiiiia ','. --: Y.--:-1 - o*/§l):***TiotAiitr*f - 0},46411m.. fy ig i'.;:j467l44ol#l***iiiii)iii4fiji:.:.6i7iii ti 1# 4 AfKlitirlii*Vl#44-'ilgiii:4- ti : :0 0 00:**6 -76 : 6- 46 1 00tivs.7401ii'llieikt 46 , ' z,•:,:, t‘tyi,,444,ti_ooACl.4o4.Tlf , *lz : _#4cUttlik 61,'- - '' .. .' l 4cllW#C*l*4o" . iii#`4 , ;F; trAtigoi** 4 ',*l' i 2;i 4 re),,,,4:4l.l4o)VWieiti*ii*if.,,fitkswijo'ito •:,:ti;':',-).fie*-'lt44oo,liikit liKti:.A . , - :',4iiii,ii - -iiiAiid. - .heAtiftlyw.2 , , , k4oNliviiiiikAAiffi`iiilfiiitii:liiri 3 d t : _ ,;,i;:00.-,,:tifio-Aiffikih,iiiiiiii4ihiE,Iiiiittiiitefor.: i ( _- - ,.„::!jefirA.:#;:.)oi(Ffpifl,4,4lVlO'dii-4106,.1 4n, 1 , ,_ '_ P4O, -- ; 7 -*Ao4lif*Olifriir,)klii , : - *p'. 2 liiiiii k.,;:. • 3iielogoit'Ag4iiiiiiil - #oltpe'., iiiioiiis: , - ; 7- :: - 90#)01001100000k#44044.4.147iMii 1,:: "i 'lo' . loo-)lrflOixOkiloiiiiisf:rippk'fie)9l - #l*;`; " * bYiii-.-Ot*,:'t:':oSiil4iiiiiixteifiiii:a,44o4#;"rnig***kkiVili'ifto:itti-0161V',-; :-4#4:li3iiogiii**Aeg*44voiw, ii E,-- , , -- - - -, , i, , iiiww:*.piii: - 4,1114,45idied..* tviiiio44 ; :_:..: 4 ;:•iti - A4tiogifi,: , iiiiditietigtiii i ili gl y iiin , 10 ,I.k4 . ,:; r ertkokii4 , 4*::ebeiir. heed' what --, o:',frieigpiiiik, - so*reitii* ,--,': .• 1 - 1.-.... ~,, -- - A oislooso*.ol- 4 4iiiiiir.i.iti o'_tiiiiiirio:' i , -'..!- - *Aptlitiino AO.iiiititijetitzti afiiiipi) to w or 14;, f - .' - ' , .:*l - 4,lllreilieF.+Aiti4;74 ,- thi'ii"'liii - 4iriiiiiiiiiae,.. -, , - *--0f5.74 1 :;;1V5? -,,, :•-' . , ---,,,,- -, 1.-:;l:lS.Oititailiatioj Q4kiraiiii7OW)otg:', k' , _ - ; .4 *4oliit4(o46:l`o44*** l,l ol l 4 , oiiiii)*= :fiitiolif'oWikiNokiction Mani hire; read, :--4•,-',:.:4:.',' #gl-I.Me A l.lt #1i41i1ii:.4 . i.4" i - lio# 0.41Ai iolgk 4 lliocfi4slo:#oJr.iw-4i4'i r4484'. tlll2liiie'.,.s:"(vo.l!4. 1-: : -, tlkvit ( tii , c 4 ef t gikiiiiiriiiii:filw i — Wqflitfirt l 4 , 4lo4s* l *liife*l* ' l4# 4 ,deiifQoso.-T4444 **a 4afa ,i'`U iiPisi 4'iii ilfiiii . ri P i - Zir . - .: 4:; ~t t., 1l ——ibZ--A44 t' 5 ''1 44 ' 4W, ;(0 04 0:*4*0 0 ' , *41 66 t% V i44l####Al oo74/ 0 0 *0 44 g i t , ; '''''ko4t WAif*iil;-,ofit4ee)i, r#41.1.*,ti , ;-:1;;,..:7 4 .- ;,. - ,=5.,.!:::: 1„. : , ..: , 'kl.-:±,.- , : ' ' togto, i o.4lo, ,!ble!##,Or:- .4 4 - 0 ~ -,', ,,i lg'"_. , 4kiti. 0 orlorit::sieoling to i .-- ; • ‘';i'Aid - iilikibliiirgisil , :ooo4;?4iiittoiorp)*. :0,411f~(44.K,01.064:1016' s-,lo,lo;,that ...,_ _ 5, - ;;;;„,, iikti.d;'Sfbe Aili; ,. espeoted t !relit Catoutta.• - It has , been learned-dist on the 3ierylrl, of xLgasitti.#-- yarn,: Who bas for some time pest beint'acMiltted - Id.'the 'Carlisle prison-on the charge of laidnispotnit; halleon-felenaed on bail.' Itis:ea,eps4d,€rthiellie'treittar will be arranged' hafors-,oottrf,, bfsh. ratniu:or negroor, and' the Withdrawal, of - pretteisdlags against their cap., #ore . (N. S.) 'AniMal 'loyal/le a'ao ark measuring thirty - feet inlength,beoame entangled Milt, net of a toiler- Mae.".neirL tbat.plade'soilte -days, sinee t and was ,Seyirhe...,.. The; liver of this monster .glief two Oriobeont.' • • • • - ie.a great . de- Inaba: for'reiti4rgita ili'Lrriotaiurgella., at this limo; 'and thelisputtiearkof. that, city says a number of easily 'lroottre ;employment,'„ at good A X 14201 AL atitairitOplOatikw ite'lleci fo'itie'aulto‘htti:eriterpriiing:lldeteetioner. 14; gitePheill.Artateita, whose popular establishment Ilt NO:IMP Mister *bast, to - notice the fait that he Waa - ulty an enviable name for the main; facture ot the 'ficent.itentecillonery. produced ; :itt this orattri -- :Mtit eilstsetior are eliciting golden opi9foos Denial! who Die thern:li-dithe varlor waterlog please of - note; the pracedente Of, ,Whitmaren iiiituterforry has :tiacibmefi-inglimieneable as 13•11.0 and bathing houses- - lit4.tl•Utio City, Mr..=:Cumintogs,' druggist, !tear the litittedlitatiaMotel, - Wi Learn bp% - eitirreappeditatti, Is llitdtq~ieopitanilyincrertogdam , ' rot' Done Warne liposiebratidi halo Mr. S. P. *hit ttiLict'epreparitioas teteeiati; that- scjinivers it summer iwitertai i i.make ttlavatittit - ,lceutni In' idvailoe whither. Dint ate kept * . :Ahe G plOi t a they ate alma_ to obit „Ephrata Mountain id' fact at most of the i. loadlig - F , -ZATelly,V;;Litilig,_ 401 - , 711111: MILLION.-012P! on." iiiniteenitrititi, we ire pleated to latiDilliteri; stliplyteg of visitor's at Cape 14 4 a. With hiitiniritabla_ bathing roball. with which lit ha, the Dams of. afro hint come to be a *yowl= - `Nom 'amsoiints Teo - Ival ,hire deity, ce l e brat e d es. Is Caret ie . eswintiat ti' the *Wirier of bln aplendid aforar.ht !hie eiii;lia.`lloo iiiheeket-itreet;:a less hope' , tiat` . ..tiatieref, to thellratient .11uslitest operation; of our city;:itatAteider three* there daily, to At themselves illOsnla bathing, robes ; aril dot Ak!ollittill ) 4414 little whits, inch it thil jtreatiartii not improbable that bramth establishment 'eel liekeit --• oi , -,Noiritilt,eirr'l4ti , other l wordt;thofa . 1 4i 11 ..li#1 1 1 . 0 . , Yritd:Zilitenkiiios Crayata=ooli at the ,bar No - etti Chtistont street, neder• lierijeieee6a hie e.er nes thelloieedY 'onion tietabliatommit. for euseythiag. ~irk can 4ivara.leh!emeais par fo : "7 7 Biwiafa'pMAblllici t:-Of all the Sewing ma £ebitiei.[hatbase fat to the ytibite;aot -Rik beat corvainditir Wet notion that °emblems more - ds airable quiltineokliertie Boudoir," for tribal mc".. B. D. Dlikiii — lf9:l2o -Arch a - Diet:ls the agent to this 'city. 'Dor, beauty, oheapriro,: ease of operating, Aied: rfaw — K<lTAtid4m Baheer'e Neer 119$91,D9:tikPiespiditieed,4iircatlyiPPiiallii front; pine, ,wliLlet.eperiett ea blandly usxt, with a grand pat? iletlon et aTerithtng • . ' Loigwortb, telajaciatetfaiDiteheiiii was sittiag on the liter id a driniiligiblintn,u4iiii - Gr ' dly, with his hat between big ",,a 'thong', :wino • passing 'lmager drePped ail:inter:into hi. hat, thinking him a beggar I 41.1901 preens' iipplaracted ii said to justify the infer ior that he doci . not cialetoi"nett of iteethul ',l4l(etli,l4l:`,.fittii,4,'o,okoptii4iiitis4eot,,abare Stith. Guluitir intro *IIIE 7,1111 T PASSION thiieby indnotog them to !c -ovet-011,1r iciiiaer• in , doubtful etoete 'sad blaireous en. tiiirlins tho.ktopp:of rapid going, and ,itlthidepriosion- if trade and bigtfielill, generally lore. goid If IP pridegis, ,, Ats*llifor j•akirliliprotita and be iecuroegainat Minion in view (tank not great rtrti,--"a' t h ereby mvil Mat: ithity'dipnitt tbeirlittaany'bo reek NO. lad "ii;ittlelottittif,Gbeat;' which palCe*gleatand with .ftre per etat:ta: twist. ► pd 'ligkst , ilitittsdtd - trii Dee advortiseluentl in -eietisereekictiey: nn , n „ „ ',lie - elan:it be:temperate ;be prudent. ' ~ ' Esy- 7 !inir- O lotitie of E. ff. - Eldridge's o Old 'frimitlin bll2obietnut Ereet, "Y) is dispoeleir bf,biteertireitook of beautiful summer elotednuproperetorpitn :itinurring Into bte nee` and beatitifal Acol..,tstlers &anti with fiaxeri band, kvsoei- tisli • - • , ednvlnee others that the . . • largest dock of atectat le not td be iktrietl at Of plOttatitorifi of Granville Stoke's, No. 007 ' • • •. -• tiotilienieT*ll'Towessed,, days Sewn flosten;with es te Swag, Brier les „4. ' - , Ontii. Chaim, ?likely, dy n *don, with ankle WWelliolt ".• " BOW 1 1 6- ithr,ilittla, - M 11 :7 . 0k 6 '42.7:81r0m Truro, in bal. -- ' _ Boas di, dye from Nee 'Yolk, tO,OOOtqlk. - - ;:q-dolttleuver-Rooot;yetir • 'Pp 'from - Roston, In ,bociottio•Nolde,;Thoomott ' Bohi G' WI Mob doii lona Portsmouth, In r-Sytroond ilookloors, 8 doll from Nii• York, lit% *dee Virojrallic , ' • sebnyloli - -Etomerscl , dsq,-, trot," Pedtkoktoivoi *ChOoro4OltA ' ' :I , 4ltroph, 'GI, tot. 2 : Ave Irma 'Camden, Del, 'wltivimoirikild'ooMa ra Xsii Soo:. dobr,zoltia 8 'Wo"pres; Worrell; 4 dor from ' !talon Rt. Teri-Dot *Uhl earn to JO I Bowloy d 4 Co -4 . ; relrr COldin'tiate,'Aoone,l dOy from trOderfes, Del, witiewheikt to aj(fiewlapt !JO. • • , „ - (Goireepo2, 4 anisof the PriuJ • - - " NNW' TOIC. JUIT. ft , Airtvikt. eslpWdfLattsbee. trorii 9sßsl birkbolden 11111e,:fioin'Asihitiws2; Abbtritiniogi'truavreas. •••• •t• 4, ! • • Benton. 'July . 21, rHrsa trirkir)3.ll Stetson. front ti eornSwiet Theo dore; Curtis. ftinn Mateiiss; Sobs 18 Msere t from do. 'illeloss; %Mid SidttitsdA,m Port ast Prinati polars:l s front 1111MOttetrAi. , _ _ . ...BtoreetWV.,Neetookllellew, herto, arrived'at N York yeetei4sy_.• - - Ot4llktrAlirt'Anncbi eleitiett at'NeN York yeeter: day (Of iliers„ , ,),.„' :;,, Ateteritakey" irdorectit, alieiel at New York yes._ 10 - e•142110 , 1; , . _ -- ,, Driatasktp „Weser, Daersenotteetred at Nem-York yea ' iitieji tor •Billtetell'' : ' " , oklf.":irito.'lltdride,'lretoe, attired st Oluiyragefioo ibettt.2othnlt Shill'Okier'••Plope; frolo'Dattlieltre Yor pea ipokeol7tk-itit. kit 80 40, looylB 24. - • • ' „t:Drfir Phitieoletti:•Noitiet,tripo - Dardetea;irrired at New Yeit W-; Cy6eterilti,„Ltkottoultioyorte2 booed to Phu .lidatik , •_. -• - r • Brig yltateiTpOiwell: from Pagai, arrived at N Yortiyeeteedere - _ Autetlea,Nekkite, foikkpidelphio, eras ailtobies , , Split 21at inev: Eater-W*Etiththead, Maa s beetle, armies at Salem 21st ieet:4 • -s e w typ ittalitoaki;Dieltree t Woocirtof beriec'far4l64kintr it . Dolmas'. Hole 20th last,,aad -'"Erdeff Ali* ilo2 l iNioY,lteifie for Diee-Ineinttil peteetoietti - surreet,"(tpte BeetoCtot:llittadelphte, :100tedliriii - -flokkeelple 20th that. • ; „• - tPektet Nartecioxesit.'Otiikeeeie tar vette* Hornet, iNairlayt friii•iPortland J iteeptiwnettet.. teeth. Derer; , titi, from Iltithirei! Note 21st n4O 3neker Lout, - 2161‘21 - st - • • - „ , 5-Fehat itraiier,Dteeketell. and; Elleoa,peels, for y iti- Reelefpbtailtitedithes New Dititori 2let toekf . - P • •Wbeger f )ratiei limited it Doettio yeaterday. rahrLieu ~ Day. beatoe. aerteed at NNeven net last. elottre4ht:ls York leetiodif 2ei'liateeetptrtie; , -; , _ ....-I..,atirrivetUritiattlittheteee tat:4o,6, ArrotteciAllivgkefr-fioet.Glargerr,.the 0y6161111; Irpritilthe °rebut troth•lthet<Tork, , the': ottemer Week. 'inittoo.o 2 4 l l44 4 2oo' , ltOth Petietrat, th e mother .1 - LEIN. 0, 1 ,4452W4 261 11 3, 9pri vo own oil cnisurnet • • •_ • VOA W4i 0 . 04 . biitt• '‘limfgtie tiNgi t - the( lintli '' - '-::::'..o.tii,Y_-_,,ltk, - ivii.' Brritlllt-'', - t6el; well!' Look well ! : , , , : - :: . _.;1,-,'- , .-,:i , ,_: , .'.lf,;:F `i.:;ifis.,‘„,:,.k,,'. ItMEMfM= 67‘ - ` mnyric, iotivott-s),l7TateimeaPAL-movo, ..-Ivr sto ors ivotqoiCtigo•litoiginta. .:iaraw:lo . ol4*.eitoAxtioistebiainf:Ahdai; Yntri, St/mita:- 8 Wood* . et Lows in MI eas, ,B R ADonstabls: N Y' -S,Wlll.lqlB, 01110 i.. . Milli flWaVae, - Ohl6 1410 Ke4ifyiobiot - ' John blorarland, Pa' r.ll Stoner.lderopkie Paoli Washbigton t iWnsTiftluppratd,lVY • • T-H Brodsky, Mo - 0 eltfaDonsid, ...„ Win Et Orme; Wes Sarni RO,stralt.' ,- • Milton Wilson, Le, Gent B A iihrieffut, Lino- L-Perpert Limo - 4 • M J - NnfPall, Mies B J Munger, Miss ' JP'Cloooks,-Va - • Bent Y Buse, eltton Rouge Jet,_A Vitals& le, Vi - A Bokell & le, Pa H white, Indium, Ps W Moue seqa. Bill ThettnPlimet N P - - • • G_W larbati, Ohio • Lilly, Psyetteville, N O B craven, N 0 ; W;il buttroth, If 0 , AIN Colton, N O - itessitn,, .D D Plowed, Washington P R.L Uardenbergh,oldo 0 anal* Tenn DO"Oroati, Ark 4 Hinntisou, Vila • Mia-B Buford, & Aqu i ,T D liamilVat, In , • 4401,40, No, jet McAuley, Pittsburg „M Aliso, KT W_Fr Wyatt. Balt bald P Brown. Pitteburg-; J M Bytter & ia; Harrisbg W Pains, Jr, - Prov,B,l , MowteurN ' Alex Hill, ItichroonCTS • Thor L Finish, V. KM Bogen:, N ' 011 Brosnan, Lancuster 3' Bottling, NO., -Thu X Brown fr.. wf, Ind Xi ea Davis, N AlbstWr Ind'P W Newton; NY' Stephen Mlggiurin,Boaton 8 Higslosonar, Boston -W, X Woods, ,Terst — T McCormick. Vs Ohio "0 Biltmerii,, St Louis It X Stevenson, Richmond LA egareatry:Peten bug W A Muir, Petersburg W,M D 0-Wright, Balt Mrs Hanley, Balt May;Palt Dr Mint la, BO iT.Wattiult 1, gO ~ Id es Parker, ,S 0 , A 1407. fir . - Mrs J Oostou, Wasistn, If ?Maus, Belt - Wm Hiekok & la, NY • 11111RORAVITO-HOTEL—Vourth atutet. below Ara': B Bruit • , P Hoffman. Texts T retinas, NY W B Sterrett, Phils B Law, Carlisle ' y y pour,,N Castle, Tenn Robt Tame, Del ' John „X Scott, Trios Henry Solomon, B 0 '• Oboe I Temple, N Y Sarni OA/unhurt, N Y • " John R. Booken,cubsi Roulet' Ileister tr. fa, Ps P Townsend, Y Artnatroing, Pittsburg Joe Wolfe, Pittsburg Stevens. Norfolk, Ts - J W Gilmer) Ye Beditty, Conn „ ABIRRIOAN ROTlL—Cheetwat et., shave ERA, H Smalley & la. N Y RIO Smalley. N it W.ll,lMuter, Ark • J A BIT PwnDuey Taehill dr. la, Md R N MoVelgb, Oape May .7.:V Hickok!, Newark ' f-xt H tayre, detklehem D Bees, °beater oo A N Meg, Del o il y lAN bleHeowelt la; V, T W co boa; Va 3' 0 White; Pottsville • Ai 10 Stages, Vs John 8 Pel6y 4 Balt W M Jamison & la, N Y Ries if ellmore,ll Y Bill. More T LINT &la, B 0 khan B L 80ott, S CI -Alfred T - ' JONIS , HOTEL—Oluatautftrent, above BIM, J.H.framii, Reading -` - Th'io' Weed, H Y tl Blest', Balt 4 ' J Buckley. Balt - • g Kaye, Wheeling 'W - 11 Lawson, BMA 'J Y Buehlon. Phila W Bpalding. Weft 0 J Lewis, WsehlogtoW - 11 V &mem Germantown Henry Hart. LOUlatille Geo Agry & la, Heine P W Newton, N Y'' H Chase, Bangor. Me , Thos Zeene. Washlnginii Laliobglieder. Wash, Btoie. N Y iT.kbauka Y -Tbss ZobaroiS, NY - eyeks, ' Hsew King, Hass ' Wsllfir 3 Balt J Pasker,Psbrldence - „ . . STAY'S 'UNION HOTNL—Market stranst.'above Sixth. J D:Oreivid & wf, N Anse Conrad. Atlantic. Olt, Jae Harter, N Y -,‘ Jae Renew, N Y Wm Lowthen, Newport- Jag Denwiddle, , J Oilman , East Liberty Gm R !rough/Ws , . Pa I' M Smith, wf & eau Mrs limith„Wrlghteville ' All Scant, Wrightsville Chas, Smith, D.. le 0 Hel•kal, Atlantic 01ty G B Megirgle, Mifflin • , W J Stevens, lowa Gee W cedgewlek Pa 00l A Holton, Pirtle .N R Black d:-Is, Columbia R tedwick, Usrrlobl H W Bilour, Dealing Wm McVey, Harrisburg W A Wearer. mmiutowa - B P. Mayer, ,Phila" - _ 'Kirk New, slissbeiktown If Gilbert , 'Harrlebiarg' Wm 11 Young, Reviling Dr 8 Mitchell, N „ . -• UNION 110T1L—Arch street, above Third. - ..thorns Morgan, Mass W G Reed. Obsinnereburg I M Veld. Milford, N J Ino R Broffy,Ta. A !filler, Pa. Chas Pelts, Pa W Maxwell, Blanton, Pa M M lists, Baltimore _Bawl Rablosoo, Ti, 0 Jackson slmira, N Y 'P Uhler. Tillsrssille. PA I B N.y. Window, N A 0 guppies., Claps May U. Tones, Phil& L U Edson, Bristol; Pa L t Allen, Bristol, Pa N O Hayworth. Oonn W P M,rtoa, & la. Ohio J M OotilnlYeriy, IA eh, 0 N Rhatnn, pa 0 id. Wall, Pa John Eisler, R 8 Natation, R I . J Groehen,Rtahmond, Ind IN Neel, Ille&mond, IGd NefflioNAZ HOTEL—Base it.. above Third.. P Bowman, Pottsville W Samuels Ps T U Jaaob7, tonisbarg B Itobeson,Wilkeaberre J Power /Ole, Woodside J W Bartels SO la, Pa Miss 0 Mover: Woodside Miss: M Welsh, Woodside 3 W Mont, &idol W Reetsoyder. Pottsville It a. Tb ***** ollentoirn B P Wittosn, N Killoser, Wok ' • ' Bleerisb, Debeern Bon Wood, Ps • _ - W W Riebarde. Phil& H Bintioh,Lebenon. H J Bendier, Pottsville _ B Wallies, Tanasniss B P Keever, Reading irltdl2dLlN HOURl—ollettotat et.. aboirs R H Wilson, Pa- = l 4 Rhoades, N Y AM' WWII, ' ' ' Mrs Menai, N Y ' W 8 Jeisas, ' T Maley, Canada JS Blearvelt, II 88 Wyoming " - • DOHNIIROIAT, HDTIL-Blxtb street,, Om Chestnut. kationti;Oheiitir oci T Crifillthe,Wlluen, Del W Wi.i Igtee Nate Wise W U Butpber, Plena Me Ogden, Del oo .IW•ston, Yoel • hire Roberts & 2 Olin, N 8 T,Browo, Newish/in , Alex Mode, ,Ooatesville lesao - 82esh, Chester eo street. above Moll ides Efobine, N Y Hobart. Bridgeton W Hokum;N •Y„ T Piper. Meßwenevln. L Omer, PaokeveHarbor- Luehseffer. York. pa, ,Eloo W Barns, Ohio 0 Ilegeobruthißeiton >s Yeeohlld"OluY, 8p - AM-Rookie* et. eon, B P Willis, Prov. B Y , Blihrt Mott. Pa .1,11 krodt,'M Obook . AL. Butler. 800.. Nelson Beaat, , N ° 7 Mr Lena, Wilm, Del SLAV& NINA ROVIRL—Third !rt.. Above 011lowhIN. t A BAxtbri, %mbersbilig !,1P }lido Vans Haas IP.noer. Hartsville '',6twin ll•ust, Neck Poi Liblgh Duper Boadg, Byberry dilates* 1411; BANdliabsm -- 14t,c0 glee:anew, Obse,TA•, 4.114001,a11141pice ,_ • , Attars Oanowhill. Pa - B Vanici.Oblo N BRUT. Irieman•burg Jolla ,Ta &Roy. Berke, 'Jos Beshaiaa, Nothleksai , A Bander, Snyder co, Pa BkIDWA.4I,II-4kitd.st., above'lllollowhill. 8 Smith, Fortkimpton oo Jos Wleibolsor tr. la. Vs Ohsn BichoribOo. Books co John Moore, L , COMIng 60 Booj Bmitk, Potts oo Pk Bsri Beans, Books 00, Ps Tsvid esiplo,Bpringtowo W Yee bomb', Oaks am Pp Wm Ystatlet, Lehigh oo 111 Vr.doriek, Pottsrlle liperiat Notices. Great ittdaistleD in Prices of mummer INWAT WE(J cool, by dreaming cck:)l in garments suited to the present hot weather. D.) not waste money on extravagant, high price Sommer Cloth ing ; but go to WHIVIM&DL, whero'goods Me always meld at - low prices; b l ip particularly . new the prices are 14/ greatly reduced. in ,order to close-411s present With the few The reduced p ire is marked in plum figures on each garment, One plea, but that a low - prloe—a system that snits all sod deceives crone. The_ lowest asking, Wang, and'salling Price is named at the outset • • AT TUN OSSA? WITITIS HALL, St - S. W. corner Tomtit and Market streets. -' A Daty.—The preeervation of health is a duty we o*a not only to ourselves, brit also to those who may be dependent upon ne; to those with whom we may be assoolated as relatives or Mende. With a due consideration for this. those or rife d with Dyspep 'fie, Ner-Sone,Dsblllth Weakness of - the fitounigh or Digestive Oigane, will Cad a never•falling 'remedy in 1100FLAND , 8 GERMAN BITTERS, which osn be had of soy drnesist or dealer in medicines, st Id cents per bottle. - nleo ; ',the proprletote, Dr. o. M JAcEsoy 130., 43.8 Audi street; Philadelphia. , It -'Greyer lc Biker's Celebrated - Paddllflt sowmo-zsounfas. .-- new: r etwine As *apemen relate, ice 01116TION PhiIiADBLYI/In. - a of the - three prominent Mieldnee now before the pliblin;vii.haVe used twe; end carefully watched the working of tke third, end bone:illy believe eltoVl3ll BAlllilloato be the eery beet we have alon."--tDels were State Reporter. eafkly Semen's Saving rand—Northwest Corner of BECOND in WALNUT liteeete.—Dopostte reeelied In small, and large, amount', from all cluing of the oommtunity t sad allows interest at the rate Of live per cent. perannum., . Money may be drawn by cheeks without lose of in. terent. , Office Open daily, from 9 until 6 o'olOot , and on Mon day and Flaturday.untll 9in the winning. ?reeldent. Franklin loll; Treasurer and Feeretary, Charles E. • Sicvlissi drund.Nationici Safety Trial Coin: OAS r..:—Olui_ rtered. by the . fltata of Pennsylvania. . -". "Miner is gi over] day, end ' fn any amount, 2. PITS ORR OSIM. interest •Paid. Dm money from the day Kis put In. a. The money is always paid back in SOLD whenever It is called for, and without notion, 4. Money to received trout 33xatutors, Administra tors, Guardicnio, sod other Truat4s, in large or 'until sums, to remain a long or short period. Tha Money received from Depositors to invested In seal selate, hiortgages, Srotutd Rents, and other first. alassneourities. C. OrdCo Open ovary day—WALNUT Eitzreei, 'nth west corner Tkird atrcat, Phlladolphia. apld - Sturrees liewlna ftlachine.—The event ',pis• hirity of these machines may. readily be underatood, when the fact is known, that any good female operator can earn, with en, of them, ObLISTILIOUSAND DOLLARS A 'YEAR, • To Tow Tapir; Seomotroon, Droormaker, owl *soh largo family In th4oonntry, *knot these conoldnon would be havaleible.' I. AI; quiet= & 00., 602 OItibTNILIT atm,. spBo-6m, O. IP, DAVID, Agent. J'nlie Mattel's neve Tooth Paste le otte of the most delletttol oomettes we ever caw, Imparting to the teeth a peerli whiteness, and roweling all estrum .. 00r matter from around their roots ; it beep the gums some end Wrathy, *reloads a I:witny Vesta/hoe . to the brestti, tidy or ' gentleman obould be Without It: tkild bi - all itrogrisitlGand by JULIUS flAtifiL to CO , No. 704 OgraniCir,iltreet, Phtledelphla. 31143:8t Ois•Pilie Within Of the Latest Styles, and made in the beet manner, sapressly for NITAIL SALIS. We mirk oar lowest soling pines in PLAIN /10131114 OA °Nob All geode make to 'order, are warranted satisfactory, awl our oar-ratan :51137111 'strictly ad hared to. We believe tide to be the only alit era . dealing, is thereby all are treated Like. 'JONES! & sygll4tialf, apt WARILIT ioreet _Elegant Spring and Sinanner. Cletatag, Rt InMIERT- H. ADAMS',' gontbeaet ontaer, Seventh and Market etteete. Habit Olothp Oatalmere, Alpaca, Linen s and t' rase Cloth Coate, is all the . Welt stylei. panto and Vega, In great variety, NU"' 'AIM - syncinio iroatrii. TO aueieiciiii smiatan AT TT/KNOB, RiAiolll/111WIPX101118. 3.0-fair22' , PETER -D• /OE ES, - REALESTATE Arent;sr.4 Meow , at Howe 4E4 Ctioundt , ti.nte flu to Store+, 628 Chestnut street; leo tbmo Offices in No, .464 . 00n1h Sixth Streei;" also. an , °Moe and -, thlid-story, Room, corner of Caveat& and Stamm _ jr2l3 Btee, ag: NEW DROP ,TURNIP SEEDS. , tirTtrele Top pap leaved, per lb - , 75 ants: White Tlal - butek Strap leaved, per 16,, 70 orate., ear pl( Top Enti Beta, pm; lb., 78 outs. And - 'au other oestriolo - - 871V781'. Nom*, v p. 12 Vai NAEXPtiI PRESSO;.-PMADELPFLtA, SATUR DA r Y AMY 28-; - On the 20tiktie Cherish or RI. ingaet ne. by , Rev.' Peter ,Oreae, &MHO R; DRB# to ,1,4143 4 MARTIAN, of Philadelphia. On the lith lostsot, by Rev -.Toast& H. Kennard. Mr. EDWIN NORREBT -REVIEW to MINI LILLY , At "the residence 'of Mr. J. E. Fox. Chester county, on the evening of 21et AUX D. 50009; formerly of :Columbia, and eon of Colonel Francis Boggs. • . Hie friends are recionitally Invited to attend his OA- Sepal, from lislievne Mouse; Oolotlitda,'Pa, at o P. M., July 23,, -Cara leave the depot, • Hleeenth and Markel, at /le M On .the 16th instant, in Salem, N. J., FRANCIS L. MACOUL I .OO.II, Diu., in the 68th year of hi. age. • On the 21st Instant, Mrs HaTH JOSEPHINE, IWO of. Thomas Hardy. aged 26 peers. The reletivint and friends of the family are :Med. fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Lendreth's Lane, below .111th street and the Canal, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, , * On the 18th instant, at Glen Mill. Mrs. PALLID A, AYIDSRAIN,arIdow of the late Captain Reuben Ander eon, of Wilmligton. formerly of Milford, Del. 'he relatives and Mende of the fatally are nitwit fully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from the Asbury M H. Church, Wilmington: thin (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice.- On the slat Instant, MATTHEW JOHNSTON. aced 'dß retire. - The relatives and friends of the tacitly are reaped fatly Melted to attend the funeral, from his late reel. dense. No. 1103 Pearl street, this (Patnnioy) afternoon, a'n , elocie without further notice. - To proceed to Mount Merleb Cemetery On tl.e Met Mutant, Mrs. lIANNAII JAOKWAY, in the 86th year of has. age. The frelativee and Meade of the family; also the mem bers of Prleodehip Grove, Nn 1, A W 0 of P D., of New Jersey; also the W. N. D of America of Cam dm, N. J are r. ineetfully Invited to attend the Amo ral, from the resideoce of her son-In-law, Second street, second door above Bosch, to-morroe (Sunday) after noon. Meet at the house at 4 o'clock. . . OW tbn 21d %stint, st Penn Hi:911)11d t ELIZA 120v0111:12. , -• • , The relatikes and friends of the family are rasped . fully invited to attend the funeral, from ;the residence or John L Phillips, No 21 North Fifteenth 'street, tide &Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock, without farther nO. VIO the 21st luau% Mrs. THIRESEI 0., Wife of L. dloolphiis ttplpin.. Her. funeral will take place from the resident's of her intsband, No. 1220. Walnut street, on Monday 'Morning next, at half.psist 8 &elm*. To proceed to Reedlpg pa. se On _the 20thinstant, MAR( RIM ELIZABETH, daughter er :eines W. and Prisollia Id. Ayers, aged 5 yea-wand 10 days. The We've'sa and friends of the family are respect. frilly Invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her parents,, Taylor's avenue, below Fifth street, Camden, N.. to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, et 2 o'clock. without farther notice On the 21st instant, Mrs. MARTHA !JAM - 11Ln% 'retort of the late :Mint Maginley, in the flat year of her age. The rehab See and friends of the family Are respect. fall/ Milted to attend the ?unmet, fism the reatcence Whet eon, P o.llsginlity, on the Almshouse grounds, to,rinsrrow (Sunday) afternoon .t 2 °Week, without further notice. To proceed to Mount Modish Oen-s -tir!, is On the 21st instant OHARLII HENRY, Son of Charles and Mary Roessner, egad two weeks and Ave darn,' . _ The * Sabbath as ry bay at nest.—llea. S y r DURO- Skil weigh an this snhjsat Irer MOHNINCI. at 10Valock Ohurola, EISITSR Tit Street. above Brown. ' It* 07. Piety Enforced by Poitceniert. or the Ittabt of the Ifsgittr.te to Compel Sabbath Ob oerriacee gooettoeed. ,, —lter. W G&IIIIIINX on the above. , to the °beech. NEW If &BEE; above Poplar ; TO MORROW INSWING, at $ &cloak. It* to. Church of tlie Covenant -.4.oervlcea In CONCaIIT:IIM.J., Chestnut, above Twelfth, MEIMOW. ( Sunday ) at 10 3 A. M., by the )ter. W. R. uaItEGILL, and 8 P. I& by the hey. Dr. 'MOW TON Beats tree. Its of i:Sabbath sermon on tbla topie (partly in review of Dr. Ilerg , a flotoonne Sunday morning) will be preaohed by Der Mr. ICALROI33II. (Unitarian.) It lIANDEL, aid HAYDN HALL ROM awl Spring Gordon Araks, TO•MOR. ROW (Bnrl.y) RV/MING, at 8 ci , o'ook The pllblla Invited Peate free. ayWart —lls the fearful and desolating war now - Ivens in Northern Italy to be compared to its coneftlnenees to the ,narpetnal war carried on by the Linucr dalliers of the United States, against men, Women, and children; against the peace acd heppinesa , of home ; in a word,'against au that is dear tomes fed 'time and eternity - Rev - JOBN 011AtIBAttil on 'thee subject TO•11108BOW, at 4 P. M, Church, BRAD AO BANCOM Street. Teat—leeleb, It chap , vs. 1.-8 Mia - hAlightful Heart-The Church of slUt NSW 114SPAMBN t', T. H. STOCKTON, Pu• tar, has rettimed Ito Sommer plin of worship in the owl of the morning. Service from SK to 10 A. hl , aS NATIONAL HALL, Market, above Twelfth. Seats free. Mims and Strangere tiordially invited. ' Special fol. leetiou for rout of-Hall. aye Union Tent,. Eighth and Wharton.—Lest Sabbittb Particles—Early Morning Meeting at 7 o'oiook Union Prayer Meeting at 4P. M. Preen Mug at tit P. M. by Bet. M. .1 GONSALVES, of San Eon sista, 0411 , ornia, and in the Evening at 8 • o'elo3k, by The Atm Mr. ISMALLON. Obtlarell'a destine thin ift#t to-u:at CX o'clock. Come I let ns ..orabla togetlist. lt* GZO. J. MINGIN4, tupt. The Young Dimes Christian Asslieintlein 01? PC IL a DELP HIA. Tbe stated. lifnuthir Meeting of Shia elimination will be held on MONDAY aVErtitill. July 25th, at 8 &clink in the TUTU 'APTIST 0111.7 IMO, Tumuli street, below Ninth., Ta tweeting eastern mita will be mode in relation to'i the proceedings of the late Convention at Troy. A general attendance of the Members is requested. ...Galleries reserved for Ladles Vi A breach of tnadinterate The lOW pn Or a 11 , <M1 imbibe.. bow they 'after The ott;i.n end brace his larkaala fresco and brace his laneold tram*, B.en lathe Mid eg bosom hi' the town ti But mere *beerier- and refreshing will be the Otean view .'et WHDltilliDalr next, July VA, to tikewerwhe participate in the IXUIJRBIO 4 at OHO ;AMP ItIaNDB LoDEIM to, dTLLNTI.O OtT!. Tickete; eau be pranren, from Colonel Mnokle. ;Miner t see J. - Yeagetal,‘Onstom Ifontat, Paesenok tos4 t Wm Mintzer, Third. abeve Arch ; 3: .o:Atkinson, Kenting'on t. 0- • hog. Ple cigar atone Feeler at , eat below Eierenth;tir et the wharf en the morning of the Moorhen. orAlai Excapsion 'to Atlantic Oily, by 011083 N EvDS LOWS, No. 100,. on WID- OhIDAY next, July 31 —Two lam !Mope toe BIA BAB Zi end the 7UI 14 WBSRP, be st the/ler viee or the exciosloolete free of alarm - • t orGreen and Costea.Ntreet Phlladelittla PAURNIEiNft RAILWAY COMPANY. • tInE6TB GOOD FOR A RUM 0+ WIZ ROAD•of 004 Company - are for nate at the c Aim of the neelettly 423 W aI.NDP I.troot; at the Receiver's Offles, Pair. mount; at the Gira,d Hoene, and at the Depot of the Germantown sod Nortlatown Railroad, at Ninth and Green, - ?Mee o.Oe Puller for a Package of ?treat:r ave. ' bISNDY BRAMOOD, jre2 etPeorrtart. , • TrOffice of the Frankfard and Sonthq•irk PHILLOELPOIs. OLT Y PAeStleglart ROL &11 0 shIP • fiY, Sinks (late Pheibam) Street below Poneh-I , III6ADVI.P9Ii, July 22, 1859 —The third. fa. , stelment of SIVA DOLL &RS per chore on the "• Shrip stook of the Company will be due, and payable at this setae, on or before the 6th day of AUGUdT next. jy29tand.2t X. HART, Treasurer, or. Walnut-street Land Coen obuy.—lthe an nual meeting will, be held et DILJOBNT HALL, (Tooth and Filbert streete.) TIIII:DAY lave.Nitto, 26th last ,at 5 cOo!ook. Blectlon of offieere will take place. Palle open from 6to 9 o'clock. Dime alio reeeived during tee evening. A general attendance of the members as re nested 1722 Bt* B. B. THOMPSON. Pres'dant. Statement of tho Union Bank. as required by the geoond Beaton of the Act of the Gene— irrl a7sembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 18th day of Ootober, - A. D 1867: Amount of Loans and Diaconate. $868,589 95 Do. Specie 81,032 20 Do. Due from other Paulo CO 02990 Do. Notes in circulation 85,260 00 Do. Deputies, including balances due to other Banks 281,818 87 PITILAZILLPHIA, July 22.1859. -CITY OP PIM/MEL Pala, se I, James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Dank, being sworn, depose and say that the above statement le *meet, to the best of my knowledge andbellef. - JAMB LICBLJty. 00111eS Sworn before me this 22d day of July. A. D. 1809. It P O. ELLlkialtilt. Notary Public% tab Notice to Stockholdere.--An Election will be held for Othello Of the ALLVGHENY le 0 LINT/.14 1110kLTE INe2ITUT It. at oanr.BON, on the non 31010/IY, in August, et 2 o'clrok. T. ELAM MOORS, 3y21-49t ' . &twenty. -Office of the West Praline.lphin Pas. 11,3 MOHR RAILWAY COMPANY, N W. corner of triVNIWORD Hoed and tOG r,N Street. Twenty foorth Ward, Peuxestents, 3nly 18,1859 —The Bond of Threetors of said Co. pang has declared a Seml•An. weal D , videed, of roua DuLLARd per share on the Capital Stook of the Company, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representatives, on and after the 25th lost The Veneer Books will be elored on and after the liih 'Want, and remain doled until the 25th Instant. jyl4•tp2s tt LOMBAEKT, eecretare. TrOff me Shaek n Valley and Pot 'villa sn RAILROAD 00., 309 WALNUT Street—Pnts.a antunia, July 19, 1959.—The 00UPOrt due August let upon the First hfortgsge Sonde of the PHILAD2L PH/A AND , ONBURY RAILROAD 00., will be paid on and after" that date, on presentation at this office, between the hours of 10 and 2 o , olook. /OWN L. tiODDAIID, Jr9.l. 22 20 dteB Secretary iriee Heetenyllle, Menton, and Fairmount PASEO:MORE RAILROAD COMPANY The Second Instalment of FIVE DOLLAIto per Share on the Capital S ook of this Oompeny will be due and payable on or before the 96th of July. f.Sg.tjv9s M. at WILTON. Secretary. gr. Office of Second and Thlrd-Stteete Pas- SRNGIOR RAILWAY COMPANY OP PRI , ,A. DisLPIIIA. 228 WALNUT Street, ,PZIILADOLPRIA, Jaoe 28, 1869 —A Third Inftelmentiof SIVA DOL LARS on eke* share of stook, etroond leen% trill be duo sad payable on 215th July next, ROBEIRT , RBLTON, 1624.frtnitteljy25 Treesntet. REMOVAL. SIBLEY, MOLTEN & WOODRIIIIT, NEW STORE, NO, 631 MARKET OTENNT, TWO DOOM BELOW SIXTH, OT., FORTS LUDT J08110=11.61 PB 0171" a OELEBRATED LONDON QUllaty Aa more euentlal In a HMI' Brush then in any other Toilet article. PBOU 881341.103, whe•ever introduced, here at onee taken precedence for quality of materials and for solesitte construction. he hair Brushes, combining a peculiar elasticity with the re.. 'Waite armee.. are toned to peso uniformly and moodily' TIINOUOn the hair rather than tonality and harghly.ovga it, thug sight; the prOper stimulus and conferment freedom from dandruff to the scalp. ekin without injuring it, and thug, too, !nearing a naturally gloggy, healthy condition to the hair Hie VIETH, Nan. and 00N13 Ditudapa are equally desirable also for their rypictive twee, all combining, m , I7emarkattle degree, completest neefullueas with extraordinary duce, bllity. A full amo - tinent of PM:TVA superior goods, Including tome entirely new patterns together with a large stock of wawa desirable BOSPEI sod PER FUMBRY, just imported direct, ram( and owning. 'For sale, wholesale led retail, by HARMAD & CO., APotheoarleg, j , 123 , ONEEITNITT 8 , or. of Twelfth St. .. MIRE UNION, AttoEl STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILs DELPHI/L. LIPTON UAW COMM —The situation of this 11014 n. te supelitorly adept4d to the wants of the Bee'nese Public; sod to those in search of pleasure, Paavenger Rillrowle,whioh rilw run past, and in aloe. prd'xiailtyistbrd s °beep and pleatant ride to all places of Interest in or about the city j 728 thn TI UE BEET 'L IFE-S I Z E OltdP/18 in 011. Superior Mlnlaiure•elee,Pho tographe, plain, or in water oolore. Ambrotypen, all WM and 'Oak at ItSINIBM3 Gallery, MOD Si., Oen goon, ltd Meatlis JOHN HEANAMAKIR, '. Oor. Booratory 11&933 AIMOVID TO TIII/R tUtpletale Mitt' ayobs. H O'M ki & - M A/1 217 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW OPEN, WOR THE FALL TRADE, A LARGE ABBOBTAINNT OP pRINTS. OP THE ROLLS:AVM WELL•HNOWN MAZ.B3 RIOlilliOND'S, ELARROP, RHODE ISLANDS, COMPRISING OVER Lb 0 STYLES. NEW WORK CONSTANTLY RECEIVING, AND• FOB BALK ON TIFEI MOST PAYOBABLII Mtn publications. • O. N SATURDAY, JULY 23, WILL' Mil roontenen SY TIOIESOU & FIJILDS, I. IDYLS OF THE BY I ALFRED' TOtifIrYPON, D. 0.. L.,, ' POIT LAT.IREATB I bol. 16a0.y010th..15 emote. ll. . • ELLBV mouoitteLsi oik Avrassrid soIIROIs SOILED BY LADY BRELIMY. 1 vol. 12m0., °loth, elegant 16 cents. 117 , - . Copies matted en rooolot of price THE BOOK FOR. THE TIKES. • JOB! PUBLISHED LIOTIPII.EI3 POD Tllll PLIOPLA. lit THE • • Reverend HIIDEI STOWELL BROWN, of the Myr tleArtreet Chapel, yveroool. 11118 T 81E1E8: ' • With a Biographical Introduction by Dr. B. EMU; TON MAOKSNZLE. • Pabliahed under , a special arrangement with the author. • With a splendid Portrait engraved on Steel, by Oar talo. One 7018818 /2020 , cloth. Price, St. (Prom the Liverpool Mercury • I , Kr. Brownie Lectures fill au important place, for *bleb we hate no other book. The style is clear the ep'rit is bled, the rca.onins careful: and the argument oacluelyo i and although naLzarotur they are not 800. Wills. but are each that would induce many person/ to attend places of worship. We are persuaded teat this book will render more good than any book of Set , ' =unser Lectures that hate been published in this Niue. teeoth Cenrury.i , ALL THE' NEW BOOISO; AND A Odin GIVEN VISE ELOR 11008, at G. 0 31'im8i8 Gift Book Natablietirrent , jy.9B 6t No. 489 CHESTNUT it., Philadelphia. NOW READY, TAN ATL iNTIO MONTHLY lOR AUGUST. Conteste.—The Dramatic, Element In the Bible; The Rom getter; The Mad of All; Birds of the kimht; A- Trip to Cuba; Daniel Gray; The Minister's Woo• log; Reba di Boras; .19noeleaus ; The &maven; My realm; The Professor at the Breakfast Table • The 'tail= War ,• Reviews and literary Notices; Table; American Pubiloatiorm. Tritue.—Three Dollars, per annum, or Twiinty.tive dente& number. Upon the receipt of the enbeeription price the Publishers will mall the work to any part of the United States, prepaid, - OLuise.—Por Ten Dollars the isiblishera Vill send flue copies of the ATLAVTIO for one year, the sub scribers to pay their own postage. Clergymen, Teachers, and. Peattniaterd will receive the work far Toro Dollars a year. Booksellers end Netivituon will obtain the term by the hundred, .ho., upon application toll's Publishers. PHILLIPS. SAMPSON, lc 00., jy2l.dt 18 WINTIIIL Street, Simon. LOVE. tL'AMOI/8.1 LOVE. 101ING•LOV21118 AND BUSDANDO. . furthermore, we bare given ibe book tbOrodes .exarolnatton, reading moat of It aloud. and now ear. neatly recommend it for general study (for it is a boot to lean from ), To young lovers, or rattier young Dew bands, we especially ,recommend it."—Newark Deily Adi(setieer. ' )f4B-.4t L°V.R.[VAMOUR.) • LOVE I, BBULNO lIKE BILOAD •, A 'eery bold book, and Its boldress is its beauty, for It is the baldness of chastity, of a lofty and tender um- Tke deniand for the wink in Paris was noyre• toclentsd; it lice bread, and was in the heeds of evoisbody."—lceir York HOMO Journal. ji23 aStt 1 0 _, [VAMOUR.] - LOVE. Isesiarran• 1100.1k.n. , • ‘• Liameur hes juskbeen trauslated,hy Dr. Palmer, fuel= the /molt of that most ertielte and enthnehistia writer` Miehelet. To begin with, the • Seared Oo °vete- Ma or the Index,' bas geittted it, thus elgualislng for it a most saw and general permel."—New York At las. jy2B.eat LOVE. LL'AMOME.] LOVE. NO OONTOADICTION AbO DIBOOTID.” t Oh! fore Book worthy of Woman! Where shall I god it ? A luny book—a tender book, but one which skalt not ho enervating; is book to streogihrn without lodening, without blunting her; which Mull not trouble ber with idle dresols book whieh abed not lead her into the ;mantle and wearisome of the Real— Into the thorns of contradiction and discord—a tasok tall of the Peace of Chid tt—tollobelottaLtAtooni. 23. alt 9VE. [L'AMOUR:] 20 000 to 80 000 90Yall18 .11-4 " A book balled Lows and filerrleke,' of which M. Kiel:islet is the %ethos. hes gained atilt atiOTO renown. Twenty to thirty tbonsaud costes have been sold within a few writhe. Most of tie women of lesbionsble so. olds hive read Is through.—Parts correspondent of the Meir York Observer. j721342t . 1 4 1.1YEs [L'AMOUR LOVE. BOLD BOCK " 4 c In inundating ShibaleVs very original and inter *Meg treatise on Lnire, Dr. Palmier has doe a bold thing, **blob in the eyes of many not ever-fastidious t erelong, will seem, we doubt not . too boll. But those who will read this book, with a just and catholicism*. elation of kis chides. will dad to it a treasury of thoughts, equally elevated and profound"—Nsw York Deily Time. ,iy2B sit 1111}3E SABBATH QUESTION. Phyal- A. - ology in Harmony with tbe 111ble, reepeoting the Vain. and Right Observance of the Sabbath. By TAMED MILLER, M D. 13 oats. • The = Christian flabbath ooneidered in its "Various Aspects. The People's Edition. 18mo. 88 cents. The Light of the Week or the Temporal Advantages Of the Eabbath roteldered in relation to the Working °woes. By JaUN YOUNGER. 18mo: 26 dente. Heaven's Antidote to the Cause of Labor. By s 'Working Man 18mo. Rh cents, Ths Pearl of Days. Dy a Laborer's Daughter. 18mo. 16 minte: tor sale by WM. 8. k At FRIO MARTIEN. 1,23 No. COO oIIESTNUT Street • •e NEW SUMMER BOORS. LOVE—(L'AMOUR,.) Translated from M. bilobelet'a peat Breneh work. The unprecedented sueoese of this last book, by the celebrated fdiohelet, la surprising. Bditioa sitar edi tion is ogled tor. Booksellers throughout the °Goetz/ are re-orderlag it in large quantities. . 4 Praised, by by sumo, and condemned by others, it is the sense lionl book of the day " A third edition now ready. Oae golume,l2lno. Muslin. Price $l. RECOLLEOTIONS oF TUE REVOLUTION. A Domeetio Diary of the aotual events which muted among a colony of the Inhabitants In the neighborhood of New York and Long island, during the War of the American Revolution, together with Personal Remini scences of Washington and Lafayette, never before pub. fished. Related by the daughter of a clergyman, and prepared from records now In the possession of the family of the author. Edited by Edney Barelay. .One of our moat distinguished historians remarks of thle volume, that it is the only history of private home events published, and is interesting OD this ascolint—all previous works being more or lees etatistioal aid gene— ral.; •This volume alms alone at presenting the occur rences and incidents which existed in ono neighbor hood: 12a10., muslin, printed in outline. Prime El. Fe 4 , 4% , :-. 4,• or - Araw za,v, a A new novel, of freedmen and wall-drawn oharso.. term, happily conceived, and painted with groat troth of detail w Ay Allan Hampden. One +(ohm, limo., Pgee Thew) Boehm will be neat by mall, roams ran, to any part tho United btarea , on the .receipt of the price, by RUDD & OA RLETON Publishers and Booksellers, No. MO grand attest, near Broadway, N. I. jelO•tb&ett CHAMBERS' , ENOYOLOPEDIA, (To be in eighty monthly parts, )5 Cents USN) Regularly supplied to any migrate, by JOHN re ()PAUL AN, Agent For Arrxsirosis Now OMPAIOLP Or or.orsDra, ARCADE HOTEL, 011E6TNUP. above Sixth. 3,14.tf WO Math* fra anywhere—if paid in advance. NEW BOOKS. L STRAIGHT FORWARD; or, Walking in the Light. A story for school girls of all ages. By Ludy B. Guernsey, author of 1 . /rlsh Amy? ho., fic. lamo. Illustrated. TO eents. HANNAH LEH; or, Rest for the Weary. Illustra ted. 45 rents THE ANGNL OF TEEN lON BERG; end other stories. Lluatrating great moral truths. Designed chiefly for the Young. By /Win Todd. 10mo. 76 tents. BLIND TOM; or, Tho Loet Found. 10mo. 00 cents. RISANaTH AND HUGH; or, Self Maitery. By Cousin Kate. Ilmo. 75 aents. THE WARS OF THE ROSES; or, 'tortes of the Stragglet of York and Lancaster. By I. B. Edgar. Il lustrated. Ham 00 bents. TUBRISTIN ON TON ATONNUNNT. Translated. By Wiltson. 12mo. 00 canto. For sale by WILLIAM S. in ALFRED MARTIAN, JOE No NO CHESTNUT Street. AN. EARNEST AND TD.OOGRTPITIA BOOR. LECTURES ON TUN FIRST , ivro,VISIONEI OF THE BOOK OF DANIEL. By Rev, William Newton. 12mo. 75 omits. p 051055 OP SBA rases: There Is a warmth of tone and feeling about this book which will make it not .unaceeptable to a large oleos of readers. Its practical earnestness and reve rence of spirit era high recommendations.—Banner of the Cross. The volume contains sincere and earnest exposition of prophecies.. The author's views are, in sputa re. rpaets,peculier, and are worthy of attention and con sideration.—Ameritan Presbyterian. The book is the product of a calm thoughtful, ear nest, and reverential mit d, and maitre annaultedwith profit—Freehytertatt Banner and Advocate. Post published by - WILLIAM S. in ALFRED MARTIAN, je2s . No. 608 CHESTNUT Street., STEREOSOOPES AND ISTERBOSOOPIO Notate', In great weedy.. from the London sad Parls Stereoscopic, Coe . or West importation. wholesale and retail, at the Sterol:ample Bazaar, 112 Booth r rouiva Street, below Obeatnut. )1221:1V11 N. AUXIN I OPticia. OnnumAties — ort4. ILIOLDZKOM - 4 '-HOOSE,". on ,BKII A.N4 3.1. Turn ng &oat, tis - nolicban. for' Ntd-totog:011f shifters. The gootabit r tfhttiog ass goodi -. ... pwst. Hetet corn's boat alleys welting at the Inlet the 'he; NOM of the tare, to MINT paw seders .. td.the house; they am go la aboiat forty animates. - • Pries of Board, „ it per week. , • 1y.12.12t* 7- . • • W: BOLDZEON. '- N. B —The ears start from Vine street it rg Ie bd., UNITED STATIS HOTEL, , - OAPS MAN: Thud Opaelotut and laterite report Of Miter/ to Caps afay haeyareed into the bands or COL: SAMUEL' T. HOUSTON, (Lite of Harnones (Oty Hotel ) ) - and will be Won% once to the stabile on MONDAT, the 20th inst. The long experience of the Colonel -in' this OOLONG. lion yeeallarly Ate him for the anorissfol emadneting of cook a house, while be will be supported by the very beet aide s in every department, that can be procured. The home heel been entirely renovated, and decorated In th6 . l:6oet gorgeous manner, and arrangemente,made for the suppling of the larder and the wine dollars with all emte aced in the tortes enbetantlel and ltunarlea. We can safely Melee vidters to give the Colonel a eall, and predict that hie boat of friends will be vastly tn• crawled before the lesion h over. SEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL, • OAPB 'NAND, OAPB - Thii goo large, and airy bonne in NOW 10PliN for I visitors. tis distinguished for comfort, lowslity,, s aud superior sonotontodationg, with ample room for NO.poz , sons. Terms moderato.- j02843W AARON GARRATBON, Proptiebir. FIVE PHILADELPHIA. SOUSE, - " ATLANTIC CITY, Is NOW OPEN for.the reception of Vlaitere. -Tbe nO l / 1 18 hoe been thoroughly renovated and improved, and great oars will betaken that an who may patronize this Hotel shall be well taken care of. - cOLLINE BILII'IION. War. OOLLIIII, or Beadiog.. Eon,. 0111P6ON. of Plidlida/011. jedMtn BEDLOE's 11.0TEXt 2 , - ," 6 ATLANTIO CITY, NWW Juan, At the terminus of the Railroad, on the left, beyond the Depot. This Row* la NOW OPEN for Boarders and Transient Visitors, 'and offers* amommodatlons equal to any Hotel in Atlantis Olt). - . dim last season, the chambers have been very much Improved, and reWered 'more comfortable by venetian blinds having been wisp at the window. Chantey moderate. Ohtictren and Berton - 4, bil6Priee ir3- Parties should keep their seats until She oars arrive in front of the Hotel. The else are conepidn jedd.am jy2B at • SEA. BATHING— ' - ATLANTIC CITY. CONGMSB HALL Outlaw open for ,the LUMP TION• OT BOABOIIig. and the intbserlber will be happy toleithia Weeds who may prior hinaprith their patronage daring the - lemon. Je26.8.1 - YHOO. O. GARNATT. QEA CONGIIIBB HELL, LONG BRLNOEL, N. 3., Will be open for the reception of 'loiters, JULY 4th. The Home and Furniture are entirely new, with ell the modern improvements and conveniences, and loca ted on a line with the National House. with - doe lawn in front, and within one hundred yards of the Wash. There will not be any bar kepti in every other re sperm the above home will be ,ffretelass, and the pro prietor hopes by 'strict attention to easiness, to receive emitintonme of that very liberal patronage extended to him through the lad wren yews. , Perrone whiling to engage rooms can do so by ad dressing WOOLAAN OTOKEB, je3o.lm Proprietor. BRIGANTINE HOUSE, MINIM SKIM, Proprietor, BREUNTINN BEAOS, N. J Thle le a mod delightful resort for families. The Bathlog st this point le unexcelled anywhere. A large Hotel, the' BBIGANTINS BOMB, bum been recently built. The location Is cool and delightful, being situ. ated between the Bay and the Ocean. Pine fishing and gunning throughout the 'season. • Terme IS_ per week. Captain Toretee new boat..tie Bea Bird? , awaits passengers at the Inlet on the arrival of the morn: lug train at Atlantio - City,, from which the BRIGA. 8188 HOWIE is situated a Malcom of three miles, being ',pleasant inland sail. "Pituengere will find Capt. Turner at Bedloehl Hotel, where they will leave the oars PostOftles eddrees, Atlantis City. JellO•tAld • - 131TOATO k. NHS' BUN ON WARRIOR - • MOON MOUNTAIN. This romantic watering plies, tire ranee - north of HUNTINGTON, Penns., has beta newly fitted end fur- Welted, ready for the reception of visitors, at the . fol lowing rates : $7 per week, $l4O per, day. Gentlemen wishing to keep horses - eau be aooommodated with good cool attentive and trimly Maniere, at low Wee. A daily nue or hacks will run hem the railroad sta tion, In Huntington. to the Springs, leaving on the arrival of Nichromeger train. . jeBo bin* . JOHN H. HERD. NEPTUNE , HOUSE; ' Ii ATLANTIC CITY; This POPULAR, and FAVORITE HOUSE having been ENLARGED AND REPURND3DED, is now thrown open for the nesison. Ito Rooms inn LAUB, and 111LIMAXTLT,ltraIIIIM111), with every convenience and comiert for Sojourners at hand. This House adjoins sißentosis,is on MABBACIGI. N ITTA Avenue, within convenient distance of ,the mot, to reach which broad and solid gravel Wind have been laid ont. It is adjacent to the Lighthouse, and commande a doe isle* of the Ocean and Inlet. ' Permanent and Transient Boarders aecommodated on liberal terms. Children and Servants half-price. je25.2m JOHN 13111011, Proprietor. • WHITE HOUSE, Lower end of MABBLIOLII7I3ITTB Avenue. ATLANTIC CITY. Tide House is !tested Immediately on the Beach, and promote every aceommodatlon for Vielten.-. Terme moderate. ' WILLIAM WHITIMOII3II je2B-Ira Rroprletim. QBA B &THING. DIM/MARE BOMA, Cape Mend, N. J. This favorably sad well-known Hotel la now open for the reoeptioa of visitors. Terms $8 per week. Jen ew lAbi3B 8111011AY, Proprietor. j fIONGRESS HALL, GAPE ISLAND, 11l CAPE MAY, N. J. This woll.known firstalass HEITIL will be opened for the reespUon of mite on tvialtogaDAY, the lath day of JUNI., WISP THOMPSON, 014.6 w Proprietors. 1859. OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. OPEN TO THITBRE SENKING . LIEALER OR PLEA SURE, I/ROA JUNE ler TO oorowia Ur. AOOOKEODATIONS /OR OVER 600 VIRITERS. TEM OHIO MITER WIXOM !WRINGS are situa ted in Delaware county, 18 miles north of Ooltuntnis, (the capital of Ohio,) on the Scioto river, 10 miles from Delaware, 5 miles from the White Sulphur station, on the epringlield, bit. Vernon, and Pittsburg Railroad, and 10 miles from Pleasant Valley or Springs station, on the o.,lumbus, Piqua, and Indiana Railroad. The medullas.) qualities of theme Springs are unser paned by those of any other Mineral Waters in the United States. . Vor Room, or other Information, address iIiNDRIIW WILSON, In. jeB.2m* White Sulphur Springs, Ohio. WRITE SULPHUR AND OHALY BELT' SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, PA., aro now open, and ere easy of moons via Harrisburg; thanes on the Cumberland Valley Road to Rowe - 111e thence 8 miles 'staging to the Springs. where you or. Nye at SP. M. same day. Newry arrangement ie oem plate for Visitors. Board per week, la ; per day, 81.25. Reduetfon for families. Beferenees—du. Steel, Mor ton Illedlielukel, Banton & Co., B. S. Janney, Jr., Referenee to the Analysis of the Waters, 71111. 0 Booth, Anslytieal Professor of IT 8. Mint, Address Hematite P. 0., 800 T & 00Y141, jo7.Bla* Proprietors. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BBANCIN, N. J.—The eubeoriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public, that on and after JVNN 20th his hoses MU be open for the reception of guests, when every effort.will be =sae to Mewl* those who may favor Mm. The hence is plea. tautly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A 'full view of the ocean, good roads, stabling, dro., make it as attractive im any house in the country. The com munication Is aootaslble by two daily lines from foot of Walnut-street wharf, VII; 6 A. M., and 2 P.-M. Reference—Brandy, Warden, A Oo , 229 oiled:int street. B. A. OHOBBIAKBB, jel-2m* Proprietor. QEA BATHIN G '.—THE MANSION AWNS, foot of Pennsylvania moue, ATLANTIO CITY, is NOW OPEN for guests. Por convenience of arrangement, contiguity to the beaoh, and attractive peas of the adjacent grounds, this house is unrivalled. The proprietor hail spiced no pains in making this Hotel all that 'mold be desired by visitors. Z. LEE. V.PRRATA. MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LARO4I3TIIII 00IINTT, PARRA. Thia lemmata establishment will be opened by tie fleet of JUNI. Situated on the Ipbrata Ridge, 59 miles wed of Philadelphia, 18 south 'or Reading, 18 north of Lanenter, 40 east of Harrisburg, and having the advantage of the pored soft water, every variety of bathe, the site elevated to 1,200 feet above water level, with graded and shady walks In dense forests, and the most extensive tandoori scenery lathe Union, it isnot surpassed as a summer semitones. Accommodations for 400 persons, Improved stabling, and good carriage houses; also a good stock of livery horses and carriages, with. amusements. A. good band of must*, billiard tables, ten pin alley. It Is easy of senses from all the above points byrslizead and coaches The proprietor spares nothing to make it a home. place for comfort and health. For further particulars, see eireulare, to be had by applying to Joseph B. Myers. Third and Pine streets dames B. liatio, 818 °holdout greet ; or to the Proprle• tor, JoHars RON/Q14.2.0R18, Rphrata Poet Office, MYIII-8m /animater County, Penna. THE 31AZISION HOUSE, W. RBADrua, mum D. Ds BOURBON, Proplam This well•lmown eetabilehment, the favorite resort of oitleene arid titers, hall lately undergone exten sity. squire, and is now one ofthe most commodious, elegant, and thororighrhotele In the Union •, beautifully located at the corner of FIFTH and PENN Btreete, Reading. Its accommodations are ant, clue ; the rooms quailed and airyand the table constantly sup. plied with all the luxuries of the common. Persons de sirous of spending • few weeks in the summer in an agreeable and econoneloal manner, could not do better than make a trial of BOURBON'S EIANOIO.II noun at Beading. 5p244, W. SCOTT, (late of the firm of WIN • mom% & Scots.) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING eT011.131 and SHIRT MANUFACTORY. 819 OGESTE UT (Street, nearlyoppoelte the Girard Housed Philadelphia. J. W. 8 .onl4 respectfully call the attention of h's former patrons and friends tolds new store. and is pre. pared to Eli orders for AIIIItTB at abort notice. A per. feet St gualwatied. Wholesale Trade supplied with floe Shirts and Collars. .iy2l.ly LUMBER. -160,000 feet nuperlog 5-4 and 44 Mobilo Mooring Boards. 600.000 White Pine Boards and Plank, seasoned, and In Wetness varying from X to 6 inolnia. 200 000 Pluderlag Lathe. 60.000 feet prime Ash Plank, 64 to 6 Inottel thlok: 200 000 Sprung Joists and Rafters, and 2-mot Plank. Spruce and White Pine Flake% 43 and 5 feet long, rotated and plain. Together with a general aesortment or well•eemoned Lumber for building parposea or cabinet makers. Par sale at moderate priseaby 3721.-thaturitas HARBERT, DAVID. er: LOCUST and TWIINTTMOLIRTE Streets. ItIARSR's MUSIC STORE, ,LVJL N 0.1102 CIIICSTittrr Street, Philadelphia, • Where all the West and miller innate oan - be ob - - tained from any eetalogeo in the United Plates, In struction Hooke, Bet Pieces, Boom Ballads, eco . New Octalognee will be forwarded to any one, pest-paid. Atusio will be cent, poet-paid, on receipt of the print) marked on catalogue. Publishing and receiving new Mato daily. Molted Instruments and isinslcal mar nhandise of Gum description at importers , and manu facturer& prltes. Bind% jyaklm /103 CIANISTKUr !Meet. • Wants. .. , ANTED—A elle& o r ' active -Psrttier, W_;, withls,ooo;in a wrILIE nova kit istibbllshod Pubitaiiing,lion.ti to tiqo oity,". A r o e." as bo l etio. Addr4o Box 814;,Pkilidolphlaroot Ofloo. it" . Virl►.lnEtl44 - .'Bltuatio4 se , Porter. e r Wholesale: Dry thoilic.ilbos, or Iltiaw. Nowa. 'the' inlyerticer la a VocoorL'oute - mole be wall* to mac himself generally sitinful , aropleyer. mact city rateranciaagirtia. Mikan! .s Hi" OP* 41127,4 Press.— - WANTED —A Witchinaker:witiis a Rana; thu. Nut etty. Winne* Adcirou " Widtire, 2 . Blood's Despotelt ' - '-" lid ROT WANTED—In au ostatilishid. - ieWk Dry - Goods Stote to Ism the bosiseiceisintake himself lly merit i aiaef hen andoabbid reseal =sedation, for- intiitrit7.'he. One melding with Ms pleats, ftessileste of this htefeived. • Address "B. 11. A " at ibis omen. ,17704sitlato. ANTED -By Wholesale , Dry, Geode, v house, ititlinf /Tee sblllt, .II laileeeee tradoutfted re/new:l4o regain/. • /Admix Bei 1429, Philadelphia Poet 01110 e. • • .j123.11t WANTED engagement Book -• I, holier or Nobler by ex erteelaiii - sipit=•• Noosed Book•koever. . Hai antenatve•and irslnable ine.ramtlle acquidataziee In the mar sak Matters But's. linexceptfonablo :game glven, Ad4reof " W,L i, at this office.— - = '.• ' • - JAILS,* QIT IIA:TI ON WANTED u Travelling ealeunan for • 'Wholesale Iniperting , Wise ',and Liquor House.. The 'draftiest 'hag bad a number of years experience in the above enmity: And has • general knowledge of The Liquor trade. , Oan prodpet the best of references: . Bea-no objection to lioing Routh. Addrolu, with vanes, and where an Sateniew tun be bad. D 8., Boat Wine, Philadelphia. ly22:6t* CANDY -MAKER WANTED.—A. iirst4ste hand. litmidiately, on common Candles; a mums. neat situation and the highest wagesgleen, A nt , ddle• aged man atetemed ; to go to the country.. Addrese 0011PEOTIONSE, Commercial Hotel, SIBIU Street, opposite Minor. • • - .11122.2t* , WANTED—Bailding material" aid Hard ware ID &ads fox's i i Briar.' ♦ddre U., BOX 1101, Poat Mae. , j72l4t* 4L53,000 —An interest in - an establietuid • and lamer, badmen fa Wanted by a gentleman of character and Opitity .who .111 inrast thla amount or more ". Adams. aonfidentlpy, with par.' 4:2011V/ILIEFEI, PrdidOffel). , - 1y11.11%.* WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improved city irroperty free from ineumbrsmic 1110 acres - of excellent RABBI LAND, located in Glouseeter Oo Neer Jersey. • The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, plume within a short diets's.. of the had. • /for further particulars adolnsis P. H., aloe of l.The trees -, ' . • '-- Jelfl for gate anti QCo . Let.' st- TO LET—The House and Store, N, W corner ANOH - 001l Sirril-itelokto. inquire or - II JAMISON, , • N. W. cor . THIRD sad , WILLENIV4 3y2lBtt cowl atm.- frost. FOR SALE'OHEA? FOB OASH. 7 :-One, Hundred here' 'of exoelleat farm Land: in the Stateof New Jersey,lB milee below Woodbury.- The soli le nutioelled !or fertihty, mod in • rapidly improving station. - for particulars, apply at this °Mrs. - - - fylik•Stao - dik TO LET FOR THREE, MONTHS. JEIL itunished flottage, sit steel on the Germantown Railroad, with Are chambers, two sitting roonta, parlor, dining•loom, kitchen, wide entry. kat and Old water, range, bath, gas, .atahle; niich•hionsii large garden, with every kind of 'mashies intbe nomad, eyerything !tarnished but bol4lnen. - RoinnuudentiOns 20 times a day with the atty. Apply to I. M. tttihtlillY del BONd, 490 WeLNUt Street. • Jetn-lftf WE/EST. CHESTER PROPERTY .YOR ' v BANT—A large and desirable residanee lathe Da rough of West Oheater,Va,containlog ail the modern ins , provements, with floe, airy parlors and chambers.• is of fered for rent. - It is situated nearly oppoilti the Court - Bonn, adjoining the Bent of Cheater - eounty, - and is wo•tby of epeeist attention as a country residenee do. ring the Inmates. Apply to ' DAVID IifICIONSAT, j'lB•stutli fit High street, Weit Chester, Pa. FOR 13 ALE .-711.11 BOOMS, DAVINPOET, Mito . b chance for • person with a molests capital,' to obtain an old established Periodical, Soot, Stationery, and Wall Pee per badness, Mena of the Unthawed. most thriving and healthy cdtiee on the Upper Illealeelppi; Connie• Ilea direst by Hailway Isom all the Madan cities.. Apply, by letter or personally ,to - • • OILUILES ADAM, • BIGHTH and AMR Strode; WS Wordy . - Philadelphia. TO jiOAN, to gait. appßeantioaponDlamoada;Watohea, t C 0 000 wah7, Guns, Morahoadloe, Clothing, lie., on nonlo; rate ter m s , by JOHNS & CO., Broken, N. W. corner THIRD and OnfOILLL Streets, below, 2,oakbard. SW tabltabed for the kat Si - years. Officit hems hem? A. &V to 7 I. Pecond-hand Sold and. Silver Watoker, by weaning makers, warranted soutane, for male *heap, at one iluat the orivnal mot. , an2843m11 TIRAFTB,-=On' the Union Bank Lon- JIL.P. don, and Royal Bank of Labia, in mast° set. lot ale by WBLIL //moo a oo. s 0010.8 1 :0* 800 O H ZU NIIT Otrikot. la garbing. LIIRST—GLASS BOAADING, AT 1104 BPRIIOIII 'Street. Bones PlenanntlY nitim_tad• rooms airy arid Undone:eke P• 1110111 tram the &nit& will find it an agreeable plane. Permanent and transient Emden isoommodat“.-. 3,23.ntmetit BDIABLE PR IVATE BOARDING for Jr.-, 'families; large and small mins oonnnunleating, handsomely far - Wooed; large' garden attached. Pere. tenon maim'. 1529 8 SAVOR Street. jyl9.lnt* 1111VA,TiDINGt—Elegant AO' airy :Zooms, CP Single and in Bonee, can be hat with dent-awe Board for the Summer at /316 WALNUT OTBNIT. Mail EJrp fbootar.!:' sumrst SILKS. Selling out the stook of Sommer styles of Dress Silks at low prices; to make room for The Autumn Importations. SHARPLF.BB 101 01111/ITHOT. end EIGHTH 'Kneel 1 11AREGE ROBES. A few good styles remedying of Moiege Robes In Flontates sea Tapes, sailing at my retin a l lateen. 13HASYLdISS BROTELIIP4, 3y 21 CHESTNUT mid EIGHTH Streets. • WIDE BETTING& DO tont) inches Whlte,Pink, sod MU Notting Of good quantum 811811P1.1108 BROTIIIIO3,' 1121 • 0111:13TAIIT anl 3IGIIITH streets.- - lILY, 1889! IF Nine Trench Dress Goods at half pries !I! We have jut closed out, from an Importer, TOR CASE, Beversi lots of excellent goods, Which wewill sell at less than . 0N141A1,1 Tana itzettLis rBSOIt - Also, the Wince of oar regular stook of TANOT !ALES, BARE/HS, &0., Trench Lace Pircoloaspales. Irma Lace Pointes and Mantillas. Mantilla Lace Goode, in great variety, Bich Black 811 k Dusters, very allay. Travelling Dalton, in &Teresa inatetlals; Bummer Cools, for Men , e ant hoye• wear. Linens, Linen Handkerchief', Ba.h-towell, &e., Plano-eovers, Tablemovers Standotovere &e., ; ' and a full stoat of Dementia ilootn. _ THOItELBY N. IL Owner EtaillTH & SPRING HAMDEN. . ir2 WE BUY AND BELL FOR OAHE. VIIE SOH LACE BOURNOUS WITH X" Capes, Points 'and Mantillas, (theeoh 3 ) :educed priese,to sloes the sown. at t*• • PARIS IteNTIIJA /1100111131 d. ' 061;rci7<r.rrn ?MINOR LlOl BOURNOUS WITH MEM, Pointe and Mathias, (Clambray,) in great protasion, at,re• doted prim, to dose the semen, at the , PAWL, IdA.NrILLa ShIOBIIIM, 108 OFI P BBTSIIT Stmt. . . . BLAME AND WHITB B&RE47 OLOANB AND Dusters at PA r THS ecede !SANT/LAd prices to o smeo hms thßrue sewn, at the st,_ 708 013.118TNIIT Street. SUMMER °LOANS AND DIIBTEBB, in an inflate variety of fabric, at reduced price at th e RABIC MANTILLA BBITOIIIIIBf, 708 011118TNIUT Street. , The whole or our stook Is now offertep at reduced prices, preparatory to the slow of the seaman. Z. W. PROCTOR & 00. 908 OHISEITNIPT Street. VHEAP AND DESIRABLE DRY GOODS - at ADAMS , CENTRAL STORM, - HIGHTII and A/OH Streets. Biome Babes, all reduced in pie*. Printed Lawns and Organdy. ' ' Barege Napoleons. and Double Barges. Printed BA'Hants and Marseilles. • Travelling Drees Materials. Mons De'sines and Charlie. Plain Tamartines and Crays Multi. Black Lane Mantles and Pointe. ' Wide White and Bleak Baines, for Maas, liardlei, &a. Elegant Black Mks. Furnishing Goods In yaidaty. Esteem. Wattle Quilts. Lancaster and Allendale do. Angola Flannels, Twilled and Plain. Rahlardvale do. Irish Linens, Bosoms, &o. /loved Skirts, in great varlet). All summer Goode el. sad out tow. - Gent's Traveliing Shawls, ho. jylls4a to th.if GAUNTLETS, GAUNTLETS, GAUNT INT!! .—A very large assortment of Gantlets fo Ladies' and Millflett' wear, for sale at HOFMANN'S HOMER! STORS. 9 North EIGHTH Street. Hosiery for Ladles' and Wee& wear, !foolery for Gents , and Youths , wear. - For male at .11.006fANN , S, - HOSINNY !MOBS. 9 North EIGHTH Street. Genie Merino undergarment' of every variety, For Ladle'', Children, and Gentawear for sale at Etormelmo mound nolo, my2o-hnwif No. 0 North BIGHTS Street. SEABONABLE— garages at Met coat, $B. Berne Itobeeat $6. Brae Heat, 26 cent.. Black Bersgee, 81 vete. Bleak Grape &meta wort& 88.1 TM Drees (bode COOP. S& & 001111BD. te2ll B. N. corner NMI" and YAMS?. SERVICEABLE— - Tree. Meg Dress Gods reduaed. - Plaids, Checks, Mixtures, Fitzlose, Bayaderee, Browne, Ohene Figured ) &O. I/Bet-rate 18X oent LateDas for 14 outs. Baneßent Bleak 'dentine Bilks. 86 styles best neat and gay 12)if aent TAW 101; COOPER & CUNARD teAB B. M. oorn - • NTErand .113EAUTIFUL— ',. . , , Bond Black Bilk Mantillas. Beal good genteel styles. $4.25. , .. ~. Bunion and Obantllly Lane Mantled. - Lace Pointe. Derege Dusters. BOOPDH & COWARD, j 026 B. E. earner NINTH and MABXIIT Mg. L AOS OURTAINS,:—.A: iarke, aekirtment; IA of new and olefoszt deetgesiodivdetviddity, *Om 53.50 to 540 5 Ptir• Teasels, 1400i0AititCortdoeo, Bawds, Hooke, Mtge, &o.—everythlog froViir furnishing w i t uyows,- Gm Hotter elmos- aircoooD IhrsoriN 750..51,51451.25 eiaboovlColoNOldeiddiedee,sl 2 bio 512 50 each. Piet= Ootd andTeaselst Table and Piano Covers ; Curtain Eleteadide of all Mode, from the lowest price to the most oxpengTs. • W,H 2 OABBYL & BRO., jyl4 Ulf Ctugato Stoke, 710 CUOSTNLIT Stmt.: !'CURTAIN ' MATERIALS - AND TRIM 'I6., RINGS of every desoriptlon. 'Miaowed Mtalla eds. Ulna. Gold and Gilt Border Window Shades from $1 to $12.60 each. with good stroug astiurea Strangers are reopectfully Invited to *mune oar geode. Wholesale and Retail. - Curtains rode and arranged co an to be put uP at wlndows without my difficulty. W.ll OallltYL & BB°, Cortaro Store. MaeooloHall, i714-tt if OR EnTNIIT Street., SALT AFLOAT.—L3OO sacks Ashcon s 6- doe ; 600 bleraboWe do ; 2,000 Llterpcio'l laroind s arrived per skip Northampto AL n, sod tor sale bY IXANDMIR P.M i6s 130 1 1/1/I and 122. B. WEAAVIN MEM ~.UII I xi~I~E~I~-~ NlA,TrlvArquvirrirap. c .• L " manarOT Ana only Animism for alFiEhithad saxIIRDAY-EVERIRGi jaly On nklah oicadoin,s- pninbient irolnationi - wal or. par. amongst lanlalt follaning Artistes : I V,. _ - -- tam ZORN DERWi'Ara. THAVIIRAItaiWITEM, nts, AtIEWELA Ei: - THATBE;- - 4.0. TA* Toe ornannealrill - innionimmalak Els 4101•11infall' Pint% Onstedy to twin eta, 441014 - - - THE TOM" 0T4.4114 . 1110 - , • - .tioico • ioChortoo - ;Ds ebdrisinkt .2 • - Th i w PrifFe. Me4Proa- Draw fib!!, Marten . inns /kw ?.21 1 •_TartorniaansiilllioaaheaivEitho.41kaad 14- • wwwoww.Rwitoo,•in two aota,owtialwi • BIP tux ,WIBIALII. Rip Tan E1m0c10..44` ' - TinalkEyrt Nor partionlint, not. - bLUI dos: • , BrDONOIJIMMTAAUTINS—Base_ Soo I'Ent,CMIAT 1111 4/A*bili - TEE GREATEERPAEDIn " WORLD-RENOWNED Tontroiu - WORLD. RENOWNED PERPOIKEE, EVERY EIGHT - WEST - GREAT IMPAIBEIET - .11.1/42,111trALSKIIInT, THE PENNSYLVANIA - EGAHENY OP zo; lost osierrerr kinurre, = - Ir •ip;sii (Boadsfo olfoopr u li nu ffOo I - A: 111.,1616 6 P.M. - :-Atudat. m'ets. - t 0 nide: II root nano of Iftiok - iefftlingtho imam ...wow Wine adodoiltd the Aea4S y VI tlitio, 11110 O" - - HASSLIEII OROBEISTILL•44I.`IIABS- LialL'imelairs' , :ap•aren.v.inaffluks tut to have loestai tbair OAlas arthmeirmedisms, 1011 "NOM 11111.111; sagapci•Als , sa, UM& 111 usual. ' ' ' lsl4,llist Pbswing. 41011t111. , PfliTaA4. DILTEM To. XzW:ozramia, AID IN ' OHAILT.NaTON AkIID T IPIVANNAIE 1101245.- Epr. Ocala - readvaa iiy aajr; iii4.llthr at Wag - algasil at Raoul arliart atarra_Nina same!. NON 0 8 / 1 11,11110 ,N 0: -- 11.• N.- MiallNiamalNa MOVITONN ,Osptain 0. t. liaridualarlNP 141-01!,11,11811, /7, at 8 Waloak - , ; NOS •-•- • "tr• /.'Hail Ofisswhip trrATi mi - Ownriu. Caps. - Jolla J. &win, will WI 4111 - 101110;61 . 1/7 SO; , - • The wise& itsis4dar .4.4rbi;44fineiligaipt fll'ONI sad AMAIN OR 9110100/1. new TM is ~boys Geary tam days, tlaas for oo - 0 O 61 - 1 " 4 "" *. ninateatlon with - Ike Gm* and ilostamert, elemis•leg with stemma for Ploridejsm4 with - rellseade for New Orleans and istmlndiste pa alt - - 11‘14.03111* • Ham sPrisert-st mi image. at 1/5 Seine. law, New York itearnelag Wes.; • , , INIGINANom. lrslgkt ind/neermtee m Kluge mapartien el Geode shipped theta All beluga 11 Op. edo - Issususoo on all .111111MMi lie,- - Mussy, farther than Ohisharia savannah; the MISI; road Companies sekimisli risks fronigh••• - '• - - • MIDI/ t.'rlo 11-PANN.., Tare by this rented to 40 per.oent:eheaper thaaby the Inisied Route main be leas by the folio oringasite• dale. Through tickets firm Philetalubla via Obarimi _ton and " Atereiumh atiosmshipe, INCLUDING 11184,141 on the wools rate, except - feat Clkelasio - , a Anti Nemo. DeACtO plositamtol,- , • . To Clueleston 115 01 Gkerietton'.• RD thesnnah - 15110 Savannab SI 00 • Augusts .... 20 00 Align ...... 2100 • Meerut; 21 00 Mama. • - dlls Atlanta - 00 /Mote - Oa Columbus - -.Tr 00 Columbus ' OA - ,Albesay ' At 00 Albany .s - ET 04 Montgomery:— 26 1. Wistigymem id as - • -3) 00 Kobe* - 46 OD New Orleans.... 39 lb New °Mew. - 61 00 N. B —Passeugsre by. Gus scat. tannest with the Route tO South Caroni& sad_ Wage' tesvollitt by the same meneyeams thaws is New. whims: too Dais of weft signed altar theo* . 4im soa,ogi No iladekt retailed d Ueda* kosg. " ice Itedild 05164,116 1104 * l ' "" " " " 4 001rtheeteforneeROURTA asl.o _ Ages, Charimitoe, Taft. I 1.14. BUDD* , -: at , - - levrextele. 0- A. GIANINIIM& -1-37111- ~icDitittN:' ratieQoaoruta., wurtiaitimuse, 131r gmuk vonta,-.lsomm of the Ma gesterally; sad; "all ibuaors cod Impurities of tel Moot • ars radially sad peemesatit mesa by the celebrated . . . - .13642.1A1 fiIIPT.ntiVITS: •-.- 14 lox lees a: vary impartaav spat is tt. at. at OANOIDDIIS DISIADIB by Dr. Lomat/any Oa far • number, at yap rat, and Its vatas As aim of COMM ..5 abwkaortly saw mum effected by • . sondromous - ossa«iiiiiiiiiiiitfriaa.th• - Wad has mayor boaa•qaaDed.' It mu the lama otr • TiTTNR, SCALD and All•inritiema oP the Mein, manly *id to u moderato eillanf th 4 Meltledne• Malignant lll** aisL Moine:en rionly eiradly on of a few botUa. 2- ". , - theeosiad ant ad d • • ILioNIOHOL astiLiff io Era s IMPWN Strait; hetoa Awke /or sale byalm following Drapes& t ,T; I Long & Co„ Lanambew; 0. ar..Nplimi, Latta. ; 7. U. BasereNai n ing ; & Lames; T.& J. Moollatookilleataat 116 - .3 atm,' Wen glow ter; Wm. Stabler, -Norristown; Lama Maw, Meabler hem Dr. — Liv•Seyi WM Mope; Leallei,ltaktol Sakeildt & Co., ,"&llsatowa;'&111. & SO, gariallawit: Pa.; 7. p. Jamaa,• Triton; TN) La Car, Ossitme Seawater &.00.,- ibridgatoni.ilobartion & Ligegbaned. Belem, N. ; ; L.-L. MeoPwe Wilmbgton; T. T. liamosinly, bbilherL• Delmmaw, awl Druggists • rail . • fall-statti ism if Willi*'at/ CIE,INCE I.ILPERIAL - CHAMPAGNE. , - Di VANO6II- CO., _MERNAT, MUNOZ Teas to • eitirearix Puha teen Dtatoare RIM from the Vineyard of litiens. Vannes & cloA whorl estate Ilse in the. MOM of Si. far-famed catunpagss District of Roue., -It has hitherto been ouallsted to the best table* of England had Akio Goullneat, sad hal only Tery recently been latrednesd , into this occentry, where its rare quality, combined with ihe moderate pties at which 15 offered, is already Wino - rims a sea ern and popularity tuipreeedeoted in the thrall" et the Wine Trade. • - - - , - . • Bold hi Ott ally by 81111VIE1 DILL , No,. 201 HAMM bTitlllll, and at the Prinelyer Hotels, eta by all the Imam dealers tliteughoat the country. 3a. v.. 3*..A.-craqsrarovv; •' Varner of BROADWAY 1013E00M ST . II3ITII jyl9-tuthicatn if ' . '"" rigerala;6 WINSIIIP'S PATENT HELE-VENTTLATING REFRIGERATORS. THI ONLY THOSOUDDLY THET/LATED AND HEALTHY aarateammas ra ass maim. LIMO WITS ZINO, AND TH3 OASING PHI= WITH OHA.RAOAL Prof 1311liman,in kli resent work on Natural Philtre 'Uri uses drawings of this Estrigsrator to illustrate tee dilatation of sir by the oomitsined efficto of cod and heat, and ke saps of its bps:if/he, it it le in bealitital accordance mita Mainsail Lass. having a 'lnolbeloren or cis a serge, to establish and matatati au outward cciestant craws' of air, and consequent venfilatira.P l The befflgerator has been need, and le hlgaly zoom mended, by Professore 8 lliman Porter, sod Thatcher, of Yale College; Prof. liapeo, of New York; Prof. Ohio', of Providence; Oosuntdots Gregor/Of fi • Dr. II fl.-olark; City Physician, of Boston !sad man ' y Otlia; prominent solenttlio men. - • D. B. Remold, Proprietorof Union Market, Brooklyn : In an exporienos of twelve years, I hare need sad sad been familiar with- every style of Refrigerator, limey/ which win compass wi th Winship's. And it 'Mutilates perfectly, Is .econantical M ion, sad pre. serve. meats sylendidir." ' - ' livery housekeeper whip whims spore, healthy, isbellp. and economical Berlprator, should parched* one of Winaldra. Pleaae mill and cumin. alma. For sale by NORTH, CRAM, • NORTH, Ao. 202 North BacOND MUT, ARNOLD & WILSON, ia•9m u ; No. 101.0_,N8IMOT BTILENT. THE IDEtEAPEST - BRUSH -HOUSE IN 11 PUILILDNLPHIA.—Look at tbo-follairtor Hot of Owl Of Eloodeornba iutd compare Witt talk SON bought,ollowtooto • - No. 1, 58 knot, 52,g1. 'dons. , No. 2, 82 knot', '1441 " lie. 8, 66 knot, 8T Bd. 4, 80 knots, 100 No 5, 88 knots,-112 n No. 6, 100 Junto, 128 Na 7, 104 knots, 169 ti 3931tsois 116 -" , - layout o._saiteraux,- SI North TRIAD ittrost,,bolow arms, . . • - Plinadolafa. C HESTNUT SPRINGS ' WATER-CI:IRE, At CHIBTPIIT-HILL. PHILADELPHIA Comity-, TA. for the treatment of all Chronic and obetinat• diseases. This institution, order the charge of as egperienced and &CM Thysiolan, is now oonfomony the leading and most suocassild bydropathie establialmumit la this country. Hafilllol7ll4.—altril. Mary 'OO ringer, 184 Rank Twelfth street; • Charles L. Sharplese,• Beg , corner Eighth and Chestnut streets; George °rant; Mg.. 888 Market street; H. Tarringthn, Eeq., of Myers, Clap horn, & Co. Tor other references and partkmiars address) _ DR. - JOSEPH A. WEDEE, ItEIIODENT TRYSIOLAN, CHESTNUT /ULU ise-eratr - , - R . 0. WALBORN & 00., (Noi) Nat. I =I 14 , 1911711 , lEUVI,IIIIII2T, EADIIIPAOMMI szatTa, WRAPPEIa x WHO Oran, no. Doane is every artists iilAtos to the GENT'S Rua/qv:gait - a .BUs/NZEIS. mylT-Emit JOSEPH M A, 128 and 180 CHESTNUT Street,, offere to the rat trap • , droirshlir assort': meet of Qotton , Woollen, Linea, arol - printed, fahrice now on sample. L iaLdndintall _the . ta_torLa tzuml ovel• 0. SLATES 00N8 . nholoamlyles at Madder Prints, ill o T za rO s N ß A nzo ,TG. 0 0 0 0 ; . Proles,- Lavenders, and Grays in greatirertetr. Standsid styles ATLANTIC 00. Black sod Whites, and Imiros. NIAGARA 00. Ned Notre . Antique Meurninge, Shepherd and homy Plaids and - Striper,. Improved Plain - abides and Canteries. A/ORMAN MAN 00.-404 Sheetinge,PANelte, Asp/nee, Oreehes, PHILADELPHIA MADI DlllllilB, /AN*, Tlek- WOOLLINS. , Vitae rOodial. Cori- NZW ZZat - atom. fad Ninon °kW. ROCK IKANCIATURINO 00. Amoy Omaltaerli. GLZNZALZ CO. Isao7oseatmoroa., • BZOOKDALZ CO. 'rano Osaattooria. • - ,0X,011.0 MILLS Bladk Does)de• widow' gads*. BABBIKYILLI mon .Vaasianivaia coat Twisty. lottoa wirp - taTINETTII—Low, Medium. loatiNno atop'e and fazioy Mixtures of tumults maul& - - - JAW ES. -WEE LEN' 8C CO.; 809 WALNUT k wrest, maim ad NU 0013111181310 N aU Bec'elca aid Loam to thin diTio and the principal .altief of tie UMW iltateli, Met veak..advanco on the Ism. Low onLOollateral negotiated. s. wirnsw, W. 1,117112 Wl2, m to:V!V:l=at BOLL IMPORT'S,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers