•II: 414, -,, kill'ii*hr,'M A OIDI:i4-14 - lilittVtifirtriAll';-,ll44Cit'polit° ?3 ,t , ,gt-,iriiitifr?orkii-‘,4,4,-.44,40.,,,,w,,tikkr4ii oiiiiiwt **-fic-iil3„Atir,fro: zitil,RAsek:, -_lltt,..biiiilotks,,ig..ii.(44l-6 , ,siA iw ..0••,2-,, •• 4,i.9 1-4-0444.,_.itiogsak- 1,101;ri‘“,4. - - `''`'''4;' s'..:liihit4l,ll-%‘ Af I triii rit.A.," stik e ig. l 4 A 3 ' ; :1 :..1,i,,`,,,' k :-, . --, 1 .P. ~-..w..),' v.4110*7.., .. a- - iliiil l , ,t'7' 4 r.r.. t t;e4. - : n 4 lf" - ',;',..:`',4Y'iirrWYT-sft,:iAsl--;;^,-,'..1--44,'"•1 tined 4 ~..--"4,. 70.51 ,_ T at 04:7-44, .Brev4fic.: ,:$--.1i,•=1•5,..,t-x, -17-7,, „Izterirm,s,9,-_1: - . sik --,-1,7-1, rtr 5',...qi,..'- .AviL , '-' , - '..; --4-Aiirol.-ik410," 00.64-, • ,t.,.,„" Itio , loo-,,,,..",`'".4541,1_0',14,1tAknititi7' • ":. - 7:.' 7 , • : A,q i , -',1,-. "1'7:7 pie -*Ft '"''' i 4464041 ..-iiiiiut, iitit'.P. u!',-, , ~,41, #4 ,0 4 11104Nhitit • ,l' LuiA4l4 i- ' tiuf !Iglu . -..'" ri : -Yl4*%iliC-.- 14. .. ' ''' ' W l4- .1 11 " ) ,, i '' ft-f lf.," rtn, ~',..,414,„..—ave,„ ,p, - 7,..„41,, ~,..'..,-4..,,,-, :f , ~;:. , --,.55-1,,..---166,,e4Q, ~_,7,-„,Thii-i0.4 ,--..,.., :i'-.„-, ' '' - 4 - ,,.P. - -7- . 'too! ~,, . - ,4- "414Ar.7 ' iit PP' - - ''';;.'t,', -.‹,.-,,:'`A• .:,4,44166rP-ithili...stte )46144- ...",:. „ .-1,,,,,,,x-3.,,i...,,,wita-•••, ,s,f T.- ,‘, riii,#p; vt7t6l„thet, -, -,..:,-77,1,-.-f:ApigAtstii4--peletlinvi,rigfekiliflpiltlx*i., Wgikki-cl!ilift4k4-?4,4 114k,4 tt -11 i;S b 4 l'*ss ,I;Ok•l;thii,io..7:wriiiisi diet' ill itta -, ll:q.e;g4 ) ,•rft : j g . t v-Viii*t ; 4 5;s•iiii i AO hk' ti,---,ftiiibeitliltx`riii * „ .. , f 9 t -c at i-V r i tisb, .-.211.-ifitil‘.-1)-.44,01.5,,-71ibidifit ,- ,ft-,- "LI anp(op. 0 . 7,'1,..4-10144 •ifie414051.A.4444 1.1 41140 ,4040 *(02,4441*4tt, 4 .44 Aift whir, 7;. , 1 .14.t.,,,'t1,',Dia`/T/Xliv,:liiii li„ .19,),A? 11(4'4 a141,,-' I%efiriiiiiti "T:i., Mcne;-- iiii:-A,'''n ' ii`i; .3'4 - - 500001.'7VPr - * ikfiliviihisatt'lligPrc! - ,3 ;x,rg,,,f,e;,iy:tfitAh4tNtf;-1x0,!,!,-i-gkibrg= • ,x ..,: f , Meg- - trio= ..,1- tt-itde ' fli— - "4-81:, u , 4,',ldiag,'"` "trial Wi- , '' AS A,144 .-'411.0 ,- ...rei4o,,i'lb k...k.1,-oiegllcl.suiri.' .1- - ly ;,-Ya'l-Lii 'Of,iriPt9lntiU44,ll,a.'%-ie he, Il!t- ihegf -r4,-;-p'....,-w 4;4'4*(191 41,81m.a“- e,;il of: ait' ' ',.64;1ia,:i.r.--11e,a,iili, i** „,Lined ~,- i ii‘ l l,- , !. „-,00!:,‘. i.e. iith..u7,'...- i-', it01„---r..-i i 0 ri: 44 oi f :4 , --1,-,t-slluve664,l,r`•'.c iief'ali7.,,r.'C,:iebhil''' -,,,1t4-4101.' lift ilictliPo,l4tiloA,P,"„4o'ilei 4/1 47,01, 4 41 14 T,• • .,,, e, ' 444,7,7 ~, i _ ' =6B' lilt' 'lf -:•., ,l e i Ve - -': -0-'4.1 ,-mihr r-w , - - - - i i ,4*... .4 , Grge• ? ii , Y;:tit-g•'.% a ill* it ''.-itNl?•9'-. -1,08. t ''.'•7.,•41. 4,67A4141-liiid' - lirwEdii4"Par,,z_ir•cBB.24 -2' ;'174.4880ibt •iibill01!!.$'10 literit,-; - ilg ter, , k.,• ! ,l,l4,,#friub,,,_,lllibifrora-Yr6.? 111,:elde0t41_101 bUt.. )....,-.,,:7 , - , to3c , . - .. althi4,l2F , , haqii,44 I - , • I so!, ‘ , AKt: , ~,,irttaA *fqr ,40111,6, !,--biAitl*, -i, it , , T'' '1311,', osle 1.-oulk-zio*,loA,-., iennile!., ,--,-i6,4auk - . es:' then , • ,• ice< 0, iiitlikk,l4.s;".ct Ps, r',,,,ta(1,41Y-lity - T,li..9FoPtiiti--4,acti 1,3C9',4 ffe700,3 ii,"i? ,*9l,i'maelf4lllAoi3lll‘.i 4" etter 'bit° ,- - - •-;#4;...!,•,v..- i-,"•1afi11ik.7,,°,,a iOn 5a041.11,. :“',":";'0 - ' ;',4trigTY-..11111, ,14. %.4.1 • iilrt4-t.;,.., 4'''14,4,0. -.;ii:E*3l`r` iv oe.A7t. Alyldigicßi.: 'tz ,t _;,„04-fm, 1 ,1 1 -fiiiKcp . p. , =,klc - i,i;o-*ltitt.ii;i4,4l3, r,:;74/1041KTilvdllar°1-.--:-liitP9v fn. 4-.0,. jog" to f l eet ii ,- rite,. -, . . -. -clicvm!-'"6,,advidtti. zijk,iVcill,"--outojielin s!igtifrbL•-`,A100.4"--.ilifight! i4iiek Oat' -4,1440P,t__-_! , r - lie Intel":;-billilia , -''..~..444 - rforAK ,- ,7041,. .--; 4' ^: ` ' 70!44115aul4litalVetliitit [ ) - Soverei gn. ~4`faxc-,,‘ kio biof „,,.. •f%.1%.,t‘. . Nttop,""/. ► breto7. -I,VOIVITtAt 0-4.4.137:iitit. ainy -1 4 4 1 - iatic.._ , - ~..be EtAyArill • -..- ":.IVlll4liftifkii,lol/Yal'''enlez!!,lq-''' 5004 i Li ycar ,-,.,...igpi11.k.' ig'4os I° 11Aritat4110%:„ 14.11,A, • : -.. -' -; .;',•''':4-IkLr4l4iliiilb;')iino.o-,,1A17-oPikiiicthirki ,:: - - ' " sirtys,iravgigilt,..--*.slaityll,,,-evaAitity,.--, -,--- - ‘ , i• r woill'lrs' -,- 6,,,,-,iTb.."fr,...:-.-,W4ht.7.l4rittici, „,,.,f.,, .4-11k•llit 7 - , joufo.,?=kt,k at -•- 1 ‘ 6:- - "-1 iir.,._ , .- Id ...,,,..4. m uch,...-z„-...seevrt . 13V574P-- - -9 filli'm rateig., ,-- ttintkl,„.... tirigl, ' ' •":''''' ' ,•,;-• -litiki ti” Elistifi4 .iiiiiktrek ,'- • e -1, ' 1-.- 'll 414.1.-2( blitirt--qrs#o,4i totk:',:,ltr ',.' Av.. ~. Al .11 iced `llll,,k''''in New, - it 1,., 1.,_ . -4... Pr. -tifit tie ,,-ik' - ilpbig! `er'"ri'"i 4e9 ' '"'' 41.S1."'''iii-g4-.7•_ 4304:AtOloigiii,:tta wi• Is4llllY.L•ime-iit4,,i,-.-44tal', • ,• tlidiBllll--- r - -. ' tl---ftel6lo7", 'fLlPPYpdik,is.„..l4flPrtiiiii 3q,.. . - ';', - ' tivottAV.9- - - tree , - t itr iiiusiiyttuthl` t` Wit,* " f- '''' -•-. ~..R,%•,%___.,... tbror, ,,,°: • • ...,,14 k,"nieshinillk - -tlifioje.,..l ~.,...- '. • • I .: .„! • , ,„-,51,,, _, i • •~, k'~ inritittri fa tO ' if;l Pit oce of ,<..N<A•i regalftottilllsAi .., • - - ', - 11:, , - .., ..." - . - ': .6 ,r9 7 2Fi L • I "': . ["' t,", , ,,, „ 1:1,`• 'p l * -4fl tiglOcOtl ib‘ XPrt4ol lll ; --;, tl l l.9*j i iiS C *OS4 4 l. l :s ll o, l 4 /4/ *** ll l o /4; t. i''' ' 'llt K i f i - 1a : 1 4 46/4 0 70040 0 4 : 1 4 4 :0-0, 1 . 0 !. . ~ ' - -->ttt*401)0,0tv50044. , :.,40 V' :4', '. Aetomliviki..4o(ita-ogoti':o 6 '9ll4TilYe: , t / .-;-,4,144,44 1 , , T. - 4*- - 0,4V, , 04j.4:&',:rrAt 4 - - . 4.1 ,, -: - ..i' "-- '- • 8. - tp;••• • " 3 --4V-ii , if 4A' V•i 0 , ,, •;',,d1 4.1.. ,-1-• L p... , ...• • ..t 7 : t , :; F:.itjl ..S,S, 1 14431, 11 ,v.r0.1;541 1 4,440,-- .- 16 " 4 ; . z•:,,il;ii`oikshliiibi ttiaii - 'lll7,l6.sfoyeliripilir, =,, * l iiapriii it etit ii s 4 4oAV l o444 l o: 10= ' . - ':- .-A;vBl3,iripliima 44,..4iti011ite( - ott*iielifiio, -- Igiri 4 **iff.l4o4oilk - Cir l 4lo W s7 o b:AiAS'.*.*4e'iA*fit;'!*i'.k"''VO'' 4 14 4' , 1 11- #.o4o,A=Witrek4o! . ' 47 :citiqtaSiiie6rairfiSßaii,io,lkli*WO; n ti: -"., ,- '4iiiigesii:CikiiieAiii4f,:iiiiiiiiito; , * lice ,bey ..:- ' 4. l ) * li “# l ' ,, * 4l i*.** '. 6 P.1 ,1- O,OO;AP'-'4 l tifi ) ~ bb If ,Lia4.l)=.l, g: - ;:;416;iiitilitiiiiiii*:t40ehi , ;. ; beilviit , ba-iii6 6-. 1 '::'iki**ik',:!'W.:# -. ;'qitrllt4iAWO. *r• , Lii**,noilf,i : . .2.1.14,X ,-4 ,. , . i'-',it , 7 ,--„ 4 ri• toutitiOAlo4o 4 W4dO 4 1 9Z#1 1 tV.: -- ktialltoY-204)1e...": -= T'IW: I 4I 1 .41ilriiii.Xii4trOrairliti.ipiiiiitit. 14aiiiiiiiiireffiiii . itOfikiiiiiiiiiko**4 At 4f. *itiatielkrretetiC:*4kds**,4k4 4i.eiri*k - iiigtrePit4 l 444li#4 l ll4loll - it. • , :72;tiraiiiiii win, co , __ , ~,, .„ , ~,. .ig .. 4 1 4-YnArn iv ligt .. .t,' ' ' ' Vd;;;:lifil': , ll - .4.m.i t t1i94•4 1 3.0. , -Ifltit OA ate: , triiiiltsildei6pi „ ! .. •teixbli 2., * : 4loni;ii , c . fitelii' fI9WOA .I :( , O t 1 ~Pr.l4l_>l9_l4o;;loooP,kelta: tu„.ttliAticlkWol#o44o4o4:l444)o9 ,- ! '4f4400044..,(00**-010glJ-Allillciii „ astrpiiiiititoy kel*ji-th 4 - %**ji*tallfiZ* l 4k"ifri#o7#o*Odi 0-'1*:.f.**;*44,400,4,4-40,,1IN*4iitilal 'Xiirchituif1.ivii.tliitiitlil*iiiii:06146,, '--', -: -' : - --?Ailitrific**ll:44o4 2 ,. l ',i -i,Pi-lik,yg - .-i i • ~.. , sviA,:iyo -- gc.,,,„,:t4:..,„:„.::L.:•.4., . ..,.;:;..:, . - ...,`,', , i4,7i-3., , z ,;:ii.frYi.i7#lolKfleibililmitiogly4f 6 ;rig.: '- - ...it:WitiAe'sgo;:4:tbi:ilii.iratiiiAitifieriitii4' qilfso4tivpiz rffilik 4 lTiretstig4447ll44 'li V i g l i * * 4 li . **C .4 3 4 ;ii i 4o34: i tl i9l .4 = . 44 diriAletlittiiiiii •1110 !Oil* bee iiii4i*etiaiiiiiiiteilitiiivifoo: soitt - itli4Vpi Iti 1 . : 14 0 . # 1 41# 141- # lll.4 B.l 2 ffi:**i ;VA* '-(X 04, _ 1 . 1 ..... ti! 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W,f - :,-t ' V1N 4 41,1 1 A0 .. P i Ctrirti'W mritt , NV,..z1.',.-„ , -:t.1.*4,..0 . aif 4 ..-1 - , , ,t , ..j,:',- - - - N1 . 1 •444410/1”. i l ait e - 441 $ 0 4.11*0 1 1 11 ;;1*1 V.;;;;:',"T:Ig n ',"t'',s;- , ,- Wit*o-0. i•We;41 , ,,,,900.4,10.14y , :it ,1,L, , , -n--,=,• - 4-• ',7:.•:- • - 1 - 4 - 44 , #) ,- - - •• - ,400*irlo 1 • Fgz 6! `4t' L f . , , _ . i;i•=,„,-,!; , -y v***4, ~,A- i iAii4ifi*Altti itifj. iti* VI -..p.;,, , :_,•,—, ~,•, , „1 , / 4 . ?••••,, --1 , ,-,. 11 1 Y0*:**Oiiii tin 'O4 oafs, jAs hig4 l ..' : /,, ;-'.. T1 3 0. 11 1' 4 *- 410;M ~ , 7 W'fjl t '-"y' 7 , 4 . ..,4 T ... . .. r 4 aV44 . : , ...,,,ge' - ..14ik . .,*47, - r' #0,. ) ,;.k1:C.. - - t - _. T . • iiii. iii. x s l o:', ,-. , : , ,,„1.1 - 1-1V , ' 4:lltik . . 1, ~ i Littleatailitailik6ils,' k::7,:f, , ;::: , 5,A . : , , , ka1id0:N -M,;?S6 4 ,4: 410:4#1.1Thll 3 iigkif.Pcifill**l4o4ll*9o°ll* - -30kANtillii#,' 0 - -4.,i", 1 5 1 .,i1y.,10g.1401.. ..,. _ ~ ..,.,„,..*),!plkt f A'; , ',- A4K.,,-.1fill: - : -•Ticc.-:,-f5 - : - ,i:_'.==., ~-=-:-,,--,.'1-;.4,5,-,,,r......,,,-;-,c-_ What tins John C. Breekturidge Done t Formere thin two years it has been repeated -11 and stribli3Outatie intrayseit that the second officer theta' ierpinentifthia Republic bas, labored cedei'WhteVeld , 4 10 010 0 , e'Tt 'of the 'grataNet eattlAitt l tft ntP secretebe" bledthe seenii4nt, polltleaf stage at. Wash' , ,infiton,withavvakvimfitifirioArgbr thia feeling atilt has Publitly remonstriled, wed therefore speak only from' such facts as are patent and probable. • It is alleged, by who -ought. to ,Itnow,_that, front the spoke a favorable Ver. dui or.isiese(firrorrarras and JAHN C. BEECH VOLlNlMlCflrat`tiligtlif to Matted, and to VIIIPNS4•Weefid t and,tte believe, no at. Jempt has !mull-made to conceal the manner triVrtitchrAtte'.Rresident excluded the Vice tresititint. froM tam nottriclis lithe construction Of blitlabliiet. - Xudeed, - from the inaignratimi fif„the.t.iet:teld dilY, a steady ' attempt; to 014 44 ;-..tata Asveiceless flillre-head in the .51 3 1 31 4 4 4,end ti) class , him among tbe vast and AeletleielltialMsteseti designated by the generic term of outsiders.?} The general and goner, onstablio'isiminquire, on 'reviewing these ititertotts , wiped% of past'politica, what had ,dcme to merit' this treats nienietsilie'hindtt of an AdMinistration of by-tqw sea by courtesy, by precedent and by prectlee,•by universal expectation and Cnrbaliensed„eapecity, and by.tlte d&nee of dist ballot-box, • he le. or , • ought to be, • an 1m 0141)0 Claiming to etand in no relotli3l47,to stbis gentlenian • that entities no to speak- of "hirti? by authority, and uttering our P°DllßlOn-Independent lenrnalist,lt ent'Al ttle . `timple froth to say that his characteiank hist attributes • contributed ReiitlY to ttie triumph or-the Democratic party lalBsB::.There WAS, and there IN, somethilig ° r atr3aidely fascinating in his history and his faficiere• Selected as a candidate when still a very young man, (Mr, SNEMZILERIEGE EIS only he thittimble on the 16th : or January, 18600 there lent.s that in Ids years, in his appearance, in bta singular Intellectual glfts, in humanly de althneh.t., in i. bienil9lllBll patriotism, that 'Made him en object of rare interest to all• par. lied, and especially' to the youth' of America— fill,ollintiinedeneerinduCing•such a revelation in the State of Kentucky as led to its conquest TrOin the binds of those who had • held it for , nejirly, thirty long years, and united it closely to the Demobritic column. In the uation at lreirattharilly less a fillprite: Thousands will 'recialtdur'frig-all their lives, the impres 4110AiheAa4eb-Peh tbe`P,Beille PcbtleY l ,vnia cane ; &mongols to raise his voice for tithe rDeißocratte party. There was, therefore every motive, alike of good _breeding• and of self-interest, to impel him to the • kiddeet zulathins with the Fres]. aWaken the , kindest ,reei "Predil fidis Nenthrient on the part of the tattai, What has ho done, then, to shave kcist the tientidOCe iof the higheet officer of the, Bel..while—first exhibitedby an appa rtsntlys inoxbrable determinatioq to ignote him wholliintie settlement bf the policy and the distribution of 'the 'patronage or the Admin. atid, tecondiy,, by certain erepha. tio explosions of recent \ hostility in= the recognised -organs of the Administration 7 the„ sumer' • Is , . plain te this ques tion sts- it is, it is painful anti uteri tifying Ito state it. Mr. • Braemar:lnes ' Aar rffusid to bra park to the merciless pro scription of the President'and his Cabinet sipon 'atich Democrats ass.fat bound in honor to oppose a p orison of the .administration programme. nits yielding'as Southern mon a reluctant support to the F Lecompton policy, his friends And himself;have not, stimulated the purposes af , tbe officers of the Governmeet in mitred *klag ell Democrats who took the other side of fie question. When in 1858 he taw the great struggle going on, in inlets between the hosts if Democratic party, led by STEPHEN l A. Iloiratts, and the legions'or the OpPositiOn le,dhi Mr. Luroordr,(the exponent of doctrines , against: -which the Democratic party every " I ri re r,:it' i lliflieg, Ike itself, jidazinistration wartjoleninly committed,) he did not restrain these hie Orepathy with his pollticgi' friends , And his preference for tlii).lfitilocretie leader in, that great /rattler" Tide woes tepital 'are:tee. It foll upon deep _ tlo few atlfaskin to hh d nu! t ong4,ltarcuseci an, answering thrill in - :.thfiSkiesiMortitic ranke r evorYrdierelit also in:' lifiedneWolifility Into the bitter .. bas,marhed thee : Miran oi•the,President in hie relationtri,toAt&Tiee Preeident, before ,and theAtlkOf *aricti;lSfl7. But ttie iiirouti ,6l:oohiii7o.lCe President against thepuissant yowler/At ile'seat,Of-the Federal tiOtiitiliWith this"; *hen thnOdidueriognati .of„l,oonotessierial:proteetidu slavery In the Territerinifiriiii . :enunettitedl;y, these, imsrein-- embodiedlisit was in, and answering at it did Awtheqdentitidt,of. - the'',eatietee South, fon - atdont,eaw,hia duty iu_ opposing itiland:did!so' like sa'patiio.-11,,tiOran ;One; balechierved;; 01,; - ,iecitnee"ei 'a* ;d n iappeiticei to ,diefurb- his irelationg with Miderot the -11.dpilnistra , Mon bitroialbeirrdiiheet devotion to 'coned ttitional , 'priielplief';46,saie :the „Democracy int2titelltildik4rom. - destritetion, and to pre= ~ ferit. , ,hie,; O Wn State fro* failing . back into ,the ii nds of : those rem whom he had •mainly. , 01gtedEti! rescue And•we',believei the reL -11-0141130riftiAiatj..t145 Wise and precaution. I liirYittelai,oo7ivill,ionsolidate 'Kentucky 'still, - More trotlyintnqi - Dertibciatic , • , ~.i:P,,tri4. , hti•lhetgdr. Baiiituriamon has atm ilito',",disrepute at - Wushingtontlhecanse his haai as mean, o:4ol:pootkiiiai w inarfers lu connanttokwith;:ihe=Pieaidency- itself. - ircp :office; pith tnoPe feel Aay thaii ' ti e, resent oiCupa4t; ,eNt, ;His - ,basmotner teregard Ulu; 'lda defy as arr . es h atelholdalmoist'as;tirif;Uncie6t heroes' the„:Strong hand.' 'ttrif:ituattei",- WM.) kmayraise ‘, his . 'eyes -to this'teintifiniT;', prize;,'. -moment does 46, 'he it foriiier shut " out from, the Confidence of KnewanaV.; jAccord inglY,--wp,_havti'asen, and within a tea , days past, a &bill:10114e attempt, (no matter 11 1:0A 1 4 11315 ,0ile.latI4 recalled ) ) which- was•evi. • dontiy4n;„,sethorized attempti.,and in harmd. , ideata:tensistency with: the entire iourse"di • the •prasidint"hinitelf; excommunicate all candidates' for 'the'preaidency named in - , _connection ydth. the, Charleston afiouid s deatriolo:ppi •int:ot:the way such • rebels h as -;W:fee:livat an . ..a*leotati*cl ,of ,44Siiiarhifittnitiou; that they; should set on their urgent InAefame and 'denonrico - Mr. Difiditiinwilii/; l oWeVer 'accuitonaed the pub he zotti, lput..bee,e rendered to their halluct . - "natfonn, W . awaChlevemeut singularly! 9sieu: *tcd!to:ittarile;the Democratic partj , lroin its • • ; Pllok *o'lll4o explained 'why Mr. ,Inu4 . ,, s heeti included , in the esti. Ingweflitudefietor,-and why hie head is, , to Apiii)44o . aliaergieto paac'o•Otriniag to ,11gg*ouffirO executioner whO,leemi to have reeplitd. taloes ifs ca veer by destroying the 4 14 4 41:11 t: ,1 00 h j:;*00.?4"0k 1 1 /6 ‘ . 4 i gh „ • . , thoT , rettely itefiroltttioni When men li4iej#l . 44o - 11,:*'.iyiine . ,,o. , ...tea'4 , ' fa 'the .ifesplits nded 'France i fell,frb many instances; ,isqtlgttP4p.e. l 344. '3# 1 141 1 01 1 01 11 ; .;There , were 414aecniation„Abo trial, and the death, follow rapidity. AttirAgriief.474;,.ont our Manap, tioiltitir—thengblinable:Ao take human lit o - ,; '.:greft - .0 - 46okt:tstfrottitalid political a.. Foiktomo‘v recalls their yetiernblitien: to - =their prototypes during the ,Iteliftv of Terror.,.obey have a blacklist crowd• dd-with the ivlilte and shitting names of the' Re= rilille;;:#lld'ellii - after, the :other ,they have cer 44Pits, iarry:, the most eminent ,Detir cr,ts to the reeking guillotine which they icatrAi eiee:ted:',77betis:ls , not a _state. in the ;Irgetiinivhieh.triey)iiive`,net sought to strike atraltittiliighlitdtutd purest of our chainidons. havieVel.iiinenitod, no political .litieblyeitqwever E , imat'aitind end.unbroken, hos iita344;;;;Weir; bands? •tlys :Hap, maithronsze, irbthe Middle- of the Union, are id : the tyi l op of the-men who have fallen Under goWiriciiiitietirest! displeasure. -It waffnittiral 10:04Sr'll'a cap Oeitcotill be: to venture' n rat A'odenAriedirividdonCof the unli t & B i, tes 5604'011(.14 . the:-,Deineeratie natty.' :It onlfiecititledliiiiidxso4feii;,oeir 'claim upon the_4ete6taitdit.of their,conntrY.,..' ' vrits.-- r thp„ rreilfirick (Md.) 0 4 0, ill;e.u44elidtit4 qt . Laisie Trail, I " :l:4l4 PrPf 11 / 1 :''; aftiusi )l 46en .bO4 pP that - • - - „ B Y MID MGM! ,MAIL . - .5 Leitlitreprn' !‘ jC rrecyondeebent The PFgle =- *Atm titiiioxi July 12,1859. 721VXorLiebit r iyiertdelf_sx; ' Or Indiana, who has be4W4hlectestfrolirt'hii bititth CongrerstottOls•% - ttlOthrthat 'gate, an# WhOlirthe able editor - of the St:liiir:ph'S andienci)He,fiCiekithrowa out a Word of Warning to_ the TiopillAionei,"--,with where be 'eats, in a late number §ftlile journal, an entreat of which will hot, 1 think; be uninteresting to year thensands. of .readers.. Tgitre yen the item, reserving the direnecion of it l b sty, future letters: - 4 •-"Aint , of,2B7: , ,members-119-- - 10 . a , majority;- and theto'itte - elenkte . d, thus far 194. itepablioans -N tli"'Atnerioaae;:(.rbo•wlti probably vale wish them)-:-Harter and- Briggp,._of , Ho.7"..rit; Nixon tutd,Skyou,of ,Now , ,Jereey ; and 34' Montt, Verree, _end Wood, of Pepcsvivania— nli Cleat d'Oe - the'linton'tioketil and 8 inti:Lej abrOtati:lioniterabl—Datle; 'of - Indiana';• &drain find.`„:Riggsr of. , Heiv Jersey; Clark,- Hoskin, and= Reynolds, -of- New , York ; :„;and. „ Hick Man and Fil -rorts, of I'enmiviinianof °Minting the - nets Doughtalteit and Montiothery, of ,Penitlylca-: ,'" • " . . Ap'rdpos of 'the distribatien of.patronagehy the -mixt Nygren: the'r -le' no" doubt thatlohn 0. Rives' Contemplates "enternilt4 his 'vest. printing entabitshinent - se - arto -ntake .himselfi a - Most . fonntdable oompelitoiof Mr . -Wendell in the axa. indite of '-theiptiblte printing; iherelefore mainlY doifelsi the estabilibtnetit 'of Mr. winch is eta of the `. molt ; in the Oeantry:,liti ; Alves has made as Immense fortune =oat of, his work. and i deserves ! What he hes made: fits Mobs is - a most invaluable record, and ohliPlani, set of-it ought to "be` in the Itbrai7 of iirery, gentlemen in America.: I hope, that Mr. undertake the republication of this great work, (If it can be done, within , the ]awe,) se' that it may be pleeed within the reaohbf all at a inclderate, price ; ',in 'Wash ease .10 - ought to adopt,oestain,haprovements, Which *mild render it stilt. more yfilnable' the rambering Of' the volumes, and sometimes the indek, are itrororrate. I commend excellent f riend Writ! 'Mach a revision of that which lideatined to be a 36itsii: ;meat to his faMe as Will render it unsurpassed by any parliamentary work in the world. , :Whet Mr: Boehm:tan was cleated President, the g~ettßingpedidwea to diolare to himself that from, that day.forward he would recognise no 'sue& thing as friendship. This assertion, - holdall it was, his itaniequent conduct abundantlY Confirms.: As yen wall know, immediately after. tbs October elaidtem 18.56,:,ha took to kb bosom that Venal viper, theNeuy.Yaik herald, and *Wen before tile. Ink was dry by which the most manstroto attacks upon hie prirnte oharaeter were recorded itiihat Intel:aqua nawcilaintr. I.,doOmiton oanaln, 'with all its prosarlptions andi Ili . follierviir.. obanan Saw in it a rare oppottnnity to . , gratify the theory tiponWhiChlelarl based his executive notiOn,'ind: then . itfWas that" he (larded out the ides;„'of r ,:reWardini enemies .' a nd punkt:an:gbh! Then lie honored suet men as _Henry, Phill/PS," Shorans B. Plorenee,` Wilson Reilly, Often 3onea, and W. B. Dimmiok. forgetting, in their devotion to snob a treason as Lcoompton, all their bitter years of hootility_to ouch a man, ad himeelf. Bat thistle n chapter so auooeptible of elaboration that I oan'eve' no more time toil to bcoAsi4xAti , ietter Correpondence of The Prase.] • Ilziwoun July 21, 1859 President Buchanan and cotta arrived here on Tueiday,' evening about six o'clock. He did riot make - his; eppearanee -in the -public rooms daring °the evening, probably owing to. the fatigue :cif .the ride from - •Ounalberia,nd:' The President Ati Springs by' ,Indge Dougherty, lift: Myers, (the-new Otter of. the Bedford Ors. zetho, and • our excellent friend, Mayor Wation.. Ttie Presidential party colinintid'or the President, Lane;the'peoretary. of the Interior, lion. Ttitabosen; and ledy. - . - ' Col. Robert Migraw arrived here a few minutes after the President, by the way of Hollidaysburg. General,Oatneion'inehed hero, lest night, in com- Pranylvith e x -inember of the Legialature, Walborn, - Km your atty. lion, John W. Killinger, of Leba non,. and Mon..Elmund.„MoPherson, of Adami county, (both. members elected to next Mouse of ItiiiesorAttilyes - it.W.ashlngton,) are ,hare, tieing the Only members of Congress at the Springs. bee of the-wags a- the springs announces that Mr. - Buohanan'sroom adjoins that - of Simiin Venni. .ton;-and that there it a notelet ;loan Opening One . atirteseneinto . theOtherl : ,,brit tide fii; of course, a - joirii.,There art some three hundred people at the -sPringirat this time, but the - tiocommodations are said to be ample'for five handled More. Whelf,wit are, to have. General Bo man at the snitagele not yet ,anneuneed. , While he wee at. tending Upon the,,73ed ford Gazettchei had enough to do, but now that be bas the Conititruson (not . that ''of.r the" pyittcd'.Stilten, but: Of James 80. F Uttar h Chinon): under 0 , e -luny ba add ern. , .hatically to' have .his hands • fail: c'Tlievelare_al rwaine ie , normarrwriesnatt - tioutor Lenstitn, tional Palieraliat? Where is the balm in •Gilead „that Will make the wasbington Constitution the acceptable organ of the Dethooratie'ptirtyl' - I. If; now, the Constitutiore(that is lletieral Bow,man's or Mr. Birchen art'il newspaper) c quid be cant to Bed. ford Springs to imbibe ,the needful quantity of ediardWater, to oleanseaway its impurities and to render it acceptable as 'the ,Or - gan of the one. - Iluiterated Demooraol; then, indeed, might we look fefward for a recurrence - of the days of old, When the great t Wobdc.thtindered its denude 'Sons "against ell.- haokilideini, and when '!Old Hickory"-presided as the embodiment of healthy, - vigorous Denioortely.. -Talking of 'S , elieral:BOirinon, hOwever, .1"-,was- reminded, 'this afternoon: (While sitting, among a number, of* the' ;old.' hattues • of this place), of - whit 'took' -place herein 1848, whey 'Mr.' President 'Polk ' , netted • Bedford, 'Springs, - for, the benefit of to obtain a 'ottre for that disease whids sithao'queMly lost him -his lite. Whim he arrived hors the Democrats of Sahellaburg (one of 'the atljanisitt town's) extended to him publto .oeiititin,"iiMoh he 'accepted, and he - passed to Sebelliburg. and back in , company with the re. douhtable General 'Bowman, now superintendent of pub - Hoprinting at Washington,. Many Atten tioUt' 'followed the ?resident on the part ,of, lifeliorar Bewman, Job. Menu, and other .flemeorate. • Bowman's object in this toady ism of ' , Polk - tbas personally to traduce BurTuinari;:whioh , he Arid with lotteiti - linine:`,and - .,.blitprntisc,„ net only here ab 'the' Sprlnke,,:hut -at oohollebtirg, and- wherever be -had.an opportunity of talking. to tho•Trealdent; Hie language "was 'eta this elfeot That Mr: Binibtionn , had no, friends, no Strength Ii Pennsylvania; that he; had.ontraged Prenotalt; Shank in the moat brutal manner, and that no humaurpower could ever glib the ; *pia of Petqurylvania to, hini." It , would not, , - hei proper ,for me to Call witnoiees from the town of Bedford, Or to name the gentleman from whom I, received this bit of history, but I oau assure • you it le not dimbied' or questioned here. This le the man, ho it remembered, whom Mr. Buchanan has put forth as Ms organ'urider the patronage of Judge Blank, and w h o now, daily. attempts to • read out of the Democratic party 'such heroes of principles as 'Vtiso,'Donglae;'and„llreliclnridge Capita! _,versos Lappr....Runislag Cars On Sunday. • - , MEM=II ,The only argnment used hithe friends of this mitertre,',whielisoeme,N bo a reesonfor departing flinst one inSaceful quietSandays, is in regard to giving.the working earns reorestion.. This is a subjeot upon which,,,as a 18613414 man, I havo be. Slowed Inaohthorglit,' snd think it:worthy the: atteirtfoti r of ; th'eu philantnropiet; — , : lint Is running careon't!Msdiy,a , remedy for the want of reorea. Hon T. 77. Will:it 'moat • all eases'? Certainly- not.' There aro werithig men who are respeeters of the, Babbnitt ;' siert prinoiple;, who, nfter a, kind "Creator-has these - stardom world scorn to steal therreventb i . Bar;wherelicellto 'remedy ? Already capital has ;wallowed up the six days and new is renoh lug iti It, thirst for gold, for the seventh. It would deprive the laboring man even of this ; for, if the owners of oltrrallroads have a right 'their ;inner, and' eripital ,to Ouse their employees to labOr on fikinday; other employers, - manufsettirers, and others, have the same right to use their power and capital to compel their operatives to yield up 'their day of rest-:-of rest, not orreoreation. « lot In the thin tvedge,of philanthropy, and solttin• tennt will soon drive it home..? There !smut talk Of, "lair, play and equal right/4" ,but the favorers of Sunday travel donot practise their preaching. ieeendnotors, drivers, bedlam, &0., must work, then,lot all others do thmertene ! , If they must be deprived of Otinday,, lot - others, be also; let all work or, none work:, TM:, 'inetkdalso, would be "fair play and erjuatil,ghts.!,'. , „ - Let no one who would not, work on _Sunday, no one who does not wish _ittidd to , his hours of toil, no friend of the working man,. argue for or eneouritie any Sanday labor; for, if onoe it be made a day of labor, oopital will swallow it op also. „ Is there any way to gain more recreation for the laboring man, without taking the Sabbath? • I think ao; Oapital hae goae too far ; it must take a step'. backward and let the working, man breathe. Why bonld notono afternoon the. week (or at toilet from April to OotobarY be by-Am:mon con. ! lent a season ofereoreation Bey-Wednesday ternoon. Some mill saythe,poor Men, gould not 'afford to lose Ite L I. say lie would goi.jost as mu s h Wages' itelf working the six days. ; Why ?.• Decease :the production , being less, it would - bring a more 'remunerative return, - and the employer be able to 'pay more to his - men. Do men gat lora .than when working twolveand sixteen. hours a day, before the ten.hour. law ? I think not. Thero may be a few beaupations which mild not oosse i bnt'as a general rule I believe they could, and .should. I cannot follow out the argument. If wo oannot (let' an afternoon in' tlie week; • lbt n 6 watch lest capital get Bold 'Qur Sabbaths'. . • I ' PILO 80140 PV131400, THE PRgSS.-PIIILADPILPHIA, SAURDAY, Mt! 23, 1859 THE q EA T till' 1.0 N , 0 115 0t,A*AkititO,'AP • , < at Mei Prim. Tun AB6ifichriis OF OOuNsEIL• . , , IfjpiiiAits -Or .1011/tans' J.l• Porter, David .. Arebatet.,:iritilutti .I 4 iltrat e glad ''' ie. L. Olmstead. YEST&RDAVEI PROOZEDINea, -:- tairairied for TkeTrieS.l - o'olook yesterdaymorning the Niel Prins Court room,-,No 4, was (worded to its utmost caps eity,by those interested in the argument then about to he submitted to judge Thompson, on the 'question of Sunday railroad travid in the case of The Com; monwealth ex relation° William H. Jardello vs. Thomas 1. Stephenson, on a writ of habeas corpus. The members of the bar constituted no mall por lion of. the. speatators; but •thosh not of the legal brotherhood seethed to manifest' as much in terest in -the judicial proceeding:l al if they bad been •or wore about to' be initiated into that., glorious, companionship, Professors and disoiples, of ,religion, profesSing bUt ntto-per teething Cihristians, ttnbelleisirs, and infidels, we're on hand, and- all seefried to' regard the question - as one of the utmost importance. Ye, noticed quite a number ,Of prominent, temperance men, in the throng of lookers-on... Among these was e*-rieliamban Bethnal ll' Ouneuigharnorbofe COntelition - With the homicide of McCrory. so McCrory. known in this oomniunitY; The lawyers .were punctually in court, ,with their cart-loads of references, looking as though they were caged , for the intellectual fray, and seemingly impressed with the necessity of a vigorouti contest. A min ute or two after ten o'clock Jtidge Thompson took his seat . , and the court was called loonier. Mr. Hirst said that be would call ,ft witness be fore the argument was proceeded with. Jeidge Thompson said he bad no objection to - beetingeddltional testimony, although it was hit uoderatanding that when the court adjutrned oh Thursday afternoon, It;wall understoid that all ihe evidence had been given in. This was one of the disadvantages of an adjourniaent, and if ,the other side asked fot a strdtlar prlidleko it would be extende.l,to than.„ . • A WITNEBB V7llolt THE OADS DID NOT Drerunn. The following testimony wee then Wen: ' 3411118 W; 'Newport ifilimed—l Wee at the meeting Form h and Green on Sunday evening; my wife was with me; I attended melee ; I went there in the care; was not dist Mired by the emu, though .I beard every oar ; sat pretty well nn; the voices of the sneakers were rather feeble, though I heard them Meetly, No ormie.examinitiOn. M. N. h a Prieud, and of hatirde wore hie hat *bile Mang( hie testimony. .a he retired he raid rather etero/7—l made a retrofit not to be oall , d In thle bide; I did not voliaoteer, and I want that noderetood. /nage Ithompton. Let there be perfect order in the Court room. William A. Porter, Hai , said that the.matter.bafore the court presented i tself in a very 'simple form. The defendant. presented hie Petition for. a Wear ciiipua, , atd,on that wilt he ,sets to be diMbarged from the custody of the law,: There area nothing to the form at all unmet. - It was thing of wiery•day practice. The unusual privilege; hoWever, had been granted to the defendant of allowing the evidence on his side 'to be beard; it was a privilege never granted by a committing magistrate, and rarely by a wort of Marion. But there was a priomple Involved in the cause—e, trietlpto, fn the judgment of the spat er, eeoond to none in unser• tench that bad ever b.en determined by &Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. lie could not cot.telve of anything that could be of mdtb Ifoportentie to the eitliens of this • Commrinerealth• /t was one that Iniolved the sanctity of the Christian &Math. - It wale a Wreath= to determine Meier& Was any" regard to he paid to the lbstornit map; atty,regao to, be - palktO the revelled will of ed.} any inert/ to be paid to pliblid morals, or ally reg rd to be paid to the law.of Senpsylva Ma. Heretofore; in the Commonwealth of PonntYlvm tie, the Christian Sabbath , was a peculiar day ,It had thrown- around it 'all the eneetmente of thnt, gime. tore. So •far all all obligations were 'concerned, be tween man and man, the enaetmert of any contraotOn the Sabbath day rendered that contraot void No' reed or martens, or lust document, could be signed on the _Sabbath and be,oonsidered valid An instance, which all would remember, bad happened Ito thie State, ,where' a promiesory note was made out 'on Saturday, hat i llating both wiped on the Sabbath 'dity, the Str. premo Ootlrt held that its could not recover: lan worldly..buidnese could be:transacted on that day. This law bad been in force for seventy. dye yearn 'Nay, mote: in the earliest dna of the ComorOnwealth, the prioolole contained in the now einding la* bad garnet earl" Into her rery foundation& 'No wonder that, in a thuntry settled as thin was; nettled by men persecuted for holding rename opinions of their own—by the - fluattenott, the Irish; the Germans, the Mogi left, the &with, and the Swedes; settled as' no - country had everbstn isiztos the flood, ouch a sentiment should prep rail. - - The men ,who founded these coloniee generally, brought with them two- principlee. Mist with. out the Christian Sabbath there tan be no Pure HO did riotous where or how 3ou would teat tide prin ciple. If you staid ahoy him soy country on the fate of the mirth where the Sabbath , was not observed, be, wculd show yob s.docitatty where there wee no pure re , Ireton Take Prance—a moat illnetrilitut example; Church in the morning, end a °wilt:tight, a theatre. s berm ).race, an opera., r a ceneert,, In the afternoon. In that be . initial Country religioh was entirely stathebed, , Take nations..Spein,. Italy, Vienna—where the Sabbath tau the del: of public parades and - military , speatielos, and you Would find that religion had gone with the • titbs.th. e he suood principle introduced by our fathers MAP, that w ithent te • Sabbath manure rebgloottaero onadd never bee tree Geverument. Just In proportion as the Sabbath was oburvid by cOnntry , the people of teat country were free. Take toe Government of Prance—, a country in widen the 'taints lief, the nubile men, and their philosophy had been exerted to overthrow tie. flab. bath—and you would end a most templets inatlees of d e. f POO am Take Spain ; Portegal,lo est Britain Ireland, limy, and the United elates; turn them coned and round, and' whereher you. hod free government you find the Christian Sabbath. Tali won not a work of God !CAM that Ina sheuld be tailed on to assert sneak aidochineln the phrolneteof apttblnsAl „ ,Thlaiktpy the Coa -1 atination and by ;debate lawn bsd,blieu 'exerted to keep the Sabbath a t:Oyster. Thin thing had gone on etnee ' Ifols, certainly since 1791, without oisounon.. All ,n - en seemed to meant Stejmtice Mid propriety tooling at the loose detente/es with which Europeliad been de luged for sixtplve years, thli stellate remained with: • out any or daring to tinker tt ' - ' ,Suddenly a ebearent Mate of things le peopled. It pleased Providence to permit no to be ideated with pat longer railroads. He would not atop to inquire' into the ransom of this, more :than any other evil, The men - who manage time oorportitions, not c ntent with nicking their dividends; tern pitilerophers ;hetes men, Who know Inorethen hue been known for two hundred p e sts; berstolent moo, who. dealring for tee poor man fresh a'r, endcenly discover that sloes , '1706. Ind 4791 the poor men' heal not been eojrylcg the 'fresh air Providence bas entitled hint to, and determine to any him out to the Ando of our great theroughlaree, where be eon inhale the frish air, or Imbibe something more or lees etroeg, if ho desires. These men had turned patriots in their determination to ammo the guardian= chip of the peer men of Philadelphia. • hint their eyee were fixed on the poor menrs half dime, rather thin a denim to allied blot fruit air The argument had been stied by the frienda of the Sabbath deed oration, that the care would carry the poor man to church for • ilve.esnt piece. Examine this - argument and compare •it with The letter addresultel by James Cooper, prem. dent of the Green and Coates-rtreets Railway, to the Major of _the city._ That letter etpreeelv.deolited that the passenger cant would not commence running until one o'clock,. when people bad ceased going to chirroh. Read the letter of-Mr • Cooper, and.. then de termine upon the amount of sincerity in the argnineat about carrying the. poor yew to church' ,They say they can start their tore at one o'clock. Where is the eta- tote that giros the poop o of tale city a right to one het of the day Ind not aright to the other f ' One part or the day we oan go to thumb. the other part th.y can tun their am. When the wine king in the olden time propelled to divide the deputed algid, the feigned molter reaelly consented, but the real mother 'prompt ei by the Matinee, or maternal 'see, was struck with horror and dismay et the proposition. These ,00rpers tions had no right to eelablish thie dirlelou ; they hid no right to mime up this Sabbath empty to cult then selves If thee+ railroad companies were animated by the highest and bitterest snimnettire towerde the poor min, and he did' not for a moment suppose they were, they coal not atopt a better toethoa of (taming oat their feelings. Yon might employ spoor man to work for you by the month, and Agree to pay him a carts n sum of remote. ration, You. might sea him when hie six days , work was done to labor on the Sabbath. He could refitm— ent for his wpm, recover the amount in any wait in the Commonwealth, and be protected in his right to that day. • Supports these companies exams° their worldly employment, end do business for the sake of gain, cannot other persons do it tlantiot the merchant in Market street open hie Mere on the Sabbath and proceed with his business ? ^ Suppers the drayman wishes to run his dray from the wharf, or the omnibus men his vehicle, can you prevent himl Suppose the far mer, the.b achemitl, and the tottomephmer wish to mane their avocations by what authority can they be prevented if you grant there pessepeper raProad *repo • ration. the right to rite? Suppose this principle is es.. tatilished, and the Isom of a theatre, an opera-house, or a menagerie, comes to you end soya. pay my It. otiose aciordlog to the Imre, and I demand that, as yon- permit these gorporatione to rpm you protectine to my, right to open, my establishment ; next Sunday . -n you deny, hese demands? Can, you stop thin defame tton when once sommenmdi Tbte day- the , effort is 'being male to drive in the 'enteringwedge_ and Ood only knows, where it will end. Weir° new standing cm the verge . of an .almee. An effort,not'oentemplated before hoe been' made 'to *mien Philadelphia into a Parin-••••' to abolish the Sabbath and eetablieh a tenth day of, reoreatten—and re parade a proattute through our streets see (oddest of 'Rouen, for admiring mused to' kneel before. , If this theory , Ire iMinsed, what may we expect next Sabbath. or at beet within the course of's month or two ? Not a repetition of the scenes of last Sabbath, but inenitely worse. .Bril to progressive. You never Raw a bad man that is not worm today than he was yesterday. jin six mouths the theatres will be open, the alums 'WIII be open, - wlth Jamie of meth, stationed in them, lectures will ha delivered on varions themes, and metered of-the day of quiet we now enl^Yi the city will present on that holy day a scone of mirth and revelry, Mr Porter then proceeded to cite various authorities bearing en the question before the court the Statute of 29. Charles 11, enacted in 1678, - was the Brat law al, tablirhed, bearing' directly upon the sanctity of the `and ~It woes decal's. but a well-mean log, law. and Eneland has been prosperous since its paseage.. - ~'Mr .Webster. Mr. Porter, you don't surely mean to soy that that Maintain still in force? - - Mr Porter. - No, air. I did not say so. I introduced Rae a preface to e better low, 'that I shall quote pre sently.- I would be shocked it a people that peered one statute law had not parsed a better ode in the °Mime of time. Lealslstion is promotes, a d geed is moues. alveoli well se evil. It was the entering wedge in that ,In hostage It was produotive of good—in the present age it to nought to make the yeseet law pro ductive Of evil. In the Leeislature of Pennsylvania during the year 1105, cosier the most remarkable ante ever adopted by a legislative bidy wag passed, as fol lows : , the Lam concerning Liberty of Clonicience. , ri Almighty God below, only Lou or Cionsolenae, An thor of 'and/rite knowledge, faith, ,and ..worship, who Mial anti enlighten the minds hod convince the under etandinim of people, in due reverence to Me sovereignty 'over the smelter mankind, and the bettor to unite the Queen's Christian sublet's in interest and affection, lie it enacted,' by John Evans, Esq., (by the Queen's royal approbation Lieutenant Governor midst Wil liam Penn, lira., Abiolute proprietor and Governor , In-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania end counties annexed, by and with the advice and consent of the freemen of the • gold province, In General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same), That no person now, or at any time herea'ter, dwelling or residing within this pro vince, who shall profess faith in God the 'Father, and In Jesus Christ, his only Pon, and la the Holy Spirit, one God, bleated for evermore, and shalt acknowledge the Hely Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by 'Divine loaptration ,• and when lawfully re ' quired, shall profess and dealers that they live poems* under the, civil government, shell in any ease be me -lasted or prejedibed for hie or her copeolentione peace. elan; nor shell 'he'Or she be at any time compelled to frtquent or maletain any religious worship, place or ministry whale - ever, contrary to his or her mind, but ahell freely and fully enjoy his or her Christian liberties ' in all respeete, without molestation or Interruption.", - .' We read with pride and pleasure the staiute manse • eitejeot of slavery, so far in advance of other colonies,' 'and so long before the sueemetni tirade of Wilberforoo for the:abolition of the loglieh slave trade. Ac Web- , atrr bad maid many years ago, when delivering a speech' from the portico of the hotel on Chestnut street, admire Fourth, there wee enough glory in that one law to ten. far immortality open anypeople. We refer with ples• aura and pride to our penal statute on the subject of murder. so far in advent. of anything antlered by any other State or Europe. We refer to the benevolent in atitutione in Our State with equal pleasure, but the Meta Or tea lines belted just read, co r ed more tally the eubstaime of religion than may other law on the statute book. They oontaintid tbe,dootnne of the. Trinity, a doctrine which has been the woof-stone 91 No'i o ijociszorreu MU. ?OSTBR ' 9 ARdMIENT • ill &Me ' The eh of . 11115, panted a few days sitar the - I Onetime of the %bore, weeendellowa: e i . .,e-e. e a. Ad td Rest Pain „Pitilab pion ' bar) or ot.s. th e t ' "rat Dait'Of Ow vr. - 4.• .- , -1%; - • - ~ To the end that e altimiple within th isproyieee rukii Wftlitheigrester feeeedptiMeeeMthemeelvesttoeellglaee end pious eserelseee%Belfeeented, &Le , , That': aciearte Mg to the exemple,M,o6* - ilteltive Christiens,'&4 far ether auto or on n•titar k linear Drat day of, the wette` eoeurionly sietlithilundete all'iteople Shell abstain fcbal 101 l and labor, that whether Mattefe, event", dhildren,,, emereate, et 'Witte they et eV the ben& skewers theale! sets:" to reed end hear the Bali &captures of truth ',at ' Mane, end tie (Adept Mich apietlinge cif, &Belau woishi p ! abroad, as mat beat suit their teepective Persieselons And that no itelesnian, artificer. wOchnian, 111boter, or other person whateoever,"ehall do or exerolee any worldly butoess, or work of their ordinary callings, on the Orat day, or any partthereof (work of neoessity.and ebatity only excepted) upen rale that every, person vo bfferdieg Abell 'for tidy Offence forfeit the sum of toenty shillinde to the Mtn of ' the peer of the pace ttheth. the of f ence *es cometitted, being thereof renia - 'toted before any butt& " There was anotner act passed in 1780, bat it did not last 10ng... Bighty-otie years had the ' pronto& law eitiatml, until It wee anpereeded by the law et 1786 Beght yearn after, the law of 1794 was enacted Wile wee It, asked the sneaker, why wee it the la, of 1786 wee abolished on soon after Ito paertage ? There moat have been some reason —Yes i and* terrible one. re 1781—three years after the pewee* at that eat—shut Arrfnldrelyulsior, broke out in iltrandi Through 1790, 1791. and 1702 that unhappy country wetneeeed a fear ful Reign of 'terror -. On the 10th day of November, 1793, the Sabbath wee, abolished, and, he Goddess , of Reason was werthlppee to-the streets of Paris. Woe it to be thought that the people of Pennsylvania were . idle aperitetore to snob a teener- The news remelted thie Stilts in January, MIL whin the Degieleture was in amnion, and eerrylrg Mime" and terror to every heart. If ouch a dootrine was permitted to prevail, no mama wife Wee ears, no man's dadghter was safe, De man's property vise safe. The moment the Bato bath tree blotted. out. see Whet ensued ! The Legisla. Mee got to work, and .wilb, grckat care. diligence. and skill passed the cot of 1709. The opt:mate of the Sabbath law in the& days were as anx one that they shculd succeed es the editors of Sunday papers are in ,the present Robespierre. Karat. aneDanton thought, no doubt, that the abolition of - the Sabbath was a glorious thing. The good. people of Pennsylvania were t etermlned to prevent the tiootirrence of any "nab eaten iti their midst. They passed the statute of, 1794, and in doing eo found it necessary to change the title—a cheese most remarkable arid , pointed. It was not, es its predrourre were, a law to preserve the senettty of the Christian &bib:M e hra an ‘• net against vice and immBrality " If there Wee Seat I title Well eheien, It was the title affixed to that law by the Lees. Were or Pennayleinie. Probeeding to another pitt of the ante, the speaker Said be uodetstood tbd argument elf the counsel for the defence to be, that the driver, might, with. propriety brie been fined Mr ronniug_the dart on the Sabbath This wee a very Ingenione argument, and had, no doubt, bees originated by some person need to maklog diet deeds. It is estimated that each of these me, when ration the Sabbath, made $2O dear prat. We pay von $4, they say, for reacting, and packet $lO profit, Yet to Ma argument, they are d tree to the sdroteelon that theihave violated the statute of 1794. Look at the mote& of this doctrine Here is a 'earaiwatfon deri ving vital ewers from a Commonwealth: The COM. monwealth is its parent, and him written its charter Upon' Ito ationteabook. Oa one page- woo the aunrter, on the other the law of 1791—a law pallid for salon, and aollren reasnae. - and yet this Company, while noting under one law,. endeavors to violate another.' What kiwi 'df PhiLeophy was that? Does rho mere feet of paying a permit, carry with It tba right 10 continue in wrong dining?, If a men goes to the penitentiary and eemee out hie term of imprliennnit, does that give him the right to commit the some of. fence I. If a ,mau knocks the "peek& demo, brexklog his snot, and miya the ilne„esn he repeat the Mime , 1 -It one man &dame a lother'manhevilte, andantino the pertalli, dose that raise him to hie -former position In society? 3lost aerarediy not.. ,This very doetriee wee blown up by Lord Ho t hundreds' el yearn ago, for beheld that a p .usity carried with it a prohibition, althea& It does nat say eo He utterly and emplitatio ally denied tee doetrine that the initiation of a penalty gives immu nity to crime. - The ground taken by the proeooutton will thie: The running of passenger ore on Sunday is' a viol. tion of the vat of 1794 and a brash of the peace. The effect of the set rriey be ectimideted —ant, With reference to obwohen • and &condi", with reference to families— both et hem divine inatittitlevs, and loth of them 'recogrefied by almost inntimereble etetutee. Here in a congtegetion afieembled ter viorehlrf. The lint to not only divinely etemmmidee, bite it t i es the atoms 'sane. lion of per Constitution, They have this eight to be where they are, and to do exactly what they are doing. Themwere those Co the churches who rat there for yearlong purposes; some, perhaps. only for mediae i's hymns—that service of _which Luther said, " Let - me make the Naiads of a nation; and I care nol trto makes , Ste laws:''—what other purposes it was .net for him to my. , Tee services of the holy ' starch were of a nature demanding - the , greatest eolemetty The point of 'this - care, therefore, was, that when the e- services Rare• interrupted It, wee* breech of the peace. That, and that only, was the ground upon ,whieh he bame bit aimnicent. to cenMot a &lir bus egret& properly remilred peace: The preach er hen the right to a calm and peaceful state of mind while he towhee from the Inspired Scriptures. In the visiting and pinging of the bynind the congregation has the right to peace, 'l'bises au jmportete put of wor.' chip Vie hembil of every seat contain its theology. Children - mt the bulk of their inaletiction from this source. , Lather understood this when he made his re . mark about the ballads of a nation In the •act et prayer, that le a direct communism with the Deity, this peace whieb our 'law recognises in vitally necemary In no otherlact Is it eo essenVal. i Rowel say if, seder the law of eenneylvarda. a Oleo& . coagregat on hae the right - to' worship God at all, it bas the tight to . wethihth la that state - of peace without Whielvamy - attempt ,al erorthip is - Vara if not irreverent. Tall - ale wbethef a man who disturb' s' coegregatioo by preyeetleg there from hearing the putoes Mum:Wee, and from doing anything ales than thinking otethei noise whieltle dtaturliicgtheni,te not guilty of ,a breath . of the game If that 'be not a breach of the pewee in its very highest and Motet , Perm, tired tell me Whet a breech of tie pence is. opt' the religious iestruntion given by parents tie their oltildreerat home, of which - the witoeseae hive "pekoe, and - on Whieb the oatmeal here dwelt at some length Let this defendant he die. charted upon the ground that halms not been gnilty of an letimett, of the pesos. West will be the melt ? Ink - . pore your blieltemith oboes open your thesties—and pine baler,teith: half iodusen French item—which I /con make . * ,great deal of noise, like all wind lustre -mutt—op-go on a Friedel. morning. Meat that be deter mined byiNe c art es not being a breath of the pease?- Whits were'the facts of this ease—one of the moat "irdiforfant ewe ever heard in the country I The was the turning - Point to the history of the Sabbath Math, might ha said In &tattoo .to religion at home—end much, tan s tided be anemial at. lie entelat ha told of ithildren lerffateg the catechism, the Bible, andlisions - .., .. : -,••• • tare. tad ibit' they'had - a Oilit deal, right Wiley - a : i iitiVeravard - A d en tesrl . e i= and had elbo aide& to do this without nolie."lt Vas in evidenee that thy!, ear started,. come ei feveq"aros.' and 'woe stopped by the ordeets orthe law. Tne dri. 'tor was wretted, 'A man In the car cheered, Auden /tut wan made to show that it was Mr. Weetoott, a. Mt, minx , . That effort fetlrd._ There was mob nolee miti'confnatan. more then would have been bed no car been there. The conductor came out cod dared the _ofecori -to arrest him Than' came , that awful scene, the ,Danner of relating which by the witness was rebuked by his ]donor. It wed malty one of tne moat extmeedinaty ewes that ever happened in - thie country. There, on what ehotild have been s peaceful Pribbeth. the "Chrlst'ab doxology, "Praise God train whom all ',Waimea flow," wee sung in: incekery,• and amid the jeers of the surrounding cabbie - ; The speeker then plebe& MI to cite &decision, from I Blaney. 110; Mitchell re Smith, in ordeito Mow that the imposition of e realty implies a prohibition.' ' :edge Thompson Yen need not mad it, Mr. Porter, A Welty always implies is prohibition. . - Mr Porter. • Certainly, air. ,; • " i .L - • Thet ' , peeler then cited the following notes and die. cussed them at some length : tredegraph vs. Common wealth, I 1 0. and R., 301. Commonwealth' vs. Dopey. 6 P L Tow al, 228 Commonwealth vs. Tiematin i 1 Plallivie Rip . 267. 1 floalte's Lewe 24 ,- Statutes at largo. 884 ' Bradtord'e Laws of Penes , 84. Common wealth vs lohnston,lo Hartle. 102 In coooleelon, Mr. Porter sold, that If be had Me cardsdbil em raying tile view* to the court on this Ioc: Portant retie:it he was content If he' had en mewl& in entree/log the view of the Imodrele of thodeanda or attune atom he represented, he ! had discharged hie entire duty' If the &art, in view of the law. should feel compelled to discharge the prisoner, It would be, regarded ea 0.,e of the taeuleet calamities. .1.1, on the other Ingle he were remanded,, no decielon had ever fallen from a' legal iethuunt which would be hailed by men of all clans with higher ed./faction mad joy, Tho•sprech of Mr. Porter oencipied two hours fp its dellyery,dhe Breaker elosing at the aortic struck tease. ' freisnou 01. DAVID WEBSTDR, gni. My Webeterfollowed alt Porter, and said that he proposed, to dimmed the ease in ha ,legal neonate twee , , any ha was net disposed to follow ble learned friend . mithe other aide in the wide range he had taken la Ms a - *meet. It would not pre fit 'he cause of rail. gion to • ,toe out the foundetion of the Elebbatb. There are were,diverritleb views upon this subject, aid every mite Melt decide for himself. All this nee nothing to do with the quentiou before the court- and thee basher arrealeihrith Much coalition& to the . Wee not to &few Minnie is be swayed by the seeterian views which hal been urged In support of the Censer pettish who wend esideavorto enforce their opinions by mein, of the kw. Christians differ as to the inetlttolon of the Sabbath, and they even differ en to the day of the week wtich should be obeerved am the Sabbath. Con 'tontine, then bat recently converted to Obriellendtv, eatabliked the Christian Febbath, which he did not term the Lnrd'a -Day, but which' he gave the heathen. rah main of the Day of the Pan. , But Al this Is foreign to the question now 'before the nowt. IMr. Webster had a Coon's respect for the .rell. ghoul Miolone of others. but he did not wish beset. &ane w!. p,p nu t given to a purely legal question. Ile then reviorld the history of the ease, and Bald that the sun. pie gelation won:, Is, these! charged correlatable before the eloart of Quarter Seea'oea I ill the off meineharged sashrine as. tinder the net of 2704, is a breach - of the puce The Mayor has sesnmed that the meritenning of a T way oar opoo Sunday is a breach of the peace. and u n that sannoorion a man engaged, la a lawful &111 Wee airekted white parading it in a milet And orderly manner, and h.litto answer the charge of a breath of the peace Mr Webster read the ant of 1794, and emeended that It Hued a prairie penalty for a spe eds -offense, and that the driver of the cue Collid net be to'd punishable under th m eat [Orany other offence. The int strictly deface the offence. and Jaye do We the &is ty explicitly, and the law ehoa'd net ho itroteted Co *oroplish easy armee! purpose. In the ( use of Buie a t no Mawr, who wan a rented under ,the ant of 1794 Urn the charge of keep ng a tippling house, be. carafe he sold liquor upon a Sunday. Judge Woodward dectead that the eat of 1704 deed the offence end the peety, and that a Men cen.d not be held for an elfin& nod the hew which le not named in' It, - or , in other wor tbat the offence &old not be taken from one law ad the penalty from ano th er. . • , d T aof 1803 specially provides that an offence I conk not be tried at common law when there wet an seat:neat which fixed a 'smith penalty for the of; l i . . Webster &Mended that If Sunday travel la an, evi an enlinistened public, sentiment, wilt corset it It t public question, and lot us discus It io a public nut sr. to town meeting's anti through the pre& ; but do lot drain the law to accomplish a epeeist] nurpn , o e question of whe th er a mere breach of th e law was a '(h of the pestle, wee very rally considered by Mr. t l , W atm., who argued 0-et, that travel was !specially law. fhb pan Huntley, and Chat allwho choose had tho ri ! tht to de in a ear upon that day; VOCOOII , that the driver of th ear. If performing that duty in a quiet ant order y in oar, wee Nameable only to the leer which inelcti a a for rorkino upon Sunday, FM not for a orinstrooi. Ic breath of the peace.' Irene!' 10 141011. and the we. incident to a vehicle priming along a moot be con: atlted into disorder. Mr: Wettd& read a number of a to:oiliest to prove that a mare breech of the Seeds" la to not &breath of the peace,. and he hunted that no ode to the contrary is on remora In hoglane, Earthed, oethe Halted SUNS. go also contented that, ureter the aot of 1791 the melt of the driver was illegal as hie offence wed, at tie mast, bet working upon Sneday. If there wee nitre anti contusion, the driver was not reepensible for if nod he could only be held for the offence which be Lad himself committed, without any regard to Cream. emcee whine were not within his control. Mr. 17, 'intended that the idea of noise and oonfasien had lien great], exaggerated in this ease, and he exp - es , ad tie opinion that the loaning of the care under the 'rtlis of the company would not 1101101 any person in Mr of the congregations along the route ila 1818, Mr Andrew Agnew, a distinguished member tithe British Parliament from &Aland, introduced a 81 In the Douse of Commons, which he renewed In lea, to prohibit, among other things, the running of emetic , trans on railways; but on the death of Wil. lien IV, to that yule. and the oonerquent elseoldtioa leitParl anent, the bill fell. Sir And.ewbeeeme a esti- Oats for re-Cleothin, but failed to obtain hie seat Hee hoverer, organ'esd a DabbetarinnmoreMent among the Rotarians of Soothed, and by dint of publ le meetings, tn1:0011 alai. spec:hen, pubileatione, ameehll the vast ma. pinery which helps to make tomporaY" - publie opinion, h succeeded, la November. 1841, en indu deg the rail. stye In &tittered to mullet from currying pineengers en' 'Seeley. and to carry the mails only on that day - The mils had owe eared to be regularly transported ou aet day.' lint title victory was • mere conaproinine ' of feted between the Glees represented by Sir ArvireerAg litW on the one aide, and. the Manatees of the rellway Innpantes on the other., Parilarneat had not Inter'ered. Mills nrobtbitary reguletion against the a .rrylag of mis users on thmatey, adopted by the .companies Ome lettes, woe found to be snob a hardahlp up to the people. ad no repugnint to their feelings and 001111 (*ono that weeallopary sentiment immediately Ito wed it , 6lf. On to 12th February, 180, the subject was brought before etilament, and the Government 'eked to bring In a bid i tempt I rail May companies to carry prelleDger Li no Son. 1111. On the tid or April, in that year, a hill woe intro. need In the Conammus to mum to the public a limited nd reasonable use of railways on that day. It failed at fie time to become a law, by a vote of 111 to 132, but It - - was subteduently again brought forward, andpiedid into s law; So that, as the lbw now stands in Inglani, the railroad companies we compelled to furnish ware for San- W z i tte ,; 4 n at oj i a m el t to ; ; :a .y . o2:7:..t t e op th .o e . w o or o liAt i s i t e p i e t a i ge o . i, 'it woe brougb t gado' se a Bahian of aom.' - plaint„ rot,. Webster referred, in Odd riorineetLetaiini , ~I.Cox on Babbeth Lowe," Edinbwrld , 1130 S; and ,2l.lmi on the Sabbath, page 219 ] Thte legieletion is,' in harmony irith preview Bnglien atettitee, for,"bt re. kriteria to Chitty art Collection, vol. 2, p.. 294. it will he: fotiod'ihst the entente of 1 and 2 'MC /V, ego, 07,0 Weaned hadknetoosehes were authorised to Mend and' At for RIM, end to drive the name on the Lord's day; and rwai solicited that, all snob proprietore or drivers ebotlid ." be liabite arid etonpetled to do the like work , of )he Lord's dap at ed arty other day of the Weak And by other Inatome, palmed in the _,rvign of the prese,ntAusen _of England; in- the - year /Stec:the ta of liquors In taverns and beer bowels, dozing certain hours on FundeY. is exp , only eanctioned far the earbre , ',fence of the public By statute of 3 and 4 Will IV, ,Inatlcas of the realm are .nuthoriaed-to order the limie or stage - toadies and tattle during the hours of divine !lefties tit &Indorse thAtiy 12 and 12.4ftti 8, 'Mermen may ply on the Tralipesi bet*een Venthalimid Lime. hoops . Our-cat ot. 1104 also, cinnelins an eiteetitindlit favor of farriers. - Now, these pred.dentet inEa gland are impertant,sliOWlng that the statutes referrdd to are eraepttons to the wit of '29. Oberlin 11, oginodl.ll6) ,from which our act Of 1794 ta taken, ;rested from time to time, as the needealtfai of /he people and the changed roadition Of e Mire dennedtd.'not to prevent Present— thane for hreaohre or the,' pesee'rtoe that never was drealluedol) bat to care the peot{tyleilloted by the eta. tote of Cherleill for mit lologliterdinary °ethos on the Lordte ley. For hoe their efitiptidnel legielatirm been counted to works of labor perforantall'on that day. early tur Jamas the WO, a statute wee passed which e anted tbit the pilbple ehanldMotf be forbidden to indulge In what wad called ' , with ,meet mirth or recreation es dancin wohery, leaping, omitting, Hey golog, and Morris dandling " on the Sabbetb, after bottre of Worship, drietide;lol, and Chief 'Justice bawl., dieserning anthioni MOommonwealth ta :chat eon, 2 AM Law Beg., 618) while , ite late as 11163 the worklegisien of. London .petitioned Farliameet to uthorige the Orytitti Palate to be o ticked on 2nmisylt, and the prayer Of their pitation, I believe, was mai:Midi' 1 bat of that I San cot eartaln. By a atatute of 3 Charles, uniatoful exercises or pastimes are troll toted under • penalty of 3s. 9d But the elementary writers on the lams of Dosiand lay it down that this statute dote not prohibit, bat rather , Impliedly Mimes innocent recrea tion or amusement even on the Lord's day, alter Divine Barites in over." Black's yol. 4p ; 64,. It is olyar, therefore, both on prim:sip% and on chair" ity, not only from the sots which prohibit smarty em ployment, bat from those widthpermit it, that the penalty, incurred 1 hy a violation of tile statute is each as that etatnte may ordain. and has never been treated as a c r iminal °Menne, nagoltable in tke &Astons. All too etetutes punish the 'aeries by - a there floe. on sum mary iontiation before a Puttee ' And It cannot, be doubted rhea hid passenger . railways been known and used in 1194, and bad they been at necessary then as now, thew nanclog ;on Sande,' woUld have been ex preesly partitioned by . tfie Lrglilattirtt, in the same way as they awl:met 41 fir Betake nerd, dot any other work of necersny tr charity to be pinforraed It is Well known that Chief Justice Lewis and' the present Attor ney General of the rafted Engles on:warred In the opinion that travelling on Banday use not a worldly employment or broineui within Unmeaning of our set In ftuit. - the point hi expressly decided in Jones vs.- Hughes, S 13 "and 'end re.aillemed in Common we.ith TS AbILMOTI. 10 Barrie:" Although in ,ihme cas e it nal held that the transportat,oo of rem:Man. dice or passengers, as business, was a violation Of tie oat of 1794 in Murray Vs the immenorirrealth, it If ar-' ris 570,: this court- may be said to have qualified - their previous deolerons i forla that case th .y held that the &boy - Pall Oacal Company were bound to keep their look gates open on Sunday, , andl the lookkeepses employed to attend them *ere not liable to the flue posed by the act of .791, and Chief /dance Lowey says m his opinion. , th at it has never been considered that the occupatton !of gatelienpere no public highways and Toddies is Inolnded 10 the Sunday, laic. The constitiitiOnalityof the case hoe been deeldedbe. fore. In the _Pittsburg omnibus case tke_court did not decide that it was uneluetitutional for the omnibus to run on Sunday, at bough the driver was fined, cod I be -I hews the ortimboastill tuns,- - Tho Judge I think that was a mistake I was up there last winter. "and it qttired as to the time Of the race, but I was told the , it hod ceased running. Mr. Webster remarked that the Judge had better op. portnnity of knowing. Mr. Porter. Th.y do not run „when Abe Ettpreme Court fain seirlon, ttestighter - • - Mr. Webster said, is conolostou, thst he 41(1 not design going into any, argument- uposs the general Sunday question. It is. however, the question of the day, and it lit agitating Cr people of New York as well as of oar oda diti. tie did riot desire to loteiferowith the Sabbath; but there wee a rllfferends of opinion to to whether the day should he spent in pdaltentisil gloom, or in praising Almighty Cad while enjoying intim/al recreation, - The speech of bfr. W. °coupled about &whom. Wben he took file neat, be was followed by William L. bloat, Ned. AttalnfitT 'Oll. WILLIAM L. Milk' May It plant . . you honor, this ie ooe or those peculiar 'sea - periodical *darts to establish by law their religious impressions when the aid or the legal tribunal Is in voked to steam that their conilot Oos of what to right and propes ehostld be =atonally regarded, at, the well. settled layer the itad After a fey prefatory refit •trke, oo the anbj let et railroad travel 1u general, Mr , niret alluded •to the tear that in isho tits - stockholders of the Pennerliaiiiii Railroad, When the polls, were pen fel' a Month.; agreed; by • mej miry of over four hundred voted, to inn iheir mall and pamenger can on Sunday, and that from tfiet •titite td this, they have cautioned to do so. for the groat com'fitt of tinny whites net:belittles compel them to' navel - from one p oo to another of our Commonwealth. Notwithstend lug this feet, Buoday ban net yet been atiollihed, nor have the people, as .the lamentations, or Me leaned Mend,' Ur Porter, would ' seem to Imply they would, edsblishod &tenth day, and elevated s prostitute as the 40:dese of Reason. All theldesolation and utter ruin pictured by the imagination of the gentlemen Who but onsets the ewe to the CenelderatiOn of the court, bad not yet , ensued, and the great probabilityis that they never will. Petty years ego chains were placed across the striate. in front of the churches to prevent Sunday travel, but publlo opinion Mifthem down, and now the Mayor !seeks to re erect them nod pubno opinion Will always put them down. Mr. Mint said that the persons who van the ome on Reader, a week ago, are not hare helms the court. et d we have nothing to do with them. -.The de fendant It charged with having committed a breech of the peat* in running • railway Orr on sudsy tart. ' The oontrany who employed the defendant did not then, and do not now, intend to run their care on Bitn day daring church' service the defendant intended to wale by any churches artileb he might pass._ The com pany las regarded: the auggiettone ut • allleteone, end old not run their darn donor the church envie.. The- , Ootilto svesaee iu Root of ohurohee are iiotsiippoeed to ba den •fi *plot the pee,nge of any mehlole_on the fiehhetti. 7 The somplbtoonte ant that the public *we t; • es rte 41 lehikl.b, - <doled otufredey. , _ - &Won le -a *Mirth situate over'rinty beet rem ,the public high w la aboard. That there um have been in intenuon to have committed a breach of the &see before the defendant can be convieted of the charge. We' are not dismissing the legality. of•the 'passage along the e led of a vehicle, or of the presenne of the crowd at the tone of the stoppage. We cannot mine Mr Jeardello of the sot of another, and that act caused by his red We late riot referrirg to the alleged cheer. tog or singlag of *hymn; Mr. Jestddlle can hardly be held responatble ter *bete. Judge Thompson. 'ion may take that for granted • Mr Hirst., I. do, atr: Judge Thompson Yon may do so, tie, on your own responsibility, because I differ from you in several par. teeters. A persoo may be responsible for an ant which raises a crowd and creates a disturbance. Mr. Porter. May it' please the Court, Lord George Gordon nearly lest hie bead for an not of this Mr. iffiest continuid, eaylog that he mistimed teat the driver could not be reep , nsible, for any act which be, could not foresee and did not cause. I mums that if the car bad proceeded, there would hare been no Ma o der, The driver and coot motor had not in any way rovoked the dlool4ot, and, in my . voser, they are not rue oonsible: The speaker then took np the Mayor's letter to The rhlef of Pollee and went on to prove the Illegality of the order contained iu it, and Its eepaclelly unfortunate character, in that it WAS strandly provocative of a breach or the peace. Re would take up the matter under four head,: Pint, what la ,the act done by tt defendant ; second, la It forbidden ; third, what IS the penalty; fourth, to not the remedy here asked ma takenf Now, there le a Minority of well.msaning people in the community who rounder that the Sabbath anontd be kept qaiet grave, solemn as rt. - grave - laid at m,cl. night ; that the telling of a cane or tide tapping of a ham ce. on a window of a church al.turbs their reef.. fliere some little doom/ion ensued between the Ittlge end the epoakei, se to what was a breaoh of the peace, end whether it ehould be tried before a jury. Mr, U. donned all kinda of 'steadies of the peace, train tumul tuous aesetablaiee to 'unlawful affrayei sod avoid that the defendant was party of no' begun of the peace cr other aloes Whatever Ile then manned j ' was going to say that there were alt Ilene of people in the coMmuulty, and theirldmis about Sunday differ rery flealdee those vitt t wick Sunday tobe there are others who like to, go out to , the Se de and woodelont nreatbe (lieVir free alr, and fled alien:non in every tree, to every ilioWnr. Now two Mauna differ in that the fleet with to tome, their opinfone on others, vrblle the woad clam •do not The only way these, two Merced can got airing is by agreeing to let oatili other erjoy their °et/opinions in perfect freedom. According to my learned friend. [Hr.' Porter all the col:meant of Surepe le condemned because they have no Sunday lawi each as the one quoted. lie enema to meet no Preuelimen,Portunnoee, Spaniards, or Leaman, when be gate to Heaven. [Laughter.] klr. Porter I never uttered shah noneenst. " - - .Mr. Hirst. It la a lair deduction from your argument. Now, f ask my raged Owlet whether there wee atingle nalektut indication wows this ~.r was passing along," until molested , by the pollee? I_ think the Court will say there win not. 'Noe wont "difference in there be Moen the care passing along sod this , carrisgea which wheel oar eblemn leunday-keepum people to chorea What d &ranee le there between a wheel watt a flange and one without 'V- Very little. And the dietinution between the running of therm care and traveldrig is art Aimee to be elibost, the speaker neatened, pretaing bin Prat point at length, end then took op the errand. • z Was the not of the driver s f.rb.dden acct He maintained that If he could god that the penalty ftr an Mimeo such as this was provided by another statute, it would be elear that the offence wan not, a breadh or tee, peace Ea n , tdd tile none of The Commonwealth re. Wolfe, in Which this very point was (nettled, nod the mode of procedure wax declared to he different. Whenever a statute taken hold of en offtnce, it dtsappeara heat the Common jaw. And to the tone or tote, ,my learned Mond asks the court to send. tuts ones to the Qiiarttr deeelone avid impturin the daniodaat tor an unlimited period—up to seven years •Imprisonment event The Legislature his said to all the world that a certain Way le the proper One to pcUISOSULO to recover this pen• aity. and shall I set to work to arvie so well•eatab• liaised a point f My learned friend will allow the people to walk, bat when we ask shall they not me four wheels t he saya, No I Mr. Porter. I said nothing of the kind. I said lot them go in each a manner at not to Interfere with the liberty of others • Mr Mint. That to to Nay, about 50,000 people than go in carriage!, elide the rent of the community must walk or stay at home. TOOLO aro *arena canoe to which the fitipreine Owirt hoe held that the remedy for an el:ranee like tbti was ty the'iew of 17914 one case wen th.t or a sereeth day Deptlet ,t outlaw mite wait that of a Mr. Omit, of Bar. rheum) another wee the Pitushu-g own bag °tie, watch la identical with that now-before the onnrt another cue was that of a leek-keeper on the Bohttyl. kill atrial. • The spealcdr then , went on to argue that the pre gent kit Wee utterly aVatsken. llm /214rael friend hitd made England an skeeptlon she has true religion. now, I litre cent for the Loadoit Ttm,a , of the lot Instant, and hale copied from it come iiiirertlee- Moot, MF. ilirot read the following advertigetnente Witotlay - travel In Euglar.d,: Obese nuaday -Exturtions, by the Boaih Eastern Hallway, 0, Ramegate. Margate, tee., at 8,35 A: M. South Western itailetay.—inuday Exeurrion Trolne rite every Mioday, from Waterloo Erirge and Vann Bail Stations. at 1 .45 tt . . Epsom add Leathei head, wad by Omnlbue to Boxhill and Dooking. Train run daily. Brighton.—Expreaa Trains leave Loudon Bridge at 2,P. M. 'Citaat Wisdom Itallway.—CheapExcursloo to Strand, Caw:wearer, eqd Oheltenhane. 00, Sudsy, J 97 3, from raditington so 7 46 a, M. Mug to mad Betk—an"da.9 Morning at Eight o'clock —Le'hyte London.bridgo Whart—listnrue at half pot Three. Thespositer at this point cited several eases from a 'Test pile at law boots, and commented upon them forcibly and at great length. The legal argument occupied cocciderable tima s end eiltimod a most thornugh reemateh. M.. Hirst then pro ceeded to comment upon the smelt, and contended that thine was no orient* In law; or founded In fact. The Mayor, on an ez par e miasmata, made riot under oath, Issuer the orders that have been re.din ear beeries t and the ofiloer PriMetdo to arrest for a breech of the eace, without tne pr,duction of wertait, and upou hie owe vie*, a ottizeu who wait quietly Wind ing to a' legitimate uosOpanon. • your Honor Will not dedde that. the neon hundred pone-- men of our city a e Tested with inch extiam dinery and illegal authority. It is the /nuance of ab surdity to 'Wert any such mOnstroue doctrine The people 000 go when and where they please to worthlp God, and tteitigh my friend Mr. Porter cows to be air the opinion that tree religion olnaotdvrell in the midat or Nature where every aarrounding is a memento of creative Power and Goodness, yet there are theca Vett eincerely and religluualy worship away from ill sight or 0 entire , '" i art your tionor whether this rale oad company have not been actuatedi by the very best of motives; that'of benetolonce, in their Meant aorta of the gulled of itandstirayst saltines e. I kui#i-itit • Obrietian. sad as a patriot. whether, in ministering to the '4,4. 4 Of thisieboring people. tat ,attendingsvam to 011 most eiglitdeeinh of the worshiPers, they Were vets peeornalig Pnctiiii . . Wile dir,,frtend,'ltr.,Porter, disturbed while he was 'disking his 'speeoh;'hyithe rap:Alias of the carrleges 'isneitarte ndteldeT i s :erten:ay mit; lad let the notes, paste tee" }Ames pester than that whteh fe corn. plained hr. - . We sire *Otto ha told here thet the aelleet tog of , the'eur lonenroted was our set ; for it was caused 'by thee* people whe save Dates that *bey would slap the ears - ..need nut dlerwei Whether enThedt eheered, for a inbeidloate policeman contradiite rs genet Orden this point, and this evidence is backed up' by eleven other witnesses Al! the disorder that , did onour, was while the Oar wee in possession ofithe po. Ilse. - 71 r L.were to write_the history of it people, r. 15,114, .ait leek tolleeir Imi,books, but 10„ their manners end ougtotne Ifol4l „IT the ferinerfoture readers e had MS firiiwOrke on the !fourth of hilt - teitt-adf-ilkilif • MOB Nears - tier _passed, &o. Wetnugt athribitia.le *metering ;froth old.laWs, made 120 0 0 rthfilisSiellittelt of, she:Present to a Pmwreisieu eptru. _Titeubot yleldel Sothis ,reaeostable converilserma and, impress .of the, times ,The. setal. Ottarlea ll'•iihorit - whfah4o - Much said to thee .egse. was a etrange law from a strange monarch: - He neter of:nerved the Bebbetki probably thinking that the k ng can do no eirong. ITudgelloonipeckft - Agri a legion fitott the PrOtector, - Lguirliterti ' - Aftef nfew. genera) pletervatione op the reign of ;hie monarch, IlliC•Hlist said that the orderd of the, Herr referred solely to the running of the tarok' " the thick ly:Witt>, ipertioes • of the city— Vence: we are ie. Infer ,that the sanotity s otthe Aar& Is detive4,ftem the num. heaves lo Its Monett... ftsmetttsf.l Could the Pollee , ge. Co the rinthig oillese, and arrest the comps. sitoris - engaged on Ponder , in- preparing the Caosr far. Woodsy, on • a charge of a breach, of the pale, Cer , Minty not, and your Honor will soy so. In the lower coartf Judge Tuompton smoretairdepided that the cry ing of aewepepere on Sunday was not a breach of the esape. - I &Intl know -how tbat ,sotnerity grill matfett here. Wear now lit.the nape*. realms,and expect PM it align. tfeinghter.)thaffreferredlp the run ning of the core on the tfOrtli - - - Pennerylvaida.Ballread, "tied On the Germantownitailmed - Mi flunday, - aild gee& tinned how- that act °mid be puerilely •eonetf° B6 into a Iffeseli of the peons.• ilea this Minato running el the *ere retired up ohlivophy to the pleas of religion aid made us worehif the feeolfill 'peostitate, that.the lamentations of .the other , sido" Invoke from the dim future,? ~ , , , Ingland got along very well for fifteen hun dred yars without a -prohibitory law on .this tiubjrct and no such consequendes Conned, - It le folly to argue se had been Mine; tor under the sat of 1794 It had been clearly established that the following of worldly em ?lament, was not &breach of - the pesos.. Amen oinnot be panislied bj Cling • Penaltyttuder another set, The Pro ° o4 t lo ° Wird tbeite a single instance of w breech of the posee es declared under this, cot, -Is_ not tble re• marlightel hoe been held. fierier the•Wmgiiiii de -Melons. that His lawful to travel - on Sunday; and el:a lai'', fadiowlly determined in Pennsylvania • "" Leith!' defendant be diamlesedi and I smears, with the livrengeeteuto 'Made by the Compnui, t meets will not dletnro those who are not oiliest) of the coogrega. 'gibes Of the e,ty •It to dot fair - to the fi , ople of Phila• driplua to coy. Mgt they Cannot be traced with these conveyances, when:l show that ' ll) other oenntries, the pee 'le are. Steamboats run, end there Moo breach ci the payee. Why - attempt to strain a point here ? Is the manning of a carriage a' breach of the panes 1 Is eta bream. of the peace for. the barber to work on Sun day, or the drug More to be _kept open, -Let no trine +hut attempt to enforce oar opinion against others by Lbw. - Let• us cessethie elbowing fin the'paths - of life , Let ne be tolerant , and more so , thap we would be tin der the ant which Mr. - Porter so mush landed, aim which, while it erste of foredoni - of conselence, , denied it to the re es, 'who' were °Meld., of its pro- Malone. ,T • In concluding his .able effort. 111."Hiret spoke - with much feeling He said that f f the ears were Wetted to. run; within thirty days there' would - Nino Ones Im posed, for the informers " wonid be wanting:- Pub lic opinion le agatnit 'het ,mtserabie , Mass of theMito: 'mann). I willuot take the Word "-pear people' from my learned Mead. - _:Wet are sated why they arena Ad deo free. The toll', g rosmISA, , who emnefront the *reek. 'ehoPa; mid - the aewfor,Vmmen, from their- families, to oaten a breath of God's free air on Reidy; otraide of file'beated maims, walled, in-by Wets ,and MOrhar, are not planners. and thee don't want to ride tram. They [day not have the money to patronise the Beery stables nor the strength to walk to where Aber ean recreate in peaceful eij iymsnt, bat they can Wird their half donee, and (eel therneetvee recompensed. by the attentions of the company to their ,ptivei. cal neceesitos. The public parks were not mode to be used only by the rich who can drive in their car riages, and policemen ought to know co. They sre •,nt lnieenntrlee of the Gospel; their stare ere as different from the Star of Bethlehem as mei that revolvers, of whidli they so often make in unfortnnati andfatel are. The speaker booed that a uplift of genermia toleration would orevall, far fanatcel attempts do mare than any thing Mee to injiim the mesa r elision It can utter warfare against humanity, and should come of its over. zealous devotees seek- to make such a strife, thereat prejudice their clause and do harm only. He tome that his Honor would decide by the law as it is written, and that wee all that wee desired. EMMAUS/1 OP E. L. OLMSTEAD. _ At the floneltudOn of Mr. Huatia sp4selt Mr. Qln,e end State& that heti:mild address tile Court" lint briefly, se there was but very little tine left before the adj turn. meot of the court. He followed In the_tame Vein of &moment as Mr. Porter. At the cenolueion of the remarks of Mr. 0., which were neeessivily brief, the Court _adjourned_ until ' ooe o'clock-U=4,y, whittr_a decision Ida be rendered /nage Thompson. rHE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM MEXICO. A Conducts Robbed by en. Rftigineia Discovery- of a- Conspiracy -fa the City: of Mexico to Place MarCueza in Power.' lifaiquezi -beelines In favor of Santa Anna Insiortlnt't:heicrein Ofirslmpel! Policy DISCHARGE 'OF HIS 'CABINET. The Church Party, peelare in favor of Marqueta nieace rater airvloes 7 . from ; General Marquees bed robbed anonduote, W h ichho wee ea state Mont Guariajuita 'to .13an'-Blas,'of $600,000. - - A conspirany,bed been discovered in -the city Mexico,of having for' ito Obje_ot the:eleiation of Marquess t o - power. - Marquees: bad subsequently declined in favor of Santa Anna, at Guadalajara. Miramon had-made. a complete change in his Cabinet, in consequenoe of- his intended Agog. of policy. He intend's' to recognise the liberty of the press, to grant:art" aninescy , - poGtiaal. ' fenders, and to partially confiscate the' property of the Church. The Church party land declared for Marquess.' The latter wee at Onadalejare, with 2 000 men. • FROM. CALIF-6R-NI.A. Dl* 'PEHVAINTRPEC ROUTS. e 2,200,000 in- Gold• for New York. DEPRESSION OF BUSINESS T'WO F..ILUR .IISS. Nnw Onczaws, July 2t—The Tehnantenee stemma. W. if. Webb, from lidinatitlan ma the 18:h loot , has arrived below, with Calif.unia advice:. to the etb. . ' ' The steamers golden Gate and Cortez left Sat Francisco on the 6th for Panama, with $2 200 000 In treasure destined for New York, and 900 pat- Ite er tusinese of Baulrranoino continued depres sed, and two 'failures', involving a coesiderable amount of Ind ebtedneta ; were &ono unced. The prioes for the leading gentle bad a downward tendency. Monpy market was Qui. The advice!! from the MiDO9 conduit') faverable. , The grain harvest was abundant: " • ' The natinnet annlvereery wan celebrated thraughout the" State with unusual enthusiasm. =IIES= WABntNa;os, July 22.—The President has ap pointed J. A Cashman, of Mississippi, minister r) the Argentine Confederation, in the place of Mr. Yancey; resigned. Arrangemens have jest been completed for the publication, in this city, of a nolitieal and literary - myosin!), to be called. the National Demoeratic Quarterly 'll.moiczoi under the editorship if - Cul Tamils B Florence, - of Philadelphia. assisted eminent contributors It is to be the expositor of the present, and all future Democratic. Acimiula trations. , "Mr Barringer his formally deolined the Gen• teal Amerlean mission. Iho opinion is entertained that all the pending questions in that quartet can be adjusted by a •properly qualified represen tative. , laic despatches fretti'Mr; McLane, the Mexican minister, present no striking or interesting, tom, in addition to the.newspaper aeoottats.of Mexicaa affairs already published. _ , Wreck of the Yacht Roslyn New Tuns, July ~F 2 —The bark Golden Rule arrived this 'evening fro 'Amilnivall, having an ,hoard ,the crow ,-and, patueegeva of the yacht Roel.i , n. from Lake Pontchartrain bound to this port. The yacht was abandoned is a sinking con dition on the 11th bet The crew were saved thelthip St. Relena,frano New Orleans bound to Liverpool, and transferred to the bark Golden Rule. Arrival of Mr., crioaie's .Remains. BOSTON, July 22 —The remains of the late Mr Choate arrived to-day from Halifax. The funeral is to take plains to-morrow. A meeting of eitiz.n. was held to-day at Panted] Ball, at which resoles Hens were adopted, expressing sympathy with thi bereaved family, and - requesting permission to at tend the funeral, ' ..NotArrivol of the Notth Briton. - BM(); July 22.—A despatch from Patbm Point, 'datei 8 o'clock P. M., stated that tbe steam er North Briton, expected. there with Liverpool dates to the 13th instant, was not in eight. Since then the line has been. interrupted- by lightning, and IS now oloced for the night. Postponemint of Executions. NEW YORK, July 22—Stephens, for the minder of his wife; d'arpherd, for arson; Appo, for the murder of his father•ln•law,- were all sentenced for orrecntion, to take place to day. By exceptions, postponements, and reprieves, the life lease of eaoh, has been prolonged, and consequently no exeoutions took place to day at the Tombs. A Boiler Explosion. WORCESTER, July 22 —rhe boiler at the wire works of J. Wasbburne .t Co., in this oily, ex ploded to-day, seriously injuring Els persons From Nan It), Fe. Sr. Lortg, July 22 —Santa Fe adviees of the 4th instant have been fcoeived at Independence the Indians, previously reported an being seen along the route. have disappeared, and their where abouts is not known. , Markets by Telegraph. NEW ORLEANS, July 22 —Sales of Cotton, 0 day, only 200 'bale's - at lids. The slaw' of the week have boon 5.000 bales, against 2 500 for the same week last year. Exports for the week, 7,600 bale)+, and for the season, 1,700,000 belts; the re ceipts ire 100,000 _ bales ahead of last year, aed at all Southern ports; 600'000 bales. The stook in port is 31.000 bales, againat 21 000 bales at the eame time last year. Vane is dell at $4 75a5. Coffee Ls dull at Ma for Rio; sales of the week, 5 000 bales; stook in port. '24 000 bap against 21,000. bags at the same time last year; there have beau no imports during the weak Exchange oultindon, 1.091a1101;:billa on Now York, laid ; eight bills d+l premium. CINCINNATI, July 22 —Flour is firm at 5585.25, Whiskey is Arm at 210. Provisions are unchanged . - , Wilt#79 7 'Hijai , --PittgerenteisuseeMeseljompaujr, num bir , _ 'nieu;reiffirkedlieuixtv.intbe New - - :Yea trahrld.eirstithourstit - ettliallrlaster•bina, - freill theirlri to,Ftlagare, Palle-Buffalo, Hew York, and interatedi,eteulecea c They.wereetwatananted - by Pompliaireettrita.; , of Ttitytooolvad - tho atmoist attetitteirlietit ititOtteitifti aud-nutbo rlties,rifiher=differicitplatieettit'f-ilaltedstud - every hetspitalittwasTeitenditt , te lint a pleasant one‘:,:-L.,,A - The firemen of ouraity Made sztenstiararrange• mete to sheens werdiatriCeption, and word ing], the Oolnmit'er, America _ and coornimiett„with their,steene engines and hand ottirleger; and' therffibey - lkill,--West PhiladelphieitioodiFtitentt Kensington and War. Tea' Hasa .49010paial05, turned oat - Witt, their appes- - ratuktol434 In , the prooessionw-zittiveral bonds of music were engaged for the, dtemalorrOtifi ts pro- . dim& display _of fire-aork.S, trandpatemdes, and torchlight& added to theit:stittbif-theirtsust • -- Upon their eay-al, thetr Persiverasteic,boys x were ism:fitted np ;Wal ri nut Irtititoltligth . , - -uptatit to. - Obtiatinit, and dtkiiiHkerfipirete r ltront and Walnut. .(It this point; Under_ the - dii*lattOtatt. H. A. Cook, eels Hibernia'obiDlA4 - #.oltrefillttralatt and - ambit - id_ by Thempectiil (J.-Oomixtinge, - and John Sturgis, the line formedrind'prooseded over the following_xoatel- , L',.. - • _ Down Frontro SpruWap .PPrtree.lip-Wtai, ue taiga to sfeline, np Brehm to Third to-Chestnut , thence to ICghteenHW*g'gh teeDtrft'Sprtee- &ki :Mb to Walnutop,_alratla Twelfth, Up ?ROM to Green, down Green to Third, up Third-to Girard svermei down.; Girard Venue re...lrankfcid rood, thence tbri t 9 -Maiden. - pp Maiden 'to Front, down Front to Brown, up Brown to Second, down - Second to Quarry. dad up (harry to the house of the-Perseverance-Hose hire they eve. - rited - at a late - heir.. - - - _The- trreoesdon. , wee, a . Tory- Impeeltte one. °roe - di - of - wapiti collected at various potato along the - route - end ,trneered them most enthusiastically, which, irittil he reception of their brother Branum, moat have- been xhighly,, - gratifying to-,the, Parse. verancecoinnany, as evincing • the respeot enter- r tained for them, and formed a pleasant termina tion to a visit which. from all acoonnts, - must have been a most delightfulandirgietable one - Ac the procession p,assail the Perseverance Hosts !loam, a yottbg then natinid - Belsterling, engaged in firing a pistol, had hie hand shattered se oadly that it is leered amputation will, be necessary. : • -: Biters liEntimost.-Ttro persons, named. William Pearce and W illiam Holmes, bad a bear lag yesterday morologrin the charge Of slat -Both - of the parolee are Degrees. It seems-that there are two tribes of negroes, known as the wrearl streaters" and the t , Woodcocks." Between these Mans a feud has been existing for same time. On Thursday an excursion was given by the Satiday.;• school at Ftfth'and Omtesstreets, in which a uum ber of the "Woodcocks" partiolpamd On the return of the school, a number of the streetere" Madden -- attaek_anthei Woodoitoks and were about itieeguratiog a verypretty quarrel,. when .Lientinint - White - and 'some' of his *Meer& mootteded in 'dispersing ,the bends, and arreeting Pearce and Helmets.' "They were Bed in then um or 1800 to answer the chatgtat_courf. _ HOBE Caitaxeil itrisseican =The hose - ear- , riege.. - Commonly called a spider," belonging •cr the Hibernia Steam-Engine, Company, wee Se" dneitPto - a wreole, -- yeetordayafternoort, - -at eighth, and kpruee streets,. ;it seemether the bones were attached to the ' , tit - Oder" for the _purpose of, dragging ;it through the etreetr torget the running gond:hi:toed ,wiiiikiktilitair,*On Spruce street -the - ihorties,beeisno. frightened, end:: dashed - of at a:furious; rate:" - - - When they-reached the intersection above rmentiorted: -, .thes - carrisgei was . , overturned and'f ataiipletity 4 dedielieloil4 The driver was ihrtiam- witht,tome - -vlolenee to the ground, bitt'e'sititied anfeeri6tis injury. • ' SLiouT • Frax.=Laat! . .evening, about nine o'olook, while the line -of-the firemen's Droosa4en was fi asHog - In the vielnity . of , libith and ebea tut oreets,..there.was an . Jtlttrm of fits, Iron:LAU State Elenze.: - ..: The alarm was ranged bf-tlidtterniag of the third story Of the workshop ofMr_S. Fries, on Market street, above Eighth; tie 821: The Origin of the fire was traded to a small box of Oharaoat in which a spark had -- neeldentalljVledged,'- - Theta nage war triding, severallicur companiea being earty„ on the ground, and performing very'elliolent . - HosPITAI. Cease. - Frederick 16 peace, - bad hil - left , footligidlyint;,yearinday afternoon, im ,boardztliesoduanforialaryD Lane, at a wharf on - the Iteleriare:-_-.lf--;appeere that he wag in the RV of ateppinCepso the quarter debk - With a' ?late in Ida hind, when befell and broke it / vatting-big hand.fievaraly. - ‘ IYII/ C - Crawford, aged 7 years, had his left foot , ,badlyent, ,, yesterdsy'afterioon, by n'glagg bottle being . thrown at: him by suloy with whom he was playing - at Vine. erect wharf. John Gibson, aged - 10 ,prate, bad his right fat badly unshed - by being run over by a coach, near - Eight - Nand Varpenterstreets. ah.:aboveoaties taken tolhePoillnYlliaids Hospital. •i• - A • BEAMY.iitti iitkakylY,— i tiie lady, of ,Con rid B. ;And cosi, - Erq . Witarnide the recipient- of a very beautiful - pretert' last evening.. at the house of hirlinsbandr:;Thi , present °assisted of a-handsome teacaet and;waitaa,-altogetheii raven pleases. They are of massive silver:and- bean- Wally. chased- -The--ware was -made hy:Witliam Wilson; tire - celobrated Ovenware, mannfaaturer, at the loidhiqs et corner of link and Chetry_ streets. The - folidaing - Intoripllon 'le :engraved ~en the places : • ;;-‘. " To Mrs. Conrad B. Andresa, - from the'.2friendg of her husband, of , thi•liepartmeat of Itigheays, as a mark of_ esteem and ..- regard' far him daring hie term or OlSois - a:Chltif l Ceriinsissioner.- , July. 221,1859. , t 2..._ :::,r._ , .:. Toinvo Bliir**Ata,mll:**: - /V4ia Boombarlioanodkabili;tlifi**-riifii';Arlittr:; Wait sixaskat en,theildirrisk bone, No. 925 _ _as ; g. nibtilytailontYW" aid other jeweliytilisymoosessioal' Be:notifesoes_ ,intwing.o,tolen attneflinor. Abe Aidedlytentalfo the, smonot ;of ,T2'3 lost sent toOttok fkows of A NEW Se venteenth and Nionteentb-streets Passenger Rail way Company Was organisod on the Ittitinst., by the election of N. les Campteniprosident, Price 3. Patton, troasurerogio,, , P :Gordon, Seerotarr; and for di, actors; Bayard Robinson, P O. Ellizaker, PHA. Is Patton ' disepb. BrOwer, S. E Ridgway. It is expeated that the road will be &dotted ia aixty days A 5T4511.31.-- There was a magniflcent storm last evening, , gat la fir/Welters style, WWI all the accompaniments of lightning and thunder. For a half; hoar it•rained-- territtly,,,and then pass el away. - The ear* 'think was dry and waned , needed each_..refreshmeni, - , and: Pe-;rain wag oinioidingly opportune. . -- MESSES. MoCn&SKT & Clll3ll,3llbefeltined & prospectus for the publication if a,weekly family newspaper, to b 6 entitled ,"The United States Me ebonies Own." The first "number will be pub lished on Monday. the first of Mogmt. • ARRIVAL 01' Eriroaarrrs.— The packet-ship Tonawanda arrived yesterday from Liverpool, bringieg 223 passengers. BLIGHT FIRE. •-•1 here was an alarm of tire on Thursday evening et a late hoar, occasioned by the burning of the roof of the - . drreliint,No. - 202.1. Murray Street.' "Bat damage was done. Tux cg I,artria " "htirge; of the schnylirill Mill; Wei on a vieli yesterday to Norristown. They are expeeted home to-day. - Tu second cc hop "of the newton will take p'aoe, at the United States„ Hotel, Atlantic City, this vening . There will be a displair of fireworks on the mouton. ' • • •- - The Washington , Statas no ()Malt of Douglas. - One of our - Pdaine , exedranges takes occasion to say that no better evidence of the= agreement of Judge Dougbre with Gen. Casa on the doctrines if the Le Olero Jotter, with reference to the rights cf nacuralizet citizens returnine to their native mu tries, can be found than the faetjhat his Washing• - ton city organ, Tits Siang, isastsin3 the pohitio4 tf Gan. Case. - We have become heartily tired denyliiir that we are the organ of Judge Douglas or any other public man. Els position on the natur.lisetton question is the best evidence of the fast that we era net bis organ. It is notoriene that be totally dissents from the position of The _States cud of Gen. OM upon this question, and repudiates the idea that there can he any distinction in. respect to the rights of naturalised and nailva.born old. onus to claim the protection of ,the cerement, at ' home`..or - abroad =Washington States, .7 - itly 21. Dwerit oY A, Sots -Ox Pax. 'Jowls N. Nix vm—A few daya ago a forgery to a .small -aunt:oat w, e perpetrated on a banking house of W. H. Ilarksdale.A.Co , of this city, and three I.eraota *ere Inspected of participating in the crime. Among the number was Francis A litifdt, - who: fs taid to be. and acknowledges himself, a son of John Newland Math. the eloquent preacher; who iinurithed in the West some veers ego. After the forgery was disoovered, young Blaffic was found on Ibe other aide of the river, and wee coaxed' across in order to be arrested. Thre.deolared himself In aceentof the allegations, ,bat as be bed been liv ing a rather fast and distipaLied life-on, the :river, between St Lards and New Orleans , hie protesta tions were not received with a degree of ctedenoe. His examination, - with thai `of his companinee, was to have onme off in a day.or two, Imt on Sun day night, in his call, he was seisedwith an alio plemio fit, and died at nine o'clock —St, Louis Re publican. A MiNISTER TO 'mg TTAISD TOIL POIIIOIIITO use Wars—The trial 'oracaL. 3.'8 ,Earden. of Warren county, N J., charged with poisoning his wife ' will take place to tbeptember . The proecu tionfor the State will be cenducted by Hon. Wm. L Dayton and Joseph Vliet, Esq.. State andel/lin ty prosecuting attorneys. The prisoner is said to conduct himeolt, with propriety, and the excite. ment against him has sub dded. Many persona el ven doubts of his guilt, and hope he will be ea quitted. A Nsw OBSEANB correspondent of-the St. Louis Republican; in deeoanting on doe a and other 411/1:15001CS in the'Oretreent City, nays that, on the flth instant, two young gentlemen met at the "Oaks" with &mete- barreled shotguns, loaded with:bill, and one of them left toe field with a broken leg. On the Monday following, amber party met at the same spot, with similar weapons, and after exchanging sects once. with out effect, their d.iference, whatever it was, was reconciled. RIME on Rm.—The New Brunswick Daily Fredonian says a regular organized scheme has beau matured, and President Bachanan'e office holders and toadies in the State of New Jersey have already been set at work to secure the New Jersey delezation for him. H's emissaries, the custom house °Cheers, unotmarero. &a , bare their instis° ions, and the objeot 1t to be achieved even though the party be hopelessly satitifide.d Cone Ett-erONS Lain.—On Sunday Jut the eornerq tone of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Cintinnati was laid, when addresses were de livered by the Rey. W. Sutherland and Rev. Dr. Clark. It is said to be the handsomest church rd , fiC6 in Cinoinnati, and will cost over SACK tooluairg $lO,OOO already paid for the lot. ' Miss MART Beam., daughter. of .oaptain /Meer, if New York oily, Was drowned while ba ss lug at Coney Island on Thursday. 'A young la dy who was bathing with her wee swept off by the tide at the same time, but fortunately was m oue& REV. HENRY CLAY - DEAN challenges the strongest infidel that the E‘ Infidel ingoidation" of the United States esn name to discuss - with him the question of the Divine origin of the Scriptures, as vie ste by snot. in the Ottumwa Courier, Opel". by him, '4 - ' ..•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers