nisi ~~, n 1 ii , tuli:e: , i g_ - ... - 77 -11 ";..,, sil"t tr i ..,,.44,,i4 . , ,:.Atari, ~,trotio ...,, ,_,. !,L,„. - -- -, titikap!Y- 011 liti 44r ,:o6r,iijitz, 41L , Ift.- lie - r**.lorAt!ii- i t - —±-=..1-4... ,10---,s- W icet•- _ - T ri-,-- ii-iviiiiiiiid-andte!t,, Ao 'L-1-' 4.004,014-4*ooleig'4-ntiliVikoiti-tv,•! 4:77 , .f.=' , ,!!', -• ..igoil*lL.,-- :1-.,---u-iciii ft: -ox: s A 4- ' :, ' . ----- •'":;.-Liest...-------1--- cud o* - , •_., . .1 ~... -, .• . . ai , tlo n - tomps; wok ~, ~,A , lig ..:iii, 7_ ;t - te • ,l2 ~ ' ~:f k - w . 4 li! ripii,,441u440•4--, 4' ~"i:::ff-,' -4-- - ,- ' -,. , ,:.:iatiaw...:o,f .4ii.,aspik ---_:-;-=,"7 .4 ,7- „-- 4441,04*#Iiitoiqt.itoki#1*-1,. -. ' - 4 - tlf-4.44** ,--,, t ojit - ;t 4.*:',PP% ,- ---, -....h...h"-- - 0.,.4 0.1 , -_. - - larthAttrofor a :, - ,-- ivita, l loov ..„ Oill niv ' l4Ditia of' i;,-F7 itiff,AX ~,Ilttletiitop4iiky., ',- ' l= ';''i -, ;. -1) ‘1 11 -!•!`-,-.; • m -l - Ay - ' - ' i'ioi r itillsilklv 'Afkiilittit ~..prb.—eirlittifOlik7---- —•4- in - -'o4s3lithic k --- --7 - 1014 , 14 ,fitt4r_ 1- -..... ''''•P4•4o.ti! 863- 0 41/4 4 ,4 1 , :t. • • '••''' ' -ih - ifi , ,' i Mei : ,•, r, - ! - - ,43-, B* , ~,..,1111.- ••1 ~ ,j ediiiittidiorMVP.,„ ~ ~,---4-.,.."iiii 4X--ts ',-- -:!;.4o49,tHiniiiiiii4.6ol44o,lo!,”:7=Wf ilia: 'lLs4*,:!•',k;t.-•,%- r•*7 ,1101. "744-I**ll,os4't 07 . 410714 .„,._„. 4, 1t u 1f : stiOlhtf) . ,*r"Wicirid;lo-,6°'!7-1--;01' ::o'...,";.**infiAltils„, ' '.',to4.44l2ts:‘'e•lrA,J,7 :'..,i. VLi;i4, -;4141,4111-',..if; Waiiiiieo ~•- ~,.41,licei"';jc.40 :At vits,;#o.ll944lll4,4llefteetC 417' --"Atira-i(iliikti r ~-boilf=o, l o,ll_titrtzloolititili . ::iT .:_omi-t-notibi4s-i_l' i og .-.;,-.4,q5,- i - 0 6"-i4tqaftterg4 s tatfutair41#,C4410---. ~,..latctwq.rothitiao.o4 o .,,,,„.l .l, - ~,, , • ', i ; ,tit ' '' tr*Ottanit,gegagsfAilkle ti : - :`i-i - 1 ~, . .4 '- 'A4Kir `"..lPtirli,lttoc*llatrig,litrilhi4irsat ,--, -' ".I.4,surt*l&Alititium**:*-Pa.,...*,*84,..t0w -4 ; ~,, -- --- •.k , i,, -, 3,-... , • , - iiiii,,,a,,,,51iew....0,,,,i, •. $, ~ , ,t, ~,,,, ' • - , .-,,Uv-4-,h•,r4Al, jourras og,pLA,„I9SF, ~,,,,.„."0 _ 1 ,il,l - - ~, , . .r . "'" : , -,---.?, t _.,.. - ; ,r,-* ',;;lVlllbiffiriZol LT 1 , , , , i 444fittal7 'iviitii'44-4 1,1 * 1pf:tE . ,k , 4!4' ,1 t 5. :;7-1--:0,14-14;3000.1, !-„ ,.. PIT ILZ40 04 , - ,,,,,,N , , :', u ',--'--, 01,r'sp.:71';'43W,170173..avaAcwif;:unt,' 2aniaits,7 i i iett i ttiivtall%fitV°M-- 1 -- `,J naln°.tJ*l,t.trai W t,sti Sf4t 4i * ica' A s e : : :"-Xl4itir'26l*V"lt- iiifittiiSitliiiiiii!9lll -- illoor,Tiffit, ~„ -_, -..7,-.„-.4.1610,1.-- 14 - - . ~,t t. 0 .0 , ..„ ~ ~ . v vidaseit •.. ,-e44/..tiftdiciVriLlO 40804 joeivelslt,f .elm - ''''-- .:',' -......4,1,,,ttitacmykan„,„,.. , i-,,ta1„0,7,*.d„,,i. ;o,4ll.4.„,iiiidor..e",,.....ofaALrztit---40-oodiails *, OTOP a! fi r ceel A iimiAtvt - 7 , 1,70:44 , ii„ , ..4.44. * .hf 0r , - _ , .. „- iiiiii - 01.7cootr a tt iatite , 014u , * ~:-.._ . ,,T hiteibiof, , _vit i4 --.-.,,,kw i stt gi n i l oirl ' - - ,- - - • 140,41 - ef,*, a - - . , 11- 6 ,----- - --i ; - 'o._ - - nt --. iilti4H.Hoo -1511 —'' i aaat,,, , fah' 1 liii-tii";iniciiTre4,f'V t__,----4 iii)(3,B., 4:',, -, - '-- ' - 0 :44- 44i, pot , , ~., _ , ..`..` - ;:smA - - - kiiii , fit_ ~ ,'-•-41-ti-V-, itim% , , • i ~ r - ' '',lPit ~. . „ I"ttri.i• p.m. ,,, , ,, .• I,,•ct , i ff FM site ' --;•_-: "I'lt'-j. _ .._,,, 1 -i'ie„, , -: 114 ,* 4 .7.1-sripi 44. -'WR -'''Milyitifillik""l"lsl,l7n-iiiii*: iit-g 1 i tu.,,,, ,-----ft„..r)7l!*4: a.-i-;,-00-itAiiiilittOreT.9„,tial,„_ i 00-toottte ,lA,sigAthianti";AV-ml4l- '--:?-4.;fT4ili**-1610 '"7etw-F-,,,:•4--:'e.'"---;4'.4Nti4' , ''-iii1t,161.144.11q4A -- 2* , 4‘o4Nalt4* - - 414 li . -4:- ,EfiitiiglitSßWOl iii; !iBB4-,',oa,the.ltilk ,410 ii.60%144g 1 • '4Viitii?tflit-i444'-t4* ' ' 'll,:iii; 4--04/3- iri*li'm-d: ,- ,!dii., , , 1MA=01...D14,„ ,i`egi ~: d erfo *it', '-'44401-filiiiislopf tor.-* Md r iiii4 . l)iiiii_ be? 'n ' ;"7' I*'46l4lle f et*-44" ''''' '- '' .- iintrEolibci -•-t9 ••• • -;`: -• , " inovid-ottbCRT, ,-.. : •,- T , %oini,,i. 10.0.1'-,W.!T,gl,P44zit-e'n7,l4C;_z*',-t--'-' '' -" t tivett4lrt‘44-,?.'404-i=trant,treek 0,-,t , i l - e , nir lk-,--•,---.,,iiiviir of this '-'-"-' ' ,- 4114,: ,0114 P 4.- iftlillielitt• ' -,-.- ".--=:-`-?-?tiiii4ti tt?" . ..lviri o -t i ta.,: tl4 4-e t k1it1*4.1e,0 _ 4: _... ?-,---- tiaitthiN4_ , H, ,, 4V- issit,44 -, „,,,„m r .,.. ; 4 1 ,,,,„ 0 . - it ,• . 4 0 1 , 4 ,,„ j i„.-. op ! ,'-f,-, ;.-5,--,-,-','•4,Y , . ---t , ' , -,- .;,i -,:•,,, ,4-4.4plol6P,AtZ4Wifi'44l:kits-,4 _*rint!it,_ll4r,,,e7;4--,-r6i-t ---:z-,-;1),, nap,ps,-4-g-t„.__iitoirt,io,l,-4-df46=-iffm-7-t - -- ii .. ..--..,,,-- -iiatj-t,t9l'?•,„, ‘;ltsiitert I*7ot,s-,'t, 9.'4"1,-, :- -`-:- :-.1w6--,- 'Viiiiiiitlis- . - ' l ' - ' ii:bt likelii4., ---. " -- ' 7 '` -1- ' ' - • l'- - v,o. - - rie4kaselovobli-014! -„.--e < 4 ,- -,- d t , .' '-`.4,' _V*tifi„.011V11.....,.... ,-I.jiAgliiii,,o;l4l44 4441,r '' %‘:!-1.6ii-Aliflotilitt-T4r4;.,:„-ikr,,3.t14TP,f'auzL :,:---'to-',i—.l,.it - 'o4lMireW4ailivokito-4116.' `'e5,if.61017.(17-4tiituilailiit*O!! 4,-1- .'ta:04119V4.:-,4 di if leolita : t;i:',.. , ? 4 :!':-- ', 7 oureiti,4„,_itro ttt litori, - Fg'lwed ! tom r_*:' ,:-..;ii're.X4-... le— hiiit,*s.4oloo:-.P.4116P;1,01* *II :f-:;,, E.' - ,'Z - - - oto i ifi:. ''',. '3-4-.PithilifiaiiebrihtT_AG.4l.w.- ?9, - ---."'-7t-,-,',7--0-:,,,titiileo;--',4,9111-..,_...' ''" wa,,-iit:ritsioffelitddir, !O.; '4i1,401-14//44'717K-10iiie'0,0_ki 49 * ''''_, ‘:*.-t= ;Sola'ool4l44,cdtelolll'4,34:grAteitat, PI-, '-',, I' - _;,,t-,ticja4Viiii*__.„ll4*'.,',,l-4 ,1 4 t,44- 14 ' . --alt iiiitiiiitik -1 ` -- -- likitib*Nr':W..")-4.f,t, ,'7.`14„.:,-,,,; . 1 ofill't 110141'44:''''*' 1iiit.i0* . '4t r ij iit n 4 i ,' - - .'sliiiiiiO4g ill.l"ta ' -r 'iTigr iir: 4 . 4 A. ,-,,....4*,.....„.1144tk..,2. lrilry.k)ti#lll4_oll:, 4,__'.,,,,,0,4-v,iiii ttie i ~: ...-;ll”,ll4,4lF_'_'l,,,4o4o),AreiWlELlit7tlPlks itr. -' -- ?=,.i.-4144 "1 5 '7, 1 . -'"-ikii rittikitiftlk,,, iiiii tbi' ' "r -Ti rail - 0,.1.,,.. ,1/ ,,, r ,. ;;t9,11„ L I :5 ,1 W PALO ar 6,',4);747bWirailtagi(4, ' ll 4 -s. 4 lootih,;2thstel„tc,,l n ,-- -- = - II - 1, tGs 'Biota - li. '"k*111171%-,4 'l: . • je4 , .' - 4ftei. - 43 . 1:ar!pF tkiat 7 - - i mi n tail-lA*O4 • -1.- , to„flu. ,43-- r - rl - 1- A . , . -- / .6 4 ,..- -- npl ,tiorecncAlti. 1 -‘ thi tEl."' l — iiia 44.. - ipitroa4,44- 1.4 P4r. i. la* that •-, !"o eziiiril-Liii, I.iiiiiiititritTiAt'll"h`l-bron-lin Write 'of -'- . -- ",: - 7C' •- -. ttsot- 11° .954i-ItAtio' laid,tiiie'eq.a "--moift,,WePLAVl6AirtiAr4lo-bltCo*' dtiteth-kmqts _ t? -- a ,41g0 0-iMktra-W7-.4.1-- !! '. • :-:-.: , • '-`----4,: -11:14-4411:4.): ''4-0::. riletrAt44.- '-"Tto-V‘ ;; ;,4111 ' - ist =.t'i - - _,.. . ,=?IiTA - 4 - -it titt 9 tiV t t - ' —' i 4 7 -- ' •th.y " Prels " 1" 4 ,i . -;4 A101(44444111*.r. g#441 1 4, '. easiest ,•aitio7dsl i a-L :e 'j tiely;,/setitititis - 10116 st-o tf i _; . ;. : ,• , ..1V 1 VA,W;L•,_ . , f'',"; ' ir -! II4 I. 3 ,A.OPFPr i in IV Bootee , --, a se. .4:i* itWittgdftWittrAirO c f r; -,''' rtiforfaiiiiila aliMisitseafi „ - ' ' .&teitttitiPititt 4 iiiiila i rl llo , o aret t lei n ' .r.,aitsestliaradtletikisjatpiii , t3 - lit 'T - i3l so '- °1 0: 1 41 41 11 1 tr: ',C. • Vi ',::'• !,: 11 4 4 , r i ' =: 4 'i LA 4 - 1 0 1 4Po'- 4 0 ' "ittr• -i g. :,..*4,6 thif4: , ---litie sold f-proterAy , .I • hi s sitiloint : , iisid - '- , . -- .-;lltir'ettiieltitiSenthi : ' - des ,- And; And e 't -f' thil4e4A.Orkii.„ of itillitsketliONOirsits(' a mo n t -';_-.i,siiistv-sgatiii÷ iissialifteitrialititiltiiatioascl-ttos ',,:•l ll o l ,tril,l‹ kilit'AjOtitslala tad with` this - 4 , ~,,,,1 ., ,i lak.t , asst;etitirtaquirer the vest --- ,9-4 i - .-.A, ti ,bit9ro d . ~, , r 7'4 ~_ -6wgc,10,.. ~ f, Ois7:74l:fiern;. s tffectivtglfotteraters'teitroe -i --. 00._ :,..voiv o taul i ,l l ,92, , • , i vi i rx,,,x,,,A=-,} st e in ', - - , , - ,t_OU'll• .- .: • • OF' , ,-- ..,- , * - 0160 -0 . 7, 0 , 1 * ,1 1 eAt e ttn5,,,. 14 0:400,.....' 411 .15e. -. l;'- - v.7 ►: 'it "•' , Nti•lbslittit'Esittitlistiiito 1.a1 1i71 , s e ti *fi' v d*Millf.4"-gili i et '- AO 4 i".P401444e-iebNlivito -t r'• .. :11-t ififlAirt ',Zilkiets<Cofiirs waifs Te. ::i -- 2.:t4o"*...ltqAtio- 1 0 1-4 70 1 4 4 4 , gAgliktnes: q,..4.,i-likag,t2;44ii'-•:ittlai'ifstoiiigli.:thiti*, re ":',"j4014r40001614006A4iti0g-ir r. 4 re - i.:iiTAttft;towilkiialte.. ot-Mi lista ''' -- Aii,4ll.dq 01064 , kt,..- , _ Ak Lard ";tl73r --- i - v-r rainiest the- observatory of his Xaland lolag , s 47,1710 teriat it iaMitm eitleftdigigeediAgerai t tift4 lllMieede - , , - fie. ..- Snann.. -4 .4,reevfatagigpvereetai are lightt wad p ld9ilialeavera ) " that them _.• it is wana4sit SY bOioirinnotitistaLL• .25 tons Old "totitertverthW.Werre.4iiificeta ---- xw 4- MT- - Atv# l4 oo twoutolVlV,ft *est , idetby-odatinnetfli , iiiatft stivi ? kows.2 to !pot 'sif, , ,tt w Astratotyl gitootidA ItoviwnilltiLavAt r ot,!!'_io !t,p,044.70 ttigiji*lfik ;Xi 00 1 0 tVit c ip- , - -- - , r; ti t ,tl 4 : -,-zL1.:1"..-='; ,t'4lt * - N . -.... _ -AI i t otort, ,, -4,44eitit - ii 'Aitt. iiiii# s. 14 4 1 11;1 9 p01114,k v iifd 1 ob: tAtt-1*444-Okraoliare,c gall rieet .io xthe , ,3eintirittsitir,"-er IC pc oz WAWA - iii6NaetilkW.. - iirintrf lit -tiitW-itrirtti;,* 4 iliestare, ‘kjk e ,,, CoA x tieriotad - ' I T tioitri4 Ri oprvivoktsffiitAT4Rdiptalt gbillud49'r4lNoo24,Aqi are. c A g i t b c, t d*hi4 4 ci4 Ateepiieel as • ieAkcil46-41. tti 41itestio7,Jtily 4 ,', iftlartiAttlie , NotliitlitObeervil., /Tftki*li! l feivie r tiOCl4l l i.j'al , lanktatilivtivitratta_e the', Ifiliglit c 0 , 1 0.#4, i',4' 44 4ei 144 - ,Amilife,qiiiiilk,,to. tteat4 , or. voted a9f!ikt:fi":s..lo.:lttrio'iie fit:!,' AKirktficti/0K , 4:7i04 , -il_TO!lilliaa I Iwitt.rietiterpr rtiig,tore, eitryell . *,,staCiiteteolAiiitir/d4r3tlefoiin aPtli_ti*,±4:ClLlPifekii" , lti I the -,ttiorottgit. f ineintotion Arc their lure Alti* ip . OA !gth - onliiiiii 4i, clifq,sikik; - ,-- i , 1 ..„ '12.......4 9 qttite#l4 iii,NIM * 3 04 .0 4 1 tim iiteol47 : nutIKI 04 the Risk School,4iihtovirp a Milk aiyld a ta.9ll#4:ArtiAi;+olooli*,-40, _.-.,'l44itikaig444on#, .o„roitrigittrimstslier, liert,ratclAMag. nire:l-1* Our . Pll# llTAbtiltdifelltifittitkt4st , ptPilifesefi7Biii)he. ::a•;,. - -f,-- -''l'!. _ •,:__2-: -.-- : - !: rai an a c r" :0, , , , .ak e. ..wiz , ,Aig v ,vo-,- a- A ir: , :-= ; - - ii , i ......;i, ,„ seepuf is,riulfsdelp a ar. -,...J1-4 , ,, ,,- ,tl4a:' ~,',',,,.„1 -; ., : it= TK•Ff.„l 4 ...rca - ,,• - ' i , t4C,-'71,-, .1, ~,, • • , t ; ....., . .- , VlepOrted for Ilia Prem.] , , r ~ : s •-; , _II 1 . 744 044'10-MIU 311414•1?1!Mx4. m • •Th17:. 22 i 1869 . - ~ `:The produtmariearisetchavtobeenerrdulldhie Weft !int*" More fate r rible tenor' - eflhe )ate , ;fdredgmagyaibakimpaptod.a.better4eelittOMbni,. isinelit , gbaeredly:'4l3readitaffstita • Vre‘ii, , •iitill rile: Itlitek*Wit'6,4. - 4A6Plifi,#fid'islosji,Aaidhig_dowtr i • orirtVat - itiiilesa,,squeraltron•Bailide•in . 9 . d a 4t4,i,inß tie d lia i b a : a endd, . Jl,l,KCLte;tiblPierfi ,144011-diao;:iPttoghaso!lll.oli-A1t..49 4114 4 kutet; t , etnotion salehavfng.absorbed •" the, s , AttiitieriO,theitradri,Ttga'rlaia:liettifieitieecil 14711 , Vai.541 1 6.`44B;;;Qtditari:Ji,bittei, liadfoaiL clisnde full rates.' .No change hilisinin'or-Rides:. 4 .llditififitidatifetleTtialet:,",• - .Leatheitrissetea*;fair bkiiiiii_at ' - ditriiiipael l ia,teii - ,t Ift r Attrober - there is Jou dolag.:.,lraval:,./Stores7and Oil, its quiet, with= ilitiattahli ilitega.e.E.lastel , 43'llell. 1,• The Provielai 'eatlakita'flrnier?':•Rieels'verrinsuative: I-Beads -449141-401t avllkiV.4ol 3 fk l '4 l l!!-.4tltPh • taken hitirh friselyolaTess - And, Tobasea_ are unchanged. The Wiel*titliltion.fifut - iiii a etistidilite Dry }pods: Iraderziehmorse,ietivi , stills week. audlthere 1 has ignimeititei(d buil3ehidotte4o,lniskdapiregMahte:ai. 'tlif ,I#M#`,:rittietiiiiisid i tlig r;h:2,o7o(all,kln di are. 1 6illi:Sinil'eompletif, and tho prospaote , -wityl efi.i. #lftlk.'lo„nr-APOl•fiAllf-1111,640 hhdlfttidtlstra - Asc! . P.P 1 ,9*.#44 At Jiiii9SY,4 6 ,.! -, .I.Ja , Breadatiaff.',-Alailieess'and'dapreselon still sp.: - pail* slifiltalint feature, -of fho market, and , pepjfyr:ohparriqhcArAoter;llavei l ,. redacted their - Alder, s7sl44tbali without ;finding ~ bitypre, lii'l AW- -- o.* 4 a,f; it th - FW:dfoti.h l l, The;reeeiPts are Mill ' jimmy, li g ht , but there id ierrlittle'demandlor ex -portvankthouleeisinap,rlsoWnly - 1004t - 5:000 Ole, in lotkidfitlarlbbmil neer at 7 .155x5'50 for 61d• stook ilslassileei,ps:s9A6lso lor- i extra and,. extra farallyr Atidlo26oe,TpithhilarTaner,tiriiidi,u in finality_ 1 thirlrtilf:l2ntilidnaurpr,laelf,,ringe. at fr0m:5 . 5.50 ,5epta,,,,,;13 ;per lahl rCr'caperlinaLextre„aad hump healtd,9Aialit s y.•:: Sigiipeie, however, era am - euYlog ikese toter, the market oloslag , dull, • ead - priatra'hafarlY naming Bye Moor is very gala "eas4l4 l 2sl,l,hbV.Aloiii Meal 13 titfoha'aged,; and 74- I4lll2,ttifftlikt:lsM§Ttiiii,hhr,,,4 ~.,,, _-, ! _ •., T 4 lebowpg'll,lhetrlnephotilin, ,of. Flau'r .an d ,'*pa - 14 . 94frOmaiX eridlialt Thursday s July-21,•1859 : I, :.0 ualaptaarkraxte- ~ 0 , 4. is r t 8079 •- 1 41.- AAR ,1.120•4,,,,,,A,....:A ' • • "- ' o „ebz.z , x. ~ , , t 4 Akt•it - t. . 7 alUttdilLgiii.r“ , i ...... ~.6 . i'il , . 44.1.', 363- ; ' ,t, , Eck . : Q5 , ,,,R,,,..7 _4 , 3 ' - • - ',-,374 1 '.: Do. ' vornißest.,.v. , • .. , . 12 , 4 , . = ,4.lso.) , :tit..Cfnuletaned 't , -!.• • '- 1 . ..0tit ' - l ~ ••• -- -' ' ' osmii,, l -Wfricat ..= , •erhe.reoelptek of both - new and old have einsidirably ininiised,', and the - , demand -, heing litriited;l:ptuso . - ii , i,ive- , dslallni - d l Tully , ls6 per bus. Aritlyslilaretl/I,ooClaiik'diirilig. the wadi, afsl , 25. ' l 4, 110 . ,r1i 7 ,ii'aien4':$1.35 ' L e, 4155 for . Ish the; eldataK, i/kikaYistSQ2s-fe'rie - 01l 013.1`iirime: - ied;lnitlil3s' for new white, %eluding Conce ; Kentucky, red; sill "obit*" at a4priefi tot made. public.: send inferior old "stairs $1.425-.:-lityo la lout Steady, 2'509 bag old Penn. ' isafdlit 83 a 853 and some new at Otto. ' .Corn Con - T -1 4tiliii:W/ 1 ;404 - fdernisnd,1114 Jim =receipts , are: ;vary lfghkallil4ilees,ratlier, icisvei,lit ' the oio?!ig -- eilli t illires,ocuot -t k iii ; - yelibi . at 85 a 870,.olosing ~.stAtVformat:llinrei ' fhte • are dull. and lower; ,eilkitelee of 12 000 brie' Penn: at,29-a••40o, ado3ra4••• sr the fifittler rite; aMI Eledairareit - 38 - er 39:31 small lobe of new arolillirrelteen hold at 35 a 360 per IStre. • Pitovrataxa '-.The .loar,ket, la , Sanative. end orTothi Oat . , i' rdsimPP4ik'ssille tad *anted at $17.25 e ; , .t7:50, and prima atll4 lo $lB pee 1 1411,; as is tine, litr•V'tiltt.palskeil 'l'ess llier*ille foi-bliiiife *toms "%allil6ilsaikethte=` ,, lll46Bali in fali_delciard'at leo :.*l6o.ll....isittlilif,e!'reeeti,ti4 - •ialei - llesifhtEci Gee' ''. oo l-INsA.t. l lll 2 ,tteclltalr-gc)td.Tatoe!. ilarelk 036 rm. (ist! ,, AnAl4.l?ll3.fer ;Shoulders, ~-9 ;; iirekailiate 1 4 .., AtOcift.i C:lls4to'and IhddexigerierAly Arai in' ••-fludrlderatteds; Ulu 'Of (1 - Dim in Idekle au' re, frief 74 - . - ITt i lif Vitt - . halt., ii.t 11,413,143,; . f:Ble al 4a ia at ` l - I '''. if , W i rPE ~ ot: 414,0: sfk,e,„ ' hard le , very -?aut tp4 1 19 , f 40tAt;,,stabit , deman`d Milted ; 4414,0f180 tmlit wesferst at about ;123, and keg". " filBkeipor4b.;:att:,..tilaa.L.Batter,le, plenty and. 11111 - tifeloa ofsitelldlpaeked at 9 Ale; issrn - e grease Aii , t ,,,,. watt 3(.l.l.,ilthiiiiseislo. steady demand - ,-51aratl,-The demand far4lg Irin•b ytry Bab t , imd,the'ialesAordaed:tO.eipalljaie;:ors2r,s22. r :4N 3l 4COthe three' l o4ertt4* l Pket ahoutPo o tans:,urge salt:at ;420,1 eftst-thate..,e.Bloome am auttnatatt .540560 - pat ?fon. Bomb Pig to held at - 323424 1 "pe'r1tofic:4tinoiathiParlthout sates - ? Sallie, andDifiterf iliiii - Veiltli;ilimilail ;leg:airy at pro,: :v19 . 416 r,s,l.tat :,.,Ttoad,brilima,'haci saler,f)(4 000 pigs latedsCara.reptifteCiellsllo''thelootilis, - time -^ ',4 l ttilattlifee , '"'Cltiltifx , l ll "Aii - dall , silth ogee of '6ll4olooCatitallo.netekat.2o3 and fiheithieg,Copper leiier lb,-8-mouths, -Tin is selling as Wanted tt tormer,quotatlonai•ll: ''.'',•':" '''i , t''fil •'''',.? 4;l34imi.rthiti-teatipts - oontinua::llght, and Quer.' Aaron islii demand at $27 . ..40met ton'for let Nn. 1. 'Tiiiiiiilußsty,lirdialft'tha last sale was atlli for Atatilfgelei , and494ldfdrTiihesttittt. P:... ! -• iliksLarare Wti,iiriAiiyotiiiiiitli : Oicf of oity aaNdO4,4taaaltnd„ - .44,120, six ,tnotithl 1; for sperm "*.,1 0 t.P42P"-.44CtliisikkUta i•Po forPor'are . 41 0 Pe k , -• • . - iI 2 " .. .. Co,at......Prioee rentatti:withent changer- and'or-, ;lora Mune In' rather more freer ~with fair reoeipte 'aid 'AM for the seaceig' shady to Aiii Nast. Bag ! . ‘ilicout.C#Mls'netlkifulreiln fop, • - ' "- - • „-•:._'.cdrias - ;• l lllsijate fareigi taws line stiffened the merho,a,l,:th,treils„ - pat - leade',lnquiryi and prices of , 1 4,,e,latittsi_K-gratlei; ; iira Aria ;, •, gales ~ ,of 750 bales, o tegy - ,tivplande,aflOarda : porAto cash, for low .• Übe and.raiddling tairttinality, , awl 105013}a. on 4tner': , Thereotipta are light, atidthe tendency at Wiskataiirtipirarda' ,, - - • 51 A' 0,1 ,tr ,- •,-,,, • , , 4:11e talloirfiii is.flie';i:o - oiP:Orol)ntlilliactlio Ist of Beptember.-1,1, --. isarapar , ed'vfltli:',,the'praviatie --thrste . yeki.:;,-.1, .. '= - .'.-- ---._ '-' - - ' ' - i • " - tl ''' ; ', 7;; - 1840,. ' :AIR: ' : - .,,i657, ' 1050. - •..1,ahßeile.`: k ittits oco's ciao.oA 2',BlLooa s zmo;000 ir, 440;,§1,;;:;.1,491F,0aqA,Tat oat 1-,1102,020, 1,221,000" 4 49-frue,i4, , •4190(0, 314000 ,' 40b000 08;000. 'a :1. 6 `,. - dthor.RP15011:000 - `871,001 '. 40. 3 , 0 v0 - . 60 A ' 3 * "fot.t taol4-e1 t a.57.3.0430 - .94a000402 'too 2,85a,000 ..,.# 66 h kea,r,i..;!, - Isa• boo laseeo '420,000 87,000 'altliP4"-7141104.1,4!°- Peak wash, famed,,d, ~/,, pie , d lic liCiiii4- -( 1400 ';xiciaa . :' = i r xiici .',. 'o 'moo es. coif+, 9;;,-;. "..`l9 uo),`,.?5;00o.: awooo ' - 71,04*- ,gai i tti l ltriteial... - 1, 5 1 ,009 - --. 1,000 'lO 000 ..:-:..i I. l tr - tellser'll:?„.l.....:' S. 000, ,-.28 000,.. 2 000 - ..,- 7.000 At#,__K_Ortf;4;ritPC lo :: - ‘ 0 ,09 0 - ,23 , P" ~:;1 12' , c 0 a Smustar....lCaselotai4lnortase at the ports aom-• idlYed'hilih s lBsB,l92,ooo bales: Brports•lnorease , tol,Gtiatteßittale 611'11200dd W1th'1860;17499 Inlet deareeed t`to:;'4l,lslsaii„. l '.r69,oo64,iniireaewi;to -other ryd ickti c i 3 O;4l;4oo";' ti d al' dein:ease in caporal, 11,0:01 - t,l' , ,•`:„,• - j- =,., ;`: .• -.: ~,,,-.; '=- 0 0.1 1 101111:-71The: Manilaa if , the Made has been ribaithaddra.tha:auetioil aide on Thai/day, Mira. prilfirik2lso , bitgiAto at 10 O. ,I a, 00 audl2o days iT4f,ll-„,failailiali i i,e - dif i r jhb - 46N16011' ta - glf;alee',. Itio, edid at 161111140;far - Oktihiba on - d 000-titioltil(c -v 4;.2.4.9_ '11 . 144400 1 ,00.1 1 1 0 1 1 eins; 6 h time, and `'' • Oarao.ol laMpalbo on Mau* Memo.- ...., ,=1 4 !,-.'' 41 , DREGS ARE DTAAR:-,lr,ory, MO* det ci , c : Bales Of 1 . Reflood Busx- 11 aref :reported c at-19119*a ,-• 3, - ,white sager of Leitikitl4llVAlum' at 411211; and Bomb Oct Beds and .Vonettelsrlio on Utilise kept private.' 'Fieft.--ThAra'hava:liaaftlifo, , jifveli3e , r,lialea 1 of Mackerel, _' and: - . - •;trittiaitioSeClf*dttittited , to immll.lo‘sone Were at ,151,81,54 r. 25, Of. 11 1 21 to-k- Pro 1 . 1 .'5f 51-1 6Y5 1 ter'xiz, - Itad - S0 6 0a10 thi Nu P.; for old -104+8 adaeherel Moaner* .notpinal.- flare dog are salting lug - retail : war at 86.4.50.... -- No • - t hi n g def o g in c o da s h„ ...1'; Pii - ~ P. 1 ,„ :., ~, ,;- i - ~: ~. BARTERER ENAtintiidilll ) , ,2l24 WlSEMETAA'arerneat , ly nominal it 453,46 i Pef4B.= ='''''.=', " r'•- , ' t ' - lliers,-A Cargo ot , Palarna - Oiaiiiiii stad Li; moos hap partly beffa'Aispothd,lif fram Aho l ehaq at $1.5083 for farinerdand42:soa3,4o,;•for the lallostkßik• Applesamccarae. •,, Domestic rcett!of • oil'tiltdalli - italk - •urektr - Apples,aell - ;atil 7). lesiiklFtiii-Drled "Pratt piques are pomlimi. ' •,' ''''''.:. 410,hftli' 42 70:11irarxi3,Yibittlog'ofteting, - , To' _ - latidtmoiftfluela s at - 48.1,per. trai; )I,ataall vessel' dd 'Wren taite - ,tallailfax,, at 300, PM; /Dour and , Meal. - Weetlsdlarejghtsoaritinuistehesticaotisk and dull..- Deal vaseelecare- more 1 plentnbat tho laahlalihre - -Twahhanded ;1.9049561'We been paid 'to Nacealtork ; , 41.45ai. - 1.0 ;VP New Herta ;Isl 15 to 'lillldahhe - 11 , 254t Nei -Ba dfori u ;- and $1 2 5 a 4 50 ` fllt-O ,s VPOQlUntfrai PCrl niclsocd. , ImThiSe.ll.MOthing'46l4, and inioei are entirely' nominal.' •-•-:4211.'„ ','-':,.., ' '., - ,i . - eirldaro -QaoratloloE,sl . o , anohanged, but . "the sees are limited. .(,11:_ , _ , , , -`,.., ~.,,_-;• "‘ ' . ',-, Baser64l6 - Alai , hate! , heti-' reperted and the triarlfetitslltillioz: vz'- - tn •-• »; :': '. ,,,,, t f • '--. XAPPlrlOrlitn,, ~i):t; illil iiiiifraiiii Is trglit ; a salept i tals%, t. , ,kti.the clogs of Met week If ,2[£apa 31s: *on hs..--'l.-- :2 ._ __ _.,._ r_ -_,_ ,- , Does-=The melee are -limited at &ram; rates, 10a16o ,p,eialtfor Eastern, and. Western. se to MY , _,*-4 , 2 - 41',.7',.:1"1, -1---; - , IZETRIR i- = T he' ~ har-beeb 'less aotirM; rhilead are,llfiehartifed, and tke ntatket nearly t. .. ° ClM i r 0 1 41 t: •". ire COOte alli:Claeghter at 80- ,Lirisqrrit4ritCr'EaltV'staliorl6 - ; ; - 1161siital.41E - ei`e-it log dying ; a ' oarCo of • Olbilif 'sllificalroie ., prli'ite'" - terine,one-ef-Nt: Joh‘ne at SO, and some yellow pine , Nap' Beards'i t $144 per Ad ; weltwpiee.rstiges at -.145c19per M ' lobossil?- 4 There'lsburiltlIelnquIty, and the fi r istott,;:-New m4'4E:ilia's of., °chi at 24c250, lieyr,,Orlikile/0 - 406; on linie; . ; - ' f ~ .iev,st:',,i4P4aadiareAnsotive. with sales of:ootit , Ai ',ltoitaL:At -..scirs:Ottali per' 310 ilial : tow grader /=4-2-',,i, l e ndTqliffff.7.." - ,Ta;dnii - ai :2„ - 2 . 542,,att orrYn nittilson. L arirji - y•efy 1.., Spy' .1: 6lll44 rti' tAti:/gii!i , l 2 t 4irld, irmer - • ( %rig 2 420,4 111 : t,44iiitia ,Vglrgaitoti: - - ' 1 7_ 4 ,,,e'v 1 0,0451 1 ;s4 li;.0011114 , -se *autedats7 j a. a ri 1 • ~ t w•lk tatAlersiand, sales - of 'Winter: aro ;re- , mac 4 , - . _gcsailtiftit lila , o!lolIkeye lilnoVa.• alcalkosepss;oreterel lotaiked: , pildlic am the mime . : .tti r 5,,..y..04-04.-Bii.49ifto' the Tailed' t'uars V ul9O 0.: 6 n0.400 413 , 18, were: .• , •!, .-- 4-, - N-41- - 0 1 , :,-2,,:_'• Tierra. - - : :Whale 'Boas. 'l .- , 441 1 41 .•(1r.15'1, 4 j 4 : 0 , 4,4,0 9 0 1-D A' 000*,: , • ,- - 700 Zt i -, A4,149)1.1 . 1.!1 4 -,•,P,:f7!.••••..z , 1:: -1. 4 , 400 : - , ~. • I 4,.PAr A Virr tt.t•!..A”5..4,.. his . • 40 , ~.. 444 i ' s - 04 qf ........ K" . ~ , 86Q ,- - ... -,',',.,,,,,, '-"-,, ~...,--. ,—. , ....-1.... ,iiit.2A;' , --"-A 1 " - ',:i ' - :" --- :`.2,020 . - T - '.. ! :, A. 0 ,3 ', :704, /1411gielePiifi; - 4 . 2 . pi lin; and a cargo of soft hoe 6 lklo4:6liiiliito.faims, • • .'- ',Dspactrthe Mamie is vary mica rridueM4l and , laaarstmakingla',lofasetsl4,,6ol4, 76 fdt„ foie .had; ithkA, tifilteto: , -‘, • , -3 .- ,. , liiiiitFillifort 0(116144 a ciaigik':of wdivo A., , ,,zi r.l-1 6 44"•; - ' - I, - 7r . - ii ,z, t..“:: It z Ilf::. : ',l 4. -- ;',.•5, - ;. ,', ifenitfulloY itie Smiled aeldwi rat Ve" ylotie ratio: V', E.,Eait,eonortiando 67,18,304.Whia -407411:kr.tteady demand , with smaillfelie of Ohlo lobtamt , :lßot - Peitnaratl274;thlideet-261M2T0, pnd -drudge-at Sigma —Supplies ..come lerwartf eiowly, and there ittlass foquiry, , bizt , prltMettio firm, telth tiptoe of 1,000 hide Cube; Porto Rico nod New grioans, tolnotait at bilifeo per itht - titi - i:tittiol: Maidens sOme HavalEL tto-4.fiakxt at 'dittfilit;all;ihitinte: ' Taal `4"Thiira.:l4 inquiry for either iltioltVef Greena,'lo4 - 4)ldee, s age upehangedlnt firm_Paro • ". o 1,7,4 .-- , ,W has ,beenrdull,anot for..loaf ptioett'aie drOoPing., - ,whilatmanttfoolttrod rimintaine fainter quotations, •„. , Buzrab -4 pale , of SfollyNanejnad at' reprice icant't eoret'i•:y4ttferioan'is 'tteld:at - 4•47a4d per ton, ikunott iingeti; and Citylpsinoted at 10} • • - • ,t..IYOsn Is dull 'and .unsettled; the dealers man!. feat no disposition to operate at prefenrpriorto, and manufacturers poroharo onlyto: supply teibiedinle wants; sales are mostly .iirettalflots/ , al from :370 400, cosmanorp'th dbi,'l r 'aet,!fdr flue„fleeoe : 3, Mic./ 3 1 1 111 1 . 1 .14 1 1, -4 • ( .0 • 'Wm. 0 . Kati thud, Ooktirrnsi ormul Morta.l t t)11' rAt tAdklifilichants , Rzehangs 3 .rhiladflphts.! Skip ilionitogAfiatton.3Vit."."4:;,;:itivaroool",,POT 26 qlark Arnoic-Nobre• , "'• • Barbados:l, soon 'wig gIaokROSII, On!gs goon n liialbwr ton,ospEArcsireenzak. IL-- /RON ATlt I Aug New,lfork—Ociyks t . .... 23 Ares° ..... .a..t..NewToik..fterre • ."- " " uly 28 weeer ..... , . 'fork. rem July 28 •cloboide ; lkietou, itoverpclel July 27 oof Nellx‘RN,ou New Vork,..Cork & Live9ool. July 80, " An 8 New York - , `.".:..New - ,Ydrli; r lB6imen - 'Aug 8 "turopll/ • •••• Ooton. . .. 10 - " ' - Aug 20 ultiox ' ' New . . ..... Aug 10 141dagow. NeWloi Y.:Waggon , ' 24 TO AItVE. • • LNAN4,. t MATO Neyr-York.r.ifoitillitykluyNew York July 12 Nuripe..• pool.. Roston 18 Boulhamptod:.fleW York.. Jilly 18 York • ruly 20 Ocean ggeen.llotqhom,ptoo l .New york...i. - ,,Jttly 20 Put la aierpool..l7e it York July 28 Arultou .OotiOuurp!ort..New,Vork.. July 21 Olroetalir'' - ,;.Oalwiy.:NeW 'flak 21 01 8 82 0 V• iGtiegori'aietf. ..awy yokk. ' • Aug 8 , ••jj= The OilifOrtala Mall Btearoete 6all from New Tort •oritlii Mk 008 20th of seek &oath. 117*.Th0 /1117602,001i011ers leale_Nivr York, on - th e "1.1,101;•12tte,•1108,'0112ftlf efeach niontk;eid Charles,. 0,• ca,the , 4thsti&l9tht• „ —•Whin•the ttitiel fill o*l Sunday ; the itealUeri frotoNew °flier's, o:'` ~-i:i o. ,~Rtilt[C i F~lt~£UiQLlLCt.-.' ,_. t ,roirrop , pieutatifer.Pau , ,4-sxtli , g3; 1829 SUN it79418;:a.. 7 ,:i...;.v:4 491 BUN- OWL% "T n 3.14311,WAT1S 81 AAIUN& D J3teanaship of—Rtahrookui,lkttehall, from .1130h mond, via Norfolk,26hde t a t with'indep and ptmengers to Thos WebateV,',7l.' rtreamsblppelarram, Oope7, 24 born from New York, rte Cape MOM and passengers to James Ail derdioar. ,Pasted. ii - ,:trarkAT:llape.:l7eolopeo. inward bonedi a bark ablys the. Prin# on the IVINdls; bark Mon, ukdi It4roba Mirailire s 'eft . Betbbaj Bonk; Illy North: gmrjen}g fee Llitoi4, is tow Of a trip. brig Ohloonee roes illitilestita, - bilore itendi Inland; ship Rear? eft stamps; Ibioiri brig Ella Reel, from 'Tirgo de Cuba, and brig Otrinan; at tbo'Craaretto• - Ship Rosner, RellY,lrdui'Merides May 7, art4olbral l trrr..lutnilB.,yrith Wee to rbd ftiontit. Bhipl`79mmandtt;liatioo;' froM:7,l*erpool Auto: to, mdee and 288 ruoiroagetito pk.! Bros. Cabin pas- Ssgeil=Bartiftkßarris,, r' ' 'beg btolsitts, 8 dayrif , timßeildon, in - ballast ,FY , W'& !atarr, , Ella 'Reed, T s ai' ,froutfle .7080 de Odbi`piniy.r; • with angar,:dra. to,Geo•W Herniae° - 110ottier ran oeogei•'e—dita - 7 Rid iiridlt:Tti - ohltdiein", tiffs - 3 Taylor end two children, hfootre' , ' '8 Itneoo. J Mattison, id Alttnika,Shloirre', L Britinsados. 'Oak* " thell R had light winds and Salyer theksitire passage. Left no -Amerleare vessels.l6; port. Ai° date lot 2? 46i , 10ng,76 211, eignali•ad bark °manor. steering sw. • , 2 - Bohr Dronr,Deed4 6 daye frettr Tremont, with plaster. to-N A Baader & Cal 77c, , 're = Bohr J W Dffatlarr Smith, 8 dare from . Nosrport, with flshatl sodste.thi -to X ia• Ponder, do , Behr D B llaraard, Allen, 18 days from Calais, r iA, !hakiiiiind l tekets Gatklit2r, Ilthrtrt„' r i-fthr litarllabt.,Yorkr 6; days -from Portland: with; oldie to B A Pouderic-00. , z . a. - ••• • May, 6 4y6 from Basta., la. bailsat Bohr 11 2 Weliton.leq, 6 diye from Boston , last to 31/6 g rilayalat - 2 'Oa ' d y tlaitalOrAillllll,, tram •Ne w 1) tu li ri iiilt.lit, P4 iii[se;• 8 4iii,tniin Naar V ' eti t la i t - I.4l2 ` thi. 6iiit s lifii;iiiiioa''rtuaton; intik , 214 1 6, 1 2 24,03416 z , '1101),r'. 70n Live. 2 dope, from, , Milford,' POh Frith timk I .n o9 4#: ti !a, t o ß- r.1 4( ‘9 /bald; #6 , li *6ll s Iftig rY4lm ouag:_tatakaaqii," Pltipttrlok,' 3s:4111 • - ' • 11i - 03iralc)111ja6iitti, ninth; 62atan 1 21altistan, Oat It. Co. Sabi kifen, i 666, Bolton; Noble, Helialeti 131 , Ter edruknat[Perry, Boston. -..' ^-• :do Bohr J IriAnstta.-rdar;.Boston, N Bturtsvanttec Co, , t Bohr Wighttrtasdo, Banos, ededford,. t: _„.• doo - ; t. Echo etomes Nellen, Bart. Tanoton, - t,dp • AohrBrol tit Tiittlornoro,elsroatatdo r Aadoarlodet;Cii Behr Antares. °swami. et otrbary.,do delis Mess coos.:.trowortlnxtr , ry,, - do; t„- - at apFrpOrt reoOtnC.LOOr,roetorrtiv: OR" Iloirport4- ' do., t , ; 4ton t k4drahOcliveliir Dadfori; R Wei:4'oon' tutdoi-orterory. New London- Blakiston ec 00x. i flitilteZad Egglith. near, earybroblit R ty. eche Blis sbettr, Penc:ie. north Qty r olinit; Bol'oa'tt ',Ch?o'e Aar, J-L hitoiltotchtiosditiotiogton, L .tiothrtrotol - eohr Oho "do •• .• ••- Bahl TOdfaitha, ice, Dowser. 'do • • atoll O_Algar. Bhoro. Ateundrio. Aka . r .D_Cooper. Otr t 8 Shrtior, Dennis, Banknote, . t ti Grovra, Jr. r • rocinemmU4oun7of the' Pre usa r ,13,11..GRA.014Juir 22. 1869, lio boat* Troia Wei bieukyutt but I le uraroni Wrights. MI6 tbfit bniqq . w . ou(d„psui the keel NM „night. ,We hafd.4.:irP AtfaMell wattlik 'll,o'dowmtart.botia4 - • • - • • - A- • " = '''':(4Soieetipondente. erthe Preea ) —. &DING. July, 21.1819: The boitilibil the Tinton Mittel passed IWO , lie /3ehnilklll Oenel today; bound to Dhtledelplilh, hiden sod-aolielirriadne tot Towne " itteaberto - J - ll pelitierr; Blower: ao "ti Geiii9 Le:MN , I 1)1(otid1g.. do to !dingle th Dalforti atioine” end Chiirlee; gOln Roinphrlee, litdtrisniec, Wriktitl DAIOU: dodof=loir B.Green; do tnAlei kleeblt; Tradesman' froiredreto 'Eakerrit Oo (COrdeyosidence of, the Phllseelvklellzetianne.): - • • " :INWED, Deli. My 21: , !, The follvtitelestels, ighlth wer - e at borhor yeater `dayi'ard-ociwleaftect. rii: Sohn; AlLrla Morton; Bleak: "..rneo l ; - .T Denali; T Viinetteloo,:lilernotormatitoo., 013 el d Behr super. Plead, Oolotedo..llsntth Warwlek, Ed. 'ward; Hoek; andaa,lor T'o*nl • :Mad north. Tourv f *a ht. - 1 1 / 4 3KMAN." . •, - 111111.011ANDA • Steamship. Moist' fieklor. , kieGowari. frOm•New York at Hanna 30th' fast; andlonerwied , et k i o .kbyp Karnak' ; Brownian, cleared at' New York 2101 lost for ilaruii ant Nassau, . , Skip Na!pliln, NOT, from Boston, milted at Hataila Nay Bhjf Sea Tark , Balois p - for Norton; was at Pantos sop .3 morn Howe's, Crowell. from Ban Yraneisoo;vis Bteoparaoarrleod at °stews. 010118. •- , 'Ship 4ituri Ilkol, Kelly: trom Lnadok for.Oratatta, Whoa Anon Oatentto Bth -.1-Bark - 04.14.,dtk1ma beano at Easton 21st • Bark•Larriow, golly. for 010 de antra and a mar.. Os, Olearestsst keltiosore /104dd. - Auk Obnilee Edwin, itareo,_oleared at Boston Olen tostl..for Demerara. ,_,- _ . .2 /Wig aabao.-.Brown; rhenoP, orrlied et Salem 20th lea:. Arm Nomina l Pro:Alia, henna, arrived at Provident° • 808 Mary -R.,•tßewter, hence, arrived at Portland • -Bohr 8.0, geriboei. Gaittate, tor Zacitititille, sailed i'voW . t,GeY West liih lout Adana IL.Wltron,linlee, anctjohn It Plater, Mandy, oeporton,dtit , z , . , •, • - gehno ilarah'Aiiiiitoe,' Better, andlulta tettans,,Naid lite elevated nt f taton' Met lust' or paitedoipon. Bohrt& - W - Wootteri fro th Hingham tor Phtlatletyhie, at Prier '' • - " • '' BeheCh'ailistlistilli•pli'elehre at :NalilmOrW2tet , ' _fleet S. Of • ItaylesifitinMpison, hens, bolted it-. Pall - River 20th mat. - —tlehr• - War Loper ; Robinson, male/ from New Bedford t.gtitMett-for Phlntdelpbtc.".- Oatr Snow:AP/1 ;mat, hence, arrived-at &Vim/. ;kart ••„.. , - Settrs , ,,Oersoi Zte,lbroeir,"iind , hl it,irstrvridge. Mohr, for Phlladelplita, sailed front Newrotryport ,20th Inst. - 17 doors, et *Aim 7 12 , fasaljamit,b,,and Monterey, filekles, -forDsliware Oliy, were at NewportiOth lust- • t • • dlichr- Nolen' Wallace' beim, arrived at Portland 20th &bre: This, Farah,: Milli, 3' B DlSSlnsan, - ITheiston, hence,- Arrived at Provldenee 40th last. . • • • - :flettis RIR; fht4tli; fort, ter Philadelphia And it'tbeecadttiver, for Q 9 or in eeeterv, port, sailed fade rravalsoce go di inst. -•, :• , • hobo Win b• Dayton , Bette*, hence, arrived at Din- Toni 19th lest. , - hobs Knight, Mtge, sailed trat4Providence 20th Inst. for Phila4enthla -• , 12—Abort MO bites cotton-, have .11 . 10 brought, Igail, from the the /Wilma Hunter sad 4, „ 6 ,0 pa les are on board the wreckers , rasktng in all saved f r om the crack 2600 bales Misfit coconuts (rein Mite, it Wee, feared she would break-up and go to _Meade; ar,d the,halanaa.of_the .r.sripa-, be- lost- but the past few dela the weather hes, been pa moserate !het there ls no denbt the'weele cargo will ha saved Oapt Amnia lase none`tip,t9,the eblp W tee that all the, cargo . 00 - inible be - WWI: boot 000 or 1000 bales will probably be ith)p • lrvt-tOL Weil! •_ - - • - (,in,t9,ikpigti,:'. ','-. ..-. - ._ , , . , .. .. 11118 • trE MANS •-/NSTiltlt., • , . . , , ~...,xt. e oubsoriberviit ono; SEP REM 8.21 t 120, in wikve3ll.g:,lltroet, near- , Brosd, -MO nehoot , for . The Ittithiredneatioo of i limited - numb rdr 'ening ledies:' l',whoin - be Is not personally known are: re: •renld to Professor 0 D Olesveland Professor r holm,. Short, Rev. 11. J. Morton,.W.D., nor..... Win. D. Stereos', -D.D- r ltiiir-4 - 4; B- Wilmer; 1)- D., Her. R. A - , Board .1, M ' tent;J:t .D..s'AMt"..,WZO, 4.,Narsigete,D ; D., had others; ‘. jr2l; 2 m „. , . —. r jA.Stakt -,IISLAI., - - • , 'II}IE 4 SI6.N.NAR .11011,8 -ACIADEAnri A &WIN ANY FOR YOUNG LADINO, --, : , 'WILMINGTON' DU: • " - Trinelpals;.ldlseeszull R4O STD end' IB4,DELLA, and A. ,II :GIELMEOLVIIII.4II.IX• • ..,:The neat eeisinti or thle AnalltattOit eccimencs Alm thS diet MONDAY in September: • —Young , ladiseseseise, in this school, a complete edn; Plmeloal, Horan and teLeGeoteM: The Aosderig,, re still itafidedirlilll?uosephlem eeti.GheeMeMAp 'PZlT'f6PAlrgtrA,Limiil_,r'iiottriattfrt:' Hurdle in' remoraoeto*Aet 'ete*:pee*kotee l tho health of the peMY 4 forOlilislasd; apply to the asincipm,-ar 40;afesase Du lent Bs. Otilhihaw;EllAtif and Arclaptraete„Philseel. • his. X. m? oheumet, Noe' 1106 edellea,OheitrOV otre a torin : 1 1V,01,-P ioapkli, - ,ipradillet, :Ninth Ireplt,eff,d,',eyeikte4p N' A; :,,,ji5,70,113,12t0wp,p2c !reg. GALE - Ait p opular lhitos is •blowhig cltoirArriC the 7old ediblialted _ sixttil'encupted bi 2101074RRA 13141Irfij corner or eXOOND and 0111tERN: Streets, where.l4lo , ll4 rrottid'• mitilmont of Dins, or due % as rweltrae, White Lead.; Zhu Atictlvi 40f allot rh;nli noxiyallod. • r' • - • • t r 10,11.0.14 1 1',PiZTATtONkti ai~TJONAL IaMBOANTILB OOLLIGia t loestet , d S. - IL - . earner ' , IIBVENT/IQI3 w/ 1 / 4 BEtTNAIT -;Nair; lilletetiol, out Ohlo grin lit. .4; aviustgotkiett! !owl for Clataloglei4 - `' 4 fevit •14AVIn BEMM ME Pit ESS.-PBTLADELPHIA., . SATURDATIIIAr 23. 4,859 , 7,-,brtiSt Mik"Z: • '''' .'"il • 6 'l i 7 : 1, V ` , a m i iimica __,Yr IT:I A t.:* - 4- ;f2ti - 'l` 71 THO PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 0014 PANT, NOW MORO xxouRpo_x,,TIOACE TS ALTOONA AND ORESSON ' I "p cf 4 , 9 N ir4 ll ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS,, 400 D TOR POURTBEN DATE. Peraomi Winking to breathe - puce MOUNTAIN AIR, , eeekere of pleasure, and all who deelre relaxation front. badmen, should take edratitegent,tble great itlODUbtrObr- OB 'AIAL • ' TO VISIT T 0 N, A ..,A N D., 0 11,17 8,8 0, 27 iierelo'ilt4imi and Retain sT It lc Cresson 780 ' 4 Hopewell tt 716 33BbBORD STRUM PA8371.1G6174' are bkeelee furniseed. with ttekete to llopewell—the terminal, of the Enotlogdon and Broad' Tap Railroad—wbete 'two, daily Bose of etagea and tteolinAquoeet for the Aprliage. Tloketa to be bad at Ohl/ ,or the Penoeylvinte Railroad Company, noutbeagt corner Pleven% and Mir. ket atmots. • THOMAS MOOkE, Agent.. jyliti in, LIME!, L. no Orr, Oen Ticks: Agent,,;; 4, DAILY FOR CAPE MAY. ± _ gaiecjbe Boa !Benner BALLOON, Captain W;' ‘'Whilfette, , er - A.HIIII-, Captain Taggart, leaves Arab street woad every morning at Wotan, (Bundaya; excepted ) Passengers bylEtlitliee arrive at the Island in fame to secure acoomm.datiOns at the hotels. )migrants are not carried in TIME beats. Pare to the, Island, Pam:lege Hire blended g LOG ar • 4t. Bervants.4 " ' ' TA, fission Miters, Carriage Bare • extra ,8 00 Carriages, Horan, and Freight taken at the usual rates Jylo-214* • t o ,, FOR CAPE MAY, , _. , •,: ' -- •• , r• •-, AND •• NEW YORri. DAILY, (Sunday!, excepted ) at OM o'o'ork, A. M, EFDRA7TRIer3IO - Nrttli!Mlay r ON•lllINDAYE,-.., - -*- A 1! 8 7 .A...At: '' at-camera DELAWARE, tlaptain Copes, BOBBON, Captain Bellew, t . ~ ' 7 ' -, -"Y. ''KENNEEDOitlaptidn Rand, 2 • „ Perm a Daßi Ltne between tbla oily, (lope May, 'Ana ;Nair York. lesalogironi Mitt Pier below Spruce duet, at9K A. On OJEDA* for; OAPA itAir. only, at 8 o'clock, - A. M. ' .. ' itil ," '7..2 ItIININ4.. , Lea Nevi York, (Erioda)s excepted.) at 6P. M ' -t , . -Eape ky blr, datlyot - 8-Al IfEr • - Fare tbsew ' Yock~•Oib~n. . Fteer:kal ••• -- Fare to cape hlayl Carriage - Hire " ~••" Ferrante " •• " Beason' Ticket; Carriage litre ' • 43Etra 8 80 44 " • . "41tate Robrns,extre::.“..i,aa“ 100 Freights for bier Yea - Send 'cape /Gay takBB -at low tetac Goods daStined beyond New Yo.F wilt be far, 814'inif Sl6Eotittiolitaa.llrAlll3 d.V.nNur.,. • v •PCB OLPH sul!piits; L Daring tAi leatelpr Cape Blv,onfifindeps, at'l3 o'olook ; hi: .: Rfatitridag leers Ceps y 1 Mon,dar itkorainci 8 . ,5)!4 . 31 , 0,!,1c. -je/10.:q 11 4tOTIOE TO SEOPPERt3 LOOAL IItiOXIAVP • 3.! Ttie t ,zisSr. - va.N.te. ItaI.LROA.O ooIIPANY are' noir prepared to receive end, tor - irerd'lrelicht tot r tt 0, (nib:mins points on the NW= fiSSN Loa Haven, Lewiebrirg, -„Weyne,, ,• „ .11ortfnao,aberland, ' Terse; nu e, - Sonbury, -" Linden, ' ^ • • TriiTerten'interleitiOn,, Ne*bury, Georgetown, m W u i/tril i part . ,Viratmentoin t • ' York, t Milton) • - ' t • .lianever.7nnotlon. • ffettiaberg, and ail edlate;polcta onfAttO It 1-.:„.ll.ligoode 6314 to Wreight Station; SElTHilid`iirn and MASKS'S Streets, wtli be promptly.foreerded ' yfj - gNsiOlta. - Ilreight agent. re0110E:--! Persona' - *(th ttie.l/Idolll/1 -INSPROPOR, will call at N 0.1.4; NINA' litratit, Waimea - the has .0 7 9 tiialOoff sad. P. 7117, wlnwe they will end tba Inapiartararlila DiiPol3 P. M. lIIESTRIt. • - Ct. : 5.17 - •.; LLTPlear Inabaatai, , FEOIALNCiTIOE.—DeaIers in Goo.dypaes Patent for Vulcanized RabbeFettefehdere, , ,Bridetii Weber and allother Mem andarttelasaude by amble trnr tlarocesobstazoosarith ahreade oY alieets of linlerne , lead rubber areaotided that *oleo Nieuwe ire properly damped <re labelled with ?At name, sumd , by; my stated: tyy s they outdo, iekany "tileporek Of 'in',the 'United. State* Merchants end dealere 41.8. Invited to eternize tipoolfilarle ntW itratoreoind triptre their ritddri for the Tredi tot he andereigied,-ZIOLUSIVE OlVfft , -11 R -OF % THII TITIAN" AND 'fflXol,SlatVie NEGIVN IN THE PATANT for those good rata eiabriee bU the 'Viet lieratofare • rear*ioturel triwtvii many' oryrera.a -.; t „ &Leo, uroxNanit IILaNtIPAOTIIItir ANNS/11 , 1; -%4LiAlbri - Verrne--mar be obtained oti , epplleatort 011! me at No. RcOVILTIANDT, Street; Iff • 1r24.61` . 7 . , • • )T11011A01141:1!AV • 0,11013:4 1 -Att application7lll,be 'l.l eieolcicior the Of Pail:lE34,ra , Os - for the ,ineorporstiou At a Banks with rneFal bielEteg erfelieeep;.eilth e Capital or..TWO OTOIDOED AND 11 PtY ,TuotrBAND: DOLLARS, to be celled the 'Weti:tir AO I tra,1414 , SANK; to be 104t4r:,1, is the otty Ft khitidelphts, ' ,- • - ore bat. t 'tient -gEotate.--..:', (130 LUMBER , MEN' ND IPARMEU.": 131101 OP' PAWL cIiXTIMI3 IL LAtind, •IfI.WABWOJE. 0 MINTY, • .11y. ' virtne,of• dame 'writhe _Girton, Oottrt for the °aunty. aforesaid, protionnbed on the Mich of 'March,' MVO, in the chatincry:enit of Onnithill is,-Irtittbectithwi wedeeslesked.aotligeaClorecheeelehere exeles,thaseid de. Vet,- wit! pelt .berom, the Optot Pious door of•ecid 'ty , Mak 'thy hMitigetb l'ollitihDhe . 41S4*tret. L eelt,.. that bag tre netelY tweirthe/) , llieffalriable traelof loot a:flatbed Weld decree ea 'aire.hafeetteliplee, hat. col,Or• 'Mae of :laud, - lying ":.end th`-' thir county of Warwick, mid known to beinglot af.ttio contelMog one tbbneand eightfetehfeares, ( . I,olle4yreorli bring:part • of the :theet„-let: ccitrioyed by at:lgnatius Goribrill and Margaret Mir tritO, by . deed deed Path Stinti,•lB6B, - alll - repo leller in 'the .91*thl hathe,pf, WireSok *Whit" court!!' the, above laid toyer? veltiable oil airy of arcesiii, bpigg Voided bn the'penitonli tying between' tiolJatdoefand ;Pork iireri, and abont hen hetireeeltsuiPteri'liA 'pereeedrit - There artidticil the free:deer it steal* 'caw' eogiiik 60-horoil troWei, and good elibiton. list ;M k. tiorongh roar.; -; • ' -• '•• TSIMIB'OP' Mkt!. •-" "" ' 'Bo'riMeh l t; cash; as Willkliay - Y. the coats or.gli *Mork opirithitiad thilexpetusts had upon the, ferWelkliteiCeredjhWflerelia Inowthe wile be/ given, the, plieeheearte ere,henkiitth'irbo4. owed's.* for, the •dei• ferretl palieteht; fatereet from 'the day of eare. -BO fratit_t . f .9.4.A 10 4 0 , *../. 4 .'" U)4x ; ' , • 'CroMoinsioners. •Of the abov#,linde,lBo akrtni are to rine ealtleetloW,. balance' hilarity tiro - Mucci' With miperiob White Oak (for , ship' building s ) and pine ; the phis:moot 'Wilzig worth. 34,71$ per cord olitke Mink 1 .egy amount, fro be" con tracted for, rotYhp Vow Vork'martet. t • • ,AnyhtformitiOntoreferatiOt to the matter can bobal . 67.044reseing.Nereomer &. 13tollehreker, Baltimore, MC - , or by applying to B. Patriot. adicining the • /slag Warwick gout notice, Marwick county, Virginia.•• ii"blikt:Pli.ooli 0 - Y, ',TEE WONDER , PUL sPOBOTO IXOXXLIt'd - 0111311ALOIX 13AliVIL , . '`• - • - 4E4 7th, 1401' • Mr. X. W, Moults—Dear Sirs bays been tronbNui vith,tha ttliEtlllulAtl6 l ) for the last Ird•YOMII, Pitt hase •auffared• the most excruciating pain tsompalling meat times to givoutp my business 'antic:or. . I cru ,not,sat, - Anit sleep:nag a stranger • to toy eyes _' I stir. fared more than Coigne can tell . I had 'the advice' gad gid•of Nations physicians, gad need othor.rootedlee, but an of no *wall. Hawing noticed sour adrertisement in the Ipaperi; I cOneindedlcteell on a P.r.0..h0w I h 44 leaped:was carol ot:a ease of 20 vests standing He applied the 86IVW! bntionoei rind I felt lannedl , /Mt tOlisf—i, banal 'sunlit:Moo Semoved - the palnuct ttrely, and I now feel like a different cash. Since t4en le bate sleptrlT l—,scrqthing that I !lava not done'for sboittim;belug obliged to ill up all itightln a chair My appetite has returned, and 1 feel grateful to ynn for tne restorattoil of my health.-' • - ' - • • 6-• -: OftAiLEO „llMXTB,Tobaosonlat • s „o,ollloialtreet,,aboaa WOOD, lianas,' Tor Sale- wholesale and seal, at 6 1166•WIXTEI and PAILRISH atreeta t • and •pt 0111.FiS79RU & Clo.lavN: W., Corner phird and Walnut eta. ;••Assiso-tr ' .718.BSTOOTT' 5 '0ELE131/ATED TAR A— , CORDIAL, WeateoWs caro:CantaaaMion: ' WestooDla Tar Cordial - cares Broadittla. '',Waittlottia Tar CoadiatoareiCoakai and Collie Womb:Ma's Tax, Carpal cares aura salt Drama.. Weitaottla,rax,'Cogßal ,sattMl l .' l4 o4 4 PFln ° C. 1 1 " H ,..Wa'staottla TAX boidfal mireaßsayota ' " rWaitaMtla Tar oo,kaDA.auras Cetera' Dabillty. • ' Wamaatassi,TarLiordlal Tlyames,"of 'Ridsays, ' Weataatt's' Oardlar Garai BBad.and Bleeding Pile*, - • - , , , WeatiatOa Tar,o4dlal aurae Painale**askaaiMa.: Da. ' Cordial; Depot, Ro. :620 ARM' Bcr t l e' , , . ao,PalaalFallawaf yr frallte.,Waataota, , a .A.M3-13-oca- - lo Rytup asua ()bolero aalatara. 'A. Vill6tCOIT aaa bo aoanalted on the Mora dlseaaaa. - hoe 01 charge. M hls 'CoatialleLoa Ronne, N0.',629.A.R,C0 Meet, from 10 A.,./4. boo P. pc • " Tblllll 00D-LIVEIR OIL PIarZOTLY BWRET AND PALATABLII, meas. faetnred at Newfoundland for the, Proprletore, from fresh and hiotby eteamat a low tempera. tire, One `pteeerving the sweetmeat' and purity of the 011; while the untold etly flavor le perfeetlyieoveied, and the' 011 rendered " palatable axed agreeable to the ,T_he Proprietors of this 011 spare no eiperine !In keying their Oil properly prepared at • Newfoundland, ,the only place 'Where Ike Nadal marlins' le found In abundance. 'The 'truq- on is iiegientlyieepaired by adoilittiree Withidt from ether Apeolen of the lleclitle famliored only.thaseenting from the ,6 ,l3anks can ,be toted upon alt:the pentane. ' " 011 hire been -s i opilyeedatid . pronchaired to be pure and the porleoMnottlnegtualty'—oharaoterlatlee which enable it to maintain. its superierity over all other kinds. • • -Proparokand for aale,iiimliaareind Detail, b , UkadAND 4,,0_ .0 , TWELYTEI 'and ..011MBTNDT,,Plated'a. (BEAT. -WESTERN INSURANCE AND mut TROBT:CIONPANY;z - • ODlee,lt o: 403' WALNUT striiet f .' (Company's' Banting,) PuttaDULPIRA, linelnk aonsOndsted boatusse of the PARMIRB , ONION' INEURANOSI COMPANY OE AvILICNS, Vs , Irtla St Matter soniust the Ume with a oomtilued Ospl tal and . - ASSETS Or OVER 6340,000, Inyeattd, for thOlnOat part, in PIEST .110Spo let. MORT 0601 s, bearing et= per tent. Intarescou to.provel pro., Party, worth double the amount. IIPIRE; INLANDi AND MARINE OAROO Taken on the most fradoubla terms. DIREOTORB. Ottailein Lathrop, t'" , William Punts, . Alexander Whlndin,, Traoy, johis anamea. Smith, - Luise Ilailehuret, 0 1 0. N:Shiptusi, Ohleago,ll. 1. IL MeOurdy, Yrs. Tyler, Wairerly, N. If, Thomas LAllltesple, Oharlas Harlan, Donal Lindner, • " Jonathan T. ationut. - "" O. • O. LATllROP,'Prealdeot. Wllt. DARLING, Vies President. . . JAMES WRlGHT,tEklaretirs mid Treasurer. RIISSILI., Assistant Storetwy rankk.d&Wtf 111"1, O . II9:EnERN'A bit) '011&NTIC-4, large ereekof Minile,seitPare BOP.. reanoteetririxt ,eart" to, sate ,at, The 'wren New. York pedal WEANSIt, InTLEtt, te,;1;0 , - - f/10 43,PprtIt Water street, asd riorrlLW,her:vm ONEY.-40 bbiti: prime rgnality Cuba' Hooey per odhr Gi for 114141 'A:` R.T l4 .o.. l Pfkolth - - . , it atoto guid for Ale gtratt • , 53143.4 . i, ict,goau)'.& Avofpotia WSS soir SIM , OIS, • , II 49,15•:.• voismaimirt ,$) • • - #. 1 41 1 "" 1 * tatvcrolt, , Al 9) %ULF- . 41111 4 404"...b11M1M. t 9. '' r.° 4 l B t•lN iSla d'ID'PEtILADELPIIIA, 'Vat :Baltimore it 8.16 A. 14.02 noon, (Bimeo ' ) and • Vor Chantal' at 816 A - t hil.;lB titan, 4.80, and 11.19 P. ht. Par Wihniu,atOn „at 9;16,, A. 61,14„ 1.80, eilditao :2,ld.'!;', • - • 'For Neer Ciastle at 8.16 A. fi1.,4144 80 P. It` . •1 0 6r.hltddletown at 8.16 A' Itt,iiiidl.Bo P, For Dover at 8.16. A. and 480 P. AI. ' 'Pa Seaford 0.11.15 ht. r • • TRAINS 'VOIVPIIILADELP,IIIA ' Leave Baltimore at 0.80 A. M.- (Elliman,) 9. 40 and 5 25 P. K. , - . LeiV4-Wileolintion,4l.66•A.,*6l;i ir1d; 9 .20 .41; 01„ 1.10 r :Leave tfeti`Ciustleit 0.46 t i 0 P . • Leave hllddletown at 7 60,'412 8 8 , 81 1; , • 'Leaye'D'over at 8 /OA: 11:,' 1646.26 P:6l. Leave Beaford'at 6.16 A: fd." sod S'4B P. ' " Leave • Chanter at YA4, - - o ' 6o- A. an; 1 : 46 and 9.16 Leave Baltimore for Seaford, and Delalvirs'Afilirti, at 880 and 9.49 A. H. • ' r ' • • • xttAins 'pole PerarmoltNi‘ ' ' Leave Chester at 8.45 A::4.,'13.28 tad n 4op: ILeave ..Wllinington at 9,80 , 1111, 1256 8 11 ,,,, and 8.20 M. - • ' ' • ' • lithiNfil -"Only et ll.lo P. M.; fr tr O etu'Philadelfhia'Vollaltiinota. Ouly at 6.2fi P. fit., front Baltimore to Philadelphia. n unaur TRAIN, with PAIROBNOBB OAS atjached, will ran aa 0110 we - • Leave !Philadelphia-40r r iiidinten?iediste places; at 8.45 P: M. " ' •LOsta Wilmington for 'Perr)vllle'a i 4 inti - orteudiatii places at 7 28 P. 6(.: .•- , Leave Havre-de-a -Foe for sad Int6rjnedfate places at 6.40 'A. M. ` '.. B altimore ,ial3BtBrtiiBBlBtB 6 .40'A.81.- A. ' Leave Baltimore for liarre•dp-filisee'aud'iritettueliate Ideas* at 640 P. 61:; • • " "" ' Leave-Wilmington for,Phllafielfkila 506 Bitepnediate` plaoee at 6.40 r +' • j 52; - Nal'O,NiPrusiderit. Masai.CIIES ,W 4L - Tn4At i ir rmioglqu.s. 'ivaravyAwta g 1,41134 NR A RIt4IIG.I4BIIINr. - On 4x141 after Ifle'v "AV, leave Philadelphia: from Ithe fitAtion,' B. aprnor of- IILOWNICZNIII , and haratin, Streetp, ft i , l,llin4 11 gad 2, 4 80: - an4 - 8'14'P. - - ' Leave West Chester, from the .Btation I2ABV. 'MARKET 'Arrest, at B'.Bo' 8 80- and 11 , 88 A. skid 2 end 5 45 P . 'ON 8IIRIPA.Y8:--7404 4 inPlillitdelp„bli at B - A. at.oind 2 P'. , Leave - Waist Chatter at 7 BO A. 24., rind 5 3 5 . - - }UMW! WOOD, nit 28-ti O4n4ral B,nrerlitendoot. '12,110, 1 60 16 75 7eEtolu' FOR " 'TM' SEA i. • • tumid ,INOIIII4IiNT. ' ' - " O • AMDEN , AND ATLARPV itaTatoeto,' ONLY= TWO AND,'A - ' 11311 a , • " " 351.01111. ; • o,n end after BATURDAY, , Miy,3let,.inei until far 'th'er three daily trainito 4tiantle end rattily: , t Orr aIINOAYS, the 113WTPairi'unly will ran.. I First, Mall Train, leaves ilnegtreet Perry.'4.Bo4., M. riebOnd, - Exprese , Pi M. !Stopping only for wand eind'water.) , Freight Train - (with PmMager Car ettaehed).4 A. 61 AdootameodationTrain,-, , Mig ..Marbiir,) Nine. street:: ' ' &61P. M. LEAVRB CaTY,„ Trainleavell ' 0. OD A. NI: Beoond, awl; ' ' 440 P. al.' • Frei cc -A! Accomodation Train leavis Egg 11arb0r....6.00 Ai M. • ; EiIIND Cause Vine.Mreet Perry at - '" " A. M. Returning; leaved atiantio ' ' '6 P. M. This - Train will atop only at Witeeford, Sag Harbor ; and - Aboomn, „ - . , , RADDO;IFIRLD 300011KODATION. i ' Lesvee Cnoperie Point . 11.00 A.M. 'Leaves Haddonfield .1.00 P. 31, ,TtaiialiOnoperls Point - 2 00 P. M. 'Leaven Haddonfield 300 , P, 11 gtirplq Mirage, when .Ticketa are pi:terbium& ,before entering the oare ' " - • 'ji BO Round Trip Tickets, good for two4leys, oa ahy -rapier train - Sl e 0 On and after Silly 'lOl, and (,very !Saturday tbietigh the Pawner, the-Egg- Harbor - Accommodation Train twill ran through to Atlantic, and "repirn.barly Monday morning. : "freight mat be delivered. at Coopers' point %by 1 The Oompsny will not rev:male • Yor inj goods until received and receipted for by 'their Freight 'ltgen et the Point. - . m712 drool' . , qauft G. littYAGT. Agent. - , PfiILAIMLPHEA7 41 , 11) Iig4DING, RAIL VeLpi.nictarel LINE', to VOTTavgax, MAD ING pdd lekititlBl3lllCd; .; • —Dreetittie'Depiii„ at earner of $BOl3, 1114 NINA Steenttli at 7.80'A. M. ( ffitad, efa exeepted,) for YO'r7B:VILLB.: 1tAft1178813043 ) and, sli Intermediate pointe;ionnkiing at flarriebilig wittitraine Twining S 4 - 4 1.1ttArtrg h 4hantbersporg, osrlinle f Stinbary,:tito, - • •s P,CEILNOON bIKI6B t Leiria • .DAILY, far, ,201111VILLII: and 111A30.1 . SMUG. At 448 R., st, DAILY, (Btiadays, excepted,) fort ILEIADIN,Q,, and intermediate points t. ' • ' 'pia ' • W. It. goIIdERNNY, Bettretau7. • • = - - • • VOR•DOWNINGTOWN ANA, MI- V3111.3111D1 AVE I•VATIONB..:—On'ead. after' let 4100- th`. 180, : this Painienger Trawl for DOWNINGTOWN. - alit item from the Paetenger Depot - of. tha:Philidel: phla mad Readliig B ly illwad Company. corner of ItEDAD Mal VINE htreate . _ INODNINCI,T.R4INifor Doipingtown,learea at 7..20 4 - I d;i' 141"flONOvN Tklakin for Den;iligtown, iiavat at ' - .D411.7 (tOndaya ixeepted.) • • _ ordar of the Coma of- Manager* of the Phila.:Ml phia &MI leading Itallroaa Company. -. , _ mar `. W twoltlealtlNT. lisrtatan. ra y PHILADELPHIA alt AND ICI,wIRA. ; RAIL- OaD~ LlNk.—{guictutir bOUTB to Elmira, Wilikee barn, Chicago, Rook NiegeOrtalls, etilwankee, Burlington, Montreal, Bt. Pante, Detroit, Dealieth, and tt. Louis. • , • • PEPtanger trains irlll tette the Philedelphla aad Its:idiot _Railroad Depot, coiner BROAD itudi YINZ -etreotai daily. (Bandsra secoPted.)ae•lo'dowe 1 , , ts3o A: M.. DAY. ILX.PRBBB; Poi Elmira; Niagara Falb,' Buffalo, ' , Detroit, Chicago Milwankee r Rooklisland, Galena; Bt. P aulo, Burliegton„ , int fit. Letrie. : - - - •• - • .„a 80 ' • = roriltrigrkitgaSars liulTalo*( Detroit; Ohleagn Ailleunrkea, Book Ldanni Galena, St. Paule, Burlington and St. Lodie. -The 7.40 111. - and.B.Bo P. M. traine:ran thieuil344 fulinatuuttet, stopping at all StatioWleti thefLitlas noroVallev %transit. Thel.Bo'AL. M. train connects at Onion, Tor Wilkes harm, -Pittaton, Scranton; and ' stattourr 04 'the 140 . N.AWANNA AND OLOOMEIVINi.RA/LIIOAD.. elteched - „te,ffiltolra,Ditritle, arid,t ;mention „ Tickets can be procured otitis Philadelphia and Ztruira haltrold Line's Totket Office, Northweet corner of f3X4 El. and Ctl//38TNUT.t3treete, , end et the,Pasfien. ger Dept:corner BROAD shd NINO. , •, • %%await XXVltllffirlf REKNIT TRAIN Leaves' the, Depot, limed stmt. below, Vine. ,delli; ann4jexcepted,) tor all point/ Weat and North, at p P, at: • •:, . Treisbte moat be delivered before 8 P. AC to' Ware • InsEbe“same 4eyi . • • - 1 - , ;1/pr ftiztlier ' ' or to , coiner blzth and Critnatnatat.aele, , oal-tt , =1859. a..emont ';1859. 8151611 AGBANGSMIRNY—NSIN YoßlErpirais. TEM, CAMDN.N :AND • AMBOYrAND PHILiA,DOLVA• • • AND VIRNTOet RAILROAD 00 , 'S:LIND9i I PROM; N.l l / 1 4DINiPIIIA TO NBW ;YOWL _ •.„ - , ADD WAY PLAONB. • sips{ • watiorr.ftraxar wsurin, •Will leave as follows,. TN • At 0 A. 151, iIA Camden and Amboy, O. it A. Am. , commodationiwi. :1 • "" " At 8 Omnden 'dud Jersey' CI% SNnw Jemmy) Aooommodatlon.." - 20 At 9 A. M. via Camden and Jersey . , Oity, Morning bfaih - - 800 At 11 A. M., by * .Pleambont ) viz Tekony And Jersey City, Morning Express - O° At 2N. 2,1.,•via Camden and Amboy, 0. Lc A. 22. • preen ® 4,1.1...3.1.,.by.f1teamb05t, via Tacony and Jet , soy Oily, Evening 300 At 3ji P.II:; by HURT:abut va...Tacony: and Jar , Nay City, 21 Class • 41l At 0 R. M.,pia Camden And Jersey City; Refining At via Camden, and Jersey Olty, Hight r Man., At 311,9'.11., via Camden and Amboy, Aocommodatlo , (freight and PAssenger)—let Male Ticket .... 26 Maga Moyer .- 160 At AP 11.; via Camden and Amboy, AceomModation, ; • (Preight and Passenger}—let Class Ticket, . . 2$ • '2d - ClassVioltet.:.. 76 The 6 ~P .• M. Mall Line rum daily. The .11Night Mall. Saturdays excepted , - • • • Express idises atop at Prinaliiii Stations only. For"Delvidere; Seaton, itlendosion.,,ke.i 00 A. M. and 8,44 P. M. , • 1 • " I?ox,Water Gap, Stroudsbnni;POrsixton; Wilkesbarre, SiOntrose, Great Send; 8 A. 111 , via Delaware, ,aO/txvinuntii, and Westextiliniiroad._ • , • ! Nor 'freehold, At 6 A. M. and 2 P. H. ..' • Nor,Mount at 0 and A. M. and SIX ,4X land 6 N. M. - .• - Por,.Pristol, Trenton, kn., et 8N And 4N P. M. &pin Ws/. nt.ntreet sibert , ~ _remise, Delsnoo,..Bererly, Burlington, Bore, 4.etonn, ,V.0.,,at 1 and 2N P. M. , ; Oteembent Itieherd. atoakton: for.Taeony at 11 A. 14., and ter Bordentown 'end taterrnedlete , plume at 8N • Elteseisboat John Noniron, for Tawny at 8X A. td., end for, l3r atol, gdrflagtou and , amtermediate 01004 at 12 M. and 44 P, al. , pounds baggage only allowed each pareenger. Passengere are prohibited from taking.anythlerts bps., gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds' to be mild for extra.' "rho company limit tlmir responsibility for baggage to one dollar per t mind, end will not' be , liable for any amount beyond . , $122, ex , aapt by epecial eontracd.• Ihnel WM. IL GAVZHER, Agent. - PHILADELPHIA, give?. (HatIf.ANTOWN; AND NinutleloWN-Balff.lllEll AKRA NO zions alter:Atoridayi, May 902.1859, cuiltl farther 82otioe. Lime Philadelphia - 0, 7,8, tix, 10,11 X 12, /, 2,8, 851, 4, 6,6,3 i , 0,7, 3,9, 10, 440, 11, P:M. . Leave Germantown 8, T, 7.36, 8 81i, 9, 1. 8 , Et, A. 12X, 1,2, 8.4, 5,8, 34,7 8,9, 10X P.,151. BUN ' DA.YB- Leave Philadelphia 0.05 min. A. ' Al., 2,8, 5, TX and 1 9$ . , • - • Lowe Garmatonn 010 vain. A. 11., 1 . 10 min.; 4, 6y, and OX P. 51. CHESTNUT HILL BAIT:B.9AD. Leave 'Philadelphia 0,8, 8%, 11, A. 51 , 2,3 X, '4, SX, 8,9, 113 i P. M. Leave Oheatnat gill 710, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40,11.55 A. 34., 12.49, 5.40, 6 40, 7.10 , 8 40,10'10 P. 51. ON SUNDAYS, Liave rAlledelphia - 9ioo, min; .A. 61., 2, IS, and 7%, Leave Ciliestnal Hill 1,60, A. 61.,11.60, 6.10 and 8.66 TOR OONSTIOIIOOBRN AND NORRISTOWN Lome Philadelphia 0, 8.05 min., 10 05 win. , A. 51"„ 1 05 into., 8,05 min., 41j, 61‘, 1,14 ' Lamm Norriatovtia 6,7, 9, u. 8X„ P. M. Leave Philadelp'hie.7i.A., 41., 8 and 4 P. M Leave Nortietown 7 A. M., 1 and s P. 11, TOR MANAYIIIIK. Lesere Philadolphis 0,1.05 min., 8 05 min , 0)(,1005 min, ni.,1105 min. 205 min. 8.05 min 4g 0L 00l 5, 111( - aye liannyink 6,V, TX, 8(, 9g, 10l Um A. Al., !Ai 8.05 rain , t r ek , 13 1 1 !int min, P. 51, lAgpalludelphla 9 A. Id., 9, ' r, tua k ilipk. 8.4.41 X P. M. ; '.• U. K. fluneral Superintendent. Aft • , 7 DEPOT. Nrtiall and4&Eßli Eitng irIARDi-x-MARBUIL-13117Z-Ary PAGNII4, 4211 4 134511,10, 1869.—In:oonseqinee of the frequent invitht . tene reeelyedby mite renew the ehlpmtintit of my - 0, hampagne ' _ to the, united Staten, I beg' leave hereby to 'lnform my former eq. - tawny:Ad 'Mel puhlte, Ketn.ral, that I ItAve ' , Witted ?Aegis ,0 1.:811013W118, All(lEth R, - ' 00. 1 solo Agentiirilhe United Btateit', - for the gale of MY .033 arpagte My Wines -bare bean no 100 end favorably known lo the Bolted litetbs, At. trill - be on: neoesearyto comment on their quality, further than to' garthat ray new ehlinnente will in PO pay be found In= "orbit° the former °nen._ . B_, • I BILLWAItT fIAL&TON.: , ' BIKZEOAAT QUAISIYAQMCWRIZEI; ?with , and - VEWERNAY i for •solo stoutly ea hand, In lots to Butt pwobriers, by+ , - .Ir.c i .W201314.111t, ANCELNII& CO.,'" - 818.14VBB.Ottirti, Aquavit LZEEMIZI DOB IaBIIMANTOWN ON 19INDAY8,, ON RUNDAYB, 41 roa ittee; -- Iag nINAARANONMENT. - Id! i ßilTilLidlilin;' VvrtvgtOwN,' ARroui ALLINTOIVraI Idd11011:1101,111.01t,.. WILKASBARRN., - OrclaoCafter' MONDAY, May I6th;18MI• ,Piligengerl Trains will leads WIAOOII , and WILLOW . 4010111; pAlLT,Aftaiday s eadellted - 7or BAthiebetn, Aliiiotown atano4 Otnak( VDUs: . baron Maaleton4 &0., (Exproe9 80 A : VOnNothiettemi(EaPterc,) Y. For DonoatownlAeooraroodatlon,j at.'....: „ /I 16 A. 11:and IS Pot lort :Waaylngtoti; (Accommodation d•,r , 'lO Y. W. TRAI6IB .. POIt PHILID - ELPIIII Leara.l34thlalkent;pliore44,) id AV B 1 arid 4 , 10 P. We Leave Doylestown,' gdeedtamodationi) tat • ' o;, , . 80 M. and 4P. M. Laves Molt Whoblagtoix, (4 00 0mmOdation.) at i 8 BOA. sad II 86 P. M. . ;: BIINDA.7B: - • Philadelohla, for Ddylosto . wavat..o M. and 8 P:14: ".Drlioattrway for Philida., at a 80 A; 'DC sod 6 46 P.M. Panttißetblehlitol6l.Bo • 1, to_ °M6t. $ 2 04-1 to`liaetaa sl.t to TroylasLown, 80 eerda rto Wilke., barr044.60. , ~ • , AU Passenger , i kralike filo* eittidatrTialdej coo , ' meet* at,Barka etreetiritti Wirth 'dad Bbttb.ttioeta and Baoood and Thtrd'etraets Pameogor'Ratlroado.- ~,,- P6Midgera for v t l ifficiatirkrre , Wee 80,,A Tri!lo) ard'arrtra W.ilktabarra at ' ,rayl6 in . AIMS Op.lllC.,•Agipt:.. PgINSYLVAIO4 " ,47SN % I RA p 1859:14a.gmtAt, - 4859',_ 11.01-o AMltt w- bit THIS no: IS ANY IN TEN COI7NTRY, . _ ; Tamar, THROIIOH PeBBsl 4lo 7lo. TRAMEI tarwmrav - Pg.tpxmrtPDlA AND , SITT - Awaßsei Coisneisting *Breast - Philadelphia with Through Trains Wont' Beaton:New Yirk and all pante east, - and at the Union Depot at Pitts burg with,ThrOugh Trains for Oin, limit!' St ; L'Orthi. °Orland, , Ottleage, `Bitrlingmhi ' PatiPtAndlariskills;.Lonievilleliaw ' flaw-Orleans ; al titein2, adiaa;paitejn , pidtinas Alltenesote ? Mienouri Ran. sae, and Nebraska—thus farmthlng faCilittieilor the transportation of Passengers onsurpsined far 1 1*tialtil comfort by any other route. . •Bxpreas and ,Yast Lines Tun -through to pittsbcFg without eh unroof, Cars or Conductors: ' • " • - Smoking Camara attached to sash Train ; .WoOdrinVe Ileoping.tlars to ' o sad Vast Trains.= The Antos- RUNS DAILY : Mail; anditast Linos,bandityr . exeepttaLl Mill Train - leaves PhiledelphisatT.l6 M. • Vast Line, , , ' ' • 2/.450'1L. M. 'Animas Train Mete' 40 80 P.ll. WAY iTRAINS AS POLLOWI37. , Parkerburg Accommodation at 11 it IC ' aerrieturg AcCommodation, via , Coluinbia, LOG 11 Columbia 4.80 P. M. • . Passengers for West ifibester will take the Mall; Parketbusg. and"iniscaster Trains, at the Pennsylva, nla 1101 road Palliser Station. • - • - riterieV for entituy, 31.mira,-110. fain.l4 .1114 interniodiatoopoiSMOstmoll. ,shiradelp • .at,l.lft,A. IL and .2.60 P. 141.,g0 diretillY; TicketsWeete i rd mAy be' obiated at, the:o4oe 0 ' 'he'llemPatty , ln Philadelphia, New Ifork,,Bottterf, or altinipre • mei ,Tleketa Bastwatd at any,of the Import ant Italtral °dices in the West ; _ also on.board.any Of the regular ',Line of- Steamers ;the Mississi pp i Ohio Rifers. - or JD' Pare always as low se any other Route. • • The completion, of the Western connections of ale • PectissYlvaniaTtillioid to Oh{ o, Wares this the DIBBOT LINE 'BETWBBN THI EAST A 19. 2 1101. . .;011BAT NORTHWEST .: • -' The emuneetinirof tracks' by the Itailinal.Bridge at .Sitiebtztic-'aroldiellll drayage oi ferriage citpreight, 'thgether • 14W:the 'saving •of tires,' arc - idraotages ma/311Y . appratiatedfb,,, ftipprini,of'Neeighf,arslithe TravellitirPublie:• ' ' P,RDIGHTS WESTWARD. '`• By this Iteltiteltrelghte of all - deseriptiolui can be for. warded froniPhiladelphia; New York; Boston ;,or Belli nitre, any'point writhe Itallrbids'of Chio;Trentucivr Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by- Railroad direct.' - - ' ' ' ' ' • - The Pennsylvania Itailroal also bonne:teat Pittsburg ' with Steamers, by which - Wade son be forwarded to - any Pert on - the 011ie,. Mritkingeto ) Itentheiry, Tenneasee„ • Otiniberland,'lllitioiC Missiestppis Whic.orisin; Ittletscinri. Kansas: -Arkansas 'add Ned !Uwe; arei St Oleveland,, Sandusky, and Oblesiro with Steamers to :101 Pr: hi OP • 'the Iforthweertarn Likes • ••-• Merehante , and;Siiippere marital:log the ttinspc.' 1 lieu et-101r Itialgltt to this , company,' can rely with confidenie on speedv transit. • - 1 •• - ; teIIIB , IIATSII.OVNBEUMIT' no any point th Ithe West by the , Piiniittylrania Railroad are at all times as lotbrahle ' are , charged" by - other''Railroad Bd , • it 4: partioubir se, n ark packages ft Iris Pamir, ' Merchants in the West ordering goods from the Bast; will do Well to direst them to be shipped by this Sante. Yor'Vrelght Contracts or •Shipphig Directions; apply • 'to or - taddreetti either of the following agents or; the, -.; ' D, - A. BTEWARTi Plttabaxg; ••• '- DoyleCo:, Steubenville, 0. • '-H."S. Pierce & 06., Zanesville; O.; Johnston,-Itipley, 0 ; bleNeelyi ateyrrille; Ormsby 4 Oropporl Portamouth;O.l. Padsook. , Jeffereonville. andians; W ,- Brown 4 Co .. Oinillthati, 0. ; , Athersi.' & aleldrnm;;_hlsdieon,- Ind: ; 'Bingham, Lottletille,..lo.; P, 0 , 11.11ey Co., Ennis. vile, Ind ; W, Graham , tt 00.. Cairo, III.; B.f.' Sam / LoUis, Mo.; John U. Harris, Nashville, Tenn flarris & Ir ma, Memphis, Tenn.; -Clarke .. 0.4 Ohl., mg.), ; H. - Koonts Alton, 111.VAIVIS5AC Walla, Dubuque, 111 ; or to freight Agentil Or lan roads ads at different polnti in West. _ Parties attending to their ; crffn, Shipments .froin the wllliladlt to their interest to. oallnOthe ATente, of thei tiontpeoPatthe following+ Planes beforeahipping; or letteie r addroastd%io either ot.them,.on the aubjeot or. faights,!iillt inset with prompt attention. teinunift," Philadelphia— - • .41 aGiltAif - & - ROONS; 80 North atreetr_saltimore. , [AXON & 00., B Atter Zinnia El; William It. T. LEDOH k CO. 24 filthy street, Boston. ! 1101:18TON;Genq Ptight Agent,,PADA. , ' L. L Gen'l Ticket Arr0i1t,•211.1.4.. ' T ll OB. A.;209fi1:, Oenil gain, Altoona, INV.., ObiPlilitg; GLiSa.O.W AIvD NgW YOBS *rse., 'oftte. cougtoy ,8'211A.22 . (ILA Uti tv„ t V sapoop, Haqisr, DUBLIN, AND, LoNbuNDSß4ll"Wriiiiir ro1111..: - ( 2 / 4 2GOAK Tholuinson,.'Yed!idsw.,'.Auttesi 2.111, 12 <Moon noon. IRON aLasobw GLIO39OW, Th0011101;1; *edema:ley, July 27th., `ll..tre - of pus , go from' New , lork„Philidelpitii, or BOIROCI, to to I eteguir,'Llv.rp ? dil iferifeet,, Lon-} dbodeirryl' diet otter, $16.- , Bttieiege, f ired with' ute 'aettodaucet'of properly coOlad - prorieloos, $3O: - - An experienced Burgeon attached to each eteamei No bbarire for medic -- • ' '• Vor frolgitt dr wane apply to . • ' ' • • . , • • • WORKMAN '& 00..; No. 323 WA in ET e . ntreet; PAHA: R O NEIRT OftelG, ' jy2o NO. fitt 0110Allilf Alf. New - York. c U.S. M. 4TICAKERS 101 Fiera. 13013%'EtAN.TVON, ABAdO.Oppttilla ithe!,iflllllB,4 o,,Bipilialp•- - iiiiiromber - • - • - - • •• ' • In Wotton, Will WI do=nut 40 , Otito bet , * Decomberlo. ritstAlabitt passage 6/A6 'Mooed Cable paeaaii.;,,, " - 76 • PIA. ireight 'or p Ramage, appi.v. to ' WM NEILSON; Ageiit, • - ' At the Warahnueing Oonspeople Philadelphia tlfloe, Tobacco yeirehowsti, DOM litreet, Phil- - , je2B Om . THE BRITISH. AND NORTH AMERICAN, ROYAL MAIL OMAR. ' 11014 NNW YOZZ' YO LirstrooL. Older Oabtn Passage 0180 Arwood cabin easage., -- " fp 17103 aneTen TO' 7,211182001.. bkile7 cabin Paasalle -` , -Booood 0,561,1 Paeaage - ' Thu Ishipafrom Banton call at Bahian. - YRll2l6, , OsptiJadklns, OAiIAOA Oapt.Lann, 4114.8./A. Oepe..l. Stone, I AditilidoA, gaol. 3111.212 . , 42.313".1240. B. G. Lott, MAGA/4, Oept. Ander; Oapt. lihannoni , • `ion, • - . : ' I'7 ' t , I EUROPA, Clapt. 7:Leitch. - Thesf vessels earrtaplear ;white light Atimast-head ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow,. . sto_ne, fearer; Boston,' Wednesday ; July -fa, Lott L -" NYorlt, Wednesday; Jwy 20, CANADA, Lang; " Beaton. Wedneaday, Jay 37. AIItIOA, nhanwon 14 York, Wednesday. Ang 3 -- Boston, Wednesday, Aug 2 0. ?MIST JudkinS, tt ' N York, Wednesday . Ang.'l7. d.ader& - Stone, n' — Bolltolsl, Wednesday, Aug. 34. Berths riotinierwed until paid for. - experienced Bozgeon on board.- The owners of the-e ship will not be accountable for Gold, 131Wer, Bpeets,'leSrelry,'Preolsus Mona; Or !detain; skein bills Of lading ire etgced therefor and the velem thersof , thereitt expressed, Per' freight or passage apply to OIINABD, I Bowling Green. near3l-tf New York. Cfgari, obaccu, mac. CIAVANA CIGARS—Of the moat noted .111—a. ,bruld e, L inatt Sil . . Figaro, Partagas, , Cabanas, 110 J as de Oro, ' UOmann, ' Mamas, ' Rapanola, Noptuno, Praeleese, . Cloth', to., &a. Of hegalia, London, Panatela. and Millar aim, In store, ooustantly resolving, and for sale low, by . C11.A.111.10 , TAT), 180 ‘V.2,tLeIIIT Street. QECIAR 8.-A. MERINO, 140 ROUTE L- 3 PBONT fltrdet, offers for gage, from Store and Bond, the following. favorite Brands of Began, Nueva Nmp. Nogalia, Naeva limp.-Conchae; Light Guard Entre, Autos, Unita, Londoos,.llabajas, dres, let, 24 and ; Garantliada. Presaandos. Capt.: kola London, Capitols, Oonoban, Zarsuella, Cuba MI Narks LOdres, El Mbro London 'inn, Gonda, due; Mesas' rrkla ee .Operasi spans. London, Espana ,Hoodoo YJno, Prinolpee, Manilla Cheroots. , I.IAVAIIA", SRGARS oferod to dealeri ILA. at favorable rates, of various, Mee and brands lneluding Partagan, °abeam, Wigaro, Mono, bird, Pia matins, Lire Piy, and _Tootles. Also. Paper Began, Er PLIGUET eons, 218 Boatel FRONT Btrsst , 11.10W14.RD FIRE AND MARINE INSU 11-1. RADON OCIALPAIIY, No. 412 WALXVT &row Phll24olrbia. • , . _ . DIRECTORS . . Thos. L. Laden, - - Wm. F. Lseeh, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, - . Wm. IL. Hamlin, John Q. James, . U. R. Bitillingford, - A. J. Buoknor, 0. SI. gpengler, John W. aezton, 11.. n. H ous ton, Raignal, Win. R. Love, Idwin Booth, Charles R. Norton, John Oarrieon, - Isaac Myer. ..Prps!dent—THOMAS L. LUDV.3O YlatiPresident—,. 8. :WARN 0 , 6eoretAry-011ARLES A. MTV. , .31.5 Y. IrNSUICANOE COMP ANT OF VII& A. STATE OW PENNt3YLTANIA—FIEE AND 'DIA. DINE INEUDANDE—No. 4 EXOUANGE BUILDINGS. •Ohartered in 1794-oapital. t2oo,ooo—Agaßt4 s • Jams: iuy 1,1858, 480,448 60-100, All invented in doand and available securities—coati Due to Insure on Vesseleiand Carimee, ButhUngs,l3tooks of Dierolismdise, CIA liberal terms. • • .10.1110T08/1 : - - floury D. Snorrerd, George H. Stuart, ‘Bimeon Toby, /Ismael Grant, .7r , (Maritsa Maealester, - Woblae Wagner, ." 8.,81111th, Thorium B. Wathson, John B: Budd, ,Henry G. Freeman, Vilsite Charles • George 0. Oarson. `4I:ISNRY D. SHEitilltßD, Presideat. Wrbmax HANNON. Beeretary: jeOlerm.ll 11/N-TON's EgO4IISTIO TILES ici " - Ornarboutal Ohlmney Tope for cottages. Garden Yoseb bob Pountaine. Titrilloi ripe for Orboba atod wAtor oonduabors. -ImpottO3 and for 8. A ''FIARTITOPI. - Itibli.V CU BSTNITT Wrest. DRILIA & gHEETIIOS:kaft`,F I XPORT BROWN, eLiceorizi) ELT 1 010111143. , , ECIPAVY & LIGHT 91110171pers; Ealtablb for _Export, for We by FROMINGEArd - Smith FRONT ST.. t Lib -1...ET/T/A BT. oalbar c l H EE SE :BOXES', HEMMER pOptiTYMIpwV tatuin ggy,,, io - iliquac. , • .1. -311 P 2 11 3 0 :t . 7s larko4t -s OTlikl4l*jsl oaetotttrocnkie93 , - • •• ••; R tgott , itarAnlc.lSTACHili a. - POW, MAO I.l.2ol4oolthfjraalliSage reretyp T o .L. o.l4o Tin r rbo rjarimiktho'apititivosep!ox.:4 , s , -;A: ' tverhl elojiipkili:Ogup4,44l4zAtely: to fiedltien lie'pablise el , the .Bettildayrpre.' 'Aorta to' teeth sole , iiikirtbottookt'Oitotokok in pimp if•,! torni, - glointroll:dooottptlan , sat he• - riop!„gr9 9*-r aola pu the) foils *log Tatoday .•.• • . ..FILIAILTITLUE/LtrAtitAT Tin , AtroTiotr„ ottNE.) ll .evoryfflioroloymorulag • • ; • •ttltlt}, • JOBTAX- 11 J - A7 MVAT.II•4I,I,- e hooka tirge amoankof -Beg ;atm* at Prt., Tote Oatell3olodliiiii aiery - •d'esotiptlest 'of toity sod -eoeqtry ,propetty,, Printed Rata may be had Myths Plinfeiji'4l:ll - ICJ .4,44 ant" t!tt •on o rPAi*Solo - seg~iiss ter, - apd' lideettteed-oeeseethill," PAblie. bale Abeottooti, (of o id* IfiC,PO.oopto. ord pttsti week!),).week!),). fre ordhatv, - - - • tIARD,Lin siut - August out); occuistootulAOY its tirstolote—not . ovary '„ . . truels o y tn r s,businutiA • ,Building lots; OA:PANAY, titlinst',, , it titlOgnisti Belt I , Hotel., : Er are lithogruptais plus - Ana losid.t, thit6lCiiitoll(o‘l,P, l IioniPSIMUK4O4* `ATLANTA - 0 OITY, dtkAunust. Bee Amiability 2tiusTgra" the'peenirsea, ilarautiii City ) : 7 1 .1141ted13tateN itotelibt'and - abotit 100.pulldlog TBNIMTB ON rim MAT-92IV4,GUABIL•N'BUILDINO aloes P, gongiesk LA*All, l l;92t valuable ,buildfrig lots. froating oa the oneati.'3osilh 'atreet,, blrth:strist ; Passy , alsost Cleagisia:sifiet, iltsent; llsoond I Cesar:TWA , stress ono - gourtitintrest. , 'Ajsc".,..onis i ldrintereat ma - • the Washington Home Hotel; and Intel : SA ftL Tao tantagea:, 113`,/or postionlarki daminavgisy. hu , B,oe handbills atallithograpae pleas, r% , - ,i8114.-blrop AtlD,lo*rtyraAx„plit3l, • • • the superior dottier e 'and' lot 'of *gionotr, Ott llthogr4phio plpus of Mr. rdilleen lotai Cape Buena!' Nom. Jorely,t,togetber-,witte Um/satire furniture; bat ; atom ko.;Ail of exo.llentgyality, ortronat pariloik Lire reidrUi , - ' ' Baiocat lISSI`IDSAnd 1111 bcittk l i nitifhlitreel. • 91:1Plaion FCBArtilal `LATAI AOl3B, PWZOTYJUTA4IAOBSIIII44A,ArS i ' ' DATharaday pts&fig, At' 9 cooloaq of exoellenr iseeciaLihand 'furniture, elegant fortes, lir.e‘mitvorsi carpets, litelifratn , famine' :de dining thoiletheeptsig,^rainavid to .the store futr faakt vegiene* of sae. y • -• • ' ' • .Trtletee, ' lINITIOD firset.e4 DOS let. AND Atiii lOCBITILD xoaLors,Alll,&s. Urfi,:, !Mfg' JABB/11. _ • ,On'Sataiday :Morena/- 0 , - Angus: 8, 1869, at 11 We will ea 8014 id rib: lle sale on thii preralves,' Units Bade* Hotiii nod' toot 00 Wading Mee, •At aatia Cite, New Jersey. Pair deseriPtiond an 4 litiogroph i o phins way be sad at the guinea , rams, 000 3 .-Ort[ l / 4 1 WOOSX •K 671%; TO4INNT.—Ap ;fIy al the atelloil `akete; • • /kr PitIVATIII and blereinitte Ltbrarleased :Atiaiseurh. '- • -AY -PRIVAT 8 , PALIII.=;•Tho valuable' prOpony; oor. , oer of ; Piftb.and-Adolpht iitreeta, bolow.Wobant, largo' 1, 10°.k building *led let. Wby.99ji lest, :froriti, -Ainsingobi.eartie: , motrAia and - - No.aoiali. - „81X12 Street. - •, • :(Nc*ly ppPecite We, Colenty 06,a EtwWi,p,) ,‘ Re bas , by bur,' mat power to administer ojithesnif mrnpvtib*Couid tike-Twetlmay beciiWin deuce 1 aLWySoart,or,,the Owearoonwealth: of ,ieriplyl. , .`'He Is iio . aniniliniouer of tlia Italie . Mites, aid ilea,. Oorrimlegorair of Deeds for the Probate •of Le- , cbants, for bestly Ali the btatee in thattutoit ' Clommiaalons to take TtliStitll6lll, fund any - of the poor te.; ht,tbleiltsAe. or- any, Alt theecrottl tnithe )TAiteifauges proutriscnna, carefully exeouthd ' jylB4l • °mos , 2 1 111111TISFATii, AND PIYYNOTO:SYBEtTic PAZIBRAGaa, BAIL= WAY 0031WANY OW PHILAYOBLWHIA - Room 2(o:4 /ALLOWS azummis 520 W Street,. , ' • 11/4171 my. 14.42. . 11HE ADAMS EXPRESS GO., OFFIGE , - ,,, rciftsweguT:Asit.loryearile , R O. es; erehandlui,AnkkiNote.,Ann. Speed*, eyitiker b italivinli.ans; Or in aintuution *lO - othei Unions 0002*Idell, to Mt the r VlSollitrtalii and *eat of no Untkdl.ll.lMlAsDrOUDyl • c • ,Quers! Elnperintendent -T rAzusx.o. t• , ALTIORNIY , Ai LAW, . • GRIMM - . pr*ettsio is_t.:Weet!nctteli, Api , yeitiiMg,, and ;In Maui nonbUis.' - seal( 1 VUGUST.BELAIONT, „ milimac.7lofeAvziiiiirir, titters a °Wit' for: Thrillers, svaLele la in panda the world;liirecistkttte retersze..ltothahlble, ot.ratisi leaden, , /tranktertiNapleir, sad Thaws, sad chefs Clomspandenta, , , • ; -taiXere , ViSsolutlono ant r •-910patinerobipe MOTION - IS Ithatfir r GiltEhli - thet, the dm of WARet Ofi&OWCOR. & BRO ,1q ibiti de, outolted Thelfester;ifeifge AttC.tilre tonic nese.wkil be 000tnitted under the nem* of P7140 1 3102E. & 11110,' et the" "e4oCir" BeOOND we RAO* streets. " ' " • /WIN It QUAD - • •-• ' ••‘ tltiNolll CHAD WW 1% Phila.:lolA%, July 21., - - JAW, P ,pHE .00 ART eretofore ex lido' between,lbilaboortbors, to Malloy dlooolved by int:dial en 03.14 Abe_ ot, tip lira. Nat be bottled by Joar.PH' B. LlANON,;'wholo sottiotisma to aoottotaame of tho Brat in tiqutdotiou , ' , —' • " )106BP11 111,11Atti9ON, ' Ju1y1'44,1869. _NOBW9OD PBOIROdB3; 'JOSEPH B. takllSrlif cOfitione 'the Tobacco: Oommicalooloabacas, sari agent, for tie Mao - of Bb® brerotinano, barstotorare -t, N 0,106 North VCATEEL atre:Ert, • 4 oak BO: 26619urcti DlELANABlltriat:net GEOAGD ' " " NORWOOD PENROSE, - ; • „ , Nora DZLAWARIT, Aiencie. NOAWOOD kniIBOBB, (late ofgiolizOiOfJi;so B Bloom & 004 Jo thlodal aasogioted 7.4 1 1•BBOBBB krt.l)lNi caviler Abe? style, and Ono Of. BOLD* It PONBOSI; for Oki porpoesi of tondootlng '140b40 - o Oil, siva clindrif Ofiimio4sion buiOness. , - IN' O,T, I 0 - C: ; —THE; : ;CIPART.V pgstin‘ h - ,,,..toriciet;4l.trot 43 bitwion- the sibeeribire ouder the Writ Or' WM.. C 0.," <ley diuolyad by -mtitael - eonsest . s - - ' ' • The beeineot of the flan -be settled by CORSI. G11:18 J. Bae.DFOILD iaa atorcum W t'Z, l b° imp sathoriiect to One the naioe of the Orm lot that ptir pwe, ...Wit .11 .llttoigN, • - -- - CORN J ,BltetifOßD, .841110111, LUTZ. 'PntLitsimirli. inoetb let; 109. rrsj THE EAR oWitliE TRADE.—The aibniibeis, AG-ENT/340a THE BALD Op 270.-. -REIGN :Ali 'offer for eats the following goods at loweet_rotesq,_.Lewis'• impe rlor „Chalon of Alt kiads,iooluding trooo, Jog, hater, fifth, liresat;wagen; tongue, soil; ship, Wile, and other Chains P. •Wr.ght`i paterW and Other 'ensile • and Thant; L " Horse Nails; mend • and - writ Bak. Paha: , 4 9r 1,04 : 1 0n8 hMdlo /hi sank-S.loo l lot Safety, Piai„ for bloating roeks,• Bed iikitews; Alwaleark Sates, boardOfirons and'Oarpeuterti , Clt'alki.Table and Poopt; Outlets; Oast Steel hies and Bee* Oast and Wrouglit •Ottt Hinges; Strap and " T nitwi; Otmlethorow . , S;- 11menK,o , . Rotor Strops ; Hodges'. Of ehnolat Iftsosj, Whites , . Drones; Shovels. and, Swam i , ell kinds; , Hay and 'Manure Parks Sallee,' and Hoes; Southate'a pote nt rlWrenoheit Locke and 'Latches ; Door end Shutter. Dolts - Hand; /sledge:toad littoile , Hammers; Soots end Hinges ; Tacks, Brads Shoe, Clout, and. flalahing Nails; Wrought Halls ;Af ing's Stook. and Dies; Hatch re Tea and CioniWtr Scales; Corry Combo • American and English Berthas. baythe Stones Sod Rides ; Douglass , Sumps and Nome; Molasses Gates; Faucets, Bowe Of kinds; Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, a., With a general assortment of Hardwire . ' O.= SON., • ap94tf • _ . 41.1.008161DR0N Street. ' * l O ' " 60 O. D. - EMORY & 00. - TE O . 24e. 146 6644 POITRTII Et, Ph 116 .? " Sole Agents 'of 0.110:11.' POTTS is CO., Miners and Shippers of the LOCIIMTD/12,11 OSA% Froth the Loonst libuotalo, : • - Neer ,d ap2-6m] sottuvrama, novarr. Pa. W. GttOOdlE & vu., K-70 Mauro and Mappers - of ' LOHIGH, BOHVYLICILL, and BROAD TOP Mg. BITUMINOUS' 00AV. Ocoee No. 145 Routh SMITH 'Street. BROAD Stmt., Wow Bum. apt em . TRILADELPFIrAi Ub D, 00AL; 11/NDLLN,O JANNE Y d 1e.114CG1114. _ . _ ..00a.T.WATBRZT 11;HARD,'. - Have conisantly on" hand a large and imparter art-lilt of PINS. Ctag t and.Hic,KOßY WOOD ; ,and, haring 'completed our arrarr manta, are DOW praplirOli to (U. , 611• ,the. WOOD BR_ BTK tlll-POWDS... We-have also on, hand a =parlor quality • of 00.15, et all .1111011, seleoted with, care .. , Dealers and • Consumer* will flwi it greatly to their advantage to purchase Kindling Wood ,of - jed-sae Jr IF INSURANCE - AND TRUST COM . - A 1 PANT —The PENN MUTUAL 1.3 WE .INt-C -RANON COMPANY. NOrthrest corner of THIRD Of DO^s• &red., Cspltal, $811,723 03 - - INnURhB•LtVNB tor short serrus,or for the whole torte or, lire--grants annuities sue endo ermente—pnr cheese life interest. in Real Hatate, an makes ell cen tred. dep-nelog on the conlingenclea of Lite. • 'they not ea ixecutero v Ailminlotrators, Amigae ls Tnietees, and Gee:diens, Daniel L, Miller, Mediallo Costes, Ittabard B,,New bold, Wllllain Haoku, larilltam It Kern, Samuel 0:11oey. Oberlee Hallowell, Heory 0. Towasend, Bodoiphas Kent, KNlliam 11. Carr, /IdWard T. Mott, Roberteop, WidaerM Italia, ,P. 8,18841 BAML. Joan W. Henan. beare ,LIIRE AND INLAND H/Nr , ..N.—,—li s si NE INEGIKANOI 00HPANY, - • • • Oardtal- ~,11160,600,1 - - (Organised nadei the Act oi.Aseereely relative to in stiranee Oompanies. palmed Ayrit24).B4ll - .) , Once 41101 a / 3 12MT St., Philadelphia. , PPLIOTOKS. ' Sam eel Wri ght Henry I:owls:Jr., Williere W. Vera, B. Ilinray, Obarlen .11101itidAitin, John W , Kverman, Jaeob W. Stoat, •- , A. H. Boeenlielin, esteley'Llietneott,, John B George A, West,. - W. W. Knight. RiZOBON W. DAY, Zresident. ' W I. BLAVOIKAP.D. Rnarotar• 1102-ir Sptittit basil:legs at ,& SNIT corner of BZCOiID ad 31131 N three?, ie opened with • ftnperlor-ntock of ,Drugo, White Lead, Zino Planta, Window Glam. end oil otter: artielils Tonally' found in:o_Wholsoati r Drag, slot, on-i 141. 3 e eMohlfehmeee NAVAL' STOR.E4;--160 bbls Spiritertik: , r.t..7.ontliii.; ZOO i;Ole Wilmington (N, 0 )-TitX, us, large 61)110 45obbla Citon, in Moto and for'salti ROWLEY, .10111131111.N1R, h ou., No. 10 Pk uth "%Mantes . . ' - %PM - TIEUCES EXTRA SUGAR. OIIIISDItAbIfh poked by eardoer, Pb Dips & 00., svary Limb, Johnlatr,Weiott& Wood. Se..Wy Tapoott, Q dgly, andothers. - 0. 0. luDrauit & - 00., 4 7433 Argi faresti 'lsom:jos ortqrcitlik, ; - brAtt4lol4 4- 61 5 S B- ,C=4:lAlLl m agiplEi:Pro. • cf t• minor *3listebotr...sikßgfr4F4l.44 arZrtuarz. anal. -Bamuel 8 Stokes, William Mart n , - Jamssß. McFarland, Joseph H. Trotter, - amnia Easton, Thoophilua Paulding, Edmund A. Solider, 1 nle L. Hutchinson, John W Horner, Bilis 8 _Archer. &mu,' Christian, Joseph 21 Thomas, , John O. Brenner, for, Ruston. LBit, Preeldezt . BTOBBB, Pica P..rasM. au18.64 inonzars roßo='l%,4U Ers,fich saa alums ? & Inc P,* CIEMPIMUi VlZlZalign*Wit: • 4494uaticiertnismr. 7, 00114;:;: : 1 7 77, • ' ; 1, 1• 31 .D , 7 -4 •••,044, 4 0ums Paw matiotieift boo .megy airor. .10•Kproibi l mt. aka, ng/mon mrnitaii at ' —v if,' 41 , 01111 , }1111441Wa11ie b• joadd a +hi larde - me!dalr'.. l . lllBlll al oreq"ddoottotkok *roily loaf ow ediaterpropordr. -• 111:40101Z1451-1011110,= , - : WO 8 -E B,S...eI;THAATSAIIO.IIO.III=Ii bra. 00.911adinel.df.. - • SITLIVAND Looll Shnto • lioNny i 4 dArLia.rit lkfillegfo /aft, is, forgo: or mall roffeiiiiff4 - etiondloe goaegaUi; sad en All, ottioleor4 vat*. AR 's ms d* 'hoortrid itateirs' OA Or :OW: TO Armtek': tkorsm ras_; 44l mxiselviselA. Notobuolunest aornor 11CILTA eaTIAJOSIL ow 0 8 / 1 10 11i10 4000:00Dital01;:r. lBoNiff - MOM: - 'IIIOIIIIIT - f - t • -.kfoody IftranYiatroaoddin lar§aar dioaltdrionordh inirOOne 4o.tist is emi.ts„km, igo/ 4 ,4 1,1 1/at. dloiioida, • ototOtied;lotiofit Towitavideoediroaroom _badarimaticlaraitard - Aify paddrolidalOkdroorrna," .174 , 2rornorgOr ri isAi l L' l*4( ireq. 4"i' ; llt soretffki :wood; aie; %IWO firkiesof,' • eodhellot camera 81122oirolyjoroottroetaY1 ?WSW- ROTZFOrkassopMdt,lAOooljted or ?WS 'kerforeo,, - - • t- GAVOTS II 0.1034.1318 - 111'!WATURIG.11; , ThWILSIT, okefonfdaffORRLDRIIPAL ISTAATIMODIM,L - ..1'. (foxier of § - 4.TE aut-BA" villtergold forfeits than half tblrltaltOtoie goterAfriffrog•rddiErtliag Wool tat -littior 4r e ' r E i2t 4 dorlMMer. 4 ,Ploo gold ereapoment loTer and lapin° wstetioll,"to Amu alae , ,and open fOOO, some-of !kern cabs foll plotted el a ,*,t, make. Allttor .113411.1.potept-loyevinkteheo," ea, oapoirieht .todea7 - and lopiaeo, - *baurilas-dsoo siod_opea Owe; rery - dipericut /Masi Irma, sad 'Quern +giddies; tine gold Teet, - .f0b,,,ne011, and obilditiee-ohidne ;••• .sass! Pas tr‘odotte,•Vitoootatao; IlardniagaodOrAiatdosisids, ms dallforovandloiret, igroerolly.AlopediarlisTarokalgw , porittoosand,tiffeeor. . 2 / 0 1 sol d ,„ by aladh• dim or •quantitfietdvaur . • 3 fang articles, le, 'krt. „ • " ' • "'At . codperfor •firolroof 'OW pl ak fedf rdei 1 1 3 VW , ,„ ;446'; Taub -maw loyally of aoawi:dderfetiaa -Swats =MIMM'== 7 RAITBLIN - - - SAW.N.e. , FU :No. us , soil% - iromia,i,-Miria [ Oheetdit'aidt-Wilkekt;,;ol44el. gall an oepordti en.'detdana - - -."..: ~, ..-. , .1- "- - Depositoni , money sumo& ~ Norennaant, Stiteond Ohl -Lanes . , :ftand liesisi 'Mort gages; &O.' " "',...- • ' - ".. lc, •., : This Company'deents'eatetyletter than large *Ws, ainseguently will , ran - _no rink with do ttont, 'Money; but Mire = it 'at all times ready eturn *Oh S i perasutAntereattoghe owner; ad Nary have iletysdent'.. e Tids Con lay sa dedr ..,, .•-.'.,. -=l-;,,-- .:, r=les, m arried citsligiselslAlic*** depolit,in. their „own iright, and tan be withdrawn' ONLY Ay thekegnient,,k- ....... Okarierperpetaid:- lota* . thitedbilbelltade of•Rennsylvanis,' with asiloril;y Ae;rl,7llniks skiy -16oxirtnutees and ter.ntdre;: 4, ' ", . -.. ",, TAME qua) iatkiadrabll It3tdirtliLf -'• • - Office open daily from 9 -to 5 o , olook, and on Wednesday and Saturday airway - I%Ni rotelk. 1)1144T0118. , 3'seob B. flhennea, Lip= tnerelliewo; 11 - L 60 61 1telkalen1 Mataski•Wrillosenc'— 2.liyatti - Lewin Nrombkear, Eineurpele iNieholas liittenkmunne Irnikumi _ 1701. #.l!Wilielthwaings, •,14thrallsi ' _ - 41.001t11. -WMO34 Cinits ' LletrweLLAnix t , iteinnari - 4 _ twitaiNgismsP *VOWIULID:74'4WS.-ZNILANKNT:IN TAILIBST—NATIONAL 081.127 - - T. 13178, - C.OK PANT. WALNIIEBtroat, - & mthiiisreidrlßitp, 1111.1.sdelikis.‘ „. . .. _ARCIORPOIUMID 3? TIIE.15;d111 of YJDni4Hllf A. „Ifoneple robeivoa. in ony.som forgear oak and it. 'forest paid_ from the diky of &pod; to the do, of with- The *lie iirtit — every. der at= .3. itieleelt the mosslautill d Wekat in the .eirenirigi iusg am Monday - AM ThereatVeva:ant till 5tee105k.., ,, ,, , ri BON,SLlttittii• L. itlitittlE, , Treekleat, MAIM Preiddekt. Wm. I. Emu", - ; 1 Ilm: lionryib Biannyki: ':-- -, lF;plavill_lirieirster, Edward L. Carter, -,-. ;''' 7oeistdeß; Illtir; ,- , Robert deltridign, , ; =Almada Ise ' . Elind. K. MUDD, ', - . 4 0 0, 8 0 NMI , 0 Vraldritlegium4, 1 ,--, . ..- Itenrol.orodulkegt. = 3llo 4 o 7. lo Toostr.4,aldill7mehtirmiOrodl).c, - - Vim initatfrAdit *in' mn",* iti, Writoralol--attb the , proviskais ortiriebartmlw BohrMAW* Afortraireat Gronnt - Binatii'aind iveielhetrfrOur "aiiiipitielf as wil l largo demi, perfent isasiitty lo' tli's lopuejtoit, and widah• canna .. &Win( glee, lermNa phfra ptiiibility 10 ads.ut4tation: ~ . '-‘.: 0 - , , - ~, ~ ~,,, 44 4 7 . - . &VING -TAMTGOMPANYtiAievraer 6fVl4ll;DaiHtVllllO , Laceso,and. maißump ,bask.ast withifiC.Oagoiik'elikAlTA,..;llllll '0 1 7. 4 .14 nagaT Ain), Sks 474:61*0 - 11 ? . thl! 6, 7 - .did** waft hiAinrirriii - 4"1 : 6114 os • DRArraffoi , 4l4,4lll4%!,oll•ll:iia4l ,, tVands Allta..fillpilraids," . • , ;ati•use÷4 , vast SrunteroWit#Oriiiiio - -- OrtSri — :6 - - MOM wuratuantantrAk4 altiOattip BT ,Tllll. Liteatinna....oii s 'ant. 9ANIX; putitt mewed In inuns orthia Donstaniirsm• arorrern4 Gold' without nott 'Vtritti r WlNT.lBrilkillT fess:Les /Is; dsjicsat SW lats .)t respoalabla'sna renshis ; Isiatfaittisi haw been mewled in the ,Northeni aitri and The .. Bluln(Gart . en SteingirundlOolft, Flo.tlM, tered by tbe Le ieTkeisnly c lesude to inigglY thlg 'neweiseity.. The Idensgere, In hrgeilielegs,itrd looting it, Woe been gore:Led wholly ey o deattedo ecordardi• date the tnant= intereeta and wants of the very large - wzbizrad4Ai ',think it it rattpand•d. • - _ 011110214 OPEN Dint - kr= oto 0J owooti ajoi Op jetinnilt and Tsinr her bonnie:o3l e o'clock. lißthe, "tripling. Tre'dfOlok Kletti ; 7 - .48691hea11541‘ P. Levy. .- !' Hon, -a. -Strong, Daniel Anderkogaz, rolPisskttitska,_ - Yrsaido Hart, ";iosoph ' John Kessler, Ir.,' elegize Wreohts .. Jame@ 6 Pringle, _ ,iieob -Doak,- Jbeepb Cowell; :Hon. 'Wm 11Di:or, ' George Woelpper,Ger I .Thare -r-- ! Peter C. Itlhosiner, _ ' - -Dotart Ds . B 8. planicaa.... President. Penrose HAIM M.,Narobiry„. , • ivratf if iulwL: &- vo..i, ,PAPR l ANunas.,a,cuoi , i, - .Eisgstr.,llwris,- Ai Co-la Oslo &, Oo.'a anteriorPlANOS: Also Ma: Abu & ' WU/UM - ma MAR.- MON /11MS,, sc.,deadr, aV, Jig ; Ghttrehed sat latattcre El" Pianos And Melodeons to'Benst • = - • niftLif •". " • , d OffILITNer. ORR' SUPERIOR' - • OE: -" ' - - .. , WILLTAKILL7AB2I 6-M.; . Ile/go-Iron mAtimbiaTuailio, N04 1 1771 , 4:77 pzeit,.and No - 707 .• •BASTIMOBE' Wtreet, betWeeniCharlea and ~ • :Light Baltimore, nave eivisif on hand a - lirge salarbnent of their stilleflOr,Pianot. recommended. by eartittoates from B. Thalberg. Btrakoech; and other ,celebrated partonnera to be equal.'lf not taperior,toanyinada la this country. daribility of. their Plasube...will.,be warranted for 'are years. and a privllege,af,eathange granted.wlthln alx menthe . / naiad they makers entire eatisfaatlon. ilanufacaulat we; wilt bell wholesale awl re• tall, at the most reasonable prices. - WILLIAM 1316813 tt. 00. 0/EVI Nestre.. LAX • & ,WAtLI .F.EI I,,No4". 22 - TNUT Street Phllidelilds, ire our authorised - Agents, and gill heap constantly on hand 'sad atm Planar at manufattarer's priest.. ml6-6m OH/GEBB/NG 89513, = • NAKTrAcquatut,c9p, ; alum " ), WiIJABE:AIiD 1 3V14E110. - • ; PIANO-FOBIES:" CoWA IhilEomtg rs a olf ousancanaran. in - do 'Urge abiekal aar,BX .13,Thruu Cad 11112QUALLID nfisnitrktistme, 'We liala tam award p ri at tba alestaat Islalibillon la We aactitrraad '4B GSM- azta AMY= YIRIST-latiSa RIAA Ql3 TO /ONT. • i -Jage•ly - • •• _.,•• ~alamaulesr. - ~af~s " ISALAMALNDEIt &APBS. /" - ' 4 AI an ' ainartst of Minn k WATIIONS3 raiLiDsLpai A: it aritriAVoltrailV • Aul! otplipati - • , • -very= molt% - Par BanS4 and Oaarial." • - • Lou to noir to ilia: MON DOM. MIITS'II3Oota.,, ' On ea gookSanns as ani @dm istabliab.mro in tsl . • Eland " • , /a - WATSON, s • in. OS South roman IS treat, •- • -- • 't •-- • PhlUailphla. A 'WN (SALL. sala-ii T4lO THOSE Whe are abbot to purchase Wogs, Pafnte White Levi. and, 191adolt ,Glese, we direct theirrattehtion to an n :rnettil•VoWri tifd Belot& stook of enallgools, which are to belt= t at the' Store of = mount &- BMITH, ap26 Corner of Second and Green Streets. Alf S-125 al °MUD COVVIED HAMS • pioled by Gardner, pb.pos &Po , Homy Sofia Shay, Eel &St & Wood, Beaty .&11!Pri!!;191d_910%.•.-mlit:1-6-0., JO , r_ .Areh rated', 'Ad door above Front. ffFWE`Br -0:8TP, 228 'DOCK - Street, above gnat, STOOK 13.808.68.8, - and dealers In Mer cantile P 1168. 1. and Stattlithill generally. Attend the Brokers' Boerd'dilly; add' 811 ell orders for The par ebase or male of STOCKS. 80N181. 117-1, 1411 'CASKS - PRIME BICE in' - store and • , for axle by llalVtlar, ABHBDIINLR, • • At 00.. Fn la ROUTH larlTAnvlaa Q,ALAD ,01L.--,-Bacfgalupi's, , quarts, 60 pc,,vat , L0r 1. 121 , 2% , WiTHIMILL. latinuNt, 1704X. 7 -7310.. bbla , of -New 44 Tereny; Ohio. imd Ptilidaiptaa packing, Soi sale by 0. • 0. BADL.IIII, &, ( 00:,' , /aiteli barest,'Naomi e• •be7 e : /e r' t " : , J&5 ; perOj 00FrEE.-1,000 -bags — Tiiime and Kee Boasthos 114- ban privalt Idignsyra . Oates 1 - 4%; RUT , by 'Anima; OR Al!Ahr, & OQ., ,Xann& tOULDEnS-90 H . SAL BElOULtikakjuit reetelied ind`for pals bj- Aini.LQ.;:B9ll:l43.BiZ...oo9iginnt 1151411,g ED Ballha.--rPO Caerefor .sale by wineasarra4 Imarayat, Nog, 4 , 7 444 49 North HE .!--1175 .1311.2ttt- ItERIEUEER 00171 , 1172.M1Nii Stire!' - ind for Pali; by O. 0: SADLER & OD Ila lava atteeC, keeoja doorabove Irani !A3w.4 A.VID L •ki 2‘.Tj°l!'lCWll ~i '; • ,',-;.,.=-; -._: 7,--: 2. - -.. '''.;' , JY,! ,, ! - :--
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