- .s , ~nL~P.,~:^'tS.~6:.~'AJ~:. .-czc:es.::.nw rrniz-.rs;~~v.—is.^'.at.'i - K.c,: i~~ *: - . 1-1610, '0 1 % -'. ti# 44 4: 9„f • ' ;' - iiiliOklia*ComiaNP 4 . ' " - If. apAtipacarfook iaitokaa.- t lio opiknili 1 IlLailieS tohliblitiOln. _ A Wiley as r jiWw; `.111toloer; beam lo 9901), *4 MAN ollillipin ilbriMbilliVkailirthrni*Or 40 1 1 . 41 4 We''''O' n 'l , ' l l'fi'''P'g , - . xf 7 4 - I.= ,v . liTor'poiliiikt ,-v,v - 1 , - . Or - 11 4 ;, ;zit t; s!lftrimi - , _ ~. _.... , „4,„1„. ~. r:,..,,,0 f e au 4 ..,....._“, siornto4 - ida lk iiirmict, - . rk , rp& '''3lPlN, .._ , 2 . z,..t.. . • r 0- . - o , IMO anIVSZ:644OI • ~...., r- ,`, , ,,7410tmi11 21 0 21111111 k EL.; :Je9.li 1,3* Atork.B . 11; 14 ViCt t giV- I .* 00:198#440919/.10it..0a8k Line,it0014990198 , 1 iday:‘,4l..Ja.ol9l O. 104 ataielriarlaidaaaertlayty.iaaa ~ytpli` ' L ' " ..??.-116161141.,:i-Llay.,11fiftelarliiiiIiisbargr4;410i4July 4 104*. - a9reaw9 41217 9. •geria:t, 4. l4rairsai 5,- --,1 1 / 4 1• 1 4 ISaitaiii~ataif ri 4 - 4010 98 . Ltirer,.lll4otarkli'afq,4, Etat W. ga`a Taft: • g .4•4l :: lrniailiWlK IlittrO kir4 ;,..04:1,Th011 TA' "-. BOlNOl..:,a.tvemised4 111411Nis: ar alum' .14 abill444t.lllo46lFaili:al .111,1 0 1 , Ifirlikikiia . ;;;l4o46talaiii6a.V.lktiaiaikes :,ILaigueo44.:llaaairari:Mpoil'ilica:.4:. 3 tiar. 4 1 1 4 4 1 6 19:i94;#V.Oidatmalltinr. "lareaalic:itolaLakagalairMalat Soire4t.V.;.avals "Parsicuiv.i.2;'...l:B44Bo9/498 , 16T00F1..ta1.4,M1ia1l issopimlenimpootmalialia.?...V. -- ,..:.: - .3toraa• sasatai.XaMmatalmap*sarearradc.-r -- ,;(vaasetuiria_ - :„ . 0aaaatac,„,,,,,:.1,170W - 141•1111 , ' W.WilAtaa .;.V. si .itava•4ll•Wrait;tia.ll - sitaakis , ottiard4l igtiliiipioahrikiaAmaii6Wida444l 3 Egad iliow . ; . 101kudioni_orlisellikout— H ater k - -yark ;ra irtair !ti Itl►iei - *mom, • ,lrbeil tie wig 6,ll„,ttatedlex, nye 01.11111 fie r0immt , m4144:04.cf 7 , 57497,7 ' -11131 / 411 U4311 4 1.01-9 01 3 10 ' 121 `ll ....................... r-1, iterrinlerr, , t. 1 0,, I L .14" is .• - . -s - ••••*' . 4" • , Alloilika\iii4o4lTOTlC, Ill* 'gad llaaall'lgil i t * .a' ',, ''' ' L I . aaapi„ O* 21).1141 1 0 'redly pit , titow„ - with ' ' 'pomsfidlit4 . to alt it.''' : z. ..• law, _ Prig puot k• A uto r opisa . 4 allirlfre: loa , " 1 , 71: Mai : _. Aim* Nsasoa,; n Milan* Ts *IV wouic ,- • , -- %. 7*-24q,itt!T 11 ~ 4 .,, k .rd 7itbri.l4 " illTlif#, 62 # ' Tilei 'o 6o)l ,Iltli al 01.4 .0;Cliii&i:1110001, ifilloo MO Niesaal,. • Mei sad to Ofty OsirCkt:l-'' ---•‘., - s - - 4 yl - ''' ' , F •-• - " 41 ' -War Ans /4 a ilselarinsod/Nlsfs tolif , llayras, Del, Minis werroi ,fe 0e.74- 7- ' v• , :, Stair ailimati, aiOliiiii* liNtostrioo wow: wook, la bay. „ , lOwttiplobila: , •itiodikettir. , Clatiltroita-t - ,• • ~.., . , .. , - - ' ~ Nota ObaßlNUNau ,ltoramal, ~" Cora, # ilaYtil'9 ol Boston , la " 11 +0 st ltio , '' l, .•s. ~ , ; 1 ,"..,. • , ..E - ,- • NialliWlN'iVai, A days !mil - vs. York, in ",'"IINNYNIMS, 0,,- , • -,, .• - ,- . '0. - 11111000. ASYNatilablani 11 , dip , fres NOir,Tork, la' :100/aMlONlailalswyact -;, - ~., ~, .1; ~.: - ';.. ; .- :bada, Nitwit Illtsfilasy . /i lays Mm Bottom, in , , ---;,-,.. lat 'WNstaisa, 5 days l'eaia Noston, is bal., Irk ti 'llo4 l llNlV ie lNadissaoka,llari , froaa,'!kiston, la bal._ 111111 1 i bilasali 4 41ii . ;i ai4 rio;ai itetoi- to int t#olSi: ltkNisi, ‘..& !,'• ` , '• , , :,f :• - •_•741471,11 , SON; Median, 1 days fr);;S;1415 by. -; AN*lollllNoSami•Wir___ ..spi: . „,..„ . -,.,....- ..' .41doliW_Ileasiltd;11111s; - 4:dgiffeask irinitiosolyio ---„,. • .h.lioot toirotwart C105., -,, ,•.,,c .; ,-„,i•• "...•- i ii 76 siliasalsa"StialsiNti 4 days from; Norlaobe - - - yli. ItillildtWiteoriV. , 4Mi ~ . , :1 , :, •,, -,-';,, • Itylot;T•yler; S dayi from Lynn, la ball :' . - ':;.00111111001444 asaasata ISINNelell: ",..1 1 .iJ - V : - I ''''•''';'W'ro=l6494l/remm"liAltirit _. -. ..i.6 ,, : M 'MOO VOW `1.11.i.titf. ,, ,1' - ' , ' ..,; :At iv:- f :•;teAlidit-w at it•• 4; inatlf."4.o4orvira otrypo94 l la , t 1.3..., Ifr:V/Itih Volts; Ilatesiett & .-..: ~. ~ . , . : • • =' - 'ii...iiibillial w Tor _ON , ; ...,-; ,1= • l i ll, - - 411/11 , ,,11• i r 1011.1%210111.- *tart hi ballast , ~ ' ',4lllriliirDONS- A llideicketdl- 7 :4- ! ..p1 1 , • - - 1 , 2i...,, - -;: . . -.'42 °), " ?row r 4r potwo,o - -:f.ili**iF#4,-1 W ---.,'); last $ WON -6: . r , , , , .. - , ~.. ~,, ~; , t?.. 4 , - '. -- lear, Almlsale. - Guidy.: 4 AtTeliiii, tiorti*l4!t , 1- , - ,- - Ililiiit,14111#0011i:110,10WCOC'--:' -. -" 1 ' - ' 7 •"'' 0 t-1. MO t ill t itte.:SM(4t;'4‘44i4: • :***i.* _-, 'y balsa - van for:;., • ,-.' r....:,, , :-. , • ::: -, :- - • , edir Lil Look4W,, Ain „artftie*,ll6o, in i ,• 2 , lalllattalllaillN ..1.0., 14.- _, ~ • ..-: ,'• : ~... 1,. • 1100,1 Umu k ..47 , id Ike. Nebeldr, Mall, is twithit tiiillitioft . it'Ocill A- • ~ ' Ls, ,- ‘ ~ , Y NOW. riatiilkokoi ik.'!iiiiir,rfa*-'7l6,ojri it - • ballast • to N elatansat - it Co. --,, • • - • • -, _ ~ V-.. • • - Idir- ,l 2 41 0 he r it inalSifidaif C ity, - - -idtb' ais'taaCktistlsdt eilindiams4.4l,; ,, ,•;• , :: , •-rod , ,-, ! - - *lit • ollf t s -/Astfgasi•OderS:• l ,loity oiii• toOhtothiellowstkgo 1,1, ,,, W tpn ear•lin•l44B•lkOi Maloaliaollaaelae i- ' to L IssaWia - esz?..p ,,, tittl<4;il4.l-r4;. ,, ix.,4 - .? ,- ;f4 ,- .1 • Behr plajoi 7 Nom, lioni&Silkti‘frotrilimikas River, - Wl* twOmit , WP,Wakafte*Wo.• • , .•+'''`"•• • ;; ,- 4' •-• ' • ' Saks itlakir "row mina, S ihritria, inteiiii 1.1, ink buit,licltlrellatieriooo.. , , . .9,;:.:.;, , •<- __•.,.. ;.....J.: • 000 - 1&&1100 06 1redillt.lk linifroll t!liffoligt Writ shiWilisibwe ha li SitoillhiNtiti• . •• , 1 ' , ilootri - C&INE 11•11,411 Mitt trisi isida, Da, wits 1.111 , 141 S l ot NB 108 K e.to.: -, • - • , • , /,mii et , ::' , 4-Exl' ,li - %wi ,,, ;' , ', ,- --...-. -.• -,—a-- , ,, , , - -- ,, ,,,-•••••••••4,^,t.. , , ,, , ..." , ..,,.....,..... ' :‘:• ,r:E,..o.ooll , liblitilltsilif Prkiii.) • "ti . 41 •• - iiir,:, -',' ••••',,,'"' ''''% I,'-1ik711711 pat 40044makistilaalk liimokM)lfk4NOlkiljftflallOk 7 l'ltifi ', Oa (11 WV — TalTs - ilivoi 014, itt.'lti INN*Wlitataila : - NANos *lll +list NW _ TV**. litribie Waist' ' goritiothii, xaou a, ,10• Ii sviesteroilYl+ 4 4.ir, 4itt 1i ,3 14 t g l Ot s . , , ~ , o,,,,„leolltiellkirp ini.oloiti l o ll ;.A o ,`' : - =. Tlit „ VlAP•Ablist 1 ..14 1 0, 0 ,1 0 . - ,, :Pi IX _7oso ll eim ...r...r , 7,..-. ,-.-:.,,•--, ,:--- - - , toral& " ~ ~ _,-,s3w *PA 0 06#00,:li 0 6 ,1 ZiOn - - 1004, . facci r oooot„ 0.0 *&& battou:Eo3f. her 40Ai401 - ' if jpip.aat 0 L cleionioft .w„lisaaro.,& , ,,xaSee r .„ ...I..sulows;ilioU.l4olooi & . 'ftitAlamiiii:OPP*, lITOF 1* .R• l 4'..iitioiliiit.. l • o g , ttin.,,,g 0 ,149 , 51t0d 4 4 40 4* , mitrY: , wilittektinthrleolok2oww soo doom*" lailtampic6 , . ~..-, --,, v . : ----- ~-, - ... - ;' - i - 'l ey _ . 2 : 'lllirit 4 .9". 'W 1 4 4" -°' .:.,. 1 4101'111 lady. he ii.:wri ! ,i t tin,Q,.:Vi.tau* 4. ',•_:,.:111WN.41# to ,Tilairi;, -,Mskassa: fille VW. IA 1 • if,if it ON , l'i'o4o. tiAtlfriOa it , ernelni&Cit ---' Aiiiii a t-ep, was • 'Mod late Ws Sditayl- 1114011011611173 , 1 r t s, * Bros laail - .1*480*, ':1•••!•••toiiiihti Cille , . ir. Omni 4 4 Co.OitSit to r• :; ' ir • 4 2 1 ;01% 70 i ; I L - 4 0'; 1 c illsgiari• tot ; ' Oa ' ? Ili ' yea, SO' X 1 litho' Wltriiillaiii , ft, Catmluilauu. ~ ‘„ ,:- ,• -,, , , , , ,- r -- ,,?:::• - •'rt,,.4.,'-44: ‘,. ;4' • i.•,-"t , :, 1 •-, ,', • :, , (HOOtof Pio Wil,ol'wio:,* . ,4li*M . 1 • a im p* , ~ •-•-•', w ` , 0 , ^4.,..i." - 44.,i, , ..„,t, , - ,Thi,lolo , tikfftwOo I ,oo,i:Olgosi* l hr / I ;I TellatiaL-Arkwa aaatoarlabis ha ' lmil .' - -; ViIa4HINVAS-9 1 , - 4:4: - litgaik4r4ggo l3 4 ooll = ..z• - '-- .t . 'CVs.,*.f. - "i*isT'Z,',..ctt , '-' . ....7L . _.O - 4,1 4 ,?:01,•,,- 7:Qtr . V2al , --T,--•t0.q,1147.14.4.t..4iiiir45.03 „ i•i';i4 , , , , i).:4;w:( 4 3 8 :.. 6 . j r 8 440-, , PT , ,- , kla ..bathesetet .11Vuia.0„ ‘.• .:,•,-“,'-- ,-, ”- - . 4 ,- - ,, , W:... , „ ~..% -;•:.•, ,11•• - ,..,: ' '1 : --," ..,: 4, - • ..;, , E-', ', ' '-' ' 4 k : ' • r " . -. ' - ' 4'we Owaiosarwwo'Wiriaisset :'' ~ ''- , : -, '_: - •;', - ,, , FY,A,4:a - - 1. . .f . '.. t -:-..'...-., I', .-.. '_ J „..' A euser, pita, oute e 1, ,, as Ultra n'ORIL St natio 9,pcitiaVliks baik !Ansa licariait 'palate. thathftt MANN; •,, ~ ,E .,, , , 4,..f„' ;.',..., - Ilde"_, _Litlireerl_rOolelfeemt:ill,lapl4tpa.lllo: . ' Stee le,ea maw I WhOIOB, ea the 4th *Wand bedlo, ;•'"miliff,•oo.ol.k., .rriarisWaa .l 4.o,W ll 6 l ,4m. - •- . ,s 2 - . .v_se:"W - i• ,i• , j%,' 1 .„ - ,;,; , „c - ,`Ofs , y.,; - . 4 . •,,, , •-- -- !•, - , - . 1 ::, ' - f - -4 ; ;Wf."o:o••' , Ta's- -w 'R!`"r""'`• , , s/5.4.• •21 q--4,5 , : _r-,.. 4 : IffiwitZr#.o444,o,l2,ll64,o*kear at,,f7n, Mtler^liiW' , lramr iiiiiiair ' a:iriWariiifrir/6 - • - •1• - 'IniPwt• - .,9:•vis - ii-_- , ~ - 1 -' l 4lr •,- •- ~-4, -,-,;.-#. V . ' , ‘ -. ./RiSriliMMlaliDllifill'ii Ilabilelettlyni,?l, ! ia, relarlarl6, rg 'IOIA, •:.., ,, I,G.t ..„, - il Ifigrai; esiaa..torMalliae - ,'"•, - , Itailiffitheattailith 11. q,.. 1., , i ',_ - ,- , 1 li,,o4lthiligitartgilPil/9134100,.!irr1i,14 ~,, .111111sires4"- ,ti.' , ,I,'/7. '.7.• , , • ~ ''''' I" Vt - •-h,r"iVatt,llolravirli:O. eiiiso, ; IthetlAiri thilthilidaril l ai;iiag . at • , _ , ,jileaeaahliet Ithlilefk , rvi'''L ," , ="4„q" , ; , : , ' -•-- ;..-11411Catautt,: liege t; *KO*, Oaes, ankved 'at kW ' ithhitatalis t ';',biiiiiiii.loeleiiiiioclret " aeael. - entr•lsl4lhoopatirhel:lollt aia. tat - 4018, , ;1110g.11 1 1; , ;AP,t1'..r. ,, .4444 , C i,..»,,q,r..•.,f , ,,,, , :,_ `; ,iirgCriarfl - IsrWrollirittidwasa.ow,Matarari, war ' . ' A p ,:. • aru- INlaool' ' . 72 ia114 ir 11ilawla - 10 . s 1 7 11#6(114Arnitipibll,- -. ~f, v , ,--- f - : i ' .,l p- or , , fr g ,!.. A r r i k kArroro,,W r illili;4,4Wad , '•,:': , 4,•',U. :'• " i - .111 ft, kaiser; salvia at liiiiiii., 41 2' - -7141Nr- ' ,--q!, htl ~,, -, - -,--7''' '-'` --t4.-"Art4=' ,,, ,yr:'ed:*i. ..-;44 ~; , • ditmia - isikimy.,4i4-74-0 i l l .. , -- ~ -mookunia.avei...o4o,l)iiiii .., 4 1V11111wwwww, rarrartlirawairlif IliwaNaierbsOrlirrilfa., ~-,:,': loyorgoirillorwt,t/WrarroptiAtakAaptioroaeodgm-, -: - ' - irt".4a4:4l=lasperra - ,safts,Trig WV: MallagNAr: - I , AradeA , AwatiareiCrarrOlt, rid ••"; '''-‘-' iltillfikirrk for POlWirhaslai 4 e-6 - k,-;•-•,- s - ;',.C -- - -, worauCellawrikaartsarriThea It - rfaltiatott, Ilarai. T r-- Mt e dl l4 ,4 l =irittiniVlZAZl - M -li 4:::,-`_a' id4ritriaii3r girt, ':::lrostgariir: Alai% Atileir.Torliti 1111* , ,,,t.,: -, ', ---:' Isar - % _ - .o.4rittOrrerser; - Askew; ArrirlAsaalat! -i'llArrir MA lartz,si,,,! - •: 'it - _ - i," ,- - - .-••• ~- z.,•:-,..,:. , s ~„, -1. - •..' , 11,1",W#4 lirlarT, iliac'," arrfiei :At . lall;Jilvw --_-- _--,, ...... • - ~ ,, v -- • sp';',o. --, :•-: - _ - , • -.'' • llalissP4l4o4ll4.,lltWorte;LlUlwiriA4ww,llale;ard „' Yjarrkarmit;i'DwiEwartatrar - tr'r'“ril ler- Pattarai ' -, -' .: liii;willwararsifrosiltraiwit rade - , aid A fraw,AWAAfri.vaat to teilrow - -, -•:,-;': ' , •i - , mini eirtw-Waragrori,Tro, alWilriah . B shoes; Mott, riwi-kraAlwAtri--braii at Pi '' 4e alb bast. • ~ 1 - 006_ Iler:VikeletilfanWfrileaiFf,artaatiee • -:- if trilkloW39/4114/01,11".• - 7.11'1,1,Td. ?J., 1,':,3 i-',. ,- r'ss , . ••:-• 40wgauirw-WarAOlurbi'ziwarharirkeir' •at 'littoral --'' "• -- ~ •,..ai'' ,;-,,' ,-, ;',t;,,,i , '^f-0 , ... ;] cigitit 1 1 1•44"Or ' ne.; 4,0“ 4 :41., 1 0.' - 1-, iii4.141141:11"V;i4e4_44,5,14'144.4iti0w mm., 01i' -at ' `=l; r :'•”` WV: . 4 . - .. ,tiiilt.ilkibep' 40141144 ' ..' :lL ...., 1 / 40% " * :410 11 4.t. 40; Alkelia' 1:' .- 'ATI . 7.,t., 9 1 .14 1 ...tfi1e1: , 1 • " - . ~. .''''v i tcs t r i va t4 . on_ _Trivr;Z it( ),T r 1 VA14 144 n1• rNUL IlitriMiiiiin rizorrliAX, '''''- , 14 tic-'D IljgrfirselisitiMat 5 0 0 6 .... e ! . ' :4 • ' ii:ArviirgiugiftVii, „?:-.:50,01,=.4 Atfirmoltrrititji : „ ,- ) 1, ,; -, 4 - 8 ,4, .4f 1 i rV 1 ,b. 4 idl=t 4:(4.t64 tip , W i ella4,V .4 'Mi^ ikOtm i ' i , i- , , voot'i i i d i4 e l liS' 'AL144.1.31"14 ,44t Eithrfeafttoa ..it.r , e ri S 0 t ~p, •i '' ''.r'..tiCl 1"' ' - /4 0 ° ,:r i . 14 1 -. '1 , 4 4., ~.' , ' 1 I ) I '' '—'4l ' • 1 omra. - q'4l ll 1 . - , ' , g a 40 ~,.....N , ...„ Aaliti - c r c ' s z it ti L v m „ -• rly—r-itrj k .7.....:, Le.fr• Iss tal..f,p, 1 , 1,0 .;:t...."4, 1- , Vl l. '”' - i. t .,, Jeasel _ ,_ n0w54w,44000, ei rt:: r w ilk. ~_... • "It,: , , :r...0.,„,.4..,.,......,...,,..t.4,Trmat.z.w, ......,,,,,m.3.,...,,,,..e;,„ 'A t i t tt:A 3 Zt ti c,sik, , ; . 4 ; ,,„. 1 +,l rifoßSZTAltzla ii 9l, 1 4.4741100110, Pgkiligulibtri!trm,, t '-'" 2 '..>>7iollll - - • _f".• 1 011#0 1 4 gUld ator. W.** • S. REMO & SOS. Pit IMO& riatliff, 1.1 , `1 - CI Cltr: ,S . 9RT" biliC.viyu tenor c t F IL,OrAan -Agangra:s49 l i ;cm t. sive,p,, v iefig. - ,400' oa,apt.,?ufs 01 - _ aW4or:thclati .ot tkii, , sot for To sk"alv 9 ia. 4l . 42l l:fri To ihii - pbuypan 111:6v4W to Al toutilirsi,*d taktrt.#3, l !A!P , V , licTi. jrt l P • ';:' , " l'--;•' - '' -, •-:: -'-'-'.' Y- „ 'Aoki -': ' ..,,,i tr ,a,ntiwia_'.;_____.,, _..1161,400 lA= -,- ,. 140 a 0,?,.. ...... ',;•`,.!'..."''' • ; f.---lfairrir;4:ii::q.'s f”....?..?..,,i:•-•,,, -..ePirprodr 4 VIA , mie i • ' Paw Noi.pio.': - .. i.',.'..:: - ..,: f: ;A1tx,"414.14.6.9'.'`.:..... . , 0 itorii.olora"-- : ' .. . '' ' • ''' Pz i lirsika -.1. ~.., 4141.'444%"'5131'..," I 4! . • . ! e ••,*, id • • ~!;_-;, ~. :If e ,', itirthikV ~, " Mit : ,•. , •• • :•”:•.7 ' ''' .4..- idn of 4,20 Mc; Mid Are per sitilia; end ' no chirp less Wit tiriiiiit4iidetitorporttpie wilt be made for any aidrider , Or tlieMmigenrat , ', , he Proaldent-, /N F °lg Or THC-PIittADEL "fAMM" re, - e, illWA ri: 'rartrii ..,. lied Toile oat Coal twat by WO COtti*iy',lrifilosi Fopors,,fromlst..l. MIME ,-- ...._.g a .,:..—;...,,----.........._.-- 8 ... ; rii . 17, , 80 11 ' ,, :"PlIdlad ma elp d hle -'- • tl9 1 451 851 BO Inialtued Plane 1511451811 SO -'.,-211811thva1..1 . 1.iy..2a., _ - t 501 451 81 IAO ''••• •l Zsoastoem 9,, /1. - ' - 1501:45185180 - I'lol 451 St t BO -"*., 14ACASfattilkinr.. . - ... 85 180 IA ~ anink • 4...-,,..;; . ~. 15.140 L . ',-,' 9 91111104,........,........... t 88280101 20 ; ~,., timbal* 15 - ,'Pliirgtlm.,jt.. tO l t 801 AO 120 ''-' ''s bo , iimidi Pettit; asid t lonli:: 1 :1 1 251 12 110 r ~.._,..„,,#„,,,,,..„.„..r.,.,,,...E„.12,,, t 12 1 la .L. 164 ; "*"".. ' • ' • IVI 20 tit 1 1 13 • ~? :Ar or ono- ''. .... -, - • - 1-25 I'9o - ' - 1 1 1sceslintlie " ' , , ...... 111 110100 1 09 • lEbar; ; :„,110xd - - „ _ -' - 1101 11 1 001 00 ' 1151.101 001,00 1 ' 'f'lo 6 ),. nig' 10•1717. 1 . 11 . :.'.'. . 1 ..... .. = - 1.• ....... • 1315!(1-10 I 00 1 COL [" 1 •110id090001. - ...:• - • ... .. •V• ''''• '- - - -,- 1.110 1. 05 95 . 95 Sesdim: ^"' - • - - 95 91 .BO i_oo 85 - - sr - 80 - 80 ,- Biti . rpna 4.4191119 - a7 l l l / 1 " /I I T11 - s t b 110 , 1 , - SO . ':' l9lso lll° bir i g , .. : .3 ' -,..!: ' ..... `'9s .490 80 „89 r- - 1 - qrsditontri ......... ." .. • • ".....19b I. 9. - ; ---, 'll4atdiebtlhofßotritof NAOS /OTC' ~ ~,- -, ,_ . •4 , :....3 .9101', - • • Vic ,H. 191141.1199115. Y . Bearetary. 'f 1 11 7-1, OW PRII;AIiE- Lll' HIA. GAS .W1111.6.11- , Otelet,iime:L.PitoPosi,Lm will be *lO,llOB, at *le AuSec,nellvtioop• of the-let JUIN ticit_traribitiable tertha•Trustemint =the Phllsdelpubs - 01701 11 1 , 11 i: or. , soak in thwermanoina%giur7Worka; Weeks , and In the'llontliwork 110 • Di 9 b m °o 4: l 4 ' " J -be nut en invest. snegliaspenuile 45- -54 a. to aid Works. - 15•082er.2481_ it.usas 01 ,:ik;;,„" . cu yiej.. ' - 91,1141911-. - - ' - , I'll.. It . • LVAIISj!GREEN AND ', a conigwirligres, liciAtari:Kr" _coileannaire F - ir t inikinetAdDiektitibultr set miry% AT* ditrildltithtmdet`e.tto itirt•tXoelt AtisoN sint,Mitlitivii-trottruhtup bW tkoSt." Maio eon liftiiiiktfri,n' iitsr N digisCat Meth WA titimi2. — ' .4 4 4 " .4 •i -4 'Tr ' ••.. ATXI,-IVIIIIIKEYLAZIPPEOTORS' OF= . , lION for th i Oft arlillaitelphia. No. 111 North' WllAlLlAB;lo ' o*(llloifis'idirice qtple ON - --,- ''-' - 2 , iltallow, 4 ,lsiosi , ---: -'' • , 1 "-IrANTlECO'ttlfrA,,S—' .., N4tiWat..ostant•LiVikenoidf Wink 0'044 moots. --. NV: itiiiiiiik riviit,NPiiit;aboicAriNtiat;lll4st NO.) ,- - Nt itilioCtite4llo•Miiiki ibteritort pio ea us. , goody ot,' sittioiii IA moies3o `oilliito*NO In toh. - - • • iphomestras All. - ,nntobnodwa 44 'llifuero, AMU* fOr Wahl:mm*ooli nr. Irk* lba; a elk; ftpOriosol - ii ooitlitatiOrlikkl to, I . firotst fro. of “IrP,.. JY_WdEt..2=looo4".ltklf-r/oportmont; Trir"'''' ." Isilitokylloit4iol.l4 ooarboo., 3 Com amok bill We, no-no slot , nlay know IkktikilksilatilsidAkkitit: 1 1 14.•L'. iiptlLPWlOnspligibtor las dw•utlii dbitilltil itookO, sari obi *Out 1 lifoiNoorsitOllvdptoso-, °, 1 41. 11( 1 .44 I il i a 1 90 0 ‘,A 4 : 16/17- :!O rd'44 4 ; 111 4w iwtrinik, to !invention.. • -, • . .., -4 - . .• , -1 opumovre extalCropiktcar. - I - 6 P;4.—Aill ilii eelalliatO Ilia' "JpilOtoilfilill4l4o-11211i :PA 'etlitdranur of thiestiti tit it i AnoilThis4 11 kr") , , ' 44- ' " - • ePXOLlitgailtY/1011:- , - - Iloolfmiliko la 'Afiiitritiridim R p i ne iimmid abr istTtshOe _wilsomsa qtaar,rialifif mad , , - *Ara" V lubbar i , 111 mitUlia' pa , lo 4o 2 aV " aearatoeall assath* Ulnas, liarro '4llarlitintobela PQMa tailAkitriatai, gt•4 104 0404w sow,signiro odors toraa• IcialVE OWN ?ta ' 0 Nil% 41 .- UXOLIT6I I /111101111F /0 16 1 11 kia11air. , .44 ,1010 0001 Wash azabtraeall O _ a Op* leakier* aiiiatal7oltifk - tar,luat: Atir Maori. eO4O _SFS To auximmicTuos Alp appyi NwJl dil tYeiqbiol , tatMar-arribattrilo tae at is. !spot= stow, H. Y. , -1004,- -, 4- , - . HORACE H. DAY. tiroP*AtetOljitift: tlitittiehm : SHIP roseitiatheimiwimi v. antler ay Alni withdrawal of .1i ile. 4 truip••• thciati b• Nits ea iv eku: ' 4 74 Ao tiir ISO the flame of the firm tilt:lldjuleistfor;otrol oentleee the Dm' aid Dye Btu; atitheold atead, - 180 tt#l3llE , Weill/t Weal SAIII7III. tiDaNWs.);Lt N. P. ?Ball tin-1,1814. - riopoppripOitir. Thee thVintangtVittsfL' 00:J4 Ain. Ashland Ohnoleal and DO • wood "-Vvo 4 aiitssiiralth4sYS thia do formed a ori , . 4inh ithiltttorPßEATTakirirlf.WlLL, ELT. far jargon ot the naanisettire and tan or a Woods ma Oitemisala, fa aU its branches, at the vs itsslist-Etlit.l" As any, 123 Bourg: raira stmt. '• • - • - P. - PRINTIVI, flat* e, Grant, Jr & tto3 '' • " Taos. A.sllV%d. isms 1. ,1964. - ~::. 'poker' : - CORSON, ) - Et_ AND OONVIYAN. _ ,- MORRY - LOAM* OR , 6001X , MORTOLO18. - COLL/WWl* PROMPTLY RADII. kM9o.llai '11110R1.153019N, PA: "t 1 LOP ,1128 xiticit"stirefir; wahots, nOcia liposEgs; ma oils= in Mr- Cantle -Paper;ee& Weaatltiii genera*, !Attend the eam ) Board daily', Lad flit qdl onion for the par. ,k,luids er riga et dIT00111: BMX As: daT-1, pRONISE ' - BPIOIII 'AND IXOttANGII BROILVES, r "?.(ttl i ga a r t ~,ofor to Om *Aims soalttomoto of Philadelphia poiiing 1e?46 ,Orßitgp: '•oF • RounK..4liiimbibitire s 7ef HoMesilicludfog one Brood Mares, Ste Bead sad .addle gorse.. :trhas of eporkdbrerellAgrowiktast horses, will be at the irtaataltillthASSASTADT Itrl6l. AGRI AITIAIJRAL POnr, os TIIHODAY, WEDNESDAY, :and THURSDAY, Ttb Bth , sad .9th Jame.' A very latiftterelelsirbenteittif liThek VW be, on - erativ and Morel prendanui aoudad. The books sow mite ter' teetering stock at the IleeretaseirOlise,-hr-Henristown, and it the Gahm of the illassaamtteiterlativ you el aNrew - 91,,speed.,- eaelt, all otte; Oolta tree. • • Pooplolosrsts 1. r. 004114111...41. JAOK B 9N. Coirom r inee—MWMll.lll. Rummy sorristorn, „ norrAtAm de- I - SDIV.I.IIDrIt 108ftitit.1, - ,10.1111t.t8114101, do; OHABLIO.Z. 11.4.THY8, do. Secretary—JOHN L. ISARTRANST, Nontstoez. .ITraisizer—OHATllB Rom, do. „, . _ EYS ' ANP, n tt..4 ll, O .t . VON , ,110SOUZISI4E", cticrcrl..."xemu , •Aasim • dia'xr.ttie'r ora .Jo* Os Cora l on Diurxiles and ill Diotodo o the /8 8 . - of'l l ali * moire dither Hedirml Of a SCA f ", Dll.oot MOBOl/111/MIS the ,oniy thiGITIHATjf 1113119PSAIS 0917 LIST AND4IOI,IBT. that, has ever nate! tbsitinited Mates • ITMtlatmtela foo ha Ittni.dettafoor Peltbr, 34 4B• 48 , - Lea*. of thsc lontlONO'cOlart, ;Potwar. malkoolis of Obarifetorwd otheknaltatiortri pktidadatif,- Pattiz& wbreirlik to toetnit him osn'i'it desired; be seedeeputhki= either by thirty family physician sr any salmisaLtr, • UX1,41417101A1.. ITZB ;1118111RTIIII. l a] cloolou_vrale , BOORS ; N0.,020 W4LNIIT,B7REIIIT, BBL?! Tittilell, NORTH SIDE. , Hours from 111. H. to and from 8 to 53( P, je8.1134 , WOOD, - GOAL," AND KINDLING WoOP. , ' Js *el be , it it /CA die R _ • OPATAMATAPLIT :WHARF. • Hairs oonsrsarly on kind 'a large and superior &Mole of PINh. OAS, arNMIICROItr WOOD I and, having nomplated our. arramsdesl4 aro now.„propmed to *v. the =WOOD 'Br IMPAIMPOWIIiti , iWe Aurfo steovel Land I ooponopqoility 1,1,31.1011011, COAL, of all , ielleishtlrfth We. Visfrlitand" Consumers AM WO WU' ty tbartairi,tatsolto Wood ofMk i°64o, IiPtP4VAT9A '4448:. !Pi TOPl 6 reOtiait4ll.' %Won Visee'sad fountain. - „: • , -=9/4r111.4101.21.p• forftlasamixatar_eanda' don. • I 't 4i rr 1' C( 7 1 1 161 1 ruoiltisox ?.+H79-trairrAny At 7, , - 113LUMBoitiv.,r0AN1124011‘410110Z.4- *tali/164c teserrip.,-kiit grist Viad, l gs:rEat sorforsaATlVS.4o imadi,ltath ,T,atis;rmaps,. Rams, wig*wer ' , math* Has, at the lowest 10:5401,A4111 Ir )11reety trolaw Tided at., Piaui. ,abiltaToß: ----- tRIZIACI.GESpi 1 irl/P4,-; _.:.,•, ,::- ~, - ~ f ~01 QA lly 4111 lITAXAN//, 'MAST /0 =ST HI. 1 fili t iryat tipals, 413 11 111 1 4 A i ifa 60 , , . ~. 11 10 til , , ~ 'Ur liiillemailei mid surfitlag; - ' - r's'. -, - - - i- ?IA "tr.p.katfweeketturout.2 ~---- , • , . . .. 2 " 41 !"M t fr . .."- I ;liiils w. quf" & 7 i " - - -I'4 -, k o 4lizi;ottstrutrr street, Phlfidil h.s. ; - Trlesd - antilttastrattid Oatqogiu4l Mg: P,T - Ma i • ft.. 1 1 ,061111010141AVA11'4, , „•,.t -L— -, . _ Polk = ItZVAATINGS;iif ion. (4. aria pikers, ilallsaad Orotiola. Admit, Gook Bonito, on thO boot team O. OAS saw immuurriwo kola 0. et. 064 n 3„—OF OATION fy if 14, 111 da furtlar i A little, but often, fills the Pune." ' 1 . n. -' 1F 4 10.111 16 /3 1 011 N th P/ARTElT•tre — ! ' , U bl .t tgen • Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all • itSpositkon demand. ~ .4- , , • • • •- , • - Daptditotet Motor' monied' by Coveinment, • Kate, and City Loans, (round Rents, Mort : . i ill, he. Company deems safety better than large prinits, consequently will rim no risk with de positor'', money, but have it at all times ready to return with 5 per cent. interest to the owner, is they have always done. TiiiioompahlrieVer ausperded. remzies,married or tingle, and Minors can deposit:in their, own right, and much deposit! kalle, litlittrawn combs thelkixatienill ,•.,, ....Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive um nky:from trnstlitssoug Worsting ~.. .‘ —,...• ~, I ~,LAIViII ANDVIALLRUMBSZOIIVBII. , • 60 00 4 60 60 !•50 , 46 , 40' -":81filca open daily from 9 to 8 o'clock. and on "iyedkaalay and 13atarday evenings ontll 8 °long. - ' DIKECITOBEI. iiitH ti B. Shanotso, t` ' ' Ogruo Gariviiiiil.44, - J_ p_go Intindler, George Mos 11, lioleolli W. Blom, lid. w wird. T. N e on, jon, ',Owls Iltrxue4oul f • •, Hy./10 Nloholaa Rittenhouse, Netlike time ,r,' .164. 11.0athorthweite n ~ GpAralin Blanchard, ,loooph W. Lipplooott. ' or sue 0210 1:1. 1 1 M 4 rei c siiier rreidaent) dliky , ! "), r; I • c 1 ', ,- • “ A Dollsr saved is tßifte aimed” B.ASING -FUND—FIVE - PER CENT. IN -TIREBT—NATIQIILVI 134POWV„ TIMM COM- P/MP' WAONIIT Street, Otnithwest corner of MIRO, Philadelphia. ' =ltxtrolu.vsn HT THE Sii - vv'oti rsissyLTANik. -, Ita • le received inany enm, large or smell, and in tereatipeld from the de" of Ilepicit to the day Of , with :ol'he office is open every day front 9 o'clock in the nieitisibg till 6 o'clock in the events's, and on Monday end Tlitiredwevenhow sll}-14 e ROW. WOWItY , L. I President, _ •ROBERT 1311LV1i.D416, Vies President. Wee. J azire,giscitetuy., , DIREOTORS. - , HOC Henry L. Benner, R. Carroll Brewster, ' 'Mimed L. Carter, Joseph B: Barr, Bobert dillfrjapir • _Tralysie AllittOne • joseptilierkes, 'o' Landreth Manus, Henry Difhoidarffer. 'Aliolay is reesivid and payments ,nsadn Thi investments are roads, in ennformity with the proviiions of the Charter, In Bear Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such drat - 4116es teatirities as wtil always insure perfect 'amity to the depositors, and swittoh aannot fail to give parminiabi this Institution. aul.-1, . . „ VIVE, PER CENT. SAVING FUND.- PHILADELPHIA SAVINGS atiD LOAN COMPANY, • N.I. corner of 011115 trillT and TENTH Straits; PRILADILPHIA. OILIBTERID BY THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. AIITHOBIZED CAPITAL, $5OO 000. MONEY IS RICEIVHD-DAILY, •'; In mama from One Dollar upwards. PITS PBBANNT., INTSIBBST paid from the dayof matt withdiawn. Msusa can be withdrawn on demand, by Checks or - otherwise. °MOD. OPEN DAILY, , So WA, find AA TrnionsY XVININGII, frail Gto 9 This Company has a Nip paid up Capital as a tWoulti . Dopositors., ' Thle lax:Ration paid all Its Dames& In fall During the „BsPIK M0P441.011. .101iN MILLER, President. SOS. W. 80UD.113, Vice Preet. Jf L.- auToruNsoN, seivu. . mh2B4Bin 1 0 IINE:- - -IIINITED : STATES I'..7.TRUSTDOSIPANYi Corner of THIRD atift' °Apo : - NUT Streets. lh and smalllaums reeeiree r end veld but cm de -Mae& wtthntit' notice; with - lIVR"SZEt-•OIINT.'IN -7191RETATromtb.eds. rot', leposit to the day, of with. `j.CSisilteirei freiti o'oladk:erhyr, and on iIdONDAY EVENINDS from y 11.o!oloo OftARTS for sole on RogDmd, Ireland, en Foothold, Troia .£l%givrinds:-:,4 ,- , President—BUßTON R. OILIWNDED, Tressurer—PUlSPßlSK.,. ' . _- ) Teller-JAM B. MINTER . 114(3#13EitliEN, ANT) IT'AUM.4I3B, , BALIII 011 Nettar.caivrimmui I,A,NDIV 1 IN WABWION By.airtuerd,A.decree, pirenlt'Oo w t Beauty aforasal4,, pronounced An the 25th ' of Ilargh; 1859, la the chancery rut orNimbrillrai ighitbeok. the tuderelgned. utile g 40omm lesicrafrre under the eshrlde-, or e e, trot Nair before the Court Motu...door of raid coun ty, On the BROOND THURSDAY OP AUGUST neat, ;thief being county *curt dayrthatvaluable tract of land deuribed In said decree as all that certain piece, par. .eel, or trot of lead, lying and in the county of Vuntiloltr and known as being part °Oho Rich Neck Trset;.wotaboliig one Orotund , and eighty-eight acres,' more or lase, being part of tee tract of land betveyed ty Augustine Cleanbrill and Margaret his 'wife, by deed dated gth bee, 1868, cal recorded In the .elark's once 'of Wartlektottfitje ghert:Tfe • the above 'Lind la very valuable and early of &Cheri, belrig loppted Lod the peninsula lying between the fames and Yorg , ratera, and abut half waY,between, EramPton And vil. 4161404ra There are u po nlNri Prim:ONO etedet es* osil with ' engine or kl3-,llorm power, and good intbatart• -Hal BiltdrDirellLog in thorducier repig;. "pp WO fop much le 44 as telit pay hhhp: Nie costa of tee grove meetioned eniraed the es wont 61 asif, aid aped L uddite I credit of twelyerroonttus will De - given, the pernshuer to pre-bond with goods security for the de ferred payment, with Intoner from the day of see. MINIM 3; BO NEW, ei.41 4 .113 MALLORY, Of the above lands, ISO coxes are la ItrUl biOartire-hiabilftirabeted with ruperidr• Irk Oldt }for, slip building,) and pine the pine crock befog' worth ge.itpor Word oa the ban k; any amount can be con traded tar, for the New York market. Any inforitaßentligeferericalp the matter cenhe hid by addroulnir Newrdimer do ettgebraker; Baltimore, bed,„_,F4y apylytortto B. Patrlisk,adj - Iniog Mie laude, at WlErsok vain Voires,Ww9rilacounty, rfrsho t 1)91-0* e e - - Ipaigepos4Ls FOB , BITUMINOUS JR- CIOALB.--T# pro Deets will be received at the Cabe of the ILADief.,PNIA OAS wont", No. 22 eolith 816‘.1M s keet , w#ll noon of 'FAIR An asuil 10,1869, for az& 'port or the whole of any thousand ton of Bitsmlnoiss Coale, suitable for the manufaottire o Ose, to be dellyerd at the gas Works, on the Bolinyi kill ifb math *bible qUailtitlect as may be speci fied !n the edd i r got. The Nat deliveries to crommenoe in the month of August The Male mart be inch clean andAry -and of a sit.a. lily to be approod . by Vje Nutter: The proposals must state the pa:braise Tait ltls intended to i tarnish, and if of a kind not be ore [feed at these work*, seinplee for tried will be required previous to the tin? of Opening' the ptittusity,' Wha 'gram tan Of 2,240, pounde - I will be oonstdered'el thee Isslght'inteuded wropo ,, l tale, unless otherwise exprearty stated and If it be pie. tarred to deliver hy measure, the struck bushel of 2 Mb Cable lashes wilt be neett...in caleintfellure to deliver I the coal attesiding tb agreement, the - V:1010es `Of ',the 1 Gas Works reserve the right to psalm* wherever they trier deem beet, and Marge to the oontraeters any Ism oil e wasteland will au& the payment* wlll be made hi two etiutfirdlabbettbef at four and six mouths , after the Specified periods o denser', the lath of each month to. be taken as the 'overage of the monthly deliveries; ot, at the option of she Trustees, ppymepty Will be bade In mak, serest deduettsl. - -v-T. .'" Should the contractors prefer to deliver the eost sir- Her thin required; it taa,y be rseelved, If c onvenient to 'etote.'but payments will - be made to tuts flop the arse iii4thilatihniseourity fot the fat tilment of the weep*. Will be required..., ' soutco - . woggeos;:. Muskets illibtlelphlatiss Works: 0118-dtjelo 116 y 16, 1669,, r` ~ Ate~icittal: trWEITRALGIA. . U.l The.toblowiui teeldUciny li f trnm a Well-known "oltieeoot.PiUadelpphL, l4,reterenot to TIIOX.IIILVO ?Iig.IIIILOIN. , hive lit,ou 4400 with sorra Ileuralgiu for up-, iwitrdro of 110- utspoPstilo phyelaleed, Und every other remedy that wad :etigueote4; and girr.no wu induced Ito' Air this solvii. add - atter nabig lees • than One bowel found tinmediatiVrellat ' left me, audl ;hove tudwo return of It. I luluaturilY add 4040'44 recommend It, ((ail imie'done' 'to , %ciao aimusrly 'aillioted, tilt they.iwartituiw where to fled roller. It 4rae.cm 3 Y and earn remedy; tor There te-Ved - Z.,41118 .1 / 3 1ICTBRA, Neater Dray/ man, - .HO; froirth - yrith - atreet; P4r fill : iaholeeale And Mail; at h. W eonier ;old PAILIVION etnote, and st.T: 8„ OALLENDBIt 'Oo.le N. W. corner third and Walnut eta. ap9o-tt SIBIES'n -Pint* COD4IIIIII, - OIL, - PORTAQTLY S A.TWBST'AND'PAIALII, Camaro at,, Ourfonadiand for • the Proprietonl,fronr fro:lll4nd healthy irearp;l7,sfearn, at tirnfoorlP tars, thus proserrin the s weetness and parity.of Oil, whit* the ashy flavor is,pertsotty sorersd,' and the Oil madmen imiatreOM ejreeeb tto the The Proptiatora of this Oil sore no Saimaa in hauiog their on • properkr:propmad, at Newfoundland, thecoay Oxon 'kr the Onlos inerritua ;fi found In abandlasuss,,,,Tbe, roe ())1. is l'requaimtly ha:paired by 14*Litarea irith o 1" from 01.110. 41700104,0r._=41p....?,14'141 r4MI I OIO agahlbg froruthe , 4 nas Can he re Old upon se Oa gem/Ins. - _ Oar Olt haa'beati analysed; and prononnett to by Mgr the Porfeet , 4 l 4 vi of Aaaolity—abaraatorbitiaa *lgo 'midi lb 'to'tagatai!l'pl'al;Paz . h.sfitY over other hinds : • • 14,80464 inn for !Tie, Ilfbobilato Oa Robot, by - •- • •. , 'HAIMARD op., • and OIDATNOT, - rdbaya. ST/MT GROVE'*kr, SKIPT*—A 1 ...., 11511 E to itatal i. r 000snizipitog of fraosire spirits, the e quis,,,E4ol,l noVe constitntion, kse - lamed the , offering A& rhea oof en *stela which the asuayntion/cit • Professor 43 Aton, AzslyNesi3 Moro*, New rorki.ifhleitare. Bootb, Garrett, & be the of Phllstra, - proves, beyond pu qustion, 40 bathe , isiostpwrii aenaylbeithiblitltu , lPlrlb ovißoltilettiatrAnterZ)iihjip, r• • , OZSTUICIAIIII 01 °HILTON. - / hers asuilyseciasounpleof Cheslaut,Grove Whiskey, ropuiretf freak_ Ala. 0114BLES WHARTON, JR.. of Pkiladelpkie, sh4 l k 4 41 - .lokti4 - 14, sn 2 pleased to state at it •Is -01 , reO Ifol7 P frglp poilosofis or (Islererions maharanees. It is ark-Unuouslly pure and ea* favored quality of Whiskey. MIN& H;OHILTON;Id. D., New York, got Analytical ) Piit'enstri ,r/ Sept, 0,1888. Deka 1301.1 We hare carefully tasted the sample at Chestnut-Greys Whlsker'whlob you sent on, and end that it COntalat nine of thepilitmoill inhales*. known =de 011, which to ako:ellanreetertstle awl Injurious Ingredient Of tkilfhlekeya in goleitia ufl. '. Very roODOotfully; BOOTS, EFARUDDY, 4V 0 4 11 A0; - 4eakettial Ditemiqek To Cifisois InitAsToll, W 81 ,AU'l UT , Philadelphia: - • ) N. . sEAlitive PATNNS,IOH.ORHati THENDDH; KUHN UNDAIO4, AW ADDND BY THN AHRIMAN INATITUTA • rim W TORE, AND THANDLIN.INATITth% .pHILADEL. , litenufaetured And tor itate. at No. 157.Nortli 2100 ND Street, above Race, past pith, - -Philadelphia... • This machine is warranted to free:Wade quart eau In 40 minuted; .24 qt. can !a 4o on ; 15 qt onto 25 tufo.; 12 qt. can tn 12 natn.i qt.'saa leniln. L. C. 8.2451. AN traotantoeo that Mile =whine will treeepepagetket than It oan be frown by any other.pro.. cop now, In noe,,irith lammit and toe) with the name 4„git s , of cre..4,,uuder a finfettALTO •or 9/10 Thomann The differenee lti.the flaying of nit and fee lo nalog thu within ie oantoll9-bait, Ari Orderithinkfally received and tontoptly- attended to. .1 • - miB/4za* busitiass at, AltUTlVß,Varnet Of SiOCrOND and ORRIN Straits, is opined with a superior dock of p ray', White TAM, Ziat PaititoWiadoW: Glue," end all , °tier articles usually bandit' a Wlittistare lit . ati'Paipt, and ehuta aototatahlaatat, e•• ,t aige•tr . aleritelviiitia: 1' agar.4o4 IN.H.4os , ered Hams, perked by fistiblit;' i t hiPPOl'4 00 , Henry Lewis, Jobe Ithany, Udall 4 Wood, and others, for isle by 0. ti.EADLAR & 00., mum lardidi mond door sboto 'root.my9B THE PREsS.—rHiLADELPHIA, THURSDAY. Jon 0, 1850. Atql glJitte Pii; - 4ate FIRE INSURANCE, AETNA INBIIHAHOB COMPANY, of Hartford. , Ooh dents, - lan, I, 18 . 69 .....81,867,920 08 HANHATTAN men INHURANOiI 0031PANY, of Noir York. Muth Assets, 114t1.1,186,9 .. 4 ., SPRINNFINGIi PINE 'AMR Eetirtly INSURANCE COISPANY. , Rash /mats, Jan. 1,14159 .. .. 4550'54' 85 NORTE .6IdP.II,IOAN BIKE 111813- - RANOR COMPANY, or Hariford. Oksta AA,Ofoi f n 1, /859 MOW' vium nolummom,oom. PANT, of New , Cash Aesetii; 443 - ' BO4 81 ManolleNtat; afaan Ioit3IIRANOR OOMPANYi of Rartfoll. • - _ _ ' Clash Assets, 7'404,18511 . 439;079 Polleles Issued, and losses' egidtably adjusted and promptlip Id, at Mn dganey. , ,„ BOEIWELt &INVILSOIt, 'Agouti, No. 210 WALNUT 8T16112T. THE WASHING TON FIRE AND MARINE zwiErtr.A.pAisram COMPAIsTIr *Augairain BuILDINOB, , No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PRIAADEL?fIik lnaorparated in 1.857, under the General Insuranee Law • - • • .of Pennsylvania. • . _ Authorised Capital Immo° EiabsoFlbed 05pktal, , 200,000 Paid up Capital " • E -114000 INVESTED AS,IO4LOWS.: Mond and Mortgages, Drat li en' ' 644,1.70 Bank, Ranyoad, and pthgc , ako)ui- :,•:- - 5 , 1.43 - 00 8,630 --sll4iBoo Twines mum against LOBR OP. DAMAGE Br PYRE ON BUILDINGB NEROIiitiLGINA, BOESEGOLD EURNITURE, me. Also, en c 4 RGOEB and FREIGHT to and &omen parts of the world, and Inland Narita- Eon and Treosportutloni on favorable term.. 011ditL1118 G. impiy,primith;ht„., 14- t WRIGHT, Vice President, 0. 0- BUTLER, Besretall,, IL G. BAALBORGER, Assistant fleOretalys P . O. 'Ate: Tb , Wm. B. Grubb, °hales Q. , . and Se cu ritie s. Oath in Bank /war Huang, ' 0.0. Butler, Usury K. strong, D. D.Joaai, Alonzo Beier, J. H: Mira, zorlB-t! ' " ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPA. NY PARBENT OAPITAL, 8100,000, , , Pad and Invested. Thu O • - - Titnsu any Ire =BUILDINGS; - YURNITDIN, and &MBA 144D10N generally, ageing loss or damage, - • Droned, Ream, Mortgagee, .idechanias' Mew, and other Igeouritlee on Real wehite, will oleo be glacially hawed, if Oared'. • " = • Ratehford Mari . Mordecai L. Dawson, , William Wiles, George .11, Musa, ~ Nalbro Frazier, . John. Brown,. . John Id: AtwoO g Atwood,' V A • Yaineeteck; Tredlok, , - Andrew D. Cash, Mangan* Brangar. 11 . "17 Wbitt"r TO/i/ORP wr*BA. Psolliqnt• W. F., BA 013141iLii W. COXIII, Beeretark. - Temphrary Oilide.l62 Booth MOUTH litreiet;- until the ccenplaion alba Companylir Building , B .W. CORNER SOUR= AND WALNUT WTB.. inylB.2nt ,„ 2 t , , t , , __, T ROBERT ,MORRIS, ,FIRE /HSU= A BONtI.II cOMPAVY , ' " ' , • , ~ ' 0 ' % , Or 1.111e./DlMPilit,' ' ' , r •41',14'19 Al 241)r+T; S 'l'. B. EMI T..• -, , i' .. • "l'hill C9Mpinyinectiel Wort Loma or plump, by Ora onl , oll‘aatit—Prilate,lltaldluar, Vqralftara s s to.eita,q, (}Rode, sill esOltandleo g+norally. , Otte Toni! "Ina provirtoola the .Potleles of this pool. Lasy ra rrattyra pet: rogorttl !boa aiyhtaa4 as a • ool. if ,TAiii 10v • 8,411.110 t bp taryttqatei ‘ qr tq afiiyire gertWoctor Ito sartgotoyot as 11mill...terra ioni, r ty tq a rivulet-Oa, ot•todzsge, - and" the itiprolidris oa4 pefigoloont by the °Woo; by anyAraiierof or corivoliatoo ot tiro ;tortes./ prikotapo, by th e ,iromor of tlio , ilmoo." ——- • • . Pf/WM*9: , ~.. .). Pita 9'. ;goof; „ f o romir4 /1. troika, /obo irtitroo, .:, , ' Itiii oebt;*; ,- .. .- /oosorli. Wotofioan, -' 41 , 1•Babmoo, ,•' ' - , _. ldwortl* Jason, iillii ValldotTrdrt • polyp/wary, ~ • ~ hq ore thytity,, asap 11,..0otthir 1 Chts t ars, lallf. P IC' 1 C' 70N214 . ." Prkeldant. —' ' + . "••.• • , .- • WIII.•VittIMIEW.HRE, Vice Preatdont. II LLOIST 8' STIRLING. &oratory., ~ „. . Ay y,ty,,,, QAPECRIARD 'INSURAN(TE CJOMI'ANig 8. N. Corner of FIRTH and WALNIIT ante, Pb 4 , • - • Capital paid in (tlton,rety,inresto4). ro•••r”,.:163110,000 Inarldur , 84480 ThliCpmpatj lwring I:o#l.l!cjoniltreorgunisid, noir teddy'to make Insuraneb u pon all klnde qr . phi. vedr, , lneizbandM; acri• against LOW or DAMAGI B ZVYMMPrI t r d 'isnot; e. Keeler' ' ' Wow Ef., dniktnir ifrinoldWaoktrattn, • • " OharlorC - WarrOdfs :Robtrt.P:. Ing, f1448n-ii p ir h, Iro , • Qin, oi4 obh dolt, ' • ' 4ohn beaten,' blattbani oath' Edward Wllar~ Mon: Upfront* :X., I. Mrothand, , a • Alfred Clapp, , gong" !on..- , , Wil.lll.lse_ , JACOB D.,' Kifilliat, Proaldedif, ' - Trintt it. Path/( Bebratart ti b T t i ffP 4P24 4 l s"" h e p ii 4 ' • e • biD.N.ARt.NBINStr., 1,W0.,4112 7iVALNIPZ , oWARD FIRE, A RANO! OOMPANIt i whySelpin • - \ • Stilite'itia.- Ors l i t ' s l; l;tniei" ' ll 4!6rOtt4 , - W 7 Blailer, N. Zgue O. ingeii 31.hfilinSford, A 4,Bnoknor, Spinster, John W. Sortoo, R.N. Noperton,„ WAIIIane `Balstiel, 'Wm. H. Lore, Motu Booth, Charles r. Norton ;dm onesiOniaa!2.4)!Pr• PrellideurEr3 ." !pap Sleretanr—andati 4 i. ' 4 ' Is.'t Lluvrowa i ,. INsint4ifoE, ADJUST, MG AND COLLECITING 0111/108, NO. 60$ °B3P-"Ir4PDILSDELPHIA.- Proofs of Loss and Other requisites We oqt for pax. too atistaloing loss er damage try fire to property in. wired. in fall Orange with • the' intricate conditions qf POliciair•ot firetfitichin eqqii slilenriffd4 tcp at; viate'pleibr war forwanotibt or utigctiors, and the ectivs aatisfactiiiii of air Parties., Partionlaratteniion given to the opllsatiolyr, qgaiiint Insurance Companimi. "„ Parties will find itto,theirtnterest to eons clit the on. dersigned as soon after the fire as possible. No oharge for commit/41os, • - ;AIMS WOO , • •!M P " °° 10 4 4' - Obipputs: , . . . .1 FOR THE SO UTH-41liABLES-1 • , • ' TON, SAVANNAH, and 11AVANAST11aid. avousoissakaiiktopp. P. IdarVit IST4TII OP' 010/I.o74catn jolin J. 11 #PP! 134 41 1D r ilb t . • The U. S. Mail !Nit= E OMR SPATZ, ° N it t Captain Marshaisn is withdrawn to routed's°, boil. era Will call spin on Wednesday, Jane,•22, at 10 , • TOR SAVANNA% ties. . •The•l7; N. Mail Steamship STATE 01' 4120101 A, Capt.. John J Garvin, will call on. Satudayi June 18, atioAll.... • •- _ , The spl4dld drst.olass side-wheel liteamsVps' YEY STONE BMW' and STAIN 'Ol GEORGIA, now run as above every ten dap, than fon:du a - 4t -day cam. saunleation with the South and Southwest. • ID - Goods received and bills of lading alped - Svery AO both Charleston and Satannab Qua skips son. iseet with steamers for Fluids, end with railroad' he., for gin plugs in the Southb .If'and Southwest, tub wiMi the ISADSI,, for - ,f aha, op i ke 414 and 19th 5 se .47 month. IP.NIGHT . RNI)I7OIID. ' Mary Trelght at Sm6lialiage - of 16 per dent. below New York stuniship iratoM , ; • INSI7II.INON. I ' " ' Freight and Immures on a large proporti - othof u Moods 'chipped South will be found to. be lower by a ships Mau bysailing,yeseele.. N: B.—Tosurance on all liailioad /sight Is inifratE MilvitatlifOry, farther, thin Charleston audravazinah,- the Railroad -Campanian , taking all' Odra :cm than points. Cobb Passage to Charleston and do Steerage g 00 Mutation Tickple, 2094 P rs o ntl 7 B l"'' ig 2 Tipkets to Hanna Thasigli Tickat - a kV New Orleimi • .89 76 Duo Mobile obile- SC 00 Montgomery - 2 0 '00 Do ' Albany, Oa " • 24 00 Do -Columbu- Ga. • 4:—. Mt 00 Do Atlanta, Ca 29 00 Do Mason, Ca • • 21 00 4 1 6yp, Fla • ~ ~,, '2 2 1 &0 0 p p o o. , :j &rltarir e 74l .44 '.. a al: : "1 GD NOillis of lading signed tratheela`p No freight - 10411M On tko du Or ksillsrp. /or frplght or fuses* apply u • , . 1/1111QN, Jr., Southwest corner 90118TH and 611IBTNO7'. agents in Charleston, 7'. O. & T. G. 1117 DD.. Savannah, 0. A. & 00. v; - i7l ' THE' BRITISH AND ?NORTH 411181tIOAN RON A li: IFIAXI, pllte.m. 4•1914 JIIEW you; To Limluof., Met deo ' , Amigo - , $lBO tisoond. OsblaPaa.ase. i, ... 76 faun 110/11 . 03 TO Liviteoot. ~, 04Ief Oubru egtugg. sr ttt •r ; ; f llO aepond Cabin Pasftg6 .i..,„. 60 Vie ehlpe from Boeton coil stile:VW ' 4 hEllfllk, Capt. XidEinp, CANADA oar,. lAnn, , dAllfA, 0a t. J. Stone, AtIBRICit °opt Alllfer. lA, °apt-1;4.10th •„ filAgA , , - ,,(144, eviler- ANL, Cupt.iihumuou i too, .. ~._, , 11711.0PA r esti.t. J. 141,t016. ' ThetieVesiel6 arty A egeir'whtt.6 light sikaset-houd ; ereen on starboard bow; red on port how. i i . • 1 6.141M1QA. *Mar, luvraa Bodon i Wedutedey, Tone Ii P Aditlo.3, Sheol - ion,' t /' N Yhri,,Weabeedity, June '6g. rj.1 1 . 1 ) , A 2 Lelteh, ff nostori,,,WOdnerder, JllllB 29. TElthlhroludklne, gf N'Tork, Weduesay , 6 WY- 6. 411 ARIA, 600,, ~ Boston, Widnehtly, JU y 13. ' 'WI:Ai Lott • • , ft 1 , 714111, Wildr 'Jn17 . 20, CANADA, Lug, If lloaton,,Went 4y, July q., 41811:1Ay Elhinton, " NYork,lfettne sr, Aug -I. Berth; not goateed until paid tot. _:,, - • - ' , 44 fl/Prhpiaoll Bargaralriii. ' ' •.; ''' ' ' 11 15 a neki 4( bOS. Oft B IV .1 ildt be ofcdpntableifor Gold, Elver, 4nllion, OP IP, e!nfir.79 PliPitafd 6 411100 or Idlitite, tinkle -Mlle of Luling are - 14;0A Gtorefor and the vette -theroof ditirulit expre666d. c'or freight or passage applyto mtrol,-4 , - 111. OtIN/47A, 4 issiirttaidieei. i , ' ' Ma - a A. GOV , : 4§.24D '.llll-1"ORK STNAMSIIIP COMPANY.— BAM 'TO OLASteI"4", LIVtaIIPOOL,SIBLWAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDBBBV-tor . , , , • . . ~, • , • . •. meow aim golg„; • 01 11 4 0 WhAlk4soll Qat - MO.l'i Igth Mal at 12 noon. _DoSISURcht, Cumming, wednaMay, June, ,g GLASGOW, Tompeon,.., „ Oth.agly, IDINBUEN/E; 0 11111111 ( 11 /. " SIM July; , YRON , GLIBOOW. . - 'EDINBURG% Damming, act lll l43l, Mai OLASOOW. Thomson, -. _ ll th junk BDINININGEI:Dorrning,__, ;!l„ , . , Ro os o y poliage from New York, Plaledelpbta, or ,Beittin; -14TerPOOL. Belfast, - Dublin, oi Londonderry, that elastis7ll, Steerage, fo s ind with en nbundanoooffproyerly oboked provisions, Oi , . • 4n ;experienced Surgeon attaohecto each steamer No charge for medicinal,, ; Poe freight or passage, apply woßkitAil ei ~N o. 12S WALNUT R (reef Phila. ! ItOillißT, 00410, stto4kTrAy, ;vint:torlq. IVIANNta EpTEI,—Onqiiiit , EUROPEAW PLAN, 124 WEST BALTIMORE Btiept, neatly oppopite the 4 , Sun Bonding." SINGLE, ROOM, FIFTY (LINTS PER DAY. my/Omit-2m* r i ll roatrtinze. - RA.ILROAID .ROUTE • -BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. AND WEST ORESTES, VIA PENNSYLVANIA SAILItOAO,, ' ThrkPllNNtrferANlaltklittoaD titlalkillft hat , ing leased ttie -Bead of the' WlB ROAD CIOMRANY. are prepared to offer quells futility A er travel:and-Ike* transportation or freight between Philidelphla and West °heater; on terms u reasonable as min be:offered by coy other route Passengers min make tbetilp ' , through as soon by this as by any other BMW, with every assurance for eafety, despatch'and so commodation.(f " The Passenger Trains for West Chester, leave the de pot at lleventh'und - Pdarket - , - Vaily, MI 35 A.. - MaM - A. Pa., end 410 P.-ht. 'O4 Pundaye, at 8.80 kt and P.M. areight for West iphester will he received at the depot; corner eirThirtaeath, and Market streets } - ' 37 SM9 09, 083 2 880 06 TISAIrD WEST- ORES.• 'RAILROAD vt•_MRDIA. 8101111511 ARUN - 021111NT. On and after MAY 29th, 1859, the Trains will Jaime Philadelphia, frim the Station; N. N.' earner of NI9IITINNIII awl MARKIIP 13tNeta, at 7 and 11 A. if;. and 2, 480. and 015 P. M. Lease .West tip= the :listless, 'oo EAST MARHST, Street, at 0.30, 8 80i and 11.80 A. M., and 2 and 5 45 P. M. ON BUM DAYP—Leave Philadelphia at 11 ...K., and 2 P . 11. - Leaf! Went Cheater at 7 20 A. la. sea 6.16 P: 211.: • MINWIt W OOD, ,GeneralBaperiniandant." oil, THE SEA' MEREINISt T kiosk. - tiUMMOR ~ .t5.18A202222'w., - CAMDEN AND. ATLANTIC RAILROAD. • ONLY TWO AND A HALT HOURS TO THE SPA • 8110216: 0 , On and atter SATURDAY, May 21st, and until* far- ' ther notice,' these daily trains to Atlantic, and return, (nuedsys exoepted.) First, Mail Train, leaved Viroestreet Parry. - . 7.80 A. M. Emond, Express.,' " ' .. 400 P. M. Stopping only for Wood and water.) Freight Train. (with Passenger Oarattaohed).4 45 A.M Accommodation +(Egg IliabOti leaves Tice. :strut. - 6 OOP. M. LEAVES ATLANTIO 012'Y. Pirs4lllBpreea,' Train leaves./ '0 00 A. M Picitted,o66,l! ! '6 - " 4,40 P.M: Preight,' • 12.10 A: M. Accommodation Train leaves Egg Harbor . 86 A. M. • RADDONPIELD A00061MODATION: Leaves anemia Point' 11.00 A.M. , Leaves lisddandeld . 1 00 P.M. Leaves 00oper 6 e Point 4 "" '2 00 Leave' ' 8 oo P. M. Palo to A•thutio, than 'Pickets, are put led before • t entering the ears • " .$1 80 Round Trip Tioketii 'good for two days on any 'reoulai train 152150; " ()nand after July'2d, and loran? Saturday through:the 'Summer, the Egg Bettor Anoottniodetton Praia "Will , run throngh to AtlentiO, end, return early on 'WOW plorning,. , I Prolght x466lbe !deliTeted rt Cloopor 6 6 ,Point ,by 1 Theilprapilni will riot be reopoostble V for any goodii until !rowed and receipted for their Pealed Agent I,ktAtePoiot., - ` mylo-6Nrol .> - JOII2I,4.;:BILYANT6Afient . ' " ' - '14•1011TH- PE RITSYL- "wawa • • 1 • „ aUtalislß ARR&NGEKIINT. '"Poi ...Dinah/01rd, D021.2810WN. ,EABTON, 1 * ADUSINTOI2)/, 41A111111 °MINX, 11621:11 ;ON, • itazalimarts, . ,on •lond iftey, , lioNnv,r, Ifith.lBso Passenger 12.1in's will leas* 11RPNTatel. WL1.41.9.840040,411',- Oolphls, DAlLY, 'Oneelaye excepted , • For Bethlehem, Allentown Manch Ohmk, Wilkec biers; li'saliton. tee 4 (Express ) at 0 80 Ar M. Pqr Bethlehem, (Express;) et....; 4 00 P. K. For Doylestown, (deememodatloni) at. ' - • . ;8 15 A. K. and 5 P. M. Waatiagton (Acommodatlon,) at • „ • 2-15 D. 'add 8 p a g Di. Ta&PC 3 4011 gIiViADSI4IIIIA.) Imam ElathleAtia; (piney/0 at 8 A. 11t- and 4 10,P:15. ear, (Acaommaditlow) ' ' • _ , 'Leapt Fort TreaktBgt4o - 3 ( A9aoimnodatlini ) at ‘'• - - • VW A. 14. aaBB 85 P. 141 .4 , stri n LYS,: - ' 110.11511t0 UPYleitcomk for, lghtl,ds., it .8p M...and 6 46 . 1+ •- . log tß•Betlllebem. 51,59; "to, Mona 52 ,to Nuke j 1.50; to Dorulown, BQ , ',vats; 4„,: Tre ls 4 oyi.pm.,. 'AII Eilewiei.l o t telkt ecTebtosA pot., aetileAar)ui Tith rth Blxtp,atiatia ,kai Alyt itreote-T a nger '- lroada, es 'Tor ta4t A.• 114,Trobo t 'lp= wiuctsbpzre It j'. IC • • •, • • ' . -" • • if ..:31t145 014114. Atitit.' '1859 ',lfidiampme-:;185% elm hint `69,RANGIMINT—NIIW YORK !Ana.' THE CAMDEN - AND'AMBOY AND PHILADILIVA • ARD'TBRNTOR RAILROAD 00'8 LINER, - FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK '•AND WAX PLACER. *RCN RiLtint•tpuiwpßSELß, ; , Will have si follfwa;, viz : ' 7,1116. At 0 A'. K. via Camden and Amboy, 0. 6: A: At conitoodihttOn- ' - $2 26 ,At M.; via Camden 'ilia 'Jeri., • Oltr, , (New /steep Accontmattion ' 2 96 At 9 A. M. In , Onnnirt and ;Fier Olty, Morning • , , • ki..?ertei.r 41 At 11 A. 66, - , brEteiwoon, T,marautt.terrey , City. Morning Uproot Bop At 21,114 211 05a , 611mi 0.. 112 AnA.nr, 'O. t. A. "APtlgAiti • vti., , !oe kg.r c iiivlr i tt i re”: ll l6, zil f totry aof, - 60 sIZ T .V. ij at4gat, , sey City, D 101616 Tlakitt • - - 2 . 26 At 6 R; M.; visDamdin and Jeweler City; Byepiag• —. ,At Wok Ottolen rad Jersey City, Night • 4241 21 ,4t StY-11. - ,vl4oAM9llind Wart tict • ,f 414" ,7 7 : 1" -t Ad i Olort a Tlaktt 160 At PP Dußdsu sad Anboy, AecommodAtion, ..(7(1 . 6111tt lad Pwmanger)—lat Olean Ticket.... 2 26 • . Clue Tleket. 1 76 sltie 'et P.M. inns daily. The ill:light Bititulitys esteptol - • . liGrr Itnyreaa Mee stop at ttlitittgat filtfitiontlt4. - /Cot 1,1 11, 1 87 t, *tar!? Y O,P4l 7 l t Flii 417.i10rk. H. sits HI; .u. For Water Rap, Otrendahrug,l3emiton, Wilkerbarre, Meanie', Great Itand;Re ;at WA: , Delaware , Lackawanna, and Wentern Railroad.' For Freehold; it 6'A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 6 eatg M. and 2X 4N and 6 ' •" • . ; .' ' WAY 'N Ia 91 , 1101M , ...Wnt1i; i, fr 34 and i 4 IN, M. fro CO at-dfrnap ' .Nor ' Paltwera,.'t!tank • Bararl,'llarlington, Bor. dentbirn; Eta., at 1 and 0 P: If • Steamboat Mallard Stockton, for , r aco n y at II A. M. and' for flordentowri kite intarmodiata - placea at B,lj fitiatoboit John Neilson, for Teton at 8% A 24 mid for Bristol, Burlington and interm edi ate plues,„ . 4t 12 e3g P:l4, • ' , '••••• •', " fila s pottudiril( ban 0 21 Cci.4 olg TWerfer -, ' Bea Ware troll tro zur an lug as ag cage butlted!. wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be joald for eXtra.' 'The eompany limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be' liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by epeeist oontraot.' • %•) • MB:- H. SIATZBINB,- Agent. altit . ”61: - ILVat 1 1461: AR- 'PHILADRLPiIia, ILMINOTON, -AND • DALT'. 11.10101 a RAILROAD. OnAgid adtarldefiDA3t, April 11th.41869. " - PABRINGIII TRAINS LRAWN IPHILADELPHIA, ' Porgallimore at 818 A. Of:, 12 noon, (Naprese,) and Toy Oiiieter at 8 11A:M.,18 noon, 480, and 11 P.M. Nor Wilmington at 5,15 . A. M., 11, 480, and 7.1 P. M. or New Castl ti 15 A. la,arid 4 80 P. Id. " or allddietereti at ill6A: M., and 4.50 P. M. i or 'lover at 8 16 A.. AIA v 34 4 5° P. Ai of Bimini:Vat a:l5 A - id. , and 480 P. ' "MAWS NM. PliiiielvELP A ' IdAY&Valtlmeie et 840 A. M., (Raptelle,)B.6o JI-. P 4.1 eno b 46 P hi' '' leak.. Wilmington 0.55 A.M., and 0.20 A. M., 17.04, and 8.20 P. M. ' Leave New Oaetle at 8415 A. 31., and 740 P. M. Lexie Middletown at 7 60 A '5l . and 8 84 P. 61. ' , Leave Dever at 660 A. It, and 5.25 P. 51. Leave Seaford at 8.16 A. M. and 2 46 P. M. ' Leave °hooter at 1.44, 9 60 A. • 51., 1.80, and 9 P. M. • Leave Baltimore for Raeford and Delaware Railroad at eBO and 9 80" A. M.' • . ' - `TRAINS TOOL BALTIMORE , F , Leave 'Okada? it 8.46 A. M.,112 . 28 add 11 80P. M. ' Leave Wlignlnf ton-at g 2/d A. 31., 15 . ¢6 P. kr., and 12.16 4.14. .- , -.- . , , • Evlineve • . . Only at 11 P. U., Ilona Pbiladelphla to Baltirpore. Oily at' 6 Of P., M.. from Raitimoreto Plitladelvdda. YRRIGHT TRAIN, witlt"P na4.BBBN lowsißß OAR attaohed, will run fol, Lea're"Phliadeliddig for Perryville and loterovellate Flamm, at 546 P. if. • , • • 4 Leave Wilmington Tor Perryville and iltermeellete planseat 725 P.lll - . - ' ''- - - ' '' Leave Ilivre de Ride. for Beltimereind Intermediate • plameat 8.40 A: M. - . -, Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace and intermadlate ylaoes ate ee 1., gi,, L4 l 'fa Vt lo3 Theloo far P4ila 4 elplite and interme diate amongst 0 40P. Al. 7.1 1* , 3' ; i ..t. ::. : B. M. PELTON, President. THROUGH TICKETS „ TO THE • .. - . 900111 AND SOUTII %/BST, VI& PHILADBLPIII_ ,A WILMINGTON, ; AND DAL - • TOWER RAILROAD.' ' - TArotigh MAkets can now be prootued at the °Mom 1 MOE Oompiort tpiltli2 fßgorrlng RolAtel IVealittstoir.,•D;o. • •4ecr4ripe, Tinp. • ichmond, pe. , aehrllle, Tenn. • Peter:ll34m. Va. , Obsferds. Teel:. ?VOW, VS. " Ore n ! noOttnn, WNW. figdoA. N. g. memo*, Tann.' -, Braingtwd, N. 0. Itnntarille, Al.. Ohiielontoti, 0. 0. ' • - Dalton, Ga. Augnet& Oa, I ilavann , Ga. Mated 'GA: , ,Ooltnnbus.,Ges. Atligtil, Gii. ' hiqntvirnStq, Ala. Mobil o, Va. New Whew! Ls . . • • . , Noge dieokel to all the oboes pinta. The 'summit). ISABEL may.. egkitliESTlM 1 aLVANA, an the4th and 1401 of 804 tnontb, a olfern, is very deellable !wafts ••to prederigete for UG letter port, sactidln; Gape fl&tteres. PI ti9l.o l , * ttr'ilatnatitiaß) at* at Po? Olica , ar %a Couipikny il i N ' O BBOABWAY or N. J. it IL, foot IfilW v ' of ockuarLANbr Street. N. W. am SIXTH and °HIST PHILAISNLPIIIA ) 'NOT Strantii, or BROAD Ind PRIME Depot. 6,11. FlLTON,Preeldent. PHILA., April 1 , 1 1 19. mhd&Sult ear' PHILADELPHIA. AND BIN {AA! BAIL -BUM) .iitri.b.QUILIEBarnOUTE to Elmira, Waal byre, Bu ff alo, 'Gilen°, Book .pslang, Nikon Palo, MtArmiketi, BilrlindtotiV Montreal, Bt. PiilleiDatroD,, , Duniteth,'and It. , Pueengee trim"the Philadelphia - Railroad! Depot, corner B{ipap and VINE ntreete, Miodays emoted.) Re folowe ; ' • - • • T , 40 A.-M.l DAY EXP.BIOIBB, • tor .Dirolra, Einem Valle, Buffalo, Detroit, Ohloego hteokee, Beek 'gland, Galena, St. Datilailinrllogton, and • 8 80'P. Pit , BIGHT BXPRIBBI. ; • Porßituira, Nlegara Palle, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, IB Illianneheitook l'aland, Debug, Bt. Paula, Burlington, and Bt.:Louied , , The 7.80 A: M.-and 8 80 P. M. trains run' 01 01011 to IlAttitantrita,• dapping at all atations on lUe litta nnu Valley BranelA. • .4! he 7.GQ Crate oonnoota at Rupert, for Willem- Pittaton; &fronton, and all itatlona as tiox IiAONAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG - RAILROAD. afigrge °hooka to lAlmtta, Buffalo, and littojenston tr y : Tickets can be proonred at the Philadelphia and Masts LiallcoadVoets Ticket Moe; Northwest °enter of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Strest4 and at the Paulen ger CITA, sonar BROAD and ,• THIIOIIOII - EXPRESS Wlt I RT TRAIN Diane the . Depot, Broad street, below Vine, dilly, (trueday excepted,) for all points West and North, at 1 , AL • Freights mud be delivered berore 8 P. M. So insure on the come day. ' ' • Per farther intrirmaliod, apply at Freight Depol, Broad, below 'yin% 9,r to CHAS. 8. TA PP/Ile,'General Agent, N. W. amnia: Byttli and Cheetint 0.1-tc • " " Bhiladelphla kit TJGAII.-440' , Mids. low gradti• to 'prime b.. 7 !few (Mew Flow ip btore 111141 for bale by JAIIIB GRAHAM /c. Ot)., apS, Sie &ad 74 uiTiT/P Strait, b Eines , VITLADELPifIA, GliftgaNTOWN, ATM NORRGiTuWN RAILROAD —3IIMIdER ARRANGE• • MENTO —Oa and attar Monday, May Oat, 1869, nut!! lartheraotide.• • ~,1101t *NRICSNTOWN. , . k m . pAilidaphis - 0, 7,8, 81(. min., 10,1134 12, A. 11.,J, 2, 8;8,1;4, 6,6,1 c, 0, 7 , 8 3 9,.10, Le/1.14 Gernittitaiido,7. 7Ac' , ate, o, io 11, A. K.; 4 .1: 5 # a% ; 6. lox k. • ON 811 DAYS; larva Phllidetphll9.o6 min. A. M., 2,8, 6, TX ma 4 .10 • Looms ilsreahiowA 8,10 skpa. A, hi., 1.10 tan., 4, $ . 33 0 W / 931 ,11 F irtitii 711Td, HAILRoAD. WiTs Phillidelpliis . rB,,B, BX, 11, A. X , 2, , 8%, 4, '6X, 5,0, 100'. '• t • - LesTsOliertnai Hill ;', 7.10, 7.48, 8.10, 9.40 , 11.66 A. ~ 12.40, 340, 640, 7.10.. 8 4540.10 , ON SUNDAY& Leus Piallidelphia 0.05 'adz. 81.`, 2,5, and 7% P. • Leave 011eetnat Hill 7.50 A. 11412.60, 0.10 1045.65 POTT 00 N 5 H0l100HIN AND 77011,111fit0 lesTS 0, 5:05 N ng A. 51.; 1 05 min., 8.53 5.5(, 0 81 i 11 X, u P.M.„ Lee Norristown 5,5, 5 ;11.1. 55,4 5Ni „, '4' P. K. L ON BIINDAYB, 8 47.0 41 1 99 9 1ph1a 9 A. IC 8 mid 4 P M. "Leal* Norvl.4lown 7 A. M., 1 and a P.M. • NOR MANAPIINIC LeaVe'PhOadelpMa 8, 7.05 min: 1 8 05 tan., 2%, - 10.05 mi. Mu 1.06 min:, 2 Oemln, 8.06 nth% ) 4 X) • Leave Manayank 0,44;7%, 9%, 10% 11,4 M.) 1%, 8.05 miit ;45; rii,l3. 0 06 vein. ON Y. Leave PlALtdelphin 0 A. MSUNDAYS P ~ 8, 4 .M. Leave Mina, auk 134 A, aa..1%, ax. axrp. M. • H. IL SMITH, General .13neeeintendent. , v077,'" DEPOT-, NINTH and GBADN Ste. TRE PENNSYLVANIA. 0E N TR - A L .., • , • • ,• -- 441a054. ' ' 189.' MA ' • ',' 1859. THE ;OAPADITY olf,THllli BOLD 18 EQUAL TO ~ , ' THRO UG H 4 lI.COUNTRY. • •• - ' THREEPAPSENGER TRAINS' • BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA %AND I PITTSBURG, illotinectingAirabt at' Philadelphia with. T blower Trains from Boston, New York arid all points east, end aS the - Union Depot at Pittsburgerith' Through Vrains for OM. einnati, St Louis, Olevland,..Ohleago,...Burlington, St. Paul% Indianapolis , Louireille, New Orleans. and all littormodlite panto in Oho;` /odium, Illinois, Hen. tacky, Michigan, Wieounein,lifiiinesotn, Idleithuri, Kaa.;; Da, and' Nebruka-LAbite tfurniebingfacilitlce, far the r traria tbsnef Pissaregera uninarpa for speed Mind rt by aay.ethor route. ~, ' Mx ran and Fiat Linea run throngla - to - Plttlititleil with ritifikigli O'Mara Orlionigibtoill.— - -,, ' - - ' Om:Oki:lig HIM are attached to each Tishri WOCAXIIIN„ Bleeping Oars to Express and Hut .Trains. The ER-. P741439^1111NS DAILY I Ilea and Fan Lines, Sundays eleliptcol. - .. , • . , Mali Josses pliiholelphia' . at tie A. R. ' Fast Line' " -4 ." - ..' 11.60 A. M. - - !ITU TitilfilOlTOO ' - -' a •' ' , 10.50 P: IL , • ; WAY :TRAINS -LEAVE-AS FOLLOWS: - . P iteebiirg Accommodation at 11 A. M..• MarilituDA Aocummodatimi,, tie Columbia, ,2.00 P. M (loluinblit• - • 4,4 ' I's* P. IC - Ptiarazigort foi West Chester will 'bike 'the Mail,- ParFeabure and La)opiater.:Traina, at the, PentslYl7l , :Ss Railroad Peueengor Station. „ . . .Raeulangera for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira - , Bat% - fib; Monza lane and intermediate points, leaving PhiladVAHa - at 7.15 A. I:l..aral /.00,' P. As:.lro dtreatt y . I'allcol'lCWertward Mir! leo ';obtalned at: Ike iiilPee'ol tub ,Otanpany ~ in. tPhlledelplile, , Pie pf,:fode r Bosl,oo, or Bikitimore • andirloketa Eastward at any of - the Import, cut lAI °Mess in thaWeat ; also onboard any of .the ragout 'Liao of pt•aroar! on 'the Alluiaaippt Or ...... tePere saws as low am ,soy other.Rou,te, i e eomplailon of the Wester., cumneations of the Penies7lTania Railroad to Ohinev, Mishits this the DIIMC ; OF ;, LIII I INIret r It a II i arI: AND !FIB e eonneeting fif,. haribl,the , Bauroad Bridge at together,, avoiNit ~ rage or ferriage of if Miht; together, with Off , SUMme, era advantages readily ' appreoloted . ` ppeni of Freight and the f it Troirelling Public ,", "- '"' • .-"-_ ' : . '.. i NRICIONTIVMMUMARD.. , _. VI; ilk fifilltelseights of all deseriptions thumbs for. wigniulfront l'hilidelphia, Nett York, Roston, or Balti; nibte",;as any point *nth* Railroad., of - Ohlo, Mantua'', " Indishe , Illitiole,WisoOnAlia, 'ZAK, ,oF *Monti, by '-'Mfge'Pe km* Batiroad also eenneetsnt Pittsburg ittei'Btenin ~'binlaoli (Foca - clubs fontard'ed tii Any Tort on We' Olio tinekiiiigensi x telituisky, Tennessee, Oniabarland, Thi ne MiiellfdAtltFOritti_Potull ItahassPAskaassii etidt.Hod Tern; and-at Wire ii,, 131104 , 171,11ltd,llitiMiglth 3trksonttnt ' to 4 00 1 . ( 1 0 MO Northwestern Res. • . ' 'let rehento Mi "tril: 0 1 = 011 . 1, 't4opotiA4l7 x ll; - ttis go ~ ..%,W, cm rely with: ease at' ni e y ft ----- -- - •$7 I,, A T .r. l i a lt.- ', to Any times he. % s hy the rumple oad are at.allael ant - MU, charged bpi other_liallrosici Onto. oaten. , „ - hgrjgrrrurlAr",l.6 mark - peek/gee .' eta Petana. Merchants in the-West ordering gOtailllrii9,6 4.41 Will 0 wollto direst thorn. bp iltdifiged ne .3rto• or pee ht Qeonsio• +4 „S.MAlmf 111 o ne, ply tat or" eflause Mites of the owing 'agent' of the omr4 , ... .... , , , .. B. A. BTEWART. , Pittebtag; , Dale 1. Oo„ Steubenville, O. ; IL B. Placed &00 , Zenesollte, 04 7.1: Johnston; Ripley, 0 ; 3: McNeely, **tile; Sy. i:Ornshy 1. Oro per :. .• Portenlii Paddock I On., .Telkr s. .inqust,, ',F.._ . Wown, t go o llosettneitts ;IA er.., llll Aerti.MiliT' ttinnati n tol.l B. Ifi. Weld ,, . , . lion, ind. ; Mumma Itiiiigilmltmisaille. .1 P. vii 0 ler - 4. oct.,3yan& 4 343:0 41tiiilua. ' 11 1 - a lt u ir - Ulvtl4l. l itiu gi ...; EWA Bt: Zeal' o.; Alm . 1.44, Mabee &it ilia c.• ri.• Oinks . uo., .01.1. fAtio,/11,• V.'u. M. &OLEAN .liton, zn.l Murphy a' Wan., Dubuque, It ,l • or to Freight Agents of Bail colas at different tobitt trethe West: • - t- Y. --..,• • l'arties•ittending to their owc shinminte Icon the But, will find I t to their i ttliest to oill onthe Agents afrt.tie gil.:iparly at the following pivot latiftin exiwag; og letters ed7tsuo4 ty PAO of Milan - eig toe ansieet i a f: A let t lia 4se tti t i h jrr"" . ) l "'' - ..woi4vRAW I IiOAS, 80 . .orth litres., Bal t i more. LILBOU.& CD., it Satyr Mouse - , oul S. William irt i p 24.7 LNIZOiI lc' CO.. 64 Httby street Boston. 11,..y. kotrolctN, fieanyi:atgh.y.,id,phus,, L. L' . 110 OP THOL-A. ISOOTtiltrylktr , Mtn% fa., '418:1T NOTIOE.--OHESTER yALLEY DAILDOAD ,8 Nara THAWS 1 Et DOWNINGTOWN /ND is- IdEDI &TE 16TATIONEr.-Ozwin,r after lat - Tiuin• - say. MO, Ow Pima/inter Tolnt for DOWNINGTOWN,. will start from the Pageouse,r,lApat pf the ormitralewoorpoiF of S ILO AD 17 1 3 n. 'OWN ftW/Ximalgitcnist, lean at TX , t IiIiNOON TRAIN for I:hrtzilloottiwn, yams' al P - , . , , ' DAILY (Eitiudaya exediuted.), - ' • By 'order of the Board of Manarmi of the ranadel yids and Beading Badlroail Company. - • ; MO W. MoIRIPPRT. noNtsry. m-E=NEw AND READING RAIL OS AD, MOANING LINN, for POTTSVILLE, READ ING end lIABRIBBIIRIi, • - Leaves the Depot, et • Steiner of BROAD slisd VINE Streets, et 7.80 A. Iit.',"DAILY, (Sondays exaeptsd,) for POTTSVILLE:I:UE*IOII2G ) . end all intermediate points, °conk dingHerristurg with Vane nosing to Plttobarf ,Ohatzb 4 er st e wavrom LINESmg, Ossitate L itenbery, &o. Lowe st 180 P. M., D 8.3117, for POTTBVM,LB sad HAVIIBBURI3-.' ' ' At 446 P. 61., — DATLY, giundsys excepted ' ) for EILDLte(,), ictermedtete point*. aple W. IL IdoILEIBNNY; Peeretery: %Mtge qtaMlianige WELLS, FARGO, & CO., rowA 9ATS+I 7 9IINTA . ENPREDU AND °NANG - II COMPANY. CIAPPIcAkb r '1600,000. 400 CHESTNUT STREET. CALIFORNIA RYPREScRO leave on the sth and o 20th of each month: • • ' • Rana —Seat, Rarest, No. per lb; Slow Supremo, 10o• ow lb • ISLAND' OP'aims loses 'by all the regolu steamers — say 24,12 th, 11th, and 2111 a of each month; - • COMMOTIONS voids on • 144ye1iii. with Prete re- Cotofu. We oonSlgn to our filends, P. O. Bomb er k Oti z. thinDl4. 8 4" 111 8 L I F. y1110(000, Imitowlo2 Id Mani 1 / 4 1414, or Sold n 6 5T45 to mat Okisl VORNIL - 00/ILEOTIONS. - 1W Our SAN PRANOIBOO - honde given empootal at tention to collections on all points - in California and Ordkon,r will prompt retdrna: Ilintlfactureri and merahnnts making sales 'for Oilifornla or Oregon, Can tropomn their Me of Luling through our house, and have thAitiroloed paid for On antral of the goods there, thus giving purehasers full tinefltof time on wee and yet the sellers maintain control 11l %sir ptropety4til paid for. P. W. BAUM, Jog Agent. • • - :If • ir titigas i m i:AßAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. GMAT ,ISOUTILEAN AND tHMITIEWNST&RN D.X. ___, ,- PltlBBB. . . . NEW AItitAVIONMANTS. RATES REDIIOND. . The ADAMS BXPREBB 00 , having (1;440 ar , •rangements with the Norfolk ing : patota , petits . tug and Lyeelabuig, Nat' Deng., and 'Virg nie Ball .roads, &o. &0., are noW•prepered to give 411105 RIRP4TOif .0. - midi 401100 p 114T58, to goods Riolt‘ii."..attarav,,7tTatid 'I I I 1 Pit Ili' WS TANN ' The eatablialtinent Of i 411110170 R INLAND DOUTI from TOSLADDLPIIIA to 81,11141 PHIS, Tenn, weaves to Southern end Southwestern buyers a safe and reliable Mewl eflrinsportetlon at eery reasonable rites, and &volt& theiiika Ofrocean navigation. Shippers preferring this Inland Route are Resist ,t ) thialg gb o d4 ‘ 1 T/1"114010 " ."fluistimileeting the roots, .ie Oho. eHe at a LOWIII ill/ Oy t frei'lr trtgla p Well o VI4 NoBIOLE." _)dry, Coeds, 019,thIngq Hocitsrantilhoes, oOoks, ff .i:for 'merchandise generally 'metonyms /44 11,14_ to "P" 4to 1 ,4 4 1 4/0111 1 by - liteVA 19:0 slum en . , temy If Delgai; wy, Ceuta and Bums's' flail taken al . a reaccsoAhle alkiMillienlleaift Yelit;T; se. • So li tirl e gO i tthe mtl eat, ka a e lme n ri gr to B Or Nu arleatot and ,i ,. S 44.7.1. 4 /M 9 W ird% rnas q4ed tut a il n e ply tQ a t r i the 0 . Aloe, ' No, 8 11178NLIT Street. micY-11m . ADAMS DISCUSS CO. EXPRESS' TO latisE ATLANTIO Tiiis kialtaiDicadle J•QOAL -113P1till01 Rift ran an Mimeo eta; th.e 010;ditill and A f tlantto road, tnioo aaoh way della% b,iji SW) atrangmt to Ohm* Bi . gage froinliotals and ReglAing" thrt.o44l t 0 lip dia. livered In•Atlantla Gap. 6140 obfor IlelfiNdie lona FOWL and Resident,' toto all the 'Vinod demote in the 4117. • psrabi. baggage, all werehendemt tleretqhoat m e c i ty. for the greet e d ; ItOtinet00411I00 of -Abe public, OttillCS 1040 bean aalabliahed where calla Ima Pa registered, which will receive prompt attention, For partainlare, are otroulare It , any of the Branch Ofiloim ! - - QAIMAN - my44•lm' Portable On galvAP GAB NOR ITIORP INHABITANT Olt •- • - TOWN OR COUNTRY MAOE,B PORTABLE OAB DeJNERATOkt,": And rixeoandoinehu OFIAADVILIIRIS t manure, macs era, and swine. in .endlese verlety of else sod style miy • be leteolueed into? Avery ,nwsi.usa, norm. ominous P ALIOYINNOMOP,and camel' in the eity oonntryournour TROUBLI, and et SMALL IXPIIIBI. It ie "614" to Iminit 4 7 Porde in praise of this Mix valubla intention .: must be Seen to be appseeLved• Eeeq persee:dealreng. to obtain sneak= OAS LIMIT AT A Llr OOBT TI AN ONE WANT *Mgr Ibrlittor country, should tall before pnrohid. in tiel Au sod. satisfy tberaselres of As pots beau ,nossoful operation, and entire leyerlotity 011) • ii sePortobie ass •LlohlS. r N W wry ORTS irON SALL WE eALN AND ANTAL AGEING; - - -• be South exam) ousel, - , PHILADELPHIA. . ntyle-eb4b4, 4 • • 8. A 8011AntoiND Agent; nI~ANILLA ROPE—Assorted i-TI. factored and for Nile at lowest New York prises WitikVNlt. PITLRB,I6 00., No. 22 North WATER b street and 22 NORTU W //ARNIM m,y22 Oares:bit %itction • TOONAS SONS - - JS18) NO: 166 aid HI fIutITII-701YRTH'STRINT. (Permed/ Pier. 67 and - 66.Y ULF: OP .111.2GANT FORM T,Oftll, - .1210 R • 0GA86., WARP, PitENOH 14111110116,' COTTAOH 71:12167711216; 'ROSIWOOD BEI72III2I,IfOARPNV, &o. • • - • OARIY.L.Our ^elle tins • Inerillog, ' at' the Auction - oond•band , store will emnpriee, besides, Boo, lots: :0, expellent- Per, furniture, Prenek plat, , ,phro rg s t , trainee, Milts of eleganVroaewrod and 'breeatelle 4Fsir-• log- nllroom furniture, set club ant-ream vire', 2 mines of college hitare, elegant rolia‘ooo PlanoxfOrte, eels old i aid _carpets; bads, and bedding, Cigna and gleiewere..,,,&d,""forMiag $0 „ &Wadies mmortnient, worth the attention of ladiee ind'others deletion' or 07. Catalogue now rends and the eitielea imaged. for examination. ' • Adnitabittator4 Sala. • ' STOOKS; &a: • On Taraday Nrialny, _,Ttaile 14th, st.B &cloak, 'as the Plabdalibda 31x obange, by taloa of radintatatratir= - • • ' 131 abrzaa,sfeabnalate anti: 16 abarra Orßanwloblaapraranai.nsss4 BbilrOad 00 , par $250-1121.1 paid. •, , • T WENTY•IMAI'IIPRING - BALI,- 14th RINI. Will include— Peremptory Bale,-VALLIABLIII PROPIRTY,RoteI and two atone' dwellingi; - withlargir 'laneaster turnpike, Senses street iuid - Florida • strait,' (three - fireole). Welt - Philadelphia; „tot 143 by 227 AM . Or- "- - - - ' " -TWO BEBIDANOis, "X EDI .lE=Twir 'three-story: rotrkcantresideiteds, !omitted by Wisbington - Franklin', and idohroe meets, borough Of , bledia, •Cole. 'Warecountr 'Pa. - VALThaliiis'ir4R4V * A bdt I I 1241 t WFAT—'IO7 M sires. thimpriiiennota, IfOrtitafir township,' Moot , flowery comity, Pa , 16 mile. from Ptilladelphlairkg miles link -Wiesahlokon etatiiiiWon tholfortir Perin; sylrinis Railroad. , . • . . " SHIPPRN SITERIT— T wo 'story b:lett - anent - dr, No. 232 abippon etreet, betw flecolid and Third streets.- Peremptory Salo-34 BU ILD ING LOTS of the wait Philsdelphla Laud Company, on Spruce, Ch4tant, and York 'strode,. between first - end . 1111: Bitty-mond otreets,•Weet Wrilideabsoluto. P-1111- at the attaticki stotir PARK ,ISI ACRlNl—Wltit•lnifireirenielte,' Atlantic cohnt.r.liew Jersey, 2 miles West of-the railroad depot, at Abitecom, and Troilee from-,111104/1 " • nwsaaatto 'AND EtTLEßili—Vme• stoly brie& dwel -1 Rag si ld'brickstable.'Rierr Cherry and Race,' and Broad and - • Peremptory asie,THßllll.llTOßicsaroic two.c -,LIP/G-416'845,Nortit',Flarteentb street,' south O V O II I . "den street',-late Ploring•Garden. aboolutir: VALUABLII.BOSINRII3 STAND,Thruiltorytirink• -Istortlma4 Market and Twentieth streets. Tereerfronte.. .JACKSON cllllllT—Two:sti7 brink dwellinr, west side of Jaakkon street, lietireen &reenter and Wok: Liston, and Tenth and Illevouth streets - - • • I/OWNS/IA AV/INllllThrtioutory brick 41,81114, No. 1414 Columbia avenue, went of Weal street, ingt!- - tibutb ward." , COPTA4II IN WEST dim 314111,-4941r two4tory brick.nottign; sontkintst carrier otlifigreilia and Routh Walnut street'', West (Wester, Pa. Lot 100 by 200 feet, Two trouts. ' • - SOUTH. IRONY ST/ 1 113T—Tlirewutory brisk direD ling, • Re, 701 - Booth Pronts Wee; third house below Waren street. , HANDB6IIII RISIDERO3II, CANDIN—At corner of itiarlint and' ascend' driste ; has all - modern' improve- „. Meats; 113 feet rront;100 Seat deep.' Two freaks. - • Izivaresrm STABLE PROPMRTY:.= Two flame' dwell/lige lied large brick stable,' North Street, between Wog and Cal owhtll , lot . 40 by 1.12 feet istet: bling for 311 fiorseir • • • ' ' IRS/HALL llTlti . irr.—Neat modersidirelling, Nor '949' garobill etraet, between poplir 'and' Franklin streets. in4liD2okill, FARM AND POIINPRINDIAtin the( Groat - Valley; Chester °aunty, oMiiniletrom'a ,on the Chester Valley railroad, end one mile from stakon on the Reading ritilroad. 46 aerea, some imprOvementi: - • • • - ' 'MI:NTT-THIRD !RHINO': 8113-4,17N2 Slat Orpkana' Ceara Balo—Batate of Bernard Manila do• THREE TEIREE-STuRY • BRION' DWELLINGS, Milton street,' between Eleventh and • Tat, and Christian - and Carpentereheiets late Moinimensing. • orevof Nehe—lletate late of Abraham Baker, iinctil AEC' VALUABLE LOT . 'OB TRACT-OP LAND; 25•AORFE, Blohneond street, (Amused, ro!itt no•Eoint road), Twentylhird. ward. Will,leve, Swede on eix otheistreeoi when opened., - • - ' • • TsLtrAtiLli BICANIrIi LOCATION. atoll brick More and NO. 214 North Eotirth Attest, betweeallmat and Tlia _idleberS. - 117' Inimediate pos. session • • (' EIgILDINQ LOT,' don% of'dhilatibie arrest', b o , tisserrloptib 'eadltiftle elfeedS, ISieVeYease4 l l46; ,Est_santiork , llalii—:4llletetef of Mew Aisne L."Eollk;dec'd. T'Avp SBLX MM.'S:story briek atere , toidi 'dwelling, No , 151 , Noillelotirtkitraet, Mem °berry And Arai aridly -,- ••••• ,• • ' Serne Mitate. , 4l2At-WODERN /MELLING. No. 1.1319 A 4411024 'lank; betfaieli "Wghteenth arnit - Nlnee: . find onibeid'aireete, Extetthirer'ealiazialetwhe Of . MWMltraelkiiiik; ibbeeliefd. "STAND,—Three••story' brfek' *tote' and deal loge, DIV ; 625 Lorena% street,-bettiesu Sixteenth • aopeflarealeentis striate .19INE88_ OTA,No.—bleat three- story brick store and dwelling, No.-1017 -North -Beeond eirert'," shove, Phcenix abut with h frame building inn/Ureic Sale at Noe. 182 lad 141 1 1 WatrAii: . SUPBBION4I3II2IIek • ATE linl• 'HORS ,E 4,411- o Aarna. • ' ' ' • ' 1 1, 1( 40 1 14.-' Si'Orki,* I' l o=o4 dui Jim 'ooptd(d mitt etegiat 'photo. !Grin 149, %trot , " glatipelk - sto.,"Proui families de= 01414 bowiskoteptiti,' reizondio tko stole f n oz we,: sentence ot, 9afa. , Also; *lce Crum Tablet. • Also, a smell Venlig Pate: aims 01 3p.m/swiNr-Ypapixii*,,26olo3, —Tr!. me*tt, Alm, at the titatrow‘tiirl, lenge qteteiant ronewOod drawing-root; Nmitoo, amend lath ecibroastithi, Yrencli?pi eta piermirror, two idle' of panded cottage fqtattureroke. . _ , _ „ Also, 2 paeorames. Also, 4 plioo-olgera, plate Selena tandm. - Alio, one raperior Jawing machine. - Aloe, by order of ,the shecip, a wirooovering std drawing machine. YALU/14W) . NIKILLANSQI3II. BOOKS, JUDICIAL - „ WORKEIi , ki; June 9th, et the atietion"etopp,ialt be rold tints of aalt inedleal books, ' - I 13 ". Nor pertletilere lee esteleireee ,r s&t: No. 7708 and 4104ailt mummer& ,4010,111781 a, IenHGEISIOntL' AHD' .;• HallOttO 'OIL rAINTINOS, Oa friday staining. - - Janne 10th, st 10 &cloak . it Noe . 808 ' and 810 South slesenth etreet,"the Household lurnlture, 4 large end bliiiars;Bookossegi, ha. • Hey be 3*o . st on ,the mornlog ,ot - ot BALI 07.13TANDARN AND - VALIYABLA HOOKS, ON • Valt1(1IIIS unratarnia. BISLINKIS. - On Priday Jane leak, at the auelloia note, a collection *rebind arl and valuable broke, on 'abate; anibleate, * portion fpona aprivate colleetion. yJ Her partionlara see - - - 'itstansiee Sale 5in.1328 Market Street HOUSEHOLD YUBNITIIBH. TAT.4BIIIY 04R1111 . 8, MIRRORS.. OIL -PkiNTINGS, BAR VIXTITESS, .to., 0? TIXII 11118 MN 110T/L.- , , , - ; - • Oa Monday Morning, lath Met., at 10 o'clock, at the Western Hotel, No. 828 Market attest, the entire hotteehold furniture, in oludlng+the furniture of a. out 40 chambers. Also, the bar furniture and fixtures, gee fixtures, tr,o, • Also, the kitchen furniture. fj7" , May be examined on. the miming of age at 8 o'clock. " Isle at 80.411 Plus Etna. *Nei tiousmoura Attrutartusz, "dim:Lois. •YILYIF OtliPnTB, &o. On Toads, Mooning, , 1411itnat., at cOolcck. at Ito. 411 PineAtraat:the hones old fistalture, ;oar Wen* plate model nntroio, 88 by 68' Inches; fine irelyet carpets, Ina& Imre '; A , the kitchen turolture, retrittersior, he.. . JU''' May 1:4 eAtatita4 at $ OMDCAL on the morning of o. Sale No.:4l4lPrialklin ;treat . . . . BIIPB3IOR 71110111 , 1311 N, TAZINITRY•OAILVITB, •On Wed/wader Hornier, .; Jane 16th at 10 o'clock, at No. 434 Nyanklin attest, beloww Noble, the Rupert or turnitare;l4P6ol7 SaiDelz. Ann halt inattnacen, &0., • Ilnutkanan • Eder to limo May to alabajned at 8 o'clock on the morning of klad. • Also; a lariC Iron eats , . & Wits6s. 1101;40 ON' HAVIONY 0017 ET TO 11OINT.—Ap, ply at the atiotlau dare. -' PalVa.T3 eaLll. - .=-Shates i tho thlleotelyhts. Fid Mercantile Libraries sad Athetteam. - • (lANNEL COAL OlL.—The LUCESCO Cllti COMPANY ars prepared to furnish to Ni agara of Coal Oil a regular supply of superior quality of _tirade 011. comparatively tree from water and Dila. men, of a /Ishtar gravity, and containing a larger per (matzo of Illuminating oil than any other ever oared for sale in this market. - , Also, to Oil Dealers, a superior article of (Oarless Light-oolored Burning Coat Oil, ititiqk ego ant 'change color. ' Letters add resio4 tifbpe LVOBSCO OIL' COMPANY, (ir rr IVZO , t rii iIIILD I E I 4 .) , No. t . Ift 191.0.0_1.,11(71,ti :R i II:PEI/JOE, CANNEL COAL - ,*.•J Deelerli lit Burning Oils and Fluids, and refiners of ,Olude . Coal ODE owl be supplied regularly whit A SA• puler quality of Bathed Burning or OrudoOannet 00 4 1 .011 S, in larger or smaller queatltles, by atbisuing 'NORTH AIOBBLIAN, 011, coldVaNri,l4o. IN WOOD PITTEIBUBG. , Letters addremil, to W. B. ZOwiiiltow, PIBI'B. IMMO, will rosette BeargoVattenttota. 041autanitcr • AALAMANpNIic. Ear#B. • A lug. moortrooot of " & WATSON'S PUi&ADNIPNIA. TANB MANTIPAOTIIItib • RALAMANDSN SAT ea, - ',VAULT DOORS, BANK LOOK?, For Banks and Stereo. ; • • Equal to an n ow In nee. IRON DOORS. SHUTTZSB, &e.„ On as good terms as any ether eatalgielunent la th 4 United Slaw, ; . Oats & wATioN, NO. 28 South NOURTEI Street Philadelphia. I envy UN A CALL. - eal&W THEM D. EMODY & 00. ••• OSfIO No. 182 Booth YOUNTH Bt., MU., Bole Assets or GAO. C. POTT tI ,t CO., Moen and Shippers of the ' LOQUINTaII 00AL, from the Laos: ktonotoln, - Nees Aeltleed,_±' "' , 5 ,2..6.] satum,4om, 001UNTY, Pa, , W. CiIOO.ME CO,; • Dealers add Shipptirq of mr, scatryLML, and BROAD TOE alUdi BITUMINOUS 00A.L... ' am No. In . YOUR TN Street. "„, Watt, below- Rae*, • PHILADELpgrA Ptopriet4re BRUSHES I ' .1341 SHES 1 BRUSHES! 000 dosen._Tled Whital'ult• • I y 6oo i, NllllO4 " 2000 "Hepedeprgpe . /PO U 01414 g, 600 « , buiteti. 0 , 0 00. 611066u111 . 66. VOW sate, /MI than at aeLy other house-he the elty, by ' MINIM U. .11ORSTIIIN, 52 1401411 THIRD Strait. sslow..trelt aIILE - ROPE AND TWINE --'-Maniitac tilrea and for tale by WEAVER, FITLIIR A 00 I r 6 - 4 : l NeAlt WATER Street wed 22, NORTIt WHARVES-_ •_ . _ _ C 11111•11111 OPF E : = 251) "bags prime ' Isigat More and for We AY JAMES GRAHAM & 00., spa lOC a AR4 99 LIT/11A MO. vinsiessi BRINIXT - . 429-iikurirtlionuraz-- RALE or.r asmortaixmew,-;.. ' ° 'On Yrlda7 1t a . nmi at 10 ii,elonk;l37tlnrie • f co •#l4"4 ll € •• • 400'p - anteetee and lotini fanny and etaple dift - - goodly comprising a, mend • imminent or neneonliVe, • • .M .. Samples and catalogues ditirlr ou thi Moialss le sal - e _ i . , SITIO& BLACK • LLOWTOINSS AVID ittiISSLIS: :: - i — t • ,•, . -, On It Illoral•-, •••,.:.• j -•.' • ' - Arrinvoleol of rlithyreaeltW.* la . , ishvela. pehitas eakoisatlee. ' c • - 02111571111140 E *Also, super Mier Obantillylase nuntlen. f ' - ,- ao.tacetta - :Dtreraas.,. - - 125 newirtil• blaek-ciiikAletavtlichls dozen Pied • ' - . dcz - - Trim:3llm laws, sairtareslk, Atine• - flip cl!mFaris, ~ T OW. AND '„cppoi balni4 tleeneri inatting. P 11265 4;el, 4.4; and 64 whttoiand commit _ 2'4, 4 -4, - And. 4-4 son* baiting J. GtrinetOt I .i KRIEG_ • RiAG 0114,118 `1131317011111128; raavietpre 0i,120116 1,11t7F 8111118 On-Thuredaw g. - - - 230 instant age *Woolf At , the Phibedelplala change, tll be , , • - -HANDRIMiI - WOUR- 13TOtri treadle 'front - ) fifivestary book At Mier,' end randalare witir all lair Modem onnvordenOte r ef,teeter,"No'" • North Twentieth street , is woZbufit.Hid , order ; lot 18 feet front by 92 feet deep to' a: back et:nat. - . - - NUM IifiDIFIN , RESIDIONOB,-` situate • NO. 80. t. North:lll4pr' nth etreet,ltrniebeil with !bon:Wore 00 * - ' veniencie L end in complete order ; lot 14 - feettront' tonorloir Wearitlee - - '- - 81,900 —Bend. ant .rabitesge for $ 1 ,200 one 101 - of ground, northeast corner of Earley and Green street., earmantown, 120 feet tylD/4eat deep. .._., Peremptory Pale -- 8600.:—Bond and robitgsge for MO thron•rterr brick ineesnage and lot of ground, daunt aide of- tairsod , avenue; east of Yranklin ttreet ;- lot 20 feet , by 80. • - 8 1 ,0011. , 80nd mind Mortgage for 814220,:seanreal by a ginned rent of s 6o flenting- , out of r. lot .1 ground with a three.. it ory brick Muse thereon, Dauphin etreetb out of,Oorel streetil • - . Peremptory Pale. • . $l. eo.o.,,Grome.b.rfAnumt -taming iut in/nehmen* seems, el_reet-ey lel dep t ---. ' O . ' - ,iel.,boo —Ground-rent ...of-540- per, - insure, ieenteur out of lot or gromUL enutheuterly sideOf Dyer street, :Om* Bridgewiter Twenteztblid _ward: - - ..buggumut &What A. O. Oojle, deemed, tot j. 300.. - . OARD.-4. 11'.- Gummy +lb Soma, alMltlonesit, hold Imitable sales of Beat ,Zotato . bon A , Stocky, dta.. miantus at dwellings. - . . . gy- on air Piiist• sop.:Biglioltut-Isagg• .." irrey=deserlpir biz l li r ai g i "V i on 0 ea 7 • wan MIPt7: '' ' a : 7: - _ ,I, )1, 91111411 y &BONS, , L -1241a1 lletats Briaktm -` - " No; 520 WALISTIT Street, wow histb.:` . - • RBELLS" Sur/I'M, AIIOTIONEIRB; , - CP iao." app. hiAliff,l6l . :BTl9lWE. Me $t the eoraor of Bldg,' 1 and Willi /*riot' MAoll.lhile o l 'PAVI9IIINS, • Otk - , fotindrjr"iii Mit • ' bon !rattler tifrofsii - lithos •114200, new tiatetati .11M04 111 - P01,61.5 a.- - Alio' 1 filitruie , ' '— ' - Ett ISOOTTar -, ;;ATKPIWITEIR;:tita..4III/ ' LP* . OITIRTXM litormi; Iss;:lreas Emma • . • , BALM OF 11171 AW 000110. - ~„ On _Friday ranfi itit..;irin ba , joldasy t latn s opoloir, At 14*. 04104, 'e: geooril,oaroltatont strolrgiiodaioJulkoing. - ,part; *pal bozga6:4ZigtorpiZ..,b,lt goods arruggd for or. im*tliOn «xis am thi i nKiroico:t;salo t _ , riv,tarkgp.x: -HERIENESS.,49IIIWie a-P DZILPIIIIOIIOBB.II AND caltwlA63-ISaak" .8.31. 9ua.r or , Nlltiquad RANSOM- BOIRITIN.Ib. terson Chestnut and Walnut streets. BALI OF 1100.4119, 011111116* as. . , 011-9144403, /o, o .'_9loet, 0.4 40-Bigia a., auks" • otsm,,maiiges...•4ll-harnsei,46. , _ ' ' il;r4;tll*UsiOnLiattiale..., . - - o"Eirta i .;;;PoßD,4.-fej:rorloitirma INo. - - A.' ' II3O AFARIAT. I1 TNIND. re *ma- mint , moo asst. "PM - 81/0118, BROGiNlit. 13-AITSBNO siar-PABB ', in.,—turs.o' NiA ItOYll , -". 811111.W_ : 44kTil % jo: ' ism , 9th, , :at 10 o'clock Preolsray, win be' sal by - , es alsgar, on tone morals. aredit; a , Ilings:ratntaasue- C 4 )I_oo4, latoiawbioiansilealtstscalilipscs, tits, '&o: ,•' 'Also, Inen?s,andloys' straw kapylsdiee tad saliNIV: .' bennAtt blootiDitr AstiLlite.'4 -- " 1 - ' .. MI OSES .17,ATEIANS, AUOTEONBEW ~ A ND comitufaiii* , llo9;- i t Mr* &Fru' AtOrais oicatimis. - - -- , 1110NRY erneeet Id awls, tie/dims -.or Moue: riaidalts slew ireetosll34 43 ore ertieles44 , . stials~enr-•d!sebgdrrt, Awaits 40* r perreent ,. •zPrr ezeo . o.l-lelildy- OAF*" a•st NiltAikitile•grrisig • deresee_ot — 611.10,4111 , 141i-A90440401) 149)17ir mourn ;-?°"11=1:1 E aLleatileali• front one dollartrilbseiNadf jerk - told sfimplene . diatrionde erstelseri - Jew**, towasktifiesQ,AluSimu.' Instramits, 40. - goode,:eieurst,kwass k elookiterdwaillol7sboeklis-4,40118 na5e,e34 . 611 screed. orf, X l4 ( P 4 V-Ites 4 . ikddlieset corner mita anC.luessietriiitir.; " • PROW/WSW NOM, tritkeanatiorili; diri3 - *0414^ • laweel4roarberfl3493,..' : •'' PREAT SaR6AUId IIF WiTOREE -411 e. Aram seitsuatzum uarikeeof *At 1141110: Islir the' panpi le& tilt taV tanjeweletaad iof nu iiotrEepprisaa besC, makeortrainnsinireseseessUilealihrlo446o3B4., JP 121 6 , - geld ee ospernent liven rued hipixte,...ataitAiin rese 634 operstsse)4o44t*lllititirentorindlic beatinge.: Miser 1134115 h .Pet 4 0 3 14 1 1 -44 Itetch4o;-. :espornent law; arellepfries; Ituarttnesties anitAsSik rase, soul veryeseptetrr i/llagitelqlheitiyitiet4,4oo Qitiotler ; yes*, meek siett elliblrealer. abates pirien gold per .141 bracelets, breastpins, dnge ~inge,ear rtsga , loci, roe_ ; dallions, and Jewelry, siste Elopepteramneeipe" , . at $l5 par tkouland, la - loafs ót 430 pricy" bead d by sines 'box - - tmentitied triisiltperelieseres. =rots Keay articles •&e.; *cam. : ".. _ A superior fluaapsoot :4 r'elate6.7",enies' iocesice eaers - ef:Lesiette.. - ~usine~s°{~,n3e; fIFFICIS 'fr THIRTEENTH - 4NDI YIiIiIIINTII.STRItTA' PASBNitONN 'RAM W AY OGNYANY OP PELILAONLPHT42) ; • Boom No. 4 111 1 AILONMI - HOILDINGEL SbYWILNIIT EttreAt. - - my'l44ti ITIBE ADAMS EXPRESS- - C0 . ., - OFFICE 810,011F8PAUT &reek forwards Per&3a, Peek- Iderahandbie, Bank Nefee, and Bpi.,le, either by its 1:T111,111es, or , In connection with' other Xxprese Oomnsideni to all the pridadpal town' and antes of the United Edateo. - 15:,8aleD11011.0, enl•tf `. ‘, Superintendent: A .. _ WM. -MoELINTNEY; : ' _ ATTORNIY,AT LAW, 4 11 . PA, GRZINSBURG, Wifi priefise .14.Westmoreland, Armike,jar, a & d. m. Mani etototles. 4 ; ' . - ._ ~ aelt.tf MARTIEN3 • - 0. ' INKTRANCR gamut-AID iwrini, ogee, No 110 &mita ISURTH Street, bellow Oheitant, - ' =ZEEEII VIM MAHIAR , INLAND,and LIVE INSURAMOM *Netted, at the Lowest, RAW,' in responsible Oltleer, tree of charge to the onseted. mb22.Bm . _ A lIGUST.BELMONT, A , 8AN1C211,46.-BEAVAltaThltift rogues Lotion of °milt. for Travellers, natal , ha , all parts of the 'world, through the 1111/Ard. Rotltatinda, of Pula, bandOtv Tragildott i taloploo f and Ifigualy-ritut their Oonvoradoutu: =a . , '," vista-go- 'panes.. RAVEN, BACON, -& C 0.% Hanna & Clark's, Hallett, Dada , &Co and-A. H. Gale &Co 'a soporlor PIANOS. Alao, Ila.. eon & Hamlln , a unrivalled &LIeLCIDBONS and HeR HOHIIIJIIEf, ao desirable for Cliarekon and Laurent: Booms. - . - Er Pianos and lisiodiscsaa Solicit. • T. IL 901:1170, tialllffil and 91111riNall". STEINWAY - & SON'S • - GRAND 'and' BQUARE PIANOS, ill Der nnivereen7 In toot and reeelamMated. t 7 the belt Artlete, prof.s.• Menai and amateur performers; of Alibi eonntry. A ecen-' parison With the' beat other Arahere wilt away eanaff the wetland. at their' anparib4ll, as - they speak for: thetneetree, and narythans xnonayead trouble. BLASIUS Altos , 1008 Chestnut etreet. sah2B.lbyt,. 'SUPERIOR PIANOS. WALLISI. KNAEO3 3r. CO., eteto.PORCK ittANIIPLOTIIIOOI3 . , Nog. 1,3, 5; aid I North 1111I'LW itad No. 307 BALTIMORE Strest, betweei.:o*ei and Light streets, 141thnore, - Have always on hand a* large . m eortment 'of ttbir ' anpenor slaws. moommended by certificates g,- Thalberyr.l4tmloinehi and-other celebrated pr.fol.ers, to be equal. If not imperiteS to any Made in tie eonntryF The durability of their Pianos will be tarract e d for , Ore years, and a privilege of exchengg - p lo w cop., six menthe, should they not give tiklre satisfaction, fdannfecturLog gely, we will *Kw...d. sa d re ,: tail, at the moat reasosehlo . Ml.l4tald IN ABE tt CO. Mews. al MAtratild., No.' 22. onsvlNur Street Philrdielghla arc oar , authorised Agents, and will hen Ponateatlj on land and sell our Plains at maiselactterees plea. inhh-em. - 'OMOKERING & SONS, _ minor:to:mow or GRAND, SWANN AND VPRIGUat PIANO-FOICTES. WARIROOMs 1307 01108117 A. - grazi e r. Mutantly in store a Dirge stock-v. onr BB , caTz fIIb and lINEcIU_ALLED 11 ,1 8 . 1 tle.NTS. We hare been aw=ded) at Tae diffare.. . 7 .4ll - bitlOn in tbhi °wintry sad Europe,. 38 (3 uLD AND -.61,r1/11 7IRST- 4 3LA2611.7.DA1.0. on-is a. ft) &- I f i [Ma HAVANA CIGARS of the .ILIM.Yy'Lek/A.l following superior brands : . largo, rrnstrese, lfspswils, ' ' Golden Eye; Petrie.- - 'Vents del Rio, Velswines, Miocene, - Upniso, _ Cabanas, Pnrtegas, ' Cobden, ,to:, /to., in 1 4,1-2,1-6 and 140 boxes, of ell alum and qual",., - .' now landing from "Washington Butober, ,, lads, .74 from HaSsens, end for sale low, by , , "Ili!, CHAldaili i, ~,,,, 143CIWALfir ----'' T btreet, -FTA.VANA . SEGARS °Saws.: to 'dealers 11- atfavorable rates, of Tarim, .e.,_d brands Partagas,,Clikbawia, Wiatrq reintina, Ph* Ply, lad 'tootle's. r.a 3, " *pr.. Blo- SYSPItIN a t l " e i P a r, o g s 216 , 6 'GT , •Soutk REONT Street. RILLS & SHEET NG S FOR EXPORT. 'BILOWNIBLEAV AID & Aug maul . 112/V7- •% 1/ .GHTAIIENTINOS,• SollAlle,..or Export, for able by • PP O 2 V.INGEAId ffi WELLS, 24 Soot 4 FRONT ST., sa - ./..w272724 odsav • ILLUMINATING COAL . I. %hal to soy for,brlllisoey and duroblll;y, sod ii non.mplostre. Also rubrloatinq Cosi Oil. . - , •• - - B. B. HUBBARD BCEON, - is/54m . -102 South Wlitar.so.• ACKEREL:=~2S libli: Nos; 'l, 2; - arid 3 Pdaciarel, whole, half; aild garter bins, Original Phottga*--(). .1).. , • SADLER dt.'oo:olßo4 Mr.*. wood dal!. shore Piqua T A2 .-203 Obis Tar, is prime order, for sale bi Was Tam, F/rLNit & . CO" No 514 WASiii fittest aad SA NOATia
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