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J[A,f ar.,ilwl.l!/1,, - .. ~,;,,44.: ~S4l; 7111 ta#,c,i..l,x,'w- - - . i ~„......110.3„10,,..., „,„01,1 ,-,-. , 1' 1 T ' ----- 4iu",..- -10 111 **D-` OI 44r , 'BULDT " •-'. • • • 54. r E ?-17, VA• - ro .ifisnipArrinwiffloviit tag -f • 4 ,100g.:4 1 ,111PAt.ACKERY. - lis oirrAnnuf fir rukxoMarlia 1:0..0 :•••,' • 4, g ' A• '''q ,,' 4%?etiPeiluo, , it --- - : - 41 rW il lWt *WPM - 00c IlKesatig ' Praia lilt Tiatwaft Yirvill,10110n1101" 7- '' licasie;rit *mai 11=0:141114 won w c r o i s ,, am, .Y„ . . Itoitlirainat.= sop:* X20141.' _2! )I , ll` ill 4.1 - -•t•1110011 ,,, r1: "•• ,,, ,T. • .r.JrANO(Ligi. igs,,, l6 4locAphis (OAK ILlitorkr; -Aiii-igetitiiiiitelee v. 4 -• tef P • ,MtlEitatititzi?-71,'!.1z•:; ~Th544;,664 Annierlifillitithid 0), g , A/NOINNI't 14491114- • •'r'' • , ..1 • • •p dp s Ic-lonar , astruaqh - A irm , faNigaitup, - 0.4416 ta t- ,." stirs eta*. ,c. 414 - A , o - • - 11 dories, Posik-Finutk iug4 , 417 .c,stelLiNtc. VON Nateesti aid 41 , - , , 'Kr 7rwarlietrairts. • 10..11041 pet* aleneth witaitriciaf, I "amiiiiith':ied 3. XPNINYit • •• ife.l,ll4ot" Math Atm( 5,r :.a • WOO, , _ • sidtl P. illTolllllll.r.' 44 ' --ki t im sb enti i. L ‘t' ai dit .,r -1) ? • If. •.++ •fir . 4 •Na . ,44safiViriellr last, B. • Pf;l1011114 b 14,04 Mil I 164 I (•••;-- 1010.0.1•$•7`- 1. lio DOWN, 1 N. X. Knot Nuctik-Alit r Tw n il and $ll, 4 P - Vipitar.frt , / liturriat ALIN. Fugmalci. „ pore.: • mlaivs• ATiN.Nioxs;r r; Idisosii,irr.r,-stare 119 v- - • ---• tt. '.llaelr•striostvl44 r.t , 41>1..„ p.** . /14Firip.'. • •% , rir'F. , 4 1 1/(BASISia: "• .- 4 14 4 1 0 4110 /4 111 ‘AftigA l rtli• .2 4 • 4^1*.14..W. , V • -•• ” 1 •4 I • • :,••• • -- .ftlo. 2111FAMD, Mufti AMC' = 111;i<1.:LAtirLe.e . 9. T" 2 1 114/11111 b' v.. , ..1411 0 Ptinr,c 11,, - • - `Jl2l!!elit,AND;r OAS • : • 4 10 ,•*9 1291 e1 r ; 1 11 ,Lls" "; ads' D? 1 - -.7"i ' J • - 1 , I- _ ( biteatilittrAttlekir: l o o :lll4" 'lloMilifde'4: --NANttimotot.lt*,o4•ll-41ws; I ± • •""" • -cimi ft , l 4 p iniso - - - 044 MESE] - roblitieViracH " 010;,218.50artr1,,1. J• ' •• As, : • , litOM :411M114:49Ptri."8"Y. 001/W_ )41*-a i gif i r abe dmwr- - -fitsw.v4,lkooßs r 00. talklatricsilOgrag Otill*StiajMiff;ollaten ~ -c aulfi WWI* 006410. "is ^1.4 1 .01 14 4 ;04 4 041011yr,i*IllktOtt 11W140.110,400041. :1041_ 00 iota cm-0114ml y 71 , 0 -ACM:II:MER.J,F#74. ROGERIEL•,, tottuel.: _V.4 , I4LEELart, - Argi ,flivitsON t * sEwiNG„.MACIIIINES 1 2 - , ; A: - hog** a man oseno •,*.ed for, - / '-40 111 0 1 7,11 1 40-1614491444,e0 - 4P RI !'. ye 7 , - -!`, • • V.:-.•••• 4 iNio camitiat ests.tv,prassiritisidi44o - ' 'Ns 11,0 t a ortAPPONOILJ. - 1— W'cl ii =ktfrI t t '• iridi t sioorsam!,l l c., litatt . 414 4-` ,, xot qr.; Ti,COl - . At/Ik. _ • i'540.Z268-., 'f:lZ 4 ,Al .,4 t,'VDrat qatil Alibtlk7 o * ' - , tittll4.-t',..x,i.-ststi'.. • • • - , 0 - 0012i 0 S •• -.? • prtrANl . l", - .NEAIt , TRADR. 'PRINTS Ifi':2i-Mr-N•S;' : l3 - **E E , • , COITONADES;! DRILLS, L-5 ?•,-1 - &ions von - -MiCkeiVAND 11DYS! WE/4/i— -' i"4 • 3 , oEOrtiA L ,13 7 AX.:LY • 218.1IAIRET STREET. • "!. 'P . .' •• •," • 4 1 40.TP: 009b1 17404gEPPXY ,' '9040014 - If4lq, the Novelty of the V#0144.:*-00i':/#04004•; A , T.s - • I_9: Of 1f ) li • • . LINCOLN,,; WOOD, & 726 • ; t-. .#0 1 5,,A4g , '" 1 9: 41F ilny eo,' MOStitiFf.:WIL.BO "I,?r, & 'l4*****.i.olkak2o6, • /UV :11111 • ,Z ijr 0: - " A ?Mai/re ' •. • , • .12i rFarAN2 • I=l 44,,,4181!r4:414 oast Tryo4l44..iatt...ifoskif., .6-16ffltiatbiltia=tb;ribidoitomod.111"1= to ito Win rillaidials, stimituctixt ihOlooteltlo o444o6l6 4lmettt*Widllasi ls Wr imia, * (o4t -" ka. er: : " 1!a a• 4104 , t1e *MA, . t - ... • • • •411sofotil .ut.#ititr,le4N.W4Pitik (PaPb,s: 4 16 . r . • - • , • ESIILEIMANWegAVATS; ~, elliollßElTlttrof Street, below Seventh', ' la 4 ^WALI3 0 01 11.-- . 16 4 0 7 6 7- " • , :11;i'11,1"/ 31170 IsTauT, z ItAIItIYMITUBSIEI h • Pais! nous, U. /.4.1.14.T"? tztlolo toloting to th. • - ( 0 1 ,110ta . ' VR..,30 A Bll / 11 G . BU B J,N*BS. WINOILEBTAR fic 00, 4ENTLE4EN'S :g. ,, ,WITIMUIRSIO: OMNI torgaT its U,i ii;kg‘ Old _.6". OS 851,9 t) '4 11111011211i Waihtelittranollll•l . IVlROgritilla , willtire; as herstaire, his per outtireg aridi Masesataring .de s:, *dm (adds exisbated style of Skirts pea z e o ugmestwa.st *nue pow— ,IMlesele ; *447. jitho r Ob a bet . - • ; Ithirt4t44'!ASV:sl;l. -APE% • , W114144:145; wrgEET itvitioNstiziiiiiimi'x+iimiturppli r - :',VET4 I: MA - 1 4 1 - ' 4 I 3 EXSTDE ‘l- • : ; ', 4 14 *0P4.4*: ' - • , IrAIR4DES : T.A.II::!VP • -•4 irsor:"7 4 . 4. lA. - • • • 41011-stigi t • ' ' -- - : •.•„ • • , 11,E 11C- D-E,P OT. :,:';THE pIARGEST 2134:111g/CON. Atiilo***fliiilo)llCoe4 soboolll,lll thl, WO "l...!cdiagso; crusidatisas IV?. • Mt ai .•, " 17X Aiwa , twitgovxv; NEC RAM • .83., -, ciunrOWlEC, (lonsisoisvo) ' ' • .0!.; J. , THILD EMMERT. , CIAIIIK.WirrUptArT*4-"Air(fittiLldir.D !J tr4atile - • CAMPION. -4:4= r.! , ,'-itionjAsouva szoomo imam - • ' bi . :10‘4 0 0 0 0 lA ,07 1. 01 ; Aztapsivi asbizot Venison leo mop ti . mtuir . ft ispotklr arttolo of . tall iaooly !Leaked ;with tt- i3AMPIONPS 01110110N0,` ;itikla-thilmnittotand bats awed tkom to Do, Ve ri6 t the vial* oat imitiOf Tobloi ititozgotiza-,. hologerti* ,thoir,mrooomitrook tkiougkost thillallO#rtt.onoleWliktritoiie ,ollosaotofofthoir • = crokineelasses. .• • • „ LOOKING GLASSES. 4 ' • ;Nyet.Wthtliii theft, extthiltheith Wiggle wort -11111•11101- _ • ; o,Piti 'th El Blt , iotreiry ejefiethif ethiYielitioaki - Abdt the brd Imistat. " I ' WORM In MUM tffe.mc,O.lgAbirt! l 4o-th e mai limelqaano• LOQiINQ WAN= biittrteiaad hi the most ethataettel. ;,1 ',3 , 1091W151! A 118 slattdebt‘b7 tho. isiethfeetwe by owelthe hi au . overt iistabliebetere; ,- , LociithlG'o,Lidissits wmatuy- tom*"•for.goustry . ', • 8.!BA:011 a sox, , PIXY. T - 131 ; tOotitt: —, • • ' tt.:4l - 4 1 4.:W.0. 4 * 113 :: 11# ilf:Noatilitit iioNiOrazigiO or , - 4B.A.vt,EsTorris, Itaist" -,.IOI:IIII.tqA*MAILOPOi iii7ioll.64ll' - io•aieikiiiiiiami prises - slop' poi i:~eii4i:oediirl - ittinett• 311011Vtivoraili Obit° riainslirt, 0000: 1 4":0 01 . :!fif°4 • A 7 D , f:WSTPINIV4ZUZ. 04 --41;110aVt;iti -7' . 1043 d Fr ' MAW, 1 ; s • • me, atibot aitelttihttl'lr deh :re tp;ii. 0941 at Oa dor!. Grp -,. ZISOLIIIIIa-81$1711, '`, " 01 414011, A PAW , 006*.t. iffir4oo tblat: iteriot - raiude ifiWkruscis,,w4,*(l-4905: on*" risiitg47 , ' ."tiARS. POTTER k .BODINE'S P T I Gal T, FittTiT''tT Ai. R S gss ~PIDALLY 111114114,4111.111111 FRUITS, he . pr - Ale' 144 to 4'3.k ,akta cos:a *ad noun Till TiI4DfUPRLI&D BY P9t i ttA, &:BODINE, I:34lEiritti • por..-7ar.haeiag heen - ,saserd t'o the satisfaction of thousands of families, we'oonfliently present it to the riustioruire.' *Old attentlontoAlte an psrlorlty of onr artlelworar thoee , slog gotta -perch* far the' , gotta perelia, fro., "tiogiartOO biroilisillifOrioarifrivor to the fruit be. JONI POADif otherwiee defective. . & B. also soanntaiturirsOperior =literal, water and Porter bottles, iii4%all - klods of veep glass : 9eB-tr. Wattbes, ittuelq, at. 8.4.11 -.MY '46a Q 34, : 101313111:1 . • • BAny, , E4,krrogF,N, renie . eat t l e theit. \Otte MArble BIS ORNSTNIIT STREAT, NOW's SIDN, 11, -. 01111111. StbeikOt: - • • AID — V FANCY . 600 DO, • ' To ,wkieh thej Inette the etteution'of the puiDe. SM.VDS,IyAIip,'IKATONES,' DIAMONDS, AND , .1111DIAV ' Lin • : 4 11 . 4.44:40! , ' , V:ATA ° ;: ).1 ,T• p s ,ojtg R " 7.R,T.C . ( 4*K",'1.R3V.E LR 'lr, 2,40 . •, STREET. , irPoszigs;l4 on it'd • tall assortment of Vaeberon aaQOooitaega:WateL • J13:3,4141111,CN,.&4311.0.;,.' : - mitiatieruiutasNt IMPOiTiall OP : : • , BiLVEtr,PLATSID,WARS'; ' #4:BO * A ritheira7r, stl4o, am, stairs,' -' ' Pleladelohli. • '• bil‘bd reed for 'rile thi Trade' • /LIBETIIi 1 001‘1111141.01C sliaricufsidTa, tint), pluralists; 00elarre,) Otreal.WAITaRS, BAB.: . .• STOBSL EITQOPI%, • • ~F,0 , 40, NAVAL IL. ia4 Arkirg alElrhots or motel 0024.7 • 1 Tnlra of tk: cyst mediNGER RA/PWWY STOCKS roiciALls. Mooki or Ulf!.s./0 0 0,,PagteOPr 7 4suwayi ,now fa.OperellorkAn tbinolly Aug, those in owe of con ttreetioni -oithieli are . iterated to, W naming ; are • -; As' thew steam , • suit genera ll y before tie Bowl if Broker: 444 troll& Write one kiendoand tbe nubile irbenfiti to amid = is pint ilefirible **Idol ) a well 'silo . g ee leteilug g ive us an WITUERS,As , PETERSOX; nefiIANOSIVIOP.Pi --___.kro,lll l / 1 4t1LpWAr. 11#429'aria ,Stlbainicaler. - ROBERT -:814‘,30k/VIE ," 4 N. R. 00 INNER AND WEI puma, WHOLESALE DRUGWSTB, MAIttribiCITIMICREi OP IN OIL, wrininign•or DIURICIL PLATE WI.NDU,W G -S S DIAL7ItBIN AMISIOAN,W/PIDOW 6I UB. pinup F. KELLY & 00., (sysiiippli *nit r. Rog! & c 0.,) N . 9, 1 0 BOViii 07.#13 SWAT, • • , 1111.14.11014 e. BARS NOTES, 9045prft0141.14 PAPBEt, r iaATti y*RAIIO,. • XXOII.thIGE, BOUQUT AND /OLD. Also, !Hooka as& Bonds, bat oily oa ootaralialoa. $?, attos:tloa 'pan 'thraghoat the yountty, and ocurtosseW nay roll irotaat at isturno,:' , ' ap2-tf 1 • gatimare. iv.idEo.: ABBOTT. - - No. 18 North FOURTH ISTREET, IMPORTERS AND Din ' 118 IN ' . HARDWARE, OUTLERY;rdcrifo, ETC. All of Whieb ire offered to'Bu.rdo the mod taiora= Ile terms. , mar2B.2m tikaoeY ' 06 . 11E;14. • . •116011.711 it At D&ALffi IN . POEIGNP- AND DOMESTIC' , - STATIONERY. • itaqtrAprthaux mrtvineprzs IN sviay " AND NON: • Aftmrt ',oft 41,11NOLD'S moraiiiWKITING 5,07 OHESTNUT STREET, , u4srwho OPPOSIT. Tan grin voi7ono. [STEW :131:41100STIEIN,G, • T. COOTKINq' RANGE. . - " • • • - - Gl= pIIZNIS. • 'll4 , are iurrootOot to gave at lout Thirty Per Cent. to fool. will bake quicker and more uniform thou any Mier PatiMu'of,Bange eiar introduoad In tfili Market, AND ItIiTAIL: '1 WILLIAM Si 11$2 ; MARKET '(01*BAIE.11$ k WiLLIAIO3.) nemariale. ' I:eV, m -45,ATA'r_,.. IVIZE1.1:1_ zse CO. 4eiro remored from the N. E. earner of ' • F b T A • #3 OH, STREET • To their 197 W NO; 15 4.4 0 4 STREET; 6 100.,1)104tg wileot . lit AN ILIA. ROPE-1-Aaeorted , sized Mann. 'mid for Haw Yrol Woos &DU Nos'AVNATER lOW lat 111111011 TIC wukaivas. ~ ~, :„ A rza, t „, ~,, P/ULllDlo,Pirl#, lacritn. 13tatiolverg. P,MADEUM Ovammx `s cats. ' C9NG-RESS BALL, CAPE MAY, -N. J. THIS WELL-KNOWN 2 FIRST-01ASS: ,HOTEL WILL B 011104 FOIL THE REOEPTION OF GUESTS WEDN E,S TIIE 15th DAY OB 7UNY.• WEST & THOMPSC;N PROPRIBTORB 1859. - • - °RIO WRITE SUT A Pittra .SPRINGe. • OPEN TO irgitynvi smuukto HIOALTII OR PIMA. PERII,,PRO JUNI las TO OCTOBER, Ist. ' • AOOO6I6IODATIONti_ POE; OVER' 600 1/1111TERS: • THE ()Rio wain SUE sisndisikre aqui. ted in Delaware county, 16 miles north of , Columbus, (the capital of Ohio,) on the &lota river; 10 sailetlfrom Delaware, 5 miles from, the White Sulphur elation, on the Springfield, Mt: Vernon, and ItitabllTS Palt° o4 , and 10 nines from Pleasant Valley. or Spring' - atcluolt, on the Columbus, Piqua, and lndjannllatired. The medicinal qualities of these Springs are near- peeled by Alms, -of any other liftnend Waters In the Shined en c , • "1 - - • c • , - • For Anom Staten o,r ether Infomuition, a 4 dress - ANDREW W1L1300, 2 .1811 s,n* White Sulphur Options, OHIO. VETRITE SULPHUR AND °HALT, T v BBATB 'WM:NOB, at DOIIBLING , 4O, PA , are now open, and' rk easy of wads yjA Efarrlabura; thew on ,Cumberland Talley itoad-to Newville thence 8 miles etaging - to the *Springs, *tiara you ar. rim at 5 P. K., lame' oat/ Beer" arrangement is 80111. plate for Vahan." Board ;or week, Igt ; per day, SLIM , Reduction for famitlea.l Referenats-4u: Stool, Mor ton tdeldiehael; Baraiott B, B. Janney, Jr., Reference to the Analyafe of the Vi'storti Jae. 0 Booth' Analytical Professor of U KW: , Addreas Newyille P. 0., 2 . 00Tt & 001111, ' JeT•l3lz* = - • • Proprietors; . A NDALUSIA HALL will be .again opened .Ll.for the itecommodation of. thole ',..erho.rifitalre to make their home In the gauntry during the Bummer seamen on thefiret day of June... It le pleasantly located on an eminence, one Ale to the" north of Beading, op the Philadelphia and Pottsville Turnpike, and, from its elevated position hail the benefit of commanding a wind view of the surrounding country. from" Neverslok Hill opts the Blue Mountain gap, a distance of some thirty miles. „The 'freak country' air which 'IS constantly stirring there; and the •eneelleut watererecoraraend themselves. The proprietor has taken palms toprovide, 'every comfort and - haary within - hie rtell( for the, senomoviiitlon of We guests. , mo house, is new• and newly lerniehea—his bathing apparatus Complete, and his stabling good. Livery aocommodatlons of theleist kind can be obtained at the shortest notiee. Term, Moderate 'IAHLS It., MAI/glad; Pkoprietori mylilwfm-2m* ' " ' ;• • •• • - SdOEEW! , BEAD HOTEL, ,NEAB Ergl.7loEDi OONN. The Intbiarlbir, having frarohaved this well.knoirn Briallsisi fashionable Snugger Nouse, would inform it/ former patron, and the-pc:bac generally. that tt to to be, refurniehrd; piloted inside and - out; put In Complete' order. and opened for the reception of oompeny on- the flint day of - MlNE,„under the immediate ,inperhaten. 'demo& of OhlitlalArOWLlK llen.i.ther. popular aid' midmost favorite a; Stile eirtehliehreetet for the last tin yew. The Note! hi of modern oonitrualion, built on an ex. tansies Stele, with 'Accommodations for two hundred end fifty gnats, orommending a dnevlewot Long bland Sound. 13,1Uard, Shuttle, and Bowlig Poieme, st • spa. coolant Metallic, rom the ' Boole: `flood- lashing sad Buollnievrithln doe minutes yea. - arrengemente have been made with the' Noy pm.” don, &ankleon. and Providence Railroad:ler a new depot within one' mile .or the Souse; eel the Badbem'S Head Stu .w b:0 Also for .Igonesign (Asti, for the boarders. to and from the ~, ,Tostino',ltotelP to the "Head ," at halt pride. ' " N. B.—Mosgultom era never seen at the EOM. , , - . . • , TONTINE HOTEL,. . BY-11. Luz .SONaNTOri. „ NEW HATIN,NOtiN. ' I have made extend's improvements fie ihe'VON. Tin EOTELlMaiNprfac la the; addltlon of - new Booms ' new Pilitard-Tebleaand NO - Boom - with hat, Mid cold water.'-Fatutlisi eanhave entree or toorm' at :either Hoses, al 'hew ii atnei ArsColeatbotel, he the Siren* attention WUpe3 tA e A ` -Being the idle Ofifie 7 golaimilWiakrirg porty, sad. Levine a six. years! Meese ,' from January neat, or the r ONTINN NOTALL;MY whsle thus WM be devoted to the comfortgf the mete.. • myll•viltibe - If! SORtNTOkT., "FINITES STATES ITOTEI 4 ;_ CP,'N C t BM &NOEL N. .I'.- r The , subscriber . Woe this method of Informing hipiretemtle,ind the that on and atter JTINE 20th his bowie - will. be open for tba reception of moats. When errelyelfort will is • made to plesee those who may favor' bum. - This hones - 10 gently sanded on a lint blot!, with -lawn in front, A. fall new of the ocean. Lood.roade. stabling, &0., mike itu attractiire IS any bone in the country. The tom munleation N aceeseible by two daily lines from foot of Walnut.street wharf, via BL. M., and 2 P M. Referenete-(}randy, Warden, & CO . Rip Cheat - mitt . street. ' B. BROBBILHER, ' • Proprietor. 1,-.7MA BATH I. N G.—THS MANSION 008111, foot of Peuesylvauls - Seem*. ATIMiI3O 4411.;te 'NOW. OPRlfflor guests., or convey:deco of gementlothfgultrto.the WA; end uttriotive• nen of the tut tomtit kroyine, , gol4.4o. unrlecaled. The propitiate Ivos spated nb"palail to milting Ws natal all - that, could, be desired by 'fbiltirs. ' natal • • , CI - A L L 'W kITT.I3 STILY.I3.IIR, 1 1.../ SPRINGS, OTIBIDERT4ND 00.; P 4. , ' This &emits and faahlonsitls Vintering.inate l Plea inctly• 'nested near the base of the Blue ldniutain, four miles from Carlisle. Pa., will be'opinifor.vialters on the 20th of JIINIII. The waters of these *flaring+ are highly impregnatedwlth minerals; and for drinking and bathing are not surpaesedl* shy Sulphur Spring* in the oottutry. -The buildings are well Ventilated, and are aurrininded by 1,200 feet of- baloonies. The scenery ip of the grandest kind, and the ammulmodatlone for the awl comfort _of ;slaters are nom eiptionithle.•• 000 d • fsivo pleasant Aistyge, line Tondo, billiards; bowling saloon, and o th er gamelymid lilt the alphiPitlieripinetisily found at Watering Plasm, can be on. or 4 tiers, limiters 'leaving Philadelphia or Baltimore I 'oils ~w. Ong „train arrive at Alm' Springs at 8 &cloak -DBll7 ifugt/tor father -information address , • .I;flirliel,.oloipeNlN."do - 110. • • 4 4ATInit Pkßprot 4 Birmatioss.-- , Toba 0. Pe Costa @- t 4 Al'et Rhieditn, Bell-, Thema* (I. Percival, Deg PhD adelph ia ; Alen ,Kketted, R: B. riolliftr, MsAlaiore r Jacob, Gideon, 111%., .111 chard • Walleaki Washington, D. C. , myllB.lm rilBE UNITED' STATER HOTEL, AT JR. AM/J.ITX° OIT.Y, will be opened for the re ception- of Halters on the let of itiNle. The Hon e tits been thoroughly renoveted 'and improved, and is supplied with all the appliances and comforts of a amt. oleos, Crotel. In addition to-other improvements,' a railroa4, ko_po ponstrueted to the beach, on which the allege free of Charge during battling *mit. nisBo.luk CONRAD:A MELD. 111EPFOR,P SPRINW. AM This well•kcown 'and 'delightful Bumimer re,ort will be open for the reception of vilifort on the Pat of gi NB, mid kept open tili the tint of October. Tbe Betel will be under the management of Mr: A; whom experienee, courteous mariners, and at• tentlon to his guests glees the , amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatMent. Parties wiebing rooms, or any information in regard to the place, will address the suliseritp. ALLIN, m>9o-tier Superintendent Bedford Mineral Springs. IPRELATA. - MOUNTAIN' spatioas, -R.14 LANO*STAIR COUNTY, - YINNA. " Thle formate establiehMent will be opined by the On of JUNI. Situated ,on 'the Spimata Ridge, 60 miles west of Yhlledelgibia - , 18 eolith of. Reeding, north of Lam Meter, 40 east of llaritiburg, and taming the advantage of the pnresbeoft water, Over? Tsfleti of baths. the cite elevated to 1,200 feet above water level, with graded. and shady walks -In denim forest/,' and the mostesforisire landmape imenery in the Union, it isnot surpassed fie a Summer residence. - Aimonimodetionii fey 400 permans, improved stabling, and good carriage house"; also 111 8 0 0 0 Meek . or/ifetY horses and carriages, with sannisments. At good band of music, t ale/, ten pin alley. It Is easy of keine from all the nbove points by railroad and coaehes The proprietdr spares nothing to make it, a home. place for comfort and health. Tor farther perhoolars, zee elronlirs, to be had by applying to Joseph B. Myers. Third and Vine titres - re; Tames O. made, Chestnut street; or to the I.roprie. ter, ' - JOIIISPR RONllBlaORull, • • Rphrata Post'ol66e, L110011441t Conekty;,Peuni. WIRE MANSION 11.0117435, REAPING, PENNA. • , L. DE 11013GRON, Proprietor. Thli Well-known eatabllabnient, the favorite resort of clitlarau ..and visiters, hut lately undergone 'eaten #llo reptile, end is now one of the moat commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels in the Union; beautifully located - at the roomer. of PIIPTH and PENN Street++, Reading. accommodations • are first-olass ; the roome epaciona and airy Land the table constantly sup plied with all the luxuries of the season. Persons de alma+ of spendlog a,few weeks in the stammer In an agreeable and economioal manner, could oat do better than make a trial of BOURBON'S MANSION UOUSII it Reedit/S. 5e224 pgli . Rye STATIONERY ESTABLISH , 1. MEP, POORYR and RE.OR about tom meneing Analuesa tom end, on our shelves. a good so• aortment of BLANK ACROIINT BOOKC-Procalisory Notes ai:t Yeafts,Letteri Oap and Nota Papers. and Rio. velopesorith sown% 04) Igor t 'Ft ent of Etittonery adapt. ad to Oonotfog boom noe. O p r stoat Is bought $o .large qtantitits, eirolpolroly for CIABIL Wing tto gProm l P. ,- net of selling geode at VARY LOW PRIORO to 04 811 BRYRRO. Orders bye maßpromptlY attended to. Mare's W. PERRY, Agent, rommt and RAOR [ten lm DERBY,, STATIONER; FOURTH and BADERome assorted Pogue,' Winding ome very fine qualttleo of Note, Cep, owl Letter Pa pers. widoli we we aloofly oat VARY 'LOW. Wfd.. G. PARRY, Agent. YOURTH sad MOE. A LA.llGil,_ assog,tment of MISCELLANE- , li Otig BOOKlii.'initoble for Bummer Tooling, BILL /Se LOW, at PERRY'S, V 01138.1 H and Ft Olt 11,8 INENB FOR MEN'S WEAR. 14 Aim*lopsi Linen Clompanp's sttperior style Brown Wien Codlings, X and X i 'varions abodes Brown• and' Blocked - Linen nuts, yellow. styles; Brown Linen Trills.- A °bolos easottment of the &bole Gods now cniumplikisiad for ago by: JOBSPII lAA; did-tr : , . IQR sod iRdINTRATNITT Atreet •iclovvlNG MADiflrrEt7fif Most ap, j,ll - proved P3lteras, for e•le by 0. B. BOOBBS. 104.0t* No. 111. MARROW Otroot. rr 4 R.-200 bbi's Tar, in prime order, for J.WltaVitia, 'RYMER; 00.. , 23 NOM. 4 f4strootinds9lllo)Bni•WEl4lYl4. •:7 "' • It ,„ -0 s. . 4 Itild 10, 1859. Quina 4 3 of the: _derato;‘; man f ,l ‘.' upon Or oratio, they ai 'Web the following article from, the ilillnoie) , Heratil, as one of the algae (*Lei; , but wish it to be distinctly latt -ti4 t!Lis' journal is, committed to-no • 4thti , .tfellidoney, but prefers to stand 1 51$0 . 0rtaill8d principleS of the DeMO• 1 and to , follow the flag upon which • 1 t:M m inse ed, wherever it ay lend : ..,c -- DOUGLAS 01t DEPNA.T. ' The' riviction that Judge Douglas is the only Demon, who can be elected-President, is becom in .mo I , deoply seated every .rlay,,.aird growing' wider , '. 'Wider 'every hour,. it was a similar °envie ,whioh, taking porkessien of the Demo °retie., 't artof „the country in the days of Old Moho '.resttltecl in the nomination and eleotion of Gon al nehmen to the Presidenoy. The old patriot- lire new as nnaceeptablo to the nullifying Are-eat • orSouth Carolina; and their coadjutors in other,? 'nil:tern States, as Judge, Douglas is to. daY..lr • that mattered not,with the great mess of thefpeo , whe act and s o-operate, with, and in fact re Oute , the,DelneorattollorlY• TheY wants. Mitiodat - Union Presideet-»one'ithOse rumps •adiatild entbfece the whole people, whose merumr . .tpirblio policy. would- look to the wel fareeat•' 4foleetitY of a ll ,interests in every see, tion of: .. e 'country, and who enjoyed- the con& dense he messes in all the States: 'Aida - team:an that Al . the bill they .foupd, in those days. yin Gene ~ ackeon, preoleely as they,now find him in Ste :Y nA. 'Douglas. The only opposition there is to n . jites,,,disearding all mere party names; comeaf , 'Jam classes of fanatic& One clack re-' sitle :la ,li at :Ida:North, acid qindst pitt .oongr "akell,legislate against lilivietit. fn e - Terri , • enr; -The ;other , . °loss, reilditig, 'Ohio y • at the, •rik, insist thatOongresseltall legislate in favge Tralavery dn.-the Territories.. Douglas insists spat Congress - shall- do. neither--tnat' C ongreiershall legislate nottlier for7nor against, slavery le the Territories. The' position main tained, 'Judge Douglas upon this subjeet 'hap been th position of the Democratic party for years Past t , was the position sustained by tho people ,NOTM I South • in the, election of both Pierce i andlla !man.' It Is' a position that is entirely aooep eltireasonahle men of all partied in all partite , i country. •It is the only position ripen this an 'et that 'ia vinsistent with'the Clonistitlf tion, or that will. maintain and. „perpetuate , . the peamsfu pd.barmonious existence of the Union. Thep le - of the ibuthorho seek no undue, ad ventsg er the people of the North, are content that Ce' - easahall pot legislate in favor of slavery, lif the lad thepirth shall remairieonally eon . teat tit Donee's: shall not• legislate against sla- I very.. , at -more could the people of either sec ! Hon. ati ' demand?.-Bat it is jest at this point that tb' :Ahern fanatic steps in and asks, ~ .How are we' -get slavery into the Territories, union Cowrie 001 enact laws 'Protesting it there?" And-it -also just at this point that the Northern Janette pain and asks, "Row are we to keep elavernit of thnTerritories,:rinless Clongrosa shall *neat Warn prohibiting • It- there?" - The-' mistier of the, ' ohs Demoorat,,one who stands squarely, upon'. this' platform of nondntervontion—is, If yen want 211,every in a` Terrihnyi Move to the Terri tory an t la and - vote for it there ; or: if you do not; iranCilivery to emit In • a' Territory, move !into., tbo Territory,- end Oppose and *vote , [ sgatostite.introduotion and' existence,there. In this Way,...the whole question,may be bent "Out of national politics, and the power for mischief and 'danger_ to •the . peace and integrity of the Union-Wren out of-the bands of these who live upon agitation, and seek to ride into Milos :open , .it, bothiNerth and South. , The question' Ig. thus thrown Mut of the , arena of national politioa—and who" does'not desire that this" may be' done at once, 'Unpile is pot heartily dolt and tired of thig perpel din and hambuggery, and tone:fealery ,ahoutrnigiers ? Well, this lc the position of the Democratic party, and of Judge Douglas, and it'is :beeauseJudgeD. has been the boldest,' - ablest, and Mhst 'so (manful adroonte of this cardinal =mini of thepeutooratio creedz-non•intervention by Con ;grin 34tir elnyery in qtate 'or Territory—that thireDPl Fest le spontaneous ' fooling throughout the cotry final*: urn be, ougkt to be, and tags; he el ect ed the next President of the united Stites. refs biftieuse. the mass of the people' knew Judge Dough" to be a atstesman of more thanitomen in tegrit*anilierd firmness, upon this grea p t orition question, that 'they O him' for that exalted ;':ancl lt is bees* they entertain doubts whetherany ether public fearp,ugPfesidelatial stature, possesses equal _ integri4 and lirntnesi s ' that the Impression—con viottootather—iegrowing deeper and wider, and 'gainia ground da i ly .that he is the only liemq omit posaibl.vbeeloided ?resident la - 1880. "plga, ' levant, thia intelnablealaverybkoll 'put apvieg-Aussi.ttut . et.waY'o4•it: - then'make Doggies Presi dent . The politicises ~,fe.y.pesetf, l ieleatilionglae out of the 'norpitiatio4 at Charleston, but If they 46,1iff indleations now aret-theugh 014- PN'I Possible change by that Alms—that- the people will cheat the politicians onto!' the preeldent;by defeating et the polls the man they nominate. No Denlotrat doubts that poßglae could'a4vioulrbe elected, if Dominated. And not one pernoorat in a thy:wand new believes —whatever he may believe a year toole-,-that any other Democrat in the Union could -be °hotel, though endorsed by forty Pharleston Convention's. Why, then, plionld liernoerata hositato to express their-solemn and deliberate convietions upon the noblest .1 Why should' they, by bolding back, permit the politicians to trick and trap, and plan,- and arrange for the nomination of a candidate that cannot be elected, when, the voice of the whole couctry points to Douglas as the roan that can be elected? When the choice is. manifestly, Douglas or'defeat, what Democrat, or what man worthy of the name of Democrat, will hesitate to choose? The Democrats of the South will be called upon to choose, first between 'Douglas and defeati' arid neat hedireen Douglas , ttn& Seward. •That they will unite' witli' the Demooraev of the North in drat pieferring Dough* to deceit, and afterwards preferring Dots to Seward, we do not miter ourselves to'doit efor a Moment. A Candle Lecture on the Sons of Malta. Di. Rogers, of Batfolo,- has joined the Sons of Malta and the B. B. D.'s. Bis wife is in the habit of reading Min curtain lectures. Tho one whisk follows is reported by the Republic of that city "Now tell one about the Sons of Malta. Won't. you? Do, that's a good dear. _What do you do 'when you get in it? Is it the same as the• Masons And Qdareiloise ' And then there are *bat they call the it B. p.l.'Yon about them, too, Well, nciw„whit don't 'sou know abbot?. is just as - I expected. You"know' all about every secret 'society in existence, your poor door wifelf allolired to hay a thing that is .o,elag en. lions of gotta, ati4 fOlOttigo iqajoty b ea dy el; art of paluttn'g, strituary t and' mathematics The B. p• D.'s, a felitons sometz;, and Pang. kat limited a etriot moral a "plane p snosion ere admitted I Well, Vtu haat now. And you a member Now-it'd my turn to laugh. `rho D.- B. .I).'s a moral' institution Ira! - ha! ha Look mein the [two. Didn't you some boons the other morning as drank as bolo? Yes, drunk, and I asked you where you bad bean at that hour of the morning, and you said, oh! nowhere, you: were buttaking a little recreation with the B. B. 's, and that's what you call a moral institution. Wasn't dranh ! tljen l the beg was, for yog went . itihree hr font , times' before yob got in; out. Itid._on to the side for fear:brboing' tam. bled out. ;you p ain obeat me, old fellow, I've m p seen t oo g o f tbe World 'not to know when ,a man's drank. ' "Didn't drink anything but Mean glasses of buck beet. In the name of Jupiter Ammon, what are we coping to? and a moral institution at that!. Only ilftten glasses, you say? What are the strong..mbided women about that they don't pet!. Lien tho legislatute to have these secret societies abolished? And bowman) , glasses do they drink at the BOAS of Malta? - Unless conditions are good, don't drink at all, , Don't allow such things there. Conditions! I'd lice to know what *radians have to di with it! Can't be a Son of Maltawith. out conditions. Well, I would just like to see the condition:, and see how it loOks. I suppose Ws a piece of statuary. Turn over here what under heaven ate you laughing at? Can't' help it! I'll make you help it. You haw, hawilike a wild jackass; what's the matter with you? Chronics and rheumatics? I never would hare married you if I knew that. Sixteen White Children Recovered from the Indiant. The 03610100 m of .Indlan Affairs has re ceived the following interesting letter from the Ruperinteldent of Indian Affairs in Utah I 811PERINTANDSNT'S Orrice, Utah, 1 . Gazer BALT LAMS CITY, May 4, 1859. Fin: I lave „just returned from a very laborious and diillealt trip through the southern portions of this Terrlbry. " I have Succeeded in recovering sixteen children, end. have them now in my possesslon. It is said these areal that remain of probably one hnn •dred and forty men, women, and children of the MountaimMeadow massacre in September, 1857. In December last there was a small boy among the Navaips near the Colorado, in Mexico tar tory, who . it ' is supposed also belongedu t to this emi grant trail. I wilt allude to this boy in another' oommuni tion. I was positively assured by the settlers i the neighborhood where I got the children tat I have all that were saved. I have good reseal -for believing that none of these chil dren havellved among the Indiana at all. - Thosaltdren average from about three to nine and a ha , years old ; aro intellectual and good looking; ant one mean-loOking child among them. 1 T have eilleqted the following partio alerts in re laden po !ilea children : ' let, pall in, new seven Or, eight years old; does not remember his name; say/ they (his fiiraily) lived at Horse Read, Zohnsten Comity, Arkansas. This boy lad father, mother, and five brothers older thanhimaelf ; killed brothersnanied Ileum Jean . , Wiliam, and Larkin; and four sisters— Nancy, May, and Martha; his father Joseph, and. his riotber Matilda. ,2d and 3d, Ambrose Miram Trit, now about seven years old, and Wm Tag t, now about four years and a half old ; the elder y says they bad father, mother, and two olderthrothera killed. lie says they lived in John* county; and when they left the States hu a grAndfather and grandmother living. 4h, Prudence Angeline, six years old ; and, 611,1 Annie; had father, mother, and two brotturs, named James and John, all killed. 6th, a - gil about four and a half years old ; nays her time is Frances flown or Kern. 7th, a hey now tmut three yearn old. I have no account Of this ho . 'Tholes nith villein lie livad eallod him Willlan. Bth, Eliza W Ruff, four yearn old. 9th, Sophania Or Mary Huff, about six years old. 10th, Ohmes-Praneher, seven or eight,' years old' ; and 11th, onto, about three and a half yearn old ; had sister 12th, Betsey, about FIX years. old; and 18th; ) 'anal OM four 7eate old; have no NI. , , „ 'otamt of those. 14t1i,- ibtb, an 16th, Babson Louisa; and Saiah Dunlap. • • In conversation with these children, I learn the they resided in the came neighborhood; my. im pression . 18; I:41114001y' ip Johnston county; Ar kanias. ; , - '1 iernain, very respeotfully, your obedient ser vant, , J. FORNEY, : Superintendent. of Indian Affairs. The Fairmount Water Worke. flor The Presej I am:pleased to fiad that pahlio SIR. EDITOR attention Wu; been &cirri, through the oolutene of your paper, to the work of destruotima which has beep commenced -at Fatimohnt, by bliattitg the rooks which support, the resorvoir, for the of procuring ,building material to erect 'a. heir whoel•houee upon the mound dam. It is a matter of surprise to every intelligent person, that Councils should have given such a hasty sanction to the proposed plan of extension, involving, as it.does,ttnnceessary 'expense, besides endangering, in all, probability; the safety of the works and , seriously impairing the beauty of the grounds. - The report of the engineer, upon :Whose recom mendation .this plait was adopted, if examined with ordinary care, Will satisfy any one that the new building is not needed. Al that report pro , poses to accomplish can be attained at. the same expense, and much more efficiently, by substitu-. I ting tarblne ,wheili; in - whole Of in - part, for the breast. Wheels at ;present in - use . It' an - entire change is made in•the wheels, the capacity of the works can he inereased to 27 their, present limit." If no greater change is made than can be eroded by the expenditure of the, amount proposed , in'the engineer's repert, the result will be the same as byths method adopted, While the grounds will bi eared' from-spoliation; -and 'any 'question widish 'may arise an to .the,seourity'of the dam entirely, dons awaywith. , A'glanee , at the report of Mr. .Birkeebine, for 1859, will' ' 'ln "the'Wheel-honse there 'ate 'at prestitit' erg tt' breast-wheels,- eaoh , fiftetufeet iniength, and one, turbine of seven - , feet diameter,. lkis apparent, therefore, that so far as space is concerned, each of-these breast-wheels might be replaced by 'two turbines of the tire of. the one now in use; and as the'egicienoy of the thrbtrie'-it one-third greater than that of the breast:wheel, , there .would be a 'consequent. increase of the, capacity to two end two-thirds their present daily supply. The pre sent capacity of the works is set down by Mr. M. at 13,000,001) or gallons per day..We should, there fore, have a capacity equal to 80,000,000 daily, being 18,000,000 snore than the average dailyoon samption'in the month of July, the_ the consamp tion is -greatest. This, 04111 bo seen; is theta!, most limit of supply with-the existing Wheel, tonseey ' Now, let us see what Mr. B. proposesdo do with. the new building, lie recommends the replacing of one of the old Wheal, N 0.4, with a turbine and two pumps, and the creation in the new house of two additional turbines' and 'fear pumps, eaoh' wheel to be of ono hundred-borne power, while the old wheels have ti - poirer only of from thirty-five to forty horses. More di - an increase upon each Wheel of one hundred and filly per cent, of power, and of oonsinuent eMottineyl- odd -it would , seeta to mo that the firstquestion which sash a propoal.' lion would- suggest woold.be something like title; “Bow is it, Mr- Birkenbine; that - you replace one, wheel by a turbine, to get an additional . power noel to slity:tiorses, and then,' stop:short your process of substitution; ,and reAttlre. is to build a. new 'house -to accommodate yourAwo, remaining wheels, when thexeplaoing of four more of the old :wheels with turbines would give,the sameresulti" TO' this question thereoeuld ave'beennh sditicient answer given. . ' The east of these turbines Mr. B. says, is $14,000 a piece: The cost of, tbe now building is ESTIMA. tun{ at $15,000." The obst "Of'bew Mains; conneo lions,, eta., rpndered necessary, by the erection, of the new house is $1,000.' go 'that' If : tie • '44 0110 Y which is to be expended in - build i rg, mains, etc„,. were expended In trubstlinting tu ine for breast-, wheels, wonld nearly_, not qu te, porter two additien'alstufbinel:' Upon the basis,'therefore, of the proPosed."exPenditure ,by B let us see what' watild he the comparative result of the two. plans. - - , - . . The present capaoltyl of the works, with eight breast-wheels end one turbine wheel, is 12000,000 Of gallons per - day, at' the 'ma4iiratni the'breast wheels being eaoh equal to - a supply of about 4.;zl.so,flogpae day,' and the turbine wheel; with a single pump, to about 1,700,000 per day. If wheel No. 4 is replaced by a turbine with two paws, its capalitty will be &milled, or equal to 9,000,000 gallons pet' 4n7, and'the two - additional turbines will yield about. 5 , 200,000 per day. We shall then have-- . 1 turbine, 'filth singlinump, yielding' 1,700 003 7 bluest-wheels " " 3i l gOir 3 turbines, with ,gOO, 0 - - • - 18,600 000 - his. Birkenblne's estimate of the result is from sixteen to twenty ,millions daily, althongh he dole Wei Vrif 'i‘ethtiv litirhioirhet armies' the' ow, let VA goo what will be the elPot of expend ing the same amount in the substitution of turbine for breast-wheels the present houses. By this Mode We would haye- 7 - - • - • 1 turbine, With single 1-700,000 3 breast-wheels, " et " 4.1400,0q4 tarbines, With two pumps, " 1,3,000,000 • - . ismo,boo prepieply -the same result, and with thiS for their advantage : The turbine la unaffected by the tides or by freshets, po that'While the breast•wheet Is idle from four to sue hours in each day, the tor. bine is constantly operation. In the cue of freshets this' advantage Is even greater. The wheels at Fairmount have been stopped for forty honra together from - this cause, which is equiva lent to a loss of twenty millions of gallons, beady the amount of two days' oonsuinptlen in the sum mer season, or one-half dr entire - oontent , of the reservoirs.. _ „ , . „ • 'herd' ib anether - point of. viarr in whieh the 'utilitY'of the turbine, and theinutility et the new house, is still more appar e nt. In seasons of drought the Oapoeit,y th 4 works is' limited by the aitpply of the eater to tan millions per day, with the present apparattis. Now, .it is apparent to,. org p y a, that to inoreabg the number of whoels without snoreasing the sup,oly ; of water power, adds nothing to the °opacity for supply at sash times: Either nothing is gained, or else some, of the old wheels must remain idle,while the new ones do the work, and the only gain there is, Is due to the - superior eidolenoy of the new wheels. Hence the most economical modeof accomplishing this result is by the substitzition rather than , the additton of turbine Wheels., • With the foregoing faota and 44131%655, itishard nnderstand itoiwtEe city anthbrities ihouldshave portnitied theinselved to be led into sanctioning snoli a plan aihai been' adopted. Even if Mr. 4.'e report had not contained withil itself the; bade for forming a competent judybent npoi the mat teri`the seperforlty of the turbinb wheel, its coat. paetniss add eoonolny, are:sky/ell isimwn, Cane *ill shoidol have supposed ?Use inquiry "mpg bare, tbeen mane, 41 to, the nec t epotty for new buildivge, efore !my 'step was VtiglitAt is Apt top late to stop the rayaggs of b,sd Amite and bang ludgaiegt et Fainlionnti and we earnestly but ye peotiblly call the attention of 'oouttoilo to this motter,_ ClTlzlart. , Letter from Ohio. Oorfeepondeioe of The Premed Your asTowr, Mohonigg co., , 4ano 6; Dgs t u Oor, ;'Aber my steotal regards to you for 'he welfare of 'hB Pres s, . I forward 'an item of 'K loformation Wh may be of some tutored to yortr rati.larst On last @tannic* , snorning the weather set in sold and qloudy, with some sleet falling at 6 A. M. The day was cold, and fires and great coats com fortable. Sad apprehensions filled the minds el' ferment and gardeners for their early vegetaisielit and oven the wheat crop, it Yet quite tender in the covering that shields the berry. 'the night sot. in clear and gold, and 'Sunday morning re vealed the devastation, and our worst fears seemed to tie realised. The frost bad come upon us like a " wolf upon the fold." Corn, potatoes, toma toes, and leant, with the entirenfamily of Vines, are out to the ground.' Grapes, peaches, and, in some 'mantles, apples and cherries, whioh were so 'promising, were killed outright. ' The large and - beautiful garden of ex-Gov:-Ford, - with its rare exetio plants and luxuriant vines, promising at lout two hundred bushels of grapes, has today the appearance of, having endured the poieoneas blast of the strew of the desert. The extent of injOeyeestained by the wheat aro' (if any) does not yet appear. ,No innovatignshave as yet beep noticeable to the appearance; of the fields, and the probability is that. the wheat, of which we expected more than an average orop, is not injured at all—in all the samples shown,' the covering of the berry being podia, and so far ad vanced to maturity as to withstand the frost and shield the grain. _• Our only hope of recovering from the. crisis of 1557, which-has premed us sorely for nearly two ' years, is the, harvest. in view. For two years past our crops have partially failed ue, and, last fall, mare than the usual number of mires were planted, all promising fall rewards' to the farmer for his Industry. In the wool market there is nothing doing in this region. -The clip is not more than an average, and large growers seem inddlerent about selling , at prices offering ; and times are dull with us, at least so runs the story, notwithstanding we have tour furnaoes in full blast, making at least four. hundred and sixty tons of No. 1 metal per week ; a rolling mill, running on full time, working up one hundred and thirty (130) tons of metal into bars and rails per week, with $11.• other branches of trade moving forward accordingly. I suppose you think us " oroakers - ;" but do not be too fast. If it were possible' for you to know the smallness in amount of our "Circulating medium," after deducting company orders, and the manner in which the laboring man is paid for hie labor, you would no longer condemn us. it does seem as,though all business was conducted upon a oredit equivalent to the time of six months. Politically the horizon is clear; the doctrine of popular sove reignty is triumphant in Ohio, and our State ticket is composed of most worthy and available men. More anon. Yours, THIS FORAM' Alrb WILLIS OONTROVEIIBY.—, On Tuesday evening Mr. Edwhi Forrest presented to the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, now sitting in New York, through Worshipful Master B. D Holmes, a check for $5OO, for the use and benefit of 'the widows and orphans of Free Masons, the sante being the amount of ' a verdict recovered by Mr. Forrest sgainal , AIL .1?., in 411. action Or libel, The donation vies so-, oompanied by a letter from Mr, Verreat, stating that he did not bring the snit fig the purpose of recovering Pecuniary compensation, but- for the vindioation of his Character, and he therefore wit, liuglY devoted Vies,liipinint of. the vordlot Otis nOblit Otitrky, _ 'aria nursuinee of 'a Call -liana' by, theAmeticari 'publican State: Committee, .4 Coneentkel of delegates, , representing the varioui tonutiii In the State met:at ' ' Harrisburg on Wednesday( ruse iii.lBslr, frith* Hell of , the House of ItrprepantativerixforehopuipoolcOL nomi nating candidates for theaSeeta_Auditorpeneral and' Bah /00r Ginerittn' -Jr ; At ten Warmth, the hour amid tr,the meeting_ of the Convention,n it nu called to ord ers by Henry K Puller, °barman of theltatir Central Committee, when it i ~?dr,, , Rdia, of fituncirest,moved thallorton Molflchiel; Req., of Philadelphia,' act at 'temporary ''Shailinen, which wee tinanimonslyngreed to.• , • -_ Mr. McMichael, on assuming the °hair; mod e a few able remake:" He wee 'loudly applauded during ?deters. Rahn Nicoll, T. %:ilOrtli . , ' l,-Bogert and ,Joined Mahaffey _were apppointed at ' Mr Mime, of gastnibanea,,lnoemt that :the 'sears. Aeries proceed to read, the ,liseof delliatie; and that, ' the gentlemen Pretent - anewer :to ;their. maces, which Woe agreed. to, And the, roll woo "; r. Oen moved that ' committee ,M . nine be' sp. Debited on contrated seatainhiek win: agtvisd to, ind the Chair appointed the following gentlemen : B;Oliase. Susquehanna ; S'ohnltsll; Whittington ;. h. 0. Jordan, Dauphin; Leonard Myere;Philadelphia ;- Daniel Driesbacki , Lusirne John. - -A,;llitegand, -Len; outset J.: W. Puller, Lehigh; Thwart BIM., Washing , ton; Kirhpatr l ek, Allegheny." •. Air. Petriken moved:that a. committee of one !rain etch ;13onatorlid district be, aelented„b7.the rielegates t out the reepective dlitricts, for the - purpose of selea. log permanent officers of: the' onventioni Which tae agreed to. The following gentlemen were elected, for 'that purpoee, as:' -Allegheny, John M Kirkpatrick 111041,11. B. Carnahan; Berke, John, A. Bateman; ,Belviit, he. Heeler; Bier, lanes Swank; Biadford,'Airi - P:M Os tsrhatit ; Binh"; ,B. .11,:,Taylor ;I:ljarbenkho-- T. 8, Beck; Cheater ire , kmuel B. Thonits; Clarion, Saud, Young; Daup hin; P. It: Gilbert ;Mile, T. It qteanedyi Payette,Lauffer; - . Prep lan, Dr. B,A. Huffish& Huntingdon, J. Brinell' Ste'ward' Ms Stewart; Lanemtee,lBMutiel Sloane] Wm: Handl ton -Lawrence, 0. R. Ramsdell; Lehigh, William. Hr Gaunter ; Lunine, Charlet Pariah ; Clumberhead;Kirt Haines; • Nontiomery;-.W; .13goirosossr, ~ PhtlsiclalphiSts John H. Butler, Winiato Curry, Csorgip.W. Sammy, and John H.' B thistle:yet ' Schuylkill, Retie* ; - Snyder, Israel Outelitis ; Tiop,,William Union, .B ,R. ketrlken; Wathington,T.U.. Maxima ; Pork,4aseek flarreths. . , • -- - • Hr.-ChM% from,the Committee on Oredontiale, made_ a rep?rt admitting the -following ientlemsnlrom Mont,. pinery &nay ; ! • 11 . 1 Sanatoria Delegete,,-Colonel ,W...6eluuntm; 'entities Delegatee,'Jobn Wilton, General .Toseph tailbone*, and-Henry EV-Oftner: • 4 - , Tho report-was unanimously agreed to. The Convention then itijoerned for Bailin minutes. In order to give the Committee on :Permanent Omani-• 'anon en opportunity to perform their duties • The Clonvennen agent - assembled at s. quarter to and the committeereportedthathey had agreed on the fallowing gentlemen to oompolisthe permanent. Offimip of the Convention.' The report was lead I$ fut. lows ' via ',;i2 , 'President-DiVid,Teggart, 'of HortistiMberland. Wieel Praidderits—Meets- Mimeo' Ini`eia' hare, J'ea v ii Ray*, Levi!. Smith, William S. Quay, inunnel.Cal '; 8 B. Chase, joseph Nall; H. U. Ranoh. Dr. lilernod Harvey,S.LOTlewe.A.'o":Jorden,.Janaesiiill,-flathan lel Jiving, 1., It.' °unwell, John- 0- Wan. A: W., Taylor, 'amen - ALehsley 'Daniel 0. Monter,' John 8. Pornroy, G. Driesbaugh, 0 :HOC/- vet., James Rittenhouse, Kennedy tellOaw, °mud My ere; Jamis M. Marks, John' A. Nether; Sei bert, ,( horse , A. Yrick,; Benjamin. Aley, ,, ,,lleorge W. • Chambers, David EL Walker , John Bair. - ' - I Beerstatich—Slestre. llrrett,`ldultus Bogeri, Kama' Slocum, l'AlfriwterLiehoLAl fitoeveril, T. Worth, M. B„Buakley, J. H. Robitieon, W Boyart,' Henry A,'Ritter, Henry S. Hitter, R. 8- Stewart, Jacob B. Serrili s ii. - Purmsnee, James ,(I. , .,Auatjo, Ildenry - Stomp , - -Irrie reporter's unanimously adopted: •r; ; ' -Kr Taggart nude the following , 'Gentlemen Of the Conventlim: If the honor yfin hive done me is to be measured by the high shit/stet Mid in . teldgence ot,thie body, or the politioalmerniftd moral grandeur of 'the patty 0 reprerenti. - then, Ittaiiirla it an honor lobe 1 - Vrekkgratefully sppr*' Hever ,before is the ktetory,of Pecnoylvanitil yds M 'OmeitattinGineenibied tereherkileder more fimirable ateninetinoes:-. - Ifivlng behind It sp great a, numerical -- forriel - Pro:darning more glq. Moue 'and:mien' 4repatebte -Rise beim* me the picked men, of , petty, ,Irbieb „Irtenes./ 1 4- - °bongo/48Y and quota/Money open - thi` broadlist oractical.-,-,plotfortardefithumen liberty, and which avows _itself, fearlessly, aid at , all times, the ar ptori- of 'Aka:loan "Intimate • iiid - =Amitricar' Indus m+ try. - Sothis *it greakAnteriewitlkopublthin4artr of - Pennsylvania—as strong to-day In hot &Mitten prieelf plea, and litrongey to - 41sylii the nititede at Stn rents,•theit iny pirtjthetwierk in alitodin the Cloissiosork. wealtliso strong.thesnothing abort of internal monotone, inatigatedAry petty pique and gm:zonal dlean pointment, can endsogertts emaciate. I trust in , God, xi° faisti.haaited traitor can De found td strike the fetid Wow. Three years ago, neesurs-the. greet:Opposition' party of ths Tfaited States wee ditidad, ',via, hal, man was curled into pager, kroptale r Meprity of nearly 4(0 Oki.. • - 1. . W e, 'thought it then a terrible calarnity; bat. thank Barren for blitweihnele, pi has proven himself -to bbyp this moat elliblent 'ally, out party'rbiequidl !Awhile never omitted 'e ahrgyt opportunity tannin %Mr strength, and verifyonr predictioos, ontiLlito support:- eke in" eierrileet.onfofi e" country tyre forted to e* claim, la ittentOrdr; Orticr erraber;.!,.`Herwlong 0 fltiehetian you cordirrneto,abosemorpatlenoef , Usury Clay soil Boatel Webeter, in the Wiliest days -of their - unclanded hitelleete,' , wersving theddSlifell OithefainiDeMOMlley meth. eol*lge timorous, neva. fa, and .treaelserime, old man i er , 14 they Davealetated to power . /Mem- elf .1857, to thopreaent moutenVits him avail - • kinilielf qc every adandOeidglgg_dirnothe mud. Elapsed. .ti tit ,oneirPatlinizertif he begialgi" the top,: and. klaid Over -the highest timbers drat. Walker and Douglas,-Norriey and Hirdonte,Haskin and Clark l--come of OWN hartaliown thillsolloll., sounder at the heart, and much ,otherer, of' imp, ,llian we *poi gene thegi eradit tor 'hang,' for they hate not lielhen io thelqu• • Butakeugn tney_did not reemetintineelveti,. l - lhey made sad heves emong iamb limbers' sad ttonwood slabs below them - . ; The shivered 'splintery are tying name all around lupin Uonnectlant, New -York, New , Jersey, Ohio, 'Ltd ens, and aims even down in V irginhit But the worst chattered "of = anoint all, ire atilt' weave home, In Barks,' Montgomery, Plellaleiptils; Nbithitm, berland, Montour, Clinton, 1111 c, ,Cumberland , and Franklin. , And we don't care how Rainy they AM gel. if we tell them so. And'although I am happy to say that It to hardly p %Ole for any pun, or nay , stet 91' men, to deprive us of eursees, let me remind you that we Clui effort/ to be' forbearing and generous. Let me remind you that what: We bating on one another, we take Itom,the team:ton foe i—v. foe I :, -that. delights. in forging *baths in, Aniet-icans, while it takes equal lief light ih fostering foreign interests and foreign lia llastryi Let our flag wave not wily over a canip napalm in Tie,: tory, but lierrooniorie and w,dlvlded in its_eaoltatious! Gentlemen of theConyention Of erearee era grater fa to, yunfor.the comfortable' seat-Fed - have tangoed ,Me. I win endeavor to All it and deserve it. . Whtist Mr. Taggart trade hie ?gelatin, he wee feel, greatly applauded By the delegate.. ' Mr Todd move i Oust the chairman appoint a cool: nattier) of lane on resolutions, • , Mr Dickey Moved to - emend tke ethic in such a man', nab that the delegates aslant On. member from each senatorial dist ice, for the purpose of forming a , ortn. mittee to report resolutions to the Convention; which was agreed to without: divination; • ' Mr. Hissuind movedtbet-the Convention riblir ptoeeei ,to Make general. nominations for Auditor Gerona! and lineveyor General; which aid livseB - • VILI,TOCIIII LL." Ho. nominated Geo...V. Lawrence.— • Mr Garreteon T. E. Cheitunee. Mr. lidie rl P. Jur. ' r Hr. Rauch " iartee. - : Mr. Camp 4 , , loyton, Gatelfrui . W. Snyder.. 'Mr Serviettes, J. N. tociinoted .1. H. S ullivan. On motion of 14.. the nornisattons for An; Otter liquarolneer ctemed. , Otn!!v.ircOlt_sl l ! , NßlA..kt. msoieden 7;4i...44 - 4MM:a testa. !q r . Myers, , tt V:11. Kelm." Mr. Longer, • ,11 John Gay. Me, ink* , t P. Carter. Mr. Magma a John B. Mann. Pres! Charles B. Close. - The delegates then proceeded to select a CommAtei on lieeolutione, end the following '..gentlemen were eel. looted, On Mews. Thos. goward, Zeseell Zrrett, , J. Paz:- Times, algrgel Cairm, Jas. la. Webb, Joe. Pell, Z S. ;such, Dr. Z. Garrey, Isaac G Gordon, Damd . ZdemmA, John PI Vincent; it Swing, B. Z. Dageld, John R. Miller, John Leech 0 I. Dickey, John A. Hiestand, James B. Myers, Ihos, Barr, ; J. M. Puleston, Leranei Todd, W. P. 0. - Illeymonr; Aennedy BrOvri M. WlZtr ehael, John A. liringhurat,-Jldein'_Grain„Jacob A WilAshon, 'Daniel Borer, Rentz_ A i Pnrelmice, J. M. Shearer. 'The Preeldent designated:Lemuel Todd as chairman or the committee. - „ - Ttie Oontentio4 t4on,a4mat•otoll till bill-pit two o'olook. • ATTAUROON 41801614 The Convention leamerobled at three o'olook, and proceeded to balloting ' Cht the eighth ballot Thomas a. Oonhrin, of 'York wee nominated for auditor General. On the drat ballot foe Surveyor General, General Wl4 Uem H. Rolm, ot,Beelts, was elected, end both immlner' Gone were made tinanimone. . , At sin co'cloolriThe Convention wee again cited to order, when' • Lemuel , Todd, Esq., chairman of the,Comxolttee on Resolution, reported the following ; llesolved, lat. That Embentive intervention to-pros trate the will of the people, oonatitutionally expressed, either in- the States or Territories, is a dangerous ele ment of Federal power, and that its ener e lee by the present - Chief Magistrate of the- Bentibile, se Well in electing ae Upon the Representatives, of 'the people, meets cgr, decided dieapprebation. 4 That we protest against the sectional and pro -sli very policy nf the National Administration as at wiz. with the Arights of- the people, insd,aubversitre of tie prinotplos of our Government. - S. That we denounce, and will - 'Unitedly oppose, all attempts to enact a Oongreeelonel alars code for the Territories believing the. 'erne to be utterly at war with the true purposes of rim Government, and repos. Dent to the Moral sense of the nation; and that We affirm cur <motioned ,hoetlitty to the estensloo of Ma= vary over the Territorlea of the Union. - - i 4. That we - regard all suggestions and propositlens of every kind, by -whomsoever made, fora revival of the .Afriesn. date Amide, as shocking to the moral emit manta of the enlightened portion of man , Ind f that aby lotion= the part of the Government or people conniring •at' or. legaising that horrid and inhuman traffic, would putty subjeot the Government and olti. - tens Of the United States to the reproach and &adora tion of all civtlaed and Christian people; and that the in setion of the National Administration in bringing the elate traders to jostle.), and its Course in Finding such as have bean arrested to tsial In places where acquit' 1 was certain. subject it fairly to the charge of enaniving at the prsotleal nava:ling of that traffic 6. That we hold the encouragement and proteotion of home production sod, American• industry to be one of the draididise of our Government; and the failure to obtain each entonragement andpintention from the latit Cougreec, notwvhstanding the professiots of the Pr., dent, eon/lima de that the laborlog masses of the free States will look In vain fora Urfa for the protection et their labor white theAirdini.dration or the Governinent le In the hands of the party now in power ; and that;are believe the sit valorem systam wholly inadequete to th& protection we damson. and In lieu of it we ore ill,trivvir of specific duties upon lion: coal, salt, and ellen& othir rewards wholly the grimith and tommfaisture of the United States. . , - 0 Tans the reckless and Profligate elGravagancie of the National Administrat.on, , causing aneisessity for continued Jolts, without any .means provided for the i r payment,. eve,' evideneirofweast . of that ability and integrity which should ohoreattexisa the Government qf a free people, and,. anima cheiked; will- lead to a did. honor of the natio nal Credit.; 7. That ttio pottage 'of a- just hommiteed • bill, giving - one hundred and' slaty runes of laud to every citizen who will settle. upeo and improve the sans would be a mem)* fair in ‘prinelple, soled in Valle and produbtive of great good to the peopleof the umfori. ,e And. that'', regard the defeat of hir:Grow's bill in th Senate of the United iltatee,.bythe party ei power, s a diem& blew.lo the laboring crazies of the country, and as unworthy cf, the liberality of &great Government. • And that _kindred to Ole was the defeat; by the can ratirttt cf the prii.emptien preference ct settlers Over land speculatOre , Tact the ptiritv and safety of - the ballet boa mud b e „ o wns, and dint all frauds upon, the naturalize• tics v nish have been nominal, resorted to to pro the, aromas of the.party ere pope's, Ought :;"-, coun aesnated byyrholesonie,mid proper legislation. • o.. That we approre Of the of proper law), to protest US Pezailaiintioduothm of Stole orliniioL% nom* l aoitsasroivnselT in Mini the followher TAN!: llTefr . ,eoemmui**Agiet betseetetii* Dime of. uW4sttir. Xet Older to,tier the -t7PoirraPh7, tett eike - idde of the eked stimati be N 6 06116 gisallY obliged tOrisitii4aA In Peassyl. sisiathir atmoi,-foo -- tootomootolo Swat ta• oi tioosay a tkiiir-partitlibr 100Utlegy waimido me.. of iieijobrotsitth Ow tom • two*. .• , (L. MEM in Our midst, br fit them It ' Min& b the Puna ,troccingbene• they aim U 01141911,4. to Oar Am*. ' , conitsitriinite all ekes of - idiS,lo • jetzi ns in•ilarieetNendeavanirecimOmmtAlsontkactsallattal tla atillbantilbattlinialtd, I n etagriinahorneadili,, of stmerken.holnni tinketeltted to us by theta; 0010ning thin* ttlionstinroosco, After ter:"..74;T: • ri U. -That thii.gistai4 neartgr 'it - ant 'estfires mlincier Wing oW,:naml disttosidslied - lienststr; lOW g -.oineerehilesad that of cor ,- /ekeicamenstivit nbistke_ Itoptilitr„binnelrof (I * h arnoa - tanhasheas alloanndiliairroctml Iseproseertive 'policy,nonimitend•Mn; Arbon Milibarsahlal let tier,, aid, haven in WOofeion _noppoied ** l to:amok SD. • lie, a Alm Mettonel: tioa eir attienste to !time" upon the_people , or douse ii..6l4llll.lolltVabir ',err Colistiffitien• ficrOpstroltloi to As-known** . Ort. expressed sentiments or ties Imomen of-the Terrtionr. ' Mr. John M. Mlrkpiti4Mr.„ of Allightor einniti; trip period the revoltitiossin a tire'Sernarks meld that he cline from Al empty inbereAkent tram plenty of mlnerole, sad#hare Inoteettcon to AM1103114 indtaltt7 worn meet isetdint pledged his comity for 6,003 ma jority for the ticket nointionclAprorided• Nest woad prom'se to do ea well.:nn n -4 - - Two or three other deiegOis alp iipOltillpOril tlia reltalutkomi; anti - widen they 'rine - tinsiskr _ T - Oat/alba , Wen nutiorlient„ ' to appoint ,. a _Mite' ventral Committee, a vote of thanks was' returned to the cmi.ers, a emomithesaiipototot to Inform the nova- Ofrat of; their' feleetion, and ntlie Coonotionadjwimea sins di's, shortly after I o'clock, Lying Itset received en invitation to partake or the , Inmpltalitlie or IHon.!Simon Chimeroo.- , - -• • - f n • 6/BISIZRALT NE,WAY. Tins LAT* ltun iSioitst tie i'intini4.v.eink.— The Spectate'r.-publiehed, it _Hanover, Pa., gives the following addithinalwar: tietilais Of thelerribte bail stonnishiOli p - amid overthatregloabfcountry tho early part of:last iseelet , ',lhe hailetonee ishiehifellthi , ,thelgoroligh rues- -.._ sated sosseufAlm four sod almaf . lushes in eir etineereneettosny'of Wain:ens thelsp-Of hickory ' nuts, while moire 'than wierif 'oboes thersise of muiket ( buthite.' , They etereltifttinCiSolidldinps of-lee, and deseendedirithlertiflo'forminimi`tra mondons•eiThOti • It Es estimated:that from Ares to four thonsind' panes of wirtdow, glom were abet teredlwithin'the Milts - of the - town., Otii,effloo 'and dwelling linge r ed lethe'extent fifty-Wren - penes ; many-ot orei , neighbore foie& ae , badly. /ha lestheran elnueltinetfwe are totd,.one.han deed•-and._ twenty-44._ peueo.. Abhottatown street, thO - rialrosii;, , a', brick, ;11t(ilding In , eourte " eieotlOn".zialid ifead roof, - the': proferty Of 'DinZatiob : Myers? *es. nearly. demolished. -.TheCloof of , ar looomotive on the Gettysburg Railroad was torn awav„by, the storm, and a number of holes were antuallydriven through the sheet iron . rciolfog- of_ a - be. longing to the Hanover' 11.11.: R. 04'4 impress. - dented!, viblintr was the -demerit ofAiiitltalli: - . , A" viaticums:belonging to -3CorkAtad:lifs kende se;. vorely out by.the lt ail In I ront othfr..-11;AAVehb'i groeery;itote. - ...11fr; Mietiselo4ri *Oa jured whild endeavoring to l lirotoot his' vibe of - bodes—the animils•wore , Waren is lf"Stinsi by bees or hornets. A hill atone stunk a dog 'run ning upon the raii3rook lofelliaktliongh he bad been ahOt., Tee roof of ..INewmi.:Shirk gives pindor.houstrwairearriedut;aturthe-gible end of far. Kitidies beredistroyed.'lfe, hear 'of .troos-beirig broken dawn', fineer-falleViattiany_ other. effeottiof the storusittithemeighborluiadi , „lt raged with . great yiolonouln„:the-,eountmbetwaen this place IlrolnittrOsCilwn, 4344 ef;thehaii, stales *ere lien's eigs.2,l2itaineo - (lidllifaii. - estimites, the deinigeoltonfi - in I that coup ty• bj tho Stornratll7s,ooo.%- p: ~t :"Y Nosr-Isnuatimn . nOrrAmEonoins.:.-Whilei the American peophiaredividoilfittheir, polities the. question of disterventlon,ok•non.tntervention brOongressitillie naniiraffaire,of ; the Toning*, Ittni monarchs lindisopia:tf - Buitips"are gear* to 'War aboultbeviame--Usui.--Aitstria,PbY-treades tint i.Govornidents , ofztho - r=l.talissei fatales, iiglit,PlAktiglAMlintkeitvgrazi, and pit amid Any movement of the people,- in favor of popular_ institutions. Naples, TnoeanY,:.PSS- _ ins; Modena; 'an did Papal. fakeer Wein not ,:ittew.dt by..rAtistsla ' , fittorei, • - oreptisigittitito and. constitational:oovOrnment , :i ThsvAnatnine ban repeatedly • doaltoll'a , i,Aet make wa r and..interveacsFetnit, sem,ititikan : Mohan:in - wheshould his'. snlijobte-w Tholrectili-Etpernihaenew .espousedithe doetrine_whieh Ifgefathsflelagueiitly ndrooatod.whoniteorsajin-tho o tiniteilStates:ln 4451, and ietion'lte desired nein laterforainAin ;Olen iffilis, Interilesition inntr e . _Won :and Anstriti SholdtVin tha language of our Xenia Nobuaki 1411 - ,;fillOw flip indopeodeniatAllawatates to legtdato.-lheir - institutions andlooalocamirns in.theitown leretY, brat** hatiiiinee in order ki'oarry' A nuOrfondutervention:t'Anitilit'sdainis - that hi Is thelriteriontionist;aisholbqiiui right - endured .to bar treaty'. to•-intonesito."-qtanpy , ' 3 4 - . - Astserbrfitttroanma The followingle tfi3dt _ ;of Ilnitedlitatee artetoilltets wholattoperedeger, to go beyond the : N* 4 o-I*** l 4 - 4wita-0 6, -xleAer, Itauding ; that they preltopat ikatusplvas Iniema moulostiortiritli the antagonising armies fit /iaV, Witt Col. W. - .Wi.Loring, , regtitent_monntideflemoii Lt. Col. , 9,8; Orittendin!rultiante42lll.4t4lei`ll - 11. Blake, first'dikooni; Mai if :Brewer:op, of engiaeers; Brevet Lieut .001../LT,Stapthlt, flth intantni; Brevet DdijOr'•Vit. 'Tonne,. Of coOnbers; :Cant .11!. - B) all's, aisttfaaby; Palmer, 21 cavalry ; Brevet ()apt ; Filet 'Lieut._ Georgeitr: Qas r,-.oth-infatitry :1 4 Ieut. Xeltan, 6 thinfarttg,;,,andlriratadant. .Tehrt Ptigram, 2d diegocobt; - _ Wade- lye :auger wee-iatured Mailet;ithd r ites - ioilderitidly burned Ma y 2d, the day afterilm theafterhoon, while all the ltorkumn, were onAltrupremises. The mime week the loss . waa adjnated !)y.the tom fano° compantea; and' over 2100.000 paid vithent the gsotl delay of sixty days. - A pow been .erected' on the same -spot, and -osi-thiii-2.3.-Of tYa.ne, duet one month from the day of. the fire; the neer too Lory :was in operation, the -mooldnety -at tr:;rlt, and the lAs Mvansiajc Sincia itr Bosiottr- aimed the MOW States frigate * inner° to at Bea ton, on ltfonday-v§ted td procure - Metall!'" coffin for the 'remains of Daniel-Farrell; oP Miltlistore, their murdered comradei and "to Bead them to that pity, in,oharge of a.eonnuittee, chs fotonnaythree hundred of the crew atteridini the fenerid cf ,,3 0 1 ` MoNesmotb t another of their- oomradesotho mat his death' bye fan. Tki3y resolved to.payarit fu neral expenses of both of the deceased. '• -='; - A Sztoartrosa Aearewilx.-=-A- correspondent of the North Bridgewater t Maas., Gdzetter; says: kir. William Barrows,-who three reatti , sgn re presented ttils teem in the Legislature;is Lafferlog from an melds/It 'erltiolt may larva as a Wff'nfac to all who are in the habit of he dropped their ear - !with a pin. A, few weeks age h e dropped On into his ear, ankpbyelelana have labored'in vain :to velieh ..and,remove it;, inflammation him takenAdace, and it la feared it will terminate , _ MEI . , - 7 ABTLITTS. 00; t D.EN,- . 9. soldier in,the,Mexican war, reoldfng dtillwiater, 71..,- ehot ,*ll p. Oise,- a few daqa " slice . ; The lattee,lied eedueed the daughter of Holden, and Whir, Heiden learn ed the feat he- geld. he. would sboot him the first time ho approached his-home. He did so, and Oit4l fell dead at the doer of the man whose hos pitality he, , had. betrayed: ease was formerly a dry goods clerk at Albany, „Holden surrendered himself to the aitthorities. - • • MAioi Miittsa.'—Yhe Utica (N. Y.) 'He'. aldaays that Mr.. GAMS, Of 'Frankfort; Herkimer county, has made, during the cast eighteen years, about 8,450,0011„000 of matches, using 1,250. 5 000 Tee t of lnieber. 'Ho'nOirMake4.2,7so,6oo daily; Makihg use of 500 feet of lumber. Mel Uses poulds; of phosphorus daily, which is about the antountfeepd in the Donee of a single horse.,He hail thus .used up the skeletons of about 238' hoiseis—it'hiiit; of " matched 'Flames: ' - - Funnadr. Mlle: 11.1.LanY.—At 10 o'clock last.Wednes,day morning; the friends. of the de ceased PannyDesit Halsey assembled the house No: 224 Yerick striet, - New York, to pay the last sad tribute of respect. - The funeral service of the .Episcopal Oburob was read in an impressive man ner, and the bad* tras interred in the receiving 'Vault of Greenwdttd Cametery.• l The• funeral was conducted in a very private manner, only three cart iagea fellowing the hearse.. ,INYANT WITH 'llll3 AZAD OF:A 0/LT.- I.4stweek, in Lawrence; hien.; a child was born, 'perfect in -all' its:_proportiOnsi , andweighiot ten pounds, bpt with &remarkable.malformation—the head being tomcod' in every particular like the 'head of st? bat. Atilvedbut-a moment after - birth. Iheattending.physielan assures the Rept/Views, of that place, of the truth of this statement, .. . Faint YOUPG MEN of respectable families, two of them engaged in Professional studitiejAiaie been arrested, at Newark, N. J.,-for They have made ow:deadens,- and'dalirerci.up their tools, which were a perfect set, and with which they have committed several dillinultlnit glailes. • ' • • Mr.. H. C.: CAPENTIH E of Winchendon, MRBB., late of Nebraska City, bay been diseoyered dead, some ferty milesweat or that city. He was on his way home from the mines. When found, he was slightly Ceeextiderith'earth;'and his dead mule near by: • Be• bed tsiCi bnilet• holes titietigh hie !Medal:4mM in his boky , . A mammon visited the town of Pewankee, Wisconsin, on Wednesday the Ist us and an roofed one hoe.' It carried the . roof ennui Eileen rods, - sihen it - strnolva barn With . ouch viOlaiieh as to break a large_beam, and mope the barn from ita foundation., The, barn was also unroofed. , . AXOTIIXR . P 111.8.43,11 Slinday - Inorning last Zag'i paper mill; on ille'iteek, about a mile from PkPartorm, Pal, -Wait ftetallY? destroyed by tire. The lottewillialifleavy.en the proprietors, as the building andinaelinery were a total loos, on whioh 14re - wait - oil,* an insaranosOf about $4,000. • 'Ail v Eiiinitris'Pacioincr.—A correspondent •Infettns its tliat•Dr. Jsobb•Folkenstine, of bring „fiel4 township, Pa, who died on the Alet lust ~nt the age of 84 yearly, lett behind him 13 children, 64 'grand•obildren,' and 72 great . grand.ohlldren, . making 149 descendants,- all •of , whom are now living. ,Gan. TITIG(18.—T1118 veteran (Meat,- who has for several weeks been lying ill at San Anto nio; Texas, was somewhat better on Abe 21% but still very low. , Bla daughter, Mrs. 'Colonel Myers, bad arrived there. „ - - A mai, named Byers, who was executed at Thorwold, (I: W., recently, sold hie body to. "pluelatan 11,r 9 10, and remitted the lamely to Ws wife, but she refused to receive it. Fria young colored lads liserp_left'Petrolt Michigan, in company with white man; and the palliate of the boy Tem' thet J 114; 1100 b e en en ticed airsy•to be'roldinto elevery.,- -1 Tar Wheat crop. in; Shenandoah, li r irgints, looks yen! . fi ne. , The; seitenteealear locusts have made their pppearapee there. ~ , Syracuse - ' tells 0 ' - - Tam Alf.. Y,.)' Co tirier 1 t a hen's egg, ekeightug - on 'e' poundtwelve maize!, *Meat had been sent to that °Mai foristepeetion, Tait aleanseritSolitherner, ort.her last trip carried up tUieultundred adoica of Raw whrat frogs fur Pittabarg;.: ' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers