A:47* 41.! - it,: , • Opi ihlti:: ill. Aib' iii i i. 4iii-:,ftla; 'Air lor Alimimp.,,A.:.,. :.ot,ti,Aiiii , Stiaclitt,*4•4- , 0 1 0 , 0filto)i; si, - ':,-- •'..'.,, :;-?4, 1 L .: '''• ' ,s:. _ ...-4.*'44ii,x*. ?*fit;:Mlf: ~ .;,;r.,,,,., ::. 44 , Staiktilieiif:#lol:liiiiri a(ott114111. , ,' - - ---#l , ? , 2 . w ir . : l 4 4 : T=kit i t r'-'-; . .;'-..;:: , . . ~.;:' v ' • ',7417.115.04 , - - 5 -- -. - 4, - ,7-47 , ..cc- ,rO.l. s,` r. 4 ' _ ,i jbrArttat . ,, , AprA, ~ i t-,, -_. , :Uvi•-' , -- . 'lt. , ' 1' . . 1 0 0101 1 ,0 41"-, 1113 9 4 -1 / q0 I tt re.:; 3 7 : - ..-::11-oisepitSai; .;(10***14ii, Ao7plib:efosr,to of '. r _ =•-,:':`. ' .' - '.' l oi 4 *it 14015', 1 4. - 14-0014*1 1 -*44 *--'-'7-,%----', 4'4‘,*-144 - liiii' - '' 4404 - 1 - faitfit7Sluxiiii.4l4- .0 1 ,3401:0Zeiliiih',1 1 .janufiltle . ': 12:;1 ' .: t 'M . :44\ciiimAti , tatrcvikiejOki_kapiii:00110.*ftwaii; r-7' S-_!--:P.:2::-- , , , - -10 - 41444114e,tmie-4,A. , -**,ktal l E i,.'-'i - :•:'::'Alt , .' - ‘ — `lo:iitiiii*itiii 4 o***4`; l 4i.: `0041 1 02 . ,fiii0:09 - vi- 4- .:4r#10 ~::,.15, . ....,0--)4; -' •iniiiimiiitsiotmaYAo.oiBo**Fail - C3PO , t]s:,**ilrekipijoi ;-i-A0 4. patioiatinwheiptioi ii, b , z,.;,? kk - ,,i , -'.4.,:_. :' .- ' , Tri/W*liiiiiii**)iiillit#ELftt )l3 '- 'The'siiiitl.salaty, of -:the 1,,.x.-4 , -2, -, 7, ;:: 4 ,-. /s . --.---1 0 ,, , -0 , ..--4-,:n, - ,z: c .,•:_- - -..-i , ..4.44,--gq , l_- F4 - -i.::::Kife/A - , l cs r?Piiff iiii*Aiiiitki* - * 41 C0 441 /' i.-_ - i-T , ,13.:. : 1 . ' l 4?liiiis4ol - 44Zi** 1 .1. 111 4:4 1 -Vii - : Ey„ - - - I':' - - -: *sio..oia t *os:•Ata:K*ofti - A*: K -'-'-' ' "^-: 1if01; 4 3.*4643 4 7,iiii.4fi * ,444 1 1.t0,.;, -- . •.: - 4 ; - 4, 4 o,o**wirOiiiii* -, .*liiituisomalia l , ' "',Sik - 'loltst kC o**fti!*#, : lif.# 4 4.? 1: ' rai#,•*'' '4 lol a*Aikc 4 4oinii. , ,' , .* 4 o. 6i i f 404, .4, 1 4* - 451 - i;_. 4,l'‘,k, , ~.04,A!if. Oii.itiltis*.ilii`*l446..!ilid'il,l. , 4, 1 1 'Palm' AO?, :•t - r 4 01g:01 , *" . .104 1 0. 4 i'- 41 40oltiasklitilfil aft' .: 'l4lioloi' oi 4- 41-::**11)61 - 11poita 44t , ' :iPiillol - Pot:4h. -14.04,41*,11 -',44..--Z*-44PP*4-,*,,Ci1nk440. ..._ '.'s4w4i - ifithis** * iiitooth? • .‘..vitiaciitveioN c t*: 4 4,cSl 4l i#oo l oo l4 ,!iy4, Mr 01. 1 0filisOW MaiiiiiiAtimi VIVO- likfectt: P . iia, I'IOVA-1. 1 4,-, - rg'--P:': I' . '".- '.-' 1, liiii# 4ri ,- , --fiii - . ,IKIIO ik•7 0 0;-• . _ e l ,- :'- * ,1114- 'iliiiiiitl'itilifa`i-VikiVigoOl'-'*4,tf4 = ~- .- - .4, 4 4-o;wtiii:l4liiiii*Titi4noo,4oiili .-'-''' - ';' - r- -- !- - -,L'fiffilikii,:iiiii'; ,4 :le'slltoo;l;'; - - , 100i(Z - 4.0. .N , ;!i... - etis*?,',uikvii*ill#- ~ , ,, ; *..- - :;,ltactizaibinto4i-,,woAi ra!elrirtidt '':2'-;a:;:g2.1414-4"ollll6***4o4o!,f:iiAlki*PaiiiifeKli*, - !:,. - Y.Z?ibiialgy*Wiy## . ooo4 - ..:A - pill Wealilet*it, '4,4ili,iittld, itiiii,ili**)4l 0 11 1 4‘" will M:f1401: '",101ifi1t,,,..044. 1 4 1 '0;i1.4'a:4k3TiVf1 . ~6;:74,4,F11,- , 'MW AWibsti,,434l4ohieliti.,olaVol --v I P/ 1 1$4. 4 tiiiitTalia:t4 1 4 1. 40 1 1#Aiiiii.d4i. Y*ooUll2telii-';o46o*****4-t! ' .?,72,.ri.4,311:,4 ._ :, *to_ tirof344ll444,_4loidlit.lis ;';- - ;.N-1011 VO.:0411#14:100. 1 1 1 10 4 .:;.4 34 **04 - _. " , ' i i ' :E" :- * * *X / I ti P ilt tl i **oo4o l- ; , 1 11 . ~.t vol. 4 l4* i i# -' , :- . ±.-,'; - .P-rf.5.4,4* - - . o,47ofitiiNitit l . - #l,l44#l,e4i l tigapotei ifif,1•40.4 1 4104 - 444. - i*:4441 - ti 01!),tiNf: :*lAiiiiiiii#l4- thigkilf?"4o44lltVi!L'"i;i: . - 4 tiAlk.Pi#4- 61( 0 1 1: I tatklit -' -IT 444 iiiitii; ifliCi: • '' Aikilt!4* -1 4 - 414 04614 , 0• - ...-i:L.ii.io - lithi k if i tiii. - 00 4 iiipthicimidsokoiar liWiikralriti: - - '4lloo)#l.l4)Aiii - -!'i,t,0,4- • -, ,':-'-''L , -:iii*11t,4,4% - 14tr.1 - ':. - 4 .- -ia ii.M. Ver*l":;.oo.-:' 4441.iiiii: 4i; 0,, = '.',-.:-,:---. 4t - ile o tT - 4 - obtv.4.'lW.: - .1,-IP.7t , f-2--;,:,=k- , :l het* -: - ;:trisiows'4sCiliOitivi#Of. ',.;:itadod.Y x iiiirie" :-4 4.iuiiiithip*itiit, *Ei.'4tt l 4i ; 'iPiPr 4 °o : ;A,MF: l o:i s i*:§P l ' a 'k" 1007.144v . itc*ivtio#(044,r.op:;:tviriiiINE - )kikiptiiiii?;o; is 04:9 4 , - ilt , 7 =:: : - : : - -. :.;b01 . W r 1i0,14 1 7 - 040 : -.5f qf ., - 'a 3-11 4 , -*_)? - i-ir:o4-• - ' , ' ,l Liiiitfilittko'lirse*jOiffid4ol 4 o_,W l o# 4 4: iii; l l4C*4l444ll',l;lis*oiii**OrffitC4 l, * ": , •••:,-=: , ;;•4;liiiiii.o."fogjo*StOdiii:' . -Itti:l4l4l434li:L**FH' -- iiiitst ikirojit':**4.4. 4 * - 44 44iitiii0 7 1 1 00:04iirti'eAkc'itai*.I7%efrtitS.fil i' , 040 . * (- o.74thi-liiallil'itini ll4 4**l o - 6 0'' - 1- ,-- ..-= , • , :-_.trielsioaCW,l*lt7l4,i*COf':Ah‘z*Ol4:l : 1 ":,, rOiltilAiMe:ii*diiiihisiioi#pii, f4 'ct t - :,:iiini : t ir : l:l4ol64.9*** l :l" 6 , .: 7 :- , %!isiernioW;,l44' *s:o4 l ;;Wildsof 4 S,ii:/iPOfto oViPOt *- ' ~it i ettei ;siitivserst,'shivpeirt; et Nor Irmktble •'Ji4iiiii- - *(4 - alifit•i-0 254114- icniioliatitir!licictier les '''' , '4 :44: - 4 -- 4 . 4 .- -...n-.5 . t.--,, ,,. -,..-- : ,, :4,-44- , / -:,- ..4 , -.I- -..-..er ~ ,, 1 1,,, , ,,-: - 1e.;.--.+, 9 L , 'L/V . 4 ". 1 4*;7: 7- 0 1 1ko .1412i' 4 401*- , ikt A ' ' 4,1 ' isi k istidai R 'liiiia ii s 411141 `,A.IO.4IOO , OI****CONIOS** I O I 4 I O I I to •-' , 4: 1 11 - ,44 1 06SY *4 . it l.l e,:k , ioi - iiitikfOisfi_ 001 'iW• - ''' }lit i l lt 4....f**Wiff Stolbigi - Z*7l4 ill ,04.4 - :lge,3lloll.s l PlCAOY4*** 4 2 l ' '‘ 4l 4-7,- 44.14 -3,-,...,-,z;,`-,;',,,,7. !ilk 4 1 .**Iiii!? , ii;lifik iaaettes OE f 1410414 .14•0150140414*.t0 , :5 - :riiiiciilotary ',oylkiiiitiOiOildilio*_l("i4o4l,lo ••': , '''witi."`* - . --.,:r- 11 :.!''''''r''''' ,::--- '''''-.,, ..110444 1 A - 114iiewif :ifi; 406 ttfi,ljii,'PO44' ' . .,7viiirAo:', liferto too*** - 00:40Atailoriptltpmbioi*4 ,-, :c43 1 : 5 1iifiii#07,A.44044,4 1 #44. - .1 i .. : ' , 1 4 :-g l i k tifrentStOliikei*** - 4 ''',•!;00 , W1. ,- .**:.,Vintr':! , .4aritiO.***it• -, :******iii**4o.444,Fsi‘.4lo,' , ci ... ,:::Wthil'Akozetit'*rittor,9,oo, , :Liikeiv '"-,, sit*:':4#lolo4!i*O' ,00f*****1-:*':girfAt*' .4, ' ' 114444 tkia* - : , :oit, iWiliii :iiiiiis cot our' . ' '''' "i - iiiiiiie,iiiiiniriciaiiie4 500 .--;i. , ..; , ~ „,. tti14 , 0441f44,0t,1 - i,b,TaLl , :! , tififdli!.,,,. '''-: 41 , 1.111`-* . r.fmk At* *44iliki'mlag.*4.ll° . :, - -.- 1110iiiki:i'llii*jellit1-111 7 ighlitifjkak'':s401. - 4 . , ,,- , , ot - gwiii*jitetlO!fikiisift* f ' -:'/: - , '-t:'- - . 4 , :#4l44oWiiiiaAaiiiiiiirii4s: to-,.4.zjY ' l' , ' '":;. k. , '::'''' - iiietid Er : ;, , ,',11.-,,r , ...' -v..', e-;-fs-, ,-i , ~45:ffilit 00 iieelliisg**"' 11 ,MtgrIMMAPI,.• 'lillit6likl(toilbll6e .......,44 4lidap4lviV , li*Wi iblY4 1 10:0;: 747.7Aii*:*:,1. 9C-F4o*./,', las,' 'boo - 011 , . -..,.. „...,• . ._,__,.... 4. „ e- ii, ...! 1. , ,,,, . 4 .r, , ,k..:. 4 . 4,. ‘sipink; 41 ' I . '" -0 4 ,1 „ : ,,r;',A , - ^ I ,:„CZ I'.s mig a . : lf* -"-• - 4.',,i": '. , ?'-x . ,„ , -k . ~, .-' st .•,`'' ' 'e, • I C,) i. 4,i,A. ' ' ~'• :- 4- P '..; ~" , '.l'l‘. • - 7:- WIC 001 1 !iiiiiii . • ei *'/***l44-`-' t‘s'4l::'), , i44: 7 Y, 4 l*.Oikjioiro:': - , - - : 9 -0,00:,,04,400"-).! -..,..04:,;*.,.* , .4 ~„,iu,, *fitOtht;'..q.W l o,o iatigth.i'''.oll4§lolC,4l readers • mg. The I,eptibllean rf Comes- Dillon of sla ton Land the me* terms, of ireigntsr, and the Ate, of 1 1 1 6 4 03 iPt tn'• the 'Territories, sentiment; , 410idne:'right to lexpect inicabjer,,the Itlie4 l do oe leading T ies. be .set done under, the 01* thYrAw4i:)! !ire have the; Democratic Convert -44411448 14' .r,44444f4Dia 4410 1 % TT" NnsAeli,y , • the prin.- great of, the ' ;•s tile, of the free , p `iiiig',,,thi,:iiagg(l we shall be a unit -1,0141 the •rights and the AUslity of the States, snd'.ln hostility to sec 11°1411* 1 4 43 :t 0 ` 4 0 4 .4 0 14i1 at, evrY shape: . ;;Society. , 'Of , Pennsylvania. V`Thelinitudrp,tinyetition of.the Medical So. ahoy if Penesiliiiniiiileid at the University, ti£Ninth Chestnut closed _its de- Dberitionitast evening. ~ The number in- at- Otiall_4s4alaar,girti* respe c table, tbe Odin& ecitutgortheprOhnision taking great ,internat in.the'proceedligs. It is peculiarly illttlligthat Phihnielphii, which has the right the MOW thorough)medleal col liios in the, Union, if pot la thrworld, ahoule fri4p. heaquarters, of ~ PreeiselY such Con yetitions as these; Inieder,to give our read erssimip idea oithe scope and objects of this or`gani#ation; f tee are :Pgtiiitted to state t4st tbe,lXe s dkialj Society-of Pennsylvania was or iPliteit the 'ate of ...tiancaster, in April, 4846'f-the `prefeSsiew throughout the State assembling there; 'by invitation of:the Chester and;Lancaster county Medical Societies, for 'Thai isteleik, was instituted to advance_ rpsedical knowiedge; to > extend the lie:l:Dim, to elevate- the c444:***frthe";prtiteishin,-;-ind, to'promote allmeaaures tending to he: - relief of suffering, the:lMptOirereentAf the health; and Protection of, the, lives of the community. These objects ire: attained ,by Means ,of, reports from the Various societies; detailing the occurrence of ell4pideirtio , and other diseases that have been irevalene.durinethe preeeding year in the different 'totalities of the. State, with their cha: rioter, and treaduient found most success- Ink= ..Dyitidi mimes large amount of valuable inforniatiori - brought' immediately - to the settee . of thwasiociatieua The society is mi. , tio.4alleilAtin'thisprlng of each year, at - *ion/ foiptelp tbeitate, the place of meet ing for theinitaineding year being detormined at thelosei;(l4cif meeting. The next meeting off the be:held in this city, on the seoondWedn yin Ante 11360 ..4t7 • z (1. P 5.1 6 10 2 1 NAIL 064feridouals" • ' JP-Witinitirew,',lnne 9, •1869. - 481iisi'llitr;IfireliMisiiiretifintroric girth Vara. IllacbiltAil,li?0•11t MG frisk ,and /ay es a ping lugalc;:t-PrOtr'':klo-rifier, more delighted. Not ; ''taws - ,*4sti ike guygu Sir W;kiter ka 'lo64brifir-AlOWS,Ilde-lororated,eloah,- that she ) 4 1 1fIk'P.4if 41 10.169 4 : 1 4i 1 -01ifitlid net NU6U• V293llimillis le** Cleopatra her self; akitir',regitti perfumed the , atmosphere of 114'40,#41.: pleased Ai_ Bfr 'Daub: l mm by" Ms reception it the bands or the seholarei tielsoli,- ; red lailtei _of Ifie: State of tiouppornoug 41nri; turpentine, and ter. - ' -He will talk of nothing 'elief - -.'' , -Theleratia - ,,Wari tie fir anoes,- the Post. v pil6,4_,PjilifipUebt, - 4 - eibtlieleicit:oh,tirs Moments. 4lii*rfrottekiAn:theiestrisy which breake out in 411 1 , 0 1 , 411t 1 0*.agathili***fikle referring Yirliii'efireadea; r ;',..ll„`triiiaroYetsi that-he he. oonitide 64tlik4"*.' idtibuktkus hot bp a can -44 6 ' . -PY-Vl4:.4 6 .,'2l l,o , , ,Consritutiew . ':itagfr's "wee Wramithig-bf the' President's' wishes runtl l oo l -may ; oppeseolaif..pletlik;supportltsm.," ifOuld-Affirrrifirltrit*itfiiioUmlualid? - 4Purtv lieeiniA , beillid _up Olittotin*.o***f ; Would , not be a :0 1140 040: 4 01:4 4 00 4 4.4 4 ' airaumy. in the fite:Skikatibeffehattitiet',4 platforui , ehoutd tie iferst I , 3 . llten,olkt- its and to, tight the battle js, )6Ultr:Taitspeib - ,Whatfilt • _ all have take= fildellitottarteir asafgre , tie opposition-of loafr - iron; in f wend- rohltoaif raloybl.l4 Postmaster Westoott of, 74l r oily, „eztra.saintty praised by the 4a-: ,aileiebrattou psiiire,ll - -ohlitly,remarksble , for it. !UUlWritUrjuidlOitirgd -- malignity. One would .uuooo , 9;**.resalPi Holt !men: 'dfaired , ti;writi a 'fbittar-fperecail: attack , upon ObeiMittOri4beefirof eit4uite kdradall4iii l f S,emnot -erGfipologist for Mr. Wait" 11001 • 700 6 ;f4 have not seen k tat ' , 00114 ot poor years,,, , /WO ,to meet the l[nt ‘itatorejudlos4l person who believes that he .0 cnimirial iii the chaeged &giblet libi,TAf;thellnieribif-mi:tiott is right . (and It L;cot my pirOsitai_dispite•it,) hereafter no re it4Slirte bi found willing to ao writit peek t : pasitlorras portersstar ig a greet, city. -IfWbruideed pubirdbrates In one of Iltpoii,VUee tea Pirukttied Ut'iki(Putate`the fatOiey as itetnneef in, under the anturenoes contained'-in Mr. Bolt's fetter, that the' postmaster Is to . trike - rip all that, is loot or stator', it May he,ii much more profitable Position to hold-'a ptito „finger the chief of a ':oltY PHA Plite,Ul 'Wait° be at the hpid c;,tliOrk an estah •ltsluariat., A's i understand the ears, fir. Westoott did no , more than his Prod - Comoro had dine. When he ,faurid, - deteib at the . end -of a quarter , ;eompelled these who kaa the handling of ***rosy to make It up, sot, Li.' leed;outafikiiirOWn salaries, but out[of a surplus finkarbieti would. otherwise have been divided '.. 1 0 1 18 1 ,k*,r *lt . e; in this; revert; the In stoeibbiptered With . the guilty f but Ins also`true, Vie; Were etaed 'PS* to Mahe up the lidult.3ooll4 TUr;P:PutUtuff. who bait bad the haidling 4114 fimoney.. 1 1 4ir this; ant this ordh 19(r - - - ,-.Westifertb:wiablmreeftl.:- Mr.-11916 makes the bow, bik l 'Offirt,'ArsC,lii : doubt kill Masked, the Preitelest, yarticilarlyil • the Maleriolenee which Iniekiirtirysgai - 41iis latter. s: priy;-deir :Mkpeehrusan-esajbab Yek,ari determined to be prollio..rio punishing That you yon conceive to be rrongli . :yrone Adfiltheiratiatf—riby 'pobeend Mr. ,Ifelt tithe departistentstelnituye Into the :,*affrartt ;, epptue. tbM,preiallikihil the.. deparicuents? tt Would bee detightfsl Wog to, MO' bow mom oeliViiikefiratiY„,iri.bchittieekifiii 'Under your idoth.hrliteefontrase this.witii 7Cus law ItseireieWistoott. Mew manyeona and. brothlre,, irotherorlsrlaw,ind brishindfrAitl la the same con- UP0,00,100-40,1411 4 44 upon the .pnblto service ? 'NI- 14:gtire ge t s riot of the inipirinusfera )ri'etielliofieitive their *WI% iithene dein Work/ '4l*** l s 4 roe.iiiioo'o4 64 :: 4/iii;qliffeds of or#3A.PoAvosioi;ldooviiit he ir.. ilk 1-4!is to 40410:000#04ii New • firk;:fr4/4.44l4liii4iCil•nikra7dr `-dUelit#l4!'•;4964,Pi itarallar whom , you ire abyi ,! ,docutalttilA/0 to do siter'oVOßAt; ruleasmudimat4 ,o l 4 4nriOdfo ii to- 0 04 , i lois mow **y- . 'Vlulflikti*b**44l"osl4 hea r e rll El. sack sod ri•if isi:rof there " ,fkill Arejainferplle i' con- Al uipC.0161:1449' , 44i- that Whielt hw - /ififillt - ,4l4ol***.f•fo' of 'Wig.' • • - 6111 r ;gonad aothorltitirdy ..a. Bushanau's „Cabinda.. olli,lit•fferigot Ls the famil organ of 0f0.. , . hoi itapsdatad for t h e praises 10.11)110i1 for Woolf, aad bu doobtloss Wilt *vary other Teapot. I 4 what Mr. Cobb Mr. Floyd, reit or tie Cabinet, think *Ur. Dab smut hooks kilo its Immo:Hato nottidentist Oar of the Rat t Itimesnt yeasting In Texas andiTen• estivate for Governor in the letter elnetted betwernifethetland and neaten for 'Gong - tem In the Mem between Atkins sad Etheridge, Is it di haying called forth the most ez s baterssa Wass two gentlemen. In 011,11611/1 '411.1111•11t hag become so that 'Appeals are made, on both ideal the Ganglia vote That these not Ilk' the institution of sinwety, is I "the pelt's* they ottasky In regard tottlen In the free Blake. Meanwhile staking to teepee the slave trade in ' the eon of wblab is better saispieti ty slaws than white bloc This hes feeling sates% the Germane, who Into Tales Is great nettles*, (and dy , la has forne,) but who wilt not additional Infasion of bleak', who WWI. thew In th e contest far breed _ that John Unrolls% Seq., rtes le Shut Raze-gr, inshilshed at Atin otos itheseif, simnel entipelit to at leszains 'to 'vete the Demers O Airtime of the Democratic pis A Gls Sin Jetazded te eneotrassi ..(dteilers snide In Taw, do.; $ 6 . . extraordinary spsetaole In an ex tra Btate Like Timm 7 Theatre'ressai,tifs e; Valasta r Street. The.verraials'aribili froi)ilhf 'Blench Theatre iplfii9_TorlOihdeifthe,direoliot, 4 4lklesars. Wid- S4tis & Sage}eomtsiegaed a setand Very brief cam- Walnut-Stacist Theatre,' yeaterday even 44'N Thahbitel was 'OS fechlOtablir 'attended ea on, - the first night of the ptektiOnoccasion. We no ticed Miss Harriet Lane iu' t liellsuplet. Tete' ,pieces were performed. The , Stet'. Wee "Los Pre mieres Armes de Richelieu," - a , Prenob two-act *Say Freneby in ineldent. -Mlle, Lawrence Chevalier, as Diane de IVaailles, bad little to do _eacefik become her handsome dresses, look very expressivakeyes. Her-husband' , for, - ,the: sOnee,,wes2,/,0 Duc de ifichefiea,,a very gay young: gentleman, who _Minds; Other, pi6ple's eriVelflatlier ..This character was 'Mlle. -Eugenie, Seri,, an &Ohtani isf 'Vizi. varied palms.' This lady rattled ' through - the vOte of ,Moneleur le, Duo in a lively, netse.V imuilug manner. Could each an actress iMay'in'Eciglisti comedy half ea well, bow agreea ble would- elm" bethought! There is a sharp Ma thei-iti-haw-Lin Peek& comedy' personage ,seems inevitable I—who found a capital repieeeri7 tithe' In,Mademe Alei: Delta; As Hanel, )1O:' Edgard, made„ good deal 'Of his Thai' Lively, lncident of thii comedy occurs 'where yOnnellialtelleu, viaitea. by 'two: ladles, snobs-. elyely,,lthrstets:thorn, "on'. arCularre, into sepa rate - yams. 'The husband :eV ims, and- the lover of the - other "visit' the Duke, who :favors each 41. th ptivapi view' of one of the coc cealed ensile, not one in whim he his, particular intermit. CC Courro, , also, each laughs At the ethei;aneonseione that himielf is similarly situisted. 41010116 u next Wore, each 'of bin vial fors •aith another 'view; nod the tables ate turned,' the laugh being turned to rage. It is minciarhat diffeient frem, but with some likeriesSlo, theleereen scene in " The School for Soandal," end was capi tally played.: A couple of Alois follow. Then the Duke le rem:Mailed to his wife, in every oharni- - hag soene.', The mother:ln•law 000268, In iwith lettre•de , eaehet to eonsign hint to, the - Bastile, and ie - astonleitedatlindlng her' al:lghter,* her side. Richelieu geti a.", Colonel's commission,' Speaks a 'prett,r tagiO the audience; and theestrtain dropped. Tithe time it eiciiia the perforimrs, the last opens, were trUalled by tie audience!. "< - "AIn the Vaudeville which followed; ,called'" La Cards Sensible," Mad'lle Chevalier, Mlle. Pan-, itrie Dupont,' and MM. Bertrand and Hamad oh teined great spitting', as two pair Of loveri, who wannet agiee to wed until each, gentlemen dlnsov-, rers and touches to mete sensible of his lady's "heart: - - • • . - :Four pleces.willheilayed this evening, each in one act. Monsieur Pint Laha reappears this even ing, and Miles. Chevalier and Sen also play. The 'gene are„"-ja Dine chez ma - Mere," a comedy`; ~, Lis- B leimienua` a. Nati Ycirk," a metrical local , !Pitite-Cemedie; ."-Piarnialted'Apartmerit,"'a Role • vaudeville, in whieh,the hero (played by,M. BO gard) ie an' English liar .Tohrs who commits some amusing blunders, in Paris, during the great Ex hibition, while peeking lodgings ; a "La Marl et L'Amantr" which bad a prolonged run at the Consedie Prangaise. 1 1 1 - I.E LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FURTHER FROM EUROPE. TRH AFRICA. AV. NEW YORK. THE AUSTRIAN ACCOUNT OF THE - BATTXE OF MONTEBELLO. POPULAR RISING "pi PARIS* }l" FAVOR OF mov=lE - 0 - TIA KosuT,H. . _ .P4/48 • ioirAsk ,Ithig'Aii*AoArioiket New yoke s jugs o.—The royal inailatearnshly AfricO arrived lionethis mosnieg. elte leftLieorpool on the 29th. Ear dates ire nop so late as Slime furnished by 'the Argo, at in. Johns, but she' briogrinteresting details of the war, and her own. *mereial intelligence is important • - The Mimi report' haring passed the steamship, Warr; op the"29th net off Ataidensi bound to Myer., TS tiothipa linpprtant from the seat of war; beyond the feeler details of the Mttle of Montebello. 1 - j The Austrians peeps satisfaction 7t the soppltorthe Oets. Gynlarrepaiti that hit loss wailed killed; 718 womidid, and 44.' missing*.lie says the Trench terse numbered 40,000,- but they abstained , from all pursuit. . Count etsdian. commander of the Austrian forces; was wounded durlag the battle. • ' • - 11sme of lbe prerob sotborities salt seises that Sheri was cot mash over 4 00(i Nonni enosted in the bettbst—, otheree•Jmates plass the number et 12.000 ' There were popular risinga_lo toms parts of yams in Mot of Ile asrdieflill COW - • - , A-vagne rumor halt obtained eiremlatlon. via Vienna. that Gortachatoff. the Russian foreign Miniver, hid taed, brume am Ifecceror refused. to curry wit his uten*with Puede IttEngland, 04 Derby Walden had, tuned a strong A ppwa telhelg peniamentety aupportete for thar.early attendance; to meet the °creation Jof feenstint.' - s- Tka Itmprisee Rosen *bad refit Ind'ecle weld tl ineabent of -the great boctiecci State. - Hhe'cild aft placid fultdepeadeue en the , natriollem of the Dam; ties, and upon the support or the static nation, which, derleg theubeenee of the chosen chief. gonad never be found wanting to a wontan and her rtm. - .• The speech rep loudly cheered.- . - The Pule Bonne wee amend advancing. ;t 01020 at Mtge • - hiv war excitement wee high In Southern Germany. It -wee expected that Kossuth:would go to. Gent II in ;shout a meek, with the , concurrence. of o licoleon ,and, the Ring of Sardinia, to concert plug with ElV l TZo,9there overthrow the Austrian power tei r ifloOffisplee. Panels It, had been 40• hucniedgeg, by telpirapiti by nearlyidl the Pavers, and the army hot sworn Its elletlomm. May 51... The Amettlen Emmen are ornieleg abtitt in Lake - leagglore, threatening the Inienh enct Villegellu thy bank' of the lake,, The tobahltreti, being In atratkOlfu teeletanee to the menaces et, the, extent: The:ldea - mar Riastakt appeared-before the town of Centioble, and dyed a few oho% without divot. The cliachisigep from toe email arms of the niatlonid Guard noon compelled Ler Ld beer oyar again. - 4 riving 0 8 04Nre a 4001214 0041 WO ant, lefuou rb op . replay a atrengpositiou near Itarasji.' ' Yesterday afteritten Peegt¢o f3l44gg departed fRa" , Trant..esitirdey. LitOthiseco. In the Dully of Sigma, the people bare ripen tot pronounced for the Slim of Sardinia .-- • Generallabotte'i et thi head of the Totem troop, military' euginiers; cud geud'arula entered Parma, &cattail's planditiof the people, who dedeced for the King of Setdittle and Italian independence. , The Pa puan tioope have retired. 34IPTg, &ICY Tr.—clarios hive bier& received from 'Ocitit to the 221 inet. Two Austria' ' ateamsre had sr • - And there *Gpout Iclodrante` - Toptog. May 27.—" Fla siege pest. which le now reedy to call loot tiAte port, te osinpole4Rt thtertwo made and gnu • • ‘• . The Wendt Minister of Wage figs oaf fret tea cildt- Venal shine or, the line son,two filletee tp he prepped tromedletell ror, eel. . The correetennient of the London Times at ',henna, hi a letter dated:the 215th, 'Wel that General °tribal 11ta Niro witepolyl teen miles from Mart. Thh Vanden' Tiuss was Weed at the Patti Poet Odle. pommility:the STI4 14 4 The Pe ib o rip'eotresponcl *0 Times announces' %Man criny et he ieet r%,trecissol 110 000 M, Tallman:l Pali4ot4 Mr P oo p i ,Pß o l le t f i l #, m 7 humidor from Trance nt Naples. IBS LATIBT. • Pave Saturday, May 28 —The Monitrur of to day publishes the followhur telesranw: ALBOB/OrDala, May 27.—Tli• situation of affairs at; fords nothing new. ' AwliporDara, Kay 27 —Six thin:wand Austrians are 'nottaisabated it. Oanwirlata - railway, Couutssreastiontsp,tprouGarnarlota and Mau fa Inter noted, at 4 also the feleppphp from Ooboo to Lostoo, owl throne: Vatellius. • • • May SlT,..LoaroolOor to Go adepts :waived fro ss Lisbon the Sortsgesse Govapurnant hal declared lie intaution of rem alums ma atria dune; the war. Tree. Mar 27 —She Austrian staanterS aro C 721 11 011 about Lago MasplOre The Very Latest by the Africa. six *Masud Atittriasta are nonerentrated atOstneriete: BBh~pp( Oomorueloallou botuseu the Clamerlota and tf I Isn le }otprorptid 2on Mei,t44-4111cial bulletin published to day.— a. i t,, 1 , 11 ooSupled wstGon at Bt. Formes, but Boar a ;Lb, !Alpert aro 1,01.0 prooolal. Our troops souquala ~log toe enorpy, arid AST. pewbVided so fora go.. Vim town of Demo was 111titininate . 11, ptf, great joy prevail' among tOsio populepon. The ilniltalr le dill at Dassalsrta.. , 14aporf, Ma, 5. noon.—On the 17t1, the Rai art te,e,- graphwy agisseefulty JAM lne (02° aeßaahlm, dietarp about eight bursars:lmila* from Boa.. ,It was, reErted at Partyesdartley, that K. Bene4,4- a, dirisetov of ills.polttlaal deportment fa the :Preach Amiga Can, has boos appoloted to an imtraordlnary afsslaoi7 - tygermanConfedeTaUon A latter (con' dieasecitiriti says that o th er cm, rine onotalalepr the Aadt.rflin 011aara anti poi. roue taken at )(natal:4M pissedbefore giocp of the Trent It* ;Aral Gruard, the men ranged tlitimilinled In p row, end tonic off their sobakos. . . tie of ..tesi lempreas Regent 'minim that. in virtue of tile ,ay wimpy &danced, and of a ball of the Pope, Pte • soppeyif pm' rfAsppal shall be raised Into an arobblidiopelci,and bother r.orre aired bi the Bin! plror, ppror,U4 dated from the genet fro rriat. es4quar , tare at' 4.lsolestirla, appoint' p "sent ieb l 9p of kt. 181 3 •8 ohe The new Arolabishol. , • • Cowls axe statsly to-day at 92}(®92}(. • Not mnob doing to *hared., iktqk If wards add pricei ere all • f.t, la sod that four new corps aro about to pe Oded to the twelve owl* into whlob the 4011tTi 10 24.7 1 that *twig loyy of paq,943 oboist to liesSrderefl by Out imperer_gt Anatrip, load tam 14 . Oa deNlesoos nitrober th at hire *OHIO 404 0 0 130 ,4 1 beat the ena razoona of all furlough end rescue in their corps , The Austrian army In 11.11 wlll moo amount to 828 ONIONS, with 16,000 ltorles, and 602 pr POO field runs. - is peened that the Trench Government Is As tlvelp prepaying (or the eontingent concentration of the army of oZiferwsttou whloh the Duke 5, Malakoff la to command, an/ that oontemplates the formation or Aso:iota army Int two nortboru or north eastern frontier or rrtne• theao"uttples should be pawasnb iee. it la supposed that portion of Grp kla µanal Guard will be mobilised. nalttle of Montebello. • getup the Zuropeaos Tinips,] The rived aceonota of the 'kettle of Montebello ars Very toodlothig—ss, eouileting, to feet, that it intuit to Wire at ap am/orate knoerlegg• Af tba nem ere engaged, and the numbers placed hors di pre gni.. All that ye know with oertiviuty is, thst it wee • very bloody soil pre'rsetrA engagement, Id *bleb the Prom& soitilers fought, se swot, like ineemen, and that, 'although the Avetriine fosght well - ro line, they Ware not steal to their ivilvereikrise when it of band. to.htind teeth AttellTleo ror tboro l diere of irra° ol, Joseph quelled before tense of Louts Napoleon ',ben, Mee bayireet Joe' o, Into rsualsiti: 4l . This nettle has not l on estfrfsolion in Pule, and the variations In the different Vteach aecoeuts, wh'idtt Rs will quote, =net have added , bitterest! to tr mitt clam of the Parietne topples,' 4 /f irst, the espatah • posted OP at the T the neSt def the ree goiya.the freneti lon, XII fad and wounded, at I igoeitser etatect It it from POO to and the reporafif general Powy floes it at hem deo to boo—thitt ,11 an inive+fite tiO in two ,tare Pslysto wa nts Joey thso loll aP 1,000 to The ye s of gis number of c/o/. begirds Is,qquelbpol t y(Mlog. The Afonfirtry epeake of 16 OOP Auetriniis hying heap yeantspd try the dvelstio of 0 I /any. Tkp Yprip 'Worr_typiodprit . oft Times of yesterday,' who nentMt Wi u N t 9 r greet partiality tot eh imperial regime, gays; Mittel* entitled to some emelt Mote that Were were coy 6.000 Yrt_neb troops engaged ej Montebello, though it le most nosooottotable how the Ilithene of Gemmel Norey could hare been el weak; The seine writer the previous day bad estimated the numbers surged on each side at 12,000; but If the de. parity now mantio led be a fart and pot a notion, the. greater Is the trovoses and glory of the grenoh. The el.:Rory undoubtedly was theirs, but It was dearly bought, and nothing can Justify snob • perdue*. The OCOAIIONAL THE PRMS.-PHILADELPHL., FRIDAY, Jun iO, SARDINIA. vletors, Instils - to. SlO: , th& ystquiibsCratlit4Astinitsl*-vrithovrt osttaston ?' • It le newdisperste'straggle-lbst tto: Itillan,canspaigii.:*lll,tio face of_ibecieenllest in f 017,, Ws see itstelect tbit tbentuitrions bore 540,0 00 ; men at;pr.sentA:thet'occtittrY, , ofot „Wthltroldnis sect mos' h tt e ,outubari will be, 43i5t5540.4,t1 826; 0 e1e w,th16,000, horses Otoco grinC ..lf , ThiraneFO geOPPYI; says the Vienna oorreseondent Of thCllintes,..nho Co. , this ,leformallosi Ai.that'nellrf•_o l o l ;;Wer riming ended in gssi-ssitipsga • .blit Napoleon bee an dealwitlo.whoss ho,will not' either be able to overcome' at all, or Only after a long and desperate ;grunion s ._ .. The German Qsaar tarty Reoieta voted by the sawn -Who'll!, gives grime credit for 600 000 mon and 1,200 pleas of ilsld artillery. 'Austria. on. __the other hand, ,it le asserted, eats rain between 130,000 to 000,00 awl and 1 guns. AU it not probable that the'. absence 60- I "Alit great shiswof.wpz—hardmieh—Meybehig this ter , rib's contest to a speedier aloes than theAelillisooelg , at ;re ;sot 1 ripens ? The French geseantwill grow sick Of lending to his Government when dISIIIRBIPICOMG, and the capitalists of London yet. dictate Ahe terms of pesos.. As for Austria, her benkruptcy lirliqellea and unliegulsed. Commercial -• , LONDON MONEY,XABIKET.-0/1" the itsth ;the Stack methet wee study and firm OillifE2s•lf theta wee lievieceettlemneeer sod' au idviskee.of 54030P' - cent. wan established. On the 17th a good feellog pre-' vatted, a loes the blatant r.riesewere not maintained. Cideselei&it 02ge92% 'foe , motAY, and ,93,14092„g form:lemma ; • .• - 1 , The Kotler merketexhibited int:messed ease ; but the Bank - of Marlon& bid not redneeddfa,rate of ,d1049 1113 t/ _Mears .Baring, Bros., & Co, repeetwn abundant supply at BnBg rip' cent. on undoubted securities. Their quo. teflon for bar Silver 3e 59 • 2Xd c.3lextoin yellatpl s6 . 16.. and American Baffles ifie 2)46. , ' weekly retina of the Beak of•linglind shalt Atli Snore/toe in the bullion 0f..6212,001. • ,- , . The Daily News , eity article flays the hulk of bust." nese on the Stork Dieklinge was still for cash - , end the tendency of prioee•on - friday, ,in the cavern markets, *se decidedly favorable - The imiotuf London Joint steak banks were reducing Ibite_aiinwat or; on dapoeito to 2)4 rip' cent. ' Livaarooo. Key 23.--Ootton,The Broker* , Oiraular (dated friday) stye: 57411 the exception' of • yester day, when 10.000 betel; changed hands, theidernand this week hes only been moderate t Bplnnetc,bowever, bore been reeeiving eonelderable OnanHtlea of lite, direct from chip. In the Ogee of good stapled Amerieut there to no deoldrdchaege, but the low middling sod ordinary kinds, especially the latter, we irregular and again 'gd per lb cheaper." Brazil end other desetiptiona Ifd lower/ The males of the week f00ttap.51,930 bales, including '1.470 on speenlition,Pcid 5,00610 r export' The bnelneseyeeterder (friday) woe estimated et 8,000 Willi' including about 2 000 on speOnlation anr for export. The market elnied steadyat the followinthritherined quotations: Yale Orleans; 74(6 ..... 6 efd ",-Mobile •Off; • " Uolsede.• I ' '! —• Og The stock on hand is estimated at . 849,260, inoluding 882,870 Aniritan. At Minchester there has beitcoontini e d nativity, In the trade'for causing tither more steediages to 'prices There is to demand for the, Continent, how ever: and prices of yarn tend downward. EBBADsTUITS.—The weather .00ntifinefi remarkably fine- for/ the growing crept. Beare. Bichardstin, Spstoe, & Co. report the improved tone' of Tuesday Bat aid bushiest again very doll. Plour inseleable, though French to offered at 'afarther reduction. American guotbd at 11e14 Wheat in the absence of trams/alone is nominally touebanged to Naito. Bed Western 8010 s 61; /White 1016d/011e 14f, Southern 10e 9d0184. -Ind en Corn negleeted ; mixed IX Sieffill 9d; yellow 60 Male id; white He edge& 01./ . l3lghind, &thy* &the. say that to effeot setae lower, prices would have to be token for eiarything. ' , PacionfOxii —Beet--4, large busineis leas 'been done lu the better qualities, at en edvenhe of, 2000064 Nene. ' Alburgees ratite Meer, LI be; Oraelnie, f Inferior he ady n tending B aco n Cla w in salve de.' mind at rotes. Bacon Clow of site, *ad mice* Tallow drooping tendency. Lard dull, but firmly held.' dolt cud 70. lower. Extreme Oast ion for Bab:hers , Am.olation, of which there hi none here, lite Vr met Pkonpoo....Aehes quiet, at 111082 e for both pets' and pearls. linger betty end drocipi tg, particularly for low, qualities. Clops and Wits quiet: a ye higood demand for common. at advanced 'rates. Met of Saltily/Ore Bark atlie Odle . Pleh.ollo—No es to /opal:ple ased 011 80081 e. Drain unchanged ; common 48 349 de 8d Spirits of Turpentine very '4ole4l.ealeo at 413 e 61 oa the 'pet, end 42e to arrive. LONDON M*11141"8 '—fdesars. _Baring Bretton! & On remit the Cornmeal : et dtfil,.stel Wheat difficult lo gell 4 44000 dealing; white American 51657 e,• red rem 641 Ploer 28680: From E at . Bails tffaring £5.15' 6/16; &Mob pigs #d, 'Hogarp depreased, andiklesle cheaper for all'but the better arifittil'Ortl.C.C. lace steady, but inactive- Coffee unchauged: netion Mktg In Imo demand. New York 2/10 ; Boston „i Ils. rap Oils neglected. Sperm nominally £97 ; Cod 186 ; Pale Seal Ham: Maimed, fiat and lower. 18028 a 6d. Tallow oulet ; Y. 0 64081. Tea- firm at full prices. Common Oficiffekle #3. Spirit, Turpentine declined to 42e 61 for Americon ; Stough inlet at Ifs. • ' - • KAVS.BI MARBET,Ifor 3b2 Wing May 24, in. 'olueive.)—Oettost opaped,dali and - drooping; pgt closed firmer; moles of . he week. 8,800 bales. Wei 'ffilltas tree orMneire loot; Bee 'fflf Moak in port; 110 EH) kyles. Trade In the manufasturlog dletrlote, continues very diapiereging. BresAetolle steady and arm Pot -itabee th 7y, for firet bratds. Peoria dull and n . gating:. 4 1offthe 11114017*. 9 Milea Illee quiet, but firm. Sugar Jun V.! 4 /o. l flrri ' /4 1 #0 0 0 ( Whalebone fiat: ./ • ' " , 11RBTOAD SHOUB/Tl664:—Sfesses,'D. Bell, LOO.l, 4 & report se follows t The market for American securities rounds; unchanged ; Stete etocke, for which there Se a good demand, are not freely offered, and in the opeoheett eptettistlon pot little'le deity* railway. I bonds and elitm. ' 'pelted States 6 per cent beide, 1868 98" m 169, 'United Stated 5 per east. bands, 1874,r, 83% de 94' Alabama 5 per cent bonds • 76, 0 77 Kentucky 6 per tent honds,lB6B, ' CA et 91 ,Maryla 6 per cent ate bootie, - • 93 005 klesonelmette 5 per rent Mr bonds. • 99 0101/ fdlogissippf 5 p. a Union Dank ,bonds 0 16 Obto 6 per cent stook, 1886 ' 6. 0100 Senneylvanis epee cent stook - "•-co So, Peouillyania ;I per cent bonito, 1871 86 m. 86 Tennessee 9 per cent bpnd ' e diver* 82 es 84 - trirginia 8 per Mint bond', 1880 St tp fifi Virginia 5 per cent et. bonde, 188 y . • 86 a 86' Beaton 6 per emit bonds divers 18. m 00' Boston 4)4 percent at. bonds ' ' eO2 - . kiontrem 9 per cacti . , 1866,65' '' ' 9 ! 2 ‘ , Hinnole Central tt per cent, a 7/ Illinois (lentrat 2 per pest, 1876 .." . ; pr 70 1111noht Cenral; par dentfree 11,111 . ; 84 080 080 Illinois Central Misfile . Nr.:, 0 444, Michigan Central Stier soot, Igo9 Michigan Canna . phares •16 irtd N. Y. Cagiest a. not.ooair 4886 ,X 7 as 10 IL Y. Ceptral 7 p ootvertible.loOt IS a DO" 14.1 f:. genteel shares ;"/ ' ;65 ito 86 - ilk' York and /1416131.-e. , tehenev--1 1 4e1..:_ - _44_ 2 . , ne— ... wor Yerkarierlerl4l 7 p 8d mtg., lihu - r27 New "York and Kris eberes • . 'eci Panama 7c.lettnott,lB69 - 102 .0104 • Raceme p. it iot 2n9rti piks, 94M Perma'Oentral l p. o 3.0 mort,lBBo.. B f m 89i LlYkdroalit May 29- . Cotton . Marke t.-140, taco for thetreek here been 62 boles, iporodipg 4.462 to speculate/0, and opo to eopoilifes. There kiwi been a deoline, - chiefly of Wetter quill% es,/ of 4d, but fair finalities hire ineltneek the merket ;Amigo Hon and quiet. the demand being rather batter.' • The Wee to/ Gay have ben- 8;000 bettor, inelfidlog 2 060 bales km speculation and export.. The Masi fig o:nowt:file stie 4 Hair. .Ined/freg. New Orleans 6%; • Mobile 7 llpienio The et:trot Cotton In port is 610,000 bales, ineltt. ding 55$ 000 balsa Amerlean. • Sr. re or Tuans.—Tk e advice' from Idasoliester are fay! Ole; rhos ere steadier under o good demand for lodic Yarnalaye o draining tendency. 11471 s OsTing 1da112112, UV 20 —New Orlon's, Tree Ordiesire 104: , Bea 97f. The the peek have bear 3 500 bales Urns, ooa, datutday, P. St., May 24 .z . -Tha Cotton market today olosee drm lair and paiddlieg qaalitiss hive an improving Undone.. rake LIPS SPOOL BISEAD3rUFPB MAILKIT, gay 2f..- Rithirdsop ao }pence quota Flour es very dull snd'nu tale able, Preach 'Edge opted at a deollno ; males of American stllol4s. Wheat 1. 'ory dolt and nriudnagy pumbsopid ; Western red 80100 64; whle,'lo 6mlle ld; 5W1004109014. Cloth dgic, ant the tilos ere • on. important; 'mixed 806 e 91; yellow, P 10070 ld; White, S 408 a Sd. laystiroxf,. May 99 -Pt orlalora -Abet buoyaut, with -an •advance in 0- • quelitioa of 2s Pitr2e. Pork steady, with as sottre,Omand, II•etto GO. lArd !inn, but vast. I,IVgItPOOL PRODUCE MARKET-Ilay 17.-Pot Anheirquiet at 810138. - Sugar heavy. sot all qualities have declined, tbulower grades bat ug meetly afaatad. Coffee' quiet. Rice quiet. All qualities pf Tea have slightly advanced. Bark is imprpving ;1110m:ire lo quoted_pt Aides. Rosin. steady at dash p 11 1. 4 TiPritlltLo.Sl4sdyiat 43101. on the kpht, aO't 42e to IlErtry. /pyßingiN EURRETAI-May -Meows. Ratios fit Brothers.' *treater "%Wes Wheat Very 401'4 st goalies of 404 s foe the waok.• Sop? la SI Sboblif tot the week of edels. Co ff ee ateady. e' bet , SON.. of Turpentine heavy at a decline for al cal ; (plop at 47s ed• loolarool., Saturday, May 93, P. 11 i-.Breidskults aloes quiet but Mealy.. • Rtprielott aloes firm but quiet ,LOADON PRODUCE MARKET, 28th -.Sager mast: Oftlis..t.4t. cargo of Domlogo sold mails for (renos , Te'S 4irm 'oomholt Condon 1.1 84 Rile qilet, but don. kuuto-The 4o*l n teirip porttrLot for 140,0 gallons hoe rather 'Wetted prloag. ' The Blaveholdere Convention'at Baltic , more— ' DiLYISOeII Jane 9 —The Maryland deuveution to pooolder the question as to the beet meant cd regulating toe free negro populaUon met again I tile (Oriole/L. The 1; 11 ) , Po provade, and E.phlutereet wee mealleeted In the proceedings. i Rea. ?as. 4lffed ramps, *pitman of the ooccuriltee on )(amour tines, aptiml.ted tie reportanftesot(itiods of the Diejority The felicities Is the mbelangeof the report and repo lotions submitted by the nutiorltg ails egsom4tee. They state that a Dumber of regoletlouwpre a pbmit. tad to them by members of the Ocrovantlos, allot whlgh they Considered and discussed as carefully as the tiros allowed. Two subleots of p Mary Importroes occupied most of the commlttes l a time. These erre the pro. red expulsion from Msryland of free asproes, now siding log's the State, and the policy ;toted by the pared letirjo lo )41, of t Vaelog rearraln upon cout. mlsilou: sad tple`beessa y of eddltional legislation tb or. yitallina vlior the le.w of th e , y ear; which, probiLly, 1g tka ImperfectiDu ' of I detail?, ins fallen into al mss ,., ' , . • i In regard to the dna of the elasnitiOall * ,,,, , , D0rti came to the concluder; that it wee blear Mopped a to nadortthe any measure for the penefel removal o the free bleak population from the Btatra and that the beat lotertall of the etale, Ind of that Matt of people too, require only the enforcement of Ille statutes on Ws eubjeot already existlog, and of Molt alditional DAVI INPbeep tot e norceseary to carry co( th e purist:. ese of the DE.roter'LsislatDres., end make Wise people or. deny, Industrioes, and productfve. a . l 111 the lot 0013(11, the class of the p i psilou ichta. bored about 74,t01) Within the tut n years, It Is estimated that by alitnrei Untie sod in emulous the number has ?embed over 80 000 The taletenes of so lerge a Dumber of free blaoka In the csidet of • slave. bolding Mats Is believed to be or Its an evil, sod rp . Weevil is readily pereeived in be pros whin it le considered that if portion' of them arc id , Velem, and sthprednetive. • ' ' " i , • • -• TKe.'hortever, Is not the cue with the majority of them, purl 'their prosovel would t te the' Inmate.' be. Have, to far greMee r i nr CI the evil eb b people of fderylabir ever suffer flbto ,tlLeel.. ' heir removal Imp the et tate irclnl4 d duet hearty fly r dept front Me )04 014 ard efiteultural lip larbished hy the people g .0 ?gob pod Indoperieitle! tae ply. of ths State It would prcduse groat dtscomforp I, I : l 99eyellite44 o to the greet number of hemehoLierl. It wool& break up eu.leeas, sod des the properly of large numbers of land-owners and a4•reritsna-,11 clam whose laterals; are entitled to al soh eocardere. Ma as thou; of any other port/03 of u r altlssirs It would be harsh sod oppressive to th people them lsiftg. It would violets the publle am eat, which Is generally opt only Juts bet klattry, alcoold probably lead t; other Ilittiy, whlik the som ites forbear to mention. W. are eathfied that each a nismarytopld not re. eelve legisletive emotion, and wouldbe tdlerated f . by the groat body of the people of Mrr d, even With lAst . asootlon. The connultme they o, canoe% P. ODAMIDIi tll.O bltplllllioSl from ' the 8 4; *WI m .re unwilling shohld they ke to favor on miasma which looked to their. befog d irrivesi of the riot to freedom• which they have acquired by' the Indelgpo gnu? laws sod tenderer... of their masters—whotrr wise or . tusii Flek--or which they have Inherited re birthright i rr, O gyp ton o bolter proposito as to the estralohi upon menumleelon, the gommltte• think tt to e policy, In this matter, adopted by the sot of al was woe and proper. That act provided for thp Lopatin , / re. moral of all Woke nianudittted Ow renege of that, law ; provided for the appothtmert of a board of ;Pyle I/Aomori!, rho Should be mem** of the oolov sipeirob g i rekteti, whose duty It mho be to remove ouch people of color a airogid become • in the Stith Is ter; req.:ill , . st eliiini of - the coat . and regleters Of rills, to ihforth Mill bdaril of re spore of every toebomparlou by deed or will withln4e days'illter lip record; rrlultod th e board or men. 14 notify th e polostinati a SoeleTiy, i t s t r atreoge w b them for the pimoval o each Eisen lled Ml* tol,lberlie If the ?peaty deigned to do YO, A* board . 1 . 1 9 rflPold glint 1„1! goats Abet plsee out of the 8 to, whit Oily ~ nifull . ; Vie I ;the. related to 1 ve tbC ' eta b 114 . 4 PO hrt DI tke Olnety Viral `be titl.d br ?,. the board, an d t eretiptin tY if la itle d of the atiellgf , to arrest and remora them beyond fir tete 'UM it was evident that tee policy or the Stet In 1031 gals thp compulsory removal Irons the State Orris in innuslt. Led after the date of the act, with • VI to prevent the too great and rapid Inoreue of tali parlol our popula tion. The oommittee see no 101205 foid'ariardlog thin ' policy now, bet believe tbst the semi reason which .inlicenced the Legislature of:1481;noir ekirittin greeter 4.lter further disomosine thiepoiri:, the report'Oak. eludes with reilonutterialne Mr - et:following réseintliMis4 ' , 7o4siaved,'Thet thle Convention madders ady fl itutkiiiir , itheOledefal ' , reinovel of free black, from the bole or Maryland Intpolttle. I:inpatient, oildimsailed, yet by - j any - -publlares.lgencyt which could Justify • , af 414eolved,,Titat the free negro - porogation , ehould tier +Welton/ thoroughly Controlled be eifficientlawe to toe end Shitk ittmay be orderly,. industrionsj - and prolluQr tire. That for the purpose of dimintehing as far as possible the evils which proceed from an 00081410 eantinereasing free clue of negroes, the polity of the State deolsied to 1381 should be reaffirmed, and suoh leMendments be made, to the set of that year as will idle to kt i r apttiio ,at will :either problb t emuieipatiou altogetherl or compel this prodipt removal `from rtheState , of Uwe emancipated and that the Legialai urn should bombed to review end &Mend - the tore rela'iO f defects tie and to emanotpation, ID ea to g a ll the of 'a spawn which time and eXperfenCe have dleolosed. - . lteedived; Thit a eommittei of be appointed to submit the views of thie Convention, and to ask appro. plate legieletlon by the Ceders' Assembly. Mr, W. Jacobs, of •Wortester presented the views of a portion of the minority, being a written caress, going over the whelp ground sad detailing the grievances of the slave=owners of Maryland, and the perniel owe Influences of free negroism p a the poptilai:on generally He advocated the prohibition of emancipation, affij the passage of lima for the gradual extinction of free negrolein. He alluded to the tendency in the Northern and Western States to legleisteagidoet free mottoes Be - also alluded to the interference of the kpls • copal °harsh of the North in the matter, end wee very Severe on the NSW Teak - Christian Advocate, touching .its striotures on the tionpention held at Cambridge, and its attempts to threaten with the eoalesiastleal ',cowhide the Methodistic of Maryland, If they counteearmed the preaent movement. . He avowed hinting a M 'the diet, but repudiated in strong language, any attiwint at ecclesiastical interlfireible with the domeatics inetitu tiooa of the South. ' • • Mr. Jacobs' minority reinirt corteltuaed With Tesolid• Hone asking of the logislatom Lb Op enactment of lows compeillug the free negro to leave the State, or to be cold for lire. Judge Mason, another member of the committee, old that lie did not , agree entirely with the report of the -majority t " Oct. Sothords taut his 'View was, that the Legislature. shorddenact a law to prevent emanolPation. ' Alter wpromeoted- debits, the majority resolutions ;were adopted almost unimimonsly, and The Convention edjburned sins die. _ _ The need in the Upper 'Xiiesisafroplt r - thellaao. dime P.—The AllnassotA papers of sae Btlt inatant, tarnish farther details .of the flood The damage bits been lunch greater than wee at Bretatated., The !eves at St. PAW was entirely rah, tuned, ant at St Ahtbony at, ninnespolia the storm' sod floods. Were terribly destruottve.' , Property to,thei mount, of seve ral hundred thonsand dollars pulpier) 4 eetroyed at the former p"riern The at Anthony W:cer Company. have lost five million feet of logs, valt.ed et $4O 000 The Doom at (loon meek, contatains ten muffins; feet, was Momentarily situated to glods way. Not lees than $lBO 000 worth of loge had gin* over the falls within the three previous days. - The river is twenty-one feet stove low-water mark: and within one and a half feet of the great flood of I§pct. The storm of the at week to that motion of pantry 10 ficeetibee. se th moat (rightful ever Witnessed. ra !s in San Antonio, Tomo. - NryttpaLp4.4s; Aloe o 'tumor T. sae his ay. riled twin Ban Auto*, . with dates to the 21 instant. Cept. john R. Baylor. with 4150-men. had made at tack pn the Indian Reserve near port Belknap, delving o thp Roots, and en4elocirtrig tb,espture the' prltatia. wee ordered to leave but retired. Stile ofProminvn T P utoriceo-,The Highest - , , . _ Price on Necoist. . sr Lome, arms —Alt the isle - of premium Jamie* at the Planters' warehouse today, the first premium At $76, for manufactured leaf, wan awarded to Addison Pineal of Pike county, Mo. Tide tobacco was put &seed by D W. Leen & Brothers. of Glasses, Mo . st #126 ;ir 160 lbe. k ,whlok le the highest price eis, record. ItegictioEt fr . o oe bp O a New Yolk Cen. em"YOBIC, Inns if —thil itiewlrdrk Central itallroed Company has reduced the fare from New York to Ohl, nowt, over that road, to $l2. 'TEE. CITY. AffiIISIMUYS TEM VV/NiNG WALlrr-&raisk Twammo.—The Yienok Ogragony of New York. oma Tam THIELTII2.—Morrim Brothers, Pell a and Trowbridge's Minstrel', and oow-bell•o•glans: MoDiMottoWs (irons.-43eleetIons tram Playa, Alma from Oprrar.,Toutrakirner, Dancing, and flinging, AoAosur or Val Rani hiliftlop oreobtitgo ant I.3thtuari* THE REGATTA. 4, qc,Trqp • aiii" victorious GREAT EXCITZKENT•ON THE RIVER• 110/0121 . 5, INCIDJINTp, &0., &o The regatta betweeu the yaobta of the Delaware came Off yesterday. Mg* eaeiteteerit bad begs created In relation to the contest, and the liveliest interest as to the result was manifested during the day by the sporting people of our city. The weather was eminently ansploions, the sky being clear, and a' stiff breeze blowing. Long before the hour of starting, the waters of the Delaware in the immediat e yicinity of the Kensington buoy, where the squadron was sneered; were studded with boats orall descriptions, filled with anxious spectators. Two large ateaniers were pi4riernd -for the (vamps} lry seine enterprising people, and -were crowded with paw:tangoes "4 steam tug hay leg a large' barg e , lit tow accopipanied, halt of which were'. th ronged - -with passengers, It WSW that tbore were about 4,000 persona by Wird the various bralts that gaffes:44d the vamp Nine elm was the hour fixed ,for alerting, but it was 9 ; 40 before the noise of preparation bad 'ceased, and the adientnrerm mariners, with sails hoisted' nd every man at lily post, darted from the buoy; and sped down the river,, amid the .oheers' of the assembled throng that witnessed their - departure. The'elght, as it presented itself, .War most beautiful. 411 aldper the whatvei of the city, Irma Hiehmond to the, ;levy yard, crowds of citizens, ere congregated,eagerly watching the contesting 7eclse, and answering hack the sheers from theta op boar 4. Hamblin of smaller siren from the Pennsylvania and Jersey shores crowded the rivet, on a few oopasittie interfering with the pro reel of the vessels. The ,fo!leefing 'yachti were entered. The race being nontined to those only twenty•two feet long, accounts for the fact that so many other boats of renown did not enter into the' Het : L. Theodore Biting, John McDonald, Hartrauft, William B Mann,' George M. Bill, .Tobn - M, Butler, Major Viomarfelt, Samuel H. Gilbert, David. M Lyle, M. Itorltotta. M. Ryan, Henry Flamm, and Del aware. " The following crafts accompanied them, though they-were not contending for the arise Rood, Delaney Black Eagle, Warren, Lilly, Flying Cloud. Richard Vaux, and Dawn. • In r . mihatee time these were all passing ,throp llialersey channel. about opposite to Client ist etieet. As they parried Ohestnlit street, the $ ii. Gilbert tied the I sa 4; followed by the G. 21. Bill and ,john Id. Butler. " AS bee bang elated, the race was for the posses. stop of the champion nags, made of silk, and, for some time pag fa the possesslon of the I. T. Rs. ling; and the aggregate of the entrance fees, amounting to some $lO. - The second prise was a purse of $5O, and the third a pants of $45 The distance from the pity to the (Roster buoy is estimated at eighteen miles. At four hours and thirteen minutes Vont the time of starting, the G. M. Kill rounded the booy. The - other V 688015 followed her, attha titan Indicated, as follows: itoyaton t il..s6; Sohn M. Butler, 1.1. 58; L. T. Es. 48. 1158 ; W , lttain l Aluntl, l 2 ; gargraafs, 12; 4: I: 'radian n," 'hot Bumm,l3 On t Itibn 13" 0 $ ;` :{olio V.:7lyan' and $ 'Gilbert, i? The exelteureut, ;tempo tho spotting Ron on board of the steamers was most intelise ; ;leap were made with the greatest learnt', G Hill being the favorite at the start, the Riding being the next favorite. Thht state of things eon. Untied during the pee until alter • the squadron had paned the buoy and were on the home trip. Th'e Ming, *ben approaching -Red Bank, seemed to be gaining ow-the UM at ouch erato that quite a number Of beta were mallet with eonsldpritble odds in her favor., In the midst of the temporary excitement, and while all eyes were fixed on the two yachts, the' Elting began to - shift and' lag, and show signs of failing strength - Curses loud and deep ensued, Sat cure not pealed by the information that ar redder hadli n oke, and that she would, of ofif4si.ty, ho'ooM Wed' to !thigh the jodraloy ilpdot a great diaadvi ge. Tpe beakers ante 11111 lorp enilignet at th is protipeot, and so atrOntly and anddenly ht the tide of fortune change t et seam anelb e er bet vrgis t'Ofe n Hirldi n ate ofaft' ' • The George M. Mil was the first toArriye at the starting place, and wee nosordlngly pronnumeg. the winner It was 242 when the reacted the of, haring made the run In bO2 The Id Roys ton gained the second pries, coming in at 2 - 52, or ten Minutes behind the victor. The Ealing eame ht 1.55/4 in" mirlates balled the .11iii,‘ and gelded the third •nri of .5.25. The other boats earns at) we er mention thend; jylthbutatiy regard to 3 31 Butler, ilartranit„..4. 1115 tile r, felt, John McDonald, John W. Ryan, and 113. M, Gilbert. In the &et part of the rase, the Baling led the others, being oloaely followed by the Bill In a few minutes after, they wareside by side. Finally, tire /ONO th 9 lend; which it maintained to the MOH without aby vinterrctptien. out 1Q miles down the river, the Delaware eapkl4ell, Mrowing her passengers into the water. %he voyager', whb were fortunately good swimmers,.wera able to keep themselves above wa'er until picked up. The in oideut lel to avast deal of amusement among the speidatgre. Qn the return, the (Silbert broke her toit.matit. Ttas same relelcap befell the John M. BUtlerWhen'opposlte Ned Bahk. ' We rferritniormed k a Mite hour in the evening thatmMan was lost from the Wm. B. Maim. end iiiiforhthately drowned. The name of the man 4viiividinstabid to leetp, ?slid although we'had it RRoth eEohiletit athot i rty w'e Ro pe thine if no frath Ott laport. • Is hop, the gohn N. Buller °kr ip, a tug teat was titivating near the elire ran Into 'a metal row boat eentaining eerPn le de end ewamied Tht boys were thrown into the water, en tt was wit great dvmoulty they were saved. wo ofthem were ihronsible when brought ashore, and resusoi , toted after great trouble Bogen FOR TRH FALLEN.—The 'fair at o=- ml Hall, now being bald under the ausplees theug Refuge; for the purpose of raising Muds to a(d elufwa in erecting a Borne for the Fatten, deadlines Or be. will' Atendedi indeed, the, at tendance was mush larger lea evening that) no any previous mansion. „The Meyer' nienera sang some beautiful song, and an address was de prored by the Rev.• Mr Pratt. The Philadel. WO* Buse liond, pie. , 2, was In attendance, as usual;mnd dlso3ursed Most elepruent emote. The display of dowers was unusual; line, and we %re glad to hear that donations of value are constant ly being - received from•friends, in this city and plsowhere. The fair will (dose to-Morrow eve rung On board the steamers, as-we have said before, thd.seene daring' a greeter pail of the veep Was one of great excitement. Any quantity of eatablef of a auestaatlel charaoter, attd - drinhablee in , sua ptotous ;oosing bottles, was provided, •and found great favor '. 'Duffel; a 'portion. of the time, and while the'lntereet wits 1104gingi• use an expres- Sive phrase, " Tiger' iwas let lilbse, and tinspp• hetail' fought. ,Qn the whole, brio/liver; the best omer Brandied; and, with the exCeption of a feW teeing gentlemen the rrty'reaoheu dime In ex colfentimitits, well pie led with ;hp trip, thOtigh rturhapp tfurprls d al therafftilt. • 411 .11stspontr.—A. little girl 'fell l, Ipto the 'pale ware, near Oolnetbia avenge, yesterday morning, and was almost drowned, when gibe was reamed by Mr. John Way. MEETINU or TrIN MEDIU/11 SOCIETY 07 PRNN NTLTANIA.-43BCOND MAT.—The Society met .yeater day morning, at 91 o'clock, Dr. Cunningham, of Beaver, in the chair. The minutes of the prece 'ding day were read and approved. - *•; Dr. Coates offered a resolution expfeeilpg•the , regret of the - Snotety at the death of Drißeefamin: • Jeiney: - ' Aderstedy n animously. Coates sold Some action should be ken ie. relation: t07. - the - .. death of Baron Humboldt'r t,The' 'Doctor alluded to the. aluable servioea performed. 'fiiiolintle and humanity by the late distinguished,' Humboldt, and concluded by offering a resolution expressing the regret felt by the medical profession of the State of Pennsylvania at his decease. The reporteof-county medical societies being in order, a ntrixiiier.were presented. ' Dr. Oondle, on behalf of the Committee on Die tributingHimulne,Vaeolne Matter, me, a verbal report. The Doctor explained the owatle of Amnion' pursued by the ! aefumlttee in, the ;furtherance, of their instruolions. . • ' ' ' Dr. John‘LcAtiets,Eir.'; nioredAhat the commit teebe contintred." •Akreedte. • : Dr. Mayberry presented the report of the 'Com mittee on Unfinished Dusinese, which,: on motion of 4 1 .1 0 Fepsen, :was laid on the table. Dr..To Xißeirraelr piesebted — theireport of the Auditing Committee, oertifyirVo the epTraotneas of the T:TAATIfere 80a0Oot! numbe,r,of oopisicf tb,o, Medical and Burp. oat Beiaror, edited by Dr. LeVl9 and Dr, were presented and distrilsoted among the mem• bare. The, report of, the Beaver igaatillsootisty 14e road and referred to the Beaver Matta Society. A report of the Bradford Median! Booiety,tras read and'referred, the Ihmelittee ba-Publios tint. Dr. Thompson,,of Delawaie, on motion, was in. 'sited to take a seat in the Society. . The Dootqr, in response to the invitation, made a few-ramarka,Abanklng the Society fur the bettor conferred peen him. Ile hoped the profession would be unitedin the'prinoiples of lihereitty arid kindness, and dint they would unite in larrins upon: the spirit of empfriptrip, ecfearAilly preys lent. • The report of. the Mercer Qoupty .Medical So ciety was read. - • , ' ,Dr..,Clondle. moved that the reports of :the county . medical societies he referred to , a com mittee. Thismotion led to Soma discussion. Dr' Jewell fee,apposed to altering r amending; Or suppressing ieserreporte, or any of them,' - , Dr, D. F. Condit, thought otberwise. A Judi- Mom oommittee, having tame •reports in-Charge, might, by corresponding with the authors of these roper.s, make many oorreations that would be mn tunlly thought necessary . A lengthy and , animated debate , arose, after which Dr. Candid medified his resolution so as to read as follows ; •••• Resolved, ',hat all the reports presented at this session be referred to the Oommittee of Publida• tion, with instrnotions to examine the same and make any alteration that shall 'be allowed by the authors previously to printing. hp rpsolort was adopted:, , p. Wort ester', of the eommittee tu whom were re erred 'oer in resolutions- emanating' •frota "the Board of Censors of the Philadelphia &misty, in struoting the members of the Society to hold t3O consultation with arty of the familtiem and 'alumni of Female *dips! Polleges, presented a report. Ptfo i li e rzigaiztli e r d e l po h r e t , it geloCalfurrfVecen eope., The, report was adopted,, • pr. Carpenter; of hancasUir, presented q pre amble and resolution tharbing Tiarrish ' the superintendent of the Bobibol for Feeble Alindel Children, for the Interesting eabibition -be• given to the Sudety of the progress that had been made by the society in reforming the oondl tion of the unTortunate under its care. Adopted. unanimously. A memorial from the Philadelphia Medical Bo oipty, with ti resolution attached, was taken from the table. The felalOtion milieu that toe s o ciety ,be.admitted ea a delegated body. • Dr. Carpenter, of Lenoester, moved to refer the memorial to a special committee, with instructions to report at'the next 'Meeting of the Society. Dr. D F Candle said that the worthy men who had framed the memorial bad fallen into a great many errors. The Doctor gave a history of the society making appliostion for admisdon. fife had greatVeVot foe thetnembers of that sooleft, but, until it was formed'on correct prinolples, he would object to its admission. •- Dr. John L. Atlas, Sr., felt' Some hesitation in speaking on this subject.. He' did not think the Society should mingle iii the domestic quarrels bf the Philadelphia :County: Medical Bomety. •!.. The bombers Qr• tha SoCie i ti making this .appileation would ifict t•tho nrityppialegntirneut of the prOfendOn. lie Id not, tOWeeer, thinlb the • ... , ° ,,, ,,bon,fogular, and was, amordthuly, in favor ' mmil of referring the queer , „to throa tee as pro posed. • - Dr. A. Rebingpr said it was a family quarrel betweeb the physicians :of Philadelphia. •, all purposes of utility the Philadelphia tittedloallitr. okay was as dead as Sept. 'Hewes opposed to the postponement. All the feels could be presented, now, and jest as well as one year honest. The speaker gale a history of the difflottlties that had led to` tiro formation of the ihiladelubla bociety. lafe saw no nopeggitY for e establhdpisenf pf another society. The Philade Phis Coanty /decimal Boole* , wanted prompt and divided 110t144. ' Dr. Worthington; of Chester, regretted the , ea. !stoma of this quarrel,. so deep, abiding,.and bitter. Robed a lingering hope that peace would be restored, and accordingly appeared before the society m a peacemaker. Ile hoped the committee would be appointed, and implored, the society to do something to - heal the troubles, and throw oil upon the troubled waters.' ' Dr. jeypell advocated the immediate disposal of the matter., . „ • home othei.deliate ensued. • After which Di. Carpenter moved that the consideration of the memorial and renciations be indefinitely poet. ponpd, whiph Wes agreed to. --__Tha_thadety.then adjourned. . . . - uvula/00r attearmr. _ The floolety resumed its sessions at Ave o'cloolt. After transacting ,some unfinished business, Dr. John Attlee. fis. j , moved ' , that the reeorde of th e Committee on Nominations be adopted. The• motion wee agreed fie, 'and the following officers were declared cleated : Presietent.—Dr, Condit', of Philadelphia. ro . pre.„4„„. —Dr. C T. Bliss, ,Bradford county ; Dr.-B. Sobeeck , Lebancin county; Br. ;chi rs Schrock, Mc Memory county; Dr. Bdwd. Wallace. Berke county. corresponding Seerefary.—Pr. Jos. Carson, Philadelpphia., - Jitecoiden Secretaries.—Dr. jam. Raul,• Dammam; Dr., John T. Carpenter, Selland!' county. • Treasurer.—Dr. R. P. Thomas. carotene. First and Second Districts —Dr. J. S. Carpen ter, Balmy'kill county ; Dr K. Corson, Montgomery county; Dr. W. Mayberry, Philadelphia county; Dr, E. H. Mason, Bradford county ; Dr. J P. Edge, Chester county; Dr." W. H. MoGill,"Mon. Itour county ; Dr. A. S. Bare, Lancaster county; I Dr 0. H. Wormer, Berke county. Third and _fourth. Pistricts.—Dr. William R Finley, Blair donnty ; B. Sudan, Hunting don county ; Dr. 0. J., Hirst, Blair county ; Dr. 'Thomas Woods, Lyoming county; Dr. Joseph Henderson, county ; De James Galbraith, Perry county; 'Re .1 Et Noe, Perry county. , • F,tfth and Sixth .Districts.-_Dr. J. W.shart, lybileington county ; Dr q. W. Allison, pewter county; Dr. D. Soasuret, Lawrenoe county ; Dr. J. P. Glizam, Allegheny county ; Dr. John Swan, Cambria county ; - Dr. 8. - Griswold, hieroor coun ty; Dr. Thomas St. Clair, fndiana county. _Delegates to the American 'National Medical Society —Dr. S. Cunningham, Deaver county ; Dr. Witilom Worthington, llhester gouty ; Dr. J. E. Singer, Perry county' Dr. J. R. Carpenter, hohnylkill county; Dr -William Conon, Montgo mery county; Dr. 3. D. Strowbrldge, Montour county; Dr. Henry Car l penter, Lancaster coun P - ; Dr. W. Sewell, Phi delph county Allen, Bradford count a y; Dr ia . It.' P. Thomas, Philadelphia amply ; Dr. John 8011, Philadelphia bounty. Gorwenifteo pf .Rff_6lfration.—Dr. eyi Cutup, D 1?: 4. L. 4ennedy, Dr. W. B. Atkinson. The e omp l ittep oltds dpoidda on uihkino Phila dekihia ae ibe abit Plagp of meeting Drs. Worthington and Jewell were appointed it committee to inform the president elect (Dr. Candle) of hie election, and to conduct him to the chair. I I , - - The President, (Dr. Cunningham,) before the ooramittee proceeded to the execution of their Mau Vin o ? t r e oto o n r V b t e h y altli co e n te r m re b d ei o s n of iti t tq h and for the kincf;ess they , hed,ahown him during his administration. lie spoke in complimentary terms of the Society, and congratulated it On the harmony that had charaoterized its past dareer, and concluded by,withing the members, individu ally and Colleotively, the greatest &Mount of pros! perity.. De Was warmly applauded: " The qomrmitties then conductea Dr. Condit), the President erect, to the dhalr The Doctor was re. beiyddwith 'the most 'onthhslattio Uptlainte; and raturnia his thanks to the members for their kind- OS ip iileyathiti him to the"dietintighihed pp.aitiop he gt@a oopi+pd. TIM etteita - wnl4 'Le dittoed. tit the fprthenupg of thp • § oo :lt7'ettlot golf 1114 P maiptcpepee, to thp lattgr, gf woo et tot. Various resoluttone, returning t auks to the Various railroad oompanies, the retiring president, the Board of Truman of the Pennsylvania Doi. vaulty, the committee of arrangements, and oth. ors, for various courtesies extended to the mem-, bars. c. tiaTburr,r moved to take up the amendment to the loohltlentien, apthorioing the formation of a new oounty 100107 for every 300,000 inbabl. tants. The whele, subject wee indefinitely postponed.. The Committee on. Meteorology reported pro gress, and asked to be continued. The report was adopted and the request continued. ' +too, of I,anoester, moved the adjourn merit, which i9lo"aarbidd, edduoeordiur ttio eisdety adjourned to Meet, thb oltl o Phila delphia, on the second' Widnbsdar of Jun , 1860, atjeleven A. M. ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF t30600z. 0 ox ?nom, an s —An adjourned stated meet'. foig of 410a4 of ()entre! Was held yeenprdal atterllobh. The !Ugh School Committee o ared a resolutlen to confer the - degree of B. A. oaf' oertaireitudenue. 4dopted. Tho' e'er, pogotnlttee eared a report and rem- I woks fer Intligdrit zsholarp. rhYDopennorry preeentqcl a nltigl3er of tgemo, r frow pzrepts or philarea lit th e setungs aga nzt the ROolltiiol or GREW In n 10,6011001 01 . Praotloe. Memorials from tar-payers not having children in the sohools, to the urn. effeot, were presented. Dr. Houston said 'these memorials were mere puffs of this school, and they were got up by a promise to admit daughters of the signers. Hid net th ose ' people whoie named were attaohed deughtes in too schools, or prospeots of having th orn t a e , thef wt4td'remoustrete against, it. The memorials Were referred. The obamber then -proceeded to the oonsidera tion of a series of' resolutions attaotted to a repdrt pf the special oottunittee on the proposition to c hange the Bohoot of lis!reoiloe from' a grammar schwl to one of lower grade. + - A lengthy debate ensued on the resolutions, widely, afters being 'slightly amended, were' finally adopted, and the chamber adjourned at 8 dela* in the evening. , ~ " I*- l c TliE -filf-iTut STEAM Fotn,ENuinx.—T to new'engln +RI t e - hOtiiidd this oftioen by he oompany.on Buttonwood; below Third street'? al eiyaretuale tif the sante oapioity al IVO etas of the Northern 148erty .Flute Company ;. aud , at 1$ trial, tometlme Aloe, although in an unfinished state, the 'perpriganoe gave general aatiofeetiOn', water balk(' thrown a tdiatauato 'of tWO kindiet and twenty fear feet. d'he company will Mar front' their intglueshonse at two o'olock, , preeeded 113 ' -Book's irieli Band, and, after gettifig titbit eel capacity eta; pp', at Neafile's works:Wilt test' her bet l ,4* the Committee On Tfuite Mid BlttS Department. 'the exhibition-will take place 'at Third and Buttonwood streets. DEBTRMOTIVZ FIBEI YXSTERD.A.Y One.of,the 1:110.41)1040ve fires that have °maid in thi(oltYlovklesug i llmei broke out about 1 o'eldek yeatitsdayroorpleg, in a two•storied trains, ,struChire, situated on-Alia north side of Martial .itreetAbove Affarson' s .avenue • and occupied ' Mrs Edirtird Hughes for;Mering'hay. contained &Witt fifteen tons hay: a handsome family car riage.' andnhouttwouty tboueand poles for hoof's, alt 6f whiablvere_ , dettrayed. The loss is estimated at ftnin $2,000 to - . 53 000, which is fully covered by Insurance. The origin of the fire has not been sit; ifertalled, but it is supposed to have been surased: bye number of small children who were pla7 l ol3` with matohesnear the western endof the building. The smoke was disoevered.-la, woman who lived directly opposite, and idle promptlY olive - the alarm i hnt owifig,toklia searcity of;Weter in that ,vicinity, and the con bestible °attire- of the, con-• tents," the" boning - 4a* Illatost 'entirely iiehitMed before the steam engines could be palate service: The extensiin•hay press Of Mr. Hughes, on the south side of - Marriott street, - cretnimed'_with' premed and loose'hiy, wail just about from The intense heat as a stream of water was thrown upon the hot brioksi and blistering wood-. worriana.thitathis hnildlng w$ eared front de, struotion. • A three-story brisk !house nn ihe west of the burning bap took fire. The roof was destroyed and also.the kitobert,la,foune..atroalure, orte_sich high. This building wee RilMillidadi the tenants h2liiig,ronierea Vtierefrnht r5°r41471111499' Two Old fitshiened tWe-ntogihri k liatitleS, run ning rols stout Vey feet trent elrerpohavenne. looff lii, Ake ' PAZ The( ,k 1 hens Attached‘ thereto *ere entirely destroyed, and also a part of the roof of the mein eddlee. One was not °core pied. • The other was tinantod iv ladtnamed ravis, who Ilea attained' the ..yenifable., age of 'Sweaty years. She, finding the flames fruitage log, locked her house up and proceeded to a plate of safety. The St, Ann's Roman - Cathode .Asylum, front ing on Jefferson avenue, below Christian street; occupied by about fifty old and feeble women, wall in great danger for a tine. The aged - inmates Wore thrown into the greatest oonfusio n , but their fears were soon quieted by the firemen and police. The building escaped. Several of the yards at• taohed to the surrotatdlitg property contained handsome and valuable ,phints, dowers, peach, gage, and apricot Areas, variety , fl grapevines. most of which were ruined by the intense hest. several houses on the east slide of Jelfanton'aVe=' nue,.oppoite, the bere t :were ip great" danger, but owing to the edocirable working of the steam peeing, were saved from destruction; While the Diligent etianilni engine was pre , ceeding tet , theArt; the -noble horses attached to the. engine were suddenly reined up to avoid' a collision with a light „ c arriage Jr' the,street, at Second and ' Catharine. Thir• htniee'dealp2d upon the sidewalk, earrying away an „signing and its supporting,posts, the giving - way ,of Which prevent ed any serious i n ; had' it been otherwise, either one or bath of • the noble animals mutt have been fatally injured. ho exoitement prevailed. in e vi- (laity of the utmost ore, and thousands of *peopl t e h were attracted thitlfer. Tile Trafel oil the aeaand and Thirdatreet Hallway line was Interrupted for some time, and the Second-street ears were finally switched off at Pine street, 11,k'elt up Pine to . Third, and thente to titemier terming„ Limn of THE COIVER•STONS or CHall;R 11:Dratrofr, Nair Jimagg. 7ester day afternoon the, ootner.stone of a new 4'pis % copal church,( at ffiverton, N 4., was laid wit liroteloh lin ntht r ifv r e ia rt 4 4lt re nt lit've g 4 4 9 4l fOne beiloog been toll by the inhabitants of the plaice.` For illOrtithatt novan'years Weribip las been held, in the dwellinghouse of kir. John Eleoket s but as the town grew In importance_ andelse, It-,became necessary to erect a distinct building set apart for the worship of God. There is now every prospect of its being accomplished through the inoefatigt, bit, exertions of Mrs. Settled, end ittbei add gentleinea of the place: _2l: dads env fund has been collested for the purpose., Tereeburoh :will have a front on Main street; by torty feet on the liner of the Camden and Amboy -Railroad. .It will be httilt in the Gothic style of - ainfilteoture, and - will accommodate about' two hundred and iffty persons. It is to be oel Christlihuroh. The otteroonies atten ant upon the laying - of the center-Mae were one' ed with the reading Cf Psalm 122, comminoing : "I was glad when they sibd unto me, We will go lota the house of the Lord An address was then delivered by Eire Rey. B. Hastings Weld, of Moorestown, N - J, who GM elated ,n the plane of the'Bishop;isho has not yet entered upon the discharge ofhte &Wet The oerner-stone was then depogited its plaoP. The following itttiotei Weft placed is the box: The nada, Book of Common grayer, dopy of the Constitution of the'Ohuroh of - the"Dineeee,of Pier , Jersey, Ponetelliermon Pronounced' in Memory of copy of the - form of player used at 'the layineof the oornerLetone of Chrip cliturob, N . 4. - tudepoeitingthettopp sae Nana BetylOS Iles tittered. Peleliu. OM' was then snag, Sher whleh snap. promisee . prayer wits offered, The remainder of the exercises goneisted in pinging the Outs lh Evelsis," and the benediction. 444 . 41P1it' Gin.—At - a quarter , after.BVo o'glook yesterday afternoon, an alarm of tire was (famed by the burning of a sin the tear of n building in'Briutort 'fleet; helew Twelfth. house was occupied bye number of -Irish families, and belonged to Mrs. Aline Diamond. A 'man died there a few days ago of a horrible dhows), and the straw out - of his •bed, which was piled in the shed, was accidentally set on fire. Several outbuildings were destroyed, but the damage welt trilling. - „ F4O;--At an Milt , ” itome thie niorting .a, large fire occulted in the lowet mist of. the so ty, The flames were visible 4t a greet distange from' the scene of nongagrationt ' ,, Thet,lateness of the' hour prevented our ascertaining the partioulars. ---E O BELTA-L---Caazae.—Zttlins _Dexter Aflame aged TO years, was,nevitekf injered being throw Irvin and , tolled gybe by it h2ssei Water street,. near Noble.; , John Carr fraoturedhis left arisayfallieg from a plank while engagari, , ,in loading a vessel at the Point House. Thomas flaixtelin, *god 18 years; was ehookingiv brnbied by being ran over , -by a heavy busk, in Germantown. - Thomas , Murphy, aged .2: years, had„his. right 'arm fractured by being naught between 'two earl,' at Jonesburg, on the Camden and Atlantic - rail- All the aboveotties Werindiniteed to the, Penn sylvania Hospital - TWA ()MONET MAToll.—Tbel match between the fit A/serge Cricket Club of New York, aid' the Philadelphia Club of this city, was con - eluded yesterday. The Sr, Georgetook , the bate 4011 and concluded their seelonCinnints; • after which, the Philadelphians finished their second innings, and concluded the game. The game 'was very close, well contested; and exciting in the extreme. It was after 2 before it ended- ut the discomfiture of the Philadelphians by 27 - runs.. Tire play was quite as go d as on the day before, the speetatore as numerous, and the applause as cordial. The New Yorkers return home to-day. -- - PETTY LAROENT.—TWO young mon, named Andrew Johnson and Hiram Williams, were taken before Alderman Warren yesterday morning, OA the charge of-robbing the till of a grocery store at the corner of West.Otiester road and Fisher ave. nub, in the Twenty-fourth - ward.' When taken into custody, a number of small articles, consisting of soap, fishing lines , , new shirts and stookings, gaiter boots, - .40. -- -.wavelet - and ,upert, elleinpersoos. They aro s u ppo s e 2 d to have been stolen and await claimants at the Twenty-fodrth-ward station. house. They vete,committekto-anawer at court. FAESE ATA424B.—At two' o'clock yeatei day morning, signal; him No. 64, of the local telegraph, at the corner of .Tenth - and Altilowhill streets, was broken open, and, an alarm •of „fire struck upon it. The State House bell struck the alarm for the Third district, and a general turn out of the firemen ensued, causing a gloat com motion. 4t eight o'clock, yesterday morning, an alarm of ,re was canoed by the burning out of a foul obininey in queen !treat, between fifth and ,54. th etrelite. — illbliusit.eroNß' Mamie .—The 'cornerstone of the new Presbyterian - Uhurob at , Prankford was laid' yesterday afternoon, with appropriate "ceremonies. The congregation attached to this ohnroh; under - the- pastoral care of Rev. Thomas Murphy, in in a nourishing condition, and the building about tb' be' erected for ita -use will be one of the most imposing of its kind, and a decided ornament to the'hriving.and- beautiful borough in which it is located DISAPPEARED.—The wooden screen erected in 'front 'of.the' Pennsylvania Bank . building, on Chestnut striset,"abote Fourth, behind *Wok workmen baie been engages for aome.t.ima- past, Was yesterday removed i Tee lnsefription "Tble gsank Of pebnarivinik'i vrbtell *sr en; "%mop Ale ranite bae , disappeared, encl the space-Is - now qqeppied hY the woidi" 'rise Phliadelpnia Bank r' _CASI34VT;...,AtTuoa lAie hour on duy nigkt; &lad' named •Teltrt /tiefe, son of 'Ali *bony Neat*, proprietor of the In dian abler Hotel, govner or Ilia mood 4nd Ann atreetkßinetienth ward , "tte eilißbing PP in front of.. passenger ear, lett Is bold, and wee run over, the - whoolp passing across his breast. Ka was almos!, Instantly killed. • CLOSING or TUB Farla.The..exhibltiOn of horses, held at Chestnut MU for the laat three; days, closed yesterday.,The attendance was maoh larger than on any of the pprevious• days. - The trial of double teams, to Which the exercises of the day were principally confined, was universally applauded. , FIRE NEAR OANDEN.—The fire whiell we noticed' in yesterday's Press, as baying adotirred near Camden en Tuesday xiiint, ryas oatied by ibe burning of late °homiest' work's loolited on tbetievis ereeli.' Official Report of a Battle with Indians. The following lathe official report of the result of a late sanguinary battle in the Wichita hiourt7 tarns between a delophmeit of putted States troops, under command of 14e tor yen corn, end 4 body of grimanoho 4 . ndians llClDqusatarta WIOIty L Eaorrios, Otintp on hmall Creek, shoal. item name o ,,iith pr old FortAthinson. May 43, Ma. Covers : 4 have tho honor to report chat after 74 morph of over two hawked miles I have just come pp and bad au engagement with a patty of shoat ninety or one hundred Ca. mode Indiana, and that I have succeed. ed in killing, wounding, and capturing nearly the whole number. Forty.nine are dead on the field, (fifty, including one killed a few days previously,) five are wounded, and thirty-six are prisoners of my guard. More than a hundred• animals are captured, and the whole camp is destroyed. The fight was quite a sharp and bloody one, and took place on foot, in a thine jungle or brush , ' covered ravine. Eight Comanche women were unavoidably and tintatentiOnqily R iled, I bade witbgreat regret to import! that ant Fitzhugh Lee, acting 'adjutant, was ldanger ously, and Captain E K. Firtith quite severely wounded. Also. that• the following named' nowt aemmisslenedoificers'and soldiers,' eti of the Sauna cavalry, cavalry, were killed and wounde d, his ! Private Willis Burrows, of bompany 4 (, Mlle+ ' WOUnDan Sergeant Thomas RC tote, hi' company A, slightly. Private I.'egene Comets; 'of aunipany A,-dan gerously. - Private Patrick lfenevano, of company 4, no. vanity, (twe wounde ' • Private Wm Moo re, of company A, elidttlY. tergeant P- Leverett, of company it, illne gerously, (sinoe dead Sergeant Peter AllttA of company B, severely. Private Isaac Cb'oieman, of coipp.ni , Private Wm. Hardy,- of company Vilghtly.' Sergeant 4. w. Spangler, of odinparef k Private finusorti of 0514°117 Corporal (Teo . .Wietwbit o f 1361 RP I P , 8 0 Two friendly Inane tiara ightry wounded. ' ' Y 1 471 ' 6 ' 104 that I b i l gYrai m d , t a *, s alitteifie r a t ehalili °engrained - _at 'Me to 41°M P Aldniannek- -pport , mytegylAlefonntiltaaten to mikali report alf_optratron,Ainott the-da t e of mydalit - reoerkiWhiirribilP_tala 000311011 to do juenoe_to - , -, tne„onigersiAniynken s .erho:lave by thidelgallantrtind'sgoor_ dondnet Mita' another wreath to thelattrels'of thair regiment _ I am, captain, - _nay raetieenthny. your obedient servant,-;,: 3„ , • To;Cap!.../ on eLITHS.R4I, 11,,teistant'Adjt:Gen:', Ain AinlAg; Tease band of nimancheititi a part' or acme with whom we hadthe "atatrin - Oetet4t-- Buffalo Letter - fifent•Xerltorkw orrlcans or: Tka ETAT/4' or NEM XORlC,loiuscposinuc or imam§ - MORTGAGE ,OPTfIG AO.IIIIROAR•rA. lryxB!i rainoAl-krqs BAL OF_EAMSAT: GROOMS ; protosttvi4lnAND LODGE .1, prams ROADBED DOLLARS ntatRTIOEYEO rf 3(R. igotraitAii PLAY, KART'-Alm! Op'lo3oli--=A T.WINDER.A.O,I44O,IVGACIGORNALt *: CorittPorolestie ot Tb• Prim' Bra' i%llf,,ikci,:s The ronowtna Isms ,init bean dinlarid steeled officers of the grand Liottakit - the' - cie Nev York for M. W. John L. Lewis. Grand Vaster, G. W. drahnlV:l3lmane;Depradi ty.pintsy. Sen. Grand Warden, Port tyrov, . „ • B. W. cnictotrj!. (}rand Waptanitra _ Cue. B. W. 711 Anode, (}ra n d decrebtry.WeerVark. B. W. Dee Salim Tnitri,i3rsid CktpiKin, aurora. B. W_Ber, John larey,„ - de. 7: 4 -Weet:Potot. • B. W.:lley. - 71.-L.'lletoottnaker.• do": R. W. Ref. H. 9 :Testa, - 'W. Rey.'W:le Goodwin: dn. idatirs. R. W. Bewail Flak, (Maud Tyler, New York. The public will soon know what in to he the destiny of the Sri* rallroad, , "printiedirgs hien; *MD• reel:toed for forioloein hider the IS mortgage It is poindblethat tile' tale may hatemperarily s'aeed off. but, running- behied•hand army dl, , $ It k now doieg.W'bittniti , Moat very soon be tutmhad I bea r 'nothing amore of the:Sitgsnial to leers, mentioned by. your correspondent - yesterday. The =Mimi of tte four great lineinrelemonelave to-dal, , 4 „ , a • - Pkiladelpitatui'andettlsens of Mot lielonginieleily. who were tcavelieineit the Most Wratere lakes si!ogen years ago, when the stemma,. from Buffalo to 4 01 ere• 1014141streit Ser/Ohicsign, Wire In Teri- dottlag palaces, cannot hive forgottenone of .14e meat popa'ar eaterare MnSl:afloat them waterii-L.T. T. nicincer_n man <, the rotundity of -whose periphery Indicated , tbe epiturit.t , ' Mr Mosaic; hag taken, foe the smamer,the Surf total, litre Is'and,n - l''sir7 attriar ir° 551 ""r tort. ' where the Me bathing to capital sad _heedy,; and the dableg M • Maple of lowa from the oily, and in ell respect" a moat 'tremble _ilmictO intik to from the nefaa'andhast f the town. • ' The city vinare hare paid iapropriete obituary bruer to the mem.em of , Mammy Crooka, , wheydied on Men day. It was only a Weak ego that I had a long chat teith him!: to" limadway, in which we iaeallyd piaey platU4 ileiioiefsOloy - qt , gettier daring waletimn•days trip to Os sipper-Jokes in the summer of forirsig.. At the &telt • ilfeAderw lita painted' int time TM; nieeas Where the - drat trees were felled,ned the Apt huts put `Op by the wblte Man. It wu a crest pleanre to mate the Min with. • Olin who 'knew thatpart at the country from the stmt, and who, during a half ceotary, had mare to do with the Midterm than any man in He Inui largely intercepted with John Jamb Actor in the old Areerken Fur Company, end enberoneopy Defame one of its prineipal proprietors An ong th Ma who bore the pellet hie funeral were William It. Astor, Robert "Ifyilau r Willfim Nibk; Adam Narrla, D D. P Grant and Mr Tranciaa;naints eminent ill-(iii imminent °none of the country Mr. Crooks was two of thou ems of atropcMiod, Mout hurt, and etaidy eelIA(014ot who breakibrUngli the,bardere of beghsurrem, inkrera newer for advlllastion, - Be « did the State some ceib elects . , The Grend•Lo:Age.roato, co Ttteekevemetrg Jut, isug with &palettes ...hen Mr Robert D. 801.0111111 p••• seated to thieridowe) Sad erpleas' - fosa efiih•t'bed7 • cheek for 11500. tiler the aceospeof amendietreeevered b? Ur, lkicriiit Belem* tit. 10.1 0 .411.1 Te Wan lot infor Mbel.. -4 letter from Mr. Forrest stetedthit he did toot briar the salt for the moose of reimverleg zeumutity •eoniimpiatiee: but foi the tindiestloUlt leis chancier, inn he ib u refewirilltekly devotethe: Sesenint:ofils• verdict to thee neble cherlty. The cirend Lodge bee tavivight So: She: city, et reereeenteldeeeNdiii men of mark from different* sections of the Mete, thia being the kat Mini white the two diehiteee bees met si one : Mr, John Mrousheas le this mornlog readirg, to the artists er Me Otiereari new aornikrer, oilbe` or the kletropelitan gleatre, a new, ruueily,iorksiled the dory of iiinentinilitters.enitiltd art and Intl. Zee ; or, a true Morelia% Tore." Mr, lliverittilnlise devoted ample, thneba sr.rkiug tip and pollehtoi_ this last dreinitio Work of his, and there Si every reason to believe that it will prove the best and wet ruilelegal new Olives brivehed in ifikleal twelvensou - th. , To hire heen'ek the lig 14'1*, 1111M1!.!Oi - might_ kaVi eepiosed ;that..New, _,YOk .s lo Prgige of Acute ae rioastiatiorpliz, I zernilinber.birdely asks, in Isms' letri book Or Veleta' ID reirlialriii eatltl6l l -97,- ral . 'View of ,Oireirtentinople ~, w hlok•fraply_prviiiated • 'Whir. oCtieo at threylpindr4.44 , 4l' Mwukr•IJ'IMPPYi whelp, sad dui, gold depot. low degree-is -the Ole ordlnaaaslpoYttYietoalki• bandied and lad arty of_ tit ariullted on that day and lerperuideiketAriteliiiirt,plare then a baltoleiren were redeemed - - r,- , ..eaa,k* , .l.—aaai- - atnenaa , ..vgaari fo , tiosataat iaiLliirlitaiairit hu iieailliiliaala' , : iiatiol944.*lda natior atopear of -thiatilaboat wagildr. alarilaur,', Tliaallatiaasbarcotrtaisa alba of all the isseela , of iwitpOni aid Waists fcniiiioi r al pan past, sofas as X, X enui Whoa *M. . FINANCIAL AND 'COMMERCIAL. Thi, Money NOAit• / - 160 0;24) The Stock market - opened dell thk. morning, sad prime steadily declined. PetmaylirsniaNitilmad chaise add at UM it itt'boartitl_l3ll3(;• and .atterwarde 441 to 88 ; - Schuylkill Nargation preferred was dull as /5 Girard Rink eonsolidated stork sold at 4$ while Read log Railroad rallied during the-day from 18, tbs point• of greatest deride:don, to:18x l'hafprineirlhusinese of the, day was done ' la Bye per Seat Penasylvanla Londe, at 90. thitiittait Is sold at to, and Benoit( . and- Third sheets Passenger - 01011m 7s sold at 91. The market is very much demeaned, and entirely destitute of any ppeculativefeeling Ike New lark Central Railroad Company redurcd the fare between New York and Ohlosgo c ver their road as twelve dollars. to meet the heavy alteration proclaimed by the Pennaylienla Central Railroad Cern pa.2y, The rates of the Pennsylvania Central over their railroad andits nonnectioniCare as talk we : Present rate. lam w'k. Bedm. flew Teri to Cleveland ..$8 00 . $ll (0 85 00 ai Chicago ' 1510' - ' 11 . 00 Columbus4'.3o 00 . 17 03 7 00 Orestline..., 9 03 15 26 6 25 g. ' Cinoianatl J 3 25 20 03 5 75 Detroit 9 00 35 00 6 00 • The western end or the Peentyleaniti Central Rail road to Chimp, initedit‘ithe'Plitaburg, Tort Wayne, and Milano Bdiirond ColDllllDy,pliblksh_tl?e rroeipia for "aday, 1859, which Were tile 90973. sgatoeillislol 79 in May; of .9513, a gala an. leonine The diode of lie male to break down the ebtedilyvn meaning popularity of the Penneyleania route to and from the West, and to effect its natural advantages by rations reduction of freights, are but recoiling upon the heads of the originators They are In such a hoar d-a position that the we rk - they 'sift - driloi 'threatens them with destruction; while the Pennsylvania Central bare in their pecuniary strength, the certainty rg vi tory at last, - . while- the geogripical / poldilon and superior construction and equipment of _nit': road give them. hold upon the trade and confidence of the travelling public that cannot be shaken notesill-starred Central Bank of Hollidaysburg, the nein of which have of late teen far do plenty in the hands of our atorekeipers and workirgmen, to again In trouble. It abut lse dram, and refaced payment of its notes last week, but. recommeneed.`redeamlai thine in small quantities on Tuohy lest. It tan been asierted that the epe e: slat:4s who originallyiawe it ice bad mune :were got rid of, wed- their' planes cud bogus reiberrip tions supplied by good ores, with hattinash,whoursart mad were Wein do ,a rare and reliable bagmen. It moms, hoverer; that It Is by no menu eat of dildenity, and we advise our riedmettko happen to hire tome of iii papef to keep anelear of it as Feasible. - -- The regular monthly meeting of the Ifoeivi of Direc tors of the Baltimore and Ohio Rol!road Company was held yesterday morning. The moans of the road for the month of May, was reportel as follower Md. Stem Washiogton Bauch... N. W. Virginia Branch „ Tetta $397 969 08 Oempeved with the same mcnth last year, the follow- Iv result to shown ; _ Warti'n Main Btero. N. W. V 4. Branch. Tofsl My, 1858 $429 938 77 128 819 86 142,411 98 1397 779 07 t. 1852. 841,23 p, 12 51,688 it 84 71 94 397,919 0,1 , , Inerene....sll;Bqrp - - - slBo ]3 Doiease $3 T.O 86 $9,75. 04 §pring a decrease on the A. W. Virginia and Wttpli- bttlignef, bpt ap inpiet t te on the Melo Blom, tehieh 10/1111111 total increase of ti84,13_ The inerenee le In the tonnage department, ind derived nriitetiallr from the ceal trace, of vhloh 40,481 tone Vera V viaann 's* in t he feat teentb, against 5g,464 tens for lay, 108 - , . - BHILADILPHIA STOO EXOBANBI taw, innel, 1119. lIISPORTPD BY BARLEY. qaoyr. 4 Co.. BAIL-NOVI 8700 X, AMY Itateta@ nociurviolomprin 'DoNaNi 'RIND AND 9013 . 1i1111 R 741418. ' ' PIREIT BCOO Penn' be 15 90 2000 • do .....86 99 1060 do s 6 DO 1000 do *690 1000 Weer litm 78..9 49% 1000 do 9 49% 8010 24 .k. 84 8E R 78.. 94 1 2 Penn R ell 894 I , S Commonw a Bk.. 21 BO Bold lag R. 9 )8 100 do o 18X BOTWEBN 1000 Penn 5e,........e5 91 , 1000 do .....e5 90 10:..0 d0._....56 90 . 26 thdOn m g Tenn. iv r - ° 8304 ND 600 Penn le /5 90 • 490' ~ do .....e5 90 18 , 0 do ~.... .1690._ 1 800 E introit lin i5..6 44 800 2d .k Bdet R 7... 02 I AGO Prank&Boolher7e 92 - 1000 Ottaw let mEg 75.60 , 60 Cam 4 Amb¢s , 67 81 po Blnitra Oka% 106691 CLOIRER 4 piiic B—TINBETTLED ' Bid 'diked - - Asa. Asi.d. Pro nab:Lott.... glt sax Sabi Nay 6600 Y. I . "in 06'.. 67- 97,4 ~ Poet ". New la of.loo itrog 91 , 113 spit &Alin 1- 11 94 Fensa 6. 89% 904 "1s Ist mtg . .. 69 70 Beading 1E 18% 18,16 " 191 • '49 " Odell) .... 78 , Long Wand 10 50% " tat Ss fig 06 94 Lek Ocala Na,, 47% 4.,ii - " do, , 86 , 76 796 N Penn* II 4 9.4 Perms a q 1 " ea - ' es es% '-"dm es ....- 4 , 47" k • " 10s - - . 47 , __:$9` Moo Casey Can. 51 64 gatawiesa 8...;. • 6:-: 6,V ..,* ~ pret 100 ivt ~ Ist nit MS 49%-. 50 tNiklld hair fle 1.11._ . ,-= 71 Prank tcßooth - A - - - ,-, ,60 e , Imp ei...i. —' 77' 98 &ed 86 8z::: - -- - - 4 07% 100 Rend!ng B *MN 60 .oIBN 60 do 18X 4 P 41671 Nov ptd,.. 16 60 do .. 60 do ......;b6 16 60 , 20 , b 516 10 tcorriatiwn ~... 6016 do 3 2d ,t 31 St 11, 47N Gir•rd Ban k ... 100 Raiding 11...a0wp IR% 100 do - - 18% 1194R11. 10 Y ° 3 r" ;t 4 t 411 I NY SO do • 12 dti blswn I9_ do - 86 - do-1 - 38 11:10 Reading R ..S3 do 113 A ... 6341 630 12 .... 34 760 94 '.1.668 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers