211 1 11111 im* oat 44, imidotheri' , 7; 11 .40400400t4" /3' • oe, 11.011O,i4VAN-S f' vi'.4•At '";'it41:0'00e04:414.10 : ' • 1 0 °Of rt," ,Wloloo4l4:ioßtrel,4c.,l* .... 01 0 :144 *,MWAS701*** 14. 1 " I ': 1/111 W ag .eir " 4, 4 /01#(00/iliktiliStwilii.OtjeklanitiO. _ ~fl/I * *ollkin.Pitl4S.. o(ll4llll,l*lltil.li.j'AEi.t: visassi tioy. for 4- kASORDEALIXS,CLA,...IIETS . • r• - `r - 0 '.ITA Gitt N. Very Beieriii' 0414,.-lAii tai Iwo*: f• U-Trin 4 ")lJA • = gc4A,GIRATO , • z - AW 4 i4Wtg#ti: l it9 l4 ' - ebti bMS; &O. E r .,E14,,,v•A 1 v,-- nye f',W4l.3l4*til9E a 14rE • 44 1.4 e • ,C tf, 1 41 . 14 : 11 4 1 4 * :f 440 61 1t 141116 . 11 0,* 0 NPI IO, • -"f ". **`.l*s s , A M L .F. :4 ‘ I I IiII i k AP I A 4 21**** zgotiki9olo.94• its s , 16 0 0 ?; - • SORlNltl46(kOilki — o ' ' Issirvijosi „Amn i a:lo,l4n , - `l3l ' XititiOitaUtl 4 2lr l teol4; . • .. 11 6110•;_t_ , -.; 30/IX,ii AID PLUS moll, - _ ,- --'"zoo - -WATEre, - -PIPES i ‘ - "-1 =:~ ~~' lnsT'3~ ~.,.tG?d ~:LllQ~~~i~F_:'r.'-~. b~~:f {z,~."i 7 . - - SZ . WiF I JAILICIP I BPS 62 $ - latt l l - SPEen ‘ i4iiiir''.•!ixiloatot tho • g il l* 4444 4 1,- at - 4 •4 11 00 , 4. 120 0 1 0 ) 1PIID 04941 . 494 k 410411 tr - ii I MIIPM 44 ,"'" dek 116140,0 N. • : •• ; ;1 7 00.1.40-: „ ,-••-••• . - I. 7 -, • ••11, 4 1 ...` , ..-":',‘ , ;74, 7 , ~.,..tsr < _ - fire - 4 : 5 1 00-51f11:18 anrvir4P-27s.DOLURS.i obi l l' a l i at too f 11 1 ,44,1-at i - ; woo /l ate.. 4 etzei;irmitim;N:4;t- 5- , (4. 1 ', - 1 4 401uffitafirit 940 - Set etroViVoit9,.444%, t , r , -7 1: 1 ' - s6i uriarri .- 111 111011ESee 11Wriiitchisi,-311 3 = -' 111 " 1 " 1 .! 1 ! 4 ". 1111""r il ea ‘ ar t t" *ls • COY, *Ont. AHL A alV i Sagfa t ti:;:- * A ' -„„ "thaltit ikt44.446:,_1110*0401 na* **tom irmpoiJoortaii:Liiis; - Amami &was* e4iffriiittfttb.ktiO4***•,o ll. 44 4 4ta t ( l4* - 4.04,4 4 bria., , - ,IIO s , ' , ItiOSPAL•NP/4;#4PlilAtkitt.i.- 111 4 I .ol l raikeiVrAW, cirage e a/ 4, Wit. .41Iti,ttikat 01,"eglitkitalkir Jastipsi.opefAikvouson. Aft mk mtaukt Aral ~ ,,e 3 / 4 4 044, 4 *.regiwier,?)**1 4 4 414P 0 *zoiAro, tia!bnalnOttogim WW / 1 % 0 0 4 OSA". Ber, llll ' 4,0 1 0 V*01,0 1 0: 11 !***-: 1 tN . 1 ! 1 9 11 " f Miniel****ms, 19 11 "I'D/81). 1 4-./141/ LI Assatitaii la *Wel bi may badly Intis loskam. tekelaylds64l , s, ° I.' 4 7401 3 10 117 1)04141 1 1 1 i " 1. ^% " bili A lb7 11 !" 1 "4 1 4, 11.01 4" .1, 3 4 4 410 ',,,',01:41414 r alni r 4. vitC4ltgir WARM VAIMPIT ,--•--.4;:',"--':...g\ATAII, owes---:::1' " I ''' '':--; '''' tiitill9o4o? ts ,l ia 4 !'; 9 ,I•TOP, ~ ,•4 . .4. ~,ai l oc ilii, - : -4 *,,1ev„,,i.Mrrnii. 3 41 0 4 ~ ,. .7, ,t 1 4 :!,,,,,,,,.„4 141:4:54%, .... gist:* . ivir•PaL PlTlvrrr ,v.::-.;,, , ,, , ,,,; ; .?,, , 3. ,• 3 .• L ._ ' en .. --- - o:64fitaii . :•• - •` - '-'-'-• -''!', '::-. -.•- , • • --c : '3:: .:,..icagg s 3,-;,, , t 3:„.:-. 7 .-,, ~. ~.. • ~:apII4atIOVAI • • ;;-, 0 if A_Rot• • Lam= t "gr.. Ait ~ :;. , .' iik.4. , -,; , 3::•11...' Ili ~.. , ~.,.......,,,,, jpitiw, ~: 41, i itot olona.u." il f NV, :: tX.l'tffs-f-'.o,iiiiiii.' ' -- - ---- ii4mr , ol' - • gir . 4 '.._O-PN PV:\s.:: , ,,,ii.', i.; .:,.,, 41•:;.,. 1 ;f:,. , . , :,., __,:: .'!!:.:- -•'[. ;,,..;,..:-,:•:-A i litifit•.--'4 - . • ;2:,,i.-.: - wx. •-, 154 114..iiii ' 2 4: 1 !.-7; - ,-! -,-';' - -•-, ' 1 (4-.3 , \ '1.(7 ~,---.--i ..'''r..„,- ...;140111? ~,,5.,,,,,,,,,h. —-4.... r. 1')-"'. - ''-iiiitaw 141414 ' r k Tf r' -.• vosteetiosern ' - '' 4 ''' - ''''' ' iiit ' Alitalab • y; Alder' ; - .1, i 7....._ ,•'-', .' 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' Hii r sirg:=- , --, wbriAavary =.O roc/Malta•his ideas, bas, a wito,doiin 111 , 0 04# in AfF4+A) ll o, , ive ` tre sorra ta.mig,-our friencklenry, in i peek of 110 0 3 i*Irelnreed liffie„inte theVitlet to Neer a new gong she biltfplioliaeae. ontltleit!..T *6'o l ' Antenthisii ireetAlo $7•41 Ton.p•,itatOtnatok .44 iartibillant, the t hriatnettlitgoad, bat intekrdo;o4. Ms rife* thn 110 of nee,ty tic* lIIII*4II}I X 4 1 .1011 1. lki insibinnoo-47 * *lttßillt nf his own, , ee nen 014:41-1 W(ft — t c .X Begiinimisttliny Yen, the peoretypft,mvAt.l i °, 4 o, ii7idiEierilia'suiel edge , Pelt witte..-: i f And yeropniter, t(, isnlT, right, '')! tem ialklng In Iniilotp 10 mach awske, , lo,o,* Yea thouldl, &Bing, 'inlet kelp I , ~,Jrth—.••Yoe I know I MU but dreaming, , • When f.thinlcyoar tamely mine t"— ' -i it•ii.443'et • r• ;whoa" wok- thael anr,tbin• . iv/ Litany tbagazettnithabaiing, . thekbapas that rotodorbabbine it itint,r-Ohd L 'Mould tlult tolt.il/ore , ceefll ...(I,lolpg :data ba omit' of annelt -,IWArt;-I(Boreineotsei.w,fien,,Lili you , .- g . I Watt ono, an:Jenorleep;"— eny m1T. 1114 , 1 7) eoid that's deep. 6 . 14 of tilastainsibla '-ior abatire'dag In'alett Hee: l --Ch I nlebittnit I brA When swiatlne'vonttolomp. pretty speinst4 -Iloton_wifh Yon! AtfPf./".7 - Elms.-41y tam broreldiad deafened , • No leedee Mt Pai(t !, _ Wife—‘ . And pan atirafhearlt hamming ' 'ko close ?mill take; you start;"— ns —Dye hid 'enonin' Of • ikinnining== • Let kinnintgaill deigart; • - kri t ri— , OW 3' atinVriar ijia io'rgikaria, Wildly weep; ' ijime.—lt'teste will eton' rine ir Istligiebrot iiheni be defy. Wifen-, t t I lovagott, , ladote Zee Ant I;e telb!et 1 4/ i t"? 41rokbiott,novoi poppiis fo,i'ydu Map. Nevi.rlie 'petty...nog miknendei 'With th e aginotomii of s aqtail— ' ' , the inrabink - dila *void " Want to Iltrinittli 'Lowrie ; nowthe manlaainging , : In a bargain he did reap, , r 'And. oen ng Vyoef Kenethi Waf u t° tall es you, :ep ,'te "tile`bay yew! olbtkee'of ilbanett- - I 4-- I f!7o¢ !inn In tiny them I, , ,eheop I" *Not bought &blower Mall. EENEEXTA .00 '8 , TOWEE UALT. - OLOTRINGi BAZAAR, ; .MEl:itifts .Btreet,,botireen 111111 and 6.Eth streets; south eiderrbiladrlphti. ..µ~ar}ieiiitg ; ~;1'i!• (!Ilffilja, tic. r= • .hiT.INGS;:r.: - .• - islildirrlfiGa l • & op.. COMMISSION , IreItOHANTEI, " • No • ... - • - ifenta fed. - tiktionr:rwvar - • ' - "-" - mrsitTtsit, 'corrcis LIST, and RIG - OVA RPETB , , mansiiaattlieta, and arelprepared to otrer the-trade on liberal term*. Siring thirAgenej tor name of the best sad do allabliairs ean of indlteements pot -beretofere * bad goods eald; at Kw* artlexeria pFloea. Orders easefully attended to. "0 1 91.11o4Agenta• tit. Black sad? Whlfe Wadding, a ' ar . e ' 7l , ' 004- i* - 7 MSiANB 40, P.IIRO/148E' ESFILEMAN'S CRAXATS, CIHESTELIV Street; below Seventh, . 2 -,_ • link ~gicb 'sl)abelf. 1.1Nt% 4N.P*ItADES. ...7_ .ovl4T4Aiv.ls. wool( 81-BT$ STREET, 4.lini , ROST, iItiirIPAOROSSI OR = .= , • - - • „. BLINDS. .11fiNDO*,811,ADO3 • - Irtt!BY 'y.llll,lVr3r. t9:ll,opalligo toritikt to, Um IOST tiCVAirePitooo.. . s4 /ITQB.,10440)10;lett:Oro' irr RSPOISINGt promptly attended to. - - , • . . UE'-8 1), 0 T . , THE - 14410.04` IT WWl* for9lWts.Oseu, naf Bahciols, In Oak, Wal• • sat mad Makojritki;of haudsoll)* stP, ADAMS' I PRQVED DE9B AUK; - gqiftrx4rx • - 43‘..131="1`0.14 -; ; otrop!eamas to) J. vr,,HANIMITT, • CtoViSSE . B4 - IGl'll-Z#LILD BTRBEIT CIAJILLNST, r i tausuyußs 4arf - ISILL1411,1) c .- ' Mo - fsit t 4 40 • A , MPION„ -, tiOUTit SHOOND a PAINT; - , Cabinet Batiotew fat grow NeWnt!sotlist;2 reaOilerxittouor. • • 'ett4 tint' bow Oa bend 'loll T Supply,' tidied with 11901 tit & OMWPXONtit IhtP&O WWI) OUSIZIONS, '4ll,•iiillpi4nOtneso hiVrei moil them to be 'equator to ilk other's. . ' finlehOt these Toblee thi Minn- AlietdAre refer to ihelenumeione - patens 'throughout Wittofi l ii/s9littpiri4lo4:lrith the obssaatet or their tng;- , asso.l. ,• „ _ VOCWANCI_,GTASSE.S.' 77 • , =raw is store the most Cztepoire *Da ilegant , assort , / - VO 0 KI-Re iar ovary spariaat gray ridtteis Am/ at tke 120 * • • la ito :6100s:see wed tb iaoss slmpietram*. !-- , 1,00111N4 41438.1111:1 JruSl6dlq*bitjestwte,►n4ln the moat eubetantlal tadNING, 044018 - - iiriiishedbi c uis, ;1611 iiismiloo - pix•4 by ouvellioi to oat ow eatablAduziont. -,'lAOlittittinAgSZO In MAIIOa47aed,WALNUT trateg Jo: Country HAitthi ai r 00N, • 01 . 6_:,0,ItISTN11,T T R BET, *pl•tt , 'F.HYLA.DILiffIA gildmiare. G no., rABBOTT,, Nii. v ; 10: Ngit f li FOURTH STREET; ' IMALIRO IN 9EtAItrIWA,Rt; f7til4EßT,.(gtms, ;TO. 1 1 ot-vitieb are Otonol to pupae on the most pwora - , . • . _mar7B.2m igittanerg. HENRY - - COHEN. , IMPORTER AND DR &LIR IN ": . IFOR-E I ciN, 'AND , D NES TJO -=-10KINACTITIfila Or, NNTSLOPDS IN AVERY ~TARINTY• AND STYLI. . AONNIEDOR ARNOLD'S SNOLDIR WRITINO gipti oilEsimuT STREET, -,appi*jui ort*Fl): iTox =Ell §ol . ioathie Obtabligihmeno. ESTNtJT - SPItINGa: • "..TWA TE-II.:(3 - U RE • - 'jai - the treat Aeikketall Ohioinlo and binittnate diseases, This institution is" Segotaisedif tits. lading and, most unstilted Ifteciiiathieisatablisknien is thif oonntey, Andtiaegrenal ; resoia keiltkabeiterti; '°" • - L''D/t.`,.t,058R11, - I`W*PBR,' jetl.antie • • - - - BtBIDINT Pll7l3tOrdi. .i3tcrgosiN9tti. jtJEIT RECEIVED, A tree) alsortinent of i3irREOSOOPIo VIE WEI) Ofour,ownhipodatiogjaiasMig sarenalus; num, OX MAN; SWIB/3, IGTITStIAN ;' AND noir LAND 80EN38Y .LLso, VOLORED AND ILLUMINATED gItOITPS, in variety EDWARD PARRISH. myl4 stfr.th.l2e ! tin -.NEW , VI E WS OF ANERIOA.N, J ll - O "Uk BOINNRY for the tiTHREOBOOPB; BEROLPFID •BY THE • LONDON - armIIY.O3:3OPIO Received per Wainer New York. • - BBAUTtfIILLY OOLORED. - ' - •'' Price S 6 per dozen. • - - • - • ' • Oonelstink of Views of New York, • The Be! of Now York.• - Hudeon River Viewa. Terrytown. " Passaic Palls. Trenton Fells. - Catskill Idountsini, - Geom. Falls. - View*. of Peekskill. ' Roebesten' View* of Poughlreepele. High Bridge. - Vtewe Of Winkel": sleepy Hollow. - -ylews or Woo Point: Bunny Bide. • - Also, just redeived by steamers Lola and New York, NNW GROUPS. &e. For este, at wholesale and retail, by - . -D. APPLETON & 00., • Hoe 846 and PlB BROADWAY. pireerning liars, gr. pRESERVING- JARS. POTTER & BODINE'S PATENT GLASS FRUIT-JARS NERMETIOLLLY BILLING yßasit pittrag, Yor Sale btdealarain Ohina and Glue and Hoagie • - Varnishing Goode. ' TEE TR4Dy s nIIPPLIIiD BY POTTEI Bc' lODINE,. 107 CHESTNUT .STREET. . per Jsr.tinning hien - iested to the'sclitsfassion of thousandi dtteinlifes; we confidently present it, to the asetessess.,; We would caltespeolel attention to the eu• posterity of our artfole over WAG using Fitts perch. dr gum in gide °teeniest; for the getter perehi, - &e., isditssts, • efrefisttS•4 iftifffi9Fi.Jeavor to, fruit, elites being otherwise detective. P. teltAlisiteatieftetsiedriperior raisersl water and poste; Dottie;, anti 'ill hinds of green' glue hollow ware - io•-tt ONttiljeg;- 111 1 4AILEY3 3 Ol 00; „ . =MI • B4I?EY,&KI7OBLEN, Hare remora to their ueerlire•groot, White garble 40E-4IDIBTNATI Mug stotOsnow 'raw entlign aorta. their PeN , Eltoeit of, 'WARNS, AND Goons, - , •_, Tct nit* t h ey Wit. the attention of the publics. • W$Z-W.,4rrooN, 0E41., ;00v - E,T. s, &0., No. 325 MARKET STREET Cosetwtl) ' on Land a Pall ansortent or ',schema Lid binstaatisi '7aq:dont.. aP+ =NUM ACTURIIIS AM) IMPORT/ AS OP . - RIVES. PLITEI) MARE, No.lllllollBBValf Iltraat,Aboas 'mita,(up stalra,) • - . PhUdelphta. Oonitaatly on h&o4 sod for. gale to the Trade os, eETN, COMMUKON, SEEtVIOB eine, leatri, - PlTollllFtei GOBLIITS, CUPS. WAITMRS. BAS- - HBTb.OABROSB, RNIVBB,, 81P0940 1 . ' ": vonce; , tAntrwa.o:;&o- • 'Undlri f indi "04114 Wall kiwis of Idagroab 'etock. CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY STOOKS FOR $ ALE. , The Stooks of the various Passenger Railways now In operation in this oity and those in course of con— struction, and which are expected to be ruining shortly. As theee: steaks ire not generally before the Board of Brokers, we would bake our friends and the public, whit wink t. latest to thase'desirabla ■eoorttiee,ae well u to ilia information respeeting them, to give ns an early oall, - . , WITHERS &a PETERSON, STOOK AND EXONANGE BROKERS, No. 89 South THIRD Sr. 1113rugo anb fiEbemicala. ROBERT SHOEMAKER co, N; E. COR., FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, • • . • PHILADELPHIA, • ITIIoLE4LE •DRUGGISTH, Yaitruittatoknis or Tigers IN OIL, Dlwaning Cr Farms ?LATE AD • VV N 0 ;W. GLASS. DEALERs IN AsislioAß WINDOW GLASs. spnam . . ,fficrtteg. Folmar F. ILVIALV& CO., - (stroossmisto I , cr a0B1131? J. sass a a 0.,) No, 18 SOUTH THIRD EiTHRET, PIELTADIGPRIA. - BANK NOTES, COMMEBOIAL PAPER, ..LAND WARRANTS, 03017013.1 Arm SOLD. Also, Stooks and Bonds, but-only on commission. Special attention given to oollectioss throng/met thir conntrgi'and ',stemma 'may :eV on Pro=Pt 101 - azukretitrin,,, •ara4r, • • NEW GAS-pONStrktING COOKING RANGE. 81214 SIZES. They are guaranteed to saire at hest Thirty Per Cleat. In fuel, will bake quicker and more uniform than any • other Rattans of Bange, ever introduced in this market. FOR SALE/ WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL: CHARLES WILLIAMSI 1182 MARKET ST, 404 E 4. W1L14A 1 4 8 .) 1101,1n4 , P.IIIILADELPHIAO', - ,,;: . 54;. • TAME'S', NEW NOVEL - - , - *Ns it published this dsy. andfor • . • „ ;iIIIITEASON BROTirtat -, - - 1•4, No., 808 CIINBTMIIT Bt4l*K VVE OAVALIERI-,JAMICtiP,N' -FL NOVEL, is published this day, and for sale *V , tilt T. B. PISTEritioN - & BROTIVIREP, •• soit OftgaltNUT TAME S?",NE W NOVEL 1-THE - OAVA4I 11. - .6ll,4Opablfahad this dip,`and for afgo at , .1 TETHRtfiN de. BROTH - RAC • No- 808 CaaltatatlT __ • 4 ?FEE OAVALI 1-4A.MES I Notiob, t rabilPlpd this 04; and t0r,1310 at ' ' ' T. 73; PILTIIOBOII ' • NO - 809 OFIEBTNUT Stre et: 14MES' NOVed, t-=-T)IP 0411. 1 44 LIER, le published-thin day, 40d for ssle • B.—R.III'4MM, •&• BROTAinist, No. 3,0 ORERTNTIT IltteeVlL FTI -0 A IrA , L LE R P—JAUKS', NE " NOVEL, is published this day, aril foe sole at.. , 1.4,8 PETERSON.Is BROTHERS', SOS OTIEST.Str r.Strost..:P JAMES' NEW NOVEL I—THE LIES, Is pablisbsd this dam, sad reY pile at, T: B. PATBILSON do BROTH 19R8'; . , No. NB 0028i , Ntre Otreth. %IRE 0 ii:V &LIE It I—JAMES'`NNITT • - .A. h published thteday, and fon note 0- - • T. B. PRTNRSON & 1111.01411h$P, No tted OHNSTNNT street,:i JAMES , 'NEW OVEL I—Tat CA:VA is published ibis ds,. and for side et • • T. 13. PSTRaBON h 1111011:11111,4 3 , No 80$ OlilleTNTlT'Street.; 800, Asa street THE CAYAI,II. F‘OYEL; is publathed end•for tale et ' • T. B.' PBTIII4ION & ' • No. 800 OIaNitTNUT Ptrest: , TAMES' NEW NOVEL I—THE ay. LIAR; is published this d.y, and fne.ekle T. B. .p.EITEBBON Ec,` BROTRION9 I , No. 806 011E8TNIETT Ethset.- CAIALIt WP, 1 NOVEL, is published this dity. and for silo 14' T. B PETESION k unarm/ay. , No. 130 CHESTNUT Strad, LORD MONTAGUE'9 PAGE.-13y P: E. lAMBS, Eng A neer and beautiful edition Is thin day published, and for sato by • T. /I PETERSON & BROTHERS, 'No OHESPNIIT Streit, Philadidoilla.', Price S 1 28 In olotb, or. In paw. HARRY. HAZEL NEW rOnt WEEItLtI The publishers take ptiueare In annotineing to reading world that they hive enured the exiled,. ter.: Mon! ot Etettav HAZEL for the 241022701ik WBEICL2', and that hie first siory,wlll weer in tirri, number for July 2d, which will be out and 'or eels by - alt hews Agents throughout the United Stites about. the Itit,h of, Jona: • - Tide THRILLING AND linsumuNct INDIAN? 8021,11.10/I le entitled • THE MUTE SPY; SYNGF XOI33ZE.IP'S HARRY HAZEL, g Irsit Pant Cadit, ,, . 4 t Big Dick," "Mi4risi of chit Macedonian I , Gallant Tom,i) Yankee Jack , ' ,; .YranCee," " itdd king,» . / Zabel ' Harry - Timpest,” ' Cliefiains;? , , g - Smits-gter 'Xiotgy , " , e Slg - rfrEgatnirY; or, Yankees _ . in Japan," "-Rival Sistarz, ,, r - Nun' Of Si •Uralga,l , §c., fi 4 . . It hen remarkable foot, that 'among the thirty mlf,- ]lone of people of the mighly ,Republie of the Now • World; there are but row, sad thole Mostli among (Mr; most learned men, who are in any degree fszoillar with, the histoby of-the Weis of the great Wampaboag tats, kntd agablet the colonists of New Eng.: land, ea their" Indian allies; tile" Idalibianal. poring' this tienguluary straggle, many soeitni were ; enacted er the most startling and dueriptlon, and triani adventures - made, by both the white and the red ,almost too Wonderful to te" , believed: Little:, Nutted; id , known of the savage and rueroile4 scenes entotedat Ti carton, Taunton. 'Dartmouth, Stranzen;BrOolktelf s ::. Lanoistei,Neitierd,"llladlei, 0* Oolw sad lasicatiels le*, inioiSas,,Ol•Abe • - 1 ore of 111.444("ii:Sdr; _ • sou —O. ana-)1'0 4 . 3ri the field of Bloody Brook, ts The !flower of, Naler,f,l; ' a hand of nearly i kindred ymingoonteittrisicg, turons men; were attacked by a powerful band. of Cave: gee, who had been lying in ambush; end indiserimlnitely botall'ared before they ,had: an OppOrtrunty 'to ciskelsi. defaces. Night only escaped to fellatio the fate of their. comrades. , 4.11 - tlie•t eat perished on that bloody plain' by the rides, blnahawks: warlelnbs; and sealplng•kildyes of a thcnisand infuriated iterates. ' ' • The MoaVrerearkable axone sad adventnitiii a Ulm meat savage warionn the hada or the new Indian Ito mama, The charaiseri pokrajed 'in ihle Work are the men and wontenier thole rude, rieml•berborims days; and in no war, evirsocd in the history . Otto Anglo-Saxon or digooorZn Mime, wee 'there erei More herolem, more devotion, more lialiflOSH - ; more ha dahlps, more banish mbre Inhiman sate, more subtlety and trines, ery, than daring the struggle which brgen in MI, and ended in 1071, cotamonly knows:tea.'" Ring Philippe dirar.” - The author has so/sated the moot thrilling and inter. ; eating Giants of. t hat sanguinary period, at the same time only those which nerve to develop a most legend. ottalroontrived and mylVerions plot...une that cannot 'fall to enchain the 111141 4 i attention', until its fall and Coal developmen*.' These who have read the pretions production, from, the pen of Hiner Heist. do not require to be told that there ti no man now living who eau compete with him Jule atery of this cheiaeter. lie stands lan r I Tall e d in thin elm of literature. • Al one of the leading contrilm torn to the Nag of Our Union, Star Spangied,Bas, nor, Yankee Privateer, and other leading publication., of the day, fork number of years, he has acquired • popularity that places him in the front rank of Amerl cao story-erricere. ' • 117 Thee* who desire to secure this great Story by HAusr liazti, complete, should send in their orde Monde, to enable lee to make arrangements to supply them.- Whinier there la a News Agent order through ‘htm. We only desire to send the WZMIC.L4 by mall to "oukot.the-way places, where there Is no News Dealer. When sent by mall, the terms are $/ a year, ar two copies for $3. Six months , subscription, $l. All ore den by mill must be addressed to EVIREST 67111TH, Proprietors, No. 29 Beekman Street, New York. N. B.—News Agents should send., their orders at once to the wholesale dealers, so ae to prevent disappoint• , NEW PIOTORIAL EDITION" WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, We have jolt issued a dew edition of Webster's Una- bridged Dictionary, contalnieg, in idditien to ALL THE MATTIRB OP PREVIOUS EDITIONS, I —1,500 PIOTORIAL /LLIIBTBATIONEI, beauti folly executed 11.—8t0m.9.0C0 to 10.000 NEW WORDS IN TIM 900ABILLANY, with capionst Boonlllone. , 111 TABLE OP BYNONYMB. bit Prof. COOD BIOS, In which.more than , rWo oaken words are carefully discriminated. forming * fuller work on Bog. 114 Synonym'', of itself. than any other bunted, beside Orsob, and believed to aevanoe of that. - IV.—d TABLE GIVING THE PRONINCTATION OP NAMES OP 8,0)0 DIITINDIJ I SEED PBEIBONE4 OP AIODAIIN TIMEd. ' —PBOULIAB ÜBE OP WOBDB AND TEltid3 IN THE BIBLE. , With other new helms, constituting BY PAR thawed. COMPLETE AND OOMPBENEWEIMB WOILKOP THE HIND BIM 011BILND TO THN PUBLIO. IN ONE VOLUME OF 1750 PAGES. MOB, 10 60. POr Bala by sll Booksellers. J. B. LOCPPINCQTT 80' CO.. PHILADELPHIA, • G. & C. MERRIAM, SPRINGFIELD, PT3 - 131.,X813 Je7 tuth.teln ON THE 215TH, - 70"X.171V113 BISTX-X EIXOHANGE, APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA IRDIRPREIIBLH TO TMOBE WHO WOULD CUP THEIR STOOK OF MIRIAM INFORMATION OF TO THE DEMANDS OP MOURN 80011111 Y.. JOHN MoPARLAN, AGENT SOB ALL APPLIITONI SUBBORIPTION BOOKS, ARCADE HOTEL, GRES TNUT, ABOVE SIX TB je4•etahth;w BOYD'a BUSINESS DIREOTORY. The eubscriber respectfully informs the oillserul of Philadelphia that he will .übltsh hie BUSINESS DIMS MBA , se soon as the information can be collected. Careful and reiponelble men are now caneessing the city, and it la hoped the public will give the, necessary informs- Um cheerfully A few , peps of advertisemente will be inserted at $2O per page, speciaL places by spools]. oontraet. Subeariptlon wine, One Dollar pee copy. WILLIAM U 489 011IMITNUT Street, Q/Ice of ?OP. COE, 4b 00,a iny2o theOt WCP , PUblii(l/101101 A STORY OP Arethor of DAY., Iligig,lit':-.1.4.0. - _ SkIII4IIII.Y, 1859. Belli/n; the Politician: it is stated in the EngliSh Journals:that! the .eoutinned'illiess of Sir LYTTON: wig dxpeeted, in Very short time, to lead io hidresignation Cf the high office of Colonial Seeretary of Siateorhieh has reado hik6 one of Lord DrutirOs ifiabinet. At the secant General Election he was unable to pre 'sent' himself personally to the electors of Hart , ordshire; whO re-elected_ him, without oppo iiition;.On. dpproval of his general poll tiedConditot. •Ever since .49 , dissolution, of Parliament, Ire . had lieen:an, inmate- of the water-cure establishment at -dahriarn Wells; where his health was restored„, some fifteen' :years 'ago, as he has .himselt recorded in a ~pamphlet, 'mow very , scarce, which' , excitod Mita interest 'when Wappeared. But nowthe iiiieriliseeptilo have worn out the' scabbard— 'ihti_soulte have fretted itself 'in its prison of Burarzi's rellimitent from public. • iblapplass inevitabie, - . and, it what we hear ,t 4 4 1 , 4 4 . 44 . 10).#0 ( /*Ye , ..06n..,,tt1e 41114Pri*etion minds, owe -, Peeticai and' phiforiopiridal; thittOn'Aheie later days, bas glorified ',,earth. -"tt Whet will; he .do with it 2" - _liiti'lastl pollsted Worit : Litt:a,WortliY I(mile-taking r of ,stick in ;anther ? • , • , c lrt thitet>nittrYakin*szt,taite his relit; In popular.ajipreelation, with, three other:great' ilittineHwriferia4DicrrEsi; .11.koturiv, 'lirierrirtAV: , •l4isiliss the advantage Of 11614 Itistir's(rtiiels "-, and' .‘ Pelham," *Tears& and' tire latter 'traS ham' adlideli,i4*l • Alpe!' ,here. • Blow then, evOri line„of 'bitt y *4O *political pamphlets ; has been pub- ,Anueri6a—:=almost exclusively,-, we lbelleve,;,hy:the'lttanons of New ifork, who, to out , P6rsiinal knowledge, paid him. largely: for 04)6f-sheets' to Alike an almost simul; tinetinti pablidition In London and Nem Asa Writer :of proie-flopeir, 'it is doubtful :whether itirqiilrdZkesriat !rank even higher with' its:: thins; Bunrine 'hiteself, And so be ,ought, for•,thet.e la.,a,plailifest,. falling , off. in ,Drersttles later works, xilard , Antal,. /Utak Wears, and Little ..borrit,) While BllraliTElo3 - iciostlecent novels are his best: The Cartoos; My ifovel, and- That ill he do' jolt/ill ? aro 'lladoutdedlir Iriaa6 . auccoaafaL works. 'ln ":41.4 . ftf0 - ry !Mob DlOxFPd , baapat commenced, a..a411 - -illtaitrOq'd reprint of, which appoare in. 'pitrper's Weckli, It would appear as if his genius bad recuperated.. At any event, as far . ; atilt has gone, it shows much superiority to' anything he has -written for the .last 'scion yeks. . r As a dramatist, iltriiiin'has' largely won more so, Inglend. ,Nor need this be ,matter - for, ,!;iiceingthat Aitterioa is -the Country 'thee of the tirthimbile %,9tti about equal population,' glariil,ift far , itelow-Ala -in' a taste, for that [4ilegantOind,we liay,t•ineocent species of 46pular, amusement: ' Fovorie actor In the islands, there are ten - •in the - United ' *nitvin is a popular dramatist, and :iimong the jolitye most, - frequently perforreed jtirlisileff,,i/lte Lady of Lyons,' and ,•Afiniry.., • I , , , • Ia this country wetake no interest in the character and conduct of this able 4i9fl .gifted man'. We' hold, him in account, .Ivhollyitis a writer. England ,he is new -•, • , • mete remarkable as a public' character, Sittig : . ;glja r knitlft thb'hrenkerli ' the angry sea o • 0444; ;,Here," Whet* Consistency of, putffic uh - wg Weithl be contemPtuouily 4 1.0 9Eht et—becanee :he has-been_ the, very weathercock. of politica. Like -his' friendly rival andofficial colleague, Mr. - Hrstianni, be started in public WOO ft very decided Liberal. Tlie come' of time, the progress of events, and the, agitation:of party strifo'haVo changed both of them very greatly. Canaan', who first sought to enter Parliament on the prin ciples, under the patronage, and with die strong personal recommendation of DANIEL Oliorsata. and gosaPn flour, is now the ac knowledged Conservative leader of the House Of Coinnions, and one of the main pillars of the Derby GoYernnient., Boiwart, cointhencing also as an extreme politician, in the advanced ranks of the Libe ral party, is now in a Tory Cabinet, and no ;opponent ever thinks of twitting - him with this decided add remarkable change of politics. - In feet, public men in England are allowed infinitely more latitude in this respect than with tis. ' Nearly every public man of note, in England, of the present or past generation, has changed his line—a genteel synonym for 4, turned his coat "—once, at least. Itizzrau PITT himself, commencing as a Liberal and a Reformer, was proposed as a member of the great Whig Club (Brookes's) by CHARLES TAMES Fox, afterwards his great rival. In a few years, Prre veered round to extreme Tory ism, and governed England, as Prime Minis. ter, for nearly twenty years, solely and wholly as a Tory. Fox himself changed his opinions, more than once, as a publics man. Gamma commenced his parliamentary career as a Libe ral; soon veered round to Prrr and Toryism; and finally died, in 1827, a Liberal Premier. Sir ROBERT PEEL took- office as an ultra-Tory and anti-Catholic, and lived to pass the most liberal measures ever-proposed by an English Minister, Catholic Emancipation and Ffee Trade. Lord Jens Rusearm's whole career in politics has been a shifting one—advocating, this day, in hope ,of obtaining office, what he bad repudiated and spat upon, the day before, in order to maintain himself in power. We might mention scores of public men in England who have "turned their backs upon themselves," (as the late Lout CASTLEREAGH would and did say,) but need not extend the list. However, we must not pans by that gay Viscount of seventy-fire, who is so graphic. ally described by the no less gay and - gallant "roving diplomatist," virtuous and -modest Mr. BENET WHOPS. We allude to Lord PALMERSTON, who has been over lifty-two years' in the House of Commons, during which time he "boxed the compass" of po litics fi vast number of times. He started as I Junior Lord o' the Admiralty, under a Liberal Administration, and held on for two 'years, (18071 to 1809,) and then, under Mr. ERROL -VAL, a rank Tory, became War Secretary. He clang to this office finder the Tory Govern ment of Pm:awl. and Lord laysnrooz, (1809 to 1827,) and stuck in jt under Liberal CAN- Roo and half-Liberal GOODRICH, and Tory WELLINGTON, until May, 1828. Eighteen months later he was Foreign Secretary in the Government of ultra-Liberal Lord Gnus, and served, after "that, under pecocuranfe BOURNE and quasi-Liberal RUSSELL. Next, as Rome Secretary under Lord ABERDEEN, the old Tory ; lastly, as Premier, on his own ac count; and next, in doubt whether to take office with' Conservative DERRY or his old opponent, RUSSELL. Such have been the changes of PALMERSTON'S political principles, as exhibiti,d by his -serving, at various times, in startling. succession, under the banners of various political leaders. In this country, such a weathercock would be held 'of little account, morally or politically. They order such things rather differently in , England. Offensive ashes been the bearing and language, o t DISUAELI, as Ministerial Leader, he has very rarely been reproached or satirized, in Par liamen4 as a turn-coat. It is considered "bad taste" thus saucily to allude to a man's politic! antecedents. Compared with PAL HEW:MOB'S tortuous course, DISRAELI and litmwsn's path in public life has been nearly a bee-line. Btrroman, who is now flfty-four years old, had particular good fortune from the com mencement of his careen. It is not generally known, by the way, that his first atop was in the British array, at the age of eighteen, as a Cornet in the Guards. He is third son of the late General Boawsa, of Heydon Hall, Nor folk, by Emsenarir, daughter and heiress of H. W..Lrrron; of linebworth,Perh,Mertford, shire. General Benwen, died when - the-future anther and politielan'was• a child; lob yetterk for school: 'Ana mere cadet of:the famUy. = , only the thinitani,With , the lair*Prizeogerif.• .taie gliiii4 hie father'i rich , acreethilie'elder : biether-ionfig linvitira'S .whole Property; nyder:- the„f' deallY POtbAittitttc;-WM" :no : more than -.525,000 7 -4 - very . *idi: Capital for -an English , •gentleinan, whose--hereditary, eon.; flexions were' so ;very lagb• that , it_would , he: infra iffvfor him to' Condescend' to aq noel ful means or occupation.' Therefore, these iellnger aciens are ilearterea nien thaßritieh. puhlio, in all Manner eelvays, Walking into John Bull,• 'jun hill and,deivn dalVi as .the saying 48, for .subsistence, at home andcol& Wally, ad libitum. , BormoVe mother - ;educated him at `first;. , teaching him to love poetryiencoureging liim to write Verses.% Then, at a private school or two ; , neat, with a tutor, at home; lastly; to the.• University of Cambridge, where be wort some reputation at_ , the` UniOn'lebetingblub, • as a speaker, awl :wrote -the prize poem,, on,. Scnlptuto. Aftertthie,a,Pedestrianlour ; over England A and - Scotland—a'winter'. imparis: i' Ismael, an Oriental Tale," :publishetVet.the age - or 10 . .: a volume of poems called is7Mreedi. `Wrat. W W td 'Flewerii,a t , pi* '-' ed 4 ,- +L. • iiittilonairr 4 BMairi.2;l: I tliiiiikerote ..ir li d 3 ets-iii, .itimleif s aft* "'Falkland "I---end. , theiumietimovel;.,63,:', ham;" before he was three;and-twesq: z.o.ther I nevoid land romanceefolloived in mid sacceti:i :BM, .(27/0 Dual-one-4 Vesereui, ;Taal :411if-, [ , , and' n, Ellge*t jritm7) idf :: svilitatiOtrid_ I ford riP:Tillai i ,'4o' lie , cid: 44 'k Pit4iiiiiititV,ol idibi, her I 'o !Oe I 'Poeli,47 ti#44ol:. ef,..o4l.viiittli , . eleth,e,Fiitopf. l 3 4., Ole jp?A of lio ',,tzi. - 4414 - -, 'og,peypg'ci4o,o4 Atx,***444.7o.llip' own44. l o. l ?e.repah!ftikej.ze4tW:f;;;`,-, : Btrtir24lj ait gC ~/. . 6 .g ir51 6 4?„,), V 4410.144.110:14. form Bill ef. 4 fil4: 43l ) l * ; 4 7 itttillie zrootof rotten boicinglikbelderglairci flie'f-dfffs • ' Re sat' for the 'bay ipt'Llifial t ia; se : .: . , iiei-1 ral;fien- 18 b 2 4 toMtiIluid*a(Ohlit.1'411 nent !CYO.gOs s c,iii****- :..:- turned POetfrthitex***ie c elegtoin,iBKa_do „ ets ,.‘ ~.:,, ,, , A 4‘„, , , .__' , :.:,-1 , Meanwhile, bis. mother Ailed in 18 4 tanollthi succeeded tolls mother's estates in. Hertford-i . thfre, on conditien. that be took the Maine of Lvircui---whicii lie . did:; The old ladknanet ,her , M bden veil/prat& of her Maiden Maine; fOr 'she reassumed it, by liCenso frate'the 4 . 314ar"; in 1811, after her husband's death; Bowe*, for his able • advoCacy of the, Melbourne Millie-- , try, which was ultra-relberal--*lvocacy by- the• pen; rather than, he tongueifor he was ni44- very , acceptable • epealter in time .days - -..w il i i , created : Baronet fn .1888:: 'Bence he 11 new: Sir Epinal) GE011971 tan.nli LIVItiON,BUTATiaa.' LlTTnii, and iill probably write himself Baron, or even 'Viscount, Sannivonin—lioni thk, name Of the barge estate bequeathed to . 111 M by his mother—ere wank weeks,have passed. Rio only son, is. I piValin . F4,oollatjitlnyfa* LITT fin; atather . ;.ofpoemia,f g! by Owenifelei-. dithi" lately repribilehed; in blue Mad gold ; 4 rßoaui.' ' '".' -: ' -a'-: ' " -' , i r The, eleven . , y,itirs-' 7 - 48,4 - i. - to ' i 852 . 7 - of, Ben : . waiVi.abaenee . trim; Parliament; changed hie political views. !fluiintin Who had once dasy.,.. !Ugly ~ pamphieteerek in , support , . of .list 4 I nolnurs, and Bllatainn, 'and Pezmnarrox, ere' hk himself had tr,frotralcillo.the - e:oMetrf i i? (alias a large'artdred .pr'eperaf t * re.entered Parliament' with "0*tn0i'2.#014+151.2,111.9A1t.,, lie bad,learned; 'aluii'lliloo-1-44114".q5:311* there might be a plethera "Of4Milikdewn, , and an overplus of improvetsunt, S, X l ,4l l .trarefil, himself ,a Conservative, and,: ina eupport;ef the principles of Lord Dzunr,,,who istrr . Piime' Minister for :the last nine. monthi of llif4ii, wrote a , strong protectionislifirephlel, agile -••' e d ". 3 ftP lYn lal-Li7.. * :;.:7 - ._:.-- - 1:: 11 :`'_: ". '"SOOti4ieFLOMI allY reaurea:Oitaii, last year, he gave BIZWER a; seat in the ithabine% as Colonial Minister; the duties of which Office, Sir Enwaan has discharged with ability and' industry, notwithstanding bie increasing ill health. It is worthy of note, too, tbaty as an official, Buawsa's oratorical displays in Par. Bement have been considerably better than While he was• only one of the crowd who obeyed the call of the. Liberal whipper-in. His political career is probably ended, and, therefore, we have written this rapid memorial of it. New Publications. ALFORD'S GREER TII9TAMEY.—In 4 vote. ro.al tiro Vol.l, containing the NW GbardS• pp. 885. New York : Hannan 4Clecritstis We desire to drati attention to one of the most learned and important workairi Siblleal literature over given to the world - The Rev. Henry Alford,' well known ne an English` preacher and poet of considerable repute, is also highlyestimated as a sound scholar, well read and `deeply searching. The greatest labor of his life has been the . editing of the Greek Testament, with a critically revised. text; a digest of the various readings - ; marginal references to verbal and idiomatic -usage ; prole gomena ; and a critical and exegetical commen tary. We notice (in Allibone's Dictionary,) that the first volume wee published in 1844; the eccond in 1852 ; the third and fourth in 1856 and 1857. The work has been • got up- for the use of theological students and • ministers, and is moat highly' estimated abroad.- Wenn. - Harper, of New York,- have jest commoriced.re publiehing it, from the third London edition. The first volume of their-reprint, 885 pages royal' octave, contains the Four Gospels. The entire work, which is beautifully printed, will be com pleted In four volumes. Neither the limits nor ordinary purposes of a daily journal of intelligence and politics allow us to give fitting time and 'space to a critical consideration of this truly great work.- We oats only indicate Its contents), briefly and ge nerally. In the first place, the Greek Text of the New Testament3has been orltioally revised; dif. ferent readings carefully annexed and compared with various MSS. of antique date. To thin Text, thus corrected, are appended a great variety Of notes, embracing a largo extent of Scriptural as well as of literary subjects. Large references are. made to the Fathers and other ancient Writers. The Prolegomena treat upon - :the literary, history of the Pour Gospels—the authorship, origin,. sources, character, original language, and ge. nuineness of each. Here is a vast fund of infer. motion, which the scholar, the .divine, and the student will appreciate. 'There is a sketoh,. also, of -the modern attempts to- revise the text of the New Testament, followed by an account of the various manuscripts of the Greek Testement re ferred to by Mr. Alford, and of the general - autho-, rities whom -ho consulted. We notion that Mr.' Alford- adopts the - view that the G mei, according to Matthew, was Originally waters in Greek; con trary to the opinion of acme that it wee originally. compered in Hebrew, or Syro•Gbaldale, - the verna cular language of the Hebrew Christians in Pales tine. Much learned and Ingenious argument was used in support of each opinion. A very relent publication In'London, smiled "Remains of a very Ancient Recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac, hitherto unknown in Europe: discovered, edited; - and translated by William Canton, D. -D., Canon of Westminster," goes to show that Matthew wrote his history in that Hebrew dialect which our fiameur used. The history of the Syrian ver sion of the Four Gospels, which Dr Canton has edited and translated, Is curious enough to be no tided, at length, on amore fitting opportunity. Mr. Alford sets out strong grounds for his own con. elusion that Matthew wrote his Gospel in Greek. 'We corioltide, as ire commenced, by stating that this new and wonderfully complete edition of the Greek Testament, with notes and other elucidative aids, is one of the moat important and vitally inter .esting pabliestione of the age.. The Harpers, in the getting no of the work, have done Patio to the character of the work, and the great-learning and high reputation of the reverend editor. NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS If it were possible, for the publioation was al most perfect in its completeness and beauty from the first, the new volume of Cooper's novels, illus trated by Dailey, surpasses any of its modem- Wig. It contains the romance of Wyandeeti, first published in 1843. The preceding volumes in this edition have been The Pioneers,. Red Rover, Last of the Mohicans, and Spy.• Into the story before ns, Cooper brought some proprietory, if not personal feeling, the locality in which he placed his main action being, in fact, his heredi tary acres, in Now York. We cannot declare that Weandotti is equal to the Leathor•Btooking tales, In which Cooper introduced the hunter and the Indian so very effectively, but it has some well-drawn characters, and numerous fine passages , In a word, it is a very read able tale, carrying us bank to the time when the Indians' contended with the Pale-faces, and scalping was the order of the day, and to the later 1)1)44 when the Revolutionary War CotrUneuged. Two. cEITBi • . ,:, ri ° P. 1 . 3 1514,,91.1‘.:i1 1 iffrir ; in whioh illustrated illusate4 edition of ;,o ur graateek;na• profit f)111, , 111,1g ant liAttaniatiq7 totdrial illaittratibif) cif tiesebalkatitevideati, eit - ilafitutof done ijaetiee to his own,kieniuvanti iliCiptithsiti of OPPlite.fsx7oo - 1f 0 4 1 ,.. 1 1, 0 .? .. 1 4: 0441qt-if/Pk X,: If . 1 : 1 r00a, Aug : Fur/rig! Ittf illitlfto.4lo:lls.oc;PY;:t...th° ' ll)l6 444lisisk :Pat,liftuaonirOnettaraiqer Lto nOtloidie:rienetteil h deoaiitit.44aetiktri4iiiis, aihtelilittl u tirlailaribroliiff the - 6,3okiiii . :failv "iferiee to ieverat'OliiiitsitaP 114seriitrithinftlii 'ten*, '111 . 6;01i:of Pirtleit* 'Staab of 'Mini' Tien have a hitniorone 16U/if:which Dirtily-mob' e*bibitlr. are gLtdt to bow that toted edition of:Cooper'sitcrreld ;WO ~altrattlY rsiannaratke Atarga, fawmattgt 1 14;001 has been invested in it, but ".# l 7Ol l .1 1 1 ,1 !! published, forr subscribers A : WI N at sCriOr VD- 1 /ante, Tivinsead Rork, bet - eubioilbere• *are supplied, Maßenry. Walnut etrent, the Konya and iutelU ;ant isgint for Ware . : Towneeid'a!pablfraibins. -Ariew'and/oorutpTatireditlan :Aram> Ittioir; iaa t tio Li am apths cairs:4 , l 4 E4l=a, in serail orown sutirro, .with *Titian Anaditilit7-'1 grayed portralo,,lyis been linbliatisd,lwl3x9ya, , ' Tv ,r 4,. , r " - - i r * l 4 44 - 4;tet i ,qsl.l # l , lallbite" 41140 0 ''eogitt WOW= Igitiliatelleii:/ciViiiiQVll,eiOrheikeld %Cat ,tetittia to the dello - set of 04340,40 ft lorg*ti. It ( ike bestmethod , " or, ieait hilhter7 ittoorophnthelsitteter the - preeint Mato emir geA ei posted;;op"ln.thentlithiki - ebreitelei 'through - theestnetaohott, Mumble* petweee tefl glob (vett ikort Cti3 10,-; OALL-Lottitsuo_vutlmitsadvattotai.• - 114 Icy.:, ; vf,'6' , ''ite.44.o.crifizOiwilitagiti oilie 4344:atiow o lia Iraryiatiiiiti — : itentinfliatioli of ChristlaratOlia iiitaVabeisarsakare dsriradtrossi4l6a -- ' ' - ' otSinailael Sire aerator:4 as I ision risiri . ,:ais.ijima6ll4"' this city sl o pe ii r fdarl4l7 raorniakaollit tit** r4lrill Aa 'Phalah , :allightrirAfti'M:ar O TwentiethAxis* , The .businaso of 41.09 - aamPla 'o6artaritioni a stall* la:that iirsiz*tail ‘jii - t:hir , vailois 'epic:Hilo : a Insetiaga 'Skink Otter' 'gruisialtea of lbaPEttirch. ''.c ----'`-. t ,' - ~"' ' - ', l '.' s i ' " f ; , Thetlirestitit Conventiori is otiaraiiteristitiSiih .amtainssialliy: large - attendant; ilft'deisgates traria the; !Mousing() miosiatioasi:sad iaobstaa'actalet tteai aa.lPf iatlividnalafroin.seetiallaShwei illochr ties have aat7aLhaeitaTaaa4l4- - :Pika,ill.the !b -illets Of thais.iu,iiinai dinvantions is ila pitiiiiiiii eic ;aims tii ' ,,Tilli*/**ll/11!iiVerilf, iNailidi iesi ate' also ",reial,, of:ylitili' 111104 uPabil'ik iithik; l) taliliit; iris - sliiismibigli'lisleiselias ' There*, ' sow nisei - ',admit perioilisaliimli t , liska4 *idol. iiiiiauliffais qf, s ilii ‘ is tliaosalattion e -L, s Arai - Ara:salsas YitisirairA ai,)lesilarir, '412,1 . .i11i.11W.t / 741,44irs 'Afagliartia,' , l64 ( New Ckarte 1141:tiriefort- r ditifirtir's; 4ibilihielrai lloston'..": Thai larial Alia* liooltartablialsidatit:ll the ollyr.or Ife*Ziirl!i.loosfildrire losildisi la t 'protases laildiag.-:...-: "1 z , : r,. , , :•i-f,.-_ , 3 ,-,-., .. : . ,- I A marked feftute ct!ore isti!l!:ll4epwrourAini I .lo3Ammilf4.l.ttriFfif i rt el F , F onmed xist‘ri J t 1i ,' 1141 1 106 7 / " . 7 15 . 1;ti1 "4. , 1 11 73 44 1, ria ' 4 th frbibP 1110 ,94 4 4 Wan of, 4001411V -11040,-. italitiiiiati ir4Oaltiralei*oog pelofaejtinilik `eittfolitte *MI linVite4 poopial T in WO viihiityptheleilftri at abitOloi is cilia iiineminf. or . . ovanttifir.o4o4.4oti„to;sht 4 cattvoniktve-54110e,,:-, ; T.ficrsitioltruc .4so o # l 4.,ourAil tr !fia*lat *Oita 11064101 C '4141111: g flag of iireeXectattve . odinfiltitei 1401, vention. - Aoeordincto uattiieuitcs wiU olose this evening; --theAlonteutioMito stand adjourned after thecomutuidati:wlrish min [stored ie.:Morrow Morning:. ` 4 , • ,140';10 TillA s :11111'4104 „.4 . 11.041i .740 itioe jest received fromtsfrlendlin interesting printed detailodlsocoitut of the - several "-awakenings" which have recently takeri'plioe , In lidlibitigk, • Aherdeen - ,- , Drinak` ,, VreltWV , :plume throughout the Ilitited'ltiwidikar 7btkinekk 14 ; markablo feature proseniedJa-thisrirommary is the chapter on Revival and Zoolosiasticiam,'! in 1 which facts-Are presented:to , prove :that themost strenuous oppositionishioh the Revival has had So encounter-has bean the hinitility„ - 411tit, clergy. di in the days'of theAtsiaties, WitenOteeording to the Soriptn re narrative, Temtecose, " the priests " • were thir chief OPPorientil the preachers' of the 'Cospit, and -• the groateet enemies, of the Cross .of 'Christ';'? so :it:is alleged• that the history of Lavery EmbSeguent revival from that day to this heal:lope testimony to the fact that the bitterest opponents of the work of (sod. have been those 3yho were numbered among theminieters . The lititrirjr of the at tenapt made - to put down the work il' revival iu Aberdeen is given at considerable length, and sets fdrth that" iliePresbytery, with this vie*, affirmed es . a law •that no, man not ordained - by the-Bate bloated Otturch ehorddle allowed -to prey& dhrist. within Its walls • An. appealwac madefrom this to the, Synod, which, In turn, confirmed tiejods me'nt of the Presbytery, after whioh,the,epPeal was car ri ed to the . General Assetribiy,lst,t,Wlth what remit has nit yet tiaittiPired:" The progress Of tbe Revival In Aberdeen:is described as similar to that whiok oharaoterised the' iabore of Wesley . and Whitfield, the latter of whons; it will be re membered, clearly belonged to, ;this , prescribed category, as he was not ordasncd. , - -• • TIIII NNW TEam—The large tent recently erect ed by the Yourg Men's, Christian Association, at Twelfth and ,Pitswater etreete, will Alertly, be re moved to some suitable koralityln the audheastern section of the city The work piing' forward un der the auspices of this new enterprise seems to differ from that which obardoterizokthe session, ary efforts connected with the - former tent, in this respect, that the work now is more manifestly progressing; under the intioenoe, of ;Potter Ali tinat from any , mere human ‘ seal. The preitent gathering in-the tent aro iiiade.up almost 'skein sively of people residing In :that vicinity, Who were heretofore in a Measure deprived. of all (iroS pel privileges. The seal which prompted many young, men ,to attend upon - and', sotively, partici , pate, in the tout serviette last year; has eitheileft 1, them now, or they have . forgotten hove tenin l it. , It is apparent, however, that this .ahsenife‘of this seal has not been , left w ith out a' itatttite - qalia •, as effective. , • , • • .Tliere is . this season lOEr diqmition„to work upon the feelings and imagination of the peopl,e who gather in the tent night after night, and more anxiety to present the Gospel plan of salvation in its aiupplioity. , Within, a single week Sines the tent was dedicatid, upwards of ,one, hundred ,pei sons rose-in.it to expreis their felt need of a 64- vionr, many of whom deplored a &ill's', fer, per sonal conversation, and soma have been hopefully brought to a knowledge of the truth. GERMAN -METHODISM IS THE UNITED STATES... Nearly twenty thousand church , members' now attend the ministrations ,of some two hundred German Methodist minister/Iln the,United States This ,is a large result, when we - remember that the 13111181011 among the Germans of this country was commenced estate as 1830. Them American German missions nut directly on the missions is Germany, which in return influence the mindolls in Amerida. An immigrant population, counted by millirns, constitute the field of their missionary efforts. In view of the growing condition of this branoh of the church, the corner-stone' of a new' German Methodist church was laid in this city . a few days since, lon GiritrUtivenne, above Twelfth street. To aid the friends of this worthy object, a number of ladies intend holding a Straw: borri Festival at Joins's Hall this' evening: In addition to a plentiful supply of luscious straw berries, they proMise, as will be seen by reference to their advertisement, - several 'good-speeches. , RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION —" The- Bible:Oleo , Mane," a denomination having a church hi North, Third street, above Girard avenue; will celebrate: their semi•oentennlal annlfersary; or itibilistoin Sunday and ' , Monday next (Whitsuntide ), The members of this church - are-strict vegetarians. Its mintiter, , the Rev: Wm. Bletowife,,Mart., -- hvarbein an abstainer from animal food.of Ovory_desaription for the past fifty years.' There are several' other members whose vegetarian life has• bean squally as long es their minister s te. On Sunday'evening, at 5 o'clock, there 'Ail be' a social tee -Meeting, in celebration Of %h occasion, in the sohool-rnom of the church, at:Which addreesea will ba delivered by various speakers upon some of the leading doe: trines of the church. The morning services com mence at 101 &cloak, the afternoon ,at 3. Ott Mon day morning, Dr. Meisel's will deliver an address upon the cg El s e and Progress of the Rible Chris. - Ge'n Ohuroh," a , . *lrma To antassigirrmurn; .A c t e ogAttd4PatalMrgir la my 160 fentridilir.blf,r;',-- - 2"0 ac t s , ll'l o o *. illl l 4 as ; 3 111 ,in al -KP Ir 41124.eth e . " 6 0 4 P , O•Xli * rirt" 7.1 4 40" . tad tnicii m pu, bat fief* ibiLlet.solllll be writtak ups. It :l 1111 w offiaub•grpepriFiessfoozwei!• l4 o o o-. mth, -skim **Ow** tbilidiflo4l4!r:..loooM" lag to tit itoutinkt *Oar: - ". agN,Maki 14*a , :,:claisar `tiler, kiliiial.4;4l: triwinie Bavaria Llni tie; 4tsints..=aWeulairlvislieffertirsi.l4-lA.'s artier napreisthekalloatnerAillailtAisamiln tat IlriteisediteSlareiklosalaffreasithwifeseissi Uslise:etilbAesielti Arewit:;,-eirepti... sotibarw Whites lt,waftsralillediii taiaseOrlieli" sw ralifilii that 'heating .ssiiiTil 14 . earliot - ' the *able, IQ alititelelberike fiortilisagr ~ iasr.,-,':, ~--- - Therlre ehetailietteeptiptheilfsmidaalkare, which,- issivorhellTmleetlaire‘4lsl,.. rtheliso-oell tinued.ltaailres,nnilTweaTliogge 4 tablea'auid - flie bialdrnst :Ifni ono, *mut Iti 'far' niejliniali`striet o n ' IMO ita . - r, *Peter's strait on the other. This eijhisOt4lsllW-I'm covered:l) with - Iskeolostioe , _ ':ahopil - Ailits Oak% .hpiww, art..,of.tybich werojevelledi to.llmilspaind. ;There wont Octet, twtillY.balidiess dame toyed is - a% aid the Josef will lirObibl reaoh,11100,000:' . Theterit , tial , airt ' - oliookiii , *du dayVishit'4l - eolith !this P Ibtialitf, ft i pilit•zaillike;Awilighborieig W ne. tot their wsiiistingetzwaikliat-lergest Are; that .hall 4* — litiipid in t at.foaatiey,yeare, and the eilainitOrlfiere ,ti tbs'hileof llfs a man named Hatch, who Mil tlialltilisten -Ist Bonn stabbial: barbs- - loolAw: %melamine. ; We haw not honed the entatalet-lite,flroi _bat ohlii.Prehably obtain forthwipartionlareofit for ouroostedript thisßouen-Roiten-l!osWine eth. ; 'Aixl-Werois' li. ItawatTriirl.+l3l tatnr day-last tier *beak - af niter which' siliplies lip Oresoent4wr;V(erhsi.aklW Niel's/ -9a4 tisoesi• et weilirfaikto;eanis 4 1 1.4iiist16ilWii1i 0000 iii Pll 4 l illie lsg oiWl4.hill -d,, 0 4 - , 0, 04_ r, ry ,ihi... :s hiPA'''-- 1, ,04,1_,,,_. wi*... a 6Ail alt lair e am A i lptlisptiblomisai4:llolbgAt the - .-f - A: te. i,:ii4l.-,ieric-:ht .thei Bay A llelle if. triivinnypoti; Jiiindiy;temlir' a Mistill:atettAr t y fir await .lakiltiiliiir.ef 4 leinthilwill , -_ topaarruit ; - liiielt ionittllitttlaniiVitiantil, i AWAY that all uPetaiort of Aier 101,k ,4 - - . f, Purpli, fa she mat taken„.ent-ef 'MAL „ ' , .. - 2 , -,_ ~ 4.,, tor dead. - Aillto boifeire„!ed,, . ,::,- f. , ' she Issex reamer. . --.----: . -...,, ------ I.:71-c .4 . . 7 -41036F -, *l . 4,4:prfii .64 1- iiiiit - tti*-41 , 118, niva l -taiehielf .iffii.y.W"' 1 4.irlifeliliitrialbly., - - infoised'Aid.P.4 _ , tp - Aw , ~ ,-:" • -„:„--.. i' Z gli giat t ~ l ) 1 Tlise v • ' . • tw 44 T $ a 1 n : I t .'i b , 1*1 8 ; 1 : -• "',-, ,--- ly , _ 'e_and 4a - , I%*:* eifiratll ea ," Tan ffirit Of thiilfekTerl* Wthltliikfc eft - devils. teitiqs"„lietliinehesilit ilfelOtilioli. ‘thfie-Pirlc,-wloser.--ltOnale alley= hr,theteudede* pateenr.by,...itio_alat 4aMj ibatal illyileaH it t; .. vi t 44 ..: oo i l Weirilfl*M.9. . Art'Pli - ' liead:,;,An •*se,orniamtLite. 'of the tepees • lelethie`prifdiat ,Wit . *- , • 1 10 ,1 4 , ottitAtifikkrl 04 61 0. 1 . 1 ; ' 4 # 41,1434 . 44 n0tirk 41 17473K.',i , 42e v... J. - -2.4,e0 -._o • - ' - , -4 116 ," Is iwurdirollioitaget.c.attoic , - . ,-, jooiklas.ta , lm l lli and, i ;a.,wdl4lli c . *. th kfrf,* It:iikkll,o, 41,0,,4A,,t44 3 -klmiPe:4-1,10 ; _ Areount.r,4l.tood, but-414040 .__ reY",*t:- NaLtitantini I#llBared - ' Atotti.liiil *UK IA siskigAii* iwitAirOte• cations, meaningtkemtlfrphiiit theiitynti farealSoe• neOlitti"-1137=1" "Wolff d Coiner bitithisiotlee dliribjethe re- - loner. blablidy bet thattine di Padiunlisitiatitbor witordingeiliu thinWeifeUeay very ltloely,°ln deed that no orte..edae, ever, which it viwinserted, but all iaktilosigaTON's hese suspended notwithstanding,' - By the *Zak; the - stety briber/hide Padona's 'nominationtasbeenniesomallYtow - Vhi:Eterror wanted , Piairt te rePleeeMelanglits , btit;llPre the bare mention Af the Immie up startsMsruummt i the Prefeet of the, Bogie "„ilad Ttbreatinite,resignif ri t e nomination be minted ottiV - me 'meta the whole - 414,4 e Ofibeembellielensenta; of Peril, the nay UMW geeing entorstentte themork men , who could em d;: during the algenes of. the :,,troopo, - Thine Paddle Works delpecid upon the mliaiskrr; 11 - my deadly. enerny. ' He -will throw-every-- obstacle toy path At every, tarn; - therefore, if hi be named, I mot ,wlikdrewt--.. v.-P.3 31 AP1 ,r o t-e 9 0 14 ado mte oede to this ArnmgestienVou_stememAtf the tre mendous overdrawlngZ.rof, Mr ecoornitorititr, the Ville de Parrs ti red do relizijasted. Laity woe niatpreposelL,liltrkes imperial favor ;Abet becis j albsra sena que.won—end.thon c he is, by **may,. re tattoo, bevinsfuterrierone of - t he - Fmeisitt geratio tion et Beauharnals ,-. he isan betted mareteddeg, bat that did Mit reckon. - - - , DA . the - mention of .Leity's name, Dolan& :himself start" up anterrsia that be obeli be ao snooessor of his, for, aft at the same oonnaii board with him he-would not, and that be must resign if Deity was named 'to - ofile. - .` This could • not 'be' agreed ' to' either; ail:Wangle lain possession of all the secret" ot this very seeretivo reign ;and ad the Emperor, wuriedout with these exelaimed, as if ; waking from, dream, "ParErns, let nil kaki shatii—tlistif is Pedone." Padone was oonsequentlyisppointed. He the: Nit -doffellon— brows how to lick the,einendes of, tke,empireand .the spittle of- the .11mpasor—therefore PIMA every Another itoryconemming -the , diegraecnt 'Mar shal Valliant is - ourrent co-day in every circle. It seems that the Emperor, in common with all warriors vrhosermilitary ambition is grainer , then their laurels, is remarkable .for-'the-;baste with ' whiziche gives every order,. cad the, impatience with Which leiValts and web:haste: its tommutien. This :potridiality „was's° altheilng - to ' Maktiriff,' in the , Orixnee,that,tu ewer po ono of the inces sant telegraphic messages Tuileriiis he 'sent baok - a' imPort,iow. ever; that it perfectly expreaied • his :ciesire-tecte 'bored no longer; and wee.nnderstold a ccordingly._ Now, in the instance of Marshal Yatllant, the Emperor had already worried him 'deaf and blind about the speedy depattnielof especial regiments, when be began to teue-orekteinfore abodes certain regiment, then'quarteued , et a', Own in Wenders, whiobj-eacordincte bits, oegiat to, be, embarked feiGertoet on 'a certain day: Ttile idea,: ones in lilt • head ; tie thing Zillee prenoeupied' Ms "mind but . tbislintestanotetegiMentarbile the Marshal, cow .plemly. done upwith hisimperial ;master, wentto `Vineelithe to emit wild!" rime. - • - - • 'Noe - the: Marshal ha! a eery-pretty. retreat at Plumes—call it what yen will, ,00ttage, villa, . chalet—no matter,..4. 1 1.7.1 1 7 pretty and secluded, and. _the garden ,eordatnit, some - of ,the eheitest dotter' in. the'world: Then: may be seinenj day; but the cottage, they' eltli oontakivethbr ebolee • specimens of the same degree At beauty, which are never seen by, mortal eye wavethstot the Marshal himself, To this souses hurried- Vallialk and I know' which' ELif of the losnisee ride Will - forgiVo hint for 'inatesitly'fitgettlig 'alt :;about the • regi 'meet; and Weiser, and the 7.EriNiiror r and semi - thing ebwin the, whole.universe, beeldes. , , - Befora he had time to remember, hewaa onoemore sum moned to the - Tuileries . The. Emperor was - 'Oa 'usual, impatient' and' hilt*. ulhe regbient 1 Marshal—where is the' regiment? ;-here - are all the journals, and no notice of Mt arrival at Mar seilles." :• _ • .The Mer`shattrinted,pile, inateigof bitishhig, as be should' have. 'done ; and,' stammering out that - be would Immediate ly `Trite "note-to Clete ral G ; at the Ministers de la - Guerra, in whose juziodlotion,lay the affair, to know why:the regi .ment had not arrived, set'about doing so thOnand there. Me merely ,wrote a few words; sayirig that having forgotten •to'"give orderetibicenting the regiment, he begged the General to do so imme diately, and Id Writs` bias' word that - herbed re ceived a telegraphic dospatoic:ottie safe arrival At Alarseilies,,as he welt waiting for this - WIWI? In the Emperor's cabinet: The not!'„wa s e ven :to One of ' the aid-de Canino to"deolitil - persenally; and king - bask the answer instantly. -The-General, to whom the note wee delitered urea aptly, toeing. half blind and wholly MaPidi , takei the note rip to the window and. read -it. aloud, while the wondering ald-de-eamp Mond' oPen-monthed listening to the contents. Yon may judge of the effee Arothioed. The v eld-decamp -- could - not conceal his know ledge of:the•note; onlitcoontrary..being a young man, he rather proud ,of it,. and begged.-for the WWI, as he thought it his duty to screen his friend, w b e retnien the sit' de•oainn took his leave, e io ar ve nin_g me t i h n e wmon Genei etes orth e t b t k a t , W a i td dat , is . d e e r to t seems, Seined in its betrsiyal." - For , a moment, it the General heeltated, -but fright getting thelintter of disoretion, ite_thotight ;hatter of it, 'ordered big carriage, and blare the - tud-deleamp, young se' he tias,ltatt retarded - to the Taileries, had laid the letter before his lifejegty,-. and told the whole of the obronmstanoeo. - , TheMmpererwar furious, sent for the, itlerstml,„whp,. yeeiriel'Otit, was on his road' to Vincennes, end' e' Watt 'gild scene en kid; wherein Ithedon:Wals natsied 'ft. - replace him °tithe spit; lid he to Magna: After a while however, it war. considered. lmpolitio by all - parties to testify titoxinblkilY tee quarrel be- - tooen the Emperor and hie' 'suoka moment; and the Masher Wits- - named ominaander and aid; de-oarop; goidnil Etat ; but it is not Ariented -than - any opportunity will be given him to retrienthe ion of reek_ and fever incurred by that ineppattone porno; to Viten 12gat , - _ • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers