. ~.-, ;' l ::l • 4illaidelOkiiii Illiratteti4 .. - . ;.. -:-..- - r - -:.WO!, LW IX!' T!q 11 8 11 .... 0 ?_ . :4 1 9 1 A, T , ,Illunl!'-'46, Y e , . I '''' '-' :`,.. z .tt.: 4 .te " ,‘Ktlii i k:ri' * ;. ; :lei l ifolit4 : : 1 1 . iii - `l. - lil i otio -. o# l o . . ' tiiii reit.- 11 4 , k 4 " 4 de : .. -ha:. ; ,-,,,...,'- - = - " , ':r ''..--c,----, ---- i--, - - , 'oolopiAlM -L isisittiot tea s! iiicl. I st* -r - 4 1 -.! $v " 1"1 " ...‘,:, ~. - -, - --' - : ;00 - 11 : 4 :4 6 . ' i t 4 01. 44 "t oi t t o r t. *- 1,41 1 440 ,v 4; 044 Fti7, 1 , 4 A 4 1 , 1 1 -1 141 7 1 , 1 , 111 - . i i ttoili ak iii ris i liL:j t ir i t it 'O yfitt % ie ttitt otl i t y i9 it ' f o r s , o4 - ;#40 4, 4 4 0 0tfi l , i.. . -1,...- , i*, 4.. --- , - ,c- r" - ,-. WO* to. lik*iiktist 14 - 444,1 1 ,0, t1 1 4004... 0 ",u , 5e..:4 - -- -9 .74 "--- • is' '''' - lrOinOe irit rkitti -. 1 ' 4 V• .'''- - . --,- : - .. - ' , .iiitt MITI. - foi eiliiiiiild it 1116111orroAlSi, flair: r / 1 ' ! 11 1 qiet:/114 1 1, 4 4 -14 90;' re. -- „ , AP_ . , /,. ' -- ;.1, --; -. •'. - - - - ,4,1-. - . 1 .Ai t .- - , ---i d - , - , ,i . - i i;-, - . 4 - aridity of **assn..: Itirrimatte who,. . - 0 01434 2 a. 0 ..., Imposts. is 410.14:#0T.341P , , :„ ‘ .ibm• 71 ,: . . I,dm i tiot,iiititioiti iiiii 4 itikkorMlet)o•C I t- '. V-- - ).'4; : ' l *oitii** 4 0 00.0 0 4V 11)140 . 4 4 41014 - I fttkiii-ti ' - 'ilnisibt*l" .s 'hetie-.V.iii* ris*Oi6ot:' .§..:;-...- :Ti. l . i k".. re1... 1 0., 5 40. ISt 0_ „4",,, ._*,,li - .lgiv, ..I,Wogir.", , ii:q.. 4 : - : ,.. : - . jiboi .,-. -t, 4 , 401 „,.. , .. 114 -i li: .",.- ~44- e;r • '. 4 ., 0 0. 4 , - t '-' -= '-'-' ' " 111 - 44 -111 1 6. - 11bl ' - ' :. -l i a ,Thl b til i t i 61 ' T-i i i 4,i -- ' - ' , but- ti-' Ow annahlneot lion .o•'l'' ' ': ,'; ' , : : .""M• l o,o(TbVtilii/ ii*:', ' 1014m!`-tmim t-** 411 .-1 - - - O r "411 ' 111 ..; tl. - ,-, j -- ' - .' di 't46oiiing W . '" ;''::-- ", x . 04,-ircriti - it 'O ,- ,:f00.'-ia-V' - ' -1-• A - t:'ll4'. --. 144 , 100" - .,*f f)!.P.IPP 2 -* cllll 4 . -, 21i.,• - ; 1 !k!.. .! .. I rtktd" t ~. i . - .. - vitt* n•Skie tho romdonablo toothier. ' i'VSVA :Ppiiii.yr.44:44lt.-0, - *.i.:644iMialohm4M4liti; Ml' ^ - ', - 0:9 " 1 " t t', ''''‘''" 4 !'i f i t ‘ b ,4.. , --, 7 .• ' 414C:44010r bit: i iiWiki: ;sll4lo4‘,*:iiiii , i'lollo.* :-.-r,,,,,_THlll4l rfidutt ,..-"Ill!t#,teT1011,:so' sit; to} P 76 , a .,- i i . 74 44, a 1 --:-- -:, - 48.4 - , - iiimiii**jit VciP*; ,b.llff 6 . 4 04. r:* 1 0 44 „,-1: 64 : '•rd 7 rlT's- wall; 77 efell ' ili '7X ii - gotr t Ztai iiiilliii:ll - 4 4 , out:, tiid ir ,“ ; 4 *4; :- w ki*.*r' A . jit o 4 :..pklllk,Pliiii.iia*d ,_7 r ,- -,-- -7 , 7: -7 -,--, ... !...,_ ~ . ..,_., i 2...,- , -• •,.. , .........i..:,, , ' '• _, GotrAtiithillOifY la iil;l,4:,l4,ol44.liiieltcl 6 t*lii , , 1 1?.? 1 !,. a ! d _ 6 7 4 , 1 " 1 , ~,' at ~.,,,', ~„,.' 777,, _ , , sg, 77 7 7, 1 dmft to -; Q;o4 l _ l 4 l '.' h i Mt !!!!kiiti* . ‘ol , 4#-$ 4 . 1) ,.0 5 °, ,-!!':.. I:`i . :- - s --. -- - ~.. i i,ii ii : _ - Tr ton, -:., oc k ttop.--iiroliktio , tritatL . : , :,i4. oitr. -.. . r .:, .your*. Wag s, Paraool, „ Suo s h eds , or itk ' abOat 166 bil4llo‘:lriiiiiVl , lop.lgusi: , iii alitoi?*,#, liontimbrous, at ldr.'lllolardssusio, al karlortg., w - •_- = 21.40 - 3 'z,nsidWpi..liitini. fdi . ;o4dlg, ll iftfOr- - At - p1r.,1101o: cot - 44111ooalty ;./Atil dog* , be!St WO *ad !eh", th• -toriidiii4, - Aiiiii-*mtiii.tm'm'OtMoiAtile t4fikciiitiliam,,ll-4,4 II MM 1 , 4 44 4: 1: --- , - '. l. ,ei.it o . 'l l -0_ .. ..., ' iii'liikYi.,o),l_Wo:4og, _ 11_,.bit: r f :' liii assn - TiSre,Sic-iiiiii . diolailijciffesin )fiesierii .- ;ma Kim!, moon frAiilke - re.f# OokteVlTAsir,Wwfi-Vy lad-Softiorstors, ei alt the bee f sod roOot - srirovo. : .brolia4,rl4ol4i4o#AiirsidlioiPi-4 841 t*teliz'a . 1 * al % it - ***aaatit Jaw: caral - .1.0 8 A ifona"l" ni g h ' - - - 7 .10•:.' - 144 '. 4 4l r ilioi 04iiiiiiod IC ',l4lfie, r _ilif,lso - lilo ,' 7 41,*7114 Ohootaut '0tr0aA,..,„..• ~. ._ -'. I***-ttAitiloliailiCi r gallili o -tiolgi r ietMiliii - kior*iiiiit ,- - - - - -: kimitik iiiiii, li. - 44 - Ptui - otriAiii - .'lrMikiii***ti - - im wandm 20004010:. ;AgiTX-444 1 0;MA, Aix': - riStk li e for bai r n 4414 1 44.t73 1* . 4 0 3 . ( 0144Prii! r iib'' ' - - 4, - ,llSteltiiit te jiiehmo S .:.' .- --- -, ...-: - ' ,- .f , . tole miltesilir.../i --- iiffeyi ,103 soh Sklti - 54 0 e 411,, 1: 1000 Kr MAO 15;;;544091c- 266.; ,i: - :di....4,.,...,-c., 1 10.), , ..m.0.c, ---,;,..410* 1.4 0 4.-6 E i n tsr: o; .993lisl POO 'l' Stir it.Allit4kldi 100 1- --- : 7 "Ao:“.i'v , ,,:•:42StAill 1 300 P 410,10 110 11:• - .4 0 0.63 - il WO TI I GO 1 .t.,• -, •0.--:-.4, -- 1000 . --;',-' - d0.....: ~:. 4 4'.6111 1 4 X411 1 , 4 t Ohl 5t...,M0N1 --, I 220 Mr Y-0•1414 - .. - .'i.-:4'44 - t 10 4. , -, _,Aii;,:-.4...., - 141.01 - +; • - IGO, - : CAN; - i....' ..401•Jtm 10'4 ,- ', 40.....".".i..3 t fag, 1 100 HiAlosi-14te.i.. Alick leo - 014k, la I S. - 415.611 .., 200131e*.t.T0i11t.100_.!4)1,,i00. fialikaft* - .. 1,11 . /5Y l6 ;' , - - • :' ~ -. ''•••,-,r•5i;•::,,,,'-1,11111110/11TS: '";•%.,,• :',. .1•, , --0 - ~.' '', ' -• 'AniI:APO iteelgr, Ilielf oshmotiptblei-id-A0 m 'for Po% sot ;pi TIVOir Fole10"-5&=?. - :.`-i - 1 -,,, 4 4 - - :".1. - -:• - - -. , -- - 71.0ft'i'orksijoligi&tarlititii l 'amilCiatiia - A i t t,-41:1 !owe , ronlitivi.,'4o l l:ifikidlor , .wfidkiqloirtio , rooistirloo '• - '..- asul:istos,443.loola444`.ll l l , 4 o ir o <iartfr: ' -i4oillne. l ".- :Stital" se:ma 00,4144.10 ;.#1 10 .4; 1040 ? OOPTllise , ' Wooktim! l / 2 14 Vida Xt..rOt 'dm!, ; 1 ,116-110 - 07,21n9rwitriii , 10111040 • 00 b 140 -l'oralborit'lloar IN heavy sad lowly --'' with rliositir. 1,100:.bbi0;.4 it Ma Sir - for looms I. rilltmdl ' - iiii - ;$7'601111,0 for : extra Irrots2o:',- - rdlordallan; Os Alllrlirbilla - MlAtfelryillill*LlO;Mr+* l l6 isle., , -- -6 NO Inukiwt-lielif Nor 1.41-isailiaky, - MOM liraerairs,-.4.0.- .•,- - sslec et ;104Col bus Iliatetii_sihted - tat• Sleek, most - , . yollosiltlds;Ond 1011111t0104110t4 1t4 , 1 0 V; i.e 10 0014, , - -.. s vett . 4 - 1 1 morlirr lik , Umot. SP* . 4 91 8 . 1 . 9-1 0" 1 " 0111 " * ". - ' . , 'st 6.1a41 - 4)olo'ar01 11 W at, witorilioor :(14101111MT,1 11 .: V 1*11444 inii. V i r ' 112.5 " 'r r 4 ,! lt l ii t il f!,, l , 4 , r: 1 ' f ,' iki'iiii4df idol‘li ni , --. -- Pisoviettillifoektsiflorr , ... „ a ,. „l o gy; '-'-." s'::: -, ..t-1 42 , li ardiF ik r i :4 l4 ,: . ' " u hriri;ii ' F-187b 1 441. fee , 9 , :',- '-'foPlik ill piliio ;;',l-'lloorirs6-.fiir,ooimery-*4., ; lit --';_ 2" - eitillAir ii,j'pi.e . !iii4 Ohleito; "iiii ., ! : sl.!- . l_liillat for extvili i latS:ritstrie n- i actiVkiwit - 1 - „...-..._._,.- . 1 1 - - - ""d ~Pat - 1 4 . -- .lcotwi - J:kot le ihsat 'sec - - - - • , ,: ' 104:ttostvoitireal lISVICIO.If O d*O 4 -4..1n50 , -' '0 -.Ati1Wri5i00411.40140•710:4•20,04140.4-2,11101ros10,';' - - -,-_, , „..cogionkiko . 10,10004.*Viitwhorioltowirg mete. - - --' - ,"Isev• OF iit! RIPIMIP. Igo COML. St Will, :4 ma wisp'- . 641.440414 4- 4 6 :44.0.4i , et1.,44 , 4 10 4 1 ;m1e ~ /m an. eh Rai' SLAllettotayp to 44.0c11 24.1,110rrei, • -' : w ee, tbir-week S - 1110 Osiv,aii, or - irldebr:soo 'WOO from ' „ow .rsokr,lltat4...i aiok ton - 1 44:J 1 100o; Bathe . • -' .4401 ma -11Avvi; iced, 1: 703 head . _wire, roootrii, -int i ..`..-. ft ''' Ski ;AL; -. 7 ; - Taw , - , ,110 - iii}' , bdooi : - bn*iht „sp_ • - - , v.r „liiiMirrit f.004e - Lira4l4 :Iraq „rior..voto -ito: soot sass . ' '' ..-1T7.4.-irr,fdll*a. .I,fri:i rkeisitig 3 .l7 orni(sot so, .'''' giii.P r aL ~ , '. V,PC a shads Amor.% IpOit Togo. 1 ~ ....-.,• 'dee : ' , `,i10t401,10*.1.M., - 4 14 . f. - .T.04 .1 'u 1 1,..., ,..., ;140,14t2,14,411tru.i ii4 T.v, ,Tor ti . _ , :: y , 1 iz , ... 4 7,4,-N.,,,,,,,,, ..,„,..4, * se of thet P i t: f, --' - .._ Aieet,-- sit tlilMritictimaiKtlONgistifg ' -ht ' 4l° .• ii • -J- - - vtolatie4 il'it . blim6COlaikeN;,l - o,tirel. ,r - Wilkie qui* t - ,•,. ' - prodo - ot,tkolittorrkt.o.*t..44 l , 4 o,tffioliviriaPadc. ? '-'!, : Only e 'ref rmlir'imiilll-`pot,dipiptF-_iiiiiiii-eiraiL -,-.- WIWI* Wien? tliti'ilt*:46stlistit the mn — ifid. e lirlirrooltft -"litobsirrilitit:o6:44asty=4 100•AltfklllAlftlroklh-sstf 141, 4' ;dolidigiallitP oo ' '` = . boadl:' °elf ton'seid tioar -- vior# ,- otatt:.7?Tbellioap`o*r ~.- WO teisr. bei_ besiollS4 'at tgiteme. - Ase *sow et ;''' 1001 setni - 1 1 .11 04 %show - sot 19/ 10 - "f_ :taints ;11 . '• ' low•:ostri igm alliiii• - lisaiiilW:4l4 l dak - titsf ill'itt_4 WS - - ' 0 3ie I , WfmeAst - Totf'-Aloil, atilistiki tsk?Msdath- , Sidi* anst AVOW* LiSOl5l 4 egoSts terSiStetke honri-lill? - MI 104 0110-41011:. - '. ..., , . ~ g -r,, c iAt,, , , ,, ...;•}41 , " : - • - '_ - ,llaiketi - litoitTilegrap Telegraph. . .',. ' ~ • - siiiintose siiies*3siiiir tail reet,siff, ~. 100 - bbio*oro sold; is itAiolhairit -22 Xei'rill. ...d - Mao 4:klieg OW.; Wheel Is rotifer" - Isom isigthe -- ; -• -''- " --- -Irlar, l" "fiVlM l ti'd i c i tTpir l iirjr • fi ll i tl: llatiAr . , ....11'147•11*-100•Nej-16011004 MI "--:--,- likiljterif4 - 7 , Liirldig44„ '404, 1 a 0 - ;'•: ,rO -11 0 .,d- 'i,--:, A -7 - - t- - - i thddl l ' i rt t ' ,-VPo fit i rrt'll ,-9 1 1614 ! I Y1 d ] t,,rw,l-othoololii4,locrdia'of 304.1.4 tr iii4:111 1 .41 1 ,11iw.. 2 listof dim 9, 0 0 0 .: -11410Wr0tik"4,110k..t, ,, , , - , , - 4' , . , ..i .- ;.3..^a\i‘t.-;;, , • 5 ..:- ~,,-,_-: cossisinsiqdimal.4,l l *illk o Wt!ilioA l o llo , l.o-1. -, dsr rstintsOMPlMPfAff.,... ..', - .. ,- it 4 ,- ,11....r': - - , (4 4- ,;.-ii , ,Lt - 2 . - .--A - _-...,, , Ctmeirrwtriloo. , B ..L.:rourioottrii....„wo ON Ora , it IS 71101.4 - . L. L.W.444 - 44:,....Rt0r440 - ,114 lid: •,,'''.. :::•;:1-?:.-, - 1:- ‘7 , - -, ', • 14 , ,t' . r 41' r,',i, - • -' -I. --,-, - f : .'6. - *2.-,1 ,-,, :fra ,, ,,1i•-.4:ii.r.n . LY'l -' , ,t.eicji.3. ~.m.lllt*Oar2 .r.nruAl**--z`,..a0r50..:-'n•mrs*?: BeitioiL Witte) Theicirilitiii4ilkethie,2l - 44dif , ---- ~ , .ettenisitr- s eskOghtso...':, ..e.,/teidee Ser, petting .- - - ' - 'ikpliSpristikis' ' - 44)1:seer th e °Stoma 31• pot • - ther. - .Sif& . elt)filLiftehittikii'eitriee , ..imitt . ' 011411 W , - 116 C _. -10 41i isi -liSt ir t:aitrnixitikr. artie V WhitSit - 414:14ifillr liiit - - Ihir,.lW , • - 110 - 0060:11.11iikintiiii:' .., - * 1 0; ilt;,,i Ms 1a ot at iti - piil6Tiaiki4_ 1 0 0/00.t. n ..,:iimitrepole ,, ...„41 , 4* 1 ' book petehlag opiipet ' ES*6l44447-I,Pe _ n -lk. ... - 114.4% - t.tre11 , 1204.. , ,*0tr: - k44,, , y. - .ll*seetp - 4i - er seist. -...--.:' -I,l6 :o4o l4l 4o l o 464 4• l6444l lnitaAb i liiiraf .' or 'l'l°o4 -14 .- -' 0 011 '4 4*00.0 6130 1 -- V#*e ti c e y s k .-.l*t lig! ' ' mi*..14.0*. IMoti 40- , - - irmair mkOit* -" liiOkls„.. ll 4 - *Sktiad*r,setr; --;---. -'.- - be .jo**###:# o .- -.#4:ft,thil#,Akf . .#ogAii4lll, ~!')ForozipiAi*:,, p )! .109 .Milisi k ':': :, • : - -.44t:414,.10u4i.4617 iitiktii °DOZ . * ett : ' ::: 0 4 1 4V,1Yi , kiltitA;TO4 7 o.** 4-- 1 - --' '" . 4446 6 /Ta t r- I t- ---.- - 1 80P. 14 4 1 04X40 ,00a t: s - - ,-: n -' - - ;W - 41 , 244 . . , 1 1 ,101 0 i _ 4410/ 1 t.."1 1 MA 4.110 1: 1 . 4 04 4 PW., f ..._-, - _ atittat'O'd • F.l4lCAlOtiliii:**.filtAllaaowat _ 'b041 . 00.4.- - 11 - . - riril ' Ot: Vs ribCiro - i4 o :iloki*Oraid: re,:nitiTho:olltitAteja**4.lW . _ ` ',1t41 1 ..4 .1 . - .4: ' by , ilkh* 6 o ol ;ii 44 , tato - V 1 4. 41 -0 0 .t•','.P*.•.• - ' ••104,11.6iiiiit'4.10604 . , Irllll,ooo - I.ooWAChlxlll4 l ii.W -.. - •-rirlii.f. o • 4'` .o ;P 'lO Ott* In ri itiArti, ---" "1-'IW-'ooo.44?...rkillitiolif-mitititlirf.Thim oitAglcitim• fieillobiarn iraCitelymt•44,:yiewethfc wh ys,. -. 4.. ,, , ,,,,,,,,1.- - . , 4,,,„.....,3 7 ?..,i,,,, , , , ,. „ 4,,,,,,, , , ,3,-;.-„,- : ,- - ;„„,,,,,...., - -...,:APA. , ,,,,., ' 0 14411.1 . 61 00 i * 11if-he e ide g :tbit - • _. ;antis' Siiity. ~.J..' tokstoiiii44bAs* -41 0 6 -giiirit •=',:i. ;„ - Isiiilea 'Ail - ....64.411.011014111441,4tibifirc_ I*:"TikiltirileAWilooli , - iitilss:AW - on* of '. the .-,-•, , -i .. -tolditliribirbarigriAlioNreit. mink - *light-1044 -:- the Ottilidtit,the lame of ;th or *audio along' 00sirriVIZ,Ori,'6)kotfilrir.$011rOioolbo . ':oe.inial.iiii ,. .therliia f i - 'i 47 40 4 ta1" - .lrbil& Itiorly )tpooltrAliv,ol**li - 510wy..., •- lib --_ hot wwquit0.11.441.7,-,iiirsoil,VO viiiikri.:tairo lid -, irobrooto ;.' godii - And sea of ibis hirpli . illorp._ MA i* l o7 -11 01 4 : :. ;7 4 4 , - lit : ii 4 V :A/kil.fig i fiP.,4o7,, hat Oita tr00";,1 , 1,T rertr.J.liii4,::4 - 5.5 -, :i 1: ;, I. : . 3-A3 ,2 ~t- - . .4- „ . „ ~.~~~~ '.-.~;: 'ha~~-- i "' t~ - '..- ~:~_, i S n S: }' f-4,i t ti. 5 ,.`:` ,- -'?" - ` , ' . - .i5 „,,110 9, , , ,,,...-V...fg s•?i,..ff-,,• ?'.;`, _. 4:I • ' - ' ' -''''''' -''' 'I'M "..' ' ;•-•'`," i ''' ". ''' -444 :0V- r f.f. ~ r:'''•l:'?;'.4.4l4:*-0-rfleit '':'''..;:. .i-g !I':'''Z'i'-' . :444iiii: "..;:n117,0000, I:4:kt* .., ~"ioge -411 .. I f t .ti esaie or - 44: 10/r4.Blsr-itiiikilirtlar_srY°.th,"74- ,4.--mii--"0"--Itriti..:400,r1 .6.4...:01,:l iw b**-*-6-131:06-wmi t. ,-,- Z h eiotitinv_uu.,,„ 1 . 4. u . :4,atoomf of &A 1746*di*O, -7 ....' 1 ,4 . .. Sir ''',"?=24lg iiteeieweilttiiiriiiiteliltrairriftw -•_ ,-..,. iiiiielloollote., l , ll l,l!AU: -. ' . o f A wi,_r____ or ..,..,. - 1• 0 4 -at 1,-94 tentylei t. r . 7,- ; • 17, - r i - Aiii limit siverEtPTipatals Pilyt-iwaie, Job.., : -' le *eel bit.„,tnr:itaa nailer .-W ...,„,„gital•gabli :• - itaamaireii-----irmailleal•lf' 7 of obi' br 11 #0 11 •.' sliall niaat i4-7 iiilltviel• Vie !drew !ol jou l k tills : - Illobluina ~-• - ii - a w e w Si. tie tr° ' u ni t *wit ;4,7 . - - rut tritrn,lithii- or. 'tart runty, 41 :1 4 ',.., ',.-i -'. - 111010 61. 4..-- ..h.e , - ostacupt -,.,.: -IP,, : -1 41 e -- - 414-bit tr e'77 7 7•:-; - ii;a:iiiiiear.•frit: :i.-Xiiiiii_ta-o‘t=iiiiiiiiiisiiiii,r3o,loll(stal 1•77,m.......- APirir;artaidii!Pipaltt4s7,7holfaitibie:PP • ,1" - aba--_ ,., Zodiri., , - o,:aleeri"lft---- .'..,....-'''*. r '--- iesigt 411.1"Ttuoi.-iiitt-o)iwiiit...„, 47i, ~- pontos fil*a.,,..i.iiireld"lt.sgs,Umiz, r.•" 77 -...y' anislialk--7-- , Nam* 11!„.„ fa ~ . i i i : itnt..a4.___ll42l)iiilmi4l'7 ility;- :,:.: ifinvenaornwort rriroln, b ui l psi„wardirzird, tou ri rw - t%%. . ----*10.„ tr-F oisellaFt Sal sa.. - Ari i 4:'l l : Wl' APO all * lLi,i l Weill *Ma willipVcrisss34o4l, et --mall*: iwijoirtio*lo.=„l",: nor 0t+~,...24Mtk IPA - - ".o,o4ll#4lk_lin t , o':, 1.: Illoyi./0042.11,44.1-Ip..)* ewmiiiii...,-44,x-fiziw-* ' Art-rt,Tvwlki k _-xtv*.0w,114 6 .7a74-5aq,14,..kb7 • ,' .-- ' vereiele,; la itko , - • ,1i‘.1,6'---47ifilieetrv-t. Or , * 'fr, ',,;-,-,,, --- i ':::oll6,o,l*.P.S______-k....., .ftilanoticot- 1,.., s-- ' - .,_''-;,:l '' ----; 414.110rill“4 WilibiCtnifigt ' i ,,,r---I V - -' ---.l4l! ' =rideria**F.u k ,l92-61*".f in ti4litail ~' '''l.-,;',••''''-!:,:,_i•gi.igtictimittirwir 1,4_,..b..k."1/2.- ' ' AO ; -':-.4.:4,!-;', Art:, VoL__-i • sea Mt, Sriliin,-Agintassti' :' .W 1 4.,....1 1 :_gi ,• ,-, 4 .„, i t 310-00.:..._494wifusoi,owAppl - , ' - , stat-4 iv... , -fr- - 7 , .. Air ;;_,,,,iiiii k!iiii,--..--'...0..Adi5.„,:i1i.11147911,414 mod •f '+, efewer al I' -- e • -, . ,fereaemilAtalmies:**!•7 bailie ;;5.';,::.',-,1 ra .. 1%,., L - ',,Alkliai-`: voitt . :_.7..... ; , 1 ... 104: _:-6,-,,f64,,',„:.-iiid.i.—•-_---#o4oulg, - - ..-Abt , afd-iFiwair ...,-.,--..k,.:-,-,„,-tille*,, 1 4 2 , 14. - r ,„ a, t , • id=,....,-.. • ---saurtmo....,___,, ~,,, : 75,, ~ :1.- '''.- t 44-•:-; I,7l4`iiii* .f4:'.m.”,, .-:t=VN;.,-',,il i'Aiilif. of a et,-, 1.: ..AA-,' - ',..: ..;‘ , 12g.W. : , i 4*.- t f -, ;.,•:,-- fifictPt ,_,...-, , .- doVi 1 c - i-.:' 7." , 7."'"'—. - t: • • 1144 , ,w" wid - .4, 4 1 ? M ,-ti p,. ~ Vi,;' , ,,t - ,;- :, ' ,--: ' - 1-P "' - , , ~p14,011,4_11.7A-pploitit .. m ,, - - • ";,6,,„w il d ' i --, e-%-z .-- --- .' - 0 r. 111` *,oo._7ol2A.7..Wiirikre-4- , -40i.rtitrfrril0111 ;;;'-i ';'-4:-' r: ' ligikr7,-.7 'mo.cit,btre* Ac'fak.-- ".--.*:"..':` --.,4 l'ilt*4t r.-7'? 4: i';iiiv .t--,-.1: A'•-:-; r--?4,-ti- 04Th74114.4- ~mmY 04•4;tigirs4taili A: k:,,i....,„9o4owesuiid,,evai.,..W.4lttotizio,- i q5 -: *s; , iti:, -- '-w ~, it.iii4-40wd~vmaibrigott., ,lt.. ''',0441-404-0 r i4,AT.,:;1-,_--214z-,ll ' 4lo,, atototA, , ,xo_,v rii . dttit rAN,?a-i.v4K,"....o—w__-010.,,A.,!**1—:iiselimi-: VitarWitittl,P, A'-- :-:-- -"-''',t lr‘s!!"- .11arliWertiWelat,.1r'.":27'_.--. '--,.' - '";,:44Wii-, , ~ ~gy? . . ,;:l.„.wit obi, jejonlikidio tis,kipiti!...,,,,Art 1 ~ ,,, .;:„,i ,-)* , i,,,NON,,,"••:dafF,L,..vrtfigori-11,!1771,,t.- V31)A,.,4 ~ , ' ,''. s o ', N , '--- MW, ...-46140,,711frnr,,,nf , 'R: ; ,; ;;-i ,i'ti.) -, „ • ,-.4 ' , ': 4 1: : ;:r•; - • -- :•11,4t2Z:-.05141.474,,,,A,---;, 1,1. 1 2, ' , ' ' , 7:: 1 : *; '- " ' -, ‘3:44:-' r : , 1 „ , ;4.-. •,l, - ' ,ikir, a:, c-;_„,-, l ':'"' „..- -' --,' *,ii41,4(-0,-.III2,E;BAritThZ,Y,,,e, , :,.,.-. -'--;.-':w,---')-,V4.,i - - - Ir-{,-41,V =1- 2 t', - --:- ' ',%-':.- *that .. :,.. ,x , ,tz.!_- - . : , )At%-:":Zt efl . ' -_,„- ....----,,-iesiiicilit4Wo- . . - 4r,ii4 4fif ,-, -- ,- -' -;;,,:taii,-,.115-i'-.7--,,,, lii-fiksikjitOtr,tiliik)ii - V - i!:: - ''''‘...,...--- - ': ilkeit,,-i ko ! l .e, ww '' ''k / 11:1- ':. - : T."'"ilitillinklwit ---• iiwowe' - lef *Orr 4 1 . 1 r ' /,:',Y--,r :- 10'4". -.-- vitiwirwralillfa - ~.. tii4Eltriiktr-Of ,1 -, .„. ' • i'll ilijaii'iiiethtCht-letfiterrit '-'4 ;4; - _ , : : ,_ , ' ii' , , ' '.l ..,,f ti iitrwit*#!-- : .•;3-, ',. - .- 2 ,1 ••'" 7' ' . .i.%l6,l;fileierr)T ,-:th iwt444. 4 - , ~..,, T -, - 4 .: - --•." ', '- : 1 - .7 . ,„r-- ",i jig cult 4.! ...,..,,,,,g4:,:, ~=';;;;,., .-,...-J. ,-:-.1, , , .-., • , ,-, ,‘ ~ , . _...95.7m.--- ~- " o, , ,.iittir of " 1- - aut,, -_,,,---• ,---r-7 :$,- ..- At wwwwww , l , ; A :,,;..v.rorp 0,1/..,‘-__l ) -';VEI ' .-= - ,-- - 0144 0-':*---• - - priscitOti.r"l ~ .„,..,•,..1,,,...:. • , • - 1 ,:-..,. •-b. zii --Ya.4'M - - -.'"iiiilkler.Pi ' -I,i'''';' ''''' -;* ' ` . l - 41"-I '-- 4 -0 - ' 4,lllidrlt4l-91?.'-feae)4l; ,--..., :'-.'-- ‘,-':!.01/ I' 4"-, Olvi-,* ""iii4firY. '3°li- 4b.'-' vat! - -3 .;;.;-',..i,5t . f.4•:,„..ft4 -16‘,40,0011sliswigi*Itii:10.0, ki 4 4 i • .'r''',:-'''•!"-''''''atitt ~,. -1,-, Aiipiotolllll* la ifittplitki* ifilL' A ,-,-..- ' ,-- Z;):;,--, -Ai illitrA, Aaglikn Ithat •• '-'• Ai•-• WM ,±l, ,* - .1,4441-IV:ilni-W:44-'44t11:111Fn"-' *INF --W '- -- '-- ',, ' . . ar...5.1r.. ........., c.. 1,... - - •- f, _ c:'. • '7l , ' . -- • = one* Mao 82 ias 1 bbl Norm 40 b1idcm09991841148 , W , W4148., 171114..0121:124218:-.8147,11M:1944;;XliLldgi,. 1444,-8 IforrlCWoln eClo'; 73aollirimpo291b41•4 mittloka 06 do iiittonid4d4miodsieoB999o kelloorm 18 biles 004148 9,4444M114;1:94.8104/'Jtvoi; 29 onion lime "PA° 1119W7i189r9194.Wiliiii,"Childs h 00; 22494 0412 JkYotormix; 1011819104144 J L itorenor 181 - 111 5Pi7 tastsl4l.4l7, Ustalis• / V *o 4 Oot •T i pty.tio , , , y.:P.vwpklr. - 7Nothnp...; 991 pkg. oaii W.) _ • ' • '.,;;1 ‘;,,,'I r AtriWi..#4B,-14',-; .oriii4imirAx:l4olll` -;• _ • = _ 01,111AUD: ' Steeometip ' Potawa, Oopol. New York, Alldordlee. Skid Bolton, Cotter, dt Baldwin & Co. Nark .114WitSle, WOWS, ladayra, Dellett Brut. • Cant AP* WWI) Hanes, 'i r e bA Cant Radom, „Aide; N.oiusit,D s istetsoo On. 'Bait N.Hlnkfirsi Bowyea, Nista, L Radon:led & Co. lob* Poi kfiewtos.•Yaorpoo, Oberfreetee, Jairue Baker. • ;Bahr Paul, Wootorvidt, Haan, NO, . do Ailip.iiiitt.,Aniklas; Paw ikdrand 0 Donbim. Soh Na ;Adzyrry, ilecittißootow, Boil ., IlationOtt 4.44.14',...:_wi;tec00d.d0 _. Ittood:builib,Prorldenne). ;Rekt r idesie -; • . . do 0011101, Hooka; Mail Millar & Co. • Bell Fpear. Yrtee. Bostoo, XeNOtleritel & Co. hr P Br e% Dortio,oilitli, Sing ding, Van Dusan, ;Hotta in Co., - Poi* II Nap: . do - Behr T. Beaediec,-Gerannititi Now, Haven, •do Raiff B Nakosy, Mtehine. Boston, Blakietoa &AUX; 4 ; ROL N itenediet, Bllls Providecce,do • oto. &‘' pais Ale, irdtk. Not Clantbrkdp , , do" , - 2 a t t. Boom Bea React, Monate. do 'Peter S, Hairdo, Polacin t - Hottoi v atiatevaiit & Co. - di* ilea Creator, ' „. Oar , A also', Bay, • J. do • -1 1 - do Peke NorekViegie,,haiey, Comma:hi POW, do ; Betr N do data; Haw, tom, „ do seer sea, Best.liiton, Boston, , . • 'do Sette 4 0, state; Attire,do :Behr Leda era?, Weaneii'Oanibriddiport, / do , tar Jassy HNC,_ • - do ' do ' data Haig & data, Tiec . Bale3a, do Mir Burrows C. Clark.' do - 'do Ootit -117aVrali Davie Os Providonite, do Bole tafie, Yam or, P' 4ld & g tor fame, lawyer llehr 0 L NoPloa, 'Riau, New Haven, do 4 Sete D idowierole, Mama, Pawtucket, B Mitten * On: , P s ear MINIS eau, Wiaver: Tani _ L do L lindiaott, Leidy " Warren, Ai; dinnialtson (a Alain iitein, Tyler, stone & Co. '"%Sekr,J X Dna, dowainaa,lialow, 'Tyler, date 4 , 00. ; N Alpo! Tkompoon, Bristol, 0 Caber & Co. eekn I Noyes, Oarptiridoport, Bouerett, ", Pair - 0 Jays.. Orrholi; Bleaoo, L Andentled ' Betel Cedwalader, Godfrey, Ameobui7 Point, do DOW J. POipdati XittuNwortt, Providencia, B B. thrown 00,4 , • , • ddir yirpoole, *Moors, A linens, Jr tairimaeadmr.] ,I ~- j 4 ioBl . of the 8 14 4 0 ' Nur Yolic;inne 8 t / Arrived, skis Psellie,,from New Oilman MA, Path. 'deader. from Cienfuegos; Pride of , the Day from Havana; Zash,terno do; `,llharra.,firoos do; -Buns , from dot Lin yoCd , from do; help Tornado, from litataassa; African, from Port so Prises; Dorian,- from Ocumman Bastrico, Smut Bormuda; Caroling, hum Aap.duall • Ba . " . • - • - • , ~ .• z.nuo rte: . June 8. • •*, jljsrtlyst, Wall &OS blind, from Nay, Yak, in ballast. ,-t, -, • •-..- , Ilayst-ros Boar's. :sae II ArriMd, altlp„Blertk,ffive, 03 days Arm Jarvis Isl., ' did. ealth4aanor ar Eli .1 - , li danyer. from Sombroro. :U lB lei Pat !Ili 0 701118 4 Norton, for N.Y /all` :-_,_ , _litiiiiiMilp,4l jr, Of 2141aosa,littallill; "Mad tram luataaraa 7gilaat,tor patlatatoda. , " - .,Litearmilp }Wise; lidier, balm, antria at N York' Triderds7— - -.,,,,,," ,', .' - _, „ 61 "P lE/44 ' 81 4° 1160 , 1 1 - for 0 4 ! 714 "Smr 6 /aared At JeivltOrk•yvelerday.. ;, - c. !; f ; Ship Shelter; libedd, at Disuse Ares 10121, Lad bets diersarded. aa4,Toatil inalsibly be eoadesios4. y t i ittit,Sltai 04404 *an Smarm for,Callo, was sp. kola 11111011ASS4 af if. 104 46 44 : ' . • Paula ?irk; lialithi tom' Reels,, arrived at autos 7th last - ' Bark Ewa*. beano°, from lasitosAyres April 21, an. ,died at Baltimore ,ymterdey. •• Lett ships Noma, for N .ifiark iea few days; Tavola: frellidatoa:dov Mau JO. L le bout: Prissaseter • Mali, from 'MOW. • dleobg; If _, for New York, ldt, Bannon; from Baltimor e . sr "FklSMO:feeelale'or darter; brigs Ma* World, for 1 11 /Mf 17118railiddi,`111W. • - • .i'l .'leak - mu, Kama, tome at Waimea Ilk fart.' bark Cavallo, Wamtogiou, from Ismasa, atilfad at N ~lfOrli yesterday. • . ,',-. ",' - ‘. - • , :91 - 40r. de Wlmr,Spoila, at Nearriteo April ft, was t stores fat Lo .de ismoro: ! ti ft ig l= u rfrea' slowlrork for Rio dilandro, inks e. ' ,nickel' fiat, Ist 110, loon 18. . ' ' ' AM , Warr I noyt;Raavitaki front Gettenbarg, sr. :rind tit WinclorluxsurrodarcA - - , t. % "Beam [naiad Vsati, OrliW;E4Oldrard. Baera a Wm, Needierma, Z. 8 Watt* Nom, sad W 0 Allilita. -tied, biellllllle iklitaig,olo 11110, , , , . , - ,,, , ,8ehi Lids MAW. /414,11,100 i a Sale m 8 1 1 5 list; .-;- lloba• Oaafoa A ArYll,:vsseY Walkiirvilfes nolaa9pteca, )m4 lea from Bolmetri WO* Itietaat - '' , 4 11airrs Polly t Prim, PliNall. Anna ilautk.Alnyttly, W Lo. Brablorihra; aid 5A Xaytair,finst fromitostoo for itiaalptia, taw*** laotioaat.lol* TOL init. ' ",,Irebri timollar.ltill, Gialksi, freak' I,lss tor Vita id4,l,6,oolo47rdonikdrieri Hole Ith list _ '.,4 * IBI O IIB C IIII Mr ,- from Berton ,- and i Clark, s oft' 'f I.a ' ,o4k ffir ,Ilti I 1 l a el Phi E h 0 llo m. o lea: 7antes'i-liaili,d, Higbee; Mudd; 'relied s't Wit. :Ida or; BROM last, iREIVAti3 AT.THEIRINCIPAL 'HOTELS, 10' 011 O'CLOOZ litoiSlX. 1 0 /1 41 " ) ircr .„ h 4 91r. Mind&•• - ciapt Myers, II lit N, W • W W Avrill, B'N ltmairnn f lit Loale;,k•• , '" Ti. , Mrs JR Bleseey. St Imola Smoot& icilt Bkorrot,liarriebtog J_nberWirriter,'N'O' 3 . , (franker:lLn, A. MA Black. Bed M Y Vallsißelf ' Ji !Ankara), & la. Mee LlUSlanghter, Ls 0 Orinnaii. Ombaikalii P Miller{ lcsolaville Thou long Dorton _ 'Dada -Rildnatm ANC- • J Doff r, Marietta Pa - 'lt 0 Nelson, Mad Bicasamay O , 'Char litOsester,'N 0 - Chu p sum ; No loiyho It MAU. aOltele -" • 2 ,, Jobe Lattuop, , Baßalo 1 - Halderriai Pa I Plgastr, _Antes, Ind. • B U Meoorele, Teen sy ' L liulyinia KW& Ouse., NO , fti L Albertson, Norristown leek Balms's, N I A Whalla, N - I-A Chapman, N.T. Thos ;Our; IV; .W O Logesi& dengla,Mo 0 Tower; Potterille Whlli Olaf • • goy J 'Brayton At ly ICY ' „ktra4 B - • : Mrs .1D I Boyd, Albany, NY A fisat,-lreaskfort,- - Me • j A Croci & be, 114 P Hamkond, Mobile 4 °ropes', Bet D A II Bkradt , N Ihrildnbarteh, Buffalo A jarriAloonghlukerade,mreca Moore; Wseklegton- It Morrell, Jersey Oity B Buckner, My J 0 Hlneabary, - - MIN Bell, Baltimore o•ll,l4ltigyonak" .0 Wooden; Waabington 014111111•14Weelltagta Time y Ifwans, ya - V H titlmsts, Baltimore _;,11; Brown; V. ; 0 Orsonard.-Trit - A 0 Elitism Eir Xatliorisirts4-.f. , low, ;14-. - - 14 A slOrtirst 1_11,4* , NO iiiiovrtii In Oirmille.•notwitork c 117.111,0,k, la, New Mayen WI o'l To.;; -Now Emus C P Werner & la, N Miran 11.WitotaL.Oonn: • ;•••,..,•• Bodth, Coen - A Illiseker, Phu& JR Brim," New York A B Stewart k Is, N York B Watson, Louisiana - A Butler, Ismalooes . 01 Strong, Noir Toik Villarol A b u st, Aritteks. D Arnold, N Bitten"lit , '' Mr Posey " • , I PeenaleA,York, to B &gala N Y fee 1- — lllnlOlOllF-DaTilent Mon • D 0 Up*, PhDs,R.Dputd, Hy J Tates b - 'Mt Healy (c le ! YblU ' •Pr Bober& &14. " - 11,01iterc&;T,I -- 1ata.,15 - J'll9bdtleraoc.Ala: •, • • o.lollf-Pbll6,:f • fit?lf iliyabomo&' Is Pa Ifni P. Y , lllmpsomi 15150t50xia5:44 ,- =,::„W 5 Siti, Pa - , rTk-XIMINO, Joe drop's , %wits Pork aza,ti-5ta5105,. Pa Glie, InisfAoter J 0 But Oblo Thaii.Dorsoo..Tsaotpu -„ OP-0 001a0u4C , Idumbarty .:.Rikirderso2,lsenton. - 011ssai-Altteatha:t _ OrblsopiDoi • ,: 0r A.ll autos °best cp - Jae 1 - oErhirt 115 - oetel;r4kv,.: AistiMltaiwatstail , 4 A W.: .100•Thorier, ,- - 0•011114•4-& Is , Tteaton ..1104*.Botan, -Trenton - ;O ant ,maldf - 11 T- - 11 - J •41.110 , N V ,V):f IL /094 1 .„_. _ _ 414 44k. L 11"rhoolitielePtins , -; - sag G-Theiintion, p*ts At4,1101,-"Val*fosr , l , 6l,l4iliatir zWoddrur,. T 1 7 6440r, AIlUtOVa 8 gPMPTA L , PPIAMInig; - 0 A s tor ` Columbus. 0 ,50 , 04,.96A;0100•10'it T piwy.4 N trioooC 15 . ThAidiat ' 2 • , -" Jobt. 111,1teiii•O'cospbri , , Atim B . T , tiyatou;'Ts .isecto Hoff , osi Bort.".No :. Ab ot b bull Notooy;Laio .Mies Hots Nakeebt;:N Borbor, , Wilkosbano ..I:Braltittritikeettano °had , gni Pa - Jog Prater, PlioNtrita LM. Bioko, - :Noo Noaitio to, rhaTiWir Ono, H Wthion, Bpretok, VAllosaklei, A BthoTO,pppit OBNlNpiliONtit otttat, above KM; B artiloo, NON, , Ohio •I Dinji.t. 041464 , , - B °moo, Nolen* I Na IT bblik. kitayAl Do Post, D 4 Oopt , 11. - Nown; N .- Alortms,lo Zonis I 0: Alba , Bootoo-t 8008, K Nook, w a il *Nat P;Wouhartor; Wsatiog D taF tabor ,n T - L eximen,ji TrOssay Ammo, Oorto L p u tiat, 'Hilt` :,, : -Jobs N Cooley, N 0 B ' Boyd Meadinio N Didartiu, FLY I A Waft, Waohingtort , Woy mai Nalt '"'"" IMO* itreit. - siovo Third. P Kauffman, P.ttiburgl - lAW**mplo, ellosikeaty WW.Lattligir likasavas - R.a.seshlimbertyills D Weston, NI. '„ • Tboo, pooh,. Jr, ; 0? . 1104Q loptely HartliVarg: AtVilipauttr, ~.or, 5t...--. , c, , ,, .-.,,.,A' 4---.--- , Pik ~- _-.. .ro caret cod friends of tae ....,-..„ ___ _ HilftridlefftiridatnOH• :;, - ,,./V 6 lON, EnniOni fullyinvited - to afford the futteral, - on lhiday afternoon, lee Ungley, - 0t0,,,0 -, '., ~ ,A .O - al*tosea, Ota, 0 /oth lon r 106 o'clock., - . • - - • -• * AL H Tres', Lantherte, N 7;4. if' feuiei, fl__ On Idottdafmorolits: sth lost ', in the 17th year of hie ty-if miter, N.l • •.-,-,,,;,, -,,.•-,, %Mil WfiliSur'' ,l **,4l*,,, tl ,„ sip: ND WARP SHUTS •,,'' ~ - ' - - AS lileftlfl ,l - - 5.,, ' -' '' ''"lf Stirtaailiffig's Pti.""AFT , The . mile - frtirads -, of the , family am ingittl t,o Oho' Peeir N BrNitin i tprin 'HerifNeTeni, On= - attend the -hippie!, fmrot iMe late reside - nail, No. BIT ~,_,.- ,: „ ..!. .„,_.., Routh Math sit ; , hats - /t bandav) morning, fitk inst., at Allyt!/ 11OjJA1f ,_ otclo k, win:sit farther inklog., ." *, , Mai Raelh,liroehre V.; . :. hillittaAlfir,filrobtlye,liT On the ' 6th beet „ JOHN OItIIM, in the 46th year ai , 0 " " . 161,,,, Qui , illii, - - -113? ohaae, li nut , MO _ 10 egg ._, , , „..'„, , , _ „ illheflihß ialeerf , We, ;,,, - ~- . llo3oalicaf iregioinailer.' -NM male friends ire reigent'ntlir Milted tp attend, HY Thompeori, Pa ~•,,- - ',, , -,1 , ,,Was Petagef / 1 i Me inonTel, frm Me Isle residnnot, 8114 North Eighth '7 rloeltn,Hlr,i , ;:j - ffir-1 - • 11s..141todge, i4iii!,‘;' etroet, Ode (Thursday). morning, at g woioot., To pro i" rgobtimlosili lion. I - 1r,;,, , ,,, 7 lisil,&4l,tiblit Geed to Monument Oemotory . •* ' A T-MlitsPike SA - - -' 0 A Oliver, hid Oa the 6th Met, JAMES MOOMIIi in tin 66th'yeak of his age" - -•' - - • • •-.• • _ .. ", ,,, ,: -,, -SAOLII ROTIILo.:-Thtrd st 4 shall Saes: - - The relativel'and -frterelent tlii family are respect: ItlitiMiliiimitr '''';' , l - ' 4 ;4 0 itii :it Daher ,' , ' • , s, ...- . fallrtiorlted to attend the foneret clop atorpooo, or; .1, tafeaegtad,`Del mi,`Pa r " - Ili, l'Orsidre;Oh'ostilt. no 4 o'clock , from Warren street, between Moore' and Mar., gf'W Wham, Cheater pa r , i ". 8 Oseaf,,chaeheree, ' garette greets, tneit-PhiladelPhia• • ' ' • * I , V,Lerelle, Cher/deo? - 'l4!.Wetter. Philo- - - Orithe'lth' lust:, ?MINOT OALDWBLL, twln sou of 0 ,Gl**lll,. Chester_ co ', J`l*Patelltiettengor, N Y Alriander M. and '.lfininda Saralee, aged d'years and ilifieh Throrisfilthaeo „,:f., Aforrin Tee, Oblast*. CO 16 days:, -- ' -• .•- • .... : .. .• -,..• , . „ - , ~ 'Thee t Apgar, Jailegaille . .11.1roli*, Delmrses s eo • , The relative* Ind friends' of the fatally artreapecti ,price , ti la . m , - . - ',*(2l.a Leslie, Cheater co , rally invited to ettured the funeral tram the reelgenee Ito - it 01•710P7.0hatet•,0'8 - Kitilit, 00 4,b, 6 , 1 ‘"k** , or hlefgrand'athet, Hobart Hyena, 7alis pC &May Ikol4 .41adae lreaseflii ON - o '' , '"'W 4 f'cli , fluNioi•Rivroo Ilile afteracient et 4 o'clock -.," ' • ~." , '. • , ,s* , ..„ ~- ,• __ '• .., , Suddenly, on the ph: lot, ;AS, AIi:GRATH, in the 'Ali/1W liiitini 116111,44firliatetiletOwtoare Oink, ggng yest of IA Inge; ~ —. .' '. : , .!-- -r. • 1 'illillyp, _,lit ,RiSastorafe ~ 4 , - , _J 011131•! Pa ' ' k* , ..".• Hit relatives sad - friends aso'frrlte.4t6 atte nd hie P rahehlt, , ooo' Fa*: ige4f.:',A) Rio. O eclleo Yd tettaral, treed the ' refeldetiewor , Raton 0 eb, 6 q go t ity iislisskisis - ter oo,„ .;_,D filburc, t ores; Ph littli stetubt,, ibis _gtlirdbohi 0,4.8..0100 II Witbertefer: lx-piiii. goip! - 014rtv,,,,ipt-..vgL. th ;i r _th °°"l ll ' '' ne ' - t, ' , ht ' r.. to 4,. - lili P&L Mllll.whl rva 2 411,..,, I, I/ * i p 4.- - ‘,4 111111 1 1 0 wa ert,' E . .." 1.0, 111 1 4 , 41 °. W h o2 l .'Pairbetl i hithe With goer 1 her ° a w g:. ' °L T - 4 %,- ~,, ~ , o :,,hs f i. Itnee . ,llloMlnt P'i' ' Wks 'relatives aOefelends ofthit (emit aro resneet. trinittilittnitieg %ff 'WM Merski „ik, pm; , falltinitteCto'ist.iie the Nuerrfl, ftom talf tote 'teali. !Shellac Coatereill. ''',., //I Staltbe bi lf* i _demo, peer party, 14aiikwarl 0010:1,144 1 ,, g141 . poi*, ?ft,P11,04'.1,::::At 4 -,2-!,,,.1 11 !*;. , , - ~ 0!.9' , -0- , 1:-..- -, - .- -, . .., ~ _ ;.. ,it .-:.•..",NA C ''-avY4t(4 ll , o 4'i 4 : - ~,i-,,,, .::...•..,,,E4 OOHS/MOUT. HOTEL—Mt/ shiest, above Obeitani GOO MiktiDA , Jewett, NY • ,` • - - Mr Wooly & dam, Hawley & Is, Heaokeo. Melleal7,'Ohes en ~, ; •A SpOCteri M ; 0 D.Wateon,Oleera.ld A Macro, Hate co , WlLperkecjork Debole, RI Toe A , ol4 ) :Phila H 0-Joies,.Roxboro ' Orlando (bailie, Z H Abbot,lizetan HoetheiliPltlateare. Mrs Canoe', Altoona Mrd Hilli'Weetdostail, 1) 0 Ore Tkuretoa, ?Manus % - 31.1Mylor, Md I /wain ()heeler co. llPllettla,Obeelec ao ' - Ja e 8 Rick,' Mesta ao . W Hakim, Ohexter oo' Port Penn, Del -- WATIOItAt I.IOTEIp--Piimi it. above Third ,7 Pluton; lD Lobitiort ' , T Porker, Chop ' Soml Lyon,arivole, Pa P nobwelobsrail,Ptdosyra• Ziiimemon, Lourodter ,Wm Miller, Obtagagns • , O Eltserlinu; Allentown - a Pranklh,, Po 'mord, Bodiotd, . A T ,jonoo, W•itinOrel'dp o Poo Tomoii• Pousvials lebsuosi, Pa V, T /tinkles, Alinement. .0 Mac Noston - R. Vil oroller. Potiarrille Ktuder. Allentown W Mrs GM, Sorantolic Pa - Korkhluo,iikdront?us,o , o.lkooo _ - HAITLIY MAI? HOTlL:4!)eeetel rt. below Vint s W Daytona, Obeltenbam „- flitieiii; 'Lambertville G D Him, Pa ' T 0 Wilder & la. New Hope "MreGetany. , - W Ilatkerthwaite, Pa Wm- , Paget, M °hunk Tbompion, Newtown W Babilielder & leJeau Jos Bmitb, Lambertville J W Olive, Thieblegbani 3' a Blokes; Lenouter Co Age Steel. Ablmeton Steel Abington A Relent. Newtown 'A 0 Paxon , ..Baeke CO Obeli Et 1111 l; Ilitboro ' oyrne Bietborn, Nuke eo 'lleet7,oonrad, Cooke co - ' IiBBOHANVIP noups. Third at., alum CalinultilL 'A B Cummings, But $ P Bush, Applebsehrt 119 J',Weaver &la Hellertown annex & la, Bethlehem Y. Doak, Belinsin?re _ DA Albright: Beading W Hoffmen, Pa Jao Clapp, Lebanon eo Mr. Ylio• Inger. Lanolin .• ,A Hartman, Lane eo 'H 1 brupkenmiller, ?a • •Mra Wolter & VARNON HOTBL—Peacma West, &bare Aral Ur Lambert. -Avii" J W Comma, Phlla Anion loaea;Look Haven -1 II Arndt, Pa John Waggle, Tyrone • • BSLD likeLtr—Thlrd at., above !Ult.:whit'. D AlegfrleA, Bills, Pa A Calvin Esatoo Aug' Moyer, Lebanon eo Moo Stou t,Montg eo Pa 0 'stapler, Buck! aa, Pa iltlllll BEAR ROTEL—.Third above Callowblo O W Clooper, - Allentown Gio 0.11110. Rarlvt lie USLudwig;Daaglaeville.Booby. Mobeevlll• , Ovedal Nititts. , Elegant • Spills' a lid, Slimmer Clothing, at JlollBiltli. ADAMS', &atheist corner ieieath and -Method thaott. EDAM Cloth; Canilmese, Alpeoe, Lth.a, and Grin Cloth Coate, in all the latest otyloo. Pinto and truth in mat .ypsiety, aU 141:111' AND 'nl:flan lianAL TO ocaroxsa , *oaa, 11IP . I3PLS.6G AT THY YOST andiONASLX nudes. jt943y22 Iligh•Ltvlag =Tale le very apt ia , prodace a disordered stomach, remelting in Dyspepsia. Root. LOD'S 681tMAN szrass will entirely relieve any anpea or bad feellig,twat pelmet more. serione,oones oriel:wee. It you here the Dyepepsia,a few bottles will entirety restore the digestive organs to their original vigor. Ear rile by: dimiirlete suit storekeeper! . ereliwltere, 4'16 cents - per bottle. = Also, by, the pro- . prietors, Dr; o.' ht. JACKSON k 00. E 418 ARCH Br., PhileAtelpltta.' It . ' Business and Walking Costa, Register Sheol flicks and Menai Reek 'style of plain nod fancy Chuisi alscWof, Glace Italian Oloth Lustros, Drop de St's. :; Grass Linen, Linen Duals and Drill's, (plain and faney,) at WHIFF HALL, . O. W. corner Fourth and Market. DR 88 and Frock Costs Mall Colored Clothe, at WAIT& , ~„11;119.. aorney.rmirtliand Market. • PAN TALOOilit—All tlu Doi Qiad4i suet istletl,es of tigalmera, plan and fahoy Lined Milk, Dads, ho,;, Aso; Drip de Elated other Black fluarote at WRITE MAIL, =r - ' B. . , W. - eorner falai& and Market. • VESTS of Osesimere, Btlk; Patin, ind Maroefilme, of new and unit Oyler, at WHIT! BALL', -.` B. W. aorner - fonttiL suiff Efirlret . . An tato gouda ; a lissyi t toll:SP4C,o4mplate 'stook, neatly and . well Dud*, tiratttilriamiik and minutia, tared for Retail Bata, mad* for durability and war, taut =era idol!, non be found J' at Wllltil HALL, - , ', _ S. W. tur n er Fourth and orket. . Oa every Garment In plain eguirei, io that alt - mia mad, ie marked the asking, tablet, and eelllng ptiee, - One Price aG that a Low Pricey to the motto of O. W, - sonter Worth and Market.- Jules Hanera Ean Lust'sle Hair Reaaratar lithe moat admired artiole for the toilet ever offered the auntie for giefoi health and beauty to the hair. Its me will prevent or remove baldness or gray halm, and render the hair soft, glossy, sad beautiful, and in in to curl.. p, la free from all doloterions pro bbrtioi.",liota by ill drUggilall.:and by :17P 7 4 3 AVUBL dr 004 Na..,loiphiatitat Italet fltiledelphla leant Reufc lea, 1.1-11iiiist Indicements witf • „psa &nip/10141i, &I :done my atten. mine spring:Am& of &nitro, &won, &, Valli, Gide '&, Oo , • and )111140, Aails, & 00. Pitno J. IL iIOIII,D, BEM** and Ciliestm4. ,jalam When yea nik for Kingsford's, niarea, see that yen pt It. - the,bost March the w orld . - Fruit ..61m. .4•Th 14 - • the Mate of Penwirants; • . )6,160,4 renelytd riag#sy; NA In'askr "tunimukt, *ge,irt , ititrina P1116431th. istnelistAn "064; fat aloft trer44ll, gatltis 116 ' • 8. iiiiiviyipsldliaskin GOLD irlisnesir, al/ oiled for, and • 4. Money in retained from Rxecuiors, Adininistra. foci, Giardinits, and other Trustees, in law of small was, to remelt a long or short peeled. 6 _.T614 nuinni reeelv66 from imposing' is invented in /1414 so i4l , ki t er) tit° o o 1 / 0 4% oast Ant.- PO/ 4 ' 61 4# 01 ;. .6. Odom - oppfinrary, de—WALI9( iitnist, wirtlnirriss IVA steest,,PbUsdelplini., , splii Binger 'e Machine.—The "treat pe'n• tarn, at these tbsebbuot-moy_To4ily be tindeFetood, when the teat Is known, t h at srii. GoodPITM. IS V iritat eau earn, erith 'eine of them,. - QNJ THOMAND DOLLAR,k,72AIt To army ;Tailor, Burnett - am, Dram maker . and 'milt Largo family in fboommtly, am of these maokbato mould be inialtddo. - X,. 31. 'ONUS, & 9 . 4., OBSBllftrr &t o. *00412 • , • 0.1.: D411e,,1410; !fBrfover 1e ffakerts Veletroted - • • ' zio.toßvisa Vitstrix UWXP MAXlltils• • 'Jim* AT 1112DO01D POIOIII. 780 01828M117T BV2IB/11T, PHItADE PHIa. t , Of the' this,' PrimilWeet Ideehleos cow before the "Imhlto, we have we "two, one 'oerefally watched the Working of the third, end honeitly bellere quoypt do BAUM'S to be • the very but ire hems eeen.”—EDele, were g Epportlf, ' 48 *l..r Ilosatenis 6avtas Fand—Nortlitifost Corm? of SZOONN !Id WALNUT Stmts. Deposits reoslyof In itnall and tow; afoognto, from AN olvoto of the ooznotinlty,ilo- !porn intot!ot it the oath • Of per cent. per ofIOINO. - Money m ey be drawn tij ebeeis without loam of Lats . Ofdadopen from elodll ff oialook, and on Mon. day and Oatmeal , nntil 1/' fifths 'evening. Predden I Franklin Tell i Tawdrier and Seoratarr, Okada" lf One•Srlee SlionSlng et the Latest Styles, and made in the beet . .iosenir, expressly for BIiTAIL SLUM. We mark one lowest flailing prices In puma /10171111$ on each article. All - goods make to order are Tenanted satiehtetory, and our OVIII•TRIOP 87871111 is stobnly ad keyed to. We Indleve ibis to be the coly"feir vs ' deiling, se th ereby all are treated *114 4 - „.„ , ;ONES 09., epda-tende • - . dOld IiaRICET• diesel Alarfiages . On the DI lest.. by Rey N.B Udine. bit JACOB A. - WAINWRIORT, of New Tetley, to Wu BATAAN ABBETT. of Delaware. , , * In Brooklyn, N. on the 6th toot., by Rey. 88. L. Taylor, D D OBORDIS B. Id %PON, Bog.. of Phila delphia. to Wm BUDGIE P., daughter of William B. Pau Brunt. Boq . of Brooklyn, ar On.:tlet 7th toot vothot resfileoeel of the brides( fa ther. by' Rev. Thomas !Meet. of this city, Rev. 4011 W. BABILIR, pastor of Luthorau,Chureh at Centre Poutrzoillontgolow -ono% RO., MIS 4BBTB, Guilder of A. P. Btlyoy, Eio }timed, of 44 on:the 224.. Ito* .'lBl4. by NI- °ido Ifiloibovet Mr 8. VOLIIHOWIB,to Iflos BILLIE C4H- B OH , of this sit;. Me44 l l l L - Ahi.womas,,,Bth lost., 31101INBO In the bbth year of his age. His reistivee and friends are revpectfully invited to attend his funeral, without further Invitation, from his Jot* residsoceillio:lll27 Race street, op Saturday mutt. lag,-st S o'clock. -Sas - ~On,Wednettlay morning, Bth lost,. after an Moors of !eight hours, Doctor BR" TORII( 0. JANNEY, aged ee Ms mall friends sod thaw of Slut farairre reepest. fillittovitrd toattind his funeral, front le lets tell; dices. No 5.114 North Kith street', on Bs iday MOM kit 11th lost., at o'clock. • *** : 44:‘ Tuesday morning. June 7th , JAMBS W VAS. 'OITE,-In the 44th year of his age, „ Thil relatives and wale friends of the family are re speetfully Invltod to attend his Nonni, from his late residence, corner of -Lambotavvro road and Nicetown lane. on Friday morning, the lfith lust , at 11 o'clock: Owrlsgss will leave Win. H. illoore's, Arch street. sieve iffth, at 10 &Work. - • On the monies of the inet., Sr. MARcla NT ytatIEWN, daughter of the late Edward Neater, In the Sittiyees of bur age. The rioatives and friends of the family are remVtet fttlly bolted to attend the (attend. from the rainstorms Of her 'aon,• idward Terre", No 618 Catitamine street, po Iplay morntoF letk Ina, at VI Wolcott. Sitairm orrioa at Elt' Play 'do Nee 0a.... YoMPI, . - ; Oa TumidaT morninc, 7th faist., , at Ili* rat'doaw of -V.AktyprloOtyprlo,NO, . No. 248 Baulk &toad NoOLEN-' Tao relatprya sod Monde of the faulty arivespoot. TIIE pßEgs%_- pfiltAtiMpHlA; THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1859. • Om. ' intorno' tor' the VatfonTLe; Pe'elklager . /LORAL AND BTRAWBORRYIBBTIVAL at ONOIRT HALL. Tee Westlye! In aid of morel re. fornuitiop and rielabllshing • home for lnebrletee Is now well worthy of a visit. there being a tine and choice Manley of 11011 . 870 and Strawberries, The cause good end needs no 'extra appeal for Rapport.' The price or adralselon le fixed at a rate to come within the resell of all. Tliolo in our CP mmunity who wish_ to omelet In - the effort' to, reclaim: fallout .man', , noir :•00 the dark pathway of mental and phyalcal torture, and to a rt him on the road of virtue and temperance, moose end ID pesos, will of mane pay a visit to the lair, sad thug; contribute. in ollemoot sod agrevable manner, to the general 'fund This evening, theMev. lAMBS tRRITT, the eloquent eboroploo of Moral Re. formation, will deliver an address on the Claims of the Inebriate. "Odorants will also be delivered by the lie?. Mr. MOIL aim; Bit. Dr. NIWTON, Hon Judge KBLLY, and others. '' Oome ones copse ell. Cedels admission; 10 Sante.- ; . ' - .' Ii .13,01 em et the Green and CoateitYStreet PABSIIINORR RAILWAY 00111EANY; JUDO 109.—The Abend inetalwout of RIVE DOLLARS per ahais' on the pew tune of the Stealt_of nag tlotopapyr 45 new due and payable at the Office of the Company, No, 423 WALNUT Street. Democratic aleetlnie.—.The Democratic frr CITIZENS - OP THE CITY .08 PUILADHL: PHIA are invited to attend a - MABB MEETING, to be held on WEDNEBDAY EVENING next, 16th of June, at 8 o'clock, in the 00IIN TY 0 OIIRT_HODBE South: 'east corner of Pizth end. Chestnut streets, for t 'be por poise of taking law conederation the esoodlocoy of orgtnitilcif a 'MING MEN'S DEMOB !TIC XX ROO. TtVE COMMITTEE and providing for • moreafpol•nt orgsnisatio 3 of the Patty. ALL 'DEMOORATB are called upon to be present. Je9.Btee arßutler House Hotel Company joureed ideating of the Committee of Twenty, appointed at the lost meeting of the Subeoribere to the stock of the Batter House Hotel Company, will be hold at the Oleos of - the Company. at the Southwest comes of NINTH and' BANSOW Strews, second, door, on vIifTERHOON, the Oth day of June, at half past four &cloak. Panettml attendance it re quested. J. SERGIO abiT PRICE, Secretary, [ErStrawberry Festival' In aid et the Spring GARDEN BAPTIST ORIIROH. will beheld is the r Leotnre Room. TRIRTEEN'rIi street, above Weller., on IHURSDAY AYTEIINGON and EVEN. DIG, the oth inst.,' commencing at 4 o'olook. Ticket., 26 cents volt, to be had at the door and of the Qom. mlttee. . . . Office Votnoteuwealth losavaoce Come • I: b PANTr OF THE eTATH OP PENNATLTANIA, , FL •W. corner or FOURTH And WALNUT Streets.; PHILATOILPIIIA, TOM, ¢ 1869. . The )10114 of Blreotoui of the OomakoAweelth loenrancb Company of the State of Penneylvsoia, have this de, deolared o dividend of SIX !RR MINT. on the Capital Stook of gold Oompstiy, clear of Mite Tex, payable ou and atter the 7th Inetant. je9-7t MOON, Secretary. The Warehousing COMpany of Philadel: riro.lllA —Ma ideating of tale Stookholdsriof Company, tbo following gentian:lon vote thla day elected; to serve as Directors for the ensuing year ; Patrick Brady; B ft; Orawford;• Alex. itetkry, ' Hirriaon, Pleaeonton,t Hoary J. 'Velum., • " ' Casa W. Otabcoan, W. Pollsog. By order of the Board of Directors, WM. MaLSON, Secretary Tobaceo Wareholus, Dock street. . ogee Lecture for the Dewitt or the T o pi ng MBNII OURIBTIeN AeSOOIATION, of West' Philadelphia. Otot Whl.• LYNOH U. 8. N Cain mender of the V.B.Rxpedition to the Deed Pei: will Lecture at the Wed Philadelphia Inatiteite, WILLIAM' Street. Above Market, on THUIteDA.I7 JIPSNINik, rune oth; 186 k, at 8 o'clock. The Market street care go' within one mime ot the lestlinta„Plekets,ls dente; for sale at Perri & Fourth and Oheatout streets, and at the door' on the evening of the Lecture. , ' je7.81.8 piirWettoe....=The Annual Meeting of the etookbolders of 11180 eeiDate AND AVANT/0 i.LIV , AD COMPANY will be held on 'PtIIIit•DAY, June 281, 1852: between the hours of 10 A. M. led 2 P. M ;at the Oboe of the Company Ooopet'e Pointy Oaolden, New Jersey, to .eleot Plreetots of said' Cont party to Darr, for thaerieelog year. je8428 -8013 P. PRAZER,lieoretary. ' ry•—• Water' Care. —Chestnut Springs WI 113 ter Cure. at onverwur Phtiadelphla county* for the treatment of alt &rot& and obstlmite diseases. Th , e inetitution bee 8o rival lb' beauty.. con venience, apd healtbluese of linatlon; in the purity of ite numerous oprlngs of ureter and all foul advantages, and Is row oonfeerlidiy the leading and most eneoeurnt hidropathlo institute to the canary.. jel.tft Da. JOBSPEI A.V.RDER, Resident Physician. ptettagieeitd Third•st • eet,Patienger - WAN COMPANY.—The Second Inetelmeot of Dot.t.tta rut bleat on the now' tune of the atock. or the Company lila hidue and pueblo on or before the 25th of *NB. DANDY SIEtAR.WORD. nty2d thei• itu leareteryi Peeplee *tate' C•11•6113101V —The•-illti. cane Of Rkilidglplits, and of the m mut end - tVertnts Commonwealth, attached to the PrAPLisos PART!, and, all voters who are opposed to tke unbolt, *mdse. sintOxtrayagant'measures of the National Ad._ tolnlitratibit, are regoesbal towed MILIGATIIS; rutukl In number to their several representations ID tie Chips. rat /oomph% to a opirstillxim to be held at WA RIBUTTRO, on Wednesday, dune Bth, 1882 at 10 A. ht., to nominate Candidates for AUDITOR OENVEUL and. SIIRY.IirO.B GINEHAL, to be noted for at the general election In next Cetober. BIM M. /VW/111.,lindlon• *must B. 1104.8earetary. .1400 Wilco tiontisplyanla Hailrfail Occupant, liiiiLAD/LPIITA,'AptiI Mb, Ind —The Boatd ot • ta bava ibis day &vial:ids aatni-wontial Dividend of THREE Pia OZST; on tit. Ooltal Stook of the Cowpony, elm of State Tor t mai* on and after 1144 r Uth,lo9. Powiio of 4ttornOr fot oolfentl64 of 1i1vt44044 0a0314 bad on application at Oftir ttke 00idlatit, _ 984 floot9 TU/DX shim. • • aple-dtjall '' - 9 , 1108. T. BIRTH, irreaantat. Notice to Hondlieldere.—Nettelli• Madero pORr of the- MST MORTGAIIE BONDS'. or the ' TRWSBXIIOI RaILRO&D 00telbANS Ov PENN. SYLVANIA. The holders of the lint Matinee Bonds of the Mirth Ralitea4 company imp pi. !fitfully Invited to ,ettead 4,lelaltilai kr1d,i4,644. [UMW UMW, ClieataPt, aWeet, Wow Ninth tk• ty of Illailadelphie. on MONDAY,the thirteenth day of June next, at eleven ofologiLA. M , to take into eon. siderattou snob matures es eW be 'measly ptoteat their interest& in the We - of the Itont, edverttion to take plus on the fifth day of July next. mylB-WestlOlB r • - • k a VETERINARY SURGEON: R - .IIIVANd, (formerly Veterinary Surgeon to the Third Darrow Guards, DritfiliArmy ) /Fraying transferred blaresidence and egos ffo,ou Twelfth Street, below iltnpaoto /fib 225 North TEITILTZiNpft finnoet, above R ace, tains tilts tipper. , tut of returoing boat thanks to his numerous friends for the very entotielvo patronage he bag been favored with eines his residstese In Philadelphia, now eight yearn, during which his mom in the ours of [Twat& of three thousand - oases of Ailments in, the, horse is .deteonstrative of his prolswienal capacity, ghigh I. Rip lattet!inillotoat gclentifie pried, the modlod-qpentbse niurnundosan In borthat inert noble associate of now," ow unpaid obied of his attention, gentlemen about topttr• chase or. Warrant. may safely confide In his judgment. and be looks forward, by the irtrietest lotegrite and Independence in giving an opinion on , e point seferttle in dispute and litigation, to merit general confidence. It la not generally known through the States that the Veterinary Surgeon's tee for inspection of eontidegas in the horse abould be paid be the seller, If the animal proves unsound, rut If sound liy tlui ventilator—sae% lithe flue through Earops. Rent It it to be arranged provision to leapeetlon or home* of purchase money, ds demonstrated by him, In an article In Dr Slimed fliyanie Philadelphia ddidloal, and Surgical ; 0 4 111 . 1 for Augrist.lBsl'. The purohosor buf the ersofireive right to woo the Vaperinary iloroon. - Beside, the dines.s of the Dorsi. he has bad opoor. Lonny of tigtepaiy % e ettldriog the diseases, of other 40[401404 anim a e , their symptoms, ailgootolik an 4 treittinent: " CAat roand the world an (And eye, And feel for all that live, l, He is fully tonne/aunt with the Canine pathology, end to alleviate, the enfforlogs of an animal whom, utility and good qualities can never be too highly eat', mated must be a soma* or pleasure t 9 the owner. zto following and ail minor operations on the Horse gra eiteeNtre sod scientifically performed: hreerlotomy, Cauterising. -Bautscniating. Docking, I Z l oPhogotoin7, Niching,Treacheotomy. Unnerving, weneeeotion, PeAslng Catheter, Introducing ,Betont, ' Deduction of Hernla,Datenelon in Vrectiirect 8 .10.„ He w 11 (mettle; with proprietors t 4 large estaldtlin• mint , of Heroes, for ,none' Madhya' attendance. amt 'Annual visit abroad on single cease gel would sellout, for gentlemen : 4,6°rd to purchase home at a Amodl per eintege. whose forovire beet solapveel foe ilk° purpwee required, and point out _defects or petreetiose t iv at' tst smith!. the inespenencid to jiidge cur thetelATen• He will gird gnitnltong opinion and advice to theSor man unable to pay for attendance to hie in. yell horse -from 7 to e in the forenoon, , His ORAROWS 111 ALL peers MODZBACII, hoe OOMMIUMAATO TO TOM ettotteLs t , irr Bee Oirenleal for references., Itle Moo Ultimo anb Copartnerships. LHE COPARTffEREiIIit heretofore oz feting between the nedleralgotst to•dor the style of 0. & la Me dey diestlerd by mutual contain. DAM% O. PIPER le duly authorl• zed to settle the bushman of the late firm. &MUST: o.' rf PER, GEolua* A. pleßtz, Ehilladolphts Juno 1, rigi " . • - , . %ME WHOLESAtg DST GOODS bust * nese will bo eoeitintiegt wider the style of SAM 1 4 0. PIPINIC& (10. i at No. an MATINET Akron 4114 it - _ evAlpst, C. Pala THERE is no Life-size picture In the Iworld, thi t la not a Photoreph. that ow equal, u regards e likeness or u a picture, the We-also Pho tographs in Olt made at GALLIUM, BROOND Street, above Green. it* QPERM DANDLES.-20 bo4et . Ne~q lel• I+7 fed Sperm OatoAlen, Isodirit from 19T:itr..trf4 nla, for Bale by ROWLIET Ablpgrßabda. V 2 10' • VA ' If sown! witAinlia Q 1.4 A •IS 0 L.—; as galupi's, quarts, 60 k - 7 boxes for see by wATHEUILL & BROTHISR, NO4, 44 400 40 ere.s. SECOND Street, jog 1111.0&RB. SODA.-100 kegs for sale by & BBOrnin, am. a NA 's Warn. PlitiONT 9 REFINED BORA ..-2(1 oaseg foT gale by iywriivit'ul BROTTRI, Nos. 47 an 4 49 North SUNNIS Street. Jett rpLE rev:dyed ,aO4 11 for lee; qiltible. Old gooneetleut Apple Wfilekey. P SSIDD'OtQN Baq., ja9,Bt Np sNgrth no IT stmt. VI, A TpT WINE:—.I:IIm ptoro 4nd for nMe, iQO cue, enikeitgr Diaret WING. E. P. MIDDLETON & DEO., je9 Bt ' b North FRONT li,root, FOR BREIIIEN.—The line, fast-sail— ing Btemtnibark WASHINGTON, O.A. Weaske, muter, now lylog at Abnotalattwet wharf For firelight or mugs, apply to BAR,IRS BROTHERS, je11..1015 • • tiiiiintio4llllßM . e . Biereet. ontx WEESP - 41r,080R GOT— . 9 63 pip* bow Isodlag, 'at Beath elde of 4,pta6et. street 'Wharf from on bolird the brf (pelletal'ly 000 Ametetaam. Imppted ita t ig f.IEAo now rwcici., ra .aft - - al* 2) Pypith VaIIRTII htreet, wfitigu: •Bi' oaxNsg for Pamtly nee, Tailoring purposes, iladlery.• &Q. • Warranted' lo give better eatisraeilon than say other Machines in market, or money refunded. Wanted—An AcIENT in this olty. Address • BINKLN k LYON, jee.tr - 608 BUOADWAV, Naw Verk. JIN 011&NOERY OP NEW i*44p,3c, 11l Joehus It minti , ty !Ind others, ' • " - -- - . Oompleinalitto. *Oct i " The l'reotothalatual Life and . - On BM, ke. , . Ike. Inearsnoo..Company, . , ", . • Tarte.' , In purslane , a of. en order sonde l i tho o,lsoneeltOr in ), thdinbe•etated housei. dated MD Wiley' or liearms her, VD. 1850, heroreditere ortidd Own named In groan Compitn lire hereby 0010140 that they are re nntied tO pfelrisi to the subealber residing at Trenton, NOW Jersey, and prase before him, under oath or sf din:talon, or otherniee, *a he shall dimes, Mar govern!, claims and demands, Against said Comlut ITittabl si months from the dote tirig solid ardor. p p " i t too. w j4 be ggeoded frond tVi b a of snots dividends se may piciii . ampsrdrimf . 4 b said Court. /MOM WILSON, 1 4 42-Va OR ~ : ~ , Ale hs Witgleap i DiNDY SHiIiWOOD. ElearetAry R. B. PARKINSON,) • J.N. USN DEMON,Committee T HARBOUR, • tietetinati; Q!";tabitstpnento CIigSTNUT SPRINGS WATER-OUAE, aMtXIBTNITT xx 11.1., t , PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, For the 'kelt runt of all Ohroulo ana obstinate dieeasee. This Instititton le conlate?dly the leading and moat slip:4llßa kydroxethie establishment in this wintry; ,14`ske grelit resort of health seekers: • , - • DR. JOSEPH A. WEDER, jeO l df if ItIBIIi*N T PHYSIOILIC Was Publications. PARRY HAZEL YORK WEEKLY! :114 pi:01100re take pleasure In announoing to the reading world that they have secured the exquelve cer ices of Ii ABBY U. Z L for the NEW 1101111 wmpittY, and that his fleet story will appear In the number for 4cly hi, which will be out and for sale by all Irene Agents throughout the United Mateo about the 18th cram. , . -' This THRT,LLIND AND INIMESTING INDIAN D.O3IANOE to entitled . - . SPY ; 1:1113201 IN~F PHILIP'S WAR. lIRRY HAZEL, Author of Nut potii Cadet,” "'Big Dick , t Middy of the MoleidaYts, ,), T0v1, 31 Yankee Jae . k,) , • Yankee," " Red Sing,"g , Rebel Brideo, lo ' Hariy . rempeit? Chieftains? Smuggler Ring," le Sylvia Feabury; or, Yankees Japan, , ' Rival si3tero, ,, , t. Nan of St Ursu'a," It la a remarkable fact, that among the thirty toll- Ilona of of the mighty Itemiblie of the New World, there are but few, tied those mostly among our moot learned men, who ere in any degree familiar with the history of the ware of the great Wampayon Chief tain, MPG nu.tp, spinet the oolonlet" of New Eng land, and th'elr Indian allies, the lit Megans, Daring this tiangitinary Woggle, many scones were enacted of the meet startling and thrilling dueription, and many adventeres made, by both tbo white and the red num, almost too wonderful to be believed. Little, Indeed, be known of the 'erne and merollems Hones enacted at tenon, Taunton, Dartmouth, S weezey, Brookfield, Lancaster, Dierdald, Hadley; end other towns of the Colony; ,stad Ives, muck less, is known of the " Wm ere of Bloodißrook,f,l an met which struck mare ter ror to the hserts of the colon's's; and gave the Indians more oonmge indooollionas; than any event of the war. On the field of Bloody Brook, " The Plower of Xesen, ,, a band of nearly a hundred young, enterprbileg, *dean_ damns men, were attacked by a powerful bind of sm• gee, who bad been lying in ambush, and Indiscriminately betehared4fove they had en opportunity to make a defined:" tight only "leaped to relate the fate of their oomredea.,:sl.ll the lest perished on that bloody plain the Mee, tomahawks. war-olui,e, sad soalphm-kulree at I %wand infuriated savage'. The restie,ienierkable rlenes and adventures of this meet savage war form the buts of the new Indian Ito mance„ HAREY , Tht Z IL. The ebat,triters portreded in this work are the men and wome n of those rude, 'semi-barbarous day" ; and in no erehrieed in the history of the Anglo•S axon or Algoininhe wee there ever more heroism, more dwrottouirnore'ascrliicsa, more hi dahlps, more hellish Intrigue: niare inhuman ants, more subtlety and treach ery, than' during the struggle which began In 1661 and ended In 167 f, certain:l.l2ly known ea 1, King Philip'' War." The anther his selected the mast thrilling end Inter. eatiug events of t hst langninery period, at th's acme !lose only 40.0 which ONTO to develops moot ingenl onslpeontrirVed and mysterlone plot—one that cannot fall to ene4ein the reader', attention until Sic fall and dual datelotemea.. fkisserietto have read the previous produrtiona from the pen of Maar Haan. do not require to 'be told that there fit no men now living who can compete with him in a story of this character. He stands unrivalled In this clams of literature. Aeon of the loading cant:ram. ton to the Flag of Our Union, Star Spangled haw. nas TaOln! .Prisqlesr, an 4 other leading publications pfithe doy, n for o number of you*, he has acqalred popularity that piton him in the front nuke kmeri. eau stary-writers. ' Thasf.wltio destro to mature title great Story by , Ifsrper 8A5.14, complete, should send in their orders atone', to enable us to make arrangements tk supply them, Wherever them. is I" Nova Agent order through tint. We' 94 Isstrt to send the W.IIZILLY by mitt to pietiot,tkailrey plum, where pari,la ao News Dealer, linen rent by mail, the terms are $1 a year, or two copies for $2. - Bin months , subscription, $l. AU or der" ay mail rand be addressed to SIRE&T & SAqTII, Prop *tore, rio. s Redman arreot, Now York ei:H.-6ewe irate alionl4 send their orders at once to the trholesala dealing, so Mio praient dlmppolot meal ' ' jeCo-thelttnat BARTLETrS DIOTIAN4RT AMERICANISMS. NEW ,EDITION. Ting Day Dowervo, Ey 141T7`14 - Z, 13ROVTZT„ dr CO.. 119 WASHINGTON BTBBBT, BOSTON A GLoPs tar 07 WORDS AID PRIILIIIS 11131111.1.,Y RR OARDSD Jig Psomus TO ran UIITID Brenta. By Sohn Burman Bartlett. atend Walton. - Omitly Improved end Extlatge4 3" rot eve., Prlte This Mitten, whieh has been in preparation by the author since the publiention of the first edition, which appeared ten years ago, Is greatly enlarged, not only by additional words and phrases, but by extensive additions fp tAte eXatiaplex, selected front well-known writer', new littymologlas,' and histories of the origin of words. jeti-stuittit if SitYWER,,_BARNES,& CO.. PUBLIBUNDIS AND Dilemma Xbi misomunzou. 80HOOL. AND DIANE BOONS ADjD STAYIONBUY, No. 87 North TIIIND Street below Arab, - - Philadelphia, Publiabers of the followlog popular School Boole, which are acknowledged b:j all Intelligent twiny' who have given them a careful examination to be unri valled in their adsptatlon to the purposes intended; 84 n 11 4 8 ' NEW B.IIIEB OP RZADRES, Gone Wing of Sande& New Primer, if Pint Reader, " . " " g, ,F „„ bir 0 2 , tF 1 ' Speller, " • " 8000114 " • " /mirth Reader, 4" High School Reader, Young Ladies' Reader. 'BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY AND MENTAL ARITEIMRTIOd, By Prof. A. Brooks, of Lanes ter Noma' School. PSLTONISPLENDID SERIRS OP OUTLINE MAPS. They are especially adapted to those beginning, as gall as to those more advanced In the study of Geogra phy, as they receive from them • clearer and more cor rect conception of the character and relative she and' poaltion of every phyaleal end politiea feature s than can be obtained from any other Maya oNt4at.” All the Pobllcatione of 4v O$ 44 PRIMNBP % 0 4. S. WOWED ts WU. • rant YOUR, May he fonlkmi hand lit N. Y. Pradialgare Priem ape-am Stereoscopes 100 NEW VIEWS OF AMERICAN SOINXBY for the BYABEOPOOPB, IXBOIITAD BY TRH LONDON BYBECIDACOVQ, COMPANY Received pe4earvir Now VOl%. • wra t .rti lot OQLORREI. vrice per dozen. • Cloneistion of Views of New York, The Bay of New York. Hudson River Views, - Tarrytown. Passaic Palle. Trenton Palls. Catskill Stern:ashes. 00/2811011 Falls. Views of Peekskill: Rochester. Views or Poughklepaia. Nigh Silage. Views of 'Yonkers. Many Hoivt. Views of West Point. amby Bide: ho. • kg &O. kg. Ano, just received liy steamers Aida end New York NEW OnOIIPB, foo. For sale, at wholesale and retail. by ' D. APPLETON & 00.. je9.Bt Nos 81% and IS BECAlrif Ay. Genergt c2l,g emit)) GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMIS MON EOM ZSTEBAN POZ4VE, NO. 88 CALLE! DB OABLBABO OASAQAL, VENSZUBITA.. This old.establlshbd House is engaged In the rollon mg trsoesotione In the liquidation and collection of delta agilork thq Republic _in the Otreihsee of, prodoote of the ,00tintry, etteh pieHlUen. HI en. doffee, Oooopk, ludippo, Aring-troods, fitrealis. yeellhp, Twocit, Cotton, &..o. Xtp the ptirobsee, or aeohlectiog , 4 , P /era gam, of Trio itrete, all jpept reelawstloes appellant the Uoverament, obtiit4log create or privileges from the Govern ;mint of lodividuals, theTOSal of merchandises of all kinds., t ag o eney of Periodicals, sales of Backe, mane, tiotentilo, AgrMilitant', and Mineral Implement'', Drags: Btesm Machine, &e., &o. , In imparting any information with 'Yespect to mild strain, and generally for objects of Commerce, ration, Railroads, &e., &o. In the male of reel ratite, ()Ammonia' trab6 6lo l lo q) Loans, with Collateral''; Zn'ohange, er, eca thf prikagetion of Metal Inventions ; Patent 14641e1c66--with ttletreat advantag, of isDailP k/RPr edited by the sine drib. The Ommalselon, in all caste, very moderate. thigeostablirdtinent Ins ikvinta end Cortbspendents lq eli thPaorto 'dr thh Regublio. Will pay, In advance, quilt; 1441 Tinstout Motion duties, and will s sl , vi ti t o ho DS rgerendef. BRANDIES; -44 Honneary " Oognao and Bellorolclio Rochelle DrandT, nnef from on hood the WA Irme, "{..ozobard.stjeet bee, Imported amk for enle - ot tißlell'y BOUGHS &0 ~ 04k , 221 61174,3 ectoth VOLIRTLI Stre et. • 4 EFINTAY SUGiA.RS AND St4larS,— 0. DcorkiaßlMS, 1§ Host]; WATSU Street, offers toy. mile DMA Mda enacted qualltlei, It MUCHA prieeg. £4404 xong bogs cow, . - 44Vst* tletail Iry q..ootio. NEW ARRIVALS. PER STEAMER OITY OF WASHINGTON. X' li. 313 Is? 0 MX. LAC3E MANTILLAS. POINTES .HND BOURNOUB, BETTER KINDS, Parohneed In Feria at depreelated prices under the Influence of the WAR PANIC. JUST RECEIVED, IMEETEI 0 P 34 MS 3EI 3D THURSDAY, JUNE 9, AN ELEGANT OOLIEOTION CANLBRAY LACE MANUFAOTIIIIES, 1:3=1:011 POIN-TES BOURNOTTS AND MANTELE TS, Which will be sold at prim nearly twenty per cent lower than bare been denowled for the earn. Goods heretofore this Bums THE PARIS MANTILLA. EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT ST. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Jell-If if TWO-FLOIJNOED BAREGE ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRT Do Do. PRICES REDUCED TO CLOSE OUT We hate a large stook comprising desirable styles and colorings, which we hare marked at each prices as will abet speedy Balm PARIS PRINTED GRENADINES-50 Old. With a lage•Stook of PARIS PRINTED -BAREGES. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, 464, North 81100 ND STRUT, (Alsovs wiLtow.) REDUCTION. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., atvtmo atom 00,11IDUAAI RaDUCTION IN TIM PRICES ' or Timis SILKS, Would reepeothally call attention to their large and handsome wortment of tali dole:Win of floods. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT ST. BEST Q,U.A.11/.TY OHINTZ COLORED ORGANDIES REDUODD TO $71.2 CENTS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO.. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. 3110.86 SILKS REDUCED IN PRICE. Spring styles of Isaoy Bilks re• dnowl to low prleci. Watley 811 k Robes, rearmed. \ A few Plaid India Silks Bich printed and medium lonlards, White Pram& Satin. all qualities. Plato Po de Bolos and °heats PHARPLESB BROTHERS. jet OHESTNIIT and NIGHTH Mete !TURKISH BATH TOWELS. Genuine quality of • Turkish Towel', of largest else,' Imported by SHAIIPLESS BROTHERS, Sep , CHESTNUT and ZIGHTIi Street, ALLENDALE COUNTERPANES. Summer Bed Sprouts of Tartans 1941111. STISRPLIBEI SROTEiIitS, Je9 OHNSTNUT end Elea Streets. DUSTER AND MANTILLA OPEN ING.—S. V. R. ituNna will open, THIS DAY, at his NNW STOWS, No 40 South DIMOND Street, a great variety of nestatyle SILK AND WWI MANTILLAS. LAOS POINTS, Irmo $l5O to 1115. N /I.—A large assortment of White Marseilles and Brilliant BAsquvs and DIISTRRS, for Mieees, to telatett he invites the attention of the Ladiee. Use et* ILI ARE GE NAPOLEONS, DOUBLE iLP BAREGBI3, TAHARTINBS ; OBAPEI MARIII, BACJIGH A.NGLAIS. Gresiellas, Poll de Chevron, Damping and Challis, Mirages and Baregg Roboa. 110111}04 Pereajes, and Orgendies. fteyndere Moire and Travelling•Drosa Materials. nos styles. 2,64 0 3 , 414 d new.rtyle Tine Lawns, In Browne, Lilacs, Amaranths; Pinks, and Blues, at 12) cents — the best triode offered. Einalery, a fine assortment. Bmbroiderles, 'do. Linens, and Linen Cambria Handkerehiefs. Shawle, friths shawl-room; in great variety. Bleak Lase Points, Borneos, and Minnie, $S to so. Btaok Bilks for Oiroulars and Dresses Wfda White and Black Bungee for Oireniart, dl o. Patent Hoop Saints for Puled ofOl ?Besse from 7 $ cents to s B—a line. EIARLBS ADAMS, m 7211 DICHTLI and ARCH Streets. - - INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT 1 t I GILEAT OPENING OP LEOS GOODS 1 I PRIORS RANGE BROM $.5 TO $BO ! THE CHEAPEST 000D8 IN PHILADELPHIA VERY RIOEE AND ELEGANT STYLES! • BOLIONT FOR 0 ten FROM THE IMPORTER I Preach LwaShawli. Branch Law Pointm. PreeoßLome Eslmst. Remelt Lace lisnthBol. Bich Chant - 111i Efuttill&a. Plain Milk Dusters, gains Trimming, &O. Bilk Mantillas, 1311 k and Lace Pc, 4a. &a. Also, a Large Lot of It4aoB aiLMR—VERY 01311L&P I If ANOY PILES, esumps, LAW tOB, &0., ata.) at WHORNLEY CEIBA'S sart S. M. Omer 7IGHYH k M nmB GAUDIN. REAL THREAD LACE MANTILLAD AND POINTS Just eeoetved, and will be opened on THURSDAY. MAY 26, REAL CHANTILLY MANTLES AV)? Poitrkt, AL 191,0. /VW. IRII7BSELS THREAD panne, AT TWA PARIS RANPILIA PIapORIMI, SCIS OUSATSVP Strata, - . 1 6 w.• PROUPOR OP - wina FRENCH MANTLES. ' ritip Preneh Laos Pointes, $6 50. Yreuch Lane Pointe' from $0.50 to $10.60. French Lees Mantles $7 50 to $ll. high-Does French Lace Elbawls, Chantilly Lam Mantles, $8 to $2l. Ob.ntiliy Show's, with deep ruffle. Bilk Mantles, ehawl pattern. Empress Blume, all silk, Pa Dusters and BorMine. - tie teooetfleißll Width's. Cloth Bornons ant; Mantles. Dheii) and 3,lne . Dgeterg. Ohr own evertor make of Menem Some ehespinnetion Lots Lace Mantles. 131Reelakattentlai given to our own make. N. liote.—etyles, the newest and most elegant; material, the hest; workmenehlp, none better. lentil* Garment pleasing, and pries' moderate. COOPER & CONABV, my2B 0. 1. corner NINTH nd filicturc Sratttoo. E - 14Ew.r.A.NL) & • LOOILING.GLABA AND NOTI7IIII4RAI4II .MANUFAOTUTIKKEL WROLI6ALII AND RITALL. An extensive Meek of OIL PAINTIVIaIi eta. All it very Low Priem 604 Asoll Street ab beLl, rhuseelphl4. • . - - - - • 4or Styr Galt attb to tot. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—A'Ce atrai mg, Property No. 210 South SOMITH Street, wall located either for bamboo or residence. Apply on the premises. . it* gel TO RENT=-Tbe. flue-story substat ion, tially•brillt NiO6ila6loilli,sitnsts on the seuth side of 0061MER016 Street;llhove llfth street, imtne. distely In the rear of No. Bob Mtetet street. Alto, the BABBMENT of the large store on Me:SKIM attest. a. AL GUMMY ic 80Ne, Je7 3t 610 WALNUT Street. CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE IN KENT county., Delaware, on the Philadelphia and Dela ware Railroad, within fent Imam , ride of Philadelphia PAWS °tatty to two hundred Acres of the best land in any State, for solo at the low prices of ten to thirty dollare per'iore, Address PTOPOPINTP & CO Je4 131. No 11l MkEICIZT St., Piffle. , HANDSOME. CHESTNUT—STREET imm. - DWELLING .10R; BALE—No:' 1921, first door ii west of Dr Rush , mansion." "Lot is 235 feet deep, and 22 feet front. The House IS • four• story, and three story double book buildings, and 'is 'built in the beet manner. and replete with: every modern convenience. aits, hot and cold water, *lute marble - mantels in every room throughout. The yard le handsomely set with fruittreee, shrubbe-y, flowere, 'roses; &c. The house lain complete order. Poesesaion oat bsehad Immediate ly. 114,000 may remain on the property: Can be seen any time by applying to W. R. OARRYL, in the Ma. maid Rail, 719 OfiRdTPIIIT Strata. ' jo2.tf MKTO LET.; - --The commodious store, No. 834 MU NDT Street, below Senrth street: apply at No. 428 PINS Street between 8 and 10 o'clock A Si.; and 2 and 8 o'clock s. " ' jel42t* de TO LET—A Furnished Cottage, attna -111. tea on the Germantown BeGroad, one &pare from Tloga Station, corner Twenty. drat street, with hot and sold water, bath, gee, carriage-hones, stabling, large garden, with ovary kind of vegetables In the ground, groat', atrawberrlee, .to oho: Commnolost , one with the oily twenty iimea day. Apply on the preMillell. my2A-If-tf dig FOR SALE OR RENT—Two large JEL and eonvenlentinutie BEIM 11OURBS, Wisely new, with all the modem Improvements, enrroinde4 with shade and ornamental trees, No. 98 andMi ONION Bing, BURLINGTON, N. J. Apply to B. P. MIDDLETON, IS North PIIONT Street, or THOMAS DUGDALB, mylo-ti BURLINGTON, N. I. COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET.— . A neat and roomy Cottage at OHELTON HILLS, near North Pennsylvania Railroad, 8 mu. from the city. ' Apply at 421 DIARIEET Street. apl2-tf ttlante. WANTED—To Exobange f $5,000-worth or opener Timber Lando; gong the limiter the 8. & E. B. B , for city or Sunbury and Erte Railroad bonds and stocks. Address • - - Ct. EL BARDWEGLi Elizebethtown, Pena , • or AIEBOBANTS , HOP EL, je9 fit* ' VOLIBTII• Street. oaring MO RENT—With Board,' tiro' large, airy_ Commtinleating Booms.. Mei), Beek Parlor, At 1811 WALNUT Street. • je7 ISt* FIRST-OLASS PRIVATE BOARDING, t 1104 SPRTION Street., Deli wad Ally Rome. Home just opened. Oall and see. 7n7.8t1e Vet NOTIOE.—We hereby give notice that we here no agent ahthortud to cell our celebrated• Ltre-Oak Whtte•Aeb OoaL All orderifor the Mid Coal should be not to mrtniasyruz. addressed to u: - a• iIEXPER CO-, J07.3t. 141N19191T1L10,111, Pa. (EhttrationaL A. LIB L C SPEAKlNG.—The'regular class Ain the study of this ett will be formed on PRI. DAY, 10th inst., at the rear Booms, Na 422 WAL NUT Street. Circulars containing full partmulma map be obtained by addressing me at that, glum, or at No. no North BITE StrAKt:- • • jeBriltee.- BAWD NlLLlelfdil. 1111141(ANT & STRATTON* NATIONAL' MANOANTILIC COLUMNS, located at Phfli delphia, B. I. corner UNFAIR and CHNSTNIIN New York, Buffalo, Clenfeland, and Oldsago.. Par in formation, ea or send for Catalogue . • feffril V, SNYDER LEIDT.TAS.i'- , LEIDY, NJ* Principals of INDY BEOTHELIP - AOADlia, N 05.148 sod ISO Willi 87.11E11T, Naar where a knowledge of ._ - • WBITENG, 800S-ILUP/Ife: aid 'AtarzuMMTRI: Is made certain to anti paptlatat toar,aftiT. - AOAMINT pea liar and MAIM. no2C lUD tten " - , . TO LOAN, 50 9 000 aplimotauponDlamon in:sama gait taiy• Pswelth t:inno, More p land's., , Olotblog, 0t.., i on' mode.; rate term, by - JONMI CO.,,Brglreo,, N. W. corner THIRD end HAMILL Street.; below Lombard. tabliebed for Ae para. Office bourn from? A. 15 to 7P. M. ' Sound-band (fold and Bayer Watches, by eminent makers warranted genuine, for ate cheap, at one half the original cost. • ap2k43f RAFTS—On the triaiire , /Rot D don, and Royal Bank or_ INlond, in Matto aadt. Nor Web) , 041.11110; !a 00:, myl6-0 , .* - - 400 OMIIIINUP 'Stoat tUittee, 410 Kiquoro. BORDEAUX CLI4RET,S FROM WASHINGTON MORTON . 1,200 Ouse Table Claret, (.St. Jai 60 if ilqe 46 fit; iteteibe. 7, 00 .4. y. .4 60 Pent 25 OftlONVeri Superior Claret, 1852, ...La Rose 25 .. « u -IS5t, The above pro now landing from Bark tc Tram f , Led for sale br ARNOLD & -WORL; BOLE AGSMS IN PIIILADELIMIA.,- No. 124 WALNUT fiViEE:V. 41Earprlinge. CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, WOMBAT !O \, J. 4. B. ORNE; - 1519 amencierrisrcrr ErrIVEINIT, OPPOSITE 71X11 it7ATI-1100811, HAVE' NOW •43PEN MIS SPRING /NPORTATIGNS or OARPETINGS. • MAO, 1,000 PIEOES CANTON IVE.A.TTXDTGES, 01 ALL TIM DREILIBLZ EITYLIS, LOW PRICES. mar 18-8 m ir Utfrverators. WINSHIP'S PATENT SELF-VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS.. TEM ONLY TICODOIIODIT TENTILATBD AND HEALTHY REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. . _ LINED WITH ZINO, AND THE CASING TILLED WITH OH&ROOLL Prof. Billlmse, in hie recent work on Natural Philoso phy, uses drawings of this Refrigerator to illustrate the circulation of air by the combined effects of cold and heat, and he says of IN operation, 4 - It is in beautifil accordance with Natural Laws. having a molly. force or vie a Rego, to establish and maintain an outward columns current of air. and norisequent eentitarion." The Refrigerator has been need. and Is highly recom mended byProfemors tillPmau, Porter, and Thatcher, of Yale College; Prof Mapes, of New York ; Pref. Chase, of Providence; Commodore Gregory, U 8 N.; Dr. H. G. Clark, Oily Physician, of Becton, and many other prominent soleditio men. D. B /Fernald, Proprieqr of Union hiarke t r_Brook___, l 7 n, ergs: " Io an experience of twelve place I nave need and been familiar with SUM" style or lie , rigerator, none of which w{ii convene with Winship's. I find it ventilates pettedly, is econootleal In ice, and pre! aerves meats splendidly.. Sweryhoueekeeper who wishes spore, healthy, cheap, mut economical Refrigerator. should purchsee one of Winship e. Plenum Ball and examine them. For sale by NORTH, CHASE, A . NORTH, No. 209 North SEOOND 5T.11.112T, . And ARNOLD WILSON, Jo1•lm If No. 1010 011EoTtITIT tittERT DAILY affa, 101 CAPE MA NEW YORK, AT 9N 0 , 01.0011. A. M. BERAMMR9 Or NEW YORK AND PHILADNI.RDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, WILL 00BIBINNON TRIM DAILY TRIPS ON TUESDAY NEXT, 7th inst, JAMES 314 and 3A : A Boath 1111LAWARII LYBKI/1, jolt. Agri&SALEM DAILt LINE, Moamar MAJOR RWITOLD will leave ABC/LbTRDET WHAM? DAILY, except Sundays; for Salem, Delaware Oily, - New Oaatie, ,Permerro7Q., and Chester at k o , olook P.M. Datum; 1 . Salem at 7 o olook A. m.. MT Stages for Wooptmoq ts lisidspion.meet tble boat. ' • ' mylo.lratt i saWit FOR CAPE MAY. The Subscribers respectfully Inform their blends and Visitors - that the* will nut two swift and substantial ateamere, forming a dilly line, to and' from OARS 'MOW, the sontiog lesson. - The Bret trip (of whioh due notice will be given) will be made about the lath Instant. WILMON WffIiLDTN, je4.atuacthe OALTIN. TAGGART. /'TOFFEE.- 800 bags Jamttga in , gtore aid 1,..1 for WO b$ 7AXIIB CIRMIAId k ,00.1 iaSfi 10 WI 9Y 1411111,41 gianuonnents. AMERICAN - ACIADEMY - pi t 'lit!"lo:-:: - SECO , 13. 'FLORAL :MA SATURDAY, June 11,1869 _ Ticked/ to be had on Friday and - faturdei at the Aeademy, Beek -to Leiden's, sad Ohltdiering Chestnut street: 250 dear little Children In the - ' REALITIES OF FLORA, „ - THE LANGUAGE Oii-BLOWBEB.- - Avid "anti repreeentation of the Beautiful Nursery Abendd of OI N DERILL with new 11E8130 , 7 &oddness, , atiful pair of matehed Shetland- Ponies, arid a SPLENDID NEW ORMLIOT. Admission 26 osOle to all parte of the house „ • - Doors open at 2. Commence at 8 *Wolk . lea 4t* A.C&DEMY OF M1181C; .cx. GRAND - 00111aNnwiON IinSTIVAL - 0% MONDAY Alit; 20th. 1859 • pos AMIBBITIAN, OSISAION;Eseurnu, -- 7 Bamoa, - ITALIAN_ 'AND 'HP ANIAII ^ • LE (DING ItllSlC4LPitOtwilEtOnfli -- - n umbering - over' Odsi Hundred sod gitty of ibe beat perfOrmernin PbUaielpbia - " • Th e chmitirposokkositdoos of till the emit Ifssifilre will be presented Ims of - - • GBAND*I3R. AND MAGSIVIDA ne - Ter before atteospliiiifir tide country. On TITBSDAT; ;mm1'2112,4859; L . A GRAND BILNITOAL , .. , III.ONIO. , ,AND _RURAL NBSTIVAL. -- By the same Powerful Alombhmalion,, - - AT OABIAC'e,WOODS, "- the terminus of the Blerentb-street Rani/4d; on and armand the ooMmodlous groundi of she Oatosolifenelen, w known as the. -7. DAMAO ROTEL. no admirably kept by WM. DEBAUFRE, who hat - erected commodious Staging for the Mammoth Duthie tra, and flooring for the Dance.- - Tmkets for the Academy of Minute Oonoire; 50 end 25 cent+ - - • . , PDT tba Pionie. 25 cants. - -- They can be had at all the blush) Stereo, Book Stores,. . Hotels, or the Academy. end OD the grounds at Cannel Woods. and of any of the members. - - President of the Assodation—OAßL Paßtz:, - - Tice President—OAßL WOLVEIOIIII. - _ Treasurer—J. W. Trucial., gaq. _ _ . liserstary—MAßX RXRCIEITIVR COMMITTER Dr. L. BIBIGNBN„Chairman.. Messrs Onnnlogton., Gartner.- M. Hauler, 'Seine, Stoll, - Mueller, Ws/Waft, Sews, plagemso„Romberg, , Thunder, Wolfsohn, Holutittork, - Drexel, Taylor, lira- - vier, Andre. ft Co.. D;ok,-dr Lawton. Lee,/ Wafker,!: Coulsop, J. D. Murphy. /VP; KaschAVllks,(l3eeret , 0012IMZPL ON Dr. OIUNNINGTO IT N, T Ohairman,KOK •O:, Bents, Wolfsobn. Mueller. Ifeignea, rfleiretarY CONDUCTORS OF THE 0 0NOIRT'AT : THE *OA-- . Dr. Megaton, Oar) Bentz. Dr. Oonnington. - - .00RD130TOR9 OP.TRO CONOIRTAT MLR PIOBIO - Simon Ressler, Tole LEADER OP TUB OOTILLIOB.CROBIRSTRA a - MANN HABBLSR. - - . Leader ortheGrand,MilitarillamilDklineirinnij, ,tai performers for the proceaston—U .AIUBLL/15.-- - je &at _WALNUT—STREET' THEATRE: •v v cold puivim 'VRANOATAN DE,BRIT 'TOR*" Y.1611D1 , , 9-lain, 1869. Mlle. MUG:2li= 81M Sille:141111.4.18M1 OIipIIVALL LBEI PII3IILIMICS k1t1424 DEIBIOHELIII2I, - COmedie-vaudeville, en dean sates, Par. MM. guard et litmus:dr, Jonas par- MM Henry W. Leon, Onarles Jules Malec augents Ben; Laurence Alen . Mall Jane Montheaux, , , • Pauline Dupont. , Lk WILDE SEMILDLR—ITsudevUIe, an • an acie, de Mona. Mainline, Jones par MM. Bertipid, Edgard, Mmes. Laurence Olievallier, Pauline Dupont:, Prix_ des Plases.—Logea . 61 ) &vant - scene, $8 et $l9 „ stalls* d , orellsatra, do !plop, At de parquet, $1; lame - et Seine gaterte, 25a. , Bureau, de location °avert 45 blare du =tin • 4 Years du. Noir. - -A ROH-STREET THEATRE. ' . ,7/011. TWO .W.llBB °NIX. • - Commencing. MONDAY EVYNINH, Ices - MORRIS, BROTOBBLO. PILL. AND eitowDancagAtt MINsTRILS, AND 0 0W.DALL.0-01101111..:;:..-t INN LARGEST. DROP, AND imitm oar.exiiAit-;1- . • BAND IN' WORLD, Frank Brower. Fled Wilson Ambros A. no_, _cr . M. M Carrol,Mait:Nente, bad &lithe elsameioneof plea ?dinette* to their choice seta.. - Ohlutio of plea , swum. *very evening.. Dor Inll- particulars; see ;pro:, ,-. gramme of cub day, • f' - Doors "open at 7 o'clock; to comniene• .Tiekate 26 mite, lAN- MORRIS. autism Waliker. CHAR. A -MORRIS: ffiViDONOtTGH I GAIKTIES—Iistm, st, THE ATTBAOTIOIi OP BANDY . 110BBEST: -', • Mtn 0. MOBLEY; Min KABUL ' - 808 BUIPPARD, BILLY Toomus,- ID BILLY BLOOMER, JOAN CON.. • BAD, ' jel BIND or ounommuti . . THE THIRTY-13,MR 4.R . Hl/4. XIX- Y*NNBYLVAIIIIi - iOADMIT Ot * Tifferigarirr.o 109 b OffISTNEM 871131112, 15 NW OPIN DAILY (216606.16 6206)ted1.W0 A. to 6 P. 11., and from 7X int - 16P `m. , 1 ' Aknialicin 26 66616. - Mason Ttekiits 60 66666:.:0240 dreg 120 eats. mooknomass itereeeiti:theittlehite ea apppoatlon at the ontep the:Aeadetex.-, Natstt:-: Justirance A MEERioiN'Frat INSuRAN - as - 03, 2 INCOACIVAILVID_ 11110/1.11.2178.8 - -„ No. 810 WALNUT _Minot, atoms TbIM, rellotatplotie a large Yp.th tal Moak , and: Simplot Innite to 1eg4.1 &venial. goomitime_omothmato inure Qs Poo ,_Btorea, Furniture,- Kerelisodinft Venal to Port ao their - „mid • other Pooloool Broperty. All lows liberally and ?array adjusted....l 'George Abbc . itt,n •Joha T. LoMtiri . . John Walsh; , H. Crampoon; :7 :Samuel C. alerion, .3klnnind. • Patent Brady, 5 Ohas.W4oaltney,:t Intel Norris erEOREDILB)SOTT;PIeafaeri,'a' THOMAS It. MARIE Secretary. iii IRE AND : INLAND RISILS.;-;•FAILE A: 114115 , 40011 OONTAN'i .•' :: ;, - COO _ _ " -' ' _ ~" 00. -_-. --,...k , Platilsod =l* Aare Aiiimidig relatJvuti 1a_i.,...:. lanais Oonigg. MC) - - . • once in unsung - 0T lat.; EAklithiptia. 1 3 gaming Wright ' - - Hem? Ligurge,3T.,' -- , - Witham W. Wallas, _ . D. B. Btriny, •, - -" Marls Inehirdin, - ' - Jelin W. 211.1111,11 b, , no* W. atout, - -- ' -A. H. Itisibels, '- ' Barclay Lippinix" ~ 2 John 11 - 11111aot„. :, ,:. ' (e"g9 #. 71 ... . °' - G . 20 ' l*7ol -4 :14.t. - ..I. ALAnunAILD; Sgerigiii— '' - - ig 33 -7 . T'• QUAKER ()ITT INSURANOR 00EPANT, PETTADICLPHIA, ft: - FRANKLIN RIIILDINGS, No. MIS WALNUT Suet: QUARTER PERPETUAL. , Paid up Capital and Burping '5324,351 44 Chartered capital - • . 600,000 00 Domes against lon or damage by Mire end the rifle of the lbw-Inland Navigation, and Transportation, on the moat favorable terms. , - Loam promptly,edicusted and paid. - DIUSTIKAId• George E.E.art, RW. Ballet, - E. P. Ro - ok. ' Maxey B. „. , A. O. lartlani; - Gnarls, e t OM G. Dale, H. B. youst(all,_ - Roarer'. Darilns, SamniilJesser, - - Eon. R. It. ' - = orticnnts. - - GEORGE H. HART, President. . - B. P. ROBS, Via. President. , H. R. OOGGPRALL, aearetar7 and TreASUra'• R. R. BUTLER, Aao t Searetarr. mkt LIFE INSURANCE ACID TRUST COM PANY.—Tbe PENN MUTUAL MPH !NMI RANCH COMPANY; Northeast isomer of THIRD and LOOK 'Btreete. Capital, $Bl2 125 03. MORES LIVES for short taros, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests In Deal Estate, and mates all con tracts depending on, the contingencies of Life. • They sat as - Eases ,to ' rs Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. , =ll Daniel L. Miller, Samna B Broke', ' Bevjamin Comes, - William Mart rk, Riehard B. Newbold, " I iemee B: bleParland, Thusliez, j Joseph ii„Tiotter, William II Kern, tirtimu . .l 0. Einey. James Ruston, Theophitua Paulding _ - . Charles Haßovi'ell.l Edmondtnl A. Fonder, Henry 0. Toweeend, Daniell,. lintolennon, Rol otphne Rent, John W. Mantel., , Wsthem H. Carr, Mils 8 Archer, Edward T. Mott, Iteranel 3 Christie% William Robertson, Joeepb M. Teams, - Warner II RaeLn. John it. Brenner, F. B. Milo ter, Reston. : - DANIEL L MILLER, President. BERL B. STOKES, Vice Preen. JOSE W. Humes; tteoretaryi • aulß,ly - „ Eiavins ,ffunbe. QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND S. OLITY OP PEILLADELPETA. - t Ogles, No. 881 North THIRD Street,- - (Consolidation Bank Building ) ORARTERIAD BY ?FIR I,DGISLATITRB OP r's - • SYLVAN IA Dwelt* reeetred in enamor One Dollar and nywei and repaid in Bold, without notice, with FIVX DINT. INTZREEIT from the dad of deposit fill - , drawn. A responsible and reliable Pariage Institetion ken lone been needed in the Northern part of the oily, end "The Spring Garden Saving Pond Society " was char-• tared by the fogialature of Pennsylvania to inept/thin necessity. The Managers, in organising and Westing It, have been governed - wholly by desire to aeorensto date the beelines interest, and wants of the vary large. • and enterprising population - by whieb it isturfounded. 011.1011 OPEN DULY, - From 9to 9X o'clirst y aleo, on Mennen and Twos*. DAT from 4 mail 8 o'clock in the evening. MAN/LORAL • Frederick Hiatt, Stephen Smith, Jobn P. Levy. Hoe a• E - B tiusdli Daniel Underkofler, rederick Ideate, Brancia Hart, Joeeph P. LeOlent, • - John Render, Jr., • George Kneeht, James B Pringle, Jacob Dook, Joeeph Cowell, Hon. Wm. George Woelpper,G. o T. Tkora, Peter C. =maker, Robert R. Davidion. • • JAMBS B. President. iILIVOTti HAIM POnTIAIry. ist9B4f , £lleaicinal. SERG'FIrLT.,"WHITE SWELLING, TER"- • - REIOICALD MEAD,' • Arid all Eruptions at the pain are radically aralltarraa. uently curet toy.: - • - THE-IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. ' 130ROPIEWOMD.E . MITE SWELLING, • though °baldpate aUdiTitilaberia Oscura and resietheg all oanntaiy .iiiitiehteiej - d4t1014,11 to' yield under the unequalled anratilielhd haalitig properties of the IMPERIAL DEPURATINE. - - Ono os two bottles will cantinas the meet skaptleaL 'LITTER bas prayed the greatest stumbling block to the ordinary remedies_ of tap 'day. Local applications alone do no good, and often do moon' tuna. The dis ease must be. sited thoronghT from the system In order to sheet a complete cube, and It is this radical &Won** the well-known - IMYkIUAL DISPURATI I S9I In expelling all vitiated matter from the blood that has induoed so many to,prononnae it the Mull pima° for 'Perm, &o, • 1142 IMPBBIAL DIPIIIIATIVE WILL OURN TAITI7/It, and all diseases originating in DlPtrarrpla OP TEM BLOOD. TRY ORS BOTYTA. - Prepared awl sold Dy ZdeoNIOHOL & BM, Late Lonna & Co, ,No. 60 North PIPPIN Street. Philadelphia: mhl2-etutti if am CARD. --=-ILLREITIL-SUE-AY (OMM PAGNB), JANUARY IS, 180.—In eobsesnenee of the frequent invitations received by me to renew.~ th e shipments of my Ohampagne Winos to the -,Elnitte States, I beg leave hereby to inform my former op.. tumor., and the - 10110 , M sanereli that'l balm app pointed Messrs. R. 0. BROUWIB,ANOIikm, & doleAgentsinthe United litateS, - - for ,tbs, eale'eftnY ,Obampagne :White. My Wines hive been solcolg and favorably known In the United 'States; "it will ,be tar, nMemary to *moment outheir quality, farther Man to say that my new shiPmartts will in no wey le fOnnd in. forint to the former ones. ' , — BILIEUAR4 pLLMON.' BXGLEOANT SALMON'S OHAMPAorno WINES, both OABINIT aud VWI2,IINAY. tor se lo and, eon. atnitly en hand, In lain - to cult perah.,.. by novvrza, momp, A 14 1 .0111 • ' ' fit wawa travel:half Turk,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers