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A,trrk'Selki.oiliiiari ' P:';* i f t ififiV,Nol,2_,Titug,',lll3l_llllt; fro at Err! .q. ~...„:,., ~,...-,,z . . ~,,..__..64t,4„eity.,:,v-28t hi tAgt - iekh#l., -. 4, ~-='.• r-. ithaiwt t..t"tteif,V , rein, ttlaat 77 _, t, ' -''‘ ' ' ~.., i"'inltikpil. /34tthii'l'Iorid' V r -- ..':.,,-". ,11.!': ":: ---1-, ~,-4.m..,-,ni., voyf ~,,, 0,045, 0 . ..... • E viol., ...!! ...'1,_4•5, , *tip 4.1,. . ..-y-,,-_--,- ~,„:6ikite44....tppl3 ,, _ -,,; .3 , "-•-":,,ii•Tilifirier9l',". 1.- 1. VolP* '. litili4sitc.fr)P,7 ,'. .v, 4 .. ,' :: - ,:y •-, --:, p, 1- " ~ ' i...4.,..frois e Atitklitfiloptre, , ,,tl;*ll,, 41 ';''''';', t& -,,..-‘,::,,,,,,,v,,,,„1,,A1Wikt"'•-jA i -,! ~... ~,,, ~..--„,--4 , -.7 . ..7. 1 .7, 7 - ii . ~,,,.1 -ainiatiatittoo.,%aliv4l,46,g•ii. „-„ - A ' ._. .' ' ' ' '', ' ' - . - ----.i.'''' 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'' '' , 4 ;7. ttrltstb,,ir!tt:4 .I.th,tti,, ,x . dt ,4fi k sio d d:•: ~ ~,siiiproo,lol4s tnigiiirop. hs' PY -16- 4 8, data.:: iip A L 'otiefieareit at c lay , _et ili,Al*. hg t ? V '..•.,..1_,..,-- •011b4;r01*01,Q45T',• _,!--..,' rzildlici 40100,-,114ei06.r. atti * .i t -.,_?, ,.. ...„,,......„:„BitkL am , ,a, 'foot, ~, , , ,,,:0 , -, • 1.. _ • - " thigift • stThathxria, ii-atniitsplo. trik,,t ;fa-, ',,,,..!,1,...„- A. , * , - : ukti,'Ri„ • ..,I. _..., --.-- -.:- -..- f --,,,. -, ~, ,46,--,;-xali iiw: -,,,„'-', ...,-"-_.'; ,_.;,,J -?,&'-ii-witrOoft4k,frt,., 4 T . --,;.,.. aiik - -it5tud51 00 1 6 ,,, , .7.....71. :: =-- •,•, -;* '-" ' '4 vl .-- ' -,,---', I..k•viiiitiotlimsM, - '-:,-, ',.., fiii,,iinfrekat Emma •- 4 • - - '„I ' "":, -";,,; 7:- ‘ , ..7. '..4 • , - ,-,' ~: ~ • • • • ..: s aari i i ; d at ~Brlecin! •-,•%, -'•!' , ~,,,‘„steatt-30100001VPItl *r nmt• 'r , 'r. A r• - • ' ' i v -1-- ''''o.l-10411(i-T' " ,"-.,,fk,0,, 4.prislobttee, r , , ~p,,ttkffl r i r !i ; .,',.,,, -,-, • , iilt,,,! - 4 4 ,* . ,'14'0=":14 1 4-0144,, 0 , V i ttrt*.z. ,, 4-4-" - : t . -.,--!. i-litt gWVI,I6; 51, ~,,Vair?../3444 paithMbLirk 1,!1,11:,„„r", ~,•:i!=i4;&--49=1,1.4tr,*-vt,-4-..-,1„,..i"'4'4111-iii-i* v -,', ‘'-‘ , u,;6 , 4tiiiiii,_,.„,. , - ,, ,- ...ig: c , :i . .W 3 ' - IA - 5140,44,W I,, vailil l o&ro7tar', tr 7 , i , 4 .1-- ~ ~1A:-.---!!'vga,4 ~--I:,a›,-,:a4 • ftfm--,-,*,,,a,' 14,4-mirF,,, ?..,:?..-I`,.*--:?..,,A''.?10:14a:164 -- a iez4 4tt- ir.' .'" : : • ..... t-irr"--%'-' i: ' t - '' - ~ 4t: '4:-ciiiiktiiii'4l#olll,/011443 Ir.ooo-04,1 :fi l l.kl,L , g ; fai r i 0 itli ii, .4iwa-iikAilut-' '.••••-7-14-itr 45.. '.-.; ~. - ...,,,, tim 1 : st , 3743, ...ma f r 4 Eft , CalNi,'o44 -.--42 ~,,,Af' kr- ;' .` -., ' ~ ~ , :-..., ;,, „,..,,, 27th ~.t.„ , '-s,;,,;=',ftl!filigitmil z 'zso di vi iii t , - , : assui ; 1 - e , , e -, 1 s. -.-.,-....g.iiiss% -- rk-e , z,_ - ,,....,.,...... , ~, ai t i, ,- .': -',;-,11-;,.t'aill.,hilid titi V* 4A.4-4546106,41-4r a r m. F. ---•,,, 1; .- ,:. , '14`;`;;1, ra i tTlo4;mv.tol4A i'llieW4-TAgtVigili,iiiiirn: A,asumili.,. ,4sier,.gailitym„usrgmTl,o* Tb4,l4l4oo rw, , T•Tril l m.4)=-, , - -. - ,N , .. - ,14 • Ain- -.A tlarNi - -,,.' _,, - •.- ---,:,,,,ii*. .444* , 14,17',.„t„„alimotimi , • _-- - - i-...**04+,0 f. ...,m4 - '- limotsalp-- \,'-.: - - :-:'''Zl:.l"4 '0464664 4154 ,40 414::Fi11M4 140 7 #0 k' "} - . - 4 . ':4r.,,TA '' c.A Cil Viti l ii4LiraigrV, tiliMi lilikt 4 '. ,' ,:•, 4 ~,,F.-,,;;3/10410.10642 b., . ,f..,,T,--,- mod --, ~.n.;=4.. 44 . Isioteo - ,'clittitirf It ~:,' ...4..P..%,: ftkc,f,^ M 1f ..,14 , , f': ,,z , t , a , r F. 34-441144-: sr:Skr*V': f. 4 ' . 4' ,1014; 7,.. ''..-?:'Alt'Vt-1:- ~iliiillhitlii•ill?, 2 ,4,_ ', ,13,1,•41,44, , ili*, ~ -,•-•77.7:4 t•,-..i.:, , ; •..,-,..,, 'e. ••' ~ , --,,,,••• Ar. 4 , ,rfr ia 6014 4-iiyiqiimuto ,--zuktr.3% -...77,-,7- 4ii` ---'llriik...l. r. i ti _ ~ ":sir ti Z .. _~, '~_~' _ ,___,, 4.,_ ~,A,',..i. ... , :,.. ~,,, *Agly4loZi;grArtirOU i -'.. V-•4re;-A-ir—lietarAliftrell tearatifqt*ilri""!kl 4 ._.„ xosillf ,ll t* . 160.1:4frovk ..91rflo!Pr`,,,,_: in e a lkll e tr_V_yb."" ilia - iir., .."..,. .- 4 .540 1 , 4 ,7 , - 4 ,-- , .-"... ...."- '" ,-;.1 Al..0 1 004 . - - -ifikt:frm, C - -1 ,1 • ''-,?.• "'lltitsbestl4 , ittif f rai,Thila".lo. * Orr '', . '-''',tl:, k , Y; -1 4 11 ..........,......'""`"" 5t - '-i.,',Olirartrpwrytik ' , „AIM h o t 4 , , 4 toi‘ , 4l, l it *0 " :'''', PC-, V • ~ .•Piti t -- • vitth •-'24%, 1 - - , - ,..;• , x , z•-• k.;.*bi 1 10. - 1 , -,;-IN•Fin,-,..ylipt,„ .a.,,,.T---,,-,,ztl-g ,--4,s4tteran•- _,, 4(llAAillerial wwiiiiyAlb4l44°44,2' 1 ...,-,,j• n,'-fl-1-e:.,,,-;,.t.t...„-- "' '-,,,,./7e,-r.,,,,,----,,-I_-,iiiii gut; how '„,-;--,",ll4ftiiiii,. -01,A$7,.*Irk -11,', :: 1 ',",'Oifilm4-114,,,iiiiiifirijetry011igre4 ma" kt-t:',.-1,#'',14'31,06Y-;!lol4,..iiitrojkoifisoi, .fl, eNt h ‘t r , ' ''''' ^ ''''• ' '..llollflnWrottlitir4..'---'e 1 16, 1 4 ifi4 1 ~- ~` ,--.-'tM,fl'irautatil 14 ri, "1474.1ifidtilfiatIO,* V4-,,..1V40 -.474,111110f1. fttriitiviSiftrrr-Jlll '' ', '`,' ~' , i7iiatt(ti - ~.1.44-Z,„,..,--41.- "`-`,, 'Or. plittodeeffi, faii 1 ;:- , :i. ,, t :,-,141t, if0uy,..A.X 0.100 ...ti,"" 4"1, „,,„ ..., ' ~... r -, ' 1 :.,,;, , Ainiatriiiiik 04611451r-for* idlidelPNNrillii''"r" I ;-"yli"C''',VAWODk*ll4,,,f,V. i .A- ~ q:'•.i1 , ,,, :,„,••„1,„,,,i,,, for 4,, • I,lfiiiff"lmm::OrgYtdll.,_°llLttlatt■ k 114- ... , ..-:„ , ~M 4, , 4oLfitt.,,....4iiyulimfigim, 814 1154 •1t "..- 4 --, - - .i:41: 1 4.4s ... - 43,47,0104414 -410 1 16 t ili tileif , Aal #' ~' ~' 6`,11-1-e.i`--PV '-'' I, . :' '`'g.,l4--.4l4ll49l4lftePtigorf,4 A , ..6-trAKI f , --P ''„ido tt iii - :0 =A7 e 4 f ,, v4 51 •KwV.,, , ,,,* - 41,VimonitirOstoi-Thoadal p ', ~,,s''• ''kf6 tutk - M: -- ar t ie—V-4 1 0 414HtM Mb *Air _lismisi. - ,00,,,vibiniatAir- r u if,,,.' et ritol3olrobOWlP4ri. IiA4VIC z/viYi -• vat, '':C*Mib"-Mv4,1414-41, 411 !"., , ~ , F V A. - ,, ,, Atik , ,FL4Vi t . , IIItILL, iron 1, "107' Valgh;e: ', 4 ,"IttettriermajhaTSTW7, ' t ',..l'i{Zs4-•Al'il */*Agl, '04 170i4141/Kaadegiln*""ll/ / i ' '' . 11_ , I:At x•tt: il -00104,,,, - ;, , , ,,,,*1 ?! . 4 , 11,0a , - .4 1 ," -- ' - qtr q•,,','..-;'tl-' .' ;,'x.-'.-: i. i :-: f 14...,', 0 p7.J4:e,.4.1,1:,.4.•1'-,4.ll.i.fitrpti74 af r * o ,„ . ; :1 e „ •1 2.57 2• 'W 14.4 ;g. 10T 'rr;l;flswsA**,-ktt.itpri7trlill!.tb. !i.-!.•, ''''''' 1 t:tl3,-altin 2 l:4 'C -: ,, , •ye,- 'Z'll-04:01(014' ---'1:44?1,1'51110•14447.PW711( ''' ''''''' .'''-:' •• •• , 4`.. us . , , ~...,Evo,,, „ 1 „.,. i .. ---;',"", •, 4if..e y .0 ":k;' , 4..,• - •Anx,--7,,,,,-, v.. , =- , , , • ....-. : 4, , ..;,-,41.,,,,-Vtaq;-44 '' 'i5i41,44`,5!_,_.11,111011.4,-. ..qt;;;,17.4.1:' ", " - • - az ,r 1 , .. - „fell f 4 , _ , tfitiew4Thsu a 1 " • ''-,;..-Mo.';*t-t,,, - .&'‘.o ',,,,". ii - iiiiik k •st,simmnak#. l3 "--- - 4 2, L itm _.... ~11,-,. , 44011,011/vit! irkitelk re,:,-Itf ' t .... Atal''S," .`;'- 41W,*,,r. ,- - 1' 46 ' Inihaffetiff ''" 'ttitir ' i - -,,,.•••' , 41 4 , i x--iitiii,-,- iV. ,„ ft r, ,f,y„.,,,*:.4Dtirsintll7lirot,-,,,, i ...,•,,t,.-g,',.-MiLiitt, - ----4-dg,0,47-Vgsikilso ,i'l'- ' ,-::::--Igl-wr,44.ir t':7-W4L-0414Viio___-,,-,t -,,' -'4-4-Zi,- lig.sikolJt,4`att;VS`?Zirift- ."-• c'-',-,.;,-,:iz0.,,,. ~f 4 i t: 1 . —. „,Tat0,,,,, ~c-fx..010. t ittion i x,--- 0 ~,, ty. , .:, , :,,,-_,-,..:?„,,,, 20.41t.0-,:,2: 4 7,.. ! At t.. 1114 -imp ENE AV;166014** 41 . 41 4 -6011 ` 1-10144 ` Rectiog,irgiiiiiiV•, ,, ,,,A , !' r4wiick ' 4) Veer & son Clearfield N it 4 eftiNitle4WNo lo 4 ": - " 1,, uiriosion,N 4 - $ wit 'lrreisdasy.N.V. Write Ameba '161. 1 1111 , 14140—N D fclono.vi Maio ' rschit, I,o2raholb4 Atelaxiby N iitllitgrwr• *f inlbja.:463s w,NAPIIIui Van,. • Ntowart, N y 04,4 811994 016 4 '''.., . Arlen, I K-0 1 :12, . 111 mgi -- ,-, L ~, _..- - ? 2 . =',.,ll4li: `, ,-;? ..-,' ',; ";.iiiiiiii,4jiiiiiiii-.• - uT;;;;ti;ittti:t.. below ao‘rth. ~rdiiiiti i.l li:44l.4 l .: Z Tulegi , 4 .-:-,-- ww , wwiiritv;, - wr ~ 60, . - . Iliti,:*tiiiiiy ,- ;:. , -, -,'.,-.= NT Clamptrall: Tray _ kg_ IWT ( 4l l Arieli:•Ttel - /- . .:; - ! . -Thlat 2-Lrr oh, Trenton ~... "''''' , I , WlCTOllstosi ~....,0•0 Van slisitei - NY; , ; - ..4: , _ LP,A. fir, - eimocivalirtsigit lea II Stearns, 'Boston %nt - M.olloi <Dhithiltaff-PA. - <. - <,•ll.W.Oonlkilne,'Dativille. 0081.nniallitiTriettInhaV4ainae Binith+?N T •-•.. sy .ff ReSttpetaerc,Pettnela B R.Wo olman i Chester Co ‘;o2erlials/flltecteraep.:4•4l-. 041tPentdinlei Baltimore pfhtta,'llaltlmeta ~, •• - . •-•' '.- . , ' ..,, • )'. 1 1..,. - -,: 21 .. , , ,, ,r..!- . 7...-;.;-.. ~,..,',,,,,,. - ‘ ,- ,, ; .,Y. ~ -, , • ~, • _ iv iiskilitiow.rioiiii7:46;iet ffireet; atioveitxth. O luelitivE woi .14 - ' 3 ' , ': - i:'xi,&iiiiid; Attantlo City I'm BhadraekAndlatell pa Wii Smith., Ilonington :Tnifitell - Uittoister", • ' 1 , :lt t Waiters, lewistown ; Ihnbern OtWlAnclOtown, John .2 gene, Ps , , :thelaci , pen y- ~ 3 -.'t:2 - 2-. , -4,Blitile„v 'Lawmen , eo ' • ;r 0 ilennionadar < hi*" ; - Thou P; Potti,'Nortletown J Jim Blillttef, , ,Bilt , ' - !."...';',,thrisilsr, .01dartield; tailit,l*aard2kla; 1.4 - ':•2. : .; Miss &Wick. Oleattlold if detlinttl-'24 , ..-.-C - -/"' , -.-" : ."ll.ol2fidPar, at LOW IL ll'lllietterd . , l- PA''ls.:%::i.kinel,;< linter, n 9 f f z O:ihrt;111 141 #114 - re - ; .' ? “ , ._,' ~-, ~---,: ' --•' 1:000Y, *imp a4t , r3i , 5 4 ,=14 it. . b.°l9.r Vine. '..t.litiTflele.Benbine -.;'y.::' ,. ! ,--- .&- Blob, - Hooka do < r''' NW watts. linektan ,--,,,,,; J B Bette. Dnylailown, ~.... •',, W sycc - Ijnyleateam;.' ' - .. X.8 vioh,,Biablocliam Jas Vistas; Berikii he , -..-- '7,7 G."Rnisri, 11nektoehale ".. , rooliky-,-pi.- s., , •-, .- ,-, - , „-:., - x a Nlehia & 11, I'm- -• 1 hi r alanisLariniZtifishersillii. Wahines Clotnray, ltibarry ' '``. . I rlllatensiNflssysT., - . 7 4:••:olllmiler i Olmitenloyi Await* WAlnuit;Vii.: - : ;1)* Moors; Pi - ,L .- '. ...,..r.t 1 ''..LV,l ` ;iii.ol3i;WSPrit•-iiiira,fit.,looiii:i.sei. 4.4 idti - iviiitotiiitir • . it_Viatiir'icimatownt Pi '6_,;Praisett‘;',,' , .C.V.-7 ' ',.-- ;.7.. 'Wean, Lowisborg, Pa W.P.Watis n*Oansbria. Stow JIE Torte, Kt Pleasant It SotielOttilliarncikrh, Pe : <l,:barkln..Delawars to Wllarren; Viktor do '', , - W Wildman. Peranton, Pa =IC Beadle.,4lPlerabeiw .1,0 - .1,11 Hank Ifillatabing, 0 - Jilin 8 3 liskr,. Oastbard no , ...fimnsa-Issit; Can:heed o 0 -Biluliondtlekc, 11l '.• ' - .'-'7•RoNerteonv-Iscioni Pa O Pairitsuthf.ooltwaraToci't-piCWirrards. l'a -' IC 111, Tayiory N .1•,, , , - „,.. , • • :8 Vaihni, IT 7", ' .„ . - 3 Tainabt: Iris -• .. . :; It rr Taltnntln Per no. 4 Totter,: Bilvlingt:n', Nl'-- 0 Ynnunii lltios . 'JA'fictton; Liverpool .• :...; - P Tosser. Washington :NI-lisitsl,lll4ll.eallug --:. 0-15loob,Volosobia *OplifY3001(*ipii itroai, aboie arab. i.graa kfaiii.,?.(34glat.7.- .•-- ~ -,flies 8 Biotin. Beading II V Mint &la: Pa ' , -',. ;''".„'• Jac Henry. Pa -- . 1111 - Kitidi . Pliiii -, ' -- 0 K Johnnen, Pa Them Peon, Chicago ,. - ".=." Tat Balhamer, Pa kBatetemloa, Par. ,- • -- • .1 AI Met, Atalanta, Qs -' Ihler Themocon, NJ -:, • ' Breath , . Clearfield Ilforrls-lohncon.• Pa' - ~' - ' 'P.M , ti, Plitt 40 tornillilltOilii Pa ...:''' Wm nagin i lp illiantiport t* Tk w r ont-arp: t. 'brie - Third: ' .Rolt P.hnai,l3- .: ..:-4 Wiiterbill, Ohio -,: ' , I.tantnorssßonsriN I ,' , ..r'istsphen W elaana, Beata • . L 0 I:o4nithirtis., blinetar.Pa liolq , If -panuf•Wialtlagton '..lrl_ 10 Rowillibiddroah, Why-, , '._,-,, - •, ' J • 3.l.:lllsairi-N .7-..-.. , • , `.. .. 1 W W : Wegner. lowa, -„..: '.,Tife ilirtaicErikololoss-3. Truman; N Y ~..",-,:p , ' , %'1!..•,-- , P,f - ' , ... --..',,,--- .', •- • 'l.. •,' 7 , •:.'" ' / /, ' ;'-'`,'• NATIONAL NOTEllase rt.,=aboTe Third. I. if ,A;Weiiiiii:*irit .. kit!iiri'Johtllhople, ilmini - / : - 'Nee Illitelatt ;FA A , .':: ""- - i;.1,..1 2.. Bhowin, - .Allentetto -<o.'llt Itermaity,"Lobano'n . "-1.!, 'Jahn• Bhltnar ‘ N T, Theißolrroan; Pitietwirg ..,_' • :olio Alm peon, Soh haven lanisalVirei Allentown " - „• C 941Ittilob, Towanda - -,7BAiiiiiAdLi io pOL-2;14 0 ::: 4 f il , nTi e , llt : r llli< • ' f.aiatitalt;,TlnL-, , '„Jeo sidembi, centro oc ;--- Lftwlrs 1 6 1rwri,li . sil gtion, "Bl47t4l44'ltrhild • St, atora l / 4 0allowhill. ITanals,Pac.7‘_ , ..o,, : • ‘• final Bnadai.Brbetry. Pa 1 Ina Shell; Beitairpoi ' :- • (l'Otiminenai Pa )1011011,: Third , above hici Hoyflr, Pa ' - " - •::.- tat - nageo.v' • At the, reeddenie ta.ths tether o( the bride, on the moroing.OL 114;12th : instant. fir the nor. Peter Horn, of Irarlte toe, New Jerome, forrcerir Pfilledelphia, dtanakelviude,tabiles ANNII Ll,,eddest diegbtenotlatutiol Ithoenutker Oobln, Tag., of leualsinr:PeanSylvaais• , • ' On tballtit tut br thane" Joan MeDoWell. It D., 'wo= sivromr LiIIsDNIWNI :beftit'Of , • • , At faiipOrt,,,PA;`,`pa the 6th teat., bride:Vey It. 0: Veit*, Seldleg, bif MATTEINLY LCDI9, et 1.7., oepiler marry, to IiaLLIE A., daughter of Dr.= Pea goes Viler; or tootpott. •• • ' *. 412•1190 A, 111;. on the Pits 14. the Be, 0: TI: Mir iir2.lte.:LtitiCilW . l.Jde•Allt, di ,Philadelpltle, to Mae ILARTIIA. HAIG, of, Alien.: ,„ • , * -; tkt 'hat ,•ett lle•-residinee 'or - Gibbons Grey, Ileg.pnVest ,Ohemeer„ - TA by the, Rev. William S. , Ideote.Jete ;.,11016101t Ho eNtotst,t,..: ot *E V l ir k;l 3 °'* lB4 , ire1r. 1 4.4 4 .-J,e O KBOAt At flamdeo , os aitti,lnet 4 lEiss HANNA - Ii 8. TTl9Ti4tt;tdeughter ofdasateit- end Labia' Ansi Porter. ar-The relatcres. ' and,telende *Lite family are respect: fail Invited * 4-44404 *be *literal; Irmo the reeldonea oC seta nti, Cooper, street, three doors below von, north, able •:Ww,Tunolar afternoon,' at 3 oleloolt, with ' •frife:lfitblif 119,tbilri,i T el , proceed , to Ilvergreen ,Oetne. ! IT T , e`; , , •A' ** Oatlueder enoneing, Cittfinst ;41111110N91:1131,14 to the MU year or, Waage,- ' ' ; - "rttiiftilf,ffiends,uf the Ste turned to attend, Lip Amend, from his Joe residence, No 929 Alanolt ft j, .„.Iflld_ 9, ritis,,LPitelltiltel toe let, 010 Welook Os - I*****,o*.xdos. 29th ;oat., Hrs. id &BY Tana. s N o 9 1 1• 114 1e9f ) 7 4 f. 1 01 , 4 ifiti,°t • /14r1 tttle - elt , • ii , Ate ' fof feat.. % •• AO, _a db idoli.nlU4 the t evieltimpf the 29th ata, wor of ~Villtaes A. 11111, said leadlteefet.A , ‘lXed/00041k,:.4t.dat,He.-t. iiia=3lT r e - To ri ta c kVl4;7474 l 6 l : fiiPae.l2 lat ! l4°. ” ,"I** tt tti*Tdtb bet:, HISIIT 0 '; dtddlitt.Offitritt dbd the'tet•fitatife tteetenan,isgef 19 roan, • ?kW rehitlyek Ltd Irigiedent the lewdly ire tovlted to itterel t.n erit: . flora reddest. at her roottor, ,:sentkaolt; corner ot,lrraiktis.sed WAIN* etreete,'oo- Irtcindle r 'theraleC stio,`6!eleat;;Yrlthout futthet ..A4t r o - coal x 4 0; 0 = 4 00 potnete s i. ' ' * Oiltrtastelketttli lest. , Mre. ,T)100 . 4 .orlte of J. the'dtth year of bet Of. :•/ • • attend site reforctinllg invited to atend Iterfuneralf Rote ter hgebsnats residence. nottb • istieteisostart'Of 811th - and ILTele'streets, on ,Tuesday Altiorneforiptiat list;t4t dottidelt"- : 6- `' n- * Oa ttee deltielLeireat,„ 000,6111,11:18 LATIM 4 aged 49 rears :TtioYetstirii -and film - idiot the family are regret. row letttOCta'dtteSdqbe funeral 'from We late reel, Aesed,':weatifeart meaner or, Tefenty.tearth sad Spring Idsreeic etieetq At* (Monday morning, at 9 c'ab's';, •friClettd iteitheereetleet. - To_ proceed to Osthedrel ths:dditeitiet,7, 01101100 HSNAY, sou at Henry ineeldftreoret Apple, aged 11 yeast and *aeon*: The itriende or- the family are reipectrutir intrited to tettehdellid - ftietwitarotathe 'weeidente or his parents, lAbanies Wet betssepolltalt Isiah, below, XS. tinortse,?ete.Ttiotoley ifterstaellat" 4 oitelook; without "digit 4wptiec;';' to ; oreelc,to.',lsC, oomph's Oemh teep.,o,'X4o-t e.2'"; ' ' , e 4.4 01`400 day .vnleg, the 11601. , bat., ItEOHOOA , WAT,TON, In the 46th rear of her age • • ":The frieddrref tlie family are •Invited lo Wend the, .fiebersi (wititmst• fetrtbor natter) from the residence of, her broitiseri-Franeis Lightfoot , ,00 Lancaster avenue. •;OPinclite'rhittie-lifedefirreet,e9fist Peedelphis, on tele AteroondAtie) atternooct the 89th last most at three -otelleett.i Uteri:tent at Retendat Western Ground, * B ldij -to XE46614 tph1,1,04•41 70Pid brawt Oh* 001 1 0 tifti Oa thiestfth.toet:ifter.the tlitthleti. of hie age, the - Deir."lolll4- 0 '11.e11.11%, D:D, r. , ,Paserst.fr:4E thrlite' , 'reitideetie; .NoS , 124.0 North - Fourth stroet,lhie(ltoothey)thomlogi et,"Io'olook. 00400034.14w050tir:- -, 1 , . , :ThwOlijr ., tillsy'27tb, AVGitIDE JAIKBON, 4,,e*Otterol-,llschol local helste.Deojamiii Jack Roo. , tki fostered wt' tote piece from the Tandem,* of her mother., 'lo2.gotilt,Yfftimith street,. this (Monday) 14°1144 it:9 , * ZIS iiNtltilie Pi* • Bit=3E Asthma - Cameo' oflitoutaak Oda ~c oageovsa of Loop Oboloi‘lnfaattfot OdosoOVIR pooirdetibp,o Dlirrb is* ... , .rilOaiV.; . Ds. gotallty. . Rgwio~Q.. Brio.. ernftperi#:. • ME,I! .-S-!‘-:.10 SOS; . 45244.4.:v.i 4 t1.1.510A400 - cra . v.,ii *Af:4 0 1 , 0%. - 11' noolta• Aluirhow .1161,111144i!1,4i,,i't clllir ACK Mail Miniiting iit•Atill. NteNhnle. .. -- AO.6II*.P.IITLADALPOI 4. At IC AMBHIP DOCK 0 IVANIc-iirill linNeldAttio 300 NORTH Wit ARV ES, - foil of Vine atroot, on MONDAY._ lune 6tb,184, at 12 ownek IDK.AI int MIA eIomfaii,V,PIVM,INNEOTONS, 40d tg Ofitt,llllosntion otTothicNuninnen, • '.1. , 1 1 0/ I P:AM3i4I S V.K , ' - ' , PNIPA; I3 O'7 !will Triiiiniiriir.' '• ”norigiir'lleitb 4 l'W Penttiu Railroad VesitPatsyr 113 1 411 glebiteldefirsnuat nog make the Wince of - At t 7- 00 . 0r fO r ibite:*Pan'thate" lltePak, lOU eerie their 'aertitinotss Secretary ' se Verdun, ' , ilatinh rtketnui 'The lornnowte,enn paid into nay . hands; ha.y proleeff4 themi - irho have Paid it; and se. ''nuretrilerabYihn Opportunity to, all, for a temporary. _ pelayl• potietbrbelotikliar, pcotejetrat , h 7 WOO Oreoptly . fag:"nr,lifeglebt . Wde tio, new, meat oat ha, - ews biAlaaaggs tot `e / I Oar* no, 41torristiVe,lelVeke_tke'YreelqeetPf the Complay, but 46.„ beer rrho , hare paid-tip hart lead-ad;, tb - Wetprear annfnopopnitional:uoder, iit'hirithoubt, l4 -AWL. to , par=therett frUihitog thi^ , PW*lll4ibt te'free Ike paeyier litigation and'every litigant meat to ibbittooess. lutwrissreatiooroftbawatenutsw.4TlL 001:0prOMINt A, neyr? .. polloy- hair, twarGideuguraien, and 'h. - 'lreton"' lievio bebriAradnobt' from $80,030 per SWUM to <lO,OO v.,',liic telltolvetooleAebillty hae,bees rrdnord one. hair.* tumult booKetrl,injary, to soy etootbottter 1tke,111011,44, teki...istioeo,lA6 theolelual value of the O w P RI3 °r 4 he wlthOut - eitimatlng _the rights nd letittebilefiiteny,thiefp ''ONetl - 447, getautiy,elii 4iebte • and we ' zrtet 'Oro 4tai the tuna , . swietrbet ftfe , ,,Obbni order to reap .' I enterprise and votive the grants male ' by •Tt*-2 4 ta. , ;.ut Comp 7- ; , - ,-- y • u6,.,roon.evrope:fq fain. Ore': inane.," by the sate If itoOlfq.p&l tiipUrfbitije.ibtl46or: eintlattlet the ad.. Wulff:loor . IblirCihil'airdnieve , privilege of purilltikiiisilie Obeli too iitnetylde*e:fitivi-Aptil All inowontravUbiallOrletrutinirt belting br tr. tieing itt Itiesteeiri f thitY6Wprity,whtill WM - o,l= e 814" rite; itrolef fr om the o DiekeliiilVeNeej -14briog emepfriee ;llbailtb _orAteili .41059 he phari generally. friend , * to •Itterprlie, Kill pinup p o p, fat, getieW *bat, eleSii-eled every etoehhater shift be fully eniseied....aithey reside:- Wares, Statapinut asaalleast , 4:1117 -1 1 ? I r tga s l ' fli.. 1'21 . 1417 iii.ifel i pt; will • togehtp: lire,deetre Ste 'iialitiederetsitsteg. son boleti.° kW pa eotopheibiabete• aflaw ,?bie In the teat q 4111004 our Bteekhoidera 1: it, is the toesteieviiintitest 0t,311 - oekm ; A bo have paidbet ...04 , 4404 ot , dei Oki do dAstre - Mac suOtay be raarawyet; ebb sisens, , lo ,fullest extent; in the '...4fst.thelateeemptetatee and - (attire edvantagejo i rir lirttelttrini thla entelPrisc - 71. Z "' 1 1 1(oku " ;,pfis4 dailyte hoer of.tlee Otonsiimal of StpieritiO: P itt 'to pe, et:s insOo tti , thit l / 4 111 otthelr O& OW 1 ykleitt n e 4 at 'folleole 40,10) Ott — est ' Z; , /PAralii ' m2.)1 c :PrMldee - Mr:LUP; 7ii,022j212,1day 28 it0411 . 4w Iron ilf ' , M4111 85 0. , :i • sce~aei~. Ilemorrle. Lungs luxin, Stomata.... Luage-..... 4 I .Pent amain l 5 B. &Boweia Larynx...: laaattloa. • ...... 1 mauls ; a- iota ..... Mamma - Measles . MostAsatten QM Age - Palsy Mhbainit* - Beroriala auu 0r5; .:.... .... . stilittcto - - = reatlutoi Unknown Whciaping Clough.. pyjs wax .64 $l6Bl 40 to 60.... 4. .3.8 ....JO ;7 ... . 2 .....7 60 to ea.... SOW 44 , -40 to 80.... ;‘... 60 tO . P.... t 0100.... Totst from the egutry. .... Girls 40141, litanit Oitoor. Itliasoolo-111001Tb1itA0ttiee Tassesger Rol, , . • 'WAY coMPANy3-T.l4,oqatind loath!moot of NITS Down ntiOuilps.bri thew Imo of thO 'stook of this Como aor-wilf be due aid' payable on or Wm. the 2.5 th b 1 JOIN DMIDIf fIII.A.RWOOD,, m;26 thlif. s tjv RS. „ ' Btotothry. rdansltild, •or Boston, the 11:7!Test-writinic Iridium, through whom the Spirits aro answered :lora than fifty thtwand letters and !tiheßtions, Ine the hot Icnir yearn, wlll re/IMM e'the UNION trOTBL, AROII,-obove Third street, few doyu loegir;• Ware from 9 A, hr. to 8 P: - • , • my2ll-Bt* Vie A letilioirdiendeir Scheel for Boil" will be °oohed hi. li(IBLEl Btreet, below Illebth, on M NDAY KOHNIN,Et , nett, .the .80tte buten; et Bli otolook.„ The COmohltteceral be le, atteadsooe to re ottocatplioanti for Omission. ;:By order of the Com, miner: • : ': : :-._,-- n: w:.sinpxogititir, , Betel' ceittpkAp -4. Ape. 1.13 clot Bfeetiot Of the Sobeeribere - lo the Skulk of c. The Boller BOOR,' Hotel Compaq! , for the porpoxe of aelieptlagot!Kenting the Supplement to the Olterter, of tve ostripttf,pwed attlie het 1461011 of the Lees-, letrire; , and thelrenseetlon of other Milanese will ,be held' at -the Damn of - the -Bosid , ,of Trade, 'No. 506 011BEITKOT Street , on TUESDAY, May Hie d, 1859, et 19 o , oloOkI1L";-Btorder of the 13 ngwd Of Managers - , I; IiARGBAIIT PINION, Itiy2i4totiBt• - f7:: - Secretary. IrrNotice.—An Election for Seven Directors. tie - the,rateehholdete` of -the 081161 ANW WN Ii4NICAT.OOIIO.4.NY.viIIi - ba WM' on SATIIXtDAY, the 4th 46i of Jane; 4859, at the Moo of Joseph King, on- MAIN'. Street. -heloer Mill attest, Tweotk;oeeond Wara.',2l6l6olP/d4; ',bettreencthe .bonre of 4 Ind 7 o'elook - • - ' 4OI32PE•EING, iny2l 4044 - " Beareiery: " glom - Reception of Hon. William B. Reed Tie Committee having the matter in charge re . •opoptfal'y !mammon tilt Mu.IRICHD mill meet his fel ioWleaWrine, "it the • BOARD OF TRAM . ' ROOIdA, cunerwin Street", Om Fifth on TIIEODAY'RVEN INO,HI4II ' The 'Meyer of the city will 'tikke the Ober 4,8 Weloblc.' '1 ' „„ , _ ini2B-6t* TrPhiladelphia Steam Tug Conipalay.—A, Meeting' or the gtoekboldere or the abore.oam pear Will be hellion MONDAY, tune Oth,1851), between the home of 40 tied 2 P 1.1 , et the °Moe of J. Bibb MeBillt;Nci-217 'North THIRD Street, to *led She Person* to Berm is Dtrestoie of the Wald norapany for the enettioglber., /I'LL MARTIN, my2.B4jeft - • ' K earetsry. (7' Germantown Paw nor Railway Com ,. RANY, , Oftlee l 22B DOCK Btreet.--,TMLAMIL ram, May Ili, lee9.—Noties le hereby, Wen' to the Stockholders. ot-the Germantown }Monger Hallway Company, la accordance with the prevleione of the Charter, that an election tor President nine Iffeetwere, and Treasurer et the laid Company, ',Gibe held at their Office, No 228 COOK Street, on .TGUlikiDAY,June 2,' 1822, 0,11 Wale* m the forenoon,, my 184,1132 •—• WM. HlNgnaLy, Secretary. - OrT.noon Pray er Meetlng.-Sustness ; Men+ s PRAIIIII MIRTING held DAILY, at 12 Welocir, at the BANSON-BTRDE 0/113R011, below Ninth' at. Iderehaate, Clarke, and all others cordially melted.' ' Come, and bring a friend with you. . Tr - People's State. Conwentten.—The Citt• tens orPhilatielphia;and of the wont *loon ties of this Commonwealth, attached to the PEOPLE'S I'ARTY,Wnd *ll voters who are opposed to,the' unjust, mwtse, sad estraragent measures of the National Ad militia-rat-16i, are requested to send DIILIGATES, equal in number to their several representation win the Gene ral tolerably; toe CONVENTION to be held at EAR IIIBBI2/10, on Wedneaday,4neelth,lBs9,l4 10 A. 31:, to nominate Candidates for4I7DITOR EIENIARAL and SURVEYOR GENEEAL,'to be voted for at the general elution in next October ' " - , Bt. 1111.L11111., Ohalrman. W/LLILM B..Btuta;l3earetary. ,apft•tt cyllem-: , Office Pennsylvania Railroad Company,' 1.1.;51 -- PIIIMADILPHIA, April 1849 —The Board of Dismicre have this day declared a se mi.annual Dividend of -211P,81i-Plift OBNT. on -the, Capital Steck or the' Compicyr deer of; S tate Tem, payable on and. after May 16th. 1869 : ' • „ , - , - Powers of Attorney for collection :COB:ride:ids can be had on applicitiOn at the 0111oe of,'the Company, No.' 234 South THIBD Street. • _TROS. T. PIR_TEE. Tres:sorer. mown Office Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com -11,3 PANY, PIitUDELPIIIA, May 24, 3859.—The Board of Mennen have this day declared a dividend of TOREN PIM- CENT ' equal to one dollar and fifty eente per there, on theOepital Stook of the Company, payable On end after the,tkird daynf Jane next. . my26.15t . 'BONIN WalThrt Treasurer:" TrDr: Wader's Chasm:at Springs Water CURS, at Phial:day hull. Philadelphia; county, pablitationa. piZARD'o - LIST 6F NEW .AND • EN ' 'TxttrAliglN4l BOOBS BERTRAMB A novel. ,By Anthony Trol. Jong, natbeir , nr.lhen *legating good story which met with so much sums— • Dr. Thorne. 3, l vol.. ISmo. It. JOADTAA or,' , _A Month among the Blne Noses. By VW B. etasens & ohatty,,and amusing soocotot of a "trio„ belt spirting, half, health-seeking, to Nova 'Boothe. lgato "St. , 'TV - CUBA AND, BACK. A Vacation Voyage By 11, Hata. Jr , author of « Two Years Before the brut w A 'truthful and very pleasant Recount of Life 'cad thtnaiibli Ciba. 76 vant*.- nair novel hy Kingsley. , author of t''Altin Looks,“- ”.Ireset,” • ke. A book which the.,lingitair-vritica4fty• will-Da the sensation 'beak of , the year. It halos the most porrerhnirwiltten of all this author's good boots. - - HOLLYWOOD HALL A tale of 1115 'By James grant ; anthor-,nf -!.;,Romanoci of War,""&e.; 1 vol., TIIII TIN TIIIIeIDAT4 or, Heads avd Talls,for the Who and , Wsgsish. By "Ohnteald , -' .k *Owns "bonen:r to the fond. of it sweet and' bitter fanoy,” that nibble at jt as often ae you may thercwill 1111 l he many an agreeable morsel ' :AIRSIOIIta , or _ITALIAN , PATNTIBB. By Um. honlason, anther of Ailment rani- Legendary ark') of Madranio ko. Auotltervolutue of that pretty eolieetien ,;of, the warty of this pleasso Wbop. era. n Igraine gold.. -75 mutt* • -' ITOII P,OIetWOR OPA POOR TOTING WAN. Prom the bench ofeNaltalat. , A aimplo yet abarming story of teeimill'Oontitil -Tsitt • VAGABOND - 4 tali 'toy titatit.itla4itotibitnfriAt•tit l l4.- t. - ,-'lll7 - 112e?tirti?n - wtth.ths,above, ire beg to, notify 17V RB. -Yza:tile - stibli6ipinirilP r lb :tifso Mt, - . keep constnntiy on GEST AB9OBT3fENT BOOKS rti EVERY DEPARTMENT ov LITERATURE, *VARY t,ITYLE Op, BINDING. , 111...inifooinicetIOne with wrirY house - or importance in the eountry,yrejio tumbled to: offer to our custom- PubSostiona is on an ltibliApd_ ea well as a lure etkko! p/91LIclq-'illd Folsom Boils, nod rirkrar Pinata, &Toilful to PtilltißP end RIIIVANR L111)1.41'1118 an excellent opportonili or obtaining br-oke. Nor male by ILAZieBOI3IIOTII2IIB I ' • RINTIONO4TAN BOOMORN.. rayBo St - - ISt OTI.SSTtYT Street. 211ebitinat P. — lt 0 s LIPETA, OAHU IlldattEnrB oB „ . . DURRIME t. CRIMPS OR PAINS est rim STOMACH • UR BO W IILS. OHOLSRA MORBITS, ItiolPl -- 21ST. ISTAOSS OP- .0110LIffila., 0110- - ra Atilk - HINDRIeD DISFARRS , This ilk ` new med'eleie. It hen been thoroughly tried and tested f 0 .1.0 yeart,,and proved to be the only tafe and ' perfectly'reliable for these diseases tow:hem the public. It does not constipate the bowel., "but "effects 'a radical', and immediste.cture theta 'severe name that other remedies do. not teach. fievere'argibps end potato io the stowed' or bowels cured by one or two doses' of 20 drops is 20 minutes It le squally efficsolous in all 'stomach or bowel difficulties Tne following la a sample of the testimony we are daily - • Cotminue. Mies., Mao 16, 1859. I have nerd the Life Drops put up by Trall b Stew, for Dialltrea;Mholie, '&o., and consider It the mos t valuable medloine In them camel have ever known. Last: year I would have been willing, 'several these, to been given S2OG fot,a vial of your Life Drop.. ..Plaave bt me bear from'you -immediately ,, sod' do not fall to tend Me 1101 Clo of the Life Drops' - - ' ' ZOHN * IIIdLL, M. D. . Farther abaedant proofs are in, tbe' halide of all agents',Prepared by TRAM' & STOW, 43 BOWER!, lieve,Fok, and sold evervwhere ”26 sante a bottle. P.' to. °Lint% 0/(156TIIIIT Street, corner BROAD, °Miami Ageit to; I.3 . 3llsdelphls. m:3O it-rawf 1m ANITEri COAL OlL.—The LIICESCO C "OW ciomrAwx are prepared to furnish to re. finer! of Ootil Oil a regulat supply of superior quality or Crone Oil. onnparattvely free - from water met bitn• melt, of a lighter 'gravity: and containing a hirgeriper rootage of Illnrolnating oft than any other ever °frond for dale ititldiaiiirket, Also; to Oil ,Oeplers, a supetiOr of Odorless Ltstst4olorea Itaralog Oast Ott, wlttots will not ebaugs , qolOi. Letteriaddreseed to the LIIOEIBIIO OIL COMPANY, or - QlOlsGl 8 SHLDEN, No. 189, WOOD st,eot, pirrortio i m ttelll rsalka pempt attention . iro,y3olni lIPERIOR OARNEL COAL OILS.— _tDealers lir Barnlnti 011 e and 'Fluidic, and refiners of Oradifooal 011 a, oatt ,be supplied regularly pith a en , parlor otality of Baird Horning or Crude Carmel Coal Otto,: la, larger or smaller rolsottlos,, by addreaalog NORTH AbiIIRLAN OLL COMPANY, No. 26 120013 litreet t , PlTT6CO2o Lettere addrasset:to -WM. P. JOITN - STON, PITTS- Pw; *lll isoehre prompt attention; mytO lot tetial Notices. 11- ETTERB OF AIAINISTRATION to 1t.4 the Estate of //LOOS .04WALD, fete or the city Phtioootokita, brewer, dammed, haring °sec granted to imbsoriber, all frames indebted to same Estate will pieces make, payment,, and those hating -olatma will prostat them to SISSOISIOE'SOENEIDES, Adminietrator, -.N E. corner or 'PIPTII and NOEL® Streets, Or fo hts Attorner,,SRIODSRIOS /1111VER, mygdmelltie _ - , No.,* SontIi,XEIRD Street. 1174 1 ,Y.Z. AND , • • , ••• • , • • • ` YON MOSOHZISKER, dcrcrm,isT Oißinpw be 000eulted on Durum) nod all Dige11111)11 of the - Ern or Ilia which require either Medical or Era mow VON MOOD ENDER - the , only LEQITIMATH inn&OPIAN OIDLIBT AND AMBIENT that' has ever 'vatted the United Mame, con be consulted on all DU- Wises end, Dar which require medical or stu , 'sisal atafalibmi-- • Bien hundreds of the moat Inowntriti- Mini of Baltimore, New' Orleans :Nashville, 81 Louis, -and Clincionsti, who have bein„tiested,by M. for "Desintfes and hiludniee, and entirely restored, can be icon at M. , Chios. , Also, a letter from the Ron &Deter Pugh, Judge MeLeae, of the Supreme Court. Professor , Dickson, ofOhariestan, -anti ocher well-known okra.' , Dr. Von .rd alnays pleased to receive the medical proiessioebt thisarty`w hehas dons In °theta (.they are noisome'.!. witness his opsittlboa on the Eye or Her, and the patients who wish to consult him, can, If desired, be accompanted sabot by thett family physician Or any =Moat fri 1t en ,,10 4.,",, i, .. ark'Herald. . Dr. Von itiosolis eker, a dlirlosolehad European list sad Aurist, comes soiommt,usfuliy endorsed as one orthe' molt expert surgeons in his 'branch of medical sciences. ',Wasaingtoa Nafftnistl Twolligusieer. - Von Mood:test et Ps ablatj as an °outlet and An. Thailand bis - sticossa to testified by letters of some of the Graf pbytfielannor atteopaand in this country, i Nato Orleans - Piiayieite, Tr,-Von HOisoballiker has now taadei for himself a ref pittattnnla Note Otlerna 4eritteb .111.vibide F itle theta who have been benefited by bit obetattons, as long as memory lave, and wbleh nib-And a reeognitton in the community , Ithenefel bbinante shall he txtenttonad, or Mi./10101AL AYES 1118111111 D. ' OONSULTINct BOOMS No. 925 .WALNUT ATitiST, BELOW iIiNTEtiI9OBTH SIDE. . . . Home _ _ . frOtolie,l4; M. SO / P. /Li ii. l ripin 3 to ON P. U ,jiorto, 0 16 , 4 : ; ra.A..Strrht toit" - FIIQTOGRA.PH or '4IOIIA7p•OM.' S ' Olt ObOpi a mart to RW *4O GIALIABI MAMA Moot, a>>prq 0g4404 MEE PR B SS. -- PintAntlY Nett NEW BOOKS. X•ri"itiliS,_33l : l4)lX4V. 4v CO.; I•MV 4lsiD FORF101( BOOKiBiLEBS( 112 WABUINGTOLI OTRVIT .1100014 ' WILL PILBLI.SIT, IN A Fl'ir DAYS, 13AlttLETT'S , `,; inaTioNA.RY OF 41IERIOASig/ig. DLOTIONART OL AMBILIOANISMS, Ailoreery of Word! and Phreene, tunny reigerdel - ne geactllir to_ the Lfeitod atetee, - Byrdohn Mitten Bartlett, P:4! ' ion/ eattton;geettly enlarg,ed, Itkonevet Si,o, • :Prat r i l AttC/H'S '" PLUTAlteriiB LIVXB. Tie Translation called Dry. den's, corroded from the Greek and Tiailsid by 11:, EL (long Ber.bflate:Proilissor of the'Sisaillib Tesogusge and Literature; at'iMlernityb - oliego;Lorliton :In Bre iota, aro. - REOENTLY PUPLISHEID A HISTOE,Y 'OF NEW ENGLAND, BY .TOIIN:GORELIM PALUIY, LL. D VoL 1. Svo. Rhos, Cloth ( ( Dr. Palrrero,btotory to not only a new book. it to a book containing many view new to this generation. * ‘** work, of en Author who sifts cut 'the old and new, in the light of a true theory. ie the drat to give a soberest and comprehensive exhibition of the gronod.poliny of the men who oreated New Nngland. , , , — , E Ohrietion 311xerniner. "Tow - historical voila', of ;which one opted country here boon on proliao in roaaterpticea, betray a MINIUM, wealth or au oars learolog a mua Efreettse Wont of compost and lucid etatemsnt, or a fins, cOrabination Of bistorioal toot and literary acoomplielment. l, —/New Ytok Tribune. tt MAUI aide peas have been devoted to the Parilan and New Nrglaud history Mildew the last twenty years but no one hse excelled if erg have squalled, the pre. sent produotion. ll —ißiblioihsea , cr contsiatulato Dir..P,alfray,, notedly for gOOd fortune in having so noble s.Theuwireserved for his pen, but for the eminent surges' with which he has so far treated it.""—[Boston Courier. . _ • SHAKSPEARE'S OORPLiETE WORKS. TECH WORKS OP WILLIAM SH4K 4 PHADS; Ker. and Elegant Edition. -The Plays; edited from the Ati thentio Tolle, with 7artemi Headley+ from all the Edl -tiona and all the Commentators. Notes, Introduitory Remarks, an Matorleet Sketch of the Text. en ►coaant of the Vise and Progress of the Beelah. Drama, a Me m& of the Poet, and an Essay upon his gentile. fiy Richard Grant White. In 12 yols, poet Sim; Wis. 9, 3,4, 5, now ready. BANOROFT , S HISTORY, Pm., VII. A HISTORY OP Tin UNIUD lITATEB, from the Diroovery of the A1214E160.11 1301A*0 By Box George Bancroft. 'With Portraito; Maps, eta. VOl,l/11;41E0 rai/lied &a Vol I of the Ameri4n'iltoWolution, with title-page and binding to correspond. .Bro. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH- ,BALLADS, BILIO7IID AND lIDIIIIID BY PROFEIPBOII P. T. OHILD 8 vols. 18mo. cloth linger= with the British Pees TOM POETICAL WOHIC3 OF JAMES iIO'NT G:C! R'Y, WITU A nitmora In 5 volt 16 mo, Cloth Uniform with the British Poste 11002. mw 2t THE STANDARD FRENPH OL&SSIOS NO `V READY, .PABO4I/17 PROVINOIAL LETTIEB, 1 rol., 12mo This Is the finest edition of the Paiiiiiatsr• ewer publisbefi in XvgiOh. It contains a very eloquent life ,Of Parcel i a tine Emmy on hie Genius se a writer. and moralist; by Villemaln ; a oopions hietoileal introine• tlon. giving an acoonnt of the Port Boyd Controversy out of ;union The letters eprong; a Bibliographical 00., tire of, all books treating of Nacelle life and writings : And the letters In the translation of Bev. Kr Wert,: yor i pirtok ,LTFEI op othattifs XII, KING OF, IPFEI3EN, 1 vcil.,l2ina. $1,25. Vila' is the Brat vointanof itnakof Vottelvoilirorke: iditeitits to ienrOdrido. Bretdsa i'csin. folly mislaid translation of the Charlis MI, this vol. nole contains Lord Brougham's Mk of Voltnine:thido. aits, of uhlah have been inipplieelifoopyneaditorial ,nittea; a nerrativo of Voltat , o's Tacit.= to Frederink groat, from Macaulay; an estimatir of Voltalre'o gsalus and eharsoter, by Certain, &a., &o.- , The Intro: dm:story matter of Cato volumec if aretio - t mlataken t oontains th - o bast Life and llids - ment'oi Voltaire to be found in iheßagllehlavilusgt.Partligs ID Boy language. -We 'ball issue none. or Voltaire's irreligious' works 'The purely . historlial proCentioncommi of the poen* , and the drums o‘!- Voltaire, have- received universal praise and _approbation. Thle.lll the Bret edition of Charles B r iti whether Broach or-English; in which the' proper climes have their correct orthography. The first issue .of this series was MOSITAIONS% COMPLWIII WORE!. 4 VOll. 1,4 Vinnitox , a ADvmpias or, TaLimAoaos. 1 vol. 14.25 W. eball follaw hoinedlately wish 'MtDAYS Ds PURL% GIIIMADY.LVOLTAIII,II 9 B HAWIIIAvE AND 801111 12011111 OP PAS .O IL— THE MAIATTREI OF QUATIAIIIIRIAND. - In due time will fidlow the works of Moline, Won teEgnien, Massillon, Bennet. Le Sage, Corneille, Le Fontaine, Racine, St. Pierre, eta., to. THE STANDARD FRENCH CLASSICS NSW AIIIRIOIIII NDITIONS EDITED BY 0. W. WIGHT, A. M. , Translator of M Oonstn , a Mir sopby, and Uttar of Sir William Asmiltc&a Philosophical Works The PubCohens would respeetfully sail atteutien to two points in these editiooe of the French Classics; the translations are either new or carefully revised accord ing to the best Freiteh editions; and the drat Volume of each author's works contains a great libundaisee of introductory matter or the best quality. We tried that in this great and expensive enterprise of reprodnolug, in convenient and attractive form the classical literature of a great people, we shall meet with encouragement from American scholars and readers. The whole series will be uniform in pries add stile with out edition of the llritieh Olessioe, els : , Prioe in Ciotti $1.25; Sheep, Library $1.50; Halt• Calf, Gilt or Antique, $2 25: DERBY & 'JACKSON.) PUBLISHERS, N0..119 RAMO' SUJET, NEW YORK my2o lt SOWER, BARNES ,& PUDLIANEnis AND DBAI.NII,B IN MISOELLANNOV4. 808001., AND INANN , I3OONa AND BTA rIONZRY, No. IN North ~'BIRD Street . below Arob, , , ' - Publishers of the following popular School Socha, which are aeltnowledged by all Intelligent teaehere who hive evert theta a easeful egitolnation to be anti raged in their adaptation to the parpowts Intended: ' BANDMItip NNW BREUER OP BRADDRO, Consisting of Sanders' New Primer, - • 4,4, first Reader, 44 Third Reader, " " Pink Herder, " " Stoaker, "me " Speller, " " Seoond Reader, " Fourth Bower, High School Router, YoungLadles'Reader. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY AND MINTAL ARITDAIRTIOR, By Prof. R. Brooks, of Lancaster Normal School. FELTON'fifIPhENDID SERIES OF OUTLINE MAPS ,‘ They are especially adapted to those beginning, as well as to those more advanced in the study of Geogra.. pity, m they reObiTo from them &clearer and more 010- MA Conception of the character sod relative else and position of every physlMl end political featniej than can be obtained from any other Maps extant , ' All the publication of /Vil3ON fr. AND A. O. BARNES k BURR, NEW YORK, May be found on hand at N. Y. . Publishers , Friceei aptl4a. if NEW EDIT/ON OF MAJOR, HILL'S 1. Wolll{. OONSIDER&TION OF THE SERMON, ON TUN MOUNT. By Maior Daniel 11 11.11. Second edition revised. 12nao. 75 canto. .• An expeeitory treatise of this kind, hero the pen of a mathematician and a military mom, Is oertainly a novelty lint the Oaken of thin book.by no means rest oa its novelty alone,lt le really en egeellent trestle*, and all the mom attractiTir beanie° it is sus gooris, We conteas to • much higher ippreoletten of the Herman on the irinint. since reading it, than we era' bad before. - Hie logical mind Seems to dwell with pleasure on the logical order of that inimitable die. course, and b. makes .hie reader there that plecoure. The spirit of the writer is worthy of all prelim, and we most cordially eommend his work to ;widen, an one while tt is cure to leatreet and profit, ponsessea also a peculiar power to encore and hold the interested attention of thou who Wale it."--litangelical Re pooltorl• - • - PublinhedAbla davb,r- WILLIAM 0. - Ac ALVIII6I)MAIITMI, royal/ No. 606 CIIINSTNUT Street. 1110iIS OF WASHINGTON: c 3 kluge print of II MOUNT VNIINOIB, I, In Oil Colors, in a etyle superior to any American Work of the kind, from recent dnwelage made expressly for thin picture, with a Vignette of the Tomb of Washington, printed op extra hew double Wender plate paper, Is •thle day published ;alas, 18 by 20 inehen; price, f. cents. Agent (to whom tee 'west liberal - term are offered) wanted for ovary city and county in Ore Union. Apply by marl or other who, to ' stuabi & 00. L'' , ?Ile. 119 go nth THIRD' Btreet,'Philada. I GEAR.•'.• 2 6 Wide. low guide to prime New Orions anger in Mom and for safe by JAMU GRAHAM & CO. RIO : , WI? V) 0 1 14 nxinrah, moo, jgcl , NpAy NAY 30, 1859. Eett!lllDt 'l,acbs. GREAT REDUCITION zer ratogs or ELEGANT MANTILLAS; TILE WHIM OF OUR. KM( BiEGANT SPRING CLOAKS lort ..A. IsT 'X X X. 1... 116 13 S 8 TIIIS DAY REDUCED IN PRICE TWENTY TO TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, PARIS MANTILLA E M P 0 R I ICJ M, 708 011SESTNIIT' STREET LACE MANTILLAS, e POINTS ✓!ND BOURNOUS. TER LARGEST, TEE RICIREST, and THE CHEAPEST, STOOK LACE MANTILLA S IN' ,THE CITY PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT ST A'LEHOON LAOE MANTILLAS, OAIEBBAY LADE MANTILLAS, CHANTILLY LAW: 1111iNTILLAB, POINTS 614 D DEMIPOINTS, BOURNOUS AND MANTILLAS, TWO,'AND TQRT9ID PLOT:MOBS, IN UNEXAMPLED PROFUSION, ZOONOMICAL PRIOES, PARIS MANTILLA 3EI 1. 0 Xi. X TT IVX , 708 013EBTRUT BT S.W. PROCTOR & CO. mpso•ta PINE FRENCH MANTLES. Fine French Lace Point* $6 50. Yrenth Lace Pointe' from $5 50 to $10.60. ' Penn oh Lace Mantle' $7 60 total. • High , owe French Lace Shawle. • '.Chantilly Laos Mention, E 8 to Sal. Chantilly Shawls, with deep radio. • Silk'Mantles, shawl pattern. ' — Boerne shape, Ml milk. Silk Dutton) and Bozzone. " Banteel style. Bilk Mantles, Cloth Bornmut and Mantles'. - Cheat. and Pine Dusters. - Our own euperior mate of Mantles. Some cheap Aviation Lots Lace Mantles. annelid attenti6n given to time own make Mote. , —Myles; the newest and most elegant; Astoria,' the Use; workmanaittp. none better. Stinks t}FtmsntpUpaing, laminsitt pleatilng, and prices moderato. „ ,COOP/Mt-dr. COMA 15 - - anySti ” B. I. entrief NINTH' and MAal dT. 111AREGE• NAPOLEONS, DOUBLE .111.11 1, DA 0 14ABICSI.$ ‘ TAMAATIN3IO, ORAPEI /KAUTZ, 71111 ANOLKIB, OrzstdeOat, IP oil de Oh4Vreg' 144 Ottragsa And Ontege R4b84 "1" M I°lll'llll' 80/Bimini Paellas, and Orgsadios. ' Bsyadete Alohnirg and TrnimiLtng-Dregut Idateriala. pew etrlea. - Am rancho aew.style Vim Lawns, in Browas, Lhasa, Amaranttuo, Pinks, and -Bitten, at 12,4 cents—the best goodiofferad. noricrYfallne assortment. 'lluttntridettes.- - do Itbd"Liaio - Canebria Ilandkerehlefe. - Shawls, la the abawl-rootn, In great variety. Block Lase Pointe, Bonn:roc and Mantles, 0 to M. Blank 81110 for Circulars and Dresser. Wlits White and Mick Mirages fortilrenlara, &e. • Patent hoop Marts for tattles and Mimes, from 75 'cantata s,—a fall line,' (MIMES ADAMS, MpsB ' • EIGHTH end AROH Street. 4. WOTHEI DRESS GINGHAMS. no Very enparior qniattlas In Emma goods In new, bailltantstilai 'of Plaids, Sayadarea, and Obsece,ll)2. ported ny SHAIIPLESS BROTHERS. 10 , 28.1 f CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. IVEAT CHECKED SILKS. A variety of styles and colorings of nest Cheeks SHARPLESS BP.OTHESS, ' tay29ll CHESTNUT and ENUITIE Streets. MOSQUITO - NE TTINGS. MIL 'Whites, Pinks, and Blues. from DO to 100 inches wide, in good quelities. SfiniIPL,FIBB wiraft-it •OHESTNLIT nod 'EIGHTH Streets. INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT I I! GREAT OPENING OP LA.OII GOODS ! ! PRIORI! "RANGE PROD $5 TO $2O ! ! ! 'TEE OREAPILOT .GOODS IN POWADELPLUA I VIEW 10011 AND 7A TAGANT !WILES! ' EMMET ROE 0188 FROM THE IMPOETDR I Preach Lace Shawls. - "'tench Lula Pointe& Trench Lace Tannic Preach Lase - Stantilla Very Ala °Until's Mantillas. Plain 91Ik Dusters, Quills Trlmming,ka. Bilk ?Sentinel!, Eillk ate Lace Dc., &o. kg. Alga, a Large Last . BLAME EILIER—VIEW °HEAP ! FANCY kILRB, IMBECI2B, LAWNSi dca.. ke., at TMORNLEI a OHISM'S. myf N. 0021167 MGM% to EPRING GARDEN. cIAtrNTLET,S, 'GAUNTLETS, GAUNT LETB.—A. very large assortment of Gauntlets for Win , and Mimosa' wear, for sato at HOFMANN'S 110 , IENY STORM, 9 North NIGHTIE Street. Hosiery for Ladles' and Mime' wear. ' ' Halloo Wit:lents' and Youths' wear. Jar sale at HOFMANN'S, 110 MIRY STORM, 9 North EIGHTH Street. Gann Merino andergartnente of every variety, For 'Witte, Chilitten sod Gents weer for sale at aoratelvws non End stony, rayittlfmw-tf No. 0 North EIGHTH Street. 'VBx MOST BEAUTIFUL assortment .1. of SWUNG GOODS can be found at MoDLROVS, where elegance in style nutted with economy in price. Poilt de Ohms', de Depagnes, Satin Mohair's, Check de Puree, and all the new atylea of Spring Ooode. Slack sad Parley Silks of auperlor etylee and ties. Au immense and elegant assortment of Stella Shawls at vary low prices - A splendid easortxnent of Embroideries. Moore new opening our Spring °leaks and Mantillas, embittolug Many elegausetylea entirely new. Olotbs, Cosaimeree, and Satinets, Shirting and Teble MOMG , uidon, Lawns, Gingham', Meting and Sheet ing Muslin"; aro. . - bioALEOY, , apl&frowtf No. 11 Booth NINTH Street. N. B . ..—Datly in redeipt of bargains from /motion. POR MEWS WEAR. JI-A Azarlean Linen Company's superior style Brown Linen Coatiuga, X and X . , mime shades I Brown and °leashed Linen Dunks, various styles ; Brown Linen Drills. A oholoe assortment of the above Goods now on sample; and for sale by • 7031011 LIA, dle-tt 198 end HD 011118TNIIT Street preonal. DUBUC SPEAKING.—Having boon so. Mite& to form a GLASS for the STUDY OF ORA TORY, I will recletTe a limited number of pupils, who desire to become fluent and finished Public Speakers. Tee course of study will be thorough mid pradical, developing quakily Lod parfeetly the powers of the man, and the influence of his tempetament over his • styltiof 'peaking, and will embrace Elocutionary Drills In the cultivation of the voice, se well as the ability to delivai a fine off-hand speech with ease and cor nattiest. Oinstant and competent Instruction will be given In all the details of the' art of public' speaking, lasting the pupil In no doubt' as to his coolie, • yet obliging him to conduct himself precisely as the alter exercise of public life will force him to do., As I am no believer in inspired oratory, any man of ordinary powers can, under my syetern, become a good speaker, and by constant practice, a real orator—and bit pro• green will be so rapid sato convince him of the fact. Fano:alarm may be obtained on application to me et the oSita of DIOKIMISON WILLIAMS, 217 South NINTH Street. 1n1y27-8t) DAVID WILLIAMS. `ebutational MITE, WOODMAN, Sc COJ, 609 OHEST k, NIIT Street, want good teachers of Mulei French, iind Drawling. to go loath nod West. ESTerla good Soho°le for gala cheap. Parents ouppliad with School erecting - t0726-10t* ILYANT & STRATTON* , NATIONAL B ItOMOANTILI COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, 8.,8 corner WEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. - For In formation. call or send for Catalogue. te9-tt 'LEIDY—JAS. M., LEIDY, I. Principals et DROTHERIP ACADEMY, N. 14S and ISO SIXTH STREIT, near DIOS - whim a knowledge of WHITINO, BOOK-HRlPThiet, and MUTH - HAM° Is made certain to every pupil that may enter.' AOADXMY open day and evening, n 022 DRILLS & SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT. BROWN BLIOAOHYD, & BLUR DRILLS. HOLM & LUMP SHEETItW-3, • Ratable for Export, for male by FROTRINGRAet & WELLS, MS South' FRONT NT., 4. St. LETITIA ST. MO ANTIQUARIANS AND OTHERS.— ..a: AS the 0671.019 DUEL of DR. PRAI!RLIN meet. be removed from Indeperdence Hell, it to offered for 9AI R. • iny2B at* TOIL. -220 bbla of Straits and j l l , Bank Oil, In store and for sale by ' - - ' • - _ O,II.IIOBARD & BON, „ 19.6'41, 03 WO Inures, - • - Wants. A gEtTiild's COMAIEROEAL AGENdY-- 505 WEINSTNIIT Street ; , -.A.n romance illompany in good condition and standulg wishes to engage the services of a competent Secretary. To a gentleman of undoubted capacity, charatter, and business ibflnenoe, en agreeable and fairly remtiosratire position is of fered.to7Bo.Bt* tgo 3oo ;f h l adverterdesir t: o . : tiesmoutornorar w tics o and energies, in • safely-eatablisbed and Inanities, business. Addrese -with . full_ particulars, _reference, &0., idEPPORD, ,, Press Mee! Thydli•ttli $2O PREMIUM will be paid to' any one procuring the advertinerneultebletiltuntiorran Book-keeper or Clerk. Beet of oity reterenoe given to prceent employers. Ap.dreen °UWE, thli OMNI. Jny27.4lt* . WANTED—By a Wholesale Bat House, a sideman that can Infineitee a large trade. Bane needap.ply without they cart give unreeentiona ble reference in regard to their quantizations. 'address RA.TRIIn, at thia officio, stating what amount of trade they eon induenee, and {he oomyentration required. - my24-Bt* QALEEDIAIf WANTEp-r4n .. first-dna Dry Goods JObblog House. One who can Winans° a fair amount of strictly desirable trade, Address with reference, (whisk will be strietlyeandderitial,) M. B. at the office of this paper. - my24-dtir Soy Gale attb riCa get. at TO RENT—A Desirable Otritr.RY. BESIDENUA on the DELAWARE Ettrer.—A new BOMB on the Delaware, two miles abets Erhard; with ell obarnbere and 'Argo) dining...room, sitting-room, parlor, and kitchen Howie heated throughout. Sta ble, ioe.house, bath•hottee, with 1l or 3g acres of ground, well ihaded; garden. lawn, fruit trees, Shrubbery, .to This is a beautiful and healthy Alicia- Non, 'high boats, walled and terraced; floe gravel shore, and within a square of a Railroad Station. Per further psalm - 14re inquire _of H: GRAMM°. OWL MON WEALTH BANK, or at his residence, adjoining the above, myBo.6t - - %ME ADVERTISER being compelled, by 11 DI health, to remove from the city, rearm (or eats awell•eatablishedmaoafaetario hi:Wooing, profits largo, and sales inerea►ing Parties of moderate capital will and this a good investment. Address C" Boa 1107, P. 0. - • • ' 10317 81,* IQI OE, BALE—About 400,000 acres .of LAND,- In VIRGINIA,. in ,Randolph, ,Barbour, Pocahontas and Wirt donntles—ane Timber and Coal Lands, (Cannel ) Will be'sold In lamp or email qualm titles. Apply to ()LOOKER & NORMS, Agents, - 63 .PAYEITTP, street. mylemt 2w* DALTItdORB, 17 4 R SALE CHEAP--Ono Hundred Acres of excellent Land, in Gloucester county N. J., 19 miles from Camden, and 2 miles from Williamstown, The land le unimproved, and .hue a 'young growth of oak timber upon it. For particulars, apply at the of of thia paper. , tny2o.ot 100 R EALE , ;—A. STEAM ENGINE; E.' twenty-Owe borne power, nearly new, 'with 2 - thirty feet boilers, thirty Inches In diameter. Also, a lot of 'Shafting. Hangers and Pulleys.' Aloe, Saw, Moulding, and Tennanting Machines. Per particu lars, Inquire of O. HALL, N. W. corner - TWELETH and HAMILTON Streets, or of ISAAC BARER, No. 144 Smith POURTII Street. roy=.l2t* TO LET—A cirnished Cottage, Mina- JIG. ted on the Germantown Beilroad, one square from Tioga Station, corner Twenty. ant street, with hot and cold water, bath, gee, carriage-home, stabling, large garden, with every kind of vegetables' in the ground, grapes, strawberries, /co ,fr.d.Communications with the city twenty times a day.. Apply on the premfasa. My2frif-tf . - NO. 1924 CHESTNUT-STREET FOR `illy SALE—Lot AM feet deep, 0 feet front; elegant . four-story house, tliree-story double bask buildings, replete itritli all modern conveniences. Apply to W. 11. onIIIIvr4, myl2-tf Meanie llell, 719 011193TN1IT Street. , FOR SALE OR RENT—Two large tir and convenient Menlo BRION HOMES, entirely new, with all the modern improvemeuta, emrrounded with shade and ornamental trees. No. SS and SS UNION Street, BURLINGTON, N. J. Apply to N. P. hUADLIITON, 6 North 'FRONT Street, or THUMB DUGDALB, mylo4l' ' BURLINGTON, N. J . • 0-1 COUNTRY, RESIDENCE TO LET-z-: Jea A nest end. roomy Cottage et ORZLTON lIILLB, nest North' Petuispranie Itsiliced, 8 Wien from The' city : Applx,at - 42i 1141 . M1T Street. apl2-tt GErAT:SALE' OF- PINE AND LEAD pANDIS IN IVASHINeTON COUNTY, MO., with Mills attached ; sago: the well known Castle Rook Steam Saw sad Nlon .l og In, the town of Castle ROok, on" file Otago river, In 011840 County, MlBllollli. be sold or' the first day of Jame, at the front door' of the court house,,in the city of St. Lou!,, Mo., at publto We, 8,000 acres of-valuable Pine and Lead Lands, kith a Brat-class Saw Milt; capable of cutting 26,000 feet in day-light, and- Rooms, Stables, Store, Shop, Ice., &0., :ail in the beet order. There are several valuable beds 'of lead on the audit, Property, and it b thickly covered with .Pine, =tat of which has never been totuthaL 'it is , 2X miles from the Iron Mountain Railroad, 05 miles from St. Lords the nearest pineryto ' St.Lome , The Isle will bo positive and on easy Lerma, to dole a partnership .; At the tame time and place will : be 'cold the wall-known exten sive saw-mills for cutting Oak and Steamboat Istmbef, - situated in the flourishing town of Castle Rook, on the Osage river, twelve rune , / from the Patna Railroad: Also, the Large Steam PlourimpldiN Immediately ad joining These Mills are doing an extensive and Sour is/dog btulness, - and are under leatio which man be termi,. noted July let. Terms favorable. for pamphlets giv log fall and accurate description of the Property,' ad dram DRAIIIRL STONE; l.eq, Philedelphsa, Pa; Messrs. EVERSON, PRESTON, & CO., Plltsbtug, Pa; Messrs. OAMRRON, STORY, & MALONE. Center, Ohio; or the proprietors, BOOMER. & CO., my2-Im* 77 Ohestuut et., St Louis, Mo. • - Qtarpfting, elottp, AUSTIN- -.13.13,0WN; wnotamia DEALER IN Tam LAIIGIBE STOOK IN niniDBLIIILA. , No. 161 NORTH THIRD STREET, , my 28.1.21 B. W. corner Rao, np stairs. CANTON IVIA.TTrNGS. - J. P. 8 . 0 E. B..ORNE; 8000/280103 TO B. ORNE, 619 Cf3.IOEIITO - 17T 8T..14,3013 ° X . , OPPOSPPA THIN HPATLEOUOP, HAVF; NOW OPEN wxneti SFR/NG /11PORTATIONAI • - OP CARPETIIsTOS. 1,000, PIEOES FLELZTTOW ZIL.A.'ETIMEIB„ OP ALL TIM DUIRABLZ STYLIC AT LOW PRICES. mar 18-Tm LC farp ilDiurbo Jabbers HENRY D. NELL, CLOTS STORE, Non. 4 and 8 NORTH BROOND STRUT NEW STEM FANCY CASSINERVI and VESTINGO, (For Spring and Bummer wear.) TirDOLESALE AND RETAIL ipiB•m th•tt Eilattotterg HENRY COHEN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STATIONERY. DIANTIPAOTURER 01" ENVELOPES IN EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. ug- AGENT POE ARNOLD'S ENGLISH WRITING FLUID. 507 CHESTNUT STREET, ORPOBITII TUX OITATS ROMA mAr22-Sts Virturt Srames. E . NEWLAND 80 LOOKING-GLASS AND PIOTURN•MtaSH MANUF&OTITRERS, WHOLKHALN AND R/ITAIL. An extensive stook of OIL PAINTINGS, ate. All st very Low Prices. 604 AEON Street above SIXTH, Phils4olehts. 41,18-2 to If 31AOKAli's EXTRACT OR CALVES' PEET. Attention la requested to this SUPERIOR PREPARATION for the production of a PURE, 'BRIGHT, NUTRITIOUS WELLY, put up in tour 'different sizes, adapted to Families, Boarding Houses, Clootactionery 'Establisbroents, Imported and sold, Val olegale and Metall, by EDWARD PARRISH, 800 ARCH STREET. my23-mwasfrl2t DURYEA'S CELEBRATED MAIZENA, lon BLANC MANGE, MINUTE PUDDING, BARED PUDDING, BOILED OUSSAIID, MOOR CREAM ICE CREAM, PIES, OAKES, &o. MANDFACIORY — OLEN COVE, L. ISLAND. We take great pleasure in presenting to the public our SIAIZENd, eatioh to put up in one potted ramitages, with direntione fOr MO on the wrapper', as Laing by far the ONEAPEST, se Welt as the meet delicate and whole- Come article for culinary 11110 now extant, and to 00110- dad - to be, by the many that have teeted its delicate qualities, a most important addition to our national Bi'l of Pere,” particularly for desert. The article to manufactured with the atutcet care from, the oholotuit selected Southern Indian flora. The wa ter need in Its manuf. dare hi draws front . preemie Springy, and in remarkably pure and irboleeamsi no water could be better tilted for the cleansing of a =b eano° designed to be need largely for food, and to rea der it particularly adapted to the use of invalids and the sick room, It being equal, - If not superior, to the beet Bermuda Arrow Boot. Parties in the Trade are invited to call, when we will take pleasure in present, tug them samples. GLEN COVE MANINACTURING Co. JOSEPH H. TAYLOR, - Iot,WAIMAT'STRAZT, Wittlegate Agesat fBr,:ehtladelpbla WM. DUAYEA.,, (316116111A1/int, 186 PVLTOII BTR6Er , irEW YORE. N. are the only parties in the korld that manufacture MAIZENA, we kering , ceoare4l to onr peivea 'the exigisive ip2O.lf4MA coral= Summer neoorby. CONG - RESS • cf..a.p**;o3l.4Lwx,„ CAPE:IIIAZ N‘ . THIS YELL-KNOWN FIRST-CLASS :llollgir-, • WILWAH OPINZID • FOR ' THE HEEEPTIOI r EDNESDAY, Taß 16th DAY OF Mil. WEST & TIIOMPSON. ' PROPRIETORS: CARLISLE WHITE :SULPHUR NJ SPRINGS, 011MBHRLAND 00, - . PA, - We favorite and fashionable Wetering-Place. plea santly located near •thil -base of- the Rine Mountain; four miles from Carlisle..Pa., will be open for visitors On the Roth of 3IINB. - The *oaten! of them) Berfotili are highly impregnated with minerals,- and for - drinking and bathing are not surpassed by any fhtlidum Blend@ in the country. • The buildings are well ventilated, and are Unfounded by 1,100 feet of balconies: The `ossuary ill of the grandest klndiand the aceonimcdetioue for the reoriation, health and comfort of 'littera are anti; eeptlonable. - GoOd tare, pleintant,drlres, fine nmele, billiards, bowling saloon'. and other '0=418;in:doll the amusements ulbally found at Watering Plates can be en. joyed here. Visitersleavlog Philadelphia or Baltimore in the morning trairrarrive at the Springe at lio'elOtic P. 3i. Daily men. 'Per further Infornistiou address OWNN: ObIeNDININ, & 00-, - - OARLIPLII SPRINGS, Pa. Bnesesnoes —John 0. Be Dona, Beg , 14 , 111 am A, - Rhodos, Ere Thome 0.-Pereivad,-Ks .4 Philadelphia; Alex. Kirkland, BK., B.S. Rolllni,lealiireore; Jenob Gideen,-.11eq., - Maud Walleelt. ,Winb D. Gt. %ISE UNITED • STATES HOTEL, AT ATL ANTI° CITY. Will be Opened for the re. caption of Hitter* on' the Ist of JONI. The Hosea hies bead thoroughly renovated 'and, imptheed, and te eupplled with all the appliances and oomforts et a Int. obis* Hotel. In addition to other improvements a railroad bas been eonetruetedlo the beach, on which the guests; will be conveyed free of chary during bathing' hours. niyatt-lm " CONRAD & BEDFORD ,SPRINGS. • This well•kuown'and delightful Summer resort will be open for the reception of visitant oaths MOM :ULU, wod kept open till the fleet of October.: Tie - llotel will be ender the mans ement of Mi. • 'A., G. Allen, whose experienee, courteous mermen, and at-- tention to his 'gimes glees the amplest soutane' of comfort and kind treatment. Patties wishing rooms, or any Information In regard to the place, will address the subscriber. my2o-Ow Superintendent Bedford Mi ne r A al Springs: OHIO WHITE7SI7I/Plign SPRINGS. - ANNOUN(7IIII39NT Op TICIA-PR6PIiEBTOi NOR - ,T@A 15111A13911 ON -186111;., TOZ OHIO WHITB SULPHUR SPRINGS are situa ted in Delaware county, 18 miles north from Oolumtms, (the capital of Ohio,) on the Boloki river, 10 miles from Oelaware, 10 miles from the White Sulphur etation, - On the Fpringteld, bit. Vernon, and' Pittsburg Railroad.. and 10:mi7lee from Pleasant Valley or Springs" station; •on the C. - Jambes, Plops, and Indiana Beacom'. These' Springs will be °twirler the reception of visiting ON Till FIRST DAY 'OP JUNE: - The improvement:lof 1809 have, been large, enabling the proprietor to secommodate frond dre'to eft htindred guests. Among these improvements may be mentioned a large and elegant betel, new cottage rows,: additional buildings fer amusements and recreation,' extensive bath betties, a steam laundry, - - Upon the estate there are live BpringsAll Within the lima, four of which; the -, Whltw Anaphor = the (Wiz: beide, thelnegnerdan, - and the'. Saline decidedly medicinal, whilst the fifth hfrernarkable for the purity of its water. •• =. THE WHITB 8111,PH11/1 is a "Intact' Artesian fountain, lituated - near the rooky bank of the Scioto, river. At: the depth of feet below the leVel of the Scioto, down the remarkable. streams of stapliur *lda iapplits. thfirepriitg. This stream was daseovered some 80 years ago, by a gentler, men who wee borini for salt. The water, when readied, oneelaroge to the surreal, and bat ever shwa Men tioned to flow, - during all- amine, without chimp on abatement, either in quality or volema.L . - "'" NEDIGINAL — PROPRITiIifi, for years these Swinge' hive 'been. highly esteemed for their medicinal properties. Dining the pentsession their reputation in Ude - raped like been ehunimixcon firmed.. They were administered by _a idaysicien, oionsliu to - quentity, time, of drinking;keontinnenoe, de., and under this' uetemstio nbur'thri cures were nanierou atd gritibdag, t: - THD WHITS SULPHUR ' lineenliorly terylosside in thou disorders Of the Liter ani Stomach Which soof%en afflict gent l emen who have been too closely eo'nfined to business, - -and - perione of - TtiE ORALIIMATI SPRINGS . _ . ars permaneaV tonics,' Their effects - upon broken• down sad debilitated constitutions hue been not tam. - gent but lasting; giving to the Moodie new vitality, and to the person new life and vigor , • ' ' THE MAONXBIAN WATER • . . is a, gentle aperient. Inv'lidemay relyupen every faailltj , being faraliked them which tan contribute to health andoeusfort. As iidelightfril resort airing the eammer months, the Ohio White litliphur Springs have eeriest in the West - , and but Alain the United States. - .The location is pe culiarly healthy ; this Moto' her. ;is reek stream,; the OliftVreisitonS” a formation 'hundreds of fee in thiottidasi through which the river, cats iti way, le -everywhere, ettker at or neer the , iiirfisos; the grounds orthe 'estate rare beautifully suidulatedc and intersienred with numerous ravineetrtitak carry or. all the imperiluome water, Mug rendering the 'loll dry:end. the atmosphere free from that humidity- en* prejudicial to health; these airourastancee, taken-in cenneotion with the altitude of the - place; about 1,000 feet - shove the level of the ocean, make' the looality, as 'free from lantunmes ineentein region: - - Ihs Spring property &sands ..of 1110 awes of bed, one hundred of which le ' covered- by- one of the moat beautiful twice hi Otilo.7ThiawOodlandiehandsomely laid off into waits! and drives, one' of the latter being two miles in extent. • • • - • -; , -Bathing here, bj , the, a4opted, is brottert toto thlroompetition with•that at netnaelb. Warm and Hot Sprimoi - The water is heated.tra the bath tali by steam pipes; the heat not being raietif high enough to precipi tate Its salts,. tt ie by this system appiled_to the earteas of the bather irlthoot the lose of Its mate ingredients. . • : 01 A Telegraph °Moo, cuctununteating with all parts of the country, hes been established at„ he Springs. To be thns to connection' with distant points, will greet convenience to gentlemen who can hear. trout and direct their badness &Balm delly.: - - . . All the accessories necessary - to health, pleasure SAC =moment, visitor* may. explet to find et the ,Ohio White Sulphur Springs, ita the proprietor is determined to make it, to every particular,. a - Onto:lase waterlog place, Gratified with the liberal patronage • extended last year, no effort will be spared to merit its ono tinumme. A livery, wall stocked with horses and areaway, la attached to the Boriega - • • For farther bearmatloo, arrangements for room; &0., address ANDBSW WILSON, TR \ =W.-3w White Hulitutr P. 0., Delaware 00., 0. Jfl HEEMO UHT DO.AILDLNWHOUSE, -IL near bortietown, Pa., (established in. 18551) will be open for boardere, Jona lat. It le one hour's ride from Philadelphia. The pound* are extensive - and well shaded ; the rooms airy and. pleasant . The loci. lion la high (1110 feet above the liciniy#4ll) shd ex. ceedingly homthy, • as can be shown by oertiflcatea of medical men. The place Is admirably adapted for females with Children, - The beat referehces can be given. Terms moderate.' Address Rev. SAMUEL AARON, - mye-intrt 72t —„ ; N ar d a t awa . fgAOHEll'a HEAD HOTEL, AZT NEAR 41711,20 RD, OONN. The eubsoriber, baring purchased this well-known drat-ohm fashionable Bummer Sane, would inform its former patrons and the pubdogenerally, that it le to be refurolehed, painted inside and out, put in complete order, and opened fee the receptson of company on the Bret day of JiINR, under the immediate imparbsten dance of SAMUEL P0W1,158, BK.', the popular and. nnivereal favorite at this estabilahment for the last ten years. The Hotel is of modern construction, built on an ex leer's% male, with accommodations for two hundred and fifty gueate, commanding a Clue view of Long bland Bound. Billiard, ShuMe, and Bowling Boone, at a con venient distance from the House. good Plahing and Bathing within fiveminutes walk, - Arrangements bate been made with the New Lon don, Stonington, and Providence Railroad fee a new depot within:one mile of the'. Rouse. as lied the "Sachem's Head Station." Alm, for Rientrion tickets, for the boarders to and from the a Tontine Hotel " to the " Read," at half price. N. - D.—Motsguttoes am never seen at the Hotel, TONTINE—HOTEL, BY R. LEE SCRANTON. NEW HAVEN CONN. I haie made extenaive improvements in the TON TINE HOTEL this Spring, irt;the addition of new Rooms, new Billiard Tables, and Bath Rooms, with hot and 'mid water. Yanillles cumbers suites or rooms at either Houses, as' low as •at any rifeboloss hotel in the cou Every ntry. attention will be paid the groats of the two hoosem.— ' Beteg the sale owner of the it eathemis Head" pro. pithy, and having a six years , lease, from January nett, of the TONTINE HOTEL, my whole time will be devoted to the comfort of the geeing. myll-wfmtw H. LEE SCRANTON. QIIIIMER BOARDING,--The MINERAL )..7 STRING HOTEL, at WILLOW GROVE, has re cently been refitted and refarnhhed throughout, and is now opened for permanent and transient boas/ere. - The advantage, of this _place for Bummer Boarding, aro its large and airy rooms, ligation* grounds, finely shaded walks, and extensive groves. with spring water, plunge and shower baths, and oonvenient access to the city ; four daily lines of coaches connect with the North Penosylvania Railroad at Abington Station. Hoz further partiontars, inquire of H. G. STERLING, N 01.239 Bud 294 North TRIAD Street: or ALBERT BBORMAN, Proprietor, Willow Grove Post Office, myl7.2wA Montgomery County, Penna. VPIIRATA MOUNTAIN ' SPRINGS, JJ LiNOaBIXR COUNTY, PFINIVA. , ' This leverets establishoent will be opened by the first of_ JUNK. eitnated on the Nplkwata _Ridge, 69 miles west of Philadelphia, 18 south or Reading, 18 north et Lancaster, 40 east of Harrisburg, and having the advantage or the purest soft water, - every variety of bathe. the site elevated to 1.200 feet above water lewd, with graded end shady walks in denim forests and the moat extensive landscape scenery in the 'Union; it is not en:paned se a slimmer residence. - Accommodations for 400 pentium, improved stabling, mid good carriage houses; +also a good stock of livery horses and carnagee. with - =memento. good band of mule, billiard tables, ten pm It is easy of moors from all the Share points by railroad and roseate,' The proprietor sparer- nothing to - make it a home• place for comfort and health. - For farther prrtionlirs, sea circulars, to .be had by applying to Joseph 11, !dyers. Third _ end Vine streets; 1 arnesh.larle i 1716 Chestnut street; or to the PrOprin• tor, JOSEPH BON tf.MAOHYR, liphrati Post Offies,- mylll-13m • Lancaster Venn - tit, Prinna., ATLANTIC CITY I ATLANTIC CITY I NATIONAL EOM ' _ - BxoUßsiox - ..11AST.&;130 Proprietors. This House hes changed hand*, esidWill be opetweAt On the 20th of MAY for the accommodation of -Boarders and Encnrcionista. It is refurnished in the beet atyle, with now Furniture, Bedding, &a. The , pational is- admirably sitnattd on Atlantic ave nue, co nmande • fine view of the Odeon, and bat one square, from the beat Battling Ground on the Inland. -A eidendld Ball Boom- and Dining Room being at taahed,to this house, mattes it particularly desirable for, - mylo4.to* wbOltEli OE HEIGHTS- PROTEL, .111: Flo— renee, N. J —The eubearibere, lutrinulossed the above named popular Nouse for a term or yearn, intend opening about June Ist. The former patrons of, the house, and others. way be assured that no ofrorte on - the part , of the proprietors shall be venting to 'Ow der it a truly attraotive summer - Baths, Billiard Tlablea, Ten Bin Alleyi, and Stabling the premises. ' BOBBINS d: WILIAM). Rooms secured from a diagram' of the Itetnier, by application at the Dillow of W. SILIARDi 9JAMITAIrt iltftri? iiinfat4A99/•' • , AT?•#''' N DAL lEVALAIt 1.4 - tor the zesominedati**itilie•, _ make their home iiilkiiimaty .aanarlarromm...- sisson, en Went ‘ily at osi an <mistimes one mile Make tawrwintAmialars the - ftiladelpda and PotkutimTwOin elevated positiOn bar lkikiniedt - of swnimmesisplirt view of the wuronedintemopiyaMappiseimie k , - Up to the Bluilineutala litar h ei dlshkeee Om* *kb': mass. The 4teeh- eolukt*, elf -ve4er,fs "eotatiatSY stirring there : set thirezeileat- eraeloi - eseatemamt themeelvta. The pt (et hutteltnei~e welds *Tarr tendert sidjoefrvithlefiti_ Week for' Miet hit 1118:./10$1".,,_W:t211 ilitMagso=4ll4l....7 bL etebUtg seed,' Weer -the but .kied'eeiChe yeteteee fiat the . Weed' rerietele4 Arum, -0114.44.c„1.k.C114370131*”. M ATM. LABIOSIVA*O7I . 'Br. V V . THEAVIRMYMUC .1119111110,11147,40, ;SM. ' - 7 , 'SBNMINE:Or MC' P. I. -4 1 1 , 4=1 4 . rams or,_ --inuas. - int Gamma , i ' - - Marton, lien . aohnoltrew.. , Usia*;:'7l.4md tEgr ais, Mr: Clark. Um/Mon, Mieents. liseariat Drees Meth, MM °sate . ; Oraliestes Stahl, Se eintir 8011sfs= Porse,la ants ;. rent,; eallerPfnie Persona, 2b whin; *Par, far 0 - Wre#7l Persoils;DS cents ;7 4 iVilois Private lien, 1141. - - - Doors 'open Carnite. Meal/ .IDvivivr' W WALNUT-Marg. T : nt "7 CORM NI M AND WARNER! Frairlirt - TILLS Mer2 0 ,14.0:.; - -' , .! • MI WILLOW 0011 W - • Luke Plelding s Mr:.R. - I;PereTl, 4 11 1 111 g) , Iurg. DuMeld. • - • .:- ;- • - - ' .. . • LIPHAN tiamardairau. 7wh, lir. Hem Wieling. Heywoodilir. - Beroomb Um Heywood, line - Lidone; dosaw, Mee Perry. Drifts of Adodeelin - edeeene. Tier WA Paenly Olson, and Third Tior 1 26 ce nts; Partiet,ll7% wane i Drew Cfrolei:3o earn ;, Print* Bozo; woording .ro their lawn, 83 and IR; Single Setts fn Orchestra wad Prints Boxes, 15 oente, - ' , - - ''=Docrzeropeu et rko!4thiri.-Alii,ziaiiiirtisik 47..isoar to WELOIP S r . NATtONAI;.' THEATICE.-- - • v - WALNUT 13treaLailaiTs Bizpth. - THIS mamma, hisy so. bs presented - , ' 0 thous, 31e.: 0; Beiterton; canto, Mr—Wl Balnaln.lissosmous,l*lss _Obsodisr ;Mullis, Mrs. Le Brizialt, - - c • - To toarluds with the - ITEUDIDA/C OF - -Yager ink, Mfr. r:Osstrads, , ' Kiss Ds DURRENTAMlolBB.Dreescifrali , jsrquat y 2s omits;- Olrole,•150 Maestri . i °halm 88 seats; Arrival, Boa teats, 50 rents. - Doors open - lit quarter past 7. arlll,rlsS at 8. A ar - _ - ?downs ineotizsaip. , P 34; 4NWTIOWIIII33GE3 , _ AND DOW3ILL,O,- BILL „ - Prom Sehool-itreit OliertilloWS; Wad:- 4133 X4.11631114:-BWII' - AND,IIOII3 , O3IeINAL - • BAND IN 4111.3_013%13,'Y - Wlll open at the • A 0.01134113311 4133.1323; Jul OWE. - TOO TWO WEEK3I-01433.. - Pl., Yorfull par3l3Flns ow tutor, billt-soil Woripopen. ' - - - I.oll3loll3llB43W4ialisitioarer. myllol3lll -1 011/131.3,11011111.11, Agitat: - • • ODO' NOII7OIII . 'AiiAIST auS4' . 116164 - ~ S t;, W .A.1.. A 4 khi ,)miiims;eiew* oar ect-arta.:. MatfOrk,bisibroludfsg tie bibutiful PAIINLYOREW the:QOM of float afire 0; liflitlair t - tbif emlipbribted ' MAJUEB, tbe magniaoant Danseilas, luso ;PRI lisaßo . le• r e . fiction of wow, the ',arta protokbat: BRUT, the *ad* imam - TROatAlii ,, ,:,= 808 BILBPPABD the bnmor6u - 1111A-16 the great balPdist . JOElN WILLIAIBB; tliirsiethatatsi - songetiter JOHN OONSAB. - the "P O iriefif 'of Us are MP:. TOOT Vtialsrfreat bill 104 iisktt BailArariditietb•Giivii'volk,„boabs,ll . Thonies war intratc,apots, Coars44,;Bobezd Go Around,the , 1141, StalOtimegr• :II: •:: O. : .11` 'I .1 -- NINNBILVANDiAOLINIIIN OP TIM inn ANIN, IS NOW 091W - D911.1/(Bll94ayiresestAid) frau 0 •.M. to 6;P.:194444 - from TNA111161.2 Adailegloa g 4 W i t ;499so9.llasti 90 oast!. Ohtl , 9nns gaits, , , ; - -- ErATocannittolrfut Nesh,Alkoir thaws ea applioationet Nie irekokikikito E=i2l N BAP YOB. R :JUNI 113114.11N(F; • THE 'MC*, ABBOI3IATION _BAC*, at the ' ECLIPSE:43OVMM, LONEVISLAND, • Under the tired**, inaniforsent of Gm ',AMON JOCKEY OWE: •.Waroneturgy, Jane 1,..1852.-TairiaiersiSkikes.-A Sweepitsked of $lOO. each, h. ft., nad sll4,only, it de clared: or before the 15th der ef- 5 5 4 .7071AR $BOO added by the: Alligialathm, for three-year-old ealtS and 8111 es raised at thit North; 811leetallOwed 8 lb; mile heats. "Six to make a lee, end three to „Mart, or .the added money will not , be given. Oesedeellellowir' 1. F. Mordi rameste es. Prophet, by Menarek, 2. Also, eh. f. letatheam, by 1t0p. , 1 of ' Mlle BeUOY-' :` • & A . ,,Kstbgatelnsine et. S.4liMinft;bi • • Trustee, onto, Ornament,lYllhedek _ • 4. M. Ityan-nandee b. a. Itrince,bylmp.. hthassoh, ontefdldedeethey'r • I;;Pfello ClAthatt thisrei - ii. If; Pithifitht byStar via, damil MonnionthSeliple - IShttlooknaines El. by:Ts:tin. Olubrffiallaan: Old Mlle ants bell'. for allages--athreepatehei of 1200 each, h. - ' ft, and $5O only irdedired-hytdielathof May; 11.000 added by the Cacti the: second horns to:theory* $lOO. Heights pnblithelt.by the:litiif-Hiry..:Alight tables, and thiee dart; OP the added moselywHirtetbe given. Any number of horses = may be entered ard -- started by the same owner.- Closed as follower, - , - I'r. Morrie semen b. tr. Agltater,byohll4* Harold, • out of Emily - Thome,. 2. Mao, gr.irc.Tirroage Neck, by Meeker, ont of 4yre. , • -8. Lovell Puidy them Imp. b. es:lroehiel, by Sweet =bat, out of Tie Mitre, birelowli.B yrs. 4.: Alen, Imp. b -Ir,Fleetiorblementet , by bmte.orth ofOneence.thorniss, 8 yrs - 6. - T. & - T. W. ?Doswell name b.. 11- , .Masher. by • • Ohl* Eirold, out of, Sarah Nesklngtosi; 5 8. 0. &H.:Dickson name b.- in. Daphne (formerly 8 4 /1 14 •Hampton), by Imp Glencoe, out of a Priam mire, 6 yrs. 7. 11 Ryan name DA Zenon!, by .Elliganee, oat . of Wats, by Willis, 5 yre... 8. T. O. Bison names b. e. BM Clorathign, by Imp. . Albion, out of the dam of Berry byleap. Glen ' 9, Calvin , reen names oh. f. Glenoma, by Imp. Manes. dam by Imp Bovidy. 10. D. blebarlal names b. 11. Don Juan, by Imp.' Gleam*, one of Darkness; bYWagner. U. Mee, oh. h. Gov Wlelcllffe,-by Glencoe, out of Mott*, by Imp Barefoot. -. Bele Dar.-Puree of ssoo;' weighta ;(or ' ago; two mile heath; entrance, $25., Entrance to be made oa Monday, May HU.' • -1140019 D-Du. _ rttillar, June 8.-The Union State.-Fora-mile haste, by subscription of $2OO each. half. forfeit, with $2 COO Added by the Axsooletion, -Four roduncriptlons„ and two to stint, or the added money will not be glean. Mined ea follows: 1. T. & T. W. Doswell name bar. Slasher, byChllde _ Harold; out of Birth Washington, 5 yrs 2. 0. P. Here names hr. h. Tar River, by Nicholas, . , dam by Cymon, 6 yrs. • 8. T. G. Bee Ilene b. it. BID Derring. by Imp. Albion, cut of Ann Chase, by Imp. Leviathan, 4. Calm 'Green aunts gr. f.' Eaglis, by Imp. Glens" darn by Gray Eagle; eyra. 6. D. Hollaniel names b. h.. Dtm lean by,lmp: Ensnare; outer Darkness . by Wagne r 6 TM SASH DAY -Via Union Selling . Stakes..--A pureed $5OO, for all dote ; mire heats, beat three in five. The wiener. after the ;nee, to be put up at auction, and sold for $OOO. AU above that gam, if. any, to go to the Raring Pond. Bretons to be made on or before the let day of June. - Weights -8 year olds, 10 lb ; 4, 104. 5, 114; 0, 121 ; 7 and ct-warde, 126 lb. ' Horses mitered to be cold for $4OO, %Bowed 10 lb.; for $303, 15 lb; and for $2OO, 26 lb. Sin to makes race , and three to start. • TIIISD DAT, YU, 8. Puree of $1,010; three-mile bests. Tatraneas to be made on Saturday. June 4 ' • L , Samoa DAY -The Eclipse Sweeperniresweepstakes 011300 etch --MOO forfeit, with $6OO added:by the All estetfon, for three-year-old colts end lathe; Mlles allowed 8 lb.; mile heats Obeid with the following • J. ft A. Bathgaternme ah. e., Comet,' byjrap. Trus tee, out of Ornament by Shadow. , Lovell Purdy names Imp. Mullah b. e Loretta, by Sweetmeat, ant of the Mitre, by Cowl. Do. names Inthultaglisk filth Meeting Momenta, by Bolingbroke, out of Queen of Cyprees. F. Morris names h... Prophet, by imp. Monarch, dam - • Philo O. Beth names o. f. Pauline, by !tar Dada, dam • -by Monmouth T. & T. W Doswell name oh. o. ExcheqUer, by Re venue, dam Nina, by Boston. . Bela Day,---7he Seaton Handicap --One mile and a quarter. for horses beaten daring the meeting, SO EO7IOOD $6O, with $5 added by the ABeellition. To alone on Saturday, June 4th Weight tabs deehred on the following Monday.. Badge Malteds, admitting a gen tleman and ladles to the Badge Stand during tie Meet ing, can be had at the Jockey Obale Rooms, No. HIT Broadway, and at all the principal hotels, -.: No horse will be permitted to start in any thee during the meeting ankle his rider is drawled in -fall jockey costume, as prescribed by the Rules of the Club. 0. DICKINSON, Secretary. SOLUTE . COURSE -The Trotting Season of the Union Annotation will commence on the 16th of June, with the $1 OM sweepstakes'; two-mile Jost*, in her nem; 5760 added by the Assooletion. thinthday a pure e will be given, mile heats. 17th, two or Mine purees. 21st, double-team puree with in inside stake, tree for all horse Same day , =as hints, beat in eye; and on Friday, _the Lid , doable - teem . puree, with an in side stake for roaditors known to have been driven to gether for three montke_pdor to the trot; alio, a parse, two-mile heats, to wagons Further particular. here- C, DICKINSON , nth2B.2t 8e rotary. Manta • _ $50, 0 00 TO thuua LtAlf;J p il I.7 .. to ff h ait .Tesrelry, Ste a r P orsadlse: ðics, hey 'oa_ a mod a t rate terms, by JONBB /0 , 00., Brokers, N. -W. corner THIRD 'awl GaElill.L Streets ; below Losibeid. Es tablished for the last Se years. - hours from T i.M.to,P.M.- • . . . deeond-hand Gold and Sitter.-Watekee b 7 eminent makers, warranted panbie, for sale eteltai, at one half the original • - - era-emit DRAFTS -40 n the Union Bank of Lon dna' and Hojal Bank of Ireland. in alma to mgt. If or sale by WILLS, PABBO, &00., ralle.dm• - 400 011.149TN11T Street, 'Efavitts Antbe. 'CALVING FUND.—IINITED ,STATES P ,7 TRUST GOMSANT, corner of THIRD - and MUM NET Streets. Large and small enure received, and paid bask on de mand. without notice, with PI TS PRIX GENT. IN TEREST froarthe day of deposit to the day of with drawal. GMee hours, from 9 netil 5 &cloak, ovary day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 &ail 9 *Weak. DRAFTS, for gale on Ingland, Ireland, and Scotland, from Al upwards. • President—STEPHEN R. ORAViA'ORD, Tremmrer—VLlNVElBll. Teller-4DES R. HUNTER QPEOTACLES, • - to OP GOLD, BILVER, .AND IittLITIO BTIIL PRAXES, with Pebble; and fib!, Flint Glaisee. ..INSPROktENTd_ for Matheinatiiel,lYandlarreyieli.- • Thermometaradfcradcd-4paratie.T'' `77 1 .09/COBOGPSO, male an&foi-paptiv:- - ✓ 'griffin k 00 oddiGtiteTatDP - IWeat,' Phil•Aeled' Priced and Dinea!,.t#l Witco:el smit: by msil Asa _of charge. " - adl6-4n. bbl Tar; :prime - order, for sale Icy krlR, oo Ned& WAT.II4 Street eud 4i MOH iSSAAVSS. -DAVID=P. MODES,' UNDER %%us, Ng , .54 E! Yuut P t .m t • twi24-040.
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