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'.;,,,VastuastWATIFEAL!..O4::' !;.,";,;.. ;: k . , ~-• ' ....._,:.-T _. , • -lie,: : , . 1-- , i/i.id, - i'.. - ' fri‘.:',.."-1 , -; -1 . ,'. .. . : t:-,-.: ~ „4: i", .. .;:- M.14%`',, ~r • ,p, i ll . If 4kit, .-, i-t,l'‘' ,,,, - -4 ' ' ": . 1....',4 V i i : : .'" _ 5 r r* ",t1 " :,:-.,•,, L i ,ie, ' .. 4 •,,, t,•,,,.;•:,;,• -•<--Psi•*-'-'•`;%:, _- -i:: ":,44,,,ff:r'',V,"'-' ~'‘.?',-'''''.'-`;','!•:' :01!•;,, ' -' •-• ,- ,1, - •.;•3 `, - ,.'44,4 • , ..4 ~, ,1•_,,/•::•,4::4:, 5.Z.: ,ka•-N''.'7tl-41 4 l' :Pl47':j'S'-, - - r ' , " i,.'gtl- I.' '',,Z-•.ch•,og't"', P .- 2,, 0 , i p , 1,.‘„::;( A ,4i! .. ,;• '• , ft; !!'.-.. ,----' - --> ..:- , _-_, 4 , ,, 5 , -- .1_.,,,k;..?....,..1,L,,,f, 'a n-1-,-, -.2,-4.4.-;-.;-Wwle*-11`.-''''' - • - "-' X --- '.--illeg,jairdW SMP, ,," 4 '-', ' 4 - 6 ; '. - litiaihinitly.'ila Arai a Irall arirli „ 4 ~,_,,, ....,..„ t ., ~...,4 5 ,„-;,,, e ;' ,1 , 'II ' ; 1 1 . ) --, i . Y., , iil.. , .. 4 . ~,. `: • `,:jd.iii, , ‘. 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" ,,,,,, t ot ..... j a rrio ~ .4';'-','- v - _, ..ir.., ~...... .. 1 ,•;.•,. 4 .• -= ... - 4- Th - - r-rq 0.. , '",4;:ti,-;,-1,1,3,-„ , 11-%$,,-$$$-,;(1 • -., r tivirt..„,..-,-, -'‘-$ 4 :•„t , •• i ;' ,l t -•,,t---..--'o,zr ; - .54- '-•:- -: ' - "e$V. , ' , "$•&51114 1 .$ tAlpiripktng . ..;s.la-..--•-• ' '•k";'''' ' 27."-',.'" t - -- - - • --' 4 ` . '''' , ; :;', t ,i'. - `,''f -- ,':_q-'''• ' r.• ~I•.,„...:l44o f s t ia s ti: sitabp,t 11,1" :, ''-''''-:' ' ' • 1114111' 01,"r", 71 . ,. , - - ,,, :•;Z . '" , :''"' ' ••, '' ':'' ' ' !:•-• 1 -,-• ,•,,i"-:'-'''-;Attor=z-i-A:,-t,ictire-,,-015i-Aii. $11:111 , _ , $ , • . , ,t. - ~.‘„,;s,-t•-•.,,--,:..,5., .„,.............4..,4-,...air- „ m ikt l " .. -9!..;; 1 - $ -- ' l . 4 A ; ‘ -- 44'i , :5r ,, ,, , -.:•: - ,- r. , 4 ,. •,-t A i rw ,..4 s. = ,2 :l am..:•.: _ .:: .' . 4 , P , 1. , ,, Aig!,,, ;%i,......: :•;,...45K411-klit; 1 Fg r s :t, s l , V•M i tr t *lg Oe; s'l.lAAllitiek.,,M__ .77 , ! , VtCf.: '' '''t'!'4'ii!:?;7,..‘i•-;i'l. ° '".5 t 71'T'' e'''''''''''',4ool/100/Ift, ' '''''' - '4 , -*'' g ,t,i , !•o l ‘is p+:•""' '''''' '"''' V. 71111 , :: ,. ..): , ...= , .. , 1./p.;.,.. sei_ _ .., ~.--, - ,-t- . :41 , Athiv&A-.1-A , ...,... 4 ., , ,.- , °•., ' - t-' , '.--', "- -- .e. -- ;f:•.,:e.- - ef-• . -.- 7" " 714". •:.i-s- a' -r- ',- - - - - iti l 4.4- , -:' ~, --,,,,, 1- ,-, t, , , ,,, ,g, , A*;.,-,.. ? •-- --, - :0 , 4) - - - tgoklicir, aiti '. ' -.-4,4 , 14 - ce,- - -- --- v'4-1. EiZEMI ~,~,?~ ;4c;is '' tlV . fdv , -,4 0 .160, '-.5 2 58 ' °I - t "‘ " - HIV'S' COI fiellittig.' - iit Tai allb do e ferIICNAI.I.! ~ e, t. M , 11 1869.. by ‘ NanoW, - fla a Ck se "V. la Caltot 'A .,tti . Dintelet *pillar tigt thitifp Mites tts ; tbt:4lr o . ni,tti, a ',.., 3 . - , • : ~, , '''-'-`,- • irmit 1, I : t teltst; idiot '- ' ' ' intitwillble jelireettle 2V';'.l,:lintlitilltilli 8611 " "111P i ' • ' t Ireal6 -.7 - 4,: - • .., "0 - 70. f 1 $ 011:94Y a 6- 1. ' --' - ,,Tkistidig gritt a mkt9 1441ainti, , , , . Nor to Maxon?. TO tlAtp,tiono tA_Wal.fs l o• l 7 - Not 'tad. tfittOk MU, s: ' - ''' , ..,1% 16111. D.anfi l "40,4 o'Painatot ; . ' , ~'- Whinitiiiil glen-Ate Ottlod It rim- ' ' - Tb • . i t t wks o twias stionlos. No sof,„ .. - . 4 k jot — iiii NA* %%or OP If Toot's. Soy pats* it= - ' Ho ifittoll th at X Ala foot 10104' , , ' ' 'Aso - S,. at ammo, diiallo It. , ''- , t Plow Wiltliati, pitta eikent rtw ita, , - % - t ' Pifeos,bikAin Nailill yr. , , ... ~,,,, .Nat avaltiott pay 0 thillis e - , . - it 1 ' ... s qiittf.iiisepol 64 took 'Ow soolfarial kiek , .. , - .4- • „Thissa i s,:.' MAMIE grolittol-- ." ei / Ml* ilaudead A kaffekind itonon* , ,'-,'..' •.V..; Iflion on' Sloe dad oolloettalt-n4 Ilito Dip -bldiadaliall Mal of Dunn enblaveinstoofar-; _.. _ ~ • TS** , orttlibill that lass has rum, I „ilynaithoote,nnlSkenitittot. _ -L .'... Hie fiiiint;lttin irlil=r, , s c - Ws non bo'ilf ens Of 0 kooskfoggfihaivoine,")llll‘ d ha, ...:i . 0 Ininqwbot,rinPvti:oollootoil ), - . 1: ' Silt ovoids d4d 4 kae aid mad, , .I..llaist* till,lmMinisik-- ; - e :As Melts with paCiltainisa saaonut, , " 'i• • , , Pot ttoit to ! .. .uili,:onsoont,fitr n ' - - ,t2' - Ike e)deadsoUod*. ' '- on 4 ic 4l l 4 ' • ' - ' By inaatoetti on pit& lootiiit4.- '" - - Not aliens* eCiaatis, lietpastirgionght ,4L , : , 1.1 . ..2111."'Tewa1t,M41 SePttier? , _ . • Thou& sot a dollars*" "wine . 1 ' - ',., ^ YAlt till laid* aolleetist.: .. .. - ,' ....1., Ititaimet to 'bowfin' b• bad Niue , , ,'-'-',.` ' • A 'Witte glottal No waosolostits. . " ; '7-liiiiiiit - it . Nistnittoil 'sant 'lfortnite's Nudist,. . *w i lietilee 101 l now off!ibir; ,$,--: $ lie vigi k, ,uritrzeillty t- t - • , , ' i-‘,.;-,5.4...1. wi - Adsdid n - t i, * $44l.lO:4li''W.*:l4Milt , ICALT , CLOTHING iis4. l 4i' 0:041.01 giiiii*,twild liftk OA sistimnot4;-.44m4.14,11044•11401: : - • —7- ---.... ekt4toisrlq-Ar-ttiNes., O A - 14 - 1 1 745-14;V -, , ,, MATTINEis, IfoNluSTlNtror „ . 'R Witt eatoz - 44154 •:; , 44 - iiiinafic:o4o!*** , - - ICA 8' 11-SIVM at D.; , 4 2 1. %F.t:4-i n, a' 6 = 4, ,As 6 A";- 'VARP' f~Sli• - r Pirrn7f-rr , r ~,• lVilOriFEi•-IATILSON.I 'Ai ca. so in inialinivf sTft T, „ a* e C I S E - kW"- • • • 447 6, --`WiItOIVLIIITiaatt - Saar -nr,114 • .; OA-it 0E478, - • ' smigemmokt, up Aso q 6 ltriiitaitutiiiifiy*Nrii * et** Ciiitissied•o; 416‘ 1 1 1 04 . oiiiiAlie 4lll°4l6 . 4l 4. 4l o l 4 , l l *Vialn stuabmtle. zirksta wangle; SI likiiPaiiiitdeldilifilkisiretlf at , 4•101411 - 1 Is, - ;', , 1 Y-4 1- 1: 4 %% -1 , 1; " .**B'4sool l Abt,bek#:" •-"" . -• - • • ii,"* #OI IPor , ~z - - F 'l3 A:1.4 otra • • 'SE*" • . • -• , • TUN ATIMITION Or -- **4401. litieditilgaire And riatersows toi -, gnat ..ss !MO rile or o rWAVON, fly int 6i6ittiwid upti , thug t>ta sAateurT# , _ PENIS to the pabUe. ,14:0010.11.4s,1FARAMITP,fhaa,,tlia. LIB anuaano; ski Iralllngola Oar.* 0 1 F .j..) 1 .0.114. 1 10ai Whits by - -th° ?I,9*#o*- or, P1191,40 1 . 4 .:W ,prok • VOII,FAD • ..:eolf,iii,seeid. -, st,:-0i4141 . MRS STARFT, ,7;..T.'"f:;.Pit#4,1 11 0..-shotg•••• 11P/I I DS' A:Ls, ll ) WADES- • =Y:S _ 8/M'STREET, MIMI" VF: 'l.4Tritt 'I3I4I4SIPS .WINDOW,BU ES • o°‘ii*lsT. *Bur martausit muittiwirmaromil ti t i , • riaikinukuP#o $17.1 . 00 , 64 to . ~,itioutiminfitkok • • ' • Para oo / 0 1 40'c• - .. ,' • -m,,* ;-A.-',13,Q.' ."4,. 1 ? 3 , •' • -'' lima. foA',•&-%.* ,!=-..•'-' ' - EiTiam an& • - ' sad Bilk I. 'A 8 ,. - • Of *lOO ,- • ~,4 irk -- $.'•E Y i i , rBD ~.ii‘;liy-lt • ..,,- -, ; •,, ' 110 U. TILT -, - Aim ,IIXT7•11/ - --- irsolgii- ,- • - monk LJAWTC- Ar LOW I. •''' - '''- ' • - - - illAlal '-'-'-• ''''-'7" la - - ,e.'' co.. —'----‘-,,,--- 7 - itoW 7l4 ' -- - ....,,,,, - A.,:p ~ , -i.i.WaOC kill-tit: .--, .Of - : , _'` P'• '''---`' !„,...4:..4'..;....,..„ AladlinCr ant i Inn,' tit MOr:o 3 E!r-a 4 DPM" , 63C g 4. 0 0 iTRERT, ,-.- hi'q_llo,4,29k).g, ( T,T* - ,W. 04 ,P14,... / t , Mi tri ; -Ei-!•-'}T`-r-7'1' ;-Vi!iiitti•DEVllMA, -, i , • I-4.--is--;_:-.75.,t,,,, - 0,F1 1 11 3- 4,9 a 1 Ail, , j --- ' l,- -ii‘,i' --,41.0344°,..*Ri'g1tti.P4,1_,i-Ao,l°ifti'• ' • -.-,.:' ':::;--1,10:'`IR4b114 :, --• , ~- ~ , • ~. , , ,----..--,,•0 “,., ,-- -, - - _, , - , r, • .. , ,...f-, , ,,1i;, ~ i. 7 Ay, ;7.4,, - :.i;,-,i ,- ... - Q :. ..':,- ..; ,Oillitrili;, tf#Ait:Cd ' AVl : l 4 3 * l:6o iNT .':= 1 :1": 1,- "IIIPOZ - OAR ' ' 1 F4 1611 4 - ::-..R.P: 004- Ele." ' /di* ANIP Wall stnoub, -...- ~,- -, -. • p „- ----,,- ~.,- , swims- mm, alas num, 4 : i r .P.A.,-4 1 :44,**Il i g$ , ' „' - - - '.'-iiooioiriiiiiiii*antsi, ko; - , hO:, : ; 441iiiiii"-iArw, sn'tx;our ,k •001IfiGiMINT : 1 7k4 , 0 'e• ~9,7a, ' -, •,', '---,•4 .-• , , 7,, -GOO,--_ AV-A.T013 , - ~tor),E,S; ... , - --- - - --, --, • . - . ..i ~ 1 i. , " . --, .. 4...:.! •,., i • ,- 1..4 - .4:r47. ' 4',.'1.fi , 4' .-' , ...'; - .4 .-- ,- , " , •='; - -,',. I. •' . -'-', 1 -' '- - - ' ----'• •-i' „ .-.. .. = =., - , . . . _ / , 10,,, _ .. , - - -40 . 0/ _, • . -, i, ~ . 14 .. ~,,;` '-, ',- + - •• : r - ..r.r_ll -.,-.-..... ; '''•••• .` -•• •• - •,, ••• •'" ,• •.,-•, - • V- N, ~,,==. , ~„ ,rte .„ ••, s-- ---z,.. „, ,.A-lii . 1 -- ....- -- 11' .i - ,ig . - • .444' . '' '' , ' ------ • - - , - , - - - --' am , . , ,•,-."=,,,, / . - w - 1 , ~..4 r, k "4 ":'?"' = , W s :: .tc . ) ..1 z 41 -,••• :" . -• v i • - , , ..- ..-5-_-,‘",...r. ' -• --- ' • NMI Y''.'‘ ',. 7 , -', ' ,';''': o --. :. .7 • N ~...7, ..---: mot_ „ . ~, N. '..ve. • , /0 0 ..V"' . .•'''.. :.' 7.- . ?l', A : 4-- f :' . 4 tf;e i , , , .. ____LB:-Lal . „. . „.4....,. c .; I`, - ' • ' 7 q.' . « ww..."....._...'",!:,....7 - 4,......._ . .fll , _ 1 - 41 ..1‘.../_......--yri 7,7. -- st, - ..., _. .. ~ t, ' '.--'.......'"'''"';?..,,. .. - • ........ . —,..,, . - - - .. . -- ' ) .h' '.. "." - 7 ' • .:. - ',- - - -,',-- '' r ,i --- -- ' -:- '' • • -, - --,' , - . 1 - --- ----44 N -T- Idir..., --:" --•.- ' - . - H - - --- --,-, ~,,,,,r 1 . __ - wat*Tteie - MEE -. -,q),,,..i.vo r iii,topho. BAit4io-:VALE lIRSARIRKABLE.'FLANNELS, 7-8 :& 4-4, Ar.A.2l,zoizr6 GA: I 3,kE FLANNELK, - AND BOE,,GREEM, AND RED PLADT ANA TWILLEDFLANNELS; • .i•UST RECEIVED 'Apir.o FOR SALE BY• • • JOSHUA L:. 13 AM "k, 213 MARKET STREET. • ItALLO/D V0t.1.,E FLANNELS. `Nit, , WHITE . - F.L'ALN.NF.,'LS, :400 ity'oi ocirtinidoi; • *wiz AND IN 00L011, . .:7140 wplti! Nola obeip. ALSO, • 60 C:9Btamet • t MAD.bER PRINTS, • .whick ;2' Isvx . .J. T.; WAIL" 4 00., No. 28 NORTH THIRD •STRERT. I;, , entlemen'a :furnishing ~z.sabt. . . GE PO . .114• - "CO . • •- „GO 1 , 1311,0/148E' ' , ESHEENIANTi.CRAVA , S, -,63loft,zsiwu,T.Btreet, I?eyrs7B,venth, • .i;jA.TN•II!B RALL: l fts,4 -- W A.1:13'6104' S sod Y NORTH iii4q4cyluatB SHIM, wnenzsiis, mixee STOOKS, 110. Desists fa oysivatiolo Statist to ttot BUSINESS. ~ 1)10tOptelde0, STERIOSOOPIO riCITTREs: ..GITAT‘N# I "X. V.a3l/bre A 11-V , RlP.aik,V E NVS, ONOL:A,, 8 1_ ,9 _9tND , ON PAPER, , OOLOWID AND PLAIN. Oat Oltataadlaqnsin atataitkial *tot* of all io, la p ,Atintet, 111 mt, and the llaly Thad, and)** a yeas* ttlittlioabos peas - total ouillioot Wadi st kottoiliod 1161014,"- oCiaaasaapai, - . Publio Oattoltali, eirtotpo from Lite orWaddlats, oazigashais, moat 110aAttitalli, lailarekaaa is Obeys tarjtty. , ' Ftereoasepieftota Treiratirtos7s; • • Giate Mai tr0t:41230 894 a dozes. ' - • • • Popov Plotorodi from-111 , 60 to.sB a <ammo:- ,partaag witk.mr sesta abtood. oxisblii no to' illative by Owl ateitaar latatt Olga to? the • *mop% iirit to supply Instramenta aaid plettuai at the bat/dotal • --• ••• alloALtii3TER0:601201111131, • . , 4 • • 128 ,cIiEffENVT STUNT. • '- • t; . ,•_• • ~••„- I tilitikb)lakaa in ITO.) Pam mows 'teas amul, fiat 0%1440. '.ll da• aseiptioa at the titOkielOopo =Mod - - ,tay26:llb l / b ltA : • r -jusT;- I *Pg4YPP," = - EIT'ERIIOBO,OPriO :Vl4lrElosi Of ortrOwn Importation, itMlndlng- , ODIIIIAN, AWISO, AND HOLY LAND'BONNNEY. • . ALBD, COLORED, AND, ILLUMINATED in wari.eti, EDWARD,FA.R.RISI - 1, • tirl4 atiath-12t .. • •-••-, .800 Arak atraet.' -',2o:'..4l!etchapt, Si -H. 'iIVIATTSON, iSERibH - ANT-- - -.; 1106 ISENSTSIIT STREET, • nirtilhier-SiSaw Twelfth South side, gliitods 117.' A full sisortuasi sit Stoonsble,RSODS now oA = V,; • „ Ag 1•9401, O. a l liomP - st5N; TATIPOR, N. E. CORNER BEirENTif AND WALNUT STREATiI, .0140811911 WAHEtIqfiXON HUARD, , Invites attention to kt stook of YABRICIO; •aaftabla for the; ;pfogoot 4,ddoostOog, conson,.so4 the .wante of.all ,olseaan of dogs&onstopa irkinh',l6ll be male to order !init. nerional Atarennike4 ,liFeofoei7 o b. amour!. of • '' • N. 11.—Parthsalaf attootion Orin t o OS of rOTA- I4,oyil t , ; . .skliWYo 4lB cg 26 ! • „ 4fixtittesi Snipes GAS FMTURES. W.AlitnMt, KIEDWi7, & IItTERRILL, IiA?fIIO.4O76RER9, STORE 718 OffERTNITT STREET, - - WARNER, PECK. & CO.. 376' BROADWAY, - N. Y., Would rMpeptfully Inform the pubito that they continue to nianataeture all Muds br 445 GIRANDOtfIA, Airkth at , *kr large _awl, varied Moak Going:thee the 114114 aiwall themiiet 41.loritepattenucdealgned Tay *VA Ihreneh artlqat ,2 1 0 /7 1,91144!e k eep at their Store, No. 876 BROADWAY', lags antlull aiiikfhaiekt oF al their ileiroifaater4d goods. Dealers aidfotieri ata *tell to 411 aid eiamine. 0 .11 9 4'. 4 „ . • . c na,iUtachinee. .HEELER , • WILSON . . „ gut orAormilitii ap.'e • SEWING • MAibItINES I • •- •Iftsperlovto.ill other.. for Amaral u', Acta for NMINT NIKINA,-TAILOIB, AND DINDOMANADO, 'XSW STFLEONLPPIFTY DOLLARS • •+, —• ermines - I' "HS Obsetnat Striati•Pkiladelphts -; It West State Met, Trenton, 0,.1. , ... Ovtt OW Tito , ' Stone, lieston t , Peens. , ' I Itsii CterStesst; West Okeiter: 11AWIttil6BEILreerettoite, te., J. .• , 'WILLIAM. PATvasauti, ottlah N. S. ;,, _7 Pliemanlrat Ofilees.will b* • opened oiliortly, by m6,:bi biding, Allentown ; aid unauter„ Nana: ... .. - - , . ~ .B ENILY, 00Y, Agent. , . __Sa7V4m' extp.E.,TURPENT,INE a. Crude 11. 0 Torpentims. In dors utt for sale by ' ' • • • • - ABIIBURNEnt & 90 :Arlo so. 1! Post& Whorrpt,, , • - r ,E - qii - thitt4110.ii , ,,,,• , ,,_.0A , ,i,,, - :::::,pAi?: . ,'-‘ : 48 , 14", .'_28,.;,-,_ T LLA E 708 CHESTNUT • F i ßobToil,' CO ]LEG-ANT I,I,AITTILLAS THE LARGEST STOCK AT PARIS MANTILLA, W,ORIUM. NEW MANTILLAS it:a:33ol.7=c* EVE.RY'MO'RNING PARIS MANTILLA - EMPORIUM. ALL•SILIK MANTILLAS. - EVERY DESIRABLE NOVELTY; PARIS, MANT/LLA,':ERPOR/117,X. SILK MANTILLAS TILE LARGEST,STOCKIIy THE PITY, PARIS I,AITTILLA SMPORIIThf., MOURNING :711ANTILLAg, • • BILK: AND ORA,PB , A 9. TER LARGEST STOOK IN TEE CITY . , . AT THIII PARIS MANTILLA: - EMP ORIUk. ST)RIN'Gr . 1914,041 C, , I7HES ERFIEIADS IN LIWIT CLOTH!, ' THE LARGEST ETQCS I. IV- THE onT, :PARIS MANTILLA: lEmpoßrai." LACE MANTILLAS. ,BODUN6 I / 1 0 AND POIN:Ta. THE'I,AVIEST Sirobk"lN-TES' CTI7, :4-'4lOB 14A-1111V4: . '"#10',0/41j..g.*: • ,„ LAPP :NTXrar4l4B ' THE LARGEST STOCK- nil THE adtri, PARIS MAMTILLA EMPORIUM. NEW MAN Tl-111. 4.8 OUR . woßit-_,Typoms F:lt EVERY' S 111 THE PAiUS E- :1 4 ,1 0 "R . I TI• stimioscinas itself to the to - Inuit* of the Piddle, Y than a ,seloitLier with the eabsoribemi; they ale Paebled " to dwiete their whole time and‘stteution to Pe *Melo*. ' " mi. x cs xzr. sa AND STRICTLY DIODERATR J. -W. PROCTOR & CO,, No. 708 ORESTRUT 'STREET, - giegkfit REAL THREAD LACE MANTILLA)] AND ROLNTB. • Just reeeive4;ind will be opened on TIIIIENDAY; MAY 26 RU!. 011/111TILLY. . NTLIEF,AND POINTS , ALBO. RN AL BRUNIELS THUM) POINTS, AT THY;_ PARIS MANTILLA JIWORIUM, 33103 ~,- 4 1 ? ;.° 11111, PO NT )3% 414 4 0..• INTERESTING'ANIXIMPORTANT I ft rn. GRAVO OPENING witafit PRIORS DAGGS .. .WHOM ..115 TO SRO !!! TEM 011MAYAST GOODS IN PIIILADILPSIS !, : TRIM RICH AND. ILIGAIKT STYLI'S! DOIJGGT YOU 0 itiff FROM Twit udeoaTißt t French Leah 'Gawk. „" • - Trench Liiie Polotem. ' liranoh.Lioe TOMB. , ' French Lie 4 Mentille,. Very Rich Cluntllls Mantilla. • • • Thin Bilk butt* Quill Trimming, No. , Bilk lisatlllss, Mud Moe Ds, No. &e. • s Large tot or BLACK BILES-OISSY 019111/L.PI JAGGY *mu, DADSGSS, 'LAW6III,./0„ &a.; it THOIt•NLBY N 0.1110108. xsyl, el. I.Oarner KGB= & WRING tumor, r , INENS FOR KEN'S NEAR. 1-1 Amirican Llne Company , ' superior style Limn Linen gostino, X sad y, YBlloll,s aludiai Brown nd B,l•saked Linen Adults, salmi* tilkw • Brown Mien Drills.. A *kola' sasortment of , tke Olive Goods-Sow on maple, Ind for 0010 by - JOSEPH LEA, 211114( . 198 an d 0 1 / 1 188TNIIT StreBl OBERT SHOEMAKER R po., H , . • , N. N. CON. pOONTN AND RACE STRUTS, - WHOXVIALE MitiGGISTS, MANIIPAOTUDILIIB OP PAINTS IN OIL, IMPIERERRE 07 ERRECII PLATE . AND WINDOW GLASS. REALM IN AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. • , . " OLD DOMINION." Old Dominion iollos Potts Old Do on Us Pats, Old Dominion Coffee 13rns. Old Dominions Tor Hotels BRONZES, Old Dominions ' :for Beading Houses. Old Dominions Forßestaurants. Old Dominions In Steamboats. 'Old i Dominons Jrr the Million, Oyer, forty ..different varieties and ,atyles, of tiro celebrated DO111111011" Coffee old Tee Pots are now utanufnetured. Being based, se D Hall, of the Jourisdi of Mark nays, *i on sales and 00111111911 sense? they are rapidly coming Into 8, and are doe. tined soon ,14 supersede all others. hey eau be ob tained from" or .ordered through, any storekeeper, or diode- in housekeeping artieles. • 'Merchants who have not realionf our Pride Circular, giving prim, terms, &a., ail be immediately *applied on epplisation, by letter, to , ARTHUR, BURNHAM,* GILROY', Vivid 114 Boith TENTH iltiet, Phtianelphle, " Dgle MeintoOturer,vuubr the Patent. h mannikitarers, under he Patent, of AR. TIENIVIN OBLIIBIATED. Ala-11.41T BIL/-811Alt. iIiGtIIIIIHT DAVIS, 4 is,lB4l4studre (VILLA & SHEETINGB TOE EXPORT: lJ riovnir„BLEAJUNKar. tVE DRUM. ICIAVT 412 , 1,1eirr BRMTINGI, SWUM. for,isprA t td , sale bl :101111118illit IA Sol" "FRONT ST., t 132711 A 157., WLNVIESTER &.004G.ENT1,1EMEN'S . 71:1 . 1111115q1Np STORE --, • ":' ' ' PATBST sitouimel.anArt7oliiir nu peso, _ ~ ~ 1.011,1 r,, L At the 011 istaooo.lo, illitierNin hereet;oppo., ...,,,,,..,' ~,„1 " . Vie Weehiegtolillenee. - A. WU" (70,ZOTRU 7 WM EiVii, la heretofore, hie Yet iie jo t * 0010101(M' to ihri 'Otitti A , and`BlanufacturizA I do tArtmoOtO. , Ordire for Idi oil bitted style of Shirt& Aid polisie OM It' the olio . notice. .Whologal• ~' WO OuppllS RA Bind terso,i f .. 172447 . ~;` gip !detail Pro . SYRIA(( AND DUADSIED THE ,CITY; Wttlt. • - , FINE Lkot FLOUNCING S.: rrNlvpitgOn awn EVERY MORNING, Mingo anb Chentitato. is , , - - New Ew NOVEL: - " ,;()'N TICKNOR 8 0 I'IELDS3 MILL postal, MIXT ELLTORDAY, tHE ; . 11E0OLL,E0TIO NS GEOFFRY HAMLYN. A NOVEL Ono Volwie, itada. st 25. T 7 ',xeie iimarkiNe , printed' from M. ft&offaloro , proof sheep; aqd lo, pgtltsked in BostoW whiNiftWitionoli with 191 appeoronot to anglguid.. , 11. ALSO, SAME DAY, -: . IbrIER.B. J.A.zzimsozys •. .. , i gulf OF ITALIAN PAINTERS. .iiitia,,iolir avant ronraatr of natltAlt.. —f.•:" ~ ... . •-. • ~- B. -.., 434,6* ~" r140.114r ..a.„„ . ...,..-.... • ' ... --":. Mr-. k # 4 liFix/C l- 1 74' r ' 99 '11 • 111 ,9 : ?.,,, NI ^ ~,--“, • iti,4*ll7 cry a iiimi ini,;il. f:: ,- ,1 ........z..-.0- . tklt; ,x - x. x;4,,r`A,er4.1.1.4, • .... , , T r "lib &1 WI Bifiki ikilmagie i, , • 110`./L4 Daan.qi., author or t.*.,71411ii, ' vie illultir; one Moon iota° ioittioit; Wei iloipp .- Th'- -- -4 1' • • , , o._ ' ' . ..'INA : C . t#I.!4 . 0P1 , K•44 12.13 l' ' 'Adir - AB. Mb' °: aii 4 t .4.4 1 .44t.P.r0gg,;iiii. If i lit - ir •cm. - Id. GA ilf 1 Ilk Bazi. 1. b 36 11 414 g P i one b"Sn't 4 t e gia,6ll46 g l , l / 4 1 9A,,',7 ° 0 rai r " lI PPIAPPIP 6 OII4' .0 -r i . f,r .- ' k A:,, ..1' TO.h.,ide!t?o , 4lw4442l;iiitifit — l d6 44#l, : milt. c, 0 1.7,47.74.,=,7;• h ,,7,5z,,,, ..,...- 4 .ffig, wArtencry gig! Tsany• oa ;* MO: t f ,...M" v n 1/' .;.' ..1..• 1.:..- • ; IV. - , • ..,,,,,, ~• • , I,- • ,• ' .= auciaitusztrrx-r. ' Siiii ' ~i(ptio of Owen mondipt c olobsit 1 Bei ,1.041#546104" . 74, mu,: aro 0011 . 4 5 ,5# If I ne n 4 1,,— . 04",?. ;:e . pk•'=\,. ' s f':•:",%:fw; ...: f.;. I - i .44.,x7r '. ":.:••• - ' 1 ,, , +'" lt: ••••• , -v""1 '" ..• • Inrl 611111s1"03.11e-t I aliktprood Other ,I:arra, by the noel OP ~,, eiltral. Plato; lfocents - ' t e , ltii ':.- —, ' VII. -..... . atNlfilla.N":: V• .1 . 8„, s ``: < ape . lifitinfiii,ll ildiontiniainhi:fa ' liotditelormli• Itim •ouriotot2 1 • ' f•' ' A ' A fi4.4,t.illartaife* r with ; a fine , t rregfots Idartileni price 16 Gents. Or )'.”: 1 ' . 0 61 4 , . D . ENTIOIre Art : : ~ ft.: . 4 - .•' l ;* - 4t . .:; * . . 4.,t a ,: ; .... 1. 1.... it • t.,, , ,c.4:re?- : 74',-, ~. -ei 1 . 7. il o ,„ ,- - •:''`• .- ~. lOKARY Riltlitlit,Y)•HATlVlT 7 • 'tlk ,j'ir... • • ',: LZ--• -I. ~ ' • li: "" v . AGIIII3.II2II,IO44ANDIir, ~: 1 4- J ;.-, -, ,' • -.• , ;:r.. ec:rrew: -, • F - TattrariblEVTOß Y ':ENOr*Nr-k iiiii;;;llk Adeiloos sad oOrre;tlapa,l4 . : ii . ': 4• : - "4.1/4111i11 JLLY ILFTITRATSD -' **, witb *Obi Mitt *saw Det or,. tame l imi 0 ,1 ! , .••;..:21ala qmm0vi: , ...,‘,....'r, "...;:f. ~.. ' ItA • - jk - oir . i k ort , gnii , v,,:r i t ;. ..........i .i ,.. ; : !! : A • Al= '.9 1 . 444,10 , 1 7p ••• ' • •'• Br, essawor , .1 4 . • -;... 4.. •• r • , , ... J, .. • . , 11.1ZADIITN 3 . .d.,. 4 sidniy.Tic mu's'', • . •., . a • ".'i `.3 oliv - vritri , : • - • - 1. PRALIPPA, ' "q ... • 1110,01114 it DO' bytta,S% .' - '••••2 • i',,'''' ,EAT lk , tiViVii; ll .---..-,---t -- . ' • •:" ANN" or DmiAaK ''. .... .c KATHARINE Or V B AOANZA. • • -i , t. In 7•vols , ()MIMS vo. Pries 11l 76 per vol. The Poi:alike:a In preparing their elegant edition or this popular sad standard work, feel soared that they have mat • want whieh has long existed, and request for it the attention of those selecting standard works for either private or nubile libraries. BROWN, TAGOARD, to CHASE, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. roy26•wiks2t . A BRILLIANT NOVEL. WE SHALL PUBLISH, JUNE FIRST, SEACLIFF: OR, l'ino MYSTERY Ol' THE WESTERVELTS. By J W, DAYOBOBT, Author or (4 °ricotta Aequolutsnooyt Ruropeau Au. quatutaneop et". This it a dome American Life, embracing some tea" tures of society and Melts of diameter that aro le new utile, are striking and natural. The psmonages in t:minced are very few in number; and the Intereat cotton in the family noon whore the hero makes a call, in the drat chapter. The plot is remarkable for its in genicm simplicity,' The • reader's curiosity is aroused at the outwit by the appearanoe of a mystery. Bach atop in thedevelopmeat Of the story soma about to dis close the dmielful secret ibut the true solution will cot be guessed, emu by the most inveterate readers of da tion, until the' catastrophe emu. The style of the narration is fall of spirit, ild the variourdrarruslis personal are Seely sketched and oontrasted - "BeMativrii will beorithout question, the most fai cleating novel of the season. In one Windom* volume, duodecimo, 466 pp., beau tifully printed: Price di 26. The Trade supplied on thirusual terms. doping Cent, post•paid, upon receipt-of price. SAMPSON & 00,, Publishers, -my*ttithetelit 13 WINTER Street, Boston. T HE-ROMANO,E - Or A .POOR YOUNG -MAN. By Oi r tati'Flmillet. Dranstatvi from the• Seventh Pori: Rdteion by Riney J. Moutonoid fmte Corpus Christi College, - Oxford]. -One volume, 12mo , musks_ Pries $l. - A HANDSOME JANUARY EDITION. t‘ r The Romance of e. Poor Young Wen has recently appeared in Paris. and hen been hailed by both Wrench and length& critics as perhaps the most striking and ad. =liable work of do lon that eppeared in any country curing the yaw l/368., Indeed; since 'lane Byre , startled the novel.readinu world, we hardly remember another production of the kind which, for beauty and interest, can be compared with this tt—'New York Tri bune. ALSO: NOW READY,' THE y A G.A.B 0 N,D . , 4, Volume of piquant eketehee, treating upon Minu tiae, Art, and Society, Adorn lautectit. , 12m0., Pries ft. thutorione race 05i1111178....-Yreneh Art in New York— The Matinees—N. ohapin—ameripan Playwrights —Yerdi—The tenet—Henry W Bellowa—TiftrAres leare—Parties—Oharlotte Btonte—Watering Flamm— Do wadji Ourtis—Amerloanneuipturi—Lake George—. Married Belies—Naar, Ward Beadier—Behind the diem's--an Amateur Opera—New York Beaux—Un known Oefrespondenta—Edward Brerett:—Plecolo inini—Amerlean Belles—Society, Art ito &e., &o. These Books are sold evert-where, and sent by mail, FOOTAGE rase, to try part of the United Hates, on the receipt of-the price, by BUDD & OAR LTON, Publishers and lisoksellere, No. 1110 Orand street , near Broadway, N. Y. myl94h.tett THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR—With • MAaotoxona7 Sion, PORTIAIT Of BiR WILL TVTI. fIOOTt. Now—ready, Wing VOLUME TIM. TENN of PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION . 9y TVS. WAVEIRLRY NOVELS Twelve numbers have , already been published, se fel lows t IVANHOE, THR ABBOT, GUY , TEM ANTIQUARY, ROD ROY, r WAYBRUT, RBNILWORTIT, OLD MORTALITY, QUENTIN DURWARD, WoODSTOOK, HEART 011 MIDLO- TORTURES OF NI THAN, OR 4, - And one will be tuned every Saturday afternoon tilt completed. , • PRICE 25 CENTS PAOU. Tho - oholo to be ooraploted. in TWENTY-SIX. VOL UMES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE TWENTY-SIX VOLUMES. - One complete set, twenty-eta volumes !Wall, will be sent to any one, as fest an pobllstted, for live dollars. Bungle reptile 20 cents. P.STERSON BROTHERS, It ' . No 800 011E8TNIIT Street. TIESILVERIB MAPS OF TAT SET OF 1.1 WAN, CONSISTING OT A COMPLATi MAP 0.1? EUROPIi Size 16 by 2.6.3 c inches. A MAP OP TREAIISTBIaII AMPIRS, with a plan of LOMBANDY and MUM . . Pro 14,4 by 19 Inches. And a Complete Map of the Kingdom of BARTON'S , . Wee 14)( by 19 lnalteS. CoMplled and comma , from the latest Zuropean. authorities, and formbs the most ooroplete source of Information now to be Attained. The wholethrea mops, handsomely colored, are put up in one volume, _pocket form, and furnished at the low price Of TO Ceuta. by - OLIAIII , RB DEBILVER, 714 OFIEBTNUT street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY PAPERS givingthis t promlnont hum. Non, will retell% D copy of the Maps, post paid. ' mylt.2w r ° THOSE who are about to purchase i t Drup, Paints, White Lead. and 'Window Glass, we argot thole attention to annsurpassed and select atcleh of such goods, which are to be to= tat the store , ZIZGLSR &‘ BMITII, 110-tf corner o f SNOOD lustesJ4llll atroolo, 1 . 859. :,# . ,',.:t: : -'_ :: ,'i:i',l.l: ; =.,-; : - ..-*- - :$,,,,-''' SAVIR;DAY, MAY 18.69. RELIGIOUS - INTELLIGENCE. Bakeri - D. D. ' The tingle* aomininityoon toei Kell assuted, will hoar isitifi.refenrl - seridy:tho ansiethieeniint of-the decease Of debit - 0, 'SAO; D. 1", - pis ! for of fle. bakeie Eiengelleiti,LtithOsiit Fourth shoot, -shove Girard avenue; wblok lank plate at 12 feelook,noon,, yesterday. tr.T.Bithei had been 111 for - nearly; three weeks, of -typhoid feetir,iintildeeth terminated his stiffening" .Daring 8'11044:0f inere4hoin • foil,. Years 'loathe name, tide eminent Dlvinio'beefimminehtliand-bonera hly chninti'in this State andn'ountrY,,,',;.fleciesta iittieno4llor.Di. Inehman' ? : formerly .nr,Tiebahort,l'ac and =snood presehing thiSteepaiii/i0"M:io 40114 first in eonneetion , witkihe , 'Gteriimiik!/1 1 0 61 . otinre'hiei,or this: city. - , Subsequenti.Y. -1 10 1w 1 4i cleated, pastor - of the lintheran'alinnoho#,ltt niarob gernaOitosin; front ,Isbe,fiae het,:riraii gilled to the obarge:of4elattlii., ran.ohnTokat Son be labors' --- - exenilded ; • .. " i,l of tab. ' .. e4b 1 .1. lired: .I"T*I*TI * . . 0 0r, tivated by. tlon, lets,;1111,-. duty; bitee,pi 'lend oirtsitdr 4**d 61 * eidensidited k!!* thoue andr , f oes;perresnu skeeigy Offer :W*444* e**ol - #44161, of= . lsl4.4ty,iniff, - 101Wpirin, citt ifitteitryo,*3ll;jf iiiii`ftozEthicudOn - 0 OW, F V .,0 1 1 1[4 4 ; ' Ate tithe oftLideleinkare, 11 - ter _minty yours` iresibits; a 'irernt• :tent position:religiousand .141i4V91016 Aptiilieted .301 k Oar, Lutheran Cbiiiafla ,IChOnz the last neveit'yeeri ho hes servid se pi.; I to; lift* Lutheran Onset,: iu this•ottT, on Fourth , etree4, acme Gerard bee, nue, eiblik <gia iid` nideale tete*, try.. The heet•oonunentery on -hie eltteerity ari d, dtelutereetedniel nr. •sidnisfer , of :the Ijosind r Ibrfersy.thet4StfigethelaiitlitiwyeAre4i has :141 T4' , # 1 4.Z**,41 ( 00 1 0 1 1 1,1111 0 0 **4 net 41. Seim*, leadsilit4o;ki*, 'Cl' 4 '?A 6 lt#4l* Wl'et t ; 0 14 1; !Lan4 l '6o ol2 . tine; *.sallsWile:Aiiiilfii,:"4***l4ifeiA /14,] , indtj ,, ittimitiqiuttstrasi7.• ~ht b o r efa r, laid niwilei*,:.oo7l,4-446111)Cfitiettott keys been, most ateducesieneli K nrendfthir rfi lit',• Boicex fires 6i Yie4oldariheite*lrefelins hi° il***:**. Higtig.***l4 o . iiiii***4 lll4 ** l = tonne; illnitinisd ; by': thiloolikociutila444, - iiibi fat *sateen-spent litio;ritiCthis*Wiiitsotiii Immortalitybo4)l,.ll:lZ ilvedet.voire hoitolitde OW Isien'liebied' thine's wltt,' ter 4 0 • 1 41 , 1;; - P 1018 * I k i e04 1111 ." 41 4, 441,4 kh Put ri *gni kotliftif 4 , 41 * '1 414 / 1 1 1# lihitiolt-ti****o4:oo4,;44i bow - -troupett ,liood . in-4 t* V*** wiitritiOk! l 'LL*4 4 iy , ills reuudnkbYoeirdst(lelyeet beese his decease; wepleassnibee. Al 4 ea of his eienY'qfri# 4 4l,l4,4sts)o4 .. drib cif- it watt anti - '"* lo _e vot e d' Rterti*ltit'fil: :In obto_ttrAT im it , of:14;;V atgtllo,t.,Oi'AsfOliff")' Vait ittimipbt iittaittfio4W; to ttio a A efgT ibo 1L Dinah of Koinintton." , Ibis edifice wan built in the year 1 . 813; for She purpose ci; religious weiabiP, and the Bey. George Chandler, a graduate of-New ilaven_College, ant, originally a member of Presbytery of lindson, New, 'York, was ordained„the pastor. 'Entering' upon the duties of his responsitde °Mile at a-pe riod in the 'history:, of the -country- *hen the meshanioal Interests •of -that district suffered se verely as a result ^thartwoond war. with Great' Britain; this earnest aryl 'llitie(44 man continued by; self-denying labors, though often surrounded by manifold discouragetriente k nerfortnini i In 'the language of a religious ootempoTary published twenty years sinao• " toterytilit 'mare', tabor Mils that of any clergyman within the bounds of the Presbytery of Philastelphsa: , ' - - In 1832, when Sse:Chelera Mations appearance, that portion of the• then• eeunt;r of Philadelphia suffered severely,, the' virulenee of the disease cutting down hundreds Weekly of all elesties'e citizens. It was no unusual sight at that.day to witness his labors of love as;, at the head of three to five funeral processions a day, he went forward in faith ant devotion to perform the last sad rites of burial. Indeed, on the Sabbath morning last, In the revie* of his ministerial history, he re ferred to the teat that, Mime 1820, he had per formed burial Berrie° for 5,000 persons: "Added to this, he had United in marriage over 3,000 couples, besides performing the baptismal cere mony for thousands of infants and adults. The desire of his heart for many years hes been to erect a commodious house of worship for the• people of his ohargo, and the growing wants of a thriving district. Iri this wish we are pleased to know he has been gratified, for, on Sunday morn ing last, be dedicated personally a moat beautiful etruoture, capable of seating 1,103 persons, with every modern, convonienee, to , the service of the great Bead of the Church ~Ke his nearly coinplisted a half century as the Minister of this °hutch, and since the death of the lamented Rev. Dr. Mayer, of the Lutheran Church, in Race street, is the oldest olergyman in this city. His usefulness cannot--be duly estimated now, though very highly prised by the people of Ken sington, but the future history of that church and district will unfold its true value. May his tile long be spared=a blessing to his people and the community where he dwells—and may it prove an example for imitation to his younger brethren in the ministry: • - . Religions Assemblies, Conventions, &c. . , The present week has been one of marked in toreat,to the (lhuroh, made so by the feet of several important eeoleslastioal bodies holding their an neal assemblies or conventions in thfirand other cities. 0111 . .11(4day afternoon, the Ceti vention met -and organised in Bt. Andreios Church, Eighth street, below Spruce. The Epie• copal Conventions of New Jersey and Maryland are also in session." On Thursday, of last week, the New School Presbyterian General Assembly met in Wilmington, Delaware, at 10 o'olook in the morning, and at the' same hour of that day the Presbyterian Genoial Aisembly of the Old School branch convened. at Indianapolis. On Wednes day evening of the present week also, the Reformed Presbyterians met in General Assembly, in this city, : at the church, - Broad street below Spruce. Prom the accounts of - the prooeedinga of these several bodies, whieb lave appeared regularly in The Press every morning during their sittings, their doings are likely, to awaken unusual interest among the churches they represent, all over the land. ' ' FAREWELL Bannon —The call recently extend ed to Rev. p. B. Cheney, pastor of the Eleventh Baptist Church, in this city, by the Pint Baptist Church, In Ban Franoisoo, California, has been accepted. Mr. Cheney has been pastor of the church be is now about to leave for about seven years; and while the people of his present charge deeply regret the prospective loss of one whom they have learned to love and esteem for hie worth, as a pastor and friend, they evince a Christian magnanimity in yielding to this oall, under the consciousness that Mr. Cheney is peculiarly fitted for the important position, in a distant State, he has been called to assume. His farewell sermon will be preached in his ohuroli tomorrow (Sunday) morning, and will doubtless be an ocoasion:ofdeep and affecting Interest to his charge.. CASE or RBOANTATION.—It will be remembered that a book recently appeared under the sanction of a Mrs. Andrews, late Miss Josephine Bankley, a convert from Catholicism, snaking an 'exposé of 'certain malpractices of the church, of which she had formerly been a'member. 'From the state ment of a correspondent of the Catholic Herald, it appears she has since made a full recantation, and publicly renounced the book. Her retraction was lately inad in the pulpit of the church in Nov folk, Va , by Father O'Keefe, who, after reading,. stated that, in the whole course of hii minietin he had not seen more intense sorrow and contrition exhibited than was evinced in this confession. She has Again been recetyed'lnto the communion of the Catholic Mural& Her father, husband, and all hsrfarall7, aro ?Wester*. TWO -cmM: XINOBISSISO f - ON TIM .11017 TA ,or TON DADS!: - AND YINIDADNILPIIIA:PANQIINOZN - On the ninth: of the coming month (June) tied* will be an attraotire and COW; seamtable ear; tainment given at the pomade of Andrew Nadi wfo[r, wfoh, &q , Miaowing, in behalf of a noble* 'boli purpose, that of mowing eanicient fundsfite the emotion of a comfortable echool-bones eotinenti ed with theparish of Ht. Jarnee'aßplaeopel Chirac over which the! Rev. Chu, A. Mahan presided U. pastor, • Need w 6 fitted Me eneh himeeelent birdies, or refer our roadoirain the high miesionAio gracefully and earnestly ailentated by. the ladtee of .this pa riah, and so likely to reglad on ample etalleienoy for tlitiobjeot they desire to aeoomplish In giving to the young 'ln 'that delightfully rural neighhor7 hood s good millstone eohooling. , Pleasure:Rakers, arid loran of.pnre enjoyment, should not negloot this agreeable trip. They will be well repaid in • viewing the gardens of Basterloli, and their beautiful belosginp, M. E.'e liberalitY haiprempted hint.to yield to the ladies of Bt. James's! Church the freedom of thoie.l hisbnio gioundi, for that day: • A • word or two, en „Passant, for this world-re , nOWned and intioh-hononed spot,—to wall, known abroad,-that Fischer „ (the , oelebreted,botealat of the Issrosdal Or at Bt. lie ha, - . liiiimikil_ __...,. a. liffEittuft[.okoiliitheleilfy, igicivik . ' , Visltylkielitien. apart As iiriglit iol ,„ 4„.. li`iliig o o.ls: o 7f n i n ha: . tut hav e: :: : ; 4;..y.X. uoiffi;4' —0:1*..4 ii,teliont4 . . into • Iffe , 04.11041,10 :polltleal - pwidi adopliniti-veirri Clio. ' iir *Dui tlOttliktiOdb,4io : : 1644 0 ' Item 1, 3C 11 4 11- 61404/01100 . loaves of -11: rtidir 44, 461411 . 11i01 . 0. ,'1 . 411!*1401 iivadroianit**4ll4, .11paohtsia . *of xr.;404 . 44,," . _ l i 14 ' '-' 0 161411 1A* ,if 7. nk0 04 14104 . 7.1v ruts.* s.ue' ... • .2be And does not thts "testimony of , theit o 4llli l; ;Z• though earted.to century ago, sneak unitetekabh to those who vise upon .ita amazing to•day; do not timed very wrap; by. ts.rslidlunakr - brvitibinif sentiment, toms to hot monl a* with that reryspirit now impelling the Jodie.- of -jble, parlsh.to pit forth their energies for an objsot so, sawed and' ennobling 2 ' - . , 4. similar servieoirendpred them ! for an equally benevolent' purpose some seven yeareeirioe, has wade them , doublygratefut to Mr. Eastwiok for, the peoond offer of the, rare:attractions of bit beautiful groupds to their dee.' ..N . 4 trust that , under the , goiernaise and iredi directed managements( those ladies, oriole return will be elielted to the ohuroh exchequer, and that ample means will at ortoe reward their labors by commencement of the school building. 'May we hope ' that many who are not familiar with this spot will avail theinselves of the coming opportu nity of viewing its own and caber beauties, which will 'unquestionably -be will „represented by the (atrium, who have this thing so „much at heart; and, as it will be in the height of theetrawbeny lesson, it surely does not fail to give much hopeful promise. , : • • We learn that the, Darby and Philadelphia. Passenger Railroad, In oonneotion with the,West Philadelphia and Market street, will', mu reit larly throughout the day from their usual starting• point, Third and Market streets. • - Proposed Terminus ot-the_Pennsylvanla Railroad. (Bar The Pzessl • As the subject of a proper location for the 'ship, ping terminal of the PollllBYlMtlia, Railroad is now under pull° dlions.slon, I would inquire whethei the directors, before whom the question is under stood to be pending, may not possibly suffer them selves to be influenced =by &pertain fallaCione ar gument, founded on, their official positiona. We are, they may say, directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and we are therefore bound to. regard, in our action, the interests of that-coal pany, and those interests alone; Now, thblpeopn; olden, though true enough in a certain sense, 'cyst capable of a most false and pernicious interprets.: lion.- Such an'interpretation will sdrebet certainly be put updn it, if we regard the oompanyel having interests independent of its 'stockholders, and es. psoially if we regard the stockholders as having no other Interests than that which', they' hive in their investment in this road. ,Itell'Ould be beine in mind, therefore, first,thatthe ral4oa , l company has no interests whateier 440 Seam the Interests of its several atookholdere; secondly, that rte stockhold ers are mainly tle eitisens of Philadelphia in that' oorporate capacity, and . certain oitiaens of the same city aa individuals; and thirdly, that while these stockholders are directly interested in the railroad, they, are - just as directly interested, and on en average to ten times the extent in the hue!. nese and prosperity of the city of which they are citizens. Add to this the fact that a large part - Of this stock was suksoribed mainly for the very. Purpose of prbmoting their,,business and prosperi ty. The road being permanently eetaisibhed, the most important aim is to make it easier the par-, pose for which it was built. _Now, it can hardly be pretended that the construction of a oirouitoue branch to meet 96118014 that do not come to this city, and that afford no facilities for its general commerce, and to build up 6- Eorab t own on the greensrich menthes, is going to contribute anything, to the business or prosperity of the oily. Diffu sion may suit manufactures well enough, but com merce domande concentration. It is the life of it. Make a central terminus, and vessel! doing busi ness with and for the railroad are at hand to do business with and for every branch of trade and manufactures in the oily. The idea that the rail road into have ticommerce exclusively lie own, I take ,to be, in the first place, 'fallacious ; and, seoondly, rimless if realised, so far at least as the comMerce - and prosperity of the city are concerned. If the only objection to the Callowhill.strest plan is the expense, the business men or the city bad better ettbsorthe half a million at once thin to suffer it to fall., Why; sir, such a work as that, with' its arched waysi its magnificent central passenger - etition. at Broad street, and its shipping depot on - the- - Delawars Ikrould do ;nor., to say nothing of other advanta ges, towards giving the city a ham* and standing in the South, at the West, and•st the North, than all the opera houses in Christendom. It. IL - - A Young MAI, mtmed John Simpeon, was arrested at Lancaster, Pa., last Thema sy morning, charged with larceny and Ancendierion in break-, inzinto%the. watch-bon of the Lanoasterk County Bank and .attempting to set fire 'to Mr. Keyes' proviali* stoi4i, its an aot of revenge for a slight reprimand. that MT. Keyes gavei hm when he dbl. charted - him from his employment lie lwtit been arrested and committed. "Oue Galveston (Texas) Nesos i of the I.4ih, says': r letters from the interior are generally speaking, very satisfaotory In regard' to the-for wardness of the growing mops: The cold weather has beau folloyred )4410, WLiolt eas molt v,rant et, , NOrios.re oelltaiißo , Lgoolsi . ttea lit Mind 21 ".r7 eotizetrolliton le` _ ,mAtel of the wtttoi.f; is le the typographic OK • r W a, - " ' o W nt V w ," gtee B l % 4 eePp flo o t . 4 so ffi *Sil ir e i sk ele taeatneli 14.44041*ft 01ll .i t i the rioonni4lol44k i rhosit s o of popcuorgii t*to th•# • - • r:AN • "- • ." 3. Waddle;ifii;:lof af the effectors =optuiffsf g giedia .eolutssits be tween erf meffig of 'people of &freer tet-riouNits ollerited l t l4l /*** eiz i'lLtsolll to likoWeiand--siyo . ;` I NfilMa r i idgarittytaiioe . fe litcftepeinble, not only to frieioUrp; but to a jai Vopition of pbarat, - ter:' Toe well we know theoinets on the one hand, and the 002 twreat on theother, , whioh,the citizen, of the two nutt stations of the .•.llngs.9.l ll t l .fateech other. - .‘• "To the Uninformed North--4*(le4ghat part of it which ought to he beet inforeiettlibf tewe paper part,) the', people of the 'South at. ittle else than kberbarreri and bnitel horde of alaver drivers, end vim vtrid tti the uldnfonued South, the people, of the r North era but 'an unprintripled rabble of iwindlem, atheiste,l'anti fanatics!. This is alt wrong. Id it is altogether false. There are different ohanteterdatiot I 'th• tw°,"°tiGu' but the urrentire of intelliginee and moralitylie much the Ellie. Tido mutt die aliened by -an reflecting men---by all that know that human man!, 'is numb alike the iorld'orer: it Weak]: bs"allowed, too,-by . all men of either iset lon, wens not the ps siona /aflame , / to madness. by the misrePreeen ta- Mona of demagogues, and, above all, If /key mere baiter apriir4rigted *oak each other. • "It Carnet fall to have stneek the. mat 'casual obeerter that the, meet= liberal Arken? North and &nth, and the most Tinion-lovinik take them as a Clues, are, the merehants. _Espserally la this the case with the Bout` - ractrehants ; for ten,- yea ft,/ .I . trao tbalmEraitafilit, 03 . b; ti tkeilitif'44l7 7 D - .=!.raFractot 010:3„ tbi ettlybr444ll4l', 010 trig tebot --44ger. • ;- Mr. Jammu informs ma Akar th • geld:itielce.ro ere rapidly leaving the min* When he left, .aore were not 'Morn than Ave of viz hundred • them, though he meta large number on the way as he was teternlng. , 'The day before he took his departure,. there Ware forty wagons lett to return and many on their Way,'who,were mitt •Ihrthoae who Were fleeing' from the mines, 'es they.would frOm the plague, were induced to torn bank, with out satin looking down upon the %promised land. b* the • unfavorable rOkorto • they reoilied on all hinds • - • -He fully o harm., also, the repirts in regard to the suffering at the mines.: Many were ,destitute Ofillisis, and were compelled to tie rags upon their feet,'- - without decent - elothittsiAind‘ oriskse enough food to keep whit and bedy Mrsther.. He left at Denver City, lying In • wegon, too ill to move; a Mr: JOhri Betf;'of New York, - - with' the toes on one ethis•feet literally Aitken off. Aine man he saw who had been literMly frozen to death, and 'another murdered - dud ;scalped 14 the In dians, or the equally savage Whites.' He'thhilts, from his own, bservation, and-from careful ingiiiry, that there must be, at least, ,one . bandied _arm twenty:flye thous - Ma potpie on - the plains, either going to'orr retarding from the millet: , As toaceorarnodations at Denver City, Arapahoe, Aurnrie, do., he says there are none. The stories oZ 'splendid 'hotels; tine houses, Am, are made out of whole cloth: •- The thing , whieh- the swindlers wrote But was a ,hotel..that - would- eompare with any in the country, is a miserable halt finished log ;table; with , no-beds, he'ahairs, - Mid' only-rough boards for. ii - Aablel. , :; , Bouders werwohorgod hor rors dollars a week; Est ft for,misereble.food,tmd vrertroompelled . tirst their bah - Menke*: and a!eep on the &mist that. Moethf , the'whauses," of. which there were only about's. dozen; in either of the great gold oitiois,- have no roofs, and every thing else was on the same scale. Shah is the great gold Eldorado, and -thus hawthe miserable bubble buret. - A MAR Suer BY mte' WriFir--Art THTURI ATED Woi/AN SENKING VENGBAIiCE—ALMCTST • hinnagn.—Last Wednesday :afternoon, . &beat 2 o'clock, a man named Isaae,Wegner, employed in hauling ore for Jamb,' Shetek to Gelger'e furnace, 'was abet at' ldilltirs tavern, on the 'Willow tartlet tar/pike, about three miles from Lancaster,; - Pa., by a woman named Catharine Wagner. Who claims to be his laWful wife. , The partioularibf this affair, as we have been able , to obtain theta, are stilettos daily as follows:, , - • In the morning,this woman appeared before Al derman Van Camp, of Lancaster, for the purpose -or making complaint against . - Isaac Wagner, for bigamy and assault" and battery, - stating that he bad married her in IBM, Rev. Dr. Brainard, of Philaderphia, rerforming the ceremony. She further stated.that they had lived together two or,three yeare,'and that she had two children by him. Wegner left her, and went to Lebanon, and married another woman, -with' Whom he lived for awhile, and then left her, end is now living near Quarryville. The complainant hag been - iblleiring Wagner up, determined to have vengeance as him:- For some time pastel'. has been living as a maid at a hotel, near Philadelphia.. She then same to Lan caster, and then went - 'down to where Wagner lives, at Quarryville. There an altercation en sued -between them, and in .her complaint she states that he struok and otherwise assaulted her, getting down on her body with his , knees. She - then returned to Lancaster and made complaint, as above stated. A warrant was lamed and placed in the hands of Officer Gormley, who proceeded tn - Gelgrei - furnace, where he fourid the team which Wagner had been .driving, but he himself could not be found. , " She thei Went' bask to Lam:uter, where abe purohased a five.berrelled Atlen•revolver. The next we hear of Mtg. Wagner, she suddenly ap peared before "Isaac white he was feeding' his hortee, three miles from town. , Some -, words passed between them, and as he, turned to pass around the ,wagon,. she Bred, ,and. shot him in _.the back: As he ran towards the - "house, the blood flowing profusely from the wound, she fired a second Shoot, whip's, , however, did .not, take effect. She still followed- him up, until he wee taken into the house by Dime 'present; and the door was closed against the. Infuriated woman, who, brandished her 'revolver and. declared -she would shoot the !list 'Midi who dared to interfere with her. - Sheiben vialked'oir out the turnpike, which was the lastire heard of her—no one present venturing atthnt time to arrest her. In the ; nteantiine;',Vegnees clothes were re moved, Wheit t -it Was ascertained that the ball had fairly entered his betek,-, making a hole large 'erioughlor a'anger to enter, but, notwithstanding, ,the wound' bled profusely. , Wagner denies having been married to the woman, bat admits - having lived with her some time a Thera i go. v. • strong Probability that the wound will prove more fatal than was at first supposed. Mrs. Wagner has been arrested, and committed to prison. . • , - LAGER -BRIM DZMONBTBATION:—Last Wed nesday morning quite a novel parade was seen in the Bowery, New York. It consisted of some eight or ten large-sized lager-beer wagon*, newly paint ed, each drawn by four richly eaparieoned,herses. The vehicles were arched over evergreens, and each' one attended bY abotttedeleri-letuore Tentons,Aressed in costumes oflkiiiie satire lend of the fourteenth. century:. Jsailte lead* 'wagon, King Gambrians—the fabled godafl , legek"=:-waa pereonle,ed by slat, burly Datehneitis, who' acted his part well, judging from the frequent -libations of I' lager"' partaltem 'of bf him; 'drawn from a barrel in the front of. the wagon, into an immense silver tankard. The. affair treated mneh merri ment to the spectators as the premien passed through-the streets. 'The parg were evidently bound for some cheery spot in • Ttraburba l then VS kayo aioliT gq394.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers