Kt .... - , iss. -- - Ytylisialini - ____ r - --- ""` ~ wa-4jrio4if • , lin_ „. ~c,...,.. _-_,r's,--11p-k viiii.„-A•-vik ' woth - kir • 1? -, , ,. ,4 ,,,,,, toit „ - ti. iiiiiiii* '• '-';'4'f'l-5176**V-Isi9lk•fa,4.4*, %F-111.1i7•Aft 7,,p`exQ,'.7-- Avidt/4 1 A.„ ~,,,',•-•:Ai.-1,'22,,Age..-ifrilkFlit.--n ' -='7oair'..; weir' e r' • ' '"-'- L.,--,,,,;,. r',..11.4,9(....--iithte.„..,11.,-,110,7,--7-. liettldfti .I,t4t: ...- ' • 24114,1,.--;'o,-"- .;:-;:; :- ,-.4T41-1-40:1,1„--ltffilig,TOLf4,-640,11k. 4* ~,,, :44,44 44,701,---#47_,1#1-r-Zgkii#9l-',4-,; '. . r7 „,,,,._7irt0ff61.0f..!)7',` 4;6461•11, '''''''''tt "PI ' 141°14 nioulTr.,.. - (- It, .• , mak --. ,• 6 litiNl.,---- ;!----.--ibir'rinn • el* .-,,i'y 4,1,1' uftiomorm,. ---- ~ .5,,5m,,, ~,,44._*, 4-pbel .', .1.. t, '',.+ , l = •:',,..fiNYl* yjiwirioij.ai,--. Lilt`, .",,,?4-- L'-A-4;11._<.--‘ ' '- / ~.- .• .41-iv4g , oda tkaii i:-.....--,oooiwzrttF:t,:.*A al. 4 -; ~1.1.1--t,,l,l:,!*_#zr-,llool*--,itialiiti.og, ita --- , --- - ;',l-17-ijsolAr- - ttl—,-4001-_, ~'4., '''; , !t7:6,'"' , ,17.01tiOglq40. 00 rikg4"nt '''''-'--' We tUioilit' stilifir "Ir --,--," eats' . ,---;,,-,- -1 •.,v , m, N.-, ',..0"--,,, -, ~ ~,, 4414 „luii.i,:- t.y,•-... :-A.,...---, aim ..--,<•'4-',,i;;lXt-.1 4 , , :. itti 'M.! tit,i l l7`,--, ,-.- y, ,e--L-40,4,. -**,-4..,w, ~,* „ ; ;, ,, ..c„,,,,i j0it, * ...E.,:„1,.,, -~,t--,,,,q-..- --klett-ftwai„....111,6,---2------,ciut ),,,,.,42-0,.*91-11•1' - ---" ,-144142mg.'" , tilt,-It-- -, :,:,-,,t ---.--,-.'4 • - , , 4 • ' • 4 , 1 ;•• ' c it , .e* -4 • . • i - , deOS Me2:tfvi , __...., -”.•,„1„..._ ~ Jl4l..,,Ltiorilt=koll:l; - ,firaTIOPIX-•7, twist -940Apiowoot4. • ~.,.131i41 .9%410 tiferal add:i* 1474k1,417,17ii0r ''',4','.'t!'io2';'-r'utiTa, 1111,74,44,1411144i0* :;K:1..._ ..-I,4,',A3g4P'A,(4iliefstileryi,trriv‘`.:lft:llo.taioieLllP co nstru ction kv : ; .•,sgt%l.4:7 ll, .r„iil;iir, +1"" to the c°-,ic- enable '' .i:--P.01,..77:7-Pit4Allittiperr4ptibl____,e' ' (befbre 4:',4:.5111,1,107.-74 4ildno.o4lY bi, jt ins". 0-i—r-WciPPIPE• Likt'lel:l7l44:lo.sll-!!lti,ll4:_alittat) ediatitl2l to hartlil "I ,-,:iiii?,,, Zl f7:kar..kitoraus/1444.01;iitioketier cu re, 'I'M 1_,441: 44:-:llK417 771aile,h,cgptog!itti oh, to 118- tokittr and "44-';'-';',,ißmOntAiserabl7 the loess 7-414W111,,,,ei vrt-v,f,... „idsys!),..._44 vo ia ._:by grait4twlN, ' tc? "676 k 11-f,':,,4t,lifii.ti,- iii 4.) t he „, ' mid ' ''' ll- ' 'S<,_ wig th°____Pr!piak: .::,,k.7,led,_...6.;FeriP P 74.- Et iO3°PI„.• 4 re lull° to; ifi.4ii;44,-,,F,A;PooPI!' ical'irin't v liiiiiir : way Act:l!Vl‘ .. ),::', ; , ',,1.,ftr:.(7 41 -. 'Ur vOiet c4:4tal, or in I°t -,v,•';„....i.• -. .were '..iAti4;-s•i' le44 "l:'''' -- ie,lk iiii±4 ' donemen .iiardis# 0 :11:-c'J''''74e..kp ,"i '”' poPnisr en mitzber ° Thridel 1.32„._ ,ft4dt- '. . ,--3erivir, 4 . . Nso 4` i, peoio'?*sigisti• 147 `':'•4 ':- . W...,?lkfAhrr ? C4r Anogba, Yth4loo,. •nro' dad, ifi11Ata,....,...„.1. 11! r ftdok .. oula PO -r",-: tiot 7`.3,,,'w.40174,,fwi°,•thd11ne0v,,...4,4,00p... .tf, ::i,':ol/,0,11 -~c.,,,_,, .- mt tba" • • ... , 111/1101.r FA- -- P,.61,,, , •1;:',..- -1,-, ''''. l "(iiill.- - iiilrirCritfit.ie,tt#YB4l4l;z7o'ttro. r.- Tx.;, 1 -!...t,..:171..1p;i4411- - -...-4,ltestr--iz,„„w ito-s.- Ir - titireed . _ . -v,r 'iikk_..zilio-0 and? Bea "-"- -_, - 1 . V6.4l7ol7giusutte ,&.,„hami ' V 41," g,!.10,7r4 - '4 ttiMyr OM ,i d.,. th,,,la. last, s 1 it, - t:= ..,.,.• ,- -,-;,,_,,.. wyg _-:- i, ,T.r. ~ otl-- Avor Of "4-.:4, 1.14:ii.r,, ''V'''''..ll intleile 611,f rn' ,. 's if ' ;-,- , ~ 2;—tio„of tilt- , .--71:-„01,t. xubwrir4l°l.T. to' ~.SPr.:',' , , ) I‘osidis,l!lre. • :41 :1 ,I rrolidi were P r° " jfl , , i Th0it,0644" ' ` e i _214 i bu, as ~,...4.°iOr'ireie na'.. F,140.c .3';,1 ' * M IL , i • 'ogimtwil;fiAt the Were .ft tvi...4.t "Til: IR itia**,iiKiiir'*/:-.-aisita* ' - , =.. t ; ii'i.f.-1 ; ' Itatboll ~,t, 07 ttdi!'ll4:iirs4l, themt wNl4.` Nib*, ,•-g, r',..le nMet ,conam9°' 1 ..*:-....ettet,. ,r; lll'elw.ha, it . t. , aniA to __ado *legit 1.,,y.t..P• •-t-,;,-, stia . irisi'',Ado" Y 'they were , protectl4l i-c 11.4- 470,,. i, .firk xiiiiraTOr, ebudfen/_,__P" a liboso 1 ! ':1" ,...'7 1 , , , ' 14)6314 ,*(o_-„ s :_Pkllithuhoo.ekatte"---;iierlitir'7,s,lo.' pat...pht .4-:-- tout szi,',. -Ica .. 1,474-.)....., .Y, 3" ' , ._ AIV&14111' "n'gre.i, t',.;.1491'ia ' .16•1.... 0:.-1 9 : f. :':' i ' i, ' \ Yin4 L,,_.,,,,,. . itzd.4'l Am-4•41er,..rc , ,, , fied- king 7,,' j, ' '3" a, were , ~..1411:-, • 66nuidrOir ''' 5,;',4,, , " :illibi,,tria, `of 1 iti ormir ive,wpc-Ig;thetios Ate S:7-'4';', ' '' in the .11 ti it 'l' -.-(1111211?-t) that the ..••••;•:•;,...,. a bitty tiotioldotl ;2 Is d ~, thp,t •;'.llll-- ,in tit, Ykic*, our o f mr .,...,*ftx) biay p-IAsA, 4 , the - , -, ..4 , -.-t.. ' -.,,„,„ , ,114.- ffuLoi tp-0.-- ''' nail of ' ,';''-' - ' Illtamir•4.li 19 -1° ~ 4 4611!nit.„,s •,,Y' a '1 ,4 5 4 . , ‘41.41fV.-- - -64 : -- 7 -, ',-Tr:7- Is OlOii"•ifftlo r, he tiblitO6" Ar-- I, ,_..„,„UttiViltulied, le' ^ 116641,'1,94 01044 ..:'" Aimifill;*in.44,4,-,)* and; to "7 N:,-:-.;,0 - -iiiiiid litteifitillfliiii, Olt:, these h 4" • t i Z . 4:: bi1#6.444t441114'74-111a0 dTerk. For d P i t amt,loce ' ..*• -f ', mt Veretst t 410 tope k 4, .s: ~ ... ~ received -, iiir•vol!rT Ann.';: . 6 " Raimpi for iintlldibtrf fe,i,"‘" I'2"iii;rll4l6lldi ,Axiiiiiil'i°lt' t;....!,...."..!,: , 1P ' , 1. :',14, =e111: ~ iiidiirli& vg. !at_ _ ' ' iia ' 131? • ,fi1.64., 1 •-. eht -.--.7A, 4' f - 4,!t- 41144'4.•.-.m.^,.,,. flii?l,lll6i -I ' 4° ° .--77-' M , Iiii:::5:;.:: ', .-r iiii ii s l 4 ., of ithWlD:f.trZil 4ir*' '...4---,---"e' li4liia--‘04 14 ‘ .?.. • , ix OA:.re4:1;1-Fri."'T ' .77 M.,4i/:".."). ..,g"„_, - - MEE isi'enlirjetiAoTsarctlniOndsty hieCandiese, in the • 'Cranford: counts eas t able cuargadttitavor of the . ,tkirlitinove cannotlill;tbs,arevrttkof l!Ar,„„ard?-: -ifortlatait,' , e.• NOW, thiretatindmils :entirely unwarranted iinitie 0,1.3 breughtibecOtef,init. Buptinne Court; lhe Validity bt the*difivti %filly established; Mata,PereinitOry3istiiichimes,htu3 been issued to compel ,the,lipentY assess a tax to pay - AWitnterasti in - the - sante Court 'proceedings are Inc _tig"Av tOptiiiiiiiiiiiest and who , . tan tEiern these decisions there the ,repudiaters, klaj - it - i ed,'then_theY,ferind-Ahe law was against 61191.*akf‘-itjtiry-trial.,!' They Said the judgen Tthra Pn*fit'; - 04 - wehatiad them with 4471#0...tt04;1‘011;i1PeOlthinerite before, jerii,j.'ll'elielp.thini :to thia,"andaisi,'Obitige, tte:trllirttial;*,fte,:itere_instituted upon the, Pr 04;4.,#4*-41141,ititatei District ; Court. Ruittriisimumber3Or theieye.illea 'have been 111,0ikiiii4400:*iii'reeult'hiii been substen sustain the bon ajar& de *llo.'SP4he-itoldeis,,Thete his not:been, n 'etpigle:hie :been for=. :tliW,"„)lbieitodents.:l'f'. In --one , n'ipte; rata Abatement of the in- Terest;PlOatiaiithehendiWiire sold und Or par ..:Contratteiiiiits tenti: them .nininally at , , nt . sy ank'filitidelently; increased ids estimate ' Ilandheldere withdrew thati,l-'suit benausti *Of ~ t iii*i**, f e:rM Was oMitted• l*the trans of WV' Of Pitt:shirt litheidlegbpny.Villey,Rail :OW*o2,cow;:s4',Wiiooo, authority to )11,i anthoritY,to : ban bonds in snit Iris :alio withdrarn, and ;'Penie before , the United. titetes,,Suprinne,COurt,,whether the Issuing 'of hon*wbfeik-.li the tatal,Way of paying for` ,sis6seriptiOnoa jot in cident: Ake;'ktittrfiti,habacrihel " In iega te` the antherity - ,. was same Vat ,__,lrai,illatSin , thel - sabscrirdiens of ; Butler :,InAlskiitettco-Teeitntietyin-eich'of which cases ,rendered for the bond -713n-tiit really:the - summary process disposes of inillionief honest:indebtedness is riotlikplY to ;,,- - : - *Sid:Whait - .ttui tai'ainomit tel Even - tit:rthe. , PresentOei viltiation of property in' ,Oenity, a increased' rate would tintAnCeiptaVto, that'svidoli the, , citliene of iildlOelphia=now theerfUlly pay, and censider itit4k#9,Wniabln. - .i94r The 'War 'nattily...4lle POllO , of Louis ~ ~,.., ~ ... , • Napoleon. 4 .-- , ,,When.Fratice 'aid England entered into , .. , , heir nix- agalind RUSS% for the protection 61";.1141; 4 siblepittO Of Turkey, the French and Zuglisiffeurnals claimed that the attitude etkide , Goverzunente rwas demanded by the 1400 4' Anteresta, of 'civi li zation: There was a‘ertninli.,•nOthing 4, 5 „,the history or the re- Egicruto 'gentlest condition of -Turkey to in !gra, eiraloathifq_be ' r *Seto!' ita own sake. OtOlthill_Europalcould , gain nothing by act ing ae ttre the of polygamy, Of prenicrip 46114141tve.;milfo: meu of nism,_,, im 'progresslietivinzationvelonging to a. past age, * oriutOriental despOtism. Turkey, bowel,- ; er, wrac:bravelyS. defended, even while she was dinmidetl, - ind'tb e titreite of the Sultan WAS pre *Fvef—tiot - frkur any regard for the manner Pli c 'eldell„o ll :Pininit was exercised, tut to pre- Tirit tite,aggrandizement of Eisele: '..•./Tile'tindtfon:Of France in the Present war fik11,044/14int,initio' commend It to our irpMc A i paihr,"ikuAlta the , rsympathreior the wi3lA; r et 4i)to . 1 ,1 )-TKOn . thtt.,..eg_ntern in the Cri 4se, nitit litdihk..inni , inkei;JeThig•the; part of Afillltimiiiiißetiln Italy,,and that , country is 1, 1 2 if 943.1-Vii.W ild ? l° ` 4 , rtelet :her, agree - ' "'note; impatient to the that Austria 'should ititininklAn overshadoi: IF 'end , lvSeellre feet= in it MEP that Basile relncti Pts,r . i.-n- -A g ~- - „ . o o o wden 4in *Wihal Oasf end - inewn hertzenrebY „ teen 4 Th[l4:tnkrn eltritet 44..fi - wri 104tkobui/e4* _-WillfPbeirfee t, the iktiiikiritifd:lsW i benti iggreasionti-livitslllutd te;eind IrEardinia had Einnend Gironal crossed' patina .and,StiTtrePet ' ' my ~ ruler, ~- w hether a ,w, to resist the . acqui- Austria,. as it would be it topsevent England from aceniriliecrhe, l lnAfitststiog Italy against. Austrts,..hOwereri,Lyitinsa;liarctiaoa hart not luatcreirthe, satisfactions:of-knowing that be is 'Greeting a new: barrier at safety , for , France, and ecquiiing frieridlY ce`rinectiMis whietrmay 4e lnvalnableto his cottutry and ; o himself in :Fatitre eationil erneigt . tisitidei,:.; *it he also iciiews that thit'paitplatttiviiieso behalf he has 'Aitshoethed hie ,sword;are worthy of his aid ; 'that' their'cause, unlike that •of Turkey, is in , ;Idol. a j oat sad 'rightecons one'; that the yoke ,:rl4"elt, Anitrla has fakrined upon the necks of 1 her Italian subjects Is exceedingly oppressive; F ind that, in the langnege of his proclamation, . him "midterm will find in Italy ce no other ene mies than thone wbo fight against them In bat 'tle." It , is true that hie stern rule in Ftance :naturally leads men to doubt his abstract love of liberty. But; after,havini entered into the present couttWitoklAte`preservation Of the Integrity of liliimrjombaions, and for the re lief Of a fidthtlilMi , IS perfeotly natural liiit - be stioniditiiilblineelf of the strong , de- Idie of 0 the 0411100 independence, as an important , adjetniiiiin the present war, - and it 'ls not trnreatiosiattle to suppose that ho may act :in l good 'faith with those Who thus assist him. France resdered invaluable aid to the American colonies in their struggle for indetteculoncucit because her' ulers cared for liberty, in itself, but_ because they whiled to strike a blow at the power of England , ; and if toms Nrotiron complies in good 'faith with his,PresPnt professions, and atter driving Arista& .0i:oil. soil of i Utly, )011 1 701 her people free tolftlitietiesr institutions for themselves, hi iilfrOftii*Tor Italy the same hind ear vliej'ibitt i , Eonrbon did for • America, and serve., -Austria, in. regard to her Italian pro . vinces, as Lours -XVI: served Engbutd in re , gard to her American colonies. , r So farqiil' , thif::.pittelligence received from Europe •ItairAfels flitierable . „ to . France. Al. hlj , ottilh,elle*aki ed o far, won no battles on the *Wed , Se% tid , her , circumstances have trans pired of more benefit and importance to her than , any ;Mere - Isolated . military victory. Austria has forfeited the sympathies of 'Europe.England, to whom she hopefully ''looked for has officially proclaimed her 'neitrality; Erases sternly refuses to aid her. From Image she can hope for nothing, while 144 1 -Meat fear ibuch. -ller armies have failed Aeftnalte an., efiective domonstratlon against !Whits. .They'are retreating back to Lom ligidy, with' their health seriously , injured by .Siieir exoosuro in,lnendated districts, and the 1 • pie intlXmed to the highest pitch of indig- AgOek..by, their wanton outrages' end. 'their - . libel extortions. In the midst of , their diffi '9oietf,•ll 'change of ministry has 'already `'o,6oo:td . , and a change of generals is suppoaed .).0 to; bcfllC'ecinteinplation,--events which are dure:ledleattlope, of disappointment 'and die- Patisrantiiiik* the course events have Co far tail': :t!. '-ffrs.l:: 861'0ilhtilfioneh ruler has met with no re- Lae been taken with anrprle. tog popularity has• reached lielittitlf'ri,iiveiapproached before: The iner tial ardor, of hie nation la.lully aroused. He his gonektrk-ItiO, .to be hailed b.c , one of the Benet "itituleifibOrorld ever saw, and by the* people • of, XfoiAbeti.itely, with, friendly en.. thuiesat,iiiku be goes foi:tb to battle, con bigle,upeotations and the do. lesitobipgtheOepsikpo9o3, c of the hopes of nilositY of the lll*ll9ol*9rldi,ii Vfi,eatrange Indeed 'if he 'ldtkapstiet . so avail blinself•orthe advantages of a, to realize the anticipa tions of big friends..aba mil :the hopes of .., - 4 ,, ...to , . ..-.--.----,_ -- - ,T;;lterlitoin; f isprope- -No Battle Yet. . The?;tiwn4 4. 4aya- later Intenlgenco from En :e*igrwei• ,Onblißh to- d sy;lamounta to rely e.:. Pitre lra; not yet beilit cirtp .batt/e ~., ~, . bglid iiiiiroAftlies and the atuotriana..% litAie. 4.oaityoAloiliaaridrii, Prapati is . taking steps to. - e.. 4( the itiklance of : leurepi,*' 'Witch tailan*:; to back ur Akuntrla. , .: Ile' now , testi ;e4d 1464 . ')'.-4. llB tigrilgr,,o: s ; ol l9oW 7t4rme b iT , bo ll .'bitetilitlOl 4 / 4 7 47. 4 ).-* 4 ; : irhore 14. r ll '*t 0 i 21411#0#$$#:1 ,1 f.t) .0 snon - i t I's laid tel, - '2' .jtiltetiAii , xiial;iniiingtetter . to 9aeen' . sofoltie Wean*liiiit England iS Prt+Pailit for Mir =.lf it must be se.. B JiIDNIGIM MAIL. Letter - sa Oc c a si o nal: (Gorrespendenee of They:sea.) WASCLINOVON, May 29, 1859 , The result of the elbotion in .Virginia,, showing the dead of at !mit two of 1,14-Admirdstration members of the hist Gongresi,_Mad' the' success of Leteher for Governor by a grehtly reduced ma jority, may be classed among the most recent and most brilliant of Mr. Bunhattair's - triumphs. in all the storms of party warfare Old Virginia beast* Aim. .Whon other States gave wsy she remained Steady In the faith of, the DeD10019.03 Party"; -Bien - In '1854, when °the - Aide -country eineetad to see Mr. WlSedefeated - by themishin I feign of Auseriesehani the Old -Dominion adhered lAtlie - Old'Aig of our party. What, could not be `,Hooted, - 110 W -ever, by the Harrison campaign of 1840; 'by" Taylor in .1849, and: by; Pow- Nothings in 1854, Mr. Buohanan has - almost him; eelf alone aociemplishek. His' polloyy personal and,,' , denerel,"bieeding , Jur 'it has bred, all 'Sorts — of' dissensions among - Den:Monts, North' and- South, has oome.,pncir breaking up the De 'Morriedy of lien his large profeisions of 'regard' for 'the South did not preventLetolter and others froinrenudiating him and the °anise of his Admintstratioril for it 'is' now notorionithat 'if iheihad not - done' this the. Opposition. would' Italie bad an overwhelming' triumph' in this ,the, 'Safest and steadiest-'Democratic .State among the, - Whether Mi. Buollanan'e polioy will lose Ken laCky'and Tennessee to' the Democratia party we shall discover mow enough. Both these' States lid linen made; it , was supposed, permanently Heoroertitio ; shot' the course of things under the _present General-Administration' has revived' all the worst 1 prejudices - of --,the, antlDemoaratio sentiment, and may throw the , Demobietio party in as hopeless a 'Minority in the whole South as' t is now in -the' North. , -The loos ,of Pennsyl• vents to the bemoorate was a great loss in Itself; hams Weretold that we were'to be compensated - foi this - lees , by,'the permanent gain of Kentuoky, Tennessee, 'and ultimately, Maryland itself—be 'mines of'the ultre;Southerii,lindenoy of the Presi dent zend his advisers. -We now And, however, - that nothing but defeat and disgrace are to be our' lot while the party is controlled by the office holders of this Administration. Beltpreservation demands that we should at once ant loose 'from thesis 'men. After the lesseh taught in - the Vir ginia eleation, and:that threatened in other South; -ern States yet to vote,: there • should be no delay in taking the - right step in this - direction. : The , abuse 'of .the New York :Herald: of -the 'DeniooratiorParty mutt be understood as the language of Mr. 'Buchanan's, own personal or gan. The fact is, - the Herald has its own way in" all - these roatterif, and' the President is more than convinced that the Democrats have been very ungrateful to himould that the Herald is right lln its abuse of the aforesaid Demo crats,' and Its praise of him at the expense of his party,'" The President is bound to the Herald by the moat endearing ties., Te,.show how fondly he loves Bennett, it is only neaossary to state that both !aware:Johnson. and Hughes, editors of the Washington - Union, were compelled to leave that journal after their assault upon the Herald, which, hoinver jusfand opportune, mot ;the President's Severest censure.. The two editors had to leave in continently. It seems to be understood that Mr. Weetnott, -, your Postmaster, ,will,lenirroffine to.morronOind that'on Wednesdaylis slag:memo; wiltboliiittimpt A new,name;-,thlikof Thos. !B:; Patriots; s; Cn' State ,Banater,.harinlately: , been' Seggestid: His . somewhat, violent ' lieStility ,to Gov. Packer; of - yerinsylianist; litia - `greatly helped to atirattee his 'Waks IA the PaStnialitimhip.: - '- - The- Presideik-lenViia -, for, North Carolina; to morroWevenieg.,,:ile roes there, itissehi t in poor polltioal spirits.",` POttdatotrat.. m Aninieei44 ; -, • - , lyeinnt-stveet -Theatre„tran partitittlarly 4ene.; flt.ed lest weekT 'The;kkkost ti r otiaoable ifieldeits of these eVints.iferti the deOlitedli "good peOntioneo of wholaelketh"--eviti,:the:,#ittajo, which is - vory fines beintwell playa, end the ehieesen extreme. tr!welt 'Air.' Shewell'i Macbeth was a ..therighatiai r impernonatioe,;`ykith ' - sioL little! of 'the stage - traeitionAttto glue hike ti to Judgekent ned Dl:3lfietdl2- Tad* Macbeth *Ai ji . srt9rm3inaoi. Mr . Penny, an Mae :iii4lekkenly one . fault;-be wee too matey. •On *loy_, it:neninit,:fOr , the' dientilt of krt. Thoyek; 'a new,:play",:mee-repteiented; ;,tt Ifilden.Ctiteent of Still Watere,'! , and: Viaa an at. ,tentirktkmoto iiiiihittoun than snoaeavfal;,tcleontintte iiot name ,velebf thought per, poc6 -Mr Oar ,ftiyfor‘a, be atilbil ei Still W-afto Ittn Thittp:li,T. We, did not witness thin dna, •:'ente_f:sktienspt,lnitt .iierrreevonAo-believe, tient who did, that .the ;nettle, ef . ,ik„.Paveiii;'ivhoThed the fottltudej. - Mb out' tile - witote"ititrownliiigbt - iirtnaltee in the itillowing summary: of the new 1114 "In it, ohn %Biding) , heti taken to drinking. Mrs. Mildew to rag.ptok log, and Potter became strong minded, and turned temperance preacher As Shakepeare killed Merontto hemp, be didn't know 13011 much farther to portray him, so the author of " the Under-Ourrent" has been obliged to kill Mrs. Sternbeld, she being much too strong a eberaoter for the author to oopa with Captain Ilawkeley.le the only man who btu; kept to his galvanios, but. they have had .(in ' tea years space of time) tho but, timer of depriving him of 'alibis eleotrioity, he been now no other than a common beavy.villain of ell dramas, /mantle or domestio, varying only In their °Mums and never In",thelr charenteriettee. Mixed up with all this is a young lady and a carpenter ; a silly chamber- maid and an absurd footman. The morality of the drama, consists of temperance speeches, ap- peals to heaven, orthodox twaddle anti of oomecon pleeee, and a grand elap-trap swab about the Bale, which failed in its effect and didn't draw down a mingle " band." This is the moral Ameri can drama which is to reform the stage and dis place French immorality." .If the play be repeated, (which is seemly pro bable,) no previous engagement shall prevent our going to ice what by all amounts, must be a dra matte Itisus naturra. Mr. Janne Rem of this oitY , Is the huther. "The Willow Copse" and "Life n Philadelphia" will be played this evening The Indian drama, "Wsoonata," le in rehearsal, and ,` Partetnnd Marguerltte," whtoh filled the Princess's Theatre, in London, for a whole season, will be warmed bare next week. Mas t Ludlam, the danaeuse, has a benefit on Friday evening, when the comedy of 4 ' The Ladles' Battle" and the burletta of "The Robbers of the Beath " will be played—Mies Ludlam, for the first time, appearing , in a speaking character. The juvenile corps of dancers Will also perform . Arob•street Theatre closes its dramatic season to.morrow. Masers. Wheatley .t.; Clarke must have realised considerably this season, and have to thank an unusually good stook company for meek of this smote We see it announced that Mr..T. S Clarke hue a benefit this evening, (unless oar reeo)lection err, there was a like event in his favor only a fortnight or three weeks ago?) and . annonooss Plana "Pride of the Market," with Delicate Ground," commie pantomime, and the old fast and slang bridetta of "Tom and Jerry." •In this last, with moat questionable tisie, Mr. Clarke announces that "in the scene at Tattersoll'o horse auction will be brought into re quisition [on the stage, we presume?] Mr. Olarke's beautiful horse, Biwin Booth." Barely Mr. Clarke does not think the public, .so deeply interested in him as to care one straw about seeing ble horse. Cr does Mr. Clarke simply intend letting , the world know that he possesses such a quadruped.? If the horse is to be " brought Into requisition," effectively; perhaps there may be a scene or two in the circle. Seriously spooking, this horse 'WAN. thin is entirely out of keeping with the high character of Arelt.street Theatre—unless, indeed, the ~ beautiful hem" Is to draw rations as one of the star-oompouy " . Next Monday, Morifs Brothers,.(Pell k Tres,- bridge's Minstrels, from Boston,) commonee a fort• night's season at Arch. street Theatre This groups are said to be a moat complete, able, and popular band, who sing as well as play, and indeed go In for an extensive •line.Of performonoc, hi the sway of amusement. The National Theatre; (Walnut !treat.) reopen ed on Saturday, With a fair company. Mr. 0. M. Lewis played the part of Thuislot, extremely well. . He is an eduoated gentleman, with a, thorough feeling for hie art. This evening, "Othello" and " The Loan of a Lover" will be performed. dt MoDonough's Galatia, (Race street, below Third,) Mona. Eugene Theidon takes big benefit He is a floe violinist, sod his imitations are wonderfully good. McDonough has a large and brilliant company of per-ormere. Moux Vartwort.—Well.timed u well na well ezeouted, is a beautiful view of Mount Vernon, Just published by Mr. Byram, 112 Beath Third street., It was drawn on the spot and in color! by C. W. Wells, and bas been admirably painted in colors by P. Collins. It the appearance of an effective watercolor drawing, and the teen° Is taken from a new point of view. The plate also Contains a vignette, on wood, of the Tomb of Waeh logton. Neatly framed and glazed, this " Mount Vernon" would richly adorn a parlor. ' , l'uneurionr liALSll.—Valuable real estato— Thomas it Bone' sale te•morrow evening will com prise upwards of thirty proportier, the larger per 310n. including the Philadelphia Bank, absolute sales, by order of Orphanal Ooart, executors, true: tees, ,to. • See pamphlet oatislogqes, now ready, and adrerthrients, *tuition bead. • • The National llotel, at Atlantio City, bee under goes groat Improvements this year. lho pro• prletors, Meseta east & Co., have expended a great deal of pales to make it the exaorslon house of this delightful watering place. We learn that Mr. H. I. Hart, wilt attend personally to the superintendenoe of the establlehment, and his great experience el a oaterer, both In this My, and Atlantic, warrants ue In saying that the National will do a great business this season. The 'Latest from Pike's. Peak. • 43•YfISR01114, HaDSILI, Idity 2,9 —The oreilawf mdl fruorikeal Pitt arrived Mat night, lh Woe days h*at Danror Oily. It brought fattrpeusagere, with a Mill amount of gold in their poesitealon. Plovirtons were Attiring at lb, miner, THE' PRESS.-1-PIIILADMPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1859. , r , ' ' -- Academy, of. Illtisi6 It rejeleeS yi.t,O find, that - fdiy, surely the fairest of all the iifoh . thil, - ffill riot pan away, in Jag full eityi•withent some , suitable Festival in her,hopor: ' Baru . at: county . It; to too, , that,'na , such an coustalCol; the . _t ow la 1" - - is .‘,:::„-.,,„. eaoyinerit - ahorild be 'shared ' Jai' th e ,JaYehilpe, I thrb tte , ( , " Would, parents, but remember "we were',,young„ —N dtki ll 6 " '.' • . mrrlsolk , " ~ once,".they would glie their children more fie ,_ , litteblo fl • quota perricipo'tlon in innocent pleasures than they I ACeonne ~ .. ... : . * county Weland county.. Wittily have. ', _ - . Bro e ok* county—about, This evening, at the Academy, Mr. George , Hancock ‘. Hood will give a pleasant May Festival, at which' It t a . l i ' ai :: tlio;best known and, most , beautiful .ilowera Will be, -Isle of , ight county::: diatinotWely 'reprosented,.='-literally by 'hundreds BouthanaPtoe , it=-arose. ' 'Oroblidten. There will be solo, dtiet and opera; ' ratd e4 OsT l litunty; (13„e: "4 singing.' There will he solo, duet, ballet dewing. - *Mote net hoard from). There will be a promenado,of the children, among Pili . t . o,e_tr i ' . f_b erell!eate wham are the Infant Geezer:Lige, Tiny Plooolomini - 3 17,111,, u .r. )' . - 4 1 00 and Petite Laborde, with Stout Amodio - , - Clumsy iStasettwo, Wilti ii .ll. ohio county nu elected two and ona Democrat to the.toigielature. Mar. Brigooli, and deep-vetoed Carl Formes, ,all in ,oppoisciotinonnt tints cleated OProdtion Representatives. miniature. There will bo the Banquet Boone -in , - , Coggin. Lather. cl Cinderella," .- in which one . hundred little per= NeethamPlestroonuty- (Small Dom. lose) ACCOMOR county. . _ . Dena. gain. formers will appear. Lastly, and itself of no,ordi, No, g ...„ 3 1 ot,,,,iity .Dam. s sin. nary 'attraction, blad'llp, Apna Wthaler,lhe mei- - Wasuinatort, bi..y 28.—1 n City counties that have 100 con'tralto, will give two solos."'We Lope to =heard from, Coggin's majority in about 800 to 000 era' 'the -#aladielY crowded, on' Vila oanasion—for A private &snatch from Wrigh'syble cape that in the seven counties in the Thirteenth Oonsreselonal ilia .we like te'a'se young and old enjoying themselves seven prices are nocomMOdiatingly lOw--450 oents to I.l ° O t li :t h at b e a nl b'' V;i n jro l t r a ro in m 3BTs e Dem"" le" In the Thirteenth Con paiquot, parquet circle and balcony '; and 25 ciente The e , utast between Benj. Rush Floyd (Dam.) and to mend balcony and family (Arctic. Box ebeete $l4 Martin n d ( slite ) Pi r o %NMI ' are open at the Academy, end at Beck & Laciforeili gr im the three conntien of the 'Twelfth Congressional Seventh and 'Ohelltaut streets. There will oer. distrlet beard from, the Dammam lose Clo on Wise's taint ybe a crowded holies, and there ought to be. li e weatram, Va., May 23 —lt is estimated here that Mr Latent? Ina been elected Governor by about 2 oco modern, 'ln the Seventh Congressional dletrlot, William lentlb.*Dene .), for Congress, has a majority (official) o' .'- The Richmond _Enquirer says His impossible to sive an accurate statement as to the general remit for Con grese,or Legislature, but October will be elected by be tween 5,000 and 8,000 majority. - ' ' - The' returns from vhe Bighth Congreesionai district -are Ingotplete, but the Dernoorate all concede the oleo- Alois or Alex, 11. Botelor to congress over Hoe. 0. J. ganlkoer. Hienvints, Tenn., May 28 —A despatch received by pestles here in Chattecrora saye , that in seventy.five outlines in Virginia -- oat of the hundred and y n e,y.. 1 Milky Wet. L. Gossip. the Opnositinn osedidate for Governor, gates about 7 00) on the vote polled in 1865, ths, - -,tbsee of lb. lost aubmistorial contes 4 ' The Op ',2lsltion• party claim his, election by 4,000 . msjorliy. 1 Venn ts i soy this Is doubtltd, but the chancre favor Mr. „w.1113711V0 lasbu.., ~ .TON, May 20.—A - private &spew( from 4 00 1 0 00 Whig genre., dated Richmond, this aveni i og,' laye. that returns- from .I.llaoriutles mate Lather's mejorlty,Bos..Tbe M remaining *coutttlee gave Governor WiSe a majority 0' 1 480 - ' - , THR _lotT2BT... : Polar Breeze Park Timbal:l'm:cases in this Park, Whloh Is the 'pro perty of an association of shareholders, are itow in the very heat condition. The miter Outgo a ex aptly a irctliontrderenee: and, the Joiner Course (*Math Is fit for use at all seasons) istbnce fonrths of a mile'. On Wednesday, a race of-some Importance and more than ordinary interest wilt come off, at "4 P. M. The contesting ;horses, the :property of Private'gentlemon, ate Albei4latiale and Black Harry. -The' stake Will be The race wilt' be—mile beats, the beet thriedn fire. The Association Will attend in full foMe on this occasion, and fully toot the resources of B. D. Badgers, Esq . , ("Uncle Sammy,") the popular and courteous gentleman who has °barge of - tho •.- Grand Btand hotel, in the Park. Hap of the geatpf War. The Press of tomorrow will contain a large, clear, and accurate map of Northern and 00.tral Italy, showing the Seat of War,and the pbeitiert df tho Sardinian, French, and.duetriart arMiee. It also ehowe the boundary' limit, rallteadai,'und ordinary , roads-in Lombardy, Piedmont, Savoy, and the Valais. By means of this map, the 4arl one operations during the war can regularly be ascertained, noted, and thoroughly localized. The &et Pining meeting or the 'Union docker Club, at the Eclipse Course, Long Island, commences pnWek nesday next, and bide felt to surpass alt previous seeing . rettelons on the „ The olable composed of gentlemen of the highest standing, Who aro bent on elevating the national sport to Its Proper poidtton, and reboil:ling It from the hands of mere horsemen and 'Wasters To Ibis- ond, vb 6, purchased the old Centreville Wok, and obtained - charter of Ineorporation ; they have sinoe added Sone) Bt.' teen aores of laud to It, expends I many thonsatide ado]. late to Improvements, sleazed new and oaptolons stand's, &c., and it is now ti ,most perteot rioe.traok in tie Linton. , The coming la the :anti meeting of the club, ' Oar, ringers Will bare perused thipregrampre our Edver. tlaing"Columni;*aild noticed the tit roughly' Buglink, ohaisotior of the stakes and purees, (witlelalncont in the aggregate Mover 112,000,) it being the design of the dab to render this a Perfect epitome of, our Bliglish" Tieing vietings. The game etriugenkinles will be en „forced: for the maintenance of order ; all, the riders will ,iMve to appear in full Jookay costume, silken .4064' and caps, dto., instead of .Ikl 41 mom , : 'gra kyle, and no home can start whore ride r set attired. Then, again, there will be the official card of 'ie races, as at gpeoni and 'Aseet,with tali; it - names, - w.iglits, and colors of UM riders:l enabling the verieet tiro and all the ladies to be as tbomigtly portal as the greatest adept In - tieing matter's, instead of, is hereto. fore, the oaten:sty information, being 'confined Ma se.- loot few, which deprived the rice 'of interest the , , . , Tkere are no lase than eleren different ‘ roads.rn 'the' cones, Vida 111 0131i' eked 'and pleasant 'drive ; trek, New York, eehliet to . aeinuereadate' trains will be Jun every day: Sys teniti a large lion or rbiladelphla sportsmen *lli be 'preeekta aa :0* brilliant inauguration or a worthy linterpriere;, FILE LA. 7 .rEST .N.EVVS. B' r .TEI . E4:RAP s°t Three„ - :Dais : Liter trei NO BATTLE AS 'NAPOLEONS ItEADQUA.itTUS: AT ALESBANIAIA. Austrian Loan of ,Soii;niy-FLva.i.iilliOns.: Cotton. Lower-.Dreadattitaiirm: CONSOLS 911,2 a 913-4 i tiny Yong, MILT 29.—The stestnehlp Neti-ifeek; froai Bremen sad x outhampton, ardredfhb moroltig. briar , Irg Liverpool and London Mites of Tuesday, the 17th lost. The New 'York bee 18 °shin psasengers, end 53.3 in the second cabin and steerage. The steamers &atoms and Jure bad arrived out. The ship Theories, from ilevannah, baa been partially burned while lying In the Liverpool docks. After math exertion the are WSlOunaatd t/ the ootton In the allot lower hold. The zest of her cargo .was damaged ty water. There bid been no bettle fought between the AlHee and the Austrians: The headquarters of the Emperor Napeloon hen been eetablieerd at Almn:idea. . . The duittian Government ta endeavoring to rain a loan of seventy. are millioes. The repot t of Count Boot , / resignation from the ittii Ulan ministry Is cOnfirnied. • . • Many failures are reported on the Continent and on the London Stock Exchange. The fal.ute at Mears. Orators &Co, of Dittoing; hem, le announced. Qom:, Victoria reviewed the troops at Mderelloot on the 18th Inst. • • • . °omit Perehroy, the new French minister, ruched London on U161411'. •, Count Cadet:bar:a had alto arrived It le reported that the ,Emperor Napoleon, berate hi/ depertare for addressed% letter to Qnsen - pinto. eta, repeating his pray:dee to take no step duilag thi • War to eomprombe the laterals of Sophism. eke India eta China malls bat re leaned London The °Mesta dates era to April the 11th, sod from Hoeg Moog to Starch 28th. Then ens Is not, irrpottent. . The French troops had captured Pelson, a place of considerable otter ph in Cochin China The Americas frigate (lermautpern acid satinet Mil elraippt were at Japan. The trade at (button was aullerleg mach from the es. lietionnof the Mandarin,. . • , TRH WAR. Nothleg further of Importance had been receivid from the seat of war, no collision 'hallos occiurse, though soon expected. The Paris correspondent of the London Timer say that the oonadanse of enure, by the army in Italy so great, that preparations will non be made at note!. Dome far a To Deum tkaankegiving for a great viotocr expiated to be announced next weal. all the eine-rs of the regiment of impure to be oota mended by Prince Napoleon loft Paris on the 14th for Toulon: A train of siege artillery had Mu, left for Italy. • • It is rumored that arine hire been sent to Ifongary. and that the Bungariaos, abroad are actively employed In fomenting an insurreetiou In their Country.... An ordinal bulletin from Piedmont, dated the 14th, says the Anaemia withdrew. to day from ninbbla, a ceutly their tooluinhertere, but a aseond and . still stronger reconnoitering force has been pushed forward to the walls of Ver. The Lnperor Napoleon, with Marshal Oinrobert, rode through the greets of Ahkeandsis on horseback. 1,1.• WU everywhere rand led with the great's*. demonetre• lions of Joy. • 1 An official bulletin fiord Turin autionness =remits made by the Anita sue from Btrabelle towards Voshers A despatch from Berlin Joys that the Germanic DOC (florid on the 14th by the ?linos' Regent In pinyon, who, In his speech, meld 'th t BMW& nes determined to maluteln the Deletiooe of power lo hurtpe, and steed up for the security, protection, sad the oatmeal Interests of Grimm', sod be expected that all the tier male Orin federative Powers Wouhl stand' firmly by her fulfilment of that mission. • • • , The mobillaatlon of the eighth Bedevil Os an disuses completed. Pilaw Mredenak William le dominander in-Oht.f. .Ihe Ausarten Government loin of levauty•fire Ilona I :o ba et eve pet cont., payable In silver, and aIII be wood at seventy. The Latest. • LOWY, May 17th —IL despateh from Rome cafe that the Bute de Grammont left that oat, on the 16th, in oocargtience of • telegraphic order from the emperor. A. despe.oh from Vienna toys that the engliah steam. or with the Inalan Emilia we, o•erhenldd;off tessera by the boots froxis Freneh oar ship Charles Ylliate & Co . or Birmingham, failed to-dey. Them has been a further incor•ry of Illinois Central sham, bat Brie Es hoed securities bare deoiloed. ' Orecoh.red wheat has 'Unwed. 8645. on the el GO. Commercial Intelligence. • Llennsoot, May 17.-1 he Cotton market afoul; with s deolleing tendency, prices being Xd lower, with but little tron.ry who sal.' for the .past two dare hare been 8,000 belie, of which 000 were sold on Monday, and 8,000 balsa up to noon to-day Bps...mitoses —The market closes arm Wheat hes In &amain tellaeoor, condoed pilzolpany to lresoh red, for which there Is s demand, Paoristoste —The tutu kit closes arm qrd dead,. P1101:11/01.—PotAlb,s drm at 82e (Hanle 61. Pearl Ashes are also steady, 'Other sniffles of produco are slow of sale, but prices are unaltered. LONDON, April IT.-^Consols, at note, closed it 91X0 . . . . The Steamer Hungarian below Quebec. PARTIIIE 1' , 41117, (below Que bee.) Nay 2D—The eteatesh4 BUtigati4Rl was signalled below this pOlot abut D o'cloek. The boatmen 'in charge of the *Mo e etc' Preis beat went oat to intercept her, hot failed to attract the attention of those on baud. This ira ptobeibly owing to the fact of the removal of the tele graph station from Bless do L-upe to th's point not Doing known to the Mem. of the llangertaa The steamer will resoh Quebee to the morning. Fter ditee oro to Wedeeiday. the 'Satinet., one day later than brought by the Bremen steamer New York Later • from .Illaranattm and Venezuela. Nam. Yomir Hay 29 --edv;oes . from hiereesibo heed been received to the Bth Mat The troops lathe mile of fien Carlos prenonneed on the 284 of April. and maintained posests.on of it ,fur four drye r when the insuresnie surrendered At Barosions, font hundred and arty revolutionists were arrested on the 19th of /torn • Dates from Ottawa to the 321 r of 111a,r.deseri be la. felts In Vecesaels silvery unsettled. The Goveroment , s troops at Coro had been defeated by the insorgente, who held po :on of the province., Murderous Assault 11SiKentudy. Xlsolon, Msy 111.—B. 0 /Mote*, tbe i'dto of the Fayette tu uoty wen lut ofeht otitis t up. Alter retiring to bed, by ma unknown mut. who'nmaulted blm w!th a knife • rippler opeo hie ',Women. Tbol wound la 'apnoea to be fetal. The vitalism Mee et , reeted; sod More moth exoltemeitt tweeted by the toUrdert us attn.*. Sporting. _ NEW YORK RACES iuh4(z The Virginia Election, WAVg illaTol, EV 28 —no following additional 'TBturlatl ;Isom Virginia luxe balm renelved - for Go received_ far Gc6Blo (Op.) - Weber (Dem 400 876 180 800 818 260 ~.. 203 2to • ;,littuitoio, Tit., May 20—Retnoos have been received. from-ninety. five mannsfte, sheerins a majority for Ma Istehst,for. Governer, of 423; Forty-eight ,colintiee allot to be heard from. wbidhod the last fiovernor , o .014offen, ; majority of 2047. The ",.rage ran of Mr. Gegen ; the Oppasition candidate, In the eeneaks head from Iles been 78 If the eountlee to ;he heard from ram-am the se 'average of gale for the (fejmition.,llr. Coggin would be Welded by 4 mejority of 'tont 1,200 Nicaraguan Affairs--Ratification of the Belly Project. • Wseinisorow, Nay 29 —Gee, Jerez, tbe minister from Nicaragua. bag beexeMelally advised of the mitigation Of the Belly tenni contract, but with ouch amendments altered .Compliestione or hipedimente in the funn el:Mot of treaties with other nations, our own Included It eoncodes to Id Belly no imperiaut grants of hands-or privileges until the canal obeli be completed. Coati Rica, It will be recollected, just rat fled thin contract, tied her Patent to tbo amendments made by Nbiaregua milli therefore_ be necessary before it can take effect. Prom what-is known here, it .In not probable that abe int acquiesce. However, M. Belly's scheme is regarded In distinguished quarters as a bombes affair. ,Ortr Government ban accepteddhe convention negoti• abed by.-Minister Lamar, whleh optativee the principles of .the Cass-Yrkaari treaty, bat dissents to the anti- Blibulter Mauro as nrineceestry. Of this the Govern -anent will atone, be informed. Gen. Serge; who will .heave Wathington for New York to-morrow, and rotate 'le Nicaragua, in the steamer t./ sail on the Sth, of Jens, is confident that when this fact le °emu:molested, sn extra Deletion of Congress will forthwith be called to sot Upon the etialeat, and that they will striVe out the ob. jentlenable clause. ' -The het steamer brought to Gen yens full authority _tri,telse measures for the reopening of the Transit ne `seen se btaetleabla;and on reasonable and liberal terms. Be indulges the hope that he will be rumbled to enter Into Mute/illy satisfactory arringemeote in the Bourse of stew daye. From what bait already transpired. there mu belittle, if any doubt of hie encases. Ile 'expreetes tamest! both - satisfied and 'retitled -with the views of the Adminietration towards lelearegua. During his 'Renee, Senor, &feline, the Costa Rican adulator, will bare charge oficsragaan affairs at Washington. - No partleuter importance is attached to the reported -Walker hilhuater movements lu Nioarsgus. The United States se well es the British national vessels are In suf. flotent force In that quarter to intercept ouch sitpe. dlitiOne, if any are contemplated. Later from Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. , • Now Your. Iday 89,—The bark ,Clintords, Wright. from Montevideo, arrived to-day, brings adviees, to April The IT 8. storeship Release was to fail for New York Sire taw days. • ft .2446 262266604 that Geieral lardd'es woe abunt to attiok Revues Ayres. The dates"frero Buenos_ Ayred ore to AprilOth. No- Wog waktelked of, there but the eipoo'ed invasion by Gen. Urqu'de. Tke CODA of ferelauere bed boon en. rolled into , ' - 'The cOws from the Argentine Confederotloo woo Wary ' , • part,; P,ofro'rk "xplorins oxpeCtion was to lease ,slown the SOU% o f *en for Porowo)kr. Too hatorition obipytinettn, with?. wise of , wool, boottirornsd, - The orow Wiol mated on eureoloo of log 919,111eN1/ . .V 44 oVcrtalw - ALM.omitur Into tnirtoi, sot • 1, ofotr4 States , blot inn aolcoarkor— age 'on pie tralted ietatss was Homing. Presbyter"in Ixesieral.AssemPly. emoseesyr, May 28 —to (be Assembly, to-dap. Rev. De.,Wilsoe, from' the, dietetical Otimmittee, reported to fsrOr tome changes •in the table,. of church ett,'. 'Milos. relative to Were, licentiates, bnptisme, oentri batontis,onas, riv eta ad The proposition was Mimeses', bat no acr it, The Rev W L Break Widget s -es eleetei Professor o the Danville Theologies' Pemtoary. The'keport of - the doinestJe missions wax taken up dhlen.sed t qod conatarrei 10. .nie officers vete elected The direotors of the to walls and Western Theologt cat feminarles were el. cted. The General' Astlettib!y of the Presby terian Chtirch,.(N. S.) , • MOM DAY. WILIMMTON. May 29.—The time or the Onuerst As sembly of the Preabyterlan (Mew , ohooD eknoreb waa mainly recopied te•day by discueetons oa church Pomp idou and pnblloatlon• but no conelogion wee arrived it. The report Of the Committee on Church lixtenalon was recommitted, and made a epecial order for Monday evening: ~ The delegates to the Assembly will go on a steamboat excursion on bflndsy aftotnoon, at the invitation of the citizens of Wilmington. Tornado in Illinois--Sixteen rarsons EMIR On OAoo.hfay 28 —The Itiektonvllle correspondent of the Springfield Realaw rays that a mint terrific tor nado ores ad twelve miles south of that elly yester day. The violence of the whirlwind in described at exceeding anything , of the kind ever al tneeeed in this .eanntry, and roe d only he compared to a West India Iturrieane. Sixteen persons are reported to heYe been killed, and many others seriously Injured. Ilonees and barna went demoilehed and blown to atom. The names of the kilted have not bean 'ascertained. The Circular or the' Tuscan Govern - - • ment. Pnorinsuoir My 28 —The Journal of this city nob. lb bee a Megaton of the circular tuned by the Pro • visional Government et Toteany. rehnanitcer the foul events which preceded the abdication of the Greed Duke The or ly new feet gated Kthst 3424 previously to hie abandonment of the Government, Leopold Cent hte eon, the Archduke, to the fortress of St. George. ordering the oommandeot totire upon the city, which order the latter firmly re'u;ed to obey. Arrival of ,the ,Clllnnesote. 1308t0; May 20 —ThS Trotted States steam frigate Mtorksatts bee arched. Lieutanaot War?.'.' of the United States steam Mote Minlesippl % - and Mr Ind. dte, lets Unitedlitatee consul at Singapore, are pas sooners The hltorwsola also beep home the crew of the bark Otaretoooz f:om Table Day, for trial on a charge of minor. Louisiana Democratic Convention. New Oxixtitse. May `1,7 —The DOMOOTatiO State Cone , Vl.O tion, in MOOD at Baton Rouge, eater a close cone teat of three dale. have nominated Thee; kfe - re for GOTiVTIOr oh the sixteenth •ballot. The nominee was the candidate of the friends of Mr. Bilden. Officers forlJ., S. Steamer Siajacinto. • WAIMINOTOX. Map 28 —The ioliowiror lc the. Nat of Officers ordrred to the Limited States steamer Ban Ja Onto, Attlee out tit New 'Pork for the African stat'on Captain, Armsironc ; Lieutennuis, Donald , oi, Ungbes, Madigan, Johnson. sad Leysll ; Adios , Mester ; A. P. Cu*e; Purser, Derry; Chief Engineer ; Faroe.' s,equittal .of Captain' Townsend of tho Slaver Echo. `ollAriverAll Ms). 23,—Oaptairkrowniend, .s . f . the 'laver Ibbo hilt been tecialtted. - - 'Tire Obe*IIII" Slave Rescue Case. POLVEthiss. Mr 28 —The del:Unit to the habtas c, p. pia sun or Burhnall end lasonston, the Oberlin olive r m tui .were, th been egein postponed until Monday af t noon. ~ Anival of the Steamer Philadelphia. - 419 CIALRINA, 21 —The steamer Philadelphia b* arrived fate /I arena, bat Wage no nowa of int. rcitanee. - - ; Markets by Telegraph. N eer 031L/3/.235, Slay 27.—Salve of Cotton, to-day., only 0001mIrs, at 11,1( for middlings. The weakly report is as Vows: Sale for the week 30 7 1 0 Wee. 1111pt5.... , 6 750 , t , ' for the WY a wePlc last year.... 12,750 «, Erfrate for the week 89 000 " Tottleaporte 1 018,500 ,/ &able abed of last year 182 600 ' I ", ' " at all Southern ports.... '681,000 . Btooltln port 3 200,00 ~ Stook tt thermos time last rear ' 229.690 . Aida closes With a deolinirg tendentir ; Wee at $0 02; Corn Is doll a' $l. 05. Oats vast at 723 ' 0 Me arm at 11X esl2 forEtin; sales of the work. 4150 bags ;Impnrre 17 760 bogs: stook in port. 82 000 begs, agatte 28 000 begs at the same time last year. 11.n.'lleons, May 28 —Plmir dull ; no sales reported ; Tloaatt street el:Oast 57®726. Wheat hardy; white St 71ed 90 ; red $1 /55m1 10 Coro doll ; white 85 at, ; yeile*l6eB7 cents. PrOrhlonsdull— flacon aides 9%, Whigiy doll at 29 'for Ohio. Mosta. 61. y 27,—ea1to of 500 hale/ of eotton today at 11,1 for nVdd Tinge. Bala of the mph, 8,760 NU., Veoinnrat tbi. p.it ahead of la.it year. 170,000 bale/.; stook itport 75 000 o.lee; cotton freights to Liverpool aiding lrxahaege. 100e110 Grantreavr, _Nay IT —flour unchanged ; sellers reeist , any ftrther decline and Mayer , . are not d lapsed to ope rate ;!aalef at VI 45*0 60. Whiskey heavy at 25a. Pro 'Wool teohanged, 8005'7, SISY 23.-91 one—The receipts since yaster• day lwri bean $,469 bids 9 , be orowket Is Moody with a mndettti deniand ; vales at WeVera superfine at $d 26es 6 50; t41(19 5701 60; extra $7 7508 for common,and 1819106 f 9ifr bbl for family and auperine brands. EfWh ore is 'land"; email sales or fancy at 57.7608; (nitre $8 4 . 460 41); Graepiqcei receipts , shoo yesterdav here beenls,4oo tin•la Om, 8 724 do Oats. and 1,500 Shorts Core to doll ; 4ntia of yellow at Nal 0$ ; white 080 4P bub. NthPt e In pioderate 'deinsao; 1 141 . 1111 of Northern and flacadl i at 4233 vrloo§ Edward inland 050460 Suit. Rye in felting at OIL 05 gy bosh. . 1 DU:KNORR TOBACCO MAIIKVIT. Vey 28 —The ocarketled Maryland Tobacco had been quiet We week, sod ere titee 130 /deft oi.ennoeqeeeee to report. The quest/seam nominal!! &Milo.' :—Oommon $B5lB 00, good ()Peary 44 ; middling Er, 0006,50 ; good to doe Brown IFlso4;,ilde Brows $4.21.0 There he, been delta a fair eutuand for Ohio Teellooo, and aelea to the extent or shoo ,400 laid,' were , made et priced within aim range 0 Cur quotetiOna ' We ghat. Inferior to good emnrco 406 ; red Lod monied 0 504p7.50 ; good and tinted ad, and gond end tine yellow Mold ‘ ken. tucks , beau° le without demand et present. The In: epootio Of tbs'week are 1,968 Willa. Maryland j 720 , 1 8 VIAL 0 5 ; 04 hltde Kentuaky and 5 hbde. Virginia—, Total 247 MO, - , - , • . .-, . ,„ . ' .113111ErIMENTS TIM EVENIMI. Wzzon's TILLT/tr.—“ Tie Lau a'Lover." & CLAitintie ARON-STIMPlies ToOLTIO 4, l)elteete•Groand ,, — ,, pride of the hiarket! , ,- 4, Toin ud Jerre—so V ol•att-Vent Mrs Waratut-Broeso Tmrsasan.— ,4 Willow (logillo 6, Life in . PloDesouan , s Cletortie.--Beleetioni from Plage, Gems from Operas, Pantomimes, Dancing, and PaNYarrataSta AOADIXT Or TIM YINII AII7I3.—NE htbltiou of Painting' and Statuary. 882 Boson msj OTZNINO 01` TIM GREEN AND 00A.TES:•STREET PABBIMOIM r4 , 1,110AD large party of gentlemen, a:misting of the eilicere of ..the company, members of the City Councils, representativee of the Prete, members of the State Legislature, and a number of other invited guests, assembled 'at the depot of the Green and Coates street passenger Aatlway,at Twentrforirth and Coates street, on Paturday afternoon, to participate in the opening trip of the care over the road. We found that two'-very nominations buildings hid already been erected, viz : a stable anda car depot. The stable la about eighty feet wide and one hundred and day feet long, containingamiemmodatlone,for aboutone hundred, and fifty home, and the stills were nearly ail filled with, three animate. The second story of the building is well aiotked with, pr wearlar„ and a large 'putting machine propelled by boric pane wee in active opera tion, preparing the food of the homes. The car dept le located a few rode wet of thu stable,' and Is about the same else as that . building. It MASSON a moldier of new reed beautiful ears. I The company also own a lot went of the car depot, upon which they Intend to erect another stable of the acme clue se that now in nee. - Ip the rear or the open space between the depot and etable, they have erected a blaoketeith. Chop, in Whidh two sons of Vulcan were busily at work preparing Ivrea Ames. Altel , .lnppeot log these Improvements, the gulete partook of e bonnti_ fill cold collation which bed been' prepared by the company., They than entered the: tine care which had been plaited upon the road, and commenced their . , , PUMP'. The beinly of that' portion of the city which env rountictbile d!tpot•ona eeartely, be appreciated by those who are not iti the habit of vialting it. A short distance west lies the Schnylkitl, with a fine view I , oming up beyond its western 'idiote, Ithlia on the southwMit, the Fairmount Water.Worke tower is ma jestic grandeitr, slid the :whole aelihborhood pommel, particularly this ifaisdn,• roagilliblent aspect. - The new park of over, one .hrildted acres Is to be located here, and the new renew will, theretoriS, for etch one of the most convenient avenues "of mess to it, when it becomes, as it deubtless will, Gus favorite resort of a large portion of our citizens. After pro ceeding a few iquiree , down Coates street the care posed over to „Green street,- (the westetnyortion Of which is well known to be one of the most delfght'ul and handsome -section of the City,) thence down Green to Second, down Second to Walnut, up Walnut to Dock: up Dook to Third', up Third to Costes, and up Goatee to the very verge of the river Schuylkill: Along the whole line of the route tie long train of care, and the - bead of music In Ike front car, attracted warty the entire-population door,. :The eivarming oroside thus sasembledf _indicative of the density of the pophlatitin along the • Mute' of' the ' new railway—the natural attriatlieness of the western terminus of the road, which; by itanoineetion with steamboats plying IR the Schuylkill to klansynnk and other pilots, offers desirable faellittes for ex.:untended 'uponihat pleasant etream—as well sa the beauty of the Fairmount region and the Park grounds, left no doubt upon the minds of those who participated in thin trial trip of the future usernineas of the Green and Coates-steatite Passenger Railroad, and of the rich pecuniary harvest which ifs projectors are destined to rasp from their judicious eir terprlse. - „ It was the intention of - the company to hive.fully opened their root to-day, by, travelling over the line of the Second and Third-Street Railroad 'Company on Becloud' and Third street', until their roads, on Fourth and Eighth Arleta were finiebed, bit in consequence of unexpected diffionliiee, it is doutitfralwhother this en_ potation will be : realised. The delay, however, w,ll be but temporary, se It hi =pinned that in the course of the preterit : wee* the latter roade,will be domplete. The route will then hal we believe, an follOwa: Down Green street to Fourth; down Fourth teDfekorson, up Dickersoutoßighth, up Eighthto Coates, and up Coates to the Elohnylkill, While we regret that the difficulties with the Second and Third.strest line will probably Ma : - rent the -publinfrout enjoying the benefits or the Green and Coates greet road immediately, but a few days will ellipse before it will be fully placed in operation, on the te:delete named; The - , new„ road has been con structed, Its oars art very pleasant ones, and Jig route in one of the most delightful and important in the city. GRNERAI. RsiORMED PBESBItTRBIANSYNOP. —The General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America resumed its endow On /later- Ay morniogyat hire &cloak, in tice gidnixoh of the Bev. T. W. J. Wylie, on Broad street, below Sprites. The 1101 , 61012 . 411141 opened with prayer, titer which the minutes of the previous sitting were real by the Seers trey and approved; According to the; rule adopted in the beginning of `the serelan, half an. hoar an ipent to devotional en aimless, the Moderator, Bee; G MoMiilaa, Ayr. Wm., Sterret, and Mr. B Reid, condooting, • - - The half hour expired, litood.pteceaded , to bn Oneida.. The Committee on the Records of the , Phitiatelolia' Preabvtel, end the oo : inmate* ,oallie Records of the Patiberia Pteabiterwreported that the records of thpee bodies had been neatly and twain:At kept Rey Mr. Alford presented a report one paper. In re- lation to the Duryea of temperance, which had , teen , trenitnitted $ no& et Ate meeting in Illinois, lent On motion, the iepert was la •ont• e • or future coneideratien. " - • " ; • The Committee on, Divotinnal Ditereteee Made a re.. port, which wee read sod adopted. • - The Board of P.drusation presented &report. which wee read andAdoptead. = . The. Rev. A. 111.11Inarly tree/neer of the .Board of Education. presented report, which was real, accept. ed, and referred to the auditing ef mmittee The eitperintendent• of the Theological Eeminery, through tee Roy? Mr. McAuley, presented - a report The report alluded to the death of Dr. Blank; the pro lessor, and had 'a rseolution attached authorizing the elentlon of hie successor. The report wen aoseptet, and the reeolutinnh attached were referred to the Committee on the Theological - ComicarY._ . The DATE D. Guthrie' presented (WO - ispotations' ' relation to the subject of a onion with the Milted Pres byterian Church, They, were In the form of inettuc- - bons to the Committee on 'Colon, reentries them to re. per/Jo favor of sending *he beefs of ado. down In overture to the Preabyteriee and Segsions They were also instructed to consider the,questlon of union by confederation The Doctor sustained the resolutions in a lees and very earnest speech, He-wanted a free, candid, bro therly expression of opinion by the members of the Cycled. Be,. John McMaster moved tie -reference of the re solutions to the conanitte on Union; which wee agreed to On motion, Rev Dr Boardman, of the O'd Itohool Preebyerian °blank, and the_ Rev Thomas lohn.ton, or the United Presbyterian Ohureb, were invited ea consultative members._ , Rev A. G. Manley presented a report from the Committee on Statisiiss. with ts' formals attached for the prepsratiou of the qatlaties of the presbyteriee. Rev. Dr Guthrie thotightthere was more ostentation than piety in the manes of Whitten Tho less std on the money.mattere of the Church the better. Re wee opposed to the renting of pews, and to the begginie of money. He would never Aril/ any committee of the Church what MB church paid him lle wee oppored to alt soolestestiosl hterki as. Rev. A. M Stuart dissented. So- important were statistics that Got had given two or three books o , the blessed Bible to the mere publication of the namos of his children. The report of the committee woo then accepted, and the. formula adopted. Mr. George U. Stu art, on the part of the noon-day prayer meeting, invited the Synod to attend this meet ing. ' Bev. T. W. J. Wylie then moved that the invitation be acoept.d, and that when the Elynod adjourns, It ad journ to the noon-day prayer-meeting. The motion wee agreed to; and -the' Eivned, on mo tion, adpurn d with prayer, to meet on Monday morn ing at 9 o'olooh— ATTEMPTED SIIIOIDE.—WiIIiam laarron, re siding in the Nineteenth ward made an attempt at suicide, on Saturday, which may yet prove eucoessful Na imitated a very aerions wound en life left arm, rever ing the main arteries, and producing a hemorrhage almost fatal; tie was discovered breome of life friends, ston after committing the act and removed to the Beta cnpal Hospital, where he now lies In an extremely °Mi. cal contittimi. The reason *reigned for this attempt at self-destruction is domestic unhappiness TirDnianiltrairr.—About midnight on Sa turday; a hYdrtint pipe buret or was left tanning in the 'mirth story of the large building northwest corner of Third and Harmony court, occupied a offices and work. chops. The rosin in which It harmed was occupied by E. J. Newlin. Jeweller tient Handereon, of the reserve corps, and other police officers, buret open the door and stopped oftthe water. There wee some damage occasioned to the lower stories by the water. OR SATURDAY, the man Webber, who was charged with nada avoring to poison a whole family, was convicted in the Oyer aid Te . rminer of Camden county: The collet then adjourned Until this otter. noon, at 8 o'olock, at witinh time the , case' of A brchern , 8. Goddard, charged with an attempt to destroy Pe life 'of the superintendent of the Wieldrgton Manufacturing Company, at Glouceeter, will come up. AND TNT AtiernEn.—Steam engines Are multiplying, What ,was an experiment a year ago le to•dey a neceailty. Waimea there In the city, and are about to hare glom In the suburbs. The Deottur Tn. gine, of Tranktol, bee entered into a oturtreet for one, to be IMMO by the first of Yepteraber. A meetlec - of the citizens of granktord, for the parpatiB of raising the funds, hae been milled. Rux AwAT.--On Saturday evening about dark, the horses att ached to roe of the Arch•street omnibuses ran oil at Third and Ohostnut ttreete, and went severel squares before they wore at (Teed The driver was thrown froth the box, and the wheels missal over him, injuring him bully, . Beveral paseengere were in the' stage. They slumped unhurt, NEW RAILWAY 4- The Gray's Ferry Rail way has been completed to Gray's Ferry bridge, and will be in operatrou on Monday, the eth of June The com pany have a number or two-barite oars in readiness to put on the TOO, hut will probably We a Teri neat one• ho se arraoß•ment until the travel on the road will j net fy tbn double tram• 0011HITTFD YOB RIOT.—On Saturday morn log David Black hada hearing. before Alderman Plan kinton. He was charged with limiting to riot and Throwing brick'', daring a equal:hie between the adhe• route of the Spring Garden-and United Hoe. Campo. plea, at Drown and Teekron streets, Twentieth ward. The mem. trate committed him to answer. - ELVOTION.—The term of the present Board of Sire Directors baying expired St the last meeting. the' Secretary of the Board ban leaned orders for an election to be held by eaoh company In the &oedema at their stated meeting In June. Au active or honorary mem ber Is required to repreannt each company In the Board. - POLITIOAL.—a meeting of the straight-ont, unterrltled Amertear, of Oamden boo been called for the 28d , of Jane next. Rite Americans aforesaid have 'brine thoughts of ranolog e straight-out candidate for Garethor le the tali. The call for this meeting io signed bT about three thoueand names already A'Dattinkrzon.—S. Mange, Esq., late aa• title; and now honorarr count of Belgium in this city, has been decorated by hie royal master with the arose or a Knight of the Order of Lenpoln Thie mark of royal esteem has been welt deserved by tte distinguished re. illsun.—Alderman Hibbard, on Saturday ineraleg,doed James Johnston for violating the act of Assembly that prohibits any person from buying, selling, filling, or irk Making in any battles net belonging to htinielf, or haring permission from the rightful owner to do se. KILLED.-0 11 Saturday afternoon; Itionp tan, about 23 years of ago, sad an attache of the ATelf-street ntinibua line; '!roe run or* while oodles. Toting to atop &patrol °mottes horses, wbioh itartid to rill allay, and Waled, tilled. )18 , orts • married map. Ihs 06ZORDT 4014 it I4q dat,' : THE CITY. , - - • _ SUIT AGAINST TEE OITY.--We lout that A ir.. 0 4 11 61117. :ones,. proprietor 'of Tones , Hotel, Ridge . avenue, bellee . Ppriagitiardett etreet, Is *tont to lnati 'jute a matt itiatnitt Winn: for eu alleged set of culpable negligenee orithe part of come of Its amoloyeee, in per- • MlttEng a umu-trap to (exist on the Wire . "Bridge, at.; i lfetruintint, twitch ts now. and hes teen - for pavers' I weeksptet. undergoleg ,repaire. It will be recollected ,that, on last Wednesday. a led seventeen years of age, i named lamb gboweker, a st•p•son of Mr Jeces,:while lo the sot of crossing the bridge: fell through Ali nn-,' guarded aperture a distance of some twenty•five feet, L from the *Ends of which he died soon after_ at AC City 'Hospital. We are informed that several prortit-' I neat chianti who .witnessed the occurrenes. are ready to testify that there were no guards about the scene of the aeoldent, And .that it was through, utter negligence - or, a tad , want. ef.mire on , toe part or, inealte, oblige .that the : tertresallig ,lest. I dent occurred. If shalt really ter - , the else, ye think Mc" Joneafally .justifterl - Inprosulag the:course he has adopted. It is a wise one, and may have the effect to teach careless contraotors inafnl lesson, and possibly.. owe mac, cltlsene from a fate such as this poor lad bee shared. , Immediately qfies the incident, we are told, guards were thrown , around the last spot, sod e th er measures taken - to prevent the recurrence of 'such - a cotes troche. -Had these precautions been observed be: it !.likely we ehbold haritbeen mimed the painful duty of recording the consrquenoes of their neglect. Young ehowaker woeful exereplaryladmolte extensively known, and universally eetee,oed. SAD CesE,Cotoner, Fanner was yesterday , , . morning called upon fo hold 'en Itintieet on the body of is„ young man named Neff, of very l*Pentable who was found dead in embed attached, table father!. ?fieldmice in the vicinity of-With and F with itreete. It appears be hid been in delicate health for some time-peat; which - had produced oeoasional mental aberration. and the greats's`, care and 'wetehhilvesa wad extroised by his relatives to prevent him committing stash act. Yeetetday mornitla, hotelier : be woe it in early hour, end when the family searched for him their were Nord-.7 del at beholding his lifeless form stuominhd from the' rafters of a abed, in the bock yard. - Verdict Si accoal mien with the above hots, Halverson oiled two persona from drowning , on Saturday . The first named, ,Tosepli Ellie, iiivi.ittoiiiiittitt to get on a ferry boat at the wharf when he tell Int° the water, and wee fished ont by the °Direr, -Thlrsooorictroa one Maly Obsprossi, Wbo, toy ettedry remacie,ltliteeent dndteeo►eted, be• alma dlsoontentwi with.tkls eortd, Wed thought to leers It berate her time by 410130,14 Into tha Delaware Ofd cer lielvereon witeeteed - . the' attempt htmeiat to the reteue, and took 'MO uoffottooote lonian to the 'tattoo - StaanrYncx,,Elbott4y after 2- o'plock yes terd.y. m'orns23g. -a tire oaturred at the hayahinA attach; ed to •'btlet•ritcr.l6 'Plne, street. between', iliteentil one B,yenteenth 'streets. - Damage trilling. SItCI7/11TY Ewrziten.—On Saturday morning,. in the ibure.olAnatter &Woos before ; /nage Thorny• eon, andrlly son enteral for 11111Wil; Neg., the nowlyllectod Otty ;Trea!inrer . ,_ • - Coirirewarir,.:7k,convention of :steam engine companies, to gorwl4er,the..eistros of two or three Scranton Or 301,ipltort,',will- meet Alio evettlag, at. the hall of the allternia Engine Oomp,tity:' THE }Ebonite' Engine'a steamer:liati been altered to snit the girlie: of , the alty rennet' tracks. The Columbia and Bonne 'engines are ,Intlx' bevies their msclunee altered for the same purpose. DROWNED.—On - &derail morning the body of a lad named Jaoob satinet weir faunal in the Dela% ware river, put above Marketstreet. The coroner held an impost. lizw..PLuos.-,ThelVatarEispartmentere hay ing mannfaCtOrad forty flin plugs of the natterie:ln front . Of the °mama - Bow; suitable for hend aid steam fire engines, wbloh put duff:, Tine WARRANTS: fol%thementbly appropria tions to the steam ilre.enginu 'on be ready on:I/redoes. Peeinn.—The Liberty Guar" Capt.:Kelly, will ponds to Taney to-day for target practice. THE Delaware steam engine will be put into wive tierviee on the let of Jane. FINAIki . CIA.L 'AND ephiIIERCIAL The Money Mtiiiet: 'Poitanatrau, May 28, Ipso Thetoonsytoatket,. oontinues to grow more ei . ei"and settled, the feeirish;symptema ,thatmarked it during the *arty part of the meek having almost entirely eat: Bided. A steady bluenose le done by the note broke!, in the beet *Lei of notes at 7 to 7J per eeni, the bestial hays recovered in g teat, part from ,their fri:•itts and the nerienei prpte - generilly;irhe were pretty air tain.that nutmeat rata er,e upon n.e,, her bean forced to ininnlade thattlie world hie net rouse jolts end alter all. • ',,Though the' money • rearket Lae hisprovei; theimak board shows no eigae,of particlpatlou the - benefit , speaolotlve shores' no humans es ii transacted bvand that made necessary by the motoring at time coutracte. Pelee". of atlaorta of securities f sia4 *hares are gradually moving downirards to oecommodate thiniselves to 'the change fronsa,,Aee to scoria lOr sent,nocey Breadatufts ere also loner. Ia the coal trade there le an nutishil degree of ,eoriplainingi thOugh the figures oho* a good dee; of the ;frosting to be ii;thoub fonndi- Om:. The tetekrii , iete - troni^thitMigkeatite regions Oew en iterrale for list week of more than twenty-fire per aint. apon 4 the aareespetAtag wdel . yalSbit. end the thole slilpthetts for emufen halls =falai tone ,grehter thin they were to the nerve time lire, year, en Jeannie of one third upon the namber of tone" ehlpped in thet time: In the Cannel coal of Northweitern Virglila, the -foam 'Wain , Po aiparly are dokeg a !err ~:h'sevy sea vary iro t tiedite *aka* lAige dapttatir ire toeing In maid by enttrprtelog Arras In the - ,towns itoactle Ohio Flver,ler gte,paiuxxriq4u,s:of,eoat -ell, elaketosarta oil, .t napthe, and the cher 04kiccti • of anal distillation.- "._One of the most 4'4aerhit things la the history of atnetloaelndestirs te the glorythe ,I;e...•cetaesidoaese'it..ahatraltr,thlksiia% Thelainniniver Railway Ivan mem baapProsAing. an ea& Thir - OhlatrAtt and Wahrit•etraitif Ulla* Gotripany hive triumphed over - the 'efforts of tile sperm. 'store, who were not able to get to, and tt Is Preaumid that the rani wilt be laid forthwith": The ldarket!street for WetrePhllidelphia) Passenger RailwarComparl have been,,iiijnined from laying their rails to the Merlon Flank Road, over 'the vacated • streets near llestonville. - - -The effect of this, for the present, will be to prevent that company , from taking the travel, from Ifestiaville aid the region briond, away frOM the Hettonville, Mantas, and Fairmount Railway Company: '-, • - . , The Green and OottteirAitirret Company are gradually getting their ears on a feat attended ;at every step with deice tee•dp the day wee StOmnicon to-dip Ili at sititition ler as lajnnotion .mide n Second lladiltind-ittentd:Cninfility jo leo p the Green and poirtef ~GorepanY from saint part rf: their trash: We pisanine Gist matter willeoo - n be coot. prom serf. The Thirteenthand Flftearth ! itreibt Company re! mains in embryo r 'owing to the squabbles - between the, two sets Of 'inibseribern, - nelthnr of whom tau : do 'Much while the cinnrrel ?wastes open. The public at large ate tired of -this warfare, and will be glad whoa all the made are fialeled lad le spar - !lob The lawyers are the poly parties, tbui far. "ho appear to have made anything by the battles, the spoils, in the Sheila Of Geste; feeei - tea., in their hands being understood to be very large. P11.1.61,1)11L9BIA., emu. EXCIEUNG.II May 93, 1859 IlltroaTlP DT NAT:Grr.& NOTa STOOL AHD IMOHANGII sneezes, FORTHEIBT 0011.21111 Asa anasinlar Alfasirra. BOARD. -- 1000 08%w1e 188 mg 78.51 X 9600.tawii24 ov 1s 82 2500 Pi' tWit0911991.79.00 1200 Lehigh Nat 89....95M 150 do' 8 Phila. Bk 111. 1 do 111 X 6 Ifinehtil B 58 2 do 58 8 Lln:on Bk Ten b5.1051‘ 9 Pleatomlos 3111.6 r 2000 Poona 5a 1)5 91 200) do b 5 1000 do b 5 91 , 200) do b 5.91 - 2000 do ...b5 91 500 Oity .ea.12:100,1‘ 100 do 11 1001( 1000 Oboe Val It 7.....41 /6 1000 do 41g 1000 Sobnyl Nay 8812'11 10)0 do - - 1000 do 71 ASTWIII6 10 !bee & VlllO at R 65 45 10 , do - 1 4.45 6 Penne 11, 40ji 1 0 Penns itt 40I( 100 Rending st• avow!) 1400 Pauli 60..4 cods DO 1000 - do — 9l 1000 Com & Am 05 , 76 St 6000 Llndro ht - tot rg 89 - gong do .... b 0 06 11 8001 Colawis 1 Mg orb 151 X 1 I 3000 do . .61X °TAMING PH] Bid. Asked. 9bita 8a 100 1007 d 1001(100,4 - New —.102)(103 Penns 6e 60g 91 Beading 11 2 , X. MX bdo , 7olooff 7SX 80- 14 mt eo '44 92 94 " do 'BB 71X 78 POllllO. H 403 40X 10 Oommerdal 8k.... 401 49% 2 Beat Mead 11 63 4•' do - f 8 60 Wiltning4no B, e6wn 34 5 Penns B 403; ICES-DELL Bid. Attsd Bahl Nay Btgok. R 9 _ " Prof' " 17X 17X Winn& Vasa B 8.% " 74 let mtg.. 08% 69 a ga 61 114826 Lund 'O% II Loh Coal is Nay. 48 49 1 " 11 Nana It B%_ SX 68........,. f 3% 88% i , 10s '49 89% Catswism It , . 6% 8% a let mt th. 61.% 51% Hatnk*BOAtb. Et 60 Sd & Ad Bt 8... . 44% Balm & Vine Stlt 44% ; " 2dm6a fooff 00 '[or Canal Con. 80 64 X " prof 6011 Nay Be 1 80 1 16 101 t " /MP 6Min off 73 70 Philadelphia Market.. . , The Breadataffit market has been depressed to-day, and buyers andaellers are apart In their views Sales of Flour Meade only about .250 Ole. good superfine at $7 4' bbl., and, 100 Ws. of mithillags at $6, and a few email iota to the trade at from $7 up to $8 50 d j e . bbl , scootding to quality—the latter for fancy brands. Mixed brands of superfine are citsred at $6 76, hat the demand, both, roe export and home am, is limited. Rye Flour and Oora Meal ire dull; the Former Is quoted at $4" 75, and the latter at It 4f , bbl. for Peensylvanis Meal Wheat is unsettled and saelOs. lower to-day; about 8,000 bashela prime .Wdetera and Pence red have been sold at 170 e.. and 1200 boa. fair Western white at 176sa1lfie stye la aim lower, and about 1 010 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 90c. Corn is dull and mi• wattled; emote ,009 imehele prime Pennsylvania yellow sold at 90e afloat; 600 hue do at bile; and 1,000 bus In ferior at 85e Op' bu. Oats coo in moderate demand emir eta farther decline, and about 6.000 bus Pennsylvania -road at 50e gloat Bark le dull, and *bout 20 Mole have been sold, at Wm%) for let No. 1. Oottos—The market le unchanged, and only about 100 bales have been sold, at previOns.quoted rates. Oroveries—The market is quiet, and Sager and Molasses are dull. (+ot_ tee ie held wi'h more arninees, but the demand for ai l _kinds Is limited Pravhslons—There - is • very, little doing to-day; we quote Mesa Pork at $18.65 And barrel Lard at 12), lb. Seeds-,There is more in qtthy for Oloverseed, and about 200 hue hare been Cold at $6 60. Widekey Is well doll—bb , s - ere nominally held at 200 for itaston; 90a for Pelson; and 28c to &Or. - Now York Stook Exchange, May 28. 5400 619 , r0url Ws 84%.100 N Y Dent 11 . 72% 10060 Tenn 6 a lis • 00% O. do bow 72% 10060 11l P Land bda 02 10 Erie Railroad ag 6000 L 0 & at 1 g bda 17% 60 do 0% 70(0 Oar it let mar; 09%1100 Reading R e3O 43 15 Bank Oommeraa 99X1100 Mich Can It 660 43% 40 - Add ' 99 13 At 8 &N 1 grd al.k 52 60 Cum Coal prat IS (0 111 Oen 16 ' 880 66 60 Pao kin B Glo DSO 74 100 Oler On Tol $ 660 20 g 25 do 7.1 x 160 do - 27 ,60 N Y Cent R WO 78 . 4 100 Ohl On R I R 680 60 60 do -72.7 i 160 do. 60 50 do 73 100 do - 510 00 200 do 1.60 71% 60 - do eBO 00j ORFPEP AT BALTIAIORR, Her 28 —Thor* 'haa been a good t quiry for taw traitor *tidal. 'with which the market Is prody eoppited at present bat the 'ower inditifer or gOalltleallsoe - bsoo - dall or axle ..Tra _mac. mole bate been Itualed ; the galoadnelade ibont 1.000 bagel Rio, in lota, at logo for, intottor ; to 113,1 ®:t% for thwtoprims ; 9111;kbaga do. at 1140, Awl 2 1100 bags L e ioayra on- priranY terina. , Ws 'emote mood to prime Rio at 19( to 12a fair, llgO •; toodioto, 10g to /1410 I Ikuayro,llg to 14a ;. 406,15 to leo, C . PPY -. - -.‘ .sr itirortsaie roa. taaltapop4,-ItOaiOrtojjayOtabtatirt‘FaeW*Post &pleat 0141. Taeaattr_lairtad i elinileiritfa.'l2o3, Wit /ow street *re astatday toslo, - (rppalt , see for the . intipesefc!'exiinhilne-AteTislerite. 1114 - - 17gioir Ooze Terre end 'Pleat/We e-leftf Tielbe'srera* .eeelgriiii to; this= tztviiitfirii. '4* - ft Wie:p . etinited *v. ' .1f151;!.".: The eiitieg . erf4 , ,et, 0# Otri:44:l?!.**l.4rtable Mile we hive*WC/ LI *Wit In We peeellar. *ere"' :okreftiegrni Ohs liederatemiyoilt ,- oppaptaa, and the' ia:er pibiejet*Oeh.lt lq lapin:miring it'beyoe(l.ll4stlietklherzleei4 4,1*. 01:4,m1n fanners nTrlii,nsp_,.. DPorAtt„ ,° 8 ! are estlefi4 tittle 4111._iiieiiebe ins!: ifeerides, 46a- Ichia - give lama- _ fonr,reat virtue of olio., , and'arltatifikrialio4abcatVs . -- - points It is Voice coareaSatii lifirtiVkizot wen 'atikted to be eriote4, tecAvetlle*Oita ;, - 4, l e've-FT inedeiyte 'hied premises 4 lheilirge7;otihirmSll.-. for-, ithifileieern mealarid' feed romp sad with the' beilVoic atteehfruint , (ferAeldhg aiTente•eve doltzie: ea tt regard, the itii - Upable of grirelitigiorn'atiMoi hut; whistle le The reifulti of Ulf foiefont ordinary - Parr "tft,"o_t will grind 41.'birwlymt Par ataion„ - Autei hosse-pemer u to either of a'shieh iapiiilyiesell , Adapted We hue I not spsce - in a briefnensparr ItOtten tospeeify minutely the pernlinritfos Intinfinin brinntlinq wo orny: sly, however„ that - the telootillißjasipla uplied tilts internal sionetrocti enll - 2 , 4117 awry - 0i tip lid 044 any one of onlinvy niuksuicial diseriteinstloii, that In point :of oiltsieli of kfikfitgi-iss qoorking order, and dui:alb:4 j it is one' pi - &hi oißef-fOrnplate pious of msoldneireves btilr - le construnted tomOnhat on , tia, tf# l :l44.j ) f propeller. On its ensface grodvininOttii 'ion lon gitudinally; with aside le' 'liinuirk F. In fin. mediate 'rnontrostiGn 'l" . l4niele Orofdfqne ,Proise tune, arrans.4 on the intrust einface - U tali:shell, by which dabble the grinding of any ethos' mill in uSe the; cutler head fit We Tallt.kisistinslY_Vew.us &elan; indloegtinditsfebriluthe'ent pleteibelng theArei cverlioresited iisitinh*staie are subitittneltor "enciiskinly;:esnisinted,lL - Thle - citit4lSSM wag• feet Ira feeder to tlaolninf. - ; ' - - To Ita n i. o 4W Fak d 'i*,,,bijio*4o i°!' e arig pie trAing iniksbei:4` that I L alnieifOri oiketa , ng enirson, am be taken oat, and replaced net!, for • very small' neat? ,etate and countirighti Irciesile nitinifactoty of the petenteei;lifineti. Thylnrklititno, Moja* Willow oWistr and nulooninn *Oar niatiltuf„there are fortune" iii - okire;forink will take, hold of theft la the right spirit. Idr:Ourigs4. fenny, ne itient-foitho lale of thetppmlll, in Laneantor county. -Aithcugh bat n'fai ,ufeeki /m , . elapsed Once this 'patent hiu been obtained, • very largo number of mots he'realresdyy, been sold, and orders for them it. ertuding 'urns' the - rinintifietnrens. Mr. C.O. Bogue, Mo. ill Market street, la thenthole egliagentfot these - - _ , qnz IdLO:-klitgri!i for some time put poileetiog -hisi_luowledge:,efsthingein' the 'Mut, and wtin:linotoptnittreq !!_in,rici..)!.**-tase, wi inifoedotely,pi„oommas4T of a vise steamer. The young' felfbir liskOildiet:',l 9 -: , eirdnill do no dteeredit to Lis - e-olatry, rre aro quite; Sari. ,Tisoz said 'ot him. that li - hente Rate , held ot•.an'Emerieaa ti paper, the tirirt thing be look' ter* ear eisry darad nieoltioa tliii reade4 thetiorAb tiajittiaiiolothee et the palatial ttore of Granville Stokes, Tto, COT Oh:eat, • - , - ANcuarvtßlTTno.r.oi! ft ir;--y-vanna prealded 01TM .4 110 riproileated bold ing-s-typteaii.n:l4 Torfatotc.. ifs tainl; 41400 :foot or Om', to lothilikt• 1113,0 `lxtavorrhoof the:spot where aid wiug Allooker ao god oo fol ttes ti Bor yonrOloffies Eldri4gO the,-:proprietor 'of iiiitithilifiartiikit4-i*iditm,s .No. 841. Chestnut itiOat: 4 " : - = A Dn e ow,- fa* dye — Bits gentleman stepped iteith`,a wheleenterstheers establis h. myna or thlesOy, and .effesed i'lthadeed;aothii , bill to tiriiVf accept - without athiaesay. queetheas.: Thagrieaceepted the lira anal' math nothataatoi - oinebe thiresa-, - ea a Jiottiou otit -14 th" .Brown Mono pptlitjgcumn et Reelthil telVilean„Nea - - - 809 and 0ki,114-1414,it,..it-4:141itl1/4-'.. . , Ltyer Deinptaisiti:_DsOspelas ' 3 ,1410145 - 1s frOulSOtisJirii4 Liver orlihisitehi inch ss__Detsetipelon - j, of the isOf t o*, toiait the . ffisktiirorilthstteilocst the pitiot the ttoptseh. 13whsitshiff sr thislieistrilaysla and D Mesh Dtesthlog: PlAtteiDig "Rf„tims Mick legBfiuistioS who:ll,lE2i downi 7 liiiiiiteii - ktf ties*, Dots osWitts ,hero . ce the PiektellSiensis - ot this lend Eyes, Se d don Phialisk of Eisf''Sit = Great Deareisioa .sye, jipsMilr ss.l ,pernies!ently eared by HODIftp r IVICOVINAti , BIT 72111, sold et '76 sesta tekii , psopsiet:sl7l, - Ds. SI- _4.5.,91F5014 , 1004 415 MIL - 21174111?,, Awl by ill Drusgtsts sad DealeriTv isedisinee .11!9#•p'fittea State 'sad Chuniss. - - " It dkW . . -An Infanitile Illksteter itut,Alattand treht 13614L'A kitriLklitzulazatt runt Ex. triiiiint Oulu witudiiity - Qiitioiritit* NI On tit • kair. ths , t 3 AtieletAt - 0 0 11,4*- 1, ". Ith 10 /fieiplAg-iffirm ~I saltAT,AllrArNAtisg bad vissoko: - irliArtr It:irrevinnely 0010r.,,,8014, by, Dimigtsoind "br711144 HAIM ti lireecll4Adelpida. myBo 6L • Eleneat Goods 'Sold o*Hea r eat - iitjainfples, at .. WAITS , Es, • W 61net M ari e t stresti: - Oar (110 - thlsie hineet;_from the fait It Is *ell Davie; *ell sewed, and neatly fashioned. and mida foram a*Usen, sod -pot tor ihoya alone. We WI on honest pa1ne1p14...;"4 ariy panshaeei Is t eattil alike who bay if ear imago:; po casposa,tnore than sissiths4 w e hasejtattaion isifi4!:;and that O. law pikaa ; the 1304)neiita marked at the lchrest pirialliteLpratlt. Ons ! ntoiniii . • light, "we ein afford ; and-de weliay _SO Ada for esolh 4'O4V-1410*i' and save to thonoOtnnter4ll the inter mediateprofitasinlfypaidto jobbeiabya9ill3rsees. Oat and noniince ,'Yoirselre - I. We tckl! pride In show ing you ifoo&atirittiar - jait aiar not. - -ray2lk2t., No• More Tenni*. , . ' BCIIWBBIN , kANNIIII4II.TISGPOWDER TEN ONLY RRIRIDY I,N TRW WHRLR WORLD Bare to ezterteinate. Roaeltiee," Btpoire; 'Ants, Plies,- 71. es, Motto. Garden: Tereetai dck- niLlefk!llle for the dOilniellott.ol , We, and Mai: - For this greats[ ilioverd'OriSs'of tIOS' inhabitants of Pitiladelphts,'lll.Bfibtrerin la read] toirtlitfitbeit dwel lings of Roaohos, Dedbtige, he., and If satisfiotlon is riot, Won, ply will not be desired. Depot, 30-114 SOD Btreet, two Coon sr ore, Ttird. Also, for eat, by X. EC 1117!;T, Piftband Chtiqoat. Beware of sparking imitations. leixaintca _every - fisek and box. None gennino manila n*atalif M: BolGrerin. Elegant ; Spring o!ellikngt :at - ROBERT H. AD &MEP, Solittiisat corner Seventh' and Market create.. embracing every variety of Qarmentaadaptel V, the season, cat in all the latent — sty'es, made foal - to customer work EXPRESSLY FOR RETAIL SALES," and at the moat reasonabie price.. " may:4s4t , Sa►ing Faud44lo.tienal 'WM, Trust cum• PAN Y.—Chartered the State of Pexulaylinenia. HUIp. L. Money Dr - received every day, and In any amount, large ar 2. Bahl P>aß O2NT. interest - la paid for money from the day it tc put In. . 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it in called for, and withoet notice. 4 Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees; In large or small same, to remains long or short period. 6 The money received from Depoaitora is loveated in ,peal Pilate, Dfortgagosi Ground Bente, and other Hrid alaiMatiritlea.•• - - • 6 . Office oPiti eteri'dly-;Wgaiirr Street, south west corner Tlaird street. Phtladelphis. gab • Stager's Rowing Irlathine&rsThe.greet popu larity et . Was mooliiime may readily be .riederatood, when the fad le IrooWn, that auf good female operator oan earn, with one of Vieth, - ' OND THOU4ND DOLLARS A TSAR To aver,' Tailor, flearnetreas, lhasemeher, and each large hardly lathe couno7, one or these idailaines - would I. AL PINGEt CO., 66 oillt**o Shut apWaFir -T 0. P. DATIB, Ageet. bias 28—Inning Grover & Bakers Celebrated_ - - NOISELESS FAMILY BETTS G 11AOHIN1111. New Ernie ti BIIDLTIID-r1107119. 730 ouwarluT tintszT, YGILADEITMIA. Ot the three_ prosotnoat - bleed:does now before the pribllo, we bare used two, and. carefully watched the working of the third, and honestly believe GROPER & BAKER'S to be the very best we bave'eeen."—toeta were State 'Reporter. - *O9 ly OneaPrlce Clothing at the "attest-614qm and made In the beet mariner, expressly for saran. a %LIM. We mark our lowest Felling plugs to PLAIN MOM Op each article. All' gods mete to order are warranted satisfactory, and oil.' otia•Pltidn Jliii:ram is - strictly ad hered to. We belies il this to be the only fair wa dealing, as thereby 01l ate treated alike - JONES A. CO., 604 MARKS'S Street sp2B.tan2T Piles! ,Pliqs:: : WHAT 18 IT T ROW CtIRNDI' Thonliands of Persons have' Piles—suffer for years with the disease—yet few know what it is, or how it in enred: Every ease of Piles, whether muifestel In the form of external tumbrel, frequent bleedings, or in vie. lent Itching and irritation, depends essentially upon. congestion of the abdominal venous circulation, This produces the engorgement, dilatoa of the vein, fame. Lion of tumors, hemorrhages, pain, and suffering ; and the disease mu only be fundamentally cured by eines which, taken internally; relieve this abdominal *moue congestion. fence Diemen* wagu,s, And even lopoilons. are it Ineffectual, - - HIIIIPEREYS , HOEBOPATRIC - FILE SPECIFIC, a simple airier pill.- taken two or three - tildes per dey, cures the disease by...curler the cboditiorr . upnu the dlietee dependif Ifittelirdt brie cured by it, teen of iberacet obetluite be promptly benefited bytt, Priee, . N . , fail set of Hamphreylo Homeopathic Speci fics, with book of Directions; and twenty Remedies, in arse three amai:is - siale, - and MorOcco ease, f 6; do. to plain , 'case, . Family ease of: liftmen bass and book, 12. . These Remedies, by the single, box or full cue sent to my address by men or, expTeno t on of eLnsge, on receipt of the plea: - Addreea D& 4: ntrjklinits & , - _ No:,46rßroOirs.l, Pen York. Sold byT. 1t:4 41 4itA 0 ../4 .k./. 3 / 104 14,6 306 ITITT &Mitt nebon tw '4. \ 53perial -Nam*. PIPTY MINTS - A BOX
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