s';<- - -: , :, , , ,-, ::: - .; ,- 2 ,- _ , ,:: 4--"::-'AZv.:KI-fg:t,',,,', 11 1 401 91 e— :1111401010000. liYe t itatt 'l3t 41(114. 1 1911.'NattVii Clin 4 4" 43ll *U 0 ' 4 1'6 0 44 0 : ,44-16P-72,144NA- Agi'd d- BMOC :1!tglIT , ,AiiikWritlielActgetil Thr*M",(o44.!l • '„,.,.„Matwau, soon RklLlattCor-Vai - • lotatAtualmaa, -,- ; Tat Vgirettri:l - i;- . - D .41•240 W " ' Now York:. kwAlf-k-,.4.4.5,16; 9,2,stiremirotwoot fkiix: Hr No w.,YOrk,ii erwa11. 4 • 4 ..? *mai Ymk. - ,Ustuttitt - : r ..::::'; 4 411, 9 1 d of 4 11.? * ' ~,, rH t: Itg i .j!,:l7.li4SiM.:l3tiittk Rases' Nawltql‘4,ginkT4tatiak moka4o _ ,14 Owo 7 gawk- ArOte - ...... ........... Yip . ... 28 Wein' New YOk . ...,....;;. e Nretpl,,,iifeti• - - • ' 3 41fnTyvt - 1,4t-r t3X, Wooer • ~ Briwaioig_a)it 0rk..;," . Ikit 1 Borussia ' ako)*3l,. Novtgoothi....Zirorpoo 1?-Airt..,.„.” 4 ,,,.,,Oon • A ngo . ..... birmpt .N MO!! -1 py o - - ',- - -ccOr.lo3/16:1r -14o r tkainias.d.Lwarivatiok„Apelir.7:7; -- ,;„ JM t.ll. Ariadorbitt.: Slonthatoroir.:No• - .411 orSolykaoro. - .1.,tr0w! , ,, 3 411# l'bot 8:7! - oiN4tai T -ktow York Oli the bik,!AditlaniEn. ' our .vike Swami : Now York, on attiatk,tlkOn• kitrollrNoßl4tciAdC9l- /It , .A.,a 40a,taaataiattaL, rt iAil übOitgtaslatltjklM4l-1114el „ „ Immo . I , 44;4 ,,, a bg;oin k iA lIIINSiSZL ..... 65 Fotquicto.i4,,, - ;:-3 , 5 ' ‘EhiPtlkett;lidOsmie 'fforrLTi . ,, C'TAi4ll : i4'4", 4,ii. 20,diNe11 the "OSpiss , i,WitN: - sionseriitik Itobso Taßor Co : it iT ti t t n °:l "" rlea:- May si, IMOD WI,I 'j ., 01;,.i : f# ,ei .; leiliP -114 Of assobe4)64_,eisi .-.--.- -:, ---..` ` ~-;',--,, ,:, . ache 14 L ELSWaro„'MCI,W6fii TeMw , 4ltesd.hvilri . - 'mai lenutiorlO B-A`krtiorik's" -or lairt'lltuevre limillille,lo4New Tort; Mettfeitrraitetf.fd;" is.,; - ; I :. - ; - Banr-John Oroasenrd,, tinny Neve Bistif - lieualt, "iffrr - I lißils - bsforeltillebitiatimliork filial' Odp4olleblicient : wag /lot AN lac toßdodaNthiticiti - ild f Minn lit 11l y 1 Lyabefkl•BuffefeMili`b_ttetilltnteiliii' d iltiktiletiftltti" leallep reorolecr -•- -'' ;-,- -r -- ~- - --, •-, • 1_,.. - :. ;,,- -,,- ,--, , :-..; - Weltr_Juidata„„;WiedlideCt rofir:Ptirtlind; = wYtii . • ;10 Ortmieli•ASlolihsal. ' ' ...::,,,' .. ' ',,,- --, . . ~- edit 4 , A2llllrvjiiWitnir24l,l:42iilriag (WA., " .. .91' 0 . 1 M1 ,, wit.k, 'it! oyviglil,,diSariter y ,_, - --- ,_ g ,„ ...,, flebelfilsitm P i_ att4eAti-A.Jactet'En`l‘efh,t g e° rl i- NO, 'with 1 1 :11r,maic- tosemlatioston-d.110.; ..„ r-,, ,-, •_. , - Moon J . P . . 144411 t „ I 14, fxiipi.,'Leiriim,l ) 4ol, with, rcd'e and ' *CAI° eattitin."; •_ , ~_ ~,, • „ fitsionhipE44f itatill, w eprh.;;, lasAllderdlos, ..; •--Bisk Progieperb- "Of, Rot ", ~,Wi4Mitis 4, ctc!:, ~ .Britulterwilf. ,1 , .rfx. 1 3 ,4;liii-, 1 , ---,--„ ',...4 13 - - ,.:,:- : :1 -- . oar 9. . 4 " - .r, 0 :4 110 4*3 16 1 1 qa , k4 411 7 4 F6 i ~.- j t i A i l e - Behr E W re I,Wirtylon; ,liecd,on,•lingfhils, Sclua, ~„ . . Behr Rem , crit, - ,Befgfo r ilall, ,Eivq, It 11„ , Corson, Behr Luiyitriblinkin; LAMS, Pall • do - Ott U I. tiew, ;Loa Baltimore, A. firoves, Jr. ' .. ' ' itiorrestitmaiinoa - of The ,, Prisi4 , , ~ ItATSIX,,DII OBAON,11"y11, - .1859 . • Thli 'Xltiesilid left BOW" this; month's , Arita 11,boaia, ~ In tow , laden arm aomismed sarfolifOre: ~ ,, - ,:i.; ::_ , :i,.. - _7 - B ' Green., odiefitfeffe, iced can .(to,Alez , ;/iiinlitti' -Wm EL -Youmg, -- Jacoli litowaiitad.Wrlght,it, Broth r,; Inn bar to John illidgpfhistiata t.'„ Bruner!, do trt,.-t-i JaA, Cook, lime Nil Bock Breehi,-,lieryllfraishi',litorneler;), - Coltioi;Morplionitot*oka!,,ooall'itros Piston, omit to Delowatccaty. - -,,,, - ,,,:i•-• - .„ -',.:, , , ,, ,ri- , 1:1,,,, . :4: .. ", -..-, ~,, dAVEPIDL64I49B, MAY 19,,18§0.; TA" Kingston lett _leas UM'mointog witk 7 Deetirisi tow: laden and Wineirned as folloWs: Equator sod ,IL /X.Thorn,durnher_to pawl-Bolton; - • D " Ti . usehatt, do to it Tramp & Bons; blagnmia, do to J - Craig; Three Sitters; do and shingleodo,Trentoni, #grt,,, lola and Univarse war tiiEkilivszi Oitli 1:-, , • - I ;,;, , • (OriospoiaNAMl:if tb"iflifbilt Breitinge. ) . - , -•--- • , - .----r.ZIMIII; Del., may 11, 8 A. - m., , „; The wind has fresh Nord the NIL 'store '4eiter, dasitiscompanisd with - tatm , t,Ab;Ait forty, swots axe at - the harbor, having arrivedvaterdsp, but owing Chic ,"- hcimy Edo we °saga toosrtaln tholenernss. ~ .WhadJeS,-, "Okilad tat/MO •;;, ..g-i, ~ . :0 .1 -.4 ..,;,,;: .s. .1„'... ,, - .-tour, 4a, -- - -•-• - MN. 11:11101.114411: , - : -,-.1,.!... , . , f: 1;4. 7-. , :-' t. , 3.1 - .f ..; -- i- , , , ;.; „I :._.;,_ q -,. „ z - _, , •:-; :Ist tlrtarrialPT•l '-• filorresNindenePtif .the:•PldhAelohltelinshansa.l - , :, - . . -..‘.., i:,,lloro_itaioap,,Yoyla,•Sts:E.M. ,-, No vessels ate to be "'cede! Obit time, bound'iri or out. A storm prinallefrom NB. ' -, 7 4 - i 11 ,t, - 4., , r , , - ,-, ,, Toni*, An. _ .-i",,i f (114103;.'11.:111110.25., - -- - jaViaofiaaoil iiiiiiiii22.ll4 '4' •-, , - Arifiredi nix ' IP Da OotO, liont Now Orleanit. - ~ , ' - 'f - . MEMORANDA. '•, `', ", g ' - I i -, -, ' ' ' - -Stosaonhip,•Ndlotaitstpriitaillifolfrobi 'Now iork - , - t: Graosoet.. 011th u1t;', 61, -;,(A ."; --' • •-- ,- -- , sf:c = -, -- .__ alkWe YittllV,lpibtrdiAit .,. Xast1111 ; INore49; mart,- for MP ' ofstillo4ll4*,:l44;o4;Am'4l Claßillie. *tip WesiitidbiU*,l4-iiiiliin; for L ondon, remsolied' ritOfumittalitiiali2S.. ,, ,-:- :;-..;,;!--..,., iiez", - . , .-r,,,,, ,, ,, 21tip• JOsii4l4 , :i4sidhitgit tor.,'Atiltli,,Wia4 fur -Great BritoW.saitdirdinelliMainee IttareEl7„. _,- --,-- - --- -- - 22 - CiaiKs,clf iitili*Pi4rot,wsiloO4os)o7Jataqi!" *-2111i , 216iitligiq uiikJ ia , b k*liiieWisild aii hi" for-Livirpear - -;-, •1.: t. - -- :*-c.. ;-,,. -, -, ,; ihip ThoNfO'ildifiLitifOkOkitigt*elto Sfliitit'; : Tooot - Itiverpoll,!. ,S - ,... -:',„-..----•... -- - '1! --' -.,-- ,',... - -. Sh 2 Jafl34‘34;t3 :Olt fo,:asisialiSta :Noiii , leteig, , • Mar 121 for EciPPrenallits.' -- .1-"-';'";' ,- -, :. '.-';'' '..•.-- ''.• _, •--- ' nip Waiiift4tch, - `,Wlither,itie: Lt sr ' - ildblisiltii iiiikoiSt4 oottNciateliS it poitaa : - ' - ,'V' ''' • thic if , Ctiirilag'thiliftecii4ll JP,oo6l22thliitt.;i - .joiliverepkwfl,iiluhoullsli429taii - iiikmfitttsl,ll4. - ) ,-- Ship John 34,,fitiniNsfort,lidita" 'Xintr'iltirWiivi 'lrt Shanghee „NW*. ' - r - '-' s _ - gt`e ..::' "'..: -'' -]-. .Bark .stik " WagOiliiiiiiiirtiffitrirli** o • foeTriitteiiille! from Olbuiltar't th nit-; , i,- - , f:+i).-11 '. - Bork, ildwordl'Everetti Hitains, - atiiaripa of samarium , ' 7th fest, frtlifdlitkellibleklrith Of fardefifuttlon, tie ion{ , - Old Aron ,- Wild - imiumwtititsles , *itiffintglitep - empty b1i11i0:,, , ,- . .,r , ~ , -i--;_`..,,' ,m, -- s--,:f,;. -, ,;- 'f - r- - 4,6. -- -;,,,ru;f, -... - beit, , ilmeee Ml* Mitt leet . .n., alfwJOri 4 r.o, . O ?!,,PS I6 I3 I .xii . WITO et Soot :au - Saatt44 t 01414 '4Oor SiiitiO4lf -'S4 saenahllh.L7st . r —,; '-- 4 ecam Arius Byel,phar4, "TAidltl2Okneif* init.forNow.York..- _-,„.,. :-. t ~‘.., • Brig Amlilesi Pcl l lflftteiereirfTet el Ifittetei9tb; tars A TltieN,,Nifsiskuli esseisiirle "Mnijorf,";Oovia,, for Philadilkiss „ay.. tipax;l'ogs:Joi-',Wiitalisto,fif Del, went tomes from Cheeleeted Sib Ind. '4,, ....'"'-' .....- _ • Bohr Dinka (4skilr, - tdmpip2;444444 thcionifirie inn, • Nut: fore hfiAlillibliT 0,-;,..,' ,:' ,-- ~.., r" , "-: ' -.--". Pohni 0 A :4,retkier;Artlyer. mho': gpitit,i4 'rq Ii -- Baxter , months . li . biros it B,uto, lith inst." ' , - ,2 ' tem. worviwymmetwitomt , rfor , :filitotil spot mil" cif Clontank Point, sod pat iuto Now London Idth - Wet. lot -repairs. -' - , , .2.? i. 1., zi - '.r.1,; y...• , - , :.. , Behr A $ Dean, nook; henos_for _Taunton, at Dighton - Sib Jot. ' , - - : .; , ,-, ~ •-, -i -- Poke' a Wi g iSjoriat Phillip s , "'EMNum iiiddlittimin, 'thin"t fors hilailitiphiis ." 2 . . ~•., ~, -'. ' -1; "-, ~ Bahr ,freheopa lint ht **Snit, - henhi;" rit iate,._iziki, - dim loth - t.m. - ', ' - 7 . - 1, ' -;., :- "" . • 1 ,- _, Bohr Chad Villtdl:Srettrifili:Stifit4li'biiii-144 from Newport 9th Wit: ;- -: ' - -',:' ~, '', '... ~, _,: ' Selma J 2 Orottoh,liiii4iiiiii;ll2l4.l3b2a,iths4,iga Busk Bonn - Loalsti, prim doltiC.Ro42ool;ar. Pp - Menet • giedurs - mobs4l4ig,Nroitby.udi J &ikon, Aide ~ i, ' zur P hitil pAphltpoofis l o l 9 4l6 ? 232- PrOri4o". 'qui -," Behr CailliiiiiestkriiiiiV i - aile; fromiteir2e4fG4j 10thlost-NiVß.Wilailfhte.'" -- »---- --t . . ::- '"" - t -,-- , The A 1 whi1f0r,242.'2420.)11dp , Itotatag,'Light, 937 tiins A - aside - 1., eoppered and gontsr, - ;faftpacd; e - UV.), ,',over Ilia pima old, and bniN in :_ontledeiptda, vise, mold yesteriew morping,l*Riiaisitla & Miller, Auotionsers, " for 121,990 ; half el" bidiumosin mooths„-..) lincknoe--, lisq, W4ll the puroc mei. „ "..NOTLOB TO id ItINERB,--, •„- , Nothee Cif:hereby MOM that , iteeoond olio Nina buoy Las been ,phicril to.marlißlAck Ledge, (or Boning bull) mailifitt the approach tt.PislOwstisduh"go6'fb.buciv,„ is one hendrad yards BW-Trisio the ."hostiest,part at _ , the ' - iodge, , whion II imendisselow water: - ..,,,,,, •,, - • :: .-, -. . - kisrsha442Gllol.ol tearing X!, bi NgN sndles;;;2- ifeaholiakistandLJl:bisiipag-,.. -, W-M W 8 milis; - • • ~ Ar,tiidgq, of tAtiltAglilluinas Saud,- . . ,• ,_,. -- ~• - 0. - „,f , --:: -<---- ~.---,,- ~ , ,,T lMpe: GRANSNI;_ ' • - - - i.., , -,...":;-:tailiitkinita ThsMtor , thIt,PIJC-,. , pafttial4;ltte, - )442 1 - 0 VAS"' ''''''' ' ''' '' ✓ . • Y ' ;~xiritrier " ~ies6rt , ~: ,r fiILORENOH ( IBEHUiTIit,. ;HOTEL; JO - POD* N, --21Re-lublaribesi, haring cleuled ohe above natned zopilertfoliseffor s term of years, Intend , openfoir "boot .1ane..100:,. - Tha former -patron*. of -time hones, and other!, may_ basitiored- that no Worm on the part of- tho.propriatomatoV'be wanitter to. ran. der ft a truly attraotiro aurdonle resort., - • • .Bathe, pflffardlof abliii k ..Tefalga , Allala. and , afaibllog oa the preoateea.i HOBBTIM - k-ifILLARD. Rooms mound iron by ypOlbneti;-Altit ...e.4 8 4 , 1: 0 C-r-;;;FIA . 4aS4: fat, oolspiirK l l l. .o4loT #OO4PI, ATLq- , ivazuziroigeTio oniv MAT ,: - Plokietore . Mao eletof.4.on. the 20211 of 'MAI , . fbr.. - liiioofigv:4s4 . op, of Boarders and Exanrsiontelis. 4.o.*Eamikbta in the Net eV* +Nth flew IfornAtorit, Benal,Ot 0v.4-, Th. National fo . , KOldrotpiy,Oltust d ktlangiave. : tine, oetattirads nnit Tier of the geeee, . - 1 , 10 AO, toteere from the bilithethlrlijachnhol"on t the A "01401111 C NoillAtooncisoif:Disdog 'BOoDit beteg at. trotio4 to` heittei•4;'patusleary.,:tbsisatat T- SOlet# trArTATo4)4olife;446.l4l4 A.- near N'etrieforrn Ps.; 'ietifiibl'ah4etif 1.114*,) be ROM for ,bearderei ' Mar 161 - ,ltlistorleienr , e ride fromPhl446. Xbir:peaDtW ire - 'exteinavvirinit waU lhaitt4l4llB. .t..**EW ahry;and phimientv7Theltrea , tionAa , hilanittilk.feete,nbnen ad , Sebnyikllo aod ex. '<wedtille7-A6l. l ,Alit , i4Cgoiv bikiboxis,breertieetates of media* plott..6,l4llcplaoo'.el herdrably.,iniptedc with ehiiarett 'Th*, , Zheat Antereneneeninivna , litlf)#( - Aniliktßoge,roef , 444,41tenr n:1-1f1 :Jo 31 . , RtiV.ll4lfintrla.4 , ll3loll., _ AnjW 4 nr/r/zts , o;44 , 3;n , w;'W -.4:,? ',N4171111414•41Tiw. QAOHN,II.' 9 BEADAIOTELti, , • 1•:. --.., , - , A-7 ,' • 'l. - - lin - altnltl,oll6, - CONN. , n k ., Tbii - iiior.ortipotatomorpiodobased_tti c nt i s i.or po r : firavolualasblitguto,s9ll=ll; alattihsPi l iv • • • former piettaq,gbit,Wkrkafel e - , ..,_ refuroisholi "Panful i ngtd,? and ',OVA , pus In ComPr i _ , ordar: kid opened for the zooviteigot orimployon Li /trot 41.1 of J1314111i-ImOoinAbo:4xontaiote laPoristen dime of fiAlltralr i elVilAi.A4.olte,aopoUr BA4. Ownkolgthetrokalio, bit 41k .. ' ).Linto"l ir"-,1144141' oiti.biiltiotsiiiiVetz. - - T-°---- --ef th ---- • 'eclat! ni f I'M hondr.. tel"lT4Mll6i'*l '6°4° l g_' ifto/vabillik-zeiood ', ',lso " a d ral "t f - IVA `4 , o nvmmdt ptlaAh b i l Row e !if 44.11' vi' s itt a en y _ 4 o. .. aten" A ba tlgthi zoiA ''--- -- tall ' liM•ote,tioioi been Warodii*NOVlteu,Lon. ezre i ; gad P mripmf ix t 3 Pep t it i r4 ,n t r ,y,tpoi et , ,, , i, . eits,phil., rs —Thina tiakho ,-::,:igridtheboira "*Veritta,9244,#,.fieVolf,-10 ', ohs it Bad ,'„' AilAt, - '-',' - ,--,-_'; ,',',4-1;-, -''' ' :-,, teitOkti4 yteiO4 deetVoiriliotOt., ~.--, ~71,, , ..,,... c-;:-,V.,.,, -- !1' o,x/I'4 , . 1 11:41T.E'LY'' tt '' - : . ' •-,,,y.Z;•„- -", - .., ~..:•111Cit,zir- Topi;-4 ~-4:, , :': ', ..v.:',; 1 ithe made - • 2 „Wit.tr,q...ittipinti , • 4,, the :lON, r.....i.,;1:-..2mLaratEtahu tpring, In lb! - tV,AHH..or -11111 W v.„-.A..****,64m3ll,lltarl..Tat9efsrood 0411 ' ~, ita h 1,1114.4104.watett, ~ laintilh ht. haps /Milo of 1. , =,-;' - ‘ 44!Iflilt!OF Ito Of. 41 /1"t97/Argliasa "OM h et j'!.. -= * taV iO -4 4 11 k i1 ii!4 4 tilt ti:440,:46;C:44: L ,x ,, -',• , -P -. 4. - : ••,•:• : --••• , r, _.- •-• ~ - .. - -3440-l AVailithi i , taobem , e - aegd. ,, ,pro. „. - f ',:.:Litftt,; .. _ if 5 ) ,,1ea50, from Jonuoyir -;-' - :i7lo74iliedi ',-eke,t _ ..? 4 ,2 , 073:41.1. tihe" 71,1 k --,-,=-- 7407/I=tre • ,", *,,' _ro -1 'll7ll - sothivrow.= _-.........._:______r -•- • - • 1, 11 1 HE - Vi'• '' '''',4?Ckitiliti,l4*°l4soll,l -.: 1 • . ; :- I :l:l.l,l4:iinlatilt^*vatt o a i lin I :i v t axEs 4 /:-'''';',-„,....iligifilVgt64oo- ligl -01 1 1 ,43 A - 0 "I i t -,*4l.,i'llYlig 1 :„..;t• " l orglili'AibatAf .:5,04,20,44,,,i,th.t,,,,,14,, ,-.:,...„-„,:,„ptifiiiip 0419.0111;14141: i7.3.4.,=...,:, - 1,1-- ,r, 4 -lit ',.-..,,,,,-- ,-,4'.-'`'`;' ` - ' r - -V3• :,- : ,.- • . 4 ' , • , 4 '.---I ? ..: _' . 4' ' - " 4 ‘ q'• :.; -4''- ' '0 4 ': ; , : ' • : , -, •,' ' ~, :' , , {.=.E ,-, : ',''''-- ' '• , ' ,:, ..,' • '''.„ , , . ; : - . „ 1, , Tii , . - '2•:';':;, -•_. '-, r''' •...' ' ' ''' l';'''''& - A;:f-:•:‘,";-% , • ' - : ... - - t -13 1 rittiialit1811203= 4 11V747. 4 .1. "Sbd. - WreoMtkireifeethlgtitaribhruetreurth 'pollee • liereby given - to the owners 01 -the Crepitates northeasterly,. from Huntingdon street:thirteen - feet mentiohedfnehe a pendedldemommirkiif Ohdths, that siX inches by sixty. six feet fireffefehilidd thdbertheast 'lTritiforleire Min , . -bertinnwthererwhi-thrms- erlYllnel.bY slaty-sight feet esven MOM* on the south: nAtoilailleol thfidatelltiseettunritke sionwarit:pe4di ;7,14:1 7 : 1 1.1.,_'. tqWeV , ys Wit i1.11.T • i• - • s r. ',-,-- r , - '..- ,on or,bareti 'bat, timis...:, II , ' 'WO WAIT ,;,s. ! P. TS; o elP + whlts nvene'r4t- repUteet owner, or 7:1 , , - , ,1 1, ,A.,-,!,-' ~--,, -. , --fi l it o l F 4,, f „ . v bi1 b,,,,,A,, ....."-" 'whne'ver,-May. bo owner , Common Pleas, December 4 , . . - 432, e ,Witiptge0,,,i, • sh,Wrilth7Stliji.t.` Tersl,7 848; N0 ..07- Paying, $Bl 07.. LOt northeast ' Philldelphje - .4trilit eir...,''''`e -4: • r- i • erlYbinwer bircOral'arid.Danphin 'Orbets, ftft:l4lx feet ~,,_,. ~..,„ ~,„,,,a,„ . ~,,,,ri 5 ',, , ,,,";',i . !, % ki, , , ce,,pffun' -fli e s Lt inches 'by - forty:eight feet !levee z w i T o s t 7 .7 Wr0 .... .L. , _.":` ,... ,, , .7„7,2_7- .__ . five:bighth - loChes:-Ninereenth,ward. '- "''' - , _and IaPP-vs,foame owner or-reputed 'owner, or whoever may beim:tar ' Common Pleas, Diadanitier ' Terrii;lBsB, No. - 283. 1 Paving $2O - 59. ' Let Southeasterly aide - or' Corsi etreet , flfty.six feet' ilitand threal.eiglith" inches northeneteriy ficirnrtbqlriortbekliterly side of -Dauphin ' ktreet.fourteerrfest bffurty-elglit feet seven arid five- - 'edghtbi MMus' -Nineteenth Ward. 'v -• .-, - ,' ' Satne'rs - tarde,liatieror'reputed oilier, or Wheeifer' „VoitY , by 'Olivier. , (Ain't 'fof "Oonatedn' Pleas, December `,Teilo;/ 858 " , N0.,280., Paring, - $20'891.-!Lnt Sehthetst erlY -side `of , °Oral - elpiet';'aeventy feet istrand.thMe eighthleher no s itheasteriy from 'the - northeasterly lidettcH ritiltiet Street, fourteen feet by forty-eight feet ilivertild ilvvelgliith inches: Nineteenth ward. - 'Same Vie. sidief oirner or reputed owner,'Or whoever mayb - opuilor - AdommonPlese, Deoardber' Tenn, 1858. 1 No. 288. Pavidits26 89 ,' Trot eoutheasterly side of Oortil etreet, eightptoor.feet all and". three.sighth inehes nertheeliterly Tront - tbe'noitheasterly side orDanphin striet,lourtnekneetbytorty-eight feet eaven and fire eighth *heti ' oNinetventhward. - 1,4, ~ • r , Slime VViaMertiwber Or , reputed' owner, of waciever May be o ex. Common Pleas, December Term. I£sB, No,-289.awing, 120 89 Lot toutheasterlfside ot Coral atieet;iiiroltpelght feet, eta iand three , eighth - Inaba ndrthowiter y from the northeastly -We or. Dauphin 'street, fourteen feet by forty-eight feet seven and five eighth inches. , Nineteenth ward.- . -,- • - • r.. Same Vs. - came, owner or reputed owner , e r whoever _ , may be owner, , Common Plea., December Term, 1858, No. Tlffi - Paving 820 69, Let southeasterly side oftio• raLltreet, one hundred and twelve , feet six and three eighth inehee northeasterly from the uorthneeterly,el4o of -Diephin 'etreat,tfeerkeen feet by forty-eight feet wen and five-eighth Mabee. Nineteenth ward. " Some Ti 'IAMB` ownerer reputed owner, or, whoever may be owner,. 'Common Pleas, Deeerober 'Perm, 1858, No, 278. Paving,-$2089. , Lot southeasterly aide of Coral street, one Mandred Cud terecitor• is ..x, feet Mx, and threeeighth inches northeasterly from the -north easterly side of , Deophin street, fourteen feet Sy forty eight feet sevenand five ? Mghth inches. Nineteenth , . ;Sante Ye.. same, owner or rophted owner, or whoever May be coiner., Doontion Pleas, December. Term, 1868, No. 231.' Paving, $22:44 ~ L et eoutheaatorly corner of, Coral said Priqe streets, fourteen feet by forty. eight feet seven and live.eighth Mirage. Thneteetith ward. - , , ; game, ve,./ifark Baldsretine, owner or, riveted owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Plead,. Starch Term, 180 :No. 48: Paving ;$ 34.03. Lot soothwesterly side of Y ork stietit, about fort3i.foar feet northwesterly from Caul etreet,;tourteen feet by firty,six feet, more or lent. Nineteenth ward s . ',.- , - Same ye. same, tither or - reputed owing", ,or Whoever May be owner. Commonpleas, March Term,485.,N0. 47. Paving, $37.03.fiL0t eouthwesterly, Ride of-Yerk htrget,-about Of ty•oig'htloof northwesterly from Haul etteetiPirtrteenfeet by mi ry - three feet, more or lase. Nineteentlt weed. - . " , " ' '' Bauxieral• same, owner or reputed owner, or whoever 1 mss be owner. Common Pleas, March Term, 1800, I ' No. 45. Paving, $4B 28. -Lot eouthrromerly corner of York and Cant streets, fittemifeet ten inchee by fifty-, alefeet, more or lees: Nitinfeeritti.iraid ," Same "le. Milne, owner or vrited - owner, or ivhfievet maybe owner. ,Common Pleas, Match Term. 3859, No. 48." Paling,.sl2 09. Lot southeresterly side of York etreet, about fifteen feet ten 'when northwesterly from Gaut street, fourteen feet two inches by 'fiftileix' feet. More orless. ' Nineteenttf ward. , . Same ye. canoe, owner or reputed' Owner, or whoever' may be owner. Conimon Pleas,'ldarob Term, 1859, No: I. 44. - Davin, VT 08. Lot aouttiweeterlY aide of York Street, bout,-thirty', feet - northwesterly from Ganl , sitoot,'-rehrteeh feet bf,fiftyrkix feet, mere or Mae. ' ' zginetsenth ward" , " , II- keine ... re. (+aerie ,74'."Ceer, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be. owner. Common Pleas, Mach term,- 1859; NO.- 42." Paving; $49.05 - Lot tiontb-' westerly Aide of,lfork street,, one hundred and' twenty- CM' feet northwesterly trotallaul etreet, - eighteen feet" by one hundred - and twenty-nirie feet' wiz and a 'fourth .. Dienes. Nineteenth'ivaid. , ' •'. ' - - Fame Va. same; owner or - reputed owner, or whoever may bo owner Cono - oon Pleas, „klatch Term, 1859, No. 42 ,Patifig; $ 49 05. -Lot soufhweeterly Bide bt -York street, one hundred' nd eight feet northwesterly from tient West, 'eighteen feet , bj One'bendred and' I twenty-nine feet ix Sod efourth ifiebes,7liiniteerith ward. • ; ' "- ''''' '' '. " 4 .101111 t. • In the DistrictCoact fdr, the OAT audVonnty of Phlie. : delphist ~ ,; ,;.-;„-,,., ~ Ail.Thirtlity o PlkiledifOita ti. nee of /Laud Warthmin' t 4.lscutotst Itarren,„m,..Vetsp o S.,:.4ey,ste ,-owner orb.e. exited owner , iwbrietrokonat ne'dernsaS.A.Distriet Oottric. Ilistefiktker Te ,111358; NO 32. , ....Vikotnit r ileT 45:A _Don on touthwea pyloorberiii:YiennalltreeValtnrecildin„ lorenne,aine psi" ftwitierinehes by oaeittiedred.stel tthlitveiken etkanDothlotikthlwitcll - .1 5-... a '.1.. , .. - 0 c... ye, dienCD , Csah, owner or reputed owner, rilenitdSThe tlarbViler7PhitiAltirOlittrt '''DM - ember I TN.', DM, Of I.l.'•PcticloT,V,4o4l9SA- Loft on itratko; ;easterly' sideff n -Cebil Street,' Mir httedredand twentys. me AMO six dieliiklf teams nertheieterly from Nan.. 1 1iingdon etre 'l.7ono`lktuidttbated fifty-eight feet by fifty 1 ftct'etitht an oillgetithek Itehelon - of line . to the icon ordlifidd . by One foot. eight ant Ono-quer .er of au in tollibiaidTraoaford road. Nineteenth. iii i . to -A c':' 'lll. t, .a, I . r i t. ci , klame,4x ii am V. ' - r. de an I. Diei hson - Ber. "kesn't;lrrici iTif "Ape" a Ditikte," owner or minded ' °Moen', - or ' booker,Mayjm.nwners_Clatriet Qoutt,'- ,10etember T crko§At,,Ao, 11, Pailog,pB(9.-,44. - Lot 3. on northeast rTy sniff OTYorestifst and liontileasterlyr ,alde of Due stitief,,"Afo";htnidreit and. thirty:abr. feet' ..twe,and ease -iiiihtbi.lnithifibt din hundred, end - fifty.' ittreiSfeksh fribli n'tifiAriekter tobliewonDoVe atreet; tyolifAAVAld ficvreliti-ticrtia Petit eft add flife.eighthe 0,... . I totio° - -on. ototOPY-I,to..;ot;''to h Ecolen ale: .- Nino. tAjntknitti ~.2.2.1:.=' ....__. ...-:.:_ -.."..:: 2. _..' - loacotiTa: fiente x; owners iso . renuted owners,,prmho: 411.!',C00.S be rinse: ":,Dietrio. oourt,,,Depembe; Term: 1 18aa, No. NI .I.,airlakt, - .172X.48. Vet oh' nertheasterty sjdatof York street,A r btsnty feiViontheadtefilY (obs AI > mond street, two'lltindred And shay. tour feet ilino and rive eight 0 Bashes by one 'kindred and Intl-three L feet three.q . ter inehea to Eagan street, ; -Nineteenth T..icf!' 7 ....flidde U. - Mune; 'briers or - routed ownerei or who ever may ber r iere. , -DlatiletVottrt; Deeember Void; . 18 taiNo.! 14 . Falai,' $.389.6a , --, Lot on northeasterly ,sidasof...Yot iateesti 'seventy-two foet...tiorthirasterly from Ceder *treet r i. owe thandred. end'-twenty-fear feet saVen and s alf infitsistic bike:limbed and twenty-the., feet thrie I hen tolmien street, Nineteenth ward. *.' 'Veree'Tst lcoiniiiiiii;iepnitid -- 70 - wnscit,Tir Who., beer MeV be osfrkete ; ,D,striet'Oolict; December, l'Oco",, 1868, No. •1 . A., Plefriel64.l,V;;,Dot sti northeasterly aide of York'Sleet; terinty.: - AW DIA 'sonthebterly from Cedar Meet, two htkuhred ant thirtreixfs'et by' tale rendre andtwenty ilyejse . t,threOluraps to Faoloo litMS;:pp Swath Wird; -.--. • - - - ... --- - - . Aide( Ts. e, owner's or' seputed owners, :or - ,who: 'eyernisy.b owners District Court;Deeember Term, 'lBsB'No. le - Vikiing'44o,). , Lot eenthwastertylide,of Iprk stree , ' fifty - tom lebt'sotitheaatatlr 'troth ()edit' atieett, AkeDribdve.l4finlikhty.two feet by - one-hien. .drott sag tw iity.slintsffeot lOC and one-qu a rter inches' .14,110.41;.• t:.'sitheskeith :werdk --- ,-r --,• - A' [ ..04 ~aonot- , yo. Beilhilifir , A. Pltlield, owner or reputed cvli:Ver; .ol 'ir lircfrstay_ba'Awner. ~11Istrlet- C onet, DO.' ''. --- A" --- ' ---",,.. 18 k , ffei.A -- . t P.-'-tr:5211.4 vr. , %.• =l= ~ne:, 1. ...,,,,^ -TI --- ,TigF lita. 7 l:ll.7 7 P"siving,-4253 IT , '' , l.ot: sotgesuiter owner ofilfork , abd lQinik streets, begin. r rifigat i nt Wield corner ; thence - one hundred and firty,,Geil gad - 6111=dliatter - Initlies - tdo nrsaid'Otinl Street tw e G rd'oUltdeet , ; thence one liundredlind four lie . ,1 ten,ari onsreighlklnchestelliiogssid Gordon street to,,Westettett; therionfortyitwo feet three eighth inches elites Add West street to a point ; thence further along the sakilW katreetoriehrindred end fourteen feet two three.guartin ineheald Y ork o etreet'; thince ninety-tWo' ,met piston hhtt Undies alOrig'the said York etr eet to - the plena o thigh:n:llog. ' Nineteenth ward - „ . Same git.thine Bra* owner or reputed owner,' or ;hoover m v be Owner., ;`Distrial , Court, December .TerinelSsBl/t_rilo.'Pefilig, $i5.1,,9V Lot ;southwesterly , corper.rflkork,pindsLertion,stroeteilfilfty4ectne feet by one.handred And.,twenty-nine feet six and ozu quarter ineltio. l ,o;Shndoti attest, ~ iiiineleentb,Ward. , ' „ . "_1 , t Same. ve ltnilleurSlY..Witte„ owner' or , - reputed's:miler, - or whoever, may' be Owner_ . Dietrint_Court;December =term eigt.% flei4B. Saving, 2293 - fdi Let northeasterly comes of Norkand Tulip streetee seventy-two feet by . 'one hundred end, twenty-five feet, three inches to Bea ten etrret. ;Nineteenth; want ~- -• , ... . , gaine;va.tilmilisid Keevey, owner oi 7 reputed owner, ! 'or ~whetivel. may be owner.- „DiStrict Court, s pecemlier Term 1858, No-9, Puvl4, $290 92.; Lei nor.hweet , 'inly side of (lora , street,'and mouth reetsily side of Ad ams streetland 'northeasterly able of Taylor street, one , hundrild saMifty,firekthree Indies. by sixty.feet; along thealldlAdappeatreetemdtbe said Taylor street. Nine. i -11larnets. Sagoirice Haien, 'Owner of reputed °Wrier; cc ' ,whoever 4say be 'otriser., , ~Dletriet Gout, December' Term:lBsß, No 59 ',Paving. 8170.80 CLotnertheresteriy.' side of Coral anima, icier hundred,aud tweity'.fonn feet • three- enejlesrelglithinohes-nostheasterilfrom Hunt. Loudon street, eixtrtbree feet six and, one.hnit Incires byeightyfpet. Nineteenth ward f. ' •V Same we Abel Lnisene r pwieror reputed owner, or _evhoeirer Ta la y : be owner. :. Dietrich Court, ~D imeraber. Term,•l2s , No 'Nevrpi,slll.ls¢. ' Lot coed frame atable,/no thisarberly' corner of (forst end Kuritingdon - , streets, elkty feet eight and.,threerfourtginehes by one hundred rept, along the said Ht ntingiion street. Nine. , teenth ward... ,• ~,; _„ , „ ' , -..' game vet -4-4ardiowner or" reputed oiriaer,ia'plifi• ever may be owner., <District .oourt,'December, Term . 1882; , No. pt.. Peittig, $ 119,41: 'tot and:brlck,dwill; dog,' uhrthweitinl) cornet of Cara laid 'IIIIOriIigOOO AtroOrtjatt, WO byeeventeen feet along the said gun thigdon stOsist. Ilitteteeitieirstil., , „ , flesnews' Sheste,o4Stifft; owners Or repUted:Otedein,‘, we whoevet 'nay, be Mier- ,".D.Striat, thiurt,,Deceinher ;Tenn, 185 obi°. 32. ,Paving, 'ssss - 89. - ,, Lot 'Cud glue ' feetory, southeietettoOrper of York end Doke streets, ,Gli trout mil/brit' etre! t'llro hundred feet, nine and three eighth blokes, by onalitinfirist ind one feet 'six sod sue fleurttelnottes to jiselle,llong ) the isa , 4tse street, by tlinetPt i h n t feetWee'lnehts along the northwest aide Of Winne trcet....NlPPONitkitard. . , - • ", • o„liarg .L. , Smeisi,,ownersi, Or .reprited owne r s ; or, The - - ever,,,mayli 3 Ownere,;:Phititet,Oonifi I,cteernberTor4l l , igsgpso.43,2' Pactig,ll 4. Aro 22, - -Wit. s tir°, gums faa : ' haries,%l keinitit'sto i :enginOindee, on :the r.. boirb.: eaetetir riot, nf:yer and Child streets, beginning at Apoinititensehreenater ; ~. bent, extending southeasterly -along thaportheasterirsidi a-the - wild Tort etteet one :lautidredapdeighteee feet eight and Ilia- efghtkineb es to it point •• thanes fartheisloligtheasitYp4sttest two ' ;Wombat and forty : eight feet end toujinebes; to ainwhid' ,street; ~:. t hentminoillimisterlyatong , teer nOrthwest-tly. , : 'line int.' tie_ said Almond, street tam ,Dundeed, ;lied firtyr:' 'three leen three aid iime:feei,rthinotteS, to "A:Caen/duet i. tbidiesiAnirthweetsiellialoog'`,We'senthiresterly lice of thi`esid linileirstriet`tnieis himaredtand. !twenty:seven -feet;setiep, hint Attatfotirtk,huibeie, to 'Gaul street j' 4kettee'slol4l ithCidlitheiaterif lies of the nit Gatti ,s,reet:osehurnlred sktt, tyrnoty-irveyet Viree inches, to 1 .0'0 855 $ oPaltiVESt_s_ ,•,' -0 - - -,', , . ~, -- • - ,-, ~, , r . enareint: 'peke ITAlifo'Well, Oeineit Or"- reptittid rife-. Isroreihjeirer,"kly r ite:owner.", Distriet!Court,, , blareh' T lirWil.,sm,Ptii.-Vll.Pexteg,gss l 9 s, '_ ll' ot edutheseterly 'isoinerJotiWirVedlo,,lftl_kvetydatlii Ip,.trinit •.'ort _sal i, Yerretinetnitelsundred, eizikt,Wenti,-soymilleet „duo 'sir/ itifitieglithjelet: , - eseby iprieltonpa¢ feet pri#o,p,th. 1 - 114 ...1 1 t; ~ t • -_, ,:f .lq 7.. , ''' S uns we. .i one is or reputed . owner, or whoever tiengeberWis t,, Flpleict Court, AferchrTerni,lBs9,..No.. -r.,,.. _lilting, ,78. 4 '11et, ireetarAnerner of York amt. 'rpm* s ticti'..front,,oh :the moil York 1400 one -klindrs9-501,,4wenty!iiiven flit by one hundred feet dersitlf - tyNtentehthjardi; ..i '' • .-.. , _e:: ~ ." .; ;;Intliso Qouit of COOOOOOVeiltoi.the'elty'aud gone-, ty"of'PANienelphia, TfieCllty Of ptilidelpll4,l9 use, bUildera .191.:rttinjusn: and J am 1. - Perron, 9a. lisojitieL •'s)lll4' OWair nr_teiiifett .innw a or whoever mr,y be, , ' `owner.' , £ l,Thii. - 4 Pleas , December Term, 1851, j4o. 23.,i "ring, 2 , 14,„ ,Lot" sped' brick toren% 'northeasterlyl eerteir of dilialr,ilet land 'Yeantore avenue, tirenty, two ~ feet on,salit_ltaketreett, theitmetevimtpolght feet two. Skid se half the*. ebing Silo of grailid Wile or ;04 oti : Goa.w , Vet , ii Ciajesimt, thence eievert feet ten and three taskter'lichen noitliwatetlY to SW. Trenton avenue., -t 5550 5 09- 1 0,0 1 fl? feat to? Rai- estArotk etreet. Nino. tetmtit ward : !- ,- -ififinevit..‘thistiasitts , l'ors, owner er remited :owner, - or *toner why' h, j ean! sir _ Common 'Plea.), Ceeetuber Tenzi,4BsB, N 0,15 - Petiog,lls2'ss..hot mosithinesterly. , side of Ydrk stretkorightiodier_and twenipeight lest northWertorly frent. , thit„porthweiterly side of ileptiAve. street, ilfty.fsinr ;1304'1in Yea', 'free*, to Cray street i thecae sling:Gray :atria eidgitti. eight' Mit eight:five‘' Allgati - bitlitetelk Pi:Mt thecae:other. eliing.thenald 1 'Grey s - pint toripthronieit. thresalgbila loops GOr , t 1 . 'doe 1e11 49 4 94 I :onire.et teftr inctlnfigen 5014 Our. Alone* ie. rireptilntT'shOiloe'nbrtheutorly - opp hominid , add tirer4 nine het ill . entenighili inches to the, plate •hrbeginnine - Nineteenth wend.' ' '',' • - '- '• , ' - - .lfattli 75.19eareitt,/KNogliti owners or reputed owners or Whoever may he owner. 0001000 Hess, December Term 1868, No. 25. Rvrthr, 895,52.D0t mothweet. erlYelde Of_Jfeek,,eireet,nloety-four feet northwesterly. ' `from thei northwesterly side of glepriva street, thirty fettr,feet liy one hundred and' tirenlynihe feet ilk and one eighth inches to Gordon street,, - , Nineteenth ward. - Seine re. Ananias Eaton; dwithrdereputed Flamer; or . whoevensmayihe owner ' t , common :Pleas/ Ifeerbiher-: Term, - /BSBNo 10. Pawing, /60.87. Lot - southwest. pt York l wily 'Ve street, sixty.gereif feet six and three- eighths 'rushes southeasterlyfrdnithe gogtheisterly side of Treater' avenue, eighteen feet -by seventy.eight feet - Owen and one.fourth Wakes on the ' noghwester/y line ' thereof, ,by seventy - two loot_ Ala -an , even-Oiglitile inches on the- southeasterlyeldb Ilierent , Nineteenth ward, 5 4: - ' -; t' - ',-". . ~.. ' '' , ' Seine we. wo e. Owar or repiteeewrier, er'whoehr Islay beVerner: , Ceinsioh;Piessi Deem* Torn; 1158, . No.lfl Paving, $50.87. Lot mod Mick dwelling man- eisieferlyleide of, York West, eightylive•feet six and three-eighth i_nehee southeasterly from the scutheost.- ' ,erly eide;orTrenton - avenue, eighteetifeat byeventy twofeetei and seven:eightk inches on the northwest. erly litie'orfolkatritet;by ahoy:six - feet els, and ore:, toilf.irl ,,, ben On'-the' southeasterly line tilveof. - Nine: teentle art. - . lime Vs. A. LongstreNt, , iierzuir or 'owner, or whoever, may ,liC•owner ~ Common. Pless r ibeemitrber_ ,Term,lBsB, No. 18. Paving $101.13. , Lot Southwest 'erly 055 of York street, iiiittonr feet sonthesterly frees tint southeasterljnee flepviva street, thirty Mx feet by one litindred h ad weittyatinefeet sir aid one.' fourth lychee, to Gordon street. Nineteen% ward. I:,goones. sarneowner,or reputed. owner, or -whoever m e4rbe wiser; , Couimon Picas , DiceMber-Terin, w lBsB, ' No. _l9 . Paving, $59.57.,, ,-Lot.northeasterly, so, of 1 , York et eet.eeventy,,four feet tire end Eire eighth inchee „sorthweeterly from' the northwesterly able or 4oprivir - street, eighteen feet by' one`hindred and twenty.five , feertbnie inches Nineteenth ward. ,130666 J. Peter-Nottesi ownsr orremated owner, or erholorery hir.oirner:;.; clocOmms Pktas, December 'Term, 1868, No. 28. Paring 226 62 Lot southwest 'llde'of York attest, otoety.feet southeasterly from the Southeasterly slde of &viva street, thirty-four feet by One hundred and swenty•Musfeet six and. 'one,loterth :inches. netemeth ward " ' ganef ire. 3 Densitieslb, owner or 'reputed owner, or wboerr may be owner . ' Common Press Decem ber T e rm No. 20 . Poring,- - $1.91,13,_ I,ot ,-.north. 4seterlyi side, of York ',item, forty - four forty-four feet south. esstarlylowil the southeasterly nide of Trenton avenue, 'tklay-six feet , by.one 'hundred end twonty , Ave feet Mikes lupine. Nineteenth ward. - • flame ye. Minor Rodger'', ono,or,pr revered owner, or >wroieree may be owner: 'Obtamon ?less, December Term,DM, No. Ilf. Paving, $24 97. Lot north weotely eldti..of :Coral dtreet, eighteen feet north 'Wfirly,from,Danphin street ! seventeen fee‘ by . fifty -dour fecd,'Nleieteentri Wird! --- >•s,- e -•--- - four ys. Woe. P. Deafen sod J. Dickinson Sergeant, - Trwillogir of the &viva Betide; °wpm or reputed - oWners,pr whoever May be owner, Common, glese, ,December Term, DOC )10.0. ?eying . / $571 Mil" LM, .Wilithweiterly Aldo of York street, fittplour foot north ireiterl.l teem:Ceder straetliefrgntant 81141tOrlestreot, •siatjr•three feet seven and one-halt Moho, by one bun, - died god twenty-sine teat six and ollOsibarlh inches in 'depth tO Gordon street. Nineteenth ward. --. ; lith e vs. acme, pwileye :orc septttod owners, or who., ' Willi sesi be Owner`Common - Pleat Dicensber term, NioteNo 68. Paring, $98.11..-,Lot sotitbweeterly aide 'orlSork f street, seventy-two' feet northwesteriy from Gka ' Idiot, ill front oft geld, York„itvet., thirty-silt &fief. by one hundred sad twentydloe feet ' Mx and, ,one•fon ,th incheillildrptli to edam gtrest; Nine -Weigh ward. Awe ye. Conrad genmitisener .op reputed oirner, or - •-rthpifrof may be 'owner. - Common Plea,, December I Terra`, I$6S, No, 1130/Pkylng, $197;27 1 c Lid and fratie Misfile southwesterly aide of !lewd dreet, aereoty-: four Do t seven Inches northwogterly from, Queen street, front on sad Thome &treat' - slaty-eight feet ten 14 ° ell; bflthSltlY lePklr.t.4,,epth. 1 0lehteentb ward 1 Fame 4 , fi,,.„.1.0e01, #entett,, owner pr reputed owner,. or Whoever insPbedwiler. - Common /MOS, DPeurc-OPt Term,lBsB, No. 378. Norlowaig.7s/_ ;..lp Ana frame livelllng southwesterly ofde of Vienna street, one hon.. 'deed , Mid fettypthree4estAtire ' , lnches ,northiresterly sfrom Qcieek alreetrld front eareald Viensie etreer forty-- tom Antoine Indies, by thfrtgfeettn depth- 41ghtrettl/ thinielys. Llirom (torten, ownetfror reputed oWner or' whoever may ,ba ,orroer... :Common • gleam, December 'Tenn, 1868,148.'17g. Piertng, IsB MY Lot pod frame dwelling southweatertfe. aide of. wienms street 91:10'1194-. 1 Arad and nine feet sizinthes etditheesterly fromlrenk: ,ltn avenue, in front oneoldliternefrAn'ootohlhtesneeek by one b uadredlibd thirty:Seven fiat in depth: gight- P eut h `!af , t , ,.. ,- - , :1 - 2 -. * v.; f. c - : .:.' !` . ,:-.- .',- Size vs. IC Jia ?intim, Owner or reputed owner, op :wkoartir may be owners Tseetnber Term, f 1868, t Vol '1621- - `la 4 rlntir,4l9B 47. Lot nerds: sisterly corner or - York and Cedar ot(Pors, olyentldwo - heti/irons hundred sod twenty•drefeit three and One- NW InYhrfullpg, Streeti- ward. -ward. ate - ' se. Meekttte. 41g14,, Pieup', owners •pr-iggeted &priers or- whooref last' be Owlier. Common glees, I.4§Velia -- Ternir -186 , 8 4 1 to: 1 60:r,Paelfrgi$184.)7, _Lot 'rortifil rig MO A r .) }/ !14 10 4doliAlAla 1 ifilfi' feet/ 6 „ th ,„ 4 „,„,„, Min; werald street; onelfradred feet by 0 12 6 Iltldrultdtmtyleoti tonetbeth street. Nine. _t=enth • -•-; r4i; l'- ~ ' , .l:' 1• i 4 Sam Mk guile . ,,roomera or reputed owners, or who. , ever may ib_eegner, .:,Cograten g eim,Deeember•Term, 1889 , No i 1•-10, 14 r• , ~,L 1 , 401141.0 . 8AAT,;, , ,, .'Le4 norlbeSeterly; St Ae thlOvilefogafreet; one le - undyed and slaty feet IVI rfeeterlYlfriM llmenajligetpOne-lituultedisea Koneltradrodioapr tiiiity Jeer, to Dlisabeth street. 1 1 1 4 9 Oatrtledd• =. • ''''' ' :' : - - ' ,-, ms4lh • ll ift.tiftii; ifWneeor-'reflated owner, or • wiloterAir moy=ot noir: ! Ocobiobo Donk Dffloo,Tbei , Mfluo.l4 Blls f`N° .r a l6 ... l ßotlng.`sgo . 4s, 'Lin iiad,oriOk . ittrintorreatb*Wilytte of vow Op ec)"94li. htlq" , , . -;:, g , egal .NOtiCeif. id T E' DISTRICT 'O,OURT FOR THE - _c•orrY AND IJOHNVir OP PHIL ADDLPHIA. JANOS F . LANGOTHOPEL Vs. WASHINGTON ItIN and.OATIIARINI L PAYII.OIS, owners, and, wesniktraer PAYEA.WaoritidAt4t • " , I.olisri,Faeles. Deo. Tetn,,186 1 3. N 0.1401 ., - The Anditieappointed by the said 'Heart to report distribution` of the- fob& in Oodrt, Seising from the Sheriff's 11410,14fider. the those writ, •• of the' Wowing' premised. awn: All that artiniAtwn-and-a half-story Inlek house; thirteen shd a kAlf feet front by thirty feet in depth, and'oni-story frame kitehSta sttaphed, thir- teen and a half feet by eleven feet in depth, 'haate ow the northweeterly side of Haloes street; in the Twenty wend Ward of itity of Philadelphia Eand lover pleconf 'ground , emitaining - thirty - feet -front by two hundred.- tettladepth,h,oundedori the - nottlienet by ground of Elizabeth 111`ligati; nil 'the 'northwest by illeohafilo street/ cattle southwest brgreund pl , BlargeAt AI Pm• ley, aodnnthe southeast by Hahne street Aforesaid, will Moat MI parties interested, for the purpose 'of his sp. pofattnent. on'ItIiESDAY, .11.591;. Woloplc P.+M., , st his, orlieo, No ,fill - AROHOtreet, Philadelphia, at whiohrtime and plate all' pollens interested' are re. guirid-te present their clainaw or be_ debarred tem coming norm:.:,.roaxpu P. 'ItsBINTON; ' 131 3 47,- /O,t 4r ' Alttit tor." TN , THE'HISTEIOT - HOURT FOR Tits. CITY AND COUNTY 02 pHILADELPHIA. • JAMS* F. ,LAPOSTROTH 'es. ANTHONY FRAM'S ant' BIARDARST• 'A. FRALEY (Owners), and ANTHONY FAATAY (Contractor). Levert Picas, Deo. Term,lBsB, Nd. 1400. ' - The auditor appointed by the. sal court to report rilatribution 'of the lurid in court, arising frank' the Sheriff's sale under.the Orme efli of ib, folicritlCK ' tutees; to wit AR that certain ' two an-bitif story hdeklionseobiliteer, and an half feet trent -by thirty `feet Inlopth, end oneyttory,frame - kitchen ,atteohed., thirteen end tin half fed by oloiotifeetialiipth, alto. ate oath(, northwesterly. side orlfidriet street to the Tirentydlepond iterd% of thp city of thiladelphis, and lot or piece of ground, containing thirty - feet - front try one hundred test 10. depth, ;b6lou4ed on the' northeast b,round of Oatherine Payr on the nothwest h ,g y rou g bCof Thommt ,Ifullioragx an, , on The southwest by r. qtround of liannel Tennis; and on the snuttiewit by liatties'etreet % aforoiabit*.Mlll Rioal the Aiirtien le; tot-Gated' for the ph.t.pOses rings appointnnint on VAS-' 'DAYS May 21, 1869, at' o?okiak P. M. at bin Moo; lie. All:Arch et reet,PhtbAelpbMiiihobo'4l4 ihire att. persons-interested are required, Wiprerient their plain's, 6r be debarred from owning upon said fund, , tpy.l2.4ot* 7013111% P. DDINTON, Auditor., ()MOM QF QUARTER SES dt-SIONB PON TH 00JJSTY 00' Lillie -matter of the aneatfon of EiIiISEEN Lain. , :Woo lb hereby &ea, that ha the lOth day of March, A, '0..A8f.0. ttpon the petition of twelve freetiolde'te ireiddingin the yielaity, the &breast& Court grahted 'a fo dhow tame why the taid Shippen Lane, from : , the north side of , gederal etreet to the ionthera True of jaod held by Nathaniel Holmes and Bidhard B.' Bryan, - should not be closed tip .and taested:aceordltig tliie form, tete° bekepr,t,bf tho'aet of moombry or gni Miky, 1864, welbli rule de ireetittele-' on tletTllßDAlti Utt4thday of Jalej'at. D.-191lOi at tO ololc4 - " •) - E .30137APEf A. OL'Ag i - • Attorney fOr, Vettildierp, - • South FIFTH Street. By the Court: JOHTEPII • Olork. toyfi-ftutit N THE •ORPHANS' 00IIRT„ FOR" TAB A. 'RNA' AND COUNTY'OP • Batiste of flosup PATTON, Decoyed. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, 'and edjust tho account of JANE PATTON and ISA nO PATION, ..lexectitore of the Will 01'11011.3NT PATTOINT. deceased, ;thereto, report distribution, will meet the parties Interested Ahereln, ou TITEBDLY, Clay 17t11,113159. - ett 4 o , olock P. -M., at his office, No. 204 mouth BOURTII Street, Phila. WILLIAM -0. BATSMAN, pyle.fotwetie . Auditor. • • NCITIOR 10 hereby:. Nhat .4,08 , RT D REEVES did, on tho 21st day of JANrf , ARV. 1859, make an assignment for the benefit of oreditoie, to the undersigned. All persons having-claims oe said .Nptete, or indebted to the lame, .111 present their a:- Condo, or settlo tisane with' me. , ' • 4 - 03e1,"1111EVE8C. Assignee, 745 North E 1,0111% Street mylo.Btil , CAR -STY vs. REYNOLDS.—Fi. Fa. Dec. 1558 ,N9.:(49 D. O: ltund In 00urt424612 ; The Auditor Appbto44 fa **lit, settle,' aid bd lust the astute On Mashers fund, ,(artOinf ft O S4 weer iterate,) and mete distribution 'thereof, attend , to the datlia pt hie appointment on TUESDAY, May 7, 3859. at 4 o clock P. 3t., at hie olfloe..No. 29 South SIXTH Street, upstairs, where and when all persons haying claims on the eboye fund aro, required to present them, or'be debarred atone barticipskingAbeiela 5108,98 A. DROPPIE. Auditor. Dank Vilivibento COIIMEROIAL BANS. OF PENN.ttL VAti I eL—Puu, Lyrae , May 8,1859. The D reotore hora the day ..dealated a Dividend,- of TUBED AND ONE•DALD'per cent , out of the profits' of the lest 811 reenthe, payable on daunted. °lair of State Tam. O. O. PALbtDB, - inyfi.lot Cash er., GIRARD BAIIN. - -rurrAPERITLV:May 3, , 1859. The Direeters hive this day deolaied a Dividend at TURIN AID ir' HAW" per cent ;for the lett Als months, freo of State Tax, payelde on and after thq 18th ,inet., u required by the Neneret Banking Law. Stockholders are requested to bring their eertittattes for Consolidation. W. la 80.11ATTNE, r0y4.45t9.0` °ashler. B ANK. OP PENN TOWNSWP—May 3, 'The Directors have this day &dared a Dividend o PODS per cent. on the capital stock for the last Biz months, payable op disthand. ,Tempi mpa•wttm(lt Osshisr. BANK CiP ST: Pr LOl7lB, Hari* 22, 1859. BOORS TOR SUBSCRIPTION •to the Capltal Stook of the Beak of. St Loute.will be opened ON AND AP TBR TRH FIRST DAY OP APRIL rump, as the PEULADELPHIA*3IABIR., Phltadeiphtn. 11.04449 f Im JOHN BROWN, Cashier. Wares cIEI3 I AL, NOTICE.--"-The SUSQUE HANNA RIVRR and NORTH end WEST BRANCH , T.ELEGAA.PII CO IikANY bee opened an OEae In the VRANICIATtif HOUSE?, 317 ',CHESTNUT , inn et, and le nary reedy td dd 'bnelneee and efpoleatl7, diropt comittnaimition with thp great n onal iron reglone or Penheylfehle, the valley of the Sdegnft.. henna. end both bind...tithe connecting with relbible Inuits threughtliorthern - - rani weeterw . New York, the °ann. dad, NerthwelddiklHApul. ukyd•irat W , , OTIOt;—SEALED. PROPOSALS', en domed I. Prop°Sells for , Alterations to the North' east &shoot Hones, Sixth Seotion. ll 1,111 be reactive/ by the nettersigied, atettt.tiA42lJAPA•9; the 14th lost , at 11 olelook•A •The Plan -sod- •Speeldeationo of the work to be - dene, can be often at the cfrpe co' the Con ti or Public &hoofs, a-Ft:cornet Of S t %CII ant ADELPEU Streets . • ..11y. order of the Oninnalttee on ;Property. , '' .. ROBERT J. 1 12141P111L14 rnyl2-at • • • Bea'y tlonttollera Pabiio Schools. QPEGIAL NOTlOL—Dealera in Goodyear's Patentfor Vulcanised -Blabber Suspenders,' Braids Webs, and, ailrotherlabrice and articles madebY combin ing abreusenpattneearnith threadeOr ehoete of "Wean., Iced rubber aro Anti Se 4 fhattinless the Mum are'properly ;stamped oir labelled with my same, and by my authori ty', they eminot be legally disposed of in the potted States naithants and dealers are Invitod to examine epoeimenelidw in store, and to give their &dere for the flprbig Trade to the undersigned, AXOLIMIVE OWN. BB OR Tao MUFF AND EXOLtfoIVD DIONTS IN THE'Ti:T.ENT for these goods, which embrace all t4.s qtyleS bomb:daze: - inantifactured or imported, and imfny oahaidi - •• A ALSO, LIODNBIS TO 1417/14CTIIIIN AND BELL —add the Terms—may be obtained on apocati on to -rag, at,No4S OQIIBTIJANDT, Stroehl?. y. . • Itoaeoß rt. DAY. ' ANDIEB.-690 .. easku now-landing from on hCard,the,bark Tullette,drom La Rochelle, at Locoterd•strect Wherl4 Pleat, Captlllon, & Co, ; illerett &On and other brands ,of ,Cognac ,in j pipes and eneka ; & Cp,," and 4, llivert, Pelleroleon v ht lioaheile Srandles, pale and dark, in % input, caska - -- - • Imported axed for sale by; 1101fLER & CO 221 awl 22e /knob FOURTH Street.. 014 p TOM LONDON. 00111)14., GIN, ,appilo:itgoutfitn:yethe h t l i :d n ical m O y ol l lefe of London the Difoutontlein t 11 1 Sver, &a. ° Por 33 ;s7s eP by all ta leading Druggists and Groom: f LThqoLp TOM la intported 'exolnalicy P. otoicamtle, Importer ot French Wham and Brill dial. GIG, &C, &a., 217 south PRONT Street,' Phila. 0104 •. THE . 4 1 ) AjE$S,-PREL,A.DpLpHIA , . , i FRID4L _ _MAY 13, 1359. PHILIP F. KELLY SI: (81.100i0ORO TO ,60866 T• J., .FIyREET, BANK NOTES, COMMEROLAL PAPER, BOUGHT AND SOLD Aldo, OttMks and Bonds, but out on pouibstsalon peerlel attention given , to eolleatiorus ,througliont the country, and customers may rely on prornytu+, alonS and gOaree Q'E press Qtaittpanies. WELLS, FARGO; & ,NEW 'YORK ANDtCALIFORN.IA' EXPRESS AND.EXCIRANGE COMPANY OAPITAL '4O9;,,ORESTE*II-T STREET. • onuaoliNTA AXPBE6bE6Ieave on tho 6th find 20th of oach Month. llsrin'-:-Part Exprees, 220. peilbffilow-gxprood, 160. Or lb. ‘ 7.BL&ND OF OUBA EXPRZSBEII leave , by all the; regular Oran:tell—say 2d, 12th, 171 h, and 27th of eaoh 00;.7;"ZOT10778 midenn H.S.PANd'irith'iirinen; twin. ,Wononslgn to our Mende, P.O. tomb sr Ir. 06y4taiii. • - sz.o HANG'S an Sea nANinsoo o p mcioi, O/NDWIOII' XEli ! Virpil, and HATAINA fo r Mlle 10 Sting tO Snit OALITIOBAIA: ooLuqpgris, j Our 'BAN SRANOIBI3O 'house given especlai at tention to eiolleotions on all points biz California and Oregon; with prompt returns.. alanufaoturers and merchants Making' pales_ for pairoirOocaiezon,Atan transmit theirldlls of lading through our house; and bar* the involeea paid foYnn arrival of the grtedirtherei thud Whig purohaseri full benefitof time on'sitles, and yet thu sellers inaintiang control of their propertynntil paid for. , ; - • _ D. N. BARNET, JR., Agent. ; mu7B•Sm Mak '1 e tigAMS MU ES GREAT SOUTILEZTAND 130grailEMBIIN PREPS. NE AItRANGEHNNTI3. RATES REDIXIBIit The ADAMS EXPRESS 00 , having completed or. rangemente with the Marrolk and.' Petersburg, Peters. burg and Lynchburg, East Testi.; and Virginia Rail: - roads, , ere., are now prepared to give QUICK. DESPATCH'. at ranch REDUORD RaTES, to goods destined for places In VIRGIN lA,NORTII. and SOLITE OAHOLINA. GEORGIA, ALABAMA', and 1481' ,aud WEST "TylielliESSllE. The esteblbibment of a TIIROUGLI INL4ND ROUTE trout "P EIILADELPIIIA to mumpais, Tenn, .'coerce b 9 ilmithern and Southwestern buyers a A/A . l'nd reliable mane bf transportation at very reasonable rates, and avoid'* the 'Seim of ocean navigation. • „Shippers:preferring this Inland Route are ,requested to mart gqodo ' , VIA BroamoNp ~ Those Selesting the - route wle Chesapeake Day, at s.lPrgli 1.4111 01/ . FRElhrti will mark packages 1i010(111,4. 2, 'll7 - Dry Goods, clothing, Boots , and Shelia, gooks, ,to., or merahandleckederally, *Miring- thrfeet Td :the'DXl .pennda, will be deemed and taken u Heti" Freight. - nzr. LIGHT and BULKY 00903 taken at a reasonable advance on MUTT FREIGHT BITES. fly• The lont•ostablibbed Line •Of EL4piess to the ' °nth' and Elenthwist, by Steamers to Charleston and orsugab, will be .00ntiould as heretofore. J 7 Yor frpriito information apply at the (Mee, No. 20 CHESTNUT' Straot rteirEo. p; suoRT & co. • ..ai , GPRION No. 132 Booth 70171VPH Bt.,‘Phila Bole /iento of „ GNO. C. Arrw.vvo., • Miners and Bhlppere of the $, LOOIIATRAIALOPAL, Prom the Lodnat Mountain,' • .. . T.Tear ikahlmt, • ap2,6m.1 BOBUYT:XILL copsTY. Pa. W. GROOME '& 00'4' to. Healers and Shippers or LSHIGH, SOHUYLKILL, and BROAD TOP MI . .2 BITITAIINOUS 00AL. • Once No. 182 South FOURTH Street. Yard, SSOAp_ Street, below Race, - SP 2 rAni ;- PHILADELPHIA. L'NGLISII. AND . OL4BSIOLL BOARD .ING-scaooi OR mile; MOUNT JOY, Uneasier aotinti, Penneylvania, N. Paid la admitted at any time - 0 ty refeveneve given. Pl‘Vilenien sen 4 for a olvottlar. ap344mo r -Y - ,ANT: sTKATTOW O :I 4 7.A2IO.IKAL pitliorarnut , COLLEGES, bested At nag delphi*, B. corner SEVENTH ,ana - CGESTMETI: Now Tort, „BoTolo, Moreland,. azl.Ohloago. 'Tor in, firroorfoo. 43,11.9 r Istkad for, 04 • ; „ , , '-feg-tt V)I3NYD/4 . .idElDr—r-4/62; - 11 G. LEIDY,t . , PrineiphbOof ZEIDY BROTS2RB , AOADBDIT; , Kaa•Z i t, l l2 6 plTali. npsTitr ,, Balt , ,- 7t#111461/;msitaz - Brnal; iat karisintlier le made certain W. 1 1 47 bar that aK a Ft 4l. - - '' : A. 04.DISIX;open day ening„„ C Oft istfpg.tva rtt I; sli AD 6 L ,P, Ji.141 Oft I 41(11AL COL_Wfig, ,noifttlia# tort, 14 - 1 , of 4 .3 - 10 SWINT wittreptifi. -- ~ ~ t An Ina idea Aohipieit to Lib young rasa for AM , iLlpi iIiNIINBOB. •- , 'l+,,- -- • ~ , i ~ , D ZARD Cm triummts; - , . ,'; 1 Di D.l3o , nem, , : franbin HOziklin thaw ft, Inman, ' - ' 4 - Dartd 'Mine, • •. JOhn aparhrirk,' ,' ' liort113; Swag, rasailidaelter, - A. V. renew, . D. IL Mime% ' ' - Iraderiek Bro-ira;-= -., Joabna Lippincott. lIVENING 0103910N8 after September lath. loch Student bar oniroviatith inaraurtoos /at Mk Inotltutidreotrid a -Diploma from here 'le the belt to ciimmendetion a yoang rOart, can hare for obtaining a " 'goodeltuation: ' " -, '. • ' CATAL.,OqIIIII4 may be had on ',Angles' at the College. -- .: :., . , set-td • t abilfet-Alare 1 . 14 S PAPOT ,, 'INN LONNA''' . IN TEM UNION Sultsioloqtlecle, ape( goborge, in Oak s Ws nut, an 4 210qpny, of liqupove stiff). pattan3. A. L.' ADAMS' IMPROVE) DESK RAOK, 1-1001:WM 13t7210Z7 (svadgesons vo) - J. T. HAMMITT, No: 259 SOUTH THIRD STRENT apl6,Bpi CABINET fl:TNITIIII,E Alai BILMARD V TAOL.111; , , . ... . . . MOORE iTc - CAMPION, . :No.* 'spina SECOND - 8 etIRET, to Q03111013t100 Tith their extensive Cabinet Business .., 1 tie now mentifsaftulug 'rTA Ef opier ertfele of - , BILLIA D attly -. arid hero now on hand a 11 sapplyennished with ' 2800841 N. 08M8ION'8 113SL1OVED 01381110N8, rtilapah It prmeoneed by ill who hare used Mamie be stiperhi air ~ oNivre• -'. - '`• L. ,e th quality and finish of these Tables the Matt• fauterere refer to. their numerous nations thioughant the unteh r who are familiar with the ohareeteeef their verb' . ~ . . . • -, - iatt.aao . REMOVAL • R4NCOdK ' CO., ?aim YIIIINISIIIIM BT03;01 and 14424TP40T01tY Of THE OLLIIIALATID 111.1gT KURTH, )149.19 ILMONIID ; No. 1026 CLIEST/TITT . STR3`,ET. - tnar4-ilm EMOVAb. THE PENNSYLVANIA 44.11 , COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES havo retrieved their °glee temporarily, to No. 234 WALNUT Street, first door below Third street. • • • 5025.1 m vizP R. CORSON, ILyin.REAL ESTATE BROKER AND OONVEYAN OHR.MONEY LOANED - ON GOOD MoßiGeoEs. COLLEOTIONS•PROMPTILX MADE. mhBo Sat NORRISTOWN, PA. /RICIE & CAPP; 228 DOCK , Ntree.t, above Walnut, STOOK BILOHERB, ana doltish! In !der °anti'', Paper and securities generally. - !Muni the Brokers' Board daily, and 811 all orders for. the pay. Cheap or sale 0t,13,T0W15.• BORN, &a. • 'in7-1P at, SP. & 00., . ‘....i ' BPEOMAND ELSOHANGEI BROABBa No. 40 Beath THIRD Street, rtimexketrstA. - INA Butcra an AA MinItIDP Ilf'Ph{)/AlliVida. ;STEINWAY s4' t. SON * GRAND end SQUARE PIANOS, now universally: In use, and recommended by the beet Artists, prefer'• of this country ; A coin likens will easily sataify s p l a c r u i and w t e h m t e h t amateur € : p t r f o o t r h m e e r r the purchaser of their supetlerlty, et they epoak thy themselves, end save them money and ti &tibia - BLAsms BROS , 1006 Chestnut attest. toh2B.Bm SUPERIOR PIANOS. - WILLIAM- 11.NABP1 dc CO., PIANO•POR OE ,BIANDBAOIIIII.BIO, Noe. 1,8, 8. and 7 North EUTAW Street, and No. 207 BALTIMORE. Street, between Charles and ' . Light streets, Baltimore, Have *bray,' on hand a large agtortment of their importer Viatica, recommended by oortiEcatee from Thalbarg. Streivech. and ether celebrated parrorulare to be equal. if not impeder, to any wedeln this country. The durability of their Pianos will be warranted for five yearn, and a privilege of exchange granted within nix menthe,. ehould they not give entha satisfaction. fdanufaottiring wo will sell Wholesale and re tail, at the moat reascumble prices. ' • WALLAH IMSBE CO. ; Munro. VIM A. WALKER, NO. 722 .t.KIKE.TNIIT argot Philadelphia, are 'bar authorised A genta t Auld if 111 Seep donetr,ntly ou hand and sell eau Plenoe at mangfacturerfe prices. CHICILERING & lifklllJP&OTUitliß/3 or GRAND, BQUARR, AND lIPRIOHT • PIANO•VORTES., _ WARE ROOLIR 1307 owEsnitlr ! 3711 T. Couotantly ffi otore a large stook of bur DEAVTIPUL and UNEQUALLED INWPRUM EA We bays been awarded, at the different Nahlbittoy 14 We country and 88 GOLD AND SILVER /11,RET-GLABS MADAM j 11.9.434.9 . 31.1 t ei ! I L K i 6 4 4. & E tpo kY rIAB S TTIR 's DEPOT. 8 W comer It Br kroatie tad WILLOW Shutt, Plaladelpalt: Wood4itir me; Otinined, Caiting, , and Dentiotti ttter ; Cement, Plebteing .flair, and whitcpobd . dullteredlo Order, Or cortically put up for , ' LAMA! • WARRANTS, EXORAPIGNI $BOO,OOO A,1)&1458 131ZPRIISE CO tnagotiot4l. litmovals. %~sv~vc~. 1)ianoo, T HE L.t.V.EH, r , xist , Irvia - oH 2 A.T OH - • . PittiPARWO DT tistalNlOnn, , :00.1060NDED ' ENTIRELY-, FROM GUMS) , la one of,the best Purgative and 'Liver bledloinee now before the publidohat este atr m anytartte, easter,' milder, and snort, „effectual thati,iny other medicine known. It le notonly a enthfift,Vc, hut R hinte.reime dy, *Ong thaf.oo the Liver, to eject lta morbid Matter, thee on the stomach r and bowels to carry og that 'mitt', ter, tlmg twoomptiehing two outvotes effectually, wltbr.l out any of the painful feelings ekporlaimel la the one- 1 rations of meet Caqiorgfot. It strengthens the "0- tempt the same nate. Oat. It porges it, ipmd, when taken daily in moderato &Milli, will Strengthen arid build it tip .witleatittilipil 7.plditT. r ~ - ~ 1 reline Lititz mono of the - prlnelpalregniatoreOf the Yuman boal t Ind when it . , Prfonne_ Its 'tuna tinei well,the powere•ot the aystem are fully devel oped. The Monad& ia al- moat-entirely dependent on - the healtlactlon of the Liver for the proper terformance o Its , hum.. tions r when the stomach loTault the wale Ste ' it faaltiand - the' whole et faidti snit ..or whole queneb of outiorgan='-the do" its duty. ror the dies of " the proprietore 4h se pricticoof more than 20 ly wherewith to counter- meat/ to which tt Is its' eyetem - rulienun cone Liyet-hatioly, oetute.l to tome .that onaa, onb made it hie , etwi,j; In e yeere, to end soma ferns. I Rot the web/ d o ge- ble. person To pmts that W withe re-1 • troubled Li- ite forr.oe l has but to try sI Thessfitune ?amine all the system, euplAying in of bile, invigorating the Mort well pnrgying-the health t he whole ma. cause of:the dleetae—ef medy U at list round; any ;nix 0011 PAINT, In any of bottlo, and conviotlon In or bed iuttio from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and ohinery, removing the footing !Cradles:l care. oared,_ and, whoa is bet ,- ' asclonscuse Of the Lrysa is auffielent to relieve tke food from rising and soar before retiring, Irevetits ATT/0103_ P4O tir;prAvtested by the oa. Dielaostrox. One dose, atter eating, etemath'and prevent the Only One, done,' taken 'Neosernens. Only one does, taken at gently, and owes Oos- One dean, taken after PIII4IAI -- One doge of two I roller, Mon Munson'. One bottle taken fbr fe l the sane of the disease, Only, one dose framed'. while one 'dose, often re -0801.1a• tionsys, and t. night, loosens the bowels TIYANZI3B. each meal ; will ewe DY/3. teaspoonfuls will always malq obskrUetionrenenyes and zanies a perbiet cure. relteres o n o zot 0, peaUd, is a stirs cure for proyentiv,e of OH9LERA. needed tOthrChrOU_VOf the d leine after a long /lei- Er Only one bottle system the offeota of me- DOW. H OW bottle taken Nalleffhees ,or unnatural One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dole, often repeat. siticahlei its worst forme, ciimplainte -yield almost One' or two doses cure ht children; there lo no remedy in the world, se it' - 117 - A few bottles mire absorbent". ' We take Pleasure lavi sh:le se & preventive for and all PpYaffil of rates with eertaintii and testify to its wonderful AN who 'pas it ars giving is its favor. 117- lifiF Water in the mouth ilea The 'lnvigorator, sad swallow, boll. togeOgy•tl• " - TRH UNTO /NTfOORATOO IS A BOIENTIVIO BINDIOAL Drobo7aaY, and is daily work ing comes, almost too great to believe. It mires as if by magic, even she first doge_ giving benefit, and seldom' more titan one bottle reonlied to -mare any kind of LIVER Oemplaint, front Abe - wOrst Jdundies.oi,Dys pepsin toI common Headache, all of which are the re mat of a DIBEARIRD,LIVER , • PRIOR ONE DOM/AE I- PER ROTiLE. ' Dr. ge.zivoliTtr i ;;4 - 4 , tor, 84b New York. rAgonta rpi io - C n bin; ny . Mirth Somoza trea , , Metalled' by all, runlets. , Bold also.by, SAMUEL HUMS, TiFelfth and Obeatbut stratitl, and P.-BROWN, fifth and Chestnut greets Pbßads. may 6 Ikw 411 it: NO MORN PAIN,. R. R. NO mos SIO;3NNS S NO MORN RRRIPIATISH, Or St detest, of the. joitps, Aumbago, Headaches, Toothaches, or Sall ertnsfront other "Bodily Infirmitte.S.- • THN lIAPI/4 AND QO RPLETS.EPPICIAOP OP ItAnivArs BRADY RELIEF, IN INSTANTLY STOPPING, TITS MOST , ZRORII— (MATING PAINS AND`AOILES; BURNS, 130AI-Dii OUTS. WOUNDS, ito , &0., readers it import/Mt teat eyes)/ fancily keep a supply ant lathe home. . Armed with this remedy, a honsehokt fa • wars ,pro tooted against /sudden .attacks of sickness.,thoussnde of tires of persanutare- been wed by- its timely use, whopere suddenly, esiFed In Elgin Ore with Cramps, Spume, Voir/Sting, Cholera,' Telloir ,• Fever, and other. violent dial/lutes. Let solon of this Remedy be taloa Internally, as the c abs may ' require, when , onddenly 'seised h"P.iin or Sickness, ant it will instantly re- Here the patient troth palm and &Treat the dieettee. - RAI/WATS SHADY BELIES Rae ODWID I.IFIBPMATISSI ,".. NNURALRIA ORAIMP ' DIABBVIPA • TOOT/lA(3A E: SPAeldB LION KNADAOIIII... t .; MILL'3 AND vsy.. OR ILDLATITA .tr!. JeITAD.ENZA hOhli T D ROAT BURNS' FrOST BITICS ' AGV 012211 K - - • - L4.11.:1114.8a8 . . 11$: - .4j4; 01.8);.4 , . NOISES, • *Otf Nl5B, 6TBA4NE4 And o SPRAINS, The moment. ft le spoiled to the feiered parts, ell l e AIN, AND 101'NJIMIIii$83.01CMIZ. Logic o t for counterfeits ofmt inetetione. rtirp onl3: . A4DWSI I B — DDADV 'AttlaThaf. Prloe 7.6 cents, f Q cents, and per bottle. Aga:gala thia city : DR , & 80Di8 i - W. H. ZI.EBIIIt T..It.;OALLENDiIt. . . in tell isilnotei. ilfte f n *On. "1"'•`•' In ar lr si m x l to u u t@ r:. '' ; ' • In ten minutes ..I . oweoty tranntes tt mla•tuf Bai Elanino Sumlo - 2.151 t • OBItT.• SAVING FUND.— Wel, V A N. N. corner ol'il o releyl p ;VENTN treats. tigh,RTBRED 137( Tin STATNOyriNNI3MANIA. AIITLIORIZE3D'deeIT.SI, $6OOOOO. , MObt.BI la BROX WED gams tror4 Ono Dollar tiptiod Viva. PhD WV,. llitr RIM le 3)1,04 trout the day, of vithdratn. Any sum can he witharmin on ilerpand, by Oheohs or • otherglOo. • ,Ql o sloll orgN Froke'?.) o an 4 TPusztaT liY*Ning, from oto 9. This Company has a largo paid up Capital as a Beourity to pepositord; '41:4 Lustltuflou paid all !La 1) eiaiLlute in full During the Bata Stylph3Blol-1. . . . . - ,JOUX MlLLER,Pretlant. osB. W. e°l7 ." /1 ) Vice P eet. 3 . L. nIITOLM3O , Er'xy, Di14,14.d; «d little,lnkt often, We the Poreo.” s4viNG I4D-- No.:141 South .01:041.1 ttregt, bet' en ClieStint - and Walnut, lehtl4Mpl2l f , pare ill dolmans on detriand. Depositors , money sewed by Government, State, and Oltr Lpane, grownd ReStei Mertl Wolof, t i a'• thitl yomPanY ietuni sanity better %ban largo pro o lt o a , , s r m nsetrety t r have va,ravaxiwesitrbeLr7 I I'. return w o ih y lS' per cent. Interest to the owner, as thby have always dope. This Company never l l P et aloe, ded. married or single, and Minors can deposit in their, own right, and such deposits can be Withdrawn on iv by their consent. °barter perpetual. Incorporated Dy the Mate .' of Peortaylvania,,witD authorltz to,ruortlre mo ney 1:8m trtibteol and eledritonr. • LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RBOEIVED. • 01lice opnn daily from 0 to 8 o , oloolk, and on Wodaesday and Batardray evonlngs WWI 8 ()folk. DIREOTORB . . _ :mob B. Shannon,' ' oyrus Ondwalieller, - , John Skinnier, . George Apasell, . • Meisohl W. Slop, yggvasn T. Hyatt, Lentil ilrnmkhaar, 1.1 HatrlVelant; INlebblaii Rittenhonsa Mahan Smedley, Jos. H. liatherthwane', Eittrot o lllanchs, ~- ' ' Joseph W. LlPpineott. J'noo/3 B. t3IIANGOG; presinera, Cr " B CAD 7 41.L 49 1 1 TTPJ.iirt'S , • - alq4 ~ A Dollar• bared is twine earned I, AVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TRItE r ST—t4A.TIONAL BABBTY TAUT 0051 PANY, WALNUT Street ; Southweit corner of TiflliD Philadelphia. INCORPORATIO BT THE EITATS 117 PB4l44l4Aliii. At , tidy I,l;goeivett id any tom, larva of troall, and id- Wort paid.frolirtoodaf of deooett to the day of with dfrawal , _ r Ihe Mlles is ripen every day from 9 o'clock in the Morning:till 9 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thntodav eveninga till 8 &cloak. „ BON-LEBNRY L: BENNER, Praoident, J RUIJED.T 811LFIllDale, Vice Broaident. RM Burn, Searetsry. : DIEBOTORD. Hen Lienry L Beraibr', - Carroll Brewster, I Edward L. Carter, • Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, ' Banal. E. Ashton,Joseph Yerkes, 0 Landreth Mauna,l 'Henry Dlftenderffer, Money la roaciv4 and payments made daily. The laveetments are mode, in conformity with the pi" visions of the Charter, in , Real Estate Mortgages, , 'Ground Bente, and such Bret-clam sectirlilea as will allure haute perfecit security to the deposithm, tag whte4 oattnOt 'fell.to give.permaonn2y and Itability 'to this institqlon. • •- ' . v 4141 QAVIN - 4 FUND.—UNITED -STATEN TRUST COWAN'S', corner of THIRD and °REST NUT Streets. Large and at Mt ehote recolviii, and paid bank on di. mand without notice, with 11.T.VR 10411. OMNI'. IN TRESST from the day of deposit to the day of with draw4 honrs from 9 nntll o'clock. amyl , day, and on HON SY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. RItAFTS fob aslc on Ragland, Ireland, and Scotland, from, 11 upwards. Preeklent—iTEPßEN R. Oad.WPORD, Treatnrer—PLlWY PUBIC. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER 9otels' aitb iireitturants. - MANSION HOUSE, ' REAOINO, PENNA. • Ntf - L. DP. BOURBON, P,oprlotor. Thin well-known establishment, the favorite resort of citizens aud vialters, hes lately undergone eaten 'dee repairs', end is now one of the molt commodious, elegant, sod thorough , hotels to the Union • beauttinliy located at tho corner of m o rn a.d. PAN •Btreets, Reading ' Its secommodations aro drat-elm ; the rooms eptalons and airy ; and' the table constantly sup plfed with all the luxuries of the Reason. Perg los t o. alrotto of winding a- few Instil in the summer in an nareeable and oconomiget manner, could not do better thou Make a trial Af BOURBOLVB DIATiBIOH BOUM{ at Reading. ap724f FRENOE's ROTEL; ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, OITY OP NNW YORE • EINGLE ROO6lB 60 OM PER DAY. City Nall &pare, corner Prankfort etreet, (opposite Oily ; me a ls, es Mei may be ordered In the spacione . Rol reetory. Thoro Is a Barboes,Bhor. fiati Bath Rooms attaahed to tballotel. N. D.—Rewere oT Runners end Itaekmen who say we are fun. • R. IrRENOLI, Proprietor. fen em • JON!] - ES HOURS, , 0A 111.1 P 13 / 4 % t i ; ',I nu.) ILIOANTLY En. NOW prim TO VIO/TOR/I. =MI virtu Ovvaizt, /1000071 Nts irlait ADA?. LPHIA, 40..7t1.10 I,IIG RiamtOAD COMPANY.. 0 .e 227 Bouth POTJIMII Btrebt. ,Pa p rbanaauts, April 16th, 1869. • PAsontiota DadjdB • •100,8„IIASHISMIREL • On and latter MOND/07;18th lust ~ T WO DAI3BEN: QER TiWA,F.NB will he ina,DMIX (BauBaye exeepted) ta Harrisburg, yla 'Deeding and lutermedlate potato, MOROPIH. Leaves the Depot at, -urged' arid Vine streets at 1,80 A. . , Arriving to Ilerrisburg at 12:80 Noon. ANDWOON, • Leaves the Depot ,at Broad askyirte streets at 8.80 . Arrteinglin Harrisburg et 81 ( 0 Pare to Harrisburg, let alai: $8 25' t , 2d class 2 10 By order of tkupDoard. - • - - split 1m „W. g 81.7ILHDONIrt Besretsr7. NititIVAPAN I D 'H ' 11 A D PHILADELPHIA. 110Api eiOafi 'NG 1,1 ai I I Et . x POTTSV/LLEI, DBADJ INEF-enA. SBUIte, • • • • Leaves the Tipot;• at corner of BIKIAD antlb TIMIS Streets, at 7.30 A.IL, DAILY, (Somloyis exeepteS,Yfor POTTSVILLE. ITABBIOBIT, Od s Intertnedlate re3inte; tonimling ig with *Mail riming to Plttebovg, OhAmberabxtritiVarlialeVettlabary, • • TERNOON LINSB Leave at 3 80 P: yorraviux and. lIARRIBBUDO. At 446• P. B. DAILY. (Sundays Altepted,) for BEADING,: end Intermediate point/1- SM' WEL ItroILfI.ENNY, Seatetary. prdLOELPIIIk AND 6ORRIBtOWN ItAILROAD. , :BIIMMER ARRANGEMENTS and atter Monday,. May tith, pms, until fatthernotloB. FOR O,FRMANTOWN. - Leave Ph' , Adolph's 8,7, B p BX, min. , 10, 11, 12, U., 1,2, 80X, 4 6 5 X6 , 7 8 , 0' 10 and 113 P. M. Lena Rermantowit el, Y. - Tg, 8 , 8 It, 9,10 11,' A. M., 13X, 1,2; IL 4,5, 8, BX, vg, 8, 9. I.og , : OR BIINDAYB, Leave Phlledelptda 0:05 mhi, A. 3,5, TX and 'Leave Gerinintown 8.10 min. A. hi., 1.10 min., 4, 13X, and 91( P.. 61.• 011EBTNIIT RILL RAILROAD. LLeave Philadelphia 0,8, 8)1,41, A. M , 2, 2%,.4, q, Via P. /K. Leave 0 aatuut 7.1g,i.40, 8.10, 8 , 40,11 . 66 A. Li., 12 40, 3.40, 1 6 40, 7.10 , 8 40,1010 - - SUNDA.YB, 'Leave Philadelphia, 9,06, min. ,A. M., 2, 6, and 7% P. id „ Loavo Chedtp4l fivii.so A. M. 12.60 6.10 aid 8.66 for JiIINOWA remoredall rolctx from plze skin. time. before. eating - gives wakes load digest well. ed, ourecannosiid Dun. while Billisrew and Bower. to Iliegirst.gase. FOR 001 , 1611011001 LEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Phila4elphie 8, 8,06 mtn.,lB 113{ A. al, / mDLI 8 . 0 5 min., CV, 0%, 8,11, 11% M. Lewis kidFrli4own 6,1, 1411 k. 8%, 4%, 0,7% attedis ',wised by Woiteui surer, Y ester, or spoo¢lor xtveiaits: • • DRerer t by exalting the Leave PhiladslobJa to 4. 6 1.8 184 4 P. M. peme riArrisrown / aaqqdd p F. M. YOH AIANLYVNIC. Leave Prilladelplolie, T.CO ran:, 8 03 mfr. ,4,10 06 tit/it'll X A . M. Lot, fahL., 2 05 re/n.01.06 min ,44, ON, 5,V, no,1111( P. M. Leave MOnayank BX, TX, BJ, 91L, 10J 113 w A, At, /36 50 5 min 4i 0i ON , 8 . • ON 1311r.DAV8, Leave Plillagolphis 9 A.M., 8, 4 P. M. letaiiManayuak A`. - M:; I;(, BX. 81( P. 51.‘ H. H.11611.T11,' General annerlnUmdent. my 7 r DEPOT, NINTH and 61140XN Ste. comytend g this meal and,,Adig OgILL • Hurons Time. It op.. ibotuu6ids ate Watts ,to virtueo. ft; toiaatiVioiti tesifintAty FOR THE NOITTH—OHAHLES -I'l 4; ' TON,SAVANNAH, and HAVANA STEAM - RIFINTONOI STATELLOaptain 0. P. Matehman. , STATEOr' GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin. 'iIBABIL Captain Wm. Rollins. - - , FOR CHARLESTON, S. 0. Elie U . . , 13., NMI linetintehip. 11112 STONE STATE, Orilla hints/man, tlitoligh In 43 19 EA hoofs, will cal on Batorday; May M. at 10 AM. '‘ ' - • ' 1 - , : /OR SAVANNAH, Os. The U. B: Malt Steamship - STATE OF • GEORGIA. Capt. • John 7: Garvin, will sail on Saturday, May Slat at 10 A1+1 ; The splenoild'Arst.classelde-wheel ateantehipa H EY. STONE STATE and STATE O.7I,GRQRGIA now run as aboye every. ten days, thus forming_a flyo-day com, natiniestion irlih' the South' and Southwest. • L • day Mir 000 . if and' bills of Whig signed every , , . . :. • ,i, • 4 - , - , . - ~ At both I CharlestcM and Savannah these abbe wa r nootlitta steamers for Biocide, end with railroads, leo, for all.plateelti; the Booth and tlontlnted i 'ind with the Steamaldp ien. - Tqa,, for Ravine; on the 4th and 19th. et every toonthl - - • "L' . : „ - t -,, ,FREIGHT REDUCED. Healy grated &t an average of 15 per amt. below New VOTE ..Stestaehltril. •• ' • ". „ lgli. PTelsbt'ati.lamaira pp noit lit a i birga proporNon 9t . Goctiii shipped liairth'nfil he found to be lower by these ships than by sailing veseelli.= ,- ' r • N. L o.—,Tasassaae qe all. Etailroid Inight - is ostiraly uWattuisaryi, tqrthar .than .oharlestnn and' Berm:mall, the 'llidirOad Eforoloarilealalkineall risks 'from the.e Cabin Billisage to Charleston tad Savannah $l5 00 Stomas iii ,ir t. 8 00 Excursli/4 Ttokata, good for the present year.... 410,00 Tickets toi Havana • ' 05 00 nava& Tickets New Orleans ' 49 75 Do - _ idobtfe 85 0 0 o". ' Mtint4ome4 - "." ' 28 00 -Do , • 'AI 170 , liany, • • ' 24 MI lle , ifloitiroMui, 04,1 23 co . Do • Atlanta, Go 23 00 Do Macon, Oa , , , „. gi. po Do persta, t o • ..„.,. 23 (10 rip • Dre s tlitla, Pla SS 00 Do Jackal:n*llle, Fla 21 00 Do Fern a ndina, Fla 21 00 No Mlle of Wilzig signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of oiling. For' iPifght or passage apply to ... . . ',ln four Lord. ... Tn due Indui In tln'ninuton, fifteen aninitos In one minute In five minuted A. HERON, Jr., Southwest *other YOMITH end-CHESTNUT AgoraePr Charleston, & T. 6. acr.g..p.=, 4, I, savtuogs 9-4 45. -,7,1 41 1 * , ukP, W AND NEW YORK STA AAt SEI IP : COM PANY: I -• SYR All TO IllatutOW, LI - 2.1411P00L, BBLIAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDIRRY—for SBO. 't 7101 f MEW TOSZ. - - GLASGOW, Thomson - Bearden 14th Nag, at 12 nom!. EDINBURGH, cpourilog. - Wediletdil, Jpe GLASGOW Tortp@on, tit Sr VR/ 4 tB I G OLII -0 4 101 1 1112 2' , 22th Joky, , s 'Boll 4i.4060W t °DOURO°, °limning, Saturday, 9th May. 4icni3ooW, - Fhoinlon " 11th June. EDINBURGH, 'Jamming, ‘s 24 July. Bates or Passage , from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or Londondlry, Sat elate, VOL Steerage, found with an abundance of properly cooked pacalsione, An egßerienced Surgeon attached to eacli . . Steamq No charge for medicines. For froigllt or paw, *AO, to • 9 WORKMAN &. 00., ‘' No. 128 WALNUT k treat, Phila. ROBERT OBAIG, ap26-tf No. 22 BROADWAY New York. WARUNG AND VINEIL4TI4% WAIIIIIOI7BIII. 'ARNOLD 4 WILRON,' a 40 , 4118 01413 To S. A. lialtaidOX. lltrff4ilMared Born oar Old stand In Walnut street to the LARGE STOIUI, *No. 1010 011E8TNIIT street, a few doom below the' Bt. Lawrence Rotel, where oar old - friends and the public are respectfully !mated to munf . as oar extennye - stools of Warm Air Foraaoes, Booking Bongos, Bath Boilers, Hogisters, Bnatoeled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates 40.. We are now reannfaoturing OHIL4OIVB I ; r OiLEBRATED RAZ. ENT NEW COAL GAO 00BSII El HUBNAON,- the moat posferful aAd osoommileal Beater aver larented, and gaited to 'all theism of buildings. - Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grates, and Parlor Goal Grates of all alms and jpatteroS. WO ' hare also ocimmencel' ths soaonfsethre ei ENAAIV.E.D aTOPIE Iir4IY7RIS tram -Pawn sy/rodnid Stone.—These Mantels wore awarded a OlLL'Aflillir as au fats Fifer and Ezti 1004 of Its FYlnhlfts /Orange of ALI thy. Thel represent alithe ime a rud beautiful Aaniaul Wn a* are not tpltired St;o4t,,loogl Oas , Oil or Actitsy and me wild Wholesale and mica hit frilee gAtm 4 11 1:64. COO d!R$ it 9 ihioA. • JeANOLD A WILSON. BBB; tEDTWILL, atmerintendent • - Fisiladidtdda. Aorll.lllBl3—ae44 /.7 CARD.--MARBUIL—bIIR—AY (0 tIAM PAONE), lANU BAY 1869.--In consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to renew Ilia shipments of my Champagne. Wines to the Uniiad States, I beg leave hereby to inform Sty former one towers, and-the 'public in kaneral, that I have ep. painted Wain. Y. 0. oROUWXR, ANCtlalt, 4t CO., Hole agentsin the United States,. for the vale of my Champagne Wines. My Winos have been so long and leyorably moan inthe United States, it will be un necessary to comment on their quality, farther than to Say that my new shipments will in no way be found in feriorto the former ones. , 11:47ANUANT Ei4LHOhf. 131IdiSRANtrt 13Aladcip'S idadIIRAGNE WINES, half OABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand inlotd to dolt purchisera, by nAtovwxrt, exogmtr4 eria , bl, BEATER Street, New York. `t'll.s i fslielrttid testimony la from well-known ctlizen -lilladeilbte, in reference to TIiOXELLT NEURALGIA SAlaVIt, " have been afflicted with !severe Neuralgia for up wards of twenty years. Wave tried Allopathic and Bo tuteopathie physielace, and every other remedy that was suggested, andcould get no roller. I was induced to try this salve. and alter "sang_ less this" pee tgq, l found Immediate relief. p a in eit pie, and I have bad no return of. it. 4 volteatar/IV and cheerfully recommend it, (awl have done ao,) to those similarly atillated, that they may know where to fled relief. It is the only and sure remedy, for I have te•ted It., JAMES FETTERS, blaster Divine; . • No. 927 North Fifth street, Phila." For este, O. W. °rimer BUM end F AARIALI Streets .t 99 t7if irIISHES i I,3 . ,4I;TRE(EFA i ARvisrfEs VIA° doom Tied White*ftsb. 1,400 " 2,00 " Ifandscrube. 1,000 " °lamps. 600 Duateni. 0,000 " I hoobrasbas. For sale lower then at any other hoseo tl4 cdty by SIMES'b PURE COD-LIVER OIL, PERFECTLY SWEET AND PALATABLE', menu. Lectured at Newfoundland for the .Proprietors, from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at a low tempera tare, thus , preserving the, sweetness and purity of the; Oil, while the natural fishy Elscor is perfsatly covered, and the Oil rendered palatable and 'agreeable to tb . e tote. The Proprietors of this 011 s,- arc 0.3 elTense in haring their 011 pro,7erly prepared at Newfoundland, the only plane Where the Qados merrhua Is found in abundance. The true 011 is frequently impaired by admixtures with oil from other species of the Gluing; family, and only that coming from the 6, Pinks can be rel ed upon as the genuine. One Oil hae been analysed, and pronounced to be pure and the perfection of doe quality—eberaoterleties which enable it to maintain tie superiority' Gee; alt other kinds. xel7-17if Prepared and for elle, Wholeeale and Retail, by 2b 00., ni.b22.4f TWELPTD and OffESTNIff, Philadla MERINO, 140 South FRONT Street, .ta. • offers for sale— bbd boxes Layer Italians. boo do. 131100 h dP. 260 half boxes do. 60 caste prime Carreuts EU hope oholled Almords. ado base Soft-idbell Linguedook Almonds. 600 oases Washington Morton °wet. Annioette,Marabobino, and (imam Cordials. ' 6 bbla. prime Roney. Flouted and Ground Java Coffee. Ground Rice, Pimento, Pepper. 6 puticheone Rap. Boy Rum. mh24 COFFEE.-250. bags prima Laguayra in V store and for salo by JAMES GRAHAM & CO , ap2B Noe. 20 end 22 LETITIA Street. RHUBARB, for sale wvrtlex N tra, BRORTIER, y 2 llnm 47 aner49 orth RECIONTI St root (+4...i.-2511 Imes. low grade to prime Now Orleans Boger In store and for ale by JAMES ORARAU & 00., 9.22,3 ^lnr QA •..A 94 TaCTTPTA Phroat 106 i t !SI.: do; S 1 1:1 3 rbi bile. ft u r rp to en it t r i r n iv e a ; 2u bids A, SIMI:WM ; 1400 bble Shipplag Bonin, to l iVv e A r p,T, llama:. A. Ilazar ß d. q taw{baa3sntitiltNift, Cu • syWno. 10 11011TH *luaus, iitathodr Lines ON tpD'EPA4YI3,, taOPl4 ~maxs. IlEttity 0. Bogsr.mtr, 62 North THIRD Street, below Arab - Saks *Suction TIEWXA23 gb1913.v ,LIA • Dep. 100 and 041 .601:/n1401/RTR-Bir3 , fpornery Nut, 47..,eir1i.611),. : GARD." RATA OF /IM RE IMPORTANT` AND Vititlr! RS.LI3 &Hue PETVaT R - , -We "ore DOW preparing, catahvots cr three very .yeloothle.librarlee, to be sold on , tine ,2tth, I ttlt and 26th inhiSet, the whole. embodylsg-in unusually rtob., Otiolee; end seleat collection of rare and •staxbie bonito,' hi almost all 'the rariona branches of , literature,' together witlti spleedld; 'llluminated and illustrated woes., books otyert ehrdee en ST/Rrlege from the beat meters, Sib. • , .fittllpt,—The collection of oil peintings, to be sold this (Priday), la s soing, larti instant le new,,arransed. for examination ; ' Inoluded are the weak of Bonfield; Winner, Moran' Doughty,. L.Villiam, Grunewaldi hlMetalet,A; and other favorite arils's.; STOORB, LOAN% &O. ' . On Tneedayßiening, 17th Inst. At T) 'o'elook; it the Philadelphia change; will be wadi' without reserfa i 'for account of whom it may concern— r - $70,000 Prot:mortgage bOide ILunpfieLl,lliiiroad Co. Also for; other reremints ' ' 8 aiding Dahmer* Railroad OoMpany. Also, for, other accounts:-.: 1 share Philadelphia Library Company, • 1 Mole Mercantile Llbnup...oolx!PapY• 1 sharePhiladelPhla Athenekm. 5 charge American Academy of Matte, with Helot. 4 t heron Delaware Railroad Company. 8 lots, numbered 21 - south. 13 east ;15 south; 10 'Unit; lad 20 'eduth. 18 east,lullimalillorrie Cemetery. ' • 20 shame American Life Insurance end Company. 00 char . Rorthwest Mang- Company of Mic higan. . 1 share in the. Point Breeze Park .Asspolatlon Lot nnMbefed 11 'West, 19 south, linaaideenie Came: tarp ' • 1 share Penneylvania Academy of line Arlo. • lectitorie Pale. • 1 sham Pennsylvania Academy of line Arts, 1 ewe Philadelphia Atheemam. Pew NO: 64-Tiath Presbyterian Ckurah. - PT r.rrrionerlfgeaticil:l3ALVl—kiAT 17th. lodiado, among other 'minable property, the following: . VALUABLE REAL MNITig p ATE, BY ORDER OP TIDI II - ' fITATES:• ZEE RABBLE BANKING-ROUSE, and large lot j Second.)ond Dock streets 'sad the Philosoohlo Rand> Independence' Scittareyby order `of the United States Government : . The batik lot 73 feet by 291 feet, with roar - Glints, via: - on Second greet, Dock street; and Gold and Lodge streets, between Chestnut And Walnut streets, opposite the - Philadelphia Ba t change._ uPO handbills and,lithograplifiiplarief "A. loan of MOO may belied 'on ' mortgage on the bank property for Ave knoll. VALUABLE IrUSINII93 STAND —Three-etory brick, store. No. 147 South Second street, between Chestnut and Walnut streets, Opposite the old Bank of Pennsyl vania, 91 feet Wont, 94 filet deep. Orphism,' Conn Sale—Estate of lloWell Enable*. deed. TEIREE-STOBY Balog DWELLING, No 232 Ju niper street, bettireen Spruce and Plne, and. Thirteenth, And Brotd str , ete - . Naln Estate.—TWO-13TORY B& , No S e IB Catharine street, betweenM IMBUING' nd Third a Four th streets. , Owns vnamit4TOrAmos DWAILLIMIF, northeast b6rner of Pthe and Twenty% third streets. • - Same , Estate THE KENSINGTON ODD EEL. LOWS' HAUL,"—Large frnr-story brisk building and large 'lot, 40 by-100 feet, Queen street. east tt Prank fora Solid, late Kensington. Executers' Peremptory Sele—lstate of George Wawa; deigod. , ,VALUABLE BIN3/NN3B m STA ND.—Three-story brlok Store in dmilling, No. IN North Front-street, between Arolcandltace, with a brick dwelling tbu rear. Bile absolute • ' - • Same Estate.—TWO.IBTAST 'SEM& DWELLING, No.. 248 Madlion street; between Race and Vine, and Eleventh sod Twelfth Meet!. - Sale abachlte -LOT OW GROUND, - west side of Tireotioth street, north of Market. Sale absolute. Same Bte -, -7NABLY 'OItOI7IO4IENT OF to, pare brallsreti.story bript dwelling; ebuthwast (101 u nor of Twentieth and Wilbert streets. Sale abeoltite ' Same relatel="lllaSLY 0 - 110IIND-RENT 07 110, out of lot of ground Twentieth street, north of bfarhet Bele absolute • Eetate of Eleanor Howell , deceased. " VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION —Brisk dwell ing; No SPA Cherry street, ea,t or Hearth 'treat. Peromptors Bole.—EtANDSoblE COUNTRY 5E4. 40 ACERB, with improvements, on the elywoiith road , near Gwynedd; on the North Pennsylvania BAlhose. Bale. ponirive. niiiPoulars handbills. ' = F (o RY, AIPORTANT in' AND VALUABLE PROPER. T ld), Ne5.".103, 105, and 107 'Arta:l-street, between Third and Yonrth streets. „Together 65 Diet front. TO be told separately. - - - EI ANDSOMII CIoUNTRY PLACE, mill 'prepertg, we. ter power, - machinery, to., 60 acres, fronting on Cree. 4tlim,•, - .olteetnt DIM, end Paper Mill roads three fronts, pear tie country,sest of James Gowen. Esq - LARGE ' AND' vi , mrelatrionimur PROPERTY, yuccioiok store and tavern, brick and frame dwellings, andiarge lot With three Yients,via ; Beach etriet De laware %venal.; and (johoeksinlc Canal," la te _Northern Libertiee. ' ' ''" " • • - HANDSOMiI, MODERN . RESIDENCE, .No. 1431. Spruce etrest,westbr Broad. FOUR-BToRY BitiOK 16,0 TORY, steam engine , ,boiler, ,to., 'Pegg street, between !tont and New Mar.' het streete, Eleventh ward, 87 by 80 feet. Immediate pneseilaloo, 1;.21.114)9 AND VALUABLE LOT, with three valuable Route, via': Ridge avenue, College avenue. and Master Street, OPPOsits Girard College, Twentieth ward Pete.siptory Dale -"TRRElormy BRICK DWEL -I,Trict, Davie etlpo, eight/a home weal of Thirteen , h, plifentlet,ll. ward. Bele absolute.' ' • DESIBARLR HARM, 60 ACRES three-fourths of a mile from Lansdale station on the North Pennsylvania Rallroarl,l% miles from Doylestown Railroad, Montgo mery county,-Pa. - - Peremptory Pale.Z.-N.E4,7- ROUGH-OAST, STONE DWELLING, with garden; tine frail trees, too., Bridge street; Mantas Village • TREEZErrony - BRIDE DWELLING; aoutheast corner of Poplar street and Corinthian ovum, wars. , -Eeeatk - • VALUABLE SITSINPS LOCATION, ARCH. ST.— The valuable business loostien„ No NI - Arch atreet, between Ninth and Tenth 'streets. HANDSOME MODERN RESLUENON, with all rim dun conveniences, No. 810 North Fifth street, above Brown. Immediate possesion Oren.; MARSHALL STRENT...=-Brielt and'frame dwellings, No 706 Marehalt street, shish Coates. ' WARIRCOR STREET.—Three-story brick dwelling, Na VALUABLE Warnnek PROPERTY, Street aent Wti of EST GiPHI rard avenue, T LADELPHIA. Large atone meesion, stone 'stable, ,1 dwellings, and over 4 amiss land, corziley of Havinford roicand Mendip avenue tiro quart% from - the West philadelphiri meager Railway.' • • LUKE STRlET.—Valitable, buildteg-lat. northeast - of Vidal/ell etreet; Nineteenth word, 111 Let front, 140 feet deep. - - .14soutcr's 0110-4etate of P. Beck, 4004 P&113. OP BAR OARRIAGE HORS 8. This Morning. Am' lost., at 11 o'clock, at' tb,o. stables of P. & Quigley, N. P. earner of deorge - and Beventeentb at,., *pair of herring, light and dark bay, to be geld naps. ratoiv. Ey' kale peremptory, by order of executors. , g7' They have been kept ift the ocuntry, daring the Absecon of Dr. Beck, Woos June last. Also, it pair ]fight colored bay horded, warranted icing 3,4 Mad to harness. SARI OP ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS—BY EURO ?BAN AND AIdERIOAN ARTISTS. This Morning, • - May 13th, at 11 o'clock, at the auction store, ;ell tie sold a collection 01;4311 paintings, eonei3Vg of a variety of pleasing and interesting antecte,by Rrircipean and American ]icing artiett.• 117 oatalognaa now ready, and the paintings ea , vi.;git for examination.. Peremptory ate corner of Richmond and Plum streets, Isto District of Richmond STEAM SNGINB •AND BOILER, -BRICE., BUILD, ING BTONIC, POTS, TOOLS, ko, On Monday Morning, inst., at 1010eloek, at the corner of Bledintond MAP/ore streets one eight horse power steam engine dower, and boiler fan about 46.000 bricks, building BODO, ire:4loos and material of a glass•blowing snub lishmenti 4.30, :the Baltrat No. MO Spruce Street. HOUSHOOLD FURNITURE, PIANO,' 4AB CHAN DELIEEU3, PIER EIREMLA, ,BoqK OASES, ita. On 'rackety klirining. • nth irritant', at 10 o'clock, at No .111613ruce eLtreal part of. the `furniture of 's gentleman removing, cop. pelting pianoforte, pair handeomer pa obandelient, book oboe, Ace. • • - (Er Nor be iliiiintaaci at R o'clock on the morning of este. • hale at NOP . 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SIIPSIIIOII FI3IINTI DEB, FRENCH " PLATS MIR RORS, SUMO-PORTA, 111 1 M8811113 On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'oloek, at •the auction - Mare, an sesortinept of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant plaza fortes, fine mirror., carpets, eta., from families Se hutletAsOptas, fildnerAl to the store for ton. vtAitlket9. l Kola. IY" W1L1,L517; B. STBILIX, GENERAL AUOTION AND vohnurfarozi , MIEUHANTO No AS North MITI= Biwa. below Arch. " 7. •A. ELISON. Atietioneer • EiTENSIVE PEREMPTORY BAIA OF SUPERIOR HOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE, DARPRTS, PIANO. FORTE, SILVER- PI, ATAD WARE. CLOCKS, HARDWARE, BRITTANIA WARE, Re. This Morning, 13th instant, at the anotion store, commanedni at le &cloak, will be sold the usual large assortment of supe- rior rosewood, inking% rod ntabegAny furniture, oar. pole. &o. FINFIIRES,'DHOW CASE , ' PIRN-P11(10P8, DESKS, • itiIONS, TaliLßß, BTOV Kg, Zvi. • Also, the lease, fixtures, Sco , of the auction store, No. 95 North Eighth street, comprising superior al ver plated ahow.cases, staging. ebelving, are-ptod , s, e`gne, uenks, stoves, and- everything necessary' f r the carry. lug on of therbasiness. • - - " -• • • PIANO-FORTE, SILVER-PLATED WART, &a. - Also, a tine-toned platto•fd . tte, 4,4-ectere, by Load. Alto, eight eete floe title, plated tesoete, cotrett•ttrpe, egtl4Pl; o ;l,,l44tiote, Ito sold to pay advanced 4tad k le tone lot, of Britannia ware s hardware, out /4219; 4ftc., YOB SMYE.—Tho lease , tlstutes, he., or tale ettOtiOn store, NO, 45 North Eighth street, and store to let. Apply at the auction store. IV" Cortelgamputa at new end seeend-Aszet. honse bold frrraitaro,pisno.fertek aerpoin, !retrains, jeWeirj j &0., respeetttaly ooliolted,ob wisteh Iniaraloszh ad. mums will,be mean reniriA. .11:r 0t1V4 0 . 0 .: deli at tended to promptly. Chanel Res ',adorer" to any other hones in this oitr. 08E ST Ai.N AUOTI I /441ga .L.T.A. AND 00 lON aItROICANT, corm SIXT.IItadRAO 1314._eeta MONRY TO LOAN. Money to loan, in large or small amounts, op mer chandise generally, and on all articles of value All sums over, one, hundred. dollars 9,29. per tent. per month, includlng storage,, at Nathana' Principal Ratablishment, 8. V.cornfir of Eq.4.111 and RAW!: Bus. SION ORNAT POW° ACCOMMODATIO.N. - atom! I MONEY ! I blaijay advaneed in large or email amounts, from one dollar to thonsands, on gold and silver plate, .diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pimps, musical instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceriee, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books, hareem, vehicles, har ness, and ail articles of value, for any length of thus agreed on, at ,Nat/ ins' Principal .G.o 4, 6lisistnint, I actitheast corner of Sixth and tiger ;trite. IMIES PROMISSORY NO, with meileter discometed at the /owest tuarhot retie. °REAR Shismenos IN WATCHES, JEtt r nlVir, rtr., ArPRITACTEI BUR, at N ATHAN PRINCIPAL BTABLIBRIVENT, A. N. Corner of BIXTR and RAO.I eete.—Tbe following articles will be maid for lees than half the usual More prices : Fine gold ,Engllab patent fall jeweled and plain, of the most approve:Land beat Make, in hunting caeca and doable bottomed. Pine gold 'implement lever and 'opine watches, )u - hunting case and open Sap, some of them extra foil jeweled and beet make. Silver Roglich patent lever watches, es capement lever and lepines, io hunting ease and open face, some very superior Swig, French, and Quartier watokes; fine gold vast, fob, ,neck. and chudren's chains ; fine gold pencil eases' anepene, braaeleta, breastpins, finger - rings,aar-rings, etude, me dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havanacigart at 510 per thousand, in boxes of 2,00 each, will be sold by single box or quantities to suit purchaser.. Nu. morons fancy articles, doe., dec.ace. AT PRIVATIg SALA..• A superior fireproof cheat, 4 feet high 3 feet wide. Also, watch eased jewelry of ererydencription I[4TRUING..-869 bbls New Pickled Her ring; Alno, 826 boxes Smoked ilerrbm For sale by C. C. SADLER & CO., my 7 ARCH Street. 2d door atonvo Front OakKui.—Best American 'Navy and Wavy °Awn In store and. for Eslolly WEAVE, NIT: LEE h re., No 23 North WAT2II.II. et. and 22 North WRAAVVII rola' COFFEE.—µOO bags Jamaica in store and fr 114145 : loy JAMES GJIAB&M it CO .a MIA WI and 22 tIiPTITTA st iM Oil, SASSAFRAS, for sale by WITHERILL k BP.Ottinw topl VOL 47 mut it tiortifligOOND Aron Amas FRJRNESEI, BRINI;XY, Evooo-miew - - 1 ? 0 • 429 947ar BALR THIS (11111Dtle)4 - MORNING, MAY 13th, our AR RD.The attention or phrthasiriltseq—asited torale of thr hordred tots fancy -sad—stapla dry goods,' this eel(dy) ihorniog,' May latt(," at 19 o'clook, by cattelogue,on si*l noathsi - aredft, sompril- ; - Aziandesirabte assortment, - i • , „ _PARIS RID GiCIFR3.- ^: • "' In Sabi this ingrains— . - 200 dotal% slim - quality Paris kid gloves luslasnat- • ' PARVOLB AND ITMDRISIZAB. - - ' 80 oases Snow gingham ranbrans, _ • 130-4,tas plati - fringed and floozies/I siii primate. - 800 OARTOIaB BONNRT RIBBONS. Morning, - k4lO o'clock— ..„.. „, .• , .800 "cattoni Noe. 110030 plei,n, plaid, br,oote, dented, and stripe ponit do aole bonnet ribbolto. - BALD - Ole FRENCH GOODE: - • z Tide Mortdag, Ma y 1811; at 10,o'clook, by Cataloida, On Bares d r 4oo- .DMialea•add Lira' at • faaej and aim: Eranok - T' Say woodsy somprialng a mineral aural:advt. Bale. Mmples and OitalOgnet duly an morning of '- • " BLACK. oIIawTILLY LAO 'TAENAII AND 14N-. TILLAS, 808 OI2Y TRLDB. ' T 200 extra rich blackhillforninn. Chantilly. Ime llama and man.' MIAs, tolled . and with hoods ard tasel'. - ?Lan BLACK 07,nLi.d SERWLEI, ka.; 808 CITY RETAIL- Tad 200 12.4 'superior quality blast Stella shawls. - 100 12 A do d'- aolcired do do. 40012 4 do 20112.4 'do do mantle do do. pri Claiers'lumna 200 PIEr32B EXTRAnted DIOR P A RI SI I 2.IIiTIeD Da- I:M6.2W '-.4111) tus, ROB CITY 29() plane's anparb Paris printed baregribidd el lk ow; twoobiti 70 plea°, super Paris chine bailee brilliants WuMenne; 100 plows Bteinbacltßes. .rinteitt percales and 50 p ie " , 1)°/ra'S A f te g i i;deubleJonkfactistet raw - S: - 100 pieces batege and valenets rones.• " 60 Parts inon selinealrawers:. - - •SO pieces Paris black- Manilla de lainea. • - PARIS SILK 111,09 e 8 AND LINB2I-OAIIHRIO • nAtrr Kamm-En - • gigu 160 dozen bleak, white, and tnodejustra silk es, COI dozen hern•stitohed Cami-iiiiidkrs. 260 P.1.111..i.118 - 3X1114 00NT R AOT MATTING, THH DEBT 100 pieces 4.4 super white 'Wetting, flea curitritat Nan .- Oti, pleses - 6 4 super white matting, Ann enamel Raw king 50 pieces 4-4 fine red !beak aUattiy - 90 pieces 4.4 Hoe white mat-tin. n't DRLYIIII HOUR AND-OARiiIAGR B*ZAA:R; 8. R. earner 'at NlVR = and'ildNBo4l STRUTE.,.ba• tween Oheatnut and Walnut streets. , BAIA' oF OARRIACI.IIB, &a. - On Saturday Morning, • - • At 10 & p inch. 'at the llamas, will be sold— RRomeo, carriages, and harnees. - , Included in the catalogue, will be alkral to borne, in cluding the icilutting - on accomt Oi whom It may con cern. - A BeSbew Mare; said to tiot in 'ix nif antes; A Salaiin mare, said to trot in 4 minutes. grey mare, cult to trot in 33( minutes. A au ),ores, raised in Casks eaanty. ...E. tort.' horse, sold to trot 8 1( minutes. , A bob-tall porreVnuira, T Yeats old. • - A-Mg.o o llBotien of desirable new and seeoud- hang cm rises, harness, raddlea, &e. 1 Mc 'GUMM.k.rr, BMW,: t•RELL'ESTATE AUOTIOIIIEBB No. 420 WALWITP'I6.IIII. SEVENTH JIPRING 841,R Oa Thursday Evening. - - May 19th, it Ve'elock,. at the .:Philadelphia Ez change. -for account bf whom it may concern,- Oils WO 10 per cent. Ocutun Rood of ilta Washing iol:l city. and Mining Oornikkoy of the States of Nit , ginia and California Five $1,000• Brit mortgage Coupon Bonds 'or th e 'Western Virginia and Kentucky Railroad and Coal Company. Tnirtyehares of the Philadelphia aid Pittetoia Coal Company, par SSG: • • The following propertied are to be gold peremptorily, without reserve or limitation,— -Lot N 0.125. seetion4f, in 'Glenwood llem chary, - 11ANDFOSIE MODERN BegiDIINOW,--thre•-story.' with three-story double Pack boildtogs, furnished with Alt the extra modern convehiene - 1 1 ; inaluding two= beaters,' range, gm and gas fixture* [n'ew's room. speaking - tubes, water closet, stationery wash basins, he , papered throughout in good, style.. well, built and in exCellent order, situate ffe.'l4lo North. I thtla street, above Muter street; - lot 17rfeet-froct by. 102 feet StSbaches to a back Wen:, PereneidoWPale.. - - - TOME-STORY BRICK' REBIBENOI7, twit. story beck buildings, and lot of ground, No. 1421 North Eighth street, above 'dexter -street. The honse fnrolehed with all the m-dern oonvenienc a. and to good order ; (lot 17 feet frost ity . 102 feet 0% Raab e deep to Perth-street. - Tnera 114110 erected on the Perth wrest honker tkar lot a doublethree-storybriek dwelling, iambi/red:with the modern improvements. oopealuing all mna. - Peremptory TWO-STOW BRICK DE lttLlNG;and lot of grionr.d, south side of Grape lamed, 12 feet dastwarl frout,Thir &l-seventh street, hlifatuirdle, West The bees° eontgtna stx rooms, is good- order, andhes an excellent borli - of Water in the yard; lot 14 feet, front. by 66 feet deep. Peremptory' Fele. - TRItt.I7STORY Bil.10E.• DWELLING,. With two- Wary back'balidloge, ternlehed witit.aWilier-medern (*weenie:loss. papered throne: m at. mid in - good - order, No 1230 Cass street, 130 feet mot • of, 7 bl , tmenth, et • and north of Girard avenuei tot 24 feet front by 48 feet deep. - .Peremptory Pale. -TEIRESATORT,-11511,01t, arith story • batik lealidlop.;harn;shed with :th e modern. tonveniencia, papercr_throtighoot, smiler good ardor, situate No. 1223 fitilia street, 14 15, teat-front ky -68 Pereolpeay - - , VALUABLE _LOT OF GROUItD, with' two bOO% - on two mein streets , situate on the east side of Frank lin street, 185 lest 8 inches north floor Muter street. 23 feet 4,inehed hoot (tg•. Franklin street b.? /49 feet A inches deep, mule; through to Seventh street PerecontorY Kele' • ' TIIREE-BTORY B EIMBEHITOINCE,.6Io,"SO9 Pow ell -street, 'between' Spruce and .Tineetreeta. , „ Laid feet . 3dochealront_hy feet ft inehaa deem to- a bark butlet,bubjeet to a yearly ground 'tent 0f,343.83. - . _Peremptory• - _ LOT 011 GROUND, eoutheasterly ! aide of Beptive street, 150 feet southwest of Lehigh assns, Nineteenth weed 111 feet by_ 100. feet deep to a twenty-feet wide street, within two names of the Second and Third.; streets Passenger Railway. - TWO -THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING ~ one. story l lauding paled em a paint shop), and lot aground, with two fronts, No. 921 North Tenth _street; lotl3 feet front by 100 feet deepto Alder ettegi - - RIGHTS SPRING BALI; —Ol TUB PRIMUS. PEREMPTORY SALR O ItraiIANTOWN LOTS. On EntntJarafternoon, May, 21st, at Ali o.olook, will be sold at pnbllo Ws, without remeve, on the premises— - - , • BLIGS.Nr , situate on the eoutheasterly side of ß Onurali La ne or Mill street Ger mantown, (magus, ter a r a mile em t from The railroad. The lots ars 100 tees trpnt by • 300 feet deep, pleaded with erergre.n awl other shade trees, and are in a high - , beat:LS.lW 1041410 n, between the handsome residences of Horatio o.,Waod and 0. D'ln.iliers, Iron., and within rare minuted walk of the railroad station. - Pert may remain on ground-tent - NINT11 • 13PilItIO PALS—tIN WEI PREMISEIC • PInibiPTORY BALE O GIIRSIANTOWN LOT& On Saturday- Afternoon. . May - 18th. at 4,ti o'clock, will be sold at pablla eater, without reserve, on the prerniees—. A number of elegant fillfLD/NG BITES on Once% Pulaski, and Penn at*eete, German:own. Thew. lota are desirable, being beautifully located, and within a short dieteace evetal stations 1:4 CI the railroad. - j(3. Terme of a be hai l And lithographie plena aeon at th e ales .may _ - CARD.--4. M. Giainnamr - k t3ons, lootkataers, tan hold tazalar salts at Baal Estate, Eltooka ) ko. boasakold hurattnre at dwallizigs. _ ILIAL 2STATIII AT PRITATA odr Private Sale Roaster Ramp be fouled t ta .. 17 lugs amount of a - utak, inelualao yrinj , deanirdon ol pity *ad barditillzoo2l J. I& AVlcllttar 50 N5, )4409 Broken, Val .13T Strew!, below Tilitt 111011.1 LIP 'FORD, AUCTIONEER, ao, AL ,130 MARK= STRAIIT, between rum saA BIXTII. math ebas. BERRELL & FIELD, AUCTIONEERS, No. 112 BOUTH MIQHTa 82122,115, below OIIESTNIIT STREET. LABOR PALM OP fIEIOND4TANII PORNITIOLV; MOS, DIATTRRBBII9, dta.. ON. At:001114T OP WZONM IT MAY OONMPI • This Morainic, May 1.3111, at id o'al, at, at cur store, No. 112 &nth Eighth street, Wow Chests ut street, comprising , dress log bureaus, washstands, Jenny Lind and high -poet hndetead e , what-not, Verdrian blinds, 'cane seat and other ,ehaire, gilt and mahogany frame glasses, tollor Wart, feather beds, mattresses; dr.e, Al se , a largo ageortment of elegant saw fol!aitarif, sea, as dresang bareatte, dewily Lind and cottage bed steads:washstands, tetsa, Ries, kungea, 'rocking and wall mattresses, chair, InC do.ralrl, OWASSO, and other carpets, bede,, 1.37" Repslar salon of very superior household Yu, allure, pianos, &a.; bolo at the auction atorn, *very Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at I. &clock, comprising _elegant .Jenny Lind bedstead., Creasing bureaus, tstes, touting and varier &sirs, ,esntre and bouquet tablee, frr We give our attenthu to sales of real oe bate, stocks, merchandise, limmattold furniture, tte.„ entrusted 'to our charge, upon the moat ressobabbn berme. We will sell hoosslchl furniture at dwalliogs, or at our dtore, as meg ravzirad.. 7. Cash adrantos made upon all kinds of goods asal merchandise. - r - 5171.71 T, Jr" AIJ OTALP.NEEts, -14 a. 433 U. OWICISTNIIT STRUT,. opposite . . the- Custom &tense. between r OUR= and SW= Streets. • sale of atralegoode, Ale morning, tat bone: a, via : consist of 300 ass, new spring s'ylsa ladisa , and misses. Split, straw, and braid bonnets. • Itch tisane, and lace bonnets. White and colored braid bonnets. Vrench fancy braid bonnets. 41r k e sl glint stray bonnet,. Leghorn and braid b Par oy and plain riding hate. 6() cues men's and - boys' palm, mote's. and Herat ha% .4c., to which the amen:den of the trade is 10- - 117. Catalogues and s?.rttlea now ready. Leices. AND ATTR kOTIVE PEREMPTORY SALIF OF STRAW Goons. " Thin Morning, /3th /.10., by cat/Vogue, on a oredit, commencing at oiniors'., will be sold the largest and but aesortment of ataw goods offend" MIS season, comerising every Variety. of holiest and mimeo , braid and pedal straw bonnets. hair and lace bonnets, Nearolitan and fancy French bonnets together with mothers to line quality white and colored Leghorn braid cod fancy bkomera. and flats. MIN'S AND BOYS' HATS Also men's and boys' Palm, Sexist, Canton, and', Panama hate, white and colored. ID' Catalogues ready, and samples arranged for ex amination early on the moraine , of nale. , nook oil FLOWERS. Included in We wilt be found. 'Va.: 300 cartons aping ityles real French artificial dowers,. rich new goods, Gr beat retail Wee. SAI Jai OP I LIE ATerax. AND FIXTI3IOIB OP A NO TION JOBBING /10018. . Ou Blonde] . Alertdu 161 k inst., by catategue; on a credit, will be told a stock of notions, nonststirk of the nualaerortmeut of Br•t- class gocd a. selected for the elk! tetall trade:_ Also, at the same time, the &vitae!, comprielug drawers, ttT Particulate in future advertlseine . et. ST. Louis, Me. VVILLTAMS . & .)30YLE, AVOTIONEEM, .4.1+71) COAnnelllON 24 .VRORANTEI. No. le North MAIN STRUBT, Bw. Loma, Mo., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Ciagho rn, do Co.. Philadelphia,) otter their servieeti to the Merchants, manntasturers, otherauf PhiLedelphls.' for the sale of dry goods; can. petff, hoots, shoat, har,lware, jewelry, &o &e. . IsF Cash advances made on receipt of goods. b t Battlements libido three days after sale- - lIVIMS. Messrs. Myers, Olaghor o , & 6H C olB o , Phila. Stuart & Brother, " Van Wyrir. Tewheend, & Warrens,liew Torii • L t B. Cards it Co, 16 " Wood, Ohrtety. & C0.,•13t. Louie, Mo . - - " Crow , Metlreary, & Co:,_ - 31 r: - D. B. Wood, Wo. 23 !tooth Third street wily itdis Ito with patties coosiguitig from niladeliphla. = in4-f m Iply - .
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