zpc-i; - - • -t..j `''` lt r iva , 1 4,4lerr!")l;sixsa: a in"; ir,srLo,l?,?:Mwita Q cYh.tv - - 0 1 41 1 . 1 1 4 X. & „ r AligAlt..galrliTis rya, Halt Trails " 6 T , 'VC vs.' Piot 1406 60 0:04 '46loxvTeoi "lt 7.0 ISITP; r ni. Varzativ nem • 2.0 p.m. .I.anamter Ae.'m r IOS .e 4,80 p.,m; tirkr#:: WweCbiater Tinincloos 001 e: 1 0.1 6, 60.4 ,80 - W.& iNtlf-O,rILEST: - .161484: - A4oo;ai, Ttai Of al ki1it.‘11•00‘0.4214• 1 •0 • 00.4.1i. , :4Lor mrs Mug ; via4,Clith. VOO p Morrieg Vx ; yin AO 'p. 'Stonat , tris Taorniand 13:;8 00 • • in , .Irepinsa TiS AGO p, tf-,.".11.09p - - *N.74, M5,11,-4e.T. - Cf.s '9 604" 6.009 02. Ae04840 g,: Sky,: til.. . 1 - 246 p Witilt-isprearMal! 06 p at. ttlargorlZitilit t i; r Nor Grant' Ming..'MorAmoo; Water,-.sap, 81414444 'Pr°l444llPitt,W.llkarbarrp, • 11,,MoMonii :11fliires R.:pa r :l4ms 6 a, m. Nor troaroin 6 .%: 64 /* , ..*AAP , , 1 41- 1 $ arrt.marilTp"m.a , for kloant Hunt 060 5:10.,,,A3115rf 6 09 see AWN° 1.3,1 * 0. - U. .aint Nap Mini for Trantria;Bilaint 224sise Uar far Belvithrra. - iritorkr:llo,Minitmi; - LinnPrrtiaM am;!i brititon;lts mi 6 m.rno pm.n . BO n man to Stormer, TrooMa'sual , Naha, Nilson lien: Walnut. street wharf dally rdr 'Hordintons" and -lotiromMate plum atsad 411,g p , • .. • HANBIBBUILG LINES 'lda PHIGADDIMiIta AND -.REAT . 'O4,IIap,ROAN'. - ' DNPOT-4Nositi:AtiOdixikin i satre. Train sir? 80 mid 880 wro.• ' Resdlsir said Pottnillo Ilass-Depor Brostsad 'finite' Train at T.BO 0. m.. rad 880 pas: Thils. d_aliatraNailrowl*.-Dspot BMA sod lryi/i Tads at 80 is.i:'NrA 3 9' 1 ";• gALTIIIOBB ; - :ii,tlqtatOLD: Dapol44otyi***DriNtv _ . „ 'halite leave fov BeMabee/ , P 141004 2'i ; k 114 m.' il for Wmilitmeimukkalktimpikp plows; Immo lAA -• • •' for Kiddloo.l!ni L ' sat lataimaltate' plates, leave at B 15 a. m PUI L LADBLPAIA, 'GIIIMANTOWN, AND NORRIS - • TOWN RAILROAD,. . , Dzroic4aNya_Atip cutsE?:*RRIITII - Iforiliennin" nine' 'far flaringly° lion 114.6 ' a OS, 20 obi 22g lulu:l 4 o s a 014'4,41i 0x ,OX,B%.,lifjp. . Germantown trdtili far,Oermantown leave ~f, 8, B X, / 0 4 U) 2 0 3 , 8 .4 , - '9,'.14 ,1 40i‘ 1.9, gieataat.,lll , ll traits far Obtatint M 4,8, sx, 1 9, Bg, 4,* - 15M 6:9,11A 0.3 u: , ' umadarr trine far , Norr istownfemora 9 - al sn4sed triad 4p. m ; to,Elaudiadtbiruriatme'at 0 - 06 i m mud , 2;8; 4, 79( and 10 a. m. - ; forObastuat 11111', lomat 9 06 m , and 2, 6. 'p. m. ; far - Stadayauk., leave at. a. 11.1 and 3;4, sad 8p: m. CAMDEN AN ATIANtIO4I4I4OAD: VINII-6PRIET: .1 1 rfLial!: /hit IriAin I.lf - s at 150' S. ya IS•oond Train" " -;:6 80 p,111:.. , „_,.‘, 846 p. of , NOM% hiILUOAD sitonr e.sit , , For Bethlehem.' E asto n . . Alliatoleti „ li ,•analt Chunk., Hazleton, & o , at OAO m doi:and , Williamsport, Jnirs, awl the We at 2la - .lloorimosodation for_ Doylestown at 8.*4 a. to. and 4 p us. ; do. for Fort Witildoston. at ' Eisdays—PlaiadelphlaJor Dort WashingtOtt,,9 30 rpoyisalown p. WV!. OIiEBTES; - via EIGHTIOILA: /MO' INARKIT OMITS t 90 • , in .t.iei at 2 20 . a. m. Tr'ir ' vtiii. ••" /0 866 ; pa. ci 900 p. m. "•';. 6 4 31 p, Mandayi 63 ' . 4 • 8 to a.m " " ••i 6 94. , 2 81J p. m • WIMP nmopr,,wpicreip ..comppiy, - ' (bow* PiJed t io Am. wooniv7.l - , Lea4a . Philadotabia,"l6ao44y6 eacepte4,) tmm Wal.: ant street Whaikat laM ii la a, ite, f.aad 2 46 and 6 p.m. • r TWO' woke!th (*) raii on Sundays; 111 Ilator" days ozeoitof.•:- • THX, Sid MMA T ",11.1,11 , 1110 MIIID IN 1111 •-' sad Jiatiori,WCOdratelhafaiekie:StriiiK 'sad *Jac - - At thotaprego•OwilliMiddloDlrfrietor Peigaigytraolo; 6 tatting at MarrialrostiMioll:;lB69,4bri foliated - dolor_ loos were &oiliest!, twit igurdesegalirSativied .. .logiligs fol- Appeal of Allgl'-frObligatt f triegillie r ofiligi Or. • asaasa °Dort distribittitt aortal', foods indottluOtetoit :Of so auditor. , Opaline bylitatied tdoOdWard l Awl row, - to wit: May 11; 'AAP 11160, ebb ease' boiled _beit(ar ' _good by eouneel and cooddered by tbe road. It t i ordered r owl deageldtbotao mach - of the-decree:Of tkn Orplawega Courtin tototOtartbs dret.ireport of the auditor as to bill Icir ebirdll'A lb* 'kerieggetiv ith the 9.10 mistral friiiilbe rotate of lobe soil, sod Wighlbe prolts ' tbit ligteigliairlarded wri the - iiMetiatiret With the at tbigeetoki of bisr deaeurd busboOd; raid allowed' owresialwritgoe, used the taws to borsht, rearward, 'laird the telatt - of the, eaditartieThatlr oartiOldave orgarsied.- eal - as to the teeldee •kif ama so r e,e(ah ! asmafe.loriapigied-lbe reeerdli leroittedrWtba Or piioga-Coautvibobirotooolietid•diretatirdiiiittelow;tte career thteapreartabo Old by the oSiWilaiw. ifiorricaStritign as: golden., Loot to the - CODS or WM1.444104 - eosolyelger earillri.;;;Jad mottos the writ of.ottor , to itur-ThorteiiCeourt to no. 'Veaattioni Sahohalkaaatrisdiasot ;3;iticrchialta - favor of the rtiot fahr: or; ei i ga-epee.'ers, • and rewirdarealtiad far ftritther:lrgeWlditipi - ireaclitisa, Lod 41. forrooi '.lltrer:",t6;:ibilailittliktoart ' infiguiebbleNgegietr..',l4f- - itulite: 4 "AkieelonltY Of Wig' '• frivol ceek of the poratiliecided tot4gdatire die Whig twig frikel#4oWfalgtlrgigOigigt belogr•)lkirgwV - dilfar a"alagteblros aotioldriocui; - ' end. oceshierlog that only throe of kw liatigt the birring,,er, could. eft, we Walk that lig : Platte utilitgiwitild be sub. *erred by COTt•sterirg Iwo' any. dlseowirmOt the los - Ilona tiopol000:-IttiolloViet - -,tho tlrmtd. tot OttecOditiostttlgri , , Incline Vlbolopooti a id Riot luitiOle Dow *waist to . the else, took no pirtrii I toditeriobiatiori: ea- Sperm' , " *Orr 411egirioori Piece of "IloatagroemeolOtrtVor Anima: 4 04 • ,onregivei rimy mide,ablyemb arijeeMd thetg 4l . 6l '• .• gaestfoliairid thblkoilotl,vik patrol' All Cara rearmtwearviritilarteMdieddloitlik - t - ,'••• • Resttociewit,ordttortillart a - fil!. court the bold I mu. - • ' mosagegreeieoporat,ik..lbowiattor ,ziewlier;vW heire• Por. earlain. ' We *requite wigs did ghatmite tiro jest grated for 4 tbireogotrieigihrial , th i s owaesi -is firtitot. sett*. ibis* that the idiot* or tbe eoortia istloa to 1111014 rd ottbee `ear* IA folly sortairwd by Mt ieliedalwetOdeuwit teitio the vapor, hoolt:;• - • Jippest sageged at tbe coat or file Apperlset.- ,-- - ••••., • eatilwiles,Approl Jgroorite,...oo -Court' Or pootillogi ' Plow or Obreset lonisty,4 Per giggliest , ' -11"4.-poider" to bore the case rtowsull Dottie wititr•viteutou twrotwod tu,Bravotuuret:ordezed.birotoo tail lewd` .• QUA gingoitit4adgtt 'Monarson:-t • • now onitoi'itigle . ** l6,to , :iiit :e" dirioda deg battery span George Lewfe. Jobs Adam., Wee y Polka* wergretweiggildgke- iif9P-1511111110-,11131014: P ounds of nail tioiropoolipt Reword trolled* obeettedirittrikeiddottivoi , deni: ' M. etwitwOer kittialriorfheiedlowiWitiVoweof the sari . of the Pbiledetptfle PgraliflMOr illifgaYo o ‘o°Y. 'Th 4 provocation :apace' Mel .the accident wit, the moonlit of;. ouroleulatdolpoortho tuft 4-thaderrideaa, • The pro„ reactor was plod** along lifittitii Market streets; on - the 12th of Knob Mat. when the woo korobod dowely the eor *Veit .tairolitetwisist •tiWittivor.,'•aoit altttely faliated. 914, - Itreilittut oalledAa4aWbartir 'Nation wale - UMW that thalatutdostoitiowituot by -. OrsOlaorroopa of tali prorltioorf 04-11.• gor Am salt - at skis rite or apeedlikao ft wmilir did, Old that eke, 'went la rtuutor tblettat vitteitelet eight cot not to bay.: &welly ; that the doitaiNittiaar'SaiLsepy eirpful Moor, _ sad - that be - was;iaati - aiaheaa lbse drive,* generally sir: P. number-at the firgel fellgs.gdabm gittomg dad that the ditilietast wait a hum , or rod elimatar, - sod that he wineld let kora, roe ore, the PrOttestor there bad bieirti• btait:obarta of .Na wriOdlutl4 - Uwit is steered - 0o say Mirk MIS wwo.e war fo wl ahottaittPaVcdf Este thin it - aostaid pogralbli far, timid atilt ; .Ti. jartago_dsted. a Verdict of, loot atilty i • wlthoat leavietibbolex , • •-• - • Vsteak woes wastotqatitud. opartflovebarvrof foie!-t' bid tulfy and detablar, z .- , ..„, Lodi& Nathan arm arkiiiittid of elthdulter roods is , der NOV prefer (ma- The *la emulated' of Maim arid jrw.lre valued et 112 de- - - _ • Commit Fixiii—,:bdge, Allisori.-L•T aid.' Cu, to diroirutba - •iiijOaellon • grootrd is - tkeelee of `,Ware va.Abi 6r-an - set flosteaatraata tgagaswer Mall.. ' war rfoinossi: 'Wham trysail 'about, asst art 'ia• ' itartitd, wssyrifasoa tile marbled; - •.vlit *piston traf lirund WWI islet bet it' , 'sot off sottleiatit istlo lo4 o to titbit* - filmy - sit ilt2o to opoOltierntot Ralf/ • Thomas Os; 1 144 PriOtorn:icooreitatkot: trate for an appeal own ten tamp Role' Pant";'--' " Calmat- Palm* •-• lodge • ::142411019.—rifl Walnut sod flisestoot.otroats . Psafoater Railway Com; ploy ItakagilaOlefirs Atlas padlqw,yvterflis7.3soTritPl6, toottoo` for fkapailal iajaeoilbi; itt as we bat* ii. Vide reptirted the 101.111, dispaq.it jrbeedb 04.00;' oar, to lajleallieS clam tlittibiystr proateoft stealer to, theca. Mirldtlatienin op?-11aTtia,:ia or. fe 'which' Stag,' Tentlotr hod 'Wt flO.bollatratittaittWYOssuli a 1 %0 6 4, taimaatiati :The allegation la'aile:proweit ..:_erselt the otolo- - ifoooffrtfait flti:oootatlesloaer4 end - the ancialehee,ta aloe of amatorlomoo; mutt the,cticar erihe le alsoth e t0t0.,, that go amok- , osotrothic to,:saoalat joaOtioa the -omemalisaan ettlie'enalmeythMeltaatoil'ail eteetes; the, iteinationiat tbit She nrclimiest * Aailitifehtia, Judge In4ktr. goo pattfatorog iralleindea'tbet'he-held to ' t I , w, b e bp i o hneec'aiw i ii lt.;:tethetateit tbit;ro loiter at b. ratite! 4io *Milan fon, ebeetel lejaaetlen,' bairn/N-oam* tit? bofii east tomtit. NO sl'o raid that ho.twelit hailltinhinne thee %Wee* Vac elatint,at ,eup , olosompet te l ls/ sod Iseit - ,l4oeday, the 4ay ‘ flatt:l f6r thpoitioifestioa, to :examine tbil'eaen saint i • that he 'maid 'metst *Am ottalettionAlt?eotaa ltamt any . ekinaseof lower untilAfawilt:Nat- Kt .00 1 / 1 1011114114 The dettookitto iie t tpmsoodt:i at meet to: aevot to t ,sagiattloo: walla let ** 1114, jaaetieu;to,that- offset t.Osoaltst;', - 91.1a018, the ofiri!tt, titetar!st ptoer ,to deefO.:- , " Dvri"Alor' Coin*• ..•741dgie'S,tr 0 0; : 4 0 Bert' IL.Carit An'iptinn iipOO aboot moms; taeotirtho impoenl ,boata:allrglid-tn be dee ft.- total labor, "Mari amblnpel by the difirdaet -lo bolting it boost-W*ll tote Ittttrtot Of Weet MOO* Verdict fOctfoi chantilly fen CO wawa eern,vir Beneezd'aintr; kitten motor opoi.gia tor ei iapipt,t , : v ikappit,- , .:Teroak for gm eft , fraisat , 4 - 4 - 4 -4 - • - , ' bathes vr.:lltebiit atttoti spa** beirat tad foOrtitso: 4.98*. illorgarit it-Oboirer;o:lmtntitiotsix or Jeeoblb li nstldeospad ifogat tolgoilitaattat lefty or /*OCR: Emme t; fltrthi hair alifatfat;itad'bibef' .tataav, - ofithad. „„a berm at law of Jamb armor, &waist!, An ution ere a - proillalrt ootolfordlotAf;thit,SolAttfilot :Thalami Baialitedier iettoti:to ''reifortitYltanstiriacit difostiait fo eat 0440100:60 of fit` it* oil faifot:4ltatia4f hock of fatiotiathio aolP/it , fOit , ftle.ll4.aitala lincrayinn eat mt. 00011141. - Of tifkli,ttt eifatiff wilt a stiallbalday„ iffOirotiftet'Of,thl ifiar#Sloa, elf • riatildr*lrrO • ireliP ' &lllllll4Wsllo: . ,'Atitlant lirtaa'beifooatiosoit-- ' 10 1 ).*.•1,4•400.:*2 ' Of - • - , NAOMI HOTEL-Third at., above Rani. -Mina A flakor.'Pa - - .1 8 G,li, Lancaster co Si T Pommels,- Oboe eo GO Thompson. Balt 001 Clara, Ghlo J a waleott, Ps a - Coolus, Chas eo 7 WM:A, Eiq. Balt J T BarnargiChra cm W Bailin, Lane Co • "A'S - aker, nal, Dal co 7 li Deere, Gal, N Y - IWM Leo Portei, Boston 'T P Goner & a, WashVn • 0 Brooke & san t } t 1-' ,' Wl' Diintly, Texas - - ^E Ojirrigan, Man - - NPs.., Ohes co IPPATIB ONION NOTBL.; l 4tarket ebreot,above Sixth. I Hall, Ontoboriond co , a Weatherer, Praoktin oo A Licetry, Oolumbis - J-Alenra. - Armetrong eo A M Ramon, Columbia -II Wilson, Columbia B Y Hirt, kid r - - X Olark, Lane co 4 Kollisten, Columbia' 7 & Bibbet, eharebtogn J•Dsvis c Lowlatown P Free, Oolninbis • B-H Gansgs, Ilenlalinrg . .1 - A smith, Centre N el. DI rolls, Darriaborg' 4 a W OttOON6 4 goo,' eb , .ao wit - 03110y b son Phil& ; - Jgreierillai, - Del • -At P Doom:, Lane an A W Boggs, .0041414 Pe BALD NAOMI INOTIV:-Third at., shoes Olilloyaill. =flat Lents, - Lehigh oo -• 'D„ktelvill, N,l - 3 I Whitaker, Warm tio,l o l Jo se Kelehnor, T al to n hisiliehworni, , Lehigh 00- ,G I ghosts, Doylestown tta _ ,Wm W Holley, Vt- , - J K Lsiesiere,Karie ,P . ' 'YOUNT VBIGION ROTIL-Peeond street, above Arab. 1 1 Pritt &. Is, Deeet,Bel , : it Van Kirk, Pd WniKeLocs, ye Y, • ' • Goo Parson, Money W lianderion, pittabn g - Albert Wight, xe , Wm Miry Wright, Dot , - - g Low, Dot Jeremolltnott. Wmaport - , B °beater, Balton - , 10101 Mos, N,l' :, - • - Lowi i i G o ll ig her, If S _ly /Des', Wilmiegtoo, Der' A Mark, Wilmington, Del BLACK BEAR INN-Iltih and Keiehant. ---, - ' Co llis; , --- r'-‘ , -r ewe -' I' - ' ka l i i, '' . k di Nortbooorn' 0 K h'selor Del to Pa Ciold"tiii44 -- 11 Alie, 808 f. -, BDO on or, , i . '' .. ' ''. . ''' ''''''' tier' '-'—''' - -' ;- - • Jolla P Tillyard, Wilm. Del lam IC mb 0 Chester co r..r...„ . "-. L. " • : . ..L.H-li - _,.....„ ... ''," '`,,, ''"r . ,- ~. • . 1 cb r i gifi go, plocainville 0 Speakman: Chester co fr i°2ll )_-_,- 11.1 " °. , ...V.±..77 14 W i ..-,H 9 1 1 ' ; '.; 1: : '' ' • H A Mall. Bitten, Aid - -0 P Hiltingmorth, ald , "-- - - - : -, Thii- 4 Ximr!. l., W-Or 2s4 lgrv .l4o ' r teli# Bl4437 th cliT Joe Peened, KA - L Beek & le, Cheater co L ' -441""4:11. P "inthib:."4^'"11";46 ' *641est617: -' ' ' 6 BB '-) tioaniiithd it , abo's oattowbu. 'iittio - tebet,Alliiitlit!W: ll4 lbibgbity , A Oo , ./11 HANTa t vi . Co . , I , 0 , 411 ,; Bajumo „ , -I`- ?boakirt;ltairit t itiik*** * l l B v Att*PC- 1 1 4 .0**4' : 31 gARID C *49° Difjoiore „wan t o'k, vniminguni ,'---''‘ *IT 4 - li f i4lit 1 0 $1 .1 tOn ' qPNINOTOat . fieli.' l ' ill*P E a t t ; rig - . . *non tiolootOr, N Y 4 ft--;_,,, , .pillike'reir ‘-' ir- -, T.u."li! 4 '.4 :- , A.,:*"4, • T i c m - - ti mi et r -t irj- 4r wirT v o r o u ntoittootown :'"' Alt goose a - N o t i amnia - ''''':"'"ohiiitv ,#' 4 *- ' l , -- Xt : ' , -j l3 -` 13 *" 4 ) , t,14{,: : ,.-Y,-,i b V Viamor, Kinerarille ,W A Kos ii. n Deka- J Kreider Inydoreo .v , .::4;iiiiiiiiitti f ..-' ,.. ,. 2 -: - ,7,; , : , ,i . ., 1 1 - V... , =,' ,- ;',.••_::,":,= ; " ,:- ~.'_',",, Z .4-i i ii f. MI 0 Haley if QP 5 , j skie ,i, wr Rfi 1- ' - ''''' "I l liorWar -, Rief01010x ,4 **., 14 5,„gre...` 1 91, 11 17 4 ,..., *,.:'11 If Haress. Ps no 7 i - ' ( - , ,,, ,76,4 1 -- th* ro 04 , 4 al/0E441w tit - ,t , ?. - - 01 1 0 .,"..ta 'of ''' A'll Milli) Centre to, Pa , - . - .1 5 ' .. ' " ' ' ''' '''' 4 ,- 'lBhdotiri: ' fit 'towns *he Uri: ..: ,- , - •- - : below _. , Al.. , ;;_%rnik.:Bl - ortotv-011 , • ~,...,..--....,- I , - - --„.:, , 'lNLlttir fifilAr HOTEL ammo ct.. vino. "'''''''''''4l V 6kirliW'Welia":*°64" ''':-' ' Xiiiiii '' - '' * Xi/demon N k -, , X ammonia, Nuevo Co -- '' ' ') -' '- 1 - - -'lBBfr sointr -- shortilorfodott , _for. lb. • _ _ .., . , B . . .._ _ .1 V Beading, Hatboro - ~ : ” .;. ,., ., , „ ., -, , i i i iitatc, „ .i iiftm, ,, ,,..,, ,_.,r,A, outo - i ,.... 0 2_,_,,„, it . 44.44 . . 10. 14,, , f ii ,,_ iiiii , ~, I ,b u tr ia ltr g e . ti t . o a tv elui ro tio .:; ._,, isy o,wan, Doymitow n ,g-„i, -,- : - - , ''*Not , ' , 'N,84.-;ofroovoloo***15 IV ', .7; -* winnOr, Xtfroi N T.,- r D X *hula., .k , o . :'''' '' '' ' 4o o. - twiti 1k4 , 4113,1*bw abnur giii lini. ~s. 1.. Eto , tos . , N i ' ' ' allentv,Pri - ~ -;,5 " .-VrVil illillt" . 'O.-1 - ,• 4 141 88 e - WX l roxtedlills . la ' 4 ilf: Wor,6n &154.1%,.,- - _8 of Johnson; Booko no 4;l_''l44iiiirr' *, ' iiiineritinifiT . the tnia4ti',;, W Nyashoq,,,Bseke no : , ~w_w ihroo.Dayirtl.l9 ~.-i,67104 - 4 " 4 -- -yNO` - 18881118 .31 :-.-.-- -1:- I *lf 1 488 1 808, polliotoi 1!. II Ely, rinovigt .. ,,, : ,,,, -- ,,, ...; - ,'" - ; 4 4 7 : - - -- - - ,- - ?, , -' , ". , - , ;• ' ?k-4.:,%.).;•-,-.1-:'---%-r4tit'-'1',1,-':?-4':--4 s .... ~--R':.w:. CITY , :ITEMS;" latentii, or Mn. Maren.—Hon. ;Wm. );l: Reed, into -Molder to., Ohne., -, haa!arriedg bete., .lie was ~ 'isaliedlipoi by a committee, list evening, and offered .'1 ,the opipllpaint otarintdie dinner, Mr. Herd was on. -.•,-,- deratood to iarthat&C'eroolel oonsider the kind Wefts. toil i Viiffiiit be Oeilittriett eo deflolti engelonienta „iif ineti,hhid, until. he hid iiecured a new and becoming ':,- eminent the -Dian Stone Obithing Nell of Roakhill & Wilson; 'Nos, 608 and 606. Clhostinti fittest, shore :,„ ..,••: -, clrdnertfiMihige Piii'ltig 'had freqamitti, beep - *pilot oolletniirleoniers hi; bringing him twat One, ,landna,jobe of —Plaint beide ip old barrels, snideness ~trilP.kamel heads ; han . dies to old tube, cud tOlite old bindle' o but in Twle: liat hie ; napp ed the climax —he had ennehow procured a seeped,hand bumf hole, and insisted upan'th• cooper's building a new barrel to it.' , Thitis about equal to an eccentric friend of ease, who-eireted an "old patoW ,l to • the stattaf store of ,GraereNtei Jitniees, No. 007 Ohaetnut 'treat, and Insisted Oii:bilaninting an entire new mile ironed it. ' The greet Moldier loved himself fully equal to the task, how-, ceni::iied elle eeeentrto friend was igaellpirirprieed sad delighted at beholding hie new mgt. - • - .1 301 mAme 8 /Os Ampoule* sible/i ad mtsfortune Inn Bekrios't no 'aeltee , esn disries snits)" can militate no despotlain eau enslave. At home, a friend; abroad, an inVodostion • in aolitade, a Ramie; in ab sinth an ornament it Otiestees side; It grades virtue; it girlie it esse grain' and 'goirernizient tO genius, and leads the , MUM or refinement to alike had inveatmento for clothing:at Ma." Old granklin Hall Clothing Em poria" of'. H. Aldridge; No. 821 Olestint street. Alatito Intelligente ir.r - BU . 161711TM' PAGM. Eery' roLioners (Oorrospoodecoe of the - Prem.) Raw Toed, Ilatl2. ' Airlti4, Alpe lifeahettem, _im _Liverpool; Wm Tap. abate. from do; Videntiri, from do; Prim:era floral, from do; Mary Hammond, from do; Plymouth Rook, from Idnden; - 11 - from Salmouth; Neptune, from larenvot booth catalpa, from Bordeaux; bark Oromoe -40; trim WOW - bkig Mariner. from Palermo; Datoh .gallOt Pima 110105 S, from Amsterdam, - -- . Belor, stripe ilarugelletion lad Webster; from Liver. pool. - , , BORITOS, My 12. • Arrived, Alp Campbell, froin Ardrowen. .Norivor.w. Vs., May 12. 'Arrived, iohr Prime's: Henry, from B&W:more, bound to Iteterabarg, Va, leaking badiy ; from damages re ceived la the me storm., - - Itoe.rdi, !fey 12 Arrived, hem Aim Elisabeth, Gould; from Mammas, with • oergo of moles-see. MEMORANDA. Steamship Royston* &Mere Marshenan. for Dittladel pida, went to esa from Oberlisten 10th inet, steamship Oshawba, Bullock, cleared at New York yesterday foridarana. , • Skip Olt' of ,Brooklyn, Obsie. from Liverpool April IL arrived at Now York. yesterday. flaw barge quanti ties et Shirai Rookingharn, Meloher, J 11 Chapman, Chapman, aid Tigress, Slovens; from Ilarrrool, salad at Boston Mk loot.' - Sidp Herald of - the Morn — log, Batiolpri, from Callao, at Liverpool 22d oft - Ship Mortara of the Sea, from Liverpool for N York, eras spoken 21st alt, Mt 40 40, lag 2010. Skip' Plutarch, Barker; ?ion Antwerp April 3d, ar rived at New York yesterday.. ilk last, leg 42 long 66, signallsod ship Brenta' Star, steering" W, with loss of main tongallant mastsod head of Halo topmast. Ships Manhattan. Boron, from Lasrool sth April, and Plymouth Reek; Hammond, from London Mara' 26, were below New York yesterday, ' , MIPS 0 Startle, Rapti, Baled from Baltimore yea , -terday_for Maria: . Ship B H Tucker, from Liverpool for Philadelphia, wit 'pokes 17th ult. let 40, 100g84., • • Ohm New York, Datihret ) for Liverpool, cleared at Oh rleston Bth Init. • , Bah Satttlit, Doti ,Massina, was :inflow- New York yesterday Bug Oarolint.: Chutes, for Philadelphia, sailed f r om Holmes , ifoleitVh teat: Brig -Laurette, Laurette, 'Dacha, cleared at .Nap York sesta dat for Para ono • sairkot. ' ;frig Siasterta -Star, Penni, prated at New York yes , tacky for Pemamtioo. fthri Oirells, IParlor, alas Blower. Wiielden, Rain bow, Reverter, Minintoin Arenne,_Greesafteld,Slight, Staley, Pamir, Pinignmilt Wapitis, It II Sian. non,.Marts, Milo Mani, Lake, WWII= P Oox, Hoick, and can Edward, Baker, from Philadelphia for Boston; David Smith. Douglas, and Amelia B • homes, Lake; do for tiled ; ,Jamos, a Deputy, do for DaiteeraprA Ply, tikeeeremeuf, do' for Hantaket; Jacob a William, Mat helm do for Portsmouth; Compromise, Andrews, from' °deem, Del, for Bacon , were at Holmes' Hole 10th Wt. . moratog Light was fold yesiorday for $26,600, antglo.ooo, ad stated la emotion column. ARRIVALS - AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, int to alga vat.ooz awn Joanna enuilDwousiekehoat Street, billow NISH.. -AL Brovining.l3lB MO' T P Shiner, tooisv. By I Id Dayton, 0 Hie Z Heirlek, Mt Yes. 0 :go marobi steam' bilaq *Jones, Mt Yer, AMI Young;ift,Piol • A Weiser, Mt Vernon, 0 IV 0 Ilibrosi.rit B JOne,s,,Harrlabini • 8 Ostioleo, PhlledelPhle B Latrob, Baltimore .11M Aikeu,Dseton- - , 0 Oirinth /c la, Boston rbißlooteiHY " 0 L Labe, NY Hrs Lake, N Y MINIS A Lane, N B A.uarrier. Durlaburg • it 0 Itublenbers k wf, Ps J.Handel & la, N Y Allanteklo, N 431. Crimp & It, Baltimore /Olean*, lid Mt pleton I*, La .14 Chandler, ' Baltimore ' , 8 Molitor , Brooklyn -" T2lltypre A, la, ' P OW, Ala .J,P.Patio - . . ~T-Et Tate, N 0 .. HILTAtri N 0, -J Shelly N 0. - NM- r " . .• ' Kimball la, Mau N Laminas, NB ;3 8 Panlia , 4; °Mew Mom I Winter Brooklyn -41 - .4 Van Veghtan Oa • 0 tirtiaadn, Best so J Ybere;lr;'lit r . ' BB Maya 8 ii 3 Obleago VY.WhitPilterdklt , W Baltimore, Jlllleyster • Bloisabint :HA Taylor & abia', MY, 41W viktolorr.,matOusg-,TEsidei, Bosto n W Beattie , El 0 _ , ,D,Donsisev, NY ' , D 0 Lot. Wheeling, Vs - Tiroa*W White By -_ 0145111m0 & Cuba T Rd/riper, • ion, 061/A3 Haliniter,*llancester * ' Hialtei Lasenater T Seodein, oat - • • B ItGreen,,Ga , orbsuiee &ante Oat. ' W .1,88:497 . ..8; wf. WaabWn it Jt-Italtai.V" la: NO - _H B , Biokamd, W J P innikard, N Y ' °Smith & le. Batt J Orialkithank, Jr,A 4,N0.D Bkiw.it & la, Balt ii_oll/40, Yrs .- Oa 11,Witierd;H T •••• Jes Tiienford N Y ,0 8 Maratiall WV' " ti 8 Wino., N Y DM Mealier la, NJ TD flogeher la, Dr g'izesuc ' H elieben, N Y 0 Thompeon. N 'BlOU,?auldtur,& obit B Horn buds, N Y Ifenrj,* tleasyl Hare . - J Anderson k la„Clonn Mies Anderson. Coon .31 W Bowyer. N Y .Win,Typs Bmitla,N,Y - P O Bagerweln, B.alt • • 'JONI'S' litYPED—Obsatout divot above 131stb Phila. - 'a V Willa, flaralagstmeg J hoche, Miss - W a Gllcea & PhDs Caleb itaASuld, J , DG, Ma r tin. Balt • . Itlabardkaare, halt 0 W Bator, Balt -$ X Betigingar, Salt Jobilaclibash, Balt - N Maborner, Balt . • $ Saaraiet, OhioN Vella & wr/ N 0 110eawford, Scotland •"" N J Dom agues & oh, Hay .oes W Digger, Bait - ,B WO, III Thai Nagiusi, Baltaum d: - la, TA Welton. Balt , 'Jabs Parborlas, N Y Waalaingtort;'ll 0 6 7 Ballard, N fi - Actir ; SW 8101aWs, N .F,N - Haelsrer Big/ - 101110141$11T, HOTEL.—Yourth straet, below Arph. 0111assi Norristown Jos 0 Brasier, Oleardald .L W Halt; Antonia W ld asll,Dedlard Jai W. Crawford, Pa Miss Bitithe, Jersay City btfsa Baum, Pittsburg , P A Nolatenburg & dasser;Orawford 00, Pa A. (kitty/Mum Olirslabd- 0 • " JD bloCors, Pittsburg *Parlir & ta, Aliglistawn JAf Kinkead, Pa aTolbott,ladmaapol a • T Mastro, Newcastle ,0.1. 'Team, N • Veitaltard N 0 WinAlejr, Jr, Tsai 11 M Bidden, Cambria so lacQuielt Cambria co' Jtt Nassau, N Kr* Wale'', NI .Chapin & da R nosJOToetlr. la", - 'Pa " O a Lytio;Tort Depasit I pewit, Olearliald, LHoorar, Pa 10 841, Pa AUSSIOLY NOVlG—Gbegiass at , stint ytgli. I Omabta, Junes Boyd, N y M N Crowell la, Pa - Miss M Oalllne, Pittainuy rtaeintwat k NOD ) 9EO 0 T Baitd, Lad 'Pam A:itchy ' W It, NJ Mai NisWassis, Wilmington W DSimmons, Wilmington Dlrarontgaincry, Waskitan Q P Post, Taxis Mith Lenisi , Vast, Tunas' Jae V Dmitri, Itswilag Pito Brunswiek W. McDowell, N Brtioawiok „Miss It lig &mkt, N V BLemisk, N - • A -I Tratinr,liashspli W Boma* J Bich's/NM, Mass 0 k Wallace, Y 0 0 Pugh; Dayton JlSGillen, Lowell, Mass N 88/Swim, L thingdiet, N Y • kW *SA • W Mldarshall & la, Maso - - - J Clamp'•" T Slimmers, N W 484007 da, Mall Httitylist & tam, 'Ramo •st T Phll , Upik daagbt, PS. --4=" 13Orit:4rali "street. shore Third. J gAeynoldr, N Y Lou's Pilot, Altoona Okra gi Weatherly, Oin. 0 ' lamb Lindsay. Jr, Mich% 1-1/ Boyd, West Newton Dyyr, Allegladir - A Batas, Pittehaig -J 8141111/12011 ' , Bristrepart H Disdir,:Baltimore G y Diaterkk,Ossotors„ 0 Mr &taro & I Vivemszt, Alba'', NY .tiltJnhs, Port Jervis, N Y David Girls, Damon liadtPrimgab, Chester orr 'Wm a Bnltsabach, Pa ' „Wsn'ywit,J Tara Gray, Coahranulie 4,sikialisaler, Dicke sp. • Kg Marathon, N ' - IiTXTIILIN rioutne, OlmaMat at., abort Third. W o , Proaoh, Promdeam i lt I P D. mar Chicago 11l MO) Mats, N y u 0 m 4,411, N Y i B Gillinslp II 8 N Wm I Loos, Beading, Pa :Ing re 114 10 Linn, - • 3,P Ilfddar,'N Y ' J'Er'llamPlioni P. , Juba Plirille*X la, Nut Lams Sarum, Pa G" Hopson, wiroesBch 7 P4 18 I. litmus. Bass Ills X throng, Mims /aim Yin Deuvraol Y Joha gnaw, Pltnitinq J B Thognie; X 0 , ' . Jld Allison, VA Thins Bill,-Pitisburg • David Potter, N 1 'L J Smith, Reading Win Donshower, Bending •. 4 L Mostar, hid- , . PiitTlOl!AL HOTHL—Rae et.; alum Third. MoPartm,di Buffalo ' R J yeekioc N York - D Hoyt, Kingston, Pa B 0 Homer, Dhroolibarg P Uhler, , J Strait, N Y PAD Haigh, Halifax, Pa Immo Duntle, John Ball'ar • 801 Drelsbaok, Pa T Moyer, Catalano's W Nance, Tenn' • It'A Glover, Thomaettin 38 apeng. Berke oo B Wrath, Montour Wee H A Kota, Hasetton - Mies Sarah' White, Flaselt , n S J Nance, Tenn Wm Ault, Anemias John Gray, Wllkabarre B K DtHel, Vs oho Ruh, Pa Peter Conner, Pa Joe 'Abiteker. Mt Ohms l oa n rte e ril. L gArr "` 73 8 B i l t :t e l rd, L BlZtre Butter r o • - Thee Church, Kittaning Mien M A uhtooh, Kitta'g Wm 0 Hatrilon„ Wme>port Wm A Henry, Dettalt B Oreaseyi Blink Creek • • BLAOK 808 HOTKL—Third sty above OnTlowhil i W J Smith, Berke an B K limbet,Lehlith eo Ohm Helfriohi Kutatoim . Nerd Heckman, Kutztown T logeleMllts , Mrs Slim, Pogolaville Metzger, Berke Oct H Metzger -Berke co' W S Boyer, Soydertown 8 Bright, Ornigeburg B Thialficeon. Bybeny L Tonaltopou Ale. Byberry A lloy•hart, Wao'ton B Tomlumon,War'ton Mien Kephart, War , ton Dr W Van Basberk, Pa B Wottiorhold,-Weemberg Mn Van Shasta. Kutztown Phthern, Lancaster co J tnuoker, Beading ti Wolf, Diutioro fipetial Malmo. Constipation of the Bowels. Hew many of our citizens are euffering from this disuse, smd expect ing to be oared by the nee of violent purgatives. Web d.bilitate the system, and muse a return of the Masan with Increased asperity Is it not better to have a remedy -that will once, by giving strength and vigor to the bowels, enabling them to perform their Innotlona In I natural minter? Smelt - a remedy is 1100PLANidE ezarani BITTERS It will not purge you. but, by its great invigorating and tonic properties, will give your system a tone that will enable It to perform all its functions in a vigorous and natural manner. For sale by the Proprietore, Dr. 0. hi. JAMISON & 00., 418 ARON Street. Grover & Bakers Celebrated NOISHILESd YAMILYSINWIVG ht&OHINBEI yaw EITTLIB .LT /MOOED PlllOll3. .180.01MTNUT MUT, PRIUDILPIII& Of the three prominent Machines now before the public, we here need two, and carefully watched the working of the third, and honestly belie's° GROVER & BARER'S to be the very best we hsve seeu.”—[Dels ware State Reporter. ep29,ly One• Price Clothing of the Latest !Styles, and made In the best manner expressly for lIITAIL SALM 'We mark our lowest selling prim in PIAUI intones on each article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our tsa-ratow awn* I.9 . xtrlatly ad hered to. We believe this to be • the only far trey of dealing, sa thereby all are treated alike. JOHNS & CO., ap2g-tan27 601 KAMM BURIAL Savlng Fans—rfatiosal Safety Trust cam• PANY.—Cluittered by the State of Pennsylvania, 1. Mciney is received every day, and in an amount, large or email. 2. EMI PIE CENT. interest Is paid for money from the day it is put in. . . S. The money Is always paid beak in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is reesived from .firseniors, idministra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain • long or short period. 6 The money received from Depositors Is Invested in Beal Rotate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and other first class seourities. 0. Office open every diky—WAINUT Street, month- West cornet Third street, Philadelphia. spl6 The Wonderful Properties far Beautifying and invigorating the Bait are peonliar to JULES U 4132.1 . 14 EAU LlNlTllatli HAIR ROBICORATIVII. BY mitering obstructions from the cuticle it strength. ens the roots of the hair, preventing it falling off and imparting to it a soft, luxuriant gloss, most charming to behold. It aisoinolines it to cud, and imparts to it a delicious perfume. Bold by all Draggles, and by JULIO H&IIIL & OD., No. 104 OHNBTNIIT Street, Philadelphia. my9.6t Premature Lem el the Hatr, Which is se common now•e•days, may be entirely prevented by th nee of 81711.118T1V8 0000kl1t S. It has been used in Stomata's of eases where the hair war coming on t in handfuls, and has never failed to arrest its decay, and to promote ► healthy and vigorous growth. It is, at the ammo time, unrivalled as a dressing for the hair single application will VlDier it soft and glossy for several days., • Prepared by 103E11:1 BURNETT & 00:, Boston, and for sale by teeters generally. apa.mweatro Ihettmenht sawing Fand—liferihtvest Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets. Deposits mewed, In smell and large amounts, from all claws of the community, and allows interest at the rate of Aye per rent. per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without loss of into. rest, Odic open daily, Prom 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9in the evening. President, Franklin Poll; Treasurer and &watery, °kerbs I. atomic. $, Dent Slade 'to Hear.“—instressente to se stet the hearing, In every entity and or the most ay. proved oonstrsotloi, et P. 111ADNIRL'El, my6.6t - 116 South Tenth street below Chestnut. Binger , . Sewing Machine--The great pesos laity of these maehlues may readily be oderstood, when the feet In known, that any good fawn& operator * akin, team, . - - ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A EMAIL - To over , " Ttllor, fleontrou, .Drestmaker and each urge rata) , in the otOutiter. one of thee. mschlnoo would be tueslutblo. I. 11. SING= & 00. 1 602 01ILSTNIIT Stood. 0p80.13m 0. V. DAVIS, Agent. ffiarriaaes. On Wedneadsy; May 11, 1859 by the Rev. Yether Reiblein of bt. Joseph's Church, Mr. W5l. LIMN, of Bt. Louie, to Mies LIZZIE P ettartiON, at thin city --, [et. Loh° papers please oopy Rs the Rev. Jos. K. Kennard, LEVAN U. ItABRU to ANNA 0. SPOONER, both of this In Gloucester city, N. Z. Bth Instant, by Kee Elm T Richmond, Mr. OGRIATIAN E Misc RICBROOA 11148. both of Glounß ENSPERGER enter city *to On the lOth instant, by Ker. G. Hughes, JOSEPH G. PitsNolg, cf Belem, N. ,to EMMA. daughter of John R. Treat, Ego , of Philadelphia, late of Sa'etn, On the TER Instant, byEar. R. El Harrie, Mr. JOB. COWAN to' Mlas EARi,B,IIIEP Kg EROU, both 8r °fomenter, N. J • entatbe At Neches. Missies' 1, on Thursday morning, May 12th, HOSEA' PEROT BAHGENT, formerly of this cit. r On the 11th Instant, JOHN M BIB2ON, in the 020 year of his age. His male friends are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 228 Beath Eighth street, on Baturdsy afternoon, the 14th instant, at 8 o'clock. On the 11th instant, JOANNAI. 1/0 INMAN, daugh ter of Ann!). Hoffman. Theiriende, and those of the family, are reepeotfolly invited to attend tae frineral, on Batuiday afternoon, at 0 o'clock, from the residence of her hrother, No. 1010 Randolph street, beiqw Wren) avenge. l'o pro ceed to Glenwood Cemetery On the 10th instant, 3011.1 NEILL, in the 64th year of his sge. The relatives and friends of the family are reaped. fatly invited, to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 1814 Green street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock On the 10th instant, Mrs. MHO iIiET BOY, widow of the late John Roy. in ike 67th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re. oPectfully Invited to attend the femoral, from her late , residence, southesat corner of S xteenth and Cabot areory, tpai(y r i f ig k y) 4441400 e, at 2 ere lock 'To proceed to 004 Follows' Gimetery. " On the 10th instant, FRANCIS MoCABIi, aged 8i) years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the inueroit from ble late roil. donee, 829 Suffolk s rest abtre Eighth Cod below Oat, rater, this ( friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Cathedral Urm.tory. 'e On the oth instant, RIOUABD MOVPIET, lir., in year of his age. -relatives and friends of the family are teapot fai invited to attend the funeral, from his We real. dense, Main street, hi ;menials Torenty.fi at ward, this (friday) afternoon, ay 8 o'clock. Interment at Christ Oben*, ground, virtu said Arch Argots. ek pl. the 11th instant, AGNIt9 PHILEIN, Infant daughter of John and Sarah Philbin, aged timbnthei and f 40.1. Cardwitinera, I. B.—Notice.—The Titre. Division/ on Bill or Wages will weetin Com. mutes or the Whole MIS (Friday) 2VANING, at 812 /11,81111 T Stmt. Punctual attendance le required. CHAS IdalraltbdND, Chairman ay. 'Noce Pennsylvania Railroad Company, rIIILLDNLPOIi, April 161h,18b9 --The Board of preotora have thfe day declared a sentenonal Dividend of TilllEs OAR MINT. on the Capital Stook of the COMpSof aloes if Stale Tay, payable on and after May lath, HMI Powera of Attorney for collection of Dividends can irt had on application at The Onloe at the Company, No. 484 South THIRD Street. TllOB. T. VIRTU. Tresnarer eIMtIEM UTThe Hellbent'llle, Mantua, and Fair. MODNY PABBENOE RAILROAD COWART. ie - hereby given to the Stockholder's of the Mantua, and. Patrtrionnt ,Paanenger 'Rail road Company that Lettere Patent have been granted, and that in purruaace of the dot of Assembly, the cub adhere to the Capital Stock of said Verner:pi aye re quested to meet at 011.13ZEPS DROVID YARD HOTEL, Omer Of Lancaster, avenue and Haverford street, Twentpfortrth We'd. on WBRINISDAY, the tilth day of May, 1819, al 11 o'clock A H., being the time and plans appointed by the Commissioner/ to prgenise said Company, and pt sal tine and plate an election for a President and Five Direptore will be bald, according to law, Albert 8. Aebmead, Charles ttioDalls„.ll. A Her. nieh. Charles B. Truitt, Wm. Patterson, J It. Ghana, Jacob B,'Yosti,Bobertialendening,B bt Morris, Mandel L. Smedley, Jacob Ziegler, Ismael Hutchinson, Wni, D. Kelley, James Hunter, Ines° Heston, Thomas A. An drews, John R. Vogdes, John 0 Keifer, D. B. Paul, H. A Weer, Nehemiah Reins, Rohl. Selfridgeohn A. Brown ,G 0. Prenoinene, 0 11. Bardwelt, B. R.ll H. H. Walken: 8, Horton Zalich, D. D. Tones, John Blest., Jesse Y. - Peados, Bteph , n P Hill, Isaac 111. Ash too, Ma P.' hieCtills, John B. Beatty, B W. Carr, Peter Parker, and George M. MR, Oorrimiesioneri. B.tm 18 ,FTBanbury and Arlo Railroad Controny. . —SEALED eIIOrOdAIS will be received at the mites Of the Company. in Philadelphia and at Look Raven. until 8 o'clock P. 24., on MONDAY. the 18th lost , for the GRADING, MASONRY, and BRIDGING of the MIDDLE - DIVISION of the ROAD, extending from the mouth of the Driftwood, in /Elk county via the Driftwood, West street, and et Mary's, to Ridge. way; and from Ridgeway, for two routes, to a point'M mis eastward from Warren. One via ?dill creek, Goon creek. and south branch of the Tionesta; and the other viz the We-t Clarion and Two-Mlle ran. The line will be about 80 miles in length, divided into con. ',Solent sectfous Froposale are invited for separate sections, for di, visions embraclog several mike, or for the whole line ; stating distinctly in the proposals the proportion of etock that will be received in payment. The cash portion of the payments (gees usual percentage) will be paid in monthly estimates The Proposaie must designate the pedal at whith the entire work propeeed for will be nomad ready for the superstructure, ender a penalty of forfeiture of one per (lent of the retained percentage f , r each day that elapse/ after the specified time, until the final oomph'. ttou of the work. Plana and rpt.:Mations of the work maybe seen at the Ogee, at I.ock Haven, on and after Tuesday, the 10th met I'M. G. MIJORIIIiI AD, President. Phlladelphis, Ml 7 24,1869 , 1104-110 racca Meant Module Cemetery ...The large number of persona Intending to remove the re. mains Of their relatives and friends from other kaki places and Cemeteries to MOAN f MOBIAII are re. minded that the acme should be attended to THIS MONTH, se after the' let of done no permit will be granted by the Bored of Health tor that purpose. Passenger Oars now run, via Market attest, every halt hour to the thndery. GEO. OONNSLL, Secretary. OMAR, NO. 20 S. iIIeSTEBNIII Street. my7-03t* THE PRES§.--PALADELPHIA. FAIDAY. MAY 13. 1859:4. Moen Prayer itleettrtp—Bustness Meals 11,3 PilAW3ltt OINZTING held DAILY, at 12 &obeli, at the 0.41713051-BTRUNT mamma, below Math et. Merchants, Clerks, and all others rot-Malty invited. Conte, and bring a friend with you. role tf At a WI eetlu of the Stockholders tu the 1 . 1.5 AbIEIMOAN N g M INSURANCE COMPANY, held agreeably to Charter, on MONDAY, the 28 day tf Mo i r, 180, the following gentlemen trete elected Dl. restore for the euontog Tear: George Abbott, :oho T. Lento, John 'Neleh, - Sams: R. Campbell, Batons' 0. Morton, Edmund G. Dotilh, Petrlek Brady, Charles W. Ponnney, Israel Morris. And et aineeUng of the Inseetors. on the 11th inst., OXORGB ABBOTT wee re-eleeted Preeldent. TiIOSIAS B. MAWS, ' areal2-6t* Secretary. Peeple's State Convention.—The Olt1• sees of Philadelphia, and of the leveret mau ler this Commonwealth, attached to the PEOPLE'S PARTY, and all voter' who are opposed to the unjust, unwise., and extravagant measures of the National Ad ministration, are requested tooted DIVECATER, equal In number to their several reereeentatione In the Deno., ral Assembly, to a CONVENTION to be hell at RAS RII3I3IIILV, on Wednesday, lute Bth, 1880, at 10 A. El., to nominate Candidates for AUDITOR GENESSI, and EIIIRTIYOR 43NaItAL, to be voted for at the general election in next Oetober RINEY SI. PIILLIII, Chairman. WILLIAM D. MANN, Secretary. apft-tt rye Dr. Weder's Unesinut Springs Water Ili OUSX all Olnistnnt Hill, Philadelphia smutty, Elrg eaabo ,robbers. STELLA SHAWLS. FORTY CARTONS NEW DESIGNS, BLACK AND COLORED °ENTRIES, Al GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS, • FOR BILE BY JOSHUA L. DAILY, No. 218 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. =AIMS Iganze-Surnisbing THE CELEBRATED GENUINE 41.13,0T/CI YOB BALE ONLY BY THE MANUFACTURERS AND PATENTEES, JOHN A. MURPHEY eo AT 'MOIR HOUSE-FURNISHING WARE-ROOMS, 922 CHESTNUT STREET, rayla-rmtrtr YARNALL'S NEW HOUSE•FURNISHING STORE, No. 1020 OHEST.NUT STREET, (OPPOSITE THE AOADEMY OF FINE ARTS), FURNITURE LIPPER% a new and very convenient artlele fey lifting heavy A:impure. Will be found to be of groat aseletonoe In !Mang op or patting down Oar pets and Matting, an invaluable milele to e tory llonee. keeper WARRANTED REPRIGERaTORS, WATER COOL ERR, and FILTERS, very superior; ORILDREN'S °AMAGER, RATTAN CHAIRS, and s eomplete wort:Dent of USEFUL HOUSE—FURNISHING GOODS. myil-erf&mtie7 Ommtter tiesorle. EPEOIATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, IAN() taint ()MINTY, PINNA. Thie favorite establishetent will be opened by the first of ICBM. Situated on the Bpluata Ridge, 69 miles west of Philadelphia, 18 math of Reading, 33 north of Lancaster, 40 out of Harrisburg, and baring the advantage of the purest soft water, every variety of baths. the alto elevated to 1,200 feet above water Level , with graded and shady walks in dense forests, and the most extensive land-rape 'scenery in the Union, it is not etupused as a summer residence. . Accommodations for 400 persons, improved stabling, and good carriage houses ; also a good stock or livery horses and carriages, with amusements. A good hand of music, 141liard tables, ten pm alley. It is easy of access from *lithe above points by relined and rosohey • The proprietor spores nothing ib mats it a home, place for comfort and health. For farther particulars, see alveolars, to be bad by applying to Joseph B Myers. Third and Vine streets; James b./rule, 616 Chestnut - street ; or to the Propel)- JOEIRPH RONIGNAMION, Ephrata Poet 011 ice, Lancaster °minty , Pens. bucational. A MERIOAN /301100 L INSTITUTE.— .cs. Schools and 'amities supplied with competent Teachers; Parentsgratuitously supplied with School cheaters, end Trmotters with positions. mum, WOODAIAN, SMITE( ' WOoDailat, OBESTNUT Street, • publish— Da. JOHNBOI I B- PAILOSOPHICAL CHADTS.. Prom Hon. Theo. Prelinghuysen, IX D., President of Retries College. Dr. Johnson's Philosophical Uharts,” desigoed...for theme of Schools anddimdemies, furnish an admirable substitute for the far more amenities apparatus. These °hula bang on the walls of the Balkoel room, (la all of which I hope ip sad them,)' fll ebreed before th e scholar a lialpalle Max-prelim:, of tj4e great la l w he blatgral Philosophy. TX II O. my.l2-2t* WEB moat It atuatile of all pigfareg ate thoop of tares we I , re. therefore decorate yon: with life. size Photographs In oil, node at RElmltivs eatery, PECOtte Street, shore Green. :41 t TATE WHISKEY INSPECTORS' OF -1,7 1103 for the Port or Pltilettelpbta, No. 9&3 "North wanyms, between Bee* and Vine etreete. BRAHOII rrioe WDSTPItIi Ofr tss, Northwest corner or llroafr a Cherry str•Ota. {lf lOL No. IltaPputh a )'root N st eat. alloys V Melnnt, Meet gide.) -At . fli g i of the above ofileee oompstent Deputies aril reedy at all times to execute orders with despatch. The law: glees the purchasers of domestic liquor., whether for home consumption or exportation, a right to demand a certificate, which we will furnish free of charge ' of all Liquors inspeet•d by our department, eattingforth the proof and gauge, which ehonld seem. racy each bill of, sale ' so as the purchasers may know that the 'thole is what ft is represented. RAU preens ganging or inspeotting damestio distilled spirit., who are not oar legal deputies, will be prose. anted. as we Intend hereafter to fully enforce the law In regard to Impactions COLLINS & OLANN, Tweeters. P. B.—All our certlSestes are printed heeding, end the coat o arms of the Elate of gennailanla. thereoh. "fry asf • CITY PASSENEMEt ICA-U WAS -siro-ms FOR SALE. The Btooke of the various Passenger Pakitempi now in operation in this city and tholes is aolnie of eBn 7 straetlB a, and 1019 h tire oapected to be running oktortly. As these stocks are not generally before the itntani et Brokers, we would Invite our friends and the oabllO whe with to invest in these desirable sonorities, as well se to gain Information reepeetlng them, to give no an early call. WITHERS & PETERSON, SIDON. AND KNOELANGE BROKERS, No. 8Q South nuart ST m 113.0 IVORYTTFE invite the public to ex. amine the speeireeap of my well.apyolnted gallery, especially the Iverytypes, tho lated arid hlgheet igte ovemeat In the art. Personally euperlnteuding each pleture, I guarantee eatudietlon in every cue. P. CIIITESUNST, 703 ARCM Street. - --- • . N. B.—Orrlog to an erroneous impression (by which many are diseppointed) that my establiehmeot is open on the Sabbath, aimilar to others. I reepeotrully inform toy patrons and the public, that snob le not the case. my1.2.3t0 p Q. MI °NUKE DTTAL 14AILIE!LE W9R4S Das oonatantly on bend ar very large afirortrgent - of AIONIIMENTS, ENOLOSIIRES, and GRAVE-STONES, - Of various designs, made of the finest ITALIAN AND AMERIOAN MARBLES, Which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Is slim prepared to eTeente orders neon the most favorable terms, and respectfully Invites the public generally to elitoline his dock before purchasing elnewbero. ADAM STEINMETZ. blonnmental Marble Works, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh street, sptg•m w Mint Philadelphia. Ar_A.OST—A Warrant for Fifteen Dollars, being halt yeerly-Interest on Bond biB of the Phila.:loola nod Reading Railroad Oomptoy, payable January I, 1869. All persona are cautioned agaloat ne- ROtiating the name, as payment hue been stopped. The ender will be suitably rewarded by returning It to No, 20 North NINTH Street, Philadelphia, aetT•wrefette - -- B BLS Wilmington Tar ; 108 bbla Sptn 1.48 Turpentine ; 20 blue Crude Turpentine, landing from eat P. A. Peandere• 341 bbis Bpts Turpentine,. 201 bbls Rosin 120 bbls Tar, landing tram ookr Farah for este by ItOWLEY, ASEIBIJaNEB, do No. 16 8011T11 1 11ARI/10. W/NDOW SHADES! WINDOW SHADES !—Clan be bad from 60 cents up to $lO each, at PAULI & LANIGAN'S, rer No. I! North 'MIND Street. 000 TO LOAN, In sums to suit applicants, w on INarconds, Watches, j ssol ewelry, (June, Merchandise, Clothing, & a. , on made . rate terms, by JONES Sr, CO., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and Gt.BKILL Streets, below Lombard. Fs. tablished for the last 85 years. Moe hours from 7 A, M to 7 lt M. Becond.band Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at one hell the original coat. ap2B-Bmit TANNER'S OIL.-2'20 bbls of btraits and Bank Oil, In store and for sale by 8.8. BlE lo B B lB e A orth ec W b e ige's. mys-8m 111 HON FO UM/it Y UASTLNGS, of - all '<lir i neugon , n o, as Girders, Bellroad GeatiNge, Ma chinery. Grate Bent, tect. L on the beat terms. Q. OAR. eremr, mentrAwrottry Ign*A alt VIM. of CAdatA-600 mats for sale by WfiTTIVIttLt & 11160TEIER, tny2 Ane. 67 and 40 North 220041 D ittroet TO BUY CHEAP WATOHES, go to ,korthlrost corner of 811COND and NOW arse% 9 Eao' 6° 3 ' i'. MCC 'Retail Tarp 600/10. BLACK LACE, • BOVltteln ,13 ' T.61161.4ffi 1311AWLF3 and POINTS. An extensive) and varied stocker the above anode, per recent arrival*, , tbloh we aro prepared to' offer at lees than netul prleem. 01711W&N STODDARI6 S BIIOTEPIR, 440, 461 & 464 North second et., above Willow. - m7lB at REDUCTION IN FRIOES. 'We havoradtmed the prim of many - Preach ()madMs, and Lawns, Yam) , SIMa and Robes, Bareges, sat Light Brea Stet, -'Yard w!deMagliati Chintzes to 1.2 . X oenta. BRARPLEBB BROISEBB, 01:1118111131 , and BlefITH Stroatd CANTON' (*HASS CLOTHS. One mule of White, Sue quality, Suitable for Clowns and Coate. . brown, medium quality, for Mena ' Wear. °beaked Striped; Beerankae. Stack 01113 tOn gripes for Costs, Whits India Sonueee for Whine. • !mummies BBOTHABS, ruyl2 SEEISTNUT and SIGHT‘i Street', Alercl)ant tailors. S H. MATTSON, MEROIIANT TAILOR, 1120 OMISTNUT 13711..8E1T, Tbird POcir below Twelfth street, South aide, Philada. irr Ala assortment of Seasonable GOODS sow on baud. mylo•tjyl 11)Rragsuls, *r. p A 11: A-IS 0 LS, Of RIM and BRAUTIBUL SWIM and RIMEL SUN UMBRELLAS, LIGHT, STRONG, AND SIXQUISITRLY BIOIINTRD SOIL SALE AT LOW PRIORS, at W Mit As DROWN & CO., 446 MARKET STREET. taysain, Wzrutitprkiarn Gooks 3obbtro. AP -14L; 1859. W.R4ILYS NOW OPEN FO'R .SALE - ORS NEM AND ELEGANT PRINTS. THE WAMSUTT AS. : TO WHICH WE ERG TO CALL TEE ATTENTION of the TRADE. The best designers and printers are en g aged i n prcdnelng these GLUCOSE, and the g reat anosese which has attended the sale of our WARREN PRINTS will be followed up by g iving the WAMEIITTA PRIVIES to the publin. The OOLORB are WARRANTEE Mr, the STYLES aseurlror and THE PRICE Min MOH?. We shall sell these Prints by the PACKAGE or PIECE, for CAER OH ON TIME. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO.. 80 and CHAMBERS STREET, aplQ.lnt NNW YORK. filigaoluttams anb Covartnerollips. VOTIZE.—The limited Partnership exist .L log between McMinn M. HUNT and WM. RIOHABDBONi exulted by limitation on the 49th , liarnn7.lB l9 . The same being renewed for one rears to expire on the 29th day or January, 1810. RICIEIABA M. lIUNT Cl , ement Partner. WILLIAM 111.011ARDSON, Aayl3l-400 B • alai Partner. Efiawing ladat4ints. 46 SEItING . M.A.OIIII4TES —A. - PRA.O- TIVA.WhiIetILY BIIWINU MAORINT FOY. R. The great novelties of this Machine are its aston {siting siotpUoity, , .strength, sad durability; being 'readily understoodand cothmg to get out of order. er The Needle (combining a Patent in Itself ), is so peculiarly couittuoted . that it threads itself; wata Cat. ton, Bilk, or Linen tram the - original spool, (without re. winding) f malted thirEloatia Eltitith ; performs its work perricity, (osier titleang '• stitch) end &dikes l'• work by thetentiris fie thread alt the ittittof. the sum. ,Pooh loop. Is looked ohne)* One dime the , other, and pawn firmly Int 9 the olothi )17 vibleft 1••••• a Moth ~Moat and skim iltitth is obtained than hitherto has -how.aeeomp by Machines of the kind. " One Oak but mire the beauty, and's:gooney of its movements, t he .ultra abscato of alt tsetse; this alone ;moue a elm great rectonntenttation to it. An other highly important Mont, and one teo seldom found in loony Machines, is the good, svorkManship, and that each aid all she parts are trade In Exact Dsepli. calls, so that in the event of an accident to the Monies, any part can billnine4Lately mite:led at a refry trilling boat. ;Cr The hiashluss are sent to pareenul who Dever aaw theta, and toed succiathilly with a few bottcht practice, by the aid of the Printed itirectiont,whicit accompany each Machine. RioNaire Aganales are being established thn.oeho!at thiyartooo State., Oonoties. and Towns of the lloited "tea, eansdas, and Europe. Realionsl. , hie perlons hut tiVengsge with tie to the distribu tion of the Alsobrostehonid not fail haling their or dere placed upon our bouts at once, that they rosy tutors the, mums as early aa•possible. - All accepted greere are entered and filled in turn as retteivoti. Puttee wishing to patohnse are lnytted to oil and intamt p s this most loads:fat soitlteetent 4t 9tic ?got, 132 Ottpsnas street, aoraes or BlBktb, or reldress, for farther tatormatitt, JOBBBE W. BARTLETT, Patentee and Licensee, Priaolpst Otecne. and Salesroom, 421 Sno.sowar, New York. Report of the Committee on Seising Madames, be fore the Franklin institute, in the City of Phitadal. pain, Ottober, 1858. The Committee are aware that great prejcidlee ex ists agalest the Single Thread Ohatn lititob;lowing, to a great degree, to the fault of cheap and badly con. atraoted machines, and, In order to test rile tea; they have tried many experiments with work etitched in thin manner and deem ' the prvjadfce an erroneous ens. it le a stitch that can be readily ravelled if ft 4 not p ‘ rdo V s , fattened oil, and. ale? Betio tOlilp if a sUtcA to The first in owing to carelessness of the opera. tor the lett* le the fault of a bad Machine if, lbefelltra, a rtutehioe can be p.cclosed that tell, never, under any oiremnstaneei, miss its stitch it tepee pove of greet vogue tq the housekeeper, as with pee thread only it vertu; rapidly, and Is topple of doing the generality or plain faintly sewing." • JOHN N. ADDIOIEB, Chairman Committee. Bee *aired from Baltimore Patriot and Comma. of Oesette--s. Bartlett's Patent Novelty be Bowing blaohinee may truly be regarded as a philanthropie itwt moot wonderful Wootton, A lady haying several pall experienee to the use of Melee blabbioes 'aisured ns tilt thin coniddeled Ii fully equal in strength, beauty, and perfection of its work to any Machine eVir need. ' Eu- Please boar in mind to call at once, examine, and get Circular with oats of Machines. All Letters, to ham attention, most contain return Postage. CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE. rUOOMEMOBB TO I. O . B. °BNB, 5 4• P CrI T*. II3 T TI . :T T ISWXPZ IT X. 0r7081211 VIZ OTiTX-SOVEIM, HAYS - NOW OPEN Twit?. f3Pitltrar IIirORTATIONS OP CARPETINGS. ALSO, 1 ,000 Of CAMOTOIsT 14.414"1"IINN4•15, oF AK, TU DR514411411 STYLBS, • LOW PRICES. oxia 18.9 En tC TOP C. WALBORN & CO., (Now) Nos. 4 and 7 NORTH SIXTH ETIVIRET, ASANUFAOTURERS . SOWS, WHELPPER3, DEEM BT001(8, ETO. - Dealers la every at tlole relating to the GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS myT•Sm MISS M. MUNSON, MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT dc ELECTRICIAN, No. 127 South TNNTII ST., above WALNUT ST., May be contutted daily from 9 A. Al to S P. M. Terme for examtiatlon or prescription 31.00, by Heir 33.00. ' m17.61.* STEREOSCOPIC BAZAAI TUE WONDERS OF THE STEREOSCOPE. Large assortment, by recent Importatton, at the Loweat Pricu. M. J.. FRANKLIN, Optician, No. 312 SOUTH FOURTH arum ray7.6t WINDOW SHADES! WINDOW BRAM !—Bor 60 cants and upwards, M PAULI & LaNVSAN ) S, raylo.6t* No. II North THIRD Strout. JONES & BROTHER'S 61011 NT VERNON PIRYIVOSAPII Oa:WM, 604 AEON fittest m7lo4tea Philadelphia LIUTLEH HOUSE HOTEL COMPANY. Jur xi,' accordance with a reco‘ntlon of the Board of Manoaera of TRIO BUTLER LIOUBE HOTEL COM PANY, an Instalment of TWENTY per cent. or ONB HUNDRED DOLLARB taptin each Mine of new Stook atibgaribed, will be payable on, or before SATURDAY, the 14th day of May, lab 9, et the dace of the 'NMI- Serer, No. 818 ABOU Street, abbe Xrgblit street. insll-40 azftaßANT pgroß, Tryourer. WI. NDO W• DE'S . WINDOW SHADE‘ !—YAULI & LANISAN, No, 11 North THUM) Street, are the ONLY Wisdow.shase Manufacturers in hUs4elphla ,uslo.6t* WINDOW SHADES! WINDOW OEIIIOIBI-43 tit Lod Velvet bordered Windcre , Shadow, 76 mats each, including 2lxture LANe, at PAULI dc lAN% Ay/0-041. N 0.13 Nyrtlt TRIED Street. New publitations. pI.7I3LISHED THIS DAY. THE COMPLITE WOBKB OF MICHAEL DE MON TAIGNE, Oom prising hie Essays, Journey to Its)7, and Letters. with Notes from ell she commentators, Bio graphical and Bibliograa Moat Notices, etc. By urr A new and careful ly r e vise d edition. Edited-by O. W. Wight. Veur volumes, ano., cloth, $5. This edition or hiontalgue's Works is a reproduction, with corrections and Important additions, of Mr. Wil liam Haglitt's edition published by Templeman in Lon don. Hitherto, the edition of Mr. Haslitt hu been the. best in the ragliett language Our edition will be in. comparably superior to his in typography, beside a being more complete and more nearest. Our editor and the Oanobridge printers have verified the claming quota. Vous of Montaigne (nearly three thousand in number), new letters of Montaigne have been added, bibliographi. eel and critical notices hate been extended. and the fourth volume prefaced with a biography of Montaigne (200 mu long). abridged especially for this. edition from the recent work of Mr. Boyle St. John, This edi tion will also contain a portrait and copious Index. Per beauty of typography, convenience of form, oorreotneu and completenees, the publishers can confidently pro_ mine an unequalled edition of,the quaint old Guoon Basaybst. IL TnM ADVINTUBBS OP TELBM&0111:18. By Me- Wallop Panelon. 1 vol., 12rao Cloth. 1.1.241. This Volume contains s Lire of Panelots, by Lamar tine ; an Relay on the Character and Genius of Penelon by Tilleniain; Critical Bottom; of Penelon, from rant. one sourcee i an account of the different editions of Denelon , a works, and Dr. Elawkeeworth's Translation of Tolomaohue, careitaly revised throughout. There are added, in the form of footnotes, literal tranelattont of Thor, floe passage(' in the amteat authors imitated by Fenelon. " Telemachus le the most perfect treatise upon ado ration and political economy that exists in modern times; and this treatise has the unuansi merit of tang, Mitts mane time. a poem, a moral essay, end a nesse tire "—llareartine, . " When we think of Fsne!on in the palace of Louts the Fourteenth, it reminds no of s seraph sent on a di vine 00111¢11111i013 into the abodes of the lost; and when we recollsot that is that armospeere he composed his Telemachus, we doubt whether the records of the world furnish stronger esidecon'of the power of divine virtue to tarn temptation into glory and strength, and to make even crowned and prosperous vice a means of triumph and exaltation?'—f( Dr Oltonning. To be followed immediately by—. PABOAL I B PROVINCIAL LITTERS. VOLTAIRE:B CIIIARLSB MADAME Dii STARVE! OIRMANY. TOLT-AIRS'S HENRIADS AND SOME OTHER POEM. THE THOUttiI IS OP PASCAL. THL MARTYRS OF OHATIATIRMAND. In dim time will follow tho works of hfoliere Moo tetnnieu, Idasillon, Baguet, Le Hoge, Ooroell le, Le Fontaine, Racine, ht Pierre, ke., 2LLII STANDARD PERNOH OLLEBEOB. Now American Edition. Edited by U. W. WEGHT, Translator of N. Coosints Philosophy, and Editor of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophical There having long been felt among book-buyers and scholars generally the need of library editiona-,convo went In size and reasonable in prioe—of the greatest and beet 'ranch authors,lbe undersigned have under taken to supply this desideratum by the publication, in uniform style of print, paper, and binding, translation of the works of those celebrated French writers which bare become classic In the History of Literature. We would respectfully nail attention to two points in these editor's of the Wench Classics: The tranelatlpng are either new or carefully revised according to the hest eetioue i slut the first volume oil each author's wprks en/anion a great abundance of Introductory mat ter of the best (parlay. We treat that in this great and expensive enterprise of reproducing in convenient and 'attractive form, the wankel literature of a great people, we shall runt with encouragement from American rchoiare and readers. The whale aeries will be uniform in pries end style with our Edition of the British 01a41108, vie : Pries in Cloth, $19,5 ; Sheep, Library Style, $1 50; Half dait, Gaol. Ant:que, $2,25 DERBY & JAOHEON, Publishers, mylB it No. 119 Nashua street, New. York, ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS ON MINIS. .1` 14 RI L UNLON Delivered on the ilth latent, in the Panrom.street Bap. tat Church, hew° " THE 311INIeTERIAlt UN/ON " of the city and vicinity of Philadelphia. BY T. H. STOOKTON, Tutor of the Church of the New Testament; author of .4 Eassions iron Tun Psopms, ,, &n., Pm This ADDBEcii is now fu the Pei/teem hands, and will be booed immediately. Palos, elogle o'oy, 10 genie ; six ciopiee, 40 coots ; fifteen copies, 51. Persons dirposed to encourage Its clroniatten amoog Ministers sad Chrilitians of all denoniinstione, will please send ig orders et Once. To aid in meeting the expense of wide dietribution, on AVIVERTIONOI , APPEND.X has been opened, o f ten cents a line, or fire dollars a page (or the first thousand, sod half.prbre for rep/Oak:to In each subsequent thousand. The design to to reach ma many MINISTEIRS, In particular, as practicable, throughout the United States. RELIGIOUS PUB LISHERS and BOOKSELLERS may find this a good opportunity to advertise good books Please send ad. vertimements immediately. T. B. STOCKTON, mylB-2t 1400 Chesnut et,, Phfiudelpiche, Pa. 'VOLUME SECOND, BREOKENRIDGE'S V THEOLOGY.—The knowledge of God, Aubjactive ly considered, being the second or 1 heology considered. Science of Positive Truth. By Bev. R. J. Breck enridge, D. D. LL. D. Svo. $2 60. Mangan! Limits of 1t9111992 pont. Llrao. 2f!. . hfiroolr of John Clrieoom. EL. D. aro $2.00. Sro. Isfraturas 81.50. on Theology. By Bev. Bennett Tyler, D. D . . The Ohristien Omen. By Bey. J. P. Thompson 78 cents. The Beet 7 hinge. By Bev. B. Newton, D. D. 76 eta Vor sale by WILLIAM B. It A 131131111.3.11.74111.1, myl3 No. MG OhmMit street SOWERSOWER. & CO.. . AND B A RNE S, DIIALND.B MISOBLIANNOThi, 8011001.. AND MANN EOOO.B AND BTA No. 87 North TEIDD Street hem Arch, Vh11061013. aubliehers of Rao fallowing popular Elohool Rooks, erhieh are schnowledged by all Intelligent teachers who havegiven them a careful examination to be unri valled in their adaptation to the wpm. Intended: RANDERS' NEW BBRIEEI OP READERB, Comiettog of Handers' New Primer, 11{,gt /10851 et, Si ,1 Tided R e ader, PRIX Reader, lipeeker, " spe ller " " Beoond ' Reader, "" "" /Norsk wioo ." Mei Bohool Roeder « Ladlek Mader. BROOKS , NORMAL PRIMARY AND miterd t t. ARITHMETIC?", By Prot. B. Brooke, of Laneutor Normal School. PPILTONIkan•ENDIP SEiRB OF QIITLINEI4OO ‘t They are eopeolally adapted to those beginning, es well u to those more advanced in the study or flews p'hy, ae they receive from theni s elcaser god more cor rect conception of the ebera*r kod relative eise sad position of every pholdal ant; Palltical finance, Riad 4 Aq 49'0.44 1 404 frolli &e other Maps extant , ' 4 11 the Pahliestlifddi of .IVLSON PHINNEIf, AND • A. S. BARNES Cc Bun, MEW V9,11V, May be found on band at N. Y. Yabltetkur I'ddaee. apbsa II Milli:mg Santis MILLINERY. JUST OX4ENED, SUMMER' STYLES FANCY AND TRIMMED BONNETS. JEST.I4.I)..IIiT CAOCIES. Of every description and of Latest Patterns, always on LINCOLN', WQQI, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, (TWO DOOM ABOVE IKAPONIO TEMPLE.) my74jels Vromisio.n fjonoes. JH. HICHSHER & * WHOLESALE DEADEN IR PROVISIONS, And DURESS of OHOIOE MEATS, No. if N. WATER in., and 964 and 966 N. FRONT St, PIITLADELPHIA.i MESS BEET, PORK, LARD, and an aviortment of PROVISIONS genernily, Inaluding MBE!, TONGUNS, and BEEP of our own outing, both City and Weider% Constantly on hand ; quality guarantied. BUYERS are particularly/netted to call and e'en:dna our stook. telY2B.Bm* NEW ENGRAVINGS. JAMES O. SAWA & SON, 816 Chestnut eared, are just in receipt of a large assortment of entirely new Engravings, among which may be found the following The Horse Bair, Rosa Honks= S2O oo The Great Fall—Niagara, F.B Oharah 16 00 Roca Bouheur, Dabufe 10 00 The Canal of the Gindeoos, Stanfield 10 00 The Castle of Danboro, Richardson 7 60 The Wetterhorn, Riehardson 7 50 Christ in the Garden of Olives, Dela Roche.... 760 Th e Virgin at the Poot of the Chose, Dela Roche • 7 60 Moen in the Mainshee t Bela Boohe 6 GO Beatrice Cenci led to Execution, Dela 800t1e.... 400 Raphael Semi°, Jalabert 6 00 Rembrandt Von Rya, Boaz 6 04 Nicholas Forman, Benouville 8 00 Michael Angelo, Oabanel 0 00 Ohio:note Hunting, Renee Vernet 6 00 The Image of Mamma, Schlesinger 6 00 The ?demure for the Wedding Ring, Halliday... 600 The Booquetof Beauty, Baxter 6 00 Minnie g, Budmer 4 00 Evening, Bodmer4 00 Jocole sad Rachel, Ary hiltfrer , 800 Ritth andNaemi, dry Scheirer a 00 .• Oropsey's American Scenery," net of eight each 400 Fraternal Love, 130 1 1 VMaa 8 00 Saturday Night, Erskine Nino! 2 00 Sunday Morning, Erskine Nicol 2 00 The Infancy of Virginia, Mulls. 1 20 The Motherless, Berry 1 00 The Grandmother's .garling, Meyer of Bremen 100 Crinoline 75 A few copies of Evangeline left, at 7 60 Thorwaldsen'a Night and Morning, reduced to.. 800 Thorvtaldsen'S Sansone, reduced to 8 00 SABLE'S GALLERIES, nry7• 6t. if 810 Chestnut Street. rfr7M. N. ATTWOOD, UNDERTAKER, No. 111) North .111CMPLI street, above Aroh, east side, Philadelphia. myt).eit• if THE Spring business at ZEIGLER & MIT HT, corner of SECOND and ORD V Streets. is opened with a superior stook of Drugs, White Lead, Zino Palnti3, Window Glass, and all other artdelea usually found in a Wholesale Drug, Paint, awl Glue establishment ap2B-4f TV' INTOWB ENOAUSTIO TILES for ILL floors. Ornsmentg 0131mfloy Tops for cottages. Garden Vases and Yountaine. Vitrified ripe for drains aod water conduotors. Imported and for Bale by 13. A. HARRISON, Tellf.tf 1010 CIIIIRTNUT fltroat 9[lo THOSE who are about to purchase S. Drugs, Paints, White Lead, and Window Wan, we direct their attention to an uneurpseaed end Wed' atpok of such goods, which are to be foun tat the dote ZIBEILBH k SMITH, 1, 446-tt corner of 11.1100 ND and CHO= tltioots. Wants. ripO MEROUANTB AND 'NAM-MAO TUREBII.—Ther advertiser; who' has had expso rhinos in travelling and Satin goods by simple, wishes to make arrengements with responsible parties to ant is local or travelfing agent. Best of reformats even. Addrou U. P. , Box 1003; Poet Office. zoyl2 2t WANTED—A practical Boapmaker,- at the Soap itatory, /mutt' street, &b an Lombant. _ min•atif /11 0 LAWYERS, CONVEY/LINERS, lINAL•EBTATE AGENTS, ho.—A- YOUNG MAN wants A SITUATION es Copyist Goad refer enceis OM. Cop r og, three cents per fotto, (100 words.) Address tN. B. ItAIRYINLV this Mos, immediately. l2ylo4te $5,00 0 —A NAN well acquainted with • the Moe or Leather Mistimes, deilres an INBIORPAT in an establiehed clone-trade, House sad would furnish the above amount; WoUld take , SITUATION ra Media= ; had eiteruilve tequalatatow Nast and West. Address, contidentially, Bun_ NESS," Box lele P. 0. taylo4tili WANTD—A COOK, who Ward} and al us lro s n ti.s talt come recommended. Appvt.torie QITIOATION WANTED.--A. Gentleman of Bum:mead madame In Teaching desires an immediate situation in a School or Family. He Is a graduate of College, sod a member of tke Presbyterian Churn. No objection to the South. The beat r at and teethnoniale given. Address h hiANTIINOY,i; Oxford. Chester minty, Pa. my7.6t-Wlt maWANTED—A convenient Hoagie of Sty or Right Rooms], between Chest:tat and Rao!, Sixth and Twentieth streets. Address ooMatuctua. NOTRI•, No. 20 &nth Edith street. tnyll-tito 330arbing. fIERKA.NTOWN BOARDING —A. few Vf erst-olus Boarders Mln be amommodatel InAneen, seven doors above Orem. Pine large rooms, verrahady; etabllng for two horses ; tan minutes walk from shoe maker's LIMO Btatlon. THOMAS JONES. melt Atir -A SUITE of finely-furniabed rooms, 2d story, one on 34, (pleaannt hones and loontionj men* In ti private family of reepeetabllity. Refe rence required. Address H., Blood's Dispetch. min-at* /or Ziale anD CErr Let. FOR BALE--A ROAN MARE, Six years old, warranted sound and kind ; war rant dto trot a mule in three minutes. Applybeek of Sherman% Rectory, Cherry street, above Seventh. Prom 541.0. m.YIB maA SMALL TAVERN rEOPERTY w% BALE. in nelghborhord of Post °Moo. Ap ply At NI North heyenth stmt. _ . as FOR SALE—A centrally located pro = party, No 210 South tallitilf Atreet, Imitable for residence or bnelnere. Apply on the promisee. mylll.2tle ma NO. 1924 CHESTNUT STREET FOR ;EL SALD—Lot 234 feet deep, 22 feet front ; elegant four-story brow, three-Way double back bulldiage, replete with ell modern conveniences. Apply to W. H. OuIaRYL, my/2.ff Masoolo Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Street. est A IiANDSONE FURNISHED Cot- Ira tap fn Germantown, near Railroad Eitadtml a io let from Jane let to September let. 4144114 PUSS Office, ropll-6t* maFOR 841.1 E OR - RENT—Two largo said convenient rosette BRION HOl7BllB, entirely with all the modern improvements, eurrounded with shade and ornamental trees, No. 95 and 98 UNION Street, BURLINGTON, N.J. Apply to B. P. NIDDLRTON, 5 North 'RANT Blroat. or THOMAS BUGDALIit, mylo.tr BURLINGTON, NJ. To - RENT—A latge and commodious API MOTEL, with ettbileg attached, northeast oda. ner of the FitANIC FORD fond and PALIIIIIII street. op posite the entrance to the New York and Trenton Rail road Depot. Part of the Pik:hoes for bale. X,ITICENS d MONTGOMERY, tnpiQ•tnlhf 30 DM WWII street, ab. hlaiden AIIOTION SALE - OF VALTIANVO 1/1 P T Y Tke eLovaING MILL, 113 the city of Albany,N. Y., known u the AOBLION OITY MILL, will be sold et Yobllo Auction, at 12 o'clock, ON ISISDNIOIDAY, TRW 25TH MAY, On the Premises. It le of four stories, built of Stone, very eubstruotial ly, and 11 in every way a superior building. At Us recently been pat In floe order, with veer thelrioery, has five rune of stone, end an be worked in the first; plass of mile. It has an egeelleirs water power of 22 feet fall, on the fqillot of Owasco Late—the Lake, by a recent 'State improvement, Is made a Reservoir for constant power. A good home and castom bush:ens Is already eataklish ed, whisk can be largely increased, and guilde raising of wheat in the vicinity is rapidly increacing, a considers ble home supply of gran deg ke ruled upon. IA immediete * Conneation there are a TWO POET DOUBLE DWELLING Gotta:, And several valuable Building Lots. The property, from its situation, is especially adapted to a steady and permanent home badness, merchant and =Worn, and to a reeidentowner, there are pecullar indtmements in a location neatest in i Ots so well known for its many excellences as A plane of residues. The superiority of the building, the water power, and the location, zeudor the property well worth the at:. tent: lo q9f nditoti and businessmen. Dile positive, and withont reservat'on, and no poet. ponenient on account of the Weather.' A portion of the ',Fame atom mar tamale an Bond and Mortgage. For further partial:dm °returning the property', reference may be 44 to isiessra. Nelson, Beardsley, and B. B. Woolsey,. Auburn ; John Pitch, Seneca Belle; ,johd T.Boye, Buffalo ; or A. D. Shepard Zo Co., Albany. sn,yB46eCHABLIS WEIGHT. • ,BEAT 13 &LE OF PINE AND LEAD 101 LANDS IN WABRINGTOPPCOUNTY,II4O., with Mills ; also the well knowa Castle Roth Steam Saw and Fit/axing MID, In the town of Oval. Rook, on the tithe 'river, in Asap County, Idtmout: -Will le sold on the Ant day of June, at the ftoot dqny a the tattat.botise, in the city of St. Lords - Mu., at Nadia 'sale, 8,000 aerial Of valuable Vita Ind Lead Linda, with a firstatleas Saw Mill, eapable of tutting 16,000 feet in Pay.ltatil, cad Houma, Stables, Store, Shop, &a., &0., - all in the beet cater. There, are Several va luable beds of lead on' the add. property, and it fa thickly covered with Pine, most of witch haft never been tot:Med. It is gg miles from the iron Mountain Railroad, l males. from St. Lonla, the nearest pinery to, St. Louts. The sale will be poittive and on easy terms, to *lose a partnership, At the wthle Mae and plane will be cold the welatatwn eX• 43 2 - 111X0 saw-mills for tutting Oak and ateannttcat 'Lumber, situated in the flonrishiag town of Cantle Rook, on the Osage river, tlielle Itt44 I )AA Pleitl Railroad. the With tiotim immediately ad- Adtahlß. &Pi BIWA are dolne an extensive and Baur !shin& bwrinem, end are under lease which can be tend rated July let. Torras favorable. For pamphlets Or. lug fall and accurate de/mignon of the Property, ad dress DANIAL STONE, Sad , Philadelphia, ?deems. EVICRSON, PARSTON, & CO., Pithhtil, Fe Messrs OAMB ?•• RON, STORY IdALONTS Venter Ohio or the proprietar 1 • y, no k 00, , my*. /a* Will)Leatent at., St Lori., Mo. inTO - LET—The large and commodious atom No. 828 MABNNT Btreet, below Boar*. Apply on the premises. a1464f aCOUNTRY BERME/WE TO LET.- A neat szt4 Tonroy Cottage at ORRLTON HILLS, near ROM Bennaylyanla Railroad, S mile/ from the ott, - Ar i ;ply at A2,I.2dARET Street, Santa Eke kit.oebe. SPRING TRADE. H. DIIHRING & 00., Nos. 28 and 28 NORTH FOURTH STRUT ) Rare jut opened their recent IMPORTATION 0I ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALLWAREE, And solicit an inspeotion or their complete and well assorted stool!, ISPECIALLP ADAPTED TO BOETHEAN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE faht.hre BUR NETT, SEITON & SWEARINGEN Are now opening et then Moro, • No. 400 MAREET STREET, Above II our th North Hide, A HANDBOMI ABBOTtninliT 0! N W SPRING STYLES 07 FANCY DRY GOODS, 01 Tlll2lll OW MPOSTATION And noise**, vhioh they offer for We to buyers from an parte of the United suites, on the moat liberal terms. feb9-Sze SCHAFFER 86 ROBERTS, 499 MARKET STEXIT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS NOSIZRY, GLOVIS, SMALL WARN, COMBS, BRUMES, LOOKING-GLAMOR GERMAN LID PRENOH FAGOT GOOD% AID TAILORS' TM/din/WS. tot.Sm p.lO IRON, BLOOMS, &C. CABEEN & No. 209 NORTH WATER STREET, Alto No. 208 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, OPPIK POP BLLII AMERICAN 110IINDRV AND FORCE pia IRON OP THP POLLOWIPO BRANDS, PIS: CORNWALL, DONAGIIMORE, POOO, PIONEER, OLENDON, HAMPTON, EIYSTONI. ALSO, COLD BLAST CHARCOAL PIG IRON, FOR OAR-WHEEL PURPOSES, BOILER AND WIRE BLOOMS, BOILER AND FLUE IRON, WATER 8c GAS PIPES, AMERICAN BLISTER STEEL, 420, 420., FOR BALI LOW, TO CLOSE A CONSIGNMENT. 500 WATER PIPES, NINE FEET LONG AND ap22.1111 TWENTY INORIS DIAMETER. fj:'Agents for Watoonfo Amboy Fire Brlobs. E . NEWLAND & CO., LOOILINO-OLABiI AND PIOTUBE•PRAXIM MANITMITUREBB, WHOLAISALIi AND RITAIL. An extensive stunk of OIL, PAINTINGS, eta All at very Low Prises. 604 LL3OII Street above 618TH, Phtlsßelohla aole4m s aggie S =—• `SALEM DAILY LINE: Steamer MAJOR lIWYBOLD wilt2eava ARCII-BTRODY NVOADF DAILY, exoept,E'nedays, for Belem, Delaware Olty, New Ceetle,„l'envegrove, end Cheeer, at .2,44 O'oloolt Vittrielng, leaves Belem art' o'olook A. ht. 417 - Mars for Weedetorsp tko 2AAgeton inset this host. 10,094nate %nuteentents. AMERIOLN ACADEMY' OF KOKO. 111/13 (PRII4YLXVIt.NR42, y Ut. at s o'ciottk. - And her het smarm* bet one. GRAND GALA MOM LIDOIA. DI rAtiataktoon—Le. PANOBITAL." TO Tifit PUBLIC. The public are reepeotladly Informed that tke season positively abseil ' - - ON MONDAY MET, AU the artiste leaving on Tuesday for tiostOu'. FRIDAY, MAY 18, at B o'elock, The intim Open of LIIOLA DI LAMMERMOOR, And the Ninth Act of LA PAVOBITA. • The following artists will appear : MAIN GAZZANIIIA, ADM LABORD% BTRIANI, sloaiNze. The Ws of mats commences tide morning, Ontirturday, 31m , 14. TWO Pll/703MANONS, A GRAND OPERA litaiElNlllll AT TWO , LIIOREITA:BOIGU. ' PHILLIPS, - ILORBNLA. Andn in the evening, THN GRAND ORATORIO 01 THE CREATION, ON MONDAY, MAY 16, La 0011110Q110030 of the great moue, and by general pall* BOBBitT LI DIABLN Will be performed, leith flea same niegalitoent-esci. GAZZANIGA, AMERICAN ACADEMY OE MUSIC. TO idOItILOW 1.41 i AT TWO OiOLOOK. - A 49ANO OPERA MATINEE, (Admission to all Outs 60 Musts) - When will be presented DonisetUreOpera of LIIOILIZIA BORGIA. GAZZANIGA, STBFANI, PLORENZA OPHOLIL NOTION.—The pries of idmisaion lot So Minim will be NIFTY CENT% To all paste of the Honee—se reserved sesta. Ticket I for the Matinee maw be had this mining, at the Box Odle. of the Academy, Beek h Lawton... and at the principal Hotels and Made Storm SATURDAY 1119117/NO, at 8 o'clock, The Crud Oratorio, OE THA CREATION; =AS W L 0 B'S HANLON - AL THEATRE, WALNUT Skeet, stmWO WRATH. WAYZM OLWENZ AID MUM, TRIIndkRUIT amain! 0118 alloi 4 iirTgliiiiind irTillTuaTi7Mmedy, FRICII.I.II "LbrE RICAN 007.181. N, Wittithatrundvale2Comedienne ; MOBSJITLIA DALY, in her celebrated original character, in which she haa M been received with DOTE Cr APELLIDIS: Mr. WAYNI OLWINR la Gerald. Mr. G. 0. OILLELES, the beet Irish Comedian on the step, in - the comedy and a poplar forte nightly. The comedy, so eminently inneesdul, will be played ever evening ral further Plnetit kß.—DreneCirlde, 250.; Family Oiri; ale, 340 . myna WED-UTLEY & CLARKE' , AROR-BT. TESATER.—MIS EVENING, May Ir, MEP. BENEFIT Or Mt. J. DOLMAN HOBART RMEZT ; or, THE MARTYR or NRIEDoM. Robert Emmet, Sir. Dolman ; Terry Bye% Mr. B D. Johnson; Mice Curren, Wee Emma Taylor.' COMEDY OF ABSORB. Antipeolus of Bpheine, Mr. Wheatley ; Broads of Ipttemul, Mr. J. 8. (Nuke; Adriana. Mrs. John Drew. Admission, 26 .nte. lietarea nests In Drees envie, 27% Gents; Orobeetralitalle, 50 route; Remain Pthate Boma, 75 cents ; Gallery, IS cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 come; 'Private Box in Gallery for Colored Penium, IS cents •; Whole Private Box, db. - 'Doors open at 'IX o'clock. Curtain Thai quarter before 5. - - _ X W WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, 00ENIB NINTH AND WALNUT mums, - TWO MINING, May IS, 1869 - • - BXNEVIT OP 'EMORY - THIS IRON WIEST. Sdnard Mortimer Derry Sullivan; Lady Masa, Ma. Duffield ; itituich;6lre. Leonard. DON UAW R ; OR, A MATUB NOB A KING. DOD Oresar, Barry Brillbran ; Ittaritana, Mrs. Duffield. Priam of Admissioa—Smanid Tier and Fautily 13trela, and Third Tier, 26 cents ; Parquet, WM cents ; Deem aim's, 50 onto; Ural* Botes_, according to theta locale, $6 and $3; Single Seats in Orcheetre and Private Holey, 76 cents. Doors open at 7o'clook. Curtain Aeon atquarter to' 8 o'clock. • WALNUT -STREET. THEATRE. RieliaßENTATlGN_Exiuommulla, 20 1 / 1 12/S PAR- LlB Malian liitiiNodlB DB NEW YORE. /MEDI 10 MAI, WI. PIeMIOAS representation a Pidladelpitte de - LE GENDER DE MB. PODIUM, oomedle en I notes, en prose, pia Erallostimier. Mr. PAUL LAM resaplire le role 40 ' , Gaston, Marquis de ?roils? , LAVIR.ENOS cold de ig An isdnette.o Lea entree tulle' ''rent jouem par MM. Bertrand, ?allot, Tillery, Bugle, gates, bigaza, Charted, et Leon. Premiere representation de UN TIM; DU BENGALI. Cornedle, en 44 cote do Palma Barad. Jones par MM. Bertrand et Bdiard Mom. Paullne,Dnpont, et Tenet. B.hlFßureau de 'oration ouvert de 10h., du znattn a ri mar. sayll-4t-' MR. DEMPSTER, C 01120538 .01' TON MAY %MIN. /C0.,- Will give his Now Entertainment, including SO Songs or Tennyson% ?Anwar, with other new amp*. &Moos, at the mueicAL YIIND HALL. on MONDAY and Ivs.oziaway mvssracte, Map 18th and Mith s , eintumenaing at 8 o'clock. Tickets 00 cents. iti oDONOT'" /XX 60- oDONOUGIVI GAIETIES--Race_ At" below Third. Trlimibant somas mint our ' amts., Beet Oompssy 13r Philadelphia, lulandist tit beautiful PANNT AVELBMST, the Queen or Song. Mho 0. MORLEY, the celebrated songstress, Wile KARIM, the toegoltinent Dun:use, lilse ILP RIDE, ht usheleeit. libation of longs, the mirth provoking tioncollea EMT; the comical — fi LLLY morals, the funny 808 SHEPPARD, the huznoime BILL BLOOMED, the groat bill dist JOSS WILLIAMS, the oestlmentel etnigeettw JOHN CONRAD, the Pagsainl ,or the sue ' MOSS. TRSIDON, PROP. YOST Plaudit. Great ha, to-night, Berry will sing the Cove vet Spouts, "Billy Thooate wtll Wrist, upon Contact, Bob Sheppard "Ill . __ lio Around lb. Hor4. &e. - Come early.. rara - J. Gomm, nage KAussoir. , .; "TXTII- ANNUAL 1101. Fr - BR THIRTY . 1 14 , BEIBIT/ON OT TIE - P.INNBYLVANZA. AO6DZMY Or TUB YAM ART& ' No. , 1096 11791111 T, • Is NOW OPEN DAILY (81misys excepted) Irma 9 A.M. 12 6 P. from TX till 10 P Id • .44miasion osala. Beason Ticket; 60 omits. OW. drun 29 eenti. _ 1 BTOOKHOLDXSB win retails thele titheia oA applhation at the oMee at the heademy. speett FUND 118 TV Ole 1013 1 2 : 11 ER". ALB every BATURDAV. The but will be given on fti , 88th of Msg. tingle Tidied& 2b cents; s peek- Age of ticket; fir a, which nay be obtained at Andrea ; 1:',0 Okestnat street ;• Beek ,t 'Lawton's, owner of Seventh and Oheetant, and at the door of the HlOl, The performance eomissuese at By, ceoloak P. M. 1117- t i Atliliana. MASHER & OLARK, IdANIIPACTURICRi OP PEOSPHATIO liildt- TILIoER, AND MEAT AND DONE COMPOOT._ - ALSO, DEALERS IN BONE DEBT, GUANO, &0. Price of Fertilizer, $35 per ton of 2,003 lbs, at titte Pactory, or 2 cents per lb, it lets than a ton. Price of Compost, $25, or I cents per lb. Price of Done Dad, On; or 2 cents per lb. Pries or Bone Duet, superfine, $4O, or 2 route per lb. Terms cash. Address TABILER & OLARE. S. W. corner EIGHTH Street and WASHINGTON Venue, late Prime street., mh29.ta f 3m* PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND 80- x, OISTI . OP PHILADELPHIA. °Nes, No. Bal North THIRD Street, (Oonsolldotion think Building ) OHAIITEBED DT THE LEGHBLATUDE OE PENN SYLVANIA Deposits reeelved in some of One Do lbw and upwards and repaid in Geld, without notice, with PIN'S RIR GENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with. , drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has loug been needed In the Northern part of the city, and The Spring Garden Saving Fund Society was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Renegers, in organising and locating it, hove been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business interests and wants of the very largo and enterprising , population by which it is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, Prom Bto dif &cloak • also, on MONDAY and Time- DAY from 6 until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Hem U. % Strom Daniel Code:hole; rederiok Steaks, Pronels Hart, Joseph P. LeOlere, John Kessler, Jr., George %neat, James 8. Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph M Cowell, Hon. Wit, lAMward, George Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn Peter C. illhosker, Robert B. Davidson. TASTES 8. PRINGLE, President. Tawrom Haw. Seerretary. ja2o-111f A MIsRICAN FIRE INSURANOE 00 , LS- INCORPORATED /81C-0.11/AR2ISR PEE, PETUAL. No. 1110 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-op Darnel Stook and Surplus' Invested in sound sad available Seenrities, oontinueto insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Meroh.andise, Vemte in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. . . . DISSOTOA3. Oecege Abbott, John T. Leads, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Fawned 0 *Lorton, Edmond G. Untah, PatriCik Brady, - Chts.W. Poalleey, lend Morrie. Iik.OBRE ABBOTT, President. TROIRAB R MARIE Secretary. • ja23-yir PULTON'S INSURANUEI ADJUST ING AND OOLLEOT/N4 ONON, No. 698 CIIIMNIPI` Street, PRILADSLPHIA. Proofs of lion and other requisites made out for par, ties sustaining loss or damage br fire to prop er ty t o. . eared, In full compliance with the intricate conditions of Policies of Insurance, in each a manner as to ob viate plea or eamtee for reduction or litigation, and to the entire satisfaction of all parties. Partionlar attention given to the collection of dolma genet Insurance Companies. - Parties will find it to their interest to oonenit the an. *reigned as loon after the fire as possible. No charge for consultation. 7AllfEB PULTON, entrarestee Aditteter. ROOENDALE CALCINED PLASTER. RETAIL, BY J. CRESSON BRADFORD, sap sows witattibl. ap29.b4 , 14 8222AN1, myll &to CEMENT. WHOLE ALB AND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers