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AreAroultsmi : ; ,Wl4liattOPOPOßttin,wittkalottr, that lot con ! kr a r tunintt itt aa rS t i .All ~ l4o _l o ott„Oot Alone to 1,111 il" Altik -Micalo l4l . imitott* . ?1,7- T•181mi, • .• _ ''''._-, ,v,Vyat;„,-1-2.,,,,0,.......A.,,, -.- , '-;,;:- i!'- -, ,-,-2 , --2...7.- - ; , ..4. - -', - .. , , •-: 7'..., MEM J'IT B;l'r E - D‘E : VV I E D, P E MEE ===, pp„10 .4%.• 3il;:dl=lter 31117. 'EVX * 5 •Gobtogi, "" Or:tilrair „ , -• j"" "• , 410.1 #0)41141.1 gv• - • 01UP . 1 9 4 -*fiaBIES, -, .A.„ux TislE: - - viirrrxx •4. - ', v- -•.- -, • ~,,.• A ,_ 4 - --; f • '- r - i' . - ..-'-‘. ', : ".: - - : ---- -: = e.q.;,.,,, ,„ ,- ,:-.,-:: -I? • `,, ,-, - -,--,,-,-- 1 , -- ": - . 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Ft'' * ''''''' z ' llrorkagvexpalrari teßifigit i - . ; - 4-••• - •:•;'=„ • ~7 4.0wzprieveBila-m ~ ,, , "4':‘. , ' , 77-::' , =..'itL 'l , -„z .v 4 ~ , ;4 .,, , ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, , L4„,,,„-,.- -,“, .- 1, L ~ . .fiile , „.,_... 4 e =„ - estifg. , ...,,, , ~ -% -, ~...c r . .. 1 . ii:*.-q ,, , , i:u , - , fp'7 , * --, Nifilli.. 4 „ o :: : :Att ‘,- r , - - :- - ~ , i • ii: :,, Vilr:44iii . . ~ .„:,:z _ _z , ,, ,j. ?'- g 4-1 - ''l' ~. ..•,..2. ! ..1. 4, 7 * *414 . 43. 3 0 : - o . 6l(iii io or • - k , ?W"".r '400,4/041tA100asi , A4 - 4- ,- -:, '-'".;';',Z .- ','-• • -, '.*Ai'iiiiiiikliiliigilv'i'i4iit:iia -- iiiNioiiseit , yi , ,. - .ty-5,0di,iw,0.i.,,,-.0,4-w-5,:::.0v,:t--2-it,v,exi-nr:,,,,4.r,-, T . " "" Cs~ e~ { VOL' 24NQ;:444iL'': •‘-' " i •!-•)•,.-- *CEP • '49 GO •• , „_ . I H OItir.MORNXONE - • • .STRAW' BONitii ; PS, isnritozAL "LOWERS, RII0M13;&e. 4 °Hy 44 Om* Douai 4S2*ARKET! 8T, 4 Valwr 4, I ) 'VII. • feta-ft Irraoro.t.rmy It!BBON HOUSE.. ' - - - •0r , ...0, 7 _44.ierip406., (mins; •BOMMT, SILKS, 1911NO/I/LOWISS sa SPRIGS; RUCHES; &P. Ico E.:‘TABER:. iNo: 26 South. ONOOND Street, • r AIIILADELM.C.: „ tinl:2m ex 00 `431 v olt Opy t , • - *NET .IiLiTERT4LS, IA Silk and Orttps, IMOWERS, • ',1r1JOILIO; TAALATAI4I3;,' - BIAADAWES, . " AM 'othei 34111cory 9066. ALBO:or , t.. ' , BONNE/ 1 1 BLOOM IRS ; /LOS, .1013813 , ... AND ...ORILDRIINM BRAIIRMROODSotiaI TRIMMINGS. - ;_ lILRaB T , le, • tqatitin: • ( SiOrmerly Borah Eleaond WSIOOD, aSBOII,TILENT, - -STECAO/V - GADCMD.S.' liamixorAz inainuift-igniins, AND STRAW ,TRIMAIINGSE, - - Of irrertvartety, *mum opts, said for We i at Allman 'Ol4O lap* tUit,ooo,pr oa.L, At . „ . ' '"' SWARD'S. • N.041, - VM / 0 - 046 Y -, SM4 T MIME H. MIOELZ/1311 - 'lc' 00. WE011431.131.DIALI1;8 PROVISIONS. - d • • Askl OInUMB • - . • 01 - 1010,E MEATS. n 10. u.2I:IVA. /113,", asti.9s4 and MI N. 11101fT et, PnrCADHLPIELLI ' ' , LARD-,'add an issortateni of :NIOVISIONS paitrallyftatihidhiii HUI% TONG 1•1118, 044 1 3 3 111, 0 01 - eikriage, both Oily 111 t Western, Irdsvanttod.- f) S iii 4ieltitild:exambio ' tebswom*, < <cfiel*O°l.l".'‘ ANTOlq,_O4 - 46. 1 1 4 1 1 1d5. JOlT.:„BrorlirAtO - ArioTirar, LOT OP *so a mix I2idPOl3.TNi CANTON - 'MATTING'S; 'looprinoor • PAB,LOR." , 64•iiiND ElS**, • • •..•+..•••• 0.:1 1 .+0 o.+ "mitrquiTG. -- 4-4:OpiN - 11 411,!D PANOV EEDITOED,. • • & BROTHER. NO.'92p'OIIESTNIIT SIIIE74T. " -j'A-KE'S•.II; .CU TRUZ spLow:siVENTH, PROW . EUROPE' ' ftdi iimptihr4Kit of Ns* Styles • • • 0_ E NaGt • CANTON - MATTING 3 large'rstriifyof all widths and.oolore. STAIR 'ROD' MANUFACTORY. • _ WI L ER MOSS. ,2 5 GOUTS Fx,r,tu xt, T, : 143114W'9ie.pour,' ispt4,lo ARPET 1/1(341., •: ' IKILLIGHNOT vim um - AIMMIN lIHREE•PLYS, 811PEEN.LNES, AND VENETIANS, 11111111?Aillf131,D ST . ; 013121. a BA R BE S , P'4° Y 4) O, 4 11 1 T 4 *, AND COTTON, 4 1 . - Ali-GOTTON INGRAINS.. imirooto, , 4Athititr, & co. • - ,CABBET -:. INGS, _ , , - ou f - ,60;a4 AND g o tOutos, . ; WILSON. & ", OOMMISSION 11118011411713 • 182'0EiN3TM, - 13TABET, ' 741118T8,Y, VELVJOI Tau* • , • MACH, , okrrox,,mer, SAG P:E .Whleitlre retie - lain dallyirom tke Ilsaulhottutere, tilerettiornaiM td offer the on liberal terms. nettity:torhoshi Of the brit rita moat de- Alriblf4oDod, satcoterilsdaciesiititi cot heretofore lokbethad , is radladelphher All goodisaald st Mann. tie . dith*Afpritest; - Orders seritelly attended to; To7:4o4;Aipiook.fii end' Whits Wadding, ie ,Walapilyotirk(ek Wilati•o6fitiotly Land. fe,t,l4ta- , I . IIR;ROD.-MANUFAcitTok:Ir. , , _ ap4.lm _ • AtiSTIN , I,'BROWN; ifterailso - Dpiang L/41011.111. U 'STOVE .161 PIIILADHLPHIA, A 64, NORTH THIftD SM; 8014, ooiitesa aim; up dam Si r OX. , R O Y : WIVrAOT°R IC ' MULEIEt -8c ktOSS, Si'REBT, sp44m t:!,1 etationtrn -, - - ENEW . ' CatitlN • - krPQRTER A!D IN , A.2tp STit . t A, ti f ialcktik < < ItAKu,AoTUug OP 211:01101%i IN".101118Y yourrt-fOrp- tit, 000 Oif',t4iNgirtileilPisawn4 2426 4 ; ISO O.IIESTICUT STREET; ',A,0 4 11 Ati9OlP 01,1 ilt l 4o OM; _ -- -i.• , ,=. , , , ,,v0i1a," .- • -4 , •:, -- - ' , 3-- , - if 1,..- .-. --_,_- _,,,....,...-..- -,•,-, - ...-,24 . -,--------;-••• :. ! , --:" 7: . - ':, - -,:: - !0:. ?- - .1 2.*-"-..: k_-,,- ,-4.-.—:,--' ~ :„ o) - ,1 ;- : v ,` II : f - t; i - 1 r.- ~.'--__--.',.'./$ ' - .7 ,...c r i .: . '. ~ , .e..: .,. .;.: ..:.-:•1 - -, 1 „:1 . x Il .7,: l it '' x '..- -.7- ... .• ... ---:•, , IN ,, ,1 :•( ~ J ~-ii.l,-,:, ~1,.1( ~,1., . .. '• ' . ,' ‘ .-' .- ''' '-''''' ' ' -.. ''' '. . ' ' -' " ''' ,'!:- P' -ilii - •; , ',..- - :;1`.711 1 WT4 — .;: - ' , . i.7-;f76.0-;:-',".11111.6-11:Z \ ",-'„ • ••• -,--- T.": ,- -"=` , .... • ....J.....• . .:,...., !,-. --..- .'.' - . . :.., ~ 14 ;.; • •;- tyar .-t•- kr , x .::, ‘.. , ,;-4 4 1'.. -•116...;:----, - -7.-• , ,-,- .r. ,. 42----, ~-,,),-0.- _.....L, -- rv.. - ,:•_•---,--:".:•,. % - • 1 • - ,,„ : ":' . :::;,.... - ,',.... , „•-:.• . -,1-_,,- .o, t , .., , . ~, . _. . • -•;• .„-- • ~ .1--_, t ..... '' f. ,' -, --" ' T 7 ' ''"'' - ' ''',:" -..W. , n,"..1;r: 3 : 7 ii - -4±'?. l : ; . I . t:.ZY=i; ,' .' - XV" - ''.:::314 , :',..,.'''''-? 4 .-,' - ++. l . - :,,1_4'-'.. 1 '.' .-^' f .'.."; --,. •:; , ..---. ,,,, !::Lf'- . „ ~n APill • ' '' 1 +) •,. -. 7`• - , :::-, - ;...::',.. - :•/ - 1 , .Y" .. : -.- _--c . ' -- 1.,-k ,-- ' - .',,,,'" - .. - 7 . :7.,..'.'.. -',,.:•..'.:.1,y4:---' ---:--=-- -- -- -"'` -= ' ' Fa•!rti.( - -. ,-- -', ' • !,-- -: .. ;,,-.- -.-+ - - -- Ai....:::..-.-- - 14 1 ,. ..,'.::::::...',. 0t0ir5.,f, ;.4 -! , ~.,- ~ :!itt, r ;- : ,.-:• ;:. : .:!....Y. - .?r1,„107 . 7fit ..z....z .. . . ------'..- '' -- -'-'- - - -, - , ''i: - -- 14 ------- - " , = - :-7-.'" ----- "'" - '"' - '72 1. -;li:;• - ,!- ,--- F . ,--- - t...";".-. . . r :• ':_ t ~..%.: ..' .7 COOP . . MIMS 1-Airopifion o:ruses, AIANIIACTORIIIRP ACHI . NTS, , 17 • 'Latin:omin%! OBri' epobs grolinninginn 4011M0. RIMUFWAiIri'IiEUSSNE'R" _ - • , • Importers of wookma, • are iiatyluiclall supplfee of, , , , s SUPERIOR . CLOTHS. )$)'113"I'TILICO2111• - • -' - • .i 9 .•lt • • From the felloeince_elebrated meskuthotutere— „ PRIMERIO I+B N@ (Little Tioke!,.) W. A, - .7OIIAANY ABHOR. , %ENNUI 14 SCHMIDT (0, and if. Oltothi.) - ZAMBON& BROTH/MB. _ TOlollflllB k 00., era otheril. fetil.Bm , ' 20e OEUISTRITT @trod. FARRELL itsa ' COMMISSION ZEMBOCANTEI, I DIE Ct XVI' 33 It 13 , OP 0 0 P US, Do2llHlkiBk,,sto. 232 OHESTNIIT EMMET; febi•Bm - Philadelphia SPRING TRADE, 18459. , SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, - 112 CHESTNUT STRZET, Ar 'now opening a large and vaited'etctok of LAWNS, °RALLIES, PRINTS, and other BEISS . ROO/ 0 0, To wttleh the attention of the trade le invited , Ali*, DOMESTIC' GOODS. Comprising -Pairhill, Oaneburga, Woodward Doeskin, Brown Sheetinge end Skirtings, Mariners' Stripes, Blue Drilla l Twit Padiloge, ocans , SHEETINOS—Just received R. and for sale by 9japyir, HAZARD, & /11JTOM*BON* 119 Cllmatheitstreat 84130110FP 8 celebrated Cloths and Doe- Alas, together with .other desirable makes of Clerapen.woonensdast received and for sale b_y BEEIPLIOY, HAZARD, & febe-ami. , ' • - • 112 Chestnut Ara f - SILLS 4 MEETINGS FOR EXPORT. Jur BROWH, lILHAiIIIED,'& BLUE MULLS. • - lINAVY /o LIGHT WHITINGS, Suitable for Szport, for ale by ' ifivryramtmam & maim ' ICSeuth FRONT ST., t,116 Z.STITIA ET. - , a 5.14.17 . . .. . . , . Watt*, innehn, so‘. JAMES .WATSON, INTORTES Of it&T'OELES, JEWELRY, &0., No. 835 MARIO 1` tfrESECT. - OonAbinil7 on, band a tall assortment' of Tanberon and Constantin Watohee. BAILEY & 00 7 jimmy BAILEY & KITUITN, Ilsvo removed to their new /fre•praot, White Muth 819 011E8TNUT STREW, NOM/ HID 7, Ml* 1 1.11 E GIRARD ROVSN, Now opoolng thoir Pell Stook of M/RONTID JIWURT,. PLATED WARNS, AND • - iriago* GOODS, To Wet they battethe Attention of the public. OMNI-WAND, WATURIS, DIAMONDS, AND TEADIA, wsourassa tan arren. aal7-lltt - D. WARDEN lE' RED. •• • , taillit ar iTtkitt ,AID I.III7OIITDOD OD . • .PLATED WAGS_ J - No; SO4 ' . 4l . .rfitchat Street, ' *bow, Thlfgr (118 flelfsr) . Pkttedelphts. • • Qaoatanttyy on band and for sale to the Trade, • • TEA RIM; COMMUNION LIERVIOI BETS, OBRA PITOinws,VoBL,ETB, CMS, WAITERS. BAB•• RESTS, FAATOREI • KNIV&S,BPOONB, FORTS, 411.1ise sad plating on kinds of metal.' No. 625 A.ROFFSTABET, . • item finished and for We I fun aasortinent of ell the mat modern etylos of - • - AGES. . Also, s'• great •adety of dedrable 87OOND•IIAND OhlatlAG7B, that herebeen bat very little used, which will be sold low. • ' ' Mar2l-13m GEORGE W. WATSON'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ' Nos. 1217, 1219, and 1221 : ,, ORESTNII.T STREET. x 6301401 • . , A.RRIA.GES - 07, TEM MANUIPAOIVISE OF . - WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOgTORT, 609 CHESTNUT STREIT 1011 febleAlla ~eiuifl ElltaclJifCL WHEELER 'Bir WILSON 'HLSUPAIOTOIINGI'OO. , I3 SEWING :MAoHiNES I Superior to all others for general sr e; and for emu Killfilan, TAILORS, AND DBE9BIdAKBRII, NEW STYLE ONLY FITTrDOLLARS • OW/101111: 828 Obeatnnt Street, Philadelphia 7 Weat : Stata Street, Trenton,- N. J. Over John 'Moen Store, Easton, Peons 7 East Gay Street, -Wear. Cheater. 808 ABBDITS: EDWIN lIDDEILVS, Moore town, N. J WILLIAM PiarEtssoN, Balet4, ,N. Permanent Creel will be peened shortly, by me, In needing, Allentown, end Lancaster. P 6131311. HENRY COY, Agent. my7-4na ' . ARRIEVe BOUDOIR, SEWING • MA OHMS is offered to the public es thomoat re. liable lotAprloed Sewing Idaehine' in nee. It win rOw from slz to sixty .stitekeeko_ an inolt,'oa all kids of goods, fatta Omelet bagging to thadnest cambers. If lo s fflthosf exeoptlonrthe eimpleat in its meohonlold constriction avernrale, and can be Tanana keitinordes bye obfld of twelve years of age. The DOIABILIVW of this xasohlao, sadthe atitfairy orris , WOllf ultra War. rented to be dasorpaseed by any other. Its speed ranges from three buradrodfo Mem landfill Offbgiel Wag nuts. The thread needle taken dlteatly from the spools, orianorr; van mounts mr lawman. In feet, It le machine that le wanted by every family bathe land, and the low piles of •- • THIRTY DOLLARS, • at *doh they are told, tongs them withinthe ratehol almost every one B. D. BAKU, Agent, dßl4idin W =sow-dm TOO ARON STRUT. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. DOR. 'FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MANOFAOTtatERB OF PAINTS IN OIL, IMPORTARO OP BRUM PUTS WINDOW GLASS. imiume lOT AININIOAN WINDOW GLUM. 421•8 m - O : METROPOLITAN TEA STORE." • TEAS 1 TEAS I TEAS 1 A eliptae seleistion of - C*REBN - AND BLACK TSAI3," Olt multINT MSPOATATION. - - ALSO, C .0 F,F'E' E ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY, ,ST 131',DAISI - RDNINE AMEEICA." , • , OHARLESI SMITH, 110 9 . 53 add OLS MARKET STRUT 11 AMS I HAMS I HAMS Aride and nips , eizied' Hams; ' OENTS PER YOUND. , 40, pew otigavoured Shoulders AT 8 CENTS PER POUND. MAE:LES BMIT3I, itoa. mid mAturgrtmir, LUMBERS' MATBRIALS,—A large and P neeortment eonitantly In More, to *ldea I call the attention of the Trade. Prices me :low as t ll °W o t !AY kg"' .: , PMAiW.I2IIIA. - 3Tai iflublitptiotte. JUST' PUBLISHED, xV MAMMALS OF NORTH The desoriptilons of Spooled based ohietly on the`ooy bottoms to the Museum of - the Smitheonian Xxistitstf tion. 'By SPERSEA.F. BAIRD,• deeittant Secretary of aha Smithsonian' Institsititini , ..l With SightY 7 eeven Plates of Original Figured, lii! tracing the Oenera and Speoles, and inoliding of Sixiiinal Form and Osteology Colored plistes;o4 4 Plain pintail, pg., • • (TA3. LIPJEINCIOTT & Ogt vIC 22 and 24 North FOURTH STREET.. T myll ON WEDNESDAY, - HAY 11th, TICKNOR , 80 PIE - LADSt, - WILL PUBLISH : I. ip fa. 1 2 .3E1R0X1T.51../.. The Complete PoeticaoYorke of James & . pirbl ial;noir for the fleet time collected, with a BlograibicieV Sketch and fine Portrait; 2 vole.; Blue end Gold. itrifi6 form with Longfellow and Tenoyson I price - •- • Studies, Stories, aqd Memoirs, by Mrs. one vol , Blue and Gold, uniforms with " Charecte tine of Women," 'l Loves of the Poste," &o.orihr tine :steel engraving of Oorregio's Magdalen ;•prieel dente. , . NOW'' HEADY: _ . ; y .i..^ - sat.ga ow Eq . Memoir of Chief Justice Pareone, with Notiere some of his Contemporarie:, bylain Son, The °plias resit sone ; one hendaome 12010 vol., with a Portrait 11f14 Stuart; price 41.60. . , iv 3:‘&313Mt341XTMX.,. Complete Poetical Work' of Owen Meredith, (11.4 Butter Lytton); one vol., Blue and Gold; price 75 b „ IN A PEW DAYS; . Mt, .13. 3311.1%T.1L, JR. To COI and Back; a 'Vacation Yams, by V Dana, Jr., author of " Two Yearn Before the Mut :t4,4 one bandeau:4l6mo vol.; price 76 cents. mylo..t&th ' s 111VING'e WASHINGTON, STH BIIBISS & BING, 800 0112111TNHP Street, Here received the concluding volume of xavnire WASHINGTON, price SIM; or the set, Ave volnm $760. OWEN MEREDITH'S POS:1113 76 inner Also, jut published. PORTRAIT OP BISHOP DOANI, Admirably Photographed ~......Prise silk' Neatly framed .11.2150:. ITIOE TO BOOKBOTERS. SABIN reapeothlly anaesthesia that be hasfou gratultons distribution, the Oatiflosues of Mx Valuebilr Libraries, to ba sold by Auction Airing thin mOnth f l New York and. Pbiledeipbis.— • IMPORTATION OP OLD BOOBS. - J. S. will visit Rnrope this summer for' the purpow Of purohasing old books, sal ventures to angoit Librarians and Bookbnyers, that an ekperienee of - ople_ twenty yeas in the book business In Europe and • ram.. will enable him to All soy ordsrs with which they entrastei, to their entire satiefeatlon , roylO•tiel 27 South SIXTH Street, Phllsdelptitel: , _ _ EP. DE. NEWTON's NEW VOLUME; FOR 011ILDRON. THE DEBT, TRINGS.- By Dec Rer, Richard New., 'too D. D. /llCAtrl7lBd. /6.10. 75 °eats.— TIM ART OF RXTBMPOIIIS BPRARIbiIa , ' By Id, Bettialo, with additions by a member or the New Yo Dar. 12mo 54 ,TIT P‘OttwOßD ROBR AND WRAP IT 0010: , By !Tartlet B McKeever. 50 carte. - TIM WORKS OF JOBRPRUEL , 4 Vile ,lasigi .ope. $6. , • • Volum) Blrringis ri WARRINUTO6I, II ave. FROM POOR 801788 TO PULPIT ; or, the laid: Dr -Kitto. fb cente. ROMS MIMBRIBfq or, Eohoee of a Manor* Voles. 16 carte. t. for sale by , WILLIAM B. & itLfRED BlARTlffitfr: twit . , No. 608 OiIIBTNUT Street; jIIST PUBLISIIED m t#MECE , ' • 011Alil:E8 DEBILVIZB,- 114 CHESTNUT BTUIT,•` • AlOnidOkti PRONOtINOING - DiOnOft. Bl Y , . • OF FOX - „ , 3MCOLISII LIINGDADB.- . ' BY Alt gammas 8, totmovr, A, ai tt prlordpalof the Monroe Drummer &heel, Philadelphia. • PRIOB ONE DOLLAR., a• . This Book contains alt variable and conteetedeoll - iiregaTar inflections, pritnatT'sod'ileOunderr oenta,liproprlateprepealtione r zetereatee to writings of Mefferd merit, dclinitlona of geographical names, and ineptly names of personal translations of foreign phrases, rules for ape/ling, ilata -contrasting the con earrative and Webatetian orthographies, Ito 040. the Insertion of original and well tried plant; the work is made to subeerve the uses of a thorough and se lent spelling'-book, and of art aid in teaching the art of BERL& composition. It has been eoptotelly fitted for nee In schools and families and it can be made service- able in a greater number of ways than any,work of its kind.. It contains 600 pager—each page embraces three columns, and each part of the, eluoidation of a word printed his, distinotlve ty - pe. _ 11:r On the receipt of One Dells's the .Pnblislote will mall the above work to any part of the United state,. - . nag. lm , NEW AMERICAN STORY. BORDER. WAD, TALIVOD DISUNION. By tho author of "e WWI Weotern Boum', Oat Volume,-large 12n a. Muslin. Price $1.26 The 'pnbilstiers of this novel tale are oonedent that the eimpleannonneemeet of a volume in the , vein of " Wild Western Ea , Cag." end by the eame author, will arouse an unwonted demand for the new book. • BORDIIII- Walt will, from its peculiar °tweeter, atone" (motley the on. divided attention of a huge pert'On of the thinking and reading population of Amerles. ,flo work, having any of the diatiogutthed eharaetertstiee of this pollee. Von, has ever appeared from, the greed, and its very eingularity will produce thousands et readers. ALSO, YOURTH.NDITION OP THB OIJLPRIT PAY, BY 'JOSEPH RODMAN MUNN A charming' edition of this world.celebrated 'Fairy Poem, Printed on colored plate paper. blaslin.,l2mo, Frontispiece 'Price 60 CAWS (Published lota pernitsaim 'of the Family) These boots are mold everywhetb, and Bent by . mail, postage Lee, to any part of The United States; on the receipt of the price, by BUDD 1B OAR LETON. Pnbilehein and Booluiellers. sp29 their' No- ISO (}SAND Bt., near Broadway, N. Y. JUST, PUBLISHED, eP ROGERS'S OEOLOGP OP PENNSYLVANIA, A GOVERNMENT SURVEY, WITO A General View of the Geology , of the United States, Essays on the Ooal Formation and its Fosslle, and a Description of the Coal Plelds of North Ai:deride and" gieAt Britain. IN TWO VOLE—(VoI 11, bound in two parts,) AOOOMPANIUD BY - A GEOLOGICAL Mee OP PENNBYLFANIAi . AND Geological and Topographical Map of the Anthracite !fields of Pennsylvania BY PROP. HENRY DARWIN BOGEBA, State Geologist. - , , PAWS $3O, Also. A NEW MAY OF THE STATE OP PPOPOlirlArk _ CO"rooted Dom micticei Noiroje end the moot re cent authoritleg, under, the superintendence of Prof.' LCD. ItOGESS PRICE, MOUNTED ON POLLEES, $5 - Err This is the roost complete and elegant Hap of Pennsylvania ever published. „. J. D. LIPPINCOTT & CO', myT-atuthat ' 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street idarbto are. NICORE,„I-IENSZEY&'CO., Nos. 427 biABEET, w 6 414 0021112111021 Streets. PHILADELPHIA, Hoop oonstintly on band Bop stook ' OP HARDWARE; CUTLERY, GUNS, bo., Which are offered to BUYERS on Liberal Terms. feb2B4lm TRUITT BROTHER & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLIOALI DBALENB HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ao., 629 MARKET STREET; . 529 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH MIDN, Panapiumr. t0214m LOOKING GLASS ER. " - EMM=I=;M LOOKINQ. GLASSES; - tor every space and every position, and at the Met moderate prices LOOKING GL.988118 In the molt eleberete'and the twat simple frames. Locime GLASSES /Teamed In the beat teate, and In the most substantial LOOKING 6LAEES,B inialibed by uk, are =mutat tarat by ourselves in our own establishment, LOOKING GLABna In MAHOGANY and WALNUT, fromoo for Ootuitry WOO JAMES S. EARLE 4 BON, 816CIRESV“irT STREET, optf 11111148814.44, ffif'F, - ., - #: , '' , li i 7.4-§,;-: , .., , ::-., ....., THP.:3 §PAY:;,:,'::ivr - Ar 12.,:, ".1859: ',;/-tt 4 - 1 - •-•••' -, •, •-•', •• 1 - - ~, ' , .., •• '••• ••••• . ••, , . •, , , , •-•-4.: • ,• ,'.• 3 : ;.•, lIIURSDA.I",:I9.&Y 12, 1869: New Publications. ~:42ASSifiedly nothing, eme surpass' the taste miutelisgence with "which Ticknor & Fields,,of ~ , :',Beetim; get up their numerous publications., t Hereftmon bream colored paper, is a• beano " it Ihttetavo; cc Memoirs of Theophtlue Piteous; 4 'oblef•Justiee of the Supreme ,Court of Mas i , t tht i t I a c c et h isearl. : s hi c o w : t pte, Mas sachusetts, lo t v h r Gal . .;. aeo: andys . pi: ris er p f oer B efo o sws th dsa si e or ne t of nlui b ia i 7r e t i C ot retinue t ern porar I e s,", written.-seith skill, judgment, • fend interest, by his , son. Few men, in his ..;-: - hest-Informed men of his day, and, to the last, ' was adding tO hie vast stores of knowledge. - go . was a_Surist; of great, sagacity and tine.' ipialled common sense, He peseeseed that' inffitthica in politics Which a strong mind can ;Wield-ever pnblieistis and partisans, The indi yidutil character witidailed with eccentricity 4,jttat• enough to make him original but not annoying. i'llis - industry, 'as-la practising tlitety , er, watigreat, and , served .him well when in - 1806, at the age of fifty-slx, he became Phief-JlletieCl:of Massachusetts, He died in 4815; His Aoits,a; memoir. exhibits him in Silirifo4 4 iliiiAufsfriONi, and,, though there is, • . ot reniChAgeldent;to,,be,related, has made a takhkt, , ltifernefing biography. , Tee l nthices 4,44oall4lo44l3l.66:4:4othemporariesmre ex- , - 'etnel:Fileffq#lll - iii-Ven frthis, lli eine ef the I k o l 4 t l ' ' ‘k;,i ~"''.`‘: , ' Vais3h.'ilCis See= *tie t , 41',4 , , tlsp e s de," Coniiiiiting of the ' tie ' tlitittrikfi: 040:atice; by Stuart. The next edition; be demand .ed; dre , anrceitsailit to be- mule' eompleto by a 'gemillidtiti.whibh - this wants. ' ' ; 1: Washingtonlrving_bas 'concluded hid" lard , or , Waskingtou;#':.,lli) firth road lastvoldme; published at' New York, by' G. 'P. Putnam, /me boon sentus bY E. H. 'Butler & Co. - Mr. Aving states, that,he had long limited forward to, GOA ,nr,ork,sa the ccrOwning-zeffort of his litkratY earcer;,en,dithat the,blea - Ofe i vrriting it West Wriebingttee entered his , mini:-et an ,eirly day44lits'ets eiiPitchilly,ptessedlp.on hi ('attention„ pci#lYZ thirty ',years ago, by a'pto ' "P oo t ll onAiMelateMt. Atchibeld Constable, the eminenOttblialipi3O'Eltillitirgb. , This 'velatee'bilait UP' WitehingtenTront the Nine wheitbe;enteredlide - officeiui 'flint President Of the'lln*RePriblleiwhich 'he had So mate rially beatified- 1d establish -It traces him, through - eight years of this public elviLmd- Ministration: Ittakies him back, in the fulness ,eflonor and ewe; to his beloved homestead ,at , Mount :Vernon. r 'Finally, it portrays him in dignified retirement; Med relates the - history - , of his, deatli ~rerlapti, -on account ,ot the copious personal:, detailsaand.anecdotes In - this voleme, : it :warty _ , he,: viewed 'ris the rifest interesting, 'of the „whole • five.' We lieve found: it.:110; _lt brings Washing-, ton, the '-pitlien-ruler, very' *idly before Us, ;in the tablet of hie Wally and contemporariek., The book' is greesifffily verittenoriany .ports' rising 'lnto elegem:pm. The appendix can-, talus an article on the Portraits of Wishing-, ton, - ftom a forthcoming volumily''N:, T. Tuckerman ;, Washington e - Parewell'Address, -(s var i orum copy,) froth the hero's own mann. script ; en account of the proceedings of Con.. ,grass on the death or Washington l and, lastly, his Will. The illustrations consist of Rem .brandt Peale's portrait ,of Washingtory en graved by H. B. Hail, and a fee-simile 'of a' letter, dated SoPtember, 1785,in which Wash ington warmly congratulates " The' Honble -pectic Franklin" on his return from Europe. An admirablelnd,ei; covering 66 pages, double ,columns; adds " i mmensely to the value of this ;Life - of- Washington. ~ , 'r,_A' handsorne octavo; profttaely illustrated with over seventy sketches by the , anther, Which-has justbeen published at New York, has been handed to us by J. B. Lippincott & Co., .It is called," From Wall-street to'Cash mere," And consists of a- narrative of many, :years' - travel: and adventure, Written by 'John 8.. Ireland,: of-NetwYork., Be says, p I have glion a .very brief abstract (except as to those' -placeeielilotu villiedor.written about) of 'wan- Aerfrigs. in' Eirtipe, Aida Minor, and Africa, Wiffia literal franee'ript Of that during my.tra -- 0 . • i !'l4l:tidhilift‘tuid; Java,- taken from tt, iiiii4%tietleeiritOeritititircin eltirliiettitieried efilie or Ai year's in Europe; I.lll4,‘ , alirAffiea.” lii tenth, there is very little'•be'olanaking in this book. It literally tiveli• the author's observations, made on 'the spot÷no doubt finally corrected, when neces siay, by rnattwer Judgment. The style is somewhat of -the freemntteasy -sort, but Mr:' Ireland's matter is good. He (severed an im mense extent•of country, while away. Lon , don, during the World's Fair, in 1851, Den I mark, N'orway, Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Asia Minor and Palestine, Egypt, Arabia, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, India, (during eighteen, months,) Ceylon, China-, Java,Singapore, and Cashmere.„ His account 'olntila is particularly interesting. The book . is rather diffuse, but is full of in formation. The original illustrations, from ' , sketches made on the spot by the auth or,i are well engraved by J. W. Orr. - ~ Peek & Bliss, of this 'city, have issued an illustrated edition- of, the late Eliot Warbur ton's ,r( Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land ; or the Crescent and the Cross, comprising the Romance and Realities of-Eastern Travel." The popularity of this, work, in England, hes been exceeded only by -that of Kinglake's ir Eothen " and , indeed , we think that Warbur ton's, view/ of Eastern manners are more re liable than the poetic fancies of Kinglake. ' Derby 'Ac Jackson, of New, York, (whose agents here are Parry & MaCmillan) have commenced the Publication of the Standard French Classics, uniform with their Standard • British ' Classics. These last, complete in fifty volumes, include Addison, Goldsmith, Fielding, Smolfett, Sterne, Swift, Boswell, Johnson, Defoe, Lamb, Hazlitt, and Leigh Hunt. The French. aeries, only just com menced, will -be edited -by 0. W. Wight, translator of M. Cousin's Philosophy, and Editor of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophi cal Works. -The , first issued is cc Telema `chile," by Fenolon, prefaced with a life of the author, by Lamartino, and various illustrative notices, by ELVillimain and various authors. The translation is that by Dr. Rawkissworth.' Next comes Montaigno's complete works, in four' volumes, reprinted from Hatlitt's edi tion with portrait, author's 'life by Hazlitt, bibliographical' notice,' memoir by Mr. St. John, and appendix containing references to criticisms upon Montaigne and his writings. Lastly, wonderfully exact and full indices. The remaining works to be-published, within, the year, aro Pascal's Provincial Letters; Voltaire's Charles 1.31. ; Madame de Steen, Germany; Voltaire's Henriade and Trago , dies ; and a new translation , of Pascal's Thoughts. ,Willis P. Hazard has published, from the second London edition 0f11546, Thomas Car lyle's "Life of Frederielr Schiller," the Ger man poet. Carlyle , wrote, this before he bad' spoiled his style, by Germanizing it. In this book are 'many passages, as from "a well of English undefiled,' ne expressive and elo-' quent, as any in the language. Tho new number 'of the Household Library (Delisser- & Procter, New York), contains cc The Life of Mehemet," 'from Gibbon, cor rected by 'the 4nnotations of Dean Milman and Dr. William Sinith. There is a: brief but sufficient biography of Gibbon, by Mr. Wight. A highly interesting work, portable in size, and low - in price:. We received our copy from Smith, English & Co., Sixth street. 1 Scribner - &. Co:, of New York, have pub lished, in a ,letno volume, a translation, from the French of lit. Bautain, of " The Art of I Extempore Speaking"' containing hints for 1 the pulpit, the senate, and the bar. This has ' long been a standard and popular work on i Rhetoric, and may be advantageously studied by persons who desire to speak fluently and effectively in public. The fault of our Alike- rican oratoryis that so little of it is speatane ens. We doubt whether extempore speaking can bo taught. From a full mind only can I ready speaking of any value come, and the fuller a man's mind, the more concentrated will be his speaking. For some months past that excellent perk odical, cc LittelFs Living Age," formerly pub-,1 Halted at Boston, has been published by De -1 Baser & Procter, of Now York, who have late. ly introduced a new and excellent feature, viz :, a fine steel portrait of some eminent' °bare°. ter; (Chiefly living' persons) 'in each, weekly' , number. The "Living Age" contains the cream of all the beat reviews end, periodicals of Europe, with selections from the fugitive literature of this country. .It has just been reduced in price froia $6 to $5. The force of cheapness can no farther go. • Well-timed is the pnblicaticei, by the Apple.: tons, of New York; of the Napoleonic Ideas, (" Des Ideas Napoleontennes,") published at Brussels la 1888, and written by the present Empercir of the French, daring his: first exile in ,E egland. The 'translation has_ been exe cuted with fidelity , and ease, by James A. Torr, and the book is not only curious, but Impor tant, as showing what Louis Napoleon's views on public matters were twenty years ago, and bow closely, as Emperor, be had adhered to them. "The Mind Unveiled," containing a brief history of twenty-two Imbecile Children, pub lished by U. Hunt & Son, ot this city, con tains much information relative to the training of children with small minds, The processes `~' 4 ~ ,"t"~~~: 9 ,1 of .mental minute, ; here stated, , are ,very Curi ous., ,There is a brief introduction, which we' recommend 'to- the great 'maaa of Christian readers, written by Dr.' Joseph Parrish, of tho' Pennsylvania Training School, German , The .cc Life of _General H. Havelock, S. I. J. T. Headley; just published by o.'Scribner s of New* York; is less a memoir of-the great and , good Christian' soldier; who so highly.-distlnguished himielf in Indlaythan . Of his military campaigns. \ The. information ,respecting,the personality of Sir Henry Have lock, which /fr. Headley gleaned from many quarters in'extreznely scanty. ' PiVe.eixths of the volume give only military details. ''AboUt Havelock' himself very: little is comes of-writing a -biography without ade qoate materials—as bad as the Israelites being expected to make bricks in Egypt' without 'Strata,' A much: better hook,. in all reineets, is. 3iosaies'i: written by. F. Saunders , author of "Salad for the Solitary," : It is.just what a well-read man of letters might have written; con aatori,l what all who Jot.° literature must read with ;pleasure ansFadirantage. Indeed, there is ranch df the Spirit and method of the elder Disraell - in these lxioksby Mr. Saunders, and the present is.the best of the series. , An odd collection, of ,bitarre stories has" been - published by Sick & Fitzgerald, of New York,' . (received: tkrongh Peterson Brothers ) itader'ihe' familiar title of it - The Blip of a Thoutiand) Strings.) , That , well. known .extravaganta opens "the volume, the remainder of which .conalats of a great many amusing tales and 'anecdotes, most liberally and hitmorously,illitstrated. We ,have had, se'vereLbeartylatighs o'veethis book_ beatttifillly-goNtip°4oltime• of ,(c .1 3 oefils, Albert , Laighton," just' published In' Boston, - ;• We are hourul to -say, on. careful perusat4that lifr. Leighton is eatitled to a good place MOW the minor poets. He. differs ,frottOziaaylpf. them Id one respect,—ho rhymes Well,4ll.elt is more than Whittier, or StoddartPer Butler does. An enlarged edition, in one volume, of Dr. Francis,Lieber'a Treatise, it On Civil Libeity and Self-Government," has been issued by. J. B. & Co. ' It is amost cortirirebeii. siv,e work, based on the broad ininciples of natural government ande ‘ conoing: embraces amastvariety, subj.**, and brings" thoughtful consideration and eatensiveknow ledge of books tind Alen io , their o fal dZani- Indtion. • ' • . , . • - Fioin Gaut Zs Volkinaf,irfi haitSliome Edu cational works, published at Boston:-1-These are Cathie's "Elements- of: hittp•Drawing," very clear and, practical, , and ,Hanaford Payon's ft Book Keeping by Single and Dou ble Baty," `also a work Calculated to be of much use in sdhoole. Tower's et Elem.ente of Granimar" is also here to lie aeknoiledged, as a very practical book for'younger learners. "Rest and Unrest, or The Story of a Life,h by Cousin Kate, is an English' semi-religious ,story, republished in Now York, and banded to us by Smith, English, & Co. - It is a story, of every-day life, through which the religious element glides, art under-current, without ever obtruding so strongly as to annoy: the I general reader. '-From the publisher of this excellent tale, (whose name we omit, as be does not advertise with us, and we will not advertise him for nothing, by mention,) we have received ct Kate' Darly,'"Ratty and Marcus," and.cf The Grafter Trees," all good gib:pips, and " (igestions• and Answers on the ,Books of the Bible," which, treating of the Old Testament, seems to us remarkably well adapted for schools and pridate tuition. Very different from any other book we have noticed to-day is a handsome Bve volume, rich in blue and gold, called "The Union Tabernacle; or Movable Tent-Church," by Rev. Edwin Long, superintendent. The lat ter half of the book, by the same anther, is called "The Children of the Tent; or the work of God among the young, at the Union Tabernacle." To those who hate anxiously watched, the proceedbfga connected _with the Revival of last year, thia book will be highly interesting.' It is written with much earnest ness and a very evident desire to avoid exag geration. The taste which proMpted the pub lication, without permission from thewritera, of various letters, in facsimile, we consider_ very questionable, indeedt :It looks like is breach of confidence and the cut bone of the act is not a4arent.- have senttitsilthimigh Perkinpine & of this city, tome ef• their religious publica tions. Among these are fi The Best Things," a neatly illustrated volume, by- Rev. Richaid Newton, D. D., Whose " gillB from the Foun tain of Life" are highly, appreciated by young and 61d. The illustrations bore were designed by our able, young friend, Charles R. Hale, whose scholarly participatiorrin the Transla tion, of the Rosetta Stoner inscriptions wo have previously noticed. "The Mother's Mission" is another of these excellent works. PERIODICAL We can do little more than very briefly notice the periodicals. The Westminster Re view, from W. B. Zieber, has scarcely a weak article. Indeed, the new number, for April, is one of the best issued for several years.-: The" Historical Makaufne for May, also from Zieber, is literally crowded with literary,ran tiquarran, and historical information, Indus triously collected and well arranged. In the April number of the Presbyteririn Quarterly Review, published in this city, the moat noticeable articles, for secular readers, are those upon Motley's History of the Dutch Republic, and Thompson and Osborn's recent works on Palestine. In the New York Coaehmakers' Monthly Magazine„ which has reached its eleventh number, we gladly recognise a great deal of ability. It is an illustrated work, containing much information likely to bo advantagemis to buyers, as well as makers and vendors of carriages. , We hate been especially pleased with a well-written, highly interesting biogra phy of our townsman, Mr. William D. Rogers, whose establishment, in Ohestnut street, is well-known. Mr. Rogers is a living example of successful industry, enterprise, and probity, and Niro ate glad to find that he has a biogra pher who does him justice without once run ning into flattery. We shall respect the coachmakers more than ever, in future, for having such a magazine as this. , We can only acknowledge tho receipt of the Quarterly'Journal of agriculture, edited With much ability by our accomplished friend, Ben. Tetley Pobre ; the Journal of the Frank lin Institute, and four plays, (three of thorn of Ameridan authorship.) from S. Frenoh,lhe atrical publisher, Now York. NEW' YORK SioIDAY•SOHOOL general anniversary of the New York Sunday school Union was held at the Cooper Institute on Tuesday evening. Despite the uefaverablenese of the' weather, the large hall of, the Ilalon was • wellfilled. The meeting was called to 'order by the president. The sedretary's report sums up as follows : Whole number of Sunday wheal in New York city, 212; number of pupils, 05,000; now sehoole established within the year, 20 ; the num-, bar of teachers, 5;000. There are 25,500 Sabbath. Reboot scholars who are not connected with any partionlar church. There aro 1,200 colored oho lars.. The number of conversions in the schools during the past year Is 506. The number of in fant scholars is 10,500. Amount of money &HMI! buted by the schools is $15,000. After the singing of alumi', the president in troduced Alfred Cookman, Req., of Philadelphia,' who said: "It Is announced that there are in this magniSoent American metropolis 50.000 children who have never been led lato• a Sabbath sohool; ehildren who have = doubtiesalearned to speak falsehood, to blaspheme the God of Heaven, and to curse by their corrupting examples all who come in oontaot with them. In these letter days we hear much of the prodigious power of the pulpit and the press, yet great as they are, they have failed to roach the children of the community. The power of exempla is immeasarable. If it be- so strong and boundless with developed humanity, who can estimate the force of evil example on the plastic , minds of our youth? What if our children mingle with them, imbibing their' debasing praotices, yielding the bitter fruits in parental (limbo dienoe, despised homes, &emoted , Sabbaths, until - all self-rospoot is lieu , reverence for goodness departed, until the impulses and h otfoots of their humanity aro, thoroughly tainted with vice, and in misery and despair they go down, to the 'gloomy portals of destruction. Allow these 50,000 ohildren to run riot in the community, ear ning degradation, ignoranoe, brutality, and all the fearful accompaniments of vice and wicked nods, into the currents of society, and who can eetk mete the fearful consequences? What a 'curse they will be to the oommnnity, to the church, to the world ! They wilt not reW eatlefied sowing , th e seed of evil in the soil of this fair earth, but, ' _with impious bande r they will strive to pull down from the moral firmamept the sun which shineth in God's heaven. • - • • . • Asa citizen of this Commonwealth, as a 'member of Christ's Chard', ask what shall bo dono ?, I And an answering response in the Union Sabbath schools, „ The ineetingwas:then addressed by ex-Governor PoSoak, of Pennsylvania, and George H. Stuart,. of Philadelphia, in a most•olognent manner. • timsrerarart, mailed in Wisooniiin recently foriteme, was; upon examinai fon, found to contain a quantity of garlios, 'with directions for plant log. The triok was dewed by the odor of, the fragrant contents of the newspaper. . , : THE press of the Petersburg,Express is stow worked by water power. The wheel is put Iro tlon by a stream of water two inches in die ter, ,drawn from the city reservoir , which has a very considerable elevation. Troia Teta, a chief, together with a small band of Indiana, still lurk in the swamps, cane brakes, and everglades of Vlorlda. • Mn. ANGUS MACKAY, the celebrated piper s was reaently drowned in the :Mot 4itti, at pare frieeshire, TWO CEINTS: ARRIVAL ,OF, BTtitkR.A.:ilEl43lA Ale-KANGAROO. At NEW-.YORK.: '.lllol l lftglir , _., IN OyTBREAXErArt&Siik A PROVISIONAL GOVERNNENT'FORISEDe , The .7,Preneh and,liw3sianNieatY• PROCLAMATION BY :THE by SillDiiild MOVEMENTS or mitt mizzaaroEmertni. - The etetunahlp Kangaroo, front Liverpoq. April 21th, arrived at New pork 7eeterdai : : The Per-. sia, whiah sailed bilk( 'Liyarpo o l4o.l-30tli, also arrived, won after. Aiar pews la .of threamit data as that telegraphed ;Irony Johnir, branght the .Adelaide. Bathaii are bataaitatalla of mnah intotost. • Some of the potateirgial. Oiroulare. brought by the Perria elate tbat Frsnee.ie Shout to prohibit the .elport of grills. Tbia oausetquite an excitement in :the Liverpool tied, during :th'e week flour advanced three chillings.eorntotrr, and wheat two shillinggs, ,Prioes werelstity_meln- Ai/load AO the Wale rharnarkot. Cotton deolined during-the week4d to..td ; and the holder!, wishing to realist, would ;lover Nub , zaitted to's attirgreater aeons* ' . . • REVOLB4OII"IN.TtriCIANT-' " We>bsveaeome Interesting Intritordelta ;tho, revolution in-:'l'ttiettny, _ -- brietlY , repdtted _by the' Adelaide: '• A letter' , dated - greeds ; -April 23tit;IO" the Undo:ill, Tinsel/ stye: ; " A revolution broke dut in Ifierincie4issiniday, , and the`-Grand Ducat family leveled., No of: finial 'neWir teuryee'Lbeeri 'rte~...41 :; • - Atratitridylterreroasedth'e i - .;;Viamou'ailliiKani., o4'April 29th;' , ; • ?Math newa'orthe reveltttionarp movement itt - l'iniimete: Oullondartinaeraind Duke riebpold ear to the - diploinatiri itorps that, belirgdaser . " • 4 "7 :troops,llo. 1U areirolved , upeir quitting'. 'with , Me Jointly:Aar tteriordingly - IaW.;J . ,"); eYOI/10g- forLßOlogius;- attended- bi"ridt7 Att: honor. ; ; A arovisionafGoVertme - nt was foralhie t i i the pnbilo order hadnot been ilistrabed?f' ' it Wes expeotedron Thursday; would" '— of-the troopa. r e , TUB.:WA4 MO:PALPMB'e4i'f4.6I;6' ; A letter dated ;Vienna, April:MiliiiNlC offidial journal,' " the' - Alicitrfatt Chrrif give% riertaiedettills and; faapirbi *lt ' t.: PtOtaowAor g4 4 F.P/Of !RPM* ,b)Ortiiali, •ujivonfid. - : afinouneee,thp* departure u ot.'. INianiny;liheAlte l tration tit hie Army with the ierroltztionWrivit sit Ititill and Carrara, ,; and, the ; establisinneutlif d 1 2;oArlokial Giov`orrlatent. It sitya,;tAndirlkintiet,'therefcirit, 'draw: the sword to niditituidliiienintieorder: ,, 14 Turin oorrespoodintotithirriondoeT4e;ag writing April ,20th, expreema_tha 'holler that the 'Austrlantrwill not got to Turin; aithe been laid' tinder water 'by :means- of the variant( canals of irrigation. - Measures. bare" ulso'beenz taken - to render the roads temporarily bripmetin cable. The Sardinian Government .rippro_priater, to its own U 641 'all horses -ln thelringdom" belong-; ing to private individuals thcbighestprieernaid being 18 for animal, which cost from ZOO to A despatch, dated,Beroe, , April29, sap: "The news of an offensive movement of. the -.Austrians over the Ticino, which' Was telegiaphsd -byy . Gene ral of Division , .Dotternpa;•in Asti LAte - Vederal Diet ,of the 27th , appears to haVolieen unfounded. "The; Austrians mere alreadya no= tioa, they received onaister order*, and hei s ted - on the eastern bank of thisTioino." ' = The passes over Mont- OPP III .I I -#4ttil to hive besome practioable. , . A •deopeteh'daled Turin,• APrillAth; says Amadeus have made no intact up, to. the present time There are troubles in the Italian Duchies" A despatch, dated Genoa, April r; says : "Dial orders• have broken out in' the Bushy ef Massa; and the pelitloal prisoners have bgen,sot from • (Maass is a little Doohy, ,belonging to Modena, bordering on the'Guitof (Samoa, andlying between, Sardinia and Tuscany') ' • • . :- The ° Dutch, Cioyernixtegt is about- aeltinuthe Chamberl tb inereiselhe war budget from two:to three million florins. The President- of the Chambers of the 13-rind Dusky of Baden has stonmened 40,0 penikets to meet at Baden. ' _ The Federal Diet of Denmark; LuseMburg, 'end the Thuringian States bare given,theirnakent to plaolog the Eeder4l troops In readiness ,to marsh. • The - Faris Conatitutioarter. speaks-O'MM ro posed mediation Of England 7111 I? eiug made only la a spbeles of - affront • to Prussia and , Bums la.- It adde"- - ,„:4 - •tt The question of-the .day Is of too strong a notrire to bo treated by a. semi-offleial pianist. tiers.- and, an 'Austrian minister." = • • ; • The Feria correspondent Of. the London Daily Naas says v.tt Frans', suggestetwio yntsf.'iton; oonditiona for her consent I , First, , that Baron .11e1-- -lerherrwerho toek.theAustrian ultinuttunk to Turin, shall no sent to that oily to Withdrew it'Ouid; avilarz r ittegbitestirahen • • •IMkeeby'ffirtre Of. arms, :WO • .•, Lord Malmesbury's four points. -Thirrantimpt to engage the English ;Cabinet , "to hatirethan they have to Record, 'firregarded as , It 'proof 'that' the mediation will ooine to nothing. The wordeof the Pattie' are : The 'mere good *Mei of Ragland are now out of place. fengland must underta h ei to. assist us in ease of the• failure of the plan of mediation." , • • --: • -• • -; • • . - - - The Teases' Paris correspondent, writing on the evening of April 28th, says:- The negotiations' are certainly not over , and the tilegraphie . wi res be. tween Paris and Vienna are cor.stantly accepted by offloiai , communications. ; The mediation of Eogiand, some say, might be accepted.: oti,oertain oonditione, onerous, to donbt,"to Aaetilo. Some thing is said of.a proposallhat Atultria Shall pay . an indemnity to Bardinia for the expense elle hie been put to for.defending herself. The passage of tho Thine is not yet confirmed. „ • The Times' correspondent adds that he is curl , ons to know what the Franotamperor could' do If the Austrians remained on their side of the river the whole summer. , ' Nay Yhatr,' May 11..—The foreign papere by the steamer Persia furnish some feats of interest, though tho mainleatures have been antioipated by the arrival of the Adelaide at St. Johns, N.F. The Austrian Correspondemce, the stfmial Jour nal of She 2flth Alt , after detailing the progress of affairs, says that Austria must draw the sword to maintain European order. The London Post of thd 29th, says that there was atilt a pope for pews, as the list BegliSh offer of mediation was under serious consideration by the Emperor of the Trench, and the Austrians refrained front advanoing, • a panifto' settlement might still be made. THE RUSSO•FRANgO TRFATIES. The following are the 'Previsions of the treaties basteeri Russia and , France, as giron in the Lon- don Times: By the first treaty Russia bifida herself, in the event of Frame being at 'war with Austria; to asEist:Franoe, mita 'the Oo•operation: of her fleets, in the Baltic and Mediterranean, and to place an array of fifty thousand men on the Austrian frontiers. - - • 'lbis, the, ..Zotas says, is directed obviously against England, and Its cafeterias is a proof that the enterprises width are' thus to' be weeded are Bush as it would be impossible for England to allow to pass unchallenged. The Rinsitin Army of Observation, the Times concludes, is to Motto mrinsurreetion among the Hungarians and Solaxes. - • Tile second treaty provides that in osse,Austria shall invade Sardinia, Russia shall declare war• against her within" fifteen days of her violation of Ptedmontess soil. . The Times maintains that; England , meditates no active part so longUs the'War is confined to Italy, but if France and Russia shbuid attack Aus tria in Germany—Russia seeking perchance in demnity in east Europe—Or if Prestos should be, laid under tonftlbation of 'territory; then the design: of the , treaties would become no less than the partition , of Europe, and the fi rst principle. of "preservation Would compel us to consider whether we can better defend ourselves on the continent or at our own' homesteads:, However much we may desire to keep olear of these complications, the existenee of a great Giinian power is essential to our own safety. • • THE BAHDINIAN:IIIOOLAMATIIM.: The following is a summary of the .King of,Sar- Mule's proclamation to the army.. , The King regards the demand to Marna as an, outrage on hiteelf and the Nation, and has _ there fore repelled the demand with disdain and scorn. The King culls to mind Italy's cry of Anguish, and says, 'T will be your captain. I have proved; your valor on the field of. battle, by side of my, illustrious father. , Tale time_yon will have fOr your comrades, gallant French soldiers, your com panions on Tohternaya, whom' the' Emperor has sent to support and defend our just and civilising clause. Forward to victory. Let our banners,an nounce to you that our - object, like our War cry,. is the Indepemdanee of 'ltaly." Prince - Carignan hadbeen appointed Lieutenant General in Piedmont during the war. The Universities of Piedmont have been closed , by a royal deeree. •' ' - The Sardinians had retired from Paleona to the west -bank of the Sesta. The great Mass of the Sardinian 'twiny, 75,000' strong, was condensed around the fortresses :ef Aleasandrla and Oseale, with a second line at the foot of the ApermineGbetween Noio and Tortona. The Vain oorreSporfdent of-the 'London Times does not think the Austrians will. reach thel cap!. tal. The country has, been -laid underwater_ by moons• of the canals, for the purposes of irrlga.. tion, and mean s bad been" -taken to render' the- , roads temporarily : lmpracticable. „ The Sardinian Government ,had appropriated all the horses belonging to private individuals, the highest price allowed. being.£lB'sterling, = - The news otTasoanY, joining. Piedmont is eon firmed. The arand Duke refused to abdicate, and retired to Bologna, after throwing himself:upon', the:protection of the five great Powers. • - The Tuscan army ,is about fifteen thousand :strong. • - " - It 'is Said that King Victor Emanuel had been. created Dictator of Tuscany. ENGLAND. ' a„ The channel fleet which bed gain to tit; hledi-• terranean, was to be immediateltrrealled. ' • Four, new ships of the line have,been placed la. commission. It la stated teak' thelirectekind ltiisle.it Go.' vernments lately 'beep; preaniring large sup. - plies of charts and surveys of the Epglish °east and stations in the Mediterratieitn, and have like wise been engaged in making ; large purchases of coal, irrespective o 4 prise or quality. It le. aim intimated that' arCextensive order for charts bad been' received front the Spanish Government, and the inference was that Spain would throw herself into the arms of Frartoo. Twenty-Seven gun-boats, with some vessels of larger size, were ,building on the Thames for the Spanish Government: - It was Suggested that Spain might possibly be acting merely as the agent of , others. k- Large quantities of ammunition and guns were being shipped to Gibraltar 414148 Ra, NoiravE ' oo.orarisimoille4spni . in 164 tie row* 5 4;, - ; *retry ecnnowido =Ad 6t iiet 4 9 1111 •1 1 ,,?, "RI of UM wirttot. — lliiida to foolibir bet - ittat siorad Ira sum irminitauraim Amami - Ai hi_Refillir ,44l2 &Rd Oklbf lit i f tl Wag'o o lo l Aftsitibisi oorroot sow* of Ike 4ikylit.thsu 000*on of - sho oorfoualkog oosionfbe Mona • of medial*iziaisibreiroutilitikaiipdiense. loit"l tr u t ma r s t d !r:- , t 4-% .; • t - • a -, 9ArtaFrilusiv/;of-sys• 0 1 0 1 103 V ialsPladalad Commander-in-Oblifin - Canads.-"• „ A lame ,oporetor-,on thnhiserpoOlAnkange, eau 3 Rolints; has 'linen dielnierw...defaulter.- - illiflhiliilltionnOtitedat`l3oo.ooo.lo2;£soo.ooo. • iirthieltnialf of - Ragland for the week shifiWhliereetiltiff IA11;00030 Spuds.• .-- _ • - .The Tersianfokit ott , the - morning ' Of the let lost , the' Reglish-"ebanitel, steamer Canada,-bound. in c , An ;the Zdinet, the- spoke to the steamers Oily of Daltlisore and Indian, Ba gmlintrit of Polio - 8 is in loe 848141401,--nfter the fashion or the ifootßaiipire; - ' The French' army of ohoirilitiorrnin the Rhine elghrdliiiionit of linelil'and is 'Many of • _ 4 131glit steam frigetee,'Eled wiGitroo — pic left Tou lon on theßithfortleuoa.: -- - Theßrerokarmy.'owthe.slops of ' the - Alpe will °moist of Arborgidtriettee PI. infantry andfour of eaVA/ 1 7. , The jefeastry tugs. Ary,liand. otirteen ' one the ,tviontyftwe, .tittsdlints of Outwore are forif part oethi, army 'oroliSerration'Of the Alps Geno a lin'ooeffiled bull of operations, whence - therein - threaten - the - Aur,-" team' left flank? = There to be isiettar - basis at - Baas, which will also be fortified; sad Made the. - -general depot forLthe - - troops' that iirrin'tihkongh the Alpine past.: -• -The , ',French troops experieuttedionse dieloulty ip,oroasint. Montt Four:, thousand work men were.epoployeditta.lettftilt.awal ihtlannansa ritsalis Of, now. , „Ifirmsexpootsi-that, -.by _the end of the Week - AO 000' Bench troiipl Would - be in - Italy, THR"LATESP BY .TOl3 PlaiSlAY-f. The Persia oailed at -.lo , Veloek on the mornini of the 30th ult., aud consequently her:Ovine are not so late-44,88W hours as thoskfureidied by the - Adelaide at At. 'John, * Rut yrisadd,seme Jangling Faeticatprs ,' trfeW Ettilg tht a 4 1., ,. ' ,WWI very isowal" - ' StUis t.suoirlsat i hn fioren. the torn sniffier alw.ititostbslliGli-=.-..- - ilashauffnlsoin lower. nustnsaincohsumsooeswittintnotuinal., `4stie - 714141 - 61t ,Hirligareesetti)*thitilist atithority., litel'Uo . sentit i lkteAlfs'lleeti; signed between ' ' • Merely olferedlo pike 40;000 kinj'sCobsernition'on the few , The: PI 's n : fiOoriroyv , .sivi 7,l4l;inpeet = ta this ,tan -. treaty :";14st.,hersr.nothititg e ssential to retract: not in a unfit tristy,to ha= - *Own in de - within a week after. itluis.been -ilaa h 1" ited,4iftt,,:theoriahrliotcarB,-wa fear, without '• . _ ultereilli4Plitig,l44ildie English medlatiostMolliglarther -ntelipM;aPpen-tuto itrbolineaseaaWonsnio oiont - negotiatient_br meinutof a' ionferenoe be-, tween Eugland,,Pritssie and Ilassiai - to be held during a sort of tiniistiet between the actual ..,The 'T,i'ofes otud niter- morning Jotrunistlen, anthOrttotbroly, that Danmark liad.owneluded a tremor, offensive aottdefenslve, - with Frain*: 'The Hint' if Myer litnlinie . sint Parinflkiew dotterel for , --• , . Tit? at Saturdity;ieltatittlnitinir tract titatenent, Bars lb. Aspiring nroty,a tlut Ti• dna On Out 264 and Oak's paditicakdi,that-: ono- Woe territory; and 'main army:onanid'Ort the • ,By all aeoctunte. - the Ainitrisai-had letinitswid 0111,8 VigOI.OVUI r m,cmeinept •sad l ~thirowtokboAfttle doubt. are destine 4_utrilting tko;hltti!l*at.Alto Prenohlroopie can reseribilm. • • ;The War- entbudiette - wits Perk Weals it state; a? hl tstaltitisent . Thelieneh_woremnprepered , forsidiew move-. meat of theAustrione, they, inutothst,to_ begin the wit attbelk lOtutife—rioutewheseittoit iboond- The diffletillietistid oti Mount Conk irill bo eenebieluble7 Altbeighlbe Fraaeb treopiit re tarried rapidly to Gesto_s, thtmeirkT.Lthile With • Out the means of onteilng on thoosinpalvt.lmuto• Mutely." %The French Geiemutent hid - reeetrea - litteißl• .genoe of an. outbreak: lit 'Aliterll4,4)leh'wotild. - probably-reciatre thcretern.Of the A:OOPC litelY sent to Daly: - The Timea thit niers have thetrhandelcill'of fork* hiders. up - to tber,nigbt'of the 49t1 - t 2 142 iniabonthad been eleottd',te:•lb. new Podtamenti.-hichnling 112 who were otttottg.withont_oppoultloii.; GENERAL IVEWI • • Gkipiette'ot Moiday ilayt " • • Toe loading , rattroad: - *genie nirlinaTitetfic'ion ohtaion on Saturday that it was abbdt *junk* oat loose from, ro4potLepoliep-sbatAraicrpfgoalled for sever'aOriekapaaffa tha fribtikt lasTket t fad adopted, by ratans' sOioneut, The ardimalS4ailt to take effect today, ad-Raided* hal& ' iurfi,•a , f •I;AT.ii; - • ' Ath ohm. .114ont4,ettbalasa,Tiour. - 65 25 .. • e'n . • NeW York "" ' 85 • 70-; "'" 80 ''These.rates ale low.enonghi and ::,thistint in m itself affordso ground -for com Plaint,, an -thenr rattgement is objeistionahla only biMusse et, there estiblislunent of a tariff dieerimiliating slitinst the river.- This ie tioneendonon the - part of the Southern .linetthatweiteranotpropered fok, bat ae there has been.no permanent, anwegereent, it is not worth while to „make it ,trpott the:matter at Chit time: Easiness non,:hoirever:shoilld pre pare themsehrea to coffer resistinee to the re adoption •of if 'perninniratlioltep intended to de prive them of the , adventsgetof river eemisamica- Von. Nothing .has been.done..toward elesidng the tariff on western• bound freight. ,A.iefwyg to pro'rate- with the Atiantielliies; at the nominal prices ruling; ;Would be -another • atop In:the - right direotion. , 3 . , , :The elevelankirerard,, of _Saturday.last, says "We now advise all the imblio who wish_to take advantaaa , of the pre*nt ahealitatai of travel and, freightage' not tolosie a day: Another - Week' will, in all probability, - ..obsege theleatstres'of the rail way struggle: .The movement Ude Vete erill_not bottom the _Mgt, AN; tf„adoptedvrlll Won* to whieh the Nistirill have toeibmilisiefeasiMieni." . , EA CoNntrl."--Lietitejitint - 014, U. 8. N., formerlY PittsMirg,:regientiYaidedin saving the lives of the of a schooner which feilloler lid et Montevideo, in full sight of , thiscity - The lieutenant offered to save them-if ten molt:tatters would join him. ,Ten of •the orew of the store-ship !apply instantly Imaked hint .The 'Montevideo epublzea says: "The Filament: foundered' at half-past 'eight A.J. M. Before ten teolook Lieut. Gillis and his gallant companions bad taken from -the wreak the', three sailors- who clung to, the rig ging.stmong them .Pomingo be cop tam of the echoOner."Athalf-pait eleien they:die embeaked'at 'Pit:Warta' Mele,ln that - timed. of a crowd of over three thousand, who received them with open. arras, Mid transported4.with• joy; gave the gallant sailors a lhorough-going -triumph. Lieutenant Gillis, whci wee 'dripping with' water, and 'much exhansted 'by his inergeHo struggle against the furious- tempest"; was carried off in the arms of his friends, who took care that. he should want for no comfort. after his, heroic set., The rescued sailors, half dead with fatigue and hunger, were carried in the arms of the American sailors to - the hospital; where -they were carefully-treat ed." The,R.screitiors cdneindes along neent with, the exclareatioe, `,` ifutvah au hundred cheers for the North American sailors." , Tiis Gaots.--4.- gentleman 10,00 in turned' from an'extended jetliner , threugh Michi gan,- Ohio; Panitallrenia; and 'New Jersey; fur nishes the follewing noted of thii Stewing crops in the twenties through which he pissed : • In Michigan thewrheat and gram. crops look finely, and promise an: abundant harvest , - The cold weather of April had delayed the getting in of, spring crops, and the Winn sun of the last tan or , twelve days has done. math to prepare the soil, and the farmers were bully improving the. ink*. In Ohio the wheat and 'gran look well, but not eo forward as In Southern Michigan. ' In Pennsylvania, - east of the mountain, the wheat,' lye, and.grasa crops are.. very forward ; the oats, also, being further advanced than- those above mentioned. - In New Jersey the - winter crop looks vary well, hot not so forward as in Penneylvania. The warm weather had made the soil very dry. • ' Pin/wax - ExPaniiins; - - Oar delete ire even date-later from himilevideo, -but they bring no additional need of-importance. The 'tumors of the fleet are -all prooceding home ward 'slowly, "in pairs," and may be expected to arrive daily at the different seaboard'cities. OORN CROP.—The Lafayette' Coisrier of the 6th says: The farmers are attaining every nerve to get in a corn crop, Every available' team has been called into requutition,_and the area, planted will be largely in:excess of suy, previous : year. Returning fromlndianspollis on the special trolls, yesterday, we observed several fermata, between this city and Clark's , Hill, ploughing their:l6lde as late as seven o'clotik in the evening.:`,..t It is statui, as a positive foot that many of the Quakers in Wayne township were in the field on last Sab bath, planting corn. REOPlttiren T I M SLAVE, _RADk '‘it reoent meeting of the Black Oak , CS o.)4giietlitt isl Moiety, resolutioni - were adopted requesting the Legislature of South Carolina "to take each steps as will induce a Alamos of the unonstitu tional and iniquitone law of the United States for bidding the introduction of the negro. from Africa into the Southern - States." The preamble is, in substance, that the Smith is in great need of negro :labor, and that the planter is the best missionary to the African.. - - •_ • , A HortrauLw Arrent.- - --The Troy Weig,re lateta nem-of finding ,a dead infant in. the'. Does tenlillt Meek.' Inquiry - developed the fact that the Mot-hetet Abe child was - e daughter' of the Wife Uflliiiihiter Gillagban, l and"-cthat Gilleghan was the father of the stand:- .The girl's name was Mary Jane Halpin. Gillaghan took- away. the and and it was never seen until fotmd dead.. He hasbeen' arrested: - .•. • _ „TIES TaiineThe 'toe' expor t trade whleh gitiehi UP' Within the' - list -few 'years, no* betenie a ittaplektiele of eothmeree, employ -ing in: the coasting trade two hundred, and Any eight ships, beigssunt schooners, and for --foreign exportnisety-fivo, yesseli, 'P*OO4 of ra large hrotM, 853 meets. mats , gOrniiistomanarst Convirriri.— 'As fares heard Winn; this reef Solthisrn einimer dal (political) Convention' tstieh assembled at Viaksburg, Idisehedpyi, oft- Monday, turned Out a Lade. , Tan fallen potentate . Sonlonqno ' living in Kingston. Re parses bislimein Playing cards with va. Lubin, the "Bloodthirsty, " lathe Hay Gene call him. DEOLutae.- - ..The Hon: John Scott Harri son decline to be the Democratic candidate 'for Governor of Ohio. • _ • Tow Rua around •the sun, on Friday; was thought .by .the Itiolerttes to be another 118114 the approaching end of the werh,i , ••. - Cfnoinasti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers