411("a_ tr ai teiiii)Weitsva *, 2.l`ine : ).rfitirfitintkirlinklbts innineatnintFalen, tolake the life tiCitin;'rrn;., thW knattisl#ll4o; audit' of thifoutritoiltooK ,, ibeAg_bonsAlArk . ii • *ow inientinidO inatia nin,O ; ionsmi ; !coot die*l,Viatiiinblietco.eliier ‘ ,..,.. th er2tl , flitl,K tendaU1ty,444724111 1 1 , 4:,: . :A `" 11, Mi et4to of :ttaligi'liv,taiiiiido v t4/1,4.1,651191".7, Frenohmani in gen • an or„ Atm , Po . Waits's; lin. .rni 4 }..!. - Oe nnbletialbed ooxsofit.r. , 4: 0,4 12 Mom a sim,upolm. toward , him One Z: 4 2l tli r n T4tiitZaeit73 - OutAirW Of; St : Viia**4 l l l4 th anloolO tuie_itnna'ir: ,4,it: ant tt. is'3.oV.,,ilwilt•tiittio entn4y4ni6lAton-this PreBSt _ . --.. , _ , IINEPOIITA 0 6.. , - - Pr klew Ayres-411yrk Murat 6111- • bides .30 b45iM0tiV,20,001202342312332; 24mbill& 35991ildesi8rbaletwodl:i0 dolidik Cut-- ?iittes:orti ~ .40f1a50,K31. 1 403, g 1in542' - ?~Cariit~~~ntelli~e' ..,.. „,..,,,y•;:.,-7----:;..i,J,,,,.... ~,„: ~:- ; I ~,-,t „ t.z. -- .,... , v ; -., r r - -,---. , ,;,--7:i' - - -- 20Y,-- = -. e, '• ~'..CkT:.`t-=...-:04011.1i110'..),.1.441$11 • - -, ~,, .7i 3;s:', lady 14,14 Lr ~,,;,„ ~,-.;,,; kril7*6—'ladi !. ‘ '. '''sj s '07143/' * -Da: to;' Piti l o° ' / P h l s i ittatithlP ' 144" Labial" - ~-' , I t 4aiiiis; /167, Biatittuat . " a /par; Y •-i t, halted tr°7 -:lEitumbott, -1/Ani:- ''. '.. '', idliiitataa;, - - stilltwilaik'nlattm,,i4l.Pirl,l- „ ,„ , i . arrived a t 4°9 : 1 ! ; ' - i4N`1".34;47.' 0 day. . ,wO,-lii;tfou,.„ --, r"tarroabill Brol?"111-- -.- ,-,- . - • ' yili Booth. me& 4,-„. lump- , , , )1,21131M. b;a; Irottaa, fr om,. ~ , ,!_. . . Steno niibiP, lid N *l'll' 74414'7Lif ,414.6g.th. sioi 4aixitaa at a, , , for uth _ . .. _ _ Ship tat-figt*--I°,l-1. -..: ..17 — cleirid -;,,cii.,,, York Stmt Sa 12,440?y"..a' 40....Ut,iiitaiollitki,nitiitl.k:e= i="r.ol-r—st il-, l'kri'l3 d" toenart*, -.o. 7rovrkliackeip,ss .!._,_ , ~, . vs'aip Blatiatd MITI, i j ui. ; _",:„. 3 ',..iiii--. ii,,,,,Firlyed - 4,,,t pestle" *qis;: ciplil!*: . f rk r ..-";',..:". tor, a Shop 4 414 Y"11 '-'-`''':" -'' ' '&4'l-* 14 " '. --..ibovaas ir•b A• ii tageiKtraw,-„, ~. , ~ AtiTep 81/15111)1, ,•• •.-. '; •.- - ,•firojit-:tiviipoOlf!,t. " 'iii 111144 07, - ). - tet lone IttP" .. uso,,..guarit .itui. ma, la ,* ~40,Exior ShiP-i lea; W" 10- fi iii, 0.415i , ,Pk..-- ...IL' ,'", 'Wiwi° P San, .. S mith , .7 In- --• 'dm -INISW) ShIP 244.41,,r_,-t7-' -liiiryorle, it 111 ,•!" ,let loat.', . o taii, fiiiiii? ~ ir • 'Br 103 kt BaltnkariCl3'timesitl:l-!?1•11' _ , ' -.: ~ , Fob IP.• ilfieetiaali 0,41..te-. - ' •. - ':',Lt Botaltir anis*. ---d.4, NdWi,." ~,...'acGllajf,"), . - w e d at -3-- 'xi tioaaT 3.' .-- ''' '-' ' slkepA 4115r441,--. -,- ` ~" i., *' e 'it At/baa7r, Vtb 2'''''''-'-'' --'l3atti).!;fitki, '''''', , - " 1 Wt. 19111 i.; '-':- ' - -41:43itit i r P i P .1 44 4 -, A. To Le..: ---,- •-•iiifii,4 Ir i• iiriiii• , ships T.tveakotmlikt: yaal3ol' I art y ,g, bisiek.o ... .A.,,, IfskYrk Noutigiag 20... . Ye" ^1100014.00-111-cL-.-Awating, __;Vtg:',4k , .:t ~F. ' AO", ruesili.,,,. -,,,..„;',.; \ ..'--. -'" '. 4.4,7143 fare ItIP O _.... .....,-,.,,_,:cia,5,0,4,;.ti5mr - - _`sit-. t4.3•3*"'"',Bigiii'llf. ~- '''' ''''' ' with Hark I te # 9 l„ . :,.- ~•., -": : iaiiito i1e•41d1093 -iardiliswirisoli:lattlirilit. 1.4 - , ; , , iguie." - 10th , Brig inii ' wakpaaa. Anit-'ker a a m-,- .. - , - - . • tiat,b#P- . in t .4,414,. , ~,,,, ... ---. ` - 1/o* P') lii - ' it:A.; n -.., k .- '‘ .. .2 "` ied.it BOO" ititiSoatogi2Ottia::lo/I;Viilli6::*!!''''' ' it ' a Bee '0430111114'7- ...j.; Philadelphia, ltlcri.-., mat mat, ~,,,1.-atlitti:l:7 Iliusuil: Boa Rio I*-Thr.. Sanford,;aa; aad York Bay -Turk Yitttera,7ot:- from V airtflikit F- Sabta,.„__-Cair,.....f'::'eniatlit Fk,#l- '''' ' . Bo st o n , - .o 4' vista; ...irMirrr m" , -f4. „,:' .. ._--feacii-61. i: taral.3. :,...,iiii,,,.' tofiehtlatil!3o4...awalor,,t/00 73x* 861u1I'riat.W°21*4'610 Statb?st:; : ;,,, ; '-:-. -0 leit° :i t fto lioltaabli o,, .-^=. - ' City, 1 ,4 1, ,,. '', u , , , •';" 6 . - 1 0! 01111:01tikl(iiiisatoiinallfk4 - t" - Blli J 1 •-, - „ o If ifobitt .--rnii.llll,-%.lllE,Wslipousi:ohte..., „ BaakneV fir moo • Joim - s Lioraveohozi, - .a 8 .1(74:24. - W;m:timmr, , .pati-‘4 .- ri, ; "•,.. • wm Use M rDILIKkh vf,'Bl , sjia; 291 El'ambialai 1 011iffeidi'fittlimd"; widdhi & Ni. Lfratiosai Six •• Hist la ;A 'stab f". -- • • ,PSldertlAre,42l4llWCZ a „ c MOPhersini;" ON,l,Outi; ..Ww4o l l4 l brr...tdc, • 14 . Ohio ;. + 1164 :triummik, 210&isms; • •-.Wagrias*ar;te - *O - ir ioutaisetk#o3 ; .4. 1 . . 041 4 1 4Tgi:A.. 0 .2-:: • Mr* T1101:fito,-,74 • ' 11 tktfiiAt • 004ftigiiiiR,8* -, , Rwitir - 7. , 41 weiatte11iX044100,01,3:',4.T1T1,d0 ,. :44A9* 1 0 , : 7, L' u Ci r obAlcalinsiti,l6 Mai TitEkOlii,' Irlanift.Cilakt `:•11 . .T ose BitaalßdatdiikokVaiOOL i ,,, '-iW21. 1 100 1 4 , 001141 Ltorkierannt-_ , :l s , , ,;tlNiiris, Tflaild• *-11; ,-.- IdeellA , ' Al$ , Iforalur & .1" ) z e b,vs o k ar , • v Atoa 7 JP Triltritel CwiojOlf ieYrfaikAiennt,. - A B o u s ei; ,Elook:,'Laieistoti /a, Ti t" Bal !* ll* A l :'' ' Ti. Pitkistso,lll6o,lo4-00:1PD41 1 1a:t;11 1 0 1 10nitsiAN. nur0401.: 1 : 1 T0 10 :- 1:4 7 :04100:401 1 1km 'l7 • Is ta-Irshartit '1) A .Plth DOA 01 1 6 ,11 ,01frUle 0 1‘ troih, Bellitell107:,-:*i'221,1•101111,814*../.•.114V, cni rist Briny Viria#,,ll,lC - Blatibiptieys, LabeastariTP 011:144:014T: 41 :0140:',: , Geo Ktuttts, Baithinisrj;:,-.llaltliffidhoi‘:, Ihiotet-11 Moe, Tov,,i ' PonDeVon.l lo3ll %) .4 LP 11:11',.W11,Baker; Thaw ',.• 1140.1:: Tusamr;:Baltiosor• - 0 I Vaik,Wfail4WT-„ , & if Triliffisi`fitir, Dittinio - B.Boik,'Wsobiogtan A Gariitti'etiviltiCl), , Vir Witibeire; NM , &kettmaskiVaTh. ,= ' • , ••aIV trillATO/4 - Vei• • '-' a 4 :blutiA poi!, 110" - . W A Datski,.PrAtiinaro , • - - •''. 41111SIOAR. =XXV- - Ailtillstist 5i..... - Aliters. 11Th. 4 0 0 B e een;st-,yr,l-.„., , 1 ,,-„,„ „,, , MhortViiilsr; X E ,:-.•, IseseJ Toting, X.O :2- ~,-,,, K, , T W.Xorcoyii, X Q.... ' wmt-Emioiheohip . .,,,..i :DA Ire oodie/Vh - :-. ...„. -„... • c ol Alu-0 n ., , ,••,,,,•-t," ~, ~,' _,,"..,,,' 'Moe 0 OuitlicK It-2 - .". ' El BleoltlVllorlT , fl',?: ,. . ,, ..„lllofies; IS ..1- - , -,-. ',._.4••,... ~,, --,„ - Jes 0 ilimithilhoidl43- , -,*ltiobeirOeiNiehfoirtoh. ' L.: 110 wog .Thoosee; X. E.;.- Tik ..f Marl Jiiits,-Palllisere- , ; ,- .- - - l a . pecityloa,,ml ~..4".,,,, k .1 - EP Loader ile he,,WV , _,;r,' ' - - ,1 Bkometehail,E, YE ..,' ::':.O Nfehohl, - Besios ,•..,- ~",v,.., TM , WhitiW- 614 3 e,',lldi:' ';'. B Elholo,..Deliothei. '-'. .-„ 4 vosylle,JOhistoa; fles- , 4 , , - .VedueaWeiedioelei NIC - , •:'-' - a o', efeatle:ds, taltitocirFAlß Stotie,Rleber.ed ;. 1 h Role; R. y,.,..-,,-,x„-c-,-,..- -,„ R.Rooltwater, W,41, Okada JOitilitielittVabi;ro;',!.f , I ko,*Diteheigni,X !..,-..,,,, ~ . ` •. itteg6lrrtele,'lstvrisbere:i;y;, - .., , , , fr-_. , ..., - 2,r _: , 1 4 ,- ,.. , .." -•,,•:,-•',-,.- _?' XXXlXHOVitiliesithiriie. ii.144..'Xi:114:`'" ,-, ' au . Pi iltile; Bilefookee ' , er-jVii gotelon;Allsry Oliy , • -, ::-.1 erilllstes. , Seeltivillepkiti RO , ?llai YR& ' '. - ' 5 . ' - •'6 ~....: ;i t: ' , 7 tr v o2 °regal o: i . - , il a ba2;f i lveittt4 _ - ~ ,' .:'• • 0 11.1phill( " eee4targZ-, - -::24 Ptue,quinuotiePo.. l ‘- ''-", , " RP Steissesclequitos*PiPs IQ. Sylvester; Illablefut. , - .-- ', 1 0 Vithietteie,4ool,llSea.,,„, , a K KIAPPi Rloblgan --' z ' '- , Mr tO*lseleeqe3tieeet ti . - ILECHarcimtiaqm, :, h. - ".'I: o.skliseilikwlfaii, - 9 1 0 0 'r:IcrifofoclitlY%:; ,-, : , - .- ~, valta!ristoui.p.* in, -.444004 #t., twowybsc,-;.1 -3 hi ikeerOlei , %down ~., - , . .k. ory itomberrtoills .0. ' .' or IrtcitiCkoofewee , e'7..1-;:' , `A EvEtteehipitielie Mils ', . p h . fokatitiiti.RAl-'.=',c - .7.- - .s , 4E(efor, , Leterso do '.,=--. -". X Plifiter, Thnlobsisioele, ,", I Watibu Osso, Emote eh? ', J,V Stlikillily,'Relte_o4 , ,, , .- , J D'Hatitleyalew Rope -• ' R Morrie, WSJ°, Greve 'l-.--:ICIS Valle, tquinitek . , • ' Xeetburo Reedtri-Solebtry,•ir-li Eloicemoo,elee.hoh,. - W R ilecier,,Nieriai: , ,.,,Viefolev 07, Nielsen].) - ' • " I X Xiles;-Biukeed•AVerl(o-Wmilima, L: Pi -•••-•:. bolomeiciaelecoOkeelf_f,.l.4.lllyotheto re ,-;,-'..:-; :, -r :Sul Wiree,4tosltveo ..,-1 , 4,V Jeep leoliriltiokeve , •-•:', 1 , Alletottal , ,Sleiteeelse - AV;I: Vefibere;Fßleetevra - , 'l ,- yoiyarbse-pAthihoesOn,Ftlp/W,:.Now.hollt; Xiget-Clrt 7 ..•-, - - - 4 K abbot Itimerithie4e:4. - 4001.4 Vitalise ' 4, , ,L, ,' " -' A Al4Avo'&4 l 4 - Blekirio N. , 4 4 Voi6echißeieke ;d,.-,- ,", helm hteol;-Eoeheiiiee. , 3l ,- /mileelliehhol, - Pa, L „‘=- -, -;-; le. 0 iliiftilAMS t $144411011*?2 -Setalieri Baeklnitesis „',,j, - .Owen Weak Seale&III-" , ..' KM Rabe, Becket* ..- ,P ~...Amee cetsee, pis 'l• . 4 . 0.•; , ',::...1105ig Boost; Vs % , -' 4 ' ',,--•': gamthmleritmork4, ~''',', , ,..,,, . ,Eph:W001e0y;-.0 1.,.': .1....r.V..'' WlNAripinli •Oheteeilbekeeti . , :94,B4leohenideke as''•''. ‘-::- .„ -.. ',... a 0 o r a it ik. etos t ioN,•; , I !„„vvoliGiGne, - veldt* Pi , i'• , . , sip jsmeAtittsberiO: ~-•,: l Zasit °Tenser, 3 , poyee_so -:.: :: -' "G EOttozikiteiWilekeliogo;' , 4 , : t " ,, :'d , ~:-.. ~- . 7.,..',, : . • . • 't '..• - •• , ... - a, , ..-1: - .. , ,-.;-••,,. ~.....,--,', :4.,.-'& , 1":' , -'-:•• ,,, 4 ,, 1 XL4OE - SVAEUOTEL•-: -Vothl liti4 ebeirekeighaerhill.t' -' W X Gkica,.gook....ffiwar"i:Kl Ceite Pletiey, •lastievi Ile , Leyte 011ietaisteli,LejlisPa Miss OletooseasOlOylesVe Abe.) oosetiossOlybtarir , jfilllth Louie - home; Pt' ‘-'-' 4agpflTaast**lofirorii:ol***4ol4l,B.lborrl.• . --- '',. '' We Pleolti,ilacteri_WAV , EDekeilthplie'erfolto '', .- --;-- .uri Vikrairteidiroi:BefteiroAllt,o4whase*;l* - . ' - • - Ohm RoooleAtee‘bitelyiteit , „;;; , .., , , J-.- =_,. -„, •r , : ~, , ~•,,. - , _,--''. -, ~-=- - ,-- _ ,:, • - a ,i-, 2 :%,' ~..j.,.....r.,,A.,.--, -...-,, :.;. - - 1111.1;14t01;Si 110/St.;Pitid iti.:;:eliofe OeiletrhilL - Zees* Rftsve, -).. It ~-, - --, .. .e, irsots. , olll6l ed ,-,' ' , - -4114 J Boreerlietiin. , , ' , ,,. ,, , , wfhtmi, - ,1 , 4 , , ~,.,,, , ', - , BM Goof. *At; BuyleiyieZEoint Bmlth, beat 6 etas liessic Seeks etr.- , -*% , 11K powiti-Wittte 1ie1e , . 7 . W Desete;!Stekirie -•- —• ' -- - -:, -," '`•-',.': ' . SPAVIS.; urpotruollstifirtitt -- Ai . :.' ativre pii ; tl; - . - . - yißbiloilt,TeraniOpilr,.;!. Ireefee hMeiall 'EMI*, - ,Zihio .1111iseibriAlBiGil?1 , :::7 0 .ffeeeilw Viiippfewth -, - - : ". V V Johei ph- ~ ,. .V., ,, , -- q-, : kr:, 7 1.141=0 ithdthiic;ll V -:',• -,-,,, , H WE:iiiwitiftigiikhieek- 1 44 , WEitif.whiiy,h , ;, :N. V.Viheeli,,XT,L „. ', , ,-„ ,- .::4:VEtegthiGhid ••-•''. . • ~,, . _, ~.,., , • .., . . r " ,-- ~ - ' llt;A:o)(3B4BAß:ll r aßfAvi.irXenbG4t ---__ Obis Coliiilisuesyrar":-*G.P deliitllettold co, !l ib. -, v., fn.., 17,,,v„„,, ~ ~.;_..- ai4Pa4(Oxillboster se . , J vy pogo, chietei tok•:,P,e.,- /4 thetese,',4lko 00 ~--, : , = :, , , 1 : Jet Coifeii,,Wll-, - -Oar. - ,,, - ;,-; . `,4nyinrclotriNhailr_tvi ,, , - _V V Tomer OlteliOsieo " - Wiltathimi'Pott VeM' - -" Jeo Ilm , - ' L Xiitt" " T/ rA iril Mee* • 1- 'lsiiik "'' 1 .oeh * ~.: •, , . *weep. 'Ow. P Obotitoos, X 4 ~..,; • ..'..1. 51 .".11111,01si t Gahtliogetonoi _,-----: -,- . NA. , lo2e4•4oißelihoi '44 - I,iiae 4%4: - . _ ,- - . - „Vhos Free cif. , Ehhise - blint . ..! - .lleoitterchimr:mthiriborg .--' -, • - _Geo W_ X Mosey.' Vios,Ohek, AX)ee 4 ShhiGilioeooGonell . - ''- li $ Ihnith., littler co , • . i .-:„..F.,,WW, thsir in ibi s 0 ,, , , ,, - -,...:*•: : .Thee L' ,thelethc; Wel.'..7E, triadu ,e - othrinle.2__."= ''• - - :, - -,, ,, E Ileivrfe: - Sisiteillte - - '-','>ooVer,ooo4 .- ' AtlehoVill• , •: ~,--",,`, 2" PI& °nay,' ightidirer. ,,,,, sAittVf 4 cOteroitt - Leolos - ' ~ ik u 'itertailX, ~, ,,? , 4 , B eeiVABRIGViht•EiVO• ' 0 tOriii, A , Pi•AlleoPreta:Y 4t , ' , ? - re , :"P , Pt:7;>"`. , '..;,:, '----, ' • :,, ',:: ' , ^i "': . ' •'" ': , 4 .‘.' r.:-/‘ ' . :,..-fliiitiOitiiiiti ilatrnaTiltit: 414 4 ,, , 4 041,141: 1, -" . e--•] -: SOL , teid4 , Rt+oo l , ,ol k i: ' G I Griblulimal°r •' 1--2 ' ..---,-..'`.'• 11 , XMeeteXeXeleemoC - .4ei, - 4 ,1 1. 1 110/4. 1 4.infit.,1L , ;:-0 ilfiWlPilet., l4 ,-.1:41W1 m I riaidgt , ?•l l '. : ''.':;•-•:''',.',,Vaicil Xiiiitik-441wme0t , v7?..e.10-- , t ','' - 9 Wiffiud'boattOtilliQ , ' F 'o oo: lV7o l 4 Xerilehoole '', .`BAGLE4I,OVErehd deity iti**(44 4,8 0" 2:- ` - , - . 1 -:' , . - ',lllll,loler letkllettnrC , i. - , IpeedElh,Ghio4t.q „ . 2.. - ` '', v. - 0 Tolme4o; 0h10'z'. , ;.4 I*NJOAIGAiIf,zI - ' ,, ,3,..f . `, *Hooter; .314 , ..., , T,' , . - '1 ::-.,,,,,,- GArVokeefiwhilleb ~J'r,;, , L - •. - .;',..-..'.,P *milk 1 . 10.1‘JWiL 1 ',',,4, ,- ,:te i GOV,,libgeioqi - , 'hi% ',• s. --.._.:-.,,,,:-- an sin*cip: omit ‘4131 - tijAllow4l.4oisfstgle-c? ~- .-;! TWelhOtheV, ObilehoctA9&AXereey Gheelts! - .. , ,,: , ;:-..' • ,- .1 . ()Ohmic, OhieWe'co - -VP•.":' 6 - -wo94ari - ,;• ~.,' -.1.1 , 2- - ,.-?. -- EA - _: a c L - yfke r itc,sisis - 4, - 46,:igAllintliestiligfotiR -,..... -.. - ,, , ,X 0 4*(Gthit I;MidOiedelfritilf: . P'e# l *,,,V4lol , 9o*;no . • '-'-'' . ''''331,41044,11r1%.,2,'-',"":..--,,,,",'_'':,4gA ,s.;-1,-.,:,,:,--...-„,4 .: , ....ht0IBIV,illEXOtothioleolli : Ariela g--114c-,,-sta, reitagotioso;-,,-vottillittievt-pt(orktotar ~, f1 , , .- , 41040eicei1",, 1 1,0*%,- , - ,; , -,-o l4_ll4llslll,o4,icialoish. ~., ,A •4 7 )4.5i0ritirg1iik...., ,, ;, , a.„... - 0 010,19 33 41 10 54 "1;' 2 : ''' '' 1 ;::V" , ;1-K' - Witi.W 4, l 9 ''''flaa'A'tli.l o, ll l tW'''' 4 . 14,4 k rat OieglinVl/0 11 010-11- 1 &: 1 0 116610 0 ;1 0 11 1 4 ,11 . 101 A: '':',A?l'alir*C."4"-Pti **At/MO 440#1414LabilMil - t n. 1 , 4 .. 44,Vhieehtet' ,, .. , - , .'A'Alinthie.A*;',WG• olo o:.'",':, : - Igft , vtA - " -Xf keer-B4WiliDentae(4o;Pok',-', X'`.); AW.Ol.#-0- 4 4t.Ve;4 1 4 , 01 1 ,',T , 'Z' r : s " '"-' ,7 ''',l? IT" -- W`4.44 Onti-4hß it ) 4 - -r 4111:14 ` 111*1 '. AVP, ivOtOkta , f , , , TAl:f7o , -.4' vg•-. 65• ,• IX & c , !'".4:7', 181 . 041 f :ii' - ' , ii-Y,'" ,- .414 , X1CAW , 7 jaif!z ,, , , 147: - 1.. p*Oheei. Tot ~--; '514-?Y-4?441. I'.'4l' ' ' - ' '' i l l o: lt it# o iP;r - 4 , :i .- . P., - ..pi - -2.-rzr-;.44,''" 7 ,' ~-ett.-p- f ,',.. - - , i...:. -,--.-- ,: ,-- --.•- . , - ': - .•< - -- - s - T ,- ; ,, W: 1- 2 .- A - '.7( 47 1 , : =4 , : - . ....g , .::-:-' ,- ,-,-,:- - :' , ,-.,-..,- ,-,-; ---.. „.. • - ..:1 ~. ,- ," , , ;, 4 1- 6 , , 4, 4 , -. ., ,,r .et,, , , - 1- 4 - - ,-. 4 w5,- " :... , _ - ;, ,,- , - .• - r- , -- - . -. 2 - . -- ",.: '--",` - - : - ' l- t *fiLfti.s- , .# 90„,is._eshieh atiStfelOPtititicatfelO:OO , a "iiettil,ftilei pub* i.e tithe trnenitoritusdeiteit of the lejOneft4sei wkiohkatr been 'obtaimilliithe*hheler *Ami,elSttirover 34.kersectilig(Miiihiste Patent pilau`-t4 the Otf4ii Oat thel3nputetiOns aro only temporary, I deal', V> 4k, P4:°_tra ,Mbs contemplate porchasing • Sothic ' that those made' sletirgo g:toobt,' - 00.kre r-PY551141.t.t Pateritierhlchtftqe been tided ta Veo "Pliant °Mei and in the oberts:i-that these Patents hare been iftatained" valid:ftieverfinStiiteis ; 'that AO - I*' I;itteticics are met i r cteinperoty,! l ,tist,"on Mich S folk bleartn, Is before the - Court tip to,pcSolMio the ides of sirsliciror bMograised; that no:person.oan /any, - sell; llah " e,loinie these Titatioalidaetiinei ?leis "thig" the Patent Rights" Otiero;oin`d, , expaelng themselves to an letiott: at, lasi, and the pay , ' Afbis other inaohinan ' besides - thoite - of, Xeo ? fireitt r*lrr, ihet !ken - °P 4 ; ' ,ll,,lnipolitrea htoh they make, It - is "ieeinse I .have thle dty seen an advertlasnient, over their sipatnre, in ertiliZS they enteaver to,deorthirtrne Snot of -tbs. 11.- jonotisnilloioilicas they welt do, that good pimple' Matuiip y °late the law and mipOset themielmte by 1;440g 'lsiah"' has been proved iiifeetirt.to be aSiefriegisur *Mot and :because ft/C . :fit inoilatOrliieli appeared: In • the, public ,Asiiir# :that B. Bloat " (snfspr Stout) bad'.beel,arreetitt in `Neer- York' and held in $5,000 "bailtis viewer 'a. Chitin ...4:vieliting :this' injunction his :advertisement,. - he - - a ,$ tem sOr,ar,f ono i'an . d . liatly, beemolitSinischissa of Slott * Co. are snere_Oori, 'oCtiies made ix) , the Wheeler **then Illsaiiactorieg OoMpley, - and eo long sold by nrs in thio 'atty.'. • Ihey bare:not the merit or egense iorlrien atridai,ioiprovement . copy the jpfr ` ealei 4 lgstiori,mso no in ever y important potist;- are like-it in Wey but simplicity, nee -fatness, and good workmanship sad' itilnintlene . Ind reports Of the ''ttiatii jrhlehmay,be nisei at - HENRY 008, - • 60$. Otoistint street. xffin ! ...(:"Plialst ; Macts ter Plain People. " 01Motig"iloiroinylidnoeineabi offerad ; in poetry and Prise; in scrape Oinewe, and inblicatioas of sacrificed 'girlies" (although rarely realized by the purchaser ' ) it difficult to &mide where one 'can do the best with his money; ord. Where'll° will be the Mort: honestly dealt With . " THIS. WHITS HALL OMIT/IDS BAZAAR, M" wither Wirth and Market' bursae. the straight; frdwima, honest mariner of dialintt . inake no promises initvibat thug - 06min, Their motto !alpinist dealing is Wlewiri el WHITS. Matt, _SOU'S:Aid it. They buy I !keirifesidi tfirtsidti Dint* ease, (tithe roannfsioturers, importers, and commission house: In their manner of purchaSing they Min suathriitre it least twenty per cent. Their Clotting is well Marie, ins, end trimmed in a dumb'. and teateformanier, fliVWeir, end mei not for elMWAl!"sit;:tiejri.rloleiparkediziPthlN WIGTIBBS od eaeligarMent , ithd thso 'at - the 'lbliest living 'profit. Bat Celt mai see, mid conviuth yoarseiveg, eE „ - ' - PAX GRBAT , MiIiTS MALL, 8; W: corns Pourthand Markeists. The 'Weide* . c it . itie wan =der of the' ;ego is that_ celebrated, rreinedy for diseases airleink fronsadebility of the digestive orgium—Hoo.l?- iOl ,D'a'The' power exeroleed ,over diseeeea.or „thin - clue by, the !Miters le Indeed od: - . houlons. eore.the worst eases of Dyspepsia, 'Lifer Ocimplainti'Mervons Debility. Want of 'Appetite, *Meths ireateet,faaillty . . -Poi ale by the Propriethrs, Mr. 0. M. JADMEON & 00.,'418 ARCM/ btniet,,Phila; delphia. - ' , It , iVethteg Dell int!, Mere Item a lidyls charms 'their superfluous hale • about tie arms, face, and neck. ,J117141811/17EL'ffDEPILALTOREPDXUER effectually yemoves traces the ald of instru- Drente - of say Wad; It is perfectly hamlets ? and can In irreerlettulut?. the akin; Sold 4" alt Druggists, and by JULES ILAXIEL k LfJ;;No.IOJ Obeetnut street, 'Phtift 7 delpltia. ' ' apll3-6t 'tasty Trust Com fAtur.—obarteria by, the Stati of . pmusylvinis. Noisy IS reoslisd every dsy, and In sny amount, . .. . _ : , 2 :FITZ Pia OXINTI interest -Ls' paid for. money frqui ttre:diy it is put tir. : - . - . - -t' IL Thi money Is always petit beak In SOLD whenever It finned fqr, and 'without notice, 4.llfoney ii resolve!! from Exectitors, Administra: tars, Gwurdionsi'und other Trustee', In large or email 'time, to remitin a book or short OHO. • ~. 6., Thimodez,iiedied frontrTwyolltore fe invested - in Deli Eitete, Mortgages, GrotiMiltents;and other ftrst uteri securitiee. , - ' ',- '-,,--, 1- :, "," .. .'6,:tifites opal every day—WALNUT Street, south wee! - apron ThleS !treat, Shiladulphia. ' ' , spl6 ~ Wheeler ic Wllion Se*l»g 11IiChhaelli` 0TR108,1322 4311118TNUT BT. %ASS4m t'lttose.prlce - iblothilig.L,Teates, 604 httiriet St. siented the uiTlees of Mr. SALVO, of - Beaton,' indebrafednis - can ridirfstrielati goods iD order, Instjte'sn*sii,ta the"city,444-tlseisAllotbkog Weil, band ,1 full assortment of Clothing -reedy 7 madei % goti eastern• work itylo,' for, retail miles, with the - lowed ritteee marked In plain Ilannee on *mih utia's. and never Varied. - 604 MARKET Street. Delft ill; 4411 *frith' -'-.' • it set,,,Rolox; lixtorntbator, gitiostikes,), s ,,llootrie Powder for liiirotaoto. Maly, reziediied 401TA8'fikm. TaItADELPILIA. BRANISII. - -: NIP iiire4ll.ollstioaa: ,tor $461, br DRiffiGIOTO 4.0 Milatial3 Savtimg — Fikcst—Blesfib,.vsest vinass 13ZOOND Sidi WALNUT ,Strestic :Deposita reoeived i in emili ink-o,lo:l46ounts, i fioni olss"Sei of the Sinicimeiti, ask stlinniAStareSt it eta *ate of. Ewe ,per Ont. per ins!u.m. ' Bidnery'Ansi be drawS tristiests withtnat lolui of Mi. - , ' 09lee ;pen deny, from 9 W4l ii phileeki nod on Man- Atir ? end Satan* until in the evening. Pivaident, Smalls Ifl4j, Tresecirev and eftra:taq, Charles 19. - :,--:/filager /Marla% Illichlear..—The great popu larity of thus - Machines may readily be understood, ,wbea the feet le biota, that any- good !amide operator 'Ora oara, With ens r of them, Taou3iiNp:Dota,ANs A YEAR. , . • , eiery shoe, Destaatresuf, Dressmaker, sad each Serg6 family inchui nountpr,one ot there machines isould be inrstaabln, , _ , • T. soginai Co' '-102 . 0011entirii street. apit. , Bt ' 0. F. DAVID, Agent. . , ".4isre spilogreloplfrivt; • „„, AtBOSSILT mutneeat corner of Seventh' Market etreeter Mehrteleg every variety of Oar :MAU edepted,M the laeiMM ; met Mill the liaest styles, Mad! equal toeustomei work, sad at the moat gammas ble yriees: ay,l6 Sm the, 19th feet, -st the evildoers of the bridele father; • by Rev. G A: Wenzel, Mr:• AUGII iTOI3IdIT.- INN; to Wes Iff +BY -80a8Off.hoth of this city: ee - - -,Oa . the Mite toot., by Rey. Übe r. Borne, pettor of •the St. Gioeleshf...lo. ()beech. -Mr - Afta&HA BTG. LIR, to Mine - ANNA*. ELIZAAVIASTIN, of Books „county, Pa.: • • •-•- :* '-'• - elf Bief runt: Mtil ruiamire'st, SUM MR tlie2Otteyesr her_ago.f , War'relativeig and - friends are respectfully luilted to attendater funeral, from'Ave residence of James fal ler, Market Meet, west of Monday, the 76th' lusty at one - _ • ** On thriglat lost ; SIKH& A:VORANI, aged 23.- JIM Matisse and friends ark resp,atfully invited to attedd the tactical, at the residence of her father, No. 1024 Aauth Eighth street, on Sunday afternoon, at two o?olock; irltbouefuttlier notice. -* ' Bitch' day, - .the ;let initmit, ROOM, wife of Ichsantolnee. • - , " - The : relettane ,enal 'fftendef of the fainllY are, re. ipectfelly frorfted to 'attend the toenail, from the reel demo?? Of No.-:467 ldirehell . street. this (Nsreetbdity)Atterstomt, at threaormoch, without fur titer,,netfee: - • - • s• tiltthilditt_histait;.PNW. *REDBRICK R. (lICER, 11: time %Oa year of htlfese. - ..llletialetthes`saidlnindit And the - se . of the family, ;ire' res]pelitfrily invited to attend his funeral, altltunt faktlier, notice, fasir.the residenee,y - hie uncle?, the W. 14ttagesse,10.11., No. ;40,1eorth3Eferenth 'ANDO, ibis day (Saturday),:s2l feet, at three o'clock P;lt. Matthaei/a papets will please copy t j On Wlldtlellelaf motolog;2oth Idre. If LIZ tOETIt ROWLAND, relict the late Benjamin Rowland, of - Obeltenhun, , Blentioinery county, Pa , In the 010 year cf , hor age. .- • relettete and frletids of - the family-are respect ',Ull7:lATlrOd to attend her funerl, this (Saturday) after acorn as s o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, Annetta Wrath, sleek Ottoamakertosa,:without further nittioa. - _ . . - Orr the 19th lost , GEOROG 51,1.11L.513, ln . the 00th .yearof Mr • , - • , The relatirea filinde o f- thet family are respect four kml4o. tittend thi,faneral, fr oin. the reel. deeee t ,or hie 'brother lu=law, 19111tam . -Gilky, Second. street,. beloo„Greerarich, iunelar afternoon, at three o'clock—, To proceed to hinted' Oemtery, , * ' Orr-Thureday evening, the 21st Inst., kIaGGANGTIL, Nib boobs It ; a amble - - i - Theyebitleo sod frlendis of the fatally are respectfully leyited• to attend: her tonere', flora ber late reel dance, Corner oftdenrudro and Wayne streets COOMIllia• ,TOIVIVO" oh -Moilday morning, the 20th bet ,o'clopki without further notme. - - from, to lootiray friends from the-city will etart from: - the reetdeoce, Benjercia-Strattan. Ito- 618 .Wool etreerlat9M Welciek, a'.ll",'prrol•elr. ** reletives -and (Heade of the late Atm. BLI7. OAR LOGAN BITTOIf, are Partieularly legate** to 0061'1,er withent 'lurthee„ notice, from the xesteene* of her mether,__l4te. A. o.l.ogan, Ntr 1180 Arch li street, on ltiotidey,,nzernlog, 2fith April, at 11 - proseektraternieutown. • • **. p 011". 'emerge sr Sixteen Lecturee :ourIiOTANT wilkherdellvared , putiliely in the - iNVIVIO AND CLASSIOAL UTS, Chest. pnt'Atreiti WV'. dotter of Twelttbi by the' Principal of iii 6 :411 their; Le Aerie eau bbabnndantly - 111ustratedhy nein; plestd sad flowws, and seven of (bad delivered out In the woods and ginves in 'Abilostrirlindrifihe aiti.:lll9 - , member,' 44 ihr clan, as th of the peak tbreeidesidips,Nillifijoythe vase best bikifinWirplaatioal.botilatata. Lectured WWI Atouoli'im.rattlkEDAPC'vet 6 &clock P. M. TLadb'.t6'=ther.viooda on'ILITUSDAYS, - at .4 oiolook. Ordnilseniddit IMO Tir -- maf for ;„tifi•oourpo, 1r.6:1 The filet Leeturapnlll. "kintriunn en Twelfth street. • , f• - , . ' _TWO Slicklieldevi• oU the 'Cietannettrtra pea 1_ PABlNtniliii- P.iximmutoostPANY sve here y initifled to,nnietrat "the °Noe of :the Compeer, No. 238 4003 Ntreeti on INONDAY,II2sykdiA. D., 1859, at 4 &Cook; P. NI, for the putpole of taking into eon- Oldeiltain 0 10 12oPPlenionVto their - Quarter, , psesed atareh 22, 21369 i sad ski° in relation' to .theilepoeition of Nip eta& and the puttin_i or. theload in °petition. -t _ _.'-. . ~- ,f ' • ' wiLISAN-liu.LvrettD, , .10.-dtila -.--" ' :•= = - • , p =.,, ,-.,-,,,Piesident. aahimir,_olititor tk Hortkiwestera Coat Coro. u.g , 24N V" tio.I.OS South YOURTH , ) LA DIMPXIA.,'AptiIt 14y 3.859. -: . .41. specter m e etin g ' et the Stockholders of tho:Dorthirratoro Coal Oloripsop'irill Wild "at the DSOs - of' tbO Company, on ' _MONDAY, maylaty, at P. M., to accept Of reject saupp ement to Hie e dt the poshpOny, approved April 7th, Afigr ri; BURROUGHS, , ,; : . ,;- ; , ~President. Onlee et (Unita Into snd Manua' Usu. RANCE CIODIPANY. Aprli 4869.—The likanois''otthe Oonmuy Wu ofOrdoolaiod • Dtvliteol of POUR PIM. WINT. upon' Iltodcfort4,l64 six months, paysfam to •Oa !tannin,* it *id iftei'fbii ftd day of War. ` ;` , 1 ,91.4111 , F -. 11 t 1 49 1 . 4 + H .#14.971D,*411, Manias*. ea, Shire, at 17rw Yerk, will preach TO-MORROW. at;thellall, Southeast corner or 81'oIRG G&W/SO*o NINTH Streets; at tog o'clock SlORN,ltibli and vosymruzlo. The public, ate In vited' 11* ( . 6-• -•• Rev. Coekutan, _Pastor of M. E. • Unlock Church,' FOURTH, be'ocr Atoll street, pveaoh TO•teIORROW (Sabbath) SIOSNING at -sOg and ZVMOIfIEV- =. The pablio are respectfully jor . ttail• „ it* Religionieloridnee will be held at Woad= Vida HALL, Southeast corner of Broad and Spring' Garden street", on TOMORROW (Sabbath) MORNING, at lag o'clock, by Rev. ROBERT ADAIR, ,and in the Ditlith/NO—b7 Bev. 381: D .ADAMS, at a neuter to 8 o'clock. Sabbath School in the APTER,. ROOD, at P M.- ', - 6e Thu 'mpg_ Men. -By request of Thu 'lowa; blen'e ;Christian Asecniation, the Rey RICHARD JBFFRY will preach a sermon to Young , Men, • by, , Dleine permiselon, on SABBATH yENINII, rAtb fostent, , at halt pant seven o'clock, is :FOURH BAPTIST 011IIROff, Fifth and Battonwcol streets,. Seats reserved for Young Men. It* MChurch it? the' Hew l'eatitmettt—T. H. BTOOKTON, Pastor.—Preaeldag (D. V.) SAB BATH HOBNINOV . st 10)('' o , olook, at NATIONAL HAW Market, above Twelfth. Buldeet—" Glory of the Sloegel awl shame of Lulidellty.”, Beate free. Al ter , _ , , [Er Re a ‘ ;o ,6 MITI; EVE", r o li flo s hOc i k u l eine M. B. March, , preselt on this lubjeot, TO MORROW" (Babbethr fRRNOON, In the • AME RMAN MB GANIOS , 'NALL, 'comer of Fourth and George streets. above Poplar, at quarter to 4 o'clock. ,* - (Atwell at the Coyentutt.-=Seryloeif In - Da ' OONORKT HALL; Chestnut et., above Teelfth, every: SUNDAY at 1Q) A. M,, api 7X P. M., by,tho Rey.JASIEtI PRATT,. ilector.„ lt* German Reformed Church. Race Street, -below troarth. Rey. Dr. DOSSEBUSS, Pastor. Ounfirmstion TiIIEVEVAINING , Service begins at 1% . : The Sermon by Be,. Dr. SCHAFF. .Lordle Supper on SUNDAY MODN/NG at IQ3 . SITIOUNG Service at ap2l St* Lecture en the . 1 Hely. Leath? , The Sr Res. JAMES NEIL will deliver the Mirth sod last lecture of the Course before the boon Hen's Christian Aesociatloa, in °antra IL'S. Church, VIN Street, shore Twelfth, on DeXt TIIREIDAY BVIININEL App. 26;h, at 8 (Moak: Tickets, 16 , rents, to be had at the Door on the Milan of the Lecture. It* Rev. Heiiiry „Ward Beecher . Will deliver Lir his treat lecture, The Ilardene of Society 'l in the AbIRRICAN ACADEMY or MllBlO, on , THURS DAY EVENING nest, - April 28. Doors open at 7 o'clook; lecture to commence et 8. Tiokets 70 anti, 60 cents, and 26 cents. for kale at Parry &. - Meltilllanie, Fourth and Chestnut Beck & Lawton's Seventh and. Chestnut, and Bastard's, Tweltth and Chestnut. A few choice seats are yet on hand, including some prone nlum hoses. - ap2.3.2t* itautten.—The Running. of the Oars of the SROOND AND TRIED-NT DIETS PAI3I3EN GBD RAILWAY COMPANY, on Brantford road, hav ing been resumed, parents and guardians are requested to, keep children from the real, that accidents may be molded:' By order of the Boardr - • JAMBS YBRREB, ap23 ft Preatdent and Superintendent. QV. Spiritnallant.—rThee. Gales Forsteri of - the Boston Banns,' ,f Light, a Tranee-Mediure, will give the hat Veaturee or comae, and exhibit two portraits of Bpirito,l-own by Mediums, at SAN. BOWSTBJIDT HAIL,.on SUNDAY, at log A. Si. and P. AL Admission 5 Oantrb lt* WOH'Rho regaliae , kle, , thly Meeting of the TOUNG CHRISTIAN •ASSOOTATION 0 ILADELPHIA will be kohl in the BIRTH BAP. TXBT CHUROII, Seetom street, below. Meth, on MON DAY EVSNIMI, 28tki,inet. at 8 o'clock. An way will be read by Mr.o P. MAO CALLA, on "The Ways of Providence.” The public ere Welted to attend. Galleries reamed modally for Ladles. - • JOHN WANAMAICER, ap2e-2te , Oor. Secretary. orPennsylvania Ledge, No. 1, O. at 0. P.—All the members of title Lodge Intending to turn out on TUESDAY, April 2eth. to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the Order, aud the thlrty-seventh of No. 1. will meet in the Lodge Room at lag o'clock, in dark clothes and white gloves, It to hoped that every brother will join on in tithe. Brethren of the Order, whole Lodges are not going out, are fraternally invited to join with no. 11* • - A. 11. BBYNOLDS. Marshal. Er. RI , sang of the Beard of Trade.—A Mated meeting of the Association of the Board of trade will be had on 'MONDAY EVENING next, 25th inst., at 8 o'clock, at thelrßooms, N 0.505 must. NUT Street. The attendance of members generally Is requested. ap23 LORIN BLODGET. Secretary. CDolmen Meets Un.en Prayer meeting rmeetit DAILY at gANEOIIi-STRUT 0111111011, below bibith, tram - 1216 1 o'olook. Exercises today with epeeist reference to the labors of the Sabbath. All are welcome. It* un Statement of the - Union Bank. as required by the second Beaten of the, Act of the Gene ral Assembly of thio Ooinmocivealth, approved the lath day of October, A. D 1857.' AulonntOf Loans end Dleatints $ 964 594.79 , Do. Specie ' ' 129,752.70 Do. Due from. other Banks 55,819.47 Do. Notes iLI Annotation . ..... ... 06,125.00 . Do. ' Depoelti.ineltullok balances due • to other Banks - 828,511.40 PHILADSLPHIA, April 22.11169. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, ea —Llamas Lesley, flashier of the Hemp Bank, of Philadelphia, being sworn, depose and say that the shore 'statement is cor rect, to the best of any knowledge and belief. • JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. " Sworn before me thlsEtd day of aptll, A. D. 1860. It , BEAEER, Aldermen. Monument Cemetery...Nottce.—The An -I.l..„tnnel Meetiog of the Lot nobler* The Mounment Cemetery will be held et the Deli of the Ftre'Astoolatleti, tooth aide of NORTH. Street, went of Fifth, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, th. 2d day of May nelt, At 4 °Week. The Annital Report . of the Maul( ire IRLII be wed, And an election held (be tween the hours of:4 and 7 o'clock) for Fifteen Mane. gem. to serve the minim year. aplB-tmy2 E. TAYLOR, Secretary It C. orThe Annual'ltleettog et the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA AND LEHIGH ZINO COMPANY wllt be bald at the Company's Offiee, No. 121 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. May W. at 11 o'clock A. HI , for the election of Directors' and other bashieee. SAMUEL splS.tenf2 ' - ' President. gra Big Mountain lnaproi aliment Conipa• Bota4nialMll., Aptlll6;lBso.—Notlaa is hereby aim, that a Meeting of the Stoolitiolders of the ' , Big Mountain Improvement Company. ), will be held. oh' MOND ea, the ilay of -Mor,ligl, at 32 &sleek hf., 114 the Ootopenyhtfilhoo, S. X. corner et SRON r and 011t8TN1f'S Streets, Ebitaielpbia, for the purpose of taking action upon a supplement to the Charter of:the Company, approved March 21,1209. By order of the Board of Djreotore. apl6 tmy2 • W. I', hifftB,llrefidsfit. °Moe of the American Fire limarance 'COMPANY. No. MS WALNUT Street —A gene ial Meeting of the' Stockholders fa the AMNIIIOAN HIRE INSURANCE COMPANY wilt be held, agreeably to °Water, on MONDAY, the eecond day of May next, atl2 o'clock M. The menial sgeoticiii far Dlrectoya will take place Im mediately thereafter. TtiONTAS B. Aleuts, sp2i.thete-tma2* tieerltPalt GTOffice rennsylltaninMond Co*Dant, Pltuanstrnia, eprit 15th, 1860 —The Board of Directors hare this day deolared a seml-annuol Dividend of TUBED PER CELT. on - the Capitol Stock of the Company, clear of State Tax, payable on and after May lath, 1859. —' - Prance of Attorney for collection of Diridende can be had on application at the Office of the Company, No. 234 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH, Treammer. GTPeople's State Convention —The Citt• secs of Philadelphia, and of the several coun ties or this Commonwealth, attached to the PROPL PARTY, and all voters who'are opposed to the unjust, unwise, and extravagant meaestree of the National Ad. ministration, are requested to send DRUM/and, equal in number to their several formulations In the Gene ral Assembly, to a CONT&NTION to be held at HAR RISBUIIii, on Wedueeday, Jane Bth, 1859, at 10 A. H. to nominate Candidates for AUDITOR GENRRAL and dUECCRYOIt GaNRRAL, to be voted for at the general election in next October HENRY M. ItYLLEII, Chairman. WILLTANt B. MAarze, etscretsl7. apB•tf ffro Firemen's and other 'Union Prayer 'MEETINGS, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S OHItISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH' AFTERNOONS, United States Engine, Wood, below Crown at., from 4to 6P.M. Milted States Hose, Brittonitood, below Binh, S) tb 4.1 f P. M. Halted Hose, Browu at. below Twelfth, from 43 to s,if P. M. Perseverance Hose, grierrY street, 4 to 5 P. M. Pennsylvania Hose Eighth et., below (Steen, from 8% to 4% P, M. • Vigilant 'Angina, are, below Second stria% 8% to 4 A. P. 51. ON SABBATH, at t)f P. M. *Diligent Engine, corner of Tenth and Hilbert eta Delaware Engine, Smith st., above Nineteenth at, Vigilant Hose IVgbth street, above Wharton ON' TIIEBDAH at t)f P. M, America Engine, Suttonvniod, irelow Third et. Philadelph+ftEnglne, Seventeenth, below Chestnut. Robert Morris Hose, Lombard et., above Eighth et. Schuylkill Hose, Leaflet et.. below Thirteenth. Moyamen•log Dottie of Industry. ' ON WEDNESDAY' at TX P. M. Heiman° Hose. Wood street, below Third. - Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th et. Dniletinlluildlog 6P. 61. • • • ON 'THURSDAY. at 7,k4 P: M. Southwark Engine, Third, below Osrpenter. Greenway School Howe; Ilingscasing, Darby road. N.-Liberty Hose, New blarket;above Goatee at. Naval Asylum, GraVhi Perry road. Nalrmount Engine, Ridge avenue, above Wood at. Pairmount Hose, Pleasant street, above Eleventh. Good Will Hose, Wood at , below Twenty-third. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Race st. Western Engine, OallowMll, above Sixteenth at. Independence Mew George, below Twenty-third at. ON FRIDAY at 734 P. M. Western Hose, Twentiettat, above Lombard at. Warren Home, Darker, above Eighteenth at Spring Garden base, Parrish, near Eleventh at. Lafayette Hose, Fourth, near Drown at. Bulletin Bonding, 5 P. 51. , Priuters , Prayer Meeting, Saturday. evening, at 7N o'clock, at Diligent Hall, Tenth and Filbert streets. Sunday afternoon, at 4 (Moak. at Mechanics' Engine gall, Brown and Fifteenth streets. DAILY. * Diligent Engine, & P. M. - Alediolu Students, at 1008 Chestnut, 8 A. M. 'Ladies and Ohristian friends are affectionately invited to attend. Dy order of the noontime Committee of Young Afen , e Ohr(Atari Meociation. jell-eat tf FrDr. Wader's Chestnut Springs Water oMO, st Obestaut.ll,, Phlhutelphuit s oul . y, MISSES 0/BRYAN, 914 CHEST NUT, above Nutt.tt, wilt open Paris MILLINER'S for the kpring, on TapIUJDAT, April 7th. apit.thttit EPARTILE4T OF PUBLIC) HIGH WAYS.. , Mao d. W. corner 011E1TAIBT and 219211 Ste. PIIILADMILPHIA, April 21, 1859. 'NOTICR TO OONTPAOTIOItd —denied Proposals will to received by the tindorelgoed, et the Office, until 12 o' Hoek Af„ 9f AIAY.24, 2869. for the eonstruction of two Brick Culverts • one on the line of Alder etreet, between .hiaster and Tellereon streets, to bo 2 feet in diameter; and one, on the .line of Twenty-fourth street, between tioatesnod Pratt streets, to be 2 feet 6 Inches In diameter. And all bidden are Invited to be pant at the opening of Propoeali offered, on maid day. et 4 otolock P. M. Spootheatione may be obtained at the Deportment of Surveys• - • •"! ' • ' CONRAD D. ANDRRBB.. .14,23•28 952 21 Chief Oontmiasioner of Highway/. !BOWERS' OLOTICES-RENOVATING z NeTABLIBIIIiIIiNT, No. 'BO North ELZYNNTH Street, below Arch. ,Olothee made to look equal to new by Olearkeing or Dyeltor, without taking apart. Aleo; Olothee repaired end altered to the latent bah tone. Nearly .alt Made of Stabs, Paint, and Tar ex tracted. Piano and Table Covell cleaned in the beet manner. ' lt* 'VOLT ARE SURE of a pleasing Picture 'as well ss a perfect Likeness, s you get all the advantages of, a Photograph and an Ott Painting In. the Life else Photographs in Oil at BEIELEIVE GALLERY, PROOND Street. above them. - lt* EN'S FINE CALFSKIN , BOOTS, Oongre es Genera, /to, Best Oity manufacture. Low prices.c wholesale end 'arra, at DUTTON'S„ No. lit NorthPEOPNL'et.i (Belt elded ab lAmh, apt° eto th Im* ' •of the Red Boot. (10PARTNERSEITI The undersigned N.J have this day formed alloyartnershlp to trans act the Wholesale Lry-Goode Orndoeas in its various branchee, ender ot SOLOMON & AYRSS, and, for the - present, isotopy the , Store 226 AHOR Street . WILLIAM A. SOLOMON * MSNII2 N. AYRES. " April vs, 5p19.410 TKO PRESS‘,7-4PII;II,APELP pEOPLEI3 CITY TICKET. CITY TREASURER, BENJAMIN H. BROWN. CITY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES M. NEAL. "00 -ti WM. H. HORSTMANN & 'SONS'', "REM!DVtAL.. • We have removed from 723 CHESTNUT Sheet to our Sales Boom, formerly the I donde , Meeting loose, .xa.ravx-r. .a.1\717 ox•xxire,xcir, Adjoining the Factory, where we invite Dealers lo ex. amine oar stook of LADIES' DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, WINDOW BLINDS, CURTAIN, AND UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS, COLOR LADES, FRINGES, TASSELS, fso, SOLE AGENT FOR KYLE SPOOL SILE„ WM..H. 110ESTMANN & SONS, 4 Sp23l3t* FIFTH AND_ CHERRY STREETS. , NEW YORK BLANKETS. , s. B. CRITTENDEN & 00., (GOY/RN/an COATRAOTOREI,) ... TEN 711011 BAND PAIRS BAYETA CLOTHS. BROADCLOTHS, HANDKERCHIEFS, 360 33 "St, OA. 'JD vr A. "I'' , NEW YORK pick IRON, BLOOMS, &C. CABEEN 8c N0.'209 NORTH WATER STREET, AND No. 208 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, ointin NON BA.LN AMERICAN FOUNDRY AND FORGE PIG IRON ON TIM FOLLOWING BRANDS, PIS :, CORNWALL, DONAGIIMOBE, PACO, PIONEER, GLENDON, HAMPTON, KEYSTONE'. ALSO, COLD BLAST CHARCOAL. PIG IRON, Eol% CAR•WHEEL FORDOSER. nolvEß. AND milli olmoont, . BOILER AND ELITE IRON, WATER & GAS PIPES, AMERICAN BLISTER STEEL, ao., FOR SALE LOW, TO CLOSE A CONSloskum. .500 WATER PIPES, NINE BEET LYNG AND sp22-11m TWENTY INCHES DIAMETER. CANTON MATTINGS, X. P. & E. 13. ORNP4- .4trdoginnois.iro J. 4-.8. ORNE, 519 01-VES9TI I / 4 TETT STIVJONIT, 'OPPOEIIIII THIS STATE:4IOOB63 NAVE NOW OPEN risaitt SPEIPTG OF CARPETINGS. ALSO, IMO PIECE'S et CI.A.Is7TON 114LATTI1sTet8, oB ALL TEE DESIRABLE STYLES, AT LOW PRICES. mar 18.8 m if -L, . W. CARRYL & CO., 714 CREST- Jul. NUT Bt. Table Knives and Forks, 26 ets. per Dos. Table Knives and Forks, 87 I( li CI Table Knives and Forks, 60 a et a Table Knives and Forks, 2 2 ~ I. a Table Knives and Forks, 76 II It et Table Knives and Forks, 21 .. II ft Table Halves and Yorks, In 00 II II CI Table Helves anti Forks, 112 14 IC II Table Knives and Forks, 128 41 It 41 Table Knives and Forks, 11 87 to 850 a rr rt Ivory Handle Knives, 360 a' ter ~ Ivory Handle Knives, 403 a IC If Ivory Handle Knivee, 460 " .. r• Ivory Handle Knives, ' 600 " , r a Ivory Handle Relies, 860 et a a Ivory Handle Subsea, 800 IC 11 ft Ivory Handle Knives, Bto /I II II Ivory Mardis Knives, 700 I ( <I •I Ivory Handle Knives, 750 It If SC Ivory Handle Knives, 800 Sr IC Ct Ivory Handle Knives, Bto Cl IC Cl Ivory Handle Knives, 000 It ii II Ivory Handle Knives, 10 00 4 . " " Ivory Handle Knives, 11 00 ,4 .. It Ivory Randle Knives, 12 00 " " " Ivory Handle Knives, 13 60 a " .. Ivory Handle Knives, 15 00 II it II Ivory Handle Knives, II 50 II I. It Ivory Handle Knives, 38 00 ~ . 4 I. Ivory Handle Sets Table Cutlery, of 27 pieces, sl2 00 Ivory Handle Bets Table Cutlery, 27 pieces, 15 00 Ivory Handle Bets Table Cutlery, 29 pieces, 18 00 Ivory Handle Bets Table Cutlery, 29 pieces, 20 00 Ivory Handle Sete Table Cutlery, 29 places, 26 00 Ivory Handle Bets Table Cutlery, 29 pieces, 80 00 Ivory Handle Fels In Rosewood Vase, $2O to $6O Pearl Handle Bets in BMWOOI Case, 60 to 100 Oliver Plated Cutlery in Caren or Dozens. Silver Plated Tee Knivea, with Ivory, Pearl, and Horatio Handles, with and without oases. oirekel Knives, Hotel Carvers. Dread Knives, and, Ta ble Cutlery; of every size, shape and kind that is useful toe housekeeper, Is sold Wholesale W and RCARRYL etai fo 00l by B. . . ~ ap23 714 CHESTNUT Eit. rvEW ENGRAVINGS. Just received lr Jame seleettoom of New FRENCH, ENGLISH, and GERMAN ENGRAVINGS, among thick may be found— ' .I , leasureo of Childhood "—Desaiidre, get Oi 117°. each 20 ii Saddle ROMS "—De Dreux, set of 4, each— —.SI 00 Large Studies—Deer, Eno —Ronheur, eat of 6 each. 00 Idle In the Seregifo,—thaerard, est o 10, each.... 20, Leda—Bandry Co The Deer's Pool—Comple Callx 20 The Doer Stalking— do 20 The Morning Star—Gobort 20 The... Evening Star— do 20 The Whiat Patty—llillemacher 60 Plerinde—Winterhalter, (reduction) 00 The Dove Trsiner—llemon 00 Laura—Buckner 00 A Scotch Lassl I— Baxter ... .... ..., 00 Grandmother ant Child—Meyer 50 - A Spanish Glossy—Phillip 60 Dispelled Illaidon—Gyeger. (reduction) - 00 Dream of Happiness—Dorn Papety, (reduction)... 00 The Little Sleepers—Meyer 00 Done Pepita— Phillip 00 The Pad and Fainro--Mine eillhol CO The Children of the Wood—Sant 00 Oh. ist In Gethsemane—Le Jenne 00 Whale 'fishing, .8c Comp.—Gannary, each 00 Michael Angelo In hie Atelier—Uebanel 00 Penedo Sketching from Nature— do 00 Rembrandt in hie Studio—. do 00 Bible Explanation—Hunin 00 The Joye of Home— do .. 00 Ploreoce in the XV. Conburg—Gendlon ...... .... I 00 Plortada—Winterhsiter. ' 1 80 The Great Ball, Niagara—Church I 00 The Good Shepherd—Landaeer 2 00 The Congress of Paria—Duhufe 2 00 Withalt other modern Engravings of aver character. EARLE'S GALLERIES, ap22:lot if* 816 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. RaELLING OFF I BE CLING OFF I Tne satire &took Dalt-000DS, at greatly 1111- WORD PRICES, BELOW COST. Alto. the norm, FIXTURES, and DWELLING, at the Old Stand, No, 1030 TINE Street, TO LET. and the GOOD-WILL FOR BALE. ap23 31* WFRIENDS will find mo at E. J. KEN IIIII93 BI0:1:100a CLOTHING•BTORB, 318 BoutaBROOND Btreet, libove Uulon. It* • 011AULES .MIOOALL. FOR SALE - A BAY HORSE, 15,4 halide high, warranted sound. Apply at limo, table, in ICINGS CON Street, betvreen Thirteenth and Juniper, Walnut and Locust. _ ap2B.Bt* BLACK LACE POINTS. j We have opened, of cur own importation, A desirable stria of Black Lsoe Pointe or Half Shawls. Trimmed Mantles, one and two Bounces. Ponare Shawls and Llee Bodies. ' Ohentlily Pointe, Moran and Shawls. Ales— Black Taffeta Mantles, vary rieh. Glossy and heavy Orde tin Rhine flironlarll, Silk and Praseiliwg Dalton, &e. BRAUPLZDS BROTHBUS, ap23 - CHESTNUT and BIGIITH Streetl EXANDSOME STELLA. BRAWLS, at AIL 13 PO, with printed eawed•on borders, jut re ceived of the Biloxi nolo. Also, Hue Broche•trordoted do , in great variety. CHMILEB hDAttiti, spl64 to, th-ti MOUTH and AEON fitreete. IND lAN STROUDS, S'o ;. 84V -T .PAT! igT4l.4,:- . ,,A1-.:: 1.8,09.' Wholoafe r ..roreFg. TUNGERI,OI-1 , WHOI,BOALI G 0 ,43 E 5,, No: 43 NORTH' THIRD STREET, Ittetitliant' E . 0. TJE4OMPSON; IifEROIIANT TAILOR, N. D. CORNER, OF FIE VEN TH AND WALNUT OTREETS, OPPOSITE WASEUN,OTON Invites attention to hle stook of NABRIOS, gutiable for the present and crisping tett.son odapted to the wants of all classes of choke -custom, which will he made to order with personal care and all 1251C81111121 ob.• Sentence of fashion. N. B —:Partionlar attention given to et of PA.WTA. LO DNS. apl24nthles Set ROBERT SHOEMAKER da CO., N. E. 00R. FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, MUMMA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MANUFACTURERS OF ?AINTS IN OIL, IMPODIPIIRB OP PRINCE PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS. MAURO IN AMUICAN WINDOW GLASS, 5p21.202 NEWARK AND ROSENDALE CEMENT, AND CALCINED ' PLASTER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY J. DEMON BRADFORD, sp2o•lvltt 930 SOUTH WHARVES. VOICING GLASSES. Now in store the moot extensive and elegant assort meat of , LOOKING GLAi3BEB, Nor every spice end every wank% and at the most moderate prices LOOSING GLASSES In the most elaborate and the moat simple frames LOOKING GLLBBKI3 Punned In the beat taste, and in the most substantial manner. -.LOOKING GLASSES Furnished by us, are monufsotttrod by ourselves in our own establishment. LOOKING GLABBII3 In ISAIIOGANY and WALNUT fromel for Country &dot. JAMES S. FABLE a SON, 81'6 SHESTNITT STREET, sPl•tt PHILADELPHIA. _ . E • - NEwLAND ec. CO., LOOKING•GLABiI AND PIOTDBE•YRAISLE BiI&NUFAOTURERS, WAOLDBALD AND Di An exthalve stook of CUI. PAINTINGS, oto. All at very Low Priem fO4 A.3011 - 13treet above SIXTH, Philadelphia.. apl6 , 2m if DURYZA'S . OELSI3RATED , M.AIZENA, FOB BLAND MANGE, MINUTE PUDDING, BAKED PVDDINO, BOILED • CUSTARD, MOON GLEAM, 108 CREAM, PIES, °MOB, &o. BIANUItACTORI'--4LEN COVE, L. ISLAND We take greatplea/me lnpresentlng to the public on bIAIZIINA, (which Is put up in one pound packages, with direetions for use on the wraPperi, am being by far the 01321AP&Sp, andell tut the =indelicate and whole some article tar culinary rise now eltant, and is Minos ded to be, by the many that hate tested its delicate nualitiee, a Most important addition to our national Bill of lligWfit particularly for desert. The article is manufsetltred with the utmost,care- from the oboimet ielsoted..pouthern Indian orn. The wa ter need in Its unumf.cture is drawn from perennial Vpringd; and IS remarkably pore and wholeiome; no water could be better fitted for the °legman ofd still: stance designed to be used largely for food, and to len derlt particularly adapted to the use of invalids and the etch room, It being equal, if not superior, to the beet Bermuda Arrow Root. • Parties In the Trade are Invited to call ; When we will take pletutire,Ln present ing them samples. OUR opys MANMIACTURING CO. JOSUPH H. TAYLOR, , • WALatra , DYSART, Wittlesale Agent for Philadelphia. WAS: DURYSA, General Agent, lee PULTON RTRsI9T, NSW YORE. N. 8.--We are - the only patties In the world that manufacture ILLIZEINA, we having wined to our selves the exeloslveright. ap2o•ws&m Cowan EUGENEA . S 1 Ifll, PAPER AND RAG WAREHOUSE, No. 20 NORTH FIFTH STREET. Constantly onband all kinds of WRITING, ' BfiVIILOPi, - WRAPPING, tAM a Superior Article of • II ADDWAND AND BLASTING PAPERS. mar264so DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S PATENT TOURNURE CORSET. • This article wobbles in one garment • 00IOCIT Op BIIPEEIOR fiIIAPE AND a:NMI, and • BEETLE OP PERI? SOT MODEL, enema* free and healthful action to the lunge, ehd comfortable support to the spine. It hue been prone uced by all who hare wen it (among whom are *demi eminent members of the Medical Faculty) to be the only Corset without an objection, either artistic M. physiological. No lady can well do without it. D. & S. Wilicaawareeture their well known EXPANSION SKIRT. Also, the whinnied 14CAMI:11 - 21.V. BlitriVl`, . which for CO MFORT and ELEGANCE h unsurpawed, together witkeever seventy other different styles, all of which twofer gale at all the principal Wonsan the Cole ted States and Canada. All artielea of Clair manufacttuet ARE STAISPIOD WITH THEIR MADE MARE,. mar26.lxnes rim THE HARDWARE TRADE.--The rabsaribers,AGßNTS BOR TUB BARB OR PO. REIGN AND DOMRSTIO HARDWARE, offer for sale the following goods at loweet rates Lewis' atipe rior ()halite of alt lamb, tooluding trace, - log, halter, fifth, breast, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, mica and other Chains ; P. Wr i ght's patent and other Anvils and Vices; " L " Horse Nails; round and oval Bake Pane; short and long handle Fry Pans, Excelsior Safety Fuse for blasting 4osks; Red Screws; Amarloim Slates, Biaok. board °rayons Ind Oarpenters" Ohslk ; Table and Pocket Cutlery ; Out Reel Files and Rams ; Gast and Wrought Butt Hinges; RIAD and " T " Hinges; Gimlet Screws; Bmeraoh's Jtties Strops; Hodges' Mahogany Knobs; Whites' Mum; 113hoyels. end Spades, all kinds; Hay and Manure Storks, Rakes, and Hoes ; Southgate's patent Wrondes ; Locks and Latches; Door and Shutter Dolts' Hand, Sledge, and Stone Hammers Hooka and Magee ; Taoks, Brads, Shoe; Clout, and Finishing Nails; Wrouglo Nails • King ' s Stocks and Dies; Hatch ' s Tea and °owner S cales; Curry Combo, American and English; • Boythes, boythe Stones, and Rifles; Douglma , Tampa and Rams; Molasses Gates; Faucets; Saws of all kinds; Axes, Hatchets, Hammen, &a., with a general assortment of Hardware W. St. LBW.IB ft SON., sp9 ewtf • 411 COMbIRROR Street. THE MANSION ROUSE, READIN4, PBNNA. W. L. DE BOURBON, Ploprletor. This well-known establishment, the favorite resort of citizens and visitors, has lately undergone exten sive repairs, and to now one of the most commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels In the Union ; beautifully located at the corner of PIVTII and PENN Streets, Reading. Its socommodations are firat•olass ; the Monti spsoloUs end airy ; and the table constantly sup plied with all the luxuries of tho season. Persons de sirous of spending a few weeks In the summer ho an agreeable and ettinomical manner, could not do better than mate a trial of BOURBON'S MANSION MOUSE at sooll2g. 0p224f pp- - - R 0 0 ATE LL E, PLUSH, DAMASK, ma, fair seating, Curled MLR, and Bedding. Also, a generslassorttnent of Cabinetmakers' l'lndlngs, and Ces Trirnmings. NOBLIT, BROWN, & NOBLIT, sp2.2.tie 122 South SECOND Street. 11311 R E BAIR AND SPRING MAT- Taxsazs, aw atoll essortmoot of Bedding. NOBLIT, BROWN, gt NOBLIT, •p 2 .2t* 222 Booth 13200 ND Street. PENMANSHIP FOlt, LA intio.--e. Limes chum in Penman/imp will be com menced on MONDAY AFTERNOON, ApTQ 25th, from 4to 6 o 7 olook, et CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA oommEnothL COLLEGE, N- E. corner SEVENTH and OHESTNOT Streets. THOS. W. NOOSE, rip22-Bt* Penman. QOEMYLKILL AND. SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY.—The underaltrued, par• chimera of the estate and franchises, late or the Dau phin and liorguehanna Coal Company, sold under pro. ceedinge in the Supreme Court in the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, hereby give notice, that they have re. calved a eonwelanee for Bald property and premises, and Will, in accordance with the ant approved on the first day of April, A. D. 1859, meet at the GIRARD ROUSE in the city or Philadelphia, upon the 28th day of APRIL; at 1 o'clook P. M., to sleet a President and Siz Managers, and to organize the I . IIOIIAB E.DAVIS,S WILLIAM REMORN. sp22-13t* CHARLES P OHOATILN. TVAMONDS, RUBIES, EMERALDS, and jup otherproolouo Stones, bousbt for wok, st, LEWIS LAI:10E0138 & 00., ap2o44* 802 CHESTNUT Street. IV OTIOE.—We are Closing up our buel -1 • nese, and will 801 l the residue of our stook, 00 011,0,4.0 f a general assortment of NOTIONS AND PANOIf HOODS, adapted to both Spring and Pall oalso, it prices far below cost, for NET OABH. Oity Jobbers will do well to call on us, as we will offer them goode much below Agents , or Importers , prices. we will also rent our Store or dispoee of our Lease, which has about flve years to run. Posseesion given between Juno at and July let. PIXTITHES FOR SUN. H. J. MUTH & lIROTHER,, apl9-12t* No, 28 bath 2017/ITIII3 traot. mR. READrs,law. NOVEL., • • • , . . , • HARPER ea- BROTHER S . zralisixr "WORM. PUBLISH THIS DAT: • ti LOVE ME LITTLE, LOVE ME LONG." • - • A. NCY7301,.. BY -CHARLES READE, Author of I , Peg Waffiagton, ), UChristie Johnstone? ' , Never too Late to Heed," ko: 12020, Mello, 76 cleats; Piper, 65 route. ip2a.tt PHILADELPHIA VALUABLE STANDARD WORKS, Published by LINDSAY. & BLARISTON, Publishers end Booksellers, 25 South SIXTH Street. above Ohestniit., WATSON'S CAMP FIRES OP TIM REVOLUTION. Illustrated. New edition. PROCTOR'S ILLUSTRATSD HISTORY OP THE CRUSADES. Containing over 150 Illustrations AN ILLUSTRATED LINE ON MARTIN LUTHER. Edited, with On introduction, by Rev T. Work. THE PARABLES Of FREDERICK ADOLPHUS KIIIIMNAOHEft. From the Seventh German edition. Elegantly illustrated MONTGOMERY'S POETICAL WORKS. The only oomplete edition lidded by himself, with portrait, fro. AMERICAN FEMALE POETS By Miss Caroline May. Illustrated. Beautiful edition. BRITISH FEMALE POETS. By Rey: Dr. Bethune. Together with a large and varied assortment of IL LUS. tRATED RELIGIOUS AND MIOOELLANEOUS PDBLIOATIONB. ,sp23 VASTER PRESENTS. MUD BMWS. By BeY, P. Weep. Au tique muslin ' 75 cents. BEN SYLVESTER'S WORD. By the author '... of "The Heir of Radcliffe." .80 " . . . . . . .. . . . Easter Holidays at Cedar Grove 88 ,r The Note in the Sunbeam 85 it The Circle of fileetiogs -SO ~ Warfare and Work r 60 “ Alto, new editions of THE BOOK OE 00MHON PRAYER. Elegantly bound, in a variety of new ttyles. Every site of the Prayer Book. at reduced prices, may be had Of , BURNS In SIEG, ap2,34t H. W. oor. EIGHTH .k. CHESTNUT Ste. J UST PUBLISHED— " HY - OBISBY to MARKLEY, GOLDSMITH'S HALL, LIBRARY STREET, AND OHARLES DESILVBR, 714 OHESTNTIT STREET, AN AMEIHOAD PRONOIINOLNG DICTIONARY 07 VDT ENGLISH LANGUAGE. NT ALEXAND6II H. LAIDLLW. A. M., Principal of the MouroaGrammar School, Philadelphia. - PRIOR ONE DOLLAR. This took contains all variable and contested spell. loge, irregular infLetions primary and secondsry so - oeota appropriate prepaitione, references to writings of s tandard merit, definitions of geographical names, and proper 1m166011 of puma t tronalationly of foreign phrases, rules for spoiling, lists contrasting the con servative and Websteriau orthographies, ho., By the insertion of original and well.tried plane, the work is made to subserre the nese of a thorough and Be lea spelling-book, and of an aid in teaching the art of English composition. It has beau especially fitted for nee In schools and families and it can be made sombre able in a greater number of ways than any work of its hind. It contains 600 pages—each page embraces three columns and each part of the elucidation of a word is printed La dlatinotire type. V - • On the - receipt of One Dollar the Publishers will mail the _above work to any part of the United Mateo. ap23..10t SOWER„BARNES„ & CO., YOBLIIIHNith AND DDALShiI MISCELLADEODI, SCHOOL. AND BLANK BOONS AND STATIONBRY, No, 87 . North THIRD Street below Aroh, Probreelphis: Publishers of the following popular School Books, which are acknowledged by all intelligent teachers who bare aiTOU them a careful *lamination to be marl walled In their adaptation to the purposes intended: SANDZILY NEW SDSIES OB BEAVERS, Con Wing of Sanders , New Primat, " " Veit Boger t • " " Third Reader, - " " Fifth Header, " Speaker, cc " Speller, " " Second Reader, cc It Fourth Reader, " High School Reader, cc Yonne hea der. . . BROOKS' NORMAL FR Mittel ANSI MENTAL ARITHMETIOS, By Prof. B. Brooks, of Lancaster Normal School. PELTOIVIS SPLENDID SERIES OP OUTLINE MAPS c They are especially adapted to those beginning, as well as to these more advanoed In the study of Geogra phy, as they receive from them a clearer and more car rot conception of the elaraite,r_and With% OSA sad position - of ii.fery physical -enit.polltlcal feature, than V be obtained from any other Maya extant." 311 the pliblleatidzie of & PRIXNBri AND A. 8. Balifig3 dF BITRIt, NRW YORK, May be foal:dot band at N. Y. Publishers , Priaes.' sy&ten "OLD DOMINION." Old Dominion Codes rots Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominions /or Hotels Old BM:aiI:Lb:WA lot Hostiles Houses. Old Dominions Old Dominions Old Dominions For the Million. Over forty different varieties and Myles, of the celebrated I OLD Dominos , ' Coffee and Tea Pota are now manufactured. Being basal, se Dr. Hall, of the Journal of Health, soya, "on science and common cenev, ,, they are rapidly coming into use, sad are des tined coon to supersede all others. They can be ols tablet from or ordered through any storekeeper, or dealt- in honsekeeplog articles. Mr Merchants who have not received oar 'Trade Circular, giving prices, term, &.o. Will be immediately supplied on application, by letter, to ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, ' UT sad 119 Bouth TENTH litrest, Philadelphia, Bole Manufacturer, under the Patent. 1431A150, manufacturers, under the Patent, of AR ,B CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT IDILLBIAL ING IRVIT CANS AND ZARB. lal&thatuflm STAIR ROD MANUFACTORY. WILER Sc MOSS, 22 , 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW WALNUT. ap4-1m CARPETINGS. SOLI /MINOT IN THIS Orr/ OD Ditil NANIIYAOTTIRIID . DY JOSIAH BARBER, With all 'grades of WOOL, WOOL AND COTTON, and ALL-COTTON INGRAINS. ATWOOD, RALSTON, &CO., MANIZG'AOTURIBS , AGSINTS, 609 MARRIT STREIT. STAIR ROD MANUFACTORY. • WILER & MOSS. 225 130 UTII FIFTH STREET, BELOW WALNUT. aptam BLABON & SMITH, UANII.Vd.OTURERS OP OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, Offer t , the trade a large stook of OIL OLOTRO of story deaeriptloo t the largest aseortment of WINDOW SHADE i, and DUMP 80LIAND6, In Ulla market, at XADViT I ,2 MCfV.EI, • . AND F'A'VORABLE TERMS. GIWIEN GLAZED OIL OLOTH, a beantlful artlele for Window Shades. , • fel2-Lm JOSHUA L. DAILY. NEAR TRADE DRY GOODS HOUSE, 213 M.A.1333..Ve1" 13"1"Ri3E1Ner„ gag PHILADELPHIA. M OIJNT MORIAII OEMETERY.—FamiIy it& burial hits of every else, in this, the largeit and moat beautiful of all the Philadelphia Oemateriea may be bad upon aeocramodatlog terms, upon applioatio'n at the Office of the Company, N 0.20 South 3/1011TENNTH Street, where all deeds for lots are executed, and per mits for graves issued. Passenger ears eonneetingarith the Market•streetltall road rune every hoar to the ground. Pare 10 cents. apl6.7t* 080 .CONNEILL. Secretary.. ChLD TOM LONDON OORD.ILL GIN, Iv pronounced by the Medical College of London the beet 'polite for Consumption, Gravel, Lyapepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, Chills, Fever, &o. For sale - by all the leading Druggists and Oroesre of Philadelphia. The OLD TOM is imported exclusively by F. D. LONOOHARP, importer of French Wines and firaa dies, Gin, &0.,&0., 217 South FRONT Btreet, to • STOWELL'S EVERGREEN SWEET 0011N 3 PURE AND VERY PINE. Selected Rare, (oboloe,) $l6O per g bus., OM perbas. PMlied, $2 60 per 3 bus.,s6 per bus. K. A. MIBR. Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg, Ps ap2o ;Le. ADAMS' EARLY CORN, DENDIND AND PURL Selected Ears, $1 per X bro., $1.50 per bus. Shelled, $2 per N Ins., $3 per bus. N. A. BIIBH. Keystone Hareem Harrisburg, Pa. sp2o.4t* New thibli.cit4iirti: Coffee Tim!. Por Restaurants. tor Steamboats AUBURN TBREE-PLYB, BUPERFINEB, AND VBNETIANB, WANTED—A. SITITATION - asTrincipai Lir • or Astietint BookAtepor by One iheeedighly qualified, ,erery roepoot. Addroos .$ B. 11.,” BOX 892, P. ' A- SITUATION WANTED br - an 171. gent young man, in a Bookstore, or as Clerk, or in any respectabnkcepacity.,,Balary expected ectlielent only to cover moderate expenses; a situation being the main object. Good raterenotus given. dddreie ()ANT, ProssOace. - • Waft* A:LADY; who bait 4 good Bottse,:mishea t o borrow 5100 tram • gentleman wbo would board it out, .or receive iturtalments. Security girea, , it „re., quir4. Address V. G., Blood's Dispatch.. "spinet* WANYED TO EXCHANGE OS - BELL IV —A Wholesale Jewelry Dasinesi, lished;' will sell out the entire stook, or ezeheogulor . city property. AddressßOX N 0.928, P; O. Itpdt gt NITANTED—An interest In a Olothing Holum doing a good business inane clothing, by one who can command three thousand dollen., and *- good trade. Address TRADE, Press Ofiles. ap2l.Bbw EMPLOYMENT), WANTED. thy• .a .young man, a good Nuclei and -Aoneainteut; has been e employed for three, years past in etilden Oaromission House at the South' _Weald be willing to; work ter a email salary, nedielent to carer, moderate exPeeLet:el.' dress this Oftlee - - • • eP.' o4, e" _ yeFEWER WANTED.—Brewer wanted In A..the 'argent Brews," west of Philadelphia—any time between now end chant the' Ant .Taty- , 4 thorough, practical Breirer of Pale and Block Alec Apply, by letter, to BRDWER, , l'oare of 4 ‘ pmts. deism* _ugly Pratt,” giving full particulars. Peas but g tirst-olass Brewer, with the beet of refereneerk need apply. Married mac preferred.- - mh24.lm* A SITUATION WANTED4—By a LAD, XX, aged 18, (Graduate of Crittenden , ' Commando' Clollege,) es Assistant Book-keeper or Hutu Clerk; in a Wholesale Dry-goods .7obbilig or Commission House. Would make himself useful to his employer. Good city references given as to honesty, &o. Addrma "I. T. 8.," Prose Woe. , ml/16 . WANTED—For the Summer, a coun xitry pla c e; the house must have at lomat six here. Addrese, gtelog perttoulairs, BOX 1109; Phila., delphle P. 0 ap22.4ltaa AA LIGHT AND AIRY furnished- LODG .4-2, ING-ROOM. with we of Bath. and Sunday Board wanted, by a BINGLB GENTLEMAN, In a Private Family. Please address a BUSMEN," at Ode OA , des. ' It* , PLEASANT AIRY to , . MIINIO&TING or single rooms with Boardiog, on 01:128TNIIT litreet,near Thirteenth . Also. heedwime'secon4..stori room. Tor addreu, apply it she °Mee of Vol Press; sp92-ot*, ,gar Ode an to set. TU RENT. THE VERY DESIRABLE STORES 171DE0 . 3101 NEW HOTEL BUTT.TiiNCir IT VIZI 000150 01 NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Applications will be received at the office of the Company, at the southwest corner of NINTH and RANSOM streets (second floor), until the 257 1 14, .41-I , U:air; 1889; , For the renting of five Stores on CHESTNUT sired, and six Stores en NINTH street, in the said Building, said Stores to be ready for occupation in July next. J. SERGEANT PRICE, r . aplS•tntbd:e St SECRETARY. gel TO LET—For the. Summer Season, a handsomely furnished CO IT &ON, in ONESIA.N. TOWN, near Balhoad station. Address ,4 0: Oars of The Press. spl3-31a AT PRIVATE SALE.—Valuable Grain Distillery, Machinery, Stehle, Ito, and large Lot of Ground. northwest corner TWALYTH Street and WABHING`ION Avenue. It yenta for VIVO a year. Apply to IVI. THOMAS & BONS, Anationeere, 180 and 141 South SGURTH Mantel. spill, 21, 23, 20, 29, dildt FOR SALE—A handsome COUNTRY. asir. in ROXBOROIOIIII. on tae RIDGE Ave nee, 8K miles from the city, with 6 cores of good land, a hours containing 10 rooms, good eoft water, milk cave, fruit trete, and bun. sod earriege•house. Aeoitai to the city, hourly by the Norristown Railroad—ataget paszleg tho door to meet the ears at -the Wissahickon station. The ?sumer Railway lemon to be finished, and will pass right by the property. Posseulon given immediately, and on very esey terms. Apply to JOHN ITINKLI3, ap23.2t* ' ' Oa the Premises. de FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT on AIR South Fifteenth stmt. Rent $425. Apply at 248 MARKET Street, B corner of Third sir= 4t* L 0 W •EN T S-TO MANITFAO TuRERB AND OMBBS.—Third and fourth- AM.,: rooms of stores Nos. 134 sod 138 Alert/It attest, will be ranted low to good tenants.' Apply to BARON, TOWNSEND, 49 Boath SECOND Street. ap22-80, RRFOR SALE—A. Farm of -108 Acres, on the Wed. Cheater and Philadelphia Pail toad, near to Media, with Large fronts, and well situated for divieWn into cottage sites, *remit-of-town reel.: deuces Apply ye 7 D. RIBINBOTH, ' ap22-St* ‘No.'4oB WALNUT Street OOTTA9B ATM INT HOLLY. N. Am. 1., /Oa BALI OS TO RENT.:—Eleven /conk, two sores of ground. Tan minutes , walk from the rail. toatetatlon. 'Price $2,160. Rent6l.7s for the Bummer. Apply to J n, ep22.3t* . No. 436 W AL N U T Street. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY- TO LAT.—A. commodious $OllB.lB slbbrite arms Shoe. 'tailor Lune Sutton,' contablak ten rooms. , S*rrottdd• edbv Lego shale trees. irogairs of .111.'maantit., . ap2o.Bt* .18 South anCOND Street. FOE. SALE—A - fine blialtiess stand Ass:. doing a good trade—bilistory, trimming, and fat* dress tallness. Stook and fixtures a bagala Rent of stare and Duelling, $6OO. Apply 722 SPRING GAR DEN Street. ap2o4talf NTO LET—The PAVILION, at OH%9TNIIIF HILL. satiate Cu Whisabieltira ave nue, eight miles fmni Philadelk4t 7 .l and Vumitate for sale on ronlonable 'forma, . . . . . The flows han ample accommodations for Summer Boarders and Transient Visitors, with Stabling and Ave a l e t s is o lklo s elicir tl ig i g ed rOtinds of the Ohesinnt Hill Ag rlitaltnral Society, and is a favorite place of neon, being accdasible Di railroad and two turnpike roads. For terms, uppity, 11. D. BRITRAR, Req., ap2o-dt Germantown, opposite Railroad Depot. IMM:i of FOR SALE-Tlit VOT OF CiIhOUND, THREE STORES, AND BANKING. HOUSE OP THE PHILADELPHIA BANK, South west corner of HOME and CHESTNUT Streets-64 feet 6 inches on Chestnut street, and SO feet on Fourth street, including a Sve•feet alley, of which the West ern' Bank has the privilege The Stores and Banking House are of white marble.' The Stores alone (excludes or the Banking House and corner Basement) re ut for 64,400. tiall". A large amount of the purchase Money may re main on mortgage. Apply to THE COMMITTEE, aplO•tntba•et at the Philadelphia Bank. NI FOR BALE OR TO RENT—The valuable UM Property and Water Privilege, well known re Roberto Mill," eituate on the Ridge road, in the Twenty.arat Ward, Philadelphia. The Mill House is about 60 feet square, font stories high, with a large attic, and Is well calculated for manufacturing purposes, either of woollen or cotton goods. There are two good waterwheels, and the water power hone of the moat valuable in the city of Philadelphia. The mill contains all the machinery for the manufacturing of flour, with six run of stones Possession given on the let of July neat. Tor fur ther information apply to JONATHAN R. MOORS; on the premises. apl2•tatksGtle CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTY h. Rive very dm:liable Houses to Bent, on and now tae Summit, varying la else from eight to eixteen rooms, end in price from $2OO to $B6O. Apply to HINELD, ap2o:Ste► Samna House above Toll Gate. VOW SALE—THE -CHARTER OF-AN INSURANCE COMPANY, (Tax Paid - and Letters Patent Issued,) not yet organised. Address .g IN SURANOB,n Pox AM P. O. aplB•Btx It ga-N PUBLIC SALBe v desirable ELM. and commodioue FAMILY MAN ery 810 N and GROUNDS of the late THOMAS COLLINS, of this city, will be sold on FOURTH-DAT, (Wednesday,) 27th inst. The whole property is 187,ti feet front en BROAD Street,_ 880 X feet on YORK Btreet, and 287 feet on It.altOLKY Street, containing about lsf acres. The DWELLING-HOUSE is 80 feet front by 70 feet in depth, and has Just been thoroughly repaired and well painted. The Garden containa a great warlety of choice ERUPT TREES, in bearing. ICI Sale to commence on the premises at 4 o'clock, P. M., when the conditions will be made known by WILLIAM M. COLLINS, Executor. Burlington, 4th month, 9th, 1889. apiB 9to" dell 00 # • : ' # 0 T. Kt" A nut and roomy Cottage at °HELTON RILLS, near North Pennsylvania &Likud, 8 miles tram th city. Apply at 92t MARKET Street. apl2-tf in COTTAGES FOR SALE.—Fire new JILL and commodious Cottages at EDGSWATEII The eitaation le high and healthy, with Okurchee and Select Schools in the neighborhood. fiteamboata and Railroad tarnish many opportunities of going to, or returning from the city daily. Prices range from 82 800 to 88,600 each. Toxins of payment accommodating. Apply to A. MANDEDBON, Edgewater Landing. N. B.—Edgewater is on the easterly bank of the Delaware ricer, about midway between Beverley and Burlington, N. J. apll.lm* tiff TO LET.--. 4. large ,Stable, 42 feet .111:a front, by 48 feet deep, on a Court running out of PAT Street, between Fourth and Filth streets; the premiums might be converted into a machine shop or two stables., Apply at 4 O LIBRARY Street. apS•tmo M. • VALUABLE MARKET-STREET PROPERTY FOR - SALE—Situate between• Del aware Seventh and Eighth streets, known se the WHITE! HALL HOTEtt. Lot forty feet six inches front on Market street and extending 852 feet, more or lore, to Filbert street. ' For thrther information, cation the owner of the property, 0. H. GRIME, at the Linton Hotel. AEON Street. apl34wP mg FARMS, FARMS.—Some of the best ILL Fame in °heater, lifoutgomery, and Bucks min; ties for sale. COTTAGIGS and other desirable modern style REERDINORO for sale or rent in and around Nor rlatoWn. Hotels, Ronntry -Ptoree, either for nate 'or rent. For full particulars, apply to R. R. 00U01(, mbBo.lm Norristown, Penna. !IgSALE ATLANTIC CITY PROPER TY.—One hundred and fifty Building Lots; Mute or Hotels and Cottages, in the beat and most de. sizable lonalltied in Atlantis City. Also, for sale, the UNITS]) STATES HOTEL' at Atlantic City, being the largest and finest toasted, most substantial, and best arranged Hotel at that place, by THOMAS H. DUDLEY, mh2o-Imet SECONv Street, Camden, N. I. PAPER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper Mill known u HAN WBLL MILL, abated on the. Greek, and one mile from ahem:eat Rlll Railroad Station. This • Mill is adapted to make line Book Pnpers. It has three engines, one foal. analaisdy. 60 inehea wide, and all the appurtenanees for the one- • cased manufacture of paper. Possession given ininre.• diately. Apply to, or - GEORGE H. LIMN, d 2941 No.Bo fieniS SIXTH StrorA. 31Eff.,7g , 8 1- `,l3l}F c lo m ir coil in the cellar, (audited to all who buy Oosa 'i or A. GAR BER . BON, and GARBER & 00. Thin table is a true test of the weight of coal to any quantity, from one ton upwards ; used by thousands in this and other cities. The beat recommendation that these Orme hays to offer to the public, is an experience of twelve years, and their well-known extensive and exclusively family custom. A. GARD/R & BON, BROAD Street, opposite Opera Rouse. ap2o-4tait OARBAIR 00 Oorner THIRTBENTH and WILLOW Ste. N. D.—Do not eel below cost, but at Lir Nritei. EWE ttlante. Ooarbing. ~lugrspiiri~l ~- ip mium ALTLl4ls ,4muma ll7 Cadatigig s, szszinT 'ow YR: - - TsIB Ciataras") . l9llffillet - fleell 1 1 1 43 11111 4 c ", 701,0118 OP :A. -Duke de Chartres, (r. IrliaitOOP boollilk val rea • draft, bird Gilbert; Ptern~atltyt~~(r,gl e; de Ida. Jahn &lir; /pie Dent, plea Taylor. -- ,, TOP iags. Pliglit , Mr. Whealls7 Mn-llitet . TaylOi. THE GREW MOUfferall; MIL r • iabidiutoa,SeLL -Noma awe Drominnie; fiat ; Oraiteatra titans • L 'o ate; DWI La Pletagaßoassin OM; Gsliery,7l eta I tar Odaesetrewhileti; ,Box, fa Ehaliny,AA. Oelstipl Zwiuros .. MAI' Prima 801,, - • ' ." .77 Pk/moss a; 7 wank; sesnimas .11,101, ma - Ir „WILtitrIY3TREET THBATIII4 opinaz,ziont AND MAIMUT . Aetinirsid Mawr " Itr,llll.lliMeeeli. Dude's& Meninger Jeep& D. Itietnlev.„ (WIDOW ZYINTNiki 1 1, 11 1 2 3i /UV lUD/ TUDOR:: • - Meirituter Mrs../arres. REI, TEM YOUNCSHEI.S. - ibias Mandeville, Miss Pansy Fits hem. ; • . , TaN MILLER, OP• DBE/8/9Dli " Kate Marraway, Mis ,e'Yeany Sits laza. - &MIN ..esnuestosieeeirt Me=l.l l dro and Third-Tier, SS eels* Perooll, 'St& ; Civets, 10 Geste; Private Daseni loesii4l/ and 50; Ms& DWI Is OrekestOtteidrltgli Doses, Ti testi. - - • = - Detzas at psalm to Totdoeir. Oetrisii MOON AXERICAW ACADMII-OF MUSIC. • PARWABLIt -OP MAD. - OdZZADIGA. • - ANDO& ATDPANI. - • Kr. Ullman, at the request of Male= ellinla/Pi,ne ereetfeli.V Informs the peddle that she edirsolitively • sail for Swope at an early day :The tad beethusheat • which befell her last. season, in the death of her bus h Ind, and a in n'onged alumna from hir reit. dery this departure from Aranll94ll unavo,dadd• few performances she will give_ be her lest appearance, and, she rehieteatly. sees herself obliged to Incline the Orem of MOW erdtegercieete.Whiek • the ban calved.' Madmie Osesealgaretares her mostiespesitel 'Blake to her friends in this sonstry,for the great favors be mowed upon her during a stay of over twe van, end, Impel that she wilt always be held In kindly rentem branee by the Antellesat pules. ' - - - - In addressing hey Philadelphia:felted', Madame Gas- Nudge particularly Josh' the waft °fording/rpm them, at it was among them that the began her Abitibi& ea- • noes, and where her efforts t'o gdame drat met with that appreciation which it has been her ambition to theettre. The number of the Farewell - GAZZANIGA. NIGHTS Is limited to four. which =met be exiles/id ee eigf lee" connti the Ant of which will take place during NIXT WBBK, .„ when Madame (laments* willaypear for,the laitthms in America, In her great role ef Tioletts; - LA TRAP - LIMA. • Mr. Ullman hie the greatest sedialastion of enathae. lug the engagement of ••• _ SUWON STEPAN!, unquestionably the beettenor who baeappeared in Ame rica 'since Mario.; Motor Meant wiillll oppeerjointly with Madame earnaniga. The oat of the " Trembly" WE be complete ha all details. • The Orchestra and general arrangaments wlllbe on the mum Neale or libtrallty as daring Mr. Unman , / lest season. The price of salutation hes ham fined at ONB DOLLAR TO ALL PARTS, Including the faniattte, Parguidta Virele , Deleany, and /amity Circle. - • ' Deserved Beats, One Dollar and a Hell. Amphithestre,Tlfty Cents. ' Full particulars infidels edveitisemeat. • ,spa•tf : THE OAIMELLS ARE COMINGit , - MAMMOTH 27101IPB• 07 THE WORLD t CONCIKT HALL FOUR NIGNYS ONLY W2DIOIISDAY, TRITIUM/kV', IBTDAY &111.117:1IDAY, April 20, 21, 52, mid 36. - Originality, Vertatitity; and Comicality itensitinidi BUM N/ & NIWOONBI OANPBBLI, BRANS BAND, , DOUBLE TBQUPS Among the old fare - rites Will be feud now Aniel;erfiki • new .features and =weldor, whe will have the hewers od•- , ineklag their first appousaoo is thlrelty,-: In order to be delleient In say one otthe deportment of the aumuoir itsTarriarastas. - • given by this unrivalled • Gorge, Ike Manegree haw. spared-neither pain. nor expense in selaistageor coming season the beet talent that tan belted. netnaly from Sethi - olden Minstrelsy; bitluive gone Acs fain lo • call from the OMBRA; at 0* AOADIKT ON YINITO; - and the AONZAVII-BALLAY motres ortneuai,- • New York, sash member being .electe d for hie , vidnal talent and imperioi sioelleiee. • , - - The BRASS BAND, consisting of tan talented Mad , elani will play nightly frontof thellall, predate be opening of the doors., t -r, • , • • Admission 30.eents. )serf o pen at 7 ; performeaeo to commence at 73 &cloak. aplB. et P. A. GLARll,'Ageht and Desisese Dien**, firDONOTHREP• GAISTLES 7 )I* 8t - balow Third. - min RANGY vomit*, --, mazamazumikti,. - • Jenny Lind end Este Hazes of Amain. -808 81fRPPARD. ' - BILLY THOkIAD. "'IOW GAYLORD. GAO. MILES. J.•OONAAD. J. wu,LiAms - , Aire LUDLOW, - moiva. Talbott: - • - B. B. ORRIRTY. - - • 4-S- Iko MP,JVY- S-M AS In the Dzianvenos t of the DOUBLINDIDDED ROOM.: .1 ' Ohaisetire by the company. -' -- VAN AIIBURGIf & CO.'S , ZOOLOGICAL & 11411282111 - 211 11024.224L1NH1E1NT exhibit to thir, city, for THREW Ealflloeaptiec. the new Peetlion, eluded ea the on- • - BERT 011 8T„ BET. TENTH AND ELIVERTE ON T.HOIISDAT NIGHT. April lash yaroly , and HATERBAr APTSANOONS ased'2lloll77l.' Ticketa 26 ceots.. No hilitirds* TAN AIIBURGIVE 218211102=11 Melina Alameda will be exhibited Erof.'lmer TTPPO ilhp. - The Earoulotit Elephiett‘eriU he:hilue&NeeLl i t _ iegutr with& superior.EQUIBIBIAN TROVEE,IO6I MADIGAN RAMEY; - • Mast. JAB. MADIGAN. - Dr. JAB. L. !Mall' Who' will introduce hie • 002110 HELEN AND NIALTIII MADILL" KUALA& - • ELLA 'MADIGAN. Not Austin, Newts. Oarpeuterdney&lNNostira t : Aixostrong, sod &powerful auxiliary boat. VAN AM BURGH & 00. *limas liked OM* as Thursday, lot will exhibit In Ifratliliord Oil MONDAY, - sprit MIMI • .splittt -PENNSYLVANIA. 41 4 1:00:01. FINN ANTS • No. 1011 OHINNIITS STININT, • ' 111 OS= DAMN tikindass etteigleol) from II 41. m. till 6 P. N.., - - - Admission SS tests. Children 12 cents. - Shares of stock, entitling an bolds 'g holly I s MI: mission at all times, 'SO. • • - 4 • • - AU? WSIOAL FUND OM. irLANIV 08011:110TRA give Pablie 111111111•111._ ALB every IikTURDLIN Male %ducts 10 ere& a package of tickets for 01, pill& say be obtabiCali Aran% 110 Okestant street ; R eek & twotost% NEW of ifoortstk sad Okeetaat, sad at A* door of the 10i11. The performanee eanneeneee at !lig dole* . 1.17-te linkages egrinr. W. B• BARBER; ATTO I 4NEY•AT-La inp W2Sr 0 • . szuozdadd : Han. Win. A. Porter; Roo. Jame (loom. p, B. Comm, Baq., - Philodelphia Book. Mom Boyd & Bata.. oplB-12/8 • TO BUY CHEAP WATOSES, go to NoAlmost aoriterfot 191KOND *ad XIII Meth U. i. - Dr 44-600. 1 ' - J. Pill& CHARLES MM,J4.!11 PLUMBERS' NATMUMII3, AT Yaw YORE PRIONS, us MINOS ammorr. wafts* ~ ,~• ;i-x.71 2,000 down Tied Whitewall 1,600 it Nailed , t. 2,600 .c Handsorabs. 1,000 - ~ Clamps. 800 , I Dattere. 6,000 il 0180ebruhee. /or Kale lower than at mey olker bons* In Orb HANBY 0. BOICSTAIN, SS North THIRD Street, Weer Anil 0 i 1 .., THE PHRENOLOGIOALOABINET ISTADDIBEZD DV TOWLES, WELLB, & 0., .6, 4 11 open day and evening, for the eels of Books on Phrenology, Phyliolegy, Water-Ogre, &o.; tad PREBNOLOGIOAL BZLMIWATIONg. The importance of Phrenology in the braining of the young, the selection of oorapetimis and eempcelainc, and in every department of active life, la felt and W. knowledged by all intelligent persona who are ac quainted with its feats. Written deemiptions from daguerreotypes will be sent by mentor two dollars. - Ostslogues of Books sent gratis. Address JOHN L. OARNN, NOMA, eirkWlr, No. 922 Catestoat street, PhUs. SCROFULA, WRITE SWELLING,_TET. TIR, SCALD HEAD ' • - And all Eruptions of Shriek's' are radically and perm*, neatly eared by TEES IMPERIAL DIPI7ILATthI. - SCROFULA AND 7,111111 WILLING, though' obetinste and stubborn diseases and resisting ell 0101W411Y azineniza, do nbt fail to yield under the unequalled curative and healing properties of the. IMPERIAL DISFURA. , One Or tiro bottles crone most elretiOal„ TITTER her proved will the great yism est t s h tumbling bl p iatk to She ordinary remedied! Of tie day. Local applisald alone do no good, and often do MOOR nazi Th d in. e s must be eliminated thorough:y . lmm the ardour in order to effect • complete mire, audit is this tidiest nation of the well-known • IMPERIAL DIPTIRATIVE In expelling all vitiated matter tram the blood that has induced so many to pronounce it the away uncut* for Tannin. Ac. ' •• • --------- TUE IMPIIITAL:DIFURATIVE" ' • - , • WELL CUBE TETINIRk and all dlotamowi 'Originating In - DIPUBITIIIS Or TECO BLOOD.' , Tar On BOTTL1: • Prepared and eold by IitsoNIOHOL & IMO, _ Late Louostrory & Oh., No, ISO North Unahl Shoot, Ptsdolphis, Ethl24hith Bin VhOHWERIN'S ANXIIIILATING Dili,—The only remedy fn the whole world. Bar* 14i s6r/10 p 1 a a1II OU VR oa del i Be i in e: ngs, S B l O osgw itlo Sesl,N 1 ; o fo o r l - . Ante, glees , Garden I n sets . 10. Also , Alts for the kemlyeortnorthasLnd, N f c the I egnet H ta W Powder and, PHIL The arceiderful err/aloof Balms:hes Annilillaiin Powder were acknowledged In the moat flattering MINT. nor by the President of Girard College, Directors of the Hones of Refuge, Pennsylvania Roepitui, aid other prointeent public instibetione of Philadelphia; Op; United States Jail, - Weabington, D 0. -The origin 4 oertifiestes ash be seehist his offics,_Bo4 040/1 street. , To satisfy the public, and for the greater cenient., nice of the inhabitants' of Pitiledelpb* K:80 Kiel, RIM Is ready to their sat dwellings of Itoschee, trees, Ants, F e n daf iallotlon glyew;.way will not be desired. Depot, 804 RhOR stmt. Price 26 gents per bottle. , , " ' app-; tn - ANL! R1T04.7 . - _ . ll:glikds; Tar' 800 bbia.Pltob. mit gore or Web No' NU!, ANINDRNIIR, a J o No. /0 tIONIN VAIARTNI. =CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers