48 " ll ° , ro 4 g# 4 P ', 14--6 . , R ° .. i 6 y- 14 ti 1 A 0 S&A! . .044X 11 'A -20* .„!. .I A 4. a. .40.lfiv.e " Be 14( .1 611 ,41*Vgglet - iNt k in ~- ~ 1 1 „.„,.. ri talio lplrntigt7F , Vl , them. V , Alr 4 ,,... . , ~ tilt- e . Ire ba d , oonste - 1 - a - 80 7 ' It:falba , 6 : AP Afoi!waimi WA*. covaimp;wthicb ' Awal coymit:f.J'hii-Aoll l o..st ~,sw lord -i.q130-r Gardult?AittsU.OrtVitliWifigk.. ldWar 'lnalited tor tbeueto evote the reundnunt pun ditil bribil#lllll6aNeestbatttetilnittliagatife -Im r"1"14100.4 6, -) j°40 9,1 -5 hePtfigi s , M i Atn, - anent ' , ~. 171600 Pl . Jr, 11 - toettiW A.. u4- - : 4. - . XICII I *Or (undYl442 . • ' :7 ' • '''" ' ' ~' ~,_Lz.t It was tiot t - wk..' tosimattesc.. wa l2 de r ," I'Vrltretki; so o 14' , if' ,a - a d '' , tS - virambadteridtasedlesitaisAtr, ~..,i cenlight stbis4 aarliavent they " .041,17 c r ota 46 • featly es - sh.d In `'3 l l : l/Puut,_ theyentlielitartirs;-;dtad 40* t ti l l sl lt Nnw death 10 si.l.riox - gaft. • v: , tm.: - .4 10 4" .4 A* mcw:l4 , , Afik_HikiWieltA* 4 sl4:. rectlyxttwa snag . ttitithough• there were` . . Malty' thirerontAkettfl Obis Anon Rm) zit m ist4AvogA*NAJ,oo,/i., - 10PatAgil portent scnattitttnewwarasoutmtwa4Po - t thetsatrerni"-btose., - who'4lfaikbeisraprilkieti - 3t , 4th zie "OUVrttitelfiriff#lo3ta l tAk i f -l et w ftf e stilt Warissed: "Ats,gireat4,4fir#ol4, lar apply thesitibli)44ollllkOluitheadistliPkaiM Abe ; Lottloeavilittk l MOV l lor 4 4W secon‘ggisloslo 44tVgle,, ~- 'i.irO.j.ff?t , -.Allittipas)tfestater *Vag mogesriooll:,,,Attil ; ", Zulorfil 'Pr' tl l 44diad e tt'lr it t 44 ''' ,dr OA NW' e o, ; ,fd!. ,'e tit dila: , thnYmia*".ll4l4lo:6**TAOF ilogiAek*-, peati§gtlitit . edi:oirbti bang hiat , Might -1 / 1 0ditate U PP W, t he it :: 4 4tlatik. IT i t! l / 4 $ l) ,C -0 there - were. illickt, - titA si teil_ i _Lel t . lat. thtsithitaniptheiq&larlothutil s KureLf and, 2dly, its , promised, _reward, Via's_tfriit Of these—the deserlPfliktf-44 ° Milifii0e4Ftit 'hih . e wordsplattlifitAhmth:Lrul'iiiillistrite,i it wsi"" , ~M . r il i kAWAtArep;;liteNfOrtildetilit i ways, bilieitmitar a belleVer - Itf'itte - Betli Jeans, IditAtalvntlek'FloChkilietllat 'rho world, ever since the.F-alloyas steeped in sin, and - Satan watriesiViteer,'lniid accord. , . * ickSIYI when Aliliti,WttafPAieiga,*/ rtthimg , NM mire naturally to be expected than that Satz:F*ol4 l 4ft* dtcht**ttiaiititd titiclild One A likagAha '-,6r,besettlig.- 'shires and, 1.1 4 AemPtilloWT_ ,i , f:l o ll4,tiktatirlitiati't " great morat htintir t wea - gun,iiiiir Which, if ,puretted,Matialdhigly,lt earqbed , ai ricOsitk , intuits unto,deith." 40- 1, 07, a•-:j -011 '_ . ' - He was welt ki_wm *A 4 frt6 44 ,44a:1 ) 0 0 , out dahATAId;*iIATPV) : I I IF9SRPOiroW-W.10 4 . frontudiesietwhawconittitutedi:the.,:fOlihrisfu, ~, €~~; ~.,' et slifruiviepteNtior deye , lirwitohlt worshlplaiik*WA 340;fittgi*vA"C . A4rit witheekrisiio44o - edsPtiboi-laU +t{- 4tit thbtedtiotliitatiyiViftleite int thht aeco nnt The' t 1 ` of thin " ` olceee ' coneieted is .t our SOI4II.VAW/Wfikel4loo, NT 11,111110 rib) saiteoßTherusti or. tiseLord way 160414. fit vt44 Aritite&rAitiel(4o4o4:l44_9o3'iWii* 41 11 .000 1 .#4.01 4 41 4 4Wirwtilevethlither ,tra::thatirttlol4net-Jreftify,.6t meA rueoviotia444 l gobist***oo4* 6 •:bOa tal: b IB6BI I O M9VIO - 1010f i rac r ght , soetti day: We intgbt wit ;b9witt 4sol. protein Christ at the risk elite, wain view of which - it was safe fox wo ttiAWMPihillaiyiettot...to "./ he teithitithite:deAttliAti MAW): if No Chdrtlia'rknew .what fearhii taaenea'he: Lla i i iithid t po tOTivit***dit might .74 f .fie.- - .4 l i t til i ke . able* eiehtim t yr be ith - Aut - 1: 0 Shill "yliela ii i nak iin i ,;O ki r aw 'dia a tr r e oe m, rn or , .. _ pen"itteis,oll.flefahrerc! ~,,,, yiA,Af f Chtist t h ' el' lit""ePanittntailliWpAhatWOr Bettte-lalth id. isTiletl - 4w9hrjrt to Wong tOttgotlitZ,iireolitepietataid the eed'of ' our Putut .„icei Ahizttpixitatt illinitOt.l444 alltitelfweZaijer: attreell* It . - higgehieNthe ', r everlatee -- „, vvvvu„„.,,,_,,,,,,...„ int* 1 , ."` iglkainttiklithate_.!iiii ef I hfOailltit t. L. 11 5 . L, 1644tdr; 41441:110,n; ; mY ousiq m,i'wlr,,. oPi4c4',.3ko*d% ‘ foritivitai is laikulk,l,4z4;l6 righteous rig114 " 46614.111 6 kV c ibst ilitylibitotlO • lad - latr‘g l 4 - Wu,l i io ll 4l; l6 °° ' bb d " me , _., 4 4 - '-'2_. • :'.:,. --- vx,n4,. A,,,-0 . 49 - l ' a; ll4i-ilti -would 3'epeuttli. . titendiriNoni qiiihTfitir6l4 li r - . tau g li Og° ° b ' - oroat-gi,twigrat and ,et ,sseyLeei,_,l24_, .' .4 - 4ftwerAgevereAf, tteeditf 1:**11,,-..ILL 1117,0124' „- le ,trin:Weattit==tWviitievle-'' cjeeradda -,,...-`'''"6' lifit4;44ttlic, to7;ifk-g7_7oilabfl--gf-121411.4/ -c.Lo ~,, - it'-leliert Y blebs" thee, Ott klePlPCl 3‘ , o4gmirie 'AM% .. ' 4reSOCAli " iliZtter, thou,, eed Ault 6011001 1 t " -f° 1 the tei Diem 14 tti f f li Y out tf., 4j0,..r,72 negirgivilhectitZerowa!?!; un • to; ewieta _-,4„„.„7,,,--, -, - ~- .„ .- t , ,•• ; -,-; --. v_'),, ,-.- - ,-t ''",lLilori thieOfirio" *.- ,• -4W.2c`sl 1-le,-,14 c e ek re'l- if ie o ' llit-,[e o lr o *e 4 e f r o e , O i lO 4 Wed' , r con Noe 5 r ,I s aidmlghaePl,el4iu2 eitiontexto r `beriteel*Antligleithekteir, ' re it say that it tedgue,uf 4 trniu; re t if 11,1 W 06-fai th ilik in, tbs.:eternal Lt laid ii. 4 victim imditY wfirefilrw itillAth entered bath Per b 511 a s l eep, '2i6tai ire lle4bll6llit° ed ir li ttrett u the " a:t 7 l 444 : 764 hr ia i hi a „ , : h ii G an 6ll y ' faithful aoefilitalotgAg mni. Oat' ee h ii* lt w e i r , with' tbosfulleLlMrSte,"' :i -7 a 'ii it''''' -'''''' moritiircer,llK, • .., ‘ritbarthif • 4 (itWfikr :iblll 1 ' 41114111a,:61441(4144a Aw4Pes9 ..spe a ker, : 1 7 d 6 AdelltOlt-Riel'A"nr at thilleir Othia ~,, . a a a _ by the introduction of many o r t. Pui g f s riptikre bearing uportzlidfa VeektitliW443l2oiiiilkillikbWilig,,Meir is •S' for Tile,Alei" %R AO 14,111 1" ,, , 'Paiiamirau, API* 2 3;/859. .liOri liaa iiirs'a Iliffia***itaahaatiOdaa tho Pro. rlore markets ploys rho 01000 of our lost wookly 'endow. Bark to rworitrwl al run Mac Broodstuffe —Flout' %VW etali rr i ll.„ • * . Atl9 4ll ', -14, tiVr dip, kot mar*? ma est Asia.. sod ` the " 40 0 5 or ell bh!dt attrilsks.obaibwittwiut s Matto/ l o goirrousd prlooll are'uarialdad.. afo Cotl dun sad layer.: Coffin la thlagaitkoadinsia odiap. , Saw aad'htcdoona are gold. nikif,lo rtolidtAff - mu* hour gran, ar previous rittot h is..ln irralMiortiOs roarodatog.7 Woo are ftrm ;.fir Ir [ ptti mae fagaW I Pit nlaairitathso nada:lac* sak.ohap. kid bit ' -littl4 - I. r.l tliATMOTais alilkii, l iadPriai . .it 'at& 004a4 - 414,11*c alga 4diat. P. ovtiloos are iiiia*filididAWS*Taallal, sou.'" ilifilooafirmer. .."11toe is 4 WD - ' wittiatedw alibria over o . . 1 'ittAtrilaki7Ate deride,* , .- ' ~k - I...tangs - 1* ' beow'sAteilielimF4 . iimk. ":01021 , 41ge10nl , lam varaatiltriyasypialadk eta, liklaWil i 11 diaillairaiatabalatit WI" kinds 4i**0.01,0411.70.110114,91.4404,pf avkkoksitsimoixic9 4 , t /4.t< ihotelostwv,ilBo,, -vent-) .01 1 6 , 4" out sitais Is, &sags td , go* la' iii - 1101141111111)004061MViiiikel ' 1-44161NYOUthei ' ' *I I . :45.4* lt Lie ' , A . inslitieraistiwaHdalkaaim4ao/1,J*01 . . ~. " ..liadatthodi AS sailkey Joinwn - IDA Emil r Ola Otu -Isipai sad b , e 4.. . „ . Inclined, sea 00•41.000 4. ‘ r ' ' - tk . It • "‘ 411Vrarill .` 7 ,::,' 4 ?.,so so %low 2., -, . •; 0 # ' 2110 1 1 1,: ' 7..';_ -' -::- 4.711..,:. ' " rxi t ,_.; ~ oat, -..; r: e n.f, r 4 ~7 4 1 . `' ii r ~ tl,, rr:; , , **Wibllitil t 4 : 3 ;il } ,' .' ' ' ' . -. 7 1 ,-,, ,, , 4"tC.4 1 + , g• +, , ~,,:l _ L t t'; , '. ; ' l 'fiti.,, , P,lo,l ~„, D 0,4 .0, ....porrwr., , ..k.vw”,..l”.rtt:f. •_ ' , r,....._, a•-• ~„ , .„„„tr.,,,,.,, -_,„.. ~,..,,,,. ~_, _it ,, *4 Naliff6l,,, t,44,11,11M41515671-1 old 'o'4 INA airo rld a95V1V11, 6 041 time Soot& St i lr blier-ft *Welt 4.04.7.; Itt iter,d-oto-re 00104 idl". r - 8 i 1 reth " 44l - $ rtka'.4ferdbeareiresebste, siotaaloohavo once :Mk. Ilivkieeties titial*gogorltatiraklikinb t 6 ; 0 69 a; 51 15 6 .-1, tilf. 'I t , toopti,oo dodl, la the absent. 01. we Viotti- Ivrea IN intik, yrtl. „low vititAlluAtilff, , o ' Midi : ,•; t +C. -'"' ''' - ' ........' 81106, 4 -Tlnt Moils' Ile4retrZertnek•vedossolir and rrai) itdlitlitVOArledil64olllodi NO , I Quanntron at ..", ,„, 4 , „- /plalair MASS lat , Trintuinißork,,and not of ospermg, -1 - $11.,..i. , t, ..1. q P...„.“,..-,i. ,r, r,, , . , 0 1; . I .Tiii , ` - mirket so Untied nosettletl,' and the, IfuNs TereCodegegige;theekrhelfreeiddir Weal i lea Mien t. t kiltititito Al 1,90 1 •101611 90 0 ton nod tillud IVO f 8 litaltillipr:tnota'at,Vokinnio lt lartailkillling it ris;ol at 1111:51A - elr tot i `ii , Oita hbriegdmitini od e ittl446, bathe'. -. l l•Ft4Stlll9 6 olt oo b2SittiOV , lan litt9t4 u V ,fast witek,l4oCoutattlidisposi. ios 'Gm it ,1110‘34.1511,A40, entElnlis only, k r. Sitil 12 1 0 i Ilif Op wags go , lb., town, for loW` ' dna ' iiilddlimictibr Stiaoda,:ruld 12relitt for 741ralittgq, -- ,rs al 4-'•titl'i - 71.- ti:', - , s , ~' , lik labeiakietialsieelletlejitembetyletempersd trith 'the men Milo Yale; te iti tenets v% -, --,_ -, • • Or ' 4 ' .4 4,L, ' * M9992 14- iiiii9:= '.? fee ' 3856. See 47.014040745k00ciVat004a,0 6 7,444 hosompus, ,444 31 4" .4 84800 0 ( yi d • am,.....,,.., ...,g,, 692, ~-5it7;,006 Bak i: thltry.x.,.. , r 5.04,,tit0.,.,..0. 1 .00,, , ex.r.v.,!..,..4359: z,,,,,,,0,t76,. 0,, A, 14,. 00,„„..„,,,....101,000. eskytoo , 4414140 ,68;000 •-<-0( kiabithriMelbs-pent week. included tro tiro above : Sloe at roAkra,;geSo,ollo-.,611,000 = -19.000= • 454044 1 , ler. a,seusif...!.... 99,4t0 445,4a0,,03:000 80,040 litzlikinkum - ;14 40 :19,000 , a,OOO 12 090 'Sir' wort. P.o.ai.i., 13,000 e '11,0091 , ..44,000 1 0,000 617969triA .a - a104 4 0W190,000•• 10000 ; 91,090 * 447 Irllrrl--BiellOtet3tediheWee the'pOrte - compared 'with 1,910,190311/WbrAisi Itilstrtilnitrilase to Great Ist , ektrialied With 28941,t26000.bateit -; deorcue to , rot LW ii,b(flm , "I fml i," i' ° _! ti t 11 L; °°° ,.. is Aliso ,51,09 baled, , „ ,_ 0 oBl9l7iiin-iliont, • with 'Wog "of about '2,900 ;1411:::::::::..itt,,,19:,,,I,:ti:t..P11„1,11.:;.. ' we , q,er.tee t 1441 V ii°4l • ll l"* t -c e 52, 1 4 11 at 1 1 4 242° 1 IM I 4 T 4 " - '. f tali ,at'l9o, Se per 1b.,. ,-, • ' . ,•'''', VII Wand eriMen Serenety satire atilt soles Of ' if, , batif:Aoo,trouttly at illie ; do dottugbd at 1010 I V / 0 90941014101114011,91e, and 800. bege,VOSO it ' ''•••••1! ' l3 ..M.AAArgits... Bri t ian* _Le. moderate. Among „,.. 0111.1131;9q111 Ade at Suisse oi-florborate •of ',. .9, etAM.e. "Madeen-euintheal.sl 07,401.10 and 00 ertids - DrimMone sad $ Margo of a Amaloa Loswood prt I 6 keptlrlvate. 0,'1; 9 . s ma l l 2t hrailithedllehitiltdatlith Well of good "let era s 49 162 1ettieii 3 ,1 f ' - i. " ;', ,'t ; • ~ ,--MOurel aro, flent,,wl9ll More doles . in lots rlo otir4s-soles;at fisiotla orle, SIL O for 2a, ant 0 oi,l'Or -Roll ~`1,4911A,"it e solling ii a small wily ,at i tto'VrAb, I Pickled Bdrrlig, of soni quality, wall Io,t" e1t.26, - And-Inferior at S 2 4062 7114P' bol - ,f Etitla:Abont 10900 -Mies Oringee end Iremb s. `Wave beanaoldnutendias ttti Si 8062.76 dr box, es to, - CO4tiow, ose1:8,000 ',boxes Melo'. *steins 14E2 260 4 4,r Imx•olDr.led;Apples ereinelling at 8)1 ego ap -Sr „ cashew ore du ' t at 13A12e for towered quarters sad bit ,r, as 4-10•1741 for pa/4mM Aside 0f1.40 bap Omani illity_n_o99" lb." : ' - - ,k 2 IlluNTil , -A0 JoiVerppol,r,t4 engsgtimenth: have repOrtedL-toloisden,,Tai 61 it the, going Pato. I go datable ablpmonts'are mng; in Sin Franclask . vA 'At Ydek, at Sadao -$' ROC - VASA lodtit'vesslill, AN cares; some eogissemsnts %ere nude to Ottba at ..t.4,1 'lOO Rs Ilartgagos trot SS fOr Molossett; aTveasel rut us to Windward at 6113 4jr bbl. To the faith titers ' AO offering,. To Sotto/2.4h, pockets are getting 203 :Aar - Flour SISc for Grain, And Soto for -measurement ii; klhiii:Ozzlannealgrgimpenrri: l b. „dilute° Damn; the former le selling at 456.1 0 AM Lad the latter at lIIS 4p! taa.-, . -, 1 . tlP.—There is little brim Stock here , and no soles - Sr.sorkdt , - 4- n Dos ereWiliella. iiiiiiiiii; "ii,a tiai diiie ii 4 7.. 7 1 , r kt . It lo Hide.oftrt 22, thee lcomed emandao lo lb , .. 1 12 7 000 . . . t front ina . e l r . i n s e m buco and Tit yra, have been sold on terms - kept private ; for nEt Pdaiestxdindeed bersiry ; odes. of; it Adorn; And f"grla"l/1619944ttia1e qua li tslo soiree aid= in &Mind at f I prices I' the receipts ire InOresusing, bat the mar r,,ltet atoms bare of steek.t. :.I: „ ~, ,_ , , • - 1 , • , LUMBIIIt le errivLutlree_l7, and the tendency of mica is itkfitlik"ntseltari,'WhitePiriti Bolide selling at sl6telB ; Southern Yellow Sap Boards at $l5 60e10, and tailor-at SISOMI7b V 1 6 .' ' r:;' ' . ' 'MOLASSES is firmer. but without change ta prim; , elated bibs leilleirat 25e; , Port o Rico Sic ; Iduscovido `lVllrmades„ltem,ollesent UOGAIO, And Segue, by enc. Uob a II ratii2lo' ~ - , VAL STOSSlSurAbontl,SOebblicornmon and No 2 Ro i i a sold it SIIIRIAI26 ss' bbl. Tar and Pitch are dull t **AMA Imitations Sprits of Tarienttne is in remed - reqtrescr,stier Or: 1011 - at -53 6 540 , oath, - o ((rattier Stoat at' ISSN° le gallon.' "' ' 1. 4 0 0 S.J.Lidainet ;OW re' tilaet.• sod selling freely et 6la , fit Oinks-es& this. - Lard Olt is awns we quote -"la t et . Oratejl. Nick Oils sell In lots, kern ;store; at Ira Onajkitet.. '1;:• , c.: - ; ' ' • • -, •• •• - - , - ~- '4l , s eddlit" with pales of 160 „tieloimAii" lots; et l is 5. 1 .1 C Middirnt,d'inentlii- th il letter Mt prim e, , . dklAls.,itnithonged; onEntt f miler sales - are re. .r , ,SoISIMLZ•tir thireie‘tgli fhb &Mind 5 limited, with Ai* at ;keg sow 14. illd`dirdit Irani wont hands at $S 76... n moth" is worth Li a2./2IS, sod Pained 91,65 4r..bliorad_bit littli.bfferlog:'' ..... . ..., t....' I . ,911114,0,.+Nsriotor of parka 160 base extra Amer!. :owe A 440 sgw,ton,ws , ,shiwa4.l,4oo bags oloilyna grit ate r SillilittiOnthitiekdall but witho A choose in oriels, 'lll Of 6091ilids.now Orlitone It 7•230, and 6t; a, 6 , lot Otte *leo oil tlee k; XNoi $lO bbds sod bble Porto Ake also ko!at by mmtionete. *a days sad 4 months 13 _ , —. . 1 ,I.BIBITII —Brandi and (Ito; tbeseks bars bein Ibid. r• tiit........,...„,:,,,.. gum commands 860383, key,is milker duper; isles of Ohio bbts at 2U,* ...afet; Penn&dii-at- 29)1,023e; • lihde , at 45m1540 and • Drilleandett ,4 3oJ , ~ ''s . ;; V $l,O alf ..-4iinelt Wes of city rendered are making oil 1 , 0 49 1 ,1 0 0 1 tr.7 at Writitt . . s ' P T*16.8 amlienter.-witit a gaol loquiry tor both Marks Giniai, iddnillittei.:,' II , T BAIIOO,-; : The demand hod bean moderato for both Ls amdliantineentareni,bei Woes axe firmer. - W .10,t,Tbeorieriast is osedet:end there bee bele* TO Ruse dabs, siognfsetorsto manifesting very little dls Atlas too perate until after the new cop begins ta tom ,fotwofd Veiled include i few emill lots fleece ind pallid attrottid toililiv_lb neVfor Outman to duo . .1215 %-4 Wm. t alittotaione. St e _4o2ll22' '2lArtiont,osl4N-358 hide scissi osiskilsolas4s4.l4s/ori &Ski: Crygisti hhtle 25 tora Aagracliattse&titmoal -4, - • .t4IIW-BRIMORO-;41, OW. eartbitens, Orspo-64.05 gait i4lsoliller - tifftruirf; OrlOO'bble dobnober Bunt *—, • c@',lll:l.l.oßOrgliqOAßD Tara q uoimareqs °Liss Nom .; _ ,•fq f•i.i.a•'_•4l . l - IXTTRir4IIIAGOI - - AtlllidgetthAiitiVßXo4Mgd: Philatraphid.' • - 'Bark 4:hormulatta, - Lauro London; soon .. . de Jansiro„ soon . hark U 'Vag ... Po. 11 404 010 H/tO4iilit er.iiiiiiii;W:slieisi.'olitaltoll, soot Aria • 2 , laleptrit ha Thomas, adoh 1 I ;;II Iliatificlnielligente. G --, ‘ roaver-esitduiviiritix April 23 1839 40411 ipit& --, .11313115:: , :,Kr.:lo „ -7) • 11 '4B WASEI 1 7 " - 3 15 • ii - ,.... 7 1'7.../.6)101 1 b. 1 4 ' ;.• - , - , ? . . , '8 tom pjlosion, ficileK2Cfben fronthair York, tjiith dee and pikeeopera tall:S.411001W " tti 51714 lijilWaiAllp, t.cilii-10 ye from ElllielmrOyN 8, , "•, 11 - 121 ell tcitki. 14 4 4 1401 ta'Bouder & Co - - .. •• ' , 1101411fili." illy, 4 daplifrOtfrrit , ldendil with mdee lb Orpweli.k.ll6lllcur. , * .•' t. - , - - - 4' 4 lelir skr, Weetca,Aclloy, 4 4 days 'from • Boston ) pith Balialllt Mautiriliayier, - 4 dap 'froteNetrboryport, lai t h..dso memo A 'Wood., ''• ,- ' - IScheillifelitti Weileii, -- 8 dope front •Oalale,arith lam: ber•tb Id Truntio,&l3opt. , 4,, 1i0t Wm Kennedy', Chaim; 4 cloys from Deep Creek, l ttiCaldnitill tq llotottala klilieets. e tillrilit 4- itiik,E l -. "ttiwx; Mitchell, Dichmoed. i, , Bier aim Cea4l4l.laoll;llailamose,Wciikman & Co. , ,jlirischt. gateketep; Donniut,', Satires, Outerblidge, Agr 1 14.01 ,--, ' -,, - ~, .- ' •• ; • ' -•. .. iteltraulhit . WrlgtiticigkM,,Aiyigittimiten, Pall Elver, .2r- 4 . ti ,. 41 0 .4.11-T1• 1 05, 'F,Pitona..Vitil Boom Norton ..', ls. l.l4ittleom, /14ney,,Nekbaryport, . do '•-, 1•; 4 1,%70,X 0 igidel Ornsciyawtatket, , do i ',- r A .44}Mtter i .YiPlor, - Fienhatyport, I. Auden , ' reltr.W.ll liCilititioli,YlniftitOinxbtary,ll , , do ' . -, , ealition Ilkflon'; Iltkettett noretalki< • - -do ,' titolomee.SCordyy,/kaltati, t, - do - Bar Gllberagraea, Acen,X7ea: • tr.: _ 09 - 84 r„„CAVAlMlscaiOrsepovki few Bedford, do siidi ill aa w 7iF M Baud & Go, ' B A WAU chr iti g liVlLll:79 6xl : : o3 ,3 7:l;7ll: Ororee, Jr." ~ 13 iihrelowPiliroulti'akililandris, David Cooper. 1 ,al. ':ithxri•ipodeson4ot Tfid Yr , ts.i ' 1 • I: - •''.,9 ' : ItAVBE DX GRaCX, , April 22,1859. : TY. Itinge l*: rddiddd ki fo ham t teithere Mdincotaticg wittgi coats la low, lidtggdWer • ' ' e lial.al; tonal Maher V illMtnope k Co, Wilmicgtoni tillhacielekkasehionidolto at'krucop do 800; .191tanor, bat Dan to Relit , Va outbid, and leather and cloverseed to POO &Aro; ' Jaeoh leathalls,,berk to theeo-atreet wba r' dAt I , iipli; roirto Siktorq' liege, Olementioe, and ortisekris; dO to pet* Worroolty. ' f Vlo V-'' rriopoodoneo or the Pico • - l' -, N' ''''''"/ ~,- '1111ADINCFiliOr ) ll 21111359.`'. .117 4 1 6 0110W1ag beats from the Union Canal paleed into r the ' itillillislfaiial-to.44,boand to , yihindelpya, lcdP lead,ppellgued as followei '-" -' ' '. 71 alklldedeerkiDiglilieit to - JoitephCdover; Pilia , s P irOW*4 l- SO A talii4olll,•'ltliP/onte,.beards to - `if Xru p &Iwo; ' , Dr ilimideeLediores to Badd & Comlyi 'Trod _ ',lstor , ora to Xotort & Clo: -- - * : .- • ..,, L.: • ,, "4`,.1" - fi'S. ,-7,7 "frter- , i fr..? ,‘ '-. • - •t• , ~• .'7 •,-• ' , ,,1 ce tini'Philadolpida ' ,lX4ltante.). , ' -,',' , 7,', 'f - ,-, '1,11W118; Dal... April 2i, d A id. - ,--: Oa ' 44,Tipairiabil,LX lit Jolut7liti; pia a li6oQt it4Bl4reOrdatt to mot feat evening.' The brigii B Doane, `tot: eiktoostoorousd _5t00n3,442/1 ,Arnailes, rernaln•44 the BOotirator 7 . , Wind smitit i. , , ~ . It , ii ';'" -,' WkiIOURD.I.. , , tittal 'itliiiiii luddwin, Cotter, at Boeton 2lot tha t , 41 ' •ttlybaCT .1 , , , ,. c‘ ,. . .. . ii i '''eqtat - Hal, Walker, olooreddt Boot,* 2lst loot. for• ' 1 . 1 114Alelealtle,.e , f ' - • '... • • l i:ink 4 10, tiowill, for Liverpool', pleired at Baran-, ram 9* isetoatiM .I,9l.halas coktop • ea:l;69,74C feet ihtd PirwilbOtkr , r - ' - ,lt -19,plIpea l Lase, for-Liverpool, cleared at Bind. 'kat == tont kith 4816 babe cotton "and 88'1,8Mt feet Alla thiral - Daidett,:ftir: Liverpool , cleared at &man •iliall',.:Sh 9"ll, Va inat llA w Liaa .urt t le tar i stra t ua t" ;icir promwit; was ' klitalmort, - PM $6, - Ift So 24: ,-..-: .7 , - .1 altlyiatpiopi; ,)ilii.aaiLamp, for Wroptoa Bonds y 1 sql, Mot rors4to, lopolitid ult. - ,- - - :3 161 - 1 1.And#14,01 1 1 , ),Ittlold from: ktonteride 0 /tali, i" , • : ',, kiting, ,14iintni; ikohi s iiiittMoro Jot' ItoerriO; Atil ;Ms Pleuttprldmaidtittli, :: • „ ' . --. -,-",,,, k'S.:444ainterti, Williams, from'Charleaton, at.Per:' licks Ilidlilt;alsi Wad 24th for Perekika. ". .":10 ciosorpr,„crwoo; , ,hosisfi;wod Attchastnewt Web ..4,l)bwlt-rarrlved lith.i• . , - , • - , amposidor f linoo44;sittlod front Pernambnio l id,teL 't _ 4. - -8041Alidelphia. • - : -•-,- "-- , - ' 4lll , 44 1 t0_6_00Osadisioi4Siieffirattain4 , _et!' last. i ' f ltd . , __ . 5 in4 4 4 4 ., ..7, at - ;kdrzotiididdO - /Sth tat oka, samaitmolaate dal for' DI. Janet/v.l - • l'.. ;or Boston; Ws Brtttah) omen, cleared let foiliktiaterideo, , •,, 1.-•• . ... • , 16 4.14,P00td0, holm, arrived st:,Por-; - Lefor, front l!oodsoola i rim • disobatgOt coati; Zoos; for Philadelphia: nekt diy, ",10410,d0 Outus Ittvort, ~ _ ~,,- , , Proolh;A . .f7 l ,44'frookitto do huntro, woo at' (MIL ...3-.1, ,--- .43, '-. :-. ,elfer , i Baia) or - doltioloio, maned tidal iissat,-, .1",1 ~., ,i ,. *mit; Or): boooOlit 134rbadoes Idth otti ' kfsotilorylloatirequo, tord Mira Gollord, oaltdd -from BalloadoOd orlondott,-VE .."ce i • ' , • ' ,„ , swore, Aston, hamar at Belhadoes 18th lilt, sdaasTrisooacts. , ..', : . •,. , - , , ~ -,..., anaisiosetwisao; cleared at, Norfolk IMP Park - 241.60.1 - , ,meacaniaaideodeded at Mobile 17th last; lthdellibbtr:Wltit 407 haleaeottoO. 10 , toes sod sop - ' urvi b - o t ilbli, s 'iolro - astaaa,lo do lOW bolt. „ ry lidior - Lawdillitatk -If,, i lidlia; 8 plo111: - Lc i a llibb - Aeditctdidet I Oswald: Setae ' it shit ba 1em,'„,, , ,, ,- •,,• - . ~. + - •-t , --, itodaer, Bodioottoidlid Itotii . Bakerolotakod;'• itadrPlautaiptdc- --- • , - ' steroundit,ldefrirkerldi it ran Diver tolli , iiilliOlibliiiittimitalled from Pall Hirer Pitilidelimisp- 4, " ,-:' ,• - litrlialikilriaarnorlii' far' Philadelphli or &el 'Prilvdence 2pliaioet. if , Otiskatoafictatioatio Sith.inat ~-:. -- ---4.:: ~. , ~ • . i ' Priliirmis9 ii3Oittatiiiii?; mat: . ' ruskeior alrol 1414 - froffiwteipo - gteli 'NI Sega de lay to return. ~,, . .. =ME ffertitiltro. pHOSPITATIO: !GUANO' • FROM • . 'NAVASSA, ISLAND, CARIBBEAN SEA. - , :analysts by Dr. Charles Blokell, Baltimore: Mone Phosphate of Lime 84.13 - Containing of Phosphoric Acld 38 82, • Fluoride of Celolutu 54 CarboneWorLline ' - ' 6 l BO tirozMo or Iron and Alumina " Water, &o 4.88 , • 100 gibe extraordinary high per oentage of Phosphate ,oittme, above stated, recommends tie article at once Asa superior Phosphatic manure." - ' FP,RTILIZEIt . ids BurEa PHOSPEIATE., ! OF LIME, ,••,c ~ rAOk 0 , . - 77NE Nstf s ~BßEY , ) ftADji7FAOTUB4N4 00. 41t1Yele byllnitaiva Liebig, Practical and Analytical Chemist: Phosphate of time i no I, Sulpbate of Lime 10 Organic. Matter yielding Ammonia . 45 -Ammoniac Salta 7 Insoluble Maligned matter 5 Soluble alts, Orion. and Oulfth. of Soda 10 Water and Mae 3 „ ; - . 1 180 - 4e 'bin manure is composed or dead animos, blood, offal, and raw bones.) , F,rery one of our customers having found oar manure what we .represent itlcrint. , mtdapted * every aoil and. crop-:-we recommend It with tho felleat confidence. 860 t 0450 113 a per acrelisselregrointly inoreaaed the yield fifty per cent. . AlOO. COLOMBIAN, SOFT COLOMBIAN, and AMMO NIATED COLOMBIAN, (MAROS. All of thesis:me PRILTILIZ I ERS in bags and barrels: - 'From 220 to 846 per 2,900 and 2,240 The, according to lanatity and kind purchased. For sale by 410 g ons No; YON marl-ro pit a 29i: , tole illarrata 10-Phil'adoli.blel' Al - ICAN GUANO, . , a/kg S.L AtiNT , We fa ke pleasure to informing Farman., Dealens, and , the plablie generally, that, heylog -berm appointed ,by .11.TESIDIOA-W ElObtesalci r • • • 1131:E AGENTS Per the axle of this ealciable fettlitter,ittehitadelphia, we are prepared to fund& it to any quantity, from the single bag or barrel to' a - ship!s_ cargo, - at - the Coale of prime adopted by the Oompany, via.: FROM $BO TP A OP 1 P 44 . Mick _POUNDS, ,„ Ageording to the iimennt puroltined. • ' Enembnente Made frith' Jairits ISLAND 'ilia' Pl. 11.11VIAN Otht.NOff,' loon - kinds or wail; have,' in every ingatmeCtedulted (avant the former, and we are now quablid to opagrattilati the sgridialtubsi erM% inanity upon'hatingwithin its realAya • , GENUINE GUANO, AT A ;-; Z El 0 -N. 1i.3 'PB.ICE. • —. • • The ship RBYliAlt) Will 'shortly Mile* it this port, direct from the Islands. We are prepared to take onion for delivery from her cargo,: or from these of the White liWalbier" and " Plying Eagle4',•. • ALLIFIN iNc NEEDLES, - • No. 42 8. DELAWARE AVENUE, and . . . , • - No. 41 41." WATER STREET, , • : PIIILSDELPRIA: • „sole ,kgenie kir the „atates , Parinsylminli t Nei! l'erasy, Delaitarb. , tenramw bra , MAEUPAGTUREIti • OP .PHOSPHATIO xss- TTLI...EILADD, MEAT-AND DONE•COMPDBT. ALSO - ,r DEADEBS IN HONACDUAT, GUANO, &a. 'Price of -Fertilizer; $35 per :ton of 2,000 lbs, at the rectory, o:9 cents per lb, If lase thaw* ton. - Prim of GompOit, M. or 114 cents per lb. ' - - Pries ofeßoas Duet $36, or 2 cents per lb.- , Pritoof Sone,Doetompernue, /40, or Teents per lb. Terms Gash: -Addrees - • • . 1-, TAMING & GLARE, _S.•//. corner 'EIGHTS Street • and .wesaileGroN :yepLeiltita Prime street:- selsl9 , tu f Bm* wAiturs's l FARAEligll F . AgIiER,B 11l - ' tteItIPBRIOR:TO'ALL.t , - , PULVERIZED,-BONIB.. The article of BOXISIS so well known go all.farntere, ,glid Itsperitikel, generally acknowledged, thettil is .net atilt surprising to. god the CHOVICIU. OoLvancsan TD9,l3ll4lAtprO, Y Meseta TIERS 00.. fast 'auperredingilidt othetfettilizers By,their tineeeful "llsooveryand phiparatlon,ibe cam' objection against the article Rai been removed, (EL; Its Blow remits.) Tamers esti - others now gat a Manure tt *Web they nen understanditt nfosays altbayi setiabla.' It ttlß at wag enrich the aril, 'puck forward the crops, 'and at the,egsne, time be Leib LINO. • TIERS 4 00td BOPEIIt.PIIOSTWATIS Dle LISLE. • - delightedly popular Bothnia. is prepared by Messrs. Teets & tie., at their" Oarbon. Worke, and I. pronounced ti Superior to ail:" Tor Llmtißtoneland, BIS Eta e ffect the laud and .crotts is If nick and kiatitie—with all the bemicits arising from guano, it has none of its exhasuiting effects.; It is used in about the same onentltlet ,and-tor, the same pur poses, as the Chemical Pulverteid Donee_ These popular Fertilisers are put notable* and bar. 00nrialent forbandUpg. _Every attention paid to fanners add-other -informlttlort:' The latest 'pipers and pamphlets &Wipe to be found at one video.— Bdii delivered free of expense to any. pert of the city rallitikildepota. , - "- fM,A cell le soltaltid. - TWILLS 00. - Utandaßonth Wharves, below Market . - • Philadelphia Pa.. , N. s.-;.2(tisivid the beestleend ibo_Whati - Or on Witai etteeti warms will load in alley adjoining. mkl2.4tititantai W lm • • •;- - z ' V L UPERIOR PHOSPHATIO GIIANO . :— arueorrintp ANb YOB SALE; ON NNA.I3ON ILBytiI TERMS, 13T - - •- JAIkQB Benin, ‘IBII . Ifiath,RILA.WARIt- totem.", Yhiledelphis. Tie analysis of this Onion shows it to contain 811.24 per Cent, of phoephorio acid, nod it is than recommend-. ed by high seientifia authority : ' This Oakilik*Ml ifiCalitly,sOlit reetaiott',ldni folie eolCdollf ty of i poiticm kiripper.phosphiiie to *titer. Its Tory,large per mintage of phoephortc said, stamps it,ln ',Toy estimation, ex a Guano of a very superior 'cha racter; bersase .18K per cent of phosphoric sold are iyeivalent so BSper cent of bone phovhat4 - /AMES 0. BOOTS, Per 800111 GARRIVIVIZZ %MAO. •,; Philadelphia; March T, The estlefiotion which the superior 'spittle* or rhos groVorgolh,ll t i mllyZowo f"rn t:aretc,p;wahe practice t w it:4 is theory commend them no best end cheapest far stiliseni that nnaberukell" , They are not only immediate but durable in their affects. and benefit' not only- the "pot crop to whlth ,they are applied, but eueoeeding ones, The yalne or bones as a tinware Is now tuthereally ioneeded, mid elpidreents have olearly d emoustrated that their glyict Ttane.tenigsta not In the animal matter they o6eitaine but le their phosphate!), and in thin latter quality-they, are not mode more I r a hair as rich as good phoephatio glean°. . - r , , :,;:::, I.,'.''Shoe'Sinbiiti3s. M. JOHNS 8a SON. (Buceeemer to She bite Joe. T. Johns,) Intporteis end Declare • $ iiruFFs and 'P ' R # IhilfiNtia, LAFLENI4B, • , emmoNa, - &a. &e. : AT THE OLD' STAND, PTorthesat ociiieror SWAN/ and AIWA an:4*i febl-8m LAIN'Gr & MAGINNIS, No. 80'NOATU TNI4DI3T/L*T . , Importers or . uad Dealers in, SHOE MA*UPACTURERS" GOODS And all kinds of Rhos Tools., UPPIBLDIETATENT BOOT T - NEW!. CRIMPING LEATHER ROOLINO MILLS. SR WING MAOTIINE 84E5 4 , THREADS, and , MINDL2IB. and AMBRIOAN SHOE THRUM :fsl6-IsnajtS . ED WIN W. PAYNE. - Inipinter and,Dealer • BOOT,'SHOB, - azul GAITER MaTBRIALB; Lyon Bnlldtng , N.W. nattier Anon and INNYBBII Btt LABBINGB, . „ - , , GALLOONIf, ' ' OMENTIN4B, ' I , PIIIN,OII • - 00.11akWiE 'OMB, TOILBT-OLI.PPELIIPOIIB, febl-31121 811017 TILIVEADEc'LkOBI; *imbvaia: . „ •RE;M-0.-V L. CAJTI*.:.t.tNST, II AB ./141`0 1 ,'D T 0 HIS 'Model &Arai:ening and Batliing,F4abllebrwt, IC E. Oder FOURTII and sitiken Striete.‘ - Thiele the enlY. COMPLETE - IBTADDISIMINT of the kind In this My, and, in feet, :Irate any fa thle bountryTeritaiinte" The acconiinedatione in the Bath- Jug Department are most Tartest. In the Ileir.dreselme, -Department none WONG Wit artistrate employed. RE N.QVA . . ',l-lAlc4o,ool£' 8c 'OO., ' snd 140113VAOTORIC Tam oiwom.A.Tsn HABIT - SHIRTS, • TIAN! NAMOVID TO , Noi.lo2B_ 4414ZPTNIT,T- STREIi - Mitzlo,,antOilfatauranto. LB: - NOW .49T.Vr4;_22 . ' • ," CITY 01? SW T SINGLE 41.001,18 60 OTO. DER DAY.- . - OS farlare, oOrni.r 'lnpktifrt greet, (oppo site 'bits il(.) !Seale, u they may be:ordered,-10 the 'opal:done Bei - beau, There his Beetserla Shai and' Bath Sums attaiti6 to the Retel.., - • ' N. 8.--Ifewere or Banners and .Hackman who nay we are DD I._ R. 'IMMO% frOpeletar. r# Bl3 #9 178 / 4 ;-' Now Olaf ' eV"?' Vr 4 .4 inymuez, rzwe g 66; 4 : , 11 7 : 1, 1 . It ... -p..4 ~ _~,~witYg ''. ~. ~klaigit~c~ Ute.azufine' kizititom, CHINN Is offered to the pabile as the moot re. lisblelow•prieeil Sewing Lachine iienee. It Will awn from elk V 3 sixty etlichee to an indh, oa in kinds of SQ 94,l i from bourses, bagging to the Swot oambrioe; xi hi, without oreeptton;`the meittenttaiL • cenethotlon atarttiade, anima be run and kept tu craw by_ttihtld ,of_twelve yearly), ,age, The ,D131 , a1111141 'thbrilisehhie,and`the.iiwitirir os+ xis woin, are War.' ranted to be utunirpassed by any other. Ito speed range. from three ttrtatn hundred. 'Mabee per ml. note, 4.11.041° witunor twritionstrioo' aulannter. fast;tt u s machine that to wantedly'ireri tinnily Ditto land, end ) at which thity are mold, brings them, ttb.twthe.nawk Cl elm+ every one. t:"'' 3). ia.trigi4 AtietiAi d 8146449 - 10b, — /Licoir Erkluniz ' WALT. 4 ~nowzLL WALL AND WINDOW PAPER No. 17 BOUM FOURTH STREET WALL - PAPER. - • We invite attention to oar eripe'rfor isseoitmont of FALL PAPb7R, At 16 right prim. Paper Itangere Cent to any part of , the !Betel -" "- - ' ' LPNGSTRETit- & 13R0.; la NORTH THIRD , STREETI, Blvidoose above pIABILE,T, Btreet, near the teriniunA of 'all the inesonger Itaitroads. ap9 Math 2e* WIGHT & 13ROW.N, 19 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ! • POREINN AND DOMESTIC MULL WARES, Air) . , t t fa , 016-4 4 S S zgrAy4 4 ,woßt3T.Eb, 'BILE CL &ND WOOL, &e. :Oar long experience in the bastnees end intimacy with the heet markets of Europe enables no to offer goode at each pikem'ad will afford interaction to every clam of buyers erst22Lue* HOSIERY. 30,000 DOZEN ' au!streiNgioct'Dnttn trbm thia _ einli*` MANTIPAOTUBW. ALSO, LADIREI , LIM: TM) GLOVES 4A:afirel3ll'B, &o THOS. MELLOR & op., - - 8 NORTH TRIED STREET, mar22.2m WELLS, FARGO, & CO., ,NEW YOBS AND clitaroßisEti EEPENE; 8 AND 'EXCHANGE COMPANY 400 ,OR.4gTNU,T,ST,REgT OA LIFO/INIA AXPREOSIi 8 leers on the sth and 20th of each month. . ISLAND OP OIIDA 'EXPRESSES leave by all the regular steamers-1w 21 12th, 17th, and 27th'ot each montb:' . . COLLECTIONS nindio on EVIAN& with prompt re turns, Wo consign to our friends, P. tionOsiler Itarau. IMO 3ANGII enßArt Pa ammo, &maco, PAnnwzon Totalloq, 104 BAYLNA, for 6010 ill saws to Mat. 041,IVOItitl9 youvoziTzoms. „ Our•l3AN .PIiANOISCO honiti gives eeinklii at. tention to collections on all point* in OsWools and :Oregon, with prompt .return..' lianitfaeturets• and merchants making sales for California or Oregon, can transmit their bills of , lading through our house. and have the 'Maotoes paid for on arrlial of the anode there, thus giving purchasers fall benefitof time on sites, and, yet the gallons maintain control of their property until paid for. :!- P. .N. , ,BAANEY, JR, Agent. iti _ADA, SE: •11 S COMPANY. (}BEAT DOUTIMOIN , A D BOUTRWISTERN NEW AERANOBtreNTS,:. HATER itztkuono. The ARASIE RE-PRES,3 VO , bkrink oomtileted st ringed:knits 'filth the Norfolk sod Pete. pburg,' Patera burg and Lynchburg, last Tenn , and 'Vigo% Rail roads, Ece. ho ., wit now prepared, to 7gPoir-,AIIIICK DESPATCH; -et •mucth RERUORO t# goods destioad for ptaota In VIRGIN lA, NORTH and 'SOUTH. OARGLINA. GEORGIA, ALABAHR t anti Ii4ST and WEST TENNESSEE. - - - ' " ' • . The establishment of a THROIIGII INLAND ROUTE from BRILADELPHIA..to htEMPIIIB, Tenn, 'mares to Southern andllouthweetern buyers *nate sudgellable mane et Iranspertatien'at very 2 eil e ntOla , rates, and 'agolde the MIA of ocean itafightion. ' Mappens preferringthte. Inland' Route are egineeted to mark goods " VIA _BIODSIOND, Thoeifilglecting the route via Chesapeake Bay, at, a 1.0.17/IR or rumor, will mark:packages s , VIA. rioaropf." lir Dry Goode, Olothlng, Boots and Sheas,`Sooke, ih c. or merchandise generally, ineenulmy,shr feet to the ' loo musts, will he • deemed and taken wan heavy toi- Moo. end Doter Goons tall at a amenable 'largish on" illiagr Fallen? BATES. tt The long entabliehed Mite or ltxpreafi to the Font), and ilouthsreet, hy Steamers to Obarleston and Savannah: 'will continent ae heretofore. rEr For farther Infointation apply at NM Naas, No 820 CEINfITNIIT street. , WEST J E RSEY fAPADEBIY, • BRIDGETON, N. J. DAVID THOUrEON, PkilielPa• &melon beg ne MAY 4. Bend for 4. Oatslogde. Refer to Bey. tames. Wood, D. D ;Phile.delphiel Hon Theodore Trelinghnisen, LI,. D., N. J.; Goo, Wm Bigler, U 0 Senator, Perna.; Dr. John Cornea,' Her etsbdrg, Penna.. jp16.12t. 11200K-KEEPINO MADE E,SS .—The .1-1 1 we of TWIN/Ne , BDGUIIIt YINTRY will obviate all difficulties in acquiring. a hoeiledge of this useful Science.. TWINING , BIIICROANtaa IN STITUTE, 108 South EIGUTH Btreet.• ' apla•liltta . LLEN GROVE - FEMALE SE M WARY ) LL/MNSYOHD, Yitina.j• 131 x aillea = frotd , Merket street, Philadelphia. The (Summer Bowdon will commence on MONDAY, The novelle of iratruotioil In this School Id compte• bemire and thorough. Pareete and Gueridetos who Intend to place their daughters or wards at this Intl. tattoo will do welt to make immediate aP~pplic►t:on to 11.= THOMEION, -- Principal hod Superlurendout. " EST °HESTER. 40 Mr, IMAMS% ,P 16., Vlll nommen , its lOtti flisaion. tinder ° thoobtrge of Ito present Priadoal, on the drat of May matt The. count. of instil/o.ton fa .IIXTENBIVE and TROILOUGLii designedlarrauSeA to prepare boys wad young men' ferMondga• for the bnalnema requirements of are The, gillY AN and 'FRENCH laoguages are taught by NAT R, ItEl. SIDENT TEACHERS of tent talent, and , ettenee. a b alone numbar papila 7b, under the? go of 1 Tesolters;inoluding tan Principal. Per Catalogues and fall information apply - mbiarn Wit. P TV1(111R8. A.. M. Pi !Ett, ml,c,r,,sz,,,'L-ezil.nb.-'-aigls door; above Shippen, continues to 'glee I. PIANO•FORTB, either at her residence or homes of pupils. - Nor terms apply as above, ' Conrad Meyer, Piano forte gigolpio%urer, No. 27 street, Philadelphia, • • 'III4II,I7ANT ,& STICA.TTON"' -LP MIROASTILB ;COLIMIXB, located* R delphie,,l3: corner lIZVENTH ORIRTNIIT New; Vork . Bafrido, Cleveland, and Obdcagoil - f or In. formation, WI or send foi Oetalogue.- 41. ph-tr. IVNA4 r . LONDON ACADEMY, OELPIBTER ICOUNTY, PA. Prof. /EDWARD D. PoRPDII,: A. Pi., Pflicipal.• • The:4s 2 d . Session of this well.known commence May 24.'1212. It is iodated in aired and healthy village, lastly celebrated fouthe brity,of- Its climate, and the elevated character of its, 'throne. A coach iteetethe morning earn from Philadeibltha 4E4 Baltimore at Newark, Delimit°, ,to Gatti/ °Weals tia the Academy. ' T8RA15. 7 285 per session of, live monde. • The Principal may be seen at ,the GIRARDITOIT2D every IZIATUBDAY from 2to hP. M. until idag 24. - 11_4°11.114‘BPRING (*ARDEN AOADEAt, IL ID. bo nier, FIGATII and BUTTONWOOD' OOMMRROZA _DE , PARTblllliT.—Book:keeping in 'ill its - iarlons forms; preparing Stidents thoroughly fotaltrustions in any branch - of business •, Pletti)dul Or cemented Writing • Commeded Calculations 1-I.ap and Oorreependezure. Ito institution in the United; States l ives a more thoiovgh and practical coarse.!ln,thle DAY pen _ .- liIATTIBMATIOAL AND, CLASSICAL `tidnallT MENT•t-(Sepazate from the abo,rs.)—Yaling -Mu and Boyd are prepared for any grade of an Angliab and Olas eloslßdneation, : Reading, WM14;064 1 1- mar,Qeography, Arithmetic, Philoapphy, Ancient and Modern' Langtiages, with all the' higher Ottlegiate" Studied. ',Sessions of Are months commerce September lot, and February jet; 'Panne received - at anytime be. fore 1)1' after these dates and dumped accordingly, Oats. ' lop es tarnished rab26-tf - F. - DOSILSANY LONOI-Pt*Mai tiN3CDEit -LEIDY4,4Ae. litaiiy, Principals of LBIDY BROW:MUT AGAI/RMY, Nos. 148 and 1150 BIXTU IMBEXT, near Race, where a lcuowledgio Of . BOOR-RIORPING, and-ARITTIIIXTIO le made'oottsla to every pupil thilkatay Inter.. , • AGALDIMY open day sod evening-, . irgurporporp.•:r flal DE Lr .I. A. 001MBIT.OkAL ti0LL114.71, -- riorthoul Doom of 91115 THEFT and, A/1170TR Strut!. - toi Lbiritntiou derifoicy to' dt YO:tlinig rim for ACI: BIIIIINS88: ; _ - .. . , " - • . B O ARD OP TPOstpiett. '' '''' ' 1 - 74 1 B. I:olconatipaj -' 7 ' 7 7' Ptantilf Roalkina, -George is Stuart," • -', Daild'hltino, 7 ••• , Jahn Pparhawl4, '• '•-• • ' David B : Brown ' D. Haolteto • . A. V. Pomona, - B 1 5 1 = 3 • 03 4 — :'," -- - - - 7 : IttederlottlirtmA, - 7, 7 --, • ,• • '-' J °nil ppinoott; -' ' • •'I " :114,thitreasszonsa a ft er deptembarletli. f ' path Student , hi* nentruituzi'lleSTEMPLlON al Mit Inatltntioni and::a :Diploma from ' hem. la the biet to oonmiendatton liming- man ;can hare, tor_oittaleing a p _od eituation. • , „ _ ~, _ , . , , • • OATALOGUIId mar ite!ltad 'on , application et the alihe, 7 • - -• ~ md-tl • • . . MR IR 'r ERN T EC AND FiPrEENVIE , .11, ISTABgTECPAMENegft BAltad,ll/ OdIEPANII, , Under a resolution passed at a meeting of the dem- Infoloners named ,In -the Aot Incorporating the Whir. teeVh and /ifteenth- streets Paimeoger liniltray Row. ran ~ held" ad We' 34t h of ' ding, , the finderolgood heieby ere - nab:o that - they have,ttzed theuinth day '0( gel Ass I'OEll46OElg of the' stoittr of Said Cost patty:. The lionkif,*lit h ‘ e:.doenolt . for, the' purpose on that day pt 'ehirrosi 'oidlocit - , at Ne." 271 Ponth c RIBS" Strain . , in aesbrderine tittle the/otos-181one of the Cdtsitiii". , ', It PVTAltid 'GRATZ ,--- ' ~ t'- ' VAlrdittf ItOtittitiODii '', ',- ,',. ,;' ` ' - ' • : 'JOHN lil - ItnailY,r. . : ' . z ,:. ! . P. o,Atilimicnit, - • copmittte. • • , aontiLIiMBICRT, , `- ' I i , HENRY iretNXB, '- - • ''• Taos. 15 . oftabinAng - Brt,J: , apiAtit9, CLTRIO 'AOLD.fium 'llernlook, Liquid lityrati Vanlilelleawf, for tale by- ;,; . • . WirrEDIRILL . aplB Noe, 47 and 49 North 89,001:71) 9Vt ittrgEr,rt AND 1 /XERIOAN TAR ED' ; ClordaM'" ameorted eyes, mannceetnred and for rque WHAVAK *N PITIAIt .6 00i, No. 9.1 North WATIIIt ®Treat and WUAN 4 VBiI. rokti wnothigiti wpapp4opes i EMM!!! Express (Companies - • • stbo,dllb OAtITAL ADAMS 3CXP.11111.6 ,CO irburationatt. testa! Notiiis. bT THri DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY px,PHILADELPILIA. The IferthantOf and Slechimitatu:l4a:Aeltociation of Ph iladelphia ' !'.Thomas 13 Woodward lAleft telqs,„Of.theeniher Term 18E8 No 1811. The tinderaighed„;the Attli ( tOrrep ' Whted py the said Court- to report d etribution of the” eind - Corirt arising from the Sheriff's sale, under the above writ, of it All that certain two-story 'briek - messuage or tene ment.' and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Marshall 'treat, -teprinerly ,John street,) at the diastase of forty seven feet' nine Inaba Ind ens) quar ter of an inch northward from the north side or Brown Street, in the late Distrlet of Spring Gorden, no* the city of Phils,delphid,nonthintnic, !tart Or-breadth #d the said ittorsliOlietreet eighteen feat, ithd - eAtending' in length or depth eastward between parallel lines, aV right angles With the:sold Marshall street eighty.one feet. one inch and °pothole of,ap inch, bounded north- Bard by groundgiisted tio Jacob Long; southward by gaitiod late of Bunten llbihea, deCedfltd elk4w.Ard by ground lather William Phillips : and wedwArd OY' owl. Afars-hall street thei month riropoilleli which Charles Moyer, Tenstoe, by Indenture dated the twelfth day or July, A. 1) 1866, and recorded at Philadelphia. In Deed n Book It D. W , No, 80, page - 400, No.. granted sanTronveyed unto „the sold Thomas It. Woodward, in fee, tinder, and stiVreet to the inlinent of a Certain • ),early Wiled ,reot or sdm of ninetrdollars. In, equal lialeiratly Mu:Lomita, "on the first day of the illinithd of January and Jay in every year,. unto Jacob Beli,,his heirs; anther's:gee" will meet the partied , ntereated,' for the purpose. of his appointrhent, on Sr lIDNBCDAY, the, fourth d'ay of blay, 1/..10,60, at dololoot P. t 4.• at his Office, No 268 South FOURTH Street, in tue city Of Philadelphia, when and whore all 'parsons are' required to, make their claims, before the Auditor, pr, beembarred from coming in upon said ernil.' BDWARD A. ,LYSLBY, Auditor. NOTICE JS kEREBV OI'VEIT that the iallunta itteMperats the &Manville, Weida, Mal ninth:Atilt Pagsengef Railroad Otimpanyyl approtred AMA. Artqr 1869; who are Mt follone t Albert Asturtesd; Chfalos MaCella,ll..-K, Rupiah, Obarlea , ll.,.kruitt, Win. rat. terstin, /:'lL2Ellieen, Jae tilt Feet, Robert Glendin , Meg; Robert. Morrie, _Samuel Smedley, Jacob Zieg ler, Samnsellatehins? W, D Kelley; /arum Bluster, /°"9 Reetne, Thee. A. Andrews, J B. Vogdes,_ John 0 Keifer, B B Paul, R. A Dreer, Nehemiah umf, Raertlielfrldge, - Johnlv.,Brown,O. - 0" Prauciscus, R. llardwell, D. It. Miller, • Lt Wallace, 8. tit,' Za. lick'ti R. Soma, Jahn Steele, 4089 T. — Vogden; Rte. phod P. Rill, Isaac Id. Aehtoh, 9190a11a, /An F.Beatty, E. W. Oarr, Peter !Palke!,•and, George MK. illi will open books for 'the papa') et' making and receiving subsoriptions to the capital Stock of the said "liestonville,' Mantns, wmi - Palrmouot Passenger Roiliest Compiny " at" GlikKtiltt DROVN.YARD ROTEL, corner of L ANOAST AR Avenue and RAVER PORD @treat, Twenty-fourth ward, on the second day of MAY, 1859. at 9 o'clock - A. M and will keep open rata books according to law. AI.,DSRT LISIDAD, • • D 11 PAUL, Oommittee. BOR,ERT. likt...Pßit GE, R. W, DARR,- apll S. M. IN THE ORPHYME I COURT'FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OP PIII6ADDLP.III t. In the matter of the` MUDLEN, Dedra•ed, „ The Auditor appolnied by thel &net to audit, Nettle, "adjustand the account of JOBLICIAIILLESI, Adminis trator of THOMAS MOLLElD!,deceased, and to report distribution 'et tko' balance remaining in his hands t *lll meet the WWI interested, for the periemedAr hie 'appointment, On SION fief ; the 2d day of f tap, WI. at 4 Vetoer , . P. it., all Ids _ollace;.Nb' SSO 'I9AIA -14UP•8tteet. Philadelphia. ap2l-thstuk JOHN MORAL Auditor. iN THE ORPHANS' ' COURT FOR THE CITY, Axt) COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Itstate of; .ICLIZABEPA. NEW 13PLD:,•Deeebsid:” 'The Auditor appointecPby the Coutft ) audit; settle, aiid , adjust the account of ,liiilOWLlo3 LANUASTOtt, Admtoletrator O. 'P. A. •oflitnaillePlif NEWBOLD , deceased, and to report distribution of the balance re. rosining In hie hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hie appolotmenti on MONDAY, May 2di 1869, at 4 o'clock P. M , at his dike, No. all Broth 919TH Street, Philadelphia. sp2l.thetu2t - JOI1Nl0,10.TEN;-./iuditor.- IfiISTATE OF WILLIAM T. DILWORTH. 11-:l—L et te rs of adminietratiimlo the Rs tate of WIL LIAM T. DILWORTH, late of the city of Philadel phia, demand, having been granted -to the- subseriber, aII yelled indebted to guild mate Me requested ;to make Valdieht, Iwitilt eleimgeßaitistitie same to present them, without delay, to MARIAN G. DILWORTH Adminlairatrla, Ali' 16 e et* 1201, CHESTNUT /trod. NOTICE is hereby' given that applidatiori V rill be made to the Auditor, General ter the re newal'Ot two certificates of the Loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, cfeateil by an not of Assembly pasted the sixteenth day of April, Anon Douala( 1846, bearing au interest of live per cant. per annum, and le aned to Nioholai Gevelot. Ono of the said certilloaten la for three thousand dollars, No. 1334, and dated the 26th of October, 1841 i and the 'other of the said ear. Uficates is for two thousand dollars, ,No. 3930, and dated the 24th day of Yebruirry,'lll62 . , as the raid ter tiLloatee have been lost or mislaid. JOHN DICESON, Admialstr4t^e 9f Nictiolse Gorelot ja1.5.83m* 1108 SPRUCE ht pia!tag. STEINWAY & SON'S GRAND and SQUARE PIANOS, now universally in tise(ted recommended by the best Artlath prorts atonal and amateur performers, of this country A corn• florlado trlth the beet other makers At t 481ly Satisfy the purchaser of their superiority ( se they speak for thunseires A and save Sham money end trouble: BLASIUS BROS , mh26.2m* - - • • • ' ' 1006 Oheetiant street. _e- 4 71•141 SUPEPOR PIANOS: ' 4.1 rf WILLIAM giAnm PIANO-PORrit KaNllPAOTtillnat., Nos: 1,8; 6, and 7 North NUTAW Street; avid No: 207 , 1561.,T161011.8 Street, between Charles and ' Light streets, Baltimor e; Rime alwAys on hand a large assortment of their Supgrior Vianbd. recommended by certificateb from B. Thalberg, Eltralmeoh, and other celebrated pprforwera to be equal .if not etiperlor, teeny made in this coruntfy., The durability of their Pianos win be warranted for Ave years. and a pririlese of smilinge grantatlwitkin els menthe, should they not glee entire natiefaction. thuattfactnriog gely, wo will sell wholeasle and re tail; at the moat reasonable prices. WILLIAM KNABE 8 00. Messrs. LBk WALUER, No. 122 OHEirNIIT Street Philadelphia, are our authorized Agents, and will keep constantly on hand and sell our Pianos at roarolaoturer's prices. - Ofprf ORIOKERING &• SONS; ItAXIMAO2III.IIIIB Of • GRAND, 13QUARN; AND UPRIGHT PIANOFORTES. wAitinoomd 1307 ()SERUM!' sTmorr Oonetantly In etote a large atook rot our DNADTINITI. and LINNQOALLND INATRUId &NT$ We hare been awarded, at the dittatent 2.ll.hlbition in thin country and Europe, 30 GOLD AND ISILVXII IIKST•OLASS IdIDALS. ill O-1.1 Umbrellas nub flnranolo. SLEEPER &I FENNER, Wholesale Manufseturers • • or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 886 fdAltlf..llT PHILADELPHIA, Are now making more than one bandied and hity afferent varieties of Umbrellas, of every else, from 80 Jo 40 Inches. Their assortment of PARABOT.B is also very large, 'and fot variety of designostyles, fetish, and ryes, ex credo that of any, previous season. . Bayern Who' have, not had B.* PA make of goods will find their tithe well spent in looking over thie well thane atenk,'whiois includes MANY NOVELTIES, not to ha mat with asettilisrs. febl-anv NOT/CE,,—ln palatially) of a RCM:dation 1 I 'Adopted atithe Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the DkNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY, Bebruary 7,1869, PROPOSALS will be received at the Office. of the Company, No. 234 Booth THIRD Minot, until BATVIIDAY, the 80th day of APRIL, 18591 for furnishing the said Company with Property "on the, „Delaware,river front anywhere between the Month of the Bohr skill river and a point. 2 miles above Mamoru!, deemed suitable for a Terminus and Depot for the said Co opany." Certified copies of the survey of each property that may be offered will be required Su be deposited with the proposal, which will be returned when tho selection 'has been made.. Nooh propoSal will" be 'eonsidered binding either to whole or in' part.,The right is re served of rejecting Any part of the gound offered, and to appropriate to the nsc or the Company any ' property or properties that may be specified in, any of the propo sitions subset tted It is desirable that tie prwoosii WWI should be sub mitted at as early a data impracticable. Proposals wilt be addressee to • I. MDCI AR, TIICID3ON, President. fe22.tuthe tAorta at, thted to an 00 at the stmt to . QPEOIAL. NOTlOE.—Dealers m Goodyear'a Patent for Vulcanised Rubber Bruipondere, Braids, Webs 'and all other Fabric' and articles made by combin ing fibrous oubstanees with threads or sheets of Vulcan ized nihherarenotinedthatunleis the same hrifproperly 'stamped or labelled with - my name; and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally dlspoised.of in the United' States Merchant' arcrdelders are invited to eiainine specimens now In dote; and to give their orders for the apring Trade to the undersigned, EXOLUgIVE OWN., :311R' ITLhB AND BXCLUtstV g RIGIETB RN* THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace Mt Abitatyles heretofore manufactured or imported, and 'cony others. ALSO, MENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL - - --and the Terms—may be obtained on application to meet No, 23 COUBTLANDT Street, N. Y. n24-Ls ' HORACIE U. DAY. egippins. " ' -FOR THE - ROUTII----011ARLES, • TOTi 3 IBAVANICAH, and HAVANA BT.EbtAt. . 80/YB. " • • RBYBTONS STATE, Oeptaln 0. P. Mechelen. BTAT.IO Off GEORGIA, Oeptaln . .Tohn J. Ctarria. .I.llABBL,9aptabi Wm. Rollins. ..11011; OITARLIIBTON, 8' 0. The ;11.. 8. 1.1111 Bteselehip - .104Y8T08011 STAT.", Captain Aferahmen, llitoegh In '4B to - 80'hottre, will salt on fisturdsy : .Oril 23, at AM. • irifikikViti4itai7e.. The U. 8. Mall SteafuslitO'STATE UP - GEORGIA, - Capt. John J Otttirin',' will Sall on -- The splendid flisVolus side-wheel Steamships X EY. BTONB STATE - and STATA OF GEORGIA now inn aa aboie eietytoll days, Ulna forming a flve-day eons inonioatlon With South and Southwest. to- Gorda recoil/63d and' MIL' of ladtaielgned every day. ..... . ... • , _ . • At both Charleston and Savannah these Ships eon. nest with Steamers for'Ploride, and with railroads, ho., foe all pl ay e d in the South and Southweat, and with the Ateinuship ISABEL' lot Ilavimit, on the 4th and 19th _ et every month. , ~ TREIONT• REDUCED. - - Healy freight' at - an aver age . of 16 per cent. below . New Yorltafehlftishyretea: ' " _ ' TNBURANCE. Prated:end Disinhoieedn'a large proportion of Goode Shippey South WHEN. Nand to be lower by these ships . than by'ealling vessels. • . Oebio Paqsage to:CherleSton arid Savannah MS 00 Steerage " ' " ft - 800 Excursion Tlakete, good. for the present year.... 80 00 Tickets to Elevens • • 56 00 Through Tickets to New Orleans - 89,76 Do Mobile 36 00 ' Do Montgomery - • 20 09' Do 'Albany, Ga • ' " 21 00 ' .DO . Columbus Gs 23 00' ' Do ' . Atleota. d. 23 . 00 • Do ' '' • Macon; Oa" - ' 21'00' ' Do • Palatka, Plc 23 00 Do.. Pk:plata, - Pia ' • 23 00 ' .. Do', - Jacksonville Fla 21 00 ' Do , Fernandina, ' Fla. -21 00 ' No bills of hiding signed after the ship bee called. No freight received on the day of sailing. ,For freight or passage apply, to ' - ' - • . - A: HERON, Jr. Sottthwest corner TOGIPTH and CHEST NUT. Agents in Charleston, T:5l. A T. Gi BUDD. Daviaknah. , o‘. A., OB.DIBIL'hc CO. , • LIDITON'S IN.SUR.ANOES ADJI=TST. ING AND OOLLEOTINOt ORFLOS, No. 808 Ntroot, LIILAIiELOOIA Proofs of Lome and other requisites made out for pat. ties enetaining loss' er,,damage by fire to property It.. eared, la full compliance with the intricate ocntlitions of Miele/ of; Insurance, In such. a manner as to ob elisk', plea or Male for reduction or litigation, and to the entire satisfaction of all parties. - - ' .Pattionla,attention ghnn tp, the collection of olaltres sgainatlnsitrance Companies. , Pekoeslt to their Internet to consult the no. dersluned as soon after the tire as poialbls, No sherge fur sonsttltatton. • - JAMEti rob ra•tt luaunnoe Adjoter. A MEMOIR OF NATIONAL INTEREST. 'WITLI NOTICIICH ' , Hone , Or HIS OONTBSPORABIgd TIIEOP-lIILUB EAR:IONS. Ono bOodoon4l2mO yol., oPortratt after Stuart Notices. Nimublicatioixi: .ON BATUILDAT, APDXIA 3 0 1 TICKNOR & FIELDS I=3 .IVE 3il 1%/X 0X Ft CHTEIo IAI SONS BY Hid FON3 ' The Publishers off3r this work as one of peculiar in tefsat, <, Chief Jtistiee Parsons was,” in the language Of his eticoessor, Chief Tactics Parker, for More than thirty years acknowledged as the great mina btu time" Re was not less eminent and influential as state'sman and on a Ectolat 7 t2an'ale a lawyer. Farts of much im portance in ,the history, of the coiinfry are here fully Stated for the first time, and numerous ausadoimi, dud leftsta of distinguished men not only paint him to the life, but give the reader a vivid picture of the time. ALda, ON TUN 80.14 DIY gI7H 70$ ANOVN, 4,*33.147" POEM Complete,Poetioel Works of troop Meredith, dioliert Bulwer.Liitoo), 1 vol., Blue end Cold. Prliie t Ctif. fap2o4,iw4t, . . FOUR GREA,T BOOBS• "' 6017_,LD k. LiMCOEN,' ttj 69,yrkaNerOti titnEldr., BOSTON, WILL - PUBTASEt Irrk VIM? bA,VB,• LIMITS OF RELIOIOtIS TFJOUCIIIT, - B y Bev H. Lorqurville dl ngel, B. D., lle4l4ifti ?tow and Bletaphydaal Philosophy at Aligdalen Collego, Ogord , . 12mo - oloth, 51 2s. This volume le destined to create a profonnder se mitten foible country then any phPosophical or rah. atone nark of toil ;notary. ,It lea defence of revealed Soli glen, equal in ability. to the . 1 Analogy " of Bishop Dirtier, dad men e the ramp intern of our age as erre.- to ally ad that great work faun earlieq, dsVhe Pan. Iftemax ao t,iriserhim infueitt Soto mir k Po at Were , re will ereliud an an tido e. 'the net rim Slatted the highest entbilsiski, at 0 ford m aq Veldt:de be,' already mehed a Mad aJltionia hotlend. The topiivit4 " Notes" of the author have been trane'atid for the American edition by an accomplished scholar, which Ada griatik to its roue, • HIIGU MILLBR , B NEW VOLIThill, POPULAR GEOLOGY. ' WiAyrth Desniptivs Sketches from a Geologist'sPortfollo. Rush, hillier. With a sume of the progress of Geological acience_dueing the last two years. By Mrs. - 6lotti, 11.48. This work is likely to prove the most powder et Gilgit Miller's writings ' and to 'Mien the widest circulation. It is written in his best style, and makes the mysteries of ; Geology intelligible to the con mon mind AO an arehiteet explains the Amain* of a horse from cellar to onto, ao Ohio seoomptlehed geologist takes the globe to pieties, end expiates the , mariner in which alt Its strata have been formed, from the reinite, foundation to the allaiislsurface. It supplies jut the informs. , lion which many readers have been longing for, boo unable to fled Er The trade wishing for -early emplea of these fortnooming works will send in their orders. JUST PUBLISHED. - • THE LIFE OF JulIN MILTON. Nerritted in eonu•otion with the Polities], Zoelesitsti col end Wormy History of his time. By David Pawn, M. A ..Profesaor of Bnilisti - Literature in Vaitereity College, London: fat. 1. From 1608 to Itl3j too. Cloth, The' gale of the Bret edition of this great work, ia four weeke, is a sufficient testimonial to its worth. It haft received the highest commendation from Xnglielt and dmancen critics. ,• Am elaborate, erudite and magnificent work."—N. Y. Independent. " ltwill et.od henceforth in the , light of a classic. It le thorough, tsheustiee, able end eatlefeotory) a maguificent but just tribute to the memory fit one of the greatest nen, ea well as the foremost poet, of raodein times."—N. Y..ll.vangellst. HAMILTON'S LEOTUREI3. LECTURES ON. METAPHYSICS. By Sir William Hamilton, Batt , Profeseor of Login and Metaphysics in the University of Edinburgh Edited by H. L Mantel, B, D.,' Oxford, and Jon Veitah, M. A.,TEdinburgh. " .Boyal Octavo., Oloth, V/. This noble volunie; iro long and eagerly expected, in trodtmes Sir William Hamilton to the American people. He has ranked for yeritil atboug cholars se the contest and Most profound writer on MataPhysice in the ling lish tongue. Butane:anon - readers have been often re pelled by the very subtlety of bin thought and the ex. scrictesa Of Me 'Style. !Phis volume, like the best efforts of Webster, combines he profddtidest thinking with clear ancfpepular etatement. It is, without doubt, the beat kof its kind ever published in this country, and while it grandee the NewEngiand, tate for meta, 'pivoted dlioussione, sill put at rest certain great gime. lions in theology and philosophy which have long been nidoted It overturns froth the fotindatlan the 'deride or Phrenology as taught by Elpurgbelm and Comb!. 11:77. Ciopira of tbosse'worke forwarded by mall on re ceipt of the price. - sp2O•we4c •LITFTII BERMS OF SPURGEON'S 8111110118, Thom day received. 8E amos,r, PREACHED AND REVISED, by Rev. C. Srurgeoo. Fifth aeries, 12mo. AIHW.LIA, SToßlEis. Eli role din a box. Illae• trAted: _ R0iL 4 341.T013111N XIMP.III. 10 vplc, In a tdx Illustrated. INIBI4IIENG CEILDR2N. I2mo 0/NE'B 00MAIRNTASIIIS ON THE LAWS OF TNN ANCIENT IttBREWS Third edition. Bvo. PAYSON'S WORKS. 8 vole. Bro. LIFE AND LABORS 08 RIM. DANIEL BARER, D. D. TON 'YOUNG MABOONEBB ON TON FLORIDA 00411 T. With twelve illuettitloni. !Seventh thou. laud. • ' • WILLIS THE PILOT. A &gaol to the Elwin Yam] ly P. lblutow, &O. For eels et low prices, by WILLIAM S. /t ALFRED MAIITIEN, No. ON ONEEITNIIT Street. R"B'SINGULAR, AND VALUABLE BOORS bought, sold, and exchanged by -J. SABIN, Ye Antique Book Store, rel7' 27 South RISTEI Street. 3nsurance Companies ENTERPRISE I1•1191:111A2draa 00M2?-ta.Z1-31" This Company insures Buildings, Bairnlture, and merchandise generally, against loss or damage by fire. The policies or this Company expressly provide that when assigned as collateral security, they shalt not be ArrAOTND sr ANT LOT of the owner of the property in sured,' Entire security Is thus extended to the holders of GILOTIND Pairs and MORTO/Allll3, notwithstanding re cent deciWoits of the Omuta of t sw. Ground Rents, Mortgagee, Meehan Moe, and other Cemities on Beal lletate, will also be specially insured if desired. DIREOTOBS P. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William Witse, George H. Stuart, Naibro Brasier, John H. Brown, John. M, Atwood, B. A. Vahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, Andrew D. 'thigh, Henry Wharton, J. Livingston Erringer. F. RATCHFORD STARR, Presideni QUARLES W. 00XE, Secretary. ' - TEMPORARY OYFIOE: 162 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. te4l7•Sc DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE , LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. °PRIOR a. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSIIIIANOI OR vEzszia, OLBOO, To Jai Parts of the World. - PARED:IT, INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River. Canals, Lakes, and Land Ourlege, • to all parts of the Union. • PILE 'NU:MANORS On Mardi andiee generally. • On Stores, Dwelling MUM, An. MEETS OP THE COMPANY, November!, 1818. Pdr. . Market Pettus. $1011.050, Philadelphia Oily 64y cent. Loati.slo6 1 54 00 $llO,OOO, Penneylrani& Btate'Loans 304,4.6 00 $lO,OOO, 13. B Treasury 4,14 4ye cent. 61 .des. 50,112 60 sso,ooo,Penneylvaole, Railroad 2d Ido.t. gage 6 gipe cant, Bonds 46,876 00 370,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort. gage 6 4y cant. eonds . . .... 12,000 00 615,000,300 shares stock Germantown Gee Company, intermit and principal guaranteed by the city of Phila delphia 14 926 00 15,0001100 nitres Pennsylvania Railroad Company - 4,837 60 $6,000, 100 shares North. Pennsylvania Railroad Company $2,050, Sundry abates Philadelphia Ice Boat Company, Havre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Ba , Hannah Steam Navigation Com pany. and Philadelphia Sxohange Company 9340,700 Bones and Bfortgages, and Real Renate, Of fice Building. 71,003 95 Bills Beeeivab.e for insurances made 2040130 30 Balance due at Agencies— Premiums on Marine policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 131,288 14 Eloripand stock of sundry insurance Comps. flies Cash on deposit in Bank 9,220 00 42,007 85 TORE. dames 0. Hand, Theophilue Panldfrig, Jame, Tragtudr, William ]lyre, J. P. Penlethal Joshua P. Eyre, ' Bamtiel E. Btokea, Henry Sloan, James B. arfarland, Thonnte 0. Hand, Robert Barton, John B. temple, PlttaWg D. T. Morgan, " J. T. Logan, MARTIN, President. . HAND, Vloo President. etary, mh26 taw William Martin, Joseilh li Beal, B‘inind A. Bonder, Zohn'o."Darls,' John.R. Penrose, Qeorge G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dr...R. M. Huston, Wm.'o Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spender Al'llvaine, Charles Kelley, K. Jones 'Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WYLLIA_ THOg. 0. 711 RY LYLBURN, Bern taREAT WESTERN INSURANOE AND mug TRUST COMPANY, • - ND NUB - PARMIRS' UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OP ATHENS, Pa., Hating consolidated their briefness, will hereafter cow. • duct the some never the name of the REAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST E COMPANY, Ofilce, N 0.403 WALNUT Street, (Company', Buildlog,)' ' • YIIILADZLP/lI.A, With a combined Capital ari a available ' ASSETS OP ()VHF. $'60,000, IneeMed, for the meet pert, In near BONDI and Aloe?' %was; hearing eix per cont. interest, on Improved pro. pert:. worth double the amount. FIRE, INLAND, AND MARINE OARQO RISES Taken an the most favorable terms. . ... Oharles C. Lathrop DIRECTODS., 'Witham Darling, Alemnoder Tatlldln, E Traoy, John O. Humor, James d. Smith, Luise liazlehurst, O. N. Shipman, J li. illeOurdy, Francis Tyler, Thomas L. Gillespie, ChArlen Harlan, DaOdel - L. Collier, Jonathan J. Slocum. .- 0. 0. tvrartop; President. ' - -, IVla, DABLIIIIi, - Vice President. .JAMES' WRIGHT, Seoretary " and Treasurer. 0., 0. gilfdlißLL. AastitiOt moorOtory ~' . tir.lanzpaurr, Second Vito Preeli p.ent,' Inlaird&W tr EdAKO/1 01119# NOV York. Salts by %nation. ;THOMAS'Ic SORR L Lus•, trim:J.Bß sod 141 80U111 lOU arm ANEILTE: iPormerly Nod M sod 441 REAL ESTATE, GROUND BENTS, 8700E8, 40. TUB3DAY 14.11XT. Pamphlet catalogues , 32 pages, now ready, containing full deecriptions of all the property to be sold on Tues. day evening, 20th inst., with a list of ealee 3d, 10:h, andllth May, and of teal estate at prltste eale; • , BTOCIRI3., 8011.IP, /to. On Tesday the Philadelphia g, April 26th, at T e clock, at'the Philadelphia DM thanae, will be sold, previous to real setae-- 1 share Arch-street Theatre, with ticket. 1 share Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. 1 share In the Point Breeze Park Association. 285 Delaware hintual. ins. Co. scrip. Pbcenia Mutual Insurance Company scrip. 60 shares birwthwest Minas Company. 1 share Philadelphia Athensikin. 1 share Mercantile Library. 82 shares Bsuthwark Dank stook. 0b.,e8 Reliance Insurance Company—par 260. 219 sbfred Philadelphia Guano Company—par $l6ll. Salo absoltitB. - 6 shares smerioid Academy of Musk, - with ticket 8010 absolute. TWELFTI/1 SPRING SALE-28th APRIL., This sale will include, among other a/Linable pro. perty, the following, viz— - .1818eutore , Peremptory Sale.:—Vetate of Jltur Behose, deseFeed, ARCH STBBBT.—Threeltofy-br:ek 'dielllog, No. 935 Arch street, between rtinib and 'froth etreetr, Same Batate.,—NEAT MODDRN BES - 11111110F t /42.7 Arch street, between Broad and Fifteenth. Bola Detain—SOUTH - FIFTH bTllitEf —Three- Story brick 6;4llh:it, No 318 South Fifth street, be tween Spruce and ElniS tame Estate —6OOABT briqtrlTF —to; trio.. - story hrlok dwellings, So u thwest corner of Lo street and Baspben7 alley, between Ninth' and Tenth eireetd.' ' Same Estate.—VALTRBLE BUNGESS sTANDS:a Fife font.-shirr briok stores and dwellings, N. ,E.-corner of Tstelfth dad Bane streets Same Estate.—ELEVEN DWELLINGS —Hight brick and tfirffe fiddfe (Wettings, Juniper rarest, Shellbark street, ant Iffsraion dtret, north of Cherry !street, 45 feet front, 120 feet deep Three fronts. •Bame /Male —TEN DWELLINGS, ST. JOHN ST- File i brick 'and dew frame detellinge, St. 'elle street, above George, neat the GerinentoWn road, Sitteenth ward. Twafronte Beene Estate.—TEN DWELLINGS. 8T..7011.N BT.— fire brink and five tiande dwellings, adjoudng the above.. Two fronts. Bade Batiste 170ItTa }TONT STBEET.--Three frame driellings, ffrent street. north of Ifranklin - street, (late Kennington.) Tfro fronts. M' Bale of the whole pf the *bon estde &Etiolate, wi.nout reserve or limitation. ID' BUN palticalari in hindbille, wffith Ito he kid at the auction store. - Executor's Sate—Veteteaf Toseph °We t dee'd • MANDSOSIII R.SSIDRNON, CIihRTNCIT SPRENT, 1i0.,1200, wilt of Twelfth street, 22 feet front by 150 rier, in depth, to Clover irt;est. Lido, - 1 / 4 DWNLINti, LOCUBF STEER histettki Titbit* and Thirtdeit , h et, eete. nor. of DB&II. • Same ReIat4.—tiWIAIILING 3 No. $O5 North Ter,Nth 'street; between Rios a. 41 Ind.., Same Rotate. TWO VELDT' eIIITA STORRS, Noe 215 rind 221 Relish 'Bront ar.d Water , etreete. {mu fronted betereenT7aLite Odd dyrtke.- • . . alio, another Retate.:—.TWO tALUABLI STORISi adJoiniog the above, being Noe. ci. rind 223. The Roth together baring a front on Front etritt mat Wafer street of 82 fiet, SPROUL BRENIFF'S 'MLR—FIRST-CLASS PRA- EifT.IXA iutpqc LOT AND NINE GROUND RENTS Med, slut of 26 servo, with fronts on Seventh, Eighth Ninth, and Tenth street!, Ltd Gerdantoun road, Bongo(lianas weans, Diamond, Nortidolnd streets Will be divided and Sold In 18 lots. Rd lilbo. graphic plane._ __ . , Also, 9 old well secured gronod r ents, $l3 75,131.60, 140, S-td $49.60, $lOO, and two of $193 50 ' . - ED", kroe of the whole absolute , by order of the She riff Coe litffirethfo.nigns lc haudbille, ' . . • Also, EIGS dOef'd Olt "A.ND, with stone dwell, log, barn, 'llatedrilnsotd., ad oinfotifoodlands Ceme tery, on the Darby road and rifeiSOblerDifif._,,.. Alec, Executors' SaIe.—GERMANTOWN "ROPER TY.-2t acres, with over 900 feet front on Indian Cde , g lane. Estate of Robert E.: Boott; deceased: See phut. -..- . .. , Orphans , Court Permiantory Sale. VALUABLE STORE, No 812 Market street, between Delaware Third and Fourth, streets, with two dwellings contlgnons thereto, on Franklin place Estate of Jona than Xukensi detested. Plane of It May be des at the auction rooms. figle absoldie. ef 000 May remain on mortgage. Peremptory edle Daum COUNTRY- FLAUIti known - as Bloomfield ills)" "crier eight - ions, ifith superior improvements, near Camden, N S. Orphans , Court Bale—Estate of Richard _Ridditt, ese'd TGREE.STORY BBVIC DWELLING, S. E. - °onset of Summer street and Aspen alley, between Tweoty.Bret sod Twenty second streets °cohere' Court Sale—Estate of Joseph Wiottmlin, deed. THREE-STORE BRIBE DWELLING, N. Eleventh itreet, above Butionviood street. Pererliptory daIe.—HANDSOIIE motmatu - past- DENCIE, N 0.208 Franklin Street, west aide of Franklin Square, 21 feet front 188 feet deep - • , Administrator's Bale— Estgte of 011itar Berry. deo'd. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDEAGE, NO. /118 Vine street, west of Eleventh street. LO r OF GROUND, Broad street, South of Tidnillfeh street, (First ward ) Tlikte/S-STORY , BRICK DWELLING, N 0.3721 RR. teahouse street, west of Seventeenth and south of Lo osest streets. Peremptory Sale — , .I3I:IBINEFS ST aND.—Three-stery beak .store, and dwelling, Columbia avenue, writ of Thirteenth street. Peremptory Pate.---TWO TUEE3I-STORY BRICE DWELLINGS, North Fifth " street, south of Diamond ' ' Peremptory aele.—TWO THRKB•STORY BRICK DWELLINGS AND STORM, Parrish street, east of Fifteenth' street, with dwelling fu the rear. ' Peremptory SaIe.—THREE-BfORT BRICK DWIILL ING, No 2249 Katrina street, north of Shies street. Peremptory Bme.-z-THREE.BTORY . BRICK DWELL- Ihg, Harriet Mrest, north of Jefferson street. Peremptory SaIe.THILER.STORY BRICK DWELL ING, N 0.1128 Stites atroet, west of Sleventh street. - FARM, 83 sores, with iniprorements, on New Hops street, borough of Norristown, Pa. pEREMPTORY ME—SPLENDID COUNTRY BELT. Our gale 34 May will liclade the elegant country residence or William E Bowen, En. Er See haudbilla for full partioalare. - , • Sale at floe. 189 and 141 South /mirth Street. IiIIPERIOR iIIIINITI7IIII PIANO • POBTDS BIND IRENE:if PLAT) zeuinona, shusax,i OAR PSTS, aro. Sit' 'Thursday Naming, _ At 9 O'olOcif, at the *action *tore,. en **Uhler* assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano -fortes, fine mirrors, carpets; etc., from families declining houreligaidng, removed to the store for con venience of sale. lat SCOTT, Jr., AUOT/iniSER, No. 431 011.33TNIT1d STREET, opposite the -Oust.= Rouse. between PODETR and PITTS. Streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 603 LOTS ASSORTED GOODE—FOR PRESENT 84LE3. Un Wednesday Morning. Aprd 27th, by cetatottne. on is credit, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, ZOO lots of desirable goofs sailed to Present and approaching sales. ET Beamles and cattdognes early on the morning of sale. SPEC' if. FEREMP rony SALE OF 800 CHOICE OIL PAINTINGS. On Tharaday Morning, April 99th; by catalogue, commencing at lOX O'clock, / will be Bold, 500 oil painting". comprieln a great ea riot? of pleasing cabinets, baying been tented with much care. Unlisted in the collectlo ill ,ba found European and American landacapte, int fora and elite• riora marine views, battle pieces, do e pieces, fancy skeane's, kc. The paintings are framed in rich new-style frames, gilt witit pure gold lest Kr Vetelognes ready, and paintings arranged for examinition during Friday sod 13aturday previous to sale. Also, three large extra French-plate mantel mirrors. tidily framed. SIIM of plate 62 Mau by 90, and 60 inches by 66 ANDELABiI.I.B, MOM, &a. Also, included In sale, tine bronze times, bronze Candelabras, China and Elobemlan was, dm. - 1%110 B.EB MATRA 11 b, AMNIONS/II LIM AND OOMMIESION 'MEBOMANT, I. Smut SIXTH andltAoll Strada MONEY TO LOAN. Moult to loan, is large or small amputate, on Deer. chandise generally, and on all articles of value An aunts otxr one hundred dollars, two per Me per month, Including storage, act ,at Methane' Principal Setabliahment, S. V. corner of SIXTH and RAWL Bur, GRIMY PUBLIC A.OI,IOIIIIIODATION. • , HORSY! MONEY! MONEY ! I ! Money liberally advanced In large or email amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pieces, alnaical instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware. cutlery. books, horses, vehicles, her- new, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathans' Principal Establishment, eodtheast corner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. ' GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. 21WELRY, do., AT PRIVATE SALA, AN/MIAMI' PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, S. R. Corner of SIXTH and MOB Stresta.—The following articles will be sold for less than half the usual store prices : Pine gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the moat approved and beet make, in hunting cases and double bottomed; Pine gold escapement lever and lupine watehes, ,n hunting cane and open face, /some of them extra fall jeweled and best make. Silver English patent lever watches, es capement lever and Wines, iu hunting ease and open face, some very superior: Ruglish, Swiss, French, and Quartier watches; flue gold vest, fob, neck, and children's chains r -fine gold pencil cases and pens, bracelets, brosetpins, Sager-rings, ear-rings, studs, me. dollione, and jewelry generally. Superior Ravens cigars at 11A per thousand, in boxes of toe) each, will be sold by single box or guantlties to snit purc hasers. memos fancy articles. to.. ke., Au. AT PitIVATB deratal A superior fire-proof chest, 4 feet high by 8 fee wide, Algo, watch salmi jewelry of overydesoription 6.entlemen'o Surnistling (crabs. %WINCHESTER & 00., GENTLEMEN'S • • BURNISHING OTOR.II ?ATINT BHOULDJIR B.IIAM 15IEIRT MANIJNAG TONY, it the Old stand, No. TOO CHESTNUT BTllllllr, oppo site the Washington House. et. WINCH - BM:It will give, as heretofore, ale per. tonal supervision to the 01:Mang and Manufacturing lepartments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts Ind Collars filled et the shortest notiots. Wholesale trade enrolled on liberal term. 1V2447 319,199 00 PLUMBERS' MATERIALS.—A largo and varied assortment constantly in Store, to which I call the attention of the Trade. Prices aa low as those of any hence in New Tort, 011dIlLB8 MULLIKIN, 6.1.1 MINOR Sttroat 5098,804 70 mhllo-2mo ii AVANA GIGARS—A superior assort si.t mous, comprising - 4 i Eloro. .E3panola, Praebose, Nr Won°, Orejoa, Pwtxls, &a., ko. Just received and for We low by OHARLES TETE, aplo-10C 180 WALNUT and 2ii ORANITE eta. HERRING. -L-876 bbls. Pickled Herring. Aldo, 325 boxed Bombed Herrin. For rate by 0. 0. RADLER I CO., :WA ARCH Street, second door above Front. DEFINED SUGARS, &c.-1,000 bbls. re -cm ailed, 200 Ws. Now (Meaux Saga; fot,eale by JAMES GRAHAM 8 00, t0.h31 tr Noe 20 and 22 LETITIA attest.. QA.LTPETEE—OIive Oil, Verdigris, Gum 10 Arabia, for sole by W STIIHRILL & BROTHER. 9plB Noe 47 end 49 North MOND Street. COFFEE.-1,000 bags Rio, &TO bags' Cape, V 600 bags Jere awl Leauttyza Coffee for aide by JAMBS GRAHAM "it CO., 170.21-tf 712 r. 20 amit 221 . .1271'M Fltrotat SRERTINGS FOR EXFORT EXOWN,•BLEA,IHED,k, SLIM DRILLS. HEAVY t LIGHT SHRIETIEGS, Suitable for export, for sale by 71$0111111G11Ali t WELLS, Sara,ritaNT Sb LETITIA ST. IMIACKEREL.-460 bbls. Nos. 1,2, and 3 ASA Mackerel, in whole, half, and qaarter bbls—Ori ginal Package,. For sate by Q. AALISIt & , spit) ' ARCH Btreet, andsedoor above Front. HAMS AND SHOULDERS.-2,800 pieces eity-env.krd 111111E1 Red liboulders. A. 160, 1,600, plootta t atm eugar.oured Fiaoa Foe Dale by 0 0. Silth R & CO., nplo AltOrt litreet. Naomi door above Pm% 3URNING FLUID, Alcohol, and Qntn. phone ) In tble. girt halt bble, ~rasuuniCiturKriari (or man KOWLE'St;4BlEilitratita, k.." 00." &pl 9 140. 16 00IITU WHAgyjiii. wittis FURNESS,' 420 mArrilisT - 'bug or iarroarzo AND kg,tr GooOS. On TneedayMorning, - April 251 A, '4410 o'clock by eatalognp, QUO month* 400 outages and rote or - fancy' and "Maple Arynimle.' cal Etunplea and catalogau early on Us morning nit PHILIP rORD,' AUCTIONEER, So. 4 30 MAURNT BTI9IME., hatvresn /MTN, aqd IMETELpoItb (de: - LAPAilli 'BADE Ol OIRPETINGS, 011, ei.OTMEr, - - BUGS, - MARE. &a. - - oa Tuesday Morning, - -` - April 26tb, &tug o'clock preenale. be- pelf, tor ! catalogue, on six montita,.credit, robot:WU* pianos or carpeting, comprising— .- -- - - • please Benesals carpeting. pieces saperane tapestry inierats";-*Ope.. - pieces raper quality all-wool 11;4_ yrcr.ced _ .1, carpeting. - ' - : pieces median qualify all.woor, fining: Ottain'ewt- Pan. ' piece., 4.4 and. 5-8 royal esmiek-vatittian-cirpettng„ Q 2- PlecAS.44 alri 5-8 al'•woolnhainandr carpeting. piece., 4,4 and. 84 Auer oil cloths. • an as intuipni of pelt Tolvet rugsokor metie r , entry mate; .to, - SALE Or soo :oAsme 115004210, 31.55P8 AND - HOT/3 2 EiTRAW 11.4.713;',!tei Thereshiy , MotialitY April 28th, • at.. 10 erclock precisely, 3014 by ca'alogue, ces 4 mouths' credit. about FO3 eases men , * and bops' boots, shoes, slippers, ;nevus, tee.. also, and mi • sses', lace hints, gaiters,--ties, 0- Meeg mud boys' straw hats, with it getteral..i_Ortmsut of straw goods, compnalog a large and 4eiiiible rumen meet, to whfch the trade is particularly • actu,kgu, &- FIELD, AIIOTIONNE.IIB. SUP • No. 112 - soirrli MIGHTII SFRICET, below S'FBEFF. laz-sales of-raiy inierinr:hotirehOld- fur— nitare, held at the auction store, every Monday, WeLNAssAgi, and Friday mornings. at 26 ramprisin: - elegant Jenny Lind bedateadir, dressing, bureau, tete: ~ rooting still Patior # 4O , centre and bouquet _T• 0 :1 an. OD — We will give our at:' • 4 l on's o rife"; *S tate, stocks, merchandise r - hons.lioht tuna"' .e • 2 narrated to oar charge, pon thiZ - M O M reasonable terms. We Will yell larasehotd garnitrui la dwellings, or at'ony store, ne may be required: Cash advances made upon all of gcsAbt.4 3 : o merebandiee. 'Der ALFRED 11.....ELERKNESS, PHILA.- ALP DELenitt. BaZAAII, B. 8.-corner of NINTH Aga BANBOM ATIMITN) be tween Chestnut end-Walnut street*, - - - • BALM Or HORSES, OA RRIAGY.B4I4] . , Tine Hen:ing ' , AE 15 o'clock, at. the Ranieri will be moll - Ilorces, carriages, and harnmejeompriming-- - - A brain:K*o.llor dire; opining 6. year* old. - A white bo - se, 9 years o'd. 15 hind s , • A brown mare, has trotted in ity. • A risk of matched bit oird mores A sorrel mare.; years old. 16 handl - A brown boree. 6 years old, 16 bands high. Also, other Eons- a, stoat fit yln all. : - An am prurient of carriages, harcesicebo., leciriding es Watson torch. end an elegant pbw on, mot SSW' LU- No postponement on account of the weather, IM. OWLKEY & BONI • - J -• ' IPL&L'3BTATI,ATIOTIOWLIIIB Ito 6/0 WALNUT imam, • 7IPTH SPAM/ BALI On Thirraday Reening,- • • April 25th , of ' l l4 o'clock, at the Philadelphia 11- &shot, Will be _ , • I share Mercantile Llbrarf 4Licrimeny. ' Por acninnat of wheel it may condone-, fl bonds of the Calloway timing and Railroad' . Bd ellefed f-o:pitil stock , of- titer Grand and Bankirg Cr/stony: ' • GROUND RICK' OP PI, on lot of, pound, with - three-story brick haute theraostrinieted; Locust street, west of Terenty•first attest. -‘ - - - -" TEIRER Pasessroar BMX HOTEL WE/s111", known as the iGoldeoLainb-ilotel,hrrtabling, and large Tar ofground; Second: aired. "Abele Dillow- Phe lot ht /8 feet front on get toad street, by 200 felt dee* . to et TAD street, with h front, - on St, John street of lotlleet.,, This lea - very raluablegfroperty, mad well worthy the Attention of capitalists. , - - - Pgrorketery Etna -' SIX STORY- BTORRI, PRONT STEIRKI.- , ox-atoty • brick store acrd lot of - ground, No. S4l Werth Iront Bt , lot 11 feet, 6 Inchon front, running through to Water " street. - . eggrd&N,TQWN EMS -Ono Aiken% blinding atteibf ten urea each, etude on Wpm,. kiln turnpike, running through - , Lnstite.Townshiplane cowl, near Germantown ' [Uri Lithographic plane can be had lathe ogles 11/161DSOMB CO fIAGR 1411311314140 R. ,GERMAN TOWN.-Two And a Izalf pt ity - doable anma cottage, and lot of ground, - iteirt AT ipso , ststi on. - errusatow , adjoining the gr oundt 'of H:Pratt - McKean; Sul., lot 205 feet front, by 160 feet deep, The house fagot/Med with alt the ,modern enossisiernbla :W . , id 1.1 slit tla IC i - good order. Possession immediately. '. .._ TWO STONE DWSLhINGO, - GIiEWANIVWII. Two adinining - twit - and 'a bet itoiy atone dweltiey;" southeasterly side-of Habana streatinbare Hama! 8t , Certain:deed,' They' contain 'eight roomy each, with good cellar and In good order., Lot 44 feet If ki tickes trout. by 100 feet deep. TRKRIPEITEIRT BRICK RISIARNOR, situate on the asst /ode of Slefenth - street, second door below - blaster street. Ia fronteked with all the modern. con veniencie, and to good order. Lot It lent taut by 53 feet deep, to shwa ' Peremptory Me on the Premised. - CHOW IaSTATS, GERMANTOWM. ' ' On Tuesday s aftgrnoor. - i' May 3d, at 4 o'clock, will be sold at tortilla anePoul, on the premises. by order of the neentorir. - the follow log described lots of !Orland, being ;part of., the veretri called Clieeden,” late the propertr,Of - yleojainbar Ohm, Kat . dec.:kook ,- . - - RLRGANT BtriLtlNG LOT. southeasterly _earner of Main street, or Gerniantowi avenue, and /philters greet, on - which is ereCtedrtwo atiorre_liweltingiOsid steno barn; lot 165 feet trent. on - Mein by 240 feet. deep . Jolumma atreet,- feet. _ . and.on .the . - „steath lies Also, POOR the *bo r es to the east ward, fronting : Onstreet:l6o feet lront, by from 142 to' 146 feat 1610114 the Saatirramosit lot tree:log also on 'torten - etraet. - Tanis and lithogrinkloplazul 364 be hod at out „ _ office, No. 6h/ Walnut street. - OARD.-4. M. Mammary , 4‘1a, , a0, aaatlautien, will hold. regular ealee at Ideal:Moats fr.ocki, 1&a .len t . household l'arattareat - RIAL BBTATS AT PRIVATI 411XL' fair Oa our Private` Pole ; Eaglet* Ida iaware . foam! a very" large amount of real aiir.M.odbar ann7 dossnptioa at - city 'aid wintry proport4 - conniti Al° Mad Relate Brobry „ till wei Print Masart.lr.plos ICP Y 'W11.4141104 If. STEMS.; 13ESIMMIAL4 AI7OTION AND OOMMISSION ' 'MERCHANTS, No. 48 North ED:NMI Street.' below Arab. • J. A. ITASON. SUPERIOR 1101781 HOLD HVINITURII. - °ARMS, MUM RS, ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS. YNATHAR BEDS, MATTRESSES, SILVELPLAM TNIIITANN, &d , Ac. This Morning, 23d Walla, at the auction store oommenedng at 10' o'clock, will be sold a large and desirable assortment of walnut, rosewood, and mahogany parlor, chamber, and dining-room furniture, carpets, mirrors. eagraringe, out pat./Cyr, feather beds, mattresses, after plated wade, , tto - - jai "r 17ons3gnelente et new and second-hard boas*. held furniture, pisnutortaa, oarpets, watehef, jewelry, &a., respectfully solicited. on which liberskesaig fad. Tonnes will bexcede it required— „ - Out-door males *flooded to promptly. Charm en moderate as any othei bane in thin city. AT PRIV/Alt 13&L= . Two hips heavy Preach plats mantel mirrori, deftly framed ; ciao of plates 62190 incites, mot fiOISO Welter. Will be sold law to aloes an aeconnt. • Q.IIILITEL NATE/ANS, AtraT/0111011, h., and MONEY LOAN OFFIO3IONo. YU Booth THIUD Street, below Walnut, Moen* Fear wt, oaly Nt doer* below the lialianip. oire ot , bulimia trout t Vela*, A. W., netll 10 o'clock In the noels— g. Ont-door Wee, end' Whit ht the Anetkie OA. banded aril: the newt ohletsetory berme. . - CAPITAL 92110,000.. - , - - irtehlislettfor hie Met Thirty Nees. Aulvezaes made front one boner to thondande ea 11W monde, Oyer Nate, Watchee, Jewelry, Haniwure, abandise, Olotlalny, Furniture, Bedding, Cligsra,Mnit. Lartrainenta; Guns? arms, Oarrthyw, :and Goole of *my disaiiptlon. . „ All goods tat zeinsJe Asp Mega CA time spied Fon. N . All tolvanewli item cue bewared do llareueillopwardei will be sbaigevl 3 per tent. per month; sego and eTex, the lowest market robe. . - - Shia Store Home haring a depth of US test, has how Ire and thlef•proofiewilts to atom aH tralnablea, and WI vats watchmen for the ; oleo, a heavy Maul rums &Seated for the bonnet of all persona haring geode advanced open. N. B.—On smootrat of haying an Anlimited eetpltal, this 064* 4 prepared to make advance' on mom matte &story and accommodating terms than any other be this ettcr. - - Korn edvesentflin poor;small ennimate.. with oat any eluucre. - _ , giants anb fairnon fiRESTNIIT GROVE WRISECEL—A de. V airs to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the oonattution, has induced the offering to the public of an article which the analysation of Professor Ohilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Connie, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the mostpursawicsaisequeutly leattinjuriou spirit* ever offered the American public. OBBYLPICATS OP DR. JAB. It 01111 TON. I have analysed asampleof Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received. , from Mr. OITA 'UM WHARTON: Je.. of Philadelphia and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to st ate that it is entirely fres from poisonous or deleterious substances. It is an unusually pure sail One flavored quality of Whiskey. - - - JAMAS - B. CIILTONi M. D., Now York, Sept. 8, 1868: Analytical Chemist. ; PZILADILYNIA, Sept. 9,1898. Dili &1: We hare carefully tasted the sample of Chestout-GroTo WhinAmy which you Coat OM, and And that it contains none of the poisonous substance known fle Reale Oil, which le the characteristic and Injurious Ingredient of the Whiekeye lu general an. - yery respectfully, BOOTH, eARKETT, & CALIKAO, Analytical °hamlets. To CRAILIa WILIIII.OII, 3r., N 0.116 .WALNUT St., Philadelphia. Brums °BUJ!Ion," lthrtmia s sad other Cognsoe of mimes eintagee, in pipes and ilasstercarac Pelleeoiain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark le half pipes, half cads , and ona- eighth Alaska. Impcnkad and for vale Dj. & 00., 4'21 avo• 42, 11"ntb- i - ifiEo. D. EMORY & CO. oßrior. No. 111 South FOURTHSt., Phila., Sole Agents of (11200. C. PUTTS & CO., Miners and Shippers of the LoOrisTDALI COAL Front the Locust Mounta in, l , l»sr 'Ashland, - ap2-6m] SOUUTLEILL COUNTY, Fs. --- W. GROOME & - GO" Dealers and &tippers or [Amur, BOHUYLRILL. and BROAD TOP BEAU BITIIMINOUS COAL Ordaa No.lB2rßoutt PODADFLOtreet. Yard, BROAD. Street, below Racer,- - ap2-6m PHILADELPHIA, A M ERINO! 140 South FRONT Street, .CM • offers for sale— -500 boxes Layer Salain.s. 500 do. -Bunch do. 260 half taxes do. 60 mike prime Otirranta 50 boxes Shelled Almonds. 300 bags Soft-Shell Lengtiedoek Almonds. 503 easel' ‘• Washington Morton " Claret. AnniseUe. Maraschino, and Comma Cordials, 6 bble. prime Honey. Roasted and (11911124 JAVA Coffee, Ground Mae, Pimento, Peppor. 6 anodise.. IMO Bay Rum. NEURALGIA. Tho following testimony ia from a well-known oifisen of Philsdetphla, in reference to , TIIAMELL'EI NOURaLGIS SALVE. , " I have been affl ieted with severe Neuralgia for up, wards of twenty years. Mare tried Allopathic and Ho meopathic physicians, and every otberremedy that was suggested, and wild get no relief. I was trellised to try this sAlve r !lad atter using leas than one box, I found immediate relief. The pain all loft me, and I have had nu return of-it.. I voluntarily sell cheerfully recommend it, (an 1 have'dona sc.) to those similarly afflioted, that - they may knOW Where to 11.. d relief. It to the only and sure remSd.t, for I have 'Cited it. • , JAMEZi PETTNIttt, Master Drsyntaii; No. co Ndrth Fifth atreet; Phtli ',for ma t 8: s BIZTEI 'Cut" rAltßilla Pinot% sp2A•tr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers