' - Akt.tA4, * 4 4 , la4Vtatti•Lz , ..-'--- W.teea"-- - 4 4 ** " t aritaktiitr - ottirmia 'Y 66.4 4 4 urea tatcebik , tik4ls l t lo / 40 • ' ,loLAM*o 4 MW*4 l4 oo 4lo,llltwer -4sl444.l,4ol34*rsuitiar . 4 44 4 ,40,00",ikitivitoun t o o * v.i.,,fim o bvilloosiOlsr riiiniosAirfto tiktef ilaV,lp 46 / 64 i 11 0 4 4, 1 C/-3ThOrt= l- i • - at , -ft, cil AU4-494.4 4, 1414 h i n '' P l "" ti t l alr t r " , 1 161 " 4 1%,.,v2,VA i 1l Orkrti kl 1 1 j o, . 1 , t,,nrlrtnt#l 'falndpia 4:: i skk il o4 , l#4 - 11 4049 A 4 aisiiiit 411k10 :i• t - -14 - t AIWA * Ol6 P‘mvaill St AtOttittitt4 .., 1 Saititittlittilltife rbstpeptelltir 'Zang . altitaooll, *NW** I ! l it: . 1 1 64, '1 444161. ‘ 4 1 1 ~..1 A:lo4lal;l;444",*ll ool Kfaith Will grata 1t0iT 011 4 1 .7. 1 1 10141 7f," *1p t 11 ,lifp.Ori 4rasuir I .4 4 firtat , 44-1 0 ,0 "4 0 1 ,cl ,w 4 mss, 4-- B. , t4Lf 4, $#.0 1 ) 1 04 1 01&1 1 11,4 1 40 1 0/"Aaritlikautitiki li i ptewim i a t i4A- ttli•Xtilttit*ilitlity,,l4l. W iii4ft - * Ai `l' :''''' " "1' ' AlerfiXtlid Va *414: 1 0* *Cr 1 t; Ckiat t w, i l tosiottom to tit. .1 1 . 14,0Missaii ' yowomw, witpi 3isksio w %i 0 1 40. 0 1 0 1 . 64 toMiili': it' hietivoicw .1.8149 e • e t ~, .f4huisti , Air , ' the i (04tAffk #lt i‘i*** 2 / 11 ! limb. iirimThaf.*** l *ZVellotallifkaf''' t i f Dotteritite kfly iihr,104414 4 nitatitili Ala ,itrettttatolitior OH US tittoh` 1 iIIV jtis Amok kit, r ~....... ~.,..,,,...„....,.. itaiditt **ft *fib , *WOO* fifil tatu II T. bytit Joie*, Illiestie frolktittsso4tpkito thittlettiOttifittpitialtattltottpr 1 . I..ltii i f on4ifiot4 , ,--ci l'Arg ' 5 5 , iris iAtiAlitifitlitiavito ecritie s i i t . - 1 00 1,, w • l • thiffkuodwegpspolotdfor,4lo ktEl ,_. 51 . 01 , 1 #5 " 41219 Pyitifx biiiiii -' orlot ; _ ` ~at a' pI r4 t igaffiz - at; I**6l 1- 0 1 4.4 i 4elitailir 285 ' Vti iote tiara tratranstattly fill J-, th ;XPa geuiv Wiy:r ri er o l isa ilat it: - *: . po ila t t i lr 0 4b , l a e yo Ot 144 tight Oil *Ail, **. irkitAtkewitlialietiv•staeltr 14AmtWmcsimazomoo90 , 0 4 10111t , strA reSits**- I P 4 o 4l 4s9tt* talid T,'' , _ ne - qttorlikVis!,"o4l4 ;Ea - 404 4 /gut! totate • Ilea Ili' ti 4 A Test d tuiddid ts for Miwyer Pi thettoaptotektwat orthikopot, Intellt t A , iptitor,..up 'Nth* inasgat,stitt ltifinoo.6oo,in "'V IM° t i tft l 2 , 4 oitmq plog R. ! to f.t, ,t A R L ,,, rt,gpotts. ...t.t. -40, ,v.w ,tsMw•rt hat; pmt if ' i a a 0 40 WARAlw' 39 " 1 1 111 i dat44141 71t s'ir c iiil fortilit A 1414, 4 4 4 Witt liqff im at a f or oh ZWlrar'ettit"Tlartrite bill off dirt ~ F irst son att eliit t...tp•ohd eoarte--boitati Aware t th4stitteho f holtheant,'sith frijbtia Watts ,'' then filed blOirfraritelh"de' e'nf 144 #4." De.• o r e ....4,,V,A, low it' ' - 3 r, I li t fitiltql"t7l.ll9,4>4. April; 20 t Ova th e fotirps idotrAt 9t " whatnot** eels or utotto , " ow/ 4i,milni - + -4,' L - L= v , v - , -, l• -, ,) . 4 w. 14404110 ' , ow:lw ' llielAtqlir of ibts Attlaratt teatt a v i ititiittiNa' AO tvti. and tit losiatt** IF thditlthit b uboC lath:tad Merit bit 116%0 litiClA - ighltip,4 AtiA , TM soashilirtr....4, .110.) it t 4 Worn It Jibe eatift Vie Win icftioli * t i ll 'IWO , id-A**Ablief ‘73: * *AP. rart4kt sot Irtiit, fthiktftvihßv Hug Plinf*Cia * tblite at* at* thillth'lt 1.11411411 h-,. IA pat tbabito*ibelligra. o %4Aur ii*lniti, an d has turtitiptistlitt torpoit 4 11441 1 ,retied 'with' theiblii A wititicki_k " 6 1**5 *admiXitt * tillkiltt. Outmost tatirttaftst tfiftlititprixtr o lc, sic iodides *Wadi 411,dottoriaidi of ja jiley troniztierpigswiewtivittiins ieiii seeptisitbs, - I , ,si Ififieogiviiiieto a ri , tsavitimio.; INESlltithitt *Chi* WOO C .T CAIK sit it 416**ICIthelo'faviC 1' oho •1 ii t % BMW of i1W1.. , /Hit tit? i la * 4 74 11 + 1 1 ita 4 1 0 1 13111140 /I , Path 'tos Or ,littga thilletstodat' that A tit ii pt i w tot I.llsl`,lthltialoi if st I* oultaisatiod Ilk etut*ItIOMIT -- tty tiltriy4,4 itlaw-0 atworga it Xtlef 4 d" A', ', ••••• _ "V r( 4 0 40 . 0 .74 * if 36 , § la la , l 11. C C l 4 94 A lliiv t a r is ta o4 l" illabg4l # 1 . 1 1, 01 . 0 wall 4 , 4 ) *OrAkenall - litgreltrte on sui•Alki 16 4 146# - #6 4- 04y94•10noweit wen liqoailf 0,4** , -ito t t#a*ill" 16 / 8 p ; 1i ii .i4 ... 6 .43f0 ill- - ;' , .iil r - 1 " ' ' '34- ' 4 ', l '" "O' c A --..-47 iliti• via.,atitrilittpi??4, ireve*,--uflif; ..,.-11•Oboilil . '6l-177'a x-4- 246..". -- ifieuditaol . '(olkukt, .:- ~-hudittioo*-ifobiei ousitkiliiiesolisk .:.: -..tolealgtlePZl ~r,,o,„ti.w.4sstAV':, ' 1 littillatr,belaiii,,,,,"s,lll4.7*"..r; 44,i4,444-191(404)=Iiiittrifirlit:' • " ' -t_44ooio.voliti,„,• -oidtmemoodsaik row r6Fr 141,-- '" Z. 9*kolido,l'ille . ,„ .„ ...‘„,.„ , for 0 A toketi M o i..,oocfp u il lt b. VT : ' .6.7“161 - 4411. -- ' viass6 ,," ' '''' "it! P '' ' '• - forcIP.W..- • , :ii4r - • "'-' . 131!1% .'i' , 4",' - ' f C. 4 - ._ • tbe=lt-- - - 4111.41,0,7'''r5'iiiiii61,E*,..,11k - - - ' t iiiiiiiii*fini 7lol0 •° ,4-2 -„ - . 110i1)Mino-ti.kinktiTS!!•41-6-0414114.` -Isifoid . ‘• _,, iithiiiirjr**l4o6ll ,. _ ~,„,. • • .ireday , .., _. ,Ards.' EIIAOO lift - :41iiisi liiiio-4ilkflieltdie, --- -,' ,•.;fadallilSki -.±44wriilifaMtLiiTittifilf lsidi'biliiiiiltai i : ' 1174.4111, ;-',--atialiAl.,iiurpog t i l6l4l,lfilit r • . miOliii-74.#011 1 •••' 1 Vira' .. •--'.'..41001-4,- - 4 ' Vior-iittit(44-`-IiIL-'ll4` • )01010-1101 . 914: , ''' ' - ‘ 9.l• Ak t liiettit!!*=-4-__ A -T.' 1' 2 - '4ot. - 41311411s ; =6• -''' '-' ~J1E4414 !:, ''%' tllfi'4l4l6i•Ar ;414.41114334`., ,;.,.„.AbionOirdio. -- ii:-14, -Vtalifittrie-34K 0 416 ( .„...:,,.:•.-„o ri At o klik”---.:'• It, -- " j • it 1,04- ''','„',--1-104.billIdlir ttilliikliit OM Wirnillolill 4itsiiiiso .- Ti_o4* kliloa': -::-'-‘,Ilissi ~,,.„, -,,,w0- a c ;. ..-.,04,16,,th , . ,;1t 6 ., - v i ,,,.,„itailkoit,c. -_-imaivoi,ii .....-,0 7 ., - __. _,.ooad_.--4,14-1,4, ~:,,z„,-77,,:51000...i,j0i1...„ iltruihatn. 447.74;*- Z ~,tif A-4yruatuJi',glthilay, '' - riukY' -,....,--....,--- 'ateitot,pi9ol-9_x, o: 4 cAeult...-,:- „vm,sl ~ , t heloenstugai4,,,,,, . .l.l, - _,....,' '.----444- oitilhx • - 7 - .7,0 - 00,-reolune ',-1-,-;-;,,7.,:v'.-:11,•,._ - ---.14-tho, . -,- --, a ''' . 4 ft eftlolliki,„*9llll,,,- 4/oikgs,,yoolloWl. :-.•,.:-.'2-.1•40r thavilififorlllllgar,44lllllE _ ,- 0f0r00i1V.T...7 . ,:. 0 .. . ~.m141.4,rik : . '.‘ -, -1 1 .1 1 0 •,- i .*.' .:' .5 , ` , y1ig 5t4.1 769. 27,1i i‘thi: P. ' FAA, I v o ti 5.,.,ti0,,Nc- sl , iik,,,,, , V_ l tPlroAva',. ' lo lll ,.,l l ,iiii4ktkilly4::4-.. ittf-70.44,0t';'i :, -• ..000,00, simikweir ;,• :, TA., v..---z ia ., eit ,„„, .. sAdt.4... •_-vo i r-igh i i.. ....., .., 11 $ 41 10;upt: ~ , 41onoth - - .4.liNlitr. tieffit! .al-ra••Li;,illiiittiPl,l - • AbcilAglifilAMO4 •VI!",. •-•,,,,•..*; • •. l'his C9o!, , v „ ati r Aka,. 4.40-,:_foe,irrs• -44,64, •-..•10i411. . -- t- 4 0,4 p-ks i rr - iiiiiic Thi _ ,lt ifg",,,„-i- - *ore, v„,,A,oiow it • thifli. A ti.iic i lifii/RASAUfiuo*wit 6611841.16fm 117-4024410AM,'..-''''''': '','-'-'' W,a j ull Ar i tell- X' 1' Aa64ii.ii44°l, • : s iestion ~..cArr. 111,,,.-t,uhrireyrdo, ...:; gear; ” ,71 7 P, i 4', ii SFr. . &in- •-.--?-:; ', ' s - -- - ; dui' hatoltiis:.:, ,* .ps DOttlq*A-'1441:4C-: cooon ,- 01 • ' ,717? - , AfAclefigyil• Pik 4ot;•• ' • ••••_• 1+,46t1:7 ", , 1 '. ''• f'. WO,- ll* AA 4.- mir ._ttisTii4ita ' ' 4-:, 7ifithfEir4YdrigUit :etrilo4;n4-= -:!, 50.10f,P4. -- 4,- .-:-. ; ; I ; •-• liourofili:'• 0 *, .--.4 .,.- - - •'• 's , -z1 • ;1,- ,V46 - a , :, •:', • aisok• .51-.PiteW,:•-• ' '4f - A ' ift,F - ja , •::: : -frtb"OVIO I (pal - . 1 , 21 b n0 - , orbit* A.- ;•, --',,th. , wirow .* . t uaa t ut 4 „,.._•ir al 4!- / ....-- , .41P, of eittiir,so: ..,• I-9 • .I„wu:AV.;Niom-iii.irirt."74_,„ ' ..:Heyeolp, ..,`3*r..-..•', owl *Wk. - - - ',4, • • • '• bob."' ' F fririP t ", 1.1/4AidiltAlNtroriiiat-C. ::_,• ,-i_ tiso-411001 ', :. „1-#41...6,1/41Liolgifir ye** '.-, a 4 ' r.-pl , ''' ' t ' likßoe'll• 7 ,- ,A•i,..gi. rill .-::::;.- -"•,1* n'4l4 44,AttefliV'fiiiis6.lll7-41°. , 7 i • '-t.l.rt''' ilt-.-09A0111,' • , r- lifiippi,o l „*.l4 ••••• ''. . . • ; ' V lik• t ' -fgq.falt VII r '' .4' 71 *1- • c.Tin umi t 4 ..,-, ;104,„ ,hfia„,116.40 - '' l maz - tolo' Pt l i.. =-.. • - •Azifikoomt, ---., ....';‘,-Aniii, ~0. ~ ,,,-..41.4.1.t.;1.21,-= of - 1,; , -. . .iii inlruimidli'. 7 witting . : if . ' VOW -, !,1., 1 1 ,771, ~., L,,,,,th :C4V';',l-1,1..';'zi4-i-111.444-.o4l;iit' .:',r-P:Nlitiil7,lll4.PC ''Vetl*-INTiii :elisloitso','Otpoitlol7.7o.-A• , r ,- ; form* i_rr-000%— " '36.-60* , . .„ . la , trux im, .I , t , cpumoo4 - - ' ' i 0.4111, '- ' " *tit 1 4104iiiiiii , .. , - L' Opitgkeff4lM fiw: 1, live •:41yety,./111. it .; ow* it mtv, 1 1., maw .11; ,- - ig.-iim,•, l ,-, , - 00,161,m.. WAO " 7.quji,h7T4'04,77011 lilt; ii - taf , • .... , " ---I ' 3 6A'ikiti'- ,,, T-1t f '. 14 r 4 '''' pt l atoTic,flt• 4 , tifioloil*ltV444l unit% deg. -42k446:1' to tilt attimoms* bitnkji t ltirjoiVia t3 : B l olllo l4° --11de AF lb. . 41 lat3TV. 41v , tiwm; •- ~«A® Spring and Summer. 'With the - approaell of spring. we are glad to, lite* Ate increase Of the signs of the reel- _ vitin,:lbuy,iti. 2 t— kik ( parts of ap State and 4 'Country. Pittabili rif the _WOW; feels this_ iafittencfinfter ti_kie itiViNateinkitieriary 4uffering ' /lie 0140,,,riiiiiI;Ints.inct been in - liner running condition fOi;:niant'yeare.: , The iron Mule IS roldffitww*net 3 trilt/P ! Ind the bituminous ' ail depitate'sre nue° more haeoming remunerative to their owners. The briber. trade' teem the bead-waters of the Sasquebaunaand the, Delaware , has been unu 4thaltitofitilile,iMdkin these two great rivers c*),}i l ,iirld toldtbf W'ater, it is supposed . . - tillat*X4nlW-internal , -commerce4wM t- i '; ,o q , qtli a ii t1i t .. 1 41 12 XIII. , tttp p. 0 5, ) .2, - .witpac: , , tOt. *unary' , trade qua been Vie , _ open wintfri tho absence of snow in the hills `andVallepayead,,,thodiffitulty :off cutting tin-, her dining the Cold Weather arid of floating it .down thorn Alm lookij Weenie lwhen , the sea. lien Opened. We-note, alao, a gradual and cerilthilderprdvement In the trade 'in all 'the ,inthracite . coat, Belds_of _the Stlaylkill, 144,16,-*lel;f:atimiiiii* iegious On the *4OOT otorti:Atatellie - energetic progress of tiii*ntruf* and „Erte.,Ralltoadl has; in, ",01iika„ Of that ,*atd fes fon with. new : energy. Agti,:*,:i;;ApiirOppk,focivoird to an. unrivalled sneniefinod.a.Portion of; the 'State heretofore krAneet. .hernietically , ttaled:logainst this city,' .arifl).to all navigation': anti railroads, will soon , be brought into 'Veer neighborhood With Phi lidelphlie, 'PlitiOnr i gicad t'the " State ispitat ' l O • :thi :00k i'l?,4l*e.iC,.ol: enterp r ise. ror,: , tAlio.Klll?.,intetior, which atretollog bebind nett Veit aiiinne hit:, and ..in ,the great . mil -1 ,i 44, litti,dut, - witinttwtal pouring upon her, and : relief continue todo so, a constant traffic and travel-fortunate in her Own "wonderful cape. citiesil her - location; her "SOON her inetitu tliinvcif all deserliticins, her placia'of amuse tairri,itier 'splendid Hotels, and above all, her abantidini-hiialth - kind • e.leardiness—our city, iiii, ','Oliltit,l4lo:llo4ioins for the, ontests of the` , ,,tlitum , „„to,be made to this • country , what iff!, 'Ytt,l9 l Onflialt 4 por ruin is to France' f waling .yrosn, _New Yolk in the fact that she 'l s 'nOt t :lo l ,os l idi./ 1 9, '9f`',i,'te - reiggaii ' and 01 40ii'514 0 140 01 4'.. and; far, from aspl. 11 , :k i nfgA,f .to :i=-that- ifornmercial - -' pre-eminence: ' - st ; Lit ,7.1- . . ,,- r .1 - t , , . L . !. 1 . 1 4, 1 A l ' ' l ' ' ,l 9 7„;.. t P B l l ,t - P.t.' the , pro guir Seo ) .putoothikoattkon ,of -Gotham, no .one tan : istndy P hiladelphiafrom thd map without an. lielpstfig - ;Wfidre :She will bn' found is the fir -64; 111 ing;• 00 oho . doeiritrimediately in the athway of trade and _travoi s accessible:by altd,'4o;Waier,tind,ntretchlair, along a river 1,1 ' thin.i short distance of •the ocead , =-attch a captain* GIS; SititifeCaa- It' Is t while - it May not tili gig to hold' all ifte trade that comes to ft ' must,- in the natured things , pi prictilcula:- 41Y., e nriched 1 0.444 •InO,Ori_ ofi ucliePliatiOn by that ,whica. Oust remafn here. ' , ' .' I These gratifying , -signer of the times will also suggest Nome agreeable preparatiens to Pleasrefeeeetfilers. - IWitile , we congratulate' ur:. 'Whisks eq(htrfo thatr - tlits`springMust attract t4*(o, - "fitFicirjAalikede",iglstrAuiers from ortilir i Stateai.partlenlarly from the West 'and Southwest, we must not be rinfnindful of the ppeld'fatitdianlages ,ierfnuOlvarda. When u r summer" shall, have, come upon us with its `J3 ni3yrdaya and'ettlfr 3 ylilghti; and.whell much 1 1 1 mit',..PS , Petatiett will „take wings unto itself w ti.. week - a refuge -firrt,, distant retreat!, if W. elfotirth bribe- 'Sin c e and money 'quad • - ded at Saratoga,, Newport, and' other ;ultraArtehionalolw* resorts; could'- be expert. Plfittitß e,aprided.ht w visit to, our • interior . town; ttt , rd feral Watering' places, it would be 4',oitud; we fire'Otte: sure, a very satisfactory' ‘ lnylketnion't4 l lo4li,,every, one of these.points .11 3 440firtiPrifitehed: by -railroad at_ moderate .; t - ,ilf w4tild;bit tirceime and invidions to Itti,lt,kki:likriliWard we .itnie•the' Dela: 71 ',inttireimantlfal reskorts - along itil'enn. AI . t ." bw A lig 4:.-194 !Ilk, • lifilibi .region , no4 • btkiksorti Pennsylvania and ,Le , 11 iirilley-fallnaltdthe inviting attractions toh,firS W.itili,'_lifil(e',Perriffrated 'by .the ing;L'ebinjm Talley, Oitawless, Blooms. tstarst piiiWire 'aid- Lickatianika rail. j '' ~,e2.tfißif!ifYltles ~efrered to travellers and and by 'the PenosYlvania Central, the tines isranchtng Wand 'from that gast _LL-, , . 1 2, 55 R5'A t t PtSerthik*h3eh..extends ''7r : bilTgt.4 o / 363 berOuri4 114 which' ' o°l ; r4'`. Bl !qejtatlidit'..tiini '.:4afrlidittii to • 04 114 **Ots' iii 4l *ei: - *criehiii-- ea the • iekth it; iirmit siad'ffatteier—andin lite; dlittint • all iof ,)theitte witititii,Will - bef,f6und not ixi:etili i iielitit ' al`Vtfiß 4 ' - aiii:fictvfni; not alone t eto 10 'lyiiamcier retriats;Where all the genre pie we and' bncitrieff 4ifilte are , ' at Nand, but • ''o ' ld Of ititmwat Avon rmslattlated to , excite anei,eittittiataizi of the naturalist, the man , of Science,' the pbet, the' 'Wellman . ; and even the ban) man of business who cannot leave his pares2,beisind, but delights in calculating values iis! per cente;no InAtt'ir i lthem be , DIV ' be fol4d. • -?' z 3 ,:.-_•.' ' ' 2 ' f intt should not we of 'Philadelphli give to .rorttgiverde a good 'Shari) 'of the attention end ;time tod, money heretofore' diverted to other quarters 'I Witty slick& wo not , Make tiOnevisiting thefashion during the .coming summer.? Why: not make ourielves better vilsii4 hifred*Pkeig* other? Xer the connit7 coin al,'"Ootieteuily, to thesity, as • it does, why still tie City , siOt go to the country, thus 111- 4 1 _ ~briiiill*rJi.ifiliVtla.bi, art and enter -4411i,•;/'4YerY Consideration of pride of hom ' and pride of-f3tato / Mr. Forrest. - /Mr; 'Poireittai „snit for, libel, ageing N. P. ,WillH, tried 'Near York last week, the Puy ra *mod n verdiot in favor of- the plaintiff'for Ave dollarsbuudted , 4 2 ' 1 !40 , Boron,°°":- 1 9.,a#4n lag eia".tbe case, !shit • , •., ,1- 4001sittry korithown - himenie,progiess in 'l4Mea e 10,. rerything. hap" shiorn tbis progress'in inaterfaVimproyentenbe—the "old travelling mail, MOM giving &Nieto the•stesaiboat, tbe'eteamboat "glifee way to the raltrad vend -the daily matt =giving Plies 4ole•-kolegraph=the f 44 mattered peopl SPW/DX-A o ...be some live and twanty millions, thirteenlikeigst:lnereasinrtir thirty-three. This greet eountrvosdninoing ea-1 had with, rapid Strldeil, , and the materiel bnprovemerit, -- has made le'leatt rapid *dunes In`intelleet,in genita Ind in arta. f Thcsimple poet of -the early history of this ecrisido„bas,glems piece 10 men ef geoids and alt. Inftengente—do Halleek, Bryant, and Longfollew ; 'tbig"livilpit oratory of Anzatrly day'lae given piece de' tbs.; eloquenee.,whielt, we"now hear, ' 'eery •dspartinent (deft, hkevery department of solemn. its "every,physleal,department, improvement and Moven were wrlttett•on •the face of the country as allow me to say to you that there •is one rrt ishloh# "final-to the" several I have raen thuladrln the drematio.art which keeps alive the elareiert.effesions of sulk men se Knowles, Bokser, , Bitakepeire r ;whieli- Is illustrated by the genius of • Ahlafe PkiniVink!, and Kemble. "In'thiS grant otttioisets may have been made VIM% e - etirear uf,Mithltorreag, diet hue stood here; fortvienty,Ave years at the bead of that profession. 41Mourk,lighich *we sappriased.l Nut only *kat. ; but unehollenged omit wareproarthed as lii batsi-as, sk•brother as a citizen as• a friend, 7/?!lYAAMPPaggebedla,trreprosehaide.g/ ;,Teisinet tiownlto the Alois - aids of friends of Pertfutt that ho-badwpontempisted,a noble , tht; dedication of "his castle and andsio bialcsei the . Hudson', knOwn as Pont fil, - 44 ea for foe" maintenance ,of a reitein , Azatter''ef,:deria);ed,dr siipersnuneted ao teiti•nigfithittilma of Anignican birth, se long as i r f1i0 4 4.4) 1 T. 4 4 PAC it the death of any 'one of the sztultber idhabßing the irenilses; hie' or hit _piece shoo ld be edppiled by another from the the- AlM*frtiiii age ., or infirmity, leaunktbp'.4tnd,UnabisAo obtain s iivellbeect upon the lage:;:the.whole to Issiinalatrindd 'at - the en' phttieof the esfittif Afr;',ll l Oriest, add the charity, 4.14414 etteititrlintleef•htutself and his wife, wittilirere,4 kolioblk the nestle: doting , their life !Avner of the' New 'York papers th !!" g -I gtHeW;Milcs,thil mideisment. String and ex: at • igpting iertain truiC,Artidp, the • interest •of which was egt Mislaid' filf itepr, • relative", find at. their Beath Inert le; sittate of the testalor, the•whole *of ifiliv ialePiatfe wee team Aerated" to - this. Ashailiyferetr theesttte, by the lapse of Yenta, eidettd-inereatebit'yalue dramatic imbecile were to ,6 e-telent. was to: be de , Wift.R44 , l l f; lto,B,9 America were to be "laMeltalpitl,Aallgeted, anatathed, and an, American mukgt:ar , the',ttrainkratatoutted. , ! In. fifty, i•ears, lbe ole Wouirliedieree - sarrounthog..the nestle will b. &part Of . thi§:rity of.. New Pork,'andef a value • kWh clangor nowlie mitimatede lied thus this hr. guestsfulialisivelhedme ono of the noblest which laglf ligr• " • • , , • Tt unnecessary to dwelt, upon the causes which igighMed Mr. Time, 14,diePosoot,thie inagobtrent Trellertf,',And' l to- &lenge his - mind in reference to the bafigleat , r Thers, , irldle -Met may be readily itiAtieligated Ay:the )44114'36e s I,hirik,nt too daft* al ikeribtikturfie iieliy ( disolisied In, the that the &yin not *4144t ibish,`4ble 'Wayne 'gentlemen will be lev Or.slttli domed% timibight, and be toebled 4 1 ,/gorgie 1/As'•soti,. dbnneotioti with)he Pram*" twibldflitle:,iliii,il4kf/Pangulalio4 living , •• Primuo iitiflAk:tirliiie& toile will sell on titei4Ogyl7th Stator Goverment, very ftapar#,lorknerly,tmtmpied by Second and Doak • .Sametal and the g.g 1160111141 3 11111.! 1. ',1ftk street,, below Oh eeknist. 7,4114•110rip#14 iriti hiC•reidy lb Lfew daze.' 40.1 • •'' The Paraguay Expedltiou. The "Harriet Lane," just arrived from Mon- ' tevideo;brings glowing accounts of a revel at San Jose on Wee*crokslairthday, Oom. missioner BrrariV(7einmedoiii aP4 tl/0 diolign other!, treing,the guests 0.2-f'*l4ol*,Uißiiiii: - the peace with Pa raguaf was.drauk Mid Celebrated with all the honor:S., ,From the - descriptions; given by the officers of the expeditio'n against- LoPna, it would seem to be a pleaSure,l party rather than bristling armada. We clip from a letter to the New York Times, on their way from Entre Rios. The writer goes on to say t " Agaooho, on borsebaok, rode up to our carri age and , hatied Dr..Vietorice, the private secretary and eon-in-law of General Urunina , How is your bores? , • 'asked the. latter. Good for the,Dalt peat Bide. u, then:/and.tell' theVresidet shall arrive 'by et ',How long,' I in quired, he be on the road.", An.hour. has tan _to San You' taias already since the WaterWaterWltckaoaoasai4dyeti Mot moles seventy *top ntilislia - has' skid* chic's 10 this morning, and;With 111 morn - -which fie &deli shortly, makinis be,will"have earned his earns ton :'f-Theshesqui dashed his splint into his borso's Leanks, and disappeared like an arrow. Onr carri age was drawn by two vrbeel horses, and by three othera, mounted by" guachel, with . hide hasp' fastened to The tongue and to their Saddles, At la half-way station we stopped to obange hortree-i-a corral full of animals stood near a couple of low thatched buts, from whielt; as we got dOwn to : strata& our-limbs. there came two, women. and a tristfy, bright-eyed child, to offer moon, foaming from the udder, hot mate, and cold water. On a rolling Swale a flock of 8,000 sheep attested our arrival upon tbe premises of the rioted man south oft the Equator. ' ''• - I' While they were bitching up we had leisure to examine our peach° cavalcade. They were pie .tarertine objects as they daisbed about like centaurs lassolog the,borses anti' bringing them up to the wagonsl their Crimson and bleak porches flutter ing in the wind and their light shakos tied be- Death the - chin by a handkerchief which gave their swarthy faces a gips) , look. The omnibus was drawn by six'of them with no other harness than the_ lasso :with which they capture horses and cattle, s . The'gnests are reedved at San .Tose by the military, and are all dined .in the_ sato of the Presigentiallltinsion with aploian plenty. In the reerninillmy are, waked ,up to mate and toffee._ Here' Is their after-breakfast amuse tient C „ . ‘". " The herd We drove to was a small rodeo - of two thousand head. Into the thiokest of the drove the wild g imehos plunged. and, singling out the bulls, .chased them over the plain. Some of made* ,splendid runs, and others doubled with baffling in -gratuity; but neither speed nor dodging could save them from the inevitable 16880. Down they came, safely moored by the lassmi Of.opporlie vaqueros;, and in a few short minutes arose, candidates for 'next Year's shambles. -) • •- Then cable the turn of the boladoras, who, Chasing the aulmal,.would cast the Woe with un erring precision at' slaty yards. , You doubtless knoerthatThis implement ofthe South American ishasi - Conliste of a heavy and a lighter ball at tached to either end of.a thong some tower three yards long ' 'Grasping the 'smaller ball, the caster 'whirls the other eling.like above his head,• `and When it has gathered enough centrifugal force, ho drsohargealt, attended -by, its satellite revolving around its orbit; until the centripetal thong Inter, Cepti . of 'the' !blithe' bull, .which, with eachettoseesive leap, hicomes more and more .tiglltiy.:ciptanied, until be pitches - head: over •heeleupon..his bask." ••_ - Jiro told that General Usoutzs's horse leer cost s6,ooo;that it is covered with silver and' gold that the rain Tdrovti 'them into a hiOskwhere they, see all Manner, of strange, hirderand 1;3104 d'ornesiliated ; and then that after the stOrM.Wes'over they,lf Proceeded .to tin; Conit of the' Ratan° to witness the Moorish game of ths. l .l:l era,. a, tilt, at •full ,career; ate' Innell ring auspendedhy aribbon from an arch,' lome.twenty officers, each armed With . a short pOinted stick, were the Competitors for this prise :or horsemanship,' 'which Wes often' touched, intt only Cithied off afterrepeated trials, All rode admire*, and reined up their horses,', when at full speed, in twlCe their • length." , -, Unnurza gives Mein a state dinner. He giesents Commodore SHVBRIOR with a sword. We : subjoin what is written of President Monza himself: General ltirquita is now fifty-six yearn old. His *Mile 10 mnoh that of Mr. Webster. He bas the same , dark, rneteorto eye, and the forehead, though less massive,. does not lesien the ream -blrel His estanma at SanJo b embrases two by died.' rind seventy , sqnare has 2 000 bead"of 'cattle, 80 000 horses, 'BO,OOO me. Vino sheep, and 200 000 mixed breeds. , c,‘ He sold het year 062000 , htdes of ' his Own pro; dues. ,Let the gentlemen of the earamp'xackon their value; as for, his of wool could form no estimate, He is interested in eveq.useful and profitable enterprise in the Confederation,„ and mentioned to me that in the townof Itoeistio alone' he load ,3200 000, engaged in apeeisPoartacerships. Golto'bitovelth a schemethat will bear the test of anslyele,lind` he Is your man, He gives a lift AO the industrious and slotting, and; reaches out late hand to savothe hiniket but unfortunate. Thus, the r ralrasi oemnany who, ran a nee of Attleiiolll3 OA": In qi. oo446 4lFOlP , l i wltiekraralfled to its' _ . - tier the Parnpral—:‘ Whist Willearry you , roug exult leas -_than - one ltundred" thousand dollars.' ! Call to:morrow.' - They did so and got themoney. "lit the town of Commit , * there is a State Col-, lege founded by him. It occupies the four aides of -•a Meek' two hundred feet equate, and ode - stated last year four hundred and three boys, who are taught; lodged, and fed grotto. The State devotes to its support a small, school fund--Gan. Negates supplies the remainder. Tlie, professors are all European graduatei, and their philosophioal appa ,ratus, laboratory, library, do , are the fruits of his constant and inexhaustible bounty. Be gave them lately an addittenal •square for an hospital—one 'was built there for a dozen beds. While we were there be was told that it was too small. Double ft.' Salthe, • 'and-draw on me.' " - COMPLIMENTS BETWEEN ANTIQUATED SPANISH nIDALGOS After dinner we had a gaucho ball by,torchlight in the second patio. The music was the guitar, and the player sang a sort of im promptu segundilla to his own accompaniment, with the fluency of an Italian iminvvisaiore. The dances were in couples, as among the people of Mexico and Chili. The waving handkerchiefs .played an important part, and with some couples it seemed atrial of endurance But the 'dances and the crowd, absorted in their enjoyment of the songs and dancing, seemed ()tate anomalous of our presence, sio that their desinvoltura was mizth• ful and, unstudied. ' "The next morning, (Tuesday, 23th,) we , mere again aroused by our jet-black handmaiden; who seemed delighted that mad should be getting in greater,tlemand than coffee ; in fact, his unques tionably the superior anti-fogrnatio.. Then, as there wee Co be no drive, the chief gardener sent to baiite us all into his dominions The garden is the finest in the world. bemuse nowhere in Europe will climate admit of the union of snob varieties of fruit growing sub sole. The apples, pears. and ttaohoi are worthypf,the .North, and the tie of Naples; the orange groves numbered more than a thousand trees; and the aortae and'ohltimoya gave ;promise of floa.friiit, The chief gardener . has ten assistants and the i r serration of th e . walks and 'borders, as well the health of the trees.-would'do credit to Sir oseph Paxton. ," Shortly before breakfast we were invited to see a lot of wild colts broken In by the don:adores, or teasers. , Some of them were at-vicious brutes es I eVer saw, and one, in particular, was so fertile in his side capers anti stiff jumps, his plunges and his bolts; as to break one of his rider's largo spurs. The guasho lost his balance for a moment, but not his -seat. Gen.:On:plea' exclaimed brava,& and in, half an hbur the rebellious boast was brought bask perfectly subdued, and turned over at once to the cavalry. Some eight or ten of these con tests resulted in displaying' the same mastery in the riders, and the same submission in the mus tangs.. Mr. ltarey,would find few candidates for his secret on the plains of the Plata." Public Entcrtnittmenta. Mr. 71eitlei'sbeaeilt, at Aroh•street Theatre, this evening. , kerren'e daring performanoe at Walnut etiettTheatre.,. . • Mr. and' lire: Waller, who made snob a deal dedly favorable impression here, about a year and a half ago, will oimmenee en engagement at Wal nat-street Theatre on Monday. • We recoiled Mrs. We114:It'll Lady Macbeth as by far the best, repro sentatien of that eharaoter we have over seen. She has added Ingo and Mee Merriliee to• her first,olass parte since be performed bore. There Itf' not, 'upon any stage, In Bogitsh tragedy and "Seillettar.6medy t e. better actress than Mrs. Waller. (In Monday' evening, Ide. and Mrs. Waller will •nroduee - John Webster's' histories! tragedy of " The tntobess of Malt]," "adapted for modern - representatioo, with new seenes.by R. $ Horne, anther of Orion." As altered, this is a very tine acting :play, and ;hen been very, sueoessful wherevii performed.'" , ' ' • The Campbell Maitre's, whoie performances here haie been wltnessed . byiarge audiences, will , appear, lat Concert Hall, iniho afternoon as welt aitheirening of this day. , .The Van' toriburghtroupe are to be this after noon and evening in their spacious arena in Spruess street. The animals are world's wonders, and atopng the biped ",performers are, Miss Bailie stiokney, the Brother/ Saigrist, and Mr. Thayer vitiate Maim' - • " MoDoneigh'S Gafeties continues to, be crowded every edapipg, tut Vie evening Di that of each Saturday. Bush, a couplo of Prima Donnas as Fanny' Forrest mid Dliza -Thieiman—whom 'Mr. MoDorniugh modestly designates the Jenny Thud and tate Hayes of Amerloa"- - --are enough to draw aOrolvd, 'independent 'of the numerous other at tractions: . 'Plooolomini Is advertised for twelve farewell imicerts4-vis six at New 'York, three at Phila delphia, ard three in Boston. Unfortunately, the Princess,'.' whole dramatic skill is , her beet' at treat* is 'a nohodyln,the conoert:room. The ooMpaily . whidh Mr. liftman , will, bring kern, next week, to. support, Maliame Gassaniga, will include (the Bulletin tells as) Wile Alaimo, , (it -abßrano,) lame. Laborde, Signor titefani, (a - neirtimor,) Signor Gnone, (a new baritone ' ) Signor Morelli, Herr Formes, and,others' EXTRA • LAl3Olll_ Plink/MOM Sour. Valuable real estate, grotinirrents, ho., Teesday next, 26th hetet* , see Thomie & Bone' pamphlet oatalogue leaned today—thirty-two pages, comprising up wards_ of sprty properties—the larger portion peremptory sato. Spa also advertisements under auction head. The'sale will commence at seven °'olook. - - THE PRESS.-PHELADELPHIA, SATVEDIY, APRIL 23, 1959. B Y MIDNIGHT MAIL. Ik.ptte oin ti 04easiontei..2 (9onrpiiiiiletololl4,Vreioo - ' , April 2 . 9, 1859 In the midst of; the excitement growing nit of certain illuestions, politiolaniof all parties'niumt hot omit to notice this, fertnentation going on' in the (lonian mind of-the United States, eapeolally among the foteigasborn Germane. The speech of Carl Sphere, of Wisconsin, (one of the most elo quent of the Republican leaders in the Northwee,) delivered on the evening of the 18th of April, in Faneuil Rail, Boston, wale signal of the prevail. ing sentiment among thee! composing hie .na tlonalityb as well as of their earnest determination' for thefeture. He gaVe.his hearers pretty dia• godly, to understand that under no circumstances would they 00-operatil,with` any party Who did not oppose natile-Auterieen deotrines aid earnestly advocate civil and religious equality. The Ger- Man Police Gazette, published in New York, which to said to circulate more extensively than any ether periodical in that language, assumes the tame grohnd, and other papers era earnestly fol lowing its lead. Agreeing With the Republicans in their hostility to the inatittition of slavery, there Germans never can agree with many of them. In reference to nativesAmericaniem. One of the I most eminent German Republicans writes here froict Illinole, that rather than , submit to any avec' alien with what is regarded as the Know. Nothing element, they Will form a separate orga• Ideation. Shoeld thin alternative be adopted, it will greatly embarrass and mystify the operations of Parties ;'for it is beyond dottlot that if the Cleimanfl eonoontrete their votes'. In a separate movement, they will be able to efteot time qieer diversions: On the other band, there is quite as sinoere a gen-, Ument in the American ranks against the foreign element, and nearly .as mash resolution against what is understood as Republican doctrines. -Mr. Seward; Mr, Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, and Governor Chase, of Ohio, are all anti•Amorican and , pratierman in their proolivities; and although shrewd party polit Mans, yet it is now abundantly clear that snob leaders as ideiturt, of Wisconsin,' able and fearless men be they are, will submit to no compromise by whieh their particular opiniOne are to be aubOrdinated in 'order to plekse another section of the Opposition party. The Administration is Tylerited in more respects than one—tylorised, not only in the South, by personafdivieione, but in Pennsylvania, by being placed under the lead of a gentleman who; you wlit.reoollect, came to Baltimore in 1844 with a set of delegates (nearly all of whom hold &toes), aid held a sort of Convention of his OWII-3, kind of family council. I ,know of rio One more nom , Merit to undertake the tssk of controlling the Wee-holders than that some Robert Tyler; ho controlled them so effectually under his father's Administration, that it comes very easy for hint to' hold the rod over them under the present dynasty.' Who ihat. las read the notes of travel In this. country by Lords Chamberlain, waiting maids ito gedenTiotoria, newly fledged parliamentary ore. , tore, and a heater smaller fry,,will not, remember the blithe complaceney, and sometimes the snoora i r with wittoh a comparison IS made between the pros eeedings In the Rouse of Commons of Ragland and the Rouse of Iteprosentativae of the United States-? Tho latter, they, insist, is undignified, boisterous, and unparliamentary, partioularlYin the fait that members. deliver written speeches. In the Route of. Representatives there are not, onoh in a yeer,, symptoms" of applause 'or disapproval; whilst, Me the contrary, in the Ilouse'of Commons; there are as meets cheering, a:craning of feet, and gopil, as it ie called, ae can be aseribed to the abided astlemblege at Sansom-etreet Rail, in your city, or toe Tammany revival, In'New York. And then, the subjoined paragrapk'irem the 2//ristrated 'LontiOnAlos furnishes sireftstatiotsof the state ment that no written epeeph is ever delivered in the British Parliament: • , 4 lord Stanley began his speech with a sentence that sounded like the introduotory sentenees of one .01 Jaines'a novels. But there all likeness to a rominoe, , or to anything willoh could intermit, la the mere of entertaining, ceased: Of the fact that his speech MIS written there was every indi-- reot ,evidence, even if the manusoript had not been lying opOnly 'on the table before him, and . had not'been as openly referred to, and the Mayes turned over, as be pretended, and even if It had not - been seen taking its flight la actual balk to the 'higher regions' f the reporters' gallery after he bad finished." When politicians, all over the 'country, are ex Milted to know Whin ts that Mr. Buohatian con finites, his galley for the disorganisation of the DeutoOratio party, and - which has and Must con tinue to result in the'disgrace of the country, he laughs his sleeves.: He has exhausted the patronage of the' Navy ;; Department, the patron ege 'of - the' War Department; and other patron isges—at least he bee gone as far as ho could go and save: himself from, impeachment; but It must be' remembered that he looks for further purchasing material in the shape of new-subildies for the , taking of the census of 1860. expeots to be invested with power to appoint thnusands "of Marshals ler this work, and to -arrange foitthe publication of the returns, with tie bandit ng ofintl;• • lions. Dot it is probable that thertiselli never igain -tie ettiphtition of the eitiaiagiintiea of the Census • ;Ism, we., as. a or,te nanny tIMIt dredeOf tfilinsande will be expended in; printing immense 'folios, 'which require some strength to lift, and which have gone into oblivion already as wrappers for candies and groeeries. The Compen dium has superseded all necessity for them,, and *his experience ought to be applied in 1890. Oonestottin, Letters Ikons 46 Tonclustorce.” [correspondenee or The Pron..' • WASHINGTON, April 21, 1859 An attempt to corrupt a juror Made quite a stli this morning. Judge Crawford bad a letter' , d reoted to his care for Mr. Wilson, one of the larori The judge had received it from the marshal, suck presuming it was on business, asked the counsel 4 both sides if "any ,objeottons would be made fp handing the letter to Mr. Wilson. No objeolhod heing made, Mr. Wilson received the letter, whir& he very quickly returned, saying that it wan' na on private .business, and he had no idea who tlit Writer was. The letter then went the round it' the counsel. It was dated New York, and signd "A Methodist," and was 'exceedingly abusive Mr. Siestas, Mr. Deady, end Mr. Grahano, a was equally complimentary to Mr. Carlisle. ': is was unanimously condemned, '.„,,,a the judge 14'4 nonrated it a moat 4troolons interferenee, and o *Mob moritedsevere and exemplary punishme if the author could be disoovered. Tho judge, i, pressed a praiseworthy desire to And himont, a with this view it was placed in the hands of 1 District Attorney. The letter in cipher which was found on se4 ration, and remained in possession of Mr. Pend} 'ton until yesterday, was ruled out by the jodg Mr. Carlisle having said it would not rebut a 4. 'thing. ' I It is due to Hon. Mr. Pendleton to "state tH his evidence, and that of Mr. Charles Lee Joni, given yesterday, was particularly clear.' Thi ixith fervently disclaimed having - any knowled '1 of the removal of the • look of the front door Gray's Louse, in Fifteenth street; much less hi I lug ordered its removal. ' Mr. Pendleton ft sorely that it had been insinuated that he had i, tempted to obliterate evidence; and at the 0 elusion otitis testimony indulgid in rather afe ing but probably injudicious little speech, to wb he denounced the rumor or statement implioati f him es Infamously false. Mr. Jones'e evidence corroborated that of Peadleton:, Again given currency to the ti: impressions made upon the discovery of the m leg look, It is bat Just that I give the above claimer" and to add that they are generally cepted as satisfaotorv. TOUCit'STONE [Correspondence of The ,Prese.l It bee been exceedingly dull In the oourt-roi this morning. The Members ~of :the bar, wt laying their heads minimal , " together, =attest the while. The reporters were; making jokest and earicatures of, the bench and bar. Oarli seemed somewhat, uneasy, - but Brady.wltaiki tonal goodapirits, and Sharing them with Mt I stilling them into the smig plaoldity of Rebel Dillon's countenance and the satisfied el Emanuel Hart. There is a certain mystery hal Mg over the bar, which bathes the crowd mita and the anxiety to unravel ft is very evident. 1 business is breught`to a stand still for El:Mahon and the stormy drfiriness of the atmosphere ot aide adds to the heaviness of the foul atmoaphi apt the dulinets of affairs inside the court-room The farltbohind all this delay was the attemi or rather desire, of the prosecution to offer hs ey donee something tortobing Mr. Sickles' pare character: ,Or morals, as though he were 'not trial on a speoldo charge. They desired' to eh that Mr. Whigs was not a Jeseph, as though thi would prove that Mr. Key was a model follower that youthful moralist. The proseentiou was a most, Inhumanly anxious to press nob, evidenc, and the Dlstriot Attorney proceeded to the offici, of Attorney General Blank to consult him on It admissibility. = The ablenoe of Mr.' Odd causal the delay, and his return was the signal for buts of, anxiety from the ItioWd, and a'‘‘ order in oeurt" froni the DePuty Marshal. _ ' It was generally believed that Mti. Ould's alon would prove tmeueoessfal, and many reasons— based on "law," as well as'oommon sense—wby it would and should be so,. were &tin. ifs pre sence, therefore, and the- expression on his fade, was eagerly scanned: -,le came in , pale, and, it might, be said, ohap.fallen, but that his lips were 'compressed together., =lf any doubted the fact Conveyed by his appearance, It was no longer doubtful when Mr. Cold Conferred briefly with Mr. Carlisle, and thatventlematvrelleoted the die. Appointment of hid learned brother, Boon atter, 'Messrs. Brady, Ould, and Grahani held a private (inferno with the judge, the re , suit of which was the ruling out, as inadmissible,' of such testlinony'as was sought to bo offered. • Owing to the Mainers of ex•Senatot Brodhead and My. Haldeman, withering for the proleaution, to show the state of Mollies' mind jest after the affair, the business was retarded, and an early ad-. JournMent took plaoe. TOUOUTONE. WeeniNaToi,',Aprli 22, 1859 rHE LATEST NEWS TrittoattikPlL ' Crevasse onh • the Mississippi. WRECK 04 , TWO COAL iIsATS--Tanirk LIVES LOST. blerifnis. April 22 ..4ntellhienee bee peenreceived trent Lake PrOvidenee, loulalana, that two tod ho to were ettept Into' the oreisre near that place be Battle day night. by wbloh tblei lives were loot. The coal boats belonged to 7. L. flyall, of Louisville; and con tained ?SAGO barbels of oat Several new and disaill one breaks In the levee are re. ported below Labe Pi °niece.. The Arslia at Boston. Dittman, April 22.1. The Orman steamship Arable, Inn Linguist, Tits *Wax, arrived during the night, U misnomers desoithbed by this morning's train, and will be due In Phitadaptilatb•night, Death of rev. H. V. D. Johns. BALTIROttIf, April 12.—Iter. IL V. D Johns, Reaor pt the Immanuel .11.0eoted Demob, , and ► brother. of the Assistant Blebel of Vim ints, died at 6 o'clock tble morning Mr Joh' Wee a prominent minister of ,the llama Church, • • Arrivit 1 of the •Fultott. Hs* Teak' Aprit2 —The steamship Fulton has sr *rived frbm Havr.iid SOutbamptd , , tier datea are to Wednesiey, the fitl instant. and have been antiolpaten by the arrlial bt He Arabia at Halifax. Opening of if avigation on Lake Pepin. La Games, Weennem. Aprll - 23 —Navigation on LakeTepin ie nor open. The firet boat from bt. panl arrived here thismorning Arrival of the Steamer .Tura. DOEITOIS, A prs 22 —Tbe etramer Jura, from Liver pool on the etb, natant, la algualled below. ,Her adtloes are antloipa•ed. Sbrm at Baltimore. BALTIWItin, !4pril. 22.—A 'tremendous dorm of rain Cgevalled_hereeearly all day Tito lightning thin mon - og was very elarp One of _the Mom telegraphtrine wilt struck andmaited off at the Sun building. Thetartadian Parliament. 'Mono. 0 W hymn 22 —The Gllvernment tent•° fot the tinallettlement of the original 'Vinare passed the Lees!Mire Assembly last night by a la•ge rna- SO:Hy, . LIST 4? PATENTS issued from the United States tent Moe, to Pennsylvanians, for the week orning April 19th : Jamea. Johnston, of Allegheny; for improve ment in lern ettellere. .A. o,,( i tning, of 7iVilkesbyre ; forlinprovement in Dump Jaoob apertus, of Philadelphia ; for improve ment intovolving fire•atres. Beaj.hin R. Smith, of Philadelphia' ' for instru ment fn. ascertaining the direotion o f eonnda in .fog, Ao) A. Pantton, of Reading; for improvement in :Mimi oar brakes. Richrd Van Volthoven, of Philadelphia; for imptoltment in grates for furnaces. S. v'._ Wetmore, of Erie I for imptovotnent itt ratirotreitaire. I. nnisings. Hanilton E. Smith, of Philadelphia; for im proved washing machine. Patented, Ootober 26, 1858 ; retested, April 19,1850. .aarratison Smith and Henry Brown, of Phila delphia, assignors to North, Chasm 1 North, of soma plant ; for design for atovee. • &me 'Humus, the "Benicia Boy," now theAttio champion of America, sent out by a re cent stainer a challenge to Tom Bayore, the oham , pica of England, to fight him. The gallant Tom miles by the steamer II tuna. that if his three coning fights with Bill Benjamin, it The 13n kinwn," and Bob Brettle are decided in his favor, then leaving him atilt the champion, he ", will be mat happy to fight Heenan for two hundred potnds, and bet him five hundred or one thou seed pounds that he wins the fight." The winner of the battle would also be entitle(' to the chant , pim's bolt. As the altair between Hillevi and Benjamin has now been decided in favor of Sayers, there are but two other gentlemen to be attended to before Mr. Heenan's claim to the personal at tmtions of the English champion will be taken into Wive( consideration. A YOUTHFUL 'PATH= MATH - WT.—A youth, 38 years of ago, by the ntuthe of 0. Langdon Da vies, is creating a great sensation in the provincial towns of Ragland. To judge from the enthusiasm he seems ttioreate, the mantle of Father Mathew ipptlars to have fallen upon him Mr Davies ban Jost delivered two .oraticoas to Wigan. Re spoke in such a way that alternately the tears ran down the 'shooks of his young audience, or their merry laughter drowned his voice He poured forth ar guments, illustrations, metaphors, allegories, and perorations, speaking as if he were those of whom he spoke,. - arid working up his audience to an in tensity of sympathy rarely equalled. One hundred and fifty eigned the pledge of abstinenoe in the 'two evenings. Alt INTOXICATED Ovirrgn.—The editor of the Tappabannook, Maryland, Southerner has re 'wily seen a curiosity fished up by Mr. Alexander Leland, out of Outer's creek. It consists of a Portion of a common junk bottle, to which several oysters had grown, and one, the largest and prob ably the most dissipated 'of the party, bad grown partly into the neck of the bottle, completely 811- mg it up Whether the oyster went into the bot tle to get a drink, got tight, and aliquot get out, Is not known , but certain i t that himself and his oompanione seem "very =oh attached to the bottle.' - , •, SOME YEARS AGO, Dr. Webb, a well-known ph}sioian in Windham, Conn., committed suicide by hanging himself in the stable where he kept his horse He was snoceeded In his practice by Dr. Litehileid, who kept his- horse in the same plane, and once remarked to a friend, "I seem to see him banging there every time I go into the 'barn." -,!1 short time afterwards Dr. L. hong himself In the same phsoe. These are two ass's ont of aJdosen suicides within as .many years in the town of Windham. . . . • . r mAittater was administering the ordlnanoe of bait tient to a young lady in the rivor, both were car ried away by forge of the current, and were only saved from drowning by the assistance of a by. etander, who seised the minister and dragged him out, the lady clinging to the latter. Camas —Mrs. Anderson, an elegantly ac complished lady of London, 0. W., died suddenly Friday week. Investigation developed the pre• sense of strychnine in her stomaoh. It is supposed to have been administered by her son, for whose benefit her life was insured for $5,000. The young man Is under arrest. New York Stock E xchailgo, April 22. 0000 ktfolotai 68 67V 16000 do 87% 6000 do 030 13710 800) Tenn 01 'OO 98% 3500 111 Cent $ bdo 813% 3000 do 89% 8000 L Drlo & W Rmt 44% 2000 Budeon R 811 mt 79 60 P►oloa 11133 Co .10 81336 60 do 13 0 % 100 do el 6 86% 60 do b6O 67 50 Pon•ma It 12'%1 800 G►l & Chitin 66% 800 an #6O 85% 60 Mich Coots 36061% 900 EU& 8 roar 3)% 01 N Y Centralo OM B 131( I d 101 do aso lax o 734 dais e 0 ' 737 i 1000 do 660 7gx 1000 do 0 5 70% 500 do o 8 73% SCO do 74 60 Harlem R. 1214 60 Chicago &B I me 57 % MO do 57X 103 do ' 510 67% 200 co 460 52 00 to 7i 100 do b3O 67 100 Readin 04 68 fillt 160 d o h HO 61% THo rd lIKIITa N el:fn.—The market Is steady, the demand fair at fa 76 fer Pets and Pearls. • . 130117111.—tt10 fa rather quiet, butvery firm; Lasnayra to mars active; sales of 2 000 beg. to arrive, on terms not disclosed, besides which 1 CO) bags :males sold on private terms, and 100 de 8t Domingo at loxer, cash. °Mott —The market oontinnea homed. end llc /p' lb lower. We quote middling Upland at 12Xo, Preu.—Dry Uod are more active and firmer; sales of 2 OCO qtla St George's at $3.62Xcri.75 ; mackerel ere in light stock, and are in fair reques tat $l5 50816 50 sad 59 75 for Nog I, 2, and 8 Mess respectively; barrel Darting has been In better request at $lO2 62X, at to quality; box Herring are still dull. nova, &IL—The demend for Western Canal Plour Is less active, the liberal arrivals and unpleasant weather restricting bailouts and giving bnyera the advance, especially on round.hoop extra Ohto and spring wheat brands, The Wee today are 5,700 bbls at $5.0505 40 (or In 'meted superfine State; $5 5505 60 for choice co; $5.9506.25 for extra do ; $5.850515 for low grades of Woutrrn extra (0a4403re1) ; $6 2006 85 for shlpplog brawls of ronud.boop ex raOhlo ; $ 84007 00 for , rede b ends do ; $6 8008.26 for extra Genoeee, and $6 8009 for St Unto brands. Canadian Flour is dull and heavy; small salmi at 26.6007 80 ; Southern Plour is without rhooge, the d emend ia fair ; sates of 2 030 bbte at lame 50 for super fine and $0.66m8 26 for fancy And extra brands Ohara.—the demand for Wheat is light, and the market la very heavy for owing, but winter is rot amen- Willy changed. The arrivals are limited; the eales are 6,000 bus at 820860 for Chicago epilog, and 1950 for ',choice' red winter Western. Rye la rioting s'owly at , 860880 Oats are dull and heavy at 52054; for State, and lillabdo for Western and Canada Corn 10 heavy, Anct mloted alma "dull; 'sales of 28,000 bus at 830 for Westect(Wied. 83*850 for Jersey yellow, sad 85c850 for Southern yell w. lass.—The .market for Scotch pig is more active at steady rates; melee of 800 Woe, chiefly to arrive, at $i4915 6 moo. bioLeoo2B —The demand le leas sone°, but prices sro sustained: salmi of 160 bbla New Orleans at f9tb 400 ; 100 do Muscovado at 830, and a few Cuba Mayer! at Pam/norm —The demand for Pork is moderate; holders ire rattier firm for Mesa. and st 7 21 Is refaced at the close. The sales are 000 Ibis at $l7 80m17.35 for new Mesa; $l7 for old do; $l2 60 for prime end extra do ; $l2 7641)16 60 for prime Mesa; $lO for thin alessi and $19.75 for olesr, Beef it in fair demand and Is steady; Wes or 900 Ws at .$OO7 for country prime; $7 75ms 75 for do moos; $)25®11.26 kr repacked do; awl $l2 60c15 tO for extra do. Prime mess is in demand at $l7 20m21, with llttle‘h.re. MOO* is In fir demand at kliolOg. Pales of 20 OCO clear short middles on private terms Cut mama are 'Arm and in fair demand; dales of 180 hhds and tierces as B.lOOBXe for ohoulders, and B,ll'oogo for hams Lard Is firmer; sales of 000 bids and ifit at 11,4 011 X; Sow held at 11,16'012. Butter and Cheese are steady Bios Is less motive, yet steady In price; sales of 100 -los at 131(04No. OUGIABB.—i be market is quiet to. day ; hat a good bri- Was was done yesterday afternoon at a decline of X o r lb. The transactions comprise some 800 Wide Cuba 61,v0;10D do New °Tisane at og 0.7,V0, and 34 do lock) Bic° on Private terms. IWutsicaT —The market fa du'l and heavy; malt sales 26)0. ' The following la the amount of coal transported on 'e Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during the iek ending Thursday, April 21, 1869: Tons Owt 7,0C3 05 2,360 16 ....... 10,805 03 ..... 1.703 13 5,725 12 em Port ()Arbon Pottsville l f3obuylklll Haven... Auburn 1 Port Clinton Total for Week 27,624 OS Prelimly this year 401,760 14 480,065 02 ro name time last year 414,909 01 le following is the amount of coal transported on tobuylklll Navigation, for the week ending Thuri. 4April 21, 1859 Is Port Carbon Pottsville Schuylkill Haven..., Port Clinton Total for the week 80,019 19 Previously this year 79,100 17 O same time last year 90 585 00 i following is the amount of coal transported over tit:nth:ocm and Broad Top Railroad, for the week ek Thursday, Aprll 21, 1859. 1,980 Ant shipped previously this year since Jan. lot, 1859 82 402 )tal amount Shipped 34,8.98 Ant shipped to same date last year /5,855 oretuse 18,E83 AMICIBBMENLI Tint BVININQ MUSIOAL FUND HALL.-" Grand Baheersal, by the Gerrusela Orcheetra." OosOnsw Ham..--e , The Ce•npbeil Minstrels, VAN Annum & Co.'s Zooloriest and tgnsstrlsn .jletabliehreenbas , Bprnoe street ) between Tenth and Sloven' streets. Wasiorawr & TIIIIATIN • "Follies Of a Night"—" The Married ildre"—•‘ The Green Mountain Boy." Mar WALNur-PTINET THEA4IIII.—" Mary Pada , —"The Young Reireesi , —.iThe Miller of Whetstone ft MoDemotic/We GAINTI/8.-8810atiOni from Playa, gems from Opera., Pantomime., Dancing, and Singing THOM Ws vdIIIICTIM3. Game from Operas, Negro Pocentricitiee, Parsee, aingtng, and Dancing. bEPTOATION OP OPn PELLOWB' BALL •Of FINN TOWN, Hap LCDOB No. 819.-. On Tumeleyi the 28th test., at ten &clock, thili tine IVO will be dedi cated, by Gaited Mader Alias . Wildman, assisted by other Grand Lobie aficern. attar which an orat'oi will be delivered by Put Grand lit .ster James 13. Nicholson, EN The ball is elthated at the corner br Twenty. Ora; street and Ridge avenue.. On the day of dedica tine—which is the fortieth anniversary of the testi twine or Odd f allowable II; the IMP ed States—there wall be a grand parade of the • Order. The following to • . the nrogramme : GI/IMM ONpINN FOE ITV 110061,21911.0 F 781 26711 The Lodges will form in the following order : Lodges Nos. 819, 477, 467, Claw& avenue west of Broad street Not 404, 466. 896. 855. Broad street, between Girard avenue an d Perlier st-sot. Nos. 944. 843 325, Poplar etreet, west of Broad Not. 313, 298, 281, 270, Broad s treet, between Pop`ar awl Beetle. Noe. 258, 240, 279, Btown street, west of Broad. No. 189. 187, 174, 171, Broad street, between Brown and Coates. _ . Nos. 138,100.106. Coates street, west of Broad. No• 180, 68, 81, 100, Brood street, between Costes ant Green. Nos 95 F 9. 96, Green street west of Brood. Vol. 26, 23 7,1, Broad street, between Green and Bp•log Gorden. Grand Lodge Broad 'treat, below Boring Gardrn. The line will form st 10 n'e'ook, and move at 1X o'clock, preeleely, o •er the following Countermarch down Breed to Relying Garden, down Spring Garden to Twelfth. down Twelfth to Arch, down Arch to El, Tenth. down Eleventh to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Foneh. un Fourth to Green, up Green to Twelfth. up Twelfth to Girard avenue, up Girard ave. nee to Ridge avenue. up Ridge avenue to the Hall. GRAND brinenatL's APIDINTAIRDTB —Special Aids— Henry 8. Borle Joseph Beans Aeodetante—Wm. D show. Charles Wilhelm, James Kelly James Lowry, Clark beds, Christopher Moine. PATAL 8 C &VERT ON THE MARSET.SIGANNT. RAILROAD.—ShortIy before one o'clock yesterday lifter noon, a terrible accident occurred oh the Metket-etreet city. railway, near Eleventh street, which resulted in the alined instant death of Mr. Joseph Meer. • roper. 011 or of the above road It appears that a pasnenger car belonging to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was about being hauled out of the depot of the com pany, at Eleventh and Market etreete, and a city rail. way ear was puling no arty' opposite in defiance of the rule of the company, which requires that the cars of the City ltdlWay Company shall slways welt until those of the Penneylvanla Railroad Company get out or the depot and neon the Desk Mr, Algier happened to be in the neighborhood at the time. and seeing one of the city railway cars approach ing, and thinking It had time to page before the car got out of the depot, betook hie stand near the track and waved hie hand for the driver to burry up. The city teilway car accordingly reamed along, and Just an itigot epperdte the Pennatlvanla Railroad car, the latter ran off the track and struck the city car with much violence as to throw it oat the track also. Mr. Algier was stand ing in suck a positron as to be carght between the two care. He wan couched In a friehtful manner, end fell beneath the city car. He was Immediate'y got out from under the car, and carried to the Balite Head Tavern, opposite, where he died In a few seconds Mr. A. was about thirty-two yams of age. He re sided in West Philadelphia, where he has left a wife and live or three children. 1 he coroner held an inquest yesterday afternoon, and from the evidence elicited, we learn that Mr. Algier was aasiotant superintendent of the Market @treat rail way, and was an per tending come repairs in the vicinity of Eleventh and Market street]. It appears that the driver of the car called out to him to know whether be could pus before the passenger oar got out of the depot, and he cowered, or.Yee,Come ahead." Under these clocemetaccee, no blame can be &Rutted to either the driver or conductor or the city railway car. The coro ner rendered a verdict of " Dia h frost injuries' re ceived from an accidentel collision." The body of the unfortunate man wee taken to his late residence. TRIAL or A NEW OnciAN.—The magnificent drgsn built by Geo. Jardine & Eon, N. Y., for the West Spruce sheet Preebyter'an Church, has been exhibited and gives entire satisfaction. The annexed description will convey an Idea of its merit: Gres' organ. 00 te G in alt. contains -12 registers ; choir organ, 00 to G in alt, contains 9 registers; swell organ,42o to in alt. contains 18 registera; pedal organ 0000 to 00 in alt, contains 4 registers; coup lers, 6 regimen. ORGAN ORGAN 1 Doable Open Dispaoon, 16 feet, 2. Open Diapason. 8; S. Second Open Diaparoe, 8; 4. Stopped Diaratoo, 8: 5. Etraulophon, 8; 6. - Night Were, 4; 7. P agsbot, 2; 8. Principe!,; 9. Twelfth, 8; 10 Pifteentb , 2; 11 Berquisitoa, 8; 12 Trumpet, 8. Coots Oaams.-1. Open Dispason, 8 feet; 2. Mopped Diapason, treble, 8; 8 Stooped Diapason. ban, 8; 4. Dulclaee, 8; 6 Manua. 8; 6. Flute, 4; 7 Principal, 4,• 8. Fifteenth, 2; 9 rifeness, 8 Swim. Oscars —l. Bourdon, treble. 16 feet; 2 Bour don, bans, 16 ; 3 Open Diapason, 8; 4. Stopped Diapa son treble,B ; 5. Stopped Mammon, bass:B; 6. , Dulciana; 7 pieta Amour , . 8; 8. Vox Celeetie, 8; 9 Principal; 10. Fifteenth, 2; 11. Cornet, 4; 12. Trumpet, 8; 18. Clarion, 4. PRDAL OBOAIC-1 Grand Bourdon. 82 feet; 2 Open Diapason, 16; 3. Violoncello, 8; 4. Octave, 8. BURGLARY.—At an early hour, yesterday morning, the dwelling of Aire. Benj. Shallmose. led on the Bristol turnpike, near Fraukforl,iviut entered by a party of burglars. An entrance was effected through the front door of the building by meant or "nippers?" The party completely rettereked the lower part of the haute, and curled off a quantity of silver-wale. The rawly, in the upper part of the bundling, were aroused by the Loin, and Mem. distelr gave the alarm, but the villain. succeeded In making; their escape with their booty The lestrument techni cally celled st nippers," so much used by the burglar!. cue fraterelty, resembles a crayon-holder, and, by its use, the stem or- a keyleft sticking to a lock mho, essay turned from the outside. Housekeepers will bear this in mind, and remember that by tame the key, from the lock after the belt le shot, they will -render secure from the GOOD FSlDAlf.—lrefitSfany Vos rally celebrated by the Uatbolir, Episcopal, and Lu theran chinches of our city, in remeintranee of the day on which oar Saviour wee mudded. In the Catholic elnirohes the ceremony of kissing the figure of Our Realtor was performed by the entire oontregation, and the cervices throughout were of the mnet wimp mud imposlog character, To day will be celebrated by tr e same denomination as sr Holy Saturday," lo remem brance of the glcom and oedema into which the disel: plea were thrown alter the crucifixion, and of the sell-. et, with which they swatted the fulfilment of the pro milled resurrection. Today will close the season of Lent and the forty days spent in festirg mad provers will terminate, and be snoreeded by Easter Sunday,. which Is the sumo for thanirogiving, feasting, end gladness, in commemoration of the resurrection. - THE CASE OF JOUR commemoration / Fan neryestorday morning commenced the lovestlgetioa la the case of John ()spits, at hie office in Walnut street, below girth For reasons best known to himself, it has been deemed prudent to exclude the test mony In this came (join the publiefor the present. The cue is bairn conducted in the most careful manner, mo one being al lowed to remain in the loam except those immediately concerned. The witnesses are *ailed in as they are wanted, so that no one of them hears the evidence , given by another The coroner wee engaged nearly all (ley in hearing witnessee, and adjourned tee ease until this morning, for the purpose of procallog further evidence. The body of Caine bas been removed from the hospi tal by We friends, end will be interred to-morrow at the Odd-Fellows' Cemetery. THE PERSONS charged with violating the ordloanea lately paned, authorizing the removal of the market 'wagons flout Market street, by remaining with their wegone, had a further hearing yeeteriay, before Alderman Ogle. In' comegience of the action taken by Cermetle on Thurcd..y, the exact purport o' which toe tederman bad not yet ascertained. the bearing wee ditponed until next Friday. when the rr *metres will render hie deesion to the meantime, the farmers oc cupy their accustomed *tends much ti the ar•tifnatioo or the neighboriog citizens, who like the beat of pro visions at the loweet priced. A NEW ARRANGEMENT goes into operation on the Becond and Tblyd.etreete Pasaanger Railway on Monday. A number of new cue harm; been promiled the Richmond line. Instead of stopping et the Exchange: wit continue en to the navy yard. This le en arrange.. merit that has long been delayed by travelling people to the upper and lower wapiti, and the resettles , with which chic company has assented to the public' elfare, riven eta atordlen on their own part, in n good evident. cf their public spirit and enterprise There will be no advance In the rater' of fare. TUE LAST-MAN BILOTUMMOOD.—The MeM Dere of tibia peculiar owinization—thiry•three in rum her—have bed themselves photographed and framed ; and all who desire lo see eleelteutfas.eirnites of the fazes or the Individuals In question (air Well as a view of the bottle of wine to be opened by the lest eurvlvirg member) can have an opportunity by looking in at the irindon of Peterson t Broihers, 301 Obeetunt street, where it will remain a few de, e. A. YOUNG at AN, named Wobert O'Neil, bad a hearing yesterday beers Alderman ,Ogle Robert wax charged with entering the counttng•bdete cf Messrs. flouts & Co , at the corner of Twelfth end Pole e street*, and eteallog acme two hundred della& worth of clothing. O'Neil was arrested by Offio9ll FO• mere and Levy, who recovered a greater portion or the property. He was held, in default of $5OO ball, to answer. QUARANTINE AND SANITARY CONVENTION.— Dee. J P. Lamb, BH. Coates. Wm. Maybuty, J &salts, and 11. Bt. Clale AO, have Ibsen appointed deb gales to represent the Philadelphia Comity Medical Po olety at the Qtaraniln'e end Paellas, Convent oa, to be held in the-oily of Now York, on the 21th inst. 'the delegetea from the College a Phselotaite are Bra. Jew ell. fondle, Rusehenberger, Bell, and La Roche. THE MECHANIC ENGINE COMPANY, Of AllgUS ta, Georgia, numbering about slaty men, are making arrangemusts to vleit this city, They contemplate leaving Charleston by steamship, and expeot to arrive in Philadelphia on the 30th of June, and will spend the 4th of July here. They will doubtless receive a Cordial welcome from the firemen of our city. INFANTIOIDIL—Coronor Fenoor hold an in (peat oa the body of a newly-horn obild, whin's was found in Cohoeksink creek, near Turner's lane, on Thursday aftrroo In. The child was sewed up In &skirt, and apopered to have been strangled. A verdiet to that effect was rendered. ATTEMPT TO KILL.—A man named David Baal wee taken before Alderman Planklntel' yentardry, on the charge of committing en asitarilt and battery upon Frederick Poop, with intent to kilt. He wariecuntnit. ted to answer. ANOTHER RSOEPTION.—TiIe S Obuylkill Navy will turn out this afternoon for the reception or another barge. The craft fa called Lualler,i , and was Manu factured for the ‘. University Club," by Meagre. G. W. James Oc Company, of Nov York. LAST EVENING, Colonel Wm. H. Glenn, of *dame , Express Company, won presented by several of hie friends with a beautiful gold badge. The wino. mvnt is well deserved, as the Colonel le a faithful em ployee. Long may he wear it. A CATAMOUNT OR LYNX, ABOUT.—WO learn from the York (Pa) Press that considerable ex citement prevails in that county, in reference to a singular wild animal whiot, has frequently been soon of late. The animal is described by those who saw it at being about three feet in length, and about eighteen inches in height, and is of a reddish or yellowish color, with variegated spots on its hack, and its tail is some ten or twelve inches in length It is said to be extreme ly noisy in the night-time—its cries being fro quently heard for miles around the neighbor. hood, and is thought to be a catamount or lynx. Some eighteen or twenty persons, residents of Washington township, recently nttompted, with guns. dogs, be , to capture it, but were unsuc cessful. Tonn. Owt 6 051 10 1.761 10 19 ssa io ....... 3 224 00 111,120 10 A MAN named Philip Walters killed another calling himself Edward McCann, in Pittsburg, Pa., on Sunday last, with a skillet. , THE CITY. THE COURTS, • PROOARDINOB. I Beltdited for The Pree UNITED STATES Dffirition COURT—Judge Oedwateder.—The trial of Daniel B. Vuudersmlth was resumed vesterdsy mornmg., R. P Kane. for the proneant'on, offered in evidenee the letters of Me. Ray to the Department of Pensions at litrashlngton. stout the burliness of defendant. Me Phillips, upon the plot of the defense. objected. et d said that M•. Ray Wan in court and could testify as to what ho did in the mstter. Mr. Phillips said that he did not he ow what was in the letters Judge Carlwalader said that the roosted fur the de feneorrtght have an hour o examine them. Mr. Reynolds said , that the counsel for the prose cation could proceed to another branch_ of the case while they were eternising the letters. = - The proserintion then called R. Parry to the adhesive stand,-who. baler sworn. testifies—l- was the- clerk for the pension agent to 3852 ; the advent or the Phila delphia think with the. mint wail settled in 18i7 ; Mr. Bosch was the first accountant at, the mint; Mr. Snowden wee next in anon; Mr. Dale was next, he re. matted In until 1853; Mr. Sturges wan th e next ao o.untant; I was ale k there until 11353,; I know the defendant; [ receipt shown ) ; paid the amount of the receipt in my bane it calls for $3,329 82; the oath at the bottom o' this wee made in my pretemee • [the r ec e ipt for Jane 17th 1 847 for 600. with oath about want of interest , handed to wltneael ; I remem ber the paper; the witness signed it; (receipt of Val entine Burkhart September 7, 3841, handed to witnees); I paid the amount of this certificate ; I alro paid hi , . $ 0 en September 8,1848; I paid Valentine Burk hart ori March 18, 1849 $50;,1 I aid a receipt of 8-p• tember 18. 1849, to same LOCEOn ; receipt of March 18 1850, I paid to B.utel W. Bell. agent of one of the city hooka September 11.1850. - I' paid D. Water, o' Girard Bank, $53 ; March 10, 1851, I paid John Reeves, bask rimer, $5O; receipt of September 23. 1851, T mad to a ninon, of one of the city banks; I paid $5O on March 19 1862, to John Reed ; paid him 85 0 morn on Septem ter 13, 3853; I paid Dennis Driecol $5O on the 13th of March, 1863, he was a bank runner; I paid $5O more on September 18, 1863; alt thee.) amounts were paid on the pension a-count of Meridians Rama ; paid to Downs Bristol, February 11 1858„ $llOO 16 on a pension certificate; a eertifloate acenumenlolllT; it was the pension application of 51agdalera Bee-el. Orese.exardic ed.—Mr Reeve.. Valentine Burkhart, and Mr Driecol I knew w re bank-runners, but I could not tell what banks they Moir gad to ; the rowers.' f attorney were in blank when they were banded to me, and when the remains canoe atter them I would fill up their names, and they would reo-ipt for the money; 1 recognise my writing here; I wrote the names of Mr. Wilmot, Mr Reed, and Valentine Burkhart, in et Total poweraof-alto rare. The letters of Mr. Rev to the Pension Driertnaent at Wathlngton were then offered in evidence. They,were dated respectively Nov. 7, 1848, Nov. 17, 1848. Teo. 22, 1816, end Jan. 8.1817. They asked the Commissioner of Pensions to take action in the cases of the defendant, and spoke about _the validity of the applicatione -Some of the lettere contained additional eartlfluates se to the credibility of witness-a, The letter of Co a. John Strohm, asking the immediate action of the Commis sioner o f Penmen,' in the ease of Magdalena Basest, Was read and offered In evidence. The lettere dated January 34 and 12th, 1853. were offered in evidence. They wet, by, Alexander Ray to the defendant, concerning the peneton of John and Cyrus Lyttle. They were objeoted to by Mr. Phillips for the de fence. Mr. B P. Kane offered in evidence the original let te•s of -the defendant to Alexander Ray, They were written at Lancanter ' and dated respectively December 20, 1861, January 8, 1852, January 19 1853, Marlowe 19. 1852. [This letter contained the alleged affidavit of Ilan John Strohm J They were read to the mry. A letter from Alexander Rey to D B. Vonderanalth was offered in evidence, but was ruled out by the court The letter was one in the Lyttle case, urging the al lowance of the pension. The letter of Alexander They, dated February 21, 1853, to the Commissionaire of Pen, ono. in the cane of Lyttle, war read The letter of same - to same. dat d July 21.1858, was al , o read. [The letter enclosed a letter_ from the Department of State. signed by Mr. Webeier,' Secretary. as to Andrew Little be - ng a lien- - tenant in the Revolut ()nary war, and that he served in that capacity until the war was ended.) Letter of Mr. W Oster, Secretary of Department of State, to Alexan der Ray, dated April 15,1852 enclosed-in the above, was read It was alleged that Andrew Lyttle was the paymaster and lieutenant of the 15th Permaylrania re giment of dragoons Ilorace A. Rathfon, sworn, and said—l was olerk in the Lancaster Batik in 1453; I had been fo Mace Jana. ary. 1850; in my bankbook there is a deposit of a gen e on warrant on the 10th of February. 1863 by D.. it Vonderemith •, it In a pension warrant for $1,103.16; the entry ifi.the hank-book le my handwritten ; sett the wa rant to the Girard Bank Philadelphia county, for collection, and we were credited with it by the Girard Bank; it wag credited on our beek to the account or the defendant In our bank; we receive I a return of the money on the 15th day of February, 1852; on the 12th et febrile , y the defendant stew a check on our bank for the whole amount; In our .lets-r-book we have a Copy of the letter which we sent to the Girard Bank; it i 6 dated Feornary 10. 1853; I could not recollect the voucher that was neat with the deposit or pension war pot. , 0 oile•exatalned—The defendant kept a email arrount in our bank; we received a number ormention warrauts to be collected ; there Wag a power of attorney attached to each pension warrant, and the name of the at torney was generally left in blank, John A Lane testified—l am employed In the Citrate Bank ; I have the general ledger of that book with we ; we received a nimbler' warrant for $1 100 13 from the Lancaster B osir ; it was collected by our bank ; it vise kJ 0 Lydia's. minden ; it was credited to the Len crater Bank by the Girard; Dennis Drierol wee our adistant 'dinner at the time of the receipt of the pen sion warrant. which was February 11, 1863; this name Itl signed teethe racelpt ,Denote bridal sworn, and sold.—l wee money for the Girard Peek in 1868; collected the pension War rants for the Ottani Bank at that time; I collected the pension warrant of J. tr. 0. lyttle, which, was for El 100 lei I collected one on September 0,1863:to Wag dalena Sweet for $5O. and one qt. March 16:1863, an name pension and for same amount ,• Commie in the power of attorney we-a generally left _ Daniel Pettit testified.—l was born the 19th of Feb ruary,.l7Bo aoh. now 71 yearanf -age; 1 . -live in the State of Ohio, New Lisbon. Columbia county; I did not marry a daughter of-epdrew fettle ; I maetied a daugh ter of William Runlet, a'Revolutionary ; I knew the family of Rowels; I became acquainted with the family In the year 1803; my wife's mother was liv ing at the time of my marriage; her mania - Was gene Reese]; he left t o 3.1 ow named Mogdalena Rua eel ; 1 moved to Ohio In 109; I heard of the Russel family in 1838; my wile died in 11 33. on the 28th of Match; my father-to-lair lived in Dan.' ceder county; 1 don't know what township;_ ray wife's father was a very old man when I lad heard of him; in 1809 I left my lather-in-law and mother-In-law ; they were Oda about slaty years old; I never heard what company me Gabe: , in law was in while be was in the war ; is 1838 the Rimed family were living in Chas ter county; I wrote letted to my father. law and math-r-ireaw. but receded no answer; I heard that they had both died. /leery. Martin ewers -I live in -Lancaster county, Patton') IFFas niyitame bee 6, 1846, but it is not my handwriting; the paper la dated Revenant , 8, 1849 David Patterron teatified—l live in Litecesteeconety ; my f thin lived in kiapho townetep; hie name was James Patterson ; T sm acquainted with his writing; tee name signed t • thin paper la not h's; he abysm; prit junio!lo his name. I afil ravit of Marga-et Remelt ] MY grandfather's name was Jamas. Pattereo ; my Wheel; cousin's name was also James Patterson; my father is etghty.four or eighty-tie years old; the &gesture to this paper, according to the beet of my knowledge, was not written by my father% cousin. John L. o card, sworn, and said—l live In Lancaster; I know the defendant; I have keoen him for 18 or 17 years; I am s brother in-law rf the defendant; he married my sister. [Witeess shown Tower of attoroey. affidavit, &o , in the Maglaiena Rum& cum ] The name signed to this to not mine; it le tot a goo/limits tion of the same j I have no wife ; my sister's name to Ann Margaret Leonard; I nee her name to Oldsmar; it le dated September 6. ; it beers a strong mem blance to her writing. but I believe it is not her &ges ture; thine is no intimacy between the defendant and mycelf. John M. Raehill. testified--(Witneas shown the leper dated March 4 1859, which lea o-py r f pension certifi cate to which his name is alleged to have been signed ) My name to attached to this paper, but it Is tot my sig. 131 . 11 , 0. Hon Emanuel Aoheffar swo.o, and elid—(Witnese referred to original deolaration, dated June 23d, 1843, of Sarah Steloheiser ) 'My name is aligned to Site pa per bet it le rot my writing. (Witness referred to his name on certificate of Sarah Strew, dated January 3d, 1814 ] The cents signed to Ole paper is rot me al,ez tare. Witness referred to deolcratien dated October 4th.1849, with We name signed In fear elitism to the application for pension of hi trgiret Hershey.] The &gestures to this paper are not genuine ; I did not elan it [Witness referred to (idea& sisals Woe of Jane Mahlon, dated Oot 27th, 1844.] I did cot sign this pa per - (Witness handed the original affidavits, and cer hfleates attached, of E. Callahan, dated Atilt 11th, 1848 ]•I did not Wan this., [Witness re- Anted to hie signature to the original and rat on of Rebecca Hurley, dated 15tt , of November, 1847 ] I did not ergo my name to 'hie paper. OVltneee handed orieloal declaration of Peter Metzger, dated Atiguet 7 1044 ] The eiguatore to this ie a rorgery; Ire -idle& Henry Metzger ; _• he now dead ;he wee a brother-in. law of mine ( Witness referred to avatar, of Henry Metzger. dated 7th July. 1041. lo application of Susan ' Miller.] The sionettire to We piper wee not made by Henry Miller, (Witness referred to paper by Julian Parker, dated 12th b orember, 1815.1 My &gesture to this paper Is not gee nine; I mot in doubt about it yea terrier, bat I have &nee examined the paper, and am satiafled that it hi not my signature. George Miner. teetifted—l lite in Lammeter minty; I wag born and still live there ; I was aidermenthere for twenty one years; I was elected in 1832; I ant now eighty-two yeare of eye; (witecsa heeded certiflotte or marriage of Jacob Landis io ear Bintel]; my' name in written here. but it to rot my signature; Me Baker motor saw this b tore; ['Weems handed a paper dat d 21111! of notate:, 1814, a legged to be the marriage certifi gado Of Philip Ttherlee to Sarah Hinshaw'; I did not sign this paper; [wanting handed marria e certificate, dated 7th of Audi, of to Fume Long]; I did not write my name to th , e; (witness handed marrlege certificate, datel July, 3843 John miller to Paean iterehm.); my name I. written here, but I did not write it; I am a member of lie. Retorts eiongregatme; (witeeen banded afiliavit of Peter Bruner - dated Jule 8 1843] ; I did of sign my name to th i s; [witness showed his name &geed to &Bemis and morel ge oar- Vacate of Jacob Gender to Margaret Herehaw]; the nignatere to this racier wee rot made by me [Witnette banded original declaratien of Weaned and Oetberine Bowan. deed Jemmy 23,1844.] I did not sign tits; the signatures look very much hke mire. but thee are rot to' [Witness banded orional derieration of Mary Lion, and affidavit of Peter Mower. Peter Bruner. and J. Gloater, end a marriage cart:fiesta ] I did not sign my name to any of them papers. (Wftoese shown hie name maned to certificate of Mary alablor dated J weary 10 18 4 4; Peter Mortar, John Goomr, and Peter Drat er, eindwrita, and a marriage certitlecte.l I did not elan my name to thin piper. [witness shown o-igival declaration, dated blazon 2/, 1845, be Oaths rice Itit-g Affilavit of I . eter Bruner and Ihn Leonard, al o a marriage certificate ] I did not write my name to this paper. (Waxers herded original declara tion o Sachet Oomiwin,.deted August 7, 1844, and affi davits &Herbed ) The name of my wfe signed to this piper fa a forgery, on is mine lke, (Witness abeam the addit onal a Mdavit of Peter Mclver. and John (looter In support of original affidavit.] I did tot alga tbat paper The witness was examined as to a large bum• her of aoknowledgments, alleged to have.been movie by him, and hie elgoature attached." Ile - vid that the acknowledgment wee cot made before him, and that the signatures attached were not hie ; that bin signatures to a number of powers of attorney were not genuine. The court then took a rococo After the remiss. Mr Evans, gf Lanoaater ' a convey.; &ricer, was called to the stand, and testified to the de fendant giving hlm affriavita to copy. The affidavits wore shown to the witnass, with his name signed to them. Ile denied algolog them. At 3 &crook the court adjourned Coumou Pits Allison.—Dobbin & Regors ye William ESOSte•d. An Cotton for goods sold and delivered Verdict for plaintiff fur PO 03 . Joseph Stephens se William Amos. An notion to re cover for work and labor done. On trial . . QUARTER. SESSIONS—Judge Thompson.— William B Lager was convicted of bigamy. Sarah Proith testified to the Bret marriage and neverends itarener and Ditaddocke to the second Judge Thompson sentenned him to pay a fine of one cent and the costs. and to to impisoned in the Basterti Pendentrary, at held labor. for the term of two years, the highest term known to the law. The ledge regretted he could rof Inflict a higher sentence, bat while it would tot be am ple as a punishment, it might serve as it warning to whets. • • .. Hannah C Cooper, an aged and respectable colored women, was charged on the oath of Hobert J. Douglass with caving etolen four 'diver apt one trouble 30,40 A large number of witoet Fes tratifled to the der,,,,d wr .,, gout chamster, her piety aed standing. eh e w oo acquit• ted without the jury leavtog the box. . The Lykere Valley coal trado, for the week ending April 16; and for the 'lemon, is ins follows: Week. 13eaeon. L➢kona Valley Coil Company..... 017 8,762 81tert Mountain °miter*, 1,767 6,456 , . . tette time last year ,Increas* 625 Dec,..2,014, The Trevorton Railroad coal trade thua for, la as ollovre : Per week ending Alrlllo. Previously Total =ME= FINANCIAL - AND 'CO einem. .The jlteme r 1 _ Steaks to.dav recoVer l ed in p li ertie "L i P ly lF-4 f i r ' er rhte . of yeeterday, sod Beading, Railroad. an furor,. Con to the fall, advanced teethe! to.dey et the brat board, selling at 2W,- but tell hash - Afterwards lo The market la n•tt very et oug, the di/position 'being general to avoid Speculation on abort risisei-sod to bey betide and shares "dhoti proudest* girths brasiers es - - Gilt' profit In the bag run. ' Those who have not Inveatigited The subject Would be surprised to find bow Snitch - capital tie gone Into teal. .estate operations, nudes the 1101 fife sb long inlojed by the mosey market. We 'hese bean oilman some statiatics upon this subject, which we will lay before our readers as soon as the present pressure upon Oaf columns la relaied. The Department °raisin gives c Mobil r Wee that infor• mitten has been received from Charles J. HelasOhe United States Consul 'General at H ---- aa o ._ the • Captain General of Cuba hes iiieputtiliteda*Sieri by which the duty valise cattle. poultry, and eggs Itas:beta reduced to six Per cent. when introduced in Spaniels bottoms, and, to eight .per mat. when brought, is foreign verkels from foreign ports; and that-toe decree is to cent - Nue 'in- force six' menthe, aches disapp•oved by the home ,Government ) 1 ; -The De partment of State also gives notice that lactic stfon has - been -received - II Ott` Hayne, the lJelt'd I:Paten consul at Turks Island, that a tort of entry hoe been eetabli•hed at the Island kaolin as the cr West Cialcos,” a dependency of the colonial government at the former place, from which tidiest:lt about ninety miles, It is Omit aloe LAWN long and one-half mile wide; It Is expected to ba the coaling depot for certain American steamers, and also a place for the manufacture of, sett u ,der the as pie.. of an Anse:icon company. Jamie Winter, Xect , late United States cos. out at Turks Island. hie been appointed United Stette consular agent at West Canoe: . ' YELLARIALPHLe 'STOOK= DEOHANOII SIM?, -April- 22,1889 - > - istonsio as matrunr, nowt, & no., aisnr4OLsi, stool, AID =ouzo' iszognan, NOATZWINT 00111182 tlf an AND ONNITDOIt . 111013 T BOARD. . 2000 Penns llot 90 10 le Penman 9% 1000 do 94 10 do sue 9X ~ 201 City Os 101 107 do - mob 6% 3 0 do lotcessit.lo9 50 to 15 , 4050 R.... 12% 100 do It 100 JO blot. is eel Pref.:UT% 1000 do 1. IMO 001w44 Rt. ...Old 1214' 29000 k ens 65'89... UV 10 07nsolidwr46 RR, 2001 1030 'obis& V RO4 ash 92% 10 ".414 - 216% 1000 N Penns Pt 6.... 65 . 2 Ms Bk, ...assb 120 100 Ostewts Chat 10s, 1614 los Waft/ 026% I too Dodos Gni 61i.b6 34 . 160 ~ do Aso* 1511‘ 7000 do cub, 88 NO do 00d" 26% 3000 do east Pa 100 do - .... 26% 1000 Elmira Obst 10i. 82%100 • do ~,,,, .....,... 25% 2000 do 81%1101 -do Wawa 25% 1000 Oatawle Ist m 75, 56%100 do sews 251( 10 Norristown 15 ... 61 'OO de ..s.4wokint 25X 10 io 53% 100 Ostortscs IL 6% 100 do iota 53* 21 Nlinekill It ... ofl 60 30N Penns. It 9% . . BR2WIs. ei • 1000 Ok, Ain es 2 76.55.511 55„,%1 2000 do '7O .... . 60%1 9 110*M.. 100 City 05 New 1035( 3000 do ..R /trn 1(0% 400 Oatawiess 2d no 74 88 1100 do 1,15 as 1800 Lelegk Mort 6.1. - . 90% 3000 Onion 05184...". 38 1010 do 88 8900 Elm abet 10 , -136 8219 600 N Peons R mi.. 01% ,500 do 943 315.79 Lehigh Nay 8s 96% 112.50 do 96%1 01.voLli6, 54 ti 85; ,/11 Bid . 00 4 A l s r Plias 65. 110 100% " R 100.-100% " New --ADS 103* Perla& 55 93% 93% Reading R. 25% 96%1 ~ bds , 7o 1.00'85 85% 1 " rot 65 '44 93 96 1, do 186 76% 77 , Penni R • 41% 41 X ~ 20 zn6s ince 90 90% Nor Canal Coo. 53 64 I ', prat dlyoff 107, 107%1: Behl Ns. 65 'Bl 16 113%1! ff Imp fle ....API 85.1 Markets by CINCINNATI April N —PI 23,4 sZte. Bison Om At 6 for tildes. Holders ask tii9 , oa, Elden Ba t . . Lard arm At 1 MUSICAL ENTERTAINIIEST.-The,lovers of good =see, residing to ihe'northern part of the city, wilt find a rich treat In the musical entertainment to take ; place on Monday - stoning, out, at Handel and " Haydn Hall, by the ycnote ladles of the Teffereon GraMmar echool. The exerches will be conducted by Mr. 7. Dower—Hr. A B. Taylor to pomade at the piano. The 'programme is of, that sprightly. 'character tektite Ur - tall' to plesee everybody—abounding in popular oho , ruses. solos, and The tickets of adealetiOn have been'placed at the low price of twenty.fiva cents;and se the proceeda are to be devoted to a very worthy ob: jut, it is to be hoped that the hall will be filled, u we doubt not it will be.. ; - , IMFORTART INFORMATIVE POE TUE LADISB.—At this particular season. Yo-day, when almostevery lady hi folio Is' either haying her` ipriogl hat. , or ' elerioisly taking about it, we do not hcovrof any more important and appropriate advice to give thenr,tbamio direct them to where they may find the beet aseortment of millinery ;in all its departinents. • IfoqueinfortibilthheMitablish. Mont Is the celebrated'house of Messrs. Lincoln; Wood, .N labels, No. 720 Okentunt, street' Their present stook of straw bonnets, trimmed and unttimmet. for ladies and children, in every" 7eaible variety, and at all and the most ea:m=o4ol44e*, is a . pi - feet Marvel, and we do not wonder that their aileudid new Store is being crowded to overflowing with coatoro•renn - every floe day. P.e.e.neee.SzinPßlS's —There is nothing that exerts a Elora wholes Ate _iridium* in the family 6- tolo than now and again rOr ecenemember of theliouse.e.'. - the head of it especially—to drop In vi.th 'what is mien/ termed aro pleasant surprise?* Nor hae the szpense of such 'upbeat u do with - their success IS making laughing hearts—easedaliy among little folks —as the judgment with which they are selected. Our word for it, no One can go amiss in °miles home a budget of R G. 'Whitman at _Co 'a delicious candles, (Second and Chestnut streets,l if, he wishes tO cultivate happy faces. The growing popularity of their undies is well attested in the increased crowds that daily Monk to their Vote. The secret of this popularity lies in the superiority of.their goods We have tried them, and prolOnnee them the finest we have ever need. Tug PITTSBURG AVII(MILTURALIEIT BANS OF DE 7. H. Senesce —This gentleman, whose place of bust neei is in the city of Philadelphia; has bean stopping in tittileity for a few dole, affording an' opportanDy to Oboes suffering from consumption and ,other diseases the benefit of his advice. We are always cautions in publishing in our paper notices of this character, un less warrentel by the -Cuts of the twee, and from ante eatable evidence of the capacity end ability Of the parties of whom we write,to dooll they purpose. Dr. Schenck's career has been a noted one in the mastery of a clans of diseases that hare so often baffled the shill of the most learned In intuitable. His tea made consumption and diseases of the pelmocary organs his especial study, a clam of diseases, unfortunately, which have received but little attention from nitrated men... To go to work and repVr this condition of affairs has_been his, espe cial study, with, es we learn from the patients them selves, the most astonishing amuse, - - - • De Schenck is a most untiring man in his profession . He is devoted, and has eguitned it in Blithe phases and aspects, 010 tog no laber too aidcois and no expense too heavy, in acquiring &knowledge of the duties of his Gall nc ; hence hie great success He is the inveliter at e mechanical loatrumeint of simple, though ingenitme, construction, call, d a respirator, which he nue with the moat astonishing aocnraoy in detesting tho 11-et stage oldie:cute, whether the affection Is Ergo - alai, Pulmonary, or Tubercular. This iovaluble instrument Ina rereived the unqualified plaudits of all scientific men who have exarrined it, and its use has worked a complete revolutirn in the moans of detecting diseases, and has entirely aurpaased the Stethoscope. His ehmges are three c °liars for an automation; and cases of real charity treated gratis„ The hundreds who received his services unifotMly /peak highly of his skill and science. Dr echoing to toe prrpr etc/ of three medicine.: the Palmonia Syrup, for Clonsomption Sea Weed Tonto, for Dyspepsm ant Mandrake Pills, for Liver Com plaint. Ills office is at 39 North Sixth street, corner of North, where patierrs can consult with him from 9 A. et. butt 2 P. M. '‘ ONE DAY OF DOMESTIC FELICITY IS WORTH A YEAR or Poatia arannr," and the sure means to mi• cure such felicity is toiler, something from each week's earldom and deposit in - the Franklin Seeing Fund, 1 , 0. 139 South Fourth atreet, below Chestnut, where it an s be drawn, when desired, with five per cent. in terest. This old and rel able company laved only In Government, Slate, and city loans, ground rents, mort gages, ho , in c mpliance with Its charter. Any vrount, large or small, received and paid en demand. This company never anspended. Bee advertisement In another column. Tag new and splendid store, opened tbiiweek by Mr. W. A. Alexander, it 724 Arch al ready become the centre of fashion, where be will dis pense, in addition to the mad !melons foreign and do mestic confections, the eb oiee fruits from every 01Inne, and hot-house plants of extraordinary beauty. - Tan DEMAND FOR BROOK3'B PATENT dLAOH PPa01...00270n progrenses Le yolished surface, and its b rag adapted not only for maobine, but hand-teeing, will, an a matter or (nano, render it popular. Funs AND WOOLLENS are easily preserved by the nee of the Astoria Moth Exterminator. It also ma nibilatie ante, roaehes, flies, and bugs. Central depot at 620 Market street. REFRIGERATORS and Water Coolers In great Va riety, wholeaalo and retail, by the manufacturer, at los store, No 105 South Second a net, below Chestnut. JONES YBRICaII. MURDER !--" Is there a crime beneath the roof of heaven that stains the soul of men with more in. Invest hue than danin d assamination v." A duel re cently came off at Napoleon, Atkensas, between a doc tor and a tailor, in Which the doctor slot the tailor through the tog, and the teller the dootoi through the candle extremity of the Coat. They were made friends . upon the ground—the doctor agreeing to dress the tailor's leg, lied the tailor to mend the doctor's coat tail. In - this vicinity the whole thing might easily have been adjusted, by en order far an ent;re amt on B. Bldridge , s "Old Franklin Hall Clothing Smpo rium,,t No. &21. 1 0heateut street No HOPE von PRINEEER.—When Dr. Franklin's 'mother-in-law first discovered that the young mtn bad a hankering for her daughter, that good old lady sold she did not kno v so well about giving her daughter to a printer; there was already two printing eitices in the United States, and she wasn't sure the country wonld support them! Wonder what the old lady would have sold could she have known that, in the year 1869, a re giment of printers would be required to spread before the world the praises of the elegant garments mode at , the Brown Stone Moil:Ong nail of & Nos. 803 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Forax —Sir Joshua 'Reynolds, - the celebrated painter, being asked how be would tereonate !OUT In a painting, remarked that be would represent a man climbing creer a wall at the flak of his neck, with an open gate close by, through which be might pan with 8000 and surety. Our Idoa of POLL? Se, to see a man purchasing bie clothes at tome other establishment, when he has the palatal store of Granville btokee, No. 607 Oheetnnt Street, to go to. 2 084 0 218 2,069 11,232 80,811 12 IMX=3 600 Ott Am et 13 it& 2000 lam CO3lOl thwa oag wi•AKL. lOC° 044sw 14 6176 bS 6d% 41 Llt Sch 11 ....14 2034 - 64 - do 203 100 Cstawless 11.. 66 0% 100 do 10 - do 1 1 6% 0% 10 Wood, Phll6 R.... 02% 6 - do -62% B GOard Bk. ..o'd 12% 84 Pa EL-2440.161 , 41X 2 blinebill - 11 '60% , „ ~.. - ....., ....., 41018-1111.116. - - ,-.. ; --. r'_ - - Biel Atka. Sehl Sir Stock. 9% 9% g , Pref 19 19% r Wmapn* 1119115-,9% 9% if Ye Lt mfg.. 12% 13 - "IL 52 E 3 ILong 1916 ad:;:.;. )2J'-12% i Lob Elarl.& *Ey. 61„Er kl 4 IN tg Penzak B- (6 9% 9* 66N' -ea ‘.l9a 94g .95 Oativiais - Ir. - -'... - 11%" erg __,, Igt mt. bds 66m 67 Ytaolr & South 11 61 22 &MEIER. 111%'69 , - 3.566 &Agnelli is is it tearaph: lona dull.• W 108167101 at Bhaaaidara and 8%0 'a. Balk Mesta—Shoulders CITY ITEMS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers