• ;’T -• < - wo may state , :M i 'i' ; tKkt?K6' ®SP^tl)isap< °f .Reverend, a P°fr- hiB °n® 3^B6^ito,iiu^ , i^* jH «W^‘ ;of * * ’bias? -fof stu . and Greek;/, We designate him remarkable," from’ his w.onderfUV-pSwers in f^l^^BeMtngl-taaiiy’paßßagos'or Scripture in a ‘light' than,.io opr presented 1 before - ; and that our readers" may have the as to .ytbe^cflfrectnesrdf this 1 estimate, we here pro ■ pSHe alinding briefly to some of the most ■//'tatring’th oughts,>3, tbeyrecur'to- our mem-; •i Ji-fOryjT.contained i-in Ja'disoharse: by; Mr. Mor ,o flky delivered* Assembly;-'Buildings, ---Tenth—and -Chestnut - streets, ; last-Sabbath * T^eveiingS’’-' l :"rs';'’ ! ’''r' •di^j'The},whole;,bfhtlia l .elghth'-r6hapter of St. j ; 5 Bpul% Bustle-to; wap read, da the •%tjW.^rTtfieopcaslohi/Hte subject proper,.as - r ;.apnounced,iu-Uio_poporB previously, was: - . ~ -ln-tho;.AoW"-of 'th«-ApostleB, he said, ;we 'tbaf Ohristls followers were: first called .. C/iru(taij/4fc Antioch. This name; it mustbo remembered; was notgiveu by divine antho, • rifyc bpfe'by tho world. The original name ; td stioh by Christ himself—and which its higher/authority— -V' -£/ - A. Christian .and a Dis yhciple/thpn/ moant.the same thing ; and 1 as , -tijo term '" disciple ” implied a learner, who, ' /-through,thh,instructions imparted to. him, be ■ the/teacher of the doc -trines taught, a Christian, was neither more 'agWesithane c.onvert.to Christ. „. .... ; - "Men’wero ,not. horn' Christians; although much error prevailed" ’upon this subject; In ' ’’the eari/ipart qfhis ministry, many years; ago, while/preaching,lh/tbe Island-of Jersey, he . .had nhoo mado this same remark, when a man in the congregation,'evidently forgetting , the proprieties of the place, uttered in a,contemp tuous manner-the interrogatory,” “ I wonder what we are, then;; are, we bom Jews or 1 /Turks V’ ,. And-.thousands ail over.the world ' ’ believod to-day that being Christiansi meant simply, that We were not Jews, Hahommedans,. ’’/-or BbOdhists. Hence it. was that mien Speke '■; > ;,of.olirtsHan n(ittoni, andjfhat so much was said ’•'/flfy.latejabbut the United States.rapidly bo • <•-*-; comingid nation of; Christians; All thte; said' /tii/sp enker/vas preposterous, as there never ' "'haa beett'suoh'a.thlng.in the.world as a Chris : .'>tiaS nation/ or agnation of Christians, and , would, be until in'fulfilmont of prophecy the jews should he gathered at Jo iwjflsalem, and confess the Messiahship of the Lord, Jesus Ohristr He found (hnltwith'minis /ters/denjjngtho truth ef the plain Gospel /.statements .which they did not fairly comp re - > ;hond,and had only on the afteraeoh of that Jdaybaehrnor tilled to hear a clergyman In the .„ : ;.pnJpiV-on steading that- “in those days ten W-men'shail take hold of the skirts of a Jew,” ' comment'on ittyy saying that ofe eerie the . .word “Jew” thore.did.not mean Jew, or that ■ itheword Jerusalem-asused in that same coti ( ..nectiop, did not mean Jerusalem. Such re • ' marka/ heVthdught,. showed an improper in . . terference; with God’s own statements in the matter, • : . Under the first head of his sermon, he con sidered man’s judicial ■ relationship with his . fCMoker. And- his first remark was that a . „ { Ohriatian.te a pardoned, sinner—a creature re dpemad ; iredeemed from sin, death and hell, and fd; God through the Lord Jesns Christ. -There.cpuld.’.be. no -such: thing as partial re /deinptibn; either we are. in Christ, or we are out of. Christ-; and if in Christ; then justified .by a faith exemplified in -an unreserved trust . in his power tb.save.' ,/Hence it was no. part of a Christian’s ditty to try to save himself; from the fact that to undertake'to do for ourselves tyhat wo pretended to trust wholly in the hands /of. attojher/imphed a want of faith in his abit . .-itieS. .In. other words, ho took the word “ trust ” for what it really meant, viz r an as ..jSuranpe.jOn,..the. part of the. believer,. that Christ Is abundantly able to save, and having undertaken: for us, the.work of salvation, our /tryib'g.tb save ptttßolvea'would be a practical ' distrust in 'tbe Saviour’s power.; . The . speaker’s - illustration of justification, i in thls' cohhectiony. waa fuU' of force and ...Lojiiity. '- Christ,isaid he/ was once placed in "tiie balance and found “ goad weight.” Man, ; oh jthe. other hand; jln 'his last condition is ; 'fbttnd jighterithAn.;, vanity; yet, 1 when he is ; placed tnChrist throngh. faitb, and thus placed jtt-lhe. scales, he, too,-.is fohhd and pronounced " •< good weighi/’ anuTreingvnus'Bßrobed m thu .Saviour’s .righteousness he obtalna justiflea lion with God the Bather. - • ... , - Man’s moral relationship to his Creator con stitoted'ihe'seeond'Slvlsion .‘of .his. snbjocti Through this/,wb wore td nnderstand. our own ruined .condition, l ahd God’s testimony to us of his Son. There Uas/he believed, much darb , sess.pfevailitig witl( ; 'referenco to thiß testimo. ' "nv/br gjven to' every Christian by the Holy Spirit. • -Some, on being questioned as to what this « witness, withinf’really, was,answered indefl -, nitelytthat it-was something they seemed to feel—spme peculiar omotion ,'bf the heart.: The trnthwas, i theßian whohad once tha wit noss within bim was a living temple of the Holy Ghostj Carrying withln him a part of tho . .very- God ; himself—the/ author -of.all : truth, ;'and iigh.t; and llfe—and., from such an one ho - power in ,the world conld ever-, take this testi ■mpSy.yf jGo^’as'ohi: The wordjof God might Jjb.takettffom'.hira,sb.thalho conld notread it; savages might cut out his tongue, so that he could not speak it, and lions might tear -but his heart/ so that he eobld not feel it; yet this witness .once, entered into the soul mußt tahlde/thhre ;for.ever-and. ever.- Once sealed in Christ, Ho,, not, us,.assumes the responsi f,bjlity uf delivering ns to : thh . Father safely— He/aa the shopherd of thoae whom the Father hath givon ; him is under ebllgatlons, which cannot .be,,broken,Jo.bring .them .all te their promisea inheritance, i: ' . It should-especially be borne in mind, bow - : eyer, that filigtoh mk noi necessarily Chris - futnt iy,:-;.Thero -was very much that might bo the' world, which' had ihoho'bf,' the- essentials of a real Gh^stian. . Among other rnles to be observed In .this mat- : . ter; ,wa« .thia: that any man whO' assigned to . Jesus Christ any. position, less than Jehovah, the Almighty, God 1 hlmseir/was anti-Christ, and woiild so bo .Judged.. -To accept him as ■.thq flrst of-men, or oven the chief l of angels, , f yas/disputing the high, place that Christ Claimed; and which at' once made him an Im postor, and .those who worship him, idolators.. -- la the third place, oar spiritual relations ..werecopsitjorpd. .Man, in.hte .natural'condi-, . lion, unconverted to Christ,.was a boing com . posed of sodtiand -'hody. ' . T.hrongh his’con version bis tftlohjptjpli.thrpngh Christ,. .he'yaa;mifle''pf soul,.body,'and spbrit. ,• Being VthaS!born;of,'the apirit, -we are made the sons ,of tipd, and joint; heirs.of his inheritance' with'JeSua’Christ.'?' Therewasi infact,nosuch thing -Ss t{ adoption ”in' the - eopnomy/of God's plan. 1 * He knevf’that the idea generally prevailed thatj.wp.ate thuS.inade the cblldron .of Gpd by adoption ; but thls word, he begged his hMrers-to remember, .'was a perversion; of • God’s own statemonfc in tho matter, and rvaa i:i itself contradlotory. - -./ , . No One .could. b'e- a jon by adoption, as thattermimplledonoman’fl taking thochlld . of ..another end -. paring, for him; aa his own; ,yot, no' matter, -how -faithfully this might be done, the child ..so adopted conld never be anything than; ani adopted child—in ether words/- the-'chlld/pf ;. somebody else.. -He wished his hearpfs ' tp; understand'that it was no part of God’s plau to adopt other people’s children; t! He begets them--far himself /’ .was the speaker’s emphatic expression; and every man was so begotten who was bom of the Holy Spirit,.and .through which new birth every Christian waa truty ihade a.son. ol the Hying God. : “ As mahy as are "led “by the kpint pf. ; Gpd,, they are the sons of God,” was no' meaningless-expression of Paul's. He knew-there' tvas ihnph fated,'delicacy respefct , ihg’Jhe acknowledgment' ot this son-state, by meUj. and he would thatit were otheriVl.fe/ A ' Christian, mate on board a veS9el'had On ce ■ ;.Pltoa,thb'c|Efiin'/«ajeyou asonii/ip"which thplatter replled/ ho. did not: thinkhe: wao • “Are.you, then,”-continued the mate,' “on * epemy-l” ,<< Ho,” Said thC captain,” «I’m not ap ‘enemy.’*:, “ Then,”, rejoined -the mate, “ you'iro a frfehd—there is np middle" ground oji tms quesUoa-T-aad it a friend, then a son.” Thp 4ndbecame'a t fuO’'.hetiv(!,'an,'d ‘ exemplary CbastipP.'from.that hohr/-' F * The comments upon- this son-state of the Christian, by Mr.-Morris/exhlbitcd in bold rei lief thftwiches'pf ; a fane. Christiah/no matter - 1 what may be his temporai condition.- God the > ..jOreator-pf all things’, and-Fattier of the £ora / Jesna/hlid .giveU th'e inheritance of ’the unl ; ; .^fß|i-.;to/hig r SSnJ With: whdm/we/, through ; ■ •: ,'j^csy.l^ht^liepdhie,/jfplirit heirs.',.- Foe • the ; ■ •" / • Obriatian, iheh,,was:set apart his due portion • of !ieayep.„ That'cbmetwhlch' hy? JUSy wlslted.bhf. solar’system, had proha .'. "satnepMt of - tho hea-. slncp MCnthoCnflyTng’at'the’.WitoofWilU'bflk'ofmiles •' i - -la? w ?j’i°^?P?S3-l? rea ? rTo d tor the // ;/ _K?!?|???f?®!, <, to under-, In eternity, whpwould rntfa-; like ?,v was a Priuce iiifcn/iuVn Some aatdthtt-.gl^hign than he fa the and oxen; their their/a<A«v=v •./%•>•• Ii men to talk about religious tpleratibff—ahoufc allowing people the liberty God “according to,.the die- Jjros of their own conscience,” &c. ; as if it were for men to say whether God should hav.e the right (!) of receiving the worship of his ohildren; fov worship t it must be remembered, was an action ot the spirit, over which men or devils could have, no control. As to.all the effort that was now being made, or that ever had been, made by Christians* to obtain the 1 right from earthly governments to worship ac? cording to their own convictions, without suf fering persecution for doing so, it was hut a sad evidence of-the decline of that moral courage which carried the apostles and mar tyrs through their afflictions rejoicing in thus being, counted worthyto suffer for the sake of Efim who died for them. The fourth and last point considered was, God's proprietary relation to his children, finder, this head .the most striking thought advanced was, that under the Christian dis pensation such a thing as the lately did really not exist. According to the strictest con struction .of: the Word, all God’s children iT? r ®«- 8 ? ler ey-‘ The word rendered clergy literally signified God’s lot > and as there could be no distinction made between minister and people-off this score, and since all are at this day ahke permitted to enter into the holy of holies, he saw no grounds for continuing this distinction. His argument in favor of the! right and propriety of all men, who have the witness-within them, preaching Christ, was lucid and convincing. All God’s children were' hence his clergy, as by the same rea soning they were, also his priests. Further more, Christians were God’s saints. He knew there was much shrinking from adopting this term, and that it would *be considered pre sumptuous for men to call themselves saints ; and so, said hoi it would bo for. them to call themselves so. It would be, he continued, ex tremely presumptuous for a man living under a monarchical government to call hitnßelf a lord,' or a duke ; but if his sovereign chose to call , him a lord or a duke, he would be one . Tf, therefore, God in his word has termed his children saints, it was a false modesty not to accept it. As another iUnairation of tho po pular blindness with reference to tho true po* sition of a Christian, the speaker said ho had once’accosted a man with these words: “My brother, how long have you been in Christ?” to which tho brother modestly replied, “ I would not like to say exactly how long, or that Tam really in Christ now, but I have been in the way somo forty-five years.” “ Then,” continued Mr.; Morris, “if you do not .know whether-you havo yet been in Christ, you have ad assurance of ever yet having been in < the way-‘indeed, if you have not been in Christ, you have not been in * the way,’ and if in the way how, 'then you are in Christ also, for Christ says *I am the way. 9 ” , Many ether-thoughts -contained in his dis course, equally bold and original, crowd upon our memory as we write, and which we should gladly give, but for the length our sketch has already attained. . Balca bg Slnction. EH7KNESS, BBINLBT, A CO.i JL- No, 489 MARKET 6TKEKT. SALE OP IMPORTED DRY GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, Nor. 2d, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on 6 months’ credit— -400 pachagos and lots of Imported dry goods. ii_y Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. 700 DOZEN CHAMOIS LINED. LAMB LINED. AND FUR-TOP DOG SKIN. TILBURY. AND BUCK aioTis. ’ ' On Tuesday Morning, . 700 doxen of glares, coasting of— Ohamols lined Berlin glores. .Tan dog skin Berlin glores. v _ Lined swan’s down glores. Lined-hack drab bnck glores. ■ Wash-hack ' do do. Tilbury-back French buck glores. _ Pur-top buck, French drab buck glores*. Lamb-back gauatiets, sable glares and gauntlets, *eal glores, dec. Also, white merino hose, gray do, mode cashmere do, black do. BLACK SILK* VELVET RIBBONS. A full line of aU-silk black relret ribbons. UNDERWRITE US’ SALE. FOR OABH. OF 41 OASES ASSORTED DAMAGED. On Tuesday Homing, Nor. 2d, at 10 o’clock^for cash. CT" Particulars hereafter. pOMHEROIAL SALESROOM, 222 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. , F, G; WOLBKRT, Auotiohkm. REMOVAL. CARD.—With a Weir to merit a, continuance of the encouragement of onr friends, -ere hare leased the eligi ole store, 222 MARKET Street, where will be sold with out reserve. By WILLIAM H. STEHB, GENEKAL .AUCTION AND COMMISSION BTOBUS, No. 16 Xorth EIGHTH Btreat, below Atch. ’ ' . ■ - . J-A. EDISON, Anotlooeor. ‘ Sole at the Auction Store. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO FORTE, -CARPETS, FRENCH PLATE PIER GLABSEB, CLOOKS, FANCY GOODS, &o. This Morning, At 10 o’clock, at the auotlon store, will be sold by catalogue, a large and superior assortment of hand some furniture, carpets,.mirrors, docks, fancy (roods, piano-fortes, Ac. ° ’ —TABLE. a condition, with balls and cues. NOTlCE.—Hereafter we will hold "our regular sales of household furniture, Ao., on Wednesday and Sa turday mornings, commencing at 10 o’clock. Evening Mies of watches, jewelry, fancy and miscellaneous ■roods, will be held regularly every Monday, Wednes day, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, commencing at 7 % o’clock. • fry Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, jewelry, Ac., roepeotfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vances will be made if required. \\~r Out-door Bales attended to promptly. Charges m moderate as any other house in this city. PHILIP FORD, -AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, south side. PEREMPTORY SaLBOFREADY-MADEOLOTHING. On Tuoaday Morning, November 2d, at 10 'o’olock precisely, by catalogue, a large..and desirable.assortment of readymade clothing, adapted to the present and coming season, consisting in part of men’s extra heavy top, over, and dress coats, of the usual fabrics and styles, csssi mere sacks, a&ttinet pantaloons of various grades and colors, black satin, fancy casslmere, plain, beaver doth and Valencia 'vests, children’s and youths’ mixed and plain caaalmere jackets, coats, pants, and full salts, Ac , Ac. Alsrf, included In catalogue, to close advances, ■ Oa Tuesday Morning, 4 extra heavy double-case gold hunting watches, of celebrated manufacture. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF BILLIARD TABLES. On Saturday Morning, Nov. 6th, at jlO o’olock precisely, will be sold on the.premises, northeast oorner. of Eighth and Oallow hill streets, by order of administrator, 4. superior bil liard, tabtfe of the following, celebrated manufacture, vU: - . . _ _ 1 made by Messrs. Gr‘filth & Decker, New York. '•!’ *« «* u Leonard A Benjamin, New York. .2. << M George Thompson, Esq.. Boston (marble beds). 07* The particular attention of billiard proprietors is requested. H?" The tables may be examined any day privious to the sale as above. BSOOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • OHKSTNUT BTRERT,coppoeito the Gustom House, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streeter. SALE OF FUBS AND CLOTHING, ' i • - - - . On Monday Morning,% ' November Ist, commencing at 10% o’clock, will be sold a large assortment of fashionable furs, comprising aetsjvictcrines and cuffs to match, of French martin, rock mink, fitoh, mountain martin, ermine, French sable, stone martin, Blberlau squirrel, Ac., Ac. ID* Catalogues early, on the morning of sals, when ladies, and purchasers generally, will find it their in terest to attend. ’ BUFFALO ROBEB. .Also, 60 large sized buffalo robes. CLOTHING. On Monday Mornlog, Norember Ist, commencing at 10 jf o’clock preciaelv, will be sold an assortment of gents* city-made clothing, "consisting in part of French cloth coats, Baglans, pants, cssafmere and silk vests, Ac., to which the at tention'of tbe.trsde is Invited. V BALE OF EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, Ac. On Wednesday Morning, November Sd, commencing at 20 o’clock, will be sold a valuable assortment of goods, comprising in part— EMBROIDERIES. ' Cambric, jaconet and Swiss collars, oambrio and jac onet sets, collars and sleeves to match sleeves, hands, edgings, Ac. . Also, cambric and jaconet muslins, brilliants, skirt ings, Ac.' RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. New styles boonetribbons, dress and cloak trimmlog ribbons, French flowers and feathers, Ao. - SA. DYSART ,A 00., Auotiohebai and * OoukiSbio* Mmobabw; No. 2T South EIGHTH STREET. oonior or LODGE STREET. LARGE BALE 0* EDBNIXDBB, CARPETS, Ac. ' This Horning, At 10 o’clock, at No. 27 South .Kfgtith street, we will tell a large and splendid assortment of new and se cond-hand fQrnitore—from a cabinet-maker declining of fine walnut marble-top dressing bureaus, walnut sofas, chairs, wuhstands, &o. Also, 1 fine hsir mattress, cost 530 } also. 81 yards fine Brus sels carpet, been In use bnt a short time, cost $2 per yardj .a’l to be sold without reserve. JM. GTJMMBT & SONS, « - BHA.Ii ESTATE AOOTIONEERS, Ho. 630 WALHUI BIBBiT FOURTH FALL BALE. On Thundar Kreniasf; November nth, attbo Ph Uade I phi * E xoh&n tr« FIFTH STREET.—Tbree-etorj brick residence, with the modern improvements, Yifth street, north of Spruce street, west aide. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, with side yard, sod ail the modern improvements, No. 1426 Nor h Sev enth street, above Master street, lot runs through to Frankliastreet. - . . MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, frith modern improvements, southwestwardly ala* of Wood street, northwest of west street, lot 18 feet by NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, Anne street, west or Ridge arenas, north side, has all the modern improve ments, and fn complete order. THREE-STORY, BRICK DWELLING, Onmherland a treet,' West of gepyiva Street, south side. CABD r-J M. Gmntney A Sons, auctioneers, will hold regular sale* of. Real Estate, Stooks, Ao. Also, household furniture at dwellings. : ' REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 07* On out Private Sale Register will always be round a very large amount of real estate, including every description of city and country property, a J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, * - - \ r‘’< ' Beat Estate Brokers, . . ' ' - 6«>. WALNUT Street, below Sixth, ’ ,»n« „ &'O-SADLER & 00., —y* ■> •' ABOH Street, 2d door above Pront. ITALIAN HEMP.—A'large stock of Tta. ..XIAN,HEMP on handand for sale by * ito * CJHERRT .-AND FORT WINK KJ.jJIp Eighths Hlfrmony Bheny; 3ff V a. Willis JPor, Wllli.'telwadMd&rWi.liT : ■ - • 1 WIMIAMH. IEATON, ■*-. ~ ' :: - Honth PltON r R^fat iQHAD. —6O Bbls & 80 Half Bbls Sea Shad, bow Unlißrjint for sale bj ' / L-. ::J.r . ■ *, . O.O.BAMdSK&OO., ; - ABQH Stmt, 2d dear »boTeJ/o»t. ■i \r^ •• 3T Bales bj> Auction; ‘ r Ji Iff THOMAS Sc'SONS, LfJe Nos. 189 and 14180UTH FOURTH STRUT. (Formerly Nos. fiT*nd 09.) * * STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT /,,, Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing tall descriptions of &U the property to be sold onTnes d.r noxt, 2d Noyember, with a list of sale, Oth and 18th Novemow. „ BBAL ESTATE, BTOOKB, 40. ' tneadAy Uealog' Pbll,lel P hl » “*»“«*• .yerj 'JET' .HapdblUaor' each property limed eenarately, In addition to whioh we publish on the Baturoay previous toeaoh sale, one thousand catalogues In pamphlet IqdWi nving full descriptions of all the property to be join on the following Tuesday. PA.IL SALES—-STOCKS ATHS ItHAL KBTATS Fifteenth Fall Sale, 24 November, at the Exchange. ID- Fart of the handbills of the aboTe sales now eeadj. PRITAT* tam ftKSISTSB. _DT Beal Estate entered on oof Private Bale Be* cieter, and advertised occasionally In our Public Bala Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) tree of charge. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. IET We have a large amount of Beal Estate at Pri vate Sale, including every description of City and sountry property. Printed Lists may be had at the auction store. srobfes, On Tuesday Evening, November 2d, at 7 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, will be sold for aocount of whom it may concern— ■ ' 8 shares of the capital stock of tho Associated Butoh* era and Drovers. For other accounts— -1 share Philadelphia Atheamum. 5 shares American Academy of Music, with ticket. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. 1 share Oxford Park Association. 15 shares Westmoreland Coal Company stock—par $12.50. * 1 share Philadelphia Library Company. FIFTEENTH FALL BALE—NOVEMBER 2d. Will inolude— Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Michael Cooper, De ceased. TWO-BTORY FRAME DWELLING, Shlppen street, ftboro Firth, with a three-atoiy brick dwelling in the rear on Bedford street. Same Batata —TWO FRABiE DWELLINGS, Gris wold’B alloy, north of Fitswater street. Same Estate.—TWO TWO-STORY BRIOK DWEL LINGS adjoining the above on the south. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Thomas Yigners, De- VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—Brick buildings, extensive 8 tabling, &,0,, north side of Booth street, near Second street, 6T fset front JO" There are three brick buildings on South street, with stabling in,the rear for 160 horses. It is an old established stand,’always having done a large business. Estate late of James Boones, Deceased «?TWO THREE-BTOUY BRIOK DWELLINGS, N. B. corner of Thirteenth and Pleasant streets. BUSINESS STAND. Two-story brick stbre and dwelling, No. 611 Booth Second street, opposite the Southwark Bank. BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE.—The elegant new four-story brown stood residence, with extensive hack buildings, No. 1606 Arch street. Itisjußt finished, and is replete with every modern convenience. Also, a superior stable and coach-house in the rear. Lot 26 feet front by 248 feet in depth. Jo* Only 66,000 re quired in cash. TINE STREET.—Handsome new residence, No. 1603 Vino street. It is finished with all the modern im provements flU** Immediate possession. GROUND-RUNT.—SI6O a year, secured on a lot and large brick factory, Lombard street. It is punctually FEDERAL STREET.—Neat modern dwelling, No. 840 Federal street, opposite Jefferson square. LOMBARD BTBEET.—Three-story brick dwelling, Lombard street, east of Nineteenth street. PENN STREET.—Four-story brick dwelling No. 78 Penn street, between Front and Water streets, below South street. POWELL STREET.—Two three-story brick dwel lings Powell street, north' of Francis Street, late Bpriog Garden. LARGE AND VALUABLE CORNER LOT, N. W. corner of Broad street and Ooliimbia avenue, 280 feet on Broad street, aud 180 feet in (average) depth. A portion of the purchase money may remain. FOURTH STREET—Two-story brtok dwelling,.No. 941 North Fourth street, above Poplar. NORTH SIXTH STREET.—Three-story brick dwel ling, North Sixth street, first house south of York street. Trustee’s Sale. SPRUCE STREET—Handsome modern residence, No. 785 Spruoe street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, It has the modern conveniences. J£/“ Pos session on the execution of the deed- Peremptory Bale. FIVE MODERN THBBR-STOBV BRIOK DWEL LINGS, Noe. 1222. 1224, 1226, 1228, and 1280 Chris tian street, above Twelfth street. BUSINESS STAND,—Three-story brick store and dwelling, No. 636 Sooth street. SIXTEENTH FALL SALE—NOVEMBER 9th, Will Include— ASSIGNEES* PEREMPTORY BALK—FIRST-CLASS COAL LANDS, COLLIERY, dee.—The “ Searle" and “ Hancock” tracts of land, north of.Wilkesbarre, Lu zerne oou. ty, Pa , with engine shafts, and all arrange ments complete for mining—formerly part of the North Pennsylvania Coal Company’s lands. The North Branch Canal opens to this region a new market. ID* The improvements alrn* cost about $lO,OOO. Sale absolute. Fall particulars ready in handbills. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Caspar Krauss, Dec’d. VALUABLE PROPERTY.-Large brick building, with three-story hack building, large brewery, with deep cellars, vats, coolers, Ac., and a stable for eight horse#, CoAtes street, west ofFourth, 74 feet front. Barae Estate.—LAßGE BBICK BUILDING. SA LOON, AND BEER VAULT, southeast oorner of Mont gomery and Uarrine streets. Same Estate.—LAßGE LOT, Marvino street, south of Montgomery street, adjoining the above. FOUR THREE-STORY BRICK STORES AND DWELLINGS, Ncs. 2214,2216,2218,and2220 Callow hill street, west of Twenty-third street. THREE BTOB.Y BRIOK DWELLING. No. 488 Mar shall street, east of Fifth, late Bouthwark. BVALUABLE SMALL FARM, 60 acres 03 perches, within one-fourth of a mile from Whitehall station, on the Pennsylvania Central RR. t Delaware 00, Pa.! abontnine miles from Philadelphia. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, west side of North Third street, above Oxford street, late Ken sington THREE TRAOTfI’OF LAND, about 8,470 acres, sftu ate near PhlUipaburg, Upper Bald Eagle township, Cen tre county, Pa. rt ~ Peremptory Sale. .—TWO-BTQRY PBAMEIaiQRB AND DWELLING. -~TmSrE^gxUKT^ttrpif^TrginaYrro,nmm Eiaarot Oxford street, west of Twenty-first street, Twentieth ward. _ FRAME DWELLING, THIRD STREET, Beverly, New Jersey. THEBE-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, and large lot. Eighteenth street, north of Pacifio street, Twenty-first ward, lot 123 feet front. Trustee*! Sale. THREE HANDSOME FOUR-STORY BRICK BEBI DIiNOES (with mas tic fronts), Coates street, west of Nineteenth street. BALE OF VALUABLE MEDICAL BOOKS. -This Evening, . Oct. 80th, at the auction store, will be sold an exten sive assortment of valuable medical works, including a number of textbooks. ipf* Catalogues will be ready, and the books arranged for examination, early on the morning of sale. SALE 0? BULBOUS ROOTS. On Monday Morning. At 10 o’clock, at the-notion store, I case of superior German flower roots, comprising the usual assortment of hyacinths, tulips, qocuses, Ac. Sale at Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FOBTB, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, - BRUSSELS OAR PETS, 4a. On Thursday Morning, At. 9, o’clock, at the auction store, as extensive assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant olano-fortes. fine mirrors, carpets, eto., from private families declining housekeeping, removed to the store tor convenience of sale, TO CAPITALISTS, BUILDERS, Ac.—-LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE SALE, LOOUBT Bt. South side, between Broad and Fifteenth streets, 118 feet front on Looust street, by 173 feet in depth' to a 10 feet alley. AT PRIVATE BALE-HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1620 PINE Street, known aa « Union Row.” MOSES NATHANS. AUCTIONEER Ui AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. B. comer SIXTH and RACE Streets SALE OF FURNITURE-FORFEITED OOLLA- , On Tuesday Morning, Nor. 2d, at 10 o’clock, at the auotlon store southeast coiner of Sixth and Race streetß, second-story sales room; entrance from Race street, consisting of hand some walnut wardrobe, walnnt dressing bureau with marble top and swinging mirror, walnut Jenny Lind bedstead, floe quality hair mattresses to fit, fine leather beds, bolsters, and pillows, walnut wash-stand with ma&le top, mahogany enclosed wash stand with maible top, mauogany pier table with marble top and mirror, Walnut secretary, desk, and book cage, spring seat sofa, breakfast table, haocsome walnut centre table with marble top, handsome walnut French arm chair, cover ed with plush, do parlor chairs, c&ne-soat chairs, Aso. Also, a quantity of second-hand furniture, beds, bol sters, and pillows, looking glasses, &o. Also, superior second-hand piano-forte, very superior malodeon of brilliant tone, fine accordeons, liatlnas, flutes, aud guitars. Also, travelling, trunks, clothing, Ac. PAWNBROKER’S BALE. On Thursday Mornlag, November 4th, at 10 o’clock, consisting of gold and silver patent lever, lepine, alarm, and other watches : gold chains, pencils, rings, diamond Anger rings, silver pitchers, spiobe, shawls, sheets, dress patterns, Ac. NOTIOB —All persons baring goods on deposit with me, over the legal length of time, will call and redeem tho same, otherwise they will be sold on the above day. ABRAHAM NATHANS, Broker, Formerly of the Southeast corner of Fourth and Race streets. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY.! MONEY J ! . MONEY I! ! Mono/ liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver {gate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pteoes, musical IcßtramenW, naiutare, dry goods, clothing, groceries, •igars, hardware, outlery, nooks, horses, vehicles, har ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreod on, at Nathant* Principal I/stabklsHnunt, southeast oorner of Sixth and Kace streets. 1 Ip* Promissory notes, with collateral, discounted at the lowest marxet rates. J?RINOIPAI* B. 1. OOBNER OF SIXTH AND BAOB BTBBETB. Where will be liberally advanced on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches,Jewelry, fowling pieces, drygoods, dotting, groceries, liquors, olgara, hard* ware. ouUerjr, fancy articles, mirrors, paintings. en» S ravings, musical instruments, furniture, bedding, ones, vehicles, harness, stocks, and all other articles of value. OUT-DOOB SALES. Personal attention given to all out-door sales, either it private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and charges anusuallj low. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, NJ and MONEY LOAN OPIIOJE, No. 324 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from T o’clock, A. M., until 10 o'clook in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. OAPITAL 5200,000. Etitblitktdfor the last Thirty Tiers. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her ehanduej Clothing, Turn! tore, Bedding, Oigars.Muslcal rnstromenta, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods ol •very description. ' All goods ean remain any length of time agreed pon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and will be charged 3 per cent, per month j 5600 and over, the lowest market rate. _ This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large Ore and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and prjj veto watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insuj ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis raotory and accommodating terms than «my other In this city. Money advanced to the poor, In small amounts, with] PBIVAT.BAL., Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Olothlng will be sold at reduced prices. anl-ly TVOTIOE. —All persons having claims iv( against the BANK OP PENNSYLVANIA, upon Notes of Deposits, are requested to have the same proved ant registered for the Auditor, to whom the account of the Asrignees has been referred for adjust ment, at the office of the Assignees, No. 226 WALNUT STREET, 2nd Story GBIGG’S BUILDING in the city of Phlladelpnla, every day during .the sittings of the Auditor, between the hours of 10 A. M and 8 M. The Auditor will hold his meetings at the same place eronr Monday afternoon at 4 o’olook, when »U the ore dftofs can present their claims. oo2o*tuth«JQt# THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, S j\B W OAK fEIUJas. JAMES H. ORNE, CHESTNUT S THE E T,' BELOW BBVENTH. Bayers of CARPETINGS will find, among our Now Goode, a large variety of oholce designs, selected In Europe during the last season, at unusaally low prloes. Tn the above is a large variety of BRUSSELS TAPBBTRY CARPETS, AT ONS DOLLAR PER YARD, JAMES H. ORNE. CHESTNUT STREET, ocB-lm BELOW SEVENTH. jgAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN THIS DAY Their Fall Importation •s • ok CARPETINGS, eelfi-tfj xt PRICES GREATLY REDUCED* HICKORY GOAL.-Tho purest and clean est article in the market, for sale, at the loweat c\sh prices, at DEACON A- NEWHALL’S Family Coal Yard, No. 836 North Broad Street, below Oallowhill. Also, East Sugar Loaf Lehigh, the hardest Coal ever mined 0c27-12t* A WILLIAMS, No, 206 Vy WALNUT Btreet, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Uoal from Lancaster Mines. oo4tf CDO OC PER TON for the best WHITE tJJJ aBH COAL, warranted free from slate or dust. | HICKS’ COAL is tho boat and cheapest in the olty, re-screened in yard and dry under cover. HICKS sells none but the very beat Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and warrants full weight. HICKS superintends the delivery of all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees it to be as represented. HICKS’ Yard and Office is at the southeast corner of MARSH ALL and WILLOW, where he invites all to call and examine for themselves the above facta. qu2s-3m CKERING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and A retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL OOAL. Lehigh yard— I THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN BO AD. Schuylkill yard—RAOl aud BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mines, under oover, and pre pared expressly for femUruu- reS*y gJALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED salamander safes, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS, Equal to any now !n use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., On as good terms as any other establishment In the United Btates, by EVANS A WATSON. No. 26 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. PLEABK GIVE US A CALL. auifctf 3LXARDWARK.—The subscribers, COM- Cl MISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would respectfully call the attention of the trade to their etook, which they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in partof— Chains, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox. Oow, Fifth, Bach, Wagob, Stage, Tohgue, Lock, Ship, Mine, and Coil Chains. The celebrated “L't Horse NaUs; Stone and Sledge Hammers. « Wright’ ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Flees. Short and long handle Fry Pans; round and oval hake Pans. “ Martin’s” superior Files and Rasps: Bed Screws. “Excelsior” Safety Fuss; Blasting Tubes. Com, Grass, andßrier Scythes: Hay, Com, and straw strives. Hay, Manure, Tanners’, and Spading Forks. Rakes and Hoes; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout, aud Finishing Nails, Oast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Serews, Locks of all kinds; Cutlery, Rams and Pnmps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham* vers,Planes, and other Tools,<&o., Ao. W. G. LEWIS A 80N, mhl-y No. 411 OOMMEROB Street, ©ruge ani) <ttt)emuote. JJOBEST SHOEMAKER & 00., WHOLIBAL* DBDOOJBTB, Hureficttirtrt and Dealar PAINTS, VABNIBHW, and WINDOW OLABB, Northaaat comer PODBTB and &AOJB fitroeta, Philadelphia. ,Jjola Agent! fur the itla of the clabratcd PloufTa ULANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. A-# DAVID M, HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Btatloner and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either front the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable Cor Banks. Pnblio Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various style*, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every descriptiou. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, Trench and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the franklin Institute, the Committee say— u This display of. blank booae for banking and mercantile use is the best In the Inhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, mid their e«it*h and ap pearance neat and dppropriate.” «020-tr Express dtomjianuea, TIE ADAMS EXPRESS GO., OFFICE] 820 OHBBTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS. PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE. BANK NOTES and BPSOIB, either by its own LINES, or in oonneotlor with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ARNOLD A WILSON, •OOOISQOKB te 8. A. lUBUIBOV. We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGS STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our Old friends and the public are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of warm Air Pnraaoes, Cooking Ranges, Bath BoUera, Registers, jenameied Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, Ac., iea.t We are* sow manufacturing OHILSONVi OELEBBITJSD PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING PUINAOR, the most powerful and eoOnomleal Heater eve) invented, and suited to all classes of buildings., ! Also, new and beautiful patterns • ot'Low Do „ Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all slues ibd pattern We have also oommenoed the manufacture o. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels werf awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at tht late Far and ExhU bition of the FYanklin Institute of thiictty. They represent all the rare and beautiful Aotkik Wabbles, are not injured by Smoke . Coal Oas } 0.1 *r Acids, and are sold Wholesale ana BetaU, at <nwA less pries than Marble. Call and see them. . ARNOLD i YILSON. BENJ.H. PELTWELL, Buperintendmt Philadelphia. April. 1848—ap24 It Bookbinding —The umieraipad res pectfully invite the attention of lores of books to their unequalled faolllt es for binding btalin a au-' perior manner. Their work has been fiobflfed for a series of years to the examination of some *Ee most celebrated connoisseurs in the country. It is received the most flattering encomiums, and won fothe under signs i a reputation which they are dermlned to maintain. . , Every style of Binding executed, fro> the plain « half-bound” volume for the scholar’s ible to the most artistic garniture of rarities for theillection of the Bibliomaniac. Speelmens of style stnl workmanship *1 be oheer fully shown to those who will call upon " PAWSON A NICHOLSON, Bookhdere, 610 MINO Street, Se29-2m* Between Market and Ohestit Streets. PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSIOIANB-The above offers a tehiole for the exhibition of readies to dis-' eased surfaces, which combines the follow* advanta ges : A good and unvarying consistence] oily washed off with water, dissolves au substances Lt are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead obbstructlng their absorption, and does not get ranei The last property alone renders it an invaluable axuaition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wdes&le and retail, at BIHXB’3 Laboratory and Pkmacy, mho Twelfth and Cbesctstreets. ris OF THE HIGHEST IMPOTANCE for every one to know where they tl get the most for their money, especially auen tlmtas these. ZIEGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Druggist corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets. are dlsposl of their White Lead, Ground Paints, or all Colors, d Window Glass, all or the best quality, at prices wlh will be pleasing to buyers. • oell UNITED STATES GOYERMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY. CHICAC, ILL. The subscriber, having bad much pracal experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the 4oub Land Districts in the Western States, has unusu facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH Having Surveyors constantly in thi Jit to make Jiersonal examinations, he can always malthe most udicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil i salubrity of ollmate, near the line of railroads, mayw be in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when requd, |J jT Money invested In Kansas and jraska, and any of rite Western States. S. BALTORY, jylO-flm 40 CLARKE fltre<Oblo&go, m KW & BEERS’ JL LUBRICATING GRBE, the best and cheapest compound for great the axles Of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTSRAYfI and WAGONB; and HEAVY MACHINERY. Por sale in tin cans, kegs, and b&rrehy all the DRUGGISTS in the city and the MANUPTURBRO, ‘*l2-6m No. 18 SOUTH WAR Street. FIS NOT A DYE! JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RE3TOR will re store Gray Hair to its original color iirom ten to twelve days, and restore the Hair where las fallen off and become thin. i IT 18 NOT A DYE! It may be used as freely ae water, lindisi most beau tiful Dressing for the Hair now Innse/ Thousands In different parts of tie Uni have testi fied to Its wonderful virtues, and 111 wbave used it Join In their prelee of it. i Sold, Wholesale end Retail, by H\ SWfNB A SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, atjve MtKET, Sole Agents for Philadelphia. f Trade supplied. l 0014-Bro fTIO TVESTEKN AN) BtJTHERN Jl MERCHANTS—A large »c!t offanlla Rope, xiianufßoturod and for Bale by f WB ATBRSfITiJ. & CO ooU Hoi, S 3 H. TYater Btj * Sa, Wtarra. ©topetlnga. ffattwsv*. Biationerc. 1. 8. BANDJORD. General BunerinteodentJ URDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1858. .Biotiea. INQUIRE FOR THE ROYAL, OR ;A SHEM PATENT GAS-BURNING COOK (G STOVES—They are economical, consuming egas and smoke that are naaalJy wasted: dura iving double instead of single plates 1 and con oaVing large ovens and being ready bakers, DQUBLE-OYEN STOVE is the best ed up-draffe stove ever invented. It will heat a ler of water, boll two dinner pots, broil a beef ke bread and pies and roast meat, all at the e and with a sfugle fire. Is; and all persons who appreciate the Influence ated apartments upon health, will be pleased PORTABLE GRATES and MODEL FRANK >VB’ 4 , whioh are of beautlfol and ornamental , and give a cheerful, open fire, and thorough on. of wi Ll pa ve ; economists will he satisfied with oar SILVER’S G, NBUMINQ PARLOR STOVES. Many of the sol gas-burning stoves-introduce cold air to the to] lie fire, the effect of which la to cool the store an ;e the Tael, precisely aa if a atove door was op ibove the fire. In a true gas-burning store, the all Id be heated. In ahot-alrohamber, to a temper a tuficient to ignite the gases, on the same principle osipted in our gas-barning cooking storos. lltlonto the ahoro, a large assortment of Parlor Otr Stovea, Parlor Stoves, for coal or wood, Hall SUPortable Heaters, Cooking Stores, of every de soft, Gas Orenß, Btove Fixtures. and Repairs may bed, in every vanoty, at oar Warerooms, No. 209 NqHOOND Street, above Bate. jf NORTH, PHASE, & NORTH. I QUEEN’S PORTABLE FORGE.— doubtless many of our city readers, in paaaing She gangs of Vorkmen employed in laying down of the passenger railroad traoks in otir bp, had their attention attracted to a portable forge, wjellowa and everything complete, and in efficient act. These forges, built upon the plan Becured by Oftueen’s patent, are for sole at the commodious, ldstablished, and deservedly popular Btove, Range, afurnace establishment of WARNIQK, OHAD w, & BROTHER, corner of SECOND and RAGE Bb, who have the sole right for the aaleof Queen’s Pple Forge in Pennsylvania. re are, we believe, five sizes of this forge, rang iijprice from tweuty-two to forty-fottr dollars—a t small, when contrasted with its merits, as to so* general introduction; for any ono who will for >nt consider the advantages of this forge, which removed from place to place, so as always to be ofe spot where workers in iron or other metals are fajform service, whether in original construction or res, will at onoe concede its great efficiency, and ar ts for its possession and use. The adaptability of tfcrge to repairs to railroads and mining machinery eaalTy commend.* it to railroad companies and opera te the mining districts. We*, thoreforej take plea sun calling tolt the attention of road masters, su- of mineß, and others.—-[From the United St; Railroad and Mining Register oc7-lm J STOVES! STOVES! .A SILVER’S ORIGINAL GAS-BURNING m STOVE, M - With all the Latest Improvements. I Also, the largest assortment of joOKING, PARLOR, A OFFICE STOVES \ Jn the City, at MANIGLE’S, i No. 909 MARKET STREET. f before purchasing. J, SOMETHING NETT.—GAS BUR -3 NT KG COOK STOVE.—I would respectin' ly call (B the attention of the public to one of the greatest improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves aulvnges—the burning of the gas arising from the eopj which moans is saved 50 per cent, in fuel and alanore Intenso heat thrown to the bottom of tho ovj We effect the burning or the gases by means of a how centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which ad(« the air in a h«ated state to mingle with the Sthua aiding its combustion, and causing a flame s around the oven equal to a wood fire. This im nent also preserves the centre piece from sinking dofon the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs Onf the Stoves OAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION *t 11LMARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES BPIR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Obase & Not,) 1116 MARKET Street. aoptS9-Bmo •Situational. FEEHOLD INSTITUTE.—A BOARD ING 'SCHOOL FOB BOYS, AT FREEHOLD, MOfIOUTH CO., N. J. , Tlnext session will commence on Wednesday, the 1 lOtbf November, 1858. TI following 1* from a report of the Trustees, 1 madln April. 1858: ‘*h desire to direct the attention of Parents to the claiii of the Freehold Institute. The accuracy of insisted upon; the moral and religious in* fiueDs exercised, and the gentlemanly deportment cultkted in the school, highly recommend it to the patriageof aa enlightened people. “ be Institute offers very unusual advantages for the location of youth. The accommodations exceed anytlng with which we are acquGnted. Besides dor mitoes. which are comfortable and pleasant, the pu pils tve dressing rooms to which they have access at alltliea.” j A impotent instructor is at the head of each de partont, and the teaching is done with great acouraoy and tbroughnes*. foslroulars, or aay information with regard to the ecboa address either ot the i OLIVER R WILLIS, .A. M. Principdis, Johab. a. Walters; a. tt. o<9-iw* I ANG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, JUn. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Bta. CCMMEROIAL DLPARTHKNT.—Hookkoeping ia aUts various forms*, preparing Students thoroughly fotiituations In any branch of business; Plain and Or namnt&l Writings Commercial Calculations: Law and Ooreipondehce. No institution in the United States gir/samore thorough and practibdl course. In this dqartment no teaching is done in classes, and is open DIY and EVENING. Time nnlimited &ATHEMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MINT—(Separate from the above.)—Young Men and Bqs are prepared for any grade of an English and Olaa sled Education, vis: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mat, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, Ac., Ancient asdModern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Sindies. Sessions of five months commence September Ist, and February Ist. Pupils received at any time be tas or after these dates ana charged accordingly. Cata logs furnished gratis. mh2s-U F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal PENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, opened co MONDAY, the 6th of September. * Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro gress, yet sends the scholar into the world with a keen personal in each individual, and the learner either loses all flbrest, or becomes superficial in hJa acquire ments. IW'those and other reasons the number is limited. For farther information apply personally, from nine O’clock A. M. to one o’clock F, $1.,0r by note, to a. 818 WART, Principal. Hf K3 * BRYAN* SEMINARY, JJA BATAtIA, N. Y* 3?HB FALL TERM of this Institution (whose loca tion la one of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the 16th of September. It continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding Bchool for Girls, and Is thorough, select, and homelike In all its appointments. The number of pupils Is limited to those who can be seaced at the ta ble of the Principal. HJ- CIRCULARS will be sent showing Terms and Regulations. Batavia, Genesee co., N. Y., September, 1858. selS rmiTTENDEN’s PHILADELPHIA VS COMMERCIAL OOLLECIK, .ortheut corn.r ot OSIBTNDT uid BXVKNTB Btw.tn. An Institution designed to fit young tntn Tor AO TIVB BUSINESS, BOARD Of TRUSTBIB. B. B. Oottegye, Brands Hoskins, George H. Stuart, Dayld Milne, John Sparhawk, Dayld 8. Broun, Imm Suker, A. 7. Parsons, D. B. Hinman, Broderick Broun, Joshua lilpplnoott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student hoe ihdividual ibbtbuotion Jat this Institution, and a Diploma from here 1b the beat re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. , seB-tf PARADISE P. SEMINARY, LANCAS TER CO.* PA,—Th.reo-fourths of & tail® from Lemon Place Station, P. R. R., reopens for Its EIGHTH SESSION on Ist November next. For terms, which ere Tory moderate, apply to the Rector, Rev. Dr, KILLI KKLLY, Paradise, Lancaster co , Pa. Reference—Rt. Bev. Bp. Bowman, Lancaster city, and Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia. oc-4-ra w s-tNI Allen grove boarding and day SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, Frankfort, Penn sylvania. Six miles from Market street, Philadelphia, the WINTER SESSION of this School will commence November let. parents and Guardians who Intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution, will Jo well to make immediate application to Mrs. E. L. .THOMPSON, Principal and superintendent, oc6.ws-Bt* E EIDY BROTHERS’ NIGHT-SCHOOL, f Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near Race, is HOW OPEN to OITB INBTRUOTION IN BOOK-KEEPING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, A 8 ÜBUAL. Be4-ly BRPANT & STRATTON’S CHAIN OP NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For information, call or send for circular. jelS-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. - HUPP & CO.’S MERCAN TILE COLLEGE. Southeast corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streote. (established «n 1840, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania,) In this well-known Institution the COUNTING HOUSE COURSE of Practical, Single, and Double Entry BOOKKEEPING, Including all the Auxiliary Books, Oohkbroial Oil odlatjows, and BUBINEBB WRITING, la taught la the moat successful aud satisfactory style. M. BOOHS, ) . P. EDWARDS. $ Princl P alß ' Mr. B. B. SUSTON, Penman. ffiobarro, SFUGUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA OKI AII3. «e2B 216 Booth FRONT Street. HAT AN A. CIGARS.—IO6,OOO La Plor •de la Havana Ist, 2d, and 3ds, just arrival per brig “May Queen,” from Havana, In store, and for sale by WILLIAM It. YEATON, se24-tf No. 216 South FRONT Street. Figaro, cabanas and Partagas SEGARS.—A choloe invoioe of those celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” daily expected from Bmna, and lor sale low, by CHARLES TBTB, (New) ISA Walnut street, below Second, a«l Second Story. fJIO ABOHITEOTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUPP TINTS, the former of which, for softness and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the character of this stone please examine the following buildings j Jos. Harrison’s, Eighteenth street and Rlttenhouse Square. Harrison’s Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith’s West street and Rlttenhouse square. Mrs. Peterson’s No. 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Womrath’s,4ls Arch street. Samuel Simes’, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Fasaltt, Seventeenth and Looust streets,and others. ARNOLD & WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. ■BlO-Sra B. M, FELTWSLL, Sup’t. JJANDSCRUBS AND OLAMFS. HANDSORUBfI, No. 1. 62#0. per dosl No. 6. SI 12 per dos, 2. 76a. “ 6. 1 25 ‘ 8. 870. “ 7. 1 50 «• 4.1000. “ 8. 1 75 « CLAMPS. 0 Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen. 6 Row, $2.25 perdozon. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, se-16 $2 North *HIRD Street* Philadelphia Ceflctl Notices. IK THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTS’ OF PHILADELPHIA. JOHN E. FOX vs. GEOftGB W. STfiOUD. - Sept. Term, 1868. No. 48. Vend. Exp. The auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the fafi-i raised) by the Sheriff’s sale under the above writ, of AU that certain lot or plied of ground with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the west side of Seventh street, at the dis tance cf 63 feet southward fr m the south west ooroor of lister street and the said Seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or b’readtb on the said Soventh street 17 feet, and eitenMngln length or depth westward between parallel lines at right angles with the said. Seventh street 80 feet. Bounitd eastward by the said Seventh street south ward by otb«r ground of thesaidJohnß-Fox, Intend ed to be this day granted to George W. Stroud on round rent, westward by remaining ground of the said John B. Kox 4 and northward by ground granted to Henry Pierce. Being the same lot or piece of ground which John E Fox, by Indenttr e d&tedthe 25th day of March, A. D 185 T, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book R D. W.. No. 120, page 295, Ac., granted and conveyed uoto the said George W. Stroud, in fee, yield* ing and paying therefor and thereout unto the said John E. Fox, his heirs and assign!, the yearly rent or sum of 120 do'lars, In equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of the mouths of January and July in every year thereafter. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erect ed situate on the west side of Seventh street, at the distance of 80 feet'southward fretn the south west cor ner of Master street and the said Seventh street, in the city of Philedelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Sefenth street 17 feet, and extending In length or depth westward between parallel lines at right an gles with the said Seventh street S') feet. Bounded eastward by the said Seventh street, southward by Other ground of the said John E. Fox, intended to be this d+y granted to John H. Oraig on ground rent, westwaid by remaining ground of John B. Fox, and northward by other ground of the said John E. FoX, Intended to be this day granted to George W. Stroud on ground rent Being the same lot or piece of ground which John E. Fox, by indenture dated the 2Eth day of March, A. D. 1857, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book R. D. 1F.,, No. 120, page 290 Ac., granted and conv yed unto the said Geoege'W Stroud, In fee, yield ing and paying therefor and thereout unto the said John E. Fox, his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of 120 dollars, In equal half yearly payments, on the first days of the months of January, and July in every year thereafter, for arrears of whfoh said ground rents, the properties above described are now aboutto be sold— Will attend to the dalfescf his sppolntmenton TUES DAY, November 9tb, 18*8, at 4 o’clock, P H., at his offloe, No. 183 South Fifth street, opposite Indepen. dence Square, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties interested are required ti present their claims or be debarred from coming in on said fund. W. E. WHITMAN, Auditor. Philn., Oct 15,1858. 0e26 IQt Estate of david miller, late of the CITY OB' IANCASTER, Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the Estate of said Deceased having been granted to the undersigned by the R E6IS* TER OP LANCASTER COUNTY, they hereby give Notice to all persons having claims or demands against said Estate, to present them, duly authenticated, to either of the undersigned -without delay: and all per sons knowing themselves indented to saiu deceased ore requested to make payment without delay. WILLIAM CARPENTER, Residing at No. 27 East Orange Stteot, Lancaster, Pa. SAMUEL L.WITMER, Residing at N -E cor. 13th & Spring Garden, Or at No. 1123 Market Street, Philadelphia. ue2s'sot* Semina iUacfjines. HEELER & WILSON' 9 SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE $6O. All tho former patterns $26 less on each Machine. a new Tension. ♦ NO WINDING OP UPPER THREAD. A HUMMER. WHICH. TURNS ANY WIDTH OP HEM OR PELL. 0?F10K8 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trento N. J. No. 7 EAST GAY Street, West Chester, Pa. 007-tD26. Oakris* boudoir seWing MX fi-JL CHINE is offored to the publlo as the moat relia ble low-priced 8e wing Machine in uce. It will sew from Bix to slaty stitches to an inch, on all kinds of goods, bom coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It is, without exception, the simplest In Its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run aad kept in order by a child of twelve years of age. The du&abiutv of tiiis maohiue, and the qoalitt or irswoax, are war ranted to be nnsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges Cram threo hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, wtvsoor tub tbocbli or xiwifiDlita. Ih fret, it Is » machine that Is wanted by every family in the land, and the low P*lce of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they sold, brings them within the reaoh oi almost every one 8. D. BARER, Agent, jelfi-dQm why eowfim 20 South. EIGHTH Street. Summer Ueedrte. a BEDFORD SPRINGS—THIS .roll-known nnd delightful Snmmer Booott will be opened for tho reception of Vieltore on tho 16th of 7nne, and kept open until the Ist of Ootober. The new and spacious Buildings erected last year are now fully completed, and tho whole establishment has been famished In.lapbrior style, and the accommoda tions will boot a charieHr n«t oiceUed la any past of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whoso experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests, givo the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access, it Is deemed proper to state that passengers can reaoh Bedford by s by .the barrel, carboy, afla lil buttles, at the following priees, at the Springs, via: lor a barrel (mulbery)...,., $4 00 Do. (oak) 300 K Do. (mulberry) 800 . X Do. (0ak).,..,. 200 Carboy, 10 gallons 2 26 i Bottles, IX pint, per dosen 1 60 Tho barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur chasers may depend upon receiving the Water freak and sweet. All communications should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS CO.. «TlW f Bedford (Hnntf. pans lorixa. ftaeea ga OHIOKERING & SONS, Maim nT?T» facturere of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This is the largest and oldest manufactory in the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 1828, Since which time we have MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received aa testimonials or their SUPERI ORITY over all others, 11 Gold, 18 Stiver, and 4 Bronze Medals. KT* Pianos to Rent, Toned, and Repaired. BRANCH HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA is at 1307 CHESTNUT Street. ocs-8m PIANO FORTES. TTTYY* lost received, an elegant stock of RAVEN, B&00N, * 00..NUNNS* CLARK. BALLET.DA VIS * CO., and GALE * 00. S PIANOS. MBLODE ONS of best quality, at J. B. GOULD’S, 8. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT its. nohl9-y Sotelo and Ueetanrants Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA, * CONDUCTED ON THE XuROPJSAN PLAN, A new lease for a term of years bavins been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinue to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged,rU: Room Pbr Pat 600. Dinks* 600. Brbakvast and Txa, baoh, 87 Xo. The house has been thoroughly reuovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in printer bymeanß of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. * • The accommodations are designed whelly for business men—hence no ladies are received. |o* This house is never dosed day or night. J. D. BROWN, K. DK YOUNG, TONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., greeted In 1867. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VIBITOEB. mj29-y WELLS COVRRLY, Proprietor Camps. PETERS* 0 PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE SELF-GENERATING GAB LAMP is the only Patent Burner that b#s a Non-Oonduotor attaohed. The public are cautioned against all other Burners, as they will heat, and liable to explode. State and County Bights for sale. Apply or address eelB D P. PETERS. 432 BROADWAY. N. Y VfTARMING AND VENTILATING ’ w WAREROOMB The subscriber would invite the special attention of Arehlteot Builder* and the public to hie NEW CULVER PATENT BELF-OLBANBING AND VENTILATING WARM AIR PURNAOB, Which has been so successfully introduced during the last winter and gave suoh general satisfaction. It is so arranged as to oonsume the gases from the Coal, making it one of the most economical, safe, durable Heaters now in use. Also, all sixes and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stores, Collins’ Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure' or smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater repair ing, and prices reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMS. (Late Baker k Williams,} aug-Bm 1382 fold 406) MARKET Btreet. Phllada SLATE I SLATE!! SLATE !!! —Rooting fllate, of all sixes, and at very low rates, kept con stantly on band, and for sale by r POSHING, VOX, k CO . GERMANTOWN ROAD and TflißD street. H , B. Blate Boots put on in the best manner, and ja illwnrlr vtninW r,| v AWNINGS! AWNINGS! - ~ ioii. FOSTER, Awning maker, No. 448 North THIRD Btreot, above Willow. Italian and French Window Atrnluga/or dwellings and office *in dows; AwniDgs for stores, Awnings for steamboats and Jblpa. All hinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags, or any thing In canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H. FOS TER. Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street Residence, No. 840 South FRONT Street. 0016-lm JOSEPH H. FOBTBR. French plate glass.—hayikg been appointed by the “ Compagnie ds FiortfTt™ the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS inthis city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mere, from our stock on hand, POLISHED plate GLABB for Stores or Dwelling Fronts: Rough Plate for Floor, and 8k, light., .nd B ßU,e?el’pfat°f of /„rge .ire, for Mirror.. The Gla»« will be .old at A. lowert otheVimport^ 1 * Ba P L 'rior, in ~.e ry r.rj trl, to any BOBT. BHOEMAKBB fc 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse, . _ *!• *• «>f- or JOIIBTU .ad RACK Street.. Tnhaa - tf PfctUrieTrhl. WHISKEY —30 bbls., Mi, do. (Miller & V T Rloker.ton’e) Old Monongahela Whiskey, .tore and for sal., by A. MERINO HO 3ontl) FRONT treet Ttyl lIjA. OIGAKiS.—I Case First Quality iTi Manila Cigars, jnst arrived in' Store and for sale WILLIAM H. YEATON. flonth FHONT Rtrwrf LARD. —48 Bbls No. 1 Leaf Laid, Kettle Rendered. For Bale by 0/0. B ADLER'* GO.. fl 0016 ARQH Btreet ; 5M door ahoy* J?ronk, JMe&intwl. HsiLTB will. In all ease., follow tho nea ofSadwa/’i R. R. Remedies. Thera are none so sick or diseased, flt weak, feeble, or crippled with ptJln or infirmities, bo* that Radway’e Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, oi Regulators, as the nature of the disease ox Koknesi may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. - ' . These remedies consist of Badway’s Beady Belief i Bad Way’s Renovating Resolvent; Baaway’sßegulators Each of these remedies po&Hesses special curative powen over oertain diseases. Yet there are other disease! wherein their combined medicinal properties are re quired; and when thus used, if there is sufficient lift and strength within the diseased or dying body to sue- - tain their aotitth, the patient Will live and be restore* to health. Pain,..*,.* R. muf. Acute Dt seaiil A. R. Relief. Inflammatory DiseaSei..fltlief diid Regulator!, Malarious Diseases Belie/arid Regulators. Congestive Diseases...,. Relief arid Regulators, Scrofulous _Diseases..... Renovating RtSSfotM, Chronic Diseases Neitoualmg BesolceM. Syphilitic Diseases...... Renovating Resolvent. Constitutional Diseases.. Resolvent and Regulators. flkin Diseases Renovating Resolvent. Nervous DiHdsis........Resolvent, Relief, Regulo- I tors. Infectious Diseases Relief f Regulators CONSTITUTION Alt DI8»48l!4. M.oy diseases that affliot humanity are lnhefltea ai I heir-looms from the diseased bodies of sickly slrei i Scrofula. Consumption, Syphilis, and Pita, are amoni l the most common of constitutional diseases. Now.wi 1 care not how many generations the seeds of these dia | eases may have been established in the system, cor I rupting the blood—Rarftoay’s Renot'afing Resolvent j will eradicate from the bodies of the afflicted every par- I tide of diseased deposits, and fill the veins with new, | pure, and healthy blood. [ CHILDREN'S DIBBABEB. . | Radway's Renovatiug Resolvent should be hailec I as a blessing by every mother throughout the land. > I whose infanta are afflicted with Sores, Hnmors, etc l I These breakings out (thus early) are evidences of dll* ' j ease transmitted from the parent stock. A few doses o> • J the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every vestige i I of the dlßeue and insure the ohild a sound and health •\ body. R.B.B.—Radway’s Ready Relief for Headaches, Whe ther sick or nervous; Rheumatism. Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Influenza, Bloody Flux, Paralysis, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, Small Pox Fevers, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints. : Scarlet Fever, Pains around the Liver, Pleu- I risy. Measles, Heartburn, and Pains of al) I kinds. Radway’s Ready Relief will, in a fee minutes, change the miseries you suffer tr joys of pleasure. B.R. R.*-Radway’s Renovating Resolvent, for the oun of chronic diseases—Such as Scrofulous anti j BvphUiVio complaints, Consumptive anti I other affections ol the Lungs and Throat. I Induration and Enlargements of parts' j Eruptive and other diseases of the Bkln j Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and all I other diseases arising from an impure stat* I of the blood. { R«R. R.—Radway's Regulators will cure, effective!) I and speedily, Coetlvenesß, Indigestion I Painter’s Cholic, Lead Diseases, Infiamme I tion of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Cem Slaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kidney* etnale Complaints, Small Pox, Fevers j Measles, etc., etc. Whenever the system it I out of order, or' the blood impure, a dose oi j Bad way’s Regulators will restore it to regu j * larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. He 1 female should be without them. J R.R.R. Remedies are sold by Druggists anti | Merchants everywhere. RADWAY 00., Itew York City. W. B. Zkibbi, ) * 5: J: S'ilLtT' I I Dr H. SwATiia A Son. j j aplB-tuAsadlyfceowlyr The eiver inviquratoe, • PftKPARBD BT OB.SANFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM dtJMS, In one of the beet Purgative and Liver Medicine! now before the publlo, that acts as a Cathartic, easier) milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liter reme dy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowele to carry off that mat; ter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with out any of the painful toolings experienced in the ope-' rations of most Calhdrtics. If strengthens the sys tem at the same time that it purges it, and, when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen snd build it np with unusual rjgtfdit r. The Litjsb is one ofthe humanbody; and-frheru It well, the powerß ol the oped. The stomaeA is al on the healthy notion of fierformance of it* fane b at fault the bowels are system suffers in conse j LWer—having ceased to eases Ot tlidt organ, one i made it his sfmly, ifl a years, to find some iflmi i aot the many deraoge ble. To prove that this re person troubled with Li lts forms, has but to try a certain. These Gums remote all the system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole ma cause of the disease—ef- Biijioue att\oks axe t6T,pT&vent6d by the oo iHtiaoaAtoa. One dose, after eating, Btomach and prevent the log. Only one dose, taken NioßTKiaß. Only dhe dose, taken at gently, and cures Oos- One dose, taken after FBPBU. ID* One d<*e of two relieve Sica Bvidacshb. One bottle taken for fe the cause of the disease, Only one dose immedi while one dose, often re- OROLitaA SloHßtia. and a * Q « CjP“Only one bottle is system the effects of me ness. fT/* One .bottle taken iwifnimfffla or unnatural vigor totheanpeflteTSfTd ] One done, often repeat- EH(sa in ita worst forme, complaints yield almost One or two doses cure in children; there is no remedy in the World, as It U3* A few bottles cure absorbents. We take pleasure inre cine as a preventive far Fare*, and all Psrsasof rates with certainty, and testify to ita wonderful All who use u an giving their unanimous testimony t» tts favor. ILr £Ztz Water in the mouth with the Invigorator , and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIOORATOB Is A Boibhtifio MKDiciL Disoovjtar, and is daily work ing owes, almost too great to believe. It cores as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to care any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the re sult or a DISEASED LIVER* PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 846 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT & SONS. 218 North Second Street. Betailed by all Druggists. Bold also -by SAMUEL 9IMEB, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and ?. BROWN, Fifth and Ohentnot streets Philada aplB tu th s-ly jpEßtryiAN SYBUP, PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IROF Haring successfully passed the ordeal to which new die coyeriee in the'Materia Medica are subjected, must so* be received as an established medicine. Its efficacy is caring DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronehitli and Consumptive tendencies, Disordered state of tfci Blood, Bolls, Scurvy, the Prostrating Effects of Lead o> Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases which ra quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, is beyond ques tion. Bp? The proofs of Its efficacy are so nu /<s>. 15 <*a merous, so well authenticated, and of such peculiar character, that sufferer* I iffilwEai«ri canno ‘ reasonably hesitate to receln 1 J the proffered aid. V sSH Tho Syrup does not prafsu NbT jnjytvfr to be a cure-all, but its range is exten alve, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from om cause, may be cured by one remedy. The class of diseases for which'the Syrup provides* cure Is precisely that which baa so often baffled thi highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and efficacy or tho Syrup incontrovertible. Those persons who may wish for an opinion from dis interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among nu merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. Tht signatures are those of gentlemen well known in th* community, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial ef fects of the “ Peruvian Syrup,” do not hesitate to re oommeud it to the attention of the nubile From our own experience, as well as from the test! mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are a) together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its effica cy in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bron chial Pasaages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropn, Neuralgia, &o. Indeed, Its effects would be Incredible, but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony u we do ouwj to ltd restorative power. Rbt. JOHN PIERPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER, 8. H. KENDALL. M. SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES O. DUNN, RIT. THOS. WHITTEMOBE; CERTIFICATE OF DR. HAYES. It is well known that the medicinal effects of Protox ide of Iron la lost by even a very brief exposure to ait. and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron* without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point Ib at tained by combination in a way before unknown, an i this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, «f tratee, and tartrates of the Materia Medlca. A. A. HAYES, M.D.. Assayer to the State of Massachusetts, 19 Boylston street, Boston. SOLD BY N. V. CLARK «t CO., Proprietors, No. 6 WATER Btreet, Boston. F. BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, HASS ARB 4 00., . „ , TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Street., J«l6-tu til eat-6m wdm Agent, for Philadelphia. Stasiness ©aria. A LEX. MoKINNEY, XA. JATTOBNEY AT LAW, GREENSBUIIG, PA. Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana counties. sell-tf I. *. IMAMS. 0. A. MATH. A BEAMS & MAYER, Xm. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LOOK HAVEN, Pa., Will attend promptly to all professional baslneas en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. XBFBRRHOIB Got. Wm.P.Packor,Harrisburg, Pa. 1 L. A. Mackey. President Lock Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven) Hon. A. White, Look Haven; Simon Scott, Lock Haven; BulUtt 4 Pairtherne, Philadel phia: McFarland, Evans, & Co., Philadelphia; Evans 4 Watson, Philadelphia ; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parßons, Philadelphia; WilliameoH. Taylor, & Co., Philadelphia; Tener 4 Davie, dolphin; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefcnte, Pa.: J w Qafggle, Esq., Philadelphia. jy 26-tf CHARLES I’ETE, COMMISSION Mjslu AX CHANT and Importer of, HAVANA SSGAnn (Now) 188 Walnut .treat, second story. „ul-ly J AUMAN & BABORG— ~ sar5 7MAiiiull TOW LINES, and BOW and STERN LINES, manufactured and for eale by , „ WEAVES, PITLER, 4 00., 0518 Nos, 88 N. Water St., 4 88 N. Wharves. OKimsTLVAWIA BAILBOAD.—TH* MT GREAT CENTRAL ROUT*, hoanfirtlng the A% lantlc Cities with Western. North-western. any South western States, by a continuous Railway direct. Mils Aoad also connect* at Pittsburgh’ with jlaily line of steamers to all porta on the Western Biters, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all port® tiie North-western Lakes; making the most PIBBOTj CHEAPEST and BJLIABLII BOuTilby wWflh offn beforwarded to and from the GREAT W36BT. SATBfi BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITT BUBGfI. fisat Clam—Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Capa, Books, Pry Goods, (is boots* bales and trunks), Drugs, (in bofe* - and bales) leathers, Pun, io <«7ftc. per 1W gsoosn . Claes —domestic sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (inauks), Hardware. Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wall Paper, Wool, and' Sheep Pelts, Eastward, Ao. &e.. ..EQt.ftt W Tsikh Class—Anvils, Hemp, B**od and Pork, Belted, (loose or tn saclS), Paints, (dry and in oil;) Oils, (ciospt lard and rosin).|oe. p** 1W VovstS Class—Coffee, Pick, Beam, Beef, and Port, (in casks o£boxa* eastward), Lud tta&Lstd OU, Nails, Bod* Ash, German Clay, 7sr, Pitch, Botin, Steel, Manuxaetored To bacco, Rosin Oil, Qtteenswart, Sugar, (hhda., bbla., and boxes,) _ As., Piobi—7Bo. per bbl., untilrarther notioo. Gdiia—Suft. per IWlbs., until further notion. Cotton—#2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until farther notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to ffAtc packages ‘ ‘ cia Ptnnsylvani* Railroad .” All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Bo ad, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Vastoxf Aosavo.—Clarke A Co., Chicago; Packer A A Co., Memphis, Tenn.j B.F. Bass & Co.. Bt. Louis, Mo.| P.G. O’Riley A Co., Evansville, Indiana: Win. Bingham, Louisville,- Kentucky.: R. C. Meldrum, Madison, Indiana; H. W. Brown A Co., Athw* A Hibbard, Cincinnati; H.B. Pieroe A Co., Zanesville. Ohio; Leech A Co., No. 64 Kilby street, Bos. on ? Leech A 00., No. 2 Astorkouse,NewYetk,No.lW» «“***■•> New York; E. J. gneeder. Philadelphia; * Koons, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUBTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOWBAEBT, de9- General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa OLD TOM GIN, LONDON OOKDIIL Imported by F. D. LONGCHAMP, 21T S. FRONT Street, Philadelphia. # _ . A For sale at all the principal Druggists and Grocers in Philadelphia. , . CAUTION.—The celebrated OLD TOM GIN isim •orUd into the State of PenoJvlvania by F. D. LONG CHAMP exclusively; hors ot3»T r is Gssoiffff. James Field, Son, & Co., 28 Mining lane. London, sole export sgents for Messrs. Ch. Bw A Co. oc2l-12t# ’'HESTNUT GROVE WHISKJi 7—A do sir« to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the conttitw H°®» has induced the offering to the public of an rxti* 9 which the asalyzation of Professor Chilton, Analytics* Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, A Gamac, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OF DR JAfl. R CHILTON. I have analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Ft., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES S. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 3,1868. Analytical Chemist. PaiLJibxLtßtA, Sept. 9 1868. DBisBta: We have carefully tested the sample of C&estnnt-Grore Whiskey which you sent ns, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known las Faslu Oil. which is the characteristic and injurious isgredieot of the Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, - Analytical Chemists. To CaaaLKS Whaxtov, Jr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. 0c22-dtjaZl BRANDIES.—" Finet OastiUon,” JUrett, . and other Cognacs of -various vintages, in half jdpes and quarter casks; Pellevoiain Boehelfe Brandies,, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth' casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLXK A 00., 0c22 22X and 228 Sonth Foarth street • tOatrljes,, Jemelra, principal regulators of the performs its functions system itrS fully devel moat entirely dependent the Liver for the propet tions; when the Btdmatfc at fault, and the whole Science of one organ—the o its duty. Tor the dls of the proprietors has practice of more than 20 ay whereftith to counter clients to which it is lia- JE. CALDWELL & 00., • . 482 CHESTNUT Street. Have received, pef steamers, new styles Jewelry, Chatelaine, Ysst Chains. Splendid Fans, Hair Plfld. Fruit Steads, sugar Baskets. Jet Goods and Flower Va^es. Coral, Lara and Mosaic Sets. Bole Agents In Philadelphia for the sale o Oh arise r rodsbam’ff LON DON TIME-KEEPERS dslO medy Is at last fotfnd, eny tee Complaint, Ifl asy of bottle, and conviction is morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy Sow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and ohinery, removing the farting a radical care, cured, and, tekat is bet casional use of the Liras JS. JAtoEET «t BKO. • MAHOFAOmiSS A9D IHrOITBII Off SILVER-PLATED WARE. No. 804 Ohestnut Street, above Third, fnp stairs.) Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, ÜBNB, PITCHERS, GOBLETB, CUPS, WAITERS. BAS KETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES. Ao., Ao. Gilding Aod plating on all kinds of metal. se2*ly is sufficient to relieve the food from rising and sou/* before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels TITBSBBO. -sgfiAA THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTBAM- each meal, will cureDve* teaspoonfdla will always Ohief Cabin Paasage....«>...«.i Second Cabin Pa55age.......... male obstruction removes and makes aperfect curd, ately relieves Os olio, peated, is a sore core for preventive of Obolhba. needed to throwout of the dioine after a long alck- Chief Cabin Passage ...SU6 Beoond Cabin Passage 69 The skips urns Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CANADA, Oapt. Lang. ARABIA, o»pt< J. Stone. AMERICA, Oapt.Wiebma» ASIA, Oapt. S.G. Lott. • NIAGARA, Capt.Eyrie, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon.- EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. •Thwa vessels carry a clear white tight at mast-head; for Jatrsnios removes all color from the skin. CANADA, Long, Ie&TCB Wedn«ikUfr^Oet. oa AFRICA, Shannon, “ N .York. Wednesday, o<rt. 27* RUBOPAjLeiteh, *« Boston. Wednesday, Nov. 8, PERSIA, Judkins, « pf. York, Wednesday, Nov. 10. AM£RICA, Wickman, Rostra, Wednesday, Nov. IT. AHA. Lott, “ N. Vort, Wednesday, Sept. 24. Bertha not Honied until paid fof. An experfsnoed Surgeon on beard. The owner* of these Ships will set be Moose UN* to* Gold, Bilver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Plexus* j* r * ot Metals, unless bills of lading are signed the value thereof therein expressed.- For freight orpawwe apply to ocls-y B. OIJWARD, 4 Bowling Green, K. Ymfc. 1858. 1859. ed, cores Cnaosro Diab whlle Soxhue and Bowxx. to the first dose. attacks caused by Woftua surer, safer, or speedier neverfails. Deopst, by exalting the commending this modi- Fevre and AOtx, Cxill a Bilious Trrx. It ops thousands are willing to virtues. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET LINE.—Thd splendid Boats of this old and popular LINE Mill leave Memnhio and Haw Orleans, as heretofore, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, 4 FRIDAYS. MONDAY PAOKET3. NEBRASKA...., .....Capt. A. R. IRVIN", BEN FRANKLIN. Capt. J.D. CLARK. WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOHN SIHONDS.,... Cipt. JAB. F. SMITH INQOMAB Oapt DURDETT PARIS. JIUDAY PACKETS. S B t T -*5 T A' ....Cupt. WM. WRAY, H. R. W. HILL T. H. NBWSLL. ID* These Boats connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point, also vrfth regular Packets for St. Louis. Louisville, Cincinnati, and Nashville, on their respective days Leave Memphis immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Cars. Passengers can arrange their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea sure may require. Por information, inquire of J. J. RAWLINGS, At Webb A Rawlings’, 310 Main Bt, Memphis. 8. 11. Snocx, Adv. Agent. oc!2-2m FOR SAVANNAH, Ga.—HERON’S aSS LINE-ONLY BF6ULAR LINK-GOODS BE OEIVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY.—Freight aadinsurantt »t lira tt>u» railing vw «sl rat«», by ,the rteamuhlp STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain 3,3. Garvin, to sail on Saturday, Oct. 30, at 10 o’clock, A. M., from second wharf aboro Vina st. For further particular. please eee advertisement of Steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, in thla paper. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, !*., • B2B North Wharvaa FOR CHARLESTON AND SA SSSe& VANN AH.-HERON’S LINK. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED ... EVEBY DAY. The splendid fireglass aide-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA, Now form » weekly line Tor the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at W e olook A. M., alternately for Charleston and Sa vanna*. FOR CHARLESTON. The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captain O.P. Harshman, will commence loading on THURSDAY, November 4, and aail on SATURDAY, Not. », at M o’clock, A. file _ FOR SAVANNAH. The STATS OF GEORGIA, Capt. John 3. Garvin, will commence loading on Ihnrsday, Oct 28th, usd Mil on Skturd&y, Ootober 80, at 10 o’clock A. M, At both Charleston and Savannah, these shjpsconneot with steamers for florid* and Havana, and with rail* roads, Ac., for all places in the Booth and Southwest. IRBIGHTfI REDUCED. Heavy freight at an average of 16 per eent. below Hew fork steamship rates. INSURANCE. f BRIGHT and INSURANCE on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage '.£2o 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has for freight or passage, apply to „ . A. HERON, Jr., a .. a nt. , s°» 338 /late 81) North Wkxmt. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. A T. G. BUDD. Agentt in Savannah, 0. A. GREINER A 00. for Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA* •very Tuesday. * for Florida, from Savannah, steamers BT. MARYS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. for Havana, from Charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 10th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW*, LIVES SSH&POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DERRY,without delay, for SO dollars. Retain tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line. CQ dollars for the round trip, out and back. non nw rose, Edinburgh, Oomminsr. Saturday, Oct. SO, 12o’clock. X. Glasgow, Goodwin, Wednesday, Nor. 24th « Edinburgh, Camming, Wednesday, Deo. 22d “ Edinburgh. Gumming.,,.., Wednesday, Oct 6th. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, October 23d. Edinburgh, Gumming, Wednesday, Nov. 24th BATES OF PASSAGE. non GLASGOW. guineas Steerage, found with cooked provisions.,..,, 8 « first Glass , M 8 *3855 # > found with oooked provisions 80 00 EtSSgTfc!. 4 " 14 T “" “ ***’ **"• R> tSS&Sg&S!***'*'*' * "*a**"7 Fl«t Glau ..|l4O oo Staerag, too 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to eaoh Steamer. or passage apply to WORKMAN A GO., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia, 1 ’ ROBERT CRAIG. If Broadway, New fork. HALL A LONEx, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore, nyU JgUFFAL.O ROBES, GKO. r. WOMRATH'S fZJANGS OF - RIGGING made to orderfby 41 ot> - No - 88 *■ ttailroafr JCiiws. SDmes and Xiqnoif. Shipping. VBOU XSW TOXX TO LITXSVOOL. SIM rnoK xotTOff v> ltyxbtool. Snta, &t. BY THE BALI OR BORE, 4M AND 417 ARCH STREET.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers