8 ' - '-oiL4i4t4IIFORIVIAvv.3 I PORNEy, :wag 41.7 y p6t ijt , trti• AMILTV/tll - 11124:' piAblo to the , i 4 1 . A . 5 0dei410,10,01,,,,,, but a tbscitritt Om Douai. Tplauxo..voitijobCliostgo . ; • itetil i lt a, " ;91218 . "1/11 ~ ", aa :* • :Al Ur/AM:titan idAiioe •, ;'2llli wairrsittisisii *III liferiiiit"i6 is advaoco,Yot.•:; . 00. I,t 1471!kr. tllPPPOlra n 'o. , ?:!, fhm Socii.re4; 1-6 00`, .1 6 broOloileo, - 6 i „ 00. oOpibe " 1 1 6 F ``,; . 12 00.1 ' , ' 4,-; niidli t ikii;;;//Y:,/.. 20 00 Copts!, oi oveip ( k•qtcv , iddresirotisidr - osbooriber,) 'sok. 4.;) i 7or tioiab eirtntpone Or . Over, we Willi/odd ID extra eopyoti' 'ekettor-latot gt • og • bkb, •s „ i - o.ari 6, Poebniiiterliate pot 2Wtod ! diet Amt. tar. Tux 1711outwrimbir:, .tit • ofiditoildi .. , , Itt 0 5 144- '., Fir!itS.iM _1 • .1 -,, ,71:11.I. • NO, 21 8017TH EUICIOND' 7 itai.'.l4l4ll4Alattpii44!ftk 11:- . e.• - I SAD , - , WOrktilt • MILL X4i.E %CO , , l'; , ', ;-,;.' it !(161'4it4i1g:Ot ' , , ' ; ; ; miittNinriaootts: - ;;Ivtio siiYalrartanttytialciiiiiiiraiditioni to oar the dlffermt Auaucn Bates In Re* Ydrk skifgki' sad live 'jail reoelfed"l6 'biantlful lot of • -, • w o rth 410 4ifititlini:otttie *ifs!' 'bi ; FLO '6'lo aivii,l44ol3Nl le. r :nort_ !: , sea,oidiuditersply • " ,„; are It II N $.111,1,2d; ,00d5.,; fyt :4111401 No. 218outh 831001tD Stl duvet. • £IOI7TYSEO9ND STREET. 33' Dare . rs of ikiwaNzair cepope, :1 • - *III WA vis prepared eskibit 11. most oi?inpplte sad' slegatit moortment- tit *et . -•— I - and AXIIII.IOA2i • ; .T A INATEENBEI, litlo l / 1 313, Ike., I .` • - : - . 7 :73T:11::*; GOO D 3 1 " 1 kions ? 4:44iiite'd e eetriiti - lt 1u •.- " - i%ionr , iquomp, bie !sultfortd, bd llPeN:ikwr - hom a Wotan.; *hid" 'not: be' twit* !?f 01)ipaforme,..4470t!oiri,,an..lifitabllittimiwt, OUi 44iturr theme... ; by !hilt to,- - • - s ROSBNESIN & BROOKS, z.,_5"..8.q..80)30nth ENOOND.Ettiestp above Oksirtg;nt .5 , , -.4:- •4- TY3T°4Ol°- -Iq-}rN A . - F - PC'O , • .•= - BIRkZESTATB,IiROKXII, „ - !--qlltinti , Lamed Ord Miirtisidit: ;Y,rl OWMPOirilfirinpili.iladbo ' - • - 141 . 14 *-0114," 0,101 .82 0 W,21 JST BELIONT; R z i - -2 • iJUAAR ES TIiETo .4 I ----- •- I - of. indicavitlanle to Travellers, an MI , "'dire the*orld. " 7030-9ln AL .I " ,e4prtiag:S.Vo-4.4 d i .1,741.2%114 , 048., :to titc,BANlti itt4llitoiniti of Pii,,llad,elPidai .-., imAa:AILIMMT. z. 4 ~i r.lt. iminni: ~' -- a. aurtary .ra : MANLEY, BROWN, & C 0. ,, 4 , i ' - " f , , ~ : ••11.U.A.Aprzt-rio, r x,,ilaYodic AND .12COHANGN vi k ', -- - ',.- --. ~, ,, 5 J.*,, , ; • Ov= NOWAIDdi c r - ----:- - 4.-T 1 ~ - , ' -, ."1 , 1f-e-Y 1 .1 , Mt 6 f45 , ,, itt i TS T F" °Mt , k1'' , 44:101611641,S - liiftfaisiii'iiii t inii iiiioi the 7=44:iisdr•Optiocintrvitorchuimiido!,Aks - mint favors i*A,, • ii'''' . '' W - ,-% , il a tA r t 1014rANIIAC! , and. - s;o;'*.S-V•lr t " .liiialk: : illateleila*Pl'lriar4.2tei 4 0 01 1 4 1 ,•40 01 4 1 %.1-fAIPAisi''' - - - --.. - ---. _ - ',3IDWARD,Ii.MX, RIOUOPL 2 ,PAIUtri Notaz=i for - !Otimadialoster rot -Pennsylyardirapal '' , tzt - • -New - Jew(sy. R -- REV ; - "ISOM= *tri Plltnathli 14.14D'AgasTa Ind uort - srairANcasits -•- • T aANKATo,-,sukagracrg#, Pay paitiesdar • itteatiod -tpa losalat_and' intweiat Money for ison.resideativipae.otherai'sad - Oollms "Pratte, Note., &d. Any, letter. otisictinti or Wielder will reoetre promptittteation.,, Borer - Wood Bacon, & 00.4 Pidlidelyida.„ Date, Bole - 1 _ Stump, Haloes, & Otatrattadelpoia; •• VAobord Bsndolph, Phlladslppbl L'; " • Whorled Ellie & oo.;Pbtladeitdda. Parry,& wydl.dm4 , 0 1 /0 9 1. ' • FALL•ISTOOB ißOiVre AND SHOES. JOHEPH' H. - TUOMPBON b 09. j, I ' 14* 'Bl4 if - AR:IIEI' Owner - Noo._ll and I NEANKLIN- PLACE, RAVI ictirnr stank ;A:C/24;14414p 4014ownw '• s. iadoiCo4 ',BOOT'S AND _ • - - OP' DITY AND. NANURN DIANANACT . IIRE; , • - Which iheridisz ftrtWe n on the bed, Wan fora/ Thaora, are luvited.to.oilLand 11200 TB - AND hand • lisp 'slid' isilsirirbiali o'l3oo ort 10/0118 r •idok laerrln rellYstrthe lowest • - nostai 141.`oziriter nits Auvapaug eft 6. - ,eputmen'ti ecobc INOHMSTL4 Si co.; 'GENTLEMEN'S ' V-ItURISISHIMS WA,TXKT.B3IIOI:IIMiIIi: SHAM MST ilkltheOld n iiisto4 NV: fife OffEbitpiii - *bathe Wadrington • • , ,:...AL.W.UICfIABTER give i teretotore, Lispsr ' Penal supervisbni to lb* Outt sad 'lliannisehirkel department*: - Onieni his oele ted . ,ateie of, Shirts - an* the shortest 'natio& Wholes** trade elipplirst on - liberal Jy24-ly W. SOOTT,-Alate the 'firm of Writ« Teti , panful. &Boom) 08INTLE11111183 891711NX8IC. BTOIIII4 644 :13111RT , 1141411TPACTORYi 814 ra t MTITUT liqweet,(cearlyeppadte the Oirard nonse,) J. W ° . S. would rampart:all call the attention of. his tamer patrons andfrtends to Mentor Store; and to prod red' to ell - orders for.lifilit'ls at abort notice. d paled' et guarantied, .00IINTICY1114pill tti l7l pplle4 - with' VDU!' Elltilltrand - COLLARS. ' 941 lOppviare;',Pr. - ' - b—' TuRNBU44; ag`co., • uirintizia AND*zioLuALH.Dismoßs CHINA QUEENSWARE, Noi; 28,sia < 2# OA* - - : Petw,en Market acd Oheatnni; - • • - VIII - LLDALPILIA - • 7Irr_OLANSWAIT, open why she package: • -1 T - 9 . :B p : yr# J 1 WE3TERN _)KEITELV74I! - Mtge Et:Oilitof - ..,CININAiItikIeApiIWARI, AND - NANOT ANTIOLZEI, Ar imildiranrkiisii initoficit /kt4itAtani -747/11,-Importero,, ••441 1101 ;n 111, 4s; 1 .44D,'arpATirrtilok ,- lanai itsats , methetiolikiiiiiiktotal "' - • TEME.LARGEST 4.I3BOMTMXMT . voitmlitet-tlte 8, RIFLES , &c.,- - • - v :Ever offot44ln thta Ilaairous of„rednialieheir arsor.tement as mtiok am peititbki before th e lit Dee Obey "Mt - • LOMIPRIOIIB -- M.P,MM.24. R 1 1 ,112 0 044 Nrco - c t4}04..i01) Ate4ttr :PACTIIKERS OP IN 411 4 1 10;;BEW11721I if -, AMM JUSTICE 4 64 , NO.NorthPIPTII Street, - • - - Were Market., EMT= , gl;44Pl3dAux.t444lAT, ZOAAP 10t%*WA ` , f7ipk7tRIBIATIOirbROP4 , NAMED 'DROPS. 1 1 111. - ift 11(qinfiotillingOOnitstidateri 4 Prie. 1210 • SAblialQP)ClVDmitiNEauaufsottired taboiwNmiglittrath 000t ev Apt Arse% IMO al. -,aad *Mg artk MUST* Dolly '''. t‘Pi•:<". , rii ' ~,, t +V. v. 1.01 cypetiNlo: - • - R7E• , 0 A El' B T-I N GS. -, jAMES-.8.: ORNE; -OHES.TNSIT'STR , ,BET, HIILOW SEVENTH. . #tOni of ealtilTrl4lNS Nlll And, among our No* Goods, large•Miety of oboloa designs, eeleoted In &trope dosing the hit amnion, at unnomally low prloee. In 41014mve;la a iarp;rarlOy of , - i'AP.BI3TRY CARPETS, ' OMR pol:idlit.. ZEN. YARD. JAMES H.,ORNE, OHBOTNIIT BTRHET, 0084 m LITOKORY COAL.—Th'e purest and clean 'eatartiole lathe, market', ter Bale, at the !WM iseh prices; st'DEACON & 'NEWHALL'S Faintly Cos Fard:No'. - 5 North Broad Street. below Oallowhill. lago, zgoi ' Lehigh , the hardesto4;st ever Mined: : , - 04127-120*. ORESSWELL tic 'WILLIAMS, iso. 208 WALNIiT 'Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top (Mal from Laneaster Mines. De4tf $325 PEE TON for li zt estW U T !.s owleriomo duet. - 4.1CK8?: COAL,IB the best and cheapest in re-screened In yard and dry under porar., - STIOKS•sells none but the very best Lehigh, ,11-41,sad Bohoylkill Coal, and warrants fall Weight.' STICKS: superintends the delivery of all .I.JII, Ana mraowally, and therefore guirssittes it to be, * l *Prl', 3o l l Wl, yr:4OLT Yard and Office is at the southeas t ALL corner er,of rdditSHOLL and WILLOW, whore he 'invited a ll !JAI and ;mambo for themselves thoobore 0n264114. R, Fax., . • 'idea' design in talcum and • soatryilmb oon: - Le'his k "ariI—THIRD street and aßithiAl.i. TOWN 4ROAD. Sehaylkill yard—UAW! sad BROAD iambs, Philadelphia. , Keep constantly on hand Ooal kora the moat approved mines, under cover, and pro pared inipreasly for Uralic use, feel/ SALARANDEE SAFES. A huge assortment of .• - 1 EVANS & WATSON'S • F:II.I.LAHELP ELIA SIANUFAOTURZR SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, ' -= • For Banks and Stores. - BANK LOOKS Snai to am now.ln use, IRON DOORS,,SHU.TTERS. Au., . Onast good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by • -• EVANS A WATSON„ No. 26 South FOURTH Street Philadelphia: Grim uff A CALL fIARDWAILE.—'The subscribers, _ • 0011 f.• fdl.Bl3lON MBRORANTB for the sale of FORNIGN AND DOMESTIO• 11ARDWAitli, would respeotfally : sea the , attentAon ofAhe trade to thee stook, which they aroolferinwot lowest rates; Oar sseortment con sists ltrwart of- - - 0, 4,1 ,-- - • Chains, of all klzide—Titioei Log L flalter, Driest - x, Clow, Iflfth, But; Wagon,-Stage , Tonsils, Loot,/ alp, Ohaltuu ' • - • - - -The celebrated, "L" Rorie Nee ; Stone and Bledga Sommers. "Wright' orelotherAnellsi Solid Box sod other Irlees. , • • Elhor km! long Idle Bo' Pans; round awl oral aka ' 4 . Martin's It superior /Ilea and BitSpfi ; Bed &rein. ~B reelsior P. Safety Fuel Blasting Tubes. Corn, erase, andßrier Scythes Bay, Owe, and Straw ..enirec -* , I: • - • (Hay, Manure, Tanners', And Spading Forks. Analies and,Hoss Shovels and Spades, of all kind., Tacks, Erode, Shod, Clout and Finishing Nails. (OW and Wrought Batt; Binges, Serowe, Looks of all kinds; Ontiery, Rune and Pumps, Akes, Hatchets, Ham- Planee, and other Toole, &0., &o. ; W. 0, LEWIS & SON, No, 411 ;COMPACT. Street.'" : ' S 11 W s EITG *AMIIINES, REDUCED PRICER. NEW ETTLE $5O. All the former patterns' $25 lees on nab Machine, - —A NEW TENSION. NO WIRDHIG OP 'UPPER THREAD. A azimut , *llion TURNS 4 ANY WIDTH OP . • HEM OR SELL. p -ug:2,ltnr.Xodi. OS CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia sist:yr.4r STATE Street,' Trento N. d. No. 7 EAST GAY Street, Wed tiheater, Pa _0074D26. f_TARRIS's BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE le offered to the pablio as the most rolls blelow4rioed Bowing Kaoline in use. 'twill sew from six to sixty 'Maims to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from' coarsest hogging to the Arrest lambdas. It is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical con .straction star made, and can be run and kept in order by a child of' twelve yearn of age. The Doesemzsgr of atkta UtIMAIUTI ind the QUALITY OF ITS WOaT, are war. rested to be aneuipaswed by any other. Its speed ranges from *hare hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per into. afar , The thread geed is taken /tiredly from the spools, melon: all anousan on 1111WITD/110. In foot, It is a arsYteathat Is winked by steely family in the bad, sad Abe larr Plea of , - - .rIfOItTY.DOI . IARB, vkleh they mold, twinge them within the rem* of nlannit orgy one. - D. BAKSIt, Agent, • jele.46m eky "mem YA south EIGHTH fftreet. ROBERT 8110EMAXER & 00., WHOLESALN DRIJGOISTII, 11.aanfacianore sod Dealer PLINTH, VABNIBILISB, .44 WINDOW GLASS, Northeset corner YOUIITH and ltiOttitieetti, 8010 240titil for the sale of the celebrated Vlore& tab7Z-tt B.LANK: BOOKS AND • STATIONERY. „DAVID M. Blank , Book Alannbroturar, atitioner and Printer, No. P3O WALNUT Street, fa pre pieed at all times 'to findah,either from the ahabrea mr.•make'te order, Scioto 'of every 'deeeription, suitable for Banks , Public Ofema, Merchants, and othere, of the beat quality of. Nungllsh,or American Paper, and bound In varlotei stylise, In the meet i t a teal manner. Oiderre :for TOR every. desoription. :ir , a te r ap ialt a rr Llthrerraphine ;PPS r li, bestow A'seneral Mit'of !reach and /uteri. sem ffitiittOlultr , ' ' 9onnerning bfr,Voganie oontrlimtlon to the Franklin fiintltnte,l.ho Commutes eap—cf•This ebrplAr of blank teence for Miran:Land mesoantlla um Is the beat In the lahlbltlon. The indention of the material Is gotel, the workmanship - inost'exceltent, and their finish and sp. ',ranee neat and appropriate." mow rrIRE • ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 820 .011.11XTNIIT. WRIST, forwards PARONLB,' WAS liOT2ll spa' OPSOIBi Wirer_ by Ita arc LINPeII, Or. In connection with other 311XP.B1e8 COMPASIEB, to all the principle .ToWtis tad OITIIB o tho 'United Motor: J. B. , adItDIORD, • Gianni Pcmcrintsnaceti , OHWICEBING & SONS, !ini tial:were" of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-PORTES. This to the largest and oldest manufactory In the United States; having been - ' ESTABLISHED IN 1828, ~ Since which time we have HAERI:AND - SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO ' HUNDRED PIANOS, And have , received. ea teethnordaln- of their SUPERI. ORITY over all othera, 11 Gold, 14 Silver, and 4 Bronze Medals. „ Arr• inned, and Repaired. BRANCH :nouns - in PRILADIMPAIA In at NWT ORICEITNUT &mit; 94-8 m OfhIPIANO FORTES: , ;not received, an elegant stook of R&M, BACON,' & 00. i NUNNO /c PURE ."lIALLBT, DA VIS* 90. c and 0 - 11.11.11& 00. - 9 FIANO9. MELODE °Nog but Imlay% at ~ , -. 'J. S: 00IMIP13, ...13.111,,00cn0r 11311fiNT8 and 011119T9LIT di. , „ , Pr: W. 13. , MoILHiNNEY,Dentiat, woad Inform Ma hien& that he Lae resumed Mmotlee at No. Jan ORNETNIIT Streetoomond door ,ateeee tLd It, 8. Mint: N °N , Exptivg lA'.geare nder inabufactering, and are prepared to sell : a BURNING FLUID, free from the objection ap. pertaining to the commonarticie. Itt liability to ex- Plo.kdadtsti•Oyed, and may now'be need with 'misty. /t hia'bhetuiapernherited upon, and atibjected to the 'levant testa before the beat chemical talent in Wei ;city, without a single [glare; and We now O ff er it to the f" 116, fee li n g confident that a, great deeideratum has oes attained. - .YARNAIja 4 CODE!: ogle-dam 4771 C THIRD Btreet,„ above Holdle• ._;'s J .fi j . .F4T+)/41:97. ,BOAP.—Time,- labor,. - and money, saved. In usingit,olothea do not reqiilie any Bolling py piping on waehboard_. One pound will uvular Si theta" pounds no:ninon florin Soap. War kanted,tolleo perfect estistaation or Looney refubded. Itie.deolddedly the Cheeped and best-washing Soap O'er ',offered to the ,publio, blerwasetured only by I'ArIIAAGEN 'Par sale by all re- Operable erocera in the city, end wholerele only by • ~, • 140SEoN2, Oe2.Bre - • 22 2ontls 192arree. . . . 0. ~... , . . „ , . , , .., ~ t . 4 77 -, '...:0,-' , . ~. , ~' • • ' —. • ,11• ,Zt.12?2,- : t0 Y : ... - : . : , .: - 1)S;;;;,*-,--../:-.•,,..i;..;, : '„ ~. , k r \\ \ 1 ,• 't , 2.,....y..1' ~,,,,,,,---,- '''''" , ‘,...e.C::! , :z:' , 7431 7.- F4-<- - '' ~ . -- s: "„,,,;,... ': —.- ~ .N....,:. .., •‘ ‘' r //,,,'-",/ ' :•••: • Rnr..h , , I'- Kt '',' . • ..:.• :;,.':..., L - , . 4 ~.. ~,,,:\ \t, t i Iri ~, ill ~ ~ , ~.5...,c,?7 , ..)-',1 ,,, - ; -e...3.11.4 *ti-k. t t ' ..:., ~...,.. a , , C/ - • tM:. ''' ~ !:*---- ~_. Ili - -': , \,\ , .,: - .!:ii :;-< 11 1 1 5iltil -be t, 1 . ") ••:;•.',- '"., -.: . : ^,', '.' • ' • ''' , - 4..,, ,' rq. .. 2 14 '.: - . , . .a.litt. , , lii,g3 - ;4-,, , ‘ ii ' . ,!.. '•,..:: - -.'.,' ...- ' ' . .. f • --4''Z'ff: - llMlllii.*Jrcyagel 1,.-y.: V.f 4 .i'o,.. ' - ' 4:' , ...., ,- ' -'•- •,, .. 4 , •,.. . ... , i , .. ' ,- - -- iiift -t ,. : . • .1 ii. - ':.7;::. '' 7: ::: .: l . :', . --72- 'aW . '4l'' - . -.- . .. , • ,An •1 e .. ri , ''''''''' •• ':,,' r , • - ! : ';;;;' ,2 -'•:•'‘) . .. , Hii -3 : , :• , f - to :•' . .5r.77P."!!:a. ,7 M' : ,-4 'Fr; , ''p.' -•••,,41-3-,•r-.• ~ - -. •, . . .„..., . , .. ~,, ~. :. : ~„., t - -- , ::.,:,4..-.4,‘:,.. ', -, .1 ,-..,:.;.,;,;;,:::::.,:.:1,[.?•;j71,01..,,;-- ~.. • ..... . 4 Utt. , ,' '-'-:.i:.-1....1-"i"'7'''.* . . '4,..t‘11..,;(113:01:_":4,1f.-'lll ''' -' ' ,-.41-.. - . '"- 1`111..' : : :- ' '.:ii : ;"" ,' - .''''' ,? :;.-" - Jr-. ----, - " -'.., . .'.2. '' . r • • . ' ..•.'''....* -`,.. -.,. :e . ..1 .- . 'OREL ..,.. ._ 44 . 444 ;, ' 4 •- -- - ---- 4- .. ~ ' - ,-, --,--.' ........ ~• - 4 ',. • r , •••••••-^. ---.,-.•'-,,,,,.... t.... - .. , 4, : - ..,. =--, ....- -- , , • 00 . •".• ' ,- , ' fr., : - • - ~-'''.,.:•.-, ;'- ' t.....-........- , . , • , . • ~,,,, 1 , 4 '. • . . . . • ..% . „ , Safes. z. --'4lcitequare. I ,l3emfiit` glettAtwo. lOragg anb ebemitals. Zitatiaiuru. CAlreqs'Eonipattleo. piano Sarin. lOgnsistrg. Mrll qi , oribe Jobbers). 1858 . ,F45.LL .GOODS. 1858 Tas Subeeribere beg Rosie to inform their friende and country marabouts generally, that their stock of HOSIERY,' GLOVES SH/ETS, Dad.w.NRS, - • ' • WOOLLENS, and SMALL WARES, le vow complete, Comprising their nintil assortment, and - whleh tray will sell at the lowest market rates. 'They would especially 'call attention to their stook of BUCKSKIN GLOVES AND MITTENS. Oompriniag the HANOVpt,, ,GNRMANTOWN, 301IN9TOWN, AND , OTHER DEHIRAI3LE MAKES, Which they have purohmed directly from the Mann faotarere for oaah, and are now prepared to melt a reduced rates. - SIIAFFITER,,Z,IEGLER, & CO., IMRORTBBB AND JOBLINRB, 36 N. lOURTLI Street, Philadelphia, Near the Merchants , Hotel, T T. WAY & • Nos. 221 MARKET Street and 10 011UR9H Alley IMPORTERS .1.1411,4088H1143 •DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. The oompleteness of their Stook, both for VARIETY AND PlitoEff i Will be found to offer advantages to buyers, nneur peeled by any other in this country. anll-8m ALEXANDER & RNtoWLES, DEPORTHES'AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HOSIERY, GLOVES • AND RANGY GOODS, (NATI IMMO TO) Nos. 430 DIARKEIT , AND 426 MERCHANT BTB., AAd bate just opened a NEW AND 00UPLETI STOOL OP GOODS, exprosaly adapted to PALL TRADE, To whioh the attention of their customers and rentaT CLASS BUYERS is Invited. aull-dtnorl Itlbatesalz 13rn Oloobe FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, &MMTCHINSON, N 0.112 Chestnut street, Offer for sale , MARINERJE, MIEETYNOS, SHIRTINGS, STRIPES 3SNABTIROPIS, FLANNELS, MOWN, BLEACHED, AND COLORED kRISLINS, In all wldtbe from the BALTIC SIA.NII CO., BATES MAIM 00., NORTHVILLE DO. LOWELL DO. TAIRIIILL DO. WEST BOYLSTON DO. Templeton Mille Demure; au —.4' Oaanimeres, Woodward • do. d'o. do. Saxony Mill do. do. do. .Together with a large assortment of desirable Foreign oel•lm TO DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS. The Subleriber hiving /superior reolllthse for Menu featuring FLOOR, TABLE, STAIE, And CARRIAGE OIL CLOVIS, Is now ,prepared to offer great Inducements to Buyers from all parts of the oountry. A large and choice Stook Oonstantly on hand. Greet care will be taken in selecting Des. who order by mall. WAR/IEOMR, No. 220 AROH Street, Phila. Annan* THOMAS YOTTRll,Manalacturer. & SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT .L BROWN, BLEAORED, & BLUE DRILLB, & LIOIIT BREWING& - ' Suitable for Export, for axle by FbOTTILINGRAM & . 9A South FROBT ST, 4. 86 LBT/27,4 ST. 0016-ly 'CMIPETIN43. MST RECEIVED BONI TUB MiNUFACTURLIBB, OnConalguraorit, a large lot of INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, , TO I* uld at AUCTION PRIDES , for Clad or oity AG. 'ooptances. I#o4/1 j . W 71905, k CO., • ,iii?„.249gI4ISTNIIT Street J,reo•frmkwtf t:.: I:4A A,--• ii3IIA.EVE.S, DIAPERS, /Mo. OONSIDIEBS of EIOHAUDSOWS LINENS, and thee* deelrou of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the %Alec' they punsheee are tested with the tall name of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, La fittuarautee of the aoundneea and durability of the Goode. • This caution le rendered eesentiallyneeestaty u large quantities of interior and detective Linens are prepared, 1181111011 after season, and totaled with the name or . SIOHABDBON by Irleh &wee, who, regardless of the Injury than inflicted alike on the American eoneumer and the menufutexere of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business go profitable, while por ed's/era 61111 be imposed on with Gorda of a worthlera &ander. J. BULLOOKE & J. B. LOMB, my2B-Bn3 Agents, 88 °GORGE' Street, New York. iianitu2s, /mars. THE STATE SAVINGS FUND, No. 241 DOCK STRBDT, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OPPIOR INTEREST FIVE PER OENT MOM received DAIL; and every MONDAY ETENINO, ON DIPOBI?, IN 8117118 LAADD AND SMALL, PAID BACK DAILY, PROM 0 VOLOOS A. M. TO 8 O'CLOCK P. M DIPOBITORO OAN DRAW rafas BOBBY Br OnflOcil, AB IN'UNE, IT DISOIRPID. OHO. H. HART, President. GRAB. G. IMLAY, Treasurer I. lIENSY.IIVTES. Teller ,rll %E N D PR ING GARDEN SAVING (Ogiimusa sr TRII Llttlyl . LATtqlll OP PalittraYLVAXIA.) PICEPETUALOHARiZa PM PAR GENT. Interest allowed to Depositor', and all Honey, Paid book on Demand. OPPIOB, 831 NORTH THIRD STREET, , 0301150LIDATIO1 BANK Bozaronsa.) This Inetitntion in now open for the transaction of easiness. and is the only ()bartered Elating Rand located In the northern part of tbe city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to TX o'elook, end slow on MONDAYS abd TUIIIISDAVB, from 5 until 9 otOlOok in the Ironing. uktfittillßa. . . 'feeder's& Klett, James 8. Pringle, Stephen Smith, Jacob Dook, John P tery, Joseph M. Cowell, Hon. henry K. Strong, George Pfoelepper, Daniel linderkoder, J. Weals, Bray Hon. Win. htllticard, Robert 13. Davidson, Proderiok Steaks, P. 0. Blimaker, Panels Wirt, John P. Vorree, toter& P. LeCnero, George Nuesht, John Kesler, Jr, John horn. . President JAMES B . PIIINOLI. fleoretely, 0110110/1 T, TIMM. apel-Irtf SAVING FUND — FIVE . FEE DENT. IN. A 7 TIUXBT—NATIONAL • SAWIITY TRIM CM PANT.—WALNUT STRUT, BOUTIIMICBTOORN/n OF RIIIRD, PIITLAD2LPHIA. /SCORN/Y.ITM) BY 111111 . BTA 01 PSANBTLYANIL Blaney la reeefred In any anm, large a r small, mod in. tweet paid from the day of deponit to the day of with. drawal. The ogle, Is open every day from 8 o'olook in the morning till 4 &elate In the evening, aid on Monday sad Thursday similar; till 8 &cloak. RON. HANBY L. BENNIIII, Preeldent, 29.811.8,T, Woo Trealdeni. WY. 3. Beau, ileoretiorr. 800. Remy L. Bennet, P. Carroll Bremner, Bidwell L. Csrter, Joseph B. Bari , Robert Selfridge, Trends Lee, Bami. K. Added, Joseph Yerkee, 0. Landreth Runs, Henry Diffendeffier. -MoneY received and payments made daily. ; _ -- The hweetments are made in conformity with the pa:Melons of tla Charter, in BR AL 28TATIO NMI GAGES; OBOWND KENTO r and'snelt first clam tenni ties as will always Mame perfect seontity to the depocl tom, and which cannot fall to giveyermaneney and eta. allinTtotitia institution. , ,ally QAVINCi, FUND.--,-eNITSS STATES Titan' OoMPANY, woof of =BD .!ond MIST NIIT Strieta. . „ , Large and email mum received, and paid back on de moody without notice, 'IA /ZVI PER OBNT INTIM • MOT poi:ti th e day of dapoatt to the day of wltlidzawal, - pm* home, from 9 until 6 o'clock MONDAYITININGO fromever, day, And Cni I until 9 Welook. • DRAIIIB for sale on lo,gland, Ireland, and BoOtland, Nom II upwazda.- Prialdent—BTlPTOlN B:pilaw/OAD. Treasurer—PLlNY MOH. Tailor—JAM/18 B. MINTIR CIRNARENTAL 'and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried etoCk of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches. Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where Ws deemed necessary to embel- Ileh, or to give a chute and elegant appearance. Any color may be bed, either plain or ornamental, *lab°. -ately or in railer. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, ralut, and Gime Dealers, fifeja.dtt Sonthweat oar. Second and Green sta. BOILER and FLUE IRON of ail kinds, All dualities and sizes, cut to patterns - at short no tice. Promiscuous 13heets, Boiler Reads, and Divots, on band and for sale allowest rates by EDW.I3. BUOICLBY, 04-11.m* Gray's Ferry Boller Iron Work •• Oleos No. 6 Farquhar Building, , 2Bo Wad,. QLATEI SLATE I I SLATE I I I—Rooting P.-7.siste, , of all sires, and at very low ratan, kept eon aratatly on band, and for este by NOMING, Pox, & Co., GERMANTOWN ROAD end THIRD street. N.. 11. Mato Roofs put on in the beet manner, and ta striae drawled All •mrk warrasimil • PORK. -150 bbls Mess Pork; for silo by 0. a. OADLZR k 00., idY UQE Ural, 24 door abore Irani PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY,- NOVEMBER,„ Wow publications GALLERY OF FAMOUS POETS A MAGNIFIC'ENT VOLUME. I 17" This Is admitted to be the most magnificent vo blue, lu all rte details, ever published In America. I Is the tint attempt to present steel illustrations upo the same page with the lotter.pross, thus Interweavin:4 Poetry and Art. A samzultY OF FAMOUS ENGLISH AND AMDRI . _ CAN POSTS, With an Introductory Nosey by Prof. HENRY COP PER, Professor of English Literature in the University of Pennsylvania Compri'ing selections from Thomson, Collins, Gray, Goldsmith, Beattie, Cowper, Burns, Rogers, Wordel worth. Scott, Coleridge, Sou hoy, Chas. Lamb, Camp ball, Horace Smith, Moore, J. Montgomery, Heber, Grahame, Kirk White. Byron. Mrs. Southe y , John Ksble, Shelley, Mrs Humans, Reale, Hood, Mother well a r ug o n lor e , l two: Holmes 7 pl n o t...Te , n Tennyson, , , r ßryant, ris, a ilo lle k o a k r: Simms, Prentice, Cowed, and Coae. Gorgeously illustrated with upwards of ONE MUN- I - GUM) SNORAVINGS on Steel After designs by the following famous Artists: Hamilton, Schroolse, Gil bert, Uevereuv, Lawrence, Torpor, Vasari, Leslie, Schusses., Richmond, Warren, Fletcher, Severn, Scharf, Franklin, and others.' Richly bound fa Turkey morocco antique. Price 312.10, For sale by ail Booksellers. Published today by B. H. 811 MISR k CO., oc3o-3t 181 South FOURTH Street, STANDARD RELIGIOUS WORKS.--: NBSIT NDlTlONS—Published by' LINDSAY & BLARISTON.i - Publiahere and Bookseller', 25 South SIXTH Street, above Cho taut. OUSIMTKO'd WORM:I.—The Apocalypse, 3 vole ; Family Prayers, 2 vole ; Parables, Miracles Panlol, Urgent Questions, Siva of the Times, Lest'of the pa triarchs, 1 vol. each, and.htinor Works, ,3 ,0/11. -- ARCHBISHOP WEIATELY.—The Futon State, Good and Evil Agents, and Thought,' and AVOWS:no, 1 vol. eaoll. ARNOLD'S CHRISTIAN LIFE, 2 vole 4. WINSLOIV.—The Glory of the Redeemer, Glimp nee of the Truth, nod the Lc/utter Diremed,l vol. each. , DR. STORK —The Romeo of the Now Testament, and the Ohildren of the Now Testament, 1 vol. each. SVANDARD RELIQIOII& AND MISOELLANEO I 3B 11001t8, of all kinds, for "ssinat loarkpriess. noBot,f SITADOVirS.—Just Pnbilahed; H. A WO • • By 0. 41.- BENNETT. Illustrated with Twenty4Ste huldorous Lithographic Dosigus on stone, plain and colored. Squarel2mo. boards Wherein Shadow?" Shadow—r•Rere,sir "—King Hairy /V. 0. d. BNEE & 00., Publishers and - luipcirtere 0c29.0t SS S. SIXTH , ab OBIESTNIIT. IBE AMERICAN . SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION PUBEISEINS IfoRN THAN ONE THOUSAND CIIOIOE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS PON CHILDREN AND YOUTH, Being the Largest Collection In the Uonntry. TUSY ASS NOW PODLIsIIING A NEW BOOK EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Elegantly Illustrated Catalogue!' may be had without charge, by addressing TILE AMERICAN SUNDAY 801100 L UNION, 1122 OFIESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. A large assortment of Biblea, together with the de votional books used in the various Evangelical Churches, always kept on band. - G LEASON's NEW WEEKLY LINS-OP-BATTLE SHIP. The object of this paper is to present, every week, an agreosble mar.satie of the notable events and liter ature of the time. Its ample columns will always contain a goodly store of popular Original Tales; Sketches of Adventure on Sea and Laud, and Poetlo Genie, by the BEST AMERIOAN AUTHORS. Also. the cream of domestic and foreign nowS, ee condensed as to present the largest possible amount of the intelligence of the day; the whole well eploed with WIT AND HUMOR. In politico, and upon all sectarian questions, It will be 'strictly neutral. Each edition will be BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED_ with accurate Engravings, by eminent Attiets of notable objrcts, current events In all parts of; the world, and the national customs and social peculiari ties of every people It will contain views of every important City, of edifices of note in the Eastern and Western hemispheres,of all the principal ships and steamers of the Navy ant Merchant Service; with flue, accurate portraits of every great' public character, male and female. Sketches of picturesque scenery, representations of Life on the Wave," and exact Mustratione of admirable or curious speChnenil from the, animal kingdom, will else be given. One graft! feature of LINIt-OP•!IsTCLF SUIP will consist of a " broadside , ' of humorous engravings, executed by the beat Artuds in that hoe, and aimed good, nstniedly, and in a spirit of genial tea, at' the reigning follies of the age, and suoYalmer.public pro. iota, (seldom:l, and occurrenceS, as algal. seem to tei subjects for condo illustration , - AN 'UNRIVALLED 1005 Pd OP,'CONTRIDWPOID37- have been engaged, awl every department frill be 0011, &Med under the most efficient and perfect Odom that experience can suggest. This popular-jonynat*ll printed' upon, due satinaurnioe„ paper, froln •no . and beautiful , ooppiir l facid -ty .6 , ise a the prnreee Of American Atli. Tho sine of this elegant Specimen at art will be about 1,600 square inches .eight aupencyal' quarto pages. TERMS, 1.2 PEP. ANNUM. The grad number of thin new Illustrated Paper Will be for sale on the lat. DAY OF NOVENFIIR NIT:, at all the principal Periodical and News agent:Ns and res. potable Literary Depots in the United States and the Oanadas. GLEAFON'B LINE-9F. BATTLB BIIIP will be published regularly every Saturday, at GLEASON'S PUBLIvIIINO HALL, Oorner of Tremont and Bloomfield Streets, , Boston, Maseachusetts, By F. GLEASON. A WINCH', 320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., oell-d3e&Wllt Goners! Agent NEW LAW BOOK.—KINNE'S BLACK -1 bTON E --The most material parte of Blackatoue's Commentarlts reduced to questiotus and answers, by John C. Devereux. duet received and for rale by KAY & BROTLISII,, Law Bookeellere, Puldiehere, and Importers, oc2o-thin-6t 19 South 1 1 1XT11 Street. Moilette gtrticico. THE GREAT WONDER OP THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, PROFESSOR WOOD'S FAIR izt ESTORE3.TIIT Bays the St. Louis (Me,) Democrat: Below, we pub lish a letter to Dr. Wood of this city, from a gentleman in Mains, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonics. Such evidence moat have Its effect, when coming from &reliable source. If certifi cates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no env:. minute, nor useless puffery from the preen : Darn, Maine, Jan. 20, 1858. Professor O. J. WOori & Co .—Uentlemen : Daring my attention called a few months since to the highly bone , foist effects of your Hair Restorative, I was Induced to make application of it upon my own hair, which had be come quite gray, probably one-third white; my wide• kers were of same character. Some three months since I procured a bottle of your hair restorative, and used It. I goon found it was proving what I had wished. need it about twice it week. I have since procured another bottle, of which I have used some. I can now aerti'y to the world that the gray or white hair has to. tally disappeared, both on my head and face and my hair has resumed Re natural color,- and I believe more soft and glossy than it has been before for twenty-live years. lam now sixty years old; my good wife at the age of fifty-two, has need It with tisane effect. The above notice I deem due to yen tor your valuable discovery. lem enured that whoever will rightly tine, as per directions, will not have occasion to contra. dint my statements. lam n citizen of this city, and a resident here for the last fifteen yearn, and am known to nearly every one here and adjoining towns. Any nu you may make of the above, with my name attached, Is at Your service, an I wish to preserve the beauties of naiure in others as well as myself. lam truly, yours, A. 0. RAYMOND. IlsirnionMan. 23, 1858. sa2S-Want WOOD'S HAIR, 111;fdlailir-B Profeenor Woon—Dear Sir: Haring had the wider. tune to lone the best portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, In New Orleans, in lstd, I was in- duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found It to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my oblige. Hone to you In giving to the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned, Roy. J. K. Bragg, is a minister in regular standing, and Papier of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass Ito is a gentleman of groat influence and untvermdly beloved. WM DYER. Baormviato, Jan. 12, 1808. Professor Wood—Dear Sir: Having made a trial of your Hair Renterative, It gives me pleasure to any, that Its effect has been excellent in removing inflammation dandruff and a constant tendency to Itching with which I have boon troubled from my childhood ; and has aloe re dored my hair, which woe becoming gray to its ode. nal color. I have used no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours truly, J. K. BROM. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three saes, via large, medium, and email. The small holds hall a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the largo holds a quart, forty per cent. more In proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. . . . O.J.WOOD h 00., Proprletore, 812 SISOADWAY, N. 2., On the great N. Y. Wire Nailing Betabll elm:lent,/ and 114 MARKST Street, St. Lenin, Mo., And sold by all good Druggist.' and Panay Good. Dealers. attlB-frwitir•Sna & eowlnwkiBm PIETERS'a PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE IIIBabGBIgIiBATING GAS LAMP le the only Patent Burner that hag a Non•Ooeduotor attached. The public are cautioned against all other Burnam as thV will beet, and liable to explode. State and County Bighte for Bale. Apply or addreee salt. D 'P. PBT BUS, 473 BROADWAY, B. Y. VS/ARMING AND VENTILATING WAREBOObIS The subscriber would invite the spaniel attention of Architect Builders and the public to his NEW CULVER PATENT SELF-OLEANSING 'AND VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNACE, Which has been so successfully introduced during the lent winter and give much general eatisTaction. It is SO arranged as to consume the gases from the Coal, malting it qne of the most economical, safe, durable Heaters now in we. Also, all sine and patterns of (looking Ranges, Bath Boilers, GM Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Colllne , Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater repair ing, and primes reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMS, ' (Late Baker & anZ.am 11119 (old 400 MARKET Street, Pblisda. IMIAOKEREL.-873 Bbbls Nos. 1,2, & 3 BIAOIOIIII±II,, in Whole, Halves, Quarters, and Iligtdba—ln Original Packages—Jo/it 'roomed and for sale by 0, 0. SADLER & 00.. odd Altoll Street, 2d door above Front. /MBA SUGAR.-260 Boxes prime Yellow vv HavAna in Store and for nate by A. MERINO, 0020 140 South FRONT Street. GLEASON'S L 4111115. Vitss MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1868 A Newspaper from the Pacific. Some courteous person, name unknown, has pent us a file of the Pacifitc Commercial .dd vertiser, from August 12 to September HI, both days inclusive. This paper is published in Honolulu, the capital of the Hawaiian (or iSandwich) Islands. In appearance, it will !favorably compare with the bestrprinted jour nals in the United States. It is nearly as aiTux PRESS, and has clear, handsome Hype, upon excellent paper. It is wholly in nglish, and throe pages aro occupied with advertisements—among which (the straw a,aper Ledger will be surprised to learn) there fortune . -tellers' cards, no assignation :.Otlces, no, indecent quack announcements. here is one page of general news, with seri- :lble leaders and racy paragraphs. In short, be Pacific Commercial, is a very excellent trwspaper. It has some literary proclivities, too. We find some respectable original pa- ry—sundry extracts from new books—notices rf Harper and the altlfittliC itionthly—theatri jai critiques 7 -an excellent, surging) , -of co-' r n-Vii; in short, all this leading point's of L ,, ogiriieelcly journal., "The publisher is Hpav M. Wurnov, and q the name is rather New England, it-is pos ' le that ho is of- the genus called- Yankee. Ilis newspaper is in its third volutne,and, from 4 flush of ad;;Orliseinents, is evidently flou- Phing. - Its price is twelve and a half cents or a single copy, or six dollars' a year. Tho ifterfisements of , lawyers, doctors, insurance 'pees, storekeepers, boarding-hones, hotels, al property, (miters, booksellers, nhipmas rii, importing merchants, and so on, show kat large - and varied business must be done at Honolulu. ha Pacific Commercial seems to have ininY correspondents, chiefly upon local We notice, Very approvingly, that they alb write briefly. Of all . things unpleasant in .a iiewspaper, the worst 'are long and verbose loiters, apparently spun out only to cover space. -From passing allusions in the columns of the Pacific Commercial wo observe that Mono. 'Or has the pleasure of being enlightened by 00 - newspapers than one. There aro also tci Government Gazelle, the Polynesian, cad o ~ 4dver. Usti. 11y q further have learned, from a careful Vitatal of the Commercial, that there aro Odd ilm as well as Freemasons in the Haivatian Jfintle; Colleges at Punahon and Oahu, ; a spread, in Honolulu; a Hook and Ladder f iril Company ; rival ambrotype and photo. kittOhic establishments; Di. J'Avnir's Altera t ~ 0,,1n high feather for the cure of theme- Okand the purification of the blood ; public. I tures, ono Dr. ER/Ilt being announced to: h Id forth on Aristocracy—a suitable subject, e byjilkwhere the' country is governed by w His ..'hsty,l4ang KAREUAIIIIIIA. Iv," with a Par- slept ?t ic Nobles and Representatives." 4 tkere is even a sort of Court Circular, ii*-folliiiylug paragraph shows, which' close- „ . Otnitatos-tho manner in which the London aper! - „'slatali,cif Queen V/OTORIA : - .., 4 414119{1DITS'Or TRE COURT.—Their BlVestiosi tbeltiiikand Qaeon, With ' the Prince of await, aeadants, with: soveritl , invited gitests, eel. b ,ifOtken Tuesday overlies for Kona, Hawaii. pot t el dipper s ch oo n er Mario, Captain. Frank Mal: •Y^Their Majesties, we loam - intend to be oh . JUSeidtworoonthe or IROYS, anti the Bing has IKfrid„ti ti bii?terininatiort of making bitioselta . '.'fiiift roildinnoirrthe tditesant district tit,aona, .polknOwn as the tavoritti toildtacce 4.1' his . giandfathor.' .Ttfo Elingdfre marine& htir` - y. ';'''... '11: , tired . a- salute on: the encharitittin of 4 . ..-, • totted!. - A salUto was alio firm d from the -,.- ".'o . • :.creoh Bowl Hi11.”...—...... ''",--":• .._ ; ''' ' ffist - raltitini , eiglitisrotion, have Criminal and Civil Courts of .lisw; , and 'a very elaborate Charge by the 021 et Justice (Emsua H. ALLEN, an Ameri cm) shows a great many crimes, to Drunken nips" being most prevalent; "Adultery and rernication" coming nest; while 6 , Lascivi- Ms 'Conduct" , figures third on this dark calendar. IfivOrces and separations, in these Islands, we so numerous as to show a low state of mo nlity. In 1855, there had been 101 applica tons, out of which 20 wore dismissed, and hero were 78 divorces, and 3 separations. In 1356, there wore 99 applications, 13 dismissals, 85,ilvercos, 1 separated. In 1857, 112 appli eatens, dismissed, 106 divorced 4 Stipa ratid. The Chief Justice says:—.“ Tho num berof divorces exhibits a lamentable defect in lomostic fidelity. I trust that the wisdom of Ora Legislature will bo able to devise some ingrovements in domestic education especially apilicable to females, which will remedy this grad, evil." .Among the books advertised, we notice a gret number of school-books, a few psalm and hymn-books, and a variety of miscollano ousr.-only ono fourth of which are works of flctbn. • Children's books largely figure in thob announcements. Miss LESLIE'S Cook ery flourishes extensively there.- Some do maid for Masonic books there evidently is, fron the number advertised. Illustrated worts seem to be popular,—such as MILTON, DTION, Roams, °owns, GRAY, GOLDSMITH and TENZITSOV. There am a few translations fron sensation French novels. Books of Tra vols(particularly those published byIIARPEII,9' of 7ow York) seem in especial fava. MACAu- LATH History of England figures in 'each list. Theo are some phrenological works—especial ly &futurism's. Tieglion. & FIELDS' 110Ilse hol) Waverley also seems in vogue. DICKENS world appear to be a decided favorite. Of TII.OKERAY'S, the only advertised work is Tho Notcomes. M. WHITNEY, publisher of the Picijc Com mtal, is also bookseller and newspaper egret. Ho advertises London Illustrated News at 114 a year; Putich at $B, (or nearly treble the London price.) Harper's Magazine, which Mr.T. B. PETERSON retails at $l,BO, fetches $5 jar annum in Honolulu. Tie three-dollar Philadelphia Magazines are else $5 on the Pacific. The reprint of Black wo4 and the four British Quarterlies ($lO in No York) fetch $l4 in Honolulu. Our Werk/ii Press sells for SG, and Harper's lire)/ay, which is an illustrated paper at $2.50 in lrew York, enlightens the Hawaiians for $4.! Our neighbor, the Evening Post, is also $4 i year in Honolulu, and, except our own Widely Press, is the only Philadelphian jour nalon sale at Hawaii. Talking of publish ing, reminds us that Mr. Wurrisur, already naUied here, advertises that he purchases clotted and picked white cotton and linen ragt for throe cents per pound, and colored tags at two cents. It it probable that there is mpaper-mill in Honolulu. The paper on wit eh the Pacific Commercial is printed is of flnetexture and good color. Is° following is a specimen of the Original poetry, published in the Comtnercial. It in as geol, at least, as ono half the prose run mad which reaches ourselves, from various contri buthrs who mistake aspiration for ability. This particular sample does not remind us of MOORS, Or BYRON, BRYANT, or LW:MELLOW. It if what Punch's friend, " the poet Burin," might have composed, under the influence of his sineteenth modest quencher (Dick Swi- Yeller is our authority for this phrase) of gin and hater: WE SHALL DE HAPPY YET. Fear net, beloved, though clouds may lower, ; Whilst rainbow Odom; melt away; Faith's bol,y star has etlll a power ' That may the deepent midnight away. Fear not ! I take a propbet'e tone, Our love can neither wane nor set; heart, in trust, grown strong, mina own, , We shall—we elicit be happy yet. What though long anxious months have paee'd Since this true heart woe ',mid to thine, There'll come for Us a light, at last, Whose beam upon our path shall shine. We long have loved 'midst double and fears, Yet never with one hour's regret; there comes a j.y to gild our fears— ' We shall—we shall be happy yet. Aye, by the wandering birds that find A home beyond the mountain wave, Though many a wave and atom combined To drag them to an ocean grave ; By summer suns that brightly rise, Though erat in mournful tears they net; By all love's hopeful propheaies— We shall—we shall be happy yet. ,There is very little politkal discussion in ,the columns of the Pacific Commercial. The only, point of general interest is that, after some hesitation, King KAMERAMEILi IV had signed a new and unpopular treaty with France, which, we are, told, "will be a virtual cession of a portion of the Sovereignty to France." Further, says the Commercial, " the treaty was at first rejected by the King, and his action met with so much ,applause that a salute of one hundred guns was , fired by a committee of the eitizena of Lionolulmover I the event. A few days after, how,eier, the treaty having been altered and the approval of the King having been warmly ,sought by his ministers and the French commissioner, he finally yielded to their entreaties, and ratified the document. The treaty is uni versally condemned by citizens of every class as oppressive sod unjust to this weak nation." The main points yielded to France, are— that the French language is to be placed on a level with the English : The duty on liquors to be reduced from SG to $3 a gallon French vessels in the Hawaiian kingdom aro to be placed on the sumo footing as Hawaiian : The French consul is allowed to exercise jUdicial functions belonging of right to the Hawaiian courts. The alteration in the tariff wilt cause anlannual loss in the roventi4 of the Helvetian kingdom of between thirty and forty thousand , ~ It .strikes us 'thata 'the annexation, Of the Hawaiian kingdom to the United States, as proposed seine time ago, would have been', better than this yielding to France. The Commercial says: "The ratifiCation of the treaty was effected by a trick, in attaching; to ft tisupplementary article as a eilder,' Which no One believes the French Emperor will sign or even notice. This article being rej;cted; the treaty will bo considered : in full forcb.” Weighing Coal. [For The Press) ; • • , As a coinmittoo.of Councils has been appointed to inquire into the expedieney of requiring all 'i?oal sold in the city to he weighed at the ,plueo f . de livery, it would be approprinte to suggest a proper plan by which consunaeri can be satisfied that l they hive obtained the weight purchased, vie : by the 'orention of one or more city scales in each Ward, conveniently located, and the appointment of Sworn weighers, so that each cart will be required - to pass over one of these scales and the carter preset the consumer with a certificate of weight:. This 's the plan adopted in some Eastern cities, and mu, pre vent dishonesty. However much the adopt on of the Self weighing cart may advance the interests of the patentees, it offers no security to the as a scale of that kind must at all times be liable to be out of order from constant rattling over the cobble stones, exposure to the weather, and the like ; and even supposing It to be at *all tinies in order, it would be inconvenient and impractipable for the consumer in every instance to uncertain whether the scale is in order. Would it bo reason able to expect a party purchasing, say twenty tons of coal, which is being hauled to his dwelling during the course of the day, to lose a whole day in order to test each cart as it arrives In turn? If the consumer has a proof from a sworn weigher. it is the best eatisfaotion that oan bo offered him, while the expense of weighing, say five email per ton; would ho cheerfully paid by the consumer ite ,wreani desires this satisfaotion. We can see no justioo in requiring every,coal 'dealer to purchase expensive self-weighing oprto, the adoption of which can but benefit those baying an interest in the sale of the carts. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS TAM EVENING ACADEMY OP Muntif.—The ettalkfcb Open', Tropre. Bias. D. P. Bowline , WALiter.fprever Wh.t Will They. B.sy „et Home ?"s W,Hitdll,llY & °WAILS'S ,ApOLI-OPOPP-1 T/114141:,11 .upatirrotte ,, —.• The Happy PauttlT.J , i• 1Y tTuoadL'llAT,c,-Wllßamt' Pkiidesels ut the Bible. k...l9.emseetrt "Paousors ltitisTimS. Ittaiolbteenne 'Ontiobrin , ,!• . SA,N"kO r IVII R Orca,k I,Lousx,—..thinplza Entertistn mencs.- , an3VliNllk'S YV/11 , :TO Yusr YORIC.-.- The reetnhou.a of th.) qlitiliberefe, have Peer. entitrzg , the meet extenMee prepanktione - tor " ' -- York mid ttoeton on Saturday nest. Nr will take ninety men, with Poi Jx, enithokhd tendee .. 111044 thi 10 o'clock is the ntorolug complet. Ore coat, cape. hat, belt and elide. black cloth patitalrione, black milk neck handkerchief, fatiguecap and gloves according to pattern. No mem. bar riot fully equipped, or who te deficient in the re qulrite knowledge of the drill, will be petmitted to,go on the excursion On their ar rival In New York they will be received by Engine Company No. 6 and some fiftf other fire c,ompanies The American Express Com pany have tendered the use of their splendid team of eight horses. which took the prize at the late lair.; to draw the steam engine They will remain in New York until the following Wednesday, on the evening , of which they leave for iloeton, where they will speed ono day. Thursday Returning by way or New York, t•et reach Newark, N. J , on Friday evening, whore they attend a ball given in their honor, arid the next inom• lug, Saturday, they will give an exhibition of the power of their engine to the eiti.ana of Newark. I n the afternoon they return home. Arrangemeuta are now being made to glee them a handsome escort on their return. VISITING ]MILITARY.—Tbo Washington Ar• tillerlsta, or Pottsville. will visit this city to-morrow. arriving at the Re',ding Railroad depot, Broad and It‘ce streets, at half past eleven o'clock. The Scott Legion Corps, Captain Gray, and Minute Men of '76, Captain 0. M. Berry, will receive them• After their arrival, thsy will be entertained by the Scott Legion. The State Fenciblea, Captain Page. will enter•ain thorn at their armory on Tuesday eveni ng After visiting Inde pendence Hall, and other placesnr Interest. on Wednes day, they will attend the ball of the CadWalader Grays, at the National Guards , Ball, which was postponed ex pressly to give the 'Biters an opportunity of attendii g. Before going to the ball. ttey will putake of an enter tainment given by the Minute Men They return borne on Thursday, and will be escorted oil by the Clulwalsder Grays, Captain Breece. TEIAT. OF A NEW STEAM ENGINE.—The now tiateamerll albs Ilibe.rnla Company was tried on Satur day afternoon et the builder's quarters. She first played two streams at ono Lula, ISO feet through vj nozzles. Next she played a single stream through as inch and a quarter nozzle, distance not measured It is calculated the will play a mingle stream, through an Inch and a quarter nozzle, about the same distance no the Philadelphia can play through an inch awl an eighth nozzle, which is d 55 feet. Th‘s would make her rank about the name as the Phradelphia, as her pow, , r Is greeter A private trial will be buil before ' , he In taken to Now York. We raerelygire the above as the rumors of :attiring night. ILLILITARY Er.rwriorli—To -morrow week, the Otb, an election will take place in the armor no of the companies Tompoging the Shot Regiment of Rigel, Third Brigade. Colonel T. G Morehead, for a Maine. to fill the vacancy occarioned by the death of Major John Blckftinus Adjutant Asher 8. Leidy is a prominent candidate for the position, and will nn doubt be elected The adjutant is a good soldier, takes pride in hie duties, and is well worthy of being promoted• The tegiment is In a highly prosperous condition, the men are equtpplrg in the regimental uniform quite rapidly and by next opting we meet to nen the whole resin] tnt its the new and beautiful uniform, and Ina lugh hint° of discipline CHARGE Or ILL-TREATING SEASIEN.—TIIO Captain and chief mate of the chip tither have been held by United Slates Commissioner Yfesylitt, on the charge of severely punishing two of the seaman, while the chip wee coming up the Pe'swaro. According to the testimony, the men were ordered on Sunday to etrip the chip, which they refused to do. They went then, by the captain's enters, put in irone, and fastened un to the rigging in such a position that their toes just touched the deck ; in that condition they were kept for a couple of hours The case will be heard before Judge Oadvalader, to day, in the United Staten Diettict, on a writ of habeas carpus. WANT MARKET AOOO3IA ORATIONS. Not withstandingthe rapid growth of the city southwarilly, there has not been any lin trovemont in the character of The market4euth of Shippers street for many years. Wharton Market, though surrounded by a dense popula tion, in hut scantily supplied with farm produee, and many staittenta milli of It gn to the Washington and Seconds rest markets from necessity. If tan authori ties were to furnish accommodations, aril giro encour agement to farmers to stand at the Wharton Market, there would be no lack of citation, end It would inure to the benefit of all. If they do not take the matter in band Boon, private en torprido mar render it unnecessary. CLOSE - YOUR SHOPs AND Sronm—On Sa. Unity Lieutenant Bowen'. of the S.Ath ward. who has some of the most yftirteltio property in the city under hie charge, reported to the Mayor no less than flee large ?ore! found open during the preceding night When such canes occur, the (Ricers are obliged to watch the places, to the neglect of the other portich.e of them beats. If a robbery is committed at any ono of them the first cry ia, " Where were the pence ?" or "The pollee wero not to be found.. Tim the municipal au thorities are censured for the carelessneas of property owners. ASSAULTED WHILST AFTER HER LIUSRAND.— Saturday morning, 111ra. Henrietta Mar went to a Public house. at the corner of Lewis and Poplar streets, in the Twentieth ward, for the purpose of seeing if her husband was there. Upon entering, the proprietor seized her by the arm and rudely thrust her into the street. He woe subsequently arrested on the oath of Mrs May, who charged him with committing an aeseult and bat tery upon her, and also with keeping a disorderly tip. piing house. His name le Constantine Spahner After a hearing before Alderman Hillinger, the defendant was held to bail to answer the charges at court Maoitaaar. Tar:ex.—At a late hour on Fri day night Officer O'Neal observed a men ca-vying a kit of mackerel in the vicinity of New Market old Pegg streets. rte it was not likely that geode would be de livered at such an unseasonable hour. the man vv.is hailed, and he immediately made MI. The ofilier gave chase, but the fellow rushed into a place known as the Astor Muse," and succeeded in making his escape through the back way. He dropped his load, however, on the front step This was snored by the ofce•, and conveyed to the Eleventh-ward elation haulm, where it awaits an owner. ANOMIE:IR STEAMER.—The members of the lifeehanic Fire Oompany, determined not to be behind other companies in having the most improved lire ap. paratue, Moo appolnted a committee to mare the DO. cessary arrangements, who will ho assisted by a com mittee of citizens, who halm volunteered for the pur pose If the members wish to succeed in this enterprise they must go into it with a will." and not be dis couraged at diniceitlea which they must encounter, and ca n not a void. 4+ A long pull. a strong pull, and a pull altogether," and they must succeed. ADo VMS. CIIA .—A wornan, named Mary Ann Johnson, was arrea+ted on the charge of keeping a disorderly house at Water and Dock streets, and selling liquor without a license She was taken be fore Alder 110.11 Freeman on Saturday, and hold in $l,OOO ball ou each charge, to answer at court, Gm, mon Dnowsno.—A small girl, aged four years, named Sarah Boyd, fell in the forebay at Pat;- mount 'Water Works, at .4 &cloak yesterday, and came near being drowned. khe Ina rescued by the bpatand era and taken home. NEW _ENGreig HOUSE' IE EotaszsmniG.—The Lib ley members are now erecting, on fifnip street, in Holtnesburg on 'the site of their old house destroyed by are on.a time ago' a handsome engine-boasts, three stories hirh, 20 feet front by 30 feet deep no front will be covered with iitsstie. in imitation of granite,' and the tv, redone writ be of the heavy archel'atyle. ,The hrwo will be au arum nent to thy borough, and a credit to the company erecting it. ' THE G.tr SEAFOII.—The gay season appears to be eatting in with genuineypirtt. fr . bere aro any quantity of b and perties announe.d• ivVilat many otlierx are lo eontmplation ; Red Judging frointhe in termit manirottPd in Ulnae Irian% have already bakes plane, there will be during the apirotohing winter; more than an ordinarily merry time , among the lovers of the light tantastin . SIDE STORE 11. 0 i4BED.—T,110 shoe etor o 01 Mr. !leery Troth, No 411 YbrE avenue, above Oalioir hill street, in the Twelfth eq.!, wan entered early naturday morning, and robbed of blots and shoes to the wane of TM The thieves gained ammo to the place by means of an alley attached to the adjoining 'house, by Frail opthe fence between the two premises, and boring thrdugh the buck 'window shatter. ANOTHER BtruomutY.- 1 -On Saturday morn ing, about tour o'clock. a grocery store at Flandver and Queen artists, in the Eighteenth wart', was entered by thieves, who broke the hasp off the front door. After ransiteking the plaee,,they were frightened oft by the pollee. They only anceeed.d In can' off afloat one dollar in penniee. and a few aegare. ' STEALING/ WATER' - PIFEE.,-e-.4IIIIdIRW MC- Bride and his roe, D 4131,1141, WWI] tnken.into 'on Faturday' in Catharine street, above Tenth. op suspi cion of hiving Molen a quantity of water.pipes'belorie tag to the city. Tbe , niere taken before. Alderman Fernington and committed to samwer - dt coach . Nem- LieuTENANT.—.Tosupb Ser geant of the First Police district, has been appointed to ell the vscaney marring by the resignation 'of Mr. llamiltou r lle will be swore in to-morrdw. TTIE COT3RTS. ,t; „4,f - el_mui,l ~ : l:fl";,1, , l, 1 Pilibilet , , oil ‘ll fiitlrliDAT'fr.,P - 9001311D4211111, - QuAATER Ilwasrogh--Jndgotl Ilitoropap a, Al lison. and Ludlow - —The Allibthle Citsi..—rndge "%env; eon delivered the opinion of the'inurtnri tlikileastitrer filed to :the bill or irplietnamat In.. the ithinet! Case. Judge Thompsonbi opioma woe quite lengthy, mid a Is. Gained the dean:mar to the; third.:feutth, an fifth counts of the indictment „Tile bill ,pf pacticolltre re 'forted tole the Judger; decision MX' bitenAere irerin lormed) tumid:red to tho eosins - el for the defendakt end the case will go to ,trial this morning, and, fr o d the' 'number or witnesses ti, be examined 'for the - Prfernm:. tion end the defence, „rwill,orcppyn, week: at leavp. As the case to 6.0 of singular loterest to this °warner.* we will furnish. ;our readeti with felt eccounts of each day's proceedings. • 'l' • - I rr . t We give Tilden Thempatolhi &ellen likfullon the de- Wm rreir filed to the bill of utilletinent.'Judge Tho perini said : . •e f hi • r Third Cou - t.-Tlts count liibbilOaloite ttithlo barge . ' of uncertainty • i.atelpped OTt'tfis Efdrrdel ;Sethi e, It ellegea that, thedefintdantri mitispleeti to cheat, id rand, aid Itapolrerish the ipßfirlant,'dlitictOrif end_co pany of the Bank of Penanylvanineand lip fraudulent elm, to obtain and embezzle a, large amount of siotes cern inerilY called Inank;notes, efikrektiamotlut and. val , the; twee be l ng.tlle property of the anitihank.',,!. ' Tide seems to coots n two 4lNtinet charges: t, to, cheat defrend. and irepoierfshibeigank ; '2d;to qbtairr Ulla embezzle adage amount of notes belonging tp the' bank, if so intended, what doge each charge describe as the offence ? To charge a deeign - to cheat; genepally, without aaying of total prope rig, whether of money or goods, or to what manner. 1 Mirtsiole insufficienti; the most carelets, marsticie .• could Pot , tolerate inch loose ness in a crininal charge. Our owe cases havegohe to the furthest extreme' In chiming ouch conspiracies, but in no case has the charge then deihhed 'sufficient Where the property has not been desotibed„ - . l The second charge le that of conspiring to obtain awl etubersle a largo amount of money and promissory notes for tun payment of money belonging to the blink how, 4 , to obeninl , ,,rnoana to 'acquire something not really ha posseselon, end to t- eushezalft 'r Is lehmily trust :pro. I party to one's own use What, then, tree, the conspi racy to effect? If to obtain prOmiesoryhotei belong ing to the bank, from whom ,were,they to be entitird ? To obtain them from any other pereog well not e A crime against the bank; unless landericircum.t.toces which made the ant criminal, and to' obtain bent from the bank 'would be no offence, - Onions for at Inc. proper purp-se. Bow on thew charges bectoda nod, unless the objects of the conspiracy . be folly set rut? The word'' c tribe z z le., " wanted au tilts court, isnot more explanatory To, embezzle- what?, pose It mosthe p - ninielory notes obtained, or to be obtained.? to embezzle premaissory note, already he• the 'custody and possession of the defendutts i iirten:Able hum as drawn. we are unable to miniver thetas queati us ; they are vital as far ea the defendants - ate cone rd. Thane defendant, are chaeged, tut officers of the ink. with conspiring to commit certain aelp made er ,01. nal by, statute • They have the• right 'to know ebet these note are with which they ace charged, and in' what respect they are criminal. This count gran them no each lefornuttlon , and is therefore defect re. The pleader seems to have fronted this-wont frothe form of hirtietment wee in the came of the State is. Bus r h ..r. anan, 5 liar J , 8:2; but in omitting •thei par cu.- - al fare contained in 'the two comae of that Indictment be 1110 felled to net out the conditions and clieutustailcee, ma:gm:try to mewl vitality t • therchargeiota con Tie, racy to do am art not per se criminal ; Thesleciprree to Lille third linnet inner,, thrirelhee;•birsustilintel - Fours! C9UPti •••r•T,b in • count °hallos ilhak ,the de: feedsohe did i 'deeettfully- treffeilly it - a twatekliv, abet actTand , eruhe:rate ..e.eaVer.pporipriglro-t, 'their fj•ezi 1101, a larfirtfitap or money helanglugolbs saidtusttbs , t- on , - a iho prtehlent; ritrectoriir a rilanowoaey al ne lhleiLlPf PaamtSiVADIII, to hit :' the stun of h ilt 3 , 0 ~ l , 4 C( I. to be obietved that gelid's.: of se w wont • use se• deeeribitrf,,the (armee I einoini a i:ritee To tielotrAt'l it rep not define any-ctiOVIISI oifinca-Lto en:block de• irjriben, rot- t .. ,..e. o, re -.lira a oteach of Lree%: hied i to' appropriate to their cu' me" are words nearly'synopi• —int, and ro Mora forcible 'L i lle of ,ineffielemt wade will tot .. VlAnr,tris and taWriii l tieTikerslieses . ool47: Jed to such et...4'6y a eatetety P , . . charge is brought under ouch a statute, tire Indictment must contain such avermentelas clearly show that the parties charged are within the range of Lb e eta' ute, and that the offence set out is the eel provided against. At common law thtil Minot wouldbe delictoet, but ;it it alleged that the charge Is made under the twentieth section, Of the sot of 17th April. 1850, which rusketifit a criminal offence for the preeidcot wilier, direoOr, or, other oil •er of a bank, frindulently to etubeiile or to appropriate to hie iwn ule or to the use of any other pereoua, the money Cr property of such inetitto tie, . i The act to become criminal must be done futisdlt ltutlY fraud, actual fraud ins constituent element jn the Mien and mug be charged in lbw indictment. sod the extern's! act must be done by the parties charged when acting in the Cepseity o!• president. skshier, ni rector. or any other °filet r. In this count there is no word used which d'armetly charges a fraud; the wards deceitfully. wilfully and unlawfully, have not that mooning nor do filo worls •'atstract,'f •'exits sZle." Or "appropriate." lieCemerily import•it, In thin we think the count is defective It is further defective that it does not charge t,e offence no committed by the defendants in their carnicity no, or while acting no, officers of the bank The descrip tion of them as president end director to not surneieut• the offence is that acting as such officers they V10100(1 their trusts, and rho feet of the olfeoce ,being com mitted in their official capacity should be distinctly set out. The count before us ie further uncertain in describ ing the act done The words • abstra et, , ' would seem to charge a taking from sonic person or place, while embezzle" or el appropriate" would impl- a former yosseesion, each es would constitute the offence the violation of a trust In charging an offence there amnia be no unnertainty arising froth the use of gene. ral retina Such tonna are insufficient unless they per. se import a crime. The defendantn bare a right to know the Kochi.) offence which they are alleged to have conmitled To ray that they have abstracted money' or hove rutty:card or appropriated to their o , cn use; money belonging to the blink, is to give no Information which will enable them to defend themselves What money ? Item whom alistr - etel flow embezzled or appropriated These ere matter, open which the terms employed in the count throw no light, and yet the 11toot COOIIIII observer could not tot to perceive LOW; important they become to the fair investigation of thy charge. It may be further observed, that the term i+ money"' employed in this ceunt, is fir from being definite, andi it might well be questioned whether. raider this term 4 even if deemed said , nt, proof count be admitted of. the embezzlernent of anything but gold or silver coin It certainly woad not embrace the improper or frauriu-; lent use of bank notes, or other evidences of debt. For +hone reasons, which 'eight he +supported by abundant authorities, to which the want of time will not ellow a reference. we consider this count defective, and the demurrer to It is accordingly sustained The Fm/4h Count charges the,defendantelont as offi cers of the bank) with conspiring by divers indirect and unlawful practices, mean., cod devices, to defraud the Bank ot Pennsylvania of d cora large sums of money, the property of the maid bank. This, although it is a very loose form of pleading. !me been sustained in nu merous sines, and in our own State, nee Commonwealth vs kt+ !Vasco, g & R. 420; 30 intit 0., 4 Ilarr,2lo, dm; mid although not free from objection, toe do not deem it proper to attempt to alter the settled practise. But while sustaining the count, we think that fairness to the d0..11.1t1 requires us to onforea she rule which has boon established in the English courts in such cues; that iP, to requite the Commonwealth to furnish the defendants with a particular of the ants charged, and as to which evidence mill be given. With this on. derstanding, the fifth count is sustained, and the de murrer to it overruled. Mr. Loughead raid : To do this was Impossible, on account of want of time, if the cme was to be tried on Monday, and also on account of the masa of teati -, onc he would be compelled to furnish the defendant's counsel with Ile hod furnished them•with statements of the faCts, alai as soon as ne discpvered other testi mony he immediately gave it to the bounce'. and it he was compelled to gi •0 theta the bill at particu'ara at this tiltl. it would greatly embtrrass the trial, and pos sibly postpone the case. Judge Thompson said : The court boa decided this de. murrer to the bill of Indictment with speed, and greatly to our inconvenience; and this oval done so that the trial of the moo should not be deleted We been re ferred to the decisions in the late English rases, espe cially that of Lord Tenterden, where the form of the bill of yarticulera may be found. and the court cannot sly what the Di.trlet Attorney is to do The Kirkpatrick Poeiontag Case —The argument on the motion in arrest of judgment in this case was pre. ceeded with by Mr. D. P. Drown, for the defendants, and toss repled to by Messrs. Kelley and Coffey for the prosecution. The opinion of the court iiill be delivered, probably, in a week or two COMMON PLEAS—Judgo Ludlow sat on Sa turday morning; at nine o'clock, to hear an application for a special injunction to restrain the Second and Third etreeta Passenger Railway Compsuy from ridorr their railroad, a d from runiiirg their cars on Second and Third street+, until they shall have purchased the +leveret line. of omnibuses owned by Deschamps. Re my, and Glenat. The case wan continue! until Tues day morning next, at nine o'clock to give the defend ants tans to prepare their aftldarita and answers to complainante' bills. Constant Gnill+ u and William M Smith appeared for the omnibus proprietors; Joseph P. Loughead and John IL Read for the Railroad Clompsny. THE . KANSAR GOLD REGION - THU, ? TRUE STORY —A oorreqmiident of the St. Louis DEMO trot, who has visited the Kansas gold region at Pike's Peak, for the purpose of investigating the actual conditiou of the locality, sends home a long and intorestiog account of his examination. The writer says positively that there is no gold at Pike's Peak. Ile remained at the diggings for five days, and did not find a trace of gold. The absence of the precious metal is accounted for by sundry facts: there is no quartz, no rock, except upon the surface, and no indication of gold in the All that has been found, according to this authority. Is " wash gold." The story of the dis coveries of nuggets and of yields of $2O to $lOO, is declared to be sheer nonsense; but some of fhe miners hdd succeeded in " washing " $2 50 to $ 5 a day, though under the necessity of carrying the dirt to distancea of from four to seventy rode. Those who intend to emigrate are advised to delay their departure until spring. A as 'MUD EONOSTRESS" is about to appear at the Palace Gardens in New York. She is to sing with her face covered, in consequence of a mysterious disagreement which she has had with her family, which is rich nod influential. A Courant of thirty colored people Is abont to leave Boston for Liberia. A farewell meeting was hold In Boston on Thureday. TWO VENTS. I=E=l=2M= NUTIC OBBEISPtiNDRNTS. , Cornl, l 4oloitetci Passe trig plow Mar is nand the following roles : '= IhrerY cOraMpliition opal be , snocnnseenled by the of tb;;Yrriter,,,/n oriertobeentneorrootoiles of one sid e . of tfie duet should be Written np".: - Wi'..h11800210117. tektegeatlemmtn Peaneyi. Yankhi P l . 6 9 .e46 q_ h • r ef . °`74. 1 1. gi4ble the au. rent none tita daiilriffktiff IPtillmaar looelitleft the macron of the trarrotualing„tanlitt7; th of population, or any Wormailow that will be In to the general rieder.• GENERAL NEWS. Yonne Virrancr..=—LtDetreit, Michigan, on "Monday last, a young black'sooundrel, only nine years of. age. who had just,served sixty-daps se,ntence in pit for stealing, encountered the little min of Mr. Wm. brew . , aged mie three or four years, and told the little fellow ' to hold op his b ea d,. arpilhe 'Would cut it off for him. Of Caine the child did not know-the meaning of the propo eaten-that lield,up his head as he was-hid, where uPou the young scoundrel, drew his knife across the aide of bin neck, from the windpipe back to .the • C', inflicting' a gash abotit 'four inches in length ! .Portanately the knife was dull, or the eonsequencesmight have, been fatal. As it was, a severs ,wo_und was made, -which -bled ,profusely, but the main arteries were not reached, and the child's life Will tie reladily,saVed: It , is supposed the black boy did The deed Out of pure mischief. Be was sent to the House bf Correction till he shall be twenty-one. - " Tamen Nap.—We are '-informed by a gentleman that there is a free negro woman living in the rear of Halifax Street, who has been enjoy ing a sound sleep for five dayeptiat,yrithont having - taken 44:particle of food during thatperiod. Seve ralmodeavore hate been made to awakenTher, bat without succor's, though on 'one or two occasions her alien haalceen slightly disturbed . .The &Deli -cation of acomatio sails, administered .hy a physi cian; sutcleeded in.produelpg . an immense sneeze, at first;,bbt she soon - got aecustomeitto the treat ment, and. went off Nicotine at ita , rarild a rate as ever,. its, applieation .salving-no s effect whatever. She does not appear . to_ he rednoed from her long fasting, arid; as far an can belated frember pulse, is in 'the enjoyment of most. perfeetheiltik. It is really a singular ease, and worthy of -an'ixatoina tint: by some of , our:J*4o4 , men.•:—.Paikereburg (P 6 OIP ; - GoLn.—Acpoupts from the new cold legion in Raorai'differ,*dely, Accord dng %to itotne' ' oorresPondents,lherst,..„-Ifiinon-0 of th e .precioushietal except the j fewtrahlethat may b e washed:, out after hardlibtir, , aihibliTtite 'Emcees ii pore oublielt;nloWitr itsaaMottrfibinithe mines. The r Lawrenea,Penubiicfpaantiounnea._the arrival : of f inetif_h_ers,iirebenipny, Whieh:leftithitoity for the ifilnor'SOTlTE4 time'age, - Wiaare - iatielled with Piq Molts of.their trip. The4t4itifitiiiiri says : Ilrittan. _confirms the hocenfits-we have ffein titno to bime.published from. the company. The most of the ,snmtiser wan spent ht....them in proSeee tin g over' a large extent of oaiiutry, lading gold id ,almcat ell cases, but not, as was thought, In paying quantities. Oxiept' by one; prospecting party, plutfoundon the head-waters of - the Platte diggings Where, they, thought front Eh to $8 per day Might' beinade." - tOki.Oit'f MOE CARRIED; OPP Sr 'Trim' Tins Point:Comfort Efotel, situated on 'Cdnaylsland. WeWrdik: Was 'Carried away by the .high . tide 'on'Afondaylevening last"` ,The braiding was of frame, three stories inheighb;ana oecapied 98 a .boarding-humot duringAm -grimmer by the bib - them NePhoison. , The domestics w ho. wore in ohargebf the preinisea tqok refuge, o n the neigh boring sand hills,mnd Witritisgb d the total destruc tion of the building, - was . dasbed in'pieeroa ano carried out,tases.- =The hence. with the con tents, was, valued at about., $5,000 - The bath houses..ohddi: , attached. to the Oceanllonse, wore elm tarried away. The tide - Mee higher than for.many yearn prbriouaTt , ' ' D tr,ramt Iftutan ' ItATS.— Oa Thursday morning last, the (lamina/OAm of Mr. Miller.,.of,Littlo- Britain:-OrangmenuntyCN. J , was deatreyed by, fire, together with all the furniture, ail., as welt-as no in money. The fire (tridtidel in a bloget'iti which were a qupntity of match - as Strewn around, and it is supposed that ( bey were ignited bp.the rata .canning over them. This is the aeoond fire - in this:county within the last three weeka from the game eauae, tbe,store and dwelling of Mr. Na,e of Newburgh. being de stroyed- about thbt 'time - from - matches - being Ig nited by rats. STORING PAASEISGEII. •Gut.—. 11.6 one of the passenverlrains of eeM nom paining weeenard over the Baltimoie. and Ohio Railroad', on Thom (ley Jest a negro who,hed stationed himself about four miles from 4 .l3elttmore , threw ,a laza-steed "-atone throngh ene,of Arenas. ' , lrindisses, *bleb arm very noaretriking sense of the 000 r saw the ..entrago- and, immediately, refereed the-engine and stoned the train Tbe t effivere, with the 'essistance the `viatehmen of the Toad, ohased and on ptured.the negro. who was taken be. fore Orie of the magistisees, and oommitted -to the - Tovilantarn jail s to await bie trial., A .QtrEnn UP ' 4 : :Tru EfAitix CDT, lIP km FED ,zo °bog lett...et/pm Elyria giant an eminent of Si serious. flistuank.in-Damesousjarfeing ont'of an' lbtrigete'hayreerr 'a queen of t behaves of one - ssnuf and - einjattet,wllo Zee'~,y~aw, end - 3.4 to foreigireo eulate. man/ odlyjatroineed Into the harentin wo. „butt was -tinelly,die oeverld:-11, and'ithi fled to the desert, but 1411 f cruelly murdered, bet body d in ; please and given to'ilie Mann Another man; saws place Mi , "ere ;3.4 - out•c4_ Oirounsfem Accayed. it stile pt forui: which is that of an ox's tin :ably curved. These bones are, perhaps, that bays ever been discovered, and per , lart...ions are being .made to dig up the rest. j- - YELLOW r OR A i , _ FORT BROWN.—By a letter from an offs -r I,l3rown, Texas, dated thel3tb ultimo , *,rylarn that Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Francis Thirr, Major of the First Regi- ment of United States Artillery, died there of yel low fever on the night of the instant. The total deaths at the Fort Mode the present colhpany entered it, seventy•four in number. Sep. t•tuber Ist 1058; 'have been thirty-five, of which thirty ;ono were soldiers, throe camp women, and one ordnance sergeant.—N. 0. Picayune. Astngnsr COLLEGE has just enjoyed one.of its regular disturbances. The Sophomore class attempted to bury; with monk solemnity, a couple of syringes, which had. been captured by them from the Junior class, and whiob had been used by the Juniors rot the annoyance of the Freshmen. This trivial not the Juniors tried to interfere with. and quite a row ensued. The president captured and kept ono of the, syringes, and, the students bur'ed the other with all - the honors. THE CHILDREN OF CINCINNATI, OHIO.—A canons of the children of Cineinnati, Ohio, recently taken by order of the Sohool Beard of that city, shows that there is a total of 55,890 between the ages of four and twenty-one yearn, whereof 27.502 are white males; 29.108, white females; LOSS colored. males, and 1,192 colored females. Of the total timber, about ono-half do not attend school, the majority of whom are girls. - WATCH•CHAIN CHARMS —lt is said that the rope whiob surrounded the ring or enclosure in which Morrissey and Heenan fought has been bought by a distinguished gentleman of Buffalo, and in a short time will be cut up. set in gold, silver, or brass, and sold to all gentlemen and. ladies who desire a memento of the battle Those portions of it that became bloody during the eon test will, of course, realise a higher price. - AT BnisroL, R. 1., on Thursday last, Mr. Wen. MoGuire and others attempted to catch a tierce bull, which they wished - to slaughter, and whiob had broken' loose, when the animal struck Mr. McGuire with both horns, breaking both the man's collar bones, and rendering him nearly senseless. Four bullets were lodged In the animal before lie fell. The escape of Mr. Mahar° was wonderful. FREAK OF NATURE.—The Richmond (Ky.) IlTessenger mentions a freak of nature which is without , a parallel in the animal kingdom. It is a colt with but one eye ; It was foaled on the farm of Mr. Elimb a Roberts, in Madison county. The eye is considerably larger than the usual size, and in the middle of the forehead. CURIOSITT.—One day last week, says the Piedmont (Va ) Independent, a live curiosity passed through this plans. D. was a boy about six years old, who weighed between two and three hundred pounds His head was nearly the she of a peek measure, and other parts of the body were in the same proportion. STAISIPS.—For the quarter ending Septem ber 30th, there were issued from the stamp bureau of the General Post Office thirty ands half million of three•oent stamps, nine and a half million of one-ceet stamps, and about one million of other denominations. There wore also issued about seven millions of stamped envolopeg. PRIZE FIGHTERS CONTICTED.—Hamrd and John Clifford as principals, and John Hall as se cond, in a prixe fight that came off near -Hudson City, New Jersey, have been convicted in the county court. The judge is said to bare been very revere in his charge against the prisoners. Sen tence was not passed. A NEW MURILLO ON EXHIBITION IN NEW 11 . 0111(s-11y the last steamer from Central America it picture of the Conception, said to have been 'Tainted by Murillo, was brought to New York by a New Grenadian gentleman, who desires to sell it for $lO.OOO. There is same doubt as to whether the painting is really a Murillo or not. A FATAL ACCIDENT happened at the races at Niagara, C. W, lately. The people rushed to one of the stands in such numbers as to crush it, end several persons were buried under the ruins. Adam Crysler, an old and respected citizen, Was killed, nod many more seriously hurt. THE NEW ORLEANS TRUE DELTA of the 28d contains a rumor to the effect that a malignant cholera bad broken out among the slaves of a Teffer son-parish planter, and that in one day eighty, out of about one hundred on the plea*, died of the pee. titmice. FUNNY Mumadr.—The mummy of an Fgyp iian princess from Egypt. was landed in England. It is intended for exhibition. An embalmed oat WOO 101113(1 in the ease with the lady. which fact is considered suf f icient evidence that the lady was never married. r.,SISTER MAT REGINA, one of the sisterhood of Mout3l. do Sales Academy of the V sitation, in Baltimore, died on the 23d ultimo, of consumption. Deceased was a sister of Rev. Wm T. Clarke. pre sident of Loyola College, and took the veil sixteen years ago. THE AUTOMATON GUESS PLATER, which at tracted so Tough attention in this country from 1820 to 1838, and whose secret was co finely ex pored by Edgar A. Poe, is to bare its bistory written by a gentleman familiar with chess litera ture. MONSIEUR GODARD, the French aeronaut, who was beaten in the late balloon race by Stainer, the Ameriaan, has gone East, and intends to leave for Frame forthwi'h. Be will make no more ascensions in this country. TIIE GOVERNOR OF RHODE ISLAND has ap pointed Thanksgiving for Thursday, November 25. Five Sates have already agreed upon that day—New llsmfshire, Connecticut, Misslsslppi, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. r.l.P.Xtrfr f Ll 4.— near the 2 titift.Volg7 ler Jooar twin f t. Although 2;0:60tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers