%&Wjs }W^|6twßM^^9^*ioir4fT^ ? yh(9 philo * * • prispeotaii of :tbe tabebrought out fe&‘V?:* bo ?- fc sooietyiresolved, to form a of;worda,: hitherto thb 'df: Johnstm and Ttiohardson, with a supploiaieritAry volume, Wriyjnigh % ba used’ With enhbr of these works!; .waS birculara Issued J ;inviung_ c(V-aperation: The-result was that up-. ,:4U^ ar( ! 8 .voluntarily - offered, their v j lservices, wuioh gave suQh.eoaouragement that it determined, vat; the meeting of the soolety in' . - ' Jahuary of .thepre3eat year,’that, instead of tho " - ®p n tcmplated supplement-,a new dictionary of the ,•• / English language should be prepared .under ;the ■ ■ authority of the soolety., /The work has been en -- trnßted to two 'oommittoes--the one literary and : JhUh>ripal, and the other etymoligooal. The object ; b*-the prospectus is to Jay the plan of the work be ; fore the public, 'and to ask from thnt public auoh further helpin.the reading and noting of books os * pi satisfactorily carried out. • r Ordination; of :a .Colored /Bishop.—'The last GenerabOonforenoo of tbe! Methodist Episoo pal Church, held *at Indianapolis, rndiana. au tboriaed lhe6]ection and ordination of a bishoD Jor.the-BMablw of Liberia, ’if the annual Con* : ™ eno jng African State should so -dJtflFmme......That Conferenrie having elected one _ that office, ho was ordained on the Uth instant, at !"■ X.». several memhers of .the Genesee >£°»C 6 M°o»...ihen in session, and Bishop Janes and • j*?£ indho.solean.and impressive cere motn'ea. Bishop Burns is a native, wo believe, of V ~ Nowburg, New TorkJ but. has. resided in .Liberia S j «ainee the married end has raised a' . . family- there-rra eon-being now in his third oollegi ®to year at.the. Wesleyan University, Conneotiout, ‘ t . BSshop-JBurna ha!? made a very favorable 1 impres sion op the American public wherever be has ap ' pearod’or snokem - He returns in the packet-ship ' .alary, CftrolmeStevens, on the Ist November next, from Baltimorb. A Pauiß -Fight, out 'West.—The St. Louis jßjjto2/taz7»'gives an aooonnfc of a fight between Pat MoNeil, the Tipperjirj Boy, and Elias O’Fiaz - hercy, near the-Fair Ground, on tho same day that the Morrissey and Heenan'fight took plaoe; Flagherfcy. was the victor, the report oloaing •Wi thjthe.following summary o£ the brutal 1 work: • - Onthosixtieth round MoNeil oould not oome up to' time, - having both arms brokon, two extremely , black eyes, a fractured rifc or two, and a head about twice its usual sis*, and having besides re ceived a'great loss of,,'sensation. He was, there 'fore.'deciared whipped, and the-money handed over to thetriumphant O’Flagherty. The latter, however, deolared the.vlotor, was tolera bly severely-punished. His left eye ‘ was put out entiroly,collar bone had sustained two com pound rfomminuted fraotures, his five right fingers displaced from 'their sockets, and hts.month slit 9% the left side of his cheek as far baok as his oar. Chops in Vermont—Potatoes at Twentv • rivs CBNTs per Bushel —A correspondent in Vermont-writes,! The crops of this State'have all been,, harvested in good order, and, as I have before, intimated, nearly all kinds are abundant r. Corn was never better, sad potatoes the best, per ....haps, sinoMhe adveht-of the rot ; the disease.of -.this season having proved too looal and limited to r,.^affeotr'much.the generalresult. The prloeof com mon potatoes, including peaohblows.nfc the rail jroad depots, whore almost oountloss-Joads are 'daily coming in to be freighted £or the city mar ket, IS jtw<mty-five v conts per bushel, and only the >. ohbiodr. kinds bring .eight orden cents more. ' A REHARfeABLE CA3E.—Tke Somersworth • f&laes.) Advbrtiser RB'ji: i l ,We learn-that on the 20th ult., Uiraui' Edmunds,.of -Emery’s Mill, a boy.some fourteen'years'old, fell from a hay-mow, and struok the lower part of the left side of the f>'OheH Opdh the upright'end of a sharpened slab mod as a fixture In the barn ' The slab penetra / ted,the ohest.-aud he hung thereVsome four feet ; from.the,floorj whilst his father could go add take -..-him off,,.'.'When the slab was drawnfrom the body /. ; the left lung followed, r '.’Tt /soon 1 became inflated,' so that it was somewhat.difiibult to>eduoe and re l * store it to ite proper -plaae. This, however, was effectually done .by~DrZ W. Stephens, the opening closed op. and in a few days a complete recovery borhood u > 18 no * n * na * ll ff ft bout the neigh- The Emperor Napoleon has presented to tho Empress mother, Mmo. do Montijo, the splendid mansion in the Ch&mps-Elysdes, lately purchased of the Marquis deliauristan. The proporfcy is valued *>ooo,ooo f ratios. The Emperor also gives a mil* *« n °tJ railoa as his contribution to the dowry of Paniega, thV future Duohesa of Malakoff: 1 her Majesty'superintends the preparation of ‘ the'bride’s trousseau:’^s . > yiißpottfltujhs. (Reported for the Press.} ' . "Gem,'Whe»don—oOCO hxs 1600 half do SOOO qr do 060 eighth do M ft raisins 1000 bxs 600 hlf do IQOOqr do layer raisins 10 cs cartoons do 900 frails seedless do 170 bxs lexis do 180 half do 200 boxes prunes >2OO half do do 200-boxes figs 200 heir do do 200 ken :grapfs*2oo boxes "lemon*'223 do’oranges" 70 hails almonds 600 pigs lead Isaac Jeanes A Co. . pOMINIOA-Brlg A D Gamege, Ellis-6 bbls lime jnice 76,000 orangqgJeaneg A Scattergood. V*- FHILADELPHIX HOARD OF TRADE • Lawbbxck Joaxsox, i Enwxftn o. Uiddlb, f CoiimTTßßor tkh Month, Edwjju> G. James, . j - ’ / . . i,KTT*R BAGS , ..... .. **.<»* M»re*on«»> Sxekapgi, PkitmUlpkim , ratpl«M*foM,.Jhu]liiTjr Lirsrpoe], Not 1 Borqoe Rolodoer, Franklin ..Pernambuco. Nov s - S l ,"‘ U “, Pr i Mi i l^ N »’ fto, ‘ -Havana, toon Srt* KHaHOTd.Tojo....... st Ja*b do Ooba, loon s«* mKU£ng)te»Ai, Olenfnepw, MM JB)utit«. Jnuiliflintt. - FHU.ADKLPIIIA, Oct. 30,-1818 SUN 8Xa*5............6 481 BUN SETS);.6 12 ‘ 7 ARRIVED Steamship Delaware, Oopos, 21 Hoars from Nov York, with merchandise and passengers to. James Aliderdice , Varfed bafque Bt' James, for. BiO do Janeiro, at anchor Beeay Island;. brig Qrace Worthington, echrs Cameo, and,-Another laden with lamber, below ' 'Delaware' City: two hermbHgs. eohp Ut. Oarlton, and ' hein* twenty-othersi below New Castle, bound op. . *. ■; Br brig QamvWheaderi, from Malaga, with ' Waistas, TataO Jesses & 00.- 1 J> - BrbrißADGamsge,BliiB,l6, dajs .from Dominica, wlth-branges, Ac. to Order..- Bchr Wm George, Jackson, l day from Smyrna, Del, withoatsto J EBewlbyA Co"'"’'' .. , .-BQhr r JDzpedition/'Coondr, 1- day. from Smyrna, Del, - -*7 • BchrMary. BlchatAs,! day from Camden, Del, with ' rye to JL BekleyA* Co;'" ‘ ; . f&eh'rJ W Halit Morris, 1 day from Little Creek Land ing,‘DeVwitktora-to jriTßewley A Oo/ j '> 1 Bohr Young Amenca.Totc, 2 days from Port Deposit, wlthlttinbCr, 5 Ac.-toJ LBewley & o<>. •. JJchr Anna B Russell,Warrington, ! day fromtewes, 'DeU with grain tofj L Bewley A Co--V' . .'JTSehrr Bartlett/- Skaggs,' 2 days fro*/-Turner's xCreek, jfd,‘w£th*r«ln to Richardson A.Orerman, . - Coopery t dVy from’, Smyrna, Del, with .xwheatabd-oats toJea Barrett A Bon/ " •- Bm&ja/Brbiks.l dayfrom 1 New Castle: Dsl.wlth rWhMttdJußaOTtt'kSoQr'- 1 - v -V’"-' * -■ j/ Bchr MaQtoafJB«bn,'ldsy from Jx’edtrlcsj Del; with corn to Jasßarratt ASon. - -^~7\ WiUlfttnsridajSfrotn Laurel; Del; withstM&^J.Wßatoa&Cor"’ v \ ' /' £Uen, Benton; 5 days from Pocomoke ' fiirer,>wlth lumber 1o JWBacon A Co. *-jSehr Merchant' ThilUps, 3 days:from Laurel; Del, With Wrk to JWBacon* Coi. - j ' *' 'Bohr UrhanayNorton,6daja from New' York,''with fnckiffU>k«M»ato’oapUli». * j'i;Bohii tHess/Lcp'er'.from New Jfdrk.-./T £ •' Cfehr Kiehard'Tjbompsonj'Llo;d,frbm Bristol./ ' ' * Bloop\Carollneyßosei 1 /day from Odessa;Del, with 4, «atatoOkHatlah£Curran./^" /‘-/y CLEARED ? Bhip J PHarward, Andxoss,New Orleans,DBßtet sdn & Co. - , J -. r* --- ... Bsraae Batcher, Collins, HiranarTbos 'Wattsoni -.-/•%v ./ .Brig.jippo,Hendrik, Sohnt, London, .Workman'A Co. Pohr'JuUette, Chase:-Roaton, L Audsnried A 00. Bchr.B Thompson. ll6yd,Baleiu, Tan Dueen, Norton AOe.- / .;/ . r« . Bahr J L Providence, N Storterant A 00. Sir J 9 Shxifer-'Dennis, Baltimore,.A Qroree, Jr. / cor W|pondenee of The Press.) HAYRN DN OBAOB, Oet 32,1868. The, WyomingJeftthls.mernlog with 6 boats, laden . ; Geo E ItVld* and Oarrew/titaminoof coal to Young Go, 3 T Bog&rdun. lumber to -Malone & Taylor; John A Lemmon, bituminous coal to Perot A Bro, undated, Ac 'to A $ Outsell &~Co:, XXO UB, coal •t 6 Delaware OJty.v,- ‘■'-TberOJs a breaken Branch.of the Pennayl* rania canal.'-, V r , > Exchange,) 'OAP*,jBLA»©,.Oct29 f IO«PM. -The batqae Oarlo Uiafon, Oapt FratieevlUe, U om IT Tore, boriod to Aepfhwall, sunk thirty miles BIS' or the sir« Pathomhank. ',Xb'a Cr4w' took to theboata, and after* much* rafferiog/retched tkV light, ship on the Sank/ One of the -b&taVeapalatd; and one manwae The cook died after reaehingthe light ship. The remainder are all here/ ’ "" , r . . - - - TQOB: D. HUftßlß. ' - ' [»T TO THB PBBBS-]. / - -v-.- :. ■ Nsw-YoHX.Oct 29. Arrived,"barque E B Truitt, from Bordeaux, • Below) ship wm Ohambetliin, from* Calcutta. . \ . . NoaroLX. Va,,Oct 29 The brig Hfirah SUrr, Blake, from Oardenas. bound to toiilwd; With molasses,'has pot into this port; her eargo having shifted, and the vessel being damaged ft*, a -- • / 'Navr.OßLtiaa,Octi9. Arrired, ew'tpfl' heyg,fromfiaTra;'. - • memoranda. \ . .BM.mitlp'liojtoD, Selleir, hiracs, nrrfred at N York Arisl, Ludlow,' cleared at New York y«- tdrday for uarre/' <: -r' ‘ l - r '-'-flWamshiY’BdtobUrg, Cummings, cleared at' N York yesterday for.CHasgow. J gj,lp cleared at Pecsicola SOth inat fdrßiOde-Janeiro. r gblp Prospero, Leaoh, for the XJ States, was loading ; ./ ';• -■ Ship James Obeetonyßryant, for Baltimore, was load- Ing’atOaTdefa4thwjikr *•' /'/-•' . £V>V' - f. tor New, York, sailed from ~H oholttluSeptlO.- ./- • " ' ‘ „ Ship Rock Light; Hadley, from ..Cardiff, was at Callao Blstnlt •' ' - 1 -/ . , ? - Ship-, Margaret Sliza, Strout,-cleared'at New. York 28th mst' iot* Bnehoa Ayres. Bhip Masonic, at New York yesterday *. • ” ' J > ‘. " r Uarqae'M'B Jrank;Haskell,Cleared'at New York wtiterday for Yalphraiso.' ' Barone Aaron l Harter, Mliler, at Bar- Badod*, lOthrlditj for : Philadelphia, via Turks Island, biif. Iqnlqu* , P;lt» S,pt. 80, fr«ttt B^ll - Ckllaof'had been sold for $BO 0 : ;; .K-P.>ett, Jewett,'£or .Philadelphia, was »t ' Majo, for O.ps of Good Hope, eleiißd .t Boston 28th init, nn , , . . - B»«tia' GiJlid»pe«a I PSj'e, i!le4r< | ! at MoMIo 93d Inst - fot Ll»«pool, itlth 1610 b.IM Of oolton, yaluol at , .. for BaUlmora; cleared at BHi* , :NelikiQ, clewed at Oharieston 381 h Initj ■' - . f °6ohre BtlflsF faid Milton, ftielman, hence , at New Yorkyesterday' -v.-V' gehrsArietta;nobiQSdh,neneefor^NewHareo; Hff Bndlbott. Bennett, do do: J B Dloklneon, Lynch, do do; • M ddddi do do; T Pot* ter,'Glotef,onfbrPrortdenee;:W.Collyer,Bajner,do JbbatbanrConeV Mehaffej^, 1 from Cdunectieut *,«, BfrefforPHUadeiphU; at New Ydrk yesterday; -* ’ . ; :vfeS^fSSS| BHW»U|dy4e, «at Alidf, Oarberry, do for New London, arrived at N Tork yesterdav. - ‘, Bchr_Orslni. Toney, henee, was discharging" at 81 Thomas 18th loth - Bohr Franc* s'Emerson, for Philadelphia; cleared at Jacksonville 18th Inst. ' Behr H W Morse, Philllps.for Beanfort and Cedar Keys, sailed trom Key West 10th Inst Bohra Dsnlel Morrls. Hoover, from Wilmington, Del, for New Haven, and J K Price. Bmith, from Delaware City for Fsirfcaven, at New York yeeterd*y. Sehre Sarah Elisabeth,- Dillon, hence for Boston, and H B Gibson, Orooker, hence for New London, at New York yesteqJSy. *» - Behr Caroline D Hall, Graham, sailed from Newbury port 27th Inst, for Phi adelphia. ‘ B®br Casper Heft, Shoe, henoe at Georgetown 1 , DO, 28 h inat. Bchrs Lydia Ann and O H Tolley, Salford, henoe at Baltimore 26th inat Bohr Josephus A Edwin, Conley, cleared at Baltimore 28‘h Inst, for Philadelphia.. ' ’ ‘ Bohr James Martin.- Harding, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 27th Inst Steamer Thomas Sparks, Green, oleared at Hartford 27th Inst, for Philadelphia Barge Bhark, Robinßon, for Philadelphia, oleared at New York yesterday. - - MARINE MIBOBLLANY. The oargo or the brig ISppo Hendrik, cleared at this port for London, comprises 200 bags cloverseed. 620 do oil eake. bbte phosphate of limp, 69 tierces beef, 63 do rice 80 bbls pork, 11-419 pieces loenst treenails, 267, Casks 6 boxes mds*, 1 bbl hams. 2 do po atoes. . fihlp Indian Hunter, from London for Port Philip, was spoken 20th nlt, lat 26 08 N. loog 36 80, by the Br barque Traveller, at thin port from Rio Ship Weymouth, Elliott, from Akyab for Queenstown, which put into Mauritius In distress, had negotiated a bottomry bond for $lO 000, to pay expenses at M, at the rate of 10 09 per cent, payable in 20 days after her safe arrival at her port of discharge, flhe sailed from Mau ritius Aug 81.‘ • July 4, lat 9 35 8, long 80 07, ship Henry Harbeok, True, from Alexandria May 14 for Manilla Jnly 16. Ut 8 46 N, long 90 28 E, barque A W Plato, nine, Bennett, from Akyeb June 22 for Falmouth, S, Aug 26, Ut 4 N, long 82, waa seen an American ship steering 8, showing a white fl»g with a black horse in the centre (probably the Golden Fleece, from Boston July 20 for Ban Vranoleco. •Aug- 29., lat 2 N, long 21, Bremen barque Lina, from New York for Bnenos Ayres.' Sept 1, lat 1160 N, long 26 84 W, ship Mattapao, Dun bar, from London Jnne 28 for Calcutta Bept 16, lat 22 N, long 26 W, ship Western Star, Knowles, from Liverpool July 8 for Calcutta. FOREIGN. PORTS. At Horolulu Sept 16. ships Golden Eagle, Harding, ldg oil; John Marshall, Pendleton, to be sold Bept 20. Arat Lahaioa Bept6, ship Yorick, Boole. San Fran cisco, to load oil for At Patta Sept 30, brig Canada, Pomp, from Callao Sept 16, ar 20th, wtgorders. Bid from Valparaiso Sept 10, barqne White Bea, Evans, Pan Antonio At Iquique Bcpt 17, ships State of Maine, Humphrey, from Valparaiso for ——ldg; barqne Hesper, Armitage, from do for Glasgow, do At Caldera Bept 4, ship Hellespont. Kenoard, for Eng land, ldg; barqne Tangier. Hall, for U Btates, do. . Bid from Callao Bept 8. ships Tornado, Mnmford, Rio da Janeiro (and also on the 21st for New York direct;) 9th, Paracen, Berry, Queenstown; Wellfleet, MoGUvery, do: 12th Rising Btw, Smith, Ohincha Islands; Trade Wind. Johnson, do t Freights to the U Btates, $lO Ar at Punta Arenas Sept 14, ship Wm Sturgess, Cook, Aeapnlco. ant eld 19th for Calcutta; brig fixperimant, Valparaiso; 28th, brig El Yrazo, San Francisoo. . Ar at Panama 18th Inst, steamship Golden Gate. Whitney, Sab Francisco. Af at doSßth inst. steamship Columbus, Dow, San Jose Guatemala, Ac, and sld 13th on her return. Sid 19th, steamship Sonora, Lapidge, San Francisco. ' Ar at AspinwaU 10th in*V ships John W White, Lo tbrop, New York; barqne Old Dominion,'Maradon. do; brigs J Harris, McGilvery, and Arabella, May, do; 10tb» ste*m«hip Grana, Key West ' At Vera Oiut 3d Inst, barque Rapid, Marsobalk, from MlnatltUn, ar2Bth ult; steamer Jasper, Wll&r, from do, ar Ist Inst. * * * . _ DOMESTIC PORTS .NEW YORK, Oct 29—Ar, steamer Petapsoo, Lay field, Baltimore; ship Ocean Steed, Strickland. Boston: barque Snsan Clark, Elliott, Malaga: brig* 8 Wooster, Booth, Esatport; Cuba, Sawyer, Milibridge; O W Cog gins, Downing, Sagua; Experiment, Harrison, Gray town; sohre Swan, Collins, Alexandria, D C; Henry Payson, Sldridge, Richmond; Ellen, Carson, Alexan dria, D O; Henry Oo'e, Hasel, Jacksonville: Holen Mar, Tattle, Alexandria, D O. Old, ships SO BQranton, Magna, Savannah; Tamer .lane. BarstoW, Charleston; barques Rambler. Taokard, fit Thomas; Sarah, Martinique; brigs W R Kibb/vStanly, Havana;.Talulab, Plumer, Jacksonville; Ida Baynes, Roberts, do; F M Mayhew, Harvey, Bermuda; Chesa peake. I Hares, Cardenas: Holla, Reason, Belfast; schrs Anna Sinks. Phlney, Kingston, Jam; A V- Bedell, Ry der." Alexandria; W Abbott, Smith, Berwick, La; Cren shaw, Moses, Richmond; FH Abbott, Smith, Wilming ton; It Cannon, Books,' Maeanham A mkt; Valetta. Meany, fit Jago; Masonio, Perry, Jaomel. ARRIYALB AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. UP TO OU O'OLGOK THIS KOBRINS. ..GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. H Fitzgerald, NY WO Logan, Pa N Stevens. St Louis fi Brees, N Y J Hirsbfield, Pittsburgh T Terry, la & 2 svts, Cuba T A Terry & sister. Cuba N S Acea, Cuba W W Vanderbilt, N Y - 0 H Stone & la, Boston JU Troup, Ga . WII Baldwin, Wash, DC* % D Gilman, Wash. DO O Powers A la, N Y A B Norton A la; Wash C 8 Rogers, Bid Dr JH Baker A 1a DMmuon.Ga MrsM H Wilson, Ga Dr Alison A la, G'a Mrs Allison, Ga AN Macrey A la, Ga T Kelos. Jr, Boston . F Grlffiog A la. Wash Mr Glttisgs, Baltimore J F Gilchrist, jr,N J - J W Harrison, NY GW Moody A w, 8 C TJ Lovelace, Gala W B Duvall, Baltimore E 8 Handy. Md " 1 G G Williams, Baltimore J L Tomiio, London G B Tsylor A w, Va ■H RHelper, Washington • JR Wlthiogton, Boston Mrs O 8 Arnold A son, Ga 'Master Lyman, Ga L Sittings, Baltimore * T A Walter, Washington W F Dancy A la. N O KCampbell, Jr, Baltimoie T Belts, England’ EH Vredenbnrgb, N Y Geo Martin and family- K Tavlor, V* O Matthews Aw, N Y , 1 Mrs Wniiams, Pa 88 Bowman, N Y II A Jackaon, N Y W S Barton, Va J L Mayer, Jr, Va ■ W Brunner, N Y W G Murray. Jersey city O Johnson, Jr. Brooklyn Chas Rice, Boston H W Soper, Batavia, NY- R A OndiUpp, New York T ff MoKerson A w, 8 O Cyrus Butler. Ngw York 1 ft Jwp, Yeiv ll ‘ J Guillaume, New York J W Nairn. Washington ThoaD Fullerton, Balt W M Lloyd, New York 3 F Millington, Trinidad J P Btrftngo, Memphis W B Wigge, Memphis E W M Brown, N York H L' Patterson, fit Louis B Glover, London R 8 Van Olevo, Trenton Jas E Jewitt, U 8 N John W Dnnningtoh. U 8 N J Higenbotbem, Balt T.F Cherryi Baltimore G W Eddy, New York JB Phillips, jr, A lady, N Y T HHall, MiUedgeviUe.Ga Dr N J Hn«ton; Alabama Miss Mollie Huston. Ala MrSLAMhooi, Alabama' Jobs G Rives, N O J ft Krnger, La Grange O W Whavlra, La Grange F Coyle, Washington MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. % W Lellend. Baltimore J J Provo, Jonesboro. 11l J WLang, Mansfield,Ohio J W McClure, Illinois 8 Oory. Terre Bauto V 8 Doebler. Pa H H Johnson, Boston DMinnlck, New Phila, O Joel Warner. New Phila, 0 N Seymour, Erie, Pa T P Sayre, Newark, N J ‘ Geo 8 Mendell, Spring&eld X C Tan dove, Trenton. NJ Adam WUioo, Pa Miss Tryon, N Y Wm Young, Mifillneburg J H Young, Miffllnsburg Henry F.ebig, Pa Louie HaUer, Pittsburgh 0 R Henderson, Mass A B Butner, NO L Kingsbury, Pa Ed Akers, Balt J B Davidson, N J Jno Willis, Ohio R U Wigtoa k la, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. J H Barker, Washington J M Morris, Cape May A Waehbrotus, 0 Lewis, Ohio J Barnos k la, N Y R Weils k la, Indiana 8 B Harrison k la,Balisbury H D Genther, Ya Y 0 Grant, Ya Jas Kirkwood, N Y Jobn SI Nones, N J Win Vernon. Bchl eo, Pa J.B Deniokson, N Y - Jobn Dorrloksou, N Y AP Williams, NY 8 Hsnleon, N Y Wm Jones, NY. SB Lukens, Boston Thos B Lukens, Boston H R Brooke, N J N M Soollis, Pa £ P Wilber, M Ohunk T A Hidlieon A la, S 0. 0 Morse k Ja, Boston Jaa Hunter. Richmond .. W Bliley, Pa X Owen', Washington " J E Owen, Washington J 0 Macdonald, tin . Jot S Hedges, Washington UNION HOTEL—Arch street, belowjourth. 0 H Patch, Ohio J Vacant, iwtaore tii Beading, N J P G O Hunt,lnd J Btok, Union, P» H Smith, Bt Pwl R W.Olendfnoln, P» , J II yook, U.jdltaTille M Be La Rosa, Altoona J Leehe*,Easton .BT.Wllton, Del B B:ough. Easton A Johns, Cecil, Md W H W Whitney, Pa ,0 Tousey, Ind G Terry, Pittsburgh 0 R Mayhew, Md W Moore, Waterford, Pa A 8 Gee, BchaylkUl co H Church, Ohio P 8 Chaney, Easton, Pa £ll Bird, N J H NNorton, NJ , .MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at,, above Arab. P Olymir, Lock Haven Henry Kerr, Philadelphia CoLJJ3Barron, SO JG Brodhead, Pa A JWarner, Pa GW Jackson, Phila A Klmmel, Perth Amboy J Daliell, Dei A R Foster, Del T H Williams, Ya 0 X.Clark, Pittsburgh " NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. R Kennedy, Phila , N T M Veagh, Pa J’Babcock, Ohio H J Houdler, PottsvlUe 0 Phipps, Pa J 8 Lewis, Ya T Wilson k sou, N J B Darlington, Washington X A Davis, Pa ' W R Kain, Reading H Rabar, Lebanon I KLoos, Richmond, Pa BGooke, Centre Co, Pa .' :MADIBOM HOUSE-Seconi st, below Arch. DXoQand, Del S H Marwick, Lane 0 Green, NY W Welsh, Swedesborough BA Ford, NY D P Van Denbergh, Del W Meislcki Del 8 4 Bimpson, Del J Smith,-Del Dr D G Fisher, Del T X Co ti Ingham, Del Z Horsey, Del J Dncber, NY 8 Dacher, N Y W 8 Titus, N J. BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st., ab. Oallowhlll. HG Gilbert, Heading J Ordwaiader, Pa J Keller, Buckingham / E Cadwalader, Pa Ouper Bolds,' Byberry Ed Roads, Byberry Lewie Clemens, Doylest’n Geo Clemens, Pa Ohasß Knight, Smithfleld Geo Matkiey, Halltown Mm Markley, Halltown Levi Markley, Halit jwn Henry Welters, Pa „ Jno Vonardidalsn & la, ra Abrahain Buckluan, Pa , BALD EAGLE-Thirl street, above Oallowhlll. p'O’HeiUy, Reading Baui’l Smith, Bocks co Joa Btopp, Allentown Robt Good, Doylestown A Eetherolf, Berks eo Wm Beans, Bucks ce BLACK BBAB INN-Flftb and Merchant streets. Dr Dumed, Chester co J Richards, Readfog J U Walker) Franklin co W Johnson, Lancaster L Schofield, Germantown M Evans, Chester co Jobn Hooper,' Germantown W D Evans, Pottstown John Russell, Olearflold Jas Davis, Olearßeld G 8 Murphy, Md T Z H Murphy, Md John Leary, Pa % Darlington, Del co, Pa Geo Pearson. Pa ' Jos L Garrett- Pa Gideon Speakman, Del co ' Ohfti Fairlamb, Del co J H Lewis, Del co J It Lewis, Del co Moses Clng, Pa WA Maokey, P» BARLEY BHEAF HOTEL-Second street, below Vine. W P Magllt, Pa SB Tomllosoo, Pa Geo Lansirer. Newtown 8 Smith, Newtown J A Cadwallader, Newtown 0 Smith. Newtown Jos R Taylor, Newtown W 0 Enwrlgbt, Newtown Thos Enwrlgnt,’Newtown Robt J Neely, Ya Jos S Bi/. Doylestown 8 Murry, Newtown D K Reeder, Bolebury A N Bachman, Pa Jos H Bunting, Pa M Oahan, Lambertville D Raffensperger, Ohio W Davison, Cheltenham P K Frets, Doylestown Ale-' Oermen, Nowtown 0 W Wolbert, Beloit, Wis Jo# Y Watton, fltroudaburi: 8 0 Bradshaw, Quakertown I P Hartford,ut Jos W. Briggs New Hope ’ A Brown-Pa John Larue, Pa Rudolph Pineville. W K Carver, Newtown John B Parry. Newtown • HWynkoop k la s Newtown W D Large k Ja.Taylorsv’e SBaker ft; la,- Taylorsville W R Beane, Taylorsville H X Mbbre, Newtown 8 0 Harvey, M'ddletown J B Eastburn, FAlslngton R S Hoppock, Newtown Jobn Hoppock,-Newtown W Polton k wife, New town D Fell, Buckingham.. Jebn Polk, Pa W.Doan;?*.,. Biml Sutton, Pa Tom Linton. Newtown W Croser Newtown BN Hilee, Davlsvilld T 8 Smith,-Pa Silas Hongh,'Pa' garni Hough, Pa BamlJSari, Doylestown • Seth Ely, Pa X Pickering, Pa ■ - iv-sa “Washington arid his Portraits. 1 13 tLEOTURB BY REMBRANDT PBALE—lllus trated by several Paintings, under a novel and effective arrangement of Ughtr-hls own origloal Portrait, bis -Father’s H 72, Houdon’s >7Bs,Trumbull’s 1790, Stuart’s 1796,' Mra. Washiogton, and a colossal-Alonocrome. A Picture-of St. Cecilia, from, a celebrated Painting by Rubens, “prill occupy the Frame previous to the Leo tuie, fit the .’MUSICAL ?UND if Af-on TCG9DAY. the 2d- November, at 7 Jf‘o’clock, ticket* 26 cents. For sale atthe principal Bookstorcs/and at the Hall. { P«27*6t* t ! n' ,^marriage?. In Milfofl] Delaware, on the morning of ;the 26th instant, by Rev." John Bnthi of Wilmington, Mr. MUN SON H. TREADWELL, of Philadelphia, to Mrs. MA RIA O. JEFFERSON, of the former place. , # I Delaware papers please oopy J __ On the 2Eth instant, by Friends’ Ceremony, ED WARD M BATTERTHWAIT to LIZZIE H., daughter of James R. Garrignes, all of this city * On the 27th instant, by Rev. T Btork, Mr. HENRY 8 GATZMER, of this city, to Bliss MARY V. FRAN CINE, of Camden, N. J. * On the 27th inßtant. at St Joseph’s Church, by Rev. F. J Barbelio, ALEXANDER J. DIAMOND to Bliss MARY FINNEGAN, both of tbie city. # ©catlja. At Ban Pranelsco. on the 22d of September, of ty phoid fever, CHARLES P. SMILEY, youngest eon of Tbom&sT. Smiley, M. D., of Philadelphia, in the 28d year of his age ## At Gwynedd Par®, Montgomery county, Pa., on the morning of Thursday, 28th Instant, SAHAH GLABK, wife of Kodolphus Kent, iu the 41st year of her age. Her Wends and those of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother, Ellis Clark, No 604 Buttonwood street, on Monday morning, Not. 1, at XI o’clock. Interment in Christ Church burying ground. On Monday, 26th instant, after a lingering and pain ful illness, ANNE, wife of Dr S.E. Wills, and daughter Of Joseph Bldridge, of Oeoil county, Ud. * Oo the 27th instant, ELIZA, daughter ef the late Win. C&mpbe 1. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her mother, 1608 North Hxth street, above Jetter *on, on this afternoon, at 2 o’clock * On the 28tb Instant, JULIA WURFFLEIN, daughter of Andrew and Caroline Wtufllein, In the 17tb year of her age Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her father, No. 205 North Second street, on Sunday, at 1 o’olock, without further notice. * On the 17th instant, JOHN THOMASON, Jr., In the 26th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of Wm. J. lhomaßon, 10J5 Ooates street, on 8 (today af ternoon, at 2 o’clock, booieties of which he was a member are iuvlted to attend, without further notice. * On the 28th instant, LEONARD NADDY, aged 71 years. His relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, which will take place on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from his late residence, Gay street, Manayunk, without further notice. * On the 27th instant, T. K. COLLINS, Jr., in the32d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect* fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reslaenee of hts father. Northeast corner of Sixteenth and Green streets, on this afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * At a fleeting of the Philadelphia LYCEUM, held on SATURDAY Evening, October 23d, 1868, the following Preamble and Resolu tiooß, offered by Mr. JACOB 31. ISLLIr, and seconded by Dr OWEN O&LER, were unan’monsly adopted : Wbbrsab, This association has heard, with deep re gret, of the decease of our late fellow-member, Dr. ELI SHA TOWNSEND t and, Whbrbab, His justly-prized social disposition—his usefulness as a man—his ever-readiness to bestow his time, bis talents and bis means, in aid of the cause of Science and of Literature—demand from those with whom he was thus wont to associate some expression of their appreciation of his noble qualities : There fore, Resolved, That we hereby record our testimonial to his worth, and join his immediate family and friends in the tribute of sorrow sod respect to his memory. Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to convoy to his Widow a copy of the above preamble and Resolutions, as an evidence of our sympathy In her bereavement. On motion of Mr. John Ashton, jr.. Mr. Jacob M. EUls, Dr Owen Osier, and Spencor Roberts were ap pointed the Committee. On motion of Mr. Hiram Ward, the Oommlttee was instructed to have the foregoing Preamble and Resolu tions inserted in The Press, ol this oity. fPENOER ROBERTS, President. Attest -John Abhtok, Secretary It* SoriUon to Young Men—By Request of Jj THE YOUNG MaN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO CIATION, the Rov. FRANKLIN MOORE will Preach a SERMON to *oung Men, by Divine permission, on SABBATH Evening, 31st. lust., at ha'f-past seven o’clock, in the TRINITY M E.ORUROII. EIGHTH St. above RAOE. 'Subject will be of a highly interest ing character Seats reserved for Young Men. Medical students especially invited to attend. ocSO It# |Yw» Rev. N. Heaton, (by Special Request,) JJ will Deliver a Course of SERMONS on the 4 * Prodigal Sou,” commeoclng with MONDAY night next, at Ift o’clock, inNAZARETHM E. CHURCH, THIRTEENTH below VINE. Protracted meeting Ln progress. oc3o-)t* Rev* A* Cookmanwlll Preach in Green St M. R. CHBROH, TO-MORROW Morning, at half-past 1- o’clock. Rev. JOHN OOOKMaN 'at 7 o’clock m (he Evening. oc3Q-It* T. 11. Stockton will Preach (D.V.) Sab ■Jt BATH Morning. 10# o’clook, at NATIONAL UalL, MARKET above TWELFTH. All friends of Jure Bible Christianity, not otherwise engaged, are cor ially invited to be present. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 0 A M, o'Bo-lt* ry==» Spiritualism—Mrs. Coles, a Trawce-Me- ILS DIUM from New York, will Lecture under Spirit control atBANSOM*St HALI, on SUNDAY, at 10X A. M , and E. M. Admission 6 Cents, oc3o.lt* The Second Anniversary of the «cadder IIS MIPSIONARY 800IETY will be held in the THIRD REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH. corner of TENTH and FILBERT Streets, on SABBATH after noon, Oct. 31st, at 3 o’clock* Addresses by the Rev. ISAAC FJBRRiS, D. D., Oh&ocellor of the University of N*w York, and by the Rov. HENRV MaRTYN 80UD DBR, M.D.. of India B*v Dr. FERRIS will preach In the same Church on SABBATH Morniug, at 10V o’clock. The friends of Missions are invited to attend. oc3o.lt* Rev. Jacob G. Mitchell will Preach In U 3 Ihe FIRST REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN OHUKOR, BROAD below fcPRUGE St., TO-MOA ROW (Sabbath),at 10X A.M andBoP.M. oc3o-It*B Christian Union will be the Subject ©< ft Discourse in St. MAT PHBW’S LUTHERAN OhUJtOH, KKW bt below FOURTH, br the Pastor, Dev. B. W HOTTER, on TO-MORROW <Babb»tb) Evening. services commencing ftt half-pest 7 o’clock <u»aQ.ii» -v >f, | . r —-- ~~ ~ - ' an the ,U 3 jgTAiiisinu3>H a LL t corner FOURTH and GKOR9B St. . 1 O-MORROW (Sabbath) Afternoon) at 8)f o’clock Mooting for children this afternoon. Lecture bj B. L BURK ART, jsißq , illus trated by a collection of idols. ocvQ-lt# nr=* Interesting Services in Emmssnal Lj CHURCH, (Prntes’ant Episcopal.) MARL BORO’ 8t above FRANKLIN Avenue, SUNDAY. Oct. 31. Service at 10# A AI,, when the Rev Dr HOWE, of St. luke’Sjtnay be expected to Preach: at 35£ P. M. the Rev. Dr. NE W TON of St. Paul’s, and at 7*< P. At. the Rev. Dr. BTEVEN9 of Bt- Andrews. Collection at each Service towards defraying the expense of Fresco ing. ocBo-lt# y=j» I. O. of O. 'F.— Harmony Lodge, No* 13 16.—The Alembcrs of the Lodge, and the order n general, are resptctlully invited to meet at the HALL. THIRD and BROWN Bte , TO-MORROW (Sun day). at 1 o’clock P. M., to attend the funeral of their late Brother, Lewis Wolf. WM M. BOWEN, oc3Q*lt* ‘ Btcretary, ryrss» Rev- Henry Word Beecher prrhaps for 13 THE LAST TIME THIS SEASON.-By request, Mr.BEEOHGKwiII repe&thlsgreatlecture“TA« Com inonxoealthx u for the* People’s Literary Institute, in 00N08RT HALL, Tuesday Evening noxt. Doors open at 7 o’clock} lecture commences quarter to eight. No reduction in price of season tickets until after the third lecture, which will be delivered by G. W. OUR* TIB. Esq , Thursday Evening,. Ner 11. Tickets ad mitting one, 26 cents; three, 60 cents. Admitting one to course of eight lectures, $1 00, two to do., $1 60, three. $2 00. For sale at the Bookstores. 0039.3t* Notice to Contractors.—Proposals will be J 3 received until the third day of November, 1868, nciuslve, for the grading of Arch and Race streets, west of Thirty-second street, and of Spangler street from Race street to Powelton Avenue, through the pro iiertyof the Pennsylvania Railroad Company In the twenty-fourth ward of this city. The propoials will state the price per oublo yard for doing the work. The material excavated will be required in the immediate vicinity, on the property of the company, and will be >1« ced where direoted. Proposals will be addressed to Sdinuod Smith, Secretary, S W. corner of Third street and Williog s Alley. For further information apply to Tv, Tyson Butcher, Agent, Thirty-fifth street, below Powelton Avenue. oc3o-4t nrssa A Course of Three Lectures will be Be -13 LIVE RED by GEO. ALFRKD TOWNSEND, at the HANDBL and HAYDN UALI, EIGHTH Street above SPRING GARDEN, for the Benefit of the NORTHERN YOUNG MEN’S OHRIbTIAN ASSOCIA TION, the Subjects to be as follows: Thursday Evening, Nov. 4th. The American Loyal * ists» “ “ “ llth..“i he Historian,” “The Novelist” and “The Poet ” • c <« « 18th..“ George Gordon By ron.” Bingle Tickets 26 cents each. Tickets admitting a Gentloman and two Ltdios 60 cents Tickets for the Course 60 cents; which may be had of C. J WILSON, No 1212 BPRING GARDEN St., below FIFTH Bt., of the Members of the Association, A. M. K.bTORRIE, No. 490 GERMANTOWN ROAD, and at the HALL on the days of the Leoturea. 0080-6l* A. M. K. HTOBRIB, President. Philadelphia, October 29, 1858 —At a SPECIAL MEETING of the SCHUYLKILL IUSB COMPANY, held THIB Evening, the following Reselut on wav unanimously adopted, via: “That thieOompany offer F*FTY DOLLARS RE WARD for the detection and conviction of the person or persons, who entered the HOeE BOUSE on the MORNING of the 28th lost., and removed from the balcony a SIGN BOARD belonging to THE YOUNG MEN’S OHRIbTIAN AbSOOIATiON. WM. G FRITZ, President. Attest, J. M. R. Da Bsuei, Assistant 800. oe3o-lt* The Fourth Annlvcranry of the Young \U3 MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION of Phil* delphla, will be held in JAYNE’d HALL. Chestnut Ve* low fIBYBNXH Street, on TUKBDAY EVENING next, November Sad, at a quarter psst 7 o’clock. The Annu&l Report will be read, and addresses made by REV- IIeNRY MARTYN 80UDDKR,M.D., of In 'll*: 11, THANE MILLER. Esq , President of the Cin cinnati Association; FRANKLIN W. SMITH, Esq, President of the Boston Association, and the Rev. Messrs. CHAMBERS, MOORE, and GODDARD, of this city. Tickets of Admission can be bad gratuitously at the Rooms of tho Association, No. 1009 and 1011 CHEST NUT St. s E*rly application will he necessary, as tho number of tickets is necessarily limited. Ministers and deputations from Sister Associations are Invited to occupy seats on the Platform. JOHN WANAMAKER. W. J. OHEYNKY, T. ESM NDE HARPER, F. A FIDLER. JOHN F. GRAFF, Committee. Rooms 1009 & 1011 CHESTNUT St rvrsa Academy of Music*—l tallan Opera—To LL§ BTOOKBOLDBHB —An the doorkeepers are changed, Stockholders and Ticketholdors will not be admitted without exhibition of their tioketa. oc2B*4t ry-sp» Franklin Institute Exhibition Slx \lW TEENTH and PILBKUT Streets. PUBLIC SCHOOLS.—The Pupils of the Public Schools, attended by their teachers, will bo admitted to the Exhibition upon payment of an entrance fee of fire cents for each pupil—teachers in attendance free. The Principals of each will 'ple&re call at the office of the Committee, when the time will be desiccated for the visitor the school. oe2B-6t WILLIAM BAMILTON, AeWary. (VB=* Notice*—The Regular Monthly Meet- UJ3 IHG of the AMERICAN EUEOTIO MEDIJ OAL ASSOCIATION OP PHILADELPHIA will bo held MONDAY, November Ist, at 7# o’clock P. M., at the HALL of the Eclectics Medical College, Northeast corner of SIXTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. All friends of Medical Reform are invited to attend JOHN G. RICH, M. D., Secretary. nsrsm Office of the Philadelphia R. K. Sav |[3 INQB AND LOAN COMPANY, N. E corner of CELESTNTJT & TENTH Btreeta—The Animal Meet- Ins of the £tockholdera will be held at the Office of the Company, on TIIOBBDAY, November 4th, at 10 ° An for Twenty Directors will be held the fiime da* between the houre of 11 A. M. and 3V. M. B&me day, oeiween urn ? L H O IC HINBON, Secretary. _ nimvd Bttnlr* Philadelphia, Oct, 11th, elkotion for thiutjgen di- RECTOKS, to serve tho engumg rpy. be at the RANKING HOUBB, on MONDAY, the 16th day of NOVEMBER next, between the hours of ten, and tW The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held atlthe same place, on TUESDAY, the 2d day of No ▼ember next, at 12 o’clock M. W• h. HOHAFFBR, ocU-eodtalft Cashier. , THE PRm-PHELADE ITlf* Hl « Frnnkfc SSira 0 A A M D S ?°)’t P " ,Y ’ BERUAI KOTTOE TOTM the Frsnkford branch of the Fraukfo Railroad oro d soontlr the Board of Dlreotors, OHAS 0020-2tif ’ B> rT5 = “„. / K,?.V' <!tlna ol the Stock i IJoF UNION BANK will bo held at Bank Southwest corner of THIKD aul (up stairs,) on TUESDAY MORNINOI 2d, nt 10 o’clock, when THIRTEEN M bo elected, agreeably to the provisions I Foils willroumin opou until 2 o’clock By order of the OomuiisMonera oc2B-tno2 JOHN &I. POMBBI Bank of Commerce, PhllihiH, Oct. Lk-3 *i 185 S—Notice Is hereby rivit an Eleo tiun for THIRTEEN DIREOTORd fo the on aning year, will be hold at the BanlQouse, on MONDAY, tbe 16th day of NovomberlT between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. ft£. oc(th-tnol6 Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholm! on TUESDAY, the,2<i day of Norembi Alat saino place 002-atuth-tto2 rv-=» Notice.--The Third Install of Five I K3 Dollars pnr share ou the Btookibi Sesond and Third-street Passenger Kailway Coni of Phila delphia will bo duo and payable at thtoa of the Company, No 226 "WALNUT fit, on before No vember 20th, 1858. 1 • ily order of the Hoard. DENDY HH. ociy-tuths-tN2O iy-s=» Olllco Girard FJro aud line In- LL? BUKANOE COMPANY, f 416 Walnutdt. BchuylkiH NavlgatlofildlDg. The Directors of the Girard Fire anarine In surance Company hare this day declared fjdend of falX PUR OJSNT. upon the Capital “tociyablH to Stockholders, on And after the Second day pveiober next. AtiFRKD 8. GBiM, Isurer. }nBw PniLADBLPHIA, Pot. 11, 1868. rv-*5» Pcniwylvaula College o! DM Sur* Us 3 GERY —The Lectores in this Inslion will commenco on tho first MONDAY of Novemtnd con tinue until tho first of Much ensuing. I For further Information npp'j to * T. L. BUtJKINGHASBan, No. 243 North NH St. 0020-w«4t* r r“3=» To the Fire Department ofUadei- LkJ? PHTA.—The Directors of the <JIRi> fIEB AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIave te* solved to appropriate One Hundred Dollars acU Sire Oompiny within the City* now having invice, or who may hereafter put in service, a BTM FIBa ENGINB. ’ i; Companies applying for this appropriatiithrough their Committees, Trustees, or Agents, t be re quired to lurnleh a certificate, signed by Ur Pre fiidnnt authorising them to receive tho mo” They will also he required to furnish the certlfU of the Mayor, certifying that the Company applg is in service in this city, and has been approver City Councils. ALFRED S. GILteP, Turner. ocl4-tU3vr ■ Philadelphia. Oct. 18,1868. Notice to Contractors—Officol the 1 13 GIRARD ESTATE. No. 19 B. FlFTlt'reftt. Sealed Proposal will be received at the Ob of the Superintendent of the Giraid Estate until Silock of THURSDAY, the fourth day of November,l&B. for all the Piling, Bridging, Wha flog, Filling (Faring, Ac., that mav be requisite and necessary terry out the intent and moaning of Ordinance of Gottis, enti tled “ An Ordlnauee to authorize the Supetendent of Qi r ard Estate to widen Delaware Area” Ap proved Oct 22d, 1868. , i Plans of the above may be seen, and Bpdcatlons had, on application at this Office fr ry-5» The American Patent Compand Cln- LkJf OINNATI. OHIO, organized July, 18L with a capital of SIOO,COi, bays aud Bulls Patents otommis slon, solicits Patents, executes Mechanlcalrawings and Engravings, and transacts all business peilning to Patents, of whatever nature. The Company,so pub lishes tho BCIFNTIFIC ARTISAN, the bes&echani cal paper in America, at $2 per annum. Thiompany can famish all information in reference? either American or European Patents. j Address AMERICAN PATENT COMPJY, Cin cinnati, Ohio. oc2-sth-lro Firemen’s and other Union? rayer LkJ* MEETINGS, under the auspices of '« YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOOITION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS. , United States Engine, Wood, below Crownt., from 4 to 6# o’clock. { Pennsylvania Hose, Eighth st., below Grej, from 4 to 6 o’clock. 1 United Hose, Drown st., below Twelfth, fro 4W to 5# o’clock. ; Perseverance Hose, Quarry street, below Tird, from to 6# P. M. T ’ * ON SABBATH, at 7# P. M. , Engine, corner of Tenth and Filkrtate, Delaware Engine, Bouth st., above Nlnoteeth it. Western Engine, OallowhUl, below Sixteezb st. ON TUESDAY, at P. M. ; America Eogtue, Buttonwood, below Third fc. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Cbatout. Robert Morris Hose, Lombard st., above Elgitbat. Columbia Hoso, Oherry, above Seventh st. >, ON WEDNESDAY, at 7% P. M. * Klngaenslng School ouso, Darby road. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24iat. Southwark Engine. 8. Third, above Washingtdist. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Race st. ; ON THURSDAY, at 7tf P. M. N. Liberty Hose, New Market, above Coates st) United States Hose, Buttotfwood, below Fifth Ft Schuylkill Hose, Locustst., below Thirteenth s'. Naval Asylnra, Gray’s Ferry road. Fairmount Engine, RiJge avenue above Wood A. Good Will Hose, Wood st, below Twenty-tbifl. Club Boom, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert aft. Fairmount Hose, Pleasant street, above Bleverth. ON FRIDAY, at 7# P. M, Western Hoie, Twentieth st, abo*e Lombard si. Vigilant Hose, Eighth st., above Wharton st. Warren Hose, Barker, above Eighteenth st Spring Garden Hose, Parrish, near Eleventh s(. * DUigont Engine, corner Tenth and Filbert uts.. fiom 4 to 6 P. 31. . Young Men’s Union Tent, 8. Fifth, below Wharton from 6 to 8 P. M. ~ By order of the'Executlvo Committee of Yoin> B Ibrjstian Association. sell-sat tf Y=s» City Commissioner*’ Ofllce*-~Phtladel> LLS POIA, October 36th, 1868. The BOARD OF APPEALS will meet for the different WARDS upon the following days, to hear the Appeals <f property owners/Viz: 2d Ward on MONDAY, October 18th, 1858. 8d and 4tfa Wards on TUK6DAY, Oct. 19th. 1658. i 6th and Oth Wards on WEDNESDAY, Oot. 20th. 1861. 7th and Bth Wards on THURBDAY, Oot 21st, 1858.1 Oth and 10th Wards on FRIDAY, Oot. 22d. 1868 • 11thand 12th Wards on MONDAY, Oot. 25th, 1858. 18th sod 14th Wards on Tu-sday, Oct. 26tb, 1658 16th and 18th Wards on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 27th 1868 17th aod 18>h Wards on THURSDAY, Oot. 23th, 1868 10th and 20th Wards on FRIDAY, Oot 29th. 1863. 1 2lßt and 22d Wards on MONDAY. Nor. Ist. 1868. 23d and 24th Wards on TUESDAY, Nor 2d, 1868. s ißt Ward on WEDNESDAY, Nor. 3d, 1868. 3. M LEDDY, JAMES LOGAN, EDWARD R WILLIAMB, City Commissioners. Office of the Danphin and Susquehanna LLS COAL COMPANY — New *obk, October 20,1868. The Annu-.l Meeting of the Stock holders of this Com pany will bo held at the u Girard House,” In Phila delphia, on the third WEDNESDAY, the 17th daj of November next, at noon, when and where au election will be held for eleven Directors tosvrve for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed from the 6th to the 17th of November next, both inclusive. By order of tho Board of Directors, FRANK S. BOND, Secretory, oo 21-dtnorlT Union Trenching for the People, under UJj the auspices of the Ministerial Union, In con nection with the Young Men’s Christian Association' by the various ministers of our cityon every TUESDAY and THUIIBDAY, at 4 P. M. in the BANBOM-STRBEI CHURCH, until furthor notice. Services conflued tl ONE HOUR precisely. Rev. E. de Bcburenlts on Tnesday. 007-tt ’ Corn Exchange Bonk-Mphiludelphta Ootodsr 10, 1868.—The Annual Meeting of tie Itockholders of this Sank will be held at the harking, house, northwest corner of SECOND and CHEBTNU? Streets, on TUESDAY, November 2d, at 12 o’clock. An eleotlon for thirteen Directors, to serve the en suing je&r. will be held at the Banking-house on MON DAY, November 16th, between ten A. M. and three P. JI. JOHN W. TOBBKY, Cashier. OCl6*dtNls, ryrzsm Treneurer’s Department Pennsylvania JJj RAILROAD COMPANY—PaiLADBLWiiA, Oct 16,1858. NOTIOE.—The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on th« Capital Stock of the Company, (clear of State tax,) payable on and after November 16th. proximo. Blank Powers of Attorney for colleotlog Dividends can be bad on application at this office. oclS-lm TflOJ. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. ry-.r=» Southwark Hank, Philadelphia, October l§ 11. 1858 —The Annual Meeting of the Btock lolders of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Tuesday, the 2d day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. And the Annual Election for Directors will be held at the BANKINGHOUM, on Monday, the 16'h dsy of November next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. 7. P. STEEL, ocl2-dtnol6 - Cashier. ivaafarmert 1 and Mechanics’ Bank, Pliila- L g dblpuia, Oct. 2, 1868.—The Annual Election 'or Directors will be held at the BANKING BOUSE, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November noxt, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. 61. and 8 o’clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a genoral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P. M., agreeably to the charter. 004 dtNl6 W.RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. Notice—The Interest Coupons of the JjJ LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD 00. BONDS* due the Ist November, proximo, will be paid on preeen talion, on and after that day, at the Offioo of the Com pany, No. 803 WALNUT Btreet, 2d story. 0c27-4t 3. N. HHTOHINBON, Treasurer. Jo* Business Men’s Union Prayer Meeting Daily from Twelve to One o’clock, in the Baneom-atm'i Church. Havel boen there? If not, why? Bpeoial Prayer for Sabbath Bobools on Saturday. The presence of alatge number of children will add interest to the occasion. oc7-tf 07* Notice.—Green and Contes-Stroot Ptil- LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. —A second instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the capital stock ef the Green and Coates Btrett Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will be due and payable at the Oißce of the Company, No. 422 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M audBP. M. 007-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. rv-=» Home for Invalids with Affections of IL3 THE CHEST. ij. W. corner PARKE and OHEBTNUT Streets. oc2l-lm West Philadelphia. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, PENN SQUARE—Oomprlßtog a PREPARATORY DE PARTMENT, or General Sclent fto and Business School, and Four Technical Schools : THE BOHOOL OF MINES THE SCHOOL OF CHBMIBTRY. TRELBOnOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. THE BOHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEER ING. Architecture and Des’ga ore included in the courses, and ample facilities exist for field and Laboratory Practice. The Winter Session will begin on MONDAY, Nor. Bth, and continue four months. Apply to ’ A. L. KENNEDY, M. D., President Faculty. BUY 1 OUR BLINDS at KRONBBER GER’S, No. 18 North TWELFTH Street, where satisfaction ia giyeu, or no sale. Old Blinds done up equal to new. It* LOST OR MISLAID—Two Certificates of tho Common Stool, of tho AMEBICaN ACA DEMY OF MUSIC, No. 11l and No. 701, for five shares each. Application has been made for a renewal of the slid Certificates. JAMES DUNDtS. Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1858. oc3onol 4 811 6t» MEN’S FINE CALF-SKIN BOOTS.— Also, Waxed and Water-proof, with a general assortment for Men, Women, and Children’s Wear, host Oity ManuCaciure, low prices, Wholosale and Re tail, at DUTTON’S, 11 Sign of the Red Boot,” No. 11l N. SECOND Street, above ARCH, oc3o-2t* East Bide. BERTRAM’S HAIR DYE.—This inge nious Preparation produces a natural color, is easily applied, never stains the Skin, and is as cheap as any of the Injurious compounds sold as Hair Dye. De pot. No. 144 North NINTH Street, above CHERRY. odw-et# . SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1858. id South- ASS UNGER S Road and QALLERY'OF FAMOUS POETS. .38,1868. \y Trips on . Southwark By order of IBOTT, lecrttsry. „ A MAGNIFICENT VOLUME. IET* This Is admitted to be the most magnificent vo lume, in all its details, ever published in America. It is the first 1 attempt to present steel illustrations upon the same page with the letter-press, thus interweaving Poetry and Art. A GALLERY OF FAMOUS ENGLISH AND AMERI CAN POETS, With an Introductory Essay by Prof HENRY COP* PE K, Professor of English Literature in the University of Pennsylvania Comprising selections from Thomson, Collins. Gray, Goldsmith, Beattie. Cowper, Burns, Rogers, Words worth, Ssott, Ooleridgo, Sou hey, Obas Lamb, Camp bell, Horace Smith, Moore, J. Montgomery, Heber, Grahame, Kirk White, Byron. Mrs. Southey, John Keble, Shelley, Mrs Homans, Keats, Hood, Motber woll, Macaulay, Browning, Tennyson, Riy&nt, Halleck, Willis, Longfellow, Holmes, Poe, Morris, Bokor, Simms, Prentice, Con ad, and Ooxe. Gorgeously illustrated with upwards of ONE HUN DRED ENGRAVINGS on Steel After designs by the following famous Artists: Hamilton, Schmolse. Gil bert, Devereux, Lawrence, Turner, Vasari, Leslie, Schnsiole, Richmond, Warren, Fletcher, Severn, Scharf, Franklin, and others. Kichiy bound in lurkey morocco antique. Price $l2 60. For sale by all Booksellers. Published to-day by E. H. BUTLrfR & CO., oc3o-St 187 South FOURTH Street. rs of, the Iffice of the pH Streets, [November •TORS will U charter. till be held fxt, at 2 P. J. O.DONNJ STANDARD RELIGIOUS WORKS.— NEW EDlTlONS—Published by LINDSAY & BLAKTSTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. GUMMING’* WORKS—The Apocalypse, 3 vols ; Family Prayers, 2 vols ; Parables, Miracles, Daniel, Urgent Questions, 81gns of the Times, Last oi the Pa triarchs, 1 vol. each, and Minor Works, 8 vols. 2. ARCHBISHOP WHATELY—The Future Slate, Good and Evil Agents, and Thought* and Apothegms, 1 vol. each. WINSLOW.—The Glory of the Redeemer, Glimp ses, of the Tmth, and the Inquirer Directed, 1 voi. each. DR. STORK —The Homes of the New Testamrut, and tbe Children of the New Testament, 1 to), each. 6 STANDARD RELIGIOUS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, of all kinds, for sale at low prices. ocdOtf JpRONOUNGING Of most of tbe Terms need by Speakers and Writers on Medicine, and the Collateral An Invaluable Pocket companion for Medical Stu dents, highly recommended by the Profession. Price 76 cents. By mail, prepaid, 86 cents For sale JOHN L. CAPKN, At the Phrenological Cabinet, 922 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. A W. JUVUL, Superintendent Qirarifcfrte, CJPECTAL NOTICE TO OUR CUSTO MKItS and the TRADR GENERALLY. We hare this day reduced the prices of our stock of FaLL GOOIM, consisting of MERINO SHIRTS, and DRAWERS. FANCY WOOLLEN HOOD", SCARFS, HOSIERY, Ac FIELD fr BROTHERS, oc3o.lt* 218 MARKRT-St Philadelphia central shawl AND MEHINO EMPORIUM. BROGUE, STELLA, BLANKET, AND MEN’S SHAWLS, A general assortment, unequalled in this market. FftENOH RKYKRBIBLH MANTLES, with round corners. New and desirable FRENCH MERINOKB AND OA9HMEBEB, from 68 cents to $1 per yard WdITK AND BLACK CASHMERES. SUPER LYONS BLAOK SILK VELVET. BLACK FRENCH LADY CLOTH LADIES’ best quality ORDERED KID GLOVE 3. GENT-C.DOUBLE STITCHED KID GLOVES. 100 SetsFRENOH CAMBRIC COLLARS A OUFFS, at SI per Set. BAYADERE SATIN TRAVERS. LUPIN’S ALL-WOOL DB LAINES, &0. DRKBS MATERIALS, la variety. WELSH to BAI.LARDVAL FLANNELB. CRIB tc BED BLANKETS, and FURNISHING GOODS generally, At tho LOWEST PRICES, for OABH. CHARLES ADAMB, oc 3o Eighth and Arch streets, QD OS ING OUI- TjINGLISH FANCY SILKS— JGi Just received, one new solid color Bay adores, and new cross over styles, very heavy goods, at $1.25 per yard. Imported by 6HARPI.EBB BROTHERS, 0688 EIGHTH Be CHESTNUT. Round cornered shawls. A new supply of round cornered Stolia Cloth fchawls, with Taßsei and English Reversible Shawls. Imported by BHARPLKSB BROTHERS. oc2B EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. New JJJnbli cations. ARNOLD’S CHRISTIAN LIFE, 2 volß. MEDICAL LEXICON, CONTAINING THS OOBRBOT PRONUNCIATION AND DEFINITION EOIENOES. WITH ADDENDA. BY 0. H. CLEVELAND, M. D., BBCOND HPITION oc3o-tb&sa6t A vr3t Betail 3Dr|2 OopDs The Elegant Stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, OOMPRIStSO FRINQKO, BUTTONS, OIBDLE9, RIBBONS, TASSELS, VELVETS, Ao. LINNARD’B, No. 749 CHESTNUT Streot, oc 2B 8 doors bel. EIGHTH, north side. gHETLAND WOOL. inj*R"A"'r>T“ : ' ““ CELEBRATED EXTENSION SKIRTS, LINKARD’B, No 123 CHESTNUT gtreet, 8 doors b»l. EIGHTH, north side. JQOUBLE WIDTH POPLINS. JL. J. LEVY & 00. mu open, ima MORNING, 50 Pleoil of Soper qua lity Double Width PLAID POPLINS, AT $1.25 PER YARD, USUAL PRICE, $1.75. 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. . 0027 4t Men* mixed shawls. Large size and superior Boys’ Shawls, medium sizes. BHAKPLESS Be BROTHERS. 0028 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. CLOT3S, CASSIMEEES, Istlnets and Vestings, ladies’ Cloak Cloths. <vor:oat Cloths. Rdles’Trimming Cloths. (ant’d Dress Coat Cloths, tdo Band Cassimores. By a’ Caßßiiraorea, Satinets, &c. 81k Velvet, Plush, and other Vestings. , COOPtlt & CONaRD. 0c27 8. B. comer NINTH A MARKET Sts. Drsss goods. Freeh Merinoea and Bombazines Ba.vlere Valencias, 81 to 44 cents. Kxia Wide Bayadere Poll de-Chenes. ROBE DRESSES. Ou4ot Poplin Robeß a Quille, $O-60 Oneot Valencia do , $6. Tw4ots Bayadero Valencia Dresses. $7. LADIES’ CLOAKS Misses’ (oaks, ready-tnado or made to ordor. COOPER Be CONARD, 0c27 8. L corner NINTH Be MARKET Sta. CftOSF” ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS. AT OB DOLLAR A YARD. Just reoeid, by last Packets, a la’ge addition to our assortment' these beautiful goods, embracing some new figures jver beforo offered. Also, POU./B-WXDTH VELVET OARPETS, Of with a full assortment of Brussels Imperial Tbeply, Ingrains, and htair and Entry Oar* pets. BAILY Be BROTHER, Cash Carpet Dealers, oo2T*if No. 020 OIIEBTNUT St. Greabargains in dry goods— a. V. R. HUNTER Has REMCED from No. 80 to No. 40 South SECOND Street, wheJbo is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a freetnd well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To whioh hnvl t-s their attention, being determined to sell at eaedingly LOW PRICES. N. B-—Aarge assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blket Shawls. Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Oircirs Constantly on baud. At the “ CLOAK EMPORIUM,” oofi-Im ; No. 40 South BEGOND Street. Q.REA ATTRACTION! OVER S4J WORTH OF BHAWLB FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. HORJNLEY A CHISM, N. B. oorIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Have thest 811 AWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would reap fully call attention to e following very oheap lots.s: 48 LO* BROCHE BHAWLS at $ 8 eaoh. 20 D. do. do. at 10 u 20 Di do do. at 11 24 D< do. do. at 12 *'• 10 D< do. do. at 13 *< 20 D< do. do. t 14 “ 20 D< do. do. at 10 “ 8 Dc do. do. at IS “ 8 Dc do. do. at 20 « 8 Dc do. dn. at 25 “ In the a v e Lots of Long Brocho ShawlH will be found everysirable color of ceutre. BETIFUL STELLA SHAWLS >m (2 to $l2, in every color. French Blret Shawls in new designs. Plain ThllBhawls, Square and Long. Real OautCrape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Ohildren’aawls, Misses’ Shawls, and Gentlemen’s Shawls,, THOSLEY a CHISM’S, “IB PRICE CASH BTOH Northeastiner EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN. N. BOitjd Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find barns at T. A-C.’s. P. B.—A Ahificent stock of Silks now on hand. selB-tf TjIALL m WINTER CLOAKS. A OPENING DAILY. FINE OLOTUACvLANB, EHANP BEAVER RAGLANS. RIOH VELVET CLOAKS. Elegmtly adorned with REALAOtS, CROOIIET, &0., &<J. O)ERA OLOAK3. The largest a:mot varied stock of these fashionable OVIR GARMSNTB, At the wist rngo of prices, and suited for MOURNING?RGIENADE, AND FULL DRESS COSTUME, , AT THR PARIS MITILA Be CLOAK EMPORIUM, J. W. ? RO 0T O R & 00., 751OHBTNUT STREET. odd Heal (Estate. tm VALUABLE BUCKS COUNTY PABM Jslll AT PUBLIC BALE-0N THURSDAY, NOVEM BER 11th* Will be sold at Public Pale, on the premises. oM THURSDAY, November lUh at aw o’clock P. Ma VALUABLE BUCKS COUNTY F*RM, situ ted in Warminster Township, about 17 miles from Fh’ladeJ-' ihia. 4 from Willow Grove. and 2 from Davlsvitle, la-borough, aod Uartsviile, containing 105# Acres of Land 12 of which are wood, the remainder 'ln a high state of cultivation. . The improvements are In gord order, couveaiefitly arranged, and of tho moßt'subßnntial character ; there are two w 11s of Witer on the premises, an excellent spring house, and a never-failing stream running almost the entire length of the Farm There is ttiso due shade, and a young orchard of uusurpwsed assortment of fruit trees, selected with much care The neighborhood is unexceptionable; healthy, con venient to places of worship—having eight churches within two miles; solect and classical schorls, stores, &c —altogether making ibis one of Ihe finest and most desirable Farms in tho couuty. To persona wishing to examine tha property it will be cheerfully showu by cilliog on the premises, and any other information, by application to either of the un dersigned. JOdhPH HART, UaviSYille, B F Hart, No. 814 N. Front st., Or, North Del. Avenuo, above Poplar. O. P. FRETZ, Auctioneer. 0c27-w&stnolo ® GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—Tho Property at the Southwest corner of GREEN and HaRVBY Streets, convenient to Depot. All modern conveniences, largo lot, shrubbery, truit, and well-grown ornamental trees. Apply to WILLIAM U. BACON, oc2G-6t* No. 3-“ S MARKET Streot. IMatrljcs, lemelrg, &t. Bailey & co., VOHMBRLT BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUBE, Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of the public, SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLESALE AMO EETAIL. aul7-lftf darriajica. OARRIAGES. WM. IX ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied sel3-3mif ttcstauranls. J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Ftreet, four doors above EIGHTH, South side, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Roaßted, Fried, Pickled, Ac., Ac , for Home Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to tbree o’clock oo2!-tf Chicken salad.—minton, TWELFTH, below WALNUT, informs his cus tomers and tbe public that he Is serving Up bis Chicken Salad—so justly celebrated. The Celery is cultivated by himself, aud is far superior to any that can be found in the market. Game in season, and Oysters in every Btyle. Families and Parties supplied, oc!9-12t* CAMPBELL’ 8 DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days paAt, in order to be regenerated and disenthralled. It will be opened on MONDAY next, 20th inst . with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul into the of iron seal, and we think that bis efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establishment. eell-tf J E . MoCLEES, 'photographer, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH, Wouldo&U the attention of the publio to his new style of OHROMO-ORA YON PHOTOGRAPHS They are pronounced by artists and connoisseurs to surpass any Photographio Portraits ever before pro duced. oc2o-wsm-2mif WING’ 8 PROCESS—WHEAT, IT IS believed, yields a nourishment better adapted to the healthful requirements of the human system through life than auy other one substance known to civilization. This nourishment is made up of those properties In grain chemioally known as saccharine matter, gluten, Ac. The saccharine matter contributes most of the nourishment, and contains also au active principle which) when received into the stomach as a component of bread, aids digestion. These great nourishing and Invigorating properties of grain produce, under the action cf heat and hy the aid of certain machinery, a most powerful stimulant. If such a product oan be extracted from grain by arti ficial means., IIM-naftaAKft.l»AdlV ~«■«»« »«* ..L'.— ■■■s.juutuU ig the natural chomical action of the human stomach. It seems, therefore, that this is an indispensable pro perty of gralo, as a nourishment, given to it for tbe most beneficent purpose, aud consequently should be retained, as far as practicable, in ail the preparations of grain for food. WING’B PROOESB secures the highest amountof nu triment that has ever been produced from wheat In the preparation of the material, and in the manu facture of WING’S FARINA CRACKEHS, the life-Rup porting principle of the grain remains not deadened, or injured, as in Hour by too close grinding, but retaining its moat active properties, so necessary to digestion and the energ slog force with which It imjiarta to the body a health ul growth or renewed rigor and strength. The constantly-increasing demand for WING’3 FA RINA CRACKERS, with the commendatory remarks of parents, teachers, and physicians, is strong proof of the healthful and beneficial results wnich have attended their use. WINO ’S ORACKERS have a pleasant taste, act kindly upon the stomach, and for dyspeptics or the aged, as well as sedentary and delicate persona generally, they are most acceptable. It is believed that there never has been anything in troduced equ-1 to WING’S FARINA CRACKERS aa a healthful nourishment for children. In purchasing, it should be borne la mind that thero are no genuine Fsrlna Crackers made bat by Mr. Wiog. His are the only Crackers manufactured iu the United States containing the true qualities of Farina. AH other so-called Farina Crackers are imitations. Take none, therefore, for Farina but those having the name of ” A WING ” stamped oo each oracker. WING’S FARINA ORACKERS may be procured of the best family grocers generally, by whom they are ex tensively sold In different portions of the United States, and at wholesale only of A. N. THOMPSON Be CO . Nos. 221 and 223 FULTON rtreet, New York.or DINGEE Be BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 145 South FRONT street. 0c23 25 30 nol Philadelphia T) NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS NATIONAL TELEGRAPUIU NEWS AGENCY. —.OARR & JOHNSON announce to the Press through out the United States that they ar« completing ar rangements on a most liberal scale, for a Bystem of TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS, which has never before been equalled in this country They pledge themselves to luruLh the earliest and most reliable re ports of all the stirrlug and important events of the day at a pace which cannot fall to be advantageous to the Preps generally. All letters and communications to be oddrewd to OARR Be JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite Eichango, Philada E. W.CARR, G. W.L JOHNSON/ Geo. W. L. Johnson, 21 Wall at., New York City. John T. Smith Merchants’ Exchange, tfoston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streots, Bal timore. For experience and reliability In the business. we would refer to. Morton McMichael, North American and U. 8 Gazette; Swain Be Abell, Public Ledger; Jo«per Harding A S*m, Pennsylvania Inquirer; John W. Forney, The Press; Outnmioga Be Peacock,Evening Bulletin; F. W. Grayson & Go., Evening Journal: Jo seph Severns, Evening Argus; Joseph R Flanigen, Daily News; William Rice. PonuaylvanUn; LaMor, Everett, Be dincken,Sunday Dispatch; Maglll Be Jones, Sunday Mercury; Jno. 8. Jackson. Sunday Transcript. oc2o-tf rjYHE “OLD DOMINION” OOFFBB POT, and THE "OLD DOMINION” TEA POT, Are manufactured, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Nos. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. .10“ Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay iu a supply of these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into'use, and destined in a short time to supersede nil others. |o* A. B, Be G. aro also manufacturers, umlor the patent, of ARTHUR’S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, Which, It la conceded on all hands, are the best in the market. au!7-tutluVstnolB Also, Trade Agents for TORREY’S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING. GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE A SON., Manufacturers of LOOKING GLASSES for MAN TELS, PIERS, Be SIDE WALLS, of every size, style, and shape. Pier Tables, Cornices, Braokets, Consols, of new and elegantdeaigus; and PICTURE FRAMES, with Frames for Portraits, Miniatures, and Photographs in every variety of stylo ami price. Importers of ENGRAVINGS, every new Publication being received tho moment of is«ue, and OIL PAINTINGo from the Studios of the best and most celebrated American and European Artists. A LARGE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, Open at all times, fbkb Wholesale and Retail Deal ers in Mahogany and Walnut framed Looking Glasses, to which they invite the attention of country customers. JAMES S. EARLE Be BON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, OrrOBITH TUB 01BAKD QOUSf. DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved. In using it, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard One pound will go as far as three pounds common Rosin Soap. War ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. It is decidedly tho chenpost and best washing Boap ever offered to the public. Manufactured only by VAN HAAGEN Be MoKECNE. For sale by all re spectable Grocers in the oity, and wholesale only by TRAIN Be MoKEONE, oc2-3m 22 South Wharves Abram slack’s engraving, die Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, aud Beal Press Manufactory, No. 1 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Pa an]9-Biv A FEW AGENTS wauted to go South.— DERBY A JAOKdON, No. 119 NassauSt, N. Y., wish to give employment to a few. experienced ana responsible BOOK AGENTS, for the Winter and Spring months. To those who can give thebeatfre fereme as to capacity and experience In canvassing, a liberal salary will be paid. None others need apply. 0c26-W*3t i : • tJlaiUB. " r-fOOKS, (30 AMBER J[ AIDS, ~GifK~- a J (Aeueral Housework, half-growa Girls, to free of’fr'tfer all p uts, at O’CONNOR’S OFFICE.’ No 19 ARCADE, Chestnut Street, above 8 xth • It* - Yffi7'ANTED —By a Young Man from .the .Tv Country a Situation in a Wholesale EstabH,,b ’tftent, where hia Bemcoß’wili be avdil&b e. Cau write a good hand and is wilting to make himself geaeraUy useful. Address “ BEAVER,” Blood’s Despatch. 0c29-3t* ' * ; 1 WANTED— Ladies to Canvass for a Book which will P»r from s'> to $l6 a week Ladies will find this pleasant employment. Apply to S. HOYT, at tho Episcopal Rooms, alter 2 tf M., 624 WALNUT St 0029 2t* ANTED—In a Wholesale Cloth Store, A Salesman who can influence a Kentucky or Virginia T.ade. AddreßB’629 Post Office. oc2B-6t* Vlf ANTED—By an American Woman, a * * Situation as Wet-Nurse, or in th» capacity of aOowpan’onto aLa y going to California Address “ Eilen” Cl-.od's Despatch oc2B-3t* ANTED-By a Ludy of Experience in v T Teaching, a Situation in a Farhily or School, to instruct Children in «he usual English branches’, with the rudiments of Music and Drawing. Good reference can he given. Address “T. B through the Post Office. 0128-3V* TO DRUGGISTS. Wanted, hy tho Ad vertiser, a Young Man, a Situation in a Drug Store. Has had Four Years’ Experience as Drug Citrk, and is a Graduate of the Philadelphia College of Phar macy Has no objection to go out of the City. Address “ 0 M.,” Offioa of this Paper. oc2B 4t* WANTED —A Situation by. an active business man, now residing at'the West, where he has been extensively engaged in manufacturing for over twenty-two years. To a manufacturirg house, o to dealers in gl«Bs»are, china, or crockery, he could be of great serv ee througU the extensive acquaintance he possesses with a large portion of tbe merchants of the Wes'ern and £oulhiyn States. For farther parti culnrs addresß J. L. ft , Press office. t c 8-6 t dfcO *nn ““WANTED, AN ACTIVE PARTNER in an Established Manu facturing Business in this City, paying over 100 per cent profit, as will be shown upon an interview. Ad dress “ L. W.,” at this Office oc2B-Bt* WANTED —Respectable men, of good ad dress. to canvass a new Illustrated Publication. A suitable man can be permanently employed at good wages. London Publishing Co., 112 South Eighth street. oc2B3t# WANTED TO RENT—A dwelling, with modem conveniences, central location. Rent from 600 to 800 dollars per annum. Apply to No. 146 North Second, below Race street. oc2B-3t» A Flh ST-CLASS SALESMAN wißhes an Engagement by the Ist of December. Can in fluence & fair portion «f near trade, aod giv* the most unexceptionable references. Address “Pennsylvania,” Office of this Paper. 0c26-ot* WANTED —To Kent, for tbe winter sea son, with immediate possession; a Furnished house of moderate size, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. oc4 WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, U whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medioal attendance. Pay from $l2 to 222 per month No rasa having a wife or okild will be accepted. Applj for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 MARXIST Street above Bighth, north side. W. TH. MAGRUDER, Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, apl7-ti Recruiting Officer. TWO COMMUNICATING SECOND'- BTORY BOOMS to Beat, with full or partiti Board lu a quiet private family. Location—CHEST NUT St. above FIFTEENTH. Address <• BYLVANUS,” Press Office. oc3o-lt» BOARDING. —One or Two Gentlemen, of Quiet aud Orderly Habits, om obtain comfort able Apartment-4 for the Winter, in a Private Family. Address “Walnut Street,” Office of The Press . oc2B-4t* UOARDING. —A Gentleman and his wife, or several young gentlemen, can be accommo dated in a private (amity, No. 432 North Seventh street, 0c23-3t* MRS POLLARD. ELEGANT ROOMS—Single or Communi cating—in one of the finest houses-in tbe city, with HOARD and every comfort. Location central Good references given and required. Address P.. Box 1190, Post Office 0c25-6t# ftomwals. REMOVAL ARCHER, WARNER, MISKET, & CO., HAVE REMOVED NEW STORE, 718 CHESTNUT ST., ab. SEYENTH, SOUTH SIDE Their new position will giye them additional facilities for displaying their Largo Assortment of n il A JO n o 1 T. l o )i o , BOIHFOR GAS AND OIL. ALSO, PENDANTS, BRACKETS, LAMPS, GIRANDOLE3, Everything connected with the GAB-FITTING Busi ness will be kept on hand. They would call attention to the’r continuing, as heretofore, the Introduction of Gas Pipes Into Stores, Dwellings, and Public Buildings. The Altering or Re-flniehing of the Fixtures, or any Repairs or extensions of the Pipes, however small, will be attended to by obliging and experienced work men. 0c27-6t Removal— o. c. sadler & 00. have removed from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 108 ARCH street, second door above Front. sel iHiirumal. DR. BARNES’ PILE LOTION ALWAYS OUBES. Dr. BARNES’ BREAST SALVE Is a positive preven tive acd cure of Hands and Lips. Dr. BARNEi’ COUGH SYRUP—only 25 cents per bottle—wiU cure any receot Cough. Dr BARNES’ 0 iMFH. EXT. of GINGER, a speedy and permanent cure of Dvepepsia. Dr BARNES’ LINIMENT HYDER ALI’3 MIX TURE is the best remedy extant for the oure of Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Loro Throat, Sprains, Bruises and Swellings. Office of the Adames Expbbss Co Cue of our Drivers dn Saturday last sprained his In step very Ladl< ; by u<dng Dr. Barnes’ Liniment be was od duty this morning cu ed H. GORMAN. Thila., October vsth. 1858 Hold at 353 CHESTNUT-St. oc3o-lt* Earl* file remedy, EARL’S PILE REMEDY For Bale at JOHN H. TURNER, Sole Agent, 734 SPRING GAROEN Street. Also at BYRON Be BOULTON’B. N. E. corner SECOND Be CATHARINE Bts.. R. NKW»ON’B, 0027-6t* N. W. cor. 20th Be SPRUCE Sts. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOB AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12#, 25 and 50 cents. National hall—market street* POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. J. iHbOo Williams’S celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Bahylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the moat sublime and interesting scents in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY Boon open at a quarter tv 7j to oommence at 7 o’clock Tickets 25 cents—to be bad at Hall door. Ohildre under 10 years 16 cents. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUB* DAY AFTERNOONB for/ families and schools. Doors open at 2 j to commence at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITT3 HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and I TJIRANK.LIN INSTITUTE Indigestion; also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore J* EXHIBITION Throat, 1 tub; greatest discovery in medical SCIENCE’ HARTStIORNE’S CURE-ALL should be kept in all families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTbHORNE’S CURE-ALL cutcb Cramps, Cholic, Tains in the Stomach or Bowela. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs, Si-ift, Rack and Breast. HAKTSHORNE’S CURB-ALL oures Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Burns. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HARTSHORNE’S OURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhoea aud all Pain. HAUTSHORNE’3 CURB-ALL cures Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cores all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HAUTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL is a great tonic to Woak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. l£7~ As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pam in the Limbs and Body; also, Btiff Neck—every person ehould get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones; and, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will he astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTSHORNE’S Pectoral Svrup of Wild Cherry, it is the best Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and 50 cents, and Si. If you are Billions, use HARTSHORNE’S ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomaoh and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boxes. 25 cents. Sold by R. H. JENKINS, No. 26 fOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Btreets. Slmes’ Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrigues’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s. Tenth and Lombard sts. au!2-th s tudtf if ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only preparation ever plaoed be fore the public that has performed ae many MIRaOULOUS cures OP INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most prominent aud influential citizens hear wit ness of its efficacy. The abandant evidence from all parts of the country is enough to warrant us in pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of the age. It Is an internal remedy that s rikesat the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets. oc7-8m Philadelphia. - TWO TRIPS A WEEK TO BRIDGETON’—On and after WEDNES DAY, 2i)th lost., tho Steamer EXPRESS will leave Arch Street every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at Eight o’clock (instead of Btf, as heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton every Monday and Thursday morning at 8 o’clock; stopping at Delaware City and Now Castle. Btage» for Millville, Port Eli zabeth, Fairton.Gedarville, Newport, Dividiug Creeks, and Maurlcetowru connect with this boat. oel4-lm* CONSIGNEES* NOTICE —The SliySßhip “STALWART,” Capt. A. H. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Almond-street Wharf. Consignees will please send their permits on bond. All goods not permitted wi hin five cays from this date will be sent to public stores THOfl. RICHARDSON &, CO..' 101 WALNUT Street. October S 7, 1863. oeaB - 5t FA. TREGO, BEAL ESTATE AGENT • AND OONVEYANOER, THIRTEENTH Street end RIDOE ATenne, attends to the pnrch.se And Bale of Kent Estate, Booting houjee. and Colleatlon of House and Ground Rents, aud Inter est Monies. {Satisfactory references given, oel9-Bm* - ’if or Bole drill ta #et. ’<*»; FOR i RENT, from JANUARY Ist, 1 1860—The first-class Granite-front Store, No. 124 street, above ABOH, suitable for the in-g wVvU'y Goods, or any other heavy business, t *r/ toares&r* 4 wifi commodious Terms samfac v' ud Story. Tenant. Apply at No. 184M.Se - . I ■ ; ocso-7tif» flioo Acres^MMtgomsvxS^ l6 vi e; first-class improvements 1 or terms, &0., Wfrlr to 0. 00LLIM3 cc29-6t* 217 8* FOURTH fit., bel. i’M TO RENT—A Medium-sized STOR% f-ilttL in B ANK Street; a very desirable situation. dfess-’ H\NK STKEiT.” Blood’s Despatch. 0c29 3t* . TO LET—A Large Room in Second 8to?y Ot tha Imn BuUding 606 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the rtate House. Apply to ASHTON’S COM- MfihQlAL AGKNOY,6QS Chestnut Street. 0029-81# MTO LET—A Neat modern Residence, atrNortheast corner of NINTH and CATHARINE Streets The neighborhood is^rrood, and tbe House is replete with all the modern conveniences Inquire of EDWARD LAFFE&TY, No. 1006 Christian Street. mFOR SALE, or to RENT,Low—A Desi rable property forßosiness or Besldenee. 970 Bouth FOURTH Street. Would make a good location for a Dry Goods or other Store. Apply on Premiees. oe2B-.fi t* M HOTEL FOR SALE.—Good Will and Fixtures of one of the best Hotels in the city, sHu* 2ied near the Post Office and Exchange; it contains 16 ele-ping rooms, with a fine Restaurant. Satisfactory reasons given lor selling out. ” Address Box No 683 Philadelphia Post Office. • 0c22-Izd* |~|FFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF- Lr FIGS far an Insurance Company, or aimllar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. Apply to JOHN 0. KiSFFBK, or THOMAS T. BUTOHEB, VM _ No. 112 Bouth FOURTH Btrtet, mhBo-tuth»-tf seoond story, room* a TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE ■ill Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street. 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY streets, 40 feet front, one of the b«rit locations for large Business In Phila delphia Also, BTABI/B and COAUH-HOUBS in uHERRY Street; above SEVENTH, In rear of Ash land House Apply, at 273 South FOURTH Street. American academy of music. STRAKOsGH ITALIAN OPERA. OPENING OF THE REGULAR OPERA SEASON. MADAME COLSON. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER Ist. LA TRAVIATA. MADAME PAULINA COLSON will make her deout in Philadelphia in the celebrated character of-Violktta, supported in their respective roles by St'noes BRIGhOLI, AMODIO, and BARTLt. NOTICE —ln consequence of the very great demand for seats for La. 1 ratuta, the Manager is compelled to announce, to prevent VQfas'on in the Ticket Offices, th*t to-day seats w 11 only be secured for Monday’* per* rormance; and on Monday seats may be secured for the first four nights. Subscriptions, however, for twelve or sixteen mghta. will be received to-dxy and Monday. The priceß of adarßsioa have been fixed as fellows : Parquette, Dress Circle, Ba'cony, Balcony Boxes (in* eluding Reserved Setts). $1 50 end $l, eceordiog te looitlon designated on the diagram. Of the latter there are four hundred and fifty seats. Proscenium Boxes from $lO to $l6. FaM.LY CIuCLB 60 OBNTB. AUPHITBBiTBB 26 OBSTfi. siIBSOrtIPTION TICKETS for twelve nights, in cluding choice of feats. $l5; for sixteen nights, in cluding choice of seats, $2O. Each subscriber tor twelve night*is entitled to tickets for the first two Opera Ma tinees. and the first Evening Concert, and each of the subscribe 8 for sixteen nights U entitled to the privilege of the free admission to the three Opera Matinee* and to the two Conce ts given at the Musical fund Hall. To-day and Monday, t' a Bale of Subscription Tick ets will continue at the office of the Academy of Ha* sic only To-day, at eight o’clock A. M , will commence the gale ot seats for the first night, at the following ticket fffices: Lee A Beck A Lawton, Cheat out btreet, and at the Ao>demy- The Free List, with the exception of thePnblio Press, is entirely suspended, aud no person will ho admitted without exhibiting his ticket. Doors open at seren o’clock. The Opera commences at eight o'clock. ON WEDNESDAY, SECOND SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT, First appearance of MADAME CORA DE WIL HORST. Mrs. d. p. bowers’® walnut-sx. THEATRE, comer of NINTH ood WALNUT Streets SATURDAY EVENING. Ootober 30,1868, The Stranger, MrF B Conway; Baron Steinfort, Mr Reach; Frmcis, Mr HA. Perry; Mrs Haller, MrsD P Bowers: Counter Wintereen Mrs P B Conway. TBE HONEY MOON. The Mock Sake, Hr J? Drew. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet, 87£ cents; Dress Circle, 60 oents: Private Boxes, according to tt*U locale, $3 and $6; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cento. Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock; Curtain rises at 7 o’clock IMTHEATLEY & CLARKE ,s ARCH-ST. T T THEATRE.—WiIIiam 8. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager.- SATURDAY EVENING, October SO. 1868, MB J. 8 OLA' , -KE , S BENEFIT. THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Valentine, Mr Shewell; Proteus, Mr Dolman; Sir Thurio, Mr John Gilbert; Julia, Mrs John Drew. THE RAKE’S PROGRESS. Harry Markham, Mr Wheatley; BamSlap, Mr Clarke. Admission. 25 eta. Secured Seats in Dreea Qircls, 01* eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cts; Beats in Private Boxes, 7o ota:.Gallery. 13 cte: Gallery for Colored Persona.2Aeta j -rrtVate~imx~m qg.\nnjwi tailored Persona,• 88 ots; Whole Private Box, S 3. * Doors open at quarter before T o’clock; oommenee at 7^,precisely. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, A BROAD AND LOCUST Street. SATURDAY EVENING. Oct 80. 1868. FAREWELL BENEFIT OF FRANCOIS RAVEL, The performance will commence with THE SCHOOLMASTER. Master Trick Boniface. Francois Ravel; Mr Bonlf&ce, A Lehman; Bridget, Miss Frances GRAND DIVERTISSEMENT. LftMadrilcna Yroa Mathias The whole to conclude with VOL-AU-VENT.OR A NIGHT'S ADVENTURES. Vol-au-vent, Francois Ravei; Brock, H E Walla; •L'za, M’lle Lina Windel. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 60 cenu; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 eenta. Seatß can be secured from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. with* out extra charge. Children under 10 years half price. BRONZES, &c. HERRING’S GREAT PICTURE has ar rived of the VILLAGE BLACKSMITH, and will he on Eshibition for a few days only, at the Store of A.G ROBINSON’S eicture Ga'lery. cc39-tf 010 CHESTNUT St., ah NINTH. Concert hall. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. FRIDAY and BATURDAY KVANINGB, Ootobtt 29th Mr. STEPHEN MABSBTT, (Jeema Pipes of Pipesville, Author and Composer,) In ins original MONOLOGUE ENTERTAINMENT, as given by him in the thrte quarters of the globe, and lately at Niblo’s Saloon to crowded i oases, entitled SONG AND CHIT-CHAT, oa WANDERINGS IN MAN 7 LANDS, luterapers d with Humorous and Descriptive Pcenw, original and selected Songs, Ballads, &o. Boors open 7 o cloak Commeoco at 8 Tickets 25 cents THOMEUF’** VARIETIES (Cafs Theatre,) Northwest comer of FIFTH and CHBaTNUT Two forces EVERY EVENING this week, under the management of MR. T. A’BECKJST, late of the Walnut Street Theatre gongs by Miss EMMA. MARCY, Mrs. BOBDWkLL, (formerly Mrs Lane,) and Miss JENNY WREN I Also, danclDg by Miss V ALLEN, styled { * the poetry of motion.” Concert commences at 7# o’clock. Admission 10 cents. 0c26-6t* Assembly buildings,tenth aed CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme eaoh Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and BPIRIV RAPPING Go and see SIGNOR BLITZ. The groat Ventnloquistand wonderful Magician. Performance every Evening daring the week, at hall-past 1 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8 Admission, 25 cents; Children, IS eents. 0c25-lm* Is now nnder fall way. One of the grandest and finest displays of AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, MECHANICS and ARTS Ever made by this Institution. The rpacious area of the STAVE ARMORY, In SIXTEENTH Street, near Market, As well as the large temporary building upon the south side, are filled up with articles of every imagina ble variety. The Fair 1b easy of access by all the City Passenger Railroads azid Omnibuses running West, and by an ar rangement with them, VISITERS ARE CARRIED TO THE FAIR PEER OF EXPENBE. The ticket price of admission Includes the ride to the Exhibition, and can bo procured of the Ooaduotors to the Cars, on all the City Railroad lines. 0025-tf /CORNELIUS & BAKER, Vyf Manufacturers of lamps, chandeliers, GAS FIXTURES. Ao. BTORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. MAMUFAOTORIKB, 821 OHERRY Street, and FIFTH and COLUMBIA 0c25-lmif Avenue. [l/JONS. A.F.ROSAT, TEACHER OF FENCING, BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM, 0c26-d2m# MARKET Street, above Eighth. PHRENOLOGICAL BXAMINA TIONB. with written descriptions of character, y\j including advice in reference to business, health, Z- Ii \ self-improvement, Ac., are made day and eve mug at FOWLER, WKLLS, A CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis count made to olubs, •ell-Stn 22 Chestnut at., Philadelphia. CJAYING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN >3 TERKbT—NATIONAL BAFBTY TRUST COM PANY .--WALNUT. STREET. SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. IVOOXfOSATJED BT TE* STjLTB OV PmSTX.TAVIA. Money is received in any dum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Theo See Is open every day from oo’clock in the morning till 6 o’cloen in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o’clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNEB> President, ROBERT SBLFBIDGRj Vice President Wat. 7. Riu, Secretary. Diucroßs: L Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewitw, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bur , Robert Selfridge, Francis Lew. - Sami. K. Ashton, Joseph Verses, 0. Landreth Manns, Henry Diffenderner. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made in oonfonmty with the § revisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MOST - AGEB, GROUND BENTS, and such first class securi ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors. and which oannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to thia Institution. aul-ly se29-Bm* amusements. PRICES OF ADMISSION BAL* OF TICKETS! THE STRANGER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers