cjppp^M^. '] ii : »iallr*«'f“ «»{teVofthMut tjq MTa I l l ia nt(t f re* !Tlj<d flSiiir^tlilidjtWslßWdilSpanlpgwtoAteiijtMtlTflt - '*"OTfcr, bM already been/dbnC to ;profß~that'>the , r0 l*“ ; ' trada, as a whoU', Sa th!» dtjvjfUJ fall JdWJ!y l £i ’* »ay, b»hia.f§ at the pteaanKt&e . tii jiate. .the, .shopping.commas Itr - ■- to tnakoUteir ‘ bay* ia It. Jiliof sw’M 32 means of p 3 c« to |lem 1 em wHt aetsnmly to tak<<aT»nt(B«of,th«Pre«eMlnMUTnr, ti the cool to»«®WHa<m..sra Tireol,. pitate .aa/.tradto' iatcalled a -** rush **>* *houJd=thtt fttht* bo>ifoproYed ih\ the matter of andpajfUj^d ? sti^arthg prettj keeoly, ht witch ;tVme* jrtote-men arotinUUj io throng ed as to b* unableto’gW* a| to or&tfii ifi trhsn Jhein Iflesij pressing. ;, # AxOaARCH - - tion we } > j^ep at. the 1 well-known "millinery establishments o t* Messrs. AfiMßdttttt S^nlstpßet,. ; df |\, has cot beVn'surpaMed this sewrf.rvWe-ImVaJWYeriL 1 ?t3cli, .«,!* wdjf &mmao<l to t «»t of !'4 X ~' :'.i' J .i fyttem'ot in6nUl »cienc® (Mbc wnployedftdTantig©- j’- - in ttj^.finillji lts', h\n&rKr|tlie .tr»JjS»i&c]hjldya'ttjyl MrtlrsbwVTrbm the Mjrer-j tiStyg&tlqi Wells,'* Go., in snothw, Be seen- that one of their s%o*tSkllfai r to - ' purpose of eisin^nitionif. • ' BnonllW‘has jaßt-redblved' ’some new goods,; • forelsfr' T,oUftVA»U«o«i |»«oy;Bt*i>«0 Faina Cologne, rcuudef',. dV-TdorS) Ac.', Ac ,'Rtr bis fflbdelDtMBWw,|oiaef^eT^nlli ; »Bdßprtiig i O»raeii. The PnATKD T/'SErtV tieiWra. UraSj Tureeiia, Welter*, Bitcte«,^o'.Viawd^toco4;iiy ; S.H’. Cwryl, - Tl* OhMtnut etreet,-. «tnbr»Mi it. Urge- number ot; the biet patterns wlddtf hire: ~ designs, some’ b*in*tinuliea wb walk nflrror-like ' faeas, white, others *re elebbratety'cHaeadidod en , inede b/Mr: 0., ' '''eTeijr *fticM'.U/of iitlUfliM/liid Wtqeailiy, tod u pirehMeX.'i-,., :« ,u _ ■ '• ~ 'A. 'HiitkbTk'lSoija’Bt:—A-tnhn ! who h'adloafed ~. obtain * pick end adorn! *nda*l!.r forth to trr bli for-. ~' tdde’it-gold digging. .He worked wtth but little irao '•'rtii’ro‘r't»o‘aeyt;htt/on;tKe thlrd'Wdugcp-* lump! poinds! i!iThe.;iuc/ fellow soldWla ‘‘pile " forfour- I , rt.»n'thou«Bnddoll»M. HV.gocKliuck hJßOhßnged tie. ‘i'teritj if ttslMg Is tfsnireßtedlf their leßdenr then we ( / hire noticed ilndtdh® mein&adle deji ot >44. renting ? r^t^/jreß2ffiSTiS*nMt>ent.4ajr;tQ . i , V "x YButbi tt»s thrown Wto considerable £6 nnflotlan yester* '. day bythe EppesTibceiunoiigf bn>g&y pro’meiinderis pf a *.; £auofi,>i6bty &&utffled 'with po!Uhbl i 'stiver om&raonts Th« .children, ■ Men' f whletl?dt'and'the"3adlej were de • ■/: fe'JtiyinMif, TS» Qbe«jii_i)> jljreii’, aowmd fl&r'. I itbe '"IWh l iS.tf,ftto &Ptt'. B ' < '^V a PiWiVOpiilda” Will ' l,i ti?,in(t from 1 tte v '~ l s>>jsiiiifii»rtftl<fflfniott t Tflfrrr'-r**-^***** 1 * ’ toilwM high latitudes, ii.'i l 6*aa»aaBiw i *~* , * BU! ‘i* '- f bales aoitimj^m^bl^ Co; *303; KcSuJmji* ffc WS^W a£&u McdujiJ 1<! So* Sfr» 8 fifTidp-DnUlag ij&tivi iaj B ilpplnoott Jsi .•^mx&ptag , v y Ido* B.Biflibjil k»»lh»ll,bW,'Wm(l«>ni>!«( i*eg» s ‘ B.Wtlb‘U, do,a fei*M M ?rle4fauii jl' f it' v?* Bh»w»T®? two^ailldfeffi^d 1 - andlaOy, Hiss Caroline' Walter, A Padegair,* Mrs O -1 OhMlMaHllfitflf Hlcbdfihefft 0 Mr^u™• Blcbard' 6*f% Walker; Hire >Gope,-W* Capt 3> ‘WP Jonee,Bndt«n in ;f% Id >towntUD'PbinMß : eflrruQ«jiraa l fiMtoßT4ui 0 is A Tallant *»d MrW mHeafr ,* *£?. i L 7 f *% l ' ’ '« BAIbBD--lapack«tahip?ontwiiite;SQtljlTeT9ool-- T XamKrtreth ;: 200" id ■ foihfafll' *£»ld Add -» »*•»#> ’& -■%& 'f, ,i. ■™ t rQA&u>m9 iin&Z-jz&fr, ;-i .- .- •' . A ptitaMfijid. : , ' giilp NCoiS-011i,,.'*J./.St pufctflnpj*ooa AaelfaeT&cfculken'...;*«;ln&oad#n, *oon ' Brig Zenith, »oo» , Brig BpOO a«ndriek,,?c)iut../..» 2 ,; ;5 v - Bfrig OBAllea f *ooq Wj» sooa ,? < .1 <0 'l-S; '.juißCTJiDrf* ;. • **' -UBMRte&mabip^Be/iton*43tate, Manbman, from 5?, «Gharle«toa, fcldotofimllfaxodloAadpAitengteA toAldi Boron, Jr Sunday, at VJ$ AM, 60.m11w north lof Fry ing Pm, paandLateamahlp Mariont’AaniextiJßepaued eieamaMp ißabei,.both/roraNew York for Charleftoo ‘ v Steamship Pblheai Bpragae, 8 boon from >£ .iritiuiridtt ,«od ,pMisog«n.t6 .Hen^rWhuor. >? Barque JdaiKeUy. .40, day* from OAy with md*o Jaodmond'diAOo. Beporta the trig 1 Brandywine, frohtJliojie at Delaware Breaks • water, torordera..—*•_.;•, •.,. *«i'j?^' Barqqe Irma, Nobre, from Maracaibo 12th. nit; with coffee, hide!, Ac* to Bra? Peter Left in the loner Bay .brig New Worii,iorN«ir,York. ,Saw barque Washing .-_- -,.ton offDanlel Ba,< . her'*. a TheXwM ioWed.qp bytag-J < ■ Behr J U Harria. French, 3 day* ifromr^ew^.Tork, - ... t.withmdaeto Crowell A,Collin*. : siv-* &*’. •'•' > Bohr Coo Vashihgton, Oaiopj ldQA^iibotttlieeehyilie, ; 80, iiUh iiwnh*r,to.H Uroake/,- ; ; . ;.-; Bohr daybicomvlJew.Bedrord,! Btth «l to Bhober* BnnMngji&,Oo> ~ Bohr Miry MUl«r;.ljfwr,ir<u/jifronriohMttt£ in bal laatto L Audenrled & Co, '' . Bohr. fro&Miifem, De!,'' wUhhaik h X Uj< Bchr. Golden Age, Paine, 6 day! from Protineetown, - with mdaeto Geo - '•'& ■ - with .l ! Bflhr dajifrom New. York, ! 6 ; Bohr BBogiiah, BngUah,fit>m Boston. A , ,R -Bohr J, s - rbs Bodton^ • ■ Bohf r«a‘B^i«,SiJidtt;toffNWHfToo.; J ;. • .f. -;-Bchr Ohlef;Champlain, from Ner#ioh>'i> ■' -’■- Behr c t* Bchr ' - : —at^dabahtibb^— I '-:'”'" • . I 3. M, B»i«nJ?b WBV 6.aKomjßotttio, with ■Ji ; ; " Mb* I!(!(B*,aiiWt{,ise7jVeB!, O A Beofcriwrfc Oo„ Bcfir Elli.beth, B»ra>ns,.WM«’« Point,.WO, Bolton, . ; Jtfoniorrwffc ,00,4.,' i x*i, ;.•-»£ j'f ■!- Boho Cerro Gordo, Irons, Suffolk, captain. , , gclii:Oßrtli«goni. iuker, New 4? , ;- ■ - Co. ' . ~;>r.: W . ** v '*-« ‘- • ---ffchrM«rr (J, C*iirj B*it!aiortfr - " - do Bebr WiUJttQ JoKn, do Schj'PCDKaia,'Kao«; Portland' do ' - Bofcr'NbttMtn 'ttflil/Xitt; StfUbaiy, /; "do , Bohr 0 0 Saddler, Slppley PotttttniJgi *do„ 2d& ;-x ,/ Boston* X AadoarJed * 00. .^ .1 .BohrJoofrM*jvGot>b,-Boston; N BturlevSDtfc Co. . .Bchr J Burdge, Bolton,, Hlnnlcintm fo .. •-nMtHti -.-.V fiS/i!' ■ -‘C Behr B Ois y, W«iT6r,Boston, Bium. OgleAflo. . j] Bo roCcDtontm, Stanley, Boston, Noble, Uwtainett ,V< ,; ■,;XMd*otto<! tas.ifMiimi.'f it •' - “ s£oartlsa«GWMtogton l ,p««», Bre»poo<!,-; ,Bo ,t! . . „. Bohr is Bngli*h,;KagJilh. lUcbnioEd, do ’ 'g»taJO>mUtt.B}nTO,'l{totU«nCO,; .40 » Viioir AtajinOiUjßAwßmrted kOS,- ; "l fiobt Ohlef, o))arepUiji,ilfotwHh/ Bottnl. Oiio :k 00. ,1 / boo, *r oehlDgton,- Bionlckion & ? ■ ■/,! tu* SSL tVit.sr TS. Mc*offor j UserJiSl/Vort VfolnOt'irtrtotOdtlrftlti bJf O'sfOek jot- ! . i» cabin | da,-: <,'»44dt(lQ7of¥i!r4-ofbln'*ll4 *tCoi i ljo l>*»/«_nte'»,'4D<l tbs >ihd« Vaoereltron ttok ’ 979 bbl»tflolKk jOjjHdsHailow,^ •- - A bdX^rtifttri.^ljfer'tßia^W.^ao.gtJßoo, : ** • ; a-f>jj.'iSSi--i*a«b W-otM^irnoauriwfeWsfK 5 */*• ,; ...S’ ta * vs-Bolt rend fcrldn TOrHofrnioß ,HatMbbrle'irya. Wrigbt: JRk «loic *>;*.>loi;, JJllWiiCrfifß Henßlrt jittCd 'V) BO» on BMu^oJ, - Itfss' ’to I .*. o«t s. . Arrtrad «hl» Bello Wood, from LWerpooli budoaa. .Cofefll.T/rorafß»tUttr«t; ’W overly,. from: o»i{»Si p B I Baltimore) ' V 'T' ffdmea’Hole/, j rt . r i BtesmiWp City of Richmond .Mitchell/sa,usd-' fronf Richmond 4th Ipst, far. Philadelphia! ' \ „*7 : .stea.msfclp?Ro»ioh ) SHley, hence at Naw.yorkyeater aay»ftH,6lo*rad.to,M^tt*n,J,.•. ( .. Btetmiafcip Moses T&ylor; McQowap, clewed at’ New. York yesterday for Aspinwall, tut met with a slight) ac cident'ih aboutieavinghar ’wharf;: and,'tho! passengers were..transferred. to .the steamshlpßlXohfs, whichwiaheldiarekdiiießstopail »f >/»*■ ypf' t 'M?| er '' Bhip r joh f nJiWtiuo'6«rfer<lVoieirea ot’jfeWfttfk 7% 4«iVea »i OfonatadtMth utt; 1 * ’' . - v - .• . , .Ship Lafayette.(new, of New Hayen, MS too®) Bottle, cleirodat portiana T 2dtnstrforNew Orleans. ?>- * 4' P& S S r S"^ .Hlnkley, from LondOJ»» at Mo HfttiuutatarSV .?> ‘ -.1.1- /- \' ;: f „. ' ol8*«d at Boston 4th u»t*;«w & Bliett,'tttnt/fromNew Bedford, at ijos 'ton Ath lOit. to load for Satt Yraneisoo. • „ Barqne Storm King, MjUett, from Salem, vi* MOaam-t hiarie?*er4rrivedat Adeh‘Aug3o. Barque Petrea, Crowell', cleared at. New York yestor- Philadelphia, sailed froatNewpert 2d lust. ‘ V Brjg. George' Amds', Nichols, sailed from. .Providence Sd'fnit. for Philadelphia.... . •« . si BriS iDßlhi, Kentty, J for Philadelphia .In 8 or 8, days, ( at Bpstott Tor'PhUadelphjai; ,y. ~5 v> --.a •> ! <• - i> Brig Joljn. pKeffar.Bppre, from Charleston, at qua rantine, ißavttopro'.yMlei day, ~ ;ovi I " • .hence, arrived at Portsmouth Ist in»t,<. r ... .V - [ • Schr X B Myers,•Somersf hence, arrived. at Moplle SQlhjplt,/., IC2 ,„ 3 ‘''TaXiY"*-* •' V ' ' flcnr.Tf,L-km□ er.findtcott, from Richmond,- at Alex* aaa*Wfiax:‘™ « —•- ' ‘"'Bohr Jdheit'PhaiQi Allen}hbnee*i*tWedat;Aleran r> • m»1/. s . ; aniP.rUna.Bonna,. • for, Philadelphia, aod,V*liaat, for.lrenton, NJ, sailed from r ‘-it, ‘->pf .«« ' . Be Groot, from Sarannah, arrived iatWUmlngton, Del;lßthlrt; i.~ r . i' m • j v Schr John donee, Stetenson, from New York, arrived at -Wilmington,'Del, 4th;.lnst,‘ also, aebra B flower, Eayneifi Maria P lemingj Shawi aod. Ohaa Kent, OartEaie. W Bhaddlok, Wllllama, hence, arrived atHart ! fordSdlntt.u . r {vft» Cr:^.. a ••< -i •* J , Bohr Btchard Yanx, Prink, from' Richmond, at Bos : I tonlthlnafei.in./, ntr f-f:i ' > i‘<\ . Ttan i -Ir ' , iSchra dttUet, Oh«a*; P«A Saunders, Ireland} J B Dick inson, Whaaton} Damon'. Pitcher} B H Shannon, Marts, flway-.ErriceonJiSaxon; Bobinacp} George Edward, :Ba ker; Charles Baker, Compton; Jamei’& Btronp, Cor* son; Sooir J.P.Cake, Bndicott; Obarm, Whitmore, and .H A Weeks, Weeks, hence, arrived at Boston 4th inst*. >r . 11,I 1 , h i!;j *'■*■ .1 •<- <■■■ • Schn George Maneham’, Oorsonj and Lewie Malfori, Doyle. forPhliadelpbU, deared.atKoiton 4th inet*; Bohr BiUa>WiUlams}iTaylarJ.cleared at Beaton .4th ; , Bohr John W Dodge, Daily, sailed from Newburyp«t, li U rf f ! ’.{( Bchrs H A Eogers,Kogers, and Ephraim and Anna, pole,henoa*tßalera2idifcßti i oo Bohn Rebecca RuightyßodlcoU, and Eliza and Ben . hfccs, Pri?a, hfqeeAtfldemAd. j 4nefc..ii i> . . Bohr Kedron, Lake, hence, arrived at.PaUßlver Ist ilnstant. J *xi! aiiV, ~v■v■ ■. i/. .’Bchr Buby, Tracy, sailed from Bristol jfid.lnst.; for Philadelphia -ft 'n-i r d ■ , i- Jcljr Ply, Oheesemim,t hence,. -arrived at.. Newport ; -• " ini) ujo.j.U •: ■'.•-‘-•J l ylj&n RL MUler,%*ey»Vd«ajc«idjU}New i York 4th inst. hones,-»nd b! B Ash-‘ .ineS.iTainllh! fSm urlvod At Kowport £<i Bonr-Afaria Plekhp/Bakery from-’Boston for Phuadel phia, sall»dtrom Newpdrt'2diaßfe. j '■i ißokr ftab»’ May, firasg; cleared at Albany4th mst>. lfoF»PhUadolphia. Cf -'-;' v /-’ 1 1 ' ■' Bohr Shenandoah, Smith, hence} arrived-at Baker’s 1 Landing^WateKckfMtnit. f -- • j . ,‘ t Sehrs Oorbitt.- BoseyCiceio. Btfrroaghtf, and An <t&rei?€ordeiryyhenroVarmedat Providence Sdinst ,•, of the sehr Charlotte Wmiami, at thia f porf,iepotii: sbhrLlftn, Cast Taylor, fromPire. 1 tegoy with f ; ihlhgfM j war taught lna gale .while going 'bter HatUraaßtrV'on the c 80th uU/and put into Wash '(iogtett, NOi for repairs,' feet of- water in her* hold.' - ;j ‘ * i- DOMESTIOPOBTB - ■*'A * HOLMES’ HOUR) Oct, lj PM. A*, sohs o«au Ware, 'Veisle/Thlladelphla for Lynn; Wave, Barrett; do- for, panven;* Martin)‘Goldthwaite,’do for Saco ; Alice' do''foi , 'Beif*flt; Charles 2£ Neal, Henderson;--Boston)' for’Blobmond: Mablon Betts, Feasterfl/B Levering. MoUngltn /Wm G Audenried, Hewitt .- garth 3 * Hammond,-Paine; John H Alleh, Bibcock; -N' BT TbbmpadnA Barnes ;RJ Mercery Boblnton t-‘’WhHe Squally Sharpy and D*Dlel B. Mertbb'b, ,? Btfitch«r; , BMtin'for-PhUidelphla; GriiW, T/nn-for-Bhiladelphfsj.BUiott, Buckaloo, BrainJ P 7 PhUllp«, Bmlth.-New-, buryport -for doyPltnn• •Bndicott, Haverhill ’for dO T B Plaice,‘ StoUh-VBangbr for do 5 -; ; - { -«-BaUed—scbri Harriet-(8tanwooO)| and. Castilian * ,eflduArH&hrblU>Bi, Parris, MtUqfcJto TsilbfcFU< via Norfolk, for-Boston: Hoasp. Mayo/italUmbre Tor Porla- JohnsotfiNonoltfor dojMary Ann: Magee. Mane, Alexandria for- PocasSettr-Hairiet and ' * ;-*• i *£. bailed—brigs Adeline P Pinker, Edwardfschr 0 M HdaV. T - p' v -> •=% >-*» y-*y i •" ** 3d—Ar,- sehs -TfjHianj B 'JSnkloef Wilmington, TirreU;HiMlnB,'and 4* do*/ it Gatrit. Son, Grace,’Delaware Glty for Medford,- Caroline-Rall,, *G?ahi&v ;phlUdelphre’ : fdr ; HaTerhiy; 'And' Turner, -Lyho? North PafelfloyMarCy; do fWßslii-,. bury: New tTorseypVabnfetfianyßbston'forAleXahdrU; Ch«s A HecJrifoher, Btubb*,snd IreneyPlnmnier, dd fdr Philadelphia;' Joseph H BUley,PcfW6ni’Lyrin/ for Phil adelphia: H B 'Baapbm.'Bdrke, Newouiyport for{do:, Bishop And pierk’s light boktliv T tdir/to for repairs. Bid acbs Henry- Lemuel, JaaSaymraUffloperiol*. w,< Englißh- Sanruel Nash, Maine, Devte Wave, Martin/Alio* 3taw»rLBLevering, WinG’ 'Andeß?lodj?B^Hamnrbnd^'Whh t{ H Allen, A- B T Tho d mpb6nVH^M4ri6er l ‘WmW D S.Merahon, 'Vittel; OriMay W ; P ; Ottdftjatt) ■ Btrth Ann,. Helen ‘McLeod/ JW-Roahe, Rotnp/Mary Ann Mageo, Harriet Ud-Bsrah', AhiM/J B Weldiny and 8 T Garritr r Aon», ’’ ’ lOBBIGN POETS. .‘^ArrivedfromNewYtfrk 9th,Hbmmingßird, at GIIU. raltar: IQth.Howlahdapd-Celestlat/atOadl*;; *«<*», af Cbpeokagen; Amanda Jane, atßordeiux; Wight; .Alliance, in the OlydO; Heptane, rAtLiWfMoL; 4 -'"A -Wt *.'U“ •/ «- ‘-A i *^iWv&-frbra£Ne»y 2 Cirl#ansl2tb,‘Eberh»rd, at'Oron 'itaitt; 18th1 Zawfig/ri Bordeaux;* Colunrtrtu, at Liyer- W-* * . , ArriredfromßOtfon SOthiß Xeedbi, at Lirerpool. SaiifdY^fliffork 21th, tf «aoK 2?^, Qhy jfcontend Palestine,' from Deal; Atlantic, fm ,p«Ftoiddtith^^*., -• : ■ . 814 fOTNDrleapt 18th, P B Babner, Beal; Gulf BfreamJJrom-titrerpdof} 20th,' Picayune and BaHion, G ; Morton, fromLiTerpool: - Bid rorCnarl«itoV2oth| R Oashman, from LlterpeoU forMeblle 2iit, HelTetiayfrpni LWerpoot; . to'ilbow patt of cargo' overboard from •tress of weather. 4 , W&OBIiLANT. . ! K Paltftt'dW/o<ft''4-i- ? received In this city this morales, frpqj Beaufort, states that the «chr JSB*abeth, Cfcpt'WUUittis.jwlth. u.eaxgobf lumber, from Wllmlug* • |Au ,b«dnd sprung a leak and pu’tinto aank'lhiWe;- reuel not[neared, asd.wu dfreed by the captain, • A few bo'arde.'only have * to-ds/; from Mar«yd bp, ■eipeHenc«ddh'the ; 24thaQd26thgeptahurrioine.when f olT:B*«eraj:‘ldBt'- I dedk''loia or jnousnea, spirs; split itUalsnd’Jftdrrf’SnlHrW/ ? 5 '- V. . ? IT;**'* » ST J S: b'- / ; laSRIVILS ATITfiE: principal hotels. f-'vr Ta b»«'o'oi.oog >ai» «6Bwnta. irGIBABD-HOUBP—OhestttOt : Stmt.’below Ninth lira Jan>ea,&iiBter,.Wiß ~MX Seymour, N Y JmOillstt, N Y , , Mr Occhrano, K Y . J B Y' B Seymour; N Y'' Glttinri Balt ' " J J? Zebley, N Y .0 Godfrey,!* T ' BB Jackson, Y* ’ d ?Bennett.LoriisvlUe' , ', IB? Bavenel, S 0 T B Edgar/at Louis ' Theoß OolUnfl. Berlin, M 4 Mlß*ilarjr A. CoUinß,Md c Wmß Kirkland, N Y ;Jfligenbothom,Balt John Moulson. N Y ! S SeldenfEnglsnd" B Pritchett, Washington ;ThO* Beater/Danville - Geo W Covington, Md M B TatejVa •- . / v. •* . W.Kohler, Ya. - K ; . J W Mann, Mobile y*\+ ;ri;, U A Swain, Motile f .; i Geo W Wheelright, Boston J B ford, Va •, :i r"H A WiUarf & wi, D 0 : | 0 F Lee A wi,Alexandria,Va W D Haley, Washington IJt'BMorrey.A wi, Cleveland Sidney F.Uoliiris, Ml 1 « , J rW.Panning,'Reading,. 0 W aUfcjvßaU ; i OTHovell*' ' ~3 V McOoniy, Philoda ; C ShreveVMfsa, ' * 7 WtA Wightman A la, B 1 g Wyatt. SO, T.*." H*W’Conno?, jr, N 0 ’Mrs Conner A aer, N 0 1 \ ALGoodrleb, N 0 - W M Smith. A la, NO 7 Ban Cordova, N Y •WMeA'aick/N.Y ; JWNloholion.StJohn , PC Martin, Md 7 .7,7 T OHolmee, Fla .'FA'Btief/Klton . . . , t 3 Stewart, Ga *D,F MayLVaV' *, 1 Va.,, , B'Biglan AlapftC' Mlssß Penn, Ya Y,G Poster. Balt . . ~„BB Metre, ill tfl StonffeV ATta; NV 1 ! "JWhlf, Pittsburgh . J T Hnngerford, NY..,, Geo W Anderson Ala, Ga >' Miss B A Lamar, Ga •Hoi B-O,Andeifcbn,Ga /Mrs-Myers, N 1 Y G A-Mercer/ N Y -Miffs Myers, N Y . , W Wakefield A wife, St Patil Edyr Byhowisklf Boston < jliHtlchter.Readlng ’ ' 3 7TboSLumpkin; Wash' H Sharp, Nfl . , A Jlndgemary, N Y - Y *’ Gen Codper,- Albany - I Yanderpool A la. Albany Geo'W Finch A la, N Y B G - 1 ■’Mr Gladwin, N Y -J-P Whitoey,'Boston • I ' l B H Baldy A Ja, Danville.. Geo W Addinsell, NY J P Grove; Danville I - ■ J 0-Bridges, Balt ■ ■ Pjß SpHniM/Washington % % Walker, Charleston* - B D Yan Oampen, Elmira ■ J M Pbyfe,‘«Y* J L WH*?n, N 4 Y JBraodVN Y*-.; 7 O.W .Copeland,,N Y iyOhnWgle/Pa ’’’ P ileagherj Uamsburg u heiow Fonrth. : . J C Gray, Cambria ,co ‘* OS Overholt/Overton, Pa A s fl OvcrMt, Mt Pleasant M 0 Pa •aSweheyTtfaabf Pa. *. i) ’ J Brown,’Slate tick, Pa '3 W Brown, J.*ndeve, 0* May Allen, Baaton a ßhemmeni ~,Mlp« AGrseni JJaiton 1 J O BroirD. Beading D Hunter, Tamaqna • W Common* AM Cbe*t*f,coT A Chandler A la, Ohea* • a Watkins A la, Cheater oo ; ,teroo Vf .h Fountain. A la, Md Mrs Caulk, #d * 'Mrs Foard, r Md, ; , 7 Jr, A legh’y City f L Bobbins, Jameatdwn J5O T D Harris, Jamestown,NO A J TnompsOn, Pa " « Danl Nelily A la, Pa iMJECShnIts, N Lisbon, 0 ; Sami Watts, pa > - Beading . Alf Beaver. Massillon, 0 ?r Ira D*7i Mechanicahurg. D Eppley, Ilarrisbarg H|dcCupe, Newark,.o. v AMOreswell.Pa. ; ' D Fitter, Pa J Wolf.banvllte, Pa 0 Kanfmap, Danvil]*, Pa - ; J Stickler, . Ghatoborsburg BStrdmer A Ja 111 Y Biyfoose A laj-IJl; H H Doogla**.iEa»t<r»,‘Ear M B Tilman, NO WmJSwingj i J M Ewing, Jr,.Wheeling ioUnßehi Zanesrillb, 0. «S Kastop, Pa . BbarpleeaMeroe?,.?»: - :a - Wfto-Lamson,Lowell.M Jißllay, WiqslQi(v K - , 31 J BMcNlnch, datawisiai Pa A t Swart*. Harrisburg a 0 8N T WEilaaon, Mi *> -t W fJ : J Butler, Boston ' S,% e £’ lo nA K ' W Eind, .» W 0 Bskor, Ohio Mra|iMatttn,.Ohi&' v >, * '•«. • , ?. AMEaioAN street, below 81xth\ 0 a Johtnou, Mau • it 7 - JotidH«rißon, Mu. W arowßlUiop, M.,' ■ John Hogho, Balt BoojiliB M)Uer.& 1», N Y‘. A & H»rpor. Gettyaburg AJBelVMlnwaoti - .T & Platt, Conn . ; J 0 Cotton, McK«ad, ; - ,h i Wright t)., Vt ;W.B!B»ldwlb,.'Newuk ... - ’J.Oook/amltMeld: J M horesb, MiterUTHlo. B Kpsnglgr, M«rletta WT-Osbero,iipgton 5 ■< BHudglaai-Vs •( Mrt Bradfori. Bil i %,i 1 _-/■ .Miu >i> t Bel Ml«Brhitnioj>* !h .r!'-H.».B«d«0B, Pa 'HehrjrDatliaoo-ild ' Obairp siz,N J -JVB-alafrftt.N-Y Joha Polar, Ga 1 * ig^t^iaig?^hliij!toh;ißC,6ohtao, ; Wa.E&gU,o, itch, • vji s - cJ-W Harriv, Pa. [s. ! - > A«fOhn.Brub*k'er,>pa« » Kt /!Albsrt-Ham»ey,-la; fc da, f Lansing Wilmington, Bel Wtlmhogtoo* Del-; , 3 J EnberUv Pa t-JS. '.-m ■■'K A'.Harner, Troutvllle, Pa lAlcajM'WUsotJ, N J -} i, t tmvtnMyer#* Lock iliSsW t-> ■ 7 . ■ Mf ROHANT&'GOTH—Tonrtb, briow Arch stiirt| B P May & Wf,’ Md> - JM Bonfleld, Pa J.B_Bro*n, Wellsburg, Pa. J PJaok, Portsmouth Sami Monroe, Pa. * • J gboenaa^er,Pa> ,j \ 'J JohnG Townsend, Pa B Black, Ark l JSooU, Sheffield, Pa r’ J Barolay, Beaver, Pa LJlWJchblBon.«Wkßbarre 3 Campbell,!* Y MrsM l McCurdy. Ohio' ’ Mrs M-Kennedy, Pa Mtt W : l/ObambeTff;Po - -J8 Kennedy, Pa . ... GDavls, Buc&oe , J CUtlio, Allegheny MftßartWtt&UhVPa 0 SiioetoAer,AJutioy . MlssHayfoan, Pa l ; 'T B Kennedy & la; Pa JE V Mitchell, 5 Ya * GeoPorftt; Beach Croric,Pa ' ‘A, Hexter, Mlneraville Mra Carden &, dad,'NY ; BO Sager, Mobile * A Mrs J M HoUinehead, Pa : Mies Little Mriveu; Pa Mrs Wilson, N 0; ' Mi's Wilson, NO 1 3 A Bitting is IaVN 0 ‘', ‘, GW Shelton, Ot G W ! \V?«e, Illinois , /' T J Bae, Chicago 3 B Jaaes'f Cticq ' 3 HSfcover, Ya, T J'Jones, Boston -- - ’ ■NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, aboxeThird. P Bruner, NT. '"r "' •JT Ay&ub. N Y E T Wcba, Qa&kertoVn, W H Cool, Pa JG, GilUnger, Allentown 1 J Reynolds, Pa J M Balliet, Allentown ...'E B Mack, Easton JD Johnson.NT. . BMShultz, Sch Haven W Short,' Bt Clair' ‘' , / D Bhelthart, Danville 8 £yer,'Danville. *, ' J Sheep, Danville H Ohamheri/PottfiviUd ' A. Reppard, Oa Q- Merkle, PottaviUo 8 Lyon. Danville M GPiner, Phlla / Philip Shay, Muncy G W.Gefger, Pottuville ’ John Fahnestock, Pa L 8 Panli.'Mauch Chunk ' M Weaver, Mlneravllle G WT7IuUn«;.N T ; WO PobuUs, Pa B Schultz, St.filarys', Pa' M 0 Bowlby, MinersviUe W Seager, Allentown > . . Geo 8 Keck, Allentown Geo W Ramsay, l Pottsville Win A Voute, Pottsville Miss Julia A Louder, Pa Geo Knapp, Wilkeebarre . ’ BLACK BBAB INN—Fifth.and Merchant streets. Saral Miller,,Pa ; J En trek In, Pa L Handley, Lancaster,po 8 Thomas, Boylestown W 0 Pagh |Montgomery eo /. B H Jones* Berks co, Pa - { W J> Evans, Ppttatowh. Pa. J .Johnson. Oheitar eo, Pa A Fenstemaker, Ohio.. ~ ■, B J Putt, Dsapbtn co, Pa ’2/Taylor, Md.. ' « ,-E co, Pa JAt Ohsmbere, Chester co J Garcey,Balt, Mias A B HuHoxi, Chester' J, A QnarU, t heater . B Herbert, Chester Oheflter . r BLACK* BEAB above OallowhiU. H G Gilbert, Reading' r - H Selgfried, Pa H Hlberman, Pa - ; 0 Harper. Jenkintown J Welker, Peonsborg, Pa : G Oarl, Upper Milford BMulrby, Boylestown I Ulndley, Pa < >. J-Eltlch, Berks 00, Pa- Jit Conrad, Pa 'ATvlnFanst, Pa - 1 - • '■> Jacob Pa ’i L'Fisher, Katatown • > J Stelnioger, Mscungie N W Sttlnger,'KtineBv!lle - W Thompson, ZlonsvJlle , E Hersh, Zionsvllle - J-V&n Artsdale, Peasterv’e Sami Barlet, Beading . BALE EAGLE street, ab. OallowhiU* ■ W Hinnersbiti, Pa J S Hirst; Lebanon, Pa H Brake,* Norristown, Pa T Kepjerer, Pa Tbos S Beck. Pa MH Snyder, Pa Peter Bert, EWton BARLEY. SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vise. - H YPickering, Newtown D 8 Bines, N Y H Gilbert, Md i Jesse Comfort, Attleboro JnoKern, Btrondsbarg , SAUason, NY- H W Earley, N'Y r», ; f Beoj 8 Rich, Back* oo JaDWllliamSt B Y ; /, .Jos Hill, Germantown B N;Miles, BaTlsvllle' - Jno.Jexmsoa !l son, Pa Jno S Williama, Backs co .B W Simpson, Newtown Moses Comfojt. IJew.town 8 R Rice.wl Sc ck, Solebury STBimpson, Ndwtowh' ' ThoS Dyer,* Beyfeitown Jacob Fisher, Backs oo , Mrs Updegrove. Rockville B Cordon, Pft 4v ‘ ' ‘ SUss Hough, Newville , Danl P Nelson, Pa > B Y Linton, Newtown Tom Linton. Newtown •. J&l Paul; Nowtown A German, Nowtowa ~• Thos Sot) Lambertrille ;A P Jarrettj Pa; - - s ~ HB Hough, Boylestown W. DavlaonjiOheltenham ; ( - j HAD!BON. HOUSE—Beoond street, shore Market. 8 A Mansfield, Phlla - J M T-Everbatt, Pa ’ EM Noe; NY 1 - Jas Biddle & da, Pa P J Pettijohn, BeL ~ P H Dftal. Prankford, Pa J L-MiticoT, 1 Pottatown, Pa ’ Saidl H Bpenoer Sc la, O Ben s Haines,tTrentdfffN’J TrenUra. N J John McQtea. <^yfigti f Vi~Tl Jacob Wertsy/-Md-' - ~ ‘' ‘-’’ Pw - -.a .’U'li* . i 1 u> j "<’nl r»‘ , ; aaeen’s Portable Fergb.—Ootibtless many of our city thh' of workmen em* Bome'of the railroad trackß, in ont atriab) bad their attention attracted to a portable forge, with bellows and everything. complete - dad in efficUnf'serricey Theso- forges, built upon .plan eecured.by O.'Y, Queen’s'patent, are for sale at the commodious, long-eatablUhod,,and deservedly •popular- Store, Range, and -Fnra*oe establUhment of WARNIO4', CHADWICK, & BROTHER, corner of &ECONI) .and BACK Btreeta, who,harV the solo right , for the.ealeof Queen’s Portable In Pennsylvania . There are, we believe, five sites of-thla forge,-rang ilbg* in^iriee j! from ‘twenty-two to t forty-four' , a sum so smalWben contrasted with merits. se cure its general introduction; for any one who will for a momedt consider the advantages of this forge, which ‘may 4 be’reraoVed from jplaod to plaqe so fui always to be 1 ; on workers in iron or other metals are to perform service, whether in original construction or repairs, W, Ml once concedo its great efficiency, and ar. rafigd forlts'-poßsegslon and use. of this forge to repairs to t ailroads and mining machinery especially, oommends it to railroad , companies and ope rktotS'in.the'mining diatriets. 'We/therefore, take’ Sn'caUing to it the 1 attention of road masters, superintendentsof 'mlnfes^andothert-’rC^rpcithe United Etatoa Railroad and Mining Register., L , It The * Genius, 01/Mba , never yet, even in this AgVof progrtSflj SlJuilsj' Article which has been of moreboneilV'to thouftanjis/thaa Jblxs Hadil’s '-Bait Lniirali,' or Hair Rtstdrativev Persons are dally writing or coming the proprietor, in person, to as-. effect^.bf its use, some < bar e bee nal not £ entirely|>.ald» and ibalr hair has been, restored; < othert)-'whosebair had become dry and bard,- bad' ItV complately revived - and beiqt Ifled ; and been’ with scurf dandruff, have ihai ;it completely BradiM.ted',"«rd the’ hair tektbred'to'a delightful puritykud. beauty; - Fov saie by’all rrtpacfable Druggists, ry and Wholesale Depot of JULJ3B HAD EL dt,CG., No. 7(tt OHBSTNUT Street.Dhlladel’phia. - Scurvy,—Scurvy Is ndt confined te Arctic traveilersand neglected sailors; it show! its disgusting features also among the tiffed poor in pur filthy lanes. Nothinghaa beoo found, so speedily efficacious In ar reatfdg >the decomjxwlng 'tendency of the' vital < fluids ln acorlmtlo disease as the 5 PEEOVI AN BYRUP. \ For nloin", thfscitjr >y, I. Broro> confer Fifth and Chestnut, aad ,Haasar4 i&..00., oomer .Twelfth and Gheitnut.,; t 'w *e29-dfcvu Binger’n Serving- Machines—That Singer’s Sewing Machines make the best stitch ever invented, his hem widely Sn6wri for years. ' 'Other machines may make a similar .atitch rUpbn a fewlight fabrics, bat Singer’s alone aracoinpetent to do every hind of work upon every Variety of fabric. , Singer**,nejr Family Sewing Machines have the same ..relatiye superiority as his, machines for manufacturing purposes. They are also more beautiful than any Other.' ,s ‘ ’ “[ ' Hemming,and Binding Oangeaef tiw mp«t Improved stpleare applied when desired teeny of Singer’* Me- Ii AI. SINGER CO-, No. m CHESTNUT Street. 'Protestor Saanders' Classical lastftatei at W WEST PHILADELPHIA INST&ItfE, corner of MAJEUCET Street be .reopened on the'first HOBDAY of September. to the nnm 'ber of fifty, will be received wiwsootxxpsxbb of mi OXTHBPABSBXOBR 8111/WATB OF TUB OUT,. - -Thus,Without expense, by a plessant and safe con can be carried Into the .fresh sir of the couhity In less ih'an half an hoar from' the centre of the city. Seven! seres of open ground border on the beau tiful groves of this Bemlnsry, wbioh Is patronised by - many of the dlstlngulehed gentlemen of the city, among whom are the Editors of The Tress,' theLLedger, and The North AmerlcAnand United States Gsiette. Pn pils are’received by the day, or-into the family of the Principal “ PntLADBLPHiAjJaIy 1,1858. lthe undertlgnedi hare.had tow or wards in Professor Saunders* Institute ,aud‘famUy daring the Session which has jdst dosed. In respect to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress in thorough education, onr expectations have been fully realised. To our friends, who are looking for a'decidedly good school for their tons, we ooxdlally recommend Professor Bounders’ Institute. “MATTHEW KEWKfEK, No. 1800 Aroh street. “ JNO. W. PORNEY, office of The Press. . “ CHARLES £.THOMPSON, Thompson & Rood, No 423 Cfaeetnat street. , ' “J. 8. BILYES, 1400 Girard avenue. l ‘W. L. SPRINGS, 831Ma?ketstreet. “GEORGE H. MARTIN, U2sWalnut street.” . -Other Patrons of this Institution':’ r , ELrS. BUBNErr, 400 Market etreet. John O. MITCHELL, 203 SoathSfcth street, T. B. OOLOHAN, 1«2 South Eighth street. N. B. BROWN'S,.II3 South Fifth street. BAMTIRIj.MOORE, Logon Square. P. WATSON* Logan Square. WM. SWAIN, office of Ledger. MORTON MoMIOHABL,' office of Ndrth American ELLIS !lE WlB,.£enn Square. 10-No SSMUAIT MOBS &BLHOT, _ • Graver fie Baker’s OBLBBBiTXD AMIL Y B E WI.N.G M4C.fIINJ£, 780 OHEBTNUT STREET." - ! . -- These Machines, are. now justly admitted to bi the best-in cue for-family sewing,- making a new, strong, na elastic stitch, which, will xor rip,; even if, /onrth, stitch he cot. Circulars sent on application by .•n«W' ■■ ■ ,»«(■» ~Tbomae /W. Baily» No. 6‘«iU Market Street,« Importer and Dealer In'Fine Watches, Jewelry, Sllrer and Plated Ware. Plrst'Cl.aiW'goode constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, is enabled to sell at a small-advance., Those about .purchasing would do well to call. All goods warranted as repre enteed* l , se4-8m Seamen's saying Fund—Office ‘403 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. .Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and' upwards, 'from all olasaes of the community, and, allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. ; !'L , ' Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’olook, and on Moa- 1 ' day and Saturday .until 9- in the eventing; .president, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, l Charles U. If orris '' ! * ; f >" 1 8S0i ! S5O, BOO, 830, 850, 850; ss,o.’ BXNGER’S SEWING- MACHINES PRIORI} !RE LUORD.v—A -new and elegant Family Sewing • Mo- Chine for $5O, aud the • general scale of prices greatly reduced', - AUwho want a substantial, si Tplo. and re*' lisble Bowing 'Machine, which£aa an established repu tation for doing the very best-work .on every . ind of material; are invited to call at our office and examine thenew;machines. at the reduced prices.- Thtey can hot’/airio.bg satisfied. i: M. BINQER r ..ocl-lm No'. 602 CHESTNUT Street. * Cfhe-PHce Cloihlng oftheLatest’ Styles,) niid' made beet manner, expressly for bbtail sXlkb, We mark.oor lowest selling prices in plaib sioub*9 on eaoh attldle; AH goods made.to order are warranted satisfactory , r and our dss-pfttCß. stsieic is strictly ad heredto. W 6 believe ‘ttli;to be the'only'fait way of dealiujr. M thereby all are treated alike,’ & CO., . »u27-ly - , ;T;. _ 6Q4 MARKET Street. Saving P*x CenVlfrHrest— Rational safety ,tbubt ooMPANT r Wa¬ Street;- 8. W. oomer ofTHIBD; Philadelphia; Jfoney received in any sum, large or small; and Interest P** d fi?in the' day of daposirtd the,, day,6f ish(|rawai., Money is received.and. payments., mwU.didlftf without notice.’' The Investments 1 are ’made in>.ReaivEatat?, Mortgagw/Qronnd Rente,-and tdeb fitet-blWsecurl-. ties a* thj ciirter niuirys, lu untU.fi otelooV.ii shi M 00 Monday and Thursday evenings until.* o , fil9ok» - i itefi THE >VED^ T ESDAY, OCTOBER 0. 1858. Ibcltnn,, . •. i jobprintbr; " • i t' 'i7V y~ 'W®£ iSl> OHHSTSDJt..' VohMkeiiNoteej’lirift., BUU.l<wUn* l 'plU I&bgi P“‘ cnluaJ, o»ri«,‘ ,»®4 kU.ofli«c. tfaMpt: I«>;.Pn®W*i * iriii*. r ttllT > T , '■ ■'• s - ■ Vi.",. I On the 6th Inst.; by Bey.'Albert Berner, WXIpMAM 11, AtiLBNfU-D.pProetaentof ftlt.nl College,.to Mr«. ANNAMABIA GKMUILL, of Phileielphlt,. - (*■ " On tbs 80th September, by Bo*. CbMleß fflMff.t, JAMBS MNTON.of PhlUaelphl., to MintgAuMßß. KlRKi'of Germantown . _j Tl ' On the Sd Instij br Her. John Tliomp»on, ; Mr. Wlh tlAM W TJUNOAN to W»8 SAIiUH ANN SMITH, both of Philadelphia. - „ £ ■ On tho 214 of September, by Bot.W,® ißrentlay, OHABbES B BHBLDBAKB. of, Bolawsro.ooijnty, Pa., lotuu.;ann OBisi,-of iyeiv;pbti.4«ii>biif' 5 .* , , On th'e 84 tost., by lUr, I: lAWßENpH.'oftht. OUT. to KfiMA' ENNIS, formerly, of New Castle oounty, Delaware. , ; ' * EDcatbo. Afterashortitlnegs, onSubdeyraornlDg.Jlrs £LI2A- I BBTH 8., wife of R. 0. Welbdrnej in thft 88d year of The ralatlrdi and friendsof the fahjHyire fnlir invited to attend the funeral, from the residence I of her husband, Nol 1023 West North street, this (Wed nesday)', afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther .no* ■ tleo* ‘ \ • • '-j ' i* On thei morning of the 4th instant,OtlAßtjSß W. BACON; In the 76th year of his age. J ,'i '• Ule relatives and friends are respectfully iriyited to attend h*a funeral; from his late residents. No.-718 Green street, this (Fourth-day) afternoon, the oth Inst., at 2 o’fcleok. '_' ’ ‘ v' - - j# , • 'At Norristown, on the. 3d instant, Mrs, MAUI A L. BOILEAU, ! in tbo‘67th year of her age. ' The relatives 1 and friends of the fully invited to attend the funeral, tfdmUH4 reftaenca of her brother, "W, 0. Kline, No. 1216 Germantown road, this/Wednesday) afternoon, the 6th Instant, at 1 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to'Germantown. 5 * * At Germantown, oh the 4th instant, Mtfe, WELLEN* The relatives and frlonds of aw respect fully invited to attend her funerAl, from the'/resideece of Oh&rleii Nefraan, Lehman stredt/on Thursday after-, noon, atl o’olock. •' ## On Sunday morning, B<l Instant, after’s HoWlng ill ness, Mcs.TSAßßtli A 8U AW, relict of the late Alex ander R.Bhatr, Jf.B., and datightsr of the late George 'Olymer. I j \ -* 1 __ #* - Suddenly, on the rnorriinff'oF tho dtb Inat.VTHOMAS GRIFFITH, eon of R. T. nod Amftuda.W. Wilson, aged 6years. • ' . , & - The relative and friendaol the family are rattectfolly Invited ,to attend the fanoral, from,his J>al%l^ts , reni* dence, Adams street, third door thore the railroad, Frankfort, on Thursday morning, at 0# o’clock, with out further notlco, 1 # The, Sisters of the Holy Oroii are now LL_? holding a FAIR for the sale of naeta 1 and fancy articles, at JAXNB’SIIALL, CHESTNUT, b*low SE VENTH Streets. Will close this wepk, oco.4t# Germadtown, the Old Battle Grdnnd ot IUT FRHKDOMJ-GRANDRALLY'iOFTHB peo. PLB!—Tho dtieenfi of the TWENTY-SECOND WARP and its vicinity, opposed to the Lecompton policy of the National AununlsSration, anil lo favor of protecting 'American Labor,will assemble at the TOWN HALL, Germantown, on Thursday, October Tth/inata'nt, at haV-past? o'clock P.'M. The meeting iHU b& address- 1 «d by 00l John W. Forney, Morton' McMlchafll. Ken., Bon. B. Joy Morris, Edward G. "Webb, Esq., Phllfp 3. White, Erq Hon ’ James Cooper, Thomas Balsh, ifpq., and other distlognished speakers. oc6-2t' ryr=p» Industrial Savings and Building As lij 'BOOIaTIoN OP PHILADELPHIA —A Special Meeting of the Stockholder*-will be held at M, W. BALDWIN & 00 *3 Locomotive Works, northwest cor ner of BROAD and HAMILTON Sts., THIS (Wednes day) EVENING, at 7% o'clock, for the purpose of con sidering the‘propriety of consolidating .with Another Usiodfttlbii. 1 ’ JAMES O.'SCOTT, ".It*' ; , ,'V ( !1 y- Secretary/* 1 ry~z=* statement of the Corn Exchange Rank. LL3t as requ<red by the second section of the act of ,tb* General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved’ the 13th 4*y,of October. A. 1 p. 18ST':- ‘ ?j Amodhtof L'A'ans andilgcounts.6o,6Bo 00 - xfor Specie..,;, 181,126 00 Do,t Du* fromotherbanka.Bo,Bo4 68 Do. of Notesin,Circulation..... 48,170 00 Do Deposits, including balanoes due • other backs ..109,404 81 Philadelphia,Oct. 6,1868. OITY OP PHILADELPHIA, S 3. I, J. W.'TORftEVy Cashier of the Corn Exchange Bank, being affirmed, depose & d say that the above Statement is correct to the. best of my knowledge and beliel. ’ ' . Affirmed to before me, this fifth day of October, A. D. 1868 OHABLKS D. FREEMAN, ocO-lt Alderman. r/=»‘ Another Gun from the First Congres iS SIONAL DISIRIOT! BALLY, FRSEMBN! RALLY! / - Once,more Into the Breach for , - RYAN AND KERN, . And all the Oaudidites 1 on .THE’’PEOPLE'S TIOKET! GEE AT MA 8 B MEETING!' ! ' or fa* rjuffKDP or . AMKRJQAN INDUSTRY;. m ASD TUB AUTOCATBB Of A ! TARIFF, wm be h*)d at th« CORNER OP BROAD At*D SHIPPEN STREETS, ON THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7th, ? ' .. - At Vi O’clock. , : ' COME ONE! COME ALL!,! Yoar C&odidaU for Congrese, Major JOHN. W. RYAN, will be present and address you, . The mea’lDgwill also be addressed by the Hon. ghst.' Qitplo, Morten Esq,, Hon.;Henry D. Moore, Hon. Wm, D, Keller* lion.’ R. .joy Moms, Philip S. White, Kid-, Geo.’A Colley,Esq., Henry Rru* .ner, £sq ;I ,and others s - ... . ,V, , v oco-2t_ ryr~»<.Thirteenth avd.'.Fourteenth) Wards to H37«NJ 5.; THE RESCUE!; . A GRAND AMERICAN MASSMKETINGIt. For’BttOOM, JEFFRIES. and the WHOLE ViPJLETy --vWiR 'Bt«.rOtii.w»PNE?DAV K\BNING, Oct. 6th,nt 1% o'clock. - 'All those in favor of- Protection to American Industry and tho cardnal principles of. the American Party, in opposition to the so-called DouocraUo party’, and all sectional issues, are Invited to attend Come odt In your strength and show tho; opponents of.’ Americanism that our principles are not jet Barren' dered, f •■ • * - ;--'t '■ Bon. Jacob Broom, Marshal Sprogoll, Esq ,G. Wash ington Hold, 11, H K. Elliott, Col.iWm. fl. Crowley,' and other eminent speakers, will address the meeting: ocs-2l* ■ v- ~r ry==» Dp pnrtmnnl of Sorve y*—Of flee of Ch(ef UJj JSNOINKER AND SURVEYOR—PmtAML PHIA, SIPT. 29lS| 1868. , . ' NuTfOE.—DUPLICATE PLANS of. the SECOND SEO.TION of the Re-Survey and Regulation of German town, bounded northeastwardly by Germantown avenue, southwardly by Wiwatlckon street, jff, .Queen street, northwestwardly by west Waahirgton avenue. In the Twenty-seooad ward. - SEVENTH SECTION of the Surveyor the late Town ship of Blockley, bounded on the north by Oxford st, on the sooth by Wyalusing street! onthe east by Forty, ninth street, and on the west by fiftieth street or V Isher avenue,'in tne Twenty-fourth ward.' '■ 1 , SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH SECTIONS of the late of Frankford- comprising all east of Frankford street,' to 1 Stiles .street, and Irom Franhford Oreok to Little Tacony Ortfek; also, all northwest of Frankford street, from Orthodox street ‘oortheastfard to Little Tacony Creek. Also, the whole of the late borough of Whitehall, in the Twenty-third Ward. ■ FOUR! H SECTION of the Surrey and Regulation of tho Twenty first ward, bounded on the northwest by Centre street, on tha southeast byShur’s Une, on the northeast by Ridge road, and on the southwest by the Hirer Schuylkill—are now prepared and deposited for inspection, at the Offices of the Surveyors and Regula tors of the EIGHTH, NINTH, TENTH, and ELE VENTH SURVEY. DIBTRIOTB,sni at ibeofflee of this Department, City Building, FlFTH.street, below Wal nut; and tho Board of Surveyors have appointed MON DAY, the IBth day of October, 1868, at lO o’clock A. M., to consider any objections that maybe urged there to by any citixeu intorestediherein. STRICKLAND KNEABS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor. Qsjpk Mayor’! Office, City of Philadelphia, CITY OP PHILADELPHIA, BY ORDINANCE, APPROVED OCTOBER Ist, 1858, Letters Afaried Proposals for Csty Loan PROPOSALS, to be endorsed “ Proposals for City Loan,” will bo received at the Maror’a Office, ia the City of Philadelphia, until the 16th day of October, A. D. 186 S. at 12 M , for Loaning to the City of Pliitodel pbla POUR HUNDRED AND PIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, for which OertlHcates of Loan of One Hun dred Dollars and upwards will be issuod, bearing Inte rest at the rate of s;x per centum p,er annum, free from taxation, and redeemable in thirty years from date. PROPOSALS will be received for any sum, but not in fractious of ono hundred dollars'. ! The Proposals wilt be opened on the 15th day of Oc tober, 1858, by the Mayor of.the City, in the presence of the city Tieasurer'and'the Committee on Vit>|DCd, Tbo highest offers vrill bo accepted, the Oity reserving the right ti accept or decline the whole, or any amount tht rouf. Payment 'yrlH bfe required on the 20th day of October; - Imerest to commence from'tfcat date, ALEX4NDBR HKHKT, Mpyor of Philadelphia. Mechanics* BanK, lMilln. Ijjj DEPpHU, Oct. 2, ,18D3.--Tho Annual Election for Oiroctora will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, between houre of j 9. o’clock A. M. ap£. 3 o’clock B. M ■ and "Off TUESDAY,'the 2d day of I NovemT}er meeting of the Stockholders will be helu at the Banking flouse it 4 o’clock i\ fll., agreeably’to the charter. *M6C4dtNI6 ' W.RUBHTON', Jr.’, Cashier. l tyh=» A mass Meeting of the Friends of LLf Dr. GEO. W. NEBINGER wilt’be hold at the pornßfrof JBFFBRSQN- Avenue and RKKD Streot. on WEDNESDAY EVENING, «t 7tf o’clock. Cot John W Forney. David Webster, Eugene Ahern. Dr. Kamer ly, and other able speakers, will he present and address the meeting. 1 1 oc6-2i* Thc Phllndelphla' Bank, Philadelphia, IL_3 October 2dt 1858 —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will bo held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the Bth dayof-Noverabor next, at 10 o’clock M And the Annual Election for Direc tors will bo held atthe BANKING nOUBB, on MON DAY, the 16th day of November neat, betweouthe. hours of. 12 o’clock A. M< and % o’clock P. M. oc4 m w fr tno!6 B. B. COMEGYB, Oashldr. rvx?* Office.of thp Receiver of Toxca,-*Oc- TOBER 4th, 1868.—NOTICE ,TO TAX PAY ERS.—The tax.payers of ,the several wards of' the city of Philadelphia'are hereby Notified that iftheStato and- City, taxes due ; fpr the year 1868 are not paid be fore the Ist'day.of t J 859, idtfrest will be .charged.thfcreon, and that the names of all delinquent tax payers will then be published. and 87 -cohts addi tional will be charged for 'pQblfcatlon; aho, after the 16th day of January, 1859, a penalty of 5 per coot, will bs added upon all taxes renuinlfag unpaid, and coats tbcter.ri for collection.’ ’ 'A. J.'ELOMBRFELT, OC4-3t. R. ofT. ryrg=» National. Exhibition, at. l’o\velton.*»- The Cars of the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will start At intervals of THREE MINp?EB. froth THIRD andtyARKRT 3tr«ets,to the ‘Pair. Oars without Flags will go through to the Depot. oc4-Bt* B.'M WOODWARD, Superintendent.. Union Preaching for thd'People, tinder |L ? the auspices., of,tho Ministerial Union, in con nection with the *Yonng Men’s Christian Association, or tbo-vartmisministers ot onr city on every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at'AP. M. in the BANBOM-BTREET CHURCH, until further notice. Services con Sued to ONE HOUR precisely. . ■ . , * y.oca tf Gieology.—lfw®. Co\iraea ,of ( Lectures £rCS» on GEOLQGYwRI-be,deßvered to Ladies and Gentlemen, (u.th4 BcVentißo arid I Classical Institute, OIIEBTNUT street, northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. JSNNIS, Principal of’ iht> Institute,’commencing, Oct. 19th,and continuing the afternoon coUrsAatA O'clock on TUESDAYS, and.THURSDAYS ,and the evening Conra? atB p’cl&ck od TUESDAYS, HddSATURDAYS. Doth courses will be the same, eich'epmprisUig 22 lec tures, a number sufficient to bring forward all thagreat arid wbhdfliful TRUTHS of GEO LOGY, and likewise tho ;FA<JTS by Vhich'tHeSe truths are demonstrated. V/TktiOT —The two introductory. Lectures FREE. Each jcotuse,|6.. Entrance on'Tweifth'strepf... !col-lSt fysaJv'HSmfl.ter Invalids*withAffee tlona of Its MIROHBSh-* . i . l . l>B* Y7ItortWB4RS.fi,CHESTNUT Streets, • *.< .-5 -./A West Philadelphia. 4 hub uH ->14)3 j 1 OCTOBER 4, 1853. LOAN 480,000 DOLLARS. fUtoil flUtfl ®oobs. JJLAOK IRISH POPLINS The subscribers have imported from Ireland one easo of plain black poplins, Made by the most CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS, Embracing every quality, and to be sold at a small(ad vance on cost of importation. ' BESSON & S ON, MOURNINO STORE, It NO. 80S CHESTNUT STREET, Great bargains in dry goods— 8. V. R. HUNTER •Has REMOVED from No. 30 to No. South SECOND Street, where ho Is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he invite their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRIOES. N. B—A large assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Silk and Oloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at tho ' - - u OLOAK EMPORIUM,” oc6-lra 1. No. 40 South BEOOND Street. 1858. AUTUMN STOOK - 1858. L. j. levy & 00. 'Are dally in the receipt of Nsw Goods for 1 FALL AND WINTER BALEB. -• Their assortment Is now complete In the following ar ticles, all of which they offer at - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the lowest market prices. '' . - PARIS VELVET AND OLOTH CLOAKS. ' FRENCH AND INDIA SHAWLS. , /TABTAN PLAIDS. LONG AND SQUARE. DOUBLE FLORENCE, RICH BILK DRESSES. .VERY RICH EVENING DRESS BILKB. WHITE EMBROIDERED LAOE DRESSES. ; RICH PLAID SILK VALENCIAS. NEW MATERIAL FOR STREET DRESSES. SUPERB PRINTED OABHMERS AND BIOUBSBLAINES. A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF LACE-GOODS. , FRENCH AND ENGLISH. CHINTZES. , PRINTED FLANNELS, NEW DEBIGNB. « - REAL WELCH AND SAXONY FLANNELB. , LUPINS, MERINOS, AND OABHMERES; Also, a very fall and complete assortmentof every description of LINEN GOODS for household use, re ceived direct from the best manufacturers in the world. , 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. Ootodkr 3d, 1868. 004-3 t DROOHE SHAWLS— CHEAPEST LOTS !! And best styles now offered, being recent auction pur chases of very HANDSOME STYLES Broche Long acd Square Shawls, from $4 to $23. Also, Stella BrochC Bordered Shawls. ' French Blanket Shawls. Misses and Ladies* Blanket Long and Square Shawls. FINE BLACK OLOAKB, Now ready, comprising all the newest styles. CLOAK ROOM Replete with FALL and WINTER outer garments, . .., . , . SILK.OIHOLKS , , , . Especially adaoted for this aedson <sf year, , LIGHT and BLACK OLOTH CLOAKS and RAGLANS, Ready-made, or made to order in one dav’s notice. COOPER Sc CONARD, oc4. 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. ft/lEN’S FANCF FLANNEL SHIRTING, JL"JL Stripes, Bayadere* and Mixtures, inline French colors. Flannel -for Travelling Shirts. Also, Plain high colored French Flannel. 002 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Bargains from auction i—d r y GOODSCUKAP FOR TUB MILLION! . We will open on MONDAY, BUk, Robes, at $19.50, cost to Import $25. 1,000 yards black Silk, beautiful, at 44,60, 62, 75,87. 51.76. ‘ • > ■ ■ o 1,650 yards.Freuoh Merinoes at sl,coat to'import $1.26 , 2,000 yards figured and plain Merinoes at 60, 66, 66, and 75c.. worth double , 800 yards beautiful ,black all-wool Delaines, only 28 cents. . A splendid assortment of Blanket^. 2,000 yards Cloths, fresh from auction, for Ladle*’ and Gents’ and Boys* wear, from 750.. $l. $1 25. $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2 26, $2 60, decidedly the greatest bargains in the city. , Broche, Stella, Blanket, Cashmere Shawls, the great est bargains oror offered 10,000 yards Poll de Chevres, Delaines, Deheges. all-wocl Plaids, only 31 cents, usually sold at 60 cts. All-wool Delaines only 25 cents Delaines in grout variety and every st) le. r Cloaks and Dusters in overy stylo. ftIoKLBOY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine. Mb stock, embracing many styles. not to bo found elsewhere. Our prlcesso low, we defy.oompetl .tioQ. . MoELBOY, No. 11 South NINTH Street. oc-4-mwf-tf DLAIN colored Brocade Silks, Modes, * Browne and Olive*, and Block*, seat *tvleg. Solid colored filks, Imported especially for JPrieqdß' wear. oc2 ; . BIUHTEasd OHKSTNUtt. JgAILY & BROTHER, -K 0 . o'2o chestnut street, 'will open this 'i&t' ': ’ Their Fall Importation or J ..‘ CARPETINGS,. 1 ge!s-tfj AT GREATLY REDUCED. -gYRE A LANDELL, ■' FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, ' , STAPLE ANDPANOY , , SILK GOODS. SECOND opening of fall goods TO-DAY. ROUND-CORNER SHAWLS, .NEWEST STYLE SILKS, RIOH DOUBLE SKIRT ROBES, MAGNIFICENT DE LAINE3, ; . . RICH PRINTED MSRINOES, LUPIN’S CHOICE COLORS MEbINOBS, ' ’C4 NEW STYLE VALENCIAS, ' NEW PALL VESTINGS, Ac , fto. EYRE & LANDELL, sep29-tocl2 FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. Grand opening or WINTER CLOAKS AT. THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. The SUBSCRIBER’! have now open their IMPOKTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising tho most extensive and superb display of OVER GARMENTS Ever exhibited In this City. \J. W.FROGTOR & CO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET, se27 Q.REAT ATTRACTION I OVER $1,600 WORTH OF BHAWLB FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLSY & CHIBM, N. B. cor. EIGHTH and BPRING GARDEN Streets, Have tho best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. , They would respectfully call attention to e following very cheap lots, via: 46 LONG BROCGB SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 u 20 Do. do do. at 11 “ 24 Do, do. do. at 12 “ . 10 Do. do. do. at 13 u 20 Do. do. do. at 14 “ 20 Do. do. do, • at 16 • u 8 Do. do. do. at 18 . “ 8 Do. do. do. , at 20 ( “ • • , 8 Do. do. do. at 26 Iq tho above Lots of Lnngßroche Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. , .BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, In every color. French Blanket Shawls in new designs. Fleiu Thibet Shawls, Square and Long. , Real Canton Crane. Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children’s Shawls,’Misses* Shawls, and Gentlemen’s Shawls, at THORNLBY. A CHISM’S, “ONE PRICE CASH STORE.,* . Northeast Comer EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN • “ N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers baying for cash may find bargains at T 4s C.’fl P. B—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand, selfi-tf DU. BAitNES’ 8 PILE LOTION. This is to certify that for sevral years I had been afflicted with the Plies, and my sufferings wore very paiufu'jßO much so that for several days at a time I was unable to attend to business. I tried a number of remedies,apd all failed to relieve mo, until about eigh teen month* since I was induced to try “ Barnes’* Vile Lotion,” which gavo too turned! Ue relief. In fortr eight hours from the first application I considered my self cured, and ainco that time I have not had a return of the disease. I would, therefore, reeommend all per sons afflicted with the Piles ti use Barnes’s Pile Lo tion, and fed assured that they will find it a certian euro. , • l( , Aum It. Barkis. Trenton, March 17.1540 Mr. Ilftriia ia well known to the franklin Fire Insu rance Compauy. Has been their Agent ra&nv years Prepared at 333 OIIESi’NUX St., and sold’b/ Apotbe carloa generally. It* AhcTade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. Conducted on tub Kubofran Plan. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinue to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, anil the prices remain unchanged, viz: Room Pan Dav 600. Dinner 6Co. Jlbkakpast asd Tha, BAon, 87^c. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guonts comfortable.' The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam ripea, for which no extra charge Is made. There it no bar kept in tha house to bo a source of annoyanceto guests. , Tho accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies aro received. ID* This house is never closed day or night. BO J D. BROWN, oc6*Sm . K. DB YOUNG, TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER -OIIANTB «-A large stock of Manila Rope manu factured and for *ale by WEAVER, PITLEB, A CO., No. 28 N. WATER at., and No. 22 N. WHARVES. ocS ©QUTfi'W'ARK BANK, k 5 Philadelphia, June 28,1858. - NOTICE Is hereby given, that u The Southwark Bank of Philadelphia, ll located in the City of Phila delphia and created for Banking purposes, with a capi tal of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, intends to :ja»ke application to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth for an increase of one hundred and fifty thousand do lars to it« present capital stock. By order of the Board of Directors. jeSO-weddmos F. P. STEEL, Cashier fjINQLISH VERMILLION and ULTRA • V MARINE BLUEj especially imported for Painters and Printers. Pat up In 1 lb packages, and for sale by ' . ’ ‘ LAY £ BROTHER, eel7-lm* 241 DO OK Street, up stairs. BROWN STOUT —4O casks « Fit»ai & . Williams, * imported dlreot frbm-'London,’ in store and for aale*y -' i - .wm. H. ybATON, * -• » *oB.‘ 9U SOUTH FRONT street, »,' ■ I* . -' : . . 11 •’ s - ffiillinerji Q P E N X N G ON THURSDAY, THE 7tu INSTANT, We ehall open to OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC ODR WINTER PATTRKNs BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONB, CHILDREN’S AND INFANTS* HEAD-DRESSES, &0., &o LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, oco-3t 45 SOUTH SECOND ST. Cecal Notices, IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS BOD THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA Estate of 11. CLIFFpRI) HEMPHILL, eur second and final account of Saunders Lewis, Trustee. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust eaid account, and report distribution of the balance, will mef-t tho .parties interested at his Office, in the roar of No. 703 BANSOM Street* on BATOKDAY, the 16th of August, at 1 o’clock P. M. oco.wfm-st* I. COOKE LONG&TKXTZI, Auditor. ©bnrational. Allen grove boarding and day SCHOOL for IOUNG LADIES, Frenkford, Penn sylvania. Six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. Tlie WINTER SESSION of this School will commence November Ist. Parents and Guardians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution, will do well to make Immediate application to Mrs. E. L. THOMPSON» Principal and superintendent, oco-wa-Bt* 2tgrirnltnral. ££■ GRAPE VINES BY THE 100 OR X 3,ooo.—Strong two years old CATAWBA and ISABKLLA GRAPri VINKS at $lO per 100. Over 300,000 fine SILVER MAPLE TREES of all sizes, suit tide for street or avenuo planting. Price from $25 to $76 per 100, atßosedale Nurseries, Darbv Plank Road. • R. BUIST, Proprietor Peed Warehouse, It* No, 022 and 024 M ABKET fit, ab Ninth. tUtjolesale SDcp ©oo&s. JtJEW FALL STOCK, McCauley, Brother, & Bretvsier, 28 NOB.TH FODBTH ST. Hats just opened an entire new stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they Invite the attention of first-class buyers, Our stock la particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE. An9-2inif £JABFETINGS: JUST RECEIVED JBOM THE MAHOFAOTURKHB, On Consignment, a large lot of INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, To be eold at AUCTION PRIOES for Cash or Olty Ac ceptances.'/ . • ■ 'WOLFE,'WILSON, A CO., jy2G*frm&wtf No. 132 CHESTNUT Street, Cljina, ©laesaare, #t. IJUJRNBULL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLEBALB DEALERS CHINA AND QUEENS WARE, Nos. 23 and 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. |p* GLASSWARE, open or by the package, an3l-2m IJIO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS. A large Btock of CHINA, GLABSWARH, AND FANCY ARTICLES, , A* VBS LOWBBT 111 RUT, PRIOIB, AT MAKXSEN A WITTE, Importers, MABONIO HALL, 718 CHESTNUT STREET. Jans-17 Real ©state, M FARMS FOR SALE.—A splendid X FARM of 100, and one of 209 acros; a Mill Property of 11 acres; a Saw Mill and Lumber Yard; a House and 2 acres for Sale, all near Nor ristown; a Pam of 50 and one of 66 sores. near, Phaenixville; one Perm of 55 and two of 75 acres, 0 miles from Norristown; one Conntry-soat and 40 acres, in Plymouth; Tavern and Uiore standi in Norristown and cotmtry. Catalogue of Parras and Pull description given by addressing R R. CORSON, o©4 2w Real Estate Broker, NORRISTOWN, Pa. MP RIV AT E RESIDENCES FOR SALE.—Some of Iho most bß&utifuUy situated Properties in and around NORRISTOWN is now offered for Bale or Exchange: also a large Brick Balldlng, adapt ed and uaed fora BOARDING SCHOOL for several years, and for which there Is a good opening. For par ticulars address R R CORSON, 004-2 w NORRISTOWN, Pa. political. j^SSEMBLT— BIOORD DISTRICT, oe4-Bt# EDWARD 8. REDSTREAKE pEOPLE'S TICKET. STATE OFFICERS. JUDGE OP THB SUPREME COURT, JOHN M. READ. OANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM E. FRA2EK CONGRESS. First District Sioond “ EDW.JOY MORRIS. JOHN P. VERRKE. WM. MILLWARD. JOHN WOOD. Third «• Fodbth “ Fifth <* STATS SENATOR. THIRD DISTRICT, J 0 H N H . PARKER. FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Pissr Disrsicr.. JOSEPH H. BINEX. Second <( .SAMUEL SWENEY. Third « WM. H. MATTHEWS. Fourth “ J. MORRIS HARDING. Fifth « GEORGE T. THORN, .JOSEPH M. CHURCH. DAVID H.BTYER. O. A. WALBORN. ...GEORGE W. WOOD. Sixth “ Skvknth i( Eighth u Ninth if Tbnth c< , *i ISAAC J. NEALL, Elhvknth *• ....ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. Twelfth ** ...... JOHN A. FISHER. .FRANCIS EDWARDS. SIMON ORATZ. Thjrtbkntu ** .... Pourtskntb ..... ..GEORGE W. HAMER3LEY, Fifteenth Sixteenth “ • ...GEORGE WILEY. Skyenthknth“ .0. F. ABBOTT. CO.UNTY OFFICERS. SHERIFF, WIL-LIAM H. KERN. register of wills, GEORG- E ' W. MoMAHAN ULKRK OF ORPHANS’ COURT, NIHBOD irOOUKT ELECTION, ‘I’UESDAT, OCTOBER 12. ie22-tOo!2 RIFLES, AND SPORTING IM -O.T I’LEMENTS. The Subscribers have in store THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &c., Brer offered In thle city, Deal roue of reducing their assortment as much as ponslhle before tho Ist Deo , they will sell AT VEHV IjOIV PRICES THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, comprising ODNB PROM: THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU FACTUR.FiBS OF -ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND PRANOE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE * CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, ee9-2m ■ above Market. DOSTER’S CORN-HUSKING MA CUT INK —(Patented Nov. 17th,1857.) This va luable Inv entlonis now offered to tho pubic, contain ing all th’e requisite qualities sought by the Agricultu rist; is al mple and durable lu Its mechanical construe tion, can be operated and kept in order by a boy; strip ping ftVe’ry particle of Husk irora the E*r without inju ring tho grains, and docs the work of eight or ten ex pert hunkers. Jt can be manufactured at a price that brings i hem within the reach of almost every one, and is In fwet the machine that is wanted by every I armer > “XadreT 8 C “"° ty Klgl H. "DOS fER. f ccl-ll t* Bethlehem,- Northampton 00., Pa. "AMERICAN HEMP.—A largo stock of A merleon Homp...heokled end rough, for Bale by WEAS ER, FITLER, A CO., No. 2S North WATER it., MdNo .V North WHARVES. out -O, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA raw* TIONS, with written descriptions of character, wratf' Includinjfkdvice In reference to business, health, flelf-improvemCnt, Ac., are made day and eve ningat FOWLER, WBLLS, & CO.»S, Fami lies Visited when requested,and a.liberaldls eoOnt i cade to clubß. - 1 ■■ Sia d ,922Chestnutet., EhlltdelphU. aF O R SAL E—A desirable Business Stand and Dwelling, No. 029 Arch street, above Sixth. Will be sold low. Apply at No, 312 MARKET Street. ' oc6-3t* (JJROUND RENTS, well secured, for sale, “ One of $6O p*r annum. Three of $l3B each. oc6-Bt* 8. W. PAUL, 113 South FIFTH St. TO RENT—A Back Room, for an Office; also, a Front third-story room, for a Gentleman’s Lodging Room Apply at 721 WALNUT Bt. ocl-2t* STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE.—Seventy two horse power, Cylinder 17 inches in diameter; three cylindrical Boilers, 30 feet leng and 50 Inches in diameter; 120 feet of Cast-iron Pumping,of 6 and 10 in ches; a lot of Raising Backets Also a lot of wheel and Haud Harrows, Shovels, and tools uSed in Mining, for a-ile a bargain. Apply to J. L. MOSS,* oe *~ 4t No. 3% WALNUT St., Front room; Up Stairs. r r° B E LET WITH BOARD.—A hand if! 00 * u ' k Rooms, with dressing-room, bath,- 7 convenience, and several roo&is suitable for families or single geutlemon.' No 701'VINE St, op-’ poslte Franklin Square. oc|*6t* SALE—-The superior Shelving and •FrrTßngf t XV w *SSi k . :D “r er, » i E tt stor ® ««North mB ,r - A PP'y‘* N O . 262 thre. oc2-4t* 45i| TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE MraL Avenne, below VINK Street, running thronch to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORK comer of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front’ one of the bfst locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COAOH-HOUSE in CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land House Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. TO LET-—The HOUSE NO. 1626 UL CHESTNUT Street. In good order. Rent $6OO. Has a large Yard and Modern Improvements. _se2B-dtf ROOMS ON COMMERCE STREET— The Three Upper Rooms of 416 Commerce Street to Let. •, sa27-2m ®FOE SALE—-A- handsome residence, with all the modem Improvements, large side yard, grapery, Ac., SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms easy. P. K. LYND.6# South SIXTH Street, (second story.) eelT-lm ®FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A handsome new mansion, 19 rooms, and 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really deairing a handsome Country Seat in ex change for dty property, will And this an unusual op portunity of aooomplishlng Ms object. Apply to P. K. LYNP, 6 B. SIXTH St, (2d story.) sel7-lm M FOR BALE—A pretty Cottage, nine trail rooms/and one or more acres, on Wyoming avenue, two miles ontthe Second-street Turnpike. Also,several handsome cottage lots The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly improving. P. K. LYND, 6H 8. BIXTH St., (2d story.) sei7-Sn TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres or loss of beautiful Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north of the pavemeota, for sale a bargain, and terms easy. Apply to P. K LYND,6# Sontb SIXTH Street, (second »t° r y) aelV-lm SALE- One of the most Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE BROWN t STONE RESIDENCES IN THE CITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE STREET. Having been built by the owner for his own Residence, no expenne has been spared in its"construction. Apply to CHARLESi BOGGS, 629 Market Street, , Or to M. THOMAS & SONS, aeld-lmlf 139 and 141 South Fourth St. iN ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS, M. near CHESTNUT Street, a LADY, can have Fur nished Apartments, before and during Confinement, where the refinements of a home may be obtained. Ad dress “8.,” Press Office, - ' e«29-wot* IK OWE OF THE .BEST LOCATIONS, A near CHESTNUT St,, a LADY can have furnished Apartments before and during Confinement, where the refinements of a heme may be obtained. Adaresa “8 Press office oc2-st* OARRIAGES., , , WM. D, ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-&ARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. sel3-Bmlf. • i ; tOaidjeo, 3eroelrg, &t. Bailey & go., - • VOBKBXLT BAILEY A KITCHEN, ; • Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble . 819 CHESTNUT 6TKEET, NORTH BIDS, BELO.W THE HIRARD HOUSA. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Invite' the attention of the public. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND Dr. W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dentist, gfWfp would Inform hie friends that he has resumed practice at No. 1843 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U. S. Mint. sepl-Sm JUissolntionsanb Cotmrtnersfjuis. IVOTICE.—The unflorslgned haying this J. V day disposed of his interest in the firm of MoKEE, ROBERTS, tc MoKEE, of Columbus, Ga ,to Mr. 11. C. MoKEE, of said firm, hereby gives notice to all con cerned, that all his connection with, and liabilities for any business transactions whatever of the said firm cease from the date hereof. JOS. A. ROBERTS. Columbus, Ga., 24th September, 1658, ocfl-lt* Notice —Robert newxin has ASSOCIATED with him CHARLES ZELL and WILSON ABBOTT, aa co-partners In his business from tbiß date, under the style of ROBERT NEWLIN & Co. Philadelphia, Sept. Ist, 1858. ocQ-4t* .JOHN W. RYAN. PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON has THIS DAY associated with him SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY and SPENCER H. HAZARD, in the Dry Goods Commission Business. Octoueb 1, 1858. CO-PARTNEBSh!p7—WE, tho under signed, have THIS DAY formed a Co-Partner ship. for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the Firm of SHIP LEY. HAZARD, A HUTCHINSON, at No 112 OHEST NUT Street. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY. SPENCER H HAZARD, PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON. PHILADBLPHIA, Oot. 1, 1858. 001-l2t JjIOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, A HUTCHINSON, No. 112 Cbestnat street, (Offer for sale DRILLS, JEANS,’ SHEETINGS, BHIRTINGB, MARINER STRIPES OSNABURGHS, FLANNELS, BROWN, BLEACHED, AND COLORED MUSLINS, In all widths from the BALTIC MAN’G CO., BATES MAN’G CO., NORTUVILLB DO. LOWELL DO. FAIRHILL DO. WEST BOYLSTON DO. Also, Templeton Mills Doeskins ana Fancy Oasslmeres, Woodward do. do. do. Saxony Mill do. do. do. Tngeiher with a large assortment of desirable Foreign Goods. ocl*lm Dissolution of partnership.— The partnership heretofore existing under the name of BAXTER, WILSON, A PEARSON, near Hotmeaburg, was by mutual consent dissolved on the 21stday of August,'lBsB. -• 1.. ROBERT BAXTER, SAMUEL WILBON, . . . JAMES H. PEARSON. September 15, 1858. selfi-wed Sttt CO-PARTNERSHIP.— THE BUSINESS heretofore conducted'‘by Hunt. .Webster, & 00.. will from thin date be carried on under the style ana firm 1 of LADD, WEBSTER, & 00., who will continue tho manufacture and sale of Sewing Machine*, the former in Boston, the latter at 82Q.OdESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in thq principal cities of the Union. Beptember I’, 1858. se27-Im jpOR COLDS AND SORE THROATS, ICELAND MOSS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, FLAXSEED- DROPS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, ' Manufacturing Confectioner, No, 1210 MARKET STREET, se29-3m West of TWELFTH Street. rgio OASH BUYERS JAMEB B. EARLE & BON., 816 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom era to their immonse and «legaut assortment of looking-glasses, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, IJANDSCRUBS AND CLAMPS. No. 1, 62X0. per doz. 2. 76c. “ 3. 87c. “ 4.100 c. “ CLAMPS. fi Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen. henry c. eokbtbin, ,608 82 Worth TgIUP B*™*. Pbiladalphlk BOILER and FLUB IRON of all kinds, qualities and aiaes out to patterns at short no. tic. Promiacuoiis aheot. Boiler Beada, and Ktrots, on hand and for sale at lotrert ratea oc4-lm* Gray’s Ferry Bolter Iron Works, Qsg» No. 5 Building S3Q Wfttnut st. Jfor Sale anil to £et. 8029-3m* fioarfcing. QEarriagcs. PEARLS, 1 ITWHOLIBALU AMO BMTAIL. dentistrs. OPFOBITS THB QIBABO HOUBB, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVING Suitable for the FALL TRADE, HANDSORUBS. No. 6. $1 12 per doz. 6. 1 25 “ 7. 1 60 «• 8. 1 73 “ COotUs. XTLT ANTED—A Partner in a pleasant busi- VV ne»», Who can command *BOO in cash Thebuei nese is safe, arul yields a Huge profit. Address CAPI TAL, offlee of The Press. oca-31 f WANTED —To purchase, an Interest in a respectable business already established, not; re quiring more than $1,(100 in cash. Address TRADE, rbi's Offlee. Bca 8 * ANTED—A Practical Soap and Candle- T V maker Apply at 425 Bnnth FOURTH Street, above Lombard . ■ AFKaTtICAL GAEDENEtt wishesem ployment. Can furnish good references as to cha racter. Address ALEXANDER MoOALL, Dlood’aDe spatch. ocs?t» VS/TANTED—By a Lad 17 years of age. a * v Situation In aStore or Office. Address ALBERT, at this ofilco. ocs-3t* TM^ANTED—To Rent, for tbe winter sea v v 'son, with immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate size, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. AC., offlee of this paper. . . ©o4 Y7f7ANTED—By a young Man, (a good « ▼ penman,) a Situation in a wholesale store, as Entry ClerkorAssistantßookkeeper. Can furnish good references. Address T, 0., at this offlee. 001-3v* SX/fANTED —A Situation in a good Dry v V Goods House, by one who can Influence a South ern trade from sixty to ninety thousand dollars a year. The very host of city reference can he glTen. Address A. B , at tois offlee oc4-3t* TO PRINTERS.-AWanted, a good Double Medium WASHINGTON PRESS. Address & , at this Offlee. sa29-w6t» YV ANTED—A Situation os Entry Clark, by a young Man who has had three years ex- M to salary moderate. Address WILLIAM, at this Offlee. ‘ oc2 fit# T° rRINTEES—WANTED, a good f Washington Prow. Adfirasa B , at this office ° oc2-tf * WST"ANTED —100 Stout Young Men, to go 7JT, °5 Whaling Voyages. Advance to the amount ors 76 paid to each man; extra pay to Coopen. Carpen ter*, and Blacksmiths. Apply at 104 West Street, cor. Liberty Street, New York. aeSO-fit* ANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES » V CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay. board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 322 to $32 permonth. No man having a wife or child will be ttfeentod: Apply tor MOUNTED SEBVIOS at No BX7 MARKET Street, .above Eighth, north side. W. TH. MAGBUDEB, Ist Lleot, Ist Dragoons, Recruiting Officer. JJmonal. PERSONAL— $500, $l,OOO, $1,600 OB $2,000 will be bet that JOHN WOOD, of Consho hoekeo, Montgomery co. T Pa., w»JI reeefre more votes In the ptb Oongresdonal District than OWEN IONE3, the Lecompton and Administration supporter, on the 12th day of October, 2858. Apply at thU Office. It* Stninsemenlß. 4 MERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIO, iA BBOAD AND LOOUBT Streets. THE GREAT BVVELBJ . WEDNESDAY EVENING. Oet. 8. 1866, EVOLUTIONS ON THE TIGHT HOPE : LEB ABBILEEB. ' The Qaeerr or the Bees, Tree Methlu: ?alee. fifoae Methiea , , * ASPHODEL. .. . Babilas, Gabriel Ravel j. Turriff, Praneola Ravel; Asphodel, A. Lehman; '.Z&mlntsklf’lle Lina Wind ell. • Admission—Parquet, Parquet Qirele, and Baloonr. GO cen'B; .Family Circle apd Amphitheatre, 2G,eenta. Seats can be secured from 10, AIM. to 4 P. M. with out extra charge.,. .Children .under 10 years half price. MRS. D. F. BORERS* WALNUT-ST. i*A THEATRE, oorner of NINTH and WALNUT Stmt. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Octoier 0,1853, THE SON OP THE NIGHT. Ben Bell, Mr. F. B Conway; Bake Dorsto, Mr. H. A- Perry; Br»vadura, Mr. Meßononsh; Jalia. Mr*. D. p. Bowers; Ghebel, Mr*. F. B,Conway; Myrtha,'Mtaa 0. Kichioga. To be preceded by NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS.. , Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third Tier,' 26 cents; Parquet 87Jf oents; Dress Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, 83 and $5; Single'Beats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. w Boors open at quarter before 7 o’clock • Onrtaln rises *t 7jf o'clock. T/KTHEATLEY & CLARKE* ARCH-ST. ▼ V THEATBE.—WiIIiam 8. Frederick*. Acting and Stage Manager. . . WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 6, 1868, CLANDESTINE MABRI&GE. Lord Ogleby, John Gilbert: Lorewelj. Mr. Dolman; Fanny Starling, Mrs. W. 0 Gladstane. A WICKED WIPE. Admission, 25 cts. Secured Baata in Dress Circle, 87 k' eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cts; Seats in Private Boxes, 7o eta; Gallery, 18cts; GaUeryforColoredPeßwns.26etB; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, ,80 ots: Whole Private Box, $3. - • Doors open at quarter before 7 o’clock ; eommenoe at 7 V, precisely , \ Concert hall, chestnut street * i ABOVE WMkof nmurouKd succeiß.—THJs COLOSSAL REVOLVING &E?&£sbn -I'AtIONh 0? THE KQiiSIAjY WAS, 11ml most m*g nifieentend ex’ensiTs .exhibition in the world. 'Con eluding with the WTBUOZION 0$ SEBABTOPOL. Open every evening this week, end on Saturday after Admission 26 cents; children,l3cents. Poors open at 7. Beifermaace at a Jf of 8, Assembly buildings sTONth and CHESTNUT Streets. Here again! Return of the old favorite, • .SIGNOR BLITZ.' New and Comical Scenes in VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary, Magical Demonstrations.*■ and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Open ever/ Evening during the, week, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday;and Saturday Afternoons at 3. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 13 cents. seS-t-Im* IVATIONAL HALL—MARKET BTBSET. i’ . OPEN FOR THE PIfTH-WEEK. J. 19600 Williams’s celebrated . PANORAMA OP. THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTINO eommeseee with Ohaos, And continues down in historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EYBRY EYBNING.. Boors open at T} to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Chlldre under 10 years 15 cents. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY And SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Boors open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTS insurance QEomimniis. MARKET fire INSURANCE CO LTJL OP THE CITY OP SEW TORA. CASH CAPITAL. SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS....i DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, Presidsnt. Philetns H Holt of 230 Front street. Joseph P Wickham, late Wickbam’s A Hutchinson. Silas Davis, of A. B. A S. Pavla. Oliver 11. Shepard, of Shepard, Howe A Co. Henry Rowland, of Rowland A Banka. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. G. A A\ L. Rowe. Wm. P. MUlor, of Wm. P. Miller A Co. Stephen W Gaines, of 8. W. A R. A. Gaines. Elisha 1,. Walton, of Waltoo, Little, A Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood A Co. Henry G Reeve, of H: CJ. Reeve A Co. Daniel T. Willets, of Willets A Co. Albert L. Do Camp, of Baker A De Camp. John Al. Brace, Jr., of Brace, Odell, A Farsum. Stephen Linington, of 216 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of E. Ketch am A Go. Wm A. Onmnings, of Beards A Gamming*. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamus, A Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine A Bergen. Geo. B. Whitfield, of G. A J Whitfield A Co, Albert Havemyer, (late Havemyer A Holier.) Tennis W. Quick, of Quick A l’Hommedieu. David SI. Tornure, of Edey A Turnuro. Jose T. Navarro, of Mora Brothers, Navarro A Go. Edward Bill, of 119 Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chatec, of Peter V. King A Co. Wm. H. Goodwin, of E. Goodwin A Brother. John Fribbie, (Freeland, Squires, A Co.) ASHER TAYLOR. Vice President Insures on Buildings and Personal Property of erery description agaiust Loss or Damage by Fire, on the most favorable terms. HENRY P. FREEMAN, Secretary. INSURANCE IN THE ABOVE COMPANY CAN BE EFFECTED THROUGH S.TJBWART & JOHNSON. No. 103 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. ocl*frmAw33t Jfamuoalfl.. v Removal.— vast haageN' a mo- KEONE have removed tbeirDETEhßl-VE SOAP WORKS to their New' Factory 'in CALIiQWHILL Street, near the Wire BrldgeV&d]oinidg David Thain & Co.’s Adamantine Candle Works' -002-6 t Removal.— c. o. sadler & go. have removed from No. 0 North Water Street to No. 103 ARCH street, second door above Front. eel BOOKBINDING. —Tho undersigned res pectfully invite the attention of lovers of books to their unequalled f&clUt ea for binding books in a su perior manner. Their work h&a been submitted for a series of jetrs tu the examination of some of the most celebrated connoisseurs in the coantrr. It has received the most Battering encomiums and won for the under eigne • a reputation which they are determined to maintain. Every style of Binding executed, from the plain “ half-bound” volume for the scholar’s table to tbe most artistic garniture of rarities for the collection of the Bibliomaniac. Specimens of style and workmanship will be oheer fully shown to those who will call upon PAWBON & NICHOLSON, Bookbinders, 519 MINOR Street, se29-2m* Between Market and Chestnut Streets ~ - J-TT—la BRIDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARCH Street Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 8% o’clock A. M. Returning,leavesßßlDGETON Mondays Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o’clock A. M Stopping at New Castle, Delaware City. Fort Delaware, and the on the Cohansey Through tickets for MlHeville, Port Elisabeth, Maurice town, Dividing Creek, Newport, Cedarville, and Fairton. ,a '~* n> DETERSIVE SOAP. —Time, labor, and In neinglt, clothee do not require any boiling or rubbing on malboard One pound mil tro as far m three 'poim-is comrooQ Rosin Bosp. War ranted to Sire period eatiefaction or money refunded tn decidedly the cheapest and beet waelnng Soap “vTn &“ rl epecrable Grocer, in .be '"22 South K h&rres Slate j si*ateu Vslatejh—Booflog Slate, yery low rate®, kept con stantly on fia&dvmtd felsSKw& f *ox, & 00., THIRD fftreet N. B. 81 ateßodurlat^^tTWf-^ Bl manoer, and r*- »Hi>nilal ijli* \ *•* » O USSIA HEMP and lARNS For SALE, A.V br WEAVER, FITIiEB * 00., No. 23 North Wntpr and No. 22 North VH-IBVEg CHEESJS.—IOS boxes Herkimer' count.: ' Qheeso now landing, and Tor sale by C. C. SADLER A CO , rf| fl W rlwr Jfrr.nr AtsHAM SLAOK/a JfiIsUKAV“iiSU, Hi> Sinking, and Riubojwad Printing, Envelope, and goal Proas Manufactory t No, l South SIXTH Street. FWUd«isU* a B*. .8300,000 . 78,200 $378,200
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers