isl 8 ♦ A#'-™ »*•• , , rt j I floeiKtbTooki & StolfiMPPA-M^ofessor *fsT i •<; " .: ; him* JSfegh. t-A“*af^.*fbi'»ttii»lariW .Hihmpnltt at .fotl:,, " s^‘4^l*rWifP^Tyt”?^^ 8 * 2irt -. i uebeo <*£f ?i&ti3ataittotaite>S*d oltiiabalondoit- TfmesAn »a %V$ Echo, “‘lri° lll .’ ,eln,^ ttt on,tllB i>;«>. t ' tlim eiven of hiir OljiipoßltiQa to break »,’!{ Mr.-V . . the AUaritW- C»ble,'xeportB to tha .I#J<m paperB . thSt'ffi« OaßleTiii,Eot as faint signals, pso,.. ■ 9hH rwa ftofc.a Wotwaißiia! J• > ’* Thoßepnblioan ConY«nUon.4n,‘ .Hto.':JstaLj3i'»Haakla’a dlstriil '®« on j t00.,4th n- v.V ; ,.iiasti> at:Shtgeifimtßiia,)on nU|tian'Of Hotaoa Qrto,. itiv in&tn!ntto]i li ftij. oAejppartieß * w W&wato hamonlo^iiM <iii4B ;tbWOa«yaiitlo^i ; _Btaias I,- n*-a«Jaariirf6'4d Ito’TiWyb&wtii'Mt'bfen,'; pd! TnVSday, 'V " wVWmM«\y agreed SaJj i'iteiia ,-»r<rA, t”iu -,.7ii;..V '\'9’l- |'• ;j..,)iU.,!';jtiat!ti'DMlß | tMhas l 3a>t-'niadß:’an'.«hitijdtttonaP ® sKrtt:;> fiitSffaVto teolthatees of tbt Cllloigo' y diyeiaUy c o .tujfysfcfcSnhrßnthioi giytng a«>le»r<tSUo.'>- i, . <5 Jj *~u '•_ y Ha’s bhld'bt tMauph Ohjintf ■-! saw, ’'oa’MbMttf nibbtinfa^bf 1 of, the elootlon of D .’lt wo gtowibg lndb! let* igionjoib.tftinid foridt* rtafg&tyt'ttriSritiid in i fte £BfUt^diash i ttM’Jb»b^sar4 vfroii-]’,'tfioVM™'bftan;ontf y,;" V ~tho;Xdio'tniitration,.deBir» tfoyornor . ,1 i~. recaUhi? lierignatioß'.haOoyernbr of'Kansijs. > *’ * ! }.. .-„s .ihfc Oommlssibtf'abpb'mtodhytho Nat[pnM Cori-, : j u ' ; / " 1 Vflntion olf Joae Antonio mS-Subjif 3is %rn: yesterday, at th« IMotfyf • ; palitapJHotoljjNoW .A. nambar of, diatin,^ ' -persons j.irera present) and; appropriate* 'speeches*Here deliyewd.* GWnorif Pahs'pVomisps i ; : fjo 'dSYOUSjiJS lifey’J ■ ;!m<s* "“ji! • . Xh® Ataorioaa ICoiWentipa <-4a> ■to ’ meet on - that* f« “AtyV'abdv llkblbS' Kb't&bMAn; detefcatiitV iq fayoif «?ev. ij'wM 3|w ijffli tbroa wU» e h« n »4*Y b y" ;61 h4 K; ®!,‘ }■ n:. ; ifthefo-ooayeothif^-i i ? fc| _ tK: ■; ;.:v„tvihe Koy.iDfi ■.Aleiancle'r ,i: Vititofi; .Veitot of St * • fto *,r»aa>d-W 5 ihV.|§l|^on^et; i y* »?'»ol^pW^bb^mSf ioonr r a-)!i(^tophbn’«lObdMh,YPhUadolph!»ii 1 ObdMh,YPhUadolph!»ii ! ->-«■ l”- «' a« a» t^'iThS)t4bV’YoiBy)t»i^t*P4l^b^,Atii l»- ; ‘V aßd ipf* -33 is I JiXherfJßtnieia’.Boy'’ and' KorrisMy ißye bbth. .Y<'ihY'peiidUy'+t4ttbi4;®o^<>; , fp'o! >mß °ff -4 -n :i jn'CatfS'da l ,' on’’the''2oth‘of Obtbber,.,for I'fJ'Ta l.ddinc < ‘ivhigibaabaan appointed Miniatefto Spain.. J v . -ffiib.* 'af 'JonH','W'. i 'Fo»^EY ) in' ' 4 |“il ri.^^|b3 ; Spiing MUIb, ■Mpntgo-. f^i^yicottnfei^YappßSrySytHe’^Fpiitiyi ...'» i.^iO’OK>ok»7 ! ;i« edrini!'i?i,i'' I _ni--.*-rn | ■ - ; 0.-;: rflijtHi . urn-.l: ;>i' «m gwm-T t 12 f,*- r-.-J 'r.MSO-.CorrdpUonifnMtm'ielpalUies.! • nrtwa'4 «Mr %}d 6h‘ J M'Bst # fe%Sifa^ii/6o'4c4ips, »* s t -- /i StthjliT 1U TJVii* ‘■'Vi fi-J * i.ri- 7jWS*»M|e*«Wl ) « .'.-their primaryor nrahicigil > jfo VenjimSntaiu jli < i«»’ !W>eioilaencap£ ( ,di3boOestiitemntar' It is in* ‘i‘‘Hhe i il4 thiit WcW eli aiia 'febmiiit’W'en- ara most,: Jfieldrfbv _ v_,, ■jMtwhii'dlstijitdien istjiioro a ambition than that if the local offices, and ‘on > ~m \ 'The °j>*y \M! i ? i - \, bnfc arena of local go verfc> 3 ' t3 >!'\Hont ; alo i ofitV^eKe~rkCd ? by^cdßtrbllWg:, c Au^3i&-, i foK*”p"«r is?* j ;.-!f ilf.t,we*»<Jcar tothe rapid’groirtfe-; of Cont, ;. j. ; Panisyj OhScagosaiWllago,, oh » < •' > i ftitriiundfPd sotili -flftßen 'ytisrs :ago; Mil- 1 -- ’i ; 7 1 f ‘,, Clnplnoati;. the - ;y~J liftoff' advanced to its metropolitan po*Stihii fi wlthto> ■ f't' theji’ . Ja^^me'piofieE^Jjowtb and,ippS4Pt Philadelphia - ,I:sand 'New.' Yorfc,! each 1 numbering- something, ' , 7 ,; [ .diKeffsii'^infr^d'^ih’oo^ettii 1 * j ant|- •t’lfachailaigerjfip populatton.i'tbarii '-.several. •i ! - eftf tthe* - j sovereign' > > States haf^flils 1 ' tjniont' 1* ri iiftithfe '•- ; fends. .7 wWt'-State.'l Jlir', ah! ; amhiintdf ■ ttsei paid- into l the' treasories 'ot ****ssss&s& 5b about eleven millions of dollaiayl-which 5o /sitanaaro raised dponan aasossadivalu'e ofioyoi' > i-s ( Tsoven'Wiindred : millions' rof.'pfoij'ohij’,'! i'; Whe] i' 'tqVppncealj cor-.' .lit 7 rupt,.add dissipate! - dEho reiiectlona Stfggedt/ . -.7.Vj si of. those . -<t '.who leave this 'immense e treasure W the car-' ,„Tho i pian.qer il ln.which J . by'nicanB of- this fund/ <pM i-gtirleiarbbonightj'd'tiurtsare'dbrrupted thrpngh,', '‘ i i 'iffi%ir'hfflce?s, i! |WB*lil‘sot their ( ,jud£os,) ofiprop : ; i and unmade,-and even convicts : •» f *' a foarfal, and' a ji" - •> j.... ' to accompllsh''Wjdtou ' , . the atterittpn of all good men ta ihis’i atato pi ! -thlDge: --Many cbmpluinta aru rnade' - hy| tax ■' are,levied,' .. . and, upportipned, and, expended; .andfyet theyi - -i; neglect to - apply: theremedy. -What .that ‘ yernedy ahbuld' be iylll larhlßh; matter 1 fdy fu , inj|ljCph«>.“Of®Mo D .>- i ~lt ‘•> ; >\ f( f , : , ?> IT ca> *•'"**•' • i- iLais& VWw» r«f“ » nppilnltf fonby a pVckhd', il.v Convention;-beohued of.his' 1 Vote against'the “ a f li^jM s dShW&to Wd'^inllta^’M;^' ad r ,#P.-,d.99 e i;o9dSPt .I)?mpcrat, .aud Is now ’.’.■4 -makinga-oniivasa .with evbrj? prospect of- sues Y i.:lt-fif tl)e,-iSwe..Stata,thaye, i reruBed,a.nem!nation r ti-J<hai HDTitm'/'bechUSe 1 lie' ’voM: for 'these r''« pa“dl ; ' date Dr. R. Riaas, whose refaction - ,TtookednSpom«a?certefd. AW'OkTSiihtSK, I*2 £ . -«..;<W. > ,J,),d)s{fist J ls-mahWga.“esperate offo|f,‘ ilbut-thp curront la against hlrti.' •«'. ' i >. • ' l--;i <\r . „ . | 'l b ■*}; ‘Jfsr* Qarj 1 n6wk ftp ra‘tb’oTcniii Region,*in' .s«hly ..kniptetow.,• Dr. D; Ry Shoestakeb, the DeGiocratfccandldateagaiast i/ Hotf. W.IH.-Dimmick, (Lecomptonlto,) proves; ■ iEtrong iiiin with the' peopiq., He is-actively. •<-'*'in/tWfleld, and is'teckedt by a number of D#.. . never been much oi-a parti* *an, tbOHgh he has been always a' Democrat.. ~'iti'H'fcttbpnlaHtjliirblsprofession, (thatofmedi •; jgeneral'kti'owledge of the upon l which .. 1 i 'he ifahdsj havß -served' to' -surrdubd him With iild ' mu lahnonttcetihiinsalf. aa a.caiiditlato. M.f .i.«tpnbHflbe3 aiyeryr.’iieat patnphlot,! containing' •»« v lq3o, ancl.;Mr. Webster's: ,flno ar>. ■' ■‘gtiment-Of' March j'lBso, in favor of tho bom-. “ < 'sfBffis^en#tffeL i '' l^e^,9 l n(t)if.ugthl|g j l th'at'; ■ ai a ‘ ihnious y^-BpoodKeB^rB ! ;uot forgotten/ thOrfyjh they have" scdBij{fibjij ,/ tdsiifr rising' Messrs. t fop'haTifeg repfodacedtbem in so , .»•*s« VKBA4“**Ko ‘^aitfphM ■*!» ,'.j ■.*, • -ar.'.'-it ‘t i fa4U-y..-.r‘in 1 -,-, ~. n “' ~ for Clerk of 111 :%sonaUy , wHehiw;hßen t(enl;lntelllgeHt/ .'; ■ Opnrt, is a, gentleman ypf 'ifMltljy, He became a Democrat in 1885. .'lf ii'i. O- Sr,*~- - i ,, <* ’- .>'' . *' - . The EiqifeiUtiou t'o Paraguay.. The cuuseshyhicK'dmvo' led to the orguni/.U tion of the prosentnaval expeditioi\ df our Government jagaihs£tho;Sbuth'Amorican‘R'o public of-Paraguay, are th e rqfn sai ofits Re sident, Ebtts*,'w' finally yatify l '#, treSty' of commerce made in 1853, and alleged outrages | upon the United States steamor Water Witch, and upon an American trading company. In March, '1853, Mr. J. S. PBum.Bxos,.as (fijidkir to Paraguay, formed g commerclal treaty between .that country and the Upitpistatea,.which, was sent to Wash“ iUgtiiti 1 fo? 'fin arratiflcitithi." 1 This treaty iVas stigbfty'athbhded •by obr’ Senate',' find" finally riitlfitdby it I ,‘its amended, on the Ist of' Juio? 1854., No.flnai thopart of PdragUay upon the .treaty hsvi.Bg'boen had'up to 1856,' in'that year-MriFiTzPATKiCK was appointed a ’special comtiiissipnef to secure its ratification.' . IRien to, applied 1 ’to the HMlster of Foreign Affairs in,Earagnay’ for. this purpose, te"WaS met by a reference : to'the alteration in the' 'tbit; "which l consisted • principally" in’ using tiie'expression ’of .the. “ Government • of the ** the ■Government ofthe “ North American Union* ’’ 'hy’a domplaint Of the extension of> the”time’ ire"Scrihed for tile'.’ratification' of the, treaty ? and In ore particuiarlyby an iu<piiry into'tlio’ intentionsof enr Govorament in regard to tlfe affalf' of the Water Witch, and the claimt ''of' the 1 tradlhg l> '6ttinpany. ! 3ht v Jtr. PiTzpAffilcff having xib .en'ter; into bonded ex-’ plaoation? on! these., points, ,Mm : . refliiest'fbyw ratification of the'treaty‘.'of 1863 "was refused,' :and ti».o'bjkiii'ol -iii's ! miBsi<>h' was thus;left fin- : accomplished! ', l! •" ; •' 1 Mh. tjie ;meanwhileV r ,immedi4tely ’ after the formation of the treaty of 1863, tholndtcatloßs ‘were',that,extepfiefi,’.)CO»inei'ciaV.rctationB'be tween States apd Paraguay would ’he.muiuaUyjprofltable and agreeable; ibnt th<S oß|»}s’,y,e|i; obtho part or L6pez, -atleast, is/no-donbt, the. real reason why that has'riot', I received h|s sanc tion.' - Lieutenant -"Tuoias J. Page; in com 'mamt of okr steam er-of-war Wbtor Witch, soon ’after the treaty was made,’ sailed up the Para; gtiay, fdf. ] .a',sciehtific,’exploration i of l tho. con'd- j try? and (jainedmiich valuable' add interesting informationl.'' 1 , TfaUe piigaged. Bribe ?ejxplora ■tion of the ParAna' riYerpin February, 1865, his vessel was flred'lintdhy the commander qf forfress ,pf ■ I.t4pihi,i : 'and"snffered tho, loss of one.ofher crew, as well- • as Borne, considerable damage fO her Uulp,'. ..TfiC flrewda returned, as well as.cirbumstaneea,permitted, by the! l^ator j'Pfitfchi; Both (RVeriuhents refer't6,t.bis trans? action now’ as One for which the otherjshonldr ;iifatfo klpsinds,' grbnnd'fhat'j lit'the time of the attack the Water .Witch, ’Sfafijh'otjq.'Rragggybn. e?s, ‘kid that! • j *fn>any event/ Cgross ontragCto'flre' into a yes-j '.sslengageftas ahe.waar On.,the qthei; hand,;! 1 tHef'Pdiiguayan MiriiSter refers to this transaß tion as one in whichscandalona hostilities'?!, werb'offcrt'dlohis coimtryby ,tbecomnianding bficere.ofthe.Water.iiGtch.' ‘"'AtfaUtUSe. fime'f be.treaty !was flrstfqrwed, ■Lopca—who, after* tho Usual fasnion of ;South '.■AmeyicaSßlCifsjVpuiipblizes, Ssjios-': , «ible,;alHhe^political' l pqwers and.'cdninierciai advantages of bis country—conceived that MS •interests-niight B 6 greatly promoted by a con! section with.energetio and enterprising parties jn; the United,States,'and ndder assnraricos of iiisiriendship, a’tradiDg company, known as the' ‘Unitbd Statfesand^drSgiiay’Navigation Com '.panyywae formedpebiefly throngb, the Efforts ekoug capitahßts.'in ' Providence,'R.‘l,* An assorted cargo, pfvalni 'wVlpfinitC" variety, of fl)ingsfcalcu|atCil'tbbp'bsofuitp thqParagnay.i • weUi aaovaiuabio ■’ presents to Lortzj bbf thcVxpeitatibn ofireceiving iniretnm a sufficient quantity-of 'produCt'io'iUibf.'that. bbhutry tQ' realizo a very handeome prbflt., >At first the agents ,qt. .ffiflt.' krbbf kiudnepaj but it is dlMWdtliatdii'asmuchas their advent. ';fw“ improvement and< () rb br es B‘amOng' tiie;pti opl e, : wbieb Lopya eon ceivetfinimlcai u) his e’cheffleSpCag-’ Personal .were'effcred.fp iheni,their ; rnillßandlractdrl^ ! weta-closed', aud their employes ordered, opt fjbe fe cbtjfi|ryj’ f! , .ybreb .this's heavyclaitp for, 1 i indemßHy has ’been pret erred bytbe company; Ministerscouts,- by: 1 siying/thatGri'reality the'eompaby owes his Gprernment, advanced, toit to help it otit of "its ! eifficuUies, and that Satisfaction is •dno rath‘er,to Paraguay than to anybody else. ’I \ pbbfel? W baylfig,' "jn accord-. :.mce-witb the recommendatiob of Mr. Bucua, .sAfi iil his last,a’nnnal iabsiiage, autborizi3d the -employment'of. an armed emblssy to setilejail these, diffipolties,, H : oe. Jas, B. Bowliv, .of eboDtlo recoivehis flnalinstrUQ tienSj^ihiai| j H ) t'B ( subP to 1.-demmidi a« 'apology-for ffiring into the yfater j tV^tchj'jqd^ußy 3 jtothe ia flnalratificationof’tbs treaty of -1853; and' Tull pi-bfectibb',tqtbb,bite?eete bf, 6ur oitizeiis ■in hereafter;; '* The naval" 'Squadron, i Bow'uv’ajid, if nccesSaTy,''enforcehiB ! 'deniaiids,is't6bd nndor ;"uije opnim'and of {Jommodbre ,-W.' Bi ;SHUi vessels: ~?f'rigate'SabineVeaptain Adams ;;fWgaie Stf Fal mouth'/i CommandencFarrand j 'Bleep,.'olf.war tb’fig-bfeiiar Dol-; phin;;Commandar Ste'edman; brig-bf-war Bain.; J' i brig-of-war' Pen-y, Uientepant ,T ( ilgbman; steamer-of-war Fultbpjl.ientenant Almy; steamer-of-warWa! tcr Wjtcli/ Lletiteuant p£gj;ayi i steamerrof war. Harriet ’Lane, Captain Faunae j steamer Comtoander r .March&nd; steamer Atalanta; CommanderAidgely; steamer Cale ;donia,; CommamJer ’O.qsb j, steamer Southern Star, Commander Penhock 5 steamer Western port >; 'C6mnianior. Ts .T. Hunter; -stortiship ■Supply,Lieutenant-Stanly. . ;'1 MVaifs from the Deep* : o ; ri Monday the Norwegian barque Catarina arrived at Quebec with fifteen of the' passen gers' ana,s'evqn;,;of crew, of. the burped, ,i#anitßß 'i/hutHdn .. .ffh'eie- are the Imake a total of ■ -None of the- missing Phila dclpb'iin4 areWohg arrivals. -■ A youngigirl of.ftnirteerijeafa old Is among the. , ,apd* It was hoped 1 - j bgt t sfio' might be ■one of the daughters of Mrs.'. bijt the differenoe.pflage is against this,conclusion. , " cobne'fctea.with the 'onhappy losses iwhieh all. Eo.'groatly, foel and 'tho’''homing against hopb” which some.of -the- surviving -relatives entertain. ynitottohs GeroE, of Bald'.' more,- is now visiting bor - relatives in Phllar .de/pifiaj'. aita ,whiie‘they"havp, no doubt qf his ■loeßj j/te alone* has l a deep conviction that lie is. not dead j cither he. was not on board the ■yfujtrti (though he wrote to her that he had actually paid for.bis passage), or,'if he was, '.that _he have J>eeß.»i)Jbng. the' who were rescued. - It may bo withts tho Jinow ledge pf miinyhf onr 'tiMfofi' that, a clorgy :mam of this olty was among -those- who left for BprbpjiirtOn, the' .ill-fated Pnsidini, an,s was never again hoard of. . His' wife,,' who remained in -Philadelphia, and was attached to him, never did, .because sho nayer would, believe that ho was lost'.to' her.. Eighteen years have passed away, and yot, that, trusting lady—we, cannot speajf .(Jf_h6r,.aB, ( u;>ye,and, sho; repudiates 1 the -name of, uiidoio-r-continues to, expect his re turn.' i EVery day, a Coyer is placed for him at ,tho table .where still - stands his accustomed to Cw fc«n,, w? jure inform ed, wwikens the-cherished conviction of her bCa'rfcVh^fecrJoyeillW will return., , We'gwhlt'fmU|er jlfccbntits qf-the loss of the whom,' the ilfau j-ice qa'frie'cl, ;h)Taj'Jtp 'k'syal; . Bttf they can add little in&cmationto.wUat we already pos-' 'sissv-tliaf grpat’ Cqtefqssn|ss‘. \yas/ tpe, proxiy .mate canso of the catastrophe, and .that the captaiu,' officers, and!, croW , exhibiie4, groat Clacrity-'in their endeavors to save—th'etn , solves.'. I."; " ’Tibi .AcsTßiA’s Passeroer List.—-It was expected’that a list, of .passengers by the ill-' fated "Austria would' Como to hand by the Hamthonla, but we learn that no such list has „f —<r— —* • - Tnn Hobsk Fair- —The resignation of of tio' Powaltdn EiMblHop way published sonio .tiro wookVsinoOi ahd we regret to learn that many of onr fr!enda havC;beon tndnoed ta vlsit our city .hndy r theMpErftsiqil’,tljat exhlolflop waS of oar .aityt atid , State enterprise.„( We asaare our ffteniy'flHSt! ! phllaSCiphte .and batliipg tQ.da wlth.tho.faifas ann'oandbd, f', [ ,i., ; '|-X«-ytUld Q,i) tVJ a-1 .;WI 'JEi,!-r—.. i .O'l.j Sale this Morhirq.—WalDut-fltreet residence and furniture. See Thomae & Sons' advertise snent. Public En^erlajtiuuenu. ;'drabia at Wahfdt-atreet Theatre, on? was very fcpUityydly got up, writ ten by’Mr. Charley Gaylorj’pn feblo journalist in New York, audios originally produced at Brpad* way 7 Theatre r la r and a half years flgcfv It was well-p&Etijn as we well re oolleot, but not more! completely than by Mrs. Bowers at the Walnut.j Neither was the original oast quite as good as here, ijcssrs. Davenport and Conway:mayTank-as about-equnWn Ben Lid; but Mrs. Davenport, a 9 eclipsed vby Mrs. Bowers in the same part f 'assuredly the of Miss Ribbings was’as superior to Ideate , attempt a 6, Mr. McDonough’s Brava • wgq to. Mr- Elmqre’s endeavor, to represent the obaraotpr in New York. Madame Ponisi hdd more weight/from 1 years and bulk,’than Mrs. Oonway; aS Ghtbel, but thelfttter displayed more Ability. : The f Bdenery, by Hofsterj'waß very beau tiful, 1 os well hs noatira,tb~' “The Bon of-the. Nights'will i undoubtedly hard a'ran, as a speota oular.. drama, and is much'better , written than, .mostipieops of the sameobaraqter. t) * yttbe.sccnery waegood, ; ap, most deoidedly, was thp ooatumo , Thy ladies werb rlohly and ’/appro priately attired,': Bowers was "splendidly robed ; donway, from tte oharactfer She as*' sained, wds not richly, but 'was moat becomingly dressbd. 1 And’, bb the Prihoess Myrtha, Miss Rtoh ings-Was right'royally 'coßtumodl ; Yet, to our I&noy, .semi-orientaL dress which ■ shejwore,! while on the.Pirata’s was the most jUtrastive,.o£,all.., Mr, .Qonway and ;Mr Perry were also richly. attired—indeed, the, piece was donei cmplo pre’dit Win this respocfc,.ns'well as in' others! ‘ * ,< 1 J ' ‘ ‘.' l /, /,. MM \W^bhU‘not’anticipate the ’’Story' by' giving a Ni'ght'- h&S’beoir published*,’ahd mpy bo 1 obtained, by intcrided'purohasors, from our dramatio friend,' .P,. J B. Ahel„,at:l ) eteraon , fl. irßut wo would/sim ply igivo,. quy {.lmprosaiqn of, tho. .manner' iin whioh f was playod, Mr. Perry l made..himself^ particular’by unlimited rolling About Of hhroy'fesj and bykid grotesque attitudes—’ especially his 'fkvorile’ohe of standing s ‘with his body plooed in' one' dirco tlon while his hbftd turns so biubh rbhnd. tho other way, over bis shoulder, that strangers; might fanoy he was trying to scro'W it off his neok. Thus, hid endeavors at serious ap4 impressive aotion obtain a ludiorous coloring, whioh is much out of okaraqtor. Tho extrotneiy. harsh tones whioh M/ Parry assumed, in,the vpry juvenile part of Bonpto, ill suited it. To spoak thus of a leading aotoriß.dieagreoablo to us, but, justice to others demands it., The, impression con stantly. sinks : deeper?,and deeper..into our rnlhd/ that Mr. Perry,has boon greatly spoiled; by being asort.of faVprite wUh.V the .gods,” and qow ex hibits more,pretence than ability. lie has inany things to unlearn and abandon: ” ' ' ‘ V* i “ifriv CohWay 'mflde a great of tho part'of particularly iotHe lighter Boones', whore a sort.of reckless gaiety and iionchalanct is adapt ed tothe character. With the exoeptibh that she looked far J tpo juvenile for .the partV|n'tho play itself,'Mrs. .Conway's representation effective and powerful. Iu; tho laM soeneq particularly so. ■ Mrs. Bowers again plfiycdxMy 1 fatQrssihes/'where the plbtts gettlDgiO a/orisjs, —but also, ( lookedtoo you’rig to'- nave-maternal gelations to ;Ben Lid. (yt JDonato. We must too,nthat Mr.^MoDonough,-as. Bravaditra . gave a good idea bfa rough* and ready pirate, 1 bald' and faithful to Ins leader. '* Jim Rtyhings gave ,unexpected effeot to the .ohoraotor of Myrtka, \ She dressed thoparfi spioii didiy,yet appropriately, aad’looked]*hx»e‘mbly’ well. In tie scenes with the Pirate daroost’negs and passion wore hecessaryUglve full .foroe apd buoyant spirit to the drama, this young lady displayed brih, and was greatly applauded.; Two 'or three. mUslo'aV pieces, introduced, were charm!ngly cubg.hnd. also?much applauded. ~ Iq deed,/all through.the play, the audienoe repeated .lyand strongly expressed their; admiration: of'the various performers, and bouquets wero flying about with great rapidity throughout the eyeniugj ThiV new drama will be repeated every night this we'6k, wo,believe.: Itiscortainlyfull of attraotioh. ’ * h-The- managers ‘of the “ Ateh 1 ’ 7 appear! doter mfned to continue their hold upon |he popular fa-, vor'hy fe : pmduoHon.of good. English' whioh have yeoeived the empbatlo seal of general approbatiop." i On j Monday « evening, ‘following closely upon the 11 Clandestine Marriage,” ' the .Country; Girl,” and'tbV “/liyjppertte,” another sterling oomedy, called the* “WheelofPqrt«ne, n tkc ftrst timein iMhyyears. 'lts.auth’orj^the!,celebrated BichMd.Oa^eriaqd, ; 1811, jin/his 'qWeHletti*' jmqst,, p|ay ,wif|lj^.i9»d'd,q^n(|'|la,Jqng andbuisy artery large number of Wo^ks^ Mian.” woH, perhapf,,' t thq/gseptest , amouufe ,of fame, f as'/first .aicalt W 79, having been,brought ,out under,the.manage ment, of Mr* wWj Wrjttenjeveral yearajater, and w«kput tiponGiesfejiq jsf won-' detFul ‘ perBonififatlpn t t by • Jpbn force of Vivid if qiity to the author^.artistic coioajption'. Cumberland, In.hia autobiography, modestly,disclaims rimoh oredit for himself on acoount of the play's suoeess, using the following expressive/language “ When so much belongs td the actor, the duthor must beoare-* folhqwkearrogates tooinuoh to,himself.” But oandid oritiolsm cannot but allow that the oomedy ■ has : inherent excellences of plot and dialogue, wblch placß the author amongst the grat English dramatic writer/ ■’ , The plot may be briefty stated ßoderick Ben- W«f<7cV (Jobn GilbarG has hoes oeosspd in love, early in life, the object of his attentions having sligbted him off to accept the hand of a wealthier and mgr.e .elegant Hval/Mr. Woodvillei (lit. Dol man.)- The latter, in time, makes way with his foftnne' by his devotion to the gaming table, and' brings;hfs‘ wife (Mrs. Gladstone) and his .sou* lienry (Mr. Showell,) .to.poverty and despair; , #rnry, ftiUpbed to the army, has a'prisoner in Franee/and returns to jtis native country-at the 5 moment of Ms fhthtfr’k ruin. |fe has long been attached to a Miss Emily Temptst, (Mrs;'Jobn Drewi) the-daughter of a'fiery, bot- amy bfEcoV, Gor. tetnpest, (Wal lis,) who has won the title of “Governor” by having once . presided over 'tho destinies of the English Vbttienieptp'at .At tbe very time when the'Woodvillcs arc pompletoly at outa with fortune, 'Mies Emilia' ban! is popgbt byV rich, effected, ignorant piece ‘of aria toe ratio vulgarity, ’{Sir p'qytti-'i)atOy (Mr, J. S. Clarkei), Every motive of interest seems to warrant a favorable consideration of'the offer, but Miss Emily main tains her constancy to’ifswry, and gives no hind of the wealthy nabobs Moan while. to complete ijie distress of the Woodvillo family, a Sir George 'Pttoruddftcl - dies, to whom Mr, Wopdville had lost largo sums of jppney, to pay' whicVhe’had given mortgages covering his’ entirecqtate.. Sir Georgele&yes hie whole fortune to his relative, .Roderick Penruddocki who for years, in oonsCquenoe of his' disappointment in love, had lived the life of a rooluse, buried in a solitary qottage in country. By his new;febnd wealth, be finds himself .possessed pf abundant wreak bis.revenge upoh JVoodpille, who had created him out of the possession of Mb f»- amoretta. The residence.of the Woodvllles falls isto bis hands, aod the/amily are obliged to seek miserable lodgings elsewhere. in order to give satisfaction,.though 1 tardily, to the man ho has Wronged, g6es to with the intention of/ offering a duel by way of -settlement 9,f past scores., Penrtiddock aooepts the-chojlenge/ and' th© two are about to engage <ln moyu| combat, but, ,up6n the happy °f t /Mr. ! Wheatley) the friep.d meeting ic .adjourned. .A- letter • from, rMw, ■ Woodvtlle to , Penrmh dock prevents the -possibility of -any fatal rendoh-' .tre, tui.A;jfe\lty<l4ptk\t melted fromhisapathetlc frigidity bythqplogupnt language of, the, unfor tunate lady..-£is„ good genius gains the ascend ant ;he determines to asido his plaps of vep-. geanow; he calls fpr h|s atiorpey, Jf r tazel, (Mr. {Stearns), to draw up legal papers to carry out hi? ‘intentions, and oonveys all the forfeited property back to the Woodvilles. The effeot of such gone rositytolls wonderfully.’* It gives tho dehtb-blow tp the' pretenridna of Sir David'paw x /it rejoices' the bow* hf Ihnry and Epdy, who are eager to complete their happiness, and it restores ,Wood wile to a new lease of life and hope. The warm sympathy of Sydenltam Is abundantly rewarded in the satisfaction of seeing his friends all, happy, while aU parties conspire in sharing the joy of the - final deuonement, ami in oarrying out the admirable moral, that “ the true use of riches U to, sharp thom with the worthy,‘and the sole re medy for injuries is bo forgive them.” Of tke acting at, the Aroh vo can speak with ooinmehdatlon. The difficult part of the diisap thrqplpal by the ill-treatment of the woj-14* anally softened by the exer olse of a noble goneroaityt, was ably sustainod throughout' by’Mr. John’Gilbert.. With a rare dltforlminatlon and quiet naturalness, be bodied pice ehad’ea pf feplipg wbioh are so exquisitely.blended- in tba anlopir's ideal, and •proved himself the true artist.,. We wish Mr. Oil* bert .WjOuld give the publio an opportunity of soo*. Ing bim as Master part^closdlv akin tQ Pshtwddoc&, and "wbioh,. in bis bandflj ’wmild be a rare dramatic treat., Tbo remplntpg part# were" well done.- Mr 1 Wheatley, as Syden ham, bad'a moßt gracious task, and acquitted him* self, of it eminent .good judgment. Mr. Clarke's Sir David Daw was In. exoellOLt taste, .neither exaggerated nor oariaaturod. Mr. SheifUL displayed moro than usual feeling in the part of ,}jevrp,}ToodviUe t prit oi which be made the most effective dramatic pioture’he has yet given the public.-; Mr/ Dolman’a unfortunate voice/which seems so hard'tb ikeep under control, was well adapted'to tb6charaafcer ofthe bankrupt gambler. Mr. Wallis was ’not. Jp.'liif element as Governor Tempest Mrs, DrawV JSWiVy wa« a delightfol piece of aotingrffall of .pathos and.vivaoioufl humor.. Iler' diflralssal. of Sir David donvulsed the audl* enco by,’ it# ,refreshing coolhesa ,und piquancy. Mri.CHadstane/flJf- Mrs Wdodvill'e, was far too: melo-dramktto.afldtbe motbor-lh-law, for tbWi time-being, of, Mrs. DreVr., mlght haVO looked a trifle Ol'aervfitb'dut'any mariitig of‘probability. The' play was & complete success, and will, doubtless, become a moat available stook-piece da- J ring the season. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1858. ‘ f V , ' JLeithr frorn / (borrespoadlettee ot The Presa.] \ ; ’ / Washisoton, Oot. 5,'1958fe ’ The last news from Illinois discloses the.fwV that, under orders from this city, the Administra tion men have nominated candidates for the State Senate and House of Representative l ! in every dis trict in. which the parties are closely balanced , and dsc. This .is to defeat the Dougin? Jto feelp F th,eir .opCm(«s;' also an irregplar bolting Administration ppndid&lV against the regular Democratic candidate for Con gress in every .distriot! It is not possible, however, ?ayB'*my-informant, to-accomplish 5 :; this result.'’ ‘Many honest Republicans, and very many Ameri cans, see the game of the Administration forces* and are declaring for Douglas, while the ef* forts j of,: tpq, Democrats growsmoro and.,more, energetic. I anf very happy to 'say th»t J Colonel f T. L. Harris, the fqarless and gift*, ed'.Represeniative frqih/tbe Sprlngfleld| districts willhe surely re-elected,^ though he is opposod by a- Republioan *and' -Shame, shame upon any inan calling himself a Democrat; who opposes r Bahh .a hero and statesman as Col. Harris! He haß been confined.tq hisrdom' for mord s than two, months, and has not been able to make a Ispeeoh during] the; oanvass. Bat he’ will ■i‘ •' .tir ■‘i'* • •'f ' The Union to-day'is more persona! ; and titter against’ .I| rises into tho sublime of coarseness - . The appointment of Oolonel'Prdston, an old-Hne Whig, as'Minister to Madrid, was not imexpeotod , ’He 'wili. aoc'eptj .and Is daily. ‘ He was named for Governor of. BJerittioky by.,the Demo* crats, but he has always had an ambition fordiplo> matiehonors. ' ’>■ * The boniest the aspirant? fortbeDemo* oratio nomination for Governor .of? Virginia grows very acrimonious- d am sorry to see some of the papers complaining of the eourte of yonhg Wise in the daol with Colonel Olemehs, of Wheeling. At a dlstanoe, his /conduct, did look has been a settled purpose to bring matters j to eowe snoh issue against Mb. Wise for some time past, .add'this last is ontyaparV of ’tho. same; syeteni, which 1 has been pursued 1 against, tils jfatber He was ohallongcd, ancL he resolved to’ fight the battle ouW,• ..■ * •r 11 : 1 1 .is named aa.a.pandiqate for -Pyeslclqnt. ' , * I is exceedingly anxious to. h&Vb'lt'understood ttiatlhe'English bill is no teal,’ and yet tbo'axe is going’all the time. 1 'AiieW batch. 6f offeodiDg'Democratsin Illinois h'aß i/edfajdeoapl tatod, and the executioner declares thatmbre wi'l fioon be sacrificed. • i . latc resolutions of.thp Boston Demoorats, -the/ policy on Kansas,, have at last turned New EngVi land Democrats. t A gent|emap up.w here says that & number of Betqooratib papers reject the dose. I thought it would ooineto' this!’ Occasion au. We iiotio&vftom< .ouriiexobanges:ihat, in various .quarter? of',the>Btate. there are aativity ,and vigor arising.ip a,great degree,from. that to the late at Williamsport. Tbe very spirited at' bister,’dhring i! fli'e pas't week/ohdirCommand of Bri^kdleir‘General 5 BaHiram A.^hdeSVr,'' \i one.of ttiorcsultr. If Onlrip Tias lifift the. effoot of -aromlnff State -prldoaml ft martial spirit, onoof.tbp good:reSntts on tlolpatei by that display, both by-Uenerßl ■ Jackman anilGoYernor Packer, baa already, ))oen accomplished. It was truly a “Campof Instruotipn,” and to Us effiolenoy, use fulneM.aml success, General Pattorsontestifleil, on terms of unqualified praise. Gene ral’Jeohmon devoted ail bis enemies,' both 1 of body and-mlnd, to make - it-an'event: 1 In' tbe'mllltary annals of the State long to be remembered: At the close of the enoampment, : the,officers of the Elev qnthplYiilqn. held a meeting,,and, unanimously tljalj Gen. to bta',present military, ]t* eon • sihtei prW(,. In maklng tills' resplve“known to General J.,Colonel Sniytb‘spoke,'ln subalanco, as follows: '-” i • M ' '--.ii il.’i-'ll ' ) QBKgnitjACklUN: i the oomtalMlfineil offi cers of Ike II th Military divi,ioD;tißre,'ibis' evon ,lng held,a meeting, and .nnenlmoualj feeolred to tender yon ft le-eltotlo’U asMsJor'General, and to re-electyou whatberycu. consent-or rot.' iFrom tba day,ofyour election.toithat position, yod barb' Shown yourself equal 'fo any 'and.'every MMr; gbney—all theoffiokM h'lH 'fcri vales 6f HM'dlylilon, so far as,-we bat* any.ikoowledge,.aeoordjfgjij with ns In thlsjadgment—and thomanner.lnr-WJilon you baye'Ulsobargedyohr abtles as commander 'of tbia incimpmentaffords hi tbVßredteßt' pride and ,re believe that no .man-eould these duties moroefilolently or sat - Gedldaokman replied, brlefl’yi f thai.t‘b'e3|iid i ,not •thought of a- re-eieoUon—that lib’preferred to give .way ltd that’the tkanimons desire pf tbe offioers of- the Division could--! 0,, be' disregarded , unless ho could oonviroe them that g ome one else could suit them as well or bo ter.” {la higher oompllmeDtjthan.the foregoing could he paid an able and efficient ojjjqat, , . POLITICAL MOTBHKKTe'iK'MR.'BABiciR’B UISTRICT— ' ' ABBKBT .OP 07TIOKR8 AHD OBKWu. 6pr A ' BI.A,Vf R— , BLOODT RIOT BBTWf IK, ATALUSH |t»D IRISH—THE LOW bbr SALB 0E.,01W ? TRAPS P,Q3-y>OS«p—RKTOHN OP SOOTT—RBPOBUCAN AND A«8Rlo]l» 00* ALITIOX UOVBXBSTS P6k OOTJNTT JTAN* ' ' ; (Odrrsspondenee of'Tfie Press, j Nfff Toss. Oflt 6,1658. The Rspablipan ln Mr. dUtriot nietyeatordsy at ging Blnj, for purpose of taUing ‘ over matters in rsferenoe to thO epprosehlng eAmptign Eighteen of the nineteen delegates were present, which indicates degree of interest jTalt Id regard tb tho nomination. J. G. Milder, of Putoam county, was. ap jiointed president o{the Odnyentidn. ; Horsce Gresley) who lsooe of the Westchester dounty deVegates; that, ‘‘iaaemuch as other parties hostile to the ; Fede ral Adroinistra^ioa*— esp«clally ,to Its Lecoropton policy lndicated a the Republi cans. ffith’a yi eir to Jiarmbniquiactron, this OonTenpon. sith'd : adjourned at noon on JOth initJ,whloh waS’Unanimoiisly agreed to*,'’ lit is unlikely, therefore, that any.deQnitft action. WiU be taken by the Democracy or the Opposition .until that time. | , . j ; ■ Quite a sensation has -been created by thd arrest of a‘part of the officers and crew or the ship Ha!dee, which sailed from hero in January last on a slaving ex pedition. Arf ( ar ; haying shipped from Africa, and sob* sequently lspded »t Oapdopas, without hindrance, nine hundred natives, her captain left her. turning over the Vesnel to the mate, who’headed her homeward, and ou roaching Montauk-Point scuttled her Whence her sub-officers and crew scattered to var'ous parts, but by the vigilance and energy of Marshal Rypders, a part of thembave been captured, acd ard now in daress. await ing Buch actlon as may be taken by the proper authori ties. - The lotting out of vessels for the slave trade is of more occurrence, and the traffic, itself more lucrative, tb»n tjje public generally suppose, By»- ders deserves credit for hta tiot r apd success in this esse. As a general thing, the .Italians resident among us are a peaceable, order-loving, people, and ao outbreak among them occasions proportionate surprise., hast Sunday night, an elaborate Ikrfmmage between them and a patty of Irishmen took’ place at the Cosmopolitan Gardens, near Yorkville, In which gqnk, .pistols, and knives were flourished yriUj great and effadt, one man being killed, pod. or fopr ptbera raortilly wounded. 1 A policeman attempted to interfere, but was treated with such 1 entire want of courtesy, that he re tired with precipitancy andi in utter disgust. Ills con freres, however, aoqn came to the rescue, arrested se. veral of the belligerents, searched the house, found large quantities of stolen goods, aud broke up the whole grand calculation.' 1 ■ 1 ~ Tbe Lotrber auction of the traps Of the 1 city—-it* nic tures, desks, chairs, carpets, aad ‘hingfi generally/to satisfy his execution—did .not come off yesterday, as was advertised. Whereas mdeh anticipated hin was ISst. Theredflfrg was lowered until Pildajr' when, unless the tnuulelpal authorities raise the mstalllcs End pay up, tbe (< going,’’ .'‘g o ! o # ’f ytill /be gone tbtpugh with in earnest.. Lowber hM the city OQ ; tb'e bip, and . his no notlon'of lettlog ihit little JlOO,ooomatter quietly rest any longer General B,cott eame'to town yesterday from >Vrest Point, aed remains dorlog the winter. The Bcott Life Guard getting qp a njonater for tbo old veteran, at upwards of a hundred per formers are to participate. '.An agreement baa been made by the Republican ind American General Committees, .that a committee, of twenty-two from tbe delegates to each County Codtou tlon sbsll meet to-morrow evening, for the purpose of agreeing upOo a ticket to receive their nniied support. Should the programme be -carried oat, and a “sUle” agreed noon, it may prove embarrassing to the De mopraof. J t is understood that tbe.Republieans arq to take the nomippe fop sheriff j the ,Am#rjc«n's for county clerk. The prize* are valuable, and' adespojrate eflbrt w Übe made to agree upon caadldateJ, It remains to be seen whether the “coheßive powpr of publio is of strength sufficient to hold together elements bo or ganically opposed as Know-Nothlngiqm and Republic caniim. so called* • The Vaukee opera-at Burton’s,'.last evdnlug, w*a a success - ., Lucy Kscotfc (a* the bills call ber< aud as she permits hersolf to be cajted, thoqgh her husband is plain Bichard Eaetcott, a deyor little chap, and fair violinist) has a fine voice and considerable dramatic power j-mora thanGaseier; not so much as Gizz*nfga~ end was ieceWed, as wera the other members of the company. vi‘h matted oppUnsc. . ! 1 The third edition of the Express contains, a long ac count of the proceedings of tbe OSntrat Americatjs,' ndw'in Sew York, to*day, at the Metropolitan Hotel, where, at nood, the .Commission appointed by the Ve nezuelan National Convention to. recall GDoerel Jose Antomo Paez, presented him with the official de?ree pf the Government, and received assurances of his accept ance of the honors conferred Upon him.- .i* » The Venezuelan standard was displayed all day from the Central flag-mast of the hotel. . The parlors pn tba first-floor were set apart for the reception ceremonies, and were appropriately decorated with the Venezuela!) and ' At hatf-pakt 18 o’clock General P*e*, in full uniform as a Venezuelan commander- wearing seve ral orders on the left breast, entered the room,’ escorted by General Austria and’Dr. Manuel Pae*. !; The oom prtby respectfully rose and greeted tM dfHtia"gftlBh©d Gfneril infsllence.' Me adranced to'the .upper *ni pf the saloon, where he was received by thepther mqmb6r w i pf th,e pomuslssioo, who theq. took .their, 1 places In a Rojos on tho.Wtbaud and General Anal trla ontiie right of Generai ! PaezJ'Br. Mojica‘add Dr. nekt to General Austria', oh the right.; Sr/Rimon' Paez stood next to his brother. Dr. Paez, and»Sr. D,' Simon Oamtoho stood on the left, next to fit. Rojas. The ladles and gentlemen present stood In the lower part of the room, leaving an open space In front of tbe - Gamp Snsqnehdnnn. Letter ftom lTew Vork.' ■aeoeffl anil u.O Oo^»Da ? s»...’^|h er iliaillrl»»«s' maalfocmr and mSmbacsV / - ■<- .-M». r thaaeneVal waara-. Valled-to bUigStlatTr. and hit re.poma, a';collatlon/01-' -bktt tov>tiir&o.a%«r'B '■dfll*. *M »!ona tlmv kal '-O; 'At lbs' svcond bostd, stocks wete all bdiyant'-and oloaed ffna.Tennessee 6. road j. ; Pacific ; New Totk Central, % ■, Brie, X i Reading, x i Rock I.leed, X j Hiohlgan Central, lx ; Cleveland, Oolnm bos, and Clnolnnati, X, and Galena and Chicago, IX- M»W YOBK STOCK BXOHANGJt—October 6. ‘ §4OOO *6 Ft* 8a E ? L “85# 100-Ae’Wlfle R k alO 43 V- UG£>«,.~,, <4BS 20000 Tenn 8t 6a’9o 01# 200 do a6O 43 lQOOO.fTO&rolinii 64' t 95 *i <2OO do ! b6O 47 .V 4000 0*1.7* NBd p3O 84# .100 Ohio & Rook I R 6534 1000 Brooklyn. WrLn. 98 M ,>5O. , r do i b3O 65V lO- 'do' 1 65?' ' 1000 Bar Bd_mt**Bda 60 100 do 1 05 & ; M--94# •''6o' '"' do' (#0 66V 60 Pacific MB Co 305# 160 Michigan Can R 64 v 100 do -bl6 10514 100 do. . 65 ' -60 do'*' i6O-105 ' ; 150‘‘ 1 ■' 'do' > b3O 64v 70 .' ! rdo'*-- 106 . do- 64V «v_so_ 4o_.‘lW_ 300. .100 do | *60,64# IWN-York'Cfcn.R' 700 do 82V 100 do >660 82 V •10W 0/46 <’-trtO> t 'B2W 100 .v do i bl 5 82* ICO do : s3O 82* •100*1 • * do* * bBOVB2X 4007*1 * dO* do 82X 250 Brio Railroad 16 26 do 'b6o 16* : * 60 <; Ado*; T'lotf 100 Brook City R 100,* l66;::do mo U'x 60 Mich BoATf s&O 44 # 26 Oler 00l it Oin B lOOG&l&OhioB >Bs# 200 .< <- f ' 85# 60 do ; bBO 86# 100' do? 85# 100 . i. do/' - ' 85# 100 do’ • ; - 86 ~ 100 do , «16 84# 100 ’i •: do * ; bOO 86# 10 Stonlngtonlß 53 TBH MARKETS. ‘Asksd Afe qulet'at $6 for Pots and Pearls. • Corni .—The market rales quiet. but *p‘rices are, jiteadx; 150 bags Java at 14)£©16c, and 200 bags 'fttWHaorprivate terms,' B/ auction, 280 bags Sara*: ailla. part unsonndi sold at Sallee, easin'- ?Lqya.—-The rfe’ceipta of Btate and Western! flour a'e to amoderata extent,' 1 while' i be l demand'ls decidedly Wote'active,bnt'A’t a decline of 6 cents per bbl. Sales of 11.000 bbls at f 4 90©6 for superfine States $6 206 5.40 fok'extra State ; $5.40a>5 70 foYsMppfng brands of roafadbyopOhlOt and i5. ,, 005.40 for common to faWoxttfc iSonthern flour is dull; sales’of ’ fiOObbts atss{4o‘®& 70’for ; mixed to good'brands, and favorite, and extra broods. 'Cana-- aUn'flouHs alsd dull j ‘sales of 260 bbls at'M for snbfer fine, and $5 3566 40 for extra. » Gbajh —The Wheat' market Is very dull that ui changed; the-sales-areonly nbout 0,000 bUshe'a at sn2o fot WertoVn red aodsl 40 for white Oana'a. Corn .ja'flrmeVi'Saletof-80,000 bushels mixed Western at 76©720j butJhr.ludidgiome fcholtie lotihshigh as 74® Oat*are-stead* at 86643 b for Southern and Jer sey, and 45652cforSte^eand .Western. .' •,> •; Hirres are in faitrequoit at unchanged rates.' The trdnsao: torts include Buenos Ayres at 26Jfo: 8,600 Montevideo] 21 lbs, at 20J£c, 0 mos, usual selection, and 400. vet ealted Australia, on private terms. 'MriiATaiK;—Tee demand for Hemlock/ Bole is only moderate, and middle weights are still quoted at 24 V ® 26>4 for Buenos Ayres, and 23®240 for Orinoco. >AVAc.Broßsa—Th<j market for Bplrits Turpentine Jfl'qqlet, withsslesof 400.bbla at 6Qo, Crude fTurpen thrtids steady, with sales at $3,87* .< Common Roan is dull- and,beavyat $176,.- Fine Rosins are inactive and uuchangod. Tarls iu good .demand at; 32 25e>2 37 34 i for:Wilmiogton, god s2®2tfjf for*Washington'. Pitch Belts clowly ats2, ; Molassss—Market .duU-vaaleaGfi hhds Clayed at 22 a 260:;.. ~ >, Provisions.—Thai demand for Pork is more active, butthe market cloieaheavysales , 600 bbls at *lO 760 *16.00 fotmess,.asd:*l4.76®sl6 for prime. Beef contl >Bttes dull aod somewhat irregular. Cut meats 'are no*' iminaL at 6®6jfe for Bama. Lard isipwer; sales 300; this at lOtfallo. Butter Is quiet at 16ff1200 for Ohio, and 10a220 for State, Cheese dalf at 1 THE JYEVp BYa Tfi’L EGRAjPIII "vt- * 1. t i.* '((rniM.l 'ONE DAY LATER FROM EUROPE. THE NOVA SCOTIA# AT QUEBEC, THE' ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. OONBOM 97«09TX ... Qubbbg, October. 6 —The steamship. Nova. Scotian, from Liverpool on Wednesday, the 22d alt., arrived at this port this morning - ! , J The rotal mail steamship Canada, from Boston, ar rived at Liverpool on the evening o f the 18th.. The steamship City of tfealtlmbrer; from New York-, reached Liverpool on the 10th. The steamship Anelo Baxqn,.from.Quebec. arrived at Liverpool ou the 21st: 1 *• •’ The steamship Ariet ran aground when approaching Bouthampton,<but gqtoff without material damage. The main features of the Nov* Scotian’s account* are covered by the advices by the Haipmonfa at New York, but there is twenty.four nour* lk’fir news. Official reports bv Rleotrlciau Yarley show that there r i* still some obftDQe.f't tha ( Atlaotiq Cable’s working. The political intAlllse-'ce is'unlmpoVtant. THE VERY LATEST. Lok&ok,-Wednesday.-Bdpt 22 Times’ city ar tide reports the funds Inaotive yesterday, but improved ono-elehth in prlcp,., , . r ' f The Daily Nat's Says a slight stimuldswasgiven by. the eont|ira»4, Influxgold. The bank h«dr6oelv&d nearly half a million speo e since the date of Its last re* tnrn. : 1 The London’papers publish a report by Mr. Yarley. eleotrician of the Atlantic Telegraph, on the preseot Jtkte Qf.ihe cable,; -Hlf experiments show that the. cable has sot parted. Taint signals are still received .froip Newfoundland. nf'atiother.-aud more, distant fault, the locality .of wblch'he cannot estimate withodt’goingtoNewfoundland.,^; r V, ret 1 * ss®bs»»c*c^ytMeiugo»ce^' l HVKEPOOI/iODWaW^tAKKgT—Tn thilinrpool »riarket, tb« »eWkvnfeQdttmiVfov'-the three days ending 2l*t.wers SDffiOOfialffiftioladifag 31000 on speculation,, end 8,000 for export. The : fnarket closed Arm at an ad vance, chieflv on tnlddUntr qualities, of 1-10 penny t - v r: The sdtfetsftofehHaiiefiisiar to*: favorable, prices of all kindsof griodfcheiogArm. .-1 * \ . WYEBFOOft?RKEADBTUFP3 MARKET.—Messrs. ■alea? J .W*iWrri(itW®2l; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 215«22s od|.Oblor Si* 6ff®26*. “-Wheat haa-a declining tendency; -red JWMterzu~fia4d®s« 6d ; white. Western, 6sBdaos6d; white Southern, 7s®7s6d. Corn dul* whltP.36*fellow;Ms. r LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET.—Messrs. Bloh ardeonv' Bpeuce, i Company qubte. beef dull, pork quiet; the market wak hare bf American'/Bacon steady. Lard quiet at6Q®o2« Tallow slow of st)e>hut prices uoalloied': ihutchbr’s6lt;!iii , LIVERPOOL. PRODUCE MARKET.—In the Liver pool market atties'were quiet, with some sales of Pots at32*6d. Susar was quiet. . Ooffee dull. Linseed Oil 34*0-1. Bplrits Terpentine steady atß9s on the spot, and 87s 6d to arrive. Rosin steady at 4s 24®4s 4d for common • - ' 1 >*. < 1 .LONDON MARKETS.—Io the'London market bread* staffs were dull, and wheat had declined quar ter. J Sugar >’dosed buoyant, though without quotable advance. Coffee steady. business, with out alteration in rates. Rice heavy, and all qualities slightly lower. \ Tallow flrufat'49s 6d. 'Pie lfon steady at Ms 6d - «'j LONDON MONBY MARKET-The London 1 money! generally unchanged. Oonsols Q7v®67k for money, and for acoeunt. ... Ahrrioak Stocks .—The London market for Amerl* can securities wae dull . The.New.VorJf Crystal Palace entirely Destroyed by Fire. Nbw Yonie, was entirely destroyed by Ore, with all its omhents, this afternoon. . . ; , l^ } - The Fire the Work, lucrndi&lry—Two 'Thousand VlkUrri Preieat-Loii of.Xife— Abont Three Quarters of & 'Million Dollars of Property Destroyed. Nsw York, Oct 6 4rTbe’irp at the Crystal Palace brokoouUn thelumher-rofim. which was Oiled with empty boxes nod a Jorge quantity of old lumber. «It is believed the Are wok the work of au incendiary. 1 'When tha flamee were first discovered, tbe Palace engine wee brought out, but the hose was so full or holes that it was rendered perfectly useless i , Tbe .flames spread with astonishing .rapidity, crea ting in Intense excitement among the visiterß, or whom, It'is estimated, upward of two thousand were present; . , / 1 •• ■ It is feared tVat many were killed. One dead body has been taken out. The heat was intense. The services of the firemen were of no avail The whole building is in ruins. Bat a very small portion of the contents was saved. Two ouiy. or the many fire engines on exhibition, were got out uninjured. The bujjdiog was crowded with ar ticles on Exhibition of ev'ry rosstble description It is Impossible to estimate tbe loss with accuracy. The building fitfelf is estimat'd' fo have been worth *250 (TO, and the contents mqst have tpen worth double thatamount/ The Thirteenth Congressional District. M‘ucn Chunk. Oct. 5 —in immense People’s meet ing was held here last night. : Speeches were'made by Dr. Shoemaker, tho'ar ti-Lecompton candidate for Ocn greoa O H. "Wheeler. Mr. Fulton, Gov. Reeder, 0. Al bright and Mr. Hendrick. Eight hundred minors from Summit MUI. Nesquo honing sndHaekelt}irn*y at’ended the meeting. Yith banners, torches, and miner’s lamps on their heads, presenting a very imposing appearance. There Is great enthuifqsm all over the county in fa vor of Dr Shoemaker, and his friends qre in good hopes of bis success. Fugitive Slave Bxcitement in Ofimiiln. Obathaj}, 0, W., October 6—Tho greatest excite ment has been created here in consequence o r legal proceedings being issued against a body f of nsgroea for surrounding a tra'n of c*rs on the Qre*t Western Rail way, and taking forcibly therefrom a negro servant be .lpuging to Mr, Merlin, a planter of St. Louis. Ten or twelve or the n*groes were bouud over for trial at the next assises. The negro was taken against his own ur gent entreaties. .... Formal Invitation to General Faez to Return to Venezuela. Nsw York, Oct. 6—The.presentation of the decree of the National Assembly of Venezuela,'inviting Gene ral Faes to xetnru to that Republic, took place at the Metropolitan Hotel to-day. Tha hotel was splendidly derated; and two hundred distinguished cUisens imd foreigners were present.— General Pa*z will return home with the commission ers. The Yorjiviil.c illpre Deaths* Nsw YopK, Oct. U.—Edmund Burns and Patrick Tracy, who were wounded on Buud*y night, durlog the 1 riot with the Italian organ grinders at the Ooamepolitan garden, Yorkville, died last night of their wounds. Three deaths have resulted from this affray. Detention of the California Steamer* Nbw York October 5 —Tbe steamer Mones Taylor having met with a alight accident to her machioerv, which could not have been repaired io a brief perk'd, the company have thought best to send the steamer St. Louis m her p’ace. She will leave with the California majls and passengers op Thursday. The Burpljig of the Austria* Qukhko, Oat. 6 -—The name ot the girl Bated from the wreck of the Austria by the Norwegian ship Kata rina. wee Bophy Fourier. She and her brother. Hein rich Fourier, were taken from the rigging under the bowsprit of the Austria, where they hod been clinging ail the night of the 13th. The Atlantic Telegraph. Tbinity Bay. Oot 6 —There woe nothing done with yalentia yesterday. The.eje.ctric&l indications are un changed* Dp SiUTf.' • Death of. a Church Jlector.. Moyix, October s.—Henry M&ndeville, a rector of the Presbyterian Church, died her? on Sfctqrday. He was a native of New York. Plectlon at Wilmington, pel. WfLNixoroti, Dsn., October s—At a ward election held here, to-day for Assessors and fnspestors, the People's party carried three va;de opt of the five, The Fever at Charleston. Nkv Yobk, October 6.—Private letters from Obarjes. ’tqn state that/the yellow ferer is raring there to an awful extent, and' is fully as fatal as at Norfolk two yeapaago. * ' ■ 1 ‘ 'Markets by Telegraph. Bamimohßj October 6 —Flour is dull ,* Bales 1 of Ohio 1 and Atfs 50. Wheat firmer: red $1,151 ©51.25, white ’|l 20©$l 45. corn dull fwhUe'lqwer: salei xt/.Wityße! l J6HoW 830856.' hat steady: trc,22®23J<c. Provisions dull and unchanged.' OaiOAod. Octobers —Flour is dull. Wheat2c lower sale* of }I,OCH) bb)e at 670 - Corn, has Adeeming ten dency': sales at, s6d 'Oittaretirtn/ Shibmentfitoßufc »;# of.Pld^i'3l,ooo bush l *wheat, and 46.- 'OOO btifah Oort/; To Qsw’go—2,3oo bbls Flout ;10 000 bush Wheat.' Recelpts-e.OOO bbls Flour; 71 000 bnsh ' £i Jo 558 *Jj)Jitibur 1 i dull 1 ; superfine .ft finding buyers. WheatlsduU,’ bfit'utiobatSMd;-' WKtSktyretaOchßnged. ' Mo&ili, October 6.—Cotton —Sales of 3,000 bales at 12)fe for Middling. Bales of throe days 7,000 bales. Receipts ditto, 8,500. From Washington, $S WAsmjtoTos, Ootober 6. —A pnrate letter from Ariiona, »t»tes that the Port Xuma 'wet.on ilmlar Colonel Loach, is nearly completed ' ° , rWTholargfat political Convention dW Veld ra the Rio] Grande. lUMmbled at Ueallla on the. Bd of seitimbe?! Thedelegatdflrepresentcd about ten thtinean4 meople’.' Berolutfons were passed oalling on Oongreea to orjraiilre lho Territory at an early day, determining net to send member* 'to -tbe legislature of NewMexlco.-and to hold aoe* election for delegate to Congress, iriTorder to show the largely increased rote since last yew/" The Convention was addressed by Lieutenant Maury and others. The fields of the silver mines continue to Increase, and several new mines have been opened. General llrrean has, at the instanoe of Secretary Caes, returned to Washington from New York, on business l, u ®,lioM >»t!re«n.,the.Unlte4Btate»and. h'partment has Approved to Florida, dfadl sl.°t”. gr !; ,ionil grant 0f1866. over one hnn ?o S raUtymi'"e;'!oTeog 8 th t . I,, ‘ t J “ Cksol1 ’ 111 ” “ d; AU tliel Ti6 ,7 to promote an efficient military organ an t Lrti”wi'i¥S e i olt lS“?. o L tho district of Colombia, ’v^ 8 leaned, by direction of the President. WniJg militia ,h * t.o WMWcg - Administration that General Denver ahall recall hie resignation of the Gorernorahln aora!?'’ dof feet he ho boen ad,i„d , P -Z ° Q * l derable emigration was coming into Arizona tKhw,r tto fcoutk ®rn states, as well ttZ , , .Minister .to Spain. °, ttoba r 6 -Hon. William Preston', or t ra! l E.t r l )r ot Gobgresa from the MiSufraC < tb?f?o',s“r i s 0 ." 1 ! .“Moitted United, States Minister to the Court of Madrid. He haa accepted the .appointment, and j? 1!! soon depart to begin hie dutlee. Great' fentlieVirig of the People. [Correspondence of The Press.} f .I. l' 1-: a- . ■ - 1 CUESTWR, Oct. i, 1858.' ' ■ , ,Ti}e mass meeting of th.e people, held at Media, on Saturday last, favorable to'the election of Hon. John Hickman, wwf of whioh his numerous friends in the Sixth district have just oause to,.feel proud.., At one o'clock, delegation lifter'delegation, frem most of'the townships in the county, began to. pour in. The Old Guard, from Upper and Lower Chichester, brought with' n full-riggei ship, manned with sailorsin bluo ? jaokets, from, stem to stem, followed by wagons with the hardy yoomanyy.from those toWhshlps.' The vehicles were oovefed with quaint mottoed, J which" 1 told' that'their owners were„in. earnest, and that they wero determined toi do jus tice to -an -honeßtman -and an incorruptible pa* triot.- i ■■♦-}> /J.» » J ~i IV * ' | > ; After-tho different delegations had arrived upon the ground, and tho “ cattle” which had [drawn had been properly oared for,' thd meet ing was organized by tho* appointment of the fol-' lowing officers: 5 < ' 1 President—Hon Edward Darlington, of Media. Vice Pbbsidbnts—Dr. John T. Huddleflon, Thornbury /Nathaniel Pratt, Concord; Abraham L.' Panhook; UppoT Darby; Joahua P: Eyre, Ches ter; Robert MoCali; Bethel: Humphrey J. Glbl •son/Lower- Chichester; ; Joan 7 ■Olayto'b//Bethel/ William Eves, Nether Providence: Adain O. Eck feldt.; -Hayeyford; Joseph*’»*•.'Morris, Media:; Samuel Sharpless,’Middletown / William Russet!/ Jr.j' Darhyf • Hngton, l °Rld!ey*;i James Cochran, Chester /Jbhfr R/' Wari&b] Upper Chiohester; John H.. Baker; lOhester ft Ahiraham Sharpless, Concord; Jamea Lewis, ; John R- Casey, Marcus Hook; Thomas Webster, Lower' Chichester; : William C, Boker, Lower Chichester. * • 1 SECBStfAßiks—George Drayton, ..vThornbury; Prank' Field, Chester; Charles R. -Wilfiamsori, o Media,-.-f ‘ v’ ,i ;u - The president opened the'meeting in a neat and eloquontapeeoh; 'Healluded to the aotsahd votes bf llon/ John Hickman, and said they had won for him the heartfelt gratitude;'not only of eyery re* .fleeting man In the district, hut of every honest mah in the North.. He hAd atoc’d by his constitd* the darkest struggle which ibe country had kOOVrn'for mahy'yeafs, and they would stand by him, despite the manoeuvring of interested politi oiaos who seek to rob him of tbe honor te whioh he is justly entitled- There are hundreds in the district'whose hearts are in the right plajoe on the great before .the people, who need only to peroelVe the truth to insurb'their embracing it. Afters referring* ;to - thafact : that there; were'" present at tbe meeting large numbers of life* long) Dem6cratAahd’old-llnd ;Whigs; acting in concert in this great movement, be Introdaoed Dr.' the audieno? in. n telling speeon of more than an hour and He was followed by David;Web htbiV'Bs^ 1 , who is one of the mdst eloquent and argumentative speakers we have ever listened to. Mr Webster was followed by Frazer Smith, tEsq., and,Josoph'Wilson,-E?q., of' Chester county) both of whom ‘delivered offeotlvo addresses. i < -IftMh"demonstration 4 ia'-'any evidence of the state of feeling in this county, the vote of Mr. Hiokin&h'toudt far exceed' the oaloulatiohs of his most sanguine friends. -'■ Vory truly yours/, --- - X '-S.' "‘""Three Baya iater from Europe. /a;- Arrival;of theiHammonia. . ’ TheitorOw. steatoer on the 2 2lst' Sep tember *froni Southampton, arrived at New York ytretenl*j , ,~with~ao4 passengers^ 6*f Baltimore .had arrived at Liverpoor and the Ariel, at'.Southampton/ The Ariel ran ’bff the ,Isla of/Wlght; hut-was get off without damage. , pawder m&gmine. qf the Hammonla blew up near, Hamhqrg. - Several i pas sengers were slightly injured, and saloori da*, maged- , '• . An Eoglish Vlew iof the <^ EcllO ,, Capture. (Vrom the London Times, September 21.] i < The Americans are trying “to do it',themsolves. }> They have taken their maritime police into their own hands, and are enjoying & sweet experience 'of its 'trouble and; Its oost. As a nation, we are boiind to honor the independence, the self-respect, and the love of work, whioh have etirrod them at last the honesty of their otm flag for themselves: ; 1 fHere follows a statement of the foots in the case of the Echo, and het AftpivaLat Charleston ] - The United-States Government, it seems, has resolved* to do its beat for them (the oaptlves of the" ‘‘Echo*') by. sending them to Liberla in the far-famed. Niagara; a very [grand,, qnd, as our nayy , will think, a very singular escort for -314 young niggers—fad, littered/washed, and' even olothed as so many swine. r r . u Bat another result of this new ambUicm'wbich has seised the States is, likely tb tell on the Ame rican mind quite as mu oh aa any difficulties of eti quelto. It does not cost a trifle to take 314 “ men and brethren ” Aqrqjg the Atlantic, and take pro visions for their prongs pare in their new residence. On a former ooaasiotf.ft seems, thq Qovornmont employed“ the Colonization Soaiety ’* to take 200 rescued off their hands, and It cost them. $300,000. By the same rale the present opor&tion would ooit about £12,560. It seems likely, how ever, to oost more. . The passage of.suoh a ship as the Niagara across the Atlantio must absorb very much more than the $lOO,OOO whioh. the liw assigns for the purpose, and in addition to that; tho American Government will have to arrange with the Colonization Society, or the Liberian Government, for the temporary mnlntenanoo and safe disposal of the poor creatures. The expense must fall oh the whole JJnion. Weoan, however, fancy the Southern State*, and thosaip the North who may |be inter ested in Cuba, ot in the cheapness of slave labor, not quite Jilting to be at ooatsfor suoh an object as turning the stream of African labor baok again to its souroo. Had the Eoho, or tho General Put nam, which was the real name of this Blavor, been captured by & British cruiser, net only would the little difference with the citizens and local • au thorities of Charleston have been avoided, but England would Jiave had the honor of paying some |)OQ, without anybody knowing it, for the transit and disposal of.the.three hundred 1 Af ricans. .Tfcty bonfldoration, it is' quite possible/ may lead the. Afflericans to review thoir Vacant proceedings, and give England the benefit of their second thoughts; .The British are aooustomed to spond millions in rescuing Africans. They do it with a will. ' There is no expenditure, not even castle-building, gambling, ardent spirits, or any other luxury, they run into with so muoh propensi ty and so littlo regret. .If the Chancellor of the Exchequer wore next year to introduce into the estimates an item of half a million for taking ten thousand negpqes from America to any desert or swamp on‘the l -Afrioan poast/not only would it pass, opt it would justify any excess of expenditure over income. Whether the taste has gone across with our blood is more than we aim pretond to ooqjeoture, bat we'shall certainly.think thei Atae* rioans more like: ourselves than we bfad huherto supposed ithem, If -they :take?very kindly to the employment of oonveying (say) twenty oargoes of rescue Afrioanß a year 1 at $lOO,OOO a cargo. “Possibly it may ocour to them at' lastfjthttt afl we seem to like this sort of. and .show a ipeoial vocation for-it, we may as'well keep It to our selves.' In that j'oase they may' perhaps'Staod a few “ British outrages” now' and then. For our part, we would rather soe them fairly co-opera ting in the work, as they seem to be doing now, and therefore offer them.our hearty congratula tions and ■ on tho spirited way in which'they are following up the .late capture. MONEY AND BUSINESS. The London Times of Tuesday* September %\ following items; - , u The Eqelieh funds hare been dqil to-day, without r anr obvious cause, since, although a payment of 25 per cent, on the new India loan had to be met, money was, abundant in the Btpck Exchange at 2 per cent l and a further very considerable supplv of gold was taken to the Bank Consols for money were fl-st quoted 07 Jg Jo #, and they left off at 07# to for money, and 37 jf to X for the 12th of October. '* The general business of the, port, of London still continues inactive. - The number of ships reported in ward during the psst week was IQ2, and -those cleared ontyard amounted to IQ7-, including 12 In ballast. Of those new on the berth loading' outward. 56 are for the Australian colonies, four for Vancouver’s Island, one for San Frannlsco, and four for China/ i “ In the Com market this morning there yas a (\e ‘olioe of, between lBfipd2q,* ■; > The amflQDt qf.gpld taken .to the bank to-day was £300,000, comprising £lOO QOO bar and £20p.000 Rqq aian The total &)rpady sent in since the date of lost week’s retqrn Is thqa raised to £420 QOO, and the stock tqy held muat'tberefore be considerably larger than a£ any period dqring the post fire years.' , ‘The Par|a'Bourse‘Op6n ß d with buoyancy this morn ing'. but the final quotations T2f 75c for, mopty, and 72f 866 for the end of,the month', showing V reac tion of a quarter per cbpt' *' * ■ ' PSThe Liveipool uotlph msrfcpt of Monday'September 20tb, is reported as lollops, ’ •. >-• . If A Isrse amount of* business iB belnff~transacted in Ootton daily. This day’s sales exceed ,10.000‘ba’es— onp-fourth.on specu)Btlon and fer export. Holders are unwilHngto sell except at an AdvanceT W many Inatan ces l-16d. qp’ lb has been paid.” +MIBJOAH IN TUB LOJIbW iJAUKST, BSPTSM I . i -,;v :bbb2l, 188?. » • BallWiys. ■ , , , » Closing Prices BqineSs done. Illinois Central 6 ct.. 1867.. .79 to 81 xc. Do,, 7 V c«nt:. 1875 • * 78-80 xc. • Do., do .Prealandj 1860 ~77—79 Do,,slooshares,soopaid 23—2’ die. 21 die. Miofc/Oeu.* W cent,lB6o 83—87XC. ’ DO, do., 86—88 -. 'Do’.iTfßlnltfng fundi) do;, 1882 86—88 xo. Mich 8. Sc. N IndT V' cent., /slnklogfand } 1885..62—64 SIOO shrre#.."..'..,, - • ke#-York. Central OV* cent.,: * / j - (sinkingfund.) 1883..... */rB3 —B5 ... 84 1 COD., 1864... 95 - 4 Do ,$lOO shares 76—78 N. Y. and Rrie 3d mtge.,7 cent., ,06 —6B . D0.,5100 shares/. 16—18 . Pe&na. Ceq bda., Istmtge.con., • , j ..89 -91 . 90jg r,. Do;,2d mtge . 6 ot., 5ter1...01—93 , , 9l^ffl92X The Times of Tuesday reports a dull and he'avy feel ing in New York Oentrel ana New York and Erie secu rities. CITY. I— -a f W, i - ; THIS EVENING. Academt of Mdbi</—“ The UaTela.” J . WuiinitT A>onißKß*s Aboh-stbebt ‘ Cl*ndestlnaJl»Tiage n —“ A Wicked WifeP* , Mas i" D wb as 1 Walhot-stbibi Thsatbi.— Naval Engagements”—“ The Son of the Night.”*"’—* Hall.—Sanderson’s Panorama of thrf-Eds/ sisn War. HitiosAL Hall.—Williams* Panorama of ithe Bible’; ' - A&SBHBLr-Buildings.—< fiignor Blits.** s *^dopiroxr.i—A meeting of afternoon. ;£;« »•< a Jiorum present until K&.piat three, ■■■lyl.mentAtrto- »n ordinttci «p'-' An ordinance entitled a supplement to' an • organisiag tile deparlment for BuppWlnte the-dtv with'- ’ wfctcrj’kpproVed October fld,' 1864/ - * *• - . -* * ordinance-tojnake-ari appropriation to tb'e Board of Controller* of Public Bchools, far of cer tain scbooMiouses, and for other purposes. > ' l * i Amendment to a bill entitled an ordinance to profido for the application<6fthe'idgacy of Elliott Oresson to the city of Philadelphia. ’ i A . r *P?Vsl° n instructing the Committee on Railroads, to report a supplement to the ordinance Passenger Railroad Companies, I - Aresoldtion'reqiteltfng the'Maybr'to enforce "the ordipaace against emptying coal'frdm carte efl the foot .wavs. .. . . ;,{>-. + ‘' • 1.,,,; 1 ■ klUi of Benjamin Pran- A resolntloa toTejrtCrd the name of Franklin Placa f to,as. much ,of Hudson? StWet bore that name. ; .. > )■{ A'Or-ii! i 1* AfeßolQiidri Instructing the. Oommltteeron Trust* and Fire' DenaTttaehf tolifquif?w V numbSof cempwies in the Fire diminish-, ed with advantage to the city, > , l o«errt»^^J a^“^, W4 o ai?ii ent F; a ™‘»« n*med e “° latll " l ' ,e ’ ,il ‘ I “ t< "^ , “ f * thonin ° f th ® OilTj’S-flipitprlW compel FM»4nk«f SR»llw»y S r i°' » t »*®®?°tor,thB cost 6r fhsir ro»d tv**!• ® ,rt w®,™?™ «*»«' tip -'repeals that [wrlion of ftiTS 1 ? Umit ng tho prlce of gu.t*2.2sVior 1,000 leet. io certain portions of the city. - tVi rV' , ,. l ’ 0 ““'! moTed to amend/by* adding, Proridod ra‘.rar. a : d Hffftl required, after m«k-, .51 il. h “PPtoptiatloA to the sinking fnnd, and p-yiig -fS: l§S , .t?'!i, ,hS r “ Bp ? ctiv ’' l 0“". »* new required br 8x^ ,a ,l- Bneftte 8 neftte canard br an increase-' -.VW^ , . lf t.‘W ,ro > nl,ed for follow inr|)tt*po#oB—-td the Introduction of Berrice-pipe and peters; pipes; to refund to cltilzens the amounts of moneys advanced by them (over the usual rMe of charge) for the laying >of-gas pipes,‘kno‘lntro>; ductlon of service-pipe and meters, and t£ejr apparte .nancep; to refundjo-citiseos-the amonhtsof <moneyi P &l |\ t 7jheqiasadi»W9nsqq{UyiJ» ppijfon'df the Gas Loaif, NO. 9, used In the pnrehaseand laying of gas pipes, *p- A RSQTWIt4£ tfaatthtfpnce of gas shall not exceed two dollars and fifty cenu per one thousand feet.'* -y o n\ vi u 0 fsA v. *rV mi*n, i- - Considerable discussion took place betweep members, upoh ! 'the , ordina'nce/dufink << wmcii’ r? MK'Wlßter«read a Mr t - John.Wl«gandito;Hs T-’Klng, Esq., in s which he says, “Jn answer to your auestion the presentiirieeof private 4 cohsnmers, 142.2& perl s OOOfeet ti J»ssjs.p6ri < the trustees to derive sufficient surplus proflts from the sales of gas to meet the in areas in? WMdhWtb r that .consequent.enlarge fnent-roHAhe [works, mains, service pipes and meters—l answer no **( amendment proposal by Mr. Manrielwipi iagreed w w f-i ' ! Mr Sbcrmer askea now jt was.possible .for them to ebarge-witer to-thosewhoneteFused Itl c He thought sbeyreia]4 josver compel the parent of such a ‘tax as this. He desired to they could.coUecpit? Mr. Bal]ook's6ld'fhhY'codld'‘'&ht&”4nfbrcb such an- no aefroffatteniMy to com pel the payment of water* tax from those who toitfit asblt.'a” AH't “I yf» Vtl': >‘u.> VX . Mr. Wsgner moved to amend that before cnclv a hr Is levied the chief .engineerahaU erect pavement hy drants at certslij intervals alongthe Nc|t Agreed On the final passage v of the bill, the vote sWod 25 to, 12r-noquorum ‘-Adjourned.’ 1 - Real Estate, Stocks, &c.— Tho foDqwing sale* of real estate and stooks were made by H Thomas Sc PoDB; iast*vefilDgf atih'e Philadelphia Exchange: Share In tbs Point Breeze Park, $140; Share in the Mercantile Library, ‘ $8 50; 2 shares Arch strsetThea* , tre,with stockholder soaspnticketsto $B9O each; season’riclretAcademy of Music, $2O; 2 brick etreet.rtontiLbf^W«st street. residence and 3 lptsvn''rthMstAOorner -ofiTiU and Lo cust streets, West Philadelphia, $3 000: lot of ground, west tide ofr TUI Phi ladelphia,*sl,s2s; Ibtofgroncd northwest‘torper of TUI and r locuat streets.. $8,400: 2 three-story ibrick dwellings/ Nbs; 88'&'46 f -Notth Fifth street, bitween Market and Arch street*, aod lot adjoining on North street, $0,150; property No. 40 North Fifth sjxeet, $6,976; property North street, rhetween Jtf&rket and Arch streets, $1,275; 2 brown stone 317 and 319 South between Spruce and Hniou street*, $11,100; Bbuvier's mahogany and!mar ble work*, -the square ;uorth of Walnut and east of Second street, boilaiog, large lot, steam engine! Ac., Ve.OOOffVTaTuanlctlot, Walnut street, between DeliwtttiK Front, and % Second strseta v 64Ji00: 2r handsome NoaGoOland 1506, Ghost not street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, Broad sbCot : l6t, north or Bonth,sl 800 f lof 6f nrCund, east side' of Brodd street, 'Sdjolnuja'. the. abpveJV.aSO: neat modern reßidenoe, No/1904 Pine ! of Nineteenth, $2,900; 4 brick dwellings, OttelMreet, sl.2p(h 51,850 ;Hwbi* story orick dwelling. Np,i)s GebharAstreet, bet?ire«n [Fiftesafhanu'^ix^>n[hia4d,Jforjl£»nd;Ol»a7. pUlftQ; coant.- Doar <,Bmyrnaa taiOM; two-Mory moriiing Sergeant i?S»,W«r>*. to Mayor Henry, the .following partleuiars of a case, la which Thdmt* £4e SiridPatriftk-McGowan were charged yesterday, before Alderman Ogle, with tbe perpetration of a robbery on hoard the.sloop Becky. Ann; ljingld the Schuylkill, near the arienal, At ; IhiSrhesrlneOaptain Bamnel Bowen “Friday bight list be n tween ten and eleven o’clock, three men cambdif hoard 1 the. boat; one of ihetn.hffriag hnothir a clnb" the one with tbe npa whUet the other'stood sentinel" r A 'aemsnd war made for all tha, money the esptain had, under threat to shoot If it was not at once produced. . (> IT ] One whb stood-sebtieel cried out, u Shoot thejn If they dq not give, all the moneys* cßdsides the captain, John Bcull, and bis .wife, were on board. Mrs Sonll was xerj-nmeff alarmed, but nhe was quieted with tte aasqranee that.thay.Would, notiihrt, her v captain Bowen them between four and five dollars, when they left.' 'Htf idedtifledTee J of the party,’and ,Jaha£<iaU amlwifeddantified. in ad dition testified that McGowan was abaut the wharf in the' afternoon /and" declared Wd' "hire .the'old. man’s money', meaning Opt. Bowen,,,The accused denied being on the boat. They were dommltted lh deftult of $3,000 bail, to answer at the present term of the'Quar .tec,Sessions., ’> V. o*..Vfm II f i i | >s The'Effects OF. J .Rowj>Y£BHyi-During Mon dav night there were several d sturbances at disorderly, houses, and numerous' arrests were made, The most serious.afbiz took* bladei*t> a‘dta'ce attke German beer house, No 418 Vice street..* A.,general-fjgbt camn. olTbero, during whioh wm’ beaten ab*ut the head wltfy glass. The glass became broken in the hands of the assailant, and the wodnds infiicUd oy the jigged''fragments were numerous,hind mepps was called u()on to dress the wounds, thought they, might result fatally, Lieutl FrankSofdlrbd'the'arrest bf all hands in;tbe house, and they were ifound'secreted-id onsets, Ac.- Upon one of tbe prisoners ~a carving knife *waa found, and upon &nptber>M> were takon to the station house. Baring tbe fight it the house a man named the aead while try ing to make peace*.' About four o’clock'pn' Tuesday morning a fight took: pltjce at ademcq qoiptsd.population of Bed ford street/above'Beventh. Mardor”.waa, cried, and there was a high time generally. The polloe captured u considerable number of the belligereuts. A fight took place on Monday evening at a disreputa ble housein Willow below Ninth: ’Four feuuJes, who were in the fight, were arrested, and held to answer, y. ; i; Involved Mtstkrt.—Testerday moVn iDg,’at a very early hour, Officer Maxwell, of,the Sewnd police district, while talking along his beat.' found a‘- womtn lying insensible: cendit)on on ,the pave ment in Conco'rd place,‘Above"Second street*. I|et head waa quite ssyerely 7 cut, and.her, face appeared to be much braised.' The supposition of the Ameer was that' the woman had been ill-treated by being thrown from a house in Concord place. lse went int > a house therein, t and arrested qo EogUshmon named Bigley on suflpieion • of having committed an assault ana battery. At the station house the woman appeared to be is a dying con dition. Medical aid was At once summoned, and the professional services of Drs. R-ed and Benner served to restore her to consciousness ’ Rigley waa taken before Alderman Flomington yesterday morniDg, and with the bffebce'as we have stated it At this hearing, the woman. wb<”WM ranch better, testified that the de fendant had nothing whatever to do with the assault upon her, but was unable to' account for her wounded condition. Rigley wa« then released from enstody, and :he walked toward his home with.the woiaah/ 1 The Aboade Hotel;—We-would call the attention of the travelling public to..the. card of this establishment in to-day’s paper Its location, plan of operations accommodate ns. pnty facilities iin *ll re— apects, commend It to the*business-man lu'pfeference to almost in the oonntry. In one of the most central poiltidniof thscfasnlohable thorough fare, *.n4.opndQeted<npon the European plan, it offera inducements to the, business to our city of a raro oharaoteri f -MeMrs: 'ffravfit aim De Young, tho proprietors, am gentlemen whose acquain tance with tbe’wants of their guests, and whose dispo sitionV t£3fc&mmodato, will, at all times, insnre to those who may make the permanent of tran sient home, all ths enjoyments which can bs desireljin a perfectly regulated hotel. Committee >5OF\ FmEltEK.—A' commiltoc from the Citizen Engine and Hose Company, of Harris bargaro now in our city, for the nqrpose of receiving tholrnew fintton fo'r them ai Wa . terford /N evf .-yprk-; .expected toreroive tbeir engine yesterday', trat'owiog to some causo, it did not arrive,,. It ia'6opBd£ntlv,expeot‘d to-d*T. Through the kindness of the Good Wilt Vngiec'Gompany, the committee from Harrisburg have been tenderod the ufc of their houfo for the reception of the neyf engine,. We A full descrlptiooof'tbeWacbineras Voon .as we shall bare had an opportunity of personal, ioapec. nion -The committee conaists of Colofagl' 8 : Sareh. Messrs. A. L. Caret, D L. L. JFmnk, 5 George Bailey, apd Joseph Montgomery', ‘•*- '* ‘ , i STApaEp’,— At anVeacly': honr tyes terday morning the police found a wditian namvd-Oatha rlne Kelley 1} log omthe side-walk rat’ Sixth -and : Piue streets. She was badly wounded-in the btek, having ,beeo Htabbed.vfith a knife; { 'fn hhkfibwn' r man with I whom sbe bad a wrangle. street. - The sufferer, who,is a woman of. we* taken to; the; The.woqnd,- although is not considereda*ng>rous. 'Bhes't&ted tonne of;the attending .pbjplcians that she knocked, down at the corner Of and Pine streets by a man whom ,she did not know. and stabbed in the back.with a dirk- Vnlfei - &he had giye'n no provocation for this dastardly aasanit. She. stated, that her, name w*s .KeUox. . The Sequel.—About noon-.yesterday, Mr. James‘M/Bilger, who was charged'before Alderman Freeman with having abducted a fair .Jewess, about a week since. f>om-the Amerioafi-HOtSl, ‘hid a (Urther hearing. The evidence elicited clearly proved bad done nothingungentleidauly from the beginning of this transaction, and the alderman granted him an honorable dieoharge.-.-phas ends, for Jbe present, the strange and Aventful tale’’of the *» pfcetty’Jeislfca ” s. Target , Fraotice. —The. State Fencibles paraded for target practice on Monday aFternooo, and proceeded to Diamond Cottage, Camden. They num bered fOrty-eishtmnsketa, and eliolted universal com mendation’or their soldierly appearance, end correct, steady movements,The firing was some ofthe heat that we have seen, and the award of prices waa entire, ly satisfactory to all concerned., .. K T Harness Thieves— Two’ nien wote at Seventh and Master streets about four yes terday tnoroiog, haring in,their.ppssesslon a aetof sin gle harness which fa believed to hAve been Stolen The harness/ which was in a * bag l marked ’ ” Pennepack MIIU,’ 1 is At the -Twentieth-ward sUtlop-hottse. Fiee, -fire/at two yesterday alVarnoon vnw, wu*ed by- nlisrlit burning of the. roof of, No, ,302 The damage Would not exceed,five, got ready.togo intosetyice, hut thqfiameßwereextinguish ed with buckets. * v - Child- Burned, — Ar-child was slightly. ijurntd : at : E)freth’B .alley; !h6l6tf. Secoild B'reet, by Its clothing .accidentally taking flpe whiUt playing'near the Raines,, v y t- Dead child named French was found dead in bed, yesterday, at Schoolavenue, Twelfth street, above Brown. , a a’tUßi SOOHRTH. ; - i v'E'Xv' [ E -r'd c X e d IBS a . ."-'‘ll'ilO QKABTBa SBBsioira—Judge Thompson.—ln tbs cteMriWniiWiSilSn, cha»Bil ««i-iaTolnDtaiy manslaughter; -Verdict of- guilty, Attornev thV v tnivfd'Fsul Brown for 'w .wl \ Bare.— George Landelj &.n actien of Beforerepofted!*Not concluded iQflXh t^rX l ’SESgidss^J'.Thcmpson.— George Henry pHsd ghilty to’thVlkrceny bt a coat. was convicted of the Itr fsSßJ‘ftf %s t :- 4 John of an assault and bat 4fenr bn Margaret McDonough., i - J o-* u*? t * Mfchael Brown ."was convicted oLan assault on Mar garet’Branson -> ’» OMS. * was pnt on his trial ,on -“the charge of steallng-Vpxece of drygoods from Yer- by Jndge Thomp9pn:,vjQait|iaiii}9>£lmi; s > thip° -luontha ; George @ e Wj..onayear:.?9bi® Beanettj-twp'Bionths; Michael Brown, four months; John The t c»urt theu-adjourned until this moroing. Wnrphy; Abaction of - An action for the recovery Browne and Jane Browne,'his wife: 'An'action to recover, for medical service* re Wif4.4^Verdict for plaintiff for $131.62. oil**. •^^Udwqp^r^nvfif»LewU<39opor4 An aotion to re coror on a' contract by''defendants to pay the plaintiff ,S6O forfthrfie yeara&roiflithe Ist of Janna-y, 1354, for the dividends or profits to be made on 100 share* ipf ;Gap Mining • Company stock: Verdict for plaintiff $59. . i Robert N. Keeley. An aotion to recover the sum of $5O lent to defe^dastby-pl^inll ff *s wife, . On trial. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. -The l Monoy Market. iJ..; i it BHitAhiXpHLi. October 5,1858. The shipments of specie last -week to $l,- 126.404. lost, from, the first to the last'of Anguif,’ $7,000,001)' of Btope that time d fedadtfbh of rdwYng down their*;line ’Yrd^iri^fiOtf.dbd*io $123,- ‘600,-COO •* 1,1 f ,±?44 > p—t This decline of $8,000,000 has made New Fork for the tirae a AdvancAffat Cincinnatf/'fios’ton' and Philadelphia are alto debtors. Onr Imfeßtedneis tylmng that the equanimity br'ouf banks ifl hit atVU dfrttrfbeff and they are inareaaing their loans about $lOO,OOO a.week. - « ‘The lMt'i.rrfvarr®pbrts' in London at«2,;per cent. inumey will W invested in oar bills, Ac , wh\ch.!nvestments wtil' quietly 1 phv*' stop to. specie, shipments/ .. _ ,iT ’ declared a dividend of six percent., and an extra dividend of The Newark Advertiser understands that a n*w ba\k is about to bc,pitab]iahedUn that city, 1 under the gene ral law, with a capital of $1001)00, a considerable amohhtf'Of VWdIP subscribed. It is understood that r Mr-G S-Oraham, late cashier of the City BarS/, wlilW?t^caamer? > - ‘ L . The Md9mpiic?is|ar to be wax. iDg'hdtter. The Boston Journal of Saturday say* that a mesMpgerfyonr Bahk press nied $30,000 at the counter of the. Appleton Bank, In Lowell,' on Fri waScoru- meßeed.and, If found ovef lmmedfately.M VmestongdtUto’A at the \7t meslt Bank with $15,060, and { d?maaded specie. - It*ls proposed fo' Convention or mans- In «>! B »r?r,Baffaio, on 13th lp»t, We understand „.that :tha.~ mala-'purpose of features of the St. Nicholas agreement, &£Hse adop tion by the 'WestenreondeetJoa* of a geneml policy to conform The coal'receipts an increase'foe the week of Tha cuttom-hoow retain iftMWfajwfrteh. at tha of th* month as follows: Dutiable goodgj'contuniptioiP e dil^iH?A s l. .$i1,180.523 Dutiable goods, warehoused i' 2.900,710 £».W.w»te VJATSIA Ai i ... 1,253,829 ~ wfsW ;v.‘ .viA *15,335 062 Against September, 1867 16 042,015 Dacrease in 18^5....... .$707 Ola The dmbuot if |ubds of tueprfrvious importationwith drawn were also entered during the month fmtoignVold and sUvbr.of Ih# vklueef sisii2©(; last year the foreign specie entered wasflljtegjjfoA- In domestic produce.., „ .V^V^521,992 wt 185 836 .''U'gaiart Bapteiub«ttlJeTV b i - FoWiM'riieiiKitfcd.......: 633.679 ■, 5pade............................. aaff.w W.193 ICO 'soSnfiapS3nc^3§^id^^^^^^§^l3,ooo Foreign re - exportil.;.... e 55832,00« rP&A-i-l VJfevjiiiVfr.-jf' lsQt&fafefyzi’d oca coo Xli; A il’Kvfi 23’eiT,918 Decreiiedrefiaipta-from tVrooaV'.v. Aviv.-iiwT^OO , SJOOK (BXOBifiGE SALEB, i'iit v. October 6, 1853, Jp!«W»aaTJUJILIT* BBOWlff BAFS-irOWfVTOOX, ATO UXOHXHQB BROKBHS,.SOaTHWBST COSNBB THIRD AHD OttSSTHC» 'cfaStVß\J ' *3, -FXRBMGABD. *—^ — 500 Penna 65..,k/..a,'MV 100 city 6« ..’...1T.?:M% 800 do ....PBB9SE 800 do ......98)4 600 k do<w.<r.'i 1000Pa'S9s Ist mi..loox MOO;. ,da ~J. 2d,ret.B9S 7000 04 Am 6. >B6ai& 8-2 inooDelßMt 6« ~05.84? 1000 do 84V 1000 0 & D 1 01 mt6a..7Bu 2000 Sotijl Nar 6a ’B2. .05 V 2PeaDa B .44v 22 .: • da.,.44J „ ..., .BETWJSEN ’5OOO TamuiHe' i. .90 v 1000 otA a, >7O 2 da.Bo ] 1.8 Swife.'ftujili.'?.. .44 x 10 Farm & Mechßk. .59v 5 Mor 01 pfd.. .bswn 101 20 Union Bk of Tenn.lfOv Scrip £8 6 PhUaßank 117 l<bt da P.&.K 117 6 Union Bank 2t> 111, ;ssnn -4-» 12 do 49 1 OauLdiAm 112 10'Bekv Sftadow 55£ 10 Kchmond Gas 9# 5 Lehigh 49 16 Philaßant.i.»...ll7 3L-Penna-R....-.i.-....44j^ bo’abd? -smiit-siioomi. " 149'abt Pehna6s...,.'9o¥ 350 do ...lij.rsfifidv 500 do 90 .20 .21« % 6 Penna k...4’..t. BsaV-Meadow.../. .55 % ICGAeadlng .R.-^.. .2da.24 13 do 24 24 60 do 2t ,60 ,do 24 * ffUntdnßanr .. c ;;.i.20 6ppflity?6sP.Cß:R.’V.:99 5010 do ...........98k dooo do ...a,...„.eaj2 1000 S.'dO.'iJ.'.'.'iU.:” - 1000 Penna B It znt fialOOk 600 N Penna R 65...,.67k 3 -oo .7'? di*‘i£r.’ r .6t42 IQOQ , do.. ...r67u s 6otf Fank'A Sthk 7«. .92 ' 4 Harririjurgß 56# 6 Kensington Bank..64# ' 80 Minehill R 59# IQ Planters Bk Tena,lCo ,B'. do .....100 .ICES—FIRM. iid. AsAr-cf. BdtNavlrap6s.:.69)4 70 do Stock...,. 9 ~do .Pref .16* 16 Wmsp’t&Elmß.lO IOK 7O 78 do 2d mtg..v.4B>fi 49)^ Long*lsland ,11# llx Glrardßank 13* 31# tehCoal&Nav.:.4B!f 49y ■ N Peuhaß ...i./Sjc - do „ 1 Vx . New Creek,-.;.*... X Gatawisaaß...,,. e.\ I Lehigh Zino % I* 1000 W * El 2d mt7s/.48« tOC 0. Wilmingtoaß 6s JOO w 500TirgaR 5 ' ' 'OLOSINC PRI , •. t>”. f • Bid. A*ked U States &’• >U- aO3 10&X Phila6s..9B X 93jk ’do J ' !B v ....98X 68k •- do New. .103 lOfiJ Penna65,.’......i90y 90X Reading R 24 24 W' .., -do —Bda ’7a.,76jfr-80~ f do -Mta;Ba ’44.9ft , Qlv a • PAnsa R.......^44j^44X ; rr-do lstm 6s,.;100^101-' .. 2dm65....89X 90 - Morris Can Con. .41 43 ' do Preflol Sohayl Nsv 6s ’82.66# £0 - Reading c10ie5.,,,,,...., - PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Oet: 5-iErENi3O, The Flour market remains 3oo bbls standard superfine at $5 to/6^)*fiblssttaiglit s 'do at $5 62 X ,-600 bbls do tod selected brand at $5.6i, a/d ICO half bbls at $8 the pauv ThVwtailbrs and 'bakers are baying moderately at frpmssW to’ss' 75for'common and choice superv/fS Tfiofl 26'fbr extra, SOO6 6O for extra’famDjJ find for fan ; cy lot/, a 3 ia quality. ‘Rye’Flour and Corn hfeal are' scarce:’ the i former Is quoted at $4.12 X 0*4.25 and the latter at U 25' V-bbl for is c.-t much doing, and prinpe lots only are saleable at preseat prices; tales .include about 1,800 bnsh at 12Sa>130c for good end prime reds, and 140&145e;ftc~white, the Ist ter for Kentucky. Bye fs steady with small receipts, and sales at Soefor t nejr and 85 c Joy .old. J3orn Is rather more inquired for, with sales of 2&3,C00 bu to note in lots at 90®91c for good yellowdn store, and 920 afloat; a sale of inferior was made at 80c, in store; 500 bushels new Bf th&efisob* dry, and in good condition, sold at 800. Oats are in steady de mand at 458 fo? gopd._,BQ»ti«ni j - a sualh lot of prim brought 46c in he cars. Bark—-Qu*rcitron iasomewhat unsettled, and sales of about 100 at l/ ' Cotton—The demand coq tinues >t moderate, aod a small, bnsiness doing.'st pre vious quot&tiohp.. The Provision market la unchanged, with moderate sales,of Baeon. at steady,prices cTbe market for Grcoorles is firmer, with sales of 3 000\aga Rlq,Co2eeat ll>j'c,on time; nothing.doing In Sngar. Seeds—2so bnsuels Cloverseed sold in lota at $5 75 fo? old, and $5 76«*6 for new. Whiskey is selling in lota, as wanted, at 24<a24S(c for bbls, tbs latter for Oblo; 23#a2ic for hhds, &nd22£o23cfo*drudge. , AtrcviON ..NaTIOB, —TTo invite the jvarticular atteniicQ of, defiles to, the attractive sale, this morning, hy'Bt. Soatt, Jr., auctioneer, No. 431 Chestnut/street, commencing at 10 o'clock,'oom priaing-a full assortment of new style embroide ries, bonnet ribbons, trimming gibbons, velvet rib* bon?, real thread laces, cbrßets, Frenoh ffowers, Ac., Ao. , t There has been quite afugitlve slave excitement at Chatham, C. "W., caused’ by legal proceedings instituted against a gang of negroes who forcibly took -against his vjilJ, from las master. The yield of the silver mines in Arizona con tinues to inprease., _ t . f , Jt . Fatal Acoident—A Man,Kilieb.—Xaa Thursday morning a Jdr. Rdwin West, reriding vrrih hiB family in the Sixth ward, CincinnaU, met with an acoident whioh terminated fatally almost on the instant. He was engaged in digging a col lar on Righth street, between Harriet when the bank, some twelve feet In height, feH in upon him oruehing him in a horrible manner. Ho was egtrioated in a few bat life was ox tinot. The deceased leaves a wife and a family of children, and waa about4orty-three years of age. Ripe Figs have:'been gathered this year from fig-trees in‘the epen air at Bath, Maine. ' ,4 “ * ’ "'' ' Fair - a.t. Jatne’4. HAii..--We,.'y,on!iJ jdiiect the attention ot onr readers to the fair nowhe,log; held at'Jtyne’s Hall, by the Sisters of the Holy Cross.. .The object'qf”the fair Is a landable ope, and jnatly-com ihetrfli’lttelf to thepatronage bt a gAnaron* pnhHc § We understand that it will continue'lhroughont thiSwAek; and as; in addition to the charitable object to be at tained* there is ranch'-to atttaet And interest, dently hope to see a fall attendance of our fair ladies and gallant beaux during its continuance.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers