r V r '' 7 ' -MT'S :EjiifeßE BBj ,ri : t * ; BJfi JOHN Wt 'FOKNEY,?'-H >l^ * , l, 4£i< f j&p’ltamtd s©e]t.!v' J 3NW9* ?1H"1 .. nr r ,iU BAILYPft'ESsS -* .ii;> ! I'MWirtLt* OteMrti'tfswJf to ttio^Arlerti; ►; w( Ji ,l MMiWto.tfab«wJl)eiii«iitofdfr'elttMfeiit'l)fliliUl»V' w, teMWWB 4»T»rt«Wjr.ln aj; c?r ***« , tj£i »v •’* «■? <; -■ »v <-. ; ffiffwa !!■»* *«« «W»fc » "jf *«« v -fa*'l;20 J *!<b . «?** it -< .• ~ Ms C‘- «V4»u|j ai^iSHWBa»aii!FllESS«6<: I a., | rt rjr.-Twued ‘tha; California ,-.»!»;Sts»*l<WM '-'.i sfe*sils« lotfliio* >?? £ I■--•> V j>* 1 ’‘‘' i -«» as*** ! r£ elillitjfeata *»f isTfßlsSrar-ESi.-Ml I StfTC’WfcaU fcJWUftf £tT OUR PATRONB THE' PUBLIO * ‘ -*£ Ti^aSSm^wM^W*MW»«ISBK.iiM«-c«U.- ;* , IT*#V 7 * . 1 va-fctdt&i •}„ ;^^^^IJ^ajSEOONRxSTBpiT, ->- - }••>>- •; . ;« f £ ;■ 4 „ ' »KKNOH;*M>WJtMf>«lfMf“;^4>”- ,, '- !, --5:-‘ :Jn -° .]; (. ■tmmM 10 i -v iirr v4at tui&ika-j**- I'U ••. ‘ Wi* AIT& t* Ho usto our BJojofc l ’ '- ftifmH&i S'ltfljft’ht AufitlW’Sale*~in / New York aha ph I- > ‘ rt a^l^Bst^tt^ ? r^iV^ A R,=teautiful Jot o( ...:„i/!}t»ffol/siyi?i94r:6fix. ,til.VfS. !<>'%> w - ,4*‘ •<>«-* * ,i..?; V- -“^ <ir ' srj *■-•’ *7, f v/ Vilriw *• :i ”-DaP J Wb^’l3f^S , l^WSl^' f Js^i4w; 1 fioApfelgi i!ie JfftesV ffiiSeU'fcaTe VeeiTcoEuUdVr&bly, * N u ifcHriBo«i‘*'ty '*’•* »-?- ‘ »nlfWoW“ire'Ji v Tifcd iVcSfiit ’ ;,! t * l f- - '- £ l^ i ,v*rs -ififtH’v* "W»e l-m." V'-: ■y;;i v-» ihV n l* 8 w^-d*^ koizVSouthWE'pO>iD'Btr«et. ■ ( ,^CASES f'*" ~,; „;i»Cofc«B®D., AW!! IBONKETS} * % « ,*rft v i'(;‘ Q ,Q?“‘f J^x^ a; i f‘rfr jl liv? » r ‘ , ‘,;“*; :j; ; i l‘iubE^ ,^6k l ft , k@f"Di( > Iyiib'B'’ “* t *. '>!- vii'ti. H «',yt t ur s*i ? _ ; >*?•>*>-» l tji !.• t'tO W *3 kT&JIHs M" 0\ v4KC'f \, ' < -- : -*<-®EA^n|3^3 n EmilQNB,-^'? : s « f . '.- ; : ’ ; 45 SOIITU SECOND STREET, v * >\" ' “’asM*** A. .. \iA4X&bWc bW&axZv* ?vfo T * eiwumt. ’.ff i?:i ''i '-si itlJ6rfl\(if ■ 4 *' a '■ i, ’ t f ’" /. ;i v ; ft ii W DS - :>" i « '>"4. , , Hair >My<'‘|i ,i, ? •u ;j ’■'fll B P9^§l( in . -• < ’>; -:. i,'-»!ii;4.~ S u.i i,(l fMiinBRSJ'BUOnKS/We.'i'rfi^ HfcftSkt I-M £»'■>- , • - 5 ;■&&.* nnlioVttii' r at* Jrtyf<-ivV-:%. tf> -iin,"'/, « * J *. *’ - •jjii sun® *»«?»! - *-iO~ <*Sii >fii? fl; ,FAJfOX,SniS^)-AiND ! STBAW J BONNETS ti.-i < > ‘i&y , soHTJDa :And„wo6l,hats. '' - to a fwgo .Ss&Q&fa&tVi&t &fc JBMIJRDHJff;,; •^' r ,’ 1 •- V.fl s . , v;,L , .i’j«vi A"-V. , .'' , 1 ,} ——r Hi ,■>*:: ■riviM* tf 'W.y* r' IV v. >*) fy-v' : I^Vy.s^O^'lUailßri'AKD-BAQB^ 1 » y “‘J | .«(rvf;_rr;*.’>'.-'^i i «f.3 j. >-> :' -i * <-') fc^J' JOS, B; HANSON 4. OO.V ‘«,! ,s? • VUJfVI £•£s» f|*l4£ft ?>39»T '.StttlSVv o-tfosj. io >v. j'-3UuvW>T»* 4 itfTMKis^^wo^^sE^wiKafiaiA &ips,E (fo^ec^ito^bfiiji^llo^thfjTOo^xßlU Six to 'silly st|tabes to. an Inch, on all kinds of t soqds, : from ooarMst ng to the. finest Cambria*, .It is, 'con* ' tit ordar this iaaAktiGf krid 5 ‘ QTUtiTr oV' waf wdSk f aripnjir nuaUd to be tnjmrpeMed by any other I .'^lfs 1 Bp«e<i'T»ng«f; gpoitint! hinfclrfftfifteen hundred stitched pe* ‘idiin- \ In;fttct,it la a! |sm^^ysv^4^xlb^lawl^ii«d] • <&*Um Ww>yjt--fcfcrf tft {&.* r'** ’ ■<%*&-sr tl,a t* H J ' , *\‘^ibf'sa l hffx’oß BOBii| \'_[ ~’''^' ._‘/- ‘ •’ "'• - r ’. */ ‘ i V; * i '.ysut -<5?Va ftHa- te'if'siuy-ttTt ‘'" )} *'/ , ’■ " •/. *•■'';.;• '. tv7*»l? ** ? .-'-T ; , «iu« i-~ .a) ■* .-jtfJ&jjS*; i'v’W'Vt*** ;;•'■• gnftle'^j^j,farfriedif:;<B:f|iMlftgg‘. r .W-ifcl , &-l-*wrf4 iit .K Tift'JrU.js/. -,jf «y 4 ifn^l^u-.is , V ?a‘J‘£ :i £?«>■> $ , T.,t jii-.iii!, = Kdi-aa - V V 4i .' .•;;.!,:'.. mununifaii ■ > a- ’ t * .jt-jj r- f. f i« tCO tf sf‘>’i fit : x<m r.O ■•« v., : * f -j2MB suiiiaia ai Ngßafiigwook.-a awn, *■' .- - . A-,.-,:" telH ,35)«4U l3’rt*H' ■ hA TO WHICH THEY ATTENTION OF - * mV-^ 1 * *'* i<7 i"Jis '»f»‘ Uht- i - ; - yv&t^r- 1 } *& 'ius&r'i . " rAitJiiw - * J.’-.p «_Ly* -----Jr, t —m~tt VOL. 2-^O^‘SS^SUi VV' £&*** V.B ‘'V'* 1 *? 1 Hi s®ogvo* Jcobersi ; { ; 15«V7 t •♦> *V'T| Cffc’Qi. i;V',. ' -rw—' i '',".i,ii!w'- ! -» p ~’' " • lWTb’ttf- Inform tKelrfrfehdfl, ;#s». Zz;7i .?•'. •'■■ ... fHiOVESihio,!»'<«<■* s.-nu" !'&*■■ «'■•■> i<-«A, <n.v(. f»::.! '«H l„v>;« * ...,., V PEAW*BS, . ;i •”* ’ f ,?v rt > end .5. wv p'*T x\tl-vr-vi 'y ?i’ OMIXL WARES, f lS?ao#,oomplaji !( ,;«Snjry«fijs andwbloh tHey..vilii!cU at;tlu) iow«*t market rates. irfThejtrtmfiesJfedraUyeoll'attention'to their stock of Httfef K%t^%y)ipjs ) psWPljiui&,,sreotly from! the-Mmri.' fscturers for' cashj-ani'arenm.prepared to sell at. I'm®'ft* !'■ Mltu! AND-JOBBERa,’- 1 -; ; 36 N. »Otiß’rb'Slree<;"p£ilaS'olphla,‘' i - t .iSSSii 3'fl— .nrifi f)«wtheMVroiSnte’Hotel. »’/ ;^f,..r T h ■ r. A A_i> ? vigfo x & -if -*s•.» Tr Fire .ftP-w . *• «’*< '.U tiri’J t,-* Sf-VM ' J . i •' fi '•' „n..(Uii'O i *u, H r ,GliOVEB,i4niuf..tfii ,tJ? >-■'* "i ! *3*. ix-si.i#; Us ! '>>.> ! '-i J tferthea«t Obrn’er orpODHTH, ■ H.A,_B?>faeteoap, ~... j.» tie!«ii*QAMraei.a, Ja. ST*Ul3.2ra r all’ "y iy. l ;.: l '! ■ 1 ■’ . ■ 'i^tLSTOC&.yFOIiOTiitNGi **• J 1 CEARI.ES BARENESS ‘4 SON, » ■ l ! Ko.'333‘MißkteT ij OTßaliT, t IK- r r,v;V- htVTnn ‘ - > -SOUTHEAST; OOBNBB tOP FOURTH,, I||rff3*n4 splendid assortment bfFALXfand WINTER CLOTHING) /£F®“W° r /&* termf fpr,C&sh,- orion the .os#t!'l ! BU are Inrited : to call",Mid*examlne or them; selves. . aul2-2ia , 18581858 . a a v apusif®j i mi o ftir'A'T i o n-b : ' DALE, BOSS; dsWIXHBBS, .fii'.t.- 9IA.RKET iSTREKT,)'K, ’--.l<•# iwv o'nrmk'rue s TR bet, Have now in store their Complete ’ •' ■' ■'iMPOßii't'i&N fop, Bn,K , ’lNir p«>-£»2 .ir'-rt:** --i-i/ ' ‘j • . - ■- ■' ’ ■ _ To which the attentf cmrof the.TRAJXE iHinvited. ~ t r*7x v>:vj-»<} , CM ! ith' Morpht; , & 05.; j s&^WrAikev,; ffuMftjt (»* fi»v jjjif u*> r-'mJ•'■uT »•* >~ ( i j *. / t> 7 ; * 'fcrltr f *?iy SoJfefAf® • <f‘ “ * f i k i A«ivRB*S 8-H* jB2TJOIO'Si 4 \ < 4 {Su J;'.!?,) <*f liry<}t+ ts-i; IMw'/L'i • ■! t?«-5*c ' »u ‘ XZTStt Ir&W.u T '~.ii oi v 117/ *■' D.ltfM-f I *. iv - J £ffAPLD AND FAlrOy'D^ji^oSSß',!., i -.iatOTlUolj'iheyintlto tlief-ttttntloii oT 'i '.' ■•'> 1 it F£ l ‘‘*»M»HUV;A'ifP»»t)4B6B,,. -..,i njf.au' ofiSpLßiGijrßUß^froa,^^'" I'~ 1 '~ t >J‘ M *•/’• ~ 4 '«•» 5 t%i. X'tVVfSf? Z*lf •f’U'i&rtfi. ••* l v '* w •>" > ?’i‘U iktt’ t**«V <■>'« iit-fc U y,li & jk/- !.“• t • tyii. r tfUittCti'liiitry WJpV Aed* /I^V‘ ' " - -a : j; KEMBROIi)KRIES/uU'-Tr «SI _ ” ■ ] - ;1 "■! ':;. f :p'gtx;Xbf.t^tttA', :yy,;, BILK AND FANCY GOODS. ' J ‘ ! i». W: Cor»t.ofipOßTn«ani MABKBT BTRBBTS, SILKS, GOODS i * cls ~ !lm vm'oH'L -t-iv i. *frmv^Y ;^o j ’a-' !-''- «i\'‘:v'.'" '-IOU < " -°-r - • 11 H08;'m‘»rAlREST'Bite»iTui4Tlb faiiirßOH 'AH*/.: rji ; oi>'» t J \n. * V i-:,'*p9i fj'ii , ■,f‘-t\J- M!” ,'' .-; | jw» s>.'wi' ? i-i .Y*frDß-Yf' , ’G , <M> D'S y er ■* •■ - ; = ■ / - Are now folly prepared for tfcd f ' *- 5 W ‘ '!' V i\.*Stti’.?Sfß* r <■ ■-'.. --.it ,V ,' 97he:oompleteneMof,tbelrBtOidc ! 1 both/or >• - - -_'- .*ls . ' 'ANDTMOES/! TflU be found to offer, etaantages'to buyer*, nnsur- byaayoAbrto'thJg'oonntry. „,\ />,' *nll-3m ; JJULL sxQbKv;;;;”’,;;^'^V li j'u» i * wfiic;. iißV”i.iroio •; ■ , N0:215 MARKET siKEbJ!, ‘ !; ,'J u't 'l > '■■■ ■■■ -; :■'> r N o . 2O|-OHM-OH■ 'A-OHB Y',;; '’ > ' t ß<LTa now In < ' ' : '' ■'■ '• l *«!«>■> JDOMPLETB- STOCK. J ii> »; "'.‘.‘.'.'.bV.'.'.’l.uo'.’-i.-H.v.! t-H ; J '; beasonable'' GfooDS, :: '' •dtigl J>wf -tffifc j-,- w&sctvjr TT»i-.»’w >, • '•>■ 4 ' To **£%.- qt, Stvw&JrQrtt ffijttpjigaiOt the Union/*' ju>/:*j-wP ftul6-2m \ SSlok, - i >|2{.-t;«or- '! 'r ; ' : ' l ifi lwwt .' V, t.-IMPORTBRS . ■': r ■' : ors'!‘tic. junju.iri.:.'-.. -= gtoy'jgji -'•'’f?; ,j ';■ "' • ■ f JANOS’ GOODS, &c. *K*'Vfi;pi 1 n?f/= ABOVJS iotJETH,!^ iPHILADELPaiA. -: ; .-;fcmg-2m t'#.'-* 1 r - - y'' % ISJSiiW'f'E&Y} ..,, •>;'. •.w,IMPORTJBRS’AND*WHOLESALS -DEALERS - : • ..' -Ml ! «U- ««-■: ,v J OLOVES ANI> FANCY GOODS, mv> h< '~n rio ;-.. ■ ■ ’■ ....' r TO) %•' - ; i ~ • . i ‘ • ■' , W0».'440. MARKS® AND'42S MERCHANT STS., ! I^TS.'4ort’’ < OOMpisTB BTOOKGJT GOODS,ezprfiulyucUpWdt 0...; ; . ~-.r i To wlifch the&ttontion orfjthMr cUKtvmera *M !'i -fflii#i.'9inrjBK^;to a%.‘i '-. ■ OKinitMTl' !-“■ •'!• '•■' ■!■: ; ■ •' gOHAFFEH,;& HOBEIITSj ! ' '* ,; : »fc, stoeet, •'-. - ■ ! ’ IKPOBTSHB AMD 1 JOIiMSItD OF , - SMAIit/willES, ;j.;to’.s ft w-.-w ' COMB^BBCSHES, FAItOBS’TRIMMINGS,' f ” ' , { f ,,,_,;,- ~. GERMAN A{fD ; IB£IfCII QWWft . < „ - • ui24w2to iir> 1 ,'■> i * -.i -’J ‘ ; All 'tfifljtfit&tinlfc AffhAOM SUnd.Jfo. BTRIIRT, oppo-' Swtha wuUnVton Hoiiß. ' . ,', - : . •,< i r. *..■WINCHESTER will glre, ai herafofore. hl» par -Bobir supervlßlon to-liia CuUing and Maanl'aatnrisg dapartidehM.’' Onlerfl for hls, coJiiljratt'il fityln of shirts soil Collars. OUoil' at tha KhortoaV liotloe. tYhvloanlo ntffiillted o;, liberal terms,/,' '- ‘ ;yi )-ly , T ,W» SPAti, (late of t)ie'firm of Wik- JsS !,I S!,!?S£ !te& !. 0 ”^ : o'kntldjjhn’s foknisii-; •MANHFAOTOBTf 1 8W! OHKBTNUT Streat, (nesrlyoppoaHe the Glrarti House,) Phlladeh&la.bttv-vi e ‘i. , ;i £■.,.■• ■ 3. w. S. wotud reepaotfulljr call the atteuttoa at hla former patrons aad Wends to hianav ijtoro, and Is pre-: pared, to fill orders fdt.BttlllTs at'short notl oe. A perfeit'flt guareMed." COUNTRY TItAIIK su’pjiUed FINS ■SHIBTS‘iUCPOOIAKS: ’ ’ ijyj'o-tf ;■ ~[ ;*~ •si '.'MANOFACtnBBRS OF,, *'* ‘ ,'■>■•■ .... Jf-J-:ii:rl>'Wi»:l Tv-'-' ->!!■•)- - 1 ' PAKAS.OLS,, , i>tf 'i'.’.'.'.'M'.WSp MARKER SXREff, „f' : j H.'nmiß;-TH|i;; AT|sfei®roNj lt bi'',,^iji!lßi( r ‘,S ii i „,;!/! ft-’j'j'lJi Ijt ' J ! If X 'if'J •' >'l | ; u t ; <».. .. A 1 &*t if 5 { - ’' s ' 1 '.* O . ..a JiA&QE AHB VARIED STOCK.* > ael4*lm .(Jiui'i/ aar<A. ..t 1 i f^AMFBBLJ^9-WMN&.BADGOir, TUIRD St. BDIUARUONY COURT, JB(a^.biAO.olDfPd/£op*tn'e7a]n* l r*tp&ati)iO‘Oi > der<to bo ailed i Jt aWIU be opened :e» ’ oezti.SOth irwt.,fyp‘fch improTamentA andr nU . VWtloiiS SbiebjwiUbfitonliOA the town. hofft'bae .thrown UiB taOt'of iron steaU and we-ibinb meet with .uniyerßal epnroblition. <. *, -s.v 1 '■•■' VR ATdi, ■ a - ... A -•/ - : I v e-/’J »K» it* Ut : •••M • 1 ;;il3l)nleshic jDrjt iCJßoirg; TO DEALERS IN ? OIL ! CLOTHS. The Bubacribepharingsuperior facilities,for Mann' factoring' ''' ,u: < • i.yLOQB/.TABLB, STAIR,’ and • • CARRIAGE'OIL OLOTHB, f'ls now prepared to offer‘great Inducements to Buyers from all parts of the'fcouhtry. * A large and choice Stock Constantly on hand. ' Great carewillbe taken in selecting 1 for Dealers who' order bymail:—"" '* ; ' ' . WARKnOUSB,"No. 229, ARCH. Street, Philo. .hu23tSm# • • .THOMAS- POTTER, Manufacturer. JJLABON & SMITH,- ; ■ 1 1 j ; V v MANCFAOTUitfeIIs' OP ‘ oik iptoths. _ ; r ' ) STREET, Ov»m to the trade a full stock of Floor Oil Oloths, medium and extra Quality enamelled Muslin Drills and DttQk.'f. •} y ■off M • 'Vi v ! * i- ■’> - ii - '• ’ j , .Table Oil Clothe, new styles j green glased Oil for.window shadea*. '>• ’ ' • ■ • i ~ ,A complete assortment of-Window Shades; trimmings, Ac. • We invito the attention' of dealers to our stock. ' ■ aolB-2m if/ jj'IDGW'AY, HEOSSNEB, & CO.',' ; IMPORTERS OP OLOT&S, r,xU' .'■ - ' : , ■> Vu’ti tOXBKX&B; arid • " 1 • cashmeres. { • SOLI AQBMTB FOR THB FOLLOWING CELEBRA TED', MANUFACTURERS: ,■ FRED. EROKENB, (Little Ticket,)' i -W.'AVJOHANN?; Ablioe/ "* ' V > GI)VBBB&.>SOHMXDT,(B and M Cloths,) • f ZAMIiONA BKOTHIJIiS, (F&hcf .Caasimereg,) ’ | Blioicn *. LAMBERTS, (S' indß Cloths,) ' ' I co.:,:','- j F.B- EBBBMAN & SON, (Mason Cloth) [ HABELOPPA 00. : >-'• • > ] " _STREK T( I, | 'pHILADBLPIiIAi ; "' J '’ " f 7‘; [ />7- CHAB. j ■jjxoHAßDsoNfS' ;ieish; jyrwEfirs/ | DAIVIABJiK, DMPSTB.B, .ten. I. . ooNapM^aa ontroHABDSON.’a linjjH3, mi thow daalroua ii.'obUialog.thft GENOINH GOODS, ehoald lee that the articles they purchase »re : sealed arlth the fall sarae hf the Qrnij' 1> “" "■ 1 . EICPASDSOK,SOySa, &. .OTVDEN, As a guarantee of the aoundneai and durability of the Goode. - -'■in- .itJ« - •• ! ' This caution if rendered essentially necessaryae Urge quantitiejof inferior and defective linens are prepared., season after season. ,and sealed with the name (of RICHARDSON by Irish housefc, Who, 'regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of> the,genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can’by imposetam friths Goods of a worthless character. H'J vVU l ‘ J. BULLOCKE &J. B. LOCKE, * Agents. ffO CHURCH York; , ; ■ ■;;BflPinflß,'iFniti>g.; : ; 1 ,- i : j " V£m‘ ■{, « ,i,‘t •. jjjf dom strskt,' v /i"«... ] ; ' NKXT BOOR'TO THE I'OSIOFKIOE: ' j, INTEREST EIVE PER CENT.' Money received Daily, and every MONDAY EVENING, OH .DHPOBIP, IN LAK&JS AND SMALL, , ' V,’r-;" , 1 Air P ‘ •\i-"P i aiv'\ba{ok d At hr,l . !; rapsipO'piaoK a: ji. t'o j o’olocE^.m., p eposi to a s/c aVi ( D StiA w vnuin' voiier or checks, 1a 8 'I '• 1 '.':ir basic, .ip Desihbd; *■ ■ -- • [ ■' j*' 7 , .m , (IKo/n.,HART, President. ; ; ~01IA8.;G. IMLAY.TMaaurcr; •T. HUSH? lUYK9. Teller. ,>3B-tJ»nl Thespeing garden saving ‘ ntMD; •” " J '• '■ 'V" • ; ■ (Olfoand'W'BT TIT* LTQTSI.ITUSS or i’j**TflTiT**U.) .: ■<! <*■ 'PJ!RPJETBAIi OIJABTJSR, : r -' 'irWMB OBtH). Interert allowed toDerarlitor., 1 ■■ , 1 ‘ ‘ Roti ftlJ Mnt'.ora'PnidbAck nn Dpmahdr " '} SliMfirtttoal* iC' taurines*. and ia the only lo&l >d> in fhe'rfdrthWtfpatt of the 7 ■ The Office (OeiFy)rtdfc' $ ifr 2jfd>doek, ■ auid&Fffd on'MONDAYS and 6 ttbtil fto’olock'itttheirenitog.' 1 ' ' '• I \' 4 »••*{■= MiNAcnraa; : " * i ' ’ ■■ ■ i Prederfeh Kletti ’ f/ «des 8: Pringle, * ‘Stephan Smith; ‘' '' 1 *• Jawtt'Dotk, ® *_ iriP £et& <• ■* ‘ * 'Joseph M: dowel], ' K: Strong*' 1 ' George Woeleppar, UnderkoSer, • J.'Wpslfi^Bray,''' ' • Robertß* Darldson; Prederlek SUakfc " - •* P/OhSllmaker, ' ? Li ?r&hoi«'H&rtp T • -'- : ■* John P. ’Vbrree! , > Joseph P. LeClere, ; George.Kneoht,'.' ’*, » ' ••'*<*£ Kiw»i«, Jt.\ ?<>hh •Hdm.*-'-; • J i - - 3 PreaWehVJAHßfl fj. PRI^GL*. • Secretary, GSORGB T.THORN; 1 ap2l-Iftf BATING FUND*—UNITED STATES K 3 TRUST.COfcTPAjSy. corner of THIBO and OfIRST NDT-3t?e«t». - •*:.*- • ’ •*/*• ‘ - 1 Larire'ahd small euxne received, end’palabkok-on de . ouna,’Without noti66' with yiVB TER OKNT IKTKR, IST from'the ;diy of oojroait t6thodaj- of withdrawal,: Offied'nohrSt front fi nntil o o’clock ererj daw, and on ! ISOHDAT ftom’7 uhtU 0 o’olock y ;/ • ' • DRAFTS for salo on' Sn jland, ’lreland; and 'Scotland. 'ti:omcSl')BpwaW*:' 1 - ,xl ‘ ‘‘ ■ s * " •';-•■ '■ l! t . r - Trtaiinror^PLlTtyJlSK.’ ,' ■ ‘ -V .'-V *■!* *’ ■ { :i ' ;; «oiT-iyif SAVING-FUND— FIVE ; FEE CENT. IN TBRRST—NATIONAL BATBTT' TRUST' COM PANT BTRRKT, 80UTH»WR8T OOBNEB OP THIRD,'PHILADELPHIA % t •' i<! lndoUro*iTiD hr Tun SfATn oi’-PwwHdrLTiJrrA.! 1 polity i*received inAnysuia, law oramal!/ in terWt paid from the day pf -deposit to the\day of.with drawal: '- iU * ;J r 1 '’'' 'W\' '*" / ‘ r ’ •. - 1 ' The every day from 9 o’olocb in the tnorniuß till 6 o’eloc* fa the' evenin;, ahd on'Hofiiay and ThUinday till 8 o’clock; i 1 : 1 r \ '*' i ' ' 'HON. H2NBT L. r ßßN2Ußßr^Preildeiiti! i ROBIIBT BBJd-RlDGRrytee PrerldenV, | ■ f W'tf.V.'Rnan,-Bfe6T*tar?.' ;,,; '' ’ ,J /' ‘ x ■ , Diaaorpas: . , • *•• '■' \ • Hon. EenxyD. Dennar."' -P. Carroll BreWsw, 1 '’RdwardD'. J Josephß:Ban , 1: Robert Sslfiridge.* - l ' lt "/Jpancls Dey, ‘l ■ ; Banal rKt 'Afehtoai .'f Joseph'Yerkea, v o;Dah(freth^idnn»,*' : : "Hohry Dlffenderffer. .i deceived and payments made''daily.' ' , -' The InTdltmehts are 'made, in* conlbbnity "with ’the irorlsrohS df the'Cbanor.’ih BRAD Q-AGBB,' GROUND RUNTS, and drst claSs sQodrl- Be* As will alWay* frumre' perfect'security td the' deposi tor*.“and which canhqt fait to give pCrmacSncy/aha nta bimy to this InstitniioT)'' * ■ ~ ' 7 j Brokers R ; R..G OR S ON, • ’ * ’ REAL ESTATE BROKER. ■ ■ Money Loaned on Bond ani Mortgage,, Collection*'promptly toado. - ; ‘ se29-om' ‘ NOKIt 1 8 T 0 W;N ‘ PA. VIFITHEBS- & BETEBSON,' i ■ » . TV DEOKBRB, No, 89 Street, <East,Mde*)A .^Promissory,Notes, Drafts,Acceptances,* 4,0..’ ma turing In this or.,other Staten* promptly collected, and parties advised immediately on receipt of funds. '5 - > . < .Drafts at sight or a few; days to run, cashed ;&t < mode* rate rates*’, - ■ ■■ ' ~ Southern', E&a tern/Western, and Pennsylvania State tforiey.feought at low figures. > -s - • on allthe principal cities Jn tha Union. >au2L-2ni .-.j• • ■ ■ ■ A UGrtfSfr BELMONT,, J\ ' •' .BANKER, /, { ... ~ 76 BRAVER STREET, j , . ..1 t , .SBW-TOKK. ~ , 5 lMne« Doctors of Credit) aYAiUble to Travellers, on &U parts of tho world. ■• • , jB80»6m & co., ~,l , BPHOIR AND BECHANCE .BROKERS, , ‘ , , No. 40 South.THIRD Street, s . PDiI.ADBI.PaiA,,. . ■ , Rerer.totke Basse .andUaoKnaa of Philadelphia. . jef-ly 3 .~ ■■ - • - . .i I CHAB. MABI.SV. W. H. SHOWS. ■ ' A.BABUI,/». Tut ANIiEYj. BROWN, 1 .& COV' M ill, BSK ; NOI3^ETM^7ASD .OoUeotlona Wi «£ Bf»?¥ life ' Dni Sblefl aiid Outlie moat fatorable and Drafts drasn on England »nji. ‘Bank' «M»’.bought.' Util'Warrants bought and sold.' Dealers In Specie and Bullion. Loom add o TtmePapernei-otiated. . „ 1 " . Stocks and LbanSbouglit and Bold mi Commission at. Oft Hoard of Brokers in Philadelphia and Sow York. ‘ .jew; - , ■DWARD R. PARRY. RICHARD R. PARRY, , Notary'Pabllo (or 1 Commissioner for , 1... 'Minnesota. Pennsylvania and' . :i v !-■ ■- - , j-Nawiffersey.' "' . ri A‘ ER T & * B E o t h i E;k , ML BROKERS * GENERAL LAND A&ENI’B, *n« OONVBYANOEBS, ! . t « • ' . , f * >-•-< FRONT'STREET, abovt HIOKORY, ■ • • • MANKATOi'iIISSKBOTA,' .1 Par particular attention to loaning and investing Money for -lion-residents- and ■ others, and collnottag Drafts, Notes', iloi Any letters of nnooiaT or business will receive prompt attention; • Rofer to 1 "Wood Bacon,* Co,, ’Philadelphia. - ■■ Rile, Roes,* Withers. Philadelphia; " > Sharp, Unlnee, Ic Co., Philadelphia.■ ■ ■ Ridhatd Randolph, Philadelphia!' " ' ■ OHarleeEUisfc Uo., Philadelphia,. . • Parry A. Randolph. Philfldalnhiii ■ • myfll-ulO* j ..... ffIHE ADAMS EXPRESS GO., OFFICE, • ! J.“ 820 OiIESTNnp BTREKT, forwards PAROKtS, rAOI,'A<JSS, ■MHROfIANDt7,II. BANK! NOTKS’ and 'HPiSOIB/^'ker ’by its own LINES.'or In’cObnsctlon a lth oK'.erRXPRSBB COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and OIIUIof. th.HhHed States. ' * . .: 1 6 t'-'fil '** /,} :5,1- Bn»wbiH)StAv*il*o,tJ •V TT -» r, a n n.,i'w—) I, i , : , ,■, .7*;'- : TT-rr. oriSt«P«^' MEKICAN BEJllWA'large stock .-df'',i |_| A VANALEAF~loolilies'Hiivaua Leaf AfnWita'n 'H«up.;UmkMUii TbuKlivfO’'**' 11 1'/■• -*-•*■ lan«n S 4i,M»rj wiloliy WB*OTti,MSM3ft£&COiVN«.®PormWATtIR«!, i' !«• ! ■ ; - -AffjW? t ’.;.t NuiJtW.ißHortaffHißVga;;- ' ■' '■' ■'’* 'f/oo*; wS ■■•■■ WO South, JrMlUtjMt, i- ■.«{* 'i >'* ‘... i!t.'r At'; i>» y<M ; *,-rr -if t t i.- i ’ -. if n.-t - .j Pflll.Al)l:i.VHlA, TIU'IWOAV. OPTOIiKR 7, K.W. Jfeto -MnblicatiWa^ D> MOllliis ON SO ABLET, iIIVER.y A, no® .enlarged] editlou. ‘ • -/.< 7 /■ *.> BANKINQ’S HAI/F/yKABLY. ABSTRACT, of; the MeSiCal Bcienceß.- ? for Jdly. ; ‘ 1 f >'■ • ~ - > r )• a . ■. TANNER’S NEW MANUAL; of the or Medicind. ' - i 1 • 1 ’■ ■ THE PHYSICIAN'S VISITING BIST, FOR 1859. Various sizes and stylda of binding. - • < '‘-i. .. 5.= ■ . , i THE SAME WORK-~lnterleaved for Conntry Phy sicians or others who furnish their patients with Sled, cined/ ■ • i J '' ,s ' • ,■) • '■ • ' • .i <6. . ' - .-} *■ ' CAZBAUX’S MIDWIFERY, A new enlarged edi tioh •* "" ’ ■■■ * * f< /.> ; ,•: •} . ? • 'MEIGS’S PRACTICAL TREATISE an the Diseases of, Children; 3d odition.: " ■, .t * ,-j . 'MENDENHAI I.’S MEDICAL STUDENT’S VADE The6thedition! • • 't -A* COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of-Medical Books al ways on hand, and sold Wholesale or.retail. at low:* prices. *- -• i .yj ID* CATALOGUES Xnrnishcd gratis by LINDSAY,A, , y .Publiabdrs And ImportdrSj t ocg - ’ ~ ;;25 SouthSfXTH 3t.. ahqye„Ohefltnut.-’ rriHIRD EDITION NOW READY. riml-'* ‘M» •- I rr,v- . i‘ \,* ,* '* , . I XIBLIP AND PRIVATE HISTORY - k 0 F NAP 0 I.E'O.N'VT H E TU IR D ~... . , 11V UAMUEi;, M. BMITCKEH, A. Al. -,, ' , •OPlJUOftp OP , Til It UREAS ' ik Written with ability, abd tequila’ interoatlag.-t [Phil* City Item. \ , ’ /{" * Mr. Smacker’s volume is‘a good oridj and wIU to so pronounced by the majority of readers -~[U.S.’Journal j N«wVork f .. , " ' J, M It,'is-the most complete biography of tho'.Frferiahi Emperor yf.t published —[Baltimore Kepdblican,.." ' This yolum« presents with interesting details 0L ilia private k and public career of'the'mos£ successful ad-j venturer of this age [S. Y'. Evangelist.* ' It is a work .of thrilling interest and great historical 1 value —[AnKur’s Home Magazine. > ; • » Thiswork does full and ample justice to the,subject.’ —fi>hilaDispatch. • •' «j irr* • i ■' > it is an ably written work, presenting a full and com--, pleto history, of. the remarkable career,of, the, French Emperor—[Legal Intoll’gepcer . . , , sl , , Mr. Smucaer is a leading American writer of popular hielorical.works: this Life of .ffapoleon.lll is very in* [ terefitirjg\~f'(»iaha’m’s i Magazine ~ ,' 1 y , “Mr. ’Susucker,has'hero produced a master-piece of listorical composition' Lady’s U6ok ‘ ■* ’ it is complete,’ thorough,,arid” artistic—[Mohawk, tpglster., ; , '' ‘ , , ' ” *. The style is & model of ologaiitcoraponilipn,—frhite, lli n 4 _ ‘ 11 -. / ] '> r. i ’ 4Cflpp. .12mq,,,Pricef’$1.25. 4 . EorWK'at, G.‘ G. F.VAN8 1 " GIFT-BOOK STORE, ' ■439 OSEBI'NDTBt. " Gel- f fljitu th A HUMOROUS BOOK, THE K. N..PEPPER PAPEBS, "i ! hl'cs’tbatjbdv | 1 One volume, bound in doth. Price $l. , Esifl act : ' Biographical. s 7 .*. - , ■ Oad on a W*elbarer— in 2 parts. Conflict: Alegaitpr and Wotter Snaik. Astrohortyf-A lecture. 1 " ’ . SoHlinuy :' Adreßt to a'Berd onto tho fens.' '" s .Tome;>ArioadtdthdGrtkBlair. . ? • < l A Lytell Geste oi Dewy# Clarke > * '<■ '* • To the Aingel as is gone. Hanah tinne. . ■ < .Fre nollg ov>the'Hevins;i iTf ith pointing. •,* On the clam<,, ■. .. - , < r . . ‘ ♦ , ToaneHipp. ‘ . “ A Grate'Ajilk: Tfrkle. . ‘ Pete—an avorij poige (for length.) the.Pomeck, Ac ..ito.. *O., &e. , ' Thd hn'ifrerouslanghter-provcking versus of this well ktiown 'humorotfn and' 'Sparkling ' Americnu 4 which, so widely copied, convulsed'thp 'r&L'ier, are' here collected'ln hook 4 form-, and raako a tbora attractive volume than h&i been Issued in many years. : • ■ <?• 1 *■ * >■" -■ < '* Lewis Gaylord Clarko, of the Kniekerboektr 'Mdgai tint, says: •. The bones of thoso who have oxploded in tho perusal of the verses of K. N. Popper whiten tliej soilof 'States,-from the jtocky.Mqun trins on the tast, td tho Extreme West? ’* A tiaail to thf Grek bl/iiv* is as immortal as tho Statoo which in*, spired it.”* / t ,>v 1 * • .iA•; ' ‘ I ’ ' Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail to any part of the United StatOß on receipt of price—sl. ■ ‘ ’ ■ BBMJ & CARBETOHj’ >- , -Jublishflcs and BookeoUers.- „ «021-ln th «-tf No. 310 BIIgADWAY, Nnw York. J as. Wallen & son, ■, * ... •. , , No, 20 toulh SIXTH Street, * Publish this day i‘ *’ / ' ’ ‘ " * OIfALLKN'S 'N&W JVVbN%U B LIBRARY,Si ri?o- f rie», 10 Tol4.,7illustrated> Adapted' to. the Sunday School and Family Net sectarian.' ‘ ' sd ' ‘ Also, new editions Of OHAbXKtPS NEW JUVENILE, LIUKAEV, .Series No. l.lUußtrA’.ed.,,! n, . : .Thofle floods h*ve. been encersed by Bpnday Schools qf every denomination'. 10 vola. $2 $O. * “THgOrTY>OrTHSGRI?ATdaNG” '“Themoat. accurate and reliable account of- modern Jcmsalem yet - given in thd, English language ,J -rßib. Sacra, Y 'i HADJI IN SYItIAV Cloth, 76 cents: 'blao'*na-goM- J . ‘ > ~f« if-*, ,„JN AND ABOUND STAMBOUb, $1,25..7 v . - r ' OCdrVetinaßi'. 1 ;;;;;; “‘V r,! ! EtHNOTONBBtissEM, ?' ( SUrER' INGBAINS, ' : '• 1 EXTRA FINE INGRAINS, ’• J -- 1 .J. DOUBLE COTTON CHAINS INQRAINB, VENITIANS, AND LOWER GRADES, Of choice styles and approved manufacture, constantly receiving and for sale by JObKPH lea; flelO toc2l Nos, 138 and 130 CHESTNUT Bt. ; A RCfl-STREET OAR PET* ‘W AHE*' 'A' HOUSE.—We haTo received our Pall supply of CArnotings, : andhtlve a»ine > of the’ •' ' ' ‘ HANDSOM«BT:f-OODS IN THE CITY. * All the new styles o£ Yalvet, Tapestry, Broawls,Tbree ply.lngrains.andVeniUuns of the bust make, bought at VERY LOW PRIONS FOR CASH, ; to be sold accordingly. • With afttUftsAortmedtof ' • > " *' • *• ore CLOTHS, DRUGGSTB,’ Ac. : ’ ’’ ‘Wcf h’avo' Ail the goods ueiull/kept £n a ' ' *•". rtyiHST-OLABS ESTABLISHMENT,: ' and are prepared<t6 sell them at e*treu<ely, , LOW PBIOEB FOR CASH. ~, v , , » > QLDDKNIU<JKNER, , t se2B-2w 832 ARCIX Street, 2 doors' below Ninth, Sljoe finSnags.,' jgjD'wiN w: pay.ne;~ ‘ - * \ . IKON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, ' i • M - ■ Otto door libovo Fourth. IKPOBVBa AMP DEALBR IP GALLOONS, , ■ ’ ’ . * sheetings, WSTI MGS. FRENCH KID, CONGRESS ‘WEBB, TOILET FLIPPERS UPPERS SLIPPER TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ac. aul9.2in TW'OTIOE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. 1 V Thu undersigned (successor* to the late JOSEPH T. JOTINS) are now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the old stak'd; ■, Northeast comer of AROHand FOURTHStr'eete, "Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISHING every, article In the,SHOE - STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are] unsurpassed.' ■ • < ' ’• i- _ ! The attention' of BUYERS Is respectfully solicited. ' WM. JOHNS & son;’’ J anl7 r ' N.B. corner Arch and Fourth aid.- Boots anir Sjjcea. JIJENDRT & HARRIS, . ; . manufacturers, and wholesale healers . IN BOOTS AND SHOES, ■ n. W. Comer THIRD and AH CIT S) treats, ; au2s-2ni " ' I'HTLADKLPHIA. TVSEN’S WAXED AND •WATER-I'KOOF JLtX' BOOTS —Women»ff Calfskin pegged Boots, wi*li nfiSela; suitable for the Country trade. - Best city manu facture, Low pricos.-af! ’ ft. iBUTTON’S, ..> ~ • W.holatule and Ho^oil. No. 11l N, SECOND St.,' ttbr>ve,Arch, oast side, oed-rn th-Ut*, , , “Hgu of the Red Boot” FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS v and Gaitersj 1 with alt. descriptions for Men, Woiuqn,, and Cbil dieu’s wear, ofitho best city manufacture. Low prices. At - . DUTTON’S, No. 11l North SECOND St., ab, Arch, East side,, co2-snith'&t’*, \ ‘‘ Sign of the lied Boot.” JpiALU STOCK . BOOTS AND-SHOES, JOSEPH H. THOMPSON * C 0„ No. 814 MARKET STREET, , . , r AMD Nos. 8 and'6 FRANKLIN PLACE, HATS Mow IK BTOBB ALARQB AND WBLL ASSOBTKD , stock or :i i ■. BOOTS AND SHOES, OP CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE. Which they offer for sale on the best terms for cash, or on the -usual credit. Buyers are invited to call *nd Examine their stock; ’> '' ' ' jy3l-tf BOOTS* AND subscriber has on handa large and varied stock of’BOOTS • and SHOES, which he will sell at the lowest prices. 1 • : ? GKO, W-. TAYLOB* no2l-ly 8. B. corner FIFTH and MARKET BtJ. ■glßENbll WHITE ZINC, of .the Yicillo •E* ' MontJgne, ground-puro.fit produces a clear, •white,' flue gloss, and attains a firemens and evenness of surface i Guarantledgenuine. '-Por ealeby 1 .. i -,»t u> . ,“-i . ZIEGLER.& SMITH, * ,»-Knotl,w*et ftnV Rnennd Mil Ors»n *W| ‘ TnuiISDAT, ; (bGTOBER '7, | ’ » ‘ liawXiterntiiTe.i I. . i TRUiUriSE ON'THB JAW OF'PRIVATRiCORPOEA.- ■TIONH. Aggregate by Josktii K. Akokll and Sam uel Amrs. Sixth edition, tlevisea, corrected, <and: enlarged. Bvo., pp! 948." BPstoh Liltle:'Br6ivn. 4* Vo: 1858.. Ml ) *>n j ■- • ' -Angbll and'-Ainea on Corporn.tioni is a standard. ’lawyer as authority,op i aU /^queslion&; cbnneotei r with|tho ; Gubject bf' which it tieat«r; rlt was.-firsfe-published, by lB3l, and itdmmodiately nt tain^d, app^Bitlbn' -.ctodU and 5 rpsppqtablEty,', ..whJcKqvory c.opy ; ha 3, only-,'served tb atrongtlion and eitlargo,,!?' * ■; -v- f M Biiifft baa been tho thp numberofidb* .oisipDSj aijd iuch bns' bp en {he demand fortbfa^irk/ •thai'TYO ar.e ,a -sisth, editjon, -greatly Inor.easod in.sizo^ontirelyirevised and rooted,' Red Issued'fd the.njost inviting stylo, jlt were avrbrb' pf Huper6rogation, at' this Iqte day, to, 1 an okpoiltlon.’of its merits^' Evpi'y.lp.w •y«r I? of .'ftorporatipiis,. jte the gwrCband growing branoh of tho jurisprudence of States,As cbrpdratlonH themeelvbsform* "proriiltieMi/ - in anideveippinent of’,thci|Bgniia|: oonniry. * yu.-7 > ,Vt ! •, r '! Tn’ E-ngland'“it' ls ; , (jnite diSTorentc - Until; qijito, frW^pyVl t gf^iiis B far or ed r ex c opi for municipal, purposes, and) the 1 works of Mr.' Kyd and Mr. v Wilcbx aro almost pri 1 -' h^adi^iut' tHo TfpltedjStates labor, su'd,. in every oState.,been onoouraged^tin, oombinatipO,- ftnd oorporate assqoiatiobs, as has beon;remnrki are howengaged in nll thoVariatifiS of usefalpj BuH, in the,diffusion of U and the al in tboyir&seoutioiv of~pdans 'of international com rr.uoieotioil ruul irriprovoinofit, and*. In the or:7 oourt'geuiqbt and bytehfioti'pf, the" gropt, interests of eoimnorao, ngri'ju.lturo, and manufactures. f ‘ The great-number nhdprariety of stanlly ftririritpin thefeourtßof the different outof tbeiqniultlpiled forms ofbqdios.'corporate; - fljl of the'vblupW tpfjKopeiis jia auing-bQnatantly frem.the press,;silently,tolli the, tim'dhiodirytntf the law; lii-wasgsid'Hy Mr. Justice, Rogbjfs inlS',3. 1 A/Ei; IM-T." the j "" As. the w.orkihefore ns is ,too>elli knownio 1 par professional?readers-'tor require 'any l dJtumenJa. tioq'Jfrom Jbd, it;is qhly'nebdssitryj'td rVmqr¥'’ikat : thesojiibpfijfus apd. experiehqedilyp/, writers /hire inoreaaisd tho usefulness of.their productions jby irofarringto the asses that have been decided Bines theif Inst edition wag’ poblishcii,; Sepo 'additions. havVbccn rnn-iototho tei'fjJ'ds.w.as required,, whilq ;tho fpo|f;nqfe3 iqarqbd'and.eqpioas, ■ j i.-NoTOFthslesa, ,we.oannqtbnt regretynot so niqoh ■ as a,fault in this editions' as bftho wnrk'ifsolf, that ndjidrtidirnf ii hng'bcen : doeoW;to;thq r tj:eiltm9iif of of oQ.urjß' of yqnity|;oyer* oqrpofi V tiouV- b? thehi frqra.tbeiaonimissionibf |U legoJ hots.'and to corapeiithem to fnlfil theirlegati dblffjntlobs; bqth to thbimbilonn'd theipbtrn inoto-i is' pq;,'ipbro,‘effi»lo'nt;|rq3iqf[y,iyip[rp, ■ tq jfelii* IhftnJhaf by stockholders, for sdok< purposes; and some or : 'tko‘-.tnost"interesting: of recenti'g.-vsed, both hiro" on'that shbjecf, befars ns. i JEn oar,own ,prnotioe, injunctions' for are of almost dallyoccnrreneo.' It is prbbeble -thnt Messrs. Arigbli ; Vr.d Airies ii:i 70 «pp|iastdd ' fhat; thblif ,tJre(iifso./had'i're(qrepci) to tiioy oxietat ;law, : and not to'tho yorisSiotfcn. which courts of equity (ererotjd 'odor .therir , Bnt, with groat respent„for, sngh‘ an' 'ppWiftf, ? vie' '^svjds>', ’.'’these tyro hi'rp .grbirn Jd'bo'eo 'Fnijmatoly com hW#d with eaohi<j)her, that it is .now almost iinpdisihte to separate-them,' It' is ' principally l tK^l;h;ehaneBrjrpowers fiftd'iibii-'. |!)tn®oAjtdM : #i;eia is,-ho ,reason.why<this head. corporation* in fche Reporis of this State than that Of Sanford vsl Tho'.OataWissa and Williamsport Railroad Company, decided in'lBss, and reported lo yet not a reforence to. it tie dtobafonbd in tbispablication., That cash ie- a!' principle of vital cdnoem to the bu si* he» interests of every State'\n the al\ /parses interested in corporations,, by esta blishing, as It did, the right of a. shareholder to the aid of a eourt of equityj to restrain the exo oution of an unlawful contract; and to confine the corporation vriOun the limits ofits.charter! -There iaagroat,number of ‘.‘.railway oases’ 7 in England, as well os ia tho tUniled States,,relating totho powers of countsi of'equity to confine corporations wlttlh, those' lira its Vh ioh ,the law’of their own Vaing*prcs<jribM, and it is .to be.regretted that, wo find but few, if any, of them hero commented' npba or referred to. We cannot, wo repeat, admit 'tW this is a difittnot title, hot falling .within tho scope of the presont treatiso, since those eases, while ariaing ln equity, are decisions on tho.vcry rights and-duties of corporations, to whioh this. ; work Is moro especially dovoted. At nil ovontr, we respectfully suggest to those able and popular writers that, one or moro.chapters, or a eeparato volume if necessary, on this partioalar brnnoh of 'the - law, would* be a valuable addition'to their work.. „ , . ? V‘ M. r u .•ise!subjeot.pf municipal,‘corporations,has also received but an incidental and very meagre treat ment from Messrs. Angel! and Amos. The leading oaseih'Pennsylvaniaof Shnrploss -t/j. The City of Philadelphia, in 0 Harris' 14, on t tho constitution ality of subscriptions by municipal corporations to objects of general internal improvement, as woll ’to the numerous' oases in other States, on that and kindred topics, aro ho where noticed t in this work. Mr.' Wilcox’s copious undaqourate tfoatiso on -municipal corporations has nevor been republished In this country, and wo should bo glad to see Messrs. Angoll and Ames favor tho public with a second volume in rolation to equitable romedirs and to municipal corporations. Tho material is most ample, and wo know,of no writors so well qualified as they to produce a book which shall meet tho present state of practice in the United States, apd satisfy the wants and expectations of both •aid bdr/ Grant on Corporations (a rcoonfc London book) comprehends (not to its full extont, however) an exposition ofall those principles, and nooare or labor has been spared by the author to examino tbo enormons mass of decisions that has been ron* dj/redwithin tho post ten yoars, tohohing this mat ter. .Messrs, Angel! and Ames, wo fool confident, 'okn fill up this want with ominont Sucfteas, and, ‘they Increase tbelp ‘well-dceervod reputa tion, place their profession undorstilj greater obli gations. iff offords us pleaffuro; with these suggestions, to notice the present edition of their admirable work as tho fullest and most valuable expos tion which they have yet presented on tho law of corporations. ■The series of English Law and Equity Reports now tn courso of publication are ofton referred - to, .while the Pennsylvania cases oitod aro,as' late’ as 4 Casoy. We havo to remark in this-connection, thaf in this as as otlier.law hooks noW; issuing from the press in this country our late Pennsyl vania eases are not;referred to as them in court, by thb namo of tho Reports, ns for ihstanco, 10 Barr* 1 Jones, 9 Harris, or 3 Casey, but uni formly' ns “ Pennsylvania ’.State Reports,” Vol. This difference is apt to produce seme confusion. PATENT LEADER, Webster Matched by a Woman.—ln tho somewhat famous of Mrs. Bodgon’a will, which was tried ,in tho Suprome.Court Somo yours,ago,, Mr. Webster appeared as counsellor for tho appel lant. Mrs. Grconough, witoof Rov, William Green ough, lato of Wost Newton, a tall,; straight, quoonly-looking woman: with a keen black eye— a wouian of groat' self possession and decision of character —was called to the stand as a witness on tho opposito sido from Mr. Webster Webster, at a glanco, had the sflgaoity to foroseo that her testi mony, if it contained anything of importance, would hnve'groat woight with thaoourt and 'jury. He, therefore,'resolved, If possible, to brent her up.'’ And when she unsworod ta the first quostiou put 16 hor, “ I believe,” Webster roared out, “Wo don’t want ,to hoar what you bollovo; wo want to hoar what you know!” -Mrs. Grconough replied•• “.That’s just what I was about to say, sir/’-'ftnd went on with bor testimony. And notwithstanding his ropoated efforts to discon cort her, she pursued tho ovon tenor of hor , ,way, :until Webster,- becoming -quite .feprful of „the,i.result, arose,, . apparently in great agitation, and, drawing out his largo snuff-box. thrust his thumb and finger to the-very bottoiii/j and oarrying tho doop pinoh to both nostrils, drew it up with a gusto; and' then extracting from his pobket a very largo handkorohief,-whfoh flnwpu tahis.fcot as ho brought it 'to.th'o fr’oiit;, he blow' 1 his pose with a report that rang loudj through- tho orowdod. * hall., .Wobstcr-r?“,MrB | Greenougb,! was Mrs.- Bodgen a neat wmnau?”rj MrS. Greenougb— :t l cannot give you very fall in- } ‘formation nfl to that, sir; she had ono very dirty-1 trick.” Webster—“ What’s that, ma , am? ,, ,Greonough—“took snuff!'* The rout, of the ; court-house wna puch tiiei (ho future iHfonaor.qf.* tlio Constitution subsided, and .nqiUiey-rosa-ribr 1 spoko again until Mrs/ Greenough had her chair- for unrithorwltnoss,'having ample titqo j to' fdflbofc' upon the. inglorious histol-y Of tho nlanj ■who bad li stonh thrown on hiß head by a wbmnij. I ' , J , 1 Letter, jvom iimicnster. ‘ fObrrdspoaflonie df The 'Press.]' 1 ’ - "Mb’. Tbe’great military encampment %t ftVibdnk'hWijomerand ‘gone., .'/Dho roll-’oalls are 'dvor,:-tbei reviowßranduinapeotionS have, passed away,' tho.pacades 'Jjeqti.dismiasedctheterifs ’ have begn;BtTuoJ?, soldiers* have retired to wijjf foeling?, no .doubt,- more o i distinguished* honor and'glory of our itojiubliq.' those,ivho,havc never qxperieno&T the dxditembnt’ 'and Of comp-lifei g<iihg throaglrthe f various evolutions, marches,* mid counter-marches of lftilitttry'drill in' the day-timo' and sleeping in.te’nt3;af night,jean form but a limited,'estimate of. the trialsand,expo- / l 1 V m sures, of par; fathers in the times whiqh tried •mqnle fioulp.,” Rut it is not ipy treat ! upon, this My duty in tblpcase will bo to giro yoq, a brief sketch oftho military' oncamp- Wabnnk\’ \ *'j" In a former ; comttitinic'allori 'I irif6rmetTy6'u! of hir "election to'bo hold l - for'Hold x>fficp'rsn aa JVan-, , caster county bad; now, q , sufl\oie pb t nqfpbei; of 1 or ganizod companies ,to a form a ’regiment.! ’ That eloctlon'Vva& nMd find sfelebtiori of. Cnpf John H. Ducbmnn as Colonel, ‘Dr<> Grove ai .Lieutenant-Colonel,, and Henry Shjjrjf,as Major.,! I am not certain whether you arehtfqaairitcd with, the lattor'two gentlemen,'but thfeformerydu'know ! tpbe avotoran soldier, grown gray ip-the service, .apdrnow Jho pccompliahed and well-drilled Cap-! taiii ol tneLanoadter Fenaibles. ' Mohrs'. Grove 1 -and ■Shirk' are both excellent selections and will, do ! ;honpr!to tho staff. ~Aftor,th)9 election, }whiah ; waa accomplished. much, to. the satisfaction of the en ‘ ‘tiro reEimoriC'Ohptiim Hehry'A. Ilauibright; the 1 distinguished commanded of tho JaokßonlUfleinjin. : of thU city, ygg gppqJnted Adjutant,, ,pr., } jsaßmel. L fyngwolt, Surgeon, and william'T. Yodart,’ : Out lerirried: and'amiable friend, Oliver 3. At-, rooeived^ho^pppiptmeptt 1 of Judge Advocate'with' the rank of Major. ‘ The dr l grimzHtlon cotnplet©; v tbe 'a military en-; -oampmont.at-.Wuh&nk. was suggested nijd oufciu.Ajnqqnor aliko creditable and. beneficial, to tbc different officers' ami 1 companies cbmpOsirig tjhe Regiment.' Jt continued during' a period of four days,' commencing on Tuesday and ondibg on Fri day of last week.,, _ , ~ I ’ '‘Although there werd'many things of intorfest ’ that occurred ondFrida v. ; .Thursday was the great.day of the qncampmept. jit, had 4 been qfipointed the time for the gtririd na-‘ r«dd, review hhd inspection, and’ a largo* b‘6dyi of' our felibw.-oitixons i of both, sexes, numbering sp^e- ; ral thousands, were pre§e.n£. therp by, the at tractive interest of occasion. All.th'ecOmpanieV' oom'poslng 'the regiment 1 werri well 1 tho Lanoaster Fenoiblee, thenJhoksOn Riflemen,., ( theMaytown Infantry,„thq hlountjoyAXMhipgfion Rifles, tho'Menbeim Rifles, and 'the Earl ’liiFanr ’ try' The 1 great’ house at Wabank watferowoed , i during fcho'day fjrom pit to domo, r &nd ueyoryt jobo. jWasploased wUh th^ox^ellontfare and 'datloris of the ' proprietors’, Meas’rs’.' Ydriat , t‘ i 'ahd ; i Dtfohtnftn'i • Thei-appeat-Ahoe «of *tbe obrap-grouW wasintqrpstingftnq,impeding,,.,Jj; Js ; .an L ,elevated , Piece of land oelonging 4 tQ the farm of Mr. Jadoo 1 rYatit'z,Arid'covetsima^U’ofth!VtyorfiiMyitdrbg/ i The tcntß numbered aomrfitwd'hnndred. and:wers t ! tolerably; well filled,w?th Priyete3,and.offioers. 1 Tho excellent appearance of thedifferentofficerd 1 ' rihd cothpaniesVas the’shbject oFge'norUl remark* • tProihinfenfe amorig the.farmer was Adjatant,Henry. A.:ltymbright, |whpso.fine form bearing attracted universal attdriliori. ' He is six reet three • 1 lMybekin height flfid s'toufc'ih propotlionj an<L fa dso. . a common expression. “ ,It was a sight worth looking at to see nimmevo" 5 «oBiit * tHd*’ field 1 aha Tho’itHi’tslh tne'dischhrgaef 1 his :eeVe>al:dutie3i hnd tbenhoias-ro perfeotly fa-,, , piiliar with .military, dr^lL.that,,nvqry thing qonies us easy to him! as the alphabet does lo a Bohopl- - , Mr ‘Humbri£htVft’wilFbVHmomberady i ihiheftfe^fosnwaE^wasprotnoou^ from.qij.o, ff tho vnlTOteer panics to,tho rogular service; was at the battlaor ' Ohepiiltepeb Srid 'SefCril"other ■- during.the. whole dfjthocampaign.couduoted, hini-. w.ith (Ustingniejbed brivvory.. The ibg officer in giving nn"n'cd6iiht J bf l the bat'tlojof Ohopultopco passed upon bim.i-a f.weU-idesorvpd; compliment when that ho was one jof, , the bo3tidr>UedoffiQers.in thQ.whftlo.army. Holis J now adjutant of‘this regimen t, and l baTdnin of tuO> u@wly r formed'ooffipaby of'Jackson' Riflomsn j a • brief* aeconnt of i which-1 'gave you in my lost Ift-, ; ter..With- bis soul iwubenergy,. ooutege and ,cam city, and foudners for, the military..pyofeasioniL ' .vontnra.to spy, thatshou);! he, eyerie required an, . tho aqtiyo he will, bo, prqmipent' among’ those who ‘dostfnetj' io' ajJa honor, and glory St<y ' the fmbs'arid : flh'g‘‘6f'hl3‘cbufilt , y.’ _'' ’*{•'/ The other officers also attracted some attention.., / The fine, manlv, and-venerable appCuranoo of Go lonolJohn H-Dachman na ho stood in front of « biitfalloh, elicited.,not only neapact, hyt . Flo is a brave man. and" ft 1 noble-booking! ofl^cqr. a Major issemotMhg'on the 6i*dcr ‘ Putnhtri—‘good'htimoVdd and' bland in tho ’.drprqsc; r sion' of his’cohnfcnfthcc,' ehtelc’sa Ks., - thotikd he wdiildlas : leavevride- down -a flight? bf gMw/dl * a Mexican without.any oorpp.nnotionofvonsflienop, or despatch a buflot witfi, as much gusto os-ho woujd ,‘an .anti-bilfous .pill. w The surgeon ‘of the t rem-i ; Dr. Samuel I^/Kin^walt ? la a youW ! mh'n Of far more than ordinary appparanch;' Ho is fiomb ’ what' above tho" nsiiar'heiffbt, -‘probably • in ri tge i ‘neighborhedd of six foetA l carriage is ; and" dignlflbd,' and he is," withal,' a physioian" qf . more than usual promlso. 'He is the son of Colonel ' Samuel Jliugwalt, nt ono time.so well and Soifa~ ' yorably known iu thU, community. Quarter Mas ter Youart is a true, complete, and.perfeot ron resontativo of Ins buuincKs. He is. fine, fat, and ’ healthy, draws in tho scales some two i Hundred aqd sixty poubda/and no man nor soldlor’could look at ' him without feeling an increased appetite for his ' dinner/ His appearance in the field was admira- ' ble; and attracted great attention. It can bo said 1 with a great deal of propriety* that while he pof* , fesscB far more courage, ho is a most faithful rp presentativo of'Sir John FaUtaff. , ,i, > ■ Brigadier, General Shaeffer, Brigade Inspector Auiweg, and Cplopol Daniel Horr, also ooruppsOd, a part of tho staff of field officers, arid presontetUft hamlsomo and attractive appearance ‘lndeeq, ■ tho whole rogimenfc on Thursday, as well as during , ‘the wholo encampment,’was represented by officers who would do credit to any field. Judge Advri oate Oliver J. Dlokey, is a man of small and spare stature, but ho fully carries out-the truth of tile adage that “ preoions goods come in small pack ages ” What ho wants in physical development he possesses in a tonfold degree’ in intellectual, as , it is a truth, universally admitted, that be is an . able lawyer, and an oloquent advocate, capable qf measuring arms, not only with the 'weaker meq. but with the giants of the Lancaster bar.- General Bartram A. Shaeffer is also a distinguished lawyef, tho solicitor of the-Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and a gentleman highly esteemed for his kindness of heart, his warm social feelings, and his honesty and integrity ab a man arid citizen To thU paragraph, tho wholo staff of field officors’ritp n credit to the regiment, and tho diffprorit compa nies oomposlng it may bo proud of their 'selection. It was muoh regretted bv his large ooncourso of friends, that Major Frederick Himbright, former ly of this cit£, was not; present. It would certain- . ly have boon gratifying to the feelings of the aged soldier, could.ho have looked upon a scene such a° was presentod on Thursday, a scene in,which hjs . sou took so aotivo conspicuous a part. . . I To-morrow tho ngriculturnl fair cemmcncei. Ample arrangements aro made for tho accommo dation of gangers and’oxhibitoT?,-and : tho grounds are already well Blocked with tho rich products qf. our county. ’ ■ Mac. Octodbh 4th, 1858. ■ “To tub-Editor of Tiie'Prrss: In a'late number of your pnper I noticed a paragraph over the signature of “ JSTalakoff” “ protesting* against the partiality of tho lecturer, who, 1 Ijo says, seeks to «add to tho merits of the Eng lish, whilo ho loso3 sight of tho undaunted bril-; liant achievements of-tho French ” Now, as an Englishman, I dony this assertion, and protest against tho locturor's partiality in favor of tlio French . Let me appeal to a few facts. In the. affair at Bomarsund, not a word is said about the English—tho picture is French—aid the glory is given to the French,' as though-thoro wore not an Englishman.present. Tho pi«turo showing'tlio French generals is greatly enlarged upon, bestow ing, of course*deserved praise upon them, while 'ttys English officers aro, passed over, sometimes by tho mofc announcement of,‘their mimes,' Is this fair ? In tho “Feqoo'Conference at'Paris,” WalewsH, the bastard son’ ofNapolcon Bonaparte, claim* tho lcottirer’a special ‘ attention', whilo tbeworld-rd- Downed Lords Clarendon and Cowley, the English plenipotentiaries, are merely pointed out. In'the disembarkation of tho allies .at Old Fort,'WO aro told that the French werq tho firstto land, and, in tho battle of Alma,, that .tbpy w'ero the first to make tho attnek, the first to iwcond tho heights, and that they fought without tho English till two o’clock. In tho takingof tho Malakoff,' the ptotiire is all French;, the glorious - deeds of that day aro all bestowed upon tho Frenoh, whilo tho English aro notevon remotely alluded to. ! , When characteristic anecdotes or incidents arc told, they aro.uniformly French ; for instance, .'tho story -of the’ohatcau preserved by .<* the gal lantry of the Frenoh army”—the story of tho French Empress and tho Pen, told before the pic ture of the Pence iCopfc-ronCo of Paris Would nqt tho story of .Florence Nightiugalo bp as fall of iq terosfe, as that of. Eugenia? vot, during three visits, I bovo never even heard tho name of that angelic heroine. ’ ! ‘ •< , I do not quhrrol-wUU tho leoturer as to h:s facts, : forhisstdtimiottts nro bistoritAUy true and full <jf interest giving a mass of information which cnii not lmerely objeot to his partiality io tho French t M. ‘!,Malq koff,” to thocontrarynotwithotanding. “ Rendep a Ctssar ce qni apperlient Gasar.'K , t 11 * BALAKLAVA. : A New Dodge,—Two Volf-dressed, and ap parently gented persons, stepped in to Anderson, McLain, A Co.’s, m Kentucky, whole sale dry-goods establishment, on Tuesday after noon, and domandod to b 6 shown some of their goods Whilo ono of’tho clerks was waiting on thelatly—for. a Jndy was, one of Iho Tompkins, of James Low ,&. Co., told ono of the firm that ho believed that was tho woman who was in his store a short 1 ago,’ and'they had missed two bolts of y silk} they then watched her ladyship, and Bobii saW a Couple of 1 bolts of silk and ,s\ip them under, hcr oloak. Sobn‘ after this she told thorn to pack' up tho goods sho had solcotcd, , and- she' would onlliu tho oveningand sottlo for -tbem'.> Ebo then turnocl to leave the storo, but was askod to wait until Ofiioor Kirkpatrick could ar rive, who soon emue and made-thorn toll wbero theli* root'd wnsj Which "whs at tlio United States Wytol. 110 then fount! some ,s7,oo,worth of silks which had been 'stolon from* several houS'os in that city. In thoir-rounds thoy-had.visitod tho stores of jins. Low Co., Bryant, Harris, Barber, and ' ’ The Crimean War l?iuioraina# TWO CENTS. ■ THEGR^MIKISjIM. total DBSTiocypst{(BjHi^?i|i^Ai{6' 1 * .. ITS,ICQNIENTSi.i 1 Xoss, Nearly, a j [From the lie,, Yori>i ol( tf o r£,& r &#p vJwr.fa? 3 '' 1 ! , Pal f° * l ? 5 Are yesterday. At a few minutes after 5 P Mvi a flm T t 1!?, o™™} 0 ™™} in the iVly-socond-stMetentoncm which has been need as a lnmb” STiMotha openingßf the'lair/ : o: • r•;? TT. . ® Among the property destroyed i n the Paine a ?"? «•!«?> of statuary, “ elidW EqaMirjaOtstue of tin, Ami&n *M*-o 1 .;l*?tt;B’4se colossal Statue of poasts , fi 2!WJ®I?Wi3 e P!P group-Of the Apostles; a bas- 'iDeseentfrom the .Crpsj a mantle statue,,.of. Columbus., and; fioveral other Valuable wdrts of jirt,; 'jTh'o'Palactd Vras originally tho‘pro perty of ftri'mcofpflrafion, known ns the ‘fAaspqia tfon for tho ljxhlbltioii of lh'e all, Na. tioris,” company^* Jacomor&tGd jfarch : ?v 1852;/tbo ‘first j)reei(leri£,waa .Tbeodoie Sedg jbuUdibg was.'commencpd iriihejfall of ,I°s2 } . PiresidentPierce, on the'’ 14*Tbo' exhibition reina|ned open for neatly, the Ptesidehoywoif subse qaebtly Rested In‘Sir. ICT* Iformim, under .whose auspices aielriauenratioh t6^k,p^ae , bn i of' Hay,1854. In May lost the.flutize property re*' i verted to the Vity’ r: \<> L dONFLlafeATjo^,;^!?,;."' - no doubt ae to the plaoe wherethe,lire originated. It was. first, seen imwhatwas called. thq“ lumber,-room,"comprising tbd, entrance let, tho Forty-eocond-stroot sido/at the north nave Several persons state that a .sudden fiieh.of Hate was seen in this .room, iod.fromitbis.fadt lUs fltfn rposodhymSAV thHVthffirf wAVW'wdrMf sdme T tinoendiary. i'tDhe fbuhißldesotlbodaCrOßOmblihg (ro<n«*\yas ! fill^d { wiTh bid t fif; >P.X 6vi o ue> exMbi t ton® —ft qtt sfctlty of eahvafraid of t a ; dry .Arid. }ijghlT r in* flammable character. In,a. moment in a whole was in a blaze. / Thb'flntrles staircase, lighted* tbirty-onatSMfr.gw iUnmiftator, dasbed among a. quaDtity.of paints and chcmioA’lE on'the seoond' floor—Swept arobfcd Ana along’the 1 nnve,, taking ft'.quantity or/bbdllrrig/babirie tfwdre; 1 <s® * they.reached the fldgepftbe dome. ,4P 00 jnstdntone body of .flame encircled the enilrris&A *6f . ■the igaa caused fthe- gtrdbrs Mdi snap Jika'brittlo i as( lt from ( the discovery of ' , th ® fire, as is determined by, Several gentleman who ndted the foot by thblr walrihes/thb dome foil iWith Mhundcringorrfsh;- iwi .arj.-'fii H/ t; »» i .4" wasdU* St® 1 !!?? 80 ra vH wag its progress; that by the* tuneiflMmrtr’T«abHbd > tfctf tf^"i?/'iMtftoddafeto;, iujwyieg jthotbpiiding and iisoon eeygrAl.eEgtoe/Lwas iahen into, f the J btiif&ing l 1 And waler itho barning' mafa!?rWhQn‘'the'r , oOfb'ttnd Walls of the fell,^bo r .utmP9f be used to provent accidents s among tbo immense ‘CibWd that Had fortunately,*ho' fene ■ , was wjnrod by the falling wells,j«. -tjf ®JP*. kntyfni } fo - bo, ,tho en* ttanoe, as well as from othermeaneordetermiuißir thefQot, tro fewer than ’Z.'O'OO ftb,® 'theoryrofflre' ' SP. 8 9i .t 1,9 ttofp m,6ome oonfusfgn,,arid-; thb scrodma of the timid eagerly endeavoring to ;gof into til© open'airfare /He'AMi«ii4iHbUt4ii , 6akQs, ' sthdsh' ifhb/M'the doiifuslilii <Sf ‘ tbo SbrfoSl, iSly , hucw. the idiroodon of 'osoapo.H' Of' this’lmnihiiko Id! 3 l%P•«Vi#onoe ,tbfh,! any. lost .their lives. There was a. rumor thar /her' 'child iW'Wins;- 1 ,bgl>;itbe, Btory, i’waA;?not uwellllanthenHcateit t.' ) elry:department,-wat’ i rSisSrrip'> <MV‘H>m6n lf ki%- .thafe he saw h|m .endeaygririg. tp'/rgmpyd" som©' ":“! a ”/ e k i ew i?lfy. and.that at mat'tim© the^flames Had l mado stirih hebdWay'tHat”h&v^3 s '^DftVelV , ablir .tot^ape^sAaithe'S^Wrwft^f^lfHafmridihtoly’aftbcs ’This* fitritfeffirin'f foMSlmb; pf .individual safu:-.bftihad, crept through tbo smoh • b ‘s nknasana 'P^^bp^&%tAudu^fliJ^Bfcj^;flgo,worthof;wat<ihed ' N 1 n'o^elh waVd, WJUpSdatingi lWhen-ith€/'flrie'broke out/'SS door*. otttranbefr.o^ l .X'9sty-spsond:st?<ieti-;,He says that he saw the flames out under* r tioath/ the stafr'W^y. i; b'ttt be nkd'tftfideii otberthan ,|hat it vrouldbusspaedHybxtinguisbed. -No sucb. I? ftntox;tMz\gdlw. tha pf. the building was sorlbusly endangered’ .The.managers 'h4d fVord//dinner.* of :H l ? l ?*'i Theynt:oijc9 to.the>vUitersin f Was riot' the - ’ slfghtotniuaiigdf, Arid ud Ooodslon for •alprm,' desiring Jthera /tb leAVe iri-a r quiefe‘ aridor. J E &^Ss?^UiKTherjicauUg?i J? aw^; advice: bf two: mfin ceritrkndes/ ; j Jni pursnance *• of rtbe-, jnatructions,. of the managers, tbe , doors, com-! prlsirig the. ontriinoe* from 1 Portaeth./ street, i whiohnvers eHsed/> wer& v rirdered‘ ! t6 ' ! jThe.oponips of these dootp-at once oreated A’pow erful draught of air, and by this means the flames were faonydv causing the fire WSpVead with in* .0 reasdng «nd most fearful ra^ldity. ! «The parties ip ' the building made their pxibtbyougfr tbpontranpe lending from Sixth avenue to' Forty-segopi street ‘ Tbo doors'at each entrance being tftri feet wide/af foi;dcd-ample epneb for safe and Quito a number remained in tbo building the fall of the dome, their objeot being the preservation and 'removal of their property on exhibition. Many of , thorn tarried so long, tbatutheie only way of es cape was through tbe lady turned baok to seoure money in a the ‘flames deterred her from : the attempt. 1 * >f *' ’ ’ ,r- ' . • .j i THE CALLIOPE. t> -1 . , 1 . A feature of tho Palace ws9 tho steam Calliope, introduced for tho'first ti.rno‘ at the exhibition;of last yeor. J Thero wero thVea of!these singular .musioal monstora in,tho Pfttooe. One. was plnced 'fhero yesterday/ and was not quite in, working Order. - The other two’wero in Full blast. They wore plaoed on the platform in the centre of the baildiDg, immediately underneath the dome, and ditily discoursed rausio to tho great wondorment and doleotation of tho visitors to tho Palaoe' On, one of the instruments a tune bad just been Qnished when the fire broke out ; the air, by seomin" strange fatality,'being “Pop goes the weasel.” 1 „ ' The value of the three instruments —riieywere all consumed—was $16,000 H . HISTORY OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE CQM .. PANT. [From-the Tribune.] The Crystal'Palace, whiclfwag utterly destroyed by fire last evening, was erected in 1853, by an as sociation of our citizens, organized, under aobarter granted by the Legislature of the preceding year. Tbo impulse to this enterprise was given by the fa mo am! success of the great “Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations,” held in Hyde Pa?k, London, from Hay to Novembor, 2851. The capi tal of the New York Crystal Palnob Assoeiation was originally $300,000,.,but upder an amoadmont of the oharter, to $500,000. All this was 1 expended'on the' construction of Vhb edi flee and over's2oo,ooo more, making the' first cost of tho building $711,000. Improvements and additions wore made from time to tirno, making ihe‘ fltst dbst of'th'e whole concern;about (we .think) $150,000, .Somepart.of this—porhapß $100.000—wa? paid out of the Re ceipts of tho exhibition—tno' balance is'tdade 1 up ■of the capital and the bonded debt; which is about .$150,000. No stookholdor ever received, a penny 'of dividond. One Üboral* banklng-liouso advanced to tho company, over and above its 'subscription to the capital efook, somo $67,000. of whioh-it has never yet received a dirno, P,, T. Barnumwas also a creditor to a largo amount, bat his debt passed into-the hands of his creditors about the timo of his bankruptcy. Of course, there is no insuranco. The’Crystal Paloco Association went into bank ruptcy in the fall or winter of 1864—John H.Whito, assignee—who has since been endeavor dis pose of the property,’ pay, the debts, and wind up the concern, aotiog'undeT tho advied of the credi tors. Some time last May or June, the oity authori ties saw fit to take pos'ession of the Palace, dispos sess Mr. Whito’s employees, and turn tho property ovor to the Amerionn Institute, which had unsuc cessfully attempted to lease it from-Mr. White. Tho city’s tenant has now' burnt up the building— is there'no redress for its creditors?'’‘There is probably-work for lawyers involved-in this query. Nothing is left <sf the Palaoo,but.tho iron towers at tho angles, and a small porHon of‘the iron sides. Everything odinbustible about the build ing and tho contonts were reduced to &9hos< . ,» i Tho iron parts of the mnohinery and other nrsi olcs on exhibition, together' wlth'thb 1 framework of the building, are All one 1 undistinguished mass of ruins. The glass is fused infoiarge mafscs. .The report that ono man was killed, is untrue'. There was no loss of life whatever, and no‘severo injuries -to nny.oue i t % . « ! •, - _ The police and tho managers of thp instituto arc busy investigating the origin of tlm disaster. An 'Ecclesiastical Ltio&cr, —A 1 Georgia journal ls our authority'for this: > “Mr. Dermont Dcinpnoy, supposed to be .the most wealthy man in Macon, died on* Sunday last, leaving an estate of $5OO 000. Wo learn that ho was a Roman Oatho lio in religion." nbd having kad a priest of that faith w!th‘him { dUrihg ! hi's‘rast'illne4s,'it was found aftorhis doath that his will divided $5,000 bo .tween his two children and gave the remainder,; $•105,006, to tho Catholic' Church.” , A Rural Jok.ls.--A country .exchange, pub lished somewhere out in tho woods, porpotrateS ’tho'following: “Enoko’a comet haHDg no tail, it is proposed to open a subscription to prooure funds to bny quo—a short about five millions of milesloug.” . ~s ■. ••?.. • •. < Funny Boy.—A sou of. Hon. A- G. Talbott, member of Congress from Kentucky, has made his debut in »bo ring as tt'olowii. Tho family is ono of tho proudest and wealthiest'in -Kentucky, And this ©scapado of tho young gentleman must occa sion them inexpro3aiblo mortification. The Penalty of Greatness.—On return ing to New York the other day Cyrus W Field found several thousand lotters—making inquiries and suggestions on every irnaginablo 1 subject, and somo soliciting donations and bogging for his nuto graph—awaiting his answer.- ’ j Murder will Out*—A clock tinker named j J6ol Platt, who was token siok dately at a house in Detroit, wboro lio was at work, and died tborOi confcseed that ho committed tho nmrdep,pf tho Johnson family, at FentonvUle, about ayoar ago. Ho did it for money., , ‘ . The Hkv, Mr. Simmon, whilo preaching a t q. protracted meeting near Milton, recently, became excited, and throw off bis over coat, which some incorrigible scoundrel Appropria ted, and succeeded in making off ffith'hisill-got ten booty, . ■}? t t vijLi i- ■ ji-i-./ .. TJt&Mprr* *- f roaour(^}qf i^oi^iirrOTiuiiD^_i ot population; oranj infomatlonAbit jfiH{l»e„4itfe??BtiDg to the general'reader.' ■ -' A * ~<-t , .<- t Vv-Jw-jt- ‘ *'*>'?'-. GEmtiAl 'Mwjs. 1 ‘ '.J'i A cottage at an English paper, resided fot jahlMJy mijidpiLlady p?'7' e sjt * health, con ttate d£s took ah d 'housein hls: tfiai^th»how ever,thorn vfore only! the honionfaril afrd'ber siok house.' At fcbohTO to thl evening thehousenaaidjwboso ■name isAnti* Retford, and who'is 'a,remarkably fine, handsome young woman, twenty*two years, old, .went, .jnto,her. mistress's h.edTpom-to iDqajreit anything, was, wanted he . tore,;retiring, to _Qonpenipg,the;daor she waa aswnished to see. a lad, < tbap. sixteen, standing over, her mistress as'shVUay .ip' bed, ap .paiep.tly/in, the' aet_ of* n« ‘with a bludgeon. hesitating, she immediately rushed •ujfcmhiniiclosing go rapidly’ with him that he was unable to use hiS"bludgeon.** r A desperate and long-protratodTAtruggle ensued, the poor in valid lady awaiting tbejsjrae, ip pptepse. anxiety. At length the brave girrgtfcodedeu iff cOmsTetely overpowering her antagonist, and kneeling upon Wms1 ho l “ y . u t H !B hip, back-, op thpilooiy she,held him down and milled to her pMtto'S to bring her h,£l* C ° “l cord ! withwhichsfae’finuly secured the S' js ?V or a!l Pt'T«'.' Who. was themloeked up, in ?P' l “ of h ' 3 entreaties for mercy, in,a .Jong oup- JjoHel’ ?" d Jj <!tU t a ? t .® t ’ l ! tt f d ,e4elivorod np to the he w , eU known. The lady "“'oeP. when ho awoke hor, and, 'raising- his Stick,* demanded'her kem She was 4n t % “™&»totd" liYoringdhamup, when her servant entered the r00m.,, The maid afterwards Kooiwd a handsome .pressnt fromhermistreaa. ~; i ~, Jt , , i A Smonto Moos*,—Oneiof.-these,little ani mals inhabit oar offioe, ,editor of the iight ho can bcsoen Compoauors.wdanoing nbontlOmiwsesV ieemingly ■ oako puts him in high glee,'and whShheiWdevourea L‘3 e i? 6W n f sings like a Canary mmam&m pleases with - ‘!ffi^®i{^nl i i6‘a sort of fixture id the diiiooi •'Jhidti while we are writing hos»playingioa.jtheiaWe>iindris«*Saino.tha» he isnffors himself .to ibe dwndled. without,anyhow of aai-Tl-».<skUS kur&a, )loij.fci .Av! •, Assault with a Knifs.—A .partytof .men i hiH^Sl,n' l asperated, and *lllMHfedhSs-*ppetKmtr-»nd™fai oMbofl poondidh.hiaio: OtatotUw told hinrsto let ,gd, tet.hs.. Shotftd, iidt aeif-defhnoeovttaka ;dso .of a kjlife (-iat^dwtaiikofroomplying,with hie request, three iuohes long, and two'fffd'k half'dMti'; also aboat twoTSmmTßfignfOff'aHrado of his face. mmmsgms "iofiJjhflMgitolmjhdiotliiH Oil? ;ssS...O, SHodKi}io r 'Mvst>fir:—A : shockivg murder waa committed at-RVt&altdwn, county of Huntlng {b!b of that < place* i=lt'-’appears* th at youbgtCftntweH.'was; of ? : *i^»4<j3sn < alteiomiqp, witb ;l his ’eitit/PtttWeji jSftiift pSiAS tiWtffcidajibW of :tb«muieoeiTltijfc».'frtali6faf odton'th«: armI,' 1 ,' and in AhS s«tigglii;TCißin(Jlf d«jF,; tltoitoifa,; aumss^ha at. ram W to :hbd“®fiftft^&Toh4j^ ; jilghfylb4Hlig ft Irghtedb findl a Hzrsuelthioes loathe shod asftosetHi on 'trefß Nation to?th*ir<iwa , lLCfte glrle, one two. and ft Half, <«n4 the burning building, where they perished ja.the flames. : ' ; ' - . “• ' ’ that Sffs.’ >fa^’M(&tcßiiery v ct ahoutßi x-1 aeon ty; Ind, 7 forty y«ftrVT&entiy,' i _atlhb solicits itk»^feigfyohiJdB»iriaQldi.her }prppeity- r *tia was ' about faremQTeUa t^ielDgi Suir t ; i .JHer;atfci{!hinent to, theioc ali tywb ere “she" h ?pent so jqngWjtime, Wbatfitf eXbiHi^iiiot‘'yein6v‘M,''hbwbVe>7 agi- thdtiihft fit bfphrehsjvshe euthetthroat, county, California, in quite an original inhia.way. no was directed .by the Supreme. Court “of the 'S fate to fjMt’bbrfera i&cai&illof the’Plne Tree yeltf/vamr tQ’reßtore'riie Vein 2 t#COlonbl a Fr e m on t Heideclihea -oui ting, the 2 tr,esjJUS3e£S r an4 defends <hia, position-in A-wfitten do,cujhent; S,taring, that os ,the_sHaft hjia been sunk 'Vfow feet ioWer, hßd has beeh'ipade wider?he cannbt Yefctoreifc rt in its orifehjaTntate,** apd wiil/ about it. i'> »’>£- ■ -;Rat Emigrants.—On last Sunday-morning, a trail of rstsiwas discovered in-the road at Flint Hill,.in fche . : town of Palermo, JSfew t .york,. Thera had bepna.rttin the ( night prevloiis, and the whole surface of thef road was literally’-packed down by the passage,' afterthd raid, p of thousands of these animals They followed the road from Flint Hill, ■ whete -tho;trail;struck the road t» yermillion, a distance of two miles?-where'it was lost/havlng -.probably taken charters with' thocitix&niof that “Dcmbctali.;* 'M - . ■ - Discovery of Ancient Pictbres.;—Several flno fresco paintings. belonging to 'the period of Giotto? add attributed byconimissctirslo the pen- either Agnolo GsulfU’ or Spinetlo Aretino, have r just : befe'n discovered -’at' Florence, ’ iir the Convent of the/In mates, - Yfho with great jiatienOi?and perseverance, ■removed the whitewash witK^which' they were covered, "without injuring'.them? in.’the'least. Thoy'represent passages in the Jifd of St. Cecily, and Sfs.' Valorinn, Tionrtius, ana Urban.’ * ?? Admirals in the United States Navy.— Atlast, we-have .an adiniralinthenavy. The NayyDepartment, Itisirumored, has-just deoided that naval captains,, when in charge- of, expedi tions, similar to that, now about to start for South America, shall be Justified in >&saumihg the title of. and be entitled to the benorsaud salutes of an admiral, Accordingly, Admiral Shqbnck now flies his broad,flag at thefore instead of the main, where Yankee commodores havo hitherto located their pennants. * c.v : i..'; -> .Gold Diggings, JN^.yERHpNT.rr-The Ver mont .Journal, .states ,thut._ n \^m, > Hankerson of Springfield,' of the same two assistants, ’o’n'Tharsday last; washed out hearty $l7 Worth of gold iti Plymouth, Vt? ertland of Amos Pollard -end L. S.> Carlisle. One-piece was valued at $9 20. This gold, range is pno or twojniles wide, and ex tends through the tpwn. On Saturday afternoon, says" tho, Bangor (Me ) Times, a little named William Henry Leighton, aged soven was insiantly killed by the falling of d free* upon him,' in : tbe woods at the end of Third street. A party of boys were foiling treosfor sport,,and one,.by a flow of wind, was taken in the wrong .dircction. and tho little boy, breaking his nock, and kilting him instantly. '-' ’' ’• A Mexican General at a Tankee Train ing.—General-Comonfort, ex-Presiderit of Mexico, was present at the encatupmont of the first division Of . tho Massachusetts militia last week, fie came on the ground in a barouobe drawn by.four.grays. He was received with much honor', and was pre sented to the Governor and other dignitaries-pre sent. • Freak of Nature.—Colonel Muenck, of Harrisburg, Pa., on last Tuesday'obtained from his .briokrynrd a frog which nttraotod much st tentioa as.a natural curiosity. It, has fivodistlnpt legi, and' twenty-five toes. It' whs dug out of a day. bank’ in which' it had proposed a resting place for the, winter, by some of thp, workmen in tho empby of Mr. Muonch. , Son Stabbed'by nis Father.—The town of Sheffield, Ashtabula bounty,'Ohio, was thrown into groat excitement , last, Thursday,’’by an. affray bo tweep A,mi tbe father, who' is, eighty years old, delivered np to his Eon’hie property fiotne mbiiths since, and, in a dispute about- the , matter, be stabbed the young man with a dirk,' but the wound will not prove fatal , f Bon.sk Explosion.—Aboilcr ina small mill at Wakpokonetta,- Ohio, exploded on "last Thurs day, seriously damaging the building, kUling an old oitlson. named Tbomas Orawfordi seriously in juring Nicholas Shawn, and wounding several other persons. The boilorvras thrown a thousand feet from tho mill. Cotton in, Central., AlitEßicA.—Letters from Central Aincricaetate that cotton -planting is attracting considerable attention there. Sam ples of somo grown, haye been favorably dossed by the English jjqdgps, the. Manchester Cotton Supply Association aro distributing a considera ble quanUty of seed .throughout Control America. ~ IJost Office Fostmas ter General has announced that “supplements '* u PxtTas ” fielded within regular issaos of daily or wookly journals—not actual and bona -fide edi tious.of sueh.publicationß, conveying intelligence of passing ovonls arid general tutdliuenco—-will Shbjoct-tho wholo packagc to letter postage. ' 'Temperance.—At'a camp meeting in Lou doun county, Vn., last week,; tho ‘ committee” seized upon one hundred and-fqrty.,gallons of ‘whiskoy, being vended in tho vicinity, and,poured it on tho ground. . An Indian was lately hnng in Texas for the murder of a child. Wbon tra the Scaffold he said he was .going to Arkansas,’ and,,wished the other Indians to sond his gun.to him aftor he should got there. 1 • ‘ CoNNEcricui_JEiE£ii!iONa.*r=Tho rcttirris of tho town eiectipna, in-Connecticut show large.Rc [publican, gains joir. The vote polled, •‘as a gpitortil'tJiJng; was'^epr’iaf^is. I’ - Tup 1 Sonti}i'<i\ American s;iys lockjaw in r horses can to cured by wrapping them in bfahkefa f whinfihnve h'obn : Wrung otit 1 of water of two bur» ared’degrccst£ni|HSnitmV " ’ ’.(lovornor ' of New Itftinpih?re 4l h«3 Appointed-ihe/25th fteveinber as A dn£ t»f tb3tik?givirig.' * ** ' -' } The late poet JPercivaVs library Jtf : for Sale. 1 Trice $20,000,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers