i rbuiiin-dTaaiT, , OA-iiT).—B*.NK ,r .OK- r p^!?BVLVA I [® iiOVSHtt. ' " S Ut.-cr<l>tton.lJMM»W>B, lootodlng thsmtoi dia liankiur linyti. Giuuinut street, and . dtfrjtlingi,' taMlbg lote.Ac .to be. boH ttth Ootobor, pjr o.rd er vfVhe Aringneßß, wHlbe issued In handbill* in , » day or-two ' - j ' 4 AND URAL ESTATE ' « - Twelfth!Frit Sfcle, 10th Octobar, at the Exonang*.., ( fpr part of tbti handbills of the. above 1 Bales.-, now ,> FMtajlilpbUr.Exchange eVerj ’ iMwiiftomm- "" *• ~ ;./1 *■ ( - ■ - -Tnr.HandbaUs or each property Issued senarAtelyj Iw ~ad£ttlon.tp which we pubtiah Saturday prevrotti: a sale, One thotuanil oatalogueA\n pamphlet lotto, ' riHuaiicrlptloha of all tKe pr'OportjvtO be Sola oh owing Tuesday.. , „ C. Z r .' L ' » ' - W"i« - SAMI - ,r -~iJ - oqr'Pnvate Me Bj,-; - '. «3fiS,SiSr ourPubßo $tS» ; ’ KEAI ESTATE AT EMVACT BAM. J ‘ > [ r ■- IC7T Wo hBTB A large amount ef BeaPErtat- at t **l Tit? .^o/Tnolidlng'«iar| deeWptton, gel. , cptfafa Jjljprtj, s ;f riDtof Xtßtß^mijr.bo, M>t jtk*- TTraZ/TTH FAIB SAis—OOTOBSB tSIb, J , -*. WUMnetuia- v i ’•■! ' * ; lot Nino * .taeotMlfepto *•';/’ • -VLANGEAND Federal 4t?e«t» Sfiffaet* front, 2HL feet deepi; j ;’~ • VxBoUtor f »S>lo— Tier*, Deceased • west of Sixteenth street, lot 28 feet front, ISG’ieet deep 't f J to;]?»AetiBt | ceet-^>,-/‘r < ■‘ > ; \ I ; i ,s ”‘ - Safer-Jfetate 'of Richard McGrann, . . f T »MnV.-"; ... .,\ .Deceased.,■ V;’ „ { ,(• TJJN; BIUOK DWELLINGS,' Noe. 2434, 2403,2408,2410,2412,2414,2416/ 2418, and 2420,Pine;etreet./.“7 ‘, 7 • .'V r : \ Iv , Admlolctrator'e Sale—SaUte of Wm, Aebton,-DeoM«. TTfIBBB'BTOftV BBtOK DWELLING, No. 828 Orbwn - irtreet.** ...- a. ,{i ~, <>< . . ,’Cru«tee 1 & Sale. - ‘ *.■* ;•• vittJAOT.* CO At ’ LANDSr 558 »or«l, 80 perohfß, ‘ - fn Felt Luiarno county, Watia. j By ’. - drdoVot - thVTntttee'fo* ike bondboldera bi the North „ GfttW«(f<Ue'OdalOonipaoy. : ‘ { " 7 ; :'TALUABLB PBOPBBTT, VALLEY FOHGE, Mont* . •' toodera ice houie. and oib'erantbolldiiiKa, and over 50 aia«a j u . v AftCR - ! atreet, Vvetween. ThlrUenth and Broad atreete .*’ j .»! VALUABLE' BUSfN feSS LOOATION,i-V»luable|rt- V_ 7 eid§Qce'Wn<y l2if»No. 513, Arch: *tir#et,ahoTe Fifth "aonw .RITTENHOOTI! SatrAHß.-EleMut iod- m3 itoiiVi:wdeoce, replete with every . ( i erh:‘cb'n.x4hleiiob>V ebhth ride of Elitenbouae gqmare, .1 aaperl6ritable And 6O fpet on Elite • • > '!n?-'Mmedrate 'poueMlon. $16,000 inayf ramatn. ..>??!,• ■' • \ j Peretaptoty Bale. ( r ~. (CHtLTORHILLS —VaioaOle.And beantithlrite for. ' ' awdoSsr terideooe, 20 HtUdj liwUea ‘ fhita'PhCideipWu.'b minutes ‘walk from* tutted on :; ALGABLEL^T;tWENYY.TOIRD WAEi), T23T«et -\ r oh traupßlit )itfebtj'72 iibt 'tra Hrirmin street. 526 feet s deep’—'Also, i' neat--frafte''dwelling.’ 5lOO tb be 'prilat tbfttiftia ' i * DEOAD STREET.—Veloable lot Bro&d street, south of Oxford atrrtiTtf fronU 1 , SIX THEBK-StOEY BR T OK DWELLINGS, B. W. -They .will b 0 B&’6k.OTOp 'AND'IiwgLHNO, Rirfsre. - . j v T WO-BTqEV3fiKiGX 7 <3GTTAQ*> No, 1681 North TWe ITtti Afreet*, abp?e\.qyfocdi«treet." \ t lV TWQ-STpBYBMOKDWILLING,No. 1030Herrine " »treetl ' «*- '--• i 2 .._J PITH MODERN,,THBFB-BTORY BBIOK DWEL LINGS, No*. and .1230, Ohrisi «• v tfan* ttreef.'betrfden Twelfth and .Thttteehtb street" • IJDUR-STOEYDBIOK':BEBIDKNOH, No. 1882 Pine '* • Weit of Efe&teenfL street. .' . #t r •« 1 5 THREE-BtOftY BRICK DWELLING; Pine street, ~ '-r-t- I , tfrpbaQß’ Court Sale ,on. the Premises—Estate of John J • ** :* * #eiley Vraf, D«o’d ", t . BRSIDENOE AND- FUBNITUAE. < * h ' Oh Tuesday. Morning, -■ ; . «. October,Sfdth7*l; *O, be sold on the pre , rjtenwt. thAneatmodern'Tesidenca, sdnthweßt comer of ,- SeVentWnth streets':. f , ' - Imaediaely after:the sale or ,tho house, will be sold / . * \ I *’ ,1 » ! - W ‘‘flTr-'Fdn in haudbllls and eatalogues. ’ ' /. . :'T*;4aleph’tlieP’r«rit*M,Wilnnt street, ' < Thehandsoma ni'dernßeaideoce with marble front, the near manner, foV'the'nse of and'alwaysbteq, (^jcq- Sl i d WO- t i?Cp o ß^ e '129 Beltoa . .etw#tfWtVWa s W>VkO??4d;And*;Sahpol strewt, above "WniUtd w>ef, Kearibktdn. \ Jl handsome Fifß^nu^,,, large’ mießoßs, cub* ' , l!bima3iateiy after the Saie’of:the House; will be ’aold ., by oatalogae4rjrhf e^orc 4^ odt /arnltare, /arge mlr ' cart&lps/Ao 4 .;.y " ■ ; '*o7*7oll partlcukrsin handbills and citalogses.- .. ; , , • JBale-afe- No. 1522 Walnut street. 'tiVPE&tOB PVBNITUBI6, PIAfiO; LARGE MAN* ... tel.. and;. pier...mirrors,, oubtainb, oil 1 "t '*! Dotohd dtb/at J0h;clooh;;at Ntf. U 22 Walnut street, • - natal <^pte»tJu» wftti re hdhsetidldfnhiunre'/lheludiDg >- - pai* : large and^el^rait'French plate', mantel andlpier * ‘ 'mlVtbfl, ;«iperlar'rosewood'pl»ne7T'dctiTei»,'‘inidn by \V Chich«Hig. Lkndffome fiirnl '4ure, v il6gai»t ‘dlooir 1 ihd'He* ehica.tfins esrpets; oil .patntifistf/flne ¥ '<dhfcndelieni‘,' r superior diEdng-vootn and ■‘ 'chamber fUndt«re, Ac.v6cc.' i •**■'> i - * '•’ . / / The elsgantreridmce wUI be. sold, at 10 o’clock, ' ‘previous to'tbfteale of furniture., , •/' r H Jp* Catalogues -will be the ftunlture.'may j examiaW 31t04 6’e oeh *' s ROOTS. : d < <Thl* ? ;'/ 3i '*•' • At .-A at' the; anetibn stOrd, B ; cases' superior' bulbous floWcP assortment of - i -’3xy4riSths?tuW J &o^' J ’ v - s: '-^ 5 f * ! ,TC,PSiNtBtISAtrO 8f A<JE 'TROP«tj!fOE3-le p«- P-BIBOSSSfitoI«HC' G*AB,'HABNBSS, *cj '-' • ' " 5 J themVetof the fair anount KaiiroadOompacy, ,frd6d Street, between T*ren- I ty-secoqd and reserve. ... 16OdmlhuRes^WrVttfeanvufeWjaudaU la good Tun*. ■Vimk'taie.'- : ’■: •:■•»■*■: *•'- f '- ,M*yJbS , '«MSIJWd; j '<ttr **Cy.'tioieF pnrioa, the , , S \H**bf : SftIPBKtQB ' IDRBITOBWJ* I ' ; ■ '-'rOKris/B irajfTßt.’AN» pier mtßbobs, cab- ; . ~ in et, *^-j ( i800? ycaßsj. Bto' trtnss, 1 oab : , . CABO.—Oor. eaR» to-morrow taorpia& at the Auction ;‘; feomp ( rr«s,‘ < be«{dßa'';Boo; ) 'lots_, of hxerileiit -'•*■ 'eewnkheolfaroftire,s'*tn*VmW- , pf.M:forW«; fame it Jbyßseoa mao*; pier. and-tfth4r ! ibirrorsT hahdaorie walnut oabjriet, FqaahtUjlST Wl> tfifi): -tity of fneraiu. ImperWl, and VenUla&cir petr. cif6k u K^! glass wire? beds and* bedding, .xotmiog an attractive assortment worthy the attedtldn «(.Ud'ee,ajDdotbers deslroos.oC purchsslog.. . j " Oatalogufeß now ready, and the article* arranged (or examlnatfoui : ••• » - • \ , . Sale at Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth street ! ** SUPTSfttOR FURNITURE, PIANO-jpORTE, FINE i FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS,'.BRUSSELS OAR-i . PETfI. &0. ] * - -i. .v:,-V On f f | • 'At 9 b’elockj at the‘ aueuon store,an extensive •faortment of axoeUent sepond-hand furniture, eldgant »{ft«o-fort<i | flne;mlrrorf,' from private ' fhtaUies deolihlng housekeeping, removed to the store torooor^nffeKSror sale. - --• ” " ■■' / - ! i .t ■: it AJtOjB large mantel and pier mirrors. gUt frames. -* 7. ’ Also, 2«l^gint-TiM(e^oodpfanos^by..Bacon* Raven. 1 ALo, 2 snpuibfjkoond-haud pianos;'' ■ -.-J AlBo,'h*naabnew’alauteabitifl , t, glau doers. .. 1 Also, a Urge'fifei-proof bbest. ' - ' Also, asnft.of elegant walnut,drawfng*reom fornl-1 -ture, covered .with crimson-brocateUc. . , ' ■ J BALK,OF INTERESTING ENGLISH AND AMRRT • •• i( ' ‘ 1 BOOKL' " *: j 1 OitFriday Evening, / >• ' BL h ratthaauction a collection of val uable London and,.Amerioau pqbKcationa on rarloua; «üb|eots;al>drtlph'hf r For ptrtfCUl4rs ; see''catalogueriaod the bpoks, whieb.wUl-Pexrraoged for .examination one dajrpre/, { Ba?e^a^, eQrn«r ; of SeVenU'snilt arid Summer fits.* 1 RftM>trt«lfc ANO FURNITURK. i * '• I <•> t 1 .'On Monday Morning,•- ' - ' > 31th Inatant.-atlOo’Closk, at the southeast confer of, Gevoqtaeuthai^l.Summer, household and Also, a qaantlty of BCbooj fur t|7*' reiidehea wilt be sold at 10 o(cicdh?fprevtaoa.tDtae'eafo of faruuure;,ltis aifour* Btory brick, /rppt, about :,35 feet deed, tin- Ishea. with and cohvenieno4a. - 4 / . . o, .... • -»- On' Ererilug. 7 i . CotobbT ISW, at the auction storet'wiUhc told h valrl viable private library, wbicb.inelodes a number ouratri.' interesting, and curious works, oa a,variety of subjects, AlSo/riandavd nUtorlc and poetloAuthoni, the best edi tions. «e/, Ac:' 4 • 1 - "'- s i t - •; ' Po7 see ’Catalogues. >. I > '. '«■ r- n ELEGANT; AND VALUABLE BOOKB JUST HR*. -v*s^,.- LQNDON., ' -On Friday Evening,. / ... }r pptobar.lsth*,at;tha auction store, will be sold a eon-. • '/jgtt»erit,ofeieFaat < ’ahd'ril6abl9 books, on various *’ ' riUbJe«&. ; ' AlK>j’wl6g4at llluatHited pictorial works, just received direct from! London i x ■r.-,i ‘ \ s • /-/ -s iT7?’Catalogues will be ready three day*/ previous. * ? f to OAPITAIiIBTB.'BUILDBIIB. fe'c. I —LARGE AND I WALUARLB'IOT• AT-PBIVATH SALE, LOCUST St L ) between Broad and Firtecath.atreedi/IIS --- xeet front on Locust street, by 178 feet in depth to a 10 A* VATBSAI.K-inA'NDSOME BBOWN-STONE JUIIDJENOB, Ho. 3520 PINE Street, koo.ro m 11 Gnloa' -v j.u V (,-> „ t /.jtfoiafiajrXTH* ttsj 4trOTIONISEt mtoo^: b - *** OKBiTPtigCxOAOOOMMODATIOS. . , KOJfJ!?!., . -.MflirgV! !, .-.MpNJS?! !]!' *' ' ‘itotfey liberally advanced inlarge or small, amounts, r stftois&'VßA qeUirid thousand*. on' gold and silver nit*. mamdiWfl/w&che*, jewelry,' fovrilbf'-itl4«*fl,m6sl<3ftl ... tatramentSjTarnftare, drygoods, clothing, groceries, %' 'SAgfc** bardwere, cutlery, ( .tyok», horses, vehicles, her , *l3S«,"ttQd'flU irtfeles df'vajTid/for **»*« iCngtfio£ tfm* Prikcipal-'JBstablifhbuni, •i; & Stall* And Been streets; •' »i * d £ dotes, 1 with discounted X&VitkNtP PBIKOIP AL 18ffT, r *g. *, £ia7 &hhey'wflJ'W lftertilfy’gdVA&eSd <Hi?&old and ~ sHyer pUte, diamonds, watches, jeffelryi-fotrilng pieces,' .- ddttririg!, groceries; Hdnrfrs/colginrfl, jhard -7 :L™&j cttflerj l ,' ijwey Articteßj •falnwrtfpjCtatlngs, en -1 AtavLOfc*, .lngtruoiinta,■ furniture,) bedding, - ■ j *f!* *■ ** n< * all ' <) t b * r wfttoiM - . ■ , : ’OET-DOOB BALUBr 1 ’ '•’* * w eU OT»t*<lbor sales, either ' ?^ r6S,^ r S 1 *®* 1101 ?* mA charges .. £;Alt ual * KA'jHiwa, auotigheeb, vjjg* wmtoiaT vaxß “wi 4. opp^ioTfcffpt: B^. > . - .'s.Oltfid&ar. Mitt I mi; seise ,st the Anntton Hunk*, eV **’ ll ' OAPlTi?°m,OOo“' ■ '.", EsttblUktift* <*» lot i TMrty y« f *. >. »:<AiTnnse«,idsde.f*owo>ia dolUrtothmusAdjion trie f •-* Vto#*#*,. *nff .Good* of ltgreed \ •. £ J,- sitfj •■>■ .1 •s' f | ~ ,-, i ■ jir,^Ali,WW9M t Z«MQ : OT*hundred OpJlAir* ppWarfUti —* A depth of I£9 taet, hail large -v to store all vsJnaMck; abdprJS * IWD S **'??? 8001,0 ' :iJS m *»• aaltoftW ehpltal, ,-r: ■ ft6,o?fieo advance* on more satis °‘ h “ «■ *•»*•*» •=>»« «MUH*, «Hk( ,:., other Watchsii. JtAlrr. at / AV»SHPH.;Bw«>BISB; Arrhing,MiAer?l»n'*M . fKoithi/rantD .Street Am Wiß». ItalianV-Md' - v Aw'ttlogkfor’Dwelling*andOfftce WJaJ’ tizsffiz&s? to otderby JOSEPH BROUTER, WKSteji*'!,'# o WutfrTrflht gtrdSjWSSiiefiM'). £ ,t.. ' ' %‘ ; gCnctlon. rriiJliSiss,' brinlby, apoo., •" i : t JL°- l{l9 MABKBT'gTBJSBT. ' labge Sack of trenoil GOODS—Balance of . -THF.IMPORTATION OF! MBSBBB. BBNKARD fc . BOTSfOlf.fraW YOBK. • -, ... ' . 1 pa Friday Morning, , . ,Oot ,Bth? at 10,o’clock, by catalogue, on el* month* credit. */. :r ' •” „ colored Saxony merino jplaW** of ff" traadper quality, for city trade, best Imported, in ex tra-widths; u , ,» '• 150 pieces Paris plaid, Vlotdrjas ~ ... . * 200 -do/plaid and bayadere first quality poll ae chevre. - *•»•pit- !i *• ' • r 10Q pieces Fariß vilenctaß. < - , ■ * a 10Q pieces d 4maz*r/no bias merino cloth, eupsrßne quality, ,1 > »• > i -"‘ ■' "* ,- <■ vJW pieces bonnet velvets* black and colored, Ofsupe rior qualities, and celebrated- make. - --76 pieces Lyons cotton velvets, euperb -qualities. ■ 100. pieces French shirting, Hansels of superior quali ties. . . . • •< . , ' ;.T5 jleceMuMgnlfiipgt qualUiesblack taffetas, ofPou- SGo’aend-Boanet’* make.’ ; r " ' k “shawls. . . Also, 603 luperQce quality black and high colored Thibet shrfwfr.-extraxioh fringes; of Paturle, Lupin, A Co’s manufacture.,, v , . . j . 1 ??9 squarp black woollen fringe shawls. ■ ■ 400 superior Quality prlbted'Tbfbet shawls'.. - 600 fcxtra rloh assorted colon Stella d o'. *6<W; :: do p .v ronqd corners Stella shawls, black and andbrawnYqcamebysteamer'Arago.'' •" , 600'extra rich perao&e'and chaUeille border Stella shawls./'- : ;; , '* ;/ - •, ; fOO extra rich bfoche collars and shawls. , • .700 Splendid qualities long and square broche shawls, finest'goods ever offered .at auction. 200 extra rich.silk* peloohe scut double face long ana square OUhinere shawls: “• *' ’• ‘ ' t _ SLACK LUSTRINES. ■r end 86 super quality, Lyons black lustrines. B ! SOOTiyJri, AUOTipNjKER, mooes-' « r SoVtbWdLBBBT*fiOOTT,)43I'OHBBTNUrat., ; crupcsrie ~th •^Ovtom-.House between Yourtb. and Fifth . tnbiuded ill sale tbfd morning will bp found a' full .line of Swiss mutlln*. ftne French. embroidered* took collars,. PiocotQmtai collars, - fine ribbon eats,: lac ing colter*, .infants’ waists, infants’, robes, Unen-dam bTic handkerchief, Freqoh corsets, real thrhad laces, r bVnuet ribbons, trimming ribbons, Fycndh flowers, bon* net as tins,Ac. 1 r .; O Now arranged for examination with catalogues. PEREMPTORY SAL* QJ? 600 LOTS ASSORTED . Z is*,' 1 i j October nth. by catalogue, commencing atio o’cfeck precisely, willbe sold at .the saTeiropin,Nq.4Sl Chest nut-street,r kjfiril.'ageqrttneht, of goods Suited to city relaiTaib’S, eomprifleg,vis;;; / ./ s - <• * Embroideredcollare, eehij sleeroa, bands, flouncinga, handkercVtefS) French lace veils, ,<XC % &C. »rf, i‘, i-r , ' -.*■ ' ' ' ... fT '• 1 ' ; . / .. . 89A.WX0. , Broshe Iqng shawls, fancy and plain bordered Stella sha’trls, Aco. ' RIBBOBB. ■>’ JNewfalbatylebopuet rlbbpns, faijcf, trimming rib bong, silk,fringe, drees button*. &o . . • : and dratfers. Also, 100 dbsen merino under shirta and draweie. , i ■ I 'jXHBSiD MOSS. IJ.MJBI(WB,:A<i. .Also, a Uue of real English thread laces, imitation -thread Mechlin laces, 4*4 and 6-4 extra twist wash Il larions, Ac. -I - 1 : j-' : . . T>HU4P, KORD.d AtXqtnqtfEEß, No. 17 630 MARKKA BTRBBT, between FIFTH-and IALR H MATS, tJMBRKL LAS, TRUNKS, Ac. ,?Od Thursday Morning, 7th Inst., at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell by Cata logue, 800 lotsSbootedshOtyg, brogans, gaiters, Ao., com prising a desirable 1 assortment, adabtedto the ssasim. Also, wool hats, gingham ana cotton umbrellas, trunks,' A« u ' - t ’ i J ) Q7* Samples will be arranged Cor examination with catalogues early on the ■ morning of sale, when tb e at tention ,of purphasers is Invited..... j BY: WILIiIAM 'H. STBBB, GENERAL, .AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 46 Korth BIuHTH. Street, below Arch. J.-.A. ELIBON, Auctioneer. .. NOTlCE.—Hereafter will hold onr regular sates of ..household .forhiiure, ,Ao M ~on tfednesday and Sa turday mornings, commencing at 20 o’clock. Evening anleB of watches,, jewelry, fancy and miscellaneous roods, will be held regularly every Monday, Wednes day, Thursday, and haturday evenings, commencing at 7« Vdock: ‘ • *' . ‘ • < ' O“;o6nalghraehti of new and second-hand house boldfurirftttr*’, piano-fortes; carpets, watobfesjjewelry, Ac,, rftpebtfolly solicited, on which liberal oash ad vince# will be made If required: ’ .i r 7“ Oat-door sales attended- to promptly. Charges .’aa'tfaddfcraie'aß knt tfther h6d«e in this city. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, -,v - MIRROM/PLATED WARE, Ao. ■ t i ‘ '— On Saturday - At 10 o’clock, at the auction store, will be sold by cttaTafettbSt'i'large and suferior' assortment of house boldfarnitnre, Ac.,. F -M. GUMMEY & SONS,; - ~ J • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER*. > . No. 620 WALNUT STREET FIRST FAXL BAUB OF SST>TB, MORT UA.OES. STOCKS,, , be held at the Philddel pbla ExchWJge; ■ l ’ : . 1 : - > i On Thursday Evening, , October 34th jlBsB, and .will Include— . Pwreaipterjr B*le—Estate' or John Turner. Dec’d. (iUEEN STRKEI* —Two' dwellings (one brick and the other frame); with largd lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate Nos. 11l and 116 on the north side of Queen street, between. Front and Second streets, lot 63 feer front by IQQ deep. TWO-STORY FJUtfBJRWSLfcHKUnd lot of ground, 20 feet by 46, atfaate No. 100, Queen street, and adjoin ing the above YEARLY GROUND RENT of 166.60, payable on the 10th day of September, on property situate on the west side of Swanson street, near Catharine. Lot 20 feet f 'HaSI)^MB P 'K)DB-'Bt6kT RKBIDBNOK. (brown atone first story.) with three-atory back buildings,. No. 1608 Locust street, opposite 8t Mark’s Church. This property is exceedingiywell built, and In perfect order. T * e 180 feat .deep to Latimer street, (a 80-feet wide street.) may remain on the property. Pos sarsipn given Immediately. J HAriDBOMB OHEBTNUT-fITBEET 5 RESIDENCE, No 2809. north side,west of Eighteenth Fonr. story, with ihree-*tory back bulldlngß, and all the extra mo-' ■ Hem aonvenlepQesj .built. In a superior manner, add In i corapTete , 'ortler.' Lot •20 feet front by 103 deep; to a good outlet. .given immediately. 68,000 may remain on ‘gtaund rent / • MODERN BE3IDENOE, Fifleenth, street, above Girard avenue, west side. Three story, With double.b(wk bulUi c* s r N o ,1220. Lot 18 feet frontbv^loB'deep, tb aback outlet. NEAT THRERrSTOBY RESIDENCE, Fifteenth street, above Girard avenue, east side. Lot 15 feet front by 75. fret 4a*p to a back ontle|. Possession given Immediately-"" " '* ‘ r - t v .,OBISSINP£rgTiSIY fonr-ato ry brick store and dwelling, with three-story double back building, No,-1309 Chestnut street, acove Thir teenth, north aide, lot 20 feet front, by 100 feet deep to Kelly street.* ’NEAT THRRH.BTOBY.BESIDENOE, with two-sto rybiok .buildings., north-side of Anne street, west of 'ttidee avenue, lot 16 fret by 66. ;, NEAT THME-BTORY DWELLING, with.two-story hftek buildings, south side of Cumberland street, west of Sepviva' ifreeC lot 16 feet front by 90 deep. ~ y aLUABLE BUILDING LOTS—Poplar street—seven 'adlnlnihgbnlldlng lots bhFepUr street/eommenclpg 60 westward .from Fifte*nth. stroet - The easterinost -fife are each (SO fret'frbbtby 167 feet 6# 'inches deep to .Cambridgestreet. The WesioromOfit two are 18 feat 11 1 iDßbssfrahtbyWT foit'BU ibehtm deep'to Cambridge street ;! All having tWO'good Wodt*/ ' . V MODERN -‘TmiBBIBTORY RESIDENCES, Thir- Hkeuthetrbbt;hortnof ,Wallafee, West side! Has three- Story double pack building; and foVnlfißed wUh alt the vnodehi cdhrenleoces, gas and gas fixtures. NBAT'MODBBN BBUIDENCE; tVrrahd a half story, jWi'li two-story double back-baHdlngß, r No. 716 Coatee street/ above Seventh; south side, is well built and In •doFbpletebfden'i nil. !.'M« : THBBB*BTORY BRICK DWELLING; with the lot ofiground thoresoio bttioofring,- situation south side of Miles Alley, above Tenth (between Walnut and Lo cust streets ) /THREE GROUND RENTS,of $62 each, on Burton street; west of Fifteenth afreet.-..... BEAUTIFUL' COUNTRY. SEAT IN DELAWARE COUNTY, KNOWN A 8 ASTON RIDGE, On Wednesday, October JStb, 1858. will be sold at Public Bale on the .promises, thatbeantifnl country seat, known as nidge,' situite In Delaware county. 1 Pennsylvania, about 15 miles r frS£3 .the r o/ty,'s 'zhlteit from Chester,'4 miles froWMarctii Hook] iodijtf miles from Rockdale, (the . still Ob' hext'beyond Media, on the West Chester direct railroad,) .containing-28 e«reS, k T'of Which fcw wood land ~ .The imtorovttnsiqt* costlst of a splendid mansion. 55 rest‘Frbht bfiwdeep. fa' tb* Jtallsa stflo, with atreade,terrace, 'aud''yereuidah; is finely shaded, and commands a Yiew twentymiUs ln'6xtent, fnclnding the Delaware, river, 6 miles distant, and a large, portion of New Jersey, 'beyond It. 11 There W also a good stone barn, with alibiing—the bara-rtrd is woll screened and tnadea^riUiVLrifasttree*. ** •’ - - 'i‘ The lawrtffroottsgtbe house contains three acres, sad is with gravel walks, arborß, shrnb? 'beryl'ftvergafens, *<j. •* Thin .location ,-is celebrated fpr convenient to schools and churches Access' several times a day by steamboat or railroad to Chester and Marcus Hwjk, to Rockdale: -Terms will be made accommodating, end ? possession given immediately, or iibthoirpriDgi The premises way be’tlewed at any time Qtmveyanoet may be had at Rockdale station every-day, on •rriral of the 10 o'clock train [from Blgbteeoth and Market streets, returning at 2 P, M, Lithographs may be seen, and further information ob»' talnedat the ofnce.-.,.:*'- REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. IH" On out'Private Bale Register will always be toanj a veVy; Jafrge * atrfoaut df, rdal (Cstater icoludiog ovary description of city and country property ' *■ f • w J, M. GUMMRY A.fiONB, • Oonveyancera and Real Estate Brokers, 625 WALNUT Street. 1 ' StOUCB. STOVES l STOVES ! BILVJBR’BORIGIWAL gas-burning pn - STOVE, • < With ell the Latest Improvement*. Also, the largest aasortmont of k COOKING, PARLOR, A OFFICE STOVBB 11 In the City, at HAGGLE'S, i> No. m> MARKET Cell before purchasing. *e29-6w jL. SOMETHING NEW.~GAS BUR RING COOK BTOYE.—I would resppetfu ly call fflnjt-the attention of the public to one of the greatest itapifovements ever introduced in Cooklog Btores nui R'age*-~tbo burning of the gas arising from the doal/by which means Is saved 60 ter cent, in fuel and also more. tntenre, beat thrown to the bottom of the oven* ’ We effect the burning of the gases by means of* hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which admits the air in a h ated state to mingle with the gases, tbus'iidlng its Combustion, and causing a flame to pass around the oven equal to a wood flre. This Jm- Srovemect also preserves the centre piece from 'inking own on the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs One of the Bto?es CAN. BE BBBN IN OPERATION *t 1116 MARKET Street. Uannfaotured by JAMES tfPKAR, Inventor and Patentee. (late North, Chase & North,) 1116 MABSBT Street. ' sept29-3mo A WILLIAMS, No. 206 '■A WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pern and consumers with superior Broad Top goal from Lancaster Mines. • Oc4tf PER TON for the beat WHITE owfe f> ' COAL, warrantedfre® from state ot [TICKS* OOAli Is the beat and cheapest in •«.X the re-screened in yard and dry under cover. IXJIOKS sells none bnfctbe very best Lehigh -*£jS££? a9 W } * Coa1 ’ “ 4 warrants full weight. [TICKS Superintends the delivery of all as 011^ -“ 4 thereforo fuarsnteea it to fee HICKS' Yard and OiSdo ife at the southeast Corn®? of MARSH\LL and WILLOW, where ha Invites all to call and examine for themselves the above facta- . f *• au26-8m TO COAL. DEALERS. —Parties receiving Goal direct fromthe Mines, wiabingsUntge end the Dellvery df ttieir Ooal;'wiU please address S. SBL LESS A'SON, CALLOWHILL Street, first Yard below JirodfcfnM ;r.• , N-, B Best, quail Ue a o fLKHI G H and SORo YLKIbL COAL always .Pa hand at lowest c&sh prices, sels-lm* fjVQSEING, FoX, A CO-, wholesale and IAL rfltalp dealers in ZiSHIGB end : BOHOYLKIIJi COAL. LSbigh yard—THIKP street «ud GERMAN. BchuylklU yard—RAO* and BROAD' ffldeta, Philadelphia; Keep constantly <® hand Coal M-y ’ ITHIE Salesbn Unction COMMERCIAL SALESROOM, 1 v - ■ KBTjaO A HEmOT\nJ*B^^S T l niEl)“t™tS! a < r« 'WOLBBBT. AOOTIOMKBk. * 3*jB?P On Thursday ftiornlnsr, Commencing at 10 o’otook,/ we 'will sell without. re gerre a large and general aaaortmeat of dealroMe eta* pie ana fancy fall and winter goods, comprising— • HOSIBRY GOODS. ' ' Such. M gautß l lamWwool and amino. ehtrta and drawers, women’s rests, misiea’, boys’, and infants’ smrts-and drawers, wool hoods, loarre, and comforts, hose and half hose J2MBROIDERIEB Al*o, a general muortinont of French and Scotch cm bioldtitas. TAILORING GOODS, Also, a general variety of .tiiloring goods, consisting of coatings, vestings, pantaloon'stuffs, &o. Also. linen - handkerchiefs,' cravats, s'ewlng Bilk, white spool cotton, patent thread, pant an! shirt but tons, suspenderd. gloves’and mitts, cotton hoßo<and haU how: \ ' Also, a great variety of notions, jewelry, canes,!&©. * • SAM OP CLOTHING. - 1 « -On Friday Morning, ' > Commencintr at 10 o’clock, will ha * sold without? re serve, a valuable' stock of cltyijnade fall and winter clothing, consisting of-" *- { ' l For men’s and boys’ wear. of the beat mate- Vests ) rials, end In the latest fashion ! ’ ’ TAILOBING GOODS. Also, a general assortment of tailoring goods. Uj 9 * May be examined with catalogues early on hte morning or sale. SA. DYSA&T & GO., Adotioubssb and • Ooioii&Bion Mbbohabts, Ho. 27 South EIGHTH. BTRBBT, corner of LODGE BTHBET. ■ * » ; • fiefldl Notices, IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY QF PHILADELPHIA ) " In the matter of the Estate of MABIA 0. HSNNER, Deceased, ■ * , : - » The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and. adjust the account of JOSEPH DELAYAN, Administrator of ’the Estate of MARIA 0 HJ3NNKB, Deceased, and to report distribution of the ialanoft iu his bands,iwill meet all parties interested on FBIDAY. the 16th diy of October, A.'D -1868. at 4 o’olockP.M , at his office, No. 268, South FOURTH Street; in tho City of Phila delphia. EDWARD A. LESLEY, 001-fnaw&t* Auditor. Business QLarfts. ; i L. FOWLER, t3* ■ attorney at law, HO vs TO N, i Haußis Couutt, Tc&ao. Twenty years resident in Texas. Ttontpt attention paid to Land 3 usimss. OFFICE OPPOSITE THE OLD OAPITOL. - Rsiraßß TO—Messrs. Davis to fiirnoy, Philadelphia, mhft-w-ly ■ Alex, mokinnet, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t GRKENSBTJRG, PA. , Will practice in Westmoreland, l ndlana oountles. eelUtf A BEAKS & MAYER, A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, Pi., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of olaims. ! ■ «h»bbhsoiB. • Gov,Wro Jf. Packpy, Harrisburg, Pa.: L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven; Hon'; .Lock. Haven: Bitoon Bcott,< Lock Haven; BoUltt A FMrthorne, Philadel phia; MdFarland,‘Evans. & Oo..'Philadelphia; Etans to Watson j Philadelphia; 'Phillip dll .-Prioe, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, to* Go.. Philadelphia; Toner & Davis, Phila delphia: Hon. Janies Burnride, Beiiefonte, Pa.; J, W. Qttjggle, Esq., Philadelphia. 1 jy26ftf HO, THOMPSON AND Gk M. CONAR • ROB, CONVEYANOEBB/ ‘ ! GEO.M. OONABROB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i ap6-y No, 08 ABCll'stfeet, below,Tenth. riHARDRS TBTfi, OOMMISSION . HER* \J OHANT and Importer of HAVANA BKGARB, CNewl 136 Walnntstreet, second story. aul-ly Lauman vraborg-^ Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY,..GINS, and FANCY'LI QUORB. No. 101 T MARKET Street, between Tenth and Vlavantn atraets. jelO-tf 4arlmnir«. TJAEDWARE. 1 Jll MOORE, HENSZEY, to CO., 427 MARKRT;end 416 OOMMSROE Bt., Are now openinr a splendid assortment of goods suita ble for the near trade, and .invito purchase* e to calLuud. examine their stock of Hardware, Outlery, Guns, Ac,, before purchasings . se&Q-iat rjIRUITT, BROTHER, & 00 v 4 * Woxwas ahd nxaiaas lh % HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ' GUNS, ’ i ' PISTOLS, &e, £29 MARKET STREET, : Below Slxth/Noirtb side,: j .PHILADELPHIA. (J| ARDWARET hbV subscribers, OOM- O. MISSION MSRCHANTS forth* ealeof FOR/<IGN AND: DOMESTIC HARDWARJtt *oul4 respectMlly coll.the. attention nf-tWirade/to their stook, which they arc offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists is part of— ; . ... . j Chains, of ail klnda-Traco, Log, Halter, Breast J Ox, Dow, Fifth, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, 'liiss,’&&d'Coii Chains. . • r . , ; , -The celebrated U L n HonjeNeibi; Stone and BUdge Haminetoe’, HWngit* ” and other An Vila; Solid Box ftndothsr r/ces; , . 1 ' • ; ' Short and .long handle* Fry Pane; round and oval Sake Pans. , ' “Martth’sV. superior Files and Rasps; Bed Screws. “Excelsior” Safety Fuse: Blasting Tdhes. [ Corn, Grass, and Brier Scythes; E*y, Cora, and Straw -alvei. I ll ay. Manure, TAttfcerf’, tstf Bpsdifig Forks. -Bakes and Hoes j Bhovels and Bpadee. of all kinds. Taoks, Brads, Bhoe, Ulottt. jiud FihiSfiißg-Nails. * Cast and Wrought Butt Binges, Bexews, LoCkaot all kinds; Pumps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham macs. Plane*, and other Tools, &c., Ac. * . ’ .w. G. Lewis a son, mhl-jy ■ 5 ■ Nd! 411 COMMERCE Street. fjotelß attir Heetaniahtß. TONES HOUSE,- , al HABRIBBUUG, Pa., (Brected is 1861. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. } rayM*y WRLT-b OOVERLY, Proprietor I [KITED STATES GOVERNMENT U -LAND LOCATING AGENCY, V CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having, had much practical experi ence in selecting and ideating lands fn the various Land Districts In the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OB OASH. J-facfng Surveyors constantly in ths field to make personal examinations, he can always mske the most judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fortuity of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. By Money forested io Kansu and Nebraska, and any of the Western Btates. 8. SALISBURY, All CLARES Stront. Ohiawo IST ARMING AtfD VENTILATING rr washrooms The eubsctSber would invite the special attention or Architect Builders sad the public to his NEW CULVER PATENT BEhF-OLEANBim AND ■ * ! VENTILATING WABM'AIR PURNAOB, Which has been bo eucceesfully introduced during ’ the laat winter and gave «ueh general satisfaction. It, is so arranged As to cons urns, the gases from the Oo*V making it one of the most economical, Bafe, durable Heaters now in use. ; Also, ; aUeiaes and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, G&a,Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates,' drecf rAcletf of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stotres, Oollms’Patent Chimney Caps, fa? tne core of smoky chimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my llnebf business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater repair* ing,, ana prices reduced to suit the times. CHARLES WILLIAMS, ‘ (Lata Baker A Williams,) *rj2-3m ,1189 (old 409) MARKET Btr**t. Phllada. gCHgACK^ YARNIBHKB, JAPANS, Tho attention of Doaleri and consumers of Varnishes Is solicited to out BUfcERIOR COACH AND FURNITURE VARNISH, DRYING JAPANS, IRON JAPANS, ' # MASTIC AND SPIRIT VABNIOHEB. We claim to' be' the Oldest Varnish Manufacturing Establishment IN THIS COUNTRY, Oar Varnishes having now been in constant use OVER FORTY YRABfI, and are admitted by competent judges to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS MAD* IN TUB UNITED STATES. AH we aafc'ls a fair trial, and we are satisfied the merits of our Varnishes will be mvr sbtablishid. C. SCHRACK & CO,, OLD STAND..Nos. l62and 164 North FOURTH Street sefi-lm ' ' 1 ' /~|RNAMENTAJj and COLORED GLASS. Wb h»ve just received n comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly boautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches. Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where It Is deemed necessary to embel lish, ortog/rca chaste and appearance. Any color maybe had, either plain or ornamental, elabo -ately or in relief ZIEGLER A BMITH, . Wholesale Drug, Faint, and Gla«s Dealers, 1 *e2B.dtf ‘Southwest cor Second apd Green its TO CONFECTIONERS ANP BAKERS.— 600 ib*. Qll Vepperaslat. warranted pure; 1000 » Uarh. Ammonia; * 200 •(' Oarrawsy Aysd. For sale low, as wanted, bv WILSON & MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists. ■e!7.tf UOB Marketßtreat fyo*ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, ACADIA PREEBTOHE, Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the • BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former ol which, for aoftuots and delicacy of color, is nnrlvalled .For the character of this stone please examine the following buildings; Jos. HarrUO&’a, Eighteenth street and RHtenbonee Square. Harrison’s Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth end Eighteenth. ‘ Samuel SmitVa West street and Rittanhouse square. Mrs. F«Jt*raon T s No. 1219 Walnut street. A, Jt. Wom r ath’s,4l6 Arch street. t ainuel Simee’. twelfth a&d Ohestnut streets. T. K. J. Faaaltt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and ot^6 B /ARNOLD & WILSON, Agents, WARMING AND VENTILATING * WAKBUODBR, 1010 OHES.t.NUT STREET. fieie-Sm 1 '■ -B. M. FBLTWBtL, Sup’t. OLASMA OR artificial lard.—, X SPECIAL NOTIOB to FBYSIOIANB -.The Above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased eurfaeas, which combines the following advanta ges:! A good And unvarying consistence, eerily, wished off with water, dissolve* all substance* that are solu ble in water, hence.- facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and doe*, not get rantid. The Usl • properW Alone renders .it an invaluable acquisition, to the practitioner. Prepared end for sale wholesale and retail. At - . .SZHIUFn LaborstbryandFharmaoy, yabfi Twelfth and Chestnut streets EOMCTIG MEDICAL COLLEGE or PENNSYLVANIA.—The Winter Session of Lec turea In this Institution will commence on the 18th df Ootober, and continue )6 weeks. Located Northeast corner of. SIXTH Ohd CALLOWHILL Streets. Phila delphia. Mairloolating Fee* $5. Courgo of Lectures (Six Professors) $lB, Graduating Feo, $25, ' - * clinics. * ; * The morning of every Wednesday ana Saturday will' be eut apart for COLLEGE CLINICS, at which will ho illustrated the Koleotio Treatment in Practice and Surgery, and we invite alt who with to avail themselves of the NEW SCHOOL' Practice, 1 to call and receive TREATMENT, Pree of Chargo The CUnic wRI he Open at the College! every Wednesday and Batnrday, from ten to twelve A. M , after the Oth of October; 1858. WILLIAM PAINE M J) , Dean pro tem., also Editor and Publisher of the Ec'ectic Medical Journal. Monthly, 48 pb , $2 per rear, SIXTH and OALLOWHILL Sts., Phlla. ’ ocd lW A TERM' OF THE IjAW DEPARTMENT of the,UNIVERSITY.OF PENNSYLVANIA com mences on the 4th of October. Prof, SKARSWOOD, International and Constitution al Lawy&6.' : ' ' ' , Prof. WaCALfc, Pfoadfog and Practice. ' Prof, MILLER, : Real Estate and Oonrevancinir An INTRODUCTORY? LECTURE will be delivered by Prof. SH&RBWOOD, on the 4th of October, at eight o’clock P. M , at the LeotoreKootn of the Department; by Prof MoGALL otithe sth, and by Prof. MILLER on the 6th of Ootober, at the same hour and place. ‘ ' tM-i Oco ’ PENN ■ INSTITUTE—Southeast corner ol THIBTEBNIB sod HILBERT Btreeta, opened on MOM)AY» the Oth of September. , [ private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro * greßßi yet.sfcjias the scholar Into'< the 'world with a keen sehflitirenoss, which totally disqualifies him foraotive Ufa; whilst attention to .many oftentimes forcesithfe Instructor Wise at general difficulties rather than those personal to., each individual, and the learner either loses all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire ments. For .these Reasons the number is limited ; •For farther information. apply personally, from sine o'clock A. M. to on.e o’clockP. M., or,by note, to i *e!B-tf , R STEWART PrioclpjL (ENGLISH SlNGlNG—Bailafl and Opera- X/4 tic.—Mr. FRAZER 1 gives Instruction in <tbe above styles,on the montapprovel system. , BQlS.lm . 40fiflouth.BloaTKRNTH Street. Classical education—robkkt H. LABBERTON, Pb.D.ofthe UnlVeratty of Groningen 1 , will hereafter have charge of the Classical department in the SOIENTIFIO and OLASSIOALjIN-. BTITUTK, CHESTNUT,. Street,.northwest corner of Twelfth, No, pains,hayo been spared,.to render this School eminently worthy of 'patronage ior boys of all sees, and in all departments—Engl sb, QlassicaL and Scientific. Entrance cm TWiLSTlfflt, • ' ! ,sel7*lm . ... i. ENNIS, Principal, JJ.” R* ED'S ‘INSTITUTE- FOR YOIfNG • LADIES, No. 1523 WALNUT Streot,, For tonus, apply at the Institute. lUVKRBHQB3.—pr.L'onvorße, (odltorof the Christian Observer,) Dr. C, Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W:. D. Stevens, 001. W. Forney, 0. U. Leland. Esq., Pro floors Vothahe, Allen, Fraxer, of the UnlTetsity.»and the r gentlemen . BeJ6*lm ’ JJ. HEED baa resumed his course "oft in-, • structlob In Music and on the Piano-forte.'No. 1623 WALNUT Street. sel6-lju MRS. BRYAN* B SEMINARY, , • BATAVIA. N,Y. l , THE FALL TERM of this Institution (whOB? loca tion is one of rare beauty and attraction), commefcoes on the 16th of September.- It continues VWotly a\Sa mfiy Boarding School for Girls, and is thorough, select, 1 and homelike inaUits appointments. ' The number'of pupils is limited to those who con be seoced at thq ta ble pf the Principal. lL?“0IB0l?LAB3 will be Sent showing Tcrmajand Regulations. , , . > Batavia, Genesee co., N.Y., September, 18681 jiel3 a. a. iarnx. V/ aomimciAit mu OHJSBTNUT iM-SSVWP ' Atilantitution d&aigntitl *rvu business; • „ ■; ' • BOABB pr TRU6TEE3. B. B. Oomerf*, ’ ‘ Pt&ncJs'Hoßklojs,' George H. Stuart, David Milno, John Sparh&wk< Dividß. Broira, > laaaoHaekerf,. A. V, Pareonj, D, B. Binmm, , Frederick JJfoirn, Joefcn* Tdvplncott, . . EVENlNG,SES9loNaaft<Jr߀pt«rnb#r 15th. ; Each Student has individual. isatavoTioa at this Institution, and *> Diploma from hero is the best re commendation ajouag man can have, for obtaining a good situation. , ( CATALOGUES may be had on application at.the College. se&«tf rriHß FKENra _ r^GUAG¥TmdLItE- X RATURE, by Prof. GERARD, A. M , No. *OOB CHESTNUT Street. Students will find new attractions In their studies by the ns'e of the Cabinet dii Fits” he has just published. - > <■ • • •N. B.—Particular attention to 1 pupils intending to visit Europe as to. conversation in French. JET* For particulars, see CIRCULARS. \ se!B mw&frlm* { PARADISE F. SEMINARY, LANOAS TEH CO , PA,——Three-fourlba of * mile from Lemon Place Station, P. it. R..reop*ns for its EIGHTH SBS&IQN onlst November next: For tetms, which are very moderate, apply to the Hector, Rev, or, KILLI- K.ELLY, Paradise, Lancaster co , Pa, ' t •Beferrnoo—Rt.Bev. Bp. Bowman, Lancaster city,'and Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia. oc4-m w s-tNI CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street; below Locust.—Duties resumed MONDAY, August Mtk. • * >; ' iJ. W.YAIREB. A. M.,' • Au23*2nf Principal, ; PROFESSOR SAUNDERS* INSTITUTE A YOU BOYS, at Uin NVRST PHILADKLPHIA'IM BTITUTR. • -rt W. THB FARE IS PAID FOR THBPUPILB < On the 'Railways and Omnibuses, from all parts of ,the fc* See advertisement In another column. ee<i-lm O CONNELL’S BOOK-KEEPING IN BFITu4>a r flAutiAM*t «omw xaosx Streets, devoted exclusively to instruction la the trail neu oi ithe Coantlng-honso. Open day and evening/ Bee Circulars. seQ-lm LEIDY BROTHERS* NIGHT-SCHOOL, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, n?ar Raoi, i» vow op*a To.o vs IN6TROOTIOS is. BOOK-KEEPING, WHITING. AND MERCANTILE' ARITHMETIC!. 'INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS USUAL. - . Bryant & stkatton'S chain of NATIONAL MERCANTILE CDLLBOSB. Phi l&delpbla College, Southeast comer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. Tor information, call or send tot circular. ioM-tf " EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED.! . CSPRING. GAKDEN ACADEMY FOB >3 YOUNG'MEN AND BOYS—Nbrth'ekst corner of EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Vail Beulo* opens Sept. 6th 1858 The principles of “ Moral frnaaion M have been'sucoestfully adoptee at this Initl* tution since its establishment.’ and parents entrusting their sons Into the hands of the Principal can rest as sured of their good treatment and rapid advancement. Pupils received at any time and age. Catalogues ju t* oiened gratuitously. Parents are invited to visit, the school. 9. DONLEAVY LONG, ‘ au2Q'6w ' Principal. * J DUFF & CO.'S MEHCAK- - COLLEGE, Southeast comer EI a HTH CHESTNUT Street*, (established in 1840, and incorporated by the Lenislo‘ tun of Pennsylvania.) In this well-known Institution the 1 COUNTING HOUSE COUBBE of Practical, Single, and Double Entry - -BOOKKEEPING,' including all the Aoxilubt Books, Oouub&oixl Oil OOI.ATJOWB, and - BUSINESS WRITING, ‘ la taught in the moat successful and satisfactory style. P.‘ EDWARDS, } Principal. Me. 3 ». EGBTONiPinman. ODGBHILX “SOHOOir PRINOETON, JDi NEW JEBSEY>--Thls Sohool is adapted to tfao<« who desire their sons to have s carefal preparation for College or for a business life. Thorough instruction Is given in English, Mathematics, Auc'ent and Modern Languages, &e. The Instructors pim, not only to have their s papila thoroughly master fundamental principles, but to form those habits of thought trill render future and higher atteinmonte ripld ■ and easy. Dtole matlon. Composition, and Debate are practised in the EdgohiM Literary Society, which embraces all the r pn pila of this School. • Eor particulars, terms, fce.i ad dress REV. JAMES I. HBUl'or ' anll-gm REV. JAMBS P. HUGHES. Principals SFOGUET & SONS, ■ • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS, , «e2S 816 South FRONT Ftr«t, CTAVANA CIGARS.—A handsome assort- EX stent of Olgara of fine new crop Tobacco, of the following brands; , Firago, Pntebese, Sultana. Cabanas, Union Americana, Orejon, Tropical, Ca*tanon, Flor Helen, Pebetd, kc.. Ac., kc., In %, l-6tb, and l-10tb boxes, of Londres and Opera slies, Jast recalreU In Store, anil for tale low br CHARLES fcETJS. 168 WALNUT Street. 6e2Mot* OAFAtfA CIGARS.—IOO,OOO La Flor ft.Ad« la Mayan* Ist, 2d, »nS '3ds,Just srrlrod per brlpf “ Hay Queen” from Havana, (n stow and jpr Ml. by WILTjTaM li. VEiIOS, M34.tr Nn 318 Bnntli VBOMfStiwit IJUGARO, CABANAS. AND PARTAGAS MJ‘ BBGABS.—A ohoioe invoice of these, celebrated .brands on board brig “New Bra, 1 * daily expected from Sevan*, and for sale low,- by ’ CHARLES TSTB, 1 (New) IBfeWMnutatreet.balowSeoond,' a«1 R**ond Btorv tUiiua and Xiqnot*- riHESTNHT GROTS WHISKEY. —A de? \J slrato les»on the consumption of impure spirite, kriowlng their injurious effects upon the constitution, has Induced the offering to the public of au article which the analjtatlon of Prniesnot Ohlltsu, Analytical Chemigtj'of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, &, Oauiac, of Rhfladelphfa, proves beyond ifll question, to be the moat pufe And consequently least iejurious spirits ever offered the American public " CERTIFICATE OF Dll JAB.B CUILTON. I have analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON. J« of Philadelphia, aud having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that It Is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is an unusually pure and flue flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES R. CUILTON, M. D . New York, Sept. 8,1858. Ati&lytical Chemist. Philadelphia, Sept. 9,1868. DpAaSlft: We have cur of ally tested the sample of OhestnqtrGrove Whiskey wbkfoypH lent us, and flpd' that it contains none of the poisonnu* substance known iaa Fualc Oil, whtoh is the characteristic and injurious ingredieut of the Whiskeys in general use. Very respeotfully, BOOTH,, GARRETT, A OASIAO, Analytical Chemists. ToCha*lk3 WHiurok, Jr., No. 23 South FRONT Street, Fhiladolphla. se24-dtoc2l TMENEAH «c ROCHELLE p BRANDIES.-i-The underaigaed, having been ftnp.qffited Bole Agents in the State of Bennsylva&ia for (fep C*lp of the above celebrated Brandy, are prepared to offer it to the trv4® at the lowest market rates, from U.S BondodWarehouaw, ABWO&D'S WORt', ' au2(Mf lfld Walnut street. SHERRY AND PORT WINE.—3O qrt 8 . 10 Eighths Harmony Sherry} 20 qw. Wallis Port Wine, in bond and lor sale by WILLIAM H. V EATON, 216 Booth FRONT Street BRANDIES.—« Pinet Marett, and other Oognaes of various Vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks; pellevoisin Rochelfe Brandies, pale aud dark, In half pipes, half ouki, add one-eighth cuke. Imported aud for sale by HENRY BOHLXN & 00,, - <»t3 2H and 02H South Fourth, street. PETERS’S PATEUT NOlf-EXPLOSIVE , SEor-GENEBATINQ- GAg LAUV.Ia Ule iml, Patent llttrußf that ha. a Non-Oondnolot ittaoboil. The public are cautioned against an other BumeH, a* they will heat,,and liable' to‘ explode. State and Count, Sights for eaie. Appl, ot addreas ... •ela D. P. PKTRBS, 428 BROADWAY, N. Y. I|f AOKEREL —B6B bbla Nos. 1,2, and 3 IV-BL pfsckerel, in .hole, halves, quarters, and eighths, tor sale Ei,, ;.O.O.BADLRR*CO.°- AROH Bt., eeoond door shove Pro t. /K&tf, northeast oornef of H'SimiC;*-' - ’■*l • to’ fit young men for AC' Eobiuio. Campa. Jnsnrflnti gltffliganiig. 1 - • ' tnr'urTFcFco m p an yoFthe BDW IKBBBANOB-No. 4 EXOHANGH BUILDINGS. Chartered In IT94—Capital *2oo,ooo—Aaaeta. Janu arjl, 1868, *447,440.8M00, f All inraatad In ta und and available aeoutltleA-oonti nne to Inenraon'VofWelaaod Oareoea, BnUdinga, Stooka', of Merobandiaa, Ac., on liberal forms. f l• . «:i > DlttltCTOM: Benr* B.'Bherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, : Bamna] Grant, Jr., ■ Obarlea Maoalerter, TobSaa Wagner, . William H. RmitU, ThomaaS. Wattaon, John B. Budd, Henry g, Bradman, William 11 White, • Charier B. Lewis, * . GeoigeO.Qataen. HSHBY D. BHEIUUSM), prealdeat. Wiitlitf Him*, Secretary. JeO-vbm.tf nhli, QUAKER CITY INSURANCE 'JL COMPANY, OFFICE 40$ WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and SURPLUS *2?T,’ 065 86.—Insures agalmit LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIRE and the PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NAVIGA TION end TRANSPORTATION. |TEN per cent. In cash returned on the earned premiums of Open Inland Policies, iOFFICERS President—GEOßGS B. HART. •Vice President— JS. P. BOSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H A. COGGBHALL. Assistant Secretary—B. H. BUTLER. \ • , DIRECTORS. GeovHjjMatt, B.W. Bailey, E P.Rosb, Andrew R. chambers, A. G.iQ&ttell, , J.L. Pomeroy* Joseph Edwards, Oh«rlea G. Imiay. , John Gi Dale, H. R. Coggahall, • , Foster S. Perkins, Sami. Jones, M. D., t , ' Hou.H.M. Fuller. se2l-y Attest, 11. R COGGSHALL, Sec’y. Howard fire and marine INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. , 11* DIRECTORS. . John H. Diehl, Win. 9. leech, J. Edgar Thomeon, Roht. W. D. Truitt. • M W.. Baldwin, Thee, L. Ludere, John 0. Jamea, Wm.K. Hamlin, . A J;Bueknor, H. H. ShlUlugford, John W Sexton, 0. K, Spangler, .William Balgael, K» H. Houston. Edwin Booth, Wni. H.Lore, John Garrison, - QbarlesF. Norton, E, 8. Warne, Isaac Myer. PreaWent-jOHN E. DJRHL, Tice President—E. S. WARNS. Seoretory—OEAßLEß A. DUY. sels4f "EgIOAN Vro® **—' = AIBBgIOAN FIfiFINSUIiNOSTB^: jX INCORPORATED KVi—CHARTER PER No.alO wiLNBT Btrdat, ■%<>» Thirt, rhll»4eiphl» Xfovtoga large, paid-up Capital. Qtook sad Surplus Invested in sound and available Securities, continual) Jpsute.<yt.DwelUn(j*, Stores,, Purnlture, Merchandise, Vessel# lo Port aba their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AllLobbs# liberally tad promptly adjusted, * DIUOtaB.* George Abbott, John T. Lovil, • John Welsh* '# Caspar W. Morris.' - Samuel O.Morton, James U. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund Q. Dutilb. Charles W. PouHney. - GPOBGdS, ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MAHIB. Secretary , USS-ydf 4f mairßisrii a/INIKE RISKS ONLY TAKEN I ’ A GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE caittANy, Philadelphia. obm> no u& walnut Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company’s Building.) CAPITAL, *200,000, DIBKOTOaa. ffin. M. Strain, [of Public Ledger. Johfl Anspach, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, , J. B. Uiighos, Wm. S. Boyd, Geo, W, woodward, Jno. W. Cleghorn, " Hon. JC - A. 8. Q • Jab, B. AltorD, Seoretari Wm. C. Rodman, C D. Shoemaker, Jer, Walker,. Thos. Craven, Francis Deters, 11. K. Oogzahail, Jno. McClure, i Joseph Klapp, M. D. )EL JONES, President. IILLETT, Vice President, r. ‘ Jy2o-ly SMOBN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM' K/ PANY, No. WIVWI Street, Philadelphia, CHARTERED. CAPITAL. , 85OO;<>O0 FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND; ••' ABBETB JULY Ist, 1858. | Bonds and Mortgages, Stocks, A 0...« 1549.025 00, Rills Receivable, (for policies isaped,2,Yi7 78 Unsettled Book Accounts, (for policies,).... 1 513 88. Cash In Bank and in Office 10,488 46 Cash in hands of Agents and Correspondent*, 1,393 81 _ . 866.148 86 No losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. • DIRBOTORS; . , William M. Godwin, S. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, 1 Jno. L. Bedner, George W. Hail, William B. Themes, B. Franklin. Jackson, fl. N. Winslow,. J.O. Hopper, Henry D.Hears. WM. M. GOD.WIN, President. J. 0. flows*, Secretary. mvlO-^tf CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHASTER PERPETUAL. Capital 3200,000. 1 Organised 1851. Privileged.to insure Houses, annually or perpetually } Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marine,lnland, and Life Insurance Risks i receive* De* posits; hold Trusts and grautannulties ALFRED WEEKS, President, B. OTYLER, Vice President, J. W. Mi.ntw», Secretary. * 1 • DiMorosa. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. KeUey, B. O. TjrleV, J. W. Forney, J.W: Bonder, , P.B. Mingle, , C.KBlckiM, . James Watson, J 1 . Jj. Hutchmsan, ‘ Ludlam Matthews, ' J.W.Btikes, William Curtis. , >lls-ly • / ■ F. Tomer. ; Life insurance and trust com .PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE OOUPANY. Northeast .OOrtiei of THIRD and DOCS Btfttt*. Capital. 1612,735.03. v - “ . T 15NBUREB LIVJiS for short terms, or for the wfcol# term or <>«*«tiut.ind endowments-bur chases life interests. In Real Estate? -and mow iB eontraCts depending on the contingencies of Lire. 1 They act as Rxeeutdr*,- Administrator*, Asilg&sss, Trustees, and Guardian*. . ! tnmis. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel E. Stokes. Benjamin Coates, . WHUam Martin, Richard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland. < WUUam P. Hacker, Joseph H, Trotter, WfllikmH. Kern, JamesEuston, . Samuel C. Busy, Thsophllus Paulding) Charles HaUowelt, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson. Eddolphus Kent," JohnW.Hornor, ' WMUaaH.Oirr, HHsß.Archw, Edward T. Mott, gamael J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M.’ Basin j John G. Brenner. ' ’ DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. BTOKEB, Vice Prss’t. Joint W. Ho skos , Bearetarr > • nlB-ly mutual safety in , MJ. aunixon company. INCORPORATED BE THE LEGISLATURE or MINN. OTLYANIA, ISSe, OlltOl, B, ■. OotiiM THIRD t.id WALNUT gtm.U, MiiAvnrau. MARINE INSURANCE, OS VESSELS,) ' yaSiaUT >To All putt of tt* World. if/lANN INSURANCES, onGpodft.b/Birer,Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIH KINS URANOSS, On UetohahdUe cenerally. On Store*. Bire/ifnir Houlep.dio. ASSETS 09 THE COMPANY, tfaram&er .2,18*7. Bonds, Mortgages, and Deal Estate ~$101,860 94 PhiladelphiaOity and.other L0an5..,,,.,.., 187,011 35 Stock in,Banks, and Inioranoe Oompanias,. 12,6<fc 00 Bills Receivable 220-201 0B Cash on hand, M Balance in hands of Agoiita, Premiums on Marine Policies reoently issued, on other debts due the Company..... 92,780 67 fittbMription N0te5............. 100,000 00 nrxacroau William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theopkilas PittuU&f, Edmund A. Bonder. James Traqnalr, John Q. William Byre, Jr., Jobs B. Penrose, J. 7. Penlptop, George G. Leippr, s. £yrf, Edvard Barlipston, Baptpel B. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Iftiffoa, Heory Sloan, Wm, 0. Ludwig, Jejnes B. MoPerl^l, Hcgh Qrnigy Thomas O. Hand, Bceaccr Mcltoaln, Roharfc Barton, Jr., Charles Kelly. Jpo. B. Semple, Plitehgk.. H. Jones Brooks,* Dr. T, Morgan, “ Jacob P: Jones, ' J. T. Logan, «■ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBERN. Secretary. jaO-y CiOMHOmWEAVTSi * (PIBJI inbubano* ot rn STATE 01 PENNSYLVANIA. OFflQJij northwest corner fOUETn AND WALNUT BTBBBTBj rHtuipu.ntiA. Batawibed capital, $600,000. B$W WO*pifel,ssoo,WC 4 sxagoaoEg. Dr. D. Jayne j Tha*. 8. Utovart, H. L. Benner, J. M- Butler, 3. M.WhtUIL J. K. Walker. Xdw. 0. Knight} M. R. Wendell. H. Lewis, Jr., 8. K. Houle. DAVID JAYNI.M. D. .President THOMAS 8. BTIWABT. Vioe Prei’t. BAxtmii 8. Moon, Secretary. 1 j»29-y FIEK AND INLAND BISKS.—FAME .iMUBANo*coMPAjnr. 7rnnc o«mi poo,oop. (OrgMUej under the Kol of 4 lO In «ur«o« Oonpunlet, p*»i»d April M,IS|SB.) THOMAS B. MA»Tn§^e.yrealdPßtf ,Mli ***' WILLIAMS I. BUNdRAao, gMnkAir. <WBoo «U OHEBTNUT SI., TklUMUhla, diheotobS. IJecob K, Yavgp*xi t Henry Lewie, Jr., D. B. Birn'jy, JohaW. ifiTenn&n, A. H. Boaanhelm, M Btern. George W. Day. William W. Walters, Charles Richardson, JJarelny Lipplncott, Jos. It. Brognard. Obas. Stakes, t034.y Patio fortes. OHICKEUING & SONS, Manu- VTe TT' facturorfl or GRAND, T 4R1,0R-()HANd: BIiUAKH, and UPRIGHT PUNO-FORTES ’ This 1b Rib l&r-BOBt eod ‘oldhat raaburactory lu U,p United Statie. hdrini; ‘ * ~ „ ESTABLISHED IN 1828, Since wblch time we have MADE AND BOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO IIUNDItVD i'CANOS, And bayo reealrod a. teatlmoniala or their SUPERI ORITY orer »U oUera, 11 Bold, 18 Silver,a nd 4 Jteouze Medals. |]3* Pianos to Rent. Tuned, and Repaired. VIiASCII HOUSE in PHILADELPHIA is at 1807 OHBBTKUT Street. ocS-8m PIANO FORTES. Jnat reoeiTed, an elegant stock of BAT9N, BA gVjrffoS. impMlofa Of best qaftlity, at J, H. GOOLD'S, 8. X. oortier BXVSKTH and CHJBTNUT its. mblQ-r JgAIiAKANDER SAFES- A Urge assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S ' ■ tUUADBLPSU MANUF AOTDBDD SALAMANDER BAFEB, . t . for Banka and Idtyl!* SANR LOOP, ’ ■ . i) Jmmtm&Ue., On »a good as efcy other establishment ip the United by , t EVANS A WATSON, ,No. 2dBaqth FRONT Street. PLKABE GIVE TTB A OALL. auiYtf BALE ROPE.—'A large stock of Bale Rope, manufactured and IW sale by WEAYBB, FITLBR, 4 00,, No, $8 North Water street, and *o3fi No. 93 flortt VtinM> rjIHE GREAT ' WONDER of the nineteenth centum, , PROjB'.E&S 0.8 "WOOD’S HAIIR RESTORATIVE. Saja the fit. Louis ('Me.) Democrat i Below, we’pub. liah a letter to Dr' Wood of this city, from a gentleman in Halue,r which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair toriiG. - Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable source. If certifi cates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no enco miums, nor useless puffery from the press: Bath, Maine, Jan. 20,3856. Prqfeeßor 0. J. Wopn A Co.—Having my attention eallafl a few months since to the ,highly bene* •cal effects of your Hair Restorative, I was Induced to make application of it upon my own hair, which had'be -1 come quite gray, probably one-third white; my whie j Kwrs were of same character. Borne three months since • I procarad a bottle of your hair restorative, and used [ it. I soon found it was proving what 1 had wished. I ' used it about twice a week. I have since’procured j another bottle, of which I have used some. I can now certl’y to the world that the gray or white halt has to tally disappeared, both on ay head and face and my hair has resumed its natural color,'and I believe more soft and glossy than it has been before for twenty-five years. lam now sixty years old; my good wife at the age of fifty-two, hat used it with same effect. The above notice I deem due to you for roar valuable discovery. lam assured that whoever will rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to contra dict my statements. lam a cUlieo of this city, aad a resident here for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly every one here and adjoining towns. Anruse you may make of the above, with my name attached, is at your service, as I wish to preserve the beautWof nature in others aawollaa myself. lam truly, yonrs A. 0. RAYMOND. ’ BAT.TiMOBii.JaQ.23,IB6B. WOOD’S HAIR REiTORA&IVJB Professor Wood— Dear Sir .* Having had the misfor tune to loSe the beat portion of my hair, from the affects of the yeUqw fever, in New Orleans, in 1851, I was in duced to ihake a trial; of your preparation, and found It ‘ to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thiofcand glossy, and'no words can express my obllga*' tions to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. f: ‘ FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned, Bev.J.K. Bragg, is & minister in regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodot Church at Brookfield, Mass Qe is a gentleman of great influence and universally boloved. WM. ■ DYER. Bbookfibap, Jan. 12,1858. Professor Wood—Dear Sir; Having made a trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has been excellent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my childhood; and has also rostored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its origi nal color. I have used no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours truly, J. K. BftACKI. The,Restorative Is put up in bottles of three Bites, vis; large, medium,' and small, The small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more r in proporjlon than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quirt, forty per oent. more in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. . 0. J. WOOD k 00., Proprietor!, 813 BROADWAY, N. Y., fin thegreat N. Y. Wire BailingEstablishment,} and 114 MARKET Street. Bt. Leuie, Mo., And «old toy all good Drag-gist* and Fancy Goods Dealers. aul3-frm&w-2m A: eowfnwkvflm npHB GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF A THE NINETEENTH OENTURY. THE. IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOB PURIFY ING THB BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING’ THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Reparative, prepared toy Dr. Loans berry A Co., is now acknowledged as the principal Family Medicine for the cure of Oasobbodb nffectioas and BcrofplooB diseases generally. The succesawhich attends its use In these inveterate diseases has no equal. It is these diseases with, complete success, whew allotber wftwehaye. JEwo.or three po> ties will satisfy any one 'of its great curative properties. Hip Disbabb and Whitb Swxllikq,' Vlosrstioxb of the Bonbs, Modth.Thboat, Ac. Its beneficial |and healing characteristics are soon .observed in these com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may have been, they will'yield to ’ the proper use* of thOIMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE in a short time. TBTTBRand Bo alp Hbad will as certainly yield to this medicine as It is used. Diseases of the Bkin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Deputattve. Its Tonic properties, as well as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of this Family ' Medicine is unequalled in tho cure of all diseases origi nating In an impure condition of the Hood. It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood and re- Invigorates the system! Those using the Imperial Separative and wishing ad vice in their oase, will receive every attention by etter or otherwise. Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSBERRY 8c 00., No. 60 North FIRTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. If. Long & Co., Lancaster, Pa. J. H. Baser and 8. 8. Stevens, Reading, Pa. Holman A C0.,/Harrisburg, P«. 0. W. Epting, Pottaville. Pa. T. A. C. W.. McOlintock,Easton,Pa, dames Given, Westchester, Pa.' Schmidt A Co., Allentown, Pa. Bimon Rati, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr.H. W .Leslie, Bristol, Pa., and Druggists generally. ' • aull-mwfcsatfim ANALYSIS OF LYON’S OATAWbA BRANDY by ' A. A.'HAYES, X. D., Aeeertn to tat Brin op MAssAoxusuns. tQiHhkAL CHAiAOTi*. A light-yellowish brown coloredmint, having a fragrant odor; when evaporated from, clean linen, it left no oil or offensive matter! Analysed for volatile and axed drugs: of which no traces of any hind vets found* Its color is proved t© be due to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. RTTIn, ©very respect it is a pure spiritoos liquor, The fragrance o* bouquet which it possesses can be iso lated, ana it then "appears' unlike that Rom Cognac Brkndy or Wine, being a fruity essence resulting from fermentation of Catawba and Isabels . Duskioal OiuaAOTxa.— l * parts in volume of this spirit oonUlni st d eg P. 43JJ-10 parts of paw al cohol, besides the fragrant' oil.' 'l,OOO parts of the' spirit afford 38 cartscxiastroug solution of the oil 1 characterises this Brandy: the-spirit left r atter' remorltig the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qnjuities a perfect Burnt not subject to change. One U. B. wellonof this' Brandy at 60 deg. /. contains, be sldes the spirit and oil, only 3 30 zn. ot matter com posed of extract of fruit, gum v ana colored resin from Boston,'tamtry 2ft, 1858. _ of Ohio, and Hr, JAB. R. CHILTON, Chemist, of New Toth, both pronounce w|*'to he pure Brandy* and free from ell adulteration. Jror Medicinal porpoaaa Lyon’e Catawba Brandy haa no rival, and has long been .needed to aupereedeithe poleonoui oompounde eold under the'same of Brandy. Ae e beverage, the pare article U altogether superior, and aeorereira, rare remedy lor Byraewia, flatulency. Lowßpirlta, £angnor» General DebiUty, &q.* Ac. RfigßblY>i BTILL AkS’ WABKMNO OHAIaPAONJS.—These Wines are made In the neigh* borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Pure Jnice of the Crape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and persona who require a gentle stimu* lent, and far Sacramental purpose* - * Retail, pries $1.85 per bottle. 4 liberal discount made, to the trade. Staler* Will please aend.thelt orders to the “Bole Agents” for the State of Penn sylvania, A. tjUZABBAOO^ v Wbole&le Dmeglfta, No. 608 MARKST gtrwt. Auo Jot «*!» b* tbo following «pothec&rie«; AHBBOBB SMITH. Seventh tod Qhesnatta. INO. W.aiMBB & SONBAatk ud M 4 nlM*rk»i •tnetai 5- £«Hi25? OUBl ‘ *«d (jpoqd it*. . S. NRBXNGEII. Second and Miry at*.. Southwark. NEBINGBB, PaMjunk Road and Washington GEO. 8. HOBBNBAQK, Third and Green at*. A*R. gQBTRR. Broad and Coates at*. fan tffOBENSAGK’S 111 OK BITTERS. A A This Medicine, a* it* name implies, ia one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It Is as. peoially adapted to those who have a ioa* of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia,, Liver. Complaints, Piles. Nervous Debility. General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered egudittan pf digsjjtive organs!• " VQR FBMALS <JOI4BLA*N*B GSKRRALLY there is perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it. a* Jt enters, purifies, and replenishes the blood which Is so important to brink about a healthy action , THOUSANDS ABB DIVING a miserable existence, of a pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use ot one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that f* of an injurious nature. fOR ALL DISEASES QF THE BLOOD there is no better apfMote than Dofafpsack’s iron Bit ters. Wh&Q the blow l? i(ripary the ifh'ole body is full of difpagp* Blood letting may answer for a time, but eleimsipi; a part not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the bipod there i* np better remedy than these IqvalnaMe Bitters. Their chief constituent U irp?, and we all know ita eficapy Ip removing the impure jitter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prao tlcal chemist, ai\d have beou pronounced* by eminent Physicians and others, a* the 11 a* pin* ultra” of aU toils*. . sow gratifying 702,786 87 to the proprietor that he has succeeded In compound lug a remedy for many of the ilia that his fellow mortals are subject to} and that the public appre ciate It is not a question of doubt, but a fixed /act, as the demand for It has far surpassed hla sanguine expectations. BKAD THE TESTIMONY OF a WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years,.with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Bearing Of JiobenscscJe'i Iren iron to be a powerful tonla, induced ms‘to obtain a bottle, wbijqh proved to totpe mWomr’bhe. solely re quired, by restoring'Her'U With.’ She hesitates not bo ropommena 5t to those why ire Blmilar\r abated, as ahe'believes it to bp a’ sovereign remedy. O.pilol sfeee*. This invaluable Medicine la prepared only by GEORGE 8. HOBENBAOK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Street*. Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. COMPANY, Price $l, Discount to dealers. Sold by Dpaggirt* generally. tiu&o-y T UMJgRR XA^l>; 3Q U ¥ ? if. oa., (Syc3Ai«arfl to Montgomery <fc Neill,l 1 6. W. eorner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Phil*. Old Mpyamenslng District. are now receiving a large and well-selected assortment of all descriptions of LUMBER, such a* White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pickets, Pence Boards. Flooring, Shelving, and every variety oi Wflil-fleasooea Lumber. Also, a large stock ot Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly or hand and sawed to order at the shortest nott«» Oar connection with Messrs, MehiiTvy, Hcfafs, A <70., and Duffy, llouta, A Op., at Marietta, Ta. , gVvbs uaun surpassed facilities, and edabferi tibio supply drifeVs for all descriptions “of 1 with 1 promptness and despatch. ' 1 ’• *’ • ‘*' • PINE-OBBES LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAKERS', 4o’,‘ constantly on'h&nd* Prompt paying purchaser* Are freiifcWlfeilJy invited tc examine our a\fcofe hofoV&lmag MMwtoTe. ap*l-tf ) UMBER AT WHOLESALE AND BE JLJ tail, at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MBHAFFEY, HOUTZrfS Co., take this method oi informing their customers and persons desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, thatthey have now on hand a largs and well-seasoned stock of aU descriptions qf Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices,> Their timber is all from their own MILLS on PINJ CREEK. They are also connected with Mewrs DUFFY HOUTZ, A 00., and are prepared tp'tdvfffflh an kind* of Planed Boards, Bill RalS,Yß&ets and Saofteft noiljo. f W .lUd'Ai t*£e P mM t> ln wilingfte .tteoftm«fifol]d M . , ni &<>« iof IwahKlunadteo! Fbll»delplu», to the °{ HOpiZ & 00., torner of TWELFTH Ond PRIME street*, With vbota' they ere elee con heated. 1 eUI-tf Rtatbinerfi attJ» 3ron. UiravL'VdSaiiiiOk. , s.tmjosau hiukhk / WIU.UK a. aauutgos* SJOu.yirwAßK. tqvndhx, O FIFTH AND WABHING7OE HER^ioß?'st ,! SbNS > AND MAOUtNIfiTg, manufacture Blah and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine servico. Bollen, dejometere, Ten*.; Inin Do,tl, At-, OMt tnge of au kinds, either Irra or Brass. Iron frame room for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations. &o. Reports %nA GM Machinery of the latest and mdol Improved opaStmction. ■very description of Plantation machinery, snoh as Sugar* Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Bole Agent* for N. Rimenx’s Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; 3, p. Boas’ Patent Valve Morion for Blast Machinery and BteamPmnsl..,-- . Bnperihfeadtat-D. H. SABTOL. ssLy iSUbitinal. JCffinb^. Hailrrm& £ines. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIEABAIL- W 1 SfaSl™ L JNe.-QUIOKi;BI BOUTS to Slain, °W“*Oi Bools iBIMJd, jtl.Jrwo iSSSS'Kf&K I ™. }e * T * PhlladsJpbU ;«d SS&a&j&SHik BSp^SSiSSf; «BsSS!aW# At Rupert, for Wiliesbarra'pittston Sorantm. j .11 iSAIMOAD LAOKAWANNA ArfD mWOttS^j^ Bridgf 80 CheCkei *° Kmlta > and Suspension tt?" ®'* et " ““ I>e prooMot at the Philadelphia nni Blmiri Railroad Line’* Ticket OBce.Northwesteoraer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and »ttbaPhja ganger Depot, cornerof BROAD and Vim. •' \ THROUGH RXPBBSS FREIGHT TBAIN the Depot, Broad street, below Vine. dally, (Sunday* excepted,) for all points Wert sod North,kt 9 Freights most he delivered before 3 P.M. to injure theirgoingtbegsraedar. • - j Bar further inforraatioo apply at, ! „ » Pffigh* Deoot, Broad, below ,I^ne, Or to GHAB. S. TAPPEN, General Agent, N. W. cor. Sixth and Chestnut Streets, acl - tf . • r PhHidel,hih. mitetamsmaßh PHILADELPHIA, AND BEADING RAILROAD. PBBIOHT Tt)B ll ARBIBBUBG— The - PhUadelnhta Oo.mpany.are now prepare! to r „w, rf 'S’ 1 ?? 1 * Hanaresoao, and to aU potato on the br * n ° b ° r this msrf. • ■ Freight delivered at the Dorap&ny’g depot', south >»st corner of BROAD and CHERRY streets, before 4 o'e ook r. ni.wiH he forwarded on the same dav,and will! H ; mlba . r ® V 0” 10 d’elook on the following morning, For rates, &c., apply to T ° sent i. ,N - *■ DBiTF, General Agent,! —Broad and Ofaerry etreefe - 111 * at BA. M., IP. M., (Bapresa,)jand P° r Wilmington, at BA. M., 1,4.80, and UP. > S|°l Hww Oestle, at 8 A. M,, and 4,sbp, M Por Middletown, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. M PorDover,atB A. M., and 1.30 P.M. . i Por Seaford atB A. M-, an44.30P. M. . . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, S«M MU ” m 7 ' B °' XM f nu h 10M *- M., and Wilmington at 0 46 and 10.80 A, M., and 1.46 anao,&o £i ' i Leave New Oastla at 6 and 9.60 A. M., and at B.IS Leave Middletown at 8.68 A. M.. and 6.46. ' Leave Dover at BA. M.. and 4.66 P M ' -* ’ Leave Seaford at 8.26 A. M;. l and 2 P M. 1 TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE. 1 Ab| Ve ,ilmi ° gtonl at 9.10 A; M., 2P, Me, and 2.16. SUNDAYS unip »tll P. M. front Philadelphia to Bal _ timore, | . ®° do 6.40 P.’M.ftoaßalffinowioFAa». phla. ; aaTeUows ? ra * n 'Passenger Car attached, wilt ran ptoaat killdelp!ll!l f " EelryTlUa “ 4 intermediate Leave Wilmington for do do do T4sp. nr " eavo de Grace for Baltimore do 680 jS. if Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 810 ?>. 14 Leive WlkoJogtoQfar Philadelphia '* do 649 RH J* B.M.ggLTON; -Prortdeot. (VfiW rORK LINES—THE CAMDEN i X AN ® AMBOX RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO_NEW YORK, AND AY. PLAOIB. , Lesre u follows, tlb : Timm Atfl A. M., ti* Camden sad Amboy, Aeeommod*- ; At.o A. M.,via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ao-i ' 00nun0dati0n,..,...,,. ,3 36 At 8 A. IT., via Camden and Jersey City. Morning . Mail 8 00 At 10 A. M. r by Steamboat J ofinlfeiiaos,ria la<so- • t • * “T * n i Je »*3L Mormln® Jxpretf..'..* 8 00 AtJfP. Jf*> via Camden *ad Amboy, C.-andA, Its* . 8 00 At 5 P. M. Tin Camden and Jersey City, Jtrening * •••••„•*,, 8 0 At BP. M.,tia .Camden and Amboy. Aooommod*'; Von t lßtQ}u*.„ t .„t7Z 8 00 At 8 P. M.j via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda* t < tins, 2nd Oiasf. 1.,,.1 60 .At S;P. M.» via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda- ' ;; a « At 6 P. M.j via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda* - lion, 2nd Claes 1 76 *• M * **»• nua daily, all others fionday*ex ' s°® EenJinyioa P«poi, vfa [ • |Oity,Mal,gatttrdnyeexoepted.Y.M***MM**M..|i 36 »*>P ft ttu prindpsi stations only!? 3°o flemiogtow, fro., at fl Ai M *®f 2X P. M.froa Walnnt street wiarf. . maaa. Mrodabw*, gwantan, WJIWmB?,' Montrose. Crealfiend,, &e„ at 6A. M.J via Delnwir*, i I*oto)«anna*t Ve«ti& Bdircld. * *- - for freehold, at BA. M, andSP. H, - ' • 1- • for Monnt Holly at 6A. M., and 3if and 6P. M. ’ . WA7.£JDntt .' Jot &UV.I, TMnton, to., at 2j( and 4 P. 11., umi?' ■ B * s Butin- Btoamtoat Woßurdßtookton for BotHatom. and la tamediate nluM, at 3* F. M. ™ ’ ■ au.mbo.l John NallMn, fot Ufaconj, at it and UK A '.V. J,* lvS . tol Bmlington and Briitol »t *P. M. ! pounds of baggage only, allowed each u<* *»8«\ fwngfrs are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage bat their wearing apparelT.AU.b** gage oyer flfty pounds to. be paid for extra. Tke Com ptny limit their rape&tfbmw for baggage to one 18fiS I ’ E J N 11 s-neVAxiiAiccw OSNTRAL RAILROAD 1000 PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH. 1 tmwr rva And th#DW l l DaUroad to : WHEELING, fix. LOUIS. 1 O&n&im, ' OHIOA&O. LOUIBYILLjI, BURLINGTON INDIAN ap6lib, btTbjlw^' OHIO, worn. BAN, WMOONfew, jSSwtoiF , KANSAS AND ! to poiate.weet of Sittabulgt, -s¥lie«Ußg. 01e.el.Qd and Oreitluie, here choice of roatu. and raqaeitad to ouke > mlmUoq befan epplyloy for Dak. THBHN THROUGH TRAINS ZJUTN PHIIAIIW. DHIA DAU,y, i < oonnaatlsQ* ll Dtt&boigk to »H poloU Oo ud tftM MONDAY, May 10th, ISW, Tire, through, and Two accommodation trains? will kavethe ° f «* IfI ®Ww4MSSK« v*Ai»9 so? Fkanra viou virxsnnxox axd ts> wasr snaivn. ii aAt ****rS A> Mail train at.. 11,00 night Fast line 100 noon. Fast line 4.60 A; M Express mail. .IJ .00 night. Express mail.. I.W noon. wav vaaisa taavn. wxt tjuixs asmivn, Harrisburg ao- • Harrisburg ao eommodation.B.oo P. M. commodarion.7.26 p. M Lancaster “ 6.00 P.M. Lancaster (< .B*6o A M d Jp« pV **»» Wli «i» e»w tnttatßiaid« BogiMe Win he reoeiyad .t tte Pepot .t «ny tlmi da rl»g tE» day, ,No«l(ttK« Aw AiUhUlqa fclggag.. r , IIIt V t MWWi >MSOr »t of ‘he. «lreete,hetireeo the hooSu 7 A. ,„ up ' u - , ' THOMAS MOOS«,' : Aaeat Dano?t (jo. !B»Sg ,wc "ii ’ - PALE ARRANGEMENT. Fer BETHLEHEM, DOYLKSTOWN. i. , «,d h. ' close railroad connections for ’ o»ta*H,«», New York ottf, AUentowo, WlUiiunjpOTt, W.te.GKs, Metieh Ohonk, Elmir., Wlkeehim, Huleton, Nlegw. Fella, Scranton* 1 On and after WEDNESDAY. Angnet sHh! laSa. Pnj. nQemi: wm**'*., I’orKeiWeh.m, Allehtcwn. Qhwik. WilUama- P9tt, Elmira, and ft. Wtni (Eftleayat S.IST. M. 4 P ■ ’ P ’ J , *<P 3 ®»° a »¥ < ! a J «tS,4S A. At. ud Ear Pert . Waahlogton, (Aoooonn'6d»tlon,) at O.tfi A. Jn.asdfiP.M, v TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. M. and 6 P.M. , (Accommodation) at T M L “”2'3fp W j“ hlng^ 0 4* M» A - Atl pHßiSnger 3aJni (eieept Sunday Traina\ eosaeat let iSaitfoS ’ riU> Sl4wW« ftwes » ffi? i afcin'.'.v.v.'.v.v : 1 1“ POR SOHOOIfEY'SMOUNTAIN—Bj 8.15 A M. train to Eaaton, thence ky N.-J. O. BR. ino D. L. 4W. 88. to Washington, thence by etage, arrlring at the Moun tains at IP. M. Faro 13.10. -Js® J£ ELLIS CLARK, A**nt PHILADELPHIA, eSBufANTOWH Ju ANDNORBISTOWUHAaSOAD—SUMMES Looto ei^<ruin .jo iik a. m.vi/f.'s, *, w, s, t, u »fr “■* Leave Germantown at ft. % vVS* 111/ lovp.. m w U-?* e-s 8 ojcloch A. M. Train from German tow* witthtop only at Street* statlone. p ,r * f Jl,M * I P k, » »♦ 0.20 min. i. M., *, IX: and ? Way. Gemuintown 8X A. M., U 1 rain-, 4K, and CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Loaf. Philadelphia at «F, 8, 0.08 min .llu a.M. !,»,», 8, 8,10 P. M. -Yt- Leare Oheatnnt Hill at 5 40 and T.M, 8.10. and 10.10 tain. A. M., 12.60,3.10, e.Vi, T.», hnllSOmln P.M, 0N SUNDAYS. sagssaMi , 4th?Stv j *i.r4a-& 8.49 Pi M ■ FOR 00N88QH00HXN AND NOBItISTOWN. Leare Philadelphia at BX, 9, 11 A.M.,1.06 min 8.19 Min.. 4*, «*, UN P. M. Ware Norrletorrn at 6,1, 8,11 A. M.,1,8K,6nd8E P Hi ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9A. M., and Bp, M, Leave Norristown at? A. Id., and6P. M* FOR MANATUNB. Leave Philadelphia at 6k»A. H. 1.06 min 3.06 aln., 8.10 mfn., 4E, 6 \, %, I,TIV?. Af/ W<l ife SuncUya same a* Norristown. ousSter vAiiiisy railroad fob downing- WRBNOH>LATE GLASS—HAVING J by the “ Comp offaii a. Flor.f." the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS InYhla oi*y, we are prepared to offer to the trade or oontu °rir kkSek on hand. POLISHED PLATE GDABS fej* stores or Dweiting xronts; Rough Plate ' for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate:’of large sice, for Mirrors.' The Glass will be sold at the lowest prices, and warranted eunerlor.fn every reipcet.to any other imported. - BOBT. BHOEMAKEB A 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse. N. 1, oo?. of FOURTH end RAOI Street*, nUtiii}hk ttdllfoair :£iiies.r PEWSYLVAKIA,,, RAILROAD —THE BOOTS, fflnmaetlngtho At ,lrt<lrn - North-Mstnm, andjilpatb b T * «mtlnnbiU( Balljraj dirt<ctTtoll fe?S! *?•?* wwwapt **«> «»Uy UA» o th * Western. Birwra, and at «•*»>«» to all poiti on GHsJ/T WIW. BotlhT B r MTWMKS PHILAMIRBIA abb pm glM* Cxise—Boois, Bhittt, Bad. and 0»M, Book., Dry Gooi.-rlii £om, 880088 OLtss—Domertle fosetb*. SWrtmraod Woking, (in origin!! (*“,“!“>» Hardware, Iwtlior, Liqoor, (la tasks.) Wall ®*2“> Wool, end Sheep. Pelts, Eastward, 600. ocr 10 £kibd Bttgii, Biooa (Joa&oTta (<ty and in ell,) ‘W. HP » : phft, s.® “U K>ln , t I *“o 01 fMh »si. • Co.'.QUdud : .packer &. A “«“&», ’Ma-l B.P. Bass fcCo.'. at. Su, WeVa»i & T • S o ' l fitmfWa, Indiana: Win, s^®B“> T I 5> nl »TUle.'Ao , ituskp:i b! o. Meidrnm, stmllSi'nS 4 *?*'.. Bpoira id Co., and Athtn * : SS‘? r feJ2?S I S* t, i, 1 ?- *-P*«r« ,dc do., ZaoessUls. *n«’ wt°o ?.f o V*'°- M Boston; Leech Ns2*2k'. S «^? r *£2». , H**F«k>Ho. 1 Wtllfew.t. * .. B. H. HODBIOH, , HenaralPteight Agent.' .. ' _ H. J .LOMBABBT, ‘ too- - i. general Saperfatendent. Altoona, Pa Wanließ, Smelts,. &t. T E. CALDWELL & 00., ' •Bo 182 CHBBTNUT'atreet. Haro rewired, per otoamore, now stjlss 1 Jewelry, Chatslalns, Test Chains Splendid Pans, Hair Pina.'' ftnltatsnds, finger Baskets. Jet (roode and flown Tnwi. Coral, Lara and Mosaic Bets. Solo Agents In Philadelphia for the salon Charles Prodsham’s LONDON TlSfe-KEEPEBS dMO CILVRR WABE_ ~ ta3. _ . WILLIAM WILSON t SON MANIJFAeTURERx oF siLybr WARS. 1 (ESTABLISHED 1812,) ■ 8. w. ooaasa piptr aan ohsbby srhaars. A If I ** “Mfteien tof SILVJBa WARD, of eraryde •crtpUon, conaUivuy on hand, or made to order to *»»!**» any pattern desired. ' . > . importers'of 'Sheffield *®d Birmingham imported ,- t f» >'■ , ,» .... se3o?d&jrl/ JS. JABDEN & 880. / • Hixinriamika iso > uc*oßf*sa or SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 804 Chestnut Street, above Third, /np stairs.) . Philadelphia. • M O<mstaatt7,oohand and /or sale to the Trade. TB£. OOMEMTOIQN BEBVIOS SEXSa'TONSa LETB i aiteh A »&• KETSjOAStORS, KNLVS3, &E DO tiS, PORKS, LADLBB.&O.. 4c ,• , * Gilding and plating on all kiniß of metal. se2-ly Sftiwima FOR CHARLESTON, SC—HERON’S GD3/AR LfRB- GOODS R£- OEIYED and bills lading signed every DAY.—PfeigttandisenniLce at less than samir/vavS weaeal rates, bjr the steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Captata Uarshman, to sail on Saturday- Oei 9, at K> o'clock, A M. ,* from second wharf above Vine *t. Tor’ farther particulars please see advertisement of Steamship STATE Or GEORGIA. In this papas, Por freight or. passage applr to . ”A. HEBON^*;;’ ’ : • - • - - a2B North Wha^tw, FOR CHAftItESTdjT AND, SA iiiwh line. , GOODS BJtOEIVBD AND BILLS' Of LADING SIGNED - ‘ -EVERY DAY.* The ndendid. Bmt-olaas aida-whael Bteamshiss KEYSTONE STATE and. STATE Of GEORGIA Nov. form a weekly linefor the Booth and &>9thvs»k one of theae*' ships 'sailing every SATURDAY at M o’clock A. H., for Ok«ltsto» and a*' i yannsh. i .•» •, >. fOR CHARLESTON- The steamship KEYSTONE STATE. 1 Captafe 0 P. Marsbmtn, will commence loading on TtiUMDAY October Ti.and sail on SATURDAY, October A- atao o’clock, A. M. v . ' * * JOB RAVANNAfI. The STATE Of OBOBOIA, Ospt. John J. Gsrain. will eommene* loading on lhnnd», Oct iith ani sail «n Satnrdaj, Onto her it, at lOo’elcxtk A u .•MHttOhatiwtraana Baymnah, thasa shipantniaok irith staimsra for Plorlda and Hattha. and nili toads, 40.,f0r*1l pianos In ths Bonth' and BonUntsst - TMIOHTB BBBUOBL. ■ c -•*'*»*&ofU /u »a).«U(n* NowToxk stasmshlp rates/ •’ - * - :• ■• jWBmuHO*. ■- ! = • fBEIGHT and tNSUBkNOS on a largaproaortioti fho» l iW^t^^?S. i ‘‘ ,0,, “ D/ gabln l'^®?d®****^.* '■**** * **,*•• »•»«»» Stoeaige do <'*/-*' r *t ( «****a** > ***~***o>»v*’B QQ .Ksctunon Tickctsjsocd forth*presentyearrSO 09 No bale of lading after the ship Jus mdlkd for freight or pueage, apply'to '■> r '* ... Agents at Oharisaton, T. 8. *T. Q. aVBD. ‘ Agsota tn B»T4onah.a, A. llBdMKittCQ, •rn} TossSy E H|UMt OAIUUINA, Tim BRITISH AKD l{OßTff AMBBI OAN BOTAL MAIL .89XAU- mir *n v, **? To ** f? UnmttsV ■ A*!® o “H »' Hallfai. ■ , OANADA,O*pt.Lana, 0»»t-1, Stone. Ailßßlal.OapVWtatuiai. ASIA. Oepl. n. G, liOtt. NIAGARA, Oanl,Eyrie AFBIOA, Oapt. Shannon. EUBOPA, (jm£sTteltoh, - Thea. nmola omiy a dear white Ugbl-iraaat-heni; green on aUrhoard hor ; r«d en port tow. Lo;tt, leaves Rostqu, Wednesday. Beat. 2S, STWAri.’nnnJ “ N.yjtt, Wednesday, Sept.2B. V«^nVTi^fA Mulari • V‘ Boston, Wednesday. Dot. 6. 0?w?»A- it s's ,rk) s*? x,eaa * r J °ct- J»- . « Boston,,Wednesday. Oct. 20. “ H.Vork, Wednesday, Oct. 37. Roidnu, Wednesday, Nov. 8. ££§&]&> * “ N.York, Wednesday,' Nov. 10. *Leitck, 11 Boston. Wednesday, Not. 33. Berths not secured unttl paid for. = r • ' An experienced Surgeon on board. 1 Se^’tgSsfefea.^^”* o4 For freight or passage sjwiki - 8e29-y E; QuNARD, Veiling Green, N. York. tgtssa SfSkWTO GLASGOW, LIVER “a l0m>0 “- . HCket*, good for six months, to either or the abeye places, ty any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back, o m. . { . V&* snnrYOM. McMillarf, Saturday, July 10, at W o’dooi, M* Bdiuhnrgh, Gnmzning. »« Oct. 80. « : * * Glasgow, Goodwin, t« Auguitj. » - ‘ „ ' t*OM OLIMOW. f Edinhnygh, A* «. FBOX QLAMOW* .. Y. - Steerage, found with cooked 9*QTisloiuuU>>> 8 - now nw roag. FirstOUjb..,...., * Qa Steerage, found with cooked SO OO «♦££?£* 14 half fare; Infanta ia steerage, free. ,rttu “ month.,hi», First 0i5f13......-,.M40 00 5ie5reg......... fHO 08 An Wjdpnoed Sntgeon nl tubed to enoh Bteuaar. «pyly to WORKMAN A00.,m WALNUT Street, PhUUel- OBAIG, 11 lorh. A LONEY, Bnehennh'e Whirr, BUtlmct.. ©nuja att& ROBERT SHOEMAKER tc OO.’, wdouhau druggist, PAINTS, TARNISHES, •“A IIINDOW GLASS, Northern* earner FOURTH mid BAOE Street., Fh(l*del2Ue. Sole Amenta fcptkeeeleof the eelebnted Jlorelfe fleteglm, mh23-tf Hlatumctu. BOOKS AND STATIONERY! HOGAN^JKenk ßook Mnnafiwtcrer, Stnttoner tod Printer, No. WALNUT street, u prt,? pored »t *ll time, to either Lorn the ihelra, or make t<^orduv, 890k* of every desetlptie«, euitablo *2,® Merchants, and ethers, of the best QU9Mtf 9f BogUsh or American Payer, and bonad fo >mU)UAXtyles, in the moat anhstantta) manner. •Ottyn for JOB PRINTING of every descriptioo. 1 ldthcAtaphißg executed with u«Ataeas A gonbxul amortmant of SagUsh, French and Ameri- Co/»oat»iwr Mr. Hcgun , s eentribution to the Franklin i the Oorommee say—« This dUplay of blank boots for bankfog and mercantile Use is the beat in the exhibition. The selection of the material is good, th* workmanship most excellent. »nd tfaoir anish and au psaranee neat »od appropriate.*’ *o3o-t f Bummer licoorts. TTAY’S HOTEL, „ 4- iJMs^sjw^sasttss wewlja */,»» Weot Branch Bonk, nnd hoe emSSei njdrejm It In a eaperloratyle. 1 n ‘“ A wuiiomoport ts one of the moat dellehtfal tavos in Pennaylvania, and hla bonae, he hoiioi, .ill s, *° th “ traveller aj ft those oiti aenaof the metropolla who desire tonnmanegreeabla Gme daring the heatiad term or the enticrer R&C’te^^/ « P “ lot *“ 4 jyag-3m w. a. HAY, Proprietor. fg BEJDyOSD SPBIffGS.—TfIJS WQ. u4 Bozamer Resort will to for the reeartion of Yisitera ob the I6th of ah*i kept open untij the Ist of October. The new and spacious BulWiage erected last year m o,o*r folly eompfoted* and the whole establisluaeut hoi* been furnished in superior style, and the aooommoda. Gone wtU be of a oharaotsr not excelled in anr part of ty) Stales. any par. w The Hotel trill be tutder the management of Mr. A. 8. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention guests, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of aeeeu, It Is deemed w*o£iscr te ‘ cil B94fotd by * Th* Company have made extensive arrangements to mfr and mdividuals with “Bedford Water> » the towel carboy, and in bottle*, at the follpwin *. price*, at the Springs, via: Sd oft Do. (oak) 89a KDo. {mulberry) sta • _. A Do. (o*k).„ 2 M Onrboy, Id gallons 1 3 « Bottle*, IJ4 pint, per d0ien,..............iS The bMreta tre Mrefnßj u thuk our. ehuem mey depend am. r*o»ltftg ft. w*te* ){«. and swee*. AHooinmnnlostiTOliioeld be eddrewed to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers