S::V/hteilltASriktinnintititi, 3oo,l M -1 s' l ;r4h ; ;ktifitlitiaali k ititailiitt i er. ' .. I ' ,. ‘he the 11001 1 ofivitA , 6o4 r*Oriii.,EsViee ; Alliee4MP-3.° • ClnhAge ** ' ti !''" ll4 ” .. - , t l 4l{„ l l,e,M444o,,ittge ji1i44 14 ;. 1 .04",14: titil let -it tireiio- . 4041/WlOllOO1 1 * the O, iMUW/ 1.11;) remark` , ` &V si - tlisafilliPtheittlMillistra•- re ii *a of trifo 4l #looiriiit,r u iv o icA li rri*,' on Ds tow tt ' • tit gttailtikkon, innoia,it* on the,veritiA:,, , ' -_ ' " te . ' h„,...1414&e.d kali tised , upon 1441744 Fel Peklk l4o Wn"nted 40' self IMO 'f'..,4ti f Y, :i . it, ll o Peieroe . Petre:f oi ttiti"PPLO.,,,t 4 ;,:` # .4 ). \ a , te i l k Ilk °WO ' " ' TM' .•."'t•-•••' 1 J-&e,..__`" 0 .% -I,..wiVe. Per widely,- if kellettMilitftir ' ,-; *,t.". rit. bly. * . ltiVittiaettr: th 4oo . I ''''' . 4o l * tbilni l *away raiVitintOolitti`" $ Asignalisi his adem*ltkeitilte 0 " 4, ', s Ql44 .4 thltritetai, be tb°l 74 49slA , Ptiii '510441 1 i;34 11- ti . itkaftie. r Oar* dalia4mt,faate iIt4AISR 11.1540010 in; beings • , his own jaditii4 4,11 - 4 total !iiiorfint'ilattors laid bet 34t4t, °Aida' ini - tied,,; This is Vel7 . , elide/apt affilt tpart . vf the report devoted to the new overieV„,otair,lonti te.:Catireratti• Pil the . whole, the dieument isust as it stionldlie-oloar, - direot;' , # . ostritnieda3 and liiiiiniis-like,'iwid bears out tll 'metal•idea , lg . the 7 PostmasterAteatei sapirlin abillty-Wad Meets Or tint ithporthot pirtel he NOLA! the 1210yeintuent.: ,'"< < ` 2 ", - , -- , With‘thiebrie 00, f letroduotlou, WerProod to give. sonmal . thetletails and points 4r report t, •,t _t. isAvorthitA.Obieiviiiteti:thet„ - itibite the total numberofqoat Oleos oreatedqlurmg the tVrenty years y r emarr, to IEPIT WAS kat Me, tho number eatablishodfinittid half' that 'length ef - time, from , 1847 WSW, wa511,444: , 194 the 80th' - 14 ; fins, , 1821, ifii Isholltionrabor or ptetplitsesiir 1116 Unite Sta t eettmOt OM 04-1837, 11,767‘ 0 ; in 1841 : 15,14 8 ; and on iitt,Oth et Surte k .1.85 t • 26,0... Dierins , tholoo4fikarstar , there: have.breeti,l;7ll offices established:Mid 7114 discontilitiati,"hoinsionat in ' crease otivii2l.;-o<-4, of 1 - ','" ~ ,-._! ‘ ,7 '', "I'li.:-,' ,'' The 1040 *ember ejitie Afthi , ~.; tieleis 214 4 8, of ishiot 368 are of lber ,eittitti4itantinated :presi dentin), their inottmbotits btitgltabje:ot to appOint meta h7thh.T.reakd' 3 ltt - alt.4" fiettY ''' - , its *Temtereirrarlet( aTi7/871Cal - On the 30th 'of Juno last there were in operation 1 4888 mail routes.- • The number'of 'contractors WAS 8,516. 'c'The length of.theaa routes is estimated at 282,601 mileo, , dirided as follows, vie: : .:;z., Itallroml4.4-4,;..44.,. .. ;.: . 4 22,630 Mika. Steemboat"...... !., ...I. , ~..e tip < sla , ti Cene14,, , 4J..,,..;;"i•".. • •' , .4-.• +, • • ; ,40,329..". -- = knforier,gradess ' 155,49 Z it -Thm,totaltatosair.tvanspostation of mails was 74408, 4 187.111i1e5, - Wastlteg $11 892 1 040 , and 411104 Rai/roach 4287,044railes, t at $;,559,81f-ahont ton cents sod itie wilts Ohne. - , ;,,, ~ ' "3/4,74itt, 4,518,1t0, mites, iv ,g9sl - ,98*--about: twenty-two °Dots a idle, , .., • • '.. .., - ' , Co,ch, ati ) 080,030 miles, At $1,410,828 , --abeat seven ceptit and four mills a mile. , s Inferww'pladeso7,o . /9,074 inilee,at t 61,858,875 -about id* cent*, ;unite. • . ^ -, ~,, • - There liave been pttt,in, offeration a - steamship route, Mee a Menth; between San,Frenoine and Olympia, and a weekly iinolit Pasot's Bound., The. overland route; from San 'Antonio, Texas, to San Diego,. California," has alsobeen enedessfully cam mended ; and a contract has been made for convey ,. ing the maileatx times a weelibetween Prairie du Chien mid St: 'Pant; in, eeardies at sleighs during ._the ISRApenekon at navigation on '.the Upper Xis `aissippi...., These, aro ati /aperient additions to the - • f'•, r' 3 (invert ort-414 I) SlRFNetTpurs, ,-, 1 ,,.., , - VW expenditures on ell , noel:mats for , ihe year n0tipt.,fune . 50 4, 1661,-,were.,...-:,.:A11,5114,670 16 Ite - atptifor tlfe' 'seine time - , In., 3 . , 'e-`;',.. .'', ,L - 0144theatinuid - sum 'allerted:,- 3 • - ' - foltr - ,illaWitOvitto!..ef- • .•,z -,, 6,003051., /6' ~---. ~- --.-t• , . •-. ) oyeritieeipte: , .. - :,:', 3;453,41840 iffs/a - rPa, trip" . . ,-;' : , ; • _- ' -f AppropriationAßAai o 1i t 4,.. i 4 412,053,2 ft Revenue - and -70f ti rlifuld, ::,i":;.".‘,..19,134,0T4 • -e, , P,,, „.x 4 1 1 , -c - i;;' , . ..et.,":"' EslteiO l fritifir , o.ol , l,f!fo4= ~ 03,,,1,71.6!:51,,, 1 6?,i7. 4 ; - . - --, - f ' - 't '4021 eV: colitis: ~,,z!,:-:;-'t T ;: .-,,-:: The - Patinktitertdtililniakei but bride/I'olOn to thisimportent aubjeetV/lo refers to the outline of a plan transmitted td ecommittee of , Congress by his predeeessor, but mates mi,resoramondation further than,to „remark that Itiosyetem has wo'rkii suocesifully in Great Sritain. ,- The' number of money-ordeni issued in that colintry halt increased front 1.86,924,"in3 1440, to 0,178,982 i in 1856; 'and the aggregate of money thereby transmitted from 1 £3lB, in` 11140,t0'.£11,805,56 - 2, in 1850, It is to - 1 be honetttliat Somir plan will be devised that will give .` ' the'pel•Pleorthit country the - advantages of rush tisysterti.'W`t-4 2 ;:,, - - ‘. ~ - .: oczale„.oilix# l t. In lieu- iif qiertain' l e a spirod tiontieete ? tor convey-• ing mails between Iftiw , Yerk;'''stod',DreirierW end Barre, new enitraotalev4 , , , lten:Madei the. iron: pansation - imiug limit4,o 64 0. 1 n 444 . Stat"-rst ages, sea and inland, accruing from the mails omit veyed.' These nelkonlyoffeet tinimpertani string i to the Trerisury„but ther ineastunte a system of self-sustaining ocean mail; service, Whillh may load to the-adoption of this as: permanent system. A new contrast' has-been made with the Panama Railroad flonyany, different from the old plan of . I paylv 14 weight, which !tercel annually more than The tabular information In thie part of the re port, is quite intetesting. _From one of them the ,allowing is extracteir-reith reference to the °or- respondence tietwien Great Britain and the United Stateet;-dnring the' fe a r yeare ending 30th Sane, Number of letters sotto Great ,Britain; 7,990,65fi i ', ~ i. • eived - from Groat ' Brithin....;';'.; ree r 4:•',.,_f r . , :; - .,, ' ' • 7,916,418' Number Of,meirspapere: Iton_t 'ito;, groat. , ,-,,—, p , ', Britain . ''',"" ....,.... r.." - . , a .. ,;'4,6,., - .....'".. , '7;483,,s ' NuntbefAxnumspaporw ro iyod- from -.' Greatllritah* '. ;...1....-.:_c....".: - .;;;;I:-4,60.1 - 411c` -, ~ r1t,54111-Xebisix4iii3lnaplifilittlinidottlitteill ii;VllrYtl,4o,lrrittatylktit ltrki.o, 4 l, .-111,‘Itkitii_t pest islergety - In or Faye, - ',,- ^ '''''" 4 . , ', , `''' r ' ''ll/ Of the . , ?cringes `etillasted,lin, tiA -Oitifilipc - M=' derma; _ t h ere: , 1 4 48 ,': 6 110Pletti' lir";11re -Abated' sl States, ; .. ~,,..-..:....-..-.. . ~',....... $2 ; 419,118.95 ; Collected in Greet 8ritedn.."....0.... - ;1,262,203'54 . Negate teams: me pending for a ;radical; change of our joetsl arrangemente with Great'Brittin ; but as the propoeition'of the - 13iitish Office, in its pre sent shape, , cannot be , weded,, to; undies,•it in-, calves, alas, a preliminary,_ egreetnent.requlring the sanction or, the treatpmaking Powers, definite action open it has - betl necessarily postponed for the present:,.,- - -- - If conitirelSeeti to Made Icifoinian Mill eervice; liniitilig , tho chnipetulation to ; . the United 'States vpostages,aecfnink on the mails tonvoyed,The Post master, General-Jew:monde en -increase, of the number of trine by existing' lines, , an,l' that all the lines he pliCiiittl operation that - have been or,may be projected by our enterprising °Hirano. Among these are Rie proposed Beef from Norfolk. te - Mil ford Raven ; from New Orleans to Bordeaux; front New York to Antwerp ; ;lteraintrg, or Gluckstadt ;, from Savannah to Pars,in South America ; from Panama-to-,Valpitraleo, 49.1 _. - ' - '' '" • tore 00arts - 2 In reforrlngto,-the„inereased facilities for the delivery of dettirs by carriers, recently directed to he putirito operation — li Toston, - -Philadelphia; and' Vow .York, , regret hi expressed -, thip the- oar. - rier's fee cannot be reduced to'4 , uniform price cof one cantle toneequenoc'of ttie law requiring that the eetiredolit - oF delivert.sh'sll ,be delivered' 'out of the'earrieest receipts.- A -rocidliteation Of, flibi • ' law is reedminelided so'as to- give 'the Postmaster - General authority toisave.the delivery node at One ~,, „neat 11 fetter, ,whetherthe -earner? receipts are sof ,-,ffelenttte meretthie Operate orliot, ,, a . 't --. ~„- ~ .. sarttesez,, optifi venTrimourin name: ,' Coo, ofAtio,, , ~o llierstketibjebte vellieh'have del suanded,Onn , - Itiliat'of pXeeirling,inore effec tually Wlris ,. , . 1? 1 0 mend ti ' n;' "Zed on ? . 3 ..,. , pt..t it - ,rf. ~.., 0.,-...' . ...- It is fr .. f ,:slhased thee • the Vials have pot uniform' astelds - , -expedithin , , , witl'- travellers op railroa , gang , in}a4ks. for , es , thit. rea„,y be the fact ' , ," ile - censidered - , attributable to the want ei"pWatiOnltti the Jiiallll on the express lines which, are without -agents of this department. _Theovit, therefore, can only ,be remedied by eut ,..,fttay in* additional agentsjo netiempany midis long t'dieteneesnithtint obanging, and guard against all ' delnys that 010iirossibly be avoided; and especially r to see 'that palsogors enjoy no , advantages over the malle; . but that both are - equally expedited under all orroumeteneS, e 7 • I e • ' • .. 3., • ' Jo this",o9nitectidri,- express, route agents have been pitioad on the through lines fide philadelphia, to Cinoinnati, Anit eliewhere, each Of Whoin ao compenies lhsmait alithe'vay through, we ex esuent,plan is , to` 7 , , bei..extended to other through routes. -- wiltrOLEAlla, AND NSW, ping, . , - ',The freqnsit'falluree, Mid; delayd in `the , great througli malt between Oho- two points- above named hal led , to the consideration of ..a prsposed route by seafront Now. York to Forntiodina •Flo ride, theneelsy.ratincall =across the penineulatto Cedar'-%e';Cedary, end thence 'by Steamers to. New Adr ienne. This ,ante; 'there is a proposition to tra verse irctice anyt, foe , an 'annual eompeniation of $450,250. - For 611 ltdditiollo ' VIONOOO the maile WIZ boa:lin-lied by thits routo,,frem Cedar Key Ito Aspinsraif, and , back, _thine ''it , , month, and from Cedarfigiti 44 Xo7lYest.'ind ffisiana, and , back, tilts Itanontle;.,l4 five, days front Cedar goy:- to - As ikVall abd Inthivii- five front Cederffey, hi arena.' -'l , -' " -,- - - • • - - - - r . nail, surivien, ,on rag unistssirot, nut.ow 'run - J.., , y,. ~.:0,D.!,.-1", .• _, ono, i4liaiimutsolgilikuibjelit, so _besot with difficul ties, the' Postopistor General' looks, forward with evideasitisfaatittlf to the , dity;:now' - olose at hand, when atetthiborit levilie will be- discontinued, and whon the greittfthrtingir Mails from !Chioago, St. Louis,'Mempiablland other Importantcities of the West: one, litikekishaittettto Nevr 'Orleans In less t4aftAalf the'4o4 s .li6R - ;ikatred,rrtul with the re gultritY Of al,well.conatitteted,' andwell-Managed railroad, tt , --, 11;2' I- ~,---;', ~,,, - -,,- ~- :s - OVEItt4I9 if (Iff sg",*4llli4o - 41.44EitimA: This le We lisradd"parliiiiiiiiiiiiiweciaipittruit, topic of thin - pat. , / 1 . 111 4 30411 0, 01 7 Made very' in ' teresting by the manner and ibulty,wittr elich it is disentroC , ,', , ' , -,'' - •c,-,' ,' '' `, Y,' , -, !! - - Under apillaiity:Of Call' 011111'5 lastblingress, the Poithisatee%nieral has Made a eohtreet Inv trautr. Itt9rt#lll,o4,entlrti, lope .maitirom St , ,,loots e n d mediphis - taleverging 4 LIttIO Rook; Aikauses; by At POOlit ' utPostionvi; to FlanFraneitco, California; _ and baek, twides fiettliein fonr-horse poet-coaches, ,'. atitableiturruissilters, , i4 -iwenty-five day"; . for P 3 50 ,000 I,eaf.'The same is to 010131011124- Sir 071[111.01.11 1858rantVthe:410110}10t is totontinue six /4 0,44 -' , AhisJouie; Viol is -different from - -any . tket'wtm bid tor,, was•eheren,arowi Meet patient 4011 laborious investigation ": Ito cpears to be olear Mill( 440 *OO hi-0 Illitin,' kopov th atooo th er is eoseirthe entire year, andlt-was mperative from the cit e alder:of thliserricOthat the route select ed eh - dim naturally Is, goodlopi,,se this unties ir thumb' taii..L., - ' -„,4, - - -- n..'" ,,, & - , t ~ ,, f,r,, - ''.„,t, , ,- • , ~,, The ilitirOfteM Alemplifs' tri San FranoiseO is 2,103 miles:,a , „ ...... ,-,.... 1 -...,_,„,,,,,, , Egon this o 4 o 4etelliarl t ,e,..,that as a 'l3tdrieet . Ode 40 , rtt ~ 444 rellithid Dint 'foay be come `o 'Otto; 'We ( Pbetnituiter . Ge neral hsibeltest 'C. r ltellow.lsbos and tan mination whiq ;' k , itAtnitip_ _„, r , bustnows of ldsAt. partment W. II .7 31. . ti2Off iiikta a Voittei por tion rd'id 11_ , ;,,, 1 bitthiritirgecit ket one s tuff "the , 4 8E4144dr - ft ' 4 ',.• .. jr* bad bniebntrated lit - 411X,114,1440t1111- :TWA' , tioli points would, boiltili,4 -00 IR A: Afiti tide fact. , They colleen-, ..." -- kiWnhrefly st - li ,t• lietillt/PitirOit alkkhfemPlill ';•Vtgli---41100Uorth,,P0,ffoubl-,oentre )514 the -,, Si ipt, - thelfext, - dtitdrable - o jeat , was to fled; ''-iterii tionintorli . plint:MiltOf that river from which / 7lrilutlitstem could be - protected': rojet ley J,ty : o plvestward %4'o oo t o t 4 d'O t ! fik4 t , " T o il s iItAV-1030041041141ni the- I t I ilttitglottii , f ,'e, fu i otkltlor#-; _i4„o4l A g! th uttati , 4 o o 4l,Ww, , Aoi .rojiir9344oorugld i9l4t /t'll6oo 40: 6; Esoaii ore) _.'_~:' beating - southwell ward, we presently re. cittiOnt , Little Nook, the:ether branch of the road `fintlt'XiitisiddeNonneetlietlitsAine-with all,the great railroads orYirglida,,fpoth - Carolitia,Veor , t"i :Alabama; Tenistaiiee;';and `,Nenttioky. Not r,fromleittleitook the Vioksiniirg-end New Or- Wise arid TaxakrallMads fill in, bringing in from alinoist!eviertiortion tlf-tte great' river all the Itonnoxions ;:ithloh - ,idl: the 'iltiantle , States; , north south.cart peke, to that greet highway , which. vre - itie ArYleCte, establish: Thus •it is that we Jtave.thundmeetof theAlleeisiiippi what we oculd ..not obthin onjr n oomnion concentration of rail `roadis to ,a elngle,point from which the future rail: Keikmarceinatence, swollen and enlarged in Ile Common stem by the contributions of the railways 'Coming in from nearly every State of the tinfoil. 11:E PORT OF TRE,,SEWIETARY OF WAR:, , rePereof-the Secretary of - War' is an able 'document::" It 6010 the necessity for an immedi , _ Ve increase in the arniy, - ,Whiell at present oorisiats of nineteen regirnents, dielded into ten of infantry, ,four of; artillery, tweed' dragoons, two of cavalry, rind briebt 'nibUnted - ritlenien, the-whole strength of the hirayt[al posted, ceemeting of about .19,684 [isei„., the riettial strength on first of July last -being 1.5,'104+ In addition to the movements which ',the troops have been milled en to make this year, jilts force. -O.:04141d upon to, garrison sixty eight forts of a large and permanent character, so far as ;lt is ,possible to ..1111PPIr MOTI ',for the purpose ; and' to occupy seventy; poets,-lees permanent. Ly establiShed,• whore the presence of a force la,,absolutelY required. 'the area -over which 'theist' forte -and ; posts ere spread embraces a eireltit[ of - about 3,000,000 square miles. For the properceoupation of these posts, the military en mrvision.of the external boundary of our country, 'the -protection of the double line of Indian Gen• tier extending from'tho Lake of the Woods to the hanks of -the Rio Grande, in the east side of the Rooky MOuntitins andlrom beyond the river Ore. gan-on'the British.fientier to the bead of the Gulf • ofealifornia,.pu the SW4l44iiti elope of these moon ttailuit-And, the proteetleti,of the great lines of in tercommuniestien between'the valley of the Xis aissiprand the, Pacific. Ocean, the Seorotary recom mields the raising of tire additional regiments. • The army has been very actively and constantly engaged in' the performance of arduous and int. portaniduties. - In view of the menacing attitude of athirst in Utah, and the importance of a prompt and thorough suppression of the spirit of rebellion leignirq, there, the [ Seeretary repeats his recom mendation of.ftve nen regiments, which he conk , dere the aniallest addltien- to the army which the e.aigenoles of the service will allow. A limber of - defestts in the organization of the array are_ pointed - (tut, and Improvetuents rug- The iouie erom fit Paso to 'the Colored, is de , eignatedne the Most eligible route for the railroad to the Paoli% •it being the shortest of all yet oar veYed,'-atid4matessing- advantages over the others, et,grade,eltraatei,- - distance across the deserts, and a auffteientrabeindantissof water but the consum. illation of this prejeat; fre6l from all other. difficul ties, would require immense sums of money and a great len ,gthr vi time. , - Meanwilile • it is recommended that at least two other routes for the passage of emigrants and the -transportation of military stores, which, if the railroad were belt; these routes _would still he ne canary: to make accessible Mutt regions of our conntry,- b 6 al' once opened:and maintained, and "a line o stockade poets nstabliebed along them, to Insure the safe. and rapid transportation the mails And perfect protection to Ntelegraphic line frittiniirie ocean tit the' other, _winch latter object 'would in itself be worth far more to the country Manila Cost Or the poets and the expense of main. Itainingthata.: - loratieps and surveye are pro 'greasing .satitactorily; - adir,every day ie adding up* and lraent' theta: to our [present stores' of knowledge of thege.ography and ;general character of. Abe• country-lying between the' valley' of the and the .I!ficific ocean: `Two expedi- Slone have been, fitted out expressly to explore tracts of .country hitherto wholly unknown. The .first was sent to the Northwest, beyond the waters ;of the Upper Missouri, towards the " Black Hills," and will , sitt , 'defibt, bring. valuable information; -"and.tbe other'ie engaged In exploring the Colorado erthisW_Pst, of:which, to this,timoi nothing scarcely hisbeen accurately known. The Secretary hopes that this exploration will result in discovering the hest Means- by which the:transportation of army stores can be effected to the intoner of New,Mex ico and Utah, - 'the importance to the public service of estab• limiting a national foundry,is again impressed upon 'Congress. The Secretary Says on thiesnbjeet : A well-man aged national foundry would very speedily de velop and ,establish facts which would add lei menaely to our national wealth. It is scarcely to be credited that. with the infinite variety of iron ergs and their boundless extent in the United States, should not have yet discovered a mine capable of making the very best gun, or if such be :discovered, that there era no meaos by which the ,publick.earvice,cau•bc benefited by it; but such is the ' _ , knationtil foundry , Would Servo as a great la boratory at which the qualities and value of metals throughoutlthelarbole Confederacy would be tested and fixed- livery Variettof Iron, with its especial adaptation - to particular • uses,- would, in a few years, be familiarly knOwn to the country, and In dividual enterprise would be saved in experiments many times the amount which the works would coat, whilst a great national branch of industry might, by this means, receives legitimate and effi cient encouragement. There talitit little doubt that many American iron ores are equal :at least to those of Norway, arid yeithe national 'armories are driven by ne ' cessitt: to;purehase • fmm ,}broad the Norwegian frontal' the - manufaeliare of small arms.: Choosing to have" the, best, quality ;ef arms, we must go isbniad , for, the , best quality of iron. •A notional .foundiy,,Would soonteech as to' improve the menu fig lltiitoriraktifuld rre would be saved the tort' foca= 3leitbrbringingittinifolla abroad, and theipprte,y, •• 'l , 7ljThi&inieiliftheary guns Would. 'Presently be di minished, and their quality would be, undoubtedly, ,very materially_ improved. "It therefore appears to mothat every considera tion tf sound policy and- economy demands the .establishment of a - national foundry, which I no conliegly respectfully recommend. The, seacoast defences . aro gradually but cer tainly advancing, towards 'completion, and when finished will constitute a system of maritime de fences formidable in extent and of groat magni tittle. "-It - is considered that the harbor of New -Yprk'Will be impregnable from any attack from ;Mites wiion:.the fortifications now in progresi are finished: . ." ~The..remainder:of the report is devoted to the. result of experiments on inns, So. -TheSooretary aelsiunts for the very heavy expenditure in the Quarterninstel General's - .Bureau - by the extent and ohmmeter ef-the'.eountry . over whloh the ope rations of the arms hive extended. THE MONEY `MARKET. PRILADELPRia Decomber 8, 1857 fn the absence of any news of importance, in finewsiel circles in Philadelphia, we are happy to be able to record a letting up in the pressure so 'Jong exeroised - by the banks of Now York. The expensive procees of strengthening themselves has been followed up until the banks havo'grown tiled of it, and are driven by their loss of income to relax andenlarge their line of discounts. Twenty six millions of specie is a very largo sum to carry unprofitably, and now that the tido has boon turned, we may expeot to see it reduced to ordinary figures, "and the discounts to slowly but steadily increase, Until they reach nearer to an average amount. ' Mr. Stetson, the President of the Ohio Life and Trust Company, haspublished a statement, setting forth that the troubles of that concern are owing to the mismanagement'of Mr. Ludlow, the cashier in Now York; to whlob a reply is made In the New York papers, charging bad management back upon the parent aloe, and showing that the acts of Mr. Ludlow were done undor.the authority and with the knowledge of the President. A . very pretty quarrel bids fair to grow up In the ease, but how far the stockholders will bo the bettor fur it, ap pears to, be,doubtful. PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, -• December 8, 1807. Reported by R. Blgnlgy, Jr., Stock Broker, No. , 801 Walnut street. FIRST BOARD 1000 Penn R 60 .2dnit.76 /000 • do. `..2drnart.ls 1000 do ..2dmort.l6,' • 2000 - do • ' - 6234 1000' 'do - • 023 i 1000 Elm R 7e..1etmt.70 1000 do .let. mort.7o 1000 C&A Ft 08'83.-10 20110 Penn de FIX - 600 - do- - .10 8411 300 44 68 2000 Penn R. 6e..2mrt.76 3000' . do ..2dnaort.ls 2000' Tre nton R . 61 Penn R..: /0te.38 100 Reeding ..27% 'lO , - do -.... eaeh .27 BETWFIR 600 o 'Perin-W -*4 Reading . 27 600 Now Granada.. • , Bi6oND 1660 N Pena fl 1040 ` 'do - 62 1000 e • do' 62 1000 - do - • 62 1000 Morrie Rowel 63-78 100 D Elm 10 76.2d0w1.60 1000 Peon 64 ' 84% 60 Vona It • 58N • - OL O BINQ PI Bid.' Atka. IT Sista:W.6B.lli • PhibiVe int 17 17 . 8 3% 84 RIL63X 84% ' `,, New.9ll( 92 Pernoylv 6'3.. - ..84)( 85 Riadineß 2814 20 % do Bondi Tig 76% 4 dp Eirt64 , 44.sil - • - Pelitill RR 88% Slonis - Conl 0°045 46 • Rohn N 6689...61 62% 5t00t..;..11 - 12 ' LAT. ' 66.20% 45.28% 100 Rmiling, .PHILADELPHIA 11141.RKETS. Dricznann Bth—Evoning.--Brentisiuffs are dull and .nneettled to-day. There Weio but fow shippers in market, and only about 750 bbla Flour have been token at $5 for super, and $5.25a55.50 per bbl for common and good extra, at *blob figures holders are - free sellers. The local trade are supplying their wants within the range of the same quota tions for superfine and extra, and $5,75a50.50 per bbl for fancy brands: Corn Meal nod Rye Flour are Reid*, at former quotations, but the sales are stkimportant— Wheat bas met with a limited do triend,'-buit about 6,000 bu were taken for milling aE 110a120e for red, for fair to good and choice qua. Illy,. the- latter for .Tennossee,,' and 120a1a0o for 1 9 4 4 of i tiorid and very choice desoriptien. Corn Is very..dul ;4,000 bu old South yellow at 760; 600 bu 'mixed 050, and 1,500 bu new 56a684, afloat. Oats are.unialiable and held at 33a3310. forgood and pilaw Delaware. aye le taken by the distallors at ' 75a71i0 First quality Queroitron Bark is offered 'eit's37i Without finding buyers. Cotton continues exoearuA unsettled.. Groceries not much doing, elotlt t a n 'Sugars, .whloh' were more lively, and bringing full pricea. : No ohnngir in Coffee or Me- Proilaione still droop, and Meal Port Is bold at $101417 per .bbl, o without much smiling. Bation Mid salt44ll4U ar dull and nearly no. ,kl o tpyprog Toted rates.. Seeds are un chained not a moderate busi - nett aelng , lll-010rerseed, at $5.25a5.50 per bushel. Whlikefieltai3O.at 220, for hhde, end 22i1t23 for • ' . 7 - 7 . 7, •• 474, ' • For , additional City Nem, Bee the Fourth Page, of this morning's 'Pima.) • AMUSEMENTS TRIO EVENING. 'WHEATLEY'S ARON ' RAREST' THEATRE, ARCH BTRIST, Amor* SIETH,— .. Still Water* Rub Deep"—" Laugh When You Om" WALNUT -13,ssat. THEATRE, N. E. coma OF NINTH on WALNUT BTRIETB.—" The ElichalltreS3." NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT STRUT, NEAR - EIGHTH. Equestrian Performances. , Nsw HALL, OHBEITNOT ETREETy 3NLOW HAVENTH.—BuckIeVe Opera Troupe. BOSSOStrie Orsne nom ELRYINTH BTRIST, BOTII OHBETNET.—Ethiopian Lite Illustrated, concluding with a lagghable atterpeoe: SALII THIS li.lonmao;—Residenee and furniture, corner Fifteenth and Lombard streets. Sea Thomas .4 Sons' advertisements. WE WOULD call attention to the peremptory sale of onelhousand lots of furs, embroideries, woollen goods, km, to be held at B. Soott, Jr.'e, auction roams, at ten o'clock this morning. FINE GAN . DEN STATUARY, &C.—Thomas 85 SODS advertise a collection of statuary, part of it particu larly suitable for lawns, gardens, km 800 auction &ad. Real Estate, Stocks, tic —The following sales wore made last evening by M. Thomas k Bons, at the Philadelphia Exchange: 5 shares American Academy of Music, $262.50; 5 do, $255; 5 do, $250 ; 20 shares Commonwealth Bank, $l9 ; share in the Mercantile Library, $8; a first mortgage for $1,925, on eleven stone dwellings, Moueyunk, $1,625; handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets, $lO,OOO ; modern three story brick dwelling, Franklin and •Poplar streete, $8,400; large and valuable lot south- east corner of Walnut and fifergaretta streets, West Philadelphia, $4,800. Meeting of the Controllers of the Public Sellools.—The stated monthly meeting of the Board of Controllers of the Public Schools was held yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at their rooms, Sixth and Adelphi streets. A communication ices read from the directors of the First Section, requesting the Board of Control to attend to the furnishing of the new school at Fifteenth and South titivate, as the building is now almost finished, and the directors being anxious to open the moo on the lst of January next. Also, a communication calling attention to the necessity for the organization of a primary school in the neighborhood of Eighth and Dickinson streets. Referred to. the Committee on Property, with power to act. Several other communications were read, but they possessed but little interest. After which the Board adjourned. Coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for five days ending Deo. 5, 1857 : Spring Mountain Mines 2,841 15 East Sugar Loaf 893 19 New York and Lehigh 747 18 Council Ridge 1.721 04 Colerain and Stafford 1,250 04 Hazleton 1,918 05 Dobbin and Dohaven J. D. 111cCreery 4 Co ditto-manic Fces.—We learn that Alderman John Thompson, of the 'Ninth ward, has paid into the City Treasurer, for penalties during the month of November, eighteen dollars. Fire Last IVight.—Tho alarm of fire be tween eight and nine o'olook, last evening, was caused by the partial burning of the upper portion of the residence of Mr. John E. Carver, No. 1110 Ridge avenue, below Buttonwood street. The fire originated in the garret, and damaged the roof to the amount of $l5O. The dwelling house is owned by William C. Muller), whose loss is covered by insurance. Fatal Railroad dlccidenl.—William Murray, aged 25 years, fell off one of the cars on the Phi. ladelphia and Baltimore Railroad about eight o'clock yesterday morning, and had his right arm completely severed from his. body by one of the wheels. He wee taken to the Pennsylvania Hos pital, and died in about an hour after his admis sion. The deceased was not picked up until one o'clock. Ho was a wood chopper for the Railroad Company, and resided in South street, above Twentieth. The deceased leaves a .wife And four children. Coroner Fenner will investigate the ease to-day. • ' Hospital Cases.—Robort Apple, thirty-five years of age, was admitted to the Hospital, yes terday, having been hit over the Used with a club during a fracas in Cuthbert street, by some un known person. , James Cowan, aged twenty : ono years, was also admitted to the Hospital, having been kicked by a horse,' at Broad street and Book road. Business of Philadelphia.—The annexed statement is an exhibit of the business of this port during November of this and last year, and the duties received for the past five years': , November. Value of and e. in wnrehonme ht of month $811,028 14,000,179 Entered fur ‘vorehouto from fo- reign ports. Entered for warehouse from other districts Withdrawn from warehouse for consumption Transportation Export Value of miles, in warehouse lent of month Entered for consumption from foreign ports 716,310 845,463 Free oldie, entered 212,158 286,415 0001115 11130E1 1851. 1855. 1856. 1857. November' 8215,615 8211.553 8243,163 8133,702 Prey. 10 mos-4,051,956 2,006,712 3,706,017 2,813,407 BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW TORR. Correspondence of The press.] NEW YORK, Deo. 8-5.20 P. DI /wit as I supposed, the nominal menden in leans, given in yesterday's bank statement, ia made up of the country currency certificates, given by the Metropoli tan, and hitherto used at the clearing house instead of specie. In reality the loans are considerably contracted, but to give any positive idea of the sum cannot be readily done, the banks having given no clue by which to discover how many of these certificates they hold, or to what amount. Some of the New York com• mercial writers clap their hands at the expansion In loans, and ask other people to do likewise ; but as I see nothing to admire, except the credulity of those who believe the trick to cheat the public, I do not join the hymn of rejoicing. tin the con trary, I expose. and repudiate the base deceit. The thousands who think with me, were rejoiced to-day to read the sound, Democratic views relative to banke r contained in cur worthy President's message. There is the truth, without quibble or evasion, and there in the remedy to prevent and redress the evil. If the States do net severally adopt his wise advice, and if Oongress does not pass the bankrupt law, the blame will rat on them and not on the Pre sident. I hear the bank Solona are pante•struek, while they affect to be very pleasant and laugh at the "ox traragantJacksonism" of the President. I have little new to note. Money is unchanged. That is, there is an abundance for there who do not require it, and not a dollar for those who do, without they pay from 20a24 per cent. Sterling exchange is unsettled Remitters ere still anxious to get gold lostead of bills, and the de mand for gold tide morning was very active et 4(ali premium for American coin. Bar gold was sold at )aji premium, and sovereigns cold an high an $4 91. The cum sent out by the Africa to-morrow will not be very ebort of the shipment by the Atlantic. The buelnees at the clearing house to-day Wen, ' clear loge, $11,713,103.18 ; balances ;paid, $749,978.74 (the greater part of which were paid in coin ) The cash transactions at the Sub-Treasury to-day were an fol. lows : Total receipts, $67,060, (Including $67 030 from cue tome) ; payments, 021,089.46; balance, $3,934,767.49. The bulls have succeeded again in putting up the stock market, aided by the favorable news from abroad. llow long this will last I should be sorry to endeavor to predict. Erie closed very strongly at 17%; New York Central at 75%; Reading at 53%; Illinois Central at 88%; and Chicago and Rock Island at 74%. The grain and Sour market to-day was very languid, and prices drooped. Provisions were also inactive and in great supply, with the exception of lard. MARKETS.--FLoon, ko.—Tbe demand for Western Canal dour Is fair, with but liberal offerings, and very mild weather for the Beason, buyers have the advantage on the low grade's of about 5 cents per Md. The better grielea are steady. The sales are 9000 bbis at $4.60m $4.70 for common togood State; $4 Eoersl.9s for extra do; $4.60w54.70 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; $1.80655.76 for extra do; $5 30,05.90 for common to extra Ohio; $5.90n57 for good to choice do; $5 85es $7.60 for St Louis brands, and $5.80d57 75 for extra Genesee. 60 }loading R..b5vrn,27 • do b6we. 27 300 do b5e0.27 , 20 - do ' 27 15 N Perm it 9 39 do ....... 9 63 do ..,. 9 10 do ..... 9 90 Morris Cooed 45) Allmehill It 00 100 Lebigk ecrip..95.34% 100 do . ..... ..14.39}{ 9 Bank of Penn..... 16 7 do 4 do 16 22 Girard Dank 9 _ Canadian flour Is again lower, the inquiry in limited ; pales of 410 bble at $4.65014 75 for superfine, and $5 en $6.30 for extra brands. Southern flour Is irregular; the demand is fair; eaten or 1,100 bbls at 16.10d56.30 for mixed to good brands Baltimore, &c., and $0.40016.80 the better grades. Rye flour is hoary; sales of 100 bbln at $3,30¢4.4 20. Corn meal is hoary and more plenty ; sales of 100 bids ats3.4o for Jersey, and $ 3.65 for Brandywine ; pun cheons are nominal nt $17n511.30. . . GRAIS —The wheat market Is without important change, the damned fair for completing invoices. Tho arrivals are light—sake of 13,000 bus at $1 20451.24 for red Southern; $1,221051.411 for Inferior to prime white do; 51.06 for Canadian Club, and $1.04 for de. waged Southern, Bye In steady at 700. Oats are steady and In fair de. wand at I4eslBe for State and Western. Corn is heavy, especially for old—sales ef 16,000 bus at ale for Western mixed, in store; Plc for old yellow Southern and Jersey; Menne for new do, and 691ivr70e for new white do, for export. PROMIONS.—The demand for pork is limited, the ar- Ovate of country are fair. City mess Is not plenty— sales of 270 bbis at $10.251010.75 for country and city mess; $11,750515 50 for prime, and small luta at $l7. Beef It lower and Is dull and plenty—sates of 200 bids et $4.7506 75 for prime; $94510 for country prime; sllosl3 for repacked Western mess and 2144514 50 for extra do. Prime mess is quiet at $201e526. Beef hams are heavy—sales of 100 bble at $114116 6p. Bacon is doll and heavy—sales at flange for city. Cut meats are lower—ealeeof 100 Ws at 107,tie for shoulders, and 9%,410e for hams Lard la rather easier and in fair demand—sales of 270 blots at 10010 Ne. But ter Is in fair demand at 1241310 for Ohlo, anti lioXe for State. Cheese is inactive at 1308}6G. • NEW YORK STOOK EXCHANGE SALES, Dec. 8. SECOND BOARD. 49 Lehigh Scrip b5wn.34% 4 Phllads Bank 96 BOARD, . 10 Penn R as,' 8 - do 381 E 12 N Penn It 9 15 do ..., J....... 9 2 Norristopn R...... 98 1 narrleburg a 621( 5 - 'do 52% 2 Bank of Penn 14X 111118—DULL. _ ' /lid. Asked So 61 61182 prof 17s 17% Wmep't & Elm Rl2 13 . do letwort re 70 72 do do 2dm 49x isog Long Island..,. .9g, Vicksburg OK 714 Girard Dank 9 Og Lehigh Zino 1 Union Oanal 4 4g New Creek - Oatawinia 11 8.. 7 5000 Tenn 6s ,b 0 85 8000 511ssoull 61 28J 1000 Torre II & Al lm 01 1000 Torre H & Al 2in 51 ST.' Itse,dtng el Ogee almut...26m 1000 Harlem ltn 08 2rDelltlind Can Co 100 25 Poona Coal Co 60 40 Pacific WWI OS Co 68% 150 Comb Coal 9 16 100 Eric P. 174 , 50 do 17 100 do b317 ;6 Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania is now constituted as follows: Walter U. LOVITiO, Chief Justice; George W. Woodward, John 0. Knox, William Strong, and James Thompson, Associate Justices. Mr..Cartithers, member of Congress from Missouri, is in bad health, and will not bo able to take his sent for several Weeks. At the instance of his physician, he will sail for Cuba in a fow days. The Wayne County Republican says that Mr. M. Hotobkirs, of Lyons, Now York, is the greatest producer of pepporusint in the world. He has from two to three hundred acres under culti vation, and cells to the amount of $75,000 to $lOO,OOO worth of oil annually. Mr. Daniel Green, an old soldier, was buried at Reading Pa., on Monday s with military honors by the Ancient Reading Artillery. Colonel Jacob G. Davies. formerly Mayor or Baltimore and an esteemed citizen, is dead. His Majesty the King of Prussia has been pleased to confer upon Dr. Ildward Maynard, of Washin'gton city, tho order of " Chevalier of the Rod Eagle," as a token of his Majesty's appreoia• tion of vertiin blyeatinus In Are•arme. WeriNESIJAY DECEMBER 0, Mt. THE CITY, .... 451 02 .... 689 09 10,584 16 16,181 60,904 146,559 ' 829,921 19,014 157,051 9,289 30,847 933,200 2,683,137 14,207,57.1 13,118,815 14,030,180 82,947,160 GO Ilarlem It • 84 100 Illinoia Conn. 8889 00 Chia & Ilk lel 74 30 Mita & MI , N La trosse & It 32j 110 do 163 50 do ' 630 11 100 N Y Cen R opg 74) 37 Hudson River It 101( 10 Panama It 91) CITY r ITEMS. THE NEW FETRIDGE BUILDING.—Thia splendid brawn-atone edifice to now being rapidly urged toiraids completion, when it will take rank among the most beautiful business structures in our city. Already Its graceful front constitutes an attractive feature of the thoroughfare upon which It Is located—Oheetnnt Street, between Eighth and Ninth retreete. The interior is now being fitted up In a moat sefferb manner for the business it is intended to be steed for. The arrangements are ouch, that when it comes to be occupied with the elegant fabrics with which It is soon to bo stocked, the display of merchandise will exhibit a palatial grandeur. Mem& L. J. Levy &• 00., for whom this building has been reared, expect to enter it about; the fifteenth to the twentieth of this month, and are, as we have been informed by them, now making an extra effort to reduce their stock as low as possible prior to their removal, their design being to enter their new premises with a stock of goods as nearly ail new as pos. ethic. If they are really making a sacrifice (and which we have personal reasons for knowing they ere doing) for the purpose of rendering this new feitther In the cap of Philadelphia dry-gooda business marts doubly at tractive, it is praiseworthy in them, and the public— the ladies especially—should tommend them for it in a substantial way. SUPERIOR CANDIES.—MOSSIR. Whitman ,t Co., on Second street, below Oheelnut, keep the beat of can dies—all, too, are made under their own direction, and of the purest ingredients. No one need fear ill effects from indulging in Whitman &. Co's confectionery. In. deed, young and old gauntly grow fat on them. The members of the firm are E. 0. Whitman and Alexander Johnston. TITS PIIESIDENT'S Mussean.—The message sent Into Congress yesterday, by President Buchanan, Is not the document originally written. Mr. D. commenced the' riginal es follows "Gentlemen of the House of Represantat'rea: It affords me unalloyed pleasure to refer to the happy condition of the people of the United States—a circumstance mainly to be attributed to the fact that the Brown Stone Clothing Mall of Itoothill Wilson, Nos. 603 and 600 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, in the beet establishment of the kind In the world." MOlVEY.—Thirty-throo per cent. onn bo saved, an elegant suitOf clothes, ready-made, secured, or a perfect lit from the place guarantied, at the Bureau of Fashion, Ha. BM Chestnut greet, in Jayne's Hall Messrs. Clifton, Albright, & Co., with the laudable de sire of accommodating themselves to the times, and the stringency of the Inonoy market, will sell their entire stock of beautiful clothing at cost prices. Our readers who desire a really elegant tilting garment should give them a tall. LETTER BAG& At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship 1113 Malay, Wobb London, noon Ship Philadelphia, Pool Liverpool, soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDWIBD A. /1011D1111, WAnNYK H. BASIN, 1:1011MIT71511 Or 11111 MONTH Nnrcome /1. THOMPSON, Marine Jittelltgonce. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dee. %, 1E47. BUN RIBES 7 23-817 N BETS 4 37 Ulan 'WATER 010 ARRIVED. Steamship City of New York. Howes, 18 hours from Boston, with rase and passengers to Henry Winsor. Off Reedy Island, yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, palmed the chip Naples, for naTallti. getting under way. Re. ports having passed two brigs and several lotus In the bay and titer, upward bound. Brig Judge Hathaway, Smell, 8 days from New York, in ballast to E A Bonder & Co. Bohr K P King, Leeds, 8 days from New York, in bai leet to captain. Behr J 8 Waples, Freemen,2 days from Indian Rivor, with lumber to J W Bacon Co. CLEARED. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Richmond, Thomas Webster, Jr. Brig Trenton, Atherton, Portland, I, Andenreld& Co. Sam George Maugham, Scudder, blobile, D 8 Stetson & Co. Schr J H Ashmead, White, Belize, Wro Contrail:lga & Sou. Behr It P King, Leeds,llichroond, Noble, Hammett & Schr Elate, Facemire, Norfolk, Morris & Murray. Behr Itoxanna Burley, Marts, Brooklyn, &Woes & Co. Bohr Angenette, Ilooper, New Bedford, Rogers, Sin nickeon & Co, Bohr W Marcy, Ryder, Newport, J R White. Behr Adele Felicia, New London, Blekleton, Cox & Co. Scbr Sophia Ann, Smith, Providence, Maya & Smith. 'Mr R Willing, Olaypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [HT lIIILICORAPH.j (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange ) CAPE ISLAND, Deo 8, 4 40 P M Two barques went in to-day, one auppoeed to be the Achilles, from London, and a barque went out, sup posed to be the Amy, for Easton, Wind south—wea ther moderate. Yours, it., THOS. B. 1111011319.1, [Dr TELKORATIS TO TON PPM.) NEW Tone,' Deo 8, Arrived, ship Bazaar, from Havre. The ship National, from New Orleans, bound to Havre. has been totally wrecked near Ilavana tier cargo con sisted of cotton and tallow, and was ilstarod in N York and France. • BOXION, Dec 8. Arrived, barques II Giddings and J W Reed, from Phi- ladelphia; brig Canton, from Jacinel; sehr Ebert Sawyer, from do. NORYOLIE, Dee 8. The ship Eva Dorotheh, Oapt Outgear, from Bremen, bound to Baltimore, le reported ashore near Crape Deny, with 280 passengers. The crew were %seed; the cargo wilt probably be lost. [The passengers are supposed to be saved, though the dispatch is silent on the subject.] The U S steamer Dowhatan, hence for Madeira, met with a slight accident, and is detained below for repairs. She is expected to go to sea tomorrow, BLEISIORANDA , Steam* Africa, Shannon, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamship Palmetto, Baker, hence at Boston yes terday. Ship Defender, Robinson, from Chlooles - talatmveur Hampton Roads, attired at New York 7th Inst. Ship Mary Goodell, llarrinsan, from (Minolta Islands, via Itarupton Roads, with guano, at Baltimore 7th lost. Barque Merlin, from Rio de &Adam, arrived at New Orleans 30th ult. Barque Edward Cohen, Burgess, from Leghorn for Philadelphia, remained at Gibraltar 14th ult. repairing Barque Belle, Ryder, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 7th inst. Barque Chester, Crosby, cleared at Boston 7th Inst. for Philadelphia. Buhr J B Ford, Haynes, hence, arrived at Norfolk 4th inst. Bahr A Threll, Biggins, from Boston for Philadel phia, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohm Challenge and Ann, nailed from Now Bedford 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Behr B & H Baker, nailed from Newport 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Bchra &col Outlier, Garwood, Era, Wheaton, and Ontario Vangildor, hence at Providence 6th inst. Behr Hamlet, Hall, sailed from Providence 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Behr Martha Wrlghtington, Wrightington, for Phila delphia, Nailed from New Bedford 6th ins!. Behr Cleo gdward, Bator, hence for Boaton, was aeon bth loot. olf Block Island. Pobr J Clark Scull, front Providence for Philadel Oils, at Btoning lon bth loot. HOLMES HOLE, Doc 4, P N—Ar ochre Pronb A Ham mond, Paine, Philadelphia for Boston; Breeze, Nicker son, do for do, Damon, Pitcher, Philadelphia for Salem. Palled, aches Missend, 0 W Dyer, R R Yrreman, East ern Light, White Cloud, Mountain Wave, E H Atwood, Trial. sth—Ar schr Eva Bell, Tilton, Phllint for Dorton. Bailed, entire Maria Theresa, Sarah N Smith, Theresa 0, Minim T, 8 T Garreloon, Ilannah Warwick, BURR, A Heath, Saunders, Pelle, I Achorn, N 0 Harric (Eh—Sailed Behr Eliza Elkinton. . . 7th—Ar schr Silas Wright, Dix Wand, for Washing ton, DO. Sailed, Sohn; .7 W Congdon, Era Bell, J S Hewitt, Oilman, W A Hammond, Nonpareil. Remained at 10 A LI, wind hi IV—Brigs Ben Dunning, Icarian; echra It L Tay and Carlin, repg; ochre A 0 Brewer, Ophir,Alguizar, Magnet, Orris, Francis, Breeze, It A Hammond, Damon, and Silas Wright. NOTICE TO MARINERS ... • - . The Cross Ledge Light Ship, (Delaware Day) will bo removed from her station for the winter season, on or about the 20th last. By order of the Lighthouse Booed. EDWARD Id YARD, Lighthouse Inspector. Philadelphia, Dec. g1h,1857. 4i ik tipCtiai NOLiCO3. Gifts and Hard Witness —The Interchange of presents among friends is the surest cement of friend chip, regsrd, and affection. There are certain periods of the year at which presents are more looked after and more prized than at others The Hallowed "Merry Christmas Time" is, especially, one of those periods. On these holidays, the yonng and the old all expect alike from their friends some token of affection,' and as almost every one is blessed with many friends, and , therefore, has to make many presents, it behooves, in much hard times, to sandy whet and where to buy Many who have on former occastone made costly pre sents, will fisd it more prudent and convenient to select their presents, this year, snore suitable to the timers, the more eo as not the coot of the article, but the re gard for the giver makes it valuable to the recipient. There is no Store in title city which offers, in this respect, so many inducements to the purchaser, an re gards eerily of goods and cheapness of prices, as 011 Donnie's, Nos. 31 and 81 North Eighth Area, corner of Zane. Ilia immense stock of Yancy Articles, Toys, and Musket Instruments of all kinds, oleo Cricket awl Archery Implements, surpasses anything ever offered for sale in thss city. Give hhu a call sod examine his goods, whether you buy or not. Ass he Imports all hie goods hinseelt, ho iv enabled to soli lower than any other retail snore, and, owing to the Illness, he in, for this ycskr, willing to sell his goods, retail, at the whole sale importation prices. Catalogues will be given out gratis, which will help in the selection of good., and Introduce to the inquirer many new goods not thought of before. . deg-w mdssa 7t iturs.—.Yoaeph - ltosenbnunt , a Nora are cele brated for cheapness, style, and quality. Store 41S Arch street, between Fourth and Fifth. N 11.—Yure altered foto fashionable styles. Wo study to please. del•lm An Important Fact.---We now see It an nounced that the extensive Wholesale Clothing Deal- Mx, STItAtIBB & GOLDMAN, No. 890 SIARRET St above Third, have commence(' to Retell their entire stock at Wholesale vices. do9-1m Wrappers: Wrappers': Wrappers very largo and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, at reduced priori. Also, One Shirts, Dresa Stocks, and all kinds of Furnishing Goods for Gentlemen, at W. W ENIOIIVB, 012 Arch street, above Sixth. no2olrn Skates! Skates: Skates t—Onr renders will find the largest and most complete assortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, No. 619 Market street, opposite Decatur street. no3o.ltu Saving Road.—National Safety Trust Co., Office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of ARRANGEBIENTS FOR BUSINESS DUMB} TILE SUSPENSION OF SPZOIII PAYDISNTS BY THE BANKS. I. Deposits reaeived and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Chocks, and Specie will bo received on doped t. 8. Deposits made In Bank Nolte or Checks will be paid back In Current Bank Notes. 4. Deponita made In (lold or Silver will be paid back In Coin. Interest Fire Pee CM. per annum. n 025 Jackson' JOB PRINTER, MEROIIANT STREET, Oheoke, Notes, Thane, Dills Lading, BIN treads, Oir-, oulars, (lards, and all other Epp of Job Pribting, at prices to mit the Masi. Per Perfumed Itrosith, White Tenth, add eompiesidni use it Belnz a I,ao or l on •" For - dressing Zsdies' hair, Lee tt WOOdland Cream, s suns , POCUIda. ,, It OMlemen's hair besuilfallY• VT. P. Tesatuou . l4,oo., Proprietors, N. Y. Tor ante by T B. Pete lion, 806 Chestnut; Samuel Simel, 'Twelfth and Cheetnut; A. P. Durand, 718 Chest. nett; T. H Peters & Op. t 116 Chestnut; 0, G. Evans, Gift Bookstore, 439, Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & C0.,-Tenth and Har lot; A. S. Taylor, Ninth' and Walnut; Pr Idorrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut ; - J. W. limes & Bone, Eighteenth and Twenty. Second and Harlot ; Edward Chrietnutnn, 702, Cheetunt; Thomas Lancaster, Corner Eleventh and Walnut. *'• a n012.1y Cabinet Ware and - UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OP£OBllll /NDEYENDENON %WARN. up": J. HENHAL'EI, 624 WALNUT Street, 0r2241et Let" of 119 Chestnut Street Honk of Pennsylvania Notice... Notes of this Bank taken at par foe & Wholesale Stock of Clothing, slow being soil at Retail: No. 1 North FIFTH litrcot. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes token at par for Watches and Jewelry, at lowest prices. PARR & THOMPSON, Importers, del lm, 024 Chestnut street, below Fourth. Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee eannot,realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made In the Old Dominion Cone rot. ' ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, ' 1111 and 110 Routh TENTH, cor. of Oeorge, d3.0n1 Role Manufauturera If. C. Dewald, Commission Business in Com. INTrOiNi paper and 'negOtlitloos of loans, PG WALNUT Er., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. no10•2m Bower's Infant Cerdinl.--Thle invaluable Cordial le prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatlea know; In medicine, and Ie the moat ported and 'reliable cirminstlve Want for infante and ' , mug children. By its powerful Magna, a npeedy cure is effected ;n all cases of dholfr, windy paine and spume. Relieves and mitigatecznuch ofehildren'n suffering during dent!. Bon or teething, andi,.by Ito soothing properties tran.. guineas pains of the bowels, loosenesn, vomiting, ko. The Infant Cordial hae,beCome a standard remedy, and ban beog, used in thonendds of cases with the most abundant nuoress. N 6 family should bo without it. Prepared May by Hamm A. Bows', . , At ( tin Drug and Chemical Store, N. D. earner of BIAGI and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom ail orders moat be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 18.17 Seamen's flaring Fund —Office 203 Walnut etreot, one door West of second street. ReaelT6ll de posits In sums of One •llollar and upwards, from ell climes of thocomumpity, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. °Moe open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday will! 9 In the evening. Pi evident Franklin Fell; Treaeurer and Secretary, Charles M. Bank Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WIC H. RICHARDSON, aoll•1m No, 418 MAIM'? 81711SZT /Rattail es. In Pottsville, on tho 25th November, by Rev. Daniel {Coeburn,. JOAN "WARREN HUNT, Ana Want Secre tary of the State of Winonaln, to ELIZA SMITE, eldest daughter of Col. John P. Hobart , of the former place. * In this city, on the 26th ult , by Rev IL Jeffery, Mr. JOKE E. CLARK to Miss ADELAIDE V. SCUFF, all of Philadelphia. On the 2d hut, by Rev. Abel C. Thomas, Mr IRA W. CAMPERNELL to Mies ALMIRA V. lIENKLE, all of Philadelphia. ' Elcatlio. On Saturday, Mb inst., Mr. GEORGE MATHEWS, aged 63 years. At midnight, Saturday 6th inst., ANN ELIZABETH BARTON, daughter or Mrs. Charles Brown, In the 20th year of her age. On the 6th Inst., JOHN I% WARRINGTON, in the 41st year of bit age. On the 7th Instant, after a ahort lllam, Mr. JOHN WELSH, in the 42d year of his age The Twenty-Second Anniversary of the "110M6 MISSIONARY SOCIETY, OF THE CITY OF PIIILADELPIIIA,” will be held on TUESDAY even ing. 16th mol l , 11(3•011 o'clock, in Macke' Fund MIL The Anhukblitaped will be read and Addresses deliv ered by Rev. ALFRED COOKMAN, Rev. R JEFFERY. (late or Albany, N. Y.) Rev. FRANKLIN DIOORE. Singing under direction of JAMES M. BIRD, Esq. Cards of admission may be had gratuitourly at the Rooms or the Society, 631 E. North Street of 11. M. Himmey, Arch Street, below Fifth; Thomas T. Malmo, 434 Market Street; or nay of the Committee. THOMAS T. MASON, GEO. H. STUART, J. 13 HOOERS, BIATTEIEVI NI WKIEK, Committee on Foblie bleetlngs dec 9 wemt* Irr Literary 111nresn.—An Experienced Editor, a successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary 'with twenty-flee years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, nal determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services In any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind will be supplied, off-hood, with Advertise ment's, (pcitest or othersise.) Notices, Cards , Circu lam, or I! ;pixie* of artiole desired. Pelitleranawill be eapplied with Speeches, Beporte, Besoletione;•Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial At , . tides, Oonnntudeations. and every other sort of Brain. work. which they may end It inconvenient or trouble , some to d eu ica'r them/mires. g uillytriOntri - of-erevre.ok in enrolotAr ntne. wellfe, con bare Letters written on ally flub-7 ject wbettfar bunk/fiver sentimental. Tire Advertiser will also conduct or translate Correa. poudenee of every hind, either English, French, Opan• ish, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies , Albums, Notes, Billet dons, Monodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and aonddential character incident to every possible eircurostance or event in life, will be furnished in in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. ' Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address • J. TIIOMPSON, Literary Bureau, Box Mb Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. liWr — Ret. Theodore L. Cuyler, of New York, will deliver a LECTURE ON LONDON; Its High Life and Low Life—its Parliament, Palaces, Pulpits, &c., with Sketches of Spurgeon, in the • MUSICAL FUND MALL, On FRIDAY, 11th Met ,at 1) o'clock P. kl., For the benefit of the Poor, Ao , of the Mission Sob. bath School, in Federal street. Tickets (55 cents) may be obtained at— Messrs. Parry & McMillan's, Messrs. Smith, English, & Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian Mlles- Oen Booms. American Tract Society. Philadelphia Bible Boone. American Sunday School Union. des.amwthfr grOTMCTot the Quaker City Insurance Corn. PANT, dOS WALNUT Street —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Quaker City Insurance Com pany for election of President, Directors, and Secretary, Will bo holden at their °Moo on TUESDAY, the sth day ofianusry, 1858, between the hence of 12 and, 5. d4.frmw.l m H. IL COGOSIIALL, Secretary. ORPRANS' COURT SALE.—Estitto of WILLIAM, BUCKER, deceased. TIIO3IAS k SONS, Auctioneers. REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans' Court for the City 'lnd County of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, December 29th, 1857, at 7 o'clock In the evening, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing described property, late of William Bucker, de ceaned,vie: No. I—All that lot of ground,with the three story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the north side of Poplar etreet, 16 feet 3,1‘ inched west of Twelfth street, late district of Spring Garden, containing In front on Poplar street 14 feet, and extending in depth on the east line 08 feet og inches, and on the went line 66 feet og lathe* to a certain 3 feet wide alley leading out into Twelfth street; under and subject to a certain yearly ground rent of $6O, on the first day of the months of January and July, unto Charles Henry Fisher. No. 2.—A1l that lot of ground, situate on the north nide of Girard Avenue, 30 lent west of Twelfth street, in the 20th ward, containing in front on Girard Avenue 18 feet, and extending in depth 69 feet to a certain 3 feet wide alley leading eastward into Twelfth street; under and subject nevertheless to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent of $76 60, on the that day of the months of January and July, unto Amos Ellie and George Williams, No. 3 —All that lot of ground, situate on the east nide of Bressler etreet, 403 feet south of Diamond atreet, in the Ifith ward, containing in front Bressler street 17 feet, and extending In depth 60 feet to Parry street; under and subject to a certain yet , fly ground rent or sum or $24, on the tint of January and July. N. B. On the promisee marked No. 3 le erected a two story brick building, 12 by 28 feet. No. 4 —All that lot of ground, with the three story brick menuage thereon erected, situate on the neat Me of Hibberd etreet, lo the 20th ward, 36 feet eolith side of Stiles street, containing in front on Ilibberd aired 12 fret, and extending in depth 40 lest 2 4 4 inches to a three feet wide alley leading northward Into said Stiles street; under and subject to a certain yearly ground rent or sum of $3O, on the llrit day of the menthe of January and July, unto Charles Henry Fisher. By the Court. JOHN SilEilltY, Clerk 0. C. ELIZABETH RUCKER, Adm`x, If. THONIA9 Jc 8090, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 (formerly) 07 and 69 South Fourth St. de 91129 S hi AS' PRESENTS. MAGIC LANTERNS, POLYORAMAS, MAGNETIC TOYS, KALEIDOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, MICROSCOPES, SPY GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, And • lot of other amusing Optical Top for Mlle at prices to Soli 1110 T.lllEBt at C. T. AMBLER'S, OPTIC, No, 636 CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh, north side. detErrfm6t OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, No. 80 NORTH BEVIINTII kiritakT —PHILA DELPHIA, Dm:Annan Bth, MT —All persons baring claim against the Department of Poor aro requeileil to present the same on or before the Twenty-Ilith Itny of December, at this Ace. D. U. SOHLATEit, dO-wfm2w Secretary. REMOVAL.— Am , The bwilwas of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK will be removed on the let proximo, to the second story or Origies Building, WALNUT n'reet, east of Third. The owners of property lodged at the Book for safe keeping will please remove It before that day, or it will be stored elsewhere at their expense and risk. dib tjal J. L. FENIMORE, Ashistent,Ceshier. WANTED—A VESSEL with large dock capacity, to load for CARDENAS. quick des patch, and good rates given. Apply to DISIIOP, SIMONS, CO.. (10..3t No. 120 (late 30) North Wharrea. WINES AND LIQUORS,—Buck, Irlah, Scotch, and Monongahela Wh skey ; Wines, Brandies, Gins, just received, and for sale by 011AIILES STUART, deti-21.W Pasayunk Road, below Carpenter At. NAVAL STORES.-63 bbls. Spirits 'fur petition. 483 Ms. No. /, 2 and 3 Rosin. 237 bbla. Tarp ror sale by • GREINER & HARKNESS, 119.404 N 0.79 N. Water street, and No. 39 N. Wharves OYSTERS.—An excellent load of York River Oysters has arrived on board of schooner DEAL, lying at Spruce-street wharf. d94l* CARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by lJ ao expertemed writer, at Nu.ll6g B. 111.17.VF.NTIE Street, above Vederal. de6 SpIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbln Spirit Turpentine, to arrive, for eate by , lIALIaIyd r eACALIBTBB, an 1 rtb Wider street. itirn Goobtf. INDIA SHAWLS.— (fRO. FRYER, 910 OREETNIIT STREET, - Has received, few choice INDIA SHAWLS, Suitable for CHRISTMAS' PRESENTS Yhe attention of the Ladies is particularly invited dO-2w CLOAKS. - Can P ANL ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largest and handsomest stock of VELVET'AND CLOTH CLOAKS ' In the City, AT MOOD PRIM, AT 050. FRYER'S, No 914 CHESTNUT STREET. d 9 2w lURNISIIING DRY GOODS.— 5-8, 10-9, 124 Di-nests. 104, 114, 12-4, 14.4 elI wool) English and Ameri can Blankets. Green Baited' all widths. Marseilles Quilts, all sites and new designs. Embossed Stand and Table Covers. Blots styles printed Cloth do do. ' Table Moons and Damask Cloths. Buff 'Window flatlands, from 28 to 54 Judith. Green and Blue do do. At SIT MIRO SS BROTHERS, dO Chestnut and Eighth streets. tiailronb tines PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of stasamorn to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes • making the most DIRECT, CHEAPEST end RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freiglt can ke forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. Piss? Otass—llootti, Shoes, Hate, and Cape, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs, &0900. per 100 lbs 8/00141/ 014011-- Domestic Sheeting, Shirting end Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (In caste), Hardware, Loather Liquor, (In casks,) Wall Paper,Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &c. &a 755. per 1001ba THIRD CLARA—Anvils, Chitlins, (in ' Hemp, Bacon end Pork, Salted, (loose or In maks), Paints, (dry and in oil . ) Oils, (except lard and mein) 650. per 100 lb, /OVATE Otess—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in make or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard 011, Nails Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch,' Amin, Steal, Manufactured To bacco, Rosin Oil, Oueensware, Sugar, (hbds., Mils., and boxes,) No. per 100 Ds Ftoug--$1 per bbl until further notice. adIN-450. per 100 lbs., until Netter notice. COTTON-12 per bale, not exceeding 500 lbs. weight, until further motto,. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philedel phia, be Articular to Maßapackages " via Pfallsylva ;tie Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of title Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fantasy A(lollo6.—Clarke & Co , Chicago ; Packer & & Co., Merupti , Tenn.; R. F. Saes & Co. Si. Louis, Dio.; P. G. O'llitry & Co., Evansville, Indiana • Win. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.; It. Meidrum, Madison, Indiana; 11. W. Brown A Co., and Irwin A Co., Cincinnati; H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville Ohio; .Leeoh. A Co., No. 64 Kilbyetrcet, Boston; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York No. 1 William st. New York;E J. Sneeder, Philadelph i a; Magrew & Koons, Baltimore ; D. A Stewart, Pittlburgh, H. 11. HOUSTON, general /freight Agent. U. J. LomBAEDT, • deg- On ..rintendent, Altoona, re • gropartnerobip -Notices. ISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. D —The co.partnership heretofore exietiog between the undersigned, under the firm of Lawrence, Stone, & Co , in Welton, New York, and Philadelphia, is thin day dissolved. Signed, SAMUEL LAWRENCE, Wet W. STONE, JAIIYIS SLADE, HENRY T. JF.NRINS, Lies, hat, MT. 0. 11. PERRY. William W. Stono and Henry I'. Jenkins will con• time the Commission Bueineri at No. 41 Broadway, In the city of New York, under the firm of Stone & Jen kins. de9-61.3if Oi.U? 12.;r h 0 hor.toror;xng:3AKEßtwlLiNis DAY dlgsoved by mutual consent. The bylines' will be continued at the old stand, 1132 MARKET St., by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who Is authorized to collect and pay all debts of the late Ann. PETER, W. BAKER, CHARLES WILLIAMS Dee. 1,1857 The undersigned would inform the public, that having bought out Mr P. W. Baker, hie late partner, he wi ll continue the HEATING and VENTILATING business at the old eland, 1132 MARKET Street, where will be found a full assortmencof Ranges, Heaters, Ventilators, Register'', Bath Boilers, kc., and hopes, by strict at tention to Mildness, to merit a share of the patronage of the public. diklm CHARLES WILLIAMS. IVOTICE.-IYHEREAS HENRY WHITE 11 and Jaren Slovene, late copartners, trading as White, Stevens, & Co., did, on the eleventh day of No vember, A. D. 1857., make and execute a general as signment to the undersigned, In trust, for the benefit of their creditors, which sai d assignment to duly re corded at Philadelphia, all persons Indebted to said assignors will make payment to MAO S. WATERSIAN, Assignee, molt smw.l3w* N. W. corner Second& Arch eta. NOTICE.—The COPARTivERSHIP bah / erto existing under the firm or JAMES ELLIOTT & CO., wm dissolved 234 instant, by the withdrawal of JOHN WARDLE. The bueinese or the late firm will bo nettled by the undereirgued at the same location. JAMES ELLIOTT, E. E. corner of Twentieth and Market tto. ?Sorer:Ober 24th. 1867. no3o-Inwtrlm* express grompanito THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OpFICE, STO CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, nattaanit NIERCHANDIZE BANK NOTES and SPECIE, oaks. b if" nwn LikES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPA man, to attthe yrtererret TOWNS end CITIES of the United States. B. S. SAND/ORD, General Superintendent. ittourance Comvanica GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY—Office. 403 WALNUT, Corner of FOURTII Street. FIRE, MARINE and INLAND INSURANCE. at the lowest rates. PtuLa DELI , III.I, November 1851. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 10th inst., the following persons were elected Directors for the coming year, viz: CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. WIG. DARLING, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. %MULLEN, merchant, 18 North Frost St. ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Attorney end Counsellor. JOHN C. HUNTER, of Wright, Hunter k Co. E. TRACY, of N. Tracy & Co , Goldsmiths' Hall. JOHN It. M'CURDY, of Jones, White, k DrOurdy. THOS. L. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Zeller. JAS. 11. SMITH, of Jas. B. Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, of Win. H. Brown & Co. JOHN R. YOODES, cor. Seventh and &mom streets. CHAS. E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. 3NO. 3. SLOCUM, 1.12,5 South Third sheet. ALFRED 'TAYLOR, Mace Cairo City Property. And at a meeting of the Directors, held thin day, CHARLES C LATHROP woo unanimously re-elected Prenident, and W.l. DARLING, Vice-President. 11. K. RICHARDSON J Annistant•Feeretary. D,KARINE INSIIR 19AVELPIIIA-0/Des, No. .1' THIRD. GIRARD FIRE ANON COMPANY, 802 WALNUT etroet, wept " PIM KIM ONLY TAKEN. ,, Dl3llOlOlB. Jer. Walker, Jae. MeOlure, Thu. Craven, A. 8. Gillett, Farman Sheppard, Paml. Jones, M. D., .7eseph Klapp, M. D. Wm. H. Swain, Johit Anspach, Jr., H. N Burroughs, J. R. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, Hon. JORt JONES, President. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. 300. S. Blob!Emma, Secretary. JANIS B. ALVOIRD, 4111119111tAtit ARCretilry. 11024034 r COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE V COMPANY, OF THE ,fITATE OF PENNSTLVA• NIA .-001ce, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, *NAM. Paid-up Capital. 1200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Preel. Ileum B. MOOR, Secretary. sal-1T elan nub China tUarc CALL AND SEE Thu Ortstest TARILTT UP HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exhibited in 71111 CITY VI , PHILADELPHIA, Which trill be sold at exceedingly LOW PIIIt&8 MARESEN h WITTE'S, MASONIC HALL, 113 CHESTNUT ST CAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES PO TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OURST NUT Streets. Large end email sums received, and paid back an de. mend, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 0 until h o'clock scary day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS !coin 7 until 9 o'clock. . DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. Proselent-STEF DNS R. ORAWFORD. 112t1=1532011M0 Tailor—JAMES U. HUNTER. sell-lyir ILASS! GLASS !!—Wo inlito the atten- Of two of the public to our superior StOlk of Eog lish, French and American Window Ohm Our stock is largo sod well selected as to sloes and qualities, and warranted free from stains. C. SCRIIACK & CO , Nos. 152 end 151 north Fourth street VARNISHES, JAPANS, Ric.—Wo still continue to manufacture all our superior Varnishes and Japans, which are unsurpassed by any In this country, and Invite the attention of dealers and comm uters to our stock 0. FCIIIIACK Si 00 , Nos, In and 154 north Fourth street. DILATE GLASS.—Out arrangements aro now complete, and wo aro prepared to furnish to builders and others superior French Plato Cleat, of all sites, ea low as any other establishment in tho city. C SCIIRACK & CO , Nos. 152 and BS north Fourth street 14 1 LOORING BOARDS-23,680 feet Caro llna flooring boards, afloat, for sale by WARMS it. 111A0A1,11971111 VI lie North Water noose GALLS. WHALE OIL, I 1,000 gall. Elephant Oil, 60 bbl,. No.l Lard Oil, for sale by 0110ABDALE, PEIROE, & No. 108 N. Delaware avenue. nARAGAIBO COFFEE.-150 bags prime /Lit Maratwibo Coffee, now landing frorn barque Irma, and for sale by CHARLES TETE, null-lOt 138 (new) Walnut at —second story. WANTED.—AN A 1 VEggn TOSITC: reed the ehip MARGARET, in the Louisiana Line for NEW ORLEANS. quick despatch and good rate& given. Apply to BISHOP, SHIMS. A. CO., 120 (late 38) NORTH 'WHARVES. ItIAN I LLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR MA.- LTA NILLA BbrE, mannfeaturod and for sale by WEAVER. FITLER CO., 110-ir No. 22 N. Watnr nt., and 22 N Wharrea kW()TONS of MITCHELL & ()ROA& We's Improved super PHOSPHATE OF LlatE, for ludo by ONOABDALN, PEIRCE & CO , nolo-tt No. 1041. Belswnre MIMI. COTTON -100 bales Gulf Oaten, in sore And for We by ARTIN & MAOALISTEIt, sal M 339 Month Wear and. Sales bp 9turtion NI THOMAS & SONS, Nor. 189 sod lil 80IITEI rOtalTU STRUT, (VOIMOriI NOII. 61 and 66.) REAL ESTATE . , STOCKS Ice. Public Bales at the Philadelphia Inching* every Tuesday Evening. irr Handbills of each property tuned separately In addition to which we publish on the Banta, previous to tech sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving tall Aback iptiorus of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday, iCT IMRNITL'RE BALES AT THE AUCTION BTOItE every Thrueday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. ID" We have it Urge amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, including every description of City and country property. Printed Lists may be had at the auction Btore. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. ICJ' Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, and advertised occasionally in oar Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOOKS, MORTGACIE, REAL ESTATE, &O. Pamphlet Catalogues now ready containing full de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tueeday next) , sth that., with a list of sales 15th an 4224 Decem ber, and a large list of Real Estate at private sale. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 16th. This sale will Include— Orphans' Court Bile—Estate of Benjamin Burnell, Deceased. FOUR THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS— Pratt street. emit of Fairmount rtreet. VALUABLE FARM, TT acres and Si perches, 3 miles from Phmnixrille, and 8 miles from Paoli, Cheste r county, Pa. NEAT DWELLING, WHARTON STRERT.—AIso, neat modern three-story brick dwelling with brick stable, north side of Wharton street, N 0.813, between Fifth and Sixth streets. - EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—DECEMBER= Ms mile will include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be tween Cheetnut and Market streets, corner of Marble street-90 feet front on Tenth street, 182 feet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for 12,400 a year. Clear of all lneambrance. VALUABLE CIIEBTNCT STREET PROPERTY— North aide, west of Tenth street, 28 feet front, 178 feet deep. Clear of all incumbrance. Rents for 81,000 a year. Wr both the above are valuable business locations. RREE•BTORY 111110 K DWELLING —AThree•ator brick dwelling, south aide of Branch street, No. 300, between Thint and Fourth and Race and New 'streets. REAL ESTATE SAI;E—DECEMBERi6b. Title nate will Inclade, among other property, the fol lowipg--. _ OrpMina' Court Sale. 7 -katata of William Rucker) TIIREE-STORY RRIOK.MTISLLING.—Three-stot7 brick dwellieg, north aide Poplar street, west side of Twelfth street. Pante &tate. LOT.—Lot of ground north side Girard avenue, west of Twelfth street, Same Estate . . BRICK BUILDING AND lAJT.—Lot of ground sut side of Kessler street, south of Diamond street, Nine teenth ward. Same Zatate TRRXE-STORY BRICK DWELLlNG.—Three.story brick dwelling west aide of IDlbira street, moth of Stiles street, Twentieth ward. CARD.—The residence northwest corner Fifteenth and ,Lombard streets, will be Sold -THU MORNING at .0 o'clock, previous to the furl:atom • SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD P lAN 0. FORTE, MANTEL CLOOK',“ OIL PAINTINGS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Icc. This Morning, Dec. 9th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the N. W. cor ner of Fifteenth and Lombard streets, the household and kitchen furniture of • gentleman declining home. keeping IJ7 May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. BALE AT THE AUCTION STORE TO-MORROW uOBl% LNG CARD.—The Superior furniture, flue Brussels, hope riot, Ingrain, and venetian carpets, mirrors, bookcases, china and glass.ware, plated ware, beds and bedding, superior fire-proof chest, store fixtures, large number of stores, &c., to be sold to-morrow morning, at the auc tion store, art now arranged for examination by cata logue, to which we incite the attention of thosedesirous of purchasing. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. . . . . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPRTS, Ac. On Thursday Morning, • At 10 o'clock, at the suction store, an extensive assortment of second-11.nd furniture, fine mirrors, Brussels carpets, Ac., from families declining house keeping. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF CREST .—Also, a large and superior hre-proof chest made by Wilder. ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTE, Ac.—Also, an elegant rosewood piano-forte by Schomseker. Also, ti superior bagatelle tables, with balls sad cues. Also, • large painted show-csse—glue slab, col:ut ters, case drawers show cases, &c. SALE OF STANDARD EDITIONS OP TILE POETS, • ILLUSTRATED WORKS, ANNUALS FOR- 1858, ELE(IANT ALBUMS, arc. On Thursday Evening, December 10th, at the auction store an assortment cf standard miscellaneous books, illust rated works, an. noels for 1858, Ac. UT For par lieu locales catalogues. SALE OF LAW BOOKS. On Monday Evening, December 141 k, at the auction store, Not. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, will be sold a stock of law books, comprising various reports, digests, elementary work., die., Fre. ED- Parnelltars in catalogues, whirls will be ready op Monday morning and the boots arranged for exami nation. PEREMPTORY SALE OF STATUARY, MARBLE AND STONE GROUPS, FOUNTAINS, MANTEL PIEOES, TABLES, dco. On Tuesday Morning, 15th instant, at 11 o'clock, in the second story of the auction store, pill be sold by catalogue, "'Mont reserve, an invoice of statuary, &c., recently imported from Lombardy per barque Pennsylvania, by Signor Pompeo Argentl. The collection comprises many very beautiful specimens suitable for the drawing-room; also, floe garden stotnary and fountains. Maybe examined any time previous to sale. Peremptory Sale. 250 FINE OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLOR _ . . DRAWINGS—STOCK OF A. S ROBINSON. On Thursday Morning, 17th last , at 10 o'clock, at the store of A. S. Robin son, No. 910 Chestuut street, will be sold, by catalogue. without rrnerve, about 250 choice and valuable 01l paintings and water color drawings by eminent artists, Including Moran, Gersher, Weber, Rothermsl, Broctuut, Richardson, • Vsu Btarkenberg, Janes, Birch. Heaney, Lewis, Lawrence, Leutze, Bchuesselle, Brughel, Bea ten., C. lsalbdln, J. It. Lealbdin, &a tke. 117' Full particulars in catalogues, three days pre vious to the sale. AT PRIVATE SALE. - - - Share. In the Aeademy of Manic; Point Breese Park ; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athenaeum, As. .; FARLEY" AT PRIVATE SALE. The slogans raana....krourri ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased; Formerly of Dr. Shippen, is offend at private's's. Fall descriptions may be had at the auction rooms. 'Amusements. MII D S E Igi ; I F F R U IO ND TI I. K k F L T L is -- 10 T e IlU . R s SpA Y , GRAND ENULISH CONCERTI FAREWELL NIGHT OP MLLE TERESA PARODI, HENRI VIEUXTEMPS. MISS ANNIE 3IILNER, (The row English Prima Donna.) ERNEST PERRINO, (The new English Tenor ) Roth great artists, having been engaged in London, by the Directors of the Academy of Music, New York, for the production of English Operas and Grand Ora. torios. The price of tolmission.llotAithstaccting the great at- Unction, has been tied at FIFTY CENTS, the price which proven to be entirely successful in the New York Academy of Alusic and at Nitolo's Garden. The programme for this occasion has been carefully !elected, and will be the most attractive ever offered in a Concert Boom. MLLE. TERESA PARODI & MISS MILNER will sing the soul•etirring American National Song, THE STAR SPANGLED DANNER. and will repeat, by general request, the celebrated French National Hymn Lb AIABEEILLAISE. Both mu,iral compositions have produced the most intense enthusiasm wherever sung by Mlle. Pared!. MLLE. t'AIIODI will sing: Aria " Tencredi," "Je. rusalmn," to the Eve there Idea the Heart," "La Marseillaise."'"Two Duets—" I would that my Love" and " The Stir Spangled Danner,'' with MISS MILNER. MISS MILNER will sing Rouse from Dreams of Thee," "I am &Merry Zingare." Duet: "Maritani," with Mr. PERRINO, and two English Duets with Mlle PARODI. HENRY YIEUXTEMPS will play—Fanteato : cis." Norma, (by reguest,) PANTASIE ON ONE STRING, and Souvenir of Paganini. ERNEST PEERING will sing: "My Sister Dear." ' , ln Native Worth,' and an English Duet with Mies M liner, Conductor—Signor PERI:MINI. 11 7 - Tickets can be obtained at the principal Music Stores, and on the evening of the Concert, at the Hall. Concert commences:A 8. d92t EXTRA NOTICE—WHEATLErs ARCH STREET THEATRE. MRS. E. L DAVENPORT'S FIRST BENEFIT, FRIDAY EVENING Dec. 11* 1551. THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Melnotte Mr. E. L. Davenport Pauline Mra. E. L. Davenport THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Widow Delo:mine Mrs. E. L Davenport Capt. Murphy Maguire Mr. E. 1,. Dareuport Mr. Charles Tortoni Mr. W. Wheatley Mr. foninidab Sleek Mr. Thayer Box Book is now open. dint* WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE —SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY Will be presented THIS (Wedneslny) EVENING, Dec. 9th, MI, STILL WATERS RUN DEEP. . . . John Midway, Mr. E. L. llarenport. Copt. !tanksley. Mr. Dolmen; Mrs. MllOnly, Mien Taylor. LAUGU \YUEN YOU CAN. Georgh Gossamer, Mr. Wm . Wheatley; Miss tiloomly, Mrs. Thayer. Scsza or P alo_7.—Poxes, :Scents; Secured Seats, 34; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents ; Scats in Private Boxes, 75 cents; s lle - y, 13 coots Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Prirate lloz In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cent,. Boa 003.c0 (Too from 10 A If until SP. M. Doors will open ott 0,( o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. VALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les- Fee, Mr. E A. Diarsball ; Stage Msnager, Mr. John Berton Prices —Dress Circle and Partruette, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 37) cents Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. MI. to 3 P. 51. Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock ; performance to con/runts at 7V, precisely. Will be performed THIS (Wedneaday) EVENING. Dee 9th, 1557, THE ENCHANTRESS. Itsmir Forte BretHo Duke d'ititttla Stella, the Enehantrese 'NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS. RING. Will be presented THIS (Wednesdy) EVENING, Dee 01.11,1967, BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, PONY RACES, Ace , ha Mr. WOODS as Riebanl 111, Sir John Falstaff, and Sbylock. Also. SCENES IN COUNTRY LIFE, By the company. Two of the most renowned Clowns In the world, Mr F 11111) WILSON and MrJ BUCK, will also be In at tendsoce. Peaces or ADMISSION.—Preaa Circle 37,j cents Fa mily Circle 2,5 cents. Private Boxes 50 cents Doors open at 8X o'clock. Performance to COM mence at IX o'clock. lAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., ti BELOW SEVENTH. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, Will perform THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Dec. 9th, The great Burlesque Opera or TBOVATORE. Count Luna tick, Mr. IL B. Buckley; Lady Lentmonots, Miss C. !Ellett. Preceded by their inimitable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY Doors open at half-pant 8 o'clock. Curtain rises at half. past 7 precisely. Admission 25 cents. QANFORD's OPERA I.7ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street. above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by 13anford's Troupe of Blare—New Dance , ' by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AXTEXPIZWII. Admittance 25 vents. Salo bn 2,natitm. ..113• SCOTT, Jr., AIIGTIOITEER, (swear WOLDIRT tic SCOTT, .) cn austsvz amt , opposi te the Casks Haan, ulnas SOW& aillirfek CARD.—We Meths the parikaiss Ontattios or the trade, and parehmere generally, so theasteadm amt. meat of tars, roe /11.310/1' and gents' weer . tat Pronek end Scotch embroideries, rkh bonnet end nb- Illegent French velvet 'diarists, wool bosisery goods, cloth desks, satin and - soak bonnet+, &a, .goods, he sold this day, commencing at 10 o'clock prealsely., 117 The whole nuty be examined with este/ovum MILS. MRS. ke. This tiondag, • Commenting nt 10 o'clock pea:testy, be 044, by Wakens, for cash, s general amartemmt or tom e conristhig or talams, eves, mite, pelerinee, cat, victorines, gloves, collars gnantleta. asps, t and, in the bast meaner , at ; e. able, Sibe ri an serabord, , Mows Martin, ermine, mini, rean's dawn, tic. AYAD CLOTH CLOAKS, TATMAN, AND , DUSTERS.-Also *llse ladies' elegantly made ink Cloth cloaks. Ulnas, derters,_basqau. msatillea, to. 111110tOlD11111121 AND ItILLMEAT 00006.—Alse e u assortment French end Scotch embroideriee In Jac. meet, cambric, swiss and book ~.sites te. Also, bonneland trimming ribbons , u lik galloon trim mings, silk 'saint ribbons, silk fringes, Made lsea„ dm. dec. WOOL HOSIERY 00003.—Also, ,caws and 1/0111111Wit wool and merino skirts and drawers, wool Kalb Midi Giant/. •001 botoll and half hose, wool glare. CHENILLE SHAWLS AND 50116113.—A1a,, a Des choice colors aerate shawls and scarfs, Paris Waled cashmere shawls, wool square and long shawls. GOLD WATCHES.—AIso,I2 or 16 geld watches, la bootleg cases. Err The whole be ready for *wee; *floe, wit& catalogues, early on the monon4 ef sale whet the trade, and purchasers generally will find it 'their inte rest to attend 4. - SALE OP READT-HADN CLOTHING. Ori Friday btornie_g,.._ _ Ceauneueing at 10,1( fielnab, ND " . ! irn cia l in 7 , farm for cub, &valuable r eady - made atoeb ir e e. consisting of etada, pants, lad ...in of lir Way be eu agaedMlT on ty e JAMES A. FREEMAN , AUCTIONEER, NO. 423 WALNUT STREET, _above FOURTH. 04.13 D—SAL E OF ROMOCHOLD PURNMIZE-111138- DAY. 117 We be g tears to Inform the nubile thatwe hold oar regular weekly sales of Furniture every Toes& at oar SPACIOUS BALES ROOM, NO. 112 WdittllT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices (or the goods of those who may favor as with consignments. I nitleohating portions at their furniture to duipmm of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing males at their own dw can have their furniture .CAREFULLY REMOVEDIt' OUR BALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIXIII BETTER PRICES FOR 'THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAK OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORX IN THE CITY, O 7 Personsfavoring us with sonsignicante ern rid mum' that their property will not ta.toed. ID Commissions more moderate than thous' okapi by any other Auction House In the city. - fl Consigro4=tfully solicited. IDr Sales d 'after the goods are OM REAL E SALD—DBOKLBSE 83d. This sale at o Ezehanp, on Wednesdaytressieg, December 83d, Ulf, et wilt include -- Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of Joseph Cellars, Deed.. YRAME HOUSE AND LOT, ANN STRIET, NINE TEENTH WARD.—A trams home, and.lot of ground , southeast aide of Ann street, SO feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, 10$ feet deep. $25 ground net. Orphans' Court tale.—Estate of H. Y. Roemer Deed. PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, KENBINGT I ON.—A. certain house and lot, north able of Queen dr= feet front, and 120 feet deep, to a 13% feet alley from Shackantaxon street. Clear of ineunduances. Orphans' Court Bale.—Baas Mate. FRAME HOUSE AND LOT. POPLAR FPRNiff,—. A frame hones, and tot of ground, north Ms of Poplar street, between front and sseond, 90 feet front, and 1.14, feet deep. 112 ground rent. Positive Bale. STORE AND DWELILNG, COATES ST., 1130T11 SEVENTEENTII.—h three•stary brick store and dwel ling. south side of Conte& street, 86 feet 9 inches east of - Righteenth street, 17 feet 'lath front, sal 61 ft. TX, inches deep, *Jong Florence street. The house has hulk windows, gu, and hydrent. $5l ground rent. Bentel for 8200 per annum. 117 - Terms—cmh. Bale positve. irr $5O to be ;mid on each of the above when the same is struck off. AT PRIVATE SALE. A erst-cless Printing Office, with a good ran of bed. nese, foe: printing presses, two Hagen_ WO one Mew Type and everythleg necesears for the beekm. ot. Apply at the Auction Store. mosgs NA T NS, AITOTION&ER LTA AND COMNIASION KINCEANT, 8. Z. maw, EUXTII and RACE Btreeta. Al' PRIVATE SALE—GoId and favor patent beer, Leplne, English Swiss, and Trench watched, jewelry. of erer descriVion, musical Instruments, de., &a- AT PRIVA E SALL—Arranged on sesta floor, household [exalting, of every deactiption, beds, ring tresses, carpeting, looking Llamas, fancy artlidss, dm., do. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Audios , ear. Charges very low. Consignments of fareturli - clothing, jewelry, Ass., do , solhoted. NATHANIIPILLKOPPAL WAN MICE, S. Z. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and miner plata Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goode, Groceries, Seger., Hindware, Cutlery, Parnitate. De& ding, Ilona, Vehicles, Barnes . Stock', and on all se- Wee of value for any length of time agreed on, commis satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other 'stab listurrent. ii . NATHAIIii, 110TICE.—All goods forfeited at the OSca, S. IL cor ner of Sixth and Race streets, will Is sold on Thareday morning, 17th instant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors em call preelons thereto and renew their trash- LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED 000 re, at the S. E. corner of Sixth and Rana streets, Theeeday horning. 17th instant, at 10 o'clock, is in, sales-rooma, second. story—entrance from Race street. Consisting in part of one (411.0, 175 pairs children's shoes, one very fins az veyoes inetrament, made by Knox Or. Shahs, twovery Ins microscopes, superior Dagnerreohyperransers—complete, superior overcoats, frock and dress ends pantaloons, vests, handkerchiefs , cloth ing, shoes, umbrellas, silk dresses, merino, moan detains, debase, cashmere, alpaca, and chints dresses, and dress patterns, cloth velvet and silk mustalu, barques, circulars, cloaks and capes, crape, silk , brake, merino. stall., Day State, and Odd woollen shawls, ladles. under-clothing. parasols, gaiters, shoes, bonnets feath er beds, comfortables, quilts, bed-spreads, table -cloth., sheets, 011ow.cases, violins, du ilia.", accordant:rm, gai ter', double and slngle.barreled fowling pieces, patent riles, revolving and other pistols, patent umbrellas and canes, steel skates, and a thousand other articles. Ea" Particulars hereafter. IMMENSE SALE OF FORFEITED WATCHES, JEW ELRY, SILVER PLATE, dc , de. At the S. E. corner of Sixth and Race skeeter, Cu Tuesday Morning, 23t instant, at 10 1D Particulars hereafter GREAT BARGAIN& MI- CHEISTMAR Pau ENTII,_ _44 , 4RIVATZ SALT, AT PINALAREADLY LOW Hunting cue, doalramsrocoa - doath, bottom, hill jeweled and plain English patent lever watches. Silver English patent lever watches. _Mauling cam and open face gold escapement and lever watches Hunting case and open fate gold lepine watches. 'Very fins enameled ladies' gold watches. Silver lever and lepine watches, English, Swiss and French watches, gold chains, jewelry, musical bistro meats, and numerous fancy articles. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, JeWolry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, dro., will take plus shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, At., being forfeited collateral', will take plus shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF THE 7811 AL SELLING PRICES —Double-bottomed and hunting cue gold patent lever watches, of the mod ap proved makes; hunting ease and open face gold escape ment lever and ' , spine watches, full jeweled • fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for ladies'; gold jewelry of every description; direr lever azei v. lle L o watches, In huntingesses and open face; silver Swiss, and French watcher; . a general smortniturjiTu! n itttre beds, mattresses, mirrors. Ac. OUT-DOOR gAr.Fi SOLICITED, sodeharges to mit the times, low. Consignments of every desaiption of goods solicited ro piV i Zt ar atrar on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. SAMUEL NATUANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 Boatk TWIST, Btreet, below Walnut, opposi te Pear it., only eight doom below the Exchange. Bolus of business from t o'clock, A. IL,. 'MB MI o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sales, and salee at the Auction Hoer, at tended upon the moot satisfactory terms., CAPITAL $OOOOOO. BstobiisArdfor Me last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thonsacaM on DM monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Eszdwase, Mr, nhandire, Clothing, Pernik:re, Bedding, C i ga r s , /liasical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Oarriages, and eoeas of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollen and nywarde will be charged 2 per cent, per month ; $6OO and over t the lowest market rate. This Store House haring a depth of no coot, has lam Are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pn vata watchmen for the prendees ; also, a hemp limn rune effected for the benefit of all persons buying rpnrcli advanced upon N. t.—On account of having an unlimited capital. this ollft Is prspared to make advances on mare sails rsotory and accommodating terms than Puy other in this oity. Gold Patent TAM and other Watches, Jewelry', tai Clothing will be mid at reduced prices. nnl47 GEORGE 'W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. B. corner of BARIUM and 8013111 Otreato aboyeEftond. EVENING BALES. BALES EVERY RATURDAY maim% At I.lg o'clock, at the Auction Bton, of Hardman, Oat tarp, Housekeeping Adidas, Clothing, Watches, Ty, Fancy Articles, &e. (Ettentlraten's Jurniatjing Boobs LINE SUIRTS, made to order, and war 1' ranted, of elegant material sat superior wort manabip Also, Dress Flakes ant Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the Prerniam Store of W. W. KNIGHT en. ARCII Street, &boss Sixth naltl•y %%TRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS • ery large and elegant. alsortameed at reduced pnces. at.", beery udder-4°llllva' of all de serts:ow, for gentlemen's wear. at W. W. ILICIWIT'6, 612 ASCU Street, &bore luith. ast7l-y WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, sod PATENT SMOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. MI CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particultrly Invited to this improved cot of Shirts, the most perfect etting article made. At dkole sale and retail, and made to order. 'GAIN Mr. ruching' .. Mr . Boswell itil;l4flghlTs AMERICAN GOLD, NEW YORK, BOSTON, LID BALTIMORE EXCHANGES, Bought an•d Bold by P. BRADY & CO A MERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE 11'13(TED AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, ET CRONI6E k CO., SPECIE BROKERS. mo2l-dtf 40 :YOUTH THIRD AT SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO, BANKERS, No 3 Swath Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORE EXCHANGE. Uneurrout Funds bought and sold. Stocks bought and sold on commix ton only. nolo.llm* 112 W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS Jur. No. 37 South THIRD Street, Thllsdeloa- COLLECTlONSprompt=aa de on all ile-OMMIDIa In the United States and Stocks, Bonds, he. Bought and Sold on Connoiseion. Unmeant Bank Notes, Meeks, &a., bought at Ike lowest retie. Deposits reolieell and Wowed allow* ea per mast soy ;C6. OARDlNG.—Desirable second and third •• - a" " 01 '7 taroL►het ROas, with Board_ ,at del4w* 307 North. ru.Nut Ptstat. Alone!) 12,4 Sotith 'THIRD trtiet, opposite the Girard Bank
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers