_...... . , .. , .:.,-3 f4;:0 .7*'-'. ..? - 'V . -'''' - •'•'s z,,, , ,•;. - .. - .), -, ,,m, , ..„., 0 ,Z... , -17;,•.S '4,'',.;,--..,„„, , ,?'.:::. . ,_ ~,, i:-*, ,, ,t.'7,' `,.. tti:li , 4l-ftv-rip , r,fl - 41•Vap , Y.;', , -' ,, :1 , C , 1 ':;•4,. ; ' * 6 : 24 4 44 :-;2 1 40tri4 74 11,, -ql ' V'''4'-i'l 4 T'tY'; ; !' 4. Jj ',.:•,,; -, Atir , '".' T: V., ',l,'z.':, 7 7'' . IV; iii,,E,. .. _ ,„inf 4 :„..f4 1 ,441,4 4 1 . D4 , Vritii.s: 2 4-.4 At=44, 1 ft-i-i'VTA ßo li a ,'A t tr, lio- littiotoiWYtN4olr- '' 141 - this ilut T hu r- , 2„1.1-_-,. ~,,, ,v „„1,4, . r,t , tro, n . , • , ..:3 0 -'-` , ' ,- t'r" 6- ." - " t*lti! ntiortil. en Orderi-vs ~,,... ,-,,i,,, elf: ha Olt n/ or , -, ~- • ,'.',%; klia', 4i9011 - *ICI," liertgliCefet.enlon% ?I.'t°...' , z ‘" : 4l , pm •, ' I , si es .,, , Ivy , It io L tigo, s o p i d th.,. . l , -*Li ft ''"' ''' neri'' 'hi' " ' lid* Itirl - ' 11 11 0 . 0 .5 1 4 _ Israel , '.4 -- WiT„ , --- , „„ ••-•••*,,- - pylivit'mrentryititendiantAlt Ob. '' :C'''''' -. iAr n . '" , ,, -, kipip'§r iw,„4.po*ilicoistataWnlitreas -,t^ - ' ,if ifeV l, vtlirniedl 6- 1,0 9 0. 3 .1ir-Str bef 66l !`e• 0 6 42' peckisitti tltnieL - :efl • Aer,,,llddlitt 6 l, 9 exPeP th : u 6u i l iik 4 466 ," 1160 4 u6 4 I IlroilkOri „ tex‘ l ,-' ,t 1, 4 0.31, - :' s4to*thensidit, Yery• mirth , siegunitßea ' - '•''.- , '4hitc OE Of lint Xylitera'oftteidoiedSttlirouccli ,:. r.z-:eut t Ifiinintit- , vilt 1uut6146 11 14 6; Wti lli c i o , n : '.. , .).-i..-_,tkotoiliortv.voo4 , kotilsy.i? it ft , 4614 , 4 1., ~,...„,,,--,,, ...., ,,, ..., . 1 ~, '' r3V- , '-;• - • Tlie",alleMii. , Ofoletire - of ear Ad; geode sues-" 7 .' - ` 1; ,2 :1 - 0 , 1 0 WS 0 4 0 "" ii 1 ,1414 , tol,inalgt,• _n o n4nun 00 ; 0 1 -, ' ,. . , >• , '9AttoritAbn'ar:gonae houeetle,Ynb9lngnlVl,Onnug 1 , ., ,- the alma.* reinittariest cif theitc-"dtetetucrumL.are `1. ,, q , ' -, now,lif intleckif mit midi bettersvoildition4nan, '''-‘ • theY witi'one"yoar o S o 1116 tr a ' uwi t u' halre, pu t t ; , "!•,4.!• - -- -,-- - • , i - - " " - inailed their nred ':'':' 19d lie uc tetd 9l ici il l iMineleisoinili,' linitn . ' aired: hie is crintlY the oW_UhOul soma 6t ' the Tigl-itrinitje bits;llli 6 .l. l6 l 6 'w6 l a 616.1 ' nu ' stormodmirably . , . , -.'r -, ~ i ...0 •st —' ,..-,..-. , a , ..,. . , '-c . ' * Thipqrade with importers has hes?! nol', and "-' - many of the Keay etenink forward go into bonded wireholise, le swag thq•openlng of •the spring cler'sbOtitithtollliothittig dillintte can be s a id at v ir 4 a lir 'Ati la'rtiinipplies of *reduce atilt remain , ' - ' :lntecrOitittiy,tohe moved inlhe APrictlf, ills be '. ' - lieVed‘that its movement in laige cauintities w a ll -..--• idaloYmmfrcatittoWt4 tle'P r 'og h u° ,l " ll s l l,- 1 • - ili a niehtimr ir:istime , defitee" or , t h e ea env es a.,-...'''sr-'4"l'ltti—irsiltufalij...btiel l 'epir sa;plueth disturbed and - i' ,- :- , ?.'"eattalled ,- byr, thelrdenetary pante: New_ that si„ ",",." --7,- -. - ‘2' , lfiieflp'Siatfi iltblurim,loyedf the hula shbuld,idur i'l43.il44tir,fespitti;taktimeasures tit , reseinticinise OA . •-•.5•'',, ,,, V - plati tof ',nondueting . their business. ' Byer /. Mr' . '-'-' ~ V ' ' r tlitai' ofiglit te be Lindner with the -. 4 ohent si Ur a a • ' ii Itl Mid ( while "...t" '•• • ;causes ettlie latelectiniirrd ou ef, ••', •*,'-,. "-this clouds of:distrust are elearhig,errah II is MI ' remisrerices in the -''' ' ':• ditty to &aril against similar ' ' • futurk . 4 - ' `•,-- ,--, ' • "': 4-. : :'. — : —lf ' '' .., 1 ' . 7- ;:mra c o ,,i 4r 4y o i oe ; of /hi Ponasyt- La ll"g - ' :° - ' -(= for :reetrle4ninded "21441'; ' Th ' illin gr ' ' &llaQ '' -r: this i n stitution „: Ctritifien.'...%The',o oll :o o l ooos - 0 4 " an i a tauten _ t „, T. '', was latalesterdsTwith M r, P u,„i„ o..t i A , lag .sier, 0 9„• IV _., T h w ito r ,oo,l, o tingi t hited.gentlemen. frets _this c , . ml,l4l, f ir . pavtir ottliftttitteu,ssistefi d inlig e l t ez, --.'atie-a-, ‘ ;.TheAotum f t `' '"- i l,t3 r,,t e iZeitess of na, - , , y,dii tioi.p;abunds. in... .. f ; e - - hi c h , - , ".,,,01earitg. - , , Irtrill.he witto grey gellipte,,w -;.,, is plenty:hi thet seethe:Of the t,itati;ls - d will have :11'front of 2611efeet. 1 ,t The tnnstrehuilaing 4s to -be ''`, 126 13Y,52 feettqltOrings 190 py ft. feet. 'lt will ~ ~berthreokterfes in)peight; end the °entre building --- "-Ile viirinqunted - bY,ii dome 22 feet high ; the Tanga .."-',,4- ..,byhMvderes- , l23ret In beight:' , .• There will be a 1 1,, :: -.-:turnidor,of -10 feet In width, extending the entire `7 , :',:' , '" ,,. . - joittli'vof. the, building: • The first floor is to -" , , , .. , ),,5• ilividsfijiritivflohnis - for4thti steward, ma !,,•,z',', - - 'tron;-, iniperinteriddrit, ,sohnol),l l4o ,d - Ihut o r°•P l u i ,-: "",.. f,":Fir,' ei. , the ,3 •Seliond,, , floor:, - into uorm tort 0 , bl , z'ul; and' ether: recces. ' The building will ' '`hase - li - it limt• aleaxerandahe in the rear, gYnni I i• - • wed ,;,:--provided with glass enclosures, to be for play -_. raon4l , ll the *lnter. It s .o expeled to &comma - • 'date ahaiit 180 children . The -s tyle of arehitea. ' ' turot,irdist•bepted•,after le the Itapan, though the --, ,ficolleirill hay° but little of aly:torcamental eha .ritotOf abonKit i exteptittig a stone ?rho over, the ,' -,1311 0 0 ,,4 4 9 1 1r11udr:'' T hauu r k t ilikt ui e V e l. a o r t as 4 - ` 1 441" ' 4.51): ' , ; t8 i P t i i blc' 'n1 1 11 ;111 .1 f., Zmed,in the tj 1, - - - a, • Slisidisn e 6u : ' "„spritig Ss isarly'astne ?leather will ihrmit, It is --,,,` ”, this Intention of the directors•to push it forward to - - :-•- , ,coutpletion with all possible despatch. Mr. Saul. : - 'fileattktite ambiteot., ,•,.-„ .. „, ,tt , I,lfeltet , 4siodutffib.—The Exitentive Corn ' ' ladtree of the 'Twelfthwani, for thir relief of the ihisSip/oyed and dirrtyared l 'give notch that alt esieiversulle4g within the tivirddie - made kncrirn totheitilit the liall'of th&liniticl, States,Hose Co., ',ors Buttonwood street, near - York avenue, where a convoltAgevilkl4 daily in ottimdancle' (Sundays 7," gp ),- hihnien the hours oft-2 and fk.e cloak . ~: t o adininieter reliette deserving applioants. • and All oeimiiiientationi vrill be strictly eentidential, d theriaMes of persatiCroebring relief will not ' be glide knowri otita'ido of the committee.- Special • easel , s t ill ; ha 'Wended to by female visitors. . ' - .. 1 ,23.:•..- Al,d'Othtioneln Clothing or useful artiolee will ~..-.. _• :the thankfully received at, the,coinniittee,roora. .ii'F'-'k' ',l- ; .. - Soup will be , distribated - to-morrow , from the - ll', '- so p house Allen`streccishore fihaokamexon. We - -"woulVitpihiil - to•the bentwohnt throughout the 7 olt-Thirenisonber thiesoolety. ' thistribulions will be reiiiivid,by,,Geete Ilandlten, - treasurer, re t 'eldifg in:Marlborough street,' above Queen, and Abraham P.,li_yres, presldentof the society, Queen street, abOretianever, or any of this ether men*: 4)%otisate, isprortationriii Chieleco Mend --- , Poi some "stun past *Jane camber of robberies, of chlokens hive been committed in the Twenty. fourth ward. Ittn %many eightlhe pollee arrested three persons on the charge of robbing a chicken • house. Ono of the prisoners effected hisereape. In the 'house of ono of the otherswu found one hen ' . ,- droll and fiftY. Ware of ohlekene, picked. and pre. • "-, 'pered""for,nuirketoome of which were Identified ' 'by sionitioman residing in Mayiendville, es his property. On- blondity.night the.ehtoken house of , Mrs.- Dr: - juntas grab's, on the , turnpike near Cithodrenentongy; was robbed of over ene bun -.- -' 'lira pairs of "Oick " ;ga l t l ' led °. 1110 6 ii . .91. E r • . mlier popeession an utieqnco ec, _ , ~y ,fow)s, the pro of her late Mishima , Dr. Cr ibb ' ' -whof , was a celebrated chloken•faueler. The gees thicimitturany *rhea; when wilt the policemen of the Twenty.fourtli "raid be able to check entirely thelieylmlemde depredations It. , ~ . „ • - , 1,1,0ti1l ReliCs:The, excavations for the Post Oftle'e :extension _Of the old Ponntylvanis Bank building have brought, to lightrOMe !allele of steno. turns 'Which: stood' linen ithe site,before the bank ' irati built. On the north side of the jot on Lodge ------- scr. ,,, , „ theutepposite Pemberton's Court, the dig 4ors have hrou - gux t?,yleissonair „mtlons of an old ioundatiote,wall, °composed of pebbles and, other kinds Of stone in somewhat 'prirtilllvr , sipssr-ircett south of _thispointlronnwinmuitsof en old well, evidently„long since filled np. "Three familiar with - "the histol7 of the spot know tinit the astly Free . Weans of Philadelphia had theirifell uponthis lot, and that from Ai. cimurtanoo,4ageotreat . ':;;- :sit-an elielion'of the B. WG: Lovige,k. ll,' Miaow!" on' Monday' evening,. Deeetniter 704 •• the tallowy nam . g . tf i s e tple a r t i , w i tre . ; i l t i o e i c i , e ttv l i I t the , iir -ft-. ll flliVitit a xit. 31 ) . Phillips, D. 0, }y. t; BA). 7'therdno Thomason, B. 0.• W.; BrotherD: O. G a Ster rett, ; . )9.; Brother Peter Williamson, G. T.; * ,1" „Brother IV-IL - Adams, 0. Secretary.: - - I.to:re bicericliarism.•=Abollt - eleven' o'cloilf on Mondiy, night, e eiliblO is - Jones;street, above Tweutiethiwas set on fire.'und clikhtly damaged. , Aliaiiir„Vatur, yesterday morningoidded a queryto lins lelifivirig, efect, to the • report of the eating • , • 144ittarrant tc-tiae 'Ward, Joint Biolthicomerning theillre:l'"llow many' runners' of , fire companies are Withiillh mimics of 'this locality 'V' _l' Briiish'Buie in • lndia,,—Tili very. Reverenti Dr. Moriarty isto lecture, on the Chore subilet, • 'to:nthorrow`evening,id the'liationalliulicling, see ' street, above:Fink, ;Xhe,Preeeedewill be devoted re'the relief of the, poor. • - ' - ', Tag (MTS. • TEB2i ath 8 ritocBenrqo.6 tgeptirted foilhe AZOBLI: 2-;" fr'' • 7 • • Piut s-Judge - ThoniMn the sase of n-"alba 4(.116 - PiainWl; roportoid4theltimmittimitelis verdict teethe - ,-14k‘t.'111 1 .10 1 0 1 :00101;.; : flintS:yerdipt faini,the damages I .,..,l,..os, : ,'rtirinjurptast- human. .be Ing. - -at a loiter :rats than *nimal,t as ,ffiwAso since ~rJuly. found I d a ra‘ t y pe ma j Zo r r i U r al l in t tlie vb le ta g% 9C h tl o ‘ 3° :% lit e un t Wilt:he' niadi a for " a a now trial: D.'Aougborty,B zifmrtheplaintiff _ .: Mom Por; tor And...lfshmead . -. • :'Gbh-as. George .11liandier. mit; - tionfor work', and "Wier in !painting ;the defend ant'ahouses; On trial . T 'Clayton; Sty. `for roll ihayiir for tlrc r iefe 7htimpson luta imdloit.' miry walk. ocottpled in hearing road cases," and subsequonfly irith,an argument 'on exceptions to an auditor's report. - Dix-mice - .oouftr , No.. -1-Judges= Shorewood,. Gtiond, afittlfttro. New:trial motion list. - • • i Gtmatina .Bx.SMOifti-4udge - tongliCad, neifiy„sppointed,pistrict toritoy, proftoquied the Pleas of -the Commonwealth • to4l.oi!'' , f lareeni ' OtimeteWilatttleifecoqrlotedo(larceify,- , ' -Michael lif f illigaltwas Convicted:of . the larceny , 2 -of - .s4N.the'firePertY9ria' - 4tisto .- 9amed: -gotaer , ".,:Thortheing,iipme-doubfi:,Or.i-the,asl p uerr,trial will be ,i ‘ opriety „in: the - ifittioitArFsre , ConOptiosTbi, Gistrist togleyTitesented.' - potitiona, from certain praying ilifoltatioqs ag ainst the Weticacoo,lfrank... - , lioptißrigine - Companies, and the Marion .." - nottf:ebblViiii," fa show' dame *by 'Abel -should , • not Ise' put out sen'too:foilieting and disorderly 'colfatmtati - the'fireetirner.of.Eighth end Fitzwater, on he Meriting Of t'lie 6th - loosembee. l • • Citg.tiotilyere. atm aticet ftie.figoltise.tife "1. Wigi aseap Prolikfiti Boffin o2Oompatir; for r iotous - ~.7,l*Aattq,on thiti•ViThoMe from the samilire. - Atis • -- JatigoAllisortexpreiciof his' regret that such an ineawm necessary,' end: that ther good 01kikitfon - of Jitti?ifire- - 314"taittiont 'Should , now ectepretqlsed , toeduct - or-sbind. of thvir r ndemhors afterobeh ;LA`, length . of One with; ht al.iteol l2 -PlnlakkeiVitt teedii .agisluatithem o# : -.Vyeere. ago: Soon '-appiftiatiens :were common ...:?;enenglidaitb-er late:the the-.- good ' ot"the Tiro Made ,ithiim-_-,very, unfrequont: 'The hewofer,"-het maintained, and ' he - ae. - tbe:l9 ll ribsti Ntifire.bbieg no further busitesd,beforetlitiMirts - at'„wati:fidjourned till 10 - , Nook Del.) Jr of Slaughter t, otinno be iirk .ro,bi Da! ive yam' Ildritklit naighborx „,,r,,=, twin dapihtera.„,, and 6 4 1 . 11 4 Ihy dietinutsh idia;ipst6 girt:4 'are tri,4Z-witlitherl tall 'wqrib:;ol:4lbeettler* *;larlil tamelta'el Y t ir OM* inleabld . Iheni„,, ara e?Atbaut asking , _ okk ant. . smal l im Ataxy, hod of flatanniaind k n the o "nom. I bi eU l Z am t... sBb , 4 "smelt rale , on eiose l• i l aftity u tt!tenTuTit dug. ra eaa Te lt etb e ear (WC:. i,. , '''..., .', ~' ,i iiiiii,t,,, B*er, of beim° • ni,ita t ..yr,.:4,,, A.„, f , to ~ Key The brig p gidolip lii 144-%,',1 t e , e 4 a violent from: 1104041, of cold, 74:17-44, whin”, aoa '''' *'' * - 3V"‘ 7" 505 tons eteba"tltai th t e trig, mbee,,,dhle t) ' ...019,1,1rree Weetitlit Ito -be..beedl"' rive; v5 , , , , , ,,,,,in g •-• w ithouta loaf; Ana - .0f iwiy.trtanora/Lernoe. 4:1.47.402p ~n4„..o',Pattleitmt at ,15, " ) ' - 'ai; Raga' 1)1114"f4lk g aud 113 tc ! g l e a at Plati *Afrtta7llllefiliiliiiiel i IV" Whe elieta tha early. I L - ;i•A• --f,,i 4.A. orlf (fiats.ll ,0,40 named, i'" , k sib r .4f4n4 lahfri>t a e his Mal-. - . ''''l7'.. Ore? i hut iaoghf „litchi , gold Wear.,.Aad a -,,,..- , Dar 0 ~,,,,,„to *Ms mu ut, mikaa•-.An std of °mime ;1..4% •bead, aP ins, VA • n i ' ' Taee`e3ll irebatellaSeAeAk4^l,4oll 4,.. 1 ! ) ,",,e ,tickftglk/i ohm ~,111a)31,ritso ,olialftlilahm• '7'A ~ qtee 7,4l.rolieirgo:-. '7 *_ , . 4,1 a, ,4-;",,04i,,i,d,, - ' kr:f • . tiftgeb'' t' '-re'o(`lVefitoo4'' c oati 01 ' M I I,..quixoll-Mb , t„.' tkiiar With-c it b *A•fAXkuat fgastiMatta". na g o o on ilit b*pun- _ isosikyrrittjta, Hniroar,,,,,Web oryiNotjlik. It, "^-..4.'- In i a for -ue" " WPtitlt " , tiad Rea Vis '''''''' kldl 4 / 41 : the eastedr-6"214-.lig eye •, „,-rai, ntiottderggr -nada * -ilya..t ittioltatpai ." 'A i e. '.A;.`.,441. ryffithecl:sotor,ift.` izli , 4, '-'.. c I ' -,. '',.aa Viitaft4g,t7' anitt ta'9"."'" VAtifolit it t . r.--,V4-; if No Ittgin_w..7l .A.A ono laat a firefr -,,,,th0i , -.,'=.-- V-P-Aa teSatt4i..affarn of liffifehal lirk eaws . ~- ~4,.,.., ~,.. used coiner, (*lug to .• 0 . ; ),-' '",''.‘''''''':'7.2:4l-,-Aalf'ktelirlitiloboailsvfdili Mr ealltillwas 4" °"l' .4 , , "'", • •'41714111141 riocr, ,---- , '- r •, -,C, , q's ~' ' -., , & , Ora- c , 0400. BANE. OF. -- I'..ENNS:itirAN.TA. NOTES - ExpothiND ,VAN:---aresA - bargains at BIIPPER)s; 44 9 ,TiOtee of the above bank , taken in pprmeot. OD O , Aftli 'Cad 'TAIMAS .st immense': reductio n, mush less timAths cost of, materials from 15 to B'o. Brooke Yong and Square Shawls, from $5 to $5O. Plush bordered; Stella tad Vrepo Shawls, very cheap m e rtnoo, paramettas, Deisines. ooburgs, Telenclas, 41.,..WootOpplainesOtolms &e., &a., at an enormons sacrideo. • • - ,,NitotovssiltispoNB AND EIIIMOIDERIES,nt riAli,sedioa prim:wot we , are determined to sell : ..15101 OETS.-19e have just _twitted a neautiful lot;which wo offer at less than coat .9f.impoitatinn. Emigthe time forbargains et It T. E. idELEEIERT, E. W . : corner , Eighth and Spring Garden. r ir • oItorAZOLOMIS; CLOAK OLoTHS- 7 Nina Mack reduced la price. Heavy Mick Bauer Olotkc. '''.6ilalit'colon and Black Mohair Oloth, '-Li•OATINBI6I3,AND,OM3BIBIBRES. - • and Complete OM& of. these goodo. Good' Union Basch - 00nm, from auction, 40 eta, e, - .ll4,Blde;litripe Baton Omaimarea, 60 ciente.' ,COOPER k BONARD, , dettiti,t, 8; E:comiac Math and Abaft ata MADE; u nimAKS,RgIY )4 .!CLOT— -- .1 bouro , notice. 1ai141 .. .. -. to order s In 2„,, trans $lO, _ -......d, chil i: 'oo,''''''' OP* "'lac— Ladles, Mimeo '''' ' 0$ '0$00110"1 , dile rot , s ' L Cloaks ps *Tel, ~, '. - - wb ROOM. ARD °l° ite..".“ -- ' sr' AlitOrSn'A' R& 0" kbi RN • doir 1 ' 0L0A.....„ _ ,COOPFnth an d sl9,r 1-, .•, '', " :•it - oroor NI 24e743: ' ' - - ‘ - ---- L WE' GAY; , STYLES- ~ BAY STAT E '..L",- , : BKA.WLB, Blanket, French Blanket, Thlbet, prole, Children ' s And Ceuta , Shawls, in „ . CLOAK -AND strewb Boon. ..- 7 - COOPER fr, CONABD, . 4' det-61 . ,8,, E. earner Ninth and Market ate. :88 - 11:$ 8111-181III., $ 6111t1 UNPARALLELED CHEAP , LO.NO' Zi.ROCHS SHAWLS, ALL-WOOL AND BILK; FOR $8 ! - ••• A !;1) tendtd assortment in every color centre at -$lO, $l2, $l4, $l.B, SW, $2O, and $25. We do we can offer the beet ONE DOLLAR BLACK BILK IN PHILADELPHIA! Rich fancy Bilkofrern 50 tents to $126 • English and Merrimack Colleen reduced to 10 cents. FrenchßlerDieen,Englinh Coliontga andDeLainen, very ~ , Djorikets Flannels, Oltilbs And Canslmeres. Am, Ate. 1- CHEAP (MOANS AND BLANKET SHAWLS liiehlinens of out own Importation. Hieves,'and Linen Mktg., Bourn, &a., A e„ 'at ' .- , .-THOHNLItY ' N E. corner of EICHITII and SPRING GARDEN. WE BUY AND BELL 'FOR CASH. 41 • 114EDUOTION - IN DRESS' TRIMALINGd Fancy VELVET, 50e., formerly $1.25. BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop Slo, formerly 15. - DO do • "Floe Drop 201, do 50. And FANCY TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, AT STILL 11111311 ABDUCTIONS. - J. 111.4IAXWELL & SON, , . CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, and • dd-Sw SECOND, below Spruce. 11_1 . A. HOYT lb BRO. Have now on hand a very large assortment of READY-MALE GOODS, Suitable tbr the present season which they feel disposed to sell valise, ' „ASV:ORLY BUIL.DINOS, S. w. CORNAR TESTI AND MISITNOT STS. N:33.—Helave a large assortment of uncut goods, of super* qualityend make, to order from. df4trt VIE I±INESE --AND PARIS • - • BROOTIE LONG SHAWLS. hand, extensive Mock, comprising all grades lathe moat desirable colors and designs, purchased a the:lats Auction dales in this city and New York, , AT- OREATLY nepoozp PAWS. Superior GaAs at $lO, $ll, $l2. OWITTBN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nos, 400, 4t2, and 4sll North Second Street, _ ItTEN AND BOYS' .WINTER WEAR. ctriovxm STODDART,4c BROTHER, •• 450, 452; 0nd454, - NOR yi TU III B o E w C , OND STREET, above - , Hive btind'an extensive stock of- - • WAD CLOTHS, • ••` - , CASEIMEREE, EATINBTS, and VRSTINOB, • Purchouied at tho late Auction Sales, at -• 01,.y „ - :REDUCED PAWNS, , AN INVITATION OF IMPORTANCE! !! CHARLES .ADAM_ EIGHTH Aso Awn STPMETSI - Invites the immediate attention of , purchasers to his large and welteelected stock of - I - : FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, all of which ohs marked down to snob low prices as to Insure their sale before stook-taking. , Splendid Satin Damask Snow-drop Table Cloths, four putt longs iltted from 88.50 to ES. ..Bnow-Orop out from $8.60 to 88, and many 12.4 °theta lorproportioti. , , Hamilton Shootings, at 81 cents, and Tarnishing Goods in tialetY. , Groat reduction in Embrolderles and Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. 0. A.-has marked down the prices of all this descrip tion at the Embroidery Counter. - DOlOOllll-SHAWLS AND SCARFS. . . Avarlety of ilennequin'a'bast malt° Citable Leans fihawisi styles and qualities worth buying—not the ,common trash that are dear at Akr Pok 4 . Also, Blanketa, Thibet and Stella, Shawls, in great variety. • • MEN'S SHAWLS. • • The Shawls are - now 'arranged on the first floor, in a room expressly for the purpoo. Just opened one ,040 flue Linen Cambria Handker chiefs; at sl.sdper dozen. del-mws3t* BANK OF PENNSYLVAXIA..—SPE— . CUL NOTIO.E.—AII the notes on the Dank of Tainsylvanit redeemed at gar for DRY GOODS, selling at less them Auction prices. Middlne, Linens , Cassimereai Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee, at a great eneritlce, in connection with our entire Mock, ,Thich.will, be sold at Deceit whichivillastenish al/ who may, favor tie with a call. Pennsylvania Dank Notes taken the same ea entitle, we make no dtfferenceo at oraVER , II. JOHNSON'S genneylvania Bank Note Dry Goode Store, tioaoo9 MARKET aireet t above Tenth, north side. - Ctik Notes in - OLIVER JOHNSON, - No. 1009 Market street. , 50304 m & 00 • IN ANTICIPATION OW REMOVAL (1 . -93IPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI- SoN, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Otouee, Fresh Salmon, Chlncatione, Opinachigue, Princess Bay, Atm corn, and Cove Oyatere, with every variety of OASIS, wild or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers Served up at the shortest notice, at JOJIN CASIPBELVS, No. 627 CHESTNUT streeti op. polio the State House. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up this new eatabilubment in the most sumptuotie manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Supiera, &c. • To dispose of a large antoantof their Stock new in store pwr • Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. n0v7.3r4 TO Tiri - SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now ben erected for Unfit Jo ' . . CtIESTICT STREET, ABOVE MUM !lop dOtermined, for a period of 30 DAYS, at Tory 1,019 PRICII,S FOR CASH They invite the attention of the Public and their Cos towers to one of the meet complete ameorknouta of - BTALAN AND YANOY ' - 'DRY - GOODS To be found in this country, which will be disposed of for the period mined, at such prices as will insure their omesTNVTITRZEr t . uoll•tf TO TEE ousTnlcnousE. REAT•SALE Or LADLES' CLOAKS.- ' -"k 817IPTHER, REDUCTION IN PR/OES • 48. lniett",detertriined on by the , aubscribers, in con seqsience otthe continued presattra.- ' 600 1/1118.E8 , ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, ;2, formerly $3 60. $00,10.118E8 ',ENOLISIA BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50, - formerly. 85 ao. ' '260 SUPERIOR FRENCiII BEAVER CLOAKS, •35 tosB, cost to import $7 to $lO each. BUCK BEATER..oincw,Ans, $B, formerly $l2. - - RICIT BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent. below cost of production. •- -"- J PROCTOR & CO., Successors to 060. , 13u1pin A: Co.,' nI3 2mo d -- . 708 CrLEISTKIIT street. LLADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, - AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. - NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, a. G. IHAKYgELIi. & SON. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 10S6 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh - And 3113 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. , DAOTORIES,—Noe..9S. and frr GEORGE St., Tenth, end SECOND Street, near Union. Otters made at a few hours , notice. m 22 trait Sure. FES! FURS!! FURS!!! FILIRSIIII FAREITtA & 00., • Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers to ' PANOY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. . Roving manufactured an immense Steck of FURS, with the oipectation o( doing our usual business, the ,present prourroof the times, nod comparative sta,pos tiou Of trade; hire left to with an 121311911Ai amount of 'Stock upow our shelves. Its to I. Meet this'ditliculty that we have now - - DNTNIIMINZD ,To oloso out our . '1 ; ENTIRE STOCK At Prices actually loss than THEIR COST TO MANIY,FACTHRE ! • We h are A lo e ; o n hand A keg and complete 8.6801" meet of _CFESTB' n rs, - • •• °Lova, • • All of which will be sold at, very ;•Low nuctEs. No. 818 MABEE! Bs., hot. Eighth Rod Ninth, fiotith side CIIItISTAIAS 'AND_ HOLIDAY GOODS. W. I GDRNN, No, 26 South POURTII Street, ffe vE o gyLAßG a EVA R IETY c a OF FANO!' GOODS Salable for the Holiday season, Being entirely of hie OWN IMPORTATION, The assortment embraces all the - `• '• NEWEST RILES, 11iD 'AT' VERY REDEOED PRICES. soincing,it will be found— Paper blsche s Werk Bones, Desks, Portfolios, &e. ~Dadaiii.Oitbaii and Traveling Dogs. % - : - P6rtelifonnafee,'Pnrsea and Pocket Books, in great - Pearl Card Cli,litl, beautlaretyles. • ..Itotiessilan Glass Tollet.Dottlds, richly decorated. -Odottoues and Glove Boles; i_ ,e; lanky Bronze Inkstaads,Thermematers, kc. - - , - Tharkgroaraon and Oben Beards, Chessmen. etclgerSelesois, , Itari Sands Be Cigar Oases, ' ' Scotch Wood Snuff Bates and Panay Articles. • litedallenttitt pasta leery. Memorandum and Dalt Tablets, in pearl and ("ry. Together with num ero u s other articles In the line. : K.I4MAYNCEIitENT • ' „ 'The subscriber berg leave to 0.130011000 to his friends apd, the-publ ic t hat he will open his fiALOON, for their receptleir Oh: MONDAY. 14th toot, lorgo; and rde variety) will consist of IvalkinvtD..4xtr'ollYßTALLlZES PINEApms, Puna ;am, CLAct.tS,,,QUINOES; 40. , BONBONS—A large end fresh assortment. . FANCY Tatre.—ltoohantost Toys, paw, 'ma, end olutviofitziety, - FAbiOVIK)W-4feeesfiloji, foricyl44laluond, iaried lissettthent, of every ponsitilddescrlPtion. OA.BAS, 001INITE1, ILMILDTB, TIOTORIAS, PASTIIIMIEII, Ao., Ac., all of recent .importaticn i t e nd which for extent and variety will defy competition. Yalu& by - 8. EUMBION, Confectioner, 014-1,33 WAR=T d 0. %) abort gloyentli, cgat Xoticeo TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY Op PHILADELPHIA. JOHN HAVII.AND, to use, v. JOHN ESHER. - March 1867, No. 044 , Yen. Exp. The Auditor appointed to distribute proceeds of sale under - the above writ 0f... No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of land situated on the southweetwardlyside of Wissahickon road, at the distance of 300 feet eoutheastwardly from a thirty-three feet wide lane, called Mifflin's lane, in the Northern Liberties township, now in the city of Philadelphia, containing in breadth on said road 100 feet; thence ex. tending southweetward between parallel lines 'at right angle% with the said road 240 feet. No, 2. Also, all that certain tract or piece of land situate en the southweetwardly side of the Wi esehickon or Ridge turnpike road, in Penn township, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a prist on the aide of a two perch wide lane, .commonly called lone, which 'extends from the cold reed to * landing-place on the Schuylkill river; thence ky the Bald Mifflin's lane south 53 degrees 20 minutes, west 6/ perches end seven-tenths to n post corner of Raab 1/US MRlOlOll'O allotment; thence by the eawo north 36degrees 40 minutes, west CI perches and one half to a post; thence by the hereinafter de scribed treat north 53 degrees 20 minutes, east 63 per ches and a half to a post on the aide of the Bald Wince hickon road; thence by the Mlle south 34 degrees, cant 61 perches and two-tenths of aperch, and south 40 de grees, oast 10 perches and fonOenths of a perch to the I place of beginning; containing 21 acres of land. No. 3. Also, a certain tract or piece of land adjoining the above tract, situate on the Routhwestwardly side of the said Wissahickon or Ridge turnpike reed aforesaid, beginning at' a corner of the above-described tract; thence running along the true course of sal& road north 27 degrees and a half, west 16 perches and eighty-live hundredths parts of a Mai to a corner of landgranted to aeorge Deck,• thence by the said Deck's land south 60 degrees and a half, west 48 perches and six-tenths of perch to a corner of land held by William Reale and Jonathan' Williams, in trust for Catharine Price and her children; thence by the eamo south 4 degrees and a quarter, east 21 perches and twenty-five-hun dredths parts of a perch to a corner of the above-de scribed tract, six feet eouthiimst of a white oak sapling on the line of the above-described tract; thence along the said lane north 60 degrees and a half, cast 90 perches and eighty-five-hundredths parts of a perch to the place of beginning, containing 0 acres and 19 perches of land. j,No. 4. Also, all that certain messuage or tenement and lot Or Pi, ce of ground, situate, lying, and being in too Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a stake by the side of a strip of ground left Olen fora road; thence extending by land formerly claimed by Benjamin Mifflin south 33 degrees, east 47 perches and six•tenths of a perch to a stake; thence by land sold by rrederick Dover and wife to Benjamin Key ser north 60 degrees; must 18 - perches to another stake thence by land formerly of Michael Olingman north 38 degrees, west 47 perches and fotir-tentha of a perch to the side of the ground left open for a road as aforesaid; thence alongside of eaid rood south GO degrees, west 18 perches to the place of beginning; containing l acres of land. No. 5. Also, a certain lot or piece of land situate for merly in the Northern Liberties, but now in the city of Philadelphia, on the southeentwardly eide of a certain lane, called fitandleyle lane, bounded and described as ' followeth, agreeable to survey lately made thereof by Robert Brook, surveyor, via : Beginning at a stone at the side of Btandley's lane ; thence partly by another piece of land, belonging to the seid George Esher, and partly by land of Philip Ilershberger, south 39 degree' 15 minuted, bast OS perches and 5-10 to a atone ; thence by other; land, late of Jasper lifoylan, deceased, south 52 degrees, west 11 perches and 5.10 of a perch to a atone; thence by other land of the said George Esher, north 39 degrees, 15 minutes, west 05 perches and 9.10 of a perch, to a atone in the side of the said lane; thence alongside of said lane, north 50 degrees, east 11 perches and 0-10 to the place of beginning. No. 0 Also, all that tenement and tract or parcel or land, situate, lying, and being in the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a post standing on the northeast aide of Wissahickon road, a corner of Ined late of Peter Turner; thence by the same land north 63 degrees 20 minute'', east 26 perches 7 feet and 4 inches to another post; thence north 37 degrees 40 minutes, west 04 perches and 4-10 of a porch, to an other poet; thence by land late of Joshua Fisher south 53 degrees 20 minutes, west 29 perches end 4.10 of a perch, to another post standing on tho aide of Whim hichon road aforesaid, and thence by the same road 40 degrees, east 04 perches 7 feet 8 Inches, to the plas:e of beginning; containing 11 acres and 37 porches—will attend to the duties of hie appointment on WEDNES• DAY, December 18th, 1857, at 4 o'cloch, P. M., at his race, at the southeast corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, when end where all persons interested are re quired to make their claims, or be debarred from coding in upon said fund. decs-610t DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. ESTATE OF EZRA B. LEEDS, dec'd— Notice le hereby given that the widow of said de cedent has presented to the Orphans' Court, an Riven. tory and appraisement of the property. She has elected to,retain under the act of April /4, and unless ox. captions be filed before FRIDAY, December 19,185 f, at 10 o'clock A. U., the same will be allowed and op. proved by the Court. GEO. If. EARLE, n2s.iv 5-2w* Attorney for Widow. goteks anb Restaurants. JO N S 5 AROII STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARON IMRE HT 110LIDAYS: HOLIDAYS! - The Holiday, are close at hand, and Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that *lll bo made upon it for CONNRCTIONG. CURISTISIAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IDIPORTID JETPRZSBLT FOR TRH PRRSZNT SHARON! Every variety of Bon Bone, Paatiles, Bourbon Drops, new style of Gum Drope, Eau Sucre Drops, L'angliterre Don Bons, and every variety rare and costly candles manufactured in Paris. for Presents, nil BIM and FATTIRND of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the choicest variety of Confections, and varying in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boxes are the MOST surges SPECIURNS OF FANCY WORK AID AB7lBllO 005100 Riga OFFERED IN TOlB COUNTRY. To the Ladies, as well as to the'whole public, Jones's Saloons are the most attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment and Blemish are Superior to any in the Union ' BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in the choicest and most expeditious 4110. FRUIT OR ALL RINDS, ICE CREABIS, W , JELLIES, GAME AND OYSTRS, Constantly ready for 'W i I n profusion. FLAW, ' , Army, AND onweuzuran OASES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NE IV 'YORE TEA -B ISO um, And, in tact, all the VARIETIES, LI/MIMES, and DELICAOIES of every clime and country BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Famillee supplied at the shorted notice and_o reasonable terms. - --kwatrouncrewurrits, retro - nig — a -- hitherto so liberally bestowed by the pubUn Is respectfully solicited. del.tf R. 13 JONES, Proprietor, MEROHANTS , HOTEL, mil • NOW= YOUBTR STRUT Aiwa !Ulm, an 24-6 MoRIBBIN lc BONS, PRovussolui VITILLIAM BANNING'S CITY LAGS ' r r BY ,1411, SALOON, No. 232 eartees Alley, Philo siela2-41n2 MaGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH. wag corner or BROAD and WALNIIT.—game and all other delicacies in cease.. Bandßee supplied with Oysterson the shorted notice. sepf-Do HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NEAR VALLS OP SCRRYLRILL, PHIFADZLPIIIA. SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. ItgrimmNon . • .. . • .. The Rector, Rev. B. R SMYSER, may be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 3 to tt o'clock, at BOOKER'S Bookstore, S. W. corner EIGHTH and OILESTNI3T, where also circulars may be obtained. Address Ray, D. R. SMYSER, d3-2m Falls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. fIRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, B. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style, COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Re. Each Student has Individual instruction from winks tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate euperrision of the Prinolpal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. • Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Tema, dre. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PIII.LADELPNIn. No Seminary whatever le more like a private fondly. The course of study is eatenalve and thorn. Pro fessor Sounder' will receive a few more pit le under fourteen years of age into his family., nquire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and 'Mathew Newkirk, or W. d. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. septle-tf PUBLIC LAMPS.—TnE PUBLIC IS dd respectfullyinformed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Publics Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect. tog accidents which may happen to the Public Lampe; OT of any failure )n ighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly ,cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Dooke rift be kept byJoereph Daily, No. 808 Wharton et., First Ward; Charlet' Carty, Supt. of 20.1 district, No. 8 Haines et. above Sixth; Hiram G. Kirk, No. 1438 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; M 4W. Deelsong, No. 2233 Coates Fred, Fifteenth Ward; Thoe.Y. Bowlby, i7ite Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphis;) H. lil , Fruiden, One Office, Twenty- Second Ward (Genriantown;) Win. N. Market, Gas Office, Twenty-Third Weed (Frankferd,) and at the Gas Office in eventh street, below Market. By order or the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gait Works. A. J. HITE, ocd-8m Superintendent of Distribution. WONDERS OF THE AGE—LIGHT, LIGHT FOR ALL.—psTEILS k SIIROPE, Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating GAS LAMPS is Just the thing to suit all. Price $1.60 up ; all may have a superior Light by calling at their Depot. This Lamp le adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test Its advantages over all others. The Lamp forme Its own gas. Our Patent Darner* can be Iltted to every ordinary Pluid Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All are invited to call and examine for themselves. Town, County, andante rights (or vale. The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. PETERS k. SIIROPE, Gas Lamp Depot, 123 South 4th St , below Chestnut, Phi COLLARS, & CLOVER SEED.—NOTIOE TO PENN SYLVANIA. YAMMERS AND STODEKBDPDAD. The undereigned are now prepared to purchase for cub, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepere and farmers, by sending samples to our address ' can, It all times, ascertain the price at which we are baying. Parties wishing stamps, by which to be governed u tmuslity, can have them sent by mail, by addreeslogns. .1.11 CHASE & 130, • seplo4f 48 North Front, and 44 Water streets SIIEEP AND GOAT SKINS. A small invoice of Sheep and Goat Mon, now landlnu from barque , Irma, and for dale by CHARLES TIM, no2B-10t 188 (new) Walnut st.—second story. • 5 IN.-600 BARRELS SAAB MAKERS av wet, to arrive per schooner T. li. Blamer Yoe sale by • 1141.1t71110 k 11440/11,18rEll, • 110 North Water *treat ABRAM SLAOK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and 'Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Prime Alaquiretary, 87 Strawberry Street, between &mond and TWO ; 141161 Market and Obertnut Street, Phibetelybir, Pr. sul2Ar SORGHUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-CAN asED-26 buthels for Hale by CROASDALE, PEIRCE, & 1i910.4f No 104 N. Delaware AMPS. US SIA AND AMESIOA.N TARRED R , 0010A0N.—a superior article, roanufaltaro and for IWO 11 IVEAY.NR, MUM & 00,, ao 8-tf No, Id N. Water at,. h 02 N. wimi,". lIIALE , ROPE.—Buyera are invited to call A-, and examine our Mullis Bale Rope, wbloh we oan aan sell as low ea American; Sad warrant it superior in tress% and durability. wl WZAVSit, YITLEIt & CO.; NCI. 28 N. Water at. and 22N. Wharves. s" •aloe Faro na Oen, or nate .7 MARTIN & MAOALIBUra, 114 North Water Pie , PRESS.--PHIL - 1 1 4 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1857. Wational ALONZO rorm 9tltaratta at Jay). THOMAS F. GOODE, - - - ' ' - , ATTozotEr AT LAW, A . . Boyilion Afechlenbuig Colotty, Va., Attend@ to professional business la the Courtiotaleeb lenburg, lomenburg ? Militia, and Charlotte counties. MI MS To Simplot& & Rue, PhiladelPhic Baptist & White, New York. Lanier, Bro., & Co., Baltimore. Smyth, Stone, & Banks, Petmilmit, Va. - Adle & Gray, Histanond 4 Va, - - - tooN-s&w.2m E DWIN T. CHASE, • - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ma removed ble °Mee to.No,l3lBoutal SIXTH Street, above Walnut. a Stn REMOVAL.—CLAY CiattES, ATTOR neys•at-Law have removed their LAW OFFWIL from N 0.1318. Fifth St., opposite Independence Squire, to No. Rll SOLMII hTWEI,T o below prune street. " notl•oodlm LES S. WE L LS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STRUT, NORRISTOWN, Is. grill attend with punctuality, and to the beat of Ma ability, to all bunion/a entrusted to biti care. oci-am DANIEL DOOGRERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Cosner SIGIITII end OUST Streets, PhileAelptits. 151.17 TER STRO USE; ATTORNEY JAN V/.11. LAW, OENTRIN street,Vottaville, Ps. $1:447 propoonlo. nrrioE or ARMY CLOTHING AND 'LA' EQUIPAGE, Pnizeoemu, December 4, 1857. --43EALEI) PROPOSALS are invited, and will be re ceived at this office, until 10 o'clock A. Id. of the 4th day of January next, for furnishing by contract the fol lowing Army Supplies and Materials, deliverable at the United States Clothing and. Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Arsenal,) la quantities as required, via 6,000 yards 6-4 dark blue (indigo wool dyed) cloth for cape and bands, weighing about 14 ounces per yard. • 63,000 do 6-4 dark blue (indigo wool 'dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per yard. 0-4 sky-blue (indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth; weighing 22 ounces per yard. X dark blue (Indigo dyed) cotton awl wool flannel, weighing OX ounces per yard. 210,000 do 7.8 white flannel (cotton and wool) to weigh 6)( ounces per yard. • 10,000 do 6.4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) 10,000 do 47 inch alpaca, (bleak.) " 100,000 do X canton j flannel, 'to weigh ,r 7 Ounces per yard. • )4' unbleached drilling, to weigh'-'OX ounces per yard. • 7 unblenehod drilling, to weigh 7).f ounces per yard. 20,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh =X ounces per yard. 15,000 do SO inch cotton duck, to weigh 15X ounces per rani 65,000 do 23N inch cotton duck, lo weigh 14X ounces per Yard. 25,000 do 28N loch cotton duck, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 3,000 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 11 ounces per yard. 3,500 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 0 ounces per yard. 16,000 do 24 inch cotton duck, to weigh 1214 ounces per yard. 25,000 do 33 inch cotton duck, to weigh og ounces per yard. 12,000 army blankets wool, gray. (with the lettere U. 8. in block, 4 Inches in length, in the cen tre,) bo 7 feet Jong, and 5 feet 6 inches wide, each blanket to weigh 5 pounds. 7,500 dozen pairs half stockings, 0 sizes, properly made, of good sound fleece wool, and with double endtwieted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen. 10,600 pompons for engineers, ordnance, medical de partment, dragoonn, rifles, artillery, and infantry. 80.000 cap bodies. 12,000 yards glazed silk for corers. 140 N. 0. El. bran stales, pairs. 000 sergeant's dO do do 8,000 corporaPe and privates' brave scales, pairs. • 6 N. O. S. bronzed do do 30 sergeant's do do do 500 corporal's and privates' bronzed do ,do 76,000 yards 74 in worsted lace, / yellow, scarlet, - sky 6,000 do Nln do do 5 blue, orange, green. 6,700 do red bunting. 6,000 do white do 2,900 do blue do 2,500 gross coat buttons. 3,500 do vest do .3,500 do suspender buttons, white metal. ~ 4,500 do Aida do.' do " 45,000 tent buttons, wood, small. 12,000 do slips, do do 5,000 do, buttons, do large. 1,000 do' slips, do do 100 hospital tent poles, sets. - 600 wall do do' 600 common do do '4,000 galvanised iron wire rods, for tents. 10,000 do do staples, do 3,000 mess pane, iron 1,000 camp kettles, Iron, three sites. 12,000 tin canteens, (3 pints, weight 11X unit%) with stoppers. 1,000 pick axes, two aloes. 2,000 do' handles. 1,000 camp hatchets. 40 trumpet cords and tassels, orange. 40 trumpet cords and tassels, yellow. 20 do do do green, 40 drums, Artillery, complete. 70 do Infantry, do 1,100 de , bode, batter 700 do do snare. 300 do snares, sole. 200 do sticks, pairs. ' 20 . 9 . do do ca!riageot. 140,000 do 10,000 do 176,000 do 25,000 do All The above mentioned articles malt cedibtan , in nil respects to the sealed standard venom; is this Wilco, where they can be examined ; and sample patterns will be sent by mail, with any additional Information In regard to them, which may be requested by manufac turers or others wishing to offer propoult. It is desirable that all the attleles be of domestic inanultm tore. I)6db/erten to commence on the llith day nt.lebeuary next, and one-half of the quantity contreetrittor to be delivered In equal monthly proportions,. hi*. before the Beth April, 1858 i the remainder within feaPorontha from that date, in monthly or greater protelttietut, an the contractor may Quit it coneenleat. The privilege is reserved by the United Staten of in. • nreanicuZfrna-ceietthint.- tn_eine.balatheqnsaiiiy of "ti the km es above mentioned, by gleingottmiamtractor ono month's notice of such desired increase. t • ' Payments will be made °notch delivery, sbonld Con. greys have made an appropriation to meet linosn, or an soon thereafter as an appropriation , shall be Made for that purpose: Ten per cent. of the amount of each de livery will be retained until the contract Mall be cow- - plated, which will be forfeited to thentited Rates an case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. .. Bide will be received from manufacturers or regular dealers. only, in the articles proposed to be tarnished; and none will be considered in which the manufacturer's mill or dealer's place of business le not specifically set forth. • • . Contracts will be hued on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more wraith/at Mali ties will be required. The names, address, and the responsibility of the persons proposed useoutities ' with the acknowledgment of said persons that they Willbo antic security, or will nee that good and eudiclent eeenrity be furniehed Ia ease a contract M obtained, will be transmitted with the proposals. 'lt is to be distinctly understood by every POlBOll ob taining a contract, that said contract Is not transferable without the consent of proper au:hority, and that any sale, nosignment, or transfer of it, without such con ilea having been obtained, (except under a proem of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the con tract, and the contractor and his eocuritlen will be held responsible for all loss or damage to the tinned States which may arise from said abandonment. Proponts will be addressed to the underelgoed, and will be endorilod ' , Proposals for furnishing army sup plies and materiale.' , HENRY C. WAYNE deck-fM , ar used Bt. Major, A. Q. Mr. UNITED STATES POST—OFFICE, IN T/18 CITY OP PLULADELPIIIA. SEALED PROPOSALS, for supplying materials and workmanship required in the erection and construction of a Post-office building In the Oity of Philadelphia, for the United States Post-office Department, will be re ceived st the office of the undersigned, Commissioner for the building, No. 206 South VOURTU Street, on or before the twelfth day of December next. Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics. Ruch Proposal mat be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by two responsible Per. , sons, to the effect that the bidder, will, when required, If his proposal be accepted, enter 'lnto a contract and bond with proper and sufficient sea nrieties for its faith ful performance. Plans and specifications for the building can be aeon upon application at the office of the Architect, Man McArthur, Jr., No. 16 Mercantile Library Buildtog, where every information respecting materials and work manship will he given. The Proposals must be sent to the office of the COM- Weidner, and addreesed to John Rice, and endorsed "Prone/gale for the United States Poet-office at Phila delphia," and will be opened at neon of the last-named day for receiving the same. • JOIIN R 10.% nor 12.04012 Contmlesionor. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY PRISON.-- xx PROPOSALS will be received at the Philadelphia County Prises until the 24th. Inst., for the employment of the convidprisonere at weavlog for the year 1858. Dy order, ‘l4.mwfr-td24 lob p r tilting. TAMES IT. BRYSON'S BOOK ANDJOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTII &root, Brat above Market, Philadelphia. 'Menke, , Garde, 111114 Rends, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to. finding attended to in connection with printed bend Inge of ll!nuke and Receipts. d%-tt pi EVANR,----10,000—EREVTE11:41 A! E Own% per nose! v. O W W A Tbs Proriltal letsenecloolml hpit slats D PktMl tidily IPren, .1 MOAN -1, - Irk a 217 ........... . ovv trec d " e a 1" 101 o)„euP:LlkesliTEny,4 M l ie e. itD Cr. / 4 -ey, FOURTH ST. below Lithgeiemt. ,-'- GREAT REDUCTION IN TON PlllOl OP CEMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to sell the lots in their Cemetery et ONE DALE The present prices for cash. By this reduetion 7 some of the most eligible Lots will be sold at • TWELVE DOLLARS. Only 300 lots will be disposed of it these retes t and the opportunity is offered until January let, 1168; ply at the °Nee, No. 434 WALNUT STREET, below Fifth. 42-1 m , PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Om THIRD and 011RISNUT Ste. L. PELOUZE k BON,Ahankral for the BMW Pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and deeirons to merit lte coatinuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPEOIidEN BOOK le now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to Burdett every thing 'necessary In a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no- Deo. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal ouperintendenee of the manufacturing department, Jastities them la asserting that they can tbrniah a more durable and better da bbed article than their cotemporarles. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. • Ola type talon et 8 cent* per ponna, In excliente for new at specimen prices. anl-11 IVIINCED MEAT,— Iri. The Subscriber has commenced manufacturing Ms Ne Pine Ultra MINCIED tilitAT, which he offers to hie ecntomers In LARD! Or 'GULL 0t121.11111119. Orden, through .111,00Di9 DI9PATOI.I will be pune Wally attended to. JOSHUA WRIONT, nl3 .711 n d SPRING GARDEN And FRANRRIN ate CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD / WWI et. no., N 0.202 N. BNOOND BOW. goo/ 0 Shoos AWE LOOME RA.NGE.--SOLD BY OHM) • v Ivies & MAN. NN N. 81100 NO lit • salB-11m CHARLES P. OALDWELL--Wholesale vond lista WHIP and 01NN Idennfoo!urer; No. 4 01714T0 its , ** tot COA.Oft,,ZNGINE AND HOTEL LAN/ 1 i Factorlof 11.! USEDIERS, No.loo (late 4111 South EIGHTH, below Oneetnut strait, bap become saving of 60 per cent. to cur SOUTHERN AND WESTERN HEROHANTS, and also the oonronlence of buying theft old Car lags Lamps new sUrer-toppcd and bottomed, tad oat by expose to pU potta, sulld rlflE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERI CAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSIIIPI3. mat wan TONIC TO LIYORTOOL OW Cabin Passage Beconit ()ably Passage Paoli TINTON TO LIVIMPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage 0110 Second Cabin Passage 60 The snips from Boston call at Halifax. Emu, Capt. Judith's. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. A bIERICA, Capt. Wickman ASIA, Capt. X. G Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J. Leitch, These reaseletarry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N York, Wednesday, Dee. 0. AAIERICA, Lott, ii Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 10. EUROPA, Leitch, " N.York, Wednesday, Dec. 29. CANADA Lang, '' Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 30. ricustA,ludkine, " N.York, Wednesday, Jan o,'.7iS NI AGARA, Wickman, Boaton,Wedneaclay, Janina AFRICA, Shannon, " N.York,Wedneaday, Jan. 20. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Cold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stone; or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein exprorod. Per freight or passage apply to deg-1 E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. QHIP MARGARET FOR NEW ORLEANS N.7—Loutalana Line.—Guarantled first vessel. Freight received This Day and To• Morrow. (unless sooner full) at as low rates as any other vessel loading. The fast-sailing coppered packet ship MAROARET, Merryman master, now completing her loading at Race street wharf, will continue to receive freight and sail as above. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and MTh of lading to the counting-house for signature. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO.. 120 (Into 80) NORTH WHARVES. The M. Insures at the lowest rata*, and will take steam down the Delaware and op the 31loslaalppi, da-if FOR SAN FRANCISCO.-CLIPPER OF SATURDAY, December 19th.--The unsurpassed clipper Alp TWIL1(111T, Gene, Commander Wlpper of THURSDAY, December 2411 L—The mar nlacent A.l clipper ahip LOOK OUT, llaatit.ron, Com mander. Both of these celebrated ships aro now.loading In New York, and will mall an above. For freight, at Now York rates, apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., dot 320 (late 80 ) NORTH WHARVES. LIVERPOOL.—THURSDAY, DE- R: OEMBEII Io.—The Paokot Ship PLIIIADEI, PISIA, Copt. eIIAIILISS F. POOLX, will rail no above. Cabin plunge. 500 Second cabin 20 Moorage 18 Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers found with Provisions, according to tho American passenger act. Yor freight or passage, apply to THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. Drafts on the Agents in sums to suit, tram ..4.1 up ward?, nolB VON. lIAVANA—Packet ship NAPLES X' —To sail with quick despatch. Vie fast:mailing packet ship Naples, Eastman master, IQ now loading at Eace•street wharf, and haring nearly all her cargo on board, will sail as above. For balance of freight apply to 111011.00, 01110173, & CO., 120 (late 30) North Wharves. SAVANNAH §TEARISHIP LINE AND KEYSTONE STATE. In conmennence of the &premed state et trade, the above thipo twill be wlt.hdraton for the prooont. ectober,loth. A. HERON, Jr. PARE REDUCED AND HA VRE.—Tbe DERBILT, Edward Iltirgin will sail From New York fer South- 0 From Southampton and ampton and Havre. Dane for New York. Saturday Oct, 24 Saturday Noy. 14 Saturday Dee. 6, Saturday Dec, 24 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100;_ wood cabin, *2O Specie deliv ere 4 to Loudon and Parts. For freight or plumage apply to D. 'r OREANOE, Agent, No. 6 Dowling Green,New York. Letter* for England and Europe, pro-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps if from other ettles p ) will be received at No. 5 Dowling-green, New York, up to 11.4 o'clock on the morning of sell ing. ' ctolo-tf von, tNGLAND AND PlilliNCE, 1867.- New York And Havre Steamship Oompany.—The United States Mall Steamships ASAGO, 2,500 tone, David Linea, commander, and FULTON, 2,500 tone, Ames A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1857 end 58, on the following days: Talton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Argo, do. Ret. 19 Ta e lton, do, Oot p . 17 Arugo, do. Noe. it Talton, do. Deo. 12 11•NAVI NAVIN, 1981. kago, Tuesday, Ant Fulton, do. Rept Arago, do. Oat. Fulton, do. Nov. Arago, do. Dec 1 . 5 1858. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, &raga, do. Feb. 9 Arago, Fulton, do. March 9 Mutton, Arno, do.. ,April 6 Arago, Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, Argo, do. Jane l Arago, Talton do. June 29 Fulton, PllOll Or ?AMOR: From New York to Southkolpton or Ham—First Cabin, $lBO ; Second Cabin, $76. From Rano or Southampton to New York—Pint Onbln, 600 flue; Second Cobb,n 600 francs. or freight or pasaage, splay to EtOttll,MElll LIVINGSTON, Agent, T Droadway. . 'WILLIAM ISELIN, " 17Avre. OROS/LET th 00., " South'ton. AIdEItIOAN EUROPEAN EX.1911598 AND DE- " Pada. OITANOSI 00. gra rtIRE ' NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES kVA STEAM/LA.—The attire Oompoehn this Line eve The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. Ths BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstoot. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James Went. gAbase ahips have been built by eontraot, =preset, for overnment 'orrice; every care has been taken in their eorietruction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their acoommodatierus for passengers ars =Knelled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in drat Wan, $130; in second do., in; from Liverpool to New York, 30 and YA guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have improves water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES ON BAILING. FROM saw 1011. PROM LI vaseaoL. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, Jury 18 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1851 Saturday, Aug. 8 , 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 82, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. *3, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 21 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1657 Saturday, Nov. T. 1657 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov, 26, 1857 Saturday, Dee. 5, 1857 Wednesday, Deo, 9, 1857 We Nor freight or passage, apply t o esday, Dee, 22, 1857 NDWARD K. COLLINS No. ' 56 Wall street, N. Y. BiIISLEY 00. t iverpool. • STSSIISN PASSAU flo uO., 17 Lutist 'friars, London. B. O. WAIN WSIGIIT .8. 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, ether, bullion, specie, fewelry.pr eelons atones or metals, unlees bills of ladbagifs 1. g tied therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein aul-tt eIREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ',LA ROPE. That Cabin SBOI Second Cabin 850 In the first-clam paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL, 2,000 tons, 0. D. Lon Low, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,500 tons, P. E. Urn rag, to mil from pier No. 8 North Silver, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, via Leave N. York for Southampton, Na- Bremen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Arlel Saturday, Oct. 11. Wells , day, Nov. 4. N.Sary, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov. 38 . Yiederry, Deo. 30 These Atmore touch at 11AVRE. Specie delivered In London and Pavia. For Damage and freight, apply to A. TORRANCE, Agent, No. to Bowling Green, New York. oclo-tt IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail, By HUGH BAR, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, corner of FRONT and WHARTON Streets, (opiosite the Navy Yard,) Philadelphia j3RANDIES.— ,, Pinot CaStillon," Marott, and other Cognacs of yarious triss, in half pipes and quarter oa.ka elleyoisiu RalhaW Shandies, pale and dark, In hair pipet', half calla*, eta cgs-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by BORLISSI & CO., 0c22 221 and 223 South Fourth street J. 11. ROWELL, Clerk A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND 11 LIQUOR STORE, No. 228, Southeast Corner o GEORGIC and SOUTII Streets. and-ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINER, LIQUORS, OIGARB, Om, 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. atil-ly p s RANDIES,—Pinet; Castillon & Co., liiu rett & Co., and other brands of Cognac. of various vintages, In half pipoll and quarter casks i Fellevolatn Rochelle Brandies, palr and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and onaelghtti co As, all in Custom ROllBO stores, Imported and for sale Ly • HENRY BOHLEN & CO., an B Nos. 221 and 223 Booth Fourth street. DTMIAR & BUTZ, PORTER, SALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 938) North TIIIRD Street o Philadelphia,-010pploy orders promptly attended to. BOOTS AND SIIOES.—Tbo subscriber has on band a large and varied stock of BOOTS and tRIOES, which he will Nell et the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-ly B. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Rte. WALL STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON k CO., No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Non. 8 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, hare new In store a large and well-assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern resnufacture, which they offer for sale on the best terms for Caste, or on the usual credit. _ . . Buyers are Invited to astl and examine tiler stook anl•ittf NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. 11 The s'Op PHILADELPHIA, from Liverpool, Is now discharging under general order, at SHIPPED STREET WIMP, Consignees will please ateend to receipt of their goods. no2l THOS. RICHAEDSON k CO. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship PHILADELPITIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, la now ready to discharge at Bhippen street wharf. Con signees will plena deliver thole permits to the Custom house officer on boned. All goods not permited iu five days will be sent to publio store. nold MAUS 11,101.1A11DBON dr. CO. DESIRABLE OFFICES at 520 WALNUT Al fit., opposite the State House one of the hod business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and'ell modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, Room No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. note O.I4EAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of eieellentotiality, la golds% theibIIILADNLPIIIa GASWORKS for the reduced price of Ave cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or mall quantity by ap pStrelying at the OAS 0030, No. 20 South NEVENTII et, To Purohasers byr Wholesale, it is sold at the Werke, in ghat Ward, by the ton, eta price equivalent to An thracite, 42.0 per ton. (Signed.) J. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. riimumpulA Wm% Aug. SO, 17. 5027-11 Obipping. STEAMSHIPS STATE OF GEORGIA O SOUTHAMPTON agnificent steamehlpYAN. e, commander, 6,268 toThii, LIIII.YI Ulf TOR[. 1838. Arago, Saturday, Jan. 9 Attract, do. Feb. Antgo, do. March 6 Fulton, do. April 3 Arago, do Play 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LILLVIII BOOTIUMITOIIt 1f3137. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 20 Fulton, do. Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Not. 18 Arago, do. Deo. 10 1858. do. Jan. 13 do. Feb. 10 do. Mix. 10 do. April 7 do. May 5 do. June do. Jana 80 (Vino anb tiquoro. Boot° altb BlJace. Woltce to Cottsigne,ro ,for Bale nnb Qo tet. THE BEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL le at DORMAN'S YARD, BROAD STREET, above Vine. Sold at reduced prim. Call and see. 0ca1...6w 29Afj LBS. IS A TON.—BUYBES and consumers are invited to examine our stock of LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK RCATU COAL." Our Coal Is selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from slate end dust. " We sell 2240 lbs." being 2.10 lbs. more'. than sold by retaildealers, at " , 25 cents lees per t 00... Also. on hand a full supply of ,4 BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL" for Steam-generating, Blacksmi thing, and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Dig Sign, ii 2240 LDS. IS A TON. [ ieB.3m] LtilariTON & 00 OA L I GOAL I COAL I—TAGGART's V CELEBRATED BERING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL, J. &R. CARTERTGESENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL NEORGE W. ENYDREE PINE FOREST Baum HILL COAL. RANDALL & NEREDITIL Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, ' COAL OP ALL SIZE'S. There Is no Coal Milted anywhere, eqUil in quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great auperrority, Our Qoal is very carefully ecreened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, net and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW milts NRY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 161 BOUM FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders lett at our Yard, CALLOWRILL street, Delon BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWIIILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. a 0441 k-CHUYLKIEC - TirtiL - gHI4II - OVAI,- I am daily receiving, st my yard, the beet quality o. 1501.11TYLKILL AND Lt 11011 COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be eatisfaotory to them. V" No Inferior ONO kept at thio totablishment to offer at LOW MOM ALEXANDER CON VERY, N. E. corner of Stood and Cherry Ste LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PORTED lit CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above „Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest Wee, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill (log. an 1-Bnc gailore JOHN P. DOHERTY, ronmsur WITH /CELLI & BROTHER, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ASOCE EIGHTH, Han now with hint the best Tailors that are engaged in the business in this country. CHARLES ROTH, formerly the leading tailor of this city; H. RAMS, formerly cutter for C. Roth & CO., and latu Coat and Yet cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; Hasar Wsonart, the beet TaMs and Vent cutter In the United Staten, for yearn cutter with Depierris, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplorris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, lout prices for ea s t. ocl3-tf A. Ai ES SHERIDA N, MERCHANT ar TAILOR, lion. 16 andlB South NINTH STREET, AROVE 011ESTDIIIT. A large and well 'fleeted stook of CLOTIII3and OASSlatfilttg always on hand. All Clothing made at this Eatabliehment will be of tho beat quality, and In the moot faAhlonable etyle: Particular attention glean to UNIFORM CLOTH.- ane-tf Ct RARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' 1(.7 CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH litreet, between Arch and Rate. anB-1y COllllllll3OlOll illerdiattto T H. CHASE & CO. • GENERAL • COMMISSION ,MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia CORSTh_IiTLY PECZiVIOG CLON'ER SEED Oa tonslgnment from the interior or Pennnylranla, when, our new Cleaning DIIII in now in general me, V. Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP alwoya on nand sel24f HANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION IIIERCHANTB and Dealers In Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe. 23, 25 and 27 North 1/11111 Street, Etat aide above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aol-ti CIIARIAS TETE, COMMISSION MEN CHANT and Importer of HAVANA fiEGARS, (New) 133 Walnut street. second story. aul-ly Qrobacco an Cigars. LIAVANA IDIGARS—A handsome ssort. Yl. moat, such u Figaro, Partagu, Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, agorio, Oonrerciantes, Torrey Lopes, Union Amerioana, °reject, Flora Cubans, &0., ;to., ace., in X, N,l-6 and 1-10 Rea, of all sins and quail:. ties, in itSte and oonstantly receiving, and for sale low, by CtIARLES TETE, (new) 138 WALNUT Street, aulAy be ow Second, second story fiIIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS SECIAIIS.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "New Era, _" daily expected trots and fox sale low, by ENABLES TETE, (Now) 138 Walnut street, below Second, sal Second Story, furniture. B. KITE & CO. JUL. , FURNITURE, BEDDING, Ae. No. 4118 (lota 129) WALNUT mt., Philadelphia. A new and superior atyle of Spring Beds. LYDIA H. KIM Joaara WALroll sun Om soap nub Clubleo SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second ntreata, Thankful to my numeroun fermis for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my manufactory Co as to enable me to hasp constantly on hand is rare Bieck of well seasoned Soaps, free from Pick Oil; Palm,Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toiet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Drown Soap, English Sal, Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sires constantly on hand. 'laving adopted the cast system, I am enabled to well my gooda at the lowest prices. F. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. B..—Cash paid for Tallow and Grease. no 11.6 m Zintioncrn. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. ROGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable foe Banks. Publio Mee Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed weth neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Anted , Can Stationery. . . Concerning Mr. Ifogan , s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee any—" This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material Is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate." n030..tf furnates. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT- NiM GAS CONSUMING FIIRNAOS CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after haring been put to the most nevere test, during the two 001.0 WINTERS or 1860 AND 1857, hue mined to be the most powerful heater in the world, wring from X to X the fuel over any of the beet furnacee now in nee. moos letrairecEs are eonntruoted with a cant Iron anti pit, and a broad, shallow pan-nhapod fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron dues. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their bese, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the similar chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Tan wens products of combustion to the form of smoke and ounce, are suspended directly over the tire, OONVINED or compressed Into the tapering CONIC and CONTINUALLY EMBED to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a moos I nay Cone, not unlike the COLLECTION OF TRH SUN'S RAYS, to • focal point through en ordinary lens, causing the LOMB MID oases to become intensely heated and tlscr. roughly CONSUUND, by thin operation the MI6 AND OAFS& are MADE FOCALLY ATAILABLII with the DIAL ITS mr for heating prirpones, while, in other tummies', It IN (MERINO OFF AND WASTED IN rex onimiler. All persona desirous of obtaining the beet and MOST ECONOMICAL lItATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine tho New WO Cot:HEWING Coax Puitn.tos before purchasing any other. The at tontio3 of architects and builders in particularly iv gneeted. ARNOLD h WILSON, (Successors to B. A. Morrison.) No. 426 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. gato, Cap°, &r. SULLENDER & PASCAL, NATTNRB, aul-em No. 8 a. SIXTEI street. Phi Weft% garbwart. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARR, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING ?JILL 00 the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Work& WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oeP-tt JOIIN lIALDINAN, Agent THOMAS E. BAXTER.-HARDWARE CUTURY AND TOOLS, No. 919 MARICNT BT. hove Ninth, moth aide, Philadelphia an 1-em LONGWORTH's OHIO WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL TUE STATES. TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. Ey a special arrangement with Mr. LONGWORTII, I am enabled to offer hie Wines, in large quantitlea, upon the lowest 11114 best terms. The Wines to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual means of convey. ante (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the expenses of storage, commissions, double freight, eto.,willboavoided. No orders under this arrangement will be forwarded for less than twentrilve cases. MI orders must be directed only to FRED. B. COZZENS, TS WARREN Street, Raw YORE. Dy the present arrangement a 'madame profit on those wines can be Mad° by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1858, quarto. Do do do do pints. Do do do 1852 marts. Do do do do pints. Still Cat . dwba, vintage 1852, quarts. Do do extra, vintage 1862, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do. Still Catawba, In casks, of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quail SAND. S. 00Z2 General Agent for the sale of N:Longwor , a Wines, 78 WARILBN STREET, (opposite iindson ISivor Baaroad perk) po2-on3 Nsw Toss. Savings Santa SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TBREST—NATIONAL fi,nIMTY TRUST 0011- PAWL—WALNUT STlttla, SOUTE-WELIT COMEX 011 TIIIBD, PIIILADNLPIIIA.. INCORPORATIM IT TIM BIATIB or PINXIITLYANIA. MOllO7 is received in any sum, lugs or mull, and in terest paid from the dap of deposit to the day of with. drama. Tke ogles II open every day (rem o'eletlk In the morning till o'clock in the evening, and on Monday end Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE S Vice President. WK. J. KM), Secretary. DItia101118: Han. Henry L. Dinner, I C. Landreth Monne, s,RY.drofei:dr.:KuSel:4lBmi.hlCdltettoben,,,ri Y. Carroll Brewster, Joseph Barry, }leery . L. Churchman, /kenos Lee. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments eve made in conformity with the provlsions et the Charter, In REAL ESTATE MORT GAG ES, GROUND RENTS, and ;inch Stet class seenn ties as will always Insure perfect ;amity to the deposi tors, and which cannot ail to glee permanency and sta• blllty to this Institution. an 1.17 (VO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PEA OENT. STATE SAVINGS FOND. IJ O. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. -FIVE PER OENT. STATE SAYINGS EIIND. N °.B' (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER OENT. STATE LIMOS POND. MO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIDE 11 PER OENT. STATE BAVINOS FUND. sul-ly filarljinerg anb iron 13ENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOlL lift WORKS. RBANEY, NEAFIE & GO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BI AO& sums AND FOUNDERS. Having (or many years been in successful operation, and been exclasivelp engaged in building And repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low preserve, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &0., &0., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being lullypnepared to contract for Engines of all asses, Marine, River, and Stationary. Raring sets of patterns of different sisee, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. livery description or Pattern-milting made at the shortest notice. High and Low. Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, at the beet Pennsylvania char coal iron. Sorgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of ail descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with We above business. Drawings end apecitleations for all work done at their establishment free of charge, ima work gclareolen& The subscribers hare staple wharf dock room for re polrs of boats, where they can lay in portent safety, and are prorided with shears, blocks, falls, &0., &o , for raising beery or light weights.. . . MOMS REANEY, JACOB 0. EXAMS, JOAN P. LEVY, 41:11-7 BEACH still PALMER Btreetti,ll.ensingtoe SAMUEL T.IIIIIISIOS. I. TAIIMIAM 111111101 WILLIAM I. MIIIIIOI. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, YIPTLI AND WASHINGTON STRIIISTD, THILADILPMIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND XiOHINHITS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine genic*. • Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ke., Out ings of all kinds, either DVS or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, its. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat improved construction. Every deecripiJon of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defeeators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. BillieuVe Patent Sugar Boiling. Apparatus; Naamyth's Patent Steam Ham,mer; J. P. Roes' Patent Valve Motion for Bloat Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. It. BARTOL RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO Tin SEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, RUTZ BTBM, RAIIILTON, PAIR►IRI/ AID SPRING GARDYN STRUTS, MILADILPIILL of loped enainslvoly In the manufactureLOGOMOTlW., STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange - =sat, welett or capacity, for the we of Wood or Coke, BSIIINIMOUS Cool in rtr orris slots, or ANTHRACITIC COAL, . . WITISOUT 10011TTIN0 MIEN, OAS ox /DM. In design, material and workmanship the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex eelled by any. The mat:Wats need m construction are made on the spot, and to the best quality and mod reliable stook. The burs extent of Shops, and Corn- Otte Equipment of Eladinny and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GILBAT DESPATCH, Or ART ARRANGIKiIif REQUIRED. ORILLso OAR WH EELS, HAIifitERNDUS, With Yorginp of as y size or form IRON ,AND BRASS CASTINGS,' And MACHINJI WORE generally. RICHARD dOBRII aul-ly Wants WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES OAYALAY—Ablo.bodled, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, And medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to =1 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED BEItrICN, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ItOYALL, let Lieut. 24 Bert. of Cavalry, oft $-9m* Recruiting Officer, 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOR 110 Division.--$310,000 worth of Perms and Building Lots, In the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 solmeribers, on the 7th of December, 1557. Put. seriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one. half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Ileilding Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to 1kr5,000. These farms and lota are sold so cheap to Induce settlements, a aulectent number being reserved, the increase 10 the value of which will compensate for the apparent low priori now asked. Up. wards of 1,350 lota and farms are already cold, and a company of settlers called the 4, Rappahannock Pioneer Association" Is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 acres of land In different pare of Virginia, new at command, and will be sold to settlers at from II up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles mill is ail eases be peen. Wood-cuttere, coopers, farmers, &e., are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be given. me agents write that they are makingts2oo per month. Yoe full particulars, snbacriptions, agencies, &e., apply to E. BAUDER, an24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. Kant) Sales. LANDS! LANDS!!--1 OFFER FOR sale the following valuable LANDS in SOUTH. WESTERN GEORGIA. All persona are hereby mo tioned against trespassing upon any of them. October ,1657. T. R. D 1.0011 12 Macon, Ga. DOVICYBRTT COUNTY Ist District—Nos. 60, 95, 97 • SAILIM COUNTT. 7th District—No. 338. 9th do—Noa. 18, 328, 329, 333, 369, 378, 379, 350, 419, 406 408. 10th Dtetrict—Nos. 45, 46, 47. WORTH COEilf 9th District—No. 124, 525. 15th do 11, 12, 55. 16th do 26, 26, 38, 231. LIZ COUNTT. lot District—Nos. 130, 160, 169, 188 13th do 4,181 14th do 66 113, 144. 80MP1IIIR 0002iIT. 15th Dietzlot.—No. 91. TKRRRLL COUNTY 11th Digtrtet—Nog. 12 8 , 250. 12. th do . 4 198, 201. R4NDOLI7I COUNTY! Bth Dintrict—No. 111 12th Dibtrict—Nos. 209, 221, =2, 24, 127 371, 3;0, 390. 13th do "0, 13,19, 28, 36, 70, 391, 332, 394 DCCUT UR COUNTY 14th District—Nos. 130. nth /90, 218. DOOLT Cotllttif Ist District—Nos. 7, 208 211, 212, 213, 214, 221,212, 713, TA, 225, 22.2 ; 221 3 2d do ,‘ 152, MT. 7th do 211. 9th do /10. HOUSTON couni. tith District—No. 214 POLASSI COUNTY Bth District—No. 103. TAYLOR COMM 13th District—Nos. 03, 88. 14th do ,4 63.61, NOTICE.-11RESTNUT STREET BRIDON. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the tine of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building, VIEW Street, he'Ler Walnut, until the second day of January, MIL S.1:1,1 Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than one pier in the water-way the materials of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutments 388 feet Whitt, of Bridge, out to out, not less than.. 42 4i Elevation above low water. 37 For an arch the springing lino should not ho leas than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 2d, 1157, as fol. lcd-a, via Samos 2 That all plans and estimates lobe received by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication busing a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the de3igner may not be known until the phi, most ap proved shall have been selected. SIinTION 3. That all ouch plans and estirettea shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by end with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission, consisting of three civil engi neers, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plane presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plane received, the name. of the designers, and the character and estimated met of the three plans by thorn preferred. FACTION 4. It shell be the duty of the Chief Cornmis• closer of Dighwaye, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants In payment of the cost of the aforesaid adver tisements, and ales in favor of those persona who may have presented the three plans preferred by said com mission; to the [list in point of merit, the sum of $4OOl to the second, 9250, and to the third slooi said warrants to be charged to Item No 19 of appropriation made to tho Department of Ilighways, a.c., for the year 1857, approved !ductile, 1857.1 For further information, or for cross section of river, same STRICHLd.ND RNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philada. nob-dtjab3 A*CHANVEI ONYSTALOGRA PBS, OB.PITOTOGRAPHIO bIINIATURNS OIL, N. E. corner of ElfalTil and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essenttally from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and troth of color and outline, extredtlinary mioateness and aocuracy of detail, inure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of reeemblance; while the eeverity or the or deal to which they are expoeed In manipulation equally settles the queetion of their permanence. These facts enable the enbeember to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to hie Cr iends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can he had ONLY of N. MAROUANT. V" Portraits of the cabinet, and life dye on canvas as heretofore. septum tstg,__ECONOMY IN GAS BILLS.--THE Ur best Gau Regulators ever offered for Five Dol lars. For sale by the WA.TRRMAR GAB RBOULA. TOR COMPASY, no2o-Im sca oavartruT 64set COTTON-200 bales good Middling to Kitt y*, dnog Pa CottonVA, in&TIN dors an & d for Bade by anal 179 North Wain. otroot. QTORAGE on SECOND and THIRD b... 7 FLOORS can be had at 119 North Waterakest. Applylonlinti AIMALUTBIL itaUtitabe. DENNsTLITANLt CENTRAL - RAM- A. ROAD, MT. lOR PITISTII3EAR, Isl. CiatiariatS, Si. Lends, Saws Ofir t 1.. 1 ~.:._ Om ani Orleans, , - St. lael. _ Tenria, Mow, =1 , 2 Arming dew wrismcriats with oat as Wart wilt. erg Railroads. iRRIVAL exn UP/1M Of tilt At sad Ironthe ULM& Penneylvaate - /Wield P etatikna teeth-east terror el - ILETPMTH aatins /CRT atresta Oatmeal em Rterentlk street ) LPAYZ PHILADELPHIA POR TITTIIIMIROM AJW ARM= CITI.IB. Mail Train - M. Fast Lino at 180 A. at 1165 Paws' Mall at 11 00 night, Columbia It. R. Lira tastes tee narriaberg, via Co fambia. at 1.30 N. ARRIVE PROM PITTRRIIRGII AND WRPTERN C1T14:13. Hail Train .at 12.03 Wit, Peat Line .at GO •. /t. Express /tail et 1.001. lit Columbia H. ft. Line string from Herrhintrar,ntaCe umbla ell 35 P. U. The Express Itall nine day, the ether testae, Ina days excepted. Baggage will be received it the Primmogsr Depot b the Baggage blaster, at any time daring the day. No charge for handling baggage. NOTICS.--In rase of loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for so amount not exceeding ;100. Nonce —Omnibuses will be in neediness at the New York Depot to omvey punnets for the West to the Pennsylvania astirmd Station. TROMAII MOIR, Arat, Paaionger Line PeIIBIIIIVII4IA Railroad Co. Philadelphia. Norenitier 21, 1101, alii-ly 1143 WESTERN TRASELLEBS. BPBING AND MIXER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN CNTRAL RAIL nu t. TWO DAILY TRAIN E S runt BALTIXORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WET. On and alter Jane Lit, DAT, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for PlA:shay - 0 and ail West. ern and South or Northwestern THE MORNING HAIL TRAIN Leaven Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at Slit A. H. connecting with the Hail Train over the Great Lean sylvan!' Railroad, and arriving In Pittsburgh at lASI A. H. - THE APTSRINX/N =TREE* TRAIN Leaves Ea/Union daily Vandal essepted) at $ P. M. for Harrisburg. THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY EIGHT at 10 P. it , eon nesting with the Lightning Entrees over the Pennsyl vania Railroad for Pittsba rah, arriving at 1.20 P. Pi n- All these trains connect closely at Ptttahssg with trains over the PittsbirreA, Fort Wares end Chicago Railroad, and its Northern, Southern sad Western conaectiorui. •in Pawners for Chicago, Rook Island, Bodin/ - ton, lowa City, Milataukce, Dubuque, Et. Paul* Had. son, and other leading cities in the Northweetorill sari ear hundred mile, of t - lav sad tea boors In t'me, with four toss changes of cars, by taking this route. 117' Paaarogers for Clevehirei, &Ma& e, Toledo, and DetrOit, go by this route, and the time Is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. 11 . 3" riusionment for Et. Louis, Indianapolis, Terse Haute, Cairo, sod all points on the Loner a nd Upper Mississippi, make less changes of care, sad arrive in ad vance of any . other route; and to Cincinnati, Coloratura, Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent *Title:yin gni* asby any other routs. All Western Baggage CIiECILED 1111011GH and lasitled wird' care. FOR THE NORTH: The 3.15 A.M. connects closely with Express Testae over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Ilunalo Niagara Falls, and Canada, Wm forming the most direct railway ro ute to Northweetera Pennsylvania and Western New rook. Pawners will And this the shortest, cheapest, and mart espeditlous route to Niagara Valle and Canada. Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia vie. C.- - lambi& and Lancaater by all the trains at $3 each, math train baring cure connections. Passengers , by Ibis route avoid treaselled bridges, AM all the nmsaronahroce of ferrying MOW the Susquehanna riser. Paantagers for Honorer, Hancheaterollts=st mittsbutg, Carlisle, Chaelbersburg, go by: at 8.15 A. M. and 3P. kl. waTimarrat ISRANCS The Can on this road make we bit pot day, somas!. lag with the train at 3 P. M. rot TUMOR TICEMTB sat tanker latormatlan i , apply at the Ticket Moe, Calvart Bumps , M. E . imsece of Calvert and Franklin struts; 5er41341 Ce 9., ADIZON, &WE: - NEW YORK LINES.—TAE CAMDEN* I AND ASIROY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA, AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S TROIA. PHILADELPHIA - TO NEW yam, AWI . 1 PLACA,. Leave as follons r vis : • non. At 1 A. M., from Mennigion Depot, via Jersey City, Marl Ate A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, New lee. say Accolomodation At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeomonvoda . . tion„,,,. 2 At 7 Kit, via Camden and Jersey - City, Mend* Mall 8 At 10 A. M. by steamboat Trenton, via Tesifil and Jena; City, Moml. - At 2P. M., via Camden A l =o. and A. Xi. pre NIA At P. 61. via Camden and Jersey Oily, Bvmdtof At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acooseonali. Con, Ist Clam 2i At 3P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Ateommodn , lion, 2nd Clam. At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aseoronsada• tlon, lit Clam At 5 P. M. vie Camden and Amboy, Amonamods. tion,DniCleas 1 The 6 P. M. line rims daily, all others Banda)* as opted. • lv Cypriote Lines stop at the 'Delp] itatteaa he., bely. Per Beidere, llaston, al 6 A. and 2,16" if., from Walnut street whist For Mater Gap, Btrowisbiug, Beranteo, Wiltsstart Montroee, Great Bend, to. at 6 A. M., via Dahmer Laetananna at Western Railroad. Nor Freels°l4, at 8 A. 11. and 2 P. K. Tor Moat Holly at I AT A. M. and sg, s and 6 T.ll W LYRICS /or Bristol, Trenton WA Ste. at 2J said 4P. K. Y Tor Palmy's, Exaseseas, Barrely, bannsloa„ Sordoni tows &a, as a P. U. Steamboat ltlOll4lID ST*OB'll3N tar Borteatowa mad intense Oda Awn st P:311 • Steamboat SlWlt.le for Tammy st 10 sad II Si AL. M., sad 4P. IC - M. AU lbw, except 1 A. M., have Want stmc *but. tOrrifty panda of baggage only allowed each pas. senor. Parsengens are prohibited from toting any tidos aa baggago but their wearing apparel. d - 11 beg. gage °Ter day poundis to be paid for extra, The Cope potty bent their resporodbility for tramp tome dotter per pound, and will eot be liable for Thy amount bia yond goo, eleept by epode' contract. OATALItit, Agent an 1-ly . O. kA. IL L CO. PHILADELPHIA; GERMANTOWNN AND NOR HIST° WH RAILBOAD.—WINTrA ARRANGE/MT.—On and after MONDAY, °didn't 19th, 1857, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6 7,44, Lig, 9%, 11}( A. M., 2, 3-10 min. 4.6, 6,7, 6, and 11 P. M. Leave Girmantown at 6%, 7-35 min. 8, 9,10% A. M., 1-10, 3-10. min. 4, 5,6,7,6, and 16P. 14. 107' The 735 o'clock A. 14. Train Dm Germantown will atop enly at Way - no Street Station. ' ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia. it 9.20 ml 9. M., 2 and ON P.M. Leave Germantown 820 min. A. 11., 1.10 rob. and 645 min P.M. CHESTNUT GILL RAILROAD. M3IMIIMML=I Lea,, CheaNat Hill at IX,II-40 sad 10-10 min. A. M.. 12-60, 3-40, 6-40 sad 1-40 rain. P. M. ox BITSDAYS Leave Philadelphia, 8-22 A:M., 2 and 6% P. U. Leave Cheatnat ant at 8 A. U. 1240 and 6-20 F, 26. FOR 11ANATHEE, CONSHOHOCKEN AND 2028_81L Leine Philadelphia at ISX,4, 1.1 4.11.,!,+!( , 6%, and 11 P.M. Leara Norristown tt 7,9,11 . 4. Id., 6 and 8.40 P. N. Wadi* Leave Vhiladelphis at 9 A. M., and $ P. M. Leave Norristown at I A. M. and SR. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD ma Domini Leave Philadelphia at 6X A. M., and AP. M. Leave Downingtown at TX A. H . and .1 P. tig. H. K. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green atreeta, Philadelphia N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD YINTSB. A.SPANGBIONT. roe BETHLEHEM, BAPYON, ALLENTOWN. II ALTO 1/ CULINE,WILKESDABRE, DOYLESTOWN, &e. On and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1951 the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia dally Own. days excepted) as iollows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Manch Chunk, and Wilkesbarre (Express) at 9A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Blanch Chunk, (Et. pies,) in connection with L . Y. R. R. and Fenton, b'y stage, from Iron Bill Station, at 2.15 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 4.10 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A.ll. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. 11. train will run through to Doylestown, tearing Doylestown to return at l 3o P. N. TRAINS FOR rEmaDr.ima. ' Leave Betbelem (Express,) at 9 A. M., and 226 P Leave Doylestown, (Aecommodationd at 6 as A. H. Leave , Jwynedd, do. at32OP.M. ON DIINDAYS. Por ( Prom Gwynedd ......915 A. 31. I Gwynedd 23/ P. 61 Doylestown A 30 P. M. 1 11ay1e5t0wn......6.25 A.ll Fare to Bethlehem 51 50 " Mauch Chunk 210 " Wilkesbarre 4 50 PASSENGER DEPOP, I'RONT and WILLOW 841 , Phil* ELLIS CLARE, Agent CGE OF HOURS.-PHI LA DEL V PHU, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Noy, MI, 18111. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAFS PRILADRLPRIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Rzytesa,) and 11 P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M.,1, 8.80 and 11 P. M. For New Castle at 8 A. 11., 1 and 320 P. M. For Middletown at 8.8. M. and 1 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. 11. and 1 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. ' snl. 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPIILt Leave Baltimore at 3.40, Ripen, 11 A. M., and AIR Leave Wilmington at T.'23 and 1145 A. M., and 2.1/1 d 0.66 P. M. Leave New Oaalle at 6.55 and 11.05 A. 5 1 , , and 8.03 Leave Middletown at 20.70 A. M. sad 7Ad P. M. Lea's 'Dover at 0. 1 6 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave deatont at 7 30 A. M. and I F. M. TRA7.IIB FOR 11/ILTLMORII 1.44v4 Wlbningtou .t 2.16 Al 11., 2P. M. and 12.16 817 N. BABB only at 11 P. N. from Phlladslrbta to Baltimore. ME,M;=I Freight Train, with rasseapr Oar attached, win rex as knows : Leave Philadelphia for Parryaill• sad intermediate planes ats 00 P. IL . Leave Wilmington for do. do. 6.60 P.M. Leaner Baltimore for Barre-de-Onto; at 5 P. M. no 21.17 B. M. FELTON, President. lire proof Safes. SM./131.ANDEE SAFES. ♦ lugs omortatent of NVANB & WATEION'S PIiIL4DELPHIA itrAtrorAcrußsD BALAMANDEN BirEß_,_ _ VAULT DOM, BANE LOONS for Rooks sad tharao. ood to any am m la u IRON DOh RS, BRIITTBRB, Oa u good taw UR ted Staboray other ootablidimeot is U the Mil, BUNS & WATBON, No. 2.6 Boat! FOURTH street PLIUSIC GM V 8 A CALL Eumber. LIIMBER ! LI73IBER ! !—The subscriber, who hoe for several d~eeaarn occupied the premises at Elosn's Pleasing Mill, Settaingtont hoe emegread to COATRS fiTRIET , WHARF, adjoining the Phenix. Planing Ili 1, on Delaware IMMO, 1 11191M1 be intends k s . p i ng a urge easortment of Carolina and other dace ingloards, elope, deers, !halides, millet femeing and fti g o id teormighly seasonedsad well weed.mark For sale at the lowed auk prices, tterexpra ailed to call and examine for themed eed even ef fort will be mode to gins satisfaction, remilmid and supplied at the shorted notice for Ws klada egg alms of 41114fikedittilt TellOW Pine) itiabor and Manilla. 6.-ACCUE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers