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"o o mpswlx,- - -•- - -0-- =-,„'''„ - -;„ - a __"" and,z, upon Ottior ,' • • ~ - ebambig.• ra7- r -- 1" - '''- '' . f* ~ ',-' ,th0a1.,1„,,,,,;,.. „„In- r n - a - and internal: pp Lab ho r'-',.', "40109:*---',1•-, rfloa by eiinilence and „.,' . •,1 , A i410,14114,,41,-, - -:'• ;- ~ ,r 1 . 6- ‘ ,tyie : 'o e tue Nes. '---,-; ' --.?1,4i1 oftf.k'svB4.,... .`nd-ulitiftected, ' null '''''''''. '''- '''''' '''' ' I°tl.97E(°. E' tli'thO frankness w t . "''' 1 11 41tia - : :- -1(•'- - ,, ,1 ! 11 gt :lint bef otrOOK JO ---,- . . , f, , ~,,,',.,t! ~1.4,,14i44,1einni15131ftt',, 1: ,- t'.l''i'' :11:1,: t t ',,tr' ` eitl v ! ' 81oi4iltitiiir4ovini roans of ,`"::_:-., ';..V. Nit 70 ',th e , i4 - 4 T r i ii k r t! tiii n in regard to t fiction 'i , f -. tim polio . 1 , ~, - ,', , ,, d - ' "repeat nor 'la 0 -,, ' I,":' "- -; •1 1 . 6sli li!pfil,„&it w Pfak --4 9 % byr, th'e l'irealdent - ip, -.. ''''' -: 's!Ft. --; --:: - - - . a , bankinv,-..TW,yri!-. ay., - -,- - - - - -, - - t itaydc, foss ' , Wahl •O.!!, , ~" • " )Itittion ;''''" T-1:- .-- i ,, ,'•"" . y"iiteri -of , t4O „Or° ~ (14 :,.•':' '- 4011,*,;:„Alto •ra -- , ' • -, ' - ,. ' ,. ntarrimoth iP;'-:: ....fit•Z.)itiktileing:•.sies -I,',o6loto,,t,Tc..,l„_.zik'f,anici sand I t • - - ~...ra s ' fi ow At t , thi -s b o r:•; --, _;;. -. , , fi ii- a ' a nd -- - - 4 °• r- -.,, i i- , th ii . lia - hue - 0 ~ OL 'P g • .'• • " ' '-'•- io;61,0 ,1- 2- ` 4 g '" ''''? 1 theiederdTreasurydn J,l" ~.. - -••• t ennis s pfallidif64l. C ` I , iiiitmcd btkonre,„:: gnid'andrilltin'44.l l o l lf l 9, I' , . '-, eminentlyii,i ,/ .0 . 4,..„,• • I;ii - na it - 4thnuel i a q 46:,f1PA,,i.,A....5,-.... osiatiEirage s sudden mu! . -- ...r4tAtiii a $ ''"""t 7 L,,, tin,' p resent lainliO,or 15 i 116 1 ' , ' 1.e1 , 611 1 - *.T, * l36 , t ie t f r i n ii im i x , '• oca - ' - l a ' ' l it; tiiik-Cp*, fita, . 1 . 1 .- •-: -- hes, tAntyo , , - and, • - h ,. onnent tooptent, „,:' --, • m a: , spitinti, , at t e , ~ ~, .„ - ' " -- f - ' '' ti ti :iikks' tlere ardi ''.if , hia, 'liir.l:6liketatpsnl to ; - - b - , ri ,,, 04 - 7 -rfiefthi_:idocit Lave been - " '. P4lit' "-P b - tatesinen of hie school getibialik r, ,go 6 it•ed' ! ~,, -, '• : i . ' • - 'MA party. :::::: ,-?•• ,- - „ I"# ,, !o?,,:itutloistatist :that the. , Seeretary of 'the Treasury, Of:the decreasing federal re-, vemlo, li.; atilt _t for ,peWer tii'listtOtrei,sury .nOtes' • inet , exceed twenty millieasi.payable (Wc:h ' etie);w.ith interest( end - in : order to prial_Lto:pioliwaripactiQn 6'1114 redtiTat vermin - a - 9A the_ gtat.ntb Le will also reponnnend, `.tiiiitslOtOrei.:** l4 Claws to and shall be'tatten;iii'4,-payrnaiwof, State duties Into the - of the and all apes : bat *dram Min, and all ottlers r in= cluditieth4 , -reirresentatives of the. people of 7 ", - • tlijih'ktakit t ithanldienfinliCroisitler the sigges; ct,i,otati,oft„the President, and Secretary of. the 11 44 4 t t f .AW14, 6 # 1 0:: : t,0 - or"threei44nents. , )Cr"te.inient; r vlll„oc , i3T4 r. ` eomtniliat on t he length of the Mormon Olirt;• - • - 1 • . courage unusual aatiiity`Ou the,'JiatiLet thole gallant arelalWayn' ready ,to - eerie :And ~ , n ii•initty expect a . great t' .straggle tbrpoeition in the „array „during the 1 , , When - the wring • ” ' : :it . ; I l stiptio . sed that the nest of vatnViree Wilt)* driventnim Utah, if they shall ,' ' L-• tfihnimggoginns'of tkePreitident in reference _ _ to'cler`fdreign , noltcYr.wil‘ &Chile ',:theti how ., . nations • may •, bl eed, . r and , suffer, our oWp is =jnnteetal _and happy, and that,:in propertion.tis - foreigri'Goli , ernmeno. t'enoine, we are - adjnitiit our di illeultio's With thent;=o4 . itionifirk,ariplying to this conti nent tho principle laid down by ircinnon; more than'fortYYotre agef The suggestions in gaiy; ttierPgsf QMcei the In- , i• 1- } ~%'; .) s . . . , , A ' • '(-6 ;1 !" AL , t, grent,,b - and the itecessity of a • . ig '1 . - PaoltirOill'connininduodivide ! u •, the no doubt be:heartily, ,endorsed by every part' to - th if" - edniddoratloacf the Kansas lineation . . Iu iresident rays, onth'm sub- JeCtlNO , most'beartilyconcur._ .Whatever we mak:4lllA, of Argumtnt in 'faVor - of , the legalitY,,of:the'Oalheen Convention,, ire, eoii nur,l* he - . exPresses 'Mat • the Cmiatittitierritheuld have: • poimiekood : . • tyrepeatourbbjea !: tions to.JIM mode. of arbitration by Which, Congress` dispose s, compit cation Which, in, its last phase, has. excited such acrimony in the TerritMy "of Kan.*;',:etal.; while 'tryst, feriently,. that Confcreteit *DC ~4proieli this: 'issue with patriotic, and_ disinterested motives, and that, betiVendr,the: present and the 2lat,-;sof", this montit,', some :plan of honorable - :,coelprol 1M: miSeMay',.agreed APon, „we ,tio not believ,e that'any petitanent tind_satisfaaterl settlement, • - caul bo , feilfzed-/,by any other 'mode than by , - whole,'e referring"the ques on 2 ac , l, people, or by following the ,aiamph's set in the case of Minnesota theilast flopgress. Bien it;;t)je Constitution adopti4 by,Mr' ,11tineon and;pittiolloWers were Or perfect, a "cede In • I' ev'OOlvea,C;endelyed by statesmen and philan -tinie-Pi4i,:tre.,4dnterld'(or),tbe, Principle that ![ • - ks trabraitted t 3 llta - PeepilB'Whe',M l 64peeteti'le,liire'undor iti-anif ilikl:tititkirt thi.conliplentions belief thatno Plan- will satisfy' the; turbulent spirits wbo new.inie t in that distraded inddiging„tbe inpe, inoiesaeir;:tbriCtbagrealdent is not' : willing W - 40itfiAic-itilciressed 'Opin: 'li c iaji4itiOn;.:ll3eiweeti the pre, , t*Mand*6-2.lst of December ranch ex,: be'ealled forth.'Congress cad%itkt,sotrupon It till the election-in the -Ter ritrirY'fiCdockledy,.., though' IlOubtless • mdch tiefeitant' - debitteif *intake:place ,in the inter:' val. Our earnest wish is for peace and har. , absurd, to; Impost; however, tiiii.kjijoy!nr.pietik enOigetid - unity as that, .-•• arrayedln ; opposition to.,the .notityFinie:;:rin lratittqc - anY such result can net lie*conn#lslied.; exeept2by allowing to. thh:piorn.#tt largfAltbcrly , 6l.actios and '97 ' seqtninit; -is sincere: aiiiiitorpstOd; The masses • of theAriterieeit people reipeetand - revere his ;to' follow', his fead,,"and counsels; • and lig giotif*istaki.4li'nOire,if quoit eu.is o;as this- of-:Kansas; -ho isnot as will:: - ing the:sincerity_ of :those_ whe - MaY differ frAinkhint iit = t4Milon; ss he is to believe in'thatjaf*Ose`. who agree, with,piit; ORR. 'or the House, Opt' SAmps, - , speriki•itf_Cti*OffiliOallip'4lllloo9ll ( 8 .'f ) .4 4.10#0,4if charact e r Congress half always bedriiir-Otilligbeet.',s He; theirougli,bied won 'the ior• j opect-q - -Pko,:9 9 lintrTPY toldi - °pp), Alqtpugh,:tuiii 1 )#.4 1 1,, , 1 : 1 0 40140 tz)..P4i tt # l6 ::. s oiok $4O i l ia , trix - bi'v.”PtloniO4ge 7 lPTUe, , e;offirs b open ; fritpkuose ' of dljth til.ef4ft* l l l- aieocon - 70f Wes , fa' &Atli tlnrt 011 p 1004elltyte4-19,1ik r]?,.any, theKtii446oo.li* tL"oso who think ' assaults such, men. t)ii tteit (;16itel'0*14. eMPiPL- o , , idbEfig, ii ,„'ttlirlPe l ol4: (Bo 006 1 *Lg o pt)i_14"49;440.0.0014) ))1 601- - . 5 0 1 0 Vrltiwitr9rl4,;_liefoic; •liko Pftehti-jietfitligh,t, fickl,„ - 9f, Irt rl 4,l• - ,4bA to - 6'04 hi the fitllitr . :O.itr s r 7 7;i' T IV-1 1 k0i 1 10$i, , , o: Bl .(osll o g9 , Wtffie. , , =l,-. 30 -t.. • A . , "tcildit*Atikos# 7 4 7 o4o. - Actiamiry, ran.aiyo o;fotiWirc*OitiOVAbikitic, r t.4 Abe yerj, illi k i C 4 ***ol l `i•PVo lo '' $00 6 4 ---- ' : "J'*g ir4)l , 4 P ii * lB 4kß4***Prio2.varlou! - 'isikti42*V.ol,oo44l -6 11***TOlifiliftir: • :41.ti1WA L 0.44 - .A*Mlo.4o.o4tiiiiii3O the 4 • . : I I 1 - - - t. - z,, • ",-,-,=;e0,,V1T;:;,,:i!N6 Bk‘'HIDIVIGHT MAIL FROM WASIIIIPIGTON SUphort of the.Calltonn,contiivence no test of Pentocracy—lncresse _the Army Fontent. • ilated—ludiah Auxillarke,lllv. Buchanan's 7741eWs on the ,Tariff QueStiost—ltentoval of those opposed to Wood., • , VlorrespeademisorThe Pressl, „ - Wtivairro.% Dee. 8, 1817. , Mr. naohlionivo mosatilo, yen See, dOeinotonake Wia tetd_Of Demootiey to support the Calhoun Con atitution: Be is like himself in this, moderate -and - frank. ;, De evidently does not feel like using 4;lt - titii`PetVer to posh that prodigy of Constitutions „thro ugh'llniNational,, Legislature. Some of the "eitrentisteare much disappointed. inticipatien of extended operations against :the Monnons, it is supposed that now regiments wilt be celled for by the Genital Administration ; three in nuinbeint tenet.; • The California Senators artmembersi having ,heard that the wages trains intended for the PAORIO slope wero lately de. streyed by the Mormons, demand that they shall be permitted te conduct ,the campaign against .theca Mormons thanselves; and this circumstance 'may render the creation of new regiments. unne cessary:? However, it to tie hoped that the army for Utah will be largely increased, so that offensive operations next airing 'may be of the most eine tiveoliaraoter. - • • , To Mae arompt and sure blow, though it may be expeasivifor the time, may in the end be the most'prudent economy. An increase of the army to dema nded every consideration, but chiefly bY,the e xtending interests dour country, and the neepielty of protecting our frontiers from savage shidenrionv 'n' relieve _ those gallant officers 'whe'eranaier, or -have, been compelled for yeari peat; M undergo the, severest privations—absent from their families and friends. Various Indian- tribes, I understand, have of fered their:servieee to the Federal Government to dstlet itithOvar against the Mormons: It. is said ,th4the mint qfßrighatu Young's groat power, du ;Melte last six years, is in the fruit that be has boon ;enabled to earruprthe Indian tribes. Since the Government lies disdoVered this it has determined, to Maimed, differently, 'and to invoke the aid of ;Indian:auxiliaries. It is said that the Snake In dians have offered nine hundred warriors for' this iridee.': • ' Buchanan's views on the tariff am not to be regarded dad entirely expressed in the Message, printed in another column. Be simply expressos hie opinlonlhat the present revenue polioy of the 'Government hag not had an' opportunity 'to prove its `adaptability to the publio wants. Mr Bu. ohm= is known to in favor of specific duties On- certain great staples, and I am not without hape , that at anothorperiod of the session 'he will exprens hie view's in that direction. - It, Is now supposed that ono of the Democrats in office-in. New. York city, who refused to support _Fernando Wood, fort mayor, - will be removed by Mr. Buchanan- These gentemen admit the legal- Ityg his .nomination, but are opposed to his action since his nomination. His action in favor of Shinion Draper for Police Commissioner, his jaeoblideal doctrines In his message to the Ceeneitr;' and his complicity with the ballot-box -thieirery; are among the alleged causes of their hostility to Wood. Thiy hold that those causes haire vitiated the regular nomination. I give no opinion 'as to the propriety or impropriety of the action of thette parties; but it Is enough to know that much excitement has been created on both olden: - ' . Mr.,Tames B. Stedman, the pnblio Home Prin ter elect, was born liPennsylvania, and is a prac tical printer. .Hl3- is a man of great energy and baldness of character, and of indomitable ,Demo ovitoY. notice Sallies Watson Webb, of New York, among the, visiteis ,at Washington. He is a man of the -world, and evidently thinks Washington a mush more agreeSble place to spend the winter In than New York. The rumor, that Mr. Belmont may go as Minis ter to Spain is again revived. N. Y. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. -TIIIIITY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST sEssiori. '•- • - VV mitimaTos„Dee. 8,1857. ; r SENATE, Alley the reeling of the minutes, soul Ober prelim . nary proceedings , the President's message was received, and after being read, . . Mr. Douglas enbmitted a resolution for printing the mini nurobOr of copies of the message and accompany ing documents, m 1410,000 copies thereof for the Ilee of the Senate. - .lie remarked that ho coneurred cordially ad heartily in the views of the President therein ex it:Fri saremth. exoeption of that portion relative to At int early day the hiTilintruerake....Lecoropton et:invention. Senate e al a l t. T h e . the ream:ion why he believed thirra • . • and 'give ree — rgrritirritednitibmor act dialit..wv4P • t o m e p providing d t i h n e g s t e h n a a t r i b l ir lt rii ' l t n : Print/11g be ° el:e re :4 ° d b Sn y bs tli ti e t p a r t lest teletext. ~-..-, . , IMr. , . Stuart,, et Miehtgeri, coneurreyt In Mr. Doughtei views :_respecting the Lecompton movement. At "fatureday he would Sliest on the su - . ' sums ttti' Wont of .uti , 0 en'. rod'gtve them the 4 " '''' ~ • • unity to regulate such institutions as they iwishlo Ive under. * - '--.----- ,Ellir...Dmils-oononii*Y in-ihermews or thit-lielsidant Concerning the Konen question, but should await the Premised rented)) or Mr. Douglas before he expreseed hishwn otOwe, , - Mi. Bigler 'gaie notice that he should defend the positions estimated by the President, to the beet of hie ability, and respond to Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas accepted the substitute to hie resolution Offered by Mr Grmn. , . r Mr. Hale spoke in opposition to the Constitution - formed by the Lecompton Convention, arguing that it would perpetuate elaveryin Ranges no matter whether the people accepted or rejected the slavery clause. ,Mr. Seward said he should beglad In hear the sup porters of the President explain his position, for it seeded io' him that the message WAS very lame and Im ' potent in its arguments on Kansas, and that something , more Would beneceisary to satisfy the public. mind than was containedin'the document itself. Ile trusted that the debate on this point would hot be delayed long, for before ,we were aware of.it, there might be civil war In 'Kellll4l4, lifter reviewing other parts of the message, he said he hoped it would be understood that on Utah affairs Coegreall was substantially unaehpoue, and that the world wouldeee that the Government of the Veiled States would not surfer its fame to, be tarnished, Its power insulted, and • the lives of its citizens destroyed by the.enenty, entrenched though it be in the Rocky Mountains, and tinder the forms of the Constitution of the lihalted States. - ' - Mr. Mason was free to declare that all the information :Itkthe last six months relative to Hannan affairs had come from questionable sources. If be understood the PreeidenVa position, and he thought ho did, ho con sidered it impregnable. Mr. Trumbull denied that the Legislature of Hanna hail the authority to initiate' the Convention. It was, according toe speech once delivered by Mr. Bechanan hiniself in the Senate,'" an act of usurpation 33 Con. grass' bad repeatedly refused to Authorize the people of Raines to form ft./Rate Constitution. Much had been MtiCabOut miler eoversignty, but this, new, merely tamountainecording to the great expositor of the party, - ..toairing the free white people of Kansan the right to determine the condition or a few negroes, while they are precluded fromregulating their own institutions In their Own. way.' Mr. Brown said there 'mewed to be • great anxiety on 'tee part eflenaters to enter Into discussion, and es pecially to find fault. They had heard the Message Im perfectly read by the (Berk, and therefore could not pro. parly,undarstand It. Ile asked that Pesters should .3:l, l 2:,°w d hsl l cri:roounlt t l h g eoloWritret: t eth b ee r cooruentrny"o l gv i enrgtkane telegraph wires, penetrating even to Kansas, and giving tone to public opinion on promises not yet perfectly un derstOod. ,lie *eked Senators to reflect before taking their positions and uttering sentiments. under the circum stances to which ho had referred. On his motion the &sate then adjourned, HOUSI 01' BIintiO3ENTATIYES Mr. Clemens obtained permission to make a personal 'explanation, Ile reada letter front hie colleague, Mr. !,Fartikner,askingblin to state the recta upon which he. :intbellemooratio canoes. based bin conclusions with -reference to the statements impeaching Mr. Weedell'e character.. Mr: Clemens in reply, agreed to Mr. Faulk. uer'esuggestionto submit to Mr. Wendell (in order to 'glee him en opportunity for vindication) a written state ment( of which he read &duplicate, describing the eir -Catnitancee under !which he nee on lard Saturday, op. preached by apeman, who said he wee Interested in pro. - curing the office of printer for Mr. Wendell, and that a 'pecuniary corielderation could bo secured for Mr. Ole snenes- mother In one of the two coniingenciee, viz; ;first, that -he should cast his vote fur Wendell; or secondly fJ abstain from voting at all. Mr. Clemens in Teply to this, pointed the man to the net of Congress providlng 14ins and penalties for such corrupt ap proaches, and told him be had mistaken his man. Mr. -Wendell, In bis reply, solemnly protested against such charges, based on a nameless author, and says if the charges were properly preferred, be would promptly re fute them. He had never, directly or indirectly, employ ed any person or agent to procure votes for biol. • Mr. Clemens, having finished reading the correspond ,MS.Silid.44.had_ineferesteuldr-.Wendedito. his know led/lO:ltadt, tad no purposes aceomplisk other n _the fatthfuldisettarge of hie public duty, Ile was con- strained frotri exposing the name of the scoundrel who anPreliched him, on account of the nutles family, who *hyoid not be confounded with his guilt. Ho accepted the ataternent of Mr. Wendell, no far as the denial of all complicity or knowledge of such' proposition wan con eerned. • -:- Bnelth of Virginia, offered a resolution, providing for the appointment of a committee to examine into the subject of the public printing; the eleetion of Printer to be'postponed until their report shall be made. lfe saki it wee boUoved that au enerrooue corruption woe connected with this subject, and hence the necessity of an lerestigitton. The profits accruing were probably 8809,000, and the Printer who might be elected to-day, eould get squat:ter of a „million of dollars for his con. tract. Mr. Olingoian moved to elect a printer find, And then Afterwards Investigate, • atr, sto (who Lao , moved to proceed to the elec tion of a printer) expressed his willingness to agree to the methodiaet prePooed, gmithi of Tennessee, said " I am a fast friend of tTr Wendeltfand I state, on his authority, that he abides by the action of tie caucus, and so ports Its noroinee. ,, Koltt'eald he dSd not go Into the morns blithe tionlitvote for' the; nominee, because that gentleman suited him. - (Thd debate wee here Interrupted by the reception of the .Preeldentht Message.] After the reading of the docconent o • Mr.-flocoek appealed to the House to complete its lization by the election of the public printer. fte n rthis had been done, ho would willingly Join with the other Members in ferreting out the extravagance and terrtiptiOn srhich Rio charged to exist to this de partment. • • - 4 • °tow Advised the 11.iiiiso to commence the reform buthe Government printing 'department, by curtailing theArtOrmOtior expenditures which had created our Gov ernment into,a. rival with all the book eetabllahnients 11 1°4 0 )0047 - Books' Were sent out hr Ceogressionsi euthority.Whicli wow really not 'worth 'the paper on *hi& they *ere piloted. Without concluding the sub jnet'i the poise leljourned. , . . '" The 1110 - tea Itatee ,Supreme Vourt. sViinktlidio,Didember B.—Derore the United States stiimmicCauti wdiy i ensollo, r, r Spite- Stevens, & Co.ing.Temehel Deal's Admintstritor. Argued for the plaintiff, - No. s—Adolphils' Durant es. Samuel Law renter!. at.. Argument conimeneed for appellant, 2, . Appolittsittot' by the Renee P l llSBOOtotoll December 8 —Bre. Allen, the clerk of the iteewor , Reprovieetires, how appointed- kir, John 1. Older eirettosylvenlarkie chte:• Dinaflint ` of' S. District Attorney of iVeto, York, , Yosit, - Deo. , t3.—Preildent • Buchanan has Ins. thOD.-13,InstrIet Attorney for this - 41sirtot A on . inmost, ot',oppeallion •to the regular Pe• . • p9u.t.‘ , 49 iolalaetatuie. , .. IMPORTANT FROM ,TEE 'OUR it:WED'. nether Depredation% by the Mormons—Con• centratton of United States Y~'arees—Satter• ing Among the Troop =-.likirmilih Between Colonel Alexander's, Troops and the Illor ntons. fit: Lows, Dee. B.—The express passed through this city yesterday for Washington, Coinnot Johnson. with despatches -from The Itepublisan received lette're this morning to No vember ad The aloe:none ran off with six hundred head of cattle, In sight 'of Colonel Alexender'a camp, near Itam'e Fork on the, Green river. At the date of the letter it was supposed that Colonel Johnson had concentrated his foredo with those of Colonel Aleiall der, nod that by that time Liout Colonel Cook's com mand of dragoons would be with them. They expected to winter in Henry's Fork of the Green river. A good deal of suffering prevailed among the troops, in consequence of the wont of provisions and olothing. and the horses were giving out for the want of forage Gen. Cummings and the other officers were determined to get Into Balt Lake City if possible, while the Mor mons were equally determined In resistance to the en- I try of either the military or civil, officers of the Gov ernment. A skirnilsh between Col. Alexander's troops (the 10th infantry) and the Mormon troops had taken place. Three or four of the Mormons wore captured. The Anglo-Saxon Arrived. PORTLAND, Dec. B.—The ateathehlp - Anglo-Saxon hes arrived with Liverpool Wen to the 25th ult. Her ad. vicee have been anticipated by the Deltic, arrived yea. terday at New York. Sudden Deitth and Alleged Murder CIMOINNiaI, Dee. B.—On Bunday afternoon Vtauk 0. McClure went into the More of Messrs. Beattie' & An derson, for the purpose of talking upon business matters with Mr. Beattie. About an hour afterwards Mr. McClure was neon to fall from the front step of the More, and when picked up, it was found that hie skull had been fractured. Ho died from the effects last night. Mr, Beattie, before the coroner's jury, testified, that after parting with McClure in the store, he return• ed to the counting room, and then heard a noise at the door. On going thither he found McClure lying on the side walk, and be supposed that, in passing out the door, the deceased bad caught his foot in something which threw him out upon the sidewalk, causing the Injuries that !exulted fatally. Mr. Beattie was accented hat evening on the affidavit of Samuel Mitchell, accusing him of the murder of McClure by striklag him on the head with an iron bar. Beattie was held to ball in $4,000. The parties were well known and highly respectable.• Murder on the Easton Turnpike'Rond. }ASTON, Dec. B,—.An old German named Mathias, welt known ea the owner of the " Berea Mlle Rouse," near Wilkesbarre, on the Easton Turnpike, wan found dead In a well attached to bis property, with a large atone chained to his body, and marks of violence on bighead. The supposed murderer, who had been living with the decemied for a abort time past, to now In fail. Virginia Senatorial Election. BIC/MOND, Dee. B.—The State Legislature has fixed upon Thursday, the 30th let., for the election of Dinned States Senator to succeed Mr. Hunter, whom term expires in 1859. Sentence for Forgery CLIVIII,M, Dec. B.—}l. T. Nichols was ta.day son. tenced to six years , imprisonment in the penitentiary for forging the name of P. T. Mum; in 18155. The Bay, State Mils Boma, Dee. B.—The committee appointed to Mecca. gate the affairs of the Day State Mille, in connection ith the failure of Laurence Stone & Co., state that the amount embezzled will reach half a million. EMI= BALTIMORB, Bee. B.—Common qualities of Wheat are dull. but prime ore better. Sales of rod at $l4l O. Fair good white $1 05081.15. Sales of new white Corn at 42a530; yellow 48a54c. Whiskey 22,023g0. Exchange on New York 104. Moons, Deo. 7.—bales of 1,700 bales of cotton to-day at logo. &vermin, Dee. 'L.-Dineen hundred bales of cotton were mid to-day at 10c for middlings. AOOOOTA Dec 7.—Sales of 1,000 boles of cotton to-day at 10,1( for.the best grades. PUBLIC EN TEILTAINTIIENTS MRS. E. L. DAVENPORT'S BENEFIT.--This SO. complished gentlewoman and admirable samosa takes her first benefit, at the Arch street Theatre, on Friday evening, and we name it thus in ad vance to enable parties tomato their engagements for Booing her on that occasion. ARCA STREET TRELATRR.—MT. 0. B. Leland's now five-act play, underlined, for some days past, at this theatre, will bo produced early next week, we aro Informed. Mr. lVheatleydeserves oredit for the spirit, ability, and enterprise of his mana gerial rule. Ile certainly has spared neither ex pense nor trouble in endeavoring to desave sue- COSS. WALNUT STRIIRT TRHATRE.—This is the last week of the present, season here, and, consequent ly, of The - Enehanttemt." which has been splen didly put on the stage and very well acted. There is a rumor of a lady-lessee and manager. SANFORD'S OPSRA house.—The perforrnanoes here, during every night of this week, are for the benefit of the poor. This liberality on Mr. San ford's part will be properly remembered, it Is to be hoped, whenever he appeals to the public on big own account, as a bens.fleigse. NATIONAL Crocu s.—To-day , for the especial de lectation of juveniles and families, there will be pony races in the circle. In addition to the four footed performers, a biped dramatic company will Boon appear hero, we learn, who will play In " a new drama founded on• Dr:Butte's expedition to the Arctic regions." Ducxnura.—At Jayne's New .Hatt, where the Buckley troupe are now located, the burlesque on " II Trovitore " has been produced with surprising success. It will be repeated this evening, together with the usual proliminery concert and dances. PADODI'S PAPAW r.ta. CONCEIRT.--To-morrow evening Madlle Parodi willigive her farewell con cert bore, at the Musical Fund Halt. She will, herself, repeat " La Marseillaise," and sing several English songs, including two duels with Min Mil ner,. Indeed, this will be almost wholly an English will ' oh Mies Milner and Mr. Perrin; temps will "v i a ton 3t• ban it,) and Signo-r-PermWwilt conduct. :TARY OF tusstrEY ON TIM STATE- OF-TFIE-10INANCES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Deceinber 8, 1857. Sin: In compliance with the act of Congress en titled "An net supplementary to an ad to establish the 'Treasury Department , ' approved May 10, 1800, I have the honor to submit the following re port: On tho Ist of July. 1856, being the commencement of the fiscal year 1857, the balance in the treasury was The receipts into the treasury du ring the fiscal year 1857 were 508,031,513 87, as follows : For the quarter ending Septem. bor 30,1858 From customs....... From publio lands.. From miscellaneous SCRUM $20,677.740 40 802,380 39 355,310 57 -- 21,925,431 36 For the quarter ending December 31, 1856 From customs .. From publio lands... From miscellaneous sources 14,243,414 90 808,252 86 123,099 59 15,175,667 85 For the quarter ending March 31, 1857 From cuetems .. From publics lands. . From miscellaneous sources 274,054 90 15,055,328 55 /,065,010 11 -- 20,695,023 56 For the quarter ending Juno 30, 1857 Prom customs From public lands... From miscellaneous sources. $9,899,421 20 1,063,213 28 172,756 92 'rho aggregate means, therefore, to the service of the limal year ending June 30, 1857, were The expenditures during the 11v old year ending June 30,1E157, IMO $70,822,721 85. Being for the quarter ending Sep- ' tetnber 30, 1850 18,675,113 2 Being for the quarter ending De cember 31, 1806 17,910,877 91 Being for the quarter ending ➢larch . . 31,1857 Being for the quarter ending Juno 30, 1857 Which was applied to the eovoral branches of the publio service as follows : Civil, foreign intercourse, and mis• cellaneous Service in charge of Interior De partment Service in charge of War Depart ment Service in charge of Navy Depart- ment 12,726,850 89 Purchase of public( debt, principal, premium, and interest 5,043,896 01 - - As shown In detail by statement No. 1. Deducting" the expenditures from the aggregate moans during the fiscal year, a balance Wtol left in the treasury on July 1,1857, of.. $17,710,114 2' During the first quarter of the cur rent fiscal year 1858, being from • July 1, 1857, to September 30, 1857, the receipts Into the treas ury wore : From customs $18,573,729 37 From public lands.. 2,059,449 39 From miscellaneous sources 296,041 05 The estimated receipts during the three remaining quarters of the current, fiscal year to Juno 30, ]B5B, aro : From customs $33,000,000 00 From public lands... 0,000,000 00 From miscellaneous sources 730.000 00 Making an estimated aggregate of moans for the service of the cur rent year 75,380,931 08 An exposition of the grounds on which this amount of revenue from customs during these three quarters has been estimated, is given in a subsequent part of this report. The expenditures of the fired quarter, ending September 30, 1857, of the current fiscal year, wore $23,711,528 37; being for Civil, foreign interment', and lois eellanotts services $7,315,780 01 Service in charge of Interior De. pnrtmont Service in charge of War Depart. meat Service in charge of Navy Depart, ment Purchase of the public debt, pried. pal, premium, and interest (80e Statement No. 2.) The estimated expenditures during the three remaining quarters of the current fiscal year fo Juno 30, ISA are 0,248,530 04 1 4 4,903,058 41 Leaving an estimated balance in the --- treasury on July 1, 1858, which will, of courso, be affoot4ll by any reduotion or increase of expend!. ' turn not contemplated, 0f........ rattimates of Pio fiscal tar, frolic tdso. Estimated Manned in the treasury on July 1, 1858 Estimate of receints from customs for the year ending June 30, 1850 Estimated 'reeeipta , from - gales of pubilo lands. Estimated receipts froni miscella neous sources Aggrogato of mono for HIS aorvioe. of the final yeaito June 30 1850, , , as.oothaatea 75,926,875 67 The expenditures are estimated as follows : Balance of existing appropriations fur the service of the present final year, which may be applied to - tho service of the year ending Juno 30. 1859 818,58(1,588 35 Amount of indefinite and perma nent appropriations 7,165,224 49 Estimated appropriations proposed to be made for tho service of the fiscal year, from July 1, 1859, to June 30,1859, as detailed in the printed estimates... Aggregate estimated expenditures for the service of fiscal year, to June 30, 1959 Leaving an estimated balance in the treasury on July 1, 1850, of 1,862.119 70' It Is difficult at all times to estimate in advance the probable receipts into the treasury for the next ono and two years. Our revenue being derived principally from duties on imported merchandise entered at the oustom-houses for consumption, the amount is necessarily dependent not only upon all those causes which affect trade and commerce, but on such as control the inclinations and ability of the eeople in the purchase of such inerohandise for consumption. Ordinarily an approximation can be made to the probable result, provided no unlooked-for cause. shall intervene to disturb the meal course of trade and consumption. The events of the present fiscal year furnish a 'striking illustration of the uncertainty of allauch estimates, from the operation of 'informal causes • which exert a controlling influence over the re venue from customs. ' When the estimates for the prosentefiscal year were made to the last Congress by my prodecesaor e it was impossible to .foresee either the materiel change in the rates of duty, which were among its lost tots, or the present revulsion in trade and' commerce, both whioh have deeply allotted the revenue, and satisfactorily account for the differs awe between his estimates and those now sub mitted. With these two disturbing causer now in view, it is very difficult to form satisfactory esti mates of the probable receipts from customs. The tariff act of March 3,1857 1 has not been in opera tion long enough to toot its effects upon the rove- IMO oven under ordinary circumstances. Simulta neous with this act going into operation, the country is subjected iv a dietistroue revulsion. To what extent importations would have been affected by it, had there been no revulsion in trade and commerce, is now as much a matter of conjecture as it was before the passage of the Oct. Experience hag thrown no light on the subject. The probabi lity is that it would, to a limited extent, have in • creased impel inflow, though not to the extent of supplying the deficiency created by the reduction of the duties. In submitting to Congress, under these circum stances, estimates of the receipts for the preeent and the neat fiscal year, it is deemed proper to accompany them with a statement of facts and principles upon which they have been made, to order that Congress may pass its own judgment upon the credit to whioh they are entitled. The exports lied imports of the United States have always bothe a relative proportion, the re spective amounts not often differing materially from each other. Beth have steadily inoreased, with occasional exceptions, with the growth and progress of the country. In seeking, therefore, to ascertain the probable importations into the coun try, the amount of our probable exports constitutes an important element in the calculation. Tho ex ports for the year ending Juno 30, 1857, amounted to $362,949,144, and the imports for the sumo period were $360,890,141. Tho amount of our ex ports depends not only on the quantity, but the value of the articles exported. The quantity of some and the value of others may ho considerably diminished, and yet the deficiency thus created may be supplied by either the inerealed quantity or value of other articles. It is probable that this very state of things may occur during the present fiscal year. The indications at present are, that the exports of breadstuffs and proviaions will decrease both in quantity and value; but the increased value ef cotton, at ita pro bableprices, which constitutes much the largest item of air exports, would make up inch deficien cy. From the best information which can be ob tained, the opinion is entertained that the exports for the present fiscal year will not fall below those of lest year more than ten per centum. Looking to the importations for the last ten years% it may be safely stated that the ratio of annual in cream has not been less thou ton per centum; though, within that period, there were two years in which there was a tolling off. This WM attribute ble, doubtless, to temporary causes which do not affect the general proposition. The foreign morchandiee eubjeeCto duty during the first quarter, ending 30th September last, of the present fiscal year, by tho statement marked 3, amounted to 888,819,385; and the' customs re ceived during that quarter were, as stated in the estimates, $18,573,7211.37. The tariff of the ,9d of March last, having gone into operation on the first. day of that quarter, the circumstances under which a considerab m ie eo p t o we r z t i lo su n n o , f a t p h: a p m e o . u u n o t a :va t s r 4 ea- , Heed were so exceptional as to form no satisfactory guide for the remaining _three quarters of the pre , sent fiscal e eetteteese' e or rewomes an important cone nrc.husf.rto the probable means 10.04 auty which will .e e•• abet paled - ranking-makin the estimates herewith subtle the amount of merchandise subject to duty hese ported•during the corresponding three quarters of the late fiscal year were taken, being $210,000,000,' to which ten per centum was added for the annual increase, had there been no disturbing canse*-- giving for the amount of merchandise paying duty, under the then oxieting tariff of 1846, an aggregate of $231 000,000 Theinquiry now presents itself, to what extent will this approximated amount of merchandise pay ing duty be diminished by the revulsion which has came upon the country? • An answer to this Inquiry constitutes the most serious difficulty in the way of making an estimate of the receipts into the treasury from customs. Look ing, however, to our probable exports, the great re sources of our country, its unexampled prosperity in many nranobes of Industry. its capacity to recover from temporary pressure in its trade and business, the opinion is expressed, with seine confidence, that the reduction from ibis cause will not exceed twenty-five per centum. This would bring the amount of merchandise paying duties down to about one hum(' and reventy.four millions fur the remaining three quarters of the present lieu! year. For several years the average rate of day upon all dutiable merchandise, by the tariff of 1816, appears to have been within a fraction of twenty-five per centum, which would produce on that amount forty-three millions of dollars. Tho next point of inquiry is, how much will this sum be diminished by the reduced rates provided by the act of March 3, 1857? - From the calculations made of duties under that act upon the Importations of the last fiscal year, compared with the amount of duty actually real ized under the tariff of 1846, it appears that ' , heat one quarter should be deducted for the effect o the tariff of 1857. Ten millions of dollars bavef therefore, been deducted on that account s making the probable receipts from customs, during the re maining throe quarters of the present fiscal year, thirty-three millions, which has accordingly been placed in the estimates. It will, of course, be understood that. the re turns of dutiable merchandise, from whioh these inferences are drawn, are of merchandise imported, while the customs revenue is exclusively derived from merchandise entered for consumption. • In these estimates the amount of merchandise im ported Is supposed to equal the amount entered for consumption. In periods of commercial difficulty, like the present, the amount of merchandise im ported and pineal in warehoure without payment of duty will, no doubt, exceed the amount entered for consumption ; but mesh excess is generally temporary, and is aeon obviated by diminished lin per talons and increased withdrawals for consump tion, which restores the equilibrium without giving maiden for the discussion of such details in any general statement of the revenue. The receipts from customs for the next fiscal year, from July I, 1858, to Juno 30, 1850, will de pend in a groat measure upon the extent to which commercial anti monetary transactions shall- have returned to their ordinary channels. It Is proba ble that the immediate &cote of the present, re vulsion in trade will have ceased by that time, anti that the usual amount of dutiable merchandise will be required for consumption. The estimate submitted is batted on the amount of three hundred and seventy millions of dutiable merohaudiso, be ing the amount assumed for the present fiscal year with the usuarinereaso, and-without any &duo tion for the effects of tho present revulsion. Upon this amount the customs, under the act of 1846, with the deduction heretofore explained for the effect of the tariff of 3,1 March last would produce about sixty-nine And ono-half millions of dollare. The annual estimates in detail, as prepared by the Register of the Traeger'', aro presented sepa rately by this department. These estimated ex pond' tures are divided into three classes : 1. Balances of unexpended appropriations whioh may, and probably will, be required by the re spective departments lu the course of the next fiscal year. 2, Expenditure" under Indefinite anti permanent appropriations. In this class was plead the stand log appropriation made by the joint resolution of February 14, 1850, of $2,450,000 for expenses of collecting the customs. It is proposed to change this permanent appropriation for annual appropri ations of increased amounts, for reasons set forth in another part of this report. In the meantime, as the proposition has not been sanctioned by Con gress, the estimate remains in this class. 3. In the third ohm aro comprised the estimates submitted by direction of the several executive dos pArtments, as necessary to be Appropriated to carry en the several branches of the public service in their charge for the next fiscal year. Those three einem comprehend the estimated expendi tures for the neml year aiding Juno :10, 1859, as sot forth in this report. Neither these estimates, nor these for the remainder of the present fiscal year, include any provision for deficiencies, or other objects which the several departments may' ask for during the present session, nor for any ex penditure whatever which may arise out of the original action of Congress during the session. To meet such additional expenditures as may be re- i quired from those sources, further moans must be provided. The efficiency of the' public service es well ae the security of the public credit, requires that this department shall be provided with means to meet lawful demands without delay. During the re mainder of the present fiscal year, it, is estimated, as before stated, that sufficient revenue will bo re solved in the course of the year to moot the ordi nary outstanding appropriations. But the great bulk of the revenue being derived from duties on merchandise payable only when it is entered for consumption, the period when such duties wilt bo realised is entirely uncertain, being left by law to the option of the importers during three years. The present revulsion has caused a very largo por tion of the dutiable merchandise imported Since it commenced to be warehoused without payment of duty. To what extent this practice wilibe permed during the present fiscal year is too mush a matter of conjecture at present to risk the public service and the public credit upon the probability ,of an immediate change in this respect. It may be safely estimated that, in the course of the' present fiscal year, a large portion of 'the merchandise now in warehouse will be withdrawn and duties paid thereon' but, in the meantime, adocinate 'means foe meeting lawful demands on the treasury should be provided, $19,901,325 45 11,135,391 40 88532,830 12 17,245,932 93 10,960,801 Oti 70,822,724 85 27,531,022 37 5,358,274 72 19,261,771 16 70,822,721 85 20 j 829,819 8 311,750,000 00 3,210,098 09 7,290,950 83 3,015,906 00 1,951,782 56 23,714,528 37 420,676 67 DAV, DECgMBEIt 9, 1857. July „ 1, 1858, fra t ilfrOv l sion should be mule at the earliest r ei t l e le-period, at a failure of sufficient means leireesury may o our at an early day. The e xto l y Poing regarded as temporary, the mode of ing for it should be of a temporary dia -1 teeter. , It is, therefore, recommended that author- I t s h er e ise i :.: i n o to this department by law to Issue treasurrnotes for an amount not to exceed twenty millions of dollars, payable within a limited time, end earling a specified rate of interest, whenever e demands of the publics service may call fora greaternmouut of money than shall hap pen to Jed lit the Treasury, subject to the Tremor er'edrestee in payment of warrants. The foot that such temporary exigency may arise from eireumetances beyond the foresight or ' scented of this department. makes some adequate provision to meet it indispensable to the public so entity. Treviso:l to the passage of the net of March 3, 11} 9, which requires all money receivable from enstome and other sources to bo paid into the Trea surywithout abatement or diminution, the whole mimeos of collecting the revenue from customs metre _defrayed from the moneys collected, and the bnlensie only was paid into the Treasury. The ex- Insl3Bo l l of collecting the customs in California and Gedirp were excepted from the operation of that net Y . the third sostion of the not of September 28; 850, and the mode of defraying the expenses of collegian, which existed previous to the not of ..Marsh 3; 1819, has been consequently continued at theeliustom houses on the Pacific coast up to the present time. eo joint resolution approved 11th February, Ittith makes a permanent appropriation for the .oapeniete of collecting the customs of one million tweinindred and twenty-five thousand dollars for eaeh s half year, together with such sums as may be received for storage, its., until Congress shall not upon the subject. During the first four years of 1 the operation of the act of 3d March, 1819, the ex- Tepees did not equal the amount of this uppropria- Goihand a considerable balance hod necummulated, ••shieli has enabled this department to defray the expenses of the last four years, which have eon• eiderably exceeded the amount so appropriated, as is down by statement marked 4. Allis accumulation having become entirely ex hatietedelhis department will not be able longer to 'MeV the expenses of collecting the customs, un itise Congress shall now act upon the subject. . In enter that this important branch or the pub lieseerviee may ho conducted with promptitude and efficiency, I recommend that Congress shall, at e its moneet mission, legislate upon this subject, to opierreafroin the lot of January, 1858, which will put an end to the permanent appropriation, under the leapt resolution, from that date. VI& the &Mel year ending the 30th June, 1857, the Onfiensee of collecting the customs oomidorably exceeded three millions of dollars, exclusive of Mote of the porta on tho Pacific coast, which amounted to nearly half a million, as ehown by statement marked 5. For the half of the current fiscal year, extending from Ist January to the 30th June, 1859, at least one million Six hundred thou sand dollars will be required to defray theM ex poem in the Atlantic States, end recommend that NUM to be appropriated for that period. The reasons which originally led to the excep tion of the custom houses on the Pacific coast from the,operation of the general law of 1819 no longer exist in the same force as formerly, but the system cannot be suddenly changed without much ineon• vegence. I propose that, during the remainder of dhe eurrent fiscal year, these expanses be de frayed, as heretofore, out of the accruing revenue ; but, from the e numensement of the fiscal year on the Ist July, 1858, that provision bo made by law that the whole receipts from customs and all other Mites en the Faelfie coast bo paid into the tree 'egellinder the act of 1849, and the expenses of collection -be defrayed out of appropriations for theit, purpose. To meet the expenses of collecting theemstonis throughout the entire United States Miring the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1859, will probably require $1,000,000. The statement before referred to shows the pro gressive increase of these expenses, from year to year, s s i nce corresponding the!' m t. age i o n f o t r h e ea e in the .. act of 1849 . .1 u t n o a t iso slit merchandise Imported and autism paid. But the latter are not sufficient to explain so large an ad dition to the expenses of collection, as nearly the same number of officers are required to collect the smaller as the larger amounts. Oilier causes have lergely contributed to swell these expenses. Vim the public revenue happens to be abundant, many pro acts aro listened to and adopted by Congress without careful regard to the burdens they may permassently impose. The building new revenue antlers, not needed for the enforcement of the rove nualaws ; the multiplication of ports of entry and ports of delivery, for local and temporary conve nience, at points not required for the collection of the revenue; and the erection of expensive build- Inge for officers of the customs and other public offi cers, ere of this class. The on outlay for these projectsis usually provided for by special Repro' priations_, and their amount is the principal Oita that attracts attention. But, under the ex ting system, every one of these appro. eulations of necessity imposes an additional and potreenent charge upon the expense for collecting the customs. New revenue cutters must be equip- pert, kept in repair, provided with °Mors:ma mon, and maintained in a state of efficiency nt n largo annual charge upon the expenses for collecting the endow, that they may be inconstant readiness to relieve vemols in distress, or perform some other dilly equally remote from their appropriate and logitlmate functions of enforcing the laws. Now Peel of entry, or of delivery (created by lase, at pOnts remote from the ordinary 'channels of direct foreign commerce, must be provided with of leers paid by annual salaries or other emoluments, as (Vannes of collecting the ens'onis. New buildings lettettbe famished, warmed, lighted, and kept in Il state of repair and cleanliness, under the direction OF-Ottitable °beers with proper compensation. All iliarges of such character aro now defrayed out of the, approp riation for the expenses of collecting the eltederniee While the public revenue has recently . leriliminished, these charges are daily in -0 es . , gin amount. • e ,p bite debt on the let o I r v- tti el,egui z i l 7 ',. -1, • - ••• • • flineO .0- 5 - 10 - i 154 51—leireek-rereseess ie j there •• - ' ” • • • Nit, has been paid of the public debt ilelea7ti,377 53. The details are shown by the state . *Sits marked 0,7, and 8. The department eon tinned the purchase of stook as long as the law and altroper regard for the publio interest would justi rye: The object was to redeem, as far as possible, our outstanding debt which bad a number of years to ran, whilst the payment of the large sums from the tree/any required for this purpose was afford ing relieftothe commercial other of theoountrr,whichwrethenstrug,lngt r d off heraiuiio:whichnailycaaevont i e i .At:hattneitwasnotseriouslyapprehendedthatthe evuisionwuidsogratlyarectthetradealdbusi ness of the country ; but, looking even to the most Unfavorable results that could happen, it was tie:night that the treasury, if compelled to resort to a loan to meet any temporary deficiency that might occur, would su ff er no injury froin , 'savior, the oha raider of the loan changed from debts falling duo at a distant period to treasury notes, at a less rote of interest, and which could bo redeemed at the pleasure of the department. A revulsion in the monetary affairs of the coun try always °maim more or less of distress among the people. The consequence ie, that the public mated iedirected to the Government for relict', and particularly to that branch of it which has charge of its financial operations. There are many per sons who seam to think that it is the duty of the Goyeenment to provide relief in all cases of trouble and distress. They do not stop to inquire into the power which has been conferred by the people upon their agents, or the objeots for which that power is to bo exercised. Their inquiry in limited to the simple fact of existing einbarraes meets!, and they see no other agency capable of affording relief, and their necessities, not their judgments, force them to the conclusion that, the (Imminent not only can, but ought to relieve them. A moment of calm reflection must satisfy every ono that such is not the true theory of our exercised Govemnae Government. L e s l p t ee t i o ti c o l d: I : o p: t i l l jh f r ea rio l ot i t i s n e i s t . e d Ito i)ow n e P r ll t i o oll b s e , political end fi nancial, should be conduoted within meetthsse oorti prescribed niy eff i e tit t for manner whie thath the i p t ow will er was conferred. In doing thin it should be the policy, as it is un questionably the duty of the Government, NO na to conduct its affairs to confer the greatest good upon the greatest, number of the people. Thin misap prehension of the powers and duly of the Govern ment has led to the suggestion of measures or re lief, which have been pressed with such earnest ness upon this department as to demand a brief consideration of them. A privity individual who Mode that his income is reduced. at oneo feel* the propriety of bringing Isle expenditures within his reduced means. fhe suggestion to such a person to tutees° his expenses UOlll,l instantly be reject. ed. To characterize such advice as folly would not be considered harsh or unjust. Tito estimates of receipts into the treasury for the present fluent year exhibit the fact that the income of the Government will be considerably reduced. In this state of things it is seriously surged that oneexpendituras should be ineremed for the per pm of affording relief to the country. Such a policy would doubtless furnish employment to largo numbers of worthy citizens. It would require the use of large mounts of money, to bo raised either by a Joan or the issuing of treasury notes, and would thus afford temporary relief to the country to an extent limited only by the discretion of the Government in this unauthorized use of the public treasure and credit. But where shrill bo look for the power to do this in the Constitution ? 1V hat provision of that instrument authorises such a policy? The absence of n satisfactory reply to those inquiries. is an unanse gable nrgitinent to the suggestion. In the discharge of its legitimate functions the Government is require,' to expend tale awns of money in the building of vessels.of- War; the erection of eastern-houses and other pub lie buildings; the permeation of the defences of the country, and inn variety of other ways, which give employment to labor, and draw from the treasury the money which has been collected from the people for these purposes. There might and would be just °num of complaint if the Government, under the pressure of either an imaginary or real monetary crisis, should sudden !), step these extensive operations, and by throw ing largo numbers of employees otit of service add to The distress and Agreeing which the revulsion had already created. Being engaged in the pro elocution of accessory and legitimate works for the public service, it would be the policy and duty of the Government to coetinue their prosecution, oven though it alienist occasion the necessity of in creasing its available moans by wino extraordi nary measure. The discontinuance of such works hat not boon and is not now contemplated, and to this extent the country may look with pro priety to the operations of the Government for roller. There aro other public works of loss necessity, which for a variety of sauces have not boon commenced. A temporary postponement of them will violate no existing contramta ; will do prive no one of employment, to which he is author ised to look; will inflict noperong upon any portion of the people; but will enable the Government to realise its means in advance of lie expenditure of them, and perhaps avoid the fleeciest ty of increasing the public debt. A system of public economy, re gardful alike of the just claims of the people, and the protection of the treasure and credit of the Go. vornment, must command the approval of the country; and it is upon such principles it is pro poeed to conduct the financial department of the Government in the present crisis. - .es a measure of relief to the country, it Is proposed to InCreaSCl the tariff. A return to a hieh protective system is regarded by some as the serest mode of exit -- eating the country [remits embarrassments, and afford ing immediate, es well as permanent relief to the public distress. to people are already fluttering from distress, distress, and lb ropoeitlon seeks to diminish their suffering by suldr to their burdens. The earnestness and ability which have been brought to the support of this proposition, demand that Its merits should be examined with some care; east, without attempting an elaborate exposition of a quention altich has hereto fore commanded so much of the public attention, it In deemed proper to refer to HOMO of the considerations which render tho adoption of such a policy unwise and Improper. . The theory of the protectionists Is this: that under a law tariff the Importations or foreign manufactures is egoemged, had, being brought into the country at lower prices than they can be produced, the compoti. Gen with the domestic manufacturer IN ruinous to hie business. The remedy is, to rails the duties upon the $126,875 G 7 ,t op.boo,m 00 i 5,000,000 OD 1,000,000 00 50.312,943 13 74,064,755 97 foreign article to such a point that either It will be ex cluded, and thus giso to the domestic manufacturer the entire home market, or else it will be so increased In price, by the additional duty, as to enable the domestic manufacturer to receive n remunerating price for his productions That the effect would be temporarily for the benefit of the manufacturer is conceded, but that the ultimate effect would be alike injurious to him as well as all ether interests is equally clear. In looking upon the operation as a measure of relief, sin must eon eider its effects not only upon the domestic uianufaetu• nor. but also upon the consumer. If the increased ditty neither diminishes the im portations Nor increases the price, It IS mail Vest that no advantage has been derived by the domestic mono fee. three. If the effect should be to exclude the foreign article, then the domestic manufacturer monopolizes the home market, and commands his own price. Tho relief he needs is a higher price fur his goods, nod, as a matter of course, unrestrained as he will then be by Ito laws of competition, he will so raise his prima as to remedy the evil of low prices of which he had com plained. The effect upon the consumer is clear. lie must pay the increased price thus put upon the article of consumption Nor does it stop there. Under the existing state of things, when he has purchased the ar ticle he has not only furnished himself a ith the goods lie needed at the reduced price, but at the sometime has paid into the tmasury the tax required of Ittro for the support of Government. The measure of relief pro. posed be the protectionists locreases the price he is re quired lo pa for his goods, and where the foreign article is excluded leaves his tax unpaid. Thin deficiency in the revenue must be supplied, and he is called upon to pay it from his other resources. The proposed moasnre of relief thus imposes upon him these additional bur dens. in the increased price of his goods and the addl. tional tax ho is required to pay. If, however, the in creased duty should not exclude the importation of the article, but simply advance the price to a remunerating point to the domestic manufacturer, the effect upon the commuter would be to require him to pay the additional price, not only upon the foreign article, but also upon the domestic manufacture. The amount of taxation put upon him for the benefit respretively of the treasury and the domestic manufac turer trill depend upon the relative proportion of the foreign and dementia article he may consume. In no event can the increased duty operate to the advantsg,e and relief of the manufacturer except by a correspond ing injury to the consumer. The amount of benefit con ferred and Injury sustained by the propeoed relief mea sure would depend upon the relative number of manu facturers and consumers of the articles upon which the Ineruned duties were laid; and an the number or con• nuinern exceed the number of manufacturers, so would the injury sunttined exceed the benefit conferred. A policy so partial and unjust in its operations cannot command the approval o' the country. Regarding the suggestion as a proposition to return to the protective Flatus. It Is obnoxious to all the ob jections which have been heretofore so forcibly and successfully urged apinnt it. The day lean pitesed in this country for Inereuing restrictions upon commerce, and it is hoped that the same remark will soon be applicable to all other coun tries, We are accustomed to look to the amount of our exports and importe as evidencea of our growing wealth. To encourage commerce, enlarge its operatives end extend its limite, have been regarded by all portions of our people an objects worthy of their united efforts. One branch of commerce cannot long exist without the co operation of the other. We cannot expect to furnieh the world with our cotton, breadstoffe, tobacco, rice, and other productions, noires eve are willing to receive in return their productions. There must be mutuality between nations as between individuals. If a policy en to be adopted by which the producliona of other coun tries are to be excluded from ours, for the benefit of the dementia producer of ouch artie'es, justice to other in terests doom's's that there should be adopted a policy by which the producers of our present exports should else be furnished wit h , a market for the frolic of their industry. To do this Is impracticable; nut to do it could be unjust. Ilow strangely inconektent is the doctrine of the pro. tectioniets with the practice of the Government' We annually expend Imp Ruins of looney its maintaining a navy, whore chief duty it is to give protection to our commerce in all parte of the world. Appropriations ere asked and freely given to 'end our Hag in search of new avenues for our increasing trade. Tho American oftieer who returns to his country to announce the eueeesuifill terminations of his mission, in having made new and favorable commercial treaties, is hailed as a public benefactor, and all dunes unite in doing him honor. In these demonstrations no one par. tleipatee more cordially than the protectionists. upon the announcement of the discovery of a new country which promised a large anti lucrative commer cial intercourse with our own, tt should be eimulta neouely proposed to impose upon that commerce re striettone that would does our porta to the entry of Its produrtione, under the false theory of protecting home industry, what would be the judgment of an enlightened public opinion upon the wheloni of it people who Bret expended their treasure in discovering new merle of trade, and inuncaintely denied themselves all the prat meted 'reedits to be derived freer it ! In the case eupposed, the proposition would be mere I etartling, but not more unreasonable, than when op pliel to our intercourse with those countries between whom and ourselves a caininerce has grown up from email beginnings to its present large dimensions. This hart been accomplished through a policy inaugurated by our own Government, and which has commanded the approval of enlightened minds throughout the world. Other cotinti lee have, in their le illation of late years, manifested, by reducing their duties upon imports, a desire to en-operate in the work of throwing off those ahavklea upon the freedom of commerce which false theories have placed upon it. It would present a strange spectacle if the United States should be the first to comment • a retrograde movement. The sentiment among our people In favor of free com mercial intercourse is manifested in their domestic as well as foreign policy. The stroneeeling in the public mind for the extension of our territorial limits is gene rally attributed to the desire for more land. That it operates to entree extent in freely a tmitted ; but such a cerise falls in its application to those cases 11 hero the ac quisition of new territory brings with it nn proprietary title to the land. And yet the public sentiment for ac quiring territory, where every foot of it is held by pri vate titles, is an decided as in any other cane. It is ac counted for satisfactorily only upon the theory that, es our territorial limits ate extended, see enlarge the acre of free trade, opening now markets For the productions of oar Industry, untrammelled with those restraints which n reetrietive internatio n al policy has imposed. It it an error to suppose that the occasional revel pions which have so seriously effected our mancrectur. tog iutereet is ettribatable to the want of a high pro• teetive ee stein. In the policy which tho government ham adopted of allowing many of the raw material, need by them to come in, either free of duty er at low dutlee, in the Incidental protection which a tariff laid for the Impose of revenue gives them—in the inereasine con. mimption of their productions, brought about by the general prosperity of the country, they will find the most ample encouragement that could reasonably be ex. ported or desired. Like all other interests in the conn• try, they suffer from the too frequent changes of the tariff. end from time fluctuatione In business which now from causes wholly destinet and operate from the tariff lineation. What they need is steady prices, a - • • .... ~ • • , ainst the ruinous free ant mires me'M commerce w t firiiiifferreireserwe tared in our country would derive a more certain and permanent benefit than the manufacturers Rejecting the proposition to raise the tariff as a measure of relief, and looking to the probable receipts and expenditure's for the present and next years, no change Is recommended In the act of March 3, 1857. at this time. The present tariff is recorded as perfect ; far from it. It has, however. been in operation less than ale months—a length of time too short to Judge of its workings, even wider the moot favorable dream. stances. This fact, in connection Sr th the revulsion in business, makes It wholly impracticaele to form a cor rect judgment upon its media. There are changes which should be made as moon as it ern be done with propriety. A return to the decimal di , iron in thereto' of ditties, a more accurate classification ze various arts , ides and other amendments, would greatly improve the law, even if it should be found by experience un necessary to snake any radical change in its general pro visions. The propriety of postponing any notion upon I the subject ' until an opportunity has twee ()tiered of tooting its general merits, seems to admit of no serious doubt. Returning to the question of relief o laieh is expected • from the Government. it b comes necessary to inquire into the cause of the present revulsion, as preliminary to the consideration of a proper remedy for it Public opinion generelly holds the banks responsible for all our embarragmente. The true cause is to be found in the undue expansion of the credit system. The banks con etitute an important part of that eyetem ; but there are other elements entering into it which, eqtially with the question of the Lanka, demand public coneideration. Credit, confined to Its legitimate remitter., is the re. presentative of capital, and when used nithin that limit, may extend and invigorate trade and easiness; when It etrasee to be such reprenentative, it stimulates overleaf]. lug, excites gratulation, and Introduces an unnourat state of thing, in the businees of the country. It is Cain , melee expansion of credit ahich hes brought the country to its present einberresemente. The extension of bank credits, end the over•iseue of bank notes, is a part, and a very important pal t, of this undue expan sion. A spirit of speenietion being crested, a deinena is 'Trtle upon the banks for the use of their credit, end yielding to the preseurv, they respond by the increase,' issue of their notes nnd by enlarging their diecouuts. The extent to which the banks have enlarged their credit beyond its proper limits is nut to be measured alone by the amount of their circulation. At the time the New York city banks suspended specie payments In October, they reported a larger amount or specie In their swills Than their settee in cir culation, and, notwitlistsmting thin fact, they were unable to meet the demands of their creditora promptly with specie, owing to theireredit operations under their depoeit getout. Myhre extended their own credit, and enabled their sitstomors to do the RAPIN they were on prepared for the revulsion which came upon them If it be true that our °Warr/temente have been occa sioned by the cause here assigned, we intuit look beyond the action of the hanks to the gmrations of other en, porations as well as individuals, to fathom the entire cause of our dietrultiee. The limit/ of this report will not admit of a detailed examination of this subject, but a solitary illuetration will present the subject in its pro per light. In answer to a circular letter nitireesed to the various railroad corporations of the ennetry, the information contained In table No. has been obtained It appears from thin statement, that the capital of trie•o companies rinieuute to $191,435,661, their indebtedness to $117,a1-13.641 The annual Interest upon the latter Fl.lll, is $25,03,203, their Annual income it a 5115,406, 163. It le proper here to remark, that this statement is not entirely accurate; some of the companies failed to re spond to the circolar of the department, and in such cases, the returns mule by them during the preceding year, and contained in the last report of my predeces sor' have been used in the preparation of the table. Whilst it cannot, therefore, be considered es perfectly accurate, It Approximates It sufficiently near for the illustration of my argument. It exhibits the extent to which this class of corporations has contributed to Rat expansion of credit which Is properly chargeable with the recent revulsion. It is duo to a large class of our railroad companies In state that this excessive indebt ednesr In not equally di...nettled among them. bone have conducted their business with the utmostpropri ety and success, whilst ethos hose no far exceeded these binaries to prevent the foregoing aggregate te,alt of railroad operations in the United Slates. The undue expansion of credit, which stimulated in some an anger ilmire to borrow, and in Ohms n seining disposition to lend, which engendered richenics of im• provident speculation, leading to rapid fluctnations in Nicol and habits of extravaganee. I regard AM the prin. cilia' cause for the embarrassment existing in the com merce of the country. The only efficient remedy for ouch mile is to be found In a return to the prudent courses and steady habits, which, for a time, were tin happily laid aside. This Government could do but little toward extricating inilisiduals, corporations, or commiinitiee from the pernicious consequences of their extravagant expenditure/ or All-conceived enterprises. When credit ham been extended so far beyond the bolirels of legitimate confidence A 8 to create a revulsion in t•rele, occasioning a full of prices, and a destruction of private credit, a speedy adjustment of the relations between creditor and debtor by liquidation and settle ment la the surest mode for the restoration of the equi librium. Wild and chimerical speculations will thus hay, their termination, Industry wilt be bettor enable.' to realize its sober expectations, and the substantial interests of mciety, being relieved from the noxious influence of excitement, °vermilion, and disorder, will resume their nectistorned energy in communicating a healthful and vigorous activity to the Imsineer of the country. The proper agency of the Government in suoh a CHAO Is to relllOTe at IllatOVOr impediment may exist to the exertion of the native force of society, and to extract from the experience they hare gained, lemons to be embodied in wholesome and a ell-conliderc , l lawn to prevent the re currence of the evil. It is evident that the great moneyed corporations created under the laws of the Platen, have had a con• trolling Influence In the undue expansion of private credit In many of the neaten, the legislation is re— spect to these is stringent And embodies many of the safeguards that experience has suggested for their regu lation. But it will not be denied that this legislation has been nugetoty. Tin State authorities e Already mani fested an eager disposition to r0i1... them Gain the penalties they here Incurred, and to dispense, as far as they ia ere able, with the performance of the oblige bons they had exacted from them o hen they were or ;wilted: This has been done, in some Cases, without an inquiry Into their condition or management, or their capacity to rmumo their position As solvent institutions, or ei on to protect the community from a depredated paper currency. In my judgment, the period has arrived for Congress to employ the powers conferred be the Constitution upon it to mitigate the present coil, and to present it catastrophe of a similar kind in future; and for this purpose a compulsory bankrupt law. to include two classes of corporations and companies, is necessary. It should be a law for the protection of creditors, not the relief of debtors; to prevent improper credit, not to pay Improvident debts; corupulsory, not volun tary. The effect of such iniV would be felt snore in its restraining !effluence than in its practical axe. cotton. I do not recommend a law similar to either of these which have heretofore existed, and were abandoned after a khort and unsatisfactory exlierlence. The first was adopted the 4th April, 1800, cod was repealed the 19th December, 1803. It prorlded for a compulsory process of bankruptcy- against those merchants and com inlasi•n nr,ents, at. the SOIL of creditors, whose inaolven ey had become manifest by certain overt acts of fraud or defalcation, and effected a collection and distribution of the estate of the bankrupt through the Miele! tribu nals of the Umited States, which was followed by Isis discharge from the debts his estate had not satiated. The second act was passed 12th August, 1841, and Wes repealed the 34 Match, 184$. This act, besides the compulsory avateni of the act Of 1800 contained a sys tem of bankruptcy , to be applied on tire petition of en insolvent debtor, of any class or profession, and to re salt in his relief from his debts and engagements, upon the surrender of hie property andoomplianeu with other conditions of the act. There are grave objections to the present adoption of the systems developed in these statutes. The voluntary feature of the act of 11111 is rejected as unwise. unjust, and unnecessary It was this provision which rendered that law so justly odious in the public mind. Nor do I prom.° to extend the provisions even of a compulsory bankrupt law to the numerous caw covered by the act of 1341. It is better to leave to the operation of the insolvent and bankrupt lawn of the several states all cases which do not, from their magnitude and Import ance, affect the general commercial and business In terests of the country. It is believed that the power of the States is ample to meet such cases, and the propriety and policy or exercising such powers will, sooner or later, be developed by the lessons of bitter experience. The two cases which It is now proposed to bring under the operation of a compulsory bankrupt law are banks and railroad corporations. The immense capital em ployed by these companies, their controlling power and Influence in the commercial and business operations of the country, their disposition to expand and enlarge their credit, and the ruinous effects produced by their operations whop tarried beyond legitimate bounds, im pose upon the Government the duty of providing, by every constitutional means in their power, for the safe, proper, and legitimate conduct of such corporations. The fat is which are presented in other portions of this report, developing the condition owl operations of these two classes of corporations, will fullyjnatify the policy now recommended. The object is not to injure them, but to protect the community. The effect will be to re strain their operations within proper limits, and thereby Insure to the country all the benefits they are capable of conferring, without the accompanying hacards of speculations and ruinous revulsion. In closing my observations on this subject, it in pro er to elate that these recommendations are not formed n any spirit of hostility to these corporations sod com panies, nor am I insensible of their vast importmico to the commercial system of the United States. Nor have I any disposition to dosounce Any punishment. nor to subject them to any lees, in the present conjonctlMl of their tasks My object in to place then, in subjection to wholesome laws, an that, while the benefits they yield to the community may be preserved, their excesses or errors will be counteracted or prevented The detslls of Any act, formed on the principle I have suggested, should be adopted after no enlarged inquiry into their condition, and should embody theme/it liberal provisions for the security of the rights of the persons interested in them. A reasonable time should also be ethnic,' to the corporations which are now in default to re-establish themselves before this set becomes oper afire During thin financial crisis and general derangement of the currency, the collection and disbursement of the public revenue hare proceeded without lOU or ember ragement. The operations of the Independent Treasury system, in ordinary times, had been found by experience eminently successrul. The danger of logs from unfaith ful and inefficient officers, the expense of conducting its operations without the intervention or bank agencies, Its deleterious effects upon commercial progress and the general businens of the country—ell of which was ap prehended by the opponents of the measure at the time of Its adoption—have been demonstrated to be Un founded. It only remained to encounter a commercial crisis like the present to vindicate the justice and wisdom of the policy against all cause of complaint or apprehension A brief comparison of the operations: f the Treasury Department during the suspension of 1537 and the present time, 'int place the subject before the public mind in the most satisfactory manner. i)n the 30th June, 1837, immediately after the gene. ral suspension, the deposit banks held totlacredlt of the Treasurer of the United States, and stict to his draft, the gain of $24,994,168 37—a larger amount, in proportion to the receipts and expenditures of the Doe. eminent, than there was in the treasury at the time or the suspension by the banks the present year. The fnndeor the Government being then under the control of the banks, and they either unwilling or unable to pay, the Government wee placed in the anomalous con dition of having an overflowing treasury, which it was seeking to deplete by dietributioh or depogita with the Staten, and yet nimblest° meet its most ordinary obli gations. It had either to make its payments and de posing in the depreciated currency which suspended banks forced upon the country-, or postpone their pay ments until, from itn creditor other ordinary resources, it could command the meana far that purpose. It is unnecessary to detail the expedients to which the Gov ernment woe forced to reeort at that time The cinbarrionumnt consequent upon this Mate of things will be remembered by these who participated In the scenes of that day. It will be realised by every one from this brief presentation of IL The effort of the Government to withdraw its depoai ta and get control of Its funds was felt as an additional blow aimed at the banks. Every dollar which could thus be drawn from the vault, of the banks diminished to that extant their ability to offend relief to their customers Their /0111211 bad to Do contracted, and the demand made by them upon their debtors for settlement increased the pressure already felt in the money market, and thereby added to the general panic and want of confidence which are the ulna attendants of a monetary crisis. The Government was not only embarrassed for the want of its money, but to the effort to obtain ft became ohnoliona to the charge of adding to the general distress, which many persons thought it was its duty to relieve. To avoid a recurrence of these difficulties, the plan of separating the Government from all connexion with the banks was suggested, and in 1640 was permanently adopted. The result le before the country in the or currenres of the last few weeks. The banks, as in INT, hate suspended specie payments. but the analogy ceases there, no far no the operations of the Treasury Pepartment a its disbursements are concerned. The Government hoe it, money in the hands of its own offi cers, and in the only currency known to the Constitu tion. It has met every liability without embarrass ment It has resorted to no expedient to meet the claims of its creditors, but with promptnem pays each one upon presentation. If the contrast be to een the operations of 1037 and the present time dapped here, it would be enough to vindicate the po licy of the I inlepeni rent Treasury slatem; but it does not. The most remarkable feature da+tinguishing the two period., liar reference to the effect upon the commercial and general business intereet of the country produced by the present operations of the Independent Treasury. It is the relief which has been afforded to the money market by the disbursements ID specie of the General Government. In 1837, the demand of the Government for its funds. with witch to meet ite obligations. weak. coed the banks, crippled their resources, and added to the general panic and pressure. In 1651, the disburse meats by the Government of its funds, which It kept to Its own vault,, supplied the banks with specie, strength ened their dimple, and would thus have enabled them to , ~ • f when it was so mach needed, if they hwt willingness toffee°, f inability or on. only glows how much worse the embarrassment won have been if the Government wasinow demanding pay ment from them, instead of furnishing them the means of relief. At the time, and subsequent to the passage of the In dependent Treasury ad of 1816. the greatest apprehen sion was expressed, and no doubt felt, by its opponents, of the effect of such a policy. The accumulation of specie in the vaults of the Government, the distress it would occasion In the collection of the public dues in specie, and particularly its operations In a monetary crisis, were regarded es certain sources of inevitable evil. The idea that it would err rd relief at such a time was looked upon as wild owl visionary by Ito opponents, and not only confidently anticipated by its friends. The Puccess of the policy should be as gratifring as it was unexpected to those who resisted its adoption with Po mud. sets) And ability. Whilst the opponents of the system apprehended from it the most ruinous effects upon the bank, and the cur rency, its friends looked confidently to its operation for a wholesome check itpon excessive issues by the beaks Experience hes shown that the apprehensions of the ens were groundless. and the anticipations of the others were well.founded, to a limited extent The in crease of the circulation of the banks at the time they were used as public depositories, compared with their circulation at other periods, and particularly since the adoption of the Independent Treasury eyettina, affords the moist satisfactory evidence of the restraining in fluence of the system upon the tendency of the banks to extend their credit and Increase their limes. It is impossible to estimate with ateuracy the extent of this influence There are so many elements which enter into the financial operation. of a great and extended country like ours, that no man can pre tend to analyse the many cause, at work with s view of sosigning to each its separate sod legitimate effect. No one doubts, however, that the effvet, of collecting the public revenues in the notes of the banks, and deposit log the finch, when collected with them, would be an extension of the credit of the batiks. and an addition to their circulation proportioned to this increased demand for the use of their notes. To the extent that this stimulant to credit bus been withheld, to that extent, certainly, has the restraining Influence of the Independent Treosory upon excessive bank issnee been felt. The colic:Goo annually of about $lO 000 000 in the notes of banks, and a large amount at all hides remaining in their vaults no deposits, would afford facilities for extending their credit, which the past his tory of these Institutions shown they o until not hesitate to avail themselves of If such a system ho: prevailed for the at ten Teem the strong probabilities are that the present olds,e would have been much sooner reached, aniline effect would have been more Maestro., because more extended. and with fewer sources of relief, If the beneficial deeds of the Independent Treasury aystem in restraining the bunts from extending their credits lime not been over-estimated, and It is confi• deafly bettered that they here not, it Is respectfully Submitted to public consideration whether the adoption of the game principle by the reepectire State Govern ments would not complete the work of reform and pre vention against beads nielpeneloreeen happily inuagurated And Recces/Jolly practised by the General Government. The venous State lieternments now Collect annually about $50.0e0,000 This amount is collected mainly in bank !note., and, when net immediately disbursed, is either kept in the form of bank notes in the vault, of the Stale Treteurlee, or deposited directly with the banks Let the several States collect their revenues in specie, and thence Is ti ithdrawn from the hanks a stimulant to over-booth leg to the extent of the facilities cow Afforded them by this use of their notes. The remarks already made in coot:teakn with the In efspendent Treasury of the General Government are here applicable to the effect that would be produced by such a policy. The collection and disbursement in specie of the revenues of both the General and State Go vernments, not to speak of the various city, town, and country torporatione, would constitute anal a deemed for specie, at all them, ae to require He retention in the county The banks, knowinc that they hero liable to famish their note-Indlees with thin specie, would men late their leases accordingly, and Irrlia cenempientle be restrained from excessive overissum, which render suepeneion of /peel., payments by then, lent Ratite when a crick comee,which requires theta toilowhst they oueht Items to bo ready to do—pay their debts. The a [Prehension that such a requirement by the State Governments would operate oppremit oily epee the peo ple, e mild prone as unfounded as It del hi the case of the (Mineral Government State tome ere now paid, mist generally, in bank notes. These notes profese to be the representative, of riptide. If they Are, the tax payer could easily convert them into epee.. If they ere not, then they fright not to tie received 6,3 such either by the State Governments or the people. The very object of the lax is to guard against the latter con tingency, and thus to somire to the country a sound paper currency, Rime, A convertible Into specie. Under the operation of an Independent Treasury sys tem, adopted by each of the Stites, there would be no difficulty in retaining In the country a suffieient ailment of epee., not only fur the purposes or the Government, bet also to secure a nouns paper curienry. As !Ong, however, as the fitment system lasts, this melt cannot be looked for. One nould suppose that the large Increase el gold in the last taw years would have elms bled the banks to have protected themselves agatnst the necessity of suspending specie payments. Such should have been the ease; but it has net been, and will not be, until Porno p diey, such as is here recommended, is adopted, which will compel them to keep sufficient eliecie in their melte to meet their Mmes. Since the discovery of geld in California, in lele. there has been coined at the mints of the United States the sum of /400,000,000, and idea a larger amount has been added from that mimeo to the gold or the world. At that time,lt wan estimated that there wall in the United Stes el/0,000,000 of specie— Of that amount, the bank! held 143,000 000; upon which they issued a circulation of 8114,713,41 b. Theirdepodte at that time amounted to /91.113,623. It is estimated that there is now in the United States $260,000,000 of specie, and of this aunt, the banks hams $60.000,000; upon which they here Wined a circulation of $214,770,025, and their deposits have Increased to (2.11) 351,352 It will be seen from this statement that, with the inereued quantity of opecie in the reentry, the banks have only increased their specie from 513.000,000 to $00.000,00, whilst they have increased their circulation from 3114,743,413 to $214,775,W. leo one supposes that such would have been the case if, during this period, the finanetal operations of the se rious State Governments had been conducted upon the principle of the Independent Treasury system. It 13 confidently believed that such a policy would time eared the country from the prevent bank empension. /f, At the thne the General Government wee making its dis bursements in specte at the commencement of the pre- Kent Mills, the acme operation had been going on from the different State Memories, the effect necessarily would have been to have supplied every demand in the country for specie, and the banks, already restrained within legitimate bounds, would have been enabled to have permed their ulna l bedtime trithent serious In terruption. In title connectinn, It cannot fail to attract observe, tion, that at the very moment when the Geode! Gov. erntnent, through the instrumentality of the Indepen dent Treasury system, was meeting with promptness Itsliabilities of every character, and by the very act of disbursing its specie funds affording relief to the banks and the country, the State Gorernmente, for the want of such a eystem, were unable with nominally full trees euries, to pay their debts, and, 121 the effort to do so, were subjected to the charge or either paying their tier bdities la deyerclekil currency, or lidding toile► tia. tree or the country by their demands gam the beaks for ppecie foteds. There dt9ienttiee are the legitimate' fruits of their pest poUey r mod for the present mat be endured; it will be their own fault It another resvhdott should end them in ► like condition. da an additional restraint upon the tendency of all - banks to 0,0[411613e, ig well as for the wrote of keep. - lag an ample supply of specie is constant airdalatbu, the surgression of all hank octet ander the denomina tion of twenty deflate to recommended te the canaidam tion of those under whose jurisdiction these Stets testi. tutions exist. P fUTSOMI to the act of 36th of Yebettary;l6l, the di. rector of the mint waa remered by law to make bile mud report to the Preaideot. By Menses* seatiOn of that eat he Is directed to make hie 'repeat* the B. • -• cretap• of the Treasury, to the Nth Tads of testlaynk, , :' , i that it may appear in the annual report en thudnancee.:•-- The director has made his annual report to the Preei-, dent for the calendar year to thd Jaunt:Y*4; sad t has now reported to Oda deportment the operations of the mint and Its branches daring the remaining half of the last fiscal year, tO the allth aunt lest. The serest is herewith transmitted, marked 10. The director calls the attention of this department to the propriety of each an amendment of existing laws relative to coinage, that, where fine gold bars are made tee old to depositors of bullion, in addition to the charges now made for parting and toughening, there chill be a charge of one-hell per cent. paid into the . Treasury thereon, which would have been imposed had the same beerecoined. By the 6th melon of the net of 21st Febraary, 103, this charge of one-half per cent. was poyeble into the Treasury, in addition to the charges for vetoing or parting bullion, whether it was paid to depositors in the form of coin, or in bars, ingots, or diets. But the 6th section of the act of Match 3. 1633, chapter 06, provides that the charge for miming, alt. lug, or forming bars, legate, or disks, shall not Tweed the actual cost of the operation. The effeel of this pro vi ion is to repose the ireigniorsge of one-half pet met inthceed equity on bullion coined, or Withdrawn in the form of floe bars, by the act of February 21, 1863, and to restrict this duty entirely to coin. This is, of Course, equivaleet to paying a premirrea Apne hell per cent. upon all bullion exported in the fo of Boehm', as it Would have been subjected by law to that harden find it been coined. I COTTi . Ur with the director in the opinion that it is not good policy to implies this half per cent on all bullion coined for eiteolstion, and at the 60.1330 thee exempt fine bare withdrawn for exportation. If depositors of bullion choose to &port it it the form of fine bars, they should be at liberty to examine that option; but they should not be allotted a premium or one half per cent open such as is withdrawn for expo!. tattoo, which is the effect of imposing that duty on that bullion which is coined, and exempting. as is done by tho section of the act or Match 3,1863, referred In, that which Is withdrawn to the form, of fine bars. I *COMA- Irigly recommend that the original provision of the sixth Seetkin of the act of February 21,1333. be reamed. Dy the act of Ruch 3,1857, amendatory of cs An act to provide for the hotter organization of the treasury. and for the collection, safe keeping. transfer, end die. bursernent of the public revenue: , it was provided i• that each and carry disbursing officer or meet of the United Stater; haring any money of the United elates entrusted to Lim for disbursement, shalt be, and he is hereby required to deposit the same with the Treasurer of the United States, or with some one of the =Want treasurers or public depositaries, and draw for the game only in favor of the persons to whom payment is to be made io pttriralliCe of law and instructions, exempt when prymente are to be made in sums under twenty dollars, in which eases inch disbursing agent may check In his own name, stating that it is to pay small claims "- The object of this provision of law was to protect the Government from the improper use of the public foods in the hands of disbarring officers. It was the desalt of the department to carry it out to the roiliest extent that it could be done. An enforcement of its provisions according to its 1. tier was impracticable. I 0 would hare required a considerable Increase of the clerical force of different offices, for which no provision had been made by Congress, and in some or the departments a °mulleins with it, requiremenb was imposerible. Payments by the disbursing officers of the army and navy, as well as payments by a portion of such OSCef • In the Interior Department, could not be made in the mode pointed oat. Pursers in the navy nettling with the officers and crew of a =eel in foreign ports, pep maaters in the army at remote points from any public depoeitary disbursing agents dialled with the payment of lodise annuities, could not discharge their duties if a literal compliance with this law had beenrequired. Re garding the object of the law as wise end proper, and feeling]sound to enforce it to the utmost extent in my power 7 remelt circulars Nos. 2 and 3, appended to Ms report, to be tuned to the various public depositaries and disbursing agents of this department, by which it will be mien that the object of the law has been carried out, and in the mode prescribed, •s far as it was pawl ble to do so. It is believed that tbs4regulations thus adopted will effectually s-cure the deject which Coo ereas had in view in the pawner of the act *tiffs= 3, 1851, and I wsuld recommend that, the law be so amorad• int as to conform to these regulations. At all events, some legislation is absolutely necessary on the Matirets and I would ask the early attention of Congress to it. The sum of two thousand Ave hundred dollars wee appropriated at the last mules) of Congress " /9 twishhi the Secretary of the Treasury to cause loch eXperi meets and analyses of different beds of ore as to test whether any of such ores, in their native state, poems alloys that will resist the tendency to oxidise to a greater extent than others, and to ascertain ceder what circumstances they are farad, and where, in order to facilitate the proper selections of iron for public works." To carry ant the cldect in vlev..l caused cirentere to be met to all iron-masters wleme names eonld be suet. tained, soliciting specimens of ore bed hoe, and calling for information pertinent to the subject, stud, in rem. pilaue with the request, already a large teether of specimens have been received and are being received daily. The specimens are accompanied by letter meal. footing great interest in the result. and communicating leach valuable Information in relation to the production of iron. which has become one of the great national Mi di:tattled interests. So soon as the specimens are all received aaderranged, and the information which accompanies them has been abstracted and collated, a competent chemist or metal lurgist will be employed to mate the experiments and analyse+. Conclusive evidence has already been re ceived that a decided difference in the susceptibility of different irons to oxydire does exist, and it is hoped that the proposed analyse. will discover the cause. However, should the experiments fell to this respect, they will at least show the localities from which the lout oxidizable Iron can be procured. Some idea may be formed of the importance of being able to diesel mlnate between irons as to their sneceptitility to oxydise from the fact that the quota, awed by the Government, in this department alone, since January. exceeds 40,000,000 pomade; and the Navy and War Departments may each wifely be put down for equal amounts. The use of Iron capable of resisting oxygen, for rigging. endure, chain-plates, elimilhing, Ste , Is our commercial marine, would be Immense. In accordance with the nettle/i tiro sealed in the Secre tary of e Treasury, be the join t resolution approved February 26. 1851, to provide for ascertaining the rela tive value of the coinage of the United Steles and Gnat Detain, and Ruing the ndatlre valee of the unitary coins of the two countries, I appointed Professor I. H. Aleunder, of Datlintarith, eirenceselemer to ireaforwitle the proper funatieueeles is (treat Staab+ laredathen bra --Los of so seeLogi!oroi tet the respeetive unite s hereafter he easily earl —.., commensurable, Profteaor Alexander In now ins tandem, and I expect the result of his misakm Till be embodied in .statement and report from him at an early day, which will be lad before Congress as loon u reeeived. The jeint resolution to prevent the touoterfeithig the coins of the United States, approved February 28, 1837, empowered the Secretary of the Treamity to muse is quiry to be made, by tiro competent arommiseloaera into proceeees and means claimed to hare been discovered. by 3. T. Barclay, Esq., for preventing the abessiou, counterfeiting, sod deterioration of the coins of the United States. Under said authority, I appointed Pro fessore Henry Tethake and li. E. Bern, of Pennsyl vania, and directed every facility to be afforded them at the mint, in Philadelphia, to pursue their investiga tions. I anticipate, at an early day, to communicate the results of the raid inquiry to Congress, with my opinion as to the probable value of the alleged disco veries. In the settlement of the 'recants of the Clerk of the lloo.se of Representatives by the accounting officers of the Treasury, a question 31060 no to the power of the two Houses of Congress over their respective contin gent Linde Under resolutions gassed by the Reese of Representatives, the Clerk bad paid certain mune to dif ferent employees of the Moose for extra rewires ten dered by them, and the question was promoted to me whether he could be allowed credit for reel payments in view of the provisions of the act of March 1, /845, which was evidently intended to present the application of the =Regent fund of Ibis two Houses to such purpose.. My opinion was, that the art of March 3, 1813, was still in force in this respect and I accordingly held that the credit. could not be allowed Tho reasons for that opinion are so fully stated in my letter of June 30, 1857, to the First Auditor of the Treasury—a copy of which accompanies this report, marked 11—thet it isunnecemary again to discuss the question. In conformity to the iroggestioce of that letter, and for the remons therein given, I recommend the pa cage of a law for the relief of the parties who have acted under the different contraction placed upon the levrby this department. By the art of February S. 11.57, the President was authorized .•to procure, by purchase or otherwise. a suitable steamer as & reTterle cutter," and for that purpose the sum clone hundred and fifty thousand dol lars was appropriated. Under this authority proposed, were invited for the building of such a reasel, and the COI/tract awarded to Mr. Wm n. Webb, of New York. He is progressing rapidly with the wort, and it is ho llered that the vessel will be ready for service by the Ist of February, 1853. The character of the contractor, and the careen•l energy which hare been dtsplaye4 eo far in the construction of this /learner, justify the opinion that, when completed, it will be a meet that will do credit to the service- The whole expense of building and equipping the steamer will be within the appropriation made by Convent The report of the engineer in charge of the Bureau or Construction is herewith submitted. marked 12 It will fire a detailed statement of the expenditures in that branch of the public service. There ere interesting facts set forth to this nTortahich should not fail to attract the attention of Congress Cy reference to the tables accom panying the report, the number of pobtie bnildiege erected prior to 1550, and their colt, will be shown, a•ao the number authorized to be erected since that time, as well no the propositions which hove been urged upon Congress for the still further enlargement of the sys tem In view of them facto, it Is submitted that Con gress should either return to the practise of the Gor ernir.ent prior to 18581, fg en adopt a spite= thet avoid da justice to the differrift *reticule of the country. If these public buildings are to be erected to the extent indicated by the leglidetion . of the last few years, not only justice to the different soetkes of the country, bat economy and the public interest require that they should be subjected to a system which will guard the public interest against the unwise expenditures likely to be incurred from the present mode of legialatiog an the subject. No public t/Win: shoul•l be authorized until an official report hse been male to Congress show ing the necessity for its erection and its act. Thu suplestiona male in the report of the engineer. on the propriety of systematizing able clues of bueineae, are commended to the emasideratien of Corgriess. Be fore, however adopting the late legislation on the' ass= jeet as the fixed polity of the Criernment. it wood he well to consider AO expense which each a' system will permanentl Y entail upon the treasury. The num ber of custom - houses, court houses. and poet offices which would Ito called for can hardly be computed with accuracy, but our general inform Cleo on the subject is sunicient co justify the opinion that it wesild be attended with an exnense which would never be compensated for in any &deal:days to the public service. My inn opinion is decidedly against the system; bat if Con gress adopts it, Ivo demons of placing it upon the meet just and economical prinetples. Among the tablet accompanying this report, I ear., chills' call the attention of Congress to No. 13, giving • detailed account of the espenditures and receipts of tb• marine hospital fund for the relief of sick and disabled sesmen in the porta of the United States for the ftsc•! year ending Jane 30,1337. The reliefalforded at the hospitals belonging to ant under the charge of the Government 14 no giester then et other points, whilst the expense if mach larger. This iv attributable, in a greet measure, to the nuins4 location of some of the hospitals, though there are, doubtless, other causes which contribute to that revolt_ The propriety of dispensing with these pablie hospitals, and returning to the system which cull exists at most of our ports for the disborsentent of the marine hos pital fund, is commented to the favorable consideration of Mauer,. Having called on the Prulient of the Lonisrille and Portland Canal company fora report of its condition. I herewith transmit the reeponse of that officer, market 14, from which Congresa can decide whether further legislation on that subject is advisable The report of the Superintendent of the Cast Furey will be stibmitted to Congress nt an early day. It will give &statement of the operations of that branch of the public, service, showing the progress which bee been made in it during the last !ices! par. Xvery reviser:co in the expenditures of this service Wu been mode con 'intent with Ito prosecution on the present seal*. The reports of the Tint Second. Third, Fourth, Filth, and Sixth Auditors, and of the First and Second troller'. Ile Commissioner of Customs, nod thase e rflt Treasurer, Solicitor - and Register of the Tnialary ;marked from A to L, inclusive), are herewith sub mitted They give a detailed account at the bantess transacted in their respective offices. The report of the supervising inspectors, marked IS, will be found among the documents secompanying this report, and gives the operations of the law under which they are appointed for the past Lem. The operations of the Light-House Board, with the condition of the works under their charge, will be found in the report front that body, No. ld. A disposition on the part of the baud to curtail a system which has been extended beyond the waste el commerce should recommend it to the favorable consi deration of Congress. The duties devolving upoa those having charge of this branch of ,the public. service bays been performed with eatlaftictlon and ability. All which Is respectfully submitted. ROWELL COBB, Seary of Hen. Joan C. BEXCEINIIDGRcret, the Treasury Vice President of the Euited Statia and President or the Oat ate. EZ2=2l
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