- - tlgr_vot_T-E m s4I ,- . (. 1 k fil ,_ ft A - 1"V, -1 .- .: .1 , i - .?„.i.;„> ,, .. , : f.,_f,..-4 -. ..,i; - 4•Ae.l,l' l •4lt ' ' t x''' --. A Racir StiuDAY.-- , 11 tuereda !sY tow 1 ''',' • leitat'ilielififaliWi :4642 OW -fairer , .halti.cr 4 0 0 4 100 ` . t:. ..*atira iiioreakriej4 eMierriilali*itiot i ) ui ..r (Inlet, ',CIO „k , :,raitakly fithidii,,,Y*.ttbilow_alit#akfl this iiittailli; : s , ?pr•ihp reir ek l ,..4o4o ll P•A l iOi ri" O?: - 'asied a'4:d."ll ' 4 ' ,..., *ii iaice-,-*tat'bm.oos4 lo6 •o 4, ilt gi ti he eeklY re. tiy-•' " "teiriLok. ttee4.000V41400.4.*„t4e11117..0 ~,:t4011,, / ..: c. - -•4-. - Er ••` rli h 'of n ee wh o ties cons Haifa' ftap t attni *Pita tie 4 til -,-....-4 hMus„,:thircartn*/.109,.#WW;..01051, Said ~lbe hard IA e,,,,,Hai i i„ , fiid , ,lpieransilwitnirre,.aufatc'ntollglikie iii ibis 4 ~,,, ukili'W it qkseftelViatiat lhe.at§tivt;ay - and re.. ' *•-*- -- aliiiilf4,l4ei.Al;;Ruieli rainy giindaiii4lsappoint ,i. _,..i tbeasiAi.„Xpaiii;liidleit, who, intve notretired for, a• V.4iiiplisoilglit during thiWeek,Wlthent a minto petition, . ' ., 50 , 447:0i . titte4preseed, , t4lae the Winkler; the man '-'''`,r-fitiailitatVie tifeltirktik.; inighttnnt disappoint them .iyt,r,tirr%Aif,,:tiiiiity idilik44l4 alt ,pitta for 441itirposo of ort . • quyitig, the prittilegaef gratifying that very preinineetty ~;.,-, ' a rditieloped-ttult, otlemate oharsoter,' via r•AoP supreme :t ,Ti,";tituantrair tete looked at and adinired r rnaf Well feel dia. ~ ; ,..,e.plaittibelit *heal/Cr diiy,cif stil, the' ' siaielfi 'happen% to hi initiated- with a Aoieringliktputa*re ,And en toati• ~Pa ;ridnivisoitheatit/didiale, an uncongenial to.f kid ,Illip --4;,i4N.5-_444 trtdikakadhnity,'ln4'telattitieek tlie , 4 i . erhlol 1 . ..1.-„lilk,i, l . •:,-07,14.0h . .,']ifiwepapet ierlbblera `have* .4 Into. l 'teen'lleting "uPert. ,s 1 - their, at horn of- A' thousand, ” - •.. - attlate t wmatilvithief ai we think, beeeme i "t.Thiatelas harii. But niter alli'-atich , dayaist . iihnided -- niud , ,„ aast,aliet4or.•allib Yeaterdity:Wita - 4 plamtifen'sample, ':„lnthe,latltitla and longitude, of,Philadelphle--are not • 73thout " their4divitagelf.- The man, fdr eltrople, who 7 :'4i:o ' hified 'ati:':dayo, with the . hope of reeling onsthe • '''nerieih,,Weeil Wot'be,oiatlielied by the pattering rain, if hole einritoriablY;holieed,rant bas - -learned how to riPalW a gathaila ii:ChoraWkt the hoendi et Lie familY;lti :'.; it Phi•44ide Way: . '.: ~,:.-.", , ' - ''-• l - , ~,, .. „ , ; lkit,neeil the iFeather.ihit prev ents the elWrch-gohig ' - :female4rotii donning her,new,.klove of , a hoinset,ll no, 1' - t• ,'ubhafiriliirivede her apiritnal enjaymeata t o the sanctu. ' M. - Y . ol'ooa - 10, i ntNwA her talr!ireither :devotions to kostilher,'KV-linwe tilt4et.ie.ii In which ease the toilet ~, . a a.. ,alirjae will hare gained an unworthy vietarA.4 victory, I a- - ;hottever,; which is neither chargeable to the presence i '^'''nfr:eiri nor tiii)iiimence - orsun'aliine. ' -. .BiA, ; ript to follow ~---; up thikinoralizing Strain, yesAeAkr, to thoso who apt - --- plied to iti the pedestrian teat, wee as,decidedly anti , vedette What we denorninate"h . Hue day; m ' the most ..„'O4-dent dealle for meterireloit'eal contrasts could wish to . , „Jicaliie„.„l6 our experience we do not remember a day ' mor e inimical ta sew hits and patent leathers, or better * ' ' calculated 'ln' everr respect to dampen the , ardor of inoinenallers ; yet whet it lacked in its Otness for out. 'door' enjoyment, no think yea amply made np by its .• ' • auporior adapratioritir in.door meditation. a' ' -' Vpon'thalthele, 'then; rrenuti,act„, it thiwrithat yes. , • „tei.,,layi,unpraiiitettiVas it . Tatt - ,iir,4t.i, physical &specie, - j•'•:•4 : 45 a6tVtheat iiiipee;ard'ao-5%1111 , T0 0 , 041 1 it , in cur • --' 114 , 4Kattliga - we cetteliidaiihisietai,;hapridaiiitgwi •'' Tug, liiit ' etini seta - 14 watch lii ' anjomnibtle dial •le inlow-apirita, awl' hakthrestertad to cut his - tbroativith a bar ofiellaw soap; or,hang birnself with , 4 festoon of Mine-went asueagea. - He winilditpod into --buying -a. Suit of clothes at au inferior establishment, - and Is mortilled at the superior appearance made by „ those who.patronise the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of ' tioehhiU "di Wilann;Nos. 603 .andoos Chestnut street; ' • above Sixth. - 'l' Itl '• "J '' • ''i ' tiC i ' l, ''' ' ” . . . rxr,, apt! .. u 4,1., n, ti r presentment to the Court of Quarter; Seasioal (titian:day 'gest, elm . - inerate their services snit. elaborately. -L largo num ber of nitiatinces , WO - MentlWied'i amend, others at Its solorint and delfhpfitn'okneiction, that Cogrt of goaatsr.Sessions is a great publiiwrilg; detrimental. to • health," dx., and winds up with'the idelcogiven gene rally 10 our thatithershoold - bny, all their ; clothing at: the hishicinabli'ontkilons pf Clifton, dd. bright, dr. Ca.,, Jiii2Ver ko. 627 Cheillnilt street, , . IT be seon-by eivadvertiairigooluinaii that liin-ISfaterman ii,egilator Compitnytre now selling their_ superior lingalitnirot 036 - in *silt the times, Only - qr° dollars fnei ilegnlitor,:wayinnto , to wive 20 to ito Or cent. of-the .gruff 4611. , Wine 602 Chestnut ltrint:inb6,66 Stith - ' : : at ~, = .t~toritie ~, ~ntiUigcnri~ rofer tw . - rIIIr f AnFLPIII./C, , ,',Rec.,. y, MT. BIIN'IIIBEB ' 22 7 8TIRIMT8 38 i[iMEI WATER ' •- ' • • 0 08, ARRIVED - . SleanuthiP Pollutant, 00Pes,2I hour fromtiew York, •with- mdso and- 'venom - Ors to .7 Anderdice: Reports having passed the ship Joseph Joinea; for San Fran cisco; at anchor off Bombay Ifmk'; off 'Reedy Island, passed:UM ship Baranak;- for Lero in tow of the tug Miletleap brig Dellti,"_ for Antagon; schr L Opting's, from Wilmington, N 0, and a British schooner, nlme not aseertalited; off New Castle, passed the ship Naples; for Havana, going down In tow-of a tog. Stoma* Pennsylvania, Teal, from Richtnand, via Norfolk, 24 pours, with ,nutse, and passengers to Thins -Webstor,Jr.: Brig Coe Down* Jainment, 841als from Calais, with laths, &c, to GNAW trgilstrin. , • Brig Pauola, Vaiis, 8 days trent Beaton, In'ballast - to E A Bonder & - Bohr Victor,,Beare, 4 days from New -York; in .ballet to captain: ,• . - ••• •-• • Behr It Dry,. Hackney, - 7 days from Albany, with buloy to-Cant do Ulric - •".; hebeJantes Prioe;Leverton, dayafrom Valthosore, with grain to A G Cattail & Co. Bohr - Planet More, °collagen, 8 days from Baltimore., with mire to A 0 Cotten & Co.. , • • Eshr Lydia Ann, natal ; 2 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Robeson Lea. - - ' Sobr•Ladiehl,Cholea, Droolca,lday from New Castle, Del, with oate to Itobeson - Loa. . Fehr Challenge, Hall, from St. (lame. Fehr Iteatiesa, Smith.; from •Iloston. - Fehr Pa t; Wsples, from Boston. - • Fehr Pldelle, Ethan, from Providence. • - FOY - John Ooniptoo: Sharp. from Medford. Fehr Dt Li Idahoan 'Robinson from'New -Bedford. • - OLNeniD. • • Ship Saranak, Bovvlan4, Liverpool, Cope Bros. , Behr D S Mershon, Spragg, Wilmington, N 0, daricus Baker. •, Eche John If Alien; (new, WI Wand Babcock, Ha Tans. John flown k Co. Subs Hydrangea, Butler, Gloucester, Crowell .& Col Doe, - BohrLlloo W ‘Krobs, Nmerson,...lialtimore," Thomas Webster, Jr. Behr Ann Piekrell; Dukes, Alexandria, do. Bohr Victor, Sears; New Bedford, Repplier & Bro. Behr 11 alahony, Soblnaon, Now Bedford, Blakls. ton, Cox & Co. • , Bohr James Price, Leverton,Wasbinglon, Van Pilsen, Norton & Co. Behr Planet Wu', Cleohegan, Ihiropton, VA, C Duller & Co. Behr Hestiess, Smith, Charleston. Behr Fidel's, Shaw, New York.: " Bohr Pangasset, Waples, New York, Brown & Behr John Compton, Sharp, Van Diver, do: Bohr Challenge, Bull, Boston, Wallace & Co. , ' • NAILED. . • • , . The packet eblp Saranak, Cape -Howland, for Liver. pool. left Walnut street on faturda7, afternoon, in tow of steam-tog America, The following items comprise her cargo:. 2.850 bbl flour; 8 3 482 bushels wheat, 18,862 do corn, 19Abaga cloverseed, 45 lihds guercitron bark,, 15 casks argols, b cases cheese, 3 wrought iron girders, 23 packagea mdze, and 74 forward cabin.' and steerage passengers. (Gorrespondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) DBIG DMID 8. BROWN ABANDONED AT SEA. NORFOLK. Dec 3. The brig David 8. Brown, Captain Baker, of and from Philadelphia, lot ult., bound to Rey West, with 500 tons of coal, encountered a violent gale .from the N E on the 15th, which continued without cessation 'until the - 17th, when she sprung a leak, which increased until the Itith, when the vessel bad to be abandoned within 00 miles of Abaco with six feet of water In the hold. AB bands took to the boata in quite an exhausted condition, and, after ,30 - hours , exposure ' landed at Green Turtle Bay, saving nothing but what they stood in. Some Of the crew proceeded to Nassau, NP, and Captain Baker and the remainder "reached here to.dar. The vessel was valued at . p.14,000, and cargo at 82,000 - ' JOUR 11. GOULD. (IT TILEIR/Llll.l (Corretiondence of the Philo&lphis Exchange.) - CAPE ISLAND, Dec 5, 945 A 91 - 5. ship la now of this plice goiqg hi - Wind W Weighs! line, - ~ -, , - . THOS. B. AUGIIEP. • • CAPE 181.111 D, Dec. 8. 4 lb It balk beoa alarming an day in thLo neighborhood, which prevents our soeing any easels at a distance of two hundred gents. ' Wind strong from BE; accosts panted with heavy rain. - Yours, ' Now - Yong, Pee. 6.—Tho Screw steamer Bemoan, from Norfolk -for New York, is ashore at Long Branch. All hands were-saved, and, abe may be got off. , Arrlced—Ships AI by Brown from Marseille_ r s • Bevenno from Callao. Mar l iaret Evens from London; West Point 'wigs BIJOU PebeeDne from Bordeaux; Condor from Fayordo. Ships Scranton from 'Area:col; Defender from Chinches. Arr,Barque Medusa, from Fronteas; Br achr Volant, from Bareelona; Danitlibrig St Michael, from Portan Platt, reports the total ion of the brig Octavio on the sth'Nov.—Captain and crew asted; Bremen brig Brame, from Sennllla ehip Mellon A Miller, of Baliallmore, Smyrna. . MEMORANDA Steamship °Riot lUchinondi Mitchell hence arriTed lliihniond, inst . - Steamship NOrthem Light, Tinkispanglr, for Aspin• wall, sailed from New York on Saturday Jut. 'Steamship Oily of New York, hawse , cleared at Bos ton, sth lost, for Philadelphia. Bbie Slather Hay, Clark, for Ban Francisco, cleared at Boston sth inst. • ohlp.Areole, Pltmen t for New York, was at Palermo 10th,ult, Banque Blue 1410 g, Bernhard sailed from Baltimore 4th met for Liver ...I, • • ARRIVALS-AT. THE PAINCIPAL - HOTELS Up to 12 - o'dock Lait IYigl6 - GißeitYr 1101788-Aiiiestinistreet. below Ninth. J L Lord, .11 York Jon Volga m,Brussels, Bel W - Money, jersey City It 1-1 Uoldooo, .loraey - City • - Goo llaskeiLlt York 'Wm Martin, N York 11, Mcktorrino, N York W C SiramowYroviderme - A id Btimers/U 8 navy, 11 Moore, N York Smola Mohan, Waakington R H Laskey, Washington -ILWard,3Vaakington • Mrs A Dowse dr. da, Boston A Y Lear, Boston • B G Boardman , Boston • Join Shekel!, witO W ington Jno T Bunts, ashington - : Joe B Allston A w, 8 Caro Joe Dirds, , Dattirtiore A Crocker,Lvitoliburg, N Y 'Warren& lady, Norton Chile DI Wheatley N Y 13 11 Graham, Ben Pram:taco Dr 0 Bonnet lc tact Bali ; Balt; . Cabell,llishmond." Webb 41 liolj inAmonil • .6 Weeks A lady,La Ohm llaismond: New York - llolntiveh & lady; N N Cable, Baltimore Jamas W Blackford, NY- JAlttionron Now York fajatre, New,York 'lno 110latic; Brooklyn 1 - 11De1ton • :AB „LoWry, ld Navy " • sainuel Athirtrin, Dolton T Thornton, Washington - 0 T Ilambiond; SO BY,Wribier & wire, NY Joe Richards, Reading " Jtarew,BOuth,lledley g 0.116 B Skillet°, einehmati. In° Gilroy, Niw York - - /1,44 ,14 k.W0n t Jr,, NY „, fl Bogert, New York inn 11.Karr, - Gee y Nlliott, New York Mobs, New York. ' Taylor, Delphlni Ind , Max stolconit klew,tork Aires , i M,a3rillos Ny Oltaa Boilee,-Jr - , New York; &slab Unlink ' Browned' New. York Pike New York M tleo IVWlillarnson,Leashri Hon A M SheVrriai, N ' Henry Wilson, Chicago ',Col J. G Dudley, New York T B Blaskstene, Chicago Ii Wvilkerk le At ' . , "Oftrooal GO'rzle.:7ohoeinat street . ; above Fifth. . Jobnion la, Pa "„ B'o Newman, PA p ilaidfird; Wish; . 7it Warrington, N Y Wright, N T - R T rane, Lanelr, Pa Aire 010=100, L Donegan, • A hicoOrrofek, ChaenP , 3,0.. 11 - W - Olitton, - .llaa Tare)” Volfelc, la 'Psi Oleav'd Ohio T NeOlelland; IN, #„ 3 , 6oit Garrison, Braden " , W 0 Brined' 'Boston G Pandolflii4N • N Pegley, la'a u el t ch un k T - , J Marr, NY -0 B,lonon, Phila •,' 7 "- - '• W Slanbiy, Phila. Lltinset as la, Taco'y At - 41013day ; - 'teary X J Niro It rirlawiro John at. Louis Jameobrowdep, Thomas, Wilitifigai Faffilot 7 Dugan, Ifotton' — , - Andrew hfoOalla, liartioni W 0 Itutehlotop, Va Thai Idillefan, Va. - C#ae Bharplerni Biltrinori etlt. grownsvig a . . , - • lINJON TlOTEG:idreh Greet, below Fourth): A Jones, prio - Biehsai, Indiana , - H AlebedorilPlitabtorgb,,k 121„H Qom, Tohnerlow, Pik;' NY ft Ruasell,dobristown, P PA:(3-00od, WheeBiB Oldeatte; Trantbinla. A Bilborn, Pa Julian, Camden, Del? , , - ri - ;iihrrg-GJ,Wathrarbao,'llostorl O=W Coorkr, Lance ter, Pa lI.VISAAOVAntiIitAAA N Robbins i Boah ? a ThCillalison; . Batt P%,..' - ' 4 4Vviiiritiostiii Ohio NUIRCEAETBIAROTEI i—, , Fourth StreeC lieloit 'grarriKßradford cis% Elicons, Bradford co 0418, - Mauch Uhtenk, J F Freats, Pancailer, Fa, • Iton 11. Woltoo..Ani:" J'at reen,•ll.ileaburg E rErnamp,Oolambia, 9 H hillier. Ohio , J Uoufftoihiiisools Chunk, E Weiler, • Dr W Moore, Olearlieht St acy Lloyd; flttsbulgh .It 4 . Allooler,ibirtieburg, • Stre . ot.abcivp sixth, Gee Z Benton, Columbia, P ,Elablllendeesoa, Dolt Salta T /Ordan t Remy A Martin, - AltKilloPY-P° Jacob FrutsLatcoatei, Pa Jae Henry, Delaware . SEcelary,, ;Pa A,H ITovranl, Centreville Bobetts,Hotutldeanvlllo.Jno AlcOano,,ltoehr, N Y Jaallorrlsonillalt , G Wildman, Pittsburg' 'Jae Lbottant, Clearfield": A D 1 10 ST , i Al) Bona,' Downingtown J GratlT, Y , • -‘ BLACK HEAR INN—Nlith. and Merchant Streets. I R Onmadvgai Media - Speakman, Del co, Pa Priteler g "Easton, Pa J D Wiley, Peach Bottom ,Roby Parry, Polak Itottont Jacob Swayne, York co, Pa WM Robinson, Radon, Pa 'Wm Coy, Chester co, Pa CI :Bath, West Chester , , R Stubbs, York co, Pa 0 0 Barring - tint& la, Ill' • Jos Shannon, 11l Truman (loatos,Obester co, , "1 . 01 Thornbury, Cluster co Thornbery,,Cheater so, John B 1./ 3 NATIONAL LIOTIIL..-Race street, above Third. ;awe mega, Was i k/ Y D 3 Burnham, Maas. Davie, Nestor', Pe. P Uhler, tihlervllle, Pa cu m w Mogan, Pottsville J T Jamee, Reading, Pa - 3 It Goodman, 731.1313q1111, J 3 Martin Is, Earrisin •fi Es Mains, Ilerrleburg P Warner, Ashland, Ohio LII Ensign, Es, • , Genf) Wilburn, Sunbury Juo'P nendereon, N Y U . B Ketchum, Salem, Mass MADISON HOUSB--Second street, above Market, C K Cannen,,Balt J H Cooke, Reading Branson, 'Wilmington T P liarned, Salem, N J 0 Patten,-Phila ' A F Conaway, Pittsburgh BWlthenten,-Fittabargh C Seger, Phila P Baker, Balt Adam Rilley, Balt JDtJohnmen,Blairsville,Pa BIAOR DEAR ROTEL—Third street, ab. Oalloxbill DI ti II Venereal%len, Pa Tomlinson, Bytorry BARLEY SIMAIL-Beeend; below Vine street: James Remlngtoni Md S Betebelder d. la, Mese J Davie, Cheltenham Jae !tureen, Trenton Wm, I Johnson, Albany Jno Leughtbay,, lleuettlier SI , Klpte, Reuniter., Bonk of rowneylvailii Notes fake*at par to'r W itches and Jewelry, at lowest prices. • PARR & T:ROMPBOIe, Impori'enr,' - de? 1m 73?..Spiestrociiitinet. bolow.Foorth. Furs.—Joseph nosenbanus will open a ntileu did' stock of Yore on Idooday • next. Ettore:4l6 Arch diriret, between Fourth and Fifth: 'N - 13,4-YUctibltered Into fashionable styles, dklin Good Coffee. • Lovers of Criffee'e'manot realize the tali valvie 4 of their favorite beverage without haying it made In the Old Dominion Potreo Pot: • „ • • ' AIPISLIP., ' BUNILATA,4 ialLitPrif t "117 and 11,9 South TBSTII, coy: of George, , , Sole Manufacturers. Wrapperi t' Wrappers t• Wrappers 1,-A very large and elegant assortment, 'wholesale and retail, at redaced prices. Also, ChM shirts, Deem Stocks, and all khniti of Fumbling Goods for clentlemen, at W. W. learcurr , e, 612 Arch street, above lilath. no2olra Skates! Skates! Skates !—Our readers will dad the -largest and most complete assortment of this whiter ,luariryi and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Knionr'fi, No. 619 •Placket street, opposite Decatur street. no3o-lm Saving Fenid.—National Safety Trust . Co., Olree, WALNUT Street, 6. W. earner of THIRD. ABEANIIEDENTS - FOR BUSINESS DURING THE' SUSPENSION OP SPECIE PAYDIEN.TS BY THE BANNS:: 1. Deposits received and payments mado daily. - - 2. Current D►nk Notes, Checks, and Specie will be received on deposit. Depoelle mode In Bank Notes or Checks will be Paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Gepointa made In Gold or Silver will be paid back Coln. ltatereet Ras PER exmr. per annum. n 025 JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. , Cheeks, Mites, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at pains to cult the Utilise. onl7- 1 y Fot Perfumed . flreath, White Teeth, and Iteantiful complexion, use "Palm of 1,000 Flowers." Per dreesing Ladies' hair, nit "Woodland Cream, a new Pomade." It curie Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. Fireman fr.. Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For - sale by T D. Peterson, 808 Chestnut; Samuel filmes, Twelfth andDhestnut ; A. B, Durand, 718 Chest nutrT. Deters & Co., 718 Chestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift Book-store, 439 Chestnut; 0. S. Itubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar 'ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Slated & Sena - Eighteenth end Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Chrlitmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner DWl:nth and. Walnut. n0t.1./y Cabinet Ware and ' • - UPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE squiutz. - GEO. J. HENKEL'S, - 624 WALNUT Street, or22•Sm Late of 173 Magnet Street -S. V. 'Desnald, Commission Business in Vein nierolat paper and negotiations or loans, ES WALNUT Sr., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. nolklca Bower's Infant Vordial.--This invaluable Cordial is prepared from n variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatic. known in medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infants and young ohildren. ' Py Its powerful lutinance a speedy cute is effected in all cases of Cholie, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &a. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, end hes been need in thousands or cases with the most tbundont success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Donna A. Donna, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. corner of Sixth and Green etc, Philadelphia. To whonfall orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. en .1.3.1 y Serenteltse Saving Fund ,Olficn 203 Walunt street, one door west of second street. Receives de• posits in 'fume of One Roller and upwards, from all classei of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and 'Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Oharlee 51. Idorrls, Bank Notes of the PtNNBYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, W/H. H. RICHARDSON, noll•lm . No, 418 M HEI r STEHIT, On the 31st of Augunt, by the Rey. Joseph 11. Kennard, Ur. WILLIAM ShU.TII, of the Twentieth word, to hike EMMA 0. TOIIPKINEI, of Centreville, N. J. On the 18th of Noreraber, by Iles. 0. Popie, MA NNEB AllOl.lll to Mine 'FANNIE KIM, both of this city. On the lid December, HENRIETTA D., daughter of Major Bache, U. 8. A., and wife of John J. Rorie. *it On the bth lest— Nra. CATHARINE NEVIN, aged 68 yetra. On the bth inst , after &lingering ilinesa, BERNARD 81.11/GARD. aged Se yearn, On the 2d inst., JOSEPH CAKE, In the 84th year of his age. Tilol3-13. UURIIS 117. Dr. Stevens's Third Lecture, on Tuesday, the 6th, at 7% P. H. Hall at the corner of EIGHTH and GREEN. Sabject-=' , THE SACRED WATER'S Olt THE HOLY LAND Doors open at 6%. Proceeds for the poor. Tickete 26 cents, at the door. rEr Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, of New York, will deliver a LECTURE! ON LONDON; Ito High Life and Lew Life—its Parliament, Palaces, Pulpits, ht., with Sketches of Spurgeon, in the MUSICAL FUND DALT', On FRIDAY, 11th lost , at 131 o'clook P. 11., For the benefit of the Poor Soo , of the Mission Sub• bath School, In Federal street. Ticketa (26 cents) may be obtained at— Alvan, Parry & McMillan's, blesses. Smith, Pugligh, dr. Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian Publica tion Room. American Tract Society. Philadelphia Bible lime. American Sunday School Union. des•amwlhtr WALNUTuaker City Insurance Coin. PANT, 408 Street —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Quaker City Insurance Coin• pent for election of President, Directors, and Secretary, itil be holden at their office on TUESDAY, the sth day of January, 1858, - between the bourn of 12 and 2. d4.frmw-Im COCOSUALD, Secretary. (t 7 Keystone Meeting of the Key. atone Club will be hold on MONDAY NVENING, De eembor 7, at their headquart er s, GLOMS 110TNL, SIXTH, below Chestnut. ACTION 13 ÜBLITION TO ens Nsw.Yosa TRAITORS! • deb-2t FY' Lit erary E areall, —An Experienced Ed i tor, a successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-live years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, pad determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of ovary kind, will be puppliod, on-band, with Advertise. merits, (political or citrons ise,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, of any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Desolutione, Lettere, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications, and every other sort of Drain. ,work, which they may dud it inconvenient or trouble. some to do for-the:psalm. Wien and Gentlemen, of every rank In society or on. cupation life, can have Lettere written on any sub jeet, whether briefness or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correa. pondonce of every kind, either English, French, Span. hilt, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies , Album!, Notes, dutix, Monodic', and Compositions of the moat delicate and confident character incident to every possible eirourostande or event In life, will be furnished in in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orden' by split, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Addrete J. T11031P8014, Literary Bureau, dl ins ' Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. AUDITATE OF OR'S NOTICE.—ESTA - ABRAILUS L. AIOYXIt, and Wife, sniped for Walt of creditors. , The undersigned, kudltor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of •blontgomery county, to make distri bution of the balance appearing on the account tiled by llonry aasignee or - ABRAHAM L. MOYER hod Wife, for the benefit of creditors, among the per sons' legally, ,entitled thereto, wiU attend to the duties of hie 'appointment, at his office, in the borough of NORRISTOWN, in said county, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of December, 1857, at 10 'clock A. M., when and .where all persons interested may attend, de . 74n4t • B. F. lIANOOCR, Auditor. fj.LASS I GLASS !---We invite the atten ‘A tlon of the public to our superior stork or Eng lish, French and American Window Glass. Our stock if large sod well 'selected ea to sizeaand qualities, and warranted free from stains. 0. sortruca k 00., 0144 - , Noe. 152 and 16t north Fourth street. EDWIN T. CHASE, , ATTORNEY AT Nis moved MI silica to No. 104 south LAW, SIXTH Street Om" Watiutt; . , . tit it* . I 'Notipeo. P2ZZIOI alorricurs. lOcalbs. IST ' Or - LETTERS RE AI N I TT the PIIII;A.DELPHIA' POST OFFICE up to 12 . 4:040ar, P . . IL on Saturday, Dee. 15 $ 1817. [Porous applying for lidiertitiod Lettuce will please, mention tilt; dote or Oho List. Open on flundsy froutTX W 83( u'ulouk A, U., and d t 0.3 P t „ . ' ' LADIES' LIST. Aolceman 0 Ore,' The II Osven'MtaK R. Aspil MisaTtary Gotham Martha O'Connor Arras Mien Julia Ouillard Mrs al A O'Brien Mies Albertson YLE • Gruville Edith O'Brien Ceth Atkins Mra N liaw'Mra O'Neal Mrs Jas Allen Elisabeth Oren W Putnam A .. Allerton Marcie I George Adelaide Prridden U Aire Mary A I:NUM Mrs K Pippitt Rachel Alley Tire W P Mariam' Mien Pollock Isabella Arnold Mrs Mary' Ilammit Mary Frail Mrs S Baur Julia M Haven Carolina Palmer Man R Barnes Camille Haley Sarah Percival DI A Berton Mien Ada Haman Lydia Palmer Mre Barker Mika Mary Hempel Mrs D 0 Percival Mary A Beaman Ellen . IbtrailtonMraJane Palmer Mre Beaverly A H Henry Ann E Prilo Mrs Booarde Mrs S N Hayes Mien Lotila Poikey Yeanett Brown Emma Horror Mrs P Parker Mrs 11. 0 Beta Mrs E Harvey Liavie FL Preoton Drkt L H Barger Martha Hallmark Mary Parriah Helen Uelmranger B Hamburg Julie Plokroon Mrs 0 Berger Borah 0 Harbotd Miss 0 A Pechin Bates Mrs 11.0.60 Hall BIM Molly Prunell Bin; E Blish Mrs Amen/ills/or Mien Lydia Pancost Love Black Amanda Hadley Anne Proctor DI A Bishop Mrs DI 8 Hamel' Mrs 1.1 Pigman Mary M Black Miss II Hall Miss Cath'e Pike Jane Biddle Miss ' Hawthorn Mary Park Eliza Bissick Catherine Htmen Miss Ellen Preston J 1 D Ann Bidleman Mrs JU-Ilepler Mind Annie Price Mrs Mary Ilan Hanes AmeliaJ Richardson $ A Blight Elizabeth Ilambright litre Randall Men C L Bird the Eliza Hart Mrs Sophia Riley Josephine Blight Mrs, !leafy Margaret Rahn Miss 11 Busby Miss Mary Helmuth Mrs Wm Ilittenhonso M $ Buckley hire Ann Hinds Charlotte Randolph Henry P llovaird Sarah Hill Mien Louisa Mrs:, Buchanan Maria Hagan Mrs Sandhi Roney Amelia 31 Brown Mrs James Head Mrs Randall 3liss ,1, E Brimksop Miss It' Hunter film EIKb 'Cahill!! Mrs Burt Phmbe A Harney Mis Palk Reed Charlotte • Briggs Rachel - Ilbugh Mrs Mary 8 Reese 3liss Cattle , Burney Mary Miss Hager Airs J 0 Riley Alice Brady Miss •Ailciallayland Mary-J, Reed Mrs 0 - Brown Lizzie •:.• , r Ilbarland , Abula Brpaller Marg , tri Hunter Airs Virni • Robbins ilia,,, Briton Ellen, Catharine Rowland .A V BartOri lolotta , IltidsonLizOr - • Roubald MISS A 141011,yit ••• "Backett lies I lilledroes Sarah A • Roberti Amelia Bolivar bliss Hunter Sarah J *Rouse Rim DI 'Brooke Mrs ' • "Ifoltalidllrs - •• - Robinson Anna' Bradley litrn lintlsop Julia .. - Rowand Sties ME 'YAWL Margaret 'lloops • Helot of &herr Mrs.o 'Brant Ilra Mrs'jone • • - Schrieter Miss ßudhing Addle lioffruitif &tannin Sem Mrs 9 Boyle Mies Al Hunter Miss Julia Sailor 3lra 8 Boyd Mm Anna Iluggard Mrs Jane Sharpe Ellen linden TM O L Jones Mary Ann 51.teahan 'Bradley Lucretia J Het Caroline Sage Mrs Sarah Brandon MraJacob Jones Miss L J Sheffer AI ixn Butt Mrs • Jones Miss Julia - Sheldon BON C Brown Miss Anna - JoncorMrs Mary Bcannel Mary Butcher:Amelia Jones Mrs Ann C Series Madam A .111•Owft Mrs Mary. Johnson Matilda Shallcross 31 E Sutler 8N P Jones MIN linty Scott Met Job Buchanan A 111- ; Jackson Rachel Shiny Maria, Carley Ellen Judson Mary A B Sheppard Mrs It 31 Carr Elwood , Johnson Oration Shaw Mrs Ellen Oliamberill re • Jones Sire SaraliA Scoot Miss Renter ,Coalins Virginia Johnson Victoria 'Shuster Mrs M A Castillien 31rn James Mies M J Sedley 31ra 31 Campbell Carrie Janice Mies Bottle Shalcross Sarah Carling Rose Jones Martha IV Samuel Sarah Cairns Mary Ann Jones Mrs Mary Shubert Mrs E E Craig Mary J Ramble Mary 1, Scott Mrs Mercy Cambell Mrs Ann Bucher Elizabeth bhoune Mrs d Churchman Anna Kinsaberry Mrs E Sharp Sister Gone. Cutlery Fanny Keahan Margt rasa Ohrestopher D Kraus Lin& Scaldenger Juno Carlisle Amelia Merlin Mrs JaneA Marty Miss Susan Cant Mies Ellen Kenne3y3liss Anu Schafer Eva B Campbell Hindu Koran Miss Cath Edemas Mrs Chapin Lizzie Keyser Angeline Smith Mrs DI Cardwell Mary Kilpatrick Kate Smith J Clara Clemente Sidney Riosinger Elizabli Smith Susan Olemonent Rach , l Kenney Annie B Smith Mrs Clayton Mrs B. 13 Kelley Eliza Smith Bra Eliza Cushman Alsx'r Ketterer Miss Ann Smith Virginia Cane Miss lA:Melia Kenyon Emma 141 Smith Mau Clef° 3lni 11empeey Elizabh Sailor Anna V L Caron Mien B W Misty Mary Smalley Betty Cortney Mr; Lewis Annie Si Smith Harriett Cruly Catherine Levy Sarah J 2 Snitcher Rebecca Conway Jane Lindsay Rebecca . Bmyeer Sallie Outline Eliza Leek Sire Martha Smith Lydia D 2 Coster Anna Leech Mice Ann Skenen Mies W Ciane Julia R Lesley Men II V Smith Mary A Coyle Sarah Logan Miss Annie Saplo Mrs II G Copies Mrs 8 J Lyle Mrs Rosa Smith Mrs Mary Conover Helen block Elizabeth St Clair Miss Ann Conwell Mary Lane Mary A Stewart Slice B D Conley Mary Lundell Mrs Coo A Spencer Slice Curry Miss Annie Lyons Marin Si Simmons Jennie Crower Emily Loehr Alice Stieringer Sire Collins Mies Kate hedge Mrs C Frederick Croft Elizabeth Long Mice Martha Sutton Sire Dr Crompton Mice II Large Dr .1 L Supple Elizabeth Cunningham I D Llndeley Nancy Spencer Krim Conway Caih'e Lamb Mrs P T bray Matilda Cooper 8J Lambert Rate 2 Stephens Helen Cornish Abigal McAnulty Mrs D Spooner Mies DI L Orasbery Mary A Mcoentry Farah Stritzel Dire S Cutler Lizzie R Milroy Ellen Sterling Virginia Cowley Susan McGill Mary Spooner Sire AIL Cellist Lizzie liicDonogh Bridgt Stearns lire E Contest Sarah McLaughlin Ann Sweeney IA E Cook Sarah P 31°3.111E1er Jane Stlteler Dlrs P M Conway Eliza 31cElliare Alice Sweeteer Slice B Davie Slice Kate McKean Cath'ne Stanley Barbara Dickmans Miss McNamara-- Starwenther L Denning Eliza J 3lcElier Sire Steel Bra Fumy Dunlinis Miss R - McCagney 3largt Sullivan Marie Dempley Mary McOlair Nelly 'reeling Eliza Danhowe IlleGuiness Cath Taylor Mrs L Dittermia Hen'a Mcßride Sophia Tucker L3l Dill in Sarah Ann McDevitt Kimsey Tryday Mrs Dailey Marg , t McGinn Mrs Rosy Townsend Dire Devlin Bridget AI cNelly Oath Thome Sallie, Delaney Catlee McCormack Oath Turner Farah Dickenen Rachel ?deltaic's) Morgan Taben Sirs Si A Deacon Martha T McAllister JDI Trough Emma Davies Anna 31 McKenna Annie Prayer )3 A Moot Mad Marie McNally Sire A Tally Satin Dewett Miss M E Wynne Mrs DI A Thilly Ellen Dickey DI Marg , t Madden Mrs Sarah Thompson 31 Davenport Jean Moult Slim Si A E Thompson Mrs L De Bond Mrs L Mangram Mare Townsend Sire 31 Dale Mrs DI T Mabony Mary Tilley Sire B nelson Mrs Aqp Meson bilge/anti Thomas Mary 110 Agreda Mrs 8 liloylert Ada B Taylor lire 31 A Dorsey Matilda Maguire Eliza Taylor 31rsJ Dunbar Sallie Mathews Jane Truitt Mrs E T Dewed Isabella Madeira Mary II Ward 11Irs Gen JE Dorsey Sire Ellen Meyers Miss Si A Walto Mre S Dowden Sarah E Marconler Miss Walkers Mrs . . Doughty Mrs Jno Marcel Sarah E Waterhouse Alra Engel Mrs Mania' Miss M M A Dunn Miss Rhoda Major Mrs Dl I, Whelan Mary Illogherly Farah Blayne Mite Mary Wager Mre II Dunne Bliss E Miller Mrs 31 Warner lire E Doak Bin Ann Miller Anna Whitman Borah Ellington Mrs F Mills Ann Walker Mrs lb C Evans Mm Maria Miller Miss Mary Wallais Mrs Ely Mrs Eliza Miller Luc-Ala Walker M E Bilis Emily Muczy tire Solon Wade Rosanna Edwards Mrs Mullen Elizabeth Wanner Mod W Egan Mary 1' Alulholan Mary Watson M Ely Rachel B Montgomery Kale Watd Mrs Erly Miss Mary Morgan Mrs 8 A Welly Mrs It E‘erestEllen Moore Lizzla J Wiley Miss 13 Eversall Carol's Morris Rachel Wilson Mrs Dr J Ellencroif Nary Mullen Mizell Wilroae Mra Edwin Mrs Ann Murphy Mrs Dl Wiley Mrs DI A Eleer Caroline Murphy Widget 'Wilson 0 Elite Mrs Chu blobrville Dire JE Williamson Alt Plante Mrs 8 A Meyers Amur Wilbank Mrs R Blunting Mary Moore Mils Ribly Wlllhelm 9 A Fairbanks L A Murphy Eliza II Winn E C Fidler Bliss E Moorehead Mibs J Wibe Marg't 11 French Mine M A Myrle Mm F Wdliama Mrs Fisher Miss Murry Ellen Wilson Eliza Fitzgerald Ann Mature Mrs Mary Welr Elizabeth Felten , Anna C Montgomery A A Wrgruan I, Fassett Mine A B Mowbray Louisa Wright Mrs II ti Fellson Dire E J Napheya Mary Valtet Mal Eloise Fannon Marg't Nelson Anna Al Vanlen 8 F Gordon Cath'iii Norris BB Vance Mrs I, Gamble Mlle Nellas Marg . t. Valetta Mrs E Gelb Rebecca Nomund L A Vail AI II Gorbutt Lizzie Nordin Annie Voll A 9 . - tialbery Dlra Nourriet Blra A Vidal lilra ADI Crahaler 0 G Isloilson Fannio Volta Ilerda . . Green Marg't Niblick 8 A Young Mra T 0 Gibbs Rachel Nuilihen Mary Young Mrs Gordon Eliza Olmstead Mm M Yerkes Mra A Gorber Miss 800 NI. Yoal Mary Gust Mrs Jebn O'Neil Matilda Zimmer Mrs C Allman John H Bradley Andw Crosbv Chao Actuary of tho Art Bradley D W Comfit Pat'k U of Phila Bryan J It Contor H 0 Abbott Wm Brognard P P Dawson Michael Amos Chao P Bradley John C Davis Sand P Agnew lienkard Belo Wm II Davies John Aikin John prunor Ch Donlel Henry A Alien Ethan 0 Buyoen J II Dotter. Wtn Allmandinger Wm Burton E IV Deentan Joseph Am Em Land &On Burby 'Wm Damson John Albright P Butte Adam Davidson Jan Altvnter Chas Burke Than Darts Wm Awey &Co C E Burton Gideon Davis Jacob Anderson David Buderton John Dale j D Ashburg ..atutiel Durm Wolheim Darby° C Aubennett Chas Brylkley Wm II Danderhsrt Chas Anderson Ju Buck B A Doris Henry Atkin JII Burger Edward Delovey Borrow) Armstrong Wee E. Bartmen Henry C Deutsch B Anderco Carleo Bierkey Ed De Vries LEI Anderson Edw It Burk John J Deakin John . .. . . . . Adams Hilbert Burr Joshua De rstrop Gregory Anderson Melville Buchman I) C Dempsey (lee Angler M Burns Peter Deiker Henry Alkieg Wm W Burk John Devine James Anderson Wee II Durk Jae Diaz de Villegas Albright Thos P Byrne &CoC II Yglidets Bassett Richaol Deleinger S Dears Jonathon Dailey L P Cade alederJ r, Maven oht Baker Stephen Callinghem Jon 2 Day &Co d B Ball Jos T Carson A Delaerard Clout 3 Baker Wm It Carey John Decry Debt Barbet Alphonse Cain Thee W Deakin Toes Bullet 3 B Curn Andrew Defakoes Dr Bauer Frederick Cameroon E Delany JAMS Barney Newtown Campbell Wm II De.noett Wm II Batley E it Carr &al M Derbln Barber Wm Caldwell John Delany Edward Amber Wm Cameron Semi Derr II J Dame Geo Caryell 0 D Dey John B Batch Geo B Callaghan Wahl Dengue Berea E Barton E 0 Olden Dan Dellonew Oeo W Barclay Wm K Darien & Devinell Dipson Pawl Bane James N Campbell John P Dix'mart Thee Barry John Caster Wm J W Dieterich Jacob P Darnels J Casey John Minim G Bake Chan Carringbam Jacob Dlehe Thos Bakor Wm It Caruth Geo W Dickeson E lit Balkan Robt II Catrilto Mr Dick A B Barnes Thorton Carr Petrick Diemen Joseph Barton John Chapman Tho D D Murry:, P Baker Jon Chapouty Pierre 'Dodge Spiraling Baker ejrktr Cheeds John Does A W .. . Baker Geo W Chant Henry Donorlds Aleaand Bates John W Chewer* Jesse Donnoly Henry J Barlow Jas Chase,Bmlth & Co Donenloy S 0 Bateman &Co Chance It 0 Dorman Miles Bascom 0 0 Chau n Thee 8 'Dougherty John Benedict, Smith Molders J V Douglas Norval & Co ChrbA Hoary Dora Cleo Bennett Edward Clark Isaac 1' Dore Henry Bras Fr Cleaner& Scatter- Darling L Ilaskline N It good Dougbtry M E Berry N E Clark Janice II Dowick James Bergmann Geo II Clawson Joseph It Draper Edward Bell Geo W Clayton John Derer G W Benda W II Clark John Draph John II Berney J D Clark B V Dunlap John Deck Adam Clanasem 0 F Dungan Chas Bender J J Clymer Itobt Dunlin Jos F Bechter al Il Clinton Thorn Dunks 0 9 _ . .. .. . . . . . Benezett John 0 Connell Nicholas Dysart Wm P Belemyer 8 Coombe Jacob Dupont C E Bergen J Co atoll o Joseph Durrenger &Arm Berlin Inane Cooke Chas Ii strong iliabug Charley Cooper Wm 11 Dungger, Car t Bigot Alphonse, Collins W P tight &Co Bidden 0 0 Costa (leo II Durham Jackson Berkinbine II P II Cornell Woe Dr Lonna Bird Chas Cobbs Chas Eberle Christian Bingier (leo Conolly Michael Elder Win T lilllgh6llllAll.loll Cooper Collard J Elwell Clam Blues Montg'mry Cooper d Walton Eilig Jos Black Samuel Condi 0 M El:osier Alcx'r Blum Christian Centex Cornell Monde° Alcx'r Diatins ilru Collins P Earnehen Jos Boyle Corm Coon Ephraim Ecles Jan Boehringer Adam Calhoun Wm II Easton Levi Bossed 0 & N Colston It 8 Nekert lieu .. . . Boyles Thou Cota Julius Eckman Don't Bone 8 f_t Cook Wallace W ElkintenJ Bowie. B. cooper John II Edwards Henry E Boon J G Cornell H D Edmuodeon John Bodenman If Comics, A 8 Elkins Jehn Boyod J G Cadelam a Ebkhart Abraham Bornerman J Conklin Egon Boobs John .. . . .... ... Enrico John Coye Hugh Eastman B Booth W C Cooper Hoary Emery Josiah Bossert Comp Coburn Joseph Ewy Harlin Reunion J ColhomAntlionyßEverts Fro's' Boughton Chas Commerford W Evans Edward Bowman David ColhoorAntlionyll Nelms Oliver Breen Moses Chile Consul de limsloy John Brown J 0 Conover Francis BErw in 111010 Brown Sewall If Colin A V Esher John H Broomick Jan P Cunningham Jos 2 kinglemen Franc's Brown lama 1.1 Crawford River Evans Evans Brawn John Cunningham 811 Eversley noel° Breynard J D Curran Edward .Eastplane Victor Brudralle Bang W Cutter OhM Evans Ellis BrintoraJ Crosby Alexander Exandon Antonio Braceland Thou Curtin Chas H Erpes A L Britton Joe 0 Crocker Franklin Evans Richard Broadhead John Crawford John Emorlek Albert Break 0 0 Crowthors ClemltEnett Alderman Bryan Jas (Barrio Robert Alderman Enou Brainlautil Copt cream Jl , Itrolly /luau ragsg tr omiJADP l EmA„ AioNpos, I . 4cF,Aiipv4 7, 1857. ifirrarlai4 ' toe 'eo ",,Piledl NSW Farr Levin s Loop John P Puietion Paridenlii Foib Ohrhit'r : 'Leh Beni Pugh Dr P Fltapatrick-Pat Legen Jai,/ - Pugh If I • Ferri Jos I. • Lode II s Plyrnpton 8 . Farr E I)Leaned Heibert Ramsey Jno Felton Pat' ' , , blahs Frank Randall Robt Ferris Dap'l Lewneat J 1 , 1 iteckett N Capt Farrell Pat'k Leonard Gilbert Ratutolph'Jno Fetter & Co teillgh Aaron llReed Wni J F-1'461246; blame. teimeo Mr ' ' • RlishenhisH4 A D 'FilituanOlons't '• Lib° Wrn ,Reeptialitlipben , Fitzlistrurice Jno Lindebran Eine'k 'Remullett A Mona Fleming Henry A Lippincott F •Redoker Wm, Pinch Semil B Lloyd Samuel Bded D H i nter Fink Wm ' .• Lloyd JohriD Ito& Itobt %goers Foetun'tJ Louis 31 Sutton Reitz Admit Firmer Jake B Ludg 0 Reeding W A Field, Ibboison & latelicti, V E Reed & SistlAh Co ' Lodge &Co J Renshaw Itich'd Fitter & finical° Lockey Mr Roberta Thos Finch Baml 11 Luckett Ensile )1 Rice Joe Fox &Co Wm Luscomb Win W Right John A Forrest John F Lang Robert Randon Pat'k Foster Francis Lietig Ml 3 Rids Joe • Fox &Co Linden Abetilos Richardson Sain , l Fowler & Sown;Love & Son It Richardson IF Bond Lukine Alfred Riddle Jno Fried T Lufkin Horatio Blokarda Win 11 Pird Isaac Lutz Wm D ' T Dr Fuller Win Luanne. Itobiniion•Wiu • Frederick Edwin Adam No 6111 lore Jiidgo 51 0 Pontanies Fred B Adelphia, ' 22 Ross Rich'd 31 Fry SW Amity, 10 1190411 0 Jan ' Erank Jacob A merino, 25 Rogers Sand 2 Frank henry Columbian, 88 Ross aI P Framstz Aug's Covenant, 1 , 4 lioantreo F Iff Furman* John Chosen Friond,lo3 Rooms Win I, Freeman N 0 , Crystal Fount,llo Rowan Obalkey Friel John Decatur, 33 Royer Goo W Fuller Wm lkt Solcalb, 174 Royer Win Fullmer John J Empire, 104 Robert , Deng 9 Fox W To Egeelsior,-48 Royer E F Fulton Mr Fourtleof du1y,144 Lanai Ray It Frovt John El • Franklin,. . Rue Jobu 11 Furman Davies Friendship, ' 3 3 P Freeman II U - Fairmount, - 149 Russell Chsa W Frooliag D S - Fidelity, , 128 Siam Jacob- Garrison John Fidelity , ~136 Sartirn Sand Gerbil( 11 II ,Frantogio, 189 Senderivan 0 Gallagher Thou' Helene,, 188 Sawtelle Garrigues Sand Sibiu Wurren, 128 Semi Wm A '0 aredohe Oalwel Guinertirsy, 106 Scott losiah Cele D.F „ , "Gen Merlon, 3 ScherFE Gamin Jan Gen Harrison 188 Scott Edwd Hapipyr ~„ flood Rainarlean.B9 Sardley Obits 11 Gatior•JaS • Illepn. Hill, ..154 Banton Oeo (IWO as ptadibon. Hope, 93 Sykes Justin i Gerson. A' llcueunts A, 288oundersT Ci T Alarm/ma Swirl Herman, 7 Scott Jan D (Niter! A L , Harmony,' 10 Smiler Jacob Gehmen Henry II Hancock, 43 Sammond P Gerretntindependenco, 55 Sobbed Henry Gilliam Jae Jefferson, 12 Scott Amos Gilman John - Justice, 180 Schoad Philip 0111 tan Jas S ' Fayette, 18 Scott G Cutlery Chas Metropolitan, .150 Sargent Rubel 01.1 ten Jacob Monroe, 38 Seldanan Glenn Henry Morning Mar, 4 Seism Wm Glasgow Peterß N Liberties, 17 Seaman 8 B Eel' Goncha Philip ' Oliro liraneli, 115 Seyint ur Wm tlillingharnehaPy Oriental, 173 Shields 'Wm 11 Gilchrist A Client, (1) 298 Shinn Gen W Ginter Lawrence Philtulia, (2) %Sharp Henry Given Rob' t Paradise, 127 Shippen Gilkey John Philadelphia, 1 Sharp 0C Gllllapie Win Philadelphia, 13 Shulier L Gilkey Lincoln Penn, 26 ShePerd Thom G (lord to II L Philanthropic, 15 Shipley Holed IV Goodman Wesley Prospect. 187 Sheehan Edmund (loggia Rich'd Robert Morris, 29 Sherman Woe it Goodwin John 1' Shiloh, 14'2 Shirley Ed Gorgee & Killian Schiller 95 Shepherd II co Gorman Joe Southern 14 Schultz G N Golden Elder L Star or Attlee:). 52 Shaw Moses Capt Goddard & Pal- Southwark 148 Sheppard Saint laud S Gorden 99 Shociaker K , Gourley D F Toutonla SI Sherrion Jno P Goodman 13 B United States 34 Simpson Alex Godfrey Win 0 Vigilant 157 Silkretto S K Grime} , Chas %Giallo 171 Skinner W W Green J D Wayne 7 Skelly If hos Grant Isaac If lilcOalla II Stiles Dr Once! John McDiernitil Skinner (I Greco Wm 31Alleter d B %thereon Henry Omit Francis MoAnnally Edwd Simmons Wilson 2 Greif Win McClure Edwd Shun/fah Saint Or:Molder Oro McCarty Sloan lamb 0 S Guardian C 0 McDevitt Rev Fa. Slemely Adam Griffith Geo tber Sloan 8 W Gone Deng B Malan John Smith Jno Griffith P.l McDaniel Sam'l Smith ILE kCo Granger Wm H McCulough /as Smith Jh& Co Gratz David McDoll Andrew Smith Geo I' Gnu bi Christ'n McCauley Palk Smith G P Gray Robt 2 McCoy John oil . Smith J L Gross L I) McKeown Bon Smith Hamill A I) Gray S W McKee Mathew 2 Smith Edward P Griffith WII McGovern Thou Smith Ithltdaon II Gory Wm McMouagle Corn Smith Thou Greene 3 D McKaine Jarnea Smith Patrick Graham Isaac JI McGuigan T Smith Jno S Graham Isaac AI MeGarety James Smith J 0 • Graydon Wm Itacterran James Smith Win A Griner Henry McLoughlin John Smith JIIO Haines Eith 111c3lannas James Smith Thou Hall Wm. McNinety A Smith Dan! N Hallowell II L McElroy James Jmith Allen F Hernia 8 R McKinley Wm Smith (I P Ila!lnner Win 8 McNulty Win Smith Lee is Hall 11 Clerg McWilliams G N Smith 11 W Ilahersham A W illettae Causer F 2 Smith it Acker Hanibleten Job Me.3hain Manuel menu Helloed L A McVeigh James Smiley .1 E Hall John MeParktin Snyder Witte I' Hamilton John Maloney Geo F Slowiten Jos 8 . . . Hamilton Benj Slack 11 W Sopp Ernst Halt 0 L Magee J L Soule David Haberle John Mackenny Alex 0 Southwick Jan L Ilaminilton John Mahoney Edw Somers Pred'k Howborger D Mao (lath Roht C Southland 8 E Hall Henry Macdonnald Alex South Abraham Dail Edwa r d Miader Thew II Spencer Jas B Hamilton J Steckel Julius Springer Lewis B Hamilton Dauer Macknot, Moser &Spain Edw na gger Alex Baldwin Spencer flee Huggerd Win II Martin 8 Willet Sponge It S Hasson Thos Marley 'ldea Sterling J C Hanley Win Manerman Henry Stet ling Joseph Hoislett Samuel Mathew Thos Steiner .1 11 Prof Hoy Silas Mason E P Steele Joe ac Co Harry Eli Maxwell John C Stokes Woolman Hanley Michael Masson E Starkey N Here E D Maas Chas E Sterling Jos Hardy John Martin I, Slotsbary W U Hare Chan Manse C K Dr Cupt Hart Davies Morton James Sieber Jon Harrelllon John Martin W J Steuart Thos Hanson E W bintlitm a John Slat Jacob Harrison Geo jt, Mathew Chas Strachan Win Hawley 0 E Manion 11 J Rev Stet moon Win E Ireland' Wel Mason E Jr Stillwell A II Harkness Wm II Malsbach Isaac Stover Henry Harkness Wm 114 Maakeit W Staltend J llalfreth Sand 2 Mason Wm F' &layette James Harkwot th Thee Mauls Mathias Strouhouer Thus 8 Harruett Win 'l' Mullin Henry Still, ell Elias Harper John Manion Michael Steiner aPO 11 Hay Wet Matthew Peter It Stiles W 0 Ito bey Li rear' w Illegal geo I Milken Wault'lu Hays James Megonegal Sault stidham J 1. 1 Dr 11Ughini John 0 Melon David Slimier Juo Hayes Aenis Meagher The.: Sto c kt o n w E Harris Win H Morroman Wm 11 Sturgeon Itichtl Harvey Writ it Mayring (lee Starr W V it Harrison H A illeusey - starkie J K Harrison H W Metzger Emanuel Stewart It N Harrison & Dun- Meigs 8 E State Mutual Ma• gas Milne & Co rine Ins CO Hay John Mego Thos Stevens & Miller Heaney Julie Meyers Win Stanley James Ilendrteke J 111 2 Meade P Synold 01' 11Obe1111011 Wm Merl. Henry Tuteur )I Healy John Miller Jonathan Taylor Jaa 11 Capt Henry Matthew S Motto Wm 11 Tilley Joseph Healer Witt W 3 Mittey E Tarr Dll Ilenah Philip Milton Joe Taylor D J Henderson II II Mitchel Stewart Taylor James Ilelfrech Jacob S alinnick 0 Tel hune Jere Bestir, Newton Milleck 'stint I! 'Painter Solomon Helder Fred'k Miller P .1 Taylor Wilhelm Ileiset P U Miller W Talbot Jas fleas Wit, Michael H Tanner Senvier Ileialey Michael I ' l o , l l 3 o mM U l' Tans l t Jan Healey John 11 Morrison 51 PDr Thomson DSt Ir e , i n san o jel Morrell Benj 0 Thompson S 0 Hello Charter Moore James Thomas & Brown Henderson A 'l' Morris Jno D Thornas'J Al Hower Hairy W Moriarty Maurice Tiptoe & Finley Hill Michael Moore Albert Thompson Elliott linkman Geo 11 Sloflatt Isaac Tingley L D Hilton Thou 2 More Dick Thompson J Ilickoty Jan L Mott C P Thorp Oen & Bre filet Phillip Molloy Win Capt Todd IV II Riggs OIV Mores Thos I. Turner Silas 11 Hinman Sol C Merrell Chain Toy Jno Hollands Jlt 4 Mount Joseph Tracy Michael Hotter & Brow-Stolid Alex Townsend Ildm . . . . well Morgan J. Townsend 8 J Hopkins Esiw M Monaghan France Torbert W L Hopkins 8 M Morris DDT 9 Tobin T Hollingsworth EIG Meurer (leo Tango II C Hillard II B Moore Joseph Tuttle J C Hoppa Joe Moore James Trott (leo napkins Id Morgan D Waters Pat Born Id II Murray Patrick Watson 1' I Hail J 8 M Murray Chas W Walker W E Elonson P B Murray, Young & Watch Henry Rol meter John 8 Co Wft'tnn Llo)4 2 Hopper Win Maroon Peter Walker A b Hopkins N Murphy Timothy Word Peter Hopkins N N Murphy James Walcott &Co h llolland Saml Moilin Joseph Wagner 3t, Mc. Bollingsworth E Murry John (tu igen 2 Holtman Samuel Medford Alfred Walker Thomas Holmes G Mylert Chas Walter & Barry Bunt E M Mylert Willie Ward B W 'lupin Samuel W Mulligan Jas II Wagner Jacob Hunter E B. Myers W & Co Walker Geo Hunter 3 B Hlcels Wm II Walmsley Thos Bunt A P Naval Lyceum Warrington Jos Buffington Jos Newell Thal Walton Wm Huey James Nrblo Id Walton I P Hunter 8 Badly NaMfi It J Wallace Lem n ug h en John g Nichols Edn in Watts Talbot Ilusfelt Geo Newell IV L Wainwright &Bon Hunter Paull Nebo liar vey Walton 3 D Irn in Wm Nicholls Wm II Ward M G Irwin. J W Neill Wm 3 Wallis J 51 Dr Isgarlo J I' Nelson Alias Wakefield W Dr I r .. (verge C Nice Curtis 3 Watts Finley J Jeffrey Reuben 2 Noble Wm L Wallace IS' 31 Jeffery David Nealiss George Walton I B Jarvis Chas M Nelson David Walker Val . ... Jacobs Jno 0 Norman H II Walls hi II James Jonathan Nicole Win II Ward D F Jacobe Nestor Nunes Theo J Werntou Jim Jeffeta Joseph R O'llyrneJno Weingaertner 8 Janney ?milli's' Owen Saml Wertheimer S Johimon John O'Brien A °Tar- Wells Lewis E Johnson Win W rell Messrs Walter Philip Jones 311 O'Catalcan Time Weaver 11 F J ones Wm 0 Oppenheimer 112 Welt! Benedict Jones Irven O'Hara . Wendewortlx F A Jones M 11 Oliver II F Wensham II Johnson Lore'o 1) O'Clas Chas Weland H A donee Dr Ocklachlaegel F Welsch Henry Jones A & E Owens Jno P, Werner Ernest Joseph Solomon Orr Hector Wedekind 0 Jones W E Orem Chas 0 Weston J Jorg Ohriat O'lllarra Inn Wells Lewis L Julius Copt Otte Jos' Webster & Hacker Jones Joseph J Orr Sarni 0 Jones Win F Osier Wm White Bishop Jones. Wm . Otis Jae Whitney Wei Joseph F S Parbery Win Whitworth Josh JOllO4 Alfred .11 Parker Thos Wharton Tl, Johnson Chas E Paulin S V Whitman E 0 hence Hardy Pain Mathiite Wheeler) 11 Kane Andrew Parke Geo Whilby J It Kennedy Alex Palmer IV It White JI, Keenan Peter Patrick J Wharton .11 W Kelly IV II Peravenel Capt Iteudell Win 0 Parrish Dr Jos' Wolff A Kelly Thos Packard Liberty D Wolf Mr Heave A., Co It Paschall R S Williams I) P Keller Michael Pattereon OIS Winter E Kelly Barney - Patton (leo Williams II C Keshear Mr Press Win Wilcox I' 11 Keller Francis J Pattie Thorn 1, Wilkinson & Kennedy John L Parker A D Hoffstall Kerr Samuel Partridge A 0 Wilson J (1 Kemble Thce N Palmer Howard L Willin (I W Keys nos Parlor. C H Wilcox Edwin Iternian John Philip. A P 2 Witters W 0 Kenny Enther Peters Chase &Co Williamson (3 Keen Henry Peters Jno Winans E II Kerr Wen Pencuek a 'Windily Saint Keys Thomas Pepper Jno A Williams I 0 Kerr A Pearson Juo Willson Cyrus King Wlll II Pere W Whitley U Kemal James Pitt Alonzo IVilsun 0 A Kenney James Peterson FE L 2 Willson Arch Kokeer Geo Jr retie Oen A Willson Rolland Kremer P 0 Perry lidw Wilson Wm It leen .1 Peelo D Wilson J K & Co Kitchen John 8 2 Phillips Abbe Williams 'l' 0 Kemp J 11 Peering Jan E Whin Henry J King J 0 Perham Ohas Wieners W Keevaley Can Petit Wm It Williams J B Kibbe 0 IV Peters 0 F Wilmot 1) Hon Kenderfader John Peek /I T IVllson .1 II Kona Maurice 0 Perrin & Co Ben) Willard FII W Kimball J 0 Philips P 8 Worthy Francis Kirkpatrick hlr Pinheiro T Woollsieller II Knauff N W Plersol Oliver R 3 Woudwood IV 11 'Landing M Pierce Willie P IVoodnut JDI 1 Lakin A IV Potts Wen B Woods 0 I: Lane Eau Powers I J P Wood Juhn Lauchbrener 11 Parker Won li Wolford Oyu Lacy W Poet 11 A V Csimilen Jag banglein Belong Pike Wilson Guinn Barnet Lartin GWI) L Proctor Jno Quickaall Wm barker George Pratt. Woodwarillardley J B Lansdale Wm El &Co Zell I& Co Laura Samuel Presser Christian larrow II 0 haul. Smith Prescott lire & Co Zane Jun Lauder Peter Price & Walthan Vector David Lane IV It Price Tun Young Wel , aunin , 0 vir Prador 0 listrike Saml Larkins B Preatzet Class Conker B W Lents Jerson Price &Co Wm llppermann J A Van Dyke F A Vanhorn IA W.A. Voight F V eddeu Madison Co Vanzandt A L Y ambito 3 B Ihnstead Wm Vancleve I' A V suborn KI) Vinson George Usher NIV V iggard Jae Valletta N Querttal J (1 40-14 °HAIM Q. langur, P.M. ~ . . liaake. RETAIL AT 191IpLESALE PIUQES. BOOKS'. . , E. 11.:10.11.1,NR - A.'00.:, PUBLIBuNnB AND WROLWALD DOI6.IDIRLLNBB NO. 67 soprn: FO URrtz • . mum, onturriirr, , offer to the Public, on ' - ' - MONDAY, December 7th, And until JANUARY 1, thnit entire stock of .e PREPARED AZIR PUBLIORRD RIPERBRIAt FOR CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY SALES RETAIL, AT IVIIOLESALE PRIOES FOR EASEL Their Steck embraces the most elegant issues of the season, in rich binding, splendid illustrations, and in elegant typography. • 1.4.dt inUTIN Y IN INDIA.-NOW PUBLISH. 4 "ALIYO, in parts. at 26 rents each. A HISTORY OP BRITISH INDIA, with a full ac count of the Mutiny of the Native Troops ; by R. Mont gomery Martin. Illustrated with steel engravings of the principal pitmen in India, Battle Sceneh, Portman, and Map. , London Printing and Publishing Company, London, and 218 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Wanted—An Agent fat the tale of the above. deT-St PETER 0 N S PHILADELPHIA COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR AND BANK NOTE LIST, To be publohed monthly, in a large page, 48 rages in each number, on the Ist 01 each month, the first num ber boin dated January lot, 1858, and to be ready on WEDNESDAY, December the 23d. DREXEL & CO , BANKERS, TO connect IT. • • -The corrections in tho Bank Note Lint, an relates to the ditcount on Notee, Wets of New Counterfeits, etc., will be untie by the nell•known Banking House oi DREXEL & CO., 31 SOUTH THIRD STILDET, M , t they will pun:hate all Dank Mlle at lha Quotation§ made therein. Thili Detentor will be found to be The Publisher has, for a long time, neon the twee• ally and 'rant of an entirely CORRECT, INDEPEN- IiViNT AND RELIABLE COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR _sun DANK NOTE LIST, to be entliely uncontrolled by any' one to suit their onn ends and purposes and is con fident that from the moans and sources of information Which the Editors of title Detector will have at their command, that it a lit be found to tm the most BELT- Avx. DETECTOR ever published in this country. 'NEW COUNTERFEITS AND !MORI% BANNS. Ditch number of the Detector will contain, on the first page, a completwliat ui alt the carious failures of Banks and Banking Institutions, and of the various new Conan:least since the publication of the prior soonth's Detector, and in &tun u CRT NUMBER of thitDeteetor will be contained a complete, full, and Dal lies list of all the Broken, Failed, Closed, Fraudulent, and:Worthless Banks in the country. These will be kept entirely separate and distinct, from the Good Banks. STOP,IIKEItC Eft SWAMI UAW. IT. The Publinher intends making thin Detector indispen sable to every porno doing business, no that no one will be able to do nithout it, an the well known stand. ins; and reputation of DRENEI. k CO., llnnkers nod brokers, will be sufficient to guarantee its correctness. TERMS. ' ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Ono Copy for One Year Ono Dollar. Four Collies for One Year Three Dollars. Seven Copies tor Ouo Year Five Dollars. Tea Copies for One Year Seven Dollars. Fiftee, Copies for Ono Year Ten Dollars. Address alt orders to the Publisher, T.D. PETERSON, NO. lOU CIIESTNUT ST., PRILADELCNIA. And the numbers will be delivered regularly to any part of the City or Districts, or sent by mail to any part of the United States. _ . . IJ7 A Subscription Book to now open at the Store for the names of all perbons wishing to eubecribe to It. R.T' Thia Detector, As well as Harper's Magazine, or any other Three Dollar Magazine ; will be sent tunny place to any person, for Ono Year, for TIMED DOL LARS. So, now is the time, and this is the place, to nubsectbo to any Magazine you a ant, no you will there- by got the Detector for one year for nothing. d5-2t ATARNISIIES, JAPANS, &c.—Wo still , continue to manufacture all our superior Varnishes and Japans, which aro unsurpassed by any to this country, and MN its the attention of dealers and cumin. niers to our stock. O. SCIIRACK & CO., de7.410. Nos. 112 and 154 north Fourth street. PLATE GLASS.—Our arrangements are .1 now complete, and we aro prepared to furnish to builders end others superior French Plato Wats, of all aicea, as low as any other eatablishment to the city. C. SCIIRACK 6; CO., de7.6to Nos. 152 and 154 north Fourth street. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA & CO Importers, lilanufacturers, and Dealers in FANCY FURS, YOU. LADIES AND CUILDBEN liming manufactured an iminoulo stock of FUR, with tho expectation of doing our usual business, tbo present pressure of tho times, nud comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It is to moot this difficulty that we leave now DETtaIMINP.D To close out our ENTIRE STOCK At Prices actually leas than TUEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE ! We hate also on hand a lnq and complete assort uteut of GENTS , FURS, GLOVES, All of which will be evil let very ' LOW PRICES. Rtll iitt.ttKET St 7 bet, Eighth and Moth, nolo-Ow south lode Oxprcos tilompanies FliflE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, an CILESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MEROMANPIZYL BANK NOTES nni SPECIE, either by Ile own LINES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to alt the rtinelyal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Platen E. S. EANDFORD, General Superintendent insurance trompnitieci f!REAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND VI TRUST COM PAN Y—Ortito. 403 WALNUT, Corner or FOURTH Street. FIRE, MARINE awl INLAND INSURANCE at the lon ett rdtetl. PHILADELPHIA. November 1:3, 1867. At a meeting of the litockholders of Dna Cormany, held on the 18th inst., the Molting persona were elected Directors for the coming year, via : CHARLES C. LATHROP, 14`2.3 Walnut street. WAL DARLING, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. WIIIIiLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front et. ISAAC HAZLEIIIIICYF Attorney nod Counsellor. i JOHN C. HUNTER, or Vright, Hunter & Co. E. TRACY, of.E. Tracy & Co., Goldsmiths' Hull. JOHN It. AUCURDY, of Jones, White, & THOS. L. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Zeller. JAS. B. SMITH, or Jan B. Smith A: Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, of Windt. Brotris & Co JOHN It. - VOGUES, roc Seventh and Saloom streets CHAS. E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. JsO. J. SLOCUM, ti2d South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. And at a meeting of the Directors, held thin day, CHARLES 0 LATIntOP was unanimott.Ly re.eleeteil President, and. WM— DARLING, Vica-Prewlent. 11. H. RICHARDSON, Arnstant.Seei e tat y D MARINE INSDR- I LADELPIIIA-oMce, No. TEIAD. s NIX TAKEN" .40311. Joy. Walker, Juo. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. °Mat, Furman Sheppard!, Paml. Jones, M. D., Joseph Elapp, M. D. eIIEARD FIRE AN ANCE COMPANY, Pg SU WALNUT street, west o 4 ' FIRE MORN 0 DIIIO Wm. M. /Main, Job p Anspach, Jr., N Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner U. A. Bhuokelford, Hon JOE JONES, President. Ron. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jso. 8. McMaws, Secretary. JAMB D. ALVORD, Assistant Secretary. n02.8m-if VOMMONWEALTU. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF TUE ,t3TATI , . OF PENNSYLVA.. NlA.—Ottlce, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $510, 1 40. Paid-np Capltal.l2oo.ooo. DAVID JAYNE, M D., President. THOMAS I. STEWART, Vice Prea't. HAMM 8. Mewl, Secretary. aul-ly QAVI NG FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and email eume received, and paid back on de mend, without notice, with PIPE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office Lours, from 9 until 6 o'clock ovary day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DUXES for ode on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President--STEPREN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R.IIIINTER 11/11 AYOR'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, JIM DEOMBRA 3, 1857. WILL DE SOLD, Ou MONDAY next, at 12 o'clock M., at Quigley's Sta bles, SEVENTEENTH and GEORGE Ste., one bob-tail MAME, 14 hands high, and one tong-tall brown 11011513, 10 hands high—the sail Mare and Horse haring been taken up astray, and to be sold for keep, In compliance with the provisions of an ordinance approved March 1, 1855. JAMES D. CAMPBELL, dl-St Mayor's Clerk. PIIILADELPUIA COUNTY PRISON.- SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Philadelphia County Prieen until the 24th inst., for the employment of the convict prisoners at weaving for the year 180. By order d4.mefr4d2.l FLOORING BOARDS-23,680 toot Caro- Una flooring boards, afloat, for sale by MARTIN it. MACALISTRB AID North 'Witt, littrool 1l B OUNTAIN ((GLADE" BUTTER. We have Just received our usual supply from the Mountains of this celebrated BUTTER. Will be sold la lota to suit customers. d1.1.w B. 111. JONES &CO ,11.2 Market i.treot._ SPIRITS T URPENTINE-200 bbls SIAM Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by bfAIt_WVACALIST.EII, Water street. C_ TONS of MITCHELL & CROAS dalo'm Improved super PHOSPHATE OF LIME, fee esle by OROASDALE, PEIRCE & CO , Dolo-br No. 104 N. Delaware avenue. SIA AND AMERICAN TARRED 00NDAGN.—a superior article, manufacture and for mile by WEAVER, & 00., au $-tf Nu. IR N. Water et., k. 22 N Wharves. SORGHUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE SEED-26 bushel 6 for ash) by OROADDALE, PEIRCE, & CO , No 104 N. Doltmare roferlue. 000 GALLS. WHALE OIL, 1,000 all, Elephant Oil, 00 'OAK. No.l I,lrd Oil, lor tittle by OROASDALE, PEIROD, & No. 104 N. Delaware avenue AtARACIAIBO COPZEE--159 baps prime 1. MameMbo Coffee, now landing lon baigue Inns, and for sale by CHAR ES TbiTE, no2B-10t, 138 (new) Walnut at.--ancond dory. CARRIERS'' ADDRESSES ' ; prepared by on experienced writer, 4t No, 118313. BLHVENTII Stroot, above Federal.. i des BOARDlNG.—llesirablo second and third .3-1 story furnielin4 ROOMS, ifitn Baird nt 4 4 47 * . . 397 Ras% Nai' !stmt. iDirr" 051;y0b0; . ^ -. .. - ^••• •?'"'"_T - WN• • . .AN isiN'lT/i.'I 4 ION OP IMPORTAI4CE! OHARLES ARCHTL - • • EIGHTH A N A STRENIS, Invited the liornediate attention of purclimiers to - hie large and well-selected stock of • FANCY AND STAPLE DRY InFOODS, all of which are marked down to each law priees Its to lordre their sale before atock•taltiog strdendid Satin Dammik Snowdrop Table Clothe, four long," reduced from 13.60 to*: ' • air-dvormitt Plaid, from $8:50 • tooth add many others la ptoportion. 7 - 124 Hairilltmillieetinge, at 31 cents, mad:Suyalehing Goods ;a variety:. • Quint -redifation IA 'Embroideries sad ',idea Cambric Darlicerchiefe. 0. A. hail marked down tho prices of all this deserip tion at the Embroidery Counter. BROOIII4 Si! AWLS AND 1301.1tVti. - _ A variety of lionnequin'e best make Chain.) Laine Shawls, styles and qualities worth buying—not the common trash that , are dear at any_ price. Also, Blankets, Meet and Stella Shawls, Id great variety. • .1 1 .1 EN'S BRAWLS. The Shawls aro now arranged on the deli fiber, in a room expressly for the purpose.. Just opened, one rose dile Linen Cambria Ilandker.. chters, at $1 .10 pin' dozen. - de7-ntwa3t BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTES REDEEMED AT PAR--•Great bargains at DELMER'S, and notes of the above bank token in payment. CLOAKS and TALMAS at an immense redaction, much legs than the cost or material. from $t to liroehe Long and Square Shawls, from 1.5 to Wl• Plush bordered Stella and Crape Shawl'', very cheap Merlin:gm, rammattsg, DeNines, Coburg'', Vafeudal!, all wool I.le!sines, Robes a (tallies, &a &0., at an enormous bactillee. HID ( 11, iiiTED;a1D130N8 AND EMBROIDERIES, at greatly reduced prices, an we are determined to sell them. VALENCIA AND lIONITON BET'S —We ham Just received a beautiful lot, which we offer at less than cost of importation. Now is the lime for bargains at & T H. DELCHNIVS, d07.6t. S. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden. BROADCLOTHS, CLOAK CLOTHS.- Fine Black Broadcloths, reduced In price. Heavy black Beaver Cloths. Light colors and Black Mohair Cloth. SATINETS AND CASSIRERES. lull and complete stock or these goods. • Oood Union Cassitneres, tram suction, 40 cte Bide-stripe Union Cessitueres, 00 cents. COOPER th CONARD, del-6t S. E corner Ninth and Market fits IRE CLOTH CLOAKS,READY MADE, or made to order, in 24 hours' notice. • Lot of Cloaks at $5, reduced from $lO. Cloaks of every style for Ladies, Aliases and Mal dren, in CLOAK AND SHAWL ROO3l. COOPER de COWARD, de7 , ot E E corner North and Market etc FINE GAY STYLES BAY STATE SHAWLS, Blanket, French Blanket, Thibet, Brodie, Ohildren'a and Dente' ithaßla, u CLOAK AND BRAWL BOOM. COOPER A. CONABD, de7-61. S. E. corner Ninth and Market sta. WINTER GLOVES.-S HAR PEE SS lIROTHERS, N. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, have In store— Gents' lamb's wool lined Buck Gauntlets. Do do Kid do. Do super cloth plush lined Gloves. Do do Lisle Thread. Also, Laiies' Buck Gauntlets. Do Kid do. Do Cloth Gloves, plush lined. Do Lisle Thread, do. Do Silk Taffeta, do. del 6't ILK VELVETS.--SHARPLESS THERS offer a full assortment of Black Lyons Vel vet All goal. ties for vestings and cost collars. Also superior Lyon Cloak Velvets, from 30 to 30 inches. de7 CHESTNUT and EHHITH Streoti. QQ I $8 !! ! $8 !I ! $8 ! !! ! Klyt-7 • • lINI.ARALIxELED CHEAT LONG BROCHE SHAWLS, ALL WOOL AND SILK, 1011 $3 ! A splendid assortment In every color centre at $lO, $l2, $l4, $l6, $lB, $2O, and $25. We do believe we can offer the best ONE DOLLAR BLACK SILK IN PHILADELPHIA ! Rich fancy Silks from 60 cents to $1 25 English and Merrimack Calicos reduced to 10 cents. Trench Merlnoee,Englisla Cobourgs and DeLaines, very cheap. Blankets. 'Flannels, Clothe and Cassitneres, &c., &a CHEAP CLOAKS AND BLANKET SHAWLS! Ii Ish Linens of our own Importation. Hosiery, Gloves, and Linen lldkfs , Scarfs, &c., &c,, at THORNLEY & CIIIB3I'S, N E corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. WE BEY AND BELL FOR CASH. REDUCTION IN DRESS TRIMMINGS Fancy VELVET, 50c., formerly $1.26. BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop Sic, formerly 75. Do do Flom Drop 25c, do 50. And FANCY TRUSIMING3 GENERALLY, AT STILL lIILAVIBR REDUCTIONS J. G. MAXWELL & SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, and d4.2w SECOND, below Spruce. B OYS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT IE BRO. Have now on hand a very large assortment of RRADY-IdADB GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they feel disposed to sell COBAP. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, O. W. CORNUR TRNIT A$D OEINUNCIT ere. N. 11.—We have a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to order from. dl-1 y ADIES' CLOAKINGS. JI-4 WAISTLESS 11110TElEltS oiler a full mortment Black and Colored HABIT CLOTHS, ENGLISH BEAVERS, •l FRENCH PILOTA, - Mixed " CIIINCIIILL& CLOTHS, TUFTED CLOTHS, is new styles Mack MOHAIR and LION SKIN for Trimmings al2.rp VIENNESE AND PARIS BROCIIN LONG- SHAWLS COLIAILS, &e On hand, an extensive atock. compriaing all grades, n the most desirable colors and designs, purchase/. at ho late Auction tales in thin city and N O'T York, AT URI:AUX REDUCED PRICES, Superior floods at 110, $ll, 012 CURACEN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 457, and 454 North I.:loco:1d Street. dl,l above Wallow. mEN AND BOYS' WINTER WEAR. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 150, 462, and 4At NORTH SECOND STREET, above Willow Hare no hand an extensive stock of 131 LOAD CLOTHS, CASSIHERES, SATINETS, an'l VEEITINGS, PartllaA , l at the late Auction Sales, at d 1. 3, REDUCED PRICES. RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SP}-- CIAL NOTICE.—AII the notes on the Bank of Peoncylvsnia redeemed at par for I/11Y GOODS, ceiling at less than Auction prices f.tualins, Linens, Cloths, Cassnueres, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Belaines. at a groat sacrifice, in connection with our entire stork, which a ill he sold at prices which will astonish all w ho may linos us with a tall Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the seine as specio. (we make nu difference,) at OLIVER 11. JOIINkON'S Pennsylvania Bank Note Dry floods store, No. 1009 AIARIINT thrust, above Tenth, north side. N B —Uldera recetved for the very beat Schuylkill Coal , Cem.yltania honk Neter, taken In payment OLIVIIR 11. JOHNSON, nollo.llo No. 10CD Market kheet. R EMOVAL. ! L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTIOLFATION OF ILEMOUL TO TIIN SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now bolus elected for them in CHESTNUT STREET, lavo doterfuined, for a petiotl of 30 DAYS, To theposo of a large amount of their Stuck nor in I , to re at tory LOW PRICES FOR CASH. They invite the attention of the Public and their Cue tuners to one of the must complete assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY To bo found in this country, which will be disposed of for the period named, at such prices as will insure their sale. CILESTNUT STREET, noll-tf NEXT TO THE CUSTOM HOUSE CREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined on by the enle.cribers, in COD sequence of the continued pressure. 500 MISSES' ENGLISH DEAVER. CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 60. 300 MISSES EN61,1311 BEATER CLOAKS, $3 60, formerly 55 50, 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BRAYER CLOAKS, $3 to $B, coot to import $7 to $lO each, LONG SLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $B, formerly $l2. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent. below cost of production. J .W. PROCTOR k CO , Successors to Geo. Bnipin & C,., nl3 lam 4 708 CHESTNUT street. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NETS' GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1026 CHESTNUT Street four doors below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES —Noe. 95 and 97 GEORUE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at. P. few hours , notice. se23 4mair JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer In AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 1 . 1 BANK Street, Philadelphia. oell-21z J. K. HOWELL, Clerk ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of BENJAMIN BURNELL, deceased.—Tllo3lA3 SONS, Auctioneers. REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an alias order of the Orphans' Court, for the City mid County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, on TUESDAY, December 15th, 1837, at 7 o'clock in the (ironing, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the fol lowing described property, late of Benjamin Burnell. deceased, s Is: No. I.—A three-story brick Ineelmago, and lot of ground, south side of Pratt sheet, 207 feet cast of Fair mount street-14 feet Gout, 37 feet 3 inches deep. No. 2 7 —A three-story brick meesuage, and lot, ad joining No 1-6.^11110 dimensions. No 3—A three-slimy brick mesanage, and lot south side of Pratt street, .2.8.0 feet east of Fairmountstreet -14 feet front, 41 feet 3 inches deep. No. 4,—A three story brick useasuage, and lot, south aisle of Pratt street, 190 feet 3 inches east of Fairmount street By the Court,aJOHN SHERRY, Clerk 0. C. ANN BURNELL, WILLIAM W. BURNELL, Executors CRADLES FERNBuno; M. TIIODIAB & SONS, Auctioneers. - . 139 & 141 (formerly 61 & 10) South Ipurth street 43.37&15 ANNOUNCEMENT. Tho •uhoeribur bop leave to annoiinco to hit frientli and the public that ; ho trill print hi, PALOON f.r their reception on MONDAY, 14th inst. Ills stock (a largo and rich variety)) pill conairt of PRESERVED AND CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, APRI COTS PINPAPPLED MRS. LIBIES, CAGES, QUINCES, hW , BONBONS—A large and fresh assortment. FANCY TOYS—Mechanical Toys, payer, wood, and sugar—an endless variety. FANCY 'BOXES—Newest fftyles, faxic.# and 'plain, and Tailed assortment, or every possible de*ript ion BAOS, °AIMS, CORNETS, BASKETS Iorom&S, rAsTluAtiEs, Ac., 8.c., all of receit irnportatleti, and which for extent and variety will dill competition. ROC sale by S. lIENItIQN, Confectioner, deG•Da 712 umuila ptr9et , spopz Sayoutb. ABOVE LIWITII, GOODS --eakct. ba4luttion...-_.._. Xi THOMAS beBONS, .LIA• Noa. 139 and 141 BOUM 101111. TR STRUT, Vormerkr Nos. 67 and 449 RSAL itTATA I.lTPMe4se. alwna Public &lee at the Phiiadelphia kiehlinge every Tuesday Eterting. - - • Mr — handbills of each Property lamed ea rely, la addition ; fanlike' we pnblish •on the ffa y previous to enoiee oup Umnaand - cataiegurst In parophret f orm , glviag tau dacriptiOna 'O,Ol the property to be sold oa the following Tuesday."• 'PLIRNITIIEE EAVES AT THE 41:10110f1 El'OftE every Thureday morning. 'REAL ESTATE AT, PRIVATE SALE. CU" We have a large amount of Beal Estate at Pa vete Sale, Inclading every description of City and country property. Printed Vete may be had at the auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ' rs - Real Estate entered on our Private fate Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKS, MOTGAGE, REAL ESTATE Pamphlet Catalo ß gues now ready containing , oil de scriptions of all the property to be sold on TUOEKLbj next, Bth invt , with alist of sales 15th and 22d Decem ber, and a large list of Real Estate at private sale. STOCsdayKS. a , December Bth,at a 7 c lock,o at the g Philadelphia ti tling°, previous to the sale or real estate: lIAVRE DE GRACE TOW-BOAT COMPANY.— Use, I shares Philadelphia & Mille de Grace Steam Tow- Boat Company. 5 shares American Academy of Mule V) shares Commonwealth Bank—s2s psbl. 10 /hares Reliance Mutual Insurance Company, par 150 3 shares Alliance Insurance Company,par 3.50' REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER Bth This sale will include— NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE—N. W. corner Fif teenth and Lombard etreete. It is replete with modern Improvements and ,conveniences, $l,OOO may remain on mortgage. TWO LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, WEST PUILADELPIIIA.—VaIuabIe lot S. E. corner of Walnut and Margaretta streets, 110 by 176 feet. Valuable lot, north sole of Locust street, 100 feet went William street, 100 by 157 feet (two fronts). HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENOE, PINE IT handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets. It is 24 feet front, and finished in handsome modern styles. 'lmmediate posses 'don. Dr- Only 81,000 required in cash. MORTGAGE FOR 11,925.—.A150 ' a fret mortgage secured on 11 stone dwellusga end lot of ground, Cresson street, Manaynak. Clear of ground-rent. There is a perpetual policy of insurance for 85,000. HANDSOME DOUBLE RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD.—Handsome new residence, replete with all modern Improvements, northeast corner Franklin and Poplar streets, lot 68 feet front. SIODERN RESIDENCE.—AIso, handsome new resi dence, replete with modern conveniences, Franklin at , adjoining the above, lot 28 feet, 8 inches front. It?" The above aro very desirable residences. Im mediate poneasion may be hod. Terms accommodating. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 16th. This sale will include— Orphans' Court Dale—Estate of Benjamin Burnell, Deceased. FOUR THREE-STORY BRICK DIVELLII . 2OB— street, east of Fairmount street. VALUABLE FARM, 77 acres and 89 perches, 3 miles from Thccnixvllle, and 3 miles from Paoli, Chester county, Pa. NEAT DWELLING, WHARTON STREET.—AIso, a neat modern three.story brick dwelling with brick stable, north side of Wharton street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. EXTRA TA LtrABI ! E REAL ESTATE-DECEMBER This sale include LARGE AND VALUABLEwiII Lor—Tenth street, be. tween Chestnut and Market streets, comer of Marble street-00 feet front on Tenth street,lB2 feet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for $2,400 a year. Clear of all illonnbrawo. VALUABLE CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY— North side, west of Tenth street, 28 feet front,llB feet deep. Clear of all Ineumbrame. Rents for *1,600 a year. It? Both the 'bore are raluablo business locations. Executor's , Sale.—Estate of Daniel Copple. lIOUREUOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, BAR FIX TURES, LIQUORS, CHOOD-WILL, &e. This iforiung, December 7th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, by order of the exectitma of Daniel Copple, deceased, at the corner of Exchange Place and Carter's alley, the en tire household furniture, beds and bedding, table and bed linen, &c. Mso, the bar-room furniture and fixture*, due en gravings, a large assortment of Rae liquors and cigars. W 3 Pull particulars in catalogues. Also, the good-will of this weU known and popular establishment Sale at the N W. corner Fifteenth and Lombard Ste SUPERIOR FURNITURE , ROSEWOOD PIA NO FORTE, MANTEL CLOCK, OIL PAINTINGS TAPESTRY CARPETS, &c. On Wednesiay Morning, Dec. 9th, at lb o'clock, will be sold at the N. W. cor ner of Fifteenth and Lombard streets, the household and kitchen furniture of a gentleman declining house keeping 113 - May be curtained at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale fiIISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. On Tuesday Evening, December Bth, at the auction store, mill be sold an tuisortment of miscellaneous books and stationery. Sale Nos, 111 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PINE 3IIRROW, PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, sc. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment or isecond.hand furniture, fine mirrors, Brussels carpets, Ao., front families declining house keeping. SALE OP STANDARD EDITIONS OF TUE POETS, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, ANNUALS FOR 1838 ELEGANT ALBUMS, Ac. On Thursday Evening, December 10th, at the auction store, an assortment of standard miscellaneous books, illustrated works, an nuals for 1558, 3c. ID - For particulars see catalog ues. AT PRIVATE BALE. Shares in the Academy of Music; Point Breeze Park; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athemenm, a. FARLEY" AT PRIVATE SALE. The elegant country seat and farm. known as " Far ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased, formerly of Dr. Shipped, is o ff ered at private sale. Fall descriptions may be had at the auction rooms. amusements DARODT, VIEUXTE3IPS' FARM - YELL 1 NIGHT ENGLISH CONCERT.—TICKETS SO GENTS. MUSICAL PEND HALL. THURSDAY, December 10th: reeitively the lent appearance in Philadelphia of MLLE TERESA PARODI, HENRI SIEUXTEMPS, MISS MILNER, (The new English Prima Donna ) MR. PEERING, (The new English Tenor ) Both eminent Al havingbeen engaged in London, by the Du ette. of the Academy of Music, New York, for lho production of English Operas and Grand Ora. tortes Condulor—Signor l'Emuum The price of admission. notwtthstandmg the great ab. traction, has been liked at FIFTY CENTS, the price which proven to be entirely successful in the New York Academy of Mimic and at Niblo'e Garden, The programme ou this occasion will he carefully chosen, .ul will contain only Euglieh selections, in cluding,. by universal desire, that coal-stirring Ameri can National Song, TliE STAR SPANGLED BANNER Sung by bl lie PARODI and Miss MILNER de7-4t 3ILISS E. L. WILLIAMS, THE GUSHED 11 - 1,1.: , 11 NIGHTINGALE, Ili, es her grand entertainment for ST. JOSEPH(! HOSPITAL, TUESDAY EVENIAG, Sth, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL Tickets 7,5 cents, to be Lad at the Orphans' Store, Cheetnut street, above Terefth. di•lte IVALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les pee, Mr E A. Marshall; Stage Blanager, Mr John Sefton Prieee —Drees Circle and Parquette, 25 cents• Upper Circle, 25 center Secured Seats, 37A, cents; Private Box and Orcheetra Seats, 60 crate. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A.M. to 3 P. 91. Doore open at quarter to 7 o'clock; performance to commence at 7V, precisely. THIS (Monday) EY£NINti, Dec. 7th 0 1 1 3.57, Will be performed THE ENCH,LNTREdS stelle, the Enchentreee VITHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. v —SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY. 'THIS (Monday) EVENING, Dee 7th, 1667, Will be proeute... I LONDON ASSURANCE. Charles Cuurtley, Mr. Wm. Wheatley; Dazzle, Mr. E. L Davenport, Lady Coy Spaulmr, Mrs E. L. Davenport rem, PRY. Paul Pry, Mr. J. S. Clarke; Mrs Subtle, Mrs. Thayer Scat.. or PRICIEJ.—Boxaa, 33 cents; Secured Seale, 38; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Seats in Private Dozes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, YS cents ; Private Rot in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. 61. until 3P. M. Doors will open at 6 o'clock; performance to commence at 7, preinsely. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, IN WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE. EQUESTRIAN SIANAGER .... THOS. NINO. .. . TIIIB (Monday) EVENING, Deo 7th, 18.57, Will be presented BRILLIANT LIGILSEMANSIIIP, PARING VAULTING, GYMNASTIC PERFORMANCES PONY RACES, &c., &.o. First Night or Mr. ROODS as Richard 111, Sir John end Shylcck. .1140. SCENES IN COUNTRY LIFE, By the company. PP.IC63 ye Aroosetott.— Drees Circle 37).; cents. F's telly /Circle 25 cents. Private Boxee at ceete. TAME'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., 1U LOW SEVI3NIII. fl Inconsequence of a prior engagment of the Dill, there will be no performance THIS EVENING. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, Will perform on TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. Sth, The great Burlesque Opera of TROVATORE. Count Lnnatlck, Mr. R. B. Buck i ley; Lady Lemmonora, Miss C. Hilted. Preceded by their inimitable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Doors open at half-put 0 o'clock. Curtain rises at half past 7 precisely. Admission Li cents. - 4aANFORD'd OPERA ROUSE -1,0 ELEVENTH Street, abuse Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AITIMPIEON. Admittance 25 cents. Itlonep AMERICAN GOLD, , NEW YORK, BOSTON, axo BA LTISLORE EXCISANGES, Bought and avid_ by P. BRADY A, PO., Bankers, 125 South TiIIRD Streit, .dei.et* oppoelta the Girard Bank. - - AMERICAN GOLD AND NDW YORli EXCIIANDE Wll. T ED AT 141.131.1E5T C1314148:5T RITES, T CRON ISE k CO., SPECIE EBoxE RS, no2L•dtt 40 SOUTH THIRD ST SCULL, CAMBLOS, & Co., BANKERS,, rio, 35 South Third Streli The highest premium psid for AMERICAN GOLD a a D NEW YORK EXORANGE. truculent Funds bought and nuld. , N tuck. bought and nord on cornrniesion eddy. IMO-true 1.1 IV. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS Jut. No. 31 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on allareennble points la the United States and Canada, Btuall Vends, dm, Bought and Sold on Corominrion. troeurrent Bank Notes, Cheeks, &c, bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree mint - nor 2-3. COTTON -109 bales Gulf Ootton, in store and /or sale by - MARTIN & MAI/AUNTIE, , /39 Mg* Vister ;tryst scon r h.„-AubTioNEEli, (saxes . WOLBItEt soorra 431 CILBSTIM opposite the gestate nose; teases reesti aall itz At - 1,0118 On Wednes , day Commencing at 'lO Vele* =j, kd by catalogue, for task, a general stmartaient of dm. consisting of Wins+, tapes, middy - petering', etas, rietormen, gloms, collars, gasatleta, coda, Ase., media in the best manner, of sable Siberianmalcrelorkitie martin, ermine, nrynX, irmen'i ' down, &a. WIN AND CLOTH CLOAKS, TALWAB, AND BTNRB.—AIso aline ladles' elegantly nada lea and cloth cloaks. Datums, loiters. bescoes, muddles, iko. ENBROIDEASES AND IdILLINERY.GOODB......aIso, an assortment French and Scotch enstundderiste In jar, conet, cambric, 'wins sad book musllos i.. drd. : Also, bonnet and trimming ribbons: Mil I= trim mings, ailk relret ribbons, rick fringes, bee. Ac . Ac. WOOL Ronny ODOM—Alan, amen and women'et wool and merino chhis and drawers, wool acerb Salt ma'am, wool hose and half boss, wool gloooll. CHENILLE 811LAWLS AND SCABM—AIso, a Use choice colors chenille shawls and scarfs. ParSaprititod casbniere shawls. wool square and Icing Amide. GOLD WATCH/5.—A(30,12 or lb gold watch/at, It binding cases. 1:17* The whole will be ready for examination, Witt( catalogues, early on the atoning of gala, when this trade, and purchasers generally, will lind it then. Inte rest to atteud. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STILENT, above CAID-SAIE OF HOUSE4OLD .11310111M-Tlll3- DAY. I[l7 We beg leers to inform the public that we Mkt oar nuttier weekly mats of Furniture every 241= 1 g otir BPACIOUS SALES BOOM•NO. W STREET, where Beery ponsibhe a ttention in given to ob tain the highest prices for the goodsof throe who may Omer as with consignments. landlies bowleg portions at their furniture to dispose of, or thews declining horns. keeping and not wishing 'olds at their own d can hare their furniture CAREITIJA REMOVED TO SALES WOE, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR PIIRNITHU TEAK TtLEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FEINT TUBE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCPPION STORM IN THE CITY. irr- Persons favoring us with eonsigankants faa rut assured thatthair property will net be aserideed. Er Commissions more 13k0fLerat• Outlaws* charged by any other Auction House in the City. • 010. OoluilonnentsreupectfUlly solicited. plir Sales past REAL EST AT immediately after the goods ors son. E IMLEDBOILIEBEE 20d. This sale It the Exchnno en Wednesday evening. December 234,1367, at 7 o , dook, will include— Orphime , Coast Salt —Estate ofd Collsenn,Dee'd. FRAME HOUSE AND LOT. AIM STREET, BINE TEENTH WARD.—A frame bones, end lot of ground, southeast side of Ann street, 80 feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 pet frout,lol feet deep. $25 ground rent. Orphans , Court Sale.—Estate of H. Y. BMW, Deed. PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, NENHINGTON.-1 certain house awl lot, north side of queen str=li feet front, and 120 feet deep, too LSji feet ally from ghseksznalon street. blear of inctunbrsams. Orphans' Cond. EAle..—Sawa FRAUD HOME AND LOY. POPLAR 5h11232. A frame house, and kt of ground, north aide of Poplar street, between front and second, 93 feet front, mut 134 feet deep. F/2 ground rent. Positive We. STORE AND DWELLING, COATE3 ST., A 130113 DEVENTEHNTIL—A three-story brick store and dwel ling. south aide of Coates street, LS feet 9 inches east of Eighteenth street, IT feet l inch front, and 63 ft. IK Inches deep, along Florence street. The Urine has bo windows, gas, and hydrant. $l4 ground rant. Bents for 1 200 per annum. irr Terms—eseh. &Gs 'entitles. irr 140 to be peg on seek of the elm when the lame le struck CIL Sale at No. 422 Walnut street. ROSEMOLD TURNITURR, °ARTISTS, ke. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, will be sold at the auction *tore, an assortment of household furniture. °TWICE TURNITURIS.—AIso, a large double count, ing.house dealt, handsome walnut do, neat Iron railing for counting-house, once tables, chairs, in. Also, a small assortment of wines, liquors, in., to be sold by order of executor. AT PRIVATB BALI. A first.elauTrinting Mee, with a good na of bat ten, tour printangprewes, tiro Ragman awl ono Adams Type and everything wiewasty for **laminas'. Alga at the Auction Btoro. 'MOSES NATHANS, AUOTIONEEZ AM AND 002dXI88ION MIBONANT, S. L. 031114 C SIM and BAOR fttreete. AT PRITATX SALE—GoId and cam t Fem. Lepine,Rah, &rise, sad Frank es, }unary, of er ne, description aursical instruzinaa, Ito., tn. AT PRIVATX Assuaged on seand door, household furniture, of eires7,description, beds, nun trewsdo., oupeting, looking glasses, furor articles, to., lee., Oat-door salsa attended to personally by the Motion eer. .Charges vary low. Consignments of fernittue clotbrnA, Jeweler, foo.lea,solietted. ATHANIIR t EYA.L LOAN 0.17101, 15. B. Corner of Edith and Sue Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold . and serer pate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clealunkry Goods, Groeeries, Began, Hardware, Cutlery, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Hamm, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of ulna for any length of time agreed on, mammy astiSfectoty and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. /Lt2ILIXII, WEBB% great eels of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistol, , Marital Lastrumer.ts, Al., will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothrreg, Bedding, do., being forfeited eollaterals, bike plane shortly, Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALT THE USUAL SELLING PHlCEB.—Double-bottorred and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; hunting ease and open free gold escape went lerer and lepine vetches. full jeweled • tine gold enameled toyer and loping watches for hatee'; geld jewelry of every description; silver lever - an t . h2esi . watches, in hunting cues and open face; silver Swim, and Trench watches; a general assortmen allure, beds, mattresses, mirrors. de. otrr.Doos SALES souoirxD, and charge+ to salt the timer, low. Consignments of every description of goo& sollelled for public or private sal*. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. QAMUEL NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER, 11..1 and MONEY LOAN MIMI, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Sachonge. Hours of businete from i Welook, A. M., amtil 1$ o'clock in tke evening , . Cluoor Wes, sod sales at Oto Audios goo" at, tended bd upon tho most esti:Newry burns. CAPITA", $llOO,OOO. Endariskafer 144 last Thirty Tiers. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Die moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandise, Clothing, Purnitoure, wing , Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Hama, Carriage', and Gads of every description. EIESMEOGI= All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will he charged 2 per omit. per aemth; POO mul over, the lowest market rate. Vile Store Nonce having a depth of 120 feet, has large Ore and thief-proolvanits to store all valaablee, and pea rate watchmen for the premium ; also, a heavy than ranee elected for the henelt of all pentane having pole advanced upon N. 11,--.on account of having an unlimited eapttal, tbia race to prepared to make advances on more nth factory aid accommodating Ostia than any ether fa this city. Money advanced to the poor, In ninth amounts, with out any charge, AT PRIVATE BALL Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, lasFelry, tad Clothing will be sold at reduced prise& w-iy GI':O&GE W. SMITH, AUCTION ER N. E. corner of DAMON and 801:1111 Strimria 010 Tel &Md. EVENING SAM. SAM EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7,V, o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware. Oat lery, Houdekedrug Articles, Clothing, Watched, Jewel ry, Sauey Articled, AL gentlemen's ectobs VINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war .L ranted, of elegant material and annerior work manakin. Also, Deese Stocks acid Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the Premium Store cf W. W. KNIGHT, 612 ARCHstreet, oora n0.14-y Mr. Rtchhags. Miss Richings iv RAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS !—A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de scription+. for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT 'B, el:: ARCH !Areal, above Birth. no2l-y WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S YURNIMING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER ARAM SHIRT ELINITACTOBY, No. 06 CHESTNUT Street, shore Eerenth street, Philedelphia. The attention of Southern aed Western Merriam:Lie, and Strangers, to rartiettlerly invited to this Improved eat of Shirts, the most perfect - fitting article made. At Intel a eale and retail, and made to order. 5e5.131f Copartttersbip Notices DISSOLUTION.—The PARTNERSHIP it heretofore existing as BAKER & WILLIAMS is TRH DAY dissolsed by mutual consent. The business will be continued et the old need, 11& HARKS? St.. by CHARLES IVILLLA3L3, who is authorised to eoLleot, and pay all debts of the late firm Dee.l,lE:ll The ontlersigned would inform the public, that having bought out Mr. P. W. Baker. his late partner. he wilt continue the HEATING and VENTILATING business It the old stand,ll.l2. MARKET Street, where will be founds full assortment of Ranges, Heaters, Ventilators, Registers, Bath Boilers, Ku., and hopes, by strict at tention to business, to merit a share of the patronage of the public JOTICE.—WHEREAS HENRY WHITE awl James Stevens late copartners , trading as White, Stevens, & Co., did, on the eleventh day stile. vember, A. D. 1657., make and !Sende a general at aignment to the node signed to trust, for the beam& of their creditors, which said assignment is duly re corded at Philadelphia, all persona Indebted to said assignors will make payment to ISAAC S. WAY-VAIL:IN, Assignee, noll smw.6w* N. W. corset Scennd & Arch its. NOTICE.—The COPARTNERSHIP hill / erto ex tog wader the firm of JAMES ELLIOTT b. CO., was 231 instant, by the withdrawal of JOHN WARDLE. The buaineas of the late arm will be settled by the andemigned at the same location. JAMES ELLIOTT, N. E. corner of Tlrentieth and Market it.. November 2ith, MT. ste..lo..mvirbrov JAMES IL BRYSON'S BOOR AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTH Street, first above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Canis, Bill- Heads, Pamphlets, sad general Printing attended to. Binding attended A* in connection with printed head fogs of Blanks and Receipts. 42-U vilaws,—io,ooo--Pm u., jk arrz :li i E r tue C a 4 .,,k 4by Or mi.? 1 'pB . : / A l iirt 0 no nnt. 1B L I .... crates` jn ....o.:::=zz..: is 8 i cpc Ir = et.... 7 1.t.4k-lath&t o gnt: ......L I D hr. t ry.IPOIIII2.TEI PIT. bele. ChaatraL ' GREAT REDUCTIOIi 1,111 nice or CEMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co hare determined to sell the lots In their Cemetery at ONE MALY The present priees for cash- By this redaction some of the most elLgible Lots will be &aid at TWELVE DELI WA. o u l y.l op t o t, e at be disposed of at these rates, and the opportunity is offered until January Ist, Isdi Sp. pis at the trace, WAL'ISGT STREL — T, Wow lib h. d2-1m glass nub cSbina illart CALL AND SEE The Gusted r•atsrr or 111)LIDAY PRESENT:I Ever exhibited id • TIN CITY 0? • PILTLADELPEELI, Which will be sold st exceedin If LOW PRIORS maitssrm A IriTTE'S, MASONIC HALL to eszanivi 1)r. PETEI: W. BAKER, MART 1.4 WlLT.ai.mq CILULLES WILLI All 9 Job printing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers