B:=21 wawa . ,0 ircalrf/ lilt' 4, '''.`k&Wit:kPl (TAIrMS'IIK.a4:: 04 °" 4 • ' , ' ' :311111401Ab,-'o2"'_`. ~,,Lef,,,,. .0') ;-,.. '„,,,„% - ` •: : " 4 ;1im1i4,,...t \w‘uP'`-' ',, ,ttort . ,;;;;1 / 4 i4 14.6410, f -70m''''' 'tizternges e's. e scodot 'kEIA ''-iicci,:simp'44l4 ' ame wti z . - z.t..4 *..:..A ' •,.7.WIVITItfie.,b• ' t '24;4_,. ",illaoprit /` ' ~,,‘,151101 , ....•,,,, 14= ...*r7 • • • • SYnartYrBICOND *ADD, 'e;.tity . ,lloo,l:4l-44001002!iita War! . rt. jay3y-AisD Y3rM p: :44m.111.111- 741'1" 3)0 1 001Pfill}alias,M 001.-4 r • • - "Al NOtiregl - , I ' • .1:01. - STRtOT COURT- , Rog Tar, AND- COUNTY OF PRILADELVELA.' user": /01191 ; B; EBIIER Aze-APi - OZ , l' 4' 9441 Yen. kgpolleted;ko•dieetribute proceiola of sale 4 ;:f..}..&-% , ;Aander:lll6 aboeihrritof— •• 'No. 1. ell that certain lot, or pinto of land'eltnatea thObouthwestwardlyaideof Wbeehichon rodd, at the +- 4 .; 2 " illatemee ofSOO feet emutheastwirdlyifrour a thirty-three lenie v eellediMitilin's lane, in the Northern towrishib l •wow in the eity_of froontring 10,brea¢tWot mad read lee fethence ex ng eulthiieitryktdbotoreonl,H et right - angles with the mid road 240 feet..., ' • ilso;all'that Mwtoin treeterPletto of flitteelteats ,`ti-hrilholietilltireakwardly side oftheliyiseahlakon'or Ridge F.; tarnplkernad i ha _Penn teterishipi,mow in the, city of i',••:-Flllailelphiatbeglnningat gloat on the side of is two ,' ..perele reideaans, commonly lane, which „ f rc.f.Vs ' r tagtiiiieleferalthe SaKftalst Woo larslitigi•plaso en the Schuylkill rim; thence by the:stiliblitifilinis lank kouth p,e - •."43 degrees Zlweinutes, , weet SYSerebea and Seven-tenths tortpoettuarnorafllatiltlaallirrisen!aaGolinenti tbeneo 'llittetennfe notittao4egrees4o minutes nest el rye and theM.). by the' banana r de, I . l9ribed talictiatith . ,sB degrees 20 salbettea, tut 3 per siligiiisieslostion the side of the saW. Wiese .l,-;;4hicklin4oadi.thence by,the fauzinsonth 31 degree6; 4ll A perebee and two-tenths Of apareb, and'aenth 40 de , • • i.greesceeeklo lierchesfand four,Wntivt *Lopata ta the .31. -- .AI - wzigilisce of boetining; ontaining2tieres lout . :A.-No. 3,415*, es certairstreetarrieovot.lacst aniesning the above tract, shoats on th6soatlotootwahtly side of nsidiVineshichon, OW AiNke turnpike:bag aforesaid, beginning' "es t, . Comex iof ~ ..en-abore.dascribed tract; thence running Meng alasarne Orrenakof odd road north ' , 27 : degrees'And altalf; nestle copies and,triglity-fire af. =loaner:at/a partact a'pertle to a corner offend granted te,Gtosge Mock, - theneely the Ntia Beck's land month • 'r.-1 git degrees told sa bedr, West 411 perchfot end abt-teb tit eof • „, • ,, a - Perith ta a Conner; of lend.held brlVUllam Nowt& .wrid‘ 3cosattiarv."Willlanis; in toast - for Catharine Falco I`i and heraididstol thane blr thetsinfololith dotmeA aad,a-.4earter, east:,2l perches and twent,y-fire-bun • narta.of-a perch to'.l (moat of the abore.de ucribed tract, stalest southweirtof a whitenak sapling On the line of thelabbre.desoribed tracts thence along - i "•-:: the saidilanomertle • bOrdftnetei' and:a half, east - S6 perches- andoighty-five-liwedthe fault el-a perch to the plaegof begioningicontabsing 0 awes and 19 perches IMNO.-41t Also, 611,41 . ttertain nreasnage or tenement 1 'sandlot Or piece of .graluid, 'situate, lying,-and • being In , tiie Northern Liberties', norkin the eityof Philadelphia,' begiritintaCa stakebythet aldae( a strip Of gowned left open for a load; thence egtendlng by land, formerly clahnod - br IferGatnin Mifflin booth 88 degree,, east 47 peraltetand alt-tenths of "a perch tonstake; thence by Nand sold 'by iltederick Dover and wife to Benjamin Key -, eek north So degrees. emit IS porches to another stake , thence by land formerly of Michael Olingassze north De degriesoreat 47 perches and four•tenths of 'a perth to• , the side of the ground let open for a rota Os aforiseld; Ultimo slingelde of sail-road south 00 degrees, west 28 rreltee to the placenLbeglnning containlogfi acres - of No. 'Alt& a 'certain , lei r 4.nr piece of land nitwit° for: Northemlabertles, het now in the city of •Vbtladelptitii Owtholiontheastvarily side of a certain latej4aelled atandhartianci:bcomeed end described as folionoth, agreeable to survey lately made thereof' by ti`'3tobartDtnak OBeginning at a stone at the'alde of-Btandley , slanei theece pertly by another pfece"iiflant,' belongingtrithesald' George Beher, and partly by land of Philip Henthborger, Booth 39 degrees 15 whittles, eastalpershes and 5-10 to listen ;j thence "by other-landilato of Jasper- Mohan, decatard, south 52 - degrees, west 11 perches and 6.10 of a perch to a ~ ittone • thence by other land of the • said George Esher, .....",; ,of' degrees, 15 •Wilnutee, west 66 perches and 9-10 , of a: perch, to a atone in thColdn'of the said lane ; thence alongside of Judd line, north 50 degrees, ease 11 perches sad - 6-10 to the pitted of -beginning. - that tenement and tract or Itardel of landisituatedying, - and Wm:blithe Northern Liberties, , .3‘C, - of - of Philidolphlit," beginning at a post - ../,:atandiwg'dii the northeast side at Plismhickon road, a of land biteof Peter Taman thence by the same • bind north_s3 degrees 20 minutes, east - 20 perches 7 feet ; Meld Inches to another pest ;.thende north' 37 degrees 40 minted, west E 4 perches and 440 of a perch, to an ,.'-other,post ;Attends-0 , land,late Joshmailisher south 8,140010 s 20 Minuted,' west 24 ,perchei- and A-I0 of a Stole s :le another post standing ea the - tide et Wiese,- vhiiiktuareadateressid, and thence - by the 'sante goad 40 1-',-; , :& , ;44i-ildegrorld, aid 64 perehes 7 feet 8 lashes, t 0,.. the place of -ItOttlitning belltainitigll4Bll4 ttid 8t pavatts.:4lll , ' Wthed,itial of his- appointment stn. 14th; 18.82',-, at , 4-isviock, P. M., at his - - office, at the southeast corner and LOCUST tatatett,'ittienicild. alt persona interested are re. - to,make their claims, or be debarred - trent comiog derb-dlOt =L-ItifUNICrPAL •• OLAIMS:"—,NOTICE _.lB Ihereby given to ihoorrners of framises mention : 'od In the appended memorandi'ef Oland for Paving, '' that writs of Beira Arias willheisseed on said 'claims in three menthe from the date hereof, unless the same "shall be paid' at the office of the undersigned, 21.2 South r . ,,"1 7 ,01T11 Btroet,.belowWalnut, at or before that time, wlttiemm. SUITE!, lievorater%l, 1855., -' Attorney for Plaintiff. '''Cilty,of Philadelphia to Manse of George - W. Stroud Charles lteynold: ' 0. I'., lutio' T., 1857, No. 90. -Claim 8.283.80. _ Paving southwest corner Twenty-see ? cand anfffirbbrt Streets. • Titus:. O'P., ffepterabir T. 1857, .1101 1:11.61fn 510.17. " Paving north side Clayton at. 103 feet west of Twerity,socand.- - • ffnmens.ffesde Coniston. 0: Pi ,'Pepternbor T. 1857, Jt0,68,1 Claim 842.03. -"Paving north side 'of ClaYton .street, 02 feetvrest of T.weatPlrrotald.' • 115,34,1" in .110010 Saitinitint?. - - A Itbits - Ticift sei.oorra, niandq9:Aseaszazwr— uommotts: Romuku!- ThiHnlidays'arn , closo7an hand; and Rinen,a-Arch , street, Saloon is prepared for the immense demand that will bilinadauporcit for OCIEPEOTIONE. 2 - • 1 "If N-1 .1 OHRISTIMAB -AND.SIBW TKAWB CANDIES IMPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR' THE PRESENT "HEAEON! ' • Every vatlety_of,Ban' Bons;•Paellies;l3ourbon Drops, `q.'-:" -,- "- - 'isewestyle of Gum Drops, 'EMI Snare Drops; L'angliterre ' Itorcßonsj arld'avcry variety rare- and 'costly cardiac t- ,, '-' , -)nerorfaetared in Bads. , • - ,y, ,+4- lfor - Presents, Shot and- PirrnektrOf Ornamental 4texes,crynailds, =Ribbon ries tilted with the choicest `-villie# of Orinfeetione and litiylng in price from One Delhtr np fenny Dollars. - %magi these Boxes are the MO!! DOPERO SPECIMENS OF Fancy WORE dIID ARTISTIC) DRBION EVER. orrsatn:tn'trniamitomay, - - To the Lenin, as well as is the'whela pablio , donee's Batwing are the moat attractive in the City, and In lender of adornment and thrills-Ire euperlor to any to .DIENAXFAiT.B, :DINNAD . AND: 55P.P.SRS, •' . .Bereadaplatheehoicestand toed exp edi tious style. Fittur 0.5'.41.A. KIN S; - - • TOE .C.REASLS, .7ELLIES,' NATILITi , AND OTATXLS, - :poietanttireseixfor stettera in - profaslon. • = FLAW,- VOCY;4O - 0 ORIAMENTAL ' '' , CARDISEP AND FIFE OF, EVERY, DESCRIPTION. 'NSW , PORN, TWA Brsaurr, • And, to fact,. all the VARIETIIIEr MIXT:WEB; and r.: -,, .. ; , , ,1)EL1CA01ES of-every ellaNetesd 0040 . DAELS,IRIVA.TE PARTIES; Presentation BaPpers,., and - Toculliee 'supplied st • the - ehertest netters and on continuance of the patronage' kitherto' ao liberal'? ' , - 'l3eabisred by the pnblt4is zeSpeotfullf solicited. • deb - 41" ' 'E .lONEt3 Proprietor. ItIER,OHANTS' HOTEL; - - NORTE - POWITRIMEET ~ - -AARstegx-Asovsktanitsv, - ,-- 1411G._ -EMBUS & 89115amiratcross. ' - ' ETRIMMOTHERST.'.: ~.• : I, • ''' - 4.^ ' 'l lionith , THIRD "Øtroiec . opptiette'4,he„ irw ,, Penney . - = . m...... .... ~.„,,,„.. ,„ . : ~,n l 4 Itadvaget Office._ _ , ~, ...!, ~ ,- Y -I ;;' , ',i. `•••,' -; -, ;7,, ','' ; ; t; if,' 0,110„ B• E DUCE t'igensestanw '''' '. '''''''; ' 4' ' ' 'vv - -. - thiliecto keep:m*o)l4l 1 A ra c • ,•,-, -- "' -, nt , ~- 'id ea " in regard to-privets ~ '„f i - ; rea aa t, , -, viik,vYaly: war? ~ _ _ 'i ..- Par .} - iiillacigide viiriunementa to nerve kr on!.co::; . : ' ' - —.15'9 413 Y 'l B, -pt &variety or geli,graP,ared Co ld & '' ' .l- . 14 64 arm i9u 0 8 1a n h aa ea n It prlc - cc to&itit,and 1113/Aft, th , eamigen. , 'le - d tii times:, -- - ' " -• ' : :;'" '. :, '° o 4 eJiVin e ea and Id4tiois are: n ot s&rpaseed by any . In ' ' f "sole-itit4a-lat -- : -:- , PE ' . 1,7t . 1: Idtol' Fin& ~ , ._ , . . ' • VAN' PBELVS -01:111,'1VildlistokofT urieysi Oesse;GrOill4): Frost, Sabnoti,ThinaatitineiOpinnohiquei Princess Abse - Y conn,_ond Cove Oysters,. with every variety of OAHE, wild or , domestic, .I.a season. . Green Turtle' Soup and •Vereapili , flappers served up at the shortest notice, at JOIIN OARIPBELL'fi, No. 527 CHESTNUT street, op piata the State noose. - • - expense Or mine "tuut been spared by the - Proprietor in; filth* up this new oistablishment In the ' moatitionpttions *saner—the — seeend story being for the -seconntiodationfof Private -Pardee for Dinners, . - „ ntranoe forle4les towards Kith street. OITY LAGER ,hilizEro,,,llp±r,parblx: - '!,,-„,ta C . lutes__ 2 8 Pkilt • - 8eP22414 '3l -,"0_401Y - Ws:RESTAIMAIit," SOIITH. su4 t n acere 2 s l Z'Otir. -v ial u eL -G uizZ3 Opterfan theAlhortert, Aotice, sepplm p ÜBLICI L kIIBLIO IS , • • •.,,- , that Ofdieeheee been Opened •-• by ihe Diatildkauperlistendentga-Publie Lighting, at which eilleene are requested to glee inforniation respect. lag accidents which may happen to the PublieLsnips; or .-of any failure in- lighting or extinguishing theta at the :•-," poor Ahem. or if not properly cleaned and in good = - lighting condition. - Theßooke will be kept byJeeeph --`,A , Makty,lieJerki 'Wharton et., First Ward; OhariesOarty, _ topkot Mdlattletirk. 11 1 / a ines at. above Sixth; Minus - Kirk, 2-10. 108 linkitingen atreet, Twentieth Ward; m4W. Deshong; No. 2231 Cloatee tweet, Fifteenth Ward; '•;•",*.:Thea„Pl.Eloirlby; Gee Ofilee,T irenty.FOurth Ward ; ( W est -Philadelphisq), 11 , Fadden, GM bine°, Twenty ' - OfOokid`WirO,. (Ciennantowni) Win. N. Market ,Gee ' - ' Twenty - Third- Ward -, fgewAtoed,) and at the . 040111cein Porontilotroit, bekwr Market. -My order, of the Tnteteer of -the Philadelphia Gas Wcrick,:r. - -• , 1 • A. I. KITE, 001042- . goperlntendent of Distribution, . - • UTONDERS > OF,,TtE,_I~f-LIGHT, hIGLItT TOR ALT.—PETERS k 81111 Q — Fatent Nou.,gxplOalen Self.ilenerating flal3 LAWS, le josh - the illicit° suit Face $1.50 all may h ive rc.,.,e.supetioiLight by calling at their Depot. . . This rdelp ow adapted to all planes and purposes, and ' oulpreolreff a trial :to , test tie - advantages over all alhera• T'ho" Lamp forme Ito own ges.i Onr Patont tutuenrosu be fitted ,to -ovary ordinary Fluid Lamp, ,- --with little expense, without' the least possible danger, All am.ineltod, te call aud,ewarainll for themsolveti. To wri, , Goontt, rind State tights for sale, The profriatore aro in want of Agents:giving a rare chance to plaice mousy, 4 ••- • -3 1157EAS k ilnnorz,(taihauip Depot,' -- 4 ,624.31, 1 , , LW &OS dth St , below G'lleatriut, -FM • _f1 . 1. - OVER:: - Stkli.,.-NOTION' TO PENN , - 11XLVANIA1FAltrdzas AIM STOMExpEtut Thatuattereikned tire. now:preparen to nui.chue for • Sitiitt r prinitiOloyeißeed or titonewOon,; PennaylvaWa ,-sterekesitCre runt Antlers, 'iv . sending samples to our ' l7 ''' , !•4 4 ltddread,osiit etbll titnea, astertain tile price at which mean), t ngrlng,* , Parilet wishing sample'', by which to - ' g'over ' ned as to Anality,sati bars thorn sent by mail, by wreseing na. J. 11 , 011A8B ic 00, ' - Yrollt, sod its Waterstrests , , IN GAS efOefoile 'Or Or ever offered foi'llvs 141- lere. T beer OWe' WATBRBIA.N3 gAs prank- Toirconino: i . • ; - ' „ '602 oitimixtii i!reet. . - 4 1 0 - -A- - GINE' • TY HO EL V Yoslorket 2.1 Y, MeJlMlAlfo,,ifie(lete 43) Sofith , itiafinf,-PoioyeOlientriut eiieet he* biool7l*- * **Cog - 01`10`r ,t 0 •eur Soputkpag ApD.w.BSTERN ... •" ' NIBS *ink); ond Oki the ecoifonfOnco of haring their - '`old roolloge, Leo& rotor Allroptopped bottomed, !" • 1.44)1 mo*filr;oxer! to *1!, foto. iutt ly . NorWITIT.,-600 BAItEELS 04inlargus, 'ROBIN, to arrive per ebtler isle by MUTDI & simitmena . 1111 Not% Motet stmt. MlE=l=l tfe - fAi , ttoli-bn S ,-", Pcl3Po(ttliC • • TEAIt AtkOITTNEIMVOR SORIllr PR 0- ~t."4, 4 4400P-OrtYPAlt. ' ;iitt Ilitriatitattr, lebtemioo3lo,lB37. PROM/3hldi ,tindoreed It Propoinde lor ittesibt )tdettliterffor ffer4w PrePollar alooh•oor" willtrortneved. at:tala Doeattinentuntil o'eloe k t t ue lhilibeeem t ber tekt, fee iclikaompleta Oenetrociloil or the skein Machinery amd apperldegoll'andPoil board- a strew , propeller ship °Vitae building in the Alutbril %ales navy,yard at Philadelphia, ' The offers must be for a smooth@ sum for putting the whole in succeesful 'operation; must include all patent , - re Sit for any artingemeute that may bo proposed; elate the that In which the Work will be completed, and be Accompanied by the usual guarantee required by law. The Dame of the establishment In which the work is to he exeonted mast be stated. The details of the desigu and arrangement of the ma. ellinery wilt be left with the party whose proposition may be accented as combining the greatest number of advantages , ' keeping In view simplicity of construction, readiness Of aceess for adjustment When in operation, and not being, subject to derangement in the working patch! ; it beintthe object of the Department to obtain the moat ;peed and pewee with the most economical eonsumption of fuol, and the greatest stowage of coal which the spice available for that purpose will admit. The bottom to be Of lion, with telescopic smoke-pipe; which meth& placed at the greatest practicable die .tance from the mainmast I the , propeller with the con nections for hoisting, to be of - compos ition; the ma ehinery,'for hoisting, for pum apparatus for ventilat ing, and appartenances of all ps, kinde, necessary for the perfect 'workbag of the whole, to be of the most ap. indeed kinds, The coal-bunkers, shaft passage, two athwartships Iron bulkheads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water front which can he made not less than 1,1000 Wiens per day;' all, the toad and duplicate pieces ne county and satisfactory for an eMclent cruising ateani ship-of-war must be included in the proposition, sod let of. them must be ininlihed. The wood and carpenter work (except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft) necessary to adapt the res• eel for the reception of the machinery, bolters, and ap. poudagee, will peprevided at th e exposes 01 the Navy Department, and it will permit the use of such facili ties ea It may have for hoisting the heavy machinery on board. ror theaManmodutioster the entire steam machinery - and the fuel, there gill be' Allowed in the body of the 4hip.the entire space, under the berth deck, eeminencing at 11X, feet shell the mainmast: and thence extending 'forward a distance of 10 feet; the , greatest breadth W eide clear of the plank under the beams being 42% feet, and the height from the top of the timbers to the un der side of the beam amidships being 13 feet 0 inches, Within this space It is expected to carry coal, for Dalt , teendays , lull steaming, the daily consumption of which the bidder will- elate In his speelfications ; and the .yreight ef the machinery, water in boilers, shaft, pro pellet, Mal apPendagett, with the tools aud snare work, most not exceed 340 tons of 2,240 pound'. The di - sham trete the (at aide of the mainmast tithe 'aft-side of the forward stern-post will be about 100 feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern-peat will be 7 feet; the depth from the road water line,to thAtop,of the keel under the propeller will be 10% teed, Elteam-e_nglue manufacturers who desire to bid can Abaft a'copy of the Section of the vessel upon making application 00 the Department. ' The *puffer mut, be accompanied by full specifica tions and tienerardravinge, having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, boilers, kis., marked on theta ,• giving also the capacity of the steam cylin ders and area of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump, and outboard delivering velves, space for steam above the water line to boilers, the fire and grate sur (see ; also, the diameter, pitch surface, and kind of propeller, and other principal points, that comparisons middy be made. , There will also be given the esti mate of the weight of engines, boilers I water, bunker', appendages, tools, and spare work , I n -tons of 2,240 pounds.--. The tenie or payment will be that when ono-fourth of the materials and labor protided for in the contract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the ,Departm.nt; there will be mule a payment of one-fifth part of the whole nmourt. of the contract; when ono half the work shall in like manner be completed, there will be a farther payment of ono-fifth ; when three fourths the work shirt' have been completed, a further payment of one-fifth; when the whole shall have boon completed, and have made a satisfactory trial of ono *eek, then a further payment of one-fifth; and when .the ship shall hare performed satiefactorily at sea for a c ried of three months, then the remalniug sues shall TC d r . enairs necessary during this period from defec tive Workmanship or materiels will boat the expense of the contractor. The proposals_ must he explicit, and no qualified or conditional offer will be considered. DIEM TOUCHY, Secretary of the Navy. ni12,1-in 4do th t DeclB OFFICH OF ARIELY CLOTHING AND FAtIIIPAGIS, Fittranstrau, December 4; 1557. -SEALED FItOPOSALS are invited, and will be re ceived at this office, until 10 o'clock A. M. of the 4th :layer heorary neat; forfurnishing by coutract the fol lowing Army Supplies and Materials, deliverable of the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Araenal,)" ha quantities an required, viz: o,9ooyards 04 dark bine (Indigorool dyed) cloth for cape and bands, weighing about 14 ounces per yard. 03,000 do 0-4 dark blue (Indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per yard. 120,000 do 0-4 - sky-blue (indigo Wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per yard X dark blue (indigo dyed) cotton and wool • damsel, weighing Ox ounces per yard. 210,000 do - 7-8 white flannel (cotton and wool) to ' weigh O,X ounces per yard. 10,000 'do 6-4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) 10,000 do '47 inch alpaca, (black.) 100,000 do X canton 1 flannel, to weigh j:7 ounces . per yard.. 175,0001 do X unbleached drilling, to weigh 6X ounten net yard. 25,000 do' ,?; unbleached drilling, to weigh 7X ounces per yanl. '20,000 do 30 Inch cotton duck, to weigh 21X ounces per yard. 15,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 15X ounces per yard. 85,000 do 28X inch cotton duck, to weigh 14X ounces per yard. 25,000 do 28X Inch cotton duck, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. '3,000 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 11 ouuces per yard. 8,600 do 22 inch cotton dunk, to weigh 0 ounces per yard. 16,000 do 24 Inch cotton duck, to weigh 12. ounces per yard. 25,000 - do • 33 inch cotton duck, to weigh OX ounces ' • per yard. 12,000 army blankets wool, gray, (with the letters U. S. In black, 4 Inches in length, In the cen - -- tre to be -7 feet long, and 5 feet 6 inches wide, each blanket to weigh 5 pounds. 7,500 dozen palm half stockings, 3 sizes, properly made, of good sound fleece wool, and with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds - per dozen. 10,800 pompons for engineers, ordnance, medical de ' partraeut, dragoons, rillee, artillery, and • • infantry. 30,000 cap bodies. 12,000 garde glazed silk for covens. 140 N. C. S. brans scales, pairs. 600 sergeant's do du do 8,000 corporals and privates' brass scales, pairs. 6N. 0.11. bronzed - do do 30 :sergeant's do do do • 500 corporal's and privates' bronzed do do 70,000 yards X In wooded lace. / yellow, scarlet, sky 5,000 do xln do do $ blue, orange, green. ,6,700 .do red bunting. 6,000 do white do 2,900 do blur do ". 2,500 grilse coat buttons. 8,500 do. vest do - 3,600: do saapender buttons, white metal. 4,500 do shirt do do 45,000 tent buttons, wood, small. 12,000 do slip, do • do 5,000. do buttons, do large. 1,000 do slips, do do 100 hospital tent poles, se's. 500 wall - do do 000 common do do 4,000 galvanlned Iron wire rods, for tents. 10,000_ do do staples, do 8,000 mess pans, Iron 1,000 camp kettles, iron, three sites. 12,000 tin canteens, (8 pinta, weight .1.1„X ounce:id with • - stoppers. 1,000 pick ages, two sizes. - , 2,000 do hendlea. .1,000 camp hatchets. ' 40 trumpet cords and tassels, orange. 40 trumpet cords and Diesels, yellow. ~20 _ do do do green. - '4O drums, Artillery, ; complete. 70 •do Infantry, - do 1,100 do beads, batter ".700 do do snare. 1100 do snares, sots. 200 do sticks, pairs. - 200/ do do. carriages. All the above mentioned articles meat conform in nil respects to the steeled standard patterns In thin office, where they can be examined ; and sample patterns will 'be- sent by mall, with any additional information In re g a r d to them, which may be requested by. rusinsfac torero "or others wishing to offer proposals. It is desirable that all the articles be of domestic manufac ture. Deliveries lo commence on the 15th day of February unit, and one-half of the quantity contracted for to be ,dellvered tie equal monthly proportions, by or before the 80th April, 1858; the remainder within four months from that date, in monthly or grouter proportions, as the contractor may fled it convenient. ' The privilege is reserved by the United Staten of in creasing from one-third to one-half the quantity of nll the supplies above mentioned,. by giving the contractor one month's Maio of such desired increase. Payments will be made on each delivery, ehould Con green have made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each de livery will be retained until tho contract shall be corn plated, which will be forfeited tothe United. Staten in care of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. Side will be received from manufacturers or regale:. dealers, only, in the articles proposed to be furnished; and none wilt bo conaidered in which the inanufecturer's mill or dealer's place of business is not specifically net forth.. Contracts willbe based on accepted proposals, for the fnlffiment or which two or more sufficient securities will be required. • The name, address, and the responsibility of the persons proposed asaecur)ties, with the acknowledgment of said persons that they will be such security, or will nee that good and aufficieut security be furnished in case a contract is obtaiued, will be transmitted with the proposals. It le to be distinctly understood by every personoob ' taming a contract, that said contract Is not transferable 'ivittioutthe consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of It, without such con: senehaysng been obtained, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the con tract, and the contractor and his nocurities will be held responsible for all lose or damage to the United States which may arlso from said abrurdonment. - Propene's will bo addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing army sup , Plies and materials." 10,000 do ILENRY C. WAYNIt, Bt. Major, A. Q. Mr decl•tmw tlan4 UNITED STATES POST-OFFICE, IN Tux CITY /WALED PROPOSALS, for supplying materials and Workmatiship Acquired in the erection and construction of a Pest-ofece building in the Oity of Philadelphia, for the United States Post-Mlle° Department, wilt be re ceives* ,at the oftito of the Undersigned, Commissioner for the building, N0..2/./i3 South FOURTH Street, Street, on or before the twelfth day of December neat. Contracts wW be awarded only to master-builders and•tnechaulea.- .Euch Proposal must be accompanied by n written guarantee, signed by two responalble per sona, to the effect that the bidder, will, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter Into n contract and bond with proper and sufficient see arleties for its faith ful performance, - Plans and 'lpm:4Se/diens for the building can be seen uppoon tlt lk .ll `o n N a o t 113 e Bl g e i r c ea 6 n of le "te Lit Tehttect " j°1"1 Library Building, where every information respecting materials and work maiishi_p w 111 be given, The Propeeals mutt be sent to the Office of the Cern latasioner, awl addreaaed to John hive, and endorsed Proportile fur the United States Poet-office at Phila delphia,,,, and 19111 be opened at noon of the lest-named day for receiving the sane. JOHN Itltig, nos 12.41tde12- %norms at Kato. WIS S.I9ELLS,ATTORNEYAT LA.W, N 0.2 AMY SMUT, NORRISTOWN, Ps., CV attend with pnactuallty, and to the beet of hie stalky, to all business entrusted to hie care. oct.nm TIANIED DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY .1 1 1-A . :AT kW, Ifoutheaft Canner of MOUTH and eat !Krestit, Pnitadelptia. - Sta M YER 8T RO USE, ATTORNEY AT voIL,I,A34,OIINTu street, Pottsville, Pa. anCly CONGBESSI, RANGE. --SOLD BY OIIAD wiox k HBO., N 0.9014. ORGOND abut, sena trocro. VIVE.IIOOMI4 BAN - GE -4--SOLD BY CH AO v 1 :war A; NUN, ,902 N. ANNNNN , 4J), AR "8 k. OALDWELL— 'anti Ratan WHIP and OANildanahotiuter, No. Qfbncgtio,nal. 114 ALL OF ST. JAMES THE" LESS, La. •', toiAitm i tEi ON IMILUYIL,KI4I4, BEGEOT 11041t1DINfilig i ttoi YOU ins. RB►aasaos: Ray., AVM°. I'orrea. The Rector, , Bee. B, 811Y8ER, may be seen *sou WEDNESDAY ArTEBNOON, from B to 6 o'clock, at BOOKNR , B Bookstore, B. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNIIT, where also circulars may bo obtained. Address BOY. B. B. OM vnort, di&Eut ' Balls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. eRITTENDEN's 1111,ADELPIIIA UOM MEROIAL COULSON, O. E. corner of SEVENTH end CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories, BOOK-KNETINti, PENMANSHIP, every style. , CONSINECUAL LAWS AND FORAtti. COMSINRCIAL OALOULAVONS. LECTURES, Noah Student hes Individual Instruction from comp). tent ..and attentive Teaohent, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. .One of the Best Penmen lu the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and sea Specimens end get a Catalogue of Tenon, he. ocB.y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WM PITITADNIAIIA. No fleonuary whatever In noire like a private family. The course or study is eateusive null thorough. Pro. feenor thwuders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen Years or ago Into his family. bemire of Messrs, J.S. Bayer and Mathew Newkirk, or 001. J. W. tremor, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are aow lowboys of hie tawny, septl9•tf rrilkiAl.4E SEMINARY 2 =lllE JL flohool Year, consisting of two Tangs, will corm nonce on the SEOOND WEDNESDAY of September, and close 04 last IYednenday of June following. Normal Ohm, Troy Female Bentinery—Tultlen free. Winter Term commencing September 10th. The charge for tuition and board, Im:hiding an no omisarles connooted with it, each ae room rent, washing, fuel,- light, etc, , le 1226 per annum. An eddltioaal charge in made for mimic and the other ornamental branches of female education Where a lilted sum Is preferred, $350 per annum. (one-half payable at the commencement of each term) will be received, and for it the pupil entitled to all the advantages a the Inett tUtion. Pupils may enter at any porlod of the term, and aro requited to pay only from the time of entrance. The Institution furnishes all possible facilities for a thorough course of useful and ornamental education. Tho Principals are assisted by more than twenty Pro fessors and Teachers, Extensive coarsen of Lectures are annually delivered by Professors on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, eolo cr. Botany, Aritrhnomy, and Elocution. This Institution is furnished with a valuable Library and extensive Philosophical Apparatus, a well-selected cabinet of Minerals and dholic, uud Mope, Charts, Globes, and Models. Every facility le afforded for the thorough study of the Wrench language. The French teachers resider to the family, and adapt their system or Instruction to the use of the language in conversation. DIPLOMAS are awarded to young ladies who have passed satisfactory examinations In the full course of English statism+, with Latin, or one of the modern languages. CERTIFICATES to those who have guru plated the partial course. The pupils are received into the family of the Princi pals, in which every arrangement is made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man ners and morale. They occupy private rooms, two in each, the roemn of the female teachers and that of au experienced nurse being among those of the, young ladles. • -.. The advantages of this Institution are the result of the accommodated facilities of more than thirty yoare of its onward progress. Circulars containing more particular information rimy be obtained by application to the Principals, John G. Willard and Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N. Y. The tens for day soholara are $5 per quarter for the introductory class of English stodies. These aro IWO ing, Writing, Bpelllug, Grammar, Arithmetic, Rudi ments of Geography, Ueography for beginners, and Geology for begtnuert. For the sowed class $1 per quarter. This includes all the branches constituting the extensive course of Rog- Ugh studies. TRUSTEES. BENJAMIN MARSHALL, President. Jona H. WILLARD, Secretary. Mayor and Recorder of Trey, ex-officio. Benjamin Marshall, John B. Willard, Robert D.Sillimon, Thomas W. DI ateltford, Jonas 0. Rectal, Silas K. Slew, Jos Van Schoonhoren, Jonathan Edwards, Geg. B. Warren, Thomas Mewls, John A. Griswold, John Mallory, Uri Gilbert. - 0e29.11m oots nub 51)oce I/OOTS AND SITOES.—The subscriber .1-1 1, has on hand a largo and varied stock or BOOTS and 8110E9, which he will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. w. TAYLOR, no2l-ly 8. E. corner FIFTH . and MARKET Ms. 11ALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPIL U. TI.IOI.IPBON & CO. No. 314 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 3 and 6 FRAN , KLIN PLACE, hare new in store a large and well-assorted stock of ROOTS and 8110198, of City and Eastern raanufactnre, which they offer for sale on the best terms for Cash, or on the usual credit.. . . Buyers are halted to call said examine their stook Notice to Qlotteignecs NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. N The ship PHILADELPHIA, from Liverpool, IN now discharging under general order, at BRIPPEN STREET WHARP. ConEignece will please nteend to receipt of their goods. no2I THOS. RICHARDSON h CO. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship PHILADDLPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at ithippenstrect wharf Con signees will please deliver their permits to the Custom house ellieor on board. All goods not perm} ted in Live days will be sent to public store. non THOMAS RICHARDSON dr CO. Sur s:ink attb tau tct. Cj.ERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR %A SALE —A handsomely situated LOT OF FOUR. TEEN ACRES, having a front of 000 feet on Chelten avenue, which is 80 feet wide, and 800 foot ou the Township Line /Load, or Wisashiekon street. This property may ho purchased at the present limo for the value of the avenue front. Apply to J. D. ItEINBOTII, d4-3tt 4V3 Walnut street. DESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT St., opposite the State House; one of the beet business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and alt modern convenience/4. Apply on the premises, Nooln No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. n 026 tUattio. WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY-Able-bodied, unmarried um, to whom will bo given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from st 2 to $24 per month. No DM having a wife or child will be accepfed. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 1311 MARKET street grave Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, lot Lieut. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, Oct 5-3m* Recruiting Officer. 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOR $lO !—Third Dielsion.-3310,000 worth of Farms and Buildiog Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 gubseribore, on the 7th of December, 1857. Sub scriptions only ton dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every aubecrlber will got a Betiding Lot or * Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots eta sold so cheap to induce settlements, a suillcicut number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will Compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wads of 1,150 lota and farm are already sold, and a company er settlora called the Rappahannock Pioneer Aseociationn is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith. ful performance Of contracts and promisee Nearly 05,000 sores of land In different parts of Virginia, new at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to Poo per acre. iftiquestionable titles trill in all cams Os given. Wood-eutters, coopers, farmers, he., are Wanted, and flee hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the moat liberal inducements will bo given. Fwe agents write that they aro making $2OO per month. or full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, Ac., apply to E. BAUDRR, au24-tr Port Royal, Caroline county, Vit. piano fortes A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE ANIANUFAETUItiiIt, No. 155 West Ilroa In ay, New York, solo manufacturer of the celebrated Oonrert The subscriber would inform his numorotts friends and customers that ho has greatly enlarged bin manitfacturing department, in order to meet the increase in demand for his unrivalled Vl3llOO, and as every piano, especially tone and touch, Is personally superintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an In strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands tumor. passed, Every plane sold at the lowest manufacturera' prices. A call is respectfully solicited. 0c29-6ro GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, MANIMACTOREREI 84 AND 88 WALKER STREET, /4R W YORK, Received the following first prize medals In competl. tion with the best manufacturers of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. TWO FIRST ritual MEDALS at the Metropolitan Fair, Washington, March, 1855. A GOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pianos within-the last six years.) A OOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, Balti more, 1850. THE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, Oryiital Palace, New York November, 1850. Among the judges were the first musical talent of the country, such as M. Mason, Oottschalk, Wollenhaupt, and many °there. St. &S. Piano& (with and without Iron frames) ore warranted for three years, and a mitten guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped without charge. Prices moderate. 0r.27-tf ViIEAP SIMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, NJ' of excellent quality, ieeeld at the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORM for the minced price of five cord a a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap plying at the One Offlos, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it in sold at the Works, in lifrat Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Au. thraoite, a 1E2.60 per ton. (Signed,) J. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. PIiILADELPHIA GAB WOAICO, Aug. 20, , b 7. au2l-tf ASRAM ' SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and ratboaded Printing, Envelope and Beal Primo Manufactory , fa Strawberry Street, between kecond and 'PW,rd, and Market and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. pa aul24v Wines anb 113480 n. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail, By HUGH BARR, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, corner of FRONT and WHARTON Streets, (opposite the Navy Tatd,) nooo4ln rbiladelphla J3RANDIES.--si Pinot Castillo-?"'Jfarett, and other Oognacii of varloue strftoo, halt pipes and quarter cado; Polleroinin Re Oita& 'tramlne, polo and dark, in balr piper, half mks, ask criLoighth casks. imported and for sae by 11.1:NRY BOMAN 6: CO,, e 022 221 and 223 South Fourth Mroot. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND 411. LIQUOR STORN, No. Ekoitheeet Ooruer o °FAROE awl f3OIITII Strode. nul-ly I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN IN WINES, LIQUORS) MARS ) &0., 26 Soull FIVTII Otroet, Philadelphia. aul-ly Castillon & Co., Ma- AAP rett 00., and other bronda of Cognacs of various vintages, In halt 4,1p0s and quarter casks i rellevelsin Roohelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth teaks, all In Custom Rouse stores, Imported and for sale by lIENBY BORLEN & 00., an a Noe. 221 sad 223 South Fourth fared. nITIVRAR: & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE .I.Ar AND Lean BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 038) North THIRD Street, Phlladolphic--Shlpping orders promptly attended to. aut-tt 3/171.N1 LL A ROPE-43UPERIOR NILLA itOrir manufactured tout for ease by VVNAVER, & 00., a4B U NO. UM Water it s end 32n. Whiny', THE ,PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1857. QUIP MARGARET FOR NEW ORLEANS e , ..7—Loul.larie Lino —Guarantied first, rowel. , Freight taken at as low latex as any other veiled loading. The remarkably feet-wiling packet ship MARGARET, Merryman master, now loading rapidly at liamoatreet wharf, will continuo to receive what freight offers, and, being of moderate expeeity, will have quick despeteh. Shippers will pieties hurry their goods alongside, and bills of fading to the connting•house for signature, and way depend on Ohl being the first Yowl to mill, Min balance of freight, et low rates, apply to 13113110P,SIMONS, k 00„ 120 (late 80) NORTII IVIURVREI. Agents at Now Orleans, 0.3. bIVIEKIIIt Or 00. The Margaret ineures at the lowest rating, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the alleelssippl. no% WOE. LIVERPOOL.-711IIIISDAY, DE -0131111411 10. —The Packet Ship PIIII.IOEL. PIIIA, Capt. Cgivimra F. Poomr, NM as mp oboes. pa) Cabin po Second cabin 20 Steerage ~ 10 Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers round with Provisiona, according to the Ainericau passenger act. For freight, or passage. apply to THOS. RUDIARDSON & CO. Drafts ou the Agents In awns to suit, from 11 up. wards. FOR lIAVANA—Pneket ship NAPLES To sail with quick deiipatch. The rast.salling packet ship Naplea, gaidnian master, la now loading at ltaceddreet rifted, and having nearly all her cargo on board, will nail ah em For balance of freight apply to D 101101", SISIONgc& 00. 1 120 (lat. 36 ) North Wharves. FOR SAN FRANCISCO.—TILE FIRST ChM Clipper Ship MARY ROBINSON, Captain Mamma, and the magnificent A I Clipper Ship VI KING, Captain WINDSOR, will harm %al* deepotat from New York. For freight opply to 1111 4 116 P, stmorzs & CO., nolli•dtt 120 (late 10) NORTH WHARVES. SIAVANNAII STEAAISIIIF LINE. - - FITRA I.BIIIPEJ STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships wilt be withdrawn for the present. October.anth. A. If (MON, Jr. Ii ARE REDUCED ANA IlialtlC—Tho m DEIUfIbT, Edwiird Ills& will nail Brom New York for South. From Southampton and suasion and norm - Ilavro for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday., Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 4 Saturday Dec. 26 Price of Pagano—VlM. cabin, $100; second cabin, 00. Specie delivered lu London and Purls. Per freight or passage apply to I). TORNANIII9, Agent, No. 6 Dowling Green,' New York. Lotter,' for England and Europe, pro-paid, 26 cents each ball' ounce, (by enclosure of postage ',Lampe if Iron. other cities,) wi ll ho received at No. 5 Dowling -green, New York, up to 11(4 o'clock on the morning at sail lug, 0010- V FOR ENGLAND ANDFRANCE,IBb7. Now York and Nacre Steamship Company.—The United Staten Mall Steamships ARAM), it,rititi loon, David LWoe commander, and FULTON, 2GOO tope, lentos A. Walton, commander, will leave New York, nRI7O and Southampton, for the beets 1867 and tie, on the followlog days: MUTE KEW TOME. 1851. 1658. Fulton, Saturday, Aug, 22 tango, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arno, do. Sopt. 19 Fulton, do. Fob. Fulton, do. Oot. 17 Arngo, do. March 0 Arngo, do. Nor. 14 Fulton, do. A prll 8 Walton, do. Doo, 12 Arngo, do, Nay 1 Fulton, do. Nay 29 WWI MAYAN. 185 T, Amp, Tuorday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept, 22 Arno, do. Oct. 20 VuMon, do. Nov. 11 Arno, do. Leo. /5 1848. Patton, do. Jan. 12 Arago, do. Yob. 0 Sultan, do. March 9 Arago, do. April 6 Sutton, do. May Arggo, do. June 1 Patton . , do. June 20 TRIOS OP rassaun From New York to Southampton or Harre—Piret Cabin, 1130; Second Cabin, $76. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 800 trace ; Second Cabin, 600 freobo. For freight or passage, apply to MORTI,MER LIVINOSTON, Agent, I Broadway. WILLIAM " Our°. 01108 KEY & CO., " South Mon. AMERICAN EUROPEAN DVIIRSB AND XXI " Paris. °MANOR 00. sue 'rink; NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL J. UNITED STATES MAIL 13TEAMEREL—Tliel3hips 00mpoMDE 11111 blue are : The ATLANTIC, Oapt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIO, Capt. James West .jThese ships have been built by contract, elpreesly for ttovernrcent service; every care baa been taken an their oonstruotion, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are nnewialled for elegance and comfort. Price of pmsage from New York to Liverpool, in that cabin, $130; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. No berths secured maims paid for. The ships of this line have improved water-tight bulk heeds. . .. . . PROPOSED DATES OF BAILING. VIM NSW TOIL. 11011. LltaitTOOL. Saturday, Jane 20, 1867 Wedneaday, June 24, 1857 Oatenlsy, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, Jul) 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1657 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1557 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Supt. 12 1357 Wednetolay, &pt. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 28: 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 70, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1057 Saturday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1057 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wodneedey, Nov 20, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. 9, DM Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1867 For freight or passage, apply to , EDWARD A. COLLINa.I, No. 50 Wall street, N. Y. DROWN, &RIPLEY It 00., Liverpool. STEPILEN KENNARD ,k CO., 27 Austin Friars, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Tarts. The owners of these ships . will nut be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, joweiry.pr eoluue stones or metals, unleer bills of lading'? I 0 r tied therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein auldS GREAT REDT.fiftkiiilitFTßlTO - EU- ROPE. First Cabin 180 I Second Cabin $5O In the first-class paddle wheel steamship ADRIEL 2,000 tone, C. D. LUDLOW , Commander, and NOIITLI STAR, 2,500 tons, P. E. 'Ararat, to sail from pier No. 8 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STAINS MAILS, viz: Leave N. York (Uri l Bouthamptou,ll4- firemen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Arlel, Saturday, Oct. 31 Weds'day, Nov A. N. Sat.), Oat. 31. Saturday, Nov. 28. Weds'd'y, Deo. 80 These 'daemon, touch at MITRE. Specie delivered In London and Paris, For plasma and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No 6 Dowling Green, New York. oato-tr riIHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERI CAN ROYAL MAIL EirEAMBIIIPB. PROM NNW TORE TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabla ['wage Second Cabin ['image iltOU iIOtITON So LIVEItrOOL Olaf Oftbln Puenge Second Cabin Passage Tho 'intim front Boston Call at Halifax. PER.BIA, Capt. Juilkins. CANADA. Capt Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wiekinan ASIA, Capt. E. (1 Lott. NIAGARA, Capt.ltyrio. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast.bead; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. IPFIBNIA,Judkins, leaves N.York, Wednesday, Nov. 11. CANADA, Lang, i , Boston, Wednesday, Nov 18. ARABIA, Stone, ~ N York, Wednesday, Nov. 2b. NlAGARA,Micktnan, ' Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 2. AFRICA, Shannon, ii N York, Wednesday, Deo. ii. AMERICA, Lott, i , Boston Wednesday, Dee. 10. EUROPA, L eitch, ii N.Yorle, Wednesday, Deo. 28, Berths not secured until-paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. Tho owners of time Shipa will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stones ' or Metals unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expiessed. For freight or passage apply to no2l-y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. BASS'° EAST INDIA PALE ALE.— .11-0 The consumers of this celebrated beverage need no description of Ito qualities, or evidence of its excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from its use Btnee Its introduction into this country ; to those who have not yet made an acquaintance with thin CROIVNINU Malt Liquor, it limy be well to state a few foteta BASE , SEAST INDIA PALE ALE Owen Its excellence AM n beverage to the superior quality of the hops cud malt, the mineral proportion of the river water immediately communicating with the brewery, and the al:dentine skill applied in ite manufacture. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Not being 'sweetened or etrengthened to pleme vitiate, pniaten, le, therefore, neither heating nor heady, bu Monied& and appetizing. DASB'B EAST INDIA PALE ALE le the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern In hie fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy Io tbo drink without which nd With eon be complete no journey bp dawk pone/LTA. BASH'S EAST INDIA. PALM ALE is tho favorito drink In England of lord and bagman duchess and nurse.. i" DABS'S EAU INDIA PALE ALE Is the inuch•adtolred tonic for invalids and. persons 0 weak interiors. DAMPS EAST INDIA PALE ALE Will keep In all climatal; and to good at all ineals—lon• cliCon, dinner, or supper. DA S'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE In pronounced by the medical faculty one of the most wholesome beverages that cite be Laken, and is found to be not lees agreeable to the palate than it la heuencial to the health. Is universally conceded to be unrivalled is excellenee by any other imported into the United states. Dealers and consumers will !Ind it their interest to give this Ala a preference. For sale in cask and bottle by THOMAS IdO3IIII,LEN, Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVER It., N. Y. On sale at Do'n101110(011, William st., corner of Deaver, and Chambers, corner of Broadway, Sutherland% is line street. • Berry's, 10 Pine street. Richardson A. Ilayter, 120 Water et, George N. Burgess, 483 Broadway. N. 11. Gosling, 337 Broadway GBEEN SAND MARb OF NEW JERSEY. —TUN NEW JERRY "IMMTILIZER COMPANY is now prepared to reeelve orders for this important manure. For all lauds upon which ashes are beneficial., the Marl is more than a substitute. Profs:seer Cook, in hie annual report to the Legisla• tore of New Jersey, save: "The value of these Marla is beet sten In the rich and. highly cultivated district which lee been Improved, /timed made, by their use ; but it may be interesting to examine the CAUliee of their great value In Agriculture, and to compare them with other fertilisers. Yor wimple : The potash Alone may be taken at An average of live per cont. of the whole weight of Marl, a bushel When dry weighing eighty Foundel, and to the proportion mentioned would contain our pounds of potash ; tide is nearly se much as there is In a bushel of utile:tubed wood ashes." And Again— It le probable that the great value of the Marl is to be found in the fact that It etintainif nearly all the sub. stances necessary to make tip the ash of our continua cultivated plants. Prioo, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland /Leigh te, on hatilan Nay, New Jersey, eeveu cents per bushel. Yor further partien• lore, see circular., sent free of postage. Orders for other fertilised will roceicuprompt attention. Address either of the Undersigned. 011A1111.ES ftEAVS, President, . Kleecllio Post Office, New Jenny. TAPPAN TOWNOUND, Treasurer, No. 82 Naseau street, New York. asounal W. ATWOOD Secretary N. 10 Cedar street, Now York. N. D.—Those wishing Marl for spring ono should order immediately, to secure Its early shipment Orders will be 1111e4 In rotation. mt. 29.0 m MINCED MEAT.--; The Subscriber has commenced menufecturlng ble Ne Plat's lllira MINQI:A AWAY, which b 0 offers to hie cuatlimers in LAtION or MULL QUANTITIES. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will be pone tunny attended to, . . . MUM IVRIGIIT, nl32n d BPRLNQ GARDEN endPltANKLlNxla itioss—/7 bales Carolina Moss, for saio by & MAOALISTER, //i North Witer Mont i 3 Wooing. 20 SOUTHAMPTON 'significant steamship VAN '', sommandsr 6,20 Imo, inA7ll FoornelErroi. 1857. Arago, Wednesday, Aug 20 Fulton, do. tlept. 2l Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Arago, do. , Dec. 10 HAL Fulton, do. wan. 17 Arago, do. Fob. 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 5 Arago, do. June Fulton, do. luuu 20 BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE BADS'S NAST INDIA PALI.; ALE TiII;BEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL la at It DOIMAN'II YARD, BKOAD STREET, abate Vine. . &Witt roducad prices. Cull and Rao. ta,3l-Ow 221(i LBS. IS A TON.---1311YERS 1 and comment are invited to examine our stook of Loovsr MOUNTAIN and MACK IIIU 11 00AL. ,, Our Coal to eelecteut exprenaly fur fatally use; being carefully careened, wo will warrant It free from elate and dust. "We sell volt's.," being . 1 240 Ibu. thou sold by retail dealers, et "26 touts less per top.' , Meo, on hand a tuft euppiy of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS UOAL ,, for Stettin-generating, Blackerulthing, and Rolllag-mill purposes. This Oval cannot be ex celled. . Yards, BROAD and VINE-1111g 81Fn, " 2210 LOS. 18 A .TON. peB.3uaf 14.1011T0N lc 00. OALI COAL! GOAL I—TAGGART'o OBLEDILATAD OPRING DIOUNTAIN LMIIUU GOAL, • J. & R. OA RTE R'S NILSEN WOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE' W. 8N YDER'S mu. FULLEST 130111.111, ALL,L. VIM RANDALL h MEREDITH nave fer sale, and are constantly recolehog from above celebrated °Whales, COAL OF ALL RIZEIS. There In no Opal ruined anywhere, equal le plenty three, and a trial will couciere any nue of their great aupertorlty. Our Cent Is very carefully screened at nor garde, and we will warrant It perfectly free from elate, duet and all Impurities, Our PRIORS areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. °Moro lort ni oar Office, No. 161 SOUIII FRONT street, above Walnut. Onlore left et our Yard, OALLOWIIILL otreot, bolos BROM) street. Oilers left at our Wharf, WATER greet, above IJA LMWl.lll.l.—or seat either place per Denpatch rest, will recoils prompt attention. Purchasers for Family 111.9 will do well to nail and °l amina our Real bider° purchasing einowhers, ant-tf (,011U1'1.15.111,1 4 AND I,EHRiI( COAL.— am daily receiviaig, at my yanl, the best quality u gOIIIIYLKII.I, ANN LEMON OVAL My rantrliern, and all Whoa who may raw mo with their orders, may. rely on getting Real that will be sittinfertm'y is Rim. ir3- No Inferior Real kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRIOEB. kLICCANDEU 001iVITN, N. N. homer of Wool and Cherry Bti LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— ITALY, PORTER es CO., COAL DrAiams, No. 821 I'lllllll Btreet, above Rialith, loop 01014110 y on lount, at the very lowest rates, a 11111 Supply of Lehigh and Bahnylkill OW. ; , Cu 1-Out ' iticrcgmit gititorts. JOHN P. DOHERTY, • 701IWZIELT WITH IHIXT A HHOTHVB, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STItE ET, .t/l0 EH EH;.I.ITH, Ilea now with him the bent Tailors that are engaged In the buginron In title country. CUAHLIsa n.qn, formerly the leading tailor of thin city; 11. KAYSER, formerly cutter for 0 Both A Co., And tato Coat and Teat cutter with Lukene, Kelly, A Co ; lIRNRT Weottun, the beet Petite and Wet cotter in the United /Hetes, (or year,' cutter with Depierrl., under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Heiden le & Pettus, under the Bt. Hicholaa Hotel, Broadway. The !mot unremitting attention paid to tho Callen of ill who patronize the eetat•liehment. The bent of Clothes made it MINIE.II6 priree foe credit, low prices for rata ocl3•tf y y AMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT al TAILOR Noe. 16 andlB south NINTH STREET, Amt . . VIIESTNUP. A large And well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERE6 always on baud. All Clothing moth at tins EntAblisbnient will be of tho best quality cud In the moot fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. and-If I.7ARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Rate. eutt-ly COMMIOSiDIt illmliattto I R. CHASE & CO. J • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On condom:lent from the interior ot Pennsylvania, whore our new Cleaning Mill is now in general nee. ID- Men, TIMOTHY AND RED TUP alwaye on hand. gel2-tt 14ANDY BRENNER—COMMISSION Ja. IL DIERCIIANTS and Dealer,' in Foreign And Ame. Haan HARDWARE and CUTLERY, NON. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH. Street, Neat side above Commerce street, Philadelphia. CIIARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BEGAIt3, (New) 138 Walnut street. sewed story. 00141 Qrobacczaltb (Eiactre HAVANA OIGARS—A handsome asort• i.s. meat, ouch at Figaro, Partape, Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Oeleso, Converclants*, Torrey Lope*, Union American*, Orejou, Flora Citbanit, to , he., kw, iu S, .1(, 1-5 and 1.10 cotes, of all sicee and quali ties, In store and constantly receiving, and for mile low, by CHARLES TETR, - iew) ISM WALNUT Street., below Second, second story FIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS tit:UAW —A choice Invoice of them, celebrated braoda ou board brig "New Era," daily expected from Namur', and for male low, by 011AILLE8 TgTE, (Now) 238 Mama street, below &cord, ant Second Story, Suntiture LB. KITE & CO. .FURNITURE, BEDDING, ho. No. 413 (late 120) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A now and superior style of spring Beds. LYDIA B. KITH. JOBIIPH WALTON au3l 9onp nub iffanbics `OAP AND CANDLES. REntovAb from IST SoUTII FOURTH fiTREET, to my slonukctory, 10 and 11 RELIEF STREET, be twee° Lombard and South, and Front nod Second ntreete Thankful to my numerouafr coda fur their poet furore, lei:limit a continuance of the same, having enlarged ray manufactory no as to enable me to have constantly on hand a forge stock of uell.meaiioneil Soaps, free front Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Woapa, Chemical Olito Boap of pure material, Settled Palo, and Brown Poop, Eng.loll Pal. Soda and Pearl Attire'', Freon, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all nues constantly on hand Having adopted the sash system, f am enabled to self my good,' at to leweati prices. N. ('ON WA V. Philadelphia. N. 11.—Cash pod for Tallow and Grease null-gm Olationery BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVI Ins M. 1100 AN, Blank Book Manuiacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, ix pro pared nt all time"' to furnish, either from lien 'shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks. Public Offices Merchants, awl othesß, of the hest quality of English or American Taper, and bound In rations styles. in the most oast:MO.l manner. Orders far JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and denpotch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Franklin institute, the Committee any- 22 This display of blank books for banking and mercantile usu is the heat in tho Exhibition. Thu selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish owl rip• pearance neat and appropriate 2 ' n020.1f Sumacs IMPORTANT IMPROVEnENT— NEW 0/113 CONSUMINU NURNACII CHILSON'S NEIL' CONE FURN.ICE, after haring been put to the most eeTere (eel, truing the Leo COLD wINTXDP Oe MN AND 1867, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, suron from 34 to g the fuel over any or the bent furuncen now go axe TIMIS FURNAORS Are constructed with a coat lion ash pit, end a broad, shallow pan•shaped fire pot, Hued with fire-brick or iron stares. The Are pot 111 eurtEDUnr, ad with A SERIES OF CIONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broil at their biota, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the auular chamber, through which the beat and emote pang to tho tine. Ms NEWLY' products of combustion In the form of smoke and HAIM, are sompended directly over the are ) 00811001) or compressed into the taming COMO; end CONTINUALLY XXFOOKU to Ilia direct action of the my/ of beat and light from the tire. This heat and light Is brought to a rooms I anon Oohs, not unlike the COLLECTION OP TFIE SUN'S RATS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, canning the noun AeD OAOOO to berm= intensely heated and thee. roughly 00N801ISD ' by this operation the snout AND COM 11F0 /UDR XHUALLY ATAILAHLII with the FUXL ITOOOI for beating purposes, while, lu other rummest, It is OARIUXD ore AND WANTED IN TOM 01111INkT. A❑ persons desirous of olitsioliiir tito best and MOST MONOIIIIOAb HEATING A RATUB, should not fail to cumin° the New CAS CONSUMING Coss FURNAON before pnrchnning any other. The at tention of architects and balidern is particularly ra. quested. ARNOLD in WILSON, (Summers to 8. A. Itarrinon,) No. 426 WALNUT Btrest, Opposite Independence Bquate. 14ato, Zaps, &Y,r. SIJ LiENI)ER, Sr PASCAL, • •uLßiu NO. 3 B. BIXTII street, Philadelphia tintbwarc. QUAKER CITY NAILS, SLEIKIIIATir BAAS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured itt FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring 0 amen Witter Wm ks. WAREHOUSE 103 North WATER Street. QUAKES. CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oc9•tf JOHN lIALDNMAN, Agent 111110 MAS E. BAXTER.-lIARDWARE 1 CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 919 IdMUM BT. bore Niuth, south Aide, Philadelphia an 1-flai L ONGWORTIPB 01110 WINES. OEN Mt) I, Mt ENCY FOR ALI, TllE STATES. TO WHOLESALE DEAL1:118. 117 A Novena arrangement with Mr. LC/NOW/MEV/1, 1 ant enabled to offer his Wines, in largo quantities, upon the lowest and beet terms. Tito Wines to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual means of convey ance (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the expriows of storage, counidegiong, double freight, etc., will bearoblerl. No (odors under this arrangement will be forwarded for legs than twenty-five cases. All orders Must be directed only to FRED. S. i)O7,IIENS, 73 WARREN Street, New Youg. fly the present arrangement it handsome profit on these wince can bo made by the wholesale dealer. Oparkling Catawba, vintage 1653, quarto. Do do do do pints.. Do do do 1862 • querte, Do do do do plats. 81111 Catawba, vintage 1852, quarlB, Do do extra, 'Vintage 1852, quarts. Prickling Isabella, do do do. Stilt Catawba, In mks, of various qualltiel. Catawba Brandy, of entierlor quality. FRED. 8 00ZZDN8, General Agent for the sale of N. Longworth's Mom 78 WARDEN DTltitga, (opposite LlUdoon Riper Railroad DePotd nv3.4m Raw Tim, fining§ Santis. SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TIKRY.ST—NATIONAL EA VETT TRUE? COM PANY —WALNUT STREET &QUM-War OMER OY THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. Isoottronaren Br TOO BlAtt or PUMULYANIA. Money Is received in any mum, large or small, soil in- Lariat pail from the day of depoilt to the day or with drawal. The oillca is open every day from Po'cloek In the morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. PION. HENRY L. BENNER, Preeldent, ItOnighT IiELIMIDOX, Inca President. WY. 3. Reno, limitary. Hon. Henry L. Bonner, C. Landreth Hanoi, Edward L. Harter, Y. Carrell Brewster, Hobert &Midge, Joseph B. Itstry, Bawl. R. Ashton, Henry L Churchmn, James D. fifinith, "Frannie Lee. Afoney is received and payments Junin daily. The Investments are made In conformity with the provision," of the Charter, In REAL ESTATE BAB ES, lIIwIJN Di BENTS, and such first si nix sei.eri. ties as will airilye insure perfect security to the dep.., tore, and which cannot rail to give permanency mid eta- Willy to this Institution. sul-ly O. 83 (210 DOCK STREET.-- Far; I. 1 PER CENT. STATE SAVINUS FUND. INTO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET. FIVE 1 N PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 ('241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE I. PER CENT: BTATE SAVINUti FUND. IVO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-- FIVE PEE CENT. STATE SAVINGS SUED. sta-ly ifiltullincril nub .iron PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BUIL rdt WORKS Fl=l PRAOIIO4 I .I AND TNEOILLTHIAL ENNINFIKA, MAC INIHT3. BOILER-11AKE118, BLACK- EMBIECOM=SEI . . flaring for many years been in suceordnl operation, seed been exclunrely engaged In building and repairing Marino And River ffniginee, high and low Treasure, Iron Bonin, Water Tooke, Prep.llora, ke ,h o respbelfully' offer thbir esrvieta to the Tobin), an being In}ly prepared tei contract for lgogines of all slime, Marino,- Meer, and Stationary, flaring pilau( patterns of different alielf, are prepared to Ouargla' orders with dittlek despatch. Neer', deauriptlon of .ralbarn-ninking made at the shortest unties, Iligh•rutd Low kressure, pipe, Tubu lar and Ogllnder Botlara,ol the beet Peuneylvania char .toal.-Iron. Torglogs, pi all mizee and bloylet Iron end BrasitOastinge of all deecriptions. Volt Turning, Screw (hating, apd Ml other "Oa eealeeted *Mk the *bee* Drowioge and opooteoatiowl for an work dew. At litti4l astablishineot free of clops'', IA 2.d work gnarantoed. The subscribers here a wharf dock room for to pairs of twists, whore they can Icy lot perfect safety, and eon provided with sheers, blocks, falls, to to for raising heavy or light weights. TIIMiIdP HEANEY, JACOB NEAfIII, JOHN P. I.harY, aol•p IJEACI.I and PALMER Rtrooto, Kensington eAMU-o r MeRRIOR. J ferattell caOtITHWARK FOUNDRY, 13 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON SPRINTS, I=l MEltltlCli & SONS, ENOINSKRB AND montaartore nigh and Low Pressure Steam Eagine►, tot Land, River, and Marine en.rvlce. Bolton, Gasometer., Tank., Iron Boats, &0., Oast 'riga of all kinds, either Iron or Bras. Iron frame roofs for Ras Works, Workahopa, Railroad Stations, Itetorta and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat Improved construction. livery description or Plantation machinery, much as Sugar, Flaw, and Oriel Mills,Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, DefuentorS, Fillers, Pumping , Emrinov, A c. Sale Ageuta for N. Itillieux'a Patent Sugar Potting Apparatus; Navinyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Inuit .klactunery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent-13 H. BABTOL. au3-y I - CHARDII ORRIS G •0/40- 111., T.IVX ' STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, saw XXXXX M STItMET, CIAMILTUN, YMUYIMA AND Braise MAMDMM MTmmilllf3 Suppe( exclusively In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Ismoinotives or any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Weird or Cola, or Bituminous Coal in its mode state, or ADITBRAOITA COAL, WITHOUT morrisa 00010, 019 01 In design, material and notkinanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Worlin are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot, and impure the beat quality and most reliable Mork The large extent of nbopn, and Com phis Evuipmcni of Macliptery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WOBE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP AMY AnILAMOIRIMNT lesqulrtp.o. CiIiLLEO OAR WIIRKM, II A NIINIIKR AXLI2, With Forging, of any eia or form, IRON ANI) BRASS CASTINUS, And MA01.11172 WORK generally. 11108A8D 11011310 aul-17 EMERY LATIMER MORRIE iietuing illacryinco filE WING MAGIIINES.-GROVER, 10 BAKER, & CO '8 UNRIVALLED SEWINO MA (BUNKS lain retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trjal it is de monstrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, end the only one upon Which any reliance can he placed to work well on all Minis of shoes The fact that it does one-third more work in the same time, and does it better ; that it is the least liable to get out of repair, being 'Moyle in its construction ; that it makes the le.!, noire, and that it is acknowledged oil all hands that it is beet for a new beginner, has given the pro prietors it demand for it to such au extent that they are obliged to delay the filling of orders in many canes for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this city, and the ease ban yet to ocuur whore a porno,' who has purchased ono has exchanged it for another kind. Taking into comoderationi, also, the fact that those who employ from 15 to 40 hands in their idiom, doing the work for •pro manufacturers, without exception• use this machine in preference to any other Idiot, and al ways recommend them in preference to others, it would aeon unnecessary fur the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their euperiority. The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the hale of these Machines always have a supply, and have motto each arrangements that they Nell them upon terms that will meet the wishes of all. Malik° other Machines sold in this market, it is fres from all infringements of other patents. DARER A..IIIIOIIIER, oc 2T-tr fiaArsoL SIItIARK, Loss. SEWING 11 CACIIINES.--PRATTrS PATENT—PRICES FROM tit TO f2S. The '• LADIES' COMICANION•'i the most simple, durable, coo fact, and cheap machos fur lamily use ever "tiered to the public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and wahout pterkettptAr the cloth, leav ing no bit cord on the back side of the work, and al ways fawning the thread when stopped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stashes per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from live to Illy to the inch Any ono can learn to operate Dann in half an hour. Panted direc tions accompany each machine, by which any one con use them. We are enabled to otter these superior ma chines at the above /oto prices, oo we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars cence for borrowed pa tents, this machine being made under oar own patents in every part, and infringing upon or using no other. There are seine hundreds in cunitant use to Una city end 'lousily, which are giving the beat satisfaction. Every mach the is I<M/ranted to give satisfaction. Ladies and gentlemen are ins fled to call and examho them and their work, nod judge for I hemsel roe. Paroplrs of work, AtIJ tinlwriugs, with description, sent to any part of the country by mail. Salesrooms IE3 WASDINUTUN Sheet, Boston, nod 07 BROADWAY. New York. or 27-tf NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREET I.'l MUM:. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Behuyiklil, on the lino of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief Nn• Wooer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT UP SUB• VETS, City Building, EtFrit Street, behoir Walnut, until the ?aeon,' day of January, lel6S Sn'id Bridge to be of the following ithnut any pier, or with not more than ono pier in the water-nay; the material,' of coustructien throughout to be indestructi ble by the Distance between abutments 3'6 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, hot lens than.. dS " Elevation above low hater Ji For an arch the springing line iibutil4 nut be 1l“ , 4 thALI hwcu feet above low water The Plans end Estimates will be received under the arrangement and condition++ ape. tiled in the ordi nance of Counedi, approved November :51,1557, ns fel• lawn, viz : FaCriva 2 That all plans and estimatca to be received by the Chief Englimerand Surveyor of the City of Illiela delpli:a, plan tend estimate to hear a private mark, and be accompanied /my a coaled Colllll.l2lllent,on hating correavereling mark thereon, to that the canto at the designer may not ho know n until the plan moat le i . proveall +Mall have been selected. SKOTIoN 3 That all such plans and ei tonatei when receie eit become the property of the City of and hhall be piesented within two menthe after the pliegege of thin ordinance, u hen it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and :SurvPytor, by and with the advice of the Collialltteo no Servile sod liegulatinini, to invite a commission consisting of three civil anal neere, who, hi conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Ca t ia,Wl the number of plans received, the name++ of the designers, sad the characteeaud estimated coat of the three plans by them prefrreed. SIieTION 3 It shall be the duty of the Chief hOMMia• sinaer of highways, upon a certificate presentee/ and signed by the Chief Engineer and Fiirveyor, to icone warrants In payment of the cost of hie alormiiiil +Over• tisementa, and also in Neer of those persons who may have presented the three plan++ preferred by sail con. enlysion ; to the first iu point of merit, the rata of 9100; to lite second, $250, and to tho third 9100, said warrants to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highway+, Sc., for the year 1057, approved illarch 10,1857.1 For further information, or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND 10E400, Chief EDglneer and Ourvryor City of Plaileida. poO.dtjan3 m ARC4ANT 8 ORYSTALOGRAPIIS, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGHTII and LOCUST. The above pictures differ eiTepolirtiiy from anything ever before oilseed to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, Insure, of necessity, the greatest &Wily of resemblance; while the severity ot the or dent to which they are exposed iu manipulation equally settles the question of their perinancuce. These fact, enable the subscriber to offer thent, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends, They are meowed by lettere patent to, and can be had ONLY of IS. D. 11AROHANT. try'. Portraits of the cabinet, and life Rua on camas as heretofore. se 113-3 in C - !_ OLD MINE FOR SALE.—TILE SOB meriber offers for male, with a perfect title. tho property known as the RIND 001.1) AND COPPER MIND, militated 8 miles front Concood,Cabarrue county, North Caroling With the mine is a plantation of 745 acres of excellent land well watered and wooded, and a large MANSION HOUSE, with barns, miners , houses, powder and engine Mono, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horseower , Chilian mills, stamps, pump', Ac embracing all the machinery and tools ne- Ce,:try for the full equipment of a mine, in good order The nonohliS been worked at intervals for the last 50 yearn, and hue always boon profitable to resident pro prietors, but has never been worked for any leugth of time with au Might° and inachinety. The shafts and galleries are well constructed, the litopping , have never been taken out, and from 40 to 75 miners can bo profit ably employed in the old uorkings. On the property Is a formidable vela of copper and lend, which has never been worked, and a new gold vein has been discovered Mime the Drat of this month, at which three men hare been at work. taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its continuance. no2-0m CHARLES J. GILBERT, 151 Broadway. 13HILADELPILIA TYPE Foutingy= N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sta. L. PRLOUZE k SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretoforo accented to their Kstablishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their now spEow EN 3300 K is now ready, and from their fucceased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in 4 complete Printing Rstabilehment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the Nut of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they eon furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their ootemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing einevrhere. Old type taken tbt 9 route per pound, in tiohange for pelf PPedinen Prkel• avil•tt insurance tanttpanits. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CON IL/ PANY.—The Pllllll MUTUAL LIVE INIIVRANC3I COMPANY. Northeast Corner cl THUD and DOOR &reels. Capital 8 112,726 Ott. INSURES LIV iCB Tor abort terns, or for the closl• term or life—srtlts annuities and sadosneate—put chisel life intends in Neal Matate, and snakes all °outrun &maim on tin onatinsenesea of Lila. They act as Brecatera, Administrator', Andean, Trailing, and itIVICIErw. Daniel L Hitler, Fawns' E. Blokes, Benjamin Coster, William Martin, - Richard S. BewiMlN Jamas B. Meruland, William P. fleeter. Joseph R. Trotter, William K. Kers, James }Mania, Samuel C Haar, Thatiphilas l'aul•Coge, Charles Hallowell, - PAhrotiat A. :touter, Henry O. Tel/mond, Daniel L. Hotehinton, Rodnipbon Kert, Jolla W. Horror, 141/Ihun 11. Cant, Ellis 8. Amine, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, Wiiiisoi Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner H. Ramie, John 0. Brenner, 1' 8 Mater" Kaatosa DANIEL L. IttILLSK., President. SAMUEL It BZOKXB, Vies Prol. Julie W. lloalioa. Bscretare. nia•le 1 01 WAR D I , IIIE AND NARINE IN -1 SURANCM CtIMVA liotite.4l3,2,Vi4oLlN UT Btreet, Phitsdelphi,, rollaßing a tits affairs of the enropsof la pa/MIAMI nt conformity with s provision of itrt spier . PREMIUMS •RUNITED /so. ',cover 1, 1856, TO ACQUIT 31, 180. T. Vire premiums F1A,7•20 81 Marine premiums „, 211,793 8/ Perpetual premium/ 1r24 DO Total amount premiums taken. $u56,74T 43 Earned fire renal u ma 06 Earned marine premiums 155 . 005 Gd—lSo,o7B 04 I.Nduct return preruluma Net earned $168,959 140 Marine toe 1 , 11 , 1 593,9A5 TS Fire limed pa:d .., 8,051 11 6101,918 66 Salvage rd. ' c,ived... 6 16 0 61 Intereat re. ' cdived...6,661 61 Et e hisdr: ' • ante 2 971 62 —8.063 66 62,833 70 Expenses for commission* to agent', obatementm In lien of scrip, entaries,. °Mee rent, fortilehriof °Mee, books, sta. flortery t 4.3 60,856 et moat and loss 63 40-141,263 21 Net prolt 624,016 89 VS,ICT9, $12.F15 89 en3h on bend . /Idle recPirable , 110.. 207 02 Bo wit And m 0,14 non 16.5,000 00 Stocks "02,100 00 Stock notes 112,900 40 Due by scuts and others 22,3.02 P 3 1154,095 M funEcrona. P. DI Pella, Wm F Leerh, 0. E. Spnogi.r, IL T. Resell, Abraham Rex, II H Houton, Wm Ti Woods, Joe R Ittillers, George It owell, Abraham P. Eyre, .1 }Agar Thomson, W. Raignool, O ft. Sower, Chorine F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John U. Leman., Herman Haupt, James P. Stiles Nathan R. Potts, R. N. ShMingl i ord PERCIVAL G. POTTS, President C. VI. OneceLee , Viet. Preeident. W. H. \Yvon - a, Scretary. 0e22 it I'. Krxeit. Tree:arse FIR!: INI3URANVE. &JUNO tIARbEN FIRE INSURANOS COM - - . PANY. CAPITAL $126,000, PAID IN CASH, ANDSEODRELY INVENTED, OPPICE, N. W. CORNER. Or MKTG AND WOOD NTH , SPRING GAM/ERR. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROIIPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dohnert, Henry M PlOl. Dolll Wueipper, Lwow likinanak Brojniniu ISarie , Jobs' Laniell, Julia Erono, jr MI:aloe Field, Auto,' M. Pork, Minium X. Woo . James Darnell, Juba D. Eltavemoos, Jacob 8. Idiutoon, Onnrin Bto.ldarl, Ilenzy Thee. D. Ilitiogbaat, Daorgo X. Childs. JOlnt 11. DOKNSIIT, President. L. KRUIJDUAAR, Secretary. eept 21—ly NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— OrYte E 414 WALNUT BC., Franklin Building,. ItI,E AND AIAIIINB INSURANCE. CAPITAL 1100,000, WIND PEI V ILNUIS ro INOBEABB TO 100.000. Thin Company Is now tally organ zed, and prepared to mono nil hints or Innurancc aorta; iOne Or damage by If if 0 and Marine Perlin, At cutout tittle. OFTICERS, C. LACORLIN, President. RICHARD INILELDB, Vies Preeldexa. CEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIBSOTOItS. 11. 0. Laughlin, D Rharnood, Win. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. P.Ahowell, rIitfirQUAKER CITY INSURANCE I. COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 02) WALNUT Bt. Capital and Surplus, $250,000. Thin Company continues to mate Insurance against loan or damage by Fire and the Paula of the Sea, Leland Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. OFFICERS. President—CEO. U. lump Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—lt. R. COOOBI.I.ALL. Acsistaut Secretary—S U. BUTLER. BOTOES. George IL Hart, E. P. Roos, A.O Catlett, Joarph Edwards, John 0. Pale, Hon. Henry H Fuller, looter 8 Perkins. John II Charessrs, an 8-1! A RCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA rm. NY, NNW YORN.-ofilre, No 29 Well 'Brett, Ad joining the blechenire' Benk—Oanh Capital, $260,000, with a surplus. This Company Maitre Buildings, Ater chendiae, Furniture, Teases he port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Luxe or Dunne by Mae awl the Risks of Inland Navigation. .. . . DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pop*, Caleb Bart t.dr, Rufus R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Vismis, Edmund Penfold: C. H. Lilienthal, Hanson R. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, fr. ( - leen Ilang,erty, Shahs E Horgan, Thumas Blonagan, Abm R Van Nest, John II Earle, William A, Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8 Nelson, Charles Easton, James W Phillips, Louis Lorut, Charles A they, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Hincken, Bteph. Cambreleng, Wm. IS Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry R. Bogert, William R. Pearlick, Peter Edes Itmery_Thayer, Benjamin H. field, Geo. Weatteidt, A. ll Prothinghava. Zalmon Taylor, Thos.!. Youngs, Henry B. itlcssoat. Sionnel 1., Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President, Ri VII/ an A. 0/ILIT, Secretary. en 10-1 y MANUFACTURERS' i —Gander Pere tQai Lttr.dCbEy the Plate of Pennsylvania. espial, $500,000. Hint, Linville, and Inland Transportation. DIIIIOTORB Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes., Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, J 111734.8 P Smyth, B Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Win. Neal, John P Simons, AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, Preaident. Wit A. 10,10 DES, Tice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. .1 W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company wan organised with a cash capital, sad the Directors have determined to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence In conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 10 Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. aul.dly riI AL IFIE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA —Orrice No 7Z3 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE RINKS on Vesheis, Cargoes, and Freights IN L INO TRANSTORTAT/UN RISHP, per Railrimela, Cannlii, MIAs, and other earriagea ALI. THE PROFITS divided annually among the As sured, and ample esourity in canes of lose. DIRSCTURS. rlukrd Harris Mlles, Thomas T. Butcher, John Al. o.lsoheinior, Algernon II Ashbarner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fasentl, Samuel J Sharplese, Thomas It. Footer, Isaac Jeanie., austavna 'English, Henry Preaut, James R. Stroup, Edward O. Jame', Alfred li,ads, 14 /Main L. Springy, A 0 Cattell, Franklin C. Jones, Charles R. Carstatni, Unmet Ilichlock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John C. Keifer, James Murphy, John I'. Steiner, Wm F. Smith, Henry tirstube, A. J. Ante)°, Wm J Caner, Samuel L. Creutshors., EDWARD lIA KRIS 1 , 111,E5, Preeldeat. ALFRED YAM tir, Vice President. Juan O. If erica, Secretary. attl-ly CHARTER. OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or DARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $300,000. Losses in philadelpbis and vicinity adjusted at the PAilarktrA in Otre. By lem e ire refer to D S Brown &Co , Chita, Pon. Joel Jonee, PhDs. Chaffee., Stout ik. Co., " Hon. Botha Choate, Beaton Hacker, Lea & Co., " Hon.?, S. Williaaa, Ilartil We have latilitien for p acing any amount of Inca ranee In the moat reliable Conipaniee. . . PHILADELPHIA GESERAL. INSURANCE AUENCY, No. 4.1.3 (old No. lib) CHESTNUT ST. TZIOMPSON k ROOD, Agents. umber UMBER I LUMBER 1 i—Tbo subscriber, 14 who hair for several years occupied the premiaes at Moan's Planing Mill Kennington, hoc ventured to COATES STREET f 11.111 F, adjoining the Fheenix Pinning Mill, on Delaware avenue. where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing [manta, elope rirerx, shelving, ceding, fencing and katfold kennel, , thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices PUreinlytlf, are in- Tlted la colt end examine (or thernaelres, and every ef fort will be made to . give eatisfsetion. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for alt kinds and Oh ea of Southern yellow Rine, Timber d Ektagtllng. Hand . . men) ifttilroab r!JIANGE OF HOURS.—PHILADEL V PIMA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. MI, 1837, ritBBF.Nti ER TRAINS LEAVE PIIIIADELPRIA For Baltimore at a A. 11., I P. IL (Expreaa,) and 1 P.ll For Wilmington at 8 A. 141., 1, 3.30 and 11 P. H. Fur New et.till at 9 A. 31., 1 and 3 MI P. H. For bleldtetown at 8 A. 111, and I P. H. For Dover at 8 A. H. and 1 I'. M. For Seaford at BA. H 0101 1 P H. TRAINS FOR FLIII.6.DELPITIA Leave Baltimore at 8 40, Farms, 11 A. 54., and 6 26 P. M. liiffM;=/11E1=1 Leave New Castle at 6.55 and 11.06 A. Id., acid 8.50 P. 61. Leave Middletown at 10 10 A. 61 and 706 P. M. Leave Dover at e. 16 A. Al and 6P. M Leave Beaton! at 7 30 A. 31 end 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.16 A. M., 27.50. and 12.15 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. 11. 8010 rlilladelpals to Baltimore do do. 025 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Pia/wager Car attached, will ran ea follows: Leer. 1 ,1,11,400 w for Perrytftto and tatermedieb places at 5.00 P. M Learn Wilmington for do. do. 660 P. M Lear° Baltimore (or 1111170410-9raCe at 6 P. M. no 21-ly 8. M. FELTON, President. FiriTTON-200 balee good Middling to dllng /air goSion, to store mtcl for sale b enl y MASTIN MILI ST BS, J. 19 Nor th Wan DEN:kis TLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL -1847. 701 r/716/117/14111, 1847• Obrekesaita, at. Lewis, lows Citr, L•aiarlD• New Orieeme s M. Pat s eihrreliks4, iigll/010. INIKI ' ,, Cirleery Nebraska. Pamline cbas owarwaftwas war* an Me Grose Win. am 14101,114140. 41111TAL AND DRAILIFIIII 01 MI ISIOUGH TIMNS. At and from flu Pithead horned' Notices. sooth-osoll obratt of ILISTINTII and MAL KB? stasoto (antrsoce es blevor.th stroot) =ATE PHILADELPHIA. 70111111111M211 /ND WEISTER,N critics. Nall Troia at ISO*. Y. Pod Lb» ot7/16 P.M. /re" Nall . .. .......».... .. at UN Med. C. !natio IL It: Liao keno ear Hirgiqgqr. VII ' C - latatt... at t.aa r Y. //11 V 1 111011 I'ITTSSUROU AND WiL 4 71.81 Cl7llll. - --. Nail Train.„.... ---• 12 CO aitht. Put Line at 600 A It Earreos Rail at 1 Od I' DI coh.ois R. R Lice ararei frail illarrUllncrg,wtsCe lumbis,24l SO p lc MEI=I flume sill be received at 11M Paaiiiacer Depot ty the Becrele Muter. at any Law diaries. the Sap. De charge he hasdlths toppao. Nonce —to caw of kr, the Company will helel !Mosel the respon.ibie fee pereasal baggage deep, sat for an easiest not reatioling 11D11. Novice --Omnibuses sin Itei is matinees at the Dew Perk Depot to eters pairsengere ter the heel to the. Peaseplrantit &sties. TROLLS 1110.01 X, AVst e Passroges Line Peasaylvapia Itsilthed Philadelphia, lieetenbettl, 011-17 ►IW WESTERN TRAVELLERS. - A. RPRINO AND RUM 6S ARRAMOZIIIIITS GETHEHN CHATTEL/ E/LLIYI Y. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH AHD TWO VIM. Or sal alter Saes Ist 1.131, TWO DAILY MALTA er :ems Cshert Ratios for PAL , bOrrk 4 ° 4 In sone h or North .odes claw. ?GB MORNING RAIL TRAIN Lams Rattiorcro +Jay (Sarrlay ozrottod) at 811 A. araimorting CM, The Melt Train ever Ole Omit Penu ry's-mark Railroad, and arriving is eittattaril at 1 It) A M. THE APTE7LNOOII .NNTREAS TRAIN - urea baltrinsirs daily (itmday excepted) at l P. M. •risturg. for fir , THE 14101 FIT INTIM TRAIN Rana h , •Iticaore ETERT ?INUIT at 10 P. II , eon the Lightting Ittpreee ever the Pennell neotini I' Pittsburgh arriving. at 110 P 14. TAM. nattrOgd '•nins eleudy at Pittsburg 117 All thee/ • • PitistirgA, Ff Mrs.' 4.4 with trains over ilk I its Northern, Makers and Chun* o Bs dread, Yak Weetern connections_ e, Sort Wang, Rterlbnp 13:7 Passengers for Chief vie At ra.r. Ida ton, bran City, Mg*. •44-th,,,,t . son, and other leading titres In the „ wrr pww, with oar handcar mites of treed and too 80, -.saw fear !coo changes or mire, by taking this. pow., ...I ID— Passengers for Cleveland, guelmitir, •"„ . .thd , Detroit. go by tide route, and the time is es. wag 111 miles shorter than by any other rests. ir r Passengers toe Pt. Lords, Indianapolis, Is- Mate, Cairo, and an points on the Lower and Cpp.. 111rdsdp p i, mate less elusive of ears. and anise In el. vaned of any other mate; and to Cineanneti, Cel imams, Dayton, Unlit/Ile. and other prominent cities, ea emboli as b any other root/. All Western Beane CREWE= THRODIIII and Atactfil wick care. 11PR TI7E NORTH. The B IS A M. cow:mete timely with Ispreee Trot= over U. Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Doebtedat, Daitalc, Niagara Fails, and Caged., Dias forming the meet dowel rail *y route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western Sea York_ Dm:ropers mat find this the shorted, cheeped, and most espeditloca route to Niagara nth and Canada, Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia via Co lombia oat Lancaster by aft the train* at Si each, each. train tutting sans connections. Pawners by this route avoid trenwilled bridges, mad all the Leconmaieree of ferrying ammo the Flawinehanaa river. Terownsen for Hanover, ifAnebeiter, Gettysburg, Ern mittshurc, Carlisle. Chambersharg, go by the trams at 31.,end ESTIS I ESTER BREECH. She Care on this road make co. trip per day, connect- Leg with the train at S P. M. Tor THROUGH TICKETS and fernier information, apply at this Ticket oh. oe , Osbert, Station, N. E. earner of Calvert and Tranials streets. aeyelh-tf 0- 0. AMNON, Sart. PENNSYLVANIA- RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL BOUTS, Coll2elltillg the Al. Until Cities with Watiarn, North-westara. sod Sesta weatern Staten, by °antigun' Railway direct_ Tata Roast .L. connects at Tittahnezh with daily line of eteaniere to all ports ow Ms Weatern Suers, and at Clarets's:l and Audit:sky with littominaers to all porta on the North-waster Lakes; making the twat DIRECT. CILLAPEST and ItILIABIA PitittTE by .loch litrvigt can So Intruded to and frost tha UREA? WS:TY. RATkB BIT WAIN PRILADIWILIA AND rim- BURGH. Ms, Cassii—Boots, note, Babiz on sad Gaps, Ilooka, Grp Goods, (in ea Mateo and broaltO), Drugs, (11 - boin and bakw)deathers,..WW. pee 1.00 8500 a ) OLlffe--Dozooolla Meeting; Shitting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drop (In caste), Hardware, Leather., (in eons or loxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Nasty ard, Le—at—Mc per UK Itr Twin) Cassei—aneds, Steel, awing, (in coax), llama, Bacon and Pork, bated, (lonia or in satte), ratan:a, mannfactared,(except Cigars or oat &0., &IS 460 , pee taa lbs rO)RTII Caass—Vollse, FiAh, Bacon, Seel, and Pick, (In casks or bases eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Lab, German May, Tat, Pitch, Bonn, go gOtt. per 100 B. Pxonsi-410. per bbl., rutin bather notice. Gorrox—l2 per bale, not exceeding SOO tbs. weight, rultil farther notice. Otorra Ulart.r, W. 0. Stotesbery, R. 11. Oarlile, 0.0. Butler, Oro. Scott. Dixil9-y to thlPPlat Gonda from any point Bart or rbiladsl phia, be wheats" te Maki pack ran Pt...ph-gni% Rat areal.. All Goods eoneiguM to the ageola a this Real, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be remade:l • ittiont detention. IL W. Daley, Charles G. Daisy, Wm, D. Lewis, Jr. J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. chamberi, H. 1 Coggshall, Parallel Jenea, H. D., A. P. Okeesbrouglt. FtoMao Aoson.—Worsio,, Wonoloy &. Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R. P. Wm lc. Co., Bt. Loris, No.; P. G. O'ltllry & CO., ETIZISVICO, 'Whoa; Dumesail, & Co , amt Carter & Jewett, Louisville, Hy.: R C. llri dram, blsdlaon, lad. ,• H. W. Drown A Co , and Irvin A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co , Ohio; Leech & Co., No. b 4 Kilbyntreel, Boston; Leech Sr. Co., No.l Astor House, New York, No. I William vt. awl No. 8 Pottery Place, New York ; 3. Roteder, PhiLsdolphis; Ilograw Waco, Baltimore; D. A. rittatmrgh. NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN AND AM EOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORE, AND WA Lame as - follow, Tie: ?taxi At 1 A. 14 , from Newington Depot, via Jamey. City, Mall V/ At 6 A. 7d,, ►is Camden and Jereey City, Nov Jet eey Accommodation At 6 A El , Iris Camden and Amboy, dammed*. lieu S At Ml' ad A 711., via Camden and Jamey City, Marinas 5 At 10 A. At , by steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Rimer II At 2 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. 'Ex press a At 6 P. 31. ria Camden and Jamey City, ETetang Mail 3 At 3 P, M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Clam 2 At 3 P. M . via Camden and Amboy, Ateormwda tion, 2nd Clam I At 61'. 31via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lseClass At 6 P.ll ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda , lion, 2ud Class I The bP. M. line runs daily, all others Sundays er septed. Express Lines stop at the principal atattons only. Yor Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, do , at aA. and 2S l M. from Walnut street ',hart Tor Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllliesba.t Montrose, Great Bend, ko. at 6A. M eta Detains Lackawanna at Western Railroad. Pot Freehold, al 6 A.M. sad t P. M. For Mount lolly at T A. M„toot 2.K, E end 6 P. I WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, &a ,at 2x awl 4 P. M WAY LIWR Yor Palmyra, Barmeas, Beverly, Thullngtoa, Barlett torn &a , at 3 P. M. Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Bordentairn and Interim Mate placea at P 4 Steamboat TREN:LN for Tinsel at 10 and 11,‘ A. M., and 4 P. IL M. All fines, except 1 A. AI , leave Walnut etree wharf ID"fifty rowel% of bergage only allowed oath rut- Purr. risAengers Are prohibited from tatting any thmg as baggage but their wearing apparel, All bea me over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Cum psny limit their reeponeibillty for baggage tome dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yowl 1100, except by eliewial contract WM. W. GATZMBti. Agent au I-1y 0. A. A. R. R. CO Dili L A DE LP II lA, GERNANTOWNN 1 AND NO R RID T 0 W N RAILROAD.—W INTIM A lIIIANONALIiNT —On and after MONDAY. October nth, MT Lease Philadelphia at 6, IX, 63. 9)y,11 X A M., 2, 3-10 min 4,5, 6, 7,9, and 11t, 31. Leave (I ermantown 6%, 745 min. 8,9, 1O A M 1.10, 310 mm. 4,5, 6, 7,8, and 18P. M. ID" The 735 o'clock A. M Train from tiertnantown will stop only at Wayne Jilr!et Station. Leave Philadelphia at 9 Zi min. M , 2 and a% P. M. Leave 0 er1,1144)W11 SIO Min. A. M., 1- 10 mt 9 asd 6 45 min P. M. EMINZEIRM2=I Leate Cheistaut Hill at 7.1(.11-46aa410-10 rain. A. 11 , 1240, 340, 440 sad 1-40 min P. M. ON £IIN TS. Leave Philadelphia. 9-20 A. Al , 2 mei 6! P M Leave Chestnut nut It SA. M 12-50 and 5-20 P. M. YOB, CONSIIOROCiaIIi AND NORRIS Leave Philadelphia at 11,1‘, 9, 11 A. 11 , 3, and 11 P. 11. Leave liorriatowe at 7. 9. 11 A , 3 1.1 & 40P. M. Lear* Philadelphia at 9 A M., and EP. M. Leave Norristown at 7A. , and SP. Id CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD YOB' DOWNDIG Leave Philadelphia at at A.ll , and 3r. Leal.° Powaiugtoun at i V A. and 1 P. M. 3111111, Superintendent. Depct, Ninth and (irrea streefd, Philadelphia INORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. WOK 11.13THLEHR91, RAFTO9I. ALLESTOWN. MAUCH CHUNK, WILKY.SBARRE. DOYLESTOWN. Ac. On and after Wednewlay, November 4th. IaST. the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun. days, ' , scented) u iollows: Ear Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown Manch Chant. and Wlikeebure (Express) at 9 A If. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Manch Chnok. (Ex res.) in connection with L. f. R. R . and Easton, by stage, from Iron Mill Station, at 215 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation.) at 130 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A. N. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A NI train will raz through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to rotors 111 3sa P. DI. _ . . . .. . . Leave Dethrlein (Ilipress,) at 9 A M. and 225 P M heave Doylestman, (Accomloodativad at 635 A. 6i. Leave Gwynedd, do. at :.! ZIP M. . . . ON SUNDAYS. Pot I from wyued3 ......9 15 A. M. ...... Se. P. 91 Dojlestown 410 P. M. i Doileeterem..... 645 A.ll. Sus to Bethlehem El 60 " Manch Chunk 2 00 WilkeAbarre 4 50 PAMEN(IER. DEPOT, FRONT Aoki WILLOW Stg. Phils BUIS CLAIM, Amt. SALAMANDER SAFES. A tugs assort rent of EVANS 4k. WATSON% PRILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED B.ALAILANDBIt BMW. VAULT DOOR, Tor Banks and Atom BANE LOONS, Boma to any now la aft. IRON DOOBB, SHUTTERS, or e . On or e good snots any tes er oth establioltsmit to the United Sta, try NYASA & WATEION An. 210 &Mk YOU%t ad t strafat pLIANI QM A CALL. : -- Eailroak. H. H. HOUSTON, Heiraralinaght.Agoat. EL J. LOSINAJart, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. FOR. GERMANTOWN OUNDAYS. CIIMNITS BILL RAILROAD TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA fire proof 6040
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers