,s: ,-,14.- - - 1 ''''' ''' 4-r i ' " '''' '' - . t 40* rt. 4 , 1,;* 4 4 ',sell & ;4•P'4. -, , ,,,- - ,--, ,- . , , to \t-/!. II #11 , 5 .....,* y> ,,, -,ti'L.-4',,di -,- '' - ,3;4110 , A; moNO,III/ A:4W OM.. Ac 3 ;•rzgAttcria l—} E. Vat. 444- n.G j• 1 *Amu Lnt_UP,AfT6Mpec of-jhe, ikbgio •ftt.14914411.40)11,Z,90184 t, 141;:(ionerai Naews, assorts We:I r r:: Sc-livia:icklraissiiproves' ff.f the &Atm of' Got , : x ' A 1:.441 1 4.4 4 the,geraid reele..9thYll4isit sy z ih tho,sepwy of its statements; It KO aster..." ,4 Goy, WAts.E4 eitSctly. 'rnlika-ieViitid. gig subject • s , • • e C t lA, ' 3 • 4-1/14.i ',iirAttrate fs,poW , 14 NO' 9W11431,.:(iiii believed to 1:0 quipi able to ifiktairOjtbat paper-over to the Governor. c,• • • VTIIE TAva oftEA.lti.V.Ainitlr OF TILE = , -4-i-••••"! I , CM.! • -• nholidif.,tinncOeed thet 'Hon. STgeufitt d. Dousiis,rthe,author of thobill , 7 0 ;00(04'; the Ilisserat'dolnpritudse,' and the 0,:04),'4411 , 010 or,p9lioar' Bcy clr ei g nw,jiiiitaieigolmlagehmt the Col shoterfrand.ltJudge: Penman, rano-the chair. ` 4 `Of therpnithitt!iellAn eiffiterieirof the Lilient4r4ring . eontesi „on the:, Vabraskalift: rt• few, daye - he May . he 45x - ''' cj ildesteit'.ii:-. l 4*k - Aill '1 16 0404:,0 4 4 01 `01 4 9u t , s• ss sk,sfiou; s:WX4. A..titica..uunin4, • for Yrat s the -1".111, titirjgtits• he'd Reitresentati ,frOol'the Quincy E "no;'irlvatiliingtort 'and t, , q.ehiiirinan ,, of:..the,Comniittee,nn ferriteries of the thilk,ingr!les;"ahich ' passed -fie cOrdisEy"aini%enelfgeticsity '' - 'lf*ltiatetrocatr - atitia , hila opposition to Att l e) . atteropte4y mite of the -minority in the ", • , • • CfoLAl4ol l #DsoNl it ''„;" „ „ eilao ratio bandfdatefOr.Speaker at tike; COMmeneemenCof the Jost Congress, -haying reeld , ?ed thefull vote of the Democratic iitte,hbrnited belhAs, 'and yr ,teridereid gm huportini aPpeintMerit ,of -,)--Governor ofNehrinitadylireidentituenenAN, 'of" iii.Cilllgitigatihed service. *Ho feet . , - that 'theiii two gentlemen openly "and enhiely op-operate in their'course on this great - question,_ will Send a thrill of joy threugliont'l the Union,' and' will unite tie" Dionopratid partY orywhore_m ,support: of the wilt of, tiitipajority. THE LOU DEMOCRAT. --:•-•.; ,- -Ireictispiendid - artieles from this indidel South -„ ern xteriepnpni will be found 41 itizothei Forged .%olltri:,l*e . tifs:efllo lOckidng. 16-will bk ienn:Aliaktlfe•ndiarn, iflip,_,hvie long enjoyed the contidenetiotthe Demiettiey etKentucky, • i'efutiele:etriki; hands- frith the Wtutingion Tnfoii the other gidioiates of the minority • Calhoun donstitution.. The' 'views of the .De= • • mitre are not ..only ably, but fearlessly ex pressed, and prove what we Saidli few days :,7,7i1,gb; that' tithing ' is; more "certain to awaken, the fealoinifeari.Of the:sena' Cenatitutional , thinkers of the § - until!, thiuisuitaemlit to over gormand -nullity the great. principle, that the L.vrtll of the majority shall title. . pave no 1/931:4,!-I),'om this, ';and' other in- dieatimii, that the conservative Democrats of :-',.:‘ . 4tliciAenth:the.friends of thit ,Union, and • the real advocates of .the Constitution, ;will unite With the NortherirDesnocrats bidefenne of this eternal:priaCiple; And' ao.4irevetit that sec. which -tire enemies Of .otir, Republic }have intik/40ring- to bring about for the last 'tirenti years: : - There itf no portion of 'Our • country wldc4-14 8 nut Bred from frauda. thin the city of Louliville, ,and welttindeistond:tha motiiii That im . pals high-toned men -like the editors of the • 'Arm:coat to resist the' same wrong , when itis attempted 'to ,be enforced against the people of-Kansas. - ' • DELUSIONS.: I- - • The ~-Petoraburg, 'Va., inietlidencer, lin .:American paper, charges— 1. 'ail the , Northern rand Bouthern-wings of 'Demo were as wide astinder 118 the Pales '* - --' , lllollo..ointorprolotfoio of the moaning of the Kan- 2. - That the .Boutte 4 qlatteaded aril hoped that - would audio 'that Unita* , a its nad ,I 1 ma fil's , -,Alr's u ta . To wbiop : The NorthailiandSouthOrnitioniocracy agreed upon the positive and distinct mu % raticea ottholtanitts-Nebraaloi bill it‘Tharthe PEOPLE . TiF" KANSAS ,SaM f t. ,BE PEE- .Tos - vjitir AND-ItEGII LATE THEM DOMESTIC INSTITUTIONS ;THEIR. pwrzlyAr.? , • - Petersburg ,South-Side. Democrat tho scicond sOlogstion thus , .„ 1160 'fat from 'claiming thatlbis aotuf legislation would make a slave Btaterinany:of the most sago, Otous and influential of the statesmen of the South frankly orMooded that Kansas would be free. ,HuntiKitt, ispseoli of Fab . , 24th; 11354, said , 7 . -- • ' - •• - - DoeiCaily• man believe that you' will have a ' sliVeholding Statist° Kalmar,. or Nebraska?" Brown; of Mbislasippi,' said : . Slaiery. will never have a riding place in tbbeeTerritiorisit"' - • Jar... Badges, of:Nort' Carolina, an authority Whioh - the liitclligoarer will hardly . venture to 'peach; Said: ' " • -"I have no more Mead seeing a 'Slave popula. Alen 'either Kansas or than I have of - -'seeing It in' Misisachsisetts." - ;- • Mr. - Butler ' of South Carolina: - ' ' " If Ms.° Statearaltould ever come into the Union from those Territories, it is certain that not more thaitone of them - could; In any possible event, be a slaveholding State; and I have not the slightest idea-that even one would be." - . These are bat a few among a number of similar expressions of opinions by members who sustained the Kansas bill by their acts and verve through ail its stages to its.fmal passage—all, too, man from the So/ a / 4 . : = : • 3; Whatever f the ,North may have a hoped pretended' , ad Kansas under the Nebraska bill, the Democrats and all fiends of BUcuANAN did to more tlimi assure the • people 61'112n:tie that, in the event of his eloc :-• 'thaw; the will of, the majority should prevail"_ in a fair election. may have hoped to see A a free:" State, precisely as' many Southern „num hoped that It might be a slave State; but 'if the majority, fairly 'ascertained, were in , favor- bf Mare- State; we of the North Would have yielded without a murmur: Never, in political history, was a question more fully discussed, or it iledge more fro- ipiently or more', honestly - given, Slavery is i... nothing to Tel, -so Jong as the ballot-boxes de 'it after a fair ,co'nte,st.', It Is a matter With which as a "citlzOn - of 'another State, have nothing to do; but when 'it is, forced -'.:.upon a State by the distinct violation of the - .)Srganic act, passed by the representatives of .of all the States, and hi glaring -Apxleilance of the solemn pledges of all the friends -. 4af that act, it becomes odious 'to us, in what ,: over light we may consider it,,' t(Nireinustibe allowed to say that, tut it was con-. tondeditynnr antagonists, that the Convention of ' , Kansas -had power to-en eat and ghtelosniediato 5 1 5, - validity P-to 'that • clause of the' new :Constitutioa which regulated the right of suffrage, we do not' : 0 0P-why It shoisid not Savo- this power to legalise I L • I: Y AW:TS P rg ai an li n of eal b iLl u nlt m orr i rliet: inquire whether ; a rennolipan Constitution, pre: seated, by a Stats, has been astoptid In accordance .. with aortal': salmi of State oropisation prescribed :14 Congress, 'than we have to, catechise a stibscri , bor who'-pays, hie subscription, whether he has come honesty by the money which he cress tt. The cantor of 'the Booth ibrgiti the notion of school, of statesmen in . 1850, against the admission- of CalifOinia 'into' the Union, and the threat; 'They, Olide v itt case she was admit. te(twithOuteertaticioncessions being made to • their 4:motion-of the country. If ho Will road ,oyer, the speeches of Sonaters Ifinrrza, sow" Solitz tit-e. and 'others, ho, ~vlll.Ailsf these objeCtions took a wide rangoi , that they-instated that Congitiss should "WhOtbektib Ciiastiftitiott of Califon ` boon adoptod in accordance withcor - talm.rales pf atate; ergardiatiOn i" that the tionventlon•et California was; not a fair repro ' "ntnitatiori of the teciplev,'(thougli," be it remeni-' baled, it was a thonsa4flinoS more so than ivhiCh - has -just given birth to Um 'Cal; ileum Constitution Iy• that it was in violation of preCodent, thatits boundaries, were too exten ts ref:Orin/rig ; to see the In deatiletureigern eas,of tbe oa - u4h ko bring qui Union ; under 'the' Constitution : x !soliied . bx.a Convention- "without a cOristita t.l,,gflOry,a4(l,- npf-t,ekinled to be,.. referred to' the when - tlie same gentleman was so out %.•.,:lrageolut against Oellibrularalthough her Con , iditution was duli, and -regularly framed, . -- 4md,was• brought to ',Caligtuss, sanctioned. by the `tilinost ituaninions veto of ler pebple.: • - , 'Wm. Donaldson, a,weelthy. coat Merchant of i;al,•'4,Slrukqual Pa , • and, a aso of , stern integrity; has beenvitoatedrlßsPisntAfAitts Aiitliiraelte,Banic of Tonloquoilti plate of Noland carter, Esq.,.do• eolsoliv WIZ=ZI3 PuIII•I7ITEE.TAMMENTSII The amusemen tittle peatecok yore beensuf- • liciently varied. 4413AL411100. 4 . 44149 ' concerts of tarcalion, ‘s7l,o;,44l93'll,Yreiteli" Of, said and sung byMiseplitillrolist:qal leottiree,' there were Mentes. 'Olio " The Enchantress," at Walnut-street Theatre ; various performances, including Mr. 'Wheatley's benefit, at the :limb-street Theatre; some capital equestrian-and any quantity ofdid sa"W - dast.jokes, 'Circus, (the National end,' (a:Mitter° of music, vocalization, and lurlesqiie) the very popular enter- Isibilrientir of Sanfoldis .EthioPisizi - Tionne; ht his Opertneuse, in 11th greet, and of the Buckleys, Rall,,Chestnut street. On the whole, there has been no look of , amusement. We have new to indidati the programme for the fireient week: ...Befere doing 'so, we have .to repu diate, lithe most prositiveterms, the idea, absurd ly entertained by many of the proprietors of places of 'public, amusement,. that they are entttled to 1110, 'or - even to frequent notices. In the first Flue,' the .ringing the qhanges upon such topics Would be' an' intolerable tax upon editorial good mania. The public may not know • that, from WMe unexplained and wholly unwarranted cause, the custom has been to insert theatrical advi3r tlitunents at a rite considerably lower than is paid for other announcements. In addition to this, TriEEniss":gives a summary of, or index to, each day's performanejs-.4hus actually giving two sinuous:Momenta, not for the price of one—but for half of that! This Is . 's great deal more than we do for - other advertisers who pay full price. Masers. Levy (who are selling off their stook much index , coat, to clear it 'away before they enter; with a new !apply, into their new locale in rot ridge Ihdhlings," near Girard' House) are content Ail& advertising in our 'columns, and never dream of Fri:Semi Mt for a daily putt" The doing so, literally. getting two announcements instead of one, would be as bad as the getting extra singing out of a' vOcalist by putting on the encore screw, But,, content' with' two announcements, at half of proper cost of one; some proprietors' of public entertainments would quarrel with tt, be cause, indeed;'we " do 'not editorially notice them alsci,'at the length of from six linos a day to sixty ! some of them, evidently believing that we. are unable to perform the task of and by ourselves, kindly send 'us out-and-dry notices of their ree 'peetive establishments, and got into paroxysms of onger beeinvie rte do not publish them. We do nob require such 'volunteer assistance, and we will not publish puffs of any establishment. We will not write them ourselves, nor adept them when Written by others. If their — publication be au object to interested parties, let those parties pay for their insertion, in the proper place, avowedly as mere buain'ess notices, without this journal being responsible for the praise or the phraseology. In futare k thep, we desire to have it known that wo hold ourselves under no obligation whatever, to be tied down to the daily, or even the frequent 1100315 of any place of public amusement. It is our usual custom, - early each week, to throw a ra rid glance at what has been done in the hobdoioa dal period just passed, and to invite attention to the programme for the ensuing seven days. This we ahall continue—for it is information which may be.acCeptable to some readers. A passing allu sion to any forthcoming . novelty dramatic, musical, or lecturely—eemealunder this lino, and we shall not only be glad, at all times, to draw at tention to Ocarps, but shall be obliged by the bennfieidre reminding us of what will be produced on each matien. Abstracts of, and criticisms on each public , lectures as are worth each notice shall Appear, as occasion demands: Critical notices of Cermerte'vtill - naturally appear on the morning after-they come off. As for the drama, critiques iron now pieces, or revivals, or upon performers taking now: chiral:UM are all that we shall consider ourselves jantientarly bound to give. It may be—and indeed we received a solemn in timation to that erect from' the independent ma nager of a highly edicated four-footed company of performers—that we deprive ourselves of the in estimable privilege of free admission to places which we thus decline puffing. Be it so. We hope to rally up sufficient vital energy to survive this calamity. We shell be extremely happy to pay for. our admission—fullest price charged to any one else—and hope that our theatrical frionde, equally independent, will put themselves upon the seine footing with the rest of the adverti sing public, and also pay us full price. If any manager has what he - considers a good per formanoe, and desires to see it fairly noticed in a public journal, he would be glad enough, we sus pect, not only to submit to the free admission of the critics, but even to especially invite their at tendance. From our heart' we wish that what is called " the dead-bead system" were abolished— !Min's's turn about is fair play, it ehoidd not be used against the newspapers, in the matter of getting advertisements in at reduced rates. ", Having thus plainly placed our platform in the proper place and on the proper level, we proceed to indicate what the public have to expect, by way of amusement, during the present week. Be sides the usual perforinautee at the Arch-street mont, we notice that Mr. J. S. Clarke, the low comedian, who is a great favorite, as a lively bap actor, takes a benefit to-morrow evening,— the pieces being "Annette, tke Forsaken," " The Bride of Latnutermoor," and that amusing fame; " A Day After the Wedding." On Friday even. lag will come off the first benefit of Mrs. E. L. Daveniort, the best actress now on the Philadel phia,' etage. The pieces will be "The Lady of Lyons," and a The Serious Family." " London Assurance" will be played this even ing, for the last time this season—Mr. Wheatley as Churl 6. Caurtley, (one of his easiest and best performances,) and Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, with Mrs. Bowen!, also in the cast. Poole's laughable farce-comedy of "Paul Pry," will be played as the after-piece, Mr. J. S Clarke taking the elm ' raster from which the play is named. Theta will be this slight drawback, that his Mark Meddle in . " London Assurance" (as we have seen him lately play it) is but a feeble version of Paul Pry—which Boumloault never intended it to be. At Wilnut-street Theatre, the epeotacle.operatio play of "The Enohantress " will be repeated, the heroine by Miss Biehings. Baying recovered from his recent illness, Mr. Itiohings resumes the part of Ramer. This drama, which has been extreme ly well put upon the stage, has been the most suc cessful performance, for a long time, at this theatre. ,Sanford'a opera troupe announce a very praise. worthy and attractive series of performances. Mr. Sanford bad intended to give a "Monster En tertainment", for tho benefit of the poor of this city. Unable to obtain a suitable Bell until after Christmas, and knowing that immaliwa aid is Imperiously necessary, he has liberally deter mined to devote the whole receipts of the week's successive performances to this beneficent purpose. This is truly a noble offering. This evening, for this_ purpose, the entertainments will include a drawing-room concert by Sanford's 'roar, and a new local picee called "A Convenient Distance," in which Mr. Sanford will play. Madame Parodt, as a farewell to Philadelphia, will give an English Concert hero, on Thursdny evening. Mr.- Vim:temps will perform on the violin, and Miss Milner and Mr. Porting will assist. - "The Star Spangled Banner" will ho sung by Madame Parodi and Mira Milner. . The Bucklege will not perform at Jayne'e Ball, this evening, in consequence of its being otherwise occupied, but to-morrow evening, and during the rest of the week, there will be a concert, including several of the brothers' popular compositions, with a now ballad, composed by F. Buckley. bliss Iliffert will also sing ' , Oar Union right or wrong." The second part will consist of songs, music, and dancing, and the finale (for the first time there) will be the burieSque opera of " Trovatore," In which Miss Effort, Messrs. Buekleye, Carroll, Mullen, Baequlo. Norton, &a. l will perform. To-morrow evening Miss Williams wilt give her dramatioo-musical entertainment at Musical Fund Hall, for the benefit of St. Joseph's Hospital. The circus performances at the National Thea tre will be continued throughout the week. There will also be Wednesday and Saturday performances to accommodate juvoinles. On Wednesday after noon' the novelty of pony races will be introduced. We percolve,•by telegram from Boston, that the Reptant ballet-tronpo closed a most brilliant en gagement at that city en Saturday aftarnoon—it .being ono of the " notion)] " them we believe, not t 4 allow theatrical performances on the crating of that day. They had an equally successful run at Broadway Theatre, New York, and, after aston ishing the people of Providence 1.,) will re appear, on this day week, at our Academy of Music. This Is by far the beet ballot troupe ever imported into this country from Europe, Two steamers from Liverpool are now overdue, each leavitig that port on the 26th ult., and each bringing four days' later news, with; in all probability, a fortnight's later intelligence from Hindostan. The Baltic is due at New York and the anglo-Saxon at ,Portland. Up to the close of telegraphic communication last night, neither vessel had been signalled.' The' commercial crisis, not only In England, but in other parts of Europe, is of so much importance, that tho next au thentic news respecting it must be of para mount interest. DESTRIICTIirE FIRE-THIS MORNING About one o'clock this morning a fire broke out in BliiollAit & Debit's forwarding house, Market street; above Eighth, and soon spread to the adjoining buildings. A row of small dwellings, in Grape street, immediately in the roar, was soon enveloped in flames, and the occupants, who were , principally poor people, barely escaped with their lives. The greatest terror prevailed, and it' is rumored that lives have been lost, but as yet nothing definite is known of the particulars. Livett.— 2 o'cmocir.—lThe flames are still raging fttriously,—several of the adjoining buildings are in flames, among the rest the ex tensive liVery stable of Mr. Cointratkr, and fears are entertained that the flee will (unless sud denly checked by our noble firemen, who are 'battling bradefp with the tiamee as we go to ppm) be a most &atrocity° one. THE NEXT NEWS FROM EUROPE. BY ' MAIL. FROIII.-WASHROTON. Proceitattige Congresslokal caui*-PuptleSPrintoc-Aipointment og Itominase sit as Staperllfteadartt of Public Prlnt lolb-.Ruored liVentorat "of 4sehn McKeon— The Delegate from Otah—ColisoildaLl°n of Public Sentiment Against - the Calhoun Con stitution—Ohio and Minot* a Unit Against ---it—Opposition to It in other Quarters—The Antics of the Washington Union—The MIS - of the border counties. , [Oorrespondenee of The Press.) ' - - WAsiumarorr, Dee. 6,1657 I presume the telegraph has given you the names of the amanita aspirants for nomination by the Demeoratio caucus, which assembled Saturday (limning in the Hall of Representatives. Orr, of South Carolina, for Speaker, was nominated by ac clamation; Allen, of Illinois, for Clerk; on the first ballot, by a vote of 85 to 2d; Glossbrenner, of Pennsylvania, for Sergeantrat-Arms, unanimously; Hackney, of Virginia, for Doorkeeper, on the sec ond ballot; and Cluskey, of Georgia, for post master, on the first ballot. The contest was warm between the aspirants for the positions of Post master, and Doorkeeper. The vote for Clerk showed that 109 members were present The New York and Pennsylvania delegations met separately yesterday morning, and agreed upon the candi dates for the respective offices for whom they would vote in eating. There was not, that I know of, any concert of action between thorn. Hon. George W. Jones, of Tenn., who has been chairman of every Democratic Congressional Caucus for years past, presided, and Messrs. Phil• lips, of Penn., and Ruffin, of North Carolina, were tellers. No attempt was made to distract the proceed ings by any proposition on the Kansas question. At 10 o'clock in the evening the caucus ad- journed to meet on Monday. No nomination was made for printer for the House. Non. J. Glancy Ames defended Wendell, the present printer, from charges of corruption made against him by lions. Wm. Smith and Sherrard Clemens, of Ira. No ballot was taken for printer. Last night and to-day, an active canvass has boon made by the friends of those who are up for nomination. It is said that to-morrow, after the election of the other officers of the House, a pro position will be submitted that the house proceed to the election of a printer for the Thirtyfourth Congress. Even so, it will be immediately voted down, or an adjournment secured by the dominant party in the House, with a view to first ascertain the decision of the callous. Much anxiety is manifested to learn the recom mendations of the President's Message. It is hoped that nothing will occur to delay its trans mission to Congress. Just now the strong probabil ity is that it will ho made public tomorrow after noon. General George W. Bowman, of Pennsylvania, has been appointed Superintendent of Public Printing, in place of Seaman, whose term of four years has expired. It iodated on the street that Ilen. Jno..lSfulicon, U. S. District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, has been, or will bo, removed on account of his public opposition to the election, as Mayor of New York city, of Fernando Wood. Much feeling has been excited on this subject. It is said that objection will be made to lion. Jno. M. Bernhisel, delegate from Utah, when to morrow, after the organisation of the House, he presents himself with the other delegates to be sworn In; but I can find no good authority for the rumor. As in the case of General Whitfield, from the Territory of Kansas, while members had strong objections to his being sworn in and taking his seat at the beginning of the Thirty fourth Congress, nevertheless they ware unwil ling, at that time, to bring up the question in volved for discussion or action, preferring to leave its settlement to another and more suitable oppor tunity. Such, I think, will be the course of the House in the present case. It is urged against Mr. Bernhisel that he is of a Beet and the repre sentative of a people in open and armed revolt against the United States ; that there is nothing on his part to show that be is not here as their spy, and actuated by the same treasonable motives. Whatever is done—indeed whatever proposition is offered—he will be forced to a full and explicit avowal of his own sentiments, end the lino of policy ho Intends to pursue. It may be that ho hos a defence to present for Brigham Young and tho people of Utah. The message of the President was sent to Cali f nnia under seal 'by the steamer which left Now York yesterday. The delegation from Ohio is to-day declared to be a unit against the Calhoun contrivance. The dele gation from Illinois is known to bo as one man with Judge Douglas. Several loading Democratic members from Pennsylvania have already taken bold g round in opposition to the Calhoun Conven tion, and the rule of the minority in Kansas. I copy the following from the Chicago Daily Times of the 3d of December, exhibiting the eon timont of the groat Northwest to bo in opposition to the Lecompton Constitution : stafingliZnamesGe bomnoinkfi t 4M4 in the North who oppose this Kansas deseoration of even the forms of Justice lowa. —Dubuque Express, Davenport Democrat, Burlington Gatette, and every other Democratic paper, daily and weekly, in the State, the Du buque Northwest excepted. WISCONEEM.—MiI waukee News, Janesville Stan dard, Beloit Herald, Madison Argus, and every other Democratic paper, daily and weekly, in the State. Mientaen.—Dotrolt Free Press, and every other Democratic paper, daily and weekly, in the State. INDlANA.—lndianapolis Sentinel, Lafayette Argus, and every other Demooratio paper, daily and weekly, in the State. Onto.—Ohio Statesman, Cleveland Plaindealer, and every other Democratic paper In the State, daily and weekly, the Cincinnati Enquirer, which has expressed no opinion, excepted. ILLlNois.—Quiney Herald, Bloomington Flag, State Register, Chicago Times, Galena Courier, Pork News, Peoria Bulletin, Rock Island Ar gus, and some thirty-four others, (weeklies,) being the entire Democratic press of the State. The Demmer'' , represented by those papers, and whose sentiments are uttered by them, polled at the last election for Mr. Buchanan, 536,000. We have omitted the State of New York, whose Democratic press, with the exception of the Albany Argue and Rochester Union—the editors of which aro shortly to be made office-holders—denounce this Kansas monstrosity; we have omitted Massachusetts and New Hampshire—the leading presses of which, the Boston Post and Now Hampshire Patriot, both oppose Calhoun's Constitution ; we have omitted Pennsylvania, who,under the head of Forney,guard ed the home of our standard-bearer in 1856, and so. cured a victory to the Sag; we have omitted the thousands who might be enumerated in these States as standing shoulder to shoulder with their brethren of the Northwest. . .• Yet those two miserable panderers I the Rich. mond South and Washington Start to a depraved taste—these two writers whom we have quoted— refer to the Democratic papers of tho Northvmst as of "very shaky Demooratio reputation, or with known Black Republican proclivities." Senator Pugh, of Ohio, supports his delegation in their opposition to the Calhoun Constitution. Mr. Parrot, delegate from Kansas, will tako an early occasion publicly to protest against this Constitution, and make some astonishing develop ments relative to the composition of the Conven tion. As yet,the Southern Representatives have shown very little feeling in favor of tho schedule, and you need not be surprised if, early in the session, one of the most distinguished Democrats from the South should publicly repudiate that Constitution as the offspring of fraud and the minority. The antics of the Washington Union in advocacy of the Calhoun Constitution afford refreshing amusement for the town. One would imagine, from the manner in which that in strument is eulogized, that the Constitution of the United States, heretofore regarded as respectable for its wisdom and statesmanship, is a sort of Rhode Island oharter in comparison with it. It seems to be pretty generally admitted hero that the Missourians of the border countries aro preparing to take advantage of any contingency that may arise ; and it is be lieved that they contemplate a coup d'etett, by bringing into Kansas any number of slaves, and holding them, in the event of the declaration of a free State on the 21st of December, under the terms of tho slavery clause. X. Y. FUNERAL, OF THOLIAA CRAWFORD, THE SCUP TOR.—A large and distinguished audience assem bled at St. John's chapel, in Varlek street, yester day at noon, to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of Thomas Crawford, .the sculptor, oho died iu London on the 10th of October last. The remains were laid in state in the central aisle of the chapel. The body was enlaced in a lead coffin in London, outside of which is an oak case, covered with tine black cloth. The silver plate on the lid bears the following inscription:"THOMAS Criswronn, Born in New York, March 22, 1813. Died in London, Oct. 10, 1857.' 1 The funeral service of the Episcopal church was road by the Rev. Dr. Berrien. A choir, consist ing of Madame Bouchelle, Mr. and Madame Stoll. pal, &0., assisted in the solemn exercises. At the conclusion of the service the coffin was borne to the hoarse, the following named persons officiating as pall-bearers, viz: Hon. Charles Sumner, Henry O. Tuokennan, George William Curtis, Professors Greene and Lieber, and Messrs. Ressiter, ltensett and Hides, artists. Mrs. Crawford, the wife, Mrs. Campbell, the sister, and three other female rela- Ares of the deceased, wore present. The remains were conveyed to rcenwood for interment.—N. Y. Iferald. Mayor Weaver, of Pittsburgh, reeentlygre ceivod a letter, dated at Now Orleans, from It. K. Walker, who states that he was appointed executor of the estate of Baker Woodruff, of Louisiana, Into• ly deceased, who by his will liberated all his slaves, numbering about sixty, and loft instructions that they should be conveyed to Pennsylvania, and Provision made for them for one year. Mr. Walker writes that Pittsburgh will probably bo the des. tination of these people, and Inquires whether there is any provision in the laws prohibiting the importation of free colored persons to this State, or if there would bo any objection raised by the °likens of Pittsburgh to their being brought there. Mayor Weaver,of course, says the Pittsburgh Post, forwarded a reply that will bo satisfaotory. RAILWAY RIOT AT P/EPAIONT J N. Y.—There has bean a riot at Pierment, the Erie railroad( la borers, indignant at a twenty-live per cant. reduc tion on their wages, having turned out en /nom against two hundred New Yorkers engaged to take their places. There were six hundred Erie men under arms, with a six-pounder on Piermont land ing place, Who resisted the landing from the steam er of any interlopers. We hero rot heard of any colllel9n. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1857. TnI..=J4ATeiST NEWS Ait•i'sI4EGRAPII. From WittlitMitor-Norittnattent b the D emo . , _endo Cimcoo *X the itionee, W/Antstaytht, Deo. fo.—kt a °atom of the bemo.,' orate Members of,ttie-Ifouie of Representatives, whioh waa held this ovoning, the following nonlk, nations were made: •For Speaker—lion. James L. Orr, of South Caro lina. For Clerk-- , Mr. Allen, of Illinois. " Postmaster—Mr. (flukey, of Georgia. " Doorkeeper—Mr. - Ilaokney, of Virginia. " Sirgoant•at-Arnm -• Mr. Glogsbrenner, of Pennsylvania. The nomination for printer was postponed till Monday night, when another caucus will be held. By tlie Sontitem pait—ltumored Landing of Gen. Walker In Nicaragua. Wasurtiorml, Deo. 6.—The Southern' mail, ar• ritod this evening, brings the Mobile/ice/star of the 30th ult. That paper learns that a rumor ads received New Orleans, by the Daniel IYobster, that the steamer 'ashion had landed Gen. Walker and his band of fdlibusters in Nicaragua, and wee On her way beck to Now Orleans. The same paper reports the ship Anna Line as having cleared at Mobilo for Havre, with 3,400 bales of cotton, valued at upwards of $209,000. Telegraphic Communication from the U. Capitol. WA SIIIN OTON, Deo. s.—AnoMoo has been located nt the Capitol building by the Magnetic Telegraph Company, (mewling, with the North without an delay at the regular dice in this city. The first message was sent this evening. This arrangement - will much facilitate the transmission of Congres sional reports. Wesnixorox, Doe. s.—The Charleston barque Mary C. Porter, before reported abandoned wee brought to anchorage oft the bar, by tho ehip IL Tucker, from Portsmouth, N. If. NEW YORK, Deo. d—Evening.—The steamship Baltic, now due with Liverpool dates to the Vith ult., four days later than brought by, the America,, has not yet been signalled below from Sandy Hook. NliW YOU'S, Doe. s.—The steamship CahavrbirF has arrived with Havana dates to the let instant:, The only item of news brought by her Is that' sugars have declined slightly. • The stock of sugars had declined to 140,060' boxes. Freights wore a little mere in demand, but no inquiries for large vessels. Exchange on London Bills on Now York, for short sights, sto 0• premium. United States gold coin 4t premium. The Cahawba experienced very heavy weathrfir nearly the entire passage. Departure of Ex-Presldent Pierce. NORFOLK, Dec. 3 —Ex-President Pierce and lady embarked this morning on the U. S. steamer Portman, for Madeira. The Powhatan will sail this afternoon. INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. s.—An immense crowd as sembled in the Senate Chamber this miming to hear the decision of Judge Wallace, in the vase of the fugitive slave of Dr. Vallandigham. Judie W. decided that it was beyond his Jurisdiction - to traverse ,the decision of the United States Com missioner Ron, and the negro was accordingly, in conformity with that decision, remanded back to slavery. The United States marshal started with the negro this evening fur Louisville, where he will place him in charge of Dr. Vallandigham. The case before the mayor against Dr. Vallan digham, for kidnapping, WAS dismissed. (heat excitement prevailed after the decision, and some difficulty was apps ehended at the rail road depot. No attempt at rescue was made, however. Strike on the Ventral Ohio Railroad for Non l'aimriot et Wages. ZANESVILLC, Ohio, Doo s.—The mechanics end workmen on the Central Ohio Railroad, employed at the depot in this oily, have made a "strike," on account of the non-payment of two months' wages. The strikers to-day stopped the freight trains, and put the locomotivee Into the engine house. There was no personal violence attempted, however, the attacks being made solely against property. No passenger trains were molested. Beam, Dee. o.—The following are the imports for the week ending Dee. 4: Dye Woods, $19,159; Specie, $147,082; Hides, $93,569; Sugar, $40,131; Linseed, $86,050; Salt petre, $34,976 ; Gunnies, $34,146; Figa, $118,856; Wool, $130,405; other articles, $214,532. Total, $919,933; Corresponding Week, '56, $726,701; In crease, $193,172. Bosrox, Dec. s.—Tho celebrated Ronzant ballot troupe closed their brilliant ongagoncet at the Boston Theatre this afternoon. They perform next ivoelc at Providence, Rhode Island, and will reappear at the Philadelphia Academy of Music on the following Monday. New °nixAss, Dee. 4.—The sales of Cotton to day have been 5,500 bales. The America's news caused a decline of link. Sales of middlings at 10.1;1101; at the close the market was unsettled, and prices irregular. The sales of Cotton for the week have been 30,500 bales, and the receipts for the same period 63,500; the stock in port is now 220,500 bales, the receipts aro 210,500 bales less than at the corresponding period last year. At all Southern ports the decrease is estimated at 321,000 bales. Molasses Is quoted at 101a2lo. Flour $5.134a55.25. Corn steady, but the market is bare. Of Wheat there is also a short Supply. Western moss Pork $lO. Sterling bills of Exchange 1031a104}. Now York Exchange OMNI. Rio coffee is . xviatt, ,... ?l9 , lo z and 40e - ter prunc. Talreerron-cra- a - rrictor bags ; the receipts 41,500, and the stock in port la 430,000 bags. CINCINNATI, Des. s—Flour nominal at $4. Pro visions and hogs quiet, and prices tunshanged Whiskey dull at Idle,. Pirrsounun, Dec. 3.—There is a good lost de mand for flour. Sales of 547 bbls to-day at $4.37a $1.50 for superfine, $1.75 for extra, $5.12 for faun. ly. The wheat market is languid ; Mediterranean and red quoting at $1 ; prime white corn brings 45850 e. Oats 300, on arrival. There are no transactions to be reported In the Provision market. Dressed Hogs sell at $5.50. Whiskey at 190. Prouty:, Deo. s.—Cotton—Sales or the week 10,000 bales; receipts, 20,000; stock in port, 7Q,- 000. Middling quotes at 101. Ciunimprox, .Dec. s.—Cotton—Middling fair is nominally quoted at 10/. Acausn, Dec. s.—There has been a decline of 10. in Cotton at this market, and also at Savannah, since the receipt of the America's news. AMOSEIIENTEI THIS EVENING. WALNUT BTRISET THILLTILS, N. E. COINER or NINTH AND WALNUT BTRIINTO.—" The Ettehentrese.” WONITLET'II ARON STRUT 'MIAMI, ARON STIMIT Alwyn Blavn.-- ,, London Assurance— ,, Paul Pry." NATIONAL VICATIIN, WALNUT STR/INT, 1111111 EIGUTH Equeatrlan Performances." /Llama's OPERA ROM, ELEVENTH BYRES?, ABOVE 011EHTNOT.—Ethiopisn Life Illustrated, concluding with a laughable afterpiece. Destrittlive Fires.—Burning of Mc Ringgold Srhool House.—Fire in Dock street.—Destrne tion of Property in Get ntantown.—Attempted Ineentliarient —Tho firemen yesterday morning were iceptunusually busy. The alarm-bell of the State-house, and the bells In every section of the city, were constantly sounding, while the fear ful ory of Fire !" frequently heard, produced an unwonted state of excitement. A few minutes after three o'clock yesterday morning an alarm of fire was received at the cen tral station of the police and fire-alarm telegraph, from the box at Eighth and Catharine streets. 111 r. Michael Costello, one of the oompodtors employed in the office of the Sunday nanarti pt, was go ing homewards, after his eight's work, and while passing the corner of Eighth and Fitzwater streets, ho discovered flames issuing from the windows of the Ringgold school-house building, situatetlon the northeast Intorscotion of those streets. Ifs imme diately gave the alarm, and two minutes after the discovery of the fire it was telegraphed to every alarm-box and station-house in the city. The firemen and police wore promptly on the ground, and exerted themselves nobly to rescue the build ing from the destructive element. The members of the Moyamensing limo Company, who are lo cated in the linmedlato vicinity of the scene of the fire, were first in service, and rendered most di elect aid, The Ringgold sehool•house, in the Fourth ward, was a largo and substantial three story brisk structure, capable. we wore informed, of suitably accommodating between five and six hundred pu pils. So far as our examination of tho bytning building could be made during the intense excite ment and confusion which prevailed at and *bout the scone of the fire, we discovered that tire firo commenced at the east end of the building,; near the stairways on the second floor. It then rapidly shot up to the roof, and spread through the attio and third story, to the front on Eighth street. The flames communicated to the large bell•tower, and it was completely destroyed. For some moments it was thought that the tower would fall on the bravo firemen who were working at the peril of. their lives directly In font of the burning 4uild ing. Very fortunately, however, it fell inwards, and thus diminished the apprehensions of anger which were expressed by many previously., The sconce which presented itsel during the progress of the flames was one of the grandest and most magnificent that we have ever seen. Tho rain, which was falling at the time, appeared to render the eight more effective. Tho golden rain of ir t r i te in 1 1 . 1 . 1 t 0 0 w r e e r a l w rat t w h as e (i n n ittrisnhgapofe f vane suggestive of a pen of fire, dropping burning thoughts, and the heavens illuminated for hides around, were all eminently calculated to produce a most brilliant spectacle. The shubbery In the yard attached to tho sohool•houso was all des troyed. The fire broke out just at the time the policemen of the ward were going towards the stntion-house, and the opinion among them is that it must have been burning inside long before the flames Were discovered. The gate of the yard and all the deers of the building were found to be securely looked when the policemen and firemen first reached the place. It was impossible to check the progress of the flames, as the fire had gained very considera ble headway. A largo number of valuable articles, including furniture, the cabinet of shells and minerals, &0., were saved and conveyed to the Fourth ward sta tion house, and the house of the Moyamensing Hose Company. The building below the second story is in pretty good order. It was insured for $B,OOO in the Fire Assoolation and the Pennsylva• nia Insurance Company. The building, which is owned by the city, and under the supervision of the Controllers of the Public Schools, was conga eyed one of the best of its character in the city. The Board of Directors of the Fourth section will bold a special meeting this evening to take some action rotative to this very destructive fire, which will leave about six hundred scholars without any accommodations whatever. The fire detective pm lice, underlffr. Alexander W. Blackburn, were early at the scene of the fire, and will to-day in stitute a full and rigid inquiry as to its origin. It .would be almost libellous on human nature to con• calve that this tiro was the result of incondiaristn. We do not believe that In Philadelphia there can be found one, who, like a heartless fiend, would apply the flaming torah to a publimeohool build lag. Our opinion is that the fire originated from the heaters. During the fire there was considerable rowdyism among the adherents of different fire companies, rosulting from &take:mom The mien of the An Abandoned Vessel Saved. Non•Arrlyal of the Baltic. Arrival of the Cahawba. The IndinunEngilive Slave Case Imports at Boston The Rouzant Ballet Troupe. Marhets. THE CITY. Franklin and Wocimooo Engine Companies gat inWediftieulty, during whirls a number of brick babtirbre thrown. The police interfered, and 'rdnitOt . of urreids were made. It is duo to the fire:Oen' generally , to nay that from three until seeon-.c f oloitik In the morning, they voluntarily , ,A4llod to envy the building, in the very midst of the railing rain, and conducted themselves with their usual decorum and propriety. j . lat as the bells wore striking for the above fire, another alarm was received from box No. 3, at the corner of Second and Dock streets, caused by a tiro which broke out in the establishment of Robert 11. Hensley, gold-beater, No. 212 Dock street, formerly g, ...When this alarm was received, the bell. riaget at the State House stopped ringing for the fire at Eighth and Fitzwater streets, and struck off §fiecind District, Lest. This created considers• hie confusion, and caused a division of the force of 'the firemen. The two alarms wore not ten minutes `apart and the hell-ringer, thinking that the alarm from No. 3 was more important, gave it the prior attention. The fire in Dock street originated in the workshop in the rear of the two-story brick building of Mr. Hensley. It burned stubbornly fbrsome time, but was finally extinguished through the active exertions of the firemen At seven o'clock yesterday morning, a fire broke Oa. again in the establishment of Mr. Dansley. This was caused by some sparks getting into a frame bird rookery on the toot'. Damage trilling. At this fire there was considerable squabbling among a portion of disorderly fire runners. Shortly after ten o'clock, yest e rday morning, a fire broke out at Loaloy Ifni!, in Suomi stroot, below Little Dock. It originated at the foot of the entry stairways, and burned a large hole through the floor. Damage very trilling. mmediately alter this alarm, another fire broke out at Ranaley's (three times ) caused by the to ignition of some sparks in the rookery. Tho damage was not material. Tho loss of Mr. Rocs ley we have been unable to ascertain correctly. but we do not think it will exceed four or five 'hundred dollars. Between eleven and twelve o'clock on Saturday night, an attempt 11 , 1/3 made to set fire to a frame shanty in Pine alley. The flames wore extin guished before they bad gained any headway. A party who aro suspected of this attempt at in. vendiarism will probably ho arrested to-day by the detective tiro police. During the alarm of lire caused by the burn ing at Loxley Ball, an individual who had the tongue of the Warren Bose ran into the Philadel phia. Engine. Be was arrested and brought to the central pollee station, at Fifth and Chesnut streets. While the turnkey was endeavoring to ascertain the name of the prisoner, he took to Ids heels, and ran from the office. Police Telegraph operator air. David Wonderly, met him at the corner of Fifth and Chestnut dtrects, and recap tured him. At an early hour yesterday morning, a large un occupied ilwelling-hoode, owned by Mr. itobert McKinley, in Washington lane, near the township line, about a mile from Germantown, In the Twen ty-second ward, was set on fire, and almost com pletely destroyed. We doubt not, that this fire was the act of an incendiary. A large barn, be longing to Mr. Carpenter, was burned at Corinan town a few evenings since. We were unable to ascertain the loss, but we think it was considers hie. The firemen of Germantown exerted them selves to save the property, but without avail. Important .Irrest of an .9/tegrd Counterfeiter —llrmrng, belwc Alderman :17tompmn.—We have before noticed the urroot of an individual named Jacob Spifer, who is charged by numerous persons with being very extensively concerned in the passing of ten-dollar counterfeit bill+ on the flatters' Bank of Connecticut. The accused had a further hearing before Alderman Thompson, of the Ninth ward, on Saturday morning, at ten o'clock, and the facts given In evidence were sub stantially those previously referred to by us. The warrant for the arrest of Spifer was issued on the complaint of numerous citizens as early as the 30th of May lost, and placed in the hands of Ser geant A. E. Thomas, of the Sixth Police District, for execution. The accused, for several months, managed to elude the vigilance of this efficient officer, but he was finally captured ono day last week and taken before Alderman Thompson, who, after a partial ins estigation, committed him in default of bail to appear at a further hearing on Saturday morning nt the latter. Hearing the office was filled with spectator+, and much interest was manifested in the proceedings. The accused lens formerly engaged in the cattle busi ness, and boarded at the Great Western Hotel, in Market street, above Fifteenth. One of the wit nesses testified that Spifer on numerous occasions had large sums of money in his po+session, answer ing to the description given of the counterfeit ton• dollar bills on the Hatter's Dank. In thoeourse of a conversati , n about the notes, the prisoner had stated that ho obtained them from a man in Jesse) , in exchange for a horse. Ile received for his sale about one hundred and sixty dollars of this de scription of money. Another witness testified that he had a conversation with Sider, during which he stated that the notes were bought at so much a hundred, and that a good thing might be made out of them. Tho evidence of this witness was guile strong and conclusive against the prisoner. Other witnesses testified that the defendant bad passed on them ten-dollar counterfeit bills on the Hatters' Bank, at various times in the early por tion of the present year. Emma Ftuith, in her evidence, swore that Spifer had given her two of these counterfeit bills, and a counterfeit half dol lar, at a house of ill-repute in Market otreet, be low Thirteenth. The oonnsel for the prisoner, Mr. Guest, closely cross•examined all the witnesses for the Common wealth, but their testimony was unshaken. lie stated to the Alderman that he de,ired to make a few remarks on the case, and for that purpose ho asked for a postponement of its further considera tion until Tuesday afternoon next. Alderman Thompson said that while he granted the desired continuance, ho would hold the prisoner in the sum of 51,000 ball, to answer the charge of pdsaing counterfeit notes, and SI,OOO rulditional bail to answer the charge of passing counterfeit money of United States currency, in Cane of his failure to appear on Tuesday. The bail not being forthcom ing, Splint was committed for a further hearing. ..„m ; f W ejite_ilettis.—We have before noticed the raet Inn peel. vim os Tweittn Went arrested a party of youngsters who belong to an association known as the "Jacket' Clubs Library." The meeting-room was in Callowhill street, near Fifth. In the library-roam a number of labels, with private marks upon them, which had been torn from dry goods stolen from a store at Second and Coates streets, were found. Some of the stolen goods were found upon tho young hopefuls. on Saturday afternoon two of the thieves were before Alderman Earn on tho charge of breaking into and robbing the tailoring store and duelling of Mr. Waltinan, on Franklin avenue, above Seventh street, Omit three weeks since. A vest and a pair of pants, stolen Irons Mr. W. were found upon the persona of the young thieves. They were held to answer the charge or burglary among their other sins. The goods stolen from Mr. Waltman wore valued at between two and three hundred dollars. On Friday evening a citizen was pasbing by Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets, whets ho was stopped by a young man, about nineteen years el ago, who Inquired the time of night. Thecitizen drew a valuable gold watch from his pocket, for the purpose of answering the inquiry, when the rascal snatched the wateb, unit broke the guard chain, The fellow took to his heels and made off with the prize. Ile was pursued, but being very active on his feet, be led his pursuers a long chase. Ile was finally overhauled by a colored Man, and taken to the station house. During the run the thief threw away the watch. It was found after want in a cellar way, where it had been thrown. It was somewhat broken. Theprisoner had a hearing on Saturday morn ing before Alderman Encu. Ile gave the name of Samuel Bampson, and said be lived at Eleventh street and Girard avenue. The young highway man was committed to answer. Before Alderman Eneu, on Saturday afternoon, Jane Edwards, an old lady aged eighty-three years, was charged on the oath of Mary Mooney, with keeping a disorderly house, selling liquor to minors, and with selling liquor on the Sabbath. Mrs. E.'s place is at Fountain Green. She woe held In $5OO bail to answer at court. another Meeting of the ,4 Pure" Bondholders of dm Union Coma Comp"; a —A meeting of pure bondholders" of the Union Canal Compa ny, who are opposed to the plan of the Board of Directors of the Company to extricate themselves from their financial difficulties, was hold at the Girard House on Saturday evening. Mr. Edward S. Buckley was called to the chair, and Mr. Charles Harmer was appointed secretary. Mr. Vincent L. Bradford mode a very long tpeeoh in opposition to the plan of the company, and at its conclusion, offered ft resolution that the names of tho gentlemen present, and the amount of tho bonds held by them, should be handed to the Heretary. This motion prevailed, and it was then suggebted that tho meeting was a private ono, and that no publication of its proceedings was desired. In ac cordance with this suggestion, we refrain from publishing an abstract of the speeches m ide on the occasion. Columbia hose Company.—This old and efficient organization is now applying for admis sion Into the department. The Chief Engineer states that more hose is wanted—that thorn is not now a adficient quantity to supply the engines, and that he has repeatedly asked the Counoits to relieve the department from the evils resultin from the disproportion between the number o' hose and engine companies, not the lent of which is that it induces wrangling and ill-feeling in the struggle for water at fires. No valid objection can be urged against the Columbia, which has always enjoyed an enviable reputation, and we hope Coun cils will for ones consider the interest of Gm de partment and citizens, and admit the Columbia without a dissenting voles. Inauguration of Goperoor Packer.—Thu in auguration of the Governor elect promises to be quite is grand affair. We are infoimcd that thero is to be a grand firemen's parade on the occasion, and also an imposing military display, and that quite a number of Philadelphia fire and military companies propose to form part of the procession. Among the military, the Pennsylvania Dragoons, Capt. C. T Jones, nn old, well-disciplined, and excellently-drilled company, and the Meek Hus sars, Capt. Beaker, we hear, have resolved to go. The Hussars, with their unique uniform and equipments, will form an imposing feature of the farade. A. military company and brass band rom Williamsport will escort Governor Packer to Harrisburg. .4 New and Handsome Egtablishment.—On Saturday evening Mr. 19tn. J. Carlin opened his now and beautiful Hotel at No. I Dock street wharf. The ladies' drawing-room is ono of the most beautiful that we have over entered. As Mr. Carlin informed us, the building was not long slues a dingy-looking oil store. It is now one of the most beautifully arranged hotels in the city. It is really worthy of a visit. Mr. Carlin gave an en let tainment to about two hundred friends, and his tables fairly groaned with the good things of this life Those who participated in Mr. Carlin's hospitality will remember the occasion for a long time to come.. Wo wish him all the success that his business tact and energy deserve. We have had occasion : several times to visit Mr. It. Jones at his splendid establishment, No. 727 and 720 Arch street. Ile has always on hand all the delicacies of the season, at moderato prices, and, what is of as much importance, a vial ter need scareely wait five minutes betas° they will be served up hot cud smoking. Ile has Just received a largo assortment of Christmas goods, which we venture to assort is inferior to none in the city. Parsons whiling to obtain a lino lot or bonbons and sugar toys for the holidays would do woll to apply to Mr. Jones. New Hose Company.—A number of young men of the Fifteenth ward aro now engaged in the formation of a new hose Company, to be loca ted in the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and Green streets. This is a good move, as that section of the city Is almost entirely unprovided with tire ap paratus—the Good Will Hose being the only com pany in the neighborhood. It is to be hoped that when title company applies for admission, their ap plication may find favor with Councils. Unfounded Rumor,--A rumor provallod yesterday that a lumber of a tire company had boon arrested on the charge of setting fire to the Ringgold school-house. This had ER foundatign in ttet. It appears theta drunken Aran had fesdiid his way into the burning building', after ilia fire foul broken out, and recklessly ran labsthe dames. lie was reseued with considerable difficulty, and token to the lock-up. Recce originated the ru mor. Inciting to Riot.—Last evening before Al derman Eneu, Smith was charged with inciting to riot during an alarm of fire yesterday morning. its had the tongue of the Warren CoMpany, and ran into tho Philadelphia Engine. no woe committed to answer. Dead Infant Found.—The dead holy of an infant wan found on Saturday afternoon in a, pond nonr Frankford road and Cumberland street. The body eras taken to the Nineteenth ward station house, and Coroner Fenner was sent fur to hold an inquest. Broke her Thigh.—An old lady, named Mary Fleming, fell upon the sidewalk, opposite No 8 IVood street, on Saturday, and fractured her left thigh. She was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Nudden Dcalls.—George Matthim died very suddenly in Jefferson street, above Sixth, in the Seventeenth ward, on Saturday. Coroner refiner hold an inquest. Vessel'. in Porl.—There were in port yester day ono steamship, sixteen ships, sixteen barques, sixteen brigs, and twenty-three schooners. THE COURTS. SATURDAY'S PROCEEDINDS DISTRICT COURT NO I—Julgo Stroud.—ln the case of Tilden or. Wiremen—an action on a promissory note, before reported—the jury returned a verdict for tho plaintiff of VA. J. Rider, Esq., for the plaintiff; Massie. B. 11. Brewster, I:erfe, and Woodward for the defendant. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Conrad.—Di Cu ,c..—Rartlings vo. Rawlings. An interesting and very singular case of desertion was partly hoard on Friday, and concluded before this court on Saturday. in room No. 3. It was a prosecution by the Guardians of the Poor against Charles Rawlings, for the maintenance of his wife. Mary Slovens Rawlings, in consequence of his having deserted her, and left her without any means of support. The circumstances under which the hus band and wife first became acquainted, and the correspondence that passed between them, both before and after marriage, gave an Interest to the proceedings which suctases rarely possess. The proaccutrix is a rather pretty young woman, op. parently about twenty years of ago, with a rigid cast of countenance, but, as her letters proved, posac•sing a lilted of no ordinary intelligence. The defendant, who appears to be twenty-four or tiventyitive years of ago, is a romantic-looking, dimly sort of personage, with a decidedly soft expression of face. l'ho parties first became acquainted in conse quence of the following bit of literary composi tion, which appeared in the Public Irdger on the 21th of March. 1857: "Wanted a few ladies to write manuscripts—a liberal compensation will be given. Address It. 51. C., Blood's Despatch." Tho proseentrix being in want of employment at the time, answered this advertisement, and was requested by a rade to call at the defendant's resi dence in Ninth street, above Market. She dill so, and. at GA, interview, tho nature of the duties required of her was explained, and the following week fixed for the commencement of the work. At the time appointed she called, and asked fur a post ponement of the time at which she was to commence the work, in consequence of her having no settled place of residence. This was consented to by the defendant, and as soon as she had obtained a suit able place she again waited on him. but instead of the work she expected, she was handed a note from the defendant apologising for the disappointment his breach of engagement would occasion her, but offering to assist her in any other way, and con eluding by asking her to reply to that note, She did so, returning his letter, and in terms of bitter ties' and scorn refusing all his proffers of siisistance She went further, and in eloquent language gave the said history of her life. _ She told him sho was an orphan, homeless and friendless, and up to a certain time had been enabled. by unwearied industry, to support her self and preserve her honor, but that tho business the had been employed at having failed, and no other resource offering, she had been driven to that fatal stop which bad forever made an outcast of her; that she loathed and detested such an oxisteke, and had made every effort to retrace her steps, and seeing his advertisement in the paper, answered it with the hope of getting some honora. ble employment, but that his note of apology had deltroycd horltot hope, and nothing now remained for her but to die! Here was an opportunity for a romantic young man. Doubtless, from the character of literature which his correspondence disclosed, he had read or heard of Marie Duillesvis MarTriel ;it Gantier,or "La Doom , an c and now ho had en opportunity of rivalling Armand Duval, and bring back an erring soul to the paths of grace But how to do this, as he had no clue to her addrem! Ile sought her in the highways and bywar, and hiving nt last succeeded in meeting her, ho re newed his expressions of interest in her, in lan guage of great earnestness and sincerity. Ile stated to her that he would apply to a friend, who, for his sake, would gho her employment, end that he would inform her through Blood's Des patch when she could call upon him in reference to tho situation. Sho accordingly called for his note, and found, instead, a document written on foolscap, spreading over several pages, breathing the meat tender interest in her welfare, and crammed full with quotations from all the known and unknown poets, but especially from anonymous,' to whose assistance what lite rary man will do justice r In this epistle there was nu word of the promised situa tion; but, instead, permission was requested to null upon Miss Stevens, which she refused in her reply. lier disinelinution or coyness only seemed to increase the ardor of his affections. and is a letter which. it the poet's words were not fiction, —alit to have sorched the very per it was writ tenon, so Miming - were the wor ds, en his knees (mentally) to be allowed tb visit her. She at last consented, and this first visit took place on the 27th of April, 1:457, a little more thanja month after their first romantic meeting. These visits served to fire him up to the boiling or matri monial point, for on the Pith of May he removed her from her boarding house to ono of his own cc !cotton, anion the :Nth of the saute month married her. The marriage ceremony was perfortuel by the Rov. Thomas P. Malcolm, An Erl3COrniinn Minis ter, of Sansom-street church. Will it be believed, after all this "fire and frenzy, passion and pathos," that the connection between this modern Armand and his " llama Sans Cameliuo' was to be entirely platonic in its nature, and wa.. 9) agreed upon before inarri tg,c ? What the causes were that led to this arrangement are variously stated. It is semi), however, that it was rigidly fulfilled, and that thalledy marital privilege exercised as yet by the husband Waif that of the desertion now complained of They lived happily together for a few weeks at their boarding house, he in a stale of mild beatitude, and also repentant, devoted, and iudustrious In an evil hour fortheir happiness, and the success of an interesting moral and social experiment, the defendant moved his wife to his another'el house. It is scarcely ne cessary to chronicle the result. What happiness could resist the assaults of a mother-in-law; what temper remain unruffled under her hourly attacks' It is alleged that the first quarrel was on the subject of religion; a fruitful source of dissension in all ages. It is stated that the prosecutrix be fore her marriage was a Roman Catholic, and that she refused to go to a Baptist church with her hus band—the mother-in-law, true to her nature, being the only ono insisting on it. In short, it is alleged on the part of the wile that her life was rendered insupportable by her mother-in-law's treatment of her, and that alto was compelled to leaveher house, being almost turned into the street. A boarding house was found fur her where her husband only paid her a few whits, being entirely under the control of his mother, and finally, on the 29th of July, it is alleged ho entirely do-ca ted her, leaving her penniless. It was allege.' on the part of the defendant, that after his mat riage he discovered his wife had " temper for too," that In her paroxysms of passion she had threatened his life; that he feared for his life, and on ono or two occasions removed all the cutlery out of their bed-rosin, even to so innocent a weapon ns a button hook. Judge Conrad intimated during the argument, that he entertained no sympathy for either of the parties in the case; that if the husband desired to experiment with such affairs, and in a case whore all the antecedents were unfa•wrable. and was disappointed, he had only himself to blame. lie also characterized the sentiments contained in the defendant's letters as maudlin end naniewing, which was rather unflattering to the author of those surprising productions. subsequently ho said as he was leaving the bench, that being hie last said, of chic') ho would filo his decision in the ease, to the composition of which he stated be would give duo deliberation. The case upon both sides was ably and forcibly argued, and it is to bo regretted that if this unfor tunate girl's repentance and reformation was in tended to bo sincere, it should have been thwarted by the influences by which her husband was sur rounded, and which he was Apparently too weak to resist. William B. Rankin, Es q., for the prose. mitten; David Paul Brown, Esq., for the defendant. Paha Putrnem—John 8. Trovilla, who lately kart a dry-goods store at Easton. Pa., was before Judge Thompson on habeas corpus, on the charge o f obtaining goods from Wm. A. Browni k Co., of this city, under false pretences. The prosecution stated that ho ordered goods from the above firm, which were sold in the usual way, which was ex plained to mean on nix months' credit, but that the understanding with the party who took the order, and the defendant, was that it was to be cash— meaning thirty dap.; that the defendant, on the ex piration of the time at which he promised payment, sent down his cheek from Easton, which it is alleged was post dated, and ordered at the same time a further supply of goods. As sotno days had to elapse before the genulnenens of the check could be tested, Brown a: Co. sent the goods, but found upon presenting the cheek at the Easton Bank it was worthless. It 11113 alleged on the part of the prosecution that giving a check In payment, when the party knows ho has no funds n the hank upon which the check is drawn, amounts to a false pretence. For the defence it was shown that the defendant kept an account at the Easton bank. Judge Thompson intimated he would reserve his decision. Messrs. Myers and EnHitt for the pro secution; Governor Reeder, late ef Kansas, and Wm. L. Hirst, Esq., for the defendant. We have omitted to notion before the very Judi. elous selection of 0 Tobias, Eeq , to till the vacan cy caused by Mr. Sharkey's removal. Mr. Tobias will be found agreeable, and courteous to all. BALTIMORE TOBACCO MARKET.—Dec. 5 The receipts of Maryland Tobacco have been light and sales small, shippers turning their at tention to Ground Leaf. We quote Maryland ground leaf $7,80x58,50; inferior short seconds $1140,50; brown loaf $849; and extra sloasll. tiround Leaf $5887,50 for ordinary to good. The inspections for the week are 771 hhds. Maryland; 91 do. Ohio, and 7 do. Kentucky—total, 819 Mids. RICHMOND TOBACCO :MARKET, llco. J.— We continue to quote Lugo from $.l to s`3 ; coin mon Loaf $7) to VA ; good, $lO to $l2 ; fine, $l3 to $l7. Now is coming in quite frcol' in the loom state, end dolling very well at all pnces, from $3 to $l2l, but.vory little new in htids has yet boon received. The Wilmington (Del.) Journal states that a disease affects cows in that State; the only symptom of illness, however, is an incessant low ing from the commencement of the attack until the animal lies down to die. Tho Santa Fo Gazette says that New Mex ico is now without a Government—the Governor, Secretary, and Chief Justice, having all gone to the States. `I%E'''MOVEY MARKET. - PRILADELMIA, December 5, 1657. It is a mistake $0 suppose that the financial troubles in IluropeStre the result of the flurry in America. Our Ketintsion, no doubt, eontribtated to Make thist is Europe more severe, but the latter was the result of natural causes, and must hare occurred when it did, whether the business with America was disastrous or not. it will be reteem bered that the distress in Austria,an3 on the Con tinent generally, preceded the panic in the United States, and tint thegeneral break-down In Austria occurred simultaneously with the stuldencontrae lion of the New York banks. It was entirely Independent of the letter occur rence, hist it prOdueed a marked effect ;upon the other money marts of Europe, ash could not felt to do at any time. Tho truth la, that the whole trouble in the financial world is the result of allured credit ; and wherever Christianity holds I sway, and mon hare gone beyond the simple and pure transactions of ballasts: wherever they have advanced from the simple barter of product for other product, or for value in the precious metals, to exchanges of their products for paper reprecen. Wives of money,—in a word, wherever men have sold goods for credit, there will b., felt the waves of trouble which necessarily arise whenever the credit system is discredited, to lash the frail ves sels of all who are not able to promptly snake their promises of payment good. As time rolls on three mutations will continue, each time affecting more and more the faith or mankind In the whole system of trading upon credit—each time bringing the business of the world down nearer and nearer to a cash basis, until the time will ultimately come when the present system will bo countenanced no longer. Then, the mechanic will be paid for his labor when it is finished; he will pay the dealer for his purchases when be makes them, and the merchant will have no account of bad debts le drive sleep from his pillow at night, and no angry creditors to face because he cannot pay them his debts, owing to abuses of credit on the part of his customers. The advance ment of micelle° invention tends, in an immea aurable forte, tends to bring the world forward to this happy and honest time. The applications of steam and electrieity to the annihilation of dis tances have dune assay with the greater and more forcible arguments for the credit system, and every financial revulsion, as the course of time brings it around, helps to show mankind that an entire change in their methods of conducting the ex chages of the world is gradually, but surely, approaching. Meanwhile, we believe that we have seen the worst of this clearing up, end we trust that the shipments of gold that are being made to Europe, and which for the present can be spared here, will restore confidence in some degree in England, and, it may be, raise the prices of our great staples. The lose to our country by the depreciation in the price of our productions in the markets of the world, will ultimately prove to have been the greatest injury our country has sustained by the general panic; and even this lees will be returned tenfold to our country, in the beneficial results of the partial reform it will have occasioned In our system of credits. The money market presents no change, though the tendency too further decline in the prices of stocks continues. and the sales show very consid erable reductions. The stock and bonds of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the stock of the Pennsylvanis Railroad Company have all declined, as well as the Reading Railroad stock, which the bulls have confidently hoped would advance. Their expectations were based upon the monopoly which the Reading Railroad is likely to have of the coal trade far the next four or five months, with short stroke in the Atlantis cities, and a good prospect for a lively de mand. The Reading Gazette says: The property of the Bank of Pennsylvania, on the southwest corner of Penn street and the Centre square, which has been occupied sines the year 1805 as its offiee of discount and deposit, was purchased last week by David McKnight, Esq., for $20,000. This proper ly C01114.13': , of a substantial two•story brick building, upon a lot of sixty feet in front, and two hundred and thirty feet in depth The banking-room, we understand. has bean secured for the new Union Bank of Reading, which will soon commence be sinus, and of ;Mob Mr. McKnight will be the Pro-ident. The withdrawal of the Branch Bank of Pennsylvania, which the sale of this property clearly indicates, may be regarded as a fortunate circumstance for the Union Bank, inasmuch as it furnishes the latter with an admirable banking house, and will doubtless immediately place at its command a large portion of the business which was until recently transacted with the branch. The Sun day Transcript says: "We learn that the Morris Canal Company has been offered a large suns for a piece of their property at Jersey City for a railway depot. This, if sold, they intend with the proceeds to purchase: up all their bona• and a portion of the preferred stock, which wil leavo the company with nothing but the eel sol - dated stock, and it is thought by some that th s stook will pay a dividend of l 5 per emit. p•r at to the conr6e of a few years. They hare a e cision by the New Jersey authorities whorl by the port warden's line has been extended it. o New York harbor 1,400 feet further than that pr• thusly granted. This gives to the Morris Canal Company the privilege of extending their whams 1,400 feet further out, and the length of their property in front of Jersey City Is two miles. It is estimated that the foregoing will add to the value of their property a half million of dollars." The return from the Bank of England fur the week ending the 18th of November gives the fol lowing results, when compared with the previous week : Public dep05it:4...15,443,55L . Oacrekse 1.1170,22:1 Other deposita ... 13,1)39,16.1..1nereaae 1,C0...n.051 Heat 3,133,500..1neren5e 69 144 On the other ai le of the account : liornetsecurities. €o,4o7,l:;l„Decreahe.... 1.2,037,01 Othei,ecurities .. 30,200,270—Increase .... 4 105 017 Notesonemplojr4. 101 Wl—Decrease .... 533,30'0 The amountef notes in circulation is if.'2,1,50,01, being an increase of J. 1.9613.739, and the stock of bullion in both departments is 1.6,4a4.tY1d, showing, a decrease of £695 ,112 when compared witty the preceding return. The Atlantic sailed tro-ilay front New York with nearly S1 ; 800,000 in specie. The private advices Ly the late steamers front Europe are said to be more unfavorable than those published The U. S. Treasury statement fur the past week is as follows . —Amount subject to draft, $5,576.397 23; reduction from previous week, $712,054 83 ; receipts, j.. 630,050 SI ; drafts returned pail, $1.503,173 72; drafts issued, 51,112,121 St. The receipts from customs this year at Philadel phia show a falling od'ef half a million of thllars , while the diminution at New York for the last four months is seven millions of dollars from the re• ceipts for the corresponding period in ISlil. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, December 5, 1357. Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stoel: Braler, No. 803 Walnut etreet. FIRST BOARD. 1000 Skill Nity.,Gs '82.61X 35 Lebigh Nat' 1701 do do 12 61S 12 do "d.. 1.9 , 0 do .do 'B9.ol}] 10 do 52 1000 do do '19.74 32 Penn 11 ....... .....01 n,; 1000 do do '72.74 10 do 3:1, 1000 N Penne. It lii ...s:oi 33 do 'A.,' 1600 Home Canal 04..73 I 9 do .... ....... :1.5 . 2000 Penna It 61.11,119.75 4 Norristown 11 13 1000 Penna 58 ISIX 6 do 53 2000 Cain& Amßthe 84.70 51 N Penn It 9i 9000 do do .70 9 do tix 3000 do do 15 74 2 du 9.i' 100) do do .71 1 Ranker Peon 15 1000 do do .74 11 do 15iy 11 'tear Mend 11....54 34 do 15.% 1010 heading It.— NI 23 1 Girard Bank 9t Lt) do 1-a do SS do 9 51 do BOARDS. 60 Reading R •'dx 100 Long Island R.... 91( 100 do BOARD. p5.1:13 te. 26 4 111:11TRV , 6 Mort'. Canal Pf. 1.02 60 Reading R 200 do ....2 days.2o SECOND 13 Penult R itax 100 Wil k Elmira 1t..11 60 do ...... 50 Eralinr R •0' 60 &hay! Nar P61...11ji 75 tong Illactl 1t.... 9', lik of Penna. lut.a.ls`. 12 do 11 do .16s 1000 N Pennß 64 ....531; 3:000 do 53 ti 1000 do ...... 1000 do 6,11( 600 do 103,53 X WO Horrin Cent C4...73 4000 Leh Vol 11 04.... 64 2000 do C 4. 2000 Penn% 11134.2 d m. 75 Ponta It 3SS CLOSING FRI NLI. dsktd 1.1 Stales es'.6B 111 ES—STEADY. Sul. Atked Se N W 'SS pre( IT 17% Wm•'t& Elm 8117 1111, de lat inert l'a Col 71 ghila ti's ha 0ff.53,v 84 RR. 81V 84 Neer.3l VI V Pennaylv 51i....84 85 Reading R 3.6 V 26's de Bonds '7O 74X, 75 , i do Jlrt 65'41.81 Telma RR 381 i Ilnrrla Cud Con 48 41 Hahn N URI-61V 611; " 13 I LATEST . 26 V I do do :.dm soK 41 Long Inland 9,7 i 19 Vickaborg.,..6N 7 Girard Bank 9' a 9 Lehigh Zino N 1 Union Canal 4 4,ti New Creak Si X Cataiwima 71 R.. 6 7 -Dn., L. 1 Reading R NA( 100 Resßog R PRILADELPH/A MARKETS SATURDAY, Dee. 3 —Ereising.—Dreadstuffs Con tinuo unchanged and dull. There is a very brisk expot t demand for flour, and salts embrace about 1,200 bbls mixed Penns and western extra at ; 300 bbls do. at a price kept private, and 030 bbls•extra family at $0.23 per obi ; holders of standard shipping brands are free, selling at ssa $3 23, the latter for selected lots, but there are very few buyers to-day, and this description is quiet, only 500 Mils having been taken at the former rate ; the stock, however, is moderate for the season. The events of the local trade are being supplied at from $3 upwards, to $0.50a57.50 per bbl, according to brand and quality, the latter for premium tour. Rya flour is held at $1.371, and Corn Meal at $3 per bbl, but there is nothing doing in either. Wheats are in fair supply, but the demand is light and prices favor the buyers; sales Include 1,000 bus poor red at 10131030 ; 2,300 bus fair to good do. at 110al1dc, and 2,000 bus white at 120 to 130 c, the latter for prime Ten nesneer State. Corn is more inquired for; 5 000 bu damp Jersey yellow brought .580, and 1,200 bn dry Delaware 60 a 630 afloat; old Cincinnati ts wanted at 701793, but there is none afloat—lots in store are dull at 77a70,,. Oats—Nothing doing, and holders ask . 330 for good lots. Bye is wanted by the distillers; 200 bu Penn. sold at 75e. and 1000 bu southern et 750. Some holders of Bark have radioed their quotations for Quereitron, and seve ral small sales have been made at s2l' for first quality. Cotton is dull and unsettled, and there is very little selling to-day. tiroceries and Pro visions remain without much doing, and the quo tations are the same as last, noted. Seeds—There is some little inquiry for clovereeed, and 100 bu have been sold at $5.2545.50 per bu; from wagons at the former rate. Whiskey is in steady demand, at 2110 for drudge; 22a2310 for hhils, and 2236,230 for bbls. 'BI I TH LOT LINE. LETTER FRUII It zw:rumic. {Comma' eiteice oflhe Premtl • .-. _ , • , „ your. ; Dee. 1-5-23 P. St The private letters by the America were south more eneoursging that iheitelecraphie summary composed by the agent of the-Associated Press. I have been favored with the perusal of weed let ters from reliable menses, sad they Wayne that the corner by been tented, and - that the pinto was over. It 111110,10 be wondered at that, after CO severe a storm, some wrecks AMIN be found, and that. the sea is 'Ail fax from calm ; bat there is no doubt thee coal:deer:4i' is fait returning in every put of the totted Kingdom, and unless something very nnforseen scours, we may expect better DEWS by every steamer. There can be no better picot o f the return of confidence then the feet that all the Government stook thrown upon the market by the Bank of England, and other banking Wanting, lase been eagerly bought up by the public, and that the public funds were steadily advancing. The drain of gold was completely checked, and large sums in specie were daily &pelted in thisesalts of the Bank of England--arrivals from this country are/ Atstralia—and terse quantities of the sovereigns sent to Scotland and Ireland to help them through the panic, were finding their way back again to the place whence they were issued. It is believed that the Beek of England hmealy availed itself of the power of over Limo to the ex tent of about 12,000,140, the greater part of which was advanced to George Peabody l -Co. and Overend, Gurney, Co., to save them trim: sus pension. The sapient panic doctors who approve the coe,cesetrec" action of the New York city banks, regard the liberality of the directors of the Bank of England as utter madnees i and predict that it will lead to the same ruin as befit the United btates Bank when the latter n th eist:lion tried -to help commerce byexpenena in iB7. They vaunt, of course the impregnable position of our banks, " and the negligees* tha Bank efEngland, an d talk as eaufdently of a national bankruptcy," " suspension of epee's payments" in England as if they really knew anything about the matter. By eourage, liberality, and energy, the Bank of England has saved the mercantile community of Great Britain from ruin, has restored confidence • saved trade from stagnation, and rescued the in dustrial population from destitution ; sad by cow ardice. stiegmessi and mental Incapleity. the Na. York eity banks here precipitated the nip of the merchants of New Turk, prevented the return of confidence, taught trade to a stand still, and brought thousende of indutrioes artless* to abso lute want. The /retie in the Bank of England may he reduced, while that of -• car blaia" is In creased, but the reduction has bees made to help commerce. while the increase has been elected by the Tea of thousands. The private letters above allaliral to have allay ed, in some measure, the anxious seven,* felt by our merchants and banker* during she greater part of this week, but the t-weita-little-loriger" policy still prevails, and the week closes on a very inactive money market. The banks, I hart rea son to believe, have contracted their leans this, week, probably to the extent of half a million, while their specie cannot be far short of twenty- Ore millions. Their search for 'good Iret-slass paper" it still quite unproductive. lie new paper is made. for the simple reason that there is nothing doing by the grit-clam men, and the millions lying idle are as ®profitable to the holders as to the I have treed of sneerer being had in the street at :2 per cent. per senate, bat I hare not teen any one who knows the fortanate individual, while I have SO= Maly who have s aki moth higher rates. Depend upon it that a reported ease in the money market is nothing bat stagna tion, and that, although we are really fall of mo ney, those who rot or lt cannot get it except at a great sacrifice. Private indiveduals who have money to lend are quite u " circumspect " as the banks—that is, they will not lend a dollar except to rstelesa men with Irat classese.. , 7.hterale. Where they find these firsteiless borrowers, they are cer tainly eager to lend on demand and short time. at very easy Wee, ranging from sto 7 per cent. The transactions at time rates are, however. '• like an gels' visits, few and far between" Sterling exchange was inactive at 1K11:1091 for best bankers' signatures. Remittere are very choices—perhaps I ought to UM the fashionable word "mrentaspect"—in the bills they buy, only two or three bankers being in faros. Flew the high rate of discount in England and Prangs, they find It more profitable to send gold, and qquently the Allende took set b1149,0e0, and the Africa, Wedsesday, will, it l' s thought, take out an equally large nil. There is no doubt that we can spare it. It is no use here, and will be well employed there, in strengthening foreign markets and advancing the markets for our prin. eipal staples. Of the large shipment of gold ta day, I am informed that Teri' little, if any, was forwarded by the receiver of the North American Trust Ccnizany. Pant N. opoiford, Esq., has resigned the office of President of the Bank of the Commonwealth, re ' Wining his rest in the Board of Directors. and El -1 ward Height. Esq., formerly Vice President, has been elected to the Presidency. Domestic ex change is unchanged. with the exception of I /Smola and Irieretrein, the former having advanced from .5 to 10, and the latter from 7to 10 per cent di, count. The exports of Bruit, from this pert for the week ending he-day, and for the you Outer. have been as follows : Barque Pentucket, Trinlesd, doubloons. 111,000 00 Steamer Runnionia.llamben,Ani. Gold, MOO 00 " Empire City, Havana, donbkons.. 101120 e 4 " Atlantic,Livertiool,Am. Gold Coin, 561,133 00 " Am. Gold Bars 577-1 V 10 Eng. Gold 311,t'54 Prance 5,800 00 Total for the wrek. Prcriou,ly reported Total tail 515.091.W7 7T The teat taasesetieee ai theSub-ltahatjei to day were : Receipts, it 52,750 15 ; paytnents,.S..s,7l 30. balance, $3,96 , 3.411: 73. The cast a' receipts for duties were .'5,12.000. The cv.kanges to-day at the clearing house were 114,317,5E6 gi, and the helium:a paid to coin, 5843.79.57. The dowcward teadeney in the stock antet still continues. Railroads are puticularly out el" favor, and the bean are likely to hate a poi time next week. In Uaited States and State stocks a slight business was done at foresee prices ; this class of securities being considered the only safe investment. Erie closed at 171; Reading at SI!. N. Y. Central at 73; Michigan southern at 171: Chicago and Rock Island at 721; Clerelatd and Toted.) at 421 :Mena and Chicago at 73, and La Cr' ase and Milwankee at 111. NEW TORE STOCK EXCHANGE BALLS, Doe 5. I'llLgT BOARD 5070 C S Cs '67 110 ' •.Y.I Harlem n ..,-..) ; WOO Tenn ca. , 93 03 , , 340 do P i 1.100 Ilissoori 0 s 76,s 1 SO Realm.; I 61 1000 d 3 7 41 ‘. MO do .1061 00) N Y 6 ., 'Tlex in 1091301 do +ll 61 i.; 1 .ON - 0 111 Cea It lids 64 ! - ZOO do c .}1 i 100 do 63% 1665 d 3 6- 7.0.13 TEI & Allun lin 61 * 5 Cal & Chic h 7.; ti 5000 Gal & C.hie 1.1. n lo 60 ' 11 do 1000 /Ind Air R arn b B 7 .50 Harlem R Pi .3) 10 blaitato of N Y 01 '. :4 Minh 6&NI it lo 10 Ocean Bit 70 100 do IEO let. 31 do 71 303 ds la., _0 Na+sau Ft 76 100 do 14.. 23 Market Ilk 90 230 do 19 37 Union 116 1007, ' 100 do el) 1.3 - 4 10 Metropolitan Bk 03 ; 105 Fastaccalt 91 100 )1111 & )lies ft SI% 160 do .10 9.1 100 do 40 retti 50 do 0 - 3) P.i 20 Paella: )I SCo 69 ' 5 Cloy Col P. C,o ft 97 ~ 30 Cum:* Coal Co 94 '4O Cler /r. Sol P. 41.. :560 do 9, ' 3.50 do 41, 2N17 11 9 , 330 do 42 :Il Peen. Coal Co 601, * 100 do 42 a 125 N Y Cen R op; 72 * 100 do .10 4.: 30 do oi.g. 72v 500 do 35 42, IP.O do vpg I2li ' 10) do 13 :4 do 11 aft op 7S' 71 Chic & Fii: 1.1 F. "% i 60 do .1.1 7: t, * 1. - r • 0 do sIO 71%, 460 Er.. Railroad 161,. 60 do 72i 20 do 40 101 ;50 do ...: 72 100 do lo s-, 1.5 do -•- ; tuois Ct L 31d UM!M cl 7 1 3 do 9 , 2)0 do 10 llntlem It ETEBTI Mugs —Since the reeeirt of the Agaerie. - a mail, Pots are dell and nominal at ;q.t. Er, 21.1 l'e3rls quiet at ; 1 -'5 A. COVILL: —There has not bun any minement, and the market is heavy. COTTON.—The market is nnsettled and doll. We quote taiddli,g I.:plardz at Ito, and gced ds at 111 c. FLoi a. Sc.—The demand for Wererr. Csnal Flour Li rather more active, and the low grades are firmer ; but at the close the advance ef .51 per bbl. is feebly sustained. The inquiry is cent mod almost entirely to the home trade. Csnadisn Bcur is also &shade better; &Alt! • f -11'4 bbls at St risasl 75 for auperdne, and 551,5 , , extra du. Southern do= is a shade easier. the arrivals liberal. Sales of .501) bbls at $5353.60 far mixed to good brands Alexandria, to., and 56 8.5 for the better grades. Rye flour is inactive at Si Xi& 35 for fine and superfine. Corn meal is quiet at $3.40a55:*.1 for Jersey. GRAIN.—The demand for wheat is very li,;bt both for milling and export; prices are nochanget The arrivals are limited ; sales of 3.500 bushels at 110.1 for good white Southern; Seallic ter damaged, Chicago Springnoreittsl at 90a9Se, and Milwau kee Club at 951100,... The sales are 7 ttoo bbls at 1;4 60'5:1 70 for ecra mon to good State; $4 Sesss for extra do; 14.60 a 14.70 for superfine Irdia.na and Iliehigan ; K SU., .15 65 for extra do ; .1.5.15a55.K , for common to good extra Ohio; 15 N 5 .5 for food to ebuiee do; 1:•• ?Cm 17.f.0 for extra St. Louis b rands, ant $.5.90a17 7., for extra tieresee. Rya is held with Immo firmren at 70c. Oats a re in good supply and lower. SalesofJersey at ;;Sal2s, and State and Western at ClaiSe. Barley and Barley Malt are quiet and prices nominal. Corn is irregnlar ; old is better and in limited supp 7, l, while new is heavy and unaettled. Sales of o y oo be, at Sk for mixed Weetern and 65a oe. for Southern and Jeney yellow, as in condition .litoa.--Scotch pig sells slowly at 5.20. cash. acd 525429, six moe; aslssof 100 tons. Other kinds are equally languid, but prices do not vary. PROTISIONS.—The market is again lower for Pork. The sales are 130 bbls at $15.50.1517 for mess, the inside price for light weight, and $15.30a Sl6 for prime—the latter entirely nominal. Beef is in fair demand for the local trade. but the market favors the buyer; ,ales of 157 bbls at T..,3.75a56 75 for country prime; 20410 far $ll 23:1313 .7.0 for repacked western mess, and Sits $11.75 for extra do. Prime mere is quiet at !0a24. Beef barns are in limited demand ut 14a16.75. Bacon is in limited demand at 11a141 for smoked. A large sa'o of 1,200 hhda. city boneless bas been made for Cali fornia on private terms. Cut meats arc steady—the supply is modczetr ; sales of shoulders at 71aSo , and hams at 01a10e Lard is firm and in fair idemand. Sales of 2m bbls. at 10a101c., and :mall lots at leialeie and 10o_ for delivery early in January. Butter and Cheese are steady. Drei,ed hogs are very quiet at tilted. and close extremely heavy. Socans.—Tbe feeling is steady ; and for the week we quote an advance of i cent per bbl. Re ined are active, chiefly for coffee descriptions. The sales this morning are moderate. Warsaar.—The demand for this article is light. and the market Is easier. Sales of 140 bbls at It:: a 213 LrlrllED.—Tbo Chicago Democrat of the 2d inst.. says : " The trade in lumber is exceedingly dull. There is probably 200,000,000 feet in the yards here now. Dealers ask thirty dollars per Id for cargoes of beat first clear. and twenty-six dollars for second clear. They quota dressed flooring at twenty-one dollars. The receipts of the last week week hare been lees than a million of feet. The total re ceipts for the season are now over four i mu o re d and thirtyfire million of feet." $1,808,754 :4 sectis,n7 27
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers