• 45411-f,j`r,VV- a a. . Wrinr4l4Blll4P 'grin tjitt awnity. - Niewionnowwwg of wok "m a° Ps: A mmo ; 4. Cieto.4Tlst,lBs7. o kapatotthoutatelk Who' prottottmo otAbo • , -Act to *Wit tintletttnitiittittipoblio ptioting,t? Ico,."ltp tipowitio,,,t.Momatodpropcosatirwilt Do read:rod _tlibtikliktoitttibitepit4l,uottl the lint Mott*,Cith tweln , Weak X 4, for,int, tttutyttor,tettiteed , tot..tlutptlattb Os WE ott the int day et Deeem• Ith.i ”I fililifiklAiVirgoilititiall'aiiitearly Wean be Meer, tyledaekoltfetalnyVied 'deaerlyttou , of each tx yelFeseel betei(elred ~ . °Lass f ,t -44#4011r411111.4110 prbitizep paper,— noottlendered,. to mossurslAbrititinottot to "mei torty4vo, wands inalakeamititefid abee!a: , • • OL SR t , 4,000 moultaa printtaitpapeN mloodereditomottepre fabf4l4 - Jakkao, and , tw , weigh: nft.rala, pounds to Igio ;mita of 480 etteeta. 441t,AtiAtt": ititt.ttviatti • : :tit 5 ) 000 reattli ettperflue 'ilzed• and balotidere& printing Mortl sk in "OkeS 4 bra inobea, Bud to 'weigh ,1141,t -ttittlit, tam at-460 Ittoostti.'s 01410 i ", Alilliktastaintiperilho hcint.eiteannd icetonclered printing icesneictime°24by &flinches, and, to weigh, tatty filwandir tolho resat ot. 480 sheets', ' c CLASS A9'. .. I.4:9ooo,4tOsitortl,igokeoo A sised: and -.'calendered :map linksifif-af,foolgtilites armor beirelpslred, corresponding, o wei ght , with TiptCpianetring AO, by:24 inches and !SOLl:lag , terentyipoondis per Ivain cif 4W ; sheets., i 'i- , *:~a tit ',A.4.1 It =,•s tonaen , rt., - ~, 0. .- . • ,I. ~, 209 Mons IntPeepte . plate Mar, (satendered Or 'nut , elkesiBatedpassnaylettenuired,) 10 by, 24 inchea,ltod of such welghtper ream as may be requireC,c ,!. -; ~,, 1 The fibre of the paper of each of the above classes to be of , linen and cottocepfree tram all adulteration with, ell-ShtbeB4Mibetandebi'of a fair whiteness,Tand saglitAntionCOfritwenty=fote. sheets 'eocliVand is turf tir"?., paw* esels, - ; eaeh' ream: to contain: 480' perfest, sheets.. - Uniformity in color, thicknese .and Weight will be Onlttlledt atid,"rib bundle (exclusive of. Idl );= bo3o.underixe par:oent. frontia=;i)Ziyod -atihog r 4' l e il lt samosa, hirrequiredi - ;llling'of various nesse' ln-the same bundle to mahout' the Vel,ght will to'conliditarid•aretotattatiof ,the contract.: . r 4.417`.4-I.l.fli'l -.l4ri Imssa tut, -'.....; ~ ~ 1,,;• -,, A No. 141,540,,rearhaViArto postwritingpopee; No. '2— ,2 000 rearm ilateapOnitingpaper ; -a•Nsn. Ctiatihifanan demi writh4paper ;-- "- ' ' - • es110::414 felikrearanfollo pan writing paper; ~ ,,iNtlaire-010.reanutmadinmerriting paper;- ; • 4.4llo,ibvibo ream reYedWrinag Met' i • '-'' ' - ' ": 1004-40 sedmenuper-royal Writing paper, ".. - - _ t 5.:740. , :tt,„4/westas imperial writing psper; , • ~,: , • „s - littriS-400-reamscOloredMedlum (asserted.) ' • V iS,b4 - •;:e,"44..A ',ll - Ar.,l• CLASS AM': • :,:' , 1 No:1-4,000 reams writing paper, .10 . by PA inched, to , ' 1044 aldtalielettiPosuillit per.teinni ,"- ,- :I - ..,', . ; ,t.,, No, 2-1, reams writing paper,:lo by 28 Oldies ? to 4ri. ant 'brenty4theee Petunia porregm, , .4..., , I ~_ : • i 14-4,1003 reams ietritAns paper ,_ 18 )1251141m5, to , 1 1 'fieutioviiirdphandupsereant.i.7 , ,(r ,-1-t.. ..., ~,, , ; . - 4=loo roannt-writiorpsPer,s,l6 by n fticheirto wet z toirmstr.,#mrpqunds pet,ream. s: ,- „.., , i s. ,,' - ' , E rwlrr..43lo roams-Winne paper,qB , by-12";,bacheloto „weft belwetiV,two , poundsper reine.;. , --:, .1 =, .4 P P ! No 6-400,teeencitilting:paperi12,11-18 - hiciresti, ; weigh twelve pounds per vista. , ' All the ii — kiirViliiiiiiiiiired tit'fiiiiiisii t'iniil l _ri are .to. be orsideibsit rhaterialli tree friereachilteratiCa, and Hashed WSW bileitlekbasnWr '1 ‘helteptritin 'alma l'ain'tobn sitilthr&blati,lot.na MOW etstuldrd'elsoltif the SO - poetise kinds, and of, such wnlgbta as may liereonlied by this office; those Wanes A 'IVO to be, whi te, /tad of NIONIVI WitOPWeltht *Clad iiithei schedite: '''s ; ' ctiffiitafghtris , oilerved °reordering , " ;greater . ; orrlerie gaslstityc eifki of'autt 'every' Iriturcentrosted for, at lath ftioLsisd"itioach qtantititurifs ',the public' terrice , inity 7Zii clugislillrini COWlderid SeperatitlY, and• be anti. feldlen iliPanate Contract ; .bitthiddersinay 'offer for one ertioNiust the "Ideas itrthe , illitcelpecipolial;'end the privilege Is reserved of ,requiriug rijaldderycho mei' hare more than . ..erioqiatie'iiiiisiteit .hitn-tdJtilte all such effinited,titletfelt bieright to' arecitio.' -' •I '• - r' ''- wiliitspleir(net ides *brains iiliire) . Oreitehlriad ise phi pile tdd4hr, UM htivonerarn)k wf , eackkirrifftitiasta". company etch bid, i and, In classes 71and 8, he numbered to Correspond with ihfi nairiber OA°. easier proposed • for , itirthiletechistale; atiC id , the that siti.' clastes.ltie properly designated on the sample ' or it will net he con sideritAtit fropoiiro and Samples intistbetianitinltted IstrAhlsoilleirfrOotpoista(e or other expense:— ''" . filecliprorpkelainustbe minedbythe individual oriltm - , makinjiti and must specify the price per pound teed "lhatoieltioaforeaohl of Welt kind of papertootained hithe is prcposed ilar, , '; "; ;• -;; ; - "-, • "=";•" '. .. ; All tleePaper in the, severatelesseihilust be' delivered ittnideplisersorphlieslis t , osy; liiidesignatedifilVaibliig ton City-, „in good order, free of all and every extra charge sirealfOUt andanblecttoltheinSpeetioni ceinstarefght, Itatioelatdebutintrif4thtilluperintendent? Ind' htii* all respect' satisfactory,. bialiarkforanufee eipeoposatirfil 'be ;tliridit4 at this office to persons applying for ,them; and none will be taken intiViSmilderatiOn lifilei: iithitabthily agreeing 91gwritif.. ,1 1 ,- 1: -., 00.: ~..- :J:., ,;...., . , t: . ~ ~ ~, Bonds ~ idthqapproTed , sedarititts; will Inkleottired ,*- and the smeelying /elan .inferior a'itiele in any of the closely* olailurritornipply the quantity requireeat any timeoslll ha ddisiderett a violation bribe contract. cactishiildetialmilfred. to furnish with hit proposals, saffialtietetT,Oviderssebt his 'ability , te 0105010 them; and pro ' " Women inpaniid , by' mich I eiTddnce n Will be nir rot, ~--• -- . 4. ,44- , ,,y-, , ,, , ,.;,,-0., ,r:,,,, , lsivprePatele.'wlll-be' opened in the Manner reOnired, bythstre ort I:hellcat Tililedily Utter - the Brit Monday in pooorobi P rrrltostkstle,)zot. ten o'clock - .l...bt,;rit 'the offictsrit-thicSiperintendent lc , ===`-'''. 4 ,' " ' , -' ; - ' 0 ; Proposal' will be addreescodld'the' irBopolotetidoot of traaortaro 4'iiiittitz;44it6l , °nisi-United stork,. Wiabilyteraiwasid entiArtiM tt'Propdiele , foiflupplyinw Paper. •;.,e1.1 , ,,, , ,, -1,,,i..t, ,- •11."GMEMAMAN, ' - oell a lit ; ;2trii_eitht;mai,A, i4'irribuo Printing, uttoPosArs FOR'BREVITtitGNARINE Xs-. pN4 t baexn2YatiT - sxdoti.:*tousih.: - ffOltingtol'iido44Ner 43.; *7, TiliorliSALS; endirscd p proPpishi for cid l 47- Ins Marine Barracks qtyedeneda; be ie o at this depirtivottimPyliff ti , t,lo lll Y ar recliWk P. M, , coristinerforE,cr, 111Wne. BOnakwintheitadte be,,,erected,it d'enilq, tirtlfe'plain and eipe,ctepattoria, Fr uit direction of , the lilavy - -- Department, lissx'kelittenAttt4e eoelSettit 1110 nißawyr z ardsat gortarareo4 / NOW AziPlfrk allNt~J'bo D , NtdrTorli;'Philediallihta,/biorf4llr, and Pselkmi/kinpli at,The 'Mayyl)spartinerit. • / ihriet.,befoi furnlighini alb tug Mb - noitipliftilm mo'rkin,l, maims 00.tEdultori tote it zaV bit'ipMptea Lt.:the /214VIde ,_ - tO'Sdphrintirad the 1111:06,` and the department_as ;tketWiti'reJe4t fr4pletiforAti firritecwhin it dieted the Intorest the II F i a" the umilt ' aer t merea l i/o pp 6 ' l 7itcifiit r .f ir rona Viage e 'w ei as the ri't pmkOopref4ofr_tfi, 16A,ajp,tee:itl fled to bylikititifettate ent ouilkil „part of 91113mted State!, oak :UAW cotoplotion, dtilke"!aliOsit'fiiC.acc - ep6una or ,tbst.xyrk7l2y, tbq Itod Priplignitirt.,ntra be forWtedirt tktiV iitigtfrfid# l theht Fontntet pigyide4 two "pt. 1131##'..foh., AA, s4og9t log 4 than/Are 14 10 1— rtr wn - 9 :=0: I dVZl n to 'farta r r i rrE eiattA 444n1n Of Aye' ;WO I'lBZ/3'4,1'484e IttrrtitLiTYoße.rfiMiedf c lr e •=42 P r °4lr 41 1 4 1, e9vri0 : 4*;_. .44141 Wiwi sit ttenfficestioreinlbeforencentionedi I WW O AI' Vii,fiii4o4 , irid • silittiidstd,:ta , d l 44' drin t - ett4civiad rosoml4 tqc_guta-. Intri s tes 1 , 00i044,42prif0P; .- • et:oo.o4oi .ofrotiaiky - :bepted Witi n be r i ti mit iriV Mid 'COntritet.,wilrbri forwarded as . soon da'praitlenble; Will be iwkir - pct, to WOO Ifthisil,o l 47¢ - 1W 0 1 .0c1g# 1 0 1 1P.P. 0 0 0 4 1 0- bS 'MI the iikiigir r oitlelll4#44 .0 . 16 ; 0 .1 100 t 4 , wordinito_ fbe.flawii cationiWrittdp,tweire aniiiMiiidhirilind'afterittel di ant the contract. - - Mit4O,T,Q,BuBP,•;" tievagd i t • "tqL•ptikry of the Nay!, - Pl l lo.kal , s...iriVOLi'doliS.S.lt . lBs ' B niararmaimestie Orytee Mauna Metre, ---.--- - ---- ---- - Waehinuton 0et0ber.10,1.857. ' aptv vklarashweDfittreouts, Will Bel re.6eired ailunsgoillee untitrzT,UEsDalf,the IOW( atter-ember neit c atS Okla& P.,ll_,,,,fortrultlabing Rations to-the Utiltedlitst4ia Marine Oorps, at the following stations, f lt -1 '4 9 40" r . , 1 0 8 04_1--.4 , c.. 1 ,, 1 - • ~ I • • i,,,1 1.11021114t0M1041113f;MICISOtti; , t' , " .' • ' 4A , 3 • 4 1,934i0.030:11icm lismothiteq. ,_ ~, ~.., myl* Ago, T 51414 Nt ft York f, , , f• :',. 7 -.•: - PhilaelphlWetkligq./Wai if;', Onsparaemeartiorfolk, Virginia; 4 . 4, Cli r nanat.sB4 SAO , ' ~ '," , j, ~ 11 li t - 4 , t iPj$4141'"10101201/./11. .', ',, ~„ 1.„ ...eneeo,of ,one; pound gad a quarer- of It - ..,V9.ittc4.lwetterecttrellkirical of muss pork ;- elg n °name dt bread, made of beet Gam boa -dour, all ol 4.lo4l9.oPYAoirlittithAt..optlou of- the Government; "as the rate or sar polinde of good coffee, twelrig Potttiti,„ -440.149.1fArleMettinge.r4.eight grow-tear beer wkittp# figlitrAciatOgitrinega, - tiro quarts of salt, fon' phunilsof goad hard brown soap, and onoendts, g o ,htgPQ ,t-i,t - S9SiditatiMlPPed.tellow oseidles,' to ohe -. 0 .F.Vettlit; --,. ii , -., ; - ...r -,'lr,r ,-- ....1. , I ~i ',,,, , r I,torl e regpu:okaboll ' fie .dellmered'oo the order of . itl.eittoer litf eikett'atatlon, either in bulk o y 1"s figle ratter', and shall consist of iho best 4 .5,0„.40,„..., pYtwsd As- Isamu :Atka pork. to : be II , i t t , reAtutio mk t arelthe grocertea -to lee of the, y e ...,....,..,....,a115ubjeet to-inspection., o 'girl be entertained uuleas accompanied ,by ihe rolErAdlifi t p ti gir 'l' T ° ire ° d e o tfi r:l l ,l=t,gat for' Mona for ISlte) Sod, a o ddrOh l ectlo the Quarter. -rnerft-#9X-4-0110Pttle,Waitlington, D. 0, q 1... , ..; i .r. ig , ;,.:,¢ i -,DI I. SUT Q MLAND, r .. -..i uartermaste _SW rote -Woliolot mai idi•ertiiekdot, sits 0 444., tae SP,POW#XAPUthOfirkt insertion to title oMee fel exandnatiCtneacmpaniedbt &duplicate account of the "„rel,TA t l i rr, .of'l,ls,Atil f0r,300 calk/int inset , '27 ui,M_OoPulPer.uuo..eses for All: &obtainment tn.. Itiadioilel intolltgenier, iiiar, and: States,- Wash.- IngtOb s , ri. - -0.4 Argue, Portland, Me.; Patriot, Moroni, tr44ool4la.Orterourith, Mill...NM Mad , Onorlct, ait,A4l.brsOpport,PArmer Daily. Ne*a an Atli% 21:Y.; Bright,llrooklyn, N. V.;Axgria,Penn. - sylveninn, , and PreeeiAhlloOgliatifw. Penn ; Patriot, Uarriebergalmt-ite' Akan, Baltimore, Md.; States. ma ArOec 4.10 r it . t YP ,, ; Democrat, r0 ...i... arik.,,g 9 upv o i k * toilw, it,tfar OrjeAps, /44 Asia pultliabUierabOve thiie th ine per pieek t piktiltioh NO. "Str s allafigili:;: s . , K - :2-.!: P . ROPOSALS - - FUR' 7,RICtilfG , THE. CUSTOM HOlnift 1 Ilfo,?eit Pei& li'mbbf, Ninr; ...., : Jersey. ~.,,•1.1•.n•-•ii• •-”, Trineleur DirrinmmulT, I' '• f.flireemirdioiri fieoteikbei 2114 1837. i PROPOSALS will be received at this Department until the 46th day mralorareber, A.-D. tauilat 12 o'clock, nom, for the comotruetiozi of the' Custom Rouse, Post Moe, mad Court Room authorized to be erected at ?BM ADIBOY, New - Inniey, scouting t o the A m ; end letflitegoturiprepared itt thin Departmearr said penile!' *to hi/either for the: whole buipling, orsoperate, fselliftdilteireitlidds,dt nork4lbiliiiof petals ;IMAM every nue sonompituresell MI ; With the amount of east, kind of work, and, the. total nipprint carried oat; the Regartraeat retervinethe Sight' to ieject ' or eceept the frallOmtlaUstablrosiitoo, 'Or iiii #att tliernot,' when it amens the interest of the oOfted Stat es require it; the "potLifnentuico roger-ref ,tAtt right xde 4s, °" 18, Imlrrou riii perilous whine 0;60 In pet cabin to believe will' not falthrully perforttr-the i ebtititetosi•Or" which therilurre•Attempted Eosobtetti by indirection; end all bleelibio.tbereetintl be parties in Internet who do nogelt Inthertilil. ,i 1 'tied '4l bib that upon Inveetign. lion Wei offer ifriedtlit the work. RidsWillnot be received In groes, - and nli contract Wlll be nwertled- tp a bidder unless details are furniptind Abe , Department of llul Ottawa , the dlffeinnt kinds of WOrk; and material', whtatt *TM ..be tubleetteitht• ramekin of th e pepertitheiti,noittuit ft meradopethrwhole or pert of the bid Ma=ths Inteiettiot they United States nultrilPVll - Drit :lit 1...,,i ~, , ", , ~,,.,,, peirotrint,oteher etnoinit'orwititli done' end' ax ., r i delivered liotordink --t6 *entreat 'mien Veld limOnnt idlietielierttilledlif an estirtatit of ird'itentof the Department iippetated , forlhat`pftriefej will'l, 4 palatrueolillne to time: de thirwork progreemei minim pen eent e retatned until the completion of - the contract, and - the • eneeptenee of. Mie, irork; &n.';•- by. Alin :keep storeiutid, minim fottnited In the event or non-fulfilment: Of eolltinct. ' . i -g,.. 4 ,,ci Vl t t : , -!1,4 7, IA all 050 0 l a l o t 2 it(' 4te rit rded near tp.marten4mlldeee and m 4.. lur neehsnment thereof „except hypos.- " I '4 ' . • ti P7- 2t, Pkt n e liVYi !Wi l° 2 ' 3 :7 're r ti . " 4- k ' i I - Ida' AM* it:46i4geE'd Wiel4rti‘ii ' ' ~. it. =tee, m ned tittiee :repo 'hie persons partifted' be' 1 se toy ' ritited eletlbtl/4 "iat Judge( erAttaftiettif thelliNtiAtrik#*.iiia of ts,ooti-tou.,*mis wptp._ -- ot-AVri.itioni ' rut toot,mtifhis, do wow , 1 jilerPkeilnitint, ff 'his -proPneel: Inf ete dideanditerf "'illieiltreit'fied botittitilth*cipti , m i r eallioato etteelteatbinliverrortiiens ,i'" ArtifteginneleCrintgoottleader railllre4 „WA ;bur 4. - :: nisaarbirklfflegtiboltP.o 4 thlit vi -, fuillreirerbeWlo- t* Ot ' lOl O , - -- 'Xira, , tsiti l ete 44 fii.`4o4 *lll it SIM% soittelieloefattaik liradiet! . ' — 4kb -e a ' ' , , , 464 t 4/ ibis iii 2 - '' ' ' ."' ' • I in if,' i d L tk t s uifueto 4l4matek re..,,. 7 .a , -, fEOVSIL GOBS, Lase o*. ' -, of ga 7:Trial.. f.-_.. ~. ~~ ..,,.~---~.,_. !EMI :Y,'N= , . , y t't ....., ~. .. . • pROPOSAtS,#,OIi IN DIAN GOODS: !I lIIIP4.IITRIONT Or cue INTERIOR, • • Mee- Aintirs, Qobsper 15, 1857. • &RAW endorsed Propose:hi for dian Qoods [class I, 2,8, or 4, as the ease inottie,l: „will be reelsire?' at the Ogles of Indian Affairs, Wash 20ittoli 041. tinitl ISO oloolp N., on daturdey, th e , 14th , day., otnOtSritbor pont, tor turataltio2 Pods for; Ao . .todlin,Annottsnentlor,rolillittig,tresty stipulations, with various Indian tribes, and for other Diana POIEIPs ; i;• ; Mackinac Blanketi L cioks, and b r i 8,000 pairs Xpoint.wkite Mankinesiblankete, to measure ; , , 00 by,72lzioben, and:Wolgli svounds: : 4,900:034ra 24 -point to'nseasurul BC by ;os Inebes', arid trulgkk tainnds'. I;soitkiii2tpoliit white Miokinie bliokets, 4o measure 42 by 54 inches, and weigh 63( pounds: ; 1,1105 pairs I.g. point white lifackunie litantets, to men-' 'lure p 0 by_Bo irekes; and weigh 4 pounds. 16 O risiint white Miekitiao blankets, to measure ' tkby 46 inenes;'ind,welth 83( pounds. ' 3041paini 8-pointafearlet - 14aoltiese blankets, - to wee sure 60 by 72 inches and weigh 8 riurids. dOO pairs d i ls -point scarlet ifackinso hiankets, to men - 'ante 54 Ity'6o,lpilkits,"And 4 pelgb 6 pounds: 200 pain 6,t( point green If o akinao , blankets, to toes- • • ,sure - 013 by 84 inches, weigh:lo pounds. „ MN/ pairs 8-point green ,litankinao blankitsjto measure 8 0 by 72 incties,and'sreigli 8 pounds. 400 putts 2 3 ( point green Masking° blankets, to moa -84 by 08 incises; and 'weigh 6 pounds. 200 pairs 9J{-point Indigo blue Dlasklnao blankets, to measurer 60 bt 84; inehes; end wbtet /0 pounds. 200 pars I:potnt indigo bine Mriakinto blank.ets, to • nstaidire 60 by l 2 label, and weigh *pound,: 300 pairs 2.)4-polnt indigo blue Iteeklesse blankets, to .„Inealesse o! by, 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds ••200 rite 2lei-point tlenttinella bind Mackinac blanket'', =• = .rnesanns , 00 , by' 84 inches; and ' weigh 10 pounds. " 200 pairs 8-point Gentintlitsbltie,Msokinao blankets, to nieasuse 60 by 72 Inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 850 pairs 2N point Mentinella blue Ifeeklnaablenkets, 1.6 immure 64 by 66 'tittles, and weigh 6 pounds. 3,2oo'yarde tansy list blue cloth 2,006 'Le black cloth ' • •600 " a green cloth 4,500 " gray list blue cloth 3,500 " saved " blue cloth 3,000 ,‘ • • `" , scarlet cloth 3,000 "green cloth 00 pounds woratedryarn, 8 folds 100 dozen 'cotton'. Bag handkerchiefs • • • 100- Madras • 2to fanareetton 60 " black sulk 50 " 8-4 cotton abalrLa • 100 4, 0.4 100 ;4 , - - 4-4.• ••• 34 ," 00 ' 3 5-4 woollen shawle ' 1,000 peter:Matinee thread • sewing milk • 1. ' 500 planes ribanda - ' 150 gross worsted gartering ' • • 1 76 piecetidlik handkerchiefs gye 0 yards-T*llrd • 25,000- "' Monition° exile° 16,000 " blue drilling • 15,030 " white T 4 - - 6,000 'Eltiorgiutrlpes ' 3,000 " blue denims - -8,000 1 , " , eotbinide " - ' 35,000 •rt • bed ticking 1, • "' lientuokylesns• ' • • 3,500 4, urinate 10,000 ~ .." blaiehed shirting— , 20,030 " dowesttowldrting, (urdittisebed) 20 000' 4, sheeting 30,000 T " "thlickiistryirep Ind plaids -200 detedwoolVzi eooke - _ 2,000 yards tlandols, assorted - lob° pounds cottoirthraad• 000 dozeti stool notten , ' 800 pounds-best Chinese ioiwillton 600 4,4, Ani6rican ' ;1,600-` 'ibroWn giiling twine, No. SO 1,000 •0; , cotton maitre • 2,400 flannel shirts ; 2,400 dalico 4, 10 dozen Canadian belt'. • „ _402 flock coats, Indigo blue broad cloth ,240 pantaloons,t_ 4 4 • 200 nets, frock,coata, • ..f hetOry twilled 100 pantaloons, • 4 4 . 4 1 200 - Ir4gA. , • , 4 4i 100 Mackinac indigo-blue blanket capotea • 100 black satinet orettesta, (N0"..1i) •,1l 0. gray ninth ovorcoits • • 100 44 44 44 costa • - ,100, 4 4 : 44 ! 44 ' Lptilitsloons ' ' 300 black satinet costs . • 100 pantaloons - • .• .100 .• „vests. • • • IWO bluo satinet coats • • 200 , 22.0 todet mixed sat not Wait 200 - c. pant Moons 200 , ;..<,! ,:s neatsY. ‘'. - , , ', --- ''' •131.040 1.70:3. 'Atrauor;,,tigrictitiural,linpirsmenisi mod Ages, 0,000 pounds brass kettles. , • , ; 2 .' 05 tin kettles, (6 sixes) • • , . 200 nests Japanned kettles, Bhi a nest ' • , 60 dosiu 10-quart tin pans. , • 76 •,, , 0 ~ 1s . /6 if 4 ‘, rt . 100 " a -0 C'' 5, ~, , -d• , r ~ 800 " botcher knives . . 200 " scalping "„ , 25 U ruk l2l / 1 4 __ „, ~ ; z „ 60 gistafgutOrorms„ , - , .• ,, . , ~. , . • ;. , 160 f , - . endaw mein. , ,', -'125 - '" - Audi hoops, #itSorted , . i 300 dozen fish lanes, • . • 350 'gross needles , ' • • . , „ -' 160 dozed Chaise' tooth'combs - . 150 " lino Sl. , . , 160 , " . 0018301 i ' ' 15 " ' bush ir ythia .„ ~, - . 2 5 " ,grate." ,' • 30 " ...' *glees - , . . :- „ . ; . S 0 ' ~ ; .'&sboti/t r too:. ' :. • - • oli; 4, ' ' • 'weeding ci .100;pitiea hags/ .- , ~• „ . . • „ . , '2OO - ..,*trine;oVidlis„-,. ',/00 0 4 r challis -,. , , ~ , ' 800 drawing linlies, 10 and 10 inihes in,l,elltia • Flehtiers,to.:lVlSkproportions of .IX, 1, X, and 200 hand 'saws' ', - ' ' 5 0 einteintlissili, 7 feet, he length •, • - sodoioniiiiiii4iw obis - . : • .10, " . cross-ontaaw files , . . . J- 10 " ' Ne 6O 4,tIPS ,;,, , ' 250 quarters rocket chisels, X, 1, and 2 Inch 70 plineslorenndlsog., >, .- , ' 26 doten thotels ' 25 '. l ';.,.' spadei,.,:—. er , . - 000'sanip tottleti,'(is sires) - 8,000 short handled frying pans - 100 (Luzon bseting Epoque , •„. , ' 200, , trodlablqspoons, '2oo' '" ' tin cups' 16., '.myths spathe ~ .. •., i ~ , , - , .• • - , :A.'," , ~ 'izei, to weigh from 436 . to 5Y pounds - 100 "'"''' - lialraites;io weigh 34 pounds 70, " hatchets , to Weigh 5% Pound , ' . ,` 16:' " - ~,brintd-iiaa. i onilnary all.O , 71 . 6 4 /{•:" , 'sing ' mirrors - - ~. , . - , 76 " - fiio stoat' - ~ ~ ~- ..- • ' ..,tree Nti. 4:- '• ' ' ... . ~. ,-, • i • Aortkieerf pneis. " . 11,000 northwest' gins,' flint leek " - '' I' 2 A9- , `,!-- -, ,-, ~ .".. :• , P,°, 6 4 111 1 ° l '...:l9ekt •' , •' ' f,. Propdsalif wilt on received,. for the delivery of acid goods at BoetonvNew,yerk, ,BhUadelphla', Baltimore, liew Orleans; Bt. Lilis, Memphis or Cincinnati; but in Considering,the bide, the, olt o f transportation of the Same' to their reipective destinations from the places proposed to be delivered will , form CO element in deciding upon,the,proposals. , . . ,• • ~, ..' . ... •The right will bo refterfan Orgill/Ird A greater Orlesa nualititi of any of the articles named than that •Pecift°d In the above schedul e 5.4 040 4 47,0'MM:0f a different descriptiataMat,aey,tt peled, off,, at the lowest market prices." . , - . . , ~ , • • fireside of Antericait',lnitarlfacturc, of the required ktylesand quality', will blipreforred; MAO the samples orblankets and ,clothe are folio, fabrics, it will be no reentry, In proposing a' domeatio article , of tither of r ow kinds; that a flatly's) thereof - shall accompany the The, ertial c s to be furnished ,nnut, in all respe.ts, Conform" to and be enual with the samples recently Re lented, which may be iMeritit this 94k0„ They, will bo rigidly inspeeted and,eempared with . those -etunitlAS b y ate Or agents fetr thailimpoee, Buell as may be unequal thereto',ln any partieularwill be re jected ;In whiclibasellie contractor will be bound to furnish others of the required- klmlne quality within three days; 'ne t if , that, tut not dene,.they will be pun. cbeited at his expense; - Payment will be made for the goods received dn' tnielnes, thereof...certltled by the agent or agent, appointed to lospectthem.• ; It Will ho understood that ' all bids for furalshiog the goods above npeeified May be.refeeted at the option of the'Departnierit;'pdriiciaorilif made by one who is not, known as a manufacturer of, or regular dealer in, the article proposed to be furniatted; which fact, or the re ierse, must be distinctly stated' in theibide offered; find thit • the , bids' at' ell - partionlihirlib' mai bwirs' Cep. to eoniplkwith the paint:win - 6f any,dotstractatit y May bare' Preqieuisly'enteret-1 'tate trti o the u tinitot,'Btetea shall, at the option of theiliepi ' eat', be keleetee 6 wcordanee with this letter and apirl or a c)ttic reso)4tig u of Congress relatire in bids' for' Provisional elothing, duo., for the use of the nevi; approved 27th March, 1854. , ! Bonds will be required; 'nibs anionnt of ;the bid, for the faithful , performance of the contract, with two or moors 61.1r0tieR, whose suiliclenenhust be certified by a Tnited States judge or diet:dot attorney; The , PrOposals must embrace the articles, with the quantities thereof, as they axe 'arranged in the foregoing fichedeleovith the pricer, annexed to 'each, in dollars dad yenta; it *which' they will be furnished, and'the taiminte Cutest 'be , carried oht and footed ep for 'elicit elms,' "They should be submitted 'with the following heeding: ' ' ' ': " t , 1 for weyttehiby propole to furnish for the service f,tho Indian departmetiyand: ficcerding to , the terms f its adirertliement therefor: datedlietobeillith; 1867, be following articles, , at thepricis i thereto axed, there insert the list awarding tSi the Olio* Or clauses ropoeed for,] deliverable' in the , hity of [Boston; lie* ork, Philadelphia, Baltimore, N ew Orloonei St:Louie; ' Memphis, or Cincinnati, as the ease may - be,] by the fret day of April next, or at such time or timed during ' the year 1858 as may , be ordered by the, commissioner 41111(1.1in 'Affatre ; • and I' for wej Will alio furnish, at the same prices, such additional , quantities of the earns kinds and qualities of 'goods,- and at the lowest Market aria*, such othhr article( of i different desorill con as may be required for , the' service of the India* dipartnient - during the-year 1308 deliverable at abort. ' atateff; and if this proposal be accepted, [bore insert the words; .in whole or in Pert,' if more than one clash he proposed for,] I [ or wej•irlti,4lthls- twenty =days' thereafter, execute a eontratt itocordingly, and give decurity, satiefactoty loAlie Oonixidellenior of Indian Affairs for the faithful 'Perferroancfb , of the same.” Mere:insert whether the party proposing is or is not a Manufacturer or regular dealee , lo the article proposed to be furnished.] . ...', —.. . ; •.• ,:, - , .• „ • Mich proposal must also be accompanied by a swam. tee, in the following form, to be signed by two or more responsible persona, whose sufficiency must bo certified ity one griper° poisons, Personally or .offfelally known to the &pertinent :,, . . •..•. , „ I .. I for we ) bereby.gultrititY that NM . abort bidder,' (or bidders ( ] if a contract shall be awarded to him, ter tberit,raccording to hie for their] foregoing bid °rpm- Prod, will execute a contract, and give escuritY for the perferinriecethereof, as,presoribed in the advertisement for 'prbposali for Indian goods, dated 'October 10, 1807 end I for we] agree to payipy and ell damages or karts Which the United gates or the Indeed may Suffer by reason ,of (allure so to de on the part of the said bidder, (ok bidders.') ' No proposal will be considered that does sot strictiy conform to the terms and 'directions of this advertise 'bent. ~ , . t Byrnrder • of the Secretary or the Interler." I •t - ; ' t ••• CILABLEB 11, XIX., oeff2ltliddetu Intend " ' Acting 00mmissioner. „sweeneweese--- _ • . . . i4 - 1.4,04:0i':, Iitt%TENT . TO. TEACH As. the branches of az; Englteltedueattoo, Neenah, nod Musky 11 , 411481 a obtata.aaltaatioa as day Governors fo.young ,007, referesteei gloom. Addroes . A.. i •box No. 162 Philadelphia P. 0. • • • 0e22-Ivr , VI/ANTED, FOR TIM UNITED STATES i , iikaiiiirted , men, to' U ha given. good:poi boUtd, _Clothing, Mid 4 4441 ottondanao. , , ay from Oil°, 11721 1 iir nonth y t No man baring a wife or child bo acceplec , ' for MOUNTND lIEN.YION N0. , 81T MAMMY atireot lbws aorth aide.' 3 • WILLIAN B. NOYALNi Lieut. 2ti Nectar emirs? • .1 Reernltiog Offteet.,,, oc . 5-Ito WA,TEA'T"W *GEPOWTHON lie or low* wo. yog4l sow now vault vi4,piOiliz Lull ;ed; eetteteiyli Th. Vrzooct bi,ne.l , 4 49v4e.tkP e w 4 4tie ue„beT , feek ies7ellip Bogtze46..the eiwyegue4we*,zagi . & wipe epoweee r the weete ; o ahll3titso „ *too,wow,o4iii ketu ta Bov mwtot e :Ve WZIAQ t" - -OHs I iiiIIAY,ORALI4 'MOM MX R. Alamo NI son-lbs htiiM Itafilittalfikaa UntA v IPOWITU ialiallisit IWO% ware wittakwa wassim w , act PlA** ' '' Wants. t TDE pßEssoiaplludintiartilA, I'UESOAY, OCTOBER 27, 1867. ixu 10006 _ ....._. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. guAltrumisvnes Orretni Mamma Oorire, • , Washington, Oct. 10, 1867. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office 080118 o'clock, p. m., on Friday, the 18th of November, 1857, for supplying the marine corps with the following articles during, the, fiscal year ending 80th June, 1858, • 600 to 800 uniform caps, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompoone 1,000 to 2,000 patent-leather stocks. 600 to 800 privates'. uniform; coats, complete, of navy blue cloth, indigo dye—to be . • . chemically tested. 50 to 100 sergeants , uniform coats, (same as above.) 50 to 100 musicians' coats, scarlet cloth, cochineal bo chemically tested. 100 to 200 palm non-commissioned oftlcerit" span . tattoo. • 600 to SOO pairs braes centre straps. 80 to 60 red worsted sashes. 1,000 to 2,000 pairs linen overalls. 1,000 to 2,000 linen shirts. 2,600 to B,ooo,pairs brogans, Nos. 8 to 11, 600 to 90 marine blankets, (gray,) 500 to ' 800 knapsacks. 2,600 to 8,000 pairs woollen Books. 600 to 800 marine fatigue caps, the cloth to be navy blue, Indigo, dye, and chemically • „ tested. 600 to 800 fatigue frocks, 1,000 to 1,600 flannel shirts, 600 to 1,000 mitre woollen overalls, blue kersey. 000 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. 800 to 600 watch or geed coats, do. 600 to 1,000 pairs Canton flannel drawers. 95 to 00 musicians' Jackets, scarlet cloth, conhi neat dye—to be chemically tested. Sample' of the above articles may be seen en appli cation at this office, or at the Oleo of the assistant quartermaster marine corps, 182 Spruce atreet, Phila delphia, It Is to be understood that the accepted' bidder is to take all material used for manufaeturing coats, overalls, Ice., on haud,at the time of entering into contract, at the contract prices thereof. lilde will he received for tho whole or in parts fpr the articlea'required; and it must be explicitly understood that a critical inspection will be given all articles fur nished as,to at and quality, and that articles which do not codas up to the sample will be rejected and thrown upon the hands of the contractor. The quartermaster reserves to himself the .right to increase or diminish' the quantity named above, as the exigencies or interests of the service may demand: • Proposals to be addressed to the "Quartermaster of the Marine Corm , ' Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Pro posals for Supplies." The paper, publishing this advertisement will send the paper containing the ,first Insertion to this oMee for examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense—at, the rate of 76 cents for '3OO ems tint inser tion, and 31,ty cents per SOO ems for all subsequent in sertlona. • ocle.stuthtNcrvl3 nailroab Vito. EMIL ADE L P HIA, ,HERMANTO WNN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD.—SVINICER ARRANGEMENT.—On, and aftor MONPAY, October 19tb; 180, • - VOA ,CtERMA.NTQWN Leave Philadelphia at 8,7 X, 83{. 9},f, UK A..u., 2, 8-10 min, 4; 5,0, 7,9, and 11 P. 31. Leave Germantown at 6X, 7-85 min. 8,9, 103 A. 31., 1.10.3-10 MID. 4,5, 6, 7,8, and 10P, M. KW, — The 7.36 o'clock A. 3f. Train from Germantown will atop Only at Wayne Street Station.' ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia at 9.93 min. M., 2 and 6X P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. 11., 1-10 tofu, and 5.45 min P. M. ORESTNUT RILL RAILROAD. M!iiMIRWMI=I Leave Oheatnutlllll at 71(,8-90 and 10-10 min. A. H., 12-50, 0-40, 5-90 and 7-90 min. P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9-20 A. M., 2 and 6% P. AL Leave Oheatitut Hill at BA. IL 1240 and 0.20 P. ht FOR HANAYUNIC, 001113210HOOKEN AND NORRIS- Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 9, 11 A. N., 8,4%, bx, and 11 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7,9, n A. AL, 8 and 0.40 P. M. ON IiIINDAYS, TAM% Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A: M., and 6 P. M. 011113TRR 'VALLIty RAILROAD FOR DOWNINO. TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6X A. M., and S P. U. Laata Downingtown at 7X A. 51 , and S P. M. 11, K. SMITE, Superintendent. Depot, Muth and Greer" streets, Pktladelphla, Alerthant %Coro 151DWASto P. KELLY, 814 CHESTNUT STREET,. Su jut received a choice assortment of CRAVATS, GLOVES, TIES. SCARVS, MORNING GOWNS, SHIRTS, TRAVELLING SHAWLS, SNOW= PA TENTI GAITERS, &0., !se. 'which • min be ' sold at Moderate prices for credit—tow for cosi. The 'Madams of KELLY Ic BROTIIRR, Is now at tended at No. 814 CHESTNUT street, by B. P. KEL LY br 1011 N. PARMIERTY. - • - odb.tf JOHN P. DOHERTY, FORHOOLT WITH HOLLY' to anorak's, LATE WITH LUKENS, RELIT, & 00., TA.11.,0n, SA CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE EIGHTH, Has now with him the boot Tailors that are engaged in the boldness in this country, CHABLIS ROTII, formerly the leatflog.tallor of this city; M. Itsvana, former ly cutter for 0, Roth & and late Coat and, Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.'iliaat Witisatt, the best Banta and 'Veit cutter in the United titates, for years tuna with replerris, under the Into; Ildnee, Drosaway and with Dopierris & Pettit", under the Bt. Nicholas lintel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all whopatronise the establiehment. The. best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for casA." ' , 0018-tt lA:ME - MHE RICAN, MERCHANT ,R iNoe.'l6.andle Sonpa 211NTE OTABZT, .ABOVE OIIEBTNET: , ' ' A buts fond • well selected' stook or 111/OTHEI and OAB9III/INNB alwayd on hand. All Clothing made at this Satsldlehment will be or the beat qoalffr; and lh the : twist redblonahle style. Partioular attention `Siren to' ,UNTIPONId CLOTH ; ING.' • ' soda §ata, grape, mac, 31,,GARDAN & CO., laaruitaidureriof and Wholesale Dealers to 11414 . 8, OAVS; , FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL PLOWIMS, Xotrallaft, FEATIIERS, , te., Be. No. M 2, (oldiNo. 1911) MARKET Stu", ' Below Sixth, south side,. And No:021 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. O. Raper amain, • • DAXSZL Boron,. Merchants are reipeetrally Invited to *:amine our stook ' 044-2 m 'SULLENDER .PASOAL; ' ' HATTNREI, No. 9 B. SIXTH street, Philsdelpids. anti Shots. JO. '442, SOUTHEAST OORNEE OF MABKET and .PIPTII Eltrooto. BontiornenPa Beet Patent Loather Bolter Boon. If Oalf - do.. do, Patent Leatboi Odford TM. ' • .it Calf do. do. - 4i Patent Loather and Oalf narrow 'lisp Shoes,: • • • • Boor and Yotithol Patent Loa th er sona Colt Skip 'ratter Hoots and Bhoes ata4 Yor see by VALI, STOOK OF BOOTS AND SNOBS. -4OB3tPII>t ff ROBINSON lc CO., No. 314 MAR NET Street, and Nos. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new in store a larke and utell.assorted stook of 1100Til and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, 'whioh they offer for sale on the best terms for Cub, or on the usual credit. sul - Royer' dtf are invited to call and ,eXaMirne their stook. ijottlo nitb Ueotattrants grin PALACE RESTAURANT IS' OW JL opou, at the Northwest corner of THIRD and /MANLY, below. &Ippon street. 00 and see the most ;beautiful bow-room in Philadelphia, and taste the beet 'Brandy, Whiskey, et,o.", Ice., in the world. ocild-et* JOHN I. ANDREWS., WILLIAM HAMMING% OITY • LAGER nu. SALOON, NO. 282 Oexter's Alley, Plata sep22-8m iItioGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTIL tpx west toner of WIXO . Ab sad WALNUT .--Ciame and ell other delloseles'in season. Namllies anypiled with Oysters on the shortest notice. sepi-7m !MERCHANTS', HOTEL, NORTH POORTH aTIMET A 1 " 11 , ABM MAIIILIM PIIILADELY/Ild. 0ku2,4-ff ; MOII.IIMEN & 140N13, FAIMIITOI4O QCOTT 110USE—Oorier of Irwin Street iad nuqueeigip,way, - entonlirgn. D. D. MAIKEIIi DrapeOtor. ' iaill-&a (tobacco anb Cigars. :VANA CIGAR 2.1. merit, mob u ' Figaro, Neaps, •'thibanu, ' -Sultana, Gloria, ' Jupiter, °obese, ' Oanyerdiantee, Torrey Lopes, " ' 11nIon Arnerloana, °Lakin, • Ylora Cabana, ',co. ite., ito., in X*, X, 1 . 6 and 140 oxen, of ensiles and 'nulli ties, In stdre and constantly reeeiring, and for sale low, ORABLEB TETE, ir) 188 WALNUT Street, below Bound, seeond gory A handsome assort, VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS obotoo invoice of thole eelobrat4d broads ob board brig ti Now Brag 1 daily oxye6t,od from Homo, and foidolo low, by CHARLES TRTN, I , • (New) US Walnut street, below Second, sal &wild Story. ilarbware. CITY NAILS, ' ' hINUGUANT BARS, RIVET IRON, liana featured at YOUNTAIN GUNN ROLLING MILL, on the fiehuYtkill, above Spring Garden Water Worke. WARRNOUSE, 103 North WATER, Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any naiad. oeO•tt " /MIN lIALLDBINAN, Agent., 91ROMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE ' CUTIARY ' LNJ TOOLif, No, 910 ;two' . aT, bona BllnW, aouill aid*, Phila.:l4lWe „ as lA* Wificis aub E4quoto. JOAN •MeCOY, , WHOLESALE WINE AND LIQUOR. STORE, , 811 acid 8188. Wont. and Viatei sta., Del. Spruce. 10 rlaekeono Gray's celebrated BCOTOII WHORE; la Wad aad la atom oo 24-200 "DORT WlNE.—ln , bond and entitled to do triinr;lnaaqtratoceolit s et. Joseph , a Pure Jutu pod _ Tan puncheons Join R a mey Imlay Malt SeotahWhla kaki, 2 years old • Plat pipes Anchor Ohs. Mosett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dopey Brandin", al of ethic& I offer to the trod° at reduced pdcat. .JOB. F, TOBIAS. an22Bmoe 88 and 90 8. Front St.. below Walnut. LEXANDER V. HOLM) S, WINE AND 1i- 'LIQUOR STOWS. Zdo. 220, - Southeiit Corner o prolog and 11011r1 dtrests. pally , I..LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER Nja Ili PIN* •'WIRES, LIQUORS, OLOA118,'&0,, so) $O O . ingvli stria, Phitadelphl*. sid.l7 101 . D Ovalnon & Co., Ms -41,1P. tett 4k. 00. i MA 'alba brands or Copan.) of rations trlntairridilti half plpair miartar antga Pollirroldo lanahelle BrOndknif pale and du*, in halt piper, quarter. tads and orie.rOlith alakt, In Osatinn Mono Moran, Pnparto4 ainkfat tugs ' AY 'aionstati a oo„ M , , :214,2113 atal 1324 Booth Foorth street. .. la01••••••••11.T.... TOMAA ALL AND,I,A,ONISSIL.BINWIIRY, No. 60 w (now v.-411) North it gmaketrin.t,phitioovid".—atappi. -04,041,,,,td4443) , 0 • ~, • t OTZLi Y AND 'BI/41111R RANGES -1)614 VOLUM/OW & to 2 N, MON* Ot as#lo4mok QUIP JOSEPH JONES POE SAN PRAM. 1.7 CISCO —To sail with quick despatch.—Preight taken at reduced rates —The beautiful clipper ably JOSEPH. JONES, Nelson Pendleton, commander, now completing her loading at Race street wharf, has over three-fourths of her cargo on beard rood nearly all of her capacity engaged, will continue to receive freight fora few days, and mil as alma. Shippers will please complete their engageme n t. without delay, and band in hills of lading for signature. Per balance of freight, which will ho taken at very low rates, apply on troard, or to 1319110 P, SIMONS dr, CO., ,120 (lmen) North Wharves, lIIP MARY AND ADELINE, FOR NET ORANANg. Cluarantled first vessel. Receives freight this day and to-morrow. Freights taken at as low rates as any other vessel loading. The fast.salling copperad packet ship DIARY AND A MINS, W. Yates, master now completing bar load ing at Race street wharf, having nearly all bee cargo on board, wilt cuutluue to receive what freight offers, and sail its above. .. • .. Shippers will please hurry tholr goods alongside, and bills of lading to the Counting House for signature. For balance of Freight, at reduced rates, apply on board or to 1119110 P, 9IMONB, & 00. oc24dtf 120 (late 36) North Wharves. The M. k A. Insures at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the Mississippi. The suceeeding packet will commence londlng on Mon day next. Heavy freights can now be. engaged at low ruteo SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. - . STEAMSHIPS STATE OF GEORGIA Ann KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of krone, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present, A. HERON, Jr October lOth. FARE REDUCED AND HAVRE.—The DEREILT, Edward lligg la will nail From New York for South- From Southampton and amptou sad Nom, Nome for New York. Saturday Oct: 24 Saturday Nov. 24 Saturday Dec. 5 Saturday , Doc. 20 Price of Passage—Plret cabin, $100; second cabin, $5O Specie delivered In London and Pule. For freight or passage apply to D. TOItItANON, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each bait ounce, (by encloaure of postage stamps It from other cities ,) wi ll ho received at No. 6 Bowling-green, New York, up to 11X o'clock on t h e morning of mill ing. Oulo-tt GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO Ell- ROHL First Cabin SSOS Second Cabin 860 In the firet•clasa paddlo-wheel steamship ADRIBL, BoOe tons, O. D. Lansaw, Commander, aryl NORTHSTAR , 2.600 tone, P. Si. MINIVAN, to gall hout_pler No. 8 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, LIMO N. York for Southampton, Ha- Bremen for Southampton ere and Bremen. Southampton I for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Weds 'day, Nov. 4. N. Sat'y, Oct. 81. Saturday, Nov. 26. Wediol , l, Deo. 30 Theo steamers touch at 11ATRII. Specie delivered in London and Paris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Croon, Now York. oclo.tf FOR LIVERPOOL-SATURDAY, 17th October.—The packet ship NONPAREIL, (1450 tone) Captain Fault, will sail as above. Cabin pump Second Cabin Steerage lB Second eabin and steerage passengers found with pro. visions according to the American passenger act. Apply to THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. orb. poR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7. X' New York and Havre Steamship Company The United States Mall Steamship' AltAoo, 2,500 tons, David Lines__, commander, and FULTON, 2,500 tone, James A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1867 and 68, on the Ibllowing days : NSW TONE. 1851. 1848. roZtoo, Saturday, Aug. 22 Aram Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago, do. Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Fob. 6 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Mareb 0 Ango, do. Nov. 14 Felton , do. April Walton, do. Rao. 12 Arogo, do. May 1 Felton, do. May 20 LILY' HAMM. 1867. kngo, Tumidly, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Amigo, do. Oot. 20 Walton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. DaO. 15 1858. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 IValion, /tango, do. Bob. 9 drag°, gultou, do. March 0 Yulton, Ango, do. Aprll 0 Arago, Volta% do. May 4 Fulton, Ammo, do. Janet Arago, Fulton, do. Juue 29 Fulton, 7alolll OF YISOLCOI . Prom New York to Southampton or narre—Plot Clahtn,llBo ; Second Oahln, $75. Prom. Havre or Southampton to New Mork—First Cella, 800 frau; Second Cabin, 500 francs, kw freight or pump apply to MOBTI3IBB LIVINGSTON, Agent,l Broadway. WILLIAM Ismail, .6 Havre. 01108 KEY & 00., " Bouth , ton. AItERIOAN NITROPNAN 34 XPRESS AN) .EXI I' Pada. (MANOR 00. anti PIIHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STRAMEII.3.—The Ships composing this Line are The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. . The ADWATIO, Oapt. James West. ..ghee° ships have La.:lnbuilt by contract, expressly for tiornilment service; every oar, Ina been taken in their oonetruetton, as itholn tholrouglnet, to ensure strength and speed, and their innioutmodatiens for pueengera are unequalled for eleganoe and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin, *180; In second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, SO and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have Improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP BAILING. Pao* Env YOU. Yams LlysarooL. ' Saturday, June ID, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 .Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1807 Saurday,..luly, 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1867 Saturday, Aug., 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 8, 1867 Saturday ' Aug. 16 1 , 1867 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1867 flaturday,Espt,l2, 1857 Wednesday,Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Sept,Bo, 1857 Saturday, Oat. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oot. 14, 1861 'Patuoisy, Oat. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oat. 26, 1857 ; Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 Wednesday, Nov, 11, 1867 Saturday, Nor. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 'Saturday, Des. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. 0, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1857 Yofd;r i tab itu t ole . o .g o i tat Ti?. 55 Well street, N. Y. BROWN, SUIPLEY & bO., Liverpool. STEPHEN !LSSARD & CO., 27 Audio Priers, London.' B. O. WAlltiflUOUT & CO., Parte. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, Jewelry.pr ecloue atones or metals, union Ulla of lading,• e c ned therefor, and the value thereof expreased therein aul•tf LUMBER 1 LIIMBER subscriber, who hes for several years occupied the premises at Moan's Planing Mill Kensington has removed to COATES 'STREET , WliAltir, adjoining' the 'Plunnig Planing 1.1111, on Delaware avenue, whore lie intends keeping a largo assortment of Carolina and other floor ' leg booed, steps, rieers, shelving, ceiling, toning and scaffold beards,' thoroughly 'seasoned an d well worked. For sale at the lowest cash price', Purchasers are in vited to oall and 'swami for themselves, tuze4 every ef fort will be made to give 'satisfaction. Orderif received and supplied at the shortest notice for ale kinds nd sizes of Seethe= yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling.. 8. 8. ItIORIE. ONO, 'Pt:TAYLOR HOMESTEAD FOR 42,001 LAND DIS TBULITION I! MANOR YOR POOR MEN!! . - . The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real 'estate and mape to Ito member'. The number of moul ders is limited to 15,000. $2.00 and five letter 'tempo per membership, or 4 *hare. Any individual sending $lO and the stamps,shall be entitled to six *hares; or any person s e n ding 2lo with sit names with th caddies' of each, carefully wrltten v ehall be entitled to Mx shares. The following Is the real estate to be eistrlduted No. 1. An Improved farm of 80 *ores in Cooke Co., 1111nole, slued at $3,000 No, 2. An Improved farm of 160 sores in White. aides Co., Illinois, valued at 8,000 No, 8. An improved farm of 180 acres In White. Adel' Co., Illinois, valued at 8,000 N 0,4. Anexcellentprivalleresidenee inDribuque, lowa, valued at 8,000 No. 6. 180 acres superior farm land in Cooke Co., Illinois, valued at 2,000 No, 0. 160 scree well pine timbered In Wanpacmi Co., Winonahl, valued at 2,000 No. 7. A good lot and cottage residence In Chi cago, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 8. 150 acres superior land in Whltesides Co., Iliinais valued at , 1.000 No. 9. 160 acres good land In Chippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 060 No.lo. 16a acres good land In Ohippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 000 No. 11. MO acres good land in Oldppeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 800 No. 12 100aeree good land In Drum Co., Wis consin. voided at 800 No.lB. 80 acres good land In Marshall CO., lowa, valued at 600 No. 14. 80 sores good land in MarehallOo , lowa, valued at 600 No, 15. 80 acres good land in Mandan CO., lowa, vued at 600 No.lo. 40 scree good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued st ' 300 No. 17. 40 tares good land In Linn CO., lowa, yob ' tied at 800 No. 18. 40 scree gdod land in Linn Co., lowa, vel tied at. 800 No.lo. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, val. nal at 300 No. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, Tal i ned at 000 N 0.21. One building lot in Sterling, valued at 800 No. 22. One building lot in Sterling, Illinole, No St No. 28. One building lot In Sterling, 111Inole, itoo valued at 800 N 0.24. 40 sores farm land in Grant Co., %soon. aln, valued at 800 No. 25. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Willem- • ' sin, valued at 1100 No. 26. 40 scree land in Grant Co , Wisconsin, valued at 240 N 0.27. 40 gores land in Grant Co., Wiscomiln, valued at 240 No. 28. 40 aores land In Crawford Co.,Wisconeln, valued at 200 No. 29. 40 sores land In Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No, 80. 40 acres land in Orawfordoo., Wlecomiln, valued at 200 No. Bl. 40 sores land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued fit 260 No. 82. 40 MOS land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 250 No. 38. 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at 250 No. 84. 40 sores land in Joann Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 35. 40 scree land In Bad Axe 00,, Whiconsin, valued at 160 No. 80. 40 Wes land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued st 180 No, V. 40 acres land In Bad Axe Co., Whiconsla, valued at DSO No. 88. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 160 ;No, 89. One lot In Fulton, Illinolo, valued at 190 No. 40. One lot In Balton, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor. iably. The names and addrons of stockholders shall be (written on as many small cash as they have adores, ,and the whole placed in a box, and the first name taken :out shall be entitled to the improved farm No. 1, in the `above list, and the next taken out will be entitled to 'No. 2, end so on until the 40 Items of real estate are all !distributed Thee to each of the remaining 14,900 :stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a Western 'State or Territory A full account' of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member 'of the Assoelation, with ttio names aad address of such meTteceive the real eatate-to whom also the deeds will be Bent and Immediate possession given. Each ap.i Iplleation meet be accompanied with $2.00 and five letter 'lamo.. Address LINDELL, JONES do CO., au-13, Chicago, S i , IK i LOYER SEE—NOTIOE TO PENN - BYLV4NrOtAIMIERB AND - 4TOR,BKBEPERS. liOnndeielkneit ate ';inc wepoted to parehaiii tot km `p_iiine ()lover tieed - ot the - new crop. Peowsylviuge story it&irifid liirtnori t Ai esie ll ng eamplee 0 , 44 'iwirtr ii, etW; 1%41 'times, owertallittie price of blob lweare,bbyteg, - Pardee Veiling sampl es, by whicji to ilxi goverbeit lie to illtutltty; Otin have them sent • by mel t ' by addretleing de; 4 ' 4 J.ll CHASE & CO, aulil•lf a North hoot, and 44 Water itreoti ohippmg• TO SOUTHAMPTON neguitleeot isteamblp VAN• ,e, commander, 5,208 tone, LINIIII 800111/INTOS 1857. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 20 Fulton, do. Bept.2s Arago, do. Oct. 21 Patton, do. Nov. 18 Arago, do ; Dec. 10 1858. do, Jan. 19 do. Yob, 10 do. Mar. 10 do. April 7 do. May 5 do, Juno 2 do. June 90 Lutubcr. F OERING, FOX & CO.- DBALORI3 IN SOHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH. COAL, Southwest corner of RACE AND DttOAD, nall-s in th it KN OWLE S ' COAL DEPOT, NI — NTTI and WILLOW —Tho Spring Mountain, Sugar Loaf, and Hetzleton Lehigh Also, best Schuylkill Cocci, for sain, Terms cash, oct23-11e* 2240 LBS. is A TON.—BUYERS and consumers are invited to examine our Mock of LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK IMAM COAL." Our Coal is selected expressly for plumy uso; being carefully wearied, we will warrant It free from slate uud duet. " hell 2240 lime," being 240 lbs. more' , thou sold by retail dealers, at "25 cents less per too.' ' Also. ou baud a full supply of "BROAD TOP HIM VINOUS COAL" for Bleam-smuoratlug, and Rollin-WU purposes. Thin Coal cannot be ex celled. 'Vaa la, BROAD and VINS-131g alga, "2240 LDS. IS A 'VON. (ReS-atn] LEWISTON & OO CCO AL! COAL 1 COAL !-TAGOAR ORIXBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LRHIGII COAL. J. k R. OARTER'BOREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINK EORESY 8011EYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH fleas for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL ON ALL SIZES. There is no Coal milted anywhere, equal In quality these and a trial will conviure any sue of their groat superiority. Our Coal le very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areaaLOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders loft at our Me, No. HI 800 II .FRONT fared, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, bele% BROAD greet. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above OAL. LOWIIILIt—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ox. &Min° our Opal before purchasing elsewhere. auddf SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I sin dolly receiving, at ray yard, the best quality o_ SOIMYLKILL AND LEIIIOII 00AL. My customers, and all. others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. r No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer it LOW Palatal. ALEXANDER OONVERY, N. Z. corner of Broad and Cherry Std L.EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— .a—it DALY, POUTER & 00. COAL DEALERS No. e2l PRIME 4treet, above Eighth, keep conetantly on hand at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. aul•fini UMBER AND COAL.-MONTGOISIERY & NEALL having connected the Coal wits the Lumber business, inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the best gttalittes of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive order°, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be left with Mr. S. NILPATRION, No. 13 S. FIFTH street, or with Mr. IVII.I. D. NEALL, corner MD and WATIIP, streets. aulB.3m Druge alib ebemitale. Ll RE DE 111 0 K BROWN,-CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, north-east, corner FIFTH and OUESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, solo litiumfactorer of DROWN'S ESSENON OF JAMAICA GINGER, which is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, add has become the Standard FAMILY BLEW OINE of the United States. . . This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. During the Summer months, no family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, ' and particularly in BOA sickness, it is nu active and safe as well as a plesaant and efficient remedy. OAIITION.—Persons desiring an article that can be Mind upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GlN lit, should Do particular to ask for Brown's Ea- MUM of Jamaica Ginger," which ie warranted to be What, it Is represented, and is prepared only by PREDE RIM. BROWN, and for sale at hie Drug and Ohinffical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and GIIIISTNUT Streets, Philadelphia ; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries lu the W. States. aul-Ma Sire proof Zrtfeo. SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS h. WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOOM, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, An. On u good tenon as any other establishrneot In the United States, by EVANS dt WATSON, No. 26 South MIRTH Area, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE ITS A CALL. aulS•tf ,iritrnacce IPOACGRRGOR 110 T-AIR FURNACES Sold by CHADWICK & BRO., SECOND Street find door above Race. angle-Soma IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAB CONSUMING FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNWE, after having been put to the meet severe tout, during the two COLD VIINTIMO Of 1858 AND 1857, has proved to be the moat powerful heater in the world, satins. from X to X the fuel over any of the best fursaces now in nee. MASS FURNACES ire conetruoted with a cast iron ash pit, and • broad, shallow pan•shaped Bre pot, lined with tire•brick or Iron stares. The fire pot is eurmount• ed with A SERIES OF CONES, oft TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to email aper tures at the top, and uniting with the dollar chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Tus waoLe products of combustion in the form of smoke and 0.68118, aro suspended directly °yet the tire, OonrDOID or compressed into the tapering Comae and CONTINUALLY EXPOSIID to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This' heat and light is brought to a'smoos f macs Coal, not unlike the OOLLROT lON Of THE SUN'S RAYS, to a fool point through on ordinary lens, duping the &MOIR AND Oillen to become intensely heated and tho roughly CIONSOUND, by this operation the MUM! Add 00000 are MODS IiQUALLT AVAILABLII with the FOUL. iessur for heating purposes, while, in other furoads, It is ealteltD Orr AHD WAWritli ill TOO • . . Allparsgos desirous of obtaining the beet and 310 ST EOONOMIOAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to ciunine the New Ons 00I0113)1IN0 CONK Faience before pnrchaslog coy other. The at tention et architects and builders le particularly to quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Ilarrison,) No, 624 WALNUT Street, aul-tf Opposite Independence Sneer LOCAL FREIGIIT NOTICE—THE RENNSTLYANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forwent FREIORT between Philadelphia, Leneaater, and Columbia, at tho following rates per hundred pounde BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. That Class. Second Clean. Third Clue. Fourth Clue. 22 eta. 18 eta 10 ctn. IS eta. Flour, 18 eta. per barrel. Pig metal, .10 ate. per 100 pounds. 11F.TIVIlEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. Find Close, Llecond Clan, Third 0111 U. /earth Olen. 23 eta. 17 eta. lb ets. 13 eta. . . Flour, 25 ets. per barrel. Pig Metal, 10 eta. per 100 pounds. ARTIOLIIB OF FIRST CLASS. 'looks, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in Bags, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale in bottles, Dry Gads Poultry in coops,, Alex Pork, (fresh.) Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Feathers, Wraping Paper. AUTIOLBB OP 2eCLASS. Apples, Molasses, Cheese, Melons, Moyer and Dram Seed, Oils In casks or Week], Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candles, Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried,) Groceries, Printing Parr, Guns and Rifles, Paper ilanguigs, Herring in boxes and kegs, Queenswaro, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco + hales, Iron, hoop, band, or 'hoot, Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Herb] e Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (optEl.o Monuments, "Var pish. ARTICLES OF cn CLASS. Alcohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hides, (green,) 'Vinegar ' Lard, White Lead, Oysters A Clams, ( in shell) Window (Mass, Tobacco, (manufacturlid,) ARTICLES OF 4ru CLASS. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish, salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar Pitch, Whiskey, Plaster. U" For further information apply to E. J. IiNESDEIt, Freight Agent, Phil a. N. K. BOIOR, Freight Agent, Columbia. sun] W. 11. MIthIRS, Freight Agent, Lancaster. rIIIOIOE FARM LANDS FOR SALE.— Iv TILE ILLINOIS OUNTRAL RAILROADOOMPANY is now prepared to Nell about 1,600,000 acres of choice Warming lands, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, on long credits, and at low rates of interest. These lands were granted by the Dovornment to aid in the construction of this Road, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State ' to the extreme South, and include every variety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude, The Not thorn portion Is chiefly prairie, interspersed with lino groves and in the middle sod Southern sections timber predominates alternating ;with beautiful prairies and openings. Thu climate is mere healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the country — the air is pure and bra cing, while living streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal in extensively mined, and slippliel cheap and (bearable feel, being furnished at many 'points at $2 to ti per ten—and wood eau be had at the came rate per cord. , - Building Stone of excellent quality also abormilt, which can be procured for little more than the expanse of transportation. The great fertility of these lands, which are a black rich mould, Item two to five feet deep, end gently roll Mg; their contiguity to this road, by which every Mel lit y is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, South, East, West, and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the moat valuable !avoid:tient that can be found, And present the moat favorable opportunity for persona of industrious habits and small means to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. °Wrap Is now the greatest grain market in the world; mail the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, make them much more profitable, at the prices asked, thou those mare remote at government Wes, as the addi Cone coat of transportation to a perpetual tax on the latter, which moat be borne by the producer, in the re. duced price he receives for his grain, The title la perfect—and when the final payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title is vestal, to the per chasers, which convey to them absolute titles In fee elm. ple, free and clear of every Ineumbrance, lien or wort gaCe prices are from $6 to $3O: intereat only 8 pee et. Twenty per ot. will be deducted from th e price for cask. Them who purchase on loop credit, give notes payable in Oro, three, four, five and siayears anecdote, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for five years. 00 as to have one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. Competent surveyors will accom}any those who wieb to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid them in making selections. ' The Laude remaining unsold are as rich and valuable as those which have been disposed of. SECTIONAL MAPS . . Will be sent to any one who will enclose fifty Cede in postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nu inertias instances of successful fanning, signed by to spectable and well known farmers living In the neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State-- also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc.,—or any other information-- will be cheerfully given on application, eitherpersonally or by letter, in English, French, or Gorman, addressed to JOIIN WILSON., Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central R. It. 00. 11 Oaks in Illinois Oentral Railroad Depot, Chicago, Il nois. L'ILOORIN4 BOARDS-28,680 :feet Caro BF , aooriog fteoltivrU 119 Nor* Water Otreet.4l Oavings Inds. QAPING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY,--WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. ISCORPOSATRD 00 TUB 81A111 Of SONNOTLYAIIio. Money is received In any Bunt, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of depoalt to the day of with drawal. The office le open every day from 0 o'clock in the morning 1111 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. LION. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vito President. WK. J. BIND, Secretary. DlBlOlOllB Iron, Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth eution, 'Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Blunt K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, Jamee B. Smith, Francis Lee. -- • - • • This Company confines its businesa entirely to the receiving er money on interest. The Investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A MALE OE DOLLARS, are made in conformity with the provision+, of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first ohm securities as will always in sure perfect security to the depositors and which can not fail to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution. aul-ly Q,IX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 9 to 3, and on Tuesday and /friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Large or small sumo received, and paid with out name, with 17 PER CENT. INTEREST, by check or otherwtse. .1011 N TIM - 1180N, Preet. TlOl PIIOIDIITB TILOS. T. TAKER, EDWIN M. LEW/B. BIWA/TART AID TRIABOBOI2, WM. T. ELBERT. 71001 . 628, W¢l. 0. Ludwig, D. 0. Levy, Charles E. Le.; A. Mickey , lsrael \V. Moris, Jr., Win. Neal, Thos. Neilon, Thomas B. Reed, M. D dames Russell, Thos. P. llparhswk, Oscar Thompson, Peter WlllJameon, Lease 8. TUG/mut, Charles T. Yerkas. ..uhu B. Austin, John k. Addicke w Solomon Alter, M. W. Ba William Clark, Ephraim (Hark, Jr., (Mules 8. Caratairs, Robert Clark, A. J. Drexel, Charloa Dot(lh, Wm. B. Poster, Benjamin aerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewla Lewis, Jr., rjO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE N PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE NI PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE ./.1 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N °. " (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. stal.ly filarbitterg anb .bran. YAW= Y. XlintlOt. 7. TAIMAX MMKUOX AMWAY R. 10111101 C. SOUTHWARK -FOUNDRY, • FIFTH AND WASHINGTON SMUTS, • • POTLADELTEII. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND DIAOGINISTS, manufacture ugh and Low Pressure glom Enginee, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Beata, ho.,Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, A. a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, inch as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, 'Filters, Pumping Engine., ho, Sole Agents for N. Billieus's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Easenyth'e Patent Steam Kammer; J. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Blest Machinery and Steam Pu.mps, Superintendent—B. 11. BABTOL. RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO 1111 TIVE STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 11111VXMVIIIATE STRXET, HAYILTON, TAISVIIIV MID !?RING GARDEN STREETS, VIILADELPILIA. Segued exclusively In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotivee of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or Bituminous Coal is its crude elate, or ANTMRAOITE COAL, WITHOUT 1011TIlliQ 1110111, OAS 01 Will. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at those Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot, ant insure the beat quality and meet reliable Mock. The large extent of Shops, and Corn. piste Eguiprnent of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANY ARRANoNNENT ENQUIRED. (MILLED OAR WIIMELS, LIAAIURRED MELVA, With Forginge of any site or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACIIINR WORX generally. RICHARD NoRRIN. HENRY LATIMER NORRIS. sul-ly PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL 1 LB WORKS. NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND TIIEORNTICAL DIMINRICRB, MACLUNIST£I, nom:Ft-MAKERS, HU& SMITHS AND POUNDERS. . . Raring for many years boon In successful operation, and been exclusively engaged vu building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, len., kc., reapectf ally oiler their services to the public as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all sites, Marine, River, and Stationary. Raving sots of patterns of different silos, are prepared to exacta° orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forging* of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Baum Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connoted with the above business Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, aad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re palms of boat., whore they can lay In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, block', falls, &a., &e., for raining heavy or light weights. Tlfollat3 REANEY, .TACOB G. ?MAVIS, JOHN P. LEVY, snl-7 BBAOH and PALSOB fifteens, Kensington. H ANDY & MORRIS IIANUYACTURBREI OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRONTUBES TOR GAB, STEAM OR WATER ALIO, URNERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHrS Warebouie S. X. corner FRONT sad WALNUT. atil-3m illebirints. HELMBOLD'B GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Dauhu, for all Memel of the Mul der, Kidneys , Gravel, Dropsy, Norms and Debilitated Sufferers. HELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION, Plztrsot Buchu, remorse all the symptom, amonc which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness. Horror of Thews, 'Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Olsten], often onor. moue Appetite or Dyspeptic Hymptorus, Hot Hands, Flushing's of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, PaiLkl Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, Pains in the Back, Heaviness of the Eye Lids, frequently Black firsts firing before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Loss of Sight. If these aymptone are allowed to go on, s losh this me. dleine invariably remove., goon follow Fatuity and Epi leptics Fits. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of the above distressing ailments, use HELM BOLD'S PREPARATIONS. Try Them, and be convinced 4 Utah. efficacy. HELIIBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Buchu, " Give health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek V , And are so pleasant In their taste, that patients be come fond of them, LIELMBOLD'i GENUINE PREPABA TION, Extract Ihmhu—See overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show that they do great L er I h t: i a n tl p. wh t lt on o hop a r il them with a trial. Evidence open IIAB (LD e GENUI N E P ! t:PTXrtra t Buei. Pr oeE p Bottle, o Dosed to any address. Depot, El Booth TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. Address letters, 11. T. lIPIMBOLD, 52 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealer* everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. an7-Sm* MARCHANT" ORYSTALOGRAPHS, OR PUOTOORAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N. E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST.. The above pictures differ esientially from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance ; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These fade enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to hie friends. They are secured by lettere patent to, and can be had ONLY of X. D. MARCUANT. Irjw Portraits of the cabinet, awl life else on canvas as heretofore. le .18.3nt 1)IG L AMPS .-THE PUBLIC'S respectfully Informed that 0111ces have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at Which citizens are requested to give Information respect ing aceidente which may happen to the Public Lamps; or Many failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the (proper time; or II not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally ' No. 112 Queen street, Third Ward; Charles C arty, No. 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Minim (S. Kirk, No. MS Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward M. W. Dation, No. 2231 Coates .rest, Fifteenth Witrd; 'Thos. V. Dowlby, Gas Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphia;) M. 11. M'Ffulden, Qas Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (Gormantown;) Win. N. Market, Can Office, Twenty-Third Ward arankford and at the (Sal DOW in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. HITE, Superintendent of Distribution. pIITLADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sta. - - L. PELOUZE fc SON, thankful for the liberal pa- tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPEOIIIEN 1100 K is now ready, and from their kereased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a Complete Printing Establishment, at the abortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and bettor fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing 'Materials, 'would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. OW type taken at 9 cents per pound, In exchange for now at specimen prices. 11 E VANS,--10,000---PHISTE Et,' A 43, Card* prr Roar: a ss W Tue.,. Oil vra.ors4Koked 1., Ike .b..a.. .. n . VD" - A D P1X.4..1 4 .1.1A Pre.. Ulla I. 03,.. A 11,: j r..i..,... A l CP. T m. p,... 0 Plats, CA sul nowt* D :i cr ... , ore. o tu tl' , l i L l .7,,._.rmar,..e.ip.rztarj. Dig Cm Library, V 0 UHT a 81C. below Chestnut. CHEAP SUMMER PUBL.—GAS COKE, of eseellen t quality, is sold at the PUILADELPILIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of lire cents a bushel, and may be obtained fa large or small quantity hy ap plying at the Gas 001ce, No. 20 South BURN= Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it le sold at the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price ecialcslent to An thracite, a 162 60 per ton. • (Signed) 7. 0. 0101ELSON, ihr t tikesl Pam /ammo, wAsite, Aug, ,an22-tf CO Qn ENGINE• AND EOTEL LAMP vadotTor (itte4s) south RWIITH, below ClMstaut stfeet, Ameotoe a meter 'of , GO Format', tO,itiir BOUTHE4ts, wurgali 'MERCHANTS, tar &Teo the tottFebienoe of Wink thole old Carriage Lamps new illver•toppetl 'and bottomed, and lent by Nom to all put', aalY 17 insurance Companies HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN -131/ RANCE COMPANY—Office No 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company is putdished fn confocrottp with IS provision of Its chsrter • noxious BECIITED 1000 IT!GI!.,T I, 1314, TO ACGI'..,T 31, 1251. Fire premiums Marius premiums... Perpetual premiums i 55,725 SI 217.702 224 Ou Total amount premiums taken Earned Ore premium5..........25,072 96 Earned marine premiums 355.005 tV-150,073 .58 Deduct return premiums Net named Marine 'wens paid. 803,885 .5 Fits tosses paid.... 8,031 11 MEM Sialvaire re. Intereetre ceired...4,351. 57 B. - Wier IMICe 2,971 62 -2,083 06- 93,633 70 Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements in lieu of snip, salaries, office rent, furnishing sate, books, sta tionery, &c Profit and loss 186ETS. Cash oil hand ....... k 12 ,k10 o` , l. 131141 recelc.ble 110,207 02 Bondi and wort gsgea 164,000 (Y 4 Stocks ow WO 00 Stuck uutes 142,000 00 Duo by agouti and others 22,312 03 $76 MS 84 DIRECTORS. P. H. Potts, Win P Leech, C. E. Spangler, • R. T. Newt!, Abraham Rea. H. H. Hnustou, Win. H. Mole, Joe. R. Withers, Ileorge Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, 0. G. Bower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John II Lewars, Harman Ilaupt, James E. Stiles. Nathan It. Potts. II H. bliillingforl. PERCIVAL H, POTTS, Preettlent 0. E. Srattatla, Vice President. W. 11. WOODS. Secretary. 0e..t2 R. T. Kassa., Treasurer. plat?, INSURIng. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PA'. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAW, AND SECURELY INVENTED, OYPICE, N, W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD _ . „ . .. STS., SPRING GARDENS. °DARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John Sr. Doti Dort, Henry M. Phil. ir, David Woeleper. Lewis fildrmaek Benjamin Davis, John Landoll, John Evans. Jr Charles Yield, Arley IL Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell; John D. Steve-rums, Jacob S. Mintzos., Corwin Stoddard,' Dairy Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George K. Childs. - JOLIN H. DOLINERT, President. L. 'NRI3III3IIAAR, Secretary. sant 21-1 y - - - NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- A OFFICE 414 WALNUT M. Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINA INS URANCE. CAPITAL 8100,000, WITH PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO .500,440. This Company Is now fully organ zed, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against lon or damage by Fire and Marine Perils at current rates. CIFICEBS. IL 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD EGILELDO, Vise President. CEO. SCOTT, BetralarT DIREOToRS. 8.0. Laughlin, 1). bharwood, Win. Osborne, Richard Shialda, T.B.Masse% QUAKER CITY _l_ COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT Bt. Capital and Surplus, $260,000. This Company continues to make Insurance against losa or damage by lire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at current ratea. OPFICEPS. Pre/bleat-OEO. 11. JIART Vice President—lS. P. 11088. Secretary and. Treanuxer-11. R. COGGSILLL. Assistant Secretary-8. 11. BUTLER. ECTORB. E. W. Bailey, Charles (I. Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. Poinoroy, Andrew R. Chambers, 11. It Coggsball, Samuel Jones, If. D., A. Y. Cheelbrougle. George R. awl, R. P. Ross, A. 0. Cattail, Joseph Edwards, John 4. Dale, Hon. Henry M. Puller, Poster B. Perkins, John H. (Members, an 8-1 y PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN SURANOE COMPANY, Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania in ISM, are now established in the:r NEW OFFICS, No, 03 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, from LOSS BY EIRE, on property of every description, in Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FAOTOIIINS and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, Ike. Also, MEROUANDIEN of all kinds STOOKS OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STONES, Goods on STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TIFICERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, &e., An., An., At., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims agalnet them. ROBERT P. KING, Pris't. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Presq. Pa/1018 BLAOIIIIIIIII, /bey. and-3m LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COAL NA PANT .—The PENN MUTUAL LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TITIED and DOCK Streets. Capital, $012,72 5 INSURES LIVES for abort tern, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur ohnsee life on interests in Real Mate, sad nukes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life, They set au Exoentora, Administrators, Assignees, Truiteee slid Guardians. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT In any amount— live Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, payable back on demand without notice. ASSETS OP TILE COMPANY, January let, Inf. Loans of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila. delphla City, Penn , * Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other Loans 3179,836 38 Bonds, Mortgages and Res/ Estate .. 117,137 19 Stocks on Bank., loannina*, Cu and Rail road Companies premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals Cash in Bank, due from Agents, Inter net, to ennsinten Capitol, Onbooription Nolen... 5m,22.5 09 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL R. SPOKEN, Ince Pres't. Toss W. Hoaxes. Recretary. aul-17 ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW YORK.—Oelee No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Ileeltaniest Bank--Cash Capital, $230,000, with a surplus. This Company Insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes and other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire and the leaks or Inland Navigation. DIAZOTORIit Henry Grinnell, Joehtta L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. °nem, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund Pantold, 0. H. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemns, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Morgan, Timmy Monson, Abe,. R. Van Nest, John Jr. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B. Nelson, Charles Renton, James W. Phillips, Louis Lora, Charles A. Macy, lialliael 0. Glidden, Edward 'Blacken, Steph. Cambreleug, Wm. R. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Chorine L. Prost, John Ward, Lotbrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Eden, Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Yield, Geo. Westfeldt, A. R. Prothlngham. Zabuon Taylor, Thos. Y.Youngi, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. BliantD A. 0/ tiny, Secretary. an ln.ly MANUFACTURERS' INS UR AN GE COMPANY.--Oharter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, 5800,0119. Yire, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIVICITORS Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wise , Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Yield, James P. Smyth, Wm. H. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P: Simons, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. Wld A. RHODES, Vico President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. DIAUTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cub Papas!, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct lug its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Once No.lo Merchants' Radium Philadelphia. aul-dly rrith3IERCANTI BANC% COMPANY 0 No. 2/3 WALNUT Street, o RINE /USES on Vessels, C LAND TRANSPOBTATIO Canals, Boats and other ea ALL THE PROFITS Mei eared, and ample security i Dila* Edward Minis Miles, John Id. Odenhelmer, Mahlon lYilliamson t Samuel J. Sharploss, Isaac Jeanee, Henry Preaut, Edward G. James, William. L. Springa, Franklin C. Jones Daniel Maddock, 4., William Taylor, James Murphy, Y. Smith, A. J. Antal°, Samuel L. EDWARD H. ALFRED VA: Jour C. ENFPNR, Beare E MUTUAL PHILKDELPRIA..—OiIIes .pposite the Exchange. MA argoes, and Freights. IN N RISKS, per Railroads, rriages. ided annnaily among the An n Cane of low. avoae. Thomu T. Butcher, Algernon E. Ashburner, Alfred Bassitt, Thomas B. Foster, Gustavus English, James H. Stroup, Alfred Slade A. G. Galls Charles B. Oarstain, Samuel Robinson, John 0. Keller, John P. Steiner, Henry arambo, Wm. J Caner, 'kraut:berg. ERIS MMES, President. ITT, Vice President. CHARTER OAK ^ INSURANCE COMPA I IRE AND MARINE NY or HARTFORD, CONN. Lomas to Philadelphia arid iladelpAia Oj n. Oaah Capital 4300,000. _ Vicinity adjusted at the Ph By leave we refer to I D. S. Drown k Co. Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Ohaffees, Stout it Co., " Don. Rohm Choate, Roston Hacker, Lea k Co., " Bon. R.B. Williams, Ilart'd We have facilities (or p acing any amount of lust ranee In the moat reliable Companlea. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 143) CHESTNUT ST. TU3IIPSON in ROOD, Agents. Wants. 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOB slol—Third Dlvisiort.--$310,000 worth of Farms and building Lots, In the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 aubacribers, on the 7th of December, 1851. Sub scription% only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollen, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Nvery eubacriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lota are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of ranch will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1950 lots and farms are already sold, and a company Of settlers called the i'ltappnkannock Pioneer Association , ' la now forming and will won commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 40,000 Scree of land In different parte of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to Poo per acre. ihnlttitioitable fiat., toil/ 00 all cases es giros*. Vlood.cutters, coopers, farmers, dr.c.., nee wanted, and fi ve b,,,,g r .d Agents to obtain enbacnbere to whom the moat liberal inducements will be given. Fme agenta write that they are making $2OO per month. or full particulars, subisuiptions, agencies, &0., 1 1P/9 to E. aLUDIR. su24.tr Port RoYal, Carona, County, Va. BALE ROPE.—BuPera are invited to oall and o.llll2line oar Mantle, Bele Rope, w'hielk we can can sell u low u American, end warren] It superior in dreuth end co., • 641 N 0.11114. Wider it. and %IC 'Murree, 11°WESTERN TRAVELLERS. OPRING AND SUMMBR ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN CENTRAL .RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE war. On and after Jane Ist. 1857, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern and tooth or Northwestern cities. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8.15 d. Id. connecting with the Ahul Train one, the Onset Penn sylvania Railroad, sad arriving in ritutargh at I.D) A. It. THE APTERNOON REPRESS TRAIN Le.r.,a Baltimore daily (Sunday except d) at 3 P. M for Harrisburg. Tile NIGHT EXPRWSS TRAIN Leaven Baltimore EVERY NIGHT st 10 P. )1., eon neetiug with the Lightning RE - rem over the Pennsyl latlia Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at T. 20 P. IL irr All these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over the Poisbarga, Fort Wayne and Chicago RaiiiJoi, and its Northern, Southern and Western connections Paaaengera for Chicago, Rock Inland, Burling ton, lows City, Milurnikre, Dubuque, St. Pail's, 3108 eon. and other leading cities in the Northwest, wills Isl. one hundred miles of treed! and tus hours in i me, with four lets changes of cars, by taking this route. WY Passengers for Cleveland. Sandusky, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other mate. 117' Passengers for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo. and all points on the Lower and Upper Mississippi, make less changes of ears, and arrive in ad vance of any other roots; and to Cincinnati, Coltuaboa, Dayton, Loniarille, and other prominent cities, as quick la by. say other route. All Western Baggage CHECKED THRGEGII and handled with care. f3ai 741 43 1168,359 09 60,356 67 63 4G-144,253 27 $24,0,5 0 FOR THE NORTH. The 3.15 A.M. connects closely with 7-twee' Trains over the Dauphin road for Withamsport, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Palls, and Canada, thus forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers Witt Stud this the shortest, cheapest, and most expeditious route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancuter by all the trains at $3 each, each train having ear, commotion". Passengers by this route avoid tinselled bridges. and all the anconrenlence of ferrying UV., the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Barmy er, Manchester, Gettyaburg, Em mittsburg, Carlisle, Chitribershurg, go by the trains at 3,15 A. M., and 3 P.M. WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Can on this road make one trip per day, connect ing with the train at 3 Y. M. For THROLIGII TICKETS and further information, apply at the Ticket Oilice, Calvert Station, N. B. corner of Calvert and Yritadisi Uretta. aep%-tf C. C. ADILEGN, DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-THE GREAT CENTRAL RO'CTE, connecting the At ludic Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with deity limo steamers to all points on the Western Riven, and Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all porta on the North-western Lakes; making the moat DIRECT, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which /night can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. FtaaT CLASOI—Boots, Shoes , Rite, sad Caps, Boob, Dry Goole, (in boxes bates and tronls), Drags, (In Doug and hales) Feathers, Furs, &a Ito. er 1001) 81100.11/ Cues—Donmaitie EhNlting Shirting and Ticking, (in origi n. [ bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather, (In rolls or boxes), Wool; and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &a. itc....60c. per 100 b. TIMID 01-1.88-11Drilt, Steel, Chains (In casks), Hemp, Baron and Pork; Salted, (loom. or inserts), Tobaceo, manufactured,(exeept Cigars or ant &c., &a .500, per 1001 b. Woman CI-sae—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in cuts or boxes esstward),LardandLarloll,Nails, Sods Ash, Germain Oily, Tar, P nth, Rosin, &a 40c. per HO lb Roues-750. per bbl., until further notice. prix--850. per 100 lbs., wall farther notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of made! phia, be psalm!. to stn[ package"ties Pesarytranns Railroad." All Goods commie-sea to the agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, salt be forwarded without detention. o.porga Miwiter, W. 0. Stotesbniy, $l. M. CRlile, 0. C. butler, Geo. &att.. janl9-y 1/amonv AGILSIII —Barth. Wormley & Co., klemphiS, Tenn ; B. Y. Baas & Co., St. Loads Mo.; J. B. Mitchell & Son Evansville, Ind.; Domeanil, Bell & Murdock, and C a rpenter & Jewett, Louisville, Sy.; H. C. Mel drum, Madison, Ind. ; Brown & and Irwin .k Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Crabs= & Co., Co. , Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 54 Kilby street, Breton; Leech k Co, No. 2 Astor House, New Yerk, No. I William at. and No. 8 Battery Place, New York; Z. J. Speeder, Philadelphia ; Megrim & Koons, Baltimore; D. A. Btewart, Pittsburgh. NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA Leave as follow, via Pais. At IA. 11., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey Oity, At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sey Aceoremalstion At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, AmonLIN 41. 2 At 7 A. 11., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 At ID A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Isoony and Jersey City, Morning B: rem 3 At 2 P. 31., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. press S At 5 P. M. via Camden sod Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 At 3 P. M., v 4 Camden and Amboy, Amommods. tion, lit Class 2 At 3 P. 51., lid Camden and Amboy, Aceommodee Con, 'ha Class. S At 6 P. M ' Tia Camden and Amboy, Aceommoda. tion, lit Class 2 At 6 I'. M., via Camden and Amboy, Amontancda. lion, 2nd Class S The 5 P. M. line rune dAtly, all others fittudays• oepted. Express Lines stop at the prinelpal stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, Ac., at 6 A. and 4 P. M., from Walnut street wharf. • • • For Water Gap, Bitruudaborg,satoa, Wiltvgborre Montrose, Great. Dead, de., M dd. M., via /Wawa Lackawanos at Weatera Railroad. Yor Freehold, at 6 A.M. and S P. M. Tor Mount Italy at I A.. M. end Sx„ S and T. P. Y. WAY LAI kl 3 Yoe &idol, Trenton, tea. at 2 and 4P. M. WAY ILN EiMisilsil==l Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON far BarKarla' and Bristol at 8X d. 31 . and for Bordentown and totems. date places at 22‘ P M Steamboat TI 1 , for Tammy at 10 and 11% A. 1.1., find 4 P. 2d.. and ror Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. di. All line., except 1 A. If , leave Walnut [tree wharf. 81, 729 98 193,692 01 frrNifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers see prohibited from taking nay thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All big gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. Tha Corn purr limit their maponsibility for baggage to one dolaz per pound, and will not be liable for Toy amount be yond $lOO, except by special contrast... 88,780 47 100,00) 00 CHANGE OF 11012M5.-PHILADSL PIIIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTLIIORR RAIL ROAD. On and after Thursday, July 24, 185 T. PASSENOER TRAINS LEATH PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Express,) and P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. Id., 1, 4.15 and 11 P. M. /or New Castle at 8 A. M.,1 and 415 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 415 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P.M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.54, Express, II A. If., and 025 P. M. Le.SYO Wilmington la 5 50 and 11.65 A. M., and 2 SS and 9.55 Y.M. LesTe New eagle at C.% and 11.86 A. M., and 9 OS P.M. Leave Middletown at 10 00 A.M. uid 306 P. M. Leave Dover at 6.50 A. 31. and 7 P. M. Leavo Seaford at 7.00 A. M. and 4.00 P. U. TRAINS POD 1LALT131011E: Leave Wilmington at 9.16 A. M., 2 P. M. and 1317 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 6.2 a P. N. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTII4OIIII AND Malt& DR BRUIN AOCOILNO DATION TRAIN Leaves }lure de (trace at 810 A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. kreight Train, with Paaaeager Car attached, will run u follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at WOO P. IL Leave Wilmington for do. do. 8.00 P. N. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 8.00 P. 11. 8. 11. FELTON, President. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.-PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Running direct connection with the PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAIL ~.__. ROAD. For thatianati, Bt. Louis , lowa City, Louisville, New Orlans, Bt. Peals, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansas, Terre Haute, Chicago, Nehrasus. In adviume of all other routes out of Philsdellthia. Firming dere connection with at/ the Great Weal. as Railroads. _ - Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western cities, from the Pennaitivania Railroad Passenger Station south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MAT'S £T street", (entrance on Eleventh street,) as follows : Mail Train at 7—, A. M. Fest Line at 12 35, P. M. EXprees Mall at 11 40, Night. Columbia R. E. Line loaves for Harrisburg at 30, P. 3d., Lancaster )Acconnuodation,) at 4 30, P. 31. The }sprees Mail rung daily, the other trains, Sun days excepted. For farther particulars see hand-billg, at the different starting-points. Paseengers from the West will End thin the shortest and most expeditioua route to Philadelphia, Lattimore, New York or 13oston. THOMAS 3100E11, Agent Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, Febraary, 1115 T. aul-1y • NORT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. FAIL ARRANGEMENT. 102 BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, MARCH CRONE, EAS TON, DOYLESTON, AO. On and atter Monday, October 5.1857, the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express.) at 8 A. 31 For Bethlehem,laston, Allentown and Mauch Chunk, (Express) at 2 15 P. M. Passengers for Easton by 515 P. M. train take stages at Iron Rill station. For Doylestown, (Aceomroalationd at 5 P. M. bar Gwynedd, do. at 9 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethelem (Fiprres.) at 0.15 A.M., and 2.45 P. Id , connecting with L V. It R trains, and arrive in Philadelphia at 1216 31 and 6 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 615 A M. Leave Gwynedd, do. at 3 P. M. Accommodation trains run daily; other trains daily, Sundays excepted. Yam to Boylnto*. ‘• Bethlehem Pare to Mauch OhmAt oct 5 LB. KITE & CO. • YURIVITIIRkI, BEDDING, de. No. 413 (labs LN) W/121131. it. A new and superior style of Spring lied&Philadelplus. Vrota B. 'Uri. Joatry Wattox II AR PE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' cumiNa, 148 North POURTII Btroet, bet - weal Areh and Race. sue -1l T ----- m ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 8N) CRE3TNET STREET, rennin!" panne, PAOKAGES, lIERORANDIU, BM NOTES and SPECIE, either by inr own LINES o r in connection with other EXPRESS COUPAN/18, to all the prinsipil TOWNS itui CITIES of As United States_ - $. 3. SANDFORD General Sooor!nten , dent. RUSS/A -AND AMEDIOAt PF We samba 21.3Oamelif &101119Wara sad for We WELAVIR, , & _CO , so 842 No. 98 11, War st., &99 21, name, Aaiirtrabs. H. H. HOITSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. 11. J. LOMPARIPS, Superintendent, Altoona, WU. M. OATTMBIL, Agent O. tr. A. R. R. CO R. B. MORRELL, Agent Phila.. Tr. R. B. Co THROUGH TRAINS i'LLISCLARk, .7414ent furnitnrc (Eiothing.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers