TH-tf - PIVO:,S: PUI3IIBEND _DULY?I,3I3IIDAT/1 . IXCEPTID,) BY-4,01114,, ,Soit;NEY.* fit!Li4iiio;rai6T, Timing 6019 ne•Weszi'perible to the earners. Hailed tailabiaribere antlit the Olth, et Stri Dard.the tee di therm Vaee'DOthkite rot MOUT titedthey Tease DOLLAfth poi FALlierres, tathrtably Ist 'drum tar the time ordered. • s•TR - 44;WEEKLY PIhSAS, • Milled to ftubooribere out of the City, at Times Doc rag AMSI7II, in adeoeee. REEL a it s s , .. „ . . WWINI:1, Pinkaa, Witt tie seat to ihtbeeribeee _ by msll;(ter !apnea; in - advance,)'at ' $2 00 Threeloples, -a" ' " ' " 609 Flee ttoptee, ••• " ' , -" • Tea °doles; ,•'" ' .'" a, • - - 1200 Twenty,.Copies, " " (loon. address),,,. 20 00 Tweaty,OoPes, or (wee,' " (to addresa of each subscriber), eaoh.( - , 120 For WOlitb of .2'wewkvone 'or Oyer, we will load an extra capita the satter-ap of the Olub. Irr'Paittaaatere r a:l6 , requeated to act as 0 6euts f'" Tea %aim* Paella. '• —' - - - ' . , ~. .. _ „.., ~ . . peceameepc" 1 _ --- THE WEEKLY PRESS. 1 1* , cHEArEsT AND BEST • WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. INDIFOEXP,DIVEI TO CLUBIdI PAPatt Is published tha City of Philtablyble;:eiery Saturday.. - • It is conducted upon Natant& principles, and will uphold the rights of the States: It will reelst fanati cism id , every shape; and will be devoted to consery: alive doctrines, es the true foundation of.publie pros perity and social order. Parch a Weekly Journal, has, bang beep desired in the United Stoles, and it la to gra tify thin want that TED WERKIII PRESS it Published Tiff! WRDRLY TRESS' is - printed Ott exeelteit'White paper,. clear; nevi type, and In quarto form, for binding.< It contains all the:News of the day ; 'OinweSpondeneit from the - Olds World ,11134 the Nett ; 'Domestic Intelli leeee; Reports - of tbe various Markets; Literary Re views i.lliseellaneoue Selections; the progress of Agri culture in all its various departments, &e., Terin;i, invariably sot aduailre. TIM WZIIKLY.PII.II49 will be sent to . . eubscrlbere, by mall, at • - F 2 00 per annum. Twenty ()claim, when sent to one ad. drem, - - - - - • 20 00 Twenty Copies, er over, to address of each:subscriber; each, - • 120 For a Club of Twenty-ene or over, we will lend an' extra otipy to the - getter-up or the ChM. • ' Poet bloaters are requested to act as Agent' for TIM. WEEIrIiT PP22. • • I will potato' it a great favor if toy political and per aottal friebds,.aod all others. who deem a Omit clam Weekly' I , fewepaperovlll exert themeolves to give THE WEIthIT JtIIBSO alatge citeulatiou W their timpective usighbechooda. JOHN .W.' FORNEY lid Proprietor", Publication 011ioe of. TUB -IfFSKLY-PRESEI, N 0.417 Oheatruit Street, Philadelphia. • cite.: „ WARBITATON'S' INIMITABLE' dovssisas Pon TUC 'HEAD, ' Imbrue MI the 'points nauseant/ W - ' DENTEN, DFFECT, - • Awl all the details sod nicer ..elegancita which impart FINISH, COMFORT, AND DIIRABILITT., • Oentlemen are invited to call and examine; , 00t26431 ' „ • pc! OREBTNUT Otreet. (The following Appeared on Saturday with Aprovolring error in the Piet line of ninth jerne. t , It IA now printed 'correctly:] THE-.11A,P111;5.. The grand financial crisis; web ' Kea so convulsed the nation; . • Should woe repentant tears to fall,' And lead to reformation. there te do etnreti now-a-daye' - ' In heillenote•deteetnre • They only name the 'Mlle when bid, Ilutnot the 'sets niventots. *ll6 honest tradesmen ire refused Their fl ank uceommud►tione, No PRRSIDRDIT REMOLD RATS 4 PRT - IR MORA RPeIIttLATIONEI,, ' If Winking capital is loaned "By officers presiding, TB opeculating friend., because With them th Voila aridhlg Bcapenaloai that", and •bankitiptay, ' o , er honest men may lower, W 968 /..IF4OOIIAVO GON/9 TO RAI9B TOR PRIOR .OPst:aim s oze4nr,'os :tows. • Tbe 'rendition catch the bada : • - Ppolibuthee oabeia beat, • - - ttes'a T.RPORTT9 *111•B TO altos • „ Ten 1:11AOR OR 8008 !BIT OAT. , Athtli'this 6)11616 should be euptainea, • Well may the - peep% dread • • • Tux maintop time, 11108 8.1.13111.1 - 08111) TO ROB age POOR OF ann., , • , * • • Hank ' soiled reldrin—tlieir aid extend To tradesthen and mechanise, 688182 TOR BART IR THEIR REED THIM AV4)11) TOR R.LAILIS. die The pieelitaing'elaesee belg ; • &Letitia the sew -or toll; 1110911 WHO lON AID TIMM 0110 , TILL 'TITS SOIL. • • _ • The law pliduld be layekell, and held , Thb Bias to strict account NO USN StIOULD neve MS ?APIS DONS, :-Beroso b.,. pieta Amour:. -- fidbooke'of Aridly kept, " The entrY of wank loam ' Mould make the discounta; day by day, ..I`o each director known. :• And if,dieectorithen connived,. . There Would be Wit, and sense, In making /mods or capita! CASlXtoffencia , I've only 1 : 40111, era I nonclodo, To say 16,0 fie atutall— , TiviisaletiLvalVeOf peso bard times ' Te bennet.Va - Tower • , You bete no mute to be lammed, Inept about , your diet.; If you shoild'liant edit or clottiee, A urns 01811 WJLL Bet IT. Poi Bennett knewe.thit sore distiess „ The tluien have on ue hurled; ! , , AaD SZLLIKU kILD4IIII4O, ORRAP Roe OAR; BR MRAXR To BRAT TUB WORLD. ittlltolll TOWIR BALL OLOTHINO ILisila,aiot blirlret at-eat', 'B6lO side, between Niftit and SixttrAtreetio,." • ' " ; • , t• 1 - itaoko. „ „. „ VALVA.44I..E:4 . IItR A:R S Renzienen J. 8. '/131.11PIELD; ' BEENMAN STREET, NEW YOU. • SOLD ,BY ALL BOOKSBLLERS'. OBETORNS OP PIM /BIM Bea. By the Eight Hon: Btnbard.yglorßiietyM. P, Nita) With Alialleldf and Notee, try Shelton Ifackenaloi D.C.. L. Sixth Edi, tion 'wfth"l l ,o,o,,ra T ES NOO tf.;s4 41 - 2 cols P1R452 611 .‘ Alf - ProfeMorWaliien, G,-Lockhart, IfainesMoßg, WEI?. Maglimir , Edited,. with Memola and Notm,- by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenaie. Third Edith/W.:, In is, "telfzmes, wit h portraife and fair- Marilee) Pries' $5 ” , • . MAOINIPI3 MlSOlLLANlRS:Vholdigeellauebrur 'Writ= logs Note , talo Ilr:lMeeEditid;with a Memoir and by Dr. A. Sh elto n Mackenzie. Complete in 6 volumes, with Portrait. „ Price, per vol : , cloth, V. LYRE OP THE ST. NON. JOHN PHILPOT By hie Son, Wm. floury Curran • with Notes and Ad ditions, by,Dr.A. :Shelton • lifewitenclei and a Portrait on Steel and farildmile.,Third Pelltion.:l2lno., cloth. Price - • TIIE O'BRIIINIUAND"TatO'PLLIIIIITLEB ; Na. tlonal Story, being the first of Lady Morgan's Novels arm liontairiam. , With aw•lntroduction and Notes, by &Prise ifibb l 4 3 , Usskerule....2 vols., 12m0., cloth. I PersonalBkefcheiofbli ersonal ifieicheiOf Own Time. By Sir Jonah Sarringtoo, with Illustra tions by Lierlay. , Yourth - Edition, • With Mernoli by Dr. Mackenzie. , I2rno__, cloth . " Price 1226: • MOOBE'VLIF, OP :MERMAN. Memoirs of the Life of Mie Eight , Hon . ..ltichard .11riluiley Sheridan. By Thomas Moore ; with Portrait and fac-simile, Sixth Edition . , 2 vole., 12m0., eloth.. Price $2. • BITS Of 111,11.RNE,Y. ' Dy Xrr, It, 'Shelton Mackenzie Third Edition,: 12m0., cloth. Price $l, - THE 'IMPOSTOR' THE WAN IN TUB PENINSULA.' By Major General Sir W. L-P. No4der,groin • the au thor,/ :MeV revised edition, with fifty-flvd Maps aird Plans, Are Portralta on Steel and a complete; index; urno, - nloth. ;:Pries2/:49. • •'` " APLIIPp flNSOl4AU,ll4R..:Oemp,lete,M.s.'vol., Soo. Prise aa. THE ifORIETY fly'T.' l l:'lluiithiktiki;liuthoi of t.telay Alice,"Alban," fr.o. 1 vol., 12roo. Second ?leap Con, 'Prise 11 26- ' • " - • • AZ , BAN are Tlla History Ofa Tonal, 'Puritan, By P. 9. Unlifieltiog. 2 vole., 12m0,i cloth: 'Price $2., NDMISON & com AL/rn trialt, YOWL awl ASCII streets. In order to gretlfr. the wishes of our numerous es trous, and induce thihook•buyink publlo to fill up their libriutee tetthe - neuel low prjeel, we intend to present to evary. pur.ihaeqr of ' book thq, *taunt or 111 and up wards , of fiotOA qtato to sma., Con id oa r cabs% 4;104.0 'Dui lidoble stook, and sal* for yourfatiolL'' . - fleaolleettolferei lot bayintat inerkoe, for ' Mr/ Par• ehseer tots' hie books et the Waal prite,aud eery mey will geti, hi Addition; ipressot trotth au.ll-110; , „ , Lwow. GREAT ' GMT BOOK SALE, 2.74 430' OUBBINNT throati. N. B.—No Gomm thn With -4 1 1 °#aer I FM. 1 040.043 . • elawain 03 PIOre; leibtliD. • VItAILEYt CO.,ISIESTNUT STREET. Ifttodoetordre of ' IitUTIBEt 13TXR4NO ;$ll,1 7 XII ;WARE, llteler 901 r, loapeoU4, o, itte, Atargiliflay Wizens and Simmers exe turned to visit our otito',' VtATOHBO, golonnotly on band eletdild gook of inporloi - Weans, of ellihe oelehieto4 toehete, , Neekluee, , Breathitt, -Sroockse, Y4sr4thtp, thegor , Map, oed all other esthete in We Dhlehood DrawingiCetllEW IdiatatitcFP be . . 4 'iltde trk et4ior winitdindi iTAer.,, . 4 tten °OLD JEWELRY. , .: • A beantiOd iikkatit4ent of ill' ihet / 'style* Tewidsh suet WilfW 4 d,ll4ne wd $6Ol Caw s Pdati,,Oundi enebnde* WW4416141 • . airivonlid loArrOlksolll ka, A i m , Drone and ifa;ita• oLooks, , of immset 'itylwo; aw or Apeq•br' quallY:r" r ,• • • lik7atwkyrty AIN i t wrxrporitipla iiipornigB Or WATOIIIIIOO • I bOtITII THIRD BTRKET, BEAYIV,C,Despi t u T r,f CostrA.o,l*.ilttiiiwyr,„ sele-itrOk , . • TAMRS'E: iJALDiVELL 8c 00. E a/ No, 42Z oaravurt, Blunt wins Mum Illiporters 411Vittehes and .111asolfiletse ries of fitOsllig:Ond /thanked Mier ToOgotejtorkoorol Spoona; solo agents for the sato of Charles Yttnlihantrs new mown 'd, Medal. London Ittotantagetit-Lall t/to sloes on Itandto 10160,4/05,1•1alittog. 1 3 • lisp asvpstet ettlfwias Watebel to the pitisec, Mott faabletiabletAwelry • '•-• •- to • • ShiMeld and Alnerioan Plated . Wares. 0661 M ft,O te-s: . , gi4ARDES - Jivinto.--' --- • ' mureaseteivi totioliq,a ow"' • ---, - - •0 - AlittoriatelliMitir WARM, i • " vrc k : aoi•inowlustotoietivainv.vtdr4;:,o vaiiimitroitoit ittd , bit asffikLlgommulacnifi cry xavioll riTOWlEMPaftlaffll AMP- '''=.ll-, , ICITIVAS101110; • fo )•••<4. „ . . - ;tt• 90414 oakiliitialirepplOkixdi et siiiil4' . , 4* • 3‘ , 1 . . VOL. I-NO. 74. Oiranpro' euibe in. pljilabelp4ia. For the benefit of strangers and others who. may e mirs to visit any of our pnbile Institutions, we publish the annexed list. i PUBLIC , PLIOPO OP ANOSIiiPT. Academy of Music., (Operatlo,) corner of Broad rid Locust streets.. Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above Bth street, l Parkinson's Garden, Chestnut, *bore Tenth. National Theatre and'Olrcus, Walnut, above High h. Surdford's Opera Ilouse,(lttbleplani) Eleventh, below ' Market. .- . Walnut Street Theatre, northeast corner Ninth 4d Whitt. • ThomeuVe Varieties; Fifth and Chestnut. ' 1 ThOnias'e Opera Ileum, Areb, below , *youth.' 1 ARTS AND SOIRPOP,S, , 'Academy of Natural' Sciences, canter of Broad Ised George streets. . .ASidemy of Fine Arts, Chestnut, otiose Teach. Artiste lit nd liall,lohestuut, above Tenth. Franklin .1 4 stitute, No. - 9 South Seventh street 1 , isetteveisist thasivil'il'ols•- • Alnishonee West side of Schuylkill, Opposite South . A busionsi (Friend al , Walnut etrest; above Third. Aiisociatio for the Einplorment of Poor Women, No. 292 °teen st bet , Adylnue for . Lost ,Childroit, No. 36 . North Seventh street,. 1 • , "Bibid Asylum, ltacii, neer Twentieth street, Christ °hutch Hospital, No. 8 °berry street, City Ifospitat r ltineteenth street, near Goatee, ' Olarksor'm Nail; No. 163 Cherry:street.' Vicipousary, Fifth, below Olteetdut street. ' i Female SocietY for the Relief end Amplo'yttient of G r . Poor, No. 72 North Seventh street. tteardivais of the Poor, office No. be North Seventh etrel. 'fie ion Sotty Hail. No. 8 South Seventh street. • Home for riendless Children, corner Twenty-thitit and Brown streets. 1 • Indigent Widows'mut Slagle Wothen's Society, °herr'', out bf Eighteenth street. f pe n ; Widolel i Aaylbm, West and Wood , streets, Elgh eenth Ward. ', , • . •‘'.. • - . • . hi ula Hall; Chestnut; above Seventh street. • '-'idekolilen Asyiuni, corner of Roes mid 'Twenty-first ,strez. .., ._. Spring , ... , .. No OMNI Dispensary, No. 1 Garden street. " 0 hens', Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth- Street, near Ciallewhill! • •., ' '•- - •' - - . ' • •• Odd Yellows' , Hell, Stith and Haines fittest. • • I DO: " do. 15: E. cornet Broad and Spring Oar; • I ' , . den streets. . ' - i Do. do. Tenth and South streets. • , • t do. Third and Brown streets.. Do. do. Ridge Rbad, below Wallace. , ' Pe risylvania Hospital, Pine street, between Eighth and Ninth. - PefinsYlvaniatestituteforthetruitractinn of the Blind, 'corner Race and Twentieth street. • Pennsylvania Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, t3ixtli and Adelphietreets.:. ; ' Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble- Minded Children, &Mont House :LAO, Germantown, office No. 10 Walnut stoat. „ ' Philadelphia Orphi n e.4syltica, northeast cot. N igh., .teontliand Cherry' ,• ' . • , • Preston Retreat, Hamilton, near Twentieth street. ' , Providence Society{ Prune, below Sixth street, Dispensary, No. iiii Shippen street. Linton Benevolent Association, N. W. corner of -tievetith and ' Sumatra streets. . ?;+ - • • • • . • • ; Will's Hospital, Race, between ,Eighteenth and Nine ;teen streets. ". • .. - . , • „ . St.f orteplifellexpital, ,Girard, sienna, between Fif teen and Sittechth: . : Ep,scopal Heipltid, lipid street, between Hunting don and Lehigh &Vannes. '' ' Philadelphia fleapitsl foiDlsaitses of the ()hest, 8. W. corner - of C hestnut and. Park std, West Philadelphia 4 ~., roman animmicia. . . . ' • C tom House, Chestnut street, above Fourth , . 1 County Prison, Passynnk road; below Heed., , °ay Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets, City OdatiolieVa Mice, tilrerd Rank, second story, ComialesloiMr of City Property, Milcc,litrard Bank,, second - Mel. •••• • " ". '', • ' ' ' ' - ClItY Treasurer's 001ce, Girard TWA, seeend story. • ', Oity COmmisliientestiace, State House. , ' , : • OR, Solicitor's Office, Fifth, below Walnut. ~ .. Olt Watering'Ocraittee's Oftlosi,SouthWeet earner Stfthosed,Ohestnitt, . h• ~ , ..f ,1. , ' • . FairmountWateelFeeke,lairnionnt 'go, Abe Sebinyl:,, kin. l - MT: Trudt TreisuriWAs Office; Vittb,atioie Chestnut' 'Hose of Industry ; Catheriniriabove SeVenth.- .' " Hoof Industry, Seventh. above Arch Anat. • " Hose of Refuge, (white,) Parrish, between TWenty emend and Twenty-third street., . • ." , • , Heim of Refuge, foolorodd Twenty-fourth„ between between Parrish and Poplar streets. Health °Nee corner of Sixth 'and lieno ll l. , ' Ito mi ofOoriaetionAlush Hill.' _ , ' ” Ida i ns Hospital," Gray's' Terry' ' load , • below South streesiresi Ma We ollice, 8.. W. • coiner' Fifth and Chestnut ale Perdtentlarn Oeatee etz:est, between Twenty a Tit, nillwenty•seeond streets., ~, --i . Ifaz: irird, en pe,lielairitre, corner )'rent and Prime NoNhern Elbertfier GakWorks, litaidin, below Front Post Office, No. 281 Dock street, , - opposite -the Rx ohankswi: -, .• i ~,,• ‘, -.1•.• '• • -.J, . . • ~. • • - •Po °faxl: °Mee, Roneington,taueen street, below Shatoka.l Poqt 011Icri, Spihre Garden, Twenty-fourth street and .PannsylvailsAvenue. , . • Philsdelphle Xxolr4s, coiner Third ', Walnut and " Dockatreets. '' '‘ • ''' '`• • ' -' • Philadelphia 4as Works, Twentieth and Market; °idea , N0.'58. &tenth street. „. .. Pe e nsryystaiitlnititnto for Deaf and. nimbi Iltoidauld. Otrebte. .. i ; +o• 1 es. i,f t •.r. , Penu'rr, ; Treaty. Menument,,,,llemds, nbovit, Hanover street. ' Pu he High - SthAli S.' E'.'rerner 'Bread a nd Green PuSilie Normal School, Sergeant, above Ninth, - .• Re; order's Office, ito. SStateileum,east wing. -'. • &me House, Oheataut street, hatitesieitiNk tied Sintb treeta. air,Apisce,*ittifianiii , riesr Bixtliatie'et. .- 111 p g 'Garden Copomissionoi 9 e Hall, Spring Garden end Thirteent h streets, , , , ' Union ' Tee:glare/no -Hsli . ,f Ohristian, above 'Ninth street • , - United States .Mint, corner of Chestnut and Juniper streets. United States Arsenel; Gray's Perry Ros'Al, near Fade ial street. Na'al Asylum, on the Schuylkill; near South street. United States Army and Clothing Equipage s corner of Twelfth and °lrai mtreettn, , . United States ' - Quartermaster's °Mee, arcs? of Preh and Girard streets. .• - 001,1 , GCS, COge or Pharniacy, Rene street, above Se v enth. ' Eclootio Medical College,ThiJnesetreet, west of Sixth Girard College Ridge road aial.College Arenus. lioeueeopatlele Ileelleal " 1 0011 ego; Filbert, Street, oboe Illeveptb. . ' . • - • • Jefferson Medical Colleg e, Tenth street, below George. Pol)lochnie College, corner Market and West Penn Square.„ , . .. Peunaflraielni• ide,dleal College, Ninth street, below Leanne. Phtsdelphic Medical College, Fifth street, below Walet.„ FaMale Medical College, 229 Ar ' cli street. . ' finireraity ,of, ,Permsylvaram, Ninth street, betweeel Market, and Chestnut. ~ No, IM of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge, No, IM Arch street. '.. 1 n •:;,,,,b3A811241.0F tionare. 'Molted StateirUircult ,and patriot, Courts, No 24 Fifth reet, belo,sr Chestnut: Ha eine 0811rt : OrTappflyiT,01, Fit% #dollestriut f stree . 0 o rt of Common Plea4lndenendence Rail.. , ells let Courts, Nos. '1 and 2, corner of Birth and Chestnut streets. ' Court of Quarter Bilskions, cornet of Matti and Chest. out streetii:” , J Citlotout UNTITUTIONA. American Baptist Publication Society, No, 118 Arch street Amtlean and Foreign Christian Union, No. 144 Chest .nuts et. . , • , Aniericati '' faiday . School ;Union ( new) ,, No. 1122 Chestnut street. . '- American Fract - liailiey `( pea)'; NO. On Maginot. ' Menfoolst, Crowdertroot, bolow,tiallowhili street, . Pontunivanie, cod' Philadelphia Bible Society, corner of Berlinth`na Walnit etieeen.' , • , Preebyterian Boardor pubilcation (nels), 'No: 8 / 1 'Chestnut epee t.' . ' •” , Preibyterian Publication Moms, No, 1834 eiheetunt streoti. " „ Young Men's Christian 'Association, No. 102 Chestnut street; Northern Young Alen's Christian Association, Ger mantown Road and Rranklin. Philadelphia Biblt), Tract , and Periodical. Office (T. t l e 11. 8 itton'e),,No. 535 Arch street, first !IMMO below ,Stith treat. north mido Putlieran Publication Society, 'No. 732 Arch street, theloir s Tighth.. - .. - , ; .• • •--•••••—,• RAILROAD •LINES, • • , • Yeenti. Central t;Eleventh and Market, 1 A. l M., Mall Train fotrittaburgh and the' Wait.'. ' 1235 P. Foot Line for Pittebnigh and the Weft, '2.00 P. M., for Ifahisbarg and Columbia. .." ' .6.20 P. N. Acceinuntalittinn Train for LanCaritar. 11P. M . , ElprealiMail forVittaburgh iind the West: Reading Rifilroatf-41Opot; Broad and Vine: 1.130 A. N., Express Train for , Pottarille, Williamsport, Elmira and Niagara Falls. 11.80 P. M., as abtive (Night Expreas Train.) 'New York Lines. I A. M., from Ninsington, via JereoY Dity. A. M., from gamden,Accommodation IA. from CaMden, Janiey City Mail. .10 A. f., front Walnut street wharf, via ,tereey city ' . via Oaniden and Abbot, Expreaa. SP. M., via Camden, Aicomniodatien Train. P M., via Camden end 'Jersey City, 8 P.M., via Cauldeit end Amboy Accommodation. portiteciintLines. '6 ,4,4,friniiWalnutetreet wharf, for Belvlde,re,Eiston, Water Gap, Scranton, &a. ee A. H., for Ireehhld. - 1 A. M., for Mountlglly , from Walnut street wharf, OP. M. for Freehold, , for Mount Holly, Brlatol, Trenton, &O. 3 P.M., for PairayraVbrirlingt, en,ißordentowo, &o. 4 P. it., for Belvidere; Easton, &a., from Walnut street wharf. •-• bP. Y. for Mount Molly, Burlington, &o, - :Baltiviore B.'.R.—Depot, Broad and Priem 6 A. 12., for Ilottimore,_Wilmington, New 'thistle, Mid• dletown,,Deree, and Seaford. `1 p. 114., for 11810Mers, Wilmin_gton, and New Castle, . 4161'i If., fir Wilmington, New, Castle, Middletown,l • Dover,lud ficaford,' P.U., for Pertytille, past Froight, 1 1 . 81:,•forDaltimors and Wiltnington. Nora PestessYlvasia R. R..4iijwt, Front and Willow. 636 A!, M., for Bethlehem, Booton Manch Chunk, &o. 8.45 Al. M., far Boylettontr. ACcommodation. '2,13P; M., for Bethlehent,..Naiton, blanch 'Chunk, &o, -4 P. If., for Doylestown Acoonimodation. 6,86 01., for Owynedd, Accommodation. -• • ' Camden 'and Atlantic R. 11.—Vile Artist wharf, 1,80 Ai M. for Atlantic City. 10.46 A. M., for Haddonfield.; , 4P. M. for Atlantic City. '4,45P; M., for Haddonfield. . 1 Flo Westchester. " - By Columbia It, It. and Westeheater Branch. From Market Kt:inkling& all e; shots Eighteenth. LawraPhilatelphia,7 A, If,. aM 4P: • • • • !WOitchestetl4l3o kt,, and ,8 P. M. linteelPhiladelphia 7A. M-. -• ••• • - 11 , iWestebsster 3 P.,M, , Weekbester D irect Eallroad open to Pormelton, Grubbs Bridge, ' 'Pram northeast 'Eighteenth and Market streets. Lam PhiladelSitdatl, and 2 A. 14., 2 4, and 8 P. N. 14 Pannelton,Orabbs Bridge, 7,8, and 11 A. M, and ' 4 end 6,P.M. . On 86Mrd a7a tritlY.frotri Pennelton at 7A. M. I— us'•frOusers Leave Philadelphia 8 A." 1111. and 2 P. M. " Pauneltatt9l44.ll. , and BP. M. OrlOndafelea If9tristalonAit. B.—Depot, 9th and Mrsin. •--:' 6 9 A'. M.," and 3, 443,1E45, and 11,15 P. M., , for Norriatfiwn. • ' ta,; , 0 11. en 4 3P, Mc, for Downingtown. t. 0 1 .1 . 0 • and M. 20 A. M.,,,aud 2,4, 6, and U. for Cheatn'ut Hill e ilf 41 ;;1010;airol 1130; A.M.; an" 41,1, 810' 4,,6, ' 11, clina 11. w P, ,Or Germantown. o Miskir „FStirg rt: , R.-4Liorti Philadelphia 6 L. at. and ' 14il " •1141 10• 67 M 7,M et' bi and 1 bl ii 9 • *TOlllO.B'B ia191.8. k' i 4 k4 l 4bar4 bt4lllM3 fo r Bordontawn, from ' • V-1 1 Vtrest wisjiri„ - , • ...M56,74.26,L7 r 'ficoon Dar li ng' • • ,Fra,4,lunt, 'treat wharf. 41 , ./. 11 : !Mar „"iMdEnnachec,for Cape di • n r 4 g .P4bilif &num t 114, 514 . 2;81 6 'M .••• „Warner , 1 4,1 0 ". AIMS, Xer 5114104 11=5=1 ' • 1 ; , ytitr; e e , e„, • \ • .. , . . • • .- \'' I 1 1 11 , . • Air.* „ ' • I," g • • " 1 . :•) (7); Ic•im" -111 ". •••)-_— • . • ••••• 1 . 4 I LI •istiar -1;.- • • • • X" .• " • • 1.. ,tfT:, • • - " • -• • • a oft - • *- -" - . , Vrtss, MONDAY, ,OCTOWIR 26, 3867 THE SPANISH SAFE ()Wing to our readers the final instalment of arcaneedote about Ania CHRISTINA, Queen Dowager of Spain—the relation of which we altneit commenced last week, we are about paying it. An anecdote, new and true, is something to think of in those bad times, and— but we do not desire to boast. PERI/MAN° The Seventh, King of Spain and the Indies,' , (thus proudly ran his title, even after his South American provinces had thrown off the, Spanish yoke,) died in 1833, at the age of forty-nine. Of all the oonarchs who have sat upon the Spanish throne, this was the worst. An intuleraut bigot; a Mau in whom there was no truth; who seemed to take oaths for the mere delight oft breaking them; who, in the words of suELLE,, Was a' coward to the stroug, ; A. tyrant to the weak;'' who pretended to be a liberal, only that he might establish himself as an absolutist; who, did not possess even the last virturf of man-, hood, being deficient in more physlealcourage ; this man was ealittd "".The, Beloved,'{ when he commenced' his reign," with a pritence clemently and goednesi; apt 14 thellast, was , scrupulous in -piptlerying the Banquet—Or ticularly as he more and more ceased tO merit it. To the last, then, this badman, and loathed ruler, against whose hated life conspiracies were being constantly got up, was called Ferdinand the Beloved.", Ho had several wiveri—not all together, but in succession. First, there was Menu. .kfr- Town, a Neapolitan princess, so, amiable that everybody loved her, and so beautiful that her mother-in-law (the execrable parent of , 4 The -Beloved") envied her, and , had her removed by poison. The only time during which FER. , outann showed 'any symptoms of decent hu manity was during the five years he was in companionship with this excellent and unfor ttinate woman. After her death, be married a Portuguese princess, who died soon after; then a princess of the house of Saxony; 'and, lastly, MARIA. CHRISTINA, daughter of the King of Naples, and niece of, the ox-Queen of the French. It is of this last that we have to speak. ' From the day ho married lt.LtragyintrwrizrA, until the day of his death, she exercised great influence over him. That she did so, he never suspected, for she exactly followed the ex ample of Madame DE MAINTENON, who ruled Louts Xtr. withontallowing him to see or feel the conueand. Ho was more than double her age when he married her, and so very suscep tible of,fiattery, that be firmly believed all her assurances of eittraordinary personal attach ment—and this, when there was placed before, him, by her enemies, the strongest proofs of her improper relations with Munoz, a sergeant iu the Royal Guards. At' the last, he showed his 'consideration for her . by,. yielding to her request to set aside the Saliquo law, which prevented the descent of the Spanish crown, and declared, es his heiress, his only daughter, the present .18ABELLA 11., now, Queen-Regent of Spain. At that time she was an infant. IiLARLI CnatariNA, •by FEQDx ,NAND'a will, was appointed Queetf-Rogent dur ing her child's minority. The instrument setting astie the . Sallque; ltlw is called the Pragmatic decree, and its effect was to de prive Ellin &aids, the king's brother, of his expected succession 'to tho Spanish throne. It was signed in 1838, immediately before the death, of FERDANAND. • , „ When MARIA' Onnurrncti's daughter, then in the;attire called I ‘,lofie dotbea't wag ,thus placed' on the throne, her uncle, Don CATMOSi disputed the succession, and there sm:ting up the civil war between the Carlist and the Christine parties, in which Great Britain, Prance, and Portugal gave such Substantial aid to the yoling Queen that, after a struggle which lasted many years, the Cortes fully admitted ,the clainis'ef the young Queen, and exiled Don CAULOS and his leading adherents. The Queen 'Dowager, after a reign of seven years, was also driven out of Spain, (in 18400 and found an asylum in Paris, with her family, during the following five years. Queen CHRISTINA'S unpopularity arose from two causes—the generally received belief in her immoral life, and the undoubted fact that she Was using her power as Regent mainly for the purpose of personal aggrandizenient. 'lndeed, even now, though the annual payment of her large dow-y Os been stopped for some time, CHRISTINA is ORS of the wealthiest personages in Europe. , • • • Immediately after- her husband's death, she bestowed open maii3 'of favor upon Sergeant Munoz, and, as 'he 'certainly is her husband now; it is only charitablo'to suppose that the marriage took place immediately after she be came a widow. It was a long time, however, before she acknowledged the existence of such au union—not, in fact, until the gradual ap pearance of a large small family spoke volumes on the,s4jact. Before she Was sent out of Spaih, in 1840, she had aimed the marriage, and conferred on knives the loftythlO Of Duke of 'Rianzeres:; A , weil-meaning; ignorant, good-natured, and most unpresuming man, devotedly aftached,to his Royal wife, Munoz had few enemies in Spain., Even the old no bility, who hated her, affected to patronize hint: Ho was only simple Signor Munoz, the known favorite and, suspected husband of Queen Onntsrma, in 1838, In tbe'preceding year, when Don CABLOH; 'dashing across the country, jehied'At Vanua, hid gerteral, and mink directly for Atadrid,. Queen dunrirrirm. , was horribly alarinedbefore the : pAumers were driven back over the Ebro, and, recline the want of seine place of security, resolved to obtain it at any cost. Accordingly, Mr. CILLALE9 Cumn, the emi nent lock-smith in St. Paul's church-yard, London, received an order to Call at the resi dence of the Spanish Ambassador, and there was requested to tender an estimate of the cost of an iron Safe, some fourteen feet long .by oleven!wide, which would be doublyflre. proof—that Is frdm conflagration, and also from cannon-balls, should the palace in which it was to be erected •be sUbjected to the not very sa lubrious propesa of bombardment. Spanish credit not being very good at that time, Mr. Cuenu required ,and received ample security for the payment of the sum of £1,600, wbichwas the stipulated price of that forge Safe. For the benefit of the curious, we add that the rich wool•lmporting house in• Basingluill street (which, limo out Of mind, has acted as bankers to the Sparkish Embassy in London) gave the security which CLltiElts required. When one whole side of th o Safe was com pleted, it was taken down to the artillery ground at Woolwich, Where, under an especial order from Lord HILL, who was then com mander-in-chief, it was tired at for some hours, by ordnance' of different calibre, the result showing that it certainly 'was ball.proof. Atter, this satisfactory test, the Safe went for ward to completion. At last, i t was finished, was put together, for mope etion, .in Mr. CanThe's works at Islington, was thoroughly examined by the Spanish Ambassador, was declared perfect, and, what was more to the purpose, was paid for. There only remained to 'nave it conveyed to Madrid, and duly 'erected there, some extra payment being made for tl se time and trouble of two of Mr. Cuunn's w orkmen, who were sent over to put it up. That was done In a seers n part of the Royal Palace at Madrid, easy i !Acessible from the private apartments of !hi 3 Queen Dowager. Nothing could exceed her 'Majesty's satisfac tion at the, completeness o f the work. It was exactly what she wanted I. With her own hands, she put tuto this irc in'repOsitory sundry boxes of jewels, and cod Ors of gold, and tin cases containing ,written" securities. Then she placed Minios and the; It three children (all 'thud: had. In 1888)• within the massive 'iron= walls of the Seib. 'Leal) 'r, 'giving directionS .thiC *Pk 'he' libel ~,atad ,whea oho was, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. ; OCTOBER 26, 1857. heard to knock within, she put her own capa cious person within the Safe, and it was care lhlly from the outside. In less than a minute, a violent noise from within give notico that the massive bolts most be: unshot, which .was done. The : Queen' DOWAGEtt rushed out, followed by Munoz and the children, each and all or them extremely red in the face, and panting for air. When she had recovered, she angrily turned to CIIIIDEOI workmen, who, whatever they may have thought,, looked very impassable, and ex. chiimed in French, (which she knew that one Of !them understood,) "Mon Dieu! if I had rentained a minute longer, I should have been suffocated. This is imperfect. ' I wanted a Safe, which would save us if they burned the palace, or if they bombarded it, would keep us out of danger!" It was explained that a safe which admitted air could certainly not be fir'e-proof, and the Queen was convinced, at last, that she had re quired 'au impossibility. Slte had to he , con tent, therefore, with what she had paid for-La tire-proof safe of unusually large size ? but 'not able to accommodate living per Sons. From• the first, it may be added, Mr. CHUBB was fully awaro.of the impossibility which the Queen required, but contented himself, like a slativpAradestuan,as lie was, in precisely ful filling !the !terms of his ,contract, which did itot Otitain. WOrd:of making afire-proof sof t , ith air-holes Int. breathing! „ „ _ TILE BANKING SYSTEM-ITS 11E14017S AND ITN EVILS subject attracts so largo a share of pub lic attention as the ]tanking System. It is a topic of universal consideration, before which all others fade into insignificance. It affects all plasses of the community, high and: low, rich and poor, and exercises an influence alike over the trade of those whose annual transac tions swell up into au aggregate of millions, arid over thO fortunes of those whose incomes amount to but a few meagre hundreds. We do not believe that the banks aro wholly res. Polisible for the present unfortunate condition of financial affairs. The power they can ex erciae, however great, .cannot in itself either prostrate or build up the prosperity of any country. While, on the one hand, their bone tidal capacities are, in our opinion, greatly overestimated, exaggerated ideas of Their pow ers 'of mischief, on the other, may also be en tertained, although the former error is, no doubt, much more common than the latter. The benefits which banks cooler upon a cein; nullity are, ton great extent, more Imaginary than real. In themselves banking institutions are chiefly useful by furnishing a convenient medium of communication between the pos sesiors of capital and wealth, and those who desire to borrow that wealth or capital, and reti#u for , it an °univalent ; just as the, nue chant acts as an agent in bringing into com munication producers and consumers. Gus ,tomi, has so long made the banks the great de- positories of the surplus capital of the country, that, simple as the distinction isbetween them, we o not always readily perceive it. The desfructiou of all the banks of the Country Wel(' undoubtedly 4 create great temporary distress; but it would not necessarily destroy that on which their whole real worth and re- liablity is founded—the capital uptin which the conduct their' operations: In all pros perous countries where people kayo labored and lived within their means under dream stafices at all favorable, wealth and capital have accumulated, and do and will exist-:-bauks or no banks—whether they are, allowed to live snOourish, or are utterly destroyed. The business of the world was managed during its whole existence, until the last few ceitturiea, wltliout the aid of a single' bank of Issue ; and the 1 wheels- of finance revolved,' great fuitlnes were accumulated, industry thrlve4, CoOnerce, manufactures, agriculture, and the I arts, and sciences flourished, among bunareds of nations, and thousands of millicnis of people, for a tong succession or a'gos, before banks were over oven thought of. IWe will not argue that any of the ancient nations were as prosperous as modern ones— nor insist that any ono branch of human oxer- tioni was as fully dovoloped—but, admitting that;they were not, it will scarcely bo pretended that. the great' advancement which has been made is necessarily owing, in any considerable degtleo, to the mere creation of banking insti- tuthMs. It is duo rather to those solid advan tage's which have flown from the development of the inventive genius and mentarpowers of manicind, through which the choicest secrets of nature have been extracted from her, new sources of wealth discovered, new avenues of employment opened, new aids to, and combi natiOn of human labor, created, and the mastery of man over the earth and all things tt contains, and his power to render them sub servient to his purposes, vastly increased. Bnforo a bank calculated to prove anything else Than an unmitigated ease to a 'comtimnity can 'he established, wealth and capital must exist to form the basis of its'operationa, and if such a bank is destroyed, that wealth is only resolved into its original elements. The crea tion! of the bank does not create wealth, It merely concentrates it in a particular form. Theidestruction of the bank does not destroy the wealth of which it wee the representative and depository—it merely removes it front tho control of bank officers, and places it under the charge of those who are its real owners. A bank is started by paying in its capital, and if it; is honestly and prudently managed, it is wound up by retaining that capital to those to whom it belongs. The idea that banks can create wealth has been a prolific cause of ruin and mischief in this country. In almost every neiv State and Territory of the Union the creation of banks has been one of the first acts of Legislatures.' Wherever this has been done beffire sufficient time had elapsed for capital to accumulate, tbeie has been but one result— wide-spread ruin and bankruptcy—the banks have broken, the people have boon plundered, and: honest industry has boon robbed of its hard-earned reward. Iodependent of the usefulness of banks as convenient agents for loaning the wealth be longing to ono set of parties to those who need that wealth and are deemed trustworthy bor rowers, they are esteemed convenient deposi taries for the balances in the hands of the peokle, and valuable assistants in the trans mission of sums front ono quarter of the country to another, and in the collection of debts. The transaction of baldness un .doubtedly requires that these ends should be attained by some instrumentality, but It is not absolutely essential that banking institutions, similar to those now in existence—which in nearly all instances unite the power to accom plish these purposes with the privilege of issu ing batik notes—should be created solely for 011ie purposes. Bunks of deposit, private bankers, express companies, and various other agerictes, may be, and are every day, advanta geously employed to accomplish the same ob. jocto. The furore for banking institutions, and the eagtirness with which they are plarnored for at the 'halls of legislation, never arises from a mere desire to accomplish either of the objects we have enumerated. Bank charters aro prin. cipally sought for because of the poWer they confer to issue notes which pass as a circu lating medium, and in or/Brialy times answer the purposes of money. A currency is mani festly a great convenience. The necessity for it is felt us soon as, and wherever, men begin to barter with each other. Even the Indians had a rude currency in their belts of wampum, and wandering Tartar tribes made a currency of their cattle. A slight advance in civilisa tion, however, was sufficient to satisfy man- kind that metallic substances could better serve this end Glatt ruder articles, and that their con centration of value as well as their imperish ability united to render them peculiarly well adapted to serve this important purpose. Hence, iron, copper, silver and gold, have for ages been employed in this manner. To give additional security and convenience to this 'species of 'currency, Governments have inter 'vaned and coined these metals, so that all might iiiaow, their value. Up to the time of the intreductiOu'of paper money, the ido!t'of re - ,--- - -- , --- _ - quirl e g intrinsic value in currency, no matter wlifitahape it assumed, was rigidly adhered to. CO own National Government has discharged its'tluty of tbrnishing a currency intrinsically valuable in common with all others, and to Such an extent that it has coined near $600,000,- 000. 'lt Is 'questionable whether the framers of ,11te Constitution contemplated the creation of titiY other currency than this. They wisely previded that gold and, sliver, only, should be a legal tender for the payment of debts, and for id the I States from emitting mites or bills Oil credit. Although this latter power was i 'denied to the States, by an early decision of the ,Seems Court it was settled that they bad th . right to confer upon corporations the poirer of issuing paper money. Many, how ev4r, regard this decision one of doubtful pro .prtiy, And WEBSTER expressed the opinion, 'tfitif the question were an original one, un trapinelled by, the precedent alluded to, his jnrf meta would law that the States had no 'rigince incorporate banks of issue. f d . Biros the usefulness of banks consists in Malmiltetftritig a currency, the question may imOnleable, whether their exercise of that pier is productive of more good than evil. I Illyldnal interests of men give bias and color to Weir , decisions upon it. There aro some whim are, 'doubtless, greatly benefited by the issue of hank notes as a currency, and many wbo are injured. Certain it is that the power V s .:create paper notes, and to pass them off :iiiiciar . , the community as money, is a very dan gerous, ono to be committed, as it is, to the little ,clusters of men who centre round the fonvieen hundred banking establishments of the United States. WEIInER thought that, of all Devices to rob industry of its just rewards, and 0 'transfer wealth Boni the bands of its pioducers to mere schemers, that had ever bean didcovered, the invention of paper 'nio b tey , was the most ingenious. The ro eries that have bean effected in this co try by paper money are of incalculable in nthide.• All the petit and grand larcenies, big way robberies, and , swindles which have be Committed, sink away into utter insignia ii when compared with the losses to which theknerican people have been subjected by / par money. , Note-holders have lost many mil lone; so have depositors; so have stock hol ers. Victims of a paper• money system 14 aro tobe found everywhere, from the losers of few dollars to those who have been bo re of handsome fortunes. The amount of the fi direct losses is swelled to a frightful ex it 'by the fearful effect of the alternate co factions and expansions for which paper mo oy affords extraordinary facilities. But it is . necessary hero to dwell upon evils which twa t n the mouths of all, and which the sus. tampion of the banks of the country has ren der, peculiarly perceptible and grievously pal lat this juncture. The system is a fail. uro ' f l ft has broken down. All admit that it is.a evil; 'madmen are beginning to question whilther,' after all, it is a necessary evil. We aretiot, disposed to radicalize upon tide sub ject.. ,Wwwill do all in our power to assist in bring,over the chasm that yawns before us. Tin the indications are that the time is ap pro citing when the whole banking system g 1 imi t either be completely reformed, or swept oute iixisteinee. If we aro to have it at all, it Si iik be' he an improved form, with new safeguards, neW,•guarantees, and new restric noir. , Let us have safe banks, or go back to firstprireaiples and have no banks at all, and eitinar a-800 and perfectly well secured papeteurrency or one wholly metallic. rORIiESPONDENCE. FROM VIRGIATA. c, 1 ",,,14 1 . ! i. dr/. • , MOUNTAINS OP VIRGINIA, Oct. IS, 1.8b7 In my letter of the 11th inst. I alluded to the comfortable harvest reaped by, the banks of Vir ginia during the long period of their suspension, commencing with the panic of 1837. On this sub jeot you may have seen some able articles from the pen bf the editor of the Richmond Examiner, Mr. Ifughes, for many years past a bank director, and one of our most clear-headed and well-Wormed men in financial matters. In an article upon the " Profits of Suspension," Mr. If. shows that the effect 'of the legislation of Virginia, at that pe riod!' for the relief of the banks, was to allow those institutions a bonus from the public of the inter est on the notes they kept to circulation. "They pay put these notes to rho persons whose negotia ble paper they discount for interest, and they, theatselves, pay no interest for their own notes, although oharging full Interest on the negotiable note's of their customers, for which they exchang e their own. Now, the Virginia banks remained in a state of suspension, with a very short exception, from May 1887, to November 1842, a period of five years and a half. Their suspension was legalized by'eXpress and repeated acts. They, therefore, made a profit on the circulation they kept out du ring the period of six per cent., on the average amohnt, per annum. Grand total profit for the live 'years $2,211,849; which, all must agree, was a pretty handsome handful of money to 110 legiela tad into the strong boxes of three or four rich cor porations. Two millions and a quarter of dol lar:Ls" In proof of his assertion that the above heavy amount was legislated into the boxes of the bank, Mr.: Hughes gives the several acts of Assembly passed in different sessions, one of which acts was to stay the proeeedings on executions, trustideeds, and other demands, in cases of refusal to receive bank notes. Thus the Legislature not only legal. izod the suspension of the banks, but compelled the orealtor to take their depreciated notes. or nothing, from his debtor! At the timo of the revulsion of '37 our banks reported thomeelves as in a healthy and prosper ous condition, and a loading director of the Bank of Virginia (Mr. Caskio, its present president) op posed tho suspension, on the ground that the in stitutions of tho State were able to bold out, and think they wore bound in good faith and sound polidy to do so. But ho found no second at the board ; the controlling spirits of the banks, with almost entire unanimity and cordiality resolved on suspension. The banks cared nothing for a violation of tbo law, so long as they were sure of receiving the lawmakers' applause, and of clear inOundrotle of thousands of dollars into tho bar gain. Such were the special favors extended to the banks of Virginia by her Legislature to euty years ago; and for several years thereafter—l may say, in fact, on all occasions when the banks have asked them. At the time of the host suspension the banks of the State consisted of the Bank of Virginia, the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, the Bank of the Valley, Bank of 'Kanawha, Exchange Bank, Northwestern Bank, and Merchants' and Mecha nics' Bank of Wheeling. These were the institu tions under our old system. Since that time their bradohos have extended to many towns and villa gee in tho eastern and western portion of the State; and a system of banking combining the State stook and individual liability features, hos also been introduced. We now have banks of this system at the following places, namely: Alexan dria, Fredericksburg, Scottsville (Albemarle coun tyi)litookingham Court-house, ilowardsville„ (Al bemarle,) Charlottesville, Berkoly Court-house, Fairmount Lexington, Lynchburg, rairoastlo, Wheeling, 'Winchester, anti perhaps other places not now recollected. With such a multiplication of banks, it is hardly to be supposed that their influence over the Legis lature would be less now than it was at the former period referred to. The temptation to eusponsion will, therefore, be seen at owe lem pleased to learn, however, that, at the close of last week, there bud been no further suspensions reported, and that there would probably be no more to re port. Tim Virginia Bank and all its branches stand firm. Title is possibly attributable to the fast that Mr Onside is et their head—a financier of "Scotch sagaoity and caution." The Farmers' Bank and its most important branches also remain firm. Should all the present specie-paying estab lishments hold out, they will probably breathe anew the breath of life into those concerns now in a state of su yenderi animation. The responsibility of the banks of Virginia for every liability they are under is implicitly relied on by the best informed and most sagacious of our people. Their assets are thus reported in the I?nonieter of the Bth Negotiable Dolce under discount of banks of the old system 621,023,11 , Do. of State stock banks 2,425,51 Gold and silver coin of banks of the old system Do of State stock batiks State bonds held by treasurer tor State stock banks, par value* Aggregate Reads... Aggregate Ilabllitlea SOTlus of assets over liabilities /1,894,05 Mr. Hughes says . " You might kneel( off forty per cent. from the meteor the - banks forbad debts anti' depreciation, and still have enough to meet their 'liabilities, dollar for dollar. The total in debtedness of the people of Virginia to the banks lo g 4,348,631. Our people are in a sounder and morn solvent condition than they have probably over been in before; and our belief, based upon a considerable knowledge and several years' atten- tion to such matters, is that 'one per cent. would be a very heavy allowance to make. At all events, the banks themselves would not give one per cent to Insure the whole debt. "Their 017011 &don, taken by itself, is certainly good and reliable in paywonts by the people of their lad btedness to the banks. Now this debt is $247,148,011, while the circulation is only $11,047,- 976 the debt of the banks ou their paper to the , * ebould riotea here, al.o, that by the charters of awe stook banks, their Aockholders are individusqy liable to the eXtont or r t r ymu., public not being half that of the public on their paper to the banks." The remark as to the solvent)) , of our banks is hollered to bo applicable to all, with the exeeptio h of the Bank of Kanawha, which has had extensive dealings with the now defunct Ohio Life Insurance and Truitt Company. To meet their indebtedness the peopleef Virginia have the advantage, this year, or more than an average crop of their chief productions. It appears to be no longer lo order to discuss ' the question whether bauke shall be continued or discontinued in our midst. They have become so interwoven with our policy, arid have taken such hold on all our interests, that they eouht not be speedily eradicated without calamitous conge witelaleg. More than thirty yearsago it wag pre dicted that the effect of the establishment or banks all over our State would be to surrender to gendiegg corporations the independence of the people. I Kill not say that we have now a realisation of tbii prediction; but it in perfectly obvious to every observing person that the bank power has become a very formidable one, even in our mountain dis tricts. That this power will eventually become the controlling one everywhere in the State, if allowed to increase as heretofore, I entertain no doubt. The late Judge P. P. Barbour, when naked to sign a petition praying for the location of a bank at the court house of bin county, replied that ho would never pray for a otrso upon his county-mon, for such, he conscientiously believed, would bo the effect of the establishment of a bank in a little village liko Orange, The petition was unsuccess ful, and the county of Orange Is without u. bank to this day. Would that the politicians and people of all 'other counties in the State had exhibited the same independence and wisdom ! Bat the most of them have prayed moat earnestly to the Legisla ture to nom] down bank blessings upon them, thus affording a flue illustration or the truth of what Juvenal' says of the pronOriess of 'mankind to oak and pray for those things which, if granted them, wilt most likely Provo their ruin. We have now a bank at almost ovary little village, and have been threatened with ono at every important cross-road also. The effect of this extension of bank rimilities to every neighborhoodl need scarcely toll you. It has stimulated speculation and extravagance in every shape and birm. It has tempted mon of every trade and profession to abandon their legiti mate avocations, in hope of making a fortune by a single operation or so. ,It has thus added materially to the debtor class of the community. Go to any village where there is a bank, and you will hear a doleful tale about the " tightness" of the money market. Farmer A has made a deed for the benefit of his endorsers. Ile lost largely by a BOW speculation, and his investment in Pa eine railroad stook promises badly. It will take more than his fine estate to pay his bank debt Carpenter B has been protested, and it is thought he is utterly ruined. lie realized some two r,r three thousand dollars clear by his contracts for building houses while ho followed his trade, hot that amount, with four thousand dollars borrowed from bank, was invested in country produce, and all lust—a portion by a sudden fall of prices, and the balance by the failure of his commission mer chant. Merchant C, is ruined by i operations in Taney stocks, and by investments n swamp lands in Alabama nnd Florida. The bank is sure of its MAO debt, but his endorsors will have n lively Limo of it. Beeler 1) invested all he had mods by his profession, together with Ave thousand dal lase borrowed from, the bank, in Western Janda, wbieh are utterly worthless as smote. lie has therefore gone by the board. Lawyer E has failed on account of a heavy loss on a tobacco trade, and the failure of a friend engaged in sugar specula tions. But the worst failure about the village io that of Squire F, the trader-general, the buyer and seller of every description of article prroloced in, or brought into his section of the State lie is on everybody's paper, and everybody 13 on his. 110 is under protest for thousands upon thousands, and the impression seems to be that his failure is 3 bail ono, though, from the complication of his affairs, no one eon make an estimate of his liabili ties, or his assets. This is intended as a picture of a country vil lage in the first money crisis after the establish ment of Its bank of discount; and the fidelity of the sketch will be acknowledged by every candid man among its inhabitants If you were to t isit 831110 of our villages at. the present time, you would find the charm:tura here described, with tho addition of a more important and influential per• nonage just now-1" mean the paper-shaver, the Shylock who is now reaping interest to the extent of from three to five per cent a month from hin neighbors, who did not belong to the debtor class till after they had been blessed with bank faci lities. I am for giving every devil his duo, not oven ox. cepting the Virginia bants . devil. As an indica. tion of this, I must ask you to note the foot that he is not the author of such magnificent failures as aro daily occurring in the northern pities. llis largest operations in protested bills would hardly be 44:lamed worth reporting by i the northern papers, which are announcing so many suspensions, to the amount of a half petition ouch! But still ho plays the devil with oar doctors, morchants, lawyers, planters, and mechanics, who allow themselves to be drawn into his " den." Am before Indicated, 'the aggregate indebtedness of the people of Virginia is not ao heavy but that it can be easily and speedily overcome by a pru dent course on their part. The revulsion will put a check on the tendency to an abuse of the credit system, which, it is Loped, will be both permanent and salutary. Our Legislature will hardly en oeutage the establishment of any more banks in the woods, for tho purpose of attracting trade, or give its sanction to a scheme which must ine vitably increase the o val of' the credit system un• der NV hiCh ee are groaning . Tho Democratic press of this State, it is to be hoped, will, as in duty bound, speak out trumpet-tongued against the es tablishment of any additional banks in future. If I occupied an editorial position in Virginia, I would take this ground and maintain it uncompro misingly to the last. The unfinished public works of Virginia must necessarily suffer by the monetary crisis which has come upon us. Under existing circumstances it is not likely that any proposition involving additional expenditure and taxation will be seriously consi dered by the General Assembly. The progress of some of our most important works may, therefore, have to be suspended for a searen. The election of United States Senator will doubt lets take place at 811 early day after the meeting ofOur Legislature in December. From the repre sentations of the opposition journals, you would suppose that the strife between the friends of Wise and Hunter is us great as was that between the Wolf and Muhlonborg Democrats in Pennsylvania, twenty-two years ago. You will hear quite a dif ferent report in sixty days. From seine informa tion on the subject, I do confidently assure youth it the people of Virginia are ignorant of the division in the party of which the Aruorican editors have so much to say. It so happens that I have met with many of the Democratic members elected to the Legislature, and, without an exception, they ex press their ignorance of the tight said to bo going on so fiercely. They are the friends of both Hun ter and Wise, and will not become parties to a contest between them. Governor Wise bag, in fact, authorized the announcement that he will not ho a candidate except in the event of Mr. Hunter's failure to give satisfactory assurances of his inten tion to support the National Administration; a con tingency not likely to arise, as Mr. II is pledged to sustain the Administration by a proper regard to his own consistency 89 a States' rights men, and there is no well-founded reason for the supposition that he will fail to do so. Besides the motive of principle already stated, Mr. II is proverbial f o r his caution and prudence, and no Virginia politi cian possessing these qualities will fail to sustain an Administration which unquestionably has the popular confidence. I have nu doubt of his re-elec tion. Tho frost which wo had some two weeks since slightly stained some of tho tobacco standing in the fields. and caused the premature cutting of a considerablo quantity. The weather has since been favorable to the outstanding crop, and the "last cutting" promises to be better than usual. In a week there will probably be but little left un cut My observation in the tobacco region leads mu to the conclusion already stated, that the crop will be above an average one. It will, I think, exceed the production of last year, at least ten thousand hogsheads. Sixty thou sand hogsheads in the State is considered a good crop. The number produced last year was 52,865 according to the inspectors' reports. Al the ruling rates of the present year, the tobacco crop now secured is good for at least ten millions of dollars; and this article, you will take notice, is extensively cultivated in but a com paratively small portion of the State. The wheat crop affords the largest net Income to our people. We shall also have a large surplus of Indian corn and other products of this season. So you will see that wo of the Old Dominion are not, as yet, se riously threatened with famine or bankruptcy. Aloartcot. a P. B.—Well hath a wise man said, "No one can tell what a day may bring forth." Since writing this letter, we have had a slight fall of snow in our mountains, and the atmosphere with us now (Saturday morning) is decidedly cold for the season. This sudden visitation may cease in dividual losses among our farmers and planters, but it can scarcely affect my estimate of the gene ral crop of Virginia. Put a still more astounding piece of intelligence is, that all the Virginia bunks hero yielded to the pressure, and closed their doors against all de mands upon them for specie. So that a considera ble portion of this epistle must ho recalled. Verily, there iv nothing certain to man but disappoint ments, taxes, and death ! Conflagration in Albany About four o'clock this morning, as the policeman in the Second district was going his rounds, ho dis covered smoke emerging from the exte»sivo NM% o establishment of Messrs. Rathbono ,t Co , No-. I and 11 Green street. lie immediately sounded an alarm, but before the department was brought to boar, tho fire had extended from the first to the fourth story, and through the adjoining loft oter the stove-store of McCoy At Clark. Stith our abundant supply of water from the hydrants the building was speedily inundated and the flames almost Instantly chocked. The tire is supposed to have originated front to grate in the counting-room in 1110 second story of Rat hbone CO'S. The hearth atone rested upon a piece of thither which con nected with the flooring. This is supposed to have become charred to such an extent as to have ignited after the place was closed last evening, and the fire spread through the entire establishment before it was discovered The buildings are owned by John T. Norton, Esq., and insurod in tho Mann faoturer's Insurance Company, Boston, for 00,000, but the damage wilt probably not exceed $1,509 to $l,BOO. Rathhone Jr. Co. are insured in the Franklin, Philadelphia, and the :Etna, Hartford, for $lO, OOO upon their stock, which will cover their loss McCoy $ Clark occupied the third and fourth lofts, over their warerooms, Nos. 13 and 15 Green street, where they had collected together !Vargo amount of stoves and materials to fill an order from California. 'Kiley had also stored hero some Costly patterns of a now stove, which are only par tially damaged. They aro insured in the Albany Mutual for $4,000 on stook and $l,OOO on patterns, whiab will covet their less.—Albany Journal, 23d. 30,213, 17 18,348,98^ TWO CENTS. LETTER FROM NEW TORR. (Correspondence or The Press 1 Alsw nes, Oct 'Sr, 1&57-6 20 P. 11. The article in Thursday's Pekes, on the "Sus pension of Banks and the Suspension of Consti tutions and Laws," is a most able and welcome exposition of what all honest, patriotic mon feel on the subject. With the exception of the friends of the bank directors, who believe that those potent gentlemen can do no wrong," it meets the cor dial approbation of all business men hose; indeed, of all men who comprehend the position we now occupy, who respect constitutional and legal obli gations, and who desire that we should be rescued as soon as possible from the disgraceful and dan gerous situation to which selfishness, reckless »esi, and misinterpretation of the lair have brought us There is nothing more distinctly laid down iu any code or statute-book than that the banks of New York cannot suspend specie payments without it virtual forfeiture of I heir charters, and that the Legislature is power less to relieve them from this penalty, without the sanction of the people, obtained as for any other change in the Constitution. They have suspended, however, they have not gone into liquidation, nor is any penalty enforced against them ; they con thaw to do business in the manner they choose, and force the public to take any paper they resolve Is Isaac. They may resume specie payments, Of they may nut, just no they think prayer, and are, in fee l and truth, at, this moment, acting as touch in . le ation of the law, as is the burglar who enters a house at night and abstracts your money. The extraordinary action of the Supreme Court judges, in deciding a question not before them, and nulli fying the express provisions of the Constitution, on e self-evident play upon words, may add to our disgrace, but cannot alter the law. Well may you say that the action affects "the reputation of every State, and will affect our whole country before the nations of the earth." At this moment the situa tion amounts to this : our banks have failed to fulfil the promise printed on the face of every note they have issued, and are, consequently, insolvent in the plainest sense of the word; and the judges, whose duty it is to upholdisthe law, and see that justice is done whatever may ba the consequence, step in, unsolicited, and declare that the banks need not pay specie, though the Constitution pays they shall; that they aro not in solvent or liable Ito „injunction, though the Constitution says they WO, and declare beforehand that they will not enforce any penalties against the defaulting banks, although the Constitution clearly says that those penalties shall be enforced, !tad that the Legislature itself cannot remit those penalties wholly or in part. If I give a note to my grocer or landlord, payable on a particular day or on demand, for goods sold and delivered, or for rent, and when I am called on to puy it, say I cannot do so, but that I have valuable furniture, other znen'o notes, or any other non-convertible properly which I shall sell when times aro better, and then pay my debt, will it save me from protest, or Snit at law ? or does it not amount to a declare- . . . . . tion of imolvency ? Are the banks exempted from the same obliga tions which bind private individuals , Can they make laws, violate the Constitution, and ruin the public, fur their own profit, and must we submit because the bank directors' fiat has gone forth ? The boasted security of the New York banks, the impossibility of their failure, the efficacy of the stringent and wise laws by which they were bound. vanish into nothing at the first trial, mid we stand bolero the world convicted of deliberate deception and utter contempt for the legal restrictions which we rratued ourselves. Indeed, it would appear as if wo framed these laws In order the better to effee tu.tto our schemes. It is to be hoped that the Legislature about to be elected, and which I have good reason to believe will be largely, if not en. tirely, Democratic, will rescue us in some measure from this disgrace, and prove, at least, that the banks and their friends, the judges, are alike condemned by the people. With very . few and trifling exceptions, the banks are contracting still further, and Monday's state ment will show to what an immense extent this !minces policy has been pursued in the teeth of re monstrance and expostulation. Those who hoped for ease from suspension are now undeceived. All the'veports of banks • discounting all their offer ings,' and showing a " desire to be liberal," and tieing all they can consistently with their own effigy," are false. Money is as tight as ever. Failures are abundant, and though we do not hear of them all, they take place, bat are hushed up under the thin blanket of " extension." . - - Tee was very little movement in the street to ilayi the faces of those who were bunting after money being as dull as the day, and their messes as bad as the elements are threatening. Foreign exchange in dull and irregular at .yesterday's prices, and domestic exchange is not easier. Gold is in no demand at 15 to 2 per cent. primium. The following New England banks 4re reported as p . aying specie for their bills: The New London, at New London; Connecticut River, a$ Bedford ; Middletown and Central, at Middletown; Iron Bank, at Salisbury; the Martha's Vineyard Bank, and the pucifc Bank, at Nantucket. The Bank of America leaves it optional with the Subscribers to the new capital to put off payment of the instalment payable November 1 till January 10, by adding interest. The New York Insurance Co. have declared a di vidsnid of five per cent , payable at 50 Wall street on and after the 20th inst. Tho business of the clearing house was • clear ings 15909,603,56 Balances paid in coin, $659,- 0,5,1.85. The cash transactions of the sub-treasury were : Receipts $32,102 76 Payments 68.699 61 Balance 5,885,209 07 The receipts for duties at tho custom house were $18,876.21. The exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending Oet.'24 wore as follows : Oct 14, Rehr. Flying Eagle. 011111C00 Total for the week. PreNiously reported Tots) since January tuin limo iu 1858... Same time in 1855... F.. 11114 time In 1854... Samo time iu 1853... SArwi time in 1852... The stock market, although still irregular, re covered somewhat from yestorday'a depression At the First Board Reading gained 2 per cent; N. Y. Central went down to 571. but recovered and Fold at 59 ; La Crump and Milwaukee gained , Eric opened at 10, but fell back to in, and Michigan ;loathe' n declined 2. 4 1 . At the Second Board N. Y Central wont up to 60; Reading went down to 211, and the market closed very unsettled. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES October 24 FIRST BOARD 21000 N CSt ss'sB 94 .3000 Ohio 6'a 'OO 92,1 i 10000 Ohio o'n 'B6 93 10000 do 9211 1000 Mich State o'e 81 5000 Ittimouti St o's 5000 do e 0 64S 5000 do a3O 64J woo Jo t,30 643 i ttooo do 63 V.OOO Cal State T'P, 'T059% 60 Pena Coal Co 62 650 N Y Central It s 3 53 150 do blO 68 10 do 57N 100 do 810 67% 100 do 810 50 100 do c 5S S 100 do 560 60 300 du 5S)i 150 do a 3 583. 150 do 59 2000 11rginia 6's 72 4000 Tenn o's 'DO OS 2000 N 1' Cell It 6's 70 .31X/ do 7's 88 2090 Erie B. 20 rut So 75 1000Erielt con to '7l 20 1000 Unshou Br Isis 47 2000 do 403; 10041.11nd 16 It ht mt 81 1500 lii Con it bds 64 15 Metropolitan Ilk 74 10 Pacific MS Co 6434 20 do 64 40 Del & Mu Ca C 89 50 Cal & Chic It 53 250 Clove &To It 25• 50 Chic & It.k Is 58;i 50 do 412 68% 70 do 59 25 Mil & Miss It 16 SECOND 20013 NY S '5O 931, 10000 N Y St 6'a,'73 101 41100 Ohio 6's 'SG 92% 1000 Missouri 6's 65 1000 11l Cen bds 64 5000 do el 5 63% 2000 N Y Cen 75 500 57 11' C 7's 84 2000 Mud It 24 mt 05 4000 Goshen Ilr bd 47 10 Home Ins Co 105 30 Del k II C sis 87 10 do 87% 5 Pacific Marl SSC 60 10 do 61% 20 La Crosee & Mil It 6 20 New Jemmy It 104 12 Cloy C h Cin R 62 Lai Reading R 26 25 Erie R 10 400 do .3 9 200 do fl 50 do 9X 50 Mich 8 & N Ind R 6 55 If 9 & N 19rf atk 15 5 Panama R 645 100 do 64 60 do 815 64 100 111 Cen C 755 350 do .10 7d 50 do 70 25 do 76x 50 do 810 765 300 do b 3 71 200 Cloy & Pittsb 8 BOARD 20 Manbat Gas Co 110 100 Cum Coal 55 9 Chic 6 - 11 I R 60 21 do 59X 50 N Y Cen R elO 195 150 do 510 60 100 do e.l 60 100 do 5944 75 do 60 50 Jo Al 60 200 Clue & To R 50 La Crimea &91 R 6 250 Erie R x 100 Hudson Itir R 560 13 100 Reading It 510 21,x MARKETB —Asucs aro Moody, with eater or :10 bLls at VCw 75 for Pots, sod for Pearls. illlalllSTUris —The market for State and Western Flour is heavy, end soloc d e bbl lower, with a limited demand at the quotations, which are 10ft15c above the VIOWS of shippers The ROM, which were chiefly for the supply of the local trade, were 0,500 bbte, at $1 05044 75 for common to good State, $4 550.55 10 for extra State, $-I 05551 75 for common to Fowl slichigitu, Indiana, Ohio, lona, kc ,rand $4 SOsifo 75 for extra du, the latter rate for faintly brands Extra round-hoops Ohio brands are quoted at $.5 21.,55 fin Southern flour Is nominally nuchanged as regards prices, but the market is t ory doll ' • we notice sales of 1,000 bbla at $5 40455 50 for toiled to good brands of ISAlttmore, Alexandria, Georgetown, Fredericksbur g, he , and 05 05st$7 for favorite, fancy, and extra brands, de Canadian flour is easier for extra brands, and there are none other offering; the sales are 700 bbls at $5 15 teSS 75 for the range of extra and family brands Eye flour is less plenty, but the price is unchanged; the sales are 'lOO td•ln at $3 2504 GO for the range of One and superfine CoIIN AIRII. is nominal , we quote Jersey at fa Brat:Wye Hie $ IV iii; u• is Sale lower oil common spring Wesipru and the market generally is depressed; the soles Ore (1,000 Wallets rea tiontbero at $1...21.41 30. the latter rate for choice ; 1,701 white Southern, .11. 4 0 :;. 700 white Ohio, $1.30; 41,700 .Cfneagn spring', Slag , / 00, wool ly at the Ineldu prier, bat including one boat tout or very handsome at the i trut, Klee, 0.000 choice ilittraukra club, 51 09, which wan extrntto late, and 1,500 Tall WlRCialaill at 51 110 • nyo 1.4 searee, and 11l deniend at NO mite for primp 0.1t4 or, lower; e quote Southern at 33tc.40c;JerFey 39ir44c ; 'Auto 45.4..147c Corn is 1100 , 4 and dull, with sales of 1.2.600 bushels tutica Ile , tern at ti tar slightly tonehed.and 69etto for SOMA. the in,her nave for anus!) lots. COTTON—The market la nominal. -•• • • . Pool IBlONB,—Pork VI held with more flrniness, but the demand is quite light; the sales ate 70 bbis at 8•11.50,e $2ll for mess, the latter price now generally asked, mid $16.60011 0 .76 for prime. Dressed hoot aro belt more firmly, with sales of prime corn fed at 7X ea no. Beef is lower and very heavy, with axles of 40 fib& at 81241$1:3 00 for country mese, $0080.60 for country prime, sl2xsl3 for repacked western, and $1.1.75414 60 for extra mess Prime mesa beef is quoted at 8'2.0 822. Beef hams are held at $180.1.17, the latter rate for extra Chica go Bacon is quoted at 12X relaa for smoked; sides are nominal at oi4 olio. Cut meats are nominal at Inc for hams, and oy, for shoulders Lard is dull and irre gular; about 800 tea , part on original owner's account, are pin forward to Liverpool; the nominal quotations are 113014q0 for fair to extra choice. Butter and cheese aro dull W otsaa v.—sal es of 300 barrels were made at 20p20,1ie for Obio and State, and last evening 700 barrels were sold at 21c. PIOTIC,I6 TO CORRESPOPIDNIITS. Corrnspendents for " Tax PiunisP , wm Soo but la mend Me following roles : /Iraq communication must be seeoaspeated by the name of the writer. In prim to insure emnottnem in the typography, but one Me of a abut abould be written upon. We shall be greatly obliged to pullet:tint in Penaryl• Tanis and other States for contributions giving' the ten rent nova of the day In their carthuilar '<militia', the resources of the sursounding country, the Immo of population, sad any inhumation that with be inter/ethic to the general reader GENERAL NEWS. It . /B said that the whaleship Amenea,which sailed from New Bedford on Wednesday of last week, took oat a steam whale-boat. The machi nery consists of two oseillatlng engines pitted in the stern, which drive a paddle-wheel. This boat eau be propelled at the rate of twelve miles an hour--two more than the usual speed of the whale. It is about two feet longer and one foot wider than ordinary whale-boats. The steam generating cy linders can resist a pressure of 1,000 pounds to the square inch. This innovation evidently contem plates an abandonment of the old method of ap proaching the whale by stealth, and in a long chase will be a great labor-saving machine ; but tt is doubtful it the experienced blubber-hunters will trust themselves in a steamboat to fight whales. Safety in this business depends upon celerity 'of movement, and while on ordinary whale-boat, managed by skilled oarsmen, would " edam all , " and evade the uplifted flukes of the whale, a screw steamboat would 'be knocked higher than a kite, boiler and all. To tow the whale-boats it would, n o doubt, be very serviceable, leaving Jack in good I wind to tackle the fish after he had reached the scene of action. Among those lost in the Central America were William Van Reed, of Spring township. and Ft. Spohn, of Commt, Bucks county, Pa. The Reading Gazette says, that they were both young men, who went to California several years ago, and bad toiled in the gold mines so successfully that they were on their return home to enjoy the fruits of their hardship and labor. It is supposed that they bad with them a considerable aporintolgold. From information given their. relatives by a survi vor, it appears that when all hope of saving the ship bad been given op, Mr. Van Reed retired to his, berth, and there. in the calmness of despair, awaited the inevitable fate of the vessel. Young Spohn met death with equal composure. Re was the intimate friend and companion of Van Reed, and had worked with him, during the whole period of their residence in California, for the treasure they were destined never to enjoy. Since Spobn left home for California his father, mother, and brother have died. The sale of the furniture and personal effects of the late Hon. Andrew Stevenson, which takes place at Blenheim, near Charlottesville ; Va., on the 16th proximo, embraces, among other in teresting relies, several very valuable paintings. Among.them is a full-length pbrtrait of Marshal Soult, by Healy ; one of only three original minia tures of Napoleon, by Isabee; (this is said to be of great value;) the marriage of St- Catherine, by Murille, and a number of others. The painting of Marshal Swill was presented by that distinguished character to Mr. Stevenson while representing thin country as minister at England; Marshal Soult, - at the same time, representing France at the same Government. The original miniature of Napoleon, by Isabee, we understand, was presented to Mr- Stevenson by ex-King Joseph Bonaparte. The representatives of the Louisiana Tehu antepec Company bad returned from Mexico, after opening in that city the subscription books for $2,700,000, to be subscribed in four months_ The company have the right to dispose of any shares not taken at the end of that time, in the United States. It was the general belief that the whole would be taken by Mexican capitalists. The Government had by special decree authorised the founding of three new cities—one at the month of Coatsscoaleas, to be called " Colon:" another Iturbide," at the bead of navigation, and one in the Sierra, to be called " Humboldt." A square league of land is granted to each. A shocking tragedy occurred last Monday, in Hallowell, Maine. A 'man, named Ryan, of Farmington, had been paying his addresses io a young woman who worked in a factory at Hallo well. She had recently declined to receive his at tentiono. An interview took place on Monday, at her boarding-bonne, when be attempted lo shoot' her, and, fading in this, turned the pistol upon himself, fired, and fell dead. Ile had accidentally put both balls into one barrel, by which the yoting woman's life was &eyed. He received bath halls is his head. The barrel he discharged at his intended victim contained only powder. The Memphis (Tenn.) Eagle chronicles the arrest of D. L. Smith who murdered Dr. Black burn, of Cairn, in March last. When he came to Memphis last March, he was accompanied by &wo man, who passed for his wife, and a short time af ter she left, . and a week ago last Sunday he WB6 ',tarried to a girl of respectable family in the toan ty where he was arrested. When Smith saw there wan no chance to escape, he took one hundred grains of morphine. Sulphate of copper was promptly adminiAereal, wide h caused him to throw up the morphine Some eighteen years ago, says the Reading Journal, a beautiful young girl. named Esther Fisher, left. Idenayunk on a canal boat for Bea& tog, but was murdered before reaching the latter place. The public excitement was verygreat, and a large reward was offered for the detection Cit Ake. murderers, but without success. This girl was * sister of the mother of Adeline Barer, who so re cently has met a similar fate. It is possible that the murderers of these poor girls are never to be discovered until the revelations of the greet day. An imposter named Robert Gerald, repre senting himself as &drummer fora dry-goods house in Philadelphia, succeeded in winning the affec tions, and marrying the daughter of James of Montgomery county, Ohio. Re brought his bride to Wheeling, and on pretence of business in Virginia, deserted her. It was subsequently as certained that he was not in the employ of a Phila delphia house. Heart-broken the daughter re turned to her father's. The bishops, clergy, and lay members of the Episcopal Church, to whom the subject matter has been committed, will assemblain Montgomery, Alabama, on the 25th of November, to perfect the plans for the establishment and endowment of a Southern 'University, under the control of the church. It is expected, we believe, that the bishops of all the slaveholding States will be pre .ent, with two or three exceptions. The Indiana (Pa.) Independent has the fol lowing: Plumcreek township, Armstrong comity, has the honor of baring produced fire men whose edited weight is 1200 pounds, and all five of whom have been elected by the suffrages of the people to the office of Sheriff—David Ralston and John Montgomery to the office in Indiana county, T. S. Mitchell elected in Jefferson county, George Smith, and Joseph Clark in Armstrong county. The following table, made up from the cen sea of 11650, shows the number of slaves in each of the slave States: Virginia, 472,5; South Caro lina, 334,984; Georgia, 381.532; Alabama, 341,843; Mislissippi, 308.878; North Carolina, 2.8.548; Louisiana, 244,803; Tennessee, 239,459; Kentucky, 210,981; Maryland. 90,338; Texas, 53,161; Mis s.niri, 49,422; Arkansas, 48,100; Florida, 30,310; Delaware, 2,290. Tuesday morning, the '2oth inst., the hills around Johnstown, Pa., were covered with snow. The Erho says the mountains are full of bears. Instances of them being trapped and shot have oc curred almost daily for the last month. A larger number of them have been killed this fall than was ever heretofore knoin. They are very bold, and in many instances have seized hogs within si4ht of dwellings and carried them off. A great exhibition of fast horses is to be 34,^_16,141 33 316,717 30,644,699 :5,18,338 33 410 = 19,5412,7139 ...2,242,770 bold in Harrisburg on Thursday next, the 29th inst The Teleo'rapA says • "Horses will be pre sent from Lancaster and Reading, one of which, foie the latter city, owned by Major George Litman, is entered for a trial of speed against one of the fast nags of our town. The occasion has created quite a stir among the sporting fraternity rs - What, my friends," cried the Rev. Doctor Knoxadus, as he preached on the vanities of life— •• What, my friends, is money ''' And he gave the pulpit an awful bang.• Two per cent a month," cried Solomon Waltatreet, waking from a deep dieam. But, as he looked round, he saw that he wasn't at the board. and that he was a money changer in the temple. The steamboat Southern Star, which has been running during the past 'summer as a regular packet between Mobile, Ala., and the Eastern Shore, was destroyed by fire at Battle's wharf last week, a few minutes before her usual time for da p irtnre for Mobile. Loss about $19,000 ; insu rance $lO,OOO. A woman named Mulroney - , who has been treated for some two months past, in the Commer cial Hospital in Cincinnati, for a large tumor, died there a few days since, all medical skill having failed to give her any hope of relief The tumor. which was in the abdominal region, weighed, when removed alter death, nearly seventy pounds. On Monday of last ilea Washington Rol ley, a brakeman on the Kentucky Central Rail road, met with a horrible death at the first tunnel. Ile incautiously remained on top of the ear while the train was passing through the tunnel, and, be ing caught between the arching and the car, was crushed to death. The work upon the line of the new r Inroad between Reading and Allentown is still being pushed on with vigor. The people of Reading are congratulating themselves upon having, when the road is completed, a choice of markets between Philadelphia and New York tar the di-posal of their produce. Baghy, late of Chicago, was robbed o i l board of a steamboat between botibiville and New Orleans, a few days sines, of in Louisiana funds Ile bad sold hi' property in Chicago and s no on his way tou buy land in Texas. It nes all the money he had in the world Mrs. Juliet 11. L. Campbell, Mrs. Amelia Farquhar, Mrs Andrew Russell. Mrs. John Ship. pen, Mrs. John Bauman, of Pottsville. Pa hero formed themselves into a committee to rai-e sub scriptions and sympathise with the widow of Capt Herndon. The lion. E. G. Squier was married in Providence on the 22. d inst., to Miss Miriam F . daughter of Charles Follin, ESft.. of New In the absence of Mr Follin, who is in Europe. the bible was given away by ex-tio%,riwr Anthony, of Rhode Island. During the storm on the afternoon of Fri day of last week. eleven sheep. the property of Mr. William Cooper, or Long Dill, Morris county, N .1 , were killed by lightning under a lofty elm tree on his farm Mullinex, the man who killed his young n ife in Putnam county, Indiana, souse months ago, has been convicted of tuutidcr in the first degree The lime for his execution has been fixed on the 2inti of November Mr.l3eniamin Reed, of Hight:down, has been elected President of the Central Bank Ff New Jer sey, in place of R. E Morrison, resigned. The new custom house at Bristol, R. 1., has been completed. Tho basement is occupied as the post office. A young man, named Wynkoop Hanky, was killed near Schuylkill Haven, Pa,, last week, by being thrown from a wagon. The soldiers of Cincinnati, Ohio, are agita ting the holding of a military State Conven tion. Ice, quarter of an inch in thickness, was famed in Schuylkill ecuaty daring the , past week.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers