; -, !7',T-11 - E. - P,ItES.S, PUBLISUD DAILY = „(00A'ki:'N.X0p0TED,) '''BY 101{N . W owning; NY; 417 CHESNUT STREET, - DA Tirscin _Onto ,rsi W,Ox> pikyoblo to the oorrlois. Mailed totiobsortbere out of the Ottiat Biz DOLLI.IB rFA AkAfillfjlquit DOLLAROpO/{ BRUIT MONTIRLTaain Docctior vox Elm Mosirao; innriably is whims for the , time erdired.-.• g ""' PitSdd i ; _gote4 to jobuiribers out of the City, at Taxes Dot.- , rail ahnoiti is advent*. ' WEEKLY PREMS. . ~ I., W itivr Payee will be fent to 13obsertbere .by nistl,lper esteem, le advance,) et 22'00 Three Ooplol, 44 . • lf • 44 ' • ' , 609 Vire Cop*, " ,3 00 Teri lioplee, " ' " ' ' 12 00 Trauty Caplet', " " (to one address)._ 20 00 'flinty - MOW oi• over,' " . (to addresi of each ' 23brorltibr),Akoh: - ."., '. i ... ',' 100 , Voi , aoololl a, Tirenty-One 'or over we will Ind s* Cars, Copy;to the 'getter...up a the Chab. • - . ~ Itr , POrtionetere are.requested to sot as Agents for Too Wrancur Pelee. , , .. , TILE - WEEKLY PRESS. ,THE CHEAPEST AND BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN TRE,COUNTRY. ogri7it.TAlTooo 7MOWTO, TO MOBS 1 TiIMIVENKIX PAM 7e published from the Olty.of, Philadelphia, every Betuider , ,, - , , _ , le ; midi:toted upon 'Thitional, Principles ' , and, will up 4014 the tights of the States., I, Pill resist hinatl cleat Ini'erer„t ehepe and .be r ,gexoted censer(' stive „dietritiee, _se the tree fotuidatiiMOl public pros- Deriti and 'Maid' Sushi sv Weekly4ournal hes lootheenSeeileS In the United Mites, and - it Is la - gra. WY this want that THE WEEKLY PR.P.S3 le published' ,TUR W EEKLY. RAW! Sle printed: excellent white paper', clop', nockpe, and In, Torte ftrol t ,,fog, J 4 Notable, till, the Noire of • the - day thorrespondence Wit the 041 , 113r1d hag IXeir ; . DOecisitib geocoj itiperfew ot . the" ?silk)* "ifeiyets ; . I,iterevy re: Astra; 'Nfisdellitiemie Belebtions; the progress of Agri. odlture,bi *Mite various departments, Re., Bw. irr , Terms, invariably is advance. Talk WEEKLY PRESS will be sent to auliseribera, by mall, at' - • • $2 00 per annum. Twenty Qopies, when sent to one ad- , ,dreas, - ,-20, 00 4, , tientY 13/mlea, over ,, to address of , each ariesorilode eneh, - - - ,29 , .s Vor - i•Olub - of ' Twonty-enei 'oier 'w , e will send an extract:my to the getter-up of the Club ' . , Poist liaaterehre onneated to sat as Agents' foe- TRU WEEKLY PRESS. j L I will esteem it a goat fever ifmy political-and pet'• ionsl friends, and all otheta who desire a Orel clue Weekly Newspaper, will exert themtaelves to give TfLti TrREILLY PRESS a laige arm/lotion In their respective neighhorhooda. JOB W. FoRNE Y. Editor and ra:epiletar.. rublleation Ogee oT TILE WEEKLY PRESS, No. 41! Chestnut Street, Phgadelphia. , • AVAItiIURTOLVS INIMITABLE ,130TERINGS VCR THE HEAD, .. Embrace all the points necomary to . . . GENTEEL EFFECT, And all the details and nicer eleganelei which impart, ' -FINISH; COMFORT. AND DURABILITY. ' Gentlemen are invited to call and examine: '.. 'ort2s-6na - - 430 CHESTNUT Street. Books. VALUABLE L I BB:AB Y BOORS .11r , ,",, .PO/1.18/110 Er "• RED , FLELD, ESTRE.pT, ,KEW YOlpt SICETORES — 'OO.TRE SEISM BAR. BY the Bight Hon. 'Richard Litio*Sheil,M.q.; Edited, Wilt a Memoir and Notes, by R. SheltonMsolienale,'D: Q. L. ; Sixth Edi tire, with Portrait and fac=simile letter. •In Swots - Prices 2. ' THE NOOTES AMBROSIANA. By Professor Wilson, J. 0. Lockhart, James Hogg, and Dr. Magian., Edited, with Memoirs am! Notes, by Dr. It. SheltonMackensie. ' Third Edition: 'ln 6 volumes, with portraits and fac similes. Price $5. - • MAGINCPS MISCELLANIES. - The Miscellaneous Writ togs of the late Dr. sloginn. •Edited, with a Memoir and,Notes, by, Dr, R. Shelton Maokensie. Complete ' &volumes, with Portrait. Price, per vol., cloth, St• ,tIPE OP THE ET: HON. JOHN PIIILPOT CITERAN. •:',llyi eMealls Bon; Wm; Henry Curran; with Notee and Ad - '- by Dr. It. Shelton Mackenzie, ends. Portrait da Steed and faa-stmile.• Third Edition. 12ne0., cloth. THE OIBRIENB O'FLAIIERTLES ; a ths. Aortal Story, bolos the grist of Lady Morgan'. Novels and Ibantanees. With an Introduction and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. • 2r..voiss., 12m0., cloth. *s; Price $2. t‘• i i s ';• " • • BARRINGTOILIS SHETORES. Personal notelet' of-his Own Time. ByStr Jousts Barrington, with Mlustra times by Darley. Prattle Edition. "With Memoir by Dr. Ailsekensio. ,12u50., cloth. Price $1.25. •, • „ MOOKE'S 'LIP" OP SILERIDAN, Memoirs of the ;Life of the, Bled Hon. Richard Brineley Sheridan. B -Thomas Moore with Portrait' and fanalealle. Sixth Edition: • 2 vo te,, 12alo. cloth. Price $2. ' •BITS OF , BLARNEY : By DrAt. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. • 12tu0., cloth. Price $l, rUM lIISTOItY- OP THE WAR IN THE PENINSULA. By Major General Sir W. F. P Napier, from the au- Jut 'revised edition, with fifty-five Maps and •; Plans, five Portraits on Steel, and a complete Index, -6,v015.,12t00. cloth, Price $1 60. " • APIER'S pENINSULAR ;WAR: . Complete la 1 vol., Oro. Prices 2 60. „ TIIE FOREST. By J. V. 'Huntington; author, of “Lady ": Alice," " Alban," ere. 1 vol., /2mo. Second SM.. • " 141641'26 " -ALBAN; or; The History of a'ioung Puritan. By J. 2v015., 12m0., cloth. Price $2. ERSObI; 8C CG'e GREAT TATER. Altr NAIR, kIYTIL and A.Reastheate, ; .° bidet' to gratify the wiehes or our Atnootann !Undo the boolt-tntYing Public to fin p 0 Ow: librati p s at the usual low prices we intend tO,preinet arVe' .4.lmekato - • ittlinnalue of from tents/ to PM' ein at 01m - ImPtlttelkaul, leek at our valuable steskjand molest Eg ltde rli tret iTtl ytit' eau nothcying - at ohm' re ' r,ey ' ery . par . chaser gets his books at the mud priee,and very many orijA gat; 'n4011145, aprisont Worth having, att2l-8m OAItIRBELL & SON:, BIBLIOPO MSTS, an the CUSTOM ROME Avenue, baie al ways for' sale rare and. scarce 80-Dim.' Gentienien -Worms are invited to call and judge as to prices and ra Lmr.and miscellaneous books Purchased in small or largo_ qv.,ntlt!es. Becht, continually receiving from se24-th to Bm* SPANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, ltois 489 CNEBTNUT Street. N. 11.:—No eontlee flea-10th spy pther, house in the City. au.l.4m tUatrlys, 3iweirg, B AILEY & CO., OEESTNUT STREET, Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVA'S WARN, Under their - Inipeaton, on the presaisei- exelnalvely Ultima and fitningera are invited to vhdt oar mane factory, .constantly on hard a orplenillei stoat of Rapidan Waite., of all the oalatrated =km DIAMONDS. - Matinees, lirsoelets,' Breaches, Ear• Hinge, Dings, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawingn of NEW DESIGNS Will be made free of " chive for those wishing work made to order. Rl.Oll, GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Yin. sachaa Mande, /Stone and SWI Cameo; Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marva/40, - ; Lon ko. - VEINFITELD, °MOW, : BABKATIS,, iirdaT.BßO, ,&o. Bionzo and .101:111a orpoia3, of newest otyloo, and of ouperlor quality. sold twtewly ' 4:.",PEQUIGNOT, ' xi. • HANICBACTORERS OP WATOEIONAZO AND Diroirrini; Or wATOOI,II, SOUTH TRIED STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT EHILADELPILIA. 00stust Pagosamyr. Auotring PENDONOT sel9-3nioal, •AMES, E. CALDWELL • & C 0 4,, • • ' J.l. No. 492 CHESTNUT, BELOW ifIETIf STREET, .Importers of IWatches.and Vino Jevolm Matteotti ion of Sterling and Standard sliver Ten Sete, Parks and apooos, iota ogentelor the sale of CharleelfrOdishara'a new limbs Gold Medal London Timekeepers all the `Rises on hand, prices $2OO, $215, and $3OO. • ..English and OW7O Watches it the lowlat Prleaa. - Rich faahlonablaJeweirg, lihetlield and American PistedlVares. • Al • 341101.4070/1111 AND 1111.0111110 SILVER-PLATED WARE, No: 304 Chestnut Street, above Third, (up statro,) • Philadelphia Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA. SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS PITCHERS. GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, RAS t KNTS, °WARS, KNIVES, SPOONS, YORKS, LADLES, dco, ico. • '" Gilding and pliting on all 'clods of raetsl. le2ly SILVER WARE.- - WILLIAM WILBON & lON. - • MANUFAOTURERS OF SILVER WARE, - . - —OISTABLINIED 1812,) • •-B:.W. COAXES' FIPTH AND OUSIIIRT 82112228,. A largo satortment of SILVER WASP, of evary de. eaription,oonatantly on hand, or made to order to match a#7 YlLitern datired. , i',unpnr , tars ,Sholleld and Birmingham Imported ;ware. . seBo-d&wly :121RANCIS P..DIISOSQ; & SON, •late of Dubosq, Canow k Co., - Wholesale KANT/PAO ,ITRIIII3 OY JEWELBY,BOI, 011148TNUT street, Phila delphia. puxots P. Dtmostl. Duadeq. andl: 8m Oeming Alact)ince. A, GOOD SEWING MAORINE•.—HUNT, ,WELISTER, & Co., beg respectfully to introduce tliernseive tol.the public as the manufacturers of , the , • IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE, adapted to thanorsotoriug or family purposes, 'Tree from the objections which have been tined against those already known in this market' THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE UOOD QUALITIES OW THEM: ALL; and will he sure' to' commend 'itself, upon eAarallialloli,,to families, tailors, saddlers, shosinskers find seamstresses. Those in rant of A GOOD ARTICLE ' , that will make a handsome look-ditch, work MUTH LiITTI,E NOISE, that will HEM, RIND, STITCH, RUN, or (lATHER indeed ' that will give entire satisfaction needafter 'Um, hale teen need for years, are lurltoit to „ . east, oar rdoms, 011ESTNUT Street. j '- • HUNT, WEBSTER, & CO. •Newing of every deseription executed In the best pos pibletnanner, and OR reasonable terms. Samples of nor work ,pent,by mail to any part of the United *States. , '..tngie gm. irr'eale. ' og.,:sile:--THE STOCK *MID VlX tv•Tun OtirtentOr Shop, In (Thalia; aboye •Shlppen ottote o Fourth stmt. • Ingnlrs on the lavngees. 044-8 E VPR: 44:x:+ pt — m k s , i r,: 444lllMetTnlo P itTrottle e ti, N w o eerst 1 1 ° 1 0 1t 6 lky 116 fast--tide yard. Apply on the prenilees 00174%, v 'PART •Ny OF AWLICKT-1:1 1.149, ' 4 le Airilliii; 'l3; IC colsio, or 'BINTB Alf)) 0111 4 1 7 1 flit --f_ . - ••• r , - '-poit..ioNtiFilis; ci c iaiii bit; 18 , 51.!' 4 Bided , Prapbsalevirffilkeriectivetit OM Offiele bmtil 1141610th day of NOVENBRIV kit, - WO Velodk; fol. 04 tteAting ot-ther tollowlngl4hirlea itztd:Lanpp fO. JirßApt,three yesrov,: , ; •,", . .' , ,-,.',. , ~. torii4.lk,..,...4.,t•paudingr,t.th. foot of •kroh Moot; Oa iifhlfiiin9P77. l,e ,t 4, e 4 4monc4gplicefqber.Blo, ti ' ,114ilotAlitiehrt tibi, At iiif MO dOlOyao iihritliVNinahirivekSchitylldll—litasse4ipme2iiatOgrtaii ;"*PProt!olieborßyikil be*ulred. , %.:. ,:-.,. , ',-. tP. ~, .. -,1:.-;.i..1, , O;tO.,.TROMPOOIfiVi io .. ~ 'l o .l . th AAn ZAI , OAAAnbaIOAOA of Matkota, ", . ~‘ \ \ '., \ . ; . '--'., t ' i , + i ~- ,0.“:1 : M. ,•% ' . . ' f--..f ! , "11,c1 ' . . ' '‘, \ \ N V I i ' I/ ~ ..L.4 ' ;" `" . , .....' N S \ ‘ t I* ', l 3 .' ' • , '4 4*41 r t e'• --- r("-:-, .;;,•_., _r!, ~ 4 -\://, - (--•,. 4 -.....,-:. ~• '—• tek tt -,..., ......... , VIP-- nil k . ,•,‘ • , el l, ~-,. it t lit( ,t,,_ t ~....„,......„,..1, . - . :: '- f - ,, , 1.,. - . -7, ;7 „ 44 - ' r:% :- ..' : ,,' ; .,.. „- ,A . ,:_,.... 1 4,.,......, - : :; ; 11,5.,......!:7.,.....:t 4 -;::: 1 --, 411 :---:::7-1::: : ,:-::~;.:: 4 -.,,,-: - r--- :-- 4- 7 ,....T .-- , ,) - ? _•_ i‘....- i w4 s.,„ 4: o r o , : l.O _ fi r ~.v.r.,,..,.t.......i_.„6...........r.,'...... .1 sm . .......__ ...,....„...,„.„........_ ....._ _...„, _......_ ~,...,.,;...„...... _,.,.......„_ . , ...,. , VOL. I-NO. 75. Legal Notices THE DISTRICT COURT VOR THE I OITY,AND COUNTY OP PuthAMILPIIIA. ' The South Weetern Saving Fund andlluilding elation ror. John Creighton. , Lev. Fac.,,March Tom; 1857. - No. 768. The Auditor appointed by the Oourt to dtstritnito the fond arising front a sale snider above writ of the follow hig real estate—via: All that certain lot or piece or ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of William Street, at time distance of one hundred and eighteen toot eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Fourth Street, io the City of Philadelphia, containing in fronton said William street sixteen feet,'and in length or depth that breadth seventy-ohe feet six inches—will attend to the duties °this. appointment at his office, No. 704 Waahington Squared ((south side) on Monday, November 2d, at four o'clock P. lit, when and where all persons are required to present their clakne, or be debarred from coming in upon said fond. - _ A. AiTiItRAY STEWART, Auditor 0c22-dlOtlk TIC , THE - DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND'COIINTY OF PRILADELPIIIA. -. _Matthew Semple to use of E. Wi ; Morrison vs John Vogel,. District Court, June term, 1857. ;No. 638. Test. Ye. to Lehigh county The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute tbo fund arising from the sale of personal property under above Writ, will attend to'the duties of his appointment on Tuesday, November 3d, 1858, at 4 o'clock P. 11., at his ollice,l7o. 704 Washington Square, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. A. MURRAY STEWART, 0022-dlOtss Auditor. NOTICE.—IN THE ORPHANS' COURT for the City and County of yhiladelphia. SAW* of WILLIME 13; DANIELS, dace:alien. . Sur prooceidings: id partition. To:Gordon. Daniels, 'John 0. Daniels, Endly Fisk, Gilbert W. Etch, Marietta Barnen r Charles Barnes, Ben jamin M; Daniels, Anitip Daniels, loaules Daniels, and Deforest Daniels, anit all other prone bilttlrestO in the above estate.. , NOTIONIe herebigiven' that in ,pursuanee of a writ of partition, issued from the Orphane court, of Phila delphia,countpi in The 'share Mate; ah locoed will be hold lay the Sheriff, on the premises , iu eald writ de scribed, for the Purpose of 'making a parittion , or valua tion of , the same, on FRIDAY, the , 3Dth ,day of Onto her, A, p. 1.887, at: 10 o'clock A. M., when and where you may attend if yon coo proper. 11E0.11E11}1E, Sheriff. Sheriff's , Oct. 20,1857. , ocZiten • IN THE COURT •OF COMMON' PLEAS FOR THE' COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The following Charter of Incorporation will be granted by . the Court on MONDAY, the 7th day of DECEMBER, A: D. 1051, at 10 o'clock A. M., if no entltelentreason,be shown to the contrary, to Wit: THE EMIGRANT BENEFICIAL SOCIETY OF TIIE OITY AND COUNTY OF ocl3 20 27* eburational. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEPARTMENT OF MINES, ARTS, AND - • MANUFACTURES. • comma on 1857 —lB5B. The Winter course of Instruction in this Department will commence on TUESDAY, November 3d, and be continued as follows : MEORANICS AND 01113LISTIIY. Professor T. F. FRAZER, TUESDAY and FRIDAY. at 4 P. M. _ . APPLIED MATHEMATICS. Professor B. 0. KENDALL, MONDAY and TIMIS DAY, at Er P. Id- CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, AND CON STRUCTION. Professor BARRIERS, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 6 P. IL GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY., Professor C. D: TEEGO, MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M. - The Legates' will be amply illustrated by Models, Drawings, and &specimens, The Lectures will bo continued until the and March. The Courses may be attended either singly or to-' gather. TRIMS For any one Conn° For the four Course. For Tickets, apply to FREDERICK DICK, Ja"niter nt the University—North Building. And for Information , respecting the studies, to BADMAN ROGERS, Dean of the Fact;key. West , Ilittenhourie *genre, %oo 26•d8t ACADEM.Y , OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JUNIPER STREETS. 'This Institution has been re-opened for the Autum nal Beaton, under the Supervision' of the Rev. JAMBS W. ROBINS, A. M., as Principal. "The _Episcopal Academy, present' peculiar (aniline'', both for the moral and Intellectual trod sting; cud for the physical development of the youth committed to Its care. o paLs willbo spared to perfect the pupils In the va rious studies width, from time to time, they may pur sue; while It will be the aim of the Principal, both in. his instruction and la his daily Intercourse with the boys to lay the foundations of an upright, manly, and' religious character. The rooms of the Academy Building are numerous, lofty, and well ventilated ; and the pupils during recess enjoy the Advantages of an enclosed play-ground and an: ample Gymnasium. Boys able to'reati, 'and 'rot less than eight years Of, age, are received as s een as they have begun to write ; and cipher, and are candtteted through the vedette cleans of the Academy with a rapidity proportioned te" their AWRY- The loweattethisa. (A) is ioompied iai - Opening, -Beading, Wrltleg, Arithinetlo, matVasogtvt-', phy; ,the highe s t clue ,in the „branches ummtly. studied in ,the Freshman year of,* collegiate course., The studies of the Intermediate 'claSses are suited to the various ages Mod abilities of the puplia. The Tuition Fee for those in Class A is sixty dollars per SUM= ,• for all others seventy-live dollars per an num; payable half-yearly in advance. Besides this fee, there are no other charges; the French Language, Fuel, and the use of the Gymnasium being included in the price above mentioned. Bops not studying" the Greek and, Latin Languages have extra lessons iu lien of classical. The school time not spent under Instruction is employed by the pupils in study under the superintendence of a teacher, and in a spacious apartment arranged for that purpose. The Institution is inspected monthly by a committee of the Bowl of Trustees, and visited from time, to time by the Bishop of the Diocese. Applications for admission may be mule to the Prin cipal daily during the week (except on Saturday), be tween the hours of h A. ht. and 28. Al. ac 8-tu,th,sat-tf HALL OF ST. JAMES • THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOLYOR BOYS. _BST B. R. Smiregii, MOTOR. The AntinAl Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep. tember I. Circulars ' mayhe obtained at the Book Store of N. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the hector,' Poet Wilco, Falls of Schuylkill, Phile delphis. • anl7-0m tiVOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE N_ persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as BUSINESS "BUUCIATION. LEIDY , BROiELBItB' BUSINESS AOKDEMY, 'Noe.l4B and 150 SIXTH Street, near RAGE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER let, for fallt and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOO T H—REEPING AND ARITHMETIO by simplified methods, In a ehort time THE LEIDY'S take pleasure in saying, that during the_ put year a large number of persens acquired a , BUSINESS EDlMATlON;euabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations silecessfnlli; " " au22,-Bm. CRITTENDEN'!I PIITLELADP/11..A: CON DIEROIAL COLLEGE, 8. E. Corner of SEVENTH. and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP; every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. ' Esih Student hem Individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has cherge of the Writing Department. ' - Please militia see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Tents, ke. oca-y PPROFESSOR.SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PIIILADELPIIIA, No Seminar y whatever is iron like a private family. The course or study is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years , of :age into his fatolly: En Lire of Messrs. J. B. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or 001. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sone or wards are now member' or hie tandly. ' eeptl44l' SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG DIEN AND BOTH, N. B. corner 7,1011111 and BUTTONWOOD streak. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Oatalogues containing full partlaulark, pupils , names, testimonials, &a., can be had on application. an2s-2m P. DONLEATY LONG, Principal. eitttantega , at taw CHARLES D.'EXERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Williarorport,Lycotaing county, Pa, will pay particular attention to Securing and Collecting claims, in Lyeoming and adjoining counties, 1:1=1 Ron, J. O. Knox, Supremo Bench, Philadelphia. David Jayne & Son, Phila.Norcross & Shasta, PhDs Anapach, knapach, hood & C0 ., 1 Smith, Shantz & Co., Oct-lmoo LE WI S S. WELL S, ATTORNEY AT lAN, N 0.2 AIRY STREET, NORRISTOWN, will attend with punctuality, and to the beat of his ability, to all bualneei entrusted to bin care, ocl4bn J J. MLOHIL.] [W. KOMI. IVITOILEL & KOONTZ— ATTOENEYB AT LAW, No. 28 Camp Street, New errleems. aarintexass Ia PHMIDSLPUIA Caleb Oope & Co., 188 Market street. Smith, Murphy k Co., 97 Market etreet, Wm. 11. Brown & 0..008 Market street. ran97.sn* DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY T LAW. Sotitheist Omer of =GUTH and (WET Strwith, IPhiltdo ' gni -17 IVI YER sTRo.USE, ATTORNEY AT AIAL LAW, CENTIttI street, Pottsville, Pa. arelk-17 gromuttegion ,fficrtbants. JH. CHASE & CO. • eNNZBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North NRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philmielphia. CIONSTANy-LY iracrama CLOVER STEED On consignment from the interior of Pennsylvania, where our new Cleaning Mill is now In general nee. Also, TIMOTAY AND RED TOY always on hand. soli-tf HANDX & BRENNER--COMMISSION lORCIIIANTs and Ilealore in Foreign and Ame rican HANDWAHN and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 23 North FIRTH Otreetdiait side above Commerce street, " ant-tr CHARLES , TETE; COMMISSION MEM oaeNT and Importer of .lIAVANA fI'AGABS, (M y) US Wont street. beconB story. ," ou:1711 IRON' MANtiFA6TIIRERS AND • 'BILUTTEtt'S 'PATENT IMAM:4IIOE MAarilla,', This irsluable inventton— being 'the best insoblnelor snatesfaotoring NetvieasboeS ever 0ffev74. 1 49 tll9.APlert okapi:Alio-4s no oftered for sale ou favorable terms. No Otooticitovodi' Wien to pelting ti WO Zolet MOW INIMPIOMiatt 'etbak taken' for large part of the purrharkai " ,,, ALVAN VILNYI49; ' 0092.10 E Sd WYLLIAK tftreet, Now York. Cljt Vrus. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1857 WHAT SHALL BE DONE WITH THE SEPOTS The ethics of jurisprudence teach that the punishment which the law—actually represent ing the voice and concurrent opinion of So ciety—inflicts upon offenders, is not to be con sidered as Vengeance. tinder the Mosaic dispensation, the principle was Au eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth ;" but the Chris tian code, as laid down by the Highest and Holiest, contents itself with less than this. Humanizing and merciful, even in its justice, it is based upon the dictum,: ~V ongeance is vane, i4nith the Lord, and I will repay!" A crime is committed. the criminal is dis covered, the adMinistrators of the law which ho violated have to sentende him' to . .such penalty as the law provides. In some cases, the punishment is arbitrary—a fixed penalty for an ascertained effenee. In other cases, a certain latitude is permitted to the judge, who is permitted to mote out to the offender such a #egive, of ( punishment as_ he may believe the .circumstances of tho:casolor the .character of the criminal may warrant. For example, when particular offence has prevailed in any par ticular locality, and the, crimp is brought home to the perpetiiiter, the judge usually inflicts a severer Punishnient than he would give if the offence liad boon solitary. And thus, also, if the offender have erred before, it is usual to make the penalty much heavier than if it were his entrance into crime. Thus, circumstances and character do materially influence the qua lity and the quantity of the punishment in flicted by, or rather under, that great bulwark of civilization and social order which is called The Law. The punishments thus inflicted have a dou ble purpose. First, to protect Society, by holding out to offenders the, living certainty that breaches of the oodo which rules and re gulates it meet with punishment; in a word, by subjecting crime to such severe treatment, 'to deter people from committing It. Second ly, to endeavor to reform the offender himself, by showing him that ho cannot break the law with impunity. Such general principles as these aro applica ble in a vast majority of cases—applicable, in very truth, in nearly all imaginable cases. /jut there are excepti one, Of, course, and ono of them is, where not an individual only is the offender, but where men are banded together for purposes which the law declareS to be bad. Such an extreme case is that of the insurrec- tionary Sepoys in Hindostan. There may be some little difficulty in pro perly designating them. The impulsive and eloquent gentlemen 'who lately held a "mass meeting" (In a small room) at Now York, for the purpose of expressing their warm sym pathy with the Sepoys who had revolted, went to the length of speaking of them as fe patri otic" heroes. As they are not likely to suc ceed, we dare say that they will be considered as rebels and traitors. If they were to wrest Hintlostan from the English, the affair would Ito wholly different, of course. As the epi gram,smartly and truly says— Treason loth noror prosper. What's the reason? Why, when it does, no man dare call ft Treason. The whole tenor of the latest news from In dia gives assurance of the ultimate and com plete success of the British, and that at no dis tant day; That news reaches down to the middle of September,' at which time the rein forcements lbons England had b egun to arrive. Before the present month is ended, there will lie in British India a larger'European force than has , occupied ~ jt place ,jt ,flr;t came under 'the :sway, nominally,- of the East India Company, but actually of the So vereign of' England. Before such a force, the numerical superiority of the Hindoos must count as little. It cannot resist such a com bination of discipline, arms, science, and de termined will as is now arrayed against it. 'The Sepoys, if ,ever they had a chance, threw it away by not making a simultaneous move ment at the first, or rather carrying out that which they did make, at first. Then, when the British were surprised, taken-aback by the sudden and unexpected ' revolt, when they were in a fearful minority, was the time for following up, with a war of extermination, what they had commenced. Instead of this, they concentrated themselves within Delhi, Cawnporo, and other strongholds, virtually shutting themselves up, until the'period when an irresistible British force should be assem bled to defeat them. That defeat, every thing assures us, ivill not bo long delayed. Here, however, arises the question—how shall these Sepoys be punished? It is generally admitted, by the English themselves, that exemplary punishment sto be inflicted. The difficulty is how to punish, not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of offenders. Recognised ringleaders among the revolted Sepoys aro few. The Cruel misdeeds which wore com mitted—we moan, more particularly, the mal- treatment of women and children—were ,literally don's enmasse, and who can distinguish the offenders? 'A hundred, or alien a thou sand, of the rebels may be put to death, but this number, great as it is, bears no kind of proportion to the immense numerical amount of the entire body. Where so many are ounishable, how many shall be punished, and what shall the punishment be We have said that the general English fool ing is, that the punishment shall bo great—if possible, even appalling—something which w ill strike terror, nut only now, but in the conning time, deep into the hearts of millions yeit unborn. In corroboration of the uni yefrsality of this feeling, wo may state that, having read the reported sermons delivered in London, by over fifty preachers, of all de nominations, ou the recent Day for General Fast and National Humiliation, we were com pelled to notice the unanimity with which they all declared that the offences against common humanity, committed by the Sepoys, must not go unpunished. Difference there may be, and there is, upon points of doctrine and disci pline, but upon this'point they all agreed. Very significant is that agreement—it indi cates the popular feeling of the English. The Times newspaper, that great organ which adroitly follows public opinion, oven while it most appears to lead it, expresses it self in the samo'way, only a little more deci ded, as might bo expected from a layman. In a leading article, Oct. 13th, it says : 4, Theorists an criminal jurleprudenoc have speou latcd on the necessity of discouraging crime, and on the duty of reforming criminals. The national indignation against the Indian mutineers may, perhaps, revive the ancient belief that it was the first purpose of punishment to punish, and that re tributive justieepriparlly consists in simple retri bution. The culprits of Cawnpore might almost be , trusted to the mercies of a jury of Quaker It is to be hoped that no man would forgive the mur derers of women. It is certain that no English woman would ho content with the escape of the wretches who slaughtered and mutilated stool fending children. The stern satisfaction of right eous vengeance, wholly unmixed with any desire for the benefit of the criminals, will be but remotely connected with the desire of security against future revolts., The death of the ringleaders and ofall actual sharers in the outrages,ithe lifelong slave later of the ordin . ary culptits under the whip of a negro overseer, w ill be demanded, by a more sacred and primitive instinct ofjustice thou any which is likely to be discussed at Birmingham." The closing sentence indicates what, at the very least, will bo done. Nor,looking at the enormities which have been committed, will it be said that such a doom Is not fully merited. Yet, here arises a double difficulty—to dis tinguish the actually guilty from those who merely went with the crowd, and to prevent Punishment degenerating into Vengeance. Dr. Hall, of the Journal of Health, gives a groat deal of excellent, oOmmon•sense odvieo to all kinds of people, the invalid, the healthy, those suffering under an neoumuls, ton of disorders, those sinking under a groat weight of doctors,' .to., To hie "consumptive friends," he says—",you wont air, not phyme ; you want pare air, not medi. oaten air • you want. nutrition, But& as plenty of Anent and road will give, and, they alone ; physics has no nutriment; gaspings 'for air cannot cure you; monkey oapersin ,a symposium cannot cure yon;. and stimulants eannot cure yon. If you L want to get well, go in for bee/ and out-door air, and do not be delided into the grave by adver 4looments and unreliable certifiers." PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, QCTOBER 27, 1857. TILE CITY OF NEW YORK The condition of the city of New York; financially and socially, is a revolting, reality. It IS to us a source of grief and alarm, rather than satisfaction. Thu best part of the Now York journals comment upon this spectacle with great indignation. How thankful we of Phila delphia should he when contrasting our let with that of the great commercial metropolis 1 As evidences of the wide-spread demoralizai, Jolt of New York, take the following extract rom Saturday's Journal of Commerce: ROTTEN' CITY ACCOINTS.—Wo hope everybody! has • road, marked, and inwardly digested'—if it is possible of digestion—the Investigating Coms, tnittees, expose of the mysteries end miseries of our financial department. "The most numerous and grievous sins of this department are these of omission. It is perpetual ly omitting to do something which it ought to do; It omits to keep an account of the fire loan bonds and mortgages—or of the surety bonds, Which part ties give for the faithful discharge of their official duties—or of the outstanding assessment bond&-4 or of the unpaid taxes lodged with the clerk of arrears fOr collection—and generally, it "omits to maintain that surveillance over all its ens ployoes which wouldprevent, to a great ext tent, the commission of (rands, like those revealed by the committee's report. fetus of those inL stances of omission would int'amusing, if •they were not exasperating to us as tax-payers. For exereple, with regard o that mystery of mysteries, the fire Loan stook , tee' committee cannot tell by the hocks, whether the stock aratmits to $11,69.9.77 , , or $15,500; and, 'in fedt, they believe that this enigmatical Stook wag' pald off long ago. To find out the truth, it will he necessary to grope among the rubbish of the office through alpened of twenty years. Then, again' ' 'there were ever s.2Bo;poci worth of assessments Afloat to ineet a deficiency that does not exist. Could carelessness go furs ther ? " As for the deficiencies in returns made by Deli lectors to the Bureau of Arrears, it is impossible to say whether they are proofs of fraud or neglecd. The fact having been ascertained, however, that in the lest three years, in 000 instances, theeellectors acknowledged that they had received money which they omitted to mention in the returns-- there is reason 'to believe that a largo amount (no body can guess how mush) of the unpaid taxes ($2,030,070.27) and the unpaid essessments ($4,757. 959.01) have been pocketed in this way. The helplessness of the department is ouch, in the opinion of the committee, that no ono in it, not oven the clerk of arrears himself, has the most remote idea of the amount for which this bureau should be held responsible.' Errors to the extent of .nearly $03,000 were detested in' the footings of returns from collectors of assessments en street openings and repairs. These fuels indicate a wretched state of things, which demands the Im mediate and earnest attention of the Common Council. Lot the dust be shaken out of the musty records, which the committee have not had time to examine, and lot us know the full extent of these misreotiogs, embezzlements, and defalcations, if, indeed, it is possible to trace them all, amid the darkness and disorder of the Department. The charges already found against collectors of public moneys amount to over $130,000. What wonder that our backs are broken with taxes, when the collections are thus conjured away!" The next picture of the aeries Mho follow ing, contained in an article in the New York Evening Post of the same day : "Caine IN New Yunt4.—The Mayor's proposal the other day, that the city should enter into &co venant with the rogues and support them comforter lily, upon condition of net being plundered by them, naturally diesels our attention to the increasing frequency of crime in our metropolis. " It is much to he regretted that no statistical returns era preserved that would enable us to com pare the condition of Now York. as to mime, with that pf a groat European a apital. Au impression extols that homicide IS not merely comparatively but absolutely greater in New York than in London or Paris.' An eminent lawyer, who has given touch attention to the subject of the police of the eityj estimates the number of dead bodies taken annually front the waters surrounding New York to be four hundred. Vie trust that this is en overestimate; for subtitle and accident, it wolud seem, would he entliely Inadequate to account for this fearful ag. , gregetion of violent death. What we want is not a return of arrests and in. dlettnents, for in our lax system of administrative justice vast numbers of offenders are not indicted, tier oven arrested; and still loss do wo expect in formation from the number of judioial convictions for homicide, for scarcely any one isconvieted; but an accurate statement of those dead from poison or violence might enable us to say whether our op. prehensions are unduly exaggerated, or whether Now York is sinking to the condition of a Turkish or Asiatic city, anosing the protection which civilization and law used to extend over the weak the unwary, and the peaceful. "Let us look over our criminal record or this put wook. On Saturday night lust; a respectable man and his wife, quietly returning from mnrket, in one of our most public avenues, aro mot by three young men one of whom commences his proceed loge by striking the woman. and on her husband's turning to protect her he is stabbed by tho young ruffian, and falls dead at the foot of his wife. On Sunday night a young man named Dodd dies from a fractured jaw, having been attacked in Broadway and moreilessly beaten and kicked by a band of ruffians. On Tuesday morning a loan named Mc- Dermott WAS knocked down by a num tinned with a cart-rung, and dies in the hospital. On Wednesday morning a little boy of eleven years of age, who had clambered into a milk earl, was thrown by its owner on to the pavement, and then kinked to death. On Wednesday night a man named Arm strong was stabbed In the abdomen, and now lies mortally wounded, it is said, in the New York Hospital. On Thursday night a citizen of the Fifth ward was idiot with a pistol in an affray which originated at a political meeting in the Sixth ward. On Friday a man named John Ri ley tiled from the effects of Injuries inflicted by a gang of unknown rowdies, as ho was passing quiet ly to hie home in Thirty-second street. "These are tho occurrences of live days—all of them brutal in the highest degree; four of them manslaughter at least, and ono of them certainly, and another probably, aro murders. Yet, wo may nay it without doubt or hesitation, no ono will be punished. Thera will be no conviction for the murder, at least. The innocent have boon killed ; the feelings of a wife and family cruelly outraged; note which would disgrace Indian Sepoys have been perpetrated ; and yet such is the administra tion of our criminal laws, through its cumbrous and mismanaged machinery, and ouch the porver city and wrong : handedness of jurors, as axempli fled in Canceled ease, that ovary ono has the gloo my oonviotion that the administration of police jus floe will give us neither rotrihution for the past nor seounty for the future." Whilo NVO do not second the harsh construe tion - put upon Mayor Woon's suggestions by the Evening Post, Nve certainly cannot endorse the language and remedies of that functiona ry's late message, which we arc not surprised to see has been severely criticised by the New York press. We cannot find any reason in ap. peals to the poor against the rich, or in re commendations to support, from the public funds of a debt-ridden and tax-burdened city by new taxes, a population capable of such excesses as the above. The precedent is full of danger. SUSPENDED RAILROADS.—Within the last thirty days, the following railroad companies aro reported as having either gone to protest on their floating debt, suspended, or made an assignment of their property: Names. Total Liabilities. New York and Erie 038,000,000 Illinois Central "4 000,000 Philadelphia and Reading 20,000,000 Michigan Central 14,000,000 Michigan Southern 10,000,000 Cleveland and Toledo 7,500,000 Milwaukee sal M isslssippt 7,000,000 Ls Crosse and Milwaukee 14,000,000 Cleveland and Pittaburgh 0,060,000 Delaware, Lackawanna, end Western 10,000,000 Chicago, St Paul, and Fond du Lae 5,000,000 North Pennsylvania 6,000 000 Cumberland Coal Company 6,000,000 Huntingdon and Broad Top 1,200,000 Steubenville and Indiana* 6,000,000 Total Estimated Last Thursday was to liavo been the day for the celebration of the nuptials of Miss Hannah C—, n lady of superior refinement and ability, of the vicinity of Baltimore, and Mr. V— B—, of Now York, a gentleman of reputed ability es a scholar and poet. The invitations had been gotten up in tine gilt, and sent to tho several friends, inviting them to the marriage. On the Tuesday preceding the appointed day, the bride to he remarked to her intended that something seemed to tell her that she would never become the bride of her choice ; that oho would soon wed the realities of eternity. The groom replied to her with levity, to dispel her gloom; but on the following day, Wednesday, she felt so indisposed as to take to her bed, from which time her strength and faculties began seemingly to wane till Thurs day morning, at 10 o'clock—the hour appointed for the nuptials—when she breathed her lamt,witli out having evinced the slightest bodily pain from the first hour of her illness. Tho Virginia New School Presbyterian Sy nod, which has just closed Its session at Washington, adopted the report of its committee recommending the withdrawal from the General Assembly in consequence of the action of that body on the sla very. question. The vote stood—yeas 30, nays .t Messrs. Sunderland and Haskell, of Washington. a nd Dunning, of Baltimore, being the dissentients. Tho Synod also adopted resolutions approving as a whole the resolutions adopted by a portionof the church which lately suet in Ithlunond, pledging itself to cordially en-operate in the organization of the United Synod of the Presbyterian Church to meet at Knoxville, Tennessee, on the first Thurs day of April. The trotting match between the Taylor and Dalton horses, Doctor and Broker, at Bridgeport, Conn„ on Friday last. was won by the Dalton horse, in ono hour, thirty-two minutes and thirty six seconds. The Taylor horse broke badly during the race, and on the last homestretch ran by the other, coming in a neck ahead. Ins running, how ever, disqualified him from taking the puree, and the judges decided in favor of Broker. The two kept very near together during the whole race, and di vided the half miles about equally. Their first halt mile was made in 1:45 ; their last In 1:43; while the least time was 1:39, and the longest 2:01. Mr. Dalton stopped his hone three times for rest, but the other kept on the traek from the start to the close. THE NEW TORE CLEARING MIME We prordse4,, some limo since, to give a detailed acc i rniut.of the operations of the New York Clearing house, which we now do, ex tracting It front. g . number of the New York ladepeintentyiissued some months ago: „ ” What then Is chi New Ydrk clearing house 0 3 4 et eery simple labs-saving machine. It dells Its muscat of figure!, epeedily nrcomplishes great results, alfeetlng to same extent, the monetary intereste of the Union, as this 'elts is the great money heart of the conntry. To many :peraone It may look complicated, but it is not, The clearing house is the channel through which daily flows the la east Part of the nes. tiVe capital of New York, It is, in other words, the • medium through l wltfclr tho exchanges of the banks are made and settled., In order to give a clear ides of what it is, noose teterliftion of the former mode of making exchanges Is neusweary. Long ago, there was but one bank in the oity,ef New York, It wan known an " The Dank," and le noirlinou n an the Dank of New York, an institution that{ though old and venerabla, lisa passed through nuns it sewn of itommercial trouble, always sustaining a high character and credit. ulnae "The Bank fleet 'opened its doors In 1784 In duo course of time Other banks were establiahed, each of whom received /,be Mile and cheeks of the other. This made it neceinmey'rer them to exchange and keep stated accounts with oath other. ' Threw accounts Were ,usuelly settled 'mop is each, week. This system wee continued until the year 1863, when there were fifty seven banks doing businesa in the city of New York. In the month of A.eigust of that year the laai - Were required by law 1,0, publish a weekly statement of thole ! Minot. The 'ffsbeallon of this statement ham Itedu f great surfeit' tebeth the hanks and the pia°, Ait pen as ably law Arent into operation great efforts were made by the bank' to make 66 strong statements as pos sible, and to this eat they daily drew from each other their 'Abutted in coin. This became very Merkel', and It ocaupleslmeet of the time of the principal afters of the banks to attend to the exchanges and nottleniente 'With °ebb dther,'and The portera were kept on the run with exchanges ne, drafts for balances, and coin was carted met carried aal over the city day after day, at no email risk; yet, when the day's work was ended, the banks wore no nearer a settlement than when they be. gnu. This could not continue long in this Inventive age, Soon piker the weekly•statement law wont tutu operation, the aiseciatiou known fie the Now York Oleariag house AisociatiOn was organittel by the hanks. On the 11th of October, 1853, the exchanges and settlement, `14411.6 fur the first Ruse made at the clearing Imam by the fifty-two banks which formed the association, Each of these bauke sent two clerks to the clearing house; one was termed the settling clerk, the other the tilled° Clerk. Tho settling clerk brought with him n statemeot upon which was entered the en. tire receipts of the bank ho represented, or the bills and checks upon each of the ether hanka lea made up at the elm of thilinese Of the previous day, also in the second column the. amounts added In each cane to the exchanges of the taint- receipts of the morning; these two columns were united In a third column, the total of which represented the amount sent to the clearing boost, for exchange; he also brought a ticket, directing the clearing hoes', to credit his hank si ith such total amount. The fourth column of his statement Wan blank, uponwhleh wm entered the amounts received by hint from other banks. The Kneel° clerk brought a statement upon whirls wail entered the mount of the items for each bank brought by hint to he exchanged, with a columu in bleak, headed "Iteoeived by." The exchanges were bound together In package., with a slip upon the top of each upon which was entered each Item Inclosal. The footings of these slips, of course, agreed with the limonite entered both upon his state meat and that of the settling clerk. The packages were arranged 'tithe order iu which they were to he delivered, one for ends bent. The clearing house room ix 110 feet long and 24 feet wide; It contains two counters, one on each' side of the room, four foot Min the gide walls' these aro joined by e soini-circular counter at the lower end, and form a continuous coun ter, which le divided toy iron mils Into spaces, each ogle of which is occupied by a bank. The banks are num bered In the order of age, the oldeet being known as No, 1. and their desks ere arranged In like numerical order upon the counter. The exchanges are made at 10 o'clock A If , at which hour the clerks are craned to their statiens by The manager—the settling clerk'', upon the inner side, and the wide clerka upon the outer side of the counter. At a signal given by the manager, precisely at IO o'clock, the specie clerks move to the desk next an their right, delivering their exchanges to the settling clerks, and receiving upon their statement, the Initiate of the nettling clerks in each case an a receipt for the amount left with thous ; and thus they pus from desk to desk until they have made the circuit of the counter and returned to their desks, having delivered their exchanges, and having re vels ed a reeelpt for each. Tho delivery occupies from five to seven nilatitea, during, which the settling Clarke have etch received and receipted for. the entire ex changes sent against their lank. Those exchanges arc then entered upon their statements, end the *mount which they have received ascertained, and the differ ence between the amounts brought and those mcoi red. Thin being done, the specie clerks return to their harden so ith the exchanges, taking a statement of the molt of the exchange. The settling clerks then pro. pare a debit ticket for the clearlug house, showing the amount which they have received and the resulting balance, either for or against their bank, If their work be correct, the aggregate amount charged to the banks on the proof sheet of the clearing house will exactly equal the amount credited them, and the balances which have become' duo to the clearing helots from these banks who kale receives' a larger amount of ex changes than they brought, will be equal to the in debtedness or the clearing house to such banks as are credited with n larger amount than they aro debited, and then a proof Itruade. This result has always been ' obtained, and the dtperence of a cent cannot be found on the books of the clearing house. In the work of ono hundred clerks, who have to enter and add morn than one hundred and fifty amounts upon their statements, Some errors are of course made, but by rapid and slimily methods. not necessary to be des cribed, are alwaysheurgl oat. The 'reef being arrived at, the eettlinvhielltreturn to their tanks/end carry, -tritlrtlrota litneVraMerVeault of the etchalege. It Will be seen that by this promise fifty balanoes are In each case concentrated Into one, which Is settled daily at one o'clock At every annual meeting or the association one of the (mote is elected an a specie depository. The Dank of America has anted in that capacity Once the organlmtion of the aseornation. In that bank the ameociates deposit such imments In coin as they choose, for which they receive certificates In smut of lire hun dred, ono thousand, live thousand, and ten thou nand dollar'', which certify that the Bank of America has received mums front the depositor to be hold to trust as a special &petit. payable, iu coin or presentation, only to the order of the hankpresenting the certificate, that bank being a member of the association. Either colt or dim certificates are used by the banks for the mutant of their balances at the clearing heath. The fractional sums legs than five hundred dollars, are paid to bank notes 011 d coin to' the exact amount due. In like currency the clearing house pays ate indebtedness to the creditor banks. The certificating are never endorsed until they aro presonted at the Dank of America for payment, and aro never after wards issued. They slave the labor and risk of the transportation of cola to and front the clearing house; and ll' lost or stolen could not be peed, as RIO' only pass from the hanks to the clearln house, and in re turn to the banks The Bank o America holds for the associates for thin purpose about six millions of dollara in Coin. Daily at one o'clock P. DI., the specie clerks of the debtor bnnke pay et the clearing house their balances, receiving the receipts of the manager or hie assistant therefor, and at half-past one o'clock, the debtor banks hiving all paid their balances as they are required to do before that time, the spool° clerks of the creditor banka receive and receipt for the amounts duo them and at two o'clock 11., the day's routine of the clearing house is ended. The exchange,' average per day onwards of twenty-live million, of dollars, and aro nettled by the payment of an average balance of one mil lion of dollars. For the year ending Oct. let, 1851, the exchanges were $5,760,44,087 00 . 0 " 1855 6,407,912,098 38 1856 6.906,213,328 38 The proof sheet forms the basin of the books kept at the clearing house, %filch aro so arranged as to show till the transactiona of the limits with the clearing house and from there a very correct estimate' of the condition and managemeut of the lanke can if. formed, Theme books are only shown to the officere of batiks belonging to the association. Since the otganisation of the association, four banks have been expelled from the clearing house, their management and unnound con dition being clearly indicated by Its books. Thdy have all been closed, as banks cannot do lewdness unless they belong to the Association, or exchange through some bank that is a member. In tho case of the four batiks expelled, the remelt has shown that the estimate formed In each Cll/30, of their condition, was a true 4100. Two banks have been admitted Into the Association mince Its organisation, and both of them during thu past year. A bank In not admitted until its capital in wholly paid. nor until after examination by a committee of the A sariciation, they are natisfied that it is in sound condition, end prudently conducted. The careful reader will perceive that the direct advaetages of tho eystem, such an the economy of tune, the closing of twenty•fivo hundred accounts on bank legers, oho greater security, A c., important tie they must be admitted to be, are but small in comparison with the indirect benefits resulting from this mode of exchanging. By it the banks are made pet lectly Independent of 011611 other, and reguiato their business by the mm !moat of their exchanges through the clearing house, yet nil can ascertain the position of their associates day by day, which, under the Cornier syetpm could nut be known, it also impones salutary cheek,' upon tho banks, preventing unsafe expansions, and compels them to hold lit all times a nufilcieut amount of COlll to meet their balances promptly. It ImM-ought 1100 bank officers together, made them no. quainted with each other, and promoted n spirit of harmony and united action. The association being soluntary, the restrictions aro self-impesed, any bank being free to withdraw from the clearing house at 'demure. upon duo notice being glean, and all, largo and email, have an equal voice in its management. The association appolitte or elects annually, four committees, to whom the government or the association In rerened, They'conalat of &clearinghouse or executive committee, a committee 011 (141111101106, a committee on suspensious, and a sown{ Urn of arbritration ; also a ehairmau and secretary. The business el the clearing house Is con ducted by a manager, assietan t manager, and two clerks. A special policeman is also employed and stationed at the clearing house. The expenses are small, and aro divided among the basks in proportion to their capitals. 181,700,000 The editor of the Horicon (Wis.) is in ee stitsiee. What a happy fellow ho must be ! Only listen to him : "An exeltunge says that editors aro, as a general thing, not overstocked with worldly goods. Humbug. Hero we are, editor of a country paper, fairly rolling in wealth. We have a good, office, a double-baroled rifle, seven suits of clothes, throe kittens, a Newfoundland pup, two good watchers, thirteen day and two night shirts. carpets on our floors, a pretty wife, own ono corner lot, have ninety-throe cents in cash, are out of debt, and have no rich relatives. If we are not wealthy it is a pity. Hurrah for hurrah ! Who cares for cash ? The Fredericksburg (Vu.) News gives us the adventures of a hundred-dollar bill, and the good it accomplished. A merchant of that oily went to Caroline Court on a certain occasion with a $lOO note of a certain denomination. Shortly titter be got on the green he paid it over to a farmer. The farmer soon discharged an in debtedness to earns ono clan, and thus the note kept on its mission of liquidation until near the heel of the evening, when at was again paid back to the same merchant who took it there, and ho brought it back to Fredericksburg ! Having the curiosity to trace its workings, he found that $l,OOO worth of debts had been paid by that $lOO note on a single day! A Toronto, Canada, lawyer has been put into a vary unpleasant position by recant develop ments. A man had been brought to trial under circumstances which showed his guilt, and was liable to a sentenoo of fourteen years' imprison ment. The lawyer went to the man's wife, and induced her to part with the littlo furniture she had to secure his fee for defending her husband. He took away with him a clock and looking-gloss, tied up her bedstead and superintended its re moval, and otherwise disgraced himself, Mr. John Mngway, of Salem county, N. whilo endeavoring to catch a colt running loose in a field. had ono of his hands entangled in its mane in such a manner that, upon the colt spring ing away from him, one of bin thumbs was out nearly off. No extra attention was paid to the wound until within a few days, when he was seized with a violent pain, which increased, and termi nated his life on Sunday afternoon. No was About forty years of age. EARLY POETICAL NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN EMIGRATION. [O'er The Press.] It would be a curious as well as an interesting task to trace the effect Widish the discovery of America has produced upon English literature, and, if eonduoted In a spirit of proper philo sophy, might educe conclusions of a very sur prising nature. Without going further into this view of the subject, however, wo desire to call attention bore to the earliest mention we can find in English poetry of that great emigration woes the Atlantic which has given to the English tongue 'a fro4h)onso of immortality, by converting an in sular language,into that of a continent. The first petition' notice of the discovery of America that occurs in English literature Is contained in Run tol's Interlude, printed by Wynkyn do Word°, about 1510: Within Msa yore Westwarde be found° now linden That we auver bawl° telt of before this," &o The discoveries of Oolumbus, however, were not soon followed up by English colonisation, and we thereforo need not look for any very clear allusion flier* in English poetry, until tho beginning of the Seventeenth century,' when the Massaohusetts and Virginia imtuparties , were about Waking , their fa mous settlements. But then a bard, indeed, ORO to lhO rescue. In ?Cahoot prvton's Qdo the Virginia Voyage, published in 1619, there breathos a spirit worthy of the occasion. From its many splondid verses we cite the following : You brave herolquo winds, Wortligyour Country's name, That lloisonr still pursue, On, and subdue; Whilst loitering tilnda Lucke here at home, with shame And cheerfully at ilea Smote you still Wino, J . To got the Pearl and Gold, And ours to hold VIROINIA, Partlt'a only Paradise. In kenning of the shore, (Thank. to God Bret given,) 0 you, the happloat men, Ile frolic then' Let cannons roar, Frlghting the wide Remo. And to rOgiona for, duck limit! bring ye forth As those from whom We came And plant Our name Under that Star, Not known unto our North. And u there plenty grow. Of Laurel everywhere— AroLto's snored tree— You It may ac e A' poets' brutes To crown, that may sing there. Seine of the lines here quoted seem almost to rim to the dignity of' prophecy; but the whole piece mast be read to be justly valued. Wo bad in tended dwelling for a moment on other, kindred passages; to have compared the " still•vezt Ber l:noodles" of Shakspeare with Marvoll's beautiful Whore the remote Bermuda' ride lu Oucan's botunu unespiod, And to have pointed out souse of Waller's Ameri can experiences in his verse ; but our limits warn us to bring this paper to nu abrupt conclusion. W. S. IMPORTANT FROM NICARAGUA. From the New York Daily Timex of the 28th.] Arrival of the Brie "Ocean Bird" from San fitan—Decree of Expulsionagainst Fortigss ers—Martiner, elected President—Great De fensive Preparations. for the Reception of IValier.--Dssposition of Me Prssent Force sn Nical'agua—Return of Col. Schlessinger-- , - His Statement and Defence. Set JUAN DEL NORTE, Sept. 29, 1857. By the brig Ocean Bird, which leaves this port to-day, I have an opportunity of sending you the latest DORI from this region. The Americans iu Nicaragua have been expelled from the country by a decree of Martinez and Je rez, issued in Monagua in the fore part of this month The decree ordered the expulsion of all those who served in the ranks of Walker, and not only those, but nearly every American in the own s. try. including many honest and industrious mon', wto have been driven Cut at three or four days: notice, leaving their property and interests be. bind. The Amerloan flag aotrlally affords no pro. tootion to our countrymen hero. Col. 'Jasper, the only American living in Granada, or in that part of the State, claimed tobe an Englishman in or. der to have security and protection. It is a humi liating reflection to an American, that, while old. tens of petty German and Italian States live here In perfect seeurlty as to life and property, the broad banner of the Stars actually affords 110110 at aU to its subjects. ' Many of the persons who have been banished the country are known'to be of worthy, honest diame ter, and not to have boon engaged in tho service of Gen. Walker. But this ample thou little with the potty chiefs who rule in Nicaragua, and who are prompted to this course only by a blind hatred of our nation and people in general. If an American remonstrates against any abuse, or threatens to complain to his Government, ho is only answered with the trite sneer that the United States never protects her citizens ahsoad. The least our Government can (IN is to send an envoy to protect the few Americans here, and to open the deers of this new Japan to all such honest men as may wish to enter and carry on any peaceful employment. A report has reached me that our special envoy. Mr. Wm. Carey Jones, had been sent out of Costa Rica by order of President Mora, he being looked upon as possessing fillibustering tendencies. It is quite probable that the animosity those people feel towards us may have led them to commit this im prudent act. Tho elution in Nicaragua was to have taken place on the 26th inst., anti Martinez has probably boon elected. Martinez is a man of little educa tion, but of a stern, unyielding character, and dis plays more largely than any ono else the general animosity to Americana. It is expected in the interior that Walker will again invade Nicaragua, and groat preparations aro being made to receive him. A decree has been published, forbidding all natives of the country to leave, and ordering all able-bodied anon, between fifteen and sixty, to hold themselves in readiness to take up arms in case of an invasion. I do not believe that a force under ten thousand men would he sufficient to maintain Walker in the country. if a smaller force is brought, it will only be for their speedy destruction. Lot it bo remoup bored that over four thousand men were lost by Walker when fighting against the Central Ameri can States—seattored, disunited. How much greater now must be the expenditure of blood be fore conquest will perch upon tho arms of the fillibuster chief! Let not young and inexperienced men calculate too easily upon what the game will cost, and find their mistake only when UM too late, as did the thousands of poor fellows whose bones, picked by vultures and gnawed by dogs, lie bleached and sunburned on the soil of Nicaragua. Among the passengers by the Ocean Bird, to day, is Colonel Louis Sohleasinger—he of Costa Rican memory. lie, it is said. intends to publish shortly an aocount of the Nicaraguan revolution, and somo foots with regard to the Santa Rosa affair. Be is, it is also said, charged with negoti ations, relative to the transit, by the Nicaraguan Government. I , TICARAG VA. JNTERESTINU STATEMENT BY COLONEL SCHLESSINGER. Colonel &Messinger has just returned from Ni caragua, and has furnished us with some important information upon the present condition of &hilts in that country. This gentleman, it is known, was an officer under Welker and commanded at Santa kola. Colonel Schlossinger is n Hungarian, end was in the army under Kossuth. After the capitulation of Comorn, at which he was present, ho came to the United States with Governor tijhaly, and shortly afterwards joined the expedition to Cuba, under Lopez. lie was captured in the mountains of Cuba, having lived a week on roots ; and after the garroting of Lopez, ho was condemned to be sent to Ceuta, in Africa. lie escaped, however, from his confinement there, and returned to the United States, and soon after got himself Into difficulty in Nicaragua, Colonel Schlessinger reports that, st the election held in Nicaragua on the 20th ult., General Marti• nez was elected by an overwhelming vote. Ile wee the joint candidate of the Legialatiets and Demo• crate. Martinez is a Irian of liberal principles, and of undoubted decision and bravery, and popular with the masses. There were but few Americans expelled from Nicaragua and Costa Rioa under the late deems, Thoso expelled were parties friendly to Walker, and who would rush to his aid should ho return with a military expedition. A free passage was given to the expelled to San Juan. In rotation to the defensive preparations against another fillibustering invasion, Col. Sehlessinger reports that an order had boon issued by the Nita moan Government, calling upon all the male po pulation, between sixteen and fifty years, to arm themselves and be ready for active service at a mo ment's warning In this connection the subjoined information is interesting and important. The present forma of Nicaragua, in active ser vice, with their disposition, and the number of guns at their disposal. is 2,000 MOH, and 26 guns. An army of 1,0110 mon can bo put in motion at any point in Nicaragua in three days. Perseus well acquainted with the feeling of the native population deny, most emphatically, that Walker has is sympathizer in the whole country. It is not true that General Mods and Colonel Raymunda Solva were sent, as prisoners, to cork on the roads at Matagalpa, They wore both banished from the oountry. COLONEL SCHLESSINGER'S DEFENCE. To the Editor of the Now York Times. New YORK, Saturday, Oct. 21, 1857. There are sometimes, by a strange coincidence, a combination of circumstances which makes it an easy task for the base calumniator to bias the pub lic mind against the victim he chooses. Often again, those higher in power or position, for the mpurpose of covering their own infamy, and escap mg the deserts ri ot' their criminality, succeed in l.oding with unmerited contempt those whom ac cident may have associated with them as their h ubordinates. Unscrupulous speculators also, fear ing that their prey may escape their grasp if the truth be told, combine with the first named to destroy the good reputation, and even the honor of individuals. Such, almost, has been my fate. I say almost, because when chance spares, amid thousands of dangers human life, in a country where the press is free, the opportunity ie offered to the Individual assailed , to justify his conduct. First It was asserted that I cowardly left the battle-held at Santa Rosa; and next that I was in concert with the enemy and consequently a trill.' ter. Both th ese martial:is afa rale, and are as bean as the inventor o! thorn. It would bo too TWO CENTS. long a task to intrude upon the columns of a news paper volumnious facts to prove the contrary. will shortly publish my Memoirs of Niesragsra• In them I will submit my acts to thejudgment of the im• partial. Meantime, I may be allowed to assert that I will prove that I did more at Santa Rosa than any other commander, tinder similar circumstances, could have done, and that I wits paid for it by the blackest ingratitude. It is true I abandoned Walker, but never did I part with the glorious principles of freedom and true Democracy. For these I fought and became an exile from Hungary . In 1848; for the same principles I bled in Cubs, and suffered In the dungeons of Ceuta; I shall prove that the standard of Walker in Nicaragua was ono of personal ambition, based upon no prin. eiples et' honor oriustfce ; that Walker did not in tend to Ameriosnum that country, nor did he ever dream of annexation; that his whole aim was to become the founder of a military confederacy, qe spotio' In its origin, tyrannical In progress, and in tended to be united with the Southern States or Califor n ia as a 'separate confederacy. I here speak of Walker's political faith in April, 1858. Cireamstances may have foreed him to aban don these night-mare visions, but these were then his plans. I expect Innumerable asasUants in my present position before the public, but truth will enable me to brave the storm. I will never allow that it may be mid that Hungarian did forego his political principles—or Still worse, that he became a traitor. It Is to my self, to idy eodntry, to my frionda and numerous acquaintances, that I owe it to defend what all men hold dear, and though with unequal weapowl, I will fight the battle of jostles against falsehood,. The public, I know, most have been influenced by the publications of these incessant calumnies, but I shall beg them to suspend their final sen tence until they have read the defence. I wiU call it defence—though more properly I should call it a statement of the truth, which will be published shortly. Loots SenLasSraciast. FRANCE AND RUSSIA [Prom the Loodon,Times.l The long-expected interview between the sove reigns of France and Russia has now taken place. The details have been read• by those of us who tan feel an interest in anything which does not concern the position of our Indian Empire. Brilliara equipages, tine uniforms, visits to the opera, and dinners on a magnificent seals have delighted the assembled guests at Stuttgart; hut the meeting itself, though held just fifty years after Tilsit and on the anniversary of Erfurt, will• hardly recall, except by contrast, those celebrated interviews. If anything wore required to prove the advance which Europe has made in intelligence and political morality, it is the small results which follow from the schemes and purposes of even the most powerful rulers. We cannot help feeling that the more the world at large learns, and thinks, and acts, the less becomes the influence of the individual statesman. In so cieties where knowledge is confined to a few and freedom possessed by none, a master spirit may else op end change the course of a nation's desti nies. The warrior, the orator, the theorist, stands high above his fellows, moulds their habits, directs their inetinets, and descends to posterity with a vast reputation. But ea communities advance such commanding eminence becomes more difficult, and well-nigh impossible. The light is too great fur any man's torah sensibly to augment It ; the tide is too broad and strong to be diverted into a new channel by any man's efrort. Kings be come merely the representatives of their sub jects' nationality—Ministers the administrators of their countrymen's policy, and the interpreters of their wishes. In England. where this principle has been longest and most fully at work, power hea descended (coin the Crown to the Cabinet, from the Cabinet to Parliament, until the real de bating and resolving on great measures seem at last to have settled in the people at large. The nation is its own house of Commons, and the House of Commons its own Prime Minister. And it is well for the peace and security of the world that it should be tea The more . great pol/- Veal ante depend on the united opinion of large bodies, thelessliable will be the machine of Sate to be influenced by the errors, the caprices, or the criminal indiriatials. What has been going on in England has had its counterpart on the continent of Europe. In spite of socialist outbreaks and despotic roaetions,in epithet' subverted constitutions and,een sor-guarded pretties, the people of France and Ger many are in no small degree the arbiters of their own fortunes. They read, and talk, and think, and mingle in all tho concerns of life, even though the Cambers be closed, and the pram gives but an un certain sound. They have the book of history open, and may learn what have been the conse quences of former wars, whether of religion, or national hatred, or royal ambition. They have also before their eyes the results of forty years of peace. Railways uniting their great cities, steam boats on thole navigable rivers, ports on the Ger man ocean or the - hlediterraneen,ldoubling their tonnage, and growing up into first-rate cities, cotton rectories and silk factories dotted about over whole provinces—these are the objects which meet them on every side. There are old men *along them, whoae lives must have been divided into tore parted' as netlike each tether as the death's head profile is from the living profile on meiliseval carvings. Such men may wall compare the year of Tilsit With the year bf Stuttgart. ' Their punt and prime of manhood were pawed amid calamities of which their grandchildren have often heard the story. On both sides of the Rhine they may furnish the cottage legends of invading armiee extending ferscorets of miles and carrying off everything in their way; of uncultivated fields, ruined villages, whole populations of women and young boys—the only leavings of the conisription--eoting mouldy bread and boiled nettles for want of better food, and pursuing every traveller with a dismal wail of supplication. In each country they may preserve a vivid recollection of military rule—the hoatile garrisons, with their strange language and lawless habits, the fierce commandants ever hanging and shooting for breach of regulations, the insecurity of female honor, the paralysis of all honest °zee tien,. the mutual suspicion, the enepension of social intercourse , the treachery, and the moral degradation of that gloomy time. They may remember their captured capitals, the blowing up of their bridges, the spoliation of their museums, and all the other humiliations of the conquered. With such memories will Tilsit and Erfurt be emaciated by the eontemporariee of the old King who has been the host at Stuttgart. When we compare the lot of the present genera tion with all that has been suffered by the mon who are now passing away, we feel that there is little fear that Europe should be unable to judge between good and evil. It is therefore not to be wondered at, that a meeting of potentates should, in the present day, have a diminished importance. The nations •of Europe are able to express their opinions, though not in constitutional forms; and the most striking feet of the age is the plain and unconcealed predi lection of the continental nations for peace. France, in 1855, was found, to the astonishment of the world, to have no appetite for glory. The exploits before Sebastopol created actually less enthie-iasui at Paris than among many distant and uncon cerned nations. As for Germany, it is pretty cer tain that she will never undertake any but a purely defensive war. Peace, then, being for the future the probable condition of Europe, the schemes of sovereigns must be bounded by a very diminished sphere. They may agree to support cer tain ministers. in certain petty States, to repress or encourage certain ideas, to tighten or relax a pass port system, to inertias° or lessen customs and duties in common; but beyond their own subjeetsjand the subjects of some weak States, their influence wilt be but limited; and oven where they rule their power is, in the present state of Europe, not com plete. France and Germany, and even Russia, must move in obedience to laws over which no man, or body of men, has control. The highest deliberations of Kings and statesmen must now re late only to matters of arrangement and detail. A DISPUTED CASE OF SALVAGE.—The steam boat Wave, Captain Germain, while going out on a cruise, early Monday morning, discovered a sloop outside of the Hook, with her sails lowered and ono anchor down ; it had been blowing agate the previous night, and the tug ran down for the sloop to see if she wanted a tow. No one appeared when she was hailed, and they boarded her. The boat was gone, and as the sloop was in au exposed situation, Captain G. assumed that the crew were either drowned or had abandoned the vessel, and acoordingly took her in charge, and towed her to the city. The sloop was the Brandywine. Captain John L. Cures, and is .owned by J. F. tlauze and Clarkson Ogden, of Wilmington, Del. She was loaded with 2,40 bushels of wheat, front James River, Va.. bound to New York. Captain Corns states that, in attempting to enter the bay, on Mon day night, while it was blowing heavy, his ves sel streak on the east end of Romer shoal; that she afterwards went off, and he made an effort to beat her in, when, in consequence of the blow and a head tido, lie could make no headway; he accordingly determined to let go his anchor, and pull ashore at the point of Sandy Rook to report his situation by telegraph. and request a tug to be sent to his assistance. Raving lowered his sails into the lazy lines and anchored the vowel, he took the man and boy, all the crow ho had, and palled ashore about daylight in the morning Re had scarcely reached the lighthouse and told his story, when to his amazement, he saw o steam-tug make fast to his sloop and lug her off. lie followed as soon as he could to the city and claimed his vessel, thanking the kind steamboat captain for his atten tions to his vessel iu his absence; but be soon learned that the vessel and cargo were claimed for salvage. A statement of the facts has been made, in opposition to the claim of the steam-tug. Capt. Cures says his sloop was found before she wits lost.— ..Yew ho,L Times, Saturday. SAD ANP MYSTERIOUS APYAIII—Tyco Cialdren Drowned and a Mother Probably.---A most mel ancholy event occurred in this city last night, which has resulted iu the death of two little chil dren, and probably of their mother. This morn ing the bodies of two children, girls—one about two-and-a-half years, the other about fifteen months old—were found in the water at the foot of Brown's mill race. The bodies had not, apparent- ly, been in the water many hours. Coroner Quin proceeded to investigate the affair. A woman who resided on Emmett street came and said they were her sister's children We ascertained that her sister was the wife of a man named Robert Gray, who rosiaes on White street and is employed on the paper mills at the Lower Nails. About noon G ray wa s found, and stated that he had a quarrel with his wife last evening, beat her, clutched her by the throat, and put her out of doors. tine went away with the children, and he says ho has not soon her since. The conclusion is that the woman is dead ; that she tither fell into the race with her children accidentally, or threw them in, and then followed—a aulelde. Her sister thinks she proba bly started for her house on Emmett street, when she was turned out of doom; and, if so, the might have tumidentally fallen into the nee. There can be no doubt but the mother of these children per ished with them.—Rochester Union, Oct. 21. Wm. K Richardson, of Miamisburg, Ohio, on Monday, went into the United States Hotel, at Cincinnati, called for a glass of brandy, pourod in fifteen grains of morphine, drank the mixture, and soon died. The rumor that the Blue Ridge (Va.) tun nel le too truaß to admit the pular dean is eon tsulloted. *cnicz' roi < . • Chureolxiodente for Tl 7 yip ;ham ' oiled Le folioed.; rides: _ Ivory communication mut W We . .?"91 that [LIMO of the writer. Lo order to lasers someisise to the sylevaphy p bat aea thie at a dui Anil to . , written ultui. We IbMi be greatly obliged to gontloullede romiS viola tea other States tor costrlbelisiiiitiitallt Ail ea" rout airs or the day In their pat** II it the reamer of Ile ourroendtag totioLly, W torosic population, and any lolbstnatioa that 'aline to Uto grovel reader GENERAL NEWS. The intelligence bas reached Chicago of the total wreck of the Canadian steamer Reis' draf t Captain Patterson. And - the loss of all but two ef those on board. The Reindeer 7113 between-OW port and Montreal. She eleered from Chimp en Friday, the 10th iastant, LIMO bubstarat wheat consigned to parties L Montreal. Oe Mar day night, when of wheat Point an Bosh* on the Michigan shore, she was met by • berev7 014 and Captain Patterson finding that else wield me weather it, hoisted all sail sad beaded for the shore. The moment she toothed the must 4• commenced going to pieces, and owing to the dhl• tame from the beach and violence of the se x only two persons succeeded in reaching the Lai. Those are supposed to be firemen. Ail the others were lost. It is thought the steamer had bokfev, if any, passes ens on board. The GOWN 111511 crew numbered about twenty-two men. Tie Reindeer was an old boat, both in age and model. She was rated at shout one Inedred and Illy tails British; equal to about two handfed Alearieso• Her value probably did not tweed twenty thou sand dollars. A summary of the failures and suspensions In this country since the first of Augiut makes the whole number 952, of which 413 were in New York, 133 in Pennsylvania, 120 in /daseashesettil, 49 in Ohio, 7 in Kentucky, 3 in Indianal. in Wash ington city, 5 in Minnesota, 45 in Minot; ti in Maryland, 21 in lowa, 23 in .34iialigna, 18 in Min snarl, 23 in New Jersey, 6 in Rhode Island„ 34 in Wisconsin, and 58 in other States. The total Us. binds* of all these are estimated at ninety ndl lions of dollars. John Hagan, an extensive merehas In Kw Odes= for forty years, died near Perla Oil gitil surf alt. lie participated in the battle of New OtisaSa- The present site of the St. (311/144111 Beta- is the fanner cotton-yard of John Henn, and theetat of Washington, which adorned the ritice t t rire St. Charles, and which was destroyed by • which consumed the banding few years scions the gift of 33r. Hagan. The laraelitea of Cleveland have held,* public meeting, presided over by E. H. Pelmelds, to remonstrate against the invidious diatilseti= drawn to the prejudice of the Jaws, in the resent treaty between the United States sad Swit=r land. By that instrument Jews are minded five sae rights and privileges aecordod to other citi zens of the United States. A memorial on the subject is to be addressed to the President. The yearly meeting of the denomin' stint' of Friends, known as the Hieksitea, eocuasseed in Baltimore an Saturday morning, is dm 'pains meeting-home on West Lombard arrest, sad its two sessions which they held were very mobarotady attended. In addition to the mambas of theimei ely from Maryland, thins are many oboes fret the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, and a few from Ohio. The north range of worbhope of the Ohio penitentiary, at filo'limbos, wan destroyed Wire on Friday night. The Ohio tool soropsof *Asp, Hayden's blacksmith shop, Hall, limo, Co.'s cooper shop, the State shoe and taller sininsh - Day's wood type lasonfactonr. WWI eidattaly de stroyed Tbo loss to contractors will be about $50.000, in addition to the loss to the State. Wo learn from Palmy' s:, Mo., that a einal murder was eermuitted in that town on the 15th inst. Jaccionllng, &worthy and Melly rutpaeted German, was killed by a man named Thee. Skim non. The latter is said to be respectably, exam ted, but for a long time be has been intearpeeste and of worthless habits. The account does lesdlMY whether the murderer was arrested or not. A man by the name of Samuel Wardell, a resident of Cecil county, Md., a PAL= trade, dropped dead in Barre de Grace, pa ' , Mot Ile bad jatt reached hie boatdiag koala, _At* be complained of a slight headache, aud. la algal alert minutes fell to the jeer and artaally ix- Mississippi is to be added to Abe Net of States which have prohibited the eirealathea,ot" beak - notes of a less denomination. than ire dmg.- lan. A law to this *feet goes into °petition tits first day of November. Mks applies Se bank-notes, as there is no bank of iseste_M . . pp . smni. The clipper ship Divadnangbt mailed trots New York on Sato day - for LlvirpoW, *hi Pave hundred and forty ieen err—tho Lurid akimbo, ever takon ins sal ins vessel from thug In Europe. Mott of the B oston sad New York poetess now take out s gomilr number of omigrantr, who, alarmed at the bard tunes, return home, A man named Shnettle, a ticket mind, was killed on the St. Peal Railway, at Chicago. we Friday ellen:l4pm. The wheels at three authes w.md over him before the train etmlil be iftipsd. Both at his ley ware est eff, one serut theist, and the other jut below the knee. During the whole of the revalsion in 7247, the number of failures reported in lqirw Todlutive about are bandred. but the Mums somber the bankrupt law in lfitt showed that ire thaused took the benefit of that stet, showi amounting to about fifty millions of The Barak. Courier learns bykshWabe Chizage. that Jaali 0. Banns in gaiety to the charge of stealing letters from the Chicago post office, and that the witnesses rebpmaied on the part of the prosecution hare been notified that they need not attend the trial. Another attempt to burn the town or Mich., was detected OD Thursday night weak. A powder-can and a train of powder were towed ei.a oealed in the store of Captain Coon, and ea' the following Monday the unlit building was partially blown up. New York is wild with crime. Between Saturday and Sunday nights,. th ere were any number of riots, mutinies, highway rubberier, arsons, larcenies, deaths by Tiolenee, mysterious disappearances, and a long catalogue of minor crimes. In the City Court of Brooklyn, on Satnrdey, a jury rendered a verdict of $7,250 in favor of F. Meyers against the city of Brooklyn, for damages sustained by Meyers being thrown out of a wagon on Flashing avenue, where the city hai neglected to keep it in repair. A man named Drew was killed bat week on the Shreveport and Vicksburg railroad by Anne. tine R. Coleman, formerly of this Stale. Drew used insulting language and rushed on Coleman with a chair, when the latter discharged his shot. gun, killing Drew instantly. Col. Benton nsed to talk about gold flowing up the Missouri river, but it is now coming down. Nearly dna hundred thousand dollars armed at St. Louis on the steamer Col. Creasman on Mon day, to pay old bills and purchase goods. Hon. James B. Ring, a prominent citizen of Ohio, of Virginia birth, died a few days ago.- Ho was a member of the State Constitutional COnvaii• and of the State Board of Equalisation, and tsetse of Miami rnirer.,ity. Capt. L. C. Gliddon, of the schooner Silas Wright, from Savannah, (arrived at New York en Saturday,) was found dead in his berth. His dis ease was similar to Georgia fever. He was twenty eight years old and a native of Rockland, Maine. Grave charges of corruption are made against the Toronto City Connell of last year. Fraudulent operations to the amount of same $55,000 have been expceed by recent investiga tions. Mr. Edward Young was shot and instantly killed near Ja.;kion, Va., on Saturday last. Tho guu was fired by Mr. John Linkenhoger, of Jaok -5011. The shooting was, of course, purely acci dental. Mrs. Broaddus, wife of the Rey. John A. Broaddus, of Charlottesville, died at the residence of her father, Dr. (leaner Harrison, at the Uni versity of Virginia, on Wednesday last. The terry-boat Newport Bell, destroyed by Ere on Saturday morning opposite Cincinnati, was valued at ;513,000, on which thoto was 6.1)0 in surance. Pleasant M. Coleman, conv:cted of the mnr der of Mrs. Bagby, at tho last term of the Logan Circuit Court, was hung on Friday afternoon lett, at Russotrille, Ky. Two hundred and eighty head of cattle passed through Toledo last week, which had been driven a long journey from Texas through Kansas and Missouri. on their way to New York. Commander Arthur Sinclair, now at the Portsmouth (Val station, has received orders to take charge of the sloop-of-war Vandals, Sitting out at Portsmouth, N. 11. The Washington Mao* of Saturday everting says • -Disorder D on the increase in this atty. On Thursday night a third 'can had hiapooke; picked." Dr. Hampton, a physician hi Chicago, com mitted suicide last week in consequence of pecu niary troubles. He leaves a widow and six chil dren. Twenty bodies have been taken from the smoking ruins of the late disastrous eonAagratiou in Chicago, and others are still miming. Rev. John W. Mears has resigned the pas torship of the Presbyterian chnreh of Elkton, Md. R. M. Stewart, Governor elect of Missouri, was inaugurated on the 22d inst. Heartrending Altair At this late time we stop the press to announce an occurrence most painful in character. Oar particulars are front James Jeffreys, Esq., magis trate, and Mr. Wm. M. Kerr, the acting officer. In a fit of anger, one John Fee, living on Bulloeles Creek, in York district, a few days since shot his some cattle and hogs, and on Sunday, the 15th instant, ho set fire to his dwelling, which was locked, and the key afterwards found on his per son, in which his three motherless children, aged front five to fourteen years, are supposed to have perished. It seems a peace warrant had been issued against hint on complaint of a neighbor: that when an officer went to arrest him be was seen to be fortified (as it were) in one of his barns, armed with a gun, and swearing to shoot any whom would approach him. There were sixty or seventy persona leaving the house when Mr. Kerr arnred, who he sum moned to accompany him to the barn, but theory was, "he will shoot somebody." go, they refused, with the exception of John "daftness and brother, when they got to the barn, stratagem had to be re sorted to, which was effectual in smearing him. The prisoner stated that the children were at a certain house. which was known to be Insierreet. Ile then said he had last seen them at "the s p r i n g," but the presumption Ls they have per ished in the flames. - . • The poor apology of intemperance, we learn, cannot bowled in this instance. !skis neat* be A morose man, one not giren to the soft and easy impulses of nature; an 'DAISY I°. 014 1=10 be came so to his nearest and dearest n We forbear comment, as the matter tenet undeige dieial investigation, but we regret 444,- in the seine paper we hare boasted of an empty fall, we have to announce a tragedy so thrilling in its de tail. May He who watches even the sperhnea fall bare eared the little ones; IS Oar York Dislist (3. C.) Ckelpar,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers