LETTER. BlitithtllEW YOWL LOorrespondolith otAlte peal - , OP :• 4 "tiaW• 0* PT-44 0 The news by tne.B .0 altio exceedingly übfavora hie. The ininiediatetidvande in the rate of Inter • eat by the *Silk England on the rea oipt of the :bad heft , from the •deeline in console,' the prospect of,a ; further adyiince in the rate of hater ; ,est as fares eight per tent., and the chance of a fintiaelel reiplsion is all the continentof Bbrope, Berri riatiiialliadded to our gloom, and increased our anxiety for tholuture ; for if thesehe the re eitlia'of a knowledge of a portion "of our troubles, what are we to expect when they leern the full ntemittie of our eualienslon ef' spot° payment, cox" Said thatprirateletters are Much more cheering, and L'rather iodine to the belief that the newspaper accounts, are exaggerated, and that dot:4 being put on the exportation of gold by 'raising the rate of interest of the Bank of Eng . land will be the 'thothserious calamity we have to The chin storm has prevented mush activity in "Oth'slthot to-day. BverYthing is dull and gloomy, - and 'eVerf, ono is , despondent. The banks are .."fartifYiug'l themselves. The commends] men aro failing in: dozens. The bankaare said to have a , reserve of fourteen millions. Were six of these millions • used' in saving the remnant of our corn. mercial men from 'ruin, an inealeulable benefit would be ,done . Bat, instead' of this, the bank 'statement this eveningshows further decrease in loons, Qf ONn AND, A onAUTEN. MILLIONS. • * This prospect naturally enrages those who were . once fools enough to believe that the banks would "'expand several millions," be "liberal to their onstoothre,", and . '" discouut to the full amount of - their - receipts." The most gentle of these say; ' ' the banks blare been wanting In vendor;" the mere onergetle,use stronger and equally Just terms of condemnation.. There can be notthe shadow of a' doubt that every: reproach. however , bitter, every evidence of displeasure.' however , severe, aro well and =justly Merited 'by the men -who - ,-linver directed the' hanks Of ;Our' city 'dtirlog the ''crisis; and Ware ruined and' duped the public, by whose patronage they, exist.' It Is 'rumored that ..some,otthose of the banks - Which usually pay a dividend on the lot of 'November will postpone it; . but ea there is, as yet, ho more unanimity in'this' - than in the rest of their conduct, I cannot report to_yort that any Book resolution has been adopted,' The 'Baltic brings nearly $360,000 is geld, and the Persia, is,expeeted to bring upwards of $1,503,- 00t, gue'hare - on' Wednesday. IL - ista" he hoped that this bullion may, be"emdplbyed well to Waving ;this crupsiand that. it May not be allowed tete into - the,;vicalts of Ate banka,,to show bow they have' "fortified" themselves, -and how, impregnable is, :their position. I hear that the bank officers ate; _ quite jocose on the subject of the °rigs—Riney that their management is a triurephof finaneiering, and ;that the complaints( of the public' are the &soon-, teat of as ignorant, vulgar erotic!, to be despised by such financial oracles as they are.. They actually crack jokes, and throw off sarcasms at the expense; of those who senturate doubt the propriety of their - inenagement. Lest the country bankewhose notes, they hold might - venture to act liberally, they hold in terroreta over their heads the - danger of calling on them to redeem their oirCulatiOn without notice, and thus dep . riVe them of the power of doing good. Money is as tight as it ever was, reports of " ease" at the banks, and the note-brokers; to the contrary notwithstanding. , At least, I have failed to see the man who' has got a discount is shade below tire exorbitant rates which have prevailed for the bat month or six weeki. 'Foreign Exchange it dull at former rates, and domestic) exchange is quite as difficult and rates is high as tit Saturday. th i ld ilia supply in excess of, the demand at • lel& per cent. premium, • I have to report the failure of the well-known tee, broken; Beebe d Co. They fought long and )ravely, but had to succumb at last. "The de ' crease in loans" of Wilily sounds 'the funeral bell 'of Many a good firm: ' - The elearighouse_settlement was: Clearings, .$19,901,1541.714 and balances paid in coin, $747,- ,285:34. The cash, transactions at the clearing, hose' were :, '-Reoeipts; '5143,129.11 ; Payments, 1285,978,97. Balance, k r .„..c,71112,281.8.1. ens. -toms reebipts for duties were, $17,892.33. ' The statement of the New York city banks "id their average condition for the week ending Oct. , 24, ahows an increase of 32,168,125 in coeds, decrease of $1,269,339 in loans ; of $1,202.702 in circulation; and an increase of 34,903,475 in de- " posits . ;The following le a comparative statement of Oils week, and that ending Oct. 17 : 'Loans, end II discounts. Specie, kirculesd Deposits t 51,813,250 18,087,441 $52,M,023 10,011,336( 0,884.739 j 67,801,098 'Oct. .11. ,C59;t246,820 Oct. 2A.:1 9,40/6s4gl The stock market improved to-dayseveralpoints in the faoo of the had Intelligenoe" from the,other side of the Atlantio. ' At the first board Ohio State 6's advanced ?;.Tennessee do: 2'; Virginia' o'c.l; New York Central 6's I; do. 'Vs- 2,- and Illinois Central bonds 31.. Reading advanced, also, 31, and Michigan Southern preferred stock 2; but Erie fell and New' York Centrally. Between beards several sales were made at a further Matinee.' At the - second board still higher r priaes were reached:,Reading closed at 20 ; N. Y. Central at 60.1 ; Eri at Of, and Afiehigan.Southern at 10k. The market lift off firm and buoyant. It is said that large orders have been received from England to purchase stook, to be drawn for - at three days eight. 'This fulfils one of my predic tions after the arrival - of the Europa: • NEW YORK 32 . 00 E =MANGE BmBB, October 23 HIRST.BOARD. • 1133 T Cen 131 todji 500 do b 5) - 60 900 'do 00' 08 104 do 68M 160 do 68,1,1 10198 W Y State 6'3 , 68 98% 2000 NY State Vs '73101 400 Ohio 8 ay , 93' 2000 Miclttgan BWs 80 21800 Tenn 80'e'90- 70' 1000 Virginia We ' 72,1( 8.500 N Y Can DR fro 70 .200017. Y Oen RIZ - Ve 90 I'ooo.B Bed 31 iB3 40,Ai 2000 Go ben Ilh We 47 20 EH° 11 9 50 do ' 112 . sy 16 Six th dm It 82 i 28 Nll & 11antord It 196' '2O LlOss EOM ' • • • • • • - • ••• 2000 T Haata 24 'Ali 25 800 Ins Con It bile 01 700 ReIOWA. ' 25 200 d 6" - go /IN •-•- , 6000 do - 0 ' Odg 6500 'do ' • • 01 % 6000 do of 0 eisg 00DkHC10ob6000 loam MN I pi etk 300 111 Oen It $lO 77X 60 dP i. _ _ 17.1 i 200 0114 Ptta R paw eg 80 Qal & Ohio It 68,St ' B,', do • WV, do ' 88 200 Olov d Tol Ro B 25 ?.15 Wdo It TV 00 10 Now 7eroey It 207 11 do 108 " ' 'SECOND 130/I.ED..' SOO VirgloffiS'a 17 7OO Now York Con B 60); zoo. do ; 14 - ,So' do AlO 00 2000 Mob State 6's 80 70 do 1103 i 240 do , ; 150 50 100 do 01 , 100 do • 83 511. X 150 do - 60 X 200 Reading RE 180 2.5% 100 do . 28 200 irio Railroad, 9X 7 Chic& It IR 62 10 LaCroßso & Mil It 10 Dlch 8& N Prot 19 40 do • , /9X 3000 Ohio 6 , 0 i 386 t 02X 4000 IdY'State 6'n,'6o 98 6000 'l'ann 6 , 4 '6O • 70 0000 I.7laaonri 6's • MX' 1000 do , .66X 1000 Bile , 82 .. , 26 20 Nalai6 Bank 61 160 Cumberland Coal, IX 70'. .46; 6 60 Koh do &NIB. ~ 8% 60-Del &Iludeo is.3o 88 100 (Bev & ToIR 26X AuovancsA4B in? STOCKS AND BONDS-06x. 2S) , ' : • ' ,:- ,By Albert 11. litcelay.. •" 100 sh Wells, Fargo, & Co's Exp, $lOO each 30% 60 sh N J B.& Trans Co, $6O each.' , 100 N 96 oh Firesnenol Wire , Ins Co, $ll toleh•:. • ' MOX 40sh Suter's-Mrs Ins 06,525 each ....... . ' ' 94 60 oh Brooklyn lire Ins Co, $l7 each..... —. 10$ 2e sit Clinton Fire Ins Co, $lOO each 100N0 95X 10 sh Lamar Igraine Co, $lOO each 18X0 78% a) sh Phenix /ire Ins Co, $ 6O each .::.... 98 10 sh Resolute Fire Ins Co, $5O each..:... 60 40 sh Excelsior Pin Ins Co, $5O each..... 92% 0100 15 eh Cocaine Fleeing CO, $lOO each 65 20 shilartnonyFirelusCo, (hrph) $5O each 78 % 60 sh Brom:may lire Inc CO. $25 each 108%01071 . 20 sh Commercial Fire Ins Co, - $5O oath... 84 60 sh Exchange lire Ins Co, $3O each 09% ,20 oh Idereenti le Eire In Co, $6O each.... , 62 10 eh eabhard Fire Ins Co, $lOO each 62% 60 sir/decks' lc Tradersllns Co, $25 each. 112% 40 oh East Hirer Fire Las 00, $l5 Seth ' - - 78 30 sh Year Cooper Ina Co. $2O each 90 20 ah La Fayette Mire too C 0.160 each.... 75% OA _Lorillard Virelns CO, $25 each .....1.. ', '-103% '4O oh Lenox Fire In Co, $25 each 80 . k 24 akiNOIFIVOI4O Fire Inc Co, $5O each.... '' 85 40 oh - Fulton Fire Inspo, $25 each 70 30 oh gape Pre Ina Co, 360 each 20 Commonwealth Plea lea Ca,sloo each caVOmmonwealth Mire Ina tm,stou 33 sh Knickerbocker Fire Ins Co. $4O each 128 20 eh Harmony Fire ins Co $6 O each 70 MARKETS —Ashen—Are firmer for pate and steady for pearls—with miles M 60' this.' at for pots and Ser for pearls,. 7 , Ibutansrerra—The market for State and Western tour Ss tussettled , under the influence of the' foreign advises,' and prices are irregular, in some instances a decline of 1.0.15 cents fr bbl,juiving been autosittell to, but this is notgeneeal; the sales are 9.600 Ibis , at 14.00c0fat 78 for Waleson to good State, s4.SOass OS for extra State, $4.00n54 75 for common to good Michigan, Indltins, 4 ,ohfo, Iowa; &o.; Wad $4,80e481010r extra do, the latter rate for good family brands. Southern flour is also lower. and is heavy and dull, with Woe of 700,144 at $5.30a55,50 for nal:W.o good •brabdsof Baltlinore, Alexandria, Georgetown, Frede rickihnsg, & 0., and 165.6437, for favorite, fancy, and extra brands do. , : , Canadian flour la easier, with sales of 550 bids at $5.10 056,75 for the range at extra and fondly brands, the latter rtvery extreme rate. fty,e Flour is nominal at $3.25n54,60 for the range of fine mid superfine. COBS URAL 19 also nominal; we !NM.° hosey at 53.25; Brandywine $3.75.' Wirsav Is2ofic lower, and is very much, unsettled; the spies are 29,100 bushels Chicago spring, at 98ces$1; 12,000 Ahlwanken club, $3.02; 4,400 white Canadian, at $1..35, which Is an extreme rate,; 8,000 mixed Indiana; $1.10;, 2,000 prime red Indiana, $1.18; 000 'white Southern, $1,44; 2.70 0 red Southern, $1.20; and 000 damaged Southern, 950. ; „ • Rye is firm at BO centa for prime , with but ailnitted soppir un sale. ' Oats are quoted' at 03840 c for Southern, MiesUO for .larecy, 45 edific for State, and dflettio for Western. - Corals Vary heavy, and closes dull and unsettled; the iollea are 23,000 huahels mixed Western at 07X 003 X e, 'nloSing seminally at 68c. Corrog—Prices are entirely nominal. I?l.3 , 'Sßlo2lo,—Vortc,in' dull, and. in the absence of trim/41430ne . ive have to ramirt ideas nominal at Wino sat for mess. and $10.56010.75 for prime. Bruited liege area:bide ficiner, With miles - at 6,4414 OM litter rate for prime corn fed, Beef Jo lower and very lunch unsettled, with sales of 200 bide at 810e311 for new notary, mess,. 33.50c07 SO , for new. 'country', prime; 51 4 7.6 0 08 12 for old reputed. Western, sod 103wM 60 for,@xtra Western mess, _Beef hams are'unoltauged ; we notice sake of 26 Ws - State at $lO. Bacon ls dull and nominal at 3230 for, smoked Western.' Out matte ~,c olt ir ei r nominal, and in the absence of sales. quo tations cannotbe given with reliability hard intoner, .witit, however, a fair , demand ; we notice sales of 350 tierces and bble at. ionlsK. Butter and cheese are more active at former quoted rates. Wrinsaav Is very heavy, with sales of 75 bbls at 231gc. TRE MONEY, MARKET. ' ; ', ' ' , "PutnanilminiAdOetober 20, 18d1. T6llll ZDITOS Or Tift Poem : Not lag BIOCO I had occasion to sell a draft, drawn at short eight, by a firm In one clty npon their branolt•bouse in another place. The name of the Mine firm, of coerce, appeared as drawer and acceptor, One gentlemen to whom I of• fared it, declined the purchese, saying it wall "pig upon pork." Being not a tmeinese num myself, I have asked one or two friends who are, whether tier could tell me the origin of Ws asyingibut have only learned that It was a common phrase to applyto paper made negotiable by the came name appearing on it in two places. It you can explain its origin, you will me by doing so, and satisfy my , - • . ~ &onaioste:r. . The thronwg!pig ripcallOritl'? or ''' g' Otani bacon,” is often inlaid td`ciinting houses, but the onlr envie natiOnotittlintwaremember to hate mat is inlay. sioll'sHietoryottlankini ite says that Mri Leeds Loyd, father nftbe banker of the same name, who IfAis aftwr 7 erlas. cieated Lord ilWeratette,'Was a Webb diseenting nib:dater, who mode a inalat tilirlige with the daughter of a Manchester banker and reanufaetnrer named Zeta, ;Arlie' die pi4+eitabecetrati riteenelledtoilie M 1,011144 mitt titlien` , lrito theilini; iMd being a' min of great abilitivihe sPeedilttage Ha buebteaa rapidly hMriteia. Ttidir - ,.//yedori agentp,_o4Plitetag of the Aroubio _pc ~i cabili :their 6clitenti;lo,, : ,toit i *Lit , iiiivei st 4 iii. : tlitilio44:4 ,blibt Aibier;:tke - Bali Oa titMcbestee I.l4Filiz.OV*Or...llol.ritoOrdi*. o'l, 9 0tOrOtieeteri tuff -.l4lappgatlonei,Loy4;:to 6 4.s lo #oi , ,-' '''ili ,, .. ixtmA r = time is IV; IMyCeillint apoii`e:MuittimeeirhOeiee. ..., . 30 ' lseakft,betd, mat the same haying been ' L' ;gin - AV:bottle iiipzudou by a are Ore* he , R #4 - IM'ati#asierlerheitteOluali*PoArilt 10.1/ 44 * SOW, So l 44 . l 46 Orsofaet : ..,,A -.1.. - a• - ?.. - (.., 01-1 .4;1 - 401: 4 A 4, , l;, iga'o , i`_ - .fx i,d 41._",;•0 iretCii4 Vitruhrer that question? ) mid' thatehtleirist; 14 you must permit me, Mr. Loyd, to put a question to you ;" et thirsime time openiin: a drawer, ho produced several Mils drawn, by Jones, Loyd, & Co , of Manches ter, upon :ones, Loyd, 4 Co., of Loudon. " are these bills, which I call Pig 'upon bacon, all based upon bona fidt trausaotions?" This was so unexpected a retort, that Mr. Loyd retired without uttoriog another word. Mr. Lawson gives this story as the originof the phrase, though it may date much farther batik. The ads:lees from England seem to indicate the ap proach of a similar Mate of things there to that we have experienced. The rates of discount are rapidly advancing, gold is leaving the country, and failures tor large amounts begin to be reported. Gentlemen from the continent represent financial twitters there all de plorably bad, especially in the German States. bier. nautili)houses were struggling throughdlillculties in the anxious expectation of relief from America; and we may look for the tidings of great distress when the news arrives that the expected relief will be long de layed. The Baltic brought nearly $360,000 in specie ' and as it was reported that two millions would go by the ilaltic and Canada, we may look for the arrival of a million sad a half at Boston by the latter vessel in a few days The export of specie from New York last week amount ed to only fifty dollars. The York Pcnaryfeartian thus notices a new coun terfeit : 4, A dangerous counterfeit on two different plates of the five-dollar notes of the York County Bank have found circulation in this county. They are so well exe cuted'as to require a searching glance to detect thorn. About the surest guide is to look at the trace In the vignette, where two persons and two horses are plowing. In the good note the trace runs down to the horte'elcg; In the counterfeit the trace does not go nearly to the leg of the horse. Another good method to detect is in the President's signature—Bß Lewis: in the genuine the s in Lewis does not touch the printed Pres.,' wbito iu the bad the s touches or runs into it, The teeth Iu the rake on the' left side of the note, at the bottom, are coarser in the counterfeit than In the good. There are other plain defects to be seen, but an observance of the directions we have given will enable any person to de tect the fraud, Several of these counterfeits wore passed a few days since In the upper end of York county, "Besides the above dangerous counterfeit, there is one on the 10's of the Harrisburg Bank, and an altered note on the o's of the Columbia Bank. There are also Vs and l's en the Columbia Bank, but the bank has no notes of en low a denomination in circulation." According to the oustom house tables of the foreign trade far ten months of the calendar year, tho impor tation of foreign merchandise Into the port of New York to the 30th of September, amounted to Add two weeks In October - Total to date . Ararat same thee, 1850 - Incresoo to dote.' The same tables make the export of dome4tio produce and miscellaneous— Goods to the'SOth September. Add two weeks in October. Total to date:......: Against name time, 1856 Decrease to date The lame tables make the direct export of specie to the 30th Septemliter, 533,448,000 Add two weeks In October 239,000 Total to , date Against same time. 1858 Increase to date The entanglements which have embarrassed the western division of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company are said to be all unravelled, and a general compromise effected between the, creditors end atock holders and Page, Bacon Co. Alt mite are discon tinued. The income bonds bear 7 per cent. interest, and all/ run twenty years.. The deed of Mr. Jenks is annulled, and Page &Bacon reconvey the road to the company, in considenstion of the acknowledgment of the debt due to them, which was computed at from two to three millions of dollars. To secure this, the com pany will issue - $2,600,000 construction bonds and $9,900,000 income bonds, called third and fourth mort gages: B. M; D. Barlow. of New York, has been elect ed president. The receipts of the Michigan Central Railroad for September were $301,828 7d ,81eptember,1850 371,912 22 $70,083 48 The Drat two weeks of Oct: $135,778 00 Bann thno hint year 180,623 83 The receipts of this Company for the present year, up to Oct. 17, are $243,721.59, against $257,792.09 for the same period Wit year—a decrease of $14,070.50. Tho amount of buidneee done, however, lase been larger this year than in 1866; the deficit arising from a reduction of the rates of toll on mane of the moat important arti cles of transportation. The New York Times says: The Illinois Central Company will resume payment ou Its Interest coupons to-day. The amount overdue is inba,m. The note. I.ayable of the concern, partly overdue, amount to $3,610,915, of which 6413,17 8 anted by Collateral or endorsed by the individual direr. tore, are provided for; by preference, in the recent as signment. The reliable resources of the company are reckoned at 61,841,871, and their condition, present and contingent, would seem to be, in brief, as follows: Coupone notes payable and book acc0unt5...63,700,551 Optional scrip due in January 794,500 Coupons and Interest on notes in dprll 690,634 . Together Available resources, as above Total funded or assessed • A 284,51.3 't The outstanding optional rights to the unsubscribed capital, expiring by limitation In January, February, and July. 1858, are *quell° 83,000 shares, at forty dollars. or $2,2a000. Against 80,000 or these shores, it Is pro posed to tame a convertible loan, bearing seven prr cent. Interest, each bond of $l,OOO made subject to sur render, (or converslond at any time before 1600, for twenty live shares or stock, with forty dollars each paid thereon: The payments upon tine loan of 83 ,20 .C*o will be called for by instalments he February, April, May, and August, 3258. The Inducements to subscribe are: 2. To the holders of the optienal rights, who thereby estend their stools privilege to the. sear 1600. 2. To the present holders of 272,000 shared of stock, on which forty dollars has bean paid, to save a further Im mediate assessment of ten dollars per, share, and to secure the earl.) , release of their property from the as signment; and S. To the holders of $3,097.000 nose. cured notes payable, which, afterruaturlty, bear no more than the rate of interest on the new bond, without the same right of .conversion." Stott Debts.—At the present period of commercial troubles,' Stale bonds are becoming a favorite invest ment. We have, therefore, prepared, with considerable labor, from the official reports, a table 'hewing the to tal debt of eachltato ; the taxable property that is se iurity for this debt, (according to the returns of the seventh ceusare)'; the amount of security for each dol lar of debt,' and the amount of debt to each inhabitant of the Stat. 'The Indebtedness of each State is made up to' 3.856, and the amount of taxable property up to 1890; so that a , large margin of eecerity results from the increase of property la the several States since that period. This in especially the ease in some of the west ern States that have large debts, snob as Missouri. •It wilt be seen from these statistics that the holders of State bonds, have ample security; apart from State credit sad honor. There was stbine when repudiation, if poisible, might have entered into the lineation of de- Rlrableneas of State bonds for an Investment. But in the commercial age, whatever sue Its faults, guy at tempt to repudiate a 'promise to pay' would be looked upon by every one ea an Individual disgrace, by the States generally as a - common dishonor, and by the people as a nations! calamity. The States are arranged Softie order of their indebted neon: States. Total Debt. Pr T o r y ' le ' TP;in '1 ;; 4 ill 1850. '5, 3 . I ,l k LSI Pennsylvania, $40,190,:394 $729,000,000 $lB $lB 00 Virginia 29,859,618 391,0 00 , 000 19 21 00 New Y0r9t.... , 20,234,898 1,080,000,000 42 800 Missoon. ..... 19,602,000 137,000,000 '729 00 Ohio 10,278,427 504,000,000 31 800 Maryland /4,949,688 219,000,000 15 26 00 /11inols 13,994,015 166,000,000 11 10 00 Louisiana.... 12,469,350 234,000,000 19 24 00 Tennessee.... 0,744.867 207,000,000 'l4 000 Indiana ' 7,3311;479 • 202,0 1 30,000 28 700 Mississippi... 7,271,707 228,000,000 81 12 00 Massacbusetts 6,813,665 673,000,000 34 700 Rentucky . 0,998,577 801,e00p0 .60 603 Alabama 5,883,134 9 28,000,000 89 800 S. Carolina... 6,287,156 288,000,000 64 009 N, Carolina ' 5,232,848 226,006,000 43 600 Arkansas 3,319,506 40,000.000 12 17 00 ileorgia 2,644.222 335,000,000 127 300 Michigan „ 2,347;470 00,000,000 25 600 California..., . 1,812,602 22,000,000 131 20 00 Maine - 963,83 0 122,003,000 1271 1 50 Rhode baud, r 382,1135 80,000,000 209 250 Whoonsin • 100,000 42,000,000 420 33 New 3ersey... 950 0 0 163,030,000 1005 20 10wa.........79,798 23,000,000 287 60 Total $298,902,042 $8.680,000,000 VA $ll 00 The debts of soma of the States aro of two kinds nimbly, absolute debt end conttngent debt. The tattoo are principally for internal improvoments,and conelat in bonds or the oredit'of the States issued or lout for this purpose. The principal contingent debts aro as follows : Absolute Contingent Debt. Debt. ,Total Debt. Missouri $002,000 $19,000,000 $19,602,000 Louisiana 3,839,222 8,620,128 12,459,350 Massachtmette . 1,764,000 6,049,655 0,819,655 Tennessee 3,902,867 4,762,000 8,744,857 Maryland 10,069,866 4,279,732 14,919,698 Missisaippl..... 2,271,707 6,000,000 1,211,707 Home of these contingent debts will undoubtedly be paid by the different public improvements for which they were tuned, But as each State is liable both for the interest and principal of her contingent debt, it is properly included in the column of total debt. From the above table, we gee that Missouri gives the least security for her indebtodnesai and has the largest debt for each inhabitant. But it mutt be remembered that almost all of this debt has been incurred to pro mote internal improvements; and that, in consequence, the taxable property has been increased more than 100 per cent. since 1880, and the population In a Mintier ratio.--N. Y. Courier tr Enquirer. The following axe to.day , s quotations for speeie, by Drools. A; 00., bullion lied specie brokers, 40 South Tkirdstreet, payable in 'bankable fonds Amer, g Dollars 01d..1 07 Am. Gold, old colnsge.l 08 —1 01„ Sovereigns 406 Mexican Dollars ~....I 08 Napoleon (20 Francs) .8 00 South Am. . ...2 O 6 Ten auliders ' 405 Spanish Pillar Doltars.l 12 Ten Thaler' 8 00 Viva Pranoe.• • • ... . 09 Spanish Doubloons...lo 00 tiers:eau crowne ...... 109 Patriot do ' ..15 80 french 44 I/1 Donets 221 American Gold 4 to 6 ' New York Sxchange 3g to 438 - 111ILAD01,011In. STOOII . EXODANGE SALES, October 28, 1857 Repoiied by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, 110 801 Walnut itreet EMT BOARD. 1,600 City ill 70g 000 do 70,4 200 do at/113,79j5 8 Lehigh Scrip...A?. 6 Reading 1f,.._.....,13 1,000 Penns 1 2,000 do 1,000. do s . 1,,000 d d o o . . ~ 400 -80% • .80x ~80% -am ~.80 j,OOO do ....55wn.60% 1:1 Oity es.casbNew.eo 800 dd do ...so 200 do 700 SECOND 100 Gay 0s 79K 40 oWu & Amttea - - is— • ...... 440 -d; 14.63 1, 000 Pints es. ...... 80 10 Minebill ... .. 52 2 d 0..... :52 d 52 2 0 o 2 do 0.62 ' - 'OLOSileel 60 do *** ... vieft i 8 10 do caah,l3 8 Bdb Nay prel.bs,l3X 100 L 7)4 BOARD. 11 Reading R 14 4 do 14 I 20 Beardedd R.... 45 1' d 4 do 45 45 18 do 45 1 'do . 45 5 do ..........45 do ~..t ...... 45 IEII-81RADY. ' Std. Asked. Bohn 81182,...80X It otoolt .. ... Sx 88 N 'B2 prel 19 X lag I.sc - 8 Lehigh Zin0..... 1x Union Canal..... 4 Now Creel( . . ... X • X Ofitavias leg... 0 I it 4)1 lOC • Asked. 0116611 6'.. :.;797 80 I " , ' RR. 80 s ‘ l " 89.3$ Zombi , 66,w 7:104170 62X 65 1.4 n 6'0410 '76 Ponta Illt 82x /0 018 4 16 4 1 .00*41 86 ' .. _ PHILADELPHIA MARKETS °msso 26—Evening.—The foreign advices by the Baltic have bait no perceptible effect on the Produce Markets today, brit the rainy and unsettled slate of the weather had limited business operations very ma• terially in Bresestuffs. There is little or no export de mand for Flour; the only sale is 300 barrels Family Tatra at a price kept private, and a few small lots for home consumption at from $5.25 up to $7.25 qp barrel mostly within the range of 65.50er30 50 for good r 01,411. tog brands and extra, as to brand and quality. Rye Flour is scarce, and wanted at $4.25, there being little or IMP here. Corn Meal is not inquired for, and dull at $3.02 4jr barrel for country meal. Wheats aro in small supply, with a moderate retailing demand to note at fully former quotations; about 600 bushels fair to prime red brought 105eD1.18 coats In store, and 1500 bushels choice Western White 140 Conic. Corn le dull mud drooping; about 000 bushels old Delaware yellow sold at 74 cents, hut this price is not nets ebtaluable; nothing doing in now Corn. Oats are quiet, the last sales were at 33201 cents for Southern, and 3503 3 cents for Pennsylvania, the latter in store. Of Dark a small Sale 15 lehds only, of Quereltron, wax made at $lO, for Scot quality Cotton is held at about pre vious quotations; but with a very meagre supply, and a limited demand from spinners, the market continues at a stand still. Crocerlea are bele. with more firm ness, but the trade came forward slowly, and only a few small lots of Sugar and Coffee ere changing hips at about previous quotations. Provisions ore not' in. quired for, and'very dull. Whiskey is selling an 'Anted at 21 cents for /Ads mid 21.3022,1 i mite for 'Easton and prison barrels. PIIILADELPRIA CATTLE MARKET MONDAY, October 20, 1857 .—The wet weather has in creased the dullness noted previously in the market for Beef Cattle, the ollertaga of which were not up to last week, amounting to about 1,000 head. Common and prime quality, mostly the former, buyers took hold of slowly, and also 800 head were sold at from $8 to VOX, mostly PON the 100 The, for good quality. Cows 8141/oaLvas 'continue dull, and prices the same as last Week, say from $lB to $3O for dry Cows, $2O to $35 for springers, $35 to $55 for fresh Cow. Ifoos.—The arrivals at market were about 2.600 head, selling at sBoB.ii the 100 Ms, which is a decline on last week. gni:RP AND Lama.—The market. wore fairly aupplietl t solos varying at from $2 to $6 each for common to very choice quality. PRILADBIRIIIA BOARD OF TRAM Wu. O. RUNT, L. J. Iloanioa, eowilorslig or Tax Afoxra a.its YASAALL, $186,893,000 *428,1370 - $195,310,370 181,041,6 M, LETTER BAGS ' At the Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers San Francisco, goon Brig Oregon, air) Green Port an Prince, soon y 14,275,830 .$54,363,000 . 0,658,978 SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. DEM THE UNITED STATES. 558,991,978 65,110,-78 Asia New Yolk Liverpool Oct n Edinburg New York Glasgow Oct 91 Poroesia New York 'lambing •• . • Nov 1 Europa Boston Liverpool Nov 4 Baltic ....New York Liverpool Nov T Persia New York Liverpool Nov 11 Arago ....... ....Now York Havre Nov 14 Canada .........New York Liverpool NovlB Arabia New York Liverpool Nov Vi $5,178,800 $3.8027 ODD 20,645,389 PROM EUROPE. Vitosl FOR Borussia Hamburg New York... Gee Williams... .Liverpool Portland, ,ke Persia ....... New York... Arago,......:Soutliampton New York... $!,031,071 Canada Liverpool DORtOU Oct 24 Arabia Liverpool New York Oct 31 Glasgow Olaagow New York Oct 31 liammoula Hamburg New York Nov I ittlautic ..... ....Liverpsol New York Vov 11 Marine 3ntelhgente PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 27, 18.57 RIGLI IVATVR Steamellip Oily of Now York, Stamen, 50 hours from Boston, with mdse, fee. to U. Mawr. Passed yestenlay morning ship Wm Cummings, for Canso, at anchor be low the Brandywine; barqueffoa Maxwell, from Laguay ra, at anchor below Bombay Hook; ship Alexander, for Charleston, at anchor off Duck Creek Plata; barques Onion, for Pernambuco, 11 13 Walker. for Boston, and brig David S Brown at anchor below Reedy Island, and several brigs and ochre, upward bound, at anchor in tho river. $44,845 S 3 Rohr J A Edmondson, Delany, 10 days from Bshimoro, with grain to Thos B Shoemaker. Schr OCIAVIII, Tuft, 2 days from Port Deposit, with corn to 'lmlay, Wilson & Schr Victory, Chambers, 2 days from Lewes, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Schr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor, 3 days from New York, with Mao to L Matthews. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Copes, N York, J AlPlerdice. BD'S WlMug, Claypoole, Balthuore, A (troves, Jr [sr 41LCOR/PH.I (Correspondence of Tne Preu.) Arrived, ships Patrick Henry and Devouibire, front London; barque Henrietta. from Alexandria, Egypt; brig Gnu Williams, from Malaga; Behr Express, from Rio Grande. The chip Patrick Henry brought here the captainand crew of the Ilritush barque Athenian, from Quebec for Obialde, waterlogged, The brig Gen Williame brought the captain and crow of the eclat. John Barris, from Philadelphia for floatoa, abandoned in a ainkiug condition. ..tb,124,084 .. 1,811,371 Notinka, Ye, Oct. 2d. The tehr Ann Gardner, from Kingston, bound to New York, has arrived at this port, looking badly, and with lost of sails. at:YELP:P t Oct 20 The brig General Worth, with a cargo of Iron ore, from Superior, went ashore west of the piers last night, and was badly damaged. She Is Insured. Steamship North Americsn, McMaster", for tilTrpool, railed from Quebec 24th Inst. . . Steamship Berussis, Treat - mann, from 'Hamburg, via Liverpool,l4th Mat, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship John &menet, hutora reported ashore, arrived safely it Charleston 45th lust, Ship Jane D Cooper, Collins, from New Orleans, ar rived at Arktwerpletb inst. Ship Granite State, Weeks, for Calcutta, sailed from Liverpool Bth Inst. nip Alboni, Burnaby, from Akyab for Antworp, sidled from Falmouth 11th Snot. Ship Wabash. Parington, from Hamburg, arrived at ShtsloB lOtb Inst. ' Ship Ifildeshelin, Bay, for Son Francisco, sailed from Olasgow 10tb Inst. Ship Walter Lord, Smith, from Callao, arrived at Queenstown tith hist Bhlp Westmoreland, Decan t fur Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool Ilth lust. Ship Robert Treat, Treat, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston 25th lust. Ship Bolden Buie, Mayo, from Boston for Ban Fran cisco, was spoken 24th tilt, bet 614 N, long B 5 20. Barque Chester, Crosby, hence at Boston 25th inst. Barque Juniata, Dimon, fromfiunderland for Havana, passed Seaford 12th last. . . Barque (leaner, Lankeuan, honoo ot Bremen loth in3t, Barque Burlington, Keene, from fiblelds for linvana, put into Deal 10th inst. Barque Mahlon Williamson, 'Beaston, for Boston sailed from the /toads, Bordeaux, 4th inst. Barque John C Brune, Gayle, hence at Baltimore 25th Bud. Brig O /I Prod, Berry, from Doboy Island, arrived at New York yesterday. Oat 11, let 32 b 7, long 77, during a gale from the N, split foresail and jib; lath, let 3120, long 78 20, was supplied with provisions by ahlp Barney, from New Orleans for Boston. Behr Florida, Nally, from Boston for Philadelphia, at Newport 24th lost. Behr 0 Si Neal, ileudersou, berme at Baltimore 2Zrth instuut. Ochre Jamee 8 Hewitt, Ross, and II A Weeks, Weeka, hence for Providence, st New York 24th inst. Palmoutb, Oct 11—The .7 0 Kershaw, Pearce, from Liverpool for Montreal, has put In with dock cargo thrown overboard; she has been brought dose up, for repairs of stanchions, Barnstable, Oct 9 -The American barque Warden, of Boston, has been totally lost, with seven of the crew out of cloven. The master, Benjamin Brosher, is among the eared. The ship came on this morning, within a mile and a half of Down End on the Banton Semi Bide, The vessel was laden with railway iron, bound to Oohs from Newport. [The W was au A 2 vessel, of 426 tons register, built at Swansea, Me, in 1855, owned by the captain and others, hailing from Beaton, where she is supposed to be Insured.] Stromness, Oct o—The American ship European, Tur ner, from the Tyne for Matanzas, which drove, with two anchor, down, during the gale of Sept 9, him been ordered to Aberdeen for repairs. Wexford, Oct 10—The American ship J L Warner stranded at Tacuelehane last winter. Several attempts Wei. been made to get her elf, all of which foiled. Pre parations were being made to get her elf next spring tides; the parties concerned, with ship carpenters and women, very foolishly resided on board of her, and nearly perished, being caught by thegale of Wednesday morning, when the sea made clean breaches over her, sweeping the deck. It Wee wth much difficulty the people wore got on shore on Wednesday evening, in a halr-fainiehed state, haring lost all their clothes, tools, &c. The ship is reported injured to each an extent that she will never he tit to take oil, and is likely to go to pieces the next gale. Perle, Oct 12—The steamer Jaequart, t rem New Or leans, put into Marseilles with damage, and discharged cargo; had repaired, and was about to leave fur her deg- Bretton, when she received other damage, which would necessitate fresh discharge of her cargo. 22d inst. Ist 40 28, long 60, brig Grand Turk, from Rio for Roston. 18th Inst. let 4080, long 6EIIO, ship Mary, from Bath forNevr Orleans. Sept 01, lat 36, long 0, ship Sarah (1 Hyde, from Tra pani for Boston. July 16, lot 12 46 N, long 87 14 0, barque Tyringham, from Calcutta, Juno 1, for Boston. Sept 18, lat 3476, long 2817, ship Ohllo, from— for Valparaiso. Oot 22, lat 4060, long 69, ship Milton, from Boston for New Orleans—had lost one man overboard. FOREIGN FORTS. Per Baltic. Liverpool—Ar 10th lust, Sovereign of the Sean. Cryik shank, St Job:: , ND; Thos Jefferson, Hill, and Thames, Walken, do; (l i b, Sea Sower. Thornhill, Boston; Amer!, can Union, Hubbard, New York; 12th, Lemuel Dyer, Ward, New °clown; lath, Rad Jacket, O'Halloran, Mel. pouf Del J 8 Persons, Crowell, Quebec. Cid 10th, Spark of the °coon, Drummond, N Orleans, and was in the river outward bound 14th. Sid 10th, John (Info, Park, Apalachicola; Iltb, Po mono, Merrithew, New York; Antarctic, Stouffer, do; format, Beckwith, New °Annuli; 12th, Simonds, Lea vitt; do; Meridian, Crowell, Boston; Peter Maxwell, Marshall, Sydney, NSW; Manainitd, Spurr, Caatine; 1 13th, Empire, Coombe, New York. London—Entd inwards 12th, Ladoga, Pearce, St John, NB; 13th, Martin Luther, Nickels, Isle Perm, St lAw reties. Cid Ink American Congress, Mather, New York, and old from Deal 13th; 10th, Keying, Cook, Denton; 11th, Octavius Pike, Sydney, NWW; Bessex, Munro, N Orleans, Ent out 12th, Margaret, Evans, Warner, N York; Lou isa Hillbaro, Memtry, Boston. Dent—Ar Oth, Tornado, Muntford, from London for Liverpool, and old 13th; 10th, lfarraxeeket, Talbot, fn, London for Cardin' and ANCOUNIOO; Tropic, Newell, Croat Antwerp for New Orleans; and all sallodl3th; 13th, Ad- Cum o.lbart, Paine, from London for Cardiff. Old 10th, (not as before) Splendid, Amesbury, from London for bloblle; Helen, Went, from do for Port Phi lip; 13th Nagar P Stringer, Wood., from do for Swansea and St Vincent; Betsy Atues, Bartlett, from do for Tri nidad. OS the Wight 11th Child of the Regiment, Glover, front London for Port PhDlp,. Portsmouth—Sid 10th, Amason, Hovey, from London, York; Transit, Davis, from Hamburg, St John, NB; Simons, Smith, from Callao for Seaward. Falmouth--Std 11th—Albonl, Darnabh, from Akyab, Antwerp. Cowes—Put in 9th—Germania, Wood, from Havre for New York, with lose of torment', and proceeded 12th. Pill—Sid 10th, Caliope, Goodwin, Baltimore. Retedined elf do llth, Nietaux, Armstrong, for Mo. bile; Anna F Bradt, ghillies New Orleans. Sunderland—Sid 9th, SWllder Farley, Nichols New Vett., and was off Margate 11th. Gloucester—AT oth, Atlas, Bartlett, St Stephens, NB. Greenock—AT 10th, Cora Lion, Luther, Now York. Old Mb, chieftain, hfolaren t Savannah; Elisabeth Cann, Coon, Deafen. Belfast—Sidoth, Eliza Morrison, Carey, Apshichlcola. Bremerhaven—AT Bth 'Ma, Wieland, Osterman, Richmond. Std 4th, Rd Cobden, Feldhanesn, Baltimor e; Olympia, Peahens How , Fork; ethi Neiman, De Horde, de.; locifestel -2, / , 101 Bair Orisami; 6th, ,e petition, Oalveeton; 'Mull Beechen, Heltistore. Jokers Boat, Brand,orff, New: cleans; Tulare, DaMieman, N York; Xi* morita L 4 ' t, New" Orleans ; Ilth i ffithlpor• 1 4 1 4#! .1 4 .4 r r F? tlg t• ; -it PRESS.-PHILADELPIOA TufspAY I . . odtOBEIt RNM DAY Octl .Oct a Oct 17 Oct 20 0 45-SUN BITS 6 16 941 EEMISM Thor Yam Oct t.`l3 =M3113 MARINE MISCELLANY Antwerp-51110th, David Medley, Magnet N York, Northern VOA, Marshall, London. Havre—Old 10th tnet, Duteuberg, Weeks, N Orleans. Bordeaux—Std lath Inst./Wanda, Jnnesen, N York. Bid hoes the Bonds 4th hist, Hortensia, Hathaway, N York. Genoa—Ar 7th met, II II Doody, Badger, N Orleans, Leghorn—Ad let lust, Star Light, Ryder, Boston Smyrna—Ar 26th ult, Newsboy, Leckie, 'Ante . , Frui• ter, Dawes, Boston, Edd 27th, Mote Cloud, Hoyt. and Mimosa, Ring, llorton; 3d inst . , Roles A Miller, Dalt, New York Messina—Ay 27th ult, Mary Elizabeth, Nwbola, lr genii; 30th, Black Fish, Hotchkiss, Genoa; gd lasti Pt lot Fhb, Hoyt, Bangor, Me DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW SVEN, Oet 20—A r Bremen /hip Athens, Selel— Bog, from Bremen; brigs Emblem, Stoke, Ellsworth ; Andrew Ring, Evaleth, Jacinel ; Mediator, Durkee, 111Alsga : schr I Mclntire, Camden, Me, for Norfolk. Cleared, ships Isabella, Collin, London ; Memphis, Davis, N Orleans ; barque Painphylie, IYllkins, Ceide. 1111.9 brig Brisk, Nickerson, Halifax ; schrs Bergen, McGee. City Point Montague, Benson, y Baltimore. BOSTON, Oct Sti—Ar Alpe John Henr Merritt, Cadiz 11th ult; Charles Sprague.Pllce, Trapani ; barques Daniel Webster, Ryder, Malaga; Ernestine Oldillugs, Rose, Platen • brig Enoch Benner, Stoddard, Port au Prince ; sehr Oem, Br, Wheadon, Malaga. NORFOLK, Oct barques Montpelier, Clay, West Indies ; Ellen, Johlllloll, Falmouth; brig Webster, Kelly, Barbadoesi. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Lan Night. GIRARD HOUSE—Ohestnut street, between Bth & 9th S Rutter, N Y II M Low, Paterson, NJ L 81 Johnson, N Y W A Stephens, N Y J J Zabriskie, Hoboken 0 11 Grinnell, N V J W 'Whitehead, Vs Adolph Asher, N Y 11 Nicol, N Y J R Gay, Boston R Holmes, Boston ll II Hutton, NY S Fraser, Lit Rock, Ark l' 0 Spencer, Pittsb'h Liout Col A Porter, US A W Boater, N Y A Hernandez Dee 13 T Colt, Pa R Id Ayres, Natchez J Ramie, N I' I 1 it Ryerson. N .1 S It Roby, Rechir J Lowrey, N Y Ilov Morehead. N C W 13 Illoodgood. & la, 0 Iloywood, St • Louis Flushing 0 11 Wetbrel, Balt E Laussure, Paris J Leech, England V Leech, England 1' II Hardman°, N Y John 0 Dunn. Ira James Dunn, l'a It B Forbes, Boston G 81 . Adams, Barbourville Miss J Adams, Barbourville It L White, KT E Justh, Cal J It liardenboigh, Cal Wm Ii Hooper, Balt Hon W If Gulr, Cal A B Jarrett. Balt E D Davis. Misa A J Hayslett. Va Chas at Wheatley, N V W Sheets & da, Indiana Jll Schriever, N Y W A Shepherd, N Y T LOglerjr, 8 0 J Craig. Florida Mr Woodford, N Y J L Stuart, Pa (i Kcnto, N V 0 W Andrews, Balt 0 Marsh & la, Springfield L S Gordon, Balt Win Benjamin, N Y T Davidson, Cincinnati A Arnold & la, It I Mr Woodbury, Boston J Beebe, St LOuls D E Stout, Reading J F W beninger, Reading 0 E Mt, Washington Mrs Mix, 'Washington Gen II Bittinger, Washingt J Cook & ly, Newark J Armstrong, Batt AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestmit street, above Fifth. 8 O 0 Rodman, N Y I. I. Rodman, N Y R Wilson C 11111 Brluton, Cheater co A ct Wells, Middletown, Pa It al Martin, Jersey Shore A D Rodearme,Jersey Shore John Orr, Union co, Im It II Jarman, Va R at Jones, Dover, Del 0 Dummong. Va S P Rupert, N Market, VA PA•ker Woot, Va John Warg, Ye Walter Richards & In, Md W Hackett, Easton T Tallman, N Y Id ;II Ifoltwortli, Brooklyn Oliva Dunlap,Priuceton, N J Alfred Simpson, N ,T 0 IV Oniumings,Lock Garen J W Paine, N Y David Strohm, Kingston, l'a 0 Bartlett, N Mrs °ratan, N 0 Mr Men, N Y Chas It Orifith, Jr, N T al C Blunts, Jersey Shore It It Gibson, London MERCHANTS' HOTlM—Fourth at , below Arab. lion lit Macdonald, Maine Hon T Stockbridge, Hon J Babson, Ma'no Maine J Smvena, Ohio N Allman, Ind Atka %inn. Ind D O 'Minn, Col, Ya Miss Itigg, Laoo co, Pa Was Townson, Lane co Mra Fos°boat., Pa Nes Steinman. Pa Hou W Hopkina, Wash It C Parker, Lewlat.'n J f 3 Wallace, Lan co, I'a J B Danner Gettysburg JobnHepburn, Ralston Peter Fritz :it (la, Mercer co Tt C Roberta, Mercer co W II Harrison, Oblo Ily tzs I 'no n ,IY 1 Icoxbit no John Swift, Baotou, Pa UNION ITOTEL—Arch street, above, Third. Byron Fay, sanduaky, Ohio II S AittlMusson. N York John C Bauman, N C T C Worth, N C J Reading, N J Mai Fisher, Williamsport Cyrus hart, Johnstown James McKean, Boston Muster, Now (farm John Climor, New haven A Itellinstrin, Lancaster co 7. llittnor, New York J Segman, Easton hl Blair, Easton Col It Haien, New York J Ciao Wee, Bethlehem D Bigler, Bethlehem A Thomomn, Baltimore Kra Marty, Pa Wag Bello Bertram, Pa A CoHim, Laneaater co A L Irwin, Green Castle J H Calumny, Franklin ett John Wright, Dalton, 0 Warner, Patternlo Simon Hyfor, Refuting W M Leo, Reading NATIONAL UOTIIL—Race street, above Third. J A Leach, New York Henry Denser, °chi Raven L 11' Rautrnan ' Danville J A Hooper lady. Pa J Heiser, Pottaville R ?eland, Mauch Chunk J T Jamas, Reading (1 W Morgan, Pottavllle Reuben Roller, Adalusburg Clew 9 N oaten Tllnerevdle Al Rope, firayotto, lad R Ilacon, New York Win Sterner, \llnerevillo TM Rat bitten, Willianisp't Win Milhous, Chester co A P Faust. Danville Smith, Jersey City Ilaccock:Luverno co STATES LlNlON—Market street, alcove Sixth. Geo Graeff, Lane, Pa Stun! A Cook. Clinton co Sarni Twitcher, York co W II Houseal, Harrisburg Geo B Woods, Hanover, Pa Henry M Woods, Pa (1. Clark Wilson, Plata J A Hutorich, Carlisle J P Crosby, Danbury, Conn •BLACK BEAR INN—Firth anti Manhunt. Ii Jackson, Chester co J J Wright, Lasater co L U Shatter, Pughtown John Riley, Cheater co L F 'Richards, Ohio K It nate, littl Isaac Marshall, Phila. 'MAGIC BEAR HOTEL—'bird street, ab Callowhill. nenj Erumlleb , Gettyslq IC It Trollinger, lilentriey J It Rath, Gettysburg E II 111 Sell, Gettysburg Chas E Ilumphreys, (MORI) Jacob Sclunucker, Reading Chilli II Runts, Cherry - 0110 Aug Thomas, Franconia Wm Brumback, Beading 11 P Apple, Gettysburg MADISON 110USII—Second street, above Dlnrket. .7 P Brooke, Florida J McCloskey, PittsLurgh If II Lightner, N Y Bieber.' Eaton, Del Thos Jones, Lock Moron W McKinley a; In, N J 0 L Rockett, Ohio 0 J 11111, St Louis Wm It Hobson, Vol 11 A Babcock, St Louis Wm II Moore, Laurel, Del 0 Babcock, St Louis Jerome Fairbanks, Boston A Seymore,Nalew, N J W J Childn, New If ItVelt Wm N 4103010, Room J Brown, Nebraska James Budd, MS 8 8 Berkley, Nebraska special :Notices Inducements Extraordlnary...On account of tho shortness of our Southern and Western Trade, it has left WI with a very heavy atoth of Vail and Winter Clothing on hand. Iu order to chow it out, we have opened our entire House for RETAILING. We will len regardiese of cant. LIPPINCOTT & MINTER, 424 Market street, oc 24-/w between Fourth and Fifth 01., south aide "hard Times 3 a Seasonable, not n Reafana• ble Poem." A Lecture lobo delivered by PAM/. 1111771- LIN, Eeq., at Concert flail, 'Tuesday Evening, October 2Tth, at 8 o'clock. 0c23-4t. Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT SP, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 124 WALNUT Street, 0c22.3e1 Late Of 173 Chestnut Street Prize Clothing.—The entire Stock of fashion able Clothing closing out, regardlens of cost, at the birth•placo of Liberty, southwest corner of SEVENTH and NiAItKET,No I'M. A gift with every purchase. oC22•ft* Deowa & Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lodiog, 11111 Meade, Ch. cubits, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, a prices to suit the times. (JCL T-ly Buffalo Robes.-100 Bales Buffalo Babes of the various qualities, just received from Minnesota. Moo a Handsome assortment of Money Robes of our own manufacture, and Inc sale wholesale and retail by ONO, F. womntern, octl24m* 415 Arch Street. Seamen's Marl 4 Fund —0111 re 203 Walnut street, ono door west of necoud street. Receives de. posits In tutus or Oue Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of BYO per Cent. per annum. Office open daily, Dom 0 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Pr Aident Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Martel] IC Morrie; Hecre tary, Jame S. Pringle. llowees infant Cordial.-•-This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most pollee t and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure Is effected in all canes of Chair, windy pains and spasms. Relieves mad mitigates much of childrouhi suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trace guinea pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &c. The Intent Cordial boo become a standard remedy and bee been need in thousands of eases with the mos abundant sateen. tin family ahould be without It. Prepared only by funny A. DoWait, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders moat be addressed. And for sale by Druggista generally. au 18-17 Saving' Fund—rive Per Vent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in WALNUT Street, south west corner of Tutan Street, PIItLADELPEIA. Aerate Oirar ONE MILLION AND A RAM, or bOLL/ES, invested in REAL ESTATE, MORTOIOIIO TWEED Marrs, and other that class securities, as required by the charter. his Institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. The office in open every day from 0 o'clock to the morning until 7 &Moak in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 41 o'clock. illarnages. On t h e 22d inst., by /toy. Witham Suittlards, of Orate Church, Mr. EDWIN A. PARER to Miss BIWA J., daughter of Charles Shoemaker, Esq., all of this city. (Richmond, Va , and Chicago, 111., papers please conr.On the 24th inst., by Rev. Wm. Suddards, Mr. H. T. lIRLMIII,OD to Miss HENRIETTA .D. PELL, all of Philadelphia. Oct.2sth, by Rev, N. B. Baldwin, Mr. JONATHAN C. PINCHER to Min HETTY BLANKMAN, only daughter of Dr. Henry 8. A. Blanktnan, formerly of Philadelphia, now of California. C►catt}6. On First•daY morning. the 29th lost , attar a short and severe Mimes, LYDIA L., wife of John 11. Stokes, aged 27 years. Iler friends and those of the family aro respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late msliknee, N 0.240 North Fifth street, (het eeen Race and Vine,) on Fifth-day, 20th inst., at 2 o'clock, without further notice. *at* On rho 24th Inst., JOHN HOOVER, in the 734 jeer of his ago. On the Oath Inst., RICHARD WATERS, in the 424 year of his age. on the 24th Mot., ELIZABETH MELLIN, In the Mat year of her age. On the 24th that , in the 32. d year of her ago, EMILY MARIA BLAND, wife of Samuel Bland. On Saturday morning, 24th Inst., lire. CHARLOTTE TOY, wife of Jacob Toy, In the 96th year of her ago. , On the 24th Mat, (MORON Y. ANDREWS, son of A. J. and Andrew, In the 19th year of hIA age. . In Baltimore, on Sunday toornfpg, 20th hot., Mrs. t ANN MARTIN, sod 74 years, wire of Inward Martin. Or - Vint Sohoor Mottlet forlitate of Penn• sylvania.—Au examination for Teachers of the Public Schools wilt be held on SATURDAY, October Stet, 18.57,. commencing al U o'clock A DI , at the Mount Vernou achuol house, CATIIAP.INE street, short TBIB.D. By order Of the Committee on qualification of teach ers or the Board of Controllers ot Public Schools 0c22.dt0e31 W. J JACKSON, Chairman. irr Lerary Ulm re, tn .7aysse's 0811, for the benefit of i t t he s he Schools taught by the Sisters of thely Prose, November 2d. Doors open at 7 o'clock. I. Lecture by the lion. Joauett It. OtIligMAR. Sub. Ject, Woman. IL Supper, and sale of fancy articles. 0c224n2 Oiii otee—Apnts.—Cit Commissioners PII PI ILAD I V.PIIII., pe October 11, y 1817. NOTION IS USSERY GIVEN, That the Commis- Moneta will hear Appeals by all percent rated for State Sod Municipal Tax, in the city of Philadelphia, for the year 78b8, for the several wards of the said city, at their office, No. 11 treat wing of the State House, (op stain,) nu the following days, between the house of 10 o'clock A. R. and 1 o'clock P. AL let and 21 Wards—On Monday, October 10th, 1807 Id " lth Tuesday, " 20th, " oth " oth Wednesday, U 7th " Bth " Thursday, " 2241, " 9th ' , loth‘• i• Friday, " 22d, " , 11th 4 . 12th " " Monday, . 4 20th, 44 13th " 11th 44 " Tuesday, 44 27th, 44 19th " 16th 44 " Wednesday, 4 . 20th, 44 17th " 18th 4 . 44 Thursday, .• 214th, 19th "20th 4 . 44 Friday, 44 3010, 44 21.14 " 724 44 44 Monday, Nov. 24, " 234 " 24th 44 44 Tuesday, 44 34, " The Assessors of such wards as hare not been supplied with Blank Notices of Appeals ato hereby notified to call at the Commissioners' Office and procure 61,0 same. GEOROh` M. JAMES M. LECDY, City Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, ocl3-4tno3 New tlublirationes. NOW READY THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, FOR NOVEMBI2II. CONTE:PCB: DOUOLAS JERROLD: PERSONAL REMINISCENCES; FLORENTINE lIIOSAICS, SANTA BILOMENA, SALLY PARSON'S DUTY, THE MANCHESTER EXHIBITION, THE ROMMANY GIRL, THE 011 ARTIST'S COMPLAINT, DAYS, BRAHMA, THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST TABLE Evtay MAN in ow?' DoewsLL ILLUBIONS, THE GIFT OP TRITEMIITS, THE MOURNING VEIL, PENDLAM, A MuDeux /WOLVES ; BRITISH INDIA AKIN DY MARRIAGE, 'MBOMOU.; OY DIDACTIC POETRY, THE FINANCIAL FLURRY, BONNET, • TIME MIND PAULY., LITERARY NOTICES, MUSIC. Friee Twentyllvo Cents a number, or Three Dollars a year. Subscribers reru.tting Three lloaars In na val:tee to the publishers will receive the work for one year, ?oar PAW, in any part of the United States within 5,000 miles. PHILLIPS, SAMSON, A CO., PUBLISHERS, oc 21-to wdc (r•3t 13 WINTER ST., BOSTON (51nos nub lTliinn glare Ely STORE. NEW GOODS. SIARESEN & WITTE, MASONIC HALL, 113 CHESTNUT ST., LISYR NOW 00 [SAND A. Complete and splendid assortment of WHITE, GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA, ROLM 31 1 AN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED GLASSWARE; RISC, PARIAH, LAVA, and TERRA COTTA WARES, besides the gtratei.t variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which will he sold at lower Prices than at any similar store In the United States, N 11. —Goods loaned to Parties on reasonable terms, oo2T-tf tegat Notices Iv THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 FOR TU CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL. PIIIA. Julio A. Corr, by her nut friend, dm., 1 , 3. Charles D. 11. Carr. Rept. I. 1858, No. 10. Libel for divorce. And now, Oct. 24, 1857, on motion of Henry 0. Rutr, Esq., for libellant, the Court grants rule on respondent to show cause Irby a divorce a viucole matrirnonii should nbt be decreed. Returnable Saturday, tor 7th, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. 1,1 oc 27.1u.kfr..40, dewing illarWitro Q. EWING MACHINE PATENT—PRICES PROM $l2 TO $25. Then LADIES' COMPANION" in the most durable, compact, and cheap machine for family use over offeredlo the public, sowing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without piirt.tring the cloth, leav ing uo bad cord on the back side of the work, and al waynialteaiag the thread when stopped, They now from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied Irmo five to fifty to the inch. Any one con learn to operate them in half an hour. Printed direr thous accompany each machine, by which any one con use them, Wu aro enabled to offer there superior ma chines at the above lour prices, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty, dollars Menu for borrowed pa tents, this inachlee being made under our own patents in every part, and 'Wringing upon or using no other, There are NORIO hundreds in constant use In this city awl vicinity, which are giving the beat satisfaction. Every machine Is warranted to give satisfaction. Ladles and gentlemen are invited to call and examine them and their work, and Judge for themselves. Samples of work, and drawinge, with description, sent to any part of the country by mail, Salesrooms 113 WAIIIINGTON Street, Boston, and 371 BROADWAY, New York. ea 27-tf kJE WI N G MAC 111 NE S.—GROVER, DARER, A CO.'S 'UNRIVALLED SEWING MA CHINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trial it is do monetrated beyond all question that tt la the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kinds of Mmes. The fact that it does ono.third more work lu the wee time, and does It better; that It le the leant liable to get out of repair, being simple in its coustruction , that it makes the least noise, and that It Is acknowledged ou all hands that it is best for a new beginner, hen given the pro prietore a demand for it to such an extent that they are obliged to delay the 1111 log of ordure in many cases for mouths. Over sight hundred ore to operation In this city, and the case lase yet to Occur where A person who hue purchased one has exchanged It for another kind. Taking into consideration, also, the foot that those who employ from 14 to 40 handsiu their shops, doing the work for ;be manufacturers, without exception, use thin muldne in preirru,nre to any other kind, and al ways recommend them in preference to Others, it would seem um:loco/wary for the proprietor; to advertise their excellence, or eel forth their superiority. The noderelgeod, SOLE AOENTS for the sale of thee. Machines. always have a supply, and have made such arrangements that they sell theta upon terms that mitt inset the wishes of all. 'Unlike other Machines sold in this market, it is frog from all infringements of other patente. It&HtIll& BROTlthit, oc 21- tf CBSTRAL INIMIIIt, Lyon. CLi'burational. AUBURN MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE. 3. LARDY, A. M., President, Lecturer on Nature Science. W. 11. 0. PRICE, A. M., Principal, Teacher In al Departments.. . Rey. O. W. CHATFIELD, A. M., Teacher In the Col leglate Depart/I.h t Mills M. R ANDERSON, Teacher In Primary Depart merit. Mrs. JULIA A. PRICE, Teacher of 5/usic. Mrs. JULIA P. DADDY, Teacher or Drawing and Painting. The session of this Institution commenced ore the first MONDAY in October, and will continue nine and a half mouths. TUITION, PER YEAR: Primary Department, $3O; Intermediate Department, sto; College Department, $5O; Incidental Fee, $2; Graduation Fee, $5; Music on Plano or Guitar, $5O; Use of Instrument, 15 ; Pencil or Monochromatic Draw ing, $2O; Water Color Painting, $3O; Oil Painting, $4O; French and Latin, each, $2O. The Tuition Fees must be settled before any pupil will be entered. Board can be obtained in private families at $12.60 per mouth, Including washing, Wood, and lights. Thu Institution possesses advantages for illustration in Natural Science superior to those of any similar one in tbo South. Mors is not to be found, in any Female School, more complete Chemical and Philosophical Ap paratus, and a more extensive Cabinet for illustrating ell branches of Natural history. Those means are ill daily use. All the College buildings are undergoing repairs and everything will be made as comfortable as pos Bible. Auburn is as healthy .s there Is any necessity for. It could not be healthier, unless the people should °ever die at all, The President and Principal hare tho entire eontiol of the Instltutien, sing any iequtries addressed to either of them will meet with prompt attention, N. li —Persons wishing miter, souls, or ores analyzed, may have it done by Bending to oe 27•tf Professor J. DARBY. IlliGullancono AGENTLEMAN OFFERS GRA T U ! thusly his services to uny Society to rellhve the necesaltiox of the Poor.. Address CHARITY," P/388 (HMCo oc 27.1t* • ,ITY OF RICHMOND, VA., FUNDS 'purchased for cosh, at the loweNt market rater, by WARDLE, BARCLAY, & CO., or 27-2 t. N, W corner of Fourth and Arch sta. rVHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY A. entered Into a Copartuenihip. under the name o 11001.E.4 & CO., for the manufacturing of all kinds o fancy and common Soaps, at No. 2S north WATER St. A. F. HOLMES, Oct. 20th, 1&7. C. F. 81IROM. 0c21.2w WEAN SOAP AIANUFACTORY. nomss k CO., haring purchased the above works from Lobrecht Franks, aro prepared to receive orders for all kinds of fancy and common Soaps. All orders executed with punctuality and despatch, at the very lowest prices, for cash. oc2l-y.ce* WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE- V v imsitory, 1,000 and 1,011 CIIIISTNITT 6t., above Tenth, is now open fur the coin of every description of Carriages, combining style, durability, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the career of SIXTH and MASTER Streets, to which tho attention of citiaens, and Southern and IYestern gout:emu is respectfully N. E.—Especial attention given to carringue for re pairs, In tho shops conneoteel with tho 'Repository. En tremor on Chestnut otroot. cnTLn to K th4tti GR REDUCTION OP PRICES. /,adios' diee, FURS selling off reganiless or cost. CIIARLES °AIMED & SON. Importing and tuanufacturing Furriers, 624 WIEST NUT St , below Seventh, will close thcr entire stook Ladles' Furs, without regard to cost. A BRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Pinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Preen Manufactory 87 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. aul2.ly MANI LL A ROPE.—SUPERIOR Mb LLIL NILLA HOPII, manufactured and for Sala by WEAVER, PITLXII.& 00., aufLif Ni. UN. w►ter et., and 88 N. wham'. COTTON -200 bales good Middling to Mid. gluing Yak Oaten In store and for sale by MAIlm 151 1 North Water Fliraat. MOSS -17 Wog Carolina Mom, tor sato by MARTIN A AIAUALISTRR, sta 119 North Wster Street. CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY OHAD WICK & ti 0.202 N. 8100 ND Prat WELOOKE, _ RA N GE .---SOLD DT t; HAD WIOK k 902 N EIROOND .nlB -am n.LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO. Au. w.mtlirr Fit.. Wow on 1W V ROSIN.---600EARRELS SOAPMAKERS' KY& RUM, to entre per schooner 1. A. Planner, "or ssle by MARTIN & MACIALUSTES, , IN North Wnitt ( Autneciticitto A MERICAN ACADEMY OF mum_ B A. MARSHALL dote Wine. Second night of the engagement of the Celebrated Eccentric Comedian. MK. CHARLES MATHEWS. THU (Tuesday) EVENING. Get 2Ttb, 185 T, Will be presented. 2d tires, a New Comedy, e.daptad by Mr. Cbsrles Mathews entitled MARRIED YOH MONEY. Mr. Mottos, Mr Charles Mathews; Sir Robert Mel lowboy, Mr Mailings ; Mrs, Mops, Mrs. Silsbee; Mn. Proctor. To be followed by the Inimitable Interlude, written by Mr. Chute. Mathews ' entitled PATTER Ts. (MATTER. Copt Patter, Mr Charles Itathewa; Peter Parker, r. Le Moyne; Patty Parker, Mre. Niehok To conclude with the Fero of the MERLES OF HUMAN LIFE Alley Croaker, Mr. Chapman; Mrs, Courtosy, Mrs roctor. PRICES OF ADMISSION . . Parquet, and Parquet Circle Faculty Circle and Amphitheatre Private Boxes TIIOB. ti ICEON Treenuror. Seat,' secured without extra charge . , three days In ad vance. Doors open 3i: before 7 o'clock ; performance will commence at 73i. IVIIEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE W. WILEATLEY. Saud or PHlCES.—Orchestrs Stalls, 50 telex; We" Circle (no extra charge for Secured Sesta), 60 Cents; Estolly Circle and Auxphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats iu Private Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Doi, Pi Gallery, 13 coots; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box Office open from 10 A M. until 3P, 111. Doors will open at CIN o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. J. Id. D. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Tuesday) E vent ng, October 2T, 1857, Will be presented, by the great Star Company, the Beautiful Itonuintle Play, entitled CIVILIZATION. Hercule, Mr. E. L. Davenport ; Mous. Laseelles, Mr. Dolman ; Therese, Mrs, E. L. Davenport, To conclude with the Domestic Drama, In 2 Acts of intense interest, entitled THE ROBBER'S wrev. Mark Bedlam!, Mr. Delman; Larry O'Oig, Mr. Clarke; Rose Radial:4d, Mra. E. L. Davenport. IiVALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les see, Mr. M. A, bfarattall ; Stage Manager, Mr Juba Sefton. Pricea.—Dreas Circle ant Parysette, 25 C 9414; upper circle, 25 cents; Private Box *MI Wales tra Beats, 25 cents, !lox Office open from @ o'clock A . M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 6)¢ o'clock ; performance to commence at 7, precisely, TICKETS TO ALL PARTS 25 CENTS. Tlll2. (Tuesday) EVEN I13(1, Ottober 2T, 1857, The pert orinzinces to continence with the 3 At Prima, as written by Lover for Tyrone Powers, called O'FLANIGAN AND TIER PALSIES. Klein O'Flenligan, Mr. Chanfratt; Jack, Mr. Item. phi ; Mary Kelm, Um Rouen. After which, the Laughable/nterlode, called DEBT.TTANTB. Achille Telma. Durand, Mr. Chenfreu ; 'Emile Rose Antoinette. Mrs. Sloan. To conclude with the Laugh• able Farce or THE WA 811141tWOM AN - - . Widgets Whittington, Mr. John Sloan ; Mary White, Stu, John Sloan. SANFOREO OPERA ROUSE,- F.LEVENTII Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford'a Troupe of Stara—New Banco by the Eanfonl Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE Ant:IIEIEOE. politiral FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWEINTIL WARD EITUJNOT TO DIII(ODIIJTIO HOLM 0010.2 I' Bank Notices G'HARD BANK.—PHILADELPUIA, October 23, 1857.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of this bank will be held at the thanking Rouse, en TUES DAY, the third day of November next, at 12)4 o'clock?. M., to take into consideration the act of the Legislature. approved 13th inst., entitled " An Act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors." oc 24-trici3 W. L. SCUAITER, Costlier QOUTHWARK BANK. PHILADELPDIA . , Oct. 22, 1851.—A Special meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Dank will be held at the Dentin-house, on TUESDAY. the 3d day of November next, at 12 o'clock, noon, to take into enneideratlon the act of the Legiela tore approved the 13th init., entitled " An act provid ing for the resumption of epecia payments by the Banks, and for the relief of debtors.. 0c23-dtli3 F. P. STEEL, Cashier, rOMMEROIAL BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA, PIIILADILLPIIII, Oct. 22, 1857,—A Special meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will bo held at the BASIKIN4 11013811, on MONDAY, the second day of November next, at 12 o'clock 51., to take into consideration the act of the Legislature, approved the 13th inst., entitled " An act providing for the revamp. lion of specie payments by the Banks, and for the relief or debtors," awl to determine upon the same. By order of the Board of Directors, 0r.2.14.N2 B. O. BAUM, Cashier. NOTICE.—FARMERS' AND PIEDRAS— DANE-I'IIILS DeI.PIIIA, October 24 1857. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Bank has been called by the Board of Directors under the provielons of the seventh aeotton of the act of the General Assembly of ibis State, untitled " An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors,” approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 1851, to be held at the Banking flange of Oda Corporation, en TUESDAY, the third day of November, A. D. 1857, at AK o'clock l''. M., for the purpose of taking into consideration the acceptance of the provisions of the plaid act. by enter of the Board. oenitNit E. M. LEWIS, Cashier. T _ lIE PUILADELPIRA BANK. 21st October 1867.-4 Special Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking llouse on SATURDAY, the 31st inst. at 12 o'clock, to take Into consideration the Act of the Legislature, ap prould tho 13th lost., ontltied An act providing for the resumption of specie payments by the Banta, and for the relief of debtors." oct22-dt.ll B. B. OOMEQYS, Cashier, FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. . Pnta.anetraia, October ath,1357. Theammal iflectien for Yrirectora wilt be held at the Danklug Mime, on MONDAY, the 113th day of Novem ber next, between the bocce of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 31 day of Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholder* will be Iliad at the Banking Howie. at 4 o'clock P. it., agreea bly to the charter, ocl-ttiolB E. M. LEWIS, Cashier BANK OF COMMERCE, PultADEtplua, Aar October 21, IBs7.—Notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the Stockholders of this Institution will be held at the Banking nous., on TUESDAY,-the 34 day of November neat, at 12K o'clock, to take Into consi deration the act, entitled "An act providing for re• gumption of specie payments," pawed by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, and approved the 11th day of Oc tober present. By order of Board of Directors. 0c22-Lbstu t Nov 31 J. O. DONNELL, Cashier. KENSINGTON BAN.K.7 7 —.PBOABRI,Pttis October 7 7 1857.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of thin Bank will be held at the Banking , bow(' on TUSDAY, 3d November, 1817, at 12 o'clock 81. ocB.thaatutN9 An election for thirteen Directors to Sena the ensu ing yoar will take place at the Danking•houae, ou Mon day, the 18th day or November, between the hours of A. M and 3P. 1.1. . C. 07. TDRICDS, ocBthsatutNlo Cashier. Alone') A MERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EEO:TANG/I WANTED AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, CRONISE & CO., SPECIE BROKERS, 40 SOUTH VIM Sr AMBRICAN GOLD .ixo NF.W YORK FUND% AMERICAN COLD AND NEW YORK FUNDS, SiolgatlT AT THE LIIGIIRIT PREMIUM ar DREXEL & CO Jneurance Companies COIIISIONWEALTII FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF TUN STATIs. OP PENNSYLVA NIA.-olnce, N. W. Corner FOUR= and WALNUT Streets, Plilladelplus. Subscribed capital, $500,000. Veld-up Capital.l2oo.ooo. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President, TIICIMAS S. STRWART, Vice Pres% Sam. B. Moos, Secretary. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR. ANON COMPANY, PLIILADELPIIIA-oMae, No. WI WALNUT street, _west of THIRD. FLU RUMS ONLY TARZN. , ) Dllllololla. Ter. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tbo. Oraren, A. B. Gillett, Furman Mceppard, Nana, Jones, El. D., Jesepb Siam M. 0, Wm. M. Swain, Johti Anspach, .14, 1 U. R. Ilurroughs, J. B. Hughes, V. D. Sherman, Wm. P. 'Jacket., J. P. Steiner, B. A. ShaokeUord, non. JOEL. JONES, President. Bon. 0. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jan. S. Alcadom.tis, Secretary. JAKE' B. ALTOBD, Assistant Secretary. aull-3m•ir GAS! GAS!! GAS! !!-TuE UNDER ILA signed would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they hare and are daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Gas, from 12 26 per 1000 feet to the low price of $1.50 per 1000 feet, by their MODRI. REGULATOR, which saves $.6 per coat., a clear /laving of 73 cents on $2.05, thereby reducing the price trout 12 25 to $1.60 per 1000 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on all the princi• pal and prominent bullillogs ill the city churches, libraried, factories, hotels, and other public buildings. It has also beau placed ou at the Philadelphia Ex change. Ruudreds of certificates in favor of the said Regulator, from those having tried It, showing the above saving, can he seen at our office. Store-keepers and the public generally are requested to send in their orders. Colt of Regulator. from $0 upwards, according to site. Orders through Blood's Despatch promptly attended to. N. 11 —Fifty energetic, enterprising, and persevering men wanted, to cituVasS for the MODEL REGULATOR; can mate from $2 to $5 per day. ROBERT T. KNIGHT & CO., 051ce No. 44 South Fifth etreot, next to Blood'. Despatch. HAVING FUND.--lINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of TIMID and CREST NUT Streets. Large and mail items received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with YIVE Yklit OM' INTIM- Ed? (torn the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 8 until o'clock every day, and OD MONDAY I.IVtNINGB trout 7 until D o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on Rogland, Ireland, and Scotland from .£1 upwards. President—STEP/IEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES IL NOSTRA. WINCLIES7'ER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No fad CHESTNUT Street, ahoy. Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and %Postern Merchants, and amnion', Is partioulatly invited to this Improved ant of shirts, the moat perfect fitting While made. At whole stde and retail, and =La o to order. BRANDIES ---'r Pinet Castlllon," Ararat, ALF and Wier Gnaw of vexiont vintage., in hall 1 11 1 902 and Mutter ok' ; Pelleroistn Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes halt casks, and ono-eighth "ga , tuiPactold end for LA* by HERBY BORLRN & CO., 221 and 223 South Youth street' COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, in dm and for kilo by KLUVEN & MAOLLIBM, gal Ulna* IfetallUesk Sales bn %union ~ii TEIOAIAS & SONS, la Noa.l3D ma 141 SOUTH YOURTII STAGE T, (formerly Noe. 11 and OD.) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, .4e. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday 'Evening. ea' ffandbills of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues In pamphlet form, giving fall deacriptiona of all the property to be sold on the following Tueiday. 113 FURNITURE SALES AT TER AUCTION STOKE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE HALE. LI7" We here a huge amount of Rest tiatate at Pri vate Sale, including every deacription of City and country property. Printed Data may ba had at the auction Store. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. ID' Real Estate entered os, our }Wrist.) Sale Re gister, are advertised occasionally irs QUE Pubße Bale Abstracts (or which 1,000 eagles are printed weekly, ) free of ch arge, CARD.—SALE FOETFONED.—The ante of the ele gant WALNUT STREET RESIDE Cr. will talcs plexa at Ms Ezehaegt, THIS ETENING, ITth inetaet, Instead of 00 the premises. ET The sale of the FUR NITURE in postponed tilt FRIDAY hIORNING. REAL ESTATE, GROUND RENTS, Sc., THIS EVEN Pamphlet catalogues now ready, coutainiog full de scriptioos of all the property to be sold This Everdoc, 117th inst., with ► list of ssles 3d, 10th, ma .1711 t No vember. PEREMPTORY BALE AT TITS EXCHANGE-ELE GANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, WALNUT STREET. This Evening. 27th October, at 7 o'clock, without reserve. et the Et. change, the elegant Brown Stone residence. bio. 1404 Walnut street, south aide, third house west of Broad street, built for the use of the late owner end occu pant in a superior manner, end finished throughout ID elegant style, with every modem improvomeut and convenience. Particulars In handbills. tiellOONElt N B. T. THON.PSON. This Evening. 27tb inst., at 7 o'clock, at the Nieheuge, three undi vided fourth parts of the schooner N. B. T. Thompson, and her tackle, apparel, appurtenances, &c., has two sets of sails, built in 1854, at Nalgbn'S Point, N.J. This Evening, At 7 o'clock, st the Philadelphia Exchange, previous to axle of Real Relate— 6 shares American Academy or Music; aura In the Philadelphia Library; share in the lierea.utile Library Company; share in the Philadelphia Atheanum. For account of whom it may concern. Two bonds, $l,OOO each, of the I.lolmi/bin Coal and Iron Company, due 1861, including the coupon of July last. Sale peremptory. Terms cash—payabie at the time of sale. TWELFTH PALL BALE, THIS ENVI/NO Will include the following— FOUR VALUABLE MARKET STREET STORES.— Four substantial four-story brick stores and dwellings. Nos. 1121,1119, 1511, and 1513 Market street, west of Fifteenth street. MODERN DWELLING. Neat modern throe-story Brick Dwelling, B. W. cor ner of Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with a three-story brick dwelling on Citron street. PEREMPTORY SALE—FOUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WARD. Valuable lot S E Corner Jefferson avenue or Mora mewing road and Moore street, and Crosby street, Large and valuable lot N E corner Jefferson avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. - Large and valuable lot, with two-ebory brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street, ad joining the above. Sale of the whole absolute. . - . fr - Pull particulars in handbills and plan HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. Handsome residence With double back building, and replete with all modern conveniences, No. 1347 Spring Garden street, This is a very desirable residence, and in a beautiful neighborhood. FACTORY, EITRAit fbc.--Two and a half .tory factory steam engine ere., Twenty-first Ward, fronting on Clearfield, Twenty-first street, and the.Phlls delahla and Germantown railroa d_ _ . TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Two-story brick messuage. S. N. corner Townahip Li 111) road and Clear field street, Twentpirst Ward. VALI:TA:BLE LGTS.—Valuable lot, N. B. corner Seventeenth street am; Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS.—Two three-story brick dwellings, Spring Gorden street, east of William street. PER s3II.TORY aux.—PITA GROUND RENTS, vie: Two of $37.50 each, two of $2'.2.50 each, and one of $lO a year secured on See three-story brick dwellings and lots, Spring Garden street, Owen 'treat, and Biddle street. TWO TIIIIEE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Two three-story dwellings, Not. 878 and 878 Apple street, between Fourth street and York avenue, and Coates and Brown streets. Salo simulate. FOUR YEARLY GROUND RENTd, two of $B4, and two of g 52 each. enured by a brick dwelling, Howard street and Hope street, (late Remington.) (17 gull particulars of each of the above properties now ready in handbills. TIIIIITEENTLE FALL SALE, 3d NOVEMBEE Thi• sale will luclud• Orphans• Coint Bale. ESTATE OY WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEOT THREE LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRIO& DWELLINGS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIME STREET, AND PASSYUNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and Seventh streets. Valuable Jot, fronting on Prime *treat, and on Pau ynnk road. Valuable lot, Pasty/ink road. Two three-story brick dwellioge, Seventh street, west aide. north of Prime ',treat. They will be told mops rately. Bee handbills and plan. Also, by Order of Orphans' Count. ESTATE OF JOHN FITZWATER, DECD. . . . . . . OVER SIX AORES OY GROUND WITT! VALUABLE STEAM. SAW-MILL AND MAORINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGE,LARRE WHARF, WITH FRONT OF FOUR RUNDRED PEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AT Td- • CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Ram Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING -- - . Tbree-story brick dwelling., No. D 2.43 North Fifth,above Noble street. Same Estate—TWO BRICK DWELLINGS. . . - . Abio, Two brick ilwellinge,Unien and ffsnovor streeta &bore Prince street, Kensington. Executor'e Sale—Late Residents of Arnelie Smith, ELEGANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N. J.--alen, by order of Exereter, to close an estate, the valuable residence No. 23 Main street, Burlington, N. J replete with modern Improvements end conveniences, 3SX feet (Cont, the lot 610 feet deep to Wood street, the garden improved with finest fruit trees, &c. Also, a handsome residence, Wood street, Burlington, recently occupied by Mr. William Chalousr, and a /et adjoining, 60 Dr 1513 feet. ftrFull particulars in hand bills. NEAT DWELLINU, T INENTIETIL BTRKET—Three story brick awelling. No. 205 North Twentieth street between Wood and Vine streets, LOT, TWENTY-FOURTH WAltll—A. triangular le fronting on Park atreet, and the Wed Phitadelphi Railroad, Twenty-fourth Waal, (late West Paulo phis ) VIREVI-STORY Mtn% DIVELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, No. ne3 North Fifth street, above George street, with !real@ building to the rear. 701MBENTII 'FALL BALE-10TR NOVEURES VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. This evening, October 27, at the auction store, will be sold a col lodion of valuable miscellaneous works, a portion from a private library. For particulars eea zatalognes and the books, which will be arranged for examination on Tuesday morning. Sale at No. 1929 Spruce street HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE On Wednesday morning next, 29th toot., at 10c0e1ock, ea the premises, the hand roam modern four-story brick residents, with three story back buildings, No. 1919 Spruce farce; west of Nipeteentt street, replete with all modern Improve ments and caurentencee. 0,000 may remain on mort gage. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, tIA3 FIXTURES, Ac. Immediately after the sale of the house, the superior household furniture, all made to order by Moore Campion, sod been but little used. mr Particulars in handbills and catalogues. Sole Noe. 899 and 141 South noel Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINK MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, 11015BSIA ,11 OAIIPITS, &o. On Thursday Burning, At 10 o , slock,at the Auction Store, on erten/11re as lortment of excellent second•hand furniture, mirrors, Ice piano -forte, carpets, &e., from families declining bona° lug. Assignee's Peremptory Sale. SPLENDID ROSEWOOD FURNITURE, PIANO FORTE, BEDDING, CARPETS, ELEGANT CHINA, DINNER AND TOILET WARE. SPLENDID POR CELAIN SASES, PAINTINGS. /Cc. On Thursday Horning, At 12 o'clock, by catalogue, in the Second-story room of the Auction Store, a splendid collection of househoid furniture, Ice., by order of Assignee. A splendid suit of solid rosewood furniture, com prising wardrobes, cliptie ends, with French plate mirror doors; bedsteads, dressing-bureaus, washstands, commodes, &c., to watch; splendid suit of solid rose wood drawing-room furniture, Viennalee style; Briggs's patent extension dining-table, 16 feet long, with ma hogany leaf case, grotesque earring; fine toned rose wood seven octave piano-ferte,by Schorr; very splendid, Propels china, and beautifully painted rases; hand some toilet dinner and tea sets; cut-glaze ware ALSO, 2 BEAUTIFUL MARINE PAINTINGS., BY BONFIELD. SUPERIOR TELESCOPE.—A refractory equatorial telescope, in perfect solar. Prost length, six feet. Also, a superior fire-proof chest: The above furniture has been is use but a abort time, and cost over 60,000. *,,, , a11ay be examined the day previous to*sale with catalogues. SALE OP VALUABLE AND ELEOANT LONDON BOOBS. On Thursday Evening, October .10th, at the Auction Store, a collection of valuable and interesting books, fine London editions. Also, a number of slegsut works highly embellished with tine engravings. Catalogues will be ready and the books arranged for examination on Thursday morning. ELEGANT FURNITURE. On Xridny 31oruing, 30th inst , nt Nu. 1401 W Alma street, will be vela the elegant furniture, extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and elm/defiers, piano-forte, he. Perth:uteri. In eat►- loguee. fiRITTENDEN's SERIES OF TREA TISES ON BOOK-KEEPING. E. C. dr. .1 DIDDLE, No. GUS MINOT'. Street, the tweets Market and Chestnut, west of Fifth street) publish— CRITTENDEN'S SERIES OF TREATISES ON BOOK KEEPING, comprising the four volumed below named: I. Treatise on Single-Entry Book-Keeping, 2. Treatise on Single and Double-Entry for Common Schools. 3. Treatise on Single and Double-Entry for nigh Schools. 4. Treatise to Single and Double-Entry for the Count ing Rouse For each of the above volnmee E C Jr. J. D have published a KEY, awl it set of Miniature BLANK WOKS, adapted for the writing Out of the Egereisss contained in the work. The several volumes of Mr. Crittensten's series are now the text-hooks in Commercial Colleges in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Louisrille. Lit Louis, Chicago, &a.; and in most of tholintmel Schools, and a great number of the High Schools of our country ; while, as a boon of reference for preteraut accountant., the Counting House Edition is, undoubtedly, the most popular work on the Science of accounts published in the United States oc 'M -3t -ft W. TINGLEY & CO., RANKERS • No. 37 Bonth THIRD Street., Philadelphia. COLLEOTIONB promptly made en ell swassaible points in the United !Rates and Canada. /Roche, Bonds, aro, Bought and Bold on Ootoinßalm. Uneurrent But Notes, Cheeks, ate., bought at the lowest atm. Deposits waived and intend 'flowed, u per um. went. ripo SHOVEL AND ROE MANITFACTII REM --METTER'S IMPROVED OARD E N 110 E. Pulsated June ' 1851. The right to manufse tore under !Ws Patent sou be secured ou favorable terms, On application to ALVAN WILKINS, asat-vot - 31 IVII.T•IAM Strati, the TOOL y E. &E. SCHELL'S J • OITY MAULS WORKS AND STEAM MANTtL .... FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, a. N. COARSE. OF TENTS AND TM armor, Pilstatinprits. Wizen aTeryntiety of MARBLS N.ANTELEI TOMBS, Itosubtaint, TABU 101.5 and ,1,001104 aft be innuct upoassarceabto same. a ril VUes' JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 4 WALNUT MU?, Aber* POURVIL .- CABD-BALN OVOrSEHOLD irr We beg leave to Worm the stabile thelve bent our regular weekly tales of Parnttere every Taseths il a i t our BrACIOI33 SALES SOON, NO. 105 Wu STREET, where every possible attention is gismos% the Wu the highest prices for the goods of ago wipe my fever 111 with consignments. Peodlisehsrlogpsettioost their furniture to depose of, or there doielVelanan keeping end got uniting seise at their awn mhome their hunittizo OARITITALT RIXO - 11M , OUR SALES ROOM., WILYAIk YOST WILL BIAIMA BETTER PRICES //OR Tana mons= TWO TINY OAR OBTAIN IfROM ANT Olt VOA PIMEL. TUBE DEALERS OR ANY 01813 ANIOTION WINS 12.1 TlfE CITY. - . 1:1X Erroona Carmine um with amahrtuthaatit On tut nalared that their property will not be stertiesd. [l:r C0..19491010 more =dente thaw thole whightil by arty Qatar &action hoar. In the city. V- Consigninents resitectnally tolleitioL Bahia paid immaiiataly attar the wag art mid- REAL ESTATE BALE, NOTEXBIII 'Maude will include-- 09Dans' Court Sa la—Xitato of WW. A. B. Jam, Doe'L TWO-STORY BPJ.CIE ROOST AND LOT, TWELYTEt two-story brick house wad Jot of (rowed., vast We of Twelfth street, Da feat abuts Cohualie sow, DI feet front, and 11.2 feet deep, to a St fast street, VS ground rent. Orphans' Court Bale—Etta* of Mts. Browns/or, Deed. TUSKS nou - sgs AND LOT Of GROUND, MUGU/ , . - STREET AND sATTEB LAND. A tot of ground with the three Deem thereon ensos, 8. W. corner of Bread street acid Fetter lane, 40 feet by 43 feet 31dg penal rent. Er F5O to be pled an each of the &bora vim Ss seine is strack off.. ECIZZI3 IL? A three-story Briekreakilaly, With tv044011 brick back balloting. las North Ninth strte4, Lan Wool street. Rant $4OO per sautes. Apply at the Aso- 'lion Store. AT PRIVATE BALL A Irst.cleee Pettifog Office, frith a two rasa of bast• nest, four pet:Aim:presses, tiro Res and ono Adana Type and ererythieg necessary fo re bosinese. Apply at the Auction Store. Sale No. 422 Saint Street. above Fourth. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, OPYICE MINIM& ELEGANT LARGE MIRROR, &e. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, ratite unction store, esDI b sold an al. sent:lent of superior fnruiture, comprising—pal, ele gant rosewood Rai& heir-seal tete-a-fete soles, made by Moore k Campton; 4 walnut parlor than* to =Ws; kw& some walnut Jenny Lind bedstead, dreaslng-boreta, end marble-top washstand to match hair-seat reelrowehalre, walnat-cane parlor chairs, ha nogany dresaing-tetreen, walnut what-not, elegant gilt-frame mirror Win foam. drc.. &e. OntICE FURNITURE.—AIso, large &malt olio desk. Iron rolling. Ae . &re. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 0001:19.-41$0, a large assortment of shirts, savkings, &saran, onus , flirts, gloves, neck-ties, kaodkerehleg ia called fur at our ash. in .Eighth street. tjrOLBEET & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, T 431 CHESTNUT Street. oppeate the Oi Emus, between Youth end EMS Streets. IMPORTANT SALE FOR 01.11 H. WEDNESDAY neat, commencing st 10 o'elinit pre cisely, we will sell, arlthoutsreserve, a largo and ea/am ble assortment of staple Lad fancyfedl end winter WOK consistiagof PUBS, Including fora for ladies' and gaol's wear, each as carriage capes and coifs to match, pinta's, eictorises, muffs, sleigh-robes, caps, coils, gloves, ountlats, made in the most fashionable manner, of canters, salon sable, atone martin, Stab, Siberian squirrel, genet, fox, wolf, neater, Bohemian Inch, !mountain martin, been; Hudson Bay sable, ke., embracing a most elegant consignment, suited to the requirement. of nestMlnilx mut the trade. NZLCANIZED 'RUBBER COATS Also, 200 best quality Tultanhed robberOasts, liar, ranted to stand any climate. But goods la She market, and specially suited to omnibus driven, and others at posed to all Weather. . . . . SILVER-PLATED WARN Also, best Sliver plated tea-oets,cs, 4:la st/us bottles, ,te. £.3IBROIDBRIE9 AND MILLINERY DiSODS. MAO, 811 astestaire conaignrainit,joat landed, conalato. lug of 23 cartons rick black, brown sad bluiqzside. silk lace fall. . • . -._ = .Also EN dozen ladies' and genf's embri4eroa4 sad plain linen cambric handkerchiefs. . Also, 100 elegantly embroidered jseouet collate. Alao, 100 splendid style and qnahty *out ovatirt seta. Also, 600 pieces white goods, mm 141140 dotted eat plain Swiss thulium, Swiss mulls, Bishop lawns, cam. brics, and jasonets, he Also, elegant book and Swiss collate, jaeoaet beaded rolls* he. BONNET AND TBINIIIND RIBBONS- - Also, 100 mrtonsposilt de sole bonnet and hionning ribbons, silk Mops. velvet Tibbetts. gimps, is. OSTRICHTIPS AND ARTIE/DIALS. Also.loo cartons ostrich tip Preach tutiasieb CLOAKS, MMUS AND ALSJITILLAS: Also, an elegant assortment of latest huts stile Ladies' Omsk', Ulnae, mantillas,louques otelmina materials in all the fashionable colors arid Mark. WOOLEN 110SLERT GOODS, te Also, s general assortment or superior knit woolen hosiery goods, consisting of lamb's vont and merino shirts and drawers, cricket jackets, hoes end half hose, scarfs and cravats, hoods and pelerinse, Shetland 11.11 shawls, Cashmere and merino hose. LADIES' FRES= PATENT WOTIC4 CORSETS. Also, 150 dozen ladles' white and mixed Prima patentsroven seamless corsets, long and short. ; BONNETS, PANNETS. Also, 20 eases ladies , fall style, silk awl satin bonnets. SALE OP OIL PAINTINGS AND MIRROR& - . . THRUSDAY next, at 11 o'clock. will be sold to elms accounts, ^S European 011-paintings of pleasing modern and ancient subjects, richly framed. Also, 2 Toil elegantly framed large Mae mantel mir rors, equal to any in the city. May be examined any time prior to sale. 11.—The whole will be arranged for examination with catalogues early on the moralegof sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will And it to theta in terest to attend. SES N THAN S, AUCTIONS= AND COMMISSION MILRAICANT, 8. H. omit SIXTH and NAOS Streets. AT PRIVATE RALE—OoId arid *Rear paint lime, Leplue, English, Stria, and trench eratelies, jewelry; of every description, musical instrtunents, &e. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged an eenond Soot, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat; treason, carpeting, looking glaasca, fancy artielea, ate, c., /to. Out-door sales attendee to personally by the AlarAOR ear. Charges levy low. Comic. mental of tiatzdtiste, clothing, jewelry, &0., &0., solicited. 21 ATHAN'SPBSBCIPAL LOAN 017101, S. E. Corner of Stith and Este Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and Abu pleb Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothlw, _Dry earls, Groeeries, Sagan, Hardware Cutlery, insullosre,Ded ding, Horses, 'Vehicles, Harn r uss,.Stodm. and cm all ar ticles of rains for say length atm* agreed on, armor, eatisfsetory and liberal terms than at any other 'stab." lishment. DAS) 81 . NATHANN, NATHAN'S at tale of TORYNITED HOODS Will take place in a few day.. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches Jewelry; Gone, Pietols, Musical Instruments, fro., erEittahs place shortly. Due notice will be given. WRDIVS great sale of Dry Goods Clothing, Bedding. dm., being forfeited enlisters's, wil l take place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALT TEE ESTILL SELLING PRICES —Doable-bottomed and hantisig cue gold patent lever watches, of the moat sp proved mokee; hunting case and open face gold escape. meet lever and lepine watches, full jeweled ; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for Isdles'; gold. jewelry of every description; silver lever and la watches, In bunting cases and open face; silver „ 8.6.11, and Trench watches; a general assortment for isiture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. ho. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and chargeste oult the times, low. Consignments of every description of goods solicited for public or private atle, MONEY* ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods for public or priest. sale, or to be held for a Ilicdted time. Charges low. QAMII.EL NATHANS, AUCTIONESR, and 1110NXY LOAN 0/1/10X, No. 113 South TEIRD Street, belay Walnut, opposite Peas st, only eight doom below the lischange. Items of business from I o'cloak, A. 11., until 111 o'clock in the evening Out-door Wee, and Saba at the Auction Now , at tended upon the most satiarsatory tetra. CAPITALvMOOOO. EstaS/iskedfor tAs taut Thirty Years. Advances made from ono dollar to thousands on monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Yeweby, Bastintre, Key audit*, Clothing, Paruitaxe, Bedding, Ciro% _lidalltal/ Loetromants, Gans, Norma, Carriages, mai %coda of every description. All goods can remain any length of Um' *pea upon. All advance', from one hundred dollars and *starch will be charged 3 per cent. per month; $llOO sad over, the lowest market rate. This Store Home having a depth of litti festi,lmAlsage are and thief-proof vaults to atm all valuables, sad pri vate watchmen for the premise' ; also, a heavy inra , ranee effected for the benefit of sdl personskwring gOOMI witaneed upon. N. 8. , —0n account of having an unlimited capital, this ofiloe is prepared to make advauvre on more Batts factory and accommodating terms than any other to this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SAUL Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Iwribri, and Clothing will be *old it reduced priccu. aul47 JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 825 ARM Street, between Third and Your* Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING. at 7 o'clock, 07 Boots, Rhone, Gardner*, Cutlery, Watches, Zen 'fry, Hosiery , Whips, Trunks, Yawl floods, Notions. N. It—Ont-door Wes attended to All goods sold at the Auction Rouse tacked. coolant GEOUGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. E. corner of BABSON end SOUTH Units Above Seocoad. IVENINCt SAW. SALES EVERY SATURDAY ZTENItia, At 73 o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Uni tary, tiousaateping Articles, Clottnag, Watches., Joint ry, Psacy Articles, Ac. Drn Ooobs LJ. LEVY & 00. . ARE CONTINUING TO BXLL THEIR BEAUTIFUL STOCK FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GROW, .1.30 rsIYER COST. 42 CHESTNUT STRW. NOTICE TO RETAIL DRY GOODS AtERCIIANTS. WE 'WILL RECEIVE NOTES OF TUE BANK OF PF—NINSYLVANIA AT PAR For goods gold, (raw this day, if Payment is made within flee days after purehsse. GITILLOIT, ANDEIOOII, 1 CO., No. 333 (old l 4) Ma.tket street, below Fourth—bp stair!. 24-61 Plots , Oct 24, 15.57 LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPGYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, 7.6. Iib.N.WKLI, te. SON. WISOLF.SALS AND SIFT AIL 9709.1.9, 1.029 CLIKSTNIST Street, four doors below Bletrentlt And 316 S, SECOND St., below Sproce. VACTORIES.—Nos. 93 end 97 GEORGE St, Tenth, end SECOND Street, near Caton . Getters nude it • few boars' notice JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wbolesale Dealer In AUCTION DRY GOODS, No. 12 BANK Street, Prolonetpata. 0,114. H ELP t the R 0 F 3 ) 2 . 31 1 i T ss H I E ON A I R O T O M R TE T T I Y ' ot the ei Age nts t7 Philadelphia— Rey. Jonsr S Mr. /one P. Aaal3ol, Rey. R. T. 'Cassis— Mr. ALISIZT G. Ralf/.13M, Rey. I'. S. Mows, it s .. J ones Nom ., Are now mating their Annual calls on oar di - Utah to solicit subscriptions to aid the Association in the *PM* week of relieving and elevating the Poor, mad in 'riser of the terrible amount of distress and want that moat, necessarily, grow out of the afflicting crisis Ire an Ina th,o,ch. the Afah.agers earrnnotly bop. fee ei4 Erte Inereued liberal t 7 on the part of their felloe.eitistas. Ikr order of the Board of nsors. GEORGE E. ieT04.114, Preakferk, R. K. floanaca, Seeretag. Taos. T. lassos, Treasurers oen.a hi& th•Te Na 434 liaitet street. SPIRITS TURPENTIN E -200 bbk 441* Tatpuoatino p to alt . . ir for We Vi t sia 'ffilitarthrorl4 M!1 4mit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers