Mails of he United States. — creifed or PROPOSALS For carrying the MAILS of the U.ited State.on g*r« the following Post Xoad», will be received at the N , n< Getrerai Poll Office, until the fifteenth day of Ju- a „dde{m i„ prnmjl, 'Y """• that mtj t. From Portsmouth N'ew Hampshire by Hampton Falls, j •Nc» l>jry Port, Ipswich, Beverly, Sa em and Lynn to Bol ton, three times a week. _ .k J,nt< etc May i, to Novembtr i. Rcceivc the Mnt at u k Cm( , every Tuefdav, TWl'dav and Saturday a. 5A M, an- a - • rsrrTA fM, U ¥ 1.: day, "X * ««.« P November 1, toM.y t. Receive at »«<«?* every Wr.<Wd«yar.d Saturday at Sunrtfe, and arrneat Boi Ge(|ll on Tl urfday and Monday by to * M *!*"»¥• Ph.l; rrt'c the Mail a. Bo!ton every Monday and WetfdeWayat, ? M. aiui arrive at Porltmcu.h on Tucfday and Thursday by SU 4 te From Boston by Worettor, BrookluU, Spri«*6eld, S-ffitk' Hartford, Wet Hers field, Mtddleiown, Wallinglo.d, JVLC MOford, Strand, Fat,field, Norwalk, Sum ford and to New * flrk, thr,teWnesa fc Mav I. t» November »• Receivethe Mail at Bolton every Monday, Wcdoefday and Friday at 11 AM, arrive at A or- 'he fame evenings, leave Worcester everv Tucfday, Urga thursday and Saturday at 3 A M, arrive at Brookfidd bv 10 lows A M, a: Springfield by s P M, and at Hanfcfd by 4 a bell. Leave HaX.d on Wednefdav, Frtday and Monday at 3* M. moald arrive at New Haven by noon, at Stamford ir. the evening, variet ad •; New Ycrk oa Thurfr.ay, Saturday and Tuef«»» b y tea-ke "1~ Returning. Leave N=w York every and J Monday, WedneMay and Friday at tt AM, deliver it at a com New Haven 0.1 Tuelday, Tbui<day andlba.utday by noon, , , ft k£ apd at Haitiord bv 9 P M ;!<*« Hartford every W e f holioi "Friday .and Monday at 3A M, arrive at SprwgfiJd by u, , e J V, and at Worcelicr in the evening; leave Worcefiereve- si TV Tnurfday, Tuesday by 3 A M, and atrtve at TSffcTtfeoMay. Rec, vc the Mail at Boston every eon™ * Monday, 'Aedmli.ay and Friday at if M, arrive at Btook- es t b fle'd tilt next day* by 4P M, atSpringfield .nthe evening,and , toget. at HarHtwd on Wednesday, Fad y and Monday by noon; ar- very rive at New Haven the nxt dayi by 8A M, and arrive at j fh Mew York everv Friday, Monday and Wednefdav by 11 ft M. fprtrl] Rtlurmne every Moncay, Wednesday and of ib ■Prida\ at t PM, arrive at'TJew Haven the next diy« 111 the two j evenin-, leave New Ha«en every Weduefday, Friday and fir ft£ is i.aaiy by aA M, arrive at Hanloid by aPM, at Sptingi f OBr j bv " PM- at Brookfield on Tnurfday, Saturday and g jrr< Tuesday by 1 o A M, «tW doftoa. on Friday, Monday and , fomc Colcbefter, Dumfrie, Falmouth, ; Frederick&rg, Bowling Green, court heufe, Rtch- . uionc ants Oiborrte's, to Pet«flaui ( ;, thru imts a wed. • \orili to November 1. Receive the MaiJ at Alexandria, everv Tucfday, fhurfdayand Saturday, at 4 A M, «rt at ; PM, leave Fiedencniburgevery Wednel- '» ' j\ r . and at.4 AM. arrive at Richmond by j edjr leave Richmond evervThu.fday, Saturday andl Tuef- may L./'ay' 4A M, and arriveat Peterfbuig by lo AM. f*"*: nd 1 T esve Peteilburg every Thursday, Saturday and Tuef- dred ,f' bv , pM, arriveat"Ricnmond by 6 PM, leave Ricbmoud and f r/ m e day. by 4A M, and arnve at Frederickfburg by 7 cy oi o M, leave Fredcrickfburg every Weduefday, Friday and may >/>«dav at 4 AM, and arrtve at Ateiunoiia by 6P M. corn November ~ to Apr.l I, Leave Alexandria every Tuef. eftat day Truiidayand Saturday at 10 AM, ainveat Fredericks- 4 every Wednetday, Friday and Monday by noon, leave , S» sss&X 5»«• ' «rte S by ,0 A W. Leave Petersburg every Tnelday '1 hurfd?y and naturday at 1P M, arrive at Richmond by 6 - P M l',v4 Richmond every WedneXday, Friday and Monday cafu ' f,,A M, arrive at Fredcrickfburg on Thurlday, Saturday els t „nd lutfday by 11 AM, andainvcaL Alexandria on Friday, auce Monday and Wednesday by 1 P • f 0 f rom Richmond by New Kent court house, Williams- aft V, and Hampton to Norfolk, three ttnum uiak. mm Adrift to November t Leave Richmond every Tuef- Wit ' rhu'rfdav and Saturday at 3 AM, arrive at Hampton by jj aa! Tdl leave Hampton cn Wednrfiay, Friday and Monday ply ?v - \ lit, and arrive at Noiloik by 11 A H- Returning* leave"Norfolk every thurlday, Saturday and Tuesday at 1 Bac( P"7 arnve at Hampton 6P M, leave Hampton every bee| Jric'ay, Menday and Wcdacfday at. 3 A M, and arrtve at anJ x. Leave Richn-ond every Mon- November ,to AP by 5A M, arrive at v/il!tam>- lent Wot 6 PM ' 1-ave Williamfburg every Tuetday, Ihutf- Saturday by 5 AM, arnveat Hampton by tl A M, fro, lid at VoiTolk by 6f M. Returning. Leave Norlo.K every and Tkurld'av,■ Saturday and Tuetday by :tA M, amve at Hamp one c? \\ leave Hampton .every Friday Monday aad v\ td- cres M, aritve « W.lliamfburg by 6 PM, leave cut Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday byjAM, the and Cabbm Point, Smith6eld and Suf- Mail at Peterfturg j Nf -MrtMoficay, Wtdnefday and Fnday by nA M, atrtve at pat Liolk To Ida#, Thurlday and Saturday by noon, and at fta, « r .n I, 1P M Reunite. Leave,Ponfmouth every nle and .0 PM, arriveat Suffolk eh, everv ' loiiday, Wedoeflay and Fuaajt by 10 A M, and at everyTuelday Thursday and Saturday by noon. „f TJovcXr 10 p. ill. Leave Petersburg ever yF. .day, vel it day and Wednelday by ». AM, arrive at Suffolk on Sa- jj, ( f'ldav Tuerday £«l Thu.fday by noon, and at Portsmouth ilt P M Hitumrti. Leave Portsmouth every Saturday T«f.ri» and Thuiiday at Suufet, arrive at Suffolk on Monday an. '.Veo!,<idav ami Friday by 10 A M, and ai Peielfba.-g on tra r.iefr'av Tnurfday and by noon , Fo <3 From rPeteiiburg by Hartre'i, Goldfon's, Warrenton, fpt Lewifburg, Raleigh, Averyfborougb, Fayetteville, Lumber- j 0 f tbn Chetaw court house, Camden, Co.umbia and Ldgeheld pa , ' eourt Wufe to Augusta, (£.«* a uxri, ] f B l l.rtv- tttf.lbmg cvt.-y t uelday and Friday by noon, ar- no rive at Haii ;,'s by 7P M, at Goldfon's on Weanefday and an .Saturday by 8 A M, a: Warrenton by 2 P M, at l.ewtlbuig on Tl utlday and Sunday by 8 A M, by 3 P M, at Fayetteville. every Friday and Monday by 1 PM, ati,jumber ,01! bv a f M, leave Luanierton every Saturday and Tutlday I_, \ •/ arrive at Chwaw court house by 4 PM, arrive at Camdeu on Sunday tod Wedneioay by tt P M, at Columbia on Monday and Thursday 4 AM. arrive at hdgeheld court 0 { V,flute on luclday and Friday ar 6\A M, and at AugUtU by c 0 noon. Rttum'g. Leave Auguiia every Tuesday and, Friday ly bv 8t Mi arrive at Edgefield eou.-t liouicon Wednelaay aud m Saturday by to A M, at Columbia MThurlday and Sunday byto A M, at CarrtSen by 7 P M: leave Camden every Fit day and Monda.y by 4A M, arrtve at Cl.era»v eourt houle by rj 1 P M, at Lumbetto.i every Siturdaya.M Tuetday by a 1 M, kave Lurnl extonin one hour, araveat J-ayettcv.lle 0.1 Sunday and Wedndoa, by 7 A M, a: Mor.dayWTnu.U P day bv 6 A M, at LcMlburg by 2P M, at Wairei.?o« on V Tuesday and Ft.dsy by 5 A M, at Golflfo.i't by s P M,at Harris's by 7 PM, and at Petciibu.gou Wednelday and Sa- tl ' tmday by 41A M. . , From Camden by S f .ate(burgt«Charlcfton twue ajt:ek. Leave Camden eveiy Sunday and W.dnefday at hall pall 2 ] PM -rriveat Chi.leftoo th« next '1 uefday and Friday by c noon Returning- Leave Cnarlefton every Tuesday and F.i- •< day by pl' M, amve at Catnden the next Thurlday and , Sunday V>y aby Waynelberough to Savannah, tmu <1 . X "\' ave Ao-Vffa every Saturday at 1P M, »od atrive at Sa- j U . .Uc ,ett Sunday by 6P M. Returning. Leave Savan- .. v 'i't>:fday at 10 A M, and amve at Atlgufta the next n ah e < T^ u,l^ m \bir^doh s by Hawkins eouri house to Danville. ; "yinedon every Sunday at 5 A M, and arrive at Da.i ---.!v.. ~«t Saturday fcy noon. Returning. Leave Danville Vllie tae al 6A M, and arrive at Abingdon tne ilex; Sa- Ri;lp : e' ery . JJsJti thii rtfute aill It rcct'.iei sntil the 1/ Nee. - rf either ,f rje 7, >av during the continue . f the << » , ,><<> be en- are for f. f;• f"z Oflober next, """ito continue for four yeats until . 4 'V,r; r'hePo/l Master General may titer the times °J I nalAs, K and departure at any time d rir.gth: the C»£ ■■ conftaat /Hpultting an adequate compenptm for tm) tx - very val thut ntMi be occafioncd thereby. r!/>fin - jn Note 4. Fifteen minutes fhalk be allowed for (>p' n ' n Z ' ° ll the mail at all offices where no particular time is Ipe&fud. atibut ci Note*.. W-. y rune, oj an hour, delnfunuvnuiabU acci dents erupted J m ai riving after ,the times prefer M in tvkl the CotitraSor fMI JorJeit one, and if Hie , Farm ol of W 4M. ■ and mo such defending Afai/, Ife a tr,p. thel 0.-UraJtr pfrfffl ( _ dow , t , r Lrs, to fa .WrHABERSHAM, i Pojl Mafler General Gekiral Post OpficEi Near Philade'phiai Jfunr xU 0 f "For Sale, Boonet That Valuable Estate known by the name of is a v«r » c X T 4\ ' rr £? builcun ■. Mount Hope Iron-vvorks, workm in the county of Morris, and ftateot New Jtr- liout oi v b fey ; twelve miles from Morri -town and thirty from ine . Elizabeth Town or Nawatk Litidings ; coafift.Rg 0. - , lar K » furnace in good repair, with the be ft wooden bel- phm r 0 tows, drove by an overshot wheel of forty feet diameter, provid 1. a bellows-house, casting-house, bridge-house, anda large Furnac I, monlding-h.iufe, all in good e.dcr, together ' ' varietv of the m.ft approved patterns »f pots, kettle , now •V tea-kettle, ssc. &c. with a fulSeiency of ffaifcg taere.or to.v 'y and all'o a great variety of all kindsol stove patterns,an ■ at ! a complete set of patterns and apparatus tor calling pot- prop&r "• 1 aft kettles. Near the iurnaco Is a large new .or j one u >'• ; hollow ware, bar iron, &c. &c. a large conyement car- , ye-rly e ° | patter's and whclwrigl.t <hop, a blacksmith »&op wiu Ac !; : two fires a Bailor's stop, and a stamping mill, a deal- whoTe. i houle that will hol.l fix hundred loads of coal, a large, Mr. P rv convenient itore, consisting of several rooms, two excel- or to c | lent barns and (tables, a fUughtcr-houfe near the ttore, id together with a great variety of hotife» for tne wort men r- very convenient to the furnace. at ; The furnace is supplied with water from a number-oj -dm A. fprin<;s, which render a supply certain: the pond conalts id of about thirty acres: the mansion-house tsbuiitO! ltor.s, be two stories high, with four roams with fire-places on the id firft floor,, and a large,handfonie hall, and five rooms with n ■Si. four fire-olaces en the second Soor, with a very fine high TN J garret, in which there are two fire-places, with a hand- 1 Tl n< * fame piazza in front, the whole length of the house :at an( j ca euch end of the houfa is a handlome wing ; one used for aU( t a kitchen, with servants rooms above; the other lor a ca p 2 b counting-house; and a ccllarunder the wiiol«.houfe. a well ye jr. ' of the best water at the door, smoke and other convenient a 'ai out-houfes, with two excellent gardens, in out of which 0 f ~a J c t isa large asparagus bed, fevtral orchards of the bell graft- f rom by ed fruit, and one hundred and fifty acres of upland, winch ef- may be tilled In front of the mansion-house g r«- and in full view, is a mod beautiful meadow of two hun- pe ef- dred and fifty acres, in which may now be cut one hundred nd j ar ,d fifty tons of the best Hay, besides aiTording a fnffiaeii- ' 7 ' cy of pasture for the teams, and as much more meadow nd may be easily put iH, besides raising alaige quantity of corn, potatoes and turnips. The lands belonging to this ef " estate consist of about ten thoufatnl acres; on which are ks " the Mines for the works, two of which are of the best quality, one so near that a single horse and cart will bring jit t ay ' , ten tons per day, the other, a team of four horses may - ,bi mg fix tons. Besides the above there are several other J / V S mines of inferior quality very convenient, the iron of , 6 which is good for nails, and when mixed makes excellent v jay castings. The minse are in good order, Y.'ith proper < Jay els for drawing off the wat«r, and fhafts at proper dift ay, ances. TJeai- the Works have been discovered several beds * ' of Bog Ore, and there is no doubt, with a little attention ins- a fufficient fepply thereof may be procured, -ill the eek. mines are supplied with proper houses for the miners. (, uef- Within a mile and a half of the furnace there is an incx- " .by hauftable vein of limestone ; from whence not only a flip- I da l' ply for the furnace may be had, but also any quantity for '"£• building or manure. Within less than a mile of the fur- r 0 lt 1 aace is about twenty acres of the best double spruce for beer; and near it is a celebrated mineral spring j and two Jpf : at and a half miles from the furnace, within the tradt, are [on- two valuable sites for Forces and Saw-Mills, on an excel ms. lent ltream of water; and two large ponds may be made, r T" u( f. aHd a permanent supply may behad, by a small JL M, from a Lake of four miles in length and one roilt Wide, wit 1 very and adjacent afufficiency of wood may be had: near to fide mp one of the sites is a good farm-houfe, and about eighty a- tati 'ed- fcres of arable land, a valuable orchard, and meaeew to thai eave cut thirty tons of Hay ; and in thefwamp that will form at t the pond there may now be cut sixty tons of hay. V Suf _ Belonging to the fame Estate, and withip three miles thereef, nearer the Landing, is a good J, tt rg ! NEW FORGE, with two fires, in complete order and re e at pair, situate on Rockaway river, wliteh furn fhes a con- id at ftaut ktpply of water ; adjoining which is a good convc- ( yeiy nient dwciling-houi'B, with three rooms and a goOd k»t ffolk chen on tRe firft floor, and a goud barn and stable; also a d at Urge, convenient Store, which is now kept for the supply ">• of the iron-works, and the country ; and this situation is ' 'day, very convenient for the works, mucn more so than to have ISSat- dry-goods store kept at the furnace. , ° d u jy Adjoining to the foregoing Estate, _ nday and within four miles thereof, may be had if wantecj, a g on j trad of fix thousand acres of Woodland, and a site for a j n j Forge, on a stream of water very fufficient in eyery Te uton, . fpecl; together with several houses new built, and abrade iber- | 0 f three hundred and fifty acres of fine low land ; a great sfield p ar t 0 f which will make, with a little expense, meadow j fafficieut to cut one hundred and fifty .tons of hay ; a»d '» at " now affords a great supply of pafture—therefidee is arable '/ and woodland. , . Ur S AND ALSO TO BE SOLD, „b« that VALUABLE ESTATE, called Booneton Iron-Works, itr.liia Situate in the county of Morris, within eighties miles court of Newark L anding, and eight mi'es oi Morris-Town : by containing about three thoufaud five hundred acres of land, _ tiday lying on both fides of Rockaway river, for near tour | y aud miles. , "'fiV the premises is a FORGE with four fires and two hammers, in complete repair, which embraces the whole -J river, a SLTITING MILL, built in the most approved E linday manner, with two furnaces for heating iron, with roils, ri.ui t- pillars-, cutters, and every other apparatus in >he most com- tt ton on plete order, with a blacksmith's shop, coal-h«ufe, ode Bic. M, at On the fame darn Is a very compleat SAW-MILL; so _ ad Sa- that the flitticg-mill has the full cemmand ef the whole river, with a head of twelve feet. j, a week. Immediately below, end on another dam, is an excfl i pall 2 lent new GRIST-MILL, with two run of ftoncs, and lay by conltrufied tor a third. The mill is large, and cor, id Fu- eat for a merchant mill, and situate ia a country which :ay and w ;j| afford a coiiftant supply of grain. All the works are in compleat view of the tnanfion-houfe, 1 onu a and within half a mile of it, which is a handsome, boilti at ing, with five rooms on the firft floor with fire places, and ■Savan nr rooms up ltairs, all in excellent repair, with a large he next kitchen aiidcellnrs, anda well of excellent water at the door. In front of the houle is a piazza, sixty feet long, anv lle. an excellent garden, with a great abundance of the best kiad of Fruit: the out-houfes are convenient and good ; at Dan- consisting of a large spring nuik-houfc, ice-house, fo.eke ianville hoife, fovyl-houfe, corn-crib, root-house, goodbarnsand ncx; Sa- stables, &c. Ac. Also, within view of the manfion ettie ij! house, are twelve dwelling-houses, a counting-houle, a ftonch . ufcj occupiedai j store sot the country and v.'ork* .1 large, convenient houfc, with hx r ®°, te fconfes P l««. occupied by the c jf" 5 ' fcSi* ** f e for 'in o..notat order,' bU*- HAV P y^wh^wfe^ P , and oth, convent- tQ runs <*# 5— , miles, in which fiiltanee ne.i t» '"-> __ vs h:*ble *nd llr , aide so as -.o occupy the whole of &'V* et 1 * . Where confwit Cupply of water, it may of inc J £°I very valuable onjea for any person or j/eii - tall Sat; E oins into the manufacturing line. favour] g Oi^premifc.,»dadi»>"«ff« n^^^ I S. May aVbut one hunched acre, of »™bleknd ; rw y /Td wihiftwrmt n a r „d a half' If '£ g ' The co, • ¥*- number of houfcsfor the colliers, &c. See. ficc. pletear A N D A I S *>< . ~ - sss *s , aa&rwfsa^^-'-r, : 'wsiSfjssss.tK-^ a with all the horftt, oxen, waggons, tuol», and every I- plem nt necelTary to carry ontne works There » now V \ r provided wood end ore for eight montns Mat, lo 'Mtthe re Furrace will be put in blast the beginning of Juno. Any ft SwlUgtipurcbafc, may have the whole a, they T t now arc : *Jc Ullfo wood, &c. Ac. proved at Boone id t0 The terms willbe payment down for all aC®; t- | property of erery kind, appertaining o - ' • , t jr I one eighth of the purchase ,no*y-the e , - ' e-rlvpayments, -with the toterefl f.mAnally overy J< ear. i ' ' \ clear and indifoutable title will be lor the ,1- whole. Apply to Mr Samuel Clarkfon, ui Philadelpma, ;e, Mr. Peter Muckie, Merchant, New-York, \V ater-ltre t, I- or to either of the subscribers. fue/cb, ia Samuel Qgden. „ } Booneton, Morris County, May id, sj9° lis May 14- „ •e, " For Sale, th A Valuable Grill and Saw Mill, gh tjj ]\j ew Tcrfev, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harouur. d- 1 The Grift Mill is futy by fort, feet, two water wheels, at and calculated for four run of Stones with fcr«* Un« quire( - aid bjulting-clothf, &c. T! l£ Saw-Mil h asmofawMnd a capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thoufandfectof Boards J>etf rh oil yj£. A valuable pie-£ «f Cedar Swamp, within ami e d :nt all( ( a half of the Mill, and withm three quarters ol ami. Hotk; Lch of :a Landing. The Lumber, &c. may be taken by water Su >ft- from (Ue mill'taiL draw: ich ALSO FOR SALE, the b , uft Several Valuable 1 rafts of Land, ■"T Ib Psnßijivaaia, for all of which payment wUI be'recsiv : ed in thi notes of Messrs Morris and Nicholfon, or in " n ~ OV r Fcr further informati»n apply to tlii Printer. ot ~ jaw ;his M*? 17 ' Now landing, _c, ii,g At the hvitr fide of Market peel wharf, the Car lUX rr> D f the Schooner Dispatch, from Demurara, ° Gorfijiing of SC. lent Cavenne and Demarara Cotton, Lev - Surrar, Coffee, Cocoa, Rocou, and S 6co fides Soal Leather. ion ForSaleby the ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. iers. (, mo- 10. ]| 2w] No. j south Water-street. i ?np* Notice to Claimants £ For B RITIS HSP OLI ATIO NS. f or THE COMMITTEE two Appointed by the Merchants of thit City, <who ere fuf arc " ferers by Britijh captures, ccel- Recommend, lads, r-pHAT every Claimant who has not already exhibited ;nce, JL well authenticated proofs of his property, furnifh, ride, without delay, proof that the property chimed is bona ir to fide American, of its cost or value at the place of expor- ty a- tation, and at the place to which it was destined, (A here — vto that can he done) and the freight payable or cuftcmarj, 5 form at the time of exportation, for like goods and voyages. ' When the tlaim is for vessel, to fpecit'y the tonnage, age, _ jnd where biiilt, and the ackial coll or value. d These documents ought to be proved by oath, or affirm- S on »tion, of the party claiming, made and certified by a ma- rC gifirate or notary public, and corroborated by such other con- te^imon a 6 ,he nature of the cafe will admit. . . :n , T< l" Such of them «6 are handed to the Committee, will be forward»d to the Coir ihiifioncrs appointed on the part of , a the United States, to adjust the* Claims of American or »»piy . an' ■ ' ' Citizens. ; " r * 18 THOS. "FITZSIMONS, Chairman ' ' : " v; of the Committee. If Ph'ihdehrtrta, Tit June, 1796. d4w 1 :atc, — ted.u Just Arrived, a In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- t j, 'I rt Z verpool, th 5000 Bnfheli SALT; - A g , reat 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and th ' An AlTortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; w •a"for s a l En On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to James Campbell, or f ° d George Latimer. I April 59. § di W," GEOR.GE HYDE, f land, j-r AS removed to No. 149 'Chefnut street, between 4th r tour Jr alu j jtrtcts, where he is prepared to continue a , the bulineis of o 'whole Bookbinding-, n proved Extenfivcly in all its various branches. t 1 roils, ACCOUNT BOOKS, of allkinds, Ruled and BoVn-o , ft com- to any pattern, in the belt and molt approved methods. a Sec Ac. June 14 §ieoi 1 JL; so — 1 , whole Just Imported, , In the Ship Ganges, from Calcutta and Madras, and • for sale by ( SAMUEL & MIERS FISHER, | which Twenty-two packages of Gootis : CONTAINING, i-houfe, URRAHS , build- Vj Tickerys :tB, and PunjemCleths a large Hurrial Humhums at the Baltaes, st long, Rofferah CofTeas he belt Bahar H sndkerchicfs good; Gazzinahs foiekt- Taffaties srnsand FuUkat Silk Handkerchrefn aaniion- Patria Chintz coarl'e and fine. aoute, a Peniafcoci, tSfc. tfc. Wc. d 6 mo: 6. §-icojw INSURANCE OFFICE. JACOB SHOEMAKER, HAVING been encouraged by several of his friend*, to Undertake the Bjlinefiof in Insurance Broker, to which he served an Apprenticeship, lias this Day opened gu Office at his Dwelling, No 29, North Wtiter-Stmt ; Where he will be glad to execute Orders in thai Line, and hopes by his Attention and Punctuality, to give full Satisfaction to all thole who may be pleased to favour him with their B iiinefs. May 26. d3othJn. JOSEPH COOKE, GOLDSMITH Us JEWELLER, The corner of Market and Thi.d-ftreets, Philadelphia} ■a *"OST refucftfolly informs his friends and the public, IVL that be'has received, per the last arrivals, a com plete and general assortment of aim oft Every Article in his Line; 1 Immediately from the manufadures of London, Bir. 1 mingham, and Sheffield, all of which are of the newest ■ fa til ion, and wilJ be fold, whole falc and retail, on the .oww ; eft terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. i JohnNicholfon received in payment at their current value; N. B. The upper part of theHoafe in which he now r lives to he let, furniihed oruufurnilhed. law ' Waftiinyfton Canal Lottery, I nO. 1. ' -yf THERE AS the State of Maryland has autfior-fed . VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fit thousand, two hundred, add fifty dollars, for the pur pose of cutting e a Canal through the City of" Waftungton, from the Vo d tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour, lt The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 10,000 " t 1 ditto 10,006 10,000 V 7llftdj-awr.'£ 33,000 ;; Tickets, each J 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 10 ditto 100 2,C00 55 ditto " 50 %,/50 C 575® ditto 11 69,00$ To be fanil, —_ £ 5850 Prizes, 175,c00 11650 Blafiks, liot two to a prize. , r " I7JOO Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - *7 5,000 ' 0- The Commilfioner- have tskec the Securities r£ quil ed hy the cforefaid a<3-for the puiidtual payment ei the prizes. ■ 1 The drawing of this Lottery Will commence, without •|, delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the drawing is fiuiCied, {hail be cgriMer d as rclinquiihed foi the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signedj NOTLEY YOUNG, iv- DANIEL CARROLL,cf I). in LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNC ANSON, THOMAS LAV/, JAMES BARRY. City of . F.»h. 11, § vJitY ci' Wa'.hington. SCHEME of the LOTTiiRY, Vo.II, FOR THE (MfrRWWt vr OF THE ,d FEDERAL CITY. ij-. A magnificent > to, Coo dollars, & ) o:0 dwelling-houfc, 5 ca(h 30.000, are S 1 ditto 15,000 & ca(« 25,000 40,000 ■I ditto 15,000 & caih 15,000 • 30,000 —I ditto ic,ooo & cash 10,000 io,ooo ; I ditto 5,000 & ca!h 5,000 io,oco 1 ditto 5., 000 & c&Jh 5,000 10, coo S. i cafli prizfc of » id,003 a do. 5,000 each, are, - 10,000 fuf- 10 do. 1,000 - *, 10)003 ■ao do. " joo - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 ited 2 -jo do. 50 10,000 »fl«, 410 do. 25 - 10,000 rona 1,000 do. 20 * 20,06s P or - ! 15,000 do. 10 - - 150.000 here ar '* *6,739 Prizes. 6 " 35,261 Rl*nki. age, J3 . ■rm 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000 " la " N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity oi ' Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the Lit drawft l, ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : 1;' And approved notes, securing payment in either moiny J. or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will bt received -ce ICan any number not less thin 30 tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the prt a° vate buildings to be ereiled irt the Oitv of Washington Two beautiful designs arc already feieAed far the. entire fronts on two of the public squares ; from theft prawn*® it is proposed to erect two centre and sous corner buildings, as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to «°nvey n Li " them, when complete,.to the fortunate adventutm. m the mannerdelcribed in the fc'neme for the Ho.e- <otren- A nettdeduAion of five per cent, will be made to defray the ncceffary expenses ox printing, &c. and the u '!'!>"» will be m ,de a part of the fund intended for the Natiial Dniverfitv, to be erected within the city of Washington. 1* ■ Drawing will commence as soon as the octets a >r fold off.—The money prizes will be payable irrthir y ay» - after it is fini<hxi; and any prizes for >vbich numbers aie not producod within twelve moa sa § drawing iaclofed, are to be considered as given -ow» d s the funs! for the Univeruty ; it being determine the whole IrtiFinefs in a year frotn the e .ding ° - ing, and to take up the bonds given as ftcunt). ■n 4th The real securities given for the payment o < ntinue are held by the Prcfident and two Dire&ora c of Columbia, and are valued at more than halt the m<sUnt oi the lottery. . . c The twenty four gentlemen who by , , the late Commifiioners assisted in the management • W 3oVND Hotel Lottery arc requcfted to undertake ,ds - a second time on l«half of the public ; a " the [eol ber of these having kindly accepted, it is friends to a National University and the othtr iefts may continue to favor the design. , s, and By accounts received from the different par # Contineiit as well as from Europe, where t /? have been sent for sale, the public are a( f' ,ri * „. re ac d ' drawing will speedily com®ien«e, and that , y caution unavoidably neceltary to insure a fa e the tickets, has rendered the inorr susp ci fw n'' SAMUEL IiLODGET. _ Ticket's may be had at the Bank of Co um u1 James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of P-ter OJman of John Hopkias, Richmond ; and of Richara Coofcer's Ferry. , / nfmamn nrri^r PRINTED BY JO H N FEN NO, —No. 119 — C H F. S N U T-S TR K E T. COJ W [Price Eight Dollars per AWW-I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers