Slsp#t of tl,e llttitefi # talcs NUMBER H79-3 ' , PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNEiS, 17 9 6. \Volvmh IX L i%'«f r 'i ~~TT « » : J ' ~~ ■■ — — ■ . —.—— _ * cii' or .txcjiajigc aaai*onqsn ivxar^ec Madeira Wine, j In pipes, hoglheadj and quarter calks, 6t for ><* immediate use " OLD SHERRY WINE in quarter cafltt A few hkds and qr. calks RED IJSBON WINE Old Jamaica SPIRITS, to be fold by ' George Meade, At his Store, in Fourth, near Walnut Street. He has also, TO RENT, Two Large Cellars, floored with 2 inch plank, asd can supply Stor.s-ropitJ for a cundderaiu quantity of Wet and Dry Goods. June t6 ' 5,0. For Sale or Charter, BOSTON, ] BURTHEN about 1000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be sent to sea at a- small expence, her fails and rigging being in vtry good order—apply to "James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 49. § j tfor Madeira, * - iil in ten or twelve days; haying the greatest if her cargo engaged. For Freight or Pass age apply to JESSE \sf ROBERT tVALN. Jhne % $ jT%v For SAL E, M®4 The brig Mary, Burthen 152 Tohs, almpft new, and c«m pletriy fitted for sea.—Also, jjjjjjsc *rt. PRIME CREEN COFFEE, cotit- \ ted to Xsft>wbask. aa3 4 Hhds. New-England ' A Quantity of TOW LINEN. For terms apply to the matter on board said Brig, lying mt Clifford's wharf, or to SAMUEL COATES. Tune 8. *§ 10 ( Snow Hebe. 'l—s_ FOR SALE, The Snow HEBE, faithful Philadelphia built veflel, car- _ rie« 1,3000 bushels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, 111 rea "y"-*• Sl " " 'rarS'KHT. n ~ Who hasfb* 1 sale, J Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. £ Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. . June 6 __ !L_ For Cadiz, Jr'SK' To fail pn or about ____ K The (hip Hazen, W3BHF— B. Cobb, matter, * Eicelleut accommodations for Pafleng<aps FV paflag* o„ i? apply to Milter and Hope, at , the Printer hereof . r -H" 116 - !—li—-— For BOSTON, • Neptune, J ~ Daniel Rhodes, Master, he T YiNG at Mcffrs. A"»« hon y & Co ' B wha - rf ' w f I i tively fail on Sunday next. For freight or pa lage, fcaving excellent accommodations'fir passenger?, apply to the Captain on beard, or to EDWARD STO\ , Jun. JuaeTtj; -<y 7 •••" * St. Croix Sugar, LANDING en Race-street wharf, fr®rt on board the brig Pragers, capt. Thomas Watson, ,ndforf a kb r Pragers cf Co. fho have REMOVE# their Counting-houje to the S. .rfi-.r,';*'. ,r.-few. •-= "hor Alexandria and Gtorgeleivn, The (loop Venus, tj jy-y Jeremiah Brown, Master, m&iMSr SHE will be ready to fail in a few fe days—has good accommodations for pafiengera, and 0 will take freight oh moderate terms. Apply on board, at Chefnut street wharf, or to si Joseph Anthony & Co. Juneij., .j „■ l Fo? Sale at Audion, * OnjTuefday Evening the 2ift inllant, at 7 o'clock, at the Merchants Coffee Honfe, il The Brig MA R Y, d Burthen 150 t&ns, she is almoll " well found, and may be seen | Jt&sihss&k m fay applying to tjie master oa board, At Clifford's wharf—Three months credit will be given for One half the purchase money, and fix months for the pther. half, en receiving fufficient j fecurtty, in approved note), with a good i«dorfer on p each, b Also for Sale a! /tußion, on the fame terms, The ,S,chooner AMY, s Burthen 94 tons, she is a good vefTel, about one year, old, and may be leea «SiSTir i applying so the master on board, At Jeffe and Robert Wqln's. wharf. , , JOHN CONNELLY, Audioneer. , Jpne U L—_- 2 " - ' For Freight or Charter, To Hamburgh, Bremen, or Amsterdam, - , ax The (hip Harriet, Thomas W. Norman, Commander, A B,tMABKABLE FINE SHIP, feIIsSS?BURTHEN «*9' ton *' in com ? le!t ? or , ready to rtttive a cargo days. For tern* apply to the captain on board, Wal nw-ftreet wharf, or to ' Peter Kuhn. || 6 j The'ConGgnee* and owners of Good, on board. the *. Just Arrived, In the brig Lady IV'a/terjforf, Capt. Gutter/on. and will begin to land this day at Sims't wharf, below the Bridge, TENERIFFE WINES, Ir. pipes, hoglheads and quarter cases. For Tale by SAMUEL S3* MIERS FISHER. They hive also on hand, 7 Butts Malaga, and 5 Butts & 23 Qr.Calks Sherry, ,/ Which thej wist) to dispose «f to close sales. Htb trrutitfiT7, ' •' For the Benefit of Distressed Emigrants. This D ;y was Published, " An Oration, DElivered in behalf of the Philadelphia Society for the information and aififtance of persons emigrating , from foreign countries, By Morgan J. Rhees. To be had of all the feookfellcrs. [Price i 5 Cents] June 17 ff &mt George Dobson, BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and Country* that he has jemorei from Market-Street to , 25, south Third-street, where he is opening » Large and Elegant Assortment of the undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cloths and Kerleyraefes, Yorkthiie second Do. Do. f Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings FlaonrlU, &c. Manchester Printed Callicoes, London Chintz ditto, Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto, % long Cloths, ColTaes, Baftas, Battillas& Conjevrems, - 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine Jndia Book Mullios, j 4-4 and 9.8 India Hook Handkerchiefs, f 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, " s 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Moflins, i i*t 6 "t^' ,h u Jac T £ . u '. i 6-4 Cfowlw Stribes, ' 4-4 India rio. . 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras H and kerchiefs, &c. A large affoitment of figur'd and plain Muflioetss Qailtings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiftcoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjocl to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk stockings. May 9 V weel( Teneriffe Wine. TENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hogfeeads,. and - quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar rived per the fcfiooner Polly & Sally from Tenerifle.and for Sale by ■ ■ , t John Craig, No. il Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, — SHERRY WINE, irt Quarter Calks, Irilh CANVAS, Briftql and Irifti WINDOW. GLASS. May 30 £ ° Wmi HOLDERNKSSE, No. 76 High Street, HAS deceived, by-the latest arrivals from Europe and the.East Indies, a well felled aflortment of Silk Merc«ry, Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; c . WgJCH ARE, f< ' Some fitfc India rnuflins embroidered with gold and fdver > Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Co do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black and colored Persians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and Ihort Nankeens c Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality J ramafk table linen and napkins, very fine iilk Hoftery, an elegant aflortment Thead and cotton do 1, Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth fl French cambrics, very fine 0 Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. J unG *4 § TO BE SOLD, ift- A Three-story brick House, No, 80, N. Second J\ street. The lot M about fc « ind aBS " t feet deep, to Bread-street, or Pyloravian Alley. It has J lone been one of the befljftands for bnfinefs. 4d A frame Dwelling-Houfc, No. 160, South Froet- B street, with a Bake-Hoafe, the Lot is about 17 fe«t front, by feet in depth. 3d. A haudlome Lot of 15 sept by »oo feet deep, ex tending from Third street to Gcorgf-ftreet i it is the 3d _ Lot below South-street: on George-ftceet there .s a two ftorjr'brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good bake oven. " _ - ~ ' Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, fouateon lhe River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila delpbia Market—the Meadow i? of the best quality, and I in good bank. There are commodious buildings with a J good proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar I " Swamp. Par terms apply to J OHN LI ' 1 I, r No. 40 North Sirth-ttreet. 4 e March atti, 1796. dtf J X \ Genteel family wifti to rent a COUNTY SEAT, II A in an agreeable situation, within a few miles of - n Philadelphia. If furnilhed, it would be more agreea b personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. Yeatman's, No. 225. South second street, corner of | Secon jftriet- J»nc 6. ?_ ( o TO BE LET. 1, \ LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 114 i /l Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach House,—Also for sale a Chariot but little the worse for use. " - J uhe 6011 — * ' ' Landing, At RuHell's wharf,, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Louise, Javnes-Co9ptr> master, from China, and the Cape of Good Hope, cassisTiNG or SUGAR, in Chests and Bags; ee' WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua ll_ A fmairoaantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red*HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR 9-ALE BY Parker Wharton, -No OintK tt'u-.O"- JFt3r Sale, i d \ Three ftofy HOUSE and L®t, in Chefnut I 1/ street, between Front and Seeo n .d streets, in which j Mfeffrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for aianj years (and , now do) carried on bujixfefs. Poffeffi on will be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply te' WIIJJAM BELL, <-.r HECTOR C-ALBRAIT H April ,1, §• Landing, j AT theSuh&ri.W wharf, from on board the Ihip Au rora, capt. Sster. ijo HogDieads Prhne Jamaica Sugars, For sale by Willing and Francis, May 17 § e John Miller, jun. & Co. No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreet, Ukve imported in the late veficl. from.Europe, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ' % SPRING GOODS, Amongfl which are | Striped and clauded NANKEENS, Dimities and Mufliiiets, HATS, Neatly aflbrted in packages, IRISH UNENS, ditto, All which they will fell on the molt reasonable terms, for Cafli or the usual credit. May 11. f _ Table Cloths, $tc. MAURICE MOYNIHAN, No. 8-1, North Secend, a fern doors above Arch St. INFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has for sale on reasonable terms, Danufk Table Cloths, of dif ferent frees, with Napkins to matth the figure of the doth , Diapers, Irilh Linens, ■ Sarftiets, Sheetings, ferfian*, Checks, Sil Coarse Mullins, &c&c. j China, Glafe, and Queens Ware? 1 - Amongst ivbieb are Blsc&enamelled Break- China Jarsand Bickers, fall Caps & Saucers, Decanters, Do. Galloa « Wine GlafTes, &c. Half-Gallon J Crates will be put up at the J Quart • fhorteft'not'ice, and the usual of Pint St o credit g' ven - Half-Pint j a May 25- § ar Eox's.Auction Room. L — — y— 01 On Monday next, at 12 o'clock, -will be Sold by Auflion, without reserve, 34 Bales of East India Mujlins, CONSISTING Of Pungane Cloths , Saniiahs _ si Hvniiw<n« —- -7t Addaws Gurrahs Codies. Saatipac ar.o fulicat Hankerchiefs. ' A ISO, 3 Cases, of Bandannoes . I Cafe of Chpppah. Romals X Cafe of Black Taffaties I Cafe of Coloured ditto. Thole Goods are just imported in the Ship Ganges, ] Captain Tiagy, are entitled to drawback, and will be _ fold for cash «Bly. .. . Jl Edward Fox, Auctioneer. ]une 16* .1 : ' ' TEN' DOLLARS REWARD. LOST, JUNE »sth, between Shippen and Market streets a red 1\ OROCCO POCKET BOOK., containing a Check on the Bank of the United States, drawn by Peter and kenry Mierckenin favor of M r - R - Potter, for 1,000 dol- r lars,, and several notes of hand pad due ; together with a lhare in the New Theatre, and several other papers of no C 1 confequencc but to the owner. • ' '■> Whoevfr will bring it to No. 136 Market street, (hall y receive the above reward. , p N.B. Payment of the Check i» flopped at the Bank. j J" ne .. s s For sale by the fubferibers, s iN-THMN-STRCET, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea; r 100 ditto, do. frelh Souchong Tea; . . 300 Boxes China, containing small tea fetta of 4* pieces; ... 400 pieces Bandanoes. ' Willing & Francis. January 30 .. ALEXANDER POWER, HAVING business in the conntry, and expe&ing to be absent for fometinae,.requefts his employers in the Brokering line, to apply to ,Mjy Thomas Noble, at No. 147 in ChefnutStreet, next door to his house, between , 4th and jth Streets, who will pay every attention to those who may have any ttanfaclions in ialcs or purchases in Land, Stock, Discounts, !Sc. p J une •* ■»- y'" The Partnerlhip of George Kennard Co- i f f\S Duck Creek, baing this day diftolved by mutual i_/ tonfent, those having claims against said partnerlhip 1 are rcquefted to call on the fubferiber, and such as are in- P debted, will pl'cafe make payment to ® ' ! ■ GEORGE KENNARD. c May 17, 1?96> {*3§ lm ) ' ' . r Sales of India Goods. | The Cargo »f tiwOiip Ganges, cart- 'Tingey, from Cal- j cutta and Bengal, | Y , CONSISTING OS ', > . , e \ I.arge and general aflortment of Bengal afid Madras t jt\ COTTON and SILKGOODS. t AMONG WBie* ARE " ~ A variety fine worked andplaia Mujlins, 1 " • Doreas, ttfc. Alio, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. » For Sale by Francis, j Yazoo Lands. t h I ~ ~~ d May be had at the Editor's Office ! 19, Chefnnt-fo ict, A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney General to Congress f containing a Collpftion of Charters, Treat'ifs and otfyer Documbmts, relative to and explanatory of the Title,to the Land situate in the Smith Weftevn partß of the United States, and claimed by certain Companiei under a law of the btate of Georgia, passed January r ' '79?- RECEIVED, By tie Brig Welcome Return, from Savannah, 2f Bales COTTON. tSy the Schooner Abigail, from Ckarle/lon, . | 100 C-afks Prime R.ICIL And, by tin Schooner John, from Bcfion. SEWING-SILKS, various colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Ban J anno Handfcchfs. For Sale by N. & J. Frazier, No. 95, South Front street- Uhe have also cn hand, and for Sale* Prime Boflon BEEF, 11 barrels, SS2* J WIN £s, Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. ay 3i mw&ftm Just imported, And for SALE, SUGAR and COFFEE, in-beg'lheads NEW RICE, in hole and ha'f tierces QUEEN'S WARE, in bogfh cads WHII P. (dry)in.caflc^ COPPER, in sheet* . American \ F? 11 *; White Soap J Mould and Dipt Candies and BOSTON BEEF of the firrt quality. Isaac Harvey, jun. [6 mo. I. §3w] No. 5 south Water Street. «- Lottery and Broker's Office, N 9 64 South Secondftreet, TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without deduction. The Subfcnber solicits the application of the Public or any ot his friends who wilh to purch fc. or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houfcs, .Lands, Lottser Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money on depofit,«f property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. June 6. w&« FO R S A L <>, : A Pair of Young Bay Horifes, .. Well aj-.tfh'd* and.very suitable for a Phxton—apply atJSo. 113-fouth Third-ftteeti [June i'3§iw ■■ — ■ John Miller,; jun & Co. Have received by the Ship BIRMINGHAM PACKET, From Calcutta, j 60 Bales of Bengal Goods, JO,OOO Pieces Nankeens, Of a. Superior Quality.. 350 Bags of SUGAR, Which they will fell on advantageous teems ■May 10. . ... —— . , —- 1 ' ' ' ' . ' 1« ' ■■■ • 1 ■' China Goods. Tl H E Ship Stf aj Sivaine, Ccmmajider* from Canton, will commence the difcharg® of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wfßarf Conjijling of Yellow and white Nankeensof excellent quality Persian Taffetics, black andccloured Lustrings, do. 4o- Sattins black of various qualities Sewing silks in allotted coleurs Vermillion in boxes Cassia in chefls Quicksilver in jars ' BOHEA, SOUCHONG; HYSON SKIN, 1? /l T young HYSOft Freihleas. BEST HYSON, IMPERIAL, CHINA »WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets generally aflorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nick/in & Co. April 8. '» Country Seat for sale. An elegant House, and highly cultivated Farm, 1 on the eaft em bank of Hudson's river, bounded on the north by [ Verplsuck's Point, and distant forty-five miles .from New York ; the farm coniirts of sgj acres, and is oneof the moil pi&urefque aud beautiful fnuations on the Continent ; com manding an extensive and variegated profpeft;; the foil is rich, chiefly laid downinEnglilh grals, and is under excellent fence. The houte is« haedfome two (lory double building, in the ' molt modern style, fioithed with much taste, and pofleffese very requifitefor the accommodation of a genteel family t there are also on the premise* a new overfeer's-houfe, a new barn, extensive stables, ccw-fhed, cyder-house, smoke-house. poultry houle, &c. There are abundance of fruit trees com ' all the choicell kinds which could be procured. |om the nurseries about town, now in full bearing, and a well ftock'd kitchen garden A sloop goes twice a week to s the city, from a landing the farm, and the Al bany post road forms the eastern boundary. The houle, &c. are kept in neat order, for the reception of the parchafer on the shortest notice, who might also be ' accommodated with about Ito acres adjoning the farm on the south, thegreateft part of which stretches along the river, which abounds wvh.oyters and a variety of fifh Should he be averle to farming, there are many refpe&able neighbours who would work it on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE & HUGH POLLOCK, GonverneurY line, or to ft lOC CPU \ \MTOAW •
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