H&Qzmt A tl)t Uttitefrll totes Nuj-bem 1175.3 PHILADELPHIA* FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, .*706. f r-.vr IX " ~~ -m. ▼ 1 ¥7 _ O 1 f 1 For Sale or Chatter, 80, s T O N, BURTHEN about 2005 BMs. of Hour—(he may bafent V to sea it a lUiitl expenje, her tails and riggini; being in very £ood order —apply to fames Campbell, or Qearge Latimer. [ j April, tq. $ For Madeira, tIISI FOUR FRIENDS. WILL fail in ten or twelve days; having the greatest part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Pair age apply to JESSE is" ROBERT WALN. f" 1 " 1 * — ... ■ . 1- Ei For SAL E, The brig Mar y,. Burthen 15 i Tons, almost new, and coni lffoiSp~iV pletely fitted for sea.— Also, „ 4.2,000 wt. PRIME GREEN COFFEE, entit- T , led to Drawback. D 4. Hhds. New-England RUM, and A Quantity of TOW LINEN. For tertr-.s a;rply to the mailer on board said Brig, lying v at Clifford's wharf, or to SAMUEL COATF.S. s ; . Tune 8- *$ to Snow Hebe. FOR SALE, T The Snow HEBE, A fiithffci Philadelphia built reflet, car "leTMpoobuftelsof grain or ateo WJs is rea dy to take in She is abontour years old. Apply to t. r Pi-T£R BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. b Also, • A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 For Cadiz, a '' on or a^out t ' ie l^t ' l ' rom The ship Hazen, Excellent accommodations for passengers. For pa£Tag< «n'y apply to Miller and Hoop:, at New-York ; or to the Pristerhereof. [June 13. tjwl _ • FoTBOSTON, Daniel Rhodes, Mafttr, LYING at Mefirsi. Anthony & Co'* wharf, will pofi- £ tively fail on Sunday next. For freight or having excellent accommodations for pafiengers, apply to \ the Captain on beard, or to EDW ARD SIOW, Jun. Jane 13. $ 31 "? St. Crnix Sugar, __ j T ANI>ING on Race-street wharl, from en board the I j brig Pragers, capt. Tlfcmas Watfen, and for sale by at Pragers & Co. Who have REMOVED their Couuting-houje to the S. tie of Walnut-flreet wharf. y ~ <3 aw l »° , j 1 1 1 y-i -■ j For Alexandria and Georgetown, R The {loop Venus, h v Jeremiah Blown, Master, SHE will be rpady to fail in a few —has good accommodations for passengers, and will take freight on moderate terms. Apply board, at Chefnut street wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. Jun« r5. 4* """ Bill of Exchange and London Market Madeira Wine, fn pipes, hogsheads and quarter fit for immediate use OLD SHERRY WINE in quarter calks A few hhds and qr. calks RED LISBON W INK 1 Old Jamaica SPIRITS, to be fold by George Meade, , At hii Store, in Fourth, near Walnut Street. He has also, TO RENT, ( Two Large Cellars* floored with 2 inch plank, f aud can supply Store-room for a considerable quantity of Wet and Dry Goods. 1 June 16 § lQ | F 0 R S A L E, 1 A Pair of Young Bay Horks, Well match'd, and very suitable for a Phaeton—apply 1 at No. 113 south Third-street. [June I3siw < GEORGE HYDE, f HAS removed to No. 149 Chefnut street, between ,4th and sth streets, where he is prepared to continue the buflnefs of Bookbinding", .Extensively in all its various tranches. ] ACCOUNT BOOKS, of all kinds, Rule© and Botfifp to any pattern, in tke belt and most approved methods. tune 14 ' • UNITED STATES, ) ff ! Penofylvania Diftriil, 5 NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a writ to me directed, by th~ honorable Kichard Peters, Ef-juire, Judge of the IMftria Cotfrt of the U nited States, in and for the Pennsylvania Diftrifl, will fee expokel to public at Jtfie and Robert Wains wharf, on Saturday the 18th day of June lilll. at 12 o'clock at noon, Sundry Casks of Wine, and •Articles of Tackle and Furniture. The l'artie having heen saved from the brigantine Caflader, libelled againlt, prolecuted and condemned for lalvage in the fa>rt Court. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marlha!. Marfljai's Office, the loth day of June, 1796. j IVJ N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing ' Rulinei Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United Stattbj No. H9> New Theatre. . Mr. iff Mrs. :Rowfon's- Ni/Jjt. j ON FRIDAY EVENING, June r 7 , " Wiß be presented (never performed in Amcrica) a comedy, called The Disbanded Officer. Or, TIIS.BARpNESS OF fTr«nft»ted from a German comedyi w'utfen by Lefting, called Miik» Vtpi Barnhslm.J Mi. Morctou. Paul War mans, Mr, Green, - Kai/.eubuLkle, Mr. Francis. Ron/, Mr- Baies. Count Bpllair, Mr. Marlhall. MelTeng<H, Mr. Warrtll, jun. Bov, Miller Waned. Baroness of Bruchfal, Mrs. Whiilock. Lrletta, Mr«, Row fan Mrs. M ar 'of> Mrs Shaw. End of the Comedy, a New Ballet, (never performed) under the direction of Mr. called THE AMERICAN T.IR, Or, The Press Gang Defeated. fFound-d on a recent fact at Liverpool.] American sailors. Britijh Sablort. Will Steady, Mr. Francis. Cape. Trunnion, Mr. Beete. Tom Capstan, Mr.Warrell,jun.Mid(hipmari. Mr, Darlcy, jur). ' „ < With a new foug, written D.ck Hawser, Mr. Rowfon. fay Mrs Row f,) n . Susan, (wife toSieady) Study's Chilaren, Miss Solo- Miss Rowfon. mon and Master Bates. Jane, Miss Milbourne. Sailors and Lafl'es, Messrs Doctor, Mitchell, Morgan, and Solomon: Mis. Doctor, Mrs. Harvey', Mrs. Bates," f Miss Oldfield, &c. The Milficeniii ]y new, andcompoicd by R. Taylor. To which which will be added, a Comedy, written by Shak fpeare. not acted Liiefc two years, called Petruchio ; Or, THE TAmInG OF THE SHItEW. } P«fU*r'"i M;. CKaimc... i Mr. W-JiielL i Horienfio, Mr. Beete f Grumio, Mr. Morris. Music Malter, Mr. Francis- Bi«ndelio, Mr. Mitchell. Pedro, Mr. Dai ley, jttn. Taylor, Mr.. Bhffett. Catherine, (littime) Mrs. Rowfon. Bianea. Mrs. Harvey. V Curtis, Mrs. Bates. End of the I&act, A POETIC T ALE, (Wiittea by Mrs. Rowfon) called THE STANDARD OF LIBERTY Will be recited by Mrs. Whitlock. Tickets to be Had of Mr. Rowfjo, No. 70 riorit 1 B'.h street —and at the ufu«il places. 'On MONDAY EVENING, June 20, ""Will be pfefented the celebrated cr3ged; of The Revenge. c (Never performed liere. Written by Dr. Edward Young.) With the Farce of THE MOC& DOC I OR, and other Entertainments, for the benefit of Mr, Chalm- rs. > Mr Darley, jun. and Mils Melbourne's Night will be on > Wednelday. BOX. One Dqllar—PlT, Three-Fourths of a Dollar— andGALLERY. Haifa Dollar. Places for the Boxes to be of Mr. Wells, at the Frc»'" "'-'Thfitre. : No tnopey tn tjr rn-ainr'l; llriranv prr"f )H, OT r any account whstfoever, admitted t>ehi: i d the fecues. Wm. HOLDERNSSSE, ' No- 76 High Street, . HAS receive#, fey the latest arrivals from Europe ar.d the East Indies, a well feledted alTortntent of Silk Merewy, Linen Drapery and Haberdafliery Goods ; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; 1 AMONGST WHICH ARE", . Some fine India mnflins embroidered with gold and Giver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul di;'o , Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffeties,lut«ftrings and colored Pcrlians 1 Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and flsort Nankeens English Mantuas of the firft quality Damalk table linen and napkins, very-fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortmsnt Thead and cotton do tJmbrellas—green Clk, oil'd do. and do cloth ■ French-cambrics, very fine ' Irish Linens, d<>. &c. &c. June 14 § TO BE SOLD, ift. A Three-flory brick House, No 80, N. Second ' J\ street. Ths lot is about a I feet front, and 288 sett deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has long been one of the befWlands for business. id A frame Dwelling-House, No. 460, South Fro«- street, with a Bake-Houfc, the Lot is about 17 fe«t front, by 130 feet in depth. )f 3d. A hsndfome Lot of »5 b Y Jo ° feet dee P' e ** tending from Third street to George-street; it is the 3d 1 Lot below South-street: on Gcorge-ftreet there ,s a two - story brick.tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, withageod bake oven. . , , Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on the River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phtla delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and J - in good bank. There are commodious, buildings, ,with a eood propottion of arable and woodland, and Cedar , Swamp, f-jr terms apply to J 0 ™ 1 ' 1 ' '' E ' h i No. 40 North Sixth-street. | Ie March ztft. 1796- <its A Genteel family wifll to rent a COUNT / SEAT, in an agreeable situation, within a few miles ot Philadelphia. 13 If furniihed, it would be more agreea ° hie- T-, Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. - Yeatman's, No. 225, South frcond street, corner of Setond street- J une 6- J TO BE LET. ( i ,\ LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 124, r l\. Sprtlce street, with a convenient stable and Coach it H»ufe —Also for sale a Chariot bur little the worse for 's nfe e eott 2 Landing, At Ruflcll's wharf, the CARGO of the Shin Lady Louila, Jasnes Cooper, master, from China, and the Cape of Good, Hope, , P CONSISTING OF :d SUGAR, inChetts and Bags ; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua lity ; A finall quantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALE BV" Parker & Wharton, l e No. 109, louth Water-street. April 26. For Sale, ■, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut j flYeet, between Front and Secovd ftreeM, in which 1 MeiTt-5. James Calbraith & Co. hove for many years (4nd now do) i-.rried op huiinef's. Poffefiion will be given in one month, or sooner. 1 For ferriis apply to WILLIAM BELL, or ( HSCTOR CALBRAiT H April at. §- -I—L 1 Landing, j n1 T'dief nMerihers' wharf, fmm en the ship Aa- Xjl rora, capt. Suter, ijo HogOieaob i Prime Jamaica Sugars, * For Idle by Willing* and Francis, May jy 5 John Miller, jun. & Co. No.. 8 C hefnut-Jreel, Have imported in the late vefle! from GENERAL 'ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, Amongst which are Striped and clouded NANKEENS, Dimities and Muflinets, HATS, Neatly iflorted in packages, IRISH LINENS. ditto, All which they will fell on the most reasonable terms, " for Ca(h or the usual credit. May 11. § > , Table Cloths, &c. MAURICE MOYNIHAN, If». 81, North SecenJ, a few doprs above Afcb St. TNFOBMifci- Friends and th. Public, that 1"- has for ' I rale ou reafonable'terms, Damafie Fable Clotl», of dif ferent size , with Napkins to rfiatch the figure of the cloth, I Diapers, Irilh liiiens, Sarfnets, Sheetings, Perfisns, Checks, EngUih patsnt SilkHofe, Cparl'e Muslins, &c&c. Alfi, on apartment of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware : Amongst ivbieb are Blue &enait>elled Break- China Jars and Bicfcers, fact Cups & Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon "j w Winti Gb.Te--., &.c. Half-Gallon '| J Cratea will be put up at the i- JS Ihortsft notice, and the uftial Pint & I o credit given. ; . Haif-Pint May 15 § Fox's Audicn Room. On Monday next, at 12 <?clock, iviil be Sold by Auitivn, without reserve, r 34 Bales of Eajl India Muslins, COIJsISTJNG at 1 , Piuigane Cloths Sannabs Dorcas Humh-.ims Addaties -Gurtahs ■CflSes Santipen and Pulicat Hankerchiefs. ALSO, 3 Cases of Bandannoes f Cafe of Choppah Romals 1 I Caff of B)ack Taffatics c I Cafe of Coloured ditto. 1 Those Goods are just imported in the Ship Ganges, Captain Tingy, are rntitled to drawback, and wiil be fold for cash wily. r Edward Fox, Auctioneer. June %6* " REWARD. LOS T, JUNE 15th, between Shippenand Market Greets, a red A OROCCO POCKIEIT BQOK, containing a Check on theßatok'of the Ifhited Stites, drawn Vy Pefsr and Henry Miercken ia favor of Ms.. R. Potter, fer 1,060 dol lars, and'feverji ?K>tes of hand past due i, together with a /hare in the Kew I'heatre, :.nd several other pkpers of no consequence hut to the owner. 'Whoever will bring it to No. 136 Market lhall receive the reward. N B. Payment of the Check is flopped at the Bank. I June IS- ' § I For sale by the fubferibers, IN PtNM-STRFET, 130 quarter Chests frefli Hyson Tea; t 100 ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing fmali tea setts of 41 pieces; * 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willing £ff Francis. January 30 qtaw. if ALEXANDER POWER, d j TTAVING buhnefs in the conntry, and expeding to be a li abifent for ionie time, requests his employers in the r Brokering line, to apply to MV. Thomas Noble, at No. 147 in Chefnut Street, next door to his houle, between j 4th and sth Streets, who will pay eveiy attention to those who may have any transactions in sales or parchafes in " Land, Stock, Difcoants, 'Sc. » June 8 S — i'hc fartnerOup oi George Kennard & Co. '• Duck Creek, baing this day diilolved by mutual '' content, those having claims agair.4 said partnerlhip are requested to call on the fubferiber, and fucn as are in debted, will picafe make payment to GEORGE KENNARD. »> May 17, 1796. (*3§»m) :h ,r Sates of India Goods. The Cargo et the Ihip Ganges, capt. Tingt-y, from Cal cutta and Bengal, y consisting or ie A Large and general assortment of Bengal Madras t\. COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMCNi: iVIU"C« ARt A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, l " DoreaSt Iffc. Alio, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bag*—and BLACK I'F.PPER. For jjale by Willings Ssf Francis, No. 21 Ptnn Street. June 8 § Yazoo Lands. May be had at the Edtjor's Ojjxe i 19, CJiefmH-fir f, A few Copies of " a Report' of" the Atto... « General to Congress containing a of Cha.ite?..s, Tt*!AX«s \:'.td other Docuks-. - s relative to and explanatory of tha Tit let« the I i lituate in the South""W.-Jftrn parts of the Un.r.ti .States, and claimed fcy ceitaia Companies Under a law or Ihe Stat* of j>«£fcd Jauuary yfh, USfe „—— — , RF.CKIVVD, By the Brig ii'sicome Rc(urh, front Savannah, 27 Bales COTTON. " tSy the Ocbowier. Abigail, from Charlejlon, 100 Casks Prime RICE. And, by the Schoc.ner 'John, frr,m 3oJlan, SEWING-SlL'ivS, virions colours, CUKRAHS ■COSSAIIS, ar.rl India Baadnnr-o Hanclkchfs. For Sale by N, & J. Frazier, No. South Front ltrect* Whc hante a!f» on hand, aud for Sale, Prime Befton is barrels, ¥SX" ■ \ WINES, CarohnWNDIGQ, &c, &c. May 31 mw&fu» _ Just imported, And for SALE, BUG AR. and CQPfEE,- in hogfheada NEW RICE, in vAoie ani half neircci <HIF.EN'S WARE, -in hogsheads - . - WHlT.fi LEAD, (dry) intafc* COPPER, in fteetr .. . Castile and White — » ,1:: R:i y Mould and Dipt Ca,',dies .and BOSTON BEEF of the firll quality. - Jfaac Harvey, jun. ; [6 mtj, I. §3w] —— No, south Water Street. Just Imported, In the Ship Ganges, from Calcutta and Madras, and for Jale by SAMUEL & MIERS FISHER, Twenty-two packages of Goods *. CJ3JMTAaN>2CC 4 pURRAHS VJ Titkerys 4 Tunjcßi Cloths Hurrial HunfrjCms fßafiaes, Roffeia'h Coffeas Bahar H2hd£cr*(ihaefii Guzzjnahs Taffaties ■FuUlcit Silk Handkerchief* Patna Chintz coaii'e and fine • Peniaicocs, X&.c. tzfe. 6mo ; 6. John Miller, jun £c Co. No. h Chef,.lit Street, Ha-ve received by the Ship BIRMINGHAM PACKET, From Calcutta, > 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens^- Of, a Superior Quality. 350 Bags of SUGAR, Which they Cvilt fell on advantageous terms , May 10. $ : .., • China Goods. l ' 11 H E Ship Atlantic, .Silas Stoaine, Commayrfer, t JL frcmi Canton, will commence the difcharga of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnm-fti eet wharf [ , Conflftttrg of Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent qu-aiity „ Persian Taffetics, black and coloured Luflrings, do. • do . Sattins black of various qualities Sewing filVs in alVbrted colours VermiWiorr in boxes CaiTia in chests - - Qufeklilverln jars BOHEA, "J SOUCHONG, j HYSON SKIN, [ v YOUNG HYSON > f r e'h 1 eas. BEST HYSON, ' IMPERIAL, J CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets generally alTorted. WHIL E SUGARS, and a quantity of Fir ft quality Bengal SALT PET HE. l For Sate by Philip JVicklin & Co.. April %. uh&s Country Seat for Tale. » N elegant House. and highly cultivated Farm, on the e«ft. embank of Hud Ton's river, hounded on The north be 1 Vrrplanck's Portit, and distant forty-five mi Irs from New , York ; the farm cor.fifts of iq j seres, and is-one of the raott piSurefque and beautiful fixations on the Continent ; corr- an evten'i'e and variegated profpeft; the Toil is rich, chiefly laid down in English grass, and is under excel tent fence. The house it a handsome two flory double building, in the most modern flyk, linifhed with much taste, and poffeffesr very requisite for the accommodation of a gmted family ; i here are alfoon the premises a new overfeer's-houfe, a new barn, extenfivc ft ablet, cow-(bed, fmoke-houfc, . poultry house, &c. There are abundance of fruUtrfej com prehending all the choiceli kin 3» which could be procured, from the imrferies about town, now in full bearing, and a. s well ftock*d kitchen garden A Hoop'goes twice a week to the city, from a landing convenient to the farm, and tbe Al bany poll road formi the eaflern boundary. The house, &c. are kept in neat O'der, for the reception? , of the purehaier on the (horteft notice, who might "alto be accommodated with about saoacres adjonicig the&rm on the south, the greatcft part of which ftretchet along the river, which abounds with ov Hera and a variety of fifh. Should he be averse to farming, there are many refpe&able neighbours who would work it on advantageous term*. Apply to GtORGE & HUGH POLLOCK, GouvetT.eur's Lai e, New York, or to JOSFPH ANTHONY & CO. May -7 ixm Putiadrip^a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers