of ifc llttiito. J# IttM pun A DPT. PHI A. TUESDAT EVENING, JUNE 21,5796. fVewMs IT. NVMBEH 1181.1 _ 7— ; : ~ : 7- — Bill of Exchange and London Market i Madeira WINE, 111 pip«, hog(he:d« and qnarter calks, fit for immediate use OLD SHF.RRY WINE in quarter cast;» A few hhds and qr". calks RED LISBON WINE Old Jamaica SPIRITS, to be fold by George Meade, At his Store, in Fourth, n.-ar Walnut Street. He h;is alio, TO RENT, Two Cellars, floored with I inch p-anb sad can fnpply : tore-room lor a conliderable quantity of Wet and Dry Goods. Tune 16 " :-12- For Sale or Charter, BURTHEN about 2000 Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent toieaat a small expence, her fails and rigging being in very good order—apply to "James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 29. § V?-, For SALE, JsjSjn The brig Mary, Burthen 1.54 Tons, almost new, and com iri»i. pletely fitted for sea.—Also, 42,000 wt. PRIME GREEN COFFEE, entit led to Drawback. 4 Hhds. New-England RUM, and A Quantity of TOW LINEN. For terms apply to thereafter on board said Brig, lying atcniford's wharf, ®r to x-jtirftftt. -BOATES. Tune 8. Snow Hebe. r—s_ FOR SALE, The Snow HEBE, faithful Philadelphia built veflel, car ries 1,3000 bulhels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 '• ~ For Cadiz, "To fail on or about the 25th inft. from The ship Hazen, Eicelleut accommodations for Faffengers. For passage ■only apply to Miller and Hoops, at New-York; or to <the Printerhereof {June 13. |3 W I ~~~ FoTBOSTON, %__ Daniel Rhodes, Master, T YING at Messrs. wharf, will pofi j a tiv©ly-fait "cur 55nd*y next. For freight or pafiage, having excellent accommodations for passengers, apply to the Captain on b®ard, or to EDWARD STOW, Jun. Jane 13. ... $ For sale, freight, or char- J4BK.Tn any part of America or the Weft-IndieS, The (loop Agnes, NOW lying at Race-street wharf. For terms apply to the owner on board. June 20. § For Alexandria and Georgetown, The sloop Venus, A,' Jeremiah Brown, Master, , ( SHE will be ready to fail in a few i 4j • go«d accommodations for passengers, and | Jf freight on moderate ' terms. Apply on boa ti at ehefnut street wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. June 1 :?' —= . — * For Sale at Au&ion, On TjpQy Evening the 2 ift inflant, at 7 o'clock, the Mi»-hants Coffee House, The Btig M A R Y, Burthen 150 tons, (he is almost well found, and may be seen —by applying to the master on board, At Clifford's wharf—Three months credit will be giver, for on t ' le P urc^a^e money, and fix months for the* otber half » °. n receiving fufficient security, in appi oved notes, with a good indorfer on «ach. Also for Sale at uS ' on ' the f amt terms, The Schooner AMY, 94 tons ' '~ he ' s a £°°d vessel, I ' l one year old, and may be ieen applying to the master on board, At Jeffe and Robert Wain's wharf, JOHN QONNELLT, Audtioneep. June 17. 2. For Freight or Charter, To HambiTf-h, Bremen, or Amsterdam, Theihip Harriet, wvf&iifyt Thomas W. Norman, Commander, A FINE SHIP, 3ti—BURTHEN 229 tons, in comyleat order, fails lul*, and will be ready to receive a cargo in three days. ;• or terms apply to the captain on board, at Wal nu/-ftreet wharf, or to Peter Kuhn. ■ J»ne 17 || 6 The Consignees and owners of Goods on board the a hovelhip, will please to be early in their applications for them, as- they are now difcharg : ng. WA NTE D, , Several Apprentices to the Printing iufinefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the Jiited States, No; 119, Chefnut-ftrset. 4 Just Arrived, In the brig Lady Walterjlorff, Copt. Gutterfau ahd will begin to land this day at Sims's wharf, below , the Bridge, 1 TENERIFFE WINES, In pipes, hoglheads and quarter casks. For sale by SAMUEL (sf MIERS USHER- They have also on hand, 7 Butts Malaga, and 5 P,utts & 23 Qr. Calks Starrv. Which they wife to dispose of to clafe sale*. (itb month 17, ® For the Benefit of Dijlrejfed Emigrants. "This D y was Publilhed, | An Oration, DElivered in behalf of the Philadelphia Society for the information and assistance of persons emigrating from foreign countries, By Morgan J. Rhees. To be had of all the BookfeUsrs. [Price 25 Cents] June 17 ft &nU George Dobson, BPGS leave to inform the Store Keepers in Town and Coumrv, that he has removed from Market-Street to N°* 25, south Third-street, where he is opening a Large and Elegant Affortnaent of the undermentioned articles —viz. Superfine London Cloths and KerfeymcreSi j Yorklhire fccond Do. Do. Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Biue Coaxings FUnnells, &c. Manchcder Printed Callicoes, London Chiniz ditto, Blue and ditto Furnitures, ~ ditto* Xong Cloths, Coffaes, Baftas, Battitfasde Coujcvi 4-4 g-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muslins, 4-4 and g-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, f 4 4 and 9-8 Scotch dit'o, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, 4-4 & 6-4 British Jaconeis, 6-4 Bsitilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do. do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &C, i A large affoitment of figur'd and plain Mufiinets, Quiltings, Dimities,, and Striped Nankeen#, Fancy waidcoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk Uockings. May 9 TenerifFe Wine. TENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, jnft ar rived per the schooner Polly & Sally from Terieriffe,and for Sale by * John Craig, i No. 12 Dock street. 1 WHO HAS ALSO FOR. SALE, Best Soft-fhell'd ALMONDS, c RAISINS in Frails " — - ■ ■ ■->•>..., t ... n.fl.. Irilh CANVAS, ~ Bristol and Irifti WINDOW GLASS. May 30 eo Wm. HOLDERNESSE, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the East Indies, a well feleiflcd assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods ; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, 011 the lowest terras ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffetiesjutaftrings and colored Pcrfians Bandano Handkerchiefs ] Eong and Ihort Nankeens ] Englilh Mantuas of the firfl: quality t Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine , ' Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment j . Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth 1 French cambrics, very fine IrifhEinens, do. &c. &c. June 14 $ A Genteel family wilh to rent a COUNTY SEAT, - in an agreeabte situation, within a few miles of Philadelphia. If furnilhed, it would be more agreea- ( ble. > Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. < Yeatman's, No. 125, South fecood street, corner of • Second-ftreef June 6. § 1 1 TO BE LET. ] A LARGE Commodious House, No. 12.4» y Spruce street, with a convenient stable and Coach ' H©ufe, —Also for sale a Chariot; out little the worse for t use. June z. eott t — :—: : . Landing, i At Ruflell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady . Louisa, James Cooper, master, from China, and the j Cape of Good Hope, , , CONSISTING OF s i SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua- t ' lity; i A small quantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FORSALEBY ! Parker iff Wharton, No. 109, south Water-ftrect. •' April 46. § Sales of India Goods. , The Cargo ®f the ship Ganges, capt. Tin gey, from Cai> cutta and Bengal, f CONSISTING OF A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras , COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mujlim, J r Doreas, SsV. Also, I A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, 1 In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. For Sale by ! Willings tif Francis, No. II Street. June 8 § j, XJ' -"-I '» ' -3 j — 7 -/ _ For Sale, j 7 \ Thrre fVory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut j ftreer. between Front and Secoricl litcets, in which 7 \ieflrs. James C alb rait h & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on bufinef». Pofieffion wiil be given in one month, or sooner. tfor terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAIT H April 21. §• 1. Tending, i AT theSubfcribcrs' wharf, from on board the (hip Au rora, capt. Suter, Ijo Hogflieads Prime Jamaica Sugars, For faic by Willings and Francis, May I? § Ji John Miller, juii. Sc Co. No. 8 Chefnut-Jireet, Have imoorted in the late veflel from Europe, A GENERAL ASSOy'MEW OF SPRING D S, Amopgft which are Striped amd clouded NANK£ENS| . Dimities and Mullinets, HATS, Neatly aflbrted in packages, e IRISH LINENS, ditto, All which they will fell on the mod reasonable terms, for Calh or the ufiial credit. May 11. J Table Cloths, &c. M aurTcTTM O Y N IH AN, No. 8 1, North Secrri'l, a few doors above Arch St INFORMS his Friends and the FublSc, thai he has for sale on reasonable terms, Damaik Table Cloths, of dif ferent sizes, with Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, Diapers, Irish Linens, Sarfnets, Shfectings, Persians, Checks, JLnglifh .patent SilkHofe, Coarse Muslins, &c&c. Al/by on ajfortrKent of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware : Among/l which are Blue & enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, fa.fi Cups & Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon ~| co~ Wine Glasses, &c. Half-Gallon fj Crates will be put up at the Quart i fhortell notice, and the usual < - ' Pint & O credit given. Half-Pint J w May 25 § j TEN DOLLARS REWARD. 1 J LOST, , TUNE 15th, between Sivippenand Market streets, a red J IV ORO&CO PO'CkF.T BOOK,' containing a Check on the Bank of the United States, drawn' by Peter and Henry Mitrcken in favor of. Mr. R. Potter, for ijOOcdol lars, and several notes of hand pall due ; together with a ihare in the New Theatre, and several other papers of ho coafequence but to the owner. \VhotVer will bring it to No. 136 Market street, fhali receive the above reward. r a - VT Tl TV.— • ' ■— 1 °— ' — J '-J m r June XJ. » Foriale by the fu^fdribers,; IN PENN-STREET, 130 quarter Chefls frefh Hyson Tea; j 100 ditto do. frefli Souchong- Tea; , 300 Boxes Ch.na, containing small tea l'etts of 44 pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. WiUia S MJrjwcis. ] January 10 ALEXANDER POWER,' HAVING buftnefs in the' conntry, and expeding to be absent for some time, rcquefts his employers in the Brbkering line, to apply to iVIr. Twomas Noble, at No. 147 in Chefnut Street, next door to his hou'fe, between 4th and sth Street's, who will pay every attention to those ( •who lhay have any tranfadlions in iUles Or puixhafes in Land, Stock, Difcou-nts, &c. June 8 § c Samuel Richardet, ] Tl ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen 1 > TV. Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY 5 f TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the g - city of Philadel* hia. 1 The Subscription Room will be futnilhtd with all the { . daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- ( f ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted.to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refreihments, ' ;> will at all times be procured at the bar. 1 Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with r the cholceft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the moll approved Malt Liquors irnmLondon and otherbreweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime arid sarlieft produifliolis of tha Seafdn. Large and small Parties, or fmgle Gentlemen, may be >' accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at e hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation in regularly krpt for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at the bar. The Lodgiug Rooms will be completely furnilhed, and - the utmost attention paid to cleiffllihefs, and every other rcquifite. . [ ,£j" S\muel Riciiahdet will be happy t» receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and'the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on liis part shall be wanting to pre- J ferye that patronage with which he has been to d»ftingui(h- c ingfyjiionorcd. Philadelphia, April 19. § r Hot Pressed Bible. ; The Second number of this Splendid National Work, t v/ill be delivered in a few days, and proceed regularly f without interruption. T""HE proprietors have great fatisfa&ion in faying, that t if has been iiamiaed with much attention by many 1 8 hundreds of gv.rtlenlen, and that not in a (ingle instance ' hasthe warmeflapprrbation been w.thheldfrcm it. Thqy ' already boast of as a lift of fubfcribtjTß as ever , supported any work, in so short a time aj this has been be- ' fore the public. Sudh friends of elegant printing as mean ( to become fubferibers, 'are requetled to do it without de- , lay, as the numh(y detefmined upon to be printed is limit- i ed, and there is every profpe<i. of th«, whole being fliort- , ly difjpofed of. SubicriptioiJS will be :<ceived by the proprietors, No. 34 Carter's alley, and at the Book-ftorcs in gtjieral. Philadelphia, Jmw 3. eo» J r UI.VM& LA • . fazoo Lands, t h J May be had at the Editor's 1 ig, Chefnut-Jlrrct, A- few Gopit-s of " a Report of the Attorney, General to Congress containing a CollcSion of Charters, Treaties a"d alker Jlor.»>Ni , relative to and efcplanatorf ot rhKTitlc to the I„aud situate in the South Weflern psvts of th r {Jrv d States, anil by cer.i iii C<impat>i^_ UI .Jf r a law or (lie Sl.ue of pf»Ted £fk r ' 1 795- RECEIVED, By the Brig We'coriic Return, from Savannah, 27 Bales COTTON. JSy the Schooner Abigail, from Charlejlon, 100 Casks Prime RICE. And, by the Schooner John, from Boflon, SEWING-SILKS, various colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Band.mno Handkchfs. For Sale by N. & J. Frazier, No. 9,5, South Front ftreet •Whc have also on hand, and for Sale, Prime Boston BEEF, hi barrels, Sta ] WIK IS. ? Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 31 mw&fim Just imported, And for SALE, SUG AR and COFFEE, in hogiHeads NEW RICE, in whole and hart- tierces , , WARIw v WHITE LEAD, (dry)intafics COPPER, in sheets ' A > Cafti!e and White Soap American j- MqM Cand^s afid BOSTON BEEF of the sets quality. Ifadc H-arvey, jun. [4 mo, I. §3w] No. 5 louth Wafer Street. Lottery and Broker's OiSce, A ® 64 South Secondftreet, TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy for sale, a Check Book kept for tiie- examination 1 of Tickets, and Prices paid, without de<iu<aion. • The Subscriber foiicits the application ol tiie Public or any othis friends who wilh to purch "fc tit iell Bank Stock, CcrtiScates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, 'Hpufe,, Lands, or M-rchandize of any kind, or to obtaiii Money on depof.t of property. WILLIAiM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for. the Canal Lottery Company. . June 6. w(Sc» ' _ t' O. Ji SAL E, A Pair of Young Bay HorJes, 1 Welt hiatch'd, and very fmtable lor a Piixton—apply at No. 113 fotrth Third-llrcet., [June I3§iw John Miller, jun & Co. No. a Chefnut Street, Have received by the Ship BIRMINGHAM PACKET, From Calcutta, of Bengal Goods, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior Quality. , , t 350 Bags of Si r GJR, Which they will fell on advantageous terms . May 10. ; China Goods. i '|1 H E Ship ATLANfic, Silas Szvaine, Commander, JL from Canton, will commence the discharge of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-lireet wharf ConJjiing of Yellow and white _Nanl;£ens of excellent qu-ality TafFetics, black and coloured l>uftritigs, do. do. Sattins hhclc of various qualities Sewing lilks in assorted colours Vermillion.in boxes Caflia iu chests Quickli) ver m jars BOHEA, I 1 SOUCHONG, 1 HYSON SKIN, 1 p young hyson rrelh 1 eas. ' BEST HYSON, J IMPERIAL, J CI-tINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets generally aborted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity ps First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nick/in & Co. April 8. t.th&» Country Seat for sale. An elegant House, and highly cultivated Farm, on the eaft ernbankpf Hudson's river, bounded on the north by VerplancK.'s Poißt, and distant forty-five miles from New* York ; the farm coufifts of 295 acres, and is one of the.most ' pj&urefque and beautiful fituatiom on thr Continent ; com manding an extensive ahd variegated profpcfl; the foil is rich F chiefly laid down in English grais, and is under excellent fence. The house is a handlome two story double building, in the most modem style, finilhed with mucb taste, and poffeffcs<e very requisite for the accommodation of a genteel family ; there are also on the premises a new overfeer's-houfe, a new barn, extensive {tables, cow-lhed, cyder-house, fmi>ke-houfe t poultry houle, &c. There are abundance of fruit all the chbiceil kinds whrich could be procured from the nurseries about town, now in full bearing, aud a well ftock-'d kitchen garden A sloop gots twice a week o the city, from a landing conveni£i)t to the farm, and the Al bany port road forms the eafternboundary. The house, &c. are kept in neat oider for the leception of the purchaser on the (horteft notice, who might alio be accommodated with about 120 acres adjoning thefarm on the south, the greatest part of which ftrctches along the river, whiph abounds wiih oysters and filh- Should he be avcrle to farming, there are many refpe&able neighbours who would woKtit on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE & HUGH POLLOCK, - Gonverneur's I ane, Nev. -Yoik, or to JOSFPH ANTHONY & CO< jM a y a; §im fniUdelphia. ■ ■ ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers