EPafcnc of th Unites fates PHILADELPHIA, WCDNESDAT EVENING, JUNE n, 5796. - " [Volvmu IX, 11* • - -■-■■■■' '■-■•■ y-t-v.* . — Bill-"? Eidtange Mid London Market MX d e I h A Win E, In pipes, HogflieaAtand quaftef tifks, lit for immediate use OLD SHERRY WINE in quarter calks A few hhds and qr. cafcs RED W£BON WINS OW Jamaica SPIRITS, to be fold by George Meacle, At hhStore, in Fourth, near Walnut Stv«t, Hehaaaifo, TO RENT, ' Two L»rge Cellars, floored with 2 inch plank, an i can supply Store-room for a,confid»raMe quantity of Wet and Dry Goods. June 16 . ' ■ , $l« For Sale or Chatter, 'jyKßr BOSTON, about 20do Bhls. of flour—'the may be lent ts feaat a fraall ctpince, her fails and figging being in very gdod order—apply to James Campbell, or , George' Latimer. April, 99. , V know Hebe. r~l_ FOR SALE, The Snow if E BE, faithful Philadelphia built vessel,, car ries 1,3000 bulhels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Whd'has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June t - • " For (iadiz, To fail on or about the 15th inft. from jggjjg The fhlp HaZen, Excelleut accommodations C»i Paffengfew. Fitr passage only apply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York j or to the Printer hA-eof, [June <3. $jw] JFor iale, freight, or ehar- To any part of America or' the Weft-Indies, The (loop AgNes, 'i NOW lying at Race-street wharf, for terms apply to the owner on board. June ao. § For Freight or Charter, To Hamburgh, Bremen, or Amsterdam, TJie Chip Harriet, Jwßw'l Thomas W. NortaAn, Commander, A REMARKABLE tINE -SBJP, 2-29 tons, in comyleat ord«r . <ails fact, and will be .ready to receive a cargo in fhree days. For lerms apply to the captain an board, » Wal- Wtf-ftreet wharf, or to Peter Kubn. i June 17 _ . 116 , . The Configirees and ovfrners of Goods tin hoard the a- bove (hip, will please to be early inthiir applications fori them, as they, are now difchargjng. FOR SALE, THE of the (hip Catharihe, John Farraday, mal ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf oif MeiErs. Jefle & Rc hert Wain, Confiding sd 156 Hogsheads of SUGAR. S l Hogfhead»-) COFp g E 458 Bags i ~ 44 Hhds. of Clarified MOLASSES 72 Bales of Cotton ' AtSO FOR SALE, .*£»£• The said ship, BURTHEN about 24 or 4500 barrels— Strong, well found, and may be sent to 1 gj a fm»ll eipenfe. Apply to 1 John Craig. June 21 § ] For Safe, Freight, Or Charter, g"*X-n The American brig Mfa LIBERTY, iI&t&MSQ.. Murphy, matter, , , • j COMPUTED to carry 1400 barrels Flour— ' 1 * She is a fubflantial, fact-failing vessel, hasjuft had a thorough repaired and new sheathed, and is in every refped fit for an European or a Weft India voyage, without any other expenfethan provi sions. For terms apply to Edward Dunant, No. 149 - Sdudi Front Street. June »i «§3 Sales of India Goods. AT 10 o'clock, on' Friday morning, will be fold, in thfc Stores back of the Au<ftion Room, N0.56 South front llreet. One hundred Bales of Muslins, Importsd in the. fliip GANGES, capt. Thigey, from In. dk, confuting of '1 . Bunjam Cloths Gurrah9 , Baftas CoffaeSj Mamoodies Humhums ' Emertics . - Adti.ities Do^eas • Tartoers Santipon and Pulioat Handkerchiefs ALSO ? 5 Cases of Chocolate Basdanoee 5 Cases of Choppah Romals 5 Cases of Taffaties The Purchaferii will be entitled to the Drawback, and t > make payment in approved notes at 90 d3ys, for all sum* above 1000 Dollars. Edward Fox, Auctioneer. Junem 5 Just Arrived, In the trig Lady Walterjlorjf, Capt. Gutter/on, aid <uAfl legih to land this day at Sims'l wharf, below the Bridge, TENERIFFE WINES, In pipes, hogffieids and quarter calks. For fble by SJMVEL & MIERS FlsH*g< ■ They hive also on hand, 7 Buttt Malaga, and J Butts & 13 Qr. Calks Sberry, . Which they wife to Cifpofe of to close sales. (\th month ty, ,§9 St GrOix Sugar, T ANDING on Race-street Arharf, fr»m en board the' L brigPragers, capt. Thomas Watson, and for sale by Pragers & Co. - Who have RJZMOFED their Counting-house te the & Jldeof Walnut-ftt-M wharf. June 10 jaw George Dobson, T>EGS leave to inform the Store-Kcepers in Town and JD Coyntrv, that he has removed from Market-Street to N°- 2-5, foutk Third-street, where he is opening a Large and Elegant Affortmeot of the undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cloths and Kerseymeres, Yorkfliirefecond Do. Do. Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings Flannells, &c. , Manchester Printed Callicoes, London Chintz ditto, Blue and d>tlo Furnitures, India ditto, Lbhg Cloths, Coffaes, Baftas, Battillasjc Cor.jcvreros, 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Mutlios, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 &6-4 plaitTdo. Muslins, 4-4 St 6-4 British Jaconets, B-4 Britilh Checks and Stripe*, 4-4 India do. do. do. , ' 1 ditto ChiHoei, Madras Handkerchief!, ttt. A lat-j>e assortment of figur'd and plain MutllnetSt Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Mankeeus, Fancy Waillcoatirtgs, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings. May 9 Teneriffe Wine. TENERIFEE WINE, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter casks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar rived per the schooner Polly & Sally from Teneriffe,and for sSle by John Craig, No. 12 .Dock street. WHO HAS Apso FOR SALE, almonds, J.AISINS in Fr,ails. HERRY WINE> In Quarter Casks, Irish CANVAS, Bristol and Irilh WINDOW GLASS. May 30 eo Wm. HOLDERN ESSE, 75 - —-- HAS deceived, bythe latest arrivals from Europe and, the E'aft Iddits, a well feleded assortment of" Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some finelndia muslins emrirojdered with gold and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet,' aad Muln ditto t)o do do do Handkerchiefs SBfhe ewriblWktaffeties.liitsflriTigsand colored Pesffians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and (hort Nankeens Mafltuas bf the firft quality Darnalk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hoffery, an elegant aiTorimiht Theid a«d eottan do Umbrellas—-green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French very fine Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § A Genteel family wish to teiit a COUNTY SEAT, in in' agreeable fitdation, within a few miles 6f Philadelphia. If flirnilhed, it would be more agreea ble. Apply ptrfonally letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. Yeatman's, No. its, South fecosd street, corner of Second street - June 6. § to BE LET. 77 A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 114, Spruce street, with'a convenient 'liable and Coach House, —Also for sale a Chariot but little the worse for us e . June 2. eotf Landing, 1 At Ruffdl's Wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Lbulla, JinrKis Co6per, hlafter, from China, and the Cape oif Good Hope, , ~ CONSISTING OF SUQAR, in Chests and Bags ; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua- A fmairquantityof BRANDY; And'a few Rid HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALE BY Parker & Wharton, No. ifig,' fduth Water-street. "Afrit 16. i— Saies of India Goods. the Cirgo »f thefeip Ganges, capt. Ting«y, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING Or A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras COfTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE . ' A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, v Doreas, IsV. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. For Sale by Willings Francis, No. 21 Penn Street. June 8 S__ | ~ WANTED, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Butinefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States, No. 119, Chefnut-ftreet. 4 For Sale, I A Three ftorj BRICK HOUSE and I .ft, in Chefn«t 1 A. street, between Front and Sefos'd ftrsets, in wfc?<|h Messrs. Jantei C«br*ith,Sc Co. haVe Fo* Itiany years (arid now do; carried on HulineU. ; .' will be p:*en in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBfeAIt H AP"I ii. : V ; ; Landing, A V wheSubfcrihers' wharf, frwn on board the Au c»pt. -juter, 150 Hogsheads u . ; ' ' • ftime Jamaica Snears, For sale by \ * Willings and Francis, J|ay jy § John Miller, jun. & Co. No. 8 Che/nut-Jlreet, Have imported in the late vefieli from Europe, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, Amongst which are Striped and -cleutled NANKEENS, Dimities and Mqflinets, HATS, Neatly assorted in packages, IRISH LINENS. ditto, t AH which they will fell on the rnoft reasonable terms, for Cash or the usual credit. May 11. # Table Cloths, See, MAUITICE MOYNIHAN, No. 81, North Secend, a few doors above Arch. St. INFORMS bis Friends and the Public, that he has for iale on reasonable terms, Daniafk Table Cloths, ol dif fercPt fi*cs, wkh-Napkiis taawleh the figjire of tketloth, Diapers, trtfE iMatt, Sarfnets, Sheetings, 1 . .Perfiahs, Che^s,,.. , Ehglilk.pat«nt'SilkHofe, Coane Muslins, &ctcc. Also, tn assortment of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware: Amongfi which are Blue & enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, fact Cups & Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon "1 w Wine GlafTes, &c. Half-Gallon J Crates will be pu tup at the Quart • {horteft notice, and the usual Pint & Q credit given. ; . Half-Pint J w May 25 § TEN DOLLARS REWARD. LOST, JUNE 15th, between Shippenand Market streets, a red \ OROCCO TOCKET BOOK, containing a Check on the Bank of the United States, drawn by Peter and ' Henry Mierck<;n in favor of Mr. R. Potter, for 1,000 dol lars, and Teveral notes of hand past due ; together with a (hare in the New Theatre, and several other papers of no consequence but to the owner. 1 ' Whoever will bring it to No. 136 Market street, fhal( receive the above reward. N.B. Payment of the Check is flopped at the Bank. June" 15. S For iale by the lublcribers, IN r«NN-S_TSCET, 136' quarter Chests frelh Hyson Tea; ioo ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea; 360 Boxes China, containing final! tea setts of 42, pieces; 400 pieces Bandinoes. Willing y FrOncis. January 3ft—•• r ■ t AtEXAMDER POWER, HAVING business in the conntry, and expecting to be absent for some time,, requests his emplOyefs in the Brokering line, to apply to Mr. Thomas Noble, at No. 147 in Chefnut Street, next door to liis houft, between 4th and ilh Streets, who will pay every attention to thole who may have any tranfacliotos in sales or purchases in Land, Stock, Difeoutits, ta'c. ■-June 8 - S Samuel Richardet, P ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the city of Philadelj hia. The Subrcription Room will be fumifhed with all the dlily peers'puWifhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial citits of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account- Tea, Coffee, Soiipes, Jellies, lee Creams, aid 7 variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will as all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earlioft productions of tho Season. . Large and small Parties, or fipgle Gentlemen, may Tje - accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Sappers, at hours most conv nient to thtnifelves—a cdld Collation is Regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at*,tho bar. ( _ The Lodging Rooms will be completely fumifhed, and the utmost attention paid to eleanlinefs, and every other reqwifite.- • - , Samuel Richardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commaads of h' s Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part (halt be wanting to pre fefve that patronage with which he has been £0 distinguish- _ inglyjiionored. Philadelphia, April 19. ■ ~- T - -- Hot Prefled Bible. . .. The Second number of thisSptiNUin National Work, wl)l be delivered in a few days, .and proceed regularly without interruption. proprietors have great fatisfacftiop in faying, that JL it has been exammed with much attention by, many hundreds ?f gentlemen, and that not in a single instance has the warmest approbation been Withheld from it. They already boxft of as refpedable a lift of as ever fupportcd any work, in so ihort a time as this has been be fore the public. Such friends of elegant printing as mean to become fubferibers, are requested to do it. without de lay, as the Dumber determined upon to be printed is limit ed, and there is every profpeS of the whole being lhort ly disposed of. Subfcnptions willbe it'diffcd by the proprietors, No. 34 Carter' alley, and at the B«ok-ftores in general. Philadelphia, June 7. toi l l < n*^ 1 ' Yazoo Lands, it h' d Mjy it had at the Editor's Office l j g,- Bl{ffn\tt-Jlf(ct, A few Copies of " a .Report of the Attorney Genfctal to Cttftgrefs tV containing'a <26H<r£H'o,n of Charters, Treaties o*4 other 'Docvments, retatlye,to and, explanatory of tfie Title to the j, an j fßUate iu tlie South paris of the United ; Statet, and ilafiifcd by certain Comparers under a : Ik#~<n the State of Georgia,"paDed January 7th, % : *Yto- ' . , •»—**• -~r~ ————>■. .». RECEIVED, By the Brig Welcome Return, from SavMnnah r 27 Bales COTTON.. JSy the Schooner Abigail; from Charlejort, 100 Casks Prirtte RICE. And, by the Schooner John, from 80/ ton, SEWING-SILKS, various colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Bandanno Handkchfs. For Sale by N. & J. Frailer, No. 95, South Front street* Whc hvoe also on hand, and for Sale 9 Prime Bblton BEEF, ii barrels, ssr s win'ES, > Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 31 mw&fim Jufl imported, And for SALE, SUGAR and COFFEE, in hoglheads NEW RICE, in whole and half tierces QUEEN'S WARE, in hnglhcads WHITE LEAD,'(dry) in calks COPPER, in iheets ' . • ) Caftiis and White Soap J Mould and Dipt Candles and 330ST0N BEEF of the firft quality. Isaac Harvey, jun. [6 mo. 1. §3 W ] No. 5 south Water Street. • ". . . Lottery and Broker's Office, A" 64 South Secondftreet, TCKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy for sale, a Check Book kt.pt for the examination 1 of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without deduction. The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or any ot hjs friend#-who wish to purch fe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Nate?, Houses, Laud,, Lotts or Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money on deposit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, » > [ Late Agent for the Canal pottery Company. June 6, . . w&s F O R S A L E, A Pair of Young Bay Horses, ! Well match'd, and very suitable for a Pliston—apply ; at Np. 1i 3 south Tbird-ftreet. _ |J upe Ijj 1 w 1 • • • • 1 11 John Miller, jun & Co. IMo/ 8 CKcfnut H*ve received by the Ship BIRMINGHAM P\A C K E T, From Calcutta, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior ijuality. 3.50 Bags of SUGAR, Which they will fell ®n advantageous terms May. 16. . , ■■ • > ' China Goobs. TH E Ship Atlantic, Silas Sivaine, Commander, from Cartton, will commehce discharge of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf Cohflj/ing of Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality Pcrftan TafTetics, black and coloured Lustrings, do.. do. Sattins black of various quaEties Sewing lilks in aflbrted colours Vermillion in boxes Cafila in chests Quicklilver in jars BOHEA, SOUCHONG, HYSON SklN, <1 rp young hyson rrein leas. , BEST HYSON, IMPERIAL, CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets generally aflorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. April 8. t.th&s Country Seat for sale. An elegant t)ou(e, and highly cultivated Farm, on the ea(V jcrn bank of Hudson's river, bounded on ttje north by Vetplatick's Point) and distant forty-five miles ftom Mew York ( the farm confifti ot 595 acres, and is oneof the most pi&urefque and beautthd fv uatjnns on the Continent ; com {nandlrig an extensive and variegated profpeft; the foil is rich, ehirflylaid down ill Eng.llh grals, and is under excel lent fence. The honfeis a handfcxtie twoftory double building) in the pjoft modem, style, fiuifhed with much taste, and poffelTes e very r'equifite for the accommodation of a genteel family t thereare alCootvthe pfemifes a new overfeer'i-houre, a new barn, extensive stables, cow-fbed, cyder-houle, fmoke-houfe 1 , poultry houle, &c. Thereare abundance of fruit [refs ccyn prehending all the kinds which could be procured Irom the numerics about town, now in full bearing, and a well ftock'd kitchen garden A Coop goes twice a week to the city, Irom a landing convenient to the farm, and the Al bany pod road forms the faftern boundary ... The houfc, &c. are kept in neat order, for the reception of the purchaler on the (horted notice, who might alio be accommodated with about 120 acres adjoning the farm on the south, the greatest part of which stretches along the rivet, which abounds with ovfteri and a variety of fifh- Should he be avcrfe to farming, there are many reipe&able neighbours "j who would work it on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE « HUGH POLiOCK, Gonverncur s Lane,- New»Voj|k, or to j;QSF?H ANtHONf & CO. May 27 Sim JPoiltdeJjihu,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers