NumbM 24S1.'] K7» The price of this Uazcftt is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additi anal, for enclosing and di recting ; and umless'sante person in this city will become answerable for the, subscription, it must be paid Six Elontbs in Advance. *„ * ATo Subtcription will be received for ti shorter term than six months. December I 1799. ALMANAC Fn. t I>—ifi. mca «mi< Wodorfday Tkufitf Friday Saturday , - Sunday Twttajr VcdiiTlij Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday TnefJay PRINTING, Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—PUmplileti—•Hand-Bills, Cards—Blanks of all kinds, fcc. &c. Wii! be printed at the Shortbst Notice. auf*uft 23. Trade interdicted with Baltimore,at well as Norfolk. Health-Office, 8<& r,i». 11 st, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, now exists in NORFOLK, ■{Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally sickly. Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayor, that all velTels from thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a vilit from the Resident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that nopcrfon (or goods capable of retaining infe&ion) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfa&ory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th fcftion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are defircd to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGCJES, President. Peter Keyser, Secretary. <C? The Printers generally are request ed to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient. Board of Health Philadelphia, 9tb mo. 4 tb, 180®. WHEREAS the Board of Health, haVe received information from feveial refpefla ble sources, that a contagious disease, dan gerous to the community, now exists in Pro xidence, Rhode-Island. Whereupon resolved, with the consent ard approbation of the Mayor, he now be ing present, freely exprefled that all vefTels from the State of Rbcde-Island, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, btfng to at th- Lazaretto, to receive a visit fiom the Resi dent Physician, and there wait the determi nation of the Board. And further, that no person (or goods capable of retaining infedtion) from the State of Rbods-Island, shall be permitted to come to the city or county of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfattory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state from thence, under the penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec tion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on convidlion. All proprietors of stages, both by land and ■water, are desired to govern themfclves ac cordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGUES, President. FOR SALE, A Quantity of Super Royal WASTE PAPER, Suitable for Grocert—apply at this Of fice ; it ccmfifU of out-lide Quires. Gazette of the United States^'"Daily Advertiser, UNITED STATES } P- nnsylvania District, \ PUKSU ' NT to a w:it to me direiled from th« honor»ole Richard Peters, Sfq. Judg*- of the Di(tri£l C6Hrt of the United States for the Pennsylvania DiflriiS, will he exposed to pilMic sale, at the Merchants' Coffee House, in the city of Philadelphia, on Friday the i»th of September, inflant, at 11 o'clock at noon, The ship vessel, called tie • THM ° as, With her tackle, appirel fumi- The fame having been lately libelled in the said court, for eis' wages, and condemned lur the payment thereof. JOHN HALL, Mar(hal. Marjhat's Office. I September 2nd, 1800 J H. M" 7 24 8 14 9 I 9 5^ 10 (O 11 4 1 019 -tllll XT* S 44 A »6 UNiTED STATES, ? Pennsylvania District. <f •' X ' 5 45 6 IJ 5 46 6 14 - 5 47 si I.? - 5 49 6 II 5 <0 6 "lo J Ji 6 9 ■ Y virtue <>f 1 writ of Fieri Facias to me di refted, iffaedoutof the Dtftriil Court of the United States in and for the Pennfylvanii Dif ti iil, will be fold at Public Vendue at the Mer chant's Coffee House, on Friday th; Mthday of September infl at Iz o'clock, at noon, two «h«»d un it ui 111* ——- BRIO, CALLED THE . VENUS, , VYITH the fame proportion of her tackie, apparel and appur enanccs, &c. Seized and takes into execution and to be fold as the property of Robert P. Bail, decease i. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's Office, 1 Scptcmktr 34', iBpO. J 3tawtf. For Sale, THE NEW PIT.OT 3UILT &CJIQONBR ST. TAMMANY, tS&SiIIWLYING at Say's Wharf, thove Market Street, burthen 70 tont, fuppofetl to be a remarkable faft failing veflel, ai.d may Vefit ted for sea in a few days. Inventory to be seen and terms of sale known by applying to the fub fcribtr. ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, •».co lbs. Miice, "50 lbs. Nut' s. Nutmegs, Jamaica Spirits, At h proof, Do. ' Sugar of the firftquAlirjr, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Pri'i'ce MoLiTes—and 30 Tiercel llice. M. 'J K. iiavj ah,i 0:1 band, for salt Hy.fon, ~t Y-ir g Hyfoii, S< t TEAS, Souchong J Cogniac Brandy, llt 5c 4th proof, Sherry Wiue in quarter casks, very nice 50,000 Sp.mifh Scgars, And a Va> iety of other GROCERIES. Augurt 26 eo tf In the pleasant village of Mount 7/«.Vy, Bur lington County, 18 milts from Cooper's Ferry, and 7 from Burling! n ; ONE LARGS TWO STOBY Brick - House, FIVK and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar un Jer the whole.— L:kewil'e adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, situ ate 0* Mill-itreet, near the reurket, with a new Carriage House and Stables on the rear of tha Lot,fronting a public alley. For further par ticulars applv to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will shew the premises and make known the terms, or of ihe fubferiber in Burlington, by whom an indifputahle title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800. July*? eodtf Port Wine & Claret In Cases, of the first Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes and Qusrtv Caiks—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS Co- July 29 31WJW. TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Bftdy, Englifl), Chafes, vompofing Sticks, and atrea varicty of articles necefljry to carry on the Priri. ing Business. They will ljg fold cheap tor cash. Apply to the Printer V . July 31- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9 , ,800. Marshals Sale. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, South Water Streei. ALSO, FOR SALE, 35 Hhds- Muicovad 1 Sugar. White and brown Hava?nih dit'o in boxes. F.aft Ind>a do. in bags. Welt India and Conr.try Rum. 100 Hhd". Mola(Tes. 1 Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy. Pepper, Coflce, &c. Aupuftg. fatu& Just Received, AND FOR SALE BT J- of a superior quality. For Sale, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. City -Gommiffioner's Office, Pbilac&ljy 'a, Aug. 261b, iJioo. IN' of an Ordn-ince of the SeleA and £oaimon Councils, passed the ud day of May, '797. (in wriunp) Will be receivrd by the City Coramiflioners, until the thirtieth day of September pext.for renting on l-eafes, for one year, to corn mem e on the first day of January next, the following public property of the city, via. 1. The Wharf and Landing; on Vine Street, ft. ditto on SalTdfras do. 3 Ditto 011 Mulbury do. 4. The Wharves"and Lauding* os High and Chef nut »treet«. 5. Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge, Spruce, Pine and Ct 'ar streets, including the Fifti House. 6. The Cellar under the Ci*y Hall. Applications may be iett with either of the CommilEoners, dt with tMeir clerk, at No. 6j, Cherry Street. comoS 3tawtS. THE Remaining Tickets, In the secor.d or last Class of the ST. AUGUSTINE church Lottery, k jy- AkK NOW SELLING ONLT BY Go.TaylOT.jr. at-No. 39^ AND in. M. M'Connell, No. 143 A LARGE p rtion-•( the TICKETS being alrea'y I I , aud the firft of December poiitivtfj fixed on as the me/l dtjlant period for commencing the drawing ; the price his, with he content of ■- Majoagjrs, been raised to nine dt.!Urs, and will be raised from time to ' me until the drawing is f.niihed, according t > ircun ftanees. It is to be observed that by law, the Manager are obliged to iiiiiih the drawing in thirty days frrm i-s comminceiKem—and Jo pay the prizes within thirty day* a ter the drawing is fi.iifhed. Philadelphia. St t, igoo tuthfaiw % THE SUBSCRIBERS HAfE POk SALE, AT No.> 35, DOCK-STREEV, 1000 Boxe» heft marbl d Soap,! 80 fioxes Sweet Oil, * \ Fnm on board the 400 Half chests Lucca Oil, i Louisa, 7 Bale* Paper, | from Leghorn y Brimfton«, ! Parmcfao Chcere, J joo Pipcfl heft Bordeaux Brandy, aoo HcgfVead* Care: superior quality, 70© Caic* French Swo?t Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxe* Oapers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, 100 do. heft aflorted Cardials, DRY GOODS aflcrted lor the Weft-India market, Clarec in cases of afaperior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoicf of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pound Car.non, mounted, Thomas Murgatroyd b' Sons. May 10. tuthSti if Simon Walker HAS BEMOViD HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Corner of Union Street—wh re he has fcr sale < JWST RtCIIVtD, EARTHEN WARE, A flirted for cxportatiou or market. Glass Ware double flint, id cafesi Friifc Cloves. Nutmegs and Mace. July 14- • FOR SALE, In the Ciy of Burlington, State of AW ! Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STOP.Y Brick Houses, Situate on Market ftrcet, BEING twenty feet front and thitty-two feet deep, each with cc'.hr upder them and ki:ch* ens in the rear, likewise a well, of good wat-r in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premites, one hnadrtd and fi!ty feet deep. For terms of sale apply to the fuMcriber in Bur lington, by whom an iwdifputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 18co (29) eotf 100 HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For f«le on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or this plsce. Enquire of Samuel C. Cox, ■ No. 83, Market-street. Anguft 25. diw BROKE INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF THE SUBSCRIBERS, IN ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, \ RED aud white Cow ; the owner it dtfi- L\. red to come prove property, pay eha.-ges, and take her away. ALEXANDER tfRANDELL. Auguil»6. aUufl PROPOSALS, WANTED TO PURCHASE, A FEW CANAL LQTTRRT Prize Tickets, BY M. M'CONNELL, At No. 143, Chcfnut-fl. au e ß(l « erad 6t Loll, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured spots, tal-1 and very thin—framed Momus. Any person giving information where he *nay be found, at No. n6, Chefrmt flreet, will be liberally rewarded, august 21 d3t^[ Landing, From the Brig Betsey, Captain Andrews, at the firft wharf below South street, Mahogany and Logwood, For sale bv PHILIPS, CRAMOND £* Co. September t d^t 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled to Drawback. »oo Virginia Tobacco, 54 kegs of Virginia Twist, FVR SALE BT Tunis & Annefley, J Walnut street wharf. q mil ift, ;800 <(6t For Sale, A FEW .HOGSHEADS OF v Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Met. and Womens' And a parcel at' Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston TVindow-Glafs, Bbylo, 9by 11, 10 by 12 and 17 by 12. Any frzes larger than those may be had on being ordered from the manufactory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. • 3d wharl' south of Market sheet. August 4. djw The Bankrupt Law OF THF. UNITED STATES, Wjstlm D.ty Pub'iffi#d lij A.DICKI N 3, cp pofite Christ Church. — [l J rice 45 Cents.] A. D IC K IN S HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM tflW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs Is tbr UmriD Statbs. [Pti««j7j Cemi] ti The Subscriber, MASTER of the Hamburg Ship Anna, for warns all Persons from trusting or harbour* ing. yof the crew *f said Ship, as he will not pay a: y debts contracted by them. JAN JURGENS. .A LgTlft 12 diet A Young Man, PERFECTLY vcrftd 111 Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft coamting h#ufes in this Vity, wishes employment as Clerk. He is at prcfent abferit from Philadelphia, but a line leU at the Office of Jhe Gazette of the Uni ted Sta-es he will receive, and it (hall he inime dia-el/ attend, d to. Salary a secondary oVjedk— Employment hi, motive. augult Til dtf Elifha Fiflier &. Co. No. 39 North Front Street, HAVE OV HAND AND FOR SALE, GRRMf'AN STRKL, window glass, hats a (Tort eel ifi cases, N tils in casks, an 1 a large r.lfort ment of Ironmongery, Cu'lcry, Coach, and Haroef& Furniture,B-rafa and Jar.anncd Wares. Pins and Needles. July 29 tu th. fa. im, HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spanilli Ambaflador, will be let out to an approved person er family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and ftabfes conformable. Enquire at No. 100. Spruce flrret. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arcb Street, No. 94. July 23. eod'.f. Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SVBSCRIB F.R, SUPERFINV Silesia rouans") Creas a la Morlaix 1 Fine Bfetagncs i Entitled to Do. white platillas f debenture., E topilla* and Liita los | Brown Rudia (hectitigs J With a gene I ajjortment of British Goods, Which will be fold low 1 r calh or Jhort credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. 83, Market.«rtrt. august 11 ,<Jiw French Tuition, UPON AN ANALYTICAL PLAN. NICHOLAS GOUIN DUFIEF, Pnjdssor of the French Language, HAS the honor of Informing; his F<l'ow-Citi zsns of Philadelphia, that he will open his School on Monday the 14th ol September, at No. S, foath Fifth (Irect, and divile hie hours of in ilruiiion iti the following manner. Attendance on l.adies and Gentlemen, at their own Fisufei, w i]l be given as ufuil, from 9 0 cloek in the merning till 2 in the afternoon. His afternoon and evening school will begin (tvery other day) from 4to 6, and from 6 till 9. Tratiflations from either language iuto the other,'performed with accuracy, eWance, secre cy and difpfitch. N. B—N.-CHOLAi O, Dontr, refpeafully in vites the J ajies and Gentlemen, ambitious to learn the French, to agree with fame of their frieads or acquaintances, desirous of receiving les sons in that uui»erfal and improved huignage to mee> at the fame hour and place for niu ual'ir,- (Iruilion—they may be allured it will be to their ai vantage to do Ci, if they peruse with attention the following . To the Lovers of the French Language. ADDRESS. an whtn fuccefsfu! efforts have been made towards the irr.provetr.eut of the art tf Think ing, and when Analyfu has been discovered the univer a!, ani! sole good method to improve ail fci-nces, and rective inSruilion in t':em, it may be a matter of allonifhment that it has not been yetgenerady < mbraced, ?nd rendered the familiar m»thoi of learning. The extraordinary rife and progrefsof Chytui'fry,within a very few years, are entirely r*ue tp an^.lyfis; Hut there is an art on which it Should have firft darted its beneficial rays, I a!!u .e to Luc Teaching of Languages. In Na ture, thi< excellent analyst, wa<' before cur «ye» gui ing children in leading the laiiga?g»of their mother, and no ahJIJ ever failed in acqirring it, profiting furprifntgly by her unerring |r floss Fully convinced i-y res'on and exj.erirnie, thit the fame method fie pursues fliould be followed as neatly as pofliMe, I adopted, in the course of my lnhru&ions, ftich books eflabliihed on principles that leaf! deviate 1 from her limplediaatei. I loon perceived that the method acquired frar.t thefeaMs was hut.a very irregular and u.iperfei2 Analyjji —l. rherfore, resolved though a very, frrlill confidence in my (lender abilities hut animated with zeal lor the improvement of thofc who may wish to learn French from me, to undertake the k laborious and arduous taikofwritinga work,groun ded or. Analytical principles, which mi-.-ht com prehend wi-at in » ifhcdl»r by thofcapplyi", g them selves to the fttniy of the living langu ges, and am happy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it. !r cnnfHt* of tkrtt pr»rt3. The first, is achofen Vocabulary of weed; most frequently used in speech, c< mail.ining a.?oo—the most natural acceptation of eac(i is determined by a phrase prefixed to it. The fecond,contains the French vetbs, both re gular and, from a newfjstem in which the principal difficulties attending sonjugation ars first explained, and ol.fervations t'iven on the use of each feufe, illustrated by proper examples, so as to enable the learner to exprels kinifelf with precifinn. The third, is a complete list of those words_/Jr vant i't lie* on Jr complement Jefets enlre Us autre* pireles ia if soars : ' that is to fay —forming the lint or comple. tion of sense between the other farts of Jpeecb, whnfc principal use ii to establilfc in fpeecb that connexi on between words, which already exists in the misd between ideas 1 havpalfo inlly deterrr-ined the feafe and arception of these important words (which are divided into appropriate class s to fix them the cafier in the memory) by annexing to each examples in French and Englifli. As Ido n-t intend to publilh the above,for fame time, and in order, neyerthelcf., that my pupils may feap the fame advincage without it, 1 hasten to inform thofr whomiy be induced to pur rhem felvcs under my care, that half the time cffchool (the othir tall bei- % devoted to other erercifes) will be employed in exercising then in the fol lowing manner We first begin with the Vocabulary; each word of which will he pronounced in Enghfli then French, to be repeated by one or more of the scho lars; and a (imilar repeti.ion qf the phiafes before mentioned will follow. U is worthy r.t ohfervstion, that in our inkn cy, atid as we advance in years, we learn tkepro nounciation of our v.-rnacular tongue, by pro nouncing wcrd by word; and Analogy a conciliat es what remains to be dupe, in ortcr to acquire the t'ecrffary knowledge of it. The rules given hy Grammarians toast-in this obj J t-1 arc a mcst ufolcfs to us, and stili mcfre so to the foreigners struggling in vain to learn rhe true pronunciation of a language with the help of and Oram mar alone, though I conceive my fcliolJi.rj may attain in the above manner, the accurate prono' Bciatiot) ol the French language ya Uriel attention is pai i to their reading in approved au thors hi fore we begin the cxercifes. 1 will purfuc ueirly thefum, metiiodin impart ing to them the uontents of the two other divifi. ns of my work. I cannot conc'ude this address with out thanking my Fellow Citizens for the liberal ■ fncour gement I hav« experienced from them, thefsfix years past, in my profefiional career, pre fumir.g that I may be permitted to fay, that I have not been altogether undeserving of it. September j. ditaawjw The Frenchman WHO refuted tb give tip a STOLEV POINTER DOG when demanded of hjra on VVe»ir,ef<Jay morning last about feveti clock, by the f rvant of the owner, at the corner of Arch and Sixth lt-eet?, is defirsd to (end him to the office of this Ga.eiie, or di ngei.t learch wil be made she- ' a,'id lie will he prr fecutfd as tkc tbUf Tt e is white, excepting a ye low Tpot on hi| Kv k, or.e yel ow ear, and two or thrie yt't. ■ V ' i">ors < u kis forehead—the o:here;r is fp- c:.!ec!—he 19 very poor and liipihot. An fiais.l! me reward will be given tor the d ,p. and Five Dollar; on convidUon of tut Ibirf. The Frenchman it a fall iln . man, ol .1 c mpl xjo:i vry dark, r.s'd reffidin black cf.thes ( .n-rptrng a striped Blue arid wli tc c .'itee) —He was feeti with the dog in coiiipsrv with a ftiort fat man, in* Race near Seventh fir-eetj Oft Suaday afterncoh' last. nigutt 28 d 4t . ) V- - f Voi.UXF. XVIII. ... . i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers