Tut , Numufr 2452.'] id?* The price of this Gazette is Eight Oollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tiic 'city. of Philadelphia. Ail others ijy one .Dollar additional, fvt enclosing and di recting ; and uulcsss .ne person inibis city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be pi: .1 Six Montis in Advance. * A\> Subscription -will be received for a shorter term than six months. I}e^em l crt 1799. ai.man,a6 Prom September 10 —to September 16. BIGII WATER. TltarftUy 'riiif fitiriif Suuday h«H<)T Teffily •t - ■ .. . ( SUN WedeeM»y Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Sunday Monday Tucfday PRINTING, Neatly executed, at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hand-Bills, Cards—Blanks of all kinds, See. &c. Wil! be printed at the Shortbst Notice. uft r 'radc interdi&ed with BaltimorCjat,; well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Blb n;s suf, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, n<m exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally sickly. Whereupon Resolved, with the af approbation f)f the Mayor, that all vefl'els from' thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a villt from the Resident Physician, and thgre wait the determination of the Board. And further, that noperfon (or goods capable of retaining infeftion) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfadtory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th fedtion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid ( to the informer on conviftion. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are delired * to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGUES, President. Peter Kf.yser, Secretary. Cj* The Printers generally are request ed to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient*. Board of Health Philadelphia, ytb mo. \th, ißco. WHEREAS the Board ps Health, have received information from feveial refpedla ble sources, that & contagrous disease, dan gerous to rhje community, now exifh in Pro videnceßhode-Island. Whereupon resolved, with the consent ard approbation of the Mayor, he now be ing prelent, freely exprefled that all veflels from the State of Rhode-Island, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring to at th- Lazaretto, to rrcetve a visit ftom the Resi dent Physician, and there wait the determi nation of the Board. ■ And further, that no person (or goods capable of retaining infeftionj from the State of Rbods-Island, fliall be permitted to come to the city or county of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfa&ory certificate of their being at leafl 15 days in a healthy ftatefrom thence, under the penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec tion of the Health' Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviftion.— All proprietors, of (tages, both by land and water, are desired to govern themselves ac cordingly. By order of the Board. EDWARD GAIIRIGUES, FOR SALE, A Quantity cf Super Reyai Tvajste paper, Suitable for Cirocerß-i-apply at this Qf fioe ; it consists ot out-fidc Quires. Gazette of the United States, & D H. M" l' U 8 ,14 9 i 9., 58 • jo' jo ir 4< o 9 •. .i >i < * —mats sets 5 44 6 '6 5 45 ') 15 5 4* 6 14 - ? 47 ft M - 5 4? 6 II S to— —6 ic 5 Si ~f> 9 President, P II / L A DEL P li lA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER to, 1800. Marftial's Sale. UNITED STATES > P nnsyhania District,} 1 ' PURSUANT to a writ to me diteiled from tli* fcoho-a'.Me Richard Peters, Efq, Judge t|Jf r*■ isl Court of tbe United States for ill' Pennfydvaroa Drtrirt, will hp exposed to public file, at the Merchants' Coffee House, in the C!tr of : l.iladelphia, r;» Friday the I2th of September,Nihllaiit, at u o'clock at noon, Tie sbij) cr vessel, called the « . THOMAS, Wivh her tackle, apparel furni tu re, &c. The fame having l>een lately libelled in the said court, tor morii ers' wages, and condemned ler the payment thereof. JOHN HALL, Mar thai. Marjbal's Office I Sepltmler 2nd, 1800 J united States?" ? Pennsylvania Di\t ict. 5 * I'Y virtue <if a writ of Fieri Facias to me di rected, ifTuerl out of the Dtfiri.sl Court of the United States in and fur the Pennsylvania Dif tridl, will he'fold at Public Vendue at the Mer chant's Coffee House, on I riday th.- lithrtay or September inft at 12 o'clock, at noon, two thirj paitsof ihe BRIO, CALLED THE VENUS, vJsstv »VI TH the lame proportion of her tackle, apparel ar.d appuneuaticen, &c. Seized and take i into execution and to be fold as the property of Robert P. Bail.deceased. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's 1 Seftimker 3d, ißco. J 3tawtf. For Sale, jr jjpS" THE NEW PILOT 3UILT ism SCHOONER St. Tammany, «iSaSB»LYING at Say's Whirs, above Market Street, b.rthen 701 in, luppoletl so be a remarkable fart failing veflV.', &<A may be fit ted for sea in a few dsy<, Inventory to be seen and terms of file known by applying to th; i'ub fcriber. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4. Sjutb Water Street ALSO. FOR SALE, 3j Hhds- Mufcu'vad Sugir. White andbro .vn llava.nali dit o in boxes. Fart India do. in bags. Weft-India and C inttry Rum. ico Hhd*. MolafTet. Holland Gin l'rcnch and Spanish Brandy- Pepper, Cofiee, &c. 9. fatu&th.tf. Jufl deceived, ASn FOR SALE Br ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, ico lbs. Mace, 1 r - 400 lbs. Nutmegs, \° f " or hUt y Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Stijrar of -the fi:ft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-atv-Prince Molafles—and 30 Tierces Rice. M. if K. have also on band, for sale, Hyson, "1 Young Hyson, & J- TEAS, Souchong J Cojrniac Brandy, trt & 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nice, Spanifh Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. August 26 eo tf For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Holly, Bur lington County, 18 milts from Cooper's ferry, and from Burlingt n ; ONE LA;iOI. T\ro STORY Brick - House, FIVli and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar under the w>iole.— Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, fitti at* on Millftreet, near the rrnrkct, with anew Carriage House and Stables on the rear of the Lqt, fronting a public alley. For further par titulars apply to MAHLON BUDD.or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will fliew t'-e prtmifes and nuke known the terms, or of the fubfcriher in Burlington, by whom an indisputable ritle will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlirigtos, July 9, 1800. July 19 ' eodtf Port Wine & Claret In Ca es, cf theJtrst Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In I'ipcs and Qnariw- Caflji—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS & Co- July 29 3IW3w. TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, f.nglift. Chafes, (.'ompnfing Sticki, and ajrei variely of articlcs neccclary to carry oh the i rin inir Bufinefa. They will i e fold tor cafn. Apply to the Printer. Wy 31- By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Frorit-flreet. City Commissioner's Office, Philadelphia, Aug. 26th, 1800. IN T purfuat.ce of an Ordinance of rhe Select and Common Councils, patted the sud day of May, '797. PRGPOSA LS s (if) writing) Will be received by the City Cct*miflioner9, until the thirtieth day of Srptember next, for renting on leaf s, lor one year, to comment e on the first day of January next, the following public property of ,tbe city, viz. 1. The Wharf aad Landing on Vine Street. *• ditto on .salLfras do. J Ditto on Mulbcry do. 4. The Wharves ar.d Landings on High and Chef nut streets 5. Ditto on Walnut stfert, the Drawbridge, Spruce, Pi-nc and Ctdar streets, including the Filh House. 6 The Cellar under the City Hill. Applications may he lett with either of the Ommillioners, or with their clerk, at No. 6), chciry Street. eot.JOS JtawtS. Remaining Tickets, In the second or isst Class of the ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH LOTTERY, AUK NOW SELLING OUIT BY Go. Taylor, jr. at No. 39") _ AND' M. M'Connell, No. 143 y ireet ' A LARGE p rtion of the TICKETS being -• *■ already foil, and the fir(t of December positively fixed on as the mojl distant period for commencing the draining ; ihe price his, with the conlent of 'he Managers, been raised to nine dollars, and will be raised from time to time until the drawing is firtiflied, according t* ffircus fiances. It is 10 be observed that by 1 iw, the Mamgers are obliged to fini(h the drawing in thirty days from irs commencement —<mt tn pay the prizes within thirty dv « after the drawing is finifhed. Philadelpli S-"t i, 1800 tuthfaaw THE S ÜBSCIUBEIiS HAFB POk SALB, AT NO. 35, DOCK-3TREET, (000 Boxe* bell marbled Soap,"} 8; Boxes Sweet Oil, 1 From m board tit ic>3 Halt chells Lucca Oil, 1 Louisa, 7 Hales Paper, J from Leghorn, ferimtlona, ParmL lan Cheese, J Prpe* best Bordeaux Bran.ly, ioo Hngflteadt Claret superior quality, 700 Cain French Swe't Oil, ■ 60 Cafe* Catherine Plumbs, 6 Caflcs Prunes, 400 lJoxes Capers, Olives, AndioTte> and C'r nichons, , 100 do. b< ft afTorted Cordials, DRY. GOODS assorted for the Weft-India market, Claret in cases of a superior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd Sons. May io. tuth&s U Simon Walker HAS RKMOV4D HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Corntr of Union Street—wh.re he hai for file JBST BEC2IVRD, EARTHEN WARE, AlTorted for exportation or hono market. Glafi Ware double flrit, ij cis«. , Fn-flj Cloves. Nutmegs and Mace. July 44. tu.thfa.tf. FOR SALE, In the Cij of Burlington, Slate of Ncu>- yorsejr, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet front ami thirty-two feet deep, each with cellar unJer them and kitch ens in the rear, likewise a well of good water in front. , AI.SO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premifci, one haadred and fiity feet deep. For terms offale apply to the fubfcrib«r in Bur lington, by whom an indiifputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (29) eot/ 100 HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For fnle on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or thu place. Enquire of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, Market-street.- Anojuft 25. diw BROKE INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF TH E SUBSCRIBERS, IN ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, A RED aud while Cow j the owner is deli red to c >me prove property, pay charges, and take her away. ALEXANDER tfRANDELL. Auguft36. 3 teo ll 1 * THK WANTED TO PURCHASE, A FK W CANAL, LOTTERY Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 143, Chefnut-ft. P9d 6l Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured spots, taH and very thin— s.amed Momus. Any pcrfon giving information where he may be found, at No. 116, Chefnut street, will be liberally ~ varded, augtaft 2t Landing, From the Brig Betsey, Captain Andrews, at the firft wharf below South street, Mahogany and Logwood, Fur sale bv PHILIPS, CRAMONDSs'Co. September i 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled to Drawback. 200 hogfheals Virginia Tobacco, 54 kegs of Virginia Twist, FDR SALE BT Tunis & Annefley, Walnut street wharf. 0 mo. ift, 1800 dfit For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Men and Womens' Shoes, And a parcel ef Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, Bby 10, 9by 11, io by 12 and 17 by 12. Any sizes larger than those may be had on being ordered from the manufactory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, JunV. 3d wharf foutli of M.irket (licet. August 4. djw The Bankrupt Law OF TUP. UNITED STATES, Was this Day Publilhad by A. DIC K1 NS, ep jolite Christ Church.—[Price lj Cents.] A. DICK INS u a» ;u«r aictiTio f*om NEW-YoKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft ofPublic Affairs In itr Uniruo Sr.iris. [Pri»e J7J Ccnn ] wiyoft ti The Subscriber, M\STF.R rf the Hamburg Ship Anna, for ward all Pcrfons from trusting or harbour ing any of the r rew of fai i Ship, as he will not pay at.y debts conrrailcd by them JAN JURGENS. August diot A Young Man, PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft coiinting haufet. in this eity, willies employment as Clerk. He is at present absent from Phila lelphia, but a line left, at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States be will receive, and it ftail be imme diately attended ?o. Salary a feconddry ol jedl— Employment his mative. augiift 21 dtf Eliftia Fiflier 6c Co. No. 39 North Front Street, HAVE OH HAND AND FOR SALE, GPRMAN STRH., window ghfs; f.ats abort ed in cales, N iils in calks, and a afT rc mcnl of ironmongery, Cutlery, Sad'ery, Coach, and Hatnt f> Furniture,Brafa and Japanned \Vares. Pins and Needles. July 29 tu. th. fa. im, HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, SpaniOi Anib.ifT.idor, will be hi out to an approved person er family, oil ealy Coiiditioos. It is large, coimjiodious and elegant, with coach-house and ft.iblcs conformable. Enquire at No. roo, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arcb Street, No. 94. July 23. eodtf. J 11ft come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, SUPFKFIN'. Kitefia rouar.s") Crcas a la Morlaix I Fit,e 1 i Fnfitlod to Do. white platilias f dcl)i7uur-£. E-topillasarvl Lijialos | Browu RufTia Ihcetmgs J W'uh a general a!fortm;nt nf Britiih Goods, Wi.ich will be foi l low f«r fa(h or short credit. SAMUEL C, COX, No. Bj, Marktt.9ti<et. a«gu»t Ij daw f VoLUMK XVIIJ. ' French Tuition, UPON AN ANALYTICAL PLAN. NICHOLAS GOUIN DUFIEF, Professor of the French Language, HA 1 ; the honor nf informing his Ftllow-Citi zsns of Philadelphia, that he will open his kchool on Monday the ,14th of September, at No. .5, louth' Fifth ilrect, and divide his hours of in liru-Sion ia the foil wing manner. Atte«dince on Ladies and Gentiemen, at their own lieufts, will be .given as usual, from 9 0 dock in the manning till I in the afternoon. H s afternoon and evening school will begin (tvery Otbtr iay) from 4 to 6. and from 6 tilt 9. 1 radiations from either language into the other, perfornitd with accuracy, eltgance, fecie cy and dispatch. djtJ N. B —Nicholas O Dufiif, rtTpeSfully in vites the Ladies an 3 Gentlemen, ambitious to learn the French, to agree with some of their frieads or acquaintances, desirous of receiving les sons in that miverfal and improved language, to meet at the fame hour and p]?cc for mutual* in- Itruftion—they may be affur-d it will be to their advantage to do so, if they peruse with attention the following.— To the Lovers of the French Language* ADDRESS. IN an age when fucctfsful efforts have been made towsr Is the imfrovemeut of the art of Think ing, and when Analyjls has been difccvered the univerlal, and lole good method to improve all Icir-rces, and receive in t em, it may be a matter of a!Tonilhment that it has not been yet generally mhraced, and rendered the familiar method of learning The extraordinary rife and progrefsof Chyr. i'.try withi'i a very few years, are entirely due t.? analysis; but there is an art on which it fhuuld have firll darted its beneficial rays, ( allude to the 'reacting sf Languages. In fa<ft, Na ture. tl.i- excellent analyll, wa< before onr eyes gui ing children in learning the langarge of their and 110 ahild ever foiled in acquiring it, pit filing furprifmgly by her unerring lessons Fully convinced by reason and experience, thit the fame method (he pi/rfuet (hould be followed as nearly as poifible, I adopted, in thr courfd of my indruflions, such fcooks eitabjiflied cn principles that leafl deviate ! from her fimplediaatei. I soon perceived that the method acquired from t v .efe aids was hut -a Ttry i-regular and unpcrfe& Analysis —I, thrrforj, rcfclvcd though w.t, a very ftnall confidence in my llender abilities, but animated wirh teal lor the improvement i f thole who may with to leacti Frenc-h from me. to undertake the laborious and arduous tafti fwritinga work,groun ded or Analytical principle, which ©icht-com preh-nd what is wilhedfs?r'.-v those iag them felve* to the lla»iy of the living l4ngu'iges, and am happy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it* it coni'ifis of ri:ree parts. Jk The first, is a chosen Vocabulary of words most frtquer.tiy used infpeech, ccntainii.fcig 1,503 the mo«t natural acceptation 0 J each is determined by a phrase prefixed to it. The second, contains the French verbs, both re gular CTid irregular, fnm a new Astern in which the principal dirHciUfies attending sonjuijutlnn are fir»t explained, antroMervations onjhe use of each sense, illustrated by proper examples, so as to enable the learner to exprels himfelf with precifr-K. The third, is a comple' • list of those words fer. vant Je tier, mJe 1 .viplemcnt depre entre les autres parelet da difcr.t r: ; that i- to f.".y —firming the link er cample ticn tfftnfe beixote* the other parti as fpeecb, whose principal use is to establiis in fpetcii that connexi on between words, which a'ready exists in the r.'iid between ideas'. 1 haw also (nHy determined Ihe sense and acception of th fe important words (which are divided into appropriate cUsses to Lx. thrm the e .;ier in the memory) fcy annexing to each ex 3 r.ples in French and Englifti. As I do net intend to pafclilh the abpvc.for some time, and in order, aeverthclef , that my pupils may reap thefame advantage without it, I hasten, to inform rhofe who may be Induced to pur them felvcs'under my care, that half the time of school (the oths r half bci g devoted to other exercises) will be employed in exercising them in the fol lowing manner:— We first begin with the Vocabulary; each word of which will ' e pronounced in Enghfh then ia French, to be repeated by one or more of thefcho tar-; and a fiTiilar repetition of the phrases belore mentioned will follow. It is worthy of oMe-vation, that in our infan cy, ar.d as we advance in years, we learn the pro nonnciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro nouncing word by word j and Jna'tgy accom jdilh es what re.nains to b- dotie f in order to acquire the necessary knowledge of it. The rules given by Grammarians to attain this objeft are a most ufeltfs to us an 1 still more so to the foreigner*, [ struggling in vain tolearri the true pronunciation of a laugu.'ge with the help of dictionaries and Grammarttlotie Fm ugft I conceive my scholars may attain in the ab ve manntr, the accurate prono: ncia'ion of the Fr nch language, yet stria attention i» paid to their readiug i 1 approved au thors before we begin the for«go. ; »g exercises. 1 will \jurfue nearly tbefnn< method in impart ing to thetn the eontsnts of the two othej divisions of my work. I cannot conclude this addrefswith out thanking my Fellaw-Citiz-ns for the liberal encouragement 1 hav« expert-.nced from them,, thefsfix years past, in my profefiional career,pre fumir.g that f may be permitted to fay, that I have not been altogether undeserving of it. September 1. dit law l»v The Frenchman WHO refufed to give up a STOLEN POINTER DOG when demanded of him on WedneMay morning las} about feve/j o'clock, by the ffrvant of the owner, at the corner of Arch and Sixth streets, is defirad to fend him to the office of this Gazette, or di ligent search will be made after him, and he will be prnfecuted as ike tbief. The Dog is white, excepting a yellow spot on his back, one yel:ow ear, and two or three yellow spots on his forehead—the o.her enr is speckled—he is vury poor and hip ihot. An t.andf )ine reward will be given tor the dog, and Five Dollars on convicflion of the thief. The Frenchman is % ta'l thin man, of a complexion very dark, and Irefled in black clothfs {excepting a striped blue and wh te gingham ci atee)—He was Teen with the dog in company with a (hart fat man, iu Sevecth street, on Sunday afternoon kift. august 4t * -ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers