NuyiLfit :479.1 ¥Zs* The price of ibis Gazelle is Eight Dollars per to Subscribers residing in the city nf Philadelphia- All others p u y one D- lhr additional, for enclosing and di \ redifip ; and -unless.'ome person in this city mill hctome ansnvera! !e for the subscription.) 'it must be paid Stjc Months in Advance. No Subscription mill be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 1759. ALMANAC From September 3 —to Sijiieater 9. HJGH WATER. Vtdntfhf .TkarCdmy Friday fcSrf 7 M»»day Taefiiay '•■t Wednesday Thnrfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tueflaf PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Off. re of tht Gazette of the United States, Book-Work—Paipphlctt— Hand-Gills, Cards—Blanks of all kinds, &r. kc. Wii! he printed at the Shortest Notice. august 23. Trade interdi&ed with Baltimore,at well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Ir o- 2 l st, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious difcafe, dangerous to the community, now exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, beipg, as is represented to us, equally ficljy. Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayor, that all vefiels from thence, bound to the Port,of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a viiit from the Resident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that noperfon (or goods capable of retaining infection) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfa&ory certificate of their being at leaf! 15 days in a healthy ffcate, from thence, under the PENAL TY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th fe&ion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are desired to govern t.hemfclves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGLTES, PreuJ'-nt. Peter Ketser, Secretary; Cj* The Printers generally are requeu ed to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient. Board of Health Philadelphia, ty'b mc. 4 18c©. WI-: EHEAB the Boar J of Health, have received information front fevefa'i re!pe£l.i. ble foiirces, that a contagious c!ifeafe, dun. gerous to thecummunitv, now exitts hi Pro xidejice, Rbode-Islar.d. Whereupon resolved, with the consent ar.d approbation of the Mayor, he iii)\v be- ptelent, fieelv rxpirlTed that all velTels from the Stcte of Itb> tl:-lsland, bound tr, the Port et Philadeiphu, bung- to at th- Lazaretto, to receive a vilic ftDin the RelV dent Physician, and there wait the determi nation of the Board. And further, that no prfcfon (or goods capable of rt-tamin& iut'iftionJ from the Slate of R bod J-Island, lhall be permitted to come to the city or county of Phdad- Iphia, until they produce a (atis!'ad\ory certificate of their bjjiifj at leafl 15 days in a healthy state from thence, under the penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec tion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on cor.yid\ion.— propri tors of (lages, both by land and watfr, ire desired to govern themfrlves ac cordingly. By order of the Board. EDWAUD GAIIRIGUES, President. Foil sale~ A Qui: tity if Snjer Royai WASTE PAPER, Suitable for Groctra--apply at this Of fice ; it conlifts ot out-side Quires. of toe United States, & 'Daily Advertiser. "•k V * rflr * H. H a 8 » SS 3 4° 4 *3 - 5 6 < SO 6 36 SUM iiwi >«TI - 5 TU—6 *j • S 36 1 6 *4 S f—6 »J ' 5 *8 4. »> • •J. 4ft "'& >0 5 4«— 1 * 10 J 4»-»- 6 ll Marflial's Sale, United States ? „ Pernsylvani.i District, $ BY virtue of a writ til me dirrfled from the Honorable tVi e 9 . Esq. Jude; of tJie J'MHil Court of the Unite ! States lor the rennf, hatna Diftri.9, will he ejpofnl to' Pu blic Sale, at the Merchants' C fTce House, in the city or Phi'adelphia, 011 Mnntlsy the 8:h day of September next, at it o'clock at noon. The Vessel called J||||L . PRUDENT, »->6BK«sas2 As she now lies at Brntrn's Wharf—with a'l and fingtilar her tackle, ap parel, and appurtenances, the fame having baen condemned iu tlie I aid court a forfeited, &c. JOHN HALL, Marjhal. Marjhaf s-Office, Autfoft 27, I Poo $ Marflial's Sale. UNITED STATES > P. nnsjlvani i Butrict, £ ' - PUJtSU. NT to a writ to me direfled from thr hono'anle Richard Peters, Esq. Judge "t the Diftriil. Cuitrt of the United States for the t'iß.ifjlwania DiftriA, will he expcfed to pvMis sale, at the Merchants' Coffee House, in the «ity of Philadelphia, en Frid y the nth of September, inHam, at n o'clock at Boon, The sbip or vessel, called tie » THOMAS, jd&' TVr'ifm With her tackle, apparel furni ture, S<c. The fasar having heen lat-iy libelled in the said c urt,formirt cu'a ages.,and condemned Ist the payment thereof. JOHN HALL, Marshal. MarJhaV: Office I September 2nd, 1800 J UNITED STATES, ? Pennsylvania Li tiict, $ f*Y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias tome dl reiled, ifliscdout of the Diflriil Court i f the United States in and for the Pewifylvania Dif trifl, will he fold at Public Vendue at the Me chant's Coffee House, on Friday th nth day or September inft at xj o'clock, at noon, two third parts of .!he BRIO, CALLED THE IgSfX VENUS, lime proportion of ber tack'e, apparel ai.d appur en ■ .cc», &c. Sezrd and take* into execution and tf» be fold as the property of Robert H. Bail, deceased. JOHN HALL, Mc.rtbal. Mjtjbal's Office, 1 Stpttmkcr 3i, ißco. j 3tawtf. For Sale, / THE NEW PILOT BUILT V SCHOONER rt-EV St - tammany, /3f. YTNfr at Say's Wh*rf, above Market Street, b'irthen' 70 t>>n«, f'uppofed t« he a remarkable faft failing veflei, ai d may b« f.t teiifi>r (eain a few days. Inventory to be leen aid terms of sal« known by applying ta the !üb fcribcr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4. South Water Street. "also for sale, 35 HhcU vi >lcnT!.d > .Sugar. While i;viVio .vi> Hava-mh dit o in boxes. hail Ii d a do. in tugs. Wf'i Ii ,d a and C nr.try Rum. ico ■l' *'l ul ii [TV d. W1..11. ad Gin l'lcnrh i 1 Spinilh Brandy. Pepper, c tlcf , &c. 9. fa tu& Just Received, AVi) fgR sjljz rr ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, 2"0 hS. Mace, ~) r r 4 co lf>s. NliUmegs, ]H>f a Jamaica Spirits, 4: h proof, Do. S u;ar of th<t fii ft quality, Holland Gin in "pipes, Port-au-Pri c- Molasses—and 30 Tierces Kice. 1 11. X?K. bav aha on bend, for sale, Hj fori, ~i Top 1 g FJyfon, & I TEAS, Soucho'ng J V.> uiac Brandy, ill Sc 4th prooF, Sherry Wil.e in quarter cafka, very nice, 50,000 Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. Aiigulf 26 eo tf Port Wine & Claret In Ca es, <f th:frst duality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In l ipes and Qwirwr Cafl;s—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS £3" Co- J"'y 29 3»wjw. That large and commodious HOUSE, /.t the corn. rof Arch ar.d NinthJlreets. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon thi* montfe, the Houf«, Sta ble. G<?ach House and L us, now in the ttnure of s« iir butler, (ituate as she 28, noreh Fifthftroet. July 10. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. PII I L A D E L Plf t.A, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6, 180 c. 3'awtS 3tawtS. Squiri mJcth 3w "Ttw-,—rr Remaining Tickets, lit ti>e second or iast Class of the ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH LOTTERY, AUK VOF SELLHCG OiVlr BY Go. Taylor, jr. at No. iq~) , AND ( Che/nut M. M'Connell, No. 145 jft reet ' A L ARGE potion o f the TICKETS being i * already foH, a,,d the firft of December positively fixed on as the mojl iifkint period for commencing the drawing ; the Jus, with 'lie •jot.feiit of the Managers, been raised to nine dollars, and will be raised froci time to time until the drawing is Cnilhed, t' circun fiances. It is tobeobfervedthatbylaw, the M.-mgers are obliged to finifh the drawing in thirty days from its eommeni emen' —nd to pay the prizes within thirty days after the drawing is finifhtd. liljijelpfcja, Sept 2, iffoo tuthfa2w THE Hake fq k sale, AT NO; 35, DOCK-STREET, 1000 Doze* heft marbled Soap ( ~| 80 Boies Sweet Oi), ' j Fr,n on heard the »oo Hilt thefts Lucca Oil, ! Loui.a, 7 bales Paper, [ fnm l^bcrx' Brimfton#, ! * ' Parmcfan Cheese, J Pipes heft Bordeaux Brandy, 100 Hpgftsads Claret superior quality; 7°* Calc. French Swi"t Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Cades Prunei, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, 100 do. hi ft a (Flirted Cordials, DRY GOODS assorted for the Wcft-Ir.dia market, Clatet in cases of a superior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 PouDd Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd & Sorts. . M »y tuth&s tf Simon Walker ■AS it*OT»» HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, t South Fourth Street^ Cormr of Union Street—where h« hat for fsle JI?3T HCtIVID, EARTHEN WARE, AfTorccd f< r npbrtaticn or hone market. G!af< Ware double flnt, in cases* hri fh Cl- vcs. Nutmegs and Mace. July 24 To Gentlemen Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, offer at public i'ale on his Plantation, opjrdire Newb Id's IlL;.d on the Delaware, wuhm tw > miles of Mordentown, state of NeiV-Jer;ey, 0:1 Saturday, I,lth September next at 1 o'clock, hi. flock of Unrles, Cattle (mostly fat) an about eighty Seep, f orleen of which are Karr s 'I he prin cipal psrt of both Ewes and !<am« are an excei •em breed Hit plantarmi, he vill hold for-falj till next fpriiic, when if not fold it will be rented. '1 ernr.j of fa e made known at the time. THOMAS ST. JOHN. AiijTuft 3">. FOR SALE,« A Trad; of Land ; BEAUTIFULLY fitu.atad on the north fide of .akrowgaTe Lane, divided icto three Lit«, containing between 6 and 7 a'res each, adjoining hndt of Capt. He's, Abraham Kiut xin», Abiih Brown, John Hamion and others, it has within a few months past been highly ma nured ; the greater part is now in I im • thy and Ciover. On it are leveral elegant fituatir ns to build on. App'v tp ISAAC W. MORRIS, fepten fcer ». sf< r>6t. 20 dollars Reward. RAN AWaY from the fuhferiber at Spce! will Forge. Lannftcr Croaty, on Saturday night the ajd hnHnt", a Negro mm earned NF.S">, about 11 years of ago, 5 leu 8 or q inches high", firing huiic, has a retnarfeaMe fear on the right check. Had on wh-n he went away a fufiian coatee, ca.Timcre waiheojt, tow trowftr*, and round wool hat. He hat a falfc pass in which h is called James fto's of Uerkely c unty, Virginia; property of Da»i 1 Honter. It is frobabl. hs will fhupe his course for New-York Who ver apprehends and fecur s said Negro, jfo that I gtt him again fnall reeeiv - the above re war.l,and reaf jn-'ble charges if brought home. WILLIAM COLEMAN. September I d 3t —eo tw NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. 15519. tia ed jft. Jan nary 179 in favour o! R>! ert fcimilay, of Cbarlefl«n South-Carolina, for one fti3re of th • Dock of the Bank of the United skates is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for at the (aid Inliitution. ROBERT LENOX. m&tjm August 7. Notice to the Pilots. J S hereby given—That in confequencc of the Beacon on the Drown, being so much injured as to render it unfit for a Buoy with a keg on the mart, will be placed on th it shoal, nntil it can he replrced by the Baacon, of whirh due notice will be given. W. MACPHERSON, Super Int'ndant. Aiigtift 16 - THE Ihree Ce?its Reward. Run ".way from the Subfcriher on the evening of' thi »BtJa inft. a bound Si-rv.ant Qlßll, sameJ Eli;: oeth Ilowcwel, hud on And t-cfc with her three JiiTerint changes of garn*.r"nt ati 1 money proud,bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r 'on apprehending her (hall 5e cutii kd to tW&oVfc reward—no coSb or charge will bj f«i !. •N: fl, She had a years and fomc mon'hs tofo'tvi Daniel fitzpa tAick. Gofhen Towaftip.Chcfitfr Coucry, July »e. augul 6 ' uw!f V, - :.<u.l nil— City Commiflioner's Office, Aug* 26U', 1 «00. TN oi an Ordinance of the Select and A Common L'cunciU, faffed the z.;d day ofMay, PROPOSALS, . (' n wricinp) Vl'illKe rrceivcd by the City Coixmlflionern, until the thirtieth day of September next, for r,-r I.eafcs, for one year, •ocommcme on the first day of i>nuor» next, the following public property cf the ciry f viz. f. The Wharf and Landisgon Vine Street. *• di "° on SaJT.fras do. 3 t)i.'to on MufbuVy do. 4- The Wharves and Landings/)., High and Chef s- Ditto on Walnut street, the DtawWidge, Spruce, Phic and C« streets, including the Fiih House. 6. The Cellar under the City Hall. Applications may he left with either of the Commiflioners, or with iheir chrk, at No. 6j, Cherry Street. cot < o3 Landing, From the Brig Brtl'cy, Captain Andrew®, at the firll wharf below South ftre.-t, Mahogany and Logwood, F r idle by PHILIPS, CRAMONDyCo. September r d n 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled to tJJraiuiack. aoo Vi ginia Tobacco, 54 kegs 1 f Virginia Twist, FR SALE BY Tunis & Annefley, Walnut itreet wri-r! 9 mo 1 ft, 1800 d6t German Redemptioners* A NUMBER are still on board the P"ip Anna, from Hamburg, lying afcrea2 of Vincftreet \»har(, in the flrcam, confining of mechanics of almost every d Ktiption, farmers and others, who are anxious to provide places Dcfirous to com merce loading the vcflel, their times will be dif pofedof at the low rate of go Dollars for their passage. Apply on hoird the flvp, or to JACOB SPERRY & Co. September i J lot For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbcsnut St recti Ni r.r the corner of Eleventh street, at present in th« tenure of Mr A . M'Call—ffeifioh may bfc haj the first ol November next, or foon'r if re quired——A;p"iyt> I Edward Shoemaker. September 3 £ FOR SALE, In the Ci j "of Burlington, State of Ntv>- J'rsej, TWO NEW TWO-STOR.Y Brick Houses, Situate on Market ftrect, BEING twenty feet .front ansl feet deep,each with cellar un ier them and kitch <-ns in the rear, likewise a well of g >od water in front. ALSO, ' Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premises, one haadr«d and fi:ty feet deep, Fnr terms of sale apply to the ful feribsr in Dor lington, by whom an iaiifputable title will he givtQ. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (»j) eqtf Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS rrnvivi'd Irom ,W 13 South Fourth street, to No. 1 B.South Third 'irect. An Ofccc for those liases is also kept at mr.* Hirdy's Inn, No. 98 Market ftfeet. General Post Olfice,-April 18. 100 hogsheads PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For fctle on a t'redft, deliverable at New- York or tliii place. Enquire, of Samuel C. Cox, No. 8.3, M.,rket-(lreet. A new ft 2j, ' drw WANTED TO PURCHASE., A FKW CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, P»y M. M k CONNELL, At No. 143-, Chefnut-ft. aupuft tl Loll, yesterday, A white young Pointer ,I)og, liver coloured spots, tall and vttry * t thin—-j-amed jMomui. Any pcrfon gfyiHg information where he .Jiay he found, at No. ii 6, Chcfnut flrect, will be liberally rewarded, aiiguft sr ■l> J - 4 public juction, ON MONDAY EVENING NEXt (the Bth in t ) At the Martbar. Cofce.Jlause, For approved endorfen Notes, at 2 and 3 months, new and fast sailing tfsA'vfcj SCHOONER jjjplji St. Tammany, Now laying at Say's wharf, above Market street. Ir.v ntory may be fecn at No. 4, lout!. Water street, and at the tiine-nf sale. Samuel \ Orke, Auctioneer, s»p-cmVrs <j Jt For Sale or Barter, T II K SLOOP RAMBLER, " T K P % " ;ts or :hrf« n l barrels; lai src.i.jrk . " v lying at Jickfon t Morrib's u h I f . App'y at Nj. joi, South Fr nt 2reet. sCp!c U'hrr 5 . d' Jt FOR lIAMBOnRG; The New lIAMBOURG SHIP f|Mij ANN A, k£z*£ : J JOHN JUKGENS, Mnjl T i k " rr,D gt fubftant al. faG fjilii g v. tTVI, (being h«r ecmd voyage) will curninence leading on Wed aefJay nrxt, and will be Ji'pa'ehcd with all con venient speed—Freight will be r; cc ivl' 1, apply t0 JACOB SPERRY, Is 1 Co. Several Redempt'wners Are ft ill on board, whose times are to be t3if pofed of—Vpply as a'.ove. Sepr-mber 4. a lot ind For Freight or Charter TO THE WEST INDIES, THK schooner SPEEDWELL, Jeremiah Blanchard, A? alter, N w lyi»i» it Be k'« wharf (i he fecc.nd be l?\r ?'arkct (Uett) is ready to tike in a catgo, and will c»ny about 500 barrets. Apply n>:U?r on W»ard, orto Isaac Harvey. Junr. •3d whaif south Market Urcct. September 1, FOR SALE, bree mjsted SCHOONER ■ Eliza Myers, •te-ir-i* l -i/ ! at Walnut Street Wharf; bur tht ii lit 14 j tons, has ma e but two voyages, is iow in con pletc enkr to rcc :ve a cargo. < t" Samuel Emery, Ship-Broker, * loifih i root street diot . ~ Redemptioners. AMONG which mu, Farmers', Gardner*, Sadhrs, lnltrunnfrt, Gold and Sil*- vrr SVmfis, GPneii "Weavers, Jiincis, Pot ters, Malons, Taylors, Shoema kers, Printers, Hatters, Balers. Painters, Soup 3 ilrrs, Hi ll bounders, &c. See. whose times arc to be disposed of. AppV on board the Hamburg ship Anna, capt. John Jurfens, laying- in the Stream a- JACOB-S FKRRY ts* Co. WHO ARK LANDING From fai vrtT-l trom Hamburg, and have on hand, received i.y the lalt arrivals, Ertopil!.(s fc fCofTee Mills Qnadi uple Sdefias Scythes Rccc ad IKii Tapes of ail def- Rouaiis criptions. Gtc s-i-la-Klor>aix f J Oui'ls &. Sealing CafTeiifl , s or > Wax. \\ hite Rolls * i F.accs & Edgings Flanders Bed Ticks £. Gill tumblers 8, gi ioj J Cases. a, 15 Pipes Coniac Brandy and 600 Demijohns. Phila. Aiiguft 20. dijt Saulnicr & Wilson, - BFu:.ian, gUingham,Dimi 1, Vulviits, »carlet, yellow lan Jen, I rift ami brown FOR 8 A L E, A Small Font of Brevier; apply at thia Office. [VoLUMK xviii. To be Sold V f ~ v.} - J*-,*; ■ ■V . v 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers