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" r.t. • Lawrence Sterne sail " they do these thinge better in France." If ho moant lying, he was right. Johnny Crspean eon even take tliti palm from John Bull in that respect—if Jules Janlu is a representative man in France. The potatoes they grow small, And they es them tope end all, the shaking is said to be terrible.E In Luoas oDunty, Ohio, we are told it has been found a difficult matter to fad healthy people enough to gather in the fall crops. Lot all who hare com fortable homes in the cld Keystone, with an itching for western life, ponder well these sto ries of the ague stricken prairie land. The attendance at the exhibition of this ex cellent painting, at Maionio Hall, continues to increase nightly, notwithstanding the inclement state of the weather. Every one who has been there speaks of it in the highest terms as a work of ort. A better idea of New York can be obtained by seeing the Panorama than by a week's visit to the oily itself. The represents Non of remarkable places, buildings, streets, &o. is so perfeot as to excite the admiration of all who have seen the originals. Bo minutely are the details of the painting carried out, that the signs on the stores in Broadway can be dis tinctly read as the Panorama passes before the eye of the spectator. We are glad to see it so well patronized, and recommend all our citizens ty pay it a visit. Bez a lams Barran. —I t woe supposed that the sound drubbing Sam had got in the old Do minion and Keystone States had knooked the life out of him; but it appears from the oom plexion of returns be has oome to in Massaohn setts and New York. Two-thirds of the press of Massachusetts having espoused the cause of Julius Rockwell, Republican, it was predicted by abolition journals, :he would walk over the coarse; but Gardiner, clean grit K. N., leads him almost two to one. This is a sorry show for the one-idea party in old abolition hiasoa chnisotts. In Now York the Seward abolition leagues; oven in a worse plight. The Presiden tial chances of the arch agitator are growing desperate. Pew nook. Lucr BOSTON, or Woman Rights and Spiritualism. Illus trating the follies and delusions of the Nineteenth Ck.u. Yttry. By Fred. Folio. Auburn and Rochester: Alden & Beerdely. New York : J. C. Derby." Tile above work is a witty and satirical de scription of " the Women's Movement " in thi s tree and happy country. From a hasty glance we ere convinced it is written with more than ordinary spirit and humor. Barn. B. Lautier has ft for sale at hie book store, Fifth street; also at Pars. Sadler's periodical depot, Alle• gheny city. A liffortec AT LARGE. —Sheriff Mcßride, of Fayette county, arrived in our city on Tuesday evening, having in custody two individuals, named Hese and Palmer, the former a lunatlc t destined for the Asylum, at Harrisburg, and the latter a convict for the penitentiary, to Which place he had been sentenced on a charge of grand larceny. The Sheriff' put up at the Mansion House, on Liberty Street, 'where he left Hess in charge of an assistant, while he was absent with the other prltoner, , whom he placed under the care of Major Bros:Ahem.— During the Sherff's absence, and while the as eistant's attention was attracted to some other quarter, Hess walked off. After several hours search through the city, he was retaken, on Liberty street, by• Mr. Atirents, the proprietor of the Mansion House, sod handed over to the ethoer, who, a short time afterwards, started East on the evening train. , 415 . ' . TI. ~; ~; L~r^ „Maill alarninA post. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. PITTSBURGH: THURSDAY MORNING MORRING POST JOB OPPICka We would call the attention of DIERCUANTS AND BUSINESS BIEN to the fact that we have jest received from Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, and are now prepared to au ordeis for Cards, Circu lore, Bill Bads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes for exhibi tions. All order' will be promptly filled. Wo aro prepartd to print paper booke r for use in the Supreme Court, in good style, and OD short notice, and invite the legal profession to give ae a call What the French think of our Recep. Lion of Rachel M. Jules Jenin, who has the reputation of being the greatest theatrical critic in Paris, is exceedingly atusive of America for not more appreciating Rachel's eleasio impersonations. Re pardons the Amerioan Democracy, however' because they are nothing but tt adesmen or the eons and fathers of tradesmen." What most excites his ire is the request made at New York for' the Marseillaiee, and says " The voice villa, from the middle of the as tonished pit, interrupted Mlle. Rachel when playing "Emilie," and called for the ; • Mar ieillaise," was the genuine voice of a Democrat, and called for the only tragedy and the only drama which Demooracy can love and compre hend, the tumultuous drama of the mob yelling at the cross roads, the tragedy of a peo3le trampling under foot all the greatness of other times. A Democrat would give, gladly, and as if he were making a good borgain, every classic part of Mile Rachel, the grace, the elegance, the ()baste love, the honorable inspirations of great men, the courage and the chastity of il lustrious princesses, for that horrible song of exile, of murder, and of the scaffold." Mr. J. J. is a little too fast. If ho bad in quired a little into the matter ho would have discovered that the request was made by French men—refugees residing in New York—so that if it showed a want of taste it is so much the worse for la belle France, where those people were brought up. This "great critic" seems to have taken his ideas of America from Mrs. Foritenay's book of travols—a sort of French Mrs. Trollope. From this work be gets the no Lion that the audieni3es who attend the Ameri. can Theatre aro composed for the most part of "Bloomerists" and men who are continually whittling at the chair arms to kill both the time and the tragedy. After giving an extract from her delectable book for the purpose of illus trating American manners, he proceeds as fol lows: " Of what use to declaim this fine passage on filial obedience, in presenoe or an audience or bloomeriets? They would call Iphigenia a lit tie simpleton, and say that she carried her oom• pliance with parental authority rather too far. A husband, a father, a daughter, marrioge and a tragedy in verse. Can you think of euoh thing ? And what Mr. Westerwestooming, (ate,) the famous editor of the New York Tri bune, say about it? Why, parental authority, that mild will, that cherished supervision, can not be much esteemed in a country where a young man is emancipated at the ago of twelve, and meeting his sister in the street, asks hur riedly, " Well, how's the old man ?" The old man is 'his father, and the old woman is his mother! Why recite to oars thus lined with sheet iron, so far as the affections are concern ed, the words of Andromaque to Pyrrhus! Why, the son or Hector at New York, would be already earning half a dollar a day, and would be paying his board in the hoitse of Andre. maque, his mother. Da you remember that admirable dispute between Agamemnon and the terrible Achilles? Well, what on be made of ft in a country whore every one (serried a ten barrelled revolver in hie left pocket, a poignard in hie right pocket, and revenges himself in the open street, and on the floor of the Senate ? Or where, if by chance a forme! duel is ar ranged, the two combatants take their oarbiner and hunt each other in a fidld as they would a wild boar or a wolf ?" Ms GREAT WEBT.—People who emigrate to the •great west," ebou;d be ague proof, or it would be better for them to remain at home.— An Indbutopolis journal has no doubt there is more sickness in Indiana this fall than ever before. "From every quarter of the state aro heard the gruntings of book rooked patients, and the combined fevers of all the cliltoted would make a heat sufficient to set up a young voloano." And up the Maumee, where Bn'lard's Panorama of Mew YOrk FREE LOVE. PROSE WABIOINOToN. Thie offshoot of the modern isms, and among THE PRESIDENT'S b .CLit lIN IN THE CASE OF GEN. sCoTT—SPECULATIONS IN REGARD TO HIS CARR— the most dangerous and demoralizing of its GOV. BIGLER AND TIIE CALIFORNIA Me/STORE— aI R. ns:VTuel ON TUE DOWNFALL OP VAN BUREN. phases, is rapidly approaching tee doom. It is humiliating to the Christian to witness the [Correspondence of the New York Timm) means infidelity approaches the masses, by WASHINGTON, Saturday, November 8,1855. tempting the senses, irooring all the social re- Theeithaatetmise3nl,tBoof4abaWs beenashin awardedgtonDe w moerat L ie ie p u a t e . halloos as understi c.I and practiced since the Per, General Soon, as arrears of pay, under the its resolution of Congress conferring upon him his introduction of Christianity itself, planting bold front upon the very foundation of society. present rank, is entirely erroneous. The ac count, as made up by the Paymaster General, The system finds advocates, and what does not in this "age of oddities let loose," defenders I and sent to General Scott, In pursuance of a special written order of the President, states among the stern and frailer order, who impu- a balance in his favor of slo,4o3—being the dently proclaim the system as the normal and ' difference between his pay as Commanding proper condition of the sexes. Society de- General, and that of Lieutenant General for mends that the marital vow shall be considered eight years and a half. Toe president, of course, gave no opinion in one of the most sacred it is possible to assume . , the case, but ha gave, for the information of No man or woman has a right to take it ND the Secretary of War, and of General Scott, a lightly. Society as well as the parties is oon- statement of his reasons fur the allowance of ' oerned., and its rights must be res this amount, and no more, about four pages in pected. We length. This exposition was sent to General aro afraid this free love system has been some• Scott by the Secretary of War, along with the what preCipitated by the disorders of the mar. opinion of the Attorney General, which covers eight manuscript pages. The President con. riage relations, as existing with those who bare curs with the Attorney General on the points thoughtlessly entered a condition of life they that the resolution reviving the office ;of Lieut. were notable to maintain, or failed to treat it General carries pay with it, and that the act of with the importance it required. The extract 1797, and thp explanatory set of Aug. 23, 1742, below we take from a Cincinnati paper, which giving to certain commanding officers double certainly for impudence and vulgarity is start rations, does not apply to the grade of Lieut., General. Upon this latter point turns the ling beyond precedent: whole ditiereuce between the President end CINCINNATI, November-Ist, 1855. General Scott. The act of 1797 or 1798, area ' MB.. EDITOR : —As you have formally pro tine the rank of Lieut. General, specified, flounced against the Free Love doctrine, permit among other allowauces, forty rations per day me to ask of you a reply to the fo.lowing pro- —equal to $240 per month. The act allowing positions: double rations to the Commanding General, No. 1. Every woman has the right to choose passed in 1797, did not apply to the rank of the father of her child. It is, I think, fair to Lieutenant-General, for that grade was estab assume that such choice can be made without liehed some months subsequently to the pas infringing upon the rights of others. If you sage of the law. Tho act of August, 1842, is deny that right, might you not just as well deny also held to be inapplicable to the present case, the right of man to " the pursuit of happi• because it makes specific mention of the four nese?" or five grades to which the double rations shall No. 2. Women aro proverbially " frail," if be confined, and, of course, that of Lieutenant Shaksperre is creditable. They are, therefore, General is not mentioned, because it was not liable to select for husbands, persons with whom iu existence at that time. The substance of they cannot pass through life hap: ily. This is the President's decision is, therefore, that the the case with thousands, who, if relieved from resolution of last session revives the offiee of an unholy union, would remain single until they Lieutenant General, and the Specific rate of were sure beyond all doubt that they had found pay originally coached to it. suitable companions—anitable physically, epir• I understood that Gen. Soott'e account, as itually and morally. presented by himself, claims eighty rations per It is feared, by the conservative, that if men day, for eight years and a half, upon the ground and women were released from their marital that the spirit and intention of the act of 1842 vows, they would form associations which would cover the case of Lieutenant General, under its last but a short time: and such associations they special mention of the rank of Major General in (the conservative) would condemn as proetitti- camm - ind of the Army. The difference between tiou. 1 think a little reflection sufficient to oon- the value of forty and eighty rations per day is "'loco any mind of fair capacity, that such a $240 per month, or $2 880 per year; and course would not be pursued, because not to the amounts in eight years and a half to $24.480. interest of the parties concerned. It certainly I nave no doubt, basing examined the law, that would not be to the interest of a woman of little the President's construction of it is right, and or no fortune--a woman just released from a that in executing it, ho could have made no marital vow—to form copartnerships of such a other decision than that be has done. General nature; because her ability to form any partner- Pierce is, in his private character, ono of the ship worth having would be dolly growing less. most liberal and generous men is GI, world, but I have been a believer in the doctrine stated B 9 an Executive officer, he is bound by the letter above for several years. I have given you and spirit of those acts of Congress which he is what I deem the two most important dogmas of appointed to administer. our sect, and hope fur a candid reply thereto. Whether Gen. Scott will accept this paltry A FREE LOVER. sum remains to be seen. Ido not perceive If this be an exposition of this now doctrine why he should not. He became entitled to that only through the authority of Congress. it of those in the pursuit of happiness, "good' belcngs, then, to that body, to supply its own and to correct its perhaps uninten lord deliver us" from its spread in this region. i omissions, Albert Brisbane, the groat representative of it tiooel want of liberality. This may bo done by in New York, was not far from wrong when he a simple declaratory act, or by a donation to Gen. Scott, in requital for his heroic and pa compared the bawdy houses on Mercier street triotic services, of fifty or one hundred thousand to the Free Lave leagues. They are the same i dollars. I trust the latter course will be adopt• in kind; they only differ in degree. ed. Marlborough and Wellington added Do territories nor revenues to their country, nothing but fame and debt; yet they received as a epon• taneous expression of national gratitude prince ly estates and magnificent incomes. CALIFORNIA SENATORS It would nut very greatly surprise me, should Gov. Bigler, of California, execute the purpose of calling an extra session of the old Legislature for the purpose of electing two Senators in place of ()win and Weller. The only considera tion which renders the statements respecting his determination, brought oat by the last steamer, doubtful, is, that this same Legislature would, probably, be as unable to agree upon cat,didates for these honors as they were before, and that the crime of failure would be added to the scandal of the original conception. Senator Gwin's letter, in which ho enters fully into the polities of the State, makes mention of such a proj^ct This is not conclusive, however, against the truth of the rumor; because if the scheme be CICZUR•I at ell, it will he iu the style , of a coup de main, as sudden in its performance as utieerupuloire in design. Dr. Groin is of opinion, that should lie proceed to Washington to claim a seat under hie plurality eleciioo, the Knew Nuthirge would not go into an election for the purpose of superseding him, but he says that tie does ret wieb to raise the question RENTON'S ACCOUNT OP VAN BUREN'S DEFEAT . Mr. Becton's chapter, in hie second volume of piitival memoirs, upon the cause of the de feat of Mr Van Buren, is read with much in• tercet by the survivors of the actors in ttm-eo struggles Toe veteran annalist eharge.e that Mr. Gilmer, Mr Tyler's Secretary cf the Navy, set the ball in motion which crushed out the NI en ician cf Kinderhook, and that the prejudices and etupidity of Gen. Jackson were enocessfully wrought upon to complete the intrigue. Both these Democratic leaders are dead, and cannot give their version of the story; but it may be assumed as undeniable that these circumstances cited by Benton, as the cause of Van Buren'e extinction, were only mere incidents and effects of other events larger in their character nod more permanent in their influence. Mr. Van Buren was himself an intriguer, and fell a vie. tim rather to his evil genius than his simplicity. The South demanded his sacrifice, and General Case, and not Gen. Jackson, was the instrument which the Beath selected for his humiliation. It is truo that Van Buren was enabled to repay the blow, and to lay out General Cass four years after, but the prostration of his enemy did not resuoitate himself. NOVEMBER 8 TIM POLITICAL HARP Of A THOUCAND STRING 5. —The New York Herald, on the morning of the Empire State, has no lees than ninety-four last cards, each of which winds op with the admo nition to "Vote early." We subjoin a few specimen bricks : COUNTLESS RICHMONDS 121 run FIELD —We would not like to say at hap hnzard how many champions there are in the list for each of the various prizes Bet up for competition to-day . To those she take a lively interest in the scram ble, cur advertising columns will supply all the necessary information as to the names, bannersi and devices of the combatants. Certainly there are more Riehmonds to be overthrown to day than felt to the share of Gloster in 13,.vwertn field—their "souls in arms and eager f..ir the fray." Vote early. PORTE/UT or SENVAILD —An evening cotcm porary, it, a❑ off-bond sermon, gives the follow ing striking portrait of the Seward abolition league: Then thalr the puldtilii- nibbler, gin round like n roaring rr.en bey Jerk was Feekin where hr may humbug uum• bt.dy• Dela all , he redo, of the rainbow, not mote rtiengeehle then the Camelia Japonniky. fin 6 n 1. big and a utl-whig—and know-nott in' and anti knownothm . — fur (emu., and agin forrieere, lor every moldy r.n•t ogle' every boddy, but principally a long beaded, wolly heeded, romin,' mein' niggereet and atel ,Ileuniou et— (lir pili ad on a harp of a thournul RI! —Fp., it. off net men made perfect,. " Vote early. FRENCUMEN ! Look out for your claret to. day. Scrutinise the ballot. Don't be bum• bugged into votiug for Seward Whig candidates The liquor law may be repealed if you vote right. Think of Bordeaux, and keep a sharp look out for the spurious tickets. Vive la Re puldtque! krve Cognac Voto early. Tin WLEA.T QOUTION —Shall the doctrines cf free love, women's right, infidelity, Fourieriem, white and black equality, salition, secocsion, disunion, anarchy and civil war bo Emstained this day, or the Union and constitution ? Veto early. GERMABIL—Your lager beer is in danger Lok out for your tonic. Vote early. LAW ARD ORDER. Voters of New York stick to law and order this day, and be immor talized. The eyes of the whole Union are up on you, including St. Louis and Louisville. Be amiable till to-morrow morning. Vote early. REEDER oa WHITFIELD —Freemen of the Empire State, we are just informed that the is. sue of this day is, whether Reeder or Whitfield shall be admitted as the delegate from Kane is to Congress. Inquire of Horace Grecly. Vote early. VOTE EARLY —Bring up all your friends Give one day to your country. God and liberty Vote early. Louis Napoleon's Forethought. About this time last year a man name] Lon. berts, ex-chief of a principal restaurant In the Paleis Royal, discovered a means of preserving, meat so as to give it fresh at the end of any num ber of years. I believe him to have been the first Since then three or four have found out something analogous, and are putting it largely In practice. This man left his place, and applied to some capitalist to help him in forming a oompany for the working of hie discovery. Their propoeals were ao selfish, and offered him (the discoverer,) so little advantage, that he gave the whole thing up, having 3nly obtained, through some private protection, to be allowed to furnish some pre served articles for the Baltic fleet. As a last chance, however, he wrote to the Emperor, re counting the whole. No answer, came, and, at the end of four or five months, he left Paris for his native village, in Berry, despairing of ever succeeding with his plan. In April last came, one morning a telegraphic dispatch, (tailing this man to the Tailtones as fast as possible. He went, and was next morning in Napoleon's cabi net. "I have Inquired into the whole," said the Emperor; "your meats sent to the Baltic suc ceeded completely; but that Is a partial essay. The really important thing would be to bear up on the prices of meat at home. You ought to go to South America, and from thence send home ship loads of meat, whole beasts preserved. We should then see what your method is worth." "I quite agree to that, but I have note penny to do it with," was the reply. The Emperor took some notes out of a drawer. " There," said he, "are 450,000 f. (.£2,000) ; go, and if your plan succeeds I will take care of your future for tunes." the man sailed for America; he is now at Buenos Ayres, and a person of my acquain• tanoe has read a letter from him dated thence, nod expressing the best possible hopes of hie enterprize. —Afancherter Guardian. CHEAP GOVEHTiMENT.—Vermont appears to be a model State in regard to the management of its finances. The total disbursements of the State revenue for the year ending the 3d of August last were only $153,127—0r twenty ?even times lees than the actual expenses of the gov• ernment of the city of New York, which has ' considerably lees than twine the population of Vermont—and there was a balance of money in the Treasurer's hands at the end of the year amounting to $16,700. The expenses of the Legislature were $24,130; the State printing cost $9,421 ; Executive salaries and expenses $2,461; Judiciary and prosecuting crimes $62,469, (nearly one-half of the State expenses.) For the.relief of the poor, $5,000. Paid for Paupers in Asylum, $733. For Deaf and Dumb. $3,240. To Agricultural Societies, SLB6S. Bounties for killing bears and wolves, $265. Cost of the Vermont militia, $872... The latter Item, says the Burlington Free Press, is only about the cost of six of such bombs as were thrown at Sebastopol ! . ~,, .- tk 4 , agi r•r. r , , ' A Frenchmen and a Free Country " When I lived in la bent France, Bare say used to say to me : 'you should go to Anterique. Dat one groat eountree, where everybody do shunt as they like ' Lit please me, I picked up my box, and go on sheep, and pretty soon after a long time, I landed In ze Amerique. " A porter seize my trunk wheder I want him to or no, and oarry him off. So I have to run after him and try to get him. Tell him I report to ze gens d'armoe. .Zie be a free countree,' era he, 'and I wan a quarter dollar.' • I gave it to him, for I very much afraid Ikea my box. As Igo along the street, a man spit tobacco juice and it fall on my coat, and I say to him : Bare, you have soil my coat, you shall take ont your monohoir and wipe him off. But ho only say, '• •Z 's ie a free countrec.' " I saw a man cruelly beat his leetle boy with a poker, so my heart fill with compassion and I say to him : Sore, you are one very bad man to hurt ze little enfant wiz za poker. 'Go about your business, you rascal,' sez he, ' I guess this is a free countree.' " A little while after, I meet a great pig Irish Paddy wiz what he oalled a ehillelah in hie hand. He came to me and pointed to a leetle ribbon which I wore in my waistcoat and says, Be jabere are you one of zem bloody Know Noth ings ?" "'Bare,' said I, 'here shall tell yes I not bloody at all." "'Are yeez a Know Nothing V said he. I know not what ho means, so I say : ' I don't know.' Ah,' he exclaimed, 'you don't know you Know Nothing. I will make you know zit xis i-, a free oountree, as free for me as for you ;' and with zat ho raised his ehillelab, and lay it en my hoed. I run away very muoti frightened. " Mon Dien: that I should oome into a free eountree where everybody do just as they like and nobody to stop zero. I sail ze next sheep tor France; I no want to live no more is a free oonntree.' Air- Dr. DPI. ane's Liver P111•...-When the pro prietor of this Invaluabie remedy purchased It of the in ventor, there was no medicine which deserved the name, for the cure of Liver end Blliotta complaints, notwithstand- ing the greet prevalence of tbese diseases In the United States. , In the South and West particularly, where the patient Is frequen ly unable to obtain the services of a regular physician, some remedy was required, at once safe and effectual, and the operation of which could In no %else prove prejudicial to the constitution. This mediene is supplied by Dr. APLene's LJver Pills, as has been proved in every instance In which it has had a trial. Always benefi cial, not a solitary instance has ever occurred in which its effects have bean injurious. The Invention of an educated and distingulatied physician, it hue nothing in common with the quack nostrums imposed upon the public by ?hallow pretenders to the medical art. Experience has rie w proved, beyond a doubt, that Dr. Ill'Lane'e Pill la the best remedy ever proposed for the Liver Complaint Purchasers will please be careful Leask for, and take none but Dr. hilLane's Liver Pills. All others, in comparlooth are worthless. Tbentove valuable remedy, also Dr. IrLane'e celti. braced Vermitoge, can now be had at all respectable Drag Storm; In this city. Also, for sale by the so e proprietors, 'LEMING BROS., Successors to .1. Kidd A Cot. novtolaw No. IN Wocd street, corner of fourth. ' .-• . • ' • 1 1. , P • `: NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning Post THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF TON ASIA liemrAx, November 7. rhe Asia arrived here last night, with Liverpool dates to the 27th Oa tober. She reports the steamship North Star as off Southampton on the evening of the 2Gth. The report that the Russians bad blown up Fort Nicholas and other fortifications at °Nebo koff, it confirmed. Advice! from Sebastopol show that the Attics are advancing In strong force, and that the Rus sians are falling book in good order upon their fortified positions. The Allies were close upon the Russian position at Albot, where it is thought they must make a stand, in which can a battlr, is inevitable. The Russians on the north side keep up a constant fire upon Sebastopol, under cover of which they wero withdrawing their troops and concentrating them upon Perokop. A Russian despatch, dated the 22d, says that tho Allies had marched with 40,000 troops from Eupatoria towards Tonlan, but afterwards fell back, on observing the Russian Lancers on their left. The English gun boats had reconnoitered the river almost up to Nico'nett. A late Bt. Petersburg deepatoh sAys the whole militia has been ordered to a rvinf,roemet.t of the army of the Booth, under Gen. L•iders. The Czar left Mooted' . for Elizahegood, 100 miles to the north. Major De!afield, Major Mordecai and Captain McLellan, American officers, had arrived in the allied camp. The allied troops offioially reported in the Crimea, including the Mok, amount to 210,000. The attitude of Sweden is regarded at St. Pe tersburg with much uneasiness. The Baltic English fleet was near Nargin, pre paring to leave. The gun-boats and the Eisiuor had been ordered to England. The reported Russian disaster at Kars is con firmed, but somewhat modified. The Russian loss is reported at 2000. Two Turkish redoubts wore lost and retaken lour times. The Hunga rian General, Eemertz. commanded the Turks. It la believed the Russians cannot continue the siege. The Simians have fortified all the patieee ending to Tiflis. Neer 'York Election New Yong, November, 7.—New York city is carried by the linow Nothings. by a handsome majority. Erastue Brooks, K. N., is eloctod Senator in the Sixth District of the city, by a very large majority over Monday, Hard and Soft. Partial roturns from the interior indi• oato that the State has also gone for tbo Know Nothings. [BEOO2ID DESPATCII. J New York otty has given the Kuow Nothings a large majority, but the returns are cot cum pieta. The canvass, which is complete for ten wards, shows a plurality of over 8000 for the Americana. The Kuow Nothing vote in the State is larger than was anticipated, and cer tainly defeats the Herds, Setts, and liquor dealers. The cutest is between the Know Nothings and Republicans, but the largo plu rality of the former in the cities cannot be overcome. [THIRD DVSYATCII The returns, of the election in oath State and city are no confused that reliable figures can , not be furnished. Iu the city, the Know Noth lags have a large plurality, and also the State, if present indioations can he relied on. Con• nelly, the Hard and Soft Fusion candidate for city clerk, is probably re-elected, and also Bra dy, the FilfiioLl candidate for the Court of Com mon Pleas. [FOURTH "OR6PATCII Partial returns from the State show the v,tr now to stand as follows : Amencan, 45.000, Fusion, 30,000; Soft, 31.000, Bari 24,000. Buffalo, complete, gives the Sif:s 4,300; the Americans 2,300, and Fueioa 1,200 Wayne county, complete, gives I,ovo Fusion majority. Brew and Important Publication PUILATIELPHLA, Ni.•eintnr 7.—Dr. Kane has conoluded a contract with Metiers. (.7ntlits and Peterson, tf Philadelphia, for the pul•iic wen of his personal narrative and soieutifio.papws rs lating to the recent Arctic expedition. The book will comprise two octriru vulumos, tilus.et ted with maps and several huudred iilustrations, engraved from pictures painted by au eminent artist of the city from daguerreotypes of Arctic toet.ce taken on the spot, and from tketclie; made by the authors. Too Hooretary of the Navy has expressed a desire to fic:::tate tac publication by every moans in hi, power. The manuscripts ore in a forward state, and will `.te put to press with as little delay 6E4 pube,bie. From Washington ulty WASOINOTON CITY, November 7.—The Got ernmeat has recently been occupied with the ounsideration (.1 unadjusted subjeciii, the dis pain between the United States and Spain, and particularly the El Dorado affair, with a iiew to again strongly press their prompt settlement Our Minister, Mr. Dodge, has, by the instruc tions of Government, been endeavoring to en percedo that of 1795, with provisions rendering our intercourse free from complicity, but be has bean mortified with Spanish governmental p ro . crastination. Few Jersey Elections PIIILADBLPIIIA, November 7.—ln Salem Co , Keller, Independent Democrat, is elected to the Senate, in the Ist district, and Plummer, Amer ican, in the 2d. In Cumberland county, Keene, Temperance, le elated in the Ist, and Wells, Democrat, in the 2.1. In Cape May county, Jesse Deverty, American, is elected to the Senate, and Doane Edmunds, American, to the Assembly. In Glotioester county, the two American members of Assembly are re elected. Main• Election BOSTON, NOVEMBER i Returns from all but nine towns in Massachusetts give Gardner, K. N., a plurality of 16,000. Castfees, K. N., is elected to Congress in the 10th District, by a plurality of 4,000. The House stands 180 Americans, to 92 of all others. The S-nate, eo far as known, stands 23 Americans to 16 others. Maryland Election. Iteirtmoan, November 7.—The election for members of Congress is progressing quietly in this city; there is an unusual crowd around the polls, and a large vote •ilt be oast. Tho result will not be known until late to-morrow, as the candidates on the tickets and the whole counts must be complete before any results can be ar rived at. Paaainora Wttllam•oo Again PHILADELPHIA, November 7.—An notion bee been instituted' this day by Passmoro William son against Jnlge Kane for false imprisonment. The writ was served upon him at the house of his brother-in-law, George Leper, in Delaware County. The ease of course, will be tried in that county. Massa° huge tts Elections. Returns from 198 towns foot up Gardner 39,. 427 ; Beach, 22,747 ; Walley, 10,216 ; Rock well, 28,184. Gardner's plurality thus far. is 18,293. The Snow Nothings have probably elected a majority to the Legislature. Marine Disaster BUFFALO, November 7.—The propellers Omer Pasha and Delaware were wreeked off Sheboygan, Lake Michigan, in the gale of Sunday last, and all hands were lost. The vessels and cargoes were Insured. Los• of a Brig by Fire Nsw Yoax, November 7.—The brig Mermaid, hence, was destroyed by fire in the harbor of Apalachicola, on the Ist inst. ; lose, $7,000. The vessel was Insured in Wall street. Wisconsin E lecti on Mnavauzlo, November 7.—Milwaukie gives Bartow, for Governor, 3400; Bashford, Repub lican, 2080. The county gives Barstow 3000 majority. Sal/lag of a Steamer BOSTON, November 7 —The steamship Africa sailed at noon for Liverpool, via Halifax., with $900,000 in specie. /63-Just Received, at Ciribblo'a, a splendid assortment of Yall and Winter GOOCW, of every description, consisting of Plush, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Satin Vestings, Doeskin and Fancy Oassimeres, Cloths, Overcoat ago, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents' Furnishing Goods In great vari ety. which will be sold low for cash. No. 240 Liberty street . tepl7 111 A TS, HATS.—We bade received our PALL STYLE OP SILK HATS, which will be found, on in spection, a neat and good article. A good Hat for $B, and an extra one for $4. Call and see. MORGAN A CO., No. 164 Wood et., Next home to the new Presbyterian Church, 03 1 43 One door from Sixth street. .Call at No. 164 Wood tiltreetvand ax troitoonictooltof SOFT WATS-and WINTER OAPS. Just received, a large lot of Shanghai, Oelaatlal, and other styles of Cepa, which we will sell low r cash. cattle NOBOAN t 00., 1M Wood etrat • , ti 4 • '7Lt. 23' ,4 44.74-44-. A A. °AMUSE 13. 21 OAHU'S! A. A. CA AEU JCR & KIITITAL FIRE AND MARINE INEVIIAACE CO FIRE AND MARINE INBURANC QuatrANY HARTFORD, OONN. m 1 7 CA ITAL AND Asswrs... 32,194,999 EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JQUN 11. 81.10131 , 18E8A ER, Pusweer. RON ERT NNEY, SCWAELY. C. W. BATCHELOR, 0 =nut AGM'. WILL INSURE AGAINS I' ALL KINDS J. H. Shomiberger, G. W. Casa, C. W. Batchelor, W. H. Maack, Isaac N. Pennock, T. B. Updike, W. W. Martin, R. D. Cochran, It. T. Leach, Jr., John A. Canghey, George a. Belden, 8. 8. Bryan, David liticCandlesa. sir All Losees sustained byparties Insured under pan da:, Mattel by tide Company will be liberally adjusted and rronptly paid at its Oita. N 0.99 WATER street. I iyll PI TTS Oki° LI Life, Fire and urine Inenranee Company; CORNER 01? WATER All D MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBRRT GALWAY, President. JAB. D. !STULL, Secretary. MIA Company makes every insurance appertaining to or connected with LIEN ItIBKS. Also against Bail and Cargo Risks on the Ohlo and bile ebesippi riven, and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and' ransportation. Policies Issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DULICTOELB: Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James B. Upon, John ihillarton, John RCA Iplu, KamneJ ACClurkan, IVilliam rhillips, James W. Hallman, John Brott, Chas. Arbuthnot, JoJeph C. ilatsani, M. D., David Richey, James Marsha 'I, John ACOIII, Horatio N. Loa, Kittanning. fabl7 --- - WEBTEB.N FABIEEBS INSITEARCE COMPANY NEW LISBON, OHIO. 1. J. HUNTER, &aster, St. Charles Bail ling, No. 106 Third street, Pittsburgh. OFFICIs118: BLOCHSOM, President. JAMES BURDICK, Vice President. I.EVI MARTIN, Secretary and Treararer. PITTBEICIBALI FiIaII3.2NCLS: James W. Woodeell, Joseph Plummer, James Wood, It M. ItlddJe Jim. V. Ilarbaugh, Dr Jno. E. P ' ar 18j Wm. Simms, Birmingham, Dawson, Newmeyr &Co C NS' luxuriance Uompany oP 11-,,Z7 ttabaergia.—Wsl BAG ALRY, President: ddaIURL L. MARSIIELL, Secretary. OrAce: 94 Water Street,beitueen Marke thet and Woodstrosta. Into:area LULL and CAIIOO Risks, on Ohio and Alias's. elppi Blvers and tributaries. Insurenagainst Loss or Damage by Fire. ALSO—Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Naylor. Lon and Transportation. DIEJIMOSS William Bagaley, Richard Floyd, James M. Cooper, Samuel M. Kier , 69M ael Rea, Binghazia, Robert Dunlap, jr., John S. Dilworth, Liana Si. Pennock, francielEiellers, 9. Elarbaugh, J. Scboonmaaer, Wal terE ryant, WIUSsmJL Bays. John Shlpton. deal Pi 'onnsylvania Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000. 'mous Buildings and other Property against Loge or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Bea end I niantt Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTORS: Win F. Johnston, Italy Patterson, Jacob Painter, AA. Carrier, W. WClintoek, Kennedy T. Friend, JArn..5S Siegler, W. S Haven, D. E. Park, I Guar Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A. J. Jonah, J. 11. Jon., H. It. Coggehal OfFiCERS: Pranclent lion. WM. F. JOHNSTON, Vis. President.. ..... .RODY PATTERSON Ses'y anti Preurtrrer.A. A. CARRIER. Ass - slaw - LI Sccret.try..S. 8. CARRIER.. British and Continental Exchange. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, ISIIK.R.IIIAN & CO. ON TILE UNION BANK, LONDON, IN SCRS or £1 AND UPWARDS. DRAFTS are available et all the principal 1 Towns or %Nti LIND, SCOTLAND and IRELAND, ar.l the WNTINENT. • We also draw SIGHT Bute on M. A. Grtanehaum Q Bailin, FRANKFOIiT IN, serve us a Remittance to a ll purls of GERMANY, SWIIZERLAND and HOLLAND. Persons Intending fn coal r 1 abros I may procure, through u+, L.:ter.. of Crellt, Co which Money can be obtained, u uee.led. in any part of Europe. )ILAPTION • of Bills, Notes, s•d other securities in E. 'op.., will re,,:ve irompt attention. W3l. 11. WILLIAMS & 00., mh'2l Wood, corner Third street. WILLIAM, HUNTER, FLOUR AND GRAIN. No. 299 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa a-3 - CONITANTLT RIC/1712v1, the BEST BRANDS o PC:NNSVI.YANIA, 01110 INDIANA and MISSOURI, SUPERFINE and RYTRA FLOUR, Which Intl al waya t.tiecold et the. Lowaat Cub price& [spll WK. B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN BACON, HAMS, IDES & SIMMERS LARD, LARD OIL, DRIED BEEP, SUGAR-CURED end • A lance Ftock always on hand a OANVABBED RAMS t No. E 97 Liberty street., J ,4 Prrnsuracia, PsittrA PEARL STEAK MILL, ALLEGHENY. itit FLOUR DELIVERED TO PAMIR IRA :In :either o tbe Oro Cities. °emu may be left at the Mill, or In bolos at the stores o LOGAN, WILSON & 00., 62 Wood street. BRAUN 6 REITER, oorner Liberty and St. Clair sts It. P. SOB WARTZ,Druggist, Allegheny. ?IBMS: 0500, ON DZLIV/110,T. i,m RUYAN, KENNEDY & CO. Boot and Shoe . 11 1annfactory. JAMES O'DONNELL ac BRO., pelt Woul d respectfully Inform the cithetut of Pittsburgh, that they have opened a manufactory of MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, At No. 79 Smithfield street, In Wzruss's But muse, where they will be prepared to ell all orders of every description of Boots and Shoes at the 1,b,-,rtest. notice. lo order to accommodate all classes of customer they will also keep on sale a good assortment of the best eastern work. Also, ell descriptions of chlidren's wear. Terms strictly cash; goods at cash prices. A share or the public patronage is whetted. FinYlikat ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD r I , IIE ALL.EGLIENY VALLEY RAILROAD is now open 1 and la operation between Pittsburgh and Riskiminitas River, In Armstrong county, Pa, a distance of 31 miles Trains for Passengers and Freight will leave Lawrence villa Station, (upper wall of Arsenal,) regularly every even ing, (Sundays excepted,) at 5 o'clock, and stop at the follow ing stations, viz: Shurpaburg, shades Ran Ireland, Sandy Creek, Verner, Dutton, Logan's Eddy, Logan's Ferry, Parnassus, Arnold's, Tareotum, Chartiers, McCain's, Freeport, and Hiskhnialtas. Returning, wilt leave Kisktmloitss Station at 8 o'clock A 11., and stop at all the above intermediate stations. Tho Excelsior Omnibus Line will convey passengers to and from their depot, corner Fifth and Marcel streets, at chargea not exceeding twat Vs rents. 'Tickets can be had at the Omnibus OrSay, from the Agent of the Cumoacy, or from the Conductors. Arrangements are being made to convey passengers from Freeport and Klettlmitates rtationa to points along the Al legheny and lilskiminitas rivers. oct3s GEO. R. EICHBAUM, Engineer - SIIINGLE MAC/MINE. Rondall's Double Acting River and Shaver. , IIH Ls improvement is the result of long mechanical ex. perience, and is now presented to the public as the first and only practical machine extant tar Riving and Shaving rhiuKles its operations are entirely dissimilar from every thing of the kind heretofore offered, and the combleation and imustruction are wholly original with the inventor. It both rives and shaves with the rift of the timber, by first splitting from the block a pi.ce thirk enough for two shins giss, which piece is equally divided, and by passing through of knives, completes the operation, than producing too bhingies at every revolution. This machine will rive and shave three thous/aid shingles per hour, of uniform thickness and taper, and every war superior to those man ufactured by any other process. Not only is it adapted to Mu., and other soft wood, but works to equal advantage in hard limber of various descriptions. Yor right of territory, or machines, inquire at the City Hotel, or at Wit Ryan's Furniture buildings, Fifth street. All Interested in the improvements of the age should not fail to call at 31 Filth street, and examine the workings of the River and (haver. nor'/Att Just Arrived, Al' WHITE'S CARRIAGE, REPOSITORY, Two Alzlt Run, near LaturenounT/e, „,. TILE finest seleclion of bFAXiND RAND CARRIAGES ever offered to the nubile ±: ; Zt:, — ;:›tt . wast of the mountains; among which are 9~.11110 11 1: , ' some very tine Fatally Carriages and light Open Boggles, selected from the beat Philadelphiarniann. &chasm I am determined to put down all competition, byteillog at the very lowest cash prices. "Small,protite and quick sales," La my motto. Also, three large Carriages and three very tine two-horra Sleighs for sale cheap. JO& WHIM. not&d2tswlt• I'4 , Gbrner Flacrth and BmithAeld streets, Pittsburgh, AGEN STATE OF rsd.tala hUna. 8350,000 CAPITAL GIRARb OF PHILADDLPHIA. 4200,000 CAFIZ AL INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA WINCHESTER, VA. CAPITAL $300,000 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CONYAN• MARINE AND FIRE RISKS DIJIICGTOEB : DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN In;• - we 0. H. Oil I.MBERLIN, A MELO DIED, At noon, on Wedneedey, November 7,1885,- Dr. JAMES A. GLENN, (on his birth day . ,) aged 82 years. Funeral at 10 o'clock A.lll , on FRIDAY, November 0, from hie late residence, No. 148-Third street. (novi3t • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS , Bateliketnel near No Lair la to red, none too frowny, gray or rarity, to be made beautifully black or brown instantly, without the least injury to hair or skin. WARRANTED. !dada and sold, or applied, Hu nine private rooms,) at BATCHELOR'S Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. !old, wholesale and retell, by rr. GEO. H. KEYSIM, 140 Wood street. novtidaw Sir « At Last Convialasaant".,"Beerflare's Sol/and Bitters has done more good in one month than all the medicine I took dui log the whole of last whiter. •' I am now able to rise with the family, at six in the morning; my strength is returning, my appetite imprev log, and i have every reason to believe myself at last con. vale, cent." CAUTION I—To prevent imposition, be careful to ask for Boerhave'a ttblland Bitters. The great popularity of this medicine has induced many imitations, which the . publin should guard against purchasing. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the proprl• etors, BENJAhIiN PAGE, Ja., A CO., kianufacturmg Pharmaceutist/if and Chemists, Pittsburgh; 11. B. SELL•PR. lk CO., corner of Wood and Second streets; and Druggiets generally. novB - rreauson, November 6 1856. rj I IIE President and Directors of the WESTERN INSII• I DANCE COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of roux DOLLAR/9 P 55 sesta on the capital stock, payable to stockholders on or after the 16th lost. novB P. M. GORDON, Secretary. • Winter Bonnets. • 41 MRS. R. DAVIDSON, No. 33 St-Oak street, will open a large assortment of French .Bonnets, Caps, Mantles. and Needle 'worked Goods, on muasDAY, November 8,1135 b. novB - - WASTESN LANDS—SAM &tam or Wars Ismarrtro Larres.—We are authorized to offer' for sale the above lands In the middle and northern count ies of lows, In Farms of 40, 80, or 160 acres each. Apply to BLAKELY k RICHEY, corner of Seventh and Smithfield std. fair Land Warrants wanted. DrovB mu ANTED—Two good Cooke, eight girls to do hots& y work in the city, and six in the country—high wages paid. Employment wanted by a yonag roan who spanks German and English; a boy of 17 years, and one of 14; a baker, a gardener, a carriage driver. A boy wants to learn a trade; a young man as clerk, and one as aleaman in a store or warehouse Can all give good references. Wanted—Two Blackamitha and two Shoemakers. Apply at BASE'S Intelligence (Mae, 410 Liberty street. NCOND ARHIVAL uF GENTS' FURNIBIIIa AT L. RIRSGFIRLD A SON'B, No. 70 Wood street.— Having just returned from New York, atd received all new styles of g ode that arrived by the last steamer, we offer the following for Inspection: Gloves, Gauntlets Or Grate, Scarfs, Opera and Or ford Ties, Cambria and El k Handkerchiefs, Undershirte and Drawers, Mothers and Shawls, Traveling Shawls. Shirts made to order • airs , every style on hand. To gether with a full issortlent of goods in our line. New styles of goods received by each steamer from -Eu rope. L. HIEStI FIJtLD & SON, No. 70 Wood at., non between Fourth at. and 'amend alley. GUNTLIsII3—J oat received, Fur (Jam:Wets, of the fol lowing kinds: Beaver, Tiger, )back Garet, Nut:la, Seal; also, Calf and Buck, seal tops, lined silk and far, at L. HIRBBFIELD & BON'S, No 70 Wood street. G LOVES—duet received, an Assortment of lined Mk Alliance, Neapolitan cuffed, cloth cuffed, buck and kid lined fur, witb fifty different kyles of Winter Gloves, at L. HIRBUFIELD & SON', noyB No. 70 Wood atreet. LANGLIaII GIFT BOOEII—At DiMates, 66 Market at, Jr/ near Fourth— The Spectator, in 6 vole, 8vo; elegant edition ; half calf. Knight's Pict orial Shakepeare, 8 vele, Bvo, do Meander's Treasuries, 6 vole, l2mo, do Barns' Works, 6 vole, ISmo, Longfellow's{ Evangeline, illustrated; Campbelrs Pleasures of [lope, do Milton's L'Allegro and II Penseroso; Illustrated; Cowl. ey's Task do Christmas with the Poeta; The near of Wakefield: The Book of Celebrated Poems; Haddon Hall; Progress: Fables; Book of Raphael's Cartoons; The Book of Waverly Gems; Midsummer Eve: a Fairy Tale of Love, by al rs. 8 C. Hall; Natural History of Illan—Smith; Gray's Elegy ; Selections from the English Poets; Schiller's Song of the Bell; Shak spasm's Seven ages of Stan; Handhook of Heraldry; Book of Shakspeare Gems All of the ' bove are elegantly illustrated and printed. Also, English works on Divinity and Theology. Crdere taken for English, French and German Books, from the East, or Europe, on small commission charges. The subscriber has every facility for importing books— r frequently importing for the Professors and Library of 1.12. Theological Seminary, as well as for others. The above books and others are selling at low prices. MEW [WOKS NEW BOOlia India, China and Japan, by Bay and Taylor; Journey to Central Africa, do The Old Homestead, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens; The Hag Picker, or Bonnd and Free ; Tsora's Child--a novel; The Match Girl, or Life fcenes as they are; lowa as it is, to 1855; Minnie and I.—a new novel ; Marriage a Lottery, by lire. Grey; tibowood, or the Parish Boy; Tiverino, by George Sand; Kloeterhein, or the Ma quo. by n's. De Quincey ; The bleatcomea, by Wm. M. Tharkerar ; Wager of Battle: a tale of Saxon Slavery—henry W Her be rt ; Almaek's--a tale of Englith Society; Frank Hilton, or the Queen's Own; The Mysteries of Petrie, by Eugene Sue ; Female Bluebeard, do lila k Bets, or Claude to the 'Rescue. Just received and for sale by W. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO., Fifth et. opposite the Theatre. TIME Illustrated Annual Iteciater of Surat Affairs, and j Cultivat - r Almanac for 1856, with 150 illuatratiens: 25 cents. Elosterbeim, or the Eta nue, be Thos. De I:it:linnet. Tererino : a romance of George Band.. Translated by a lady; preceded by a Wographic.al sketch of the distin guished authoress, by Oliver v. Goland. The Old Homestead, by Mhz Stephens, author of "Fash ion and Famine." Twice Married:. a story of Connecticut Lira Marriage a Lottery; by Mrs. Grey: 5C.111.9 In the Practice of a New York Furgeon; by Edw It Diann, M. D.; illustrated. Reenhcroft, by the author Of " Heir of Relatifs." Ail the new Booka for sale as soon as pa.,lLihed. Sub scriptions received for any periodical publisbed, and, sent regularly to the residence of subscribers, or sent by mail to any address, by H. MINER A CO, novEl No 32 Smithfield street. A TREATISE ON LAND B IIKVEYING—ComprisIng the biL Theory developed from live elementary principles, sod the practice with the Obain alone, the Compass, the Tran sit, the Theodolite, the Place Table, Ac. Illustrated with lour hundred engravings and a magnetic chart By W. M. Oidespie, A. IL, Olyil Er, gineer, Profeasor. of Civil Engi neering in Union College; author of "A Manuel of Load Making," etc. Eccond edition. For sale by uovB E. T. O. moßok l .lo4 Wood street. D e ODDEIt °UPPERS— Bonne new Patent Straw Cut r ter, manufactured le the city ; the cheapest and Most complete known. Price, $6,60. Por sale by novB JAM.SB WAIIDROP. - - FLOWISH ROOTS-30,0-V ilol'and Hyacinths, Tulips, lAlles, Crown Imperials, An., all suitable for planting, for sale in lota. Catalogues, with directions at 47 Firtb at. novti JAMES WAHDROP. LIRElit TREES, da—Pvar, Peach, Cherry, apple, Hum, Coorreberry, Raspberry, Evergreens and Flowering Shrubbery, of the most esteemed and reliable varieties 1201 8 JAMES FiARDROP. D BUDAII.II ROOTS-600 I...rga roots of ikie now I.lh, Victoria.; single stalks weigh from 8 to 5 ]be each. Mr sale by (Dore .7ksfEB WAILDROI). . ARRIVAL OF NEWaugu— r 200 drums new Fige; 6 bble sweet Oranges; 2 do eztta lame Grape Fruit; Just received and for We by • lITANTED—A second hand Steam Engine of? or 51inch VI , cylinder ens 3 feet stroke. Also. s Boller SO or 96 nebee by 24 feet. 8. CUTHBERT & EON. novB-- 63 Market street. - - - - --- W - • • ANTND—A Farm of 1C acres, not more thsn flneen miles from the city sad value of $3,000 or $4,000. novB B. CIIIIIDNDT &, TA TANTNH—TwentyBve men to troome their own land -I's lords, by purchasing Building Lota of 60 by 120 feet, situate on Mt. Washington. Price $220 each. One tenth In band, remainder in four yearly payments. novB 8. CUTHBERT & SON. ANTED—A parehat , er for 87 acres of beautlllll laud, situated on the Youghiogheny river. novii B. 01PflaDERT & BON. WANTED—On the Ohio river, a Berm of 100 acres, either In Ohio or Virginia, with good hnorovemante. novß . Cosmopolitan Art Association. BECOND YEAR. ARRANGEMENTS for the Second Annual Collection of this new and popular Institution for the diffusion of Literatureand -Art, have been made on the most extensive •ale. Among the worke already engaged, is the fa-romed ^ GENOA CRUCIFIX," which originally cost ten thousand dollars. In forming the new collection, the diffusion of works of American art,itird the encouragement of American genius, have not been overlooked. Commissions have been homed to many of the most dhstinguiehed American Artiste, who will contribute some of their finest product:lona. Among them are three Marble Beats, executed by the greatest liv. lox Sculptor, HlLtat Pommes. GEORGE WASHINGTON, the Father of his Country; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, the Philosopher; DANIEL miasmic. the Statesman: A special agent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious selections of foreign works of art, both in bronze and marble ; Statuary and Ohoice Paintings The whole forming a large and valuable collection of Paintings and Statuary, to be distributed free among the members of the Asamdation for the second year. TRBSIB OF kiltbiltEßSHlP. The payment of Three Dollars constitutes any ones mem ber of this Association, and entitles him to either one of the Magazines for oneyear, and also a ticket In the distribution of the Statuary and Paintings. The Literature issued to subscribers =sista of the follow fog Monthly Magasines : Harper's, Ptitnara's, Racket.- bocker, Iliackwwd's, Household Words, Graham's, and Go. dey'd Lady's Book. Persons taking five memberships are entitled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and to six tickets In the dis tribution. The net proceeds derived from the sale of mem bondage are devoted to the purohase of works of art for the ensuing year. The Advantages &cured by becoming a member of this Association, are— let All persons receive iliefur/ value of their subscription at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2d. Bach member la contributing towards purliasing choice Works of Art which are to be distributed among themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Ar tists of the country, disbursing thousands of dollarathrough Its agency, Persons In remitting funds for membership will please give their port address in full, elating the month they wish the e to commence, and have the letter regis tered the at Mee to prevent loss; on Its rece.pt a cer. !innate of mamberahip, together with the Magazine deeired, will be forwarded to any part of the county. Those who purchase magazines at &etcetera, wMobeerve that by joining this Association, they receive the .Magaetne and free ticket in the annual dithibulion all at the seine price they now pay for the Magazine alone. For Memberships, address, O. L. DEBBY, Actuary O. A. A, AL either of the principal Offices—. Knickerbocker Afage• eine "office, 348 Broadway, New York ; or Western Olßee, 168 Water street, ilanduaky, Ohio. 4fir Subscriptions received by Dr. GIEoRGE tst ia 2 7 23 4 N 140 moil itreeti gionoritry BeereiriihPv l "! ;Pt Pontiac BUITM-3 Ms pocked No. 1 Butter for sale novB MILL= Iti Q MARAILTIIB-40 boxes pure fbr alio by ootg =MY H. OOLLINB. -,; • - J. 8. DAVIFON, 65 Market otr.et. near Fourth REM= a ANDERSON, No. 3R Wood greet 1 / 1 5 8.1111819 NT B. tlitatiTlSS—Ndkulti hiFirsh' ther. Next to Patrick Henry, 8. EC. - .Frenttectstifithe greatest Hamra) orator:that beisuppeartallEr this country. Dersting wit, keen aneleim ` uprillustrationsiancllprillikat figures of speech poured inprention from on a torrent. ot feeling which trrefatibtit 'away What. ever audience he addressed. His babitl'ofere'ciit=l was W a prince of good'followshlp, full of pitied an end no one over's xceslrd. him in thegrit* h hs Loki a story., For sale ' ' J. B.'DAVISON;;I Hove • ' ‘B5-ittarket,ist. Co RAWLS t SHAWLF3I —A. A. Simms Oa. two sees Ted another large I:smite:tent of Shawls, Their stoikitork. taw an Intost oodles misty of Lung et 4:. Pomo_ Be State, Empire, Scotch, Stella , Chtelithere, Villztt 4 Ed ober ethavle arum newest animal faehiotuble Stites:' Edina DONN= itIIMONS-.A. X Mau Ock.haye'recep... anoth.r large lota Bonnet. Ribbons; Ottip;bin* *cow of the ;lobed end =Oat dierithi *Yeti et ptretgeL time L , pnreSmoraof emirs:lda Jr Amble dark Franck Chintzes just openett by• Lev nos-- A. A.-MASON.4_OO. Wrleingg Olaisies..Duirstr NO STAMM ailE'N'r IN THE MAST hiut the aorta LI facilities (or teaching all the 'brattchee hrthhilatt. arr. WILLIA3IS' skill .as • &telnrsy and an Ormatrental Penman Is unrivalled, Gentlemen end Lady teacher, in , etreeted in all the ornamental branches of the art Fades taught in a separate apartment A claw of, Lads Mambos, end young lidloe who are, engaged allot/Mlles dozing the week, meet every Saturday adteattoon from 3WI di` For tarm•apply to the Principal. Inela DOWDNIM BLII/V-400leileat reed spd or sale by noTS , ELIMING 111174.9. N unio r sTomr,-- . 1000 , :be Jost „pecepr i liqul tat bY ING /311.08 DAM BO I INAPPB—b gm:cajun mulved sad for S sale CHEIby Intrrsl .."4ESIDSO nitoa lA, HITS LttsD—Dry—lSCO Ws just masbnxt — sintr — tar 2 , Yr sale 63, fltan6l .vr,sa.unciaates. 111.ilTLY—In.Bladdera--25D0 .ba rxteicet attiiittrttee by novs • 111.6M1N13 saw DOT MR-10 but«. Ail,,iireclistal lot D awe by , roov4J _ HENRY IL MGM& F ARM tint.; ditLX-411. Faun of na acres, wr,toh es acres are cleated, Wince good timber, lerhhha exiles of tbir oktn - rear St. elitr - eburels.- lying bettiemitt two Wasidneonitnade,:lma attele . the Weeldeittenliall" Hilreed." - There coal lintret the *hole plenty of' limestone. The. Dome. hiftale,,,lntostgloillg„_4.l3 anti all nte ri eFontbOlginge, :eares'of Agnlaltai - the a ll ißdw.paao.ba anti plouniV,Title!mhat,.. AMAst to n • MAK= RIECEUT, W. Q. Haven, Toms% BOOK IdeNUPAOTIIRER, calmer or Mae* end Second struts. naT4 ~. ~ s : r~~`~~. =ZEE OHIO dti PENNBYLVA A S RAILROAD THE ONLY .- RAILROAD aysnizwo w tdsvk /Mini virßantriton. Tan Luis MAIN teaeen at 2 A. It. through tei In 12 hones and 40 minutes. Mid Taste LlAvfe Ar 6A; ' ' • - &MUSS AT B P. M r .. TheseTriilui all make aloe coaciectleas at Creatllua,no the drat two' ranatiet at Alltaiie&- ,The affect route:talk Lomb is now open, via. CrestUne and IncitatispolN4oo miles shorter than elk ClOile4 Esniesileats int tient! at Mansfield with the Newark atul tiattlitak, and at Crestllue with the three;roads :coneaitrallar For &Mullen see handbills. "Nit'trahierists ista:Batuhiy . Through Tickets Bold scieltielnnatkLooBol6'4-102114,, indianaPolo4 Chlcaao, heck Island, Port Wayneiclieetatidi and the prtualpid nes lo via The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave Pittsburgh at 4.46 P. H., 11114 New Brighton at 720 A. IL . , . . Ra a belets and furtberinftir*tioii; tApptrio"- 01311104 At the Corner othee p naulartalt s ineuanalbaba Uinta' Or, at thelederal Street 8 tatk gi;l6- , apsoßTAltiiiN i Ticket, Actin. .Plttebnrgb, July 23, 12.*, - OHIO AND„INOIANkRAILHOAD' BRUIT TES Continuation of .tho:,- Ohio -Old B:713: TO FORT . W A IrN ram =mum stn uortynte'anor not motivot air Trans pantet, Prottlineosilhstzl ilattlt/ttst6l dL M At e Trains onOhio anti Argus, 404 an d ti Dla t Forest ;with TrOloi goluk,Nortlt.itotr Illrer end - Lake Erie Itallsoad:" `'. For Tickets, eppli it itLt ;114116iii 011loto, of tho and Penntrylvanis Railroad Cortipatiy:4o t of.up. gheny City, or at la the following -- Fort-Wsyno, Ifellethnbeint, I ofocionotr, Dayton, . -Springliark 1101 n, Persons &shin Takao - CU be parFlcnhtr tzr•szltibrll. Ticket by the Ohio and Indiana Itailiond: _ ', 1.8 ' l 3- at AttigrAgrifiTet.. seajw,a ip,, ---------- ,---.- 0100103 S - . ...,,:. ...-, .... L I OR 15 i ,0 00,000 COUPOII B ONDB.bW r ifta ' VMS' IU BILEULLI • AND CONNALLBVITIN RATI ROM)CO,IIft. PANY, , guaranteed by the Mayor arid - 01,frf EttungiLar Baltimore, by virtue of an Ornlnanite-of taid;,:tdayer-Ausd-: City Connell, entitled "An (attunes. te,ouggtabg t urv ie -, Bonds of the Pittsburgh; and Vonnellsville: Rellinja en* piny." approved Jane 2i,1863, will be renelgediktil Dant of 11.11:1B,BDAY, t the, lathAllY ei‘tietrentberinilie'fonAbo-;-. purchase of th e above Bands,.nmetustiog„toOntfalillidapt-: Dollars, rederinebye an dlicellret'drYtf. -- Jatinid7,l)4o,nad, - tearing interest at iliet.rate Ot six.per cent peanut -. payable half yearly, on the fir t days of.Tintistryuna - ~, on the presentation of the paper coupons atilteß - '" it. Ores in the , city of BaltbneWq 04.11444403 . hereafter' by said. Register.; -7 o,s--;-;;4,_-...,, ... _ du e The Banda will be in name of :siAlOO - atel t s sl3 cl4,uellOthei '' , are secured, In addition to the.guerArttee - of the eit7ot: Illb , '-' throne, by a grst morgage ohthe'xitednr inaft,tAltsitta' revenue of tbe Pittsburgh anTeeitifelisillliltalligt4Certr' party, executed to Trn.toest Ia alty,Of 'Bilthrumikr.Vha - r .aid Baltroad CompanY hien SionellYtelles of their goad - 1W operation, end during 'the : nett-solider end-earbit Inbree t= than onntbtritoftba-velsoleline„.whlch*Lll bent.salleliptt.:-.• length, will he flubbed, by meancsopnlied: I* itlogitseittb , _:' to t !piton to-the nutmeat ur , trpotymoi an& emo:reiiiornaer. an, be completed ill two 'yeartairlo ItueetieneHanniltbiltle:". Baltimore and Ohio Tellreatt nt_CaUzber - hind, llB'idlem. ham BaltimoreLafid wilrthrro,leith: the,letten - ees‘br., many miles tbe atoitelt line betnesh , the --CAM - Tiger -at' Plifebtregh, rind the seckeerekl Rattimeee'_ - ",; The chataehmt:_ lades of Cho lies are alio mere favozeble- th in-seiotb?4, newly-third'of the whole being:silent Weal; anditlik remainder of - easy grades, .anged,wlth a due seine tee , - the advantage of cheap treepportatlon(Waleidirectltnieff• the heaviest tonnage. There 1.8- bat' one-ntlitbnitiettettbri. whole route, and--the curvatures of large rad& -Itbistie m.ted that fortY miles of the rant each entr s tatidteg - through vest coal delds,eartbesropported by the tali fan-- nage alorze. _ , .-^- _ 1. ..•. - - - Vt: _._,.:, .. .. T . .., ~', " ::.- 1 " 'franc —No bid will be, melted Ardeelatheer tax;nrid any premium is to be paid Lover by the 4natbasalotits Water of the city at Jialthzturkfor thirneerenttbenetat of said city. Monthly Instalments 0'434-ppae neestuaret the par value of the Bonds will be. regnire.f-terhitlaLreciOte office in Piteebtagh nn city and et BConnealihnbilielville ,Re e.ontbe hrea n d eetd Cat ,r epain e tion th etlliais i ioA,,efeb after the award fa made ,". until the whole autount.td- Odd. The right is hereby restarted by the underslgned ta decline the ameeptancniif all or any of the prepnade. They welt* be addressed “Ttl the Regis er of the City of Baltimore." and endorsed " Offar for Pitteburgh and -oonntusville flanroad Company Bonds guaranteed by tbe eine:llW. . . , .. mere." Any further infermatlon can Le had by pdaressing - tba uniernigned, at Pittsburgh. Pa. OtIVER - W. BABNIM, President Pittsburgh awl ConnelltMlla neroadon. novi tl5 h PI A-I:LINE 111.8 II 1 CARIC.11C.. "*, 'FIRE - MIKE.' as Manufacturers' Insurance aimpany OF PHILADELPHIA. . canna pruncTrAr.,-ontAnnaar raz swop! P2Ficioi.l4µ,- Chartered Capltai l 0.500)000 .„: NBA mAluivi AND INLdIVD rz4Nspoarezr647.. AARON B. LIPPINCOTT. Preedent ORRIN MARRS, Secretary: ;- OEOEOI4 TWlN%'''lNesinry.lf Aaron .9,lApiz!eott, Wlll,/{41t . 013 . 114 .-r Mahlon Githinham, - Nicholas G. Tagil:lr, Alfred WeektL, ' . Orr is liogeas, Edirne TedtriV Joseph Healy, James Fmr 4Fii - This Company has been organized with aeadittii* tai, end the LI meters have determined to lb° Dualists. to IN available. resources. To otractio,prUdOlio'lln eroditot tog its affairs. with a prompt adjitslinelit.ennctrerw” l'iTTSßUlttill OFFICE, No bfi WatOr itreet; • J. - 111.19TON10111; AgenD. Min • The fallowing Tell knowniand rovonsaii*Otiti,virto. burgh have It uthorized reference to thenimittigpipoili to the stability and eoundness the litazttlitustitooLlaito. Li -Nee GIIIPLNY. Kramer & Balm . Geo. P. Smith A Ilionplertf*trankp Jones, Tiereatz A Oa, Proetazaattonk.,•. ' • BVTIMIE of a precept underllianf2ifill:B: McClure, President of the emir! oretanliniol4l, In and for the Plith Judicial Olstriet-erPtitimilinatiaittad Justice of fee Conn of Oyer TermineVariellinaral Jail Dellyery,in and for said 'lllStital;linitViiiiiii,l/itgA awl Qabri-I Adatus, &sok, &cool:WO JUdgUti . of the uame Comte, in and f the County of Allegheny; thnecrtheifelli, day of November.ln the year of oar Loindtie-thonsand hundred and fifty flee, and to-me directed; foi,holding a Court of Oyer und.Terodner.laxid.Cieriatil Julllikllte at the Court Mouse in hi:teeny-of- Pittabllnlnoll4,loVo Mondiy December next, attlo, t 'LL'o•-• Inblic notice Is herebigire.ll.o e il LJusilpes of theVeiee k Coroner and Constables of the [ninny-of- Allegheut; , that they be then and there; in theirpooper,..pouonts t alth 14* ' rolls, mordscinguliiitions,'exatrunanons andutherreillax Insures, in do those' things irldeh'benteletioniktfeeatileaS, In their behalf, appears to be donettuet alselhoect thiglOO prosecute the prisoner* that now are or may be In the of said county of Allegheny, to belhati.and•Oistitbs cute against themes sbaltbajunt. Given under my hand In Pittsburgh, this fin day orlia ve bee, in the year of our Lot...tone thousand ' - eight btu. drat and flftpaye,.asoi of the Coti3meiiwealtk the n0v7:14 BODE PATIE,RBON.Ittuittf. White Fish.LlWitTlith! RIKER £ „.. ilevE ROB BALEvainikeep,nitaer on hand, a fulreoPP/7.,44 ' Fresh and Salt White And ell other re/tales at LAlrrtierPl,ll . ': . roet:!trl.ligb vox:4lllNa IxIKW koala& Atineuxe r cautposed of 0 a meta- gees about^ thesife - ;OffiEtwinity, dollar'gold coin.l bee two faces, one ashig , the , nhailremi dm month in wallet columns Is Iratary, rid fractsrlat centre pin ttilb permanent fare, , On Which isilettefed bye of the week. A emell -lifojettioti In the , votery'reee *Howe it tO be tweed by thirshmilb tediVitheAste of the month cornopands with Piiitley*ftlxwoelti - hadtarts the Almanac is set far say month.in the - '3 ,o :vri - - - 11 , 10011 a , terehlent and very tisdel. Bold by. - nave if L. CUTHBERT; No. 53Market d. AAr Y FATEIEteS MIME,- or tha../10xeriof h!hle;;. I by Rev. Italia Itlacdonall, D. "A Teri:complete, jed4j c itis anVeloquighlAtettter4at the Sollpt.aral Otadoeukto roallectlnt D. , avau;llkitttrcliira admire partieularly the skew:mot opo,ulatfooltatotthWo• tr ge eo often entering ltita_fheillainselerfatthliliallieter- N. Y. Epanadirt. , "A feat &wren the presenei• Of ,ffc4 BEd alitigelo; Mare martiition•. a utkial jadgbieAt 'These 'at gat rant, In glowing Ana. The circulation of enchiibook canna minister to elDfloatfoa. - txrtt!tioltrohits."..-49. Y. indeprastent. for sale by J _ J. DAVISON, ol nd Blatket atreet.raearArarth. 0 8 / 1 1-240 bbla for tab by B. A. BAUNBBTOCK 4:C04 1 earner /Tint ilUi WINXIStIL UDI.Nr..—.IOO Dances for este by nov6 . . I :04,11: • PI 1151-2J0114 for osaa by ' novs rituntsToca 03 URr-rd'alNE—b bble Just recetv,ed and.,for laid DI novb .NLIMINDLBROS AURAS INDlGooo,llbyjust =calmed and for b noys PLESIING UN 1 . 014 4 /o_4 eak:e . s jast 'received - and. for idle by nerd , . VialaliNEl N.: . \., ...i , -.• ....,:, -,., '-'.. X' '',.::" ' ,-'4:',-4: ~ ..~r~_:: w...~ ~..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers