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A, .., , ,•v-4, 0-,.. ~,, : . - r.,Le-...!,,, ~. ~ t,„ q .41 r't.p., ~ , te tr tf,,e,:o tr;...t...., t t 1,1 ,*".,1 • ; r••, • • • '1111." m, - ** t"-1 s' , • • AILY - MORNING POST I7ll4eaamd - 24 * (44" -"SX -4/ SbA 4s .P 4 M- - =ge d n ) ext ititTa . EGIAKORZ £ DIONTOOPIZRY, ca tax aditerknir &Walser cidirldalifik 'rum& ' 9 (1101.4 ER Af Dollars- a year, payable Ado* in 18111 -na L Dollinewill Invariably be r equired If not Paid oloittgbiftferekv. ts-'3farBlngle copies VIM gint*dby oafs at theme:lnter hoe* =mom bythb Preis BOK 'A) ? 1-; .. ,,,,„"1111111dttri1110r MORNING PM ', —rat''albed,'& th e -azote office, on a large blanket alw ant t LKAJ4IIIB a year, In advances Single &Pei _irts, c, 4 gir-tiopaptor will be eleocsittnned anion at the Elam cm of the Proprietor,) nail all formates are 4er Zio,attention will be paid to-any corder =den Icen2. Dialed by the Money, or satisfactory reference In title city. air Occonocfed veal Ne Brtaabitstoa niq tAe Mooning Post Ai cam orto, yugaaJob Prawns! Offices on the city, Whore aft yeadief t morn to dons on (he shortest natter, -and mad name. 'lli tern& PROFESSIONAL CARDS • • Robt: Sproul, 19.Tuurt est SND OWN. SELLOS A 2 LAW—Orleo, No. rodyth Urger; Pittabiargb, Pa. dectlaly • Jaynes A. Lowrie ArN s wirri LAW--Ottloe. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, - Detargeolimlthlield street antiCherrr 'Vey, (decl 1:ly IM,43fIitt4EtMVUTT°LOIV'R. ,Lizixort censer girth and -- AT LAW , rzeTtannion. PA. c",".OTt Its., B. P. h 4A:rolimpt AT LAW—No.lo9likac Fourth street, PlCtrburgh, by fourth door be/ow 91,r. Body Pate:moot L 16617 ti J 628 idoEtenula., ALDERMAN /6 E OF TRIED WARD. 011lit0g corner Grant and Fifth Mande, (formerly aim. Pled by Alderman Lewls,) where all business pertain ing Mtlwiettloe of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will bit g ...tins attended to. febl3m W&llla.m Wilson, Alderman. OOg No. 447 PENN street, between the canal aid ,fillanunanet, 816. h Ward. All brutiness appertaining by the Oleo of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will beipmargynctended to. Alerannda, Mortgagee, aid other documents, drawn with 1264 tallisewitd despatch. . fehl3.lf H. AUb, 817WELKUN DENTIST, 423 r: moor to G. W. 131 1d1e,,) No. 144 listatblleld fej k .•ltr'eeP: .1122.023130 hours, tmo 8 to 1 o'c,look, sad ;032 112 ta.ll!/&4603e. fablhdy .0- - i mi .8001 T, DENTDlT,lforirtn street, ties doors t of Market. ..... pittoa Houle—Prom nine A. M. to dye CARDS 4 1 1 1 . 1 01CPatnta .....-,—,-....-- ..-...atoaaxa acasarsos. IV . '.:tarzatmog---..- - EMMY L. ELINOWALT. M, _ Curlbtags ftobarasoce £ Co., APMFACTIINEISB OP CUT, PRESSED AND PLAIN PLINY a LAPPWANS, warehouse No. /4 Wood surest, MTh= at PrOnt'Street, Pittsburgh. 'AfarAll OtliSr klii4s.af (Maximus and Window Man, at 11(0CtaiUket velem spitz:lly • •. Jacob i elate r, ratusij/ZMAYI and mail Cigar manufacturerr , and deal er In all kinds of Tobacco, Bnutf, and Clgire, No. 24 et.Tittaburgh. Pa. it Keeps constantl y on hand a large supply of all the vmlona brands of Imperial Cigars 1.3.1 ; ' Tram Illoorts.oad, ongsm moon, , AND csmsrlAßlON MEE ""'"CHANT. for the ss,ls of Pig mew nod Blooms, and • • • to*gartUrully, No. 7I Wood street, Pittsburgh tau 24 '&anus—, --.-.. • - . • • ZRAlyuder Anderson, (Bmicesiors to Joshua Rhodes & Co.) 11T.ROUSAIR dealers in foreiro Fruits, Nuts, Spices, V I Odukandooary, Bugars,&o., No. 39 Wood street, oppo- site the Bt. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, pa. ap2 Weary H. Collins, "CIORWARDING AND 00.11111981G.rN td}OIOIIANT, and Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Vbf , eda, Fish, and produce.genentliy, No. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh [mar° B. T. C. Morgan, I , IIOOS.ZSLLEB &NB SUMO:I always on hand a konsial assortment School, lidlscallanesrui and Blank Bdoko, Prhstlng, Post and Clap Paper, kc. wholesale and re • tall,'No - .1111390al street, below Fifth. Fe et side, Pittsburgh. gar Wanted, Rags and Tanners' Scraps. aplec.ly Wik , 4 6 7l Illlddaa P1u15,...—........131. maser:Km, Pittsburgh. Allier & Ettaketson, EttoWsu GBACEB9,iraporters of Brandies, Wines . antl Begare--Nos. 172 and 174. earner of Irwin and 7 treat, Rittabergh. iron. Nails, Cotton ]'area, de., ei*Opuitly on hand. 1920 Wm. Carr & Co, (Wm. Char, late of the firm of J Parker & Co.) XITIIOLESALA GROOMS, and Deal i ) I wi Dealers .n :ore.gn Jur! Tv in& Brandles, Old tdogongaliela and Remitted While ky. , N0.:329 Commereiti Hew, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Jafry FL Draw°, Diamond, Pittsburgh, Ps. DALER DI 001/NTRY PRODUCE, offset. r sale a choigadtock ofOraceriers, selects 1 for family use. evens or defy Y.trlety and the purest quality, ground at his Stearn 11111 s.. Also,. Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Pradnoe taken in exchange for . merchand ire. F. K. D. brii procured a tut! aesortureot of tiandreth'e weratited.Garden Seeds, and invites the attention of ail In tareited toi rural satyrs. jsoll W. n..znnuaw .2 alexia Itls,erN J. 411' hiSlar •Reaglifil & Etiolaaral.stara, :7 1 1.M1. 84 10/1 AND FOBWAlibl .411 ,- LCIIANTS, and G WboleaalaDealetn In Binh. Bacon and Oil, •nd Product generally. Wnrenouse formerly oacu-ted by Burbridge Ingtwarn, No. 116 Water and 110 Fire: at rue., Pl'u.bu.ab, Penna. tops Oommtrislon House. THET . antorerlbors hare opervai a booed fur the above por. pose, at No. TT 9in1`.1.10-Id a treat four doors above Th. Monongahela Homo. We will Imre hvie, or rect.' ro, ou oom• :Manion, for eraTe, eort4goolent• of Flour, &Loon, avenue, Oarp,Olts, Barlej, flax #eir.l. Grass Seal Baled Ray, Gei, upon whtoli .re Will make adrances, or purchase at the bust motet mum; for call ' (no.EI ALGF.O h CO. antes 4. , aughlin, fILER IN tlitlX.lSltltS, PROL.UCNC, FLOUR, 11.1 CON, 1c..., No. 10, corner Smithfield and Fri street‘, Pitts. burgh: Pe 0c,6 20.1211 H. rouse.. --THUS. IS YOUNG FhANCLE L. TUUSU. • -. • . T B. Young at. Co. 1V0.38 Sairktie.kl street, ,pposits City td. ILIANUPACTURERI3 OP CABINET FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, of every description. Meterfals end work. macula p narrantad, and sold at retucel prices. Care taken In packing tor land and water cart las e. ang3l Wm 1311gby, ArILOTIIING AND FURNLIHING 9T08.11, Masonic Hall, Pilot attQst , Plctaburgh. - Clothing made to order, is Vol 41.44. 1 1ditat MO&Zile rate, ' eugiktf e. A. C. Dantean, OLESALEI OROCEES, sod Lisalord in Produce, For eign Wines and Liquors, Oid Monongahela wild .Ltec- Mad Whisky, No. 221 Überty st- Pittsburgh, Pc 13:074. 0111_ A. Tlndle, irtiotEsALE ..a Retail Saddle, Harness Trunk., Valise and Carpet Bag manufacturer, , . . Nolol3 Wood at., 'Pittsburgh, PS. i.trk.Y J. EL nllory OLVSAIR and Retall/N:1.111r in Musical instruments, Wood street Joni — John W - 6 utter Cc OO H FORWARDING AND COSibIIBSION bIEROECANTB— Dealers iu all kinds of Pittsburgh main/factures, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, ea Proot street. asp2B Enterprise •Works. No. 1343 Wood street, third door below reryin aZie y. 'DOWN TSTLF.Y would call the attention of Sporting LP men totbetr large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Re volving-Pietob4-tbe largest and best selected stook ever opened to thisnitarket, together with n general assortment of Hardware, °ciliary, Tools and Fishing Ticklo,'all of whin we otkr at the lowest possible prices to oath purchasers, or Itir good approved paper. merit Copartnership Natlee. It:AVE THIS DAY (April lith) associated erith roe News. 11. amt. TIISBETT and &ANL C. CLA NE V, brabom. /WM been for =my years in my *nubile', mem4ariAsire 'already extensively and favorably known to my enstomeresud , the public generally as superior work men,,ind ot correct business habits. We hope by this union of *Oedemae and artistic .kill—espenially le the watch de partment; by riteeydng a large and well selected stock of pods• bysalllng st modate prices, and by rime attention to bcainesi, to merit a liberal share of parlaying*. To my oid friend. and be public in general ; who have for many years past eo liberally patronisel my business, I return my . 74 tha nks , . and solicit 117 the now. Arm a continuance of Si mi WILBON. katb` Pittsburgh, April 11, 1855 Wilson. Turbett. & Clapey. WATCH MAKBRB, JEWELERS and Susydtanrrus, 67 Market useat, corner Fourth. mr6 iliew Coach and Carriage Factory: JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., Cbrfizr RAWatta.ntsd Bdinotsl auras, Arkvheny (lity . WOULD momeithilly Inform their friend, . „ • •d tho mita° gmkerally, that they neve "z •• • ,• commenced the manufacture of Carriages, Baroaches,Rookaseye, Buggies, Sleighs and Chariots in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed wititstrict regard to durabill• ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Oadng in all their work the beat natant Shafts, Poles, and Wheal miff, they feel cond. dent that all who firer thank with their patronage, will be perfectl . entiodl i, on trial of their work. Part rtakseata4 to glvatta a call, before purcha sing attaikt,b - • octOdy L. 111. la ca. Elateiellor 13,er - flag* ..Reentory. TOHNBTOJI, BROTHER A -CO., . PRACT.LOAL COACT! efr MAILE.B.B, corner of Bebexa and Belmont streets, Alle gheny city, Pa., have on hand and are..m tuonfaoturing an wit , "*TP - Arliscrtinclib .01 Carriages, Eockaways, Buggies, Baggage Cars, Ac., made In all their varloas styles, with strict regard to durability-and beauty of finish, using in all their work the beet Juniata Iron andeasteru hickory. Re pairs a;pewled to on the moat reasonable terms. They feet armrldent that all who may favor them with their patron. ege will be perfectly entailed on trial of their work. The.Plashurgh pad Manchester Omnibuses pass every flf teen m►nules.doring the day. 0ct25.1y ' PIT 81:10 MOB COACH Er ACTOttl".. eTzvxm, GEOROII ALUM?. in t if•LOVl & Co., f r•SCO M P SSORTOS. ifIONLOW, No la . ;17 Diamond @WET, near Wood street, Ma btiTlfb—Owictios. Carriaktia, Pbeatoris, Bog 'fitts,,fand every desclption of fancy vehicles • ••• t to OTdor and flashed In a menuar unsurpassed for blintz:Of Audifo, eleg*oce of finish, skill of workmanship, " 4 d'irAllgiF.T.:nr.rantertata , Airz.art..work warranted. JAMS 11. .109tPti 1. CLAM. • Ledlle & Mem, (Sizeoasenra to 3lntrany BWile) MAGIIBACTIELERS of Out Moulded and Phan, Flint MI galley Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers Is ail of Windows]lac, Masks, Ville and Bottles. Ware house =nerd Elyßat and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mhkelly Remove/. CEMMEN. Plwatifiotnier of every variety of Vials, • Bottled md Windt,* Glaelllack Porter, Wine and Clavet . Bottles; DeniljOlstui and uarboys; also, Pilot Maas In ovary vas% Warektatuml7o. IQ4 Second, and /33 First street, nsb2i &tug totittotcutar.TOßAWO. RAU AND PAPER, No. 10 Wood Least, beloi Slith,Pßta- BA - It air -The- kdthe.t market price , o lla CARA, ft 2"- for WL OV20:1)• Xl= arlF4,-,••-•-•.---.4. a. Lt. ...... -...-.cnes. aerwsu... . . , A . twel 1 , Lee ii; Co., WirWHALE Gamuts. nduce and CcuamisElon arclitinte, and Daalffra in Pittsburgh Manufacturer, , Nag W!Xlik akcpart, between Water and Front etteeta, Mb buret. ~ , r , „ aplB warm P. KLIMHALL---............—i0ura a. MUMS " . 6 w,.... , ban 4 C 0.,,, • . a: TSIPORWAR eval- in Leh oPtexcwilu n ( pa. .1. PZEMX 4 I_ 114 . 414, _ fir s tod .tweet , Pittabargh. XPlClleltr - • eiplehtite4 mactutset u ., o r Sisoimildlaxiit itAki.;Parli. • -,.. , .. aue .. t:St , n. . , PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE' "POST BUILDLNos, ,, CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN .PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS Joseph Flaming, (smoccesos to I. ono= a on)) CORNRR MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps conatantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Me& eines, Monalas Chests, ParRIMIBri. irtideS pertain ing to his businem. .oga- physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. "HE ...... narirao. • Flo Cling likot bora, TBll.Oilia-soas .Iko- itzbir 00'. LEBALE DINIGINTB, No. 60 Wood street, PiNo trorgb, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. &Mauer Celebrated, -Vermifugo, Liver YIIU, &a. )nlO John Raft, Jr., evooassoa ro unto n'ocurrtr.l Wrf°MALE AND DAUM DREIGOMT and dealer n Paiute, Oils, Dye Stare, ate .141 liocatakrept, th ree doorsbelow Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. aprioniely R. la. Allen, IiESALB LI/141LBR IN FORBION Win% BRAN. DIET, CIOA.B.S. OLD NIONONOAIINLA -AND BYE •-„e „ , i 9 KY, An., lso, Bectifying.Distilleraio.BWoodatreet, Pittabusgh, .Ps. . .. Wines, Brandt 4Mne, Chrdlelot . I = lll la pinta at. Croix and New thur d Brun,Clarets,Vbeistpaismailooteh Ale, Union Bruen knout, Irish, &owl*, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Rye d Itactifted - Whisk?, Applit Peach. Wild Cherry and B kberry Bratullea; -imported Mavens, ....iteltlilla.nud Principe Cigara ; Lialtßpantetv , and Common latiltre,e-11 at each low priees-es, to challenge competitino. Penny. Bar ego and Labelled Battles astray style, and Demijohns of 441 13ile!/, I reapectfall7 'Mate as examine. Mon of, my dank ateio. ti WOOD .street, Pittsburgh, Penns. apratly Ja men DI ell Inger, IikSONONGLIIELL MOUND respectful. 1.1 l ly inform bistrienda and.thepublk,that his new es• tabllehm-nt is now in lull operation, and that ha la pro pared to furnish Boat Cattine, mud till all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, end at the lowest rates. Board and, Plank,_pbinei on one or both sides,constantly on hand. Bash, Doors, and Mouldings of even deedePtidzitlckade orddr. Randers and Carpenters would find It to their advantage to give hint • call,as be can now furnish them With planed stuff suitable for every description of work. Kiernan As DELL AND DELABB FOUNDI.IIB, and Manufeeturent of 1.3 .0 kinds of Brew Work, LoeMMltile Mum Engine, Plumbers, As. Also, Canon Battlegitanufatturers. Foundry onaebeces strait. Allegheny elty. • Mike and Store N 0.12 Attuitetietzeati ;Pittsburgh Bran smd.elopper taken to erzohangwfor work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry will be promptly attended to. febltly -- IL 01.11 T- .D. astsmera..—.....-1. J. OW/. GOA Reitlitgaruiterasir, IXTESTKILN YOUNDEY, No. 124 Wood Weal., Ptlts TT burgh, Pa. ILI2III7ACTOIRSUI 01 Cooking Stores Ptain and Pansy Orates, Deal and Wood atores, Plain and Riney Fenders, Parlor Stores, /led and Dsg Irons, Holl,w Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Dozes, • (atbls JAYLEI IiLAILLY Blakely Ss Blakey. REAL ESTA BROKERS, corner of &month and Sznithfieid streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Varms, Houses, Lots Mills, rurnecee, Ile., bought and cold on emsunission. Land Warrants, Bills. Bonds and Notes negotiated. Uns aid attention given to subdividing FM= and disposing of .them. Terms reasonable. sen2o W. M. rig RE OLD PRINTING lOTA SLUG:9IIMT, (late John• sum A Stocktond and Wank Book and Stationery Warehouse, is prepared to execute every' style of Legal, commercial, Qum! and Steamboat Job Printin and Book Stull og, and furubh every article In the Blank Bock. Paper rind Stationery line, at the shortest notice and on the most seasonable terms. Blank Book nut Stationer? Werebonee. Printing Office and Book Minder,. earner of Market and Beeendet[ [nowl North-W Police Agency, N 0.89 WASHINGTON nasal . , earner of Dearborn entomb), tuallos. ►ILIA Pnramoroft„ B. Itaniltl Pinkerton & DITOI3 TSAR ATIMIT/OSI in VIZ 214E24431103 OP 1 GINE= ramgcnve. Pobleot In the States of Illinolo, Wisc.onain,ldlehigan and Indiana mhl9:dtf MIMI IIIIR late firm of JONES S QUIGO, baring been dissolv ad by the death of Jobe P.Quqg, on the 27th Wet , the bus' nese of said firm will oe settled by the undo/dried, at their oaten, corner of Rasa end First streets. laikAo Jots ES, Surviving Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30, 182 —ipetly Tease Jones, NIANIIPACTIIIRES of Spring andßllater Steel, Plough Slab steel, 'feel Plough Wlnga; Coach and Saipan Springs, Dram Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mall sod Hammered Iron ddlea—corer oh Boss and ring streets, httaburgh, Pe. oet.2:ly 1/U.SC JOlll4l AOGIEILS. D. B. Rogers t Co., MANITITACTO RIME or IttiCIERS' pate .ht improved Eteel Cultivator Teeth. Laze cornet Roes and Elsa street. oet2.ly Pittsburgh Hiding fiehooL. 4' ROBERT U. PATTEKbta, Proprietor, corner if*" Dhamondetreert sad Cherry alley. The subscriber ra. a respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentle men 01 Pittsburgh, that ha has recently erected a RIDUIa SCHOOL., Irhirb itl point Otßile, commodiousness and ►dap totion undeniably excels any similar e.tabllsturient. in the United States Its location is accessible from all parte of the city, wbiie its high and airy situation renders it ups daily salted to the promotion of health, by this most agree able exercise. The Horses are docile and well trained, end the proprietor pledges himself that no paini or expense will be spared to make this establishment the lard in the contidenoe of the public. 0et.2211 kitiehard C. Hocking . 51 B A B NLI F z K:o % T UR l l i t OF Iuriti'LLYIPLA ND PIC• TI R FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 fit Clair street All kind. of Composition Ornaments. for Steam. tinofGll4l;!ltßatt t o Frames,rlee and.r.na for Oil Pa [adage, Engravings and Lithograph', for sale. Air - Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored In the beet manner. 412 Frames and Mouldings manufaetured to thia ectab ltehment may be cleaned withoat Injury, with /cap and water. Pal/ and see. No. 21 Bt. Clete st... littabstrith- nattlYtt J. WHITE, ATENSTIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has reoovered his health so auto resume his old hoodoo's, and has opened hi. BLIND MANUFAVTORY, ►t No. 66 Fifthstreat, near the Poet office, between Wood and Smithfield, where he has en assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fano, worsted and silk trimmings, and le prepared to fill soy order lo hi■ line, on the roost reasonable terms. His wark is warranted to give satisfaction or 10013ty refunded. irET Old Blinds repaired. AV. Please give him a call, as heean't tablet in work• mivaship my7:l, I HAVE nald my Internet In the business os Long, .151111er A Co_, to B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con. boos at tbeols stand, No. 109 Yront street I cordially:e. commend the new firm to the petronege of my Mends. Pittsburgh,July 29, 1654. I'. MILLER. 1=EI!!!1!El S. a. Long 04 co., "DELL AND REARS ROUNDERS, AND GAS FITTERS, Invite attention to their stock-of Chandeliers, Itrark• eta, Pendants. and other fixtures. We fit up Name with the and Steam, make Braes Oastlng.e of all kinds to order, turoish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti. Attrition Metal constantly on hand. 173 NOT 10E4 DALY'S BTOCKING MANUFACTORY. Ns. 20 Fifth area, first corner above Market ;tree; PITTSBURGH, PA., SEAS will be found the largest end best assorted w stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale to this oily. Puramsers .111 find ft to their advantage to call at this establishment and examine for themselves; it is all I need to insure their mum. 0. DALY. N. 11.—B.imember the Muer BTOCIING Onitsin. febl:y C D. Cosisamil.timp, ansolgaly PEE snbeariber hoeing excludes right to maunfeo• I tare and sell swirelars HOT Ala AND SMOKE CONEITHINO FURNACE, Is prepared to melee orders, and contract far besting buildings eltb the moat ecorsordeel Follows now in nee no attention of those interested is solicited. Any information ea. be had of A. BRA DI,SY, Nos. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of S. BA B.NDOLLAR, die:Uteri Iron City Stove Werehonse, N0:134 Wood at. Dlsiolation or Co-Partnership. TIRE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between 1 JOSHUA RHODES and SIRUP RHYMER, in the Wholesale Fruit and Oonfectionary liminess, is this day dissolved by xdotuai consent. The baldness of the firm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who Ls acithoesed to re •celpt for till debts due said Arm. JOSHUA. RHODES, March 27 th,1856. PHILIP PARTNRESIITP Narm. Sar. The undersigned have this day formed a Partner ship, under the mune, firm and atyle of ILNYMER a AN. D /MON, for the trapenction of the Wholeuie Pratt and Confectionary buatnena No. 89 Wood street. Et/LIP BRYDrEIt, ROBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1986. Air In retiring from the Confectionary business, I cheer. fully recommend Means. Itrymer A Anderson to my friends and customers. J02.1113A ItLIODEA. • Plttsburgh, Horeb 27th, 1856. - ap2 FULTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MAURINF. SANDOXSY, °ma_ IFts, subscriber haying moved Into Ids new Works, re • ntly erected, corner of Water,MoDonough and Shelby s is prepared to enthract for and ex.epte all ordem for PASSENGER,- BAGGAGE, POSSOPPIOE, roues FEJIIIOIIT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, end .11 other deactiphone of OARS. Also, for STEA:3I ENGINES of .11 shies, GEARING, EAtLiGADOASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other wort appertedning to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different doom Gnome ore acbmillio and Imacbtoall inen•rumetly from &Stern inannfactatieu•-• who %imp thawowlres informed and adopt all valuable mod ern improvements. W. W. wirraRBELL a w28..4 t .41. MCPIIINS. zombi *141117-•-••• & 00., BIOELOW W7MBBOBE TO B BIGELCA No. le z Lowl 4hq, am , Wood Wed, P ) WORM tt , MAME, 081111140118, PrillfroNk Arid every description of Fancy Voldeles built to orderoml girditha tr, utonpg unsorpoesed for beauty of dela, eleQanoe of tribbe Mil o f lrPrkinsluradPredtd durability of fokteriels. ta. All work warranted. cuzi n:litr'rilitidaV a . . ON morn for the Gale and Or lN p nr ik iu : 16 E13414 °l42 raste, Collection of Becht, Borrow. rAeafes "B" nsr s on Emir end "Mortiptgeef Oro, ttog og &DI. M° o p p "odtst,lfinuliethireditittoies. do e other,. Gem No. 611.2derka for nrin _ I!'1! , street. P : t 4. F - r:" , BUSINESS CARDS. Y. L. Marshall, ceessor to H. Lee.) ITOOL DP:4II.It AND COII9IIBBION hiBROLL&NT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Ps. BWerence—W. Welintock. Broa.; Kramer a Bah= Brown a Elrhpstrlak; Murphy, Tiernan a Co. Pittsburgh. May 24, 1365--(my24:3m.) DlSSointion of oo.razt.n•rstap. paE I'lE2l OF LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN s Proprie tors of the PITTSBUB4II NOVELTY 'WORKS, Was One:died by the death of Mr. Jones J. ItoOtak, on the Ina of M(a•cb last. The business of the NOVELTY ii0111(11 will boo:nab:wed In all ita britnehni by the eurviYing partnere, u..der the name and style of LIVINGSTON, OOP LAND & 00., who will also settle up the attain of the late Sea. L. 8.. LIVINGSTON, OA.LV IN ADAMS, .1. K. moolumen, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 4, DMA. 1 W. B. OOPS:LAND. JOHN /COLO:MC IT —museum Wauarsz. John IlliOloaksty A. Co., 'Ur HOLESALD AND RETAIL CLOTHING ktER TV CRAWL'S, No.BB Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscriberevespectfally inform their old customer' and be public In general, that they have this day semis ted themselves in the above business, under the Arm of JOHN DIIILOREEY & CO. They respectfully solicit a sham of pablie•patronage. The previous business of each trill be settled by them selves respectively. febe Jkit'lualliatlLlN, No. 96 Fourth street, nearly opposite . the Mayor's office, is mai:infect nring Gentlemen's first Boots, Low Btaiii, ties told buttoned; Congress and Button ed Gaiters; Ladled Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Linde, Blip pera, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and abal% fancy Kid and Bitin Gaiters, of the beet materials. Misses and Chlldren's do., of every variety. B.—Al' [tilde made to order. on ebort notice. (anl9 Boldit ,' &le - .era , annisty Land. and Claim. against Government. IVatl tiroottreltbanty Lams Warrants for Poldiers, their Widows and Minor Children, sad artend to business in the .' Ooart cf Claims," recently established by ()undress. . 148'fhir i street, one - door•abore Smith Reid et. Office. No. 19 185f.--itno2o) • . CHARLES NAYLOR JAMES WARDROP offer. fro , . gale CANARY BIRDS of the most Improved breed, being nay hardy, and tine ISiogers. Rlrd Beedt—estutry,liemp, Millet, Rope and ntli ed Seed. 13ouquete will be furniehed composed of the finest FLOWERS, via Camellas, Bose Buds, Heliotropes, at. Rvergreena Ha pats) for Christmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No 49 Fifth et , near Wood. deo2o Doesiaty Lauda. Taßuoe„,„....lcontinttes to obtain Bounty Land War rants. the present bill event to all who bare serre4 In any war since USW, 160 acres. Terms moderate. LUKE 000113 HOOT, XT Diamond alley, between Wood et. and Diamond. — New Battling IClrab Ishment. DOM R MODTVII hare entered . into copartnership to D transact the buisinius of BOTTLING, in all its branch es, at 66 Liberty street, Narale Hall. They hare constantly on band a superior article 'of INDIA ALB, put up to plot bottles. Dealers and families wllFtlod 11 to theft advantage to give us a call, and exam ine for themselves. We also battle a superior article of PORTEIt, 6ARBAPABILLA sad lILNIGLAL WATHIL _ Tarme ad favorable es any other house in the city. orders put up at short notion. ROD & MORON, jai/{m No 62 Liberty at., Novfll. Hall EXHIBITION HOO-Iti _ FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Bale of Patent Eights and Patented Articles MOSES F. EATON THs subscribers have long been acquainted with Mr. MOS.EB Y. RATON, and have no hesitation In recom mending him, to all who may wish to employ his services, &listen Unman of untionbtad integrity end indefatigable in d natry, to whoa, aasrtions every reliance may he placed , herille B Craig, W. Robinson, Jr., W. B. Denny, John Graham, James Wood, n. Child. A Co , P. R Friend, N. Ramos A Bons, Knap k Wade, Kramer A Ratim, - Wm. Phillips, L R. Livingston. Wilson APCandless, Wm. F. Johnston, A W. L 0.111., Andrew Fulton Pittsburgh, Novernberrth.lBbl Writing Claas•s--Lru — .lT's College. THE Gentlemen krni Leanne Day and E•entng Writing Classes will a n tone open during the summer muter Mr .1 D. Me nem, chose various styles of Gentlemen and Ladies' Wri aug are so unlvereally admired. No specimens of Penal nu hip are exhibited It the door but %hoer executed by the Teachertu the Institution. The Principal Mal= no "monopoly " nor pate t "for hie [uttiest, nor did he get Me institution chartered to sell ot.t, ea has been repeatedly done In Lb. city Gentlemen sod Ladies' l'lsitin,; Carle wrrten in Mr. Williams' unequalled s.yle. All kinds of Ornamental Pen mailable executed to ord.r roy24Nlew New Intelligence Orrice. FUME aubscrioer ht just opened an INTELLIGENCE j, OFFICE, at No 410 Liberty street, 113 ate well known office of John born peen. Snip Agent; and as be has teen Exploring Agent fu the t onng Men'. Bible Society of Pitts burgh for two years. be natters blia•wlt tloat his knowledge of the city iort..l lte citizens gives him great (atilt. the In furnishing houeekeepare who help. and also to find ing place. fir boye,Orle and ail DLtlee3 seeking employment. The patronage of the public lit solicited. Terms easy, and every effort noel to glee general satisf-cti.m. Jrlllf 0 &BRIM. BARB. . - . . Li AVE ON HAND. at th.ir extensive OAKUM= nod IA CHAIR MAN UFACTOEY, No 64 Brnittifleld .erect, • taro amartment of Fancy and Plain PornGure, stitch they will ini , l 16 per nem below customary rate& Terme—estda only. des-27.1y AliW m. K. Stevenson continues to mamas, tare CABINET WARE of every description, at hie old Stand, corner of Liberty and Seventh streets. UNDERTAKING attended to, In all its branches myl I Char Las Bartow, U01D313 SHOED AND BLACKbhilTil, has erected a „LA nee and nommodions Brute (Shop on Cherry alley. bentteeo Third and Fourth streets, where be is prepared to , o all wort In his line with the utmost promptitude. Haring had long experience In the business, be respectfully solicits the patronage of his old oustomers and the publlc Emerally. ly2l GRAND PIANO, MADE BY NUNNB & CLARK, NEW YORK. HE PUBLIC of Pittliburgb and Allegheny is respect. T hilly invited to call at the Musk Store of the eubeerfbent, No. 03 yurra BT., and ,examio• a superb 'F'ull Grand Plano, price 01000, t irrom the Factory of NUNNB & OLAuK, New York. Thi. elegant instrument le made in the " bLIZABSTIIIAN 8 t YLE," the ornaments front piece, and legs being Idaho rate!, carrell out of SOLID 11081PWOOD. It le fall coven octaves, of the Largestdtmeosiona, and, In point of volume, power, and liquid sweetness of tone, to pronounced alto. other unsurpairsable. The sutworlbem will be happy to recedes the 'leas of Asir friends and the public in general, and show them through their elegant new establishment CHARLOTTE BLUME, NO.llB WOOD STREET, PITISSURGII, is Just rf ceiving a large stock of PIANOS, of the latest styles, train the Factorita of BADNOARDTEN d REINS, Him:thumb ; • EAa.LET, Wins a 00., Iloston ; RAINES,. BROS. & OtitdMlNClB, New York; A. B. REICSUENSACH,YbIIadeIphia; , • Together arill-WigeorOttar mairarliat ptiasafrato p2oto $ l ,OO O ; iaoidaiaa every eerier" and wtylts; Dili the plain but substantial iron frame Piano, to the most elegantly carved Lords XIV. style, Square and Grand Pianos. Arrangements have been made with the manufacturers, by which their inateturgote are sold lower by. the)rekcitr rive agenta here thku, In ttle.-Baat, acid withdut the addl. Ronal tiostemil tiakkittiranspertation. Every Plano sold by the subscriber ie warranted perfect in every respect, Lind a written guarantee will be given it required. CIIARLIYYTE BLUME, anglB No. 118 Wood street. II A NUFACITiI RED BY CHICKBRING & BONS, Boston, end for Bele by JOHN H. 81BLLOR, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley 1df.1 . 1, 7 7.84rti - g8: end Fourth street. Just received from the •• manufactory of Chickerina I Sons, Boston,' 7 V nod for tale invariably at Bostratprices— Two of their fret class bevetrOateve Piens% Loofa Sri, style, with carved cases, legs, gj deskao. &a.s 'tr. ished baba 'iti3d front alike. This considered by persons of taste to be the moat beautiful pattern nowimarle.. pries 8800 each. Two Snit class Seven Octave Pianos, with carves case, lyre, nap Style pf nat6Whe lyre =4 antis of beautiful carvk l ritheyy_lftotk , Thal aqd cro4t.zuk 5. Ani t a. $460 l .striat dleisbf ^ltoewuour piste dobble round corners, Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Chickering's Patent It-en Frame. Price $44.10 each Two carved kosewood octave PIIIEO6, with new style Sated legs, carved case, must) desk, and the usual opening. tilled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back and front alike, PrPett.2.s Three elegant Basswood, Oslo double round corners, IN ootam, finished beck.and frontallke, and with Uhickerthire Patent Iron Frame. Price $375 each. Berea Rosewood and Mask Walnut 81x Octave Planes, ell told, as well andmith thename care an their first shtsa,ll - and •fitb Chtelc• rt. akatent.lrun Er 01111%,. — 'URAND PIANOS. One of Chiekering BOlie'Neie Beale, full Feren Oman Grand Fianna. of laminae power, brilliancy, and eweetneei britone, with their New Patent Action, which renders the touch so light and elastic that It can be played on by the most delicate hand. Price $4150. IRS NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. , Also, one or their new Parlor Grand Mamoq an entirely mew Invention, and partionlarly adapted (or Parlor ose. Pti4s64so. PIANO STOOLS. A hew lot otPiano Stoehr just received. Bar sate by AMIN U. MNLLON, B/ woo It., betweetro .ozia alley t.Fourthistreeti" Sole Ageht ➢ OLII t)SSIIID , i(i !ON% for Pittsburgh and Weeberylretunyivatifa. aug2B 'Platform Scales OMIRY DESCRIPTION suitable tbr lial lroade,,Ce Dale, ka.., for 'seighisig • My; Mg Ore, and !derelict/. dUe generally. parchment may feel assured that they new be supplied wittin impeder and reliable ankle, and rap as rUk. , •h Beals is guaranteed corral, and if (after trte) not (band satisfactory, Male returned without charge. ,fartory at the old Idand,estebllshatfor thirty yeas,.cor spr Or Ninth and Melon etreets,l'hhadelphis. onfgadfint 4 1"? ' - :•7 4-t 7 4:?:"'P ll '''. . 4*A lef . t i • ,;;; :^:•,.. - 1 4 ''; 4 k• .•• ` • - PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1855 Bowie sod Shoes. sw /Seed Store No. 80 Fourth gra& Pittsit,;it A. Milliken & Co IL KLEBKB a BRO, Blip cI the O Igen blatP f . No.'63llftir streak. PIAZIOS I PIOLNOS I ABBOTT A CO., Buttes:lore VLICLUOrsT ••,:' • kir, 44 •••• • • - `v; 4. 4 MISCELLANEOUS WOOD WELL'S FURNITURE CHAUPLq , . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, SMBRACING BVEBY WITLE Ot FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, SUITABLE YOB PARLORS, CHAMBERS, AND DINING ROOMS. &QUAL TO ANY IN NEW YORK Oft PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOWER PRICES. Aar Avery article made by hand, and warranted. O ablnat Makers Supplied with any quantity of FURNITTaiII and on reazonable terms. Metals and Steamboats INTRNIBBED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Wareroonis, Nos. 77 end 79 Third street, auS 2 PITTSBURGH. PA PIANOS ! PIANOS ! MANtrYACTIIILZD Br NUNN'S & CLARK, lOW VAX, AND rol BALI IT H. KLEBER & BtO., No 83 Fifth stud, a few doers from the "a Office. .Ott Jeer RIVITVID, the time few of a large Moak% of Nan= st Clerk's unrivalled Pianos This choice lot will comprise— d Octave square corners, rosewood. over.' ' strings, do. 6 Octave, do do do 6% Octave, mind corneta - rosswood, carved, Muslin reek and lym. 6% Octave, double round corners, finished all around. 8% do do carved lip, Blizatethien tyl 6 ?. % do Semi.sespentine, very otagallL 7 do do do 6% do Full Serpentine, splendid pattern. 'I do do do The above will positively be sold at New York Fre:tory pricer, without addition for freight, do. H. ICIARRR & nno Bole Agents for !tunas tt Clark, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, _sopa 63 Fifth street, neer the Post Offira WILLIAMS & ALLEN, 1311011230115 1.0 ARNOLD & WILLIAM, 11•2r07•07111=3 01 Chibon Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY For Warming and Ventilation of Buildlngs. ZfirW. k. A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Steam or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilean's Inmate, Churches, &Iwo* Limpitala, Rectories, Green Ho Cour Mouse*, Jails, Hotels, or Dwellings No. 2,5 MARY street. Pittsburgh. split 1.1. C1:11111M....1. C. onstunts—.¢. C. TUNES...W. JEL WOODWMID AMERICAN PAPIER DIACHE MAITIRACTURIAO COMPANY, NO. 7 8 SECOND STREET, 1777E/IL ROB, PA. ‘Ar AIVUFACTURFIREI or PAPIER RUCHE DREAMT?* IXL for Churches, Rouses, Steamboats, &o. !direst and Motor" Primes, Window and Door Heads, Brackets,Trunks, Oornkes, Ventilators and Centre Pisces for Ceilings, It sates and Itouldiago of every description, size and design, Canis/ and warranted more durable than any other article now ie nee. /87r Orders executed on the shortest notice. N. It -A giration of Steamboat Builders is especially di rect* I article, on account of its llght weight. CTIMMINB, TUNES A CO., No. 18 Second st, between Wood and Market du, Pittsburgh. Agortt. S. .131'KEE & Co, lILITC7ICTIMILI 01 M'KEE'S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS WINDOW GLASS, art's. Double gtrengtb, Imitation Crown and Baby Vials, Fluke, Pickle and Preserve JIM; Wine, Porter and Mineral Bottles; Telegisphio & Lightning-Rod Insulators. fitUUND, BETWKEN WVUD h MARKET 13TD, 1.11121 A. But • short distance tram the Steamboat landing, and from Monongahela House St. Charlie, and Otty Motet rsp2l JOHN COC H RAN & BROW: MAN UPACTUR ABJ3 Of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS. VAULT DOORS, Window Shutters, Window Guards, dui. Mos, VI ilseand at and 86 Vhdrd st. (11111WIllif WOOD AID KARIM) PITTSBURGH, PA., on hand a variety of neo patter-to anti ao. Plain, mailable for all purpoeem Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing done ►t chart notice. nal Coal Work■ for sale SIXTY TILItNE ACIIPS OF LAND, with 260 acres of Coal attached, and all * kutirrovernentethsreou in ...C.. ful operaUon. gold Farm is situated on the hi nongatiela river, 84 miles shows Pittsburgh, and is *applied with a Farm Muse, Darn, Tarrant flours, Orchard„ Railroad, and an szneOlent harbor. The vein of Coal la five feet thick, and cannot be ion - pais ed in quality. For farther particulars apply to NICHOLSON a PAYNF., jelttf No. T.. 15 Liberty rtreat. JOILII la T TWA, Jr., Agent, No. 201 LIDZILTT Primo; HAS JUST RISCIEIVRD the following very choice aril. tided BRANDLIt& Coca, 0 'OUP Brandy, (very fined 1 Llobon. Oland Dually e Co. (super.) I RUM. dlarreti A 00. 1 Jamaica, Baserae. I Santa Orfaa. WINES. SIN. Sandal lii.reiro, Boro.t, Howard, Mazes A Co., Nadia I London Ondist, East India Madeira, , Schnapps. Table do SUNDRIES. Amontillado Sherry, 1 ftutttertbrfro Soorch Ale, Manzanillo do I Baaloy's London Pone', Table do , wild Merry brandy, Cooking do Absinthe, Desswing Port, ! Anlsetbe, Pure Juice do I Ouroccuy Ordinary dof Sardines, St. Julien Clam, l Mocha and Jove, Malaga Dry r I Young Hya. find Black Teas, Do Sweet, i Engli& @roman Cheese, CILMPIIPzeor , Imported liarana Cigars, of Anchor, - 1 VtriCAIS brands. Vermin, • Old MonongabehrWhisky, of Ilmideseek, I all etsdea— • Together with all other articbw ownnected with the buil nest. r/fierlow - - DUFF'S ItIELLOABITILE COLIAZGE, Cbrwer of Third and Marivi Omit. Itteorporated by Legislative Charter. N EARLY atwoo 13TUDIINTli have been educated thil Institution. %UT ADD MUM MA. 19130 IN D. ÜBLE ENTRY 11006,-ESEPING, in Its application to orery branch of t ottimette. DOUBLN ENTRY bTRAMBOAT BOOLHEEPING, as practiced upon the Western Rivers and Lake& BUSINESS AND 01INAMENTAL PENMANSHIP taught by Mr. J. D. Williants4 the best' Penman In the Milted States. COMMERCIAL DAMVAND -- POLITIOAL.EDONOMY, by N. R. Elioch, member of the Pittsburgh Bar. MATHEMATICS, CLASSICAL 'AND 'MODEM LAN. (MACES, by P. Hayden, A M., and F. L. Anal. for 411 particulars, call for e tinnier, containing th e Report a Special Cononlittro of the dumber of Commerce of New York, end a reemareemdation from upwards of two hundred Merchants, Beakers and Accountanb. ootjs:daw WIG MANUFACTORY. MRIS. RENTER, siz doors from the Aqueduct, cppratk. the Cblleetor's Oftee, PREPARED TO /1 1 .T.L OILDRI- nU thTBTITOR Wrail, and all kinds of Ornamental Bair Work. The best quality of material la furnished, and entire satisfaction suntanned. m D EVoLVERS I REVOLVERS I —Just race red, by Ek Lk, press, direct from the mattulaw tuners aplendld ass of Catt'a '`""“ REPIATINTIVIETOLR, rode, fits and six inch barrels, all of which we will RN sell for sash at as low prices as they can be bought in the city of New York. persons going to Australia and California will find that they can do better by purchasing their equipage et home, than they can among ttrangera—as we give persona a ohanoe to try any of the treys Pistols before treeing the city, and in case of a fail itre we refund the money. GOWN & TETLEY, sapl lt3g Woo( street, Pittsburgh. W. a . W. W. nett ............:.....7.110117111. Smith, Muir ft II muter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) TITHOLEBALIS GROCERS, PIIODUOR AND COMM& SION MINCIIANTS, arid Dealers to sill chide or Pittsburgh Manufactures, /22 Becoud and 151. First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. f.,bg Siott & Curtis, VISALF.B.B IN REAL ESTATE, Sr. Aernorrr Flue, ILF lifinseasiea Territory. Land bought and sold through out the Ter:ling.. Money leaped, laysersoente mad, t o ,th e best Wm:anger, and Laud 'Werreote located.. Also, Agents for the Bile of Lots In the token of ST. OLOT.FlX,Stirilles . from St. Anthony, and head of,tievigation &Douai:to Falls. The survey of the great Pacific Railroad cressee the Idiots. sippi at this point, and the nutneretut a:lvaco:ages it poe eesses es a place of business, till make it one of the largest cities in the Northwest. 8119:1101=3. Ex-Governor Ramsey, klinnesom, Hon. Wm. EL Welsh, (Rdef Justice of Minnesota. Han. J. Meeker. ' 4 .• H. u. Rice, Delegate to Congest's. liollinphead A *cam, Attorneys at Law, Ideas. Damp et Oaks, Rankers. Sas. T. M; Fullerton, Raeder of U.S. Land Office eep2o • cistern Luntla. 117 13 have anangementermitli , getatelhen 01 04' petit nee VII: in the =treat Wmtterb Mates, by .whlett, choice leridi can he located at do went peke, Pert.? n destrom of locating battle, either fet 4 epeculatlon or for ketnal Defile ment, will and It to their advantage to glee to avail. (Me tf. oar c* " .° = n tilO low& / 1 0 gPeat:the last all weeks at critically Mpg State subject to anal, and writes ni ftel ha has Wetted gra 20.000 acres of Aolos lands. Trilagrft & Ven&Y, eisald&w cazzusnSeromill and Badttdialdstat t - • • •-•1•• • r' • • ••-• ' _ efr 4•• r.lr • 417 . . MISCELLAN EOUS RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, FOR the Prevention and Cure of and al. zerrviar Fllll/0, Pam end too; CHILLS and RIM, Dnito Acme, Goaram, Durum Ntaar Swam, and all othed forms of disease which have a common origin in Ilfaktrin or !Hanna. This is a NATURAL ANZLDOTB, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler t even In the most sickly t or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious disease What ever, or any Wary from constantly Inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Agile In persons who hare saf fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never hare astathercha7l, by continuing Its use according to directions. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent and radical cure is effected. One pr two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; some may require more Directions printed in German, Wrench and Spanish, accompany each bottle. Prise One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. JAMES b BHODEB , Providence, R L EVIDENCE of SAFETY New Yong, Stme, 11, 1858. " I have mute a chemical examination of " Rhodes' Fever and Ague Curti; or " Antidote to Malaria," and have tested It for Arsenic, entity, Quinine and Strychnine, but have not found a particle of either In it, nor have I found any substance In its composition that would prove Injurious to the constitution. TAMES R. (MILTON, hL D., ChealleL" EVIDENCE 01 DIERIT "Idwrtenutui, Onion County, Pa., Slay 2, 1855. Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir: The box of medicine you sent me wee duly received on the 11th of April. I have :sold about one-half of it, and eo far the people who have used it are eatiseed that it bee cured them. It has certain ly stopped the Ague in every one who has cued it, and six of the easel, were of long standing. bly edirter, Who hie had...it for hoe or six years back, end could nerve; get It stopped, except by Quinine, and that only se long as she would take it, Is now, I think, entirely eared by )our rem edy. C. R. 1114 INLY." CAITTION TO AGMS SpnEnzai. Take no more Arsenic, Mercury. Quinine, Strychnine, or tuati•Periodics, or medicines of any tried, the virtue of which Is owing to such poisonous drugs. The most they can do is to " break the chills" for a short time, while they are sure to cause constitutional maladies that cease only with life. Remember that Unfonly Ferrer and Agne reme dy that is barmleas es well assure, is Ithodeo , Fever and itipie Cure. 611 T Yor sale by JOHN ELITOREI,L, and Druggists ..gen erally- angitdirw Notice to 'Whom IC nay 'Concern. THE PUBLIO USING SALES of Real Estate at Ho chaster are now closed, and the fieuilding Baum has fairly commenced. Every citizen of Rochester to busily em ployed. Even Sear 40 new families who have become citi zens the present ElpringAnd coustantemploymenh and in • few days a hundred families more will be required Mow ry on the work of theiesent season. The Cur Building ablitingeni is now µear completion, and will be In hill op tion fn June. Several Cars will be ready for delivery, by contract, the let of July, 186.5. Two or three uew churches, in Rochester. trill be Con tracted for Immediately, and numerous other improvementa wiil beenmmenced, requiring a great amount of mechanical and other labor independent of the Oar Establishment, which will provably employ from one to two hundred. A prominent briclunalier from Pittsburgh has justpus , chased nine large lota, and contracted to make upon, them forthwith 600,000dricke. Two gangs of hands commence work the present peek, besides the other yards Innetofore eatablishol in the peighborhocd. Our Stone Quttrith are already alive with workmen, and the road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber is becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements will soon boring up to relive some of ouz houNea, attach aow have & fernlike, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them 1 families each. Any who d d not buy cheap lots in the four public sales Wt season, or the four public sales the present spring, can 101 secure good bargains at privete tale by railing on the subscriber in Rochester. Terma-34 down, 34 In one year andand t ys in two years. M. T. 0. GOULD. P. O.—A few lots can yet be had at $6O to $1:00 each ; if applied for before' the-53 it May. These lots ore twice as huge as usual rity lora, via 40 foot by 126, and the price only from $1,50 to $2,50 per foot trout. The present reserv es homen.ad ant maguith.ent profit of Ovid Pinney, 4acres In the centre of the borough of Itecheater; also, the beauti tul 20 acres, building,. orchard, Ac of P. Reno, ran be bought through the subscriber at gro at bargains, and there are not two such bargains within a hundred miles. G. my 8 CARPETS-CA R PETS .! AT McCALLUftI'B. JUST RF. IVaD. ANDD4Ji.T COMINO TO HAND a large and chci:e a..sortment of Ocittla In the above line, incindlng. Neleet and Tapestry Ern:wale Carpet, Three-ply Superfine Alrditint Auk Lcw priced Ingrains, Medallion and Tapestry Ingrate., to great variety o patlerns,) BrnAtiela, Datnarke and Verlittui Hall and Stair Carpets. ALSO—Bearoiful patterns cf Oil Cloths (varier)c quail ties and wldths,) wry - len Linen Cruath i'lothr, Baiter, Cocoa Matting, Liet and Bug Carpet& French Ern boased and Victoria Plano and Table Ctrrera, Hearth Rots sod Door Hate (a great variety) All other at-toles usually found in Carpet Stores eet.tantly on hand at No. 87 POC RTB STREET. near W od. W. D & H tit'Ortl EW STRE. MOURNING N 6r. HuUSEK O IN EE PG DRY GOODS BROOKS & COOPER NiVOULL respectml ly inform the public that they have taken the Store ltootn, No. 26 lattigET, and have now open most complete assortment of the above goods. By giving our whole attention to that , e branches ref the bunine., to the exclusion of fancy goods, we think Ise can offer adeantages, both In assortment- quality and price, not to be fortud in store, keeping the 1.11161 variety. The 1i0U8.136 FtIIPINr3 Dit:PART NI-ENT embraces all sta ple articles in Dry Goods used In furnishing and keeping house. app26.43t0 Bargains 1% Watches, Clock• & Jewelry ROBERTS Si. BROTHER, - - ARE now selling their large and .rettilly melee ted suck of Fine Watche., Clocks, andrich Gold Jewelry et greatly reduced prices to make room t 01. for as entire new stock. which old be reeeired di rect from the limtoria manufactorimi in a low week% for the Fell trade. Purchasers desiring to boy good goods at low prices, should call Immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to clime it out without regard to coat or Mauer prima. Don't tl , rget the place. ROBERTS k BROTEURE, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the best manner, and warranted. iy2l:ly Mourning and HOUSo Furnishing Store, No. 75 Murree Street. WE est our entire attention to this kind of stock, t^ 'r the exclusion of fancy goo la, In consequent. of whirls our tossortment in both brunches is most complete. We hare just molest oar BE COND SUPPLY OF GOOD? ' And can guarantee persona wanting goods in our line, to be pleased both In quality and price. ("All and me nu AM' Please note the location, No 75 Market street oct3o BROOSH d COOPER,. J. J. aVILLifil..- 111111I L MIL J. J. Gillespie 6 Co., T OOHING 01..i.133 MANE FACTUREIIB, ant Dealers la L./ Looting alas. Platis, Plate Glass, Engravings, Combo and Fancy Ooods, No 71 Wool street, Plttaourgh. On hand nod made to orier, Gni Pier and Mantle Glasses Mahogany, Rosewood, Wa[tint ►nd Gilt Er►me3, or Mould. log, of every descrlpt;on. STEAMBOAT CABINS Deooratad and Gilt. (o•r3 Valuable learm for dale, ITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNS/II P. BUTLER COUNTY, IJ contalolog 141 sores; 11l acres of ablch are under cut bastion. The pr• prietor, about to decline faroalug, dispose of all hie Stock, Grain and Hay on band, if desired. knqnlre of JAMS BLSRELY, a ugll corner of &swab and lintlthtleld ate. LAND WARRANTS - vv ANTED-- 40, BO A 160 ACRE WARRANTS, by: AUSTIN LOON IS, 101 Nal. In Warrantm, . 92 Fonrth • John Grontt, IWORM OP BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, Ac healer in dne Old Monongahela Whisky, Peach Brandy, Ac. Also, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Smithfield and Front assets, Pitteburgh. aprlS Bares Intolllgenee OD HOTBLS, House - keeneraltanufactarers,lferchants and Mechar ice are inattal awl solicited - tb call and obtain their Help and their A pplenticee. Also, the working classea, both male cad female, Phial be attended and business Mond for them on abort notice, at HARR'S IN. THLL,IGENCE, OIsIICb, No. 410 Liberty street. No answer returned to applications by stall, unless to. companied bye poatago stamp replo VW anted, ✓ A PERSON COMPETENT 10 KEEP BOOKB, and wha can make himself generally ireful in a manatee. taring basineett. Persona applying will plower give refer ence, state salary, and address Peet Office, box 877, Pitts burgh. ectl9 Thomas Oliver, SA DDLX, RA RN lit , S AND TRUNK DIANUPACTUFIER, No. 4 St Cleir greet., Pit iburgh. [lnes Clothlnß, Wbipq. Fpure, &a Pe II rhyla nautels. A,FINE ARBOR 011iNT of these durable and. beautiful Imported Mantels trill be opened for inspection, for the first time in this city. at the PAIR GROUNDS. After the , lose of the Exhibition, they will be forted at the Mau tel Roome of WILLI-LW A ALL EN, corner of Second en Market street. oetl.t. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGIIKNY QTY, 24 feet b 3 ri 100. A good bargnln can be /unity applying moon al the office of the MORNINc' POST. WPI:t jot kir Sias. AGOOTYVTILLIIING LOT, 24 feet front on barron 'Mice( by 100 feet In depth, in Birmingham, will be nold cheap. Enquire of GXO,. F. onattong., )ala at office of the Morning Pod. Watetkes 1 Watches 11 Wo3tchos 1 31 mum largest, Hoest and cheapest Block. of Wd_TCIII..RB I ever opened in Pittsburgh to now being sold by the undersigned, whose long experience, dose. attention to the business and euperior facilities hate given him an este:, Belied reputation In this branch of trade. d beautiful ae• oortment of Ladies' Gold Watches from sao to $lOO. Rail road Watches, do. Sir - Only agency In the State for the sale of the celebrated—and unrivalled (Marks .Prodebam'a Improved Series throliometera. Watch repairing done in the bast manner. W. W. W 11.80,24,, octlB 07 Market street, corner 76tinh. Removal. CrOTH.BISaT & BON have removed their Res) &Mae O. sod Goners) Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET BT, year Third: ang2 .0 -Partnership. 117'1,LT/tit Peltlin-MALL waisted with hha,'on the TT 2d day of July, JOS. R. HUGSIIB, In - the Well raper hilliness, wilder the ia!une.af , • W. P. DfAltalidla a co. • ••. T . 's . z.r.-74 ,e 4 177.04 MISC.b ith.a.NEOUS: , WATER OU RS INSTItTITT - E, Handl:beet, (south side,) between Penn 'Wed and the Rhine • . PA.., • , nOOTOR. BAELZ, Graduate and Practitioner jn the Old Schools et Medicine, Allopathic; and noreceepithie, an 1 for the past ten yeacaskaticcessint Hydropathist, bae opened a WATER OURS in the &bevel:ma:ion, , The perfectly safe, direct end irantedlite eit44t . this eye. ken has on all Fevers, and all diseasee acute mud chreMo, while it to mild, grate:col and invigorating to the Weak and debilitated, renders It peculiarly des - treble In famines; Whb wilt be,treated at their homes. Allonathleand finniceopathie treatment -will be idtabite. toted where desired; bet, after; long, and; Charon& expel+ 81206, Doctor Bads gives a decided preference to Hydropw thy, which has, throughost the old and new world, proven so eminently euecessfut La every farm of disease, inch:Wing Incipient Consumption, 'Bronchitis, Dydpepsda, follimmse tery and Chronic' Bhetunatism,- Asthma, Vutaneetus., flex vons and Liver Diseases. Testimonials' of C 13203 from highly reputable dtbraos of nearly avery.State in the Union, tan be examined at Doctor Basis's office. The. Ker. Clergy are invited to coneulehlm gratis. " • Warm,wuter being need ip the eommencement,andoften thrthspout the treatment, It fse luxury Instead of unplest• cant, as those unarnushated•might etippOse. - • ltarrssaose—tdesdrs. Charles BreWfb Waterman Rathiey, W. W. Wilson, W.'ll. Whilsons, Thempsion hell. J. 11.. Wel. din, D. T. Morgan, 8.-11...tatglish,. B. M. Kerr. The undersigned, having visited Doctor 'Heeled Twain. Gen, and witnessed his suecessint treatment,. cheerfully recommend him e; s thoroughly edu.tted anr skttltnt Physician; Charles T. Rdesell, Jos. 'Ponnell, David nt, Jo 0. M 6' Curtin, Robert Patrick, John B. livingstrusi" ohn Wright; W. W. Patrick, Moses P. Eaton, 0. Ormsby Gregg. octlthiaw WADI HfrrPToa OiltP#ILL. :11A112PICON 0 /1:1611.111ELL, (14tt or ma ruts OP alreux, wasou a 00.) , 1917)/0411BALIC" DICALNIIB IN MEN'd AND BOY. Vlf CLOTHING, adapted to the Western' Trade, 82: Third street, between Wo'd and Market. Fittsburgh.- -Ainuogst our stock, which le the largest' and moareciat. plate la the country, will be found, at low priceer •: 'alon'e Clothing, of eVerry description ; Boys' • do do, -; , i A great variety of Undershirts and Draviere Felt atttir. , of • Hamikereldeik, Cravatg, ifeck Tiei arid , Stooks; • • : A splendid assortment of Burp rad'ersi do ..do . Winter IlcisiebyEe • do do Bop' do Linen and Marlin' Shirts aad.Drawers; Canton Flannel do do •• • Gum Elastic Goods; _ And a full ostock of goods adapted to Miners and Farmers' wear, eke. Also, Umbrellas of all grades. We invite otte old acquaintances, aisdall deilere fit i our line to call and examine . for . themselves. We are, Mar • opening oar third etipply, and our stock is friilard eons- . plete. Warehouse-on Third Omer, half Imp betwataaltood and Market. , octl9:daw,, , IROM CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OP WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA; A N Institution toeormate the nuauatss MAN. Col. ft. lege open' Day nut B.enior, from 8 A. M. to IO P. M. Students and npward9 have matriculated at this School of ProctartLdrts,maught in a practical manner byinstructors of practical eaperlence In the 614:teas with whlotkthtir arts are connected..." ' ' • . Book-keeping---fall mercantile-couree, time onlim. lied, including nonser:l4 calcuMutons, leo. tares, entYPeactical 'Penntailship`, - - 0400 Same course for Lsolies,(apartnointeeparate,) • • 20,00 Penmanship—prat timeunlimited, - • 10,00 Same warm for Ladles, (apartment separate) . - 500 Pormin•hip, per month,- r - - • 400 Arithmetic, - • - • - 4,00 Perunutehip emt arithmetio..per month, - - 0,00 nigher mathematics, languages, surveying, engineering, drafting, mechanical, architectural and , ..t.,emental draw ing and construction—as per agreement. Asir Those that can attend only in the evening, have all the advantages of the day student In lectures and Inel:ruc tion. 511. College (now) roracr of Wood and Foruth--600n in "College Hall," opposite the Post Office. sopa P . W. JRlVll3lo,PrincipaL Po'pieta:tufo Department TD% IRON OITY COLLRG a—Commencing Moaner Svmoto, October it, at 7 atria. A P.oksion or Twenty lessons. Students can attend every day and evening to practice, bin &recharged tor only fcrarlesnind per week. 0. BARTEWRGER, Teacher of Architecture 1. Elementary Drawing and Shading. 2. Regular course in Descriptive geometry. Part I. Line and painum and Intersections. • Part IL Cylinder, cone end sphere, with their inter. sections, with line, plenum, An Part 11f. Perepoetive. 3. Constructions in different building materials, stone, wood, brick axe' iron, &o. Foundations. trussing, rooting, rm.-Axing and vaulting. Furnaces, ventilation and beating. Dome end Jocks, bzWges. Peri:wing of yobbo and pante buildings, In the dif ferent styles of architecture, er th !coons on their adidn! E.lllattflENßOTH, Teacher of Ornamental Drawing, adapted to the business of the marole cutter, cabinet meter, ornamental painter and carver, az. Mechanical Drawing, applied to marline building In all Its branches. Plat. P. IMIZTEION, Teacher of Modern T.aogna g es. Liorructlon Oren day or evening, individually or In ola eea fieparete apartments for Lanka A9'• Por terms, Ore , call at College MIL" opposite the Pc et Offlce. i . octs I F. W. JtlNBlli9 , Principal. COTTAGE HILL ACADEDIY. A Oblides' end Collegiate Boarding School, FO tt BO YS. Tan SM AION of this Institution will et am thence oa TUESDAY, the 18th of !October. This School Is located in the pleasant, healthful and romantic village of TURTLE . CREER, distant twelve miles from Yietabara, and is of easy access, several times a day, by railroad. Those oho have children to educate, ore Invited to tall and examine the arrangements toede for the accommoda tion of scholars. L. CATON', Prinepal. Tattle Creek Alle3heny Co., October, 105 f.. qe Circulars, containing terms, and other information, may be bad at J. IL Nellnes, 11. P.O. liforgan's and J.' S. Layison's Bookstores. Pittsburgh; or apply to the Princi pal, at Turtle Creek. oct3 A BARGAIN OFFERED. rpait undersigred offers fbr sale SIX LOTS of ground frouting.upon and adjoining the -Depot of the tittle burgh and Conmalsville Railroad, In the glowing and thriving DOrougliof al'h.l:Efit'intT. Fent of the Loteere 3734 feet in width by about 120 - In depth,liontlng at One end on the Depot,elld'at the other on fanolair street ; and tvo of them Itpriking for their whole lengtia• on other streets. tasa—TWO LotS, 87 bet In width, fronting the - other aide of the Depot, and in depth 121--one of the ...Lots bor dering for lie whole length on Jerome street. No better property olid be found, and It will be sold low. Part of the payment taken In stock of the Connellsvills Itallroad.lf desired, GM). IP—GILLMOR ' , Mee of: ilia Morning Post_ Pittsburgh. Anneal. tRON ur ' COLL EOM.. Opening of the New Hen ,rlll- FRIDAY EVEc•ING NEXT,. october 5 . , at 7 o'clock, Addreasexwill be delivered by . JUDGE WILKINS and othetn..adepted to the peowlon of the operdng,of the new College HO," which ban been fitted up for thOpermanent location of thelron City College, - et the corner of Pith had amehtietd Meet/4 oppoliter..the Poet Offite entrance on' Filth areet.. Co,. publin-rto the bailee and gentluned..— are rot pecattatrierited to attitti. P. Wt. .Tewirilt L. Ltirshileft& II SOU WHOLESALE AND RNTAIL DEALERS IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, and SHIRT hIA NEFFACTU REES, No, 70 Wood street, between fourth erect and Dice mond alley, have 'received their stoat of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will cell at satisfactory prices, embra cing— Fhirta, Hosiery, Eearts, Gloves, Orairsta. taunters, Bbacks, Ties Pocket Sanding's es, Rubber Geode. With bga tiered assortment of goods adapted to the Yandab• hag Land V art/mita.— - • highest market price ball km 40, 80 and 120 1, [tore Land Warrants, of the-late bane. Alen, for 80 ari.lop acre Wallantitainual under the law of 1850. Apply to sep9l:o*.w. BLeamix nreutY, ' corner of Aerenth and Om eta.. Watonow -an4 Watch litepedittage. WW. WILSON, *erket attest ,, corset st Fourth. • Gold and Myer Watches :franc $lO le ksoo, Sole agency for aide. of Merles Fredablun'e unrivalled' 'Moe. keepers, Waal Baptizing attended to promptly, and done in a superior manner, IG, dertelry, Silver Ware andllElitary Goods at. EaStern . pricest - gEll • sepld- . . rui .1. it 00. hose miaowed their ofilzwin 11111 rtreet, opposite Mason's, In Dr. 0.. E. fi-tew`e Want) eine°. irhere eithiene will find the books op(11 • - s,re nu •se.iptions Or OUWASII'AS, .Nq A l Lao nnbtfrallermi.: ' 310411, la. 'lawn; tunstinces to be consulted. for the etre 01 SNOUT DISNASIt& His success to long • standing eases is Unequaled. ' The altlictud, ate invited to ;ill with. out delay. • Persons afflicted with • Venerail Diseases; Bbeutnattent, Piles, or Bataituti ehouhl not delay to get big advice. Letters contaulhig a forimteedietedg answered. Office and Private Rama, No. '4l Diamond Ailey, Pitts« banal_44ll6 . Mt aka( dCt.V.I tbfleld street, .1111011 re• • Calved the flow new Books and Magazines: ' The Old Itomestead,llllrs. Anna. Stephens; The Wager of Battle, by Henry W: Herbert; Wicl.lllo and I—s cord; . Beeoheidt, by the author of "Iletir of Redellger Beenes tit her ProcHee of a New York Burgeon; • Marriage a Lottery, bylfrs. Grey. IIAGAZINCY FOR NOTZILBLII. The Variorums or Lira, and literature; Harper's hiapaine ; Putnam's Magazine ; ,Lealto's Gazette: Laelle'e Journal; Ondey'il Lady's Book; Graham's 31 gazine ; Potomac's Itagastne; Ballma's Magmatiti Hoicaliold Wor ds; FinickerhOokar fatiguing: Chambers'aarirna,l; • • The liararalturlst ; Yankee Notions; Thoirmson'a fleporter. Blackwood's !domino and thif.S rt. Jamas! for October. • The Illustrated Z o n d ontiewilfilad Punr•h received week"). nova 13:' !SOME k CO., 32 ilmithfiAld NBW BOOKS! NEW BOOM!, ! °Anti'Ody, or tie Paiteh Boy ; Imre as it Ts lh 1855: • Miathfge a Lottery, by Mrs. - Grey; 7.# 4 044de1a Path. by:Maiden Hailand 44.000. hy the euthar,of µ Hiddeas Path" /tau. ohtni by Bayird Taylor; The Old Homestead, by War Ann S. Stephen ; The Deserted. Wife, by Mrs. B. D. ti. Bottboorth Whlcb t the Bight or the/AO, • tr Wager of Battle-4tertmt., Jult reeetval and for salerb f l : Fmkqty opposite ttozabnatra ^t.. h'~' ~~; =MOM `~►: ~, ~. 1113liti3ilk:_A5:. TESkL9 OP rumoN JbLeinoval. ISE MEM ;41 TEB or AujvcaTISINP niaBB leßtiflD UPON rag r 7 " k r r • ons squa, COO telantiOn".*". .."..7".— 4 *oso .1 44 entadOuoiult 1 1;1 mid ea i‘ 4 00 • - - - • Ora co -• frt xaoutha-----.**9-4 ,10 00 imixintto— r ,p wc.. rw 11 a° - - t .-04 0)° .4isatuairs4., une4 011 W, Rix ,10. Go One square, per initimOztitrudie atikie 00 GR o cEmEs .... 4o , . G ROCIERTB9-50 fiLdelf U . Sdaiir 40 bbb, N. O. Molasses r CO half bbla do ;00 bog 4 nteogoll, 30 .- Pocketa'Jaaii bblia to ge N 0.3 Adaclrarel:;., 200 b les 50, Be and pound bcaili Tobacco, 100 balf,abesta Young tipafOoptall,„,(l. P. aollikelt Teir - • 40 Wm, 49,5 a and AeratarThAdles.-. MILTAIR &i /110H814302f, 221aud-223Libilty'AV je NBA BP/O —2OO buten purel"opper;;.. NY do Malabar do; , 60- do parettaloll , 6) do, pare Allspice , ; • 500pildisIduaterd'i 100 do, zociatarcli, 60 dozen - JAI) Caw& • - , abtdo pnrotlayeradamdi:' , ""+'j. 10 do Ginger; 60 boxes do in % !Huila Nut otiondoof,o_todEnlegalodaletettOgisbom 'oepl2 F. IV DR&VO. No.l Disinon.r.'l, Eg9151311' NUTS. x 454 bags , Bilberb3;.• .• • - '25 bap tngdahlValhuti; &Map Bina Nuts; 60 bap Mica Almonds:. to . . > ' " 20 baga $ 16 4 A4riOttdsi 15 bags Airiosn Gamma Nuts:' .6 bags Grenoble,' Walnuts: 1000 Coookbtuts;,. 16 - Sous Mania • Just readvaLatutfaiaals by- ELF,It BEY, A AMMON, 'Sib. 3W Wood settee Ail DADA AFIUDAN PEA - NUT-S; iso i egs,Tennessen do . • +i ;6 bales E.o ft 'Ettrllect Almonds; 2000 Cocak.tiuts, try-sh• ; 'Jitst reditied Toriile by • •:i 142ZADDLA AND/MEW; •19 aep27 N0.,10 ptroet._ FREER FRUIDS— ' • ' 10 mats Dates • • 21X6dlitadieFigir• fiplede • • • e:tuiterreserved Ginger ; Evainka On:Tants; 20 kelps &MBES, Maas; —20 , b6.114t rodidnal ,Jl4O Tgceivo 4PSI24.PW,ZI'Y' :ANDiIiME)N, • - ‘N0...130-WoodottlestJt, 1(..) 4 QX0S ALO4/40.0/a; - „4 10 do VermiceLll; , 50 ikettch ilfas Papit ; t ,Teat reeettretLand f.ot salaby. • nigylass•Asi36ll6 eeP/2 . • c. ,..Na•39;Werbdatitfor.;:, FLIV4II teltl4l.l`o,--2dos.osupo dtrawbersieniz„.,, Ali bottleiPeach'es - 2do do Para;.,..l 2do do Plutoo; 5-do..tioitedpreEeria4 , : ,, j 4 lust rvidelvea end fortrib" be4774l" ''' -ELEYEISIVa.ANitEIiBOIID.) tru444, to do ; ;15 Antra anortedltizets;Olivooll; J::-,: . t 20 boxes Citron . ; , _ Jusfimieliedand (of kite by " ' CAUL, "Thomas", aoperior Otiesting ,Tqtatur i ltt_ O pops lam Aliller'4". /too Cut Mooing do "Efoodwirs's" do do do , 2 bblo Ecotch Boa t itiotreotdVed ondfor ode by G UM. liattls.4lXllD.V.LeinoP4 53b belies ; 200 do Ravpbencr t do z • 200 doeVenille, 'do • 300,,d0 _BORN, do • 200 do Liquoriev, do Jost received and for ale by - • • • eepll .11.8YM411. 4L.ANDIIBRON, s UNDELID3-60 boxes Hersinir; ; , 20 bbls pickled Vesting; 36 bbla No. .3 Mackerel:, 30 bbls sugerbouse Molasses, for Bale by BMITH, 61Alft,a0HUNTHIL. UTTAR-7 kepi teeth forntlaby • octll SMITH, Alan IttITILL=-123 ton, 11.11,gbaoy toy able by L octio. Kati 411 r HEWED. SAN Moe OLL-10 bbLs.No. L /lank Oil Sir alue . _ • vete 8111T11, MA'S BUNTEE- COAP -200 boxes No.l Bodin Soap for Wald b oct6 tY : . . , :Itje q2l. 1,10 uLIVS 13110-12 qq; tr.4lred nod km sale.by r. ,oetl • • TLEll3ltifitlttC6:-. AISINe--2.5 boxes M R litalsinsfor sahib} , ootft; - - EIREVEr, BIAIRIFEIMITEIR: EtalN6-150 busee eededi for oda &arra, MA= a HUM4I4 - 011,-10 ptila. • baat Witter Blood:tad for - 40917, oete - MTH, HAIR MittiatlatE7 -ew Orleant, oak; >to, do &agar House; for tale by toatsl MITITI; MAIM & MINIM& BL 0033-100 tons I.ake tibazaplain: 75 "- Jul , ista ; for ad* bY' - ' 3onli roomer.. IQ I3CALE :—Tsto tteond juitia Piemitif P Bcalea stare wad fort este by octll • ATWXLL, , - INSESD OIL-3 bbls ter ale by oro,o ARMY COLLIN& ItTrUltliB taken at 0.6.11qtY8 0.0.L4Eb-Y.pay lettp „ ootbe called fort ea-Prime to 'stilt elf, a; 78 S'oluiti at. lATILL 11017 ,FAY ItIONJIY tar liVorthleas Vierorestl-er, Trythe ENTILRFEtniZGALLkItY, 74 Fourth street. , oeth s I,:b.uper--16 Abdo isocolnerar St.„MooOs'f, 1-, 7! , 20 do Morrison & tiewbord's• for stra w oat° SMITH, 'MAU: , lobutiit—b Dbls 4tyn Flour npeirmi caccutagtnns4,44, fdr , sale by roct4) ATWELL, 14111 a - u - Baciaol I.= or; to the Entexprisa asuary 4,Ortz J[l. aeata fot a nattplatunr.' No - batterln'thaClty. • • S E IrU; Pnzx'a t 6r3VuletitnitA iuraniaiOraiaGar--aiittio, 7a. , Fourth tareetOtr MI. bled by superior arroupireftlittArttlif~tilddill' theatoldfistldious. "oet2i • : • • 4 , 4' CI : • rs :•It • -.1 by 0Gt24.1. • .. KENBX• Et. C91.14N2,,,, B . UTT.Kg--1 box prime Holt pallet renekte4,911:0940a..,, meat and for Balt+ by - 0e.44 AVX. l .4 4 .vicgrrAini, d 7,7 , _ ~• . . 10FkRB-1150 taiga pima likkeoffrojuat-reatindarntfa s ,, A..) gala by s •iott - t2l - rIA.EUI,UNATS 411,1102416,40 D iba isle by joet22l /11,EtdrIgi_ ;0: NKSTANDEL- - A' great putt. jaw-est:lndia. - 'Fbluco, TWAY ' trl.l6tdis."''''' LuliaLt HUtlealstl-A vet/ !algae nail tustiortnienrp 8r!.41,5 embraciug evervorimAnal cleft Ilyt,;f, ocfr " • WS. .11•Ti.40•1•11L'• fleUlt 10'bir • • best Elaii.Dse ia the !t • rorhh, ~Twelve dezeti.leveo44lkt by f oecli 408. IMlM•pafffze, • 'rant xalw • Kepl3 A. A. NAlRiggroz s'-'Q • ~,,, ( - , OFFE i t—SO bags , Jaya azal i tr iir ,l49, Viity,fi Utpaiti.-s . er, teas .prisaa . /sad I.oo.liblekrailt eV tot' I Bala 63% (aepl9) BAUM dl.faa, •tS " Nk•-• Au-s-2103 Legs &awned Nails, for tale , golf) . -, 78,111191, 514trip.vavtrirea.- Imose-2 Owo,uzy /or ealeel by °-,1 R./ o o 9411111, VINEGAite;-16 Rail& . by- • .eel 24 , • S 6113T,M81L8 daily can, be attended to-wig). essi 10 -061140% twOFkyilign Cialfarlas, 70 Fourth stria. Friee*Peclutain)- 1.) fta i r yt u m : -K -#7 tM 4t l P - ,afttiti 3 K,-,, RABNIVat ii*Vrn R- 7 011 If. Li: , Ilendefirthelialr loft and glossy. Fatale byIIEYBEI4 , RI"-SOGlT:eiid git' ' l ' • , ; LI OUSSKR.SPLSti GOODS.—.I very larglium4FArk Ards' sortruent of every de2cription or - 11dunikeepinguoodir} Poet received by .toccl2l IL MASON - is CO. 'D itUrnsir-da riti.istnitiOtto • U .pis 'hai red, ilo and Am 621 0bY, LoCt 2 ai , / X*5F44447413,f. " lro not that t • t iatery , nt • nur .16„ k and that he nate Puttinie %the beet:styledoillitzd overdo, ci.Lomszvve tume 4,1 t °Nam! , ossarittnetaf.:,pc ' Mock Cloth Cloola.. l BROOKS oo= • • 1/1404,4t. Ake/XS-10 bble this day received araiSOrcala, • ' [ 0012 31 ilEtiftY If. comm.— T ADDIS 91031UONS—Godey 'for' lloy = eriabor;“ F. 109 I cage- • A 14t2 Banal fir:royembire; irlee 10 ears; Leallo'o llow,Vork Journal.; arida LS;caultk. .I.oupton illustrated Now, oriplirst,Weliq.lbrF.PPA4oo fiz abuse i wir ` ocelTerl: b. 74 e4Erigh fit :unttnals4. ,- -: liaolcarora, - Na.llo'Flfth atleet. - • oc12:1. BMOAK filitz—:solbpjustleeeited sixtroi saie - by . , Eyeadoikluina: ; I.VA t aroNk,— , ,sA• . Ip, E . , 4 .91 ,C rripirt ai smittrry rt*. r 4l2 446l.loo—+Aftste.—wOlibs9ast.tdadvtweamr-tor site* f.cct=i FLtsmitiO Biwa 2 0 1 9.1 4 .6 d t;oc , Refs tlttcd—rXMlstjattlaceirfnit , ' tsaltYir ocYt.T2r 'LEMING IMO* AM! suee , ...t. good . artiediavii ibd jiiit iiiudvad and ' far .salt, by , jacrai bai salt, by . .oessz _ , aAlkg BVDrlti#B Glii4XBS-160 boxes wimp Vbeeen ' ibr saleCti " nOMINI-3 casks No. 1 to sale py P NactlTE4 ttIYNTSR:. CODIALLi Ikus Coglinh..f2t 016 by, 831 , 1 M MA.la • A A. MASON a C.O. witroikin oa money, UCLOeoi :.""• •. " UL M' eacCSi and,PaGkagol) of.Eallooes.'ClOStraii,'" Rtioghiins;Bleaehed and Brown Illaspsll,Fr4 l a WAWA, 'lthinnets, HousekeepineGooda,&& *WM A MASON a 17u. are 'tug bug ores " .0.61nr.13 tio« 1 14 #q, vrecy desorto.t . . 11 4 rilia , OnJlo4) ) 7§ Oak - Lb b 5; Wien r else; -.Yrtetliw-e ) traideirate. . T Dlll 50211.1111-everal veirmsdras qt 11 ops thercew_neat packascaliialt ollilakhure Or _al. ' ea lOw =tee, br • Ecctl 41, IY. 4 0 4 1 419? , i~•~'l . - ~;,:,- .0.:',.:-.,:,..::-..., ~.,«.: as MEE MEM i , ,MVU4A ,k , MrP,ERI3ON., t of plain and ornantinlal iatlfd .. '..•3 - • 1-.1 i... 4 , ...v - 4- :Id 1,;;;;;;:i.7::: ~., _; ~'.~€•t
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