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' %lll.*.,i:4l;., t lfga ii ile 'C'2l4'-'l' '--g''...' :1- ' 4'l'''.4-441.-'' '''' .l7:-.:':' ''' '.. ' ";l-; ' ''''.7-7 ' :'' ' '' S ' :3 '.' '' ' ''ll." ' " .'l.'l.''''i: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''.."+',:.?,,_4C.,?:‘,Z,',l'..,,i-;z - '-*.. 4:4 .. .":F.-''''''' ,- - '. l -r" . .. , `E . .:'Q''''24tl-rr,-.74. 5.v".... , ,• -,-.... F , .. ~ . , . . . DAILY MORNING POST Priwect aturratrahs4 every morning . (Btitidetye eftepied,) V GliketaMOßE ONTWODI WRY 071 TUB NOSH-1111.1 . COLN= OT WOOD IND Firm MIR& tr • ISRAEL—Me Donates per, payable ettictly in linnet. Ste Dollard will Invariably be required it not paid within the lies: , Bing e copies irwe amid—(or eels at the counter In the °Moe, and by the Pepe Boys, THR SATURDAY MORNING POST Piitethed from the game des, on a large blanket else Rh -at. It TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single copies VI VI MTh 9 3 Err No paper will be dleoontinued unison; at the deem 1 on of the Proprietor,) until all ui , mursgm are id . i®-No attention will be paid to any order unless accomt ti paniaby the money, or -satisfactory reference In this city. • t nir•Oonnee...ed with the Hatabhaisment of the MorMnsi , Poet one of ideoest Job Printing Offices in Che oily, where oh lc nds of work is done on the shortest notice, mad most ream* 1 a big terms. .- PROFESSIONAL CARDS Robt. C. 0. Sproul, A TTORNDY AND COHNBELLOR AT LAW--Office, No Voorth street. PtttBhurgh, P, . drellay James A. Lowrie, ATTORNEY AT LAW—O3fce, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield street and Cherry alley. Ideollily JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Mace. corner Firth and Grant stii, 14.1/e, . PA. 3.. P. Itoae, ATn:11t1T111r AT LAW—No.IO9 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below El. Rudy Pattersorns Lively Etabl. jsU Patrick McKenna, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. /AVMS corner Grant and Fifth edreeta, (formerly ocou Ij pied by Alderman Letris,) where all badness pertain ing to the offloe of Alderman and J nation of the Peace wit be promptly attended to. 6.h1:3m Wl/How Wilson, Alderman OPFICIE No. 447 PENN street., between the canal and °liars street, PI fth Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice..of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. /Or Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and d , soatch fs`sl3:tf H. Alit., CIInU ttuN DENTIST, (thc '4iKi4'4,:ijl- emewr to G. W. BlIdle,) No. 144 Smithfield CO I - - street. I a is'a Allir•Offlce hours, from Sto 1 o'clock, and tom 2 to 5 o'cloos. fetlS ay - J SCOTT, DII3ITIST, Fourth street, fire doors • test or Merkel liaaissis °mu P. decry BUSINESS CARDS an n ecru-Lao ._ ZDITAILD DIT El [LIDO I Curling, tiobartson G Co., Air LNITFACTURKk3 OF CUT, PHKSSKD AND PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, varehouon N 0.14 Wood streat, oortier of Front arraet, Pittsburgh. flir AU °Oar r Kinds of illavartare and Window Glam, at Foy market Prio.ll- aplirtly Jacob DI L;oi lista r, WHOLES &LE and rt.ti,l Cigar manufacturer, an•l deal er in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 25 nil street, Pittsburgh, P. SGP Ke•ps constantly on hand a faro supply of a!1 the various brands of Imperial Cigars John Moorhead. WROLWAL.I3 ONOOEN, AND w.N ? I[SSION CIIANT, for the ,tl,, of Pig Metal end Blooms, and Produce generally, No.: Wood street, Pit•.burih t ar.l4 ==l Rayner is, Anderson, Joshua Rhode-, WHOLE:B%LE dealers in forit ci Fruits, Nuts, Spleeb, OJEkit,soooary, Sugars, Sr.. No n A',4l ntreet, oppo the the 8L Charl.,s Hotel. fittaburzh, Pa henry 11. Co'lfni', FORWARDING AND Collllli.EiloN MP.RCIIANT, and Wholesale D,FLIer in Cheese, butter. geode, Fish, and Produce Keue•allr. No 25 Word street. Pitt itner6 B 11' C. Alorgau IDCQRSELLER AND FT kTIJN e --hm. al way• on bond s general assorunKot School. Printing. Post and Cap Paper, drc., who , o,t, and ro tall, N0.16i WOOS Str,ll., bPIOW Flith. Eat,t Pltt,`,ur,zh tar whottt, It and Tann+re• SernD% rtpl, ly WILLIAM WILIAM, rt.k,k ...... Miller A. ILlcketeots, 011.0Clirt3.Imp..rters of [lron-ties, R i nes end riegars—Nos. 172 end 17.1. ram, Irwin knd Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron. :“113,(..1.',tt0n xru.., eorustsutly on hand. Wm. Carr & !m Ca 14t: of hotinof! r Dealer in v , endl.3randles, , ./1,1 Mun3ng.,wlia 11,1 ky, No. 32? Commercial ll.Jer, Li L.rtp stre-t, Ps. j.dry. F IL Ortair4). rh..1171.7 , 14 . l'atT , Ytt 4. Pa D6.ALE6 IN C. ilJN:111 . OfTer I.: stile a choice stock of tircieeries., seic•te I for 'xi:lily rtar_ tp ices of every variety 1104 the purest gasitty, ¢ ronn.l St 116 Stlfalia NMI?. Alin, Dried Fruits, Foreign ilfl.l Lumesti Produce taken In exchange for liter 'hand's, P. It. D. hat pro-ure I a asturtineut Lanireth's Trarrtinted t/ttrdcn ci-e-tds, and invites the attest 1,3 Of ail tn tereated in rural alititri. j English 4a. Ittchardson, C0M111.9210.N AND I , JtiviAILDI: , a; &NTS, and Wholesale Dealere Ptah, Bacon and 011, and Prod.:, generally. Worehocoe formerly (, :curled I.y Burnridem A Inghrano, No. 116 W.tor and 1S) nret Pi' te , :o,h, Prams. ,Onlillinielogll }LOUD° pur rpacbate op,arl hnu•te f,./ the notepose, at 14, 17 etuithe•l/Istre,t. tour d/sri above the MononzehAls lose We r,e:vs, un Cr,.. utishl,3l3, for (ALM. eon-ignratnt , of dour, Corn, osta i i.34.rley, Piss see/i. /irsss reled liar, upon which we A Lib ruche advance•, Cr purr e t murk-t reteu fur rear inror6, IIA7I/1 / i el/ p.c, - PLEILER. IN FLOCR.BACoN I 1 N. 19, ct.ro,r 6raitt,Ge!,l eoi F MEM! TOLNO L TA T Li. Young & Co N 0.38 Sat:PO.4d street. pp .ple ); y 70113 EL 101330 r &NU FACTUREItS UP CABINET FLIBN 11 - URI: AND 1.11. C llt3, of ,Tery de-,riptn - ra. !•Int,n,• iscd ivork• nasnahip warrants 4. and collet rwturel prier.. Carr tak, n In pa.lanz Per Modazed RI rr cart tn.:, Win Iltgby, Jr., CconuNo AI;D Maaeoi Fifth street, l'iLt,nu7g . .l Clothing made to t rder. in good etyln, and at moderato e, .1.10.1 f It. gr. A C Duncaxs, WIIOLN.SALE (I.IiOCV.RB, and nestle, in Produce, For. Wiues sod Liquors, Old M0n0n10131.14 5:..11 t. 117 0 ,1 Whi4ky, No. VI Liborto st Filt,burgb, I. I)='7•J A. Tlndle, f;', WHOLESALE and 110.11 Saddle, Ilarne=o Trunk, Vaßso and Carpet Bug manuLtctur,, N 0.106 Wood at., Pittaburgh, Pu. jv.Z.9,y J ti. - M.llory• HOLESALE nod Itetail Dealer in ,trozneo t e, Pianoa, Moak, School Books and 1-..cati.z.e..-yr, No 12 ood t reeL lanl John W. Batter .Itt. Co., f J. W El I'l' II:, FORWAIIDINU AND COM:4118810N MERCHANTS-- ' V E N ETIAN BLIND MANI:FACIA:IIER, has recovered s Dealers in all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures. Lead llls health at as to resume hie old bo•lnens. nod Lee Pipe god Sheet Lead, 67 Froot street. s..p..tfi , opened hi. BLIN D MANUFACTORY, at No 66 Fifth strt et, o•sr the Poet °Rice, I,tween Wood sod Braithilel I, obese Entorpriole Work•. No 138 Wood street, fr.ird door below i'rrynn alley. I, tilt an assortment cf BLINDS, trimmed with pinto and Inner worsted and 'ilk trimmings, cod is prepared to ell BOWN!It TETLEY would cad the attention of Sporting : sty order in Lie line, on the moot reasonabi.• terms. 111, men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles sud Re 5..7! is wtrranted to give satiefactko or mon. y refunded. rolling Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever opened In this market, together with a general assortment 41.4 - o.d Blinds repqrred. or Hardware, Cutlery, Tools end Fiebing Tackle, all of which Oar Piece: give him a call, as he can't he beat In work• We offer at Ws lowest possfble prices to cash purthaxers. or r."-"4".0 m-7 ly for good approved pap,. merit Copartnership Notice ELATE TUN DAY April iltii, ses , ciated with me Moors. Y. SEIGEL TliltliETT brad S.ANII.. C. CLANGS, th of whom have been for many year• in my e,tabli.h meat, and are already exienslyely and favorably known le. my CuktOmPill and the public general ly a' superb, Neo.k men, and of correct basil:less habits. We hope by a, un,on of experience and artistic skill —chpecial y in the watch d— partmeot; by keeping a lsrge nut well retooled stack of g .,,,1.; by railing at mAerate prirsi, ant by 'lose attenihn to banln.s, to trk.,it a liberal share of pOLIOCII,IS To my old friends and tae publi^ In general, who hare for many year., past PO liberally patronitel my busineea. I return Illy thanks, and solica f,r the new firm a coutinuer• - e of Ft CLI I. lar (aeons. W. W. WIL.3ON. Piitsburgh, April 11, 1551. Wll•on, Tarbett & Claney, WATCH MetliEßS, JEWELERS Hari SILVERBMITIti, 87 itnrket corner Fourth. m. 6 New Coact. and Carriag• Factory I JOHNSTON, BEOTHERS & CO., armee Rebecca and Reiman: street, Allegheny City. WOULD respectfully la form their friends 17.7 ' and the public generally, that they have •*- , ipi•••• • commenced the manufacture of Carriages, as ~ .....Barouches,ltockawsys. lieggws. Sleighs ent Chariots mall their various styles of hoist and eropertion. All orders will be einottt.l with strict regard to durabill. ty and beauty of 9nlen. Rep.dre will also be attended to on Ll:Lemon reasonable terms. Usinir In all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, Olio feel oh dent that all who layer them with their patronage, will be perfectly eatletl.l on trial of their work. Purehaser3 are requentel to give us a call, before pur , ha. sing elsewhere. 0c!6.1v J. T. JOLUT,TOY .D. t. JOHNItON L. di,. la. Ricelalor Carriage Factory. J ORNETON, 131lOTLIER h PitACTWAL COACH MAKE/VS, corner of Behecca and Belmont .tracts, gheny city, Pa., have on band and or. manufacturing no eat...mire assortment of Carriages, Rockawnya, 8ug41 ,- . Baggage Caret, kc , male In all their varloul styles, with strict regarl to durnb,nty and beauty of tiniNh. tn.:in; to i their work the beat Juniata Iron and eastern biAtory. It-- pairs attended to on the mint reasonable terms. They 1,. oonedent that all who may favor them with their patron age will be perfectly sattefied on trim! of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Onanlbuees pass every t teen minutes during the day. 0rt2.51y PITTSBURGH COMA" FAl , '/L'Otl.le. E. KOSLOW...». LURK?! L. PIT [TM 0Eu2..01 aLBIBT . BigOlOW & CO., SUXESBOIO3 TO E. M. BIGELOW, No 4d Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitt"- burgh—Cuaebea Carriages, Pheatous, Hoz •••••••:,, glee, and every deen-iption of 'eery •ebiol.v to order, and finished in a manner unsurpassed beauty of design, elegance of ftnian, still of woramandltr and durability of materials. /411 work warranted. JAMS - - - • - -- • -JOBLPH J. GLAM. Ledlle & Ulam, (Snmeasors to idulrany A Lea ilia.) MANUFACTURERS a cot, 1d001d.4 and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and douilers la all kiwi, of Window Wass, Fleakft, Viala and Bottle , . War.- home corner of Market and Filhaer 'greats, Pittsburgh. mh3:dly Removal. CMISS'S, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, . Bottles nod Window Masa Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottle., Demijohns and Carboys; shoo, Flint 010.8 In every variety. Warehonae, Nos. 104 Second, and 113 First street, Plttebergh, Pa. isch2,l 1. W. Chadwick, RACER IN KENTUCKY LEAP TOBAOCO, Rand AND PAPER, No. Ali Wood street, below Bizth,Pitts- Dgb. /kir The highest market price, In 0 A 811, paid for RAGS. anDlr ly* 0821 /MULL. L. J. Lill CUM. ATWELL. Atwell, Lee & Co., WiIOLEBLLE ONOOF.P.S. Produce and COMMiSOIp erchanta, and D.ialsrrs to Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street, betwuen Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. apt S = =I! W. P. Marshall & Co., TSIPORTISRB and Dealers in French and Am•rlcan PA PER FUNDING'S, 87 Wood /treat, Pittsburgh. iTSele Agents for the celebratad manufaetures of Moors. Delicaral d 00., Paris. sag' • t otor 4 rilktzl.x4- 5 !.4! .6. PUBIdBEIED DAILY, BY GILLMORE Sr, MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS." CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, Al $B,OO PER ANNUM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY EN ADVANCE VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS Joseph Flomtag, fsuccassoa rn L. VILCUX • CO 1 CORER MAME' STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps constant:a on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Siedl• dons, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to MR business. Air-Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. jedzy JOHN PLL-NLLIG...-.. Fleming Brothers, (a 0003880 Se TO J. KIDD k CO.) WH , LBBALI D1.7061.8T8, No. CO Wooa street. Pitts burgh, P. Proprietors of Dr. M'ime'o Celebriacri Verrnifuge, Liver Pills. Are. jalo John Linn, [ EllIC(USO. , C) MO n'aurFrr ] WIIOLEHALE AND Iit.TAIL Ditt3ool9T, and denier in Paints, 011 e, Dye Stun, tic , 111 Wood serest, three doors bolos Vlr. to alley, Pittablirgb. Rpr4:mkely R. L. Allen, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FUREICIN WINER, BRAN. DIE 4, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE wuiSliY. At., also, Rectifying Distiller, No 8 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa. Wines, Brandies, Gill', Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Croix and New England Ruin, Clarets. Chanspaignes Scotch Ale, London Brawn Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half.Bpanish and Con mon Cigars, all at such low pricey as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Rego and Labelled B - ittles of every style, and Demijohns of all sizes, I reep.ctfully Invite 1111 a:tan:Ora tion of my stsck, or No. 8 WOOD street, I. ittaburgh, Penne aprilily ONONGAIII.LA Pl.y lhu MILL —Would respectful. 11 ly inform Ws friends and the public, that hie new es. tablishmer.t fe 1.0. w in tall operati...o, and that he Is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and tf,i all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and et the lowest rates. Baird and Plank, planet on one or both sides, constantly on hand. Sash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made trig r order. Builders and Carpenters would Brol It to their wive stage to give him a call, as he can one furnish them with planed stuff suitable for eery description of work. CITE= Herren er. Criswell, lELL AND BRAES FOUNDaft.. and Manufacture, cf i ll , ill kinds of Bre .a Work, L, motive Staftlll Fogies, Plumbers, Sc. Air.. Cot-on Bet &leg Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allosbeny city. Ofilie and Btore No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. I ihrOld Brass and Copper taken in escbanze for work, or iamb paid. Orders left at the Foundry or OPice, wi,l be I promptly attended to. febo.ly X. GRAS'? T. J 011 All.. 1 D ILLISMORD Graff. Reisinger dk. Graff, Cooking Sweets limn and Pansy Grates, Coal and Wood Storm, Plain and Vance Fenders Parlor Stoves, Had and D g Irons, 8011 , w Wee, Fugwr Ketlrv, Stove Kettles, El= Blakely ts. Itichey, DEAL EiiTA i 111f.t , HVIE, c..rner of Poran , h and Salltbtl•ld latreAtx. Iht , shurgh, Ps Farm. P.ous,e, LOG,. Mills k urnaors. Is., bought and sold on COM Land Uarra.nta, Bins. E,nds and ho , el n.gottatPd oil gytto to pot4tvlllBg Farms 881 tlixpoidoB of thou. Tenon re,, , onable. 8,1,20 OLD PRINTINO ESTABLISHMENT, Ile•e John. A Sv.:• - 'iten,! end "Lank lio ox and stationery Warobou-e, tc prepared to CXrCII:e every Pyle of Commercial Caval and steam haat Jaa Prit:in eud Bonk 111:;., end Zurukla every article in the Iti.nk Bock, Paper and Stallotery line, et Ike ahoy t.a.: notice and on :Le ca.:/at ce..anable term, Mink book anti Eqatirn Wnr,housw. Pri •. and r: rr,r .11 Ma-k,t .nd Sw-,rl riiorth-W•atern Police AgCLICI, \T O. tl9 WASELIN . ITtiN STREET, corn, of Dearborn, CI.IICAUO, 1LL1,406. ==9 L.FTE :TI POLICK. 14e1".114ESS in ih+ St •t•q , of 111. bis, WIN-011Eill.N110,4xL acti Indtacs II hill JO' rf , llk: late Erin of JON ltd A QUWQ, E eying 1 ... en di,0 1, • e• , .1 Ui toe dextl: ui J ahr. F Qu.g6t. on the •r 7th 1111.‘ the te nee• t( said firm .I'l be so:1;e1 by Ihe anderei6.ed, office, corner vf Rnrs tic 1 1S 1 AC : , ueeteing P.rtner. Pr.tsburgb, September 30, 1551---,oct AT A MUSLcreRER or spr,o g , 0t...r .01 elect, rt i Picu4h :ne,, C,erb stA Hare Nut Taper, ha.f pm. •ut. ttcreu. Iron A.2l,6,—corunr a !toes cod Ylist etre - Is, ii.e•uurgb, Pa. D. D. Itoge re. is. Co., 1,1 ANUFACTU lik3t, of R p , tte.tt. unproced I YI Cultivator Te , lll. Utlirr n,: 1.060 and First airro:. Plt.• , Jurgh . 6c hoot _ vi r,N r P it: Arts, sr, sr D meto ,1 • trr e: Um:eh , rry st.sy. Thr tntr rsspestfullt nft,, nos. to I htt LaYinftt ant fj• n' frt., t•;ttattufgh, that lit has re:stitly srect..l n RIVING Fetittof,. obi h-11 p,int o' t-smmotlift,o-al fsol scat. t•stfon, and , nt.ably t ass:l any similar a- tablifihm•nt in t br Unttel s'lststt L. lostsfitn In n.—sts.ll.le from nll r arte nt Us sity. tbs blzh an 1 airy sittlafft-n rem:slot It ef malty oft i•sl to tlw cromotsto of h-al - h. by thi• moat ogres ex, .isft. Ilsr-s• i ala 1 faft.i tratufsl, Ft,/ ft.• prof risti r 1.1.1,r5a Limanlf tent at- pato , or expsus• frill be spared to in bo thu entnbtishmtto the fltrt to It.. ef.raf.•loner it' tha rob'.:- tf _ _ _ Ittetinad t. Bucking, NT A N PACT 1.; it alt. )1 ,, iii lilinSZK, Ir. 'SANG-GLASS, i'i)IITRAIT AFC) PRAM KS, Plain ta,l ”roainent,..l, No 21 St 1.,1a!r ai.reet All kind , ri Conarailion Ornam.nt,, for Ctrem• boa:, 6c. All kin.lq of wilding and Re glidln 2, In ord• r Mnuidip yram e a, and rotaii Vernieh f r Oil Patomloaa, Yngra•ioga end LitliovatibA. for sale 411 - Impaircd or oefaced Oil Painting. reat.orad in :be be.,t All Promo.; •nd Moulding,' manuradured fn thha onto', ItAmout may be cleaned without injury, with map and Ceti and see. Nn. 'AI Pt elslr st.. Pitt , bure, 1.133,12,,tf T HE AV sold my Interest in the briMoess os Long. Miller 1 A Co., , o B. A Loug. who, with John Phillips, will roo• ue IQ the 01.1 raw', No. 109 Front scree.. 1 cordhiJly ro n ec,m•oti th” new I.rsu , n the patroueg• o my fri,0.1.. ilt.LrLurgh,July 1h154. I'. IL MILLER. S. A. Long a Co., - DELL AND Bit k AM. GAS FITTF.R,k, I ) irrvite tautlou of Craudeliark, bra , k I , ,olnuts and , •;.11,1..txturex. IVe , tit up tvu.rn a i'h G.. and tank.. Bra.sz Casting. of •11 kinds to crier, fur irk Ital•mal Pumps 00.1 ant Flttlugr, ant trap Al.l, A...tral , u Metal conotuntly 013 linol. . _ _ FU r lc E. DALI"B tiTOCR.ING MANUFACTORY. No. 20 Filth greet. fret tarn, at/me Market strett, lAT 11F.RE sill be foun I the largest end beet escorted 11l stock of LiOSIRRY ever °Here I for elle in this dlr. Por haeerF will find it to their edventege to cell at this e-tablishm•nt and examine for themselves; It it 4.11 I need to insure their rustom C. DALY. N. 13 —Remember the Carer STOCKING' CORNER, Add:7 C. D. T . enboerliser hertn4 tho eteluelve right to rotinufne• tore sod well SWEENEY'S HOT Alit AND SMOKE Ctl NOUN!) NO FURNACE. Is preporrd tn reeelre ordora, otod enntraet for beating buildings with the moot Procomirel Furnace now In use ne attention of those lote•epted s IFtitrd. Any inf .rmetion ran be hod of A. BRADLEY, N.s. 2 end 1 Wood stre.t.cr of .1. II A ENIYA,I.A It, deo2.l:tfj Iron City Store Werehoinee, No. 131 Wood sc. Dta•olulloo of Co—Partnership. Milli CO PARTN Winn P b.retntore exi-nog between JO!.IIUALiODES !sod VIIILIP RH I'M th« tiolearde Fruit and Cooteutinuary 13usioers, is this day dh.belved by mutual rounent. The but.inesa of the firm will he settled up be Joshua who is author Srtl to re. crust for all debts diva said firm. JOSHUA I[llODl4B, March 'L7'1,1855. PHILIP RAYMER. Zrjr The undersigned. hove Oita day formed a Partner under the noce. Orni and style of ItY.YM LR h AN• 6F.1.-10N, for the truncation of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary No. 3) Wood street IFILIP REV.! d. ItOliT. .1. ANDERSON. Fitt...burgh, March 27th, 1856. Ls• In retiring from tbnCnufectionary tuginssa, I cheer• folly rroornmend Xerrira.llPymer i Anderron to my friends and runt mew. /081tUA AIIUII EP. Pittsburgh, Niarcb 21th, 1855 FULTON CAR WORKS, FOIIfiIDRY - - SANDUSKY. OHIO. rritE aubscrther baring moved Into his new Works, re cmtly erected, corner of Water, McDonough and Shelby streets, is prepared to contract for and execute all order. fur PASSKSGER. BAGGAGE, POST-OFFICE, uouev. FREIGUT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, ELAND, and all other. deecriptions of CARS. Also, for STEAM EfOINES of all discs, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all deecriptiona, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different departments are a, lentific sod practical men—mostly from Eastern manufactories— ho keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod ern Improvements. W. W. WETIIERF.LL. ang2B:f o FAROS ALB MI . BIGELOW & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO S M. BICELOM,) No 46 Diamond Ailey, near Wood street, PITTSBCROII COACHES, CARRIAGES, PILETONEI, BUGGIES, and every description of Fancy Vehicles built to order, and linish•d in a manner unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. Fa- All work warranted. auol3:ly 8. CVS/1118114 •. C V17111111:10. S. OOTH BISIRT 6 SON, GENERA,COMMISSION AO RNTS for th. Bale and purchase of Real Estate, Collection of Rentz, Borro, lug and Louth:lg Moneys on Bonds and Mortgagee; also, for making gales of Produce, Menufaotured Articles de., for Farmers, Meebanietand others. Oaks, No. 615 Market Street. ang7 M=! COCASIA“ FLIMING f'o;ta6l• Pot gen T•a Kectloß, V. von Boxe3. ME= ==D:l Pinkerton 6/ Co Isaac Jong, 1111=1 YITTSBURAM, PA Con•nme Ui• timok• PART:tin-5111P NOTICE. AND MAC LI INK NnoP, ..i f ` .. v ,,, 1 !c- -4- A -1 ;...':!.. !:: : •:' , .!•a;ii*: , :, 4, :' , :!,' ._ . . .....-*4-,p 40 ir 1r,.. 1., i 9.- - : t,.,;- .4 4 . c--. ------ - ,„. 1 .".„- . ~..- .., ,_-1 ______ PITISBURGH, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1835 BUSINESS CARDS I. L. ftlaruhall, chef+ sOr to U. L.A.) WOOL LF.AL,I3II AND COMMISSION 1511,111311 ANT No 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Ps. Reference—W. Al'clint3ek d Itro,s4 Kramer .4 Ilatm - Brown 6. lilrlApatrich; Murphy, Ti...1:1F112 A eo. Pittsburgh MRy Dissolution of Co-Partn•rettlp 11E Fitt.l.l gi 1,1 VINOBTON, Iti(ltlN 8 CJ.. Proprie r tr_re of tte PITTSbUItG3I NOVIMTY WWII:I, wen di,ulved by the death of Mr. JOHN J. Ito Gaits, on the Ilto of Ma. cb last. _ _ The busineas of the NOVELTY WORKii will be continued in ail its htanehrs by the F.:I-riving partners, u..der the name and 'Lyle of LI VISGS'rUN, COPELAND A CO, who aliio F ttl e up the affaira of the late fir L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, .1. K. noottaen D, Piitithlirgh, Pa., May 4, 1E45.1 W. B. CA)PELA ND. 1=1:1 John In'Clookey Q. Co., IinL A E , B T Al, , E so. A B l B .iD vy pi C t r bu T r l g ll h N? .. MBA The subscribers respectfully itaio:m their (..ld customers and be public in g•nerai, that they have title day asea.ci% trd themsulve , in the above business, under the firm cf ./ UN SI'CLOSIikY a CO. They respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. prey loos business of each will be settled by them. sets es respectively . lob 9 Boots and Shoes. JNFLAUGIILIS, No tb Fourth strum, nearly opposite . the a) Or's offle, inlnntalturi,g Gentlemen's fir it Id, rm. buttor.d, Col. great and Ituttia, e 1 lianorr , lialf 11 , aits, J.inny Linda, LtAlnit of every railer and shale; Lit not :atm (Jai', r., I.f llie brat materials. Mii.es hut!, Chit ef er ery ruradr .MME=33=fi=lll !soldiers' nounty Lancia and Claims against Government. 11, IL'.. prom!, Bounty Land Warrant. for `oldlerc, their and Minor CM then, and a' tend to busii,ese In the " Court 4 I Choulas," r-coolly es:OA:shod by Cun.rress. ('do-, N 143 r ..rust, ono „Moo a.ove Snuth`laid at. :darrh •111,ES NAYLOR IN we Need more. WARD., , B off., le , sale CANARY BIRDF of 0 'he tn....t intro'': I reed, halm: •e''r hardy, and One longer/4 lar I hod. ry, !letup, 'lO, it, Rope and ns• .r• el Beef Ifouqee'e will t e furntahed oompoae lot the lint,t 15 ERB, rd. Lamellal. tone Buda, 11, , eutreper ' de. Evert re- p,;•, ler Chr” mat' Trees, tree, need rid Herd uhural Store. No 4 , , near We.e.l. de.•'2e donut), Lands. T 1 undersigned continues td übtain Bounty Laud War. rant: Tne prriee,t I ill slyest° all who have eorrvi to ally 1W nr aluce V../, 160 ae-rs 't erms moderate. LL:lit COCK rota T, 17 Diamond alley, between Wood t owl Le , ' tmeel Sew Bottling Ustatoll•tom•nt. ) )TD A MONT N h.ve tot..red into -isrtorrxhip to j) t•eneact the I.u.imuo It3ITLINCi, In all Its branch. e. at 0 Liberty /tree', Hall. T 1 ey have c. nmattly en hand a eur.erler article 'of INDIA ALE, rut up to plot hottlea Leatere and famidee w.ll 0.0010 their ir•n:ase L tDe tin 7201, and czar, lue for themaelve4 e b L:le a superi. r onto!. of DeRTSIt, eABSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATER Term- no far' rablv 15 efo house In the coy. Al. 4 :der _t up at short dome INJYD A NlOit4uN. .1 No , S Like tr et.Nerlll. EXHILIITION 11.00111 FOR INVENTION:i AND PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of Patent itights and Paten:ed Articles. MOSES P. FAN , . .... Agent. ,V 0 SO fourta d-ert, THE hart I,cig arivisioted with 1. hATON and t - nl:isLion in remal si.inltiig Lim, to IT v., tw iy w,. t 14. ow piuy to ,r Icre, ”i I tin: 10:egrity and indef . / L:ll;rib, In. %S . Iw bior n.. 1: , W Li. 1. 1 ..1y, .1 hn ttrnhnln, Jnros Wt i. 11,1•14 d C.., 11,1c,n K nap A V. R. 1., KrAr.,..r A hnhrh, Wu, rh1114;., L. K. I.lvlngaton. n •1:10,, r, .l,l,zieon A W I,nwn, Achire.w knoon h. OTrml,rl.7th. 1451 Llneses—Ouff's College Geo • - 1 Pm,/ :tint Keen.h.l •n flue hien during the F.l:ll2Ler under r J. Li. N\ iLlinaLs e Lowe rano., styles or Lieut.:nen end Writ, ere - , unite•en , ly edinired. No epecimen• I henro•h•L•l. are extuh het at then .er hut (Lose eoe^u'e , l br tb. Teacher iu ,Le /usoiution The l•rincdnaleinn,- •• roonopol• " r • pa, hi- bi,:ioe••, nor did he get hi. luetit i• n rhartered to :lel! .01, Lei teen reben:elly lone to G Vwitinx i nrdt wri•len in !gr. ur,ll,U, 1.-1 • ASA Orceaueo , ,: r Navy' Enlell Iplencc 01111 c•. 'UI Fol,,rt,t, han yu.4 olo•o•I eo I'siELI.II,ENCE j oFFI.2E, •I 1:• - 2 at.,•t., to the wy.. known eqtoo. t.I J , Ea 1.cm•••• a :lop .tud 1,5. Le 11.- Leen A f •t Ole • • at.: 1lr:1 . 1. LT.,. t utah l y)rA. tatler• Ear.,,,t that n, ka• w 1 ,1,40 ,•f th. :1 y Kn. 1 r ::• - olts,., h' vrn I,lp, Po) •140 to I,ne, r r• nn Nrr• .-.'kin:•tupsoyment. Tb• rn. rt E=.l /AVM , k;il MAN Lr'A' I r savor 73.1 F•,. • I 0,11.. Uri x , VN/16. b. ]tt V P 11•011 ;of IGO 1. .a.Jul • • tare A 131'• Er V. sit , . nt •vcry..l.-.,-.1,,t10n. wt In etsr,l,...,rnwr y t r tro•••,, CNL:E.I2.IIII:,i o, 10 0 , 1 ow bronco. Ii" OftE C o ,loE:it A't K: VlTti, t erect/el e ness ent tin itiodoiite pon Cherry II ley, h. 1, Pin] Third en 3 Fourth etreete. whet, be if 3" rt-par , tl t.• nil W,73 in ti.e line with the ittrido.t perrnpti• Ilertrg hod erg elperii•nre •he t.e reepeietfd.iy eodk-it• the padronne of buy odd costrii.aere and the pot tic ireurre'ly. n=l GRAND PIANO, E BY NUNN & CLARK, NEW YORK I'll /11C of Piff,hurgb and Allegheny 14 rerpert la.:11 irIVV,I to roll n :b. Ftt ot the ruhttorWer., 4h./ 11 Tti CT., ends ,Set r ...!!' , lA'Zl exam's, 7 1 e I , nllOre.nd Ple.no,price SlOOO, From tha FacLary r I Sally t:L., AR, N.. York. Thi• In trutt,ht I , rot.t. In IL. LIZA !flail' AN S Y LE," ft.. orttr.h., od trio; clot.- rst.lvrrl .1 or •tor •I ID 10 fok.ll, ott R D. It is fo [—Laver, , the otrg. , , kw], In point t,t yol °fur, 1,,0rr, a tot ,u.d ra.r. of Lt., Id prouconot ell, vther tt o.urpnrceol.. rub•. - tibe, wthi h. happy to rr elrr the 'lwo or Oat, friend. .11 po fr.lotrel, "14 rho,. ilium through their elegant hew rstahlt ,, l , fluent. 4 • CHARLOTTE BLUME, VO. 118 11 000 PlTTritiUittill, is Juet criving n lerge ;toe/ of PIANOS, of the latest Myles, irom the Victories of IIAIINIGARDTEN & lIItIN9, Ilamburgh: HAL.LET, DAVIS & CU, Ilogton; RAINES, BROS. & CUM MINOS., New Ycrk , A. It. REICH ENII bCII, Philsdelphia Together with tho,e of other makers, at prices from $/25 to $1,000: including every ratiely and etyle from the plain but eubaan'lal Iron tram* Piano, to the most elegantly carrel [Joni! XIV. style, F.quare and (hand Piano, Arrangements hare te.n made with the manuticturere, by whiob the.t ing,..ruu PULP are sold lower by their earl, Ore agents here then Its the En,t, and without the addle tlonal rust and ri,l, i 4 transportfolon. Every Plano sold by th, subscriber le warranted perfect in every respect, an 1 a written gnarant&4l will be given II tequired. BLUM 11, auglB N. , 110 Writ .'rest =II vr A F AC11; ED BY CIIICECF.RING & BONS, Boston, and fur salt, h: JullS 11. IIEL , ,fIR, No Al Wool street, between Iddroond alley and Fourth street. Jost r-vei‘ed from th T'e manufactory of Chichering & Sons, Boston, nod for sale 'era nobly at .13,Wroi pl.-Ky.:— Two of their first clais sert.ti tPd eve Pianos, Louis XIV. style, wi.ll carved ruses. legs, I ine,ic desk, he. &c.; i•hed beck and front alike. Tl:i!e is considered by persons of taste to be the most beautiful pattern i.ow made. Prior giOn ear h. Two heat clam Seven Octave Pianos, with Carrtrt rase, lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful eery. d tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $OO each. Three elegant Rosewood, pain double round corners, Seven Oc'ave Pianos, hatched back and front silks, and with Chickering's Patent Iron Frame. Prier $.1.,0 ex^ll Two carved ittoewood 6% octave Pianos, with new style fluted leg., carved case, musi • desk, and the usual openings filled with beentifully carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. Pri-1.542.5 earl, Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, fu„i octaves, finished beck and front alike, and with Chlckering's Patent Iron Prams. Price $371, each. Seven Itosewo.l and Black Walnut Sic Octave Pianos, all made as well and with the same care as their first clam Pi• anon, and with Chirk•ring's Patent Iron Frame. One of Chickering & &nue New Scale, full Seven Octave Grand Pianos, of immense power, brilliancy, and aweetnee, of tone, with their New Patent Action, which renders Ole touch .0 light nod elast'e that it can b. played on by the MOM delicate hand. Price s7bo _ TEE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of thsir now Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new iossution, and particularly ads: ted for Parlor use. Print $6 PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano litoole just received. Yor sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, SI Woui et, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for CHICKERING A SONS, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. ourr2B Platform Scales OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO.a. suitable for Railroads, Ce. nals, ac., for %Achim; Hay, Coal, Ore, and Nierchare dies , generally. Purchasers may feel assured tbat they can be supplied with a superior and reliable article, and run no ri.k. Each Scale Is guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. • Paotnry at the old stand, established for thirty years, oor. ner of Ninth and Melon streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO, Buocomors to Butcoro it Assort istieZalbso L '- ‘,C 4z.lt - '• -.1".-.l•.*\,_ " • . • , ' .4 I. - • , t ~ PARLORS, CHAMBERS, AND DINING ROOMS EQUAL TO ANY IN NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOW PRICE'S. oir Every aruele made by hand, and warranted. .cor.r.lL/L8 CLOBEX2 Supplied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAllto, on reasonable terra. !totals and Steamboats FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Warerooms, Nos. 77 and 79 Third strew, &qr . / PITTS.BURGH. H. KLEBER & BRO , No 53 F'ij6h tared., a /SW door: from the Poet 0 "Lee. /Eir JUST Re-Carrie, the Mot few of a large Invoice of Nouns a Clark's unrivalled Pianos. This,, choke lot will comprise -6 Octave square corners, rosewood, over ` • I • t, I i otrings, kc. 6}i Octave, do do do 6h Octave, round corners, TOSSAOOI.I, carved, MUSH. , r•ck and lyre. 67i Octavo, double round corners, finished all around. AN do do carved ego, Elimstothic 6 4 do Somiterpentine, very elegant. 7 do do do do Full Serpentine, splendid pattern. 7 do do do Th.) above will Positively be cold at New York 1, story gruel, ma/kW addition for freight dh H. HLSBER k PRO, Pole Apses for N anus k Clark, for Pittsburgh and Western Penneyiracm, eep6 kI Pith greet, tour the Poet l'ffiro. IL= ~;y, 6.1 MEE= r CABINKT 1, Lei •tre^'. L =ME 11. KL.E1.0.11 A , ergo 1 tLe Ideu harp, NO. L 3 F ifth strevt_ • • • BRIM MEE .may `: ' %. ...- ... '..! "Yr r 7: i r ' / Il i ' ' .:1 : : , ,, f . , V - , ' f ' - • . 1 . 7. ',,,.:,/ ~ :. -.,., . ~.-.. , ~ :, \ , t .-c . e, . „ .... .... ?.... , . .. _ •- - , .1 '..' '". ::‘,. ... , -9. MISCELLANEOUS WOOD WELL'S FURNITURE AND CHAID. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, EMBRACING EVERY STYLE Cl* FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD, MMIOGANYAND WALNUT, SUITABLE FOR Cabinet Makers PIANOS ! PIANOS ! MANL7ACTURED BY NUNNS & CLARK, prW T . EH, ASD ?OR b 1.1.1 ;IT WILLIAMS & ALLEN, BOCCV3BO LB TO ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, MAIM/ dCICILI2I.S 01 ChiLson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND YITTING GENERALLY For Warming and Ventilators of .huildingr Altsie-W. et A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by o!narti or Hot Water, Flocs or Chilean's Furnace, Churches, Schools, liamicala, Factories, (keen Houses Cour tiff/WWI, ' Jails, Hotels, or Dwell i oga. No. 2b ILK Ei etre-t. P.tishor4h. solti J CMIXIM...J. C. OMWM...H. C. TM , 13... W. H. WOODW ARD AMERICAN PAPIE fft AIACIIE NANIIPACTURING COMPANY, NO. 78 SECOND STREET, PITTSBLRGEI, AIA NT ACTUBERA or PAPIER MACH E ORNAMELN TS . for Churches, Houses, kteounboata, /4,. Mirror and Picture Frames, Window and Door Heads, Brackets. Troe,s, Cornice,. VentDstors and Centre Piers for Ceithokro, Ro +ctt PA Pt.! Moulding• of every demairolon, sire and design, :u carer, and warranted more durable th.n any other astic:e iker • r executed on the rborteet N - A•tenrdon of Steamboat BuUders is especially Ll •cte article, on account of Its 11.4 t weigt,t. CUMMINS, TUNKS k CO., No. ;5 Second et a between Wood and .11nrIcet .ts, Pitt,burKb. S. M' K C KANUFACMSLOSS OF M'KEE'S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS WINDOW GLASS, Satrs, f.uble Ektrangth. Imitation Crown and Hub? Vials. Flash l'icUle and Premarre Tarr; Wine, Porter and Mineral pottleai Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod insulators BNOOND, 132:TWILICII WOOD A ItIARKKT BT3, PTTTSM:III.OII, But n Hbort (Retailse from the Steamboat Inolle.e. trots M.nonetihels noose, St. Chgrle., Rod City 'lnt.; Ind JOHN COCH RAN & BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS VAULT DOORS, ' , Window Shutters, Window Guards, &e Nos, 91 Second street s.nd 86 Third st ,s.ttl..ll l D MOOD ..t 31 , a1.%) FITTSBCRG 11, FA., 'list on hand a variety of new patterns s.ocy an_ Aultab , e for all purl:c.a.,. attent , oti paid to encloalog Qr►ra Lot.. Jobbing done at abort notice. !rn'...l Coal Work• tor Sale • , a,,Z I ..:CiTtal: h.d. sod „L AC : fah op-rawm. Said Farm IR attn.,' in tha M oragan.dd ricer 81 mine aixo.• Inttsbdrzn, nod v Funid , ed with a Farm lieu,., Born, Tenant linaarpi, Orchard, Railroad, •nd ao Pacldlent thart, The 1,1112 of Oual Is flee feet thief, and eartoot toe surpasa• ed in quality. Yor further particulars apply to I_II.ILFON rAystr., No :133 1.111. , rty FtrrrL JUAN LUCTIAK., Jr., Agent, 21.11 LIIISITT OTIOSIT, LI A JUST .I.ti:C/k/VED the lollpiti:4g rery choice sr:A Lteee•- 111tAMOIRS. Hock, • pole lir.ndy, (very flue,) Llrbork. Gtard Dupuy A (super.) M•rreti A CO. Jam•lon, Serer.. 6auts. eras GIN WINES. Bards' kledeirti, Bognet, iloward, !larch Ai ilo., klut•ra London Cordial }'..wit I nal• Meideira„. B.7..hniti.p.ii. Tablo d o 6I;NDRIR6 Amin.tillacto :berry. Rutherford's Sentrh Ale .I.lAnxitullloen . hiarday's London Porter Table do , Wild Cherry Brandy, Coo Jo do Absinthe, Reece, ing Port, . Anteethe, Pure J dice do : Curscos, Banana., Moths and Java, Young Ilya. anJ Black TOIA, goglich Bronson Chorse, Import ,1 Haven. o.rara, of rarinun brand.. Ur dinitry do St. J ¢lte¢ Clkre t M slogs Dry, Uo Svrfmt, CSampaguert., A nehor, V.,runey, 01,1 Monongahela Whisky, of 11Videq.C11., all grail.. Together with ill other artizles connecter] with (Le Jo••pli Willie's Carriage 'Lagoaßory. I..ciElttl WRITE, nrarcarrying on best- ~. • tJ'near in hi,. enactorn premlseo, (now • 4„,„„ lately smarted,) on the l'itteburgh mad SA.: .....Y...,-SP trreenaburg turnpike, near the Two Mile Run, between Pittennrlgh and Lawrenceville, respectlully invites the public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES kc. And he particularly informs gentlemep purcaaters, that on• price only to made. Fourteen years' - ,...rtcm-e In the buaines+, enables him to place before hie patrons the same choice collection of Cameos which, so moray years poet it tins been his particular department to select from the Tenons and moat talented Eastern manor facturers. The NTICCOES of hie now system to complete—the sc.toomy at his arrangements will supply the Deft and most fashionable menufoccures at moderate ricer. Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, which the cedilla for decorating houses of business has heaped upon the price of goods, towing to large rents.) JOAISPg will sell, on ready money only, at tuubh lass than the usual profile, knhtittlawf Cerriegettretsaired in the best manner, with deepai_ WIG MANUFACTORY. MRS. RENTER, d o ors Ay.wkluct, opposite the Cbliecter's Otfict, 13=33EM I 8 PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS F'oll. WIGS, and all time or Orn►m.ept►F Flair Work Tb• beet qua.ity of cosierial I. furokhed. and entire natinfa.•: lon a uantuteed. mvls.thot ly ftEVAILYER.B I —Just received, by Es It prase, direct from the illantanc• tu re e,n splendid eterertMerit of COLT'S *et, i= • It gPEATINa PltiTol.B, four, five and eta inch barrels, all of ithich wo will 4; sell f.,r cash at es low psices as they can be bought in the city of New York. Persons going to Auetrali., and California will find that thee can do better by purchasing their equips ge at hone, than they can ann.ng etran.ers—as we give per, sone a chance to trr any of the above Pinola before leaving' the city, and in coos of a fall. are we refund the money. 13,,1fiN d TETI,EY, sepl 186 Woo 4 street, Pittsburgh. W. Li. bKIIII W. W. 31Aln J X. tillailft. Smith, ftlair it. Hunter, (Lntr. Sinn k fleelilt ) NiVr iI ta E NVI L ISIC " ... C' tv 9 T I3}{ e lrell i reL l e a r i : in 1 C" tints M" c S i ritukburgb Mailufectures,ll 2 Bnseud a nd 161 firs[ :trent, l'lttabura. Pa. 11=:112 Brott OS. Curtis, - IR ALE 13.13 IN REAL 16ST LT 6T. ANTHONY FAXLS, MUM(SOI 4 . ren,to.7. Lthd bought and sold through out the Territory. Money loaned, Inv,atments made to the east advantage, and Land Warrants , located. Also, Agents, for the sale of Lots In the town of ST. CLOUD, 66 miles from Si Anthony, and head of navigation above the Falls. The gurvey of the great Pace., Railroad crosees the Missals, sippi at thi6 point, and the numerous advantages It pos. eesses as a place of baldness, will make it one of the largest cities in the Northwest 411,111LESOLEI. Fa Governor Ramsey, Minnesota• Hon. Wee. It. Welsh, ObiefJustice c 6 Minnesota. Don. J. Meeker. Bon. It. NI. Rice, Delegate to Clongress. Rice, llolliogsheed A Becker, Attorneys at Law. Meagre. Borup A Oaks, Bankers. Rev. T. M. Fullerton, Register of U. H. Lend Office sep2.o Western Lnnd■ WB have arrangements with gentleman of experb nee in the different Western States, by which choice lands can be touted at Government price. Pericioadesirou, of locating lands, either for speculation or for actual settle meat, will find it to their advantage to give us • call. One of oar correspondents in lowa has spent the east six weelts in oritioally examining the lands in that State subjectlo -otry, and writes no that he has selected over 20.000 acres of choice lands. SLAKILLY A BIOUST, eep2Lideer comes Ilerrenth and Smithfield eta. MISCELLANE;OITS RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, 1001 t the l'rovention ant Cure of Inrcastirrmer and lir C MITTErt finites, Frivait and Aare, Canis and Fyisa, Dom Aaux, GxaxxUL DI:ILIILITT, NIGHT SWEATS, and Lai other firms of dieoase which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. This ls a NATUILAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any rNiileut or traveler, even in the most sickly or swampy localltiai, from any Ague or Bilious illiieaeo what ever, or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suf fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chill, by continuing its nee according to directions The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and wontinues until a perms• nent and radical cure to effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary eases; some may require more Directions printed in German, 'trench. and Spanish, accompauy each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the .trad, JAMES A. RiiOl)ES, Providence, IL L EVIDISNCE uk . SAFETY I have made a ehernice.l examination of Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure," or " Antidote to Malaria," end hare tested it fer .a.retnc, Mercury, iluinier and Strychnine. but have not f and n cartia;e of :ILL., In It, nor have I found any oubstance in Ito compo,itina that would prove injurious to the co-atitution. _ JAWS R. MILTON, M. D., Chem.l6t." EVIDENCE OF MERIT " LEWI3 - BUlt(i, Uaioo County, Pa., May 2. 1855 • Mr. J. A liAocte3—Dee: Sir: The bbx of medicine you sent me was duly received o the 11th of April. I hare .1i en mt one-half cf it, end ye far the people who have usod It are sadstied that it has,eured them. It has certain ly S,Oppe,l the Ague In every one who hue meal IS, .11C1 nix of the cases were of long standing. My sister, who has had it for tire or six yearn back, and could never get It stopped. except by llutnice, and that only PS long as she would take It, in new, I thick, entirely cured by your rem ely. It. AIoGINLY." CAUTION TO AGUE EUFFEREAB Take no more Arsenic, Mercury. Quinine, Strychnine, or Anti.i-eri>dies, or medicines of any kit d, the virtue of which is owing to ruch poisonous drugs. The most they can do is to •• break the chills " fora abort time, while they ore sore to cause coustitukionai maladies that cearie only with life. Remember that the only Fever anti Ague reme dy that is harm leas as well as sure, is Rhodes. Fever end Agu• Cure. PT- For snle by JuliN MITCHELL, and Dingigi s l l3 /0 91 emit , au4l4.daw N ottce to Whom It May Concern TIRE PUBLIC SPRING h.A.LES. of Real Estate at Ro cheater are now dosed, and the .aui/dxvig Season boa taJrly commenced. Every vituen of line oter is busity eta. played. Even 31 or 4u new families who bore Lemma citi zens the prenentt , prioß tint constant employment; and in a few days a hundred familiee more will be required to car r7 On the Iv 'rico! the present season. (.Izr Liathi.ang halabaJanknt is now near rompletio_ ,n and 111 be is full operatlon .lane. oral Cars will L e ready fur delivery, by COW:Iw , , the I.t of July, 1K,5. Two or three sew churtheo, to Roehester, will be con trecied r••T 11117110d141 , 1y. so.: 0111e1 imptovement. era' be crinatuenc,nl,lo,juiring a greet amount of mechanical and other lob, independent i,l ths Car E-tablishment, which will pro al•••1. eat' • ). 1017 • 'LC hundred A prumin-ut b. It kILISR, lAteburgh has just put t.tn, krizi. lots, Put vantrazted to make upon them forthwith blicSe Twu gang. of Lauds commence work the present week, besides thu other yards heretofore established in the neighborhood Our Stone Quarries are already alive with workmen, and the road Ira hog to them lined with teams. Lumber is beuntuisug abundant and cheap, and tenements will soon s,.ring up to relieve some of our houses, which BOW have 5 farnities, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of llama i 4 females each _ Any who d d not buy cheap luta al the (oar public sales last cea.,n, • r th• four publi: 4.1, the p^-coat spring, can nail aware food bargains at piirate sale by calling on the eubecnber in hochester. Terms--; ; ; down, iy in coo year cnd 1 .; in Inc years V. T. O. GOULD. c.—A few lots ran yet be bad at $6O to $lOO each; if applied for before the 1:t , h May. Three iota are twice fic 11,7 c m 1.1, , 141 era: 10 fre: by 1'21., and the price .•oly :roan $1.50 to $2 FO Pot front. The present reerry• homes:,-ad an i ins..tnincent protlt of Ovid Pinney, 4 acres in :be centre of tic borough of 4<x:heater; also, the beautt• 'al 20 io•rec, oreher•l. Ar, , of F Reno, can be :t.esuu,r‘b•r a ;rex: bar,ralua, and there aro uvt taw, euchl.aryaln4 within a hundred miles. G. .y 6 CA RPETS-CA PETS: AT McCALLUM'S. JIIST LE - LI V• D. AND DA I CON11:".0 TO IT IND Ines itntl 4r tiCEM C.',Sort moLt Ct I:exxi4 IL lilt above line, Er.cl,ll:; and TILI,:ry 7.):re , p's ):upertrle Y.lroDum and Low lorlted lugralns, 3ir1.1,01,1) /IL I Tay ;unlit variety n yet or 0%,) Bruner Doronr66 nni V ea:tinu Hall itod Stair ALeO—Bundtilul pnl.terr.:‘ rf (var , ous quail ?in: nod a•,I 1.. ') o , no n L. o -11 Crum: , on Mnoielo I e rot ug Frew . ), Ern rwan.nl ep I Vi-torin Itirce „rod Panto Cove-n. 11.nrth .KLI,S 8,1 Door )letn gr•n: en. let , I Ai'. other ,r kin) found in i).. :).r)'.l) on bend ut BT FOURTH r. W W I) S II !lIIC.II LUM. NEV sToRE 13/11MEMIME2=11 \ k r. t. , t a - ha t r they ,.ra y h t i ; T r e an I t.ttTe the „t 4. 14 ) • « :he , e f the bn..c044.4.. rt think no o ttor trth , .0 , r•Utotit .;•..ity ar.d pile, n, •t to b. f 4 on In 4 ore-, :!.. 1141 o ty. 'R:. II 1; 1.) • I , A IL. A k.::sT • - c.tUretek, , iu Pry 1;o...1, al.l kr ptug d3m 'large.lD. to .i 'Waco lica, Clocks dr.. Jewck/ y. ROBKRTS S. BIIOTHEEZ , A1:1. Lou . e.:40,1 thdr lae.o end ceretully sslee.. ~,...A ted stock of Fine 41 e:Lbe•, e1 , ..A.5. endrieh Goid Jewelry et greatly re itierd prime-, to make room for .k, ...tire nee .t...-k, whih w - tli 14. recedve4.l di rect trom the loot-au Enahatectoriee inn lee week., for the Fall trade. Purohn•ers tleii - in. to Has rod rots at low - pe.rea, -hould end !odr....!wre ". and examlue our ato.e.:‘, XII e are detertoin..l t.d tune i. ou: without reger‘i to '....,t ce termer prices. 0, - I'l.l. rge. Li.,-- ; le., 14:13F,P,T; A 1111.0T11 In, 41 FIA 017eot, neat do r to Wool. Cr - Wad,bes, C; - •-r tin, Jewelry rtpwded to the best ril.tio,. and ~,en. e l. j)-41.1y Mourning sni house Furnishing Ssorc, .111r101 Strrlt I r y E th er , r e e xi z rc. re a n n ti f r f e .n et , ...r . e , u . r , e o runs.queccc of which us Ikon , . CLl.el:t I u bob brau:hee t 3 L111..5.1. zurnplete. 110 have Just NECOND SUPPLY OF GOODS, And eau guarantee per,•ne xranttns coeds to our line, to Le pleseed hot' to gusli:p sod pries. k 1 sal see us . Plea.se note tee lc cobra, No 75 ?target etreet, ertlio Bli_eib:!A a COOPER. A F.X613 on. J. J. Gillespie C 0. ,& T Mn, pOl is I In..king (Tait Plat , a, Plato (Gem:, Engravings, Combo lot Fao, 76 Wood Pitt +1 , 113,711. um band un.l rondo to oraer.l.l:ll VII, nod NlAut.lni Nl/31.4.71,60 Walt, ut and WIC Frames or r, oI . ver, s'r o: A m r C 1 1 , 1 11 ,, An l Gi ulanwble ea, a for eetle, 171.7111: r. IrtIILER COUNTY, c , cttAlt.ll..F. lit I,r. . I .“.t - rr , .f whirl, tare taDder cul ttvtot.a. Tt• 1,7 • 1,11.111/,, of at hi.• urtain and tiny on !Inca, If dealred .Galquare of JA`dli6 fiLA.KELY, M/4 1' rr..rper of . r.k.,,th to. LAND %V_IftRANTS W ANTE V- 40, 140, lOU ACIIP: WARRANT:4, by: AUSTIN LOOM IS, • Al John Groutt, IM PORTER OF EVIAN DI FS 01', vs INKS, ho.—Dealtr In F Old Mono Wnlsgy, Poach Brandy, dc A leo, Rentifying Dlstillor, c , rner of Sint,hrivld and Front 5 rents, l'ittsblirgh Bales Intelligence Mlle., HOTELS, (louse k--purr MRoulacturerß, Me7cbants and M,.char ore inrit-d and -olicted to cell and otKain their Liulp and their App,oti , -.B Aloe, he workkg olnnne., Loath sn,ie and Irma..', .1.01 to. mended to, and nustnes,, frund for them uu rt•rt toiler, nt BARR'S IN TKLI,II.IENCr: 11:e•, No. 410 Lit ery street. No tine wer returo-d to applicatious by mall, uole, , s no. coropouled by .poet age st,irop seplo A P , l ,, S n ii.SLl k , CO2 i I m P ' self ~) 1 11 3 . "1 1 1 : - 1 : 113 3J 1' )°I n" a ' m " c¢t w f h ar taring bit.ir,,s. Pernnw apply lag will pleaga pine refrr eheo, athte ualary, awl athire.,, Port Unice, Lux 377, Pitt.; bur2h. ~tl9 Thomas 1,.2 ADDLE, 11ARNE..7 , 8 AND TRUSK MANSTFACII; REF?. No. 4 tit Clair ntreet. Yit e.burgla. cm_ hind, %%ships. 1111r.4..tc.. rultS Penrhyn Clientele. A FINK AMORINLENT of these durable and hesutlful Imporfed !tlawels ',II Le openn i. fr.T iuspection, for the first time la thiA , ite, et Ih• FAIR (TROLISIDS. Atter the nose of the they mol he foutal at the !qua tel Boom, of WILLIASIS c.ruer of Second eat Market stre.te. oetl.t, SALE VERY CHE %P. 31JILDINU LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by E•e. A good barnsin can he had by applying soon At nr the mni:!:ING Lot for Solo. A GOOD BUILDING L , )T, 2,1 fret front on Oar Eon strati Jl_ Iv 100 fe•et to deyth, In Birmingham, will 1 a ac.id Enquire cf UEO. F. GILLMORE, •t Oh.a of tin Moroint Pont. Watches! Watches!!Watches l! ! THE largest, finest and ch , apest stock .d* WATCIINS ever opened fu Pi:teburgh is non being sold by the undersigifed, whose long experience. close at:elation to the business and superior facilities have given him an estab ikhed revutaq , nin this heanch of trade. A bountiful ae. ,ottment of Ladies' Gold %Vetches from $2O to $lOO Hall road Watches, &c. .0r- Only agency in the State for the sale of the relebra•ed and unrivalled Charles Fruchham's Improved Series Chronometers. Watch repairing done in the best manner. Re mov M. CUTIII3KRT et. eos Lave removed their Real Ratate 0. and General Agenry Office to No. 63 MARKET ST., near Third. and Co—Partnership. (If - ALTER p. MIWOCIII ( L ed with him, on the V, 2d day of July, JUh. It. lluaaiza, in the Wall Pew business, under the name of J3'; '~~~ L . - 7 1,7,-r WATER CURE INSTITUTE, Hind :treat, (nnah side) be wee: Penn street and the Meer, PUTEIngIIGII, PA. DOMR TIAEI2, Graduate and Practitioner in the Old Schoola of Idelkine, Allopathic and flanceopathie, an 1 for the part ten years a succeadtul Rydropathiat, Dna opened a WATRR CURE he the above location. The perfectly awe, direct awl immediate effect this .oya• tern has on all Fevers, and ell amine saute and chronic, while it Ia mild, grateful and invigorating to the weak and debilitated, tandem it peculiarly detdrable in families, who will be treated at their hotuea. • Allopathic and Homeopathic treatment will be adminis tered where desired; but, after long and thorough expeti. erica, Doctor Bads gives a Betided preference to Hydrope thy, which has. throughout the old and new world, proven so eminently successful In every firm or disease, including Incipient Consomption, Bronchitis,' DPiPslasitir Initumme tory and Chronic Rheumatism, .Asthma, Uutaneons, ,Ner yens and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of cares from highly reputable citizens of nearly every State In the Union, can be examined at Doctor Baels's office. The Rey. Clergy are invited to consult him gratis. Warm water being need in the commencement, =dollen throug aunt the treatment, it is a luxury Instead of =plea sant, as those unacquainted might suppose. It eraftaurcsa—Metpra. Charles Brewer, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. IL Williams, Thompson Bell, J. R. Wel din, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B.lloimes, E. LL 'Wag h, B. M. Kerr The undersigned, having visited Doctor Baal 'e Institu tion, acid witureml his successful treatment, cheerfully recommend him as a thoroughly educated aril Phydetan Charles T. Russell, Jos. lt.PConnell, David Hunt, John G. earth+, Robert Patrick John B. vingstm, John Wright, W. W. Patrick, Moses E . Eaton, 0. OrEciFby Gregg. cr.l.l6%;arr w Yoax, Jana 11, 1855 WADS LI t2.I?T , Pi SLEPLX lIAPIPTON CAPIPBELL., j~TeGT l ErAZl o f " D 'aM F,Allitt3 "m i r :ridle; )s .k a iiVllGYS , v OL ' OTITING, adapted to the , Wenterfs"Teride, 82 Third strret, between Wocd and Market. Pittsburgh. Arconget our stock, which Is the largest and most com plete in the country, wilt be found, at low prices— Men's Clothing, of every description; Boys' do do A meat variety of Undershirts and Brewers; Full stock of Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neck Ties and Stocks; A splendid assortment of Suspenders; do do Men's Winter Hosiery; do do Boy' do Linen and Muslin Shirts dr.d Drawers; Canton Flannel do do Gum Elastic Goode ; And o full stock of goods adapted to Miners and Farmers' wear, Ac. Also. Umbrellas of all grades. We Inv! te our old acquaintances, and all dealers In our lin., to call and examine for themselves. We are now opening oar third supply, and our stock is full and com plete. Warehouse on third street, half way between Wood eel Market. octl9:daer W. W. WILBON, fr 7 M ricer ;trent, corner Fourth W. P. MARSHALL a 00. IPMRPSE „ V .... V -4, ,, -. ; ,_ . ~. . lit) MITE it 33. MiS.C.LubiINEOUS 111.03 CITY COMITERCIAL COLLEGE. OF WEBTERN PENNSYLVANIA, k N Institution to educate the BUSINESS MAN. Col- CI, lege open Day and E.enine, from 8 A. M. to I 0 P. 2d. T 0 0, to lents and upwards havematlicuttited at this School of Practical Arts, taught in a practical manner by instructors of practica.i experience in the business with which their arts are connected. 1721.113 OP SCIMIDN Book-keeping—full mercantile course, time unlim ited, including commerci calculations, all lee ry:use, and Practical Penmanship, - • - $35,00 Same course for Lull, „ea .(apartment separate) • `2o,oo Perimatiship—practioar—thrii nullkited, - • 10,00 Sams course for Ladies, (apartment aspirate) - 600 Penmandlipi per m0nth,4.09 Arithmetic, ----- • -- - 4,00 Penmanship and arithmetfc, per month, - • 6,00 Higheemattematint, langutgea, entreeying, engineering, drafting, mechanical, architectural and t....amental draw ing and construction—Mt per agreement. !Fir Those that can attend only in the attuning, have all the adrantages of the day atwient in leas:tree and inatruce hon. SFS - College (now) extrocr of Wood and Fourth--enon in "College Hall," opposite the Post Othat. sep9 P. W. JIMICINS, Principal. Polytechnic Depwrtmcnt 0Y THE IRON CITY COLLEG a—Commencing idosinsi -Eva:visa, October 8. at 7 o'clock. A Session of Twenty lessons. Students can attend every day and evening to practice, but are charged for only four legions per week. C. BARTBEROICR, Teacher of Architecture. 1. Elementary Drawing and Shading. 2. Regular course in Descriptive Geometry. Part I. Line ant piatium and Intersections. Part 11. Cylinder, cone and sphere, with their inter sections, with line, planum, dc. Part 111. Perspemtive. S. Constructions in different building materiala, stone, wood, brick and iron, du Founistions, trussing, rooftng, arching and vaulting. Furnaces, ventilation and heating. Dams and locks, bridges 4 Designing of public and private buildings, in the dif ferent styles of architecture, w th lessons on their origin, to. E. FIORGILNROTEL Teacher of Ornamental Drawing, adapted to tee business of the marble cutter, cabinet maker, ornamental p rater and carver de. Mechanised Drawing, applied to mac hine building In all Ira branches Prof P. KOETHON, Teacher of Modern Languages. lastrurtiou given day or evening, ludlvidnally or in eta tkeparate xpartmmta fur Lauies. fa-For terms, etc , ca,il at "Coliege Hall," opposite the N.st um e. 10 , 151 F. W. J.KNKINS, Principal. DUFF'S DIERCANTIIAIII COLLEGE, Car, er of Mtn! and Ncerket ands. Incorporated by Legislative Charter VRARLI 3500 cTUDENTS have been educated In thin Ineu:ntl. n. PIT tiNt IVEITLIsO CLASFIts Ii D ÜBLE ENTitY nUthi KEKPLeaI, in lie application to e‘ try branch of orntneron. DQUI3O.: ILNTr.I7 f , Tlak !el BOAT BOOK-KEEPLN.O, u prat, Iced upon the Western Rivera and Lakes. BURN i. 98 AND OftNA.II.IINTAL PEN 5i ANSILIP taught by ;qr. J. D. Williams, the best Penman In the United Rate:, COMMERCIAL LAW AND POLITICAL ECONOMY, by N. B lia.ch. , member of the Pittsburgh Bar. MAT HEM ATiOti, CLASSICAL AND MODERN LAY• GUAGYS, by P. Hayden, A 3i, and F. L Apel. for full particulars, call for a eL.cular, containing the Report of a Spada! Committee of the Chember of CommeTt l ll of New York, and a rec.mtmendation from upward, of two huodred Merchants, Bankers and Accountants. ce.t.lthrlaw A Classical and Collegiate Boarding School, FOa BO TiVELFTII SkiddlON of this In , titution will cam -1:11NOC6 on TUESDAY, the kith of October. This &fuel is located in the plearant, healthful and romantic village of 7.UItTLE CRIES, dirtant twelve miles from Pittsburgh, and is of easy access., several times a day, by railroad. Those who have children to educate, me invited to call and °Lai:alas the arrangements made for the accommoda tion of scholars. L. CATON, Prinmpal. _ _ Turtle Oreek Allegheny CO., October, 1855. eireuia, N containing terme, and other information, may be bad at J. IL brellor'e, B. T. C. Morgan's and J. 8. lairtem'e! IlooltoMrcs. Pittsburgh; or apply to the Pand al. at Turtle Creek. ett3 A BARGAIN OFFERED. irTIR underaigred offers for rale BIX LOTS of ground I fronting upon and adjoining the Depot of the Pitts burgh and ConneLlsville Raitread, In the growing and thriving Uorough of 111'li14ESPO1tT. Four of the Lots are 37i z i feet io width by about 120 in depth, fronting at one ,ua on the Depot, and at the other on Sinclair street; and tyro of theta fronting for their whole length on other streeta. Ateo—TWO LOTS, 373 feet in width, fronting the other side of the Depot, and in depth 121—cme of the Lote bor dering for Le whole length on Jerome btreet. No letter property oco be found, nod it will be sold low. Part of the patFment taken in stock of' the Connelleriile !lel!road, If desired. OW. Y. GILLI.IOIII , , Office of the Morning Post. Pitniburgh, August 31, I.Bss.—idawtf DR. BROWN. No. 41 Diamond Alley, de votes his entire attention to an office practice. 114 Ilia hi:vinare is mostly confined to Private Venereal Eetscases, and such painful affections, brought in by imprudence, youthful indulgence and excess.. Syph ills, Sy phi tide Eruptions, Gonorrhea, Gloat, Stricture, - 7ethral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, with all pieta of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Ilrup tiers, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Weagnemi, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weak- near, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, .Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Beck and Loins, Irritation of the Bladder end Kidneys, successfully treated.. Cure guaranteed. Twenty )ears' practice (ten In this city) enables Dr. Brae win offer asaurane+s or a speedy cure to all who may com• under his care. Office and Private- Consultation Rooms 41 Diamond alley. es.. Charger moderate uovindewly IRON CITY COLLIEGID. Opening of the New Hall. (IN FRIDAY liVkiNiNbi MIXT, October 6, at 7 o'clock. lj Addressee will he delivered by JUDO{ WILKINS and °there, adapted to the ems, ion of the opening of the new •• 00i lege Hail," which has been fitted up for the permanent location of the Iron City College, t the cirner of FiLis and Smithfield streets, opposite the Post Office: entrance on Filth street. The public—to the ladles and gentlemen— are red pectfuny invited to attend. ort6 F. W. JENKINS, Principal. L. flirshfleAd & Son, AATIIOLESALE AND hsTAIL DEALERS GENTS' V YURNI6IIING GOODS, and SWAT ALANUFACTII- Ress, No 70 Wood s treet, between Fourth street and Dia mond alley, have received their stook of Pali and Winter Goode, which they will sell at oatiefactory prices, embra. clog -6 Dirt. "foolery, Storrs, Gloves, Cravats,. Mufflers, Etocks, 'lime, rocket Ildkni., Barellng's ahawle, Rubber (kodo. 'Nth o general assort:l;cent of goods adopted to the Furnish ng buelneu, oethaux rfillE highest market price paid for 40, 80 and 120 acre Land Werrantq, of the late iBllllO. Also, for BO and 160 acre Warrants, tamed under the aw of 1850. Apply to xep2l:caw BLARICLY h MOUSY, enrner of Porentb and &nifty&ld eta. Watches and Watch Repairing. W. WILSON Market street, corner of Fourth. . Gold and Silver Watches from $lO to $BOO. Sole annoy for sale of Charles Fredstuun'e unrivalled Time keepers. Watch Repairing attended to promptly, and done in a r nperior manner iya-Jcwelry, Silver Ware and Military Goode at East.. soplB Removal. SIGN ER Ft 00. have removed their office to No. 28 1 • flab street, opposite hiesesn'e, io Dr. 0 E. S :ow's U:ulist) office where citizens , will End the books opt n tn e'ewc eu - oto•ipticne for lEVIN'TO Lies OF WA.II • i. - •• • Ist., ~obli,..tion• I)B. BROWN continues to be consulted for the mire of SFX)RET DISEASES. Ine succeee in long standing cases 1e unequalled. The afflicted are Invited to call with out delay. rerPOlar afflicted with Venereal Diseases, Itheumatimn, Piles, or Seminal Debility, should not delay to get late advice. Letters containing a fee immediately answered. Office and Private BOOM, No. ill Diamond alley, Pitt& burgh. Jen . 4 rW -; ; 4q; Rd Tizs or ADVELMIS a Ami,rizat vros fir - Tax ririonusdif ,14408 ' ' us Loss Soarsion, 03 won One squire, one 60 " " each additicmal " one 116 44 4. OM " " 00 U " 006 OD " two 04 N three 0 00 " " roar 16.90 " 'lx months— 1200 " one 10 00 64=111404rd, 'Wines or leee, 10 00 0131161LiP 414,171a3111U1 One &pier., pen annum; (=dulye Ut the peye[)...-- SD 00 GROCERIES, &C.. G ILOCEI TRA-60 Olads N.U. Sugar; 40 Obis N. 0. Molasses 00 half bble do 200 bap Rio Coffee; 30 pockets Jam Coffee; b 0 tibia Ituge No. 3 Mackerel ; 200 b zoo Se, Es and ;mind lump Tobacef, verime brands ; 160 half sheets Young 11311on,,Inwodal, 0. P. and Black Tea; . 40 boxee 4s. 6a and 69 Stent Caudle. MILLED.. BIGKETSON, 211 sad 223 Liberty at. BPIO/15-230 boxespufe'Dener; EA do ilialab9e,do; 60 do tare DeMbsi 50 do pure Allspice 500 pure Mustard 100 do Mustard; 50 dozen y JD mm do ; 3 bble pure Doyenne Pepper; 10 do Dieser . 50 boxes do, ill !,4,111 perm I Invite the attention of wholesale dealers to the abort.. eepl.2 P. S. . DRAW), No. 1 Diamond. jb aultnli larrd -59 bags Filberts; 25 bags Bngdoh Walhuts ; 60 bags Brasil Nuts; 60 bags Ivies Almonds; 10 bags Bordeaux Almonds; 20 bags Molly Almonds; 15 bags African Ground Nuts; 5 bags Grenoble Walnuts; 1000 Gran Nuts; 15 boxes Shelled Almonds. Just resefawl and for sale by ,BEY.S.IIIEt .5 ANDERSON, se .7 No. 39 Wood street 50 BAGS AFRICAN PEA NUTS; 150 • age Tennessee 'do 5 bales Soft Shelled Almonds; 2000 Cocoa Bute, fresh. Just received and for sale by linAtElt & ANDERSON, se.= No. V 3 Wood street. FRBBN FRUITS -200 boxes Raisins; 10 mats Dates ; 200 drums Figs; 6 cases Prunes; 2 cases Preserved Ginger; 6 casts Currants; 20 kegs Seedless Raisins; 20 boxes Lemons; Just received and for sale by RHYMER k. ANDERSON, 1%4 No. 39 Wood street. 10 110X.ES lidA(XiiAliONl; 10 do Vermicelli; 60 IDs French Kiss Papa; Just received and for sale by REYSIER & ANDERSON, i' No. 39 Wood street , F iLE6II. YaUIT6-2 dos coca Strawberrles; 8 do bottles Pesebes ; 2 do do Pears; 2 do do Plums; 6 do assorted Praservea; 10 do Blackberry Brandy; Just recelyed and for Bale by eepl2 REIMER d ANDERSON Tanen) K.SICLIUI-20 dozen Pints; 10 do Quartz; 15 dozen assorted sixes Olive (Mt 20 boxes Citron; Just received and for gale by sepl2 R 1E8.4 ANDERSON 50A5138 .Thomad " superior Obeeing Tobacco, In 3 s boxes; :6 gross Mrs. Alfiier'J" Fine Cot Chewing Tobacco; .35 do "Goodwin's" do do do 2 bids Scotch Snuff; just received and for sale by RHYMER it ANDERSON, se No. E 9 Woed street. G UM 1/sttlY6-1100 tbs Lemon. in 5 lb boxes "; IMO do Raspberry, do 200 do Vanilla, do 300 do Rose, do 200 do Liquorice, do Just received and for aide by sepl 1 SUNDRIES-50 boxes Herring; AJ 20 bola pickled Herring; 55 bbla No. 3 Mackerel; 30 tails sugarliouse Molaraea, for male by 1331.1T11, Nlallt a HIINTEIL BUTTER -7 kora bomb for Pale by octll 811ITH, 31 AIR & HUNTER-, I )IU Aittritir—V.s ten, • Itgb, , ny tor bale by actin MTH, MAIM. & ERIN. TER. LabblEttb' OIL-10 bbla No. 1 Bank Inl tor awe by cci6 8111T11, alAllt h HUNTER, UAP-200 bows t.o. 1 Rosin Soap for eale by CI oettl SMITH. MAIR h MINIM I,IINE OLIViS OIL-12 dna received acd lox nate by E ecti FLI MThO liaoB t —25 bone .51 R inr nate by or-b 9 83IITil, MAIR & RIINTRR Ti_ Zed:GINO-60 Loxes fettled, for sale by 1.1 Get 8 8311TH, MAIR & MINTER. UTHAIR OIL—:0 bbla best Winter Bleached (break by '(V octd SHISH, SLUR 6 HUbiTBIL. MOLACISR3-75 bbls New Orleans, oak; St) do Sugar Rowe; For sale by [ octsl SIAM k HUNTHR. 1 LOOlte-ICO tow Lake i:numplam ; 78 " Juniata; for sale by PlO METAL B ALE •—Two accond . hand Pig Mei Sales In store sad fcr sate by octll lINSKED tol L-3 bbla fur sale by n•t10 HENRY IT. COLLINS. DlCTllkiffh Mama at OARGied GALLERY may be kit to be called for. ta,. Prices to suit all, at 76 Fourth at. oath WILL YOU PAY MONEY for Worthless Plainest Try the ENTERPIIII3I4 GALLERY, 74 Fourth street. oets U Yo.UP2,--15 Ws Dougherty a Woods': 20 do Harrison & Newbold's ' - for sale by oeta Senn!, MAUI & AUNTISE obis Eye flour received on orsuAgnment so , for sale by [oct4] ATWELL, LEE. & 00. HEIGH° I I'm off to the Enterprise Gallery--only fifty cents for a neat picture. No better in the city. 0ct.24 LGAN.-40 Lama prima b. U. augar me tale by oct:22 EMITU, MARL R HUNTER. it/ emmorrt LIGHT-4)ssuo, 78 Fourth street, is swi lTl bled by superior arrangements and fseilltieeto sails• the most fastidious. oct24 N rcW tiT) LE 06' GOTHIC CUI&INEY TOPS just recd by I 00t24 I HENRY H. COLLINS. DUTTJtii-1 box prime holt butter received on consign- VP moot and for sale by oct22 lurrEle,-160 bags prime hie Calm jimt rewired abitfor ki sale by ATWELL. LEE A CO. CABBUNATB AMMONIa-400 lba just recsinred and ter sale by foct22l PLEIIIIIIO 111108. INUT/LEDS—A. great variety of plain and ornamental pattern', just received by [octlf.] W. B. HAVEN. FLAYLISMD—WooIvwI and thr sale by octl3 HENRY 11. COLLINS LlLltzli Bialalllos--A very large dud line amortraent.of Flub Braehea, embracing every variety, lust ree'd by ect.: JOS. FLEMING. E.--Acemuwicdoti to De the P best Heir Dye le the word. Twelve dozen received +y ~oct71JO& &LEHI • O. AUIII--76 IDs for rale by &bpl3 IS A. FA lINESTOIIi h CO. r'OFFEE-30 bags Java acid 200 bags Ufa, for sale by tirpl9 8011TLI, MAI a Jt. EfUNTIEIL UGAILS-7b Lthcni prime N. U. and IGO bbls uthed, lor Miff by (zzepl9) MAIR & MINTER. o iego eubbrted Nabs, for solo by 82.11 TH, MAIR k HUNTER. i IttlONt-2 bbla On one, for sale by 1j repl9 85 . 11111, Malt a IIinsTTEEL ATINEOAIL-15 bbis for nose by V Fap24 FINNEY IL COLLINS. 1,;(1 OUST deity ean be attended to with ewe al tgl-7 CALtliCtii two Skylight Gailories, 76 Fourth street. Prices moderate. Dab lay RIGLIT'S PR.IOIIUId HATll.altlOri le the greatest Beautifier of the age. witiGurs PoRMIUM RAIIiARION Renders the Hair soft and Ftloesy. For sale by KEYSER, RAFT, BOOTT and SELLERS, at 25 cents. eagle OUSKEEEPINO 000D6. —A very large and varied u. sortment of every description of ilous , keePing Goods just received by roetl2l A. A. MASON a CO. !lOU. UUTIT.R-2 bble trteh Roll Butter just received • sod for sale by ioet=l lIENRY H. COLLINS. e not t:.at CAhlitYS Gallery 19 at 76 Founts et., and that he Mk, e Pictures In the best:style for $1 and upw3rcia. 0ct2.3 MA/ARS—Via have just opened a One assortment of Bleck Cloth Moults. BROOKS &. COOPER, cc:23 No. 75 Market st. GR. Aert,tB-10 bbls this day received Mt for sale by 0231 HENRY H. COLLINS. cents. Balton for November; price 10 cent a. Leelle's New York Journal ; price 18 cents. London Illustrated New, supplied weekly for 20 cents pet copy. The above just received by exprerot at I.J.I2IIINEVEI Bookoore. No. 30 Filth PTA cot. oct23 DALBlibl lba just ifrceived sld far see by oet22 MIA DUNG USDA pu MC% BlUNß—lave las :last secelved aDd far sale TT cctLey VLiCHING BP. S. V ll l lll llLLlA):—Trt<isie—xoo lob Just raceiv.a um tor sale by roc=l FLK.SIING T SlNULASS—cooper's Ebred-1 case jud rec.:deed and for I tale tl foet22l OLIMING YAtst buee—e good artlde-300 lbs just rectired and for sale by [oct23 FLIOILNG BROS. • • NIONF-2 bbld for rule by O 00t22 MAIR, k 1117T1TM box.. prime tilimuse for rate by oet22 SMITH, M AIR a HUM& OTM3EI-8 casks No. 1 for Jokle by SMITIL HAIR a trIINTRE. CODF1:111 3,000 lbs Codfl•b Er by oct22 82.12 TH. MAUL ± HUY= A A. td.A.C.ON W. will open on &outlay, October. this • 60 more eaten and packages of Calluoes,'Chlutzer, Gingham", Bleached and Brown Muslin, Meat" Ticlingic Flannels, Housekeeping G7.0e.13, do ocrTl A N. MASON a Cu. are askly mooning said opening eases and packages of Saks. bnaols, 'hem' 6044 4 Embroideries, Domestic Goods, gc., of every desmtption. oct2o I litY OrLREIO, • • • et, for s alums, rete e , 1 moderste. oct2o .61.71541. at:ALES—several varmttes of Lena Es sores, among them a neat packet scale, all of which are offer ed at low rates, hs t0ct.1.51 W. r. WHIM BEYMBIt & ANDERSON JOIDI MOORHEAD. ATWELL, LEE a CO ATWELL, LSE & CO 'alley for November; prise b
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers